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Apple Bloom Cousin (original)

By TheRambler
Created: 2021-01-11 08:53:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon
  2. >A member of the extended Apple family
  3. >You spend a lot of time with cousin Apple Bloom in particular at family events
  4. >She's a bit clingy but also very cute and friendly, you like her enough
  5. >Though things have been a bit different recently though you can't put your finger on why
  6. >This time you were all at a picnic at the park, you weren't paying attention to why but it was free food and you had to show up
  7. >Plus there was Apple Bloom waiting for you and you just knew she'd be pouting the next time she saw you if you skipped a family event
  8. >Right away she wasted no time after seeing you to run over and jump on your lap shouting your name, "Anon! Anon! You're here!"
  9. >She starts cuddling into you and you can't help thinking about how adorable it is and tussling her hair a little
  10. >She sighs contentedly and you hear Cousin Applejack chuckle and teases you about her little sister loving you and making kissing sounds to poke fun at you
  11. >It was a family secret that some couples in your extended family are related and some of those couples are even here
  12. >You don't think that's for you though
  14. >You also don't think of Apple Bloom that way and you don't think she really thinks of you that way, it's just that you're nice to her and you spend so much time together as family
  15. >Besides, you wanted a girlfriend your own age and though Apple Bloom is cute you just don't like her THAT way
  16. >Though Applejack just keeps teasing you especially after seeing you get lost in thought like her teasing was getting to you and Apple Bloom is still just cuddling into you
  17. >You never really understood WHY she seems to like you so much but if such a cute cousin genuinely wants to spend time with you, you must be doing something right
  18. >Lost in your own little world you don't notice her turning on your lap to face you with her legs split around you though you feel a shifting movement on your thighs
  19. >You look down to see Apple Bloom looking up at you longingly though you dismiss the idea and tell yourself she's just happy to see you
  20. >"Anon~" she says in a voice that makes you blush just a little reflexively
  21. "Yeah, Apple Bloom?" You respond after calming yourself
  22. >However after calming yourself you notice a rubbing sensation and notice her grinding just a bit on your lap and you start to become flustered
  23. >You definitely needed to stop this before someone notices, she's not doing that on purpose right? Does she know what she's doing?
  24. >You even feel yourself getting hard as she still looks up at you longingly
  25. >Oh god, she IS looking up at you longingly! It's really, actually happening!
  26. >You start to panic and scream internally
  27. >Nobody is looking right?!
  29. >Apple Bloom speaks in a voice you now recognize as lewd, "Wanna be muh boyfriend, Anon? Ah' know yah do! Don't even try ta deny it~."
  30. >You now definitely notice that Applejack has stopped teasing you and is looking on in shock and with a deep blush, Big Mac is purposely looking away...
  31. "I-it's time to get off, Apple Bloom! P-please get off..." You plead hoping she'd get off your lap and not make this so nerve wracking
  32. >"Ah am" she purrs as she picks up the pace grinding in your lap
  33. >My, my god... Is this really Apple Bloom?! What happened to make her like this?!
  35. >She's supposed to be your adorable little cousin who just wants to play kid games, and spend time with her favorite cousin!
  36. >You start to stand, surely this will force her to get off your lap or fall off
  37. >You didn't want to do this to her so abruptly and you'd apologize but you gotta do SOMETHING, and you gotta do it NOW
  38. >However it was not to be and time practically slows down for you as she wraps her legs around your waist and her arms over your shoulders
  39. >Clinging to you in a way which no doubt looked even worse, oh god, can everyone see your boner too?! You're practically rock hard! You don't have control over that!
  40. >Apple Bloom is just looking at you like she wants to say, "You're so bad, Anon~..."
  41. >She's even biting her lip suggestively
  42. >Maybe you can pull her off of you???
  44. >You grab her sides and start pushing and pulling frantically but her grip on you is so strong
  45. >She keeps pulling herself back up against you every time you try to pry her off, it was now a battle of attrition
  46. >Everything is silent as you desperately try to pry her off, your hips getting hit by her every time she pulls on you and rebounds
  47. >You do your best to try to not lose your balance because then you'd probably never get her off of you
  48. >You even hear her moan a little and you swear she must be doing that to mock your efforts
  49. >After what feels like forever her arms and legs weaken and you finally pull her off of you, holding her by the armpits as you set her down on the grass
  50. >Breathing heavily as you struggle to catch your breath because prying the little cousin was the most physically exhausting thing you'd ever done
  51. >How was she even so strong? You knew she did farm chores but damn, you'd might as well have been wresting a bull
  52. >You were so caught up in what you were doing you'd lost track of your surroundings and literally everything else
  53. >Your lap was soaked and it definitely wasn't precum... You deny the very possibility that she got that wet, but what other possibility could there be?
  54. >She had a delirious yet pleasure filled look on her like she'd orgasmed... She really did do that didn't she?!
  56. >Then you notice a deafening silence... Not a word from anyone, no conversations happening at all. You don't even hear the wind.
  57. >You're terrified to look up at the rest of the extended family but you do anyway since you can't stare at the ground forever
  58. >Your worst fear about it is realized as literally every single person there is staring at you with their mouths hanging open
  59. >Some of them red in the face, too flustered to think, some furious with you, and some were simply too shocked and you weren't sure if they were even breathing
  60. >You were no doubt in more trouble than you could possibly even imagine
  62. >It wasn't your fault you swear, but you couldn't open your mouth and you doubted anything you said would do any amount of good
  63. >For the longest amount of time everyone is silent and you're like a deer in headlights having no idea what would happen next and maybe they didn't know what should happen either
  64. >Then Apple Bloom speaks up like she was doing pillow talk as she leans against you and slurring, "T-tha' was a-amazin', A-anon... I luv ya'll so much... Ya'll m-make tha best boyfreind... Ah just knows it..."
  65. >Drawing circles on your chest as you feel like you've died on the inside and are possibly about to die on the outside too when your relatives tear you apart
  66. Then you say just about the worst thing you possibly could have said, "This isn't what it looks like."
  67. >God you sound like a bad sitcom, why the hell did you do that?! You were panicked sure but come on! That line NEVER works!
  68. >Apple Bloom just giggles and teases you saying, "Don't be shy boyfriend~"
  69. >This hole you've dug yourself in just keeps deeper and deeper, COULD it get deeper? You immediately regret asking that even if just in thought.
  70. >Oh no... Everyone is starting to stand up now, are they forming an angry mob?!
  71. >Then Applejack starts to speak and you hope to god it's to defend you, you'd never been a particularly religious person but you'd become the biggest church going bibble thumper to ever seriously worhsip if you were saved from this
  72. >"Y-you!... You!!..." Applejack sputters, this wasn't a good start and your ray of hope shriveled like an apple in the desert
  74. >"My little Apple Bloom loves you! Yet y-you did... THIS!" She yells and you feel like a scum bag before she continues "We may love one another in ways other folks would consider immoral but you will NOT just use her and throw her aside!"
  75. >The crowd starts to agree with Applejack and though you didn't particularly like where this was obviously going but it was certainly better than being strung up by your innards
  76. >"Yah WILL make my little sis an honest woman! It's too soon for marriage but as soon as she's old enough YOU WILL be walking down the isle with her and YOU WILL LIKE IT!!" she screams at he top of her lungs as the rest of the family cheers Applejack on
  77. >Apple Bloom is surprised her big sis is so angry and doesn't seem to know why, but she cuddles into your side happily knowing she loves that as an outcome
  78. >Big Mac simply stands up trying to look as intimidating as possible which given his size was guaranteed to be pretty damn effective
  79. >Before giving his usual, "Eeyup" except in a very angry one
  80. >Regardless of how you felt about being in a relationship with Apple Bloom before you were now stuck with her, not that you'd ever say that to Apple Blooms face, especially right now
  81. >Your head started racing with possible logistics
  83. >Were you and her JUST boyfriend and girlfriend now? Was she going to move in with you, would you move in with her? It was all too much for you and you hoped nothing like that had to be arranged right now
  84. >Then Granny Smith woke up from napping and asked what was happening
  85. >Applejack thought about how to explain it, and said that you were 'inappropriate' with Apple Bloom and needed to take responsibility for her
  86. >Granny Smith seemed to agree saying that besides the fact that she was too young to marry the specifics should be decided by Apple Bloom unless it was entirely too unreasonable
  87. >Now you were at Apple Bloom's mercy though you couldn't imagine she'd do anything you'd hate THAT much
  89. >You were tempted to breathe a sigh of relief but you kept your mouth shut
  90. >Apple Bloom continued to cuddle into your side and asked if she could sit on your lap again, but before you could answer you winced as you heard a resounding and loud 'NO' from the others
  91. >She pouted a bit but seemed to accept that continuing where she left off was out of the question
  93. >You are Apple Bloom
  94. >You and Anon are officially a couple, but it got a lot of people mad for some reason
  95. >Big sis Applejack was even screaming at Anon, and didn't talk to you at all on the way home
  96. >Sure maybe you were affectionate and made yourself feel good, but it's just something couples do right?
  97. >You were nervous about what Applejack would say when she finally talked about it
  98. >Anon was in huge trouble but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were in big trouble too
  99. >Big Mac was quiet, but not quite the way he normally is, like he was actively avoiding talking
  101. >Applejack wasn't talking either
  102. >You finally get home and everyone is just sitting in the truck not saying anything
  103. >It was coming soon, you just knew it
  104. >You braced yourself for the talking to of a lifetime, and Applejack seemed nervous about saying what needed to be said
  105. >Granny and Big Mac left to let Applejack talk with you about it alone
  106. >After a bit of awkward silence Applejack finally speaks up
  107. >"Ah know how much you love Anon and how eager and nervous you must have been..." She explains obviously trying to empathize with you
  108. >"But ya'll weren't an official couple before you did that..." She continued more sternly
  109. >You already sink a little in the seat remembering Anon hadn't actually said 'yes' when you asked if he'd be your boyfriend
  110. >Apple Jack sighed a little with relief seeing the message was already getting through
  111. >"Also I'm sure yah know something like what ya'll did at the picnic is what couples normally do... BUT... That was neither the time, nor the place." Applejack pointed out a bit more exasperated
  112. >Hearing that you bury your face in her hands with embarrassment remembering what happened with a clear mind
  115. >How would you face any of them again?!
  117. >You feel yourself panic and even start to cry a little
  118. >Seeing that Applejack pulls you in to hold and comfort you
  119. >She reassures you that everyone understands you weren't in your right mind
  120. >That puberty does things to a young girl's body and mind with nobody having explained it to you
  121. >Applejack stops in the middle of her pep talk to tell you that it must never happen again
  122. >You're sure you'd die of embarrassment if you ever did that again
  123. >Applejack strokes your hair and rocks you in her arms till you calm down some
  124. >Though now you wonder if Anon is mad at you...
  125. >The thought terrifies you
  126. >Applejack in her wisdom knows what you're worried about now
  127. >Telling you that Anon loves you and would never hate you over something like this
  128. >It was certainly reassuring but you'd feel a lot better hearing Anon say it
  129. >Which could be soon as Applejack asks you if you'd like Anon to move in with you
  130. >It seems like a trick question
  131. >How would Anon be able to just 'move in with you'? Just like that?
  132. >Though of course the answer was 'yes'. Anon living here with you would be the best thing ever.
  133. >You'd be able to be with him practically all the time
  134. >"Yeah, ahv course ah want Anon tah move in with us!" you beam unable to hide your enthusiasm for it even knowing the offer might not be real
  135. >Applejack chuckles and pats your head before explaining, "Ya'll don't need to worry your little head 'bout the details. It'll all be handled for you."
  136. >It really was real, you could burst with excitement
  137. >Anon was coming to stay!
  139. >You are Anon
  140. >You aren't sure what to think anymore
  141. >Your world has turned on its head
  142. >Your adorable little cousin is now an overly horny girlfriend
  143. >You feel like a pariah among your relatives though not all of them are actually that mad at you
  144. >Some will definitely be giving you the stink eye for a while
  145. >Though you seriously don't know what could have come over Apple Bloom
  146. >Speaking of her the more you thought about her the more unsure you became about her
  147. >Did you really just see her as an innocent and playful cousin? Part of you wanted to
  148. >Yet it wasn't the reality
  149. >She got older over time and has changed without you noticing
  150. >The answer was 'obvious' and yet it was hard to accept
  151. >She loves you the way a woman loves a man, but did you feel the same way?
  152. >You couldn't give a straight answer
  153. >A knock came at the door and it was a strong one even
  154. >You worried about who it was but answered the door
  155. >It was Big Mac, and he said you two had to talk, which meant it had to be serious if he was talking
  156. >Almost glad to just not be on the floor being beaten or chocked you head over to the couch
  157. >For a bit he just stares into your face sitting across from you
  158. >Seeing your uncertainty and confusion about what'd happened and what was happening
  159. >He gently rests his hand on your shoulder showing support and understanding
  160. >Then came a bombshell
  161. >You were to move in with them, and he's here to help move your stuff
  163. >You'd thought about it being a possibility but for it to actually happen
  164. >You'd seen their farm house, and it's a big and nice one
  165. >It's such an upheaval though
  166. >Not that you can actually argue against it
  167. >You'd have to roll with the punches and just start packing your things
  168. >No doubt your parents understand already and that they can't stop it
  169. >Not unless they want to incur the wrath of the rest of the family
  170. >You don't think they'd move you into Apple Bloom's room, or at least not 'yet'
  171. >Still though you could only hope the room they prepared for you was nice
  172. >Everything happened in a whirl because it seemed so surreal
  173. >After the initial thoughts about moving all you could think about was what you'd say when you saw Apple Bloom
  174. >Would you apologize? Be as nice as possible? Maybe just freeze.
  175. >Hopefully not that last one but you were so nervous
  176. >One thing for sure is that things wouldn't be the same again
  178. >Pulling up to the house with Big Mac in a moving truck it would soon be time
  179. >Perhaps Apple Bloom would greet you in the driveway
  180. >Although you were nervous it'd feel worse if she didn't
  181. >Like she was avoiding you if she didn't meet with you as soon as possible
  182. >Maybe you were over thinking it though
  183. >Even if she was avoiding it would definitely just be nerves
  184. >Something you especially understood right now
  185. >Though you MUST have been lost in thought because you noticed tapping on the window beside you
  186. >It was Apple Bloom, and she looked happy to see you
  187. >Which was definitely a reassuring sight if you ever saw one right then
  188. >Opening the door of the moving truck Apple Bloom practically tackles you in a huge
  189. >It was at least a bit like old time and you can't help patting her head before hugging her yourself
  190. >This was nice and simple as you held your little cousin in your arms
  191. >Or at least you told yourself that
  192. >Though you didn't want to think about it this could actually turn lewd at any moment
  193. >With Big Mac watching hopefully not though
  194. Deciding to actually say something you apologize, "I'm really sorry about how things turned out Apple Bloom..."
  195. >She looks ecstatic and even tears up a little though it's definitely tears of joy
  196. >"It's okay Anon... It was my fault too. I'm sorry I went out of control like that in front of so many people..."
  197. >You certainly weren't happy about things as they were you definitely couldn't be mad at her
  199. >Holding her a bit closer and rocking her in your arms a little you feel a warmth in your heart
  200. >Though she speaks up in a nervous tone and snaps you out of it
  201. >"C-can I give you a kiss? A-anon?" she blushes so cutely too
  202. >You couldn't say no to that but perhaps you'd make sure it was small
  203. >Tapping a finger to your cheek before nodding
  204. >She leans up and lightly pecks your cheek just once
  205. >You couldn't help but chuckle a little
  206. >That was just nice in a simple and uncomplicated way
  207. >Yet as you look down at the needy look on her face that clearly wasn't enough
  208. >Big Mac coughs to remind her he was there
  209. >Hinting that perhaps that should wait till later
  210. >Holding her so close you can practically feel her fast heart beaten
  211. >Thinking of an excuse to let go without disappointing her too much you say it's time to get your stuff in
  212. >Can't just leave your stuff in the moving van forever you know?
  213. >You can't feel more thankful that someone like Big Mac is here to help
  214. >If you had to move all your stuff yourself you feel like you'd break your back trying
  215. >Not that you were out of shape or anything but Big Mac certainly has always been the strongest
  216. >Apple Bloom accepts this though with a bit of rejection in her voice that she'd wait for you in the house
  217. >Making you promise to come to her as soon as you could
  218. >Big Mac giving you an approving nod as if to tell you he agreed with dialing it back like that
  220. >She goes into the house looking back at you occasionally as you mentally prepare yourself for the heavy lifting
  221. >Picking up your first load of luggage you go to enter the house yourself
  222. >When you entered Granny Smith is there waiting and explains you actually have a selection of guest rooms to pick from
  223. >Though they're mostly the same so you'd might as well just pick the closest one
  224. >Getting to the room and looking around before setting the luggage down it looks alright
  225. >Rather bare bones since it's a guest room but really it's better that way
  226. >More room for your own stuff instead of more space being taken up by stuff that's already there
  227. >Working late into the evening you get everything in and the bare essentials unpacked
  228. >You'll unpack the rest later
  229. >Before that though you'd promised to touch bases with Apple Bloom, and you've probably kept her waiting long enough
  230. >You find her in the living room watching TV as she notices you and motions for you to sit next to her
  231. >You worry what'd happen if she sat on your lap again but just sitting next to her should be fine right?
  232. >Heading on over you sit down, and she clings to your arm adorably
  233. >This should be fine
  234. >You watch TV together until it's time to go to bed
  235. >Granny Smith sternly tells you to lock the door to your room before going to sleep
  236. >You know exactly why and agree to do it even as Apple Bloom pleads for a good night kiss
  237. >You lean in and kiss her on the forehead just so and smile to yourself
  238. >Then Apple Bloom leans in and presses her lips to yours
  239. >A deep and passionate kiss as she even starts to use her tongue before Applejack steps in and pulls her back
  240. >Telling Apple Bloom that was enoug
  242. >Though she clearly wanted more, but accepted that she was letting herself go again
  244. >As warmly as possibly telling everyone good night as you try to hide half chub before getting up and leaving
  245. >With that you leave to go brush your teeth and start getting ready for bed
  246. >After entering your room and locking the door behind you decide to give your parents a call
  247. >Updating them on what's happening and promising to call often
  248. >Leaving out the 'innapropriate' you'd be embarrased to say out loud at all much less to your parents
  249. >Talking with them made things feel more stable, and it helped you calm down
  250. >Maybe you might actually get some sleep tonight
  251. >You would probably need to start farm chores tomorrow
  252. >However you already did farm chores back home so that wouldn't be too different
  253. >Even if you were sure they had a bigger farm than yours and there'd be more work involved than you're used to
  254. >At least Apple Blooms family live close so you could visit home easily and wouldn't be doing anything like changing schools
  255. >Small blessing when things change drastically
  256. >Speaking of which you hope no rumors spread at school
  257. >The Apple Family is serious about keeping the 'family secret', but the fact you weren't single anymore might actually get out
  258. >Actually maybe you wouldn't sleep that well after all
  260. >You wake up in the morning and the sun is hardly even out
  261. >The perfect time to wake up for a farmer
  262. >Though the surprising part is that Apple Bloom is standing next to your bed about half-way down and looming over you
  263. >She stares at her hands for some reason and sniffs them before realizing you're awake and looking at her
  264. >She hides her hands behind her back nervously and greets you, "Rise and shine Anon! It's time for breakfast!"
  266. >Knowing it was strange for her to be here she explains Granny lent her a key to your room, so she could come wake you up
  267. >She seems impatient as she grabs your blanket and yanks it off to force you out of bed
  268. >Though her eyes go wide staring with a crimson blush
  269. >You look down and see your pajama shorts tented with morning wood
  270. >Oh shit, you think your tip might even be exposed
  271. >You quickly pull the blanket back over yourself and tell her to get out while you change
  272. >She stands there for a bit with her legs tight against each other, and she might even be drooling a bit
  273. >Though you snap your fingers, and she snaps out of it
  274. >Nervously saying 'ok' she leaves to let you get dressed
  275. >You hope that morning wood isn't still there when you go to the breakfast table
  276. >In fact how long had it been there?
  277. >Maybe it'd be best not to say anything about her pulling the covers off you
  278. >I mean it was just an innocent mistake
  280. >Getting into some work clothes and getting ready you head to the kitchen table and find everyone is there waiting for you
  281. >A big hearty breakfast it looks like
  282. >You know all too well you have to eat a lot of food if you intend to do a lot of hard work
  283. >Though on closer inspection you see Applejack scowling at Apple Bloom and grilling her
  284. >"Y'all did something untoward while waking him up? Didn't you?!"
  285. >Apple Bloom nervously retorts, "Ah didn't! Honest!"
  286. >Though Applejack knows a lie when she hears one, "Ah know you're lying and I ain't got no proof, but watch yourself little missy!"
  287. >Apple Bloom pouts for Applejack to not treat her so much like a kid but Applejack isn't having it
  288. >You try to sit down unnoticed but Applejack turns her attention to you
  289. >"And you! Ya'll gotta stand up for yourself! Set some boundaries on your own!"
  290. >You knew she was right but you just never felt capable or authoritative enough to reprimand her, or the heart to outright tell her 'no'
  291. >You clearly needed to start though or you'd just be in even worse trouble
  292. Though you don't mention it specifically you defend her pulling of your covers saying, "She didn't do anything so bad, it's nothing."
  293. >She looks at you and you feel like she's peering into your soul
  294. >She accepts the fact that you genuinely believe it was nothing and drops it
  295. >Apple Bloom breathes a sigh a relief as you start to eat and everyone else resumes
  297. >It was a good breakfast and you're stuffed by the time it's over
  298. >With a full belly it was time to go over today's farm chores and be told what you'd be responsible for
  299. >You couldn't help but notice that they specifically avoided having you working with Apple Bloom alone
  300. >Probably a good plan even if Apple Bloom didn't like it for obvious reasons
  301. >Applejack speaks up, "We know exactly what you'd want to do if you were alone with Anon while everyone was busy."
  302. >That just made the little cousin more irritated but Applejack was right
  303. >You were thinking about school last night but it was summer so you wouldn't have to worry about it for a while
  304. >That being said you WOULD have to worry about a lot of farm chores
  305. >A lot of crops to harvest and such in the summer
  306. >You can't help but wonder if increased farm chores was exactly why summer break started being a thing
  307. >You couldn't get those chores done thinking about all this
  310. >You were sore all over once the chores were done
  311. >No wonder Apple Bloom was so strong at the picnic
  312. >You even suspect they were going easy on you and gave you less difficult chores
  313. >Apple Bloom comes up to you hugging your arm and starts teasing you about how tired you look
  314. >"Is my little Anon all worn out~? I'll make you feel all better!"
  315. >You blush but tell a little rest should be good enough
  316. >Not wanting to find out how she intends to 'make you feel better'
  317. >It was also rich for her to call you her 'little Anon'
  318. >A large hand slaps your back as Big Mac lays into you too by heartily chuckling while slapping you back hard on purpose
  319. >Even Applejack gets in on it by asking how you got away with doing so few chores before if you were worn out already
  320. >They sure were having a giggle at your expense
  321. >Though you were sure you could get used to the increased work load
  322. >I mean if Apple Bloom could do it surely you could
  323. >Still though, even if they were making fun of it you it certainly made you feel like family
  324. >Then Apple Bloom remembers something as she looks up at you starry eyed
  325. >"We're All going to a state fair this weekend! Come with us and you and I could practically consider it a DATE!"
  326. >She was already getting so giddy about the idea of a date it was like she'd explode
  327. >It wasn't all that uncommon for someone to bring a date to something like that even if family also came along
  328. >Applejack teases her saying they'd be there watching us, but Applejack definitely didn't tell her she couldn't call it a date
  330. >That evening is uneventful besides Apple Bloom trying to make out with you again during your 'good night kiss'
  331. >What does that girl think a good night kiss is anyway?
  332. >Though that night you are awoken by sounds at your door
  333. >Someone is knocking on it nervously and you immediately know who it is
  334. "Apple Bloom, go back to bed. You know you can't come in here now." You say somewhat irritated to be woken up like that
  335. >"Come oooooonnnnn Anon... Nobody will know if I come in just for a bit... Please unlock the door..." she pleads trying not to be too loud
  336. >You'd let her if you didn't know things would get out of hand, but you know they would
  337. >Apple Bloom keeps pleading and tapping at the door while you try to ignore her
  338. >All while thoughts about what might happen if you let her in fill your mind
  339. >She was your little cousin and yet you quickly turning perverted thoughts assured you it'd definitely turn to sex
  340. >Just you and that horny girl on your bed in the middle of the night
  341. >You were turning rock hard thinking about it
  342. >Not that Apple Bloom needed to know about that or you'd never be able to try to keep her under control
  343. >Did Apple Bloom actually know about sex though?
  344. >You honestly didn't know, but you couldn't just ask her if she knows what sex is
  345. >You remember the reason why the house has so many rooms and it doesn't help keep your boner down at all
  346. >If their parents hadn't died there would have been way more than three apple siblings here
  347. >You imagine if Apple Bloom wants a lot of children but try to push the thought out of your mind

Magical Girl Sweetie Belle

by TheRambler

Den Mother Harshwinney

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Exhibitionist Wallflower Blush

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Apple Bloom Cousin (reboot)

by TheRambler

Apple Bloom Cousin (original)

by TheRambler