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Preparing accordingly

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:28:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >You did prepare accordingly.
  2. >Listening to Twilight's short lecture about her own probable behavior during estrus made you feel a bit strange.
  3. >So you got ready for a really interesting few days.
  4. >You weren't the only one preparing though. Twilight has been reading everything she can find on interspecies breeding.
  5. >You two were together for some time now and the kid talk was inevitable.
  6. >Turns out you both wanted it. And now was time to do it.
  7. >But no planning would have actually prepared you for this.
  8. >Dragged into her chambers, undressed in seconds, thrown on the bed, mounted and thoroughly, relentlessly fucked.
  9. >Melting in your embrace with her wings unfurled Twilight wants one thing, and one thing only.
  10. >She was sure it's possible. The books had no information about humans, naturally, but judging by every other example there was nothing indicating that it's impossible.
  11. >So now, moaning your name and kissing your sweaty neck she aches for that moment.
  12. >She wouldn't ask or beg. She has done that many times before to make things kinkier, but now wasn't the time for games.
  13. >And you want it too, no less than her. The situation gets into your head as well and you can't hold it much longer.
  14. >As she slams her hips down you explode inside her, seeing nothing but her eyes fixated on yours.
  15. >Her head lands on you shoulder and you hold her close. No words are said.
  16. >The orgasm high doesn't subside for some time and you're still inside her. She doesn't let you go.
  17. >She doesn't want to ever let you go.
  18. >And then you realize what just happened.
  19. >The finality of this moment kicks you out of your dreamy state.
  20. >That's it. It happened. It's inevitable now. You can't change it.
  21. >You knocked her up. You're going to be a father. This is your life now.
  22. >In a moment, you have became so much more than you ever hoped for.
  24. >Twilight is looking in your eyes and it's a look you've never seen before.
  25. >Loving as always, yes. But she's also so calm, so relaxed, relieved, content.
  26. >She realizes just as you that it's a first step into a completely new life.
  27. >It's a life you're going to spend together.
  28. >You are now bound by something stronger than anything you've known before.
  29. >It's something so personal and special you still fail to grasp what it truly means for you two.
  30. >She smiles and closes her eyes in bliss. A single tear of joy rolls down her cheek.
  31. >You stop it with your finger and cup your mare's cheek.
  32. >She is completely yours now. She is fully committed to you. And you both can't be happier about it.
  34. >Of course it doesn't stop there. With your newfound determination you rut like mad.
  35. >You were always happy together but now there's a layer so glorious added to it, it's like you rediscover each other again and again.
  36. >Twilight has never been so affectionate with you and you do your best to match her passion. She welcomes it.
  37. >Even if you're already sore she's still going. She needs you more than anything right now.
  38. >The mix of pleasure and pain as you cum inside her again and again makes you squirm and thrash about.
  39. >Your face is distorted with a grimace of those mixed sensations but her eyes never leave it.
  40. >She holds your head in her hooves and she looks you in the eyes, time and time again.
  41. >You don't know what she sees there but you know it makes her happy.
  42. >She makes sure no drop of your seed is missed. She wants all of it in her, to maximize her chances or, perhaps, because she just wants to repeat that moment again and again.
  43. >When you physically can't go on anymore she just cuddles you aggressively, still trying to get you going one more time.
  44. >At some point you both just pass out from exhaustion.
  46. >This continues on the next day, and the day after it. You've never been this happy.
  47. >You are wanted and needed. This feeling, reinforced with the endless streak of lovemaking messes with your head.
  48. >You can't think about anything but her. You open your eyes in the middle of the night and all you see is purple.
  49. >Her voice echoes in your head. You think you're hearing her even when she's asleep.
  50. >When she's awake she trembles in your arms. Irregular sleep schedule and poor nutrition is getting to you both.
  51. >But then you hug. And you kiss. You caress each other. You say how much you love her. And now you're hard again. And you rut her again.
  52. >It may be painful but you just can't get enough. She wants you. You have to have her.
  53. >Her muffled moans from under you when you take deep, slow thrusts inside her keep you going.
  54. >Her unfocused whimpering when you mount her on top of you and hold her hips in place while you drill her as fast as you can keeps you going.
  55. >Her very being in all its tenderness and beauty is now yours by right.
  56. >You can't let her go even for a moment no matter what and she's always ready for more love.
  57. >The love you feel the need to give to her.
  58. >She's probably in the same boat as you are. Aching but oh so willing.
  59. >It's like a dream now. An endless blur of moans, sweaty purple coat, ruffled mane and whispers of love.
  60. >You've gone mad in this heaven and you're so glad about it.
  62. >At some point you wake up to notice you've been cast out of paradise, straight to hell.
  63. >Your whole body is hurting like you've been taking beatings for days, not making sweet love to your little pony princess.
  64. >And the pony herself is not looking too good either.
  65. >Her head is clearing, the purple haze of insatiable lust is gone.
  66. >But you both haven't forgotten. These days have changed you forever.
  67. >Maybe? Probably?
  69. >Even while taking a shower together with you Twilight is showing some signs of deep concern.
  70. >The books might've been wrong. Maybe it doesn't apply to humans. You are an alien to this world after all.
  71. >She was so certain before but now she's getting nervous. You do your best to comfort her but you know that's not gonna cut it.
  72. >Lucky for you, you are prepared.
  73. >Twilight is already freaking out when you approach her, hiding something behind your back.
  74. >You get her attention and tell her something you should've said much earlier.
  75. >That no matter what you'll always be with her.
  76. >That you wish nothing more than for her to feel happy. And you want to be the one to make her happy.
  77. >You show her a little black box you've been hiding from her sight.
  78. >No matter what the outcome of that night is, it won't change how much you love her. You want to see that special smile of hers every day.
  79. >At least that was more or less what you wanted to say when you dropped on your knee and, opening the box to reveal the ring, proposed to her.
  80. >It might've been a bit too on the nose after these days but you don't care. You know you've waited for too long with this and you don't want to wait any longer.
  81. >It takes Twilight a moment to comprehend what's happening. But she does indeed give you that smile.
  82. >With a loud "YES" she jumps you. It throws you off balance and you land on the floor with the happiest pony in the world hugging you with all her strength.
  83. >Twilight is laughing and crying at the same time and you do the same.
  84. >And you think to yourself.
  85. >Yes, it really payed off, being prepared accordingly.

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