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Purple on the inside (lewd Eldritchlight)

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:34:04
Updated: 2022-11-24 20:50:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >November evenings seem like nights even in Equestria.
  2. >You feel so sleepy they may as well be.
  3. >Or maybe it's just you. After all you're the only human here.
  4. >You don't even remember how much you've slept last night. Or what happened during the day.
  5. >All you know is that you're entering the friendship castle after a day at work.
  6. >You'll find Twilight, eat dinner with her, talk to her and then go to bed with her.
  7. >It doesn't bother you that you don't remember your shitty day. What's there to remember? Your little princess is all that matters.
  8. >You just hope you'll wake up a bit, you can't seem to take two steps without yawning.
  9. >What will Twilight think of that, you wonder.
  10. >She's not coming out to meet you so of course you find her in her room, reading.
  11. >It becomes apparent you're not the only one acting weird today.
  12. >Instead of the usual her usual greeting, jumping towards you in joy and hugging you, she just waves her hoof at your general direction and says she's glad you're back.
  13. >Well, can't really put that against her. Maybe she's just that comfy.
  14. >But once you sit near her on the bed she seems a bit bothered by it.
  15. "Everything okay?"
  16. >"Yeah, why do you ask?"
  17. >Her voice does sound like she's worried about something. It's the same sheepish tone she falls onto when she tries to sound like she isn't bothered by anything.
  18. >You decide to play along for now.
  19. "If you say so. If there's anything on your mind we can talk about it over dinner, alright?"
  20. >"Sure, Anon. I'm fine."
  21. "So... We're going or...?"
  22. >"You go ahead, I'll join you in a moment."
  23. >Now that is certainly suspicious. You've been with Twilight enough to know that something is up.
  24. >So maybe you should talk to her for a bit, see if you can get new hints.
  25. "Is this book that interesting? What's it about?"
  26. >"Oh, this? It's a collection of remarks on lunar spells - those that have to do with dreams and sleep."
  27. >Reminded of that topic, you yawn yet again.
  28. >Twilight giggles softly.
  29. >"Aw, someone's in the mood for that kind of thing?"
  30. "I'm in the mood for getting something to eat with you."
  31. >"Don't worry, I'll catch up with you soon. It's a really interesting chapter and I'd like to finish it, it won't be long."
  32. "Alright, I can wait while you finish it."
  33. >A slight scrunch crumples her muzzle and that's a dead giveaway she's not fond of the idea. Which is weird on its own.
  34. >"It's really not-"
  35. "No, I want to wait with you. I really missed you, Twilight."
  36. >With that you put your hand on her head and give her ear a little rub. She closes her eyes for a second with a blissful smile.
  37. >Twilight turns hear head to feel your palm more. Her mane is as silky as ever. You definitely feel at home now.
  38. >"I missed you too, Anon."
  39. "Why do you want me out then?"
  40. >Both her eyes and her mouth open is confusion.
  41. >"I never said that."
  42. "Maybe you want me to carry you over? Because I-"
  43. >"No!"
  44. >That was too hasty and she realizes it just as well, blushing a bit.
  45. >Betrayed by her voice she has nowhere to go now aside from deeper into excuses.
  46. "Twilight?"
  47. >"Yes?"
  48. "Are you hiding something from me?"
  49. >"No?"
  50. >You're really not in the mood for this.
  51. "Are you sure? You know you can trust me with anything."
  52. >"I know, it's really nothing."
  53. "I almost feel bad, am I really not that trustworthy?"
  54. >"It's not about your trust, it's just-"
  55. "So it's not nothing."
  56. >"Ugh!"
  57. >Twilight puts her book away and looks at you with her pleading eyes."
  58. >"Can we forget about this? It's really no big deal."
  59. "But there is a deal after all. You've lied to me."
  60. >"Anon, don't make a scene over this, you know well enough that I wouldn't hide anything serious from you."
  61. "But you're still bothered by it enough to hide it."
  62. >She sighs and rolls her eyes.
  63. >"Why do you have to be so stubborn? It's nothing I can't fix myself. If you'd gone down for dinner I would've probably already dealt with this."
  64. "Twilight..."
  65. >The pony looks away almost in shame.
  66. >But you won't back down. You just have to try a different approach.
  67. >Your hands find their way on her body and you put your cheek on her nape, hugging her at the sides.
  68. >She smiles meekly but she still won't budge.
  69. "Alright. If you say so. But your book is already closed. That means you weren't really interested in the first place."
  70. >"I had to find some information there, that's all. I wasn't lying."
  71. "A spell of sorts? To fix a problem?"
  72. >"Maybe."
  73. "Spells don't fix problems."
  74. >"You're telling me."
  75. "Oh, so it's a spell problem that you have to fix with another spell?"
  76. >"What are you, some kind of detective?"
  77. "No. Just someone who worries about you."
  78. >"Thanks, but I'm fine."
  79. "You don't seem to be very happy though. Maybe..."
  80. >Twilight hasn't been moving this whole time. If she's hiding something, it can be related to that.
  81. >A devilish plan develops in your head and you set it in motion immediately.
  82. "Maybe you just need a little help."
  83. >"Huh?"
  84. >You haven't put your hands on her sides for nothing. Your gesture of affection becomes your hidden weapon she never suspected.
  85. >It's time to tickle the mare.
  86. >She's wriggling all over the place, giggling and asking to stop, but she's not really moving so you increase the pace.
  87. >Her sides, especially under the wings, are pretty sensitive and it doesn't take long for her to start tharshing about so much she leaves her position.
  88. >But her plea to stop soon turns into begging, even though she doesn't use magic on you.
  89. "Aw, Twilight, are you afraid of little tickling?"
  90. >"N-no, Anon, stop!"
  91. >You hand slides down to her belly and the mare yelps in fear but it's too late, you grab her and turn her on her back to give her soft tummy a nice thorough-
  92. >Twilight gasps as she sees your eyes fixating on what she's been worrying about. Also your hand is touching it now, but not for long.
  93. >The mare jumps up while you can't stop her, being in a stupor. She sits near the pillow, covering herself with blanket she lifts with her hooves, still not using any magic.
  94. >Teary-eyed she watches as you slowly get out of your stunned state.
  95. >You understand how she wanted to hide something like that from you.
  96. >"Y-you see now? Why did you have to be so persistent and do this?"
  97. >Twilight is almost crying but she looks disappointed more than anything.
  98. >"It's just a mishap after a dumb spell, I could've fixed it in a few minutes if only you let me!"
  99. "Twilight, I just had no idea."
  100. >"That's why I tried to warn you. But no, you know better than me, you should do exactly the opposite of what I tell you when-"
  101. "No, Twilight, I mean, that's all? That's what you've been hiding?"
  102. >Your princess is a bit confused by you dismissing this like it's nothing. Which was your intention. Sadly it's not how you really feel, but at least it's working.
  103. >"W-what? Well, yes... Don't you think it's a bit bizarre?"
  104. "Why? I don't mind. Twilight, it's just a dick."
  105. >Someone had to say it first, why not you. If that was really a mishap after a spell you wonder what this spell could be.
  106. >Twilight is like a scared animal, eyes glued to you, watching your every movement. She's trying to determine what your reaction is and you have to be extra careful about what you say and do now.
  107. >No matter how you really feel you can't just let her down like this.
  108. >A reassuring smile should put her at ease but it's clearly not enough.
  109. "Aw, Twilight, don't be shy."
  110. >"Shy?" the pony looks away. "Now you're telling me?"
  111. "Alright, I shouldn't have done this. But I was just worrying about you, that's all."
  112. >She's still not convinced but you can't back down now.
  113. "Don't you trust me to not judge you? If it's just an accident there's no reason for me to be upset. Hell, even if it wasn't an accident..."
  114. >You say these words with no confidence whatsoever. But Twilight doesn't seem to notice. She finally looks at you and you see hope in her eyes.
  115. "What kind of a man would I be if I pushed you away because of just that?"
  116. >That wasn't strictly a lie so this came out more naturally.
  117. >Twilight finally eases up. Maybe she realizes she's just overthinking it.
  118. >But now there's another step you need her to take.
  119. "There's nothing wrong with me being a bit supportive, is there? Come on, Twily."
  120. >You extend your arm towards her but you don't touch her. She needs to decide to do that on her own.
  121. >Twilight hesitates at first but then she sighs regretfully and drops her cover. Still unsure, she moves closer to you trying to hide her crotch from your sight with careful placement of her hooves.
  122. >She must be really uncomfortable right now so you don't bring attention to that area. Instead you look her in the eyes.
  123. >You have to show her that you still want to be with her.
  124. >The mare stops near you. If she's having second thoughts you have to take initiative right now.
  125. >Still keeping your eyes on hers you move your hand to her neck, getting it under her mane. Just like she always enjoy it your thumb touches her ear while your palm motions her to move closer, and she does.
  126. >Finally, Twilight falls in your embrace. She doesn't return the hug but that's something.
  127. "You're still you. And you know I love you for being you. I would never turn my back on you just because of something like that, Twilight. It's actually a bit sad that you assume that."
  128. >Your playful tone does its job and a smile, albeit still meek, graces Twilight's muzzle.
  129. >Under your hand she eases up and leans into your hug, hoof touching your other arm. You take this as a signal to bring that arm around the pony as well.
  130. >You both sit on the bed for a while without saying a word.
  131. >When you feel she's comfortable enough you break the status quo and rub her cheek gently with your thumb. Twilight looks at you with a smile.
  132. >"I'm sorry I got so scared."
  133. "Don't apologize for that."
  134. >"It's just so weird. It feels really different."
  135. "I'd imagine it does."
  136. >"You're really okay with this?"
  137. "Yes, Twilight."
  138. >Something inside of you sinks at the sound of your own statement. It's like it wasn't even you who said it.
  139. >Are you really alright with Twilight suddenly growing "that", even by accident?
  140. >That's irrelevant now though. What matters is that she's feeling secure. You can't stand seeing her frightened like that.
  141. >Your head moves to meet hers and she rubs her cheek against yours. Still so soft and fuzzy. Nothing else about her really changed.
  142. >Still holding her head in your palm you bring it closer and give her forehead a light smooch.
  143. >When you pull away you feel her following your motion and you give her another.
  144. >It's only after she squirms in your arms to prop her body higher, closer to your head, you realize that she simply seeks your affection.
  145. >After few more kisses Twilight twists and turns in your embrace. Her hindleg's hoof is lightly tapping your leg, a known tell that she wants up to sit on your lap.
  146. >To grab the mare's butt so you can carry her up you have to lean forward a bit. Too late you notice that it was Twilight's plan all along.
  147. >But even as her lips find yours the motion of your body doesn't stop and you complete Twilight's repositioning with ease.
  148. >She's on your legs now, hooves touching your chest, eyes seeking your gratification after breaking the kiss she so eagerly initiated. It's so important to her that you confirm that she's still desirable for you.
  149. >Sure enough you don't keep her waiting and initiate the next kiss on your own.
  150. >Twilight wings tremble under your tight hug when you kiss her deeply. Taken aback by your passionate attack at first, she quickly responds in the same vein.
  151. >She's so close to you now. So close that you feel her member at your stomach. You don't even mind it now. Twilight needs to be shown you love her no matter what.
  152. >With a loud smooch your kiss ends abruptly and Twilight's gasp indicates she put her very best into that one. Swift to follow it up, she borrows her muzzle in your shirt, sighing contently.
  153. >That won't last for long you imagine. Now may be the last time you get to think about what you're actually doing here.
  154. >This is moving way too fast for you. She needs your support but how far are you willing to go is a question you yourself can't answer.
  155. >Twilight is whispering something but you can't make out what it is.
  156. >When you ask her to repeat what she said she looks at you in confusion.
  157. >"Huh? I didn't say anything."
  158. >That's a bit puzzling but you can't spend even a second thinking about it since Twilight continues:
  159. >"But I wanted to say... Thank you. I'm sorry I doubted you."
  160. "It's nothing, Twilight. It's not like I'm against this, I mean, you're still you, right?"
  161. >That wasn't really what you wanted to say. You're not against it but you'd prefer if she was normal again.
  162. >"Of course. I'm still your little Twilight. And I'm glad you're not against it."
  163. >Fuck, why did you have to say that. You swear you didn't mean it.
  164. "I mean, I-"
  165. >"I just want to be with you after a whole day of waiting, can we just ignore what happened?"
  166. >That's a really bold request, seeing how you still feel her magical mistake at your body. But you'll play along for her.
  167. "Of course. That's what I want as well. Just being with you is good."
  168. >She doesn't answer with words but her lips still speak to you, in a form of yet another kiss.
  169. >One after another and the fires of passion are back like they've never left.
  170. >This is how you want her. Dedicated and responsive. Your precious little purple mare.
  171. >Ignore everything else for now.
  172. >Tenderly you stroke her mane, moving down to her soft wings again and onto her rump, grasping it like you love to do.
  173. >Touching her body all over like you know she loves you find out, to your satisfaction, that she's completely given in to your touch, mellow under your hands and moaning softly in your mouth in your perpetual kiss.
  174. >Too late you realize that in the current situation your usual routine can give you a slightly different reaction.
  175. >Twilight notices it too and her tongue immediately retracts back in her mouth as she breaks the kiss.
  176. >She's not willing to look down but even though you feel the same there's no doubt that Twilight's getting erect.
  177. >The fine rod of hers got under your shirt so you can't even see it, but you can feel how warm and stiff it is.
  178. >Judging by this unusual sensation it's not even that big. Certainly not on your world's horsecock level.
  179. >Twilight herself is blushing furiously and once again awaits your reaction.
  180. >You can't really think of anything else but to smile at her as always.
  181. >"I... Well, this is a bit-"
  182. "Calm down, Twilight."
  183. >You cut her off immediately but your calm tone seems to work.
  184. "It's a natural reaction, isn't it? Don't worry about it."
  185. >Not even giving her time to respond you bring her closer and kiss her again.
  186. >This time her whole body presses against you, Twilight's meat pressed right between you two.
  187. >You can't deny it kinda feels nice against your skin. Encircling your arms against the mare you get to really feel this sensation.
  188. >Twilight herself shudders and a cute little moan escapes her mouth. You didn't even think how this would feel for her.
  189. >Even though you said not to worry about it your mind is rushing between your options now, all of them as grim as they are lewd.
  190. >You're digging your own grave here and you can't stop.
  191. >This dick will know your insides tonight and there's nothing you can do other than delay this.
  192. >Twilight goes for another kiss and this time her forelegs wrap around your neck. Quick, rushed pecks in between deep, sloppy, drawn out tongue fights get you both going.
  193. >And what do you know, now you're getting hard yourself. As soon as Twilight feels it she rushes for more affection. It's like her newfound appetite for it needs to be sated right away.
  194. >The icing on this lewd cake is Twilight's motions with her crotch. Up and down a bit. She's rubbing herself against you, probably without even noticing it.
  195. >But you feel it. And it feels good. She's grinding on your dick while hers is caught between both of your bodies.
  196. >It takes considerable amount of willpower to break this kiss but when you do Twilight has a look most guilty. But also really, really aroused.
  197. >"Anon, I'm sorry, I kinda got carried away."
  198. >Panting heavily she seeks your approval. You give it to her right away, assaulting her neck, kissing it all over.
  199. >Twilight doesn't even hold her reaction anymore, gasping and moaning as you molest her body with your fingers and tongue.
  200. >She throbs under your shirt and you react the same way.
  201. >You wonder why did you have to take it this far. Surely if you had thought about this earlier you could've gotten it, a way to make her happy without resorting to just jumping at the opportunity to gratify and please her with no reason.
  202. >If you only you were thinking straight. If only you weren't so damn sleepy, even now, at this time of great crisis.
  203. >Now it's just too late to stop.
  204. >You'll have to go further.
  205. >Whispering Twilight's name you bite her neck, gently but just enough for her to yelp and throb again.
  206. >While she's distracted your hand travels to your belly and finally finds Twilight's stiff member.
  207. >Her head falls on your shoulder. Twilight is completely disoriented from a sudden unknown sensation. She's breathing heavily but she doesn't lose time and starts kissing your head while her hooves hold it close to her.
  208. >A slide down the clothed rod brings your fingers to its base. From there you actually touch it.
  209. >The feel of her hot, veiny dick on your skin is a new sensation to you as well. You bring your shirt up as your palm covers her tip.
  210. >Twilight covers your forehead with kisses as if to distract you but that obviously doesn't work.
  211. >You're relieved to see that her marecock really isn't that big. Maybe a bit bigger than yours, but not even two times as big.
  212. >Though it's curious that you feel relief knowing that as it implies that you're willing to do something with it.
  213. >And you'd rather not. But you'll have to now.
  214. >Fucking hell.
  215. >How did it all come to this? How is this possible?
  216. >Absentmindedly you move your palm up and down Twilight's penis, feeling every bit of it without comprehending your own actions.
  217. >Look at it, man. It certainly doesn't look like it can kill you but that doesn't make it any less intimidated.
  218. >You've never done anything like this before. You have a gag reflex and your jaw isn't accommodated to take anything like this.
  219. >And if the worst comes to worst, you're not ready to give your virginity that way.
  220. >You know how Twilight can get carried away when she's aroused. Would she rape you first to relieve the tension, a tension you yourself brought upon her, and ask questions later?
  221. >You shudder at the thought of taking her dick up the ass and for a second there you though you'd pass out.
  222. >This night may change your life forever. All because you've allowed this to happen while wanting anything but this to happen.
  223. >It's all so distant from you now.
  224. >Her loud breathing seems like it's coming from miles away, and her every kiss echoes through millennia before reaching you.
  225. >That's right. It's a dream, it's not happening. You're not really holding Twilight's cock in your hands right now.
  226. >You're not really feeling her hooves trying to keep your hand on her member while your keep jerking her off.
  227. >You're not really moving your head down to leak her precum as she throws her head back in a sensation so new and acute she doesn't know how to deal with it.
  228. >But even though you want it to be a dream, you're terrified to catch yourself falling asleep for real.
  229. >This can't happen now. What will Twilight think? That you passed out or something?
  230. >She's already whispering something like before. And you can't understand her. The more you focus on her whisper the more sleepy you feel.
  231. >You can't fight it. Twilight will sort this out, she will. She's a smart pony.
  232. >She'll...
  234. >Little by little the world is coming together again.
  235. >You really fell asleep during THAT? God, Twilight probably didn't take it too well, considering how vulnerable she's been.
  236. >You should apologize to her. You can hear her whispering something near you but you can't discern what it is.
  237. >Opening up your eyes you suddenly realize that she's actually right here, sleeping on top of you.
  238. >Well, maybe she fell asleep too and it all worked out in the end? She can't stop whispering though. It's not strange that she's a sleep talking type you suppose.
  239. >At least you don't feel hurt or sore anywhere. It's just your mare and you like nothing happened.
  240. >It's so nice to have her big warm body on top of you. She's such a cozy pony.
  241. >Actually, now that you think of it, she is pretty big. A bit bigger than you're used to.
  242. >The mare feels you move and wakes up too. Groggy princess looks at you with adoration in her deep purple eyes.
  243. >"Aw, Anon. What a nice dream I've had just now. We were at the Gala together and you proposed to me."
  244. "That... That sounds really nice, Twilight."
  245. >You really want to imagine how nice but you can't really focus. A big body and dark purple irises with pitch-black pupils wasn't the only thing different about Twilight now.
  246. >You don't recall her horn being this big. Or her having two of them. Or them curving and forming a neat spiral at their tips.
  247. >When Twilight shuffles on top of you it becomes apparent that she's easily as big as Celestia now. Not only that, her coat is much less saturated.
  248. >That's not counting new pair of wings to compliment already existing one. Or the third pair you just noticed.
  249. "Twilight?"
  250. >"Yes, love?"
  251. >She looks at you with expression so earnest and innocent you can't believe you're not seeing your regular cute little Twiggy in front of you.
  252. "You seem a bit different."
  253. >A pout doesn't suit her elongated princess muzzle.
  254. >"I'm sorry, but didn't you promise to not tease me anymore about...that? I didn't choose to be like that. I'm sorry."
  255. "No, I mean, the whole-"
  256. >"But now that we've slept together I can feel it, the spell is working."
  257. "What?"
  258. >"That "thing" wasn't it. It's just a stepping stone to the real goal. And it feels so good, Anon."
  259. >Twilight's tone is unexpectedly sultry and it takes you aback.
  260. >She towers over you and being under her now massive body you can't really wriggle out of this.
  261. >"Ever since I've been inside of you I need to feel it again. I NEED you, Anon. I need to feel you."
  262. >The what now? You don't really remember anything and you certainly don't feel like she's done anything to your body. Maybe she used a spell?
  263. >A spell to numb you and make you forget? Was it that horrible to you then? You shudder at the thought.
  264. >Twilight's nose presses into yours and you feel her scorching breath going into your nostrils.
  265. >Fires of passion molest this pony's spirit and she'll do anything put them out.
  266. >"Close your eyes, sweetheart. It feels so good when you sleep. Relax and drift off."
  267. >Hold on a second. That doesn't sound right.
  268. >But it's too late to think about it. The very same heavy feeling overtakes you and drags your eyelids down.
  269. >No, this can't be happening again by accident, something really sketchy is going on with this whole sleep thing...
  270. >God, but you're so tired. You'll just close your eyes for a moment and you'll focus after that.
  271. >...
  272. >No way, you pull yourself out of this and shake your head. Or at least attempt to, because as soon as you dart forward in attempt to free yourself from slumber's grasp, Twilight plants a kiss on your lips.
  273. >Moaning softly, she opens her mouth and yours follow, lips firmly pressed together against hers.
  274. >The mare's tongue immediately finds yours and dances around in swift motions. But it slows down as Twilight closes her mouth a bit, prompting you to do the same.
  275. >Your own tongue is now in a firm grip, sandwiched between her lips. She starts suckling on it so aggressively you feel like she's gonna tear it off.
  276. >In a slight surprise you grab her hips and that makes your princess change pace again.
  277. >She releases your tongue from her hold instead going back to her initial hungry wide-open kiss.
  278. >You hug your not so little pony closer and your hands go up her back, not with gentle caress but with desire that now rises to Twilight's levels really fast.
  279. >Fuck it, even if she doesn't look like herself, it definitely is her. You've proven that you won't reject her yesterday and you're about to do that now.
  280. >Actually, you just now notice that you don't feel any hints of her having a dick. Maybe it was really just a stepping stone. Or maybe it's a trial for you? How far you're willing to take this?
  281. >You don't know and you don't care anymore. You want her.
  282. >If only you weren't so god damn sleepy all the time.
  283. >Images and sensations blur as you start closing your eyes but there's one more you feel before your they are shut.
  284. >As the mare kisses you deeply something starts pouring into your mouth, down your throat.
  285. >It's viscous and it goes down painfully slow and you can't identify its taste.
  286. >All you feel is a metallic sensation everywhere in your mouth. Your teeth feel like they're getting scraped and you want to grind them to get rid of that feeling.
  287. >But you can't. Your jaw is locked in this position. It's not even a kiss anymore, even if you still hear Twilight's moans.
  288. >And the worst of all, this is not enough to make your sleepiness go away.
  289. >This time it washes over you so fast you can't react fast enough. You are taken.
  291. >Little by little the world is coming together again.
  292. >You don't really remember how you fell asleep but you know it was with Twilight.
  293. >Such a cute little mare. You really hope she won't be mad at you for falling sleep.
  294. >Your worries are somewhat lifted when you feel warm weight on your chest and belly. Seems like Twilight fell asleep as well.
  295. >She's whispering in her sleep. You'd never take her for the sleep-talking type.
  296. >Or would you?
  297. >Wait a second. Something isn't right.
  298. >The realization dawns on you in the most horrific way as you remember that whisper that never subsided ever since you started hearing it. And then you remember how you fell asleep.
  299. >Locked in a kiss with a monster pretending to be your Twilight, filling you up with some liquid. You're pretty sure it tasted like blood but-
  300. >Wait, how do you know? You don't remember figuring this out. Is there something else you're missing?
  301. >The whisper. It never left. You forgot about it back then but you remember hearing it.
  302. >But Twilight isn't here.
  303. >As you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on some amorphous dark purple substance.
  304. >It's not only under you, but all around you, but somehow you can move and breathe in it while it's still firm enough to support your body.
  305. >But as soon as you focus on these sensations the whispers become louder. Much louder. You notice that it is indeed Twilight's voice.
  306. >You call out to her. And the whispers subside.
  307. >"Anon? You're awake!"
  308. >This would surely ease your mind, hearing your pony in a dire situation like this, if not for the fact that her voice is everywhere.
  309. >It sounds like it's coming all around you but at the same time from nowhere in particular.
  310. >This doesn't even make any sense and the more you try to figure it out the more your head starts to hurt. And the whispers soon return.
  311. >Through them, Twilight speaks again:
  312. >"I'm glad that you're alright. That was so amazing. Thank you for this, dear."
  313. "Twilight, what is going on? I'm so confused."
  314. >"Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm just happy to be with you."
  315. "It's not nothing, don't give me that."
  316. >"Don't worry about it. Anon, I wanted to tell you, I haven't felt this good, well, ever. I want you to feel the same."
  317. "Twilight, it's not the time to-"
  318. >"I want to be the one to make you feel like this. You've never turned away from me, even when you found out I was suffering side effects of that spell. You made me feel comfortable and you didn't judge me. You made me feel welcomed, loved."
  319. >The sound of her voice coming from everywhere is driving you mad no matter how genuine her sentiment is. You feel so weak you're unable to move a muscle.
  320. >The more you focus on trying to identify the source of sounds, the more it eludes you, until you start to think that it does come from nowhere around you.
  321. >Maybe it comes from inside your head.
  322. >But this is soon dispelled as Twilight's voice suddenly rings right in front of you, even though there's nothing there.
  323. >"Let me have you, Anon. I promise you, I'll make you feel like you've never felt before. You just have to relax."
  324. "I don't want to relax, you'll make me sleep again."
  325. >The shadows around you shift ever so slightly but it can't escape your vision.
  326. >"What's wrong with sleeping? I love sleeping with you. Your arms always make me feel cozy and safe. You always hold me like you're afraid to lose me, like I'll disappear over the night. I've never told you how much I love your cuddles but it's my favorite thing."
  327. >"Would you hug me now, Anon?"
  328. "I would if I could."
  329. >"Let me hug you instead then. I'll return this favor as well."
  330. >The purple substance around you moves violently and it gets under your clothing. And by god does it feel good.
  331. >You expected it to be some sort of slimy goo but instead it's like warm frosting. It's slithery but it's soft and pleasant on your skin.
  332. >It gets everywhere, all over you. In under a minute your whole body is covered in it.
  333. >You don't even feel surprised or shocked when you feel a gentle sigh of your mare. She's getting some pleasure out of this somehow.
  334. >"It's so wonderful to feel you like this. But it's still not enough."
  335. >Feeling sudden familiar pressure on your chest you instinctively raise your hands for a hug and realize what a cruel misstep that was.
  336. >Twilight always jumps on you like that and you always feel the exact same thing, and you always hug her. It's like a reflex at this point. She played on that perfectly.
  337. >And now, under your arms, a purple mass takes a defined form of your princess. Not the disfigured abomination like before. Just your cute little mare how you remember it.
  338. >Remember... Just like you remember that reflex hug thing...
  339. >Could this be something important? Could this be more than a coincidence?
  340. >Any and all attempts to put two and two together are squashed by whispers, disorienting you, making your head spin.
  341. >But Twilight hold firmly onto it. She leans in and gives you a kiss.
  342. >Immediately you feel like that substance is being poured into you again and looks like you've found out what it is.
  343. >It's Twilight. Just Twilight. Liquid Twilight.
  344. >Your clothes are missing now and the mare is on top of you, no matter how you feel about it you can't shake off this enveloping warmth she radiates.
  345. >It's all around you. Like a hug, but from every possible direction, full skin contact at all time.
  346. >And this purple liquid she's been pouring inside of you starts to feel really good in your body.
  347. >Twilight lets out a slight gasp and breaks the kiss. Eyes filled with love and lust she locks her gaze with yours.
  348. >"Be mine, Anonymous. I need you. Let me feel you from the inside."
  349. >As soon as she says that the purple shadows ripple and form all sorts of vine-like shapes.
  350. >You've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
  351. >And it goes EVERYWHERE.
  352. >Piercing your ears, invading your nose, squeezing into your eye sockets.
  353. >Down your urethra too. It's all indescribable but it really does feel good. And Twilight feels good as well, as you hear her shaky, hot breath all around you, even though she's right on top of you.
  354. >Unable to really react you move your arms a bit and your feel something like fingers that intertwine with yours.
  355. >By all laws of nature it should hurt but it doesn't. You're dizzy but as Twilight gets into your body you find yourself wanting more. It's like you can't truly grasp that feeling and you need her to really push inside so you can concentrate on it properly.
  356. >You're way past questioning it. There's no time to do that as well, because there's a painfully thick moist purple tentacle shoving itself down your throat.
  357. >As this goo can take any shape and is seemingly endless it doesn't take it long to go all the way through your body, leaving sickeningly sweet sensation all over your belly in its wake.
  358. >It soon finds its way out from the other end. You'd be impressed if you wouldn't be so preoccupied with being absolutely overwhelmed with sensations.
  359. >This is all so unreal you're extremely hard right now, and the purple finds its way on your hardon, covering it like vines, throbbing all around it.
  360. >An improvised massage that feels like gentle and warm soapy wrap on your dick however is but a hint to what comes next.
  361. >Once the dark matter all around you and inside you starts to move, even ever so slowly, your whole body feels it, since it's everywhere now. You're pretty sure even in your skull it's more of that goo than your brain left.
  362. >And with every movement Twilight moans. She sounds so genuine but it's hard for you to imagine how she feels.
  363. >"Oh, Anon, you feel amazing. Your body, your mind, your dreams... It's all for me. You love me so much, don't you?"
  364. "Yes, Twilight."
  365. >Speaking feels effortless even though there's obvious purple tentacle still stuffed in your mouth.
  366. >It almost like you speak without even moving your mouth and tongue.
  367. >"Are you going to be mine?"
  368. "Yes, Twilight."
  369. >Wait a second. You didn't mean to say that. You didn't say it.
  370. >It wasn't you but it was your voice and you felt yourself saying it. How could it be?
  371. >Twilight lies down on you and whispers in your ear:
  372. >"I'm so glad."
  373. >Thousand of other whispers repeat it. They also sing praise to you, like how much they love you and how amazing you are and how good they feel with you. All of it at once, repeating what Twilight has already said.
  374. >In fact, you don't think you hear anything new in these voices. Which raises other questions.
  375. >You straight up can't keep up with this mystery. Everything prevents you from thinking rationally and sorting it out.
  376. >Feeling that you're so close to figuring out what's going on only to be interrupted in a second before the epiphany drives you mad, even though you forget about it right away.
  377. >Twilight doesn't waste time while you're so puzzled and you feel your cock being enveloped by something so hot and moist you involuntarily moan, to the pony's pleasure.
  378. >As soon as her wet marehood squeezes your dick all the shadow tentacles inside you spasm as well, giving you a jolt of sensations so acute you're overloaded in a second, spasming under your lover's body and feeling ready to cum at any second now.
  379. >You think you'd have a seizure right there and then. It takes a few seconds for you to come to your senses, and when you do first thing you see is Twilight's satisfied grin.
  380. >"Is it good, Anon?"
  381. "Yes, Twilight."
  382. >That wasn't you again, but this time you do agree with your voice.
  383. >"That's not even a fraction of what you make me feel."
  384. >With that said, the pony slides up on your member, and as soon as only the tip is left inside she brings her hips down all the way onto you. And then again, and again.
  385. >This time it took you a while to even comprehend that your eyes were rolled into your skull and you were whimpering like in a dream you can't wake up from.
  386. >What she makes you feel can't even be described as ecstatic. It's not something your mind can follow, so instead you're left behind as your body thrashes around in pleasurable agony of being massaged from inside.
  387. >It's only after some time you finally catch up and get used to the feeling, and you notice that Twilight is riding you steadily, mouth opened in a dopey smile, eyes fixated on yours.
  388. >Her rhythm drives you crazy as you feel it with your entire body, without exaggeration, but you still find strength for one motion.
  389. >You put your arms on Twilight's flanks. That seems to signal her that you're not as helpless as before and she hugs you gently, slowing down a little.
  390. >You enjoy this pace a lot more and you feel like she does too. The motions outside and inside of you become more sensual instead of frantic.
  391. >Twilight looks so satisfied and proud. Her every movement elicit some sort a reaction from you and she bathes in this control, knowing she has the power to make you feel exactly what she wants, keeping you from orgasming too fast, prolonging your sweet agony you never want to abandon now.
  392. >The mare relishes your weak embrace and her head is right on your shoulder now. You hear her breath near your ear.
  393. >In a faint whisper that dispels all others, she has only one thing to say to you:
  394. >"Cum."
  395. >And you do, instantly. And it destroys you. You thrash about in spasms so mighty you think you'll have a heart attack.
  396. >Your abdomen all tenses up and you rise up only to fall down again with a long, defeated, effeminate moan that sounds like a cry for mercy. And Twilight is watching this all with a knowing smile.
  397. >She holds your head with her hooves to keep your eyes right in front of her. Your facial expressions certainly interest her.
  398. >After your mind blowing orgasm subsides, she gently pets your head and says in a hushed tone:
  399. >"There, there. That's my dear Anon. I can't believe how wonderful you are. I hope I made you feel good too."
  400. "Yes, Twilight."
  401. >You're not even mad that this is the reply you voice makes. It did feel amazing.
  402. >"Thank you for being so supportive, Anon. Now you can sleep."
  403. >Oh no. There's that heavy feeling again. You don't want to fall asleep now.
  404. >No matter how bizarre this is, you're really feeling good right now. It would be enough to stay with her like this for some time. Your mare is holding you and everything is fine.
  405. >It doesn't take long for you to close your eyes in bliss. And that bliss soon becomes abyss of slumber that overtakes you once again.
  407. >"I think he's waking up."
  408. >"See, I told you, it's your fa-"
  409. >"Sshh! You're talking too loud!"
  410. >"I'm just saying, it's your fault for biting him."
  411. >"What in Equestria are you two talking about? Don't you have anything better to do?"
  412. >"Sorry, but I had to say it, because I warned her!"
  413. >"Come on, girls, stop with the bickering and get back to it."
  414. >"Mmmmph..."
  415. >Different directions, same voice. It's all Twilight.
  416. >You can't find the strength to open up your eyes but you feel like you're lying down on a bed. That's a start.
  417. >But then, all around you is still that sensation of your skin being enveloped in something warm.
  418. >Something warm and slimy is caressing your body at a few spots.
  419. >Nothing on the inside though. Thankfully..?
  420. >With an effort that could turn mountains you lift your eyelids. And the first thing you see is Twilight, just regular Twilight, squinting your eyes at you.
  421. >She looks at you upside down as she's sitting at your head, holding it in her hooves.
  422. >It seems that she was expecting you to open your eyes, because as soon as you do her face lights up with a smile. A very smug smile.
  423. >"I hate to say I told you so, Twilight, but I told you so."
  424. >"Mhmm."
  425. >That answer comes from somewhere down your belly. Immediately after you feel something very warm and wet around the tip of your half-hard dick.
  426. >The implications are rushing through your head while Twilight observes your reactions still holding your head down.
  427. >As you try to lift your head to look at what's actually going on with your body, the mare pins you back down with a gentle kiss.
  428. >The reversed position would've made it awkward if not for your experience of doing it with her. You always loved it just as much as she does.
  429. >Your tongues push against each other in a perfect way and you slowly move them around for maximum contact.
  430. >Twilight's neck covers your face and you don't see anything else. Her coat touches your nose and you take deep breath to take in her smell, barely noticeable but so familiar.
  431. >But even though you couldn't see much of your body, you've received enough information to get a general idea.
  432. >There are a lot of Twilights at your body. And they are all kissing and cuddling you.
  433. >Two are humping your legs as they kiss your thighs and sometimes reach to caress your balls. Third one is suckling on your now fully erect member, tenderly giving it licks and kisses in between taking the tip in to massage it with her tongue. Gentle but persistent, she doesn't get carried away, her aim is to please, not to make you finish.
  434. >That alone is pure heaven but that's not nearly all.
  435. >Two Twilight are having fun with your hands, licking fingers and using them to touch their bodies. Now that you're lucid you can probably help them with that.
  436. >Another two are situated at the sides of your chest and dedicate themselves purely to your nipples. It's such an odd feeling but the tingly pleasant sensation that flows through your chest with their rhythmic motions makes waves of pleasure reach your mind in a playful and arousing way.
  437. >Then there's another one who just kinda lazily keeps her head on your stomach sometimes kissing it but mostly just relaxing on top of it. She looks like she's the most satisfied mare here.
  438. >And finally, the Twilight that keeps your mouth occupied. Soon you learn she doesn't just do that, as she tends to your entire face, giving you kiss after kiss.
  439. >All of these Twilights are so close together, having little space at your body to do their respective duties, that they form a big pile all around you.
  440. >You're in the center of Twilight cuddle pile.
  441. >All the constant stimulation is making you dizzy. Your brain can't decide what to focus on and so you surrender yourself to this assault on senses, just taking in what you can.
  442. >It doesn't help that all you hear is the the slobbering sounds coming from Twilights and their occasional gasps for air, even moans, and the fact that they seem to enjoy what they do is a nice bonus.
  443. >Holding you firmly, your "main" Twilight is kissing your cheeks. Like other she doesn't stop even for a second.
  444. >She notices your breath getting heavier and you feel her smile against your skin.
  445. >Lowering her head to your ear she speaks softly:
  446. >"Is everything to your liking, Anon?"
  447. "Yes, Twilight."
  448. >This time you were pretty sure it's you speaking.
  449. >"Don't hold back. Relax and let us take care of you."
  450. >As she says that other Twilights pick up the pace. It seems now that their effort is now for the sake of relieving you, not just pleasuring.
  451. >The Twilight at your face encourages you further in a lustful tone:
  452. >"We would all be so happy if you'd cum for us. We're working so hard for you. Reward us."
  453. >You know you won't last long anyway and your eyes seek Twilight's in a plea to accept your nearing climax.
  454. >She's so close to you, touching your nose with her forehead. You're losing yourself in her deep black pupils that reflect the swirling abyss all around you, shining with million of stars...
  455. >There's something wrong with that image but you its enigmatic nature eludes you. This isn't the time to think about it.
  456. >Even though you can't see it, you can feel perfectly well how the Twilight at your pride tends to it with utmost dedication, taking it all in, keeping it in her throat for as long as she can.
  457. >When she releases it she doesn't stop, licking and kissing it as she takes a few breaths before taking your full mast in your mouth with much effort, but also with enthusiasm to match it.
  458. >All while the Twilight at your face is motionless. Keeping your head between her hooves she's fixated on your eyes.
  459. >She watches you wriggle in pleasure, panting and grunting as you're losing your mind to the unbearable stimulation.
  460. >Twilight is like a benevolent and empathetic goddess, watching you through this.
  461. >This calm gaze, understanding, enabling, appreciating, accepting, asking, is probably the hottest thing about it all.
  462. >You want to hold her head in your arms too, show her that you appreciate her, but both of your arms are occupied by lewd mares making sure your fingers never go dry.
  463. >You can only call out to her.
  464. "Twilight..."
  465. >You barely pronounce it, grunting through your teeth, but she still hears it. Then she nods.
  466. >Just a nod. She wills it. She wants it.
  467. >Your orgasm is once again violent and blinding. You can almost feel tears at your eyes.
  468. >Twilight's gaze never once leaves you. She holds you tighter through it and blesses you with a kind smile.
  469. >You swear this goes on forever. Twilight's lips are tightly fit around your cock and she take every spurt of your cum into her mouth, milking it for the very last drop.
  470. >Other Twilights stop doing whatever they do and watch the one hero mare reaping all the rewards.
  471. >Then you hear a quiet "pop" and Twilight sits up, smiling and victorious.
  472. >Twilight at your head, usually so possessive, this time allows you to watch others.
  473. >You see how they gather around that one pony who received your seed. Smiling, she allows them to get close and embraces the closest Twilight to her, kissing her deeply.
  474. >When they break the kiss, they both pull another two Twilights and share your gifts with them too.
  475. >Soon, all the space near and between your still spread legs becomes one big purple festival of kisses, them giggling and kissing each other, spreading your essence between each other, savoring its taste.
  476. >All except for the one Twilight at your head. She watches others like a caring mother who brought their daughters presents.
  477. >It doesn't take much for her to interpret your inquisitive look. She sighs contently and shakes her head, looking back at you.
  478. >"I'm fine right here with you."
  479. >With your hands finally free you can actually touch the mare. You pet her mane and give her ear a little scritch to which she closes her eyes.
  480. >"Thank you for this. You can sleep now."
  481. >A shadow of doubt crosses your mind.
  482. "Sleep? But I don't really want to."
  483. >"It's alright. We'll do it all over again once you wake up."
  484. "But... I don't remember ever being here."
  485. >"That's normal, you won't remember any of this."
  486. "Wait, I remember others, like when-"
  487. >"You do?"
  488. "Yeah, you were like a black goo or something."
  489. >"Strange, I don't remember this one."
  490. >Oh no. You hear whispering behind you again. This can't be good.
  491. >"Girls?" Twilight calls to others but only one actually turns their head to her. "I think something went wrong, Anon looks like he's aware."
  492. "Aware? Why wouldn't I be? What's going on?"
  493. >"Yeah, what's the problem?" asks another Twilight. "I like it more when he's aware."
  494. >"It's rather cute how he acts, isn't it?"
  495. >The mares giggle among each other, taking quick affectionate glances at you.
  496. >"The problem is that it's not supposed to happen. Something went wrong with the spell."
  497. "The spell?"
  498. >You feel like they don't really hear you no matter how many questions you ask.
  499. >"It's probably just an anomaly," says a different Twilight hugging another one next to her. "It didn't seem all that different than the last time, he just talks more."
  500. "Last time I wasn't even here."
  501. >You want to say something else but you're overwhelmed with sound. In Twilight's eyes you see the dark reflection swirling faster and faster.
  502. >"Wait, don't go. Don't fall asleep! I need answers. How do you travel between the scenes?"
  503. "The scenes?" you ask and let out a satisfying yawn.
  504. >"Anon, please, stay with me! How do you switch the planes? I need to travel with you to-"
  505. >You eyes are getting cloudy and all you hear is the static of faint voices that envelop you in tranquility.
  506. >Twilight is still talking to you, asking you questions with a worried expression distorting her cute face. She looks like she's starting to panic, patting your cheeks to keep you awake.
  507. >Last thing you see is that endless motion of blackness in her eyes spilling out right on your face, together with the whole world collapsing onto you.
  508. >But you can't be bothered with any sort of reaction. The sleep overtakes you and there is nothing you can do now.
  510. >"Hey, it's starting, wake up."
  511. >You jolt up on your chair in the middle of nowhere.
  512. >It's dark all around you. To your right, Twilight is sitting on her chair.
  513. >In front of you, there's a bed. A bright light shines down on it from somewhere up above, unseen.
  514. >There's no room, no walls. Infinite nothingness surrounds you.
  515. >"Oh, I'm so excited!"
  516. >Twilight has a big bowl of popcorn which she consumes hungrily in anticipation.
  517. >And the show starts soon enough.
  518. >There's you and her on the bed. Twilight, just like her. Anon, just like you.
  519. >You are absolutely sure it's you. It's like looking in a mirror.
  520. >Right now, other you and other Twilight are hugging and kissing on the bed. Needless to say Anon is already naked, making it a little bit awkward.
  521. >It's strange, there no one here who hasn't seen you naked. But watching it from a third person is just uncomfortable.
  522. >Twilight's eyes are glued to this scene before her. She watches in awe as Anon caresses other her's body, petting her, tugging her mane a little.
  523. >Then his hand slides lower, to her chest and then to her belly. Giving it a nice rub it moves even lower, where it gets locked between Twilight's plump thighs.
  524. >The mare's yelp is muffled by Anon's passionate kiss.
  525. >It's how it always goes. Enjoying each other never gets old. But as you try to out-pleasure each other the urge becomes impossible to resist.
  526. >Impatiently, Anon mounts Twilight on top of him. The pony has that lustful grin you always love to see.
  527. >"Oh, that's my favorite part." the Twilight next to you says while stuffing her face with popcorn.
  528. >Obviously it is. Anon has already started his slow motions as Twilight arches her back in bliss.
  529. >Her hooves rest on Anon's chest and her eyes never leave his. Again, one of your favorite things that she does.
  530. >Enjoying control but rarely dominating, she loves when you take the reigns even though she's on top.
  531. >Too bad you're sitting here watching it like some kind of judge on a talent show.
  532. ...
  533. "Twilight, what the hell is this?"
  534. >"I already told you three times. It's not that hard to understand."
  535. "I wasn't even here to... Why do we have to watch it?"
  536. >The mare stops chewing and looks at you with a wry smile.
  537. >"Oh, do you want to join in?"
  538. >Even though you look at her with a bit of disappointment she doesn't seem to mind it.
  539. >"I know you're probably feel hot and bothered by it, but so do I, it's not a shameful thing to admit."
  540. "That's besides the point. Why am I here in the first place?"
  541. >"Why wouldn't you be?"
  542. >Rolling your eyes you just look away. Anon and Twilight on the bed go at it full force now, but you don't care. It all seems so ridiculous you can't understand it, you don't want to. It's bullshit, that's what it is.
  543. >"Anon, don't look so dejected. Here, let me..."
  544. >In a moment the lights above dim and then go out completely. But then they turn on back again.
  545. >You see there's now two Anons and two Twilights on the bed.
  546. >Twilight is kissing other Twilight and rubbing her teats with her hoof, while the other one does something with her partner's clit using magic. They moan in sync, smiling at each other.
  547. >Anons... Well, they roughly do the same. You're so shocked you can't look, but now you can't get the image out of your head either.
  548. >That's not something you were prepared to see in life, ever.
  549. "Twilight, what is going on?"
  550. >"Oh, I though you'd want to join in, so..."
  551. >The voice is coming from you. Not just ringing inside your head, you're the one speaking in Twilight's voice now.
  552. >"Look, we kinda doing it, in a way."
  553. "You're just inside of me, that's not how we do it."
  554. >"I know , usually it's you who's inside me... But isn't it fun to experiment?"
  555. >Wait a second. Inside you.
  556. >Inside.
  557. >You've heard it so many times today.
  558. >Twilight keeps talking through you and it makes it hard to think. The more you think, the more she talks, as if on purpose.
  559. >You feel anxious as your thoughts are at disarray again. But not this time. You can't let it slip away.
  560. >Enraged, you stand up.
  561. "Will you please shut the hell up and let me think?!"
  562. >Both Anons and both Twilight stop whatever depraved things they're doing and they look at you.
  563. >Their eyes are empty. You've seen it. It's the same black substance Twilight had in hers.
  564. >It's all a fabrication. Nothing of this makes sense. It might as well not be real.
  565. >Inside, inside. What does it mean? Inside of you.
  566. >Her thoughts? Inside you? Created by her? A spell to make you feel like-
  567. >Your thoughts are drawn out by whispers, suddenly returning from nowhere. Anons and Twilight get down from bed and move towards you.
  568. >As they do the whispers get louder. The lovers don't show any emotions as they walk.
  569. >You try to move and you're immediately paralyzed by the whispers, gnawing at your head so loudly you start to suffocate and feel like your eyes are going to explode.
  570. >Dropping on your knees it's not long before you feel them touch you. They are colder than ice and whatever it is they're made of, it's not flesh.
  571. >They touch you and you fail to do anything. It's the damn sleep again. It never ends, does it?
  572. >Your head touches the floor and you close your eyes immediately.
  573. >You'll think about this mystery some other time.
  575. >"I think he's waking up."
  576. >Oh. You're back at this place, aren't you?
  577. >Opening up your eyes you meet gaze with dozens of Twilight. They are all sitting in a circle around you.
  578. >Actually, you're not in some weird dimension of nothing anymore.
  579. >It looks like some kind of a stone shrine under the starry night skies. Something like Stonehenge with an altar in the center.
  580. >The moon is bright and there's lots of braziers lighting up the stone benches that are encircling the altar on which you have awoken.
  581. >A slight late night breeze is a welcomed break from nauseating stale nothingness.
  582. >All in all, it's a much appreciated change of pace, and so far no one is trying to rape you. Hell, you could live like this, among tons of completely non-sexual Twilights that are just curious about you.
  583. >Maybe you could read books with them, or just watch the night skies. The things you so loved to do with Twilight before all of this.
  584. >You even feel your heart aching slightly at the thought. What has become of her, your Twily?
  585. >There's at least two dozens of purples here, all looking at you, trying to figure out what you're gonna do now that you're awake.
  586. >Some are whispering behind your back and you even hear a few giggles. But all of that lively activity is suddenly interrupted and all the Twilight look at something behind your back.
  587. >They stop whispering. Another kind of whispers begin. The kind that have been following you ever since it all started. Scared to even move a muscle, you freeze.
  588. >Hoofsteps on the stone floor ring out gently as someone approaches you from behind.
  589. >Somehow, even among the whispers, you feel comfort and warmth radiating from these steps as they stop near you.
  590. >But what's revealed to you when you turn your head is not what you've been expecting.
  591. >It is that monster again. The one who you woke up with the first time, that horrifying two-horned beast. This time you see her clearly and she is as terrifying as she is graceful.
  592. >The real Twilight of this land.
  593. >Lanky and thin, she was almost as tall as you.
  594. >Two horns, bending to the sides at first, come together in a spiral, intertwining.
  595. >The eyes, radiating reserved confidence, are fairly dark, but tiny sparkles light up the familiar spiraling darkness in them from time to time.
  596. >Three pair of wings are neatly folded on her slender back. Gracious neck of the pony is balanced by long fragile legs.
  597. >She's a bony mare. The clearly accentuated joints on her legs are giving her a horsey look and her princess-like muzzle completes the image.
  598. >Yet she's the most beautiful creature you've ever seen. She radiates benevolence despite her disturbing looks. Even her mane is luscious and flows like Celestia's, opening a starry vista straight to another dimensions, hypnotizing you with its steady waves.
  599. >She is the one who made all of this happen, there is no doubt. But whatever annoyance you had towards this whole premise is evaporated at the sight of this being.
  600. >The strange alicorn walks towards you with ghastly sound of her hooves being way lighter than it has any right to be.
  601. >Other Twilights watch her in awe just like you.
  602. >But the mare pays them no attention. Her warm smile isn't directed to anyone but you.
  603. >Your eyes meet and for a moment you feel your heart skip a beat.
  604. >It's not like you were ever into these kind of mares. But something draws you in. That powerful yet fragile posture of her, the long vulnerable neck, the earnest gaze.
  605. >So vulnerable yet so strong.
  606. >She's happy to see you and you couldn't be happier about it yourself. It is, after all, your Twilight.
  607. >While you're entranced by the princess' entrance the whispers subside; but as soon as you notice that very fact, they return.
  608. >You kind of notice a pattern here. And to prove you right as soon as you catch that thought and stop on it for a second it gets drawn out by the voices.
  609. >Twilight's stare is warm but she doesn't take her eyes off you ever. It's almost like she peers into your very being with those starry eyes that seem almost on the verge of spilling their dark sparkly matter out if the pony moves around too fast.
  610. >When you try to focus on your thoughts you feel like you're starting to drown in those eyes. Like that purple-ish black swirling muck of her pupils is sucking you in.
  611. >"Hey, Anon!"
  612. >One blink and that feeling is gone. Once you shift your attention to the mare before you, they voices are gone, the gloom is gone. Twilight before you looks at you cheerfully.
  613. >Even though she's a big horse thing now she still retains Twilight's mannerism and that makes her whole form seem really out of place, comically so.
  614. >She's a cute purple pony on the inside still.
  615. >What about you though? Are you not allowed to be you? To think for yourself?
  616. >You've been avoiding this line of thought until now, after all it leads to great discomfort and you've been tranquilized every time you tried to even start something that resembles an analytical thought process.
  617. >But you can't run away forever.
  618. >It's all a lie, isn't it?
  619. >To prove you right yet again, the voices cry out in unison. But you won't be silenced.
  620. >"I've been waiting for you for like a whole day, maybe more."
  621. >She passes you and you witness how big she actually is now.
  622. >But her words are shallow. She's been here all along.
  623. >It's almost impossible to keep your thoughts together now but you try your hardest. The damn swirly doom of Twilight's eyes keeps distracting you.
  624. >"I know it's been rough for you but I've gotta say, you did great."
  625. >A trap, a lie. All of this. Her words are constructed to lure you in.
  626. >So that you forget. So that you don't dare to question. You are her prey, even though she's gentle to you.
  627. >You don't know why she needs you yet but if she has to put you in such a state it can't be for anything good.
  628. >She says something else but you can't hear her anymore. You are deafened by the whispers, so much that your head is hurting now.
  629. >It's about to crack, squeezed between the walls of nonexistent sound.
  630. >Twilight is smiling, gesturing, articulating, laughing but you can't see any of this. You watch it but you can't comprehend.
  631. >Your hand goes to your eyes and you rub them. Twilight looks at you a bit worried.
  632. >Between rubbing your eyes you can see her lips saying "Are you alright?" but you can't hear it. Damn, your eyes hurt so bad.
  633. >You rub them thoroughly, as hard as possible. It gets the job done. That's better, nothing is itching anymore.
  634. >Oh wait, you can't see anything now. And your fingers feel sticky and wet. It's weird. You didn't rub it too hard, right?
  635. >But as you feel hot liquid rushing down your cheeks from where your eyes used to be you're pretty sure you overdid it.
  636. >Now, even thought is problem is taken care of, the whispers get even louder, having free reign in your head as your vision is taken away.
  637. >Maybe you should somehow find a way to destroy your eardrums too so you don't have to suffer this cacophony?
  638. >Your body is shaken by this assault from every direction. You can almost make out individual phrases in the whispers.
  639. >And on the brink of breaking down you hear a single whisper so much clear than others you think it's coming from not just inside your head, inside your very being, somewhere from your forehead.
  640. >It's a whisper unlike any other. Profound, fearful, questioning.
  641. >Your blood runs cold as you hear just a few words, spoken to you with unbelievable clarity:
  642. >"Who is she?"
  643. >In absolute horror your body freezes in place and you think your heart is going to explode with how fast it beats.
  644. >Akin to a hunter who realizes there's a predator right behind his back by hearing its breath you can't move a muscle, paralyzed by sheer terror of this simple words spoken not just on the background, but directed to you by one of the whispering voices that reached out to you through time and space.
  645. >It's so much bigger than you can even imagine you have no other reaction other than primal, unbridled fear.
  646. >Legs give in and you fall on your knees.
  647. >But actually, you don't.
  648. >"Anon? Equestria to Anon, hello?~"
  649. >You're standing next to Twilight and hugging her. You can hear "aww"s in the audience of regular Twilights who are still watching you.
  650. >Your eyes are still with you and you hear nothing peculiar. Just fires and wind. And Twilight's heartbeat.
  651. "What? What happened?"
  652. >"You were kinda spacing out here after I told you how much I missed you. Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?"
  653. "No!"
  654. >In panic you try step back from Twilight who looks at you with a puzzled expression.
  655. >This may be your only chance to put solve this mystery, you can't sleep now.
  656. >"Huh? There's nothing wrong with a little rest, Anon."
  657. "I mean, I... I wouldn't want to miss out on our reunion now that I'm here."
  658. >Another round of d'awwing. Twilight herself can't help but smile and blush a bit.
  659. >Even though she looks a bit creepy you still find it adorable.
  660. >"Aw, come on. It wasn't that horrible, was it?"
  661. >She tries to sound playful but you notice hints of concern in her voice.
  662. "Well, it would've been better if not for constant fear and stress. And the voices. And the sleep thing."
  663. >You say it without giving it much thought. But you kinda overstep your boundaries with being so honest, judging by Twilight's reaction.
  664. >"What? Was it bad for you? I mean, it wasn't anything you didn't want, right?"
  665. "Huh? I have no idea why you'd think I want any of that. You've been watching me, haven't you, you know what I'm talking about."
  666. >She's frowning now, but it's a frown of doubt, not annoyance. Even though you're getting a bit pissed off at the whole thing you wouldn't want to anger her, who has the power to do god knows what with you on a whim.
  667. >But Twilight doesn't seem malevolent. She's not even aware how strange it's been for you.
  668. >"Wait a second. Sure, it wasn't... what we usually do, I get it, but it couldn't have been anything you don't want."
  669. "I still have no idea what you're talking about."
  670. >"The spell, it worked properly. Right?"
  671. >Oh. Now you're starting to get it. And there's nothing to distract you from it.
  672. >Twilight seems to be preoccupied with thoughts herself, talking with one of the Twilights about how they noticed something similar, allowing you to actually ponder your situation.
  673. >Maybe she's letting her guard down and allows you to think?
  674. >", I know that, that's why you're all here, but..."
  675. >There's so much empty space left for thinking you don't even know where to start.
  676. >Twilight turns to you and shakes her head.
  677. >"It can't be anything you don't desire. That was the whole point."
  678. "Twilight, it was..."
  679. >No that you think about it, it wasn't really something you actively dislike. Sure, it was strange, but there wasn't something you really didn't want or found unacceptable.
  680. >You adapted to the situation presented to you and explored ways to make them better for yourself. Maybe this is what Twilight is talking about.
  681. >But it still doesn't mean anything.
  682. "It wasn't what I want, alright? It wasn't something I completely hated either but that doesn't make it good. You know, if the only way to think about it is "it could be worse"."
  683. >Twilight is looking at you with a bit of a hurtful expression. Seems like she was sure everything is fine and she doesn't understand how could anything go wrong.
  684. "I mean, I could do without constantly falling asleep to change a scene like you're changing TV channels. And without those horrible whispers that make me want to kill myself or gouge out my eyes. Or without rape, or watching someone else, or anything in between."
  685. >The other Twilights are silent, watching your Twilight get more dismayed with your every word.
  686. >"But it can't be! The spell-"
  687. "What WAS that spell, Twilight? You still haven't told me."
  688. >She is about to tell you. But at the last second she looks away with a meek smile.
  689. >"I-it's kind of embarrassing to say..."
  690. >And that was the last straw.
  691. "Embarrassing? I'm losing my head out here trying to peace this all together and you can't even tell me what's going on? I've been a toy to you this whole time and you can't do anything other than prevent me from thinking about it?"
  692. >"No, wait, you misunderstand, I wasn't-"
  693. "You think it's just a game while I get to feel like I'm used for your amusement with no right to even know why."
  694. >The other Twilight gasp. Your Twilight is taken aback by your sudden reaction and you almost see tears in her sparkly eyes.
  695. >"But I... I never wanted... It's not even..."
  696. >She fails to form an excuse which is the perfect opportunity for you do finally draw the line.
  697. "I don't know what you wanted but I just want you to know, I don't want any part of it anymore."
  698. >With that you turn around and walk away, shocked gasps behind you. The Twilight you pass on your way avert their eyes as if not to provoke you even further.
  699. >"Aw, Anon, there's no need for that."
  700. >Your hands caress Twilight's neck as you hug your mare gently, standing right in front of her.
  701. >...
  702. "What? What just happened?"
  703. >"You were just telling me how much you missed me."
  704. "No I wasn't. I was walking away."
  705. >You stand back and look at Twilight. She's smiling at you innocently.
  706. >"Why would you do that?"
  707. "Because you're toying with me again. I don't need this Yellow Knife bullshit."
  708. >Saying that you turn around and walk away, yet again.
  709. >But you do that too hastily and you trip over one of those small rock benches Twilights in the audience are sitting on.
  710. >Though you don't fall down. You are already lying down. Not just that, you're on top of Twilight who looks at you wistfully.
  711. >A quick look around reveals that you're in the middle of some sort of meadow. To your right you see the fires and the shrine you were in just a moment ago, it's a few hundred meters from here.
  712. >All around the clearing tall trees stand, guarding your intimacy.
  713. >In bright moonlight Twilight smiles at you, lying on her back on the grass.
  714. >"What's wrong?"
  715. "I, uh... How did we get here?"
  716. >"Huh? Are you alright?"
  717. >Her hooves rest on your shoulders and her sultry look turns into a concerned one.
  718. >With her big but light body under you your belly and crotch feel so warm.
  719. >"I thought you wanted to get some "us time" when we left the others? Don't tell me you're changing your mind now, after getting me in the mood."
  720. >Even though you are confused by these sudden jumps you can't really deny that it feels kind of great out here.
  721. >Warm wind, silent night, you're alone with your pony outside and she's getting romantic.
  722. >But it's not your pony. Not really. She isn't the real Twilight. It's more than looks, you are sure of it.
  723. >Who is she?
  724. >Twilight doesn't give you time to think, as always. Her hooves bring your shoulders down and you can't resist it.
  725. >Your hands touch her neck out of reflex and you immediately realize it's your fatal mistake.
  726. >She feels just right. You're so starved for that cozy feeling of just touching her you completely give in.
  727. >And Twilight doesn't hesitate to continue her motion and, keeping her hoof at your nape, she guides you to kiss her.
  728. >Nothing weird happens. It's just a soft, earnest kiss. A kind of kiss she'd give you any time of the day.
  729. >Her hindlegs wrap around your legs. She's not letting you get away this time.
  730. >The soft kiss soon turns into a lustful one. Breaking it you pant heavily and hug the mare, giving her neck a few quick pecks.
  731. >She feels so fragile in your hands, despite being a big pony now. Your hands trace her soft cheek, ruffle up her starry mane. caress the curved horns.
  732. >This isn't right. But you can't escape it. You... You want her.
  733. >You want your Twilight right now, right here.
  734. >Your kisses on her neck become way more passionate and you're sure you leave a few kiss marks on it as Twilight gasps and giggles.
  735. >Feeling her neck, her forelegs, her barrel, you keep coming back to that one thought. This isn't how it should be. You shouldn't be doing this. But you can't stop.
  736. >You're so hard right now. Aching for your sweet pony to allow you to take her. Just waiting for her to say the word.
  737. >Her new body doesn't allow you caress her fully with just being at her eye level anymore, so you slide down until your crotch touches hers.
  738. >With her legs still locked behind your back you start to kiss her chest, burying your head in it, taking in her smell of fresh void and discolored horrors.
  739. >You even bite a little and Twilight's heavy breathing gets interrupted by cute quiet yelps.
  740. >Twilight is so adorable. So beautiful. You'll never say no to her. You only want her.
  741. >The pony's hooves never leave your head, petting you constantly. The stiff tent in your pants feels how hot she is herself and she starts rubbing against it, tightening her leg lock.
  742. >Twilight suddenly props your head up so you look at her, meeting the love-filled dark purple abyss of her eyes.
  743. >You understand without saying a word. She allows you to leave the comfort of her chest for you to try and swiftly unbuckle and unzip your pants.
  744. >At any other circumstances you'd caress her more, cover her body in kisses, but you can't take it.
  745. >You don't care, even if it kills you, you will make this eldritch monster princess yours.
  746. >You need to feel her tight princess pussy all around your cock, pound her lewd wet cunt as hard as you can, you need to hear her moan your name as you rut her.
  747. >Fuck, how could you even think about anything else all this time? It's so obvious this is the only thing that matters now. You need to be hers.
  748. >Once your dick feels the fresh air of this magical night you feel dizzy, like you're losing your mind as long as you're not inside on her.
  749. >Touching her rump and moving your hand on her hot thighs you spread her legs apart.
  750. >She doesn't have any problems with it as you feel her tugging your shirt with her magic.
  751. >It's the first time you see her do it in this form. Her horns both light up, magic coiling at their helix at the tip. The aura is a deeper shade of what it usually is.
  752. >But Twilight's lusty expression suddenly changes to worrying.
  753. >"Oh no, I forgot."
  754. "What is is, dear?"
  755. >But you don't need her answer. You suddenly notice that the sky is swirling just like her eyes. The moon is drowning in blackness and is so distorted it's like a reflection in water.
  756. >The trees around you arch inwards, forming a menacing concave above. The shrine where you were before is nowhere to be found, instead there's just fire raging over there, consuming the canvas of reality around it, spreading its ravenous glory for all to see.
  757. >Twilight is looking at something behind your back with a concerned expression on her face but quickly shifts her eyes on you when she notices you're looking at her.
  758. >And the most drastic change is that your head is clearing. You feel like you're in control more.
  759. "Twilight? What's going on?"
  760. >You try to look back but the mare holds your head and turns it back so you face her instead.
  761. >"I forgot I can't use my magic here!"
  762. "But you used it just now"
  763. >"With these kind of consequences I'd rather not."
  764. "But what's happening, why is it like that? Why are you like this?"
  765. >"No, don't, let's... let's just not think about it right now."
  766. "Twilight, are you going to keep me in the dark even when the whole world around us is collapsing?"
  767. >"It's not a big deal, we can always-"
  768. "That's not a big deal?"
  769. >"Anon, I'm sorry. Alright? I can fix this, just give me a second."
  770. >Before she can do anything else you quickly stand up, scared that she'll do anything so fast you won't notice it again.
  771. "Is me being in the know so threatening to you? If there's a problem we can always work it out. Isn't it how it's always been?"
  772. >Twilight looks away in shame. It's harsh but you have to say it. Just like you said it right from the start of it all.
  773. "I don't think I want to be here anymore. Now you can continue to tranquilize me, even knowing that I'll try to get to the bottom of this again, or we can talk about it when you cool down and you tell me everything and we work together to solve it."
  774. >"Anon, please..."
  775. "No. I'm going."
  776. >She finally looks at you again and her guilty gaze meets yours.
  777. >"You can't leave."
  778. "Sorry."
  779. >You take a step back and already start turning when you hear Twilight yell:
  780. >"No! Don't go that w-"
  781. >In an instant you're overwhelmed by the return of the voices, myriads of them filling your head once again, yelling, screeching, moaning. Turns out there was a gaping spiraling blackness right behind you.
  782. >The one that was always in Twilight's eyes. The maddening coil wasn't actually there, even if it always seemed that it was inside her eyes. It was a mere reflection of this abominable twist of matter.
  783. >This is what Twilight has been looking at this whole time she's been with you in all those scenes.
  784. >It radiates cold but you're sweating. It pulls you in and it tries to tear you apart.
  785. >But you still extend your hand to it. It welcomes you. It needs you.
  786. >"Be mine?" it says in Twilight's voice and all the whispers echo it.
  787. "Yes, Twilight."
  788. >You don't even care who said it anymore. It's gonna be just fine. That blackness looks strangely comforting now.
  789. >You bet you could find a nice place to take a nap there because you suddenly feel a bit sleepy.
  790. >Why are you here again?
  791. >"No! Not now!"
  792. >That's Twilight's voice. The one's that was behind you, and now she jumps in front of you, between you and the all-consuming amorphous substance calling to you.
  793. >Your head feels heavy but you're more lucid now. But why is Twilight trying to protect you at all? Wasn't this all her doing?
  794. >Twilight's glorious pairs of wings unfurl and you see how big they are for the first time. It's like a giant shield of feathers.
  795. >Her mane also sparks with currents of magic flowing through it, down from her horns which are lit once again.
  796. >The helix explodes in a multitude of colors and between her horns a bright sphere forms.
  797. >Your head is split asunder with voices as the black mass shoots forward to overwhelm Twilight, but she doesn't budge.
  798. >All the substance gets sucked into that ball of energy at her head, and all the strands that miss her spiral back in eventually.
  799. >None of the attacks reach you. In one bright spark all the darkness is gone.
  800. >And with it, the world is collapsing. It becomes liquid paint that is slowly flowing down.
  801. >The fires far away are desperately fighting the warping fabric of reality. The moon is like a yolk that slowly bleeds down from the skies, threatening to flood the Earth with its liquid pallid light.
  802. >The tree branches around you are like veins, splitting and intertwining at random, pulsating in a devilish heartbeat of the land itself.
  803. >And then there's Twilight. She's completely discolored. The ball of magic at her forehead warps into a faded misty oval that looks like an eye.
  804. >She turns her head to you and you see that her eyes are completely black now, evaporating at alarming rate, black smoke all around her head.
  805. >Pitch-black color flows down her cheeks and drips down her jaw.
  806. >The princess seems even bigger now, even taller than you. Not only that, her horns are now also thicker and longer.
  807. >Wings that protected you are loose at her sides, covered in the same substance as her eyes.
  808. "Twilight?" you call meekly.
  809. >The pony walks towards you and there's no sound. There's no sound in this world, period. No whispers, no wind, nothing.
  810. >She has absorbed all of it.
  811. >"Anon..." her voice rings with a thousand others but it's still hers. They are all hers.
  812. >"I'm so sorry. We can start over, right? Please?"
  813. >Despite everything you find yourself lost in her eyes once again, a reflection so pure, so earnest.
  814. >It swirls again. It sparkles. It calls to you.
  815. >Everything around you is like that. The world is gone, it's just her.
  816. >The universe is propelled around her eyes.
  817. >"Maybe we can continue on from where we left?"
  818. "Yes, Twilight."
  819. >You're powerless. You were never in control. And you're starting to accept it. It doesn't feel too bad when someone like Twilight is looking after you.
  820. >She's so brave, protecting you like that. She can have you.
  821. >She...can...
  822. >"I've made my mistakes, but you forgive me, right? Anon?"
  823. "Yes, Twilight."
  824. >She approaches you and your noses touch.
  825. >"I can fix this, I know it. I can make it all better."
  826. >No. No she can't. You don't need her to make it better, you need her to stop.
  827. "Yes, Twilight."
  828. >Fuck. It's over now, isn't it? Back to square one. It's so unfair, so degrading. You love her but you're denied any agency in this world. Like a willing slave you'll follow her direction and she'll make you want it.
  829. >But it's not just distrust that's at play here. Something else is affecting you both. She's not to blame here. She wouldn't do anything like this.
  830. >You have to know. You have to see it for yourself. Yourself?
  831. >Maybe it's not her. Maybe she's not the problem. Maybe you are?
  832. >Think fast. It's all connected and it all comes down to you. Black matter. Sleep. Whispers when you try to think about anything but her. "Yes, Twilight" that comes out of nowhere.
  833. >It goes on and on. You have to break it. You have to stop going with the flow and break it.
  834. >Twilight lifts her foreleg and brings you closer to her.
  835. >"I'm so sorry, Anon."
  836. >Her voice is fading fast and the silence is deafening. It seems like she herself is starting to evaporate.
  837. >The mare is helpless in your arms, stumbling and falling onto you. Supporting her on your arms you hug her.
  838. >She looks like she's in a lot of pain.
  839. >It's just her trap, isn't it? It's not real.
  840. >Right?
  841. >With the last of her strength she pushes herself onto you, going for yet another kiss on the lips.
  842. >Yet she is melting away, her misty spell orb gone now, and her body smoking with black shadows.
  843. >She drops down and you kneel near her, holding her head in your arms. Her burning cold lips feel so good. You never want to stop this kiss.
  844. >You try to prop up her head but her flesh is flowing down, revealing bones of her skull you keep on holding and kissing.
  845. >There's nothing but teeth clashing with yours now. Barely any form of her is left, and in your gentle embrace only bones lie.
  846. >Twilight sees your pained expression and asks as innocently as she can:
  847. >"You... You'll be mine, won't you?"
  848. >Yes, Twilight.
  849. "N-nngh..."
  850. >Yes, Twilight.
  851. >You breathe heavily. Twilight is awaiting your answer.
  852. >That will be "Yes, Twilight."
  853. >Alright? Say it with me.
  854. >Yes, Twilight.
  855. "Hhaah..."
  856. >Come on. Yes, Twilight.
  857. >...
  858. >No need to be shy. You want this. You need her. You have to help her. Yes.
  859. >Look at her now. She needs your help. She wants to fix all of this. All of this is for you. At the very least you can be thankful, right?
  860. >Just say yes. Imagine she's proposing to you. What do you say to her?
  861. >Yes, Twilight.
  862. >Oh, Anon, do you like these pancakes I've made just for you?
  863. >Yes, Twilight.
  864. >Anon, do you think this white lingerie suits me even though it's kinda tight?
  865. >Yes, Twilight.
  866. >See? It's not hard. It's the right thing to say to Twilight. Come on now, just like that. Say it with me, loud and proud.
  867. >Yes, Twilight.
  868. >Yes, Twilight.
  869. >Yes, Twilight.
  870. >Yes, Twilight.
  871. >Yes, Twilight.
  872. >Yes, Twilight.
  873. >Yes, Twilight.
  874. "N-no..."
  875. >"Huh?"
  876. >Your head is squashed, minced, torn into a thousand pieces. But even though you wince and tremble on your knees in agony, shaking violently and gasping for air, you know that you have already won.
  877. >The trees around you pierce you with their branches like needles going through your whole body. Rusty railroad nails are beaten into your head one after the other.
  878. >Twilight is standing before you like nothing happened.
  879. >Her third magic eye blinks a few times and it seems that her real eyes are clearing from the darkness.
  880. >With much effort you say it again:
  881. "No, Twilight. I won't."
  882. >"Huh? Did you say something, dear?"
  883. >Massive gasp fills your lungs with air like you've just barely avoided drowning.
  884. >Other Twilights look at you and giggle, nodding.
  885. >You're hugging Twilight, hand caressing her neck. Again.
  886. >Even though the pain is gone you're still sweating. Not knowing what to expect you prepare for the worst.
  887. >At least being on edge prevents you from falling asleep.
  888. "What?.. What happened?"
  889. >"You just dazed off for a second here," the two-horned mare explains. "Are you tired? Maybe we should let you rest?"
  890. "No, Twilight, I'm fine."
  891. >Realizing what you just said you turn your head in panic but nothing really changes, except for Twilight being concerned about your behavior.
  892. >"Well, alright then. How about-"
  893. "How about we stop pretending we don't know what's going on here."
  894. >"What? I have no idea what you're talking about."
  895. "It's not real, isn't it? And you're not in control here. You're trapped here with me."
  896. >Twilights turn their heads to each other in confusion.
  897. "Just explain it to me so we can get out of here."
  898. >"I don't think you know what you're talking about."
  899. "That's why you should explain it to me. Do you trust me, Twilight?"
  900. >"I..."
  901. >Now she's backing up. Seems like you're on the right track.
  902. "Don't you want me to be happy?"
  903. >"Y-yes, but-"
  904. "Do you not trust me?"
  905. >"I do! I really do, it's just-"
  906. "Do you not trust me to love you?"
  907. >"It's not like this at all!"
  908. "I've proven to you so many times that I love you unconditionally. Are you afraid that I wouldn't approve of your suggestions so you have to trick me or something?"
  909. >Twilight is conflicted and doesn't know what to do.
  910. "You might just say that you doubt that I love you at all."
  911. >"I never said that!"
  912. "You don't give me a lot to work with here, seeing what you've been up to."
  913. >"No, this is all wrong, you got it wrong! I never meant to-"
  914. "Then WHAT? Can you stop beating around the bush with excuses and just tell me what did you mean by this?!"
  915. >Twilight isn't exactly used to you yelling and she's scared now. It's a bit strange to see such a big pony as she is now to act like the little mare you're used to.
  916. >But it only takes a moment for her to regain composure and shoot back at you, almost yelling herself.
  917. >"Alright, I'll tell you. But don't judge me!"
  918. "You know I wouldn't, at least if you've told me right from the start!"
  919. >"There was no way for me to know, alright? It's the first time I even tried this spell."
  920. "But what does the spell do?"
  921. >"It's... Alright, if you really wanna know, I'll tell you."
  922. "Yes, finally, thank you."
  923. >"It's a spell to reveal your hidden desires."
  924. >Silence in the air. All the Twilights in the audience don't know who to watch, you or your Twilight. One of them coughs.
  925. >Still trying to process what Twilight said you shake your head in bewilderment.
  926. >"I told you, it's a bit embarrassing."
  927. "Yes, but... No. What? Why?"
  928. >"To see what else we can do together."
  929. "Twilight, I... What? Don't you think that's an overkill? All of this..."
  930. >"Yes, I know exactly what you mean. That's also why it's embarrassing. But it took an unexpected turn, it wasn't really supposed to play out like this."
  931. >You're way into piecing the puzzle together to even raise an eyebrow, despite Twilight's shameful confessions.
  932. "Alright. How exactly does the spell work?"
  933. >"It's a very complicated spell but the gist of it is that I project myself onto your subconsciousness and-"
  934. "Hold on a moment. Subconsciousness? Are you for real?"
  935. >"Well, yes, but-"
  936. "Holy shit."
  937. >It kinda makes sense now. At least it can somewhat be explained now.
  938. >"But I didn't expect this to happen, honest."
  939. "What did you expect?"
  940. >"That you won't be aware. It took me some time to figure it out but it was the point when it all went wrong."
  941. "You mean you don't know?"
  942. >"I have no idea! This spell is based on Luna's dreamwalking spell. When she manages to get ponies to realize they're sleeping the dream doesn't crumble. But here the spell is different, there is no dream. At least there's supposed to be none."
  943. >Twilight stops for a moment to collect her thoughts and you manage to somehow prevent your head from exploding.
  944. >It's a bit much to take in but it seems like you're starting to get it.
  945. "So what's up with this place and all the Twilights?"
  946. >"These are the fragments of the spell. Projections that got lost in your dream. I gathered them all here so you could be found since you naturally seek me in these fantasies, even after they end. We can move freely now but we can't get out until you let us. And by my estimations your mind rejects everything that can lead to you becoming fully lucid or waking up, it's how the spell keeps itself together."
  947. "So the whispers..."
  948. >"It already started to crumble and it becomes more and more unstable each time you have to shut yourself down."
  950. >Your legs go limp and you sit down on a bench near a Twilight who looks up at you and smiles, happy that you've joined her.
  951. >"If the spell would proceed like it was intended to you wouldn't even remember a thing. I'd just play along to learn about your fantasies and would be on my way. But now that you're aware of it all? It... It must've been really strange for you to see your own hidden self like that."
  952. "Hidden self? Repressed sexual desires, phobias and insecurities isn't what I am. These are not my desires, that's all bullshit that made an impression on me at some point."
  953. >"Well, you weren't exactly against all of this even if you were aware of what's happening."
  954. >All you do is shrug as the mare looks at you with sorrow.
  955. "I guess I wanted to make it work."
  956. >"But why? If you didn't like it, you could've resisted it?"
  957. "It's exactly how it works, I may not approve of it but deep inside I'm not against it."
  958. >Your head falls into your palms and you sigh.
  959. "Each time I tried to get a grip I got smothered by my own self. This is ridiculous."
  960. >Twilight doesn't dare to say anything. Your fragile state leaves her a bit cautious.
  961. "So, uh... Why are you like this then?"
  962. >"It's just a projection to experience all of your fantasies with you. I don't have much control over the world or how I look, so I guess it's how you see me? I don't know why it's like that while there are others who look like, well, me."
  963. >The Twilights all around you nod approvingly.
  964. >"Maybe you're just into taller and more intimidating mares?"
  965. >She blushes a bit, confused by what she said herself.
  966. >Hearing this your head drops down and you lock your arms around it, trying to isolate yourself from this nonsense that just keeps getting worse and worse.
  967. "Twilight, I'm not "into" this. I'm not into any of this. It doesn't have anything to do with what I want."
  968. >"But this is all yours."
  969. "I don't want any of it."
  970. >With a sorrowful sigh the mare comes near you but you can't look at her.
  971. "I know you don't look for easy ways but this is just too much."
  972. >"But... What about something you don't even realize you want but would love?"
  973. "I guess we could try out different things to learn about each other. What happened to that, Twilight?"
  974. >You don't dare to look at her now but hearing no reply you know why she hesitates to answer.
  975. >"I don't know how else to say it but... It wasn't supposed to be like this. And I'm sorry that it is."
  976. >Gathering enough willpower you take a look at your mare. She looks absolutely crushed, like she ruined your entire life with this.
  977. >Now it's her who's making a big deal out of this.
  978. >You decide to reassure her a little bit.
  979. "It's alright. You were probably trying to surprise me and make it interesting, right?"
  980. >Twilight nods, hearing that you're willing to understand her.
  981. >"I just wanted to be closer to you than anypony ever would. To know you as well as you yourself do. To do to you what you wouldn't have asked of me, or to guess your wishes, to be one step ahead of you."
  982. >The audience nods again, supporting the mare's intentions.
  983. "I don't know myself like this, Twilight. If you'd tell me I actually want to do anything from what I've experienced here I'd be against it."
  984. >"I guess you're right. I should've researched about it more, maybe ask Luna, instead of just taking your approval as an invitation."
  985. "Wait, I approved of it?"
  986. >Twilight is actually shocked by you even questioning this.
  987. >"Of course! I wouldn't do something like that without your consent, are you crazy?"
  988. "I don't remember that."
  989. >"Well, that makes sense, the spell requires you to be asleep but with you being lucid and with me interfering with your half-dreams on a level that-"
  990. >It just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? But you already have your answers so you decide to interrupt Twilight before she's ranting again.
  991. "So, how do we get out of here?"
  992. >"There's a spell for that but I don't know if it'll work here, you've seen what my magic does to this place."
  993. "Let me guess, that wasn't suppose to happen too."
  994. >"Of course not. Maybe if I retained my usual appearance and power I could... Oh, I know."
  995. >Twilight turns to your audience and they all smile, already knowing what her plan is.
  996. >It doesn't take long for them to gather round the altar with you both sitting on top of it. Little Twilights all start casting the spell, horns glowing in the morning breeze.
  997. >You worry for a second:
  998. "What about them?"
  999. >"Oh, these are all me. Don't worry about it."
  1000. >She puts her head on your shoulder and winks at you.
  1001. >"Though maybe one of them should remain to watch you closely? Hmm?"
  1002. "Twilight..."
  1003. >You have no time to say anything other than that because the spell pierces both of you with rays of glowing warmth.
  1004. >A wry smile of your mare is all you see before light envelops you.
  1006. >The early morning shrine is a cold place.
  1007. >The fires are out. There are no Twilights around.
  1008. >Except for one. A normal, regular princess Twilight Sparkle you stumble upon when you find your way back here.
  1009. >She's sleeping in the center, on the rocks. It's not a way one should sleep in such a cold morning.
  1010. >So you pick her up and sit on a bench, putting her on your lap.
  1011. >Even in the freshness of early dawn Twilight still radiates warmth, despite her slightly wet coat dressed in morning dew.
  1012. >The pony is waking up and seeing you she smiles. Her hooves find your hand and she holds it close to her.
  1013. >"I had a pretty horrible dream. What took you so long?"
  1014. "Oh, you know, tried to figure out how to get out of that dream."
  1015. >"I'm glad that you did. And that you're safe."
  1016. >The pony is still sleepy and you feel tired as well.
  1017. >But this time it's a much lighter feel. It's not created in your head. You are indeed just tired.
  1018. >Twilight in your arms is so soft you feel like you're gonna drift off just like this.
  1019. >"I... I really messed up, didn't I?"
  1020. "Don't worry about it."
  1021. >"I worry about it."
  1022. "No. It's just a horrible dream, let's forget it and never speak of it again."
  1023. >"If you say so. But I just wanted to say, I'm sorry."
  1024. >You let out a mighty yawn and look at the guilty mare.
  1025. >"I just-"
  1026. "It's fine, Twilight. I'm glad I'm with you now and it's all over."
  1027. >She's still not satisfied but after getting a little head pat she smiles.
  1028. >All better now.
  1029. >Twilight relaxes in your arms and you lean over her, holding her little warm body close to yours.
  1030. >"Thank you, Anon. Don't worry, you can rest now. When you wake up the spell will already be undone."
  1031. "Will I remember any of this? I hope not."
  1032. >"I guess we'll see."
  1033. >Smiling, you feel her nuzzle your neck.
  1034. >For the first time in ages you just relax and let the mist of sleepiness take you.
  1036. >It's the middle of the night in the Friendship castle.
  1037. >The room is lit up by a faint magic aura.
  1038. >Even though Twilight sleeps, the spell still works.
  1039. >But you sleep no longer. Waking up you find yourself just in the same position you allowed her to lull you to slumber with her spell.
  1040. >The pony herself still holds your arm in her forelegs, muzzle pressed to your neck.
  1041. >Lazily you turn to her and see a serene smile completing the look of a cozy mare who's so used to spending all of her nights in a loving embrace she can't imagine it being any other way now.
  1042. >You smile at her too even though she can't see it as her eyes are still closed. In the early morning air her breath is hot waves upon your face.
  1043. >You kiss her nose and stroke her mane. Twilight sighs and shuffles around, silky coat brushing against your naked skin in a familiar soft fashion.
  1044. >With your other hand to touch the tip of her horn and the spell dissipates completely. It's over.
  1045. >Kissing her between her eyes you whisper words you haven't said to her seemingly forever.
  1046. "I love you, Twilight."
  1047. >She is silent but you know she heard you.
  1048. >Together with your mare you soon drift off without a worry in the world.

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

by TakeItEasy

Twilight wants hugs

by TakeItEasy

Through the void to Anon

by TakeItEasy

Miracle in your arms

by TakeItEasy