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Duties of the Royal Pâtissier: Chapter 2(NSFW, BBW)

By okiedokiethor
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-02 10:38:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >The day of the anniversary celebration arrives.
  2. >You, the Royal Pâtissier, have been working night and day to get everything ready.
  3. >You're exhausted, but you and the kitchen staff have everything prepared.
  4. >The festivities begin right before sunrise.
  5. >You see many of the most famous and important ponies in Equestria as everyone waits in the gardens for Twilight's appearance.
  6. >The double doors open, revealing the princess in all her obese glory.
  7. >While most of the ponies there were in their finest garb, Princess Twilight Sparkle opted to go nude.
  8. >Considering how much she was going to eat today, that was probably a wise choice.
  9. >You also notice that since your tumble with the princess, she's gained about a dozen pounds.
  10. >She was normally putting on a lot of weight anyway, but the stress of putting on the celebration helped her along.
  11. >Her hips seem a little wider, and her stomach sagged a little farther down her shins.
  12. >The princess waddles through the crowd, waving to everyone and blowing kisses as the guests cheer for their monarch.
  13. >A few ponies seem surprised about Twilight's appearance, but everyone in Equestria knows about the princess' weight gain, and most know about her nudist proclivities; a tradition she continued from the previous administration.
  14. >Twilight would be situated in the gardens for today, while most of the rest of the celebration would happen in the ballroom. Her throne had been moved outside as she wouldn't be moving around much today.
  15. >Twilight gave a small speech thanking everyone for coming and the love and appreciation her subjects showed her this last year as she ruled Equestria.
  16. >You suppress a smile as you knew Twilight's "rule" didn't actually involve her doing much actual ruling.
  17. >A loud growl from her stomach interrupts the princess and she quickly wraps up her speech.
  18. >Many ponies let out oohs and aahs as Twilight raises the sun. Sunrise was always beautiful, regardless of the princess' weight.
  19. > With her morning duty out of the way, Twilight sits down on her throne, a bit winded after so much activity.
  20. >With that, the main part of the celebration could now proceed.
  21. >Once a year ponies from all over Equestria would come to Canterlot castle to offer food to the reigning monarch(s) to show their appreciation for their rule.
  22. >As per tradition, a line is formed as ponies present their offerings to the princess.
  23. >From fancy foreign cuisine to homemade dishes, everypony came with their best meals for the princess to eat.
  24. >While some speak to the princess as they make their offerings, Twilight is too busy stuffing her face to say anything back.
  25. >She's eating at full speed as the offerings hover around her head. Not only is Twilight usually starving at breakfast, but she needs to keep up with all the offerings given to her.
  26. >However, those who give offerings can give Twilight a tummy rub, which the princess also enjoys.
  27. >Instead of chewing, Twilight used her magic to break up and compress the food into smaller chunks, allowing the princess to lean back and merely gulp the food down.
  28. >While Twilight tries to make sure all the food ended up in her mouth, she was a messy eater, and some food debris began to appear around her mouth.
  29. >Twilight's stomach began to swell, becoming rounder and rounder. Still plenty soft, but slowly less so than before.
  30. >To make more room, she widened her legs as far as she could to let her stomach sag down.
  31. >After a few hours you can tell Twilight is starting to fill up.
  32. >Her pace has slowed and her excited expression from before has dimmed.
  33. > The fold that divided her stomach had become less pronounced, and her stomach has widened until it nearly covered her large and heavy hips.
  34. >While normally it was pretty difficult to see Twilight's face around her stomach when she was seated, now it was practically impossible as it had expanded wider and taller.
  35. >Her throne was pretty sturdy, but you could hear it giving out the occasional creak and groan in between the digestive noises Twilight's stomach was making.
  36. >But still the princess eats.
  37. >Suddenly, a strange hum fills the air.
  38. >A massive portal opens up, and the guests of honor finally appear: Princesses Celestia and Luna.
  39. >This was the first time many of the guests had seen the pair since they'd abdicated.
  40. >The two Alicorns were absolutely massive.
  41. >Before they had abdicated it was debatable if Celestia and Luna were still mobile.
  42. >Now there was no question about it.
  43. >Since they had retired, Celestia and Luna could spend 100% of their time stuffing themselves.
  44. >They may have gone overboard.
  45. >At this point each of them must've been the size of a house.
  46. >The retired princesses towered over the regular ponies, their blob bodies eliciting gasps from the commoners.
  47. >Celestia's cheeks were each the size of basketballs, causing her to have a permanent squint.
  48. > Her neck was nothing more than a memory, and instead rings upon rings stretched across her chest.
  49. >Each of the Princess's breasts had a circumference wider than a pony's armspan and hung to the sides of her immense stomach.
  50. >Celestia's flanks were each the size of a wagon, and her cutie mark was bigger than a fully-grown pony.
  51. >Celestia and Luna were about the same size with slight weight distribution differences; Celestia had the larger stomach while Luna had more fat settling in her rear.
  52. >Celestia lets out a triumphant belch to announce her arrival.
  53. >Behind the alicorns is a massive amount of cakes; a fitting tribute considering Celestia's culinary preferences.
  54. >For the first time that day Twilight stops eating.
  55. >"*BWOOOORP* Celestia! Luna! I'm so glad youuuUURP finally arrived!"
  56. >Twilight lets out huge belches as her built-up gas finally has time to escape.
  57. >Princess Twilight reaches out as her servants have to help her stand up.
  58. >She waddles over to the two mountains of lard, huffing and burping as she slowly makes her way over.
  59. >Sweat has begun to accumulate on her body as she finally makes her way over to the two massive ex-monarchs.
  60. >Twilight attempts to hike up Luna's massive body, but as soon as she touches her stomach, the dark-blue alicorn magically lifts Twilight up and floats her near her fat-stuffed face.
  61. >Lifting that much weight would be an impressive feat for any being, but the retired rulers have such immense magical power that levitating such a massive mare was an easy feat.
  62. >"Hello Luna! Thank you for coming. It's wonderful to see you again."
  63. >"It'sh nishe... to shee you too."
  64. >So much fat had accumulated on their faces that it had begun to effect Luna and Celestia's ability to speak.
  65. >Not only that, but the two had become so out of shape that they needed to take deep breaths to say more than a few words.
  66. >"We hope you enjoy yourself today. The royal kitchen has prepared plenty of food for everyone, so please eat as much as you want."
  67. >Luna magically cleaned off Twilight's messy face and snacked on the debris.
  68. >"Of courshe. But don't worry about... ush. Today ish your day... We want to shee you... have a gud time." Luna gives Twilight a quick magical grope under her belly. Twilight quickly exhales as the intimate gesture had caught her off guard.
  69. >Luna magically passes the purple princess over to Celestia.
  70. >"Hello my darling shtudent... How have you been?" Twilight was no longer Celestia's pupil, but habits die hard.
  71. >"I've been wonderful! The celebration has been going so well."
  72. >Twilight hadn't seen any other parts of the festival, but she had enjoyed stuffing herself all morning, and for her that was a sign that the anniversary party was a success.
  73. >Twilight tries to give Celestia a hug, but considering the size of the two fatties, Twilight's "hug" mostly consisted of her chubby hands barely touching one of Celestia's fat rings near her face.
  74. >"I hope our like... our tribute. I had... our bakersh make only... the besht cakesh for you".
  75. >"Thank you so much! You didn't have to make them all for me. Not that I don't appreciate it!" Twilight blushed in embarrassment.
  76. >"Our pleashure..."
  77. >Twilight continues to look nervous.
  78. >"Ish shomeshing wrong?"
  79. >" Well you see, when we held these celebrations for you two, you would always split the food between yourselves. Not only that, but you were so much bigger than I am, and so many more people have showed up since everyone wants to celebrate my first year ruling Equestria. You also didn't have mentors showing up with a massive amount of cake."
  80. >Twilight begins to nervously play with her hair as she speaks rapidly.
  81. >"I'm already getting pretty full. I'm worried that I stop too early, people will think less of me for not being able to eat enough food. They'll look down on me for not being the embodiment of Equestria's prosperity that I'm supposed to be!" Twilight's insecurity had put her in a tizzy.
  82. >Celestia lets out a laugh that shakes her enormous body.
  83. >"Oh my dear... Twilight Shparkle. If you need... shome help, I can... shertainly do that." Celestia picks Twilight up with her magic,
  84. >"Oh dear shishter, it... sheems our little... prinshesh ish in need... of shome ashishtansh... She'sh worried that... she can't eat evershing."
  85. >"Really? Then of courshe... we shall help!"
  86. >Celestia plops Twilight on the throne as Luna's magic glows around Twilight's stomach.
  87. >"We learned thish... elashtishity shpell while we've... been away. We hope... you enjoy it."
  88. >Twilight could feel her stomach stretch painlessly as she no longer felt full.
  89. >Celestia begins to levitate enormous amounts of food as Luna magically forces Twilight's mouth open.
  90. >"All of theshe giftsh are becaushe of our love. I hope you are ready" Celestia gives out a laugh before forcing the tributes into Twilight's mouth.
  91. >The torrent of food far exceeds the speed of Twilight's previous eating.
  92. >millions of calories are thrusted into Twilight's expanding gut.
  93. >Twilight's face is one of shock and bliss.
  94. >Meanwhile, you've been running around preparing all the food for Celestia and Luna to eat.
  95. >They expect enough food to fill themselves, and feeding even one of them requires an army-sized feast.
  96. >By the time Celestia and Luna are no longer distracted with merely feeding Twilight, you've prepared the food for the alicorns to feed themselves as well.
  97. >The ex-rulers lift the food you've laid out up into their mouths.
  98. >Soon three streams of food are formed, each feeding each of the alicorns.
  99. >Twilight's stomach soon balloons, touching the ground and causing a shiver through Twilight's body.
  100. >Hours pass as you and the rest of the kitchen staff are busy running around making sure Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the guests have enough food.
  101. >Finally it's time for the sun to go down.
  102. >Even though Twilight is being stuffed silly, she still has the composure to cause the sun to set.
  103. >Luna and Celestia stop their feasting, giving you a moment to collect yourself.
  104. >Each of them release a earth-shaking belch.
  105. >"Oh my Luna... our little protege hash... been shuch a wonderful... ruler. Look at her eating... everyshing she's been given." You can still hear Celestia's magically-amplified voice, even though your ears are still ringing from their tremendous burps.
  106. >Not like Twilight had been given much of a choice as to when she could stop eating.
  107. >But the purple alicorn seemed not to mind.
  108. >Twilight's eyes were rolled into the back of her head in an expression similar to the one she had during your night romp.
  109. >Celestia feeding her, combined with the sensation of feeling pleasantly full yet always hungry and the belly rubs her thankful subjects gave her as they offered their tributes were making this an extremely pleasurable experience for Twilight.
  110. >Twilight's belly was enormous at this point; so large it lifted her up into the air.
  111. >"Yesh dear shishter. I knew... she wash up to the... tashk." Luna responded.
  112. >"What a wonderful ...leader you turned out ...to be. You've ecusheeded all... of my ecushpectashuns" Celestia's voice was loud enough for Twilight to hear, but still had its soft and gently quality.
  113. > "Ever shinch you firsht... became my shtudent, I knew... you would become a... wonderful leader. But I didn't know... you'd do thish well"
  114. >Twilight began to blush.
  115. >However, it wasn't because she was modest.
  116. >The belly rubs, the sensation of feeling full, Celestia feeding her and praising her...
  117. >Twilight was getting pretty hot and bothered.
  118. >"Look at you... Eating everyshing your shubjectsh... have given you. Just like a good prinshesh... should".
  119. >Twilight's fat-covered wings flare up.
  120. >"And thish ish jusht... the beginning. Thish shelebrashun.... happensh every year. And... during that time, you.... will only eat more and more... Each year getting bigger.... and bigger. And ash you.... grow, sho too will the proshperity... of Equeshtria. You will be filled... with your shubjectsh' wealth and love."
  121. >"One day, you might even be bigger than me"
  122. >Twilight's eyes grow huge as a loud moan can be heard even with food floating into her maw. Her wings at this point are throbbing. The stream of food moves even quicker, Twilight's extreme arousal making her even hungrier.
  123. >"Yesh, can you imagine?... You think I'm fat now,... jusht wait until after a few yearsh of your rule.You'll outclash... me in every way. I'm.... the shize of a housh, but you'll... be a fat-covered hill. No, even larger!... You'll be sho big you'll become... a part of the landshcape. Poniesh... will treck up your mashive body... jusht to get a glimpsh of your... countenance as you consume tonsh.... and tonsh of offeringsh to shushtain... and grow your bountiful form. A fitting fate, no?... The Prinshesh of Equshtria, becoming... a part of Equeshtria itshelf."
  124. >Oh, and of coursh, Luna... and I will be there... ash well.
  125. >"We won't be anywhere near your... shize, of coursh, but we will be... there relakshing on a part of your enormoush body, bashking.... in your gluttonous glory. You'll be sho big, we... will be jusht two shmall blobs... on your immensh shape.
  126. >"and then, my little shtudent,... you will have made me... very, very happy".
  127. >That was enough to set Twilight over the top.
  128. >Everything throughout the day, from the stuffing, to the fondling to the mental images of her future self finally culminated in an immense orgasm.
  129. >It shuttered through her body, causing massive ripples to travel throughout her fattened form, her orgasmic energy able to move through all the lard that had accumulated on her form.
  130. >Twilight let out a loud low moan that sounded like a whale's song. It thundered throughout the courtyard.
  131. >"Why shishter," Luna remarked, " I think... Twilight ish enjoying the attention... you're giving her quite a bit."
  132. >"Yesh, I believe... sho. I'm shuch a... teash."
  134. >The festival has begun to wind down.
  135. >Which is great, considering you were running out of food.
  136. >The princesses look satisfied. While you doubt they could even feel "full" at this point, it seems as though you've fulfilled your role.
  137. >Twilight looks exhausted and completely stuffed.
  138. >Barely even conscious, she looks groggily around, still dazed by the orgasm and feeling more full than she's ever been in her life.
  139. >The guests say their goodbyes, with, Twilight merely giving them a grunt, groan, or belch in response.
  140. >Twilight's uncouth replies seem to please the leaving ponies; it appears Princess Twilight's first anniversary celebration was a resounding success.
  141. >Before Celestia and Luna take their leave, they say a few parting words.
  142. >"We are mosht pleashed *BUUUURP* by thish feshtival... The food wash *BELCH* plentiful and delishoush. We *UUUURP* look forward ...to continuing the revelry neksht year."
  143. >Luna's dark mass jiggles as her servants move her toward the portal.
  144. >"Well, my *UURAP* dear Twilight Shparkle, Thish... hash been fun. It *OOORUP* sheemsh you had... shome fun too"
  145. >Twilight lets out a loud burp in reply.
  146. >"Anytime you want... to have a *BUUUURP* bite to eat, jusht drop by. Luna... and I would love to have you over... for shome *BELCH* fun."
  147. >Celestia's magic gives Twilight's stomach a smack.
  148. >The deafening expulsion of gas from Twilight's mouth as a result made your ears ring for a minute.
  149. >You watch Celestia's fat ass enter into the portal as it closes.
  150. >You turn to turn to your sovereign, who is currently making small moaning noises.
  151. >"You sound pretty full, your highness"
  152. >"...understatement..." Twilight mumbled.
  153. >"I'm going.. to go to...bed. Nice ..job... see you... tomorrow".
  154. >With that, Princess Twilight was immediately fell asleep.
  155. >Now you just had to clean up.

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