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Seed Twins Summer Shenanigans

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-16 18:02:59
Expiry: Never

  1. > ”Out of the way, beanpole! I was here first!”
  2. “Bullshit you were, fatass!”
  3. > Be Anonymous Seed, currently spending your summer vacation from college at your cousins’ farm.
  4. > Since you screwed around instead of trying to find a job for the summer, your parents decided you could at least work for your cousins instead of freeloading around the house.
  5. > Being from the city, this was a less than ideal way to spend your summer.
  6. > Your older sister, Sunflower, managed to snag an internship with some large research institute back in Manehattan.
  7. > Lucky bitch.
  8. > You weren’t totally alone in this, though. Your twin sister, Babs, also got to join you on your trip to the sticks.
  9. > Unlike you, however, she was sent because of more than a few incidents with the cops.
  10. > Nothing serious mind you, but your parents weren’t very happy about having to constantly pay for the property damages she and her friends were causing with their antics.
  11. > Despite her “antics”, you and Babs got along quite well most of the time.
  12. > Good thing, too, since you were each other’s only connection to urban society now.
  13. > That and the fact you were having to share a twin sized bed.
  14. > Not to mention your cousins seemed a little bit too . . . intimate with each other at times.
  15. > Applebloom sounded like she was flirting with you sometimes, and the two of you could have sworn you heard moans coming from Big Mac and Applejack in the barn.
  17. > Needless to say, you may not have hated your extended family, but you and your sister relied on each other for a sense of normalcy.
  18. > However, when it came to who got first dibs on the one shower after working in the fields and getting covered in (possibly literal) shit, all bets were off.
  19. > “Excuse you?!”
  20. > “You heard me! Your showers take so damn long, I can only assume it’s because there’s so much skin to clean!”
  21. > “Why you little…“
  22. > Despite her shorter stature compared to you, she more than made up for it in her strength as she pulled you down into a headlock.
  23. > Before you decide who gets to shower through trial by combat, your great-aunt Granny Smith barges out from her room.
  24. > “Now what in tarnation is all that gosh darn’d ruckus!”
  25. “Babs here is trying to hog the shower even though I beat her here!”
  26. > “Hell no you didn’t! Besides, I’m the older twin, so I should get seniority.”
  27. “Screw that! By the time you’re done, all the hot water will be used up. Again!”
  28. > Before the two of you could continue your arguing, Granny gave the each of you a good smack with her cane.
  29. > “Now listen here, I’m not about to stand here and keep listenin’ to you youngins bickerin over the darn shower. Just share the darn thing!”
  30. > You and Babs both give her a look of shock and confusion.
  31. “Excuse me? She’s my sister! TWIN sister in fact!”
  32. > “Exactly. I’m sure y’all have bathed together more than twice.”
  33. > “Yeah, when we were, like, 5. We’re almost twenty now!”
  34. > Granny crosses her frail arms, not buying your sister’s logic as an excuse.
  35. > “I don’ see how age changes the fact y’all are twins. Why, me and my siblings bathed down in the river together ‘til we was full grown adults and moved away from each other.”
  37. “But-“
  38. > “No buts! I ain’t gunna let the two of ya tear each other’s heads off over the who gets the shower first. Now git!”
  39. > She sternly points her cane toward the bathroom door.
  40. > Not wanting to incur any more of Granny’s wrath, the two of you reluctantly walk into the bathroom together.
  41. > Walking inside, you saw the same bathroom the two of you had been stuck using the past two weeks.
  42. > It was exactly what one would expect out of an old country home, above ground tub and all.
  43. > At least they had indoor plumbing.
  44. > You and Babs stood there awkwardly, just trying to comprehend what exactly the two of you were doing.
  45. > Before Granny could come back and chastise the two of you some more, you decide to take the initiative.
  46. “Well, let’s just get this over with.”
  47. > ”R-right.”
  48. > Looking away from each other, the two of you slowly began to discard your dirty garments.
  49. > As luck would have it, you got to face the mirror, where you got a nice look as your sister stripped.
  50. > You may have called her a fatass earlier, but that was not the best way to describe you sister.
  51. > THICC, however, was perfect.
  52. > Sure she had a bigger build than your typical hot sorority girl, but very little of it could be called fat.
  53. > Her stomach was toned but not ripped, nice wide hips, legs that had just the right amount of thickness to them.
  54. > You couldn’t get the best look at her breasts as she was looking away from you, but they had to be somewhere in the D range.
  55. > And then there was that wonderful ass. Good lord was it something to behold, especially with those breeding hips of hers’.
  57. > Before you could get too entranced in the show before you, you mentally slapped yourself about just who you were looking at.
  58. > This was still your sister. Twin sister, in fact. You shouldn’t be having thoughts about her like that.
  59. > Maybe your cousins were rubbing off on you more than you would have liked.
  60. > It didn’t help that, since the bed you shared was so small, there were many nights where said booty was rubbing up against your crotch.
  61. > And if it wasn’t that, it was her bountiful bust pressing up against you in some form or another.
  62. > Or maybe it was the fact you haven't had any chance to rub one out since you got here.
  63. > If you weren’t busy working, you were stuck around a family member or too tired to try and find a hidden place to find some release.
  64. > At this point, Anon Jr. was very pent up, and what was in front of you currently looked like a fertility goddess, familiar relationships be damned.
  65. > Christ, you really needed to get some form of release soon, or who knows what you’ll do.
  66. > Putting your thoughts aside, you finish getting down to your birthday suit and turn on the shower.
  67. “Ok Babs, you ready?”
  68. > “Yeah. Let’s just make this quick."
  69. > You turn to face her, covering your own junk, and are met with one hell of a sight as Babs poorly tries to cover her own privates.
  70. > Yeah, she was definitely at least a D cup.
  72. > Trying your best not to stare, and keeping your half chub from reaching full mast, you step into the tub first, with your sister following suit.
  73. > Your sister was right about you being faster at taking showers, so you’re first under the stream of hot water.
  74. > As you try to scrub the filth off your body, hundreds of thoughts are racing through your head.
  75. > Right now, you were stark naked in the shower with your absolutely stacked sister.
  76. > It was already weird enough you were doing this, but the fact that you were kind of turned on by the situation only served to confuse you more.
  77. > As you were thinking, you started to recollect this isn’t the first time you’ve been having similar thoughts about your sister.
  78. > Sure, you kind of entertained some crazy fantasies in the early days of puberty, but you know you weren’t the only teenage boy who had.
  79. > No, the problem was those thoughts were slowly resurfacing as of recent, especially since you got to the farm.
  80. > You were already having a dry spell with girls before coming here, so you were left with Palmela Handerson and your own imagination.
  81. > The only girl you regularly talked to and hung out with was Babs.
  82. > She was also by far the girl you’ve ever had the most fun with in your lifetime.
  83. > Combined with her killer body, you couldn’t help but occasionally let her pop up in your fantasies.
  84. > However, there was now a simple solution to push those thoughts out before you let them go to far.
  85. > Your computer.
  86. > The internet provided you with whatever kind of fap material your heart, or penis, possibly desired.
  87. [spoiler]> Sure some of it was incest themed, but it was totally different and fantasy and you never imagined Babs in any such situation. Totally.[/spoiler]
  89. > However, out here in the boonies, you no longer had the gifts of modern society.
  90. > As a result, during your down time you were more often than not left to your own thoughts.
  91. > And being so pent up, your thoughts often involved you getting some form of release.
  92. > Unfortunately for you, turns out the three hottest girls in the county were related to you in some form or another.
  93. > AJ and Bloom were both attractive in their own ways, AJ being the right amount of muscular cowgirl and Bloom being the cute and petite little sweetheart.
  94. > You could easily see how every boy in a 20 mile radius would kill to be with either of them, yet you received more flirtatious comments from them than every other boy combined.
  95. [spoiler]> Except maybe Big Mac, but you weren’t sure you wanted the answer to that.[/spoiler]
  96. > Normally you’d be a little weirded out being stuck in close proximity with your cousins who, as best as you can tell, seem to have no issue with concept of incest.
  97. > No, the bigger problem was that you were stuck even closer to your sister, who was exactly your type.
  98. > Seeing her every day wearing tight fitting jeans and a loose tank top, combined with your cousins’ flirting, your willpower to not see your sister that way was quickly being broken down.
  99. > On especially hot days, those tight jeans were tight shorts, and boy did that really get you riled up.
  100. > Now, standing here naked as the day you were born, with your sister right behind you in the same state of undress, you were absolutely at your limit.
  102. > You figure the best solution right now was to try and finish up your shower sooner rather than later.
  103. > You rinse off the outermost layer of dirt, but before you can really start scrubbing down, you figure you can at least Babs do the same.
  104. >You turn to ask if she wants a go under the stream.
  105. > “Hey Babs, you want a turn? I’ve rinsed most of mine off already.”
  106. > She jumps and lets out a small yelp.
  107. > It’s almost like she was intensely focused on something and you just broke her out of her trance.
  108. > You wonder what she was so focused on.
  109. > You begin to entertain the thought she was staring at your own body, but you quickly pushed the thought out of your head.
  110. > “Oh, y-yeah! Heh, took you long enough, slowpoke.”
  111. > Rolling your eyes at her attempt at an insult, you turn to the side to let her towards the front.
  112. > She turns away from you, and tries to scoot past you in the tiny tub.
  113. > While you both try to avoid contact, the small constraints of the shower don’t allow for much room, and as a result her big booty rubs right across your half erect member.
  114. > You both give a small jolt when you first feel each other, then continue to slide across until you’ve fully swapped positions.
  115. > There was no way she didn’t notice, but if she did she had no intentions of bringing it up, and neither did you.
  116. > This whole ordeal was already awkward as is, no need to make it any worse.
  118. > As your sister starts to clean the dirt off her body, it’s your turn to get a nice eyeful.
  119. > Standing in front of you were two handfuls of wonderful ass flesh begging to be grabbed.
  120. > It was bad enough before, but seeing them literally right in front of you was too much to handle.
  121. > You couldn’t help but think of being able to sink your hands into those mounds.
  122. > Before you can let your imagination run too wild, though, you see another part of your body has already completely lost its willpower.
  123. > Little Anon was now standing proudly at full mast, wanting nothing more than to be smothered between the two big ole’ buns before him.
  124. > Now you were really starting to get nervous.
  125. > The last thing you needed was your sister to see you getting a hard on while you were in the shower with her.
  126. > Fuck, that last part sounded way more casual than it should have.
  127. > You close your eyes and try to think of everything that would turn you off.
  128. > Cleaning the horse manure? Nope.
  129. > Granny Smith’s naked body? Close, but not quite.
  130. > Helping milk the cows in the smelly ass barn?
  132. > Before you can continue your attempts to slow down your libido, you’re interrupted by your sister.
  133. > “Hey Anon, can you help me wash my back?”
  134. > Your eyes shoot wide open. Thankfully she hasn’t turned around yet.
  135. > “I thought we could get done faster if you help me out.”
  136. “Ah, yeah, s-sure.”
  138. > You grab the soap and lather up your hands before putting them on her back.
  139. > She shivers when you first make contact, but you continue on and begin to lather up her backside.
  140. > In the meantime, your sister is currently washing her front, rubbing her hands across her breasts and down her stomach.
  141. > This was not helping your boner go down. At all.
  142. > You try to stand as far back as possible and reach your arms across the shower to avoid any possibility of "poking" her.
  143. > You stop right above her waistline, assuming your sister had no intention of having clean off her bottom.
  144. “Alright, that should be all of it.”
  145. > “Cool. Thanks Anon.”
  146. > As you expected, she begins to rub her soapy hands over her own bottom.
  147. > She massages her cheeks thoroughly, then pulls them apart, giving you a small peek at her backdoor.
  148. > Jesus H. Christ
  149. > Without warning, she suddenly bends over in order to start washing off her legs.
  150. > In doing so, you finally get a peek at the holiest of lands.
  151. > Two shaved, slightly puffy lips with a slit of pink between them now grace your vision.
  152. > Any chance of your erection going down is completely gone now, instead throbbing with a need partake of the forbidden fruit.
  153. > Your eyes are locked on the sight before you, incestual relations be damned.
  154. > Oddly enough, you swear you see a different, stickier looking liquid forming around her private region.
  155. > Before you can think too long on it though, you take notice that your sister has stopped moving.
  156. > Looking farther down, you see that Babs was now looking directly at you between her legs.
  157. > You didn't think about it before, but standing at the back of the tub, there was enough distance that your sister would be able to see your upper body from bending over.
  158. > Your heart stops as you lock your eyes on hers, only to realize she isn’t locked on yours.
  159. > Rather, her eyes were currently staring right at your own erect member.
  161. > Several different emotions were running through your head, leaving you frozen still.
  162. > As Babs slowly starts to stand up, you can only stand there in anticipation of what her reaction will be.
  163. > Will she run and try to get Granny Smith to do something?
  164. > Will she clock you across the jaw?
  165. > Will she tell your parents and have you kicked out of the house when you get back.
  166. > As she turns towards you, you prepare for whatever hell is about to befall you.
  167. > Instead of a berating, though, she looks at you with a deep blush on her face.
  168. > “So, looks like you’re also a bit pent up.”
  169. > Wut
  170. “Uhhhh, y-yeah, I haven’t gotten a chance to jerk one out since we first got to the farm.”
  171. > You definitely weren’t drunk enough to be casually talking about masturbation with your sister, but considering the context, it was far from the weirdest thing going on right now.
  172. > “Yeah, I gotcha’. I don’t get much alone time either. That’s actually why I usually take so long in the shower. But I don’t always get to finish before someone comes banging on the door yelling at me to hurry up.”
  173. > Welp, that explains a lot.
  174. > Seems your sister was in the same boat as you, but she managed to find take advantage of the (former) privacy of the shower.
  175. > Admittedly you rarely got the shower first so there usually wasn’t enough hot water left to take the time to masturbate, but you were a dumbass for not making use of the ew times you did.
  176. “Heh, well when there isn’t any hot water left, it’s hard to keep it up and jerk it.”
  178. > “You’re right. I have hogged the hot water a lot. That’s my bad.”
  179. “Nah, it’s cool, I get it. If I had thought about it, I probably would have done the same.”
  180. > She gives you a smile of relief and you can see a lot on the tension leave her body.
  181. > Maybe your fears were unfounded after all. Babs may have been rough with most people, but she was always chill with you.
  182. > “Anyways, pent up or not, sure seems like somebody’s enjoying the show.”
  183. > You look back down at your boner, then look away as you begin to blush harder.
  184. “Ah, yeah. I’d be lying if I said you didn’t have a rocking body.”
  185. > Fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
  186. > Now she’s giving you a cheeky smirk.
  187. > “Oh really? Well, you aren’t half bad yourself. Especially that tool of yours.”
  188. > Alright, maybe a little too forward, but after everything you don’t know what is or isn’t too much right now.
  189. > “But, you know, masturbation doesn’t quite match up to the real thing now, does it?”
  190. > You raise an eyebrow, but nod in agreement.
  191. > Despite everything, you could still tell that that was a rather weird thing to say.
  192. > Before you can ask why she would ask that, she slowly steps towards you.
  193. > “We both need some release, and seeing as you definitely seem turned on by me, I thought maybe…”
  194. > She presses herself against you, her breasts squishing against your own chest.
  195. > “Maybe we can, you know, help each other out?”
  197. > ERRROR: Anonymous.exe has stopped working.
  198. > That was it, you had to be dreaming. Or dead.
  199. > Maybe Babs slugged you so fast after she turned around that you didn’t even realize it.
  200. > You could be unconscious, or you hit your head on the way down and died from the impact.
  201. > Nah, you couldn’t be dead. No way you were qualified to get through the pearly gates, and there was no way this could be hell.
  202. > That only left dreaming, so you took the logical course of action.
  203. > *pinch*
  204. > . . . Nope, still here. This was real alright.
  205. > Looking at Babs, she was starting to give a concerned look. Probably due to your lack of an answer.
  206. > Ok Anon, extra THICC or not, this was still your sister. You’ve already gone too far as is, this needs to stop.
  207. > You’re currently on a knife’s edge, you have to let her down gently. Saying the wrong thing now could permanently ruin your relationship with Babs.
  208. > Choose your next words carefully. Think Anon, use your head.
  209. > “Yes.”
  210. > WRONG HEAD
  212. > Her eyes brighten at your response, and before you can correct yourself, she started to lower herself onto her knees.
  213. > Once she gets eye level with your crotch, she looks up at you with a sly smile on her face as she lifts her hand up to grab your cock
  214. > As she wraps her fingers around your stiffened member, you feel a shiver with pleasure course through your body.
  215. > She starts by giving you a few gentle pumps before slowly starting to pick up speed.
  216. > You expected her hand to be rough and calloused, but right now they felt like silk as it glided up and down your dick.
  217. > Before you get to adjusted to the feeling, her hand stops at the base of your shaft as she leans in to kiss the tip of your penis.
  218. > Slowly, she takes the head into her mouth and starts circling her tongue around the tip of your cock.
  219. > After a few moments of tongue teasing, she starts bobbing her head down your shaft, going deeper and deeper each time.
  220. > You thought her handjob was great, but this was a whole other level.
  221. > The moist heat of her mouth along your rod sent waves of bliss throughout your entire body.
  222. > You may not have been dead, but you were certainly in heaven.
  223. > Babs was clearly an experienced skin flute player, almost reaching the base of your dick and not once gagging.
  224. > She was even taking the time to pleasure herself, one hand getting a handful of chest fat while the other was busy cave exploring.
  225. > You never wanted this to end.
  227. > Unfortunately for you, weeks without practice left your stamina quite lacking.
  228. > It had barely been a few minutes, but already you were feeling that once familiar pressure signaling your coming release.
  229. “Shit, Babs, I’m gonna cum.”
  230. > Heading your warning, Babs dives as deep as she can one last time before completely pulling off.
  231. > That last dip is enough to push you over the edge, and as soon as you’re free your white cream starts spewing forth.
  232. > Babs sits back, pushing her two breasts together as they’re covered in streak after streak of your jizz.
  233. > You spasm each time you shoot another jet of spunk, pushing one arm against the wall in an attempt to keep your balance.
  234. > It takes a solid half minute before your orgasm finally subsides and you finally regain your composure.
  235. > Good lord you were backed up. You don’t think you’ve ever ejaculated a load that large in your entire life.
  236. > You look back down to see Babs with two heavily glazed buns.
  237. “Jesus, Babs, where did you learn to do that?”
  238. > “Please, you’re far from the first person I’ve given head. A girl’s gotta have her ways, and you’d be surprised how far guys will go for a simple BJ.”
  239. > That was far from what you’d call a “simple” blowjob.
  240. > Before you can make another comment, your sister lifts one of her cum covered breasts to her mouth and takes a seductive lick.
  241. > She smacks her tongue against the top of her mouth to get a good taste before finally swallowing the salty goo.
  242. > Standing up, she turns her chest towards the running water to wash the rest of your spunk off her body.
  243. > “Hmph, not bad, Cowboy. Certainly the largest load I’ve seen in person, but a little quick on the trigger, weren’t ya?”
  245. “Sorry, but you know damn well I haven’t been able to let loose in weeks, and the first thing to relieve me is some Porn-star tier head? No surprise I’m basically a 5 pump chump.”
  246. > She turns back to you with a proud look on her face. “Glad you liked it so much.”
  247. > However, her prideful smile quickly turns into a mischievous grin. “And don’t worry, it’s for the best anyways. We don’t have that much time, and we haven’t even gotten to the best part.”
  248. > Oh shit, she’s actually wanting to go all the way.
  249. > The BJ was one thing, but sex? Sex was THE ultimate taboo.
  250. > That sense of doubt was slowly starting to come back to your brain.
  251. “R-really, already? I mean I just came, I’m probably going to need a minute to recover.”
  252. > She points a finger down towards your pecker. “Looks like you’re ready to go to me.”
  253. > You look down to see you were somehow still as hard as a rock.
  254. > Damnit, betrayed by your second head yet again.
  255. “OK, but what about you? You haven’t gotten any foreplay yet.”
  256. > Babs steps forward and grabs your hand, preceding to shove it between her thighs.
  257. > “Does it feel like I need any more teasing?”
  258. > No, she most certainly did not. Even if you were both covered in water, you could easily feel her crotch was covered in a much different kind of liquid.
  259. “Ok, but what abou-“
  260. > “Anon.”
  261. > You’re unable to finish you sentence before your sister’s face is inches away from you, her eyes staring directly into yours.
  262. > “Fuck. Me.”

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

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Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

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Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

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Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

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