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Heart Warming Twilight

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:39:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >First thing in the morning you hear knocks on your door. Confident, obvious, lively. Exactly four of them as always.
  2. >Twilight Sparkle is here.
  3. >You've been anxious about her visit on this snowy and festive day.
  4. >The only thing that she could possibly bring you today is...
  5. >"Anon, you're coming to the celebration tonight, right?"
  6. >The pony walks in as soon as you open the door. No reason to stay in the falling snow, you suppose, but she does seem a bit giddy.
  7. >And also, knowing you, she wants to secure her position inside your humble abode so you won't escape conversing with her even if you wanted to.
  8. >Not that you wouldn't want to talk to the purple princess. She's a good friend of yours. It's just, well, you're not really good at parties.
  9. >She knows that too. Probably. It was obvious that this moment would come sooner or later but you still feared it.
  10. >Now your fate is sealed. Twilight wants you to join her and her friends at the Hearth's Warming celebration tonight.
  11. >It's "her and her friends" because you weren't really that interested in her gang. You hang out with them sometimes but you're not besties.
  12. >They seem to be okay with it. Twilight though, she tries hard to get close to you.
  13. >One would think she has a hidden agenda but all of your concerns have been repeatedly dismissed as time went on.
  14. >She just wants to be the best friend she can.
  15. >So it's probably nothing special, just her wanting you to feel included. After all, you've been a part of her life for almost half a year now.
  16. >She cares for you and always tries to help you. It's no wonder she'd want you to join the celebration, this massive chance to be more social.
  17. >Oh god, you can already feel the vertigo of being the center of attention when she inevitably bring up that topic.
  18. >But you can't really say no to Twilight, can you? She'd think all sorts of bad things about you and will worry even more.
  19. >The last thing you need is ruining her Hearth's Warming spirit with your doubts and fears.
  20. >So, naturally, you play a happy human and accept her invitation.
  21. >Twilight looks amazed at how easy it was to get you on board. She looks relieved that you've given her no trouble at all.
  22. >The princess probably anticipated some sort of a struggle from you, she knows how it goes.
  23. >So playing along was worth it.
  24. >"I'll see you later then. I can't wait!"
  25. >She almost seems too happy. You wonder why.
  26. >Time to crack open some more conspiracy theories? Nah, not today.
  27. >The only saving grace you can think about is that this party will have alcohol.
  28. >Granted, it's very weak alcohol, but it's there. And for you it means a chance to turn into something bearable.
  29. >This party thing has been on your mind this whole week. You can't help but reflect on your time here in Equestria.
  30. >Especially on your time with Twilight.
  31. >It was safe to say that she had quite a special part in your heart already, even though you still can't figure out what this place really is.
  32. >Somehow she's been closer to you than any other pony, be it because you're an alien, or because you were a friendship problem for her to overcome.
  33. >The reason why it started wasn't important now, at the turn of the year.
  34. >What mattered to you is where do you go from here?
  35. >Maybe this party would give you an answer.
  36. >That's why you need drinks to be there. It's the only way you'll get close to figuring it out.
  37. >You hope you'll be brave enough to actually try.
  39. >It's like all of the Ponyville is gathered in Twilight's castle tonight. The hall isn't big enough so the crowd slowly spills into corridors and other rooms, all of the decorated.
  40. >Twilight has put a lot of effort into this, you give her this much.
  41. >With so many ponies around no one will notice your cider and punch adventures, right?
  42. >No one but Twilight. She beckons you and you see her standing around with her gang. All of them are looking at you.
  43. >It was in your plans to try and avoid socialization if possible, to minimize the damage so to speak. You can't handle big parties like this. You want to get lost in the crowd and keep to yourself.
  44. >Now it's apparent that this course of action is not available anymore. You've been spotted right away instead of some time in.
  45. >You take time to fill your mug with cider and only after that you come greet them.
  46. >"There you are, I thought you're ignoring us on purpose."
  47. >Twilight is in a playful mood and you can see why - she's having what you're having. Actually, all of them seem to have drinks right now.
  48. >"He's been sneaking around to meet the cider barrel first," Starlight states smugly.
  49. >Girls laugh at that and you see Applejack rolling her eyes when she smiles.
  50. >"Can't imagine why."
  51. >You nod.
  52. "Can't help it, it's too good."
  53. >With this you made everyone smile knowingly.
  54. >See, it's so easy to make this work. So smooth.
  55. >This seem to make Twilight really happy. She's probably more proud of you than you are of yourself right now.
  56. >It's a bit silly to think that just making simple talk is some kind of achievement to you, and more importantly to her.
  57. >Maybe she takes pride in your progress?
  58. >Her little pet project is showing results. Doesn't that feel nice, princess?
  59. >No, stop that. Now is not the time to think about all the ways ponies secretly despise you.
  60. >Just drink up, the conversation will flow and you'll feel better. They are not laughing at you behind your back. Keep it cool, Anonymous.
  61. >A few passing remarks later the group kinda dissolves for the time being. Twilight's friends chat with other townsfolk and everything seem to go well.
  62. >Twilight herself, however, is still hanging around you. Does she want something from you?
  63. >No, she just drinks near you despite there being total silence between you two.
  64. >She seems content with it. It's like being near you is enough for her.
  65. >Alright, that thought isn't gonna lead anywhere as well. Drink up instead.
  66. >Time passes and Twilight leaves your side without saying a word.
  67. >You thought it was about time she got bored with you.
  68. >Not your fault she wanted to waste time near you, she knows perfectly well you're not the talkative social type.
  69. >But soon you see the real reason for her departure. She gets on her improvised stage to give a speech.
  70. >And it is exactly what you feared. She recollects all main events of this year and eventually you are mentioned.
  71. >Twilight says how happy she is that you're here and all that token appreciation stuff.
  72. >Ponies all look at you. They wear smiles of compassion and glee. They seem happy that you are here.
  73. >You still don't know why they even care. It's not like you do anything important here, living at the edge of the city and taking simple jobs Mayor assigns you on.
  74. >It's not like you're more than a ghost to them. Yet all of the eyes are on you like you've been an important part of the town's life all this time.
  75. >It feels a bit unfair. For a moment you feel sick but it passes as soon as ponies turn back to look at Twilight.
  76. >One gaze lingers. Twilight is still looking at you. Her gentle smile is the one that puts you at ease, unlike all the others.
  77. >For a second there you entertain a thought about her actually meaning what she said.
  78. >That she really is happy that you're here and that you've been the highlight of this year for her.
  79. >Immediately your mind wonders into your memories, searching for any proof that she could really feel that way.
  80. >But the results are inconclusive. Everything she's done could be easily counted as just signs of your friendship growing and nothing beyond that.
  81. >You're getting lost in uncomfortable thoughts again. Drink up. Just drink and live through this night. That's all that is needed from you.
  82. >It's surprising that Twilight goes back to you after talking to a few ponies on her way back.
  83. >She looks at you with a meager smile.
  84. "Nice speech, Twilight." you commend her like she's probably expecting you to do.
  85. >"Thanks, Anon."
  86. >That kind of does the job of breaking the ice and you start chatting.
  87. >And like most of your conversation usually go it soon becomes a discussion about you.
  88. >"It's a night full of festivities and friendship, Anon, lighten up."
  89. "What do you mean?"
  90. >"You've been standing here and drinking this whole night."
  91. "Is that a problem?"
  92. >"All I'm saying is maybe you should give it a try. Have fun for a bit, you know."
  93. "I am having fun."
  94. >Twilight giggles.
  95. >"So I see. Is standing next to me so fun?"
  96. "Well maybe it is. I could ask you the same question, you've been standing right here just like me."
  97. >"Other ponies already have someone to be with."
  98. "So it's about pity then?"
  99. >"I never said that."
  100. >She frowns, trying to determine if you're serious right now.
  101. >"Forget I said anything, maybe you do need to drink more to lighten up."
  102. "That's the spirit, Twilight."
  103. >There was no spite in your words, however you feel like it did hurt her a bit.
  104. >As if to prove you right, Twilight leaves her spot near her and goes to join the crowd.
  105. >Way to be an asshole, Anon. Good job.
  106. >Now you definitely have to drink more.
  107. >Soon, everything starts to blur. Ponies playing, ponies dancing.
  108. >Songs being sung. Cheers everywhere. Holiday spirit is in full force.
  109. >You feel enveloped in this atmosphere of blissful celebration and for some time all your troubles leave you when you finally decide to join them.
  110. >They return when you realize you haven't seen Twilight for a while.
  111. >Now it's her who's avoiding you.
  112. >It leaves a very sour taste. Could you really not get away from yourself just for one night? For her?
  113. >Ponies are friendly. Now that you're a bit drunk you start having fun and you notice how easily they accept your company.
  114. >They laugh with you, not at you. They have a good time.
  115. >All of this you could've had with Twilight. But you can't find her.
  116. >You even find Rarity and she says she hasn't seen the princess for a while now. Starlight gives you the same answer.
  117. >Finally, when you manage to tear Pinkie off the punch fountain she says that Twilight has been seen on the other side of the hall.
  118. >She's been quiet for a while and it seems that she's been drinking, at least Pinkie thinks so.
  119. >This just crushes you completely. It's no fun to make others feel bad, especially when you yourself have so much fun now.
  120. >But... Isn't that kinda what you do all the time?
  121. >This isn't helping.
  122. >You find Twilight soon enough. She's standing next to some mare and they seem like they have a friendly conversation.
  123. >Part of the burden has been lifted from your heart. Twilight isn't brooding alone like you would.
  124. >It's almost shocking to you how much you've started worrying while going from one side of the hall to another.
  125. >Despite being pretty much drunk now you're still not desensitized to everything around you.
  126. >In any other case this would present a problem to you but now you want to approach Twilight with a clear head for once.
  127. >But the rest of your worries are dispelled once Twilight notices you and shines her smile at you.
  128. >"Look who's here."
  129. "Twilight, I'm... I'm sorry."
  130. >"Aw, it's alright. I know you don't like these kind of parties, I shouldn't push you too much."
  131. "You mean, you're not mad at me?"
  132. >"What? Oh, no, of course not. I just wanted to give you space, some time to think about it. And look, here you are. All better?"
  133. "Yeah, I think so."
  134. >"You think?" the princess laughs heartily. "Anon, I saw you dance for the first time ever tonight, I think that's proof enough."
  135. >You chuckle as well. Eh, you're drunk, that's your excuse to do all kind of shit.
  136. >Not drunk enough to do something that scandalous, but who's to say you aren't? You can pretend to be completely wasted and get away with a lot of silly things right now.
  137. >More importantly, knowing that Twilight isn't mad at you makes you all the more happy.
  138. >You stay with her and drink some more. And then some more. She drinks too.
  139. >It's getting to the point when you just lose track of time and don't even care what's going on anymore.
  140. >Twilight sometimes goes to say a few more speeches driven mostly by alcohol now. She mingles with other ponies but she always return to your side.
  141. >Then she drags you with her in the center of the crowd and you think you're trying to sing together? You're not sure anymore.
  142. >A few times you start to lose balance but Twilight catches you with her magic. She is ever vigilant.
  143. >Is she drunk at all? You certainly have seen her down a few glasses of punch more than she usually does but it's impossible to say what's her condition right now.
  144. >You, on the other hand, are completely losing it. The music is playing and you grab the princess to try and dance with her, only for this attempt to end in complete awkward flailing around because how do you even dance with a pony?
  145. >It's all good for her and her peers though, they are laughing. Twilight is smiling at you.
  146. >Her body felt so soft when you grabbed her. But you pay no mind to it at the time.
  147. >All that matters is that you're among friends, laughing and having a good time.
  148. >In reckless abandon you drink up this celebration high spirits like you've been drinking alcohol tonight.
  149. >It's just as intoxicating now and you can't stop. You need more. You found a new way to forget about everything for once.
  150. >Ah, is this how Pinkie Pie feels, you wonder. You kinda get her attitude now because you never want to crash down from this height.
  151. >Instead you try to forget yourself in it. And for some time you succeed.
  153. >You're awoken by something tugging at your arm.
  154. >Opening your eyes you see Twilight in front of you.
  155. >It seems that you're seated on a chair at a table. You're still at the party. What's left of it.
  156. >There's not a lot of ponies here and those who are still here are already leaving, saying their goodbyes to Twilight.
  157. >When she's done waking you up she returns to her post to see others out and thank them for coming. They give her hugs and tell her how fun it's been.
  158. >You feel like shit. Still drunk but already on the brink of getting off of it. You have no idea how long you've been out.
  159. >While you try to guess you see the purple mare return to you.
  160. >"Seems like the party's over."
  161. >Despite your mental state you catch her drift.
  162. "Oh. I guess I'll go now."
  163. >"What? Anon, you're in no shape to go home like that. It's dark outside and you're dead drunk."
  164. "Well, what do you want me to do then?"
  165. >"I guess you'll have to stay for the night."
  166. >Your heart skips a beat at hearing that but there's no reason for it. Twilight is just being a good host.
  167. >You, on the other hand, are being a pretty bad guest.
  168. >Twilight doesn't pay any mind to your inner struggles and helps you up with magic.
  169. >You are suspended in the air so only your toes drag across the floor.
  170. >Effortlessly she carries you somewhere, you can't really comprehend where, until your body comes into contact with a bed. A dark room with a window that's no help at all, snow storm is raging outside.
  171. >The pony helps to position you correctly on the bed. You lay on your side and see that she sits next to you, looking in your eyes.
  172. >You're both motionless for a few seconds. Just staring at each other.
  173. >Then you realize exactly what the situation is.
  174. "Twilight, I'm sorry."
  175. >"Don't be. You had fun, right?"
  176. "I was acting like... Like..."
  177. >"Like a drunk human."
  178. "Yeah."
  179. >She smiles softly and rolls her eyes in a slight motion.
  180. >"Well, if it got the job done."
  181. "No, look. I'm sorry that..."
  182. >Even though you're a bit more sober right now you still have troubles collecting your thoughts.
  183. >You want to say so much but all you can do is mumble something incoherent.
  184. "Sorry that I've been acting like... I've ruined the party."
  185. >"You didn't."
  186. "I didn't even have a gift f- For you."
  187. >"Aw... You don't have to worry about something like that."
  188. >Twilight lifts her hoof and after a moment of hesitation she touches your shoulder.
  189. >She's done this before but this time it feels so special for some reason.
  190. >Maybe it's because of this eye contact she's maintaining. The pony looks a bit tipsy herself but that just adds charm to her already pretty intimate gaze.
  191. >"I mean, seeing you here, having fun and being with ponies, is already a gift in its own."
  192. >That pierces your heart with a dull ache, prompting a sharp exhale and a squint of your eyes as you feel the pain.
  193. >All of the feelings you've been trying to suppress with alcohol break free and flood your mind, leaving a bitter sensation in its wake.
  194. >The little pony just wanted you to be normal for once, on this very special evening.
  195. >Just spend time with her like a regular friend. Just be together with her and her other friends.
  196. >Instead this happened. And now you feel like shit. You've let her down.
  197. >And you now realize that it's the thing you were afraid of the most. She's always there for you. She never gave up on you.
  198. >She's precious to you even if you never wanted to see it like that.
  199. >Even now Twilight catches the signs of your turmoil right away and she gives your shoulder a friendly pat.
  200. >"It's alright, Anon. In the end we had some fun, right? Now get some sleep, I think you need it."
  201. >Twilight taps you one more time with her hoof and jumps down off the bed.
  202. >You see her move to the door and in that moment something within you starts boiling, pushing you over the tipping point.
  203. >Making you care, really care for once. Making you take a step towards her on your own instead of shying away.
  204. >In desperate attempt to stop Twilight you extend your arm and you want to say her name.
  205. "Twi-"
  206. >Only this comes out. Because you realize how stupid it is for you to stop her now. You're acting selfish. Let her go.
  207. >But she does stop upon hearing you. When she turns around it's evident that she somehow knows what you want.
  208. >You want her to stay.
  209. >Today really was special. You liked spending time with her and you don't want her to go now.
  210. >A simple emotion like that needed so many conditions to finally surface and become obvious.
  211. >Twilight goes back. It's like she secretly wanted you to call for her at the last second.
  212. >What if she wants to stay with you too?
  213. >That kind of thought is so scary now. And yet there she is, jumping on the bed again.
  214. >Even if you're too unsure of yourself she doesn't seem to be.
  215. >Maybe it's alcohol that makes her more decisive like that, or maybe she's just not a trembling mess of insecurities like you are and can actually face her own feelings.
  216. >"If you want me to stay you should just say so, you know."
  217. "Well, I..."
  218. >A patient smile encourages you. Whether it is her attempt to make you open up or to she just wants to hear it from you, she's content with waiting on you while you collect your willpower to form one sentence.
  219. "Stay with me, Twilight."
  220. >There, you said it. Twilight seems to have liked it as she immediately takes your invitation and gets closer to you.
  221. >Is this real life? Is this actually gonna happen?
  222. >"Anon, don't be shy like this. Aren't you supposed to be drunk?"
  223. >Struck with anticipation of what she'll do next you freeze up. Twilight lies down right next to you, face to face.
  224. >The implications are too much. Your breathing gets shaky.
  225. >"Drunk ponies are usually much more open with their desires. They can barely control themselves. Don't tell me you're sober enough to actually feel uncomfortable being with me."
  226. >Another pang right in your heart. Twilight sure knows how to pull your strings.
  227. >This time she reacts differently though.
  228. >"Oh, sorry, I don't mean it like this. I'm just worrying about you. I mean, we're friends, right? I wouldn't push you away if you open up to me a little. There always seems to be a lot on your mind and I can't help you if you don't let me."
  229. "I don't need help."
  230. >Just a throwaway bullshit she sees right through. You're in no position to defend yourself. Not now, confronted by her face to face, quite literally.
  231. >"Then you'll have no problem with me doing this."
  232. >The next second her horn lights up and you feel a tingling sensation around you, just like when she was carrying you.
  233. >Only this time Twilight drags your body towards her, right in her embrace.
  234. >Your head is locked between her forelegs and your face is planted right into her chest.
  235. >Meanwhile your torso is pushed against her body and her hindleg finds its way onto your waist.
  236. >The hug is completed by Twilight's cheek pressing onto your head.
  237. >It takes you a few seconds to even register what is happening but when you do a wave of comforting warmth flows down your body.
  238. >"Just relax now and try to sleep, alright? Forget about everything that's bothering you."
  239. "Twilight..."
  240. >You can't even form a sentence but she somehow knows what you're going to say anyway, so she tightens the hug.
  241. >At the movement of your arms she props her body up to allow you to reach behind her back to return this gesture of affection that goes way beyond just being a friendly thing.
  242. >In her embrace you feel so scared to make a wrong move, to ruin it. It can end at any second.
  243. >It's exactly the tension Twilight feels in you right now. The barrier between you too, the block that keeps you from giving in to her attempts to reach out to you.
  244. >Never has she been so close to overcoming it. She wasn't about to let this chance slip. A real chance to help.
  245. >So when you feel a quick peck at the top of your head you tense up even more, awaiting her explanation.
  246. >"I'm not going anywhere. I'll keep you safe, so relax and rest. You've been so stressed today, I almost feel bad for dragging you out here."
  247. >Her words melt you, little by little. It's the intimacy of previously unknown caliber, a soft whisper of a mare that cares about you, coupled with the encircling warmth of her hug.
  248. >It's hard to say who's keeping who close right now. Both are not willing to let go.
  249. >"But don't you think it was worth it? I think it was. Getting to see you finally open up and be the human you really want to be, even if it's only when you're drugged so much you can't comprehend what's happening... It was all worth it."
  250. >She gives you another quick kiss, this time a lot more accentuated.
  251. >"So please, stay like this for me? Alright? Remember how it feels so you can be like that again, happy and carefree. I want to dance with you again some time, you know. Though I'd prefer if you could keep your own balance next time."
  252. >Twilight giggles but you start trembling at her words.
  253. >The slight burn of alcohol in her breath makes you want to just write this off as Twilight being tipsy herself.
  254. >You don't want to hear all this. She's just drunk and doesn't know what she's saying.
  255. >Getting so close and tactile, outright kissing you, all while coating your mind with her whispers, genuine and straightforward. Wishing for a miracle and hoping for too much.
  256. >A Hearth's Warming wish for her dear friend to get better.
  257. >There's no shortage of bitterness inside of you and only now you've shown her that it's not all that you are. She just needs you to continue being like that.
  258. >Twilight found the way to get to you at last. You are defenseless now. The wall of cynicism and protective layers of irony won't save you now that you're in her hooves and she's reaching straight to your heart.
  259. >Maybe it was her plan all along, maybe she was planning on doing this for a long time now. Or maybe she just found an opportune moment and decided to take her chance.
  260. >Whichever it is, she doesn't regret it now.
  261. >She made it so you have nowhere to run. The only thing left to do is to accept her or push her away. And you won't push.
  262. >So instead you pull. You pull Twilight closer to you. Allowing yourself to focus on the sensation you once again feel the softness of this purple mare.
  263. >You feel it under your fingers, all the meticulous details of her coat.
  264. >Twilight is drowning you in the warmth of her relaxed alicorn body and you revel in this glorious glow of her tenderness right at your face and torso.
  265. >A feeling so new and exciting you forget about everything for a moment.
  266. >You hold onto the mare with such a sudden strength that she lets out a surprised yelp but immediately after she understands what is the reason for you tightening your hug she sighs softly.
  267. >Her hooves encircle your head in solidarity with your motion and now your head is pressed firmly into Twilight's chest.
  268. >You never noticed how her coat it a bit fluffier here. This winter season feature feels so good upon your face.
  269. >In fact, it's the best thing about this whole situation right now.
  270. >Determined to take everything out of it, you dig Twilight's fuzzy coat against the its hair with your nose and borrow it there.
  271. >The sweet flowery smell of her coat conditioner is faint enough to let her natural scent be felt.
  272. >To your surprise you notice that it's such a familiar smell. This epiphany sends a shiver down your spine.
  273. >You are so used to it you never even notice it now, yet it accompanied your stay in Equestria right from the start.
  274. >When you just got here you remember noticing how differently ponies smell, even if it's a bit hard to notice it at a distance.
  275. >You explicitly remember finding Twilight's ambience the nicest. It had an earnest feel to it, actual scent of her body just barely masked by a delicate floral fragrance.
  276. >At times, after she's been spending too much time at the library, a mix of dust and books added to it, which was also nice and had a cozy feel to it.
  277. >You never really noticed how you got used to it. Now the memories are flooding in. All the moments you've spent with her. All the moments she's been there for you. Everything you've experienced here in Equestria - it always involved her in one way or another.
  278. >It all comes back to you now. Truly, the end of the year is the time of remembrance.
  279. >Twilight gave her speech recollecting most of the things that happened this year, so you're sure she remembers everything tied to you as well.
  280. >Now you see the value she's been putting into these memories and why she thought it was important to give that speech.
  281. >Twilight's scent reminded you of all of them. It all leads back to her.
  282. >She smells like home.
  283. >You take another deep and fairly loud breath. You want to cling to this feel, but no matter what its essence seems to evade you.
  284. >Just like you can't ever pinpoint the actual appeal of her scent, these memories remain just obscure enough so that a slight feeling in your heart is all that you have of them now.
  285. >But even that is plenty. You've become so soft in her hooves. There isn't a hint of struggle left in you.
  286. >Twilight has hugged the anxiety out of you.
  287. >Instead, you want affirmation. Proof that your vulnerable state won't be abused and exploited. And even this is granted to you by the princess, who's been honest with her own feelings too and has no intention to let you go any time soon.
  288. >What's more, when she feels you trying to get closer, Twilight covers your head with her wing. The feathery blanket hides you from the rest of the world. It's just you and her now.
  289. >It makes your head spin. Maybe it's her aroma that's dizzying, maybe it's the alcohol mixed with sudden burst of emotions. She doesn't mind either way.
  290. >You wish you could put all these thoughts into words. To let her know how you feel. But, alas, you can't find the strength to do so.
  291. >Twilight whispers something to you but you can't discern the words anymore.
  292. >The last thing you remember is trying to express your feelings by tightening your grip on the pony and caressing her back.
  294. >Everything after that is left behind the curtains of drunken haze when you realize the room is already bright.
  295. >You wake up on top of a bed at the very least. Your sweater is nowhere to be found. You only have your pants on and you're just barely covered with a blanket.
  296. >Next to you snores Twilight. She is sleeping in the most uncomfortable position you've ever seen, on her back with her spine bent sideways with her wings loose and outstretched.
  297. >Her head is thrown backwards at an angle too and there's drool dried up on her cheek and chin, obvious on her otherwise pristine coat.
  298. >It goes without saying that both her mane and tail are just a mess all around.
  299. >Somehow you've forgotten that she's been drinking a lot too and she'll be probably hit with hangover just like you, because boy do you feel like shit.
  300. >It's nothing new for you so you can handle it. Twilight, on the other hand, may not have this much experience with this kind of feel.
  301. >With that kind of thoughts you take in her serene snoring. She still looks cute even now.
  302. >You never had a chance to be so close to her so now your eyes wonder all across her body. Then they venture a bit too low and you cover the pony with a blanket right away.
  303. >A sneak peek like that is still enough to make your imagination run wild. You'll remember those petite forms of darker color at her crotch for a long time, that's for sure.
  304. >But that brings on a question, why are you even half-naked? You didn't do anything to her last night, right?
  305. >And she wouldn't take advantage of you being so intoxicated as well. Right?
  306. >Oh man, these thoughts hit your tired barely working brain way too hard.
  307. >You're content with believing Twilight was a proper pony during your night together.
  308. >Even that sounds way too intimate already. The lack of certainty is killing you. Even if you wake her up she may not give you a straight answer.
  309. >You still get close to her, thinking about the best way to get her out of sleep's grasp.
  310. >What you end up doing is watching her sleep. You just can't bring yourself to do anything.
  311. >It wasn't meant to last though. Fate has decided for you.
  312. >The door creeks open and you see Starlight entering the room. She's looking at something behind her back and you see Spike going in as well.
  313. >They both have brooms with them and they seem to be chatting about the celebration.
  314. >It takes just a moment for Starlight to face you and freeze in shock.
  315. >Before her Twilight is sleeping like an innocent satisfied angel and over her towers Anonymous, naked for all she can see. They share the bed and the blanket and both look really messed up.
  316. >It doesn't take her long to piece two and two together, especially with a flustered and panicking expression on your face.
  317. >She mumbles a quick apology and slams the door at Spike's face, almost hitting the little dragon with it.
  318. >After you hear Starlight's skittering away from your chambers everything falls quiet for a moment.
  319. >You're shocked no less than her. Now this may take a while to explain.
  320. >And now Twilight is waking up. Probably because of the loud door hit.
  321. >She savors her waking moments and her eyes find you right away. Instantly she smiles.
  322. >"Good morning, Anon."
  323. >Her own groggy rough voice makes you smile as well.
  324. >When she brings her hoof to her head you know she probably doesn't feel too well.
  325. >That's the price you pay for an evening of such intense fun.
  326. "Are you feeling alright?" you still decide to ask.
  327. >"I've been better. But it was worth it."
  328. >She pushes a weak laugh out of her and you're glad to see that she's not completely decimated.
  329. "I bet it was, I mean, I wake up naked right next to you..."
  330. >Both a joke and a bait to get some information out of her, it may be too suggestive to her, but you want some answers.
  331. >"Oh? Oh, about that, you were just sweating so much by the end of our session and I didn't really know what to do, so I took it off. I hope the blanket was enough to keep you warm."
  332. >You gulp and your head is pierced by sharp pain as your heart beats faster.
  333. "Session?"
  334. >Twilight looks at you in confusion and explains:
  335. >"Yeah, we were cuddling last night. You don't remember?"
  336. "I barely remember anything, sorry."
  337. >Somehow you notice just barely hidden disappointment in Twilight's eyes.
  338. >"Oh... I guess it's only natural, you were so drunk."
  339. >She pauses a bit and then continues in a somber tone:
  340. >"So you don't remember all the things you've said to me too? And what I said to you?"
  341. "Not really."
  342. >You answer without thinking but right away you realize that "all the things" you presumably said were probably important to her, because you see her looking away with a sad expression on her muzzle.
  343. >"I see. Well, who can blame you, you didn't know what you're doing anyway, so forget about it."
  344. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I must've said an awful lot of things to you."
  345. >"No, not really. You mostly cried and- Oh, I mean, you didn't say a whole lot, yeah."
  346. "Twilight?" your eyebrow shoots up.
  347. >"Look, I know you were out of your mind, it's all good. I was a bit intoxicated myself so I kinda, you know, forced myself onto you. No hard feelings, alright?"
  348. "Of course not. Thank you for this."
  349. >Twilight smiles, finally meeting your eyes with hers again.
  350. >"No, thank YOU."
  351. >The mare's hoof finds your hand and she puts it on top, keeping the eye contact.
  352. >This time, it's you who act first. You get your hand from under her hoof and in turn put it on top. Then you reach to the back of her neck and pull her towards you.
  353. >It doesn't take a lot of effort to make Twilight fall into your hug.
  354. >Her coat feels even better against your exposed skin. Its heavenly silk coupled with the unchanging warmth of her supple body makes you forget about the hangover for a moment.
  355. >Hearing Twilight's content sigh you imagine she feels the same.
  356. >It is at this moment you hear a flustered wavering female voice at the door:
  357. >"W-when you're done please clean up your own room, me and Spike are leaving soon so tidy it up yourselves you l-lovebirds!"
  358. >And then Starlight runs away again.
  359. >This time it's Twilight's turn to freeze in place. You almost feel her cheeks burning right now and soon enough she cleans her throat and laughs meekly.
  360. >"Wow, what's up with her this early in the morning, eh-heh..."
  361. >Seeing how it's bright outside it's not nearly morning anymore but you won't correct her. Instead, you just hug the mare closer but that doesn't seem to be enough.
  362. >"Look, Anon, I know how it looks like but I really didn't do anything like THAT t-to you."
  363. "What? Why are you even worrying about it?"
  364. >"I mean, I-"
  365. "Alright, what have I done?"
  366. >"Nothing!"
  367. "You were awfully sad that I don't remember "all the things I've said", so what is it?"
  368. >"It's n-"
  369. "How is it nothing, Twilight? I don't want you to worry about it, especially if I'm to blame. I know I can be an asshole, especially when drunk, so..."
  370. >She shakes her head and instantly regrets moving it too fast.
  371. >"No! No, it's not like that, it's... it's kinda the opposite."
  372. "What do you mean? And why was I crying?"
  373. >Slowly but surely you piece it all together.
  374. "Can't you just tell me? I can repeat it if you want."
  375. >"I can't. It won't be the same if you know it's something I want to hear."
  376. >So now what do you know? She needs a genuine statement out of you, it can't be repeated on demand. It was opposite of you usual drunken shit-talk, which is very unusual. You were very emotional saying it. It wasn't just one thing but probably some rambling.
  377. >And now, plowing through your memory of the night and powering through the headache you just search for the last piece of this puzzle.
  378. >Your memory of the night...
  379. >Memory of it. The memories of your moments with Twilight. That's right, you remember thinking about it.
  380. >Then you were hugging her close. You were lamenting your inability to express your feelings. But then what?
  381. >This has to be it. You found a way to express yourself when you were lost in your intoxicated haze and didn't care for anything anymore.
  382. >It almost taunts you, dangling that memory right outside of your reach.
  383. >But you're fine with it now. You remember everything you need to.
  384. "Twilight, can I ask you something?"
  385. >"Sure."
  386. "That thing that I said, did you like it?"
  387. >"Yeah. I did."
  388. "You said you answered to it too."
  389. >"Yes."
  390. "Did I like the answer?"
  391. >"I think you did. It was hard to know through all the sobbing."
  392. >How strange of you to become a weeping mess when you're drunk instead of walling yourself off even more while shooting insults left and right. But if that was the case, it could mean she managed to really get to you.
  393. "Alright, on more question. I don't really remember what I've told you back then, but there's something I want to tell you right now. Even if it's not the same thing, I want to say it. You don't have to answer, I just want to get it off my chest, alright?"
  394. >Twilight tenses up and you practically feel her heartbeat now. She's really hoping you'll say the same thing you said to her in her embrace. Something that impressed her so much and something that destroyed your emotional state as well.
  395. >"Of course, Anon. No matter what it is I appreciate you being honest with me."
  396. "Well, I was just thinking about how everything I've known here in Equestria is thanks to you and how I never really shown my appreciation."
  397. >You watch her reaction closely and you think you're on the right track. You're pretty sure you've guessed correctly, no matter how daring it might be.
  398. >Although it's not about guessing. The feeling is true either way.
  399. "So I just wanted to say, Twilight..."
  400. >This is it. It's your moment to say it. You're gonna dive right in without regret, for once in your life.
  401. >The suspense is killing her. The muscles on her back are stiff and still under your hand and her eyes never leave yours. A stone statue waiting for your words to start moving again.
  402. >And you grant it to her.
  403. "I love you."
  404. >Her eyes open wide in shock but her smile tells you right away that it's a pleasant king of shock for her.
  405. >Immediately she tightens the hug and tries to press herself against you as much as possible.
  406. >A tense sigh she lets out sounds like she's on the verge of tears. Now look who's overly emotional.
  407. >She stays silent for a while and you speak up first.
  408. "So... Did I guess it correctly?"
  409. >"Oh, Anon," she laughs into your neck. "Does it matter now?"
  410. "What was your answer then?"
  411. >She doesn't hesitate to bring her lips to your ear and whisper:
  412. >"I love you too."
  413. >Joke's on you, now you feel a lump in your throat as well. You weren't ready for this kind of answer at all. Maybe "I know" or "You're a faggot", but to hear that your affection resonates with Twilight as well? This is hard to fully wrap your head around.
  414. >You don't really know what to say now. What will happen next?
  415. >Lucky for you, Twilight doesn't need to you do anything. She's fine with just cuddling with you.
  416. >You feel like a new man now. You managed to admit your own feelings and you weren't afraid to express them. In return, you learned about hers as well.
  417. >It really is nothing short of a Hearth's Warming miracle. No time like the today to make this happen.
  418. >"Anon, can I ask you something?"
  419. "Of course, Twilight, anything."
  420. >"Could you... Could you kiss me just like you did last night?"
  421. "I did what?!"
  422. >"It's alright if you don't want to just yet, I understand. This is probably overwhelming for you just like it is for me. It's just I've never felt a-"
  423. >A rude interruption in a form of kiss cuts Twilight's rambling off and she's happy for it.
  424. >You barely press your lips to hers and she readily dives in, greedily opening your mouth to grind her lips against yours.
  425. >Both of you are bit dry at first but not for long. Despite the sour taste of her early morning hangover mouth that hasn't got a drop of water since last night, it's still pleasant to kiss her.
  426. >The unmatched softness of her lips makes you melt in an instant when waves of tingling pleasure run down your body.
  427. >It seems Twilight feels the same, her body now restless in your arms. Squirming a little the mare tries to make your bodies touch even more.
  428. >It wasn't a very long kiss but it was probably the best thing you've ever experienced.
  429. >Twilight is resting with her head right next to yours. She is completely relaxed in your arms and the only motion she makes is slowly rubbing her cheek against yours.
  430. >You can't believe how sweet this pony is. How come you never noticed?
  431. >Sure, the appeal of mares, sexual or otherwise, wasn't lost on you, but even though Twilight was always special to you this side of her was rarely on your mind.
  432. >Well, it is now and it's up to you to explore it.
  433. >Right after you take care of the quickly returning headache.
  434. >Twilight is becoming just as uneasy so you guess she suffers from the same ailment right now.
  435. "Are you feeling alright? We should get some water."
  436. >"Yeah, we really should."
  437. >She tries to move but you stop her.
  438. "I'll go get some then."
  439. >"Thanks."
  440. >It's hard to leave the mare alone here but this has to be done.
  441. >Your trip to the kitchen isn't long anyway. Before taking two glasses of water back to the room you're crashing in you yourself drink two extra just to sate your thirst at least on some level.
  442. >When you return you find Twilight already dozing off again.
  443. >Poor pony is taking it much harder than you. Her excitement and stress probably added to it too.
  444. >You sit right next to bed and decide to watch Twilight sleep, if only just for a minute.
  445. >Hear head is right next to the edge and when you put yours on the bed too there's barely any space between you.
  446. >Her sleep isn't very calm and her breath still reeks of yesterday's drinks. But that doesn't matter now.
  447. >This will pass and she'll feel good again. But what happened between you today isn't going away, ever.
  448. >She's your dear little Twilight now and you couldn't be happier about it. It's like all of your bitterness, anxiety and venom have been drained over night.
  449. >One little touch of hers, even if planned and calculated, managed to turn this all around.
  450. >Twilight opens her eyes and smiles upon seeing you right next to her. She tries to move to let you get on the bed but you stop her.
  451. >You walk around instead and take your place near her. She takes the glass of water with her magic and downs all of it in a few massive gulps.
  452. >Already she looks a bit refreshed and while you drink your own glass at a much slower pace, she turns to hug you.
  453. >You invite her with a gesture and she attaches herself to your side while your arm lands on her back and give it a gentle rub.
  454. >With her head on your shoulder, Twilight goes back to her sleepy relaxed state.
  455. >There's no need to say anything. You have time before Starlight and Spike return so you can get all the rest you need.
  456. >Indeed, Twilight is the first to drift off once again. Looking at the peaceful princess you feel nothing but confidence and warmth.
  457. >Your eyes close and you allow yourself to rest too, happy to have your love at your side now.
  458. >You never knew how much you needed it but perhaps this is exactly the only thing you've ever needed in your life.
  459. >This is just the beginning for you two. And if you go into the new year like this, it's bound to be the best one ever.

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

by TakeItEasy

Twilight wants hugs

by TakeItEasy

Through the void to Anon

by TakeItEasy

Miracle in your arms

by TakeItEasy