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Duties of the Royal Pâtissier: Chapter 1(NSFW, BBW)

By okiedokiethor
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-02 10:37:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >be the royal pâtissier
  2. >hear that Celestia and Luna are stepping down and Twilight will become the new ruler.
  3. >feel relieved. Now you only have to bake for one.
  4. >Considering how much those two hogs ate when they ruled, Twilight will be easy.
  5. >You were wrong.
  6. >Princess Twilight claims that since she has to raise both the sun and the moon she has to consume twice as many calories.
  7. >This is horseshit, raising the sun and moon isn't that strenuous, but you can't question a princess.
  8. >As Twilight's reign begins, she starts eating almost constantly.
  9. >At first it was just snacking, but soon those snacks got larger and larger.
  10. >combined with her regular naps, she doesn't do a lot of actual ruling, having delegated most of it to her advisers.
  11. >On top of that, Celestia and Luna make monthly visits to "check on Twilight" and "make sure she stays healthy while ruling Equestria".
  12. >These usually turn into an excuse to have a huge feast.
  13. >Needless to say, Twilight starts to put on weight rapidly.
  14. >In the first month her slight chub grows to an impressive belly.
  15. >As the year goes on, her weight skyrockets.
  16. >The 1st year-anniversary of Twilight's reign is coming soon.
  17. >As a result, a lot of planning and paperwork has to be done.
  18. >Unfortunately, unlike most other legislature, the princess wanted to approve the plans herself, "to make sure everything goes right"
  19. >Currently, a number of different bureaucrats were lining up to receive Princess Twilight's royal seal of approval.
  20. >You walk by with a few other royal chefs and the Princess' "tea time" meal.
  21. >The bureaucrats visibly deflate when they see you walk by. They won't be talking with Twilight this time.
  22. >You reach the massive mare that is Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  23. >She certainly no longer resembled the regular-sized mare you once knew, instead having been replaced by a gluttonous behemoth.
  24. >Twilight's two chubby cheeks bounce up and down as she snacks on a doughnut.
  25. >Her neck had disappeared, replaced by a thick roll of fat.
  26. >Each of Twilight's breasts were three times as big as her head and each of her giant areolas were bigger than your whole hand.
  27. >Her upper arms were almost as large as her head, and were currently laying on her massive hips.
  28. >The previous administration had ensured that all doors in the castle were widened to at least double their size. This was a smart choice, as you were certain Twilight's hips wouldn't allow her to walk through any regular-sized door.
  29. >You couldn't see her ass, but you knew from previous experience that Twilight's ass-shelf was huge enough that you could put several large textbooks on it.
  30. >Her legs were huge; you doubted you could wrap your arms around one of her thighs and her calves were larger than hams.
  31. >The crowning glory of her body was her stomach, a double-tiered behemoth so large it bounced against her knees when she walked.
  32. >She was currently sitting, so her gut covered her entire lap and sagged down to her shins.
  33. >Floating around her body like planets around a star were various food items she snacked on as she looked over and stamped the various proposals.
  34. >As soon as she saw your entourage arrive, the princess' eyes lit up.
  35. >"I'm sorry everyone, but court is now in recess as it's tea time"
  36. >A few groans were let out as the bureaucrats walked away.
  37. >Twilight almost bounces up and down as you walked over with all the food for her afternoon "tea".
  38. >It should be noted that Twilight didn't actually drink tea during teatime.
  39. >Instead, teatime, like the other seven meals of the day, were merely times when Twilight increased her food intake. She was always eating, but in between meals she was "simply" snacking as she fulfilled other duties, while the meals themselves were devoted wholly to eating.
  40. >Twilight levitates a jug of peanut-butter chocolate milkshake to her mouth and begins to chug it down.
  41. >She polishes the whole thing off, flings the empty jug away, lets out a burp, and levitates over a large chocolate cake.
  42. >Pies, pudding, eclairs, fudge, and a variety of other foodstuffs are ravenously devoured.
  43. >Twilight appears to be in pure bliss as she uses her magic to lay back and binges.
  44. >You're not sure how long it takes, but a thunderous belch proclaims Princess Twilight has finished a meal that could've fed over a dozen ponies.
  45. >"Once again, a wonderful meal. As always, you really do *burp* outdo yourselves" Twilight always thanked the chefs after eating. If she didn't have any manners while she was dining, she at least had them afterwards.
  46. >"And thank you so much for the coffee, I really do need the extra energy if we're going to *urp* finish the preparations" That coffee had enough sugar to make a ponybucks barista blush, but it was par for the course at Canterlot castle.
  47. >"You have no idea how hard this is. I'll have to hold court for four whole hours throughout today! Afternoon court, evening court, and night court. I really do have to go all out if Canterlot will be ready for the celebration". Fitting in time to address administrative issues between eating and napping was difficult for the princess.
  48. >"You are all dismissed. I'll see you at suppertime" she said with a wave of her hand.
  49. >"Except you Royal Pâtissier."
  50. >You stood there nervously. Your pastries were still up to snuff, right?
  51. >"Come here" the Princess beckons with her hand as she licks the leftover chocolate off her mouth.
  52. >As you walk up, Twilight strokes your face with one hand while rubbing her engorged stomach with the other.
  53. >"All of this work has got me stressed. I was hoping after dessert tonight you could come visit me in my chambers for a little...relaxation?" She said with a flirtatious (and slightly nervous) smile.
  54. >You nodded. You were sure this was a genuine question, but a personal session with a princess was not something you turned down.
  55. >"Great. I'll see you this evening then"
  57. >The rest of the day was pretty ordinary.
  58. >Supper, dinner, and evening desert all went without a hitch.
  59. >You left the kitchens a little early. Didn't want to keep the princess waiting.
  60. >You opened the large door to the Royal chambers.
  61. >There was Twilight, laying on her side eating a bonbon.
  62. >"Glad to see you made it. By the way, those creme puffs tonight were divine" She said with a smile. "But we aren't really here to discuss culinary matters, are we?".
  63. >"Let's get down to business. You have something I want, and I'm not one to wait."
  64. >Twilight floats you off the ground and pulls you toward her, magically stripping you of your uniform and magically massaging your shaft as she shifts to laying on her back.
  65. >"I'm not letting you go until I'm fully satisfied. You have to show your princess a good time." The glimmer in her eyes gave away her intent. Twilight tried to be regal with her subjects when she wasn't eating, but not tonight.
  66. >She lifted up her stomach and parted her legs, but there was too much fat for you to see her pussy.
  67. >The princess magically pushed you in anyways.
  68. >You felt yourself enter into her as Twilight let out a moan.
  69. >Her stomach covers your chest and face.
  70. >You lean back to try and get some air as Twilight pushes you in further.
  71. >The amount of flesh is overwhelming, but you're able to get to a quick pace to satisfy your princess.
  72. >Twilight makes sure you keep up with a few magical pushes.
  73. >She lets out low moans of increasing volume as you pound away at her pussy.
  74. >Her rocking stomach causes her to let out a few belches in between her cries of pleasure.
  75. >Your pumping causes her stomach to smack into you, filling the room with a clapping sound of sweat-covered flesh against flesh.
  76. >You get faster and faster as the Twilight gets louder and louder.
  77. >At this point you're penetrating as far as you can.
  78. >Your world is entirely purple princess fat.
  79. >Finally, your slamming away and her moans reach their peak as you give one final thrust.
  80. >Twilight lets out a shutter and a cry as her orgasm rolls over her.
  81. >You, however, are not so lucky.
  82. >Instead of release, your genitals begin to glow.
  83. >You're sitting there balls deep in the princess, on the cusp of an orgasm, but can't seem to finish the job.
  84. >Twilight magically pulls you out and looks you in the eye.
  85. >"Remember what I said? I'm not satisfied yet. And you finish when I finish."
  86. >You're too lust-addled to reason with her.
  87. >You just want to fuck.
  88. >Twilight rolls over on her stomach and gets into doggy position.
  89. >She magically hovers you into place, and you go to town.
  90. >Her ass claps in approval of your vigorous fucking.
  91. >Twilight 's moans as her orgasm builds up again.
  92. >You are still suffering from magically-induced edging.
  93. >Whether it's lust or your desire to not have massive blue balls tonight, you continue pumping away.
  94. >New orgasms, new positions, but no happy ending for you yet.
  95. >To her credit, Twilight had way more stamina than what you thought a girl her size would have.
  96. >Finally, with one final *shlock*, Twilight pulls you out. and hovers you onto the bed.
  97. >"*huff* Oh my Celestia. You *puff* really are a stud." Twilight gasps for air as this is the most exercise she's had in a very long time.
  98. >"I wouldn't forget*gasp* my end of the deal".
  99. >Twilight leans down to your crotch, wraps her lips around your cock, and begins sucking away.
  100. >You writhe about in pleasure as Twilight's tongue swirls about your head.
  101. >She deepthroats you and your eyes bulge out.
  102. >Just when you thought you'd die from maxing out your pent-up pleasure, Twilight finally lets you orgasm.
  103. >You let out a guttural moan as Twilight's fat cheeks expand with your jizz.
  104. >Her lewd gulps and slurps only add to the bliss you feel as your body slackens.
  105. >Twilight, however, would not finish until she had sucked every drop of semen you gave her.
  106. >She finally lets you pull out.
  107. >"*Burp* that tasted pretty good. Seems like you're good at making more than just baked goods" Twilight said with a flirtatious smile as she gets up and lays back against a pile of pillows on her bed.
  108. >You join her, leaning against her gigantic sweaty body.
  109. >You've lost track of how late it is.
  110. >A minute of silence goes by as you rest.
  111. >"Well, it's getting late and I think maybe you should head out. Don't want rumors to start popping up, you know?"
  112. >Twilight knew how to schmooze a foreign diplomat, but when it came to pillow talk, she was still the awkward pupil.
  113. > You gather your clothes as you get ready to leave.
  114. >"Oh, and one more thing... I really did enjoy myself tonight. It's been a long time since I've had a good romp with anyone. We should have one of these sessions again sometime" the Princess said with a slight blush.
  115. >You simply grin and bow. You won't lie, you had a pretty good time too.
  116. >You walk out the door, ready to go to bed.
  117. >With the workout the princess just had, you've got a big day in the kitchens tomorrow.

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