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All hers (lewd)

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:32:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Original "prompt" post by NTT anon (responding to
  3. >"Mmm~..."
  4. You're a lot more... passive, this time.
  5. >"Oh~?"
  6. >Twilight flips on her back and presents her belly
  7. >Hooves held in an (upside down) begging position
  8. Yeah, usually you just pounce me and have your own way.
  9. >Out of confidence or stupidity, you approach the bed and place your weight down
  10. >The glow of Twilight's horn follows her eyes.
  11. >Both work hard undressing you.
  12. >Hell, you're tired. May as well, at least she'll be gentle this time.
  13. >Hopefull-
  14. >You wince when your half-chub meets the cold air.
  15. >"Ooh~... You're a big guy."
  16. >fuck you im not doing it
  17. >You give her the dick and fall asleep
  18. >good night
  20. My continuation:
  22. >"Ooh~... You're a big guy."
  23. "For you," you say without even thinking.
  24. >However Twilight is unfazed by your memes.
  25. >"Yes. For me."
  26. >In the coldness of her room you feel a warm magic aura around your already stiffening member.
  27. >Not only she holds it, she tugs it towards her.
  28. >"All for me."
  29. >Looks like you won't meme your way out of this one.
  30. >Lowering your body over hers you just pray that your tired body won't have to work overtime after such a shitty Friday shift.
  31. >Maybe she'll take the lead and you'll just lay down below her and not move a muscle for the duration.
  32. >Yeah, that would be nice. Some rest, warm pony, nice words.
  33. >You bet she won't even notice if you-
  34. >"Anon? Are you falling asleep?!"
  35. >You find yourself in a very awkward position over Twilight, keeping balance on one elbow while your other hand is lazily arranged at the pony's side.
  36. >You don't know or remember how you got into this position and judging by her expression it's a mystery to her too.
  37. >"If you're not in the mood you should just say so."
  38. >Twilight's exaggerated pout hides her real feelings but her voice has just enough bitterness in it that you know she's really disappointed.
  39. "No, it's not like that. I'm just a bit tired after work, that's all."
  40. >She looks away and scrunches her muzzle.
  41. >Even when your hand touches her cheek in attempt to offer consolation she just rolls her eyes sarcastically.
  42. "Come on, it's just a slip-up, don't let this ruin it for us."
  43. >"Sure, why don't you go ahead and lie down so you can sleep while I do my business."
  44. "That wasn't my plan at all!"
  45. >A scalding glare she shoots at you burns you with shame.
  46. >There's only one way out of this now.
  47. "Twilight, come on. I know you still want this."
  48. >"Yeah, but not like this!"
  49. "How do you want it then?"
  50. >"You know how."
  51. "Tell me."
  52. >"Why, you need a bedtime story to help you doze off?"
  53. "No, I-"
  54. >"Alright, here's your story."
  56. >"There once was a mare who waited for her human to return home every single day."
  57. >Oh no, she's doing it. She's doing it for real.
  58. >Even though you feel shame it's kinda funny too, but god forbid you laugh at her now, that would be the last straw.
  59. >She's already getting more and more pissed off by the second. You don't want to get obliterated by magic right here and now.
  60. >"While he was away she'd think about him, even when she had other things to do. He'd never leave her mind."
  61. >"All she wanted from him was-"
  62. "Twilight, please, that's enough."
  63. >"...All she wanted from him was to be with her when he returns home. She'd think so much about him she'd start having fantasies about what they'll do when he gets home."
  64. "Twi-"
  65. >"AND! And when he does, the pony knows he'd make all of her dreams come true."
  66. >"But one day, the hummmmphp!~"
  67. >Rushing in headfirst you interrupt her rant with a deep kiss, catching her off guard.
  68. >Your tongue quickly finds its way in her mouth and even though she's fighting it, enraged beyond measure, you won't pull out.
  69. >She tries to bite it, she tries to make her own tongue to not contact yours while fighting the urge to continue ranting at the same time.
  70. >It's all for naught. You know she won't hurt you. If she wanted you away from her body she has so many tools at her disposal.
  71. >So all she can really do is act like your kiss is the most disgusting and offensive thing she's ever felt.
  72. >Twilight tries to turn her head away but your hand is already holding her head. You get it into her mane and ruffle it up too, which infuriates the pony even further.
  73. >You even feel her hooves pushing your chest away and that just gives you and idea to put your weight on her, feeling her wondrous silky coat against your skin.
  74. >The final blow is struck with your other hand, which grabs Twilight's foreleg at her fetlock.
  75. >She's trying to wriggle her way out from below you. But soon her wriggling turns into grinding.
  77. >Her whole body is against yours and she moves around to feel as much of it as possible.
  78. >If that wasn't enough, the undeniable proof of her sudden change of attitude is her tail that's brushing against your leg, trying to get onto your back and wrap around your torso.
  79. >And that means she has you. She has you all for herself.
  80. >Your kiss continues in a much more straightforward way, struggle giving way to passion. The motions aren't that different but this time it's you who can barely keep up with the pace.
  81. >And her foreleg, still held by you, slides down so your fingers grasp her hoof instead, your palm feeling her delicate frog.
  82. >Finally, to complete the image of a fully surrendered mare, a quiet moan escapes Twilight with a heavy exhale.
  83. >And what do you know, all this struggle actually invigorated you. Not to mention you're getting hard again. It's hard not to when your mare molests you with her tongue and strokes your chest and neck with her tender hoof.
  84. >It was inevitable that she'd notice your hardon sooner or later. When she does, she acts with no hesitation.
  85. >In a matter of seconds her horn lights up and she grabs your dick just like she did before.
  86. >She's not tugging this time though. You receive what feels like a magical slap on your ass and you involuntarily push your hips forward, mostly in surprise than anything else.
  87. >And of course she has already lined you up for docking perfectly.
  88. >You both let out a yelp when you hastily enter her like that. But then a wry smile slithers its way on her muzzle.
  89. >Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced. Or tricked.
  90. >Even though only your tip is in, you're instantly overwhelmed with a familiar moist sensation.
  91. >It's so inviting. It draws you in. Even her vagina itself seems to try and pull you deeper inside.
  92. >And you're not in any position to decline.
  93. >But you're in no rush as well. So you gently push your shaft all the way into her, watching her open her mouth as her eyes never leave yours.
  95. >When you finally hilt Twilight closes her eyes in bliss.
  96. >You feel just a slight push on your back but you know what she wants.
  97. >Pulling out seems somewhat more difficult but you're familiar with that feeling. She just can't help it, wanting to keep you inside.
  98. >The tight wet embrace of her pussy makes you gasp as you try to move inside of it. It's so hot it almost feels like it's melting all around your cock.
  99. >You notice that Twilight bites her lip and throws her head back, exposing her neck which you kiss a few times.
  100. >But just as you're about to pull out completely you slide back in, this time way faster.
  101. >The mare tries to meet your motion with her hips but being under you it's not easy for her.
  102. >She doesn't need to. You're already committed to servicing your mare.
  103. >When she feels you getting in a rhythm her hooves immediately grab onto your shoulders so she can keep you close. Not only that, her hindlegs attempt to form a lock around your body.
  104. >Even if it's not perfect, her tail does the job. She won't let you go no matter what.
  105. >Your cheeks press against each other and you can hear her heavy breathing perfectly.
  106. >It gets interrupted by weak gasps each time you push your dick all the way in.
  107. >In wide, painfully slow motions you make Twilight feel every inch of your rod one thrust after another.
  108. >But it can't go on like this for long. She wants more, she always does.
  109. >She kisses your ear and whispers only one word to you:
  110. >"Faster."
  111. >And, of course, you oblige.
  112. >Rising up from her embrace you push your fingers into her fuzzy coat on her chest which is only a few cold autumn weeks away from becoming a full blown chest tuft.
  113. >Then, following that motion, your hands find her forelegs and slide down them, until you stop to hold her at her ankles.
  114. >All the while your thrusts become much more deliberate and fast, to Twilight's enjoyment.
  115. >But what was only a prelude of what's to come.
  117. >Your tiredness is all but gone by now. If Twilight wants fast, it's fast she'll get.
  118. >Grasping her legs like some sort of handles you start rutting her so fast she yelps, overwhelmed by sudden sensation.
  119. >But that yelp is followed by a high pitched moan as her head is once again twisted up, mouth agape.
  120. >Your shallow but fast motions elicit violent reactions from her, from deep moans to constant wriggling.
  121. >It's like she can't find a spot to lie down on comfortably, but in truth she just can't contain herself.
  122. >Any angle she positions herself at to take you in feels too good.
  123. >That's not to say her constant attempts to change her positioning feels amazing to you as well.
  124. >You know you won't last long like this. Twilight's lewd marecunt is an absolute paradise as is even without all this motion that increases friction in different unpredictable ways.
  125. >But, luckily, Twilight soon stops doing that.
  126. >Now she just stares at you with eyes wide open, almost drooling from her open mouth.
  127. >Her bangs bob in rhythm of your relentless ramming while strands of her disheveled mane get in her face, but she doesn't even notice it.
  128. >Instead of moans you hear whimpering.
  129. >It almost looks like she's losing consciousness and for a second you swear you see her eyes roll up.
  130. >But then she gasps loudly and you can feel her inner walls contracting around your cock. She barely lets you continue your movement.
  131. >With a loud desperate moan Twilight pulls you towards her.
  132. >You fall onto her and your arms swiftly encircle her little body, holding her close.
  133. >The princess is trembling beneath you but you continue your motions despite it getting harder with each of her convulsion.
  134. >It also gets really hard to hold back. Maybe you should've let it go and cum together but somehow you feel that you need her to have this moment.
  135. >You still continue to rut her gently as she settles down and gives you a gaze of profound affection.
  136. >A gaze that suddenly turns to concern.
  138. >"Wait, you're not finished yet?" she says in a shaky voice, still breathing heavily.
  139. >You shake your head and smile.
  140. >Twilight frowns a little.
  141. >"Don't tell me you're holding back because you feel sorry."
  142. "Alright, I won't tell you that."
  143. >The mare giggles.
  144. >"That's so silly. I'm not mad at you."
  145. "I know. I just..."
  146. >"Aw, it's alright. Let me help you then."
  147. >Twilight's hooves move down your chest and pull you by your sides down on her.
  148. >You still feel your dick burning from your race to her finish and you still crave that pace but Twilight has something else in mind.
  149. >She yet again tries to lock her hindlegs around you, and even though it never actually works the skin contact it provides serves her well right now.
  150. >Holding you close she breathes heavily into your ear.
  151. >"You know it's not nearly good for me unless I get to see you cum."
  152. >Her voice is so sultry you melt in her embrace.
  153. >The honey of her voice coats your brain in lewdness so sweet you almost shoot right there and then.
  154. >But she goes even further, kissing your ear, prodding it with her tongue, then going lower, licking your chin and your sweaty neck.
  155. >Your motions become sharper. You want to finish so badly and you hope you won't have to beg for it like some other times with her.
  156. >But no, it's not the case today. Instead, it's her who's begging you.
  157. >"I want to feel it, Anon. Do it inside. Do it for me."
  158. >Twilight's hot breath washes over your ear. The mare clings to you so tightly with her legs it's almost like she's afraid you'll pull out in the last second.
  159. >Who would do such a thing.
  160. >"I want it inside. All of it. It's all mine."
  161. >You're getting so close you feel the need to pick up the pace, giving away your intention to Twilight, who's delighted her soothing words work.
  162. >It now takes pleading tone too.
  163. >"I've been waiting all day for this. Let me have it. I love you so much. I just want you to be mine, all mine. Please? Anon?"
  165. >That does it. You grab Twilight's head and press it against your shoulder.
  166. >She knows what that means and lets out a husky moan.
  167. >Your last thrust are violent and chaotic. Panting, grunting and moaning loudly into Twilight's mane you thrash about in a mighty, head-splitting orgasm.
  168. >Her own moans are pretty loud too. The mare holds on to your neck, keeping your head against hers.
  169. >It takes you some time to calm down and as you quiet down your body goes limp.
  170. >Your princess strokes your head gently.
  171. >"See? You should've just done this right from the start instead of teasing me like that."
  172. "I was just tired, Twily. I honestly was-"
  173. >"Oh, I'm sorry, but you didn't look tired when you were rutting me senseless."
  174. >You check for any smug smiles on her muzzle and indeed find one there, taunting you.
  175. "Well, I am now."
  176. >"Don't worry, I think you've earned your rest now."
  177. >Damn right. The problem now is finding any strength to move at all. You already feel sleepy again and you haven't even pulled out yet.
  178. >But Twilight sees that and helps you with rolling on your side, your now flaccid cock sliding out of her effortlessly.
  179. >She lies down at your side, immediately nuzzling your shoulder when you hug her.
  180. >You're ready to fall asleep while cuddling your lovely mare but suddenly something gets into your field of vision.
  181. "Hey, Twilight."
  182. >"What?"
  183. "What are these?"
  184. >She twists her neck following your finger that's pointing at what looks like...
  185. >"It's condoms, Anon. I thought you know what those are."
  186. "Yeah, but... Why?"
  187. >"Seriously? They're used to prevent impregnation."
  188. "I know, jeez. I mean why are they even here? We didn't use them."
  189. >Twilight smiles and gives you a kiss on your forehead.
  190. >"Exactly."
  191. >Smiling warmly, she assumes the cuddling position again, waiting on you to resume the hug.
  192. >You only shrug and get your arms around your pony.
  193. >It doesn't take long until you drift off together with Twilight.
  195. The end.

Inky Bloodplay

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After work cuddles

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Twilight wants hugs

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Through the void to Anon

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Miracle in your arms

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