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Pon-E Luna TF pt1

By Ponefluff
Created: 2021-02-10 21:45:06
Expiry: Never

  1. >Pon-E finally has arrived, been doing research about it for months and super excited
  2. >Parents are headed out to visit my grandparents, leaving me the day free and home alone
  3. >Room is made pony safe, rope attached to my doorknob, and orbitouch I bought for cheap is hooked up to my PC
  4. >Going over final checks before I take it
  5. >XL hoodie
  6. >Check
  7. >PC with seasons 1-3 downloaded
  8. >Check
  9. >Doorknob rope
  10. >Check
  11. >Custom earbuds I bought online for a pony’s ears
  12. >Check
  13. >Celestia plush
  14. >Check
  15. >Bowl of water
  16. >Check
  17. >Alright, let’s fucking do this thing
  18. >Check the package
  19. >”Consume only one pill, effects last twelve hours, taking two will result in the transformation becoming permanent, leave for twelve hours in between doses. Some side effects may linger after returning to human form”
  20. >Here we go then
  21. >Pop one pill from its blister package and swallow
  22. >I feel the warmth radiate through my body already
  23. >Warmth starts in my stomach before starting to spread
  24. >pleasant, welcoming feeling radiates through my body
  25. >Can’t help but smile like an idiot
  26. >everything starts going blurry as the sedatives in Pon-E kick in
  27. >my arms give the Celestia plush a squish as I flop forward
  28. >she wasn’t my favourite, but she’s still important to me cause a fellow anon made her for me last christmas
  29. >world goes black around me as I hear the sound of my bones popping and cracking
  31. >What feels like seconds later I open my eyes, it takes a moment before I can see
  32. >Shudder in excitement before lifting up a hoof
  33. >dark blue fur
  34. >excitement builds faster as I shuffle across the floor to a mirror i’d laid out
  35. >I see my reflection
  36. >My astral mane slowly flowing in an unseen wind, stars twinkling amidst the night sky
  37. >I can feel my heart beat, growing faster as I realise who I’ve been transformed into
  38. >Beautiful cyan eyes staring back at me
  39. >my long horn rising from my head, lethally sharp looking at the tip.
  40. >I feel my back twitch as two immense dark blue wings flare out, knocking over my lamp
  41. >The smash of the lamp breaking shatters the silence
  42. >Sharp inhalation of breath
  43. “HUZZAH!”
  44. >Wait that wasn’t what I’d planned to say
  45. “This is peculiar, we didst not plan on saying that”
  46. >My voice is more Luna than i’d planned, even using the royal we despite my wishes.
  47. >Whatever, my speech doesn’t matter, I’m wasting pony time
  48. >Standing is weird, my hind legs take a moment of thinking about to function
  49. >I slip and flop back onto my stomach the first time
  50. “Curse thee”
  51. >Planting my hooves I manage to stand again, realising the slight issue of my size
  52. >I’m not Celestia’s size but I’m still big for a pony
  53. >my wings are brushing against the walls
  54. >after a pause I fold them in, the soft warm feathers pressing against my barrel like a biological blanket
  55. >With all the grace of a parapalegic I take my first step, then have to try again as I’d forgotten to move my hind leg as well
  57. >Turning was slow, this room was definitely not big enough for me
  58. >Going downstairs would be another challenge but I needed three things first
  59. >I looked up at my horn and smiled
  60. >Ok, deep breath
  61. >Remember what /Pon-E General/ taught you
  62. >Unicorn magic is something natural to your new body
  63. >Telekinesis should come instinctively
  64. >Focus on the item in your mind, surround it with your magic, then lift that magic up and the item will come with
  65. >I focus on my phone, sitting on my desk where I left it
  66. >Surround it with my magic
  67. >and lift
  68. >Cracking open an eye I see it surrounded by a cyan aura, floating up slowly
  69. “Tis foals play”
  70. >I brag before the phone plummets to the floor and lands in my bowl of water
  71. >Fuck you murphy
  72. >one panicked scramble later and my phone is out of the water, seemingly fine
  73. >thank you armoured phone case
  74. >I take a moment to steady my breathing before focusing on the hoodie dumped on my desk chair
  75. >Considering my size it’ll probably just fit me
  76. >The garment lifts off the desk chair, surrounded in my magic gently floating over to my before I release my grip and drop it on my face
  77. >I didn’t plan for how big my horn is….
  78. >Another application of magic and the hoodie is floating before me, I step my forelegs into the arms carefully before wiggling my head through the head hole
  79. >oh sweet celestia it’s soft and still warm from washing it earlier
  80. >Wait did i just think that?
  81. >Ignoring my weird choices of word, I float my earbuds over to my and plug them into my phone
  82. >What song would be right?
  83. >Eurobeat Brony?
  84. >Nah
  85. >Rush?
  86. >Nah
  87. >Pink Floyd?
  88. >Nah
  89. >Idea
  90. >Bowie kicks in as I put my earbuds in
  91. >Flick my hood up with a little magic
  92. >it's surprisingly easy, maybe because I’m an alicorn?
  94. >Take a few careful steps out of my room
  95. >didn’t even need the rope, just open the door with magic
  96. >I swear my smile must make me look like Pinkie right now
  97. >The stairs loom before me
  98. >Go down face first and risk falling
  99. >/Pon-E/ warns against injuring your horn so that’s not gonna work
  100. >Guess i’m going down backwards then
  101. >I turn around with a little effort, blushing as my flanks squish against the wall
  102. >The jokes about Alicorn flanks being soft seem to be true
  103. >Shake my head to dispel any stupid cloppy ideas, we must conquer yonder stairway first!
  104. >Reversing my divine plot down the stairs proves to be rather simply
  105. >Just move one hind leg down then a fore leg, then the other hind leg and fore leg
  106. >rinse and repeat until finally I feel myself at the bottom of the stairs
  107. >I fight the urge to celebrate until I’m completely down the stairs
  108. >another few steps and I’m downstairs
  109. >the big flat screen in the lounge beckons to me
  110. >I turn and head to the Kitchen to grab some snacks first
  111. >unable to hear the clop of my hooves on the wooden floor over Bowie giving it his all
  112. >I feel two pairs of eyes on me as I step into the kitchen.
  113. >Tossing back my hood with a triumphant flick of my head I look about the room
  114. >Oh buck
  115. >my parents, for some reason are home, and are now staring at the Alicorn princess in their kitchen…
  116. “Greetings parents”
  117. >”What the fuck”
  118. >Well at least mum isn’t
  119. >Nope she just started screaming
  121. “Prithy, Why art thee home? Thou claimed to be departing nigh on thirty minutes ago?”
  122. >”We forgot the keys to my mother’s house. Wait Anon?”
  123. “In the flesh, Although we would prefer to be called Luna”
  124. >Mum stops screaming to take a breath
  126. >She yells whilst storming towards me
  127. >My ears flatten as I scramble backwards, my hoove slipping on the wooden floor as I panic
  128. >turns out a human who is about five inches taller than you can be terrifying
  129. “We consumed a drug to transform ourselves into a pony from our favourite show, we didst not anticipate on being turned into Princess Luna”
  130. >”Wait you’re a woman now?” dad chimes in over mum’s shoulder
  131. “A mare but yes”
  132. >Mum looks at me with an expression which looks like a mixture between hate and regret
  133. >Before I can speak she storms off, slamming the front door behind her.
  134. >”Don’t burn the house down and for god’s sake don’t go outside.”
  135. >Dad says before practically running off to catch my mother.
  136. “We shall refrain from experimenting with pyromancy, tis more Tia’s skill set than ours anyways.”
  137. >Not sure why I referenced Celestia but hardly matters
  138. >Ignoring the looming family collapse I trot over to the sofa and drop to the floor
  139. >Watch Pony whilst Pony
  140. >the best way to use my time
  141. >Mental note to write on the thread that if any Anon got turned into a canon pony they should email me
  142. >I wonder if there is a Celestia anon out there, could be interesting
  143. >Still for now hardly matters
  144. >Winter Wrap up has started and I’m damn well going to sing along

Breakfast fit for a princess

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Pon-E Luna TF pt1

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