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Twilight Supports a Sobbing Celestia (bbw)

By okiedokiethor
Created: 2021-03-16 08:13:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twilight picks up the ringing phone in her office.
  2. >"Sorry to bother you princess, but it's Celestia again. She's..."
  3. >Twilight could hear in the background Celestia sobbing.
  5. >The purple alicorn let out a groan. "Thanks. I've got the picture. I'll be there shortly."
  6. >Twilight rolled her eyes as she hung up. She was supposed to have the afternoon off too...
  7. >It did not take long for Twilight to arrive at Celestia's dwellings.
  8. >She silently waved at the guards as she walked in, following the cries and sounds of eating to their source.
  9. >There lay the once-great ruler of Equestria, who was now currently stuffing her face with bon-bons.
  10. >Celestia had put on quite a bit of weight since she had given her position to Twilight. The white alicorn now sported a budding second chin, plush legs, a very generous derriere (even larger than what she had before she retired) but most of the fat seemed to have collected in her round gut of a stomach. The white alicorn was certainly heavier than Twilight had ever seen her.
  11. >Chocolate covered Celestia's face and hooves as tears streamed down her cheeks.
  12. >The portly retired monarch temporarily stopped her emotional binging as she spotted her old student.
  13. >"Oh, Twilight I...I'm so sorry*sob* I just...look at me! Look how far I've fallen.*gasp* I'm such a mess now" the tearful pony did have a point. Celestia was a really ugly crier. "I used to rule all of Equestria, and now I'm just a useless fat pig!"
  14. >Twilight took on an air of motherly authority that she had seen her once-majestic teacher don so many times before. She sat down next to Celestia and held her head against her purple chest as she brushed away the tears.
  15. >It was strange that it was now Twilight calming a distraught Celestia instead of the other way around. But Twilight saw this as a sign that she was the one in charge now; being the ruler of Equestria meant that one had to take care of all one's subjects, even if they were ex-monarchs.
  16. >"I don't think you're a useless fat pig at all. You're one of the greatest alicorns to have ever lived. All of Equestria still loves you, and there's not a pony that wouldn't obey your command."
  17. >"You...*sniff* you think so?"
  18. >"Of course Celestia! And for good reason too. I didn't realize how much work you did until I started doing your job. And to think you did it for 100 years by yourself too." Twilight shook her head. "It's really incredible, you know that?"
  19. >"I...*snuffle* guess you're right" Celestia grinned a little as she licked the chocolate off her lips. "It wasn't easy, you know..."
  20. >"It sure wasn't. You deserve a break." Twilight began to rub Celestia's chubby tummy; a surefire way to make the white alicorn calm down. "Learn to relax a little. Luna's had no issue embracing the retired life".
  21. >The fattened ex-matriarch snorted. "I'll say. Have you seen her lately? She's blown up like a blimp".
  22. >"And there's nothing wrong with that. It just means she's enjoying herself. You should enjoy yourself too." Twilight pushed a chocolate into Celestia's mouth. Celestia chewed away, more than happy to eat another sweet.
  23. >"Mmmmm, I suppose so. These chocolates are good." Celestia's voice shifted to a more regal tone. "Twilight, as your princess I order you to feed me the rest of these sweets!"
  24. >"Hey, I thought I was the princess now!" The younger alicorn giggled,
  25. >"In public that may be the case, but when we're alone like this I'm still in charge." Celestia winked.
  26. >"Well, in that case, your wish is my command"
  27. >Twilight levitated the rest of the candy as the two of them snuggled up in a pile of pillows. She massaged her mentor's belly and levitated chocolates into Celestia's mouth as the two alicorns lay together.
  28. >"Twilight, you really know how to take care of a princess"
  29. >Twilight nuzzled Celestia's neck as she fed her another chocolate.
  30. >"What can I say. I learned from the best!"

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