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By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:31:41
Expiry: Never

  1. "All this power... Wasted on fireworks."
  2. >Even though Berrytwist's back is all you can see from where you sit you can still here her chuckle as she launches another colorful splash into the air
  3. >The wild crackling of magic at her head still makes you uneasy at times but if she's fine with it what do you have to fear.
  4. >Even though she can do much more than just these fireworks she still prefers them to her other skills, probably because it's the easiest one to control.
  5. >"And here I thought you're going to grow tired of teasing after the first dozen of times."
  6. "Nothing like a slight "twist" from time to time to keep you on your toes, eh, Berry?"
  7. >This time she just shakes her head in overplayed disappointment, signifying that her show is over.
  8. >The last spark of magic dissapears in the night sky, giving way to its natural ambience.
  9. >Satisfied, you tap on your sofa as an invitation for the pony to come sit next to you.
  10. >Welcome to Anon's Backyard Asylum for Maladjusted Ponies. Population: Commander Berrytwist (and Grubber sometimes, when you restock on sponge cake).
  11. >Of course Twilight would task one broken person who never really had any friends to help another.
  12. >It's a constant balancing act. But you, being Twilight's pupil for longer than Tempest, know a trick or two to make it easier.
  13. >Like friendly teasing. When did that ever fail.
  14. >The pony hesitates to jump up on the ragged sofa you dragged outside for these occasions, but eventually she does.
  15. >Immediately your hand goes behind her back and you drag her resisting body close to yours.
  16. >"Ugh, how many times have I told you, I don't need hugs!"
  17. "I think you're just grumpy enough to need them" you shoot back.
  18. >"Can we just sit normally like friends?"
  19. "What do you mean? Friends hug each other all the time."
  20. >She lowers her voice down to a grumble but you still hear everything she says.
  21. >"What's even the point when we're both wearing clothes..."
  22. >You leave this sentiment without a comment but it doesn't go unnoticed.
  24. "You're getting a lot better with your fireworks, Fizzlepop."
  25. >"Thanks, I guess, but do you really have to call me that?"
  26. "But it's your name, how else would I call you?"
  27. >"I know but... It's still a bit awkward to hear it."
  28. >She looks away but you know she's not really ashamed of her name. It's the fact that you only call her that and that you treat it like a completely normal name.
  29. >And the fact that no one called her that in years.
  30. >As the pony feels a lot more relaxed now you put your hand around her neck and she follows your motion without struggle for once, finally placing her head on your shoulder.
  31. >She is still sitting too far away to be comfortable in this pose, but that's a start.
  32. "By Twilight's own statistics, hug therapy has overwhelming success as a technique for reforming ponies. Your resistance only makes it more effective."
  33. >"How so?"
  34. "The more you struggle the tighter I have to keep you, the stronger my hug becomes."
  35. >She rolls her eyes scoffing at your claim but you still spy a slight improvement in her mood.
  36. >"Are you sure you're actually able to help anyone? I've never seen you with any supposed friends of yours."
  37. >Now that's just rude.
  38. "What in the world did you just say about me you little filly? I have you know I've graduated top of my class in Twilight's friendship academy and I have over 300 confirmed friends..."
  39. >"Wait, you're not going to recite the whole thing again, are you?"
  40. "If I have to. Do I have to?"
  41. >"No, thank you."
  42. "You know, it's amazing how you suppress your smile sometimes. Is it a skill you learned?"
  43. >She hesitates to answer, probably wondering if you really picked up on her little smile.
  44. >"Yes. Surprisingly useful."
  45. "Had to use it a lot, huh?" you jokingly ask.
  46. >"Yeah" she answers in a completely serious manner.
  47. >Judging by Fizzle's expression now it's not her happiest memory. You sure know how to lighten up the mood by bringing up her past, don't you.
  49. "You don't have to hide it anymore, you know. Not with me."
  50. >"Oh please. Like I need to-"
  51. "Fizzy, I've never actually seen you genuinely smile or laugh."
  52. >For a second there she's a bit puzzled and she's obviously trying to come up with a witty comeback but then she just looks lost.
  53. >"Can we just talk about something normal?" she finally says, sighing deeply. "Maybe you can tell me another story from your world."
  54. >You notice that seeking comfort she actually moves closer to you.
  55. "A story?"
  56. >"Yeah. Like about that guy who killed six billion people all by himself."
  57. "That never happened."
  58. >"So? There's gotta be more where that came from."
  59. "Why do you want that kind of thing?"
  60. >"No idea" you feel her outfit bumping into your shoulder as she shrugs. "It's just fascinating. All the things I've done kinda seem like a foal's play compared to what happens in your world."
  61. "That's not a good thing, you know."
  62. >"I know. Maybe... No, forget it."
  63. >Maybe what, she wants justification? To feel that her actions weren't THAT bad in comparison?
  64. >You won't ask something like that.
  65. >Berry's mood took a nosedive but she's not nearly resistant now. Even a slight push makes her fall into your embrace completely.
  66. >"I just want to... You know... Am I a-"
  67. "You're you, Fizzle. I don't care about anything else."
  68. >Your other arm moves to support the pony and to your surprise she meets it half-way with her foreleg, going for a hug herself.
  69. >Her chest is now at yours and her mane brushes against your face. Even through the fabric of her outfit you feel her warmth.
  70. >The pony sighs again and goes limp, surrendering herself to you, and you use the opportunity to touch her neck, tracing it down with your open palm.
  71. >Fizzle's coat feels really soft, despite her being in so much rough conditions over the years.
  72. >This mare is still so feminine and cute when she lets her guard down.
  74. >Deep inside, she's still a sensitive little pony that craves affection. And no matter how she tries to cover that up, you still reach for it and it resonates on a level she probably doesn't even realize herself.
  75. >A broken horn is something you'll never fix. But a broken soul, that's something you can mend. One hug at a time.
  76. "How about this story then"
  77. >Fizzlepop turns her head on your shoulder in attention.
  78. "It's called "A horse that Anon cuddled every single day until she told him she likes it". It's my favorite one."
  79. >"Sounds pretty boring."
  80. "I think it's rather thrilling."
  81. >She leans back a bit to look you in the eyes.
  82. >"Really? What's so thrilling about it?"
  83. "No, I don't want to spoil it."
  84. >"Hey, why don't you tell me a different one."
  85. "Like what?"
  86. >"Like "How Anon managed to escape the assault on Canterlot during the friendship festival."
  87. "No, that one is reserved."
  88. >"For what?" the pony exclaims impatiently.
  89. "I'll tell you on one condition."
  90. >"What's that?"
  91. "You have to show me your cutiemark."
  92. >Fizzy looks at you in confusion and only manages to mumble "But I..."
  93. "Well?"
  94. >"Have I actually never-"
  95. "Nope."
  96. >The mare is dumbfounded by this realization. Her outfit is like her second skin now so it's only natural she doesn't even notice she never took it off all this time.
  97. >But then a smile creeps up on her face. And then she laughs. This is so ridiculous she can't stop laughing and you join in as well.
  98. >For some time there's nothing but laughter in this backyard. And that's just fantastic. Her wonderful voice rings everywhere around you and it's music to your ears.
  99. >When she finally stops she looks at you bashfully and says:
  100. >"Aw, Anon, I've never realized I-"
  101. >But you interrupt her yet again, bringing your hand to her cheek and cupping it after giving it a gentle rub.
  102. "That's the Fizzlepop I wanted to see. Keep this up and I'll tell you that story for free."
  103. >She giggles and closes her eyes at your touch, smiling contently.
  105. >Actually, that's the smile you've been looking for.
  106. >A smile of a pony that has nothing to fear. A smile of a pony who enjoys herself. A smile of a pony who doesn't worry about being who she is.
  107. >A smile you want to see on her face at all times. A smile you're willing to do your best to keep there.
  108. >A smile you want to protect.
  110. The End.

Inky Bloodplay

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After work cuddles

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