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Down with the Sickness. (Fluttershy)

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-17 05:43:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >You sneeze. Loudly.
  2. >Christ this cold is killing you.
  3. >Probably literally, in a minor way, too, now you think about it.
  4. >You're sweating through your shirt, although leaving the safety of the covers means you'll freeze.
  5. >So, in essence, fucked either way.
  7. >You shiver, and pull the sweaty cloth tighter about your person.
  8. >You blame fucking Dash.
  9. >"Hey Anon, lemme grab a swig of your soda!" She'd said.
  10. >"Don't be lame," she'd said.
  11. > Wily blue bitch only started sneezing and hacking up a lung after she'd covered the damn mouthpiece in saliva.
  12. > Fucking Dash.
  14. >You interrupt your own thought process with a bout of coughing, and through it barely hear the door open.
  15. >Fluttershy creeps in, arms bundled with assorted goods.
  16. > You see she's somehow keeping a tray on top of the pile, and judging by the steam rising off the top you can only hope she doesn't spill it.
  17. >On her, or you.
  18. >"A-Anon," she squeaks.
  19. "Over here, Shy. Where you left me." You beckon her over, trying to use your voice as a beacon.
  20. > She teeters over to your desk, setting the pile down over your work.
  21. >"I brought soup. A-and blankets, and some damp cloths for your head."
  22. >Oh that sounds nice-- wait
  23. "You did put the damp and dry things seperate, right, 'Shy?"
  24. > You hear a panicked gasp, as your sister tries to seperate the dry from the damp..
  25. >.. without taking the food tray from the top.
  27. >You hear a crash and a yelp, and you're upright in bed.
  28. >The cold's already getting to you.
  29. >Fluttershy's sat there on the floor, looking panicked as she tries to wipe hot soup from herself.
  30. >It's not very effective as far as efforts go.
  31. >You quickly cross the room in the weird swaying steps only a fever can get you.
  32. >You stare at your little sister for a minute, before grabbing some of the wet cloths from the pile
  33. >You wipe at her face and shoulders, trying to sooth the angry reddened skin.
  34. >You wipe away the noodles from the soup.
  35. >You sniff.
  37. "Chicken Noodle?" You ask
  38. >"Mmhmm." She replies sullenly, seeming to shrink into herself.
  39. "Hey, I appreciate the effort."
  40. >You frown at the pink sundress she's wearing. It's practically soaked through with soup.
  41. "You're gonna have to get out of that."
  42. >She looks shocked, before standing slowly, and beginning to pull the dress over her head.
  43. >When did she get such long legs?
  44. >When did she get HIPS?
  45. >You stare with rapt attention at the impromptu strip show, before remembering yourself.
  46. "NOT IN HERE." You cry out.
  47. >She blinks at you, a noodle still stuck to her forehead.
  48. "I meant l-like.."
  49. >Oh great, now YOU'RE stuttering.
  50. "Out in your room. G-go change there."
  51. >Because otherwise you'll ogle her throughout like some sort of creep.
  53. >She seems to deflate, and she nods mutely, before quickly picking up the bowl and tray and shuffling out.
  54. >Good job, Anon. Not only are you a sister-ogling creep, you're also an asshole.
  55. >You sneeze.
  56. >God fucking dammit.
  58. > A short while later, after you've changed the sweaty bedding for the fresh blankets Fluttershy brought up you wrap yourself in a dressing gown and sit at your desk.
  59. >You eye the mountain of work that's been brought home daily from your teachers by Fluttershy.
  60. >She's too good for you.
  61. >TO YOU.
  62. >You shake your head at the mental slip up, and put it on the fever that's been creeping into your brain over the course of the day.
  63. >You grab the top most booklet from the pile and flick it open. Sequences and series.
  64. >Great.
  65. >You get to work.
  67. >"Anon, are y-you w-working?"
  68. >Oh shit, that's her equivelant of yelling.
  69. >You slowly turn in your chair, creaking slowly as you go.
  70. >Shiiiiiiiiiiiit.
  71. "Would you believe me if I said no?"
  72. >She fixes the Fucking Stare on you.
  73. >Blue eyes meet your green, and you try.
  74. >You really do.
  75. >But she wins out.
  77. "Ok, ok, I'll cut it out."
  78. >"Bed. Now." She points, still glaring daggers at you.
  80. >You shuffle over to your bed, removing your gown.
  81. >"H-how am I going to keep you from trying to work every time I leave t-the room?" She asks, frowning. Then she smiles.
  82. >She clambers in next to you.
  83. >She curls up around you, throwing an arm over your damp chest, and a leg over yours.
  84. >Brain, this is boner, we're taking control.
  86. "Yo-you'll get sick, too!" You try and put as much foreboding in your tone as possible.
  87. >"Oh, that d-doesn't bother me."
  88. >Shy's sort of the type that would hug a mangy mutt if it would make it feel better.
  89. >She hugs you tighter.
  90. >There's a moment of silence as you internally panick.
  91. >Never have you wished more for erectile dysfunction.
  92. >"You're w-warm. Boiling, even." She frowns, pink hair drooping over her eyes briefly. She removes a hand from your chest, running it through her hair.
  93. >The sweat causes it to stick together, leaving her face, for once, entirely unobstructed.
  94. >You think very unbrotherly things.
  95. >No one should look that good without makeup.
  96. >Especially your older sister.
  97. >Didn't she mention offers to model for some of Rarity's friends?
  98. >She's staring at you.
  99. >"A-Anon?"
  100. "Yep. Haha, that's me. Just, being here. All cool. Well, warm but I'm cool internally." Oh shit. The stammer's been replaced by rambling.
  101. >You are so fucked.
  102. >"Y-you're so strange, sometimes." She rests her head above your heart again.
  103. >Can she hear how hard it's pounding?
  104. "Sorry." You croak out.
  105. >"I d-didn't say it was a bad thing, Anon.." She trails off, lightly tapping you with her nails.
  106. >She always did like to fidget.
  107. > She shifts, and her leg brushes against you.
  108. >More accurately, the dukedom of Little Anon.
  109. >She freezes.
  110. >"O-oh." She mutters.
  112. >You stare dead ahead.
  113. >This is it.
  114. >This is how you die.
  115. >Not that Shy herself will kill you.
  116. >It's more you'll an hero because holy shit you sick fuck you think of your sister that way
  117. >"Y-you think I'm pretty?"
  118. >What.
  119. "Kind of a- yes, Shy." You frown. She hasn't moved, but her leg isn't touching your member anymore.
  120. >And surely that's a good thing, right?
  121. > Still, a part of you is disappointed.
  122. >Surprise: said part is your dick.
  123. >"O-okay." She nods against your chest.
  124. >Then she's moving.
  125. >No, shit, you can't let her just lea--
  126. >And she's leaning over you, straddling you.
  127. >Her knees are pinning your arms down, practically nailing your hands to the bed.
  128. >Fuck she has bony knees.
  129. "S-Shy. 'Cha doin'?"
  130. >"W-would you like to kiss a pretty girl, A-Anon?"
  131. > Holy shit, this is not working out like you thought.
  132. >This is not going how you thought at ALL.
  133. "I mean, who wouldn't, right? Not me. Wait. Wouldn't.. not.. double negative..Look, w-what I'm saying is I like girls. Pretty ones. Yeah."
  134. > yousayingilikedudes.jpeg
  135. >She opts to shush you with her lips.
  136. >This is entirely new to you.
  137. >Not just the kissing your sister part, but for some reason the only girls you've dated have been.. thin lipped, to say the least.
  138. >Her lips are full, and soft and entirely pleasant.
  139. >A shock runs through you, from the base of your spine to your feet and back up again.
  140. >A soft tingle runs up your nethers as your sister grinds her ass clumsily into your dick, breaking the kiss.
  141. >You gasp at the sudden contact.
  142. >"A-am I doing it right?" She bites her lip, looking at you with worry.
  143. >No, what you're doing is very wrong, and we should stop.
  144. >No, this goes against God and probably several other deities.
  145. "Y-yeah, Shy. That was amazing."
  146. >She nods, and shudders slightly. The effect isn't unpleasant in the slightest to your dick.
  147. >She's shivvering, and folds over to hug your chest again.
  148. >"A-am I a bad sister?"
  150. >Woman, at the minute you're winning Sister of the Year award for the next century.
  151. > This is assuming somehow the feedback from your dick doesn't reach your head and somehow kill you.
  152. >You're not a scientist.
  153. >"Anon?" She's looking at you, rosy-faced and shivering.
  154. "No, Shy. But if you are, we're bad together." You give her a small smile, which she copies.
  155. >She chews her lip again, and you stare, transfixed.
  156. >You really wouldn't mind biting that lip for her.
  157. >You realise there are a lot of things on Shy you wouldn't mind biting, or tasting in some way or another.
  158. >You feel a flush that isn't entirely fever blazing hot on your face, and you breathe slowly, trying to think.
  159. >"B-bad together.." she muses, eyeing your pinned down form. You nod once, not really being able to do much else.
  160. >You shudder, partly from the cold, and partly due to your arousal.
  161. >If you weren't so weak right now you could turn the tables.
  162. >But at the minute, you're kind of working off your sister's good graces.
  163. >The floor is her's, so to speak.
  164. "Stupid question; but we're not telling anyone about this, right?" You frown.
  165. >Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head vehemently, a bang covering one frightened eye.
  166. >"Oh, h-heaven's n-no. I-if anyo-anyone found out we'd be--"
  167. "Let's not think about that right now."
  168. >She nods once, before looking at you with a small smile, and a nervous glance down to your abdomen.
  169. >"Y-you know, Anon.. m-maybe you could use a shower."
  170. >You ARE covered in sweat and the room temperature air is enough to somehow chill you to the core.
  171. >It's like being outside in the winter.
  172. "Shy, if I tried to shower I'd fall on my ass."
  173. >"That's why.. why I'd like to h-help."
  174. >Boner no.
  175. >Boner YES.
  176. >Your dick pulses and Shy giggles, adjusting herself from side to side. "I t-think someone e-else likes that idea."
  177. >Between your sweat pants and her thin shorts there isn't a whole lot between the two of you in terms of layers.
  180. >And besides, you bathed together when you were kids.
  181. >Not like that is anything like this situation.
  182. >Kind of like saying 'We play with paintball guns all the time, we're thinking of a gang driveby for funsies.'
  183. >You weren't exactly trying to bang eachother as kids, thank God.
  184. >You're pretty sure your parents would at least have rethought their 'open parenting' plan if that happened when they were a bit more.. attentive.
  185. "So, how are we doing this shower deal?" You ask, fighting to control your stammer.
  186. >The last time you saw Shy anything close to naked was years ago.
  187. >Right now your cock is perfectly held in place by her ass.
  188. >Shy rolls off of you.
  189. >Your dick protests mightily.
  190. >She holds up a finger, and if she's gone to check on Angel right now you may explode.
  191. >You hear the sound of water on tile from down the hall.
  192. >You have decided your sister is an angel sent down to both torment you, and be as nice as a being can physically be.
  193. >"C-come on, Anon, the water should be hot by n-now."
  194. >Oh shit this is actually happening.
  195. >You've read enough shitty doujins to know where this is going.
  196. >You've never even HAD sex before.
  197. >"A-Anon."
  198. "Coming," you mutter, standing slowly.
  199. > She rushes over to support your frail frame, and you two slowly make your way down the hall.
  201. >Steam already rises from beneath the door frame, and you wonder exactly how hot the water IS at this point.
  202. >Sometimes your sister makes some poor choices. For example, riding her brother's dick.
  203. >Hey-o!
  204. >Oh yeah, the shower.
  205. >You're suddenly filled with some trepidation, and the two of you stand there, looking lost.
  206. "So yeah. How are we doing this?"
  207. >"W-w-well, first of all we take off our clothes." She stammers, biting a nail as she looks between the pair of you.
  208. >You bite down on the sarcasm rising through you.
  209. >No shit you both need to take your clothes off.
  210. >"I t-think I should g-go first. Y-You'll f-freeze waiting f-for me." You notice your arms are wrapped around your chest feebly trying to keep heat in.
  211. >This is fucking happening.
  212. >Shy looks at herself as though unsure of where to start. She reaches down, grabbing the hem of her baggy shirt and pulls it up over her head.
  213. >You watch, as a slim stomach is revealed. Then a slightly protruding ribcage.
  214. >Then a pink bra. Complete with butterflies.
  215. >Sort of similar to those you're feeling in your stomach.
  216. >Cheesy, but true. You're nervous.
  217. >Then she unbuckles her belt and pulls down the shorts slowly.
  218. >They seem to struggle to move over her hips, but she tugs and tugs and eventually the shorts come down.
  219. >She nimbly steps out of them.
  220. >She's stood there in her patterned bra, and gray panties, looking unsure of which hurdle she wants to overcome first.
  221. >"S-shall I take off my bra now, o-or?"
  222. "What--" You clear your throat. Now is not a good time to sound like a pre-pubescent boy about to scope his first look at tits."Whatever you're comfortable with, Shy."
  223. > You try to smile reassuring, although between the fever, and the blood locking your dick ramrod straight you're having trouble STANDING.
  224. >Higher brain functions are slowly ceasing.
  225. >"C-could you help me with my bra? M-my h-hands are sha-shaking." She looks away from you.
  227. >Her hands are shaking? YOU'RE shaking. You gulp, taking in a breath for resolve and head over.
  228. >You stagger over, using the nearby counter as a support.
  229. >"I-it's a d-double c-clasp." She explains.
  230. >You have fuck all idea of what that means.
  231. >Fumbling a little, you steady your hands.
  232. >This is how bomb defusals must happen.
  233. >With poise.
  234. >With grace.
  235. >With dignity- Holy shit this is tricky. Okay, pull once, then..
  236. >No.
  237. >Okay, try from THIS angle..
  238. >"J-just p-pull twice, An-Anon."
  239. >You pull away from her back, then push the hooks out from the clasps.
  240. >Shy shrugs her shoulders, letting the bra straps fall down her arms.
  241. >You blink as she presses herself against you.
  242. >You can feel the bra falling from her breasts.
  243. >Her bare chest pushes against yours, and you can feel slight protrusions where her nipples are hardening against you.
  244. >"Anon." She moans lightly, pulling your mouth towards hers for a kiss.
  245. >Her hand tangles in your hair, and tightens, keeping you against her mouth.
  246. >Not like you're going anywhere.
  247. >She runs a hand down your burning body to your crotch, grabbing at the flesh she finds there.
  248. >You moan into her mouth.
  249. >She steps back, breaking the kiss with a light trail of saliva connecting you for the briefest moment.
  250. >She hooks her thumbs into her panties, pulling them off quickly.
  251. >You eye the small cluster of hair on her pubis, like light pink frosting.
  252. >And you have a sudden desire to eat cake. Fantastic.
  253. >You decide to try something.
  254. >You kneel down and eye her pussy with the air of a man who knows what he's doing.
  255. >You gently place a kiss on her pubic hair, before trailing down.
  256. >Each kiss produces a squeak of pleasure from your sister.
  257. >"W-what are you d-doing?"
  258. > Her questions turn to a moan as you reach her lower lips.
  259. >You kiss the small bud at the top, and she quivers.
  260. >Her hand grabs at your hair, and you hear her murmur "S-shower, n-now."
  262. "Shy, I need to get my sweatpants off."
  263. >Without a fucking moment's hesitation she yanks them down.
  264. >"D-done." She says proudly, before sliding open the shower door.
  265. >She grabs you by the dick, and steps in.
  266. >On one hand, ow.
  267. >On the other hand, this is surprisingly hot.
  268. >You're talking about the shower.
  269. >What else would you be talking about?
  270. >"O-okay, first let's c-clean you up." Shy says as she grabs some lotion or another from the alcove shelf.
  271. "W-wait, why me first?"
  272. >"B-because we're here to c-clean y-you. A-anything e-else that h-happens is just a b-bonus." She gives a smile that practically melts your heart.
  273. >And warms your dick.
  274. >We are reaching super critical capacity, Cap'n.
  275. >She works her fingers into your shoulders, turning you around so you face the wall and she's facing your back.
  276. >You smell honey in the lotion, and you rest your head on the wall.
  277. >The cool stone soothes your headache slightly.
  278. >You let her rub small circles into your back, before she turns you around and starts rubbing at your chest.
  279. >"O-okay, t-tell me if this h-helps.." She gains a look of intense concentration, before kneeling down.
  280. "Tell you if what hel-" You finish with a yelp as she takes your dick in her mouth.
  281. >This is new.
  282. >It's warm, and wet and you can feel her tongue hesitantly stroking your length.
  283. >Throughout it all, she keeps her eyes locked on yours, occasionally breaking contact to focus on what she's doing.
  284. >That is to say, you.
  285. >She bobs her head, lips sliding over you and creating a jerking sensation.
  286. >You watch your sister, hair plastered to her scalp, teal eyes locked onto yours as she spit shines your cock.
  287. >You feel a building pressure at the base of your shaft, and you know what's coming.
  288. "Shy - " You're interrupted by a groan as she lewdly slurps away. "- I'm close already."
  290. >She looks at you quizically, muttering something around your meat before nodding and determinately redoubling her efforts.
  291. >Her head pistons forward and back, and you take a minute to be impressed.
  292. >You mean, it's not like she's seasoned in this.
  293. >Your dick begins to spasm, and despite it not being the most brotherly of gestures, you grab her head and begin thrusting.
  294. >There's a sound of light protest before Shy just seems to go along with it, eyes closed.
  295. >Pleasure erupts from you, and you moan as you send your load into her mouth.
  296. >She opens her eyes, making sure you're watching.
  297. >She seems unsure.
  298. >She fucking swallows it.
  299. >You've been told this is a sign of love in many cultures, and from the way Shy's looking uncertain of herself, you're sure this is one of them.
  300. >Your head droops, before you lift it to look her in the eye. She's flushed.
  301. "Thank you, Shy."
  302. >"N-no problem, Anon." She smiles at you, love in her eyes.
  303. "Let's get you washed u-" You frown as your vision tilts.
  304. >No, you're tilting.
  305. >You slam into the wall, and frown, blinking.
  306. >You feel like there's no strength left in your legs.
  307. >"Anon?" Shy asks, quickly supporting your form, and cupping your face.
  308. "I'm.. fine. Sorry, I'm just not feeling great suddenly."
  309. >You sort of also feel like a stereotype.
  310. >Haha, typical man, cums then wants to sleep.
  311. >Except it feels like your body is actively trying to shut down.
  312. >"I-it's fine. L-let's get you b-back to bed." Shy steps out of the shower, retrieving two fluffy towels for the pair of you.
  313. >She helps you dry off, and climb into some clean basketball shorts and a shirt before kissing you on the forehead and disappearing.
  314. >Probably to get changed.
  315. >You curl up in bed, feeling drained.
  316. >You've decided your sister is a succubus. It's the only explanation.
  317. >You lay there, debating on what you've done.
  318. >You're happy to note that it wasn't just sex. You do genuinely still love your sister. Even if that love has.. other levels to it.
  320. >The door creaks open, and you crack an eyelid open to watch Shy dart under the covers, wrapped up in fluffy pyjamas.
  321. >She spoons you again, somehow fate has decided Ye Are Little Spoon.
  322. >You're okay with this.
  323. >You're okay with a lot right now.
  324. "Sorry I didn't get you to finish, Shy. Hell, I didn't get you to start." You frown into your pillow.
  325. >Shy wraps her arms around you, and breathes in the honey scent of lotion.
  326. >"I-it's ok, Anon. I h-had fun. Y-You can j-just owe me." She giggles.
  327. "Owe you?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. Sort of a useless gesture from her vantage point.
  328. >"F-for next time," she clarifies, poking you in the side.
  329. >Next time. You smile. There's going to be a next time.
  330. >You cough up some phlegm, and frown. Damn that hurt.
  331. "Alright, I owe you for next time... lover." You try to put a purr on the last word, but it's more of a slurring effect with the state you're in.
  332. >She jabs you in the side lightly and you wince.
  333. "Ow." You whine.
  334. >You both lapse into silence.
  335. >There's nervous tapping on your side.
  336. >"A-Anon, you s-still l-love me, r-right?" she mutters into your hair.
  337. "Always have and always will, Shy." She hugs you tighter.
  338. >And with that, you both fall off to sleep.
  340. >It's the next day.
  341. "I told you you'd get sick, too." You mutter at the lump in bed next to you.
  342. >"I-I know I j-just thought I-I'd -- " your sister is cut off by a loud sneeze, and she shivers, wiggling into the covers.
  343. "Your soup hot enough?" You ask, frowning.
  344. >"Y-yes, thank you, Anon." She slurps at her vegetable soup.
  345. >Fucking vegetarians.
  346. >Which you did.
  347. >You, Anon, fucked a vegetarian.
  348. >Also your sister, but hey.
  349. >So you're kind of fucked up.
  350. >And maybe she is a little bit, too.
  354. FIN

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