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Missed party (/nmp/)

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:41:54
Updated: 2023-09-17 03:02:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Rainbow Dash and you just spent an entire day and night cuddling with your husbando
  2. >Resisting it was useless in the end. No matter how much you told yourself that you're so above that cuddling thing, one touch, just one touch of his made you melt right on the spot.
  3. >It's your fault, really. You shouldn't have acted like you don't need hugs while secretly craving it. But you thought it's only natural to not let it overcome you.
  4. >All of your friends have their humans and they don't exactly cuddle every time they're together, they act pretty reserved in public. So there's nothing wrong with you acting the same.
  5. >Until now this has worked out perfectly for you. But once just one small hug happened you couldn't stand it anymore.
  6. >You were so embarrassed, and the more you nuzzled him and rubbed all over his body the more intense it got.
  7. >But he appreciated you being like that. You were his little cuddlebug and his deary little birdhorsie.
  8. >Gosh, your cheeks fire up just remembering all those cute name he called you just to embarrass you more and you just wanted more, you wanted to feel this fire raging inside of you, you wanted him to be as cheesy as possible.
  9. >Almost as cheesy as you. You know he'll never tell anypony how sappy you've managed to become.
  10. >And so, the whole day and the whole night was spent hugging him close and relishing his gentle touch.
  11. >It's only in the morning you remembered that Pinkie was hosting a party yesterday.
  12. >You didn't show up.
  13. >You forgot.
  14. >You spent the whole day with your husbando instead.
  15. >That spells doom for you no matter how you look at it. You've accepted it.
  16. >A plan formed in your head. If you're straightforward with Pinkie maybe she'll forgive you. You'll be extra remorseful.
  17. >That worked with the whole pie thing, right? It can work now.
  18. >You know it won't. But what else is there to do, leave in fear until she finds out on her own? And to the crime of ditching Pinkie's party a crime of lying to her will be added.
  19. >That's just not your style.
  20. >So now you're making your way through Ponyville, on hooves, to not attract attention before you're ready to confess.
  21. >But it wasn't destined to be so.
  22. >Twilight bumps into you on your way to your execution.
  23. >She looks a bit nervous to see you. You thought it's you who should be, as the princess of friendship without a doubt attended Pinkie's party.
  24. >Twilight never misses them, not one. Maybe she wouldn't admit it but she was probably the biggest fan of those parties.
  25. "Hey, Twilight."
  26. >"Oh, hi, Rainbow. Going somewhere in particular?"
  27. >That's... a way to ask where you're going, you suppose.
  28. >Twilight really is nervous, but why?
  29. "Yeah, I'm heading to Pinkie right now to-"
  30. >"Oh?"
  31. >In an instant her eyes light up with hope.
  32. >What is going on here? Does she expect you to go there?
  33. >Oh right, Pinkie probably expects your apologies and now Twilight is happy that you've figured it out on your own. You better confirm it to her then.
  34. "I'm sorry I never showed up to the party, I had... I was... Practicing, you know? Training, real hard. And kinda lost track of time. And... Well..."
  35. >"The what now?"
  36. >Twilight looks at you confused for a moment. Then her eyes open wide in horror as she realizes something.
  37. >She figured out you're lying and she's appalled by it! Oh no, you're screwed.
  38. >Why'd you have to make excuses what you decided to come clean in the first place?!
  39. >But then Twilight giggles with a really nervous expression on her face.
  40. >"Oh, right! Heh, the party! Ooh, Rainbow, you really missed out on that one. You better go to Pinkie and apologize for it. Heh-heh."
  41. "I was going to... Twilight, are you alright?"
  42. >"NO! Uh, I mean, NO need to worry! I'm just fine, you're going to Pinkie, that's fine."
  43. "Aaaalright then? I'll see you later."
  44. >She teleports away the second your mouth closes.
  45. >That was something else. Twilight can get nervous sometimes and you're used to it, but this?
  46. >Something is definitely up with that pony.
  47. >But you're going to let this slide, you have a hoofful of your own problems to deal with.
  48. >Though it might be a lot harder than you expected.
  49. >Just as you make your way through the town's square, you run into Rarity.
  50. >The white mare seems a bit, how do you say, on edge as she walks.
  51. >Like she's expecting somepony to jump at her.
  52. >Well...
  53. "Hey, Rarity!"
  54. >"Gwah!"
  55. >The pony jumps up like a scared cat. When she sees it's just you she calms down with a sigh.
  56. >She was expecting some other pony, wasn't she? Hmm...
  57. >But this is a gold opportunity to learn more about Pinkie's reaction to your absence. You decide to question Rarity as she won't be able to teleport away like Twilight Spazzkle does.
  58. >"Oh, Rainbow, darling, it's so nice to see you today, how are you?"
  59. "Not as good as I wish I could've been."
  60. >"What's the matter?"
  61. "Rarity, can you tell me something?"
  62. >"Of course, darling, anything."
  63. "You... You were at Pinkie's party yesterday, right?"
  64. >Oh no. It's the same sight of terror Twilight had in her eyes.
  65. "Rarity? Rares? Hello?"
  66. >The pony is spacing out but then a really, really wide smile splotches itself across her face.
  67. >"Why yes of course I was there thank you very much and pray tell why would you like to know?"
  68. >Oh Celestia above, she's freaking out. Just like Twilight.
  69. >Which could only mean...
  70. >Pinkie is REALLY pissed off and they are so fearful for your safety they have an episode just thinking about what she'll do to you.
  71. "Well, I'm going to Pinkie to fess up, I figured out it's better to say it upfront."
  72. >"To say what?"
  73. "That I missed the party?"
  74. >"You m- Oh, right, well, she said she knows you have your own reasons so she's not angry with you. But you should still go. It's so very noble of you to confr- confess just like that."
  75. "Alright?"
  76. >What is going on with these ponies?
  77. "I guess I'll, uh, just go see her?"
  78. >Rarity nods a few times and walks away. The way she came from.
  79. >Alright, you can't afford to waste any more time thinking about everypony else's issues, they might be going crazy from how good that party you missed was.
  80. >Well good for them! Good f-
  81. >Fluttershy is here too?
  82. >There she is, walking just like Rarity but from the other direction. Paranoid much?
  83. >You can't scare her like you did with Rares, so you clean your throat from a distance so she takes notice of you before you approach.
  84. >She seems to back up.
  85. >Okay, this won't do. You catch up with her.
  86. "Sup, Fluttershy, where are you going?"
  87. >"Um, hey, nowhere in particular."
  88. "Suuure..."
  89. >"What about you, Rainbow?"
  90. "I'm going to Pinkie's. To tell her the truth."
  91. >Fluttershy yelps just hearing the word.
  92. >"The truth? About what?"
  93. >She looks around as if she's afraid you're being watched. Well, of course you're being watched, ponies are all around, but... Not like that.
  94. "About the party."
  95. >"O-oh, the party! Right. The party..."
  96. "How did Pinkie react to me not showing up?"
  97. >"Not showing up? Oh, I mean, um, she was really upset. She really wanted you to come and y-you really disappointed her."
  98. "Really? That's now what Rarity told me."
  99. >"W-well, maybe she didn't-" and then she starts talking so quietly you can't understand a single word.
  100. >This is ridiculous. You're wasting your time.
  101. "Alright, fine, I'll leave you alone now."
  102. >You think you start to understand what's going on here a little. There's just one pony left who can confirm it.
  103. >Without fail you encounter her just at Sugarcube Corner.
  104. >Applejack is approaching it with her head hanging low.
  105. "Heya, AJ!"
  106. >A faint hope returns to the apple pony as she sees her awesome loyal friend. She's not alone in whatever she's here to do.
  107. >Which probably has something to do with Pinkie.
  108. "So, you're here to see Pinkie Pie, am I right?"
  109. >"Ugh, so it's that obvious? I missed the party! How can I NOT come here to say I'm sorry?"
  110. "You WHAT?"
  111. >That's Applejack for you. Stars above, you've never expected this to happen. But then-
  112. "Oh, right, the party! Right."
  113. >Now you're starting to piece those reactions you've been getting. And they don't paint a very nice picture.
  114. >"How did Pinkie react to me being absent?"
  115. "Well, she... She didn't really... Uh..."
  116. >"That bad? I see. Well, she has every right to be angry with me this time. It's just that human..."
  117. "The human, huh?"
  118. >Wait a second. She's not gonna tell you that...
  119. >"Truth is, I got so caught up with him I- I completely forgot about the party!"
  120. "NO WAY!"
  121. >You are so amazed by that coincidence you can't control your voice. But Applejack takes it as a sign of your shock at her frivolous behavior.
  122. >"I know, I know. There's no excusing me. But Pinkie has a big heart. I hope. Thanks for listening to me, makes it easier to get ready for her reaction."
  123. "A-any time."
  124. >"So, mind telling me why you're going to Sugarcube Corner?"
  125. "No reason in particular."
  126. >The circle is complete.
  127. >You think you know the truth now.
  128. >But it won't matter in a second because you enter Pinkie's domain.
  129. >"Rainbow! Applejack! Good morning and welcome!"
  130. >As hyper as always. Just makes it worse.
  131. >She's hiding her emotions as usual. She's probably so unnerved right now, two traitors coming to her like you've done nothing wrong.
  132. >You say your greetings and she gets you both a free morning waffle.
  133. >Tastes like shame.
  134. "So, Pinkie..."
  135. >"I've got something to tell you."
  136. "Yeah, me too. The same thing AJ is about to tell you."
  137. >Apple pony turns to you with a bitter expression.
  138. >"I knew it. So we're in the same boat here."
  139. >"What are you girls talking about?" Pinkie chirps as she sits right next to you.
  140. "Pinkie, we're-"
  141. >Ding!
  142. >The door opens and you see Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy entering the shop.
  143. >This dose not bode well. They all wear the same grimaces of regret and guilt.
  144. >So it is as you thought.
  145. >"Wow, the gang is all here! Lemme just get you some waffles first."
  146. >Not only do they look like that before Pinkie, they also can't look you in the eyes.
  147. >But it's fine, you forgive them. You know exactly how they feel.
  148. >In a sense it's a strange bonding experience.
  149. >Twilight states it first:
  150. >"Looks like we all have our stories to share with Pinkie. I hope she's not too angry."
  151. "She doesn't look like it."
  152. >"And that's really scary."
  153. >"Just brace yourselves, here she comes."
  154. >Indeed, Pinkie returns with bonus waffles. At this point you wouldn't be surprised if they're poisoned or something.
  155. >Or filled with poison joke extract, which is worse.
  156. >How will you ever cuddle with your husbando then?
  157. >Oh, but he'll find ways to caress your wings even in that state, yeah, stroke them real good you-
  158. >No! Not now!
  159. >"Pinkie, we have something to tell you."
  160. >"We're mighty sorry."
  161. >All of you say you're sorry almost at the same time. That's some unity in regret.
  162. >Good job, team.
  163. >"What are you guys talking about? Oh, is this another sort of prank? Do I need to guess what you're sorry for, do I?"
  164. "Pinkie, I think you know. We can take it, don't worry. You'd be right to be angry with us."
  165. >"None of us showed to your party after all..."
  166. >It takes a few second for Pinkie to register what's been said. She looks like she's in stasis and her eyes go blank for a moment.
  167. >"Party?"
  168. >Tick-tock.
  169. >"The party?!"
  170. >Clock hands in Pinkie's eyes get closer.
  171. >"THE party?"
  172. >Bang.
  173. >"THE PARTY?!"
  174. >She jumps up and explodes in so much confetti it covers the entire store.
  175. >You only hear the echo of her voice:
  177. >Everything goes silent.
  178. >It's only seconds later she arranges herself back again, rising from the pile of confetti like a phoenix.
  179. >"I'm so sorry, girls, I completely forgot I was supposed to throw that party yesterday!"
  180. >"You what?" all of you say at once.
  181. >"I got so comfortable with my Nononononnnymous I completely forgot about everything. I'm sorry I've let you down."
  182. "Wait, you were cuddling with your human this whole time?"
  183. >"I guess so, heh. Silly, isn't it?"
  184. >"Not at all," Rarity waves a hoof dismissively. "After all I've been doing the same thing yesterday."
  185. >"Actually, me too." admits Twilight.
  186. >"And me..." adds Fluttershy.
  187. >"Same here," nods Applejack.
  188. "Yep."
  189. >"So... Not one of you even knew there was no party?!"
  190. >She starts laughing and snorting and giggling - like she always does. And soon all of you join her, laughing at this whole silly situation.
  191. >Pinkie grabs all of you and it's time for a group hug.
  192. >"Well, maybe we should actually throw a double party now, to compensate for this lost time?"
  193. "Double party?"
  194. >"Yes, two parties in one."
  195. >"We add that lost one to the next one?"
  196. >"Yes! And... We also invite our matches to party with us! See? Double party in a double way!"
  197. >More laughter and hugs commence. You're so happy this ended like this.
  198. >Though it might not be the end.
  199. >"Uh... I guess it's the wrong time?"
  200. >Starlight Glimmer stand in the doors, understandably flummoxed.
  201. >"No, it's as good time as any, we were just discussing the party."
  202. >"Oh?" she exclaims. "I wanted to talk about it too. There was none."
  203. "Wait, you don't mean..."
  204. >"Yeah, was it somewhere else? We got there on time and there was just nopony there..."
  205. >You all look at each other and laugh even more, leaving Starlight with a confused smile on her face and a lot of guesswork to complete.

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