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De-Meaning the Six (Part 2)(Lewd)

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:52:17
Updated: 2024-09-16 02:40:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Continued from Part 1:
  3. >It was finally time to face the music. After a few whole days of staying at home and basically coping with the circumstances, you feel ready to once again delve into the vile pit of mischief that is the mean camp.
  4. >You are a tad bit worried about Fluttershy disapproving of it, but when she sees you head out in the morning, she doesn't seem upset at all.
  5. >Maybe it's because she's surrounded by little critters at the time.
  6. >Hard to tell if she is placated by them or just has faith in you. Either way, she wishes you a nice trip.
  7. >When you ask her about her little friends, she eagerly explains:
  8. >"Oh, they were just looking for some food and went out of the Everfree forest. Must be getting pretty bad out there."
  9. >You confirm that as you move through the forest: Ponyville is barely obscured by the trees but it already feels much colder and more dreary in here.
  10. >The forest is neither showing its silent majesty amidst the frozen, sparkly air of early winter, nor is its humble acceptance of the season change shown by the glorious display of falling leaves.
  11. >No, it's the kind of forest horror stories often involve. Just a little bit foggy but rough on the outlines sticking out from it, silhouettes of the ancient trees threatening you instead of guarding your tranquil walk.
  12. >So much for a friendly welcome. Or maybe it's just you paying attention to it instead of thinking about the mean mares as you usually do.
  13. >Whichever might be the case it certainly sets the mood for the inevitable encounter. You try not to think about it.
  14. >The way things ended back then, it's impossible to predict anything and so it would be wiser to just go with the flow and improvise.
  15. >You only know that Meanlight somehow made those ponies do what she wanted them to do. And that's pretty much your only concern.
  16. >When you finally arrive at the clearing, first thing you notice is the return of that burnt moss smell. It's even more prominent than before.
  17. >With your heart beating a bit faster in anticipation of the unknown, you approach the camp.
  18. >Nothing seems out of ordinary here. You immediately see Meany Pie and Greedity sitting in the middle, at the campfire that is roaring with flame.
  19. >It's a pretty smoky situation too. Immediately you see a problem with this and you have no idea why would Meanjack use wood that produces that much smoke.
  20. >Should be pretty obvious why that's a bad solution for this camp. Yet both ponies are sitting there like nothing is wrong.
  21. >Soon you do see that something is off about them too.
  22. >The pink mare doesn't react to you at all. She does notice you. But it doesn't excite her in the slightest. Meanie just throws a stray glance at you and returns to her half-napping state.
  23. >As for Greedity, you face a completely different case with her. The grey pony jumps towards you, blocking your way.
  24. >"Anon! You're here again!"
  25. "I guess I am," you can't help but laugh awkwardly and even blush a little.
  26. >Your gaze can't hold against Greedity's giddy one, but you notice that it's not just being reunited with you that agitates her.
  27. >In a rush, the mare gallops to her tent and not even the second later emerges with a familiar leaf-shaped accessory.
  28. >You came prepared for that, of course. But Greedity manages to subvert your expectations here.
  29. >The way she doesn't even say anything and tears the vial from your hand in a flash is one thing. The way she throws you the brooch and gallops back to her tent with a freaky but satisfied laugh is another.
  30. >It appears that this pony is, sadly, reverting back to her older self. This is how your exchange would go the first day you've known her.
  31. >Seeing how the hoarder doesn't even return back to the fire also reminds you that she could easily drink up the potion now if she's losing all of her scale of values for things.
  32. >You could really appreciate how Greedity was becoming more and more sophisticated in her senses, paying attention to multiple aspects of the item, not just the fact that it is something she wants in her collection just for the sake of having it.
  33. >When you look at Meanie for an answer, you see that she's still staring at nothing.
  34. "Pinkie, are you alright? How are things out here?"
  35. >It's worth a try, but alas, you get nothing for an answer. It's only when you give up on looking at her with any sort of expectation, you hear a soft breath escape her lips:
  36. >"Boring as ever."
  37. "I see."
  38. >You try to sound grateful, but to be fair, you kind already noticed a pattern here.
  39. >It might just be that without you these ponies have no reason to stay on their best behavior anymore. Nothing to motivate them.
  40. >Maybe you're putting yourself on a pedestal that way, but you can't explain it any other way right now. That's why you need to find Meanlight.
  41. >Here's hoping she won't have any problems with you suddenly returning here.
  42. >You don't expect a sappy reunion, but you certainly wish for one.
  43. "Twilight, are you there? I'm coming in."
  44. >You wait for a moment at the entrance and not even five seconds after you've announced your presence you hear rattling inside.
  45. >"Anon? Is that you?"
  46. >The voice sounds as surprised as it seems hopeful, which is already a good sign.
  47. >Entering the dimly lit tent, you see Meanlight laying on her bed sideways; there's an open book on the table and she was obviously reading it before you interrupted her.
  48. "Hi," you awkwardly wave at her.
  49. >"Oh my," she squints her eyes at you.
  50. >And then silence. For a few moments you just look at each other with different levels of confusion.
  51. >A quite disturbing sensation runs through your body as you approach the damned bed Meanlight had you on the last time you were here. But you don't show anything outside of a wince.
  52. >Meanlight uses that time to compose herself and is now smiling.
  53. >"Well, about time you showed up. We haven't discussed your vacations and medical leaves yet, assistant, but when we do I'll just subtract these days from it."
  54. >You don't even know what to answer to that. It's obvious that the mare wants to casually work around the issue and you don't really follow. Like, what is there for you to say then?
  55. >You don't want to bring it up but if she doesn't either, even though both of you feel the tension around the subject, it can get very awkward in just a few minutes.
  56. >Luckily for you, Meanlight continues on by herself, obviously reading your confused face.
  57. >"Look, I'm sorry I intoxicated you that much. I had no idea how much of that potion was needed and I obviously added to much of it. I don't know anything about human immune system and how you hold your potions. I admit I was wrong, alright? Can we move on now?"
  58. "Wait, that's it?"
  59. >"What more do you want?"
  60. >That actually makes you consider what exactly were you expecting. Like an apology for the entire thing? You know she's not sorry about it.
  61. >And an apology isn't what you're after in the first place.
  62. >You have no idea what you're after at this point.
  63. "I don't know," you honestly admit. "I just returned to see how things are."
  64. >"Are you worrying about me?"
  65. "All of you, yes," your correction doesn't erase the smile on Meanlight's muzzle.
  66. >"So Anonymous here was away for a few days but decided to return just to check on us... Or, perhaps, it's because of the things he's been hearing in Ponyville?"
  67. >You give her a skeptical look and that makes Meanlight assume an even smugger stance:
  68. >"Ooh! He had heard about all the terrible things and rushed back here to see for himself so he can see it first-hoof, how the plan is coming together, is that it?"
  69. "Yes, exactly."
  70. >You just shrug at her, seeing no reason to argue.
  71. >"You should've had a little faith in me, Anonymous," Meanlight shakes her head in grave sadness, condemning your disbelief. "So now that you're here, what's next?"
  72. "I don't know, Twilight."
  73. >"Are you going to preach again about-"
  74. "I said, I don't know. I don't know what to do about it. Or even if I should do anything at all."
  75. >That makes the mean princess slow down - she gives you a concerned look that seems at least somewhat genuine among her otherwise sarcastic approach to the the entire premise.
  76. >"Did the potion rot your brain or something? You are still mine, Anon. Running away for a few days doesn't change that."
  77. "I know you consider me your assistant, but there are things I-"
  78. >"Not as an assistant. You're mine, period. I claimed you, you belong to me."
  79. >Part of you hoped she'd forget about that, but here you go. She's talking about it as if it's a matter of fact.
  80. "This again..."
  81. >"What 'again'?"
  82. "How exactly does it work?" you sigh. "That I belong to you and all that? What does it mean?"
  83. >"For you? Any number of things. But it's mostly for all the others. They know now you're as distant from them as it can get and so they can focus on everything else."
  84. "But I'm not distant. I want to help them."
  85. >"And you'll do it by helping me. They'll listen to me because they listen to you."
  86. "And I listen to you because?"
  87. >The smug smile returns on her face:
  88. >"Because you're a smart man who wants the best for these ponies."
  89. >As you look away and give Meanlight a disgruntled sigh, you hear her giggle.
  90. >"Oh, come on, cheer up. You should feel honored. With how things are going -and they are going swimmingly, let me tell you - I'll soon be the crowned ruler of Equestria. Then you'll brag to everypony about being in bed with me. Doesn't THAT sound fun?"
  91. "Yeah, right."
  92. >"You are so cold, Anon... Don't tell me you disliked it."
  93. >A seductive jingle in her voice makes you turn back to the mare, and not a moment too soon.
  94. >Meanlight is inching closer, ready to pounce you with bedroom eyes completing her hungry expression.
  95. >The hoof she extends towards you in attempt to playfully touch you gets turned by you in time with a slap.
  96. >You didn't expect this to happen so you had no time to calculate the needed strength. It wasn't your intention, but Meanlight's whole body sways to the side from the pretty heavy impact and the sound of this panic slap resonates through the spacious tent of the usurper.
  97. >However, bracing yourself for an angry yet deserved backlash you feel both surprised and relieved when you hear Meanlight just cackling at your outburst.
  98. >Maybe she was actually expecting it. Maybe it was just a test.
  99. >"Ah-haha, Anon, you never disappoint," she winks at you. "Save for the times when you do, of course."
  100. "What does that suppose to mean?"
  101. >"Nothing. I'm heading out soon and I suggest you don't flirt with other ponies here. Remember your place. It is at my side."
  102. >She is suddenly serious again, stark and resolute as she can be; it makes you wonder if it really is just a game for her, considering her previous nonchalant attitude.
  103. >Everything about it seems suspicious, even knowing that you're dealing with the infamously cunning pony. Changing direction so fast, concealing what she really feels - she has no reason to do it if her dominance was assured.
  104. >"Oh, and by the way, if you really returned hear to preach to me or any of my ponies again, I'm going to just send Fluttershy your way and be done with it. My patience is wearing thin these days and I can't afford stressful interruptions, I hope you understand."
  105. "Now look who's cold," you try to shoot back at her but, of course, you only see a disheartened and a bit tired reaction from Meanlight.
  106. >"Yeah, well, there's more where that came from."
  107. >With a half-hearted threat like that leaving her mouth Meanlight jumps off the bed and proceed to the exit.
  108. >She leaves you behind in total silence. Nothing left to say.
  109. >Maybe you've come to know Meanlight too well, but such behavior isn't what you're used to.
  110. >It could be that she really is stressed out. If her success in Ponyville isn't some effortless coordination she leads you to believe it is, but a constant struggle with the rest of the ponies to do even bare minimum of work, then it could explain a few things changing over the last days.
  111. >You can even imagine her wishing you were here to help her. And this supposedly playful poke at you could've been not just a display of her arrogance and smugness, but instead testing waters with you. If you really are mad at her.
  112. >And you are, of course. These thoughts of pity disappear from your head the second you remember Meanlight's reason for doing it in the first place.
  113. >Now she's also turning cold to you, threatening you in the process. So it's bipolar attitude now, either she makes you accept her or she doesn't care about you at all?
  114. >And that Meanshy threat sounded like they work together now?
  115. >Of all things that's the most strange one.
  116. >All of this just doesn't add up. Something really is happening here. Something you weren't prepared for.
  118. >It feels like the camp you're in right now is nowhere close to what you're used to, even if the ponies here are unchanged on a basic level.
  119. >Meanlight's attitude scares you because you can't really gauge how serious she is, or what her thoughts about you are anymore.
  120. >Surrounded by uncertainty, this plotting mare is even more enigmatic to you as ever before. And it bothers you a whole lot, since you can't clear it out with just 'hey, Twi, is everything fine?'.
  121. >She left you in her tent and now you're afraid to even make a move, unsure if you can make the right one.
  122. >But you won't let this alarming state of unpredictability paralyze you completely. There is one thing you can be certain about: Meanlight isn't about to throw you away if she indeed considers you, well, 'hers'.
  123. >You're not sure what exactly does it mean for you or her since she evaded that question. That fact alone could point you at some conclusion, but, alas, not a particularly useful one.
  124. >It could be that she herself doesn't even know or care about what that means.
  125. >But even if it is so, there's no telling, as Meanlight is now focusing on other things.
  126. >When you finally exit her tent, you see her talking to Appleliar. A frustrated expression on both of their muzzles says a lot already, but despite that both mares start moving soon.
  127. >They disappear into the thicket and you just stand near the campfire watching them, wondering if they're really up to something. Seems strange to see it first-hand here.
  128. "Pinkie, where are they going?"
  129. >Since the pink pony is still resting on a log nearby, you figure you'd ask her and maybe start a conversation. But you get nothing save for a very muffled one-word reply:
  130. >"Dunno."
  131. "Have Twilight been away a lot lately?" you press the issue.
  132. >"Yeah."
  133. >That's already a start, and even though Meanie doesn't look like she's enjoying the conversation, you don't stop.
  134. "You've been with her on her trips, right?"
  135. >"Yeah."
  136. "Was it fun?"
  137. >"Meh. I guess."
  138. >Feeling compassionate, you sit down near Meanie Pie and take a closer look at her.
  139. "You don't look like you're having a lot of fun here."
  140. >"You think so?" the mare sounds annoyed.
  141. "I know I've been away for so long, but what happened here?"
  142. >"Nothing interesting."
  143. >The mare obviously doesn't want to talk. You don't think you can get anything out of her right now.
  144. >Even sitting at the fire for some time doesn't yield you any results. No movement from the pony, no attempts to get closer like it happened before.
  145. >But after some time you are joined by someone else - Greedity comes to sit with you two, attracted by the warmth as much as you can tell.
  146. >Who could blame her when the outside is this cold. At this point you're not sure if the tents these ponies live in are warm enough to be comfortable.
  147. >It's still going to be a long time before the actual winter is announced and deployed, but the Everfree forest doesn't exactly operate in compliance with Ponyville's decisions.
  148. "Hey, Rarity."
  149. >That attempt to start a conversation has no effect on the pony. She is looking pensively at the fire pit, like she's looking for something there. Knowing Greedity, she could as well be.
  150. "What's the deal with Twilight and her taking others somewhere?"
  151. >She leaves you hanging yet again.
  152. >This, of course, leads to you thinking that it's either Meanlight prohibiting everyone else from talking to you, or others just obeying Meanlight's rule of authority over you.
  153. >Which leads you into considering if these mares really had their own stakes in being close to you at all.
  154. >Suddenly, you are saved from wandering in the dark by someone you'd never expect.
  155. >"They won't just talk to you like that, Anonymous."
  156. >Wings flapping behind you announce the mare's presence before she even opens her mouth. But hearing that disgruntled voice again makes you annoyed just as always.
  157. "Oh, Fluttershy, you're still here," you chuckle without even turning around.
  158. >This might be a big mistake, but something in her voice tells you that she's not here to just pummel you in revenge or anything.
  159. >Her voice is bitter, but not with her usual venom.
  160. >The pony actually lands near Meanie Pie without even touching you, on the other side of the log you're sitting on, just to be sure.
  161. >"Twilight had made it clear that they have no business with you now, so they don't care. Pathetic, isn't it?"
  162. "What about you then?"
  163. >"Pf-fah!"
  164. >The mare rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
  165. >"I never cared in the first place, and I don't see any reason to care now. From where I stand, I think everypony's getting what they deserve."
  166. "Really now? You actually approve of something for once?"
  167. >"The big dumb human gets ostracized by everyone because he's in bed with miss better-than-you and everypony around immediately stop caring about him! That's just perfect, don't you think?"
  168. "Yeah, right."
  169. >"And others are finally getting through their skulls that they weren't fast enough to secure the human, so no they're left in the dirt. Sounds like sweet justice to me."
  170. "What do you mean, 'secure'?"
  171. >A gaze full of disdain is thrown at you the next second.
  172. >"Are you THAT oblivious? Look at these ponies! As soon as they realized that you're 'taken' they are no longer interested in you. Because they were never interested in anything else in the first place."
  173. "You mean like in... 'that' way?"
  174. >"Ugh," the disdain intensifies. "In every way. Your attention, your time, your loyalty, they know it's not theirs. So, of course, being pathetic passive rejects and freeloaders they are, they won't do even a single thing to challenge Twilight's authority no matter what you mean to them. They don't even understand what it means but still obey!"
  175. >You look at Meanie and Greedity and don't find any support in them. They just don't look at you at all.
  176. >Meanshy is probably bullshitting you, as she would, but it doesn't sound too far fetched. Not one of these ponies is willing to deny anything the arrogant pegasus laying down.
  177. >"Says a lot about them in general, doesn't it?" She continues with a sarcastic smirk. "You're not worth the effort for them, they just gave up."
  178. "Doesn't explain why you're here right now though. You didn't give up?"
  179. >"As if, creep. I never cared to begin with. That's why I'm laughing at your collective misery right now. Hah!"
  180. >That didn't sound all that cheerful, if you're being honest. And you're not that miserable. These ponies sure seem like it though.
  181. >"And Meanlight can now do whatever she wants with these idiots. Isn't that just perfect?"
  182. "You're doing something too, right? That burning moss is your doing if I remember correctly."
  183. >"Well, I-" she shakes her head in a bit of confusion. "What am I supposed to do if nopony here can be bothered to protect themselves? Dash noticed some 'monster' of hers again and it's panic time for our glorious bonehead leader again."
  184. "That's too bad. Wouldn't it be more fun to you if they'd all get eaten or something?" you jokingly ask.
  185. >"Are you dumb? Then who'd be left for me to laugh at?"
  186. "Oh, of course, that makes sense."
  187. >"You sure are stupid, you underdeveloped ape."
  188. >For some time you hear nothing but the fires eating at the wood. Flutterbitch with all her triumphant arrogance sure isn't quick to leave.
  189. "So is it fun to bully them when they're this depressed? Do you even get any sort of reaction?"
  190. >"None of your business."
  191. "Good, leave me alone then."
  192. >"You leave, moron. It's our camp, not yours."
  193. "You're sitting right next to me."
  194. >"I'm sitting with Pinkie!"
  195. >The pink pony doesn't react to any way upon hearing her name.
  196. "Isn't that boring as hell?"
  197. >"Well, in that case why don't you join this pink puddle of apathy and shut your trap."
  198. "I did though, I'm right here with her."
  199. >"What part of 'shut your trap' you don't understand?"
  200. >This time you do remain quiet, but with a little smile on your lips. You are certain that Meanshy didn't notice it, otherwise she'd comment on it immediately.
  201. >It appears that this yellow mare has conflicting opinions about the situation as well. Something tells you that she's just as gloomy as the others, only she bothers to put up a facade of sorts. Must be easy for her, she's used to doing it.
  202. >Only now you fear that she won't leave you alone for a moment. You're the only distraction for her and everyone else in a boundless ocean of total boredom this place is now submerged in.
  203. >And, of course, that's exactly what happens. No matter what you do or where you go, you just feel the glare of the yellow pegasus upon your back, drilling it with contempt, a feeling born of hopelessness.
  204. >To know that you're her best hope at any sort of entertainment now must be real humiliating for her.
  205. >The question is, why is it only now that she starts feeling this way?
  206. >"Twilight isn't around a lot anymore," she finally gives you an answer after insulting you a few times. "And others are just being plainly boring ever since you've left. Good job with that, by the way, really showed them how much you care."
  207. >You don't even want to rebuke this. You know that's no denying it. The realization that Meanlight's antics are taking any sort of effect at all is as perplexing as it is tiresome.
  208. >There is no real reason for them to feel this way. If only they knew that Meanlight herself doesn't have any idea where to go from here...
  209. >But it's still real. While the purple boss mare is away, you try not to die of boredom just as much as the others. Strangely enough, you do feel like Meanshy might be honest about her intentions with you.
  210. >And she never ever stops with her insults. And you sometimes shoot back. It's oddly calming. Like something that remained without change.
  211. >The most annoying thing about it is how Meanshy keeps following you back into the forest now when you walk back home.
  212. >She gets really pissed off, probably because she knows she can safely retreat for the day and you won't do anything about it.
  213. >A few times you thought about flinging your trusty axe at her to scare her and at least somewhat shut her up, but deep inside you're aware that it would accomplish nothing.
  214. >Just a few minutes of more walking to pick up the axe again, nothing more.
  215. >Meanwhile, Meanlight comes and goes, talking with her ponies away from your ears.
  216. >"Anon, I know you're eager to help, but I need this to be confidential," she explain her secrecy to you, but not the reason for it.
  217. >She never questions your loyalty, surprisingly, no matter how bored you look. If you're at the camp, that means you are here for her, Meanlight probably thinks.
  218. >And you see that over the next few days she's been getting closer to you: specifically, being very curious about the information you were willing to share with her.
  219. >Ponyville rumors of all kind, as much as you could gather them, were Meanlight's target.
  220. >You had no problem telling her what kind of stuff you've heard from Fluttershy, which wasn't a lot, so you thought it was no harm.
  221. >Nevertheless, it was of great interest to Meanlight. And she wasn't very happy about it for some reason.
  222. >First few days everything sounded fine to her, but at some point she started to hear things she seemingly wasn't expecting to hear.
  223. >"Wait, did you say 'pears'?" she inquires you about rumors about Applejack's farm.
  224. "Yeah, it sounds like an ongoing investigation. Could be pretty big," you assure her.
  225. >"But I didn't- Hmm..."
  226. "Is something wrong?"
  227. >"That's the thing - I don't know what is. It's close to what I've been doing, but not quite. Listen," she walks closer to you. "I need you to pay attention to those ponies, I can't afford to rely on misinformation."
  228. "It's the best I can do without raising any suspicions."
  229. >Or without ever straight up asking anyone about these occurrences. Fluttershy shares it with you because it's her concerns, so that's what you know and nothing more.
  230. >You're not lying either, Ponyville is getting a bit jumpy at anything now, mysterious incidents happening one after another with no one to blame for them. You bet you'd be the prime suspect if you ever show interest in the subject.
  231. >For Meanlight, it just means her plans are working. For you, it means seeing those ponies in distress a lot more than usual.
  232. >And you don't want both to be happening at the same time.
  233. >Fluttershy, for example, really feels for her friends and you see how it takes its toll on her with each passing day.
  234. >Sometimes you wish you could tell her there's nothing to really worry about, that it's just one mischievous pony's play.
  235. >But then there is something to worry about - for Meanlight these cases maybe just a distraction while her actual goal is Twilight. And you have no idea how she wants to deal with her just yet.
  237. >These are the kind of thoughts that almost keep you awake at night now.
  238. >All of this is starting to get you depressed too. Every time you are at the mean camp you feel anxious. Every time you're at home you can't stop imagining what the next prank will be. Who is going to be the target and why it shouldn't be Fluttershy.
  239. >It's the fourth day of your return to Meanlight's base of operations and you feel like it's too much, too fast.
  240. >First of all, the real Fluttershy keeps you worried. Not only is she concerned as hell about her friends and helps them as much as she can, she also worries about you.
  241. >"Anon, you should be wearing warmer clothes now," she smiles at you despite looking cold and tired herself.
  242. >She's not wrong, but you think it's not too cold still to get into your early winter gear.
  243. "I'll think about it. Are you getting enough rest? You look like you need some."
  244. >"Thanks, Anon, I'm fine. Autumn is just a stressful time for the animals of the Everfree, so I try to help as much as I can."
  245. "That's really kind of you."
  246. >The yellow angel smiles at you and wishes you a good day.
  247. >You're just glad that somehow that misery has so far evaded her. Maybe it's because Meanshy is impossible for Meanlight to control. You hope it continues to be the case then.
  248. >But the second reason for your general uneasiness is the way you're completely ignored at the camp now. No matter how much you try to talk to ponies, it results in two outcomes.
  249. >Either those ponies try to evade you, or Meanlight comes in to distract them or you.
  250. >It tends to happen a lot, like she's watching you constantly. And you can feel she doesn't want to you near the others.
  251. >So when Meanlight leaves with one or even two of the mares, you'd think you have the freedom to converse with everyone to your heart's content.
  252. >But then Flutterbitch is always there, like clockwork. Just to annoy the hell out of you. And she doesn't even try to hide that she's there just for that exact purpose.
  253. >"Twilight said that I should do it, so I do," she smugly admits. "It's way more fun than walking all the way to that village. I can just stay here and make sure you're not having any fun at all."
  254. "Yeah, that sounds... Fun."
  255. >"You bet your retarded rear it is. And one of these days you'll just give up going here at all because you can't handle it."
  256. "We'll see, we'll see."
  257. >It was no fun, of course. Even trading with Greedity has been reduced to a formality. One time Meanlight outright disrupted your exchange and Greedity did nothing about it.
  258. >If anything is an indication of her subjugation for one reason or another, it's that.
  259. >She got nothing that day. She had to keep the brooch. Today she made the trade as if nothing happened though.
  260. >That probably means she accepts Meanlight's tyranny as something that can't be helped. It kind of rubs you the wrong way, especially when even the wildcard Greedity is affected by it.
  261. >As for Meanlight herself, today seems worse for her than ever before. When you start talking about the latest rumors, she gets to her boiling point instantly.
  262. >"What are you talking about, Anon?!" She nearly yells at you. "What do you mean 'shipments', there's supposed to be only one shipment!"
  263. "Calm down, Twilight," you defend yourself preemptively with raised hands. "I'm telling you, Rarity had a lot of fabric and gems shipped to her as a wrong order and turns out someone's been turning these orders down without her even knowing it."
  264. >"Alright, let's assume that's right," Meanlight's chest is now heaving.
  265. "So when they finally delivered the order she never even placed, they also told her that they won't take any more orders from her since she's been cancelling them at the last second like it's a prank - and it's all been happening without her knowing about the orders in the first place."
  266. >"Wrong!" Meanlight shouts. "I explicitly told our Rarity to just place one order. It couldn't have been multiple, it couldn't have been cancelled without either of them knowing!"
  267. "Twilight, I'm just saying what I've heard! Don't look at me like that, you're scaring me."
  268. >Meanlight's gaze is indeed filled with malevolence and determination, but you kinda don't want to get on her bad side, you might lose your temper as well and no one needs that right now.
  269. >"It just makes no sense!" the pony starts walking around. "How did that even happen?!"
  270. "No idea, I could've just gotten the info wrong or something."
  271. >"No, these errors are everywhere now, something is definitely not right here. I'll have to investigate it myself."
  272. "Are you sure?"
  273. >"Yes. Maybe they are actually feeding you false information on purpose now. But if I'm going to investigate, that means a delay in plans... Oh, this is the worst."
  274. >Seems like even Meanlight is on edge these days. And that makes the third part of your own discomfort. You can't have her that unpredictable around you.
  275. >"What in the world is going on with these ponies..." the false alicorn mutters to herself while checking her notebook.
  276. >You wish to know the same thing, actually. Everything seems to be chaotic and out of control these days.
  277. >Of course, when you're ready to leave, you get your usual tail.
  278. >"Seems like you're at your last straw, mister monkey. Tired of all the jesting you have to do just to appease your 'owner'?" Meanshy is cackling while she flies behind your back.
  279. "Yeah, whatever."
  280. >"Oh, don't be so sad, at least I'm here to-"
  281. "Fluttershy, I really don't give a shit anymore."
  282. >You really do feel exhausted and on edge at the same time. A strange feeling you wish you could control.
  283. >"So you're joining those neutered ponies in their disrespectful indifference? How rude."
  284. "Yeah, yeah."
  285. >"Well, screw you then," Meanshy barks at you and takes to the sky. "Get out of here."
  286. "I'm trying!"
  287. >She always flies away at this point of the forest. Every time for a different reason. Now she just seems simply frustrated. Meanlight's condition must be contagious.
  288. >Meanshy never really gets close to Ponyville, maybe she doesn't want to be seen or just doesn't care since Meanlight cares so much.
  289. >You start remembering all the reasons Meanshy invented to bail on you and it consumes a lot of your attention.
  290. >So much that a noise coming from the woods startles you and completely disorients you.
  291. >A low growl is heard from a nearby bush that seems to be shaking just a bit.
  292. >This has got to be a joke.
  293. >Too late you realize that the smell that surrounds you now is not a joke of any manner. A foul stench of rotten, smoldering wood can only belong to one thing that usually hides and growls.
  294. >It's not hard to put two and two together when it is not really hiding its presence, and you can see why. With drool dripping down in streams, a timberwolf shows its ugly muzzle from that bush.
  295. >Hungry, hungry beast is all alone here by the sound of it. You immediately think that it's a kind of ambush by a pack of them here, but there's no time to think about it.
  296. >Your own heartbeat deafens you as the putrid magical construct starts preparing to pounce as if you haven't noticed it yet.
  297. >Already you're readying yourself to run for your life, but a voice coming from above interrupts both you and your hunter.
  298. >"Just what in the world you think you're doing?!"
  299. >On the wolf's head with a massive thump land two pairs of yellow hooves. You can almost hear the wood cracking and the beast roars, jumping backwards.
  300. >"Listen here, you numbnut!" Meanshy yells back, hovering above ground. "You think you can take MY prey just like that?!"
  301. "What?" is the only thing you can mutter right now.
  302. >The wolf is confused too. It's fairly obvious at this point that he can actually understand what the yellow pegasus is saying.
  303. >Turns out she has the same talent as the real one, who knew. And now it might actually come in handy.
  304. >"Aw, you poor little baby, all alone here without a pack and anything to eat?" Meanshy's fake sappy face turns into a devious grin in a matter for moments. "Hah! Too bad! Suckers like you get what they deserve. Should've thought beforehoof about what would happen. But thinking isn't your strongest feat, if you're still here."
  305. >The magical beast is being overwhelmed for now, but you don't think it can be reasoned with in the long run.
  306. >Come to think of it, it does look a bit small. Maybe it is young as Meanshy said. All the better for you then.
  307. >"This freaky ape is for me alone to bully, so if you want to take a cut you better pay up first."
  308. >At this point the hunger might be stronger than confusion, as the wolf is growling back to the brave pony.
  309. >"That's right, come here, you sticky uggo. We could use more kindling for our campfire."
  310. >Something tells you that this creature won't turn down this offer. Human or pony, it's food either way.
  311. >Even if you're confident that Meanshy's not all bark and has some bite in her too, you slowly reach down for your axe you still have on your belt.
  312. >Just to be safe.
  314. >Emboldened by the wolf's hesitation, Meanshy continues to taunt it.
  315. >You have doubts it could actually work out well for her, or for both of you.
  316. >It's possible that the bully is just giving you time to escape, however it seems like she's doing it out of joy of it just as much. It's not every day you find hesitant and confused wolves in dark and cold forests.
  317. >Yet something tells you that Meanshy doesn't even realize she's playing with fire right now.
  318. >Be it because she has such confidence in herself or because she just never had anyone fight back (except for you), Meanshy gives the magical beast no quarter.
  319. >"You should just crawl back to your hole and never show this ugly face here ever again!" she laughs at the creature, hovering over it.
  320. >Even though it growls back, it never does anything. You are completely forgotten by it as well.
  321. >Which is a good thing, of course, since you can now bail out of here, but you don't move. Despite being scared shitless, dizzy and on edge, you can't move your legs.
  322. >And part of it is Meanshy. Everything inside of you tells you that this is going to go south at any moment and you don't let go of your axe.
  323. >If you're going to run, by that point it will be towards the wolf, not from it.
  324. >You can see already that it's not having fun being targeted by some little pony, and shows its rotten teeth in a scowl.
  325. >"Aw, little timber wants to play? How about this then?"
  326. >Meanshy dives down in a flash, hitting the timber wolf with her hooves straight on its nose.
  327. >It's fight or flight for this wood-made abomination.
  328. "Fluttershy, don't provoke it!" you hiss at the pony.
  329. >You only hear a 'pfft!' out of her. Needless to say, this remark of yours makes her want to provoke it even more now.
  330. >Another quick hit goes unanswered. The wolf is in serious troubles now.
  331. >"Hah, you're so pathetic. Even domesticated dogs put up a better fight. Go on, shoo. I don't want you here."
  332. >By the time Meanshy's third strike reaches the stick head of the beast, it looks like it has already decided what to do.
  333. >Instead of cowering in fear and acting disoriented like before, it lunges forward. But it looks like Meanshy expected that too.
  334. >She dodges upwards and the wolf should've just missed - but the pony has miscalculated her maneuver. A fatal mistake decides the outcome of the encounter.
  335. >By this time the axe is already in your hand and you're dedicate every bit of effort to running towards the wolf.
  336. >With a yelp, Meanshy awkwardly collapses on the ground after her hind leg got barely caught by the wolf's jaws.
  337. >It failed to capture its prey, but it was obvious that it did some damage. You'll see to it later, but right now you just hope you'll make it in time.
  338. >You can already see the creature turning towards Meanshy and targeting her throat. In one pounce it would be over for the mean mare.
  339. >But you are here to fight, just like the wolf. You catch its attention all too late.
  340. >Without a battle cry of any sort, without any glory, you collide with the beast to throw it in the dirt and aim for the head.
  341. >The wood touches the ground with a thud and the momentum allows you to bring the axe right to its ear, pummeling at it with all your strength.
  342. >The crackling of the crushed wood sounds as disgusting as it feels under your hand. Nothing but splinters flying everywhere. And a pathetic whining sound coming from the wolf's crushed throat.
  343. >Even if you know your job is basically done at this point, you dig the axe from the wooden mess under you and strike again, and again. Luck might've given you a golden opportunity to attack with precision, but you're not taking any chances.
  344. >No, you continue to chop. Timber mess tries to wriggle under you, but you can't see anything on its face anymore, because there's barely anything left of it now. You just keep hitting it, like you're trying to split it in half every time you bring the axe down.
  345. >At some point you don't feel any movement underneath yourself anymore and you notice that you are sitting on a pile of sticks haphazardly thrown together.
  346. >If you didn't know better, you'd say there was never a wolf here. Only the foul stench never left the place, reminding you of your Pyrrhic victory.
  347. >Your hands are all covered by wooden dust and you're pretty sure you've given yourself an unhealthy dose of splinters, but you don't feel anything wrong with your body at the moment.
  348. >The adrenaline high isn't settling down and the thumping of your heart is becoming too loud inside your head, like it's trying to get out of your veins. With your whole body still shaking you get up, without feeling any weight in yourself.
  349. >Only now you realize that you're lucky things played out this way. You honestly never expected to act so fast and with such resolve.
  350. >To be fair it was just one little wood-dog. Anyone could've overpowered it.
  351. >But still, if anyone was to tell you that you're going to come across a stray timber wolf on your way, your first thought would be about running away from it, not charging it.
  352. >Then you remember, that someone wasn't that lucky. Meanshy is trying to get up next to you and in her struggle you already see that her situation is much worse than yours.
  353. >A wound on her hindleg shines with blood oozing out of it. It's streaming down to the ground, tracing the yellow coat of the pony and you wonder if it's all that serious; you don't have time to approximate now anyway.
  354. >But Meanshy's gasp when she puts pressure on that leg says everything. A cold-blooded murder of a wolf did nothing to you, but hearing this pathetic moan makes you freeze for a moment.
  355. >It's the implication that this pony is in grave danger now. You don't have to be an expert to see how those pestilent rotten teeth that timber wolves possess can cause poisoning.
  356. >But what exactly do you do now? There is cure for it in the camp, but it's at Rarity's place now. God damn it, why did this have to be on this exact day?
  357. >All hesitation is erased when Meanshy's glance stops on you and you see genuine fear mixed with confusion of a not yet settled realization in her eyes.
  358. >This pony needs help right now.
  359. >First, you've gotta treat the wound somehow, then you'll have to take her back to the camp and give her the remedy. This is at least a start.
  360. >Meanshy locks up in horror, standing on three legs as you approach her with determination yet unseen by her. You pull a handkerchief from your back pocket where it's been sitting for a few days now and get on your knee next to the pony.
  361. >"W-what? Back off!" she threatens you in a shaky voice but you're not dealing with this bullshit right now.
  362. "Let me wrap this up real quick," you explain, extending your hand toward Meanshy's leg.
  363. >The next second this hand gets smacked by the mare.
  364. >"Don't t-touch me! Are you out of your mind?!" she almost shouts.
  365. >She's breaking down and her chest is heaving. Meanshy looks like she's on the brink of tears and you don't know what to do about it.
  366. >The thing is, she never had to deal with this kind of thing before, not herself, not with anyone afflicted by it. The truth is she might not even understand what is really happening here.
  367. >And so there's no reason to back down. Next time Meanshy misses her attack and instead looks like she's going to fall down, but you catch her. To her utmost dissatisfaction.
  368. >"I said don't touch me! Are you braindead?!" she cries out, striking you in the face.
  369. >Your cheek softens the blow, but you have to admit it was way too strong for just an attempt to push you away.
  370. "This isn't the time, Fluttershy," you mutter under your breath. "Just hold still."
  371. >"Get... away."
  372. >The mare is ready to cry now. At least she probably won't be attacking you if she's like that, so for you it's good.
  373. >Now that you have access to her leg, you don't think you should actually just cover the slashed flesh with your piece of cloth, but rather make a sort of a tourniquet.
  374. >Ideally, you should just do both. But you're not sure if you have any spare cloth in your bag.
  375. >It's no time to be reluctant though. You tie the cloth above Meanshy's hock, so tight that the pony cries again and tries to hit you once more, this time a lot less hard.
  376. >"What in the world do you think you're doing?"
  377. "Shut up."
  378. >"Are you trying to-"
  379. "Shut up!"
  380. >Meanshy understands your tone. You can't mask stress in your voice. You are doing all of this, but in truth you have no idea if this is what you should do.
  381. >You have no clue how to treat something like this. The only thing you can do is do at least something to help. And you know that you have a remedy specifically crafted for this kind of situations. That's your next goal.
  382. >"Hey!" Meanshy protests as you pick her up off the ground.
  383. >You make sure her wounded leg is on the outward side, but the change of position still makes the pony moan in pain.
  384. >"You idiot! Who asked you to pick me up?!" she puts up weak resistance.
  385. >She even throws a few punches at your chest but she can't sustain her assault.
  386. >Breath ragged and hard, the mare is either panicking or feverish. Or both. She starts sweating a few minutes after you start running back to the camp.
  387. >You hold her little trembling body closer to yourself and she doesn't react. You only hear her breath match yours, and you're running as fast as you can go without losing your grip on Meanshy.
  388. >It is still taking too long. By the time the camp is in sight, Meanshy's leg is pretty much all bloody, despite the fact that the wound's edges are starting to cake.
  389. >She even feels colder in your arms. It is starting to bother you.
  390. >You can't imagine that this is good, but then again you have no idea just how bad it is. You can't judge this by just the wound, that's the issue.
  391. >At least you see Meanlight right at the campfire. She is arguing with Greedity about something by the looks of it. Good, both ponies that you need the most right now are here.
  392. >Meanlight is the first to notice you. Her eyes widen as she notices you princess-carrying bloodied Meanshy. You can only imagine what's going on through her head right now.
  393. >"A-" she quacks out, unable to even approach the situation in any rational way.
  394. "There's no time to explain, a timber wolf attacked us. She got bitten. Twilight, can you help?"
  395. >"I- What?"
  396. >She looks lost but you absolutely can't have this right now. Instead of abstract questions and remarks you need to get things going.
  397. "Help me treat her, we'll use your tent, alright? Rarity, please bring that potion I gave you."
  398. >"Ah, a-alright," Meanlight jumps up and opens the curtain for you with magic.
  399. >You enter swiftly and put Meanshy down on the bed. One thing at a time now.
  400. >Both mares prefer to stand behind you while you do it, but one shouldn't be here already.
  401. "Rarity? Go get the potion," you repeat to the hoarder.
  402. >"What potion?"
  403. "The one we keep trading? It's a remedy that can help Fluttershy."
  404. >"Oh, I don't know."
  405. >You knew this was coming. If this is how it's going to be, you'll focus on something else first.
  406. "Twilight, do you have some clean pieces of cloth? Something to treat her wound with?"
  407. >"I think so, I'll check it out. Wait, you have a cure for this?"
  408. "Yeah, I got it. Just need to get it from Rarity," you clench your teeth.
  409. >"Alright, fine." Meanlight breathes in, visibly concerned.
  410. >It's obvious she's taken by surprise by all of this. In this state she's just like the real Twilight, she'll be panicking soon as this is something completely unpredictable and out of her control - things she can't deal with easily.
  411. >You leave the suffering mare with Meanlight and walk to up Greedity.
  412. "Come on," you order her in a stark voice.
  413. >Without asking her any more question you go towards her tent.
  414. >It's no time for ceremonies. The pile of rubbish that the greedy pony has accumulated is impressive and sort of intimidating, but you brave the mountain of junk and start searching.
  415. >It can't be too far deep into this pile, right?
  416. >"What are you doing?! Get out of there at once!" you hear Greedity's worried voice from outside and a second later the mare herself storms into the temple of trash.
  417. "I don't have time for this shit, Rarity, I need the vial."
  418. >"But we have a deal!" she protests, stomping her hooves in frustration. "You can't have it, it's my turn!"
  419. "Rarity, Fluttershy is fucking dying!"
  420. >You snapping at Greedity takes her aback and she almost jumps to the side.
  421. "It's no time to argue, this can save her life. I need that potion."
  422. >"Well, isn't that convenient! Just when it's my turn to have it."
  423. >This shit is getting on your nerves hard.
  424. "You're just going to let her die just because of this?!"
  425. >"Well..."
  426. >You walk up to the pony and show her your fist.
  427. "I swear to god, don't test me right now, Rarity. Where is it?"
  428. >But the mare remains unfazed.
  429. >"How rude! I was almost convinced to tell you, but now I see you can't be trusted with it."
  430. "Jesus fuck, dude. Just give me the damn thing. Don't you have any idea what the situation is?"
  431. >"Fluttershy was always after my stuff. I can't trust her with this. It's just a trick to get a thing of mine."
  432. "Can you trust me instead?"
  433. >"Well..."
  434. >She thinks for a second. If it was a second more, you'd just hit her as a last resort measure. But she speaks up with a hint of a smile on her muzzle.
  435. >"Barter."
  436. "What?"
  437. >"I want to trade it."
  438. "Alright, fine, I'll go get-"
  439. >"Not for that thing."
  440. "What is it then?"
  441. >"You're saying it can save her, right?"
  442. "Just get to the point."
  443. >"You. I'll give it to you if you give me yourself."
  444. "What? How?"
  445. >"You will belong to me instead of Twilight."
  446. "But- What?!"
  447. >In hindsight, you kind of expected some inane shit like this. There is no time to argue. Greedity can be dealt with later.
  448. >One thing at a time.
  449. >"I just want to make sure that-"
  450. "Fine, fucking whatever," you wave your hand dismissively. "I'll do it, give me my vial."
  451. >With a smile on her face, Greedity magically searches in her pile, and from the depths of it right near the back of the tent, the cure emerges.
  452. "Good, finally. Thanks," you say hastily and run out of Greedity's tent.
  453. >She wasn't worried for a second there. Truly, compassion isn't something these ponies value.
  454. >But at least you've saved yourself a few hours of searching through her mountain of trash.
  455. >Meanwhile, in Meanlight's tent things aren't any better. The false alicorn has found the cloth and it looks pretty fine. It will have to do.
  456. >But now to actually apply the remedy. How was it? Half on the wound and the rest inside?
  457. >"How did you get it that fast from that pony?" Meanlight is surprised to see you back. "Every time I ask something from her she gets paranoid and it takes hours..."
  458. "I made a deal, don't worry."
  459. >"A deal?"
  460. "Focus, Twilight."
  461. >Meanshy is barely conscious, but when she smells the remedy she awakens again.
  462. >"What are you going to do?"
  463. "Relax, this will help."
  464. >"Are you sure, Anon?" Meanlight frowns.
  465. "Hey, it's our best bet, alright?"
  466. >You carefully turn the sealed lid until you feel it sliding. Inside you see very, very aromatic goo. You have no idea how to apply it.
  467. "Give me that cloth."
  468. >You dip Meanlight's white piece of unknown material into the substance and get ready for a show: there's no telling how Meanshy might react.
  469. >"What's going on?" yellow mare asks with panic in her eyes. "Get this thing away from me!"
  470. >There's no time to hesitate. You grab her ill leg, still covered in blood, and put the thick layer of remedy on your cloth right on top of it.
  471. >You were ready to react to anything, and you were right to do so: Meanshy starts kicking chaotically, with all her might too.
  472. >It must be really painful for her as she starts screaming like she's gone mad, eyes wide open.
  473. >In a matter of seconds Meanlight secures the pony with magic and shuts her up with it too.
  474. >You see the pinkish aura around Meanshy's limbs and all around her muzzle, probably inside of it as well. The only thing that tells of her agony is eyes that are about to pop out of her skull and maddened, fast and deep breaths and rhythmic, never-ending moans that escape through her nose.
  475. >The sight is downright terrifying. You can't imagine what kind of pain is causing it. You stop for a moment, ensnared by this horrific sight.
  476. >Don't even want to imagine what kind of effect something that gets rid of blood poisoning fast can have. And Fluttrshy expected you to apply this on yourself if you ever get attacked?..
  477. >It's this or succumbing to rot, you suppose.
  478. >Meanshy's restrained so well she can't do anything at all, aside from wigging the unrestrained parts of her body, but you're sure she's going through literal hell right now.
  479. >The remedy itself starts to bubble and sizzle like it's a piece of butter on a stove. It's hard to look at it this way, knowing it causes a lot of pain to the mare.
  480. >Yet you're still not done. Another dose must be applied. This time, Meanshy's pupil outright roll up into her head and she lets out a long, drawn out exhale.
  481. >Meanlight and you look at each other. First thought is that she's somehow worse now from all of this. Maybe having a stroke or something.
  482. >But this state of hers goes away not even half a minute later: Meanshy returns to silently shouting. That episode must've been just her blacking out from all the pain.
  483. >You know it's horrible. You're sure of it. But right now you don't feel anything about it. You don't have time to gauge the pony's agony she feels every second of her existence now and can't express it in any way.
  484. "She needs to drink the rest," you tell Meanlight and she sighs.
  485. >"Can you hold her body down for a moment? I'll do it quick," the mare's wavering, dry voice doesn't sound very confident.
  486. >What exactly does this entail you have no idea, but you comply. Your whole body goes over Meanshy, and you push her down with your elbows.
  487. >Just enough to keep her from wriggling.
  488. >Meanlight releases her grips over the victim's head slowly, but once the magic over Meanshy's mouth is dispelled she gasps in horror like she's been drowning for hours.
  489. >"What are you DOING to me?!" she cries out in horror and for the first time you notice tears streaming down her face. They've been there for a while. Maybe the whole time.
  490. >The outburst she can afford at last a desperate shriek, one that could make your blood run cold if it was any other situation. Right now, all you can do is hold her down tighter since the mare is getting out of control again.
  491. >But Meanlight doesn't allow her compatriot to yell any longer. The vial goes right to Meanshy's muzzle and connects with the forcefully opened mouth of hers.
  492. >You can see the false alicorn's magic working wonders - the burning elixir goes from the vial right into Meanshy's mouth with little help of the purple surgeon.
  493. >Needless to say, it prompts an extremely violent reaction. You're glad that Meanlight is still securing the pegasus' legs, otherwise you'd have a few broken ribs by now for sure.
  494. >Meanshy never stops struggling, and even with her mouth being plugged just like before once she was forced to swallow the remedy, she continues to try and express her boundless suffering. The moans she expels are like ones of a dying beast.
  495. >Meanlight is looking at it with a kind of shocked expression, but as long as she's not completely lost you'll be fine.
  496. >Both of you realize now that all you can really do is wait. This surely isn't gonna be dealt with by just applying some remedy, but neither of you are willing to move right now.
  497. >With a restrained pegasus on Meanlight's bed, you both await some effect.
  498. >And you can already see some - Meanshy's blood stopped oozing from the wound and the edges of it are now clean, without any king of nasty effects of coagulation.
  499. >The wound itself seems clearer. You wonder if the remedy had any peroxide in it.
  500. >If so, drinking it doesn't seem like a fun time at all.
  501. >With time, Meanshy seem to calm down a bit. Now only sobs exit her nose and Meanlight decides to ease her magical grip just a little bit.
  502. >Indeed, the ailing pegasus doesn't thrash about anymore and only cries silently on the bed. You see strains of saliva hanging from her mouth, reaching down to the bed sheet, as Meanshy keeps breathing heavily.
  503. >Her mane is a mess and you can't see her eyes, but you know she's still crying.
  504. "I don't know if can just keep her here like that," you note in a groggy, exhausted voice.
  505. >"Yeah, but what do we do with her?"
  506. "Twilight..."
  507. >"What?"
  508. "We need to take her to a real doctor."
  509. >"You mean like... In Ponyville."
  510. "Yes."
  511. >"Absolutely not."
  512. "Twilight, listen, if we-"
  513. >"I'll be risking the entire operation if I do that!" she glares at you, but you strike right back.
  514. "You'll lose her if you don't!"
  515. >This makes Meanlight more nervous if anything. She's on the brink of panic again.
  516. "Come on, keep it together."
  517. >"What if it's fine? We did our best, right?"
  518. "I have no idea how this remedy works aside from a promise that it should work."
  519. >"Well, there you go."
  520. "It's an open wound, Twilight. It's really, really bad. I have no clue how to deal with it. Do you?"
  521. >"N-not really."
  522. "I think we should take her in. We can't risk it."
  523. >"Wait, since when it's 'we'? You're the one who... You were with her."
  524. >Meanlight is desperately trying to untie the rope around her neck right now, because you're roping her into something she knows she'll regret.
  525. "And you're the one responsible for her. You're the leader, right?"
  526. >"Yeah, but it doesn't mean-"
  527. "You're THE leader, are you not?!"
  528. >Now you're losing your temper again. You can give Greedity a free pass with this bullshit, but this is just unacceptable.
  529. >You can picture it so easily. Meanshy, Meanlight's greatest adversary here at the camp, could be out of picture right now. You know she's thinking about it as an opportunity to get rid of her.
  530. >It's exactly what you'd expect Meanlight to think but it doesn't make it any easier to accept. You hate Meanshy too, but this is a matter of principle.
  531. "Oh, of course you'd push ponies around and abuse authority and then say that you don't care. What was I expecting?"
  532. >"I didn't say that."
  533. "You're responsible for them, Twilight. It's what it means to be a leader. Not ordering everyone around you. Make a fucking move already."
  534. >"Just take her there alone!"
  535. "I need someone to take her back, I need someone to watch over her in case I can't. I need someone to protect her if anything happens."
  536. >Maybe it's only half-true, but you can think up right now a hundred of occasions where you'd need Meanlight at the patient's side in Ponyville.
  537. >"What do you mean?"
  538. "Come the fuck on! Are you for real?"
  539. >"No, I- I mean..."
  540. >Meanlight is far out, failing to follow the situation. She doesn't have time to plan anything now.
  541. "Do something GOOD for once, you dumbass!"
  542. >"Are you-"
  543. "Look at her!"
  544. >The purple pony is about to cry herself. This can't go on like this.
  545. "Do I need to slap you out of this or something? Help me out here, Twilight. Help out your friend."
  546. >"Fr- Fine, alright," she gives up. "But they'll recognize us!"
  547. "Can't you just change into something else?"
  548. >"What?" Meanlight is confused again. "What do you mean, 'change'?"
  549. "Well, since you're, you know..."
  550. >You forgot that these ponies don't know they are children of the changeling queen.
  551. >This little alicorn probably has no idea she can do something like this.
  552. "No, forget it."
  553. >"Wait, hold on. You said what? We're what?" the pony is nearly shaking now.
  554. "Twilight, focus!"
  555. >Your commanding tone sobers her up a bit.
  556. "Now is not the time."
  557. >"But I still need to know."
  558. "I'll tell you later, alright? You come with me, I'll tell you then, alright?"
  559. >"Fine, be that way. What's the plan then?"
  560. "We just need to do something like... Can we obscure her cutiemark somehow?"
  561. >"I don't know any spells for that."
  562. "Alright, then we'll just slap a piece of paper with a drawing on it. Other ideas?"
  563. >"Um..."
  564. "And we need to make her look different. Do you have scissors or something?"
  565. >"Yeah, I think I do."
  566. "Go get them."
  567. >"What about me? If I'm going with-"
  568. "Wear a fucking cloak or something. God..."
  569. >You feel like Meanlight is one step away from breaking down worse than Meanshy.
  570. >Can't hold it against her. Not when you are about to do so too.
  571. >If this shit goes on for too long it's you who's going to need a slap in the face.
  572. >With your hands shaking you manage to tie the cloth you used for remedy around Meanshy's wound. She yelps a little but then just continues sobbing. Her body keeps quivering from time to time.
  573. >There is little you can do for her now. It was up to Ponyville to take the pony in and finish the job.
  575. >There's a fine line between a bad idea and something completely irredeemable.
  576. >Something you can't imagine doing; something that seems so stupid you wouldn't be able to explain the reasoning behind it to anyone.
  577. >An idea that by all means shouldn't go right. It's up to the cosmic forces, destiny and gods to prevent such things from succeeding, lest one's faith in this world is lost forever upon seeing such great injustice.
  578. >You are carrying Meanshy in your arms like you did before. It's a longer way to Ponyville than you usually take, only because you're not using your usual road there.
  579. >Next to you Meanlight is walking in silence. She looks quite ridiculous: there was no cloak, or any other sort of concealing attire in the camp, so she had created something that resembles it from a bed sheet.
  580. >She didn't specify, but you have a suspicion that it's a sheet from Meanshy's tent. Sounds like something Meanlight would do, at least.
  581. >Meanshy herself is covered by a piece of cloth too, mainly to obscure the injury. She looks like she's in some sort of white gown and you're late for wedding.
  582. >You'd prefer if that was the case instead of your current predicament.
  583. >The road isn't treating you well. The sky looks like going to rain at any moment. On top of your arms feeling tired this can turn from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.
  584. >Everything is already made even worse due to Meanshy feeling unwell. You had to stop two times because she started vomiting out the remedy, with a warning, thankfully.
  585. >It wasn't pleasant for anyone here, but it's just another reason why you had to keep moving forward as fast as you can.
  586. >The false alicorn at your side never said a thing. She had either accepted that you're leading this party, or is just overwhelmed by everything.
  587. >You can't say you aren't too, but the simple truth is, you're the only one capable of accomplishing something here.
  588. >For a self-proclaimed future ruler of ponykind, Meanlight is way too reluctant. If, of course, this isn't her plan and she's doing it deliberately.
  589. >You doubt that this is the case, the pony rarely shows lack of initiative like this.
  590. >She would get rid of you before she'd voluntarily show you her alarmist attitude and easily frightened nature.
  591. >Even though you have a sort of a plan, you can't imagine it working. There's so many points at which it can go wrong, that you don't see at least one of them coming into play.
  592. >What to do then? That's also a mystery to you. You really, really don't want to risk your reputation in Ponyville.
  593. >You worked so hard for it. It took months for you to create a semblance of a good name out here. And even then some ponies still remember you for being an egoistical, cynical and dreadfully depressing asshole.
  594. >The only thing to do now is pray that the medic ponies are going to cooperate with you and not ask any sort of clever questions.
  595. >One good question, one inquisitive pony who can put two and two together is enough to call you out and reveal everything.
  596. >By your estimations it's completely not possible that you'll be able to get away with no questions asked whatsoever, so you've already made up a legend for you and these two ponies.
  597. >Expecting Meanlight to follow through is silly, but she didn't have any objections to it, so you dare to hope that she won't make things worse at the bare minimum.
  598. >These worries keep repeating inside your head over and over again. It is only when you reach the outskirts of Ponyville that your brain just gives up and leaves everything to your ability to improvise.
  599. "Please, just keep this cloth on you at all costs and don't show anything but your face, alright?" you cautiously remind Meanlight of possible danger.
  600. >"I know, I know," she exhales heavily.
  601. >This mare seem to have calmed out a bit. She just needs to keep this up for a bit longer.
  602. >It's nearly evening now, so there are some ponies around. You take a route through the outskirts, avoiding the main plaza.
  603. >One encounter with someone like Rarity or Fluttershy can cost you everything.
  604. >But aside from a few stray glances you don't see any threats around.
  605. >You wonder how quickly rumors will spread. Meanshy's cover is enough to hide her, but the fact itself remains: you are with some strange ponies, carrying one of them.
  606. >The only hope for you is ponies recognizing the rational probability of your situation, finding someone in the woods who needed help quick.
  607. >That's the story you're going to be sticking to anyway. It is just your job to help others, nothing out of ordinary here.
  608. >Same story is going to be used with the medical staff you're going ask to treat Meanshy.
  609. >The clinic comes into view and with your heart beating faster you beg for a blessing. Meanlight sighs worryingly but keeps up the pace.
  610. >You really hope she doesn't panic and do something stupid. The rational, calculating and calm Meanlight really needs to return for this one.
  611. >Fate smiles upon you: there are just two ponies sitting inside. One of them is reading a magazine but you recognize the mare as Spoiled Rich. The second one, Berry Punch, is talking to THE pony you were hoping to meet here: Nurse Redheart.
  612. >Also known as the only doctor you have managed to befriend, since she never redirected you to a veterinarian like every other doctor in this clinic. Not even as a joke.
  613. >Navigating this three story building just to find her was something you were expecting, but now one item is off the list of things that can go wrong.
  614. >Once you approach the two mares chirping happily about something, both of them turn to you to display utter confusion the next second.
  615. "Hi, Redheart, can I talk to you for a second?" you state as calmly as you can. "I have an emergency here."
  616. >The nurse knows you wouldn't bother her with something trivial out of blue, but she's still hesitant to react. It's only after she notices that you're carrying someone who probably needs medical attention, Redheart nods to her guest and starts walking.
  617. >"What's going on?" she asks impatiently.
  618. "Just a timber wolf attack."
  619. >"Oh gosh!"
  620. >You might've sounded too calm for the situation, Redheart hastens her pace, almost galloping through the hall.
  621. >Meanlight is following you closely, probably happy that she doesn't have to do anything just yet.
  622. >The room Redheart leads you to isn't the cozy office of hers, that despite being a doctor's room looks more like a lived place - this one is a real surgery. This time she knows things are going to be serious. She'll probably call someone else to assist her, so that might introduce some difficulties now.
  623. >There's even cloth-covered table here, so you guess that some sort of operation is going to be in order. This nurse doesn't usually deal with anything serious. You just hope you can explain things before questions arise.
  624. "Look, she might be aggressive, so be careful," you explain as you put Meanshy down on the table.
  625. >"Let me see first. How long did it take for you to get her here?"
  626. >You know why she's asking - probably because of the poison.
  627. "Like an- an hour and a half or so," you watch nurse's face go pale. "I had a remedy with me though! It should be all good, right?"
  628. >"A remedy? Like a-"
  629. "Fluttershy gave it to me, like antivenom or something like that."
  630. >Redheart swiftly unwraps Meanshy and you cross your fingers. You did your best, now you hope it your work be able to pass this test.
  631. >On the table there's a yellow-coated mare with pink mane and tail cut short, like it's summer time fashion season again.
  632. >A long, styled forelock obscures the pony's eyes but you still see her horrified expression.
  633. >She's been awfully quiet all this time, although you are sure that it's just the calm before the storm.
  634. >On Meanshy's flanks you see the crown jewel of your craftsmanship. Three blue marbles make this mare's cutiemark.
  635. >It wasn't hard for Meanlight to enchant a liquid to maintain a certain color. From there it was a matter of adding that color to the already existing blue butterflies.
  636. >The liquid had to leave a stain though. Meanlight didn't bat an eye using Meanshy's own blood that was still on the wounded pony's leg.
  637. >You thought nothing of this. Something had to be done and Meanlight did it while also cleaning Meanshy's leg in the process.
  638. >It was one less headache for both of you.
  639. >And this seems to be working, as Redheart doesn't react in any way to this pony before her. Big success. You're such a great stylist.
  640. >The nurse wants to undo the makeshift dressing on Meanshy's leg with her mouth, but you figure there's no need for this earth pony to do something like this.
  641. >She gets your intention and doesn't object to you untying the bond. Once the wound is out, Redheart turns to you with a stoic face.
  642. >"I'll go get help. Stay here for now, alright?"
  643. "Sure, thanks."
  644. >The mare trots out and you look at Meanlight. A sigh of relief sounds in unison from both of you when you realize that most of your worries so far were for naught.
  645. >Meanshy is still motionless and silent. It is of minor concern to you, but it does seem strange.
  646. >The pegasus isn't looking at you and you're not about to start agitating her with questions or requests.
  647. >Not even a minute later Redheart return with a unicorn doctor following close behind her. She looks fully prepared and serious, with a white doctor’s smock over her light blue coat and mane tucked under a hat akin to Redheart's.
  648. >You've never seen this one before, but she nods to you and you nod back. Meanlight does the same.
  649. >"Well, this is looking... Not too bad, actually," she comments in a raspy voice. "It's a remedy you say?"
  650. "Um, yeah. Something like that."
  651. >"Alright, I'm going to ask you to leave now."
  652. >You and Meanlight look at each other and you both know that this is just inviting problems; but arguing now will most definitely make things even worse. So you two leave the room.
  653. >It's dark and cold in the hall. There's no one here. One time Redheart runs out of the office and returns carrying a tray of some vials, but nothing else disturbs the silence.
  654. >It's for the best, of course, but this forlorn atmosphere makes you feel vulnerable and alone. Even with Meanlight by your side.
  655. >At least with the "help now, ask questions later" attitude of this doctor you're safe from any sort of interrogation for the time being.
  656. >Silently, you walk to the nearest sofa and take a sit.
  657. >The clinic itself isn't that big. But right now you feel like you're in some endless expand of nothingness.
  658. >You feel tired, like you've been awake for weeks. The heavy head of yours is ringing with each beat of your heart and your thoughts are falling apart and scattering everywhere as soon as they form.
  659. >Everything hurts, but mostly your head. You settle at leaning forward and locking it between your hands.
  660. >Slowly your face slides into a cradle of your palms and you feel your sickly hot pulse at the top of your head.
  661. >"Things are going rather well so far," you hear your purple companion right beside you.
  662. >There's no desire to answer her in you. The only thing you want to happen is for time to somehow pass unnoticed so you can be done with this.
  663. >You soon feel a light touch upon your shoulder. Despite knowing who that is, you still can't be bothered reacting.
  664. >"You did good, my assistant," you hear a whisper closer than before.
  665. >It unnerves you that she doesn't leave you alone for like a minute, keeping her hoof on you.
  666. >Only when you recline back and start rubbing your eyes she moves away.
  667. "We're not out of the woods yet."
  668. >Even though you technically are, Meanlight understands that there's a lot of thin ice ahead and agrees with you.
  669. >Without any idea how much time has passed you feel immense relief when you hear the door to the surgery opening.
  670. >Redheart shows her face in the hall only to call you to enter. While you and your companion take your time to stand up (you feel like every bit of strength has been drained from you), the blue doctor exits the office and walks past you.
  671. >She's probably preoccupied at the moment, the white nurse can take you through the verdict.
  672. >Indeed, Redheart welcomes you in the surgery that now has that awfully familiar hospital smell you can never pinpoint accurately.
  673. >Meanshy lies silently as ever and you note that her leg is now bandaged thoroughly.
  674. >"I don't know what kind of remedy you've given her," Redheart starts. "But without it she probably wouldn't have made it."
  675. >Meanlight looks up at you but you don't pay attention to her right now.
  676. "So you're saying she's going to be fine?"
  677. >"We've treated the cut, but that's not what we're worried about."
  678. "What is it then?" you get ready for any captious questions that may arise now.
  679. >"She... By the way, what's her name?"
  680. >This one you are prepared for:
  681. "Glittershine."
  682. >It passes for a normal name by the looks of it - Redheart's expression doesn't change at all.
  683. >"Glitter seem to still be in deep shock. That's not strange, considering consequences, but it's something to worry about."
  684. "I think that remedy wasn't an easy treat for her," you reply honestly.
  685. >"Can't really say anything about that, I never knew there is a remedy for such things."
  686. "It's a long story, what do we need to do now?"
  687. >"Letting her rest might be a good idea," the nurse answer after pondering it for a moment. "I would like to see her in the morning too, just to be safe. Check her stitch and general condition."
  688. >Turning to Meanlight, you see how she's thinking about it. Redheart sees this struggle and elaborates:
  689. >"We have a spare ward, don't worry. You're not from Ponyville, aren't you, miss..."
  690. >"Skylight Twinkle," the false alicorn nods as she answers in a higher pitch than usual. "We're both from a village south of the Everfree."
  691. >"Oh my, that's a long way home."
  692. >Redheart doesn't show any signs of disbelief at all. Amazing.
  693. >You're starting to suspect that you were giving these ponies too much credit when you were planning this whole thing.
  694. >Still, better safe than sorry. You're sticking to that plan until the end. One must not become too complacent.
  695. >"I think we can allow it, yes," 'Skylight' agrees with the nurse. "Only, if it's possible... We haven't had anything to eat for a long time."
  696. >"Oh, of course. It won't be a problem."
  697. >That cheeky purple pretender sure knows how to exploit even the most daring situations.
  698. >"What about you, Anon?" Redheart asks. "Care for a dinner together?"
  699. "I, uh... Gotta go home for a bit. Pack some things, you know?"
  700. >Meanlight's puzzling gaze is on you, but you don't look back. Yes, you too noted the wording of your faithful Nurse.
  701. "I'll be back shortly, don't worry."
  702. >"Oh, then... What about you, Skylight?"
  703. >"I'll stay here to... Watch over her, yeah."
  704. >Curious how she didn't take her chance to bail with you. But you're going to keep your word anyway.
  705. >You are going to see this through, but you have to make a trip home first.
  706. >Not only to take a shower and get a clean set of clothes, but also to take some food with you. You're not exactly a fan of hospital food, no offense to Redheart.
  708. "Is everything fine out here?"
  709. >Nurse Redheart closes the door to the ward behind you and you hear her walking away.
  710. >A room with three beds seem empty as there's no one here aside from Meanshy, tucked and comfy in bed, and Meanlight, who is sitting on a chair near said bed, still dressed in her makeshift excuse for a 'cloak'.
  711. >"Anon?" she focuses her tired eyes on you. "Yes, everything seems to be fine. I mean, she's quiet, so..."
  712. "Still doesn't talk or move?"
  713. >"Yeah. But she isn't sleeping either."
  714. >You come closer to see for yourself. Meanshy's eyes are open and they're not in a thousand yard stare either.
  715. >Just a generally apathetic, if a bit displeased, expression is displayed on her face, and her eyes are reflecting that state too.
  716. >You'd think she's simply sulking if she hasn't been like that for all this time.
  717. >By the looks of it you three are going to left be alone in this ward for this evening and night, so you get comfortable on another chair near Meanlight's.
  718. >There's a plate of some colorless, odorless porridge on the bedside table. Another one is empty. You assume Meanlight helped herself to this bland-looking food.
  719. >It definitely sounds like an upgrade from what she's usually having anyway.
  720. >You can't tell if she's enjoying her stay in the civilized, convenient Ponyville. It's probably her first time actually being a guest here.
  721. >Just like it's the first time Meanshy sleeps on an actual bed.
  722. >It's hard to imagine how it must feel to never know things you take for granted. Yet you have a suspicion that it might actually have an effect on these mares, put things into perspective.
  723. "Let's hope things only get better from now on. At least we're safe here, as long as you don't take off your blanket."
  724. >"I've managed to keep it despite being offered a hanger," Meanlight rolls her eyes.
  725. "Were ponies here nagging you too much?" you can't help but smile.
  726. >"Not exactly, they were... Nice. Especially that nurse."
  727. "She's just a nice pony in general."
  728. >"I got that."
  729. >You mean it too. Any other time you'd take her offer and spend a comfy afternoon with her, but you're worrying too much right now. The hospitable nurse will just have to wait.
  730. >For some time the false alicorn keeps staring down at her shell shocked friend, but then asks no one in particular:
  731. >"I wonder if that nurse would've been this nice to me if she knew who I am."
  732. "Why? What would that change? You haven't done anything wrong."
  733. >"I'm not exactly a friend to these ponies."
  734. "They don't know about it yet. For them you're just another pony who can and should be their friend. Even if you revealed that you're the exact copy of Twilight Sparkle I don't think they'd make a big deal out of it."
  735. >"Really?" Meanlight shows her smug smile. "Why am I wearing this right now then?"
  736. "Hey, you never know. Better safe than sorry."
  737. >"Yeah."
  738. "But I still think you underestimate the friendliness of these ponies."
  739. >"I don't know about that."
  740. >You can almost feel the inner struggle of Meanlight right now.
  741. >It's such a hard thing for her, being confronted with something she ruled out at the very start, something you've told her at the beginning.
  742. >The very fact that this simple occurrence of a fellow pony being nice to her is making an impact on her is enough to tell you all about Meanlight's current state.
  743. >She can't be wrong in her plan. And so she will probably dismiss or misinterpret a simple gesture like that.
  744. "Think about it this way," you present another angle. "Despite your efforts to introduce disharmony here, those ponies you try to pit against one another are still friends."
  745. >"I'm not pitting them against each other."
  746. "You get what I'm saying. They work things out. How long are you going to go on with this?"
  747. >"As long as it's needed."
  748. "Needed for what? Are you trying to completely destroy their lives or what?"
  749. >"I have already told everything you need to know. It's not safe to discuss it here."
  750. "I guess so..."
  751. >You have to admit that she's not wrong in that regard: there's a chance someone might hear you. Even if this is a great opportunity to confront Meanlight once again, you can't really risk it.
  752. >Instead, you steer this conversation away from the obviously hurtful theme.
  753. >Meanlight watches you as your hands disappear in your bag. You drag out two inconspicuous wooden boxes and a thermos.
  754. "Should've brought cups too..." you note after you put your boxes on the table.
  755. >"What's all this? There are cups here, by the way" the pony points below at the table's drawer.
  756. "Oh, good. This is just something to add to hospital food."
  757. >When the boxes are opened, one is revealed to be hiding three basic cheese sandwiches and the other some chocolate cookies. Well, you were in a hurry.
  758. >You set things up fast as your hungry self can't contain its enthusiasm any longer.
  759. >Meanlight even had something to eat already, so you're at a disadvantage here. Without any ceremonies you dig into your snack.
  760. >You purple companion isn't shy about her own appetite either. Not surprising at all that she's still hungry.
  761. >Both of you don't have anything to say; only after you've eaten your portions Meanlight finds a question to ask:
  762. >"What do we do now?"
  763. "Just gonna wait until she's better, I guess."
  764. >"But it's already getting late," the mare points at the window. "Look, the sun is nearly down."
  765. "You want to go through the Everfree at night? After what happened today?"
  766. >"I don't want to stay here! That's too risky. W-what if Fl- Glittershine starts talking and, you know..."
  767. "Says something she'll regret? That's why you have to stay with her."
  768. >"What about the camp?!" Meanlight touches her temples with the tips of her hooves. "Those morons probably won't survive even one day without me!"
  769. "Right..." you chuckle.
  770. >"This is serious! You can't just-"
  771. "Calm down, calm down. We'll figure something out. Maybe they'll let her go today."
  772. >"As if it's up for them to decide, they'll just say she's not ready or something again."
  773. >Meanlight has already crossed her legs on her chest so you're certain that she's just complaining for the sake of it now and you should pay it no mind.
  774. >Soon nurse Redheart comes by to clear things up:
  775. >"Your friends seems to be fine," she says after changing the wrap on Meanshy's leg. "We'll probably be able to release her tomorrow or the day after."
  776. >"Tomorrow?!" Meanlight is upset that her worst expectations came true. "But I thought I could take her home today."
  777. >"Oh, miss Skylight, it's already so late outside! You'd have to go through the forest, right?"
  778. >You nod, justified in your statement. You tell her, nurse. Everything you said was true after all.
  779. >"Anonymous will travel there with me, it's gonna be fine," the purple pretender still argues. "Our families are probably worried sick by now, we have a clinic in our village so they could look after Glittershine."
  780. >You are absolutely sure that if anyone was to look after Meanshy in the camp it would be you. Thankfully, Redheart isn't budging.
  781. >"We still have to tend to the stitch and make more adjustments if needed. If you wish you could stay the night, those beds are empty for now, or you can use-"
  782. >"Fine," Meanlight concedes, rolling her eyes and the nurse smiles at you.
  783. >She has probably guessed that you were counting on her.
  784. "The doctor knows better, Skylight," you go for the most condescending tone you can. "It's just one night."
  785. >"Yes, exactly," Redheart nods a few times, playing along. "Anyway, you know where to find me if anything happens."
  786. "Sure, thank you."
  787. >The nurse leaves you three alone. You're surprised that Meanshy is still that quiet. There's zero reaction to anything from her.
  788. >It's getting more and more worrying. Seems like she's fully conscious, just doesn't do anything.
  789. >Meanlight doesn't really care, of course. To her it's probably a boon that she has one less person to argue with.
  790. >"Maybe we can just take her and escape?" the false alicorn suggests, tapping her chin.
  791. "You're still on this? It's just one day, you can wait."
  792. >"Well, what are you gonna do?"
  793. "Just go get some sleep, and you should too."
  794. >"These beds look a bit small for you."
  795. "I won't be staying here."
  796. >"Of course," she puffs her cheeks. "You want to leave me alone here."
  797. "If you really want Twilight's search squad breaking in to find me because I wasn't found in my house in the morning - be my guest. Or... I'll be yours, I guess."
  798. >"Like they'd notice you're gone."
  799. "Do you want to test how lucky we can really get?"
  800. >This does shoot her idea down, but another one is presented in its place immediately:
  801. >"Well, in that case I can just go to your place."
  802. "What? No, I only have one bed."
  803. >"So? You're mine now, remember? We can share a bed."
  804. "No way."
  805. >The very thought is horrible yet kinda sweet in its own way. Spending a night with a mare is-
  806. >No, not with this one and not now.
  807. "Look, there are perfectly good beds in here, they're empty. I don't see what the problem is. Someone's gotta watch over Fl- Glittershine in case something happens."
  808. >"But I don't-"
  809. "What if she wakes up and goes searching for you, shouting your name? What if she does something bad on purpose? At the very least you could restrain her and explain that she's still affected by shock."
  810. >There's no doubt Meanshy is hearing this right now and is taking notes, but you can't leave this unadressed. This has to be settled.
  811. "We are so close to this being perfect. Let's just keep doing what we're doing and we'll be fine. Please?"
  812. >"Alright, fine. I'm too tired to argue with your stubborn flank. Just go then."
  813. >Meanlight turns away, sulking. Business as usual.
  814. "I'll be back early in the morning, alright? You'll be fine."
  815. >"Yeah, yeah."
  816. >You are starting to suspect that she's angry exactly because you didn't allow her to go with you. Or she's just scared to be left here among her "enemies".
  817. >Though it's entirely possible that she just doesn't want to spend the night in the same room as Meanshy. Which you can totally understand, you'd be uncomfortable staying with that unpredictable, traumatized pony too.
  818. >Who knows what that pony would do now. Your concern is that she might be a time bomb of emotions just waiting to explode once she's had enough.
  819. >It's impossible to deny that you're leaving the Ponyville hospital with a heavy heart. Leaving those ponies behind isn't something you necessarily approve of, but it had to be done.
  820. >Better safe than sorry. This operation can't be allowed to fail, so leaving them there allowes less room for something outrageous to happen. It's risky, stressful for everything involved and a bit mean, but less so than other options.
  821. >At the very least Fluttershy sees you come home. She still has animals in her yard, although way less than before.
  822. >You're lucky that she was busy the whole day; she even apologized to you for not greeting you when you've returned home, only catching your departure back to the hospital.
  823. >That made you confident that she didn't see you coming from an unusual direction this time around, and being late too.
  824. >You just have to sit it out until tomorrow and all of this mess will be over.
  825. >The night was soon in its right over Ponyville, thanks to the shorter autumn daytime, but you were expecting to have troubles falling asleep.
  826. >Yet when you wake up early in the morning all you can remember is your head touching the pillow - you've fallen asleep the moment that happened.
  827. >With your body feeling like you've been beaten up yesterday, you struggle to not sounds like an old man while you are getting ready to head out.
  828. >Fluttershy is nowhere to be seen when you step out of your house, and so you're compelled to make your way straight to your target without even pretending like you're going on patrol.
  829. >The uneasiness that follows you all the way to hospital does settle down a little bit when you see nurse Redheart. She finds time for you despite there being some morning visitors at the clinic today.
  830. >"Glittershine seems to be doing fine, at least her leg is," she reassures you. "At this rate we'll be able to finalize her leave by lunch."
  831. "Sounds good," you sigh with relief. "She wasn't giving you any trouble, right?"
  832. >"No, she's been very cooperative and quiet, just like Skylight. What wonderful friends you have, Anon!"
  833. >Redheart smiles at you and that makes you answer with the same gesture. It's not easy to resist that genuine charm some ponies possess. It's just like Rarity's smile always makes you smile as well.
  834. >Turns out Ponyville is just as healthy as ever and there's still nobody else in the ward Meanshy is stationed in.
  835. >She seems to be sleeping at the moment, and it does sound like a peaceful sleep. Her purple boss is situated on the nearby bed, also asleep.
  836. >You approach Meanlight first. Seeing how even in sleep she has managed to keep that piece of cloth to cover her mane, you can only be impressed with her dedication.
  837. >Until she wakes up you sit at the very tip of the bed to avoid accidentally disturbing her with your touch.
  838. >It's cute to see her stretch under the blanket when she finally does wake up. Her eyes focus on you and a look of a pleasant surprise slowly forms on her face.
  839. >"I was sleeping again?.."
  840. "It's fine, Glittershine is still asleep too."
  841. >Meanlight's voice, a bit gruff and still weak, sounds relaxed like she's not worried at all - which is nice to hear.
  842. >"That nurse had us up early in the morning to change her bandages. I guess I just fell asleep after that."
  843. "She said you'll probably be out by lunch."
  844. >"Finally."
  845. >Meanshy, of course, refused to stand up or even react in any way to your attempts to talk to her.
  846. >You'd have to carry her again. She's not very heavy, but you can't deny you're pretty tired of being her personal transporter.
  847. >Lucky for you, things are very calm in the ward. No one disturbs you, nothing out of ordinary happens. You eat your breakfast (Meanshy silently eats hers with Meanlight's help) and then just wait for lunch.
  848. >After a brief examination by that unicorn doctor, you are at last permitted to leave.
  849. >"The healing is going well," she comments. "Just don't forget to cover it up for the time being to prevent infection, and everything should be fine."
  850. >Great news, and you'd be happy to hear them if you weren't feeling this tired, even after good night's sleep.
  851. >Things barely register with you. Not like anything important is even happening, most of your time today was spent just sitting here with Meanlight in total silence. You kinda assume she feels just as tired and doesn't really want to waste energy talking.
  852. >Nurse Redheart exhibits a barely visible blush when you thank her; you really are profoundly grateful to her because everything went swimmingly.
  853. >Though you can't deny the possibility that Redheart was...predisposed to overlook some details because of her attitude towards you. Which is the last thing you'd want to think about right now if you were able to form complex thoughts right now.
  854. "Can you walk? Please" you ask Meanshy once more and watch her try to take a few steps on the floor.
  855. >She doesn't look like her leg is still hurting but she also slows down and acts quite wary every time she has to put it down. Still silent, however.
  856. >This won't do, of course. Traversing the Everfree forest even using your regular road would be too slow with her like this.
  857. >And that means you're carrying her again after all.
  858. >One last thing to overcome is your escape from the city, which is, to your satisfaction, really uneventful.
  859. >Ponies in the lobby are mostly doing their own things and you take a trip through the outskirts to get out of town as swiftly as possible.
  860. >Once you are back in the woods, Meanlight sighs:
  861. >"Well, that went rather nice."
  862. "Too nice. Makes me wonder if we're still not out of this situation yet," you joke.
  863. >"At least we're safer here."
  864. >Safer is a way to call it, seeing how safe this forest was for Meanshy, who is once again falling asleep. The pegasus is probably lulled to sleep by your steady pace.
  865. >Despite still looking ridiculous with her new manecut, she is still kinda cute when she's sleeping. Just as long as you forget who she really is.
  866. >Meanwhile, the false alicorn is worrying about the camp once again. Never a dull moment for her.
  867. "Come on, what could possibly happen there? They can feed themselves, right? Not like you're the one responsible for all the food and fire."
  868. >"They could just run away or something. Think how many horrible things Rarity alone could do in just two days! The camp is probably in shambles right now."
  869. >That immediately reminds you about the deal with Greedity. There goes your relatively good mood. Indeed, you are not out of this little adventure just yet.
  870. >"Oh, by the way," Meanlight also remembers it now. "What was your deal with Rarity? You never told me."
  871. "Eh, just a silly bargain," you shrug.
  872. >"Really? It's good that at least you can talk sense into her."
  873. >It was inevitable that Meanlight would learn about it sooner or later. You just don't want to argue while you're still on the road.
  874. >And the hoarder really doesn't keep you waiting once you reach the camp (without any more trouble, thankfully).
  875. >In spite of Meanlight's concerns it doesn't seem like anything is wrong here.
  876. >"Are y'all back again? I've already sold yer tents," Appleliar is the first to greet you since she's gathering wood again. "You told me you won't be coming back!"
  877. "Really?" you fake a surprised tone.
  878. >That, as always, makes Meanlight grumble. You just couldn't help yourself.
  879. >"Of course, would I lie to you?"
  880. "Who are you selling them to?"
  881. >"Some woodland creatures," Meanjack is shifting her eyes to the side as she always does. "They're just... late to claim their new property. I recon I'll have to cancel if they don't show up soon..."
  882. "Oh, I see."
  883. >"Yep."
  884. >Meanlight does her trademark 'ugh' one more time and you smile. Noticing that AJ is smiling at you too, you look away at once.
  885. >It was kinda awkward and weird - the smile looked as genuine as it gets. It makes you ill at ease.
  886. >But then you see both Rainbow Dawdle and Meanie Pie being lazy and uncaring as always and everything seems fine again. They barely notice that you've returned.
  887. >And then, last but not least, you are swiftly approached by Greedity.
  888. >"Oh, look who's back. I thought you'd try to run off or something."
  889. >Meanlight looks at you, awaiting your reply, but the white hoarder doesn't need it.
  890. >"How's it been, Rarity?" the purple pony then asks.
  891. >"So-so. Nothing out of ordinary, but... Quieter."
  892. >A quick glance you throw at Meanshy doesn't get you anything: the mare is still napping.
  893. >"That's good. It was pretty fine on our end as well."
  894. >Greedity nods, seemingly glad to hear the news, but you notice that she's just looking at you and nothing else.
  895. >"I hope you haven't forgotten our barter deal, Anonymous," she says with playful notes in her voice. "I'll be waiting in my tent. Don't be late now."
  896. >"So this is your 'silly bargain', huh?" Meanlight turns to you once Greedity is out of sight, settled to wait in her tent just like she said.
  897. >You don't answer, instead redirecting the mare to another topic:
  898. "Where do we put her?"
  899. >"Let's get her in my tent for now."
  900. >Just yesterday it was a battlefield for Meanshy's life. The sheets are still dirty and you even see some blood stains on the mattress.
  901. >When you put the yellow victim down, Meanlight asks you one more time:
  902. >"I'm not letting you go to Rarity until you explain what the deal is. If it's something involving the camp I need to know. She's been ogling a lot of our stuff lately like she doesn't have enough already."
  903. "You think she asked me to steal for her?"
  904. >"Prove me wrong then."
  905. "Alright, she just wanted to get, you know, me."
  906. >"What do you mean?"
  907. "As in, life for life. I guess she sees it that way?"
  908. >"This can't be right. You mean, like... Like we-"
  909. "Like you 'claimed' me, I guess. My guess is as good as yours."
  910. >Meanlight is extremely confused right now.
  911. "Don't worry," you reassure her. "I'm not really a fan of this idea either. I mean, one time was enough, right?"
  912. >You smile, but Meanlight doesn't play along. It doesn't entertain her not even a little bit.
  913. >"So you're going to call it off?"
  914. "I'll try to. She probably has something planned in case I refuse, if she has managed to come up with that deal in the first place. Maybe like-"
  915. >"You should still cancel it even if she does."
  916. "Even if it'd cost me?"
  917. >"Yes."
  918. >You squint your eyes at Meanlight. She is looking back, but you don't see any confidence in her.
  919. >A suspicion forms in your head, something you could've predicted, but still find pretty amusing. The audacity of this pony is extraordinary, but you will challenge it.
  920. "I don't know, if she drives a hard bargain I might as well get it over with."
  921. >"But you can't."
  922. "Why not?"
  923. >"You already belong to me."
  924. >A bitter grin crawls on your face as you realize it's exactly the argument you thought she'd use.
  925. "Yeah, well, too bad. I've traded Fluttershy's salvation for my own keepsake."
  926. >You really try to sound dramatic and it is working, by the looks of it. Meanlight is clearly upset by the circumstances.
  927. >"That's not fair, I claimed you first."
  928. "Well, I had no say in it anyway, so I guess I can get a second try at being owned?"
  929. >"But..."
  930. >She falls quiet, looking away.
  931. >"But what about us?"
  932. "What about us?" you chuckle, barely containing the trembling of your body. "What ABOUT us, Twilight?"
  933. >"I mean-"
  934. "You drugged and raped me, used me to assert authority over others. What ABOUT this I should hold dear? What ABOUT any of this I should be afraid to lose?"
  935. >"That's not fair, I also-"
  936. "You're damn right it's not fair. Do you think this should hold any value to me?"
  937. >"I also did it because... Well..."
  938. "Yes, go on," you nod at her sarcastically.
  939. >She's scrambling to find any reason to hold on to but you see how utterly lost she is, her selfish reasons exposed.
  940. >Nothing genuine or personal, nothing intimate stands behind what she has done, and now she'll try to invent something. There's no reason to not humor her, if only to see her digging the hole for herself deeper.
  941. "Well, what is it?"
  942. >"Because... Um, because I was protecting them!"
  943. >That's not something you've been expecting and it throws you off balance a bit.
  944. "What? This doesn't make any sense."
  945. >"Because look at you - you're not giving me any respect. They'd get close to you and you'd treat them like that too! I was doing them a favor!"
  946. "Really now?"
  947. >"And look how well it worked. They instantly started putting their time into something productive, instead of assuming you'll do things for them while they only have to relax all day."
  948. "Because there's literally nothing else for them to do here!"
  949. >This still seems good enough of a reason for Meanlight and she crosses her forelegs over her chest again, finding some moral ground to stand on at last.
  950. >"In any case, I do not allow this deal to happen. You belong to me and my word in it is final."
  951. "So you're deciding things for me now?"
  952. >"This is a thing I can absolutely decide for you."
  953. "And why should I comply again?"
  954. >"Because, well, because I claimed you."
  955. "What exactly does that mean, Twilight? I still haven't heard an answer to that. Do you want me to just blindly follow whatever you say, is that it? You need a slave?"
  956. >"No, I didn't say that."
  957. "If I only followed you without any sort of initiative of my own, Fluttershy would've been dead by now!"
  958. >Meanlight considers your argument and looks behind her, just to see that the yellow pegasus is still there and alive. Meanshy's head is facing the other way, so it's hard to say if she's still sleeping or not.
  959. >Although it's hard to believe she still is, you and Meanlight are nearly shouting at each other here.
  960. >"Well... Maybe that would've been fair."
  961. "Oh, of course!" you throw your hands up as you get more and more angry. "It was probably very hard to pass up this opportunity to get rid of Fluttershy, wasn't it?"
  962. >"I didn't say I wanted it."
  963. "That's so 'you', Twilight," you shake your head disappointingly to stir the mix of righteous anger and displeasure inside of it.
  964. >"I don't even care about her that much to... To want her dead!"
  965. "But you care that much about keeping me for yourself. So what the hell do you even mean by 'claiming' me, what do you want from me?!"
  966. >"I..."
  967. >She won't say it.
  968. >She won't admit it.
  969. >But that's fine, you don't believe that Meanlight even has anything to admit at all.
  970. >The pause is dragging on for too long, as she is realizing that.
  971. >"I just don't want you to uphold that deal, alright?" she finally states.
  972. "It's up for me to decide, isn't it? I can still be your assistant even if you don't 'own' me or whatever you imagine, so what's the problem? Huh?"
  973. >With a loud exhale Meanlight frowns, unable to express herself.
  974. >It's obviously frustrating for her, but you need to draw this line in the sand.
  975. >Of course, the last thing you want is to do what Greedity wants you to do. You are going to try your best to wriggle out of this mess.
  976. >But Meanlight needs to know that without opening up she can't claim to be anything but a manipulative rapist in regards to you.
  977. >You stand up and her last opportunity to keep you here evaporates before her eyes. You guess you should be thankful that she at least isn't trying to lie to you.
  978. >Leaving the purple mare behind, you storm out of her tent. She has her own emotions to deal with and you'll leave her to face them alone.
  980. >It's true that this must be pretty hard for Meanlight to swallow, but you don't think you are wrong.
  981. >As harsh as it is, the faster she sorts out her emotions the better. Both of you have to face something you don't want.
  982. >Her point of view destabilized, Meanlight now needs to find a more grounded reason for her actions. It's easy to rationalize it from the point of just knowing better, but she can't be detached forever.
  983. >Ponies she's dealing with in the camp aren't blind followers. Ponies she is plotting against aren't soulless puppets for her to control. Now that she's not disconnected from all of this, seen that the other side as real ponies, up close and personal, these new circumstances will either make it or break it for the purple schemer.
  984. >There's also the fact that she can't treat you like a tool, at least not her tool, anymore.
  985. >You guess that overall it is for Meanlight's own good; the less illusions she sees, the less her own perspective is skewed and the more varied it is, the more refined judgement she will pass. She's a smart pony, she will realize it.
  986. >As for you, you face your own crisis. The dreaded deal with Greedity.
  987. >Walking slowly to the gray mare's tent you really hope that she'll see reason.
  988. >Meanlight is so much easier to converse with - even if she's opinionated and arrogant, she's at least somewhat reasonable. Greedity, on the other hand, can be a total wildcard. A dangerous one. You may not understand her fully, but after all you've seen of her you can't deny that she isn't stupid.
  989. >This was obviously her objective for some time. Maybe ever since Meanlight had laid claim on you. So part of your current course of action is to circumvent any fail-safe Greedity might've invented for this deal - basically, to trick or outsmart her.
  990. >Being aware of such opportunity is your best hope here.
  991. >Maybe you really should go with her plan, just to rub it in Meanlight's face, but the more you think about it, the more idiotic it sounds.
  992. >You're not that petty, for one. And, also... Well, you really don't need another mare exploiting you.
  993. >It feels infuriating to even think about it. If Greedity can put something you can't dispute on the table, then you've been owned even before your pants are down.
  994. >Meanlight has never thought about seeing you as something more of a tool when she drugged you. But you'd be an idiot to think that Greedity's intentions are any better.
  995. >There is no affection or intimacy to be had here. This whole barter is a product of cold calculation and, most probably, desire to one-up Meanlight first and foremost.
  996. >You own disgust might be enough to prevent this from happening simply because it'd prevent you from getting hard, but you can't rely on this alone.
  997. >And so here you are.
  998. "Rarity, you in there?" you ask, sighing heavily.
  999. >"Yes, come in!"
  1000. >The mare is waiting for you inside on her 'bed' with her forelegs shyly kept under her chest.
  1001. >Probably been like that all this time, waiting for you.
  1002. >"Take a seat," she offers and nods her head towards the space near her.
  1003. >The fact that you plop down on the very edge of the mattress, the farthest from Greedity as you could get, doesn't go unnoticed.
  1004. >"Anonymous, don't be shy. You are here just for me, are you not?"
  1005. "Rarity, I..." you try to find just the right words for it. "About that barter-"
  1006. >"What about it?"
  1007. "The truth is, I was under a lot of stress and didn't have a lot of time to think. I don't exactly know what exactly it entails."
  1008. >"That's simple, I shall make you mine just like Twilight did."
  1009. "I would rather not go through this again, to be honest with you."
  1010. >"Why did you make the deal then?"
  1011. "What choice did I have? I was in a real hurry. It's not fair, Rarity."
  1012. >"It is. You said it's a deal."
  1013. "Come on, I just-"
  1014. >"No!" she frowns, almost in disgust. "Anon, we've made a deal!"
  1015. "Well, what if I refuse?"
  1016. >"What do you mean?"
  1017. "What if I don't want this?"
  1018. >Greedity looks away for a second. This might be the big moment, she doesn't look like she has even entertained a thought about you refusing.
  1019. >"Then, I guess, our barter will be done? If you don't follow the rules, I won't too."
  1020. "But it's not about the rules."
  1021. >"You said rules are important!"
  1022. "I guess I have, at some point..."
  1023. >"Then I'll just take what I want from you and you won't have a say in it," she humphs.
  1024. "Take what you want? What do you want?"
  1025. >"Everything. I'll take everything from your sack and not just one thing. No rules.
  1026. "So, things from my bag."
  1027. >"And the bag itself. Every time you're going to show up here I'll take it!"
  1028. >You see how Greedity's eyes begin to shine with enthusiasm. Maybe it's not a good idea to tickle her fancy like that, at this rate she'll forget about the deal and just go for the "take all" route.
  1029. >"And then... Then I'll just take things from your house."
  1030. "What?"
  1031. >"Yes, just little by little. Or maybe stash other things there so I can take them later."
  1032. >Having stolen items in your abode doesn't seem like a good idea at all.
  1033. >But Greedity isn't done yet. Her smile grows ever so wider:
  1034. >"Maybe I have already started it! Just in case."
  1035. "Wait, what do you mean, started?"
  1036. >Behind the maniacal grin it's hard to see any sort of emotions of this mare; she's bluffing right now, you believe.
  1037. >But, unfortunately, that wishful thinking deflates as soon as you see the mad hoarder's horn light up.
  1038. >From the depths of her mighty heap one small thing emerges, dragged into sunlight by its new owner.
  1039. >Shivers go down your spine as you immediately recognize it.
  1040. "Hey, that's my owl carving!"
  1041. >Yes, another one of these. One you've started working on not too long ago. There was only one way for it to end over here.
  1042. >"Oh, it's lovely. I couldn't help it, I went right after we've made the deal to take something. Just in case."
  1043. >Greedity is starting to lose it, whispering something to your statuette like the damn thing can hear her. Even now, her mania is side-tracking her. Of course she's obsessed as always, but it's messing her up more than before, and it's the last thing you need at the moment.
  1044. "It's not even finished yet... More importantly, how the hell do you even know where I live?"
  1045. >"What do you mean? Everypony here knows where you live."
  1046. "But... How? Why?"
  1047. >"Twilight showed us. Rainbow Dash, for one, travels there from time to time... I bet she wants to steal things from there, and they're mine! Grr!"
  1048. >You feel sick. On top of this awful predicament with the grey greed monster, it's now a matter of your privacy and security.
  1049. >And this Rainbow thing barely even registers with you right now. The fact that Greedity was able to break into your house somewhere during the time you weren't around and got out, presumably unnoticed, is so distressful that you feel feverish.
  1050. >Why are you learning this now? Why was there no one to stop this? Does Meanlight know?
  1051. >She probably doesn't care, so that question is stupid. And of course no one was going to stop this. These ponies are so oblivious that they let you take Fluttershy's clone into a clinic together with a clone of the princess residing in this very town and don't even bat an eye.
  1052. >There's only one pony living near you so no one would ever know that someone is entering your house if she's not around. And she's been busy these days, so it must've been so simple for Greedity to just swoop right in.
  1053. >The circumstances for this just couldn't be any worse.
  1054. >That's what you get for getting used to Ponyville's tradition of not locking doors. Doubtful that it would've stopped this deranged kleptomaniac either way.
  1055. >"So, can we now do this?"
  1056. >Seeing how you aren't moving any closer, Greedity starts inching towards you herself. Still grinning.
  1057. >"That's enough to convince you that you should keep the deal, right?"
  1058. >Closer.
  1059. >"Now you'll be mine so that won't happen. Yes, if I have you..."
  1060. >Yet closer.
  1061. >You are preparing to defend yourself.
  1062. >The mare is nearly drooling and her eyes are darting across your body, as if she's seeking a good spot to attack or something - Greedity is prone on the mattress like a wild predator ready to jump.
  1063. >"You'll be mine, all mine. And everything you have will also be mine."
  1064. "Hold on!"
  1065. >Greedy gray hoof, already extended towards you, abides your request and hangs in the air. Greedity is staring into your eyes but you know her patience won't last long.
  1066. "So if I refuse, then you'll take all my stuff. But if I accept, you 'take' me but you also take my stuff."
  1067. >"Well, I-I mean, if you're mine, then... your stuff is also mine."
  1068. >At a moment's notice the greedy mare changes from a predator to prey, smiling weakly as she realizes a glaring miscalculation in her plan.
  1069. >She is a smart pony after all. When she's not acting like a lunatic.
  1070. "So I guess it's more profitable for me to just refuse and at least keep-"
  1071. >"No! I won't take your stuff," she starts bargaining. "If you're mine then you get to keep it."
  1072. >The hoof is still in the air. Waiting for your decision. Longing to finally touch you.
  1073. "Well..."
  1074. >It moves just an inch forward.
  1075. "Wait!"
  1076. >Greedity is once again stopped, and this time she looks worried. No confidence is left in this greedy but silly pony, and she's preparing to face yet another accusation from you.
  1077. "You're forgetting one thing: this won't just make me yours."
  1078. >"This?"
  1079. "The...act."
  1080. >"You mean mating?"
  1081. >With a sigh, you're forced to say it out loud.
  1082. "Yes, mating. You can't just have it one way."
  1083. >"Why not?"
  1084. "Wh- Do you know what it even is?"
  1085. >"Twilight did it on her own."
  1086. "Because I wasn't even awake at the time."
  1087. >The hoof that's nearing you retracts back. Greedity sits up to think about it.
  1088. >"So, I have to somehow put you to sleep now..."
  1089. "No, that's not what I mean! It didn't even work for Twilight until I woke up."
  1090. >"I don't follow."
  1091. "What I'm saying it, it's a two-way street. You'll have me, but I'll have you just as much."
  1092. >With her head tilting to the side, the mare tries to wrap it around that idea.
  1093. >"You... I will be yours?"
  1094. "Yes."
  1095. >Greedity's breath hastens. At first you think she doesn't understand what does that mean and is anxious about it, but she starts approaching you again.
  1096. >"I'll take that deal."
  1097. "Wait, but... I mean, you'll be as much mine as I'll be yours."
  1098. >"I understand."
  1099. >Her hoof once again is extended towards you, and this time no hesitation is had - it is pressed against your chest and its warm firmness is then rubbed across it.
  1100. >A simple fact of touching you amuses Greedity profoundly, as her smile grows ever wider once again. Breathing heavily and exhaling through her slightly opened mouth, she stands up to get closer to you.
  1101. "A-and also," you still try to deter her. "That means all of your stuff will be mine."
  1102. >She only nods. Everything is already decided in her head. You bargaining with her was taken as an agreement. The terms aren't that important to her now.
  1103. >Greedity is standing right in front of you, keeping her hoof on your chest. It slides higher on your shoulder and her other foreleg is lifted off the ground.
  1104. >Being a pony, she doesn't weight much, so her balancing act doesn't bother you. Greedity pushes her body forward, leaving her flank high in the air while her back curves inward. The accent of this gesture is obvious and you also see the mare's tail whipping to the side in a fast, jerky motion.
  1105. >Greedity's plan is to put that second hoof on you as well, but she miscalculates the approach. It slides down your arm, bringing the mare herself tumbling down in a really awkward way.
  1106. >With a yelp she loses her balance and collides with your body, both forelegs at your sides. At least you were able to catch her, but that's another problem: your hands are now on her.
  1107. >"Ahh~" you hear from Greedity as your palms cup her soft coat when you try to stop the pony's fall.
  1108. >It's still wasn't enough. Her head ended up right at your stomach, threatening to puncture you with its horn.
  1109. >You notice her tail is still wiggling a bit and she doesn't really move, breathing deeply right into your clothes. It feels incredibly warm and moist.
  1110. >Two forelegs close in, sealing you in a kind of embrace.
  1111. >"So close..." you hear a hot whisper from below.
  1112. >You try to prop Greedity up and when your hands touch her sides, you can practically feel the erratic heartbeat of hers, be it a sign of exhilaration or anxiety, or both.
  1113. >Once she's up, she still doesn't give up on keeping her hooves on you, this time touching your arms. She can't tear herself away from your eyes - just like you can't stop staring into hers.
  1114. >"So close..." she whispers again. "Finally."
  1115. >It doesn't feel unpleasant to touch her. You note how clean and soft this mare is. And, indeed, she is so very close now.
  1116. >You know she has tried to get closer before, so you can imagine that it's been on her mind for some time now. Only it's hard for you to believe she really is obsessed with you as a person, rather than with the concept of stealing something precious from others.
  1117. >Even if it's not entirely the case, her comrade ponies had exhibit interest in your in the past, so this surely contributed to Greedity's fixation.
  1118. >As she leans even more into your hold, pushing herself with her hindlegs until her face is all up in your shirt again, you think that you can't weasel out of this any longer.
  1119. >She will accept any trade-offs just to have you.
  1120. >You might as well get comfortable, as off-putting as it seems.
  1121. >Tearing Greedity off yourself is hard, but you manage:
  1122. "Rarity... Hold on a moment," you whisper to her as you prop her up again.
  1123. >With both of you whispering the scene becomes much more intimate, on top of you hearing Greedity's breath so closely.
  1124. >Thankfully, she doesn't argue with you about this. With her out of your face, you climb further onto the mattress. You'd lean to the mare's giant pile of treasure, but you can't see this being comfortable.
  1125. "Do you have a pillow or something?"
  1126. >After a quick nod, Greedity pulls a big, fluffy pillow from somewhere behind you using magic. When put right against the pile, it provides just enough protection from it.
  1127. >Your upper body is thus elevated a bit, which is perfectly fine with Greedity, who climbs on top of you immediately.
  1128. >Her whole little marshmallow body is wriggling on top of you. With her head at your chest, the mare's crotch lies right against yours. With how much rubbing is going on right now, you'd think it would be easy to get at least somewhat stimulated.
  1129. >But the whole situation dangles just barely outside of being creepy. And it's also very unfair, not matter how much Greedity really wants you.
  1130. >You don't feel it like that. Even if you feel immense lust in her - and it's obvious to feel with how hot her nethers are and how wildly her tail swooshes upwards - it's still not lust for you.
  1131. >Right now, you feel nothing but disgust and pity for this madmare. For it to go away, you'll have to resort to trickery.
  1132. >"Touch me," Greedity commands.
  1133. >Once your hands lay onto the mare's back, she immediately moans again, fastening her rubbing motions. Curious to see how much it arouses her, you move your hands lower. Soft, albeit too skinny for a regular pony, flanks of this pony are shaped perfectly to fill in your palms.
  1134. >Greedity's behind shoots up and you feel her shivering. Her tail falls on her back, touching your arms.
  1135. >The labored breath of the mare isn't the only thing that fills up the tent - you're starting to sense a familiar smell. Something that doesn't have the best of associations in your head.
  1136. >But all of this almost enough for you to get hard. You just need a little push.
  1137. >The faster you deal with this, the sooner it will all be over.
  1138. >You even try to kiss Greedity. But she doesn't seem to understand that notion: as soon as you bring her head closer, she just starts rubbing your neck with her face. And that repeats a few times until you just give up.
  1139. >Maybe she doesn't understand, maybe she doesn't care for it. Looks like it's gonna be another kissless fuck. Just what you needed right now.
  1140. >All the while it is becoming hard for Greedity to control herself. She needs more, so her hooves begin working on your clothes.
  1141. >She leaves buttons on your shirt to you after failing a few times to handle them (magic is forgotten at this point), so she focuses on your pants.
  1142. >You help get them down after you unbutton your shirt, and all you get is another round on violent rubbing, this time against your bare skin.
  1143. >Again, there's a cruel trade-off to be had here. Even though the mare's coat feel extremely good upon you, the air in the tent is below your comfort temperature.
  1144. >You really have to do this quickly.
  1145. >Greedity's eyes focus on your penis, now exposed and nearly completely flaccid. She even touches it with her hoof, and then looks up at you with a confused face.
  1146. "I... Might need a bit of help here."
  1147. >Without saying a word, the mare lights up her horn.
  1148. "No, no! Wait up."
  1149. >Afraid that she'll just electrocute you like Meanlight did, you shut down any attempts at using magic straight away.
  1150. >"What do I need to do?"
  1151. "Give me a moment."
  1152. >It's so hard to think of anything. You look at the mare and put your hands on her sides. Seeing it as a sign, she falls back on you, caressing you with her hooves.
  1153. >Watching her do it is a bit meditative. A pony right on top of naked you, wanting you.
  1154. >Well, not exactly you.
  1155. >No, you have to stop it with these thoughts. You'll never get in the mood like that. Pretend that she just wants you. You have a mare melting at your touch right on top of you, all wet and ready, it's all up to you now.
  1156. >Yeah, that pony wants nothing more than for you to take her hips and fuck her. She'll moan your name and scream for more.
  1157. >That dirty, lustful mare. You bet she'll ask you to pull her mane and-
  1158. >Come to think of it, right now she's lying with her face down and you swear she looks exactly like the real Rarity.
  1159. >The mane is similar and in the dim tent the off-brand color of her coat doesn't matter; the tired, sleepless eyelids of hers look just like Rarity's eye shadow.
  1160. >This could very well be your ticket. Even thinking about this as Rarity already had made your member twitch.
  1161. "Can you do me a favor, Rarity?" you ask, accentuating her name.
  1162. >"What is it?"
  1163. "C-can you... Well, it might sound strange. Can you call me 'darling'?"
  1164. >"What do you mean?"
  1165. "Like when you talk to me."
  1166. >"Alright," she seems confused but accepts your request. "What do you want me to say?"
  1167. "I don't know... Anything. Just call me that."
  1168. >"Okay, darling."
  1169. "And talk more playfully."
  1170. >"Okay, darling~"
  1171. >This might work. You close your eyes.
  1172. "S-say that you want me...or something."
  1173. >"I want you, darling."
  1174. >Oh god, there's no way it's actually working.
  1175. >The voice gets closer to your ear.
  1176. >"I want you, darling~"
  1177. >Relaxing and closing your eyes, you imagine Rarity, close to you and all over your body, both of you naked and- No, she's wearing black lingerie and you're at a fireplace.
  1178. >It's cold outside and she wants to keep you warm. Her bathrobe falls to the floor, revealing her appetizing forms highlighted even more by her sexy underwear.
  1179. >She comes closer to you and climbs on top of you, knowing how much you need her, how much you've always wanted her. You'd cover her in kisses all over if she just said the word. You'd worship every inch of her perfect pony body if she'd only let you.
  1180. >Rarity greedily strokes your chest with her hoof, and at your ear you hear her husky voice:
  1181. >"I want to you be mine, darling~"
  1182. "R-rarity..."
  1183. >You've never been this hard in your life.
  1184. >"Be mine, Anon. I need you to belong to me, darling."
  1185. >She's so real. The warmth of her body, the finest silk of her coat... It's all yours. You want her right now.
  1186. >You open your eyes and all you see is a familiar purple mane covering your vision. The mare is right at your ear so you can't even see her face. You don't need to.
  1187. >Your hands quickly trace her flanks, down to her belly and to her crotch, where you find two small perky nipples.
  1188. >Even if your hand barely brushes them on its way to her heated, soaked sex, Rarity still gasps in your ear and her whole body trembles.
  1189. >When your fingers find the soft slit, covered in musky liquid, Rarity starts winking uncontrollably, tail hitting her back in another lustful motion.
  1190. "Take me, Rarity," you whisper back and guide the mare down on you.
  1191. >She slides lower on you quickly and you help her by holding your now throbbing dick in place, aligning it with the pony's tender, swollen marelips.
  1192. >The heat spreads all across your tip once it comes in contact with the flesh aching with anticipation, and Rarity's voice goes pitch up when she moans out of surprise.
  1193. >Her head is thrown up and her gaze meets yours. She looks almost scared, but when she sees you the expression turns into a happy one.
  1194. >With just one push you can't get yourself inside fully. The mare is so tight it almost hurts to push further. Hearing her worried gasp you worry that it's hurting her too.
  1195. "Relax," you tell her and your hand moves up to caress her cheek.
  1196. >The pony leans into it and rests her head on your palm, smiling meekly. A single bead of sweat runs down her forehead. Immediately, you feel like it's easier to move inside of her.
  1197. >One more gasp is heard when you finally get your whole shaft into the mare's virgin pussy.
  1198. >"Ahh, Anon!" she starts shaking her head, as if to try to regain mental clarity.
  1199. >It certainly is hard for her, trembling on your firm cock while you feel her clit beating sporadically against its very base.
  1200. >Even though the illusion of your fantasy, one that's been haunting your for a long time ever since you've met Rarity, is already gone, you still feel as if you won't lose the feeling of it.
  1201. >This is already happening. You might as well finish the job.
  1202. >With your hands back on Greedity's ass, you try pulling yourself out of her concupiscent marecunt, and it proves to be not that difficult.
  1203. >You decide to bring the mare back down right away, but she is instead taking the initiative in her own hooves, rocking on top of you in a chaotic rhythm, guided only by how fast she is able to go.
  1204. >"Ooh! Yes! YES!" she can barely focus to say anything when she pick up the pace.
  1205. >Your previous detachment is long gone too; incredible, silky snatch of this insatiable mare restlessly polishing your rod overwhelms you to an extent you weren't ready for.
  1206. >You thought it's going to be something akin to Meanlight's torture, but this time around you do actually feel good.
  1207. >Greedity's butt is slamming down with incredibly lewd slushing sound, arousing in and of itself, each fleshy hit eliciting a small yelp out of the rapacious mare who just can't get enough of you.
  1208. >She might not be awfully loud, but her constant moaning is ringing in your head. It's all because of you, you're the one giving her so much pleasure that she's been wishing for this whole time.
  1209. >"Ahh-noon~" she whines as her legs finally give in and start wobbling. "Ahhh!"
  1210. >Unexpectedly, Greedity outright falls down on you and starts gasping for air. Her whole body shudders like she's having a seizure, and you feel like your dick is going to get crushed by the supple walls of flesh.
  1211. >"Ano-o-on..." the mare is almost crying now, at least it sounds like with all the whining and sobbing she produces while still keeping you inside and not letting even an inch slip out.
  1212. >You are compelled to help her when she calms down a bit; feeling your hands on her sweaty body, Greedity looks at you. In turn, her hoof travels to your face and holds your cheek.
  1213. >"I-" she can't say anything, no matter how she tries.
  1214. >With curls of now unkempt lavender mane reaching down her humbled, smiling face, she looks stunning. Once you eyes lock again, there's nothing but affection there. Something precious and deeply profound.
  1215. "Come here," you call her and bend your knees, pushing Greedity farther onto you. "Relax."
  1216. >Securing the pony on top of you, you start pulling out. She's not against it, but when you slide back in, and again, an inquisitive look forms on her face.
  1217. >"We're not done?"
  1218. "I'm not."
  1219. >"But... I thought we're already..."
  1220. "Just relax and enjoy it, Rarity."
  1221. >She wants to follow your advice, but it's hard for her to just relax. Even if you're the one dictating the tempo now, no one said it's going to be slow. On the contrary, soon you're hammering Greedity faster than she could've done by herself.
  1222. >"Ahhh! S-slow down..." she starts thrashing about on top of you once again, but your hands hold her precious ass firmly.
  1223. >She can't escape the violent, relentless pounding you really want to give her. With her breath labored and eyes wide open, she soon throws herself down on your chest again, screaming your name in yet another orgasm.
  1224. >"Anon!! Please!"
  1225. >Even if it is hard for you to keep thrusting through it, you go balls deep each time, and it makes the mare yell again.
  1226. >"T-too fast!!" she inhales loudly, trying to regain control of her spasming body.
  1227. >Even when her hindlegs start kicking violently and Greedity lets out a shriek that borders agony, you just force her face down onto your chest.
  1228. >There, her saliva and tears mix with your sweat, because you feel you're so close to finish you just want to get it out and you don't care how fast you go.
  1229. >Despite Greedity being so tight, she's also really wet and slippery, so the texture of her pussy only feels pleasant and gratifying, giving in to your every thrust but hugging your dick closely.
  1230. >Even now, when she's sobbing uncontrollably and completely losing it on top of you, mind lagging behind her senses, you still feel her orgasmic convulsions with every inch of your penis.
  1231. >It doesn't stop now. It's like she's trembling constantly and her voice sounds dry when she keeps moaning something incomprehensible.
  1232. >As Greedity is now completely relaxed, it's easy for you to keep her when you want her. Previously firm back of hers is now absolutely soft, and that's true for every muscle in her body - it's all under your control now.
  1233. >You're getting yourself off with this placid body, akin to a horny dog humping a toy. And soon you feel a massive climax approaching.
  1234. >It's so unbelievably good, all of it. The soft and wet coat with every enfeebled muscle under it, the delicious body resting on yours exists only for your pleasure. The pony who was begging for your cock, begging for you to fuck her brains out is now immensely satisfied by you and she probably doesn't even process anything that's happening right now.
  1235. >All you want now is to pump her full of your seed, fill her up with cum. Every breath she takes, every lazy but loud moan that escapes her lips is granted to her by you. With every pump you want to make her feel even more of your vigor so the music of her orgasmic sobs never stops, not for one second. You want her to feel something she'll never forget.
  1236. >The dripping lustful mare, previously ready to cum from just your touch, is now reduced to a helpless puppet that you can't stop fucking. And every time you hilt in her eager cunt that can't stop leaking, her meek squeaks let you know that you're doing a good job. She wanted you so much and she's in heaven now.
  1237. "Rarity," you call for her, in hopes that she's still conscious.
  1238. >The mare slowly turns her head up to face you. A dopey, satisfied smile adorns her tear-stained face that's smeared with what looks like the remainder of whatever make-up she had on her pretty face. Her eyes don't look like they see you, or anything. She's completely out of her mind.
  1239. >You grab her withers with one hand and hold this mess of a pony close to yourself. Greedity really seems like a stuffed doll now, and you feel her futile attempts at moving her limbs; giving up on it she moans something that sounds like your name and reverts back to her state of perpetual mindless satisfaction.
  1240. >You wanted to tell her that you're close, but you can't even hold it anymore. It's now time for you to thrash about once the orgasm crushes your mind with it's unparalleled bliss.
  1241. >Groaning and squeezing Greedity's neck you try to make your final thrusts reach even deeper, make it count.
  1242. >"Ahh-noooon~" she weeps quietly, licking your skin.
  1243. >The pony's unbearably hot snatch readily accepts waves of your semen; it seems like the finishing throbs won't ever end. And by the time they do end, you notice that you're almost moaning and there are tears in the corners of your eyes from how hard you were keeping them shut.
  1244. >Same with Greedity - you were pressing her face so hard against your skin that she gasps for air when you release it. The patch of hair on her withers that got caught into your grasp is now even more messed up than the rest of her mane. You're honestly surprised you didn't rip it off or something.
  1245. >But after that desperate gasp you hear a happy sob and a sigh. Greedity's face is barely above your skin and it is still connected to it by lines of saliva (and probably a bit of snot too) dripping down the opened mouth that's curved in a constant smile.
  1246. >You both have never felt this way before, and you both have only each other to thank for it.
  1247. >You see how the pony struggles to move her head, instead just shaking in place, so you help her look at you.
  1248. >It takes some time for Greedity to focus on you, but once she does, she whispers:
  1249. >"Mine?"
  1250. "Yeah," you answer. "Looks like I'm yours now."
  1251. >It's hard to say what her reaction is, as the smile is still on her face. But you're pretty sure she should be happy, all things considered.
  1252. >As for you... Nothing but regret is settling in inside your soul as your orgasm high subsides.
  1253. >Meanlight's words about cancelling the deal at whatever price keep popping up in your head.
  1254. >For now it's but an echo. But it makes you sweat in fear that once your head clears, there's gonna be nothing left there but bitter understanding of the mistake you've allowed yourself to make.
  1256. >"Mine..."
  1257. "Don't worry. You should rest."
  1258. >You don't pull out of her until you're completely flaccid again. It's only after a minute or so Greedity gets back on track and gathers her wits again.
  1259. >It's then you ask her:
  1260. "Do you have any sort of blanket? It's a bit cold in here for me."
  1261. >The mare nods and with her magic brings up a fairly flimsy blanket which she covers both of you with.
  1262. >Looks like she has no intention of letting you go any time soon. Her hooves are still by your sides and her muzzle is rubbing against your shoulder, mixing your sweat with hers.
  1263. >You really hope that blanket is enough to protect you from cold in such a state. And also, gearing back up to leave is going to be quite a difficult task now that you're this sweaty and also have your crotch completely soaked.
  1264. >You can't wait to take a bath. But in the meantime, Greedity doesn't have a care in the world.
  1265. >"You're mine now," she states in a relaxed manner.
  1266. "I guess. And you're mine too."
  1267. >"Yes," she doesn't hesitate even for a moment.
  1268. "So, what does it mean?"
  1269. >"Huh?"
  1270. "Can I take some of your things, for example?"
  1271. >You can feel her frown against your body, but she powers through this inner conflict immediately.
  1272. >"I guess you can... Well, I then can take anything of yours, right?"
  1273. "But I was just asking, I don't intend on taking anything. So I don't want you to take anything mine as well, especially from my house. Alright?"
  1274. >"Fine, as long as you stay mine."
  1275. >Your best guess is that you're such a valuable possession for her that she's willing to forgo everything else for this?
  1276. "Is it that important to you?"
  1277. >Greedity closes her eyes and doesn't answer at first. You soon realize that she's falling asleep.
  1278. >"If you're mine, I have all the things..." she murmurs. "All that you own. That means we don't have to barter. That means you'll stay by my side, you won't leave me ever again."
  1279. >You just stare at the tent's walls, thinking about going home to warm yourself up and cleanse your body from all of...this.
  1280. >The trick that enabled all of it seems so cheap and dirty you desperately NEED a shower right now.
  1281. >"You're mine, you won't leave me... Alone..."
  1282. >Greedity is already drifting off so you can barely understand what she's saying.
  1283. >With time you feel yourself and everything around you dry up on its own. Greedity is napping on top of you, probably extremely satisfied and comfortable because of your warmth. You can't deny that having a pony right on top of you feels nice.
  1284. >Her calm, deep breaths are felt and seen in great details. Every time she exhales your shoulder gets washed over with warm air.
  1285. >It's only then you realize what really just happened.
  1286. >And you feel horrible. You've allowed this to happen. You were seduced, convinced, tricked, misguided. By her and... And your own decision to do it.
  1287. >Getting it done was the plan there. Now you see that it never should've happened in the first place.
  1288. >With luck and a lot of finesse you free yourself from under the sleeping mare, whose only response to you cradling her on her sheets and covering her with a blanket all alone is to start snoring.
  1289. >Meanwhile, you do what you can to clean yourself with your handkerchief and get clothed again. Everything still feels awkward and uncomfortable.
  1290. >And, of course, you don't forget your god damn owl statuette. You'll finish her later. Maybe tomorrow.
  1291. >You honestly feel like you shouldn't even return here. But you'll decide on it after you get back home.
  1292. >God, you hope you don't meet Fluttershy on the way.
  1293. >But as soon as you walk out of the tent, you run into the other Fluttershy instead. The mean one, sporting her new manecut and cutiemark, is walking to her tent.
  1294. >She looks a bit lost and you see how she's limping because of her leg. When she looks at you, her muzzle curves in a smile that may be weak, but still really smug.
  1295. >"Heh."
  1296. >That's all she says looking behind you, at Greedity's tent. And then she walks away.
  1297. >You have no idea what that was about. You want to ask Meanlight about it, in case Meanshy is back on track and is acting up again, but after taking a few steps towards her tent you realize that it's probably a bad idea to get in her sights right now.
  1298. >Now that you think about it, Greedity got pretty loud by the end, and you probably smell strongly of her too.
  1299. >Without a doubt, your former 'owner' won't take lightly to you appearing before her now. You can guess that she's upset about it, specifically losing control over you, but you hope she realizes that it's not a big deal at all.
  1300. >But now you won't bother her. All the more reasons to get away from this place for now.
  1301. >Needless to say, by the nature of this experience the more you try to not think about it, the more it's on your mind. There's a lot to worry about.
  1302. >Mainly about your future among the mean ponies now that Greedity feels like she has her hooves on you. You have no idea what being 'hers' actually means - once again, to you it's a meaningless assertion.
  1303. >But if this mare in her avarice will try to usurp your time and dictate your activity in the camp, and even your relations with others, that's when you're going to have a problem with it.
  1304. >Because all in all, you're still Meanlight's assistant. You have nothing against that position.
  1305. >In fact, you come to conclusion that it's probably the best place to be. Right at the leader's side. Retaining the ability to influence her course of action.
  1306. >If Greedity is going to try to sabotage this position, you'll actually lose power over every single thing there. And you don't want that.
  1307. >It's unpleasant to admit, but remaining at Meanlight's side is the best course of action for you.
  1308. >One thought leads to another, and you catch yourself thinking that it kind of sucks for the purple pseudo-princess to 'lose' you in such a way.
  1309. >Not like you feel bad about it, but...
  1310. >It's not very fair too. Meanlight's cynical practices in regards to you don't make Greedity's equally shitty deal any more fair.
  1311. >They're all assholes in the end.
  1312. >You just have to get home right now. This forest all around you is getting on your nerves. You would be running right now if you had any strength left.
  1313. >Why couldn't that timber wolf wait until now with its attack? Because right now you feel like it would be easier to just let it rip you apart than try to deal with this situation.
  1314. >Although that attack was exactly what has led you to this situation in the first place.
  1315. >Just one little thing, one arrogant mare who doesn't know when to quit, was enough to ruin everything for you.
  1316. >Escape is the only thing you wish for right now.
  1317. >With your heartbeat blanking out everything around you, drumming in your ears, pumping all the steaming, heated raw pain through your head, you nearly run out of the woods.
  1318. >Passing Fluttershy's cottage without even trying to guess where could she be right now, you slam the door of your house behind you.
  1319. >You back bears against it like you're trying to prop it with your body. Only now you allow yourself to exhale fully.
  1320. >Sweat is streaming down your head and the violent pulse of blood in your eyes threatens to split your head in half.
  1321. >Barely remaining conscious, you manage find your head medicine, long buried in the depths of your drawer, no doubt a testament to your excellent health.
  1322. >Feeling like you're going to need some extra firepower here, you down two tablets one after another, helping them with a whole glass of water.
  1323. >Only after that you stop moving. While your hands on the table keep you from falling over, you stand motionless and try to calm yourself down.
  1324. >It's not working at all.
  1325. "Fucking hell," you shake your head from side to side and immediately regret it.
  1326. >A few droplets of sweat fall down on the wood, and you try to stare at them to calm your head down a bit.
  1327. >You've gotta hit that shower now or you'll just collapse right here on the floor, and you don't need that right now. You're practically soaked and you feel really cold - at least your hands are freezing. And shaking for some reason.
  1328. >Well, they help cool off your head when you press your palms onto it once you enter the secluded chamber of your small bathroom.
  1329. >Even taking deep breaths doesn't calm you down. Head is spinning and there's only intuition to guide your motions.
  1330. >You have no idea how you've managed to take off your clothes, dealing with your aching body covered in slimy sweat. Nor are you aware how much time you've spent under hot water.
  1331. >By the time your head clears, you can only afford to somewhat dry yourself by patting your feeble naked body with a towel.
  1332. >Now you feel cleaner. You honestly don't even care anymore. You can't allow a single thought into your head.
  1333. >You grab your bathrobe and leave.
  1334. >Get your warmest blanket.
  1335. >Fall onto your bed.
  1336. >No thoughts allowed. Just cover yourself with warmth and pass out as soon as possible.
  1337. >At least that wish is granted to you soon. With your medicine now taking full effect, you're gladly oblige to its side effect of causing sleepiness and let everything go.
  1338. >When you finally wake up, you wish it really was gone from your life, this whole day. It's darker outside, but one quick glance at a clock reveals that it's not even time for your dinner yet.
  1339. >But at least you feel better, both your body and head. It seems you've managed to calm down at last.
  1340. >You just need to take a breather now, vent your mind and move past this shitty day. Yes, just freshen up and do something normal, something usual like nothing has happened.
  1341. >So after putting that unfinished wooden owl back on its place (nothing else seems to be missing, surprisingly), you put on a fresh set of clothes and decide to visit the town.
  1342. >Might as well do your groceries now, when you're in the mood for walking around.
  1343. >Ponyville's ponies always warm your heart with their cheerful mood that you see almost every time you come here.
  1344. >You thought at first that you're too tired to get friendly with anyone on your way, but as it turns out, you can't help but smile when you see ponies greeting you, waving their hooves at you or just smiling in your general direction.
  1345. >And this is the town that's been allegedly terrorized by the mean ponies. Still happy as ever. It would seem that you weren't that far from the truth, they work things out despite all the odds.
  1346. >Even the familiar faces you see along the way are all lively. Pinkie is seen laughing while mingling with some ponies near the Sugarcube Corner; Rainbow Dash and Twilight are loudly discussing something near the town's hall but they look like they're having fun.
  1347. >The only exception that you find is Applejack. Once you get to the market, you notice her tired face at her all her kiosk of apple-related products.
  1348. >She's talking to some mare in a plain grey coat and a wide brimmed hat.
  1349. >If that costume was supposed to conceal the pony's identity, it's doing a very poor job. A curl of purple tail is seen peeking from under the coat.
  1350. >Your path leads to a store right next to her, so it would be rude to just walk past the apple mare.
  1351. "Hi, Applejack," you nod as you walk past.
  1352. >She lazily nods back, half-listening to what Rarity is telling her in a fairly hushed tone.
  1353. >You just wanted to get some veggies here and get out. However, Rarity is already waiting for you right by the door when you exit.
  1354. >"Anonymous?" she asks.
  1355. "Hi, Rarity," you try to act cool.
  1356. >"Tell me, honestly, do you think this city will ever recover from such outrageous crime?"
  1357. >For a moment there your brain completely turns off, overheated by your attempts to understand what the hell is this pony talking about.
  1358. >Whatever it is, your heart starts racing again.
  1359. >Is she talking about the recent disturbances? Does she know you're connected? Maybe it's about you bringing Meanshy here? Or is she insinuating that-
  1360. >Only after a few seconds of staring at her you finally remember your agreement. You remember your line, lucky for you:
  1361. "There's a chance, miss, but something tells me it ain't gonna be all that easy."
  1362. >Rarity smiles, happy that you finally caught up.
  1363. >"Should we make an easier to remember password next time?"
  1364. "I think we should," you sigh with relief.
  1365. >"I wanted to talk to you one of these days, but since you're here, maybe we could chat right now?"
  1366. "Why not, I'm in no hurry."
  1367. >"Perfect."
  1368. >It's just a little friendly conversation, you suppose. Rarity, using a less crowded road, takes you to her boutique which is strangely empty at this time of day, and you gets you a cup of hot cocoa.
  1369. >While she's drinking her own, she tells you all about that shipping issue you've heard about from Meanlight.
  1370. >"I don't even know those guys!" she shrugs. "How rude of them to assume I of all ponies would risk my reputation to do something this silly and counter-productive."
  1371. >While the white mare is complaining to you, your mind drifts off for a moment. Looking at Rarity, you suddenly remember how you've embrace that tender body just today.
  1372. >Granted, it wasn't as supple and all around perfect, but it was as close as you've ever got to this gorgeous pony.
  1373. >"Anon? Is everything fine?" Rarity waves at you.
  1374. "Yeah, sorry... Just a bit tired today, is all."
  1375. >"I can see that, you look like you could use some sleep. I think we all do. Especially Applejack, did you know that-"
  1376. >While she's covering the mischief of Appleliar and her sabotage of Sweet Apple Acres, you just bask in the stream of Rarity's voice, trying to compare it to Greedity's.
  1377. >Even if their bodies are different, the voice certainly feels the same.
  1378. >You even close your eyes, just for a second.
  1379. >"I want you to be mine, darling..."
  1380. >You nearly jump up, startled by such a shockingly real image in your head. Rarity in turn stops talking and looks at you with curiosity that borders concern.
  1381. >"In any case... I found some correlation between-"
  1382. >The honey of her voice is all over you, but it's not that disgusting tar that you so desperately tried to wash off yourself. It's the pure elegance and sophistication in every word, every breath.
  1383. >Something Greedity can't ever compete with but... It was just little bit comparable.
  1384. >"Take me, Anon, darling~" you hear inside your head.
  1385. >"Anon? You still there?"
  1386. >The smoothness of her heavenly coat is all upon your skin. Your hands are free to roam the luscious curves of Rarity the seductress.
  1387. >"I want you so much. Please, I need you inside of me right now..."
  1388. >"For goodness' sake!"
  1389. >A very gentle and considerate poke in your arm destroys the illusion that has entranced you.
  1390. >It seems that you've been just staring somewhere behind Rarity for at least half a minute now.
  1391. "God, Rarity, I'm sorry. I just-"
  1392. >You try to maintain eye contact, only to make sure that the mare doesn't look down, especially at your crotch right now.
  1393. >"Oh, well, just promise me you'll rest when you get home."
  1394. "Hah, yeah."
  1395. >You notice that you're blushing awkwardly. You don't even care that you do.
  1396. >It's easy to overlook it when your mind is constantly reminding you that after all said and done you have technically fucked this pony today. You've made her cum. You've made her lose her mind with pleasure.
  1397. >And she doesn't even know it.
  1398. >It's the perfect crime. A kind that even Shadow Spade wouldn't be able to solve.
  1399. >"What's so funny?" Rarity smiles at you.
  1400. >You finally notice that you've been grinning this whole time.
  1401. "No, it's nothing. So, you're saying that all those occurrences are connected to each other, right? Would that mean that the first incidents of book-stealing fit in here too?"
  1402. >You want to show her that you've been actually listening to her, but truth be told, you've just caught glimpses here and there.
  1403. >"I guess you could say that, but it's more curious to me how only some ponies are targeted again and again. It's like there's only a set number of ponies they can imitate."
  1404. "Wait, you don't mean that they-"
  1405. >You stop in the middle of that sentence, trying to wrap your head about what Rarity is even trying to say.
  1406. "Sorry, what exactly do you mean?"
  1407. >"It's too early to make any sort of conclusions, but if we assume that we, bearers of the Elements, are the targets, there are still some pieces missing. Which leads me to believe..."
  1408. >You're on the edge of your seat.
  1409. >"That if these are indeed changelings, they somehow have limited ability to transform. Or they are stuck in very specific forms."
  1410. >You clench your teeth as your heart starts it's acceleration. This might explain some things. After all, the nature of the mean ponies is still as enigmatic as it ever was.
  1411. >Somehow you never even bothered researching it, thinking that it wouldn't make much difference when there's so many more pressing issues, but at some point you'll have to dig for clues.
  1412. >Seems like Rarity is way ahead of you here, despite knowing nothing about the existence of such ponies.
  1413. >"Anon, are you SURE that you don't know anything about why Fluttershy might remain unaffected?" the mare asks coldly.
  1414. "I have no idea, Rarity," a meek reply escapes your pursed lips.
  1415. >"I see," she sighs. "Well, be a darling and do keep a close eye on her. She has her hooves full already because of all the animals from the Everfree complaining about something, she doesn't need any more problems."
  1416. "Of course, I'll do my best."
  1417. >Animals 'complaining' about something? This is the first time you're hearing about this.
  1418. >Well, you haven't been following Fluttershy's struggle these days, have you?
  1419. >Now you feel bad about it. She always worries about you, and you only have energy enough to deal with the mean freaks at the camp.
  1420. >After Rarity and you say your goodbyes and invent another password, you leave her place still thinking about Fluttershy's situation.
  1421. >It's awfully suspicious and yet you know nothing about it. Those animal problems have begun right after Meanlight had her campaign started.
  1422. >Maybe you do need to investigate that. After you rest a bit. And forget about being so dirty towards the real Rarity. What a shameful, shameful display, being carried away like that.
  1423. >Even if it was so real, it's not how it should be with Rarity.
  1424. >Granted, you used to think about her nearly every day, but all of what happened today is just wrong. It's not what you wanted but now you're forced to live with it.
  1425. >Not just today, these few days have just been disastrous to you. And the whole month...
  1426. >A month ago, if someone were to tell you that you'd have sex with two different ponies in a span of a few weeks and hate it both times, you'd laugh at them.
  1427. >But you ain't laughing now. No, you most definitely are not.
  1429. >As much as you are curious about this conundrum with Fluttershy and her animals, you realize that you have to be tactful and at least help her out. Not just be nosy for you own sake, you want to do some good for a change.
  1430. >Between being fucked by the mean ponies and sneaking into a hospital with Meanshy, miraculously unnoticed, you could appreciate some positive vibes.
  1431. >A sudden desire to just be a good, honest man is motivating enough. But when you return to your house and for the first time really look at what's going on at Fluttershy's place, you're starting to think that you've missed quite a lot.
  1432. >The mare herself is at the moment exiting her cottage, leading a small rodent in front of her to the yard that's filled with all the different kinds of critters.
  1433. >You thought you've seen a bear out here one of these days, but you're not sure if that was just your imagination or memories, or just tired mind.
  1434. >In any case, the look on the yellow mare's face isn't very inspiring: she's obviously exhausted and doesn't look all that friendly.
  1435. >From where you stand, you can't hear her, but it seems to you that Fluttershy is kind of annoyed.
  1436. >That won't do, of course.
  1437. >You decide to intervene, perfectly aware that the next verbal salvo this pegasus might've prepared will be fired at you. But you don't mind.
  1438. "Busy day, Fluttershy?" you call her standing right behind the fence.
  1439. >If she feels aggravated you'll just jump into the river to save your life from the pony's unbridled wrath, no big deal.
  1440. >"Oh, Anon! Nice to see you," she sighs in relief.
  1441. >Honestly, you're about to do the same. By the looks of it she sees this is a lucky intervention, not an annoyance.
  1442. >"Yes, it's kind of crowded here today," Fluttershy continues, looking around. The animals all stare at her, sometimes turning to you, probably trying to figure out of you're any danger to them and their time with their pony host.
  1443. >Some look like they're frowning, but you're not sure animals can actually do that.
  1444. "Sorry if I'm distracting you, I figured-"
  1445. >"No, not at all!" the mare giggles and turns to the animals, stating more loudly: "I was just about to go on a break."
  1446. >Her tone leaves no room for guessing - you're her escape plan for now.
  1447. >These creatures aren't as dumb as you thought since they seem to comprehend that and back off a bit.
  1448. >That gives Fluttershy some room to invite you inside. With just a wave of her hoof she signals you to follow her.
  1449. >First thing you notice that sweeps you off your feet is the smell - it's a god damn zoo here, in contrast to the last time you were visiting.
  1450. >"Sorry, I've had a lot of woodland visitors these days," Fluttershy reads your face.
  1451. "No, it's fine," you insist, taking your place on a couch while the mare is off to the kitchen. "It's kinda why I'm here, you look like you could use some help."
  1452. >"Oh, that's very sweet of you," you almost hear a smile in that voice. "But it's not a big deal. I'm already finished with most of these poor fellas."
  1453. "Finished? What is even going on here?"
  1454. >Fluttershy appears in the room with two cups of tea. She joins you on the other side of the couch after giving you your portion.
  1455. >"It's hard to explain, really. I don't think even I understand fully what's going on. Well, some animals are being cold and don't have much food, that I can get. My sanctuary is always opened for them. But then some are... Hostile? I'm not sure."
  1456. "What do you mean?"
  1457. >"It's just they say that they were bullied..."
  1458. >Oh.
  1459. >"In the forest..."
  1460. >Oh right.
  1461. >"By somepony who looks like... Me."
  1462. >Yeah. Sip that tea, Anonymous. Don't let her see the tired expression on your face, she'd think it's because of her.
  1463. "That does sound really strange, I agree."
  1464. >Very smooth.
  1465. >"Strange, well, I doesn't make any sense! Not only they know I would never- And then- I don't really go into the forest- E-especially to..."
  1466. >Fluttershy is tripping over her own words, failing to even approach the explanation. You really can imagine how confused she feels.
  1467. "It's alright, Fluttershy. Please, try to relax."
  1468. >She heeds your advice and exhales as calmly as she can.
  1469. >"Yes, sorry. Now you see why I'm glad you showed up. I needed someone to tell me I'm not going crazy or anything..."
  1470. "Of course not. You do look really stressed though..."
  1471. >"I guess I am."
  1472. "But you're still smiling, look. So it's gonna be fine."
  1473. >She exhales one more time, taking a much more genuinely calmer breath.
  1474. "That's why I wanted to say sorry that I got here this late. It's been going on for a while, hasn't it?"
  1475. >"Oh, I wouldn't even think of blaming you for anything! I'm sure you've had your own problems."
  1476. "Well..."
  1477. >"Don't deny anything now, last time I tried to communicate with you you just walked past my house mumbling something."
  1478. "I did?"
  1479. >This was probably that time. God damn it.
  1480. >The mare just nods:
  1481. >"I told you about myself, now it's your turn," Fluttershy smiles at you knowingly.
  1482. >It's impossible to wriggle out of it, so you won't lie. But...
  1483. "To tell you the truth, I wasn't feeling well. I have troubles sleeping lately."
  1484. >It almost looks like she's been expecting a bullshit answer so the expression on her face was already smug, but now worry turns her smile upside down.
  1485. >"Oh my, is it because it's cold outside? Or because of all the animals in my yard? Do you eat different food come winter? Are you having enough-"
  1486. "Come on, Fluttershy, it's none of that. I've already spent winter here, remember?"
  1487. >"Well, it wasn't on my watch, so..."
  1488. >You can't believe she feels in any way responsible for your well-being.
  1489. >She's just your neighbor after all. But here you are.
  1490. "You're talking like I'm one of those animals who came to you for shelter," you laugh.
  1491. >Too late you realize that Fluttershy probably isn't up for any jokes under all this stress.
  1492. >"What?" she nearly jumps up as if you've startled her. "No, goodness, no, I didn't mean-"
  1493. "Calm down, it's just a joke."
  1494. >"Oh..."
  1495. "Jeez, I can see why you needed a distraction."
  1496. >This time she does laugh with you. You hoped to make her feel less tense but now you think you should be aiming at something more modest, like to at least not make things worse for her.
  1497. "So why do these animals even come here if they think it's you who's been threatening them or whatever?"
  1498. >"All of them have other needs too, otherwise they probably wouldn't have come here at all."
  1499. "Sounds a bit...demanding."
  1500. >Yeah, of course they'd show up only when they need something and use that opportunity to start complaining too.
  1501. >"It's not like that, they help me a lot too!" Fluttershy answers your thoughts. "I like helping, it's just this time things are kind of complicated. They feel like it's going to be a cruel winter in the Everfree."
  1502. >Well isn't that just perfect. The mean camp is still standing and they probably don't even realize they have less than a month left to evacuate.
  1503. >"Some are saying that timber wolves are getting really desperate, for example. I wish we could control the weather in there."
  1504. >Fluttershy sighs heavily, taking another sip of out of her cup.
  1505. >You repeat after her, if only to hide your reaction again.
  1506. >"I hope you are careful out there, Anon," the mare adds after staring at her reflection in the tea for a few seconds.
  1507. "I try to be cautious. Really."
  1508. >"And if you're feeling unwell, don't hesitate to tell me."
  1509. "I know, I know. If anything happens I'll ask for help, alright?"
  1510. >"You do have my remedy, right? I don't smell it on you anymore."
  1511. >Before you can even go pale and try to push a weak reply, Fluttershy looks away and says quietly:
  1512. >"I guess it's because all of the animals and their smells in here."
  1513. >You just chuckle and stare at your cup. That was a bit close.
  1514. >Now you're starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, like you're overstaying your welcome. Could be because you know Fluttershy is more or less onto your cheap half-truths.
  1515. >That uppity bravado of yours ended rather quickly once you realized Fluttershy doesn't really need saving, and you're still being ambiguously suspicious to her.
  1516. >"I'm sorry if I'm a bit pushy, Anon," the pegasus smiles apologetically. "This conversation isn't fun at all."
  1517. "Don't worry about it, Fluttershy."
  1518. >"Between helping my friends with their problems and having these accusations from all those animals... I'm not sure I can process everything that's happening around me."
  1519. >That one stings the most.
  1520. >"And Discord is no help too, he just keeps sending me those post cards from his 'vacation' in some strange dimension he suddenly decide to go on, I don't even know what to think of it..."
  1521. >Fluttershy points at a stack of cards on the table that you just notice; all of them are different sizes and are barely staying on top of each other, a tower of sightseeing and memories threatening to fall apart at any moment.
  1522. >"It's all a bit overwhelming, to be honest," the mare blushes.
  1523. >Why do you only remember that these are real ponies with real feelings only when you come into contact with them? And then later you just help Meanlight anyway, even knowing that it will hurt others.
  1524. >Are you seriously that dense, or maybe just uncaring? But it can't be that, you just want to help.
  1525. >You just want everyone to get along.
  1526. >And yet nothing really goes your way. Are you responsible for all of this?
  1527. >No, no, it can't be right. Who are you to deal that sort of hand of fate? You're just doing what you can to control the damage.
  1528. >And you've gotta do more. You need to talk to Meanshy about this, even if it means you might traumatize her even more.
  1529. >No matter how much you dislike her, seeing how she retreats that deep into herself is kind of scary. You don't know how these ponies even should react to something like that.
  1530. >But even a guaranteed confrontation still won't stop you from trying to figure this one out.
  1531. >When you pack for your daily route the next day, you briefly check if you didn't forget to pack something to trade with Greedity.
  1532. >However tiny, it's still a relief that you don't have to give her anything anymore. If only she could keep her hooves to herself and not raid your house, that'd be just perfect.
  1533. >You also remember to take your axe with you. It feels good to hold it. Its kill count of one timber wolf somehow makes it more valuable to you.
  1534. >Maybe it would even give you the strength to face Meanshy once more.
  1535. >Thankfully, your trip to the camp lacks any thrills. Somehow you thought that the animals who have seen you at Fluttershy's would be suspicious of you.
  1536. >What if they snitch on you? You doubt they care though, unless Fluttershy ask them specifically to spy on you.
  1537. >That sounds like something Meanlight would do, but you're sure that the good yellow pegasus isn't that desperate to control you.
  1538. >Meanwhile, the mean yellow pegasus is easily located at the camp when you arrive there.
  1539. >Greedity and Meanlight seem to be absent and you can't get an answer why from any of the remaining mean mares.
  1540. >It doesn't matter much since your target today is Meanshy. With her new bangs hiding her eye, she seems to be still far out, looking at the camp's warm fire and not moving.
  1541. "Hi, Fluttershy," you start with sitting right next to her. "How are you doing? Is everything fine?"
  1542. >For almost half a minute there's no answer.
  1543. >But then you hear it, the quite grumbling of an annoyed pony:
  1544. >"Why do you care?"
  1545. "I just wanted to know if you're fine after the incident."
  1546. >"Why?" she says after another pause. "So you can torture me again?"
  1547. "What do you mean? I only saved you from assured death, sorry if it was painful to you."
  1548. >No response this time.
  1549. "You don't think staying alive was worth a little bit of pain?"
  1550. >You see her head turning to you and it's trembling just a little bit.
  1551. >The mare is staring right at you with a look most disgusted.
  1552. >"If you hate me so much, don't talk to me."
  1553. "It's not what-"
  1554. >You extend your hand to her, but Meanshy recoils in horror and almost jumps away from the bench, barely avoiding throwing herself into the flames. You stop with your hand hanging in the air and with your eyes squinting in disbelief.
  1555. >"I'm not falling for this again," the pony hisses at you, never breaking the eye contact. "You and Twilight only wish to humiliate and maltreat me."
  1556. "Fluttershy, do you even know what... What death is? That you could've ceased to exist that day if we didn't interfere?"
  1557. >She doesn't even give it one thought. A hostile scowl forms on her face.
  1558. >"I know that you won't get me that easy, no matter how much you try to torture and break me. I'll get you back for it, I swear."
  1559. "Fluttershy, come on..."
  1560. >You're surprised to find that your throat feels weirdly dry and hot.
  1561. >It's that feel of completely helplessness, total inability to be understood and reach out to someone who should by all means be a friend of yours by now; it is that feel that is pushing you over on the emotional side.
  1562. >Defeated by Meanshy's lack of comprehension, you allow your hand to fall down.
  1563. "God damn it."
  1564. >The pegasus doesn't linger and you only hear her scamper to her tent while maintaining a safe distance from you.
  1565. >Instead of her, it's you who are left at the campfire, looking at the waning flame.
  1566. >You don't even notice at first that on the other end of the log now lies Rainbow Dawdle, half-asleep as usual.
  1567. "Well, that's a rare sight."
  1568. >Rainbow doesn't answer at first, but when she notices that you're staring at her, she shuffles on the bench uncomfortably.
  1569. >"It's cold up there," she only mumbles.
  1570. >You bet it is, even for a pony.
  1571. >When the real winter cold kicks in and there's snow everywhere, a lot of ponies start wearing their comfy clothes and adorable warm accessories, so you know for sure that they do feel cold despite their coat.
  1572. >Even if the pony folk loves winter and its festivities, spending all of their time outdoors would probably get on their nerves. When there's fire and warmth, there is no reason to deny yourself that. A large, cozy fireplace is part of what makes winter great for them.
  1573. >Soon you have proof that even mean ponies think this way: Meanie Pie sits on the other side and even stretches her legs towards the fire so they warm up faster.
  1574. >Meanjack shows up too, but you only see her walking near the lake's still waters from one point to another, disappearing into the thicket. She isn't in a hurry, but that might be just because she looks real tired.
  1575. >There's nothing really to speak about, so thoughts consume your brain. Meanshy is on your mind once again.
  1576. >Your concern is that you don't really know if any of these ponies would react in a different way than her.
  1577. >Maybe it's just Meanshy who is crazy and it overrides her sense of danger and disables her common sense so she only sees everything as a threat. Even though she did defend you, it's unclear what her motives for it actually were.
  1578. >Meanlight clearly has an idea what danger is and why saving Meanshy is important. But she also is stuck in her own world of desire for control.
  1579. >Just like Greedity only sees either things to steal or danger to the things she has stolen.
  1580. >And so the question presents itself anew: is that really the quirks of these mares that can't be changed no matter what they're subjected to?
  1581. >You're back again to this. You've gained no understanding of it over this time. Even if you have some insights, you can't reach any sort of conclusion.
  1582. >Was all of this just a waste of time and effort?
  1583. >Should you actually care?
  1584. >Are these the kind of ponies you really want to care after?
  1585. >It gets hard to breathe when all the questions start piling up. You just want to escape it.
  1586. >"Anon? Everything fine out here?"
  1587. >Meanlight and Greedity are standing near you. Both are looking at you with a kind of worried expression on their muzzles.
  1588. >You now realize that you've been sitting with your hands around your head, looking downwards at the edge of the fire pit, motionless for god knows how long.
  1589. "Yeah, everything's fine. I was just... Thinking. That's all."
  1590. >"I see, good," Meanlight nods and walks away, satisfied with your pat answer.
  1591. >That gives Greedity a chance to approach you. She gets too close for your comfort and looks at your face with a puzzled expression.
  1592. >"I hope you've been keeping my property safe, Anon."
  1593. "Y-yeah? I guess?"
  1594. >That's a very backwards way of saying that she's worrying about you. You're not sure you're convinced that this is really the case too.
  1595. >"I'll be right back," she assures you and walks off to her own tent.
  1596. >You note that both of those mares traveled lightly, only Meanlight carrying her saddle bags that didn't look like they're quite heavy.
  1597. >So it wasn't about stealing anything this time. Strange.
  1598. >"That fire sure looks exciting," you hear Meanlight's voice as she walks past you, already free from her modest burden of two bags on her back. "Anything interesting happened here while we were gone?"
  1599. "Not at all."
  1600. >The pony walks past you again, heading somewhere behind you.
  1601. "I was just thinking if you guys are really ponies at all..."
  1602. >"What was that?" you hear near your back.
  1603. "No, nothing. Just thinking aloud."
  1604. >Clopping of hooves indicates that Meanlight is fine with that answer; she is walking away, leaving you alone with your thoughts again.
  1605. >You notice Dawdle's ear settling down after being flipped up on guard when you shared your thoughts with the purple mare.
  1606. >Rainbow isn't going to do anything about it, of course. That'd go against her lazy nature.
  1607. >For some time you are left alone, but not for very long.
  1608. >Greedity keeps her promise and is heading your way.
  1610. >"Anon!" you hear the grey hoarder's giddy voice as she prances towards your bench.
  1611. >Not wasting any time, she jumps on it, narrowly avoiding Rainbow Dawdle still napping nearby, and lands right at your side.
  1612. >You remember how back in the day she would sneakily try to slither towards you when you were sitting near her. Now there's no room for subtlety.
  1613. >There is no reason to hide it anymore as her claim on you is in effect.
  1614. >Greedity proceeds towards you and her forehooves step right onto your legs.
  1615. >A curious yet excited expression of her face is right near you - with this elevation, the pony's head is on the same level as yours.
  1616. >Warm air is blown all over your face as Greedity sighs with contentment.
  1617. >You can only interpret this as her being happy to see you. So you smile at her, and she returns that sentiment.
  1618. >It's kind of rare to see her smile like that. But you can't deny that it's a pleasant sight.
  1619. >Seems like she's satisfied with that and proceeds further, lowering herself onto you. The immaculate warmth of her small pony body feels amazing on your cold legs.
  1620. >While her hind legs are still on the log, Greedity's upper body is all on you. She relishes the feeling of bodily contact at first, closing her eyes in bliss and just laying there motionless; but then she turns on her side to face you, head still situated on your leg.
  1621. >"You've ran away yesterday," she says frowning just a bit.
  1622. "Yeah, I kinda got things to do."
  1623. >"I woke up all alone."
  1624. >You can't answer that with a dismissive tone. A pang of misplaced guilt still hurts just as a real one would.
  1625. >Worrying about this seems irrational since Greedity will never be satisfied, nothing will ever be enough for her. Such is her nature.
  1626. >No matter how much of yourself you give her, she won't be happy with it. Even if you spend all of your time by her side, give her immeasurable riches, bring the whole world to her hooves, it won't be enough.
  1627. >Perhaps some other time you'd think that you could change that, but right now you're not so sure.
  1628. "Yeah, sorry," you answer Greedity's concern.
  1629. >To rectify your mistake, you put your hand on the mare's neck. Immediately all worries leave her and she closes her eyes.
  1630. >Her head lowers to allow you access to the entirety of her neck, and you slowly stroke it.
  1631. >It would seem like you're just taking in the feel of her coat, but you're just lost in thoughts once more.
  1632. >You don't know anything for sure, still. And you don't sense any deception about Greedity right now. She seems to just enjoy herself, nothing more.
  1633. >You are now the closest person in the world to her, she might be feeling that way. Thinking back, it's easy to see that she was always curious about you and were always trying to get closer to you.
  1634. >Maybe it's not a bad thing that she got her wish fulfilled. It remains to be seen if she can actually settle for this.
  1635. >But at this moment, this mare seems to be fine with what she has. Inching closer to your body, she curls her forelegs to get them between you and herself.
  1636. >"You're warm," she states, trying to squeeze herself even further.
  1637. >And you could say the same about her too. It feels nice to have her like a soft pillow on top of you.
  1638. >When you decide to help her with her endeavor to move closer with your hand, Greedity immediately curls up even more, so her nose borrows into your shirt and blasts your side with hot air.
  1639. >That alone is strangely pleasant, but when you hear a rather satisfied sigh coming from the comfy pony, you feel a silent twitch in your pants.
  1640. >It's unknown if Greedity feels it too, but she starts shuffling her hooves around right on top of your crotch. She probably is just trying to get comfier, but it doesn't help you with your sudden arousal.
  1641. >You know you shouldn't feel that way. It's probably just your tiredness coupled with affection from a mare whose display of it might be genuine (though probably not).
  1642. >But whatever the case may be, this stiffness is not going away. And, of course, the more you want it to go away, the more your head fills with thoughts that enable it.
  1643. >Remembering how true Greedity's emotions were yesterday, when you fucked her brains you, and how eager she was to give herself to you isn't making you any softer.
  1644. >And now Greedity notices this too, and her hoof movement become much more deliberate, rubbing the hard spot gently.
  1645. >"You certainly seem to be happy that we're together again... Darling."
  1646. >The husky voice of the mare sends a wave of warmth through your body that culminates in a first real throb of your member, to Greedity's amusement, of course.
  1647. >Why does the mare have to be so tenacious? All of these mean ponies are so manipulative, so evil.
  1648. >You hear the pony yawn as she moves her body further across your legs. Her head almost falls down on the log, so you instinctively spread your legs; Greedity lands right on it and smiles - she can now rub you even more.
  1649. >"Maybe we should go to my tent? I feel a bit sleepy," she yawns again. "I got us a warm blanket."
  1650. "Wait, how? I didn't see you carry it when you returned."
  1651. >"Oh, I did that beforehand," she brags with a smug expression on her sleepy face.
  1652. "When? At night? No wonder you're feeling sleepy."
  1653. >The warmth of your body must've been the last straw for her, she got too comfy to stay awake.
  1654. >"I was afraid you'd run away, so I made some improvements."
  1655. "Run away?"
  1656. >"Like you did after Twilight...had you."
  1657. >Oh, when you were drugged out of your mind and couldn't function as a human being for a week? Yeah, she doesn't seem to know about that.
  1658. >So she was afraid to lose you. At least in the same way that you'd be afraid to lose something important to you, or expensive.
  1659. >You hand moves down Greedity's barrel and that makes her purr almost like a cat.
  1660. >She obviously enjoys her time with you here.
  1661. >As you reach the mare's flank, you see her tail twitch a bit, flapping about for a second. The pony herself senses your hesitation and even tries to push herself forward so your hand finally reaches its destination.
  1662. >When you finally put it down on the grey-ish coat, you can practically feel Greedity shivering under you, and it's not from the cold.
  1663. >She reacts the same way when you trace the skinny form of her thigh down to her hock. In turn, more pressure is applied to your pants by her hoof.
  1664. >You're almost hard yourself, and this certainly doesn't help you settle down.
  1665. "I see you're glad that you're with me too," you smirk at her.
  1666. >"I am," she nearly moans when you stop your hand right on her cutiemark.
  1667. >Why does she have to sound so convincing? At this rate you're really going to just... take her again.
  1668. >God, it's disgusting to even think about it. It's so wrong.
  1669. >But soon, your savior arrives to pull you out of this awkward situation.
  1670. >"Anonymous?" you hear Meanlight's voice behind your back. "I need to talk to you. In private."
  1671. >You immediately feel how Greedity tenses up. You could swear her heart starts beating faster, even if you don't feel it directly.
  1672. "Uh, sure?" you look down on the pony occupying your lap, and she has something to say about it too:
  1673. >"No way. Anon's staying with me."
  1674. >Greedity is like a soldier in a trench, hiding from her purple boss behind the cover of your legs.
  1675. >Meanlight probably has been expecting this outcome, so when she comes up to you and looks you in the eye, she doesn't look too surprised. More like tired and annoyed.
  1676. >"It's really important, Rarity," she says coldly. "And it won't take much time. I just want to ask some questions."
  1677. >"It can wait." the hoarder whines. "We've just came back, I need... He's mine, he's spending time with me. End of story."
  1678. >"I just want to compare the info-"
  1679. >"You just want to steal him from me!" Greedity finally snaps and growls at Meanlight, grinding her teeth a little.
  1680. >Yep, that's what it was all about all along.
  1681. >Instead of arguing, Meanlight just looks at you, unfazed but even more annoyed than before, and asks you:
  1682. >"Take care of her business and come speak with me."
  1683. >You're at bit stunned to hear something like that, but Meanlight remains completely emotionless during your eyebrow-raising reaction.
  1684. "What? But I-"
  1685. >"She's your responsibility now, get this over with so we can discuss the situation. It is urgent, Anon."
  1686. >And with that Meanlight just turns away and marches to her tent, leaving you with your own confusion and a mare on your lap, still wound up and ready to defend her property.
  1687. >You face the same predicament as before: it's easier to just get it done.
  1688. >When Greedity feels your arms on her body she tenses up even more, because you pry her off yourself the next second and instead hold her like you'd hold a rolled up rug.
  1689. >Affixing her at your side you stand up.
  1690. >There's no reason to overthink it. That has never ended in your favor in this camp.
  1691. >"Anon?" you hear Greedity's voice, and, naturally, she sounds perplexed.
  1692. >Meanlight seems to be right. This is just a minor inconvenience.
  1693. "Come on, Rarity," you look down to her. "Let's get us some privacy."
  1694. >You're just done fighting it. These last days have been nothing but stress for you. You feel tired just remembering them.
  1695. >Arguing with Greedity is pointless anyway. You've chosen this path when you first allowed her to push yourself around. You deserve all of this.
  1696. >Carrying the pony to her tent, you notice how both Rainbow and Meanie don't give a single shit about anything that has happened here in the last few minutes. You could fuck Rarity right here and they wouldn't do a single thing about it.
  1697. >Once again you are reminded that these are not ponies. Be it their nature or this dreadful place getting to them, it's crystal clear that you can't treat them like you would treat real mares.
  1698. >Even Greedity, who is quite excited that you're finally going to plow her again and whose tail is already dancing around in it's own chaotic waltz of arousal - even she can't be considered anything but a surrogate for your fantasies.
  1699. >That's right, she's exactly like Rarity. An effigy of her. You want Rarity, you wanted her ever since you've laid your eyes on her. Now you have access to her, so why do you care about anything but satisfying yourself and this pseudo-mare?
  1700. >"Ooh~" Greedity purrs and tries to wriggle in your hold once you carry her inside.
  1701. >The curtains fall behind you and not a second later the mare is set on the bed. You almost throw her down, but she just elegantly lands on it and languorously bends her back, tail raised high.
  1702. >While those grim thoughts of yours leave your expression solemn, you know deep inside that you do want to fuck this pony again.
  1703. >This is the closest you'll ever get to Rarity, and upon realizing this your desire turns into resolve. Resolve to not care.
  1704. >It's just a chore to be done. You don't overthink washing dishes, why should you overthink this?
  1705. >You're a dirty man, seduced so easily, exploited at every corner. What do you deserve other than this? Certainly not someone as pure and heavenly as Rarity.
  1706. >But this mare before you, standing with her legs apart and tail high, doing everything so that you see the darker color of her petals, is as much Rarity as it gets. That's the only one you'll ever have a chance with, so...
  1707. >Your pants fall down and you lower yourself on your knees, to which Greedity reacts with awkward steps backwards to get closer to you.
  1708. >You reach out to the longing mare and her body once again responds to your touch with a little shiver.
  1709. >With one hand, you grasp Greedity's firm ass, getting a handful of it just to feel its warmth again. You move up and grab the mare by the dock of her tail to keep it from swooshing everywhere randomly.
  1710. >Your other hand carefully moves to the unicorn's swollen sex. Once your fingers touch her wonderfully timid slit, light and tender flesh of her vulva is flashed to you in a quick but forceful wink of her pussy.
  1711. >Without even realizing it, you're getting hard just by remembering just how amazing this little pony has made you feel.
  1712. >And this time you're not fighting it.
  1713. >Your member is long out of your underwear at this point, and all you want to do is to ram this greedy pony until you forget everything that's on your mind.
  1714. >"Come on..." Greedity's husky voice is dripping with barely contained lust. Sounds like she's one step away from just lunging backwards to blindly impale herself on your rod.
  1715. "Say it, Rarity," you mess with her a little while your hand is still tracing her marelips.
  1716. >The erratic pulsations of Greedity's clit is fascinating, but you guess the aching throbs of your penis are pretty much the same thing: a shameless 'please fuck me now' display.
  1717. >You despise it so much. Both you and Greedity, you hate both of your reactions.
  1718. >But you're way past stopping yourself now. The only way to go is deeper.
  1719. >For all intents and purposes, this is Rarity. Lusting after you, begging you to ruin her pristine hole she's been saving just for you.
  1720. >So why do you care? She obviously doesn't. No one does. You're stupid to even consider it anything but a golden opportunity, knowing that you won't get anything from the real Rarity, being so impure, tarnished beyond repair.
  1721. >Your very touch would corrupt her brilliance, her majestic temple of a body and her wonderful, innocent spirit, pure as the driven snow.
  1722. >Your place is here, with the clones. This is what you deserve. So why not revel in it?
  1723. >"Come on, d-darling," Greedity remembers the code that she got you going the last time.
  1724. "What do you want me to do?" you tease her more.
  1725. >"Take me now, Anon. Dar-" you interrupt her by spreading her lips with your fingers. "Ahn-nghh~"
  1726. >You won't be able to contain yourself any longer.
  1727. "Say it, what do you want."
  1728. >Just like you thought, Greedity nearly jumps backwards, but your hand stop her ass from moving.
  1729. >"Rut me, darling."
  1730. "Louder."
  1731. >"Ahh! Rut me, make me yours! Put your- Ahh~nn!"
  1732. >You don't even let her finish. You've been ready for such a long time, you move forward in a hurry and slide your dick along Greedity's slit.
  1733. >The mare doesn't miss this opportunity and pushes herself onto you, immediately enveloping your whole mast in her slimy hot snatch.
  1734. >It's a lot easier to slip into her this time and both of you groan in pleasure as the mare makes you hilt.
  1735. >As your hand in still on Greedity's dock, you use that as your means to control the tempo.
  1736. >The pony's rump feels very pleasant against your skin and you wish to feel it more, so instead of pounding her dead right away, you stop for a bit every time your balls hit the mare's soaked clit.
  1737. >But this doesn't last. Greedity wants you to move faster. She wants to cross that threshold again, when she can't think straight anymore, and you want to see her like that again too.
  1738. >So your hand lets go of the mare's tail and you hold onto her flank with both instead. You just notice how thin she actually is; your hands are grasping something so tiny and warm, and that precious moment of realization makes you go faster than ever before.
  1739. >"Ohhh, Ahhnon!" the mare yells, not concerned with anyone hearing her.
  1740. >She's right, let them hear it and be jealous. If they understand what's going on at all, or care.
  1741. >Soon it's obvious that Greedity can't keep her posture up, or even stand properly for that matter - her first orgasm after barely a minute of deep dicking by you is enough to kick her off balance.
  1742. >Once her legs start to wobble and slide to her sides as a result of her body being shaken by waves of untold bliss, you somehow hit a spot inside of her so stimulating, you can barely stop yourself from cumming right there.
  1743. "Oh god, Rarity," you barely mumble, propping the mare's ass back up a bit.
  1744. >"Yes, darling..." she responds in a whiny tone, voice already raspy after moaning and yelling for a few minutes straight.
  1745. >Your help here is not enough, so you need to hold something different.
  1746. >An obvious choice is her mane. You remember how one of your fantasies was ruining Rarity's mane in a display of passion and her forgiving you for it, and even asking for more.
  1747. >For her darling - you, obviously - she'd make an exception.
  1748. >As your hand dives deep into the styled hair of the clone, you can't feel anything but satisfaction.
  1749. >Good thing you can't see her deranged face right now. For a moment, for one brief moment all you see before you is Rarity, actual Rarity, spread wide and with her mane pulled by your hand. She's cumming once more, and you hear her majestic voice calling to you, begging you to not stop.
  1750. >Her beautiful body is flinching sharply, unable to express and contain the mind wracking pleasure you, Anonymous, is drowning her in.
  1751. >You feel no remorse greedily grabbing a fistful of her hair right on top of her head, completely messing up the manestyle she's been undoubtedly creating for hours, and then pulling it back and up.
  1752. >All you hear is response is more lewd cries of ecstasy. She's loving this.
  1753. >And so, holding Greedity's ass and mane, you continue to hammer away at her intensely hot snatch. Wide, deep strokes each strike sparks of low-pitched moans out of the pony who is now nearly suspended in the air, held up just by your mane holding hand and your dick.
  1754. >Greedity's back soon curves more and more, until her head is all but thrown back and her legs rest on yours, only forelegs touching the ground so she doesn't slip and fall over. You just pull the mane and the mare slides onto you again and again - and that's exactly how she wants it.
  1755. >Isn't it nice to fully lose control and get serviced that thoroughly and deeply? To trust your prized possession to satisfy her fully and without hesitation?
  1756. >Despite losing all track of time, when you feel your orgasm approaching you know this time it has taken you way less time to get yourself off than before.
  1757. >What completely does it for you, is Greedity realizing that you're close. As soon as she feels your humps getting faster and your breath losing its steadiness, your whole body being on edge, she starts helping you with her hips, flapping her ass on your lap to meet your movements.
  1758. >"Anon..." she moans, and that little moan is what does it.
  1759. >Just like the first time, you make sure every thrust of yours hits as deep as it possibly can. The fist of yours that's full of Greedity's hairs is clenched so hard, the mare yells in surprise and maybe pain too.
  1760. >Your fingers are going pale with pressure and you're pretty sure you're pulling her mane too hard, squeezing it in your fist. And you want it this way.
  1761. >You turn Greedity's head to the side a bit when you let yourself loose. The last thing you see before you lose yourself in catharsis is the greedy pony looking back at you with nothing but satisfaction in her gaze.
  1762. >No holding anything back you explode inside Greedity, coating her tight walls with your seed, pulling her onto your throbbing penis as hard as you possibly can.
  1763. >It feels like she herself is getting off on that, matching your groans with her own and quivering in the very same climactic intoxication you feel right now.
  1764. >It's like you're moving as one, unified by this experience.
  1765. >You look at the mare you filled with your cum once more and see it with such clarity, how ridiculous this all is. It's like a fever dream.
  1766. >Your dear Rarity, thoroughly violated and inseminated by you, is helplessly laying face-down on her mattress, fully at your mercy.
  1767. >Isn't that THE dream you've always had? To have this pony WANT you above all else?
  1768. >You smirk at that thought. What a joke. Greedity, who happens to turn her head to her side to look at you, smiles too - she probably thinks you're giving that smile to her.
  1769. >After all, aren't you supposed to be just as satisfied as her?
  1770. >Greedity's chest is heaving and her forehead is glistening with hard-earned sweat.
  1771. >You're pretty sweaty as well, as you haven't noticed before, and that's the price you pay for not taking off your clothes. It's either this or freezing here naked.
  1772. >Once you tug the mare off of you, you are instead pulled forward via a slight magic touch.
  1773. >Greedity makes you fall down next to her, as she is still spread on the bed with no desire to collect herself.
  1774. >Only you still have places to be, you can't stay here for long.
  1775. "Rarity, I kinda got things I need to do..." you state as the mare pulls your arm so that you put it over her.
  1776. >She wriggles her body a bit to get closer to your warmth. Without a doubt, she wants to cuddle.
  1777. >"No, stay," she commands you like you really are her pet. "Don't leave me."
  1778. >Even then you still try to take your arm back - to no avail. Her legs are wrapped around it, and so the hoarder is now full enveloped in your embrace, back pushed close to your chest and stomach.
  1779. >Despite that greedy approach, she doesn't forget about you. That new blanket she's told you about earlier today comes into view soon and lands right on top of both of you.
  1780. >So here you are, spooning a little mischievous pony. Greedity's head is the only think that's not covered by the blanket (which is puffy and warm, as she promised). She must be in heaven now.
  1781. >You wish you could enjoy it just as much.
  1782. >The comfy unicorn is mumbling something in her descend into sleep and you can almost make out words like 'mine'.
  1783. >But the advance of slumber can't be stopped now. Greedity's watchful and tight custody of your arm soon loses its vigor. The mare is finally asleep.
  1784. >You're pretty sure you could be too by now, but despite feeling tired, you don't feel sleepy at all.
  1785. >It takes some skillful body contortions to get out of the cover of such a wide blanket, obviously meant for two, and stand on your feet again, free from Greedity's snuggles.
  1786. >Finally, you are able to zip and buckle your pants back up again, and stealthily too. Your ass was feeling too naked while you were lying there.
  1787. >You carefully open the curtains of the tent and leave to face the bright cold day outside.
  1789. >Despite the unwelcoming conditions you imagine you shouldn't really be freezing this much right now.
  1790. >Perhaps you really are just a little bit feverish after all of that...action.
  1791. >There's no reason to waste any time dawdling around, quite literally - besides two lazy ponies, blue and pink, that are vacuously occupying space at the campfire, nothing catches your eye.
  1792. >It looks like such a desolate place, one you barely wish to stay at.
  1793. >But you have business with some of its inhabitants, and you decide to start with Meanlight. You'd like to try asking Meanshy again, but it certainly can wait for a bit.
  1794. >If the purple usurper says it really is urgent, then you've got to at least hear what she considers so.
  1795. >But you regret it immediately.
  1796. >Even if you were trying to escape the fresh outside air, uncaring and bleak, Meanlight's tent is not any more welcoming or friendlier.
  1797. >"Oh, already finished that fast?" Meanlight flashes as smug smirk at you.
  1798. >It's easy to notice her mood right now, and you're sure it's her coping mechanism kicking in.
  1799. >Good for her though, fighting against it and not succumbing to any sort of depressing thoughts you might've left her with the last time you spoke one on one.
  1800. >Now she wants to seem frisky, but you're not really in the mood to entertain her. Her jab at you goes unanswered as you make your way to her bed and throw your ass down on it.
  1801. >Meanlight herself is seated on the other end of the mattress near the table, so you're not bothering her. But she still squirms farther away from you and settles near the pillow.
  1802. >The book she was reading is left alone on the table and the pony is looking at you.
  1803. "So... You said you wanted to talk?"
  1804. >"Yes, there's been some complications to my plans and I want to clear up as much as possible. Your information would really help me."
  1805. "Is that so?"
  1806. >You're kind of surprised how quickly Meanlight went from joking around straight to business. Maybe if you had given her space to joke more she'd take the chance, but she's as ready to talk the real deal as you are.
  1807. >"Of course, we've already discussed your usefulness," Meanlight stands up and looks to the side. "You must've heard at least something about mishaps at Sweet Apple Acres?"
  1808. "You mean how Pinkie got roped into basically smuggling cider from another farm without Applejack even knowing and then they blamed each other for it? Yeah, I think I've heard about it."
  1809. >"Good," the pony seems relieved. "Then you could possibly tell me what really happened there?"
  1810. "Wait, what do you mean? Wasn't it your doing?"
  1811. >"That's just it: I don't know."
  1812. >Meanlight starts walking towards the other side of the tent, however small of a walk that is.
  1813. >"I mean, I do know why it happened, but that wasn't my plan at all. I want to hear everything that you know about it before I start piecing it together."
  1814. "Well, I've only heard about it from Fluttershy, she was helping with settling all this. But I think it started with..."
  1815. >You see no point of hiding anything from her, as this is already a tale of the past. So you basically retell what Fluttershy had to share with you.
  1816. >It wasn't really much and you ended up adding your own details and guesses about it, approximating from what you understood.
  1817. >The story was quite simple: somehow Pinkie got involved into dragging a whole load of cider from Pear family, who thought she was helping them to move it for sale - to the same spot Apples usually set their barrels up. Presumably Applejack told Pinkie that she needn't worry and should help the 'friendly' house instead while Apples manage on their own.
  1818. >Meanwhile, the same thing was promised to the Apples by Pinkie, who offered help, and the family was therefore a bit late for setting up their own stand on their usual place. Waiting for help that never came, they have ultimately decided to do things as usual and moved on by themselves.
  1819. >Of course, when they've arrived there, Pears were already unpacking and getting ready to sell their product.
  1820. >Long story short, a long argument occurred that prevented both families from getting anything done at all, and left the crowd disappointed, if not outright furious.
  1821. >Of course, no one was willing to admit the blame, since no one was to blame in the first place. Except for the Mean ponies acting as impostors.
  1822. >It's such a silly thing, but the more you yourself tell this tale, the more you see the elegance of that trap.
  1823. >Such a trivial matter that does nothing but annoy everyone is bound to leave a bitter sediment, because no one wants to admit they are responsible for something this idiotic. It's not even a matter of family feud - that would've been settled by now as Fluttershy mentioned - but a simple matter of not being seen as a senile imbecile.
  1824. >No one wants that. You're certain that's why it worked.
  1825. >"Hm..." Meanlight slowly walks to the other side.
  1826. "So, what about this sounds wrong to you?"
  1827. >"To be honest with you? Everything."
  1828. "Every single thing?"
  1829. >"My orders to Pinkie were different. I wanted her to..."
  1830. "Well?" you notice Meanlight's indecision that makes her fall silent.
  1831. >"It's not important now," the mare hastily replies. "I just had an entirely different idea, and it was changed drastically by something."
  1832. "So, Pinkie acted on her own?"
  1833. >"She denies it. Both Applejack and Pinkie told me they were doing exactly what I asked them to do. They also didn't bother remembering what happened after they had accomplished what I asked."
  1834. "Well, all of this doesn't make a lot of sense if you ask me," you shrug.
  1835. >"Exactly!" Meanlight turns to you, finally with an expression of relief. "Now you're getting it."
  1836. "Why are you so happy about it?" you can't suppress a chuckle.
  1837. >Even though Meanlight reigns her excitement in after being made aware of it, she still looks satisfied.
  1838. >"At least now I know that I'm not crazy or imagining things, because that's exactly what others told me!"
  1839. "Really? They said that to you?"
  1840. >"Well, they didn't exactly care about any of my worries, so..."
  1841. >Oh, poor Meanlight is exactly in the situation real Twilight hates the most. You empathize with her even against your better judgement.
  1842. "I mean, that's all I've heard, no details about it. I might be wrong," you try to comfort her.
  1843. >"I could've believed that if this was the only such incident, but it's not. I thought it was just misinformation at first but this is all too suspicious."
  1844. "You're saying that these ponies are trying to sabotage your plans over and over again?"
  1845. >"That'd require too much of an effort from them," Meanlight dismisses your idea with a wave of her hoof. "Meanwhile, those deviations aren't a product of stupidity or laziness, on the contrary, they make a lot of sense."
  1846. >You get the feeling that somehow this is basically Meanlight admitting that someone is making smarter moves than she is.
  1847. >"I think it's an outside interference. Somepony is trying to steer things their own way, but not necessarily against my own."
  1848. "Someone is...helping you? By upgrading your plans?"
  1849. >"I wouldn't call it upgrading necessarily, it's kind of..."
  1850. >You can't say you were wrong: Meanlight does feel conflicted about admitting this.
  1851. >"It's similar, yet more deliberate. Like they have a good grasp on how to affect those ponies, something I lack."
  1852. >The mare throws a glance at you and you notice that she's probably faulting you for this. Which is ridiculous.
  1853. "What if they have an insider, or, like, are insiders themselves?"
  1854. >"Oh, I have an insider too," she isn't even hiding it anymore. "But, apparently, all that amounts to is counting my losses after the fact, not helping me move forward."
  1855. "Losses? You're unhappy that things are working out for you just because it's not exactly the way you wanted?"
  1856. >This is starting to piss you off, and honestly, you're not against taking your chance right now.
  1857. >After that rollercoaster with Greedity, you can barely find any reason to care about where you stand in regards to these ponies.
  1858. >"No, don't be stupid. I'm unhappy because I have no idea what that the other way even IS, and so I can't rely on it in hopes that it will always align to mine. This is why I'm cautious."
  1859. "Someone's doing your work for you, I don't see how that's bad."
  1860. >"Try looking at a bigger picture, their cause might be entirely different even if their methods are the same."
  1861. "Alright, so what do you want from me?"
  1862. >"Aside from being on the lookout for these mysterious interferences? Try to get information sooner and relay it to me as you get it."
  1863. >You sigh, looking down on the ground.
  1864. "Yeah, well, I don't know your plans either, so I have no idea what to look for."
  1865. >"Be observant then. I'm not asking for much, considering how little you offer right now."
  1866. >This passive-aggressive tone doesn't sit well with you, even if she's merely reacting to you being a little on edge.
  1867. "Oh, sure, blame me for every little thing that doesn't go exactly as you've planned."
  1868. >"You're exaggerating."
  1869. >Both of you stop, not willing to slip down the already well oiled slide of accusations.
  1870. >It's such a bother. You don't need another argument to arise from nothing, and Meanlight seem to be in tune with that notion.
  1871. >Despite her extremely opinionated nature, this time she leaves it be once you sigh and shake your head.
  1872. "Fine, fine."
  1873. >"All I ask of you is to look for clues. There's gotta be some way to know who is responsible."
  1874. >You believe that she already has an idea about it but just doesn't want to admit it.
  1875. >After all, you have your own as well, and right now you too aren't quite keen on sharing.
  1876. >These conversations with Meanlight, time and time again discussing the only few things you even have to talk about, is so tiresome. You're only now realizing this, but you can't even see any reason to argue at all.
  1877. >After all this time, it's time to admit, you're starting to fizzle out.
  1878. >"Getting sleepy?" you hear Meanlight's voice somewhere in front of you.
  1879. >Without even noticing it, you are apparently back to your head-between-hands pose you seem to fall onto a lot lately.
  1880. "Just tired."
  1881. >The lifeless reply you barely squeeze out of yourself is a proof of that in and of itself.
  1882. >"Well, you can always go and rest with your new owner. Not like there's anything else for both of you to do today."
  1883. >Looking inside yourself, you can't even find the strength to point out that Meanlight is trying to cover her still present bitterness with sarcasm.
  1884. >It doesn't actually matter.
  1885. >You stand up and go, as she suggested.
  1886. >There's a different mare that you need to talk to.
  1887. >After passing the snoozefest near the campfire, you barge into Meanshy's tent.
  1888. >You've never actually been here proper; it looks so bare that you'd wonder if it's abandoned if not for the yellow pony napping on her mattress in the corner.
  1889. >She wasn't that deep into the slumber, by the looks of it. As soon as you walk in she jolts up, startled by the unfamiliar and uninvited sounds at the entrance.
  1890. >Immediately a rush of horror passes through her body and she jumps on her legs with her back arched like a cat, eyes wide open.
  1891. >"Get out!" she tries to yell, but her voice is sore and makes her exclamation sound more like a plea.
  1892. "Fluttershy, I just need a few an-"
  1893. >"I have no business with you, freak! Get away from me!"
  1894. "Listen-"
  1895. >She suddenly rears up and strikes the air with her forehooves. The mane on her eye flies upwards and you see her face fully now, radiating primal anger.
  1896. >"You think you can get a hold of me just because you've managed to subdue me before?! I'll cave your skull in the second you take a step."
  1897. >You don't have time for this bullshit.
  1898. "Have you been talking to the animals?"
  1899. >"The- The animals?!"
  1900. >This kind of reigns her wrath in, and her puzzled expression replaces angered one for a moment.
  1901. "Is it something Twilight has ordered you to do?"
  1902. >You really should've just asked Meanlight about it first, but it doesn't matter.
  1903. >"I'm not doing anything that moron comes up with. She thinks she can make me obey just because she had recruited you to torture me, and now you've come to finish the job?!"
  1904. "The hell are you talking about? No one is after you. I just want to know if you've been mistreating wild animals on your own."
  1905. >"Why do you care? Maybe I have done it, maybe not, what are you going to do about it?"
  1906. "For one, I-"
  1907. >"I won't go down without a fight, last time you got lucky that the wolf managed to weaken me, but this time I will defend myself."
  1908. "Are you for real? That's not what happened at all!"
  1909. >It's hard to imagine Meanshy really having such a backwards idea, interpreting things in a weird way like that, but deep inside you know it's entirely possible.
  1910. "We were risking so much just to save your retarded ass from dying, and this is what you give me?"
  1911. >"Oh, that's nothing, come closer so you can get the full picture," Meanshy raises her hoof and strikes the air again.
  1912. "Fuck you, you dumb horse. One time I do something good for you..."
  1913. >You even look at her leg, where the awful scar is now placed, and note that it seems completely healed. At the very least this puts your worries about her health to rest, but also dismisses hopes that Meanshy's rage is just a byproduct of a fever.
  1914. >"Do you expect me to hop on your dick as a reward? Like those two thirsty mares? No way, you disgusting pervert! I didn't ask for anything you've been doing to me, trying to poison me, mutilating my mane, getting your disgusting h-hands all over me!"
  1915. "I'm not asking for anything, just don't be a god damn shithead. Just a tiny bit of respect or gratitude would be enough. And also, since when did you have the idea that I want my dick anywhere near you?"
  1916. >That makes Meanshy scowl even more and she looks like she's about to jump towards you.
  1917. "So that's it? Did I hit a nerve? Are you je-"
  1918. >"Shut UP!" she roars, interrupting you. "I don't want to hear another word from your rotten mouth."
  1919. "Yeah, wonder why I even bothered..."
  1920. >"That's right, nopony asked you to 'help' me, next time maybe learn your lesson! And now go!"
  1921. >You don't need the pegasus to shove you out as she's preparing to do, you just leave this sad, desolate abode of hers and go.
  1922. >Despite drawing a pretty funny confession out of the tragic victim of misjudgment and confusion, you still feel degraded just by talking to her.
  1923. >What putrid, twisted mind does this pony have to interpret things that way? Your best guess is that it just comes with being mean, bringing you once again to the same question you're been asking yourself before.
  1924. >The event she went through surely should've been life-changing, yet she is even more up her ass now, defensive and fragile, hiding behind her aggression. She could be lying about everything just to protect herself, but you feel like on some level she does feel betrayed and hurt.
  1925. >But Meanlight, she could be swayed by circumstances somewhat: by showing her those she is doomed to hurt, you think you've given her a good perspective in things. And it seems to be paying off just a little bit: she probably does see them as ponies now, not just 'targets'.
  1926. >Meanwhile, the little mean pegasus is still an asshole despite being shown kindness and compassion unlike any other she had encountered to that day.
  1927. >Maybe it wasn't obvious to her. It's also possible that she really is that stupid.
  1928. >It's also a possibility she genuinely doesn't know what being kind towards someone is, what death is, what her situation was when you were saving her.
  1929. >Who knows at this point. Not like you can just ask her.
  1930. >Lukewarm and regretful mood now spins its web all around your head, which seems heavier than usual. In search for a place to rest, you find yourself at the campfire once again.
  1931. >Rainbow isn't there anymore, but Meanie Pie is still napping right at the fire.
  1932. >You can't imagine this pony's daily life being just this, but you know it's probably exactly the case. Nothing but lying around, either staring at the fire or sleeping.
  1933. >What's going on inside her head during this time? Anything at all?
  1934. >Once you're seated on the opposite side of the campfire, your own thoughts completely disappear. You don't see anything other then the flames in front of you.
  1935. >If there's any place you'd rather be right now, it's back in your house. Or talking to Fluttershy.
  1936. >It's hard to admit it, but you feel agitated here. Like you want to take a break, get off this wild ride that is now too intense for you.
  1937. >A hot shower, a nice meal, carve that owl some more, go to sleep early. It's so easy.
  1938. >How come you never realized that a simple life like that is so precious? You never thought yourself an adventurous type of guy and it looks like you have only proven yourself right.
  1939. >With these kind of musings and daydreams it's no wonder a soft touch upon your arm almost makes you jump up in surprise.
  1940. >Greedity is trying to lift your hand to get on your lap.
  1941. >"Why'd you go?" she asks without any strong emotions in her voice.
  1942. >Seems like she really is just wondering, contented with you being found here.
  1943. "It was cold in there."
  1944. >You don't even lie, despite Greedity's new blanket being really helpful, it's still warmer here at the fire.
  1945. >"Well..." she doesn't really know how to reply.
  1946. >You let her stand on your legs, light as she is on her hooves.
  1947. >The pony's face is right in front of yours and her clear eyes captivate you. It lasts but a moment, but your heart still skips a beat.
  1948. >Greedity proceeds to get comfortable on top of your legs like a cat. Her messed up mane that has lost all its volume because of all your violent pulling is now hanging down almost to the ground, but that doesn't seem to bother her.
  1949. >Certainly, if you aren't going to rest with her at her own place, she'll just rest wherever you are.
  1950. >With your hands now on the mare's soft body, you think that it's rather cute that she's so attached to you. Then you remember that it's not because of any sane reason.
  1951. >But she keeps quiet and that's enough for you.
  1952. >With this second layer of coziness added, the cold finally subsides and only bothers your back now.
  1953. >A treacherous position like this is a sure way to doze off, and that you do shortly after, without even noticing it.
  1954. >Perhaps it is a spell after all that enchants anyone near the fireplace so that they fall asleep.
  1955. >By the time you come to your senses, Greedity is nowhere to be found, and you're just sitting alone, hunched up before the waning flame.
  1956. >There's only Liarjack nearby, throwing kindling to feed the fire. It doesn't look like it was picked very well - it looks and even sounds wet, and the smoke it is generating can't be a good sign.
  1957. >You turn to her and even get your mouth open to ask what kind of shitty sticks did Meanjack pick up this time, but...
  1958. >"Don't look at me, I didn't pick these," the mare prevents you from asking.
  1959. >If just one inquisitive look was enough to trigger such a reaction, it must mean she knows this just as well.
  1960. >And so now you're being bullied out of this warm, comfy place by the orange mare; bad wood or ill will, accident or intent, you don't even want to know.
  1961. >It's about time you head home, you think to yourself. And, by god, you're glad you're getting away from here right now.
  1962. >Suddenly, you feel free. Hitting the road back home never felt this liberating.
  1963. >All those things you've been imagining can become reality if you wish for it.
  1964. >Not like your job as a 'ranger' is an actual one. You don't have any defined schedule, no one oversees you aside from Fluttershy, and she doesn't seem to care about you actually patrolling anything as long as you're safe.
  1965. >It's a beautiful, slow life. With only one distraction soiling it all...
  1966. >Maybe you should skip your patrol tomorrow and just stay home?
  1968. >Things sometimes go as planned for you, but the next morning proves to be an exception. Something as simple as a dream can change so much.
  1969. >What started as your usual recurring dream about your previous house owner, a mare you've been fantasizing on a daily basis back in the day, had led to the predicament you are in now.
  1970. >Waking up on a lewder note, your mind wanted to continue with sexual imagery; only once you had control over your thoughts back you just had to drift to your more recent obsession.
  1971. >Rarity, the classy seductress. The alabaster softness of her heavenly body you only wish to worship isn't just something you need to spend minutes concentrating upon now: you have felt with your own hands the immaculate sensation of its every curve.
  1972. >Even if it's so different from the original, it still makes sense to imagine your little mare having the same feel to her.
  1973. >And so right now you stand in the empty Carousel Boutique, like it was the last few times you visited it, right next to her. The mare's forms, chiseled marble at a glance, are ever so slightly giving in to the pressure of the lingerie she's showing off to you.
  1974. >Just for you, her darling.
  1975. >Stuck between lucidity and sleep, you can't do anything but admire her. Your hand reaches for your ever so stiff morning wood to push it down and a wave of sweetness blankets your head.
  1976. >Only one thing is stronger than your desire to imagine more of your dream pony now.
  1977. >So instead of drifting off to slumber, you decide to deal with these urges of yours and visit the bathroom. And after that, you imagine that you might as well get up fully.
  1978. >It's a bit early in the morning, but that doesn't really matter. You remember leaving the mean camp bitter and hesitant, so now that it's nearly time to go there once more, you revisit the idea of just staying home.
  1979. >Even the murky weather seems to be encouraging your radical decision: the clouds are low and threaten to drown everything in rain any second now.
  1980. >Of course, without the weather team's call that won't happen, but you've been out of loop for a while now. Usually Fluttershy just tells you what to expect.
  1981. >Fluttershy... You could spend the day helping her. You already feel bad for her, but this could be an excellent opportunity to at least somewhat repay her for her kindness.
  1982. >But at the same time, would she approve of you abandoning your 'duties' for her? Even if she suspects something, she still doesn't know the reason why you don't want to go.
  1983. >Finally, you decide to just stop thinking about it for now and see how it goes. Breakfast needs to be made before any decisions.
  1984. >Yet it proves to be another trap - as soon as you let your thoughts wonder, you start thinking about Rarity again.
  1985. >It pains you to admit it, but can't stop reminding yourself of that sweet feeling of a mare. The pleasure she has made you feel more than one time now, it can't be denied even by you, who's been against it for so long.
  1986. >It's only natural, isn't it? Sex feels good. Sex with someone who wants you, one you can satisfy. Even if it's basically loveless, does it matter?
  1987. >You have a copy of Rarity at your beck and call. You can fuck her all day long and she'll enjoy it.
  1988. >Isn't this the closest you'll ever get to those dreams of yours?
  1989. >Even if it's a clone...
  1990. >You sigh as you feel your pants tightening again. Just remembering how slippery and hot Greedity's pony snatch feels makes you want to take her again. To hear those incredibly lewd sounds, flesh upon flesh, unified in common goal of pleasure.
  1991. >It would make her happy. And she only belongs to you, accepts you fully as you are, and there's also zero competition. No negatives and all the positives.
  1992. >Why do you feel so dirty and sick then?
  1993. "Fucking hell..." you throw your hands upon your face again and rub it fiercely.
  1994. >Getting hold of yourself isn't hard, but what is still hard is your dick - it still aches for that amazing feeling.
  1995. >God, all you want right now is to pin her down and plow her as hard and fast as you can.
  1996. >...
  1997. >You're really gonna go there today, aren't you? Just for that.
  1998. >Well, who cares at this point. Not like you're wrong for doing so. Greedity will be happy too.
  1999. >Just like that, hundreds of excuses pop in your head. By the time you're finished with breakfast, you see no reason to not go to the mean camp.
  2000. >Truly a stoic decision of a man who stands his ground and has integrity and confidence in himself.
  2001. >For a moment you hope that you'll be able to put it all aside if you see Fluttershy working with animals again, but luck isn't on your side: she already has someone to help her.
  2002. >Discord is wearing a doctor's attire together with glasses and a stethoscope, while the yellow pegasus is talking to some small critters. The embodiment of chaos is also writing something down in what looks like a big notebook.
  2003. >It looks like some sort of psychiatrist session with animals. Kinda adorable.
  2004. >At the same time, you feel a bit dejected seeing it. Your opportunity to do something good for your friend has passed, someone else is doing exactly what you thought you could do.
  2005. >Well, at least you manage to sneak by far enough for them both to not notice you. Now there's really no reason to stick around and not go to the camp.
  2006. >Somewhere along the way you lose you concentration and stop thinking about how you've messed up with Fluttershy. Instead, thoughts about Rarity return again.
  2007. >You're 'helping' her too, with that investigation. That's something good, something to offset you working with Meanlight at the same time. Maybe it could bring you two closer...
  2008. >Even the fact that you're viewing this like a balancing act of being a double agent and 'repaying' all the Meanlight's misdeeds with something good doesn't matter much to you right now.
  2009. >With your imagination still running wild you arrive to the mean encampment, stiff as before.
  2010. >Nothing has changed since yesterday. The fires are meek and are going to die out at any moment under the unwelcoming grey sky over the Everfree. Meanie Pie and Liarjack are both sitting near it, absorbing tiny amounts of warmth this flame is willing to share.
  2011. >On the other side of the campfire sits Greedity. She looks bored. Well, it won't be for long.
  2012. >As soon as you see her on your approach you realize that you don't even want to waste any time on any sort of social pleasantries.
  2013. >"Anonymous!" the greyish pony sees you from afar and her face loses the drab intonations of severe boredom in an instant.
  2014. "Hey..." you greet the ponies when you finally get close.
  2015. >Appleliar barely even reacts - she looks like she's taking a nap.
  2016. >Meanie doesn't care either. Even turning her head towards you is too much of an effort.
  2017. >You don't see anyone else around, so there's no reason to not walk up straight to Greedity.
  2018. >The pony is watching you closely, and when you lower yourself down to get your hands over her, she lets out a surprised "Ooh!".
  2019. >Hard to tell if she's been expecting a hug from you, but she has no problem letting your arms embrace her. With one under her forelegs and the other under her hocks, you make your intention clear: it's not really a hug.
  2020. >You lift the pony up and she takes this opportunity to look you in the eyes. Her side is kept right against your stomach and she immediately presses her hooves to your chest.
  2021. >But you avoid looking down at her. You don't allow a single thought into your head. Your pants were tight before, but now that you feel a living breathing mare in your arms you're horny like you've never been.
  2022. >You can't allow anything to interfere. Even if deep inside you know you're just being destructive towards everything you believe in, betraying it at every step, the only thing you want destroyed right now is Greedity's rapidly moistening cunt that you feel with your hand right now.
  2023. >You don't feel like the Anonymous you know. Anonymous would try to steer clear from indulging in something this despicable. Taking advantage of a mare who wants you for all the wrong reasons.
  2024. >Such premise disgusts him so much that he couldn't even get it up upon facing the lusty mare. Can you believe it right now?
  2025. >No, the truth is, he gave up. He became the horny, dirty Anonymous that you are right now. And you don't want to care about anything like that.
  2026. >You want to fuck.
  2027. >It's as easy as that. There's no need to be prudish about it or hide it. You got hard and your pony is right here. That's all there is to it.
  2028. >Greedity recognizes your intentions easily and by the time you enter her tent, she feels completely ready to take you in once again.
  2029. >Of course no one in the camp cared that she's been taken away, just like the last time. Maybe you shouldn't even had to bother getting this pony here and just do her near the campfire.
  2030. >They don't care; you'd be a fool to care too. All you care about is relieving yourself into this greedy bitch that can't keep her sex from winking as soon as you touch her. She's as dirty and raunchy as you are.
  2031. >You throw her down on her bed even more carelessly than yesterday. You notice that it's not made and the blanket is laying next to it, like the mare was expecting you to mate with her today. Or maybe she just never bothered to even tidy it up after yesterday.
  2032. >The only thing she seems to have restored from that time is her mane. Too bad for her, you'll make sure that it's thoroughly ruined by the time you're done with her.
  2033. >"A-anon..." Greedity gasps when she barely makes the landing.
  2034. >Even though she is quick to spread her legs and get her tail out of the way, you're even quicker to undo your pants. Finally, your raging hardon is freed from its containment.
  2035. >But only for a moment. Greedity doesn't even wait for you and carelessly throws herself at you, jumping back without even looking.
  2036. >You manage to catch her in time, but it still takes you several seconds to position her the correct way before you get to hammering her. Thus her butt falls right into your hands.
  2037. >"Finally, aah~" Greedity reacts to your touch immediately.
  2038. >If she's been aching to get ravaged by you one more time, then she must be feeling like the luckiest pony in Equestria right now.
  2039. >You don't respond to her, not with words.
  2040. >Slippery flesh of the mare's slit welcomes you eagerly and you slide deep inside of her with no problem.
  2041. >And this first entry makes both of you moan. You've never expected it to be so good. It's like Greedity's vagina is extra warm and snug today.
  2042. "Rarity..." you call for her.
  2043. >When she turns around, you see the same emotions reflected in her clear eyes.
  2044. >"D-darling, don't stop," she squeezes out of her throat between your thrusts.
  2045. >With no second thoughts you extend your arm to grab her mane once again. This makes things all the better for both of you.
  2046. >You already know Greedity gets off of having her mane pulled, so you shift gears right away and almost tear her hair out.
  2047. >"Ahh! Anon, please-" you almost hear the fear in her voice, almost.
  2048. "Shut up."
  2049. >"Ah~Nngh!"
  2050. >You escalate things so fast you yourself barely keep up. But you don't need to think about it. You know what she wants from you.
  2051. >Greedity's head is pushed to the mattress by your hand that still has her mane in its grasp. The pony doesn't dispute your decision to throw her down, and once you lean forward, she slips right downwards.
  2052. >Pushed by your body, pinned to her bed, Greedity is now completely prone. With her teats scrubbing the sheets she starts her ecstatic serenade again.
  2053. >You have her whole body under you and continue rutting her as fast as you possibly can. Your elbows keep her head in a prison, and the mare's forehooves hold to these bars that surround her now.
  2054. >To complete the image of this prisoner of love, you dedicate both of your hands to tormenting her mane.
  2055. >"Ooh, darling..." she huffs and you lower your head over hers.
  2056. "Moan for me."
  2057. >And she does, by god she does.
  2058. >This is when it all starts falling apart.
  2059. >Between the amazing stimulation this new pose provides, Greedity's hindlegs kicking you sporadically when the mare gasps for air trying to live through one orgasm after the other, and beautiful, desperate moans, yells, wails and nickers of this lewd pony, you know you won't last.
  2060. >And you don't want to. By the time you decide to give in to the pleasure, it was already too late to fight it anyway.
  2061. "Oh, fuck!"
  2062. >Trying to fight the sparks flying out of your eyes as you fill Greedity with your seed, you feel deafened by her high-pitched cries of pleasure.
  2063. >You didn't even break a sweat over such a hasty fuck. You kind of feel bad for it, but at the same time it's exactly what you wanted out of this.
  2064. >Greedity turns around to face you and her smile is as devious as always. But you can read that she's a bit confused.
  2065. >She doesn't ask if that's it, but you know she wants to.
  2066. >And, frankly, she has every right to ask that. So this won't do.
  2067. >You are still holding Greedity's mane when you pop your still kinda half-hard dick out of her. You make her face you.
  2068. >Despite not really being versed in all things sexual, the mare somehow immediately understands your intentions when you take steps towards her on your knees.
  2069. >She looks you in the eyes for a confirmation, and you nod to her. Her eyes shift from your face to your dick approaching her muzzle, and then back up.
  2070. >You don't have to explain her that you want to get hard once again to give her another ride she was denied so cruelly because of your own selfishness.
  2071. >With your hand caressing the pony's cheek, you direct her right where you want her at. Greedity's mouth is already opened by the time you feel her hot breath on your member.
  2072. >This sight alone already arouses you greatly. But then you slide your dick right in, and involuntarily moan.
  2073. >It's a kind of pleasure you didn't expect - different, yet at the same time quite familiar by now. Greedity's hungry maw accepts you with no hesitation.
  2074. >Even if you feel teeth sliding just a little bit upon your shaft, once the tip is past them and lays on the mare's tongue, it becomes even better than you've imagined.
  2075. >Slowly, you dictate the rhythm of stimulation Greedity's happily provides not giving it a second thought. You even try your luck with pushing yourself deeper, and she takes it with only a frown and a muffled yelp.
  2076. >She isn't really sucking for now, just lets you molest her mouth that's opened just enough for you to fuck it.
  2077. "That's it, that's a good pony..."
  2078. >When she looks up at you, you finally have the epiphany. Batting her eyelashes, with a little frown on her cute face, lips embracing your rod, she looks exactly like Rarity would.
  2079. >You can't help but moan her name. Without even realizing it, you start jacking yourself off with Greedity's patient mouth.
  2080. >Soon, you find it unbearable to hold yourself back.
  2081. "Oh, Rarity, you're so amazing."
  2082. >You want to commend her for being such a good pony, but you don't see her reaction.
  2083. >"Ghhrk!" she coughs out when you hit something deep enough to bother her.
  2084. >Right away she tries to put her hooves on your legs to prevent you from pushing like that again. To which you only respond with grabbing her horn.
  2085. >At that point all of her resistance is futile. Even if she tries to hold you, your power over her fragile magic stick can't be denied. Like a toy, her head flails as you haphazardly move it to allow yourself to slip further and further.
  2086. >She just has to take it, and she takes it quite loudly, blasting your crotch with her hot and panicking breath.
  2087. >"Hrr-uhh!" she groans when you slide out of her only to hammer yourself even further upon your next thrust. "Glkhh..."
  2088. >Even her lusty pussy can't compare - this hole's wetness is on another level.
  2089. >For a moment you completely forget what the purpose of it all was. Greedity appreciates you slowing down after remembering it, and even if you still freely operate her head to your heart's desire, angling it as it suits you for better stimulation, she still appreciates the reprieve.
  2090. "Sorry, I got a bit carried away there."
  2091. >The mare awkwardly smiles at you, baring her teeth upon your penis just for a second, which you manage to endure.
  2092. >She has little droplets of tears in the corners of her eyes, but she seems happy.
  2093. >That's sweet of her, to be so dedicated without asking any questions or going against the flow.
  2094. >You really should give her that second round, and now is as good a time as ever.
  2095. >When you let her head go, Greedity doesn't disengage immediately, waiting for you to do it first.
  2096. >Now that she's free from your hold, you see how rugged her mane is. It has lost all of it's volume and is now streaming down her face with wild strands poking to the sides at every turn.
  2097. >Yet she looks happy. It makes you all the more aroused.
  2098. "Come here," you tell her softly.
  2099. >Greedity rolls onto her belly again, expecting you to take her one more time. You don't keep her waiting.
  2100. >You get on top of her again, pinning her down under your body. Instead of violently ravaging her, though, you aim to be much more slow.
  2101. >The difference in pacing immediately sets a completely different tone for both of you.
  2102. >Instead of screams that sound like cries of pain, Greedity now shifts to a lower pitch with her heartfelt moans and sugary-lewd sighs.
  2103. >Your hands cradle the mare's head and you start petting her, running fingers down her ruined greasy mane, making it even more of a mess than ever before.
  2104. >Nothing calls for faster pace: minutes float by as you enjoy each other in this achingly long yet entrancing act.
  2105. >It almost feels like you're getting so in tune with each other you don't need anything but this anymore.
  2106. "You're a good pony, Rarity," you assure her.
  2107. >"Mmmhm..." she sigh with contentment, ears lowering in bliss.
  2108. >You in turn lower your head to whisper into one of them:
  2109. "You feel so good."
  2110. >Greedity's smile can be seen from the cover of her hair and you smile back, relishing her hot breath on your face.
  2111. "I love f-fucking you so much."
  2112. >Saying this aloud feels so strange, so risque, so vulgar. It makes you shudder.
  2113. >You push yourself as far into Greedity as you can.
  2114. >"Ah~," a short yelp can be heard from under you.
  2115. >The pony's hoof touches your hand, and Greedity starts breathing faster, wriggling and gasping for air.
  2116. >You know well by now: the pony is cumming. Even if her cunt wants to push you out, you never let it happen. The amazing pulsations of her soaked walls always feel good, but now when you're motionless there, it strikes you as something even more amazing, especially coupled with all the warm movement under your stomach.
  2117. >There's no reason to hold back now, you're already all the way there. Respecting Greedity's subtle, drawn out displays of pleasure, you too barely make a sound when the pony finally makes you orgasm. But you make sure she hears all of those when you press your cheek to her ear and close your eyes in bliss.
  2118. >Only then you let yourself relax and fall completely onto the pony's tiny shivering body. Once more you prove your ownership of this mare, injecting your seed deep inside of her like you always do.
  2119. >You both take your sweet time to settle down, breathing heavily at each other.
  2120. >Greedity joins you when your roll onto your side. The mare lets out a squeaky sound as she adjusts her sweaty body to fully push it to you.
  2121. >Without even seeing it, you know she's smiling.
  2122. >"My Anon, mine, mine..." she mumbles quietly and her spine, so pronounced by the curve of her back, rubs your chest with all its warmth.
  2123. >It's all like a game to her. A possession she takes pride of, like a custom signature guitar or a rare car, it makes her feel good just thinking about being your owner. Yet her enjoyment is so natural, so...true, that you for a moment forget what this is really about.
  2124. >Damn this mare for making you feel this good.
  2125. >Damn her for being allowing you to reach out to something you crave so much.
  2126. >Damn her for making you feel like a god, for showing you how much she relishes every second you're inside her, for reacting like every second she spends being fucked by you she's in heaven.
  2127. >Hand lying on Greedity's side, you take in how real, how alive she is. A wonder of being next to another warm body, wasted on someone like her.
  2128. >A pale imitation, rotten to the core, she herself has nothing to do with why you're even here right now. Yes, nothing of what you feel is really caused by her, aside from physical stimulation.
  2129. >It's such a farce, and the worst thing about it is, you have zero idea what to trust.
  2130. >You always thought yourself to be a man of principles, yet how quickly those are cast aside, pushed out by the cravings of weak, meager flesh.
  2131. >Mind of a coward, of a hedonist is prevailing over years of being confident in your own judgement. Logic which you've been finding in all aspects of your life, bits of truth that fall into their places were seen as a proof of the righteous path you're walking.
  2132. >Was that an illusion? Corruption of everything you think you stand for, perversion of your nature - is it something you don't really care about?
  2133. >Or worse, actually desire?
  2134. >Once again, you feel sick in the stomach and your head is revving its pain engine, ready to unleash all hell upon your temples and fill your arteries with anguish as soon as you dare to move.
  2135. >"I feel sleepy again..." Greedity fidgets about next to you.
  2136. "It's alright," you whisper. "Were you out at night again?"
  2137. >She doesn't answer you, not with any intelligible words. You know she's smiling though, and with this smile on her muzzle she appears to be falling asleep swiftly.
  2138. >Just like yesterday, you are soon free to roam about as soon as the hoarder's grasp on you loosens.
  2139. >By that time the pain mostly eases up, letting you go for now, and so you use that opportunity to sneak out just like before.
  2140. >Cold wind instantly rushes all over your still hot and a bit sweaty body that you've lazily clothed up, chasing away any hopes of comfort.
  2141. >Sadly, you can't get out of here right away. You need to talk to Meanlight, but she's not around. Being stuck here sounds like the worst fate of all right about now.
  2142. >Nevertheless, you realize that you have to power through it. Might as well try to get comfortable, even if it involves something of a completely opposite effect.
  2143. >You really want to wash yourself after that reckless session of mating. The only way you see it happening is at the lake.
  2144. >Deadly cold water doesn't deter you.
  2145. >At first.
  2146. "Ugh!" you grunt as you press your cold and wet hand to your crotch. "Oh, Jesus fuck..."
  2147. >You do it hasty, hopping slightly from one leg to another, cursing under your breath. Rubbing your lower body with one hand while holding everything else together on you with another, you clumsily manage to at least somewhat rid yourself of Greedity's aromatic fluids.
  2148. >Now, on fresh air, you notice how strong the odor is. The smell of a mare is strange, not unpleasant, but your mind makes it seem so, knowing who it belongs to.
  2149. >Disgust is pretty much the only thing left to be felt. Mostly with yourself, for falling before the hoarder's charms.
  2150. >Low hanging fruits always taste the worst in the end... At least you think so.
  2151. >Trying to figure out if there's any truth to this idiom you've just came up with, you get distracted enough to not bail out of your ice cold treatment.
  2152. >Once your abdomen and thighs are kinda clean, you do your best to apply your handkerchief to the wet areas, attempting to dry yourself up.
  2153. >Wet, stuck half-naked near the cold lake... Still not the worst thing you've experienced.
  2154. >The cloth is soaked, but it has served its purpose.
  2155. >Now you only want to relax while you wait for the purple boss to arrive.
  2156. >Abandoned, but not forgotten, the lounge chair is still around and well, only housing a few fallen leaves in it. You drag it to the campfire.
  2157. >You're not moving away from here.
  2158. >This is your place now.
  2159. >Heat from the fire does a good job at helping your cold legs - of course, only when you almost stick them right into the barely dancing flame.
  2160. >Sighing, you try to just think about nothing.
  2161. >You don't even notice how Meanie Pie walks up to you.
  2162. "Hi, Pinkie," you rasp at her.
  2163. >She says nothing. Lying down on the log near you seems to be her aim. That's a few inches closer to you than she previously was resting at. Incredible initiative on her part.
  2164. >You'd laugh about it if you still had a tiny bit of care inside of you.
  2165. >Turns out, it's easier to just not give a fuck about anything: saves you a headache and makes things so much easier. Maybe that's how Meanie Pie here operates too.
  2166. >Simple as it can be, the solution to everything is to just forget about overthinking it.
  2167. >You're you, and these ponies... Can barely be considered ponies.
  2168. >You can prove that easily.
  2169. "Hey, you asleep yet, Pinkie?"
  2170. >A twitch of an ear is your answer. The pink ball of apathy is facing away from you, but you know she's listening.
  2171. "Wanna fuck?"
  2172. >For a few seconds nothing happens. Only then it registers with the pony. The cold is slowing down her cognitive capabilities, apparently.
  2173. >"Is that what you and Rarity are doing?" she asks in a weak voice, struggling to keep her eyes open.
  2174. "Yeah," you simply tell her.
  2175. >Another pause indicates critical load of this mare's brain.
  2176. >"Is it fun?"
  2177. >Finally, the real question that should've been asked right away.
  2178. "Yes."
  2179. >That's all Meanie needs to feel invited. Lazily, she gets up, stretching a bit, and walks up to you.
  2180. >Curious to see what's on her mind, you keep your hands to yourself and watch.
  2181. >Forelegs are on your chair. Head moving down. Teeth clamping down on your fly?
  2182. >She's zipping it down. That's enough.
  2183. "Hey, hey!" you laugh awkwardly, softly pushing Meanie away from your crotch.
  2184. >"What's the matter?"
  2185. >Not a bit of shame or awareness in her voice. Just a pure, innocent question.
  2186. "It was just a joke, Pinkie... Heh... E-heheh..."
  2187. >You don't feel any 'funsies' incoming from that joke, and, naturally, so does Meanie Pie.
  2188. >She frowns, staring somewhere beside you, and you almost see something resembling disappointment and sadness in her expression.
  2189. >"That's the worst joke I've ever heard," she says in a barely controlled voice.
  2190. >She tries to sound apathetic as ever, but you see her neck moving in attempts to counteract the bitter feeling coming up her throat.
  2191. >Not waiting for your reply, she disengages and walks away. Presumably to her tent, forgoing her usual warmth charging near the campfire.
  2192. >You are left alone in silence, only your unzipped fly and crackling of barely dried wood to keep your company.
  2193. >You cover your eyes with your palm. You can't face this world right now.
  2194. >With extreme clarity you feel, feel with your entire body and spirit, the ridiculousness of your situation, of this ludicrous state of affairs.
  2195. >It's like looking back at the road you've been walking on this whole time, seeing it from afar in all the details, as a whole. Its ugly, idiotic whole.
  2196. >A reality check so clear, it makes things grotesquely horrid in its truth. A trail of mistakes make that road, a path of nothing but bad decision and pointless struggle.
  2197. >The way that had led you to this very point of time, the chain of nothing but...lies. You see it all, comprehend it at last.
  2198. >And you laugh. And you keep laughing. Quietly, you laugh, and the quieter the laughter gets, the more it resembles crying.
  2199. >Meanie was wrong. The worst joke here is you.
  2201. >You honestly wish you'd just fall asleep right here, next to the fire, but instead you find yourself in a limbo: dropping in and out of a dreamscape, thoughts scrambled and then made whole again without you noticing.
  2202. >But it all changes when the boss mare returns home. And what a return that is.
  2203. >This time she was alone, strangely enough. Yet she seem to carry an expression of anger enough for two.
  2204. >Severe disappointment isn't impossible to imagine on Meanlight's face, but this time it's extra severe. It's her eyes and posture. She looks defeated and angry at the same time.
  2205. >If you weren't disoriented by your brain's weak and placated half-aware state, you'd make a wish for Meanlight to not notice you sooner. Unfortunately, it's all too late now.
  2206. >"Anonymous!" her voice blows over you with impatience. "My tent, now!"
  2207. "Oh, jeez..."
  2208. >You turn to your side in a vain attempt to lose yourself in a sleep's sweet embrace, yet you know perfectly well that it would accomplish nothing but cowardly postpone your trial.
  2209. >Like it or not, you'll have to face Meanlight and listen to her accusations again.
  2210. >Might as well get it over with. Like a chore. You abandon your warm place and lazily walk to your destination.
  2211. >"So, Anon..." Meanlight starts as soon as you walk inside and the curtain falls behind you, locking you with the agitated pony. "Anything happened to Twilight recently?"
  2212. >That came out of nowhere. You honestly do try to remember anything while your boss patiently waits.
  2213. "No, I don't think so. At least I haven't heard anything interesting. Why?"
  2214. >"Why? Well, remember how I said that somepony is trying to upstage me and makes fun of my plans by directing them somewhere else?"
  2215. "Uh... Sure?"
  2216. >That's not how Meanlight was framing it at a time, protecting her dignity. However, you have already figured out that this is exactly how she feels about this.
  2217. >Makes you feel proud of yourself, and also appreciate the fact that Meanlight is honest with her feelings. Though this one isn't as positive for you right now, since she looks ready to unleash everything that's on her mind upon you.
  2218. >You take a seat at your usual place and prepare for the inevitable downpour.
  2219. >"Well, this time it was over the line!" Meanlight nervously strides across her tent, making sharp turns as she explains. "You know how Twilight has this school where all of her friends are working for who knows what reason?"
  2220. "Yeah. And I'm pretty sure the reason is-"
  2221. >"Twilight has a schedule. A list of all the weekly activities planned for the students and which teachers shall conduct them."
  2222. >You nod in agreement, not yet having a clue where is Meanlight going with all of this.
  2223. >"That also means that Twilight always knows where everypony will be during the week, and documents that too. You understand why this is invaluable to me, right?"
  2224. "I guess."
  2225. >Meanlight is fine with that answer. You realize that something like this document could just make her 'work' easier, but still...
  2226. >"So I've managed to steal it last week, but yesterday, well... It didn't work out. It was too dangerous since Twilight is really looking after it now, and I decided to back away and act without it for the time being."
  2227. >So that's what happened to her scroll? Presumably more than one. Truly a disaster of the highest caliber.
  2228. >Poor Twilight probably had to re-write the whole thing. Or, rather, the poor baby dragon had to.
  2229. >After a pause, held in Meanlight's pursed lips, she continues in a tone all the angrier:
  2230. >"And what do I find at my usual vantage point overlooking the school today?"
  2231. >In a flash of magic, something leaves the mare's saddle bag and is thrown on the table. A scroll.
  2232. >Two and two have never been put together this quickly by you, or probably anyone in this world.
  2233. >"The audacity of those... Those..!" Meanlight's voice is almost shaking now. "Grr! How DARE they taunt me like that!"
  2234. "That's... Impressive," you mumble in response.
  2235. >"Impressive?! This is downright despicable! Just who do they think they are?!"
  2236. >You chuckle bitterly, but it doesn't stop there to your surprise. Meanlight keeps walking in circles, almost shouting at this point, and you can barely contain your smile.
  2237. >"Oh, what's so funny about this?!" she finally notices.
  2238. >You outright burst into laughter, feeling relieved that you were found out.
  2239. "Nothing, really," you clear your throat after a few seconds of busting your gut.
  2240. >"I'm completely at a loss here, Anon! Those scoundrels mock me and I don't even know who they are."
  2241. "You know, you sound exactly like Twilight right now."
  2242. >This only prompts her to raise an eyebrow at you.
  2243. >"Well, I don't really care, the fact is-"
  2244. "It's fine, use it to your advantage."
  2245. >"But it wasn't put here for my advantage, it was..."
  2246. >She stutters, almost chocking on her words.
  2247. "Of course it was, why would they put it there otherwise? They're helping you, Twilight."
  2248. >"No, why would- This doesn't make any sense, someone with influence and ability to get deeper into Ponyville surely pursues their own agenda."
  2249. "Well, have you ever thought that there might be someone actually helping you?"
  2250. >"What kind of idiot would willingly help me?"
  2251. >Now it's your turn to throw a inquisitive glance at Meanlight. Who, to her excuse, corrects herself immediately.
  2252. >"I mean a Ponyville pony, Anon. Or a pony in general. Think about it, if they know what I'm aiming at, they wouldn't plot against their own leader. Unless..."
  2253. >Unless they're a pony with the same interest in overthrowing a princess.
  2254. "Yeah, sure," you don't even let her finish.
  2255. >You don't need to sit through her furious fit of guessing who that might be.
  2256. >"Are you certain that you haven't seen anything suspicious?"
  2257. >She sure loves this question. And it's getting on your nerves all too easily.
  2258. >Between just barely escaping a terrible headache and being disgusted with yourself, the fuse on your temper is shorter than ever today.
  2259. "How would I see that? I don't know what to look for. I don't hang out with Twilight. I don't-"
  2260. >"Alright, alright, I get it."
  2261. >But it doesn't stop you now. You don't even want to argue right now, but it appears that you're slipping into your annoyed tone without any intentions to stop.
  2262. "I barely even talk to Fluttershy these days because all the ponies in Ponyville are paranoid as fuck, and your originals are running around trying to fix shit you or those shady benefactors of yours have done. They don't have time to chat either."
  2263. >"Fine, but-"
  2264. "Don't 'but' me, Twilight," you speak louder. "I have no idea what you WANT from me; you want information but it has to be a specific information I have to actually prepare to ask. I still don't know anything about your plans, I can't just go up to a pony and ask 'Have you seen anyone suspicious lately', because the only suspicious thing in that case would be me snooping around like a fucking maniac."
  2265. >The false alicorn doesn't even bother answering that, fuming silently.
  2266. "So now you have someone who understands you, a possible ally, and you're ready to tear them apart just because they might be a threat. Would you do the same to me? If I knew too much? Is that it?"
  2267. >"No, of course not. You're my assistant."
  2268. "Yeah, how could I forget. You know, at least Spike isn't left in the dark about everything."
  2269. >"How would knowing my plan in details benefit your performance?" Meanlight frowns back at you.
  2270. "It would certainly help building trust."
  2271. >"Trust?!" the pony matches your tone now. "You're the one constantly trying to undermine my every effort! I had to rein you in to actually stop you from ruining everything."
  2272. "Oh, that's how you call it."
  2273. >"That's what it was!"
  2274. "And it was suppose to hold any sort of sentimental value for me?"
  2275. >"Huh?"
  2276. "You know, that 'what about us' crap you've been giving me at the time?"
  2277. >Her thoughtful silence lingers for too long.
  2278. "Yeah, that's what I thought."
  2279. >"Oh, well, isn't it convenient that you're with somepony else now," you hear shaky anger in Meanlight's voice. "Being a trophy sure is fun, seeing how you're arguing with me and not sleeping with her right now."
  2280. >She's trying to be smug, but you know there's more to it than that. It's really easy to see when she's upset.
  2281. "And you certainly treated me otherwise, you hypocrite. You started it all."
  2282. >"I just tried to bring order to this circus act of 'who's going to get dicked first by oh so friendly Anon the human!'"
  2283. >You can't even stop yourself from laughing out loud, which annoys Meanlight even more.
  2284. "Is this what you think it's about?"
  2285. >"Is it not?! They've immediately backed off once I laid claim on you, and-"
  2286. "And now Rarity has it, and nothing happened."
  2287. >It makes the purple idiot shut up, and you use that opportunity to hammer the point in.
  2288. "You really think anyone here gives a damn about you or Rarity or whoever the fuck 'owns' me?"
  2289. >"But that's how it should be!" she's starting to lose her battle voice.
  2290. "Because that animal book said so? Because that influence book said so? Get real, Twilight. You're not animals, and you're certainly, positively, un-fucking-doubtably, not ponies."
  2291. >"But-"
  2292. "Do you really think they care?" you stand up. "Why not ask them? Come on."
  2293. >She can't believe it, but you are actually exiting her tent. Meanlight looks at your with curiosity and confusion clashing inside her head.
  2294. "Come with me."
  2295. >You smile at her and notice that it's not a regular friendly smile, not even a smug one.
  2296. >It's the kind of smile that gets stuck on your face, the kind that you can't get rid of, because the moment it disappears, your mental fortitude might follow.
  2297. >Any semblance of reason is long gone. You're not even sure what you want to accomplish here. All you do is step outside and make sure that Meanlight is following you, if a bit cautiously.
  2298. "Why speculate, Twilight? You're better than this," you talk to her over your shoulder. "Where's your scientific approach? You're a smart pony, aren't you?"
  2299. >"Listen, I don't think-"
  2300. "And I do!" you bark back at her.
  2301. >She's willing to entertain your silliness for now. But you know there's a limit to what she can tolerate. You'll be sure to push her towards it and beyond.
  2302. "Let's start with our usual suspects, shall we?"
  2303. >At the campfire, undoubtedly, you find your victims - Rainbow Dawdle and newly returned Meanie Pie. The pink pony couldn't deal with cold, it seems. All the better for you.
  2304. "Hi, Rainbow."
  2305. >Your voice sounds too loud to ignore, and the blue pegasus opens her half-closed eyes to look at you.
  2306. "Can you tell me one small thing, do you care who fucks me, Twilight or Rarity?"
  2307. >"Huh?" Rainbow blinks a few times. "Dude, I'm trying to sleep here."
  2308. "It's very important that you-"
  2309. >"I don't care, buzz off."
  2310. "Alright..."
  2311. >You turn to Meanlight and make an exaggerated shrug. 'Who would've thought?', it tells the pony, who just rolls her eyes.
  2312. >"Fine, you've made your point, but it's still-"
  2313. "Oh, we're not done yet. Pinkie!"
  2314. >The mean pink mass of apathy gazes at you with indifference.
  2315. "How do you feel about Rarity owning me instead of Twilight?"
  2316. >"I don't care."
  2317. "Really?"
  2318. >She doesn't even give you another second to consider, curling back into her usual warm bundle of pink coat and mane.
  2319. "Okay, this one's a dud. Maybe... Applejack, hey! You have a moment!"
  2320. >The mare's been spotted and acts like she's about to sneak away from attention, despite carrying some wet sticks on her back.
  2321. >What a pathetic sight. Any other time you'd feel pity for this liar, doing such ungrateful work with no chance of success, but right now you're fired up and are not going to compromise.
  2322. "Do you ever think that me being owned by Twilight was better that now being owned by Rarity?"
  2323. >"Of course I think about it, all the time!" the mare's eyes light up. "Why, I keep a spread sheet where I write pros and cons to both, on a daily basis, and on top of that-"
  2324. >"Fine! I get it!" Meanlight is getting pissed off.
  2325. >Appleliar doesn't care much though.
  2326. >"On top of that I've been having weekly debates with different forest creatures to discuss newest developments and decide once and for all which is best!"
  2327. "Huh?"
  2328. >"Yep, they're not here right now but we'll have another one in a few days."
  2329. "Great. Fantastic."
  2330. >AJ sees you nodding profusely and treats that as the end of your conversation. She has her own sticks to bear lest the fire fades.
  2331. "Well, would you look at that..." you turn to Meanlight with a shit-eating grin on your face.
  2332. >You know full well what she thinks right now. Something this unnecessary is certainly pissing her off.
  2333. >"Alright, what's your point?"
  2334. "The point is that you haven't actually done anything. Those ponies probably got bored without me around so they followed your plans, or maybe you just got more confident in enforcing them."
  2335. >"I don't see it."
  2336. "You've accomplished nothing by subjecting me to this, and now Rarity having the time of her life with me changes nothing."
  2337. >"Maybe you should just go to her then and leave me alone."
  2338. "Hah! Blow me, Twilight, you're not getting away this easily."
  2339. >You stop to think for a moment.
  2340. "Actually, maybe you really should blow me" you point at your crotch. "You'll surely show everyone what a great leader you are! Because it worked SO WELL the last time! Haha-haa!"
  2341. >You slap yourself on the knee, unable to stop yourself from laughing.
  2342. >The only thing you feel is complete and utter panic at the sight of bridges burning right behind you and your inability to care.
  2343. >"Well, are you done?" Meanlight sighs.
  2344. "I don't know." you just keep smiling. "I can do this all day long if you want."
  2345. >"Is this really what this is all about? You're exaggerating like always."
  2346. "I am? Look around you, Twilight!" you point in at the campfire. "You've done nothing positive for these ponies so far."
  2347. >"That's not true, we've made great progress in disrupting the life in Ponyville. At this rate-"
  2348. "Progress? PROGRESS?!"
  2349. >Meanlight recoils in fear when you squat before her and grab her shoulders to shake her violently - you can't find any other way to make her heed your words.
  2350. >The smile has finally faded away, as you feared, leaving your real emotions exposed.
  2351. "This shit amounts to NOTHING!" your voice sounds like a cry for help. "You think this is gonna matter when the whole forest is covered in snow and you're dropping dead without any fire or food?!"
  2352. >"Get away-"
  2353. "Twilight, this is not a game, it's not about your pride or ambition! You're going to DIE here!"
  2354. >The mare stops in place like she's already trying to imagine what it's gonna be like to be a frozen corpse.
  2355. "Why can't we just go to Twilight, the real one, and tell her everything? She'll do something, give you a home?"
  2356. >A cross between disgust and pity distorts Meanlight's face as she sees that you, instead of shaking her, start trembling yourself and use her as a prop to keep yourself from falling over.
  2357. "What if it's just going to be too late? Are you going to let your ego ruin everything?"
  2358. >"A-anon, what in the world are you-"
  2359. >You don't let her finish, since one more thought gets into your head.
  2360. "What if... What if you're p-pregnant? And now Rarity is too?"
  2361. >This time the mare waits a second before reacting, but what a reaction that is. For the first time you hear her laugh today - a nice mighty burst of sardonic laughter.
  2362. >Laughing at your appeals seem so sweet to her...
  2363. >"Now?!" she can't keep fidgeting under your hands. "NOW you're worrying about this? Pff-hahaha-haa!"
  2364. >By the time her laughter subsides you're basically laying on the ground, bent by the sheer weight of every little thing that pisses you off about Meanlight and this place in general.
  2365. >Your hands slide to the mare's hooves, but she's not stomping them in spite, she's not escaping your last grasp.
  2366. >"Look," she says after restoring her breath. "Maybe you should go home for today, get some rest? You're clearly not thinking straight."
  2367. >Before your face hits the dirt, you manage to stop yourself. A drop of something hits your head, then another, then a couple more.
  2368. >You are definitely sure it isn't Twilight crying for you, so it can only be rain.
  2369. >Some few seconds later vast white static noise fills your ears, just like the water start filling the space between your neck and your collar.
  2370. >"Anon? Can you even stand on your own?"
  2371. >She definitely seems more appalled than sympathetic. But that doesn't really matter to you.
  2372. "Yes, yes," you mumble in return, getting yourself together. "You're right. I should just rest."
  2373. >"Whew," as in 'thank god this retard is out of here' is heard from the pony.
  2374. "I'm tired. Just very, very tired."
  2375. >You keep repeating this under your breath as you walk away, some sort of gut feeling guiding you in the right direction.
  2376. "So tired."
  2377. >As you trudge along, you see Meanie Pie lazily sliding down the log to go to her tent, while AJ is throwing more wet sticks into the fire, attempting to defeat the elements so greedily taking all the hard earned warmth away from her.
  2378. "Just tired."
  2379. >You're gonna be fine. It's just like Meanlight says. Just some rest should be enough.
  2380. "A little bit, just a bit."
  2381. >Yeah.
  2383. >Wooden door to your house creeks agape, inviting your lifeless body inside.
  2384. >The bed doesn't care if your whole being has been drained out of its bodily warmth. Same with the floor - you're free to soak it in all the rain water you've brought back with you.
  2385. >Hell, it's been a while since you've given this floor a good wash. Maybe if you roll on it a few times it will count as exactly that?
  2386. >Nah, you're better than this, of course. You know what to do. The wet clothes always go off, you silly boy.
  2387. >Wet goes off, more water goes onto your body. Hot, warm, steamy. Wash away everything. Thank god for hot showers. Bless be Equestria and it's magical running water. You set it even hotter than usual.
  2388. >It tickles. It burns. It makes you want to scream. But it's more pleasant that way.
  2389. >You'd drink it too, if you weren't nearing the mood to barf something out instead. Not exactly compatible actions in your opinion.
  2390. >There's no point in gathering the thoughts of...anything. Let them set sail on the waves of your grey matter and get washed away by hot downpour once they come out of your head together with your shaky, raspy breaths.
  2391. >Even when you're finished, you don't feel in any way warmer. Even if your cheeks are so red, bright and shiny that any young maiden three days into Epiphany frosts would've bitten her nails in envy over them.
  2392. >Throwing together a nice indoors gown, also known as your usual clothes, you notice that you're barely even standing on your feet.
  2393. >In an attempt to summon help by staring intensely and hoping she'll notice, you search for Fluttershy standing at your window, alas to no avail. It's raining here too, so neither she nor Discord are out in the open.
  2394. >This time you're on your own. Even if you want to help yourself this time around, it doesn't really mean anything if you can't find any way to do it.
  2395. "Rest," you remind yourself.
  2396. >Yes, right on the bed. Falling down you only want to forget about today. Sleep until tomorrow just like that.
  2397. >And then you'll definitely skip a day. Just out of spite.
  2398. >Yes, that'll get Meanlight. Who's laughing now?
  2399. "Who's laughing now?" you try those thoughts on your tongue and regret it immediately.
  2400. >A massive cough overtakes your feeble body and makes you want to vomit.
  2401. "Fuck this."
  2402. >Dismissing your pathetic situation with a resolute swear word, you decisively cover your body with a blanket, right up to your nose.
  2403. >Breathing is kinda hard, but you'll manage. Just gotta rest.
  2404. >Sounds almost too easy.
  2406. >"Yep," the doctor sets aside her stethoscope.
  2407. >That was her only comment. You try to concentrate on her expression in hopes to find out if it's a good 'yep' or a bad one.
  2408. >But your vision is still a bit blurry. Despite being higher than a pony even seated on your bed, which you are now, you still feel absolutely helpless.
  2409. >Helpless and cold.
  2410. >"What is it?" Fluttershy nervously asks, eyes shifting between you and the unicorn medic.
  2411. >"Well... looks like just common cold."
  2412. >You don't even have to focus to know that Fluttershy isn't nearly satisfied with that answer. After what she's seen, what you've been through, she can't believe it.
  2413. >And the doctor realizes it, shrugging in confusion.
  2414. >"Seems that there are some complications, but nothing suggests that it's anything more serious than that. It's just a... a case of a very strong common cold."
  2415. >Hearing Fluttershy's unnerved sigh in response to that, the doctor hurries to add:
  2416. >"I'll account for everything in the prescription, don't worry."
  2417. >You'd sigh too if you had any strength left in you. 'Complications' was putting it way too nicely.
  2418. >That rest of yours never actually ended. You woke up with a fever so strong you couldn't keep yourself steady for one moment, sweating and shaking like an autumn leaf.
  2419. >Some ridiculous half-dream sequence was playing in your head over and over again as you thrashed about in your bed. Absolute nauseating nonsense that couldn't leave your restless mind alone.
  2420. >You had your sleep eventually, but when you came to it was already bright daylight outside, and you had your throat plucked by something immovable, something that made swallowing nigh impossible and excruciating too.
  2421. >The fever never left. Drenched to the bone in your own sweat, enduring the border of dream and lucidity, you only remember the torment.
  2422. >Until Fluttershy has found you. You don't even remember what happened after that.
  2423. >She has told you later that she's been tending to you the whole day and night. This morning she used a reprieve of you falling asleep properly for the first time to get you a doctor.
  2424. >The thoughtful mare even left behind her pet bunny to watch over you, but you have no idea if Angel actually remained there. Not like it mattered to you, still on the verge of agony.
  2425. >And here you are. Not being sure if this is real or still a dream.
  2426. >Everything is so insignificant now. No reason to process any of it. The concerned chatter of two ponies is somewhere far beyond your scope of understanding.
  2427. >At some point you lose track of it. Next thing you know there's a sensation of hooves at your arm. You are laid down and covered with a blanket, offering zero resistance.
  2428. >You were feeling so cold out in the open, now you're comfy again with just your head sticking out. Fluttershy makes you eat something without taste, smell or texture. Of course, it's just you not being able to feel any of it.
  2429. >Horrible nightmares will surely visit you today. Or worse, you'll get stuck in the loop again.
  2430. >You just want to not feel anything right now.
  2431. >The mare is chirping something above you, but you just try to get a bead of sweat off your eye and that takes every bit of strength and attention left in you.
  2432. >Your caretaker notices it and does it for you.
  2433. >You're grateful for the help. It must be so embarrassing for her to baby someone like you.
  2434. >But Fluttershy can't stay with you forever. She eventually has to leave to get the things that doctor prescribed to you. But at the same time you've managed to calm yourself down a bit - you guess it's because of that thing she made you eat.
  2435. >For you it seems like it's been forever since you've actually slept. You are granted your rest after all.
  2436. >Unfortunately, it's not meant to last.
  2437. >When you regain your consciousness, you notice that a hooded figure is towering over you. A pony.
  2438. >She then talks and her voice leaves no room for guessing who that ominous entity might be:
  2439. >"Anon, what in the world are you doing? You gotta get back to the camp!"
  2440. "Urrggh..." you barely push out of yourself.
  2441. >Regret instantly pinches you in the temples since it's impossible to not disturb something really painful in your throat - even the slightest vibration starts killing you immediately.
  2442. >The hedgehog in your throat really dislikes being bothered.
  2443. >Yet the shadow mare continues pleading to you:
  2444. >"Rarity, the real one, is out of town and I can't keep ours out of Ponyville. She has already tried breaking into your house, if someone sees her..."
  2445. >Meanlight swiftly turns her head towards a foreign noise outside. Only after looking there for a few seconds she returns to your situation.
  2446. >"Look, I never ask for much, but I'm so close to actually making a move now, I need this to work. Get back and do something, I have to keep her tied up for now so she doesn't run off but she's the only one bringing food to the camp. If I have to babysit her for a- Anon? Anon!"
  2447. >Something keeps rocking your back and forth in attempts to pull you out of your slumber, but its viscous binds can't be shaken off.
  2448. >"Damn you, you stupid-"
  2449. >The voice flies off to the void and the blanket of nothingness prevents you from heeding Meanlight's demands any longer.
  2450. >You are left to her mercy now, at least your body is. Not like you can even know what's happening to it.
  2451. >Only when you wake up on your own, in the dead of night, you manage to gather your strength to actually think straight. It's now actually possible to do so.
  2452. >Immediately you notice that it's not really night, just late evening, and that there's a mare sitting right next to your bed and reading a book.
  2453. >For a second you thought Meanlight is still here, but in the dim light you see that the silhouette belongs to Fluttershy.
  2454. >She probably didn't notice it was getting so dark: she's sitting in a way that the sun outside has been providing decent illumination for her to read for some time; now it's almost too dark to see the mare herself.
  2455. >Though by the time you come to that conclusion Fluttershy already notices you waking up and shakes her head, blinking with force a few times.
  2456. >"Oh my..."
  2457. >She looks like she's trying to restore her vision, turning her head from side to side and blinking more, which makes you smile. In turn, the pegasus notices that and smiles back.
  2458. >"You look a bit better already."
  2459. "Mmh..."
  2460. >You almost make a mistake of speaking again, but your guardian mare prevents you from even trying.
  2461. >"Shh, don't talk," she puts her book near the bed. "I guess the medicine is working after all."
  2462. >You watch her sigh and fondle her hooves. You're not sure what the pony is feeling right now but she doesn't look very confident.
  2463. >"I guess it really is just a cold... I still doubt it. Not with a throat like this."
  2464. >You make a sounds you suppose should sound unsure and Fluttershy nods. Well, if she can understand animals who can't even talk properly, you're sure she can understand your mumbling as well.
  2465. >"That's what I thought too," she replies. "What kind of complications could there be?"
  2466. >Both of you fall silent. Having your throat completely annihilated by some 'complication' isn't your idea of 'common cold' as well.
  2467. >Fluttershy is left to her own thoughts as you have nothing to say to her. After some time she thoughtfully utters:
  2468. >"Well, you've been stressed out by something lately, so maybe it's some kind of a...psychological thing?"
  2469. >You'd feel agitated by her guesses as always, if not for your already pitiful state. Sweating right now seems more par for the course than an indication of anything other than your illness.
  2470. >"I should've been paying more attention to you, maybe I..."
  2471. >She looks away, trying to find the right words, but returns her gaze to you with nothing other than a frustrated sigh.
  2472. >It's bad enough you can't talk to her properly, seeing her like this because of your problems doesn't feel right at all and you can't do anything about it.
  2473. >Other than get better faster. Of which Fluttershy reminds you quickly.
  2474. >"I got everything the doctor told me to, but I think I know a few things to add, just to be sure. I'll go warm it up."
  2475. >Of course she insists that you eat, even despite it being so painful. She doesn't look you in the eyes when you swallow your tasteless food that looks more like paste than anything.
  2476. >"It should help..." she looks at your grimaces of torture with sympathy before looking away again.
  2477. >But it does help. When the pony finally leaves you for the night, you already feel a bit better. You even fall asleep properly.
  2478. >If you were in any condition to think straight you'd probably ponder the extent of pony medicine that subdues illness so quickly that also works for humans. Truly a thing of magic, well, as it probably is.
  2479. >The only thing you remember in the morning is wandering your house in search for the way to the bathroom and some hallucinations of some ponies talking to you.
  2480. >Otherwise it's been a dreamless night. Which you're infinitely thankful for. No head-splitting pains or dreams stuck in a loop that drives you insane. Just good old sleep.
  2481. >Cautiously, you turn your head to witness the morning sun. The sky's clear and welcoming today and your mood matches your improving condition.
  2482. >All things considered you could've been much, much worse off without Fluttershy's aid. The mare doesn't abandon you on this day as well.
  2483. >You can sit up and eat by yourself now. Still not much for talking though. So you just listen to the mare's mundane stories instead.
  2484. >She leaves your side early, certain that you can handle yourself for some time and there's no threat of you getting worse.
  2485. >It goes without saying that you're not going on your patrol today. Which brings you to Meanlight's visit the other night.
  2486. >A brave move on her part, not only to travel here but also to ask you a favor after everything that happened between you.
  2487. >But more importantly, if what she says is true, then it really is bad. Greedity has been afraid of exactly this, you suddenly abandoning her.
  2488. >The mad hoarder also knows where you live. If Meanlight worries about her then she has already tried doing something incredibly idiotic. And, all things considered, she really can't be removed from Meanlight's equation, being the only pony to steal valuables.
  2489. >A rotten way to live, but it's the only one they get for now.
  2490. >Normally you'd probably try to think about how to at least catch up on happenings, if something has already went wrong in Ponyville because of Greedity. But it certainly isn't happening now.
  2491. >Not just because you're ill. You feel sick in general. Sick of it all.
  2492. >Your recent revelation surely played a part in your current condition. Last few days you were like someone else. Like you don't even know yourself anymore.
  2493. >Or was it the last week? Last month? You're losing track of time now.
  2494. >Everything is falling apart for you and it was inevitable. Things are finally catching up to you, proving that you can't sustain yourself like this.
  2495. >This is your punishment for forgetting yourself. The question still remains, however.
  2496. >Where do you even go from here?
  2497. >You look out of your window, trying to get a hold of this thought. It feels cold in your house, but you can't be bothered to even check if you have any wood for your humble hearth.
  2498. >On one hand, you want to at least slow down and get a breather. On the other, nothing of late allowed you to do so and things are only getting worse now that Greedity is hunting you down.
  2499. >You're not sure she can be reasoned with; at the same time you know you can't keep going like this. You just need to somehow relay that to Greedity.
  2500. >No matter what you can't find an elegant solution to this.
  2501. >Against your better judgement you realize that you don't want to hurt Greedity, to be too harsh on her. The poor scrawny mare always holds onto you like it means so much for her.
  2502. >Even if you are certain there is no heart to break there, you still can't just brush all of this aside.
  2503. >In the end, you get lost in thought again.
  2505. >"Just to be clear, Anon, you're not going back there again until this storm is over."
  2506. >Fluttershy points to the window.
  2507. "Huh? I'm not going anywhere, I'm not crazy."
  2508. >Trying to convey sarcasm with your still weak voice sounds too corny and you chuckle to yourself. It's too harsh and stiff for now, you sounds like sleepy Solid Snake.
  2509. >You made sure to rest well yesterday and now it's paying off. With Fluttershy's help your illness is steadily being cured.
  2510. >Sitting at your table with her on the other end of it and listening to her talk while you eat your breakfast is pleasant. Especially with this rain outside reminding you that you are actually in comfort and warmth out here instead of drenched to the bone in the forest.
  2511. >The weather team has finally stopped arguing with Applejack, which has been a thing for the last week, apparently - at least Fluttershy frames it that way.
  2512. >Meanlight's work most probably. You feel bad for the apple pony, being assailed from multiple angles like that. But it makes sense, she's an influential figure here in Ponyville.
  2513. >Not entirely implausible that Rainbow Dash coordinates her schedule with farmers, these last weeks of autumn are used to drain last bits of water to get the snow going in time.
  2514. >Does it actually work like that? Seems logical to you.
  2515. >A lot of inner works of Ponyville are still not quite clear to you. You feel like this is why you can't figure out how damaging Meanlight's work actually is.
  2516. >You hear this and that but it's so far away from you it might as well be completely made up. So far away from your extremely narrow daily routine even though it's happening in the same small town you technically live in.
  2517. >"Well, it's going to last a few days," Fluttershy is watching you closely. "So even when you're going to feel better you are still going to need to stay indoors."
  2518. "I can just take an umbrella or my rain coat," you shrug. "Everfree usually has different weather anyway."
  2519. >The pegasus sighs and shifts her gaze to the waterfall outside.
  2520. >"It's not just about that."
  2521. "What then?"
  2522. >You see a frown on your caretaker's face all too late. Even before she speaks up you know you've messed up.
  2523. >"Um... No offense, but I kinda can't help but worry when I find you half-dead the second time this month. Or is it the third?"
  2524. "It's not-"
  2525. >"Don't you think that I'm just a tad bit..."
  2526. >Tired? Fed up? In the mood for yelling at you?
  2527. >"...concerned about what's been happening to you?"
  2528. >Shifting on her chair uncomfortably, she doesn't even look at you, but you keep her in your sights in wait for an inevitable outburst.
  2529. >"I don't know what you have found there in the forest, it's not my business, but as your friend I can't close my eyes on what is happening."
  2530. >You look out the window as well, gathering strength to answer that.
  2531. "I'm grateful to you for taking care of me, really. But you don't have to feel responsible for my actions."
  2532. >"I guess you should've told me that before I called a doctor for you," she says in almost trembling voice.
  2533. >This is something you've been bracing yourself for, yet that jab still hurts.
  2534. "Come on, you know what I mean."
  2535. >The mare looks at you with a mix of frustration and helplessness on her face.
  2536. >You're just keep digging your grave deeper, aren't you? Anything you say to her seem unreasonable, like a bunch of flimsy excuses. Maybe they are just that after all.
  2537. >"Don't give me that!" her pleading tone is tearing up your heart. "Even if you've been here for some time you are still new to Equestria. Like it or not, I AM responsible for you, me and Twilight, we all are. Equestria might be a nice place but it can be dangerous too, ponies don't always mean well even if they pretend they're good."
  2538. >You can't help but smirk at that, knowing way too well what Fluttershy means. But she takes it as being directed at her.
  2539. >"Helping somepony is always nice," she continues lecturing you. "But you have to realize somepony might take advantage of you. Believe me, sometimes you just have to say 'no' and leave it be."
  2540. "I know, I know," you try to find the right words to put her at ease. "But this isn't like that."
  2541. >These definitely aren't the words you're looking for. Just some general phrases that don't come from the heart and don't mean anything.
  2542. >You feel completely defenseless, saying any more would mean telling her all about the camp.
  2543. >You don't want to even admit that you are in fact helping someone in the woods, but at this point it's way too hard to hide it from Fluttershy.
  2544. >But you're thankful that she isn't interrogating you or spying on you yet. Or at least you didn't notice anything like that.
  2545. >"I don't know how it is, but I don't need to. The result is clear to me."
  2546. >Here comes her scolding tone, one you hate the most. She looks you right in the eyes with determination, something she rarely displays.
  2547. >"This has to stop, Anon. I can't be here to help you every day even if I try, between animals needing my help and my friends being... being..."
  2548. >Fluttershy's resolve wavers under the pressure of the mare remembering her frantic week.
  2549. >"I just can't be everywhere at once," she finally concludes. "It's like everything is happening at the same time, all of my friends are getting in trouble, everypony is angry with something and each other. It makes me so frustrated, I just want to..."
  2550. >She clenches her teeth in quiet, shy rage. But then you see tears in the corners of her eyes.
  2551. >"No matter what I do I can't mend everything, it's like they go out of their way to stir things up and then act like it's not their fault, I don't understand what's going on. I just feel so... lost."
  2552. >You sit still, afraid to even move. This sudden confession isn't the outburst you've been expecting. Like she completely forgot about scolding you and is just venting to someone who won't judge her for it, seemingly after bottling it all up inside for quite some time.
  2553. >"Twilight keeps going mad about losing her scrolls and trying to solve all the problems at once, Rarity is accused of stealing, Applejack finds so many ways to bother everypony, Pinkie keeps wasting Sugarcube Corner's money... Even Rainbow is more of an airhead than usual."
  2554. >All is fine when the misery of others depersonalized and is watched at a distance. But just seeing what effect it has on Fluttershy makes you mad. This isn't right.
  2555. >Especially because you know exactly why and how this is happening.
  2556. >But you knew that all along, it isn't news to you. Just not exactly what the consequences are. Rarity, stealing? Is this why she's out of town?
  2557. >You are so out of touch with everything it's not even funny. And now you are forced to face the closest pony to you suffer because of it - yet it's not even a fraction of what others might feel.
  2558. >This is what you get for stopping, for letting this get to you. You were moving so fast you never noticed what is actually happening to ponies you do care about. Those who are your real friends. Those who care about you.
  2559. "I'm sorry to hear that," is all you can manage. "I didn't even realize you're this busy."
  2560. >This is absolutely not what you wanted to say. But you can't even begin to bring yourself to form the right thought.
  2561. >Even now, giving up all that you know, sharing all the details about the mean ponies would accomplish nothing, or so you prefer to think to avoid responsibility.
  2562. >You can only try to keep your distance, to prevent yourself from witnessing more of this. Is it all that it takes to make you doubt yourself, one glance at what you've been helping to set in motion?
  2563. >"If you really are sorry, help me," Fluttershy is on the verge of tears. "Help me by steering clear of whatever is trying to hurt you."
  2564. "I... Well..."
  2565. >Your words get stuck in your throat, causing it to spasm with anxiety.
  2566. >"If you're getting something out of it, if you are rewarded for it-"
  2567. "No, what? Who do you take me for?"
  2568. >Of course, you do it for free, and feel like an idiot as are compensation.
  2569. >"If there's something you lack," Fluttershy is unfazed by your answer. "You can always ask. I still don't know much about humans, if I'm missing something..."
  2570. >She looks you in the eyes again, to drive the point home.
  2571. >"I will do anything to help you."
  2572. >Something bitter swells inside of you and it's getting hard to breathe.
  2573. >For just a moment a possibility flashes before your eyes, an interpretation of her words most foul, but it's gone the moment you notice it.
  2574. >It's easy to dismiss it; you would be the first to admit you don't deserve the help of someone like her. Or any kind of help at all.
  2575. >Yet here she is, right at your side. When no one else is.
  2577. >With time you learn that Fluttershy isn't the only one here for you. You don't know for sure, but you feel it.
  2578. >It's that sensation of someone staring at you again. It's coming from the forest.
  2579. >Every time you look out your window, you feel it. Through the rain, from that distance, something is determined to making you feel uneasy.
  2580. >It could be that it's just you instinctively feeling unwell just by looking at that damn forest, the main source of your tribulations.
  2581. >So it might as well be your imagination.
  2582. >But the feeling of discomfort is as real as it can be.
  2583. >It's been two days since that shameful talk with Fluttershy and the rain is still going with a few hours of calm and dry reprieve mixed in during the day.
  2584. >Nothing you haven't seen before, but the timing is just perfect. You have an excuse to stay indoors and Fluttershy is happy about it.
  2585. >Well, as happy as a pony constantly under stress can be.
  2586. >From her remarks you also figured that she feels strange about being the only one from her circle of friends to remain unaffected by this mystical misery.
  2587. >Everyone but her got the short end of the stick. You're not sure if she's blaming herself for anything, but you wouldn't deny such possibility.
  2588. >For you, it's really not that hard to figure out - Meanshy doesn't follow Meanlight's commands. So Fluttershy is spared all the humiliations other ponies endure because of the usurper clone's ambition.
  2589. >One thought about it now makes you feel anxious, like you're ashamed of even knowing the false alicorn.
  2590. >That does, however, bring up a major weak point of yours - you don't know enough about the false alicorn either.
  2591. >Just like your wake-up call was realizing that everything in Ponyville was conveniently out of sight while your own hedonism was running rampant, so is your knowledge of the other side of this conflict rather lacking.
  2592. >You have no idea how this never crossed your mind before, but you do recall how you wanted to investigate that queen that Rarity mentioned. What was her name again?
  2593. >But since then so much stuff happened, you never had time or motivation to actually research anything. And now might be the perfect moment to do so.
  2594. >You can make your way to Twilight's castle library even in this rain, and spend a day just collecting information. A change of scenery could do you some good.
  2595. >Though that little plan has to wait for some time.
  2596. >"Hi, Anon," Fluttershy is at your doorstep. "Just checking in on you."
  2597. >You let her in, naturally, since it's still raining outside and you'd rather not keep the pony there, even if she did bring an umbrella.
  2598. >She has to know you're alright now, she's been 'checking in' for the last few days despite overseeing your healing process from start to finish.
  2599. >Without her aid or pony medicine in general you'd probably be out of action for a week or more, but right now you're feeling good as new.
  2600. >"Aw, you were making another baby owl," the pony notices your wood work on the table. "You always make them look adorable."
  2601. "Thanks, I guess."
  2602. >You keep yourself from laughing awkwardly as the pegasus helps herself to some tea with cookies she herself had brought you yesterday. You join her right away and pour both of you some hot tea.
  2603. >"I hope you don't mind, it's freezing outside."
  2604. "Don't worry about it. What were you doing back there in this kind of weather anyway?"
  2605. >"Oh, just helping Pinkie with that last batch of Saddle Arabian spices..."
  2606. >You attempts at small talk seem to be working but you have no idea where she's going with this. It's kind of odd for her to stay here instead of going back home.
  2607. >When Fluttershy sighs bitterly and you're starting to put two and two together.
  2608. >"It's good to finally be done with all those misunderstandings for the time being. Looks like the rain is keeping them away, ha-hah..."
  2609. >That laugh was more tired than happy. Now you're getting it.
  2610. "Feels good to have a breather, doesn't it?"
  2611. >"Yes. Spending calm and relaxing time with someone who isn't all prickly and jumpy is a nice change of pace."
  2612. "Does Pinkie seriously act hostile towards you?" you can't hold a smile.
  2613. >"Well, maybe not hostile, but she could surely appreciate the help a bit more, that's for certain."
  2614. >You really dislike when Fluttershy gets all passive-aggressive. Acting annoyed doesn't suit this gentle mare, and it only means that her patience really is tested.
  2615. >It sounds like an explanation, but brings no relief.
  2616. "I'm sure she'll come around, it's just stress."
  2617. >"I know, I shouldn't blame her for anything..."
  2618. "Now, now, it's time to relax, remember?"
  2619. >The pony giggles and nods.
  2620. >"Of course, sorry."
  2621. >As you sip your tea you notice that Fluttershy keeps her eyes on you. For now you pretend to not notice it.
  2622. "It's probably the weather too," you suggest, leaning back in your chair. "Only one day until the sun shines again and everyone feels happier."
  2623. >The pony doesn't answer so you decide to steer the conversation a bit towards your own plans.
  2624. "I mean even I don't feel great staying here for so long, it's gonna feel nice to be on the road again. Maybe I'll even take a stroll in the rain."
  2625. >You carefully watch Fluttershy's reaction and it is not a very happy one.
  2626. >"I don't think you should, you just got better."
  2627. "I'll take an umbrella, no worries," you casually dismiss her worry.
  2628. >"Anon, I would really appreciate if you didn't strain yourself like that."
  2629. >You hear it. The tension in her voice is becoming almost obvious.
  2630. "Well, I can-"
  2631. >"I just want you to be safe! Is it really too much to ask?"
  2632. >You regret everything immediately. It wasn't a good idea to poke her in this state and now you feel horrible. Her voice sounds almost desperate, like she's begging you.
  2633. "I'm sorry, you're right. Sorry."
  2634. >Your apology is genuine for once, but it's not enough to calm this little concerned mare down. Normally you'd wonder what has gotten into her, but you realize that you played right into this.
  2635. >"Can at least somepony listen to me for once? I'm just trying to help!"
  2636. "Fluttershy, hey..."
  2637. >It feels like she's about to cry at any moment. Even though it's not anything new, as she is a sensitive pony, this time you are directly responsible for this and it feels awful.
  2638. >"I... I think I should go."
  2639. >The noise of chairs sliding across wooden floor is doubled: you stand up as soon as Fluttershy leaves her place and tries to speed past you to the door.
  2640. "No, wait! I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to-"
  2641. >You both suddenly freeze when your hand touches the mare's back - in your attempt to stop her you couldn't find a better way to do so other than do the closest thing to grabbing someone by their arm.
  2642. >Fluttershy almost jumps backwards from the sudden sensation. Great, now you're assaulting her as well.
  2643. >Surprisingly, she doesn't continue with her escape. Just stands there, looking at you with a mix of fear and something else entirely.
  2644. >"Well, p-promise me you won't do anything to... to..." she meekly squeaks.
  2645. "Sure. I promise."
  2646. >Damn your haphazard approach to curiosity. But to calm Fluttershy down and keep it that way, you have to give her your word. And you'll gladly keep it to make your little helper feel at ease.
  2647. >"Look me in the eyes and promise you'll stay safe."
  2648. "I promise."
  2649. >You could easily get lost in those huge, scared eyes.
  2650. >"Promise me you won't go to the forest until the weather is good again."
  2651. "I didn't say that I want to go there though."
  2652. >"Promise you won't get in trouble with whoever you're seeing there."
  2653. >She's covering all her bases, huh? And when you look her in the eyes you really can't bring yourself to lie, not now, not under these circumstances. She must know this, there's no way she doesn't.
  2654. >Well, so be it then. Fluttershy's head is tilted down and her eyes are shifting across the floor, so you squat down to be on the same level as the pony, to attract her attention and drive your point home.
  2655. "Alright, I promise."
  2656. >Fluttershy leans in and takes a step towards you. You can almost see how her legs are shaking.
  2657. >"Promise that you won't be involved in anything with them."
  2658. "I... W-what do you mean?"
  2659. >She steps even closer. You can almost feel how frightened she is and all you wish for is for it to stop.
  2660. >"It's not fair, Anon," she barely speaks up, moving ever so closer. "If I can help it..."
  2661. >Your mind is flaring up with the most daring expectation of what is going to happen when Fluttershy takes another step, bringing her face to face with you.
  2662. >Even if you secretly wanted it, you knew that it's not something that should happen. Everything tells you that it's not right.
  2663. >Yet it happens. You've seen it coming in the mare's bottomless eyes the moment before they started to close.
  2664. >With another step, Fluttershy leans in and her lips touch yours.
  2665. >All their warmth, all their softness is now yours. Sweet, charming, timid lips made for encouraging words and warm tea slip across yours, covering them with unbearable tender sensation.
  2666. >Almost immediately even more pressure is applied to you and both you and Fluttershy tilt your heads to accommodate each other. Your knees touch the floor, sending you forward and the mare opens her mouth wide to match you doing the same.
  2667. >Fluttershy's tongue invades your mouth the next second, filling it up with unprecedented wet hotness. Yours greets hers half way, and a chaotic dance begins, sporadic movements of clashing wetness electrifying both of your bodies with previously unknown feels of extreme intimacy.
  2668. >As soon as you react to it by swiftly putting your hands on Fluttershy's neck, feeling her soft mane at your palm, the mare herself blasts your cheek with her sharp and hot exhale, moaning in your mouth and nearly falling onto you in attempts to get closer.
  2669. >She finds another way - you feel her petite hooves on your lap and make way to the pony to stand on your legs by leaning backwards. Fluttershy uses this to press down on you, as her head is now a bit higher than yours, and her hoof touches your shoulder, making her half-moan again.
  2670. >The shivering of her body still continues, but now you're not sure what causes it, fear or excitement, or both. All you want to do is to prolong that wrestling match inside the shared space of your mouths.
  2671. >Yet Fluttershy is the first to break the kiss, panting heavily and even sweating while she looks down at you. Her eyes are still reflecting fear and her voice sounds like she's begging you:
  2672. >"I told you, I'll do anything to help you."
  2673. "Fluttershy... You don't have to-"
  2674. >You realize what this is all about and it fills you with disgust - towards nobody other than yourself.
  2675. >Even if you can understand Fluttershy's logic it's so wrong to indulge in this.
  2676. >Although, the second her lips lock with yours again, everything else is forgotten. All you wish is for this to not end.
  2677. >When your hand touches her cheek, Fluttershy immediately presses her head to it, longing for you touch.
  2678. >It's when your heads align and you start breathing the same air the enthusiasm starts falling apart, getting out of control. The leg Fluttershy stand on your lap is wobbling and the mare lets out the lewdest moan yet, finally allowing herself to fall onto the safety of your arms.
  2679. >With her back arching inwards, the mare's body slumps down upon you in a kind of a hug. Your sweet kiss has been broken and Fluttershy is struggling to normalize her breath, just like you.
  2680. >She reacts to your touch with delight of an affectionate kitten, rubbing herself all over your hand as soon as it cups her cheek.
  2681. >Spread on top of you, longing for your touch, slobbering at your lips at attempts to squeeze her tongue inside even a little bit more - you weren't prepared to see Fluttershy like this.
  2682. >She was always almost too pure for your fantasies, yet here she is, almost collected enough to make her next, even more daring move.
  2683. >It goes without saying that all of this is making your pants ever so tighter, and by Fluttershy's smile you know it's obvious to her: she grinds her body against your stiff pant-tent and gives you a sultry look, one that makes you harder than anything in your life.
  2684. >Your first kiss was stolen by the mare you least expected. And now her tiny and beautiful body you've always deemed sacred is begging to be yours.
  2685. >You even notice how her hindlegs squeeze together when she feels up your hard member flexing through the fabric.
  2686. >"Anon," she whispers your name and it prompts you to help Fluttershy stand up.
  2687. >But she doesn't want to - immediately after being up on her legs again, she goes for a hug.
  2688. >"I'm not letting you go," you feel her breath at your ear.
  2689. >Your kisses upon her neck mellow her a little bit, and then you finally decide to move.
  2690. >Fluttershy hugs you closer when she notices your hands moving all the way down her body and she gasps a little when she feels you tugging at her flank. You push her towards yourself even more and try to stand up.
  2691. >The mare realizes that you just want to pick her up and doesn't struggle. She is lighter than you've expected. Yet still heavy enough to put some pleasant pressure on you.
  2692. >With one of your hands on her back and another sinking into her soft butt, you finally can move freely with the mare.
  2693. >She starts kissing your cheek and neck the moment she realizes you're taking her towards your bed.
  2694. >It's not easy to pry her off when you finally stand at your bed, but after a few more licks and kisses you finally manage to lay the mare down.
  2695. >Her wings open wide right away, sliding over your sheets. You hand is still in her hooves and Fluttershy tugs you in to join her.
  2696. >What a messed-up, spontaneous outcome to your encounter, yet somehow you feel like she planned all of it.
  2697. >You get on the bed as well and only then take a good look at the mare who is more than ready to be your lover.
  2698. >In contrast to the mean mares, starving and unkempt in their camp, Fluttershy here is the textbook example of a well maintained pony despite being so close to nature all the time. You have already noticed how your palm just sinks into her amazingly plushy butt, but it doesn't stop there.
  2699. >Your hand follow the mare's slim yet completely smooth chest with no ribs poking out, down to her barely pronounced belly, and then to her still closed legs.
  2700. >Fluttershy opens them up for you with little hesitation, revealing sizable creamy teats, so soft yet bouncy to touch. The warmth you feel tracing your hand between them gets more intense as you approach the mare's plump lips, darker in color and almost steaming with excitement.
  2701. >Through her noticeable blush, the mare still smiles. She barely prevents her legs from instinctively hiding her sex from you again, instead leaving herself fully exposed for you to stare at, take in the generous forms of this body she wishes to gift to you.
  2702. >"Come here," she finally calls for you in a husky voice. "Don't be shy."
  2703. >That makes you smile as well and as you lower yourself over the pony you continue to gleam at each other with barely contained desire.
  2704. >Eyes half-lidded, she knows all too well what she's leading you to.
  2705. >You both know what will happen next. It's just a matter of who is going to be first to give in to lust.
  2706. >Plump, healthy legs invite you between them, locking you between their firm hold when you stand only on your elbows above Fluttershy. The mare doesn't waste time and works on both your shirt and your pants at the same time, simultaneously answering your kisses with gusto.
  2707. >Your indoor clothes were always a pretty loose fit, so she has no problem getting your shirt up and even your pants kind of move lower under the pressure of mare's legs sliding down your sides.
  2708. >Your shirt finally falls right onto Fluttershy's face and to your surprise she takes a greedy whiff of it. When you get your arms out of its sleeves, it is left covering the mare's face and she seems to be happy with it: rubbing it all over her face and breathing in its odor, her hindlegs quivering in bliss, she doesn't even notice your curious gaze at her.
  2709. >Her blush can be seen even when she hides everything but her eyes under oh so precious piece of your clothing, and those eyes are filled with embarrassment.
  2710. >But your smile makes her feel at ease more or less.
  2711. >"I..." she squeaks out meagerly, but you just shake your head still smiling.
  2712. >Deciding to leave the mare to obsess over your shirt you instead help her get you out of your pants. When they're down and her legs are still there, you touch her hooves and it makes her gasp again.
  2713. >She might've felt uncomfortable with you staring at her marebits but right now her eyes are glued to your dick.
  2714. >You don't mind that though. Your now naked body aches in anticipation of contact with another, so you lower yourself over the equally eager pegasus who immediately throws your shirt away.
  2715. >Seeing you chuckle at that, she explains in a barely audible mutter:
  2716. >"I just really like the scent..."
  2717. >Not even giving you time to process that remark, Fluttershy puts her hooves on you, caressing your body all over.
  2718. >The roughness she's doing it with makes you all the more aroused - you can practically sense just how much she wants to feel all of you, all at the same time.
  2719. >"Mmh~," she voices her desire. "Come closer."
  2720. >Full body contact makes her throw her head up in bliss. You situate yourself a bit higher and your hand reaches down to the mare's crotch. You need to feel those pliable mounds again. You're pretty sure she's really well endowed for a pony, if it's even something they compare at all.
  2721. >Guided by your circular motions Fluttershy not only starts to writhe in pleasure under you, but also desires to repay you and reaches to your own nipple with her tongue.
  2722. >You never considered that it could feel this good. Pressing her head to your body, you feel how her tongue dances encircled by the seal of her lips.
  2723. >When you involuntarily moan, Fluttershy smiles and lets go, satisfied with the results. You take the hint and decide to finally get to business.
  2724. >You take a good look at her winking pussy once you position yourself right at it. To tease the pony a bit you press your tip right to her clit, but she wiggles herself so you're aligned with her properly.
  2725. >She's panting and sweating, unable to keep herself steady anymore. She needs you right now.
  2726. >Her hot slit accepts you with no problems, slippery and swollen from all the excitement. You get low enough over the mare so that she can hug you and only after that you push yourself into her.
  2727. >Fluttershy's eyes quickly widen and her pupils start trembling, nearly rolling up into her skull. Her lower lip is bitten so hard you fear she'll tear it at any moment.
  2728. >Despite healthy lubrication it's so hard to get deeper inside the mare, and it is definitely felt by her too, as she almost screams through her closed mouth.
  2729. >"Ahh, An-"
  2730. >A worried yelp interrupts her train of thoughts when she hears your satisfied groan and feels you all the way inside. She nearly starts hyperventilating.
  2731. "God, you're so good," you mumble, barely keeping yourself from busting your full load right there.
  2732. >Mean ponies might be as pure as the driven snow when it comes to sex, but Fluttershy is somehow on a completely different level. It almost feels like your penis is kept inside by some force you have to actively fight in order to slide back out.
  2733. >And when you start moving inwards again, Fluttershy suddenly gasps, hooves striking your chest and eyes closing shut. By immensely tight pulsation of her little pony snatch you unmistakably realize what happened.
  2734. >The mare's eyes are looking deep in yours with a mix of satisfaction and fear, and a deep blush makes her sweat even more.
  2735. >"S-sorry..." she squeals out.
  2736. "Don't be, it's fine."
  2737. >"I just... Well, I just," her voice is lowered once again to a whisper. "Wanted this for a very long time."
  2738. "Oh, Fluttershy..." you pet her head and it immediately calms her down. "Just relax, don't worry about anything."
  2739. >Truth is, you wanted this for a very long time too. Even if it wasn't specifically with Fluttershy.
  2740. >Kissing deeply and passionately, looking in each other's eyes, smiling in pleasure together - all of this is what you've been craving. It's not something any imitation could give you.
  2741. >You realize now how genuine this feels, to be between the real mare's spread, full and soft legs, to pound her in deep yet gentle strokes, to feel her breath on your skin, feel her hug tightening and her marepussy spasming all around your penis when she goes through another orgasm.
  2742. >It's so real, so...natural. You can barely stop yourself from cumming every time you allow yourself to fully lower yourself on top of your pony and entrust her with caressing you with her tender hooves.
  2743. >She likes it because she likes YOU, she wants this because you matter to her. It may be a completely minute detail, but it makes all the difference.
  2744. >All of this is so personal, so intimate, it makes things so special. With the storm raging outside your feel so comfortable plowing your dear friend, nothing but her moans and satisfying, wet slaps to fill the dimly lit mare-scented room. Nothing but the comfort of her full frontal hug exists anymore.
  2745. >Her ass is so unbearably soft, you sometimes keep yourself hilted for longer than usual just to press your legs to it, prompting Fluttershy to reach to your neck and give it a few rough kisses each time.
  2746. >It's so pleasant, so rewarding to be passionate with her. You notice yourself moaning just as much as Fluttershy. You can't keep going for much longer. In an attempt to spice things up, you suddenly stand up on your knees while keeping the pony right against your body.
  2747. >Your hands dig into her perfect ass and you just start hammering away at her being affixed to you like this. At times you reach out to her back, to press your fingers at the base for her wings and it proves to be rather effective too.
  2748. >The strain on the pegasus' outstretched wings when you do that, accompanied by the raunchy sounds she makes tells you everything you need to know.
  2749. >Fluttershy can barely hold onto you like this but judging by her cries of ecstasy she's fine with whatever you're doing with her, be it molesting her incredible flanks or playing with her wings.
  2750. >She's completely helpless like this, left to your mercy, and soon her cries turn into continuous whines of a pony whose mind can't keep up with her body. The little mare fully relaxes in your firm embrace and the moment she lets go another climax wracks her whole body so violently, she almost falls to her side.
  2751. >"Anon, please," she barely pushes out of herself. "D-don't stop."
  2752. "I can't," you whisper back.
  2753. >The sad truth is, this position is way more pleasurable than you've expected. You really wish to keep that helpless smile on Fluttershy's face, a smile of a mare who has completely given herself up to her restless lover, but it's just not possible.
  2754. >Fluttershy realizes what you mean, and you slowing down a bit allows her to come to her senses and kiss you once again.
  2755. >"It's okay, Anon," she assures you. "Don't hold back."
  2756. >Her hooves caress the back of your head and she starts helping you by moving her hips, legs still pressed to your sides.
  2757. "Wait, I'll-"
  2758. >Too late you realize what is about to happen.
  2759. >You've only recently started worrying about it, yet it's going to happen again.
  2760. >Fluttershy reads your mind as always and squeezes you between all four of her legs with all her strength.
  2761. >"It's alright," she repeats. "I want this."
  2762. >Her soothing voice tingles the back of your head. She feels you hesitating and encourages you more:
  2763. >"Don't hold it, aah, Anon. I want... To feel it... In me..." she whispers in between kissing your ear.
  2764. >Sure enough, that does it for you. Holding Fluttershy's butterflies, you squeeze her butt to get as deep inside of her as you can.
  2765. >Compared to her satisfied purrs, your own moans sound way too loud. Each burst of cum you pump into your thankful lover who keeps petting you through your climax makes your whole body tremble.
  2766. "Fluttershy... Fuck..."
  2767. >You feel like it's your eyes that are going to roll up any second now.
  2768. >"Shh... It's alright. Oh, you're so good."
  2769. >When you're finally empty, milked to the last drop by the lusty pony, she asks you before you do anything else:
  2770. >"Don't pull out, please. It's..."
  2771. "Alright, of course. You're amazing, Fluttershy."
  2772. >"Aw, thank you," she giggles when you hug her closer. "I'm glad you love m- Loved it."
  2773. >You don't have any mental capacity to notice her correcting herself.
  2774. >When you put Fluttershy down, she wobbles on her legs and smiles.
  2775. >"Oh my, I never expected... I think I won't be walking straight for some time."
  2776. >You roll your eyes at that raunchy remark, even though you think that the pony just meant that earnestly - after all, her legs were in an unfamiliar position for so long.
  2777. >You yourself feel exhausted and the pegasus lies at your side once you lay down.
  2778. >Fluttershy suddenly presses her tongue your sweaty face and only after a few cautious licks explains:
  2779. >"It tastes salty."
  2780. >Your chuckle doesn't stop her and she continues to lap at your cheeks, eyes and forehead, letting out satisfied sighs. Her disheveled mane is like a silky veil that hides her display of affection from the outside world.
  2781. >The way she's talking about these things so casually and openly is doing things to your heart. She's not shy to give voice to her feelings.
  2782. >A side of Fluttershy you never knew, she seem to trust you completely as if it's something that was supposed to happen anyway and was a matter of time so there's no reason to be tame about it.
  2783. >You can only guess if she really wanted you on this day specifically or it's just an opportunity she decided to take.
  2784. >Or if it's really just an act of desperation to keep you on a leash. If that's the case, she had played her hand perfectly. Or hoof, whatever.
  2785. >Now that your head is clearing, the implications of this seem rather dire. Especially of her insisting that you fill her up.
  2786. >You also pretend you don't notice how the pony keeps her ass just a bit propped up. You are afraid to ask, knowing well what the answer might be, seeing how she absolutely insisted on you blowing your load inside.
  2787. >It's hard to read her, unlike the mean mares who wear their feelings and intentions on their...sleeves? The most quiet and shy pony proves to be the most cunning. And the most determined too.
  2788. >You're not exactly sure if this is a blessing unlike any other, or the biggest mistake you've made yet.
  2790. >Fluttershy, being a caring mare, puts your blanket over both of you once you assume snuggling position.
  2791. >It was something that came naturally, the mare luring you towards her so you embrace her from the back. You did that and now you savor the afterglow of cuddly, if somewhat chaotic, sex with this pony.
  2792. >She's anything but shy right now, completely comfortable with letting you know that you're doing everything right when you put your arms around her, locking her in a gentle hug.
  2793. >"Mm-m, so warm..." she whispers while rubbing her cheek against yours when you lean to kiss her.
  2794. >You hands roam her beautiful forms freely but soon settle at her head and neck.
  2795. >"I've always wanted to be pet like this," she confesses, purring at your every stroke. "Please, don't stop."
  2796. "I can do this all day, don't worry."
  2797. >Something about this reply made the pony tense up a bit, but she relaxed her body right away, giving in to your touch.
  2798. >Having another body next to you never ceases to feel amazing, but this time it's even more special.
  2799. >Everything about Fluttershy is just the way you've always imagined. A passionate yet tender and adorable lover, a partner you never thought to find at your side, mostly because you never thought she would even be interested in you.
  2800. >Yet here you are.
  2801. >Though, the more you think about it, the more you realize that you already know the real answer to why this mare is here right now, melting under your fingers and giggling as your hand scratches her under her chin.
  2802. >Her words ring out in your mind with clarity of supreme truth.
  2803. >She was just 'trying to help'. Genuinely, without no hesitation or remorse, but... Just help.
  2804. >It was all for your sake. So that you don't go back to the mean mares. So you don't lay with Greedity. So that you're safe and sound, no misadventures and trauma.
  2805. >If she can keep you here with her, if she can give you something better, then surely you won't desire anything - anyone - else.
  2806. >She wanted to be the highest bidder at this Anon auction.
  2807. >God damn it, what a terrible, cynical way to think about it. Shame on you for trivializing something so pure and selfless.
  2808. >Selfless, as in a selfless sacrifice of her body to feed your vice.
  2809. >No, that's even worse!
  2810. >You hug Fluttershy closer to squeeze these tainted thoughts out of your head. The saint mare takes the hint and puts her hoof on your arm, patting it reassuringly.
  2811. >She even reaches down with her muzzle to feel your hand. Opening her mouth, she kisses your knuckle.
  2812. >Her lips are so smooth against your skin, and you feel Fluttershy's tongue caressing it too. It makes you sigh in pleasure, reassuring the mare that everything is fine.
  2813. >What a silly pony, licking you like that. You tighten the hug again, but this time just to feel her little soft body against you.
  2814. >You thought your fantasies about Rarity were perfect and inspired, but right now you feel like this is heaven made just for you. Almost too good to be true.
  2815. >With Fluttershy's pliable butt right next to you it could take you only a few more of these kind of hugs to get you hard again.
  2816. >But as time goes on you just cuddle and you're perfectly fine with that. The calming sounds of the outside rain create a cocoon of affection for you, only giggles, satisfied sighs and wet smooches to disturb the noise of water.
  2817. >When you finally slow down and just lay next to each other, Fluttershy closes her eyes and shuffles around with something on her mind.
  2818. >"I wish you really could do this all day," she whispers to you.
  2819. "I can. What's gonna stop me?"
  2820. >"I need to tend to the animals," she sighs.
  2821. "They aren't helpless."
  2822. >"Mister Rolphy gets all grumpy when I don't give him his seeds in time."
  2823. >Fluttershy smiles when she feels you smile at her neck, but she has no idea that you smile because of a raunchy joke involving 'giving seed' and 'Fluttershy' you barely stop yourself from saying aloud.
  2824. >Oh, how daring and confident she makes you feel.
  2825. >If Fluttershy really had a plan of keeping you here by outperforming anyone you've ever been with, she really did succeed.
  2826. >It's shameful to accept such pity fuck from someone who'd never actually look at you as a lover otherwise, but despite the shame you can't help but indulge yourself in this feeling of comfort.
  2827. "I'm sure they can wait for at least some time before night, right?"
  2828. >"Anon, I..."
  2829. >It was obvious at this point that it was never actually about the animals. There's another reason here.
  2830. >You already hear the bitter disappointment in her voice. You know what's coming. All hopes of being actually wanted by her are going to shatter right now.
  2831. >"I have to tell you something."
  2832. >The pony rolls on her belly, brushing all against your body.
  2833. >She ruffles her wings when she props herself up to lay on her hooves and the blanket slides down, revealing the immaculate curve of her back leading to that precious flank.
  2834. >Fluttershy looks you right in the eyes and all you see is regret.
  2835. >The illusion of happiness is fading all too fast.
  2836. >"I'm sorry."
  2837. "Fluttershy, look, you don't have to-"
  2838. >Your voice sounds too weak to even register with the mare.
  2839. >"I'm sorry I have taken advantage of you."
  2840. >What?
  2841. "What?"
  2842. >Now you're just getting confused as hell, myriads of possible explanations roaring in your mind, preventing you from thinking straight.
  2843. >Fluttershy hangs her head low, staring at your arm that is still ready to embrace her at any second.
  2844. >"I-it wasn't right to... To take it all out on you."
  2845. "What are you talking about?"
  2846. >"I was just feelings so anxious, so ready blow up!" she's nearly tearing up and you still can't figure her out. "I almost yelled at Pinkie and Applejack today."
  2847. "I still don't get it. Please, calm down."
  2848. >You offer her an ear scratch and she suddenly leans into it like her life depends on it, clenching your forearm between her hooves.
  2849. >"I wanted this to happen for so long," she whispers. "And I was so stressed I thought I don't care what is going to happen, I just...went for it. Without even considering what's going to happen or if you even want it."
  2850. "Oh, Fluttershy," you bring her closer and she falls down near you, "I think it's obvious that I did want it."
  2851. >"But I wanted it to happen more- I mean, I wished for- I-if it were to happen I would've preferred that-" she sees your encouraging smile and sighs to gather her wits.
  2852. >Only then she closes her eyes and says as swiftly as she can:
  2853. >"I wanted it to be more romantic!"
  2854. >Breathing in, she continues in a disappointed tone, and you now know that the one she's disappointed in is herself:
  2855. >"But instead I forced you to mate with me, I took advantage of your good nature and friendliness, I knew you wouldn't say 'no' to me seeing how stressed I am... It just wasn't right. I knew you wouldn't turn me down, so..."
  2856. >You can't find anything to say to that, completely dumbfounded by this reasoning of hers.
  2857. >So now your assumptions kinda fall flat, knowing that Fluttershy feels this way. You're sure she isn't bluffing, why would she in a situation like this?
  2858. >Both of you are abusing one another in this case. What a strange situation.
  2859. "Don't feel bad about it, please. This isn't true, I promise."
  2860. >"Really?" she evaluates your expression.
  2861. "I couldn't have said 'no' to you either way because... I kind of wanted it too."
  2862. >"But..."
  2863. "Please, just don't think about it this way."
  2864. >You want to say so much more than that.
  2865. >That you find her cute and beautiful and want to shower her with affection just to see how she reacts.
  2866. >That you always appreciate what she does for you and if she'd ask you'd do anything for her.
  2867. >That you can't get over how amazing everything about her feels. That being with her calms you and makes you feel like a man. That you just want her to stay with you and to share your warmth with her. That for the first time you don't regret being in bed with someone.
  2868. >Nothing comes out of your mouth. Fluttershy doesn't relish your petting any longer and she looks lost.
  2869. >"I need to think about this. I'm sorry. T-this was a mistake."
  2870. >Before you know it, Fluttershy hops off the bed and, barely even walking straight as she thought she would, makes her way to your door.
  2871. >One last gaze is thrown at you, your chance to stop her. Call her back. Do anything.
  2872. >Yet there's only viscous poison in your throat. It absorbs all the honest words you wish to say to Fluttershy.
  2873. >And so she leaves you, disappears in the evening's rain. From afterglow to a sobering realization in a matter of an hour, yet it felt like it was mere moments, not nearly enough to fully imprint the feeling of her coat at your skin.
  2874. >You can't force yourself to get out of bed. You just look at your ceiling and pray that no stray thoughts enter the withered, dilapidated temple of your mind.
  2875. >You wish for it to remain empty forever.
  2877. >The next day comes with no rain knocking on your window. Quick bursts of downpours lasting ten or so minutes at a time tell you that the 'rain week' is practically over.
  2878. >For you it doesn't make things a lot better.
  2879. >You try to avoid imagining waking up together with Fluttershy at your side, but it's inevitable that it still does cross your mind.
  2880. >To push these thoughts out of your head you decide to take your trip downtown today, hoping that you won't be hit by remainder of rain reserves on your way.
  2881. >Since you don't expect Fluttershy to come to talk to you it's the most sensible thing to do - just give yourself something different to get busy with.
  2882. >And this definitely needs your attention. No matter what the yellow pegasus might think, your little affair does affect you - you can't forget it.
  2883. >Returning to the mean camp at this point might prove really difficult, especially considering Greedity might just do something crazy when you come back.
  2884. >You shiver uncomfortably when you start imagining how this could play out. If she really expects you to fuck her again...
  2885. >No, away with these thoughts. You are headed to Twilight's castle today and that's final.
  2886. >What you didn't expect (but secretly hoped) to find on your way there, is your little timid mare.
  2887. >Fluttershy looks like she's been doing something outside, like gardening, but you don't think she was actually busy standing near those bushes as if she's hiding near them. On the other hand it can't be that she's been waiting for you to show up all this time, right?
  2888. >"Um... Anon?" she calls to you and takes a step forward.
  2889. >She's back to her shy self, looking at the still wet ground, averting your gaze at all costs.
  2890. "Yeah?" you try to sound completely calm and collected.
  2891. >"I just wanted to say," she mutters quietly. "Me and my friends are going on a friendship quest and I won't be here for some time... So..."
  2892. "Fluttershy?" your voice nearly cracks from tension.
  2893. >"P-please stay safe and don't be mad at me!"
  2894. >You already start saying her name, but the pegasus suddenly jumps in the air, allowing her wings to carry here away from you in a hurry.
  2895. >Not even a few seconds later she disappears into her cottage, slamming the door behind her.
  2896. >You also see that she really never had any gardening gear to begin with.
  2897. >Looking at her house you can't help but sigh.
  2898. >Where do you even start clearing up that misunderstanding? If it ever was one.
  2899. >Mistake, she said. It was a mistake.
  2900. >Being with you was a mistake all along. Maybe it ultimately really was just a moment's passion. As a low-hanging fruit you are just a bad memory for her. And if she ends up getting pregnant for real, this mistake will turn into a disaster real quick.
  2901. >You look back to your house and the forest. Maybe the mean camp is actually the place for you. A place filled with rejects who don't mind you...
  2902. >A pang of familiar sensation brings you back to reality - someone there is really determined to stare at you with all their might.
  2903. >You snap out of this rather pathetic episode and proceed to the castle, its jagged silhouette shining above Ponyville.
  2904. >It's not like you to take self-esteem hits like that. The truth about yesterday is, you both enjoyed each other's company.
  2905. >She had no problems with you filling her tight pony vagina with your human meat. In fact, it was her who desperately wanted alien sperm filling her womb to the brim. If she really thinks it's a mistake, well, she should've thought about it beforehand.
  2906. >Such a vulgar approach seems quite disgusting to you, but you really need to get out of this feedback loop of feeling bad for yourself and for your lover.
  2907. >In all seriousness, Fluttershy isn't a dumb mare. Something tells you that she's not really that upset about the act itself. She knows how much you enjoyed it, after all. There's more to it than what she lets you know.
  2908. >But that's irrelevant now. Knowledge is above all those lowly desires of flesh. And you're ready to dive right into the pond of information and absorb its enriching fluids.
  2909. >But before that, of course...
  2910. "Hey, Spike. Is Twilight home?"
  2911. >Too late you realize that Fluttershy mentioned some friendship mission with all her friends involved. And the baby dragon confirms it.
  2912. >"Nope, she won't be here for at least another day. Starlight is also out, she's in charge of the school for the time being."
  2913. "Right, can I just use the library then?"
  2914. >"Sure, come in," Spike invites you with a nod.
  2915. >When you make your way to the hall, the dragon tries to spark some conversation, seeing how you both has been silent the whole way.
  2916. >"So, looking for something specific today?"
  2917. "Yeah, kind of. Do you know of any Queens?"
  2918. >"Umm... I guess I do," he frowns, trying to figure out your question.
  2919. "Namely one associated with the changelings?"
  2920. >"Oh, THAT one. Yeah, I know about Chrysalis, why?"
  2921. "Chrysalis, yes," you finally remember the name. "I want to know more about her and those changeling creatures, maybe you have a book on it?"
  2922. >"You bet we do, I'll get a few for you in a moment."
  2923. >Happy to be handling books and not awkward quiet humans, Spike runs off to fetch you some literature.
  2924. "So you do know something about that Chrysalis, right?" you ask him as he takes his time to gather everything.
  2925. >"Are you kidding? Everypony in Canterlot know about her, Twilight faced her, Starlight made her really mad too."
  2926. "So wait... Starlight, huh?"
  2927. >"Yeah, I think she's Chrysalis' main target now that all the changelings are reformed and Starlight played a big part in that. This queen is pretty much the only bad changeling now."
  2928. >Isn't that interesting. No mention of Starlight in the mean camp at all, no mean version of her.
  2929. >That head of yours finally ditches all the petty affairs and starts working for real. This can be a significant lead for you.
  2930. "So are you sure there are no more evil ones around?"
  2931. >"Not that we know of," Spike's voice strains as he juggles a stack of books while standing on a ladder to the uppermost shelf. "Maybe there are some that didn't get the memo?"
  2932. "I see. Well, when was the last time anyone has seen her?"
  2933. >Spike finally gets down to the ground level and struts to you, concealed behind all the books he's carrying right in front of his face.
  2934. >Impossible to say how he navigates himself around the hall like this, but when he puts his burden on the table without bumping into anything, you think you're quite impressed.
  2935. >"Let me think... I guess it was back when the changelings turned good? She's probably hiding somewhere now, without her hive she can't really do much."
  2936. "I guess that's true. Well, I want to look into it anyway."
  2937. >"Good luck plowing through this heap," the dragon shrugs and heads towards the exit. "Boy, Twilight is missing out on this one."
  2938. "What do you mean?"
  2939. >"Anonymous, actually using her library to read books? Heh, she won't believe me even if I tell her."
  2940. "Oh yeah?" you smirk. "She'll get to see it for herself, with how fast I read pony scribbles I probably won't be done before she returns."
  2941. >You both laugh at that and Spike leaves you alone.
  2942. >Surrounded by books but not intimidated in the slightest, you dig right in. Most of these publications describe different magical creatures that live in Equestria, as well as some recent events that got pretty well documented.
  2943. >The problem is, as it turns out, that all these books only briefly touch on changelings as a whole, and even less on their leader.
  2944. >You quickly realize that she is a truly enigmatic figure, which is understandable as she is the master of deceptions. At least she should be.
  2945. >That's where your own case comes in.
  2946. >First of all, are the mean ponies actually changelings or are they something else? If they're a completely different beings, what are their connection to Chrysalis if they call her 'mother'?
  2947. >They must be either born or somehow created by her. And if it's the latter then how exactly does that work?
  2948. >Second, if Chrysalis is still around, what are the chances that it really is her helping Meanlight behind the curtains of chaos the fake alicorn has been creating?
  2949. >Both you and Meanlight probably realize that it's a possibility, even if you prevented yourself from mentioning it to her.
  2950. >You have one big advantage - Rarity's investigation. No one but you and her seem to know about it. It is better to keep these details in secret.
  2951. >Remembering how you nudged the detective towards sharing the story with Twilight at first you want to hope she didn't listen to you back then.
  2952. >This secret gives you a sort of an advantage, but you don't feel any better because of it without knowing how to actually utilize it.
  2953. >You feel like it's gonna be a while until you finish scrapping every little bit of info here, so better get comfy for now.
  2954. >Thinking about all of this is making your head hurt. So much stuff is happening around you suddenly. So many things you have to care about now. It's all so tiring.
  2955. >Times like these you wish you really didn't give a damn about any of it, especially about those mean mares.
  2956. >You have a feeling that these last days of autumn you'll have to come back to them, eventually. Like it or not, they are at least somewhat your responsibility. From time to time you're starting to forget that, but for better or for worse you can't escape it forever.
  2958. >Perhaps it's true what they say about knowledge being power.
  2959. >You found very little knowledge in these books you've been skimming through for the past few hours. And you feel completely powerless.
  2960. >What you know for sure now is that Chrysalis is a truly evasive creature, one that's been hiding in some strange desert place for so long most ponies never knew she even existed.
  2961. >Only recently things got more clear with her and her people. But the problem is, there are barely any publications here that date after the reformation of the changelings.
  2962. >So many things could be learned from them now; you doubt this opportunity has been missed by this point, but the problem is that you have none of this research available to you at the moment.
  2963. >Unless you just go to the Friendship school and ask the resident changeling student, of course. Which would just be confusing for everyone involved.
  2964. >And that brings up another good point.
  2965. >If this mysterious queen is really around, you don't think you should make it known that you gather information on her. That might give everything away and possibly make her change her plan or even attack you. Or your friends.
  2966. >It's so complicated you don't even know what you should do now, what your next step should be.
  2967. >Your gut tells you that you really do need to get back to the mean camp and at least see what Meanlight has been up to.
  2968. >No matter how you approach that possibility, you can't find anything pleasant in it.
  2969. >You could also bother Twilight or even Starlight about Chrysalis, but you're not sure if you should.
  2970. >And you thought Rarity's precautions were too much. Now you don't know who you can even trust.
  2971. >What if you can't even trust Fluttershy?
  2972. >You stand up and stretch your tired body. That's enough of these scary thoughts for now. You think you'll head home for now.
  2973. >Spike is nowhere to be found, or at least you don't bump into him on your way back, so you just exit the castle and walk the still wet streets.
  2974. >Luck is on your side and no rain threatens to ruin your mood even further right now. You don't feel very confident leaving the castle with almost as little understanding of the changeling race as you had before.
  2975. >This calls for some complimentary snack to cheer yourself up: you buy some extremely sugary pastries on your way back home. You're in no hurry, but your thoughtful mood makes the road seem a lot shorter that you're used to.
  2976. >With a tiny glimpse of hope you look at Fluttershy's cozy-looking abode, but alas, you know she's probably already gone by now.
  2977. >Which leaves you with barely anything to do on your own.
  2978. >You are worried about too much stuff again, and a bitter feeling over Fluttershy's confession certainly spoils any hints of enjoyment you might've squeezed out of eating these saccharine sprinkled cupcakes, reading or working on yet another wooden figurine.
  2979. >Nothing better to do than sleep. The most logical thing to do if you want to waste time, really.
  2980. >You just kinda throw yourself on the bed and close your eyes, trying to clear your head from every crappy thought that might bother you.
  2981. >Needless to say, you immediately imagine the yellow pegasus lying on top of you just like that, looking into your eyes with a satisfied expression and letting out a dreamy, contented sigh.
  2982. >Cursing your ill imagination, you shake your head and try to calm down once again. And eventually it works.
  2983. >You've always enjoyed lunch naps. But this one takes up until it's already nearly time for dinner: the sun, finally visible outside after all those storms, is preparing to hide itself below the horizon's thin veil.
  2984. >But the reason you are awake is none of that. Someone is knocking on your door. Timidly and slowly.
  2985. >You try to not think about it and not get excited about anything.
  2986. >But you are sure that behind that door, a certain pony is ready to-
  2987. "Rainbow?"
  2988. >Not the kind of pony you've been expecting. At all.
  2989. >And it doesn't take you even a second to realize that this isn't the real one. A mean clone is sitting at your door.
  2990. "What the hell are you doing here?"
  2991. >Your mind is almost going into panic mode, but you soon realize that there is no one here to even witness your strange visitor.
  2992. >If she really waited for Fluttershy to leave, then you can only commend such dedication. Though you suppose it would be too much work for Rainbow Dawdle and it's just her luck.
  2993. >On the other hand for her to leave the camp to see you here...
  2994. >Wait, was it her who's been watching you all this time?
  2995. >"Hi," she says apathetically. "So, I wanted to sort of talk."
  2996. >Without even asking she goes directly in, fitting between your leg and the door frame.
  2997. >It's not exactly hard for her - she's as narrow as her skeleton allows her to be. Well, she might not look like just skin and bones, but you definitely see some pronounced edges here and there.
  2998. >One more reason to compare that to Fluttershy's heavenly shapes, only not right now.
  2999. "Hey, I didn't say you can come in," you warn her just to be sure.
  3000. >"Yeah, whatever," she scoffs at you.
  3001. >The bony mare looks so tired she probably doesn't even notice her own behavior at this point.
  3002. >But that's all about to change. When you close the door and follow her in, you see immediate change in the mare's attitude once Rainbow takes in the cozy vibes of your house.
  3003. >She already looks more alive that you've ever seen her, eyes open fully to observe a real living space.
  3004. >"All this space for yourself..." she mutters under her breath.
  3005. >You can't tell if she's condemning you for such hedonism as having a house of your own, or is just in awe.
  3006. >And the crown jewel for her is standing right there, deeper into the house.
  3007. >"Is that a real bed?" she almost sounds interested.
  3008. "Uh... I guess?"
  3009. >You know what's going to happen the second you see the pegasus approaching your pristine sheets. She wiggles her butt like a cat who wants to jump up to something - and you can't allow that no matter what.
  3010. "Stop!" you yell, running in front of the pony.
  3011. >"Huh? What's the deal?" she sounds annoyed.
  3012. "There is no way I'm letting you on there while you're this dirty."
  3013. >"Wha? Are you-"
  3014. "Have you seen yourself? This isn't happening."
  3015. >You are adamant in your decision and she sees that.
  3016. >"What am I supposed to do then?"
  3017. >Her frustrated tone is more defeated and somber than aggressive. Her muzzle is scrunched and she looks away squinting her eyes.
  3018. "Just don't go on the bed."
  3019. >She stares you down and you feel resentment in her eyes. But then they just turn tired again.
  3020. >"Alright, whatever."
  3021. >And she just falls down on her stomach. That's about it.
  3022. "Feeling comfortable?"
  3023. >"Better than on dirt," she snarls back.
  3024. >It's sad to bear witness to such despair. You can guess with certainty how shitty life in the mean camp is right now, with colds and rains messing with the poor ponies who probably have barely anything to eat.
  3025. >And the pegasus really does look like she's been laying on dirt for some time. Her spot on the floor will surely need scrubbing once she leaves it.
  3026. >But she doesn't want to, it seems. Rainbow is perfectly content with laying on a hard but dry and clean floor.
  3027. "So, what now?" you ask her impatiently.
  3028. >"Piss off," she mumbles back.
  3029. >This aggressive tone won't fly in your house.
  3030. "I don't have time for this, Dash. If I let you on the bed will you leave?"
  3031. >Judging by a twitch of a lazy mare's ear, she is at the very least interested in this.
  3032. "Come here."
  3033. >You show her the way but she hesitates to move.
  3034. "What, you want me to carry you there?"
  3035. >After that the pegasus finally stands up again. It looks like she barely has the strength to do so but you just roll your eyes at this pathetic display of apathy.
  3036. >You really want to just kick her out and forget about this. You don't need a remainder that there may be someone waiting for you in the forest.
  3037. >No one cares if you disappear and never return. Aside from one hoarder, but that's just because she would lose her toy.
  3038. >Hell, Meanlight would probably feel safer without you there.
  3039. >Yet here you are, leading Rainbow Dawdle to your shower while trying to remember if you have anything to spare for her to eat.
  3040. >"What's this?"
  3041. >The pony stares at the modest bathtub with a flimsy curtain blocking the view.
  3042. >It should be a good fit for a little pony but you never actually used properly since it's so small. You just use it as a shower cabin.
  3043. >You couldn't really afford a custom-made tub. Twilight might've been generous to provide you a home, but no one ever said that you deserved any sort of luxury in Equestria.
  3044. >It was more of a 'let's relocate the freeloader alien as far away from Ponyville as we can without actually kicking him out' kind of offer.
  3045. "It's called a shower, Rainbow. Get in."
  3046. >She cautiously enters the damp space beyond the veil, jumping into the tub lightly, wings ready to push her away if there's any danger there.
  3047. >But there isn't. Just water falling down on her the moment she's in.
  3048. >It startles her, but once she sees the source of the downpour in your hands, you really start to see how her expression changes to something so unfamiliar - excitement.
  3049. >A smile.
  3050. >"You have running water?"
  3051. "Yeah, I was surprised Ponyville has that," you smirk. "Every house here does, I think."
  3052. >She gets a hold of herself immediately after her outburst and says a lot more pragmatically:
  3053. >"You're just showing off."
  3054. "I'm showering you off, that's what I'm doing. Use this."
  3055. >Dawdle takes a bottle of mane conditioner into her hooves without any idea how to use it. So instead, you pour it generously on her head and command her to spread it.
  3056. "I don't have enough arms to do all the work for you."
  3057. >Surprisingly, she obeys without any snarky remarks. For some time you stand with the shower head pointed at Rainbow's malnourished body while she tends to her mane. It's probably the first time she's doing it so she's extremely concentrated.
  3058. >You honestly thought that she would just lay down in there and wait until you do everything, but she looks like she actually desires this to be done. Well, it is her first time after all.
  3059. >So strange to think that none of these ponies have ever known basic commodities such as this.
  3060. >Rainbow is actually working together with you. That's more that you've ever expected out of this famously passive and indifferent mare.
  3061. >That could only mean that she needs something out of you. You need to be careful.
  3062. >Under the playful stream of hot water beating at her body, Rainbow relaxes rather quickly. She looks at peace when you start washing all the conditioner off her lathered head and body.
  3063. "Go on, now clean yourself off. I don't want soap on my bed."
  3064. >Now that you confirm that you will actually give her access to your bed, Dawdle works extra hard to clean her body.
  3065. >The water that runs off her coat is visibly dirty and the mare herself looks like a wet cat, strands of hair sticking out everywhere on her body.
  3066. >She looks like she's already done rinsing herself, but she doesn't know any better. You'd rather not spend too much time on this so you risk it:
  3067. "You're fine, get out," you say after touching her back.
  3068. >It's just one downwards motion, your palm sliding her wet coat to make sure it's clean. But her wings immediately tremble and threaten to open right away when the pegasus feels your fingers on herself.
  3069. >Regardless, you turn the water off and give her your spare towel, telling her to dry herself while you make your way to your kitchen. You just remembered - the perfect meal for your visitor is already in your possession.
  3070. >"What is that?" Rainbow squints at the suspiciously big red berry.
  3071. "It's a tomato. Eat it, it's good for you."
  3072. >The mare devours it with no second thoughts but then frowns.
  3073. >"That was pretty bad."
  3074. "Meh, it's an acquired taste. Want more?"
  3075. >"Pass."
  3076. "Suit yourself."
  3077. >It's a taste you yourself haven't acquired yet. That is why Rainbow gets one. You are so generous.
  3078. >While you return to clean up your shower and make sure all the dirt from Rainbow isn't clogging anything up, the mare herself is already on her way to your bed.
  3079. >Nothing you can do about it now. She announces her landing on the soft sheets by a very satisfied sigh.
  3080. >It's strange to hear her raspy and tired voice sounding this happy.
  3081. >Makes you feel like you're doing something good for her.
  3082. >She's just lucky she picked this time to suddenly visit you. Any other day you'd probably send her off in fears that Fluttershy would see her and that would've been it. But now she gets the reward and you hope she can appreciate that.
  3083. >Once you actually go to see the pony your suspicions are confirmed - she's spread on her belly, hugging your pillow with a hint of a smile on her face.
  3084. >"It's soft," she says lightly, savoring the comfort of your bed.
  3085. "I'm glad you're liking it."
  3086. >You yourself don't sound too excited about it, even if you are happy for her.
  3087. >Something tells you that she's leading you somewhere with this. And wherever that is, you're certain it's nothing decent.
  3088. >At least she's not inviting you in bed with her. Yet.
  3089. >Maybe before your illness and your affair with Fluttershy you'd be willing to play along with that. But now it's different.
  3090. >"So you get to enjoy this every day?"
  3091. "Yeah."
  3092. >There's no reply from the resting mare. But she sees you making your way to your kitchen and comments on that:
  3093. >"I'm still hungry. Do you have anything else to eat?"
  3094. >You stop for a moment to think if you really have anything to spare. But it's just no use. You're better off just feeding her whatever you have and get this over with.
  3095. >So one of your freshly bought cupcakes will have to be sacrificed.
  3096. "Yeah, but you'll have to go over here if you want tea with it."
  3097. >"Nah," you hear after a few seconds. "Just bring the food here."
  3098. "Thought so," you say to yourself and return to Rainbow.
  3099. >Just as you've expected, she starts lapping at the pastry as soon as it's in her hooves. You certainly see a few crumbs hitting the pure white sheets.
  3100. "Jesus, slow down."
  3101. >The pony can't respond with anything other than incoherent mumbling, spitting even more crumbs from her filled mouth.
  3102. >Your patience is wearing thin. Rainbow better have at least some reason for her invasion.
  3103. >While the lazy slob just finishes up her treat and you decide to go and do something else. Paying attention to Dawdle might annoy you even more.
  3104. >Just when you sit down and pick up your half-finished wooden figurine, Rainbow, like clockwork, distracts you once more.
  3105. >"Hey..." she calls for you.
  3106. "What is it?"
  3107. >Pause. She's probably trying to come up with another request just to mess with you.
  3108. >"So I wanted to talk..."
  3109. >Pause.
  3110. "Well, speak."
  3111. >Yet another dozen of seconds passes in silence.
  3112. >"Come over here."
  3113. "I don't have time for this," you shake your head.
  3114. >You walk up to the bed where Rainbow is lying on her side, facing towards you with her hooves sticking forward.
  3115. >"Sit down or something."
  3116. "What is it, Dash?"
  3117. >You do sit down on the very edge of the bed, highlighting by your quick motions the hurry you're in.
  3118. >"I was just thinking about how you live here. And I live in the forest."
  3119. "Right."
  3120. >"But for some reason none of us can live here too?"
  3121. "Because the moment you-"
  3122. >"I know, I know. I've been listening, I'm not dumb."
  3123. >You give her a cheeky smile but she looks away the moment you look at her.
  3124. >"So can't you just let one of us live here? Like me?"
  3125. "No, I don't think it's possible. You'd be found out real soon."
  3126. >"I can stay hidden and never go outside."
  3127. >Because she likes laying around in comfort so much? Just one look at her relaxed body answers that question. You can already see her spending all her day curled up somewhere in the corner. Like a cat.
  3128. "You'd go mad sitting here all day."
  3129. >"I'm already going mad sitting around in that forest all day!"
  3130. >That's probably the first time you've heard her using any voice other than 'apathetic'.
  3131. >"It sucks out there, you come for a few hours and return here, where it's dry and warm and soft, and I stay there for like ever."
  3132. "It's not that easy."
  3133. >You both stay silent for almost a minute. Only then Rainbow calls you again:
  3134. >"Hey..."
  3135. "What?"
  3136. >"Lay down for a moment."
  3137. >Rolling your eyes in annoyance, you fall on your side, back facing the mare. You're curious to see what she wants, but you are fairly sure you can predict it.
  3138. >A light sensation is felt on your shoulder. Dawdle's hoof presses against you. Nothing more.
  3139. >"If you can't keep me here, let's run away."
  3140. "Really, Rainbow?" you chuckle.
  3141. >"Just you and me. All of us would slow you down, but if it's just one..."
  3142. "Yeah, right."
  3143. >"Then we can both have a warm home and not worry about anything."
  3144. "Sure. Where would we go?"
  3145. >"I dunno, don't you know any places around here?"
  3146. "I haven't been anywhere aside from here. I just got here like a year ago."
  3147. >"Oh... Well, you can always-"
  3148. "And then who is going to support us? Are you actually going to get a job?"
  3149. >"I thought you could... Uh..." Rainbow's voice loses its adventurous spark and her hoof touch weakens.
  3150. "So I'd have to work. I only have a job because a princess cares about me. If I lose ties with her, I lose everything in this world."
  3151. >"I can work. Like, I can... Um..."
  3152. "Rainbow, look."
  3153. >Your serious tone makes her tense up.
  3154. "Even if we had a place to go and had a lot of money, do you think I could just pack my things and leave without explaining anything to anyone?"
  3155. >The mare remains quiet. If you had to guess, she never actually expected you to agree but it still probably hurts her to hear it from you.
  3156. >She seems desperate enough to believe even in a tiny chance like this.
  3157. "I know it's hard to swallow but the truth is, I have a life outside you guys. I want to help you. I really do. But as someone who needed help less than half a year ago, I just... I can't throw everything away for this. I want you to be happy but I want to be happy too."
  3158. >You feel your pulse quickening as you await Rainbows reaction, but nothing is heard from behind you back.
  3159. >It's so strange to hear yourself saying this. It makes total sense when you're thinking about it but sounds like cheap excuses of a coward when you say it out loud.
  3160. >A man better than you could probably just rescue them sacrificing everything in return. That is what it's meant to be a good person, probably.
  3161. >Are you not a good person for wanting to retain your way of life that you just barely got on track, peaces finally fitting together with the help of someone you would now seek to betray? A life that is already shaken by events you had no control over, spontaneous and disastrous.
  3162. >Is there really no way to help those mean mares other than exchanging your own resources, your own stability and well-being for theirs?
  3163. >Would that be fair at all?
  3164. "I just want to find a way for all of us to live a normal life," you explain, both to Rainbow and yourself. "Running away won't solve anything. Conquering Equestria won't solve anything. Because someone is going to be miserable either way, me or you, or everyone else. There's gotta be a better way."
  3165. >"But if you were to change your mind, you'd run away with me, right?"
  3166. >This pony just doesn't let anything get to her, does she. Or maybe she simply doesn't understand. Or care.
  3167. "Would you really leave everyone else behind, just like that?"
  3168. >"Yeah," she doesn't even give it one second to consider her answer. "I mean, they'd ditch me too if they could."
  3169. >You can only guess that she thinks you could do the same, hence this suggestion to run away together.
  3170. >"I could get money or food if I needed to," she keeps boasting. "Or at least steal like Rarity."
  3171. "That's not a good way to live, Rainbow."
  3172. >"Why? It looks easy enough. Oh, and I'd let you use me like Rarity too."
  3173. "Huh?"
  3174. >"Yeah, I bet I'd be even better than her at this. You won't regret it."
  3175. "The hell are you talking about?"
  3176. >You understand immediately but you can't process this completely casual approach by the mare who never seemed to be interested in you in the first place.
  3177. >"I mean, you can try it out right now if you don't believe me."
  3178. >The hoof that was just touching you before now urges you to roll onto your back, and when you do, Rainbow slides towards you, making the best impression of bedroom eyes she can manage.
  3179. "Alright, alright, I believe you," you stop her by putting your hand between your and her.
  3180. >"Are you sure? I mean, we're alone now, you can just-"
  3181. "Rainbow, quit it."
  3182. >Your stark tone leaves no room to wiggle around it and the mare settles down.
  3183. >"Whatever," she mumbles bitterly.
  3184. >You don't look at her, but you're fairly sure she's watching you closely, possibly thinking about creating another opportunity to convince you she's worth leaving this place for.
  3185. >For a moment you imagine yourself with Dawdle: thin lips sealing your dick, tired eyes looking at you from under her mane to gauge if you're enjoying it.
  3186. >And then the sensation of her skinny body in your hands, her sultry moans, her raspy, needy voice calling your name as she thrashes around on top of you in orgasmic bliss she's experiencing for the first time surrounded by gentle warmth from all sides. Warmth she never thought existed in this world.
  3187. >So many pleasant sensations at the same time, all gifted to her by you, only you.
  3188. >You can't deny that it makes your dick twitch just one time. But then you remember that even that simple fantasy is flawed: she never calls you by your name. You are still just "hey" to her.
  3189. >She has no concept of loyalty and once she's bored with you, she'll just leave, even if you bet everything on running away with her. She values nothing but her own comfort. Your sacrifices would mean nothing to her.
  3190. >For now she gets to enjoy her place on the bed near you, probably fantasizing about you as well. She's taking the same spot on the bed Fluttershy was lying on when she was still here, when it wasn't a mistake to her.
  3191. >No, it's trusting Rainbow Dawdle that would be a mistake. Even if you do want the best for her.
  3192. >Without a doubt, she won't leave you alone the moment you show there's a chance of you 'saving' her. You can't have her visiting you like this again.
  3193. >Once again, for the third time today you are faced with this inevitability: you need to just start returning to the camp as usual. You could keep that realization out of your head for as long as you want, but this home invasion became the last straw. Your prolonged stay here is only going to make the matters worse.
  3195. >The thin coat of hope protecting your heart from uncomfortable truths and thoughts is still holding up, despite the blue lazy mare threatening it.
  3196. >It's not like you are lying to yourself about this at least. Some things are just out of your control.
  3197. >Like this visit from Rainbow. You really didn't need this today.
  3198. >Snores at your side announce the state of your blue invader. Before long you find yourself listening to her loud sleeping noises and you don't need that either.
  3199. >You slide off the bed with great care to not interrupt this idyllic scene, and make your way to the fridge.
  3200. >Cupcakes. They weren't made by Pinkie. They weren't sold by Pinkie. Not today.
  3201. >You wonder how those six ponies actually fair on their quest together.
  3202. >It's going to be the ultimate test of Meanlight's efforts. If they come back better than ever, then they are just stronger for all the inconveniences that mean usurper has been putting them through.
  3203. >What will Meanlight do then? What will you do?
  3204. >You frown when you realize that you just keep thinking about them even on your days off. It sours the taste of your treat.
  3205. >Carving your little wooden animal wouldn't make you feel easier now as it requires some focus, so you decide to just read in peace while Rainbow is still asleep.
  3206. >Though you don't get too far - judging by the noises coming from your bed about two hours later the mean pony is already done with her rest.
  3207. >Sweet, satisfied yawns continue to ring out in your house until the pony decides to stop stretching on your sheets and go look for you.
  3208. "Slept well?" you guide her with your voice.
  3209. >"Never been better," she answers truthfully. "Have you been reading this whole time?"
  3210. "Yeah, why?"
  3211. >"You're just like Twilight," Rainbow rolls her eyes. "How did you not fall asleep?"
  3212. "It's an interesting book."
  3213. >You shrug and point at its title:
  3214. "Ponies make even history sound exciting."
  3215. >"Yuck. Isn't that a school textbook?"
  3216. "No, I'm done with those already."
  3217. >"Still lame."
  3218. >Dawdle shakes her head and starts walking around your place. She wanders into the kitchen but returns from there with no booty - nothing is laying around for her to take.
  3219. >"So, did you think about my plan?"
  3220. "Yeah, a bit. I don't think it would work."
  3221. >"Really? It's the perfect way to-"
  3222. "No, Rainbow, I really don't think it's gonna work," you repeat in a more stern tone.
  3223. >"Pfft. Whatever."
  3224. >She looks away trying to show how completely not bothered she is but in the end she accomplishes exactly the opposite since you can still see her expression.
  3225. "It's just too much of a gamble for both of us. Besides, I don't know if it's fair to others."
  3226. >"Uh-huh."
  3227. >You sit in silence for a while, Rainbow taking a seat on the floor near you. She is kinda there but all of her efforts are directed towards making it seem like she doesn't care about anything concerning you.
  3228. "I really hope you're not expecting to stay here over night," you remind her.
  3229. >The pegasus throws a glance at the window where the evening darkness is already overtaking the last sparks of the sun on its way down.
  3230. >"Nah," she doesn't even try to persuade you. "If I knew you were such a stick in the mud I wouldn't even try coming here."
  3231. "So it was a mistake, huh?" you chuckle bitterly.
  3232. >"Just call me when you decide to stop being a wet noodle and hit the road."
  3233. "Yeah-yeah."
  3234. >To no surprise, Rainbow doesn't actually move an inch. She just has to complicate things.
  3235. "Listen, I'm sorry I have to kick you out. I really am. You know how it goes."
  3236. >"Sure," she waves her hoof dismissively with sarcasm in her voice.
  3237. >At this point it's clear that she wants something else from you. You turn to her and put the book down.
  3238. "What's the matter, Rainbow?"
  3239. >"You could at least walk me back to the camp."
  3240. "Nope."
  3241. >"Half-way to it?" she moves closer to you but sees no reaction. "To the edge of the forest?"
  3242. >As much as she wants you to think that this doesn't really matter to her, she looks awfully pitiful to you. You guess that she might just be afraid of the dark, and when it comes to the Everfree forest that's a kind of fear you can understand.
  3243. >You wouldn't want to be stuck there on your own at night even despite thinking that ponies' fears are exaggerated.
  3244. "Fine, jeez."
  3245. >It's just to make sure she's safe.
  3246. >You grab your overcoat (and something else for the road) and exit first to take a look around. Not a soul in sight.
  3247. >It's a bit creepy like that, to be honest. Usually at least Fluttershy's cottage shines some light around here.
  3248. >Rainbow Dawdle goes after you and you start your journey to the forest.
  3249. >In a complete dead late evening silence your steps sound large and provocative, especially accompanied by Rainbow's wings flapping right behind you.
  3250. >The massive wall of trees offers a modest pathway that is nothing but complete darkness as far as eye can see.
  3251. "I guess that's it."
  3252. >"Y-yep."
  3253. >The pegasus coughs to mask her stutter and it makes you smile.
  3254. "You know you can just fly above the forest, right?"
  3255. >"Duh, of course," she highlights how not scared she is by her brash overplayed tone.
  3256. "Here, it'll make you feel better."
  3257. >You give her your surprise - another cupcake from today's haul. The mare's face lights up in excitement for a moment.
  3258. >"Sweet!" she then remembers it's not really her element. "I mean, that'll do. Next time get some pie instead."
  3259. "Pie? Don't you hate pies?"
  3260. >"Me? No way," she talks with her mouth full, spitting crumbs everywhere. "One time Twilight has sent me to your town and your Pinkie got me lots of different pies, I've never eaten anything better in my life!"
  3261. >Once again, a correction of tone is in order.
  3262. >"I mean, they're pretty good as far as food goes."
  3263. "You really like talking about food, don't you?"
  3264. >"Urgh..." Rainbow rolls her eyes aggressively, her passion exposed. "Whatever. See you."
  3265. >Not willing to withstand more of your teasing the pegasus flies up, just enough to stay above the spooky trees but not enough to lose the road.
  3266. >You see her silhouette disappear in the evening gloom and find yourself surrounded by nothing but quiet sounds of the great forest.
  3267. >For some time you just stand there, calming whisper of withered autumn leaves on the wind keeping all thoughts out of your head.
  3268. >Being extremely aware of everything around you, the sounds, the wet ground and the cloudy skies, you make your way back to the lights of Ponyville.
  3269. >You stop between your house and Fluttershy's cottage and stare longingly at your neighbor's cold and lonely looking abode.
  3270. >How long will she be away? You feel like you really want to talk to her.
  3271. >Not to apologize, About anything. Just to make sure you're still friends and you haven't ruined everything.
  3272. >Of course, no amount of staring at the house will change anything, so you return to your own home.
  3273. >No plans are made for the rest of the day. You make some tea to finish your sweet snacks and then read some more, but you give in to constant inner distractions again.
  3274. >After re-reading the same page for a few times without really comprehending what is written there you take the hint and decide to go to sleep early today. Not before cleaning everything Rainbow's visit has affected, of course.
  3275. >Falling asleep is kind of hard even if you do feel a bit tired. A swarm of thoughts doesn't leave you alone until you finally stop rolling from side to side and lose yourself to sleep.
  3276. >And upon waking up in the morning you know you won't find any rest staying here. Reading and woodworking might calm you down but only for a while.
  3277. >It is time to get back to the mean camp.
  3278. >The perfect time to do that too: Fluttershy is still away by the looks of it and no one is here to judge you.
  3279. >There is just one thing off about all of this: you still feel that gaze from the forest.
  3280. >You're not really the one to be paranoid about things like that, but this time you do bring your axe with you just in case.
  3281. >The strange thing is, when you approach the forest the feeling just disappears. The road gets rougher as you enter the woods and there's nothing unusual about it anymore.
  3282. >Though your suspicions were not for nothing, something strange does happen.
  3283. >Although there is no one to spy on you anymore, you hear voices instead.
  3284. >Angry, annoyed female voice. And another, much calmer male one. These are all seem to be coming from just a bit left to the road.
  3285. >As the voices seem to be responding to one another, you feel confident to approach. Especially because these voices are loud enough to guide you all the way to them.
  3286. >Soon you're able to even distinguish words.
  3287. >"...and as soon as you get your claws off me I'll show you what I mean!" roars the female one.
  3288. >"That's so precious! Can you do more of this voice?" answers the male one.
  3289. >Too late you realize what you are about to walk into. Both voices are well known to you. Yet you notice it a little too late.
  3290. >One is most definitely Fluttershy. And, knowing that the mare herself isn't here right now, there is only one way this is possible.
  3291. >"Anonymous?!" Meanshy cries upon seeing you behind the trees.
  3292. >After Rainbow's visit you're not really surprised to see the yellow bully here. What surprises you is that she is held in the air by a spell of none other than the resident spirit of disharmony himself.
  3293. >"This is your doing, isn't it?!" the caught pegasus glares at you with fury of a cornered animal.
  3294. >"Oh, so you do know each other," Discord chuckles.
  3295. "Uh... I guess," you suddenly feel shy for some reason.
  3296. >Discord puts on a lab coat and a pair of coke-bottled glasses, rotating the pony around and putting her upside down to examine her closely.
  3297. >"You see, I found this specimen today staring right at your house all morning and just couldn't help myself," the draconequus explains in a formal tone. "Seem like a pretty good replica but the mane style ruins it."
  3298. "Staring at my house?" you repeat, a lot of things clicking together inside your head.
  3299. >"Indeed, like she was trying to do Fluttershy's famous stare. Of course, being an imitation..."
  3300. >Discord taps on the mare with his paw and it sounds like he is knocking on wood. That makes both Meanshy and you look at each other, puzzled.
  3301. >"...she hasn't accomplished much," he concludes.
  3302. >It makes Meanshy writhe in a cloud of magic that strangely matches her coat.
  3303. >"I have no idea what you're trying to say, but if you don't put me down right-"
  3304. >"Yes, yes, we've been through this already," her tormentor sigh and then turns to you. "Shoddy craftsmanship aside, I'm surprised that you know about this lawsuit pony to the point where she expected you to set this up."
  3305. "It's a long story," you try to smile.
  3306. >"Oh, what a shame, and I happen to be in such a hurry," he shakes his head disappointingly. "I'll just leave you two be then."
  3307. >He drops the mare, who doesn't react in time and just plops on the grass flank first. Discord himself disappears in a flash, claw-snapping himself out of this realm.
  3308. >Not even a moment later you feel his paw on your shoulder. The creature is right behind you, breathing at you ear.
  3309. >"Or I can stay a little longer and ask things like 'How long have you been helping these bootlegs' or 'Why haven't you reported this to Twilight yet' or 'Do you have any idea who and why made them', you know, the usual interrogation stuff?"
  3310. >He shows you his notebook and pen, ready to write down your confessions on their own while floating in another magic field.
  3311. "Uh, no need for that, really."
  3312. >"Aww," the spirit of disharmony purrs in your ear. "That's too bad. These little ponies seem like so much fun. But you already know all about that, don't you?"
  3313. >You are starting to sweat like you're at a gun point. 'These' can only mean Discord is just pretending to be oblivious and is aware of everything about the mean mares.
  3314. >But despite that you also feel a bit more confident - if Discord of all creatures hasn't spilled his beans yet, he might have his own idea how to handle this.
  3315. "I don't suppose you could help me with them?" you turn this thing on him instead.
  3316. >"Me? Helping somepony? You must be new here to assume that I care that much."
  3317. "Well, I am kinda new..."
  3318. >Discord blinks a few times and makes sure you see it - he slithers all around your shoulders to look you in the eyes.
  3319. >"Oh, pardon me! I guess you don't know the value of me not interfering just yet. You should ask Twilight, she'll happily tell you all about it."
  3320. "Just so you know, I have no idea what you're talking about."
  3321. >Discord doesn't take that personally but he does smile smugly.
  3322. >"Oh, I can't POSSIBLY rob you of a valuable lesson, can I?"
  3323. >Your staredown is interrupted by some loud noises near you: seems like Meanshy isn't interested in this conversation in the slightest and has decided to bail now that she has the opportunity. You can only see a yellow smudge flying up and away, far from you both.
  3324. >"Eh, she was rude anyway. Who thought that Fluttershy's alternate self would be such a potty mouth? Honestly, when I was the one making them mean, I at least made sure that-"
  3325. >He catches your flummoxed gaze and scratches his head.
  3326. >"Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are we? Well, you'll come around, you precious sprite of disharmony."
  3327. >Discord snaps himself around once again, appearing right in front of you.
  3328. "Yeah, I'm not sure I'm getting used to this fast enough," you give him an irritated look. "If you're not helping, can you at least not ruin anything as well?"
  3329. >"No promises."
  3330. "Great. Fantastic."
  3331. >"Oh, cheer up. I'm simply not interfering. It's kind of my thing, just so you know."
  3332. >He pulls out a nail file and starts scribbling his claws.
  3333. >"Honestly, you've been here for a year and already act like a pony would towards me. We're supposed to be bosom buddies, the chaos duo, the-"
  3334. "This is like the third time I'm seeing you."
  3335. >His eyebrows shoot up in a surprising realization.
  3336. >"I suppose that's true. I've been neglecting you, my child. Can you EVER forgive me?"
  3337. "Ugh..."
  3338. >The guy just chuckles at your annoyed reaction.
  3339. >"Alright, chatting with you is oh so fun I almost forgot that I'm supposed to be attending the friendship school while Twilight is away."
  3340. >You watch the spirit of chaos twirl around so fast you see nothing but a blurry mess for a second. But when he stops, your eyes involuntarily squint at his attire that looks like something a 90's kid would wear pretending he's the hottest shit.
  3341. "You look like you've dropped out of school, not attending it," you note.
  3342. >"Perfect!" Discord nods. "Smell ya later!"
  3343. >And just like that, he's gone with a snap.
  3344. >You are left to wonder what this could mean for you and the mean ponies. But, to be honest, this time you have zero idea how to even approach this problem.
  3345. >If he really does stay out of the way you have nothing to worry about. But the fact is, he did interfere now, after supposedly learning about the mean mares on his own for some time. Why now?
  3346. >It's impossible to tell how much does he actually know. So there's no reason to even think about it. Just one more thing that adds to your problems, and this time you can only pray that you can count on ignoring it.
  3347. >With a sigh you resume your journey to the camp.
  3349. >Despite your best efforts you can't help but worry a bit when you finally get closer to the camp.
  3350. >You've been here so many times it's so familiar, yet you don't really know what to expect now.
  3351. >Meanshy should be here already, Rainbow too. How will they react?
  3352. >That's before even mentioning Greedity, who will probably give you a thrashing for each day you were away from her, your supposed owner.
  3353. >You vaguely remember Meanlight mentioning that she had to tie her up? You don't remember anymore.
  3354. >Beyond the last turn of the road on the way to the damned settlement of the mean ponies you've been so disconnected with what could possibly await you?
  3355. >Actually, nothing special.
  3356. >That's right. Even from afar you see nothing out of usual.
  3357. >Rainbow is spotted by you first, up high on her branch and napping as always.
  3358. >The campfire is as weak as ever and only attracts one mare - Meanie Pie, who is eating something while looking right at the flames.
  3359. >And other than that, nothing.
  3360. >Well, you didn't know what you were expecting and now you're getting nothing. Sounds completely fair.
  3361. >If they are just the same as before, there's no real reason for you to make a big deal out of your return too.
  3362. >You sit right near the pink mare. She doesn't even react.
  3363. >It's good to be home, isn't it.
  3364. "Hi, Pinkie."
  3365. >It's as easy as that. But you don't really have anything to say to her.
  3366. >Everything you can think of is dispelled immediately just by looking at her tired face.
  3367. "Is that an apple?" you notice the thing she's eating. "Where'd you get that?"
  3368. >She points at one of the tents after a pause. Undoubtedly, it's the Liarjack's one. That just raises even more questions. All of which don't actually matter.
  3369. >Watching Meanie Pie you wonder why you're even here right now.
  3370. >Only a handful of these mean ponies actually ever notice that you are here. For some you make no difference at all. Or that's something you figured is the case anyway.
  3371. >You don't feel at ease here. Like you're a stranger here now. You've almost rid yourself from your habit of going here and now that you look at it at a different angle everything seems just off, like a taste of a cigarette after a month of quitting cold turkey.
  3372. >Right as you start thinking about your place here, you see Liarjack approaching the camp with some branches on her back.
  3373. >She looks so dirty and pathetic you can't help but to wince. She, however, doesn't mind your reaction and proceeds to put her burden next to the fire pit.
  3374. "AJ?" you grab her attention.
  3375. >"Uh... Who are you again?"
  3376. >She always greets you like that and you find yourself smiling at the mare's usual treatment.
  3377. >The liar sighs and stares at the fire, probably estimating how long it's gonna last until she has to feed it again.
  3378. >This campfire doesn't look like a lot now, but that's been the case ever since the colds got stronger. But even a week fire is better than nothing.
  3379. >That doesn't mean that sustaining even this kind of flame perpetually takes no effort.
  3380. >Come to think of it, AJ didn't gather a lot of wood and she still looks tired as hell.
  3381. >What a pitiful sight, you think to yourself as you watch the pony sit down next to you with a tired grumble, exhausted and feeble. She looks like she's going to fall asleep just because of this little reprieve.
  3382. "You don't look too good," you lean to the side to look at her face.
  3383. >"No idea what you're talking about," she says in between taking heavy breaths. "Never felt better."
  3384. "Right."
  3385. >You think you should do something about it. A plan comes together in your head.
  3386. >Two mares at the fire don't comment on you leaving their side in haste. Your hand in on your axe and you are headed into the thicket AJ emerged from.
  3387. >Well, you wanted to help these ponies, so a charitable mood should be utilized before it fizzles out. Besides, you feel like it's been a long time since you've been doing any sort of manual labor.
  3388. >It's no wonder Liarjack can't find enough suitable wood here, everything's still wet and cold. Brittle twigs under your boots aren't suited for much, so you move forward.
  3389. >You can immediately see the problem for these ponies - without any tools it could take a lot of time to find some suitable wood. Luckily you are equipped well enough to actually choose what to gather and not waste time picking things off the ground.
  3390. >As always, you lose track of time working with your hands and whacking at trees. You break sweat easily and regret not being more active lately, but somehow you feel good doing this.
  3391. >If you had to guess it's because you feel like it's for a good cause.
  3392. >It's almost certain that those ponies won't praise you for this yet it barely matters now. It just has to be done.
  3393. >These kind of thoughts lead you back to your recent talk with Rainbow.
  3394. >Some things just have to be done, right? Isn't this why you come here over and over again? Yet barely anything has changed.
  3395. >Meanlight has done pretty much nothing, but so have you. The ponies themselves never changed. Your efforts to connect with them, to influence them, to break them away from their mean personalities seem to have amounted to nothing.
  3396. >Attention and care only makes a difference if you're there to give them. So does that mean that without you they can never get better?
  3397. >Sounds like a load of bullshit to you. You're not THAT important.
  3398. >But whatever the case may be, its truth evades you. And by the time you get lost with this train of thought you already have enough wood to bring back to the camp.
  3399. >It is a bit hard to carry your woodpile while also keeping your balance on the uneven and sometimes slippery ground of the forest that is basically just roots and moss sticking out everywhere, but you manage to find your exit without any major accidents.
  3400. >You wonder what Liarjack is going to say when you put your pile right next to hers. But it turns out she doesn't really care for that.
  3401. >Keeping silence between you two, you join the mare on the bench. This is harder for her to ignore even if she tries to hide it under the guise of indifference.
  3402. "You're welcome, Applejack," you assure her.
  3403. >Almost. You almost get her to look at you.
  3404. "I can't believe you do this every day. You must be real tired."
  3405. >It feels wrong to tease her like that but you just can't stop. She wants to tell you all kinds of nonsense that's in her head.
  3406. >The more you look at her, the more you learn that you don't even do this to tease her. You definitely do feel bad about her duties here. Watching her lean sides you can almost see ribs poking when the pony breathes in.
  3407. >Where previously was sarcasm now resides pity. And desire to help.
  3408. >It's not the same kind of thing you usually ponder for hours. An impulse that makes you act right away: you stand up and lean down to Liarjack.
  3409. >She yelps in confusion when you pick her up.
  3410. "Look how dirty you are," you're surprised to hear caring intonations in your voice. "That won't do."
  3411. >"Uh, is this the flight lessons you've been talking about?" the liar tries to wiggle around helplessly. "Because those are still two weeks away from now!"
  3412. "Don't argue, just let me take care of it."
  3413. >You feel like an idiot suddenly babying a mean mare like that. But, Rainbow kinda liked that, didn't she? And you know for sure that Liarjack would never ever ask for your help with anything.
  3414. >Deep inside you know that this is just your desire to pay your dues talking to you. This isn't nearly enough to make a difference but it's just...something.
  3415. >You just feel you want to do this, that's all.
  3416. >The mare finds herself at the nearby pond. Her legs start moving in fear that you are going to just throw her in there, but you're not that cruel.
  3417. >You squat down with the liar in your hold and brace yourself as your hand dives into the still clear autumn water.
  3418. >It goes numb immediately and you feel your arm being pierced by hot nails of nerves panicking all at once. It's so cold you're sure it is barely above freezing right now.
  3419. >But you endure. And Liarjack does too when you start rubbing her lower legs and hooves.
  3420. "Hold on for a little longer," you whisper to her.
  3421. >Once she gets used to the cold water being rubbed at her legs - without saying anything, surprisingly - she calms down and even starts helping you by keeping her limbs steady.
  3422. >You even sit her on your knee to tend to her hind legs properly and you hear her breath right at your ear.
  3423. >Remembering how this pony almost fooled you into touching her inappropriately you can't deny that this may still be teasing for her. But it's not about that right now.
  3424. >Your intentions are, for once, pure. And the mare, despite her exploitative nature, respects that by not acting on the opportunity to get close.
  3425. >As a final measure, you take our your handkerchief and dry the mare's hooves as much as you can.
  3426. >But when she feels like you are done and is ready to jump on the ground, you stop her.
  3427. "You'll get dirty again. Come on."
  3428. >On her way back, still carried by you, Liarjack doesn't even move. She is looking at you pensively but she doesn't question anything still.
  3429. >"Well that was utterly pointless," she finally thanks you when you sit down at the fire still cradling her tiny dirty body.
  3430. "Yeah, but still felt good, right?"
  3431. >"Nah, I'm pretty sure you-"
  3432. "I figured it's the least I can do, you know?"
  3433. >You start throwing your previously gathered wood into the fire, smaller twigs at first.
  3434. "I don't usually even pay attention to you but that doesn't mean I don't care, right?"
  3435. >The pony already opens her mouth to protest, but you don't let her.
  3436. "It's not like I can do anything other than this anyway."
  3437. >Your next throw is a forceful one. Feeling angry for no reason isn't like you, but you're sure there is a reason now.
  3438. >Somehow you just feel like rambling now and no matter how much she tries, Liarjack can't interrupt the massive freight train of negativity you're about to unload.
  3439. "I mean, what, am I going to take you home too, just to give you a shower? That is actually pointless since you can't even fly."
  3440. >"Actually, you wanted to take me to-"
  3441. "Rainbow is all dirty again already, I'm sure. Now that's what I call perfectly pointless."
  3442. >"The other day I was visited by somepony who resembled-"
  3443. "So if it's all pointless then what do you I do? Huh, Applejack? What do you suppose I do when nothing I do actually works?"
  3444. >Another piece of wood hits the fire pit and sends sparks flying all around. And now only bigger pieces are left and you don't want to throw those.
  3445. >You aren't that unreasonable.
  3446. >Liarjack meanwhile has curled up on your lap so her cold hooves are touching your warm body through your shirt. She must feel comfy right now, so nothing stops her from imparting some wisdom:
  3447. >"Well lemme tell ya, that's easy. First, you gotta find yourself some crocodile oil and a pony nopony will miss, and then a book of-"
  3448. "It's just silly, you know."
  3449. >"N-no it's not!"
  3450. >You don't even hear her anymore, lost in your own thoughts.
  3451. "I made no promises to you guys. I just stick around from time to time. When I'm not around nothing changes. It's like I'm not really doing anything."
  3452. >"The thing about changes is that you have to wait long enough to-"
  3453. "Maybe I'm even making things worse for you."
  3454. >"E-yup, that sounds about right."
  3455. >It only makes you sigh and look up, past the flames. Liarjack will never answer your questions, but she won't question you either. Somehow you felt safe saying all of that to her.
  3456. >Probably because she's completely deranged and can't be communicated with by any normal means anyway.
  3457. >But you stop after that. And she stops too. In fact, when you tear your eyes from dancing fires, now fed properly as a result of your work, you see Liarjack with her eyes closed.
  3458. >The pony is relaxed and doesn't care much about anything anymore. She pokes your side with her muzzle a few times when she curls up even more to conserve warmth.
  3459. >Regardless of what her goal was, she ends up drifting off soon enough.
  3460. >You guess that was worth it? At least you feel better about yourself now.
  3461. >That's all great, but what you really need to rest at ease is to see what Meanlight thinks of the current situation at the camp.
  3462. >With how warm the campfire now is, it's hard for you to keep awake as well. Once you lose track of time it's easy for you to start nodding off.
  3463. >So when your opportunity to clear things out approaches, you don't even notice it until it calls for you.
  3464. >"Anon?!"
  3465. >Sudden surprised voice makes you jolt up but the mare in your hold is still as asleep as before.
  3466. >Indeed, Meanlight is staring at you, eyes squinted in a doubtful expression.
  3467. "Hey."
  3468. >You try to sound awake and friendly but fail to do both.
  3469. >Feels like something like this already happened before but you don't really remember now.
  3470. >Behind Meanlight you hear a gasp.
  3471. >"Anonymous!" unmistakably, it is Greedity. "How could you?!"
  3472. >The grey mare is staring at Appleliar on your lap who is still completely unaffected by the ruckus.
  3473. >You don't even answer that - Greedity lets out an annoyed grunt.
  3474. >"I told you to come earlier! What took you so long?"
  3475. "I was ill, Rarity," you answer truthfully.
  3476. >When the pony starts walking towards you in a definitely menacing way, you quickly stand up, repositioning Liarjack onto the log. This time you get a yawn out of her, but not much more.
  3477. >You face Greedity alone, bravely shielding the apple mare with your body.
  3478. >Greedity looks like she is about to pounce you, but then her eyes fall on the faded orange pony sleeping behind you.
  3479. >"Yuck," the picky hoarder proclaims. "Meet me in my tent when you clean that apple scent off yourself."
  3480. >Meanlight follows the grey mare with a shake of hear head, disapproving of such prissy behavior.
  3481. "Well?" you ask your boss cautiously.
  3482. >"Well?" she mimics you. "Well what?"
  3483. "H-how are things going?"
  3484. >Feels stupid just asking that, but what else can your say?
  3485. >You feel like Meanlight isn't in the mood for you, but on the other hand she wouldn't miss a chance to complain. And complaining always takes priority for her.
  3486. >"Some good, some bad. Ponyville tightened up security so you can't just hop into shops unnoticed even at night..."
  3487. "Like guards? I've never seen any."
  3488. >"Well you're not around often then," she harrumphs. "Both there and here."
  3489. "Look, I really was ill. It's not my fault. If anything, it's-"
  3490. >"Yeah, yeah," Meanlight waves her hoof around.
  3491. "Where did you get those apples?" you find a new topic immediately.
  3492. >"Oh, those?" the false alicorn smiles deviously. "Pinkie got a sack of them as a reward for helping the Apple family."
  3493. "For real?"
  3494. >"It's a compensation for working out that double help incident, remember? Apparently their Pinkie did that. But ours was there to collect it. They insisted she'd take the sack and so she did and dragged it all the way to the camp."
  3495. >You bet that worked out great for the real Pinkie Pie who got nothing and probably knows nothing about those apples.
  3496. >"You want some? We have a LOT of them now."
  3497. "Nah, I'm good."
  3498. >Meanlight does grab one, levitating it all the way from Appleliar's tent.
  3499. >"Even if everypony hates them, food is now a solved problem, for the time being at least."
  3500. >Is that boasting you hear from the purple pony? As if she has anything to prove to you.
  3501. "So that's why Rarity hated it so much," you smirk. "Wait, how did you manage to contain her? I thought she's going to kill me for being away for so long."
  3502. >"Oh, you want to know how? Sure, come with me."
  3503. >Meanlight sounds like she's gloating and you don't really like that. It's probably something horrible or vulgar, as all of her solutions usually are.
  3504. >But when you step into Greedity's tent after the purple mare, you are surprised to find what actual solution she had found.
  3505. >"Ta-da. Brilliant, isn't it?" Meanlight can't contain her satisfaction with your reaction, like she's been waiting for you to gaze upon her invention.
  3506. >Greedity is too busy with it to even notice you both.
  3507. >She is combing her mane before a full length mirror framed in luxurious golden pattern.
  3508. >Something you'd recognize anywhere.
  3509. "That's one of Rarity's mirrors..." you frown in disbelief.
  3510. >"Exactly."
  3511. "But that's-"
  3512. >"It was my own idea. I figured Rarity only values one thing over you, and here you see the result."
  3513. >You can't deny that this really is working but... It's wrong on so many levels. Starting from stealing Rarity's stuff while she's away and up to Greedity completely ignoring you now that something even more valuable is with her. Herself.
  3514. >"Why the long face?" Meanlight continues smugly. "I just saved you from being terrorized by this madpony. I guess you can say that in your absence we've been managing pretty well, huh? Who would've guessed, my good assistant."
  3515. >Meanlight exits the tent, knowing full well that you have so many questions that you won't ask.
  3516. >That just leaves you alone with the crazy self-absorbed unicorn.
  3517. >"Anon?" Greedity notices you at last. "Finally, come here!"
  3518. >Magic throws you to the side, tugging at your sleeve and you barely save yourself from falling.
  3519. >The unicorn brings you closer to herself and wraps her hooves around that arm she nearly ripped out of your shoulder with her magic.
  3520. >"Now all of my prized possessions are here. My collection is finally complete!"
  3521. >Exclaiming that joyfully she nuzzles your shoulder and you follow her on her sheets.
  3522. >Your body drops right where you were the first time she invited you here and for a moment you worry that she'll just force you to take her again.
  3523. >But the mare seems content with just rubbing your arm and you side while giggling happily.
  3524. >"You didn't respond to my callings and even pretended to ignore me when I visited, I thought you tried to run away!"
  3525. "Visited? What are you talking about?"
  3526. >"But Twilight got me this mirror and now you are here too. Oh, that is so wonderful. Nopony will steal you from me again."
  3527. "I..."
  3528. >You don't even bother.
  3529. >Nothing makes sense and at the same time you know it does. You just don't really want to admit it.
  3531. >Greedity is a cuddly pony and it feels like she's happy to make up for days of not having her prized possession in her grasp.
  3532. >Surprisingly she doesn't do more than that. She obviously enjoys your company but doesn't step over that thin line between cuddling and foreplay.
  3533. >There's no doubt in your mind that if you as much as lower your hands too far she would answer with the same sentiment in mind. But as of now, your playful ear scritches don't excite her to the point of forcefully mounting you.
  3534. >Seems like she's happy with simply having you at her side.
  3535. >You can't say you don't enjoy the warm feeling of her malnourished body next to you and the way she closes her eyes when you slide your fingers down her cheek and neck makes you smile.
  3536. >Her ear sometimes trembles and bends out of enjoyment and it is usually accompanied by purrs and sighs she lets out right at your shoulder.
  3537. >You never noticed that adorable side of her, almost as if you are dealing with a affectionate cat who can't get enough of you petting her.
  3538. >It's possible that you've just been too busy with her other, lewd and passionate side. Remembering now how this mare endured relentless rutting and loved every second of you doing whatever you please with her almost makes you hard again.
  3539. >But at the same time it makes you realize that Greedity simply follows you. Whatever you do, she accepts and does too.
  3540. >You guess that it comes from her understanding that you 'own' her, but it's hard to tell and you are not sure you even want to ask.
  3541. >And another, more sobering thought, is that those times after the first one, the times when you've been just taking her to pound town out of the blue - those didn't actually need to happen.
  3542. >You thought it was expected of you, but you never actually tried to prevent it from happening.
  3543. >These thoughts unnerve you because you can't really recall your exact thought process at the time. It was like in a dream. Everything from Meanshy's incident to your recent illness feels like a vertigo of bile and filth inside your head.
  3544. >Was it the case of you enjoying it and just following your instincts? Or maybe just not caring about consequences?
  3545. >It bothers you that a lot of things now point at the simple fact that you've been out of your element. Both your own retrospect and new findings indicate that something is off with your role in all this mean business.
  3546. >But realizing this is not enough, correcting your course is a different story altogether.
  3547. >Your thoughts are interrupted by Greedity's yawn. She scratches her horn against your collarbone, trying to burrow her head deeper between your arm and torso.
  3548. "Are you feeling alright?"
  3549. >"Never better," the mare lazily yawns again.
  3550. "Sorry I was away for so long," you try to gauge her mood.
  3551. >But no answer comes. Greedity is smiling and you think she's about to doze off. It doesn't take much to make her happy: like a little girl hugging by her beloved plushie she knows only comfort and peace.
  3552. >You don't feel like sleeping at all and you just watch the pony's transition to the world of wonderful dreams of hoarding, stealing and obsessing over stuff.
  3553. >By the time you carefully exit the tent Greedity is long since sound asleep.
  3554. >It's hard to get a proper perspective on your situation without completely shutting everything off and it would be better done at your own home. You still have some time alone today.
  3555. >Nothing is happening here. You sit near Meanie Pie and wonder if she's been sitting here all this time.
  3556. >Hell, she has probably been here all that time you were sick at home.
  3557. "How was life here while I was gone?" you ask her bluntly.
  3558. >"Boring," she sighs after giving it enough thought.
  3559. "You had something to do though, right? In Ponyville, I mean. Like getting those apples..."
  3560. >"Ugh," she winces. "Those were too heavy. I almost broke my spine dragging them here."
  3561. "Oh..."
  3562. >The conversation hangs up on that and you don't really know where to go with it next.
  3563. >Lucky for you the pink mare doesn't really care. In fact, she would probably prefer if you stayed silent.
  3564. >So you are back to staring at the fire and letting thoughts glide all across your mind without actually disturbing you. A sort of a meditative state born of hazy worries that you push outside your head to leave it empty.
  3565. >It does not last. It never does. It's almost like this exact spot makes you attract trouble unlike anything else in this world.
  3566. >This time it comes from behind, and strikes you with venom you thought you had already forgot.
  3567. >"Look who finally found his way here," the meanest bully herself has come to greet you.
  3568. "Huh? Fluttershy?" you turn around to face her.
  3569. >"Who did you expect, loser?"
  3570. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore."
  3571. >"That's what you were expecting, huh? That I'll just leave you alone? Well too bad!"
  3572. "Yes, that is what I was expecting, not you being so obsessed with me that you-"
  3573. >She lets out a forced laugh loud enough to interrupt you.
  3574. >"You really thought you could escape that easily?! And now you even have the nerve to show your ugly face here again?"
  3575. "Well I wouldn't come here if I was trying to 'escape', you know."
  3576. >The disdain on the mean mare's face is intense but she doesn't answer you with any more vulgarity. So it is your time to counterattack.
  3577. "I know you missed me, so it's fine, but you didn't have to stare at my house every single day."
  3578. >Your condescending tone does pierce the bully's seemingly impenetrable barrier of hostility. She reacts immediately:
  3579. >"Huh? You really think I was doing it for YOUR sake?! Do you want your teeth kicked in, you arrogant buffoon?"
  3580. >If she's reacting like this now it probably means you're striking gold with this one. And so you press on.
  3581. "Aw, how sweet. Don't be scared, you can share all your feelings with me."
  3582. >Meanshy really did lose her balance there for a moment. But when she looks even more daring that before, you can only assume that she's not defeated just yet.
  3583. >"Oh, you want to hear it from me and not your marefriend? I heard she's just like me, only a total scaredy cat, and a bumbling fool to boot."
  3584. >The look she gives you when she sees your reaction tells you that this is exactly what she wanted to see.
  3585. >Confusion mixed with disbelief. Yet at the same time a realization that it does make sense
  3586. >"Hah! You should've seen the look on your face, you absolute imbecile. A-hahaha!"
  3587. >Of course she enjoys you getting mad. But this time it isn't about her games and not about who wins the verbal abuse duel.
  3588. >"Oh, what a show!" she continues cackling. "Wanna share YOUR feelings with me? Nah, talking to you is a waste of time. Look at yourself, you pathetic monkey."
  3589. >For a moment she cringes in disgust.
  3590. >"Bleh. But you know what, instead of wasting time with you, I should go talk to her. I'm sure she'd appreciate a little eye to eye with somepony like me."
  3591. "Yeah, let's go right now."
  3592. >Meanie Pie turns her head to you, startled by you suddenly standing up.
  3593. >It makes the yellow bully tense up for a moment but seeing how you walk past her she show her wicked smile again.
  3594. "Well?"
  3595. >You hand finds the handle of your axe on your belt. It was a completely instinctive response but you can't really be reasonable about it now.
  3596. >You don't even know what you are going to do, but you can't let this continue.
  3597. >"O-ooh, a horny monkey is ready to defend his prize, how lovely!" she rolls her eyes. "I bet I can get to her faster than you. Then we'll have a wonderful time together, she seems like such a soft pony... Just the perfect practice target."
  3598. "I think you're either full of shit or blind if you really think you can get to her now."
  3599. >"I know she's away right now, dumbass," she smirks. "You think I'd give you a warning before I go terrorize your sex slave? You really are brain damaged."
  3600. "Oh, I can show you how damaged-"
  3601. >"A-hahaha!" she flies up as soon as you take a step in her direction. "The guardian ape wants to fight! I'm so scared!"
  3602. "Whatever, fuck off."
  3603. >You instead turn to the forest. There's was no reason to stay here earlier today, and certainly no reason to stay now.
  3604. >"Yes, go away, creep. Go cower under your bed! Ooh, who knows when I'm gonna get my hooves on her? Better beware!"
  3605. >Of course you can't let Meanshy have the last word.
  3606. "Just so you know, if you touch one hair on her head... I will kill you."
  3607. >Meanshy's hearty laughter rings with bitterness inside your head and you clench the axe in your hand. It is ready to leave your side at any second in a desperate display of fury, but you know that would ultimately lead to nothing.
  3608. >So you turn around and start walking. Your heartbeat is so loud you barely hear Meanshy's gloating behind you.
  3609. >"Run away you orangutan! Hoo-hoo-ha-ha! Get out of here!"
  3610. >Even now you can't help but smile at her monkey noises imitation, but you soon notice that the smile on your face doesn't go away even when you're nearly running away from the camp.
  3611. >You're not exactly panicking since there is no threat to anyone right now, and even if Fluttershy was home now Meanshy is certainly bluffing just so she can get under your skin.
  3612. >But it still makes you extremely uncomfortable, this whole situation. Meanshy is unpredictable as far as her plans go. You know what she wants, but the lengths she'd go to do it can't be estimated right now.
  3613. >She doesn't have a concept of right and wrong, of any sort of boundaries and lines that shouldn't be crossed.
  3614. >And, as much as it pains to admit it, she is quite possibly simply jealous. It's her original pony you're having an affair with after all.
  3615. >You have no idea if it hurts her, and if it does then how much. So you can't even begin to imagine the consequences now that Meanshy knows she can affect you with this.
  3616. >Fluttershy is her trump card now. And you can't do much about it since Meanshy can't really be reasoned with.
  3617. >As you make your way through the forest, you calm down and you can't believe you were that close to really reacting to Meanshy's bullying.
  3618. >You should know better than to be provoked by her when it's her only goal.
  3619. >Granted, you yourself wasn't about to act on your own threat, but the fact that it even came out of your mouth already says a lot. And it sounded like some teen threatening his mom over a going to bed early. Of course Flutterbitch would laugh at that, on any other day you would too.
  3620. >You are surprised it really had that strong of an effect on you. You're fairly certain you wouldn't be the first in line to protect Fluttershy if worse comes to worst.
  3621. >Despite the circumstances that brought you together you still value your relations, as a friend first and foremost.
  3622. >Your accidental 'mistake' isn't what defines her for you. She is much more than this.
  3623. >Somehow this simple revelation sounds really profound to you.
  3624. >Fluttershy is your friend. She is on your side and you should be on hers. Not on the side of someone who wants her to suffer.
  3625. >Even this little dig deeper into your own head is ready to blow it to peaces. You really don't know what to think anymore.
  3626. >You should probably stop thinking about it altogether but in your heart you know it's not an option. Not now.
  3627. >How many times have you escaped those kind of thoughts by now? You can't run from them forever. The difference now is that you don't feel the need to anymore.
  3628. >For the first time, after such a stab at your heart, you know where your interest really lies. Where your heart is, where your passion leads.
  3629. >It feels like you can actually accept that you really need to re-evaluate what you've been doing.
  3630. >When you get back home, you feel relieved. Just to be sure you check if there's any activity at Fluttershy's cottage but, of course, you see nothing but animals. The usual bunch too, nothing special.
  3631. >By now you have calmed down and that incident in the camp isn't bringing you down any more than it should.
  3632. >Worrying about it would solve nothing anyway. You need to sort things out for real now.
  3633. >But first, as it turns out, you need to go buy some snacks. Not only have you wasted your cupcakes on Rainbows home invasion, you are dangerously low on tea as well.
  3634. >So a trip to the town is in order. A good change of pace.
  3635. >Friendly faces and good vibes never fail to bring your mood back up.
  3636. >Except right now there's none of that. Actually, it's the opposite of that.
  3637. >Meanlight wasn't lying about the situation in Ponyville. Ponies are definitely on guard now.
  3638. >Every stand and every shop has a stallion (or sometimes an angry looking mare) next to them, most of them look at passing ponies with suspicion and hostility.
  3639. >You know some of them personally and you would never take them for a 'guard' type of guys. Yet Ponyville makes do without actually calling the royal guard.
  3640. >Seeing how there was only one time they got involved, accompanying Twilight when she was throwing you out of your lovely attic when her patience had ran out, you guess that all of this is Ponyville's own initiative.
  3641. >But all the same, you attract the most glances from all over the streets. Figures, you stand out the most.
  3642. >One pony in particular is interested in you; you only notice that she approaches you by her voice calling you from behind.
  3643. >"Anonymous?"
  3644. >The voice belongs to Mayor Mare and you turn around right away, in hopes of asking for some explanations. Though she looks rather busy and in a hurry, as she always does.
  3645. >"Lovely seeing you here today."
  3646. "Hello, miss Mayor. How are you?"
  3647. >You try to act as casually as possible, but you are fairly sure she can see your nervous and uncomfortable state through that.
  3648. >"Oh, I manage. Ponyville's been a bit busy last couple of days."
  3649. "Yeah, I can see that."
  3650. >Looking around you still see eyes on you. Some not as appreciative as others.
  3651. >"What about you? How are things going?"
  3652. "Pretty good," you dish out a smile. "I got better recently and wanted to buy some food and tea. Didn't know you have a...situation here."
  3653. >That last bit sounded so weak you are sure that that tone sounds suspicious.
  3654. >And that's knowing that you have done nothing wrong. Why the hell are you so uncomfortable then?
  3655. >"Oh, that's just a minor inconvenience," Mayor gives you a formal-sounding chuckle. "Say, have you got a minute to talk?"
  3656. "Uh, well, I am sort of hungry..."
  3657. >That excuse was so honest yet so lame that you feel blood rushing to your cheeks. It makes the mayor smile, this time sincerely.
  3658. >"No worries, I have tea and some sweets in my office. It's rare to see you on the streets as of late so I insist, who knows when I'll see you again."
  3659. >The grey mare laughs at her own remark and you feel more at ease.
  3660. "Well, if you do insist..."
  3661. >You exchange smiles and she invites you to follow her with a nod of her head. The hall isn't far off and your walk there isn't really special.
  3662. >Though seeing how the 'guards', all four of them at the hall's entrance, stare at you it almost feels like you're not welcome here. An enemy that is walking right into the commander's headquarters with his hands untied would get the same kind of glances.
  3663. >Something really is off here. You feel like you don't really have a choice here but to follow Mayor Mare, like those guards would just drag you here even if you refused.
  3664. >And if that is indeed the case, then you'd better be done with this sooner than later.
  3665. >And Mayor better have those snacks ready sooner than later too.
  3667. >Mayor Mare leads you to her office and you feel a bit nostalgic being here again.
  3668. >Every time your future in Ponyville has been brought up your fate was ultimately decided here.
  3669. >Deciding what to do with you when you first arrive to Equestria; kicking you out of your comfy little attic home; assigning you on a job no one else wanted.
  3670. >Now that you think about it, all those time it was Twilight who reasoned with Mayor and was always on your side. This time you have no one to back you up if your living in Ponyville is concerned again.
  3671. >It can't be that these ponies somehow learned about the mean mares and suddenly assumed that you are a threat or something just by association with those ponies that haven't really done anything horrible. That's too much of a stretch.
  3672. >Yet here you are, in the Mayor's office for whatever reason.
  3673. >Expected snacks aren't on the table when you come in, but the mare quickly reassures you that they'll be ready soon.
  3674. >"I assume you were going to Sugarcube Corner for your fill, so these should do nicely."
  3675. >Before you a plate of fresh cupcakes is set down by the smiling hospitable pony whose desire to make a good impression overtakes everything else for a moment.
  3676. >"Tea?"
  3677. "Yes, thank you. No sugar."
  3678. >The mayor hesitates upon hearing your specification, but not for long. She must know you prefer just black tea, you've had a cup in this office before.
  3679. >Oh, those were the days. Zero responsibility, zero ambition and almost zero respect towards you. That one cup of tea (courtesy of Twilight reminding the mayor she should pour you one) was the nicest thing a pony has done for you in weeks at that point.
  3680. >Now you sit before the mayor of a town full of citizens who admire your work for their community. This must count for something. They've got your back.
  3681. >Just to be sure, you look back at the hall you came through.
  3682. >"Are you worried about the guards?"
  3683. >Mayor Mare moves towards to door to close it and smiles at you. She asked that question rather quickly, so you have a feeling she was expecting that kind of reaction from you.
  3684. >You didn't ask to close the door either. Although you do feel more comfortable with it closed. No one can stare at you from the hall now.
  3685. >The mayor returns to the table and sits across, staring at you with her usual compassionate smile. She has her own tea set before her and she's fully ready to chat now.
  3686. >"I'm not that fond of this whole situation too, to be completely honest with you," she sighs and looks down. "It was more of a desperate measure on our part."
  3687. "What do you mean?"
  3688. >You think you know the reason for it already, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
  3689. >"Oh, it's those robberies," Mayor shakes her head. "It was rather tame at first and nopony really wanted to start panicking over it. After all, things that got stolen were mostly food and household items. Some thought there was a shy homeless pony doing that..."
  3690. >Failing to hide your smile, you just clear your throat to snap out of it and take a bite out of your treat. Those ponies weren't exactly wrong, although you wouldn't call Greedity 'shy'.
  3691. >Mayor Mare takes a sip of her own beverage and continues with her tale:
  3692. >"But as time went on, it has only escalated and started to add up. More and more ponies fell victim to it and it was always something insignificant so it was easy to dismiss it. But the last straw was those late harvest apples getting stolen right under our noses."
  3693. "Apples? Who would steal that?"
  3694. >Your surprise is genuine, but you bite your tongue immediately (and almost literally).
  3695. >This can't be it, can it?
  3696. >"Oh, somepony who knows how we value them, that's who," the Mare frowns and you feel like her voice sounds more sinister.
  3697. >She explains after taking another sip.
  3698. >"Every fall the Pie family, especially Pinkie, helps the Apples with their business. In return, Applejack picks the most delicious late apples for Pinkie, who then makes all kind of magnificent baked goods for all of us."
  3699. >You painstakingly try to remember if those apples in the Mean camp were anything special, but you have no idea.
  3700. >The mayor probably doesn't even notice your confused expression, for indignation is taking the best of her.
  3701. >"This time, not only did Pinkie pretty much ruined Apple family's business, but when Applejack still offered her those apples as a gift, she pretended like she didn't get them after she clearly did take them! And she's been playing the victim this whole time. And now we all are left without our seasonal meal."
  3702. >Going back to this whole thing that Fluttershy has told you, you barely remember what happened there. All of this has been happening here without you even noticing it. That's what living in the outskirts does to you.
  3703. >That, and not being involved in the community in the slightest. It shouldn't be surprising and it shouldn't really affect you, but it's still a reminder of your real place here.
  3704. "So you think it was stolen and now ponies are guarding their shops? Can't blame them."
  3705. >"Well, for the time being, as we've yet to catch the culprit. Nopony is really investigating it as of now."
  3706. >The mare looks to the side, as if she's embarrassed because of that.
  3707. "Oh, I just remembered," you try to help. "Rarity was investigating those missing books a few weeks ago, maybe she could help?"
  3708. >"Rarity, huh?" Mayor sighs with a bitter smile.
  3709. >You suddenly remember that you've heard from Fluttershy that Rarity herself was accused of robbery, so you might've said something you shouldn't have.
  3710. >Some noises outside interrupt your thoughts and you look back, but the door is still closed. The mayor is looking at you and you read disappointment in her glance.
  3711. "I mean I haven't been following that investigation, so..."
  3712. >Now that you're searching the insides of your memory, you also recall those store ponies saying that they've seen someone who looks like Rarity (naturally, as it was her clone), so maybe it's the lack of evidence that had sparked those far reaching suspicions.
  3713. >"Unfortunately, we had to employ other methods to figure out what actually happened. It had the whole town up on their hooves."
  3714. "I can definitely see that."
  3715. >More noises come from beyond the closed door. Sounds like hoofsteps and hushed voices. Even though it's probably just guards, you feel a little bit uncomfortable.
  3716. >The mayor also looks like the noises are distracting her. She continues only after silence is restored.
  3717. >"Until recently we didn't even know where to start, but luck was on our side. Somepony managed to take a picture of the criminal. She was caught red-hooved."
  3718. >You wonder for a second if it's going to be a photo of Greedity and Mayor Mare doesn't disappoint: with a grim expression on her face, she reaches under her table and throws a couple of small photos towards you.
  3719. >It all finally comes together.
  3720. >One of them has Greedity as a deer in the headlights - caught in a flash of light in a dark room with eyes wide open, startled and holding a few plates and packs of some snacks in her hooves.
  3721. >Another one depicts her running away all blurry, but carrying a trail of different foods with her magic, from pack of peanuts to whole pies, dashing to an opened window.
  3722. >And the last one is just a white blurry blob with magical aura stretching like a trail of smoke behind a steam locomotive. The shot is taken outside in a hurry, and by the looks of it this train of food is headed towards the Everfree forest.
  3723. >You lock eyes with Mayor's, her conviction overpowering you in a moment. You are forced to look down again; with a lost expression you are trying to predict what is going to happen next.
  3724. "But..." you mumble and the mare takes it as an invitation to continue.
  3725. >"By the time we came to visit miss Rarity she was already gone and we couldn't apprehend her."
  3726. "Already gone?" you repeat. "I thought she was forced to leave because she was accused."
  3727. >Under the mayor's scrutinizing gaze you elaborate:
  3728. "At least this is how I've heard about it from Fluttershy."
  3729. >"Sadly, no, we never even had a chance to talk. I still think it's all a big mistake, I mean... Rarity isn't who I would've expected to... You know."
  3730. >Mayor's resolute expression sours - it looks like she herself is not really convinced the mystery is solved.
  3731. "I guess you'll just have to find out when she returns."
  3732. >You cross your arms at your chest and lean back, but the mayor isn't done yet.
  3733. >"I think it's fairly possible she just left once she realized she was caught."
  3734. "Could be... So since I'm the one she's been investigating this case with you want to interrogate me or something?"
  3735. >"Oh, no, it's not that. I believe you can help us find her."
  3736. >This is fairly predictable, but you aren't sure if you should really get involved with no information on this whatsoever.
  3737. >Of course, for you it's a closed case, but to spin it in Rarity's favor is a completely different matter. So you try to clarify things right away:
  3738. "Me? I haven't talked to her in a while and I have no idea where she-"
  3739. >A few more pictures land in front of you, interrupting your excuses for good.
  3740. >"This was taken just a few days ago."
  3741. >A picture of your house at dusk? This doesn't really mean much.
  3742. >But when you look closely, you can see a certain white flank at its side, together with a curled purple tail.
  3743. >Breaking in through a window seems to be a common theme here, and this one is no different.
  3744. >There's just one problem - you don't remember ever having Greedity (or Rarity) in your house.
  3745. >Now you truly are lost, with absolutely no clue what's this supposed to mean.
  3746. >Another picture is Greedity running away from your house in her typical blurry fashion. What's up with these smeared pictures? Reminds you of those 'supernatural' sighting pics and videos.
  3747. >Could be easily faked that way. You really hope it's the case here.
  3748. >But the truth is, you think you remember this one. When you were ill, someone was talking to you aside from Meanlight. You were all feverish and don't remember mush. Could this be it? Greedity visited you and was caught on camera?
  3749. >This hurricane of emotions, from bewilderment to apprehension to realization, isn't lost on Mayor: she immediately tries to clarify things.
  3750. >"We just thought you might know where she is right now and if she really is hiding from us."
  3751. "If you think that I'm somehow involved in-"
  3752. >"No-no-no, nothing like that," she smiles reassuringly. "I just wanted to talk about it, no pressure."
  3753. >You look her in the eyes, trying to gauge how much you should believe, but a sudden crash behind you makes you jump up, breaking your concentration.
  3754. >The door behind you is now kicked wide open, and a pile of ponies seems to be the cause of it. The colorful stack of bodies tells a compelling story of ponies eager to eavesdrop and losing their balance because someone just had to push forward too hard.
  3755. >Mayor Mare doesn't appreciate it. At first, when you look back at her she looks like she's a caught criminal herself and her devious scheme was busted. But then disappointment takes its rightful place on her muzzle that becomes scrunched up with righteous fury.
  3756. >"Oh, please, can we all keep things civil here?!"
  3757. >The crowd tries to reorganize itself and actually stand up, albeit spilling further into the office, and some ponies do have guilt displayed on their faces.
  3758. >They now form a half-circle around your chair and you feel a bit claustrophobic surrounded by so many colors at once.
  3759. "I get it, you just think I've been hiding your culprit or her loot, is that it?" you push the issue onto the already discouraged Mayor.
  3760. >It might be an asshole thing to do, but your gut tells you that now is the time to take some ground back, after being backstabbed like this.
  3761. >"No, that's not-"
  3762. "Or that I'm helping her?"
  3763. >"Anonymous, please, try to understand..."
  3764. "That I'm her accomplice, her partner in crime?"
  3765. >"No, I have said no such thing!" Mayor pushes back and you lock eyes in a staredown.
  3766. "Well, maybe you should search my house or something if you want proof so badly."
  3767. >"This isn't some sort of-"
  3768. >"We kinda already did..." a voice from the crowd confesses with regret.
  3769. >"Urgh!" Mayor reacts by facehoofing and looking down at the table. It seems like she wanted to hide it, which makes this whole thing seem like a big scam.
  3770. "I knew it. You're just looking for someone to blame!"
  3771. >You turn around and there's no one to face you. Shame is all you see.
  3772. >By this point you're sure at least half of the town is in here, seeing how there's a colorful sea of manes behind the doors.
  3773. >Invigorated by this reaction, you continue.
  3774. "There are so many things you just assume, and of course it's easy to accuse me, I mean, who am I..."
  3775. >"Anon, you know this isn't the reason," Mayor Mare is still pleading to you.
  3776. "Oh, that human at the edge of the town is the perfect target for-"
  3777. >"We're just tired!" the mayor finally puts her hoof down. "These photos are all we have and they don't paint a nice picture at all! Do you think it's easy for us to assume these things?"
  3778. >You are pretty sure assuming something isn't hard, especially when there's some alien guy involved. On the other hand, accusing Rarity of a crime is borderline insanity.
  3779. "Let's look at this logically. What motives could Rarity possibly have to steal something this mundane and insignificant? It doesn't make sense."
  3780. >Voices rustle across the crowd, toned with confusion and fear.
  3781. "Rarity has everything she could wish for, there's no reason for her to do this."
  3782. >"What was she doing at your house?"
  3783. >Someone in the crowd asks that but you don't see who. All the ponies in the front row are avoiding looking at you. There are a couple of faces you recognize and it does kind of hurt to see them here.
  3784. "I have no idea, I was very ill at the time and I can barely remember her even being there," you reply honestly.
  3785. >"Of course," you hear another voice.
  3786. >Oh, yes, so brave to speak up from all the way back there.
  3787. >"Then... She's been framed by somepony?" Mayor brings up another point. "Why would she leave so hastily after being discovered?"
  3788. >You could easily say 'yes', but you stop yourself. This could also be a trick. You must feign ignorance.
  3789. "Right now she's with Twilight on their friendship mission. I doubt they'd leave without her."
  3790. >"T-they could be covering her as well!" a muffled voice calls from the back of the crowd.
  3791. >It makes Mayor frown and you feel like agreeing with that. You stand up to face the mob.
  3792. "Listen to yourself! Princess Twilight, covering up her friend's crime! You just want someone to point your hooves at, don't you? I know you are tired but you shouldn't jump to conclusions at first opportunity you get."
  3793. >The ponies are shamed thoroughly. Even the mayor agrees with the important life lesson you're giving to all of them.
  3794. >To be frank, you never expected this to turn in your favor, but now you feel like you have the upper hand, as if you're an attorney who is definitely winning the case.
  3795. >Convincing these ponies isn't hard, it only takes a bit of courage to stand up for yourself. Something you, admittedly, never really counted on. It's probably a fight or flight kind of reaction that saved you.
  3796. >"You're right, we shouldn't be hasty. But you also have to realize that we have definite proof right here."
  3797. "It could be fabricated, treated with magic or something. Are there any spells for that?"
  3798. >Hearing no answer, you continue feeling like you're on a roll.
  3799. "Besides, have you even talked with the pony who took this photos about how it went down?"
  3800. >"That's the thing, we don't know who did it. I found those pictures on my table one morning. And then the ones with your house on another day."
  3801. >You throw a glance at the pictures and then back at the ponies.
  3802. "Are you for real? This is what you want to trust? Give me a break."
  3803. >But despite your scoldings you know they don't really have a choice here. You sit down to collect yourself.
  3804. "Great, so it could be anyone. Besides, don't you think that it's a bit odd to take pictures of my house the moment someone is trying to enter it? I mean, I can understand keeping watch over the shop and catching someone, but this..."
  3805. >You stop in your tracks, feeling like you're the one who should be trying to answer this question.
  3806. >Indeed, who in all hells would take a shot like this?
  3807. >Flutterbitch immediately comes to mind, but you don't think you've ever seen her close to your house, especially with a camera. Staring from a distance is her thing.
  3808. >But then who else would monitor your humble abode with such dedication?
  3809. >You don't know any pony in Ponyville who is this obsessed with you.
  3810. >"I don't disagree that this brings up even more questions, but we don't have much to go on by now," the mayor sits down again and looks at the crowd behind you. "The town is in peril and we have to act."
  3811. "I still think it's wrong to just condemn Rarity and me just because we're the closest thing you have."
  3812. >"She is on all the pictures though," someone behind you notes.
  3813. >This does raise another wave of whispers in the crowd.
  3814. "Besides, how do you explain the mirror?" you suddenly remember. "Rarity stealing from-"
  3815. >Your spine freezes in a matter of moments when you realize you're saying something you by all rights have no reason to know about.
  3816. >"Huh?" Mayor focuses on you again. "What was that, Anon?"
  3817. "No, nothing, just thinking to myself."
  3818. >Being acutely aware of your fuckup is just making it worse for you. The mayor definitely sees your panicking state and when she squints her eyes at you, you just gulp without thinking and look away.
  3819. >"What was that about a mirror? Which one?"
  3820. "I- Well, it's a long story."
  3821. >Your ears are ringing with so many pony voices you just feel like running away. Just diving into the colorful mess of ponies and escaping.
  3822. >Damn you and your sudden courage to speak up!
  3823. >How was it, long tongues... No, loose mouths... something something? Fuck, this isn't the time.
  3824. >Bravado of the master lawyer was nothing more than a fluke, dispelled so easily without a trace.
  3825. >Fortune is once again generous to you - the scene is broken by decisive voices from the far back of the pony mass.
  3826. >"Mayor, we've been at Anon's house."
  3827. >The mare is distracted now, searching for the source of the fast hoofsteps and labored breaths behind you, giving you a time out.
  3828. >You're nearly breaking into sweat now, any further and you'd lay in the grave you have dug for yourself.
  3829. >"So, what's the situation?" Mayor calls for her investigators.
  3830. >Two ponies step forward, finally squeezing their away through the mob. Both are pegasi, one mare and one stallion - you turn your head just enough to see them.
  3831. >"Nothing," the mare says, recovering her breath. "We found no traces of any stolen goods or miss Rarity."
  3832. >"Hmm...." the mayor slides lower in her chair, contemplating the situation.
  3833. >Other ponies react in the same way, confused whispering making a return in their ranks. Two pegasi messengers, still sweaty from their fast flight, look at each other with resignation.
  3834. >It is clear that there's nothing more to discuss with you. With a bit of luck, Mayor forgets your remark about the mirror and after a brief explanation lets you go.
  3835. >She doesn't look like you're off the hook though. And the ponies around you also stare at you like they had before.
  3836. >You might've made a case for your innocence, but to them having someone to suspect is better than nothing.
  3837. >They still avoid crossing eyes with you when you stare directly at them. Ponies here are sensitive but courteous. It probably pains them to convict you and Rarity just like that but they are also frustrated with everything that's been happening here because of Meanlight's efforts.
  3838. >Just like Fluttershy said, the town isn't nearly as friendly as it usually is.
  3839. >It didn't pain them to rummage through all of your stuff though, that's for certain: once you return home, you see how those pegasi managed to complete their mission this quick.
  3840. >Everything is just a mess. It's something straight out of a movie, and equally hard to believe.
  3841. >How did this happen to you? How did your home become a wasteland of clothes, tools, books and cooking gear?
  3842. >And they had left to do all of this right when the mayor invited you in. So this was a part of her plan all along. Lure you and stall you while her henchmen raid your house.
  3843. >Even though you've come out unscathed from this very close confrontation, you still feel betrayed.
  3844. >Is it your fault or can you blame them for overreacting?
  3845. >Fuck, you have no idea at all. This is so stupid, ridiculous and strange you don't know how to deal with it. You could laugh and cry at the same time if you had any strength left in you at all.
  3846. >You can't do anything other than sit on your bed that you've left well made in the morning, now a complete mess with piles of books on it.
  3847. >Twilight is gonna kill you for such mistreat of valuable literature.
  3848. >You sigh at even a thought about explaining this to Twilight at all. Or to Fluttershy.
  3849. >Maybe she'll come visit you when she returns, it would be a shame if she found this place in such a state. She'd probably get scared.
  3850. >It brings a smile on your face. Fluttershy wouldn't accuse you of something bad. Even Twilight would probably only question you after a thorough investigation when she knows for certain you're on her list.
  3851. >It's just those ponies don't know any better, that's all. They really are helpless without Twilight, aren't they? Just like you were.
  3852. >They should've asked Starlight for help or something. Might've been enough to guide them properly.
  3853. >And the worst thing around this, you STILL haven't got your cupcakes. This ruins your motivation like nothing else. Right now it's just the perfect symbol and allegory for everything that's been going wrong lately.
  3854. >You find zero strength to move even after your train of thought loses its steam completely. It's obvious that you should clean this place up, but no part of your body moves.
  3855. >Instead, you just sit at the edge of your bed, staring on the floor where the view of books lying around keeps your exhausted brain cool and vacant.
  3856. >You have no idea how much time you've spent like this. The only thing that brings you back to reality is hearing knocks on your door.
  3857. >They are few and weak, resigned. Almost apologetic. You wonder who that might be. Probably one of the town ponies that couldn't look you in the eye.
  3858. >The answer is sitting right at your door, eyes glued to the floor.
  3859. "F-fluttershy?"
  3860. >You weren't expecting her this early. Or today at all.
  3861. >A bitter thought crosses your mind that if you started tidying up your house right after your return then by this point you would've been be done already.
  3862. >Now this pony has to see all of this desolation, ask all the painful questions... You really don't need this right now. You are just so tired.
  3863. >But nothing of sorts really happen. The only thing you see is her eyes, piercing your soul to its very depths when the pony finally looks up.
  3864. >Eyes on the brink of tears.
  3865. >"A..."
  3866. >Her wings tremble on her back and you notice that she still has her saddle bags on.
  3867. >Is she here straight from the train station?
  3868. >Now you notice she's fairly dirty and her mane is unkempt too. Something is definitely wrong here.
  3869. >"A..."
  3870. >You can't just take this without doing something.
  3871. "Is everything f-"
  3872. >You don't get to say anything because the yellow mare's soft cry for help tears your soul into pieces. A lonely and longing cry for help.
  3873. >"Anoooon!"
  3874. >Her wings suddenly open full force and the pony takes a pounce at you, tears falling from her eyes as she gains altitude.
  3875. >Your arms instinctively rise to protect you, but it only serves as a guiding rails for the pegasus to slide between.
  3876. >The hit you take from a warm and fuzzy body throws you backwards and you barely manage to grab the door frame to keep balance.
  3877. >Fluttershy gives you not even a moment to gather your wits. The moment her jump stops her face is already right next to yours.
  3878. >You see clearly how desperate it is, lips trembling and giant eyes staring right into yours.
  3879. >She closes them. Her muzzle finds your nose. Unmatched yet familiar warmth spreads all across your mouth as the mare's lips envelop yours and her tongue in all its slippery lecherousness slides against yours in lustful abandon.
  3880. >A sharp exhale right at your cheek blows you away and you move backwards, unable to keep up with the mares sloppy onslaught.
  3881. >When your hands finally find Fluttershy's back and feel her wings tense up, making her moan and suck the air out of your mouth with a satisfied slurp, you let your mind go numb and let yourself get carried away wherever this sudden change of flow is taking you.
  3883. >"That sounds horrible!"
  3884. >Fluttershy's head slides up your naked shoulder and when you look down, your nose touches hers.
  3885. >You can definitely feel by the pace of her breath that she's bothered by the story of today's misadventures of yours, but if that wasn't enough, her giant eyes radiate compassion and worry.
  3886. >She stares right into your soul sharing breath with you, and everything about her is tense with indignation.
  3887. >"And they didn't even help you clean up?"
  3888. >She may be talking softly now but you can sense how disturbed by this incident she is. You involuntarily bring her body closer to yours.
  3889. "It's alright, it's no big deal. Don't worry."
  3890. >Fluttershy is right between your side and your arm, so your hand is free to caress her tired body; that's what you do, taking a few strokes at her closed wings in an attempt to placate the mare.
  3891. >"It IS a big deal... How mean!"
  3892. >Her forehooves stretch across your chest when she follows your motion and relaxes, allowing you to continue tending to her back.
  3893. >To make your point even more evident, your other hand finds her ear, reaching it after rubbing her cheek. The pegasus finally rests again with her eyes closed.
  3894. "Please, just relax."
  3895. >"And here I thought I've had enough worries for the week..." she murmurs disappointingly and her head perks up again, this time with an apologetic smile on it. "Thank goodness you were here me."
  3896. "Always a pleasure."
  3897. >The smile you shine at her is answered by her own, a knowing and playful one.
  3898. >There's no need to be beating around the bush, both of you know how good you've made each other feel today.
  3899. >Fluttershy stormed in crying, without an explanation, without anything to say at all.
  3900. >That kiss at the door never actually ended, not until you filled the boundlessly lustful mare with your semen and just physically couldn't go on anymore.
  3901. >She was relentless. She didn't want to let go. Once that kiss started she pushed you back into your room until you've dropped on your bed where she started trying to undress you. Without even clearing space from all the books, you've taken her with all the passion you could muster, and she weren't holding back either.
  3902. >And you didn't want to stop. Fluttershy was on your mind so much that even knowing that she would probably regret this later, you wanted to make her feel as good as you possibly can. Her every moan, every squeal, every orgasmic cry were music to your ears, motivating you to rut her even harder.
  3903. >Only after you were done, completely drained and weakened, she has managed to calm down a bit and noticed the mess your home was in.
  3904. >Of course, you also noted that she was no different, all dirty and messy. That remark quickly ended up bringing you to your shower, where the flames of passion were rekindled again; under hot running water pounding this insatiable pegasus was even more stimulating.
  3905. >Holding her wet little body, digging your fingers into her pliable flanks, kissing her through her wet mane that was getting everywhere, including your mouth, hearing her moans ringing out with extreme clarity in such a confined space - at that point neither of you cared about anything but pleasuring each other and weren't afraid of showing it.
  3906. >Then, after returning to bed, teasing each other just a little bit was enough for a third go. This time, a lot slower and much comfier. Hugging each other close you both felt each thrust with delight of every breath you've shared, every kiss, every glance.
  3907. >It went on for longer than the first two and it was this lasting accord that has transitioned to this cozy afterglow the moment you had Fluttershy filled for the third time today.
  3908. >Only then the haze began to clear. Now you could actually talk about the circumstances that had led to all of this happening. And those were not very fun for both of you, as it turns out.
  3909. "What about you?" you try to dance around the issue.
  3910. >"Huh?"
  3911. "I mean, I certainly wasn't expecting..."
  3912. >"It's just...stress."
  3913. "Stress?"
  3914. >You try to not sound like you were expecting something different, perhaps something more personal, but you're not sure it's not obvious to the pegasus.
  3915. >"This trip has been just one big furball of accusations and frustrations," she sighs. "So... I kinda..."
  3916. "You guys are still at each other's throats..."
  3917. >Feeling a bit embarrassed for your selfish expectations you remember that there are problems more important than you wanting to not be a 'mistake'.
  3918. >"No, it's nothing like that!" Fluttershy corrects you immediately.
  3919. >She looks you in the eyes at first but then her gaze dashes to the side, as if in shame.
  3920. >"No, actually, Twilight has managed to bring us all together again, as she always does."
  3921. "Wait, so what was the problem?"
  3922. >Only after asking a straightforward and overly blunt question like that have you realized that the mare isn't exactly honest with you - and herself.
  3923. >Her inner struggle is fairly evident and is written all over her face.
  3924. >"P-please, don't be mad at me if I tell you."
  3925. "I would never," you nod in a serious fashion.
  3926. >"Promise?"
  3927. "Yep."
  3928. >"Alright... I was..."
  3929. >She sniffles in her quiet, adorable way and her lip quivers for a moment. Her ears are at her head, hiding in regret. She finally spills the beans, and when they start spilling they pour in one big stream of rushed explanations:
  3930. >"I couldn't stop thinking about you, not for a day, and when we got on that quest I really started missing you, I wanted to be with you again, l-lay with you just like before but I knew I've hurt you with my words back then, but I never meant what I said, I got scared that you'd push me away, it wasn't a mistake, I mean it was but for me to use you just like that, like I always wanted to, and-"
  3931. "Hold on, hold on. I'm getting lost here."
  3932. >She seems to be hopping from one event to another in hopes to explain everything at once. But you're starting to get it, little by little, you think.
  3933. >"Back then, our first time..." she takes a deep breath and collects herself. "I left so hastily because I realized I'm taking advantage of you. You were so vulnerable, tired and hurt... I thought I wanted to comfort you but in reality I just wanted an excuse to m-make you mine. One push would've been enough, but I got scared and embarrassed when it worked so well."
  3934. "You mean you really... wanted it? Wanted me?"
  3935. >Fluttershy sighs and nods. Only now you notice that her hooves are digging into your arm, like she's holding for her life.
  3936. >"Oh, I won't deny anything anymore. I wanted it for a long time now. You were so... different, but so similar, so familiar. Dedicated but willing to change, strong but soft. You were trying to use that second chance Twilight was giving you, and I've been watching over you since the day you moved in, rooting for you, and... I guess I got so used to you that I've been taking you for granted."
  3937. "I had no idea..."
  3938. >You also had no idea someone could see so many positive qualities in you.
  3939. >Your heart is pounding so hard the pony probably feels it. But she herself is looking like she's confessing a horrible crime.
  3940. >"I felt awful about seducing you and I never even noticed that I said something horrible after that, and acted like I didn't care," Fluttershy speeds up again and her thoughts become an avalanche once more. "And I couldn't admit it before going on this trip, but then I couldn't get you out of my head and all I could think about is explaining it to you but when I got here I couldn't say a thing and I... I..."
  3941. "You just cried, yeah."
  3942. >Fluttershy closes her eyes and her head drops on your body again. Right away you begin petting her, and despite tears forming in her eyes she relaxes almost immediately.
  3943. >Perhaps she does enjoy your touch as much as she says, if you simply caressing her like this is enough to calm her down.
  3944. >And that bunch o flattering blurts you've managed to catch sounds way too good to be true, yet here you are, cradling a mare who's been trying to crush you between her legs every time you make her eyes roll up in sloppy shivering bliss.
  3945. >It's not like she's been very distant all this time. You just never thought about it in this way.
  3946. >You though, you feel guilty. A feeling of unfairness is swelling down your throat and you squeeze Fluttershy a bit harder, which she enjoys.
  3947. >"I'm a cruel pony." she finally concludes. "I never meant for this to happen and when I could make things right I just couldn't."
  3948. >This sounds too familiar to your liking, so much that you think for a second she's mocking you.
  3949. "It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong. And even if you did mean it, I'd..."
  3950. >You don't really know what would you do. Thoughts are swarming in your head but none seem genuine enough to say to the mare who has the courage to admit she was dishonest.
  3951. "I'm just glad things worked out. I- I Really wanted to talk to you about it too."
  3952. >"Really? Oh, I don't think I could've faced you before this trip."
  3953. "No, don't feel bad about it. I thought it was me who's been using you. You're like my only real friend here, and I just get in trouble and worry you, and then I just force myself on you..."
  3954. >"No, I think that last one was the other way around," the mare finally smiles.
  3955. "But at least it worked out, right?"
  3956. >"Yeah. I'm glad we've managed to get back together."
  3957. >Together...
  3958. >Fluttershy's nose pokes your neck and you feel her scooting up, hooves firmly planted on your chest. A second later you feel a loud breath that tickles you, and a tongue leaving a trail of saliva in its path.
  3959. >The pegasus' affection is reciprocated - you slowly rub both her back and belly, moving fingers against the grain of her coat which makes her giggle.
  3960. >You notice how she's rubbing against you a little bit, especially making sure that her soft teats are getting enough traction with your hip.
  3961. >She keeps being tender and adorable while being so blatantly lewd. You've long since noted that she really opens up with you, to a degree you were never really expecting. No shame to be had in her desires.
  3962. >Even if you really are just an exotic animal for her to fuck, which is the most extreme cynical case you can think of and is probably not true at all, everything points at her actually caring about you as a person.
  3963. >Now, whether or not you deserve this much care from such an angel is another story. One you'd prefer not to touch upon, but, unfortunately, it's also one you can't close for good.
  3964. >Being pestered with this mare's gentle signs of appreciation feels immeasurably gratifying, but the more you indulge in it, the more you feel like you're just a big stupid liar who has let her down.
  3965. >Wait, speaking of animals...
  3966. "So you've come here before actually visiting your own cottage?"
  3967. >"Uh-huh."
  3968. >The hot air stream of her response sends warm tingling spark down your spine - you never knew you were this ticklish at your neck, and Fluttershy is really going at it with her lips and tongue right now.
  3969. "What about the animals? They won't be angry at you for ditching them like that?"
  3970. >"Oh, they aren't expecting me to return this quick... It's just that this friendship quest wasn't actually a quest."
  3971. "Huh? What do you mean?"
  3972. >"It's a long story," she smiles.
  3973. >You don't feel like pressing the issue, if she says it's fine then you can't complain.
  3974. >"I think I'm too tired to leave anyway. They'll make such a big fuss if I return right now... You don't mind me spending a night here, right?"
  3975. >She almost purrs it into your ear before giving it a quick lick.
  3976. "I can't see why I should."
  3977. >You finally turn on your side to face the frisky mare. It was time to give her a full frontal hug.
  3978. >She goes limp the second you embrace her. Even if you think you could possibly go a fourth time, you'd rather keep things relaxed now, and you think that Fluttershy agrees with you.
  3979. >Her kisses that soon follow your change of position don't feel like foreplay, instead they are fuzzy and short, and you are thankful to her keeping things cozy and not fanning the flames.
  3980. >Part of you fears that you might get unexpected visitors and it would get rather awkward, but with Fluttershy you feel just a little bit more brave than usual.
  3981. >It's not even that late yet so you invite the mare to eat something after some time, despite her saying that she's not really hungry.
  3982. >You don't even have much so she wouldn't be getting a lot of food anyway. One more reminder that you haven't got your cupcakes today.
  3983. >Fluttershy even offers to help you clean your place up, but you stop her. It's better to just go to sleep earlier.
  3984. >It's useless to deny that you're excited about actually spending a night together with someone. It's one thing to just do the thing and go your separate ways, but this feels like she actually wants to be with you.
  3985. >You try to recall times when you've spent this much time with a pony, just talking about stuff and acting normal, and you don't think you can. It's so strange.
  3986. >You spend like an hour lazying about amidst the chaos of your home and it feels like barely any time has passed.
  3987. >When it's time to actually go and sleep, you see that Fluttershy is kind of excited too. A smile never leaves her face.
  3988. "What's so funny?" you ask her, sharing that smile with her.
  3989. >"It's nothing. I just thought, somepony is always there to wake me up, usually it's Angel asking for food, or some other critter. But I've never actually went to sleep with somepony... Who was there to snuggle me to sleep."
  3990. "Aw, I feel the same way. Save for the waking up part."
  3991. >"By the way, is it going to be fine if I wake up just a tad bit earlier than you? I do have to return and tend to all those animals and I'd rather do it at dawn."
  3992. "Sure, no worries."
  3993. >As expected, Fluttershy immediately assumes the little spoon position, back turned to you. The mare likes to be pet and cared after, and this she isn't exactly shy about.
  3994. >Maybe she wasn't really expecting to get a lot of that right now, but after a surprised gasp she fully sinks into your embrace while you keep scratching her chest and belly.
  3995. >You can practically feel how she grins when you bury your face in her mane and kiss her nape.
  3996. >"Good night, Anon."
  3997. "Good night."
  3998. >Your interest in who is going to fall asleep first doesn't keep you awake long enough. It must be the mare's gentle warmth, or your stress today on top of physical exhaustion.
  3999. >No matter what the cause is, you doze off almost immediately and don't wake up until it's already sunny outside.
  4000. >Indeed, the weather is clear as it can be. A calm before the winter, to be certain.
  4001. >No one is there in your hold but you are tucked in with care only one pony could've shown. A smile and a wishful sigh - that's something you'd like to always wake up to.
  4002. >You see no point in tidying this place right now. You can do it when you get back.
  4003. >As much as you'd like to stay home today, you feel curious about the developments in the mean camp, namely if they got caught by the guards again.
  4004. >Besides, the weather is pleasant for a change.
  4005. >After a modest breakfast you head out.
  4006. >"Good morning, Anon!"
  4007. >Fluttershy is in her yard, surrounded by all kinds of little critters. Just like she's been expecting. You note some vegetables and buckets next to her - these guys are having breakfast too.
  4008. "Hey, Fluttershy."
  4009. >"You didn't wake up too cold, right?"
  4010. "Nope, it was all good."
  4011. >An exchange of smiles is in order, and so in good faith you leave her to her own devices. It's pretty obvious what she's going to be busy with today.
  4012. >The good mood that has finally found you even despite your latest misfortunes is really welcome right now.
  4013. >You wonder if it's going to last.
  4014. >When you arrive to your destination, it appears that you're not the only one in high spirits.
  4015. >Meanlight is walking around the camp with a busy but kind of happy expression while some other ponies sit at the fairly kindled fire, indifferent to her show. At a closer look she seems quite satisfied, as shown by her grin.
  4016. >"Oh, Anon! You're early today," she greets you cheerfully.
  4017. "Yeah, it's a good day outside, so..." you try to figure this mare out before saying something of actual substance.
  4018. >The way she moves from tent to tent almost reminds you Twilight's happy gait when things go her way. In this context it is disconcerting to say the least.
  4019. "So... What's the occasion?"
  4020. >You point in her general direction and you doubt that she'll pick up what you're laying down, but she does.
  4021. >"Ooh, we're actually making progress now! It's kind of exciting."
  4022. "Huh? What does that mean?"
  4023. >"You know how Twilight and others were away recently? Well, while she was off, I have prepared some measures to deal with her, once and for all. And now that she's back in Ponyville..."
  4024. "What do you mean?" you repeat as your heart skips a beat as you freeze in place.
  4025. >"It wasn't much, really. I just had to tip her off about our camp. Now that her friends won't help her, she'll turn up alone - and walk right into my trap."
  4026. "Wait... Wait a second. Are you really that sure she'll be alone?"
  4027. >Meanlight frowns for a moment.
  4028. >"I mean, her gang left Ponyville in shambles, so... Meh, even if she's not alone, it's still my best chance."
  4029. >She waves away all concerns with her hoof.
  4030. "And how did you tip her off?"
  4031. >"Well, it wasn't exactly me," you can see just a tiny bit of blush on the mare's cheeks. "My mysterious agent in Ponyville helped a bit."
  4032. "What?! How exactly?"
  4033. >"They sent me some photographs of our camp with a note that Twilight will get copies of them exactly today. It's not hard to figure out the rest if you're as smart as me."
  4034. "You mean... Twilight will have, like, photos of this place? Why?"
  4035. >Your voice trembles as you feel the ground threatening to crumble right under your feet.
  4036. >It was so easy to predict this... But you never thought this could actually happen.
  4037. >"So she goes to investigate, dummy," Meanlight adds pridefully. "For all she knows it's just the tents that she has lost some time ago. We're not actually in these pictures, of course. She won't ask her friends to come here just for some measly tents."
  4038. "But that mean that those other pictures..."
  4039. >"Maybe she'll even ask you to guide her here!" Meanlight doesn't even hear your helpless mumbling. "Then you can distract her too while I aim my magic spell at her."
  4040. "Wait, no. You can't do that!" you finally say loud and clear.
  4041. >"Huh? Why not? This is what I've been planning to do all along. Haven't you been paying attention?"
  4042. "You can't just... You know, kill her."
  4043. >"I didn't say I'll- Aw, are you feel sorry for her? Whose assistant are you again?"
  4044. "I don't-"
  4045. >"Which side are you on exactly?"
  4046. >This question sounded a lot more sinister than you were expecting.
  4047. >Meanlight is smiling but through that smile you see her triumphant fever.
  4048. >Perhaps it's just because of Twilight, or perhaps she's been waiting to confront you about this just as well. To rub it in your face, the fact that she's getting what she wanted and now you're either with her or against her.
  4049. >But even you can see through this obvious plan. You have a trump card of your own - knowledge of who can actually be that mysterious informer.
  4050. >It's not even hard to figure it out, but Meanlight isn't in the know about it.
  4051. >You clench your fist to find the strength to oppose the mare who might not really be the mastermind behind this daring preposterous scheme.
  4053. >You have a feeling that you're in for another pointless argument with a stubborn mare who only sees her own ambition and nothing else.
  4054. >But this time there are actual stakes to this. You won't be able to just drop this entirely and walk away.
  4055. >Even though you know that arguing with Meanlight never leads to any conclusion. You know this better than anyone. Yet this battle can't be escaped now.
  4056. >It doesn't even matter what you answer to that compromising question. All of your answers will just invoke more of her bragging and trying to insult you.
  4057. >You are pretty certain she is going to try and have the last word no matter what you say to her.
  4058. >"No, don't answer that," Meanlight scoffs at you with a grin. "A rhetorical question. I know what you're going to say anyway, you were never committed to my cause."
  4059. "Your cause?" you frown. "Your 'cause' was always to disregard everything because of your pride."
  4060. >The mare calmly shakes her head.
  4061. >"That has nothing to do with it, but my conquest was never something you could understand. And I never counted on you understanding it. Think of it what you will if you still don't get why I must do this."
  4062. "Or maybe I just wanted to offer something that others would appreciate. Like help you become a part of Equestria, not try to ruin it."
  4063. >"Help?"
  4064. >Meanlight lets out a hearty laugh, a bit bitter but she does sound like she really finds your remark amusing.
  4065. >"You? Help us?"
  4066. >Laughter continues and it starts to piss you off. You don't need another reminder that your efforts here have been pointless.
  4067. >"You can't help us, Anon," her tone sounds almost sympathetic. "You never could and you know that. You're not really a part of Equestria either."
  4068. >She doesn't give you a chance to respond, moving towards you and displaying a convicting expression on her face.
  4069. >"It became obvious when you have started returning here to this camp. Instead of coming back with somepony to help, instead of rescuing us, you came here alone. You were tending to this place like you are a part of it. You belong here with us, Anonymous. No matter how you hide it you are the same kind of stranger here as we are."
  4070. >Meanlight looks away, and her gaze loses focus, traveling far beyond the horizon of ancient trees that surrounds her territory.
  4071. >"Nopony will ever accept us. We can lie to ourselves, we can pretend that we can hide our identity behind disguises and superficial changes," she looks at Meanshy's tent for a moment. "But deep in your heart you know that no matter what, our very nature isn't one of a pony."
  4072. >You don't have an answer to that. In fact, you don't even feel anything upon hearing it. No thoughts are bubbling in your mind like they usually do.
  4073. >There's nothing you can add to what Meanlight said, nothing you can disprove.
  4074. >You probably just never thought of it, but somehow agreeing or disagreeing with it will lead to nothing substantial.
  4075. >If you ask yourself if you think she's right, you don't know how you'd answer. Perhaps it is somewhat correct, or maybe it is her extremely narrow perspective that leads to her to believe things are really the way she sees it, so simple and one-sided.
  4076. >However, the mare, judging by her looks, is content with accepting that point of view.
  4077. >"But the difference between you and me is that I am willing to change that. If in this Equestria we are strangers who would never fit in, then I will build a different one. One where we won't have to fit in at all."
  4078. "I don't think you understand what you're talking about," you feel steady enough to object. "Do you really think it's that easy? You have never really been in that society. Maybe the only thing that would prevent others from accepting you IS that mindset?"
  4079. >Meanlight smiles at you, but in her eyes you see that she is losing her patience. And when she starts talking you hear that as well, your words aren't empty to her and she wants to fight back.
  4080. >"Do you actually believe that yourself?" she spits out with annoyance. "Then why are we still here, huh? If you truly believed we at least have a chance at living normally, all it would take is one word with the princess of friendship you seem to praise so much for her tolerance and compassion!"
  4081. >Meanlight is moving towards you again, anger swelling in her voice.
  4082. >"But you didn't do that, did you? You never actually believed that we could be saved! We were always a lost cause for you."
  4083. "That's bullshit, Twilight, I never thought of you as-"
  4084. >"You never wanted to help us! You just wanted to feel good about 'helping' us while doing nothing but frolicking in the illusion of doing something good. Everything you've done was pointless and you have wasted your time. I hope you feel gratified!"
  4085. "Oh, yeah, I'm the only one responsible."
  4086. >"Well, who have made you responsible?"
  4087. "Not someone who apparently doesn't even want to be helped, that's for sure!"
  4088. >"Ha!" she grins. "But that's exactly what I've told you before. These ponies ARE a lost cause. Do you see that now?"
  4089. >You only clench your fist harder. This one you do want to answer, but you've got nothing. And with each passing moment it looks like Meanlight really has this one in the bag.
  4090. >"I guess you really are stupid," she rubs it in. "Blind trying to lead the blind... No, I'd say you fit here more than we would fit in Equestria. But look at the bright side - tomorrow Equestria itself will bend by my will."
  4091. "And what next? Even if you manage to defeat Twilight..."
  4092. >"I'll think of something, believe me." Meanlight's smirk shines with confidence. "Removing her is just the first step for me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare everything for tomorrow."
  4093. >The mare is ready to leave you alone, but you can't let her go just like that.
  4094. >Even if you really feel like you have nothing else to say, you still try your luck.
  4095. "Wait," you call her. "You can't just... You can't do this."
  4096. >"Oh, I totally can."
  4097. >The smile on her face turns into a devious one. She knows you can't really do anything about this, even if you do try.
  4098. >"I really need to go now," she looks away dramatically.
  4099. "No, this isn't right. Can we just talk this through?"
  4100. >"Oh, now he wants to talk about my conquest plans!"
  4101. >Though she was ready to go, she still turns back to you.
  4102. >"Even now, on the brink of my victory, you don't believe in me, Anon? You think I'm completely powerless and stupid, don't you?"
  4103. "What? No, I just want to-"
  4104. >"No! You don't get to 'talk this through'. At every step you have criticized my plan, at every step you've tried to prevent me from influencing both Ponyville AND my own ponies here. You have disregarded my claim on you, spat in my face when I tried to hold on to you and then came back here to fuck that crazy hoarder just because she thinks you are obliged to..."
  4105. >This change of tone we entirely unexpected and now you are even more lost than before.
  4106. >"But even despite my 'assistant' being my biggest obstacle, I've done what I could. Now you demand that I discard everything I worked towards just because it 'isn't right'? What IS right, Anonymous? Do tell me!"
  4107. "I... Uh..."
  4108. >Of course you have nothing to say. What could you possibly even do to calm her down.
  4109. >"Oh, of course! You want me to be just like you, to 'wait it out' and do nothing! You know, I think all you've ever wanted was to feel important. But when it comes to actually doing something, you're worthless. You only stall and hesitate."
  4110. >This one makes you look away. It doesn't even matter what she wants to say by that. But Meanlight, to your surprise, doesn't ridicule you for it.
  4111. >"But, you know, I should give you credit there, since in a way that did help me."
  4112. "I guess?" you huff, still having no clue what she's trying to say.
  4113. >"That's right! By being passive enough to not rouse any suspicion in Ponyville while also providing information to me you really helped to drag this on long enough for Twilight to become vulnerable."
  4114. >Meanlight hears no answer from you. The truth is, there really is nothing more to say now.
  4115. >You could ask if she is implying that all of this is your fault. That it's your actions that had led to this.
  4116. >But you don't need her to say it to you. You know she is going to shame you whether or not it's actually true.
  4117. >It doesn't need to happen for you to feel the poison of her words drilling a hole in what is left of your pride. The pent up anger you feel doesn't have any means to be expressed - words betray you the second you try to give your feelings form.
  4118. >And so they erode your very being, to the point where you start feeling dizzy and gasping for air the suddenly feels toxic.
  4119. >Meanlight's own bitterness brings nothing but a sour aftertaste to her accusations and you can't even hold on to that to reign her in.
  4120. >The mare doesn't bother with fueling the fire even more. Your confused expression tells her that all of your objections have fizzled out. She turns around one last time and walks away. You hear her sigh.
  4121. >"Just make sure you don't get caught in the crossfire," she gives you a warning before hitting the road into the thicket.
  4122. >So this is it. This is the culmination of everything you've done here. You were able to change exactly nothing.
  4123. >Like in a dream, you sleepwalk your way to the nearest log at the campfire, noticing that Meanie Pie is there.
  4124. >You want to look her in the eyes. You want to take her in your hands and just make her SEE you.
  4125. >You want to know if she feels a single thing. Just like a monument, an epitaph to everything that happened here, her lonesome figure at the fires is forever unchanging, surrendered to the flow of her destiny that is completely empty and blank.
  4126. >But Meanlight, you mean something to her, right?
  4127. >She really was invested into you being hers, and being her assistant. She could never admit it, but everything was there for you to see. You never responded to it though.
  4128. >Oh, come on. Is that really your fault as well? Her feelings not being realized because you never ridiculed her for them?
  4129. >You did have fun together at first, the reading, the planning.
  4130. >In the end all of this didn't mean much. She doesn't really care. You really were just her instrument to meet her goal. Something you've learned long ago but...
  4131. >Maybe you really are just too stubborn for your own good.
  4132. >Maybe you'd like to think that this is a positive trait of yours.
  4133. >Yet nothing was granted you for your hard work. It's not fair.
  4134. >But at the same time you know it is completely fair. The pain you feel now, the disappointment, the utter defeat you've experienced - it was all way overdue.
  4135. >You've done some good, haven't you? Saved Meanshy and helped Meanlight, shown her other ponies. But, in the grand scheme of things, it was always helping the wrong side. At the same time who in the right mind would let them go without help?
  4136. >Your mistake was only hoping they would change. Betting everything on it, on your power to influence them, was your downfall.
  4137. >Meanshy would've died without you, yes. But she wouldn't have been bitten in the first place if not for you. Or maybe timber wolves would have got to the mean ponies anyway? It's impossible to tell now.
  4138. >How the hell are they still alive here, not eaten by hungry animals and not starving themselves, is another question you have no idea how to answer.
  4139. >But that's irrelevant now, isn't it? All that is real is bitterness.
  4140. >And soon this concoction of resentment and fear is stirred by another mocking passer-by.
  4141. >"Ooh, look who's all sad and dreary."
  4142. >Meanshy approaches you from behind.
  4143. >"What a pathetic creature you are. Can't even defend yourself from that arrogant egomaniac. What happened to all the bravado, you idiotic ape?"
  4144. >The worst example of them all. Nothing gets to her. Nothing about her makes sense.
  4145. >"How does it feel to get exposed like this, huh? You're not so tough and righteous now."
  4146. >Is nothing really changed in her?
  4147. >You bet she doesn't even feel pain.
  4148. >She wouldn't even cry or scream if you were to hit her, she would just hit back and continue hitting until she wouldn't be able to.
  4149. >"Can't walk the walk, how typical. I always knew you're just a no-good clown who can only blabber about things no one cares about."
  4150. >She won't even register it in her head. She's not a pony.
  4151. >"Too bad you're still here, you reject, otherwise I might've-"
  4152. >Possessed by something otherworldly, sparks flying out of your eyes, you make a swift turn. Meanshy is right there.
  4153. >Standing. Mocking. Grinning.
  4154. >Once launch forward, as if a beastly force compels you, and the mare is struck down, pinned to the ground by your mighty grip without even as much as a squeak.
  4155. >You tower over her and your fingers find her neck, one hand enough to fully grasp her throat so tight she props her head back just to have a chance at breathing.
  4156. >Nothing is stopping you from crushing that delicate bump under your palm. But it's not what you want, even when you are deafened by the sound of your own blood pumping in your ears.
  4157. >That would be just way too easy.
  4158. >Soon you hear it - the first actual reaction. A quiet grunt accompanied by hooves trying to both help her neck and hit your hand.
  4159. >The fact that you don't hear anything more than that is aggravating you more than anything, but soon the words of your prey reach you:
  4160. >"Ty...pical..."
  4161. "Shut up!" you hiss through your painfully gritted teeth. "You- You..."
  4162. >You only now realize that you're the one who feels more like a strangled victim - it's the tears. You can barely breathe, yet they keep piling up in your throat, not exiting your body but not subsiding either.
  4163. "It's all because of you..." you whisper. "It's all your fault."
  4164. >Remembering the chain of event tracing back to Meanshy's incident with that wolf invigorates your brutal assault.
  4165. >If it wasn't for that little stupid thing, this pathetic creature, nothing would've happened. Or, at least, nothing would have gotten so out of control.
  4166. "I fucking hate you."
  4167. >Greedity wouldn't have... Meanlight wouldn't have... You wouldn't have...
  4168. "I wish you were dead."
  4169. >Words that drip down from your mouth are as cold as the lips they sip through.
  4170. >You're just stating the obvious at this point.
  4171. >Meanshy is at last reacting to what is happening - her groaning and wheezing is now constant and her whole body is thrashing around like she's being electrocuted.
  4172. >If only you could see her eyes too.
  4173. >But as horrible it is to even touch her, you soon notice something so disgusting it almost makes you throw up.
  4174. >Down below your arm, the mare's crotch is glistening with a substance you've come to know intimately on a mare most lovable instead of this abomination - and so right now, you're nothing but appalled to see Meanshy's wet marehood exposing her meaty clit to you in rapid, lusty winks.
  4175. >Afraid to come in contact with this rancid substance that you would be slurping up with gusto if it was on the real Fluttershy, you are quick to let this wretched yellow pervert go.
  4176. "Get the fuck out of here," you spit out, horrified and shaken.
  4177. >Nauseating stench strikes you soon and you witness Meanshy's sweet agony as her body is still stretched on the ground, upper part of it coughing while the lower is begging for more.
  4178. >The one who gets the fuck out of here ends up being you: you don't remember ever walking away from this cursed camp this fast, although you can remember similar occasions. All of which were just as horrible.
  4179. >But it's nothing new to you. This feeling of shock doesn't clear until the door to your shower closes.
  4180. >Nothing can scrub this off of you. Nothing you do helps.
  4181. >You don't watch the time fly by, but you are fairly certain that you've spent at least an hour trying to get your very soul cleaned up with copious amounts of soap and conditioner, rubbing your skin until it turned red.
  4182. >When you do exit your temple of purification, you just throw yourself on the bed, as you usually do, and plank it for some time.
  4183. >No thoughts enter or exit despite your brain being a free transit space, completely devoid of population at the moment.
  4184. >It feels so surreal, the things that happened just now. Almost like they never have.
  4185. >Under your made bed you find the place on the pillow where Fluttershy was lying right with you last night.
  4186. >It feels so long ago. So very far away.
  4187. >You take a whiff, inhaling bare traces of the mare's lasting impression on your bed. And maybe you only want to imagine that you feel them, but you think you do.
  4188. >You smile and close your eyes.
  4189. >No thoughts still dare bother you. To hell with all of this.
  4190. >You wish you could just forget everything right now.
  4191. >But 'everything' has a tendency to have its own plans. Your fate is sure to be much more bothersome than what you have in mind.
  4193. >The first thing that makes you actually come to your senses is the feeling of hunger.
  4194. >It's still day outside, but the sun is already starting to descend down to the horizon.
  4195. >You find yourself in a fetal position on the bed, in a room still littered with books, wood, tools and everything else you didn't want to clean up after your placed was thrashed...yesterday? Last week?
  4196. >Feels like forever ago.
  4197. >So many things have happened you can't possibly hope to follow all of them.
  4198. >But what you do know is that, undoubtedly, you do want to eat something.
  4199. "Cupcake..."
  4200. >You taste the word on your tongue and smile.
  4201. >The damn thing is still not yours. You wonder if your intent to get yourself some cupcakes is actually the very thing that makes all the strange events to happen to you.
  4202. >Would be a pretty nice explanation. It's all a wacky misunderstanding! Everyone laughs and go home, and no one is to blame but bad luck and misfortune.
  4203. >Alas, you aren't lucky enough to only be unlucky.
  4204. >But reminding yourself about your misfortune at least serves as a wake up call. All of a sudden it all avalanches back down on you.
  4205. >You've got no time to lose!
  4206. >Twilight might already be in danger and you're lying here without a care in the world, cold out from exhaustion.
  4207. >You've been doing this a lot more lately. But despite feeling at your limit, you find strength to move once more.
  4208. >To Ponyville you go.
  4209. >Gears are grinding inside your head. The school is probably already out, so what are the chances that Twilight is still there?
  4210. >Maybe you should check the castle first? And ask Spike about it too, if he's there. Sounds like a plan. You can work with this.
  4211. >Ponyville doesn't seem any different that before. The 'guards' are still there, although you don't see a lot of hostile faces anymore. Some ponies even seem ashamed when your eyes cross with theirs.
  4212. >Could it be regret over that interrogation they've all ended up attending? It'd be too daring to assume that.
  4213. >But you are granted safe passage through the town, and that's all you really need. But even before you reach your destination you hear some very familiar voices nearby.
  4214. >You were just passing Sugarcube Corner and the unmistakable tone of one tired pony is all you need to feel relieved.
  4215. "Twilight?" you turn back and run to the entrance.
  4216. >Your heart starts beating faster in anticipation and hope. She doesn't sound hurt or anything like that. And, well, she is going to a bakery so she probably isn't wounded or anything like that.
  4217. >The mare herself is here. Unharmed. Slightly annoyed and a bit tired, as you have guessed already. Accompanied by Spike who is listening to the pony's complaints.
  4218. >"Oh! Anon!" the princess stops with the door wide open in her magical hold.
  4219. >Her ears perk up and her tired expression immediately brightens up.
  4220. >"Just the human I wanted to talk to!"
  4221. >Twilight mood might've been improved by this sudden meeting, but you yourself gulp and tense up. She might want to talk about those very compromising photos and you have no idea if she has seen them yet.
  4222. "Uh... Alright?"
  4223. >"Care to join us for a snack?"
  4224. "Sure, I was just... Going here myself. To get some cupcakes."
  4225. >Amazingly, that was very hard to squeeze out of yourself, and that wasn't even a lie.
  4226. >Twilight is now beaming for some reason; Spike, on the other hand, avoids looking at you.
  4227. >If you didn't know better you'd say that the little dragon looks guilty. But you have nothing to accuse him in just yet, so you pay his strange disposition no mind.
  4228. >Everything points at the fact that you don't have to worry about Twilight yet. Though, ironically, that makes you even more worried than before - it means you have no idea when she's going to see the evidence.
  4229. >"Whew, I'm starving. Eating with friends is always better than alone, isn't it?"
  4230. "Totally is," you keep it friendly. "Had a long day, princess?"
  4231. >"Don't even ask," she looks up above with sarcastic expression.
  4232. >Spike seems fine with you taking all of the mare's attention and is first to grab a seat. Twilight and you get ready to order but there's no pony at the counter.
  4233. >"I'm terribly sorry for what happened to you while I - we - were away."
  4234. "Huh? Oh, you mean... Yeah."
  4235. >You didn't really expect her to apologize for this. But it turns out she did take it seriously, as she explains to you:
  4236. >"The whole town was going crazy and I had no idea. They should have asked me first. But at least now things got a bit cleared up."
  4237. >"Oh, princess! Welcome," you hear a male voice coming from the depths of the building.
  4238. >Mr. Cake is quick to trot up to his place, and only then notices your presence.
  4239. >"And Anon too!" he shows an embarrassed smile.
  4240. >"I was just talking to Anon about this horrible arrest that happened just recently," Twilight squints her eyes at the shopkeeper.
  4241. >"Oh, uh... We're very sorry about it, Anonymous."
  4242. "Um, well," you suddenly feel a bit lost. "It's fine, don't worry about it."
  4243. >That's your answer for everything. But what else could you say? You didn't even see him in the crowd.
  4244. >"We'd like some cupcakes," Twilight smiles at him. "I'll take as usual, and Anon..."
  4245. "Four of those strawberry-chocolate sprinkled ones."
  4246. >At least this you can still be sure of - the kind of cupcakes you want to eat.
  4247. "Where's Pinkie?" you ask Twilight when Mr. Cake nods and disappears back into the building.
  4248. >"She's helping Applejack like she wanted to on our trip. I'm so glad they've figured this whole thing out."
  4249. "I heard you six are really back together as a team."
  4250. >"I hope so!" Twilight smiles at your seemingly innocent remark.
  4251. >You really want to ask her about Rarity in particular but that would be way too suspicious. Twilight didn't correct the 'six' thing though.
  4252. >How do you even ask such a thing without being explicit?
  4253. >"But that's just half of the work..." Twilight sighs. "Now we have to figure out who took those pictures in the first place and possibly tried to frame you."
  4254. "W-what?"
  4255. >That was really sudden for a mention that casual.
  4256. >You really feel out of your element now - there's no telling how much Twilight actually knows if she has already figured out those pictures.
  4257. >"I mean somepony must've taken them, right?" Twilight looks at you like she's explaining math to a kindergartner. "But they were very specific, made in the right place at the right time. Maybe one of the ponies on guard could've taken some those pictures, but then they wouldn't plant them into the Mayor's office anonymously... No offense."
  4258. >...
  4259. >Did she really just..?
  4260. >Not even a hint of a smile on her face. Whatever.
  4261. >"There's not a lot of ponies who even have cameras here in Ponyville... Though it might be hard to find the one responsible now that they regret what they've done."
  4262. "I don't really blame them," you admit half-heartedly. "They were scared and I was their only clue."
  4263. >Twilight just nods and seems content with such a reply, not really checking if this is how you really feel about that.
  4264. >It's Spike who seems uncomfortable listening to this. This little guy either doesn't like what he's hearing or he doesn't like waiting for food this much.
  4265. >He still avoids looking at you. Just like those ponies outside.
  4266. >You'd find it strange but it can't be that. He wasn't involved in that shameful display of desperation that has taken place in the office, for all you know this is the first time he is hearing all this.
  4267. >But soon the food arrives and all three of you forget for just a moment about everything that has transpired over this time.
  4268. >And you finally get to eat your god damn cupcake.
  4270. >You would very much like to believe that the curse is now lifted. And after finishing with your pre-dinner snack you and Twilight part ways in a fairly improved mood.
  4271. >Twilight has shared some of her suspicions and theories with you, but no conclusion was drawn. Now that you're sitting at your still messy desk you figure that you should have somehow let Twilight know that there's trouble brewing for her.
  4272. >But back then in Ponyville you couldn't think of anything that wouldn't put you under suspicion. Right now over here in your own domain you still can't.
  4273. >'Hey, Twilight, just a heads up, soon you'll get some suspicious photos too - yeah, don't investigate them, it's a trap.'
  4274. >That makes you blush thinking how many assertions, guesses, estimations and daring accusations you can spin off of that.
  4275. >Well, at least Twilight knows what to expect out of it - if she gets those photos she'll probably suspect something odd and will contact you. At least you really hope so.
  4276. >The alternative to waiting is to follow Twilight everywhere until she somehow gets the pictures, which sounds pretty stupid.
  4277. >So then what is there to do?
  4278. >Find ponies with cameras on your own? Would ponies even agree to talk to you about this?
  4279. >You remember that one pony who arrived in Ponyville with a camera, what was her name... Buttershutter?
  4280. >That could easily be your culprit right there.
  4281. >It really doesn't surprise you in the slightest how effortlessly you could put this blame on her.
  4282. >No one would have suspected her to be the one trying to catch Ponyville's burglars. And now she's out of town and can't be found and questioned.
  4283. >What rotten luck. Now if this is the case then it is certain that she wants to set you up, and Rarity too. But why?
  4284. >Could she be the one working with Meanlight, her unseen aid from the inside? But you're pretty sure this pony has left the town, or otherwise she'd be the prime suspect right away.
  4285. >But even if she is here and trying to fuck you over, she probably knows you're working with Meanlight. Attacking you doesn't benefit her in the slightest.
  4286. >Something isn't right here but so far you can't figure it out. Even if you assume that she's Chrysalis herself in disguise it still raises a lot of questions.
  4287. >You reach out to take another cupcake. You've eaten two with Twilight, so you have two left now. Satisfactory outcome.
  4288. >Didn't even have to pay for it, Mr. Cake was insisting to let you have this on the house.
  4289. >But eating it doesn't bring you the joy of taste you're used to.
  4290. >Soon after finishing your snack you relocate onto your bed where the thoughts of recent developments continue to eat away at you.
  4291. >Maybe the best course of action would be to just tell everything to Twilight before it's too late.
  4292. >Even knowing that you can't move a muscle. Just dump everything on her head and rid yourself of any responsibility?
  4293. >The only thing you feel now is that you're too tired to even care anymore.
  4294. >All of this shit just keeps swirling around you and you only feel powerless about it.
  4295. >Yeah, of course you're to blame for some of it. But you're also a victim of the rest of it.
  4296. >But the truth is no one will make a case for you. Nothing will be in your favor.
  4297. >So why should you care if the truth is out there? Perhaps right now, more than ever, hiding everything doesn't make any sense. You're fucked either way.
  4298. >If that shutter pony is Chrysalis and she's trying to betray you despite you helping with the same goal, then she is your enemy. At least more of an enemy than either of Twilights are.
  4299. >So you decide, in the end, that once the opportunity presents itself, you won't keep anyone from knowing what's really happening.
  4300. >You're a dead man walking whatever you do. The line was crossed long ago, a dozen times over when you could've just bail out and snitch on Meanlight.
  4301. >Now whatever happens is going to be blamed on you anyway without much investigation. There's nothing to investigate at this point. So there's no need to rush things.
  4302. >Your sudden revelation just makes so much sense. Just end this constant cycle of guilt once and for all. You hope that ponies will just put you in some dungeon and leave you alone. At least there you'd be safe for the time being...
  4303. >You feel calm now. Like some kind of old man who is ready to be condemned for his war crimes of old past.
  4304. >It helps you fall asleep rather fast today. You know full well that Twilight is still in peril, but you telling her that you're a double agent won't save her from any sort of danger and would probably only serve to make her even more nervous than before.
  4306. >Your respite doesn't last long.
  4307. >You had the most peaceful sleep in days, spanning for the remainder of the day and the whole night after it, but in the morning the unavoidable calamity catches up to you.
  4308. >It's a good thing that you had the opportunity to wake up earlier than usual - a knock on your door sounds way earlier than you'd be comfortable with otherwise.
  4309. >Well, here's hoping it's Fluttershy who just wants to-
  4310. "Oh, hey, Twilight."
  4311. >The princess is indeed standing at your door and her face reads distress, though she can't help but smile upon seeing your bewildered expression.
  4312. >"Oh, you're up," she sighs with relief. "I was afraid I'm too early..."
  4313. "No, I... It's fine. Anyway, is everything alright?"
  4314. >"Yeah!" she answers out of courtesy but immediately corrects her involuntary response. "Actually, not really. I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind."
  4315. "Sure, come"
  4316. >Oh no. You completely forgot to clean up all the mess from the house search. And that was like a year ago as far as you remember.
  4317. >"Oh my."
  4318. >Twilight is quick to clear her throat to hide her reaction, but you're fine with her being appalled by the condition of your place.
  4319. "Sorry, I never got to actually-"
  4320. >"No, no, it's okay," the mare assures you treading carefully among scattered books and tools. "You've probably just been busy with... Anyway, I'll just..."
  4321. >You hear the sound of her magic and the next thing you know almost all the books leave the floor, become stacked in an orderly fashion and are put down on your shelf.
  4322. >"Heh, sorry. Couldn't help myself."
  4323. "Aw, thanks, Twilight," you nod to the slightly blushing mare.
  4324. >She sits at the table that she also cleans a bit and puts all the stuff that's on top of it in the corner, not before arranging it in some order, and looks at you taking your place at the corner of your bed.
  4325. >You are getting nervous over this but still remain a bit optimistic. Yet everything you've feared comes true right before your eyes.
  4326. >"I found some pictures on my desk at school today..."
  4327. >She shows them to you and it's pretty much those photos (all made at nighttime) of the tents in the mean camp.
  4328. >It's so strange to see them like this again. So familiar yet you've never seen them at night.
  4329. >The campfire does give some faint light, meaning they don't actually put it out during the night, but you suppose that there was also some kind of magical flash at play here.
  4330. >"...and a note that just says 'Everfree'".
  4331. "Wait, do you think..." you start without knowing where to take it.
  4332. >"I'm not sure what to think, to be honest. First of all, these are the tents that we've left behind almost a month ago! Are they still standing somewhere out there, did somepony take them? Second of all, could it be that it's the same mysterious photographer at work again?"
  4333. >Sadly, you can answer all of these questions.
  4334. >"But even if we don't know that," Twilight continues, floating pictures towards you so you can take them into your hands. "I would still like to retrieve those tents. I thought they were lost for sure, I didn't find them on the same spot when I checked and never felt like searching the whole forest for them... So, you are kind of the Everfree expert, maybe you've seen them? Or any clues at all? I would appreciate any help."
  4335. "Well..."
  4336. >You can't believe this is actually happening.
  4337. "You know, Twilight..."
  4338. >"Yeah?"
  4339. >It's so sudden. Yet you can't stop. It wants out.
  4340. "The truth is..."
  4341. >"Uh-huh?"
  4342. >Fuck it, you're so tired of this. You need this boulder off your shoulders right now, no matter the price.
  4343. "These tents are being used by ponies who've been living in the forest all this time, and they are-"
  4344. >"Wait, what?" Twilight's wings almost open up in surprise.
  4345. "They're not really ponies, they are like clones of you and your friends, it's really complicated..."
  4346. >"Wait a second, why am I hearing this for the first time now?"
  4347. "Because I've been hiding it all this time. I was in contact with them ever since they got your tents."
  4348. >You can't keep a straight face any longer. It sounds so fucking stupid that even Twilight is completely flummoxed by this story. Wrapping any sort of head, even an alicorn one around this premise is completely impossible.
  4349. >And you, you look like a complete idiot to her right now. Possibly because that's exactly how you feel.
  4350. >"Alright," Twilight finally collects herself and shakes her head to keep it in order. "Tell me everything."
  4351. >And so you do.
  4352. >With surprising ease you recall things that have transpired right from the day you have found the mean six.
  4353. >Twilight doesn't care how long it takes. She never once looks disgusted or mocks you, sometimes only asking you to elaborate on some specific things.
  4354. >Little by little, everything starts to make sense to her. And her expression turns to grim ever so slightly.
  4355. >Though the only thing you omit from your story is any traces of you having sex with those ponies.
  4356. >You tried to, but you simply couldn't find the words for it.
  4357. >Twilight had noticed your deliberation and just asked you what happened after that.
  4358. >It all took a considerable amount of time to recall, and the farther you got, the shittier you were starting to feel. Getting to the end of it was akin to submerging yourself in a vat of liquid shame and anger.
  4359. >Now that it's over, you're sweating all over and your hands are nearly shaking. Twilight is absolutely dumbfounded, looking at you with a mix of emotions you can't really figure out.
  4360. >Not like you can look her in the eyes anyway.
  4361. >You thought that letting all of this out like a tight stream of vomit would cleanse your mind of this horrible nightmare, but it only made it worse. Now you are drowning in it.
  4362. >Why? Why the hell did all of this happened? How were you not able to prevent it?
  4363. >"I..."
  4364. >Twilight's throat is dry, and it's the same for you. You're breathing through your mouth now and you feel nauseous.
  4365. >"I don't get it," the princess finally admits.
  4366. >Such a straightforward reaction makes you smile and that prompts a few beads of sweat to run down your face.
  4367. >"I don't get it at all. I mean... For example..."
  4368. "Sorry, Twilight," you finally respond.
  4369. >"No, wait. It doesn't make any sense."
  4370. "But it's all true."
  4371. >"But- You mean, all this time you've been doing this in secret? Complete secret from everypony?"
  4372. "I guess."
  4373. >"But why?"
  4374. >You only shrug. She probably knows already why you did that, but that's not the real question now.
  4375. >"You mean all of this... For the past month. Everything that was going on here..." her voice grows all the more annoyed as she goes on. "Everything that has happened to my friends... Could be prevented?! Just by one conversation just like this one?"
  4376. "Well, I just-"
  4377. >"One word! One simple 'Hey, Twilight, there's something I've gotta tell you'!"
  4378. "I-it wasn't that easy."
  4379. >"Oh, WAS it now?!"
  4380. >Her extremely bitter tone outright makes you wince. You can almost hear tears in her voice and it makes your heart cramp up in a shame seizure.
  4381. >"And what about them? Didn't you want to help them? I could've easily- No, I- I just don't understand!"
  4382. "I don't think I do either."
  4383. >"Uggh!"
  4384. >Only after a few seconds of you both breathing heavily she starts anew.
  4385. >"So let me get this straight, not only were you 'helping' them by allowing them to steal things from Ponyville and hurt my friends, you were also keeping them there despite... Urrgh!"
  4386. >Her another attempt at comprehending your stupidity has failed. For this organized and fairly logical pony the maze of your decisions is as convoluted and bizarre as the Everfree itself.
  4387. "I couldn't bring them here, not after Rarity started her investigation. I thought I could do it on my own, let them, I don't know, get better?"
  4388. >"Well... I guess..." Twilight is barely holding herself together. "I guess your heart was in the right place. But your head... I don't even know where it was!"
  4389. >You're not sure what hurts you more, the fact that she, the all-forgiving princess of friendship, can't justify your actions, or the fact that is trying to do so at all.
  4390. >"How could you be so irresponsible?"
  4391. >Your veins melt under crushing waves of frustration that can't find its way out.
  4392. "Irresponsible? I- It was the other way around! I tried to take responsibility for something for once, and none of them cared."
  4393. >"There's a difference between assuming responsibility and being able to act on it!"
  4394. "But I tried to change something..."
  4395. >"For their sake or for your own?"
  4396. "Couldn't it be both? Am I a bad person for trying to make things better, make them better?"
  4397. >"But you couldn't!"
  4398. "How was I supposed to know without trying?!"
  4399. >You only now notice that both you and Twilight are not even sitting anymore, she is standing on the chair at the table and you face her directly standing at your bed.
  4400. >Not even a minute ago you were ready to accept judgement, but something deep inside of you, something primal compels you to defend everything you've done.
  4401. >Hope, simple desire to hope that your efforts were not for naught is stronger than all conviction in the world.
  4402. "I tried and I failed, Twilight. Should I really be ashamed of my intentions?"
  4403. >"Intentions?!" Twilight's voice rings out with indignation. "These aren't what made ponies suffer, Anonymous! Your actions speak much louder than your excuses!"
  4404. "I'm not denying that I have fucked up, Twilight. You taught me to not run away from what I have to do and I thought... I thought I had it in me."
  4405. >"But Anon, that's not..."
  4406. >She frowns at you mentioning that old conversation between you two. An argument just like this one.
  4407. >Twilight told you back then that no one will walk your path in your stead. That you need to get yourself together. That you can't spend your days just slowly fading away in that attic.
  4408. >You've locked yourself up because you never really found your place here, and the more you've been avoiding other ponies, the greater the gap became.
  4409. >Maybe that was the root of it all. You proving to Twilight and to yourself that you're not a lost cause, that you can make a difference?
  4410. >It sounds so silly, but then again, everything about this is.
  4411. "I could've run away at any moment, just forget about them," you press on, still trying to let these burning feelings out. "I could've ran away so many times but I chose to stay and help them. It was that or leave them to die."
  4412. >"Or to tell us so we can help!"
  4413. "You'd just convict them like criminals or something."
  4414. >Now that you think about it, you were trying to convince Meanlight in exactly the opposite thing.
  4415. >"Me?" Twilight sounds very offended. "How can you say that?! You know it's not true! I try to help ponies, even those who have lost their way."
  4416. "Well I tried to help, tried to make them give a damn about themselves. Tried to make them want help, to- To care about something."
  4417. >"Sounds like you tried to make them depend on you. Who knows what you've been doing there with them."
  4418. "Me, with them?"
  4419. >That was the last straw for you. Twilight doesn't even notice at first how you start shaking.
  4420. >"Yeah, like how exactly did you try to convince them or what you've been doing to-"
  4421. >It's only when her eyes meet yours she realizes you interpreted her in a completely different and perverted way.
  4422. >"Uh... I didn't mean that you... That they..."
  4423. "Oh, so it's me who could do something with them, not the other way around."
  4424. >"No, I'm saying that you were-"
  4425. >Twilight's ears drop as she watches you losing yourself.
  4426. "Doing something bad or inappropriate with those oh so innocent little ponies - that's what I would do, right?"
  4427. >"Anon, please..."
  4428. "Of course, they are the only victims! What they've done doesn't matter, I'm to blame for every little thing that happened."
  4429. >"What...did they do?" Twilight frowns.
  4430. >It's overflowing now. You feel your vision going darker, bleak and unfocused.
  4431. >"Did they do something to you? Anon? I-is everything alright?"
  4432. "I... I f-fucking..."
  4433. >"Anon!"
  4434. >You can barely even hear the princess over the double bass of your heart.
  4435. >It feels as if you're gonna barf at any moment, but that moment never comes and instead prolongs that enfeeblement that unwinds your every muscle, tenderizes your brain into mush the longer you try to stay focused.
  4436. >The mare's magic helps you sit down on the bed, but you slip down on the floor the second she lets you go.
  4437. >While this intervention didn't last long, you still can't gather your wits about you. You hear hooves clopping around your house and after just a moment Twilight appears before you with a glass of water in her magical grip.
  4438. >Water immediately makes you feel better. All that is left now is to rest a bit.
  4439. >"Gosh, what has gotten into you?"
  4440. >Twilight's worried voice brings you back to reality at last.
  4441. "S-sorry, I just..."
  4442. >"You don't have to tell me if it makes you feel this horrible."
  4443. "It's not that."
  4444. >But it is that, isn't it? Even if you want to just tell Twilight 'yeah, your own clone pretty much raped and electrocuted me' it's just not happening.
  4445. >"I understand," she reads your thoughts. "Just don't move for now."
  4446. >Jeez, now you feel bad for making her worry about yourself on top of letting her know how you've left her and her friends down.
  4447. >You really don't deserve someone like her looking over you like a guardian angel.
  4448. >And this nausea thing, it's been happening a lot as of late, triggered by stress and what not... Though you don't really think that it's just stress, you've never really had any problems like that. Maybe it's your whole body and soul protesting against what you've been doing.
  4449. >Twilight is still frowning. You yourself have no idea what happened to you, so you can only imagine what she must be thinking right now.
  4450. "Sorry, Twilight. I guess I can't bring myself to say it."
  4451. >"I see. Sorry I yelled at you like that."
  4452. "No, don't be," you gather enough strength to chuckle. "I really did mess up, didn't I?"
  4453. >"I should've guessed right away that something was wrong. I remember Fluttershy saying something about you being...hurt. A few times. So it was actually from those ponies."
  4454. "Yeah. It's-"
  4455. >You can't find the right word and live your thought hanging.
  4456. >"But it's still not over. Whatever happened, happened. We have more pressing matters now."
  4457. >You nod to Twilight.
  4458. >"If what you're saying is right..." the mare starts pondering the situation again. "Then right now chances are there's gonna be a trap waiting for me in the Everfree forest."
  4459. "Yeah. But I still have no idea what Chrysalis is going to do. If it is her at all."
  4460. >"It does sound like something she could come up with. There's only one way to find out."
  4461. "Don't tell me you're going there."
  4462. >"It's the easiest way to know for certain."
  4463. >You look at her fearless and determined expression and can't help but frown profoundly. Something this simple doesn't sound like a plan Twilight would normally come up with.
  4464. "That's just playing right into their hands. Hooves."
  4465. >"They count on me being unaware of the trap. I'll fly above the forest to scout the area first and then make a move, maybe-"
  4466. "Shh," you interrupt her. "What if they're listening."
  4467. >Twilight looks to her sides but finds nothing. It's quiet outside.
  4468. >Nevertheless, the alicorn continues in a hushed tone:
  4469. >"They probably count on me taking you with me so I would travel by the road you usually do. If I travel by air, I'd be harder to spot and less predictable."
  4470. "I don't think you'd be harder to spot, if anything the forest is so thick you won't be able to see what's below."
  4471. >"It's a bit cloudy outside, I'll manage to hide myself. You say they have a campfire going at all times?"
  4472. "Yeah," you suddenly understand why Twilight asked. "The smoke is probably visible from up above."
  4473. >"Well, there you go," Twilight smiles.
  4474. "Wait, but that means... I won't be able to go."
  4475. >"That's out of the question, Anon. I'm sorry."
  4476. "But..."
  4477. >You suddenly feel betrayed. Your desire to rectify your own mistakes deflates faster than Twilight blinks with a apologetic expression.
  4478. >"That would only slow me down, besides, they are expecting you to come. And..."
  4479. >She averts her gaze, but you already managed to catch a glimpse of a disappointed expression.
  4480. "And you don't really trust me."
  4481. >"I didn't say that."
  4482. >The sour note in her voice tells you everything you need to know.
  4483. "I understand. But I can't stay away from this now."
  4484. >"I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'll go get Spike."
  4485. "What about the others?"
  4486. >Twilight hesitates for a moment.
  4487. >"I'll think of something. There's no time to lose."
  4488. "C-can I help at least somewhat?"
  4489. >Twilight is already preparing to leave, so she doesn't have to face you while giving you her answer.
  4490. >But by her lowered head you know it's not an easy thing for her to say.
  4491. >"No, Anon, I think you've done enough."
  4492. >Only once your door closes after the alicorn princess, you realize that your body was completely stiff in shock from that sentence, like a corpse.
  4493. >Exhaling loudly, you look down and see your clenched fists, white from tension.
  4494. >And to think that back in the day you imagined that sharing this story with someone will make you feel better.
  4495. >It takes you some time to even get up again. Feels like you went through a death battle and have barely managed to survive.
  4496. >Another glass of water manages to revitalize you somewhat. You still feel hazy, but at least you can move now.
  4497. >One thought crystallizes in your mind long enough to understand that it's not going away now.
  4498. >You have to do something.
  4499. >It's the only way you'll be able to live with yourself now.
  4500. >You get your trusty hatchet on your belt and smirk at a thought of actually using it today.
  4501. >Would you hesitate now? If Twilight's life was on the line, would you kill a mean mare instead? Meanlight?
  4502. >Battlefield is no place for hesitation. But you know what creature will surely get your axe today. You count on that failure of a mother to show up, and when she does, nothing will stop you from squashing her like a bug.
  4503. >That one gets no remorse from you.
  4504. >Looking out of your window you see nothing suspicious. No sign of Twilight up above too. She was right, there are some clouds over the forest today.
  4505. >You still think her plan is bullshit. But then again your own plans never proved to be any good, so what do you know.
  4506. >Opening your door you feel a rush of confidence that makes you wish you'd insisted on Twilight taking you with her.
  4507. >After all, you can hold you own.
  4508. >But turns out this is where your abilities end.
  4509. >Apparently, you can't hold your breath very well, because the second you step outside a wet piece of cloth blocks your nose and mouth.
  4510. >A hoof dangling from above is holding it close to your face, and another one pushes your head into it and keeps it there.
  4511. >In immediate panic you inhale some suspiciously sour and minty odor and the second breath you take is already made by you while falling down to the ground.
  4512. >You can't help it. Your mind can't make your legs firm enough. And it also can't keep you from falling asleep.
  4513. >It's a dangerous business, going out of your door. It looks like your journey ends before it even begins. A pair of yellow colored hooves catches your head before it hits the floor.
  4514. >You almost get your hand on your hatchet before you completely lose your consciousness.
  4516. >When the world starts forming anew all around you it becomes apparent that things have really changed since the last time you were awake.
  4517. >For example, you're not standing up but instead sitting on something firm, and you're not outside your house but rather inside of it. Your journey to help Twilight has ended prematurely.
  4518. >It's too early to tell why. Things barely register with you for now.
  4519. >Your mind starts clearing and eases you into comprehending reality little by little, and soon you find that you can't move your body around.
  4520. >At least your vision is focusing faster than your head, and that head you can actually move.
  4521. >Indeed, you are inside your residence again, between your living room and the kitchen.
  4522. >As your senses alert you of all the unusual things that complete your strange predicament you also remember how exactly you got into it.
  4523. >That ambush really knocked you out and by the looks of things you are now tied up on top of your chair - and to it.
  4524. >Your hands are behind its back, tied together. Your legs are also under the chair, tied together. On top of that, these two seem to be tied to each other.
  4525. >Where did all this rope even come from?
  4526. >Although there are a lot of questions you want answered, all of them are placed on hold because you hear someone move behind you.
  4527. >"Oh, you're awake."
  4528. >It's a voice you've never heard before.
  4529. >Cushioned, careful and mature, it's coming from somewhere behind you but also above you.
  4530. >If it's a pony it has to be standing on a chair to be that high. Unless...
  4531. >You gulp as you see a black figure pass your side, blocking all your vision for a moment.
  4532. >A disgusting shade of green accompanies this strange, wicked looking creature whose features you can't even grasp for a moment.
  4533. >"Hmm..." the creature purrs, looking at you pensively. "You're tougher than you look."
  4534. >The equine that stands before you can't really be called a pony. Tall as princess Celestia, she is nothing like the gorgeous leader of Equestria.
  4535. >Sickening holes in her legs look like they're going to ooze with pus at any moment; mane, frazzled and clamped up as if coated with grease pathetically hangs down her scalp that is adorned with a jagged, almost broken horn and little crown of what looks like tiny mushrooms.
  4536. >Vertical pupils in her enormous eyes only serve to distract you from her fanged mouth and a pointy muzzle.
  4537. >By all means this is the ugliest beast of all, and it is for some reason located right here in your home.
  4538. >Needless to say, you can figure out why, if that is indeed Meanlight's dearest mother. You highly doubt this particular hideously chitinous pony can be anyone BUT the bug queen herself.
  4539. >She probably figured out by your face that you have a firm grasp of the situation. A smile most slimy crawls upon her face.
  4540. >"Sorry to interrupt your plans, but I have something better for you in store, brave human."
  4541. "Shouldn't you be hurrying back to warn your daughter?" you bite back.
  4542. >A visage of disgust contorts already horrendous face of the monster.
  4543. >"She is no daughter of mine!" she hisses with indignation. "And, besides, it matters little what will happen to her now."
  4544. "All that help before was for nothing? Man, am I glad you're not my mom."
  4545. >Chrysalis throws a condescending gaze upon you before looking over your house.
  4546. >"You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Confidence born of ignorance, fitting."
  4547. "Yeah, well, I figured you out way before you've shown your ugly face here. I guess being this predictable was your intention."
  4548. >This time the bug pony doesn't even dignify your with a response. She's looking out of the window as if expecting someone to come here.
  4549. >For a moment you worry that this someone is Fluttershy, but then you remember that she's at that friendship school now.
  4550. "So what's the next step in your master plan?"
  4551. >"You still think any of this concerns you?" she smirks. "You'll be staying here for a while."
  4552. "And you'll waste your time sweet-talking me in the meantime? Sounds like a nice trade if you ask me."
  4553. >"Oh, I won't stay here for long. I'm just waiting for my aide to show up."
  4554. >You're definitely sure that she's bluffing, no one in their right mind would actually help her. Who would that be beside some other evil changeling?
  4555. "I think you're just scared to go out there since your precious Twilight has managed to defeat you once already."
  4556. >No matter how much you taunt her she doesn't engage. It's her loss, of course, getting blasted by her prisoner, but you somehow feel that she's just going to blow up any moment now and seriously harm you.
  4557. >But if this buys some time, you'd like to try to keep Chrysalis here.
  4558. >It feels like the right thing to do. And if you are still alive then there's a reason she keeps you this way.
  4559. >That last jab somehow did manage to catch the creature's attention though. Her mica wings contort on her back as she turns to you with a smug expression.
  4560. >"You don't get it, do you? These ponies won't even scratch me now that I have this strong of a power source right under their muzzles."
  4561. "What are you talking about?"
  4562. >The way this monster is looking at you would be terrifying if it wasn't the demeaning.
  4563. >Are you missing something? Did you just give away that you don't know a crucial detail about her plan?
  4564. >"Oh? If you know who I am you surely know about my powers too."
  4565. >She says that like it's supposed to give you hint, but you don't really know how to interpret it.
  4566. >Seems like you are losing her interest but you can't just keep dangling a red cloth before her forever. You don't have a lot of witty things left to say that won't actually provoke her to hurt you.
  4567. "Your powers? I know you've been shapeshifting to stalk me and my friends all this time, but to what, tie me up? Don't make me laugh."
  4568. >"Shapeshift? No, I didn't have to. Why bother myself when there's somepony this eager to follow you around?"
  4569. >Chrysalis quickly turns her head to the window again and you catch a glimpse of a shadow crossing the view. By the queen's smile you guess that it's that enigmatic helper of hers, you bet that otherwise she'd be scrambling to hide herself (and you with her).
  4570. >"You seem to think that you serve an important role in this plan, Anonymous. Even now you probably think that you're doing a good job at keeping me away from my target."
  4571. >The mare looks back at you and lets out a mocking laugh when she sees that she's without a shadow of doubt completely correct.
  4572. >She doesn't stop at that: you feel a chill running down your spine when you see this abomination elegantly stepping towards you while never breaking the eye contact.
  4573. >"Make no mistake..."
  4574. >Your eyes widen in terror as everything around you seems to darken, as if light itself can't penetrate the wicked ichorous void this creature is effusing.
  4575. >Within that oppressing darkness green flames encircle you, throwing shadows most morbid on the changeling queen, her eyes ablaze with the very same fiery miasma of malevolence.
  4576. >Those eyes pierce your skull with a myriad of sharp knives that try to scribble your brain through your eyes. The mix of loathing and horror petrifies you and you can't make yourself look away.
  4577. >The crushing will of a being so alien to you, so powerful you cannot fathom it, makes it obvious now that Chrysalis was simply playing along all this time.
  4578. >Now that her face is mere inches away from your it feels like your life can end in a blink of an eye if the queen so desires.
  4579. >But instead of severing the thinning thread of your existence, she talks in a voice that sounds like it's inside your head:
  4580. >"You and that flock of failures are nothing but pawns for me. Any Twilight can perish for all I care, either of them or both. But you are so blind and ignorant you can only think about yourself. What a despicable little creature you are."
  4581. >And then it all ends.
  4582. >"Be thankful that you are beneath my wrath, alien," Chrysalis turns away and walks towards the door. "My grand design shall not concern your primitive mind."
  4583. >At least now you know where Meanlight got her demeanor.
  4584. >You also suspect that Chrysalis is overselling it quite a bit. Something tells you she's just throwing dust into your eyes.
  4585. >The queen continues to rant, albeit a bit quieter, as if she's talking to herself.
  4586. >"Yes, my vengeance will strike her when she least expects it. She will regret taking everything away from me. And then Equestria will be mine at last!"
  4587. >Well that wasn't one bit obsessive, nope.
  4588. >But also terribly specific. So if the mean mares don't interest her and Twilight doesn't too, then...
  4589. >The sight of Chrysalis opening your door stops your thought process entirely. Your mind is racing to find something else to keep her here.
  4590. "Bored already? Come on, I can tell you a few jokes, you look like someone who-"
  4591. >"Maybe a round of torture would be more cheerful?" the queen turns her head and shines you a devilish grin.
  4592. "W-well, more or less..."
  4593. >"Hah!" she looks away, losing interest. "No, I don't have time to hurt someone as lowly as you."
  4594. >You hear another set of hooves approaching the entrance to your prison. This must be that ally, an accomplice Chrysalis was talking about.
  4595. >"I'll live that to the expert."
  4596. >Heart pounding you fear the worst.
  4597. >What if it's someone you know? What if it was Rarity all along and you were just playing into her hooves this whole time?
  4598. >But it's actually worse. So much worse that you think you're going to have a seizure right here because of all the boiling blood that burns your veins at the sight of that 'expert'.
  4599. >"Would you look at that? The big dumb monkey got caught in a web. How fitting."
  4600. >Blowing her short mane away from her eyes, Meanshy trots into your house like she owns the place.
  4601. >"Is everything clear?" Chrysalis asks her.
  4602. >"Yes, I checked every place you've asked."
  4603. >"I trust it you can keep an eye on him here long enough?"
  4604. >"Oh, I'll do more than that, believe me. Just don't interfere."
  4605. >"I couldn't care less what your intentions are, I want him out of the picture, you understand?"
  4606. >"Yeah-yeah," Flutterbitch has already lost her interest and you notice the Chrysalis really dislikes that.
  4607. >You can also hear Meanshy muttering "Get out already" but maybe it's just your imagination. But that was the plan for Chrysalis anyway - she slams the door shut behind her and flies off.
  4608. >You're not sure if you really appreciate the fact that the changeling queen is now gone. Someone much worse is now locked up with you all tied up, alone.
  4609. >Meanshy fully realizes what this means. Her smugness knows no bounds.
  4610. >"How pathetic," she starts her usual tune when she walks closer to you. "You're even dumber than I thought you were."
  4611. >The mare flies up, hovering right on the same level as your face.
  4612. "Says the idiot helping Chrysalis."
  4613. >"I'm not helping anypony," she squints at you angrily. "She had a better deal for me than that stupid Twilight, that's all."
  4614. "A deal? You mean...this?"
  4615. >"That's none of your business!"
  4616. >She was way too quick to respond to that, which leads you to believe that she fully expected that kind of question.
  4617. >You can totally see the thought behind this. Chrysalis knows that this little bitch wants you all for herself and then offers her this kind of deal. Both you and Meanshy stay out of the queen's sight, that's all she really needs out of it.
  4618. >That's actually not that bad of a plan. You can see now she wasn't only effective in upgrading Meanlight's Ponyville affairs. She might be the first one to have a real plan in this whole mess.
  4619. "You know she's just using you, right? She'll ditch you at the first opportunity."
  4620. >"Do I look like I care? She can go to Tartarus with her plans."
  4621. "How long have you been doing that? Did she ask you to watch me when I was ill?"
  4622. >"She doesn't get to 'ask' me anything! I was going to do that anyway."
  4623. >That's a strange confession, but it flies over the mare's head and she doesn't even realize what she's saying.
  4624. "What else, were you photographing my house too?"
  4625. >"Huh? What are you even talking about you delirious primate?"
  4626. >So you guess it wasn't her. Then was it Chrysalis herself?
  4627. >Trying to piece this all together at the moment is a bit harder, with such a distraction lingering right before you.
  4628. >"Whatever, all the better if you're going insane. Nopony will be coming back for you now anyway. You're done for."
  4629. >You try to remain as emotionless as possible, but you probably just end up looking angry and helpless.
  4630. >"But maybe if you beg long enough I'll let you go. You should start right now. Beg for you worthless life, you pathetic monkey!"
  4631. >Meanshy undeniably gets a kick out of it, and remembering how easily she gets herself going fills you with nothing but disgust.
  4632. >"Oh, you're play a stoic hero now, a bit too late, don't you think? It's alright to cry, you know. Nopony will hear it anyway. Nopony will come..."
  4633. >The wretched pegasus gets ever so closer to you and you're not liking it.
  4634. >"And that means I'm free to do whatever I want with you. So what do you say, Anon, if I- No, you want to remain quiet, don't you? I'm not getting on your nerves, it's not a facade at all! Ah-hahaha!"
  4635. >With a smile she continues, watching your reaction closely.
  4636. >"If you want to remain silent I guess I really can do whatever I want. Oh, I know, how about a little game of 'make Anon hate himself even more'?"
  4637. >You're utterly perplexed at first when you see Meanshy reaching down to your lap. But then you figure it out once her mouth slides right to your crotch.
  4638. >With your arms tied behind her back nothing is stopping the pegasus from undoing your pants.
  4639. >A realization so sick it makes you shake in your chair slashes your mind with its whip of anguish and disdain.
  4640. >And worst of all, you can already smell that very specific aroma in the air - Meanshy is living her fantasy now and she's as ready to make it real as she'll ever be.
  4641. >"Oh, good, you're already getting mad. But it's only fair, right?" Meanshy struggles with dragging your pants lower because of all the rope. "You got a dip of every snatch pointed at you, you're used to it at this point, aren't you?"
  4642. >No matter how much you try to get the ties moving and at least getting looser they are still too strong. Meanshy laughs upon seeing your struggles.
  4643. >"Yes, now we're getting somewhere. After all, the madder you get the harder you'll end up being. You're used to this too, aren't you, freak? You probably get off of abuse by now."
  4644. >Meanshy suddenly stops and frowns.
  4645. >"That means you'll probably enjoy getting rutted like this, you sicko. What a backwards, broken reject you are. The very thought of making you feel good makes me want to vomit. But you'd find that hot too, wouldn't you, freak?"
  4646. >The mare tries to gauge the effect of her words on you, but you show nothing but contempt. The only thing that would 'get you off' right now is breaking a few bones in this creature's disgusting body that trembles at a mere thought of having you inside of it.
  4647. >"I just need to make it as painful as possible to you, but at this point your malfunctioning brain won't even register it as pain. Maybe if I whip you into a f-fleshy mess or stomp your tiny human dick you'll see how-"
  4648. >That was it. She got too close to you. She's in range.
  4649. >Your arms and legs are tied but there is still one thing you can do. Angling your head backwards, you fling it back with as much force as you can muster.
  4650. >Dull, stomping pain gushes through your forehead, spreading through your brain and your closed eyes feel like they're gonna fall out of your head. But before you open them you hear the success of your massive desperate headbutt.
  4651. >Meanshy lets out a surprised half-yell half-roar and drops on the ground, pushed from your lap by the impact.
  4652. >When you look at her all you can see is a whimpering tiny mare who still doesn't even realize what has happened to her. She is covering her nose with her hooves and her expression looks incredibly stupid with her eyes crossed so she can see what happened to her muzzle.
  4653. >You learn about it before she does. Blood is streaming down from her nostrils, and when they reach Meanshy's mouth, tears also start forming in her eyes.
  4654. >And she doesn't move, obviously shocked so much she can't yet comprehend the thing you've done.
  4655. >This is when you finally allow yourself to speak.
  4656. "I should've left you to die back then."
  4657. >You've got nothing more than that. It's the only thing you want her to know. Just that.
  4658. >You may be regretting a lot of things associated with the mean camp now, but this is probably the worst one of them all. Never before have you known what true detest feels like.
  4659. >Consequences didn't matter much, you had to do this. There was no other way for you. However, now that Meanshy is glaring at you with rage and contempt, you realize that she might lash out on you as hard as she desires.
  4660. >Now things might get even worse for you.
  4661. >Everything you've done to her, every single aggravating thing, all the 'torture' she without a doubt remembers to this day - all of it can be payed back now and you won't be able to do a single thing.
  4662. >Yet Meanshy is just glaring at you with tears swelling in her eyes, not big enough to trace down her cheeks rosy from the mix of arousal and anger.
  4663. >To her, you figure, those emotions are inseparable. It's disturbing and horrid enough to be true. This mare is completely out of her mind.
  4664. >She turns around, still not saying a word. Goes past you to your kitchen. You lose sight of her and can only rely on your hearing to approximate what she's doing there, expecting a hit to come at any second.
  4665. >Or worse, she might be going there to fetch a knife.
  4666. >But by the sound of it she's taking some pieces of cloth and you guess that it's to stop the bleeding.
  4667. >You brace for the worst, fully aware that she might just readying to strike you from behind. A whack on the head could come at any moment.
  4668. >The longer it doesn't, the more tense you get. You almost stop breathing. Meanshy is so unusually calm and quiet it drives you mad.
  4669. >But something else has happened, something you weren't prepared for. From a completely different side you hear someone's quiet voice:
  4670. >"Psst!"
  4671. >You almost jump up together with your chair.
  4672. >Unfortunately, you recognize that smug, sleazy and condescending male voice. Meaning that the trickster god has come to laugh at your misery.
  4673. >"Out of luck, huh?"
  4674. >You don't even see where the voice is coming from at first, and only after squinting in that general direction for a few seconds you finally notice movement.
  4675. >In the bookshelf there is a book with some sort of a paper note or a photograph sticking out. It is there where you see Discord's insufferable mug, grinning at you while he waves his paw at you.
  4676. >The paper flies out of the book and lands right at your feet. It is indeed a photo, though what's left of it is just a small frame, while the animated and grain-filtered Discord in the picture is as lively as ever.
  4677. >"If you're in a pickle there's a hint for how to free yourself right in this picture. You only have to reach out and take it... Oh, wait a second."
  4678. >The spirit of disharmony chuckles like he heard his favorite classic joke that just never gets old and you just roll your eyes trying to display as much annoyance as you can with just your face.
  4679. >Discord picks up on that immediately.
  4680. >"Oh, come on, it's not my fault you got... roped into this. Hah!"
  4681. >Another needless chuckle at your expense.
  4682. >Being reminded of all the rope holding you together does bring up how unpleasant it got over time. Not only it's uncomfortable to sit with your hands and legs bent like that, the rope also scratches against your skin every time you move and it is starting to become very distracting.
  4683. >"But then again you didn't really try to escape yet, so maybe you don't actually need help?"
  4684. >How would you even escape? Drop the chair on the side? Seeing how it's pretty close to the wall you'd probably break your neck landing there. Falling back on your hands doesn't seem very efficient too.
  4685. >And then your hands are tied to your legs, you don't remember any way to get out of that even if you do somehow manage to break the chair and not your appendages.
  4686. >You are ready to tell all that to Discord when you hear Meanshy's hooves clopping closer.
  4687. >"Badmouthing me behind my back?" you hear her nasal sounding voice as she approaches.
  4688. >Soon you see that her nose is plugged by two paper napkins that are already soaking red. You still have no idea why did she take it just like that, she probably wants to repay you later when she'll try to mount you again.
  4689. >But you'll just keep hitting her until she-
  4690. >Wait, what if she actually enjoyed it and counts on more?
  4691. >That's just depressing at this point.
  4692. >But whatever plans Meanshy had are now interrupted by Discord suddenly popping out of the picture, appearing in his full size with a magical flash.
  4693. >The mare's surprise turns into contempt fast, pretty much as soon as she jumps away and notices who is now standing between her and you.
  4694. >"You again!"
  4695. >"Oh, I'm so very sorry for interrupting your sexual torture and/or rape scene," Discord coughs politely. "Just thought it would be interesting to see if Anonymous here has a trick up his sleeve, he'll surely break free at any moment and stop his spirit and pelvis from being crushed."
  4696. >"Fat chance," Meanshy hovers up to face the draconequus. "I've made sure he won't-"
  4697. >"Yeah, yeah, aren't you a real piece of wood work. Now look, he'll get out of your primitive and crude square knots any second now."
  4698. >Somehow both Discord and Meanshy end up staring at you expectantly, as if they are really expecting you to just bust your way out.
  4699. >You do try to wrestle with your tied up self a little bit just to save your face and demonstrate that you do want to be free, but your audience isn't amused.
  4700. >"Ahem," Discord is the first to frown at you. "I'm not sure you've got the hint."
  4701. >The chaos spirit appears right behind your back in a flash as usual, and now he's wearing small smartass glasses, an orange scarf and a red hat that is propped up on his horn and antler.
  4702. >"Look here, buddy," he shows you a stack of papers. "Right here it says... Anonymous uses the chaos of the situation to escape and then tries to confront- No, that's too far into the script..."
  4703. >Discord is mumbling something and flips through the pages in confusion, while both you and Meanshy share that very same confusion about what is actually going on.
  4704. >"The point is!" he throws the stack away and it disappears into some sort of a portal. "By this time you should've already been up on your feet, not taking this molester's insults as if you're actually enjoying them."
  4705. >"Hah!" Meanshy takes it as her cue. "He's too weak and stupid to get out of this on his own. Only I know the right way to untie him."
  4706. >"Oh, why didn't you say so before?" Discord is beaming with hope. "Go on, do it."
  4707. >"Not a chance. I have an unfinished business with Anon and the more you're getting in the way, the longer he'll be here."
  4708. >"Oh, fine, be that way..." Discord waves her brashness away with his paw. "Wait, on the other hand, be exactly the opposite way."
  4709. >With a snap of his claws, the yellow pegasus falls to the ground. You watch with worry as she stands back up and looks at you.
  4710. >Her legs are shaking and her eyes are filled with fear.
  4711. >"Um..."
  4712. >She looks at Discord and then at you, then back and forth again with an utterly lost expression.
  4713. >"I... What's going on... Why is Anon... Oh gosh!"
  4714. >The mare rushes towards you and disappears behind your back.
  4715. >You tense up in horror.
  4716. >"L-l-let me just... I'm so sorry! I d-din't mean to- I'm sorry!"
  4717. >Tears distort her voice and the mare sniffles with bloody napkins still in her nose.
  4718. "What the hell did you just do?"
  4719. >You glare at Discord. He seems to be captivated with the sight of Meanshy working on undoing the ties that bind you and by the sound of it failing horribly at that.
  4720. >"Just reversed the primitive spell that brought her to life. She's like a regular Fluttershy now."
  4721. "...You can do that?"
  4722. >"Of course, at any moment. Watch this."
  4723. >Another snap makes Meanshy jump back away from you, targeting Discord.
  4724. >"Just what in the world do you think you're-"
  4725. >Snap.
  4726. >"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell! Let me help, I just need to-"
  4727. >Snappity-snap.
  4728. >"Is this your idea of a joke, you brain-damaged lizard son of a-"
  4729. >Another one.
  4730. >"Oh, I hope you can forgive me, I t-think I'm too weak to undo all these knots..."
  4731. >You honestly can't say a single thing. You feel like you've swallowed a bowl of ice that now pushes your cold stomach down in complete dismay.
  4732. >It's a kind of a sick joke that makes you feel so utterly crushed and insignificant you only wish to just lay down and sleep, and never wake up again. A kind of feeling you thought you'd never feel again after getting out of your self-inflicted imprisonment in that attic.
  4733. "You could do that... All this time..." you barely whisper.
  4734. >"I just told you!"
  4735. >Another snap brings Meanshy back, and this time she doesn't waste time and tackles Discord immediately, jumping at him and trying to hit his snappy fingers while he effortlessly evades her blows.
  4736. >She's like a playful dog trying to snatch a toy out of her owner's hand.
  4737. "But why didn't you do that?"
  4738. >"Oh, pfft. Hello? Did you forget who I am?"
  4739. "A selfish asshole?" you narrow your eyes.
  4740. >"No, ME? You're thinking like a pony again, my good chaosling."
  4741. "So you j-just wanted to see me and others suffer, is that right?!"
  4742. >"And you just wanted someone to snap away any consequences your actions bring, is that right?"
  4743. >Discord smirks at you, but it's more of a 'gotcha' smirk than a demeaning smug one.
  4744. >He is still evading the extremely pissed Meanshy who has lost any interest in you and is threatening to kill Discord in so many ways you've lost count, but he doesn't concern himself with even one glance at her.
  4745. >"You know, my granny used to say," he gets sentimental all of a sudden. "That helping others weakens them and robs them of the strength needed to grow. Even from small things the Universe and its masses may be moved. It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical and mental, that the Fo- Uh, wait a minute, that's not..."
  4746. >Discord pulls out some other script and starts flipping through it. You didn't really need a lecture from someone like him in any case.
  4747. >Truly, there is no way to grasp how the entire world is but a joke to Discord, but you feel especially powerless right now.
  4748. >"Aw, don't be so discouraged," he sees the helpless face of yours. "It can't all be for nothing, can it?"
  4749. >Discord waits a few seconds, lost in thoughts, but then concludes:
  4750. >"Well, actually, I guess it can. Oh well. My advice is to accept that-"
  4751. >All three of you freeze in place all of a sudden. You could swear it's your mind playing tricks on you, but the others hear it too.
  4752. >Voices outside can barely be distinguished from the commotion inside, but you all still positively notice them. Approaching your house, no less than two ponies are arguing about something.
  4753. >"Would you look at the time!" Discord momentarily looks at his bare wrist and starts shrinking back into the picture he appeared from. "I'll see you sweethearts later."
  4754. >The photo flies up on its own, past Meanshy who until the very end tried to hit the spirit of disharmony for violating her mind like it's his toy, and disappears somewhere on the shelf again.
  4755. >You and your captor look at each other, bewildered by this unexpected interruption, while the voices are growing louder.
  4756. >It can be heard with clarity already, the cadence of words of one mare and the annoyed yet tired quick replies by another.
  4757. >Sounds like Applejack and Pinkie. Or, perhaps, it's their mean versions. You cannot tell as of now.
  4758. >The worst thing is, you're really not sure right now what is the worse possibility here, because both sound like more problems coming your way.
  4760. Concluded in Part 3:

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

by TakeItEasy

Twilight wants hugs

by TakeItEasy

Through the void to Anon

by TakeItEasy

Miracle in your arms

by TakeItEasy