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Misc TFs from various image prompts

By Ponefluff
Created: 2021-06-10 19:50:05
Expiry: Never

  2. >fell into strange vat whilst exploring old factory
  3. >not sure how long you were in there
  4. >your hand breaches the surface, the cold air making you shiver
  5. >long hair clings to your head
  6. >Wait, when did you have such long hair?
  7. >as you finish hauling yourself out of the vat, two heavy shapes on your back make themselves known
  8. >Realise they're large feathered wings
  9. >look down and see two small breasts
  10. >start feeling yourself up
  11. >short fur covers your entire body
  12. >a sharp-tipped horn on the top of your head
  13. >somehow you aren't concerned
  14. >this feels....right?
  15. >you feel...powerful
  16. >this gift should be shared amongst your fellows
  17. >were it not for them you'd never have gotten lost and fell into the vat
  18. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  20. >other explorers outside hear laughter echoing through the halls of the ruined factory
  21. >before they can turn to leave a green glow ignites at the gates
  22. >slowly the grinding metal slides closed
  23. >as they huddle at the exit, pulling desperately to open it they hear the sound of something walking
  24. >almost like high heels but crossed with a horse's hoof?
  25. >two green eyes glow in the darkness across from them

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