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Breakfast fit for a princess

By Ponefluff
Created: 2021-02-09 22:47:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Princess Luna, Princess of the Night, and Co-Ruler of Equestria
  2. >You’ve just finished with your royal duties for the night and are finally free to leave the throne room.
  3. >Silver Fang reported to you that your sister had returned only fifteen minutes ago after her date, a smile forming on your lips as you recall how she had insisted she would only be going out for dinner and would return promptly
  4. >The doors to the throne room close behind you, leaving you alone except for the metallic clopping of your hoof guards as you walk towards the private dining room.
  5. “We would like some time alone with our sister, see to it Silver Fang”
  6. >Silver Fang bows her head before disappearing off into the castle
  7. >You quite enjoy the walk to the dining hall, taking a moment to admire some of the stained glass windows that were from before your banishment
  8. >Finally you arrive at the dining room, letting yourself in to see your sister bouncing up and down like a filly
  9. >Or now that you think about it, She’s acting rather like the element of laughter.
  10. >you can’t help but shudder at that thought, taking a moment to compose yourself before drawing your sister’s attention
  11. “Celestia, we trust your evening was successful?”
  12. >the giddy giggle you get in response is sufficient confirmation
  13. >your dark blue magic envelops a chair as pull it out and sit down, floating a muffin over to eat
  14. >Celestia stops bouncing and seems to realise what’s about to happen
  15. >She sits down opposite you, her face starting burning almost as much as her sun
  16. >”I’m sorry about being back so late Lulu…”
  17. >”We just lost track of time and were enjoying each other's company so much”
  18. >You sigh before smiling at your sister
  19. “We are not mad Celestia, we have not seen you this happy since our return, do tell, what occurred?”
  20. >Celestia, Princess of the Sun, Co-ruler of equestria, your older sister, squeals like a filly that had just returned from prom.
  21. >This is going to be a long day.
  23. >Celestia takes a deep breath, floating a glass of orange juice over to her
  24. >”Well, Anonymous and I met up as we’d planned down at the Royal Observatory”
  25. >This you knew, they’d planned to meet at the observatory before going to a booking at a new prench restaurant run by the former castle head chef.
  26. >”Anon met me on the way to the observatory, so we figured we’d skip heading there and have some pre-dinner drinks at the restaurant’s bar”
  27. >Your sister was many things, an experienced drinker was not one of them
  28. >”They had a special on these lovely salted caramel espresso cocktails, I must see if Buttered Toast can recreate them here”
  29. >She shuffles a little in her seat, pausing her story to down half the glass of water
  30. >”So, Anonymous and I got our drinks and just talked.”
  31. >Her smile intensifies
  32. >”No title, no brownmuzzling, He just talked to me, not to Princess Celestia”
  33. >Another gulp of water before She resumes
  34. >”He told me how well he was adapting to Ponyville, and that he was thrilled to see me again after the summer sun celebration. He’s been working with those two mares who run the spa in ponyville”
  35. >You raise an eyebrow at this, only to have your mouth shut by a golden glow
  36. >”I’ll tell you all about how wonderful his hands are later, but we haven’t gotten there yet”
  37. >You feel your cheeks flush red at the thoughts racing through your mind
  38. >perhaps that green mare in ponyville was correct about the wonders of hands
  39. >”As I was saying, we talked about how he was adapting and he asked me how I was”
  40. >another giddy little squeal from your sister punctuates that sentence
  41. >”It was so liberating to talk to somepony other than you about my day sister”
  42. >She stops, as if realising what she’s just said
  43. >”N-no that you aren’t good to talk to Lulu, it’s just nice to be able to talk freely”
  44. “No offense taken Celestia, I know thou did not mean it”
  45. >Your sister sighs, evidently relieved that you weren’t upset at her
  46. >”By the time our table was ready we’d talked about all sorts, He’s been reading up on history and asked a few rather interesting questions.”
  47. “What kind sister? Nothing troublesome?”
  48. >”nothing of the sort! He was asking about Starswirl, apparently what Twilight had told him reminded him of an ancient wizard from his own world.”
  49. >Now this was news, Anon had said his world did not possess magic
  50. >”Gandalf the Grey was apparently a rather famous character from some literary epic from his home, he’s got a copy on that small tablet of his”
  51. >Celestia refills her water before continuing
  52. >”He said that he’s going to get twilight’s assistance to copy it into a book before donating it to my personal library, I must admit even the short summary he gave sounded absolutely enthralling.”
  53. “How long has it been since you actually added to your collection? I saw some new tomes that I do not recall seeing before”
  54. >Celestia mumbles something that even you can’t hear properly
  55. “What?”
  56. >”three hundred years lulu…”
  57. >”Its so hard to find most modern literature interesting, I only have an hour or so every day and I’ve read most of the originals that created genres as we know them.”
  58. >You watch your sister sag slightly, time to get her back on topic
  59. “So then, how was dinner?”
  60. >Instantly she perks back up, her smile reforming wider than before.
  61. >She’s definitely challenging laughter with that grin
  62. >”Well, aside from a minor problem getting to our table. They graciously had the royal table prepared but I insisted we sit where we had booked.”
  63. >You can’t blame her, the royal table was large and lavishly decorated, but it was rather difficult to talk over
  64. >after your return you remember having to use the royal canterlot voice to ask for pepper across one such table.
  65. >”Did you know they have a dryad working there who runs their herb garden? I have never tasted herbs so fresh and flavourful in all my years”
  66. >Tia smiles to herself, relaxing into her chair a little before she’s interrupted by Silver Fang entering the room
  67. >”My princesses, the chef desires to know what you might like for breakfast”
  68. “Could I have waffles, and my sister will be having a fruit salad with toast.”
  69. >”I can order for myself lulu, I’ll have three orders of whatever the cake is they ha-”
  70. “Sister, until the salt and alcohol is fully out of your system and you’ve have some sleep, let the acting princess make the decisions.”
  71. >You swear, this is the last time you let her get drunk like this, last time she had tried to make a holiday for the anniversary of her favourite baker being hired.
  72. >Tia huffs but sees sense and nods
  73. >Silver Fang offers a quick bow before disappearing back out the doors, shutting them behind her.
  74. >”She’s rather cute”
  75. “T-tia, can we get back to your story?”
  76. >Tia smirks at you as she spots the blush forming on your cheeks
  77. >”of course Lulu, where was I?” Oh yes! The starter was apparently a special request from Anon, he’d worked with the chef to come up with the dinner menu.”
  78. >Last time you’d seen Anon cook he managed to burn cereal, so this is a surprise
  79. >”All dishes from his homeworld, modified to suit the Equestrian palette, it was truly wonderful if I’m honest”
  80. >Tia stops as a unicorn enters through the servants door, placing matts and cutlery on the table before bowing and exiting.
  81. >”The starter was, I am probably going to mispronounce this, a Tricolore Salad, apparently designed after one of his homeworld’s nation’s flags. Basil from the Dryad’s garden, Some fresh soft cheese made by the Buffalo near appleoosa and slices of beautifully ripe tomatoes.”
  82. >You look closer and yes, Tia is drooling slightly at the thought, You make a mental note to go to the restaurant and request that menu later.
  83. >”As we ate, we talked about more of his world, his travels around somewhere called Tuscany, I asked him if he’d considered visiting Tuskany”
  85. >”So he continued to regale me with his tales of adventure across his world as a student, altho he never said who his teacher was”
  86. “He might not have had a monarch as his teacher Tia, perhaps he was just a student at school?”
  87. >”I didn’t think of that at the time”
  88. >Tia giggles as she realises her mistake
  89. >”Tuscany sounded like a beautiful place, after that he apparently travelled to a land called Greece to visit some ancient ruins”
  90. “Why would he visit ruins? Especially if he was not there to see it in it’s pristine condition?”
  91. >”He was a student of history at the time, it was rather exciting to see just how passionate he was, I granted him permission to visit the royal archives so I must get that properly formalised tomorrow….uh later today”
  92. >”Just how long was I out?”
  93. “8 hours dear sister, you left after lowering the sun at 10, and it is currently 6 in the morning”
  94. >”I’ll finish this story quickly for you then Lulu”
  95. >”once we finished the starters we sat there in silence for a short bit, just enjoying each other’s company. The main course was some kind of Pasta and tomato sauce, I’m not entirely sure because we were distracted by blueblood interrupting.”
  96. >That explains where he disappeared to, Blueblood gave his guard the slip and went out on the town.
  97. >Why Tia adopted that waste of space you’ll never know
  98. >”After I shooed him off we ate in silence, it was still very enjoyable if I’m honest, Anon told me a little about the time before he woke up in the ponyville town square.”
  99. >”apparently he was out camping, got lost and set up camp in a clearing, which he later learned was in the everfree forest. So he must have been transported somewhere in the forest.”
  100. >Tia takes a drink of her water as the servant returns, floating along your waffles along with Tia’s salad and toast.
  101. >You can’t help but smile as the smell of waffles and fresh summer berry compote fills the room
  103. >”The desert was incredible Lulu, something called a Panna Cotta, this sweet vanilla gel thing with a berry sauce over it like your waffles”
  104. >Tia says before burying her muzzle in the salad, if she wasn’t an alicorn you’d be concerned that she forgot to breathe.
  105. >Emerging from the salad, her muzzle stained slightly red Tia lets out a relieved sigh.
  106. >”I didn’t realise how much i needed that, thank you lulu”
  107. >you float a napkin over and wipe the strawberry juice from her muzzle prompting a laugh
  108. >”Aren’t I supposed to be the older sister?”
  109. >You just smile in response, taking a bite of your waffles as you wait for Tia to resume her story
  110. >”So, we had our desert, and I know he said that his world lacks magic but that desert must have been alchemy, it was truly incredible. He explained how it worked and how he’d worked to find a substitute for one of it’s key ingredients for about two months leading up to now.”
  111. >the waffles are fluffy but that wonderful softness is forgotten as you quickly realise something
  112. “Wait, that means just before the summer sun celebration he was planning tonight?”
  113. >Tia gives another giddy squeal before nodding
  114. >”I’ve never had somepony other than you spend that much time planning an event for me, I felt so special when he explained it all”
  115. >”He said that he couldn’t ask for the elements' help with it because they’d likely let it slip to you in their dreams or that Twilight would tell me in her reports on his progress adapting.”
  116. >You’d learnt your lesson about investigating the elements dreams, but it did make sense about Twilight’s reports
  117. >”it also explains why Twilight reported she felt Anon was hiding something from her”
  118. >With a swift nod Tia inhales before resuming her tale
  119. >”After we had finished our desert, he paid for the meal, which I wasn’t expecting but it was lovely to be treated to a meal like that. Afterwards we elected to take a walk back to his hotel room.”
  120. >You raise an eyebrow at this but refrain from commenting
  121. >”It was a rather short walk but once we were in his room he offered a massage and honestly Lulu, I am so glad I accepted. Those hands of his are absolutely divine, my shoulder’s were apparently like rock so he simply stood next to me kneading them as we talked.”
  122. >Tia finished her breakfast before sitting back in her seat
  123. >”He talked me through what he was doing, and how there were knots in my muscles formed due to stress and worry. By the end of the night I felt absolutely fantastic, I hadn’t realised just how stiff I was.”
  124. “So was that what took you so long? The massage?”
  125. >Tia blushes bright red before nodding slowly
  126. >”I was not kidding when I said that my muscles were like rock, however he was a true Gentlestallion about it all, escorting me back to the palace afterwards.”
  127. >You give a nod of approval, it is good to see that good manners extend all the way to other universes.
  128. “I can tell there is something else of your mind Tia”
  129. >”W-well would you mind taking over my duties two weeks on sunday? I wish to travel to ponyville to surprise him”
  130. >You smile
  131. “Then my dearest sister, I shall ensure the night sky on saturday and sunday are truly breathtaking. It is a joy to see you this happy”
  132. >You look down at your plate to finish your breakfast before the sound of a wooden chair hitting the floor draws your attention
  133. >looking up just in time to see a bright white object impact your chest, squeals of joy and excitement filling your ears as Tia sprung across the table to hug you
  134. >”Thankyouthankyouthankyou”

Breakfast fit for a princess

by Ponefluff

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