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Aunt Harshwhinny's Green Gown

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-29 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-04 00:37:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wipe the sweat off your brow with your shirt before donning it once more and call out to your aunt.
  2. "All done Aunt Whinny!"
  3. >She waves back and wipes the corner of her mouth.
  4. >A quick glance over and you admire your handiwork.
  5. >That's the best fucking garden hands down and the hell what anyone else says.
  6. >She makes her way over with a tray and cup of her homemade lemonade.
  7. >"It looks very good Anon, very professional and it shows how you took in account the way the flowers will appear once they bloom."
  8. >Harshwhinny hands you the empty cup and fills it up with the iced lemonade.
  9. >You take a quick sip and pucker you lips at the extra sweet taste.
  10. "It's super sweet as always!"
  11. >You thank her for the cool beverage and down the rest of the drink.
  12. >Her lemonade was always sweeter than anyone else's, but try as you might, you could never get her to spill the beans on the secret ingredient.
  13. >She only made it for you though, something about only you being able to handle the extra, extra sweet taste.
  14. >Harshwhinny pours you another cup full, her cheeks bright red.
  15. "Let's head into the shade Whinny, it's hot as balls out here and you're getting pretty red in the face."
  16. >You make your way inside and drink another cup of lemonade while explaining the next step in taking care of the garden.
  17. "So I'll come by tomorrow and plant the seeds in your garden Aunt Whinny."
  18. >Her legs discretely grind together. "Oh, God yes, that would be lovely Anon." She bites her bottom lip and murmurs.
  19. "Then I'll show you how to take care and maintain the garden, which is pretty easy at this point."
  20. >Your aunt frowns, but nods.
  21. "After a few weeks when the flowers start blooming, I'll swing by and do a bit of maintenance to your garden."
  22. >She fans herself with her tray and groans. "I can't wait."
  23. "Well, that's it for today, I'd give you a hug, but I'm all sticky and nasty."
  24. >"It's okay Anon, you can make me sticky and nasty anytime." She whispers as she wraps her arms around you.
  27. >You return her embrace and thank her for the lemonade and wave goodbye.
  28. >"I hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave." She calls out.
  29. "What was that Aunt Whinny?"
  30. >"N-nothing Anon! I'll see you tomorrow!" She called back.
  31. >Harshwhinny shut the door with her back and slid down to the floor, her legs quivering with excitement.
  32. >"First I'll take care of my needs, and then I'll get that revealing lingerie laid out for tomorrow."
  33. >Her fingers trail towards her groin.
  34. >The heat emanating there made the heat outside seem like an average winter day.
  35. >She frowned and stopped short of touching herself.
  36. >"Or maybe I should lay the lingerie out and then have my fun?"
  37. >Harshwhinny thought a for few seconds and made up her mind.
  38. >"Business before pleasure I'm afraid." She sighed as she stood up and went to prepare the lingerie.
  39. >She smiled as she recalled her nephew's words and felt her legs quiver again.
  40. >"I hope you're ready to plant a lot of seeds tomorrow Anon."
  43. >Harshwhinny's index finger traced along the strap running up from her thigh to her waist, her fingernail lightly bumping against the little designs woven into the garment.
  44. >She smiled to herself, knowing that her nephew Anonymous would be arriving soon, and that he would be staying the weekend.
  45. >It didn't take much to convince her sister to let him spend the weekend, so she and her husband could go out of town for a little together time.
  46. >She'd already planned her the whole weekend with Anonymous.
  47. >First, she would help Anonymous tend to the garden, ensuring that they both got dirty enough to need to a shower.
  48. >She wouldn't need an excuse to take a shower together as the shower didn't produce enough hot water as it was.
  49. >It was never an issue as she preferred to end her showers with a few minutes of ice cold water and it seemed to do her body good.
  50. >Anonymous surely wouldn't be used to this and that's when she'd recommend snuggling in bed together. To share body warmth.
  51. >Her finger smoothly circled around her slit, a purr hitching in her throat at her own caresses.
  52. >Harshwhinny thought of how she would strip in front of her nephew, unbuttoning her shirt and casually tossing it over her shoulder.
  53. >She'd quickly undo her bra and toss that over as well, only to turn around and apologize for being so forgetful.
  54. >The true reason she'd act this way would be to give him a good view of her ample breasts.
  55. >Her business skirt would be next, a few choice words to speed Anonymous along with undressing.
  56. >The skirt would fall to the floor, revealing the lacy red garter belt.
  57. >The garter belt shared the same design as her stockings, save the color.
  58. >A woman such as herself wouldn't dream of wearing red stockings to the office, but she relished the excitement of wearing the red garter belt.
  59. >She would slowly slide down the garter down her waist and hips before bending over in front of him, giving him an up-close look at her firm rear and more.
  62. >If Anonymous was still struggling with getting undressed, she would have to help him out and then quickly take off her panties.
  63. >On the other hand, if the show had given him reason to speed up, she would carelessly toss her panties over her shoulder at him.
  64. >Once in the shower, it would be a quick affair of shampooing your heads and scrubbing one another down.
  65. >Harshwhinny had made sure to throw away her bath sponge the night before. Anonymous and she would be forced to rub one another down by hand.
  66. >She glanced out the window imagining how hard he would feel in her hands and sighed before sputtering out in disbelief.
  67. >Her nephew was making his way towards her house, but a young girl was accompanying him!
  68. >A low snarl rumbled in her throat.
  69. >If there was one thing she disliked more than unprofessional conduct, it was when a plan went awry and needed to be changed at the last minute.
  70. >The pair came closer and allowed Harshwhinny to get a better look at the girl.
  71. >She seemed to be about the same age as her nephew, young and perky.
  72. >Her long red hair flowed freely in the wind and she held one hand on her skirt to keep it from blowing up.
  73. >Harshwhinny brought a finger up to her chin, thinking about how best to handle with this sudden nuisance.
  74. >It wasn't part of her plan to have anyone else and Anonymous had never mentioned he'd be bringing her with him.
  75. >She shook her head and sighed.
  76. >Regardless of the situation, it was a problem that she'd have to take care of.
  77. >She lowered her her skirt and straightened it out before going to go greet her nephew.
  78. >The doorbell rings as Harshwhinny walks down the stairs to answer the front door.
  79. >The door opens, and your aunt excitedly cried out to you while pulling you into her breasts for a great big hug.
  80. >Your reply is muffled by her copious breasts that surround you.
  81. >You struggle momentarily in her cleavage before she releases you, and you gasp for breath.
  82. "It's great to see you too Auntie."
  85. >"Oh Anon, we're going to have a great time this weekend!" Harshwhinny exclaimed before noticing your friend. "Oh? And who is this young lady Anon?"
  86. >You turn back and gesture at your friend.
  87. "This is my friend Roseluck auntie."
  88. >You turn to face your aunt and introduce her to Roseluck.
  89. "Roseluck, this is my favorite aunt in the whole wide world, Auntie Harshwhinny."
  90. >"H-hello ma'am, it's nice to meet you." Roseluck replies as she extends her hand to shake.
  91. >"Hmmmm, yes a pleasure Ms. Roseluck." Your aunt replies while obviously eyeing your friend.
  92. >You decide to break the uncomfortable silence and explain why you brought her along.
  93. "She's really into gardening and I thought I could show her the garden we're working on."
  94. >"Ah well, any friend of Anon is welcome then." She replied. "Please come in."
  95. >"T-thank you ma'am." Roseluck answers as the three of you walk in.
  96. >"Feel free to place your bags on the counter you two. I'll pour a couple of glasses of Kool-aid for you."
  97. "No lemonade today Auntie?"
  98. >"Oh, I'm sorry my dear, I completely forgot to make some." Harshwhinny called back from the kitchen. "The office was an absolute mess today, there were unexpected problems left and right."
  99. "It's fine auntie, I can always help you make some later."
  100. >"Oh yes you will, just as soon as we get rid of our unexpected guest." Harshwhinny whispered to herself and grinned as she poured another glassful of the strawberry flavored drink.
  101. >"Why don't you two run along into the garden, and I'll be right there with the drinks." Harshwhinny suggested.
  102. "Thanks, Harshwhinny!"
  103. >You led Roseluck over to the back-yard door and over to the garden.
  104. >"She doesn't seem to be much." Harshwhinny glared through the window at the girl. "Definitely not one to take charge and give out orders."
  105. >Harswhinny put both glasses on the tray and made her way to the door. "I guess I'll just have to remind her of her place and how she's not good enough for Anon."
  107. >You faintly hear the sliding door open from behind you as you explain the garden setup to your friend Roseluck.
  108. "These Rhododendron will grow next to the Daffodils, their colors offering a nice contrast."
  109. >"But why is the dirt for the Daffodils higher than the Rhododendron?"
  110. >You internally roll your eyes and correct your friend.
  111. "The soil Roseluck, the soil is higher."
  112. >"Oh, sorry Professor Anonymous." She giggles. "I just got interested in growing flowers, Roses specifically."
  113. >You finish looking over the small garden and take a quick look behind to see your aunt approaching.
  114. "You can thank Mr. Johnson, my old Ag teacher for that."
  115. >"Is he the teacher you told me about that made you write the definition of soil and dirt a thousand times each when he heard you say that crops are planted in the dirt?" Aunt Whinny asked.
  116. >You face back to your aunt who crouched down and gestured to the tray of drinks she brought out.
  117. "Yeah, that's the one."
  118. >Roseluck reaches for a glass and thanks your aunt.
  119. "Not a mistake I ever made again, I can promise you that."
  120. >"This is so delicious Ms. Harshwhinny!" Roseluck savored the taste on her tongue and closed her eyes.
  121. >You look at Roseluck and agree with her as you reach out for your cup.
  122. "Her drinks are always delicious Roseluck."
  123. >A moment of confusion plays out as your fingers grab at something soft and warm.
  124. >"Oh, Anon." Harswhinny gasps. "You haven't even touched your drink, it's too early for a refill."
  125. >Turning back to face your aunt you realize that you're squeezing at her breast.
  126. >Time seems to stop as you take in the sensation of fabric that sinks under your touch, the warmth that radiates from beneath.
  127. >Harshwhinny smiled at you, her cheeks decorated with a bright rosy color.
  128. "S-sorry auntie."
  129. >You sputter and let go of her breast, taking the ice cold drink glass and bring it to your lips.
  130. >"Are you okay Anon? Your face is pretty red." Roseluck finishes her drink and places the empty class on the tray.
  132. >The juice splashes around your mouth as you slowly down the juice in one gulp.
  133. >You place the empty glass on the tray and thank your aunt while avoiding eye contact.
  134. "It's kinda warm out here, but I'll be fine."
  135. >Harshwhinny straightened up and walked over to the outdoor dining set to set the tray down.
  136. >You wait for her to return and take the water can to demonstrate the simple way to properly water the garden.
  137. "So you want to start over in this corner of the garden."
  138. >Tilting the can and allowing the water to pour out over the soil you slowly move it in a horizontal motion.
  139. >"So tell me about yourself Roseluck, where do you see yourself in five years?" Harshwhinny asks from behind.
  140. >You noticed Roseluck jump, startled that your aunt had suddenly snuck up behind the two of you.
  141. >"Uh, well I haven't given it much thought to be honest." Roseluck replied still reeling from the shock. "I definitely plan on finishing school, but I'm not sure if I'll go to college or anything."
  142. >"It sounds like you don't have many ambitions or goals to fulfill." Harshwhinny nods. "You've got a little while left before graduating from High School so there's plenty of time to figure it out."
  143. >"W-well I guess attending college would be a good start." Roseluck answers.
  144. >You silently listen as the pouring water starts to pepper out signaling that the watering can is running low.
  145. >"Well college is a good place to start my dear, but without a plan, you'll just end up wasting your time and money." Aunt Whinny nods. "Have you given it thought as to what you want to get out of college?"
  146. >"I suppose a degree that would give me a deeper understanding of flowers and planting would be good to have." Roseluck replies after thinking for a moment. "Perhaps I could start my own flower shop business?"
  147. >You head over to the hose for a refill and return with a full watering can before continuing to water the garden while remaining quiet.
  149. >By now you knew better than to interrupt Aunt Harshwhinny when she was having her moments, her talks with your mother sometimes got a bit intense.
  150. >Thankfully they always ended peacefully and with a better understanding between your mother and aunt.
  151. >"You'll forgive me for being frank Ms. Roseluck, but from what you've told me, you don't seem the type to run a business."
  152. >Oh boy, here we go, you think to yourself.
  153. >"You really think so?" Roseluck quietly replied.
  154. >"Yes." Your aunt sternly replied. "If flowers are a passion you would like to pursue, a botany degree sounds more your speed."
  155. >You continue watering the Marigold seeds and listen.
  156. >"And while that would help with the flower side of things, I'm afraid that you don't have the attitude required to run a business." Harshwhinny continued.
  157. >"How would you go about getting a loan from a bank to start up your shop?" The older woman grilled the younger girl. "Would you be able to give potential customers the impression of a woman who has her ducks in a row?"
  158. >Roseluck remained silent, eyes glued to the watering can.
  159. >"What I'm trying to say is that you don't give the impression of a professional." Harshwhinny ended her brief summary with her patented look of disapproval.
  160. "Everyone starts off with little to no experience Aunt Whinny, surely with time and experience Roseluck can be as professional as any other business owner."
  161. >The two woman glanced at you.
  162. >"Yeah, I may not be a professional, but I can make the effort to learn." Roseluck spoke excitedly. "It's something achievable, right Ms. Harshwhinny?"
  163. >Roseluck smiled at your aunt, a twinkle in her eyes as she expected some affirmation to her previous inquiry.
  164. >"Well yes, almost anything is possible if you're willing to put the work in." Harshwhinny replied as she knelt down next to you. "But in this case you may not want to go down that road."
  165. >"It requires dedication and a large amount of sacrifice."
  168. >You notice an almost imperceptible hint of sadness in her voice, her eyes glued to the garden as the water finished seeping into the soil.
  169. >"The world of the professional woman isn't for the faint of heart my dear." She spoke softly while idly running a finger through the wet soil. "Long trying days with co-workers who doubt you've earned your place in the company."
  170. >"That's the easy part I'm afraid." Her gaze shifted to you. "The most trying choice comes first and that's whether or not you're willing to give up ever having a family."
  171. >"But surely there are successful women that are able to maintain both their careers and families!" Roseluck blurted out.
  172. >"Of course, but most those woman eventually leave their jobs to be full-time mothers and wives." Your aunt sighed. "That's when the doubt begins creeping in and she wonders if she made the right decision."
  173. "So...about that garden Auntie."
  174. >"Hush Anonymous, your friend needs to hear this." Harshwhinny silenced you before turning back to your friend. "So if you're going to struggle to learn the business side of things, do you really think you're ready to make that type of decision lightly?"
  175. >"Uh, well..." Roseluck muttered softly.
  176. >"Anonymous here won't have to worry about any of this of course." Harshwhinny put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. "He already has the makings of a true professional."
  177. >"R-really?" The young girl stammered.
  178. >"Of course." The mature woman smugly replied. "He's already gotten scholarships lined up, made his choice of which institution to attend and even mapped out the time he'll have to spend to get his bachelors in business management."
  179. >Your friend glanced between you and your aunt, dazzled at how much you'd already planned ahead.
  180. "And with the knowledge and experience I've gotten during High School and my summer job of helping people plant and care for gardens I'll be able to waive the need of a botany degree for my small business."
  183. >Harshwhinny tightened her hold on you slightly and hummed, a satisfied smile on her face.
  184. >Seeing her like this made you feel warm and tingly, almost as if you were bursting with pride.
  185. >Your aunt's praise brought a warm rosey shade of color to your cheeks.
  186. >You wrap your arm around her waist without thinking and pull her closer.
  187. >Harshwhinny squeaked in surprise and you could feel her body slightly shudder.
  188. >Your aunt cleared her throat. "Let me explain it in a manner that you can appreciate Miss Roseluck."
  189. >The last of the water slowly seeped into the soil as she gestures towards the garden. "Let's say that you're one of these tiny seeds."
  190. >"Eventually you'll blossom into a beautiful rose that will be admired by many."
  191. >You wondered where your aunt was going with this, but decided to remain quiet.
  192. >A quick glance at Roseluck's puzzled face reassures you that you weren't the only one.
  193. >"But you can't achieve that beauty on your own." She dipped her fingers into the moist soil. "It takes a combination of skillful labor and nutritious soil to produce the final result."
  194. >You tried to speak up and change the topic again, only to be silenced with a dab of the wet soil to the nose.
  195. >"The labor obviously comes from the gardener, whose watchful eye and caring hands keep the seeds from taking on too much water and protect the budding plants from insects and other hazards."
  196. >Harshwhinny flicked the bits of soil off her fingertips and continued. "The soil also plays a big part in the process of producing such gorgeous flowers."
  197. >"But if the gardener can influence the quality of the soil by adding fertilizer and the like, can it really be said the soil plays that big of a part in the process?" Roseluck interrupted.
  198. >"Of course, my dear." Your aunt nodded and smiled.
  201. >"You're right that the gardener can influence the soil's quality, but only to a certain extent." She chuckled. "You'd have a hard time trying to grow flowers in incompatible soil regardless of how much fertilizer you mix in."
  202. >Roseluck fiddled with her empty glass, her fidgeting betraying her discomfort with the direction the conversation was going.
  203. >"But the soil dictates the future of that seed, even more so than the gardener." Your aunt continued, her voice taking on a more matter of fact tone. "Simply because even the best gardener in the world can't grow anything in barren soil."
  204. >Harshwhinny let go of your shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest, her voluptuous breasts gently jiggling as she adopted a familiar pose.
  205. >You'd seen this before plenty of times before between your mom and aunt to know that she was about to give your friend her patented I'm-right-your-wrong-and-this-is-why speech.
  206. >"The point I'm making here little girl, is that in your current situation you're the little helpless seed relying on both the gardener and the soil to help her succeed."
  207. >Roseluck's glass slipped from her hand and landed with a dull thud on the ground.
  208. >Your aunt unexpectedly wrapped her arm around your shoulder again and pulled you into a tight embrace, burying the side of your face into her soft breast. "Looking at Anonymous's current situation and how well he's planned his future, he's clearly the gardener in this simile."
  209. >Your cheeks flushed as you drew in a pleasant aroma of unknown origins with a perfect hint of sweet perfume.
  210. >"Naturally I am the soil, and while Anonymous may plow my field and make us both wet." Harshwhinny paused momentarily to clear her throat. "Talented though I may be, even I could not help you bloom into a beautiful rose."
  211. >Roseluck sat silent as she processed the older woman's words.
  212. >The silence was unbearable, but a startling honk shook the three of you out of the sudden stillness.
  215. >"Oh, that must be the pizza I ordered earlier." Harshwhinny broke the silence as she stood up. "I'll be right back you two."
  216. >You waited for the door to close behind your aunt before trying to comfort your friend.
  217. "Sorry about that Roseluck, my aunt's very outspoken, but she means well."
  218. >"That didn't really sound like she was trying to help me out at all Anonymous." She whispered.
  219. "Sure she was, it's just that when my aunt Whinny gives out advice, it tends to be vague and confusing."
  220. >The back door slid open and your aunt waved you both in.
  221. >"Ms. Roseluck, your father is here to pick you up!" She called out and disappeared back into the kitchen.
  222. >You picked up the glasses and walked your friend back inside.
  223. >The younger girl shied away from your aunt while you placed the dirty glasses in the sink.
  224. >You walked Roseluck over to front entrance and opened the door for her.
  225. "Thanks for coming out today Rose, I just hope that I was able to help you out with my gardening tips."
  226. >"Yes, you were a great help Anon." She nodded with a smile. "Well, I need to get going, see you at school Monday?"
  227. "Sure thing Rose, have a good weekend."
  228. >Harshwhinny approached from behind and hugged you, her supple breasts pressing against the back of your head.
  229. >"Have a good weekend Ms. Roseluck." Harshwhinny chimed in. "And if you take anything from our little talk dear, it should be that your current state of indecisiveness and inability to fully commit to your goals will keep you from ever being a gardener."
  230. >Roseluck averted her eyes and nodded.
  231. >"I mean it Ms. Roseluck, unless you put your all into whatever you decide to do, you will always remain a seed." Your aunt lectured. "And always having to rely on others to bring out your full potential."
  232. >The young girl stood silent for several moments before quickly thanking your aunt and making her way to her father's vehicle.
  233. >You waved goodbye to your friend and closed the door behind you.
  236. "That was a little too harsh don't you think auntie?"
  237. >"Oh Anon, it only seemed harsh because you've never had to see it from her viewpoint before." Your aunt explained. "Besides, I didn't tell her anything that wasn't true and the sooner she drops her wishy-washy nature, the better off she'll be."
  238. >Your stomach growled and you shook your head while making a beeline towards the nearest pizza box.
  239. >Harshwhinny smacked your hand away from the box and shook her index finger at you.
  240. >"Tut-tut Anon, we can't just roll around in the hay all day and then eat without cleaning ourselves off!" Your aunt scolded you before realizing what she's just said.
  241. >"A-anyways, let's get upstairs and into the shower before we do anything else!" The older woman stammered as she pushed you towards the stairs.
  242. >You give her a sly smile as you take the first step upstairs.
  243. "You're right auntie."
  244. >With an explosive burst of speed and youth, you bolt up the stairs and yell back at your stunned aunt.
  245. "I'll race you for the shower Whinny!"
  246. >She made no sudden movement for the stairs, but instead bit her lower lip and sighed.
  247. >"Run, run, as fast as you can little gingerbread man." She shivered as her fingers danced across her sensitive groin. "Auntie has a sweet tooth and is getting her fill."
  250. >You reach the top of the stairs and nimbly turn the corner, the bathroom door beckoning you from the end of the hallway.
  251. >The sounds of your aunt's footsteps as she walks up the stairs echo behind you.
  252. >You glance behind and take the opportunity to taunt your slower opponent.
  253. "Looks like I'm going to win this race and the bathroom Auntie!"
  254. >Your smugness came at a price, and a split second was all it took for karma to catch up with you.
  255. >Your foot caught on a rumpled up part of the rug and you immediately fell face first into the floor.
  256. >The loud ringing in your head was deafening and the visual wasn't any better.
  257. >Your vision was spinning when four Harshwhinnys came into view.
  258. >"Are you alright Anon?" Her voiced came out a little muffled.
  259. >She waved a hand in your face and then held up her fingers.
  260. >"How many fingers do you see dear?" She asked.
  261. "I'll give you an answer If you four would stop spinning and give me a moment."
  262. >"Close enough Anon." Harshwhinny sighs in relief.
  263. >She stands up and offers her hand. "Can you stand or do you need some help?"
  264. >You exhale and slowly get up, your legs still shaking from the face full of rug.
  265. "I think I'm okay Auntie."
  266. >You take a uncertain step only to stumble forward.
  267. >Thankfully Harshwhinny was able to catch you before you fell down again.
  268. >"There, there, Anon." She reassures you while holding on tightly. "Just lean on me and we'll make it together."
  269. "Thanks Whinny."
  270. >You wrap your arm around her shoulders and slightly twitch as her arm wraps around your back and under your arm.
  271. "Easy there Auntie, I'm ticklish you know."
  272. >"Really?" Harshwhinny giggles as the two of you make your way to the bathroom. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind Anon."
  273. >She sits you down on the toilet and closes the door behind her.
  274. >You look at the shower, not wanting her to see the streak of red on your face.
  275. "Uh, I think I'll be fine on my own Aunt Harshwhinny."
  278. >The sound of something hitting the floor got your attention and curiosity.
  279. >Before you stood a half naked Harshwhinny.
  280. >"I'm afraid that won't be happening Anon." Harshwhinny crossed her arms over her chest, but without her shirt's restrictions ended up lifting her breasts up slightly.
  281. >Her reply almost fell on deaf ears as you drank in the sight in front of you.
  282. >It seemed so different seeing this in person than in porn videos.
  283. >You swallow the dry lump in your throat and quickly cross your legs.
  284. "I'll be fine Whinny, I'm big enough to take care of myself you know."
  285. >Your aunt lazily kicks off her office pumps and walks forward, her chest gently swaying in her bra as if trying to escape confinement.
  286. >She stopped in front of you and leaned down bringing her body closer to you and forcing you to sit up straight and lean back.
  287. >She brings her leg up and places the pantyhose clad foot dangerously close to your groin.
  288. >You look down with a gulp and follow her leg upwards.
  289. >The skirt's fabric was pulled taut to its limits by her thighs and you could swear you saw a hint of black fabric further in.
  290. >Harswhinny clears her throat, causing you to look up before you could focus on what lay in the depths of her skirt.
  291. >"Anon, I know you're a." She paused for a moment before continuing, "A BIG man, but think about it from my position."
  292. >Your aunt waited a few moments for you to catch up and shook her head.
  293. >"How do you think I would feel if you passed out in the shower and ended up drowning?" She sighed as she tugged at your shirt.
  294. >She dropped your shirt to the side and continued. "Not only that, but you know that your mother and father would never forgive me for letting their only son die."
  295. "I told you, I'm fine Auntie."
  296. >"And I'm not taking any chances, so hurry up and get undressed Anon."
  297. >She takes her foot off the toilet seat and fiddles with her skirt.
  298. >You sit there dumbfounded and watch the skirt fall down to her feet.
  301. >You take a moment to look over your aunt's naked body, her large powerful thighs enveloped within her smooth black stockings.
  302. >It took you a moment to remember to breathe as you eyed the red garter belt that adorned her body, it reminded you of the ribbon on a wrapped gift.
  303. >Her black panties tightly hugged her hips, the dark fabric was the only thing standing between you and seeing a woman's vagina in person.
  304. >The faint outline of her pussy lips reminded you of what was in store, a shared shower with your aunt.
  305. >"Eyes up here Anon." Harshwhinny snapped.
  306. >She didn't look you in the eye, but you got the feeling that she was embarrassed by the whole thing.
  307. >It was rather cute to see her like this.
  308. >Wait, what are you thinking Anon, it's your aunt for fuck's sake!
  309. >"I w-won't take no for an answer, so hurry up and get ready to shower." She instructed with a blush on her face.
  310. "Aw, come on Harshwhiny, I'm not going to drown in the shower!"
  311. >"I said s-strip Anon, or so help me I'll tear your clothes off and drag you into that shower!" She replied sternly.
  312. >You remember her talks with your mother and knew it was useless to argue with her anymore now that her mind was made up.
  313. >You kick off your shoes and take off your socks while she undid her stockings and slowly slid them off her legs.
  314. >Looking away from your aunt you start fiddling with your belt and start to unbutton your pants.
  315. >You never struggled to take your pants off before so it made no sense now you think to yourself.
  316. >Well it's also not often that you're getting undressed to shower with a beautiful woman as well.
  317. >It could be that, or maybe it's the fact that it's your aunt you're about to get naked and shower with.
  318. >Your thoughts are interrupted when something soft gently lands on your head, slightly startling you.
  319. >You reach up to grab the offending object and free yourself from its grasp.
  322. >It takes a moment for your brain to catch up to the fact that you're holding a rather large, black bra in your hand.
  323. >You look up so quickly that you could feel your neck crack at the sudden movement and see your aunt's bare breasts.
  324. >Her ample bosom gently trembled as she shivered under your gaze.
  325. >Judging by how tight your pants were getting, your prick must have decided that it was the perfect moment to muscle its way into the situation.
  326. >Harshwhinny avoided meeting your gaze as she hid her nipples with her palms.
  327. >"Hurry up and quit staring Anon." She murmured.
  328. >You get to your feet and nervously start lowering your pants.
  329. >The tent you were pitching was even more obvious now that the restricting pants has been removed.
  330. >Your aunt lowered her hands to her sides, revealing her areola and nipples. "I'm not sure why you're acting all nervous Anon." Harshwhinny chided you.
  331. >She slid her thumbs inside her panties waistband and slowly lowered them down before letting them slide off her legs and daintily kicking them towards your feet.
  332. >"I've already seen you naked before you know?"
  333. >Your brain was half occupied with taking in the view of your aunt's well groomed pubes and processing what you'd just heard.
  334. "Wait, what?"
  335. >Your aunt chuckled and crossed her arms again. "Who do you think changed your diapers and helped look after you when you were younger and your parents were away?"
  336. >She leaned forward slowly and stood on the balls of her feet as if peering over an imaginary wall.
  337. >"Although I must say its gotten much bigger since the last time I saw it." She giggles.
  338. >You cover the awkward erection and turn away from your teasing aunt.
  339. "This is getting way too weird Auntie, are you sure I can't just shower on my own?"
  340. >"I'll say it's getting weird." Her voice grew closer as you felt something press against your bare back.
  341. >You stood stone still while your aunt's arms snaked over your shoulders and pulled you closer against her chest.
  344. >The sensation of her nipples poking at your back had you breathing quick shorts gasps of air.
  345. >"Here we are about to share an innocent shower together, and you're sporting an erection." She playfully scolded you. "And in front of your old aunt to boot?"
  346. >You open your mouth to defend yourself, but instead just gasp like a fish trying to breathe on dry land.
  347. >"I know what you want to say Anon, it's alright." She whispers in your ear.
  348. "Y-you do?"
  349. >"Mmhhhmm." She sighed. "You wanted to say that you're a little pervert."
  350. "That's definitely not what I was going to say Auntie, and you know it!"
  351. >She snickered at your outburst and let you go.
  352. >"So what were you going to say Anon?" She teased, her hands on her hips as if she was asking a ineffective subordinate a question.
  353. "I was just going to say that it's not something I can control."
  354. >Her eyebrows raised in way that made it obvious she didn't wholly believe you.
  355. "Alright, alright. So this is the first time I've seen a beautiful naked woman in person."
  356. >You berate yourself mentally for letting the beautiful part slip.
  357. >"Aw, why thank you Anon." Harshwhinny smiled. "I'm glad you think I'm beautiful."
  358. >She reaches over and opens the shower curtain and steps in.
  359. >"Now, go ahead and take off your underwear Anon." She points at your boxers while making circle motions with her index finger. "You won't be needing it for what we're about to do."
  360. >You resigned yourself to your fate and dropped your undergarments to the floor, allowing Anon Jr. to properly introduce himself to the world.
  361. >You were caught off guard when Harhswhinny whistled her approval at your nudeness and offered you her hand.
  362. >Feeling as if you could fry an egg on your face from the embarrassment, you take her hand and step into the already steamy shower.
  365. >You stand underneath the shower head facing away from your aunt while taking a few deep breaths.
  366. >She closes the shower curtain and clears her throat to get your attention.
  367. >You turn to face her while doing your best at maintaining eye contact.
  368. >"So here's how it's going to go Anon." Harshwhinny smiles. "The shower produces less hot water than it's supposed to, I think the boiler is on the fritz, but I haven't had a chance to get a repairman to come take a look."
  369. "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. How much hot water we talking here?"
  370. >"Well, that depends on whether we leave the water running throughout the whole bath or turn it on and off as needed." Harshwhinny replies.
  371. "I'd rather not freeze my butt off if that's alright with you Auntie, so we just turn the water on to rinse ourselves off and we should be fine."
  372. >"Let's get started then." She nods.
  373. >You sigh and reach for the hot water knob.
  374. >The shower comes to life and a blast of cold water splashes across your body almost causing you to jump into Harswhinny's arms.
  375. >Your aunt giggles at your discomfort before taking hold of the shower head and rinsing your body off with warm water.
  376. >The water cascades down your body as your aunt worked the shower head around your body.
  377. >She moves the shower head back up and sprays your groin directly for several moments, as if attempting to drown Anon Jr.
  378. "Okay, okay, I'm plenty rinsed off Whinny."
  379. >You shoo her away and shake your head before wiping the water from your eyes.
  380. >"Just making sure I got every nook and cranny Anon." She sticks her tongue out at you.
  381. >You watched as your aunt quickly rinses herself off.
  382. >The water quickly ran down her body while leaving little trails behind.
  383. >You were mesmerized by how droplets of water were dripping off her nipples, almost as if she were lactating.
  384. >"Enjoying the show dear?" She shook her chest causing her breasts to bounce around.
  385. >You stammered out that you were just looking for the shampoo and couldn't find it.
  388. >"It's right behind you Anon, but go ahead and turn the water off first please." Harshwhinny pointed to the corner behind you.
  389. "T-thanks."
  390. >You turn around to shut the water off as Harshwhinny reaches around you and grabs the bottle of shampoo before you can.
  391. >"I hope you're going to be okay with what I have Anon." She says before squeezing out a handful of shampoo onto your head.
  392. >You turn to face Harshwhinny and nod.
  393. "I can get that myself Auntie, and it's fine, I'm not too picky with what I put in my hair."
  394. >"It's fine Anon, you can do me next." She whispers as she runs her fingers through your hair and works up a fine lather.
  395. >"You've grown so big." Harshwhinny beamed. "Could you be a dear and crouch down a bit?"
  396. >You're about to crouch down to make her task easier but stop yourself when you realize where your face would be.
  397. >You motion to your aunt to stop for a moment and face away from her before crouching down.
  398. >"You're no fun Anon." Harshwhinny sighs.
  399. >You keep quiet and relax as best you can, focusing on the fingers gently caressing your scalp.
  400. >Her fingers expertly dance around your head causing you to quietly moan approvingly.
  401. >"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Anon, but it's time to rinse off." Harshwhinny giggled.
  402. >You twist the knob and stand up, letting the water rinse the shampoo off.
  403. >Turning the knob again, you wipe away the excess water from your face and turn to face your aunt.
  404. >She hands you a different shampoo bottle. "Use this one please."
  405. >In for a penny, in for a pound you decide while taking the bottle.
  406. >You squeeze out a generous amount of the stuff onto her wet hair and place the bottle out of the way.
  407. >Harshwhinny smiles as you begin lathering her hair.
  408. >"Do you need me to crouch down Anon?" She playfully asks, placing a hand on your chest.
  409. "N-no, this is fine."
  410. >She smiles again, a smile so smug it unnerves you.
  411. >You shake your head and sigh.
  412. "You know what you were doing."
  415. >"Anon!" She gasps, feigning indignation. "Why would you ever suspect me of being so improper?"
  416. >You roll your eyes and continue lathering her hair.
  417. >"That feels good Anon." She murmurs as you finish.
  418. "Go ahead and trade places with me so I can rinse you off Auntie.
  419. >She presses her body up against yours and wraps her arms around you.
  420. >You hold your breath as your rigid member presses against Harswhinny's pelvis, the soft wet skin slightly depressing around your shaft.
  421. "You do realize there's plenty of room to maneuver around right?"
  422. >"Anon!" Harshwhinny pinched your rear. "What kind of woman do you take me for?"
  423. "I meant you could move around me without grinding up against me!"
  424. >Your aunt ignores your whining and circles her way around while holding onto you.
  425. >She looks up at you with closed eyes and sticks out her tongue. "I had shampoo in my eyes Anon, you wouldn't want me slip would you?"
  426. "No, I guess not. You still could have just asked for my help though."
  427. >"Where's the fun in that?" She further teased as she slid her fingers down your chest towards your groin.
  428. >You took hold of her wrist and guide her towards the wall.
  429. >She gasped as her back pressed against the wall.
  430. >"Already wanting to take charge Anon?" She tittered.
  431. >You release your hold on her wrist and reach behind her for the shower knob.
  432. >With a mischievous smile, you turn the knob to full blast and shudder as ice cold water splashed over the both of you.
  433. >"ANON! How could you do this?!" The older woman flailed as she struggled to turn the water off.
  434. "You just needed to cool off Auntie."
  435. >You reach behind her and end the torrent of cold water and turn on the hot water.
  436. >"I can't believe you Anon!" She grumbled while you rinsed off her hair.
  437. "That's my line Whinny, you're acting like you're a drunk, horny teenager."
  438. >"I can't help that I love you so much Anon." She whimpers.
  439. >You let the hot water wash over your bodies for a moment before turning the water off again.
  442. "We better finish this shower quickly, I felt the water getting colder there."
  443. >The sounds of light drip drops was the only reply you received as Harshwhinny remained quiet.
  444. >You move a strand of hair that covered her face and sigh.
  445. >"Harshwhinny, you know I love you right? But this whole thing is beyond weird."
  446. >She sniffles and nods.
  447. >Her arms pull you in for a hug. "I'm sorry Anon."
  448. "It's alright, not like you tried to rape me or anything right?"
  449. >She nods and tightens her hold on you.
  450. >You shiver and look around for the soap.
  451. "Hey Auntie, I see the soap, but where's the sponge?"
  452. >"I threw it away the other day and may have forgotten to get another one today." She replied.
  453. >You close your eyes tightly for a moment and scream internally.
  454. "Okay, well, I guess we do this with just the soap then."
  455. >Harshwhinny shudders as you begin rubbing the bar of soap on her shoulder.
  456. >A thin layer of suds form as the bar trails along her damp skin.
  457. >A gasp escapes her lips as your fingertips brush along with the bar of soap.
  458. >You finish lathering up her shoulders and move your hand to her back.
  459. >"Just think of it as giving her a massage." The little angel offers.
  460. >Your eyes wander down at your aunt's nude posterior, a slight jiggle here and there as she squirmed under your touch.
  461. >"Yeah, a sexy message!" The little devil agrees. "Yo, Anon, you check that ass out?"
  462. >"That feels great Anon." Harshwhinny quietly shivered. "Maybe after this you can give me a proper message?"
  463. >You pretend you didn't hear her and come to a stop just above her rear.
  464. >"Pure thoughts child, pure thoughts." The little angel advises.
  465. >You take a deep breath and exhale before beginning.
  466. >Your fingertips left lines in the soap suds as you lather up your aunt's soft, ample flesh.
  467. >"Anon, Anon." The little devil whispered in your ear before floating into your view. "Get yourself a handful of that ass Anon!"
  468. >Harshwwhinny sighed as you lathered up her other cheek.
  471. >"Be strong Anon." The little Angel chimed in.
  472. >Harshwhinny violently sneezed and knocked the bar of soap out of your hand.
  473. >It seemed to happen in slow motion as the bar that acted as a barrier slipped out of your hand.
  474. >Your eyes went wide as your instincts kicked in and you attempted to grab the soap as it arced through the air as if taunting you.
  475. >The loud smack as your hand firmly gripped Harshwhinny's halfway lathered rump was quickly drowned out by her girlish squeal.
  476. >"Anon! You cheeky little bugger!"
  477. >You gently knead her cheek, fixated with how something so firm could be so soft and cushiony.
  478. >Harshwhinny moans and ineffectively tries swatting your hand away.
  479. >The pain of having the back of your hand being pinched snaps your out of your trance.
  480. >"That's enough of that Anon, finish lathering me up and it'll be your turn."
  481. >You rub the sore spot on your hand as Harshwhinny hands you the bar of soap.
  482. >The shower erupts with lukewarm water as your aunt rinses off the soapy lather.
  483. >You could feel the water slowly getting colder and didn't look forward to your turn under what would probably be a cold rinse.
  484. >You begin to quickly scrub yourself with the bar as Harshwhinny shut the torrent of water.
  485. >"Anon, you were supposed to wait and let me do that for you!" She whined while reaching for the soap.
  486. >You kept squirming around trying to keep the soap away from her frisky fingers.
  487. >"No fair Anon, you got to rub me all over!" Whinny cried as she took hold of your wrist.
  488. "I only did that because you wanted me to Auntie!"
  489. >Your aunt's fingers wrestled against your grip on the soap as she squeaked out. "And you even felt me up a bit!"
  490. >You freeze as the sudden and drastic change in her voice caught you off guard long enough to lose control over the soap.
  491. >Harshwhinny grinned triumphantly and starts rubbing the bar of soap in circles on your chest.
  492. "W-what was that all about Auntie?"
  495. >"N-nothing!" She blurts out. "You must be hearing things Anon!"
  496. >Harshwhinny's hands move downwards towards your groin before you could react.
  497. "I can definitely take care of that myself Whinny."
  498. >You try to back away but find your retreat cutoff by a cold wet wall.
  499. >"Don't be silly Anon," She replied sternly before handling your erection.
  500. >Your heart skipped a beat and you gasped as her grip tightened around you.
  501. >You grit your teeth and plead for mercy.
  502. "A-Auntie, it can take a beating, but could you ease up a bit?"
  503. >Harshwhinny looks up at you, a sadistic smile on her face. "You didn't hear my voice crack just now, did you Anon?"
  504. "Wait, what? Is this what this is abo-ARGH!"
  505. >You yowl as she clenches her grip.
  506. "Alright! Alright, I never heard your voice crack just now!"
  507. >Harshwhinny, satisfied with squeezing your silence, relinquishes her vice grip on your member.
  508. >"I knew you would come to your senses Anon." She chuckled.
  509. >The back of your head thuds against the wall as you quietly mumble to yourself.
  510. "I didn't have much of a choice did I?"
  511. >"Did you say something Anon?" Harshwhinny gave you a questioning look.
  512. "Nope, nothing at all Auntie, m-maybe you're hearing things now?"
  513. >You nervously laugh as you watch her face relax and her smile return.
  514. >She presses her body against yours, her breasts pressing up against your chest.
  515. >"Well, I guess I should apologize to your little friend here shouldn't I?" She whispers in your ear.
  516. >Your toes curled as she leisurely stroked your shaft.
  517. >Your aunt alternated between quick short pumps and slow long strokes.
  518. "Aunt Harshwhinny, you n-need to stop."
  519. >She giggles at your lack of resistance and gives your ear a quick lick.
  520. >Harshwhinny's hand reached the tip of your dick as she nibbles on your earlobe and shuddered against you.
  521. >Her pinkie bumped against the ridge of your tip before slowly gliding over the extremely sensitive spot and then over the frenulum.
  524. >You wrap your arms around your aunt in an attempt to steady yourself as you feel her ring finger brush against the ridge of your dickhead.
  525. >Strong pulses of lightning like pleasure surge through your body as her fingers roll over your glans.
  526. >You feebly whimper as Harshwhinny's index finger completed its trip and the rest of her digits gently massage you.
  527. >You tighten your hold on your aunt as you felt your legs give out and pleadd with her.
  528. "Please s-stop Auntie, please."
  529. >She sighed and tightly wrapped her arms around you.
  530. >"Come on Anon, let's get you rinsed off." She quietly instructed before turning the water on.
  531. >You winced as cold water beat down on your body and the suds flowed down the drain.
  532. >Harshwhinny turned the water off. "Let me get you a towel Anon."
  533. >She draped a dry towel around your shoulders and quickly dried you off before using the same towel on herself.
  534. >"Let's get dressed and have some dinner."
  535. >You silently nod and realize you'd forgotten your change of clothes downstairs.
  536. >"Have a seat and catch your breath Anon," Your aunt offered as she handed you another towel. "I'll go get your bag for you."
  537. >She left the bathroom before you could argue.
  538. >You took a deep breath and held it for a few moments before explosively exhaling.
  539. >Aunt Harshwhinny had always been clingy, but never like this.
  540. >She was never shy about doting over you in public.
  541. >So much where she saw no issues with hugging you and planting your face in between her cushy bosom.
  542. >You look down at your raging erection and take another deep breath as you attempt to calm yourself down.
  543. "This is going to be an awkward evening."
  544. >The knock on the door made you jump.
  545. >"Anon, here you go hon," Harshwhinny parts the door open and holds your bag through the crack. "I'll be heading over to my room to change, but feel free to start eating without me."
  546. "Thanks Auntie."
  547. >You take the bag and place it on the shelf before drying yourself off.
  550. >You change into your clean clothes and stuff the old ones in the bag.
  551. >You take a deep breath and make your way downstairs.
  552. >Dropping off your bag by the couch, you glance into the kitchen to find it empty.
  553. >You set some paper plates on the dinning table and open up a box of pizza.
  554. >Hawaiian pizza.
  555. >You hear the low rumble of distant thunder as the overhead lights flicker.
  556. >You shake your head and open the second box.
  557. >Another Hawaiian pizza.
  558. >Guess you could just pick off the chunks of pineapple you think to yourself as you hear Harshwhinny coming down the stairs.
  559. "You really like Hawaiian pizza, huh Auntie?"
  560. >You turn to face her mid-question with a piece of pineapple between your fingers.
  561. >Your eyes go wide and the chunk of fruit drops to the ground with a sickening squelch.
  562. >Harshwhinny sashays her way into the kitchen, the thin pink sheer nightie lightly rippling as she approached.
  563. >What really stood out was her choice in lingerie.
  564. >The black cat keyhole bra and panties really popped out when paired with the pink nightie.
  565. >"Yes Anon, I enjoy a great Pineapple pizza from time to time." She finally replied as she helped herself to a slice.
  566. >"Would you like something to drink?" She asks as she made her way to the refrigerator. "Oh, and do clean up after yourself dear."
  567. >It took a moment for your brain to catch up, but you finally reply to the affirmative while picking up the dropped pineapple.
  568. >Harshwhinny opens the refrigerator door and bends over slightly to reach into the back of the ice box.
  569. >The black underwear slightly dug into her rear as she grabbed two soda cans.
  570. >You took another deep breath and took a bite of your slice.
  571. >She sets the drinks down and takes a seat across from you.
  572. >"So..." She elongates the word. "What do you think Anon?"
  573. "Huh? About what Auntie?"
  574. >She picked a piece of pineapple and gave it a lick before popping it in her mouth with a smile.
  575. >"I'm talking about my attire of course." She winked.
  578. "Uh, well it looks great. Really accentuates your features."
  579. >You take another bite of pizza, ignoring the sweet taste as you chewed.
  580. "You really think your boyfriend would like you wearing that in front of other guys though?"
  581. >You swallow the chewed food as your eyes wander down to her cleavage.
  582. >"Anon, you know I haven't been in a relationship with anyone in a good while." She rolls her eyes.
  583. "Well maybe it's time to change that Whinny."
  584. >A loud crack of thunder caused you to jump in place and almost bite your tongue.
  585. >"That's not a bad idea Anon." She replied in between bites. "But I don't believe in office romances."
  586. >You nodded in agreement.
  587. "Yeah, those usually end up making things awkward for everyone if they don't work out."
  588. >"My thoughts exactly, and it doesn't help that there are no men that catch my eye either." She paused to sip her soda.
  589. "W-what about a woman?"
  590. >Your gaze wanders from her face towards her cleavage again as you wonder if the maker of the lingerie was a genius or just sadistic.
  591. >"Can't say I've ever seen women in that light." She shrugged.
  592. >You take another slice and take a voracious bite out of it.
  593. "Well what about going on blind dates or how about setting up a profile on those dating apps?"
  594. >You chew your food while she ponders the suggestion.
  595. >"I can't be bothered to set up accounts for any of those apps." She finally replied.
  596. "What about blind dates?"
  597. >She finishes her slice of pizza and grabs another.
  598. >You finish off your slice and drink while you wait for her answer.
  599. >She finished her slice and closed the nearby pizza box. "Well it's kind of the same situation, if you think about it."
  600. >You didn't understand what she meant, but waited for her explanation.
  601. >"The dating apps you're talking about require you to set up an account right?" She gestured with her hand before continuing. "Well, to go on a blind date, you have to talk to a friend or family member and ask if they can set you up on a date with someone they know."
  604. "So..."
  605. >"So the person setting up the date acts like the dating app."
  606. "I guess that makes sense."
  607. >"In any case, If I were to ask my colleagues about getting set up on blind dates, they'd probably think I was joking." She sighed. "Then there's the fact that I tend to make the people around me nervous."
  608. "What makes you say that?"
  609. >"A sizeable portion of my colleagues tend to avoid eye contact with me," She cleans herself with a napkin. "And then there's the one's that stutter or can't even form complete sentences when they try to talk to me."
  610. >You thought back to earlier in the afternoon and remembered how Roseluck did seem a bit off.
  611. "Then maybe there's something about yourself that you can change to make you more approachable."
  612. >"I could, but then I'd have to lie to the people around me by pretending to be someone I'm not." She grinned. "You know, you're awfully invested in getting me to start dating."
  613. >She stood up and threw her trash away.
  614. >"What about you Anon, is there someone you're currently seeing?"
  615. "N-no, not really."
  616. >"No? What seems to be the issue, no ideal woman that catches your eye?" She walks behind you and places her hands on your shoulders. "I wonder, what is your ideal woman anyways?"
  617. "Well, look at the time! We really should get to bed and get some sleep!"
  618. >You get up and flee the kitchen without answering your aunt's question.
  619. >Harshwhinny walks into the living room behind you. "I'll get you some blankets then Anon."
  620. >She heads over to the closet when a deafening crack was heard outside.
  621. >You both screamed as the room was suddenly pitched into complete darkness.
  622. "You alright Auntie?"
  623. >You call out as you dig your cell phone of your pocket.
  624. >"Just a bit caught off guard, but I'm fine." She replies from the dark.
  625. >You turn on the phone's flashlight and pan it around towards her.
  626. "Do you have a flashlight or candles?"
  627. >"I have both, but the flashlights are in the closet upstairs." She answered.
  630. "Well let me grab a blanket for the couch and I'll walk upstairs with you to get one Whinny."
  631. >"Anon, you can't stay down here tonight." She walks over to you. "The house is going to be as cold as a tomb without the heater going."
  632. "I'll get just a couple of blankets then."
  633. >She put her arm around you. "You could always just sleep with me, we could share body warmth you know."
  634. "I don't think that's a good idea Auntie."
  635. >You aim your phone light the stairs and lead the way to the hallway closet.
  636. >The flashlight Harshwhinny found in the closet turned on with a click and lit up the immediate area.
  637. >"The blankets are over here dear." She pointed at the bottom of the closet.
  638. "Thanks, I'll see you in the morning Auntie, have a goodnight."
  639. >You give her a quick hug and Harshwhinny pulls away with a giggle. "We'll see how long it takes you to come crawling into the room Anon."
  640. >You shrug and head down with your blankets and pillow.
  641. >The couch was pretty comfortable and you figured it wouldn't take long before you drifted off to sleep.
  642. >You wake up and pull the blankets tightly around you.
  643. >It was too dark, but you were willing to bet you could see your own breath with how cold it had gotten.
  644. >It obviously happened sometime after you drifted off to sleep.
  645. >Perhaps this is how that frog felt when it was slowly being boiled alive felt like?
  646. "Maybe if it was being frozen anyways."
  647. >You mutter some more and resign yourself to your fate.
  648. >Spending a few seconds to psyche yourself up, you reach out for your phone.
  649. >A few seconds later you had the light on and began the climb up the stairs.
  650. >You fight to keep your teeth from chattering as you gently knock on the bedroom door.
  651. >A faint muffle came from the other side of the door.
  652. "Whinny? Can I come in?"
  653. >You slowly inch the door open enough to poke your head in.
  654. "Auntie?"
  655. >She poked her head out from underneath the covers, panting as she seemed to try and catch her breath.
  658. >"A-anon?!" She gasped. "I almost thought you weren't going to show."
  659. "W-well it was comfortable enough for me to fall asleep, but it's freezing cold now."
  660. >Harshwhinny grinned and crossed her arms over her chest. "And now you want to know if you can sleep with me after all huh?"
  661. >You nod and shiver.
  662. >"Well come on over dear, let's warm ourselves up together." She teased while moving the covers to the side.
  663. >You close the door behind you and make your way to the door.
  664. >"Ah, ah, ah." Harshwhinny stopped you.
  665. "What's wrong Whinny?"
  666. >"Before you headed downstairs earlier I asked how long it would take you before you came crawling into the room."
  667. "Yeah, I remember you saying that, so how long did it take?"
  668. >Harshwhinny looked at an imaginary watch on her wrist and back at you. "Well I'm not sure Anon, you're still not crawling over."
  669. >You narrow your eyes at her.
  670. "Surely you're not serious?"
  671. >Her grin widened. "I'm always serious Anon, and don't call me Shirley."
  672. >You groan out loud and roll your eyes.
  673. "That's the corniest thing I've ever heard Auntie."
  674. >"Tick tock Anon." She taps at the imaginary watch on her wrist.
  675. >You drop down on all fours and crawl towards the edge of the bed with a sigh.
  676. >Arriving at the side of the bed, you glare over the edge of the mattress at your giddy aunt.
  677. >"Gooooood boy!" She applauds as she pats the spot next to her.
  678. >So that's how you want to play? You think to yourself.
  679. >You throw the blankets off and jump onto the bed in one swift motion.
  680. >Harshwhinny yelped as you clamber over her panting like an energetic dog.
  681. >"Anon! NO! Bad boy!" She shrieked as you alternated between nuzzling against her and quickly licking at neck and face.
  682. >The blankets were strewn all around as you wrestled with your aunt.
  683. >She struggled trying to get out from under you, but you had her solidly pinned down.
  684. >Her breasts bounced around wildly as she thrashed about trying to free herself.
  687. >Harshwhinny wrapped her arms around you and struggled to pull you close.
  688. >You lap your tongue along her neck, enjoying the sweet taste and smell.
  689. >Harshwhinnny pulls you closer before gently nibbling on your ear.
  690. >You let out a surprised yelp of your own and cry uncle.
  691. >She lets you go and gives you a gentle push to the side.
  692. >You laugh and rub your ear.
  693. "You didn't have to bite me you know, I would have stopped soon enough."
  694. >"Maybe, but I remember hearing someone say that biting a dog's ear is a way of establishing dominance." She stuck her tongue out at you.
  695. "I don't think that's true at all Auntie."
  696. >You both pant as you catch your breath.
  697. >"I didn't bite that hard Anon, just enough to get you to calm down." She replied while trying to get the covers in order.
  698. "It didn't hurt, just surprised me is all."
  699. >"Good, now help me out with the covers." She points to the side of the bed.
  700. >You spend a few minutes collecting yourselves and getting the covers in order before lying down to sleep.
  701. >Harshwhinny pokes at your side "Hey, so do you want to be the little spoon or the big spoon?"
  702. "We'll be fine like this Auntie."
  703. >"Fine, you can be the little spoon." She huffs and drapes herself over you.
  704. >Her body clings to yours as she presses up against your side.
  705. >She slides her leg over your thigh, rubbing along your groin as her hand slithers under your neck to pull herself even closer.
  706. >You sigh as her left hand settles on your chest.
  707. "We really need to talk about how inappropriate this is Auntie."
  708. >Harshwhinny lays her head on your shoulder and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a satisfied moan.
  709. >"It's alright Anon, we're only sharing body warmth." She murmured.
  710. "You can call it what you want, but you can't deny that this isn't how family should act around one another."
  711. >"It's been so long since I've been able to do this Anon, can't you just let me enjoy it?" She whined.
  712. >You roll your eyes and take her hand in yours.
  715. "And you know what you have to do if you want to change that Whinny."
  716. >"I refuse to change who I am for anyone Anonymous." She replied sternly. "If someone is interested in me, they should like me for who I am."
  717. >The conversation came to a standstill, seemingly swallowed by the chilling darkness that had taken over the room.
  718. >"Would you be willing to change something about yourself for someone else Anon?" Harshwhinny finally spoke.
  719. "I don't know Auntie, I can see where you're coming from, but it's possible to want to change who you are for someone you love."
  720. >She remained silent as you pondered her question.
  721. "I guess if the thing I changed were to make me a better person then I wouldn't mind."
  722. >She remained quiet, her fingers interlocking with yours.
  723. "I think you could start dating some, who knows, maybe you'll meet a guy who likes a controlling woman?"
  724. >"I'm not a controlling woman." Harshwhinny complained as she gently whacked the back of your head.
  725. "All I'm saying is that maybe you should let the guy take the lead, who knows, they might surprise you?"
  726. >Her fingers lightly squeezed yours. "But it's been so long since I've gone on any dates Anon, I don't know if I can do it."
  727. "True, but I could go on a few practice dates with you Auntie, just to refresh your memory if you'd like."
  728. >Her body suddenly tensed up as she half sat up. "You really mean it Anon?!"
  729. >You smile and pull her back down against you, already feeling the warmth fading away from where she'd been pressed against you.
  730. "Sure, but you need to learn to control yourself."
  731. >"It'll be fine Anon, I'm a professional after all!" She rests her head back down on your shoulders.
  732. "Yeah, well the juries still out on the that one Auntie."
  733. >You put your index finger on her lips to stop her from arguing.
  734. "Look, I'm no stranger to feeling horny and all that, but you really need to control yourself better."
  735. >Harshwhinny's lips parted and she licked your finger.
  736. >You reflexively pulled your finger away.
  739. "See? That's what I'm talking about Auntie, things like this and the less we talk about that shower, the better!"
  740. >"Oh? Did you enjoy our little shower together Anon?" Harshwhinny teased while drawing little circles on your chest.
  741. "Auntie, I'm at the point of life where I notice women and girls in a certain way as I'm sure you understand."
  742. >"I certainly do Anon." She whispered in your ear, her tongue faintly lapping at your earlobe.
  743. >You sigh and pull away.
  744. "I'm serious Auntie."
  745. >"Sorry Anon, I couldn't resist." She replied as she scooted closer.
  746. "Okay, I think you're very attractive, but we're family, and family doesn't...w-well you know what I mean."
  747. >She tugged at your sleeve like a spoiled child until you moved back into place.
  748. >"It makes me feel happy that you think that Anon." She giggled. "I'll do my best to keep my hands to myself."
  749. "Good, I'll think of where we can go on some practice dates and in the meantime, you should give the men around you a closer look."
  750. >She snuggles up against you and nods.
  751. "It's settled then, good night Auntie."
  752. >You go to give her cheek a goodnight kiss only for Harshwhinny to bring her soft lips to yours.
  753. >"Good night Anon!" She squeaked as she lay her head back down.
  754. "I thought we agreed on self control Auntie?!"
  755. >"I only promised to try my best Anon." She tittered. "Good night, I love you."
  756. >You closed your eyes and relaxed.
  757. "You're not going to make this easy at all, are you Auntie?
  758. >You brought your free arm over and put it around her with a sigh.
  759. "Good night Whinny, I love you too."

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables