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Magical Girl Sweetie Belle

By TheRambler
Created: 2021-01-11 08:44:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Sweetie Belle
  2. >You are a middle schooler, but next year you'll start high school
  3. >Perhaps you already were a high schooler because your last year of middle school ended, and it's summer break
  4. >When school starts again you'd be going to the same school as your big brother Anon
  5. >You have lots of reasons to be excited about High School
  6. >Though going to the same school as Anon was the thing that excited you most
  7. >Lately though Anon has been hanging out with you less and less
  8. >What if Anon doesn't want to spend time with you all at by next year?
  9. >The very concept of that was making you very stressed out
  10. >Yet the more stressed you had been getting the more clingy you made yourself seem
  11. >Like there was no way of winning here
  12. >Did growing up have to mean growing apart?
  13. >You refused to accept that and vowed you would find a way to ensure Anon still loved you
  14. >One night as you lie awake unsure how to actually do that something like a miracle happened
  15. >There are strange sounds in your room, and you're actually scared at first
  16. >Considering calling for help when you turn on the light, and see something weird yet not scary at all
  17. >A small and adorable unicorn with a white coat with a mane that reminded you of your own hair
  18. >You figure you must be dreaming to see something like this
  19. >Especially as it spoke and said they were here to help
  20. >Then the next thing they said truly floored you as they called you 'lil sweets'
  21. >You sputter with confusion as you go to tell it your name, but it interrupts you telling you that was your 'magical girl name'
  22. >Now you're really confused
  23. >What is a 'magical girl' supposed to be?
  24. >As if sensing your question it continues that a magical girl is like a super heroine except way cuter
  25. >This was all too much even for a dream
  26. >What if you didn't WANT to be one?
  28. >This was when the small unicorn calling themselves a 'familiar' explained more
  29. >Especially why you should accept your role as a magical girl
  30. >Magical girls have special abilities; magic basically
  31. >With that they can make just about any desire they want come true for themselves with a bit of work
  32. >Even your own as you thought about your big brother
  33. >With the powers of a magical girl you could win him over and make sure he didn't leave you
  34. >Or at least that's what the familiar promised that's what being a magical girl would mean
  35. >Accepting your role as one rather since apparently you already were one, and simply hadn't known it
  36. >Though you didn't know what they were talking about
  37. >You're pretty sure you don't have any magic powers or anything, and you tell the 'familiar' that
  38. >They produce a bell on a necklace and levitates it to you
  39. >"Just put this on and say 'lil Sweets is ready for love~' while doing a cute pose" it says like that's not embarrassing at all
  40. >You get flustered and almost yell before lowering your voice, and saying you can't just 'do that'
  41. >Since at this point you were sure you weren't in a dream despite how crazy this all was
  42. >The familiar just keeps telling you to do it until you give in, and agree to do it hoping nothing will happen
  43. >You tilt your head just so
  44. >Then put your index fingers to each cheek, and lift one of your feet up behind you since that was a standard 'cute' pose
  45. >Lastly you say the line "Lil Sweets is ready for love~" trying to say it like the familiar did
  46. >Your field of vision is filled by a blinding white light
  47. >By the time it's over you definitely aren't wearing your pajamas any more
  48. >You feel a bit more... Breezy and cold...
  50. >You go to your mirror to take a look and... What?...
  51. >Your hair is all glowy weird looking and you have some dumb mask on, but more importantly the outfit you had on...
  52. >It's like you're wearing a mini skirt, tube top, and thigh high socks; then if someone barfed ribbons on you
  53. >Just so many ribbons... Like everywhere
  54. >But more importantly this skirt is just way too short and the top is barely above your nipples
  55. >You can't stand to be wearing it even with nobody looking and you're sure your face must be a deep crimson right now
  56. >Meanwhile the familiar just seems to be entertained by your reaction
  57. >You go to take this ridiculous outfit off but you can't seem to do it, like it's suck on you
  58. >The familiar chimes in even while laughing at you the outfit is 'fixed', and can't be changed except by magic
  59. >You angrily ask how to get it off then because you don't want to wear this
  60. >"Come on, don't be like that. You can't use your magic abilities without the transformation and the outfit." the familiar replies still winding down from laughing
  61. "This outfit shows way too much skin! There's no way I could wear this in front of anyone!" You protest still quite angry about it
  62. >"You know you love it! Just imagine if your Onii-chan saw you like that! He'd be all over you!" the familiar teased
  63. >This wasn't the kind of attention you wanted from Anon, or at least you don't think so
  64. >Thinking about Anon seeing you in it your heart beats a mile a minute and you freeze in place
  65. >"You're going to have to, you know. In fact you have to get a loooot closer to your Onii-chan or it'll be bad." they continue ominously
  66. >Why do they keep calling Anon 'Onii-chan' and where had you heard it before?
  67. >That's right, it was that stuff Anon watches
  69. >Those perverted Japanese shows he watches that mom and dad don't like him watching, but he watches anyway
  70. >In fact he's probably watching them right now since he's less likely to get caught late at night
  71. >With the balloon tit girls who are 'magical girlfriends' or some nonsense
  72. >You get mad thinking about him being a pervert who likes big boobs
  73. >You're not sure why it makes you so mad but it does
  74. >Maybe it has something to do with how he started watching them around the same time he stopped spending as much time with you
  75. >Feels just a bit like it's the perverted balloon tit junk's fault
  76. >If only you had big tits, then maybe Anon would pay more attention to you
  77. >You ask the familiar if magic can give you big tits and the familiar shakes their head
  78. >"You can't just alter your body like that. Don't be ridiculous. Besides, only cute girls like you can be magical girls, duh." they say like it's common knowledge
  79. >Well there goes that idea
  80. >Wait, didn't you just get finished saying you didn't want that kind of attention anyway?
  81. >Whatever, you're being forced to do this as a magical girl
  82. >You don't have much of a choice
  83. >You didn't ask what bad thing would happen if you didn't get closer to Anon, and perhaps it'd be best if you didn't find out
  85. >Seeing you waver the familiar cheers you on saying, "If you go to him now and get him to be your boyfriend your magic power will skyrocket!"
  86. >That sounds stupid, and him being your boyfriend?
  87. >Plus they never explained what magic powers you have
  88. >They look a bit embarrassed when you ask what powers you have and they say you don't have any actual 'powers' yet
  89. >"First you need some of your Onii-chan's love. Any amount of contact or affection should be enough to get you some special ability you can use."
  90. >Well that sounds like a raw deal, why bother with all this if you don't have powers?
  91. >"Your Onii-chan won't recognize you like this, so you can be adventurous and do your best to win his heart~"
  92. >Sure he will, it's still definitely you
  93. >"It's a basic magical girl thing for regular people to not recognize you normally" saying it matter of factly
  94. >"Jeez, you know practically nothing about magical girls do you?"
  95. >Well you didn't, that was true
  96. >You wonder just a little if Anon knows more about it
  97. >"If you don't even make an attempt tonight your magic will backfire and you'll get very sick." They add sounding like they're threatening you
  98. >In fact despite its size it's able to push you out into the hallway and lock the door behind it
  99. >What would you do now? Go to Anon's room?
  100. >The familiar wouldn't let you back in your room till you did
  102. >You actually find yourself walking to his room
  103. >What would you actually do if you were face to face with Anon like this?
  104. >Then you got an idea that might work
  105. >What if you pretended to be a 'magical girlfriend'?
  106. >Like in his shows?
  107. >You looked magical even if you couldn't shoot lasers or anything
  108. >Maybe if Anon recognized you; you could convince him to never speak of it somehow
  109. >Now standing at his door your heart was in your throat
  110. >Your hand shaky as you reached for the doorknob, and opened it knowing he had to keep his door unlocked
  111. >Inside you see Anon at his computer watching those shows like you thought he'd be
  112. >He notices his door opened and looks right towards you
  113. >You freeze in place as he glances with a perverse gaze down at your mini-skirt
  114. >Then looks up at your chest and visibly loses interest before asking who you were
  115. >At least he didn't recognize you
  116. You stutter as you tell him after shutting the door behind you, "I-I'm y-y-y-your... M-magical girlfriend..."
  117. >You didn't sound convincing at all
  118. >He seems to think about something before saying he wasn't into little girls and to find a boy your own age for that
  119. >He even pointed at your outfit and called it a 'magical slut outfit'
  120. >He didn't know it was you but how could he say something so mean?!
  121. >You run over and press yourself against his arm
  122. >Pleading that it's destiny out of desperation
  123. >You were sure it was 'destiny' a lot in his shows
  125. >He tries to shake you off his arm and comments on your chest, "No real magical girlfriend would be so flat. Just go."
  126. >You weren't giving up now as you pleaded he needed to love you for how you are
  127. >Then as if challenging you he says if you're really his girlfriend you'd sit on his lap, and watch his show with him
  128. >You accept eagerly and sit on his lap immediately
  129. >However with this outfit on you start to feel hot and bothered watching the perverted show with him
  130. >You even think you feel something poking you, but to your annoyance he's still not paying attention to you
  131. >Worse still the plot of it was hard to follow, and it was so late at night...
  132. >Soon you start feeling sleepy
  133. >Then before you knew what was happening Anon picks you up, and starts carrying you
  134. >Maybe he really does love you!
  135. >Though isn't this going too far if he's taking you to his bed?
  136. >However you notice you're now being held at the door to his room
  137. >He puts you down outside his room, and shuts the door
  138. >You didn't think it through but still you just feel so rejected...
  139. >Then you notice the familiar is there, and they try to cheer you up
  140. >Telling you not to give up so easily
  141. >There's always hope as long as you BELEIVE
  143. >You barely manage to get back to bed you're so tired
  144. >Yet you lie there awake for what feels like forever
  145. >Going over that embarrassing failure in your mind over and over
  146. >You're not sure what to do next, but at least you have the whole summer before school starts again
  147. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. End of Day 1
  149. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. >Though you must have fallen asleep at some point; because next thing you know it's morning
  151. >Anon's hand is on your shoulder shaking you awake
  152. >You almost panic but realize you're in your pajamas again and back to normal
  153. >The 'transformation' must have undone itself when you fell asleep
  154. >You feel loved just knowing that Anon came to wake you up
  155. You sit up and hug his chest in one motion as you squeeze him and exclaim, "Thanks for coming to get me Big Bro!"
  156. >Anon sounds irritated as he explains while trying to pry you off, "Hey, quit it! Mom just wanted me to tell you that you can't sleep in all day even if it's summer!"
  157. >You had no idea what time it was but tried to keep hold of him until he made you let go
  158. >You feel a bit sad at that remembering the rejection of last night
  159. >Then Anon says he's going to the mall
  160. >You ask if you can come to and he says 'no'
  161. >You wonder what he'd going to do there that he won't let you come with for
  162. >Feeling irritated you scrunch your face in a pouty expression
  163. >Though before even seeing or reacting to your expression; Anon is already out of your room
  165. >Your familiar comes out of hiding and says, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
  166. >You probably weren't, but just hearing those words does make you START thinking of something
  167. >Following Anon and seeing what he plans to do at the mall first hand
  168. >You familiar suggests flying to follow him since you could have one spell now after last night
  169. >However you don't have to think long or hard before dismissing the idea of flying in a miniskirt out of hand
  170. >Then your familiar suggests a stealth spell to stalk your Onii-chan
  171. >You want to deny that last part because 'stalk' is such an ugly word, but it was true
  172. >You nod and your familiar glows brightly for a few moments
  173. >You even have to cover your eyes
  174. >Then your familiar says they're ready to explain how to use it and how it works
  175. >"You need to hold your hands side ways framing your face like so." and they do it with your hooves
  176. >One hove above and below their face respectively
  177. >"Then you move them together in front of your face and say 'Anti-Cheating Cloak Activate!"
  178. >Anther weird and embarrassing name...
  179. >"Once you do that everyone around you should subconsciously ignore your presence. You won't actually be invisible but people will ignore you like you are."
  180. >Which sounds great for stealth but how would you know it's working?
  181. >"Nothing short of screaming 'I'm here!' while spinning noise makers should be able to force people to look at you and acknowledge that you're there."
  182. >Guess there's nothing to do but hope it works...
  183. >Your familiar explains the next crucial bit, "You deactivate it by reversing the hand motions and saying, "Onii-chan's loyalty confirmed!"
  184. >That one's even more embarrassing!
  185. >Though you say it while the thing is active so maybe nobody will hear you?
  187. >That being said you need to tell your parents you're leaving the house, or they'll worry you went missing...
  188. >Noticing you were still in your pajamas you decide to change into normal clothes first
  189. >Nice and normal clothes you'd be fine with being caught wearing
  190. >Though you couldn't just tell your parent's you were going to the mall by yourself
  191. >So when you talked to them before leaving you said you were going with your friends
  192. >With permission to leave granted and everything you go back to your room to 'transform' in private
  193. >You do your pose and say that embarrassing phrase "Lil Sweets is ready for love!"
  194. >You couldn't overstate how much you appreciate that it was summer
  195. >If you had to go out in winter like that you think you'd freeze to death
  196. >Though BEFORE you left the house you also used your first and for now only magical ability
  197. >Going into stealth mode with the also embarrassing phrase 'Anti-Cheating cloak Activate!"
  198. >You feel it activate, but the fact that you couldn't be sure till people outside ignored you was worrying
  199. >Your familiar elects to stay home because they can't stealth like you
  200. >At least you lived in the heart of town which meant the mall was within walking distance
  201. >Opening the front door you timidly step out into the hustle and bustle of downtown
  202. >Fortunately nobody is staring at you or stopping to look at you
  203. >So it must be working right?
  204. >Given how the magic spell worked you probably don't need to sneak, but you do it anyway heading to the mall
  205. >Your heart racing just hoping you don't make a scene doing this in your crazy outfit
  206. >Eventually you get to the mall, and catch up with Anon finding him in the food court
  207. >He's walking around like he's looking for something
  208. >You were right to be worried; he IS trying to get a girlfriend!
  210. >However to both your relief and disappointment he doesn't seem to have much luck
  211. >All the girls he approach turn him down and aren't impressed with his flirting
  212. >You even get mad when a girl actually throws her drink at him!
  213. >Those stuck up bitches!
  214. >How dare they treat Anon like that!
  215. >Though you couldn't just undo your stealth and go out there looking like you do...
  216. >Soon Anon seems to give up and leave
  217. >You decide to get a soda from a vending machine, and follow him to cheer him up
  218. >Anon is sitting in a more secluded part of the mall sulking
  219. >You deactivate the stealth saying the thing, "Onii-chan's loyalty confirmed!" with the hand motions
  220. >Though the phrase didn't feel entirely appropriate for the situation
  221. >Sitting down next to him you hand him the soda knowing it's his favorite
  222. >When he notices he accepts and starts gulping it down like a comfort food
  223. >You feel bad for him and hug him to show your support
  224. >After he finished the soda he wraps his arms around you too
  225. >Holding you tight, but more holding you like a teddy bear
  226. >Not quite what you'd hope for but it was something
  227. >However the longer he hold the more you wonder if you should do something
  228. >What if you tried to kiss him?
  229. >You blush as you slowly lean in
  230. >To your surprise he suddenly picks up on it and presses his lips to yours
  231. >Deeply kissing you as if just to distract himself from his problems
  232. >Though you don't care why he was kissing you, and just return his affections
  233. >You even feel Anon use his tongue as it slips into your mouth
  234. >You were sure you had just wanted to be friends, but yet you wanted more
  235. >You aren't even sure how long you made out with him, but Anon eventually pushes you away
  236. >Takes a second for you to come to your senses, but Anon says it's time for him to go and quickly thanks you
  237. >Hurrying away like he was ashamed of what'd just happened
  238. >Maybe you weren't becoming as close to him as you thought...
  240. >Still though maybe it was time for you to go home too?
  241. >It didn't end great, and you made out with Anon instead of just hanging out
  242. >Still though as you headed home with stealth turned back on; you had some extra pep in your step
  243. >You felt great
  244. >On the way home though you feel something ominous, and realize you aren't in stealth mode anymore
  245. >You also think you heard something like "Moving out of her shadow"
  246. >Didn't make sense but looking behind you, you see something terrifying
  247. >An extremely muscled girl in overalls is threatening you, and starts to talk dramatically
  248. >"When evil doers skulk in tha darkness up ta no good Ah'll be there to stop them! For Ah Ahm! APPUL ULTRA!!!"
  249. >They're seriously bulging with muscles and flex as well as glowing with magic power
  250. >You even think you see their hair standing straight up as if pushed up by sheer magic power
  251. >You freeze in terror and are more scared than you'd ever been in your life
  252. >Pleading for them not to hurt you and flailing your arms in front of you before cowering
  253. >Then you hear a more familiar voice and the menacing feeling vanished, "Sweetie Belle?"
  254. >You now just see Apple Bloom in front of you, and feel immediate relief
  256. >"Sorry Sweetie, I didn't notice it was you at first. Whatchya'll doin' sneakin' round fer?"
  257. "A-Apple Bloom?" You say with relief
  258. "I just don't want to be seen in this outfit... I can't control how it looks I swear!" you then explain
  259. >Taking a closer look at your outfit she seems a big disgusted but accepts your explanation
  260. >"You're a magical girl too, huh?" Apple Bloom asks
  261. "Yeah... Just recently." You answer nervously
  262. >"Ah'll give you some advice then. It's a good thing yer familiar isn't with you. Don't know why it's bad to take them with you, but ah heard it is."
  263. >Then she comes over and whispers in your ear, "Ah suspect it's because if your familiar is defeated in battle ya'll would die or somethin'"
  264. >That sounds terrible! It's seriously a good thing you left your familiar home
  265. >Apple Bloom sees your worry and reassures you, "Don't worry. We're friends so ah'll come help you if you're in trouble. Even if ah don't agree with tha way you're doing things..."
  266. >You chuckle a little nervously
  267. >"Be careful on the way home." She says before running off
  268. >No doubt to play crime fighter somewhere else
  269. >You were seriously worried there, but maybe you should try to learn how to defend yourself
  270. >Next time you run into another magical girl they might not happen to be a friend
  272. >You are Anon
  273. >You're hiding in your room after a disastrous performance at the mall
  274. >You made yourself look like an idiot referencing your favorite shows, and all the girls hated you
  275. >You even think you made out with a little girl who only wanted to comfort you while you weren't thinking straight
  276. >You weren't even sure if the little girl was real since you'd seen her before in what was probably a dream
  277. >Were you going crazy?
  278. >There's no way an actual little girl would actually be so lewd right?
  279. >Yet if felt so real
  280. >You can remember how she'd felt on your lap last night and the feel of her lips earlier
  281. >She'd even claimed to be your magical girlfriend like from your shows
  282. >You'd hoped an actual girlfriend would appear to you like in your shows
  283. >Not like this though
  284. >You didn't even want to think about what would have happened if mall security had caught you making out with her like that if she were real
  285. >You were so scared of being arrested as a pedo you'd never even watched the lolicon shows
  286. >It's only ones where the girls are older and have big tits for you
  287. >You love huge breasts and nothing else
  288. >You repeat that in your mind for a bit
  289. >Then you think about that strange girl and how she had obviously wanted to make out more
  290. >You push the thought out of your mind and think about your waifu
  291. >The buxom alien girl who comes to earth to invade but ends up the main character's girlfriend instead because of reasons
  293. >You admit to yourself that the plot excuses for things were weird, far fetched, and perhaps maybe even lazy
  294. >Yet it was all just fun and watching those shows made you happy
  295. >Maybe even feel a little less alone
  296. >Feeling lonely you wonder if you'd been too hard on your little sister; who just wants to spend time with you
  297. >She cramps your style though and you'd never get a girlfriend with her clinging to you like that
  298. >Why can't she just hang out with her friends rather than bugging you?
  299. >The more you think about how you've treated her the worse you feel
  300. >Thinking you might be making her lonely like you
  301. >Yet you feel like if you don't get a girlfriend this summer you'd never get one
  302. >A real girlfriend too
  303. >Not a 'magical' and probably imaginary one
  304. >Yet your mind drifts again to her lewdness
  305. >What was with that slutty outfit anyway?
  306. >It was like from an anime and perhaps that was what made you uncomfortably turned on the most
  307. >Why was she like that?
  308. >Why did she like you so much?
  309. >You didn't know anything, or even if you knew what you wanted
  310. >They say teenage years aren't easy, but man hormones are a bitch
  312. >You are Sweetie Belle
  313. >You decide it'd actually be best to go the rest of the way home unstealthed and untransformed
  314. >Since using magic actually seemed to draw Apple Bloom to you
  315. >Without that you're just a normal girl walking home, and had no real reason to hide
  316. >You get home and Mom is there making dinner
  317. >She greets you and you didn't get home THAT late
  318. >However Mom scolds you a little about not calling her and telling her when you were coming home
  319. >You promise to remember that as you sit in the living room, and watch TV till dinner is ready
  320. >Anon doesn't come to the table and you start to worry about him
  321. >Mom asks perhaps to herself what he could be thinking not being here
  322. >You think about saying he was down in the dumps but you didn't want to explain why he was
  323. >Both because it'd embarrass him further, and you'd be admitting to spying on him
  324. >Coming up with something though you say you saw Anon at the mall, and he seemed depressed about something
  325. >Mom looks worried, but says she'd bring him dinner later to his room
  326. >She then sighs and makes a remark about how hard it is to deal with high school teenagers
  327. >Mom then all but tries to make you promise that you'd never be like that
  328. >You decide to agree and promise that just to not make Mom angry
  329. >Dad just grumbles while reading the Newspaper
  331. >After dinner you go by Anon's room and creak his door open just a little
  332. >You see him laying in bed facing away from the door
  333. >Maybe he's sleeping
  334. >Either way you probably shouldn't disturb him now
  335. >You go to your room and your familiar is there jumping on your bed excitedly
  336. >Well they sure were happy
  337. >Noticing you were back your familiar all but tackles you congratulating you
  338. >Saying they weren't sure what you did but you got a LOT more magic
  339. >You could even get TWO more spells
  340. >You kind of already knew what you wanted
  341. >You wanted an attack spell and a defense spell
  342. >Actual battles with at least one other magical girl felt imminent and you needed SOMETHING or you'd be toast
  343. >You ask about that and your familiar seems less optimistic
  344. >"Hmmm... I said you could have two spells, but if they were both combat spells they wouldn't be that strong."
  345. >If felt too good to be true that you'd actually had enough magic to fight now
  346. >"Maybe you should hold off on that and get more magic first. Maybe lay low for now till you're ready."
  347. >Sounded like a plan, but how would you lay low AND get more magic?
  349. >You spend the night thinking about how you made out with Anon
  350. >Getting hot and bothered even as you feel weird about it
  351. >You'd told yourself you were being forced to go that far, but was it true
  352. >Did you actually WANT IT that way?
  353. >You tell yourself you shouldn't and try to calm down to get to sleep
  354. >Considering going to see Anon but now probably wasn't the time
  355. >Tomorrow maybe you'd try to see if you could do something normal with him with no magical girl stuff
  356. >You feel like you can't sleep but you practically pass out before you know it
  357. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. End of Day 2
  359. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. >Perhaps it's a blessing you're having trouble staying up late like your big brother in a sense
  361. >You get out of bed and go through your morning routine looking forward to seeing Anon
  362. >Going to his room you're happy to see him there, but he doesn't look so happy
  363. >He's still sulking about what happened at the mall yesterday
  364. >Now was perhaps the perfect time for some wholesome time together as siblings
  365. >Greeting him and sitting next to him you ask how he's doing
  366. >He barely responds but at least doesn't tell you to leave
  367. >Then you ask if he wants to play something
  368. >Remembering how much fun you two used to have playing Mario Cart you suggest that
  369. >You smile as he seems to perk up hearing you mention it
  371. >You help get the old console ready and start it with the game inserted
  372. >Already just at the title screen you can see his mood improving
  373. >The familiar sights and sounds, your favorite tracks to race on, and all that goes with it
  374. >This was nostalgia at it's finest, and it was working even better than you'd hoped
  375. >You even hear him give you an apology, "Sorry Sweetie, about how I've been treating you."
  376. >Like a weight lifted from his chest as he continued, "I know you just want to spend time with me, but hanging out with family all the time isn't what's 'cool', you know?"
  377. >You don't want to get it, but you do
  378. >You want to be with Anon all the time
  379. >You even want to sit in his lap
  380. >Even feeling the thought of making out with him again enter your mind from there
  381. >You couldn't just try to do that NOW, right?
  382. >Feeling like such a pervert thinking about wanting to make out with your brother during this heart warming moment
  383. >Yet a heat was rising in you and it was impossible not to think about it once you started
  384. >Scooting just a bit closer to him trying not to get noticed
  385. >Knowing you wouldn't try to make out with him right now, but maybe you could just sit a bit closer
  386. >Maybe if you focused on playing the game you could calm down
  387. >Then Anon offers to let you play sitting in his lap like old times and you jump at the chance
  388. >All but literally jumping into his lap as you lean back against him
  389. >Yet now the heat in you wouldn't die down for sure
  391. >You keep playing the game, but you just can't seem to sit comfortably
  392. >Shifting constantly and distracted from the game
  393. >Since trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing seems to work
  394. >You notice Anon's movements in the game seeming a bit sloppy too like he was also distracted
  395. >You apologize for shifting so much, but Anon nervously and very quickly responds that it was fine
  396. >You start to realize it was because there was something in his lap you keep rubbing against
  397. >Then you come to the shocking realization what you'd been doing, and yet would you stop?
  398. >Anon wasn't making you stop
  399. >Perhaps because he was too nervous to point out what was wrong with it?
  400. >Because being the one to point it out would make HIM look like the pervert?
  401. >Even then could you knowingly continue to rub yourself back against his boner?
  402. >You were already doing it on auto-pilot while thinking about what you'd do
  403. >Before you know it both your racers in the game are off the track, and not even driving anymore
  404. >The you start to feel a wet spot in Anon's pants rubbing against you, and he quickly lifts you and moves you off his lap
  405. >Rushing to the bathroom saying he had to use the bathroom
  406. >Did he start to wet himself?
  407. >The more obvious answer hits you, and you blush a deep crimson
  408. >You made him cream his pants
  409. >You weren't even in magical girl form
  410. >You feel like such a pervert and you hoped Anon would write it off as an accident
  411. >It KIND OF was...
  412. >You think for a moment asking yourself what's wrong with you, and yet the thought occurs that maybe Anon DOES want it too
  413. >'Too'? You slap yourself and tell yourself you definitely DON'T want to have sex with your brother
  414. >Maybe date him because your familiar said to, but sex was definitely going too far
  415. >Yet the heat and desire in your body continued unabated
  417. >You decide not to be in his room when he got back
  418. >To let him change into new pants in peace
  419. >Practically sulking yourself now in your room despite how physically good you felt
  420. >How could you do that to him?
  421. >He just wanted to spend some time with you innocently and YOU turned it into that
  422. >Your familiar comes out to greet you, but you don't feel like talking to them right now
  423. >They seem annoyed but accept it
  424. >Maybe you'd go see your friends to distract yourself from your problems here at home
  425. >Your parents were still at work so you call them to tell them what you'd be doing
  426. >Then calling Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to ask if they're free for a club meeting
  427. >It was pretty on the spot but fortunately they are
  428. >Now you can't he;p wondering if Scootaloo was also a magical girl remembering Apple Bloom was
  429. >Maybe you'd find out
  431. >You head to the normal meeting spot at the tree house Apple Bloom built
  432. >Apple Bloom had seriously done a really good job with it
  433. >There was a part of you that didn't expect anything form it when the idea of a tree house was brought up
  434. >Yet here you were going to a nice and sturdy tree house
  435. >That you think would even pass a professional inspection
  436. >Thankfully you arrive there safely
  437. >Climbing up into the thing; you see the other two there waiting for you
  438. >They sure were both more fit and faster than you
  439. >Though right away you notice Scootaloo holding a small Pegasus that looks a bit like her
  440. >It's gotta be a familiar
  441. >Apple Bloom notices you and greets you, "Hey Sweetie! Check out Scootaloo's familiar she just got! Isn't it cute?!"
  442. >They were pretty excited, and you felt pretty excited too since this meant all three of you were magical girls
  443. >You and your friends spend a bit fawning over it, but then it opens its mouth and things turn awkward
  444. >"So Scootaloo, what are we gonna do next to help you be like your idol?" it says like that wasn't an embarrassing sentence at all
  445. >'idol'? There was one person you thought of that she looks up to but 'idol' was probably going a bit far.
  446. >Scootaloo quickly covers the mouth of her familiar to keep them from talking anymore
  447. >A thought occurs to you thinking about what your familiar would be blabbing about if they were here...
  448. >Was THAT why you're not supposed to take your familiar places?!
  449. >You weren't sure if that was actually worse than dying if they're taken down like Apple Bloom thought
  450. >One thing for sure was that you'd never take your familiar out of your room now or you'd die, but of embarrassment
  451. >In fact out of respect for your friend you wiped from your memory what you heard it say
  453. >Then Apple Bloom takes the lead discussing magical girl stuff
  454. >Especially when it comes to preparedness fighting other magical girls and villains
  455. >Apple Bloom sure did seem to focus on fighting with this
  456. >Not that you didn't feel just a bit like you weren't focusing on it enough
  457. >What would you even do if you were attacked with crazy magical abilities?
  458. >You still didn't have anything that'd help
  459. >Then you found out exactly what Apple Bloom thought of that when you were asked what you could do in a fight
  460. >You had nothing
  461. >Apple Bloom looks at you in utter disgust like you'd just said you hate apples or something
  462. >"What have you even been DOING as a magical girl if you didn't develop any kind of attack or defense strategy?!" she yells with exasperation
  463. >It was a bit like hearing someone yell at a sub par player in an online game
  464. >You actually feel a little thankful Apple Bloom didn't believe in playing games online
  465. Still though you had an excuse, "I'm waiting to have more magic power before making my combat spells! My familiar said they'd be weak spells if I made them right away!"
  466. >Apple Bloom still seems dissatisfied with that answer
  467. >You remember how god damn intimidating she was in her magical girl form, and wonder if she'd had absurd magic power from the start
  468. >How does this stuff even work?
  469. >Like what actually determines how much magic power anyone has?
  470. >Scootaloo speaks up though, and says she's super fast
  471. >Which sounds good, and makes sense for her
  472. >Still though that didn't change the fact that you had literally nothing
  473. >You weren't any better in a fight in magical girl form than you were not in that form
  474. >Seriously, why don't YOU have any cool super powers?
  476. >It was getting a bit late and before ending that meeting
  477. >Then Apple Bloom is sternly looks at you
  478. >"Before tha next meeting Y'all gotta have SOMTHIN' Y'all can show us magic wise! Seriously, I mean come on!" she yells throwing her hands up
  479. >You felt like she was expecting too much from you but perhaps she was right
  480. >It was food for thought certainly
  481. >You hadn't encountered 'villains' though, and would you?
  482. >It's not like there are actual card carrying villains running around twirling their mustaches
  483. >Maybe Apple Bloom was just being overzealous
  484. >Heading home though you're made to think what you'd do about things with Anon
  485. >You weren't sure you could approach him right now even
  486. >Or... Maybe you couldn't as Sweetie Belle, but maybe you could as lil Sweets?
  487. >The idea intrigues you
  488. >Yeah, maybe you could smooth things over, and make sure he was alright in your magical girl form
  489. >It certainly sounded better than just going up to him normally, and asking how he felt about you making him cum in his pants
  490. >It still felt so surreal that you'd actually gone that far with him
  491. >Even if it was mostly an accident
  492. >The part left over after 'mostly' is what worried you
  493. >What were your actual boundaries when it came to what you'd do with Anon?
  494. >Did you even have any?
  495. >Well obviously you did but boundaries you thought you had; you'd been overstepping on your own
  496. >Sure your familiar encouraged you, but they were never there with you
  497. >Making you do any of the stuff you'd done
  498. >It was pretty much all you, and just how perverted were you really?
  499. >You couldn't answer that, but hopefully you'd be able to before you got in big trouble somehow
  501. >You are Anon
  502. >You're sitting in your room at your computer
  503. >Trying not to think about what'd happened, again, and with no success
  504. >There was no way your little sister had done that on purpose right?
  505. >No, that was impossible
  506. >It was all the fault of that 'magical girlfriend'
  507. >With her skimpy clothing and making out with you like that
  508. >No wait, it was the other way around, and you made out with her
  509. >Damn it!
  510. >You can't even blame her properly!
  511. >Still though if they hadn't shown up you'd never had a problem like that
  512. >Just letting your little sister sit in your lap should have been innocent
  513. >It was supposed to be a moment to connect as siblings, and yet you ended up getting aroused
  514. >You even ended up blowing a load in your pants
  515. >You feel ashamed to have even considered the very concept of her having done that on purpose
  516. >Yet there you were hard as diamonds with no end to it's hardness in sight
  517. >You thought about masturbating but what if you got caught?
  518. >Then while worried about getting caught there's a knock at the door
  519. >You try to hide your boner and hide anything incriminated on your computer screen; before you allow them in
  520. >Speak of the Devil it was HER
  521. >Your 'magical girlfriend'
  522. "Now is NOT a good time!" You yell, yet trying not to be too loud and make your parents come here
  523. >"Nonsense Anon!" She responds in an insisting and confident tone
  524. >Then she takes a heroic pose before continuing, "A magical girlfriend just KNOWS when she's needed!"
  525. >You couldn't help noticing she was standing in a wide stance with her legs spread
  526. >Like that you could see the crotch of her panties peeking out from under the miniskirt
  527. >Fuck! She showed up just because you were pent up and thinking about masturbating?
  528. >No, that couldn't be it
  529. >Must be a coincidence
  531. >What would you do?
  532. >What did SHE want to do?
  533. >She speaks up saying, "I'm here because you've been down in the dumps and I want to make sure you're ok!"
  534. >You feel, better that she didn't say she was here to give you a hand job
  535. >Still you could use a hand job, and maybe she could do it...
  536. >If you wanted a little girl to give you a hand job
  537. >Which you assured yourself you didn't despite the growing heat in your groin
  538. "I'm fine, I swear! I don't need any help with anything!" you try to assure her without raising your hands above your lap
  539. >She insists though as she says "Can't I help with something?"
  540. >You feel more and more like she's goading you
  541. >She even swayed her flat chest at you while asking that and pleading
  542. >It is flat and yet there is something there and you try to look away but you can't
  543. >Oh god, how was she doing this to you?
  544. >She's approaching and even staring at your lap
  545. >Screw it, you can't hide it now
  546. >You stand up with your boner, and pick her up in your arms to take her out of your room again
  547. >Except it was different this time
  548. >She was fully awake and it was bright in your room
  549. >You could see her skimpy outfit up close now in such detail, and she squirmed suggestively while looking up at you with this horny gaze...
  550. >It took all the willpower you had to take her to the door of your room
  551. >You wanted to do soooo many things to her right then...
  552. >Things that you probably couldn't hope to get away with...
  553. >If she was real
  554. >As you held her she felt real
  555. >You stand there holding her as she tries to hold her miniskirt down with both hands for what feels like forever
  556. >Finally putting her out of your room and telling her to come back later
  557. >Why did you tell her to come back?
  558. >It was a problem for later
  559. >For now you were definitely going to masturbate
  560. >Locking your door even though you might get in trouble for it to prevent interruption
  562. >You are Sweetie Belle
  563. >You are sitting in the hallway after Anon has kicked you out of his room again
  564. >Though it was certainly different this time
  565. >You were so hot and bothered because it really felt like Anon might have fucked you
  566. >You still felt that it would have been going too far, but you felt more that you wanted it as well
  567. >A burning need in you that didn't care what was acceptable or not
  568. >Was being a magical girl messing with you?
  569. >You didn't feel any of this before, and you were getting more confused about your feelings every night
  570. >At least you're pretty sure you didn't before that
  571. >You were pretty sure these thoughts started when you first transformed into a magical girl
  572. >Yet you were sure Apple Bloom hadn't become like this when she became a magical girl
  573. >Was it just you?
  574. >None of it made any sense, and you weren't sure how to get answers
  575. >Or who to talk to about any of this
  576. >You could try your familiar, but somehow you doubted they had a whole lot of the answers you wanted
  577. >If only Rarity were here
  578. >She would have been able to help, but she graduated and moved out to run a clothing store
  579. >Maybe you could find a time to visitor her and ask for advice but she was super busy now
  580. >You couldn't just drop in on her and would need to schedule something
  581. >Deciding to call Rarity now to schedule it for as soon as possible
  582. >Rarity picks up the phone, and when you ask if you can come see her
  583. >She says she has some time free in a couple days
  584. >You seriously wonder what she's doing to make herself so busy, but if you asked she'd talk your ear off with boring details
  585. >For now though your familiar was a lot more available
  586. >Even if they were much less reliable than Rarity
  587. >You started to even doubt they'd actually tell you the truth, or had your best interests in mind
  588. >It felt bad to doubt a cute little unicorn like that
  589. >Maybe you were just about to scapegoat them for your problems
  590. >Arriving at your room your familiar definitely wanted to talk
  591. >Saying you had enough magic power to make a strong attack and defense spells now fore sure
  592. >You hadn't thought about if anything that'd been going on would've meant you'd have more magic, but it was nice it did
  593. >Your familiar asking final permission to go ahead with the two spell creations before doing it
  594. >Giving the go ahead they glowed like before, and was ready to explain them
  595. >Here come the embarrassing names and stuff
  596. >The defense spell first as they said it was a barrier spell
  597. >You used it by holding out your hands in front of you, and saying "Protection of Onii-chan's undying love!"
  598. >You expected it by now so it didn't phase you to much that it was like that
  599. >Next was the attack spell which was a heart shaped beam
  600. >The process for that one was involved, and they couldn't fully show you since it relied on having hands
  601. >You needed to make your hands into a heart in front of your heart, and say "Racing heart just for Onii-chan!"
  602. >Apparently making your hands into a heart involved your thumbs together to form the bottom of the heart, and your fingers tented together to form the top
  603. >It takes a few tries, but eventually your familiar tells you you're doing it right
  605. >You were so distracted by the new spells you almost forget you had questions you wanted to ask
  606. >Actually... What were they again?
  607. >Something about why you were so different as a magical girl
  608. >You think that's what it was
  609. >Your familiar thinks hard about it, but says they don't know how to answer that one
  610. >Figured, guess your gut feeling about how useful they'd be with it was right
  611. >With that settled for now you tried to think of anything else you could do tonight
  612. >It was too late to go anywhere, and you couldn't get back in Anon's room for now
  613. >Maybe you'd go to bed early, and try to catch up on the sleep you'd been missing
  614. >Then see what you could do tomorrow
  615. >You had a bit of trouble getting to sleep with everything going on but eventually you get to sleep for the night
  616. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  617. End of Day 3
  618. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  619. >Waking up in the morning you feel rested
  620. >You get ready for your day, but would would you do?
  621. >You don't have to wonder long as you hear Mom call you and Anon downstairs to talk
  622. >You hoped you weren't in trouble, but she didn't sound mad so perhaps not
  623. >Getting downstairs Anon arrives soon after
  624. >looking a bit groggy and dragging his feet
  625. >Must have stayed up super late
  626. >Mom explains what's up saying, "Kids these days just don't get enough exercise and I'm worried you're letting yourselves get out of shape!"
  627. >Ugh... Exercise... You weren't as fit as your friends, but you weren't THAT bad
  628. >She sees you roll your eyes and scolds you, "Don't be like that! I want you two to go to the park and get some exercise for once. Anon, you watch out for your little sister!"
  629. >Anon tries to say he had plans for today, but mom cuts him off as he barely starts talking
  630. >She wasn't having any of it, and you were both going
  632. >It was forced exercise almost like it was PE class at school, but on the other hand it was like an excuse to spend time with Anon today
  633. >Mom reiterates her point, "Go play outside and don't come back for at least a few hours, and I'll be able to tell if you didn't actually do anything there!"
  634. >It's like she thinks she knows everything, but every time you think she's just bluffing she CAN tell
  635. >Anon doesn't want to be made to play outside at least as much as you if not more
  636. >Not like either of you had a choice though, but maybe you could make the best of it
  637. >Reassuring Anon you'd think of SOMETHING to do as you head out the door, and Anon shuffles behind you
  638. >He blushes just a bit for some reason, and now you start thinking what you said sounded just a bit like innuendo
  639. >You didn't mean it like that though
  640. >It was a public space and everything
  641. >Heading out to the park you aren't coming up with good ideas though
  642. >Most you COULD come up with was kid games you'd never convince Anon to play with you
  643. >Once there you kind of just end up walking around the park
  644. >Anon is walking while staring down at his phone, and playing something on it
  645. >He called it a 'gatcha game', but wouldn't let you take a look at it
  646. >Must be something lewd
  647. >When he won't let you look that was usually the reason
  648. >He must be pretty bold to play something like that here
  649. >Though it wasn't like everyone in the park could see what was on his phone
  650. >After all you were right next to him, and not even you could see it
  651. >You're wandering around ends when some weirdo stop you; not that you could talk
  652. >It was a girl in some kind of rough all black business suit, and she was glowing gold with dollar sign accessories all over
  653. >She must be a magical girl
  654. >I mean who else would even consider dressing like that?
  655. >You had a feeling this one was actually going to be a fight, and you weren't even transformed or anything
  657. >Coming up with an excuse to leave and transform you say you'd go get help, and Anon looks confused wondering why help was needed
  658. >You run off though to transform
  659. >Then come right back running as fast as you can
  660. >You arrive as Lil Sweets panting and out of breath
  661. >Maybe mom was right that you needed to exercise more for real
  662. >Anon is surprised to see his 'magical girlfriend', and you think he's mostly just mentally checked out of this madhouse situation now
  663. >The other magical girl finally introduces herself as "Self Made Girl, Diamond in the Rough"
  664. >Oh, the suit is like that because it's coal that's yet to become a diamond; you get it now
  665. >Isn't a theme like that a little gaudy?
  666. >Whatever, this was a confrontation and not fashion tip hour
  667. >Though she didn't hold back her own comments
  668. >Asking who you were and called you a 'magical slut'
  669. >Again with that!
  670. >God damn it!
  671. >You didn't choose the outfit!
  672. >Though a worrying thought occurred to you
  673. >You couldn't use your combat spells, and say the phrases with Anon here
  674. >Anon definitely knew what 'Onii-chan' means, and what if he figured out who you really were because of that?
  675. >Maybe you could handle this without them?
  676. >Though you remember that you were supposed to introduce yourself
  677. >Introducing yourself as Lil Sweets, and adding that you're Anon's girlfriend
  678. >She doesn't believe you at all and replies, "Too bad 'girlfriend', I need a high school boyfriend to be successful, and since Anon is the only high school boy I know about he'll have to do."
  679. >Anon cuts in saying she's getting way ahead of herself, and he isn't interested
  681. >This of course makes her mad to just be shot down like that, and she says she'd buy Anon out
  682. >She puts her hands together like she was holding something, and about to toss it into the air
  683. >Saying a magic phrase "Earning and splurging requiem:Make it rain!" before throwing her hands up
  684. >To your surprise and especially Anon's what looks like money appears from her hands
  685. >It showers practically everywhere covering the ground
  686. >Anon picks up one of them and remarks with teasing amusement, "Tiara bucks? Did you make this play money yourself? That's so cuuuuuute~"
  687. You can't help laughing at her and pilling on with, "You actually thought you could counterfeit money with magic?!"
  688. >Your sides start to hurt from laughing when she looks devastated that it wasn't real money, and no doubt feels like an idiot
  689. >Then you put two and two together...
  690. >'Diamond in the Rough', and 'Tiara bucks'?
  691. >It's gotta be Diamond Tiara
  692. >You feel a little bad now mocking her like this and maybe you'd apologize later, but all is fair in love and war
  693. >Then you stop laughing as she looks at you funny like she recognized you now
  694. >She opens her mouth to talk, and your rush over to force your hands over her mouth to stop her
  695. >From saying whatever she was about to say
  696. >You jump at her and manage to cover her mouth in time
  697. >As you start to physically struggle with Diamond Tiara on the ground
  698. >Anon comes between you two pushing you away from each other to end the fight
  699. >However pushing on your chest his hand brushes one of your nipples
  700. >The rough sensation there making you moan a little suddenly
  701. >Then Diamond Tiara points at you and remarks, "You really are some kind of slut aren't you?!"
  702. >Puffing your cheeks in anger and embarrassment as Anon backs away again from both of you
  703. >Then Diamond Tiara seems to try and start an attack spell; when you hear a loud whistle being tweeted
  705. >Looking at at where it came from you see a park official run over before asking all three of you, "Now who threw all this litter around?!"
  706. >Both you and Anon point at Diamond
  707. >She looks shocked and appalled you'd just point your finger at her right away
  708. >"I don't know what kind of game you're playing here but you're gonna pick all this up, and then I'll have a talk with your parents." He says sternly
  709. >You kind of felt like you were throwing her under the buss when you say you weren't involved at all and this was all on her
  710. >This was hardly the last you'd see of Diamond about this
  711. >However as Diamond starts to pick up her fake money you and Anon get a chance to just up and leave
  712. >Your first magical girl battle was over
  713. >Well...
  714. >Calling it a 'battle' seemed to be pushing it but you came out okay, and that's what's important
  715. >Then Anon turns to you trying to pretend like none of that had happened
  716. >Then asks if you'd find his little sister for him
  717. >You quickly agree glad he still thought of you as a different person, and run off to turn back to normal out of sight
  718. >Then waiting a bit before returning you see Anon back on his phone
  719. >You greet him and say you were back, but couldn't find anyone who could help
  720. >Anon replies it was over anyway; whatever it was
  721. >He doesn't want to explain further, and you just leave it at that though pretending to be annoyed he wouldn't tell you
  722. >Though soon you're back to walking behind Anon while he plays that phone game
  723. >Now you're hoping Anon wouldn't be a spectator for the next 'battle'
  724. >So you could actually use your combat spells if you needed to
  726. >The rest of your time at the park goes rather uneventfully, and you start to head home with Anon
  727. >Unsure if you'd actually gotten enough exercise
  728. >Though when you got home and see mom making dinner she looks very distracted
  729. >She even seems upset about something
  730. >Greeting her you make her notice your were there, but she hardly acknowledges you
  731. >Saying dinner will be ready soon
  732. >Wasn't she going to tell you if you'd exercised enough
  733. >Anon too for that matter?
  734. >Anon looks worried, but doesn't try to say anything
  735. >Just heading straight to his room
  736. >Gathering the courage to ask mom what was wrong you finally ask
  737. >She just responds, "I'll tell you later."
  738. >Which made you even more worried
  739. >You were so self-involved with your own problems; you hadn't even thought about if mom might have trouble with something
  740. >Though if she wasn't going to tell you now you couldn't force her
  741. >Maybe you'd spend some more time with Anon?
  742. >However going to his room and trying to open the door you find the door locked
  743. >Was Anon sure mom wouldn't come to his room, and that you wouldn't try telling her about this?
  744. >Either way unless you suddenly gain a magical ability to phase through doors Anon was off limits for now
  745. >You think of an idea of what to do though
  746. >Calling Apple Bloom to tell her about your combat spells
  747. >Well, maybe you'd leave out mentioning what the phrases were
  748. >You had a feeling Apple Bloom would understand loving your big brother 'too much', but still didn't want to say anything about it
  749. >Though maybe if you kept doing magical girl stuff outside of flirting with Anon it'd come out sooner or later...
  750. >You'd keep the secret as long as possible even if being exposed to other magical girls was inevitable
  752. >Oh yeah...
  753. >Maybe you should mention your confrontation with Diamond Tiara too
  754. >In fact maybe you'd put Scootaloo on the line for the call too
  755. >Just to talk as friends after you made your little announcement
  756. >Calling both of them they pick up rather quickly
  757. >It was a summer evening so they were pretty likely to be free to talk
  758. "Hey guys, I've got a beam spell and a barrier spell now!" you tell them excitedly
  759. >"Great news Sweetie! Now you're catching up!" Apple Bloom replies congratulating you even if that last part felt unnecessary
  760. >"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be super effective!" Scootaloo adds in support
  761. "Some more news is... I think I really may need to use them soon..." You mention before explaining the incident at the park
  762. >The important bits anyway
  763. >Apple Bloom speaks up after you're done, "Yeah, kind of expected that."
  764. >She did?
  765. >She goes on to say, "Yeah, her and Silver Spoon have been playing villains. They're not actually all that bad, but I admit it's fun."
  766. >Though you remind her about the part where she got in trouble for littering and you left her to take all the blame
  767. >She likely was actually seriously mad at you
  768. >"Actually... About that... I did get a note from them saying to meet them for a battle." Apple Bloom says remembering it
  769. >"Maybe it'll be a more intense battle this time!" She continues with rising excitement in her voice
  770. >"We'll just have to see..." Scootaloo chimes in sounding worried about it
  771. >You'd never actually used your combat spells before so you didn't know how strong they were at all
  773. >Though after that was over with it was time to talk about other stuff
  774. >Pretty much everything and nothing
  775. >Just like you're sure regular friends do
  776. >It puts you at ease to just talk about normal stuff for a bit like any other day
  777. >The idea of magical powers, battles, and stuff IS exciting
  778. >However after talking like this for a bit it's clear you need stuff like this too
  779. >Something to keep you from going crazy, and help you remember what a normal day in a mundane life is like
  780. >Not in a bad way either
  781. >Because there are good things about mundane living; the simple things in life
  782. >It usually just sounds like a dumb movie message tacked on, but you think you get it a bit now
  783. >Though your conversation is actually cut short by mom saying it's time for dinner
  784. >Coming down you see everyone at the table this time
  785. >Even Anon and he's already eating
  786. >Mom and dad seem to be in normal moods too
  787. >Maybe you were worrying about nothing earlier?
  788. >It was certainly easy to accept that as the answer, and just eat dinner
  789. >There probably was even more to worry about for later than you were even aware of
  790. >You wouldn't solve any of it by just worrying like you want to carry the wright of the world on your shoulders
  791. >In fact you decide that tonight was a 'no stress night'
  792. >It's supposed to be summer, and summer is about not stressing out
  793. >Maybe you'd play a game after dinner? Watch TV? Practically doesn't matter.
  795. >Deciding to sit in front of the TV you even find yourself being woken up by dad because you fell asleep
  796. >Having relaxed yourself so much you'd fallen asleep
  797. >Dad telling you to head to bed if you're going to sleep
  798. >Except you didn't want to go to bed early, but maybe you should
  799. >Some extra sleep could do a world of good for you
  800. >So you decide to go and get ready for bed
  801. >A normal nightly routine before getting in bed
  802. >You didn't see any sign of your familiar in your room this time
  803. >Maybe you'd just ignored them without thinking about it
  804. >After that you fall asleep much easier than you had been recently
  806. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  807. End of Day 4
  808. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  810. >Waking up in the morning you stretch, and yawn yourself fully awake
  811. >You feel great, and you weren't just saying that
  812. >The 'no stress night' really did the trick
  813. >Thinking about Anon, and how you left him to his own devices though you wonder what you should do
  814. >Either by coincidence or design, but only after you start thinking about Anon again does your familiar reveal themselves
  815. >"So, you're gonna be in a big fight soon are ya?" They say expectantly
  816. >You wonder how they knew, but then you remember your group phone call happened in your room last night
  817. >"I hope you really are prepared because fights with magic can seriously be dangerous, and not just for you either." your familiar explains with a serious tone
  818. You weren't sure what they meant by that as you ask, "What do you mean?"
  819. >Answering your question with, "Maybe your friends already know, but choose a deserted area for it. Also don't fire your beam at anyone till you know how strong it is."
  820. >Right...
  821. >If you underestimate your beam attack you could seriously hurt Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon
  822. >You wanted to win, but you wouldn't want to put them in the hospital
  823. >Then you remembered Apple Bloom hadn't told you where to go or when for it
  824. >Calling her Apple Bloom sounds embarrassed about it, and says it was behind the old middle school at 1:00 PM
  825. >Which was plenty of time to prepare yourself, and you could go right after lunch
  826. >Telling Apple Bloom you'll be there; you let her do her own preparing
  827. >You doubted she actually needed to do much to prepare though
  828. >It wouldn't surprise you if she ended the fight all on her own in no time
  830. >You decide to have breakfast before you bog yourself down with anything else
  831. >You feel like fully embracing being a kid right now so your breakfast of choice was obvious
  832. >Colorful, sugary, extra sugary, and basically just sugar cereal
  833. >Sweet sugary goodness rot these teeth away and send me to paradise
  834. >Basking in your sugar high for a moment after eating it to your hearts content you realize you forgot about Anon again
  835. >You head to his room, but his door is open and he's not there
  836. >You puff your cheeks and pout
  837. >He left already without telling you?
  838. >Thinking about it it's not actually like he needs to tell you, but now you had no idea where he was
  839. >You wanted to see him before the big battle
  840. >Though calling it that was probably exaggerating
  841. >When Apple Bloom described it the thing sounded more like a magical girl version of playing cops and robbers
  842. >Still though your familiar's warning reminded you that magic can be dangerous
  843. >So no matter what you called it, or if your opponents weren't truly evil you still needed to be careful
  844. >You find mom watching some sappy drama on TV, and tell her you'd like to go play with your friends after lunch
  845. >She's engrossed in watching the show, but says it's fine and to be back by dinner
  846. >You remembered how mom had been yesterday when you'd returned from the park, but nothing to to about that now
  847. >In fact mom says she can't make lunch, but there's some sandwiches she'd intended to send with you and Anon to the park
  848. >Except she'd forgotten to so they're in the fridge
  850. "Hey mom, are you sure you're alright?" you ask with concern in your voice
  851. >She reassures you with, "I'll be fine Sweetie, I'm just a bit tired and distracted right now. You don't need to worry."
  852. >Yet you couldn't just stop worrying
  853. >It was seeming more and more like it was something serious, but you weren't being let in on it because mom still sees you as a little kid
  854. >Maybe everyone does, but you're entering High School next year
  855. >That ought to count for something right?
  856. >At least there was a clear plan of action now
  857. >Even if whatever mom's situation was felt like it was looming over you
  858. >You decide to watch her show with her till it was time for lunch, but you can't follow the plot at all
  859. >That's what you get for walking into a long running show you hadn't been watching before
  860. >Which reminds you of when you tried to watch Anon's show with him
  861. >You actually feel just a bit like you were uncultured now since you couldn't relate to the stuff either your mom or big brother liked
  862. >Resolving to change that as you try your best to pick up on what's going on in the show until it's time for lunch
  863. >Slowly but surely you THINK you're starting to get it a little by the time noon rolls around
  865. >About to eat the sandwich however you decide to leave with the sandwich so you could arrive early
  866. >Perhaps because you were anxious about this thing going down
  867. >Walking to the middle school you just graduated out of feels a bit nostalgic even though it hadn't been long at all
  868. >Eating the sandwich on the way there
  869. >Despite being early as you approach the school you see that everyone is basically there already
  870. >You transform just before arriving
  871. >They must have been anxious too
  872. >Seeing the last arrival (you) Diamond Tiara addresses your group, "Welcome to Dieeeee!"
  873. >Sounded a little corny but whatever; that was probably part of the fun
  874. >She then starts introductions with, "You already know I'm Self Made Girl: Diamond in the Rough, but my number two here is 'Silver perfection:His little angel'!"
  875. >Then motioning towards Silver Spoon who waved like you weren't even about to fight
  876. >She's dressed in something like a ballerina costume made entirely of silver
  877. >It reflects so much light that she's a bit hard to look at under a near noon summer sun
  878. >That name seemed off, but maybe you didn't want to know the story behind it
  879. >And of course you remember Apple Bloom as a magical girl
  880. >"APPUL ULTRA" with her ultra buff figure in overalls and hair standing up
  881. >Then you remembered you'd never actually heard Scootaloo's magical girl name, or seen her in her that form
  882. >Scootaloo is wearing short shorts and an exercise tank top
  883. >Which isn't that odd of an outfit even if it shows a lot of skin
  884. >The odd thing is she's slick and shiny all over like she were covered in grease
  885. >"I'm 'Greased Scooting1'" she announces to you like she's proud of the name
  886. >Doesn't she mean 'greased lighting'?
  887. >You guess the names have to reference their own names somehow, but it sounds a little dumb
  888. >Though you pretend it's cool for her sake, and looking around either either nobody else thinks it sounds dumb
  889. >That or they are doing the same thing you are
  890. >With introductions out of the way it would soon be time for the battle to begin
  892. >Starting the battle proper Diamond Tiara throws her fake money in the air, "Spending and Splurging Requiem: Make it Rain!"
  893. >Before going right into the attack spell she never got to use earlier
  894. >Raising her hands up with her index fingers pointing out like an orchestra conductor as she said, "Directing the flow of commerce!"
  895. >The fake money rises into the air forming a cloud above her
  896. >Then directing her fingers at your group some of the bills start flying fast right for you
  897. >Thinking fast you put your hands in front of you, and use your defensive spell "Protection of Onii-chan's undying love!"
  898. >The barrier forms in front of you, and blocks the attack nicely
  899. >Though then Apple Bloom turns to you with a confused expression asking, "Tha heck is an 'Onii-chan'?"
  900. >To your frustration the battle seems to grind to a halt because it seems everyone was wondering that
  901. "Come on guys! We're in the middle of something! Can't we leave questions like that for later?!" you protest not wanting to answer that
  902. >But everyone just looks at you expectantly
  903. >Apparently they wouldn't just keep fighting and wanted the answer NOW
  904. >You try rocking front and back on your heels while whistling innocently
  905. >Then looking away to stall, but it doesn't work
  907. >Then Diamond Tiara basically outs you by remembering something, "It probably means 'brother' somehow. Earlier in the park she was saying she was Anon's girlfriend."
  908. >The look of a deer in headlights on your face only confirms her right, but Apple Bloom speaks up for you
  909. >"Sure ah wouldn't date muh big brother, but I can understand where she's coming from... It's not like I never thought about... You know..."
  910. >She fidgets before continuing, "H-h-how 'big' he is... He has a girlfriend and he's muh brother so a thought like if it'd fit in muh mouth would be wrong... But I could understand thoughts like that..."
  911. >Then surprisingly Silver spoon speaks up and starts with, "My Dad!...", but then Diamond Tiara socks her in the arm to stop her
  912. >"Damn it Silver! I don't want to hear about your dad's dick again! Today!... Just because you walked in on him in the shower that one time doesn't mean I want to always hear about it..." She angrily rants before trailing off
  913. >"I kind of wish Rainbow was my big sister..." You hear someone say off hand out of nowhere; it was definitely Scootaloo
  914. >Maybe you weren't so alone in your problems
  915. >Then Apple Bloom pats your shoulder supportively and says, "What happens in the world of magical girls, stays in the world of magical girls."
  916. >Then everyone else agrees while looking away nervously
  917. >They probably ALL had things they were embarrassed about on display here
  918. >So you were in good company even if you were a pervert who wanted your big brother
  919. >After some awkward silence you all remember the battle and assume fighting stances
  921. >This time Scootaloo makes the first move rushing towards them super fast
  922. >However she's intercepted when Silver Spoon uses "Bonds of Love!", and creates a silver rope that ties Scootaloo up
  923. >The way she's tied up is almost like being hog tied but weird with a lot of unnecessary rope in places
  924. >In fact it looks vaguely sexual, but never mind that Scootaloo is down!
  925. >Apple Bloom finally takes the field and then...
  926. >Starts lumbering towards them.
  927. >She makes the ground shake with thundering foot steps but she's going far too slow
  928. >Though Silver Spoon gets scared and pleads for Diamond Tiara to do something clinging to her leader
  929. >Apple Bloom yells, "Best Appul Slam!" Before hitting the ground so hard a crater is formed
  930. >You fall down losing your balance but Diamond Tiara barely manages to stay standing
  931. >Perhaps because her business suit practically made of coal was stiff enough to help her here
  932. >Diamond Tiara directs her flying money at Apple Bloom before you can get up, and she's hit with it
  933. >The money grazes her and gives her small cuts in places, but it doesn't look TOO bad
  934. >Then Apple Bloom starts yelling about paper cuts, and frantically jumps around in place
  935. >Oh yeah, it wasn't bad for a serious battle, but paper cuts DO hurt quite a bit
  936. >Maybe you could use your beam attack without aiming it directly at Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon by aiming at the cloud of money?
  937. >Doing the heart sign over your heart you'd learned earlier, and aiming your chest up at the cloud of notes you say the phrase, "Racing Heart Just for Onii-chan!"
  938. >For the briefest moment a small heart shaped beam comes from your hands, but then it's size increases dramatically
  939. >Causing a booming sound that hurts your ears and a flash of bright light almost like you think a flash bang grenade from a video game would be like in real life
  941. >It lasted less than a second you're sure but you feel disorientated
  942. >Coming to your senses to the smell of burning paper and everyone staring at either you or the sky with shock and horror
  943. >Silver Spoon yells for you to put that thing away before you hurt someone
  944. >Apple Bloom freaks out saying the beam fired high enough in the sky the cops might come
  945. >Diamond Tiara shouts, "Battle over everyone! Silver Spoon, untie Scootaloo so we can all get out of here!"
  946. >Silver Spoon complies as the ropes vanish
  947. >Sounding more and more panicked Diamond Tiara yells, "Everyone to my Limo! We'll hide at my place for a bit!"
  948. >Getting near her limo Diamond yells for her butler at the driver's seat to start the engine
  949. >However getting into the limo and starting to calm down you notice there's one extra person you didn't expect here
  950. >It was Anon who was tied up and with a gag in his mouth
  951. >You shoot Diamond an angry glance
  952. >Diamond Tiara nervously remembers, and tries to explain herself
  953. >"S-so I bribed him to let me tie him up... So I could pretend he was a hostage as part of my villainous plot... It's all pretend! I didn't actually kidnap him or anything!"
  954. >It must have been a pretty damn good bribe then
  955. >You can hardly even imagine what she must have offered to get him to agree to something like that
  956. >Then Diamond Tiara orders her butler to drive her home, and to step on it
  957. >Unlike all of you the driver remained calm as he drove
  958. >Man, high class butlers sure know how to keep a level head
  959. >Though this was all crazy, and becoming crazier by the minute
  960. >You calmed yourself by telling yourself that you'd just untie Anon
  961. >You'd spend a bit at Diamond Tiara's cooling off, and everything would work itself out
  962. >However looking down at a tied up Anon while knowing you were still in magical girl from you couldn't help having some...
  963. >Impure thoughts...
  965. >Arriving at Diamond's mansion the limo pulls in through the front gate
  966. >Which seemed to open automatically, but maybe there's a security guard that opened it
  967. >Either way the limo pulls up to the front of the mansion
  968. >You remember you still hadn't untied Anon
  969. >Even as Diamond tells her butler to take Anon to her room
  970. >You tell yourself you're just waiting for the right time to untie him
  971. >You follow Diamond and the butler carrying Anon
  972. >Along with everyone else to her room while feeling nervous
  973. >The butler sets Anon down at the foot of her bed, and Diamond dismisses him
  974. >Then an awkward silence as nobody knows what comes next for a bit
  975. >Diamond remembers something, and suggests something she'd planned for after the battle
  976. >Promising it'd be fun
  977. >She resumes her villain act like nothing had happened and declares, "Lil Sweets! I challenge you to a test to see who should be Anon's girlfriend!"
  978. >Then acting on a cue Silver Spoon adds, "The most devious way to test comparability ever devised on television! A TV dating game show!"
  979. >Apple Bloom shakes her fist dramatically while trying not to laugh saying, "You'll never get away with this!"
  980. >Then Scootaloo adds on with a purposely dramatic, "You monsters!"
  981. >Then stiffing a snicker at her own performance
  982. >Despite their performances Apple Bloom and Scootaloo push you to accept the 'challenge'
  983. >You feel like you shouldn't but then again the peer pressure gets to you
  984. >You decide to accept and all your friends giggle and gab about how scandalous this all is
  986. >Then it was time for the rules for how this would go down
  987. >A couple chairs are set up for you and Diamond to sit on as 'the bachelorettes'
  988. >Though before you sit down Silver Spoon explains they couldn't get numbered curtains in time
  989. >So they'd just blindfold Anon to keep him from seeing which is which
  990. >So Silver Spoon puts the blindfold on Anon
  991. >Then Diamond sits on the first chair, and you sit on the second one
  992. >Silver Spoon explains she'd be the host since 'Diamond in the rough' is a contestant, and can't be both a contestant and the host
  993. >The role of 'judge' would fall to consensus because no single one of you could be an 'impartial judge'
  994. >They had questions prepared to ask you and 'Diamond in the rough'
  995. >Hearing her magical girl name a second time in this explanation you remind yourself to not use your friends' real names talking
  996. >Then you'd all watch Anon's reactions and hopefully it'd be obvious which answer he 'liked better'
  997. >Of course as the host Silver Spoon would be reading out these answers
  998. >They weren't sure how many 'points' would declare the winner, but they threw out the number 10 off hand
  999. >It'd either be that or when either of the contestants admitted defeat
  1000. >You think you get how it'll all work now, but you can't help wondering just what kind of questions they have
  1001. >Soon it would be time to take Anon's gag out so he could be the 'bachelor' proper
  1002. >You were excited too, but doubted Anon would just play along right away
  1004. >You are Anon
  1005. >You are tied up in some rich girl's house
  1006. >You think you'd met before at the park
  1007. >They look like the same girl
  1008. >Now their friends are treating you like a toy
  1009. >Your 'magical girlfriend' is even here
  1010. >Most of them looked like you'd expect kids to look when dressed in ridiculous costumes
  1011. >The only other one even close to as lewd as your 'magical girlfriend' was the greased up exercise girl
  1012. >She looked like a butch lesbian in the making though
  1013. >Either way now it looks like they're going to do some dating game
  1014. >A 'dating game' was definitely not what you'd signed up for either
  1015. >The 'magical girlfriend' had been announcing themselves as your girlfriend anyway
  1016. >Even without the results of a game making them feel justified in saying so
  1017. >You were told it would be something that sounded like a battle in an anime
  1018. >Which is what you'd agreed to in the first place when you accepted the bribe
  1019. >Just pretending to be a hostage for a few minutes
  1020. >Still though it was an ultra rare figurine of your waifu the rich girl had agreed to get for you
  1021. >It'd been impossible for you to get it yourself, but apparently she could get it
  1022. >Her bodyguards were also rather threatening, and it seemed just a bit like an 'offer you couldn't refuse'
  1023. >Honestly with someone that rich wanting something from you; it seemed like you were getting off rather easy
  1024. >Regardless once the gag came out you were going to speak your mind about all this
  1026. The gag comes out and you start with, "This right here isn't what I'd agreed to at all."
  1027. >Though before you can continue objecting you can hear the rich girl chide you with 'tsk tsk tsk'
  1028. >You can't see with the blindfold, but you're sure she's wagging her finger at you
  1029. >She smugly points out to your frustration, "That figurine you asked for WAS very expensive, and VERY difficult to get."
  1030. >Then you can practically hear the smug look she must have on her face as she continues, "Or perhaps you want your parents to know how wildly inappropriate the figurine is too?"
  1031. >You didn't think she'd look into it beyond just telling her goons to track it down, but you'd be sunk if the wrong people knew
  1032. >As the other girls get interested in hearing about it you start to panic internally
  1033. >Then the rich girl says the term you dreaded her even having seen much less learned what it meant
  1034. >She said 'cast off' and you caved immediately
  1035. "If you don't tell anyone, and don't explain what you said just now means... I'll do whatever you want! Dead serious!"
  1036. >You hardly even know these girls besides the one, but you'd do anything to make sure they leave this place never finding out there are anime figures where you can remove it's clothing
  1037. >Maybe you'd even rather die before letting them leave here knowing about it, and saying they know about it because of you
  1038. >So now you were both bribed AND blackmailed
  1039. >They may be younger girls but you were well and truly licked here
  1040. >The rich girl got even more smug and accepts this new 'deal'
  1041. >The other girls complain and still want to hear what the rich girl was talking about
  1042. >It was possibly the only good thing that's happened to you in the past few days when the rich girl refuses because you and her 'have a deal'
  1043. >That being said they are about to start their little game
  1044. >With you as their 'bachelor', and you having a 'confirmed girlfriend' between one of two little girls at the end of it
  1046. >If you had to pick which would you even want to win?
  1047. >Starting to try to make it not sound so bad maybe they're not as young as you think?
  1048. >Like for example your little sister is only between 1 and 2 years younger than you
  1049. >14 to your 16 right now, but still this is at a point where she and girls like her LOOK a lot younger than you
  1050. >Really it wasn't a big age gap, but it feels like it matters more when that 1-2 years makes the difference between being a growth spurt ahead or behind
  1051. >People would look at you funny walking around with either of them on your arm even if it was legal on a technicality or something
  1052. >You start thinking about the 'magical girlfriend' and think to yourself she must be older than she looks
  1053. >It's the only way her actual behavior and clothing choices could even begin to make sense
  1054. >Would you actually pick her though if you were seriously choosing?
  1055. >Would you pick the other one just to NOT feel railroaded into being with the 'magical girlfriend'?
  1056. >How did you even feel about your earlier encounters with your 'magical girlfriend'; as in do you 'owe her' anything?
  1057. >Neither of them seemed to be girls you could 'avoid' in any case regardless of which one 'lost' either
  1058. >The game was seriously about to start, and you felt like you were just being left to blow in wind with no idea what'd happen
  1059. >Especially with it up to their interpretation which one of them 'won' each round
  1060. >What would they even be watching to make their decision?
  1061. >With a blindfold on you wouldn't be able to tell where they were looking
  1062. >You have to try to stop yourself from getting hard just thinking about the possibility of all of them starring at your crotch right now
  1063. >Yet being a teen boy merely thinking about the very concept of a boner damns you to full mast
  1065. >Hearing the girls giggle as they no doubt notice this makes you feel like you could die of embarrassment
  1066. >Though of course this doesn't stop the 'host' from audibly clearing their throat to 'start the show'
  1067. >Announcing the start of the show and introducing the bachelorettes simply as contestant #1 & 2
  1068. >Not that any of their efforts worked, and you couldn't just immediately know which was which just from their voices
  1069. >Asking the first question the host starts with, "What do you consider a romantic date?"
  1070. >The rich girl's voice responds as 'contestant #1' with, "My date should pamper me and really me me feel special."
  1071. >Damn she sounds self centered
  1072. >Which actually doesn't surprise you in the slightest
  1073. >Next obviously was the 'magical girlfriend' as 'contestant #2', "We could go to a romantic movie, and have a sophisticated candle lit dinner!"
  1074. >Saying this excitedly even though it was such a boring and cookie cutter response
  1075. >Seeing you fail to respond positively to either the round is declared a 'draw'
  1076. >You hear a shuffling of cards as the host reads the next question, "If you would describe yourself as an animal, what kind of animal would you be?"
  1077. >The rich girl balks at the question responding with, "What kind of question is that? Am I supposed to say something like 'a cat because I have claws' or something"?"
  1078. >'Contestant #2' is hesitant to respond but gives it a shot with, "U-uhm... A pony?... Because, uhmmmm, ponies are nice?"
  1079. >You're sure you hear the host face palm before simply skipping to the next question without even waiting for a consensus
  1080. >Confusion in the host's voice knowing that the question was stupid before even finishing reading it out loud, "What car would best describe your personality?"
  1081. >The rich girl is actually mad now and audibly slaps the question cards out of the host's hands
  1083. >Angrily ranting out, "I'm supposed to describe my personality with a car?! Where did you even get these?! Forget the written questions! Just make up some which actually make some sense!"
  1084. >Huffing as she tried to recompose herself and get back into the game
  1085. >Actually seemingly a bit miffed herself the host's next question seems to be designed to make her 'boss' uncomfortable
  1086. >"What's the furthest you'd go with Anon?" she asks bluntly, and you can pretty clearly imagine her face after hearing it
  1087. >The rich girl actually stuttering with exasperation before answering, "I didn't mean jump straight into the gutter Silver Perfection! Have some class here! Do you expect me to say something like that I'd just start making out with him?!"
  1088. >Now feeling self conscious, and wishing you could see how 'contestant #2' looked right now
  1089. >Then the most shocking answer you thought you could never have heard as the second contest just says like they thought nobody could hear her, "I'd blow him."
  1090. >Then as shocked gasps were heard she tried to scale back on her answer quickly saying now, "I-I'd hold his hand!"
  1091. >It was too late though, and everyone especially you heard her say she'd suck you off
  1092. >Before you even notice it you're practically chewing your lip
  1093. >An awkward silence before contestant #2 is declared the winner of the round
  1095. >Also with that you were rock hard again despite how much you didn't want to show obvious arousal to the answer
  1096. >Clearly getting more than she bargained for the host toned down the next question drastically, or at least tried to, "What are Anon's hobbies?"
  1097. >Now just testing knowledge about you, but you knew the correct kind of answers would make this one like the last one
  1098. >The rich girl fumes and stutters more responding with indignation, "I'm sorry I rejected the questions you looked up but quit messing with me here! I-I just can't say in polite company what he collects! I just can't!"
  1099. >Then once again 'contestant #2' responds with the answer nobody except maybe you wanted to hear, "He likes watching perverted Japanese shows about slutty cartoon women with huge tits. He also likes collecting merchandise of the slutty big titted cartoon women."
  1100. >The rich girl audibly winces and cringes as if remembering the figurine you'd asked for as your bribe
  1101. >Then the obvious result as contestant #2 won this round as well
  1102. >That's two wins in a row for her, and you're not sure how much more of this the rich girl can take before they decide they don't even want you anymore
  1103. >Then as if convincing herself to continue with the game she says probably to herself, "I-it's good for a high class spouse to have 'exotic tastes' and 'eccentric foreign hobbies'"
  1104. >It was obvious she didn't actually approve but wanted to 'look the other way' for the sake of having you anyway
  1105. >Was she really so detached from high schoolers that you were 'her only option' if she insisted on a high school boyfriend?
  1106. >At least you think she said something about wanting that specifically when you met her before
  1108. >The host now trying to get things moving again with a new question, "What do you think Anon's 'type' is?"
  1109. >Before immediately regretting that question she tries again, "I mean... What do you feel is your best trait that makes you compatible with Anon?"
  1110. >Now confident to give an answer the rich girl answers, "I'm a very refined and intelligent woman! Any man should feel privileged to even be considered by me!"
  1111. >Then 'contestant #2' is on the defensive now, and you hear her shifting in her seat nervously trying to come up with an answer
  1112. >After a while of shifting and no doubt staring at her feet the host imitates a buzzer saying she ran out of time
  1113. >One of her friends tries to give her support saying, "Ya'll need to get yer head back in tha game! Y'all can do this!"
  1114. >A voice that hasn't spoken up a lot but must be the exercise girl chiming in saying she doesn't have to be so nervous, and to be herself
  1115. >Though this round went to the rich girl by default with no official response from her
  1116. >You actually feel a bit bad for her now imagining her bummed out
  1117. >Since she was unable to say what makes her comparable with you
  1118. >Then you feel ridiculous actually feeling emotionally invested in this
  1119. >Much less caring about the results
  1120. >Then it was on to the next round as the host came up with a new question, "How would you introduce Anon to your parents?"
  1121. >It seems like an easy question yet now both of them are speechless, and the round is declared a draw
  1122. >Damn, you know that kind of thing can be awkward, and maybe even especially in this case
  1123. >Yet you feel insulted that neither of them even had an answer at all
  1125. >Now the host is straining, and obviously having a hard time coming up with the next question
  1126. >Then the girl who sounded like a hick proposes calling the game to a stop, or at least putting it on hold for now
  1127. >The rich girl sounds reluctant since they don't want to stop while she's behind by a point
  1128. >Though concedes that she didn't really want to push on with it right now
  1129. >Admitting that her 'rival' has won this time, but it still wasn't over
  1130. >Was this even truly about you or do those two have some kind of grudge with each other?
  1131. >Though you feel a girl press herself into your side hugging you, and you just knew who it was
  1132. >Then your blindfold comes off and your 'magical girlfriend' stops hugging you to untie you
  1133. >You aren't sure what you're going to do once untied though going home sounded like a plan
  1134. >Then the exercise girl speaks up saying you and her should go on a date now
  1135. >The rich girl fumes, but your 'magical girlfriend' is now looking up at you with pleading eyes
  1136. >Where would you even take her on a date anyway?
  1137. >If you even agreed?
  1138. >Oh, who were you kidding?
  1139. >If you denied her now you'd never hear the end of it
  1140. >You propose going to the mall together sometime, maybe?
  1141. >She says you could take her to the mall now clearly impatient
  1142. >Though you look at your cell phone and realize it's getting too close to dinner time
  1143. >You tell her you have to be home before dinner, and she seems to understand
  1144. >Even saying she had to be home by dinner too with some disappointment in her voice
  1145. >Now the real question was how you'd even get home
  1146. >You have no idea where this mansion is or anything
  1148. >You are Sweetie Belle
  1149. >It's hard to believe but you barely managed to win the dating game
  1150. >Anon even actually agreed to go on a date with you at the mall
  1151. >Though you'd have to set up a time with him later
  1152. >Diamond Tiara admits it's getting late now, and calls her butler
  1153. >Then ordering them to get transportation ready to take everyone home, and give Anon his 'package'
  1154. >Though reminding you she intends to win the next challenge
  1155. >When the butler arrives to show people to the limo Anon leaves first saying he can't wait to get home
  1156. >While trying to receive his bribe item in it's shipping package as stealthily as possible
  1157. >Even if it was definitely far too late for that
  1158. >Then everyone else files out but Diamond stops you with a hand on your shoulder
  1159. >More privately saying once everyone else was gone that 'friends help each other', and telling you firmly to remember that
  1160. >Clearly still mad about the park incident as her grip on your shoulder got tighter
  1161. >Even starting to hurt until you agreed
  1162. >Promising to never leave her high and dry like that again
  1163. >Then after getting you to say that she offers to get you home herself separately
  1164. >As a way to help hide that you live in the same house as Anon
  1165. >Calling her butler again, and explaining to him she'd take you home herself
  1166. >Then after the Limo leaves the mansion Diamond takes you to her bike
  1167. >Knowing this was likely the only way she could get you home herself you get on it with her
  1168. >It would definitely take longer so you wouldn't arrive at the same time as Anon
  1169. >Thanking Diamond for doing all this despite everything
  1170. >As she starts to move the bike she responds not to worry
  1171. >So long as you remember to have her back as well
  1172. >Especially when it comes to her parents, and saying that like she expects involvement from them she's afraid of later on
  1174. >The very idea of her strict and intimidating parents getting involved with any of this leaves you rather quiet on the way home
  1175. >Especially the idea of needing to do something about it yourself
  1176. >Well, strict in specific ways obviously since they let her do whatever she wants for the most part
  1177. >Though when they put their foot down over something they really, really mean it
  1178. >You didn't even want to imagine what specific ways they would decide to 'involve themselves'
  1179. >Though somehow Diamond actually manages to bike both of you all the way to your house
  1180. >Reverting to normal form before getting off the bike you thank her for the ride
  1181. >Then sending her off with a 'have a good evening' you reassure her you'll help her when the time comes even if you aren't sure how
  1182. >Getting into the house you find a surprise guest waiting for you
  1183. >It was Rarity sitting on the couch
  1184. >You thought you'd have to go to her, and didn't expect her to actually come here herself
  1185. >Running up and giving Rarity a hug
  1186. >You greet her while adding that you'd missed her
  1187. >Holding you lovingly and rocking you in her arms gently; Rarity replies she'd missed you too
  1188. >It felt just a bit like she was babying you the way she rocked you
  1189. >Though it was just so good to see her in person right now that you didn't even consider complaining about it
  1190. >Mom calls in from the kitchen, "It really is wonderful having Rarity home for a visit, and she said she'd like you to stay the night at her apartment even! You can go after we all have dinner. Hope you have fun, and tell me all about it when you get back."
  1191. >She was excited to see the two of you being close to each other and wanting to spend some actual quality time together
  1192. >You were possibly even more excited than mom
  1194. >Rarity has a really nice apartment, and it'd even be like a sleepover
  1195. >You remember fondly how you and Rarity would sometimes camp in the backyard just the two of you
  1196. >She'd always bring way too much stuff, and it wasn't really camping at that point
  1197. >Though it was still a lot of fun
  1198. >You two would talk long into the night about everything you could think of
  1199. >Just gossiping the night away while even feeling sneaky out there
  1200. >Even if it was parent approved
  1201. >Then you're snapped back to reality by the announcement that dinner is ready
  1202. >You even realize you're still hanging onto Rarity, and let go nervously
  1203. >Rarity pats your head while reassuring you it was fine
  1204. >Though coming to the table you realize there was now someone unexpectedly missing
  1205. >Dad wasn't there, and didn't even have a plate prepared for him
  1206. >Mom avoided the question when asked why Dad wasn't here
  1207. >Rarity then reassures you things would be fine, and you two could talk about it more at her place
  1208. >Dad had been rather scarce lately
  1209. >The idea immediately enters your head that mom and dad might be splitting up
  1210. >Though you don't want to think about it now, and just try to eat dinner
  1211. >The food is nice, but it's feeling more and more like things are just escalating
  1212. >Hopefully some time talking with Rarity at her place will make things feel less dire
  1213. >Before you really even know it dinner is over, and Rarity is herding you to her car
  1214. >Heading out the door with her as you tell mom and Anon you'll see them tomorrow
  1215. >Rarity has a very nice car too, and as you get in it smells very nice
  1216. >No doubt from a high quality air freshener Rarity personally picked or even made
  1217. >She can afford all this because her clothing store is always doing well
  1218. >Really helps give you a feeling of hope knowing Rarity is doing great
  1220. >Finally getting to her apartment you follow her inside
  1221. >Like always the place is neatly decorated with furniture placed just so
  1222. >You don't doubt she spends a lot of time at home just working on room layouts
  1223. >Then you both sit on her couch, and it's time to stop beating around the bush
  1224. Finally coming out with what you wanted to talk about you start with, "Your high school years were pretty crazy for you right? Well uhm..."
  1225. >Though Rarity quickly catches on where you're going with it and asks if you're a magical girl now
  1226. >So it was true, and Rarity had been one
  1227. >Responding meekly that you were while seeing a serious expression on her face
  1228. >Looking like she felt like she was about to have to give 'the talk'
  1229. >Then starting to explain, "You see, Sweetie. When a girl with magic potential feels hopeless about something, or just feels like they can't achieve something important to them... Especially if it's something they're ashamed of or try to suppress. Their magic combines with those feelings and materializes as something like a spirit guide meant to help you. A 'familiar' you could call them."
  1230. >This sounds very familiar to you, and Rarity can see it on your face before she continues
  1231. >Placing a hand on your shoulder before saying, "I'm not going to ask what it is you feel hopeless about. Though I want you to know I support you no matter what it is. Perhaps even more important is that you shouldn't rely on magic too much. It's like a crutch to help you when you can't do it on your own, but you need to learn to do things yourself."
  1232. >That last part made sense and yet felt sad
  1233. >You didn't like the idea of giving up your magic even if it would be good for you
  1234. Trying to be calm as you asked, "It's alright to be like this for at least a while right?... My friends are too, and I want to be a magical girl with them having fun while I can..."
  1236. >Rarity pulls you in to embrace you as she gently replies, "It's perfectly fine Sweetie. You don't have to be in such a hurry to grow up, and even if you don't rely on your magic you don't HAVE to completely give it up either."
  1237. >Relaxing in her embrace you feel a huge weight being lifted from your chest
  1238. >Feeling like everything will work out, and you'll be just fine
  1239. >Actually there was one major thing left you were worried about...
  1240. >Your parents
  1241. >Asking about them Rarity had something uncomfortable to explain again
  1242. >Asking a leading question in return saying, "Do you remember when you went to the park with Anon?"
  1243. >Yeah, you remember saying, "What about it?"
  1244. >Now came for the real explanation, "Well... Let's just say mom and dad wanted some 'private time' then, and it went bad. Very, very badly."
  1245. >Damn, this really is sounding serious
  1246. >Continuing with, "I'm not going to say I know for sure that they'll get divorced over it, but I wouldn't count on seeing mom and dad be anything more than 'friends' for a while at least."
  1247. >My god, your worst fear about it was coming true
  1248. >Well, a particularly ugly divorce would be worse, but still
  1249. >Seeing how distraught you were Rarity tries to calm you down, "Even if mom and dad might not be 'together' anymore they still at least 'like' each other, and they'll always love you."
  1250. >It was supposed to make you feel better
  1251. >Yet it just made you more sure this was really happening
  1252. >Something which actually did feel reassuring was that you knew people who's parents split up
  1253. >They were still fine
  1254. >Actually the more disturbing thing to avoid thinking about was what Rarity obviously meant by 'private time', and how it could have gone so wrong
  1256. Then you put this stuff on hold by saying, "I... I think I'm done talking about the heavy stuff now... How about we watch some TV?"
  1257. >Rarity has obvious relief on her face with the idea that it's over
  1258. >Then remembering something she says there's a crime drama show coming on tonight
  1259. >Though first was the news
  1260. >There was a local story about illegal fireworks as the reporter remarked it wasn't the 4th of July yet
  1261. >Though as a picture of the skyline for it came up it looked familiar...
  1262. >It was no illegal firework at all, but rather your out of control spell
  1263. >Though fortunately for you the reporter says that with no ground level witnesses, and no evidence at the scene police have nothing to go on fining whoever did it
  1264. >You nervously glance at Rarity who's looking away just as nervously
  1265. >Like she recognized it was no firework, but wasn't going to ask or say anything about it
  1266. >Then as if right on time Rarity's show came on
  1267. >After that the rest of the evening before you get ready for bed is uneventful
  1268. >You talked plenty about Rarity's business, but you didn't really get it and only pretended to
  1269. >Then turning in for the night goes more like a normal visit to a relatives place
  1270. >Rarity will probably take you back home after breakfast, and you're sleeping in her second bedroom rather than her room
  1271. >So not a true sleepover
  1272. >Still though this visit was very helpful
  1274. >Meanwhile, you are Anon
  1275. >It's just after dinner, and now it's just you and mom in the house
  1276. >You're in your room wondering what to do tonight
  1277. >Then mom knocks on the door before coming in
  1278. >This was definitely going to be a serious talk
  1279. >You didn't feel ready for it, but it was happening anyway
  1280. >Mom insists on sitting next to you on your bed to talk about it
  1281. >She asks if you remembered when she sent you to the park
  1282. >You did and simply nodded
  1283. >Explaining with embarrassment, "I know you don't want to hear about it, but your father and I have been dissatisfied with our sex life for some time... That day was going to be a last resort effort. It didn't work..."
  1284. >She gazes into the distance before continuing while twiddling her thumbs, "We... Discovered that our passion was gone... The spark in our relationship is gone... We... We still want to be friends, but we don't think we can move forward as husband and wife..."
  1285. >This was difficult to hear, but probably even more difficult for her to say
  1286. >The implications for this would no doubt be chaotic for you, but as she sat there looking ready to cry you can't help wanting to comfort her
  1287. >Holding out your arms you invite her to hug you
  1288. >An offer she quickly takes up while thanking you, and calling you a good son
  1289. >Giving you genuine praise for what feels like the first time since she caught you watching your anime
  1291. >Yet despite how this moment is supposed to be you can't help but feel her breasts pressing up against you
  1292. >You try to ignore it because she's your mom, and you don't want to be called a pervert
  1293. >Though the more she cuddled into you the harder it was to ignore how soft they were
  1294. >Making you think about how much of a milf she is even if she is your own mom
  1295. >It didn't even escape your 'notice' that the two of you were on your bed
  1296. >Even if this was a normal place for a parent and her child to have a serious talk
  1297. >Reaching down to try to quickly hide a quickly hardening boner as she kept holding you lovingly, and even kissing your cheek
  1298. >Then she started rocking you in her arms, and cooing with baby talk about how you were her strapping young man...
  1299. >A saving grace that her starting to baby you made sure you weren't aroused any more
  1300. >It actually lasts an annoyingly long time before she stops
  1301. >Then kisses you on the cheek one last time before getting up to leave
  1302. >Saying she loves you, and will always be there for you before leaving your room
  1303. >Looking happier and more content as she waltzed out
  1304. >Swaying her hips as she did though surely not on purpose
  1305. >Looking away to prevent yourself from staring at her ass you decide to start playing a video game as you boot up the nearest console
  1306. >You feel like a true pervert having awkward moments like this with both you little sister and your mom
  1308. >You are Cookie Crumbles
  1309. >You are in your room after breaking the news about you and your husband to Anon
  1310. >He seemed to take it well
  1311. >Even trying to comfort you, and you do feel a bit better now
  1312. >Though you aren't sure what you're going to do
  1313. >You're worried about possibly having to move to a smaller house sure
  1314. >Though the biggest concern you actually have right now is, well...
  1315. >You have been so pent up, and even felt unloved
  1316. >Now going through a separation it feels like you'll never get any romance or sex
  1317. >Could you even re-enter the dating scene?
  1318. >You feel like you're too old for it
  1319. >Without you or your husband truly in love with each other, and without even self confidence to try finding a boyfriend what would you do?
  1320. >As you sit on your bed thinking about it you think you hear a strange voice, and a presence you hadn't felt since...
  1321. >No, it couldn't be
  1322. >You weren't a magical girl anymore, and you didn't have a familiar
  1323. >You were past that
  1324. >Yet as you turn your head you see it
  1325. >The unicorn you'd banished when you stopped being a magical girl decades ago
  1326. >She looked older seeming to have aged with you though
  1327. >They look at you smugly before teasing you with, "Guess who's back! Having some 'difficulties' are we?"
  1328. >Openly mocking your situation as she mentioned losing your husband
  1329. >You try to retort saying you'd still be friends with him
  1330. >Not fazed in the slightest she mocks further, "Just 'friends'? You know it still means you lost your lover. Just couldn't keep him interested in you, could you?"
  1331. >Words that cut deep because you knew it was true
  1332. >Even if it did more or less go both ways with him losing you too for the same reason
  1333. >Sure divorce is common nowadays, but you didn't think it'd happen to you
  1335. >You thought you'd banished your familiar though
  1336. >How do you have a familiar again?
  1337. >They see you confused and answer the question you hadn't asked yet, "I was never truly gone. Not materialized anymore sure, but I've always been there in your mind and spirit. Waiting for the chance to materialize again."
  1338. >She then gets a devious grin on her face before continuing, "I think I'll be around a loooong time for this one too... Since your 'problem' will be so hard to fix, and you even want to fuck your son..."
  1339. >What?!
  1340. >How dare she even imply something like that!
  1341. >Before you could even respond with indignation she cuts you off
  1342. >Teasing you further saying with a mocking tone, "You know it's true. You remember why you forbade him from watching his anime? Even knowing he still would? Sure they're perverted shows, but it was more about a specific scene."
  1343. >Your familiar was in your head, and you didn't like it
  1344. >Sure you'd heard they're basically formed from your thoughts and emotions, but this was something else
  1345. >Your familiar drilling you further with, "He was watching a scene where a mom was let's say, being 'overly affectionate' with her son. Pushing herself against him, and kissing him on the lips. Not only that, but your son had an obvious tent watching it. It turned him on, a lot..."
  1346. >You're embarrassed even remembering it, but she wasn't going to let up
  1347. You retort saying, "That's extremely inappropriate! Of course I wouldn't want him watching something like that!"
  1348. >Your familiar digs into you more, "That wasn't really about him. He's a teen boy so of course he's a pervert. The only one you were worried about being unable to control themselves was YOU."
  1350. >Your familiar getting up on their hind legs, and then rubbing their chest right where their breasts would be if they were human
  1351. >Before mocking you even more, "I know how much you think about how he lusts after big breasts. Breasts much like you have. You think about it a lot. Maybe he's into them because it's really about you?"
  1352. >You close your thighs together before being unable to stop from looking down at your chest
  1353. Arousal in your voice despite yourself as you retaliate, "T-that's filthy!"
  1354. >An especially wide grin on her face as she says just one word about it, 'exactly'
  1355. Exasperation in your voice now saying, "W-what?! That doesn't make any sense!"
  1356. >Your familiar looking a little annoyed you were playing dumb, but it meant they could tease you more
  1357. >Her words burning your ears as spoke, "You don't just want any kind of sex or romance. You want something raunchy, something wild, and even something... Forbidden. Something that'd HAVE to stay hidden. You know you can't just hang on a man's arm publicly so soon after your husband left. Especially since you're technically still married."
  1358. Responding to those last parts with, "I could wait! It's not like I'll die if I just wait till the separation is final, and divorce proceedings go through!"
  1359. >Your familiar laughs in your face at such a pathetically disingenuous answer, "You're acting like you think you can just go to any bar and pick up a boyfriend! A good one even! You're not getting any younger either!"
  1360. >As you start to fume your familiar steps up the pressure, "You know you want it. To make your perverted son wrap himself around your finger, and be yours. To be a pervert with him, and be perfect for each other. For all the 'wrong' reasons..."
  1362. >She doesn't stop remarking, "You want your son's vigor."
  1363. >You stop fuming to stutter trying to tell her not to use that word
  1364. >She doesn't listen to you, or listens and does the opposite
  1365. >Saying 'vigor' again as you squirmed
  1366. >Really going to town on you as she chanted it even
  1367. >Before coming up close to whisper in your ear, "Youthful... Sonly... Vigor..."
  1368. >Your face flushed as you had to suppress a moan
  1369. >Whispering in your ear more as she said with confidence, "You WILL do it. Use your magic to help you make him yours. You'll be a 'magical milf', and your son won't be able to resist you. There's nobody else you could really approach, and you know deep inside there's no other path. Even if you try to resist it you'll be there sooner or later."
  1370. >You feel they presume too much about you
  1371. >Though as you search your feelings you know it to be true
  1372. >He's the only one who would respond to you in a magical girl form, or at all really
  1373. >You guess it's 'magical milf' now, or is it still magical girl and they're just messing with you?
  1374. >Now your familiar gave you some 'news', "Unfortunately your magic waned over the years from disuse. You'll have to get new magic with me now if you want to get spells again. How does it feel? To have to cooperate with me again?"
  1375. >A wide grin on her face again as she teased, "I don't even have to tell you what to do to get your new magic. You'd certainly thought about it enough."
  1376. >In the back of your mind you had
  1377. >Your deepest, most shameful fantasy...
  1378. >Being his 'magical girlfriend' in an outfit like one of 'them' had
  1379. >Your familiar is in your face now beaming
  1380. >Mockingly leading with, "Guess what your new magical milf outfit is like."
  1381. >No... Not that
  1382. >They nod, clearly in your head right now
  1384. >Goading you now saying, "Come on. Try out your new transformation and see how it looks. I think you'll be 'pleasantly surprised'. Just press your breasts together and say, 'I've got the best cookies'"
  1385. >Words which wouldn't by themselves be lewd, but combined with that gesture?
  1386. >You don't want to do it, but she's not going anywhere till you do
  1387. >You weren't about to go anywhere either anytime soon
  1388. >You go ahead and do it
  1389. >Pressing your breasts and saying your line, "My cookies are the best"
  1390. >Your transformation happens with a flash, and you can't look at yourself in your stand up mirror fast enough
  1391. >You look like a slut with a masquerade ball mask on
  1392. >You're in practically only a sweater that only imitates you wearing a skirt by being long enough to go below your hips to your thighs somewhat
  1393. >It wasn't actually revealing anything, but it comes closer to that than you're comfortable with
  1394. >The sweater was weird too
  1395. >With a cookie illustration on each breast, and a hole in the middle of the chest of it
  1396. >Showing some of the top and sides of your cleavage
  1397. >The worst part was that although nobody could probably see it you were pretty sure you weren't wearing underwear anymore right now
  1398. >No bra, and no panties under the 'skirt' of it
  1399. >This is outrageous!
  1400. >You're never going anywhere in something like this!
  1401. >Scowling at your familiar they're loving your reaction
  1402. >Teasing again by saying, "I waited till now to reveal your magical milf name. Ready for it? Well too bad, it's 'Cookie Bounce'!"
  1403. >Now you notice that the chest of this sweater is unusually tight
  1404. >Keeping your breasts firm and upright even without a bra, but now you're certain they'd bounce like crazy
  1405. >Maybe even bouncing a little with each step
  1406. >The name is an obvious sexual gag about your breasts
  1407. >You didn't like not choosing any of this then, and you don't like it now
  1409. "I'm not going anywhere in this." You say sternly trying to put your foot down
  1410. >Though they respond in just the way you might have hoped they wouldn't, "Why would you have to go anywhere? He's right here, in the house."
  1411. >You unconsciously bite your lip imagining just staying home with Anon like this
  1412. >Like your home is yours and his love nest
  1413. >With nowhere to be, and just with each other
  1414. >Then snapping yourself out of it, and reminding yourself he's still your son
  1415. >She needles you whispering to you, "He's your son, but he's also a pervert who stays home all the time. Who'd also definitely fuck his mother if you let him. Especially if he didn't know it was his mom, and thought the 'magical girlfriend' of his dreams arrived just for him."
  1416. "W-wouldn't that be dishonest?..." you blurt out at the idea of tricking him with a fake identity
  1417. >Sneering with their response, "And what do you want to do? Just go to him and say 'Hey Anon, it's mommy! Want to be my boyfriend?'"
  1418. >She had you there, but what would you do if he found out after you lie to him?
  1419. >If you even went through with any of this business with going after Anon at all
  1420. >Your uncertainty just has them saying, "You'll get him to be sure he's okay with it one way or another by the time your reveal the truth."
  1421. >Then 'reminding' you, "Hey, remember this whole thing is just about you getting your rocks off to your degenerate fantasy. You don't need to be 'proper' here. It's way past that."
  1422. >Well... Maybe you could just 'dip your toe in'?
  1423. >Just trying approaching him in this form some time and see how he reacts?
  1424. >Write it off as coming to him accidentally on the way to see his dad to rekindle things if he doesn't take to it?
  1425. >You didn't want to try it soon, and yet this was probably the best time for it
  1426. >With nobody else in the house for the whole night
  1427. >Could you really go through with it though?
  1428. >In fact what would you do if he responded 'too well' and tried to just fuck you on the spot?
  1430. >Well, you were taking birth control pills on the off chance of sex with your husband
  1431. >Since three children was definitely enough
  1432. >You weren't even sure you were still fertile
  1433. >Though you'd rather assume you are because the alternative would make you feel even older
  1434. >Your familiar cutting in to tease again with, "Sure you don't want him to actually get you pregnant, but you want him to try. To pound you senseless filling you over and over. Like a wild animal in heat."
  1435. Fuming again as you told her off, "That's going entirely too far here! What kind of woman do you think I am?!"
  1436. >Responding without skipping a beat with, "The kind who wants to fuck their son for the sexual thrill of doing something so wrong, yet so good. Quietly without anyone knowing. Just you, your son, and both your perverted degenerate lusts."
  1437. >It wasn't just lust
  1438. >You wanted to be loved, and have romance in your life
  1439. >Though that actually makes it worse doesn't it, or does it?
  1440. >Your familiar was messing with your head so much you weren't sure anymore
  1441. >Though one thing for sure was that if you went through with it, or anything even remotely like it nobody could know
  1442. >You aren't actually sure what you'll do though
  1443. >Even if Anon didn't know it was you would he just accept a supernatural stranger showing up like that?
  1444. >Sure it was like in his shows, but would he really just roll with it in real life?
  1445. >What if he knows it's you just because you and him were the only people in the house?
  1446. >Sure nobody except other magical girls really knew it was you when you were one
  1447. >Yet having faith in that now after so long wasn't easy
  1449. >Your familiar doesn't look like they'll let you get cold feet though
  1450. >Threatening to make loud noises and force Anon to come here if you don't go to him
  1451. >Stammering you ask if they'd really do it
  1452. >Yet as you say that she moves over to one of your nightstands, and prepares to kick it with her hind legs
  1453. >She could break it while causing the lamp to shatter loudly
  1454. >Their hind legs twitching
  1455. >So very ready to do it
  1456. >You panic and leave your room in a hurry before they do it
  1457. >Your bedroom door close and locks behind you
  1458. >So you weren't getting back in there for now
  1459. >Guess it's sink or swim time
  1460. >Heading over to Anon's room you remember a magic trick you can do without a structured spell
  1461. >With practice you'd learned how to do minor tricks on the fly directly using your magic back in the day
  1462. >Specifically what you were thinking of doing was a flourish
  1463. >Just some lights and sparkles after sneaking in to imitate 'teleporting in'
  1464. >Getting to Anon's door you hear loud game music
  1465. >Which was great because him playing a loud game would make it easier to sneak in
  1466. >Very gently turning the knob, and lightly pushing the door to open it silently
  1467. >Then quietly closing the door behind you trying not to get Anon's attention
  1468. >Fortunately he still hasn't noticed you playing his game right up against the screen in the dark
  1469. >Doesn't he know that's bad for his eyes?
  1470. >No,no, you can't say anything about it or he'll peg you as a mom if not his mom
  1471. >Now was the moment of truth
  1473. >You kind of just have to go through the motions you remember, and hope it happens like you want
  1474. >Your flourish is weak, but in a dark room it's plenty bright and flashy enough to get his attention
  1475. >Anon gaping at you with his mouth hanging open
  1476. >Feeling a perverse gaze upon you as he practically drooled
  1477. >He must really not recognize you if he's practically drooling over you without even trying to hide it
  1478. His eyes all but glued to your chest as you 'explained', "I'm your magical girlfriend, and I've come from a far away land just for you Anon."
  1479. >He seems so excited he could burst as he exclaims, "My true magical girlfriend is here at last!"
  1480. >Wait a minute, 'true magical girlfriend'?
  1481. >Was there another doing this with him?!
  1482. >It couldn't be
  1483. >You don't want to put him down or anything, but you know he's not exactly a charismatic Casanova type
  1484. >Yet when you ask what he meant by 'true' magical girlfriend he squirms trying to dodge the question
  1485. >Then before you drill him further you realize being too jealous may scare him off
  1486. Reassuring him you weren't mad you say, "Whoever this succubus pretender trying to corrupt you is, you don't have to worry about them anymore. I'm here for you now."
  1487. >Embracing him and blushing as his head naturally comes to rest between your sweater puppies
  1488. >Then actually having to push him back before things escalate too much, and apologizing
  1489. >Though Anon replies it's fine even with a deep blush filled with lust
  1490. >Then you ask if the two of you could relocate to his living room to watch a movie together
  1491. >Pretending he needs to show you the way since you 'don't know this house well'
  1492. >He immediately saves his game, and stops playing it to take you there
  1494. >Holding his hand as he took you to the living room
  1495. >Then picking one of his favorite movies from the ones we had there
  1496. >Moving to the couch, and using the blanket draped on the top of the couch to wrap the two of you up together
  1497. >Sitting next to each other under the blanket leaning into each other like a couple
  1498. >You can practically feel that he'd rather be doing 'something else', and you want it too
  1499. >Though you've got to have self-control, or things would go completely crazy
  1500. >Draping your arms around his shoulders you lean into him more, and sigh contentedly
  1501. Then self-doubt gripping you as you asked, "D-do you really like me? I'm not too old, am I?"
  1502. >He wraps his arms around you saying the one thing you wanted to hear most, "Of course not. You're beautiful, and that's what matters to me."
  1503. >Makes you wonder if he has charm after all, or if he stumbled into that one
  1504. >Either way you practically felt like a young woman in love for the first time
  1505. >Cuddling into him as you cooed that you'd made the right choice becoming his magical girlfriend
  1506. >Then Anon asks you in return, "Do you really like me? I mean... I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm not exactly 'pure'... Also sometimes it just doesn't feel like I have a lot going for me..."
  1507. >Seeing him down on himself you give him a kiss on the lips
  1508. >He blushes looking into your eyes, and it was pretty cute
  1509. Then you reassure him the best you can, "It's only natural to be like that as a young man. You don't have to be so hard on yourself either. I'm sure you'll find the kind of success you can be proud of some day, and I'll be there to support you."
  1510. >He relaxes in your embrace looking so peaceful and happy
  1511. >It then dawns on you that maybe he wouldn't be so hard on himself if you'd just supported him like this more
  1512. >Not necessarily as a girlfriend, but maybe you could have been there for him more recently
  1514. >It was definitely going to be different now
  1515. >As you hold him in your arms, and he holds you under the blanket you swear to yourself you won't be nervous to approach him anymore
  1516. >Even if things feel awkward you'll be with him to make sure he knows how much he means to you every day
  1517. >Especially now if you were really going through with being lovers
  1518. >The thought feeling weird in your head despite how far along you already were into it
  1519. >You spend the rest of the time till Anon falls asleep just cuddling together
  1520. >By the time Anon falls asleep you're also feeling pretty tired
  1521. >You take him to his room, and tuck him into bed
  1522. >As you tucked him in having to resist the urge to 'do anything else'
  1523. >Though as you shuffle back to your room fortunately the door is unlocked now
  1524. >Entering your room your familiar is there with a knowing grin
  1525. >Not saying anything, and perhaps that was worse than if they teased you now
  1526. >Though you just want to get ready for bed, and crawl into it
  1527. >Looking at your alarm clock it's already well past midnight
  1528. >You were going to be tired in the morning
  1529. >You eventually and finally get into bed
  1530. >Feeling like you may have started something you weren't sure you couldn't finish
  1531. >Though worries like that could wait till tomorrow
  1532. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1533. End of day 5
  1534. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1536. >Waking up late in the morning you still feel the effects of saying up too late last night
  1537. >Good thing you were self employed, and could therefore take 'time off' whenever you felt like
  1538. >Your familiar isn't in sight
  1539. >Perhaps not wanting to talk without anything specific to talk about
  1540. >Though you hear something then realize it's Sweetie Belle's voice
  1541. >She must be back, and you feel like greeting her
  1542. >Once you get up and ready that is
  1543. >You force yourself out of bed, and get ready for the day
  1544. >Though once at Sweetie's door you stop dead in your tracks
  1545. >She's with a what can only be a familiar
  1546. >They're talking about something, and you try to listen in
  1547. >Just as a concerned parent you reassure yourself
  1548. >You overhear Sweetie saying she's found out more about what familiars are
  1549. >Then her familiar seems distraught asking if she's okay with it
  1550. >Sweetie takes her familiar into her arms
  1551. >Saying it was weird, but if they're there to help and he her friend she's fine with it
  1552. >The familiar tears up a little asking as you start to hear even better, "E-even after you don't need me anymore... Can we still be friends?..."
  1553. >Sweetie hugs her familiar tighter responding, "Sure we can! I'd like to get to know you better too! I know you're made by magic and stuff, but you really seem to have your own thoughts and feelings. I'd like to hear about them!"
  1554. >Her familiar beams looking happier than you'd ever seen any familiar before
  1555. >This really was radically different from how things had been with your familiar so long ago
  1556. >You'd ended up rejecting them as part of growing up, and had a falling out with them before banishing them
  1558. >You then feel awful
  1559. >No wonder your familiar has been like this after returning
  1560. >Having to help you again after you treated them like that?
  1561. >You start to wonder if your familiar would forgive you if you gave them a real heartfelt apology
  1562. >You doubt it'd be so easy, but you want to try to patch things up with them
  1563. >Maybe then they would be nicer about helping you, and it could be just a bit more like your youngest daughter with her familiar
  1564. >You need to seriously think about this though
  1565. >Perhaps you could go to the mall for a while to clear your head
  1566. >Visit some of your favorite shops, and maybe even get something for your familiar
  1567. >Getting to the door you realize you should tell your kids you're heading out
  1568. >You raise your voice to tell both of them at the same time you're going shopping
  1569. >Hearing both their responses you then head out the door
  1570. >You could drive, but maybe you get some exercise and walk this time
  1571. >Some fresh air could certainly help too
  1572. >Yeah, the warm air, a bright sun, and maybe even a cool breeze
  1573. >Sure was nice that it was summer
  1574. >Though even as you try to not think about stuff right now you can't help wondering
  1575. >If Sweetie Belle is a magical girl, what is her 'goal'?
  1576. >Perhaps it's better if you don't know
  1577. >Yet you can't help worrying about what it might be
  1578. >Kind of just part of being a mom isn't it?
  1579. >Maybe thinking that is just an excuse to be nosy
  1580. >Not that feeling nosy would make you not want to look into it
  1581. >You get the feeling you'd find out one way or another sooner or later
  1582. >With that you're out the door and too the mall to forget your worries
  1584. >You are Sweetie Belle
  1585. >After getting home from Rarity's you're having a talk with your familiar
  1586. >You're now sure they're basically their own person despite their origins
  1587. >Also you've promised to always be their friend
  1588. >You feel good about this, and your familiar looks so happy
  1589. >Your familiar was extremely cute acting so happy and excited about it
  1590. >Unable to help continuing to just hug them to pieces
  1591. >You also think mom said they were going shopping, but you weren't entirely listening when you responded
  1592. >Your familiar was also very excited for you when you said Anon had promised to go on a date with you
  1593. >Asking if you wanted any new spells since you had plenty magic to make whatever you want right now
  1594. >Then remembering about the laser you mention that your attack spell is a bit too much
  1595. >Asking them in return if you could have a toned down attack spell
  1596. >Maybe even something to just incapacitate foes rather than a direct attack
  1597. >Perhaps feeling particularly cooperative they even 'pitch' an idea rather than just declaring it
  1598. >Saying maybe it could be a glitter spell that dazes enemies, and it could be called 'Onii-chan's dazzling love!'
  1599. Sensing an opportunity for your own input you say, "Maybe the name could be something that doesn't directly reference Onii-chan? Perhaps something like 'dazzling love conquers all!'?"
  1600. >Your familiar seems confused asking if you're sure you don't want it to reference him
  1601. >Saying your sure since it helps hide your identity better
  1602. >Then your familiar accepts it and with a gleeful spell crafting makes it the way you wanted
  1603. >With the phrase the other thing you need to do was just hold your hand out, and blow like you were spreading glitter
  1604. >It wouldn't actually be in your hand then, but you just needed to trust it'd happen
  1605. >Reminding you more than a little of Diamond's spell with the money making
  1606. >You can't help wondering if you could have just spoken up more about it earlier
  1608. >Then you get an idea of what to do now
  1609. >Transform and go ask Anon about that date he promised
  1610. >Your familiar wishes you luck before you transform and head out
  1611. >Going straight to Anon's room you barge in forgetting to knock
  1612. >Though fortunately he's decent
  1613. >Unfortunately he's still in bed
  1614. >How late did he stay up last night, this time?
  1615. >Coming up to Anon's bed you start shaking his shoulder to try to wake him up
  1616. >He comes around, but asks who it is before saying he wants to sleep more
  1617. >You tell him, "It's me! Your magical girlfriend, and you promised me a date! You can't sleep all day! Let's go to the mall, Anon!"
  1618. >Anon doesn't want to get up, and doesn't seem like he's about to either
  1619. >Pulling his arm out of the covers and clinging to it you plead for him to get out of bed
  1620. >Starting to get annoyed while sleepy he dismissively tells you to blow him, and then he'd consider it
  1621. You sputter before nervously saying, "W-what?! T-that's... That's too lewd Anon! How am I supposed to just... Do that?!"
  1622. >Sounding tired he reminds you you'd said you'd go that far earlier
  1623. Then perhaps actually considering it you ask him, "A-are you sure you want me to actually do that?..."
  1624. >He says yes, and he's blue balled as hell so just do it if you're going to
  1625. >You aren't sure if you will, but you pull his covers off and climb onto the bed
  1626. >Yet as you do that Anon mumbles and sits up rubbing his eyes
  1627. >His movements make the bed shake, and you fall over onto him embracing his chest
  1628. >Then Anon looks down at you asking what you think you're doing
  1629. >Apparently Anon was talking in his sleep earlier, and you aren't sure how to explain yourself
  1631. Coming up with something you say, "I was just trying to wake you up Anon. Let's go on that date you promised."
  1632. >Then he says he had the most wonderful dream, but won't tell you what it was about
  1633. >Next perhaps to tease you noticing you were in his bed with him embracing him saying, "I'm still tired. Would you let me sleep a little more, and sleep with me for it?"
  1634. >It was certainly less forward then his 'previous demand', but you still felt nervous about if you should accept or not
  1635. >Though before hearing your answer he lays back down on his side
  1636. >Which forces you down with him since you were holding him, and he pulls the covers up
  1637. >Pulling you up more as he held you against his chest like you were a teddy bear or something
  1638. >You sit there in his embrace for a while trying not to squirm too much
  1639. >Though you couldn't help cuddling into him
  1640. >Eventually though he groans saying he can't get to sleep
  1641. >Letting go of you, and getting up as he tells you to leave his room for a bit so he can get dressed
  1642. >Then he'd 'go to the mall with you or whatever'
  1643. >You wish he was more into this, and not just seeming like he felt forced
  1644. >It was better than nothing though
  1645. >Your heart was still racing though from how things almost went
  1646. >Something must have happened last night
  1647. >Though for now you just waited outside Anon' room for him to come out
  1648. >So you could make sure he came with you to the mall
  1650. >Several times you consider going in there but eventually Anon comes out
  1651. >Though he still looks drowsy
  1652. >Grabbing his arm and clinging to it
  1653. >Then you start dragging him to the mall, and he follows nearly on autopilot
  1654. >Though the more you end up rubbing yourself on his arm; the more you can't help thinking about earlier
  1655. >Also the more that happens the more Anon seems to fully wake up
  1656. >Though you were getting increasingly hot and bothered you eventually make it to the mall with him
  1657. >Embracing Anon's side now as you ask him what he thinks you two should do first
  1658. >Patting and rubbing the top of your head as he thought
  1659. >Then he gets the idea to go to the movie theater in the mall first
  1660. >An idea which confuses you since it was practically morning
  1661. >Though Anon explains that because it's so early practically nobody will be there
  1662. >Which would mean some privacy for you and him
  1663. Embracing him tighter you get excited saying, "Then lets go as soon as we can Anon!"
  1664. >Walking there you notice Anon looking around nervously
  1665. You reassure him, "There's no need to be nervous. It's just a date~."
  1666. >Unfortunately this doesn't seem to help
  1667. >Though you can't shake the feeling of being watched
  1668. >It feels like it took longer to get to the theater within the mall than it took to get to the mall in the first place
  1669. >Once you two get there though it was time to pick a movie
  1670. >Anon suggests a relatively old PG-13 action movie
  1671. >You would have wanted a romantic movie, but you don't want to argue
  1672. >Plus you don't see any good romance movies anyway
  1674. >Anon pays for both your tickets, but then the ticket booth operator asks to see ID
  1675. >You realize you don't have anything like that with your magical girl outfit
  1676. Starting to worry about it you defend yourself with, "I don't have my wallet or purse or anything, but trust me I'm over 13! I mean it's obvious just looking at me that I am, right?!"
  1677. >The ticket booth guy starts to laugh before telling you, "Ha! I don't actually check ID for anything less than R-rated movies! You should have seen your face though. Just head on in you two."
  1678. >Before you get too upset about being messed with like that Anon takes your hand, and you feel better
  1679. >Heading into the proper auditorium you find it truly empty
  1680. >Still clinging to his arm both of you just sit wherever
  1681. >Though after the lights dim you feel more bold even though nobody else was still there
  1682. >Relocating to his lap, and surprised that Anon doesn't say anything about it or try to stop you
  1683. >His attitude has definitely changed since last night
  1684. >Did something happen to make him less cautious?
  1685. >The fact that you can't figure out what's different or why makes you nervous
  1686. >Anon wraps his arms around you which makes you feel more comfortable
  1687. >Looking up at him you seem him looking back down at you like he wanted you to be here like this
  1688. >You tell him you love him as you cuddle into his chest
  1689. >Wanting to to kiss him as well but too nervous to just go for it
  1690. >Then Anon comes out with a hard question, "I'm not sure how to ask this, but I've never really understood why you like me so much. You know how perverted I am, and you know I'm not really into your type. Yet you just really want me anyway. I just don't get it."
  1692. >Be Anon
  1693. >You're at the movie theater with 'Lil Sweets'
  1694. >You've asked her what you've been dying to know
  1695. >She seems to be having a hard time answering, and it feels like during that 'dating game' when she couldn't answer a similar question
  1696. >Even if it was difficult for her to answer you badly wanted to know the why for all of it
  1697. >After that dream last night with the magical girlfriend who seemed perfect you didn't want to wait around for things
  1698. >You weren't content anymore to just sit there waiting for things to happen to you, or for you
  1699. >This limbo of being shuffled around was going to end if you had anything to say about it
  1700. >Though sitting in your lap she now seems like she feels cornered
  1701. >You even see a tear well up in one of her eyes
  1702. You try saying, "Don't cry, little Sweetie..."
  1703. >Though she starts actually crying now, and didn't you get the name wrong?
  1704. >Why did you say 'Sweetie' instead of 'Sweets'?
  1705. >Did 'Sweetie' just fit better?
  1706. >Though that was more like your little sister's name
  1707. >Yet once you think about it things start to make more sense about her
  1708. >If she were your little sister, but that was crazy
  1709. >Even if it being her would explain how she'd gotten into your house so easily without you ever seeing her use magic
  1710. >Also It'd explain how she 'already' knows so much about you, and seems to know you so well personally
  1711. >Then there was why she showed up that first time at the mall right after you told Sweetie she couldn't come
  1712. >In fact Sweetie herself started acting 'different' after 'Lil Sweets' first made the scene
  1713. >Especially with that incident when you tried to play Mario Kart with her
  1714. >It was all falling into place, and yet it only made the question of 'why' bigger
  1715. >Why would your little sister of all people do all this?
  1716. >Possibly an even bigger question was if you were okay with that if she was
  1717. >Obviously it wouldn't be something you'd want to brag about, but strangely maybe you were okay with it
  1719. >Could it be your shows having themes like that?
  1720. >You also realize for someone who even might have not been okay with it you'd compared her to your little sister a lot
  1721. >Holding her close you try to calm her down by stroking her hair
  1722. >Though how would she respond if you just asked her now what you suspected?
  1723. >After a bit she calms down more, but then you ask 'the question'
  1724. "Are you... Is there any way you're... Sweetie Belle?..."
  1725. >She looks up at you wanting to deny it
  1726. >Yet seeing the look on your own face she seems to abandon that
  1727. >Unable to look at you right now she gives a solemn nod
  1728. Now asking her while reassuring her, "I'm not mad Sweetie, just confused. Why would you do all this?"
  1729. >She now tries to start explaining while choking up, "I-I just wanted to stay close to you... I didn't want to lose you. I didn't intend at first for things to escalate like this, but once it started I couldn't stop it..."
  1730. >That sounded like how a lot of things were going lately
  1731. >Then she continued, "I'm not even sure what I want anymore, or why... All I am sure of is that I love you Anon, and I want to be with you in some way. I know I'm not supposed to want that, but I do. D-do you feel the same way Anon? Would you let me... Be your magical girlfriend? Even knowing who I really am?"
  1732. >You felt kind of put on the spot
  1733. >Yet you'd been thinking of her differently lately, and you'd done so much with her
  1734. >COULD you deny her, and would you?
  1735. You think of a response though saying, "I know I'd never abandon you, and although I'm not sure about my feelings either... I think I'm open to finding out how we feel about each other together.."
  1736. Then adding on at the last second, "As long as you don't just go around telling people about it, and maybe it would be better if you still pretended you weren't my little sister if we're acting like a couple..."
  1737. >She actually seems to calm down hearing that, and wipes away her tears
  1739. >Then asking rather suddenly, "W-would you... Give me a kiss? Onii-chan?"
  1740. >You feel like your heart skipped at beat when she called you that, and you feel deeply flushed
  1741. >She actually giggles now and teases you, "Do you like being called 'Onii-chan', Onii-chan~?"
  1742. >Shifting a little in your lap she teases you more, "I think I feel something poking me, Onii-chan. What could it be~?"
  1743. >She always had been a cheeky little sister, but this was on a whole new level
  1744. >You couldn't believe how much this was exciting you
  1745. >You feel like the biggest pervert alive as you tell her, "P-please only call me that in private..."
  1746. >Then she swayed in your lap responding in a purposely lewd voice, "Why not Onii-chan? You are my Onii-chan aren't you? Onii-chan~."
  1747. >God damn, since when did you have such a perverted little sister?...
  1748. >Maybe she was perfect for you
  1749. >Also you were basically already with her, and were currently on a date with her
  1750. >She leaned in gazing into your eyes with such need while saying with a lewd voice, "Kiss me, Onii-chan~"
  1751. >She was so bold about it, and it was making your head spin
  1752. >Then before you know it your lips are pressed against hers
  1753. >You were making out with her there with nobody else in the showing
  1754. >Her body shaking and quivering as she kisses you ever more passionately
  1755. >She'd been telling you to kiss her, but it was more like she was kissing you
  1756. >Then when the two of your started to moan into it you realized it still might be too much
  1757. >Going against your every emotion as you pushed her away, and she asked what's wrong
  1758. You explain feeling rushed, "Even if it's empty here we shouldn't be too loud. We should go somewhere else. In fact, let's just go back home."
  1760. >Sweetie responds with an almost absentminded 'ok' with such a pleasure filled face
  1761. >Fixing your clothes, and making sure you were still alone there as you both left your seat
  1762. >Tapping her cheek a little to make sure she was coherent enough to leave
  1763. >She snaps out of it before fixing her own clothes
  1764. >You had a wet spot on your pants, and she said she wanted to go to the bathroom before you both left
  1765. >Both taking a stop to the theater's restroom to 'freshen up' before leaving the theater
  1766. >Then going past the ticket booth on your way out you say the movie sucked in passing
  1767. >Then everything was a blur as you went back home practically just assuming you were still holding her hand
  1768. >Straight into the house, and into your room
  1769. >Taking her to your computer chair before getting her back on your lap
  1770. >Then continuing where you'd left off as SHE actually resumes things first
  1771. >Holding each other and making out for who knows how long while even grinding against each other a little
  1772. >You felt so wild, and bad in such a good way
  1774. >Though eventually mom comes into the house announcing her presence
  1775. >You absolutely did not want to stop, but you kind of had to
  1776. >Yet as you two pull away from each other leaving a trail of saliva between your mouths
  1777. >Making you want to continue more than you'd ever wanted anything in your life
  1778. >Though as mom calls out a second time Sweetie wipes her mouth off, and gets off your lap
  1779. >Then shockingly witnessing an actual hint of magic from her as her outfit and overall appearance suddenly change
  1780. >Changing to where you'd unmistakably recognize her as Sweetie Belle
  1781. >Looking herself over to make sure she was decent, and you check yourself fixing your clothes to normal positions
  1782. >Trying to hide your boner as well
  1783. >Then mom knocks on the door and Sweetie answers telling mom to come in
  1784. >You turn on your computer monitor before mom comes in, and Sweetie says you were just about to show you something on your computer
  1785. >Thinking quick you bring up an online shopping store page, and say you'd seen some good games you two could play together
  1786. >Mom remarks that you two were getting along again, and that it was so nice
  1787. >Though saying you shouldn't stare at a screen all day since it was bad for your eyes
  1788. >Replying you'll be careful about it mom asks if you'd had lunch
  1789. >Come to think of it neither of you had
  1790. >She hands you and Sweetie sandwiches while saying there was lemonade made waiting in the kitchen
  1791. >You look at Sweetie, and shortly come to an agreement to go to the kitchen for now
  1792. >Though after that it would likely you two would likely be back in your room
  1793. >Yet while eating Sweetie asks if you'd like to come to her room
  1794. >Then whispers in your ear that she could lock her door without arousing suspicion
  1795. >Seriously, how long has she been like this?
  1796. >Though you liked the way she was thinking, and agreed to go to her room
  1798. >You notice mom start to watch TV in the living room
  1799. >Then once you and Sweetie were done eating you follow her to her room
  1800. >Heading inside it was basically like you remembered
  1801. >Definitely not the kind of room the kind of girl you now knew her to be should have
  1802. >Then the crazy doesn't stop as a small unicorn enters your vision, and is apparently excited to see you
  1803. >It shouts with excitement, "It's Onii-chan in person! I'm seeing him for the first time with my own eyes!"
  1804. >Why were THEY calling you that?
  1805. >Sweetie is embarrassed to see them
  1806. >Having apparently forgot about them
  1807. >It continues shamelessly, and you knew why she was embarrassed, "I can feel it! You finally confessed to him, and he accepted you! Congratulations!"
  1808. >Sweetie's face a deep red as she asked them if they could talk later
  1809. >The familiar responds positively while gushing how happy they are for her
  1810. >Then Sweetie takes your hand before pulling you out of her room, and back to yours
  1811. >You want to ask about what that was, but maybe you shouldn't
  1812. >You weren't actually sure you wanted to hear the explanation of that one
  1813. >Though once in your room she does explain, "She's a 'friend' of mine. She's where my magic comes from too, she's called a 'familiar', and it'd be best to keep her secret too..."
  1814. >You definitely know you'd sound crazy talking about it
  1815. >Though as you sit back in your computer chair, and Sweetie sits on your lap you aren't sure if you should just 'continue'
  1816. >Sure you wanted to, but it might be too loud now with mom here
  1818. >Suggesting that maybe watching something together could be a quieter 'activity' since you two weren't alone in the house
  1819. >Then Sweetie grins deviously asking if one of your Japanese shows focused on a little sister love interest
  1820. >Of course there WERE ones like that, but you hadn't watched any of them before
  1821. >When you explain that she grins wider saying it was time to start
  1822. >Feeling flushed as you started browsing through your favorite online streaming site
  1823. >Then watching the first episode of the one Sweetie points out
  1824. >It was even a particularly suggestive one
  1825. >They don't even try to hide that it was all about the little sister loving her brother
  1826. >In fact it has a tittle that flat out lies, "My Little Sister Definitely Can't Be This Cute!"
  1827. >Bullshit, you know the whole thing is about her being so cute
  1828. >Though that is part of the charm of something like it
  1829. >A tongue in cheek joke where you chuckle about the tittle, and knowingly nod like it's an 'inside joke' to know what the real deal is
  1830. >Then as you start playing the first episode she starts squirming and shifting in your lap excitedly
  1831. >Obviously impatient for things in the show to start getting steamy
  1832. >Yet you felt self-conscious watching it with your actual little sister on your lap
  1833. >Even then that actually made you even more worked up as you watched the show in 'binge watch mode'
  1834. >Though well before you two can come close to binge watching the whole thing you hear mom call out that dinner is ready
  1836. >It was just you, Sweetie, and mom at the dinner table
  1837. >Mom definitely seems to have a lot on her mind in particular as she eats
  1838. >Which is completely understandable considering dad wasn't here and why
  1839. Feeling particularly concerned for her you ask, "Are you alright, mom?"
  1840. >Mom looks up at you from her plate before reassuring you, "I'm feeling a bit down right now, but don't worry too much. I'll be fine before you know it."
  1841. >It was good to see she was hopeful even if she was down in the dumps right now
  1842. >Sweetie even chimes in with support saying, "If you need help with anything just let me know!"
  1843. >Mom pats Sweetie's head before responding gently, "Thanks for saying so, but I don't need anything right now. I'll be sure to let you know if I do though."
  1844. >From there the rest of dinner feels much more upbeat
  1845. >As you finish dinner, and Sweetie gets done to you remember the show you were watching
  1846. >Thanking mom for dinner you and her go back to your room for more of it
  1847. >Though possibly from all the excitement it actually isn't that late in the evening when Sweetie started getting sleepy
  1848. >Come to think of it you hadn't gotten the sleep you wanted this morning either
  1849. >Sweetie begrudgingly gets off your lap to turn in for the night
  1850. >Though saying she wants to spend a lot of time together tomorrow
  1851. >Even saying she wishes she could get away with just staying in your room, and sleeping with your there
  1852. >Like a completely new sister, and you loved it
  1854. >Meanwhile you are Cookie Crumbles
  1855. >It's after dinner, and you have a ton on your mind
  1856. >You separated with your husband
  1857. >You're familiar is back, and you're not sure how you'd make up for mistreating them in the past
  1858. >Also you flirted with your own son in order to be his girlfriend
  1859. >On top of all that you're pretty sure you saw Anon with the 'other magical girlfriend' at the mall
  1860. >You only caught a glimpse of her before they went into the movie theater, but their appearance screamed 'magical girl'
  1861. >Also she was a younger girl
  1862. >Could Anon be into that?
  1863. >No, you're pretty sure he's into women like you
  1864. >Shaking away your insecurity you decide on a plan with him
  1865. >You'd take him to the 'make out point' you remember as a teenagers
  1866. >It's definitely still there right?
  1867. >Yes, definitely still there since it was out in the middle of nowhere
  1868. >Wait... You couldn't just get into your car and drive it could you?
  1869. >That'd be way to suspicious if you were supposed to be from a far away land
  1870. >Although, hadn't Anon gotten his license after his 16th birthday?
  1871. >That's it, you could have him drive you there
  1872. >But then what if he tries to ask permission from you to use the car?
  1873. >This was getting way more complicated than it feels like it should be
  1874. >Actually you did have an idea for that last one too
  1875. >Though to make sure it went right you'd need to go through with apologizing to your familiar first
  1876. >At least it'd definitely help if you did
  1877. >Your familiar's voice sounds like yours, or at least they can sound like you
  1878. >They could answer your phone to give Anon permission to use the car
  1879. >Which is why making sure they're fully on your side would help make sure they don't try anything
  1880. >So much planning it practically felt like you were pulling a caper here
  1881. >Hopefully it'd all be worth it
  1883. >Heading into your room you call for your familiar to come out
  1884. >They come out from under their bed looking conflicted
  1885. >Perhaps they already know why you're here
  1886. You still weren't sure how to apologize but you start with this, "I'm... Truly sorry. For everything... All you'd ever done was help me, and I just tossed you aside when I got what I wanted..."
  1887. >Your familiar looking away and down at the ground
  1888. >Perhaps wanting to forgive you, but it just wasn't that easy
  1889. You continue with, "I don't know if you can forgive me, or if I even deserve it. Though could you please help me? One more time? I promise I'll treat you the way I should have this time around."
  1890. >You even present them with some oats you got at the mall for them
  1891. >She smiles just a little, and tears up before teasing you though it felt different "Y-you know I don't actually eat food right?"
  1892. >Then wiping away their tears before saying a soft, 'thanks'
  1893. >Picking up your familiar and hugging them softly
  1894. >Petting her mane gently as you described your plan
  1895. >Including her part in it
  1896. >Your familiar showing uncertainty for the first time as they asked, "You know it involves you trusting me to pretend to be you right? With no funny stuff?"
  1897. Speaking directly from the heart you know what to say, "Yeah... I'll trust you with this the way I should have, from the very beginning. You were there to help me, and I should have believed that instead of being selfish."
  1898. >Your familiar choking up before clearing their voice and replying, "Ok... You can count on me. Though promise you won't be so mushy all the time. If you go overboard with it, you'll take all the fun out of teasing you."
  1899. >Chuckling a little now you agree by saying you promise
  1900. >With that it looks like the 'operation' is one, and as soon as your youngest daughter goes to bed it'll be go time
  1902. >Time seeming to go insanely slow as you waited for it
  1903. >Though eventually Sweetie goes into her room for bed
  1904. >Now it was time to get Anon
  1905. >Though actually you realize you hadn't thought much about how you'd approach him again
  1906. >Would you just pretend to teleport in again?
  1907. >Getting into your 'magical milf' form before doing anything else though
  1908. >Going to the door to Anon's room hoping for loud noise
  1909. >Yet once there things were silent
  1910. >Starting to get nervous you quietly open the door just a little
  1911. >The room is completely dark
  1912. >In fact you think you see Anon in his bed
  1913. >Didn't Anon usually stay up late?
  1914. >This may 'complicate' things
  1915. >Though going up to his bed you try to get him awake if he's actually asleep
  1916. >Shaking his shoulder you hear him say with annoyance, "Sweetie... I'm trying to get to sleep."
  1917. You whisper to him trying not to be loud, "No, it's me. Your magical girlfriend. Let's go somewhere romantic just the two of us. Just for a bit. It'll be worth it, I promise."
  1918. >Anon seems really tired, and even unsure if he wants to go
  1919. >Pulling off his sheets you plead with him quietly
  1920. >Asking him to take you to make out point in whisper
  1921. >Hoping this will convince him just hearing 'make out point'
  1922. >However he's still not budging
  1923. >Getting closer to him you're practically on top of him now
  1924. >Feeling desperate to get him out the door
  1925. >Like tonight is special in some way, and you have to get him out there tonight
  1926. >Though perhaps you were just feeling very impatient
  1928. >Yet as you try on top of him Anon's arms reach up and wrap around you
  1929. >Then before you know it he's flipped you, and was now on top of you instead
  1930. >Anon's eyes are closed so it seems like he's still actually asleep
  1931. >Unsure what to do as started grinding against you slowly
  1932. >Reflexively embracing him even as he starts to all but dry humping you
  1933. >Catching yourself wishing you were actually having sex right then
  1934. >No matter how horny you were you felt you should be saving that for later
  1935. >The values you'd been taught about dating such and such time before sex were hard to let go
  1936. >Yet as your own son dry humped you in his pajamas your desire was very real
  1937. >Even practically hoping he was dreaming about sex with you
  1938. >Though unsure what you'd do if he actually woke up now
  1939. >This felt fantastic, but things were so far off the rails
  1940. >Perhaps you'd assumed too much thinking he'd just automatically go with you
  1941. >Just because he was eating out of your hands last night doesn't mean he'd just leave the house in the middle of the night suddenly
  1942. >Then you notice his bed is creaking from the 'activity'
  1943. >It was definitely too loud even as you suppressed your moans, but what could you do to 'stop' it?
  1944. >Then the very last sound you possibly wanted to hear as you head Sweetie Belle's door open
  1945. >Oh god, what were you going to do NOW?!
  1946. >She could walk in at any moment now, and then what?!
  1948. >You risk waking up Anon by quickly forcing him off you in one solid motion
  1949. >Then running into the closet while closing it most of the way
  1950. >Enough to hide you, but you couldn't close it all the way fast enough while being quiet
  1951. >Your heart pounding in your chest as Anon sputters awake on his bed unsure what's going on
  1952. >Then Sweetie Belle comes in asking if Anon is okay
  1953. >Anon replies it was just a vivid dream, and to go back to bed
  1954. >Sweetie comments that it must have been some nightmare if he was so loud
  1955. >You practically stop breathing as Anon sputters before saying it was nothing
  1956. >Yet then she teases him asking if it was a wet dream
  1957. >Anon defensively tells her to quit asking and go so he can get back to sleep
  1958. >Sweetie teases him more saying she can't wait for tomorrow before going
  1959. >You weren't sure that conversation was entirely appropriate
  1960. >Not that you were one to really talk about what's 'appropriate' or not
  1961. >One thing for sure was that if you wanted a chance to get anywhere with Anon you'd need to be alone with him
  1962. >You'd have to come up with a way to get Sweetie temporarily out of the house while keeping Anon here
  1963. >Though you were too panicked to come up with an idea for that now
  1964. >In fact first you'd need to get out of this situation you were in right now
  1965. >Though staying silent till Anon falls back asleep sounded like a plan
  1966. >You're pretty sure you heard Sweetie's door open and close
  1967. >So you could probably go to the hallway, and back to your room when you get a chance
  1969. >You didn't want to admit this whole thing was botched, but it pretty much was
  1970. >It wasn't entirely Sweetie's fault either
  1971. >Though her prescience certainly didn't help
  1972. >In fact it felt wrong to blame her for preventing you from fucking your son
  1973. >Yet it was basically how you felt at least a little
  1974. >Damn, how would you even know when Anon was fully asleep again?
  1975. >You don't think he snores or anything like that
  1976. >Maybe you could just wait a while, and then try to sneak out?
  1977. >It might be your best, or even only option
  1978. >Even remembering your magic you don't think it can help you
  1979. >You don't think you'd had anything stealthy even back in the day
  1980. >If only you knew being stealthy would be so important for this
  1981. >Perhaps you could have made a spell for it before this, but it was too late now
  1982. >You basically had to do this without magic
  1983. >Not that you weren't 'practiced' at doing things without magic
  1984. >Reassuring yourself that you're learned over the years, and you could do this
  1985. >Basically watching Anon while wondering if he's actually asleep, or just trying to sleep
  1986. >You don't know how long it takes, but eventually you go for it
  1987. >Successfully sneaking out, but knowing it was just back to your room now
  1988. >Going there to calm down, and get over botching this thing
  1989. >Entering your room your familiar seems confused initially before quickly figuring it out
  1990. >Consoling you but teasing you just a little, "Wow, that was sure unexpected, huh?"
  1991. >Then adding on, "I'm sure you'll get that son dick next time though."
  1992. >You just get ready for bed before climbing in
  1993. >Saying good night to your familiar before going to sleep
  1994. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1995. End of day 6
  1996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1998. >You are Sweetie Belle
  1999. >After catching Anon having a wet dream you've slept the rest of the night alright
  2000. >Though you kind of hope the wet dream was about you
  2001. >In fact maybe you could give Anon a 'surprise wake up'
  2002. >Just head in and kiss him awake
  2003. >in fact it'd be even more exciting to do it spontaneously
  2004. >Yet you don't want to make him mad by waking him up too early
  2005. >Deciding to have some small talk with your familiar until about the time Anon usually gets up
  2006. >Especially since Anon went to bed earlier than usual you feel sure he's had enough sleep now
  2007. >Heading to Anon's room with some excitement you go right on in
  2008. >Seeing Anon is actually awake, but laying in bed
  2009. >Perhaps thinking about if he wants to sleep in more or not
  2010. >Hustling right over you call out Anon's name to get his attention
  2011. >Then all but pounce on him when you reach him
  2012. >Feeling ecstatic as Anon catches and embraces you
  2013. >Like you were living a dream as you held each other, and made out on his bed
  2014. >Even feeling Anon's hands 'wander' a little
  2015. >You wanted to encourage him
  2016. >Yet you didn't want to stop pressing your lips to his long enough to say anything
  2017. >Though perhaps simply making out more passionately would help him know how you felt
  2018. >Especially when his hands reached your butt, and you moaned into the kiss louder
  2019. >He was openly groping your butt now as you wondered how far you wanted it to go
  2020. >Then having to stop abruptly when you heard a door open somewhere else in the house
  2021. >Fearing it was mom, and that she might catch you two if you just continued unabated
  2023. >Not that it was easy to stop
  2024. >Though as both of you sat on his bed panting for breath you wondered what came next
  2025. >Perhaps watching some more of that show you were watching last night?
  2026. >Maybe going somewhere besides the house to spend some time together?
  2027. >In fact you were feeling pretty hungry, and Anon definitely hadn't eaten anything today yet
  2028. >So maybe food was next
  2029. >You didn't really even know what time it was right now
  2030. >Looking at Anon's alarm clock it was actually getting pretty close to time for lunch
  2031. >It felt weird that you'd somehow completely skipped breakfast
  2032. >Though your 'schedule' has been pretty crazy the past few days
  2033. >Still though it was definitely time to eat
  2034. >You ask Anon if he's hungry, and what he wants to eat
  2035. >Anon grins and your practically see him seriously consider an innuendo laden joke
  2036. >Though when Anon decides against telling it you kind of wish you knew what it was
  2037. >He then suggests going to the mall's food court
  2038. >His treat of course
  2039. >Though both of you have to fix your clothes before leaving his room after that 'session'
  2040. >You feel so naughty having to fix your clothes a bunch like this since yesterday
  2041. >In a way that was very, very exciting though
  2042. >You actually have to resist the urge to cling to his arm
  2043. >Though Anon has to get ready first before he can go with you
  2044. >While Anon is doing that you go into your room to get a purse Rarity gave you
  2045. >to put stuff in like your wallet and phone
  2046. >You planned to transform, and your magical girl outfit doesn't have pockets
  2047. >Which you found out mattered at the ticket booth even if it was a joke then
  2048. >Going by mom who was making some lunch for herself on the way out
  2049. >Anon telling her you both wanted to eat at the mall food court
  2050. >Mom seems like she wants to say something, but decides against it
  2051. >Telling you to have fun, and seeing you both off
  2053. >Though once out of the house you transform after putting your purse down
  2054. >You aren't sure if a separate purse would get 'absorbed' by the magic costume change
  2055. >Though you didn't want to test that right now
  2056. >Actually feeling a bit embarrassed about Anon seeing you do it
  2057. >Despite how intimate you'd been with him earlier
  2058. >Anon even asks what's up with that phrase
  2059. >You quickly tell him that's just how it works, and you couldn't choose it
  2060. >Anon looks at you funny
  2061. >Like he doubts you really don't have control over any of these 'design choices'
  2062. >Though after a bit he does drop it
  2063. >Perhaps simply not wanting to drill you further, or maybe simply not actually needing to know that bad
  2064. >On the way there though you see a limo start to approach
  2065. >You get a bad feeling about it
  2066. >Especially as it heads right for you and Anon
  2067. >Pulling right up to you two as the window closest to you rolls down
  2068. >Your worst possible fear about it coming true as you see Filthy Rich through it
  2069. >He tells Anon to get in, and says he already cleared it with our mom
  2070. >Even showing us his phone showing a text conversation with mom's cellphone number
  2071. >He'd asked for permission to borrow Anon, and discuss something important regarding his daughter
  2072. >You could practically feel how intimidated mom was through the texts
  2073. >Especially since mom actually knew who they were from you being friends with Diamond Tiara
  2074. >Mom is made to agree especially since they were vague about what they wanted to 'talk about'
  2075. >Which made it so she'd be afraid to ask
  2077. >Anon is all but forced to get in
  2078. >While you are left there as they drive off
  2079. >Though you decide to check your phone
  2080. >You have both missed calls and texts
  2081. >All from Diamond Tiara, and the texts say she needs your help
  2082. >It was the same help she'd talked with you about needing with her parents earlier
  2083. >Telling you she'd make sure you could get into the mansion if you could get there
  2084. >She can't help with transportation, and you need to be in normal form so security would recognize you to let you in
  2085. >Since she was only able to grant access to 'Sweetie Belle', and not 'Lil Sweets'
  2086. >Panicking a bit before getting an idea and calling Scootaloo
  2087. >Asking her to come get you with her scooter, and take you to Diamond's mansion
  2088. >Telling her it's an emergency quickly gets her out the door
  2089. >Getting permission to leave from her parents, and starting out the door before even hanging up
  2090. >You knew she was a speed demon on that thing, and hopefully fast enough
  2091. >Hopefully in her magical girl form she'd be even faster as well
  2092. >You weren't sure how fast you needed to be there, but you sure didn't want to wait around
  2093. >You knew her parents enough to know they wouldn't have come to personally pick Anon up if they had it out for him
  2094. >If Anon were actually in any danger from them they'd have just sent tough looking goons
  2095. >Yet your relationship with Anon could be in jeopardy if you don't do something
  2097. >You are Anon
  2098. >Even if your mom signed off on it you feel kidnapped
  2099. >Sitting in a limo after being abruptly picked up
  2100. >In this limo with a very rich couple of parents
  2101. >Hearing mention of a daughter you were sure you knew who
  2102. >Well actually you didn't know her well, but you basically knew enough to identify her
  2103. >That one rich girl who bribed and blackmailed you earlier
  2104. >Who you also met in the park before that
  2105. >Though you feel immensely nervous
  2106. >Especially when they insist they won't start talking about what they want to discuss until at the mansion
  2107. >Basically sitting there in awkward silence as they both stared you down
  2108. >Neither of them actually seem mad
  2109. >Yet the sheer intensity of their stares makes you feel like you could shrivel up and die from it
  2110. >Especially as it felt like they were judging your every movement
  2111. >Your every nonverbal cue being extensively nit picked for the sake of discerning your character
  2112. >Worse yet they were using poker faces to keep you from knowing if their take aways were positive or not
  2113. >Maybe even worse than that was you weren't actually sure what opinion of you would be 'best' for you
  2114. >As the limo pulled up to the mansion you were sure it was the same one as 'last time'
  2115. >Absolutely confirming that same rich girl was involved somehow
  2116. >It definitely felt weird you were bring brought it by her parents, and you didn't really even know what her name is
  2117. >Though remembering the 'dating game' now with the knowledge that Sweetie was there
  2118. >She must be a friend of your little sister
  2119. >Wait, did they know it was her, and what it meant that she wanted you?
  2120. >You shudder to think what'd happen if they did, and weren't sworn to secrecy
  2122. >Once at the front of the mansion you are led in towards the 'master study'
  2123. >This was definitely where whatever was about to happen would go down
  2124. >Entering a large office like space lined with bookshelves, and an expensive looking desk in the middle
  2125. >Off more to the side of the desk a girl was sitting there waiting
  2126. >She looked different from what you remember, but you know it has to be the same girl
  2127. >Well, you're pretty sure if only because there was literally no reason it could possibly be anyone else
  2128. >You're presented with a chair placed directly in front of the desk
  2129. >Placed just right so the parents sitting at the desk would be best positioned to be intimidating
  2130. >With their daughter at their side
  2131. >Sitting in the most prominent position at the desk the father stares you down some more
  2132. >Perhaps mentally rehearsing what he wanted to say before speaking up
  2133. >His daughter tried to interject, but he lifts a single finger silencing her
  2134. >Then he finally speaks, "My daughter Diamond Tiara quite likes you Anon. I'm Filthy Rich and my lovely wife here is Spoiled Rich. We are going to ask you a series of questions to see if you're right for her, and in what way. You cannot refuse to answer any of these questions."
  2135. >Diamond wants to speak up even more, but he's not having any of it
  2136. >Oh shit
  2137. >Well, actually it's not as bad as it COULD have been, but you were definitely still in hot water
  2138. >Especially since you were entirely unsure what kind of outcome you were even hoping for
  2139. >As in you don't want to be forced into a relationship with her, and yet you don't really want to be deemed utter trash either
  2140. >Also what if something bad happens to you if they were unhappy enough with your answers?
  2142. >The first question already rolls in with Spoiled asking you, "In a relationship, who should make the decisions?"
  2143. You start to respond with, "Well, um..." to stall as you decided on your answer
  2144. >Yet she then stops you before seeming to write it down
  2145. >Didn't they say you couldn't refuse to answer, and did they just take 'Well, um...' as an answer?
  2146. >No time to think too deeply about it as Filthy asks the next question, "If you had a lot of money, what would be the first big ticket item you'd buy?"
  2147. >Knowing they might bust your balls if you don't answer clearly and concisely you say, "Rare foreign collectibles'
  2148. >You actually see him smirk trying not to laugh as he wrote down your response
  2149. >Fuck, did he see what his daughter had gotten for you too?
  2150. >It did make sense if he had his finger on the financial pulse here
  2151. >Knowing every time money moved around and why
  2152. >The questions coming in rapid fire as Spoiled asked with no pause, "What's your type, Anon?"
  2153. You knew what'd happen if you stuttered, but your brain practically shuts down trying to process the answer leaving you going, "Well I... I like... You see..."
  2154. >Then she cuts you off on cue writing
  2155. >Damn it!
  2156. >You were floundering out here!
  2157. >Then a very hard one as Filthy asks next, "Do you already have a girlfriend?"
  2158. >Then you actually see Diamond motion for you to say 'no', and you knew why
  2159. >'Officially speaking' you couldn't ACTUALLY have your little sister for a girlfriend, or at least not openly say so
  2160. You open your mouth and say "no"
  2161. >Though they saw you look at Diamond, and ask her if you have a girlfriend
  2162. >Drilling her until she says, "Well not officially, but one of my friends is also 'in competition' for him..."
  2164. >He strokes his chin saying he remembers a 'report' about it
  2165. >Wait, he knows about the 'dating game', or at least somewhat?
  2166. >That would go a ways to explaining why you were here
  2167. >The 'turns' bit come to a stop as Filthy asks another question though you don't entirely understand it
  2168. >Something like, 'boytoysayswhat'
  2169. >You reflexively respond 'what?', and he starts openly laughing unable to contain himself
  2170. >Once he's done laughing he says he's done quizzing you, but then says "My verdict is that you're a pushover punk bitch."
  2171. >Wow, he's really not holding back the punches
  2172. >Then shocking you by saying next, "Which is perfect for my little unbreakable diamond."
  2173. >Calling her a pet name as he pinched her cheek before saying in baby talk, "You're gonna make him your bitch, aren'tchu? Arent'chu?"
  2174. >He knows you're still here right?
  2175. >Then Diamond tries to make him stop pinching her cheek while saying, "Daaaaaaad, you're embarrassing me!"
  2176. >He stops pinching her cheek yet says sternly, "Hey now, don't take that kind of tone with me."
  2177. >Treating her like a little kid despite what they were talking about
  2178. >In a way it was normal for him to treat a girl like her that way given how she looked, and he was her father
  2179. >Next Spoiled asks Diamond about her 'competition', and if she wanted it to end
  2180. >Diamond calls it an 'extended rivalry with a good friend', and that she doesn't want it to end yet
  2181. >Then almost as if on cue Sweetie runs into the room before panting out of breath
  2182. >Diamond greets her excitingly saying she's glad Sweetie could make it here
  2183. >Then Spoiled gets a devious grin before asking if Sweetie was the one she was 'in competition' with
  2184. >Diamond tries to lie, but her mom sees right through it before having a face of perverse glee on her face
  2186. >Telling her daughter, "So... This is how you 'entertain' yourself, eh?"
  2187. >Then hugging her daughter exclaiming, "You're growing up so fast, and becoming such a wonderfully exciting heiress!"
  2188. >Even saying she has something for Diamond before getting a box out of the desk
  2189. >Handing it to Diamond as Diamond opens it, and looks confused asking why she's receiving this now of all times
  2190. >Then you flush deeply as Spoiled says like it's nothing, "It's mommy's riding crop! I think you're ready to have it!"
  2191. >Cringing as Diamond asks what she's supposed to do with it
  2192. >Then her mom explains like she's stupid for asking, "Why give your two toys over there some 'love taps' while you're entertaining yourself with them, Of course. Just some small smacks with it to get the blood pumping."
  2193. >Diamond looks scared responding, "Wouldn't that hurt them?"
  2194. >Her mom explains further, "Well duh, it's supposed to hurt at least a little. Not too much though."
  2195. >Diamond seems confused by it, and says she'd rather not do that
  2196. >Spoiled seems disappointed as she puts the riding crop back in the desk saying, "Another time then..."
  2197. >You look over at Sweetie, and she's just standing there with her mouth open completely stunned
  2198. >It's not like you weren't utterly shocked, and had no idea what to say if anything also
  2199. >Were they really not bothered with the idea of your little sister being in the 'running' for you
  2200. >I mean you'd heard of 'bourgeois excess' before, but wasn't this kind of pushing it?
  2201. >Not that you wanted them to be up in arms about it if they knew you and Sweetie were siblings
  2203. >Sweetie nervously tries to speak up to ask something, but Spoiled cuts her off
  2204. >Saying condescendingly, "Ah, ah, ah! No need to say anything. I know how many secrets in and around the mansion you've kept quiet about. You're family friends here. Just keep us happy and entertained. Especially our little Diamond, and nothing is truly 'illegal'."
  2205. >Just what HAS Sweetie witnessed here?
  2206. >Actually maybe it's better if you don't know, but you'll be keeping secrets of theirs before long you're sure
  2207. >Then you actually manage to speak up asking, "You're really alright with me?"
  2208. >Filthy responds in a relaxed manner, "Oh yeah, your family basically already has an 'in' with us, and if I expected whoever Diamond chose to be as rich as us... That'd boil down to either some foreign rich snob, or nobody. I don't like either of those options."
  2209. >Then Spoiled adds, "Your older sister Rarity really does a lot to help your family's standing as well. I also personally like her fashion designs. You should thank her sometime for single handedly raising your family up the social hierarchy."
  2210. >Well shit, maybe you seriously should if not in those exact words
  2211. >Then Filthy shocks you all over again commenting, "Well, I think we're about ready for your mom to come on in."
  2212. >Wait, now mom will be here?!
  2213. >Before you can have your full on panic attack you hear footsteps
  2214. >Then mom is in the room looking nervous before asking what's going on
  2215. >Filthy reassuring her, "Nothing too serious, sorry to scare you."
  2216. >Then continuing, "I just wanted to talk to Anon before letting my daughter play with him. You didn't think we'd make them get married or something right? She's definitely too young for that."
  2217. >Mom breathes a sigh of relief
  2219. >Though looks a bit angry when she sees Sweetie here
  2220. >Telling Sweetie, "We'll talk about why you're here instead of at the mall where you said you'd be later."
  2221. >Sweetie looks like she wants to defend herself, but mom puts her foot down with "I know your friend asked you, and I said we'll talk later."
  2222. >Filthy tells mom it's okay to talk about it here, and they don't mind
  2223. >Then mom explains, "I'm not mad that you came to help your friend. In fact I feel that was the right thing to do. I'm mad because you didn't tell me before going somewhere. It's why I let you have a cellphone in the first place. I'm supposed to know where you are at all times."
  2224. >Sweetie seems to understand, and looks like she feels bad about it
  2225. >Then mom seems to get an idea before saying, "As punishment... You'll have to help your father move into Rarity's apartment, and stay the night there."
  2226. Then you ask the obvious question, "Wait, so dad is moving in with Rarity?"
  2227. >Mom answers your question with, "Yeah, Rarity offered to let him live in her apartment rent free if he helped her with her work."
  2228. >You guess that makes sense
  2229. >Yet Spoiled then has to ask, "So... You and Hondo?..."
  2230. >Mom simply nods, and Spoiled gives her condolences
  2231. >Then mom reassures both Spoiled and Filthy that she'll be alright
  2232. >They told mom they'd help if she needs anything though
  2233. >Especially if she helps them
  2234. >You weren't entirely sure you liked the way they said it
  2235. >Mom replied cautiously that she'd keep it in mind
  2236. >Then Spoiled asks, "Would you be alright with Anon spending the night here? Or would you rather take him home?"
  2237. >Mom responds she'd rather take you home tonight
  2238. >Spoiled looks disappointed but accepts it
  2240. >You are Cookie Crumbles
  2241. >After an absolutely crazy day worrying about your kids you've sure they're fine now
  2242. >You even somehow managed to make having Anon to yourself in the house become part of it
  2243. >Your nerves were shot last night, but tonight was your second chance at it
  2244. >First you'd drop Sweetie off at Rarity's apartment, and then get Anon home
  2245. >You probably shouldn't go 'magical milf', and try to get him to make out point immediately after getting home
  2246. >Then when would you?
  2247. >If you waited too long he might go to bed, and you might not work up the nerve to try again
  2248. >In fact what if you pretended to leave for something before 'arriving' as the 'magical girlfriend'?
  2249. >Though then you'd either make Anon think you left without the car, or leave yourself with no car if your car isn't still here
  2250. >You had plenty of time to think on the way to Rarity's apartment, and then back to your house
  2251. >Though when you dropped Sweetie off at Rarity's she was confused because this was a weird punishment
  2252. >It WAS just something you made up to be convenient for yourself
  2253. >Though thankfully as a parent you could just pull the 'no backtalk' card
  2254. >Then on the way back home with Anon it was hard to hide your excitement
  2255. >Apparently not hiding it well enough because Anon asks what you're so excited about
  2256. Coming up with a lie you say, "There's an exciting new restaurant opening up! The food might not be healthy, but if I jog there it should be fine!"
  2257. >Nice, that was a way to 'leave' without using the car
  2258. >You feel like patting yourself on the back for that one
  2259. >After getting home you make some quick dinner
  2260. >Making more than usual since Anon was especially hungry
  2261. >Poor thing didn't really eat anything all day
  2262. >You don't make a portion for yourself since you were 'going out to eat'
  2263. >Just a sacrifice you'd need to make to get this thing to pull together
  2264. >While Anon eats you go to your room to 'get ready to go'
  2266. >Actually telling your familiar 'the plan' was back on for tonight
  2267. >She somewhat sarcastically wishes you luck as you freshen up a little like you were going out
  2268. >Then you stick to the story you told Anon earlier before heading out the door
  2269. >You decide to wait in your car on your phone while waiting
  2270. >You want to mess around on your cell phone, but you left it with your familiar
  2271. >So you listen to the radio at a low volume
  2272. >Later you see it's a half hour has passed, and that seems like enough
  2273. >Transforming into your 'magical milf' state before going to the front door
  2274. >Then deciding to ring the doorbell instead of just going right in
  2275. >You felt impatient as Anon slowly came to the door
  2276. >Eventually though he answers the door before dropping his jaw
  2277. >Asking in disbelief, "So you were actually real?"
  2278. >Feeling almost offended, but then remembering the night you first approached him
  2279. >You can see how he might have thought it was just a dream
  2280. You tell him knowing how silly it might sound, "The night before last wasn't a dream or anything."
  2281. >Then he asks next, "What about last night? We didn't actually... You know... Did we?"
  2282. Blushing as you said, "I'm not sure what you mean... Though I wasn't here last night. So THAT probably was just a dream..."
  2283. >Then Anon looks away like he's nervous, and it's cute
  2284. >Now he's asking, "Say... Can we talk about something? About us?"
  2285. Not wanting to get dragged into something without getting him out of the house you respond, "Why don't we go driving a bit first in your car?"
  2286. >Anon is embarrassed to admit it's not his car, but says he can borrow it
  2287. >Asking if he can go make a call about it
  2288. >You say it's ok to make the call out here
  2289. >He steps out with you, and makes the call
  2290. >Calling your phone you're relived the call is actually answered
  2292. >Your familiar answers the phone doing their best impression of you
  2293. >Asking Anon what he was calling about, and Anon asks to borrow the car
  2294. >Your familiar asks what he wants it for after dinner
  2295. >Before teasing him by asking if it was about a girl
  2296. >Anon gets flustered before answering it was nervously
  2297. >She teases him more asking if the girl is cute
  2298. >You wonder about why she's doing this, but Anon getting nervous about it makes him want to end the call quickly
  2299. >She tells him he can use the car, but not to stay out too late
  2300. >He thanks your familiar without knowing it wasn't actually you before saying bye
  2301. >Ending the call with a cute blush before saying he was ready to take you
  2302. >Letting Anon drive while preparing yourself to not be too critical of his driving
  2303. >Then just enjoying being driven around aimlessly for a bit
  2304. >Before finally giving him directions to get to the make out point you remember
  2305. >It was a cliff overlooking a beautiful forested gorge
  2306. >You can remember the view even now
  2307. >Sometimes there's be mist/fog flowing through it like a river
  2308. >Yet getting there something was off
  2309. >There were gates and fences everywhere like you were still in civilization
  2310. >Instead of out in nature like you should have been
  2311. >The reason why was perfectly clear once at the top of the cliff
  2312. >A logging factory had been built in the gorge, and the view was ruined
  2313. >You were disheartened, but Anon wasn't and still excited to be there
  2314. >Probably because he didn't know what he was missing out on
  2315. >You move with him to the back seat of the car
  2316. Then asking him feeling overwhelmingly self conscious , "T-this isn't the view I planned on... Above a factory... You must think I'm a trashy slut..."
  2317. >Anon embraces you lovingly trying to reassure you, "Of course not! I would never think something like that!"
  2318. >Then as Anon thinks about possible implications of you saying that he nervously asks, "W-wait.. D-do you wanna?..."
  2320. >You are Anon
  2321. >You're with this perfect curvy magical girlfriend after taking her on a drive
  2322. >Parked on a cliff outside of town
  2323. >It didn't go the way she wanted, but it seems a lot like she wants to 'get intimate'
  2324. >Your rational mind telling you it's a bad idea
  2325. >Though as you lean in to kiss her all rational thought is overruled by an intense torrent of raw emotion
  2326. >You weren't sure what you'd do about Sweetie or Diamond
  2327. >Though before even half a thought about it enters your head; You're already making out with this curvy beauty
  2328. >In fact you put everything you had into making out with her
  2329. >As if your uncertainties just made you dive into this even harder
  2330. >She even starts to lean back as you pressed forward
  2331. >Ending up on top of her in the back seat of the car here in the outskirts of town
  2332. >Perhaps it was going too far considering you'd practically just met her, but you couldn't and wouldn't stop
  2333. >Especially when your tent brushed under her the bottom of her sweater
  2334. >The feeling causing you to suspect she wasn't wearing underwear
  2335. You break the kiss to ask, "Are you not wearing any?..."
  2336. >She merely blushes a deep crimson while looking away
  2337. >The very concept of that being true banishes all trace of rational thought you had left
  2338. >Moving you hands down by pure instinct, and before you even know it your dick is out
  2339. >Like you were in a haze as the next thing you felt was extreme pleasure, and she moaned out so loud it hurt your ears
  2340. >It hit you that this was it
  2341. >You were inside her, and having sex
  2342. >Your virginity lost to this woman you barely knew in the heat of the moment
  2343. >You didn't have space in your mind to think hard about it though, but it was definitely past the point of no return
  2344. >Moving your hips on pure instinct as her arms and legs wrapped around you
  2345. >Your lips meeting hers in pure passion while you went at her
  2346. >Your heart pounding in your chest while you moved like there was no limit to your stamina
  2348. >You knew that wasn't true, but it was like you'd explode if you slowed down for any reason at all
  2349. >Especially as she urged you on
  2350. >An intense feeling wrapping around your dick which made your whole body shake
  2351. >She encouraged you with moans of 'harder' and 'faster' between make out sessions
  2352. >Then you started to feel like you were going to cum
  2353. >Before you can even start to think about if you should pull out she wraps herself around you tighter
  2354. >Starting to tell you it was okay to do it inside, but halfway though saying it you explode in her unable to contain yourself
  2355. >Causing her to be 'interrupted' as her talking turned into a loud sustained moan like you'd never heard before even in porn
  2356. >Despite the fact that she said it was okay you were sure it was a bad thing you came inside her
  2357. >Yet you were still hard and even still moving inside her on 'autopilot'
  2358. >Fatigue starting to hit you though
  2359. >Even as you rapidly felt like you'd cum again feeling very sensitive
  2360. >Not even able to say anything as it hits you
  2361. >It actually hurts somewhat to cum again so soon in a row
  2362. >She seemed slack with pleasure as you wound down before all but collapsing on top of her
  2363. >A mask she had on was somehow still on her, was it magic or something?
  2364. >Your dick finally getting soft and sliding out with a popping sound
  2365. >Yet once you slid out something happened, and her outfit changed drastically
  2366. >The mask disappearing too as you recognize her now, and your heart practically stops
  2367. >It was mom under you now, panting with pleasure, and with 2 loads of your cum inside her
  2368. >Fuck this was hot
  2369. >You mean fuck this is wrong
  2370. >Actually, can it be both?
  2371. >She regained her senses, and then seeing the look on your face she freezes
  2372. >Then looks down at herself with increasing shock and horror on her face
  2373. >Seeing the pants she was wearing before she left now horribly stained in the crotch area
  2374. >Then looking back up at you all she can say right now is, "Don't tell your father, ok?..."
  2376. >She'd been complaining about you being a pervert, and now THIS?!
  2377. >Was she actually in fact the biggest pervert of all?!
  2378. >Not that you could talk given how unbelievably turned on you still were
  2379. >Even knowing who you just passionately made love to
  2380. >Your abused member practically ready for more as it rose 'to attention'
  2381. >Despite the fact that it hurt a little when that happened
  2382. You sputter out still finding this situation hard to believe, "M-mom?!"
  2383. >Mom like a deer in headlights as she starting trying to say even without letting you go, "I-I can explain! Well, Actually I can't. Oh... I'm sorry for tricking you like this Anon! P-please tell me how you feel about this... Just say anything!"
  2384. Just trying to process this you think out loud, "So, YOU want to be my girlfriend, and YOU wanted to have SEX, with ME???"
  2385. >Mom starting to cry as she said, "Yes... I'm such an awful mother...D-do you hate me now, Anon?"
  2386. >It's not what a mother should do, and yet you were still hard
  2387. >Also you'd already been 'tricked' like this by Sweetie Belle
  2388. >Even if you hadn't gone nearly as far with Sweetie
  2389. >Though you never in a million years imagined mom would do anything like this
  2390. >Of course you don't hate her, and you want her to know that
  2391. >At the same time you can't help wondering why both Sweetie and mom have magic
  2392. >Is it hereditary or something, and why don't you have magic?
  2393. >What if you did, but just don't know how to 'awaken it'?
  2394. Though stopping your tangent you talk without thinking just to say something, "I-I don't hate you mom, but why me? Why after the incident at the mansion, and why after you suspected me of having another 'magical girlfriend'?"
  2396. >Mom has a very difficult time coming up with an answer for that before saying, "Well, The reason would only sound worse. Y-you fantasize about me a lot right? You DO want me right? Especially now that I'm 'single' again. I'm your mom, but I still have needs. I've had it in my head that it could only be you. I don't think I can enter the dating scene again."
  2397. >Actually you hadn't fantasized about her a lot before, but you would now
  2398. >Then mom pulling your heartstrings saying, "I-I'll be yours now. If you want a horny perverted mother to be yours, and you can accept keeping it a secret. Please say you want me Anon, and call me Cookie instead of 'mom'. When it's just us."
  2399. >Your face burning as you said it
  2400. >Calling her 'Cookie' before kissing her, and in the heat of the moment telling her to be yours
  2401. >She told you to call her 'Cookie' again, and saying it as you kissed each other even more with her secret out
  2402. >Then mom remembered something and stopped kissing you before asking, "I actually did catch a glimpse of the 'other magical girlfriend'. Is it someone I know? Is it Diamond, or someone else entirely? Don't be scared to answer. If being your lover is secret, I can't honestly expect you to never have a 'normal' girlfriend."
  2403. >You aren't sure what to say about it, but you know mom would find out even if you didn't tell her
  2404. Explaining while preparing for her to be shocked, "Well, it turns out this kind of desire 'runs in the family'. You aren't even the first in the family to get the same idea. Except we'd only kissed. The other 'magical girlfriend'. Well, It's Sweetie Belle. I only found out recently because she was pulling the same 'trick' as you."
  2405. >Mom's eyes go wide and she's utterly speechless
  2406. >She tries to defuse the tension saying, "Well, I guess I have something to talk with her about when she gets back. I promise I won't do anything drastic considering the position I'M in, and how hypocritical it'd be to condemn her for it."
  2408. >Continuing where she left off with, "The air does need to be cleared though. We've got to come to some kind of 'agreement', the three of us if we're going to stay together."
  2409. >Which sounded right, but you could only imagine how awkward that 'talk' could be
  2410. >Then mom trying to crack a joke saying, "Well, you sure have gotten 'popular' suddenly haven't you?"
  2411. Though you suddenly remember how you came in her and ask nervously, "Are you sure it's okay that I well... Came inside you?"
  2412. >Then mom blushes before responding, "Yeah, I've been on birth control for your father, but I knew it'd come in handy for this too."
  2413. Then your face burning again as you asked, "Wait, That wasn't in the heat of the moment, and you actually planned on me cumming inside you?!"
  2414. >Her embarrassed reaction only proving it true
  2415. >Which only confirmed it
  2416. >Feeling like you want to go again, and it looked like she did too
  2417. >Though the spirit was willing your body still felt worn out
  2418. >Also looking at the clock on the radio it was super late
  2419. >Mom offers to drive the car back home, but then saying you could sleep with her tonight
  2420. >An offer which definitely made you want to head home
  2421. >Then was the less pleasant part as once the two of you moved it was clear how much of a mess you'd made
  2422. >Mom sighing with tired acceptance as she lamented this would have to be cleaned up
  2423. >Pleading for you to help, and saying she'd 'reward' you if you did
  2424. >Your imagination filling in blanks, and urging you to accept
  2425. >Still though it wasn't easy to clean it even if there were wet wipes and paper towels in the glove box
  2426. >It definitely wasn't there to clean up this specific variety of mess, but still you were glad it was there
  2427. >Even some air freshener was used, and you hoped it'd be enough to hide the smell of sex
  2428. >After that you felt like sleeping with mom actually may involve a lot of actual sleeping
  2429. >Even if that was true it sounded a lot better than sleeping alone like usual
  2431. >The drive home was definitely a lot different than the ride there
  2432. >Especially since mom was driving now
  2433. >Also you were feeling more tired over time rather than recovering
  2434. >Like your body was still catching up to how hard you pushed yourself earlier
  2435. >Mom was having a giggle at your expense for being so tuckered out
  2436. >Teasing that she'd help you have more stamina for her
  2437. >Making you definitely feel self conscious
  2438. >Both about being out of shape, and what you 'needed' it for
  2439. >When you were spending most days in front of a console or your computer you never thought you'd need to be 'fit'
  2440. >Yet the more tired you felt on the ride back with mom the more embarrassed you got
  2441. >Then your mom reassuring you that you did great only making it worse
  2442. >Mom even teasing that if she helps you enough to get stronger you could carry her into the house bridal style
  2443. >It was definitely new to you that mom could be so teasing when she's having fun
  2444. >In fact you were pretty sure the more embarrassed you got the more she wanted to tease you
  2445. >Even saying stuff about a 'new diet' that could help you out
  2446. >Actually you couldn't tell if she was being serious as she talked about foods that'd give you energy
  2447. >Once back at the house she dragged you directly to her room
  2448. >Stripping off her clothes before making you do the same
  2449. >Then pulling you onto her bed saying you could 'rest' with her till you could get ready for bed proper
  2450. >Though next you saw a unicorn much like the one Sweetie had
  2451. >Except this one was bigger, and perhaps older like mom?
  2452. >Anyway they chuckled before saying, "There aren't really a whole lot of places I could go, but I'll try to give you two lovebirds privacy."
  2453. >Then it went into hiding as mom said to just not mind them
  2454. >Before embracing you, and starting to snuggle with you affectionately
  2456. >You call out her actual name 'Cookie' like you remembered she wanted you to before kissing her
  2457. >Quickly turning into making out on her bed while she smothered you with affection
  2458. >Even calling you stuff like her young stud as she got more into it
  2459. >She got even more brazen saying that she loves you, and she loves your dick
  2460. >Starting to talk dirty about how much of a sex crazed young man you are
  2461. >Feeling like you should say something too while just sitting there listening to it
  2462. >She was making your ears burn like they never have before while raining kisses on you
  2463. Finally responding with the first thing that came to mind trying to talk dirty, "I love you too Cookie, and your slutty pussy!"
  2464. >She looks like she almost got mad, but then got even more turned on
  2465. >Telling you, "Yes, yes Anon! Don't treat me like your mom right now! Treat me like an older woman who put out on the first date!"
  2466. >Feeling pressured now to talk dirty it was actually hard to come up with what to say next
  2467. Then coming up with something saying, "You're even more sex crazed than me, aren't you?"
  2468. Teasingly asking, "You want me to fuck you again right now, don't you?"
  2469. She even chewed her lip as you asked next, "You even want me to cum inside you again, don't you?"
  2470. Even asking as you pushed further, "Is there even such thing as 'enough' for you?"
  2471. >That was when she pushed you down on the bed, and got on top of you
  2472. >Straddling you as she impaled herself on your shaft impatiently
  2473. >She moaned out loudly while starting to ride your rough and fast
  2474. >Making the bed creak loudly as her pussy clenched and quivered around you
  2475. >Your eyes glued to her bouncing breasts as she guided your hands up to them
  2476. >Encouraging you to grope them, and it was like you were in heaven
  2477. >Even if before any of this happened you might have been horrified to hear you'd become a literal mother fucker
  2478. >Yet right now you wouldn't trade this for anything
  2480. >Calling her a slut again you feel her tighten around you more
  2481. >Hearing her moan out, "You're the best horny degenerate son a horny degenerate mother can possibly ask for!"
  2482. You're actually teasing her now with, "I thought we were supposed to act like we weren't mother and son at a time like this?"
  2483. Then pushing more with it saying, "Wasn't I supposed to treat you like a slut who puts out on the first date? Like you'd have just done it with anyone?"
  2484. >Mom simply giving out an 'oh my~' as she rode you even more energetically
  2485. >Squeezing and massaging her soft breasts as her moans rose
  2486. Going with the momentum as you teased her more with, "If a studly young jock you didn't even know at all wanted to manhandle you, and fuck you senseless. Would you just let him, no questions asked? Just for the sex?"
  2487. >At this point she was breathing ragged before letting out an especially loud moan
  2488. >Her pussy clenching around you, and convulsing so hard it all but forced you to cum immediately
  2489. >Now knowingly cumming inside your own mother as you saw a look of utter bliss on her face
  2490. >Then she slumped forward onto you, and started kissing you again
  2491. >Despite how much she seemed to like it you felt you'd gone too far
  2492. Apologizing for it saying, "I'm sorry for saying all that, and I didn't really mean it. I love you Cookie."
  2493. >She replies knowingly, "I know that, and you were just playing around."
  2494. >Though thanking you for showing you care so much like that, and saying she loves you too
  2495. >Starting to snuggle again even as she said she'd wash the sheets later
  2496. >Also teasing that if you did your nightly hygiene routines despite how tired you were she'd help get you 'get clean'
  2497. >By cleaning your dick with her mouth
  2498. >Mom actually is insatiable isn't she?
  2499. >You certainly had a full night ahead of you
  2501. >You force yourself out of bed to go do that
  2502. >Dragging your feet sluggishly to brush your teeth and all that
  2503. >While feeling sore all over
  2504. >You don't think you'd ever felt this exhausted before
  2505. >Who knew sex could take it out of you like that?
  2506. >You certainly didn't get that impression from porn
  2507. >Hopefully you'd feel better in the morning
  2508. >In fact barely making it back to mom's bed after being done
  2509. >You also were seriously hoping you could build more stamina now
  2510. >Since you were certain this would be happening on a regular basis, and you didn't want to feel this way afterwards on a regular basis
  2511. >Trying to force yourself to stay awake for mom's 'reward', but your eyes slowly start to close beyond your control
  2512. >She holds you asking if you were ready for it
  2513. >Before noticing you were drifting off to sleep
  2514. >As you were starting to fall asleep you think you hear mom say something
  2515. >Like she were teasing you with, "You're more tuckered out than I thought Anon. Guess I'll just make your reward a 'wake up surprise~!"
  2516. >Then fully falling asleep feeling the best you ever had, and having the best sleep you'd ever had as well
  2518. >Meanwhile you are Sweetie Belle
  2519. >Mom has dropped you off at Rarity's as a 'punishment'
  2520. >It was certainly strange as a punishment
  2521. >Though helping dad move in sounded like a lot of work
  2522. >Yet you had been meaning to visit dad sometime
  2523. >If nothing else just to see how he's doing
  2524. >Make sure he's doing okay since you hadn't heard from him
  2525. >You don't think you and dad had been particularly close
  2526. >Still though you were at least a little worried about him
  2527. >Getting back to business the moving truck was already there
  2528. >Rarity and dad were already moving stuff in
  2529. >Rarity sees you, and greets you right away
  2530. >Telling you, "We already got most of the really heavy stuff. I'm sure everything that still needs to be taken in is stuff you can manage to help with."
  2531. >Next dad sees you before saying, "Good to see you, Sweetie. How's it been going?"
  2532. You don't exactly lie, but keep it vague with, "Kinda crazy, but otherwise things are going good."
  2533. >Then asking him yourself, "How are you holding up?"
  2534. >He answers excitedly, "It sure was nice of Rarity to let me live with her like this. Also I'm gonna be working for her part time as a secretary on top of my regular work. It means I'll take calls for her, and help organize her schedule."
  2535. >You nod not thinking about it very hard
  2536. >You never do when it comes to Rarity's work
  2537. >Since most of the gritty details of it feels like it flies over your head
  2538. >Though you get started moving boxes and small furniture
  2539. >Fortunately as you worked at it this wasn't actually as hard as you feared it'd be
  2540. >Though with dad taking the guest room you wondered where you'd sleep tonight
  2541. >You kind of hope for staying with Rarity in her room, but you might get the couch
  2543. >Though while on the way in with a box you overhear something odd
  2544. >Rarity is talking with dad about something involving work
  2545. >Telling him she'd punish him if he doesn't get her schedule organized, but also saying she'd punish him if he did
  2546. >Like she'd punish him regardless?
  2547. >Weirder still when you actually got close enough to see dad he seemed happy about it
  2548. >Also when they saw you they stopped talking like they shouldn't talk about it in front of you
  2549. >Rarity at least had never been shy about discussing work with you before
  2550. >Maybe her schedule is particularly private right now?
  2551. >At least that was the first reason you could come up with for it
  2552. >While barely in earshot you caught more pieces of their conversations
  2553. >Stuff like Rarity telling dad in a teasing tone he'd been a terrible husband and father
  2554. >It seemed really harsh
  2555. >Though every time you actually saw dad he seemed very happy
  2556. >You were just getting more and more confused
  2557. >Though the good news is dad is going to be just fine, you think?
  2558. >When dad sees you looking confused he pats your head affectionately
  2559. >Telling you, "You really don't need to worry about me Sweetie. I'll be okay."
  2560. >His voice sounded truly genuine when he said it
  2561. >Which definitely helped you calm down even if you didn't get what was going on
  2562. >After everything is moved in Hondo asks for privacy unpacking everything
  2563. >Which leaves you with Rarity on her couch watching TV
  2564. >You ask her the first question on your mind, "Where am I sleeping tonight Rarity?"
  2565. >She responds with the answer you didn't want, "It's short notice so I'm sorry to say, but I'll need you to sleep on the couch. I wish I had a second guest bedroom, but unfortunately I don't. We're also too old to be sleeping together. I'm sure you understand."
  2567. >Eventually dad comes out of his new room, and comes to watch TV too
  2568. >Dad sits between you and Rarity
  2569. >Then saying happily, "It's really good to see you again even if it's only been something like a couple days. I hope you can visit often, Sweetie."
  2570. >Rarity adds on to it with, "I know I'm often busy, but with dad helping I'll have more time to spend with you. It would be nice to see you more often myself."
  2571. >You were feeling pretty confident now things with them would be okay
  2572. Smiling warmly you answer them with, "Yeah, it would be nice to spend more time with both of you. We're family so we should at least stay in touch!"
  2573. >Dad gives you a small hug, and Rarity moves to your other side before giving you a small hug as well
  2574. >All your worries about how things would be with mom and dad splitting up seem to melt away
  2575. >After they both let go of you Rarity orders some take out to eat for dinner
  2576. >It doesn't take long before it gets here
  2577. >Eating with Rarity and dad it was rather good
  2578. >Rarity does have some fine taste in things, including food
  2579. >After some more TV it was time for bed
  2580. >Rarity and dad went to their separate rooms
  2581. >While you had the couch after being given blankets and pillows
  2582. >More than you really needed, but they wanted to make sure you were comfy
  2583. >After falling asleep initially you were woken up by noises
  2584. >Thinking you heard lewd voices
  2585. >Saying things like 'why should I let it in?', and begging that sounded like dad
  2586. >You don't want to investigate though
  2587. >Since you wouldn't judge them if that was true
  2588. >Also you didn't want to see either of them naked
  2589. >Thinking about it sure, you'd probably get flustered seeing dad naked, but he has an 'old man' vibe you really weren't into
  2590. >Plus although you look up to Rarity you didn't want to see her that way either
  2591. >Did you just have your mind in the gutter though?
  2592. >You were tired though, and quickly fall back asleep
  2594. >Then you had a dream about a very one sided professional wrestling match
  2595. >The losing wrestler was being beaten very badly, and begging for mercy
  2596. >However the stronger wrestler had no intention of holding back
  2597. >The referee wasn't calling the match early or doing anything at all, and it didn't make any sense
  2598. >You had no idea how the weaker wrestler was even surviving the onslaught
  2599. >It was very brutal, and a rather scary dream
  2600. >At least you weren't either of the wrestlers in the dream
  2601. >The strange part of the dream was what the stronger wrestler demanded of the losing one
  2602. >Telling them to call the winning wrestler 'mistress' for some reason
  2603. >You don't think you saw in the dream the actual end of the match, but it couldn't have been more obvious who won
  2604. >At some point you woke up again in the middle of the night
  2605. >However this time things were quiet
  2606. >You wrap yourself up tighter in the blankets you had, and soon go back to sleep
  2607. >Sleeping soundly the rest of the night you don't think you had weird dreams after that
  2608. >It was probably nothing, and you don't feel like telling Rarity or dad about the weird dream
  2609. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2610. End of day 7
  2611. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2613. >You are Anon
  2614. >Waking up you feel really good
  2615. >As you fully wake up you start to understand why
  2616. >Looking down you see mom sucking your dick
  2617. >The feeling is incredible, and only getting better
  2618. >As to why it's happening, remembering last night explains it
  2619. >You basically became lovers with your own mother
  2620. >Now she's sucking you off just to wake you up the fun way
  2621. >Using her tongue on the underside of your shaft in way that made you want to cum quickly
  2622. >The idea of cumming in her mouth first thing in the morning made you want to cum even more
  2623. >Throbbing in her mouth as she just kept going undeterred
  2624. >Even managing to call out this time you were going to cum beforehand
  2625. >She pays that no mind though
  2626. >Did she really want you to cum in her mouth?
  2627. >The idea that she absolutely did sends you over the edge
  2628. >Causing you to start filing her mouth with it
  2629. >She even starts gulping it down
  2630. >Continuing to suck on it, and even drawing out more herself
  2631. >Shivering with delight, and the way mom just kept going you were sure she was enjoying herself at least as much
  2632. >Practically makes you wonder how long she might have been going at this before you woke up
  2633. >Just laying back and enjoying it for a while
  2634. >Though eventually mom stops before greeting you with, "Good morning Anon~."
  2635. Feeling just a bit nervous about it still as you replied, "I-it certainly is a good morning, mom."
  2636. >Then she wags her finger at you teasingly while rubbing your dick against her cheek
  2637. >Before reminding you to call her 'Cookie' when it's just you two
  2638. >Calling out her name like she said while she kept playing with your dick
  2639. >Even sometimes licking it which made you shiver
  2640. >Then inviting you to join her in the master bathroom for a shared bath
  2642. >She clung to your side as you got up, and went to the adjoined master bathroom
  2643. >Then drawing up some warm bath water as she told you to get in first once it was ready
  2644. >You slide into the soothing warm water, and then mom soon follows
  2645. >Though actually getting in on top of you
  2646. >Her milfy body pinning you while your dick sprung up between her thighs
  2647. >Then mom lathered her hands with soap before reaching down to 'help clean you'
  2648. >Suggesting you do the same for her as well
  2649. >Though she focused mostly on 'washing' your dick
  2650. >Yet she teasingly told you, "Things won't always be about sex now, you know. I just want to do a lot like this right now because it'd been so long. After this bath we should dial it back. Especially since who knows when Sweetie will be back."
  2651. >Even saying that after she was 'finished' washing your dick she guides it right into her pussy
  2652. >A now practically familiar feeling as her pussy wraps around it
  2653. >Then she starts to relax in the bath with you in her
  2654. >Practically like sitting on you with your dick in her was just part of enjoying the bath
  2655. >You couldn't help reaching up and starting to massage her breasts
  2656. >She encouraged you to do it slowly and gently
  2657. >Next mom teased you more saying, "Don't cum too quick now, Anon. You'll dirty the bathwater doing that. Wait until we're done before doing that if you can. Consider it 'practice'~."
  2658. >Teasing you even more as she said it's 'cute' when you cum really fast though
  2659. >Rhetorically asking if you're cumming so fast because she's so sexy
  2660. >Though you get the idea to tease her back by actually answering, and calling her 'mom' instead of 'Cookie' on purpose
  2661. Telling her while hoping she'd get embarrassed, "Of course mom! You're the sexiest milf a son could want to fuck all the time non-stop~!"
  2662. >Then thrusting up a little in her as she moaned before telling nervously to call her 'Cookie', and to not make the water splash too much
  2664. Teasing her a little more as you responded, "I know you specifically love your son's dick. So why not call you 'mom' while I'm burred deep in my mother's pussy~?"
  2665. >Actually making her stammer now even as she got tighter around you saying, "B-because calling me by my n-name is more intimate... L-like we're true l-lovers..."
  2666. Finally deciding to ease up on her a little now telling her, "Ok, Cookie, but it IS fun to tease you back when you tease me."
  2667. >Mom doesn't openly admit it, but as she chuckled hearing that you're sure she likes that too
  2668. >Then she reminded you to help clean her
  2669. >Though unsubtly encouraging you to grope a lot like she had to you
  2670. >By saying her breasts needed extra attention to get clean
  2671. >Mom softly moaned while you 'cleaned' her slowly but surely
  2672. >She even practically 'taught' you how to 'hold it in' when you felt like you'd cum
  2673. >You definitely think she enjoyed 'teaching' you about it, and feeling the results
  2674. >Though once you were both clean enough she told you it was time to 'finish'
  2675. >Then clenching down on you practically just to make sure you did 'finish'
  2676. >You did though, and soon came inside her yet again
  2677. >Hearing mom's sweet voice moan out feeling it
  2678. >Then she decided to tease you saying, "You sure do like cumming inside me a lot. Do you want to get mommy pregnant~?"
  2679. You can't believe she just said that and responded, "W-w-what?! Of course not! That's crazy! I-I couldn't possibly just knock up my own mom, right?!"
  2680. >Then she giggles and laughs before saying, "Of course not! I don't want that to actually happen. I was just messing with you Anon~."
  2681. >Sitting in the bath longer as she pushed your buttons while kissing you
  2682. >Until the bath water got cold, and you both had to get out
  2683. >Drying off as she teased you again that you'd need to go to your room for new clothes just wearing a towel
  2685. >Finishing getting dry before wrapping the towel around yourself
  2686. >Then telling mom you were going to go get dressed
  2687. >Finally going to your room as fast as you could
  2688. >Putting on some new clothes hoping Sweetie wouldn't arrive too soon
  2689. >You manage to get dressed though it doesn't feel like long afterwards before Sweetie does arrive
  2690. >Or at least you heard the front door, and were pretty sure it was her
  2691. >Then soon after she comes bounding into your room in her 'magical girlfriend' look
  2692. >She ran over while saying impatiently, "Lil Sweets is here to save you Anon! Save you from not getting kissed enough~."
  2693. >Pouncing on you as she started kissing you eagerly and repeatedly
  2694. >Apparently she 'missed you' while at Rarity's last night
  2695. >Practically moaning that she loves you after breaking the kiss to catch her breath
  2696. >Not so subtly inviting you to say you love her too, and of course you oblige
  2697. >Then feeling like your heart might stop as mom suddenly enters the room
  2698. >Seeing she was in her own 'magical girlfriend' look
  2699. >Clearly wanting to mess with Sweetie as mom said, "Well, what do we have here? A little magical girl trying to take my Anon?"
  2700. >Then Sweetie responds defensively, "I'm his girlfriend, and he's mine! Get out of here cow tits!"
  2701. >Mom purposely bouncing her chest in her lewd sweater while saying, "You mean these? Anon loves them~."
  2702. >Sweetie now even more on the defensive as she clung to you tight yelling, "Anon loves me! I'm the cutest, and he loves me for who I am! I don't need big cumbersome tits for Anon to love me!"
  2703. >Next mom teased her even more with, "He loves me too~. Don't you know he has two magical girlfriends~?"
  2704. >Sweetie looked mad at you now saying, "I can't believe you! Just because she's curvy doesn't mean you should just be eating out of her hands! It's like you'd just let anyone claim to be your girlfriend!"
  2706. >Then mom chuckling before making the reveal by reverting as she said, "I'm not just anyone Sweetie. It's me, mommy~."
  2707. >Sweetie was frozen and speechless
  2708. >Especially as mom continued with, "I'm actually okay with it, and especially if you're okay with me wanting Anon. I was just messing with you earlier. It's just fun to tease~."
  2709. >Sweetie tries to process it, and looks like she's deep in thought
  2710. >Then she says something surprising in response, "I guess... Since it has to be secret with both of us, and if one of us is outed then we both will. So we've got to watch each other's back right?"
  2711. >Mom is happy with the response adding, "Exactly, and we need each other too! So we need to stick together even if all three of us are huge perverts who want what we shouldn't have."
  2712. >Sweetie is then confused again saying, "So that's it? We're just both his magical girlfriends now? Just like that? Feels a little quick to just 'settle it'."
  2713. >Then mom responding in a competitive tone, "Oh I'm sure we might 'compete' for Anon's attention sometimes, but let's keep that friendly, ok?"
  2714. >Sweetie then nods in agreement looking intimidated
  2715. >Perhaps not wanting to find out what mom would be capable of if it wasn't a 'friendly competition'
  2716. >Then mom being very forward offering, "Wonderful! You can join me and Anon in my bed tonight."
  2717. >Sweetie flushing a deep red as she stammered, "Y-y-you mean... Sleep with Anon?!"
  2718. >Mom chuckling a little before explaining, "You're definitely too young to have sex, but we'll see what I'll let you do short of that~."
  2719. >Sweetie clearly overwhelmed as she replied with exasperation, "M-mom?! How can you even talk about that with a straight face?!"
  2721. >Then Sweetie was completely blown out of the water as mom said, "I had sex with Anon, but don't tell anyone though~. You'll get there someday~."
  2722. >Sweetie looking up at you as if wanting you to deny it, but you couldn't
  2723. Your throat feeling dry before you manage to say, "I-it happened last night, and this morning... I don't know what to say besides that. You still believe I love you right?"
  2724. >Sweetie thinks about it before saying, "Well... If I was a 'normal' girlfriend of course I'd be mad, but I'm not. Also in a weird way it just feels right that you could love both me and mom. I love both you and mom too, but of course I love you now in a very different way than I love mom."
  2725. >Trying to make sense of it all, and how she felt
  2726. >Then realizing something as she blurted out, "But what about Diamond?! What will we do concerning her? Her parents want Anon and her to be a couple. Plus they know about me and Anon. Probably not about you mom and Anon yet."
  2727. >Mom practically doesn't even need to think about it before saying, "Let her be his 'normal' girlfriend. You do trust her as a friend right, and besides they do kind of have our arm twisted here. If it doesn't work out I'm sure we could think of something to get Anon out of being with her, but until then just go with it."
  2728. Then you finally speak up saying, "Don't I get a say in this? I mean it's not like she seems like a bad girl or anything, but can't you at least ask me what my thoughts are about it?"
  2729. >Though mom had a sobering answer for you, "Sorry to say honey, but no not really. You're kinda stuck here, but just try to enjoy yourself, alright? I mean having multiple girls including me and Sweetie wanting you can't be that bad can it?"
  2730. >Well that was true
  2731. >A lot of guys would probably kill to be in your shoes, but you'd still feel a bit better if you felt more like you'd consciously chosen this
  2732. Telling mom and Sweetie, "I guess it's a plan then..."
  2734. >That being said the 'plan' was so crazy and vague sounding you weren't sure what you'd actually DO
  2735. >Though with Sweetie still in your lap embracing you, you could think of something
  2736. >Yet you saw that Sweetie was looking unsure about things as she cuddled into you
  2737. >You decide to do something you'd seldom done before and patted her head
  2738. >She really seemed to like it as she calmed down while sighing contently
  2739. >Mom cuts in momentarily before saying to Sweetie, "I've had more than my fair share of 'fun' with Anon for now. So I'll go give you two some privacy, but don't do anything that goes too far in here you two~."
  2740. >Then she went out to the living room
  2741. >While Sweetie blushed deeply as you gave her some more headpats
  2742. >Feeling very affectionate as you held her gently while stroking and patting her head
  2743. >She looked very happy for a bit, but then looked uneasy again
  2744. >Finally speaking up and saying, "I feel selfish for thinking so, but you were supposed to just be mine Anon... I definitely don't think I should have been glad you were a loner when I realized I wanted you, but I was just a bit. Because it even more meant I'd have you to myself."
  2745. >Looking down as she continued, "I've got nothing against mom, and don't intend to try to deny her. I also wish Diamond's family didn't have dirt on us, but I can't change that. I mean with Diamond maybe, just maybe we could try to set her up with a different boy she and her parents liked even more than you. I can't think of anyone though..."
  2746. >Nuzzling into your chest as she finished with, "So I guess I can't change the fact that I can't just keep you to myself, and it probably wouldn't even be fair as your little sister to keep you entirely to myself. T-though is it fine to want that though? Just a little..."
  2748. You gently kiss her forehead before reassuring her, "I think it's perfectly normal to want that as a 'girlfriend', but I think I'm understanding more and more that things just can't be 'normal' when the relationship itself isn't normal. Just one crazy thing after another, and I don't think we've seen the last of it yet by a long shot."
  2749. Then stroking her hair more you think out loud saying, "I'd say I'm getting better at rolling with the punches the more this goes on, but I've gotta say this really is some crazy stuff. Practically as crazy as stuff that happens in my anime."
  2750. >Then Sweetie actually chuckles a little before teasing you a little with, "My Japanese show loving Onii-chan~."
  2751. >Having an automatic reaction to her calling you 'Onii-chan' like that as you blushed, and held her tighter
  2752. >Sweetie grinning as she took advantage of that to 'go on the offensive' leaning up to kiss you
  2753. >Starting to make out with you before stopping to say, "I love kissing my Onii-chan~."
  2754. >Very obviously trying to get a rise out of you
  2755. >Especially as she kissed you more and more aggressively
  2756. >Even grinding on your lap as she moaned into the kiss in her sweet and adorable voice
  2757. >You inevitably were made to imagine what sex with her might be like
  2758. >Even if mom said she was too young for it, and you knew she was probably right
  2759. >Still a horny mind with an imagination cannot be kept from picturing it
  2760. >In fact you have to stop, and suggest to Sweetie doing something else
  2761. >Otherwise you were going to cum in your pants
  2762. >She asked what you had in mind while panting for breath
  2763. You reminded her saying, "We never did actually finish our date at the mall earlier, remember? Let's go back to the mall and do a more restrained date this time."
  2764. >Sweetie looked very embarrassed like you were implying something before responding, "I-I can do that! It's not like I only want to make out all the time or something! Let's do this, and go on a regular date Anon!"
  2766. >You couldn't help chuckling a little, but laughing made her a little mad
  2767. >Puffing out her cheeks with a pouty look on her face
  2768. >Before you might have thought that was annoying, but now all you could think was that it was very cute
  2769. Patting her head as you said, "Sorry for laughing Sweetie. Now let's go to the mall, and let mom know we're going before heading out. Hopefully we'll get there without being ambushed by anyone like last time."
  2770. >Sweetie could tell you were joking, and yet started to look worried
  2771. >Trying to reassure her as you took her hand, and headed for outside
  2772. >Telling mom you were going with Sweetie to the mall
  2773. >Mom teases you two by making kissing noises after telling you both to have fun
  2774. >Exiting the house Sweetie does her silly little routine to activate her 'magic form' or whatever
  2775. >You still don't know what it's supposed to be called or how it works though
  2776. >Also seriously do you have magic you don't know about yet?
  2777. >You feel like you'd be pretty mad if it really was practically only you who didn't have magic
  2778. >Even if it wasn't powerful magic it'd be pretty cool if you had SOMETHING
  2779. >You ended up thinking about magic a lot on the way to the mall with Sweetie
  2780. >Though on they way you were 'ambushed'
  2781. >A weirdo dressed in a rather revealing safari outfit with short shorts and a cut off top jumps in front of Sweetie
  2782. >He's holding an over sized butterfly net, and looking at Sweetie in a way that made you angry
  2783. >Starting to say, "Surrender yourself to me, for I am-" at which point he's cut off by you kicking him in the crotch as hard as you can as if by instinct
  2784. >He doubles over in pain, and falls to the ground without finishing whatever he was saying
  2785. >Sure it was violent, but you're pretty sure he deserved it
  2786. >With that you both had the opportunity to walk past him, and continue for the mall
  2788. >Sweetie still looks frazzled from the sudden wacko appearance
  2789. >She asked you about it, "W-what the hell was that?"
  2790. Without having any idea you responded, "Absolutely no idea, but don't worry I'll protect you. Though are you sure it had nothing to do with magic nonsense?"
  2791. >Then Sweetie looks like she remembers something before saying, "I'm not sure, but I remember hearing something about 'villains'. I thought she meant common criminals, but maybe she meant something else..."
  2792. >Well, you guess, huh...
  2793. >If running around with magic and shit was real; you guess there could be ridiculous villains who seem like they jumped right out of a Saturday morning cartoon
  2794. >Why the hell not at this point, but seriously what?
  2795. >You may not have actual magic, and yet thinking about it earlier you may have unwittingly used the magic of 'interrupting monologues with a cheap shot'
  2796. >The more you think about it the more you wish you did have magic
  2797. >Even if you did have latent magic how the hell would you find out how to use it?
  2798. >Just getting more frustrated before deciding not to think about it anymore
  2799. >You definitely weren't going to get anywhere getting worked up about it right now
  2800. Then telling Sweetie, "Let's just forget about that, and try to just enjoy being at the mall now."
  2801. >She seems eager to put it behind her as she clings to your side
  2802. >Then the two of you go from store to store at the mall
  2803. >To shops either of you liked one by one even if you weren't going to buy anything there
  2804. >Going to the food court when you were hungry, and eating together
  2805. >You weren't actually sure if it was how a date is supposed to be, or if it was more like hanging out as siblings right now
  2806. >Though you were having fun, and she was too
  2807. >That's probably the part that really matters
  2809. >Though at one point Sweetie gets a message on her cell phone
  2810. >Looking at it it's from Diamond Tiara
  2811. >You manage to look too and it says, "When you can please come over to my place for a 'challenge', and bring Anon. Don't even think about just giving up because my parents scared you. I want to win over Anon myself, and feel like I earned it myself by winning against you. Not that I'd entirely take him away from you if I did win, but you know what I mean right? I want to feel accomplished, and achieve things myself. So please don't disappoint me by just giving in without a fight."
  2812. >Sweetie Belle looks fired up after reading it before asking you, "Can we try going over there now? All I've got to do to 'solve things' for now with Diamond is just 'win' right?!"
  2813. It definitely didn't seem like she'd take 'no' for an answer so you respond, "Let's just head home and ask mom. Maybe she'd even drive us over there."
  2814. >With that you leave the mall to go home
  2815. >You don't encounter anymore wackos on the way home
  2816. >Maybe they don't show up very often?
  2817. >At least you hope that's the case
  2818. Though getting home if you ask mom, "Can you take us to Diamond's mansion? She wants to 'challenge' Sweetie to a game, and wants us both to be there."
  2819. >Mom says she will before asking, "Do you know what kind of game, and if she wants you to spend the night?"
  2820. >You say you don't know yet, and mom responds telling you to call her with the answers as soon as you know
  2821. Then you ask mom, "Are you sure you're okay with me just heading out like this instead of staying home?"
  2822. >Mom blushes a bit before saying, "I-I think I've actually 'had plenty' for now... Also I'm actually kind of worn out if I'm being honest."
  2823. >Then practically pushing you two out the door, and into the car not wanting to talk about it further right now
  2824. >This was a perfect opportunity to tease her, or maybe you'd just let this one slide
  2825. >You certainly had plenty on your mind
  2827. >Eventually mom gets you to the mansion
  2828. >Diamond in her magic form and her parents are waiting for you at the front door
  2829. >You're let in though security, and mom pulls up to the front of the mansion
  2830. >Reminding you to call her once you know the details about this visit before you opened the car door
  2831. >Though it seemed you wouldn't need to call her because Diamond announces the Challenge is an obstacle course
  2832. >Filthy Rich also asks if you and Sweetie can spend the night this time
  2833. >Promising that You would stay in a different room than Sweetie and Diamond if she was worried about anything inappropriate
  2834. >Mom thinks carefully while looking Filthy in the eyes as if discerning his intentions
  2835. >Then mom says it's ok, and with that settled Diamond grabs your's and Sweetie's hands
  2836. >Taking you both around to the backyard where the obstacle course is
  2837. >Before you were out of earshot mom yelled out the usual mom thing of, "Stay safe and have fun!"
  2838. >When getting close to it you see the really brightly shiny girl who was the host for the dating game already there
  2839. >Diamond explains, "Since you already know who I really am I'll formally introduce you to my best friend, she's Silver Spoon."
  2840. >Then the other girl waves to you in a rather cute way to greet you
  2841. >Next Diamond further explains, "She's going to pretend to be a drill sergeant, and cheer me on. You can be Sweetie Belle's cheering section if you want."
  2842. You turn to Sweetie saying, "I don't think I want to really 'cheer', but I'll try giving you advice if I can. Is that okay?"
  2843. >Sweetie nods and even says it might be embarrassing for her if you actually cheered like a cheerleader
  2844. >So she's glad you don't want to
  2845. >With that Diamond and Sweetie were basically ready to go
  2846. >Since the rules of an obstacle course of extremely simple
  2847. >First one through and across the finish line wins; that's it
  2849. >Though Diamond says she wants it in 'magical girl' forms, and asks Sweetie to transform first
  2850. >Is that what they call it?
  2851. >You guess it makes sense as a name
  2852. >Sweetie does her silly bit, and is soon ready for the competition
  2853. >At the starting line the first obstacle is a standard rope climbing one
  2854. >Yet when Silver blows the starting whistle things take a turn for the silly and stupid
  2855. >Diamond starts trying to climb, but overlooked that the arms and legs of her outfit are too stiff
  2856. >She can't bend her arms and legs enough to properly climb the rope, and is dead in the water
  2857. >While Sweetie seems to be climbing okay
  2858. >Though about halfway up she suddenly remembers she has a miniskirt on in her magical girl form
  2859. >Then scrambles to make sure nobody can see her panties, and falls off trying
  2860. >Diamond then looks really embarrassed as she asked Sweetie, "How about if we just skip this one, and pretend the next one was the 'first obstacle' the whole time?"
  2861. >Sweetie shares the look of embarrassment holding down her skirt before agreeing
  2862. >The next one was crawling under barbed wire
  2863. >This competition now actually starting for real as Sweetie pulls ahead
  2864. >Diamonds stiff outfit gets in the way again by restricting her movements
  2865. >She really must have not thought this through considering it really just doesn't seem well suited for her
  2866. >You change your tune though when the log balance one comes up next
  2867. >Looking over you see Sweetie losing her balance, and falling off the log
  2868. You tell her, "I know it's sounds counterintuitive, but take your time getting across! Slower with good balance is better than not getting across at all!"
  2869. >Though once Diamond on her log the stiffness of the suit actually helps her keep her from swaying, and keep her balance
  2870. >Quickly catching up to Sweetie Belle as she gets to the end of the log balance obstacle
  2872. >Then they both seemed to be starting to get tired as they got to the next one
  2873. >Staring flatly as you found yourself looking at a rock climbing wall
  2874. >Diamond drops to her knees and laments, "WHY?! WHY IN GODS NAME DID I INCLUDE A ROCK CLIMBING WALL! I've never been able to climb one of these things! I definitely can't do it right now!"
  2875. >Sweetie pats Diamond's shoulder before saying, "I know you must have gone through a lot to get this set up, but maybe we could do something else now?"
  2876. >Diamond starts calming down before responding, "T-then what should we do? I thought for sure I'd bust through any obstacle course I set up with flying colors... How did things go so wrong?"
  2877. >Then Sweetie seems to feel bad for Diamond saying, "Let's just call it a draw, and forget the competition for now. Just go relax with each other for a while and have fun."
  2878. >Diamond comes up to you asking you pleadingly, "Can I sit on your lap Anon? Just a little? Maybe you'll agree if Sweetie sits on your lap too? I promise I'll be good and respect your boundaries..."
  2879. >She was really pulling your heart strings, and Sweetie walked up seeming to approve
  2880. >So you didn't feel like you had a real reason to deny her
  2881. >Soon you find yourself sitting in an entertainment area watching TV on a massive television
  2882. >With Sweetie and Diamond each sitting on one of your thighs respectively
  2883. >Though apparently that wasn't enough as Diamond called Silver Spoon over to sit next to you at her side
  2884. >Being unexpectedly cute because apparently she felt nervous sitting on your lap, and wanted her friend next to her
  2885. >Even though she was sitting on you in a very chaste fashion, and not even doing anything forward
  2886. >Only leaning into your chest a little bit as she asked you, "My obstacle course was good, right Anon?"
  2887. Compelled to be nice to her you say, "It was good. Maybe a bit too hard for you two, but I'm sure you put a lot of work into it."
  2888. >Then patting her head as she smiled warmly
  2890. >Sweetie seemed to get cutely jealous now, and asked you to pat her head too
  2891. >You couldn't help but oblige her especially
  2892. >Patting Sweetie's head as she nuzzled into you
  2893. >Then Silver Spoon almost spoke up about something, but shook her head backing down from it
  2894. >Diamond then asks you to pat her head too
  2895. >Do they really like getting their head patted that much?
  2896. >You pat Silver's head to, and they all start practically 'taking turns' wanting their head patted
  2897. >Until you said your arms were too tired, and they seemed to accept that even if they still wanted more
  2898. >Diamond actually seems to get so comfy she almost falls asleep
  2899. >Though a butler comes in informing everyone that dinner is served in the main dining area
  2900. >The girls get off you, and you see of course see a luxurious meal before you
  2901. >Then sitting down and eating as the meal goes by with minimal talking
  2902. >Perhaps this was just how it's done here?
  2903. >After dinner Spoiled tells the three girls it was time to go to Diamond's room for the night
  2904. >They clearly don't want to, but she stares sternly and they quickly slink off
  2905. >Then Spoiled follows them before saying they were going to make it a 'girl's night'
  2906. >This left you alone with Filthy Rich, and things are silent for a bit
  2907. >He seemed to be working up the courage to go through with something
  2908. >Then at last he says, "Come with me Anon. There's something I want to show you."
  2909. >He takes you to the master study he'd taken you to before
  2910. >Then pulls on a light fixture on the wall revealing a secret room behind one of the book cases
  2911. >Inside is a spiral staircase leading down
  2912. >You're nervous, but follow him down
  2913. >The stairs seem to lead nowhere
  2914. >Then he pushes part of the wall in, and the walls opens revealing second layer secret room
  2915. >The sight in the room floors you
  2916. >It's some kind of altar
  2917. >With a large football shaped gem, but then you realize it looks like an eye
  2918. >An eye which you feel staring at you
  2920. >Not just staring at you, but practically staring into the depths of your soul
  2921. >You don't want to be here anymore
  2922. >Terror rising up in you rapidly
  2923. >Then Filthy places a hand on your shoulder in support
  2924. >Explaining, "This is how you'll attain your own magic. I want you to have this, and protect Diamond. Though there's another reason for it too."
  2925. >Looking down in remembrance before saying heavily, "Your father Hondo... Is actually an illegitimate half-brother to me. When he was sent away and stricken from family records I was devastated. Yet over the years I never visited him, or tried to help him. I was told I shouldn't, but I've always felt guilty about it. So now I want to help you, Anon. Consider yourself part of the family unofficially. Even if you and Diamond don't actually get together as a couple."
  2926. >Then finishing with a last remark, "Though I'm not sure I actually need to say this, but nothing said in this room should leave this room. Understand?"
  2927. >You nod though this was a lot to take in
  2928. >Even if the altar still wasn't explained
  2929. >He then turns to the altar saying, "Grab both ends of the gem. It is a conduit to an ancient being that will awaken your magic. Everything about it will become clear then."
  2930. >Gathering up your courage you approach it despite your feeling of dread from the way it was 'looking at you'
  2931. >Reaching out with both hands, and touching both ends like he said as your heart raced in your chest
  2932. >When you touched it a voice filled your mind
  2933. >Speaking directly to your soul it felt like
  2934. >It was so 'loud' that searing pain shot through you when it spoke
  2937. >Then the voice goes quiet, and the sense of dread goes away
  2938. >Yet you feel different
  2939. >Like there's a hunger in you that you need to feed
  2940. >Filthy Rich looks at you expectantly saying, "Well, Anon, what happened?"
  2941. You try to describe it in the least disturbing way you can saying, "I think I can nullify enemy magic?"
  2942. >Filthy squints looking at you before looking a bit pale
  2943. >Then saying while actually sounding a bit nervous, "Good, good... That should be very helpful, Anon."
  2944. >It's words stuck with you though, and not just because you still hurt all over from their 'volume'
  2945. >The words repeating in your mind as Filthy took you back out, and showed you to the guest room you were staying in
  2946. >The very nature of the being that spoke to you terrifies you, and it feels like you'd never be the same again
  2947. >You have trouble sleeping still thinking about it
  2948. >Once you did fall asleep you had a nightmare
  2949. >You were fighting an endless stream of enemies coming at you
  2950. >Every time you didn't attack them normally, but merely swatted any spells they threw at you aside as they disappeared
  2951. >Before somehow sticking your hand into their bodies
  2952. >Grabbing onto glowing vein like lines you see in them, and draining them until nothing was left
  2953. >After that most of them went limp, and lost the will to fight on
  2954. >Sometimes it even killed them, and you had a feeling it was because they relied on their magic to live
  2955. >Yet more just kept coming to attack you, and you just kept putting them down like that
  2956. >You feel the gaze of the being from earlier the whole time during your this dream
  2957. >They don't say anything though, but maybe the dream itself is their 'message'?
  2958. >Either way you definitely weren't going to go around talking about this, at all
  2959. >You were also sure you wanted to hold back on when and who you'd use this on
  2960. >If this was how it worked it was very dangerous
  2961. >Actually feeling a bit relieved to be afraid of your own power
  2963. >Meanwhile you are Sweetie Belle
  2964. >You are at basically a sleepover
  2965. >With you, Diamond, Silver, and Spoiled
  2966. >You're not sure why you had to come here right after dinner, or where Anon is
  2967. >When you ask spoiled just says, "Filthy said he had something important to talk to Anon about 'man to man', boys am I right?"
  2968. >Diamond and Silver chuckle a little after that
  2969. >Then you can't help chuckling a little yourself imagining some awkward conversation about 'what it means to be a man', or something lame like that
  2970. >The conversation quickly turns to 'girl talk', and Spoiled was doing a surprisingly good job at joining in without being an awkward parent
  2971. >You even ended up all doing standard sleep over activities
  2972. >Practically making you forget why you were here
  2973. >Even having a pillow fight without it being too tense
  2974. >Almost like you really weren't in competition over Anon
  2975. >You wish Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were here now though
  2976. In fact saying without thinking about it, "Next time we get together like this we should make sure Apple Bloom and Scootaloo come too. So we're all here."
  2977. >Diamond even agrees with a relaxed tone, "Yeah, it would be nice to have the whole group present."
  2978. >Then joking a bit saying, "Plus, it's not exactly fair for us to 'gang up on you' like this."
  2979. >As if to make their point Diamond playfully jumps on you, and Silver follows to make a two person 'dog pile'
  2980. >Though Spoiled then 'joins in', and although you can tell she tried not to put her full weight on you it still felt like you'd be crushed
  2981. >Even Diamond telling her mom to get off before you three were flattened
  2982. >Spoiled huffed before saying, "You know it's impolite to talk about a woman's weight."
  2983. >Then refusing to move as if just to punish Diamond for commenting on her weight
  2984. >Diamond soon gives in pleading, "I'm sorry mom! You're slim and beautiful in every way!"
  2985. >Only then does she move off of the three of you
  2987. >Then Spoiled teases you and Diamond in particular with, "If you WERE staying in the same room as Anon, what would you do~?"
  2988. >She sees Diamond get the most flustered about it, and focuses in on her
  2989. >Poking her daughter's cheek playful while asking, "Is my little Diamond nervous about spending time at night with a boy~?"
  2990. >Diamond trying to make her stop as she replied defensively, "O-of course I am! Why shouldn't I be?!"
  2991. >Then Spoiled starts pinching and playing with Diamonds cheeks while saying in baby talk, "It's just sooooooo cuuuuuute~. You're still so pure and innocent. My little girl~."
  2992. >Diamond's face turning a deep red as she begged her mom to stop because it was so embarrassing
  2993. >Teasing her even more saying, "Are you sure you wouldn't want to do anything 'naughty'? I bet he's got a nice dick~."
  2994. >Then Diamond yelling in frustration, "Mooooom! You're supposed to be responsible here! Don't make suggestions like that!"
  2995. >Though Spoiled didn't stop teasing, "I'm just playing around with you, of course. Though that being said we're not exactly nuns in a chapel here. We can talk about this kind of stuff if we want~."
  2996. >Then she asks you again, "What would you do if you were sleeping with Anon, Sweetie Belle?"
  2997. You purposely don't say anything overtly lewd, but say, "I'd cling to his side all night long!"
  2998. >Then Diamond comments on it nervously, "W-well that wouldn't be too inappropriate I guess..."
  2999. >Though Spoiled resumes teasing her saying, "Are you sure you'd be able to stop there though? You'd be taking in his manly sent, and all it'd take is a single slide of your hand to reach into his pants~."
  3000. >Diamond is deeply flustered again telling her mom, "Quit it mom! Of course I wouldn't do something like that! I'm a refined woman with class!"
  3002. >Her mom grinning from ear to ear before saying lewdly, "I'll let you in on a little secret Diamond. Women like us at the very top are only refined and pure on the outside. On the inside behind closed doors we're actually very depraved and hedonistic~."
  3003. >A very perverted look on her face as she continued with, "When you have as much money as us you can do practically anything you want. If you can do that then why not 'live life to the fullest'? Of course only in privacy. Plus you're at a special time in your life where you have freedom. You can just find out if Anon is the one you truly want while 'having fun' along the way. With the right 'safety precautions' obviously."
  3004. >Diamond has her mouth hanging open in shock hearing this, and then asks "Are you seriously telling me to just 'let loose'?!"
  3005. >Spoiled corrected her saying, "I'm not saying 'throw all caution to the wind'. I just want you to get out of your shell, and live a little while you're young."
  3006. >Then continuing with a wry smile, "In fact, why don't I let any of you who want to 'wake up' Anon in the morning. Use your imagination as to how."
  3007. >Silver Spoon finally speaks up saying, "W-why am I included? I just want... Never mind, I didn't say anything."
  3008. >Spoiled then scoffs before telling her, "Your dad is probably the only one in our inner circle who DOESN'T know you have a crush on him, or maybe he had heard it but just refuses to believe it. Either way. You've gotta go for a boy closer to your own age too, and not related to you at least a little."
  3009. >Then shrugging before saying, "Maybe not Anon in particular, but if Diamond wants you involved then who am I to judge here? We've all got our kinks here."
  3010. >Diamond sputters trying to think of a response, but doesn't really think of anything
  3011. >Then Silver speaks up saying, "A-are you sure you want me 'involved' with you and Anon?"
  3013. >Now Diamond is able to respond even if with uncertainty, "Well, it's hard to imagine you not being there, but saying I want you to be 'involved' sounds bad. Yet 'leaving you out' sounds bad too. I don't know..."
  3014. >Spoiled pats Diamond's head before reassuring her, "Like I said before, you're still young. You've got plenty of time to 'decide' on it. Don't worry about it so much right now, and just do whatever 'feels right'."
  3015. >Were they forgetting about you?
  3016. Speaking up you say, "What about me? I claimed Anon as my own first! It should be if I want Diamond and Silver to be involved with Anon!"
  3017. >Then Spoiled retorts with, "Are you sure you want Anon to never have a normal girlfriend? I understand wanting your man all to yourself, but It'd be way easier to hold on to him if someone not related to him helps you and lets you."
  3018. >Which sounded a lot like what mom said, and made it sound more true
  3019. >Yet you were still frustrated with the idea on some level
  3020. >Even if you didn't really want to just outright reject them
  3021. >If only Anon wasn't actually related to you, or if wanting him was considered okay
  3022. >Then you wouldn't have to make any 'deals' with anyone, and could just have him
  3023. Finally responding with, "No... I know Diamond and Silver are good people deep down, and I trust them. Though it just feels frustrating if I can't have him to myself because he's my brother..."
  3024. >Diamond actually comforting you now saying, "Hey now, Anon isn't mine yet. We still have our competition, remember? Sure I intend to win, but don't feel so down Sweetie. I'd never actually take him away from you. Especially if he really means this much to you. I don't want to see you sad."
  3025. >Spoiled actually chokes up a little before commenting, "Seeing friendship like this is truly beautiful!"
  3026. >Then wrapping her arms around all three of you before pulling you into a bear hug
  3027. >Calling it a 'group hug' even though it was just her squeezing the three of you like an anti-stress toy
  3029. >Diamond telling her mom straining to speak, "W-we get it mom... Could you please let go now..."
  3030. >Having to catch your breath when she let go
  3031. >Then you heard a buzzing which turned out to be Diamond's phone
  3032. >She checks it before looking disgusted
  3033. >Remarking with disdain, "Ugh... That guy again..."
  3034. >Spoiled looks angry saying, "Don't worry about that creep Prince Blueblood. We'll keep him away from you."
  3035. You're confused asking, "What, who is that?"
  3036. >Spoiled answers with, "He's some failure of a royal who thinks he can just take Diamond, and push her around because she's younger. He's dirt, and we shouldn't spoil this night talking about him any more than that."
  3037. >Though saying that she 'thinks out loud' saying, "If he keeps messaging her like that me and Filthy might have to 'pay him a visit'. Maybe bend his knees backwards..."
  3038. >Then Silver jumps in changing the subject by mentioning a restaurant she went to with her dad recently
  3039. >Until it was time for bed you all talked about the kinds of food you liked, and the best places to get them
  3040. >Diamond slept in her bed while the rest of you including Spoiled had sleeping bags prepared
  3041. >They were really, really nice sleeping bags though
  3042. >The sleeping bag you're in is practically even more comfy than your bed at home
  3043. >You go to sleep relatively easily while eager to see Anon again in the morning
  3044. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3045. End of Day 8
  3046. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3048. >You're woken up bright and early by Spoiled
  3049. >Apparently you were last because Diamond and Silver are already up rubbing the sleep out of their eyes
  3050. >Once fully awake Spoiled reminds you she'd said you could go wake Anon up, and all three of you could go
  3051. >It does end up being all three of you going
  3052. >Though Diamond tells you to restrain yourself
  3053. >Perhaps remembering what you'd said at the before at the 'TV dating game show' challenge
  3054. >You were just trying to make sure you 'outdid' Diamond when you said that though
  3055. >Spoiled follows along as she showed you which room Anon was in
  3056. >Then teasingly told you three, "Use your imagination~."
  3057. >Before walking off to 'leave you to it'
  3058. >Heading in Anon is definitely asleep in the bed
  3059. >You walk up, and pull the covers off of Anon
  3060. >He's still asleep though
  3061. >Diamond gets onto the bed, and crawls up close to Anon's head on one side
  3062. >You then get on the bed before crawling up close to his head opposite of Diamond
  3063. >While Silver just hangs back further away
  3064. >If it were just you and Anon you'd just start kissing him, but Diamond and silver being here was making you nervous
  3065. >Diamond was even more frozen with uncertainty than you though
  3066. >Then you heard a strange prolonged sound, and then a whispered gasp
  3067. >You turned to the noise, and your eyes went wide
  3068. >Silver had out of nowhere decided to pull down Anon's pants without waking him, and his morning wood was in full view
  3069. >Diamond whispered angrily, "What the hell do you think you're doing Silver?! Pull his pants back up right now! What if he wakes up with his pants down like that?!"
  3070. >Silver winces like she knew she'd done something wrong only saying in her 'defense', "I'm sorry! I-I just saw the outline of it, and had an uncontrollable urge to see it... To see if it looked like my dad's..."
  3071. >All three of you were staring at it now even as Diamond kept whispering demands for Silver to pull his pants back up
  3073. >Your heart pounding in your chest staring at Anon's dick, and wanting to reach out to touch it
  3074. >Yet you were way too nervous to do it
  3075. >Especially with the other girls here
  3076. >It seems Silver was too nervous as well to touch Anon's pants again while looking at his dick
  3077. >Then what were any of you going to do now?!
  3078. >Then Diamond perhaps out of desperation whispered to SIlver, "Either put it in our mouth to start sucking it, or pull his pants back up! It's a direct order!"
  3079. >With that 'ultimatum' Silver 'chose the path of least resistance', and finally pulled Anon's pants back up
  3080. >Finally feeling some relief now that it was covered up again
  3081. >Even if you would have wanted to see it more
  3082. >If you hadn't felt so nervous and pressured right now
  3083. >Anon was still asleep though, and you were even more self-conscious about how you'd wake him up
  3084. >Then Diamond whispering angrily yet sounding hot and bothered, "Next one to so much as touch his pants will HAVE to suck it."
  3085. >Surely it was meant to be a deterrent, and yet hearing that made you WANT to
  3086. >What if you pretended to 'accidentally' touch his pants?
  3087. >Then you'd 'have' to do it, and it wouldn't be just you right?
  3088. >Though how would you get close enough, and have an excuse that'd allow you to 'accidentally' touch his pants?
  3089. >Yet Silver was staring at his crotch with a trace like look
  3090. >What if she tries to 'get a look' without thinking again, and Diamond makes her do it instead of you?!
  3091. >Well, then you wouldn't have to, but you wanted to
  3092. >At least you feel like you do
  3093. >Then it happened as Silver reached for his waistband
  3094. >Without thinking further you reach for it too on the opposite side
  3095. >Ending up both touching his pants at the same time
  3096. >Diamonds face is deep red for more than one reason as she whispered with conflicting emotions, "Really guys?! Well, now ONE of you has to do it!"
  3098. >Silver stammers while whispering, "I-I just d-don't know what's coming over me... I-if I do it nobody would have to know right? Especially not dad?..."
  3099. Then you speak up whispering, "You aren't actually WITH your dad anyway, and you don't have to worry about it anyway because I'M going to do it!"
  3100. >Yet as you both sat there gripping one side of his pants neither of you moved
  3101. >Frozen in place unable to let go or go through with it either
  3102. >Then Silver whispers nervously, "Shouldn't it be you in my place Diamond? You're the one who wants to be his girlfriend..."
  3103. >Diamond responds in curt whisper with, "I want to be his girlfriend, not a sex fiend. You're the one who went for this, and apparently wants to suck dick!"
  3104. >Then Silver whimpered with internal conflict while trying not to be loud
  3105. You remind Silver about your intentions whispering, "I said I was going to do it!"
  3106. >Then Diamond whispered getting irritated, "Then do it already!"
  3107. You whisper back defensively, "I will!"
  3108. >Rapid fire responses as she whispered a bit louder, "Good!"
  3109. Your next response with "I really will!"
  3110. >Diamond retorts with less of a whisper as it got heated, "Why aren't you already?!"
  3111. >It just kind of continues like that for you don't even know how long
  3112. >By the time you realize you might wake up Anon arguing you were too 'invested' in the argument to stop
  3113. >Like you'd be 'surrendering' or 'losing' at something you cared about now if you stopped the back and forth first
  3115. >You are Anon
  3116. >You start to wake up hearing arguing
  3117. >It sounds like the girls' voices
  3118. >As you start to hear more clearly it sounds like they're playing chicken over something
  3119. >You can't tell what it is because they're at the point where it's practically just endless 'no u's
  3120. >Without direct mention of what it's actually about
  3121. >Actively trying to listen now without moving you basically ended up pretending to still be asleep
  3122. >Actually it feels like two of them are holding the waist of your pants
  3123. >Wait, it couldn't be about something lewd could it?
  3124. >Yet the more you thought about it the more you were sure it was
  3125. >What would you do then?
  3126. >Just keep pretending to be asleep, and let whatever happens happen?
  3127. >Certainly felt like it'd be less awkward than letting them know you're awake right now
  3128. >Keeping your eyes closed you could only tell a little who was where
  3129. >Diamond sounded a lot closer, and Sweetie was further down your body
  3130. >Which could only mean Silver was the other one at your waist
  3131. >As the argument reached its climax Diamond moved on the bed before you felt a third pair of hands on your pants
  3132. >Before your pants were immediately pulled down
  3133. >Feeling your morning wood spring up just a little
  3134. >Though it was definitely more than just morning wood now
  3135. >Then a hand grabs the base of your shaft to hold it upright
  3136. >Next you feel a pair of lips of your top before a mouth starts trying to give you head
  3137. >Feeling the pleasure at first but as they got into it their teeth start raking against your shaft
  3138. >Causing you to squirm in pain and discomfort while groaning a little despite your want to stay silent
  3139. >You hear Diamond whisper now, "Hey, hey! Stop Sweetie! Anon's in pain now, you must be doing it wrong!"
  3140. >Meaning it must have been Sweetie doing this
  3141. >Then her mouth comes off of your dick as Sweetie now whispers like she actually thinks you'd still be asleep, "I don't know what I could be doing wrong..."
  3143. >Then after a moment Silver whispers, "D-don't look at me! I don't know anything about it!"
  3144. >You hear nervous whimpering and wingeing before Diamond whispers, "L-let's just fix Anon's pants, and wake him up now by shaking his shoulder... I'm sure we can find out more about how to do this properly later..."
  3145. >With that your pants are pulled back up, and one of them crawls up to your should before shaking it
  3146. >You slowly start raising your arms and stretching them
  3147. >Before sitting up as you pretending you were just waking up
  3148. >Trying to calm yourself to act natural as you rubbed your eyes before opening them
  3149. >Though seeing their red flustered faces makes it hard to 'act natural'
  3150. >Diamond stutters as she says, "G-good morning Anon."
  3151. >Then Sweetie says 'good morning', and Silver says it last
  3152. >In order to act like nothing is wrong you pull Sweetie in for a hug and ask, "Why are you all here to wake me up?"
  3153. >Sweetie just cuddles into you without answering, but Diamond says, "We wake up at a punctual hour around here. It's not good to sleep in lazily."
  3154. >Sounding exaggeratively uptight as she said it
  3155. >Then you pat her head, and she sighs contently
  3156. >Before pushing your hand away while being cutely angry
  3157. >Telling you, "Now's not the time for that!"
  3158. >Though soon a butler comes in informing you breakfast would be ready soon
  3159. >After that you weren't sure if you'd go home or not, but you weren't particularly worried
  3160. >You realize the girls' antics did make you feel a lot less stressed after last night
  3162. >As you're thinking about what to do next the Spoiled storms into the room looking angry
  3163. >Did she see what'd happened?!
  3164. >Then she speaks confirming what you thought
  3165. >Though the reason she was mad was unexpected as she yelled, "THAT was a utterly DISCRACEFUL performance! From all of you!"
  3166. >Ranting as she continued, "I don't even know where to begin! You girls acting like Anon's dick was a loaded gun or a venomous snake! You Anon, for pretending to be asleep instead of engaging them! Then there's you girls again for not noticing he woke up already, and being so CARELESS and NON-COMMITAL!"
  3167. >She called out everything you all did 'wrong' instead of being mad about the lewdness itself
  3168. >Then she 'put her foot down' commanding, "Breakfast can wait! I'm going to set you all straight, and I'm going to do it NOW!"
  3169. >Turning to Diamond she 'lectures' her, "You first, Diamond! Trying to push your friends to do what YOU wanted to do instead of doing it yourself! I know I taught you to delegate WORK, but this is supposed to be INTIMACY and a RELATIONSHIP! That you NEED to do yourself!"
  3170. >Then Diamond stammering as she asked her mom what she was saying she should do
  3171. >Spoiled sternly said like it was nothing, "Take out his dick. While you, Anon, can just sit there, and think about what you did."
  3172. >Diamond looks like she wants to protest it, but her mom's intense gaze soon has her doing your pants and grabbing your dick by the base
  3173. >Next Spoiled says, "Now take it into your mouth. While being sure to keep your mouth open wide so your teeth don't touch it. It's sensitive so rubbing it with your teeth even a little will hurt him."
  3174. >Then saying to you, "Don't say anything, or even think about touching her. That's your punishment for your cowardice."
  3175. >Only hesitating a little Diamond actually does it
  3176. >Bringing her head down into your lap, and bringing your tip past her lips
  3177. >Doing as her mom says you don't feel her teeth against it
  3179. >It feels crazy this is happening now, but then again 'normal rules' just plain don't apply here in this mansion
  3180. >Then her mom commands her, "Now slowly move up and down it, down as far as you can go without gagging, and up to where it almost leaves your mouth. Just do that until I say otherwise."
  3181. >With that Diamond actually starts giving you head
  3182. >You'd never would have expected this might happen yesterday
  3183. >Thinking about it, just how many times are you going to be thinking 'I never would have expected this'?
  3184. >Were you just going to get to a point where nothing fazes you anymore?
  3185. >Though your thoughts are interrupted by Diamond getting into it, and feeling like you'd cum soon
  3186. >Her mom then tells her to stop when she sees you shudder
  3187. >Diamond lifts her head off leaving a trail of saliva from her mouth to to your throbbing dick
  3188. >Then Spoiled makes everyone wait till you came back down from it
  3189. >After that telling Sweetie, "Now you, go do it right this time like I explained to Diamond."
  3190. >She actually didn't hesitate at all, and even seemed eager to do it since she was being 'told to' by Spoiled
  3191. >Taking it into her mouth in one motion before bobbing her head quickly
  3192. >Spoiled telling her she's going to fast, and to slow down
  3193. >Sweetie obeys even though she clearly didn't want to
  3194. >Your sister doing this so eagerly made you get back to throbbing rapidly
  3195. >At which point she told Sweetie to stop, and she reluctantly did stop
  3196. >Then lastly she turned to Silver Spoon telling her, "Now you, Silver. Before you mention your dad, you can just stop being like this with Anon when you do confess to your dad. IF you do. You're not talking your way out of this, or getting off the hook so easily for how thirsty you acted without commitment to it."
  3198. >Yet then Silver replied to everyone in the room, "I want everyone to know that I love my dad, and I'm just going to pretend it's my dad's dick. What I'm about to do doesn't mean I want to be Anon's girlfriend, or get in the way of him and Diamond Tiara. I'm just doing what I must do."
  3199. >Perhaps despite saying that once she inched close enough it was like she practically face planted into your lap
  3200. >Before starting to give you head even more eagerly and faster than Sweetie had
  3201. >Spoiled told her to slow way down, but she didn't listen
  3202. >Like she was utterly out of control as she wildly sucked you off
  3203. >Making you breath ragged even until you were forced to cum in her mouth well before you felt like you were 'ready'
  3204. >Her cheeks puffing out a little from it as Spoiled commanded her to swallow it, and then stop for not listening earlier
  3205. >She actually does gulp it down as Sweetie commented without thinking, "W-whoa, and I thought I was perverted..."
  3206. >Silver doesn't even stop like told, and kept sucking you until Spoiled pulled Silver off of you herself
  3207. >Sternly telling Silver, "You've got to learn to control yourself. I'll think of a way to punish you for not listening later, or better yet have Diamond do it."
  3208. >Then Diamond snapping out of her shock from what she witnessed saying, "Your punishment is that you can't touch Anon in any way until I say otherwise! You'll learn your lesson, AND self-control this way!"
  3209. >Silver definitely looks punished as she winces, and yet perhaps unsure if she should feel punished by that or not
  3210. >Spoiled then saying it's over being commanding, "Okay Diamond, fix Anon's pants, all three of you apologize to Anon for being so careless, and you Anon apologize to them for your cowardly deception."
  3211. >Your pants are fixed, and you all apologize to each other like she said though it felt weird to do so
  3212. >Especially when she said 'like you mean it', and made you all apologize again like you were just brats after a normal incident
  3214. >All three of them shifting in place though like they were unsure what to do now
  3215. >Spoiled tells them, "Oh don't be like that. I'm sure you'll get a chance to do more of this later if you really want, but not now. It's time for breakfast."
  3216. >Then teasing Silver with, "Even if Silver had an 'appetizer'. You better not have spoiled your appetite."
  3217. >Silver blushing a deep crimson hearing that even as she went to cling to your arm for support before remembering she 'can't'
  3218. >Diamond hugs Silver though before saying, "This is for your own good Silver. You've gotta be able to control yourself or it'd be really bad."
  3219. >Then Spoiled as if remembering something said, "Actually before breakfast we're all brushing our teeth. Especially you three girls. Wash out your mouths really good now."
  3220. >They look extremely embarrassed hearing that as they went first to brush their teeth
  3221. >Spoiled keeps you there to talk with you a little first
  3222. >Thanking you for cooperating by saying, "I know it must have been hard to just get caught up in it like that, and to resist the urge to touch them while they were doing that. It actually would have made them really nervous to touch them, and you needed to not do anything to spook them. I'm not sure they really know what they want, but especially if you love your little sister. Please watch over them, and do your best to be there for them with whatever they decide they do want. Even if it's a little selfish."
  3223. >She apparently has a lot of faith in you, and you don't particularly feel like seeing what'd happen if you 'let her down'
  3224. >She continues her 'talk' with, "Don't be too down if any of the three decide that don't want to 'be with you', especially Silver. You're really in a position where you should respect their wishes, even if you're only a little older than them, you have that responsibility to them."
  3225. >Then she pats you hard on the back as if to say the 'talk' was over
  3227. >Before telling you to go brush your teeth too
  3228. >Reassuring you there are extra toothbrushes and toothpaste to use
  3229. >Knowing you didn't have any of your own
  3230. >Nothing unusual happened while brushing your teeth, and then it was time for breakfast
  3231. >Breakfast itself was actually a little awkward
  3232. >With all three of them wanting to sit super close to you
  3233. >If not on your lap, but Diamond sat between you and Silver
  3234. >Then Filthy asked Spoiled what's up with them
  3235. >Spoiled told him, "Don't worry about it. They just had a bit of a 'bonding exercise', and they're still a little over excited about it."
  3236. >Filthy wanted to ask more, but saw her expression and left it at that
  3237. >Trusting his wife had things under control if she was sure
  3238. >You were sure that just like when they 'downplayed' things to your mom before they'd do it again with this
  3239. >There's a buzzing sound, and Diamond takes you her phone
  3240. >Taking a quick look at it before looking pissed
  3241. >Filthy looks pissed too before stating, "That's IT! I've had it with that 'prince'! We're 'inviting him over', but to teach him a lesson. Help me with it, would you Anon?"
  3242. >You weren't sure who that was, or what was going on
  3243. >Though with everyone at the table looking at you expectantly you couldn't possibly refuse
  3244. >It might even be a chance to try out your 'anti-magic'
  3245. >Filthy borrows Diamond's phone, and sends a text asking him to over
  3246. >No doubt sending it from her phone to make it more likely he'd show up for his 'lesson'
  3247. >The 'prince' replies back he'd be there in an hour, and telling her not to get too needy waiting for him
  3248. >Saying he can't stand women who are too clingy
  3249. >He sure sounded like a pompous ass
  3250. >Filthy then says he and you would challenge him to a duel when he got here
  3251. >You weren't sure if you were actually ready for a serious fight though, but you felt more sure you'd be more on board to fight him after seeing him in person
  3252. >If he was even half the asshole in person as how he sounded in text
  3254. >The wait for him to show up is tense
  3255. >Though comforting Diamond, and reassuring her she'd be alright does help ease the tension as well as pass the time
  3256. >You weren't exactly sure how well you'd do in a 'duel' though
  3257. >Sure you kicked that one safari guy in the crotch, but you weren't exactly an experienced fighter
  3258. >Also you weren't exactly sure how to use your anti-magic either
  3259. >You try 'focusing' yourself, and recreating the kind of things you felt in the dream
  3260. >After a bit it kind of feels like you're succeeding, but without using it on actual magic you couldn't be sure
  3261. >Before you could ask anyone for a 'sparing match' to warm up it was go time
  3262. >A 'prince' like guy with an extremely punchable face walks into the room
  3263. >Declaring loudly in an incredibly smug voice, "I see you have come to your senses, and realized the great honor it is to be chosen as my woman. Come along with me now, and I'll teach you your wifely duties."
  3264. >Diamond hides behind you as her dad speaks up first, "Silence! She did not actually call you here. I did, and it's time you learned what the real score is."
  3265. >The 'prince' then mocks Filthy with, "You must be going senile in your old age if you think you can deny me. Anything I want is mine sooner or later."
  3266. >Filthy continues without responding to that remark, "I challenge you to a duel of honor, but you're below dirtying my hands knocking your teeth out. Anon here will see to it that you're shown the door once you've been properly schooled in how to bleed internally."
  3267. >He then pushes you forward
  3268. >Then this guy glares at you with disgust before saying, "A peasant?! Does your capacity to insult know no bounds?! Just walk away, peasant. Though before that I will now insult you in the manner in which you are accustomed."
  3269. >He then clears his throat before continuing, "Clench it, female dog melanin affluent person."
  3270. >What the hell was he trying to say?
  3272. It was time for you to put your own two cents in, "Are you scared to fight me? Afraid you'll lose? I bet you've never done even a single thing for yourself, and can't fight worth a damn. If you have magic, and don't want to lose it just leave. Then never contact her again."
  3273. >He then starts speaking some incomprehensible babble as golden armor appears over his fancy suit, and a golden sword appears in his hand
  3274. >Everyone backs away to a safe distance as you try focusing yourself again
  3275. >You stare each other down for a few moments before he comes at you with the conjured sword
  3276. >Reaching out with your hand you focus on it while catching the blade, and the part of it you touch crumbles to dust
  3277. >Then the rest of the sword vanishes
  3278. >While he's shocked by this you take the opportunity to go for a gut punch
  3279. >His armor crumbling as your fist pushed through like it wasn't even there
  3280. >Your fist then making contact with his stomach unimpeded
  3281. >Knocking the air out of him as her stumbles back
  3282. >The rest of the armor vanishes as he reels trying to understand what just happened
  3283. >Trying to build momentum in your favor you close the distance again, and go to plant a right hook in his face
  3284. >Unfortunately he actually blocks this one
  3285. >Starting to fight you without his magic
  3286. >Being made to remember you weren't particularly strong as you start to lose your advantage exchanging punches
  3287. >Taking a few painful punches yourself, but once her got cocky he tried magic again
  3288. >Swiping at the magic forming in his hand it's entirely disrupted
  3289. >After which you grab his arm and twist it
  3290. >Then punching him in the face as you kept twisting his arm
  3291. >Gradually bringing him to the floor as you got his arm behind his back
  3292. >Once you had him immobile you focus your eyes hard like you were trying to read really tiny words
  3293. >Doing that you actually manage to see a glowing vein like line in his neck
  3295. >Reaching down you grab his neck, but can't quite do like in the dream and push it in
  3296. >He asks, "What the hell are you doing?!"
  3297. >You don't listen that as you start actually siphoning it
  3298. >Considering not draining all of it, but fuck this guy
  3299. >Feeling him growing weaker and less resistant as it waned
  3300. >Then soon the very last spark of glow went out
  3301. >After that he panics, and starts thrashing wildly
  3302. >Which forces you off him even if he was now out of breath, and not in any shape to fight anymore
  3303. >He tries to cast magic, but nothing happens
  3304. >Yelling out in terror, "What did you do to me?!"
  3305. You tell him unable to hide your sense of victory, "Your magic is gone, and it's 'bitch' not 'female dog', bitch."
  3306. >Filthy then comes up next to you looking down on the 'prince' smugly as he declared, "The duel is over boy, now get out."
  3307. >Diamond finally stands up to him now saying, "Yeah! Get out of here you worthless creep, and stop messaging me!"
  3308. >He looks like he's going to try to lunge for her, but a ball of light hits his chest and sends him flying
  3309. >He's left laid out on the floor as Filthy reminded him, "I told you to get out, or do I need to call security? You know what. I'm doing that now, and if you give security trouble I'll release the hounds. Don't think you can do anything now without magic, punk."
  3310. >Filthy takes out a device, and presses a button on it
  3311. >Soon two large men come to pick up the 'prince', and drag him out
  3312. You decide to mock this guy further by saying to the security guards, "Once you get this trash out throw it in the dumpster."
  3313. >Filthy grins hearing that and adds, "Yes, but not out dumpster. I don't want OUR trash defiled by this. Try a local restaurant's dumpster."
  3314. >Thinking he was anything at all still this guy yells out, "You haven't seen the last of me! I have strong allies! You'll pay for this!"
  3316. >As he's actually dragged out of the room though you're pretty sure he's full of it
  3317. >Once you were all sure he was gone a mini celebration starts
  3318. >The rest of the group thanking, and congratulating you
  3319. >Diamond particularly grateful, and Filthy genuinely telling you that you did a good job
  3320. >Sweetie clinging to your side as she said, "I was worried Anon, but I'm glad you're alright!"
  3321. >Spoiled even giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek before saying, "Thanks for helping my daughter like this. She was right to choose you."
  3322. >As everyone clamored you started to actually feel a bit overwhelmed by the attention
  3323. >Though eventually they wind down, and Sweetie asks 'what's next?'
  3324. >Filthy responds, "It's probably about time we got you and Anon back home."
  3325. >Then Diamond cuts in with, "Can I come with, and spend the night at Sweetie's house?"
  3326. >Spoiled teases her saying, "You NEVER want to spend the night anywhere less fancy than Silver Spoon's mansion. Do you want to spend more time with Anon that badly~?"
  3327. >Diamond cutely blushes before saying, "it's spending the night at Sweetie's place, and besides why shouldn't I want to spend a bit more time with him after this?"
  3328. >Filthy chuckles a little before patting her head saying, "Sure you can, and remember to behave. Listen to Cookie Crumbles, and obey the 'rules' of their house. Even if things don't work the same way over there."
  3329. >Spoiled adding on, "Go gather some stuff to spend the night, and meet us out in the limo."
  3330. >Then Silver telling Diamond, "I'll ask my dad if I can come too. Though he usually lets me be anywhere you are."
  3331. >Sweetie is now saying, "Oh! I'll call Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to see if they can come over to my house too!"
  3332. >If they all could now all her friends would be over, or at least you think that might be all of them
  3333. >You hadn't actually known much about her friends besides the very most basic information about Apple Bloom and Scootaloo
  3335. >Diamond heads off to gather stuff to spend the night
  3336. >While that's happening Sweetie and Silver make their calls
  3337. >You overhear Silver's dad sounding unsure, but agreeing once he knew Diamond would be there
  3338. >Silver must have not been kidding when she said he just lets her go with Diamond
  3339. >You don't so much overhear Sweetie's conversation because she did her calls further away
  3340. >This does give you some time to think about how the fight earlier went
  3341. >Sure it went well for you, but you definitely need to improve
  3342. >Especially the bit where you started to lose ground when he didn't use magic
  3343. >Like your 'weakness' is someone being strong without magic
  3344. >Maybe even just people who don't rely on magic
  3345. >It definitely seems you shouldn't rely on magic canceling as your sole strategy
  3346. >Though how exactly would you improve your basic ability to fight?
  3347. >The obvious answer would be to work out, and take some kind of self-defense course
  3348. >Fuck that noise though
  3349. >You weren't going to completely and utterly change your way of life just to be better at this
  3350. >In fact you kind of feel like you'd rather die in a magic battle; than even consider becoming a gym rat dudebro just to fight better
  3351. >So there's gotta be another way
  3352. >Maybe if you had a weapon of some kind?
  3353. >Or maybe you could just try to not go into battles by yourself
  3354. >Strength in numbers, and all that
  3355. >It was certainly food for thought
  3356. >Brought back to reality as Sweetie announces both friends she called are coming
  3357. >Then it was off to the limo, and finally home
  3358. Once actually in the limo you ask Filthy, "Say, can you give me any pointers on fighting some time?"
  3359. >Then Filthy responds, "I wasn't going to say anything about it but your skill with it could use some work. I'll see what I can do, and when."
  3360. >After you thank him the rest of the trip home is relatively quiet
  3362. >After a while actually reaching home
  3363. >Filthy and Spoiled telling you to come back soon before driving off
  3364. >Actually getting into the house feeling like you had a whole entourage with you
  3365. >When mom notices you're home she enthusiastically greets you
  3366. >Then noticing the 'extra people' remembering she'd allowed all of Sweetie's friends over
  3367. >Mom saying to Sweetie, "Apple Bloom and Scootaloo aren't here yet, but I imagine they'll arrive soon"
  3368. >You're tempted to go to your room, and try to have some 'alone time' after all this
  3369. >However Sweetie and Diamond are following you like lost puppies, and practically glued to you
  3370. >With Silver following just a bit further behind
  3371. >Mom chuckles watching this before pretending not to be watching when you glanced over
  3372. >She then says she'd get lunch ready while we wait for the last arrivals
  3373. >You actually do manage to go into your room
  3374. >Even if your 'hanger-ons' follow right in
  3375. >Diamond and Silver start poking around your room while Sweetie clings to you
  3376. You try to tell them to stop with, "Don't you know it's rude and undignified to snoop in someone's room?"
  3377. >Hoping the wording would get through to them especially well, but they weren't listening
  3378. >Diamond quickly starting to find your anime merchandise, and inspecting it with a blush
  3379. >Silver on the other hand kept complaining about the way things smelled in your room, and yet didn't stop finding things that smelled 'bad' to her
  3380. >You were pretty sure they actually did smell awful, but why was she seem to be going out of her way to find the worst smelling things?
  3381. >To judge you for having a less than clean room?
  3382. >That didn't seem to be entirely it, but you didn't want to ask her
  3383. >The only thing that wasn't so bad about this was they were at least being gentle with your things
  3384. >Not about to break anything even if they were utterly invading your privacy
  3386. >Once they started digging deeper, and finding things even Sweetie didn't know were there she joined in
  3387. >They even started asking questions now about the things they were finding
  3388. >Like they thought you were a tour guide here to show them around, and explain everything in your room to them
  3389. You refuse to do it with, "That stuff was hidden for a reason! Just put it back, and stop asking all these questions!"
  3390. >Though hearing that they just get angry, and remind you of this morning
  3391. >Saying you 'owe them' for it
  3392. >Silver even saying it's 'unspeakable' to mention what she'd done for you, but you knew what it was
  3393. >Practically guilt tripping you now to get you to spill the beans about everything they wanted to know
  3394. >Even knowing none of that was actually your fault
  3395. >When you still didn't budge Sweetie told the other two to call you 'Onii-chan', and saying it'd help convince you
  3396. >Now starting to plead while calling you it
  3397. >Sweetie even coaching them to say 'Onii-chan' lewdly
  3398. >It seems like this was no more about making you cave rather than actually wanting to know this bad
  3399. >Then of all things mom comes in saying lunch is ready, but then sees all the stuff they'd found strewn everywhere
  3400. >All the lewd things you'd apparently hadn't hidden well enough from prying eyes
  3401. >Mom actually now goes to sit with the girls, and demands that you explain all of it
  3402. >With mom commanding it you had no choice but to start explaining
  3403. >Until every single racy figurine, borderline porn anime dvd, and actual porn thing was explained fully
  3404. >Even having to go back over things you actually explained before mom got here
  3405. >Possibly with the worst timing possible the last two arrivals got here
  3406. >You had to explain everything for what felt like a third time to the new arrivals now too
  3407. >It mostly just went over Scootaloo's head, but Apple Bloom was looking very judgmental of all of it though she didn't comment much
  3409. >Mostly entertained reactions or confusion from them in varying amounts, but Apple Bloom's gaze felt piercing
  3410. >Sweetie finally coming to your defense with, "Come on Apple Bloom. Don't be like that, he's a boy. It'd be strange if he didn't have some hidden lewd things in his room."
  3411. >Apple Bloom however responds, "Thare's no way muh Big Mac would have anythin' like tha' in his room! He's an honest man with integrity, and besides whut would his girlfriend think if he ha' stuff as perverted as this?!"
  3412. >Then Diamond cuts in teasingly saying, "Are you sure he doesn't? Have you checked? I'm pretty sure ALL boys have lewd things hidden in their rooms. Maybe not as much as Anon here, but at least SOMETHING."
  3413. >Apple Bloom sounding unsure even as she said, "It's not laike ah've gone snooping in his room. Because tha'd be undahanded and sneaky, but ah'm completely sure his room has nothin' bad in it!"
  3414. >Mom joining in on it now saying, "Isn't your brother the one all the ladies want for being 'big'? A boy like him couldn't possibly be 'pure'~. You're just lying to yourself to say otherwise, and you wouldn't want to 'lie' would you?"
  3415. >Apple Bloom left speechless with a deep blush, and you could almost swear you saw steam coming from her ears
  3416. >It was like watching a robot caught in a 'logical paradox'
  3417. >Would she admit her brother is a teen boy with urges and be 'impure' herself, or hold on to the idea that he's pure and 'lie'?
  3418. >Then Apple Bloom 'breaks down' admitting, "Okay fine! He's an extremely horny older brother, but he doesn't have anything bad in his room, I swear! I haven't checked, but Granny has! She has the eyes of a hawk, and the wisdom of an owl! If she's looked, and said there's nothing than there's nothing!"
  3419. >You actually feel kind of bad for ol' Big Mac now if his room is 'inspected' like that, and he really doesn't have anything to masturbate to
  3420. >Kind of like your room was inspected now...
  3421. >Wait, nothing is going to happen to your stuff now is it?!
  3423. >You have no doubt if it were up to Apple Bloom it'd be thrown out
  3424. >Though mom comes to your rescue saying, "I may not approve of everything here, but it'd be cruel of me to tell him he can't have it. He's a boy, and I know he'd get stuff like it again if it was gotten rid of. The only difference would be that it'd cause resentment, and I certainly don't want that. So even if it is perverted I'm going to allow Anon to keep all this stuff."
  3425. >This was practically a 180 compared to how she'd been before, but now things certainly are 'different' between you and her
  3426. >You can't help start hugging mom tight while thanking her as your savior
  3427. >All this stuff was expensive and hard to get
  3428. >You couldn't express in words how happy you were that she did this for you
  3429. Though you tried saying, "You're the best mom! I promise I'll never make you regret this decision! I'm so blessed to have such an understanding and compassionate mother! I'm probably the luckiest son alive!"
  3430. >Gushing on like that unable to stop yourself as mom got embarrassed
  3431. >Then mom changes the subject saying, "It's time for lunch... Let's all go eat, and let Anon put everything back after he's done eating."
  3432. >Apple Bloom clearly didn't like mom's decision, but clearly knew she couldn't go against mom's wishes in her house
  3433. >Sweetie telling her, "Don't dwell on that Apple Bloom. I swear Anon's a good person, and you trust me right? Let's just go eat lunch now."
  3434. >With that Apple Bloom takes a deep breath to calm down
  3435. >Then agrees as they head off to the dinning room
  3436. >Diamond making teasing comments about your stuff as she left, and Silver telling you to clean your room while you're at it
  3437. >Scootaloo makes no comment at all, but keeps looking back nervously while walking out
  3439. >Sweetie and her friends start talking among themselves at the table during lunch
  3440. >Talking about a lot of stuff you couldn't quite keep up with
  3441. >Mom seems almost as lost as you, but manages to get a word in edgewise a lot more often than you
  3442. >Though Scootaloo asks Sweetie to 'tell all' about what happened after she got Sweetie to Diamond's mansion the day before yesterday
  3443. >Sweetie then responds, "Well, I actually can't say ALL the details, but Diamond's parents decided to get involved. What I CAN say is that things are fine now, and there's nothing to worry about."
  3444. >Sctootaloo isn't happy with that answer saying, "Don't hold out on my Sweetie! I want all the juicy details!"
  3445. >Diamond blushing now as she cut in with, "Let's talk about that later. It's not polite dinning table discussion."
  3446. >Then mom cuts with a tangent saying, "How about if we all sleep in the living room tonight? Since there are so many of you here it'd be cramped in Sweetie's bedroom."
  3447. >Diamond immediately agrees with, "I don't know about you guys, but I'd practically get claustrophobic being in a small room with tons of people."
  3448. >Now Sweetie responding angrily, "Well excuse me for having a small room!"
  3449. >Diamond realizing what she'd done apologizing with, "I'm sorry, Sweetie. I didn't mean to insult you personally, but you know how my expectations are with room size even if they aren't achievable for others."
  3450. >Which was still a little insulting, but that was probably the best Sweetie was going to get from her and Sweetie drops it there
  3451. >Then mom now including you saying, "I'll even have Anon with us, as long as you all promise to behave."
  3452. >All the girls giving a standard 'okay'
  3453. Though you have to ask, "Is it really fine if I'm there?"
  3454. >Apple Bloom saying having apparently not completely let go of what happened earlier, "Ah'll be keeping an eye on you! Ta make sure thar's no funny business!"
  3455. >It could be a long night ahead of you for sure
  3457. >Especially since it's only past lunch
  3458. >Though you remembered the state of your room
  3459. >Which was actually a good thing because you'd have some time to yourself while fixing things in it
  3460. >Or at least as you got close to finishing eating you hoped so
  3461. >You were eating fast, and before you'd even realized it you were using it as a strategy
  3462. >If you finished a lot quicker then you'd have more time to yourself
  3463. >Before they'd even have the opportunity to join you in your room
  3464. >Not that spending time with them was bad or anything, but it's not too much to ask to want a little time to yourself right?
  3465. >Especially since solitude had been the norm for you before all this started
  3466. >You started to feel a bit nostalgic for your hours of uninterrupted time in your room
  3467. >Even if you were sure you were having the time of your life these past few days
  3468. >It's just so very different
  3469. >You get finished eating, but right after that Apple Bloom announces she's finished too
  3470. >Starting to head to your room, and she's right behind you
  3471. >She's glaring up at you like she's watching you like a hawk
  3472. >Even as Sweetie told her to take it easy on you
  3473. >Following you into your room
  3474. >Even closing the door behind her
  3475. >Then staying close to you, and staring at you as you started to work on your room
  3476. >Trying to put things back while ignoring her
  3477. >Since the way she was silently glaring was making your nervous
  3478. >Though eventually she speaks up in an accusing tone, "Ah'm serious about makin' sure ya'll don't do nothin' to any of us tanight. Ya'll are even thinking about doin' somthin' lewd tah me right now aren't you? Aren't you?"
  3479. >Actually you weren't and you tell her 'no', but it was like she was trying to make sure you started now
  3480. >You certainly couldn't avoid thinking lewd thoughts while putting away your 'hidden items'
  3481. >She looks down at your crotch before saying you're lying
  3482. >You were trying to not think about it, but you were probably at least at half-chub
  3484. >Then looking side to side as if to make sure it was still just you and her here
  3485. >She whispers now surprisingly saying to you, "I'll forgive you for being a pervert if you're honest with me about something..."
  3486. >Pausing for a while as she hesitated about what she wanted to ask
  3487. >Before finally asking, "Anon... Ahm I sexy? Ah mean I know Ah'm no fashion model or beauty pageant girl, but ahm I good looking at all?"
  3488. >She continues with an explanation, "When it comes ta looks, Ahl any folks want ta talk about is muh big sister Apple Jack... Nobody really even seems tah notice me..."
  3489. >Well, looking at her the jean shorts she had on weren't bad even if her t-shirt was rather plain
  3490. >You felt like comforting her, but you didn't want to go too far and come onto her either
  3491. >Three girls and your mom was probably enough
  3492. >Also you were sure it'd end badly for you unlike what happened with Diamond's parents
  3493. >You're pretty sure rural farm folk practically invented the idea of 'shot gun weddings'
  3494. Either way you tread carefully patting her head while saying, "You're plenty good looking. Sure you've still got some growing to do, but you'll get there. You really don't have to worry about it so much."
  3495. >Apple Bloom actually smiles a little before asking, "Do ya'll think I could become even prettier than Apple Jack?"
  3496. Caught up in the moment you give her encouragement saying, "Anything is possible, and you seem like a hard working person."
  3497. >She thanks you with an adorable smile
  3498. >Though then she starts to feel down again before saying, "Sometimes I worry Ah'll never be as good as muh big sis... I know she loves me, and never tries tah put me down or make me feel like ah'm not good enough... Ya'll are siblings with Rarity, so ya'll know how it feels to have such'a successful sibling, an' feel like ya'll can't measure up right?"
  3500. >You really, really do understand it
  3501. >By your age Rarity had practically already started her business, and was making so much money it made you insanely jealous
  3502. >Even now you doubt you'll ever make as much money as her, and it's always made you feel like a bit of a loser
  3503. Confessing as much to her saying, "Yeah... Rarity never really lords it over my head that I'll probably never make as much money as her, but I have felt jealous of it. Kind of makes me feel like a bit of a loser even when I think about it..."
  3504. >Apple Bloom now patting your back to console you and show support
  3505. >Then she says warmly, "Although Ah'm still sure ya'll are a pervert, and Ah'll be keeping an eye on you tonight. Ah'm also sure Sweetie was right when she said ya'll are a good person. Yer alright."
  3506. >You put the rest of your things away, and get your room back the way it was after that
  3507. >Maybe even a little better than it was
  3508. >Then you notice sounds coming from the living room, and Apple says she's going out there before leaving your room
  3509. >You were finally alone in your room now, and you probably could just stay there to get that alone time you wanted
  3510. >Yet you find yourself wanting to go out to the living room too at least a little
  3511. >Like you didn't really want to be the odd one out sitting alone
  3512. >Even if you still did want some time to yourself
  3513. >The longer you sat there the more you wanted to join them
  3514. >You could probably wait a little longer for that alone time
  3515. >Heading out into the living room you see they're watching a movie
  3516. >The girls are sitting or laying in a cluster together on the floor
  3517. >While mom is on the couch, and gestures for you to sit next to her after she notices you
  3518. >She hugs and leans on you once you do sit next to her
  3519. >Cuddling into you as you blushed
  3520. >Which only encouraged her
  3522. >Though mom restrains herself by not cuddling into you too intimately
  3523. >You were sure to the girls who didn't know how you and mom were it just looked like she was being affectionate
  3524. >In fact Scootaloo looks back at you before giggling, and turning to Apple Bloom to whisper that you must be super embarrassed
  3525. >Though Apple Bloom doesn't bother taking a look herself, or maybe doesn't want to
  3526. >Sweetie looks, but blushes deeply since she does know how things are
  3527. >Then Diamond teases you while making a kissy face, "Your mommy must love you so much, Anon~."
  3528. >She didn't know how right she was, but now you can't help thinking she'll find out at some point
  3529. >Though she quickly grows bored of teasing you about it, and goes back to watching the movie
  3530. >Mom whispers in your ear playfully, "You could help keep anything 'inappropriate' with the girls from happening by sticking close to me. Though of course that doesn't necessarily mean nothing of the sort will happen at all~."
  3531. >Your ears burning as she continued, "Why don't you 'help' me make dinner? I don't actually need help though if you know what I mean~."
  3532. >You absolutely did, and you couldn't be more glad right now that the girls were too distracted by the movie to see how hard you were
  3533. >Especially Apple Bloom, or basically any of them except Sweetie
  3534. >Teasing you further as she whispered lewdly in your ear, "What if we made baked 'buns'~?"
  3535. >Before ruffling your hair as she reminded you it definitely wouldn't happen, and she was just messing with you
  3536. >You knew it'd never happen, but her bringing up the idea made you so hot and bothered
  3537. >Which you were sure was definitely the whole point
  3538. >Though what if on some level she did actually want that?
  3539. >If it really was just that the actual consequences and costs kept her from wanting to do that for real, but she would if those weren't there?
  3540. >Maybe she wouldn't tease you about it more than once like this if there wasn't at least a hint of truth to it
  3542. >Chewing your lip now before you realize it as mom announces to the girls she'd go make dinner, and you'd help
  3543. >Some of them give absent minded responses like 'that's nice' or 'ok'
  3544. >Then mom dragging you into the kitchen, and starting to set up dinner to cook
  3545. >While grinding her ass back against you after making sure you two were out of view
  3546. >Even dry humping her a little as she suppressed moans while telling you not to make her slip up
  3547. >Once everything was set up, and all she had to do was wait she turned around to make out
  3548. >She got onto the counter as she encouraged you to help her up there by lifting her
  3549. >After she was on the counter she wrapped her legs around your waist
  3550. >Kissing you passionately before telling you in a needy voice, "We can't go all the way right now. If I thought I could go back out there 'messy' I'd practically force you to fuck me right now, but let's wait till they're asleep. Then I'll take you to my room~."
  3551. >Simply nodding in response before resuming where you two left off
  3552. >Having to try very hard not to cum in your pants, and make both of you 'messy' anyway
  3553. >It was also not easy to be quiet, or at the very least not louder than the movie
  3554. >Grinding against her, and mashing your lips together; the absolute hardest part was stopping when the first buzzer went off signaling something was done
  3555. >Both of you catching your breath as you stepped back, and she got off the counter to attend to it
  3556. >Having to try to cool yourself back down so you wouldn't look suspicious when the food is brought out
  3557. >Mom surely doing the same thing
  3558. >So it wouldn't look like you two had been at each other coming juuuust short of full on sex
  3559. >You definitely would go that far later though, and you hoped you wouldn't be in too much pain from blue balls before then
  3560. >She tells you with the need obvious in her voice, "I'm going to be looking forward to it just as much as you, if not more."
  3562. >Unable to help your eyes wandering up and down her milf body as she made final preparations for dinner
  3563. >Then she started bringing it out to the dinning room, and you helped set the table
  3564. >Mom next calling to the girls to come eat, and they paused the movie
  3565. >You noticed it was a different movie than they were watching earlier
  3566. >It certainly had been a while since you'd started 'helping mom make dinner'
  3567. >The dinner itself goes by relatively incident free
  3568. >With Sweetie and her friends talking about the movie they were watching now, and the previous movie as well
  3569. >It seemed to take forever as you waited through this, and more movie watching for it to be time for bed
  3570. >Everyone in sleeping bags as you stayed awake waiting for everyone but you and mom to fall asleep
  3571. >Apple Bloom was the last to fall asleep, and was watching you till her eyes closed shut for the last time tonight
  3572. >Then you and mom sneaked off for her room
  3573. >She didn't want to go to her bed since it'd creak
  3574. >Taking you into the bathroom instead
  3575. >Then turning on cold water in the shower, but neither of you actually got in
  3576. >Having both of you strip, but then she just got up against the bathroom wall
  3577. >You get the feeling she's done this before to have sex in the house with other people here before
  3578. >Actually trying to block the image of mom and dad doing this now as you grabbed her hips
  3579. >Then finally after all that waiting plunging your dick right into her as she moaned out
  3580. >Reassuring you that you could be a little loud now with the water going here in the master bathroom
  3581. >Even practically commanding you to fuck her hard, and not even consider pulling out
  3582. >Not that you would pull out knowing she had an air tight birth control regiment in place
  3583. >You went at her like a wild animal as egged you on
  3584. >Then you weren't sure, but as you got close to cumming you thought she said under her breath to pretend like you were trying to get her pregnant even though you couldn't
  3586. >You couldn't bring yourself to try and confirm if she really said that
  3587. >Thinking she might have said that though you came inside her so hard it felt like you might collapse
  3588. >Holding her extremely tight as she trembled pushing up against the bathroom wall
  3589. >Since your strength practically entirely left you for a moment as you emptied your balls into her
  3590. >That didn't stop you from continuing to fuck her after that until you really actually couldn't go on
  3591. >After cumming inside her definitely more than once you were both left on the floor gasping for air
  3592. >Having gone on even after you were pretty sure you were just shooting blanks
  3593. >Though mom was on top of you now, and kissing you as she kept telling you how wonderful you were
  3594. >Once you could both get up she turned the water in the shower to warm, and you both actually showered
  3595. >The warm water helped your tired muscles, and you might have done it more if you still had the energy
  3596. >You definitely didn't though, and it felt like you could hardly even stand
  3597. >Mom didn't look a whole lot less tired out
  3598. >Then after you were both clean, and didn't smell of sex you both dried off
  3599. >Getting dressed again before shuffling back to the living room
  3600. >Thankful to see the girls still asleep as you crawled back into your sleeping bag
  3601. >Mom following behind you, and getting into hers as well
  3602. >Then you fell asleep practically right away since you were so worn out
  3603. >You'd probably feel it in the morning, but even if you did it'd totally be worth it
  3606. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3607. End of day 9
  3608. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3609. >You are Sweetie Belle
  3610. >You somehow wake up first seeing everyone else asleep
  3611. >Usually Apple Bloom would be the first awake because she usually wakes up super early at her farm
  3612. >Yet she was still fast asleep
  3613. >Of course Anon was too, but that wasn't unusual
  3614. >It quickly occurs to you that being the first awake means you could do something with Anon before anyone else woke up
  3615. >Though you'd rather at least wake Anon up so he could be awake for it
  3616. >Whatever 'it' is you decide to do with him that is
  3617. >However as you try to wake up Anon he doesn't budge, and simply won't wake up
  3618. >It was like he was completely exhausted for some reason, but you had no idea what
  3619. >You don't remember Anon doing a whole lot last night
  3620. >Though before you think much about doing something anyway your friends start waking up
  3621. >This time it is Apple Bloom waking up first among them
  3622. She asks what you're doing sleepily, and you respond, "Just trying to wake up Anon, but he's just not getting up."
  3623. >Scootaloo gets woken up by the talking
  3624. >Then hearing Anon isn't waking up replies, "It's fine, just let him sleep. Let's go to the club house, and talk about magical girl stuff."
  3625. >Apple Bloom perks up at the idea saying, "It has been a bit since we talked about group strategy. Yeah, let's do that!"
  3626. >Perhaps surprisingly Diamond cuts in with, "Can me and Silver be in on it? I'm starting to think there are serious villains we should all fight together, and not always have us two as pretend villains..."
  3627. You speak up in support of them with, "Yeah, there was some creep that Anon had to fight off at Diamond's mansion. Somehow he managed to do it, but I think it'd be easier for us fending off guys like that if we all fought together."
  3629. >With that Apple Bloom quickly agrees, and you plan to set off for the tree house the five of you
  3630. >Though first you'd need mom's permission to go
  3631. >She was practically as deeply asleep as Anon, but with some prodding you get her to respond
  3632. >Asking her if you can go to the tree house with your friends
  3633. >Mom gives an absent minded response that it's okay, and you weren't sure if she'd remember saying so later
  3634. >You try nudging her a little more to try to make sure she's awake enough
  3635. >Though this seemed like the best you'd get
  3636. >So you all head out to the tree house just kind of hoping she'd remember she gave it the go ahead
  3637. >Apple Bloom and Diamond were the most excited for this
  3638. >Since they were the two who focused on combat magic most among your group
  3639. >Though you don't think any of the group doubted being able to defend yourselves was important
  3640. >You don't know just how many people have some form of magic, but it was definitely way more than you thought possible when you first knew you had magic
  3641. >In fact it feels like most of the people you know do
  3642. >Is it possible people with magic are somehow drawn to each other?
  3643. >Certainly seemed like it'd explain things somewhat if that were true
  3644. >Though who knows really
  3645. >Talking on the way the idea of 'roles' in the group starts to come up
  3646. >You're definitely pegged as a 'long range attacker' role based on your giant laser spell
  3647. >While Apple Bloom quickly falls into a 'defender' role, and she says she'll work on defensive spells
  3648. >Either way she was probably the one among you who would be best able to take a hit in a battle
  3649. >Diamond was probably somewhere between attack and defense
  3650. >Scootaloo definitely had a natural fit as a close range attacker
  3651. >Lastly Silver is given the role of distracting and impeding enemies
  3652. >Since she has that rope and bright glare going for her
  3654. >However Diamond teases Silver saying, "Maybe there's another way you could 'distract' a villain~."
  3655. >Then doing a blowjob gesture as Silver blushed and fumed about it
  3656. >Now Apple Bloom fumed, and told Diamond to knock it off
  3657. >Once at the tree house the group started to talk more about specific tactics
  3658. >Also how all your spells can be modified to be more useful
  3659. >As well as what kind of new spells you all could try to make
  3660. >Your take away from all of it about you was mostly about filling your 'role'
  3661. >Like modifying your laser to be less out of control, and making a wider variety of attack spells
  3662. >Though it was also brought up you all shouldn't just solely focus on your role
  3663. >Since you weren't all going to be together all the time
  3664. >So attackers should also be able to defend, and defenders should also have attacks
  3665. >Good thing you already had a solid defense spell
  3666. >None of you had your familiars with you; so you couldn't do any of these spell changes right now
  3667. >It was something to do once you were all home, and food for thought about how you all could improve
  3668. >Also you definitely agreed as a group that although you couldn't be together all the time, but you could try to be together more often
  3669. >Once again you found yourself really glad it was summer
  3670. >Though even if it wasn't going to school would still be an easy way to spend a lot of time grouped together
  3671. >As you all talked the more you felt confident you'd all be able to face any threat
  3672. >It was also brought up how Anon would fit into it, but you weren't sure
  3673. >None of you really knew how what he did in that fight with Prince Blueblood worked
  3674. >If he could really remove someone's magic through touch maybe he could be a 'finisher'?
  3675. >Like the rest of you would wear an opponent down, and then he'd go in for the finishing blow?
  3676. >Things with Anon could be cemented later
  3678. >After you'd talked out how to fight the subject came up of who you'd all be fighting
  3679. >The question going around if any of the rest of you were currently dealing with anyone like a 'villain'
  3680. >You couldn't really think of any
  3681. >Maybe that one safari guy, but you actually doubted you'd be seeing him again
  3682. >It also felt like he wouldn't be a serious threat even if you did see him again
  3683. >What was his deal anyway?
  3684. >Like what would have he done if he'd afterwards if he'd captured you in that giant butterfly net?
  3685. >Something lewd, or what?
  3686. >Though you're brought out of your own thoughts by Appple Bloom speaking up
  3687. >Explaining to the group, "Thar's this guy Trender, who's been mostly bothering muh big sister, but also been trying ta forcefully get close ta me. Ah think it's just anatha way ta get closer ta AJ, but he seems creepy when he tries ta 'hang out'."
  3688. >Then Scootaloo asks seeming more than a little excited for a magic fight, "Do you think he has magic?!"
  3689. >She responds somewhat dejected, "If'n he has any Ah haven't seen it."
  3690. Now for your question you ask, "Wait, if he doesn't have magic, would we have to fight him without magic ourselves? I mean if we end up having to actually fight him at all. Maybe he'd leave Apple Bloom alone if we just tell him to?"
  3691. >Apple Bloom seems sure he won't though saying, "AJ keeps trying ta get him to stop comin' back, but he always does. Pathetically pleadin' an' beggin' till AJ feels sorry nuf for him ta let him come onto tha farm again. Then he's back ta tryin' to flirt with her, an' play with me. It's not tha' same as with AJ, but Ah think he tries tah flirt with me too."
  3692. >Then Diamond suggests, "How about you call the rest of us over next time he's there, and we'll support you. Help catch him doing anything bad. Then we could ALL tell AJ and Granny Smith about it."
  3693. >Apple Bloom looks relieved hearing that and replies, "That sounds great! It shure is great havin' friends tah watch yer back 'n stuff."
  3695. >You guys sit there for a while trying to come up with anyone else who might be a villain
  3696. >Scootaloo says something about her swim coach looking at her, and the other girls funny
  3697. >It sounded like something, but you guys probably couldn't do much at the moment about it
  3698. >Diamond suggests setting up an 'ambush' if he tries to make her 'meet him in private'
  3699. >After that though nobody really comes up with anything
  3700. >Then Apple Bloom realizes it's just about lunch time, and you guys hadn't had breakfast either
  3701. >Now that she mentioned it you were feeling pretty hungry
  3702. >Since the tree house was closest to Apple Bloom's farm house you all decide to go there
  3703. >Scootallo worried if the group was 'wandering' too much, but you remind her you all had cellphones
  3704. >Besides you were only leaving to eat, and then you'd be back to the tree house
  3705. >Though once getting near the house you hear voices, and Apple Bloom looks warry
  3706. >Looks like your group may have discussed 'what to do' just in time
  3707. >Sure enough in front of the house is some dude begging Apple Jack to be let on the property
  3708. >He's begging, but Apple Jack is telling him he just loiters around
  3709. >If he wants to come over here so often he should at least help out with farm chores, but he's too weak to and always annoying everyone
  3710. >Apple Jack sees your group, and ignores him to address Apple Bloom now, "Did Cookie let Ya'll leave Sweetie's house?"
  3711. >Apple Bloom responds with, "We sure did AJ! Ya'll know Ah wouldn't just wander off like that!"
  3712. >Then he notices Apple Bloom and pleads with her as well, "Please vouch for me Bloomy!"
  3713. >She's blushing and trying to push him away while responding, "No, AJ's right about Ya'll! Don't call me 'Bloomy' either!"
  3714. >With that Apple Jack comes up with something
  3715. >Then telling Apple Bloom, "Since Ya'll are here, why don't you do some farm chores 'round here if ya got time. Maybe get your friends to help, and take this sad sack with you."
  3717. >Then pointing to Trender before continuing, "Make sure to work him hard, ya hear? Kick his butt too if'n he tries to play too rough too."
  3718. >He actually gets scared hearing that
  3719. >Is he actually afraid of Apple Bloom beating him up?
  3720. >Well, Apple Bloom isn't an ordinary girl strength wise
  3721. >Apple Bloom's stomach growls and she asks, "Can't we have lunch first? We all fergot to have breakfast too..."
  3722. >AJ permits after seeing how hungry you all were
  3723. >Telling your group, "Granny's inside with some lunch. Me an' Big Mac already ate, but there's some left for Ya'll."
  3724. >You only expected a little leftovers, but heading inside there's what looks like a mountain of food
  3725. >Sometimes you forget just how much food the Apple Family eats, and how big their 'portions' are
  3726. >There was plenty fried chicken and mac&cheese for your whole group
  3727. >Trender was for some reason included in eating lunch with your group
  3728. >During lunch he tried being affectionate with her
  3729. >Not in ways that you would call 'flirting', but he obviously wanted her to like him
  3730. >Like when he pats her head before asking how her day was
  3731. >Trying to engage her in conversation even with nothing to talk about awkwardly
  3732. >You see her looking mad, and yet feeling a bit bad about being mad when he's being 'nice'
  3733. >Diamond finally asks him perhaps due to being the most blunt in the group, "Why are you doing all this? They clearly don't want you here."
  3734. >He tries to gather his thoughts and feeling before responding, "I'm really fascinated by strong, hard working women, and I really REALLY want to be a part of this family. Even if it takes a lot of work to prove I'm worthy."
  3735. >He sounded really earnest saying that, and you think you're starting to understand why they haven't gotten rid of him yet
  3736. >Since he must be tugging their heart strings, and making it so they'd feel bad to reject him outright
  3737. >Though there had to be more reason to why he was so obsessed insisting on here and this family
  3739. >Around the end of lunch mom texts you
  3740. >Asking you, "I remember giving you permission to go somewhere, but I don't remember where? Sorry, I was just so tired. So where are you right now?"
  3741. You text her back saying, "I'm at Apple Bloom's. First we went to the tree house, but went to Apple Bloom's just for lunch."
  3742. >Mom texts back with, "That's ok Sweetie. As long as I know where you are, and you're alright. Be safe."
  3743. >Though after lunch it was time to go do some farm chores you guess
  3744. >You weren't sure how Apple Bloom even knew what needed to be done, but somehow she just led you all outside for it
  3745. >Maybe it was that she could tell at a glance what wasn't done just looking around
  3746. >Fortunately you didn't have to do a lot of actual work
  3747. >Since Apple Bloom was doing a lot, and pushing Trender to do as much as she could make him
  3748. >Supervising him with a disgusted glare as he did everything wrong, or it was like his limbs were painted on since he hardly had any strength
  3749. >Sure these farm chores called for a high level of strength, but his noodle arms were pathetic even to you
  3750. >Yet he kept asking for rewards from her as if he was doing good
  3751. >They were all about AJ though, and Apple Bloom just got more annoyed the more he asked for those favors
  3752. >Which only caused her to be harsher with what he was 'assigned' to do
  3753. >He at one point did do an actual 'flirt' with Apple Bloom
  3754. >Though only by teasingly asking, "Is little Bloomy jealous of the attention her big sis is getting?"
  3755. >Apple Bloom immediately shoots down the idea with, "O' course not! You weak loser, an' how many times do Ah have to tell ya not ta call me 'Bloomy'!"
  3756. >You weren't sure that was 100% true though
  3757. >Emotions are complex things, and she could be a little jealous even if she genuinely doesn't want his attention specifically
  3758. >He then called her 'tsundere' and gave her a hug
  3759. >She then punched him in the gut, and he crumpled to the ground heaving
  3761. >You could swear you'd hear the word 'tsundere' before, and you want to say it was something from Anon's shows
  3762. >Now Scootaloo is curious asking him, "Before I kick you while you're down for being a creep, what does 'tsundere' mean?"
  3763. >He cowers before answering her with, "It's when someone is mean to someone they like because they can't express themselves honestly. It's a foreign word, but as a writer I've gotta have a broad vocabulary. You know?"
  3764. >She then chastises him saying, "Have you ever considered that she just actually doesn't like you?"
  3765. >She then gives him a swift kick after remembering she was going to
  3766. >Apple Bloom adds on to that, "Yeah, an' besides! Ah'm sure ya'll just want ta do dirty things anyhow! Ya'll don't actually like any o' us here fer who we are! Ya'll just want some 'farmer's daughter' sick fantasy! Just go ta some other farm where their women are loose or somethin'!"
  3767. >He looks hurt and begs on his knees, "What can I say to convince you I'm right for you big sister, or to be your brother in law? I'll really do anything!"
  3768. >Apple Bloom lays into him with her response, "Ya can't! Ya'll should have just accepted her first rejection, an' left! Yer wastin' yer time here!"
  3769. >Then seeming overly desperate as he asked her now, "What about you then? Do you love me? You can be mine if you want!"
  3770. >Apple Bloom got madder than you'd ever seen her before now before yelling, "NO! Why caan't you get it through yer thick skull?! Ah don't like ya at all, and Ah definitely don't appreciate bein' treated like ah replacement fer Apple Jack!"
  3771. >She then slaps him, and it nearly makes him spin
  3772. >Maybe the rest of you didn't need to be here after all, but the rest of you being her might have helped her have the courage to do this
  3773. >Then Apple Bloom keeps condemning him with, "Besides, aren't ya'll like twenty somehtin'?! Ah'm 14, ya creep! Ah wouldn't want that even if ya'll weren't terrible!"
  3775. >He looks dejected like he's giving up, but then he slaps handcuffs on her before picking her up
  3776. >Apple Bloom yelling for help as he started carrying her off, and the rest of you gave chase after transforming
  3777. >He runs out into a tree grove carrying her
  3778. >You can't attack him with an attack spell right now or you might hit Apple Bloom
  3779. >Silver Spoon tries to get him with her magic rope, but she's lagging too far behind and out of range
  3780. >Damn him and his longer adult legs!
  3781. >Going into the grove he eventually stops in front of what looks like a massive construction equipment size drilling machine
  3782. >Looking at it hurts your head because it's so weirdly constructed, and has runes on it that confuse you
  3783. >You see two more figures next to the machine, and recognize them quickly
  3784. >It's Flim and Flam
  3785. >True villains to their core you were sure
  3786. >Trender is panting as he sets the cuffed Apple Bloom down before saying, "I brought the little Apple girl, like you said."
  3787. >Flim then slaps him where Appple Bloom had slapped him before saying, "Not her you dolt! I was being coy while referring to Apple Jack! You were also supposed to convince her too! Not use force, and kidnap people! We're trying to run a 'legit' business here, and can't be going around outright breaking the law!"
  3788. >Flam then comments, "Looks like we'll have to take drastic measures now. Just take her somewhere else with you, and lay low for a while. We'll contact you once things are 'finished'."
  3789. >Apple Bloom shouts that they'll never get away with it
  3790. You feel the courage to step up to the plate saying, "Yeah! Not if we can help it!"
  3791. >Then you point yourself at the machine, and fire your 'throbbing heart just for Onii-chan!' beam at it
  3792. >The light and bang from it temporarily daze you like last time, but after coming to the machine is still there
  3793. >The part of it where you aimed is somewhat melted though
  3795. >Also you notice while you were doing that Silver quietly got Trender tied in her rope, and Scootaloo grabbed Apple Bloom
  3796. >With Scootaloo having brought Apple Bloom back over with your group, but still cuffed
  3797. >Then the Flim and Flam brothers speak ominously, "It's pointless to resist. The relic of our master will be unearthed from your farm, and the apple family will become the relic's servants. We were going to give Trender ownership of the Apple women if he helped the plan go smoothly, but the deal is off now."
  3798. >Flam then took out a really jagged dagger, and then cutting the tied up Trender's palm
  3799. >Smearing some of the blood on the drill of the machine as it whirred to life
  3800. >You fire your beam at it again aiming directly at the drill this time
  3801. >Less dazed this time, and the drill stops for a moment looking damages
  3802. >Before going back online as Flim and Flam seemed to pour their energy into it
  3803. >You start firing your beam at it back to back, until about the 5th or 6th time
  3804. >The machine is heavily damaged now, but your hearing started to fade and the ground rushes up to you
  3805. >You apparently fell, and can't seem to move as everything becomes a blur
  3806. >Your friends continuing to fight as Diamond stands in front of you to protect you
  3807. >The twin villains trying to fix their machine, but their as they yelled about stuff was garbled to you
  3808. >Diamond mostly the one attacking as she sent her fake money at them in waves
  3809. >Which mostly succeeded in hampering their efforts with the machine
  3810. >Though at some point you see Apple Bloom joins in, and you think it must've been that Scootaloo got the key to the cuffs from Trender
  3811. >She's in full 'Appul Ultra' form now stomping up to the machine while the brothers' are blocking paper attacks
  3812. >She then shouts 'Tha Strength of Unwavering Faith in muself!' before actually lifting the machine
  3813. >Then slamming it down on Flim and Flam as the machine broke apart after pressing them into the ground
  3815. >You're were sure they wouldn't be able to move after that, but one of them pulls something out of his pocket
  3816. >Then moving his arm the most he could as he threw it against the ground
  3817. >It erupted in smoke, and pushed Apple Bloom back
  3818. >Then after the smoke cleared they were gone
  3819. >Leaving Trender behind as he pathetically pleads for mercy
  3820. >Though none of you were having that
  3821. >Apple Bloom starts dragging him by the magic rope
  3822. >While Diamond and Scootaloo both hold you up at your sides
  3823. >Diamond scolding you saying, "I'm sure we couldn't have done it without you, but still! That was way too reckless pushing yourself too far like that! Your magic has limits, and wears you out to use!"
  3824. >Scootaloo was softer about it but agreed, "Yeah, I'm sure you didn't know because you hadn't used magic a lot before. Though you've gotta pace yourself better. Know your limits, or you could get yourself hurt. It's a bit like exercise in that way."
  3825. >The way you could hardly move you were sure you were going to feel this for quite a while, and regret using your magic like this just as long
  3826. >About half way back to the farm Apple Jack runs towards your group looking worried as shit
  3827. >For good reason too
  3828. >Apple Bloom starts explaining everything that happened
  3829. >Trender trying to kidnap her, the Flim Flam brothers putting him up to it, what they promised him, and what she understood of their plan
  3830. >Apple Jack tells you all to untie him, but Apple Jack assured you she'd take it from here
  3831. >Make sure he didn't get away, and that the cops would 'take care of him' once she turned him in with no magic rope on him
  3832. >Then asking what's wrong with you, and Diamond answers that you'd overused your magic helping Apple Bloom
  3833. >You didn't know Apple Jack was in on all the magical girl stuff, but thinking about it that made sense
  3834. >If Rarity had been one, and had been in a 'group' with AJ it made sense she'd have been one too
  3836. >AJ then tells you all to go back to your house while she takes care of all this
  3837. >Saying you shouldn't have to stay here after going through something like this
  3838. >Going back home to calm down, and recover from it all sounded good
  3839. >Maybe Anon is still home too
  3840. >Seeing him was reason enough to want to go home
  3841. >The rest of your friends quickly agree too, and weren't exactly eager to stick around near Trender
  3842. >On the way back you start regaining your strength
  3843. >Able to start standing and walking on your own
  3844. >Even if you still didn't feel so good
  3845. >Apple Bloom wouldn't be Trender again you were pretty sure, but the Flim Flam brothers?
  3846. >That worried you
  3847. >Though Apple Bloom was extremely appreciative of what you'd all done to save her
  3848. >Especially you as she gave endless praise for how you'd attacked the machine
  3849. >Keeping it from doing anything long enough for the brothers to be defeated
  3850. >She didn't even want to imagine what it might have been able to do, and neither did you
  3851. >Continuing to explain, "Ah'm sure when AJ explains things ta tha cops she'll leave out magic stuff, but Ah'm sure Trender has enough on him to put him away for a long time."
  3852. You try to reassure her with, "At least you won't have to put up with him anymore. If you need anything else or support we're here for you."
  3853. >Apple Bloom responds reassuring you now, "Ah think Ah'll be alright guys. Ah really gave it to those Flim Flam brothers smackin' 'em with their machine though didn't Ah?"
  3854. >You couldn't agree more with that
  3855. You couldn't help gushing about her strength a little saying, "How did you even manage to lift that thing?"
  3856. >She then explains, "It was a spell Sweetie. Ah can boost muh strength a who'e lot fer a bit. Doesn't last long, but pow!"
  3857. >As your group gets close to the house you say, "Let's not tell my mom about all the details. I don't want her to worry too much."
  3858. >They also didn't want her to blame leaving the house for it
  3860. >Yet once in the house mom was waiting, and looked very unamused
  3861. >She must have found out about it somehow
  3862. >She invites your whole group, but especially you to sit down for a talk
  3863. >Mom then starts with, "Apple Jack told me about what happened down there, and I want to tell you right now you're not in trouble. It's not your fault if someone turned out to be dangerous when you couldn't have known, but we should have a talk about your safety."
  3864. >This may have been the worst of what you feared
  3865. >What if you aren't allowed to leave the house again?!
  3866. >Mom sees the look on your face and reassures you, "You can still leave the house to play with your friends, but I think it'd be best if you had someone with you as a chaperon when you're out and about. Like me, one of your parents, or Apple Jack."
  3867. >Not the worst, and you certainly weren't stupid enough to try telling her you didn't want her coming along
  3868. >She'd been very permissive lately, and making her think you felt she'd cramp your style could quickly ruin that
  3869. >Though your friends were less hesitant to show they weren't happy with it
  3870. >Yet they don't actually comment because they understand this is more a parent/child conversation right now, and they'd likely just get scolded if they butted in
  3871. >Mom responding to their groans with, "I know you probably think having someone supervising you sounds bad, but it's really for your safety. Would having an adult nearby really be worse than if something like this happened again, and you couldn't defend yourselves?"
  3872. >This gives them pause about being against it
  3873. You ask her now, "What about Anon? I mean, what if he came with?"
  3874. >Then mom answers, "Having Anon with you would help, but I'd feel better if there was an actual adult with you."
  3875. Practically as a follow up question you ask, "Where's Anon right now?"
  3877. >Mom quickly replies, "He's just in his room right now. You could go see him if you want. He actually doesn't know about what'd happened yet, but I'm sure he'd have been plenty worried about you if he did know."
  3878. >You want to go see him right now, but blush imagining what he could be doing alone in his room at the moment
  3879. >Though in fact that actually made you want to barge in his room right now more
  3880. You announce to everyone, "That sounds good, I'll go see Anon right now!"
  3881. >Mom offers as a suggestion to everyone else, but especially Apple Bloom, "How about if us girls get some ice cream out of the fridge, and watch something to take our minds off it?"
  3882. >Diamond turns down the offer saying she wants to go with you to see Anon
  3883. >Though Apple Bloom agrees right away, and Scootaloo soon follows
  3884. >Silver Spoon seems torn between going with you and Diamond or not, but eventually chooses to go with you
  3885. >More likely choosing to go with Diamond out of habit
  3886. >With that settled you lead the 'charge' to barge into Anon's room
  3887. >Without a word said they understood that an abrupt entrance was in the actual hopes of catching him doing something like masturbating
  3888. >Though hoping the others didn't hear Silver whispered something about her dad
  3889. >Whispering so quietly even you could barely hear her, but you were sure it was something about how she loves her dad
  3890. >Diamond quietly reminds her she can't touch Anon anyway, and was still being punished
  3891. >Without any further delay you fling open Anon's door, and go right on in
  3892. >Sure enough Anon is under his sheets with his arms reaching down, and looks especially shocked to see you three right now
  3893. >You feel like telling one of the other two to close the door and lock it, but Silver was already doing it
  3894. Then you do an exaggerated cutesy skip up to his bedside while teasing him with, "What'cha doing, Onii-chan~?"
  3896. >You are Anon
  3897. >You woke up close to noon with just you and mom here
  3898. >Then went to your room as mom went to her room to rest more
  3899. >You'd been masturbating practically since then thinking about everything that'd happened recently
  3900. >Especially the stuff involving mom
  3901. >Though now these three had barged in on you
  3902. >Sweetie is playing innocent, but you're pretty sure she knows what you were doing
  3903. >You take your hands away from your dick, and out of the covers
  3904. >Holding them up practically like you were being robbed as you told her, "Nothing Sweetie! Honest!"
  3905. >She doesn't believe you at all though, and grabs one of your hands before sniffing it
  3906. >Then telling you even though she winced with disgust, "Your hand sure smells good, Onii-chan~"
  3907. >She wouldn't lie about how it smelled like that unless she already knew what the smell was
  3908. >Silver is now near your trash inspecting it, and the balled up tissues that didn't go in when you tossed them
  3909. >Saying it smelled disgusting, but yet she just kept sniffing
  3910. >Diamond tells her to stop already if it's disgusting
  3911. >Though Silver pulls Diamond over, and makes her smell it too
  3912. >Then Diamond gags before having realization
  3913. >She then comes over towards you, and suddenly pulls the covers off you
  3914. >You hadn't 'fixed' your pants before putting your hands up, and obviously couldn't with them up
  3915. >So now it was exposed for them all to see
  3916. >Diamond tells Silver now, "I'll give you a chance to prove you've learned self control. Go hold Anon's hands behind his back without doing anything lewd, and you'll have proven yourself."
  3917. >You try to ask her why first, but Silver practically shoots behind you and is already holding your hands together behind you
  3918. Then you ask her while being quiet, "Why hold my hands behind my back like this?"
  3920. >She then tells you, "So you won't try to put it back in your pants, or try to do anything. Call it a 'punishment' for being a slob, or would you rather the others come in here and see this?"
  3921. >Sweetie speaks up for you saying, "We don't need to threaten him like that. I'm sure he'll let us do whatever we want as long as we're nice to him."
  3922. >Then Diamond perhaps having 'inherited' more from her mom than you thought after she turned down the riding crop responds, "Come on, we all know it's not a real threat. Besides, doesn't it feel more fun this way? Also Anon, you wouldn't REALLY say 'no' would you? Even with I insisted on your hands behind your back?"
  3923. You couldn't deny that was true saying, "Well... I guess I wouldn't say 'no', but could you at least not make my arms cramp up?"
  3924. Next you ask them now though mostly Diamond, "So, what ARE you going to do now?"
  3925. >Diamond then loses her composure a bit before saying, "Well... I'm going to kiss you like a girlfriend, but I'm sure we already know what Sweetie wants to do."
  3926. >Then Sweetie fuming a bit as she says while saying quiet despite wanting to yell, "I want to kiss him like a girlfriend too. Since I am his girlfriend."
  3927. >Diamond teased more telling her now, "I'm sure it's still 'kissing him like a girlfriend' even if you kiss him 'somewhere else'."
  3928. >Definitely trying to push Sweetie into being more lewd than her
  3929. >Kind of like what happened at the mansion if you remember right, but would Sweetie do it?
  3930. You tell Sweetie, "I'm not sure what you really want to do, but you don't need to do anything you don't want to. Just saying."
  3931. >Not that you wouldn't want her to, but you didn't want her to feel forced to do anything either
  3932. >Before you could say more Diamond comes up onto the bed at your side, and starts kissing your lips while holding your cheeks
  3933. >Silver dutifully restraining your hands when you're tempted to try to embrace her
  3935. >Though either surprisingly, or not surprisingly at all you weren't sure right now Sweetie does make a move
  3936. >Actually coming up in front of you between your thighs
  3937. >Mostly knowing she did because you felt her grab your thighs while getting into position
  3938. >Since you had your eyes closed with Diamond kissing you
  3939. >Then you felt Sweetie's hands grab your shaft, and start to stoke it
  3940. >Practically giving you a double handjob now
  3941. >Probably because it was the first thing that came to mind for her to do
  3942. >The fact that it was your sister doing this sends shivers down your spine
  3943. >Definitely a lot more than masturbating yourself did
  3944. >It also occurs to you that Diamond who was making out with you now was technically your cousin, and she probably didn't even know that
  3945. >You were certainly tempted to tell her when you got a chance, but you felt bound to not talk about it under oath to Filthy
  3946. >Your thoughts interrupted as you felt Sweetie kiss the tip while holding the base
  3947. >Shuddering from it while trying to stay quiet
  3948. >While Diamond only kissed you deeper
  3949. >You could also feel Silver shaking while still restraining your hands
  3950. >Sweetie kissed your tip again and again
  3951. >Before actually starting to give you head
  3952. >You actually felt yourself quickly orgasm, but didn't 'shoot' anything because you'd already drained yourself masturbating
  3953. >So Sweetie just kept on sucking without even noticing
  3954. >While Diamond kept your lips 'occupied' so you couldn't even say anything about it if you wanted to
  3955. >Feeling more than a little like a toy they were just 'playing with'
  3956. >Not that you weren't feeling mind blowing pleasure from this
  3957. >Sweetie even perhaps by instinct started licking the underside of your shaft while giving you head
  3958. >Practically acting like she expected you to cum in her mouth, and would be disappointed to find out you were 'empty'
  3960. >She did make you 'try' to cum multiple times before it ended
  3961. >She kept going even when your were soft, but you always got hard again in her mouth
  3962. >It actually started to hurt a little before a knock came at the door
  3963. >The Apple Bloom shouted through the door saying, "Tha ice cream is almost gone! Yer also missin' the best part of tha movie! Just let Anon get back ta whatever video game he was playin' 'r whatever, and come out here already!"
  3964. >Then they all abruptly stop
  3965. >Not wanting to get caught even with the door locked
  3966. >Though Sweetie looks like she wants to kiss your lips after Diamond stopped, but stops considering what'd 'been in her mouth'
  3967. >Then whispering in your ear, "We'll make out later when I've got a clean mouth, Onii-chan~"
  3968. >She then goes to fix your pants while Silver still restrains your hands, but then kisses your tip one last time before actually fixing your pants
  3969. >Leaving you insanely turned on despite how 'empty' you were, and Silver finally let go before the three of them left your room
  3970. >Apple Bloom greeting them suspecting nothing as Sweetie went to the bathroom first
  3971. >No doubt to wash her mouth out, but nobody actually 'needed to know' why she was going there
  3972. >You couldn't help feeling like these lewd girls were walking all over you
  3973. >Though this was surely better than the other way around
  3974. >Maybe the very fact that you felt it'd be bad to for it to be the other way around had a lot to do with why you were like this with them
  3975. >You probably could have gotten out of Silver's hold if you tried harder, but you didn't
  3976. >You just couldn't bring yourself to actually go against what they wanted, and maybe you would if you were truly against what they wanted
  3977. >Though you'd probably still feel bad about it to be forceful with them at all
  3978. >Even if for a good reason
  3980. >You are Sweetie Belle
  3981. >Catching Anon masturbating went about as well as you could have possibly hoped
  3982. >Getting to do a lot with him, and without getting caught either
  3983. >Now just watching the rest of a movie, and eating the last of the ice cream
  3984. >With your friends and mom
  3985. >Anon hasn't joined because it was designated more of a 'girls only' thing
  3986. >You're sure Anon would probably be able to join after the movie or something though
  3987. >However mom looks like she wants to talk about something serious again
  3988. >Then asking your group, "Did that 'incident' earlier involve a magic battle? I got the distinct feeling she was holding out information on me. I never did let Rarity know before that I knew about her group's magicing around. Though I feel like it's important for you to know right now that I was once a magical girl too. So you can tell me about these things."
  3989. >Apple Bloom speaks up first, and hesitates a bit but tells mom what really happened
  3990. >Even about how you played a huge role in stopping the villains even if you still needed to learn about proper magic use
  3991. >The mom gave a surprising response with, "Ok, so maybe you're more capable of defending yourselves than I thought. I'd still feel more comfortable letting you girls go on the town if an adult was with you. It DOES make sense why right?"
  3992. >You simply nod in agreement
  3993. Then you ask her hoping she'd know, "Mom, what's up with 'villains'? Just like, why are they like that?"
  3994. >You knew you were in for a long explanation when she cleared her throat
  3995. >She then starts with, "People with magic for the most part need help actually using it. With us, it's our familiars created form our own magic that fill that role. Some other people however, seek the help of different kinds of already existing magical beings. Among them are groups that get control of their magic through worship and service to... Well, very strange and ancient beings that can't really be described."
  3997. >She continue explaining, "Just about the only things that can be explained about them are that they hate each other, and wage wars with each other over trying to become stronger than their competition. The people who serve under one of them can often be called 'villains', but not everyone who has a connection to them is bad. Though getting involved with them, or their turf wars can really mess with a person's head. People serving those things often go completely crazy. I just hope you can all avoid getting too involved with their fighting..."
  3998. >Then Apple Bloom gets very worried remembering something and saying, "Tha relic they wanted! It's still on muh farm! Thar's gotta be somethin' we can do 'bout it 'fer they 'r someone else comes lookin' 'fer it!"
  3999. You remember about Anon's fight with the prince guy and add, "I think Anon has the ability to erase magic! Let's get him in on this, and see if he can do something! Don't ask me how he got it or how it works, but I'm sure that might be something he can do!"
  4000. >Diamond adds in her own two cents with, "I'll call my dad, and see if he knows anything that can help. Also we'll probably need to find it before we could do anything."
  4001. >Then she gets an idea before announcing, "We could even make it a competition! Sweetie, you can go talk to your familiar to make a tracking or locating spell. I'll go home to make one of my own, and then we'll see who can locate the relic first!"
  4002. >Mom checks the time, and it's still early in the evening
  4003. >Apple Bloom then offers to tell her big sister about the plan, and get approval to look for the relic
  4004. >Lastly perhaps not able to think of anything else Scootaloo goes to actually get Anon
  4005. >You were actually getting pretty excited about a plan like this coming together
  4006. >Though Diamond practically has to push you to get you going towards your room
  4007. >It had been a while since you seriously talked to your familiar
  4008. >Entering your room she greets you as energetically as ever
  4010. >You start talking with her about making some kind of spell to help you locate things
  4011. >After a bit of back and forth ironing out exactly what you want a spell is finalized
  4012. >It'd be a radar like spell that'd allow you to sense nearby magic
  4013. >You put your index fingers to both sides of your forehead, and it'd be called "Love finds a way!"
  4014. >While you were here you modifies your beam spell
  4015. >Making it more focused and accurate
  4016. >While actually making it even stronger since you had a lot more magic now
  4017. >Though she very seriously warns you not to aim that one at people, and you definitely knew why since you didn't want to just go around killing people
  4018. >You also end up creating a different attack spell to send out multiple blunt force magic bolts with an conjured bow
  4019. >Since it'd be strong while also not being as lethal, and you'd also be able to attack multiple targets with it if you wanted
  4020. >The spell would be called 'cupid's arrows' even if it wouldn't actually make anyone it hit fall in love
  4021. >It was just for the sake of the whole love theme you had going
  4022. >This was about it for now
  4023. >So you thank your familiar for their help, and talk just a bit more about everything you've been doing to get them caught up
  4024. >After that you tell them you'd see them later before heading out again
  4025. >She wishes you luck, and says she hopes to see you again soon
  4026. >Maybe you'd be tempted to take her with you sometime, but then again they'd blab about everything to everyone they talked to
  4027. >Also you don't know what'd happen if they got hurt, and you don't want to find out
  4028. >So you felt it'd still be best if she stayed hidden in your room
  4029. >Going out into the living room Diamond had already left, and Anon was all caught up
  4030. >Anon explained to you, "I'm not entirely sure how I got it either, but it's anti-magic I've got now. I don't know if I can do anything about this 'relic', but I'll try since it sounds serious."
  4032. >You are Anon
  4033. >You're not entirely sure what's going on, but you're going to a farm to destroy a relic
  4034. >At least you think that about sums it up
  4035. >You don't know why, what the relic is, or what the relic does
  4036. >Though your mom, your little sister, and her friends all assured you it's super important
  4037. >So you guess this is what you're doing now
  4038. >Sweetie and Diamond are apparently going to help you locate it
  4039. >Then it'd be up to you to destroy it by erasing its magic
  4040. >Assuming you even can anyway
  4041. >Also Filthy will be there you think, and he'd probably know a lot more about what's going on with the relic
  4042. >Since what was described sounded like it'd be similar to the altar Filthy had
  4043. >Though the altar was a secret you had to keep
  4044. >So you didn't tell your mom, or the girls about how you got this anti-magic
  4045. >On the way there you hear about how Diamond would be there waiting for the rest of you to arrive
  4046. >Mom also wanted to make sure you already knew Sweetie's friends were magical girls too
  4047. You tell her, "I'd only heard it called that recently, but yeah. I basically already know."
  4048. >You were all packed rather tightly in mom's car though
  4049. >Sweetie volunteered to sit on your lap to 'save space'
  4050. >She's not doing anything outright lewd right now
  4051. >Though she is shifting ever so slightly on your lap, and looking up at you teasingly sometimes when nobody else was looking
  4052. >Sweetie telling you she's win the latest 'challenge' with Diamond for you
  4053. >Mom commenting on it saying that her 'competition' with Diamond sounded like fun
  4054. >Then Apple Bloom commented as well, "It is kinda strange, but Ah'll admit it actually is fun to see."
  4055. >You eventually get to the farm, and fortunately it's not dark yet
  4056. >Though you'd probably want to work quickly if you'd want to be done before that
  4057. >Diamond is there waiting like you were told
  4058. >She addresses Sweetie Specifically saying, "The competition will start right here! So ready when you are!"
  4060. >Diamond then announces with confidence, "My locating spell I just made will definitely let me win this thing!"
  4061. >She then reaches up saying, "Location, location, location!"
  4062. >A device appears in the upheld hand, and she starts staring down at it
  4063. >Telling everyone, "This'll help me locate it in no time flat!"
  4064. >Sweetie has a cute scrunched up pouty face, but then goes to use a spell of her own
  4065. >Placing each of her index fingers on each side of her forehead, and saying "Love finds a way!"
  4066. >She then explains she'd be able to sense nearby magic while doing this
  4067. >Then the two were off around the farm looking
  4068. >You follow them around for a while as they look
  4069. >Unsure what it'd even look like
  4070. >Unfortunately for your little Sweetie Diamond finds it first
  4071. >At least her device finds a strange source of magic sooner than Sweetie's intuitive radar sense
  4072. >Sweetie points out, "We'd never agreed on what you'd win!"
  4073. >Though she knew it was still a win for Diamond, or at least if what she found was it
  4074. >As you get close to the spot you fell sure it is somehow
  4075. >Then you head a voice in your head booming
  4076. >It was the same voice as when you touched the altar, but it wasn't as 'loud' and didn't hurt as much
  4077. >Probably because they were talking to you less directly than when you were touching the gem
  4079. >You get to a point where you are sure you're standing over it, and Apple Bloom hands you a shovel
  4080. >Then helps you dig, but her efforts to dig are more successful than yours
  4081. >Eventually though she hits something with a clang
  4082. >It's revealed to look more like the top of a structure rather than an item like you were expecting
  4083. >Though as long as it's exposed, and you could touch it this would probably work
  4085. >You focus your eyes, and sure enough some form of energy fills it
  4086. >Way different from what you'd seen before, and consistent throughout
  4087. >Rather than concentrated into a vein like glow
  4088. >Feeling wary about touching it, but focusing 'all you've got' into your hand before touching it
  4089. >You do feel like you're draining it, but it's like you're trying to drink an ocean
  4090. >Draining more and more from it, but it doesn't seem to have any real effect
  4091. >Yet the more you drain the faster it feels like you can drain
  4092. >Then you actually start to feel a little sick
  4093. >Like this different type of magic was slowly poisoning you
  4094. >It could also be you were absorbing too much magic at once
  4095. >Either way you keep trying to disable this thing
  4096. >Then you hear another similar voice in your mind than the one you're familiar with, "YOU AREN'T ONE OF MY CHOSEN! YOU ARE ALLIED TO ANOTHER! BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE!"
  4097. >After that the magic of the relic seems to flow towards you to attack
  4098. >Yet it has not effect on you, and only causes you to absorb faster
  4099. >This other voice is shocked by it exclaiming, "WHAT IS THIS?! I BELEIVE IT NOT! WHATEVER YOU ARE, YOU SHALL FEEL MY FULL WRATH IN DUE TIME!"
  4100. >Then the voice goes silent, and the magic in the relic suddenly vanished entirely
  4101. >As if this other being cut off the connection between them and the relic
  4102. >Were you actually indirectly draining that being's magic through the relic?
  4103. >Either way it was over, but then there's a loud rumbling
  4104. >The underground structure starts to collapse, and the ground starts giving way
  4105. >You and Apple Bloom have to run to get to a safe distance outside of where the ground was caving in
  4106. >The area looked like a crater, but at least there wasn't any 'relic' of any use to anyone here anymore
  4107. >Apple Bloom personally thanks you, and the rest of the group starts congratulating you as well
  4108. >Though you definitely knew now there was more to this, and it wasn't over
  4110. >You hadn't thought about it since you were caught up in the moment, but Filthy didn't actually show up
  4111. >Maybe he had faith in you to handle it yourself?
  4112. >Though you did want to have a talk with him now about all this
  4113. >Since there's apparently more than one of these beings, and you just pissed one of them off
  4114. >It would probably help to hear about what this entails from someone who knows what they're talking about
  4115. >You keep thinking about it until Diamond embraces your side while reminding everyone she won this round of the competition
  4116. >Then saying, "I think I'd like to claim as the winner, what Sweetie got when she won. A date~!"
  4117. >Continuing as she already had what it'd be planned out, "I'm gonna take you to a high class social gathering, and show you off Anon. It'll be sophisticated and romantic~."
  4118. >Sweetie wants to cut in, but knew it was basically 'fair'
  4119. >Though she did say, "Well... I'm gonna win next time Diamond! You can count on it!"
  4120. >Then Diamond actually looking smug as she responded, "Since I AM a very generous and humble winner... I'll even let you come with if you want."
  4121. >Sweetie huffed before saying, "Thanks, but no thanks. Even if you don't mean it that way it'll be like you're rubbing it in my face."
  4122. >Then Diamond starts to look nervous before actually pleading, "Please come with Sweetie! I swear I won't tease you or remind you that I won this round of the competition! I need a friend there, and Silver couldn't schedule to be there!"
  4123. >Then Silver shyly nods as if just to confirm it, and seeming ashamed that she wouldn't be able to go to this social gathering
  4124. >If Silver wouldn't be there it does make a bit of sense for her to want another girl there, but was she actually nervous about being alone with you?
  4125. >Come to think of it, you couldn't think of a time it'd actually been just you and Diamond before
  4127. >She actually does strangely seem like the type who'd be nervous about being alone with a boy she likes
  4128. >It's very cute actually
  4129. >You actually chuckle a little unable to help yourself
  4130. >Then Diamond lightly hits your chest a few times while telling you not to laugh
  4131. >Sweetie sighs in frustration before saying, "Alright, alright Diamond, I'll come with you if you really want. It's tomorrow."
  4132. >Diamond seems relieved hearing that, but then feels the need to retort
  4133. >Defending herself with, "I understand if you don't want to be away from Anon. Don't worry Sweetie, I'm looking out for you."
  4134. >Then Apple Bloom announces, "It's getting late now, and unless Ah'm gonna spend 'nother night Ah'm just gonna head home."
  4135. >Apple Bloom even already had her stuff
  4136. >Likes she'd been planning to do this before you all came here
  4137. >Scootaloo chimes in too saying she'd head home as well if that's okay
  4138. >Now mom asks Diamond and Silver, "So what are you two going to do now?
  4139. >Silver responds, "I'm gonna go home, and go on a planned vacation with dad."
  4140. >So that's what could keep her from going with Diamond to the thing
  4141. >Diamond then responds, "Actually I was wondering if Anon and Sweetie could come spend the night at my place again?"
  4142. >Mom looks like she's going to say 'no', but then replies, "Normally I'd be against this kind of back and forth shuffling around, but then again Summer is about the only time it can actually be done... Okay, but don't make a habit out of it. You won't be able to get away with this kind of thing once school starts up."
  4143. >Then she adds, "Actually I'd like to come with too this time. I would like to talk with your parents some more as well."
  4144. >Diamond calls to ask about it, and quickly reports a 'yes' from her parents about all of it
  4145. >You had a feeling they'd wanted to talk to mom more too
  4146. >Then Diamond explains, "I can ride with you, and then a butler will park your car for you. Then retrieve it when you want to go."
  4148. You speak up asking, "Is it alright if we stop by our place first? We hadn't brought stuff to spend the night last time, but now that we know in advance I'd sort of like to."
  4149. >Diamond says it's fine, and with that you were off as soon as you were back to the car
  4150. >Scootaloo is still with since her stuff is sill at your place
  4151. >She'd called her parents, and they'd pick her up at your place since she won't be riding her scooter home alone
  4152. >Scootaloo was rather quiet, and she was probably the friend of Sweetie's you knew the least about now
  4153. >You weren't really going to get to know her better soon either considering how busy things are
  4154. >After getting home you pack for the night while mom and Sweetie do the same thing
  4155. >Scootaloo's parents actually arrive while you're doing that, and she's out the door saying bye for now
  4156. >Then after you were all packed it was time to return to the mansion
  4157. >It'd just be your family, and Diamond's family now
  4158. >You had a gut feeling this wasn't going to be simple, or maybe you simply knew better than to expect otherwise
  4159. >Arriving at the mansion you realize you're practically just in time for dinner
  4160. >At least it was around that time since you weren't exactly sure when they normally have dinner
  4161. >Before the butler accepts the keys to park the car he informs you all dinner was ready
  4162. >It seemed regardless of the normal time they were waiting for you all to arrive before having dinner
  4163. >Mom seems a little worried about the car, but the butler reassures he he's very careful with vehicles
  4164. >Which was believable just imaging what might happen if he damaged a limo
  4165. >Then once inside Diamond leads you to the dinning room
  4166. >Since you hadn't been her quite enough to know your own way around
  4167. >Getting there dinner really was ready at the table
  4168. >Filthy and Spoiled were also already sitting there waiting
  4169. >You all sit at the table, and dinner starts
  4171. >Some light dinner conversation is had, but then the subject of what happened at the farm comes up
  4172. >They don't sound particularly worried, but want to hear directly from Diamond about it all
  4173. >Then Diamond goes over all of it from describing Trender, and all the way up to the relic being destroyed
  4174. >Leaving out what happened in your room though for obvious reasons
  4175. >She also told them mom already knew about magic stuff
  4176. >They take it all in, and Spoiled remarks, "I agree it would be a good idea to have one of us adults with them at all times. If there's any chance they could be attacked like that again."
  4177. >Then addressing mom specifically asking, "Do you have magic right now, or not? Because it would be even better if the adult with them actually had magic."
  4178. >Mom is nervous before replying, "I do... Though I hope you'd understand if I don't really feel comfortable 'showing it off'."
  4179. >Spoiled then seems to nod knowingly as though she completely understands
  4180. >Which was a relief to mom
  4181. >Since she wouldn't have to show everyone here that lewd sweater she has on in her magic form
  4182. >Then though it wasn't time yet the subject of sleeping arrangements comes up
  4183. >They then actually ask mom if she'd like to stay with them in their room, and seem very disappointed when mom quickly declines
  4184. >Mom then saying she'd rather stay in the same room as Sweetie
  4185. >Then it's suggested if she stays with you
  4186. >So Sweetie can have 'girl time' with Diamond without anyone else in the room
  4187. >Normally you'd leap at the chance, and yet you had a bad feeling about it
  4188. >Though you weren't sure if you'd be able to suggest anything else either
  4189. >Mom seems wary about things too, but agrees to stay with in the same room as you
  4190. >Though Filthy tells mom, "Though you can come to our master bedroom any time tonight if you change your mind about it."
  4191. >You had a definite feeling mom wouldn't be changing her mind about it
  4193. >Maybe if it were any other couple asking that it wouldn't seem so dubious for multiple parents to stay in the same room
  4194. >Though here you were sure there would be more to it if she went, and mom had the same feeling
  4195. >Especially since there were so many rooms here
  4196. >So it definitely wasn't about not having enough space to not share a room
  4197. >You'd feel bad about it later if you were just being paranoid about them though
  4198. >Speaking of paranoia, you felt you wouldn't want to do anything with mom in your shared room tonight you wouldn't want on tape
  4199. >They already know about you and Sweetie, but it felt like them learning about you and mom would be an entirely different can of worms to open
  4200. >Starting to feel very tense now as dinner wrapped up
  4201. >After dinner was over it was proposed if you all went to watch something
  4202. >Movies are a go to for something like this, but you feel like you'd become a film critic if this kept up
  4203. >Not that you'd say that right now though, and look like an asshole
  4204. >At least they had very different movies than you'd watch it home
  4205. >So it wasn't completely the same, and when it was chosen it wasn't even a movie you'd seen before
  4206. >Though now you had to hear Filthy talk like a hipster about how obscure the film was
  4207. >You wanted to talk to Filthy one on one
  4208. >Yet you felt awkward about asking him now after suspecting they wanted something sneaky with mom
  4209. >What would you even do if the subject of your mom came up talking one on one with him instead of the creepy ancient god things you wanted to clear the air about?
  4210. >Perhaps fortunately Filthy asks first with, "Would you come talk with me after the movie? Same place as last time?"
  4211. >If it was where you thought he meant then surely it'd be about what you'd rather talk about
  4212. >That didn't stop you from worrying, and being suspicious even if you felt a little bad about suspecting him
  4213. >After the way he reached out to you, and said you were like family to him
  4215. >Diamond and Sweetie cling to your sides pretty much the whole movie
  4216. >Mom even manages to drape herself on top of you from behind the couch a little
  4217. >Life was certainly good right then
  4218. >Sweetie and Diamond even both start falling asleep a few times resting against you
  4219. >In fact good enough you hardly even notice when the movie ends
  4220. >Though with that you were brought back to more serious topics
  4221. >Since Filthy reminded you about wanting to talk
  4222. >You reluctantly leave cloud nine as Diamond tells you to come back soon
  4223. >Though you're sure they all wanted that
  4224. >Then you follow Filthy into the study, into the secret room, and finally into the double layer secret room in the first secret room
  4225. >Filthy starts talking with, "It was inevitable this would happen when you awakened your magic this way. Even if it wasn't actually you they were targeting, but they will now. You see, the being this altar connects to is one of at least a dozen. Each with factions at war with each other wanting more power. It's mostly men in these factions or 'cults' you could call them. Maybe it is more of a 'male' thing to do. Joining a crazy cult for the sake of power."
  4226. >Then as if defending himself continuing, "We're not a cult here, in this mansion. Awakening magic this way is merely something passed down in the family line for the purposes of self-defense. Since you can't really defend yourself against magic without some of your own, and my ancestors knew facing magic was unavoidable."
  4227. >He was really on a monologue as he went on, "I must warn you not to get too involved with the power struggles. It twists people's minds, drives them insane, corrupts their spirits, and even destroys them. Keep Diamond, your family, and anyone else you care about from these influences as well. I don't just hide this altar to hide that I have it, but also to insulate me from thinking about it all the time."
  4229. >You'd certainly started to suspect it was something like this, and it did explain insane 'villain' behavior
  4230. You promise him saying, "You can believe me when I say I'd rather avoid that kind of thing. I really would rather just defend myself than go around looking to win some 'war'. Not to mention the danger it'd put the others in. You have my word."
  4231. >He pats you on the back saying 'good, good'
  4232. >Then one last thing about this as he comments, "Tonight while you sleep you may get your 'reward' from 'our' being for destroying the relic. It'll most likely be a new spell or ability they'd 'unlock' for you. Use it wisely to protect."
  4233. >Now he makes sure the door is closed behind you before leaning to whisper in your ear, "My wife would kill me if she found out I told you, but I'm gonna help you out."
  4234. >Then whispering even quieter even here, "I'm not sure if you are, but if you're also 'with' your mom then don't hold back tonight. Do whatever you want like nobody is watching. Because Spoiled is making it a 'test' of your trust in us. If you are that way with your mom too, and show it tonight without fear. Then it'd to her show you trust us. I know it's a rather strange way to test your trust and faith in us, but she can get hard up on how much 'trust' she expects from people."
  4235. Knowing how 'off the record' things are you admit it to him, "We are... Me and my mom that is... Are an 'item'. I don't think I can really explain why, or in what way exactly. We very much are though."
  4236. >He then blushes and clears his throat before responding, "Then this may make what I'm about to say even more awkward, but here goes."
  4237. >Then saying it rather quickly as it to 'get it over with', "I'm sure you're worried about our intentions with your mom, and you're kind of right. Yet you don't need to worry. Although we'd very much enjoy it if she wanted to 'join us' for a bit of 'fun'. We'd never force it on her."
  4239. >Clearing his throat again as even he got nervous explaining it out loud, "Pretending to 'not want it' is one thing, but if she 'went for it' without her heart actually in it... That'd actually ruin it for us. So although we'd like it if she was up for it. We'd rather it not happen at all than if she 'signed up' for it against her genuine will."
  4240. >Then trying to calm himself down as he said, "Of course let's not talk about any of this outside this room. Not even about our intentions with your mom with her tonight. I'd rather not let Spoiled know I 'tipped you off' on anything, and I'd also rather we 'fully explain ourselves' to her when we're ready ourselves."
  4241. You aren't sure at all how to respond to this now, but all you can manage is, "I see..."
  4242. >You certainly would be tempted to tell mom about them wanting her to 'join them', but more than ever now you believed in how serious it was to keep these talks here 'off the record'
  4243. >He now asks you with serious concern in his voice, "Would you actually be okay with it yourself if she really did agree to something like it?"
  4244. >You try thinking about it, but can't seem to 'organize' your feelings into something that made sense
  4245. You basically have to respond with, "I'm... I'm not sure. My feelings have been so twisted up lately. I'm not sure what mom and me are to each other, or how I should feel about something like it. Much less how I actually would feel about it."
  4246. >He pats your shoulder reassuring you, "That's perfectly fine. I couldn't expect a son to be sure how he'd feel about it. Much less a son 'in your position'. Given how she reacted to us inviting her to our room I doubt you'd have to have a real 'answer' to it any time soon anyway."
  4247. >The idea all of that 'happening or not' was still being a ways off did make you feel better
  4248. >You push it out of your mind for now, and feel thinking about it further wouldn't help you
  4250. >He then calms himself down more before announcing, "I think it's about time we returned to join the others."
  4251. >On the way back though he asks, "Hey, by the way. Are you going to be going to the social gathering tomorrow?"
  4252. You casually reply, "Yeah, in fact Diamond is calling it a date. Though she insisted Sweetie come along too specifically because Silver wouldn't be there. I think it's because she'd be nervous to be there with just me."
  4253. >Filthy then shares a chuckle with you before saying, "Isn't she just precious?"
  4254. You can't help answering with, "Yeah, it's pretty cute."
  4255. >He then tells you about everything you need to know about going to the social function
  4256. >Diamond and Sweetie clinging to your sides again as he went on
  4257. >Like how to act, and that they'd lend you a suit that's up to the standards of it
  4258. >Then even after getting back he keeps talking your ear off about the social 'rules' of it
  4259. >He openly admits there are so many because the people who come up with this shit have nothing better to do with their time
  4260. >They're people who don't work for a living because they have enough money, and instead spend their time making up then enforcing rules
  4261. >It's almost like a game to see who can remember the most annoying rules, and then be smug about having followed them
  4262. >He then rants a bit about how obnoxious it can be when some smug asshole reminds you of a rule you just broke
  4263. >Then he actually refers you to Spoiled who knows more about it all than him
  4264. >Now she talks your ear off about the high class social gathering shit
  4265. >You really don't think you can remember it all, but it sounds pretty important that you at least try
  4266. >Diamond reassures you that she'd help you, but says out of the three of you, her, and Sweetie you'd be under the most pressure to behave right
  4267. >You pat her head affectionately while thanking her in advance for her help
  4268. >She nuzzles into a little being happy to be praised
  4270. >Then Sweetie says she wants you to pat her head too
  4271. >Of course you just can't help but oblige her
  4272. >Spoiled actually teases you about how cute it all is, and then pats your head
  4273. >Mom even joins in saying you were cute before hugging your neck, and kissing your forehead
  4274. >Then before mom lets go of you again Spoiled says it's time for bed
  4275. >Spoiled then directs Diamond and Sweetie to Diamond's room
  4276. >While Filthy help you and mom get to your shared room, and mom stayed practically draped on you
  4277. >Actually trying to not be too 'inappropriate', but yet obviously not wanting to let go if she doesn't have to
  4278. >You then arrive at the room, and Filthy leaves you to your 'privacy'
  4279. >The room has a single bed, and you don't have sleeping bags
  4280. >You two probably could be completely chaste if you really tried, but you knew you actually shouldn't
  4281. >Once ready for bed you couldn't help staring a little at her in her nightgown
  4282. >Then getting into bed you cuddle right into her
  4283. >She seems nervous, but you reassure her it was fine
  4284. >You actually teasingly ask her, "Are you really saying you could 'resist temptation' for the whole night Cookie?"
  4285. >Saying that while calling her 'Cookie' gets her grinding a little against you while embracing you
  4286. >Then even while grinding into you she asks, "Are you sure honey? What if we're being watched by security cameras?"
  4287. You reassure her, "They already know about me and Sweetie, Cookie. I really doubt they'd suddenly know about us. Also they'd never blackmail us. Not only are they not that kind of people, but Sweetie already keeps secrets for them out of good faith."
  4288. >Mom then asks a follow up question, "Wait... Sweetie does?"
  4289. You then tell her, "Yeah, though you don't need to worry. We're safe here, trust me."
  4290. >Then mom seems to calm down, and even starts kissing you
  4292. >After making out for a bit mom teases you in a lewd voice, "You know you're my perverted young man, and that your perverted mother loves you right~? You make me so happy. While also keeping me 'happy'~."
  4293. You then tease her back saying, "I wish I knew you were like this a lot sooner. Then I would have known a curvy and horny beauty like in my best wet dreams was already living with me~."
  4294. >Then mom actually dials it back a bit with, "Let's not go 'all the way' this time, honey. We couldn't get 'cleaned up' in this room, and I don't want to wander around here while a 'mess' looking for a shower."
  4295. >It might actually be hard to hold back from it, but she made a good point
  4296. Telling her, "You've got it, Cookie. That does make a lot of sense. Even if it might be hard to 'hold back' if I'm with someone like you~."
  4297. >She then starts kissing you again while grinding against you
  4298. >You end up having to 'make due' with making out and dry humping
  4299. >Eventually you actually think you feel yourself get blue balls, or at least it hurts like you do
  4300. >Mom profusely apologizes for it, and promises to 'make it up to you' later
  4301. >Then she actually 'gets an idea', and dives under the sheets
  4302. >Taking you dick out of your pajama pants, and starts to suck it while cupping your balls in one hand
  4303. >Making you cum in her mouth almost right away as she drinks it
  4304. >Feeling unbelievable relief combined with pleasure from it
  4305. >She then actually kept going
  4306. >You could only sort of tell since she was under the sheets, but you think she's starts fingering herself too while sucking you off
  4307. >Making you cum in her mouth multiple times till you were 'empty'
  4308. >After she was sure it was 'all gone' she comes back up saying she remembers where the bathroom is
  4309. >Then saying she was still in 'acceptable condition' now to leave the room to go there
  4310. >Teasingly telling you, "I'll be back before long after I've 'freshened up'. Don't go anywhere~."
  4312. >Then true to her word it only feels like a few minutes before she's back
  4313. >Starting to cuddle together you two starting settling down for the night
  4314. >While whispering 'pillow talk' to each other
  4315. >Though it was more teasing each other about how lewd you both were, and how it meant you were perfect for each other
  4316. >Eventually though mom brings up how the Riches had invited her to their room
  4317. >Telling you, "I don't know if they wanted anything sexual with me, but I was just too nervous to find out."
  4318. >Then gathering her thoughts before explaining, "Even if I am 'single', and you aren't 'officially' my lover... I just... Well, let's just say it'd be a very upside down day before I actually accept a sexual 'invitation' to be with a married couple. I know I'm already doing incest right now, but getting involved with a married couple as a 'third' just feels like a bit much for me right now. Do you know what I mean, or does it not make sense if I've already gone 'this far'?"
  4319. >Not even waiting for you to say anything before adding, "Plus, I just don't think I know them well enough to know I wouldn't be 'used'. Even if I didn't feel squeamish about the whole idea of it..."
  4320. You give her another kiss before reassuring her, "I'm sure they'll understand if that's the way you feel about it, and besides I can't say for sure if I'd be okay with it either. Though one thing I do know is I'll always put your feelings first, and help you if you need it."
  4321. >She then squeezes you tight before telling you, "And I'll always put your feelings first, honey. That's actually what a couple should do. So maybe we are one~?"
  4322. >She then teases you a little about being a couple with your own mom, and you tease her back about being one with her son
  4323. >Then you have a bit of a laugh about it before finally settling down to sleep
  4325. >Cuddling into her, and practically not wanting to fall asleep
  4326. >Especially when she whispered teasingly lewd things in your ear
  4327. >Though eventually you do actually fall asleep
  4328. >You then have a dream about a new ability
  4329. >It was about the special type of magic energy you'd absorbed
  4330. >You could now let your anti-magic be altered by it, and slowly poison an enemy on contact
  4331. >Punching an enemy with it, and slowing their movements while making them weaker
  4332. >It wouldn't have a strong effect each time while also only being temporary
  4333. >Though repeated strikes with it in a single battle would compound
  4334. >Even if they block the punch it still takes effect
  4335. >You could technically win against a stronger and more skilled opponent this way
  4336. >The being telling you there'd be more if you 'cooperated'
  4337. >Of course that being would want you to do what Filthy warned you not to
  4339. >Perhaps having sensed how you felt about it, or of course having heard what was said right next to it's altar
  4340. >Probably both actually
  4341. >You weren't sure how you'd try to avoid 'getting too involved', but damn it you'll try
  4342. >The dream doesn't end quite yet, and you end up 'practicing' this new ability
  4343. >Even if the last dream like this didn't quite 100% match up with how it worked in reality
  4344. >Finally the dream does end, and you actually hope you won't have to put it to use soon
  4346. >You are Sweetie Belle
  4347. >You're now alone with Diamond in her room for the night
  4348. >No Anon, no parents, and no Silver or any of your other friends
  4349. >It's actually difficult coming up with things to talk about with just you two
  4350. >Diamond's familiar is probably here in her room somewhere, but they're not coming out of hiding
  4351. You decide to bring up the 'competitions' saying, "So... We're tied now with our competition? Though just when would we 'end' the competition anyway?"
  4352. >Diamond gives an honest answer of, "I don't know really. Even if I do start officially going out with Anon I don't think I'd want to stop competing with someone. Definitely not any time soon, that's one thing I'm sure of."
  4353. You decide to press further, "Though why 'compete' like this anyway? Sure it's kind of fun, but there's more to it isn't there?"
  4354. >You were right on the money as she responds, "Yeah... I just kind of feel like I need to keep pushing myself, and have something like a competition to keep me from getting lazy. Also if I just 'have' Anon without any question soon... Then I don't really know what my next 'goal' would be. Just like, if I were to suddenly 'outright win' then what would I work towards next?"
  4355. >Actually now that you think about it this was kind of the same with you
  4356. >If you'd just become Anon's boyfriend without anyone else showing up to try to claim him, or anything like that then what would you be doing now?
  4357. >You suppose going on dates with Anon, but then what would you be driven to do?
  4358. >It'd have been like you reached the peak of the mountain with nothing to do afterwards
  4359. >Well, maybe you could have decided to make defeating villains your next goal?
  4360. >Protecting the peace and all that kind of like what Apple Bloom was doing when you first encountered her in her magical girl form?
  4362. You then say, "Yeah, and besides, even if we are sure we want to be with anon we probably shouldn't just cement ourselves in a firm relationship. Then just say we're done and leave it at that like it's a 'final' decision. Now that I think of it. I think I do like what your mom was saying last time I was here. About us having 'freedom' because we're at the right age for it."
  4363. >Then Diamond smiles softly before saying, "You really do get it... Thanks, Sweetie. Let's not pressure ourselves to 'be' anything, and just go with the flow. We have lots of time to make a 'final' decision. Even then in a way nothing in relationships really does have to actually be 'final' anyway. Though let's at least stay friends no matter how it shakes out."
  4364. >You nod in agreement, and the two of you hug it out a little
  4365. >Then you actually talk about magic for a bit
  4366. >Talking about the ways either of you think it works, your familiars' roles in it, why magic battles happen the way they do, and all that
  4367. >Though as you two start to get sleepy you ask, "Also what was up with your parents inviting my mom to their room?"
  4368. >Diamond responding casually, "I'm sure they just wanted to do 'parent stuff'. Nothing too serious, and I'm sure we won't have to hear much about it if your mom doesn't want to."
  4369. >That sounded about right remembering how her parents are
  4370. >You were too sleepy to worry much anyway, and soon fall asleep in your sleeping bag
  4371. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4372. End of day 10
  4373. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4375. >You are Anon
  4376. >You wake up to still being in an intimate cuddle with your own mom
  4377. >Knowing that the Riches now doubt have 'security footage' of you and mom last night, or would otherwise know what happened if they don't already
  4378. >Filthy had assured you, and you felt confident they wouldn't use this against you
  4379. >Yet still you had just the tiniest doubt if that was true, or would always be true
  4380. >What would you actually do if they, or more likely Spoiled went back on that word?
  4381. >You did have plenty of dirt on Filthy from those 'talks' in the secret room, but you hoped it'd never come to the point that you might have to use that as leverage
  4382. >Then mom wakes up too, and as she looks at you longingly you can't help making out a little more
  4383. >Passionately kissing first thing in the morning before starting to get dressed and ready
  4384. >Though after you get dressed into your normal clothes a knock comes at the door
  4385. >It's Filthy as he tells you your 'lender' suit is ready, and he'd help you get it on just right
  4386. >Though he didn't actually do a while lot
  4387. >You put it on like any regular clothes, and then he made some minor adjustments so it'd be 'perfect'
  4388. >It felt rather tight and uncomfortable once the adjustments were done
  4389. >Filthy apologizes for it knowing very, very well that it was uncomfortable
  4390. >Yet it was just something guys have to deal with in the upper echelons of society
  4391. >Even telling you that you need to pretend like you aren't uncomfortable in the suit, or people at the social gathering would sneer at you
  4392. >Practically acting like he was your actual dad as he tried to make sure you were ready
  4393. >Then saying that breakfast would be like a 'test run' of eating in the suit without looking like a fish out of water
  4394. >Mom asks after a while, "So, just to be clear, but what will I be doing during the social gathering?"
  4396. >Filthy responds to her with, "You can go to if you want. Though honestly you'd be better off not going. You could even go home for now, and we'll just tell you when it's over."
  4397. >He further explains, "If I'm being honest these things are by no means 'fun', but more a social obligation when you're in the 'rich people social club'. Some of the people there are pretty decent, but some are also repugnant assholes. The absolute worst, and you can't really avoid having to deal with them in some way there."
  4398. >Then he turns to you before saying, "Really Anon, It'd be more accurate to say you and Sweetie are going to be making this more bearable for Diamond. Rather than a date, and a friend coming along. You'd be very hard pressed to find any 'romance' there while trying to not figuratively get your head torn off by the worst elements there."
  4399. >He then tells you some of the worst news you'd hear, "Me and Spoiled will also be there, but it's not 'customary' for the adults and kids or teens to be in the same areas together."
  4400. >So you'd be either counting on Diamond's advice, or basically on your own
  4401. >Though if it's just other kids/teens you'd be interacting with maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
  4402. >Actually you feel stupid for thinking that, and start remembering how bad others your age could be
  4403. >In fact you seriously hope now that nobody there already knows who you are
  4404. >Then you could pretend like you were a big shot too, and not a weeb who a girl threw a drink at in the mall just over a week ago
  4405. >You'd been with your family, and Sweetie's friends so much lately you just about forgot how much contempt regular people who aren't close to you could have for you
  4406. >Now you're seriously worrying you're gonna get eaten alive there
  4407. >Filthy sees you start to panic then says, "Just breath, Anon. Remember the stuff we told you about, and for god's sake keep your head down."
  4409. >Fortunately it wasn't quite time to go there yet, but first it'd be breakfast
  4410. >You try to calm yourself as you followed Filthy to the dining room
  4411. >Even as the collar of the dress shirt under the main suit top feels like it's choking you a little
  4412. >Mom was clinging to you while trying to reassure you that you'd be fine
  4413. >Stroking your hair while pressing against your side
  4414. >He breasts against your shoulder certainly made you feel better even if you couldn't stop worrying
  4415. >Smug rich asshole teenagers are probably some of the toughest people to deal with
  4416. >Filthy reassures you too saying, "We'll go easy on you during this meal."
  4417. >You nod appreciatively as you got to the dinning room
  4418. >The other three are there waiting for you three to arrive
  4419. >Being explicitly told now it's proper manners to wait till everyone is there to start eating
  4420. >Then you're given a seat next to Spoiled at the table
  4421. >Since she'd be doing most of the 'coaching' on proper dining etiquette
  4422. >She doesn't let up on the coaching either
  4423. >From the very start of breakfast she's giving you constant pointers on what to do
  4424. >It takes well after you're done eating, but eventually you feel like you're getting it
  4425. >She points out, "Doing this is important because the social gathering will include eating lunch there."
  4426. >She's a little less attentive to you than Filthy, but eventually notices how stressed you were getting about it
  4427. >Then spoiled tries to reassure you, "You don't need to worry so much about it. Worst case scenario if you don't do everything perfect is they'll talk more shit about you. Though they'll talk shit regardless. So you don't really need to care what they think that much anyway."
  4428. >She then thinks about it a bit before telling you, "In fact, if I remember right with the others in your age range there. It'll actually serve you better to know how to trash talk than etiquette rules would actually help."
  4429. >You can easily imagine why
  4430. Though you have to ask, "Wait, really?"
  4432. >She then chuckles a little before answering, "Yeah, they're a very argumentative bunch. I don't think they care about the same 'rules' their parents do."
  4433. >This... Was actually very relieving to hear
  4434. >Just having to argue instead of remembering a million insane rules would be a lot simpler
  4435. >Though now you feel like asking, "How many of them might have magic?"
  4436. >She sees where you're going with this, and thinks for a moment about how to answer
  4437. >Then she answers with, "You're not likely to get challenged to a duel there unless you really go over the line there with something, or if Prince Blueblood makes an appearance. Though I seriously doubt he will after being disgraced with his earlier defeat."
  4438. >Oh yeah, THAT GUY
  4439. >Shouldn't he just stay in his dumpster?
  4440. >That's good, and maybe you'll use that one on him if he shows up
  4441. >Mom brings you out of it by tapping your shoulder
  4442. >Then telling you, "I'll just be going home till it's over. If I understand right I wouldn't be able to help you much even if I was there, but I wish you luck Anon."
  4443. >She then kisses your forehead before heading to the front of the mansion, and Filthy called ahead for the staff to bring her car around
  4444. >It would soon be time to go to the social function
  4445. >Actually you didn't even know where it was going to be
  4446. >You ask Filthy where it's going to be
  4447. >Then he stares into space a bit before responding, "Wait... Shit, I don't know either. Usually I just get in the limo, and eventually I'm wherever it is."
  4448. >Spoiled does know however cutting in with the answer, "It's actually here this time. We're having it in the backyard."
  4449. >Then Filthy muses, "I suppose summer is the time to do things outside. Hopefully the weather is nice today."
  4450. >You wait around there practically trying to stall for time
  4451. >Eventually though Spoiled orders everyone to the backyard
  4452. >Since as the hosts they, meaning you as well had to be there first
  4454. >Diamond clings to your arm in a particularly fancy and flowing dress no doubt made of expensive silk
  4455. >Then Sweetie clings to your other arm in a similar dress
  4456. >Sweetie asks you, "Does this dress look good on me Anon?"
  4457. You can't help smiling before telling her, "Of course Sweetie. It's an exquisite dress, and you look extremely cute in it."
  4458. >Sweetie then nuzzles into your arm adorably
  4459. >You normally wouldn't say 'exquisite', but it couldn't hurt to get in a little 'practice' using more 'high class' words
  4460. >Diamond clings to your arm tighter while loudly declaring with a bit of jealousy, "Of course a dress like this suits me naturally, but I want to hear you tell me how good I look in it!"
  4461. Telling her pretty much what she wants to hear, "Of course for someone like you a dress like this is so natural it was like you were born in it. Yet even a dress like this pales in comparison to how classy you are yourself."
  4462. >Though apparently you layered it on too thick because she gets embarrassed, and lightly jabs you with her elbow
  4463. >Before telling you, "You don't have to flatter me that much..."
  4464. >Her parents snickering behind you three, and no doubt very amused by the display
  4465. >Getting outside though it's a particularly hot day
  4466. >Fortunately though in the garden area where it's happening there's plenty of shade
  4467. >You're even directed to a gazebo where the other younger attendees will join you as they arrive
  4468. >The heat getting there was sweltering, but it wasn't so bad once you were in the shade with your two clingers
  4469. >Diamond is first to complain about the heat though, and wish she were back inside the mansion
  4470. >You couldn't help but agree, and Sweetie is soon to follow
  4471. >Though there was nothing you could do about it besides staying in the shade like you were a vampire
  4472. >It feels like forever before others start actually showing up
  4473. >There's only a few, and they basically look like you'd expect from rich kids
  4475. >Some guys wearing suits much like yours, and girls wearing dresses like the two with you had on
  4476. >There are some variations but when 'only the best will do' it can almost look like a dress code uniform
  4477. >They don't say much of anything, and stand around looking at you or each other until it seems like 'everyone' is here
  4478. >At that point one of them speaks up in a haughty tone, "Looks like we've got a couple NEW arrivals."
  4479. >Then another adds on speaking similarly, "I concurrrrr."
  4480. >The first one seems to take offense to being echoed before shutting them down speaking more normally, "Shut up, Steve!"
  4481. >'Steve's gaze then droops down, and is apparently shut down like this often
  4482. >Diamond introduces you two to break the abrupt silence, "This is Anon, he's my new BOYFRIEND, and this is Sweetie. A friend of mine. They're both part of Rarity's clothing empire."
  4483. >Now one of the girls makes herself known stepping forward
  4484. >Then commenting, "Ah, new money. That certainly explains it. I wonder why Rarity so often doesn't come to these things herself? I'm sure she'd fit right in."
  4485. >You perk yourself up to answer the question yourself
  4486. Standing firm before answering with the most confidence and 'class' you could muster, "I'm sure it's just that she's very busy with her work. She's a very industrious woman, you know? She works hard to insure her designs are the finest."
  4487. >She seems 'satisfied' with that answer, but wrinkles in her brow and slight annoyance on her face makes it clear she feels like she's being snubbed by Rarity
  4488. >Though a different girl actually speaks highly of Rarity, "I heard she has her father working for her, and that he's completely at her beck and call. She's got some fire in her, and I certainly wouldn't mind if MY father knew his place like that now that he's getting old."
  4489. >A cat fight starts as the first girl snidely remarks, "You'd have to take his dick out of your mouth first. You beg him for EVERYTHING."
  4491. >She then makes her comeback with, "You're the one who sucks up to your old man, girl. I saw that new car you got last week. What'd you 'have to do' to get that one, whore?"
  4492. >You doubt it's actually like that for either of them, and they're just insulting each other
  4493. >Diamond looks like she wants to stop it, but you silently advise her not to
  4494. Whispering in her ear, "Maybe we'll keep it from getting completely out of hand, but as long as they're the center of attention nobody will bother US."
  4495. >It soon devolves into them yelling stuff like 'slut' and 'whore' at each other
  4496. >With some variance like they're testing each other on how many words they know that are similar to that
  4497. >Then contrary to what you were hoping for they both turn to you
  4498. >Both asking you now in unison, "New guy, settle this for us! She's the whore right?!"
  4499. >Well shit, now you were caught in a 'catch 22'
  4500. >You'd be rocking the boat now no matter how you answered
  4501. >Contrary to every instinct you have deciding to follow Spoiled's advice to trash talk
  4502. You then tell them choosing one at random to point at first, "I don't know either of you, but I'm sure you take it in the ass for favors with the best of them."
  4503. Then pointing at the other before adding, "And I'm sure you're a top class blowjob princess who can get anything with a good sucking."
  4504. >They both look like they'll literally rip your head off, but then turn away from you and each other with a huff
  4505. >You notice now Sweetie has her face buried in your arm seeming frightened, but Diamond looks pleased by your performance
  4506. >After that the others seem to silently welcome you like you belonged there just a little
  4507. >On and off arguing between everyone there commences for a while before someone else 'joins the party'
  4508. >Unfortunately it was Prince Blueblood who definitely looked like he was here to start a fight
  4509. >Though the others there seem dismissive of him even as you notice him wielding a conjured sword again
  4511. >He yells at you, "I had to get entirely new magic thanks to YOU, but I'm back for my revenge!"
  4512. You no doubt looked very smug remembering the line you thought of in advance as you quipped, "Shouldn't you have just stayed in your dumpster?"
  4513. >The others laugh as one of them starts to pile on him, "I heard you're living in a dumpster now. It MUST be true if even the new guy knows about it."
  4514. >His face turns red with rage as he tried to defend himself saying, "I do NOT live in a dumpster! I am a PRINCE!"
  4515. >Simply denying was probably the worst thing he could do as they looked at him like a pack of wolves surrounding a bleeding antelope
  4516. >One of the 'mean girls' derisively comments, "The prince of what? Expired meat behind an Arby's?"
  4517. >He loses the confidence in his voice, but tries to threaten, "I still have this magic sword! I'll cut you all!"
  4518. >The first boy to speak up condescends to him with particularly high smug levels, "Try actually getting close enough with it you coward. I fucking dare you."
  4519. >Now he nearly stumbles backwards as the sword disappears from his hand
  4520. >He yells like he thinks he's tough still, "I'll show you! I swear I'll show you all!"
  4521. >Then he runs off, and you think he was even crying
  4522. >You feel a bit bad for just letting them mob him like that, but seriously fuck that guy
  4523. >Though probably the most sobering thought was they weren't your friends, and would probably turn on you the same way in an instant if you gave them a good opportunity to
  4524. >Now putting on a poker face knowing you can't let that realization shake your resolve, and make you look 'weak'
  4525. >However it did feel good to get by that without actually fighting him again
  4526. >You feel confident you would have won, but still not fighting is easier
  4527. >Then one of the boys asks you what he was talking about
  4528. You respond sounding smug on purpose, "I merely took out the trash earlier, and relieved him of his pathetic magic while I was at it."
  4530. >Another asks in disbelief, "You actually removed his magic?"
  4531. You then answer as smug as you can, "Why yes, I have anti-magic in me. I can cancel out spells, and eliminate the magic in others if I feel like it."
  4532. >Though he seems to see right to the 'fault' in your ability commenting, "Though you probably need to actually get close to do it. It's really a shame when people rely on close quarters combat. Instead of going for superior ranged firepower."
  4533. >You can practically feel the tide turning against you now
  4534. You quickly think of a retort before saying, "Sure ranged is easier, but who's to really deny the honor and challenge of defeating an opponent face to face?"
  4535. >Really upping the smug game on your face to convey the implied insult that he's a scrub using ranged attacks as a crutch instead of challenging himself
  4536. >With that he seems to drop the issue instead of getting openly mad, and implying the insult hit a nerve
  4537. >Merely giving a 'yes, quite'
  4538. >You felt like you were doing good, but you weren't sure how long you could last like this
  4539. >Soon though a ringing sound echoes though the area
  4540. >Which turns out to be Spoiled getting everyone's attention before announcing lunch was ready
  4541. >You simply go with the flow as everyone breaks off, and goes to the set up tables joining up with their families rather than their age groups
  4542. >Your nerves were wearing thin, but you felt better sitting with the Riches nearby, and you're sure your two girls felt good about that too
  4543. >Though they were initially silent
  4544. >It occurs to you that Sweetie didn't talk at all during it, but it made sense since you wouldn't have talked yourself if you didn't feel like you had to
  4545. >Some very good news comes in though as Filthy tells you, "You're basically in the clear Anon. After lunch here, it's basically over."
  4546. >He then turns to Diamond asking her, "How did Anon do anyway?"
  4548. >Diamond then sings your praises though in a restrained volume, "He did great dad. He kept them off our backs, and even got the group to scare Prince Blueblood off when he dared to show up baring a magic weapon. Having them turn on him without any fighting breaking out."
  4549. >He gives you a knowing nod, and gives you a few congratulatory pats on the back
  4550. >Even Spoiled looks pretty pleased about it after seeing Diamond was serious
  4551. >Then you notice Sweetie finally calming down more since it was practically over
  4552. >Diamond asks Sweetie, "Why were you so scared Sweetie? You weren't like this when we faced Flim and Flam."
  4553. >Sweetie is taking deep breaths while gathering her thoughts
  4554. >Looking a bit disappointed in herself before responding, "It was because I didn't know what to do. With those twin villains the 'answer' was simple. Here I wanted to help Anon, but didn't know how. They were intimidating, and it was like I couldn't do anything about it..."
  4555. >Diamond reassures her with, "It was pretty frustrating to just kind of let Anon be their 'go to' instead of arguing with them myself, but we can be glad Anon did ok."
  4556. >You then pat her head before lightly hugging her
  4557. Then telling her, "It's enough knowing you wanted to help me. I may not be the most charismatic person, but perhaps it was having you two with me that helped me be able to do it."
  4558. >You stroke her hair a bit as Sweetie seems to completely calm down now
  4559. >Though Spoiled then reminds you of lunch, and that you haven't even started eating
  4560. >In fact it was a good thing the other people were busy eating or you'd have felt a lot more self-conscious right then
  4561. >Then one guys shouts out pointing at you, "HAH, GAAAAAAAAAY!"
  4562. >An older man you can only assume is his father then smacks him in the back of the head before telling him, "Shut up, Steve. Don't shout, or be obnoxious at the table."
  4563. >You actually eat your lunch now which turns out to be high quality barbecue fare
  4565. >As you eat you notice Sweetie has started eating too
  4566. >She definitely seems to be feeling better
  4567. >You decide to just eat now rather than talking much further
  4568. >It's actually quiet now because most of the people here seem to have the same idea
  4569. >Also as you kept eating guests actually started finishing eating
  4570. >Having some light conversation, or getting up and seeing themselves off
  4571. >Even after you're done eating you kind of just end up sitting there until all the quests have left
  4572. >At that point the whole thing was really actually over
  4573. >Then Sweetie surprisingly says to Diamond, "Since this wasn't much of a 'date', how about if this doesn't count?"
  4574. >Though Diamond puffs out her chest before responding with confidence, "I did get to show off Anon, and say he was my boyfriend openly. So I'll say it counts. If I want a more romantic date, I'll just have to win next time!"
  4575. >Sweetie smiles and even chuckles a little before responding, "You're on!"
  4576. >Though they couldn't quite come up with an idea for what the next 'competition' would be, or when
  4577. >Spoiled orders some mansion staff to do clean up, and tells you three that you could all change back into your normal clothes now
  4578. >This was a really nice suit, but you looked forward to changing back into your more comfortable clothes
  4579. >You thank the riches for lending you the suit before turning to go do that
  4580. >As you're walking into the mansion Filthy tells you, "Once you're done changing, you can just hand the suit to a butler."
  4581. >Which sounded pretty simple
  4582. >Sweetie and Diamond weren't as quick to want to change back into normal clothes, but eventually came towards the mansion too
  4583. >You weren't sure at all what you were going to do after this though
  4584. >Maybe go home?
  4586. >Meanwhile you are Cookie Crumbles
  4587. >You have come home because the 'social gathering' just wasn't a good place for you
  4588. >Also you wouldn't be able to help Anon much if you were there
  4589. >Since apparently it'd be rough, but hopefully he'd be fine
  4590. >Sure he's not exactly the most social person, but what's the worst that could really happen?
  4591. >Though while sitting on the couch trying to think of what to do you come up with something
  4592. >You wanted to be a chaperon to protect your kids and their friends, but don't have any spells made yet
  4593. >It was time for a talk with your familiar, and getting back in the saddle with some good spell crafting
  4594. >You head right into your room without further delay
  4595. >Then your familiar comes right out of hiding to greet you
  4596. You tell her, "I think it's time for some spells, old friend. So how much magic do I have now to work with?"
  4597. >She seems pretty excited to hear that, and is practically bursting with energy
  4598. >Then confidently responding, "You might actually be surprised how much you managed to pile up being so intimate with Anon. I don't think I can even actually describe how much. Way more than you're used to back in the day."
  4599. >It wasn't hard to come up with what you wanted your strongest spell to be
  4600. You start spit balling, "How about some kind of bubble barrier spell to protect not only myself, but others around me? Like my kids?"
  4601. >Though your familiar stops you for a second saying, "I think to really get what you're after here, what we'll need is a 'change in theme'. Like a secondary transformation to go more 'mama bear' rather than a 'sexy milf' theme. It'd basically split your magic in half between the two forms, or whatever ratio you choose. I think it'd be worth it though for ease of making the spells thematically appropriate."
  4603. Which made sense and you respond, "How about we have almost all of it in the new form, and leave the bare minimum for the first one. Since I really don't think I'll ever need to 'flex magic muscle' just being a sexy milf for Anon."
  4604. >Your familiar nods before merely saying, "Fair enough"
  4605. >For the first time your familiar talks about the costume before 'deciding', "So I'm thinking a heavily fortified bear costume. It won't be sexy, but being sexy isn't the point then right? Just a strong costume to boost your strength, and takes hits for you."
  4606. >You nod in approval, and your familiar continues describing the secondary transformation
  4607. >Explaining as the thought it up, "So you take a fighting position while having your hands imitate claws, and then you yell 'Nobody messes with my cubs!' to initiate it. Still sound good so far?"
  4608. You nod again before responding appreciatively, "Yeah, it sounds good, and I really like that you're running this by me first."
  4609. >So with that basically taken care of it would be time to come back to that bubble barrier spell you wanted
  4610. >Your familiar rattling off, "So with the new theme, how about if you make your arms into a loop like you were physically protecting someone. Maybe even actually wrap your arms around someone, and then say 'maternal instinct barrier'?"
  4611. >You weren't crazy about the name since it seemed like there was a more creative name to be had, but it worked so you nod in approval
  4612. >Next your familiar suggests the next and basically only other spell, "So how about just one more spell? A 'battle form' spell just to push your basic fighting abilities as high as possible. Enhancing your strength, speed, and defenses in direct proportion to you magic power. So you could just fight off threats like you were as tough and fast as an actual bear. I wouldn't be surprised if it ending up making you even tougher than an actual bear."
  4613. >That certainly would make things simpler
  4615. >It would also make it easier to stand between the kids and threats as a front line fighter
  4616. You tell your familiar, "Sounds perfect, and since you said it was directly proportional. That means it'd automatically improve as I got more magic power?"
  4617. >You familiar is proud to reply 'yup'
  4618. >Though then feeling the need to warn you, "But it also means it'd become weaker automatically if you lost magic power."
  4619. >Then it was time for how it'd be used as your familiar suggested, "It'd be simple to use to. Just throw your arms to the side, and give a good roar. Really get some good rage going so you'd be ready to show whoever fucked up just how badly they fucked up."
  4620. You were getting pumped responding, "Damn straight! They'd get the beating of a lifetime for daring to try to hurt my kids!"
  4621. >Your familiar smiles and chuckles a bit in high spirits
  4622. >Then warns you though not very seriously, "It'd only last for so long, but plenty long enough. Am I right?"
  4623. >You raise your hand, she raises a hoof, and you two did the closest you could manage to a high five
  4624. >Though if you're basically done now what would you do next?
  4625. >Feeling particularly chummy with your familiar you think of watching TV together
  4626. >You do have a TV in your room
  4627. >So you'd be able to watch together without the familiar even needing to leave your room
  4628. >After suggesting it to quick agreement you end up watching TV with her curled up on your lap like a pet
  4629. >You end up petting her a little absent mindedly, but she asks you to stop saying it felt demeaning
  4630. >So you respectfully stop, and fight the urge to start again
  4631. >Eventually though you get a call from the Riches that the social gathering is over
  4632. >You can come back any time you want, and you'd all discuss what to do next
  4633. Then you ask, "So it's alright if I grab something to eat on they way? Just realized I hadn't eaten lunch yet."
  4634. >Spoiled is on the phone saying, "Yeah, that's fine. There's no rush."
  4636. >That being said where were you going to eat?
  4637. >You could probably pick up fast food on the way, but you don't really feel like eating fast food
  4638. >Thinking about it you hadn't really 'gone out on the town' in a while
  4639. >You could go to the mall yourself like your kids had been doing more often lately
  4640. >In fact maybe you could get something healthy there like a salad
  4641. >Yeah, eating a salad at the food court sounded fun
  4642. >Just going to the mall and having a bit of fun while you eat
  4643. >The more you think about it the more you're set on the idea
  4644. >You're tempted to tell someone you're going, but you remember nobody else is here right now
  4645. >Well, you say good bye to your familiar before you go
  4646. >Then you head outside into smoldering heat, and decide to drive there
  4647. >With the AC turned all the way up
  4648. >Fortunately the mall is well air conditioned once inside
  4649. >You were 'basically' a couple with your son, but if anyone asked you were single
  4650. >A single woman back at the mall to eat in the food court
  4651. >You probably won't get anyone hitting on you, and you don't think you want that attention
  4652. >Yet if it happened at least a little it'd make you feel like you've still 'got it'
  4653. >Arriving at the food court you find a place to get a salad, and order one
  4654. >Then find a place to sit
  4655. >There's commotion around you, but nobody really bothers you while you eat it
  4656. >Looking around you try to think of a story you could visit while you're here
  4657. >Though you don't think you should just go window shopping even if there's no rush
  4658. >Someone does come up to you around the time you finish eating
  4659. >It's an extremely adorable girl in a little dress with extremely cute curly hair
  4660. >She introduces herself as 'Cozy Glow', and asks, "I've been asking around, but is it true you might know a 'Sweetie Belle' or 'Apple Bloom'? Maybe even an 'Anon'?"
  4661. You happily reply, "Yeah, Sweetie and Anon are my kids. Apple Bloom is a friend of Sweetie's too."
  4663. >She then tells you, "Could you set up a meeting with them for me? I've wanted to talk to them at school, but I'm ever so shy. Could you please help me?"
  4664. >She then makes this adorable pleading expression you can't say 'no' to
  4665. You tell her politely, "I'll see what I can do. Any particular place you might want to meet them? Also where are your parents anyway? I'm sure talking to them would help setting up a time and place for it."
  4666. >She seems unsure what to say for a few moments, but regains her composure
  4667. >Then she answers with, "My parents are on vacation, and can't be contacted right now. Though where are you headed next?"
  4668. >Her parents just left her?!
  4669. You ask her about it worryingly without causing a scene by keeping your voice down, "You mean they just left you alone?! Who's gonna help you if you're in trouble?!"
  4670. >She then responds sounding confident, "I may not look it, but I happen to be 15. I can look after myself."
  4671. >She's definitely right about looking the part
  4672. >With the way she was dressed and her hair you were surprised to hear she was older than 10
  4673. >Though she sees your disbelief and pulls out a wallet, and inside is a high school student ID showing her as a Freshman in high school
  4674. >She then proudly declares it'll be updated to 'sophomore' when school starts up again
  4675. You write down her number before handing it to her saying, "When you can contact them, ask them if you can stay at a friends house, and then please update me on it. You could even ask them about staying at Sweetie's house. You should really be staying somewhere where someone's looking out for you."
  4676. >She takes it before answering, "Will do, and thanks for the offer! I'll just be heading home now. Thanks again!"
  4677. >Then she merrily skips off on her way
  4678. >She seems like such a sweet and innocent girl
  4679. >You can't help worrying about her, and if she'll be alright
  4681. >After eating the last of your lunch, and leaving the mall it seemed you had a more immediate concern for yourself
  4682. >Your car had become an oven under the hot sun while you were in the mall
  4683. >You really should have seen this coming, and the door handle hurts to touch
  4684. >Though you force yourself in to drive back to the Riches' mansion
  4685. >It feels like it takes forever for the AC to actually start working
  4686. >You practically cooked in the meantime
  4687. >Something that has definitely always been one of your least favorite things about Summer
  4688. >On the way you just can't seem to stop thinking about that little girl
  4689. >You still doubted she was actually 15, and will she even manage to get home okay?
  4690. >When you arrive at the mansion though you're glad they probably have a sizable parking garage
  4691. >Where your car wouldn't heat up so much again
  4692. >A mansion staff member takes the keys to the car again to park it
  4693. >You don't really want to 'get used' to this kind of thing, but if you're gonna be here often it'd be hard not to
  4694. >Actually getting inside you're directed to the 'main living room'
  4695. >Where you find the Riches, Anon, Sweetie, and Diamond merely watching television while waiting for you
  4696. >Sweetie and Diamond are clinging to Anon's sides which is actually starting to become a common sight for you
  4697. >Anon himself looks perfectly fine so that gives you a bit of relief
  4698. >In fact Filthy greets you with, "Ah, you're back. Also Anon did great. So everything worked out."
  4699. >Though Anon seems to notice you look worried about something, and asks you about it
  4700. You tell him about it with, "I was at the mall food court, and there was this little girl I met. Cozy I believe her name was. Anyway it seems her parents had gone on vacation, and left her behind to fend for herself. She said she's 15 and is fine with it, but I can't help worrying if she'll be okay."
  4701. >Nobody else seems as concerned as you
  4702. >Were you just being overprotective now?
  4704. >You are Anon
  4705. >You're sitting at the Riches' mansion watching TV with the two girls still clinging to you
  4706. >Your little sister and your 'girlfriend' who was secretly your cousin also
  4707. >Mom has just returned, and told you about some girl she decided to be worried about
  4708. >If she can take care of herself then she can take care of herself
  4709. >She'd never been so worried about you or Sweetie much before
  4710. >Though maybe it has to do with how she wants an adult to always be with Sweetie and her friends now
  4711. >Then mom drops the subject before asking, "So, any ideas on what we're gonna do now?"
  4712. >Filthy suggest, "Why not stay another night?"
  4713. >This place was nice and all, but you'd feel weird about it if you were over often enough you practically lived here
  4714. >Mom responds with, "Maybe we shouldn't. It's been entirely too long since me and my kids just spent a normal day at home..."
  4715. >That was definitely true
  4716. >How long has it been since you just sat down in your room, and played a video game or watched some anime?
  4717. >Perhaps entirely too long
  4718. >Filthy doesn't seem awfully disappointed to hear that before saying, "That's fine. Everyone needs time to unwind at home. Though do come back any time."
  4719. >Spoiled adds on to that with, "Yes, come back whenever you'd like. Especially since I don't know how long Diamond can last without Sweetie and Anon~."
  4720. >She then teasingly pinches Diamond's cheek as Diamond fights it while telling her to quit it
  4721. >Though maybe it could do some good to spend some time apart from her so she doesn't get too used to being with you all the time
  4722. >Mom then announces, "Alright, we'll get the stuff we brought to spend the night, and head home. Thanks for having us over. We'll definitely have to get together again some time."
  4723. >Sweetie thanks them too, and so do you feeling like it was the polite thing to do
  4724. >Diamond seems reluctant to see you go, but looking annoyed as well as she stayed quiet now
  4726. >Obviously not wanting to openly admit that she didn't want you to go, and get teased more by her mom
  4727. >With that you, mom, and Sweetie go to gather your stuff
  4728. >After that you meet back up at the entrance to the mansion
  4729. >The Riches see you off, and mom's car is brought back up to the front
  4730. >Getting outside it practically feels like full on heat wave temperatures
  4731. >Mom gets in the driver's seat first after receiving the keys
  4732. >You feel reluctant to touch the car, but know you have to
  4733. >Though grabbing the handle for the front passenger side door it thankfully doesn't burn your hand
  4734. >It must have been kept somewhere cool here
  4735. >Getting inside the car however it still feels a bit too hot
  4736. >Then seeing you get in okay Sweetie enters the car last into the back
  4737. >You all wave to the Riches one more time before Mom starts driving off
  4738. >You're actually looking forward to some 'normal' time at home
  4739. >Though you can't shake the feeling that it's too much to ask for
  4740. >On the way home you feel more right to think that when Mom gets a call on her cell phone, and pulls the car over to answer it
  4741. >Trying to listen in you hear an unfamiliar girl's voice fake crying over the phone
  4742. >She then says she's 'lost', and needs help
  4743. >Sounds like she's acting the whole thing out, but mom is eating it up
  4744. >Mom asks her if there's anything around her she can see that'd help know where she is
  4745. >She then lists off multiple nearby restaurants, shops, and even gives a couple of street names to say she's at the corner of
  4746. >Mom's now driving right over there to go pick her up or something
  4747. You ask her, "Are you sure we need to be doing this? Isn't there someone else we can call? She seems to actually know where she is."
  4748. >Mom doesn't listen and says with panic, "Her parents are who knows where, and she's on her own! It's the least we can do! She's such an innocent girl, and I don't even want to think about what might happen to her if she just keeps wandering around lost!"
  4750. >Just the sound of her voice was enough to make you think she wasn't 'innocent'
  4751. >Yet mom seems completely convinced that she is
  4752. >In fact you're pretty sure trying to tell mom otherwise right now will just make her mad
  4753. >This was definitely the downside of having a kind and caring mother
  4754. >Manipulative people can play on their sympathies rather easily
  4755. >In fact now you're not sure why shit like this hasn't happened more before this
  4756. >Maybe your family just wasn't 'on anyone's radar' before?
  4757. >Just thinking that now you worry who this girl might be 'associated with'
  4758. >Your suspicions don't stop when mom 'finds her' either
  4759. >Pulling the car up next to an extremely cute looking little girl, and even looking 'too cute'
  4760. >Well, there isn't actually such thing as 'too cute', but it's obvious she looks that way on purpose
  4761. >With a dress nobody past grade school would wear, and curls like you'd only see in movies
  4762. >If there's anything you've learned from anything about it; It's that you should never trust people who go out of their way to play up being 'cute and innocent' on purpose
  4763. >She waves at the car standing up on the tips of her toes with an exaggerated smile
  4764. >She even had a suitcase next to her like she was going moving somewhere
  4765. >After the car comes to a stop mom lets this girl into the back of the car with her suitcase
  4766. >She gets in while profusely thanking mom for the help
  4767. >Then she introduces herself to you and Sweetie in a sickeningly sweet voice, "I'm Cozy Glow, and I'm sure we're all going to be the bestest of friends!"
  4768. >God damn, is she gonna talk like that all the time?
  4769. >Mom then asks her, "Did you manage to contact your parents? What did they say about staying somewhere like a friend's house?"
  4770. >She quickly responds, "They said it's okay to stay at your house if you're really okay with watching me just to make sure I'm safe, and even said to thank you in advance for your concern."
  4772. >She then continues explaining, "I'd had stuff packed to stay somewhere, but then got lost when I tried to go back to the mall to find you if I got back quick enough."
  4773. >Of course mom was still eating this up thinking she's just a helpless little girl in desperate need
  4774. >Sweetie asks her now, "How did you get lost if you have a cellphone?"
  4775. >Cozy then pulls out an outdated flip phone before saying, "I don't have any navigation stuff on this old phone..."
  4776. >It actually annoys you right now how much it checks out
  4777. >That parents that'd leave her by herself would also leave her with an old style phone with no helpful apps on it
  4778. >Mom is no doubt sure now that her parents are awful people who don't care about her, and that she needs to step in herself to help
  4779. >Then without a chance to say anything against it mom resumes driving towards home
  4780. >Now with an 'extra passenger' who'd be staying with your family for who knows how long
  4781. >You're sure she's up to something in the pit of your gut, but getting mom to see that would probably be extremely difficult
  4782. >In fact while you were looking at her with suspicion you're pretty sure you caught her giving you the stink eye
  4783. >Then immediately stopping once anyone else looked at her
  4784. >Looking at Sweetie she seems a little suspicious of Cozy, but not as much as you
  4785. >Then Cozy asks mom trying to sound as considerate and humble as possible, "Are you really sure it's okay for me to stay with you? Is there room for little old me?"
  4786. >Mom then reassures her practically with a coo in her voice, "You don't need to worry about anything. We've got a guest room you can stay in till your parents are back. It used to be my eldest daughter's room, but she moved out and all her things with her. We converted it to a guest room after that."
  4787. >Then she smiles wide with her eyes closed and single tear in the corner of each eye
  4789. >While pointing her face to make sure mom could see it in the rear view mirror as she gave an exaggerated, "Thank you soooo much!"
  4790. >Damn she's good, if you hadn't decided to be suspicious of her after hearing her voice you'd probably be eating it up too right now
  4791. >She's engaging Sweetie in small talk after that
  4792. >Getting Sweetie to talk about her friends, and anything else just to keep the conversation going
  4793. >The more Sweetie talked, and Cozy seemed to listen the less suspicious Sweetie got
  4794. >Actually maybe you're being too suspicious, and there's a real chance she's a decent person?
  4795. >No, you've got to stay at least a little suspicious, or she'd be able to stab you in the back without you ever seeing it coming
  4796. >If she does turn out to be good there won't be any harm done to keep your guard up
  4797. >The car ride home felt like it lasted way too long, but you get home eventually
  4798. >You all get into the house with your stuff, and Cozy follows with her suitcase
  4799. >Mom shows Cozy which room is the guest room, and Cozy heads right in with her suitcase
  4800. >Thinking about it is 'Cozy' a made up name to play your family too?
  4801. >Each time you think of the 'name' Cozy you feel a little cozy, and practically feel your guard eroding
  4802. >Though you catch it happening, and make an effort to keep your guard up
  4803. >You even catch yourself hoping very badly that she wasn't up to anything bad, and you wouldn't have to think of her as an enemy
  4804. >Not even just because of how difficult it could be to get rid of her if she did turn out to be bad
  4805. >Everyone else has already headed into their separate rooms for now while you were standing there thinking
  4806. >So you head into your own room to put the stuff you packed back, and then maybe play a video game?
  4808. >You are Sweetie Belle
  4809. >You're home now with a sudden new 'guest' who apparently wants to be friends
  4810. >She's in a bad position so you feel for her, and she's been acting plenty nice
  4811. >Though you don't want to trust her completely
  4812. >So you covertly talk to your familiar in your room while putting away the stuff you packed
  4813. >You tell her to get in your old toy chest to hide better, and get out the padlock you had to lock it
  4814. >Feeling embarrassed remembering why you had that
  4815. >There was a phase when you were very little when you thought there were monsters under your bed who'd steal your toys
  4816. >The only thing that calmed you down was a padlock you could use to lock your toy chest up at night
  4817. >Turned out it was just Rarity borrowing some of your toys without asking
  4818. >You didn't always get along with Rarity, but she's always been a great sister to you overall
  4819. >Coming back to the present you reassure your familiar it'd only be temporary
  4820. >Whispering, "I know there won't be a lot of room in there, but you won't starve since I'm pretty sure since you don't seem to eat. I just want to make sure you stay safe even if I can't watch you all the time while there's this new girl I've never met before in the house."
  4821. >She seems to understand even if she obviously wasn't happy with how cramped it'd be
  4822. >You even take some of the bigger and bulkier toys out to make more room her her
  4823. >Which helped, but didn't change the fact that she'd be confined inside a locked box
  4824. >Before you close and lock it you tell her, "I'll let you out from time to time when I come to my room, and can protect you myself while you're out."
  4825. >This calms her down more, and you close the toy box before putting the padlock on
  4826. >Then lastly you head back out of your room feeling like you need to check on Anon
  4827. >Actually you're sure he's fine, but just being with him is a reason to 'check on him' by itself
  4829. >You go out into the living room on the way to Anon's room
  4830. >Finding Cozy out there on the couch fidgeting
  4831. >While looking around anxiously like they're nervous, and aren't sure what to do
  4832. >Then she sees you with a look of relief on her face
  4833. >She skips over to you before saying in a sing song tone, "Hey Sweetie! Let's do something together!"
  4834. >Being put on the spot like that you weren't really sure what to do either
  4835. You then ask her, "What do you normally do for fun?"
  4836. >She seems to hesitate to answer
  4837. >Then she tells you like she's hiding something, 'researching the supernatural'
  4838. >The way she said it you think she probably meant 'occult'
  4839. >She then rattles off some stuff about mythical creatures like Big Foot
  4840. >Yet now you couldn't help thinking she was just avoiding talking about what really interested her
  4841. >At one point in the awkward conversation mom comes out of her room
  4842. >She looks a bit worried and tells both of you, "I just realized I haven't been to work in a while. I know I'm self employed as an interior decorator, but I won't make money without actually going to work."
  4843. >Then she looks to you expectantly
  4844. >Exactly what you were starting to fear as she asked you, "To get more work done, could you come with me and help Sweetie? I'd ask Anon, but I need more than help carrying things. You know as well as me he wouldn't be much help with design decisions."
  4845. You then ask her to try to avoid going, "What about Cozy here?"
  4846. >Mom is unamused telling you, "She's a guest, and besides she just got here. We couldn't expect her to help me with my work."
  4847. >Cozy actually seems to want to though
  4848. >Eagerly volunteering as she said, "Oooh, ooh! I'll go! Anything I can do to help, and thank you for your generosity!"
  4849. >Though mom insisted you go instead
  4850. >Though thinking about it you'd get away from this awkwardness with Cozy, and it's not all bad helping mom with her work
  4851. >Mom then rapidly pulls you out the door while telling Anon to be nice to Cozy
  4853. >You are Anon
  4854. >You're playing video games in your room
  4855. >It's been a while, and you're actually surprised to have not been disturbed yet
  4856. >You're making serious progress on one of your longer JRPGs
  4857. >You may actually feel a bit disappointed about not being interrupted
  4858. >It seems weird to feel lonely without them clinging to you, but here you are
  4859. >Then you actually got a little excited when you heard a knock at your door
  4860. >Though you remembered that Sweetie mom don't knock, and just come right in when the mood strikes them
  4861. >So it probably wasn't either of them having come back so soon
  4862. So you cautiously tell them through the door, "Come on in."
  4863. >Just like you started to suspect it was Cozy who comes skipping into your room
  4864. >Casually looking around as she came up next to you
  4865. >Though not extremely close as she seemed initially nervous
  4866. >Then asking you in a purposely cutesy voice while rocking back and forth on her heels, "Hey Anon~! What'cha doin'~?"
  4867. You act natural by just responding, "Playing video games."
  4868. >She then actually sounds nervous as she says, "That's cool. Can I sit with you for a bit, and watch?"
  4869. >You're not sure why she wants to, and want to just tell her to get out
  4870. >Though she's putting pressure on you, and you don't want her 'reporting' to your mom you were 'mean' to her
  4871. So you tell her, "Ok, I guess. I'm not sure if this'll actually be fun to watch, but whatever."
  4872. >After that she completely closes the distance, and sits right on your lap
  4873. >Though she more sits perpendicular on your thighs in a very chaste fashion
  4874. >Then leans into your chest as she turns her head to actually see screen
  4875. >She looked insecure and even trembled a little
  4876. >Was it just an act to make you feel protective of her?
  4877. >You find yourself patting her head a little before you even realize it
  4878. >She giggles adorably before nuzzling into you
  4880. >Now she looks up to you with pleading quivering eyes as she asks, "You're gonna be nice to me... Right?..."
  4881. >You're compelled to just say 'yes', but it's just you and her here
  4882. >If you don't try to press her for answers while it's just you two you may never do it
  4883. You ask her in a firm tone, "What are you really after here? Why put on an act just to come here?"
  4884. >The cuteness in her face quickly dissipates into a serious and unamused look
  4885. >Gripping your shirt as she tried to stare you down, but she's still so cute it's not very effective
  4886. >She seemed a little more intimidating once she actually started talking though
  4887. >Telling you point blank, "Here's how it's going down. I'm going to stay here, and your family is going to be my family now. No questions about why, no getting in my way, or I'll make your life hell."
  4888. >Getting her face really close to yours before giving you an ultimatum without breaking eye contact, "If you understand. Then pat my head, and tell me I'm cute. Or do you want to find out what it's like when your mom thinks you're a monster?"
  4889. >The realization hits you hard that she actually might be able to turn mom against you, and absolutely would too
  4890. >The eyes that stared into yours were the eyes of a sociopath who'd do anything to anyone
  4891. You nervously pat her head while giving her forced baby talk, "You're so cute. You're the very cutest, aren't you~?"
  4892. >She then lowers herself away from your face, but still glares at you
  4893. >Then telling you sternly, "Like you mean it."
  4894. Trying again to pat her head more believably while telling her, "You're extremely adorable~! Yes you are~!"
  4895. >She seems more satisfied with that as she nuzzles into you a little
  4896. >Though the 'demands' weren't over
  4897. >Commanding you, "Now kiss my forehead, but only a light kiss. Then hold me in your arms while you play your grindfest game, and no funny business."
  4899. >As she commanded you give her a light peck on the forehead
  4900. >Then wrap your arms loosely around her while still holding your controller
  4901. >She shifts a little on your thighs trying to get comfortable now
  4902. >Practically getting ready to sleep like that as she nuzzled into you with her eyes closed
  4903. >Then telling you in a sleepy tone, "You're gonna be doing whatever I say from now on, or else."
  4904. >Then only small soft breaths as she cuddled up against you in your arms like you were just a piece of furniture made for her comfort
  4905. >It was infuriating how cute this was after the way she'd threatened you
  4906. >While knowing you couldn't do much of anything right now against her
  4907. >Even if you did something like remove any magic she might have right now to hind any evil plans
  4908. >It'd only cause her to tell mom a sob story when she got back
  4909. >You end up playing your game while trying not to disturb her, and hoping the game wasn't too loud
  4910. >When she was definitely asleep it was entirely unfair how much like a little angel she looked
  4911. >Even if you now knew for sure that wasn't actually the case
  4912. >After a while she even starts trembling and whimpering in her sleep like she's having a nightmare
  4913. >You almost feel a little bad for your before reminding yourself she threatened to turn your mom against you
  4914. >Though you do wish you knew more about why she's doing any of this, but she made not asking questions a condition
  4915. >Did she run away from home?
  4916. >Is she actually an orphan, or an escaped fugitive?
  4917. >Unless you got her to tell you herself, or found out from another source you might never know
  4918. >Right now your biggest concern was how long she was going to sleep like this
  4919. >Though you think mom would applaud being so nice to her if she saw this you aren't sure what Sweetie would think
  4920. >Would she get jealous of it?
  4921. >You wouldn't have to find out if Cozy decided she was done 'bonding with you', or whatever this was before they got back
  4923. >Speaking of mom you couldn't help wondering now if the finances would be alright
  4924. >Maybe she could afford a week long 'vacation' from work, or does she even make enough to pay the bills period?
  4925. >The fact that you'd never pried into how the house's finances worked before definitely didn't help you now
  4926. >Since now you didn't even have a shot in the dark to guess on
  4927. >Maybe the Riches would be able to help out if it were really bad, but would you even dare lean on them like that knowing what strings might be attached?
  4928. >Especially considering what asking for financial help might do to your relationship with them
  4929. >You tell yourself if there's a need for more money it should happen in a way that doesn't involve the Riches
  4930. >Then the thought occurs to you that if this 'Cozy Glow' lives with you now your family would have a whole extra person's worth of expenses
  4931. >Probably the one good thing about all this stuff happening in such a short time is that it's too soon to tell how things will shake out
  4932. >With time to do something about it if something really does need to be done
  4933. >Though as one idea it'd probably be easier, and less imposing to get financial help from Rarity and dad
  4934. >Actually thinking of dad, you aren't even sure if mom and dad's finances are separated yet even
  4935. >They could still have one bank account that it's all pooled into for all you know
  4936. >This is all stressful to think about, but it does take your mind off the adorable sociopath sleeping in your lap
  4937. >Yet now that you thought about her what would she do tonight?
  4938. >Would you even survive tonight, and what if she wanted to sleep with you?
  4939. >You're not sure it'd even be better if she decided she'd rather sleep with someone else
  4940. >If she insisted on not sleeping alone
  4941. >Though if her apparent 'plan' depends on mom's approval and good will you actually doubt she'd do anything bad to mom
  4942. >Yet you don't think you know much of anything about her to predict what she'd do or not
  4944. >Eventually she wakes up with a squeaky yawn while stretching in you lap
  4945. >Then noticing no sings you did anything she looks up at you smugly
  4946. >Telling you, "Since you've been good, I'll give you a reward. You get to hear me call you 'big brother'. Keep it up, and you might hear me really mean it. See you later, big brother."
  4947. >Then she gets off your lap unceremoniously, and leaves your room skipping
  4948. >Is skipping just part of her act, or does she actually like skipping?
  4949. >You don't think there was any reason for her to do it as an act right then
  4950. >You decide you've dedicated too much thought to it, and think about something else now
  4951. >Better yet, you just go back to giving your video game your undivided attention
  4952. >Yet you actually couldn't stop thinking about her entirely
  4953. >Cozy is an issue you'd definitely have to deal with somehow, but nothing to be done right now
  4954. >Maybe if you had something against her to prove to mom she's not a perfect angel
  4955. >Some kind of dirt on her proving she did something bad, or even just plans to
  4956. >Which makes you come to a realization
  4957. >She's suspicious and definitely dangerous, and yet you have no idea what her plans are
  4958. >You couldn't even pin down what evil goals she might have, or even the most basic information about her motivations to know why
  4959. >It'd be somewhat counterintuitive, but what if you kept her close just to watch her?
  4960. >Try to figure out any evil plan and motivations she has before she actually does it
  4961. >Actually you probably wouldn't have to try very hard to do that
  4962. >In fact it'd probably be harder to avoid her rather than purposely keeping her close
  4963. >Almost as if just to prove your point Cozy knocks on your door again
  4964. >Feeling frustrated despite what you intended to do
  4965. >Telling her she can come in again, and she comes skipping in like she wasn't just here not long ago
  4966. >Though she preempts any question you may have had about it
  4968. >Telling you defensively, "I'm not back here already because I was getting lonely! I just need your help with something! So come with me!"
  4969. >She then stands there glaring at you, and forces you to save/quit your game to go with her immediately
  4970. >Then she pulled hard on your hand to make you get up to go with her
  4971. >Pulling you out of your room, and even out of the house
  4972. >Then she orders you to be discrete, and follow her quietly
  4973. >She then cuts right into the back alleys
  4974. >Turning into ever more seedy, and bad neighborhood type alleys with each turn
  4975. >You weren't familiar with these alleys, but thankfully it was still light out
  4976. >Since you wouldn't want to be caught dead here after dark, and if you were the dead part could become literal
  4977. >She keeps leading you around for a while
  4978. >It feels like she's taking you on a very roundabout path
  4979. >Eventually you get to a point where you're coming up behind someone who looked like they were waiting for something
  4980. >He was a robed individual with his face hidden
  4981. >She makes you hide with her when he turns around to see who was there
  4982. >After he loses interest she starts whispering to you
  4983. >Explaining to you in a low whisper, "We're taking this guy out, but I want it to look like it was just you. I'll stun him, and then you finish him off. You managed to destroy a relic, so this should be easy."
  4984. >Before you can ask anything she mumbles some kind of incantation you're sure, and fires a dark lightning bolt arcs from her hand
  4985. >It strikes him in the back
  4986. >Knocking him out as he fell to the ground with a thud
  4987. >Then she pushes your back pushing you towards him
  4988. >You look him over, and notice he has one of those glowy 'magic veins' in him
  4989. >Deciding it was too late to turn back you drain his magic away till it was all gone
  4990. >He was probably one of those insane cultist types anyway
  4991. >Though Cozy seems dissatisfied with what you're doing as she slides her thumb across her throat
  4993. You tell her in a quiet voice, "I'm not gonna kill anyone, I don't even know who he is, or why you want him dead for crying out loud. I've just removed his magic, and that's all I'm doing."
  4994. >Then hearing that she gets a devious grin on her face you didn't like
  4995. >Then musing to herself, "Yeah... Yeah. I like this angle. Probably even better considering what those guys do to members without magic. He'll wish he was dead."
  4996. >She sneaks up to you before handing you a blank note and a pen
  4997. >Then commanding you, "Write a threatening letter to them on this note. Tell them something you've captured me, the infiltrator, and you're coming for the rest of them. I'd have written it myself, but they'd recognize my handwriting."
  4998. >She quickly gets impatient as you try to decide if you'd do it, and what you'd write
  4999. Then you can't help asking, "Who's 'they'?"
  5000. >Her face turns red hearing that, and you think you even see a vein popping on her forehead
  5001. >She then angrily tells you, "Don't insult my intelligence! You know who they are! You just had a big fight with them! Took out two high ranking members! Even destroyed a building sized relic, and you'd have me believe you don't know who they are?!"
  5002. >You look down at the paper still unsure what to do even if you knew who was who now
  5003. >Or at least kind of
  5004. You start with "dear, cultist assholes"
  5005. >Then Cozy smacks it out of you hand while mocking you, "Are you writing them a love note?! Try again! This time more confrontational!"
  5006. >She now hands you a new note paper, confiscates the pen, and hands you a pencil
  5007. >Adding another insult as she said, "It seems the eraser on that will be coming in handy."
  5008. >Geez, tough crowd
  5009. You start again with, "Burn in hell, cultist assholes"
  5010. >She seems more satisfied with it, and nods 'allowing' you to continue
  5012. Then for the body of the 'letter' you have, "I have captured your infiltrator. I've tortured her for information, and brainwashed her. She'll also never be able to sit again. You don't even want to know why. Now I'm coming for the rest of you. You'll all lose your magic like this guy here. Maybe even worse if you really piss me off."
  5013. >She fumes a bit saying part of it was unnecessary, but doesn't try to make you change it
  5014. >Lastly you end the note with, "Eat shit, Anon"
  5015. >She then looks over the note in it's entirety with a criticizing gaze
  5016. >Then she gives it backhanded approval saying, "It's passable, I guess. Now place it in his hand or something. check if he has pockets."
  5017. >You fold it before finding a pocket on his robe, and placing the note inside
  5018. >She the looks over the scene before commanding you again
  5019. >Telling you, "Alright, let's go back home before he wakes up, or worse yet mom and Sweetie getting back before us."
  5020. >Did she just call Cookie 'mom' casually?
  5021. >You guess she's already basically counting your mom as being her mom too
  5022. >Though you definitely agreed with wanting to go home now
  5023. >You even have to follow her because you didn't actually know the way back home from here
  5024. >It practically takes until half way home to get over the shock of it, and think of the implications
  5025. >Cozy is or was a cult member, and now she's using you to betray them?
  5026. >You're sure there's a story behind this, but you doubt she'd just come out and tell you if you asked
  5027. >Also now you'd definitely be fighting them actively now even if it might have been avoided before now
  5028. >You'd basically be breaking your promise to Filthy about not looking for a fight
  5029. >It's not your fault though if it's against your will right?
  5030. >Getting home you see mom's car still isn't in the driveway
  5031. >So you two had gotten home in time for mom to not know either of you had left home
  5033. >Getting in the house Cozy praises you
  5034. >Smugly telling you, "You've done well, Anon. I'll even put in a good word for you with mom. If you keep up the good behavior, maybe I'll even tell you more about the plan once you've proven your loyalty."
  5035. >Well, you may be getting ordered about by a '15 year old' who definitely doesn't look 15
  5036. >Though at least you have a way of getting to know why?
  5037. >Certainly better than nothing even if 'kicking her out' would be a quicker solution
  5038. >If you'd ever be able to get away with it, or even if you were sure you could do it in the first place
  5039. >Seeing how confused you were by all this she decides to tease you with a sly grin on her face
  5040. >Teasingly telling you even more smugly with, "I'll let you in on one secret though. Wonder how I keep my hair like this? It's magic! No lengthy or difficult hair care regiment for me! Not when I can use magic!"
  5041. >That actually wasn't something you were wondering
  5042. >Actually, that might have bugged you a little if there weren't way, way bigger questions
  5043. >She then does a twirl before striking a cute pose with a finger on each cheek
  5044. >Sounding arrogant now as she bragged, "Maximum cuteness can always be assured with magic! Come on, tell me how cute I am again!"
  5045. >You really don't want to right now, but pissing her off now after all this would definitely be stupid
  5046. Stroking her ego as you told her, "You're an adorable, and perfect little angel."
  5047. >She grinned ear to ear while giving a haughty chuckle
  5048. >Then she does her best commanding pose as she told you, "Now let's go to your room, and you'll entertain me till the rest of the family is home."
  5049. >She then followed close behind you as you went back into your room
  5050. >Merely sitting down next to you rather than on your lap this time when you sat in front of your game consoles
  5051. >Yet instead of getting back to the game you were playing before she dictated the game you'd play next
  5052. >Having you describe each game you had
  5054. >Until she settled on an action adventure game that'd be more fun for her to watch you play
  5055. >You were definitely getting the feeling she'd be ordering you around like this a lot
  5056. >Though maybe she'd be less quick to be so commanding if it wasn't just you two
  5057. >Since doing that with others around would go against her cute and innocent act
  5058. >So staying in a group could actually spare you from dealing with this all the time
  5059. >At the very least you were playing video games even if it wasn't like you wanted
  5060. >It feels like it'd been forever when mom and Sweetie actually get back
  5061. >Announcing themselves after coming in the front door
  5062. You call out to them announcing yourself too, "I'm here in my room with Cozy!"
  5063. >They both come into your room to greet you, and look a bit tired
  5064. >Mom looks pleased by the sight before asking, "Looks like you've been getting along well. That's wonderful!"
  5065. >She greets mom with a wave and a goofy smile on her face
  5066. >Cozy then reports to mom, "Uh huh! Anon's been treating me great, and he's a true gentleman!"
  5067. >Mom comes up to you, and hugs you lovingly
  5068. >Kissing you on the cheek as she cooed, "Thanks for doing this, Anon. I'm sure it wasn't easy to just accept a girl you hadn't met before at home like this. Though I'm sure you'll see if you haven't already why it's worth it to help people in need."
  5069. >Her body against you as she praised you this way certainly made what you put up with while they were gone feel more worth it
  5070. >Then mom gives you one more kiss on the cheek before going to make dinner
  5071. >Sweetie comes up next to you, and clings to your side
  5072. >Asking you in her voice which was just naturally cute, "It's alright if I sit with you too, right Anon?"
  5073. >You pat her head before answering, "Of course, Sweetie. I'm glad you're back."
  5074. >Cozy then scoots a bit closer to your other side
  5075. >Obviously wanting to copy Sweetie but clinging to your side but doesn't
  5076. >Perhaps too nervous to try with Sweetie here
  5078. >Cozy just keeps sitting there wanting to cling to you like Sweetie was, but unable to push herself to do it
  5079. >You think you even notice Sweetie being just a bit smug about it
  5080. >Like she was even just a little bit jealous
  5081. >You actually consider doing something about it, but it's Cozy
  5082. >Actually having to remind yourself she tried to make you kill a guy
  5083. >While she sits there looking sad and unloved because she doesn't have the to courage to cling to your side with an 'audience'
  5084. >Expertly playing at your sympathy until you caved
  5085. >Wrapping an arm around Cozy you pull her up against you
  5086. Telling her with a consoling tone, "It's alright, Cozy. No need to be shy."
  5087. >She cuddles into your side even as she pouted, "I'm not being shy..."
  5088. >Now Sweetie clings to your side tighter
  5089. >Then you pat Sweetie's head reassuringly
  5090. You actually decide to tease Cozy a little by telling Sweetie, "Cozy's just like this because she's a bit lonely. Even if I'm being nice to her she'll never replace you."
  5091. >You'll probably pay for that one later as Cozy fumed with a scruncy face
  5092. >Though she calms herself down before confirming to Sweetie, "It's true... It's ever so wonderful he's caring for me like this. Even if I'm not really family."
  5093. >Sweetie seems to feel bad before asking her, "That's all you really want? To be cared for?"
  5094. >Cozy replies with a nod
  5095. >You were sure it was at least partly an act, or was it?
  5096. >Though Sweetie takes it as genuine
  5097. >Easing off of Cozy while being less jealous
  5098. >Yet Sweetie kisses you on the cheek
  5099. >Probably the most 'daring' thing she thought she could get away with right now
  5100. >You pat Sweetie's head affectionately while telling her you love her
  5101. >Then Cozy just clings to your side silently
  5102. >Perhaps not wanting to talk anymore, and take the conversation about her feelings or what she wants any further
  5103. >Then at some point mom announced dinner was ready
  5105. >Cozy lets go of you before skipping out of the room first
  5106. >Actually seeming to have been eager to stop
  5107. >Having felt at least a little awkward
  5108. >In fact leaving your room with Sweetie hanging on you; you see Cozy sitting next to mom instead of waiting with a seat for you to sit in next to her
  5109. >Cozy is heaping praise on the food mom cooked
  5110. >While mom playfully tells Cozy not to flatter her so much
  5111. >Sitting down at the table you decide to thank mom for making dinner
  5112. >You'd have felt bad not to after Cozy's behavior
  5113. >Sweetie soon follows with her own gratitude
  5114. >Then you actually start eating
  5115. >Cozy, well, cozies up to mom all dinner
  5116. >Asking her around the end of dinner, "Say... Would it be alright if I slept in your room tonight? Just don't really want to sleep alone..."
  5117. >Cozy then looks down in her own lap with a sad look on her face while fidgeting
  5118. >Mom quickly agrees before telling Cozy, "Though you shouldn't do that every night. You've gotta be able to sleep on your own too."
  5119. >Now Cozy looks a little embarrassed as she nods
  5120. >You definitely weren't also going to be able to sleep with mom tonight, and you definitely weren't going to be able to 'sleep' with mom tonight
  5121. >Though Sweetie shifts in her seat while looking up at you expectantly
  5122. >Now you think you know what 'alternative' Sweetie may have thought of for you
  5123. >In fact after dinner Cozy follows mom insisting on being part of whatever she planned to do now
  5124. >Which turns out to be going over interior design decisions, and basically continuing her work at home
  5125. >Cozy actually shows great interest in helping with it
  5126. >You're sure it's just to brown nose mom
  5127. >Though practically the moment mom went off with Cozy to do that Sweetie was dragging you off
  5128. >Reminding you, "We'd never finished watching that show about the lewd little sister, Onii-chan~."
  5129. >So your next 'activity' for the evening became watching that anime with her
  5130. >Your door closed and locked to prevent 'sudden intrusion'
  5132. >She was grinding on your lap as you watched from where you two had left off
  5133. >Though she jealously asked you, "I'm your only REAL little sister right? You won't be so easily won over just because another cute girl's here right?"
  5134. >You kiss her lips while holding her close before reassuring her
  5135. Affectionately cooing to her, "Of course you're my only little sister~. Nobody else will ever compare, or change how I feel about you."
  5136. >She doesn't seem entirely convinced
  5137. >Which you guess makes sense considering mom, and Diamond were also 'with you'
  5138. >So she'd have reason to suspect you'd give in to Cozy too that way
  5139. Though you tell her, "I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me that way anyway. Like I think she genuinely wants attention, but not a boyfriend."
  5140. >Sweetie than asks you about the 'genuine' part of your remark
  5141. >Actually maybe you could tell Sweetie about it
  5142. Asking Sweetie a leading question with, "You do suspect at least a little that she's putting on an act right? That she's not quite as 'innocent' as she makes herself out to be?"
  5143. >Sweetie then looks side to side like she was worried about anyone listening in
  5144. >Even as she kept grinding on your lap when you'd think this topic going this way would 'kill the mood' for her
  5145. >Then asking you, "So it's true then? Is she actually bad?"
  5146. >You think about your answer considering everything you've learned about Cozy so far, and what questions remained
  5147. Finally answering with, "She's definitely dangerous, but I'm not sure she's a danger to us specifically. Like she seems to have something against the group Flim and Flam were in, but also used to be a member? Also like I said she seems to actually want attention. Like to be cared for. I just don't know a whole lot about what her plans are, or what her motives are."
  5148. >Sweetie thinks about it while still grinding on you
  5149. >Was she even capable of stopping right now?
  5150. >Not that you were particularly complaining
  5152. >Since it feels good even if it felt like it wasn't the time for it
  5153. >She then leans back against you, and looks up into your eyes
  5154. >Then asking you, "So keeping a close eye on her would probably be a good idea?"
  5155. >You tease her by giving her a kiss since her face was so close to yours
  5156. Before actually answering, "Yeah, that'd be a good idea."
  5157. >Sweetie blushes before kissing you back
  5158. >You two had practically forgotten about the anime
  5159. >Especially as this turned into a make out session
  5160. >Making out passionately despite what you'd just been talking about
  5161. >As you both break for air Sweetie draws a line concerning Cozy
  5162. >Telling you, "If her 'plans' ever involve her wanting you. I'll put a stop to it. No way I'll ever share you with her that way. Maybe, just maybe I'd be okay with her acting like a normal sibling with you. IF she turns out to just want a family instead of anything bad from us, or anything romantic from you."
  5163. >You definitely couldn't disagree with that
  5164. >Patting her head before kissing her again
  5165. You reassure her and agree with her with, "Of course Sweetie, and I'll stop anyone else who comes after you. Alright?"
  5166. >She grins wide before saying 'deal' with a very happy look on her face
  5167. Now teasingly asking her, "ARE there any boys you can think of that I might need to 'stop'?"
  5168. >Sweetie looks nervous trying to think before answering, "I don't think so... Though I'll turn them down myself first if I find out about anyone like that!"
  5169. >Perhaps it's a little hypocritical to keep anyone else away from her while you're seeing 3 women
  5170. >Though at least just seeing you is what she wants to
  5171. >Even if she's made it clear if she had it 100% her way it would just be you and her
  5172. >In fact what would you want if you had things 100% your way?
  5173. >If you had one pick it probably wouldn't be Diamond, but could you choose between Sweetie and mom?
  5174. >Probably not, but at least you don't seem to need to
  5176. >At some point you both get tired, and decide to head to bed
  5177. >Though she left to get ready she made sure you knew she'd be back
  5178. >You actually end up doing stuff like brushing your teeth together
  5179. >Then not long after you get in bed wearing your pajamas Sweetie comes in
  5180. >Climbing into bed with you, and cuddling up to you
  5181. >You definitely don't get to sleep right away
  5182. >Kissing each other more while grinding against each other
  5183. >Feeling rather pent up because you'd practically only been 'teased' this whole time
  5184. >Then Sweetie asked you in an aroused and lewd voice, "Onii-chan... If we could get away with it, and there weren't risks... Would you 'go all the way' with me? Would you fuck me?"
  5185. >If you could get away with it, and no risks?
  5186. >Yes, you probably would
  5187. >In fact you were definitely in the mood do it right now if you felt like you could
  5188. >With your tent sometimes rubbing against the crotch of her pajamas
  5189. You then answer her with, "I definitely would. Though we probably couldn't get away with it, and there definitely are risks..."
  5190. >Sweetie biting her lip, and practically chewing it
  5191. >Before telling you, "If only I had birth control like mom does... I don't think I could just use hers, and in the meantime what would we do if I got pregnant? Even if I want you it so bad right now... We'll do something else though right?..."
  5192. >You then push her just a bit away before getting out your painfully hard dick
  5193. >Suggesting she could do what she wants
  5194. >While you pull down her pajama pants and panties to finger her
  5195. >Sweetie cutely asking what you were doing before moaning out feeling you start with your index finger
  5196. >Then she takes your dick into her mouth to suck you off while you got her off too
  5197. >You'd never fingered anyone before, but you pay attention to Sweetie's reactions to 'figure out' how to do it right
  5198. >Even as she very quickly made you cum in her mouth with you already on edge
  5200. >She seemed to practically not expect this after what happened last time
  5201. >Though perhaps remembering what Silver had done she swallows it while continuing to suck
  5202. >While you kept up your finger work
  5203. >Your efforts making her go at her own efforts even more eagerly
  5204. >As it went on your hand starting to get tired, but you didn't dare stop yet
  5205. >Not while she was lavishing your shaft with her mouth and tongue
  5206. >In fact starting to make you rise towards shooting a second load
  5207. >Actually telling her this time you were about to cum when you got close
  5208. >Though she just kept going with no regard to what you said
  5209. >Cumming in her mouth again as your whole body shook
  5210. >She drinks it, but then takes your dick out of her mouth once she'd gotten it all down
  5211. >Then telling you with a look of disgust yet arousal, "Cum tastes nasty... Yet for some reason doing this just feels so good... Like I want more anyway..."
  5212. >After saying that she went right back to sucking it
  5213. >As you went on with your hand till you felt like it'd fall off
  5214. >Even as your hand had gotten splashed with her arousal several times by this point
  5215. >You try switching to other fingers, but it only helps a little
  5216. >Thankfully your door was locked because you'd at least have warning to stop practically no matter what
  5217. >Though even more thankfully than that not so much as a knock arrives at your door all night
  5218. >You couldn't keep up with your hand all night, but Sweetie no insists on staying at your waist
  5219. >Keeping your pajama pants undone while she does whatever she wants with your package till she falls asleep
  5220. >You don't see any reason to deny her if your door was going to stay locked, and Cozy would be kept in mom's room
  5221. >She alternates between playing with it, kissing the tip, and sucking it on and off till she falls asleep
  5222. >With her head resting against your just chest above your waist
  5223. >Then you fell asleep too feeling like the luckiest guy alive
  5225. >Now you're having a dream about being at school
  5226. >You're in the hallway, but then before anything happens everything fades
  5227. >Leaving you in a void as a familiar sensation came over you
  5228. >Next you heard 'your' being speak to you
  5230. >Then you get mad about him disrupting your dream just to say that
  5231. Yelling up because that just 'felt like the right direction', "Hey! I was having a dream here!"
  5233. >What was your last dream again?
  5234. >Before you answer it takes that as a 'no' before mocking you more
  5236. >Then you want to protest this more, but are cut off
  5238. You feel rebellious as you yell out, "Oh yeah! Well what if I don't?!"
  5239. >It merely responds with, "I'LL JUST KEEP BUGGING YOU TILL YOU DO."
  5240. >Really?
  5241. >That's what they're going with?
  5242. >Well there was probably a way Filthy actually avoided doing what they want
  5243. >So you decide to just ignore them as they kept repeating the command to fight more
  5244. >Though this would definitely get annoying if it was going to be a regular thing now
  5245. >Then it frustratingly knew what you were thinking
  5247. >God damn it
  5248. >You end up just arguing with it
  5249. >It feels like this lasts way too long, but eventually you argue with it till the 'dream' ends
  5251. >Meanwhile you are Cookie Crumbles
  5252. >You decide to 'burn the midnight oil' in order to get caught up on work
  5253. >You'd need as money as you can get
  5254. >Your finances weren't really separated from your husband's yet, but you'd need to be prepared to be financially stable on your own for when they are
  5255. >Though you can't shake the feeling that your freelance work as an interior decorator might not be enough even if you put a lot of hours into it
  5256. >Though at least you have people willing to help
  5257. >Like Sweetie Belle, and now a girl you're helping named 'Cozy Glow'
  5258. >Even if her saying with you long term would also increase expenses
  5259. >Not that you'd value something like money over the safety and well being of an innocent girl
  5260. >Especially not with they way she's so eagerly helping you with your design projects
  5261. >In fact it actually worries you how eager she is
  5262. >Like she's desperate for approval, and willing to do just about anything to make sure you like her
  5263. >If you ever manage to see her parents face to face you'll be giving them a very thorough talking to
  5264. >You're no psychiatrist, but she practically has a neon sign above her flashing 'neglected child' to you
  5265. >As long as she's staying in your house you'll make sure she knows that someone cares
  5266. >Being very supportive of her as she offered her ideas, and did her best to help you
  5267. >Once she starts getting too sleepy to help you tell her it's time for bed
  5268. >She doesn't need help getting ready for bed though you try helping anyway
  5269. >Lastly she gets in bed with you, but stops just short of cuddling with you
  5270. >Simply sleeping next to you as she fell asleep quickly just with you nearby
  5271. >Then you go to sleep yourself
  5272. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5273. End of day 11
  5274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5276. -
  5278. >You wake up relatively early in the morning
  5279. >Cozy is still asleep next to you
  5280. >If you go to work most of today it'd certainly help things financially
  5281. >That or at least get you closer to knowing if your freelance work would be enough
  5282. >You get ready to go without waking up Cozy
  5283. >Just to give her more time to sleep before you tell her you're going to work
  5284. >Though you had a gut feeling you were about to get bad news that it wouldn't be enough
  5285. >Just the very idea of 'single parent supports family of 3-4 on part time freelance work' doesn't sound very plausible
  5286. >Maybe if that part time freelance work was something that paid crazy good, but interior decorating isn't that
  5287. >At least it's not in your case specifically
  5288. >There are interior decorators who are paid big bucks
  5289. >You are more like the small time gig garage band being compared to a rock star band who's 'made it'
  5290. >You suppose that's just how it goes when you work in any kind of artistic field
  5291. >Some people make loads of money, and lots of people don't
  5292. >You didn't exactly live in a massive house in the city either
  5293. >Still you had plenty reason to worry if you'd be able to continue to afford your current life style without making some kind of change
  5294. >You don't want to make Cozy worry about any of that though
  5295. >Pushing it from your mind before you wake her up to tell her you're going
  5296. >Simply nudging her shoulder gently until she wakes up
  5297. Then gently whispering to her so you're not too loud, "I'm gonna go to work for most of today. You can go back to sleep, but don't sleep all day. I'm sure Sweetie or Anon will be available to play if you ask."
  5298. >She asks you pleadingly, "Can I come with you?"
  5299. You shake your head and politely turn her down, "It's nice you want to help so much, but you don't need to. It's summer break, just have some fun. Be a kid."
  5300. >Then you head out the door
  5301. >Telling Anon and Sweetie through their doors you were going to work on the way
  5303. >You are Anon
  5304. >You're woken up by mom telling you she's going to work
  5305. >Sweetie wakes up too, and realizes what kind of 'position' she was still in
  5306. >With her face next to your morning wood
  5307. >Though she starts stroking your morning wood, and kissing the tip
  5308. >Perhaps after remembering that the door was locked
  5309. >Forcing a pleasured groan from your lips
  5310. Yet you try to remind her, "I know you're having fun, and it feels great. Though you do know we've got to make ourselves 'decent' at some point right?"
  5311. >Though she merely responds playfully while not stopping at all, "Just let me have this Onii-chan~. Who knows when I'll get another chance like this. I'll stop when someone knocks on the door or something. Until then just lay back, and let me make you feel good~."
  5312. >Lavishing attention on it just doing whatever she wants
  5313. >You caught yourself hoping nobody would try to contact you, or come to your door all day
  5314. >Though the idea of Cozy going all day without a visit was just ridiculous
  5315. >You can't think a whole lot about anything complicated while she got you close to cumming though
  5316. >Warning her about it as she took your shaft into her mouth
  5317. >You don't cum a lot because you only recovered a little from last night, but it wasn't nothing
  5318. >It was then that a knock came at the door
  5319. >You catch your breath to not sound winded before you answered
  5320. Telling them, "Just a minute, I'll unlock the door for you in a bit."
  5321. >Then you and Sweetie scramble to get yourselves decent, and even help each other do so
  5322. >While getting rid of any evidence that anything indecent happened
  5323. >Fortunately Cozy patiently waits without trying to force the door open
  5324. >You two get your pajamas straightened out, and make your bed up to hide any stains
  5325. >Then you answer the door after unlocking it
  5326. >Cozy is standing there looking unamused that you were still in your pajamas
  5327. >Scolding you with, "When are you going to get dressed? Take a shower too, because you stink."
  5329. >You use that as an excuse to just do as she says while dodging any further questions
  5330. >She doesn't seem to notice Sweetie was also in your room
  5331. >Probably because your room was dark, and Sweetie may be hiding
  5332. >Cozy goes to the living room to wait for you
  5333. >You covertly let Sweetie come out of your room
  5334. >Then you take a change of clothes, and head to the bathroom
  5335. >Taking a quick shower before getting dressed into the new clothes
  5336. >Also taking care of your morning routines while you were there
  5337. >Getting out, you see Sweetie there waiting to do the same thing
  5338. >Now you go sit in the living room with Cozy
  5339. >Not close to her but, but close enough to talk
  5340. Then you ask her, "So, do you have anything specific in mind you want to do today?"
  5341. >She shakes her head 'no', and starts fidgeting
  5342. >Seems like she more expected you to supply the 'what to do today'
  5343. >You try to think of something that wouldn't probably just bore her, or just be a continuation of yesterday
  5344. >It's not long before Sweetie comes into the living room too
  5345. >At which point she's also presented with the question of what to do today
  5346. >She thinks before saying, "How about we call all my friends, and introduce them to Cozy?"
  5347. >It certainly sounded like an idea
  5348. >Though not all of them might be available
  5349. >For example Silver was probably still on vacation with her dad
  5350. >Since they've only been gone for one whole day so far on it
  5351. >Though without Silver there's no doubt Diamond would be very eager to hang out
  5352. >As Sweetie calls them one by one you all even get something specific to do
  5353. >When Sweetie gets to calling Scootaloo she asks everyone to come meet her at the local indoor public swimming pool
  5354. >Saying she has serious suspicions now her swim coach Iron Will is up to no good
  5355. >Cozy seems to recognize the name 'Iron Will', but then looks away
  5356. >Obviously about to pretend not to know anything about him if you asked
  5358. >After that it seemed the whole group minus Silver would be going, and the 'new addition' of course
  5359. >Though then there was the matter of if you'd actually need to 'bring an adult' with you all
  5360. >It soon becomes apparent you did, but Apple Bloom would be bringing AppleJack for it
  5361. >Applejack would even be making the rounds to pick everyone up
  5362. >With that all you had to do was get your swim suit and wait
  5363. >You weren't sure you'd actually need to swim, but it'd be better to bring it anyway just in case
  5364. >Sure enough after a bit of waiting she arrives with a beat up old pickup truck
  5365. >You weren't sure everyone would fit comfortably
  5366. >Applejack driving, Apple Bloom in the front passenger seat, and Diamond already in the back
  5367. >With the three of you also getting in the back it's a little crowded, but it works
  5368. >Without enough seat belts you end up the one going without
  5369. >So Applejack drives extra careful on the way to the actual destination
  5370. >You all end up talking a little about what you'd all do when you arrive
  5371. >Though it basically ends up being 'wing it'
  5372. >Actually getting there Applejack checks you all in at the front booth
  5373. >Turned out you did need to bring your swimsuit
  5374. >Because the next stop is the changing rooms
  5375. >As the only boy in the group you end up isolated as you changed into your swim trunks
  5376. >Fortunately nobody confronts you in there over anything, and you meet back up with the group on the other side
  5377. >They all have rather innocent one piece swimsuits on
  5378. >Sweetie's you even recognize as an old one
  5379. >Though even Applejack was wearing an unrevealing one piece swimsuit
  5380. >Cozy's was probably the most 'safe', and much like her dress looked like something a grade schooler would wear
  5381. >Sweetie and Diamond look like they want your opinion on how they looked
  5382. >They don't get a chance though as the others rush things towards going straight to Scootaloo
  5384. >Who is sitting on a bench close to the wall
  5385. >She's wearing a standard one piece athletic swimsuit
  5386. >She's got a drink like a shake in her hands, and seems to be having trouble getting it down
  5387. >She's also got a scrunched look on her face with her eyes squeezed shut while she tried to drink it
  5388. >Apple Bloom greets her first, and she stops attempting to drink it to answer
  5389. >She then tells the group, "Hey, everyone! I've just go a protein shake here that I drink before practice. It's really thick, but that probably just means it's packed full of protein and stuff!"
  5390. >Then Apple Bloom asks like a police investigator the question we were all here for, "So, what makes ya'll so sure he's up ta no good now, when ya'll weren't sure before?"
  5391. >Scootaloo then looks both ways before motioning you all to come closer
  5392. >She then whispers to you all, "One of the swimmers in our team went missing. Iron Will said she just quit the team, but nobody's seen her outside of our meetings either. I heard even her parents might be missing."
  5393. >Shit may have just gotten real
  5394. >She then looks down at her protein shake bore saying, "Maybe someone should check this too. It's from him, so something may be off about it."
  5395. >Applejack takes it before sipping a little of it with effort
  5396. >Then she it looks like it tasted okay at first, but then had a bad aftertaste
  5397. >She then gives her 'diagnosis', "This here is a protein shake alright... With cum in it..."
  5398. >Fuck man, is she serious?
  5399. >Actually there's no way she'd joke about that you're sure
  5400. >Everyone looks disgusted, and you were too even if it hardly felt real
  5401. >Scootaloo looks completely sick to her stomach
  5402. >You completely understand why since she had just been drinking it
  5403. >Without even knowing that cum was in it
  5404. >Now Cozy speaks up surprisingly with, "Using this as evidence is enough to take him down right?"
  5405. >Apple Jack thinks before saying, "Probably, but it'd be nice if'n we had somethin' foolproof. Ah smokin' gun."
  5407. >Scootaloo then says, "He also wanted to meet me in private after the meeting..."
  5408. >Apple Bloom thinks hard for a moment before making a suggestion
  5409. >Turning to Diamond before asking, "Diamand, yah can record video on yer fancy phone right? What if we recorded tha 'private meetin''? Just 'nough ta really have somethin' against him."
  5410. >Scootaloo perks up hearing that
  5411. >Then looking to be reassured as she asked, "Yeah, that sounds great! You'll all also step in to help me if something goes wrong, right?!"
  5412. >Apple Bloom immediately and confidently answers, "Ah course!"
  5413. >Though with the plan in place a new question visibly enters Scootaloo's mind
  5414. >She turned to Cozy before asking, "I forgot to ask, but who's the new girl?"
  5415. >Then Diamond speaks up with, "I thought everyone else knew, or were being too polite to just ask out of the blue."
  5416. >Cozy looks nervous about answering
  5417. So you step in to introduce her, "This is Cozy Glow. We only met her recently, but she's staying with us because mom was worried about her living by herself after her parents left her behind to go on vacation without her."
  5418. >The rest of the group gives her sympathizing looks
  5419. >Though soon they were all ready to get back to Scootaloo's issue
  5420. >You're sure Cozy appreciated you stepping up like that for her
  5421. >It felt strange to feel like you needed that, but maybe she'd ease up on you later as a result
  5422. >As it got close to time for the meeting you all leave Scootaloo to participate in the meeting 'normally'
  5423. >So you'd all be pretending to be here for another reason somewhere else
  5424. >That way Iron Will might not suspect anything
  5425. >It was a big enough place you could still swim elsewhere while the meeting was happening
  5426. >You'd all want to stay close enough to actually be able to tell when the meeting ended though
  5427. >Getting to the right distance in a different swimming area it's open discussion for what to do
  5428. >The classics like Marco Polo come up
  5430. -
  5432. >You actually weren't a great swimmer yourself
  5433. >At least you knew how to not drown
  5434. >More or less needing to play in the pool with a whole group of women without staring
  5435. >At least their swimsuits weren't very provocative
  5436. >Which made not staring relatively easy
  5437. >Even if you were sure Sweetie and Diamond would prefer if you stared a little
  5438. >Yet this wasn't really the time or place
  5439. >Not in a crowded public area, or with Apple Bloom and probably also Applejack here
  5440. >Definitely too many people here to do anything that'd be considered inappropriate
  5441. >You couldn't get too caught up in the pool games either
  5442. >Because then you'd lose track of Scootaloo
  5443. >The games ending up being practically half-assed as a result
  5444. >Though that actually kind of helped you last without tiring yourself out
  5445. >Scootaloo was practicing a sport the whole time while you struggled to play in the water that long
  5446. >Once again confronted with the fact that you were out of shape
  5447. >In fact you seemed to be the most out of shape person there
  5448. >Either that or you were just being overly self-conscious
  5449. >You at least kind of hope that the non-apples with you weren't making you look too bad
  5450. >There's some small talk too among the group during the games, but nothing of real consequence
  5451. >Though something occurred to you the more tired you got moving around in the water
  5452. >You were going to have to fight after this weren't you?
  5453. >Fuck you hope not now
  5454. >Your preparedness to fight only waning further as the practice, and your games went on
  5455. >In fact maybe you could just let Applejack as the chaperon handle it if there's a fight
  5456. >She's probably plenty tough enough
  5457. >Your argument with that 'being' may also have something to do with not being as eager to fight
  5458. >Though it's extremely unlikely this is all some misunderstanding, and Iron Will isn't doing anything bad
  5459. >You're brought back from being lost in thought when you're told the meeting was over
  5460. >Which meant it's basically go time now
  5462. >Your group watching Scootaloo a lot more closely now to see where she went to meet with Iron Will
  5463. >While Diamond rushes to get her phone from where she had it stored so it'd stay dry
  5464. >Of course you also had to close the distance a lot too so you'd be able to do any of the plan
  5465. >Scootaloo and Iron will went into a small side locker room, and you all watched from the doorway
  5466. >Diamond with her smart phone's camera already recording
  5467. >Scootaloo looks extremely nervous with Iron Will standing in front of her, but nothing has happened yet
  5468. >She then asks him, "What... Did you want to see me about?"
  5469. >Iron will looks prideful before answering her
  5470. >Explaining to her, "Why, to talk about your glorious future of course!"
  5471. >He then continues his explanation after puffing out his chest, "Anyone can be a good athlete, but only a select few have what it really takes to be exceptional! I suspect you have what it takes! Magic without use is tragic!"
  5472. >So you guess he definitely knows about magic, but wouldn't using magic in sports be cheating or something?
  5473. >Scootaloo seems to have the same idea
  5474. >Asking him, "Wouldn't using magic in sports competitions be bad?"
  5475. >He seems insulted to even be asked this
  5476. >Telling her, "Of course you can't use it in regular competitions, but that's not where the true glory is! The ultimate in competition can only be achieved with peak body and spirit!"
  5477. >Does he mean like underground sports?
  5478. >Though now it'd come to the accusations...
  5479. >Scootaloo bracing herself for it
  5480. >Before asking him, "D-did you really put cum in the protein shakes you gave me?"
  5481. >He doesn't seem bothered to admit it's true
  5482. >Telling her, "It's packed full of protein, and in some cultures it contains the very essence of a man's manliness! Spunk in your cup gives you spunk!"
  5483. >Before Scootaloo face burns up with either uncomfortable arousal or rage
  5484. >Most likely both
  5485. >Though before she can start to tell him off about it he propositions her
  5487. >Asking her rhetorically, "You want more don't you? You can drink it 'from the tap' if you want."
  5488. >How is he just doing this so blatantly? Does he already know it's a room without a security camera or something?
  5489. >He even takes his dick out, and much like his massive size in general it was huge
  5490. >Instinctively averting your gaze even as the others; especially Scootaloo had a harder time looking away
  5491. >Hopefully Diamond was still recording because this was now very extremely blatant sexual harassment
  5492. >Yet Scootaloo seemed mesmerized as bounced and spun his member in front of her
  5493. >Then she told him, "Of course I don't want to you sick pervert!"
  5494. >Iron Will flexes while trying to change her mind
  5495. >His whole body bulging with muscles as he told her, "I'll make you my personal apprentice! If you stick with me, and do what I say you'll reach heights you can hardly even imagine! You DO want to be as big and strong as me don't you?"
  5496. >Scootaloo shakes and stammers for a bit
  5497. >Before telling him off with, "No you won't! You just want me to get you off! Sucking your dick won't make me stronger!"
  5498. >He then chuckles while looking down at her
  5499. >Then teasing her as he said, "Who's to say both can't happen, and more?"
  5500. >She's now squirming in place while trying to back away
  5501. >He starts to approach, but Apple Bloom jumps forward first deciding it was time to intervene
  5502. >Shouting out like she wants to sound heroic, "Your giant penis will never defeat us!"
  5503. >Though you nearly choke on your own spit laughing after hearing that
  5504. >Unfortunately this gave away the positions of the rest of you to him
  5505. >Pretty much everyone has already transformed into their magic forms now
  5506. >Even Applejack seems to have one
  5507. >Though hers look more like Wonder Woman if she were cowgirl themed
  5508. >Next Sweetie yells out "Cupid's arrows!", and a conjured bow appears in her hands
  5509. >Iron Will starts to panic as she quickly tucks his junk away
  5511. >Before trying anything he could to protect his crotch
  5512. >Right before he's hit with several concussive bolts
  5513. >They leave him reeling but still standing as he held his crotch to still protect it
  5514. >Applejack acts next twirling a lasso around lining up how to throw it
  5515. >Then just decides 'fuck it', and bum rushes him
  5516. >Hitting him with a haymaker punch to the face while he was still holding his crotch
  5517. >This sends him him to the ground
  5518. >Though before she could start kicking him he rolls away on the ground
  5519. >He got back up once a good distance, but definitely not looking good
  5520. >Knowing the fight is turning against him since most of your group hasn't even done anything yet
  5521. >Apparently using his magic he rips a locker off the wall to throw it
  5522. >Applejack moves to intercept it, and Apple Bloom stands behind her to help brace her
  5523. >While they're doing that he somehow smashes through the wall to escape
  5524. >Fuck man, if he had that much strength why is he running away?
  5525. >Maybe it was just adrenaline, and he can't just normally attack like that?
  5526. >Either way he escaped
  5527. >Though Diamond had video of what he'd done
  5528. >You'd also had the 'protein shake' as evidence
  5529. >Though now you were sitting in a side room of the public swimming pool with a smashed wall
  5530. >Applejack tells you all in a rushed tone to go out through there too
  5531. >You don't feel like questioning her, and do as she said
  5532. >Everyone else follows too through the hole in the wall
  5533. >After leaving the building Applejack explained, "We can go ge' er stuff by goin' back in through thar front, but we don't want tah have'ta explain magic bein' involved tah pool staff."
  5534. >Which made sense when you thought about it
  5535. >You'd never heard of magic being real before
  5536. >Despite how many people apparently have it
  5537. >Just what DO people in government do when they encounter magic?
  5538. >You don't think you want to find out the hard way
  5540. >Though you had more immediate concerns as your group walked around to the front of the building
  5541. >While the girls, even Cozy walked gathered around Scootaloo
  5542. >Making sure she was okay, and you were glad she was okay for the most part
  5543. >Applejack still taking charge as she told the booth person we forgot stuff inside
  5544. >Your group is let inside without a fuss
  5545. >You go collect your stuff without issue
  5546. >Though you had to pretend you didn't know anything about 'what happened'
  5547. >When you encountered people unsure what happened, but heard about serious damage to the building
  5548. >You go back out through the front to meet up with the group
  5549. >They'd all gotten their stuff too
  5550. >Now you were all going to the police station
  5551. >Applejack explaining out of earshot from anyone else, "We'll go tah tha police station now. Tah turn in da evidence against Iron Will on our terms. With no talkin' 'bout magic."
  5552. >Diamond announces sounding proud of herself, "I stopped recording just before the fight started. So there's no magic shown in it."
  5553. >Applejack gives a thumbs up before saying 'perfect'
  5554. >Though now would be the most difficult part
  5555. >All fitting in Applejack's truck now that Scootaloo was with you too
  5556. >Though as Cozy remained quiet you wondered what's up with her
  5557. >Even silent about being packed in the truck like sardines
  5558. >Actually, now that you think of it what if Iron Will choosing to run had to do with Cozy being there?
  5559. >You'd never actually seen how strong her magic is
  5560. >Maybe if it wasn't being packed together it might have been enjoyable to be pressed up against the girls next to you
  5561. >Though right now it was just annoying
  5562. >Especially with none of them enjoying it in any sense
  5563. >Eventually you reach the police station
  5564. >You go in with the group feeling nervous
  5565. >It was the first time you'd ever had to deal with police like this
  5566. >The process to give them the evidence, and eye witness testimony was stressful
  5568. >Yet at some point it was all over
  5569. >The police officer you were all talking to assures you Iron Will was a wanted fugitive now
  5570. >Which definitely at the very least meant Scootaloo would need a new swimming coach
  5571. >Hopefully someone who's legit this time
  5572. >Though you couldn't ignore the fact that probably wasn't the last time you'd see him
  5573. >It was probably worst for Scootaloo because he probably hasn't given up on having her
  5574. >Apple Bloom asks again if Scootaloo is okay after you all leave the police station
  5575. >She looks down before responding, "Yeah, I think I'll be alright. I'm disappointed I was right about him. It would have been great if he was a real teacher who just wanted me to succeed without anything weird or sexual entering into it..."
  5576. >She continues even sounding a little heartbroken, "I even looked up to him a little... Not anymore though... Not anymore..."
  5577. >You hope even more now that the new swim couch is a really good one
  5578. You try cheering her up telling her, "I'm sure you'll be a great athlete someday. You don't need him, or anyone like him to be great."
  5579. >The others agree with you saying stuff like 'yeah'
  5580. >Apple Bloom even pats her on the back in support
  5581. >Then Scootaloo smiles a little before responding, "I know. I'll catch up to Rainbow Dash if I try hard enough."
  5582. >Now Applejack actually chuckles a little
  5583. >Then telling Scootaloo playfully, "Ah'm sure Rainbow would be happy tah hear ya'll say that. She really can neve' get enough o' how ya'll practically worship tha ground she walks on."
  5584. >Scootaloo blushes a deep crimson before telling Applejack to shut up sounding embarrassed
  5585. >Then everyone has a bit of fun ribbing her about Rainbow Dash
  5586. >That bit of fun taking some of the sting out of what happened earlier
  5587. >It certainly helped that you successfully defended her
  5588. >Even if he got away in the end
  5589. >Remembering Flim and Flam you hope villains getting away doesn't become a trend

Magical Girl Sweetie Belle

by TheRambler

Den Mother Harshwinney

by TheRambler

Exhibitionist Wallflower Blush

by TheRambler

Apple Bloom Cousin (reboot)

by TheRambler

Apple Bloom Cousin (original)

by TheRambler