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Apple Bloom Cousin (reboot)

By TheRambler
Created: 2021-01-11 08:50:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >Ya'll are Applebloom
  2. >Yah can't wait fer your cousin Anon tah get here
  3. >Every summer he comes tah your farm tah help around as a summer job
  4. >He's the best, and yah wish you could spend the whole summer with just you two
  5. >Heck, you even wish you could make him all yours
  6. >'xcept every year your big sis Applejack has the same plan as you
  7. >Yah end up fightin' tooth and nail tah get his attention
  8. >Big sis always says she should have him because she's closer to his age
  9. >Age got nothin' tah do with it!
  10. >She's just sayin' that cause wants him all to herself, and YOU want him!
  11. >Ya'll will show her!
  12. >This year is the year yer gonna wrap him around yer finger, and make him confess his love fer you
  13. >Yah'd already told yer friends you have a boyfriend who's staying with you fer the summer
  14. >Technically it's not true right now, but it should be true
  15. >He woulda already been AT LEAST yer boyfriend if yer big sis wasn't gettin' in the way
  16. >Tha things ya'll would do with him if he was yers...
  17. >Ya'll start to daydream about it when yah feel a smack to the back of yer head
  18. >"Applebloom! Quit sitting there with that no good look on yer face with dem dirty thoughts, and do yer chores!"
  19. "Ow! Hey! Applejack! Ah am doing mah chores! I'll get 'em done!"
  20. >"Yeah yeah... Ah'll believe it when ah see it. Now get back to work!"
  21. >Yah love yer big sis, but she can be so bossy when it comes to chores...
  23. >Y'all are Applejack
  24. >The hardest workin' an' toughest farm girl in the county you reckon
  25. >You sure aren't going to let that little sister of yours make y'all look lazy when yer cousin Anon gets here
  26. >He's a fine man, but living in town is making him too soft
  27. >Y'all will fix that though if'n you get your way
  28. >He'll be yer man, and ya'll work him till he's tha kind of man you know he can be
  29. >Have him move onto the farm with ya'll and raise a family together
  30. >At least if'n you can get that Applebloom to stop pestering him with her puppy love crush
  31. >She's too young ta know what she's talkin' about, and too young ta be making goo goo eyes at Anon
  32. >In fact if you were a guessing woman, you'd guess someone at her school has been a bad influence on her
  33. >Her head's been filled with nothin' but dirty thoughts
  34. >You guess it makes sense fer her ta not know what she's supposed to save for after marriage
  35. >Considerin' nobody gave her 'the talk'
  36. >If that girl doesn't cool her jets she might make you start feelin' 'impatient'
  37. >By gum you have plenty of reason ta be impatient too
  38. >You've been tryin' ta court that boy for years, and gotten nowhere
  39. >Ya'll think you've shown yerself to be tha perfect farm wife for him many times
  40. >Is yer approach wrong?
  41. >What will your folks think if you graduate from high school without even havin' a sweetheart?
  42. >This year ya'll have gotta get him no matta what!
  44. >You are Anon
  45. >You live in town rather than out in the countryside like most of your relatives
  46. >This is because your parents work in the processing plant that accepts the apples the other Apple family members grow
  47. >Your dad is one of the shift managers, and your mom works on the accounting side of it
  48. >You'll probably work there yourself one day
  49. >For now though you just go to school, and head to your closest cousin's farm for summer work
  50. >Though there is one thing about your Summer work that you both look forward to and dread at the same time
  51. >Both your cousins Applejack and Applebloom flirt with you and fight over you the whole time
  52. >They just get more aggressive about it every year too
  53. >In a way it's fun and gets you hot under the collar
  54. >On the other hand they're your cousins, and sometimes they really make you feel hounded
  55. >They don't seem to think there's anything unusual about trying to be with your cousin, but growing up in town you've seen how most people feel about it
  56. >Still though...
  57. >Applejack certainly isn't bad looking with a body that's tough while still being 'soft' in the right places
  58. >While Applebloom is a sweet and adorable little cousin you can't ignore either
  59. >Still you're going either way
  60. >You'll just have to survive another year of it without getting put through a shotgun wedding or something
  61. >At the very least you can say it's never boring
  62. >You pack your stuff before waiting for Granna Smith to come pick you up in her rusty old truck
  63. >It kind of worries you she still drives at her age, but she hasn't gotten you killed by being behind the wheel yet
  64. >She arrives with the sounds of an ancient engine warning you well before you could see the truck
  65. >"Welp, come on an' get in Anon. Times a wastin'."
  66. >You toss your suitcases in the back before climbing into the cabin
  67. "Thanks for picking me up Granny Smith. I'm sure it'll be an even crazier summer this year too."
  69. >You know she's not your actual grandma, but everyone calls her that
  70. >She sighs before responding
  71. >"Ah wish Ah could bring those girls in line more, but they're young girls lookin' fer love. Ah worry it'd just make 'em resentful if Ah tried ta crack down too hard on it. Ah know they don't mean no harm."
  72. >Of course them being your cousins wasn't a consideration here
  73. "Are you sure you're fine with them doing that even though I'm their cousin?"
  74. >"Why of course, Anon. Have them city slickers in town been fillin' yer head full of nonsense? Y'all know what they say, cousins make dozens."
  75. >She then chuckles a little before elbowing your side
  76. >"Ah'm just kidding 'bout that last part, but it's really fine. Perfectly legal and acceptable 'round here for an Apple ta marry a cousin Apple. Fact I remember you being at weddins where that happened."
  77. >You never really were all that interested in weddings
  78. >So you didn't really pay attention, but when you tried to remember with more effort you could remember times she's probably talking about
  79. "Even if that is fine. I think I'd still like to avoid a shotgun wedding again this summer."
  80. >She elbowed you a little harder
  81. >"Then y'all will just have ta keep it in yer pants, sonny. Ah know muh Applejack has been growin' into a very fine young woman. So that may prove ta actually be a challenge!"
  82. >She then laughs while elbowing you a few more times
  83. >It's seriously starting to hurt your ribs
  84. >"Big Mac'll help you with your luggage when we get there."
  85. >She then smirks a little
  86. >"Though Ah'm sure ya'll will be pretty distracted with yer own 'battle' once the girls know yer here."
  87. >She laughs a little again
  88. >"They been so antsy and impatient 'bout you comin' it's like they'd explode."
  89. >You could already imagine them pouncing on you like pumas the second you leave the truck
  90. >Especially Applebloom
  91. >That little cousin shoots herself at you like a rocket every time you see her
  93. >After some driving the truck pulls in front of their familiar and endearing farm house
  94. >You brace yourself for impact before getting out of the cabin
  95. >As soon as your feet touched the ground you turned to the house
  96. >Just in time to see little Applebloom running at you full tilt
  97. >She had her usual cute little overalls and shirt on
  98. >Though she actually doesn't look as little as you remember, but that could be how rapidly she's approaching
  99. >Well before you could do anything she tackles your chest practically like she thought you were both playing football or something
  100. >Sending you toppling to the ground with the wind knocked out of you
  101. >Your hands reach anything they can hold onto as you wheeze for air
  102. >One of your hands grabs something bulbous and soft
  103. >Applebloom yelps but looks very happy about it
  104. >"Ah hoped you'd be happy to see me, but this is better than I imagined~."
  105. >Your hand squeezes one more time reflexively before you look down at it
  106. >Then you immediately remove your hand after seeing you'd grabbed her ass
  107. >You can't help noticing your 'little' cousin's butt is a lot bigger and rounder than you'd think it should be
  108. "S-Sorry little cousin! I didn't do it on purpose, I swear!"
  109. >You say defensively while feeling pretty embarrassed with yourself
  110. >While starting to become acutely aware of how she pressed herself down on you while laying on you with her arms wrapped around your chest still
  111. >She moves herself up onto you more and closer to you face
  112. >With the most smug yet lustful look you'd ever seen on anyone's face before
  113. >"Nothin' ta feel sorry about Anon~. In fact Ah 'in-sis-t' that ya'll do it some more~!"
  114. >You can feel your face burning as she then puckers her lips before leaning in
  115. >You reactively try to crawl backwards away because it's too much for you at once, but it doesn't work because she's completely on top of you
  116. >She grabs your cheeks to hold your head in place before her lips met yours
  118. >Her kiss all but paralyzes you while you can't believe this is the same Applebloom you knew
  119. >Sure she'd flirted before, and was getting more aggressive
  120. >Yet the most she did last year was cling to your side while asking you to go to date spots with her
  121. >She kept kissing you and now little Bloomy was making out on the ground while your head spun
  122. >Then suddenly Applebloom was pulled off you by her shirt collar, and you wondered who'd just 'saved you'
  123. >Of course you saw it was Applejack
  124. >Which meant you certainly weren't out of the woods for now
  125. >"Applebloom! Have you lost yer gosh durn mind?! He ain't even been here a whole minute, and you're already pulling a stunt like this?!"
  126. >She then tosses Applebloom to the side as she barely lands on her feet
  127. >Applejack then pulled you to your feet while making gestures to wipe dirt off you
  128. >"Very sorry about that Anon. I don't know what's gotten into her as of late."
  129. >She then drapes herself over your shoulders while clinging to you
  130. >Her chest which is very 'pronounced' since last year against your shoulders
  131. >"Yer not hurt, are ya'll? Let me take care of you to make sure yer well..."
  132. >She then dreamily looks into your eyes with her face very close while waiting for you to respond
  133. >You bring your head back with a blush before responding
  134. "N-no need... I'm fine! Really, I'm fine!"
  135. >While you feel Applejack's weight more as she leans on you, you also feel a familiar collision to your side
  136. >"No fair Applejack! Get off him! Ah was kissin' him first!"
  137. >You shakily open your mouth to say something, but Applejack responds first
  138. >Sounding seriously insulted
  139. >"Ah wasn't gonna just kiss him out of the blue like SOME people would! Ah have RESTRAINT!"
  140. >Applejack responds before pushing Applebloom's face with one of her hands to try forcing her off you
  141. "N-now hold on girls... Let's just all step back, and calm down for a moment here..."
  142. >Of course you saying that did nothing
  144. >Then you hear Granny's voice, and hoped you were saved now
  145. >"You two settle down! Yer actin' like wild animals! Ah'd just sat down in muh rocking chair, and gosh darn it if Ah have to get back up to go over there Ah'ma tan both yer hides!"
  146. >The two of them look disappointed before both getting off you
  147. >"Yes'm..."
  148. >Applejack responds while staring at the ground
  149. >"K, Granny..."
  150. >Is Applebloom's response while she looks down in the other direction
  151. "I'm just gonna get my stuff into the house and get settled. Then we could spend some time together."
  152. >Then you realize after saying that you need to add something to it
  153. "Hopefully without going completely off the deep end here."
  154. >"Right... Of course! Ah know that!"
  155. >Applejack replies quickly and defensively
  156. >"You definitely want to spend it with yer cute and innocent little Applebloom, right?!"
  157. >Applebloom asks this loaded question while giving you puppy dog eyes
  158. >You don't think she gets to call herself 'innocent' anymore
  159. >You pat her head before answering
  160. "Of course little Bloomy, but let's not go crazy here. I'm here all summer."
  161. >She smiles adorably while you pat her head
  162. >After that you go to grab your suitcases out of the truck, and don't find them there
  163. >"Big Mac already took them to the room you usually stay in!"
  164. >Granny shouted to you from her rocking chair like she thought you were super far away
  165. >So you just head into the house, and of course those two follow close behind
  166. >You see Big Mac inside the house not long after entering
  167. "Thanks man."
  168. >You say simply to thank him for carrying your stuff in
  169. >He pats your shoulder on the way back outside
  170. >"Good luck."
  171. >He says sarcastically in passing before heading out the door
  172. >You know you'll need it to survive this Summer single if this is how it starts
  173. >He's been somewhat sympathetic for your 'predicament' here, but perhaps with great wisdom has never put himself in the crossfires of it
  175. >You head up to the room you'll be staying in, and see your suitcases there on the floor
  176. >It doesn't take super long for you to unpack them
  177. >You set it all up the way you like it
  178. >Almost like your room back home
  179. >At least as close as you can manage with what you brought
  180. >Which wasn't a whole lot
  181. >Since you know you'll be kept pretty busy while you're here
  182. >Not just by the Apple sisters either
  183. >The actual work here takes an insane amount of time and energy
  184. >Sometimes you'd wondered how they manage to do anything outside their farm work
  185. >After taking one last look at the room you leave to go check what everyone else is doing
  186. >This leads you to finding just Applebloom in the front room
  187. >She excitedly runs over to you
  188. >"Applejack is helpin' Granny make dinner! So that means we have some time with just the two of us!"
  189. >You pat her head a little as she giggles excitedly
  190. >Then she runs off to her room expecting you to follow her
  191. >You follow after her at your own pace wondering what her room looks like now
  192. >Entering her room, it's nothing like you remember last year
  193. >There are hardly any kids toys strewn out on the floor, or anything 'kiddy' at all for that matter
  194. >In fact her room looks more like you'd expect a girl your own age's room to look
  195. "Where's all your toys?"
  196. >You ask out of confusion
  197. >"Ah don't play with those anymore. Jeez Anon, Ah'm seriously not a little kid anymore!"
  198. >You pinch her cheeks and play with her face
  199. "So how is my cute little Bloomy doing~?"
  200. >"Anoooon! Seriously! Ah'm a young woman now! Not some kid!"
  201. "But you love it when I do this."
  202. >You squish her face be the cheeks a little
  203. >"Ah used to! Now it's like yer makin' fun a' me!"
  204. "So what do you do for fun now?"
  205. >She pushes your shoulders down to get you to sit, and sits on your lap facing you before answering
  206. >"Mostly Ah talk to muh friends..."
  207. >She gets right up in your face
  208. >"We talk 'bout boys... A lot. They been dyin' ta meet muh boyfriend..."
  210. >Wait, she doesn't have a...
  211. >Oh...
  212. >You pat her head a little before trying to talk her down
  213. "You know I love and care about you, but you can't really think I'm your boyfriend... Right?"
  214. >She grabs your cheeks like she did earlier
  215. >"Ya should be! We shoulda been a couple way 'fore now! We coulda been makin' out already, an' maybe even more!"
  216. >She goes to kiss you, and you hug her in a way that brought her face to your chest
  217. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just play games or something?"
  218. >She slips out of your grip back up to your face
  219. >"Ah'm sure! Kissin' an' couples stuff is all Ah wanna do!"
  220. >To make sure you don't stop her again she pushes you back down onto the floor before kissing you
  221. >Your arms are still wrapped around her so now you're just holding her while making out
  222. >While kissing her back you make note to be careful of being alone with Applebloom
  223. >Since she's just told you this is all she wants to do now
  224. >It also worries you just a bit what she meant by 'and more'
  225. >Things could spiral way out of control way too quickly if your aren't careful
  226. >Otherwise that shotgun wedding could come way sooner than you thought possible, and not with your 'top suspect' AJ either
  227. >It's actually kind of difficult wrapping your head around the idea that little Bloomy could be 'dangerous'
  228. >Your make out session is brought to a halt by the loud sound of that hulking cow bell they use as a dinner bell
  229. >Actually Applebloom just keeps kissing you ignoring it
  230. >You push her away a little and she keeps making a kissy face
  231. "Didn't you hear that? It's time for dinner."
  232. >She stops and realizes she's hungry
  233. >"Oh, alright..."
  234. >She says sounding a little disappointed before getting off you
  235. >Though before you got up she whispered in your earlier
  236. >"Ah'll be sneakin' into yer bed tonight~."
  237. >Exactly the kind of thing you were worried about she plans on doing what you think she is
  239. "I don't know what you're planning with that, but there's absolutely such thing as 'going too far'."
  240. >"Ah know, don't freak out or nothin'."
  241. >She gives you one more kiss before you go towards the dining room
  242. >On the way something out front catches your attention
  243. >It's a super fancy car parked out front
  244. "Hey Applebloom, did your family suddenly win the lottery or something?"
  245. >You ask while staring at the car
  246. >"Ah wish, but even if we did we wouldn't spend it on sumthin like that. It's Filthy Rich's car. He's a low down scoundrel, but don't say that to his face. He practically owns everythin'."
  247. "You don't have to remind me. He owns the processing plant my parents work at too, but I've never seen the guy in person."
  248. >"Count yerself lucky then, but I'm sure you'll see him in the dining room tryin' ta woo muh sis. It's disgustin', but Ah'm not too worried because muh sis is nothin' if not strong and stubborn. She'd never give in."
  249. >What?
  250. >Why would he...
  251. >Isn't he old enough to be her father at least?
  252. "Why would he be interested in her, and isn't he way too old for her too?"
  253. >"He thinks he can have whatever he wants, an' he decided he wants a 'hometown humble country girl' like he's pickin' a flavor at a candy shop. 'N big sis is his 'favorite pretty young farm girl', and he divorced with his wife so they could both find younger lovers. This is why ah hate rich folks..."
  254. >She fumes for a bit before calming herself down
  255. >You pat her head to comfort her
  256. >"We can't say nothin' bout it while he's here. Ah don't want to imagine what he'd do if we pissed him off..."
  257. "Like you said though. AJ won't give in, and if she does need help the whole Apple family will help her right?"
  258. >"Of course! If'n it came down to it I'd even rather let big sis have you, then let her fall inta his clutches!"
  259. >She yells while trying not to be too loud
  260. >You give her a hug and rock her in your arms
  261. "That's a good girl. Appple's will always have each other's backs."
  263. >You set her down and ruffle her hair a little
  264. >Then you head into the dining room
  265. >The first thing you notice is a stereotypical rich guy sitting next to AJ
  266. >No doubt the guy Filthy Rich
  267. >He's not being very forward with her, but you can feel the tension in the room
  268. >AJ is looking down and away from him
  269. >Granny notices you, and motions for you to sit across from him
  270. >Applebloom the sits next to you
  271. >Sitting across from him it's impossible for him to not notice you
  272. >"Ah, I don't think we've met before. Who might you be?"
  273. "I'm Anon, and I come here for summer work with my cousins. My parents work at the apple processing plant in town."
  274. >You give a formal introduction while trying not to sound too stiff
  275. >"I think I see the resemblance to one of the shift managers. He's a fine man, and a good worker too."
  276. >Didn't really feel like he meant it when he said that
  277. >More like he's trying to butter you up, or 'play nice'
  278. >It could also be because you'd decided you really don't like him before sitting down here
  279. >He goes back to eating after that
  280. >So it doesn't seem like you have to talk to him anymore for now
  281. >You look over at AJ
  282. >She's eating pretty timidly while refusing to look at him
  283. >Even if it's 100% certain she won't give in to him...
  284. >You'd still rather help her not have to put up with him sooner
  285. >You're not sure exactly how, but you'll do it
  286. >Trying to confront him right now to his face would just be stupid
  287. >Even if it'd be really satisfying to just tell him off and be AJ's big hero right now
  288. >You eat while thinking about it
  289. >There are a few ways you could try to go about it
  290. >First is getting him interested in a girl besides AJ
  291. >Second is making sure AJ is 'unavailable to him'
  292. >A third option could possibly involve getting his ex-wife after him, or back together with him
  293. >The more you think about it the more confident you feel that this is actually a problem that's easier to solve than it first appears
  295. >You finish eating quicker than you expected, but there's still lots of food left
  296. >Makes you remember how much your cousins eat to give themselves enough energy for the hard work ahead tomorrow
  297. >You're also gonna have to get your appetite back up to their expectations
  298. >The work will help with that
  299. >You patiently waited for everyone else to be done too
  300. >It seemed Filthy Rich was only here for dinner because he looks like he's leaving
  301. >He turns to speak to AJ first
  302. >"You'll be accompanying me to the grand ball, won't you?"
  303. >AJ tenses up before answering
  304. >"YES..."
  305. >She answers like it takes all her willpower to not rip his head off
  306. >"Very good, I'll see you this weekend then. Don't be late now."
  307. >He stands up to leave and gestures for her to stand up with him
  308. >"How about a kiss good bye?"
  309. >"Ya'll know I'm not that kind of gal."
  310. >AJ responds with a huff
  311. >He merely chuckles creepily
  312. >"So very reserved and pure..."
  313. >He says teasingly before heading out the door
  314. >"Have a safe trip!"
  315. >Granny Smith hollers as he steps out the door
  316. >"Asshole..."
  317. >She adds once she's sure he can't hear her
  318. >"Do Ah really have tah go to another ball with him tah be showed off like some kind of prize pig?"
  319. >AJ asks in a pleading and irritated voice
  320. >"Ah'd tell him to go fuck himself, but Y'all know how much power 'n influence he has."
  321. >"Best just play along while refusing anything you can till he gets bored of it, or finds some girl who's more cooperative."
  322. >Big Mac folds his arms angrily
  323. >"It's frustratin' when my size an' strength doesn't help nothin'..."
  324. >"Ah know Big Mac, Ah know... Ya'll want to help yer little sis..."
  325. "I know I want to help too. There's gotta be something we can do."
  326. >You cut in to voice your take on it
  327. >Gathering your thoughts for a moment
  328. "Like helping him along to pick someone else, or getting his ex-wife involved..."
  329. >"Or you could just marry me now, and then he'd have no room to pester me!"
  331. >AJ says with excitement after hearing you start to spitball options
  332. >"Now, now... Ah'm sure that's yer favorite option, but he'd just interfere with it if'n you try ta marry Anon while Filthy's still got his sights on ya."
  333. >Granny comments sagely
  334. >"Though Ah like what ya mentioned 'bout gettin' his ex-wife involved. If'n anyone can go toe to toe with him on equal terms, it's her."
  335. >You can't help but notice AJ's been staring at you non-stop now
  336. >With this starry eyed look on her face as if you look like a knight in shinning armor
  337. >You kind of want to get through the summer without making any life long commitments, but it's seeming less and less likely
  338. >Saving AJ from this without also doing anything as drastic as marrying her would be even trickier than saving her period
  339. "I'll see if I can find a way to contact his-ex wife, and wing it from there. What was her name again?"
  340. >"It's Spoiled Rich, which is a perfect name for her."
  341. >It absolutely is, and gives you a very good idea of what she must be like
  342. >"Ah know her daughter, Diamond Tiara who's livin' with her now! So Ah could help yah if'n it's too hard!"
  343. >Applebloom cuts in to sound helpful
  344. >"Ah even remember Diamond Tiara doesn't like what he's doin' neither! So she'd definitely try to screw things up fer him if'n we convince her we can do it!"
  345. >"Why didn't you mention that before?"
  346. >AJ asks her sounding more than a little annoyed
  347. >"Ah had full confidence you had things under control, but if'n we're jumpin' in tah help than of course Ah will too!"
  348. >"Nice tah hear y'all believe in me, but it woulda really helped if'n yah said somethin' 'bout it sooner."
  349. >"Ah'll try givin' her a call 'bout it, an' let you know how it goes tomorrow."
  350. >"Sounds good sugar cube, an' thanks fer agreein' tah help."
  351. >"Course big sis! Anon an' me actually talked 'bout it before comin' in here. Apples always gotta have each other's backs no matta what!"
  352. >"Eeyup."
  353. >Big Mac says in whole hearted agreement
  355. >After everyone including you washes and puts away the dishes you wonder what to do next
  356. >AJ is soon at your side to answer that question
  357. >"Let's just talk a bit before heading to bed..."
  358. "Isn't it a bit early to call it a night?"
  359. >You ask while purposely dodging how it sounded like she wanted to head to bed with you
  360. >"It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. Gonna need plenty of rest before that."
  361. >She drapes herself over you shoulder affectionately
  362. >You wonder why Applebloom isn't pushing herself between you yet
  363. >Then you see what looks like Granny making Applebloom go to bed
  364. >Maybe it's not so early
  365. >At least not them
  366. >AJ doesn't tell you where to go, but you'd like to go sit down somewhere
  367. >You head into the living room before sitting on the couch with her
  368. >She gets comfortable cuddling into your side
  369. >"What's yer plans fer the future~?"
  370. >AJ asks in a dreamy and whimsical voice as though you were laying out under the stars
  371. "I'm not sure... I kind of assume I'll work at the processing plant after graduating."
  372. >AJ twirls a finger on your chest and it makes your heart race
  373. >"That's no good sugar cube~... A fine man like you can't live his whole life in the crime riddled dirty city... You should be out here in the clean and honest country with me~..."
  374. >She does know that the town isn't a big city right?
  375. >"Make an honest livin' workin' the land like a strong decent man should... Not getting soft and weak in the lazy city..."
  376. >She really doesn't have a very good opinion of town does she?
  377. "Come on AJ. The town really isn't that bad. It's not a big city, and don't some of your friends live there?"
  378. >Her face scrunches a little in annoyance
  379. >"That's not tha point! This life right here on tha farm is what's best fer ya! Marrying a girl like me, becoming a big strong farmin' man, and havin' a lot of kids together to take care of tha farm when we're old! That's how it should be! What life should be like!"
  380. >There's a lot to process there
  382. "Did you say, 'a lot of kids'?"
  383. >She blushes profusely while looking away for a moment
  384. >"Why of course Ah did... That's just the way it's supposed ta happen. Don't y'all wish ya had siblings? Ah know Ah wish Ah had more siblings, but muh parents only had the three of us before... Ya know..."
  385. "I guess I hadn't really thought about it much. Maybe it could have been nice to have siblings. A lot of people I know fight with their siblings a lot, but Apple siblings wouldn't have been like that."
  386. >Then you remember AJ and Applebloom fighting over you
  387. "For the most part..."
  388. >"Yeah... Siblings don't always get along, but when ya need them they pull through for ya. That's why Ah'll always count muh lucky stars that Ah have Applebloom and Big Mac."
  389. >She cuddles into you more
  390. >"So won't ya'll have as many kids with me as possible? After we get married 'n all..."
  391. >Both these siblings...
  392. "Isn't it too soon to make such a serious commitment? I mean, I do want to get Filthy Rich away from you, but aren't we too young to talk about marriage much less commit to it?"
  393. >She seems insulted by that
  394. >"Course not! By gum most girls my age should be married already! Tha fact that girls in town don't only shows they ain't thinkin' 'bout their futures as wives an' mothers!"
  395. "Applejack... Society has changed since Granny Smith's time. We're aren't really adults yet. We can wait until we are full fledged adults to decide if and who we want to get married to."
  396. >AJ trembles a bit in a way that makes you worried
  397. "Hey, are you okay?"
  398. >"He always talks 'bout how he wants me ta marry him when Ah'm 'of age'..."
  399. >You hold her close and try to comfort her
  400. "Hey, hey... We'll get him away from you, all us Apples will. Nobody should be forced into marriage. Not you to him, and if we get married, it should only be when we're truly ready for it. Not just out of desperation to stop him, but out of love for each other."
  401. >AJ sniffles a little while nuzzling into your side
  403. >"Ah... Ah guess you're right..."
  404. >Then it dawns on you that you don't actually have a whole lot of time for that
  405. >"Hey... AJ, wasn't your birthday in about a month?"
  406. >"Yeah..."
  407. >She answers in a sad tone
  408. >"Ah was scared ta tell Granny 'bout it, but he's already talkin' ta weddin' planners and booked a honeymoon suite in advance..."
  409. >Then there's really no time to lose here...
  410. "We've gotta work fast then. Just because stuff like that is booked doesn't mean it has to happen. We will stop it, okay?"
  411. >"Yeah... Of course we will..."
  412. >She responds sounding down in the dumps
  413. >You don't really blame her for not feeling super optimistic right now
  414. "I'll make sure to contact Spoiled Rich as soon as possible, and get things rolling."
  415. >"Yeah, but... Let's talk about something else now..."
  416. >She says eager to change the subject
  417. "Of course. How are you're friends doing?"
  418. >"They're doing fine... Most recently Ah heard from Fluttershy there's some new animals at the animal shelter she volunteers at..."
  419. >You engage in small talk like that until AJ starts yawning
  420. "Guess it's time to go to bed, isn't it?"
  421. >You say feeling kind of sleepy yourself
  422. >"C-can Ah... Sleep in yer bed with you? Ah don't want to sleep alone..."
  423. >She clings to you looking pretty nervous and stressed
  424. "Okay, but only because I know you wouldn't 'try anything'."
  425. >"Yeah, of course not. Ah do firmly believe stuff like that should only come after marriage."
  426. >You then get up off the couch with her, and go get ready for bed separately
  427. >When you're in your room ready to get in bed AJ joins you shortly
  428. >You get in your bed, and AJ quietly gets in too
  429. >Not up against you, but just nearby
  430. >She grabs hold of one of your hands under the sheet
  431. >"Is it alright if I hold your hand till I fall asleep?"
  432. >It's such an innocent request you can't possibly say no
  433. "Okay, AJ. I didn't know you could be so cute~."
  434. >You say just a bit teasingly before patting her head, and letting her hold you hand
  436. >After a bit of trying you start to drift off to sleep
  437. >With AJ having fallen asleep much quicker
  438. >It feels like you were asleep only a second when you're suddenly woken up by something
  439. >Like an animal is crawling in the bed around your legs
  440. >Though you know their dog isn't allowed in the house, and you'd closed the door to your room
  441. >Then as you feel hands on your crotch you immediately realize what's going on
  442. >Applebloom had 'promised' to sneak in your bed, and with AJ still asleep at your side there was only one person it could be
  443. >You want to tell her to stop or push her out, but if you wake up AJ there's no telling how big a mess it'd be
  444. >Especially once little Bloom pulled your dick out of your pajamas
  445. >She was stroking it and playing with it while having your balls cupped in her other hand
  446. >That little Bloom just ain't right...
  447. >Though you can feel you face getting hot, and your heart speeding up from it
  448. >It's like time slows down as you body tried to react to what Bloom was doing, and you tried to prevent that to keep AJ asleep
  449. >AJ starts to stir a little though
  450. >Worryingly enough this only makes your heart beat even faster
  451. >You have to bite your lip to stay quiet when you felt her tongue lick it
  452. >She started pumping your shaft hard and fast like she thought it was a toy
  453. >It makes you practically feel friction burns as you tremble a little despite yourself
  454. >AJ mumbles a little and Bloomy immediately stopped
  455. >At least it seems like she doesn't want to get caught
  456. >Then AJ mumbles more coherently
  457. >"What's the matter Anon? Yer shakin' the bed too much..."
  458. >You come up with something as an excuse for it
  459. "Just can't seem to get to sleep. Sorry about that, and I'll try not toss and turn so much."
  460. >She mumbles a bit under her breath before falling back asleep
  461. >Then once Bloomy was sure AJ was back asleep she started licking the tip
  462. >It was like your whole body was being shocked each time her tongue lapped at your sensitive tip
  464. >Though with willpower you remained still and quiet
  465. >You'll definitely have a talk with her about this when you get a chance to talk to her discretely about it
  466. >She only escalated it further though as she took it into her mouth
  467. >You held your breath to stay quiet, and kept your muscles stiff to avoid sudden movement
  468. >She tries to go down as far as she can on it, but doesn't go all the way down to the base before coming back up again
  469. >You don't know how much of this you can take without cracking
  470. >Especially when you felt you were going to cum
  471. >It could very well be impossible to shoot off without waking AJ
  472. >Unfortunately for you the more Bloomy sucked you off the more certain it was you'd cum
  473. >Then when you did it you bit your lip so hard you think you broke the skin
  474. >As your seed filled her mouth Bloomy made some choking sounds before gulping
  475. >AJ starts to wake up for a second and you pull her up against you
  476. >Stroking her hair as you whispered to her
  477. >"It's nothing, just go back to sleep. I'll make sure you're comfortable."
  478. >AJ snuggles into your side content now while Bloomy kept sucking your dick like she expected more
  479. >As your dick softened post climax she stopped sucking it as it popped free from her mouth
  480. >Only for her to start playing with it with her hands again
  481. >You feel so tired, but you can't go to sleep while she's doing this
  482. >Though a part of you also tells you you'd feel 'cheated' if you slept through any of the undeniable pleasure you were feeling
  483. >After a bit more she seems to get tired
  484. >Giving your tip one last lick before stuffing your junk back in your pants
  485. >Then crawling quietly up to your other side
  486. >Her cute little head popping out of the cover at your side adorably
  487. >Almost looking innocent like she hadn't just done any of the stuff she actually had
  488. >Cuddling into your side before falling asleep
  490. >You want to say something to her now, but you doubt even your quietest whisper could reach her ears without AJ also hearing it
  491. >Yet what would you say when you got a chance to talk to her one on one?
  492. >'You sucked my dick and that was bad'?
  493. >Or 'that was really reckless, and you could have gotten caught'?
  494. >However you're going to word it, you definitely want Bloomy to know you don't want her to do this again
  495. >Then a thought enters your mind
  496. >'Or do you?'
  497. >Did you really not enjoy that or something?
  498. >Though you know it's not about enjoyment or not
  499. >Your little cousin really shouldn't just play with and suck your dick like that
  500. >Even then the more you try thinking about how you'd try to talk to her about it...
  501. >The more you want to just not talk about it
  502. >Your brain slows down as tiredness overtakes you
  503. >You fall asleep without deciding what to do
  504. -
  505. Next day
  506. -
  507. >You wake up early in the morning from AJ waking you up
  508. >She doesn't scold Applebloom for being in the bed too, but you notice AJ wake her up more roughly
  509. >It doesn't feel like you slept enough
  510. >Then again you feel this every after the first night every year
  511. >You get more used to it later on in the Summer, and you really hope it will again this year
  512. >After getting up both girls scurry off to get changed
  513. >Leaving you to get changed by yourself at least
  514. >At least if Bloomy doesn't peak in on you changing
  515. >You don't think she did by the time you're ready for breakfast
  516. >Heading over to the dining room a yawn escapes your lips
  517. >Like dinner last night it's a huge breakfast
  518. >You know you'll need all the energy you can get from it
  519. >So you chow down on as many pancakes, eggs, and slices of bacon as you can without exploding
  520. >Once everyone was done eating it was time to head out for the farm chores
  521. >Like every year you'd be accompanying Big Mac to do the 'man work'
  522. >You're sure the girls would rather you work with them, but this is how it goes
  524. >The work you do with him mostly involves heavy lifting
  525. >Which is probably one of the big reasons he's so muscular
  526. >Because every single day he gets more power lifting exercise than a lot of people who actively try to gain muscles
  527. >Every year you don't do nearly as good as him, but you do your best
  528. >At least Big Mac doesn't give you shit about it because he knows you are doing your best
  529. >One upside is when you go back to school you do end up feeling quite in shape
  530. >Sometimes you'd even gotten compliments on how good you looked at the start of the school year
  531. >When it was time for lunch you were feeling pretty tired
  532. >Though you knew eating your lunch and having just enough rest would help
  533. >At lunch though it was more of a continuing trend from Applebloom
  534. >She stubbornly sat on your lap to eat despite any attempt AJ made to force her off you
  535. >Granny made them stop fighting, and let her sit on your lap assuming it was innocent
  536. >You knew it wasn't though
  537. >Especially not when she rubbed her butt back against your crotch
  538. >Not with big movements, but more subtly
  539. >Almost like she was just trying to get comfortable
  540. >If you didn't know from last night how she is you might have thought it wasn't intentional too
  541. >You getting hard from it only encouraged her
  542. >"Ah've got Diamond Tiara along with muh friends comin' over later."
  543. >She tells you with her head tilted back before leaning back against you
  544. >Bloomy looked up at you with an extremely smug look while you tried to act normal
  545. >This girl is just too much
  546. >Your body tells you you're that your response should be to wipe that smug grin off her face by roughly fucking her senseless
  547. >Except you know that's exactly what she wants
  548. >Also you're at the goddamn table, and surrounded by family
  549. >The more she rubs her butt crack against your stiffy...
  550. >The more you feel your teachings against what she wants you to do eroding
  551. >When did your cute little Bloomy get so deviously thirsty???
  553. >God damn it's worrying you that you're starting to seriously want to fuck her
  554. >Just last year she was an innocent little girl
  555. >Now just fast forward one year and it's like she's become the most devious expert on stealthily making a guy horny to ever live
  556. >After lunch is over she doesn't get off your lap, and you're practically scared to stand up with the boner you're sporting
  557. >Then AJ pulls her off you
  558. >You move immediately to hide your erection under the guise of straightening your pants
  559. >"Come on Applebloom! There's still lots of work to be done!"
  560. >As AJ pulls her away Bloomy pouts a little because she wanted to just stay on your lap
  561. >You feel grateful about it, but at the same time you also feel like you'll definitely get blue balls
  562. >While continuing to adjust your pants you head off with Big Mac
  563. >He quickly comments when you two were out of earshot of anyone else
  564. >"She's gotten pretty out of control, hasn't she?"
  565. >So he could tell, and does know...
  566. "Yeah... What the heck happened to her anyway?"
  567. >He looks away uncomfortably
  568. >"Puberty Ah reckon."
  569. >He looks around again before continuing like he's paranoid
  570. >"Eva since she started talkin' with her friends 'bout boys, it's all she seems to be interested in."
  571. >He even sweats a little
  572. >"Ah don't try tah listen in, but from what Ah have heard... It's anything but innocent with them. Just talkin' the dirtiest stuff Ah ever heard from anybody. Ah know she ain't after me, but Ah keep muh door locked at night anyway..."
  573. >Then he looks truly frightened
  574. >"Ah'm scared man... The others, especially Granny would never believe me 'bout it, but Ah'm sure you do. It just can't be normal what's happenin' with her. Even most boys at school Ah talked don't have sex on tha brain as much as her..."
  575. >Her pats you on the shoulder supportively
  576. >"Ya gotta watch yerself, man."
  577. "Thanks Big Mac, I will. At least I'll try."
  578. >"That's all anyone can ask of ya."
  580. >After you were done talking you got back to work
  581. >It was just a bit before dinner when you were done
  582. >Then after dinner it'd be time fore bed
  583. >So you've gotta make this free time you've got right now count
  584. >At least that's what you would do if you didn't find yourself suddenly surrounded by a gang of girls Bloomy's age
  585. >You also spotted Bloomy herself among them pretty quickly
  586. >The others were all gawking at you like you were a rare species or something
  587. >Five in total surrounding you in a circle
  588. >Applebloom clung to your side before starting to introduce them
  589. >First you she introduces is 'Sweetie Belle'
  590. >An average looking girl who's only distinctive trait you're noticing is that she has a chest on her you'd expect from girls closer to your own age
  591. >You pretend not to notice that
  592. >Next is 'Scootaloo'
  593. >A tomboy looking girl wearing sports clothes and riding a scooter
  594. >Third is the girl of the hour Diamond Tiara
  595. >A rich girl if you ever saw one
  596. >With clothes that no doubt cost a fortune on, and an actual diamond tiara on her
  597. >Last is 'Silver Spoon'
  598. >Who's a less obvious 'rich girl', but sticks close to Diamond Tiara
  599. >Very last she introduced you to them
  600. >"This here is tha boy Ah been tellin' you 'bout! Muh boyfriend!"
  601. >You hear 'oohs' and 'ahs' from the group
  602. >"An actual boyfriend..."
  603. >Sweetie Belle comments mindlessly like you're a thing of myth and legend
  604. >"How big is his dick?!"
  605. >Scootaloo blurts out like it's nothing
  606. "What the hell?"
  607. >You respond without thinking
  608. >"Come on! Show us!"
  609. >Sweetie Belle demands in a whining tone
  610. >You look around worriedly and see nobody else nearby to hear that
  611. >Diamond Tiara gives Sweetie Belle a swat to her ass
  612. >"Oh give it a rest! Nows not the time for that."
  613. >Bloomy cuts in about it too
  614. >"Yeah! Besides, he's mine! Yer muh friends and all, but get yer own boyfriends!"
  615. >"Come on Appplebloom! Don't be so stingy!"
  616. >Scootaloo complains like you're a toy she's not sharing
  618. >You snap your fingers loudly to get their attention
  619. "AJ needs help here people, focus for a second."
  620. >You're not even going to try to tell them how ridiculously thirsty they're being
  621. >You know they won't do what you say if you tell them what they don't want to hear about sex stuff
  622. >"So do you actually have a plan, or what?"
  623. >Diamond Tiara asks with a sharp tone that cuts into you
  624. >"Well, I was actually hoping to get your mom involved in screwing things up for your dad."
  625. >She looks at you like you're an idiot
  626. >"You mean going with Mom to the grand ball, and sabotaging things for him there?"
  627. >You hadn't thought it through that far, but you just pretend like you did
  628. "Yes, of course. That's just one of the ideas I'm considering."
  629. >Nailed it
  630. >"That's not good enough, but it's a start."
  631. "What would you suggest then?"
  632. >You say hoping she'd just give you a fully fleshed out plan
  633. >"Well first, we'll negotiate some quid pro quo..."
  634. >She says with a gleam in her eyes
  635. >"Come on, Diamond Tiara! He's mine!"
  636. >Blooms complains while clinging to your side more tightly
  637. >"You come on! It's not like I want to help for free! Give me something!"
  638. >"Isn't your dad not getting what he wants what you're getting?!"
  639. >"Partly, but seriously now! This won't be without risk, and I want something in return!"
  640. >"Well, I'm not letting you have him either!"
  641. >"Not even for a day?!"
  642. >You can't believe they're talking about you like this
  643. >Is she expecting Bloomy to pimp you out?
  644. "Holy hell, you girls. There's gotta be something else you'd accept here."
  645. >"Oh, and what are you going to offer me instead? Money? Some rare piece of farm equipment? Ultra 'organic' hipster shit? No! I may not be as shameless as those two over there coming right out with it from the start, but I want dick!"
  646. >"If it was even remotely possible I'd hire some male escorts, but nooooooo! Mom says that's 'extremely illegal'!"
  647. >She complains with a lot of sarcasm in her voice
  649. >"As if she actually cares that much about the law... I'm pretty sure cocaine is illegal too, and she gets to have that..."
  650. >She continues to pout about it
  651. >There's a lot to take in there, and you're lost for words
  652. >"All right, fine... Ya'll can 'have him' while he's with you and yer mom, but that's it! Don't do nothin' Ah wouldn't do neither!"
  653. >The little rich girl rubs her hands together while laughing like a cartoon villain
  654. >"Excellent!"
  655. >Silver Spoon pushes her hands down
  656. >"We talked about you doing that. It makes you look bad."
  657. >Diamond Tiara looks a little embarrassed about it
  658. >"Right... Anyway, I'll contact you soon about when we'll pick you up. Don't worry about dressing yourself either. We'll give you a tuxedo. I guarantee nothing you have is good enough."
  659. >Ouch
  660. >Though you seriously ought to say something about this
  661. "Don't just decide on that among yourselves. What about me? I'm not some toy to be handed around!"
  662. >Diamond Tiara scoffs at you
  663. >"Oh yeah? How's a nobody like you going to get time with my mom without me? She's not even into your type. Now if it was Big Mac he might have a shot, but that guy already has a girlfriend."
  664. >While you try to think up a response she smirks insanely smugly before taking off
  665. >Silver Spoon follows after after noticing she was leaving
  666. >Leaving just Bloomy and her two friends how apparently have no filter
  667. >Scootaloo swivels on her feet right in front of you while looking up at you
  668. >"Wanna wrestle~?"
  669. >She asks with a suggestive voice
  670. >Bloomy swats the top of her head like hitting a dog with a newspaper
  671. >"Bad Scoots! Bad! Ah know why you ask that! Ya told me it'd be yer pick up line!"
  672. >The tomboy looks very annoyed at that
  673. >"Just let me have some fun Applebloom!"
  674. >"Get yer own boyfriend Scootaloo! Ah'm serious!"
  675. >Then Sweetie Belle gets your attention with a cough
  676. >"I think I might have a cold... Wanna play doctor~?"
  677. >That was even less subtle, and one of the oldest in the book
  679. >"Seriously you girls! Just go home if yer gonna be like this!"
  680. >"Nuh uh! Both of us go permission to stay the night from our parents, and even Granny!"
  681. >Sweetie Belle responds sounding like a brat
  682. >"You always say friends should share!"
  683. >Scootaloo says like she's trying to guilt Bloomy
  684. "What's wrong with you girls? Seriously, you shouldn't behave like this at all."
  685. >"What's so good about 'following the rules' anyway?! It won't get us what we want!"
  686. >"Yeah! Besides, we didn't tell Granny about what you told us you did last night! Let us in on your fun tonight! We'd do the same for you!"
  687. >Sweetie Belle says to try and convince Bloomy
  688. >Then Scootaloo shoots a glance at you that scared you a little
  689. >"You definitely knew what Applebloom did last night, and you didn't stop her! Just pretend you 'don't notice' us either tonight! Or else!"
  690. >They're threatening you now?
  691. "Or else what?"
  692. >"Or else... I don't know! Something! You'd regret it!"
  693. >Actually maybe it's better if they don't spend much time thinking about how they could screw you over
  694. >"Ya'll won't get in muh way?"
  695. >Bloomy asks them whole holding your side possessively
  696. >"Course not! We won't try to take him! We just want to have fun!"
  697. >Sweetie Belle says in a deceptively innocent voice
  698. >"Yeah! Fun!"
  699. >Scootaloo adds like she's using 'fun' as a code word
  700. >"Ya'll better be tellin' me tha truth..."
  701. >"Of course we are! We'd be horrible friends to want to take your boyfriend!"
  702. >Sweetie assures her before pausing a moment
  703. >"He may have some resemblance to you, but it's not like he's your cousin or something."
  704. >Bloomy reacts immediately as she looks away and whistles
  705. >"Ah course not! What would make y'all think that?!"
  706. >You sigh before saying it
  707. "I actually am her cousin. Sorry Bloomy, but you should know a lie like that is too obvious."
  708. >Both of them have this almost predatory look to them now
  709. >Then they both say almost in unison
  710. >"We completely understand, and totally support you!"

Magical Girl Sweetie Belle

by TheRambler

Den Mother Harshwinney

by TheRambler

Exhibitionist Wallflower Blush

by TheRambler

Apple Bloom Cousin (reboot)

by TheRambler

Apple Bloom Cousin (original)

by TheRambler