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Pinkie Pie Sister by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-12 19:20:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's a scorcher.
  2. >Sweating in your room, you turn to your computer monitor.
  3. >The thread seems slow today. Bump posts, prompts and one particular poster who demands content yet is unwilling to write something them self.
  4. >Groaning into the air, back meets bed as you drop to soft mattress.
  5. >Well as soft as a Pie family mattress can be. You've seen Maud sleep on a pile of rocks before.
  6. >Literal rocks.
  7. >Knock knock, knock-knock-knock.
  8. >"Anon~... Your favorite sister is here!"
  9. >Not now. It's way too hot for this.
  10. >If you say nothing and stay absolutely still, she won't know you're there.
  11. >The door is kicked in and then immediately shuts in Pinkie's face.
  12. >Dang.
  13. >Also, was there something weird about her hair?
  14. >The door opens with a careful swing and Pinkie stands in the opening. With Limestone's hair?
  15. >"Nonny. Get to writing."
  16. >Huh?
  17. "Say what now?"
  18. >"Write something to bump the thread." She steps in with a giggle to her thicc body.
  19. >Despite her soft appearance though, she's hiding quite a bit of muscle from working on the rock farm.
  20. >The extra body fat just happens to put the curves in all the right places.
  21. >"I don't want to hear any excuses Nonny. The thread needs a good Bump," she dots the point she's making hard with an arms behind her back, chest jiggling bounce. "It's been a few days."
  22. >The look she's giving you would be alarming if not for the heat. You're beginning to think the sweat is making your brain sticky as well.
  23. >"Anyone can write a story Nonny and I know you were working on a good family fugging story, long and drawn out with references to animu."
  24. "It's too hot to write," you muster into a slight groan. "Why's your hair look like Lime's?"
  25. >She looks up. She's surprised. As though it had happened and she hadn't realized.
  26. >There's a rustling Pinkie's way that draws your attention.
  27. >It was a wig.
  28. >A wig that is now on the floor along with her white beater (or pink beater?).
  30. >Your legs spread as Pinkie takes her place in between them.
  31. "Pinks...not in the mood for this."
  32. >Fingers snake their way up your thighs with sadistic slowness.
  33. >"Well you're not in the mood to write. Why not emulate some juicy one-offs and have a little summer fun."
  34. >Popping up a little, you catch her mid wink. What it was about you may never know for sure.
  35. >Before your Fox Mulder ponderings can continue, Pinkie relieves you of you single pair of boxer shorts.
  36. >You try to sit up and put an end to the tomfoolery, but she kills your momentum and you drop back to your mattress.
  37. >"Ooo-hoo-hoo. Half-mast Nonny?" She's practically glowing at this."Let's see if we can't get ground control to Major Tom."
  38. >lul,wat?
  39. >Having been disarmed by the clunky euphemism, she proceeds to drop her still clothed bosom onto your ever expanding dong.
  40. >Thoughts jump to said mentioned brassiere...
  41. >"Almost like one of the greens on our board, huh?"
  42. >Pinkie can't read minds.
  43. >Can she?
  44. >"You've seen this particular bra lying around in the bathroom haven't you?"
  45. >She gives a little wiggle of her jiggles and ecstasy jolts up your whole body.
  46. >"I know ma says I need to be more mindful of where I throw my stuff, but these were in the bathroom hamper. Not my fault it wasn't all the way in. Sometimes I try shooting it like it's a basket and-..."
  47. >Leaning up a little, you can see her lips move but you can't hear what she's saying.
  48. >You've become comfortably numb.
  49. >"...probably even touched yourself while looking at them. Nonny? You awake?"
  50. >The Ceiling remains the focal point.
  51. >"Hey Nonny, how's about I 'rack' up your cue."
  52. >You vaguely make out a chuckle. It seems so far away though. Like a distant memory of....something?
  53. >Your brain's kinda short circuiting. Your wit.exe appears to be crashing. Waxing poetic is gonna be tough as all hell.
  55. >Suddenly Anon Jr. is enveloped betwixt two pillowy sof- Warning: Brain is exceeding recommended pleasure levels. Brain is at risk of of overheating and permanent hardware damage.
  56. >"Don't worry Nonny. The girls'll be very delicate with your 'hard' ware."
  57. >Lifting your spinning head, you lock eyes with Pinkie. You are lost momentarily in your sister's cerulean sphere's.
  58. >That is of coarse until she unhooks her bra single-handedly and tosses it into your face.
  59. She squeezes her sizable jugs together and begins jiggling just a bit.
  60. >"Naughty naughty, Nonny. Your little friend here is betraying you."
  61. >You'd like to tell her you've never given to much thought one way or the other about doing something like this. In fact given both of you enjoy the thread's subject, you'd figured one day either of you would snap and end up trying to bed the other one.
  62. >Of coarse the sweet sent of Pinkie's bra isn't helping your mouth to function as anything more than a malfunctioning speaker box.
  63. >The tits aren't helping either.
  64. >"Oooo. This has got a good beat."
  65. >Goose bumps overtake her breast, making contact with all the right places on your now diamond hard erection.
  66. >She steadily picks up speed around the first chorus, now bouncing her whole body to the beat.
  67. >She lowers her head slightly and lets her tongue lazy tap against your tip.
  68. >There's a few initial jolts of shock before your body becomes used to the sensation. Now your head is really swimming. So much so you've forgotten the heat of the room.
  69. >By the time the second chorus kicks in her breathes have become thick and to the beat as well.
  70. >All of these factors...they're perfect. Pinkie's hitting all the right spots, both mentally and physically. 'The Perfect Lewd Factor'
  71. >You'd heard it was different for everyone and that any one being that found their sexual rhythm would have the most satisfying orgasm of their life.
  73. >The Ponkers is your key to sexual salvation. All this time and you never realized the perfect girl was living with you the entire time.
  74. >"Awww. Your the sweetest brother ever," she snort giggles. "Of all times."
  75. >Can't tell if she can read your thoughts or if you're both so in sync that she can guess what you're thinking.
  76. >You kind of wish she'd get out of your head.
  77. >"How about you get inside mine?"
  78. >The breathy, almost lusty tone makes you sit up a bit.
  79. >She's adopted a fairly serious half-lidded look upon her face.
  80. >"Come on. I'll let you grab the 'Ol Ponk Fro'."
  81. >She gives the head one final lick before disengaging her bazooms.
  82. >You aren't entirely sure what she means. Pinkie's always kind of been bad with sayings and awkward with euphemisms.
  83. >The picture becomes far too clear as the pieces fall into place.
  84. >She's pulled you to your feet (causing her bra to fall atop her head) but remained kneeling. She reaches up and takes a grip of the old bat and begins stroking slowly.
  85. >The only sound in the room is you doing your best impression of what high schoolers think the mentally disabled sound like and the next track.
  86. >"Keeping it PC eh?" Her face droops a bit. "Hey I'm not feeling this. Do you have something on here with little to no words? We could just hit repeat and have a little bit of atmosphere."
  87. >As you reach for the computer to switch the track, she switches hands and hits the 'next' key. The intensity of her HJ doubling.
  88. "T-track seveeeen."
  89. >She manages to get to it with ease before lifting your engorged phallus and licking from base to tip, ending with her lips slowly sucking your head in.
  90. >She mumbles something that you don't quite understand at first. Having a mouth full of cock will do that.
  91. >After realizing she'd mentioned putting it on repeat, you drew a very shaky hand towards your computer. After hitting every other key, you managed to put it onto repeat.
  93. >As the music faded into background noise you turned your attention back to Pinkie.
  94. >She seemed happy.
  95. >And of coarse you're happy. You've got a tongue wiggling around your head and shaft. Life is bliss.
  96. >Pinkie's hands shoot up to yours and redirect them to her head.
  97. >She starts throwing in hand motions and really bobbing the knob.
  98. >You grip her hair. She gives a little happy hum. Nailed it.
  99. >You begin to take control, moving your hips and pulling and pushing her head.
  100. >She loosens up the muscles in her mouth and hands over all power to you.
  101. >Not going to lie, it's adding more to the build up.
  102. >Her humming becomes more apparent as it reverberates through your penis. In and out it slides as her saliva in abundance coats it.
  103. >You're so light headed you don't even notice the ringing nor your sister reaching down for her phone.
  104. >The thrusting comes to a head as you feel the pressure build all throughout your core.
  105. >She makes a very encouraging hum while grabbing your rear.
  106. >You reach the end. A final thrust brings forth the seed you'd been building since your sister started your little tryst. You try not to bury your dick too far down her throat, but it's had given she pulled it into her by force.
  107. >As you stop twitching, she slowly releases your tired member with a slurping pop.
  108. >"Alright! That was so much fun!" She says with a content sigh. "I'm gonna be late for work though."
  109. >She stands, handing you her loose bra, and leaves the room.
  110. >"We should do this again sometime," she leaves the room only to return for her shirt and wig.
  111. >"Maybe after work? Anyway, I hope this helps with your writer's block. Breath some life into the thread~! Tell the Writefags I said yo~~!"
  112. >You're left standing there. Sweaty, naked and clenching your sister's bra, you let out a sigh.
  113. "Why'd she have that wig?"

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