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By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 08:42:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: November 29th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day War is Hell in Equestria
  5. >Wake up in the shower with the shower-curtain covering you clutching a serrated edge knife.
  6. >Stand up and crack your back
  7. >Damn good nap, that was
  8. >But you can't rest for more than 3 hours at a time
  9. >God damn ponies will get you
  10. >Sneak downstairs, watching for booby traps and pitfalls the enemy may have planted
  11. >Nothing
  12. >All good so far
  13. >Stop just outside the kitchen
  14. >Take out a notepad from the clothes you haven't changed in a week
  15. >"Day 452, made it to the kitchen without any contact, I don't like it. It's like the walls are watching me"
  16. >Put the notepad away and grip the knife harder
  17. >Stay low and move silently into the kitchen
  18. >Lock eyes on the target: Cereal
  19. >Make your way towards it, being sure to watch out for any suspicious activity
  20. >The sole of your boot squeaks on the tile
  21. >The noise pierces the silence
  22. >Perform a combat roll under the kitchen table and ready your knife
  23. >Remain still for 35 minutes
  24. >Emerge slowly
  25. >Check the clock
  26. >7:35
  27. >Damn, you're running behind. They could be closing in as you speak
  28. >Run to the cereal and prepare it as fast as you can
  29. >Down the entire bowl, milk and all in 4 gulps, not even bothering to chew.
  30. >When it reaches your stomach, the pain you'll no doubt feel will remind you that you're still alive
  31. >Finish up and "dispose" of the evidence that you were here
  32. >Can't leave any traces
  33. >Sneak to the front door
  34. >Listen closely for a while
  35. >Reach for the doorknob ever so slowly
  36. >Just as your trembling fingers touch the knob someone knocks
  38. >Tear the door off it's hinges and tackle the hostile forces with your shoulder
  39. >Carry them a few feet before slamming them on their backs as hard as you can
  40. >Hold the knife to their throat
  42. >"W-what?"
  43. >Realise you just tackled Fluttershy and are holding her at knifepoint
  44. >Fluttershy has proven to be an effective spy, watching the enemy from afar and leaking plenty of information without revealing her location
  45. >They don't train 'em like they used to
  46. >Get off her and sprint back inside, watching for anyone who might have followed
  47. >Coast is clear, but you make out shapes moving down below in the enemy camp
  48. >Damn, they're out in force today.
  49. >Like a well oiled machine they rise every morning and patrol the borders diligently from dawn till dusk.
  50. >No way of getting in or out without being seen
  51. >Unless you happen to be a Guerilla Fighter hardened by 20 years of unspeakable horrors that would make a lesser man cry
  52. >Which you are
  53. What news from the camp, Eagle Eye?
  54. >"Oh. Umm. There's a celebration on tomorrow, the summer sun celebration. You remember it, right? You were here for last years... why... d..."
  55. >You've zoned out
  56. >As soon as she said "Summer Sun" you remembered the last time these savages performed that unholy ritual
  57. >One year ago
  59. >"What? Mr Anon they just want to get inside the library"
  61. >"They just want to see if Twilight's ok"
  62. >You look at the purple unicorn
  63. >She's out cold and tied up with 45 different kinds of knot
  64. >You should have known she was important to the enemy, damn ponies and their gang leaders
  65. >She was a tough one to bring down, too
  66. >Suddenly the sky lights up outside
  70. >"Anon they're just firew-"
  71. >You tackle her and protect her body with yours
  72. >"Oh... my~"
  73. >She nuzzles closer to you chest
  74. >You both remain huddled together for 9 hours while the enemy continues to bombard your position
  75. >Bloody good engineers, these ponies. Not a single shell breaks through the roof.
  76. >It was the worst incident of your whole deployment here.
  77. >"Anon?"
  78. >Blink
  79. >"Aaaaaaanoooon?"
  80. >Snap back to the present
  81. >Fluttershy is waving a hoof infront of you
  82. >Jump and ready the knife
  83. >She flinches but tentatively raises a hoof
  84. >She touches your shoulder and smiles
  85. >Lower the knife and offer a small nod in return
  86. >You're sort of glad she's here for you
  87. >Filthy mudraking pony, but she was ready to betray her people for you
  88. >Either dedication or cowardice on her part
  89. >"S-so do you want to come into town today? Do you need anymore food?"
  90. >Your stomach rumbles at the thought
  91. >Last meal was 3 days ago
  92. >Hardly a problem, you once went 1 month without food
  93. >The guys at the barracks didn't believe you though.
  94. Yeah, food sounds good. I want us 5 meters apart at all times and I want us to move low. You watch my back and i'll watch yours. If done right, we'll make it out of this alive
  95. >You hate going into the enemy camp that you've come to know as "Ponyville". It puts you on edge
  96. >Spend 30 minutes preparing camouflage
  97. >Grip your trusty knife and homemade spear
  98. >Nod to Fluttershy
  99. Let's move
  100. >Take off at a sprint towards Ponyville, Fluttershy close behind
  101. >Damn ponies won't know what hit them.
  102. >10 minutes later
  104. >You're hidden down an alley watching patrols move by slowly
  105. >They're smiling and laughing
  106. >Sadistic fucks must love their job
  107. >Torturing and killing innocent civilians no doubt
  108. >Fluttershy speaks up behind you
  109. >"So how long are we going to be here-?"
  110. >You shush her
  111. Quiet... We only just lost them before, and I don't want another "incident"
  112. >You nod your head to the unconcious pile of ponies behind you
  113. >You and Fluttershy broke into a house to evade a patrol, it was filled with soldiers having a party
  114. >One fight and a couple of bruises later you and Fluttershy managed to take down about 25 ponies.
  115. >Not bad for some early morning exercise, and no casualties.
  116. >Fluttershy speaks up, more quietly this time
  117. >"So are we going to get some food then? It's midday and i'm hungry..."
  118. >She said that so quietly even you had trouble hearing her
  119. >She would have made one hell of a scout
  120. >You're glad she's on your side
  121. >She motions a hoof over to a congregation of ponies
  122. >"They're setting up the food stalls. We should get something to eat"
  123. >You take a moment to figure out 10 different entry and exit points, as well as coming up with 5 different plans for incase things go wrong
  124. Ok, move out.
  125. >Head through a winding path of back alleys and gardens
  126. >Approach the food stand cautiously
  127. >Nestle down in a bush, watching the food vendor and the produce closely
  128. >Your stomach rumbles at the idea of eating the enemy's food.
  129. >Hear a noise behind you
  130. >Snap your head around to look for the source
  131. >Nothing
  132. >False alarm
  133. >Look back at the food vendor
  134. >She's talking to..
  135. >Oh dear god no
  136. >Fluttershy is chatting to her
  137. >They both laugh
  138. >Has she given away your position?
  139. >A whole year of loyalty only to sell you out on the busiest day of the pony calender?
  140. >Of course... Sneaky little bitch.
  141. >Still, you feel hurt.
  142. >In another life, you might have called her friend
  143. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fluttershy...
  144. >You've lost good men over the years, but nothing stings as bad as one you trust turning against you
  145. >She starts flying back over
  146. >No one follows her
  147. >"Here you go, Anon! I got us something while we wait. Eat up mister!"
  148. You... Got this? For me?
  149. >"Yup."
  150. Using your connections to get food from the enemy... I will admit, I wasn't expecting you to pull through, Eagle Eye. Nice work.
  151. >You pat her on the back and her wings stiffen slightly
  152. >Goddamn horse
  153. >You both lie in that bush eating enemy rations until nightfall
  154. >Fluttershy looks tired, but she stays awake and by your side throughout it all
  155. >Smile to yourself
  156. >She's so loyal.
  157. >Exchange words about enemy supply lines and munitions
  158. >She doesn't understand any of it
  159. >She's just a grunt in this army, if you need any information you'd have to infiltrate the compound and interrogate someone higher up
  160. >Lights flicker on as the sun goes down and more and more guards start coming out
  161. >Start to get uneasy
  162. >Fluttershy notices your discomfort and places a hoof on your shoulder
  163. >"It's ok. Breathe"
  164. >Take a deep breath
  165. >It clears your head a bit
  166. >So many things could go wrong, but you're glad you have Fluttershy watching your back throughout it all
  167. >She shuffles closer to you and nuzzles you a bit
  168. >She's warm
  169. >You need to stay warm or you might freeze out here
  170. >Grab her and hold her close
  171. >Feel her body heat flow into you
  172. >She sighs happily and buries her head in your chest
  173. >Let go after a few minutes
  174. >She seems disappointed
  175. >But you don't have time for that
  176. >You need information, and the large building in the centre of the camp seems to be a hub of community around here
  177. >You bet there's an officer or commander of sorts running this operation in there
  178. >That's where you're going
  179. >Start to plan your attack and retreat routes
  180. >Don't notice Fluttershy leave
  181. >Lie on your stomach in that bush and plan for about an hour
  182. >Content with a plan, you look towards Fluttershy, who is now surrounded by food
  183. >She looks at you with a mouth full of apple
  184. >"wut?"
  185. >Chuckle at her resourcefulness
  186. >Take an apple and a few sugary treats and munch on them
  187. >The sugar will keep you going for hours
  188. >This mare knows how to keep a soldier happy
  189. >Explain your plan to her
  190. >"But why can't we just walk in? Your plan seems a bit excessive..."
  191. >Sigh
  192. If we just go walking in there, they'll be on us in seconds. I'm good, but I can't take on that many ponies at once.
  193. >She stares at you
  194. >You stare at her
  195. >Nod
  196. >Get up slowly and prepare to go
  197. >It's night now, and the stars are out
  198. >You prefer clouds. Stars make you feel like you're being watched
  199. >Move into Ponyville and stay close to the walls incase things go south
  200. >No one seems to have noticed you yet
  201. >Look up at the pole you identified
  202. >A large rope extends from the pole to the top of the Command Structure
  203. >A couple of flags dangle from it
  204. >Turn to Fluttershy
  205. You have wings, so you don't need to do this, but keep watch while I get inside, once i'm in, follow me, go it?
  206. >She salutes
  207. >"O-ok"
  208. >Nod
  209. >Start climbing up the pole and hang upside down from the rope by your legs and arms
  210. >Begin moving along the rope, hoping that you're dark enough to blend into the night
  211. >None of the ponies notice you
  212. >Excellent
  213. >Continue to move along the rope until you reach the end
  214. >Hop off onto the roof and signal Fluttershy
  215. >She smiles and waves excitedly back at you
  216. >Sneak in through an open window and look around the darkened room
  217. >You're in.
  218. >Look around the room
  219. >The hairs on the back of your neck stand up
  220. >Start to poke around, watching for alarms
  221. >Go over to a large, expensive looking desk.
  222. >It's polished and made of a hard, dark wood.
  223. >Look at a few of the pictures on the desk
  224. >By moonlight, you can make out the image of a tan coloured mare with a grey mane smiling back at you
  225. >You've seen her before
  226. >She struts around the camp like she owns the place
  227. >Look at the desk header
  228. >"Mayor Mare. Mayor of Ponyville"
  229. >Oh sweet Jesus
  230. >You didn't just end up in any old office.
  231. >You're right slap bang in the enemy headquarters
  232. >Your eyes widen
  233. >This changes everything
  234. >If you can capture the mayor, you can hold her and get as much information as you can, and then cut off an important figurehead in this operation
  235. >Hear a noise at the door and then voices
  236. >SHIT
  237. >Look around frantically
  238. >See a cupboard
  239. >Bolt for it and squeeze yourself inside
  240. >Shut it just as the door opens
  241. >The light come on
  242. >There she is
  243. >The "Mayor"
  244. >She walks up to her desk and frowns at the open window
  245. >She shuts it
  246. >You watch the door to the office
  247. >Closed, and looks solid
  248. >Look back at the mare
  249. >Old, frail. An easy target
  250. >Crack your knuckles
  251. >She looks up upon hearing the noise
  252. >Showtime
  253. >"Is anypo-"
  254. >She doesn't even finish
  255. >You explode out of the cupboard brandishing your knife
  256. >Tackle her to the floor and clasp a hand over her mouth
  257. >Her eyes are filled with terror
  258. >You're sat on top of her, pinning her down
  259. >Lean in close, pressing the knife closer to her throat
  260. Alright, you bastard. I'm gonna ask you questions and you're gonna answer nice and slow. We clear?
  261. >She nods fearfully
  262. Good
  263. >Slowly remove your hand
  264. What's the purpose of this operation?
  265. >"W-what operation?"
  266. >Grip her face and pull her right up to your nose
  267. You know damn well what I mean. This encampment is huge, unlike anything i've ever seen. You "ponies" patrol it every day, so many guards and watches it's like you're protecting something. Now i'll ask again. What is the purpose of this camp
  268. >"T-this is a town! Ponyville! We live here! We aren't a camp or anything like that!"
  269. >Shake your head
  270. >Even at knifepoint she lies through her teeth at you
  271. >She's made of tougher stuff
  272. >Press the knife harder into her throat
  273. I won't ask again.
  274. >"PLEASE! Please.."
  275. >She starts crying
  276. >"We're just a simple t-town... Please don't hurt me..."
  277. >Tears are streaming down her face
  278. >Relieve a bit of the pressure
  279. >She doesn't look like she's lying. Or it might be an elaborate lie to trick you into leaving
  280. I've been in that house watching this place for over a year, and you expect me to fall for this act?
  281. >She stops crying
  282. >"...over... a year?"
  283. I've been here for 452 days. Watching this town. Trying to learn what it's all about. And I got nothing. Even got one of your people to get intel for me.
  284. >She manages a smile
  285. >"O-oh! You must be Fluttershy's friend! She mentioned you, says you don't like to be disturbed and moved into that derelict house on the hill! I remember now..."
  286. >Fluttershy mentioned you?
  287. >She betrayed you after all!
  288. >But... why hadn't they moved in and taken you down?
  289. >This is getting more and more confusing
  290. Alright, Mayor. Let's say you are just a "peaceful town". How do you explain what's going on outside? You're mobilising for something. Last time I was here you opened fire on me and launched so many shells it would make a beach jealous. How do you explain that?
  291. >She's fully relaxed now and looking you in the eye, despite the knife to her throat
  292. >"Tonight is the annual Summer Sun Celebration. It celebrates the longest day of the year. We stay up late, launch fireworks, get drunk and regret it the next day!"
  293. >She chuckles to herself
  294. >"Oh... last year I drank so much I forgot I was the mayor!"
  295. >While she's laughing the cogs are turning in your head
  296. >This whole time
  297. >The town wasn't after you
  298. >You get off her and she sits up
  299. >Stare into space while she grabs something from her desk
  300. >She sits back down with her back resting on the desk like you and offers you a small glass
  301. >"Brandy?"
  302. >It's been so long since you go here...
  303. >So very... very... long...
  304. >Close your eyes and sigh
  305. >Open them again and accept the drink
  306. >You both sit in silence for a while nursing your drinks
  307. I think... I think I'd like to stop being scared now.
  308. >She looks at you with a puzzled expression
  309. >"What do you mean?"
  310. >Sigh again
  311. Before I ended up here, I was a commando in the military. I served for over 25 years fighting some of the bloodiest wars that no one's ever heard of. I've killed more men than I can count, lived off the corpses of anything from wild animals to my own brothers in arms.
  312. I was on a mission with a group of rookies, showing them the ropes when we get ambushed
  313. >Accept another drink
  314. We get pushed deep into the jungle while everything around us goes to shit. Enemy starts bombarding our position and I watch as the most promising rookie gets blown apart.
  315. I tell them to spread out and stick together but when I look at them I realise that they're all dead and I'm the only one left.
  316. I keep running for what seems like hours when I fall off a cliff and into some river down below
  317. When I come too I'm in an underground cave in front of some ancient panel
  318. I go to touch it and when I do I black out and wake up here.
  319. >Another drink
  320. The first thing I see is a pony staring at me. I think it's some kind of sick genetic experiment so I run.
  321. I run as far as I can but they're everywhere. I made it to the house on the hill and barricaded myself inside.
  322. For the next year and a half I slept with one eye open in the shower clutching this knife for fear of my life. I'm terrified of the world around me, in all it's wonder and beauty, all it's curious creatures and seductive landscapes and I'm just so scared.
  323. It's so pleasant and warm, the people so seemingly peaceful, hell I even made friends with one.
  324. >The mayor is looking at you slack jawed
  325. I've lived so long in the dark, Mayor. I've lived over half my life in the blackest places on Earth and when I'm confronted with paradise I just don't know what to do.
  326. And you know what?
  327. >"W...what?"
  328. I'm sick of it. I just want to wake up one morning and not be scared any more.
  329. >The Mayor is silent for a while then places a hoof on your arm
  330. >Flinch
  331. >"You're a long way from home, sir. I think it's time you took a break from it all."
  332. >Look at her, you feel emotions you haven't felt in nearly 3 decades resurface
  333. >"You'll always have a home here in Ponyville. You don't need to be scared any more"
  334. >She leans in and hugs you
  335. >You hesitate then hug back
  336. >Silence for another couple of minutes
  337. >The Mayor breaks the hug and smiles at you
  338. >"Come on. Follow me, we're gonna go get you drunk"
  339. >Smile at her and follow her out the room
  340. >The rest of the night is a blur of socialising and drinking
  341. >You haven't felt this happy in years.
  342. >The ponies don't care about what you are, only who you are
  343. >They laugh at your jokes and listen intently at your stories
  344. >They offer you food, and drinks, and sing along with you
  345. >You head back to the house at the end of the night when Fluttershy stops you
  346. >"H-hey Anon. I'm glad you got out at last! It only t-took you over a year!"
  347. >You both laugh
  348. I'm uhh. Gonna head back to the house now, Eagle E-... Fluttershy. I got a lot think about.
  349. >"I-I'll walk you there."
  350. >She hovers alongside you as you make your way home
  351. >Through the silence of the country road and away from the noise in town, you hear her humming to herself
  352. >You haven't heard a voice that sweet in so long
  353. >Get to your front door
  354. Well... This is my stop. Thanks, Fluttershy. For everything.
  355. >She smiles at you
  356. >Then hovers up and pecks you on the nose
  357. >"G-goodnight, Anon."
  358. >You lie in the bed that's been untouched for over a year and sleep like a log
  359. >It's finally over. The fear of death, the fear of betrayal and suffering. It's all gone
  360. >You feel happy
  361. >You feel free.
  363. The End.

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

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[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

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[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

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