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Big Sister Sunset by PervAnon

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-01-10 19:05:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon... your hands."
  2. "What about 'em, sis?" you ask innocently, smelling her hair.
  3. >"They're on my ass."
  4. >Peeking over her shoulder, you hum.
  5. "That they are."
  6. >"We're in school."
  7. "In an empty hallway," you contribute.
  8. >"Where anyone could come along or peek out a door to see us."
  9. "Yeah, pretty hot, eh?"
  10. >"Idiot," she growls, pushing away. "Just come on, perv."
  11. "Says the sister who came running when her brother asked for help."
  12. >"Of course," she says chin up as she walks passed you. "It's what big sisters do."
  13. >You can't help but watch that ass jiggle as she walks away, blue jeans stretched taught and seams barely holding.
  14. >You don't know how she can wear them so tight, but you won't complain if she isn't.
  15. >"You coming? Your message said it was urgent," she calls over her shoulder.
  16. >You smile and do a quick jog to catch up.
  17. "Yeah, sorry, guess I zoned out."
  18. >She rolls her eyes.
  19. >"You're hopeless."
  20. "You still love me, though."
  21. >"Just come on. Our teachers might get suspicious if we take too long."
  22. "I told teach I had the burritos from the cafeteria à la carte. He won't be expecting me back for at least twenty minutes."
  23. >"Gross."
  24. >Despite the exclamation, Sunset is quick to lead you to a supply closet, grabbing your hand and yanking you inside.
  25. >You chuckle.
  26. "Eager, are we?"
  27. >"Just drop them," she snaps, crossing her arms to give you a slight glare.
  28. >Even in the low light of the closet, you can still see the blush on her cheeks.
  29. >Grinning, you do as your big sister commands and undo your belt.
  30. >Once the zipper is down, the waistband of your boxers are no longer enough to prevent your stiff member from jutting out hungrily.
  31. >"Wow," she breathes, uncrossing her arms. "You weren't kidding. This is urgent."
  32. "I'm pretty backed up," you explain. "Since you were at Pinkie's sleepover all day and came straight to school from there."
  33. >"You know there is a little thing called masturbating."
  35. "But it doesn't feel nearly as good as when you do it," you say, reaching down to give your member a slow pump. "You're the best, Sis."
  36. >"That may be, but I'll be going off to college in a year," she explains, even as she drops to her knees. "You're going to have to grow up sometime and learn to handle this on your own."
  37. "I know."
  38. >You can't keep the dejection out of your voice and Sunset looks up with genuine concern.
  39. >"Hey now, it won't be forever. I just mean for when I'm not around."
  40. >You smile.
  41. "Sure, I understand, I'm just going to miss you, is all. You really are the greatest, Sunny."
  42. >"And you're a pretty great brother, Nonny," she returns, smiling for a second before letting her expression become serious. "Now, let's take care of this."
  43. "Yes please," you agree eagerly, moving your hips to meet your sister's lips halfway.
  44. >You groan in the back of your throat as soon as you feel yourself disappear within that warm, moist cavern, shivering as her tongue quickly goes to work.
  45. >Since you first hit puberty, Sunset has been honing her skills on your member, no doubt becoming a master of fellatio.
  46. >Admittedly, you can't be sure as you've never gotten your cock sucked by another girl, but you doubt any could surpass this pleasure.
  47. >She suddenly grabs onto your butt and pulls you forward, taking you into her throat.
  48. "Ah fuck, Sunny. Guess I'm not the only one who missed this," you breath as she swallows, tight rings of muscle massaging your length.
  49. >Keeping you there a moment longer, she pulls back to take a breath before beginning to glug on your dick.
  50. >You hands fly to those bouncing crimson and gold locks as you hold onto your sister's head for dear life.
  51. >Every once in a while she stops with you resting in her mouth to catch her, but even then she never ceases swirling her tongue around your diamond-hard flesh.
  52. >Only three minutes in, and you're already reaching your limits, and that's far too soon.
  54. >You push her away.
  55. >She resists for a moment, but eventually concedes with a slight gasp as your dick audibly pops from her lips.
  56. >"Hey? What gives? I thought you wanted to cum?" she accuses.
  57. "I do," you say. "But not that fast."
  58. >She smacks your thigh.
  59. >"You're suppose to cum fast, idiot. We're missing class."
  60. "You're the smartest girl in school, you can afford to miss a lecture or two," you reason.
  61. >"But you aren't the smartest boy," she counters angrily. "I'm doing this so you can concentrate in class and bring your grades up."
  62. "Which I will," you tell her, reaching down to grab her shoulders and bring her to her feet. "But first, there's something I've been wanting to do all day."
  63. >With that, you quickly go to work on her belt buckle and zipper, yanking her jeans down and getting a satisfying jiggle from her ass.
  64. >"Hey-!" she goes to yell, but yelps instead when you brush a finger over her cloth-covered slit.
  65. "And judging by this," you begin, holding up your hand to show the string of arousal between your thumb and forefinger. "You want this, too."
  66. >Before anymore can be said you grab the waistband of her panties and yank them down to drop at her ankles, then step between her legs, and reach up under her arms.
  67. >With her pants pinned to the ground, you lift her up mightily and she squeaks as they slip from her feet.
  68. >You'll admit that the whole reason you even hit the gym as often as you do is so you can lift your beautiful sister with ease.
  69. >She carries a lot of weight in that backside, after all.
  70. >Without conscious thought, Sunset wraps her legs around your waist, one foot now missing a shoe, and puts her hands on your shoulders.
  71. >As you grab your member with one hand and line it up with her dripping pussy, she tries to regain control of the situation.
  72. >"Anon! Slow do-ooh!"
  73. >But fails as you sink your first few inches into her sopping sex.
  74. >moving your hands to her flared hips, you push her down hard, getting a scream from the girl.
  76. >"Anon!" she calls out, moving her hands to your neck and holding on for dear life as you waste no time going to work.
  77. >You grunt as you start to pound up into her, quickly burying your entire length to the root and feeling your tip brush against her deepest barrier.
  78. >It's all you can think every time you make love to Sunset Shimmer how you two were made for each other.
  79. >How, each time you enter her fully, your swollen gland kisses her cervix.
  80. >How much you both love the sensation.
  81. >The room is quickly filled with wet slaps, moans, and the occasional, muffled scream as Sunset tries in vain to silence herself by burying her face in the crook of your neck.
  82. >When she bites down in response to a particularly hard thrust, your growl and start sucking on the exposed skin of her neck, making sure you leave marks so everyone will know that she belongs just as much to you as you do to her.
  83. >This goes on for several more minutes before you begin to feel your climax approach, and you pick up the pace in response.
  84. >Your hips become a blur as each powerful stroke sends a shock wave through Sunsets massive, perfect ass, and her screams become more frequent.
  85. >It nearly takes you by surprise when her back arches and her teeth leave your skin so that she can scream into the heated air.
  86. >Then you feel her velvety walls rippling, constricting your cock, trying to milk you for everything you're worth.
  87. >And that's exactly what they do as you throw your head back and howl, reaching your own climax with a powerful thrust.
  88. >The slit of your cockhead presses the barest millimeter through her cervical opening to allow your first massive rope of cum to splatter against the back of her womb.
  89. >Then you pull out to the tip, and slam back in just in time for your second burst to do the same.
  90. >Three.
  91. >Four.
  92. >Five.
  93. >Six blasts of pearly cum flood your sister's inner most depths before you finally have none left to give and you simply remain planted inside of her, panting.
  95. >You slump back against the door as Sunset's legs fall loose from around your waist to dangle an inch above the floor.
  96. >You both stay like this, breathing hard as your arms are wrapped around her middle and hers encircle your shoulders.
  97. >"Okay..." she breathes tiredly. "You were right, I needed that."
  98. >You smile despite your exhaustion.
  99. "See, I know what my big sister needs."
  100. >"Yeah, yeah, your the best little brother ever," she says with a smirk as she lowers herself down.
  101. >She stumbles for a moment, and it's only your hands on her sides that keep her from falling.
  102. "You okay?"
  103. >"I'm fine," she answers, getting her legs to support her weight after a moment. "Just a little tired."
  104. "I know what you mean," you agree. "I don't think I can keep my eyes open for much longer.
  105. >Sunset suddenly gives you a stern look.
  106. >"Well, you better, mister, you have a class to finish, remember?"
  107. "Ah, come on sis. There's only, like, twenty minutes left anyway, why not just take a quick nap so I can stay awake for the next one."
  108. >"Because your grades, Anon."
  109. "But can't you just help me study instead?" you ask. "I get things so much better when you explain them."
  110. >"Probably because I suck your dick whenever you get an answer right," she responds dryly, getting you to shrug.
  111. "Hey, whatever works."
  112. >"Ugh, fine," she says with a roll of her eyes. "I'm too tired to argue."
  113. >Without warning she grabs the front of your shirt and yanks you forward before spinning you around and pushing you against the back wall of the closet.
  114. >"You're going to be the pillow, though," she declares as you slide down into a seated position.
  115. >Next thing you know, she's plopped down in your lap and has the fingers of one of your hands laced with hers and resting on her stomach.
  116. >You're pretty sure you can feel some of your seed leaking from her vagina and onto your groin, but you're honestly too comfortable to care.
  118. >You bury your nose into the crown on her hair and breath deeply the sent of strawberries and citrus.
  119. >The two of you will have to sneak to the showers and rinse off before you can attend any classes, but that's for later.
  120. >Right now you just want to sleep with the one you love.
  123. >Fifteen minutes later, the old janitor opens the closet, only to stop his whistling at the sight of two kids sleeping half-naked against the back wall.
  124. >He's pretty sure they're brother and sister, if he remembers correctly, and judging by the stench and their states of undress, it's not hard to guess what they were doing.
  125. >He chuckles to himself and smiles a snaggletoothed smile.
  126. >Kids never change, he thought, remembering walking in on a similar scene many years ago starring a certain pair of sisters.
  127. >And to think those two ended up taking his position of principle and becoming his boss.
  128. >"What a chaotic world we live in," he says to himself, shutting the door.
  130. >You keep your hands on the wheel and eyes pinned to the road while your sister sits in the passenger's seat looking through a pamphlet for the hundredth time.
  131. >"I can't believe they have their own observatory!" she says, flipping the page. "I bet it's going to be way better than the one at Studford. Twilight will be so jealous."
  132. "Hrm," you grunt. "You two got into the best colleges in the country, and you're still trying to one-up each other."
  133. >"Hey! I'm not trying to one-up anyone!" she counters. "It's imperial fact that Hayvard is better than Studford University."
  134. "If you say so," you grumble, not bothering to look at her.
  135. >Just because there's nothing but empty road for the next dozen miles doesn't mean you shouldn't stay vigilante.
  136. >After all, your sister and all of her worldly possessions are packed into this truck, so you can't be too cautious.
  137. >You hear a sigh from beside you.
  138. >"Okay, what is it?"
  139. "What's what?" you ask, still not turning your head as you keep your hands clenched at ten and two.
  140. >"What's bothering you?"
  141. "Nothing," you answer too quickly. "I'm just staying focused, is all. I have to make sure you reach the campus in one piece. Don't want you starting your new college life in a body cast."
  142. >"That so? because you look pretty tense."
  143. "It's an important job," you answer glibly. "You're important."
  144. >She gives you a dry look.
  145. >"Are you trying to flatter me into giving you road head?"
  146. >Now you actually look at her, raising a brow.
  147. "What? No. Jeez, Sunset, not everything has to be about sex. You know, maybe I just want to enjoy my big sister's company before she moves out and I don't see her anymore."
  148. >The deadpan stare becomes concerned as she says, "Anon, you're still going to see me. I'll be coming back for holidays and over the summer."
  150. "Yeah, because a few days here and there is going to be enough," you respond tightly, looking back to the road. "Guess we'll have phone calls if you don't get so wrapped up in you're new life that you forget about us."
  151. >"Anon! I could never forget about my friends and family!" she yells, hurt clear in her voice. "Or forget about you! Why would you even say something like that?"
  152. >Glancing over, you catch just a glimpse of the frown and clenched fists, but it's enough to fill your heart with guilt.
  153. "Sorry," you say, hands loosening on the steering wheel as your whole body slumps. "Guess I'm just being stupid is all. Even knowing this day was coming for years, I'm still having trouble coming to terms with it. I mean, you're moving out, sis."
  154. >"I am," she says, reaching over to place a hand on your forearm. "But that doesn't change that I love you. Does it... change how you feel about me?"
  155. "What kind of stupid question is that?" you nearly snap, offended.
  156. >Her hand falls to join the other in her lap as she looks down at them.
  157. >"I'm not going to be around very much. Won't be able to be there for you like I've always been, so maybe you'll decide to get an actual girlfriend finally. She could be there for you, and you wouldn't have to hide your relationship with her."
  158. >Then, in a whisper you can barely hear, she adds. "You could have a real life- marriage and kids- if it weren't with your selfish big sister."
  159. >She yelps as you jerk the truck and pull roughly to the side of the road.
  160. "What did you just say," you grit out, hands once again clenching the wheel.
  161. >Sunset brushes the mussed up bangs from her eyes and gives you a doleful look.
  162. >"What? It's the truth, isn't it? If I'd never... done what I did when you were thirteen, you'd be dating some other girl right now. You would hardly even care that I was going away."
  163. >You breath deeply through your nose.
  165. "First of all, even if we weren't like we are, I'd still love you with all my heart," you inform her. "You're my sister and I'll always love you, no matter what."
  166. >letting go of the steering wheel, you turn to look at her, hoping she sees the truth in your eyes.
  167. "And second, no one, not a single girl in all the world, could ever compare to you. Not your kindness, intelligence, and especially not your beauty. I'm the luckiest guy alive for being able to call you my girlfriend, and I could never even dream of being with another girl."
  168. >She stares, wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape.
  169. >"Anon," she whispers, and that's all the invitation you need to lean over, bracing a hand on the central column as you capture her lips in a tender kiss.
  170. >The flavor is just as good as always, and only intensifies as she begins to press forward, deepening the peck into something more.
  171. >you feel her tongue flick out and meet it with your own for a few seconds before pulling back, leaving the both of you slightly panting and red-faced despite how short the kiss was.
  172. "Believe me?" you ask as you gaze into her half-lidded eyes.
  173. >"Yes," she answers dreamily. "I love you."
  174. "And I love you," you respond, sitting up right. "And now I'm going to drive you to your awesome college, walk you to your dorm, and give you the longest, most embarrassing goodbye hug you've ever had in front of a bunch of strangers so that whenever someone sees you, the first thing they'll think is, 'Isn't that the girl with the super hot brother? I bet she's banging him.'"
  175. >Sunset snorts and begins laughing.
  176. >"You are such a dork," she she says.
  177. "But I'm your dork," you add, getting a loving smile from the girl.
  178. >"Yes, you are," she says, and there's no doubt in her words. "And I'm yours."
  179. "Forever and ever."
  180. >"Exactly."
  181. >She leans back into her seat as you hit the road again, and everything is silent for a few minutes.
  183. >Then she asks, "Hey, if we make it there before my roommate shows up, you want to help me test out my new bed?"
  184. >You whip your head to look at her and see a seductive smile.
  185. >"I want to make sure it's comfortable... and sturdy."
  186. >Keeping your eyes locked on hers, you slowly begin to press down on the gas pedal, the engine revving up as you break the speed limit.
  187. >Her laughter rings out through the cabin as the two of you careen towards her new school, and a new chapter in your lives.
  188. >The days to come might be tough, but your sister and you will face them with bright smiles and love in your hearts.

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