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Exhibitionist Wallflower Blush

By TheRambler
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 08:48:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Wallflower Blush
  2. >A high-school Junior
  3. >You've got good looks and you get excellent grades
  4. >Feels like you should be pretty popular
  5. >Practically nobody seems to know you even exist
  6. >Nobody talks to you at school, and even your parents hardly acknowledge you
  7. >Sometimes you think with your parents it's because they don't approve of your being into stuff like anime and video games
  8. >Yet your little brother is into that stuff because you introduced him to it, and your parents treat him normally
  9. >So you don't know what their deal is
  10. >Speaking of your little brother, he's the only one who seems to treat you well
  11. >You often spend time with him because of this, and you're grateful for his attention
  12. >Doesn't stop you from feeling like you should be acknowledged more, and by other people
  13. >You're watching the Senran Kagura anime with your little brother in your lap
  14. >You wish life you be like that for you
  15. >Everyone there has big tits like you
  16. >Well, maybe a little bigger, but that's not the point
  17. >They have cool ninja powers and a tight-knit group of friends
  18. >Even if they don't get much attention from regular people
  19. >Without thinking about it, you ask your brother a stupid question
  20. "Hey Anon, do you think I could be a shinobi?"
  21. >He squirms in your lap a bit without answering
  22. >It annoys you, and you definitely want an answer now
  23. >You squeeze your arms around him tight, and he tries to lean forward awkwardly away from your chest
  24. >"Yeah... Sure sis."
  25. >He finally answers like he just wants it to be over
  26. >Doesn't really feel like he means it
  27. >Whatever, you'll let it slide cause he's your littler brother who at least pays some attention to you
  28. >You even feel like rewarding him
  29. "Good answer, if you want I could let you come to my room and sleep with me tonight."
  30. >Without looking at you he declines
  31. >"No... No, that's okay sis."
  32. >He used to want to stay in your room all the time before, but he doesn't want to any more
  34. >You know he still likes you plenty, but why then?
  35. >At least he doesn't try to make you let go of him
  36. >So you just hold him while watching the anime until he heads off for bed
  37. >His body was warm, and holding him made you feel warm
  38. >After he left to go to bed it feels cold and lonely in your room
  39. >You go to sleep wishing he was still with you, but at least you'll see him tomorrow
  40. -
  41. Next day
  42. -
  43. >After waking up, you remember you have a plan to get people's attention today
  44. >You put the shortest skirt you've ever worn
  45. >Definitely not allowed by school rules, but you've never gotten in trouble for violating outfit regulations
  46. >The real central point is that instead of a bra, you'll tie a bandage around your chest
  47. >Then when the time comes you'll loosen it just a little
  48. >If it works as planned your chest will be supported, and then when you enact the plan your tits will be able to start bouncing like crazy
  49. >That'll definitely turn some heads
  50. >At least you hope so
  51. >Nobody would normally be brazen enough to do something like that just for attention, but you're desperate
  52. >Nothing you've tried so far has worked to even get anybody to so much as look in your direction
  53. >You've tried yelling, jumping up and down, trying to interrupt assemblies, and you even once swiped a megaphone
  54. >Nothing
  55. >You're not sure why trying to use sex appeal will work if a megaphone didn't, but it's what you WANT to try
  56. >You're HOT damn it, and people should notice you for it!
  57. >You tie the bandage tight enough to support your chest, but not so tight it restricts your breathing
  58. >Then put on one of your signature sweaters before leaving your room to get breakfast
  59. >Sweaters aren't exactly eye-catchers normally, but you think you've got some very nice 'sweater puppies'
  60. >Your brother is already eating cereal and greets you normally
  61. >While your parents don't do anything on your account like usual
  62. >After returning his greeting you sit down and pour yourself a bowl of cereal
  64. >It's just the same stuff as usual
  65. >You'd engage in small talk, but you just want to get to school and get everyone's attention
  66. >Once you're done eating, you head out to school right away
  67. >Your brother following along like normal
  68. >You like to think he sticks close to protect you if anyone threatened you
  69. >Though people would have to notice you first before your little brother could protect you from punks
  70. >You sigh imagining the fantasy that may never happen of being heroically saved from thugs by your caring brother
  71. >Reaching the school without incident you steel yourself to go through with your plan for attention
  72. >Deciding that the best time would be lunch in the cafeteria
  73. >There's hardly ever a time when everyone in the school is in the same place at the same time
  74. >The lunch crowd would have to do on short notice
  75. >As you go through morning classes you can't wait for lunch to come now
  76. >Your lunch period did arrive in due time
  77. >Standing in the cafeteria with crowds of fellow students having lunch
  78. >You reach into the back of your sweater and loosen the bandage
  79. >It's sink or swim time
  80. >Your heart races as you prepare to bounce and dance to make your tits go wild
  81. >Probably your short skirt too, but that's just an added bonus
  82. >Doing one you remember from the opening of an anime you start to sing as well
  83. >You can feel your chest bouncing around like you imagined they would
  84. >Your face burning up as you hoped people were looking
  85. >Yet your enthusiasm dies when you see nobody's gaze falling upon you
  86. >Everyone's just going about their lunch break like normal
  87. >Then you felt it
  88. >The gaze of someone's eyes on you
  89. >It made your body tingle in the best way you'd ever felt
  90. >You had to know who was watching you
  91. >Then as you turn towards them, and what you see shocks you to your core
  92. >It was your little brother Anon staring with a deep blush
  93. >Since when did he have the same lunch period as you?
  95. >The more you looked at his face watching you, the more you realized something
  96. >He was looking at you with a perverse glare
  97. >His eyes mainly glued to your chest, but also stealing glances down lower
  98. >You do a little more of the dance while watching his eyes
  99. >Anon's pupils move with your bouncing chest and follow it
  100. >He shouldn't be looking at you that way since he's your little brother
  101. >Still, it's the only attention you've ever gotten for your little outbursts
  102. >Your heart pounding in your chest as you keep doing the dance
  103. >As you realize you were now doing it pretty much just for Anon
  104. >Then while moving around for the dance you catch a glimpse of his pants
  105. >Seeing them very tightly tented from an obvious erection
  106. >This isn't right, but you can't stop now that someone is finally watching you
  107. >Actually maybe it's better this way
  108. >If everyone noticed you right now, you would probably get in trouble for it
  109. >While if only Anon sees it not only will you not get in trouble, but he'll just enjoy it
  110. >Maybe you could even go further for him as long as you still don't get in trouble
  111. >Make sure his eyes stay on you
  112. >Then as you start to have second thoughts about it the bell ending lunch rings
  113. >Anon awkwardly tries to hide his boner without anyone around him noticing before heading to his next class
  114. >You tightened the bandage wrapped around your chest back up before heading to your own class
  115. >Maybe nobody would notice if you didn't actually attend class, but your education is important right?
  116. >You tied not to think about it, but you felt embarrassed and ashamed
  117. >For giving your little brother a perverted peep show for attention
  118. >Accidentally at first, but you didn't stop after knowing he was there...
  119. >Watching...
  120. >His eyes fixated on you and only you
  121. >Your heart started to race again
  122. >For a short amount of time you were the center of his world, and had his undivided attention
  123. >You want to feel that again
  125. >A hot panting breath escapes your lips as you catch yourself getting way to involved in your own little world
  126. >For a normal student this would have everyone in class glaring at them for interrupting class, but not you
  127. >As you feel relief for that you remember not being noticed isn't always bad
  128. >Then a more sobering thought occurs to you
  129. >What would you say to Anon when you talk to him after school?
  130. >Something like 'Hey Anon, did you like it when I did a lewd dance like an ecchi anime character and bounced my tits everywhere for you?'
  131. >Of course not, but what WOULD you say?
  132. >Although it was great he noticed, you would now need to face the less desirable aspect of being noticed
  133. >Accountability
  134. >Something you've practically never had to face before
  135. >Since nobody really noticed if you did anything people normally get punished for
  136. >You did try to keep Anon from knowing you did anything to make him disappointed in you
  137. >Anon definitely didn't seem disappointed in you when you made a spectacle of yourself for him, but your stomach still tied itself in knots as the end of the school day approached
  138. >The final bell rings and you head out to the front of the school
  139. >Anon is there talking with his friends
  140. >He's not very popular, and you feel just a bit like it's your fault because of the hobbies you gave him
  141. >Still, he's got some friends so there's that going for him
  142. >Yet suddenly now you feel jealous
  143. >You want his attention, and you want it NOW
  144. >Without thinking you press your tits together with your hands before calling Anon's name
  145. >Then start vigorously bouncing them up and down in your hands when he looked
  146. >You immediately felt disgusted with yourself, but it worked
  147. >His gaze was like he was hypnotized as he stared at your chest
  148. >One of his friends breaks him out of it by shaking his shoulder
  149. >"Hey man, what's the matter with you all of a sudden?"
  150. >It's like they can't see what he's seeing, so they're confused
  151. >"I-it's nothing guys."
  153. >He tried to play it off before going back to their conversation
  154. >This only made you want to grab his attention more
  155. >Did he even just call you 'nothing'?!
  156. >Rationally you knew he didn't and all that, but your emotions were running wild right now
  157. >If you just mindlessly distract him again it'll have the same outcome
  158. >How could you get his friends' attention away from him, so his attention could go to you uninterrupted?
  159. >You felt super impatient, but maybe some patience could go a long way
  160. >They wouldn't talk with him forever
  161. >Once they went their separate ways...
  162. >Then Anon's attention could be all yours without anything getting in the way
  163. >Deep down a part of you kept telling you that you shouldn't want this
  164. >Each time you pushed it back down and silenced it
  165. >You do want it, and you can't get anything else
  166. >You don't just want this, you NEED IT
  167. >Then a few moments later it only gets worse for you
  168. >His female 'friend' Coco Pommel makes an appearance to talk to him
  169. >You remember being supportive of him having a female friend before, but not any more
  170. >A switch has been flipped, and now you want her far away from him
  171. >She shyly swivels nervously while talking
  172. >While her arms are at her sides pushed inwards and pressing her tits together
  173. >Tits that weren't nearly as big as yours, you might add
  174. >As if she doesn't know what she's doing
  175. >The underhanded little skank
  176. >It's like your blood is boiling with rage as you try to think of what you'd do about it
  177. >Then just like that she ran out of things to talk about and left
  178. >The rest of his friends followed suit
  179. >Leaving just you and Anon finally
  180. >You start walking home with him, but he isn't looking directly at you
  181. >He seems very nervous being close to you now
  182. "Y-you're not mad, are you?"
  183. >You ask fearing the worst
  185. >He doesn't answer immediately, but he doesn't look mad
  186. >Simply blushing while trying not to stare at your chest
  187. >You could probably start by trying to explain yourself
  188. "I um... I was really just trying to get people to notice me... It can be pretty tough when nobody notices you..."
  189. >Anon looks like her understands
  190. >"So... Is it okay if I look more?"
  191. >Not quite the response you were hoping for, but you're happy anyway
  192. >In fact you immediately react without thinking
  193. "Yes of course! Look all you want, I want your attention!"
  194. >You want to strangle yourself for that lack of any shame or subtlety
  195. >In fact the next time you opened your mouth, you only made it worse
  196. "You can even touch them if you want! Just give me all your attention!"
  197. >Do you have no filter or something?
  198. >You just keep blurting out the most embarrassing thoughts without even thinking them first
  199. >He suddenly stopped in his tracks and shook a little
  200. >It made you worry about what'd happen
  201. >Then he turned around with a nervously excited look on his face, and outstretched hands
  202. >Before you knew it he had one hand on each of your sweater puppies
  203. >A jolt of pleasure spread through you
  204. >Part of you wanted him to stop, but you mostly wanted him to do it more
  205. >He squeezed and fondled them like he'd gone crazy
  206. >Suddenly blurting out actually sounding a little frustrated
  207. "Is this what you want?!"
  208. >All you could do in response was release a loud moan
  209. >You sounded so very lewd that you almost didn't recognize it as your own voice
  210. >So very overwhelmed by the moment you didn't notice when he abruptly stopped
  211. >Pulling your hand while you were still in a dreamy state
  212. >It was only after you came to your senses that you noticed someone in the neighborhood approaching where you were to find out what the noise was
  213. >You were already a good distance away
  214. >Then you see them scratch their head before dismissing it as nothing
  215. >It felt like no time at all until you were back home
  217. >You are Anon
  218. >Your big sister is driving you crazy
  219. >She's always been weird, and not just how she acts either
  220. >It's like she's invisible to people in a way that feels unnatural
  221. >Sometimes you've had doubts she's even real
  222. >Though she shows up in photographs and there's evidence all around the house she's real
  223. >You'd even seen her birth certificate before
  224. >Today she really went overboard
  225. >It's like she's trying to provoke you
  226. >At lunch...
  227. >Just thinking about it has made you hornier than you've ever felt
  228. >In fact you don't think the boner you got then has even gone away at all since
  229. >You're just so pent-up right now you don't know what to do
  230. >She even said you could just straight up fondle her breasts!
  231. >What the hell is she thinking?!
  232. >Is she even thinking at all?!
  233. >You get that she sometimes feels lonely and unloved because people ignore her
  234. >That doesn't explain why she's has to be so unbearably sexy and lewd
  235. >Wait, you mean such a perverted sex pest
  236. >No...
  237. >You don't know what you mean
  238. >Then a thought enters your head
  239. >"I want to fuck my sister so bad it hurts"
  240. >These thoughts...
  241. >Practically ever since you hit puberty it's been like this
  242. >She always watches lewd anime with you, and watches over your shoulder while you play lewd games
  243. >Always filled to the brim with huge anime titties
  244. >They make you think of your sister's
  245. >Sometimes shit she shows you even has a sister as a love interest for a guy
  246. >It makes you wonder every time
  247. >"Is she showing me this for a reason?"
  248. >Made you feel paranoid, but now...
  249. >You take her into her room with you to talk
  250. >Since you've basically never been interrupted in there
  251. >You don't think they're even home, but this isn't going to be anything you want seen
  252. >It's like a forbidden zone your parents refuse to go to
  253. >You've even hidden a few things here because you don't want your parents to find them
  254. >Getting back to the matter at hand you sit your sister down
  256. >Placing your hands on her shoulders, you get yourself ready to confront her about all this
  257. >"Why do you have to be like this?! Why are you... So... So LEWD!"
  258. >You blurt out
  259. >It wasn't the message you intended, but it's how you feel
  260. >Definitely dial it back, you think to yourself
  261. >You can't though
  262. >It's happening and you can't stop it
  263. >You grab her breasts in your hands, her soft and glorious breasts
  264. "With these huge melons that'd make any man jealous!"
  265. >Then you move your hands to her hips
  266. >Your hands pushing into her ass cheeks like they were made of memory foam
  267. "And this big thicc ass! No sister should be like this in real life! It's just not fair!"
  268. >She should be stopping you from doing this, but she's not
  269. >In fact, you think she's liking it
  270. >Her face is hot red, and she's panting like crazy
  271. >The next words out of your mouth make you stop in your tracks
  272. >"D-do you really think I'm hot?... What else about me do you think is lewd~?"
  273. >Your mind is blank, but there's more things than you could count
  274. >All you can think is 'why is she doing this?'
  275. "Come on!... Why are you doing this?! A brother can only take so much of this before he snaps! What's with you?! It's like my mind is melting! I don't know how much of this I can take!"
  276. >She grabs you and pulls you in like she wants to hug you
  277. >Your face lands right between her melons
  278. >Then she wraps her legs around you too
  279. >Your big sis then starts to rant in a whiny sounding voice
  280. >"I want attention! I want to be seen! I want to be seen being sexy! I want to be TOLD I'm sexy! I want people to stare at me when I'm being sexy!"
  281. >She then sounds more defensive as she continues
  282. >"I know I'm being a bad sister and I shouldn't do this to you, but you're the only one who ever gives me any attention! The only one who ever responded to me when I've acted out for attention! I want attention so bad I can't stand it! I just can't go without attention anymore!"
  283. >You have so many questions
  285. >How did you have no idea she was like this?
  286. >Why? Just why in general?
  287. >Also why do you feel like you could blow a load in your pants?
  288. >Though you did end up asking a question
  289. >You pull your face out between her mountains so you can breathe better
  290. "Did you show me all those big anime titties because you wanted to make me think of your breasts all the time?!"
  291. >She actually seems flattered by that
  292. >"D-do you really think about them ALL the time?... Come on... You're just exaggerating right?..."
  293. >She's kidding right?
  294. "All the time it's been nothing but huge tits! Both our rooms are decorated practically wall to wall with huge tits! Of course all of it makes me think of you!"
  295. >Instead of a response like her web of conspiracies has been exposed...
  296. >She looks happier than you've ever seen her
  297. >In fact her face looks like you just asked her to marry you and she wants to shout 'yes!'
  298. >You're simply floored
  299. "What?! How can anyone be this LEWD! Don't you have any shame at all?!"
  300. >She quickly responds
  301. >"No!"
  302. >You sputter uncontrollably
  303. "That can't be true! You've gotta have some kind of boundaries!"
  304. >She looks away for a moment thinking
  305. >"Okay... I was scared of getting in trouble at school, but I'd do anything for your attention ANON! ANYTHING!"
  306. >You've seen enough hentai to know where that can go
  307. >Though that'd just be taking advantage of her wouldn't it?
  308. >You're so horny right now you feel like you could fuck anything with a hole, but your sister is so vulnerable and desperate
  309. >Your heartbeat slows as you think about how much she must have really suffered being ignored by almost everyone
  310. >Even your parents
  311. >Your stroke her hair sympathetically
  312. >She then holds your hand in both of hers
  313. >Then rubs her cheek against the back of your palm lovingly
  314. >Looking up at you longingly, she opens her mouth to speak
  315. >"Could you fondle my tits some more, and tell me how sexy I am?"
  316. >Damn it Wallflower!
  318. >That was a touching moment and you ruined it!
  319. >You grab her breasts and squeeze them hard
  320. "Do you ever think about anything besides sex?! Are you a slut or something?!"
  321. >Come to think about it, what would she have done if a bunch of guys HAD noticed her little stunt in the cafeteria at lunch?
  322. >"Of course not!... Would you like it if I was?"
  323. "No! Of course that's bad! What's the matter with you?!"
  324. >You smack her ass, and she moans
  325. >Damn it!
  326. >That wasn't supposed to just turn her on more!
  327. >Though you should have seen that coming
  328. "Are you trying to be like Ryouna or something?!"
  329. >You blurt out as the character pops into your head while thinking about how she's acting
  330. >That constantly outrageously lewd masochist with the near permanent 'fuck me' look on her face
  331. >Wallflower then tried to imitate that look she has
  332. >It's just not a realistic expression to try to recreate in real life, but you can tell she's trying
  333. >"Is she your favorite Senran Anon~?"
  334. "I'm not sure which my favorite is actually, but she does stand out to me as... I'm not sure how to put it, 'different'?"
  335. >She then grabs your arms before trying to get them to keep moving after you'd stopped actively fondling her
  336. >You change the subject
  337. "So... What would you have done if a bunch of guys had 'noticed' what you did at lunch?"
  338. >The long pause makes it seem like she hadn't thought about it
  339. >It makes too much sense for her to have tried so hard to get the attention she only thought about getting the attention, and not what she'd do about the 'results'
  340. "Would you want them all to fuck you or something?"
  341. >She starts to look more nervous in a scared way
  342. >"W-well... No... I just... I just want to be noticed..."
  343. >Her hands reach up to your face as she holds your cheeks
  344. >"I can trust you, Anon. You're good to me, and you wouldn't do anything to hurt me..."
  345. >It's true, you wouldn't hurt her
  346. >"If I did more of like I did today at school tomorrow... Would you watch me?"
  348. "I'd certainly want to... I don't know when or how much I could watch you without people thinking I'm losing it though..."
  349. >She then pulls you in and locks lips with you
  350. >A passionate kiss that both feels like it came out of nowhere, and was long overdue
  351. >You give in to it
  352. >Starting to make out with her on the floor of her room
  353. >While you still held her breasts in your hands
  354. >It's like you're in a fever dream, but you don't want to wake up
  355. >Then it was shattered when you head mom call out that it was time for dinner
  356. >You both got up and brushed yourselves off
  357. >Wordlessly agreeing to pretend none of this happened during dinner as you went to the dining room
  358. >Not that your sister would need to do as much pretending as you would
  359. >You started to eat the meal prepared for you while hoping to just eat it without too many 'questions'
  360. >Then as it went on it seemed Wallflower wasn't as 'in on' the 'agreement' as you thought
  361. >She suddenly lifted her sweater up like she was going to take it off
  362. >Definitely enough to reveal her chest
  363. >Which was just covered by a bandage wrapped around her
  364. >You remember it didn't really feel like she had a regular bra on
  365. >Not that you know much about how bras feel
  366. >You still nearly spit out the food in your mouth
  367. >Your parents look at you wondering what's wrong
  368. >Can they seriously not see what she's doing?
  369. >She's gotta be stretching the limits of what she can get away with without being noticed
  370. >You keep eating normally until they stop being suspicious of you
  371. >Though Wallflower was bouncing her chest with her sweater pulled up
  372. >She's definitely trying to get a rise out of you
  373. >Even with mom and dad here?
  374. >This is putting some serious pressure on you
  375. >Yet it actually IS kind of exciting

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Exhibitionist Wallflower Blush

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Apple Bloom Cousin (original)

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