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Breathtaking Twilight (deathplay aftercare)

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:33:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Do you know how good it feels to be choked by your mare while she's riding you?
  2. >Well, it doesn't. It can sound arousing, probably. But it's really not when you realize it's happening for real.
  3. >You're not that sure about this anymore. The thrill is there, adrenaline is pumping full force.
  4. >But the sensation itself is far from pleasant now because you know it's not just an erotic kind of choke.
  5. >Twilight is on top of you right now and she's going to strangle you to death tonight.
  6. >She, on the other hand, is really enjoying it without a care in the world.
  7. >Her hooves are on your neck but these aren't her weapon - the magic grip that affixes them to you is.
  8. >It's warm and fuzzy and at first it was pleasant, she innocently played with your breath for a while but now she's getting close and it's time for the main event.
  9. >Twilight's hips are crushing down on you in rhythm with her heavy breathing.
  10. >Her sparkling eyes are filled with lust. They just need those heart-shaped pupils to complete the look of a mare who's enjoying herself way too much.
  11. >Seeing how good it makes her feel fills you with a familiar tingling glow.
  12. >Only you can make her feel that way. She craves only you.
  13. >But you have some concerns about what comes later. Some very big and very real concerns.
  14. >The mare herself has none. You soon feel how her grip tightens in an attempt to remind you of your position.
  15. >"Anon..." she purrs sweetly but you can't really respond.
  16. >The pressure is on and she tries to find the right spot so it feels natural, like it's her hooves that actually do the job.
  17. >And it's everything you feared it would be.
  18. >Twilight tries to be gentle but her methodical application of pressure soon passes the point of just playing.
  19. >Glorious princess wings outstretch and quiver as the pony picks up the pace, almost jumping on top of you.
  20. >In any other situation you'd feel like you're in heaven, being so enjoyed by your pony, but you can't focus on it now.
  22. >What little air you had left is gone now and trying to gasp for more you find yourself barely able to do it.
  23. >You try to gulp and take a breath again but it fails.
  24. >And now the panic settles in. Wild, primal panic. You're going to die.
  25. >Breathplay isn't new for you but this time you know she won't let go and hug you after that.
  26. >Again you gasp for air, all in vain. Your whole body convulses and thrashes about, only to be restrained by magic.
  27. >Whew, you almost thought you'd hit her with those wild arm swings.
  28. >This is so hot for Twilight she can't contain her arousal. Her loud moans split your skull apart in a migraine you never thought possible.
  29. >Alright, this is far enough. You're not playing anymore, it fucking hurts, your throat is being crushed and you can't inhale sufficient amounts of air no matter how much you try.
  30. >This isn't funny, this isn't sexy. You want out. You want her to let you go and hug you so you can just spend this afternoon together.
  31. >In desperate attempts to escape Twilight's magic restraints you try to at least somehow break your arms or something, just to get from under your pony.
  32. >It's worth a try if it lets you live. But all you manage to do is squirm in place, much to her satisfaction.
  33. >Eyes wide open, mad with desire to stay alive for at least a second more, you, to your horror, feel your body going limp.
  34. >You have to fight, you need to survive this.
  35. >But you're blacking out and there's nothing you can do now.
  36. >Twilight has to stop. What if you die for real?
  37. >What if you never see her again?
  38. >What if you never get to read those books she's been recommending you?
  39. >What if you never say you love her ever again?
  40. >In a hopeless plea you try to call her but as soon as your throat relaxes to push a feeble "Twi" out of your foaming mouth the magic grip tightens even more.
  41. >That was your fatal mistake and your ticket to the other side.
  43. >Just before you fade away you see a picture so familiar and so graceful, a view of the pony you love shuddering in orgasm like no other.
  44. >Was she enjoying herself all the time you fought for your dear life? Was your struggle arousing for her? She seems so happy.
  45. >Will she be happy without you?
  46. >Somewhere far away you hear her screaming your name in ecstasy but a moment later it's gone. You're gone.
  47. >And then you're back. Suspended in some strange dimension of fog and blackness where you float freely. Naked, of course, as you were.
  48. >Headache is gone, pressure is gone. You're free.
  49. >You hear muffled hoofsteps behind you and a familiar voice asks you mockingly:
  50. >"Oh my, if it isn't Anonymous. Again. Do you have any idea how awkward and disturbing this is?"
  51. >A pony walks past you and it's no other than princess Luna.
  52. >"This is the place where I soothe the dead and ease their way into the abyss, not a playground for your wretched depravities. Maybe you should have some respect. Or rather she should."
  53. >"I dare not ask what sick disgusting game you two are playing this time but I feel the need to inform you once again that I am absolutely appalled by it."
  54. >You try to say something in your (and Twilight's) defense but no sound comes out of your mouth. Luna looks disappointed.
  55. >"Ah yes, so it's asphyxiation this time, how lovely."
  56. >"How long do you suppose she can keep getting away with it? Do you yourself find suffering heart failures, seizures and everything in between so hot?"
  57. >You just shrug in response. The truth is, you really don't know.
  58. >You know that you do it for Twilight and that seems to be enough of a reason most of the times.
  59. >The appeal of something this morbid isn't lost on you but can you actually say that the act itself is arousing to you?
  60. >The princess of the night just shakes her head.
  62. >"I'm just warning you, Anonymous. One day you'll die for real and I may just write it off as another one of her...kinks. So you'll be getting no farewell from me."
  63. >The darkness around both of you ripples and starts to melt away. Luna sighs in relief.
  64. >"There you go, at last. Please, just...just tell her to stop. This isn't right. This is not how lovers should be."
  65. >She fades away still trying to say something but her voice is muted by thundering desperate screams.
  66. >You're being called back.
  67. >Unfortunately, your migraine is back too. And your crushed throat as well, allowing you just tiny sips of air right now.
  68. >Little by little your senses return to you and it seems that you are being shaken violently.
  69. >You can't open your eyes but you hear Twilight cry out your name. She sounds really distressed.
  70. >"...please! Anon! I did everything right, just wake up! Oh Celestia, please! ANON! I swear... I did everything..."
  71. >And then it just becomes unintelligible whines and sobs. Sounds like she's giving up. But you feel like you can open your eyes now and you do.
  72. >Just need to gasp for air next. It burns your throat and you start coughing, disturbing your barely fixed windpipe, as well as the weeping mare on top of you.
  73. >In a dazed state you sit up barely comprehending the world around you.
  74. >Twilight gasps as well but happily this time. With no hesitation she jumps to hug you and you land back on the pillow with a head-splitting thud.
  75. >She smiles as she hold you tight and a wave of tears trail down her cheeks. Her horn lights up and your body immediately feels warmer, especially your throat.
  76. >"Thank goodness, finally! You weren't waking up for too long and I got scared, I thought I messed up the spells, I... You..."
  77. >You still feel like you're a bit dead but you have enough strength to put your hand on her back in a weak attempt to hug her.
  78. >She's just nuzzling you now, no words. You can't move anyway, even if you wanted to.
  80. >She just quietly holds you, taking in the fact that you're alive and well. A few sobs here and there is everyting you get out of her for now.
  81. >You remain like this for a while and allow a familiar spell of hers to heal you up a bit. She is calming down as well. Silence settles in for a while and it allows you to ponder your situation.
  82. >It's always like this. Every time it's way too close for her. Every time she gives you a lecture on how she's disgusting and nearly killed you for a cheap thrill.
  83. >How she's a freak of nature because she enjoys something other ponies do not even dare to think about.
  84. >How you enable her fantasies that shouldn't ever become real. How she is just irresponsible, abusive, unjust and outright despicable.
  85. >It will happen this time too and you brace yourself for a massive aftercare session. For her, not for you.
  86. >Yet every few months she has an idea like this. And you can't help but to play along.
  87. >She's like a poor kid who stares at a really expensive toy knowing she can never have it and then her parents buy it for her as a surprise. You just can't resist doing this.
  88. >This is a sign of your trust, a sign she cherishes in more ways than just that, trying to not take it for granted.
  89. >But it's also terrifying, because after her moment of pleasure she has to deal with its consequences.
  90. >No matter how good she feels in the end she becomes a shaking mess of regret and you have to comfort her.
  91. >So you try to smile and roll over to the side, with her next to you. Reluctantly she leans in your embrace.
  92. >You cup her cheeks with your palms and bring her face up.
  93. "Well?"
  94. >Your voice sounds raspy and crude but you know it's just for now. Though it also seems to be intimidating since Twilight winces at your question as if you're here to interrogate and scold her.
  95. >She looks at you with guilt in her eyes but that's not really what you're after.
  97. >"I'm so sorry. I was careless and I though I've lost you."
  98. "Hey, but you enjoyed it, right?"
  99. >"N-no."
  100. >She pouts in your hands and closes her eyes. Then adds:
  101. >"Yes."
  102. "Then it's all good, alright?"
  103. >"But when it's over all I see is a dead body - something I have done to you..."
  104. "You're overthinking it."
  105. >She's trembling a bit so you hug her closer. Her wing finds your hand and presses it to her body like she's holding on to you, afraid that you might disappear.
  106. "It's alright, I'm here. It's okay."
  107. >"It's not okay, what if you died? For real?"
  108. "Well, isn't that kinda the point?"
  109. >"It's not!"
  110. "Come on, Twilight. You said the same thing the last time, and the time before that. I trust you."
  111. >"It's easy for you to say, you don't have to juggle six spells at once while looking at a corpse."
  112. "Yeah, all I have to do is experience death time after time."
  113. >You immediately regret saying this. She knows you don't enjoy it very much, even though you never say it.
  114. >Already a sad frown is forming on her face and her lips tremble.
  115. >It's hard for her to cope, maybe even not worth the trouble. You feel a bit ashamed to encourage her guilty pleasures now after it's all over, but you can't have her being sad over this.
  116. >"I just feel wrong. Being dominant is one thing but this..."
  117. "How is this different?"
  118. >"How?! It's murder, that's how! It may be normal in your world but nothing this horrible ever happens in Equestria, and on top committing such atrocities I enjoy it too! If any pony knew..."
  119. >It goes without saying you never mentioned Luna scolding you in your NDEs.
  120. >Twilight is already in her rant mode again, saying that she shouldn't enjoy it if you don't enjoy it and the fact that she does speaks volumes about what kind of pony she really is.
  121. >This goes on and on and now she's on the verge of tears again.
  123. >You kinda zone out for a moment while she keeps talking. It's just a side effect of her recuperation spell but this is the worst moment for it to happen.
  124. >When you recollect your thought you realize you're too late to interrupt her halfway like you usually do and she's going all out and you only catch her thought at its end.
  125. >"...of a justification is that? What am I supposed to think then, that I killed you because I wasn't good enough with magic or because I have this horrible kink or what?"
  126. >This has to stop, she'll talk herself into a trembling mess again.
  127. "Twilight, there's no reason to not trust you, you know humans like no human does. You're better at what you do then all our doctors combined."
  128. >Of course, years of studies have resulted in Twilight's most daring fetishes being realized.
  129. >That's an achievement in its own, the published human anatomy works were just a nice bonus.
  130. >This remark, however, stops her ramblings. You plant a nice wet smooch on her forehead and see her meek smile when she finally looks at you.
  131. "Where's my confident Twily? The one that says things like "Oh, I'll just give you three orgasm-induced seizures in a row, nothing can go wrong", or "The only thing that'll kill you is how insanely good my tight pony p-"
  132. >"Hey, I never said that one!"
  133. >She shuffles her hooves and looks away. After all that happened today it's this little thing that managed to fluster her.
  134. "Alright, alright. I'm just saying, if this is good for you, it's good enough for me, and I've seen how good it is for you. Besides, who else can say they died so many times over one year?"
  135. >She's still unsure how to feel about this so you continue on.
  136. "And if something bad ever happens to me for real, you know so much about me you can easily fix it. Do you even realize how powerful you are, bringing back the dead just for fun? This is also not something any other pony does."
  138. >Blushing but still not convinced she tries to counter:
  139. >"Technically you don't die, you were never beyond the point of no return. But today I honestly almost lost you. I don't think you understand how scary this actually is."
  140. >You're losing this battle. Your seemingly carefree attitude can't win her over so you just go with something you say every time.
  141. "But I'm still here and you can appreciate this even more now. Doesn't it feel good when you think about it this way? All's well that ends well, right?"
  142. >She shakes her head and sighs.
  143. >"Yes, but there wouldn't even be a situation like this if..."
  144. "Now you're just fishing for more compliments"
  145. >A cute sneaky smile forms on her face against her better judgement. She can only berate herself for so long before actually wanting you to stop her, reassure her and help her get over it.
  146. "Just admit that you're a naughty mare who got her hooves on someone who can't say no."
  147. >A heavy sigh escapes her mouth. But she doesn't talk so you continue:
  148. "How can I say no to you at all when you're so satisfied every time."
  149. >This gets a reaction. A worrying glance and a worrying tone in her voice:
  150. >"I'm not, it's not about that. It's-"
  151. "But you like it, don't you? You like this forbidden fruit only I can get you."
  152. >"Anon, please."
  153. >Hugging her closer you can feel how she immediately buries her muzzle in your shoulder.
  154. >Her hot breath washes over your skin as you hug her tight and continue talking.
  155. "Doesn't it feel great to have so much power?"
  156. >"Not at all. I wish it wasn't used like this."
  157. "But it is. And you do it perfectly every single time."
  158. >"Meh."
  159. "I trust you time after time and you never let me down. I give my whole life to you without a second thought just because you find satisfaction in it."
  160. >"There are other ways to show trust and it's not the only way I enjoy being with you."
  161. "You also like being stubborn so I praise you more. But too bad, I can do it all day long and not get tired."
  163. >Finally you feel her smile. She enjoys when you're so open with her, even if you're this cheesy.
  164. "Hey, Twilight."
  165. >...
  166. "Hey..."
  167. >"...what."
  168. "Cause you, I would die for you~"
  169. >Trying to sing with this kind of voice is not only painful but apparently also hilarious because Twilight can't suppress a laugh.
  170. "There we go. Can we have our good mood Twilight back?"
  171. >"Maybe."
  172. >You start stroking her back and under your touch she trembles again, not with fear this time. She just likes it a lot.
  173. >To add more to it you press your cheek to hers.
  174. "Where's my cute little Twiggy? My little satisfied depraved empress? My little grand necromancer?"
  175. >"Sto-op..."
  176. >Twilight continues giggling and it tickles your neck. Her hoof touches your arm but she doesn't push it away.
  177. "Only if you relax and say what you really want to say."
  178. >"Alright. I love you and I don't ever want to lose you because I put you in danger."
  179. >A quick fuzzy kiss is left on your neck by her soft lips. You immediately feel warmer.
  180. "I love you too, Twilight. And don't worry, you won't."
  181. >"But-"
  182. "You won't. You're my sweet little genius and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have a pony like you to worry about my life. Not to mention you're probably the only one who ever did."
  183. >Bringing this last point up wasn't really your intention, it just happened. But it looks like this was the one that managed to convince her.
  184. >Your mare calms down and relaxes in your arms. At long last this battle is over and she finally decides to let it go.
  185. >"I guess you're right. What's done is done, no point in dwelling on it now. At least I'm glad it's over. We'll talk about it later though, ok? But now..."
  186. >Quick to grasp your victory you interrupt her before she says something unnecessary.
  187. "Good, now how about we just call it a day and get some rest?"
  188. >"Huh? I was gonna say, we're not done yet."
  189. "What? But-"
  190. >"I mean, YOU are not quite "done" yet."
  192. >She moves her head to look you in the eyes, trying to give you a seductive look. Bedroom eyes that radiate tiredness more than anything.
  193. "I'm not, huh? Sorry, I was too dead to notice."
  194. >Your attempt at cheap sarcasm glances off her as she inches closer, breathing right into your nose, eyes gazing straight in yours.
  195. >"Let's forget about all this for tonight. Maybe you should choose a game now that I've had my fun."
  196. "Well, if you're finished, how about a game of "I love my Twilight so much and I just want to share my affection in a completely normal way"?"
  197. >You are so exhausted you can't really imagine doing anything crazy right now. Luckily, she smiles and nods, satisfied with your answer.
  198. >"That's still my favorite one."
  199. >Your hand traces her cheek and her content expression turns into a smug one.
  200. >"Though I was thinking about teleporting us into open space and doing it there, or maybe freefalling from orbit?"
  201. "Twilight, you-"
  202. >But Twilight just shuts you up, finally locking her lips with yours.

Inky Bloodplay

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After work cuddles

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Twilight wants hugs

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Through the void to Anon

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Miracle in your arms

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