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[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

By Nebulus
Created: 2020-12-17 16:46:05
Updated: 2021-07-03 08:46:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: November 29th, 2012
  2. ---
  4. >Day 15 in Equestria
  5. >You are Anon
  6. >So are the other 2 guys sleeping in the same bed as you
  7. >Sort of
  8. >Getting torn from your world and forced into this one had some strange effects
  9. >Namely the two other Anons being brought into existence
  10. >You stare at the ceiling for a while and think about how weird your life has become
  11. >Look at the window to your bedroom
  12. >A flying horse wearing a mailbag flies into a tree
  13. >The sad part is that it's not the weirdest thing you've seen since you came here
  14. >Sigh
  15. >Sit up between the two Anons and crawl off the end of the bed
  16. >Look back at the other two, who are still snoozing
  17. >The bed is tiny, and you don't even need covers since you're all squeezed together for warmth
  18. >It's not that bad.
  19. >It's just two clones of you. So no one can judge you
  20. >Walk downstairs and eat cereal for about 10 minutes while staring blankly at a wall
  21. >Look at the clock
  22. >7:29
  23. >Here we go
  24. >7:30
  25. >The clock chimes once to signal a half-hour
  26. >There's a knock on the door
  27. >Aaaaand go
  29. >Hear a small "eep" from behind the door
  30. >Also hear the two Anons get up and walk downstairs
  31. >Go over to the door
  32. >Open it
  33. Hi Fluttershy
  34. >"H-hello Anon... Umm... Which one are you again?"
  35. I'm the normal one
  36. >Her ears perk up
  37. >"O-oh g-good. I was afraid I got the angry one again"
  38. Nah. It's good. What do you want this time?
  39. >Lean against the door and give her a flat look
  40. >"W-well I just wanted to know what umm..."
  41. Spit it out, Fluttershy. We've done this for 8 days in a row now.
  42. >"Do you think you could walk around n-naked today? The other ponies feel uncomfortable around you when you're w-wearing so many clothes..."
  43. That's bullshit and you know it.
  44. >She hides behind her mane
  45. >"Oh... Yeah, sorry..."
  46. Anything else?
  47. >"W-well"
  48. Cool
  49. >Slam the door
  50. >Fucking horse
  51. >Walk into the kitchen and see the other two Anons
  52. >The one eating your cereal looks up
  53. >"Did ya' kill her?"
  54. Nope.
  55. >"Pussy."
  56. >He goes back to eating
  57. >Look at the other one staring out the window
  58. >He turns and beams at you
  59. >"Isn't it absolutely beautiful today?"
  60. >God you look creepy when you smile that much
  61. Yeah, it's a nice day. So what's the plan for today?
  62. >"Murder."
  63. >"Reading!"
  64. >"Genocide."
  65. >"Baking?"
  66. >"Some other form of death that involves these disgusting animals"
  67. >"A picnic!"
  68. Those are all horrible ideas. I'm ashamed of both of you.
  69. >"We are you, dickwad"
  70. Whatever.
  71. >"Well, have you got any better ideas, grumpy?"
  72. >Think for a second
  73. Baking.
  74. >"But I sa-"
  75. At Sugarcube Corner
  76. >"That the place with that pink one?"
  77. Yeah.
  78. >"I'll kill her and fuck the corpse"
  79. Of course you will.
  80. >A few minutes later you're all walking down the road.
  81. >Silence between you three
  82. >Look to your left
  83. >The happy you is humming and walking with a bounce to his step
  84. >Look to your right
  85. >The angry you is kicking rocks at nearby animals
  86. Yeah. I think I know what I'm calling you two from now on. We can't go on being called "Anon"
  87. >"I don't know why we don't use our normal name! Andrew is such a lovely name, afterall"
  88. >"Fag"
  89. Fag.
  90. >He frowns
  91. >"Well what do you suggest
  92. >You point at him
  93. You're now called Happynon.
  94. >You pat the other one on the back
  95. And this grumpy fuck is called Angernon.
  96. >"Those are the worst fucking names i've ever heard. You're lucky you're as handsome as me or I would have dragged you behind that bush and throttled you."
  97. Yeah I think they're pretty good as well. What do you think, happy?
  98. >"I think they're lovely"
  99. >You all carry on walking and promptly fall down a pitfall
  100. >"WHAT THE FUCK"
  101. >"Oh gosh."
  102. Ahh shit.
  103. >You all look up at the culprit for this cruel prank
  104. >A familiar Yellow mare looks down at you sheepishly
  105. >"S-so is being in a giant pit your fetish?"
  107. >She winces
  108. >"I umm.. I d-don't know..."
  110. >"E-everything?"
  111. >"EVERYTHING."
  112. >She *eeps* again and look at you
  113. >"D-do you like my hole, Anon? T-there's plenty more where it came from!"
  114. >She turns around and shows you all her rear
  115. Oh god why
  116. >"Oh fucking hell"
  117. >"That's revolting"
  118. >She faces you again
  119. >"Y-you don't like it?... Oh..."
  120. When you woke up this morning, what made you think that digging a massive pit in the middle of a road would be a good idea?
  121. >"I told you man, she's retarded"
  122. >"W-well, Anon. I thought you might swoon for me if you saw this pit... Maybe think 'wow! Fluttershy has done such a good job with this pit! I think i'll show her my... hot... dick...'"
  123. >She trails off and starts drooling
  124. >Happynon giggles at this
  125. >You and Angernon glare at him
  126. >"Oh, what? She can be adorable at times. Even if she is a little bit odd"
  127. >"I hate you so fucking much"
  128. >Happynon frowns
  129. >"Well we're going to be down here for a while, so I think you'd better get used to me."
  130. >"I AM you, you insipid shitstain."
  131. >"Well then I guess you just insulted yourself, silly!"
  132. >Angernon is taken aback and starts trying to blurt out a response
  133. >He fails, sits down, folds his arms and sulks
  134. Welp. I don't think this day could get any worse.
  135. >"Yoo hoo! Anon! I'm back now!"
  136. You left?
  137. >"Y-yes. And now, since you're all stuck here all day, I can guess your fetish!"
  138. >Angernon looks at you with glistening eyes
  139. >"Kill me."
  140. Later. Look, Fluttershy. Just get us out of here and I'll take you out to dinner or some shit like that.
  141. >She giggles at you
  142. >"Silly, I know you're lying to me! I have you just where I want you now! And nothing can take you away from me!"
  143. >Angernon starts crying
  144. >Happynon sighs
  145. >"Fluttershy, darling. Can't we work something out? I'd be happy to spend time with you if you wish. I'm identical to Anon here, I just have a nicer attitude. Doesn't that sound like fun?"
  146. >He looks at her with a desperate look on his face
  147. >She stares back with a dreamy look in her eye
  148. >"Oooh~ I'd like that very much... But you can do it once I'm done with you three"
  149. You're seriously going to keep us in a fucking pit all day? We need to eat you know.
  150. >"I'll bring you food"
  151. And we need to drink-
  152. >"And drinks"
  153. And we will obviously need to use the toilet-
  154. >"Dig a hole"
  155. We're in a hole.
  156. >"Another hole, silly"
  157. You're sick.
  158. >"Shush, Anon. Momma will make you want her by day's end"
  159. >Angernon stops crying
  160. >He glares up at her and points a finger
  161. >Opens his mouth
  162. >And begins a 30 minute scream-rant about the things he'll do to her after he gets out of the pit
  163. >Some of which you don't think are even possible
  164. >Especially the one about the Tea Leaves.
  165. >That one was just silly.
  166. >Sit down and listen to him scream
  167. >Happynon sits next to you and rests his head on your shoulders
  168. >It's not gay if it's you
  169. >The day goes on
  170. >Angernon screams
  171. >Happynon pleads
  172. >You reason
  173. >Fluttershy tries to guess your fetishes
  174. >"Tentacles?"
  176. >She mutters a few words and the hell rift in the middle of the pit floor closes, taking the lovecraftian horrors with it
  177. That was fuckin' crazy.
  178. >"Yes... It was quite, horrible..."
  179. >Poor Happynon. This is really taking a toll on him
  180. >You put an arm around his shoulders and give a reassuring squeeze
  181. >He smiles at you
  182. >Fluttershy sees this
  183. >"Oh! Are homosexual relationships your fetish, Anon?"
  185. >"Sure it isn't, faggot"
  186. Shut up, Angernon.
  187. >"Well umm... Just a second"
  188. >She runs off, leaving you three in silence
  189. How long have we been down here? Who has the watch?
  190. >Angernon pulls the watch you three share out of his pocket
  191. >"It's 5. We've been down here for nearly 8 fucking hours"
  192. God damn.
  193. >Happynon taps you on the shoulder
  194. >"Andrew... If we get out of here, I'd be happy to answer the door to Fluttershy in the morning from now on"
  195. >What a trooper
  196. That won't be necessary. I don't think we're going to make it out of this alive
  197. >"I hear that. I can't believe that bitch tried to feed us Hay. Doesn't she know what humans eat? Fuck i'm hungry"
  198. We all are, man. Keep it together
  199. >Angernon squirms
  200. What's up?
  201. >"I've sort of... Uhh, been holding it in all day"
  202. >Oh shit no.
  203. Ok. Relax, we'll dig a hole
  204. >"I'm not going in a fucking hole. Toilets are what separates us from the animals"
  205. Ponies have toilets you retard.
  206. >"Toilets and Opposable thumbs"
  207. Smartass
  208. >"I'm not shitting a hole, Anon."
  209. >"Y-you can shit on me... If you want..."
  211. >Look up and see Fluttershy
  212. >She's got a lantern and a sleeping bag
  213. You must be fucking joking. I'm not spending a night in a pit
  214. >She smiles
  215. >"Well it's not like you're going anywhere. And neither am I so get comfortable"
  216. >She throws a few apples down
  217. >Happynon squeals
  218. >"Yes! Food!"
  219. >He chews his apple with a content look on his face
  220. >God that's cute
  221. >Fuck off, brain.
  222. >"Thank Christ for that, I'm starved"
  223. You sure you should eat anything, Angernon? You already need to go
  224. >"I'll hold it in. If I die of clogged up faecal matter in my rectum I'm blaming Banana Hush."
  225. >Happynon lowers his apple
  226. >"I was eating..."
  227. >"Suck it up, you pansy"
  228. >Look up at the heavens
  229. God, when did I wrong you so?
  230. >Fluttershy gasps
  231. >"I-I'VE GOT IT!"
  232. Again, how did I wrong you?
  233. >"Y-you three should all make out! Ohh I can't believe I didn't think of this until now!"
  234. >Angernon stares at her
  235. >"You what, mate?"
  236. >She clops her hooves excitedly
  237. >"If you all have gay sex right now in this pit, you're sure to love it! And then i'll love it! And then you'll love me!"
  238. >"Your logic is utterly fucked"
  239. And so will you if she has her way. Come on, guys. We need to get out of here.
  240. >"But how, Andrew?"
  241. Dunno. We'll think of something. Three minds are better than one.
  242. >"But what if it's all the same mind?"
  243. >Damn. That's surprisingly clever.
  244. >Smart and cute, you never even saw it in yourself-
  246. >All three of you put your heads together and start planning so that Fluttershy can't hear
  247. >"A-are you all kissing down there? Please say yes..."
  248. >Surprisingly, Angernon has some pretty awesome ideas.
  249. >Digging hand and footholes in the walls of the pit
  250. >Standing on each other's shoulders
  251. >Digging a tunnel with the plates you have down here from the Hay meal you got
  252. >You nod your head approvingly
  253. Nice ideas, Angry.
  254. >"No problem. I just want to get out of here"
  255. >"I agree. I miss the sun on my face..."
  256. >Look at Happynon
  257. >You gotta get him out of here, even if you and Angrynon die. He doesn't deserve any of this.
  258. >You probably should have mentioned earlier, Angrynon and Happynon aren't just physical manifestations of your emotions. They ARE your emotions.
  259. >You are incapable of feeling happiness or anger since they came into being.
  260. >It makes having them around that much more enjoyable and useful, since they can channel your emotions when you can't.
  261. Ok. I think I have a plan.
  262. >You all wait until nightfall
  263. >Fluttershy bids you all goodnight and sweet dreams and goes off to sleep
  264. >After a while you hear her muttering in her sleep
  265. >"mmmm... three dicks at once..."
  266. >Fuckin' Horse.
  267. >You pull the other two in
  268. Ok. Lets move.
  269. >You all carefully break the 3 plates in half, creating 9 half pieces
  270. >They're made of porcelain, so it's a tough material.
  271. >You press them into the mud-walls of the pit and test them once they're far enough in
  272. >They can support your weight
  273. >Slowly and surely climb the wall, planting more foot/hand holds with the plates.
  274. >Eventually you climb out the top and beckon to the other two
  275. >Angernon climbs up there faster than a monkey and starts humping the ground when he gets out
  276. >Happynon is next
  277. >You hold out your hand and take his to help him up
  278. >His hands are so soft...
  279. >BRAIN. STOP.
  280. >Once you're all out there are high-fives and pats on the back all round
  281. >This wakes up Fluttershy
  282. >"o-OH! You're umm... Out..."
  283. Yeah. We are.
  284. >Angernon cracks his knuckles
  285. >"I'm gonna enjoy this"
  286. >Happynon holds him back
  287. >"Don't, we can settle this without violence..."
  288. >Angernon shrugs him off and walks up to Fluttershy
  289. >He grins maliciously at her
  290. >He forces her out the sleeping back and rips it to pieces
  291. >Once the cord that tightens the back is free, he uses it to bind Fluttershy's wings as hard as he can
  292. >"O-ouch... Please... That hurts!"
  293. >"Good."
  294. >He stands back and looks at her proudly
  295. >"There we are!"
  296. >And punts her into the pit
  297. >You can't help it
  298. >You laugh
  299. >You don't feel happy at all, but you just felt it was the right thing to do.
  300. Nice work, Angry.
  301. >He grins at you
  302. >"I'm pretty awesome aren't I?"
  303. Will she be ok?
  304. >"Oh yeah. I left her some... Food..."
  305. >You notice he looks more relaxed-
  306. >OH DEAR GOD
  307. >You grab the lantern and light up the pit with it
  308. >Fluttershy is lying in a pile of Angrypoop
  309. That's... Brilliant.
  310. >Angernon laughs
  311. >"Come on, I'm hungry. I wanna eat at that Sugarcube place. After this I feel like kissing that pink one. She'll be a welcome sight"
  312. Wow, really?
  313. >"Nah. If she looks at me i'll break her face. But I'm still pretty hungry"
  314. Time?
  315. >He looks at the watch
  316. >"11 o Clock. Think they'll still be open?"
  317. Only one way to find out.
  318. >You all head down the path into Ponyville, watching out for any giant holes
  319. >Angernon walks on ahead, fuelled by his hunger
  320. >You and Happynon walk side by side
  321. >Look at him in the moonlight
  322. >He smiles at you
  323. >"Thanks for getting us out, Andrew"
  324. >Put an arm round his shoulder and pull him in close
  325. >Feel his hand slide into your back pocket and stay there as you walk into town
  326. >Its not gay if it's you.
  328. THE END.

[FLUTTERRAPE] Happy Birthday

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[FLUTTERRAPE] Three Anons One Pit

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[FLUTTERRAPE] Demon Swords and Dark Overlords

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