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It's Not The Song That Warms The Hearth

By TakeItEasy
Created: 2021-01-01 15:58:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's Christmas Eve.
  2. >Or Hearth's Warming Eve, as they call it here in Ponyville where you, Anonymous, have been living for a few months now.
  3. >As much as you like to think you're used to this place by now, ponies always seem to find new ways to surprise you.
  4. >And this time you're not even going to pretend that you know you what to expect.
  5. >Of course, you can always rely on a certain princess to educate and prepare you for anything. You've been living in her castle pretty much ever since you've arrived here and now your solitude seems to be threatened by a massive invasion of celebrating ponies.
  6. >Twilight Sparkle is in charge of the festivities since her shiny castle is apparently just perfect for this kind of event.
  7. >The kind that involves all the ponies in town being here.
  8. >There's gonna be a lot of very energetic and friendly ponies around, that's for sure, but it wouldn't hurt to ask if there's anything else out of ordinary you should expect.
  9. >You find Twilight setting up decorations at the fireplace; the mare is humming a song and tightening the bows on the crystal pillars while Spike is arranging the festive greenery you see everywhere in this town now.
  10. >Ponies sure love their greens, wonder if they eat these later. Even if they are mostly evergreen and pine-related things, it still counts as food, right?
  11. >The purple alicorn notices you immediately despite being absorbed in her cute little song and hovers down to greet you while Spike doesn't want to abandon his duty and just says 'hi'.
  12. >"So nice of you to join us here, Anon," Twilight sounds really happy about it.
  13. "Yeah, I figured I'd stick around before anything major starts, you know."
  14. >"It won't until evening, you're safe for now."
  15. >Sounds like she's picking up on your uneasiness already. Spike does his thing without even paying attention.
  16. "So, uh, I guess I just wanted to ask a couple of questions about this celebration thing?"
  17. >"Sure thing, I'll help you figure this out, no problem."
  18. "Since it's like a Christmas kind of holiday-"
  19. >"What's that?"
  20. >This sudden realization makes you stop for a few seconds to just wrap your head about such an obvious thing you've failed to take into account. You haven't even thought about this: Twilight has no idea what you're talking about, what Christmas is.
  21. >That's what you get for becoming too used to this world. Well, looks like you'll have to improvise now.
  22. "We had a similar kind of celebration back home, so I was wondering if there were any similarities in how you celebrate it."
  23. >"Anything specific you're worried about?"
  24. "Well, back then we kinda had to give each other gifts and such. And here... Well, you know."
  25. >Twilight's expression turns into a sympathetic one after she has an eureka moment figuring out what you're trying to say.
  26. >"Oh, I get it. Anon, you don't have to bring presents, everypony knows your situation and what you're going through right now."
  27. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  28. >"You've been here for less than a year and you're still getting used to this world. It's alright."
  29. >It's heartwarming that she thinks this way, but it's not what you're after with this question.
  30. >While you're prepared to lead Twilight to that, all of a sudden someone else voices your concern.
  31. >The dragon at the fireplace speaks up, turning his head to the pony:
  32. >"Unless he does want to bring gifts but doesn't know how to do it or what to give."
  33. "Something like that, yeah," you confirm Spike's suspicion.
  34. >"Oh!" Twilight's cheeks go a bit rosy. "Then, um, I can help you choose if you'd like. Is there a specific pony you'd like to give a present to?"
  35. "You could say that."
  36. >You keep dancing around the real question but you can't do it forever.
  37. >"Go ahead, tell me. I'm certain I'll be able to help you."
  38. "Well, it's... You're supposed to gift everyone something, right? At least your family."
  39. >"Yep, that is correct."
  40. "I mean, the closest family I have here is you guys, so..."
  41. >Twilight's little gasp doesn't go unnoticed by you, and even Spike stops with his decorations for a second.
  42. >"Anon, you don't have to," the pony reassures you in a sweet voice. "Being here and celebrating with us is already a gift."
  43. >You knew she's going to push that rhetoric and you won't be misdirected by it.
  44. "But still, I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for me so far."
  45. >"Well, if you insist..."
  46. >A smile grows on the mare's muzzle and you think that's a good enough indication that she has actually figured something out. You weren't counting on it, to be honest, expecting her to settle on a purely symbolic gift.
  47. >But now the look on her face bears a shine of a discovery most amazing.
  48. >"There is actually something you could do for me if you really want to thank me."
  49. "Great, what's that?"
  50. >"You could partake in Hearth Warming celebration today and tomorrow, together with me and our friends."
  51. "Wait, what?"
  52. >Of course. What were you expecting, an actual gift to be asked from you, just like that?
  53. >Twilight smiles warmly at you, probably satisfied with your reaction.
  54. >"I know you still feel like an alien here, Anon. You may ignore this feeling yourself, but it's obvious to me. I just want you to feel like home, you know."
  55. "I understand, but I-"
  56. >"You think you'll be awkward around all the ponies gathered here, am I right?"
  57. >When you break the eye contact you know that Twilight is going to take it as a 'yes'.
  58. >"Trust me, Anon, I know how it goes. There are ponies who feel the same way, who think that Hearth Warming is just a waste of time."
  59. "Really?"
  60. >"Yeah. Some of them don't believe they'll have a good time. But you know what? If I can help it, I'm going to. I know a way for you to cheer up and change your mind."
  61. >You hear a quiet sigh coming from Spike and it raises some concerns.
  62. >But you still ask the empathetic mare:
  63. "What do I need to do?"
  64. >"Oh, it's really simple! All you have to do is sing a song."
  65. >It takes you a few seconds to go through a hundred of scenarios in your head and none give you any insight on how it's supposed to work.
  66. "How exactly would that help me?"
  67. >"It's a tradition to sing songs on Hearth's Warming. It brings ponies together and you can share and express your feelings in a form others can partake in and understand it."
  68. "I really don't follow. I guess it could improve the mood, but..."
  69. >"We can sing together if you'd like."
  70. "I don't know any songs, Twilight."
  71. >"You can make some up as you go."
  72. "You can't be serious. I'm really bad with rhymes."
  73. >"It's the feeling that counts."
  74. >Of course it does, why wouldn't that be the case. These ponies and their feelings, everything revolves around it always.
  75. "Twilight, I really appreciate your advice, but I really can't sing."
  76. >"Come on, we can do it right now, together!"
  77. "Look, I-"
  78. >"I can start first if you'd like."
  79. "Twilight-"
  80. >"It might sound strange to you, but it really works. There's no reason for it to not work for you too. And I promise you, you'll feel better..."
  81. >>"Because the magic of a simple song~"
  82. >>"It can make you feel like you belong~!"
  83. >She was singing. Even if it was just two phrases, she just decided to string them together in a chime-y manner.
  84. >It really is happening, is it?
  85. >"Oh, brother..." Spike laments this as much as you.
  86. "I don't really feel anything about it, Twilight, sorry," you try to slither out of this.
  87. >"That's because you need to try it for yourself. Come on!"
  88. >Twilight takes a step forward and starts off tenderly, looking at you with hope in her eyes:
  89. >>"I know you must feel strange today"
  90. >>"But we can make it go away"
  91. >>"If you let me help you, Anon"
  92. >>"You heart will soar once we are done~"
  93. >The next second everything goes dark. It startles you, but the moment after it a few stage lights turn on with a click.
  94. >One is making a circle where Twilight is standing and one highlights you. The third one shows Spike sitting right at a small dragon-sized piano.
  95. "Wait a moment, what-"
  96. >"Don't ask," the dragon interrupts you, ready to play at any moment.
  97. "But I-"
  98. >"Just don't."
  99. >He shakes his head and shrugs at you. The best way you can interpret that is to go with the flow.
  100. >Not like you can do anything else.
  101. >Meanwhile, Twilight is sparkling with excitement and continues with her song while Spike hits a few chords:
  102. >>"There's time and place for every thing"
  103. >>"Today it's time to rise and sing!"
  104. >>"For magic is just how it goes"
  105. >>"Allow it in and it will...flow...s?"
  106. >Spike sighs and puts his little arms down, disrupting the music. He doesn't need to say anything to convey his disappointment, as Twilight picks up on it right away.
  107. >"What?!" Twilight looks at him as the lights return to normal in the room. "I'm improvising here. It happens sometimes."
  108. >Even though the place is now back to its previous state, you can't help but notice that the piano is still here.
  109. "Twilight, that's fine," you feel the need to reassure the nearly panicking mare. "I thought it was pretty good."
  110. >"Really?"
  111. "Yeah, it's impressive."
  112. >"Well, thanks! You see now? You HAVE to join in!"
  113. >Shouldn't have said anything, now Twilight thinks you're really into it. God damn it.
  114. >>"While ponies might seem strange to you"
  115. >>"Let go of things you thought you knew"
  116. >>"The cheerful spirit is what really counts"
  117. >>"Its magic really knows no bounds."
  118. >No Spike is joining back in and with his change of rhythm to something more mellow, so does Twilight's tone change:
  119. >>"Hearth Warming is the time of glee"
  120. >>"The time of friends and family"
  121. >>"And I can just go on forever"
  122. >>"But I wish we could sing together~"
  123. >Twilight points at you and the expression on her pretty face hold so much hope in you, expecting the inspiration to overtake you, that you feel all the worse when you open your mouth and nothing comes out.
  124. >It's a shame, too. You were almost starting to believe you could actually do it.
  125. >And now the purple alicorn is standing right next to you, waiting for you to pick up what she's putting down, so to speak, and you just keep looking at her.
  126. >The worst thing is, Spike keeps playing his passage over and over, expecting you to start at any moment. Like a patient music teacher, he's ready when you are.
  127. >Turns out you don't feel ready at all.
  128. >Even if the hopeful expression never fades from Twilight's face.
  129. "I'm sorry, Twilight," you finally say, shaking your head regretfully.
  130. >"No, it's okay. We can try one more time."
  131. >She tries her best to not look dejected but you feel she has every right to be disappointed in you.
  132. >And if she asks you again, then you'll just disappoint her again.
  133. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just not good at it, you know, the whole harmony thing?"
  134. >"Aw, don't say that."
  135. "I'm from a different world, chaotic and disharmonious, maybe I'm just not cut out for this."
  136. >Twilight suddenly looks up, above your head. And it's from there you hear a male voice whispering to you:
  137. >"Or maybe you're just tone-deaf."
  138. >"Discord?!" Twilight exclaims and the second later the wild creature appears near you with a poof of magic.
  139. >"In every sense of the word, by the way" he adds, looking at you and then at Twilight, like he means something with this remark.
  140. >You know enough about him to assume that it's not the case. He's been talking so much trash at your O&O sessions you're not sure you believe a single word he says by this point.
  141. >"What are you doing here?" the purple princess sounds a bit annoyed and it doesn't get past Discord.
  142. >"Do I need a reason to be here when it's Hearth's Warming? Isn't it all about bringing everypony together?"
  143. >Nudging the air near Twilight, Discord puts on a smile as earnest as he could muster.
  144. >"I guess so," Twilight agrees with him.
  145. >"But, actually, I had a reason this time. Since Anonymous here said my trigger words I couldn't just ignore this train wreck in progress."
  146. "Really? What-"
  147. >"I guess I could help salvage this awkward situation. Twilight is trying to get you to sing, am I correct?"
  148. "Yeah."
  149. >"Look, it's not that easy. I mean, it is for me, since I can do anything, but, Twilight," he turns to the alicorn. "You've got to ease him more into this. How insensitive of you to assume he had ever tried to sing in his entire life, much less come up with a song on a whim?"
  150. >"Wait, really?" Twilight looks genuinely surprised.
  151. >"Oh, Twilight, you have so much to learn! Thankfully, I know just the way for this to work out perfectly."
  152. "You do?"
  153. >"Of course. It's a psychological barrier that makes you fear singing. So since you can talk normally just fine, what we turn everything you want to say into a song?"
  154. >Without a warning, Discord snaps his fingers and you feel a dire need to cough. It's like something is stuck in your throat and you try to get it out desperately.
  155. >When you're done, Discord, Twilight and Spike are all looking at you like they're expecting a Christmas miracle.
  156. >You open your mouth to say that you don't get it, but instead...
  157. "Alas, I can not comprehend!"
  158. "The voice that was as coarse as sand"
  159. "Now flows as rivers most divine"
  160. "It seems the gift of song is mine!"
  161. >Twilight's eyes widen as she hears your clear tenor for the first time and Spike has roughly the same reaction. Discord, of course, is grinning and you notice his paw rubbing his claw.
  162. >The spirit of disharmony jumps forward and grabs your shoulder.
  163. >"Now that's the spirit! Hit it, Spike!"
  164. >The dragon rolls his eyes but ultimately follows the order and sits back at the piano.
  165. >But Twilight isn't too sure about this:
  166. >"Listen, Discord, I appreciate the aid-"
  167. >"What's the matter, Twilight, are you really afraid?"
  168. >"That's just not how I wanted to help Anon!"
  169. >"And now you don't even notice that you're singing along."
  170. >Too late Twilight is noticing she has fallen into the ruse master's trap: Spike is already putting work into his rhythm, a mischievous jazzy beat.
  171. >Discord continues as the princess tries to understand how she fell for it:
  172. >>"Just relax you two, I'm sure you'll be fine"
  173. >>"This magic is as old as the concept of time"
  174. >>"With this little illusion and a bit of luck"
  175. >>"If the stars are aligned and the skies are dark"
  176. >>"You will see some improvements real soon, I'm sure"
  177. >>"But, of course, you will always ask me for more."
  178. >And Twilight does, of course:
  179. >"But the real issue isn't that he can't sing."
  180. >>"But him singing now isn't that bad of a thing."
  181. >"Stop trying to use all my words for your rhymes!"
  182. >>"But it's you who keeps talking in foot all the time."
  183. >While Twilight is scratching her head once again, perplexed by this strange occurrence, Spike hits a pretty sweet intermission and keeps the pace going.
  184. >You feel like you should come between the alicorn and the draconequus.
  185. "Lighten up, it is not that big of a deal"
  186. "While my voice is a spell my ideas are real."
  187. >Discord chimes in immediately:
  188. >>"What a curious way to create a distraction"
  189. >>"But I wonder how you sound when taken to action"
  190. "A test of this power?"
  191. >>"That might be ideal"
  192. "It's the same kind of problem, same kind of ordeal"
  193. >>"Twilight has faith but you sell yourself short"
  194. "If I fail right now we'll just have to abort"
  195. >>"You don't think you can handle more serious pace?"
  196. "Are you hoping I'll show you that I can do more?"
  197. >>"It is more of a marathon instead of race"
  198. "It's a challenge we can not yet fully explore"
  199. >>"Yet you're coming outside of the norm, of set piece"
  200. >>"Of something that has been arranged just for you"
  201. "It is not a proof of my skill or desires"
  202. "What Twilight has told you before still holds true"
  203. "A song is a proof of one's inspiration"
  204. "Something you can't just allow to pass through"
  205. >>"It still paints a picture of your own creation..."
  206. >"Hey, are you guys singing or what?" suddenly Spikes cuts in.
  207. >You haven't even notice that you and Discord are kinda on your own now since the dragon ceased playing some time ago.
  208. >"I mean, if you keep doing that weird rap thing, I can just go get the boombox and-"
  209. >Were you really..? Oh god, how embarrassing.
  210. >"No, there's no need!" Twilight takes the opportunity to chime in. "I think we've heard enough."
  211. >She looks at Discord with such a stark expression he just sighs and snaps his fingers again.
  212. >"I think it was proof enough that it really wasn't the point," Twilight explains.
  213. >"Eeh, I guess," Discords halfheartedly agrees. "But then what is the point? It's some meta thing, right? The symbolic meaning of the song or something."
  214. >When did he get those thick-rimmed glasses and a flannel shirt?
  215. >"I guess you could say that. Anon doesn't need to be able to sing, he needs to be comfortable with his feelings. A song is just a way to-."
  216. >"So wait, I think I've got it," Discord interrupts the princess that was all set for a round of nerdy explanations. "I think I know what you guys need!"
  217. "What do you mean, 'we'?"
  218. >"It has to be something you two do together, right?"
  219. >"I guess so, yeah," Twilight agrees, still not following.
  220. >"Something you share only between you two and work on on your own."
  221. >"You could say that."
  222. >"And it's something you don't usually talk about with others since it's kind of strange to discuss it with strangers."
  223. "Wait a second..."
  224. >Is he leading where you think he is?
  225. >"Well, there's something Fluttershy showed me that meets all those parameters perfectly."
  226. >Oh god, he's gonna say it. Twilight looks at him with distrust and you think she's starting to catch on with the plan.
  227. >"It's called..." Discord leans in to say it. "It's called manzai."
  228. >...
  229. "What?"
  230. >"What?"
  231. >Discord frowns:
  232. >"What? You've never heard of it?"
  233. "Not really."
  234. >"It sounds eastern but I'm not sure."
  235. >"Oh, for crying out loud," the draconequus sighs in displeasure. "And I thought you both were educated in modern day entertainment."
  236. "First time hearing about it."
  237. >"Alright, fine."
  238. >Discord snaps his fingers and suddenly all four of you are in a sort of a small room. The walls look like they're made of carton and the floor is made of some kind of mats made of plastic-looking straws. It smells like naphthalene and old clothes in here.
  239. >In the center of the room there's a small table covered with a big piece of cloth like a blanket, and Discord is already sitting there, body tucked under it. On top of the table there's a bowl of peeled oranges and Discord is eating one, staring at a small TV in the corner of the room.
  240. >This tiny TV looks like a blast straight from the 70's, yet it's oddly fitting that this room has something like that.
  241. >"Sit down and enjoy the patrician kind of comedy," Discord invites you.
  242. >The table actually feels warm when you come close to it. Spike is too short to see anything sitting at it though, so he just climbs on top of it.
  243. >When the TV is turned on, you see that it's black and white. And on the screen there's two figures - a man and a pony at his side.
  244. >It's hard to tell at first, but it's you and Twilight.
  245. >The mare, who is sitting right next to you, squints at the screen and points something out:
  246. >"Am I wearing a traditional neighponese dress? What's going on here?!"
  247. >Indeed, Twilight on the screen is wrapped in an elegant looking fabric that covers her whole body. Meanwhile, you're wearing some sort of a jacket and look fairly stylish in it, you have to admit.
  248. >"Shh, it's staring," Discord points at the TV. There's some static on the screen and the sound is very low quality, as an old recording would be, but you can still hear the show:
  250. >"Hello, everypony!" TV Twilight exclaims happily.
  251. "Good evening!" TV you says in turn.
  252. >You hear applause going from somewhere, and you realize that both of TV-you are on a stage in front of an audience.
  253. >"How are you doing on this holiday night?"
  254. "I hope you're nice and warm tonight."
  255. >"We are TwiNon, nice to meet you."
  256. "Yes, nice to meet you."
  257. >"Let's begin then, shall we?"
  258. "Yes."
  259. >"So..."
  260. >TV-Twilight turns to TV-you and an awkward silence lingers for a little bit too long.
  261. >Then she giggles.
  262. "What was that about?"
  263. >"I don't know."
  264. >She's still barely suppresses her laughter.
  265. >The audience is also laughing.
  266. "You forgot your lines, didn't you?"
  267. >More giggling.
  268. >"No I didn't."
  269. "It's okay if you did, just move on!"
  270. >"Okay, okay, so. I was wondering, Anon."
  271. "I'm listening."
  272. >"The only human in Equestria..."
  273. "Yes."
  274. >" a manzai master."
  275. "Well, what's so strange about this?"
  276. >"It's just... I just had no idea what it is and I got roped into it somehow..."
  277. "Right?"
  278. >"Without giving it much thought."
  279. "It's okay, we've been practicing after all, so-"
  280. >"I still have no idea what it is."
  281. "Shush, you. You don't have to say this now!"
  282. >"Ehh?"
  283. >Audience laughs again.
  284. "Huh?"
  285. >"What?"
  286. "What's up with the "ehh?"
  287. >"Isn't this like you people do?"
  288. "We people?"
  289. >"The manzai people."
  290. "A special cast?"
  291. >"Yeah, like a little guy with a hat."
  292. "Ehh?"
  293. >You hear laughter again.
  294. >"See?"
  295. "The hell ya talkin' about?"
  296. >The audience is bursting with laughter like never before.
  297. >"Ah, ah, here it comes! The manzai man is here."
  298. "Don't make this weird, hime."
  299. >"Yeah, alright, alright..."
  300. "Good, now that it's settled, we can finally start."
  301. >"But... I still have no idea what manzai is."
  302. "Good grief."
  303. >Laughter and applause follows.
  305. >"It's something like that," Discord shrugs smugly.
  306. >You and Twilight look at each other and you see how red her cheeks are - you know yours are the same way.
  307. >"Yeah... I don't get it."
  308. "Me too. Was that supposed to be funny or..?"
  309. >"Dude, that sucked," Spike tells it how it is.
  310. >Discord doesn't even bat an eye:
  311. >"Well, a lot is lost in translation, I suppose... I guess it's an acquired taste. I for one think Twilight makes an excellent boke."
  312. "Right."
  313. >"Right."
  314. >"Oh, see," the expert comedian points out. "You're already in tune with one another. Isn't that wonderful?"
  315. >Twilight breathes out in defeat, tired of all the hijinks she has to go through so far.
  316. >"I guess so, fine."
  317. >"Wonderful!" Discord repeats.
  318. >Fingers are snapped again and you are all back in Twilight's castle, sitting on the floor.
  319. >Spike doesn't even want to comment on anything and is now tending to the piano.
  320. >"Fine, it did help. I'll give you this much, alright? Is that what you wanted to hear?" Twilight begrudgingly admits to Discord, who is rubbing his 'hands' again.
  321. >"Good, then I guess my job here is done. You two have safe and clean fun now," he says and snaps himself away from this plane of existence for the time being.
  322. "Whew, that was certainly a lot," you laugh weakly, just to test if your voice is somehow altered again.
  323. >"He can be quite a hooffull, I agree," Twilight nods tiredly, but then actually smiles at you. "But it's not all for nothing, you know?"
  324. "I can see how that works."
  325. >"Great, now if we could-"
  326. >"Stooop!"
  327. >A shriek is heard somewhere in the castle. All three of you are petrified at this desperate cry and soon you also hear hooves upon the crystal floor.
  328. >The doors get smashed open and you see heaving, steaming Pinkie entering the fray.
  329. >"Pinkie, what's wrong?!" Twilight asks with genuine concern in her voice.
  330. >"I felt a surge of strong negative singing energy somewhere around here and came as fast as I could!"
  331. >"Wait, what? Negative-"
  332. >"Who's the victim?" Pinkie shouts again. "Is it Anon?!"
  333. "I guess I am kinda bad at singing..."
  334. >"That's probably not-"
  335. >Twilight's explanation gets drowned out by Pinkie's dramatic gasp.
  336. >"I knew it! I need to fix this quick, Hearth's Warming is so soon, you can't not be able to sing."
  337. "Why?"
  338. >"We'll all be singing and if you're not singing then you're not having fun. Probably. Do humans have fun even if they-"
  339. >"Pinkie, we've just been over this, don't worry," the purple alicorn rolls her eyes, finally relaxing since it's nothing serious this time around.
  340. >"Don't say that, I can still help. I just need to sing together with Anon!"
  341. >"Here it comes again..." Spike mutters, sitting himself at the piano again.
  342. >>"When you have little time to learn"
  343. >>"And every stone seem so unturned"
  344. >>"You've gotta take your chance, and fast"
  345. >>"The singing bliss will come at last"
  346. "Pinkie, it's fine, really."
  347. >But she doesn't listen. She's going all out now, just as Twilight starts face-hoofing.
  348. >>"There's simple way of learning things"
  349. >>"That's just as fast as stinging bees"
  350. >>"You've got to learn your rhymes at first"
  351. >>"But then you can rhyme first with most"
  352. >>"Since no one cares if it's the worst"
  353. >>"Nopony cares if it just works"
  354. >>"If you can satisfy their thirst"
  355. >>"Who cares if you're just like Fred Durst?"
  356. >>"If you're by then completely lost"
  357. >>"Like it's first time in castle Cainhurst"
  358. >>"Just go on at whatever cost"
  359. >>"Imagine you're a friendly ghost"
  360. >>"That found yourself a lovely host"
  361. >>"And when you-"
  362. "Pinkie!"
  363. >"Pinkie!"
  364. >"PINKIE!"
  365. >All three of you yell at her at once and for a moment everyone is take aback by it.
  366. >A second later you all burst into a laughing fit to rival that manzai audience's.
  367. "Alright, alright, I get it. Just don't sweat it and don't worry too much about your performance, got it."
  368. >"Yep, that's basically what I'm saying," Pinkie nods, looking up at you like a happy puppy.
  369. "You know, I think all of this did help a bit," you turn to Twilight and watch her grin grow. "I'm feeling a bit more confident already."
  370. >"At least that's settled then."
  371. >"Well then my mission here is done," Pinkie salutes you. "Another case closed. One more crisis-"
  372. "Pinkie?"
  373. >"Right!" she snorts laughing and pronks out of the room, leaving you and Spike alone again.
  374. >"Is it safe to go back to decorating?" the dragon cautiously asks.
  375. >"I think it is," Twilight giggles.
  376. "Yeah, sorry for distracting you so much."
  377. >"Don't worry about it," Spike waves his hand at you and reaches into his box of festive decorations.
  378. >Twilight is telling you some more information about the celebration, but Spike has caught your attention now.
  379. "What, is that..."
  380. >"What?" the dragon looks at the thing he has in his claws. "Oh, it's a doll. A Hearth's Warming tradition."
  381. "It's a doll of me?"
  382. >A green human figure is stitched together with utmost accuracy and care. Two button eyes fit well on its head.
  383. >"We do these every year," Twilight explains. "It is to celebrate family and the bond we all share."
  384. "Wait, but I-"
  385. >Now that the realization hits you, a warm sensation spreads down your spine.
  386. >"You said it yourself, Anon, we're the closest thing to a family to you. And we feel the same way."
  387. >"Yeah, you're like a cool but quirky older brother I've never had," Spike adds cheerfully. "And we really needed that fourth O&O player," he mutters a bit more under the breath.
  388. >Both you and Twilight smirk at that.
  389. "Hey, do you guys need help with decorations? Since I'm already here."
  390. >Twilight nods and you walk up to Spike to get your instructions. You're sure you could help, at the very least as a thanks.
  391. >After all, this is where you should be on this Eve - with your family.

Inky Bloodplay

by TakeItEasy

After work cuddles

by TakeItEasy

Twilight wants hugs

by TakeItEasy

Through the void to Anon

by TakeItEasy

Miracle in your arms

by TakeItEasy