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[FLUTTERRAPE] Daymare Fluttershy

By Nebulus
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-26 21:46:00
Expiry: Never

  1. An unexpected sequel to that came about as a result of an image of Fluttershy dressed up as Celestia.
  3. ---
  5. >You come stumbling out of the French windows as you often do; near-blackout drunk during the night.
  6. >One eye blinks after the other, your vision a swirling distorted mess.
  7. >Everything is of course fine; the rational side of your brain, currently relegated to the back of your mind in favour of your more belligerent side, is whispering to you that the grass isn't -really- throbbing, and that the corners of your vision may -appear- to be pulsating, but really you're just on the verge of crumpling to the floor again and everything is largely fine.
  8. >You drag a hoof across your face, trying to rub your eyes.
  9. >It does little to remedy the situation, and once more you are greeted with a skewed parody of your private garden.
  10. >You briefly start at the sight of your ethereal mane wafting into view.
  11. >After staring at it for a good few seconds, you remember that it's yours.
  12. >A glance down at your forehooves, of which only one is wearing a familiar gold-embellished solleret, prompts you to recall that you are still Princess Celestia.
  13. >You feel a bit naked without the other one, but you can't say you truly care at this time.
  14. >Instead, you lumber on into the garden, your head swaying hither and thither as you gawk at plants and flowers you are convinced have only just appeared tonight.
  15. >Eventually, you stumble over something and crumple to the grass.
  16. >The something squeaks, and continues to chirp and mumble in a strange, indecipherable dialect until you twist your head and lie a cheek against the grass, gazing blearily at the creature.
  17. >It's yellow, you can tell that much. Pink mane? Fairly sure it's pink. What's its cutie mark? Can't tell - too dark, is it a gremlin? You thought they were extinct.
  18. >With that, you grunt, and your horn glows.
  19. >In the several seconds of intense luminance that lingers for a while afterwards, you can see that the gremlin is actually Fluttershy.
  20. >You 'hrm' thoughtfully to yourself, then belch in very unladylike manner.
  21. >"P-Princess Celestia? Are you um, are you alright?"
  22. "Ough ahh oo ehe ahm runk." you eloquently advise; your face still pressed against the floor.
  23. >"...Pardon?"
  24. >You lift your head off the grass slightly and slur at her.
  25. "Can't you tell I'm drunk?"
  26. >"Um, I can definitely smell it on your breath-- n-not that your breath doesn't smell nice, it smells um, regal."
  27. "Ugh-huhh. You're always so nice, Fluttershy... Come and give your big sister Celly a hug."
  28. >You flop onto your side and extend a wing to the sky.
  29. >Fluttershy, not wanting to seem rude, shuffles closer to you.
  30. >You lower your wing over her head and roughly pat at her with it.
  31. >She winces and squeaks with each wing-pat.
  32. "Hhheeh. You're cute."
  33. >"Um, Princess Celestia?"
  34. "What's the matter?"
  35. >"Do you... often get drunk?"
  36. "Only on weekends and weekdays."
  37. >Fluttershy nods in understanding, then frowns after what you said really sank in.
  38. "So," you crack a yawn and smirk languidly at her, "why are you skulking around my garden? Are you hoping to steal one of my shoes?"
  39. >You chuckle and slide off your one remaining golden article.
  40. "Here, take it; a gift from me to you. You've earnt it for being so nice, and soft, and kissable."
  41. >You wink suggestively, then toss it at her with magic.
  42. >It bounces off her head, and she squeaks.
  43. >She looks thoroughly uncomfortable.
  44. >"Um, y-you brought me here to check on your garden, and to make sure that any animals that came at night would be happy with the new arrangements..."
  45. "Did I do that?"
  46. >"Don't you remember? We spent all day together."
  47. "We did! Oh now I remember, yes, that was lovely, wasn't it?"
  48. >You sigh happily.
  49. "A fine day..."
  50. >"...So um, what are--"
  51. "You know what I hate?" You interject.
  52. >She doesn't manage to answer before you continue.
  53. "I hate the sun."
  54. >The mare stares at you in shock.
  55. "Lazy bag of gas and fission, I can't be doing with it! Just sits there melting the ice in my drinks and forcing my subjects to wear the most ridiculous summer hats; saw some mare last week wearing something like a dinner plate crossed with a skinned cat; what kind of tactless trollop would wear something like that?"
  56. >Fluttershy thinks to herself.
  57. >"I think that might have been Rarity...?"
  58. "It doesn't even say thank you for being raised every morning!" you continue, ignoring her. "Absolute waste of time and patience. If I still remembered how to contact Queen Faust I'd tell her to discontinue it."
  59. >You snort derisively.
  60. "So I have made a decision," you roll all the way onto your back and gaze at the night sky, waving an inebriated hoof at the moon.
  61. "I want a day off; let someone else worry about the sun. Heck, let someone else worry about being Celestia."
  62. >Fluttershy doesn't know how to answer you, but nods supportively and puts on a fake smile.
  63. "Hey..." your head lolls back to the side "do you want to be a princess for a day?"
  64. >"Um. No thank you?"
  65. "Ahh, you'll love it, trust me," without waiting for an answer your horn surges with light, an unnatural wind whipping around the two of you as Fluttershy is carefully lifted from the ground, bound in luminous bands of magic.
  66. >"Uhh, Princess? Princess?!"
  67. "Don't worry!" You call over the blustering wind and thrums of magic. "It'll wear off in a day!"
  68. >With that, the spell reaches its apex, and after a moment of blinding brilliance, Fluttershy drops to the floor in a mess of legs, erect wings, and hair.
  69. >When she stands again, she's changed. Her voluminous pink mane bears coloured highlights similar to your own mysterious hair, and a long white horn protrudes from the depths of it.
  70. >Fluttershy blinks a few times, then looks down at her hooves.
  71. >Cute little replicas of your own hoofwear adorn her.
  72. >She looks up at you, incapable of making a comment, her widened eyes proving to be terribly amusing.
  73. >You attempt a laugh, but only manage two "ha's" before burping and climbing to your hooves.
  74. >Your own mane, now its normal, unenchanted shade of pink, hangs limply at your side, no longer flowing on the unseen winds of magic.
  75. "You know, I never noticed before, but you and I share a natural mane colour."
  76. >Smile goofily at Fluttershy and paw at her cheek.
  77. "We're like sisters!"
  78. >You prod her chest with a hoof, eliciting the characteristic squeak of which you are so fond.
  79. "Hey, don't do anything too crazy, or I'll banish you to the moon! Hah! Do you remember that? When I banished Luna? Oooh, that was a fun weekend. I did miss her though; my sister, I mean. We used to make out a -lot-."
  80. >Fluttershy is still standing in stunned silence, but now wears a heavy blush.
  81. "Thousands of years living with the same pony makes for some curious dynamics, Fluttershy. Curious and -deeply- intimate-- heavens above do I love that pony; I'm going to -ravage- her tomorrow." You flash Fluttershy a cheerful smile. "Well, I had better send you home now; ta tah!"
  82. >Your horn ignites with pinkish glow you haven't seen in a very long time, then sputters out.
  83. >You blink, cocking your head to the side in alcoholically-delayed thought.
  84. "Oh, right, I forgot."
  85. >Smile at your guest.
  86. "You may need to get -yourself- home. Good night!"
  87. >You finish with a short, happy nod.
  88. >The rational side of your brain, which had been screaming in hysterics this entire time, at last gives up the fight in exasperation.
  89. >Whence after you face-plant the grass horn-first, passing out for good.
  91. >Hear a knock on the front door.
  92. >You set your hand of playing cards on the table face-down and rise from your seat, nodding at your colleagues.
  93. "Back in a second, boys."
  94. >The dogs you're playing poker with all bork politely in response.
  95. >Crossing your living room to the front of the house, you throw open the door to see a trembling Fluttershy.
  96. >You can just about tell in the light of your outside lamp that she's apparently cosplaying as Celestia.
  97. "It's midnight."
  98. >"I-I didn't know where else to go!"
  99. "Bull. Go bother Twilight, she's the one with a Celestia fetish."
  100. >"She won't talk to me; she opened the door and I said "Twilight I desperately need you" and she just said I was 'rubbing it in' then shut me out. I-I don't know what she meant."
  101. "So what, are the mane highlights not coming out? What about Rarity?"
  102. >"It's not a fashion problem, Anon! I-I think I might actually be Celestia!"
  103. "Look, Fluttershy, I'm playing poker with a load of dogs right now and I think I might be losing, so I really need to get back there and prove that humans are as superior as I keep making them out to be. Go home, sleep, and if you're still having an identity crisis in the morning we can make a greentext out of it."
  104. >"A what?"
  105. "A thing, Fluttershy, we can make a thing out of it. Goodbye."
  106. >You slam the door in her face and go back to your game, where you end up losing 22 bits to a Saint Bernard.
  108. >The following morning you're eating toast and ruminating on the impeccable poker-face of your canine adversary when the door is beset once more.
  109. >Open it to find Fluttershy still wearing her costume, her eyes bloodshot at the corners.
  110. "What'd you sleep in it too?"
  111. >"I can't get the colours out, and the shoes won't come off!" Her face displays naught but panic.
  112. "And the horn?"
  113. >She's about to answer, but instead trembles slightly and looks at a nearby potted plant.
  114. >It levitates off the ground for a while, suspended in a shimmering halo before abruptly exploding from the pressure and showering the two of you with soil and geraniums.
  115. "Thanks. Overdid the pruning a bit, though."
  116. >"I'm sorry Anon, but this is really happening! I even have wings now! I-I can fly!"
  117. >You watch her despairingly as she unfurls her regular yellow wings and flaps them a few times, hovering off the ground.
  118. You pinch the bridge of your nose, "You were always... alright."
  119. >She lands again, looking fearful.
  120. "Do you want me to tell you how I know you're not Celestia?"
  121. >"How?"
  122. >You jab a finger at the sun slowly cresting the horizon.
  123. "Because of THAT."
  124. >Fluttershy stares directly at it and nods slowly.
  125. >"R-right, yes, of course."
  126. >She smiles weakly.
  127. >"Of course! If Celestia was, um, gone, that wouldn't be happening!"
  128. "Or you would need to raise it, which you can't, because you're a pegasus."
  129. >...
  130. "Albeit one who can shatter plants with her mind."
  131. >...
  132. "Definitely gonna need to get Twilight for this one, I must say."
  133. >...
  134. "Come to think of it this is reminding me a -lot- of the time you made that dark bargain and became Nightmare Fluttershy--"
  135. >Fluttershy chews her bottom lip for a moment, then squints at the sun.
  136. >You watch with a growing sense of dread as Fluttershy's horn shimmers with gold, after which the sun sinks back below the horizon, shrouding the realm in darkness.
  137. >She stops squinting and blinks, then looks to you, waiting for your response.
  138. >You observe where the sun used to be, then survey Fluttershy with scepticism.
  139. "Gotta admit, that's not normal, even for you."
  140. >Streaks of light touch the surrounding area in a gentle orange glow as the great celestial light-bulb once more attempts to rise.
  141. >Fluttershy cautiously sends it back below the horizon again, her horn lowering with the sun.
  142. >Then it rises.
  143. >And she sends it back.
  144. >Rises; falls; rises; falls; rises; falls.
  145. "You should probably stop doing that before you do to the sun what you did to my geraniums."
  146. >"S-sorry."
  147. "You wanna explain how this happened, then?"
  148. >"Please could I come inside for coffee first?"
  149. "Out of the question."
  150. >"Ple-ease?" She gives you a pained look. "I've had a really hard night, Anon."
  151. >Sigh and step aside, letting the pony into your ordinarily Fluttershy-free sanctuary.
  153. >Another slice of bread leaves the bag and levitates in front of Fluttershy's face.
  154. >The mare is perched on a chair across from you, leaning forward with both glamorous hooves resting on the table.
  155. >She sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth and focuses on the bread.
  156. >It turns to cinders, the ashen remains adding to the growing pile before her.
  157. >Another slice of bread leaves the bag and levitates in front of--
  158. "Could you stop trying to make toast? I'm not gonna have any bread left."
  159. >"Sorry."
  160. >You lean back in your chair, appraising her new appearance.
  161. "So, how does it feel to be a god? Again?"
  162. >"Um. Warm, this time."
  163. "Yeah?"
  164. >"Yes. Is that how I'm supposed to feel?"
  165. "Don't have much experience with godhood, so I can't comment."
  166. >You sip your coffee.
  167. "For you, however, this is your second time. Your ascendant cherry has long since been popped."
  168. >"Yeah..."
  169. "Maybe this time you can do something with it instead of turning Trixie into a tree and wrecking Twilight's kitchen."
  170. >"I suppose I could try and seduce you with it?"
  171. "Uh huh. And how are you going to do that?"
  172. >She looks down at her gold-tipped hooves, then up at you.
  173. >Her wings slowly unfurl to their full span and she spreads her forelegs to the side, finishing with a weak shrug.
  174. >"Ta dah...?"
  175. "Very impressive."
  176. >"So does that mean we can have sex?"
  177. "I have to admit, it says a lot about you as a person, that."
  178. >She cocks her head. "What do you mean?"
  179. "Not five minutes ago you were treating the actual sun like a game of whack-a-mole; you could probably raze this entire town to the ground if you so desired."
  180. >"Oh, but um, I-I don't want to do that--"
  181. "Exactly, that's my point. The power of the sun at your fingertips, and all you want to do is get laid."
  182. >Take a sip from your drink.
  183. "You're either a precious angel who must be protected at all costs, or a complete moron."
  184. >"I quite like the idea of being an angel!" She says with a hopeful smile.
  185. "Then again, angels are celibate."
  186. >"That's not true!"
  187. "How is that -not- true?"
  188. >"Angel Bunny has had loads of girlfriends! I think he's had something like thirty little bunny babies by now!"
  189. "Did you just admit that your pet rabbit is an even bigger whore than you are?"
  190. >"Don't be mean, I'm not a whore!"
  191. "Last week I walked in on you taking three stallions at once because you wanted to know if a cuckolding gang-bang was my fetish. In -my- bed, might I add."
  192. >"...Have you changed your mind?"
  193. "It's still an emphatic no. You owe me for the new sheets, as well."
  194. >"Please could you put it on my tab?"
  195. "Your tab is over eight-hundred bits at this point."
  196. >"I-I'll pay it back, I swear."
  197. "You said that at Hearth's Warming."
  198. >"This time is different!"
  199. "You said -that- at New Years."
  200. >Muse for a moment.
  201. "You could probably use your magic to create some bits out of thin air. In fact, just a second--"
  202. >Obtain a glass of water from the sink and slide it before her amongst the ashes of your bread.
  203. "I wanna test something, would you mind turning that into wine real quick?"
  204. >She squints at the glass, and the water miraculously turns into a hideous black bubbling sludge.
  205. >You both observe it quietly, the scent of ozone wafting off the surface.
  206. "...Did you just -burn- water."
  207. >"Sorry..."
  208. "Your incompetence truly is limitless."
  209. >"If it helps, I was thinking really hard about wine."
  210. "Let us be thankful that your dreams will remain as such."
  211. >She slumps back in her chair, cheeks puffing as she shrugs her shoulders listlessly.
  212. >"I don't know what to do with all this, Anon! Celestia was drunk and I was in her garden and there was a flash of light and then Celestia was asleep and I didn't know what to do!"
  213. "At which point you said to yourself, 'Mother of mercy, I've been uplifted and become an uber-pony again, and this time it wasn't even my fault. I must inform Princess Luna at once and have this whole mess reverted so that we can go back to normal'. Right?"
  214. >Fluttershy begins sweating.
  215. "You immediately contacted the Canterlot Mage's Guild and asked them if they could reverse the spell, right?"
  216. >Her sweating intensifies.
  217. "You considered maybe staying by Celestia's side until she was in a better state of mind to undo what she had done to you herself, right?"
  218. >The pony gives you a nervous smile and goes about trying to avoid looking at you.
  219. >"Th-the heat of the moment overwhelmed me."
  220. "I thought so. Welp," you stand up, "come on, let's go get you sorted out, again."
  221. >"Wait, will I have to do the cinnamon thing again?"
  222. "You're -definitely- gonna have to do the cinnamon thing again."
  223. >She whines in fearful, meagre resistance, but slinks after you anyway as you both head for Twilight's library to rectify yet another error.
  225. >Twilight stands at her front door with an unimpressed look about her.
  226. >Her eyes drift between you and Fluttershy.
  227. >She blinks once, the bags under her eyes apparent in the morning sun.
  228. >"No."
  229. "No?"
  230. >"No. I'm not doing this again, sort yourselves out."
  231. "What do you mean? Twilight she's literally Celestia--"
  232. >"She is not -literally- Celestia, Anon," she snaps, "stop contributing to the further decay of our language by using words improperly."
  233. "It's a five-minute fix at most, we just need to use your kitchen--"
  234. >"Absolutely not."
  235. "Come on, Twi! What's the matter with you?" you protest.
  236. >"If you must know, I went into heat yesterday and was already having a rough time that wasn't made any easier by Fluttershy here flaunting herself around looking like that. I couldn't get back to sleep after she visited last night and my right hoof is -killing- me, so I'm not in the mood to drag you two idiots out of yet another mess! Can you please go -one day- without screwing something up and coming over here to get me to fix it?! I'm a librarian and a student, not your personal get-out-of-jail-free card! AAGH!"
  237. >She slams the door with a frustrated scream, leaving you both staring at the candle emblazoned on the red-painted wood.
  238. >...
  239. >"She smelled weird--"
  240. "Was gonna say, yeah, strange musk coming off that girl."
  241. >You both turn to walk away.
  242. "Wanna stop by the store and get some cinnamon, then?"
  243. >"Maybe it won't work this time?"
  244. "You and I have both come to trust Dash's wisdom on these matters, Shy."
  245. >"Okay..."
  247. >One trip to the store later (amid a great deal of curiosity from the local populace) and you sit with Fluttershy at a park table, a small tub of cinnamon between you along with a spoon.
  248. >The mare shuffles in her seat and frowns at you.
  249. >"Do we have to do it in the park?"
  250. "I thought you always wanted to do it in the park; that's what your whole voyeurism phase was about."
  251. >"That's-- HMM."
  252. >She glares at you whilst you smile innocently in return.
  253. "Come on; one spoonful and we can go back to normal."
  254. >She taps her hooves together, timidly eyeing her least-favourite spice.
  255. >"Celestia said it would wear off in a day, though."
  256. "And according to you she was black-out drunk when she said it."
  257. >"Good point..."
  258. "Let's just check to make sure you're still a god though before we proceed."
  259. >Nod at the sun, now lazily making its way towards its natural (or unnatural, given its relationship with magic) zenith.
  260. >Fluttershy blows a strand of her mane out of her eyes and focuses on the glowing orb, dragging it back below the horizon.
  261. >Several ponies in the park yell, and begin to panic.
  262. "Alright, alright, that's enough, bring it back."
  263. >Fluttershy purses her lips and concentrates for a few seconds.
  264. >"...I um, can't?"
  265. "The hell do you mean you can't?"
  266. >She squints at where the sun used to be and starts to grunt.
  267. >Her body tenses, and she trembles slightly from the strain.
  268. "Careful, Shy, we've been down this road before. Think of the geraniums."
  269. >She relents with a pant, slumping over the table slightly.
  270. >"W-wow, pushing it away is a -lot- easier than raising it! How does she -do- it?!"
  271. "I would imagine she's been doing it for far longer. Also she's far, far more competent than you are."
  272. >"I guess so, but--"
  273. >"AHA!" The booming voice of a wrathful titan echoes from on high, "FOUND YOU AT LAST, YOU CONTEMPTABLE HEATHEN!"
  274. >The park table between you both is reduced to near wood-shavings as an alicorn hurtles screaming from the void and subjects the humble seating arrangement to absolute ruination with a cacophonous landing that ruptures both your eardrums and the ground beneath you.
  275. >Princess Luna, now looming over a cowering, terrified Fluttershy, looks beyond mere fury. To say she's upset would be to say that a ghost-pepper is mild.
  276. >Which is surprising, since she normally has such a sunny disposition.
  278. >"Y-y-your--" Fluttershy stammers.
  280. >A dark blue miasma grabs Fluttershy by the throat and shakes her roughly.
  282. >With respect to Fluttershy, she did a fine job staying calm under pressure.
  283. >She didn't even wet herself as she did the last time she earned the ire of someone bigger than her.
  284. >Which, granted, is most things, but still.
  285. >You clamber up from your position on the ground. dusting yourself off, and tap Luna on the shoulder.
  286. >She turns to you with Hell itself burning in her eyes.
  287. "Ah, hi, Lulu; so, Celestia was drunk and gave Fluttershy her powers for maybe-a-day. Simple mistake, I'm sure you understand. Please don't hurt her. Not too much, anyway."
  288. >Luna sucks in a deep breath and lets it out again.
  289. >Her entire body shakes with rage, but she manages to subdue it somewhat.
  290. >"Celestia...! That would explain the pink mane and foalish negligence of her duties this morning, among... other things. Very well! I shall have to have words."
  291. >She sets Fluttershy down again, the yellow mare on the verge of a shock-induced coma as Luna faces her with an apologetic smile.
  292. >"My pardon, dear Fluttershy. I had not realised my sister was at play. Come! We shall both make haste to Canterlot and undo this nonsense. I am... sorry for threatening to kill you; I thought you were a traitor to the realm and intended to de-bone your body as a griffon fillets a fish!" she laughs heartily.
  293. >The demure pony goes pale as Luna reaches forward and gives her a reassuring pat on the head.
  294. >"Thankfully, it is not so; your bones shall remain yours for another day, Fluttershy. Treasure them always."
  295. >She casts her gaze towards the horizon, and her horn radiates with the typically awesome power of an alicorn whom actually knows what she's doing.
  296. >Gracefully, the sun ascends once more, climbing to its previous spot in the sky before resuming its gradual crawl above the Earth.
  297. >Before she can turn back to Fluttershy, Luna notices something and glances down.
  298. >"Oh? What is this?"
  299. >Amidst the ruins of the table, a minute tub of orange powder lies with its cap off, its contents spilled out across the ground.
  300. >Luna lowers her muzzle to it and sniffs deeply.
  301. >As she does so, you feel a zen-like calm take hold of you.
  302. >With predictable results, Luna rears back and sneezes so hard a nearby tree is snapped in half by the force of the blast.
  303. >Cinnamon powder and dust is thrown up around you all.
  304. >Once it clears, your hand waving through the drifting sediment, you stare down at where Luna used to be.
  305. >A small alicorn mare sits on her haunches amidst the grit; her light blue and decidedly unmagical mane draped limply around her youthful features; a dumbfounded look on her face.
  306. >"W-what." she squeaks.
  307. >...
  308. "Oh crap."
  310. The End.

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

by Nebulus


by Nebulus


by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

by Nebulus

[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

by Nebulus