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Limelight, Pon-Efluff p2

By Ponefluff
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-07 16:17:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >Three months since /Pon-E/ General started on /mlp/
  2. >Two months since I went pony for the first time, I got lucky and was in the first wave of Pon-E deliveries
  3. >and now... I was starting to run out
  4. >”Afternoon, Fleetwood, you waiting here long?”
  5. “Normal names in public, Sam.”
  6. >Sam rolled his eyes at me
  7. > we’d not known each other before using Pon-E
  8. >now? Well, Pon-E is more fun in groups, so we’d ended up organising in the thread
  9. >There was five of us in Atlanta that we knew of, and now we’d pooled to re-order Pon-E
  10. >By the logic of being the largest pony, I was put in charge.
  11. >Of course, they’d pick the earth pony to do the work….bucking lazy pegasi
  12. >at least the walkover wasn’t too bad, the sun is shining, and Sam isn’t being as frustrating as usual.
  13. >”So what’s the sketch? We just walk in, collect our illegal drugs, and walk out like nothing happened?
  14. >Taking a moment to answer, I double-check my phone.
  15. “Well, the email said it should have been delivered yesterday so we can collect then take it back to my place. Dad’s been a little off the past few days, but he won’t notice.”
  16. >”Faust bless the US postal service, you take the lead’ non.”
  17. >The two of us head into the DHL to grab our package. It shouldn’t take more than thirty minutes.
  18. >I was down to my last dose of Pon-E, and the others were out entirely.
  20. >I was worried; Anon had been acting strangely for the past few months
  21. >Suddenly, he’d started going out more, heading to parties almost every other day and joining a local football team
  22. >I wanted to be proud. Finally, my boy was going out and engaging with people, but something felt wrong.
  23. >Holding my head in my hands, I weighed my options.
  24. >Either I was right, and drugs were involved, my concern was warranted then I could get him the help he needed
  25. >or
  26. >I was wrong. Anon and I had never seen eye to eye.
  27. >Despite my best efforts, we just couldn’t connect.
  28. >I’d spent my youth taking buses or trains all over Nottinghamshire to catch concerts
  29. >and….well, drugs were familiar to me
  30. >Anon? He spent most of his school life shut away in his room playing worlds of Warcrafting or something like that.
  31. >Then a sudden change, surely I wasn’t paranoid to suspect outside involvement?
  32. >He’d gone out saying it’d take a few hours.
  33. >This was my chance to make sure it would be worth it for peace of mind, and he’d never know if there was nothing.
  34. >The stairs creaked as I climbed them, painfully aware that this was a massive violation of my son’s privacy
  35. >still, he was my son.
  36. >I wasn’t going to remain inactive and let drug use ruin his life.
  37. >I’d not been there when I was needed before, and I was not going to fail my son like that
  38. >It must have been a few years since I went into Anon’s room
  39. >Pushing open the door revealed several bizarre posters on the walls
  40. >Why are they all horses?
  41. >With my brow furrowed in confusion, I started to look around the room
  42. >More horse-related things caught my eye, including framed artwork sitting on his desk?
  43. >God, these horses were weird, bright garish colours, five of them in total
  44. >two had wings? Were those pegasuses? Pegasi?
  45. >and that one in the back was a unicorn?
  46. >It took a surprising effort to divert my attention away from the artwork
  47. >Rummaging through his desk revealed everything I’d been expecting
  48. >His first phone with the screen smashed to hell
  49. >bundles of cables that I couldn’t even begin to identify
  50. >Just as I was about to close the draw, my hand brushed against something inexpertly hidden
  51. >it was just taped to the underside of the inside of the draw
  52. >one soft tug and a small resealable opaque bag plopped onto my hand
  53. >my heart sank as I gently pulled it out of the draw
  54. >Shaking the contents out onto the palm of my hand
  55. >1 Pon?
  56. “What the hell is this supposed to be?”
  57. >I was expecting something I recognised
  58. >Christ, I must be getting old if the drugs are this different
  59. >It had some kind of clear gel inside from what I could tell
  60. >I guessed it was probably a hallucinogen?
  61. >An old itch started up in the back of my mind. Surely it couldn’t hurt?
  62. >If a twenty-year-old was doing it, it wouldn’t be that strong
  63. >Anon had said he’d be out for a few hours, so…
  65. >Sam trot-
  66. >Sam walked alongside me as I shook my head
  67. >Fucking slip-ups with my words were happening more often
  68. >Still, our little resupply run was successful.
  69. >between the both of us, we had nearly two hundred and fifty dosages of Pon-E in our bags.
  70. >and after a particularly tense bus ride with a cop standing opposite us the entire way, we were at the doors to my house
  71. “I’ll let us in. My old man should be around so just act normal”
  72. >”Like I’m not normal?”
  73. >I deadpan at Sam
  74. “Really? The feather brain that names himself Super Sabre wants to start talking about being normal?”
  75. >as expected, Sam wilts under my gaze
  76. >I still can’t believe that he’d named himself after an aircraft
  77. >or the fact the ass had gotten a cutiemark before me
  78. >Fishing through my pockets for the keys, I stop
  79. >I swore I just hear someone’s voice from inside the house?
  80. >”You hear that?”
  81. >evidently Sam had heard something too
  82. >it was faint
  83. >if I was a pony, I’d be able to make it out, I was certain
  84. >Fucking human ears are like wearing earmuffs
  85. >I had to resort to pressing my ear against the door like some sort of cartoonish burglar
  86. >Straining to hear, I could make out something
  87. >It was definitely dad’s stereo system. The subtle crackle of vinyl was unmistakable
  88. >”WOOO!”
  89. >However, the girlish whooping? that was odd
  90. >The sound of a bass guitar and drumset fills the air before giving way to what I think was a keyboard.
  91. >”An Ill wind comes arising, Across the cities of the plains”
  92. >She was singing?
  93. >a strange woman had broken into my house, raided dad’s vinyl and was singing with the stereo at max volume.
  94. >was she trying to get caught?
  95. >where the hell was dad?
  96. “I’m gonna let us in, stay behind me sam”
  97. >The click of the door unlocking was masked by the unknown woman hitting an admittedly impressive high note
  98. >“Anon, you’ve not got the whole EP strength going right now, shouldn’t I take point?”
  99. >I only held up a hand as we slunk from the door towards Dad’s study
  100. >”You sometimes drive me crazy, but I worry about you!”
  101. >She was still singing, thankfully unaware we were even in the house
  102. >Sam and I stopped at the doorway to the study
  103. >I held up three fingers
  104. >”Cruising under your radar”
  105. >two fingers
  106. >”Watching from the satellites”
  107. >one finger
  108. >”Take a page from the red book”
  109. >as I put my last finger down, we stormed around the corner.
  110. >only to see a bright pink pony with a mane like she’d been electrocuted holding my dad’s decorative mic.
  111. “What the fuck”
  112. >”What the fuck”
  113. >”Hi Anon!”
  115. >The bright pink pony is looking at us, smiling wide enough she could probably win a pinkie pie look-alike contest
  116. >Feeling a headache approaching, I rub my temples
  117. “Why the fuck are you in my house, you’re lucky we haven’t called the cops”
  118. >We can’t call them because we’re literally drug mules right now but still, she doesn’t know that
  119. >The side-eyed glance from Sam suggests he realises I’m bluffing
  120. >”What? Cops? Why would you call them?”
  121. “You’re not supposed to be here, this is my families house, and last I checked I don’t recognise you”
  122. >She just giggles and waves a hoof at me
  123. >”Oh don’t be silly, of course you know me!”
  124. “I really don’t, Sam go to the kitchen, under the sink. I think we’ve got duct tape.”
  125. >The pony starts to bounce up and down to the music as it continues to play
  126. >”Why’d you want duct tape? Not like I’m hurting Anypony.”
  127. “You broke into my house.”
  128. >Again, she bursts into a bout of giggles, collapsing to the floor as she pounds it with a hoof
  129. >”Oh this is gold! You don’t even recognise me, boy howdy. These must be strong.”
  130. >Before I could even say anything, she practically bounces on her hooves over to the cabinet
  131. >with an ease I didn’t expect, she bumps a hoof into the door, swinging it open to reveal my dad’s vinyl collection
  132. >”Let’s turn this into a game then! You guess who I am, I’ll give you a hint!”
  133. “Sam, get that fucking tape!”
  134. >The pink pony slides an unmarked vinyl out of the rack, swapping it with the one on the turntable with an ease that would make Pon-3 jealous
  135. >if she was real...then again, Lunanon turned into Luna, so it’s possible I suppose
  136. >The pony plops her plot down beside the turntable and looks at me, her smile still all the same
  137. >an eerie silence falls over the room as the vinyl crackles softly before the sound of a children’s toy fills the room
  138. “Wait…”
  139. >to confirm my suspicions, an acoustic guitar starts up moments later
  140. >”Come on Anon, use that noggin”
  141. “Why the fuck would you play this tra….”
  142. >I had a dosage of Pon-E upstairs
  143. >this mare knew dad’s vinyl collection like the back of her hand
  144. >she knew this track
  145. >as I realise who she is, the mare bursts into laughter
  146. >”it’s a shame this is all a trip”
  150. >Sam returns, duct tape and scissors in hand
  151. >”What’d I miss?”
  152. “That’s my dad, and evidently she thinks this is all a drug trip”
  153. >Sam, helpful as ever, bursts into laughter, joining the mare on the floor
  154. >I should have got Lily to come with. At least she’d be useful.
  155. “So, we were out for what? About an hour? So she’s like this for another eleven…”
  156. >Well, that could be worse
  157. >At least dad didn’t have to head into work today
  158. >With a sigh, I pull out my phone
  159. >time to let the others know that we’re gonna likely be getting a new member
  160. >”So then, what’re you gonna call yourself? Can’t just use a boring human name”
  161. >oh, for fucks sake Sam!
  162. >The mare rolls onto her stomach and looks up at him, visibly thinking
  163. >I can’t help but notice that she’s more expressive than most of the other ponies i’ve met
  164. >”Limelight!”
  165. >well shit, she’s named herself now.
  166. > Wasn’t it that the thread warned about naming yourself?
  167. >admittedly that nugget of wisdom came a bit late for us in the first wave but still
  168. >Sam and Limelight start talking to each other as I take the opportunity to turn the music off
  169. >her reaction is immediate
  170. >A panicked scream from behind me before Limelight plows into me
  171. >”putitbackputitbackputitback”
  172. “W-what?”
  173. >Sam stands back shocked as she tackled me, ears splayed as she clamps her hooves over them
  175. >Faced with the prospect of an earth pony having a meltdown within bucking distance of my chest I reach for the turntable
  176. >by the time the album starts from the top, she’s covered in sweat, her chest rising and falling as she hyperventilates.
  177. >Slowly, she starts to calm down
  178. >Despite my reservations, I pull her into a hug, stroking her sweat-soaked mane as the meltdown comes to an end
  179. >”what the fuck was that?”
  180. >Limelight starts to rock herself in my arms, shuddering
  181. >”don’t wanna talk about it”
  182. “Can you call Lily? I think Limelight is gonna need some help cleaning herself up, and I am not willing to do that”
  183. >Sam shudders before heading for the door to make the call
  187. >By the time Lily arrived, Limelight had calmed down enough that she seemed “normal”
  188. >I was slumped in dad’s armchair, watching as she bounced across the room, pulling vinyl’s and swapping them out to create a constant stream of music.
  189. >”Sam, you can let me in, what’s the deal? You call me at work, use the other names and then say I need to get here as soon as possible?”
  190. “Let her in Sam, let’s get this over with”
  191. >”I was gonna”
  192. >Sam protests as I hear the door’s lock clunk open and a rustle of plastic bags
  193. >As Lily steps into the room, she immediately drew Limelight’s attention
  194. >”Hi!”
  195. >The pink mare bounced over, hugging Lily’s leg with her forelegs
  196. >”Anon, who is this?”
  197. “My dad”
  198. >”What”
  199. >Lily looked at me like I was mad, as Sam groaned
  200. >”he took Anon’s last Pon-E, then had some kind of panic attack and well look at her”
  201. > Limelight’s coat was still damp with sweat, the remains of white foam around her neck.
  202. >”So your dad turned into a mare?”
  203. >I just nodded, trying not to think about the implications of the situation
  204. “She needs a bath, and both of me and sam are men”
  205. >”Fucking rule three, why did we write that bloody thing”
  206. >Rule 3, regardless of your human gender, pony gender takes precedent when pony.
  207. >women wash mares
  208. >Men wash stallions
  209. >Sam and I shrug, prompting a sigh from Lily as she scooped up Limelight and headed for the stairs.
  210. >”So...what now?”
  211. “Fuck knows, when dad’s back to normal I’ll ask him to come with us to our next get together.”
  212. >The two of us sit in silence, the record finishing moments after Limelight left
  213. >upstairs we could hear her singing something along with the occasional shriek from Lily
  214. >”She’s gonna be soaking wet, calling it.”
  215. “Lily being unable to bathe a mare without getting soaked by them? By Celestia as if that every fucking happens”
  218. >After twenty minutes, the joyful singing got louder
  219. >A squeaky clean limelight trotted into the room, her ears twitching before she bolted and started another album playing
  220. >Lily entered shortly after, absolutely soaking wet
  221. >”Do not comment, I know you both are going to”
  222. >We didn’t comment.
  223. >We just laughed instead
  224. >Lily glared at us hard enough I was half expecting one of us to burst into flames
  225. >thank Faust she didn’t have her horn right now
  226. >Lily’s glare softened as she looked behind me at something
  227. >”look at limelight”
  228. >I turned to look, the pink mare sat on her flank, gently bobbing her head along to the music
  229. >as we watched she intensified, her ears joining in her movement as a guitar solo intensified.
  230. >it was cute, despite the building dread about how the hell I’d handle this discussion when dad was back to normal
  231. >”Hey limelight”
  232. >The mare looked at Sam, still bobbing side to side
  233. >”You wanna come meet other ponies sometime?”
  234. >”Hay yeah! That sounds fun!”
  235. “Well that settles it then, next time we get our little gang together, you can come too.”
  236. >Somehow I knew that that next meeting would be important, although I didn’t know why.

Breakfast fit for a princess

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Pon-E Luna TF pt1

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Limelight, Pon-Efluff p2

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Misc TFs from various image prompts

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PTFG Thread TF

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