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Anon Gets Sent to Tartarus (one shot + scrap)

By Autopony
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-10-18 13:02:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >And you are not a very smart man.
  3. >No, you aren't stupid by any means.
  4. >You just enjoy playing stupid games.
  5. >Even though it's almost always a stupid prize that awaits.
  6. >Like right now.
  7. >A vacation to a desolate wasteland known as...
  8. >What the hell did she call it again?
  9. >...
  10. >Right, Tartarus.
  11. >You remember thinking it sounded like a land of bad oral hygiene and dental problems.
  12. >Equestria must have already used England to name some other land.
  13. >But, you were warned plenty of times to stop.
  14. >For whatever reason, booping ponies is something to be abhorred.
  15. >Why the hell the simple finger to the snout and accompanying sound effect is so terrifying, you don't know.
  16. >Well, there's a couple of ponies that aren't too bothered by it.
  17. >And one that actually seems to like it.
  18. >But Lyra is fucking weird.
  19. >Like, stalker-breaking-into-your-home-while-you-sleep-and-taking-measurements-of-your-hands-weird.
  20. >Anyway, you got drunk with power and kept doing it.
  21. >Until Princess Celestia summoned you to Day Court and demanded you stop.
  22. >But goddammit, that snoot was too tempting.
  23. >You had to reach the forbidden fruit.
  24. >And you did - right before she sentenced you to confinement for a short period.
  25. >And mentioned something about making positive use of yourself and your attitude.
  26. >Or something like that.
  27. >The whole being sucked into a murky portal was a bit freaky and distracting.
  28. >Now, Equestria's retina-searing vibrancy is gone - replaced with a backdrop of depressingly dark and bland hues.
  29. >And rocks.
  30. >Lots of rocks, with mountainous terrain to boot.
  31. >But not much else.
  32. >You really should have asked how long this trip was going to last.
  33. >It's already been...
  34. >Okay, there's no way to tell time, but you're already bored.
  35. >Nothing to see, nothing to do, and the only sounds you hear are your footsteps, your own personal muttering, and the occasional slip of rocks upon a nearby slope.
  36. >Does anything even live here?
  37. >Is it all just this inhospitable terrain, or is there more?
  38. >Guess you'll find out by wandering.
  39. >Hopefully you're at least traveling in a straight line...
  40. >"Who dares to trespass within my realm?"
  41. >You stop in your tracks as a deep, but distinctly feminine voice seems to echo to you from all directions.
  42. >Looking around only shows you the same dark, dull, rocky landscape as everywhere else.
  43. >Of course, you can't see very far into the darkness.
  44. >Though more than you normally could...
  45. >Maybe there's an artificial source of light you haven't noticed?
  46. >For whatever reason, you're inclined to look down at your feet.
  47. >Oddly enough, there is an abrupt shift in the coloration of the soil and stone, much darker than the sandy gray that you've been passing through.
  48. >You take a step back away from the apparent demarcated zone - and then back into it.
  49. >Nothing.
  50. >A few more times, and you hear the voice again.
  51. >"What do you think you're doing?"
  52. "Trying to see if you're just a pre-recorded message, or an actual live being."
  53. >"I assure you I am no mere... recorded message."
  54. "That's an answer I would expect from a recorded message that has become self-aware," you argue back accusingly.
  55. >Dead silence.
  56. >You keep toying with the 'realm' and its border, hopping back and forth like an autistic child in a mud puddle.
  57. >"Stop this nonsense! I will not be made a fool of in my domain, whelp!" you hear a snarling call back.
  58. "That sounds a little less like a recording, but doesn't prove it!" you shout back.
  59. >You hear a growl of frustration, before the sound akin to a stiff breeze reaches your ear, a sudden dark haze making its presence known as it streaks by you.
  60. >What the hell kind of weird weather phenomenon do they have going on here?
  61. >You would consider asking the voice, but she or it seems kind of pissy about you being here in the first place.
  62. >It's not like you *asked* to come here, for crying out loud...
  63. >Out of the pitch-black abyss in front of you appears a pair of eyes - a striking, lustrous turquoise hue that almost seems to glow, framing a set of slitted pupils that rapidly grow wider to compensate for the lack of light.
  64. >Hm, maybe acting like a dumbass wasn't the best decision here.
  65. >Whatever creature those features belong to slowly moves forward, the sound of rocks and gravel crunching with every step.
  66. >And whatever it is, it stands at least at eye level with you.
  67. >You consider running.
  68. >But what if it's like a t-rex?
  69. >You know, only sees movement?
  70. >Or was that some made-up shit?
  71. >Fuck you, Jurrasic Park, you should have elaborated what was fact and what was pure bullshit.
  72. >But as you stand there and internally argue with yourself, the mystery creature finally emerges from the shadows.
  73. >Your sort of have to scoff about it.
  74. >It's just a pony.
  75. >Well, a big pony.
  76. >For you.
  77. >It stops only a foot or two away from you, completely emotionless and silent.
  78. >As tall as Celestia, this pony's coat is jet black, save for a few splotches of violet around her ass and hips.
  79. >Rather than any sort of traditional mane or tail, this one possesses something similar to Celestia as well - an undulating ethereal mass matching the haze that passed you earlier.
  80. >Of course, now seeing it out of more than your mere peripheral vision, you see it is a dark blue hue, complete with small pinprick sparkles that twinkle like stars in the night sky.
  81. >And also like Celestia, this pony proudly displays a pair of expansive wings spread out to either side, as well as a long, imposing horn upon her head.
  82. >Surprisingly, you remember the name the purple supernerd Twilight Sparkle had for these things.
  83. >Alicorns.
  84. >Okay, you remember it because you called em 'all-in-one-icorns.'
  85. >Toilet Spergle always got pissy when you said that.
  86. >Actually, she got pissy when you called her that name.
  87. >She gets all uptight and fussy about a lot of shit.
  88. >She probably needs to be laid.
  89. >You did offer once to help her out with that.
  90. >As a joke, of course.
  91. >Imagine actually being attracted to a pony and wanting to fuck it.
  92. >Ha.
  93. >Hahaha.
  94. > It's only now you become aware this pony is staring daggers into you, its face shifting ever so subtly from cold and calculated to frustrated and expectant.
  95. "Yo," you finally say, before taking note of the light blue armor that adorns this being.
  96. >Shit, hopefully you aren't expected to actually fight or anything...
  97. >"You would do well to show your respect by bowing to me, knave," it finally suggests in the same feminine voice you heard earlier.
  98. >Well, she's certainly not a warm and welcoming personality.
  99. "I wasn't really aware you were important," you quickly reply without a thought.
  100. >The comment garners a sneer from her.
  101. >"I am Nightmare Moon," she announces, taking a step forward and stretching her wings out even farther. "I am the ruler of this realm, and I will not be dismissed by some mere..."
  102. >Apparently taking stock of your attributes, she stares you up and down twice before her eyes return to yours.
  103. >"I do not know what you are, but nevertheless, I demand you bow to me!"
  104. >Oh god, why do you have to be stuck here with an egotistical edgelord?
  105. >Her name sounds vaguely familiar, though.
  106. >But your mind automatically shifts from wary to "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you" mode.
  107. "Thus doesn't look like much of a realm to be ruling over. How do I know you aren't lying to me?" you shoot back, putting on your best poker face.
  108. >Emo Moon is taken aback by your nonchalant response, her eyes widening as she considers how to even retort.
  109. >"I am the rightful ruler of this world!" she bellows. "Do you see anypony else here?"
  110. "No, which is why I think you're on an ego trip here. Considering I'm here as punishment and I was told this was a short timeout, I have to believe you're here for the same reason and that you in fact cannot harm me, nor force me to do anything. Judging by the wasteland we're standing in, I'm not sure that there is anything which to possess or otherwise claim aside from barren land. Unless you're hiding your palace somewhere."
  111. >As you finish your rant, the dark alicorn merely gapes in disbelief, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the pointed teeth and long, razor-sharp fangs that inhabit her maw.
  112. >Well that's certainly new and exciting.
  113. >Nightmare gradually returns to prior form, though clearly knocked down a few pegs by your calculated deductions and overall bluff fabricated out of sheer irritation.
  114. >"I will let that outburst slide, but do not trifle with my fickle mood much further," she warns in a haughty tone.
  115. >Well, you didn't expect the attitude to be completely gone.
  116. "Fair enough. What did you do to end up in this place?" you ask, throwing her a proverbial bone.
  117. >"I did nothing wrong," she spits out with contempt. "I merely tried taking what was rightfully mine, as ponies did not share the same respect for my night sky as they did my sister's sun. I was to be the only Princess of Equestria, but I was struck down by my sister's wielding of the Elements of Harmony."
  118. "Riiight," you answer slowly, unsure if this is a story her mind made to cope with the isolation, or if there is a grain of truth somewhere. "So who is your sister?"
  119. >You get another disdainful sneer from Nightmare Moon, while you wait expectantly for an answer.
  120. >"Celestia, if you could truly not connect the dots, you buffoon," she hisses.
  121. "Oh, I guess I see the family resemblance now," you reply, unimpressed with the attitude she continues to put forth. "So how long is your time out?"
  122. >Unexpectedly, Nightmare throws her head back, cackling as if you just told the greatest joke in the world.
  123. >You just continue standing there as she regains some sort of composure.
  124. >"I am here for eternity, you fool! My cowardly sister could not free me, as I already nearly overpowered her twice!" she shouts, seeming to take a bit of misplaced pride out of the last statement.
  125. "So you were given another chance, and you did the same thing? That's kinda retarded, Darkie," you reply with skepticism.
  126. >Her ears perk up instantly, as she eyes you with suspicion and more than a hint of anger.
  127. >"What did you just call me?" she asks in a clearly rhetorical tone.
  128. "Darkie," you quickly reply, unfazed by her simmering temper. "I'm not saying 'Nightmare Moon' - that's way too edgy. Did you come up with that yourself?"
  129. >She's suddenly right in your face, nose to - er, snout with you.
  130. >You can practically see the pyre of anger burning furiously in those eyes.
  131. >"I will not put up with your silly games, you unremarkable little insect," she seethes. "I have been patient with you, but my resolve is beginning to grow very, very thin."
  132. >Logic tells you to shut up now.
  133. >The dickish side of your brain wants to continue to push the envelope and see what happens.
  134. > She's so cute when she's angry.
  135. >And while you don't *think* she can actually do anything to you... the 'what if' part of the gamble makes this more fun than just tormenting Twisted Sprinklers.
  136. "Human," you say.
  137. >Confusion runs rife through Nightmare with your cryptic response.
  138. >"Human," she repeats with uncertainty, as if testing her palate with the foreign word.
  139. "I'm a human, not an insect," you say with a nod. "And I think you could really use some science classes, because that's pretty basic shit."
  140. >You expect some sort of outburst again, but she says nothing.
  141. >Of course, the reason for that is clear the very instant you feel her hoof stomp down onto your foot.
  142. >Even with a decent pair of boots on, it still is a strong notification that she's not *completely* incapable of causing harm.
  143. "Ow, what the fuck!" you shout as you jump back, hobbling as you try to take all pressure off of your stinging foot.
  144. >"As I said, my patience grows thin," she states flatly. " Now, I have shared the reason for *my* confinement here in Tartarus - the least you can do is share your story."
  145. >After a few moments, some of the throbbing dies down a bit, enough so that you don't feel the need to balance on one foot with all the poise of a drunken hobo.
  146. >With some semblance of composure, you finally meet Darkie's gaze again - and for the first time since meeting her, find her expression betraying a look of mild amusement.
  147. >Damn sadist.
  148. >"Why are you here?" she asks again coldly.
  149. "Hard to nail down one exact thing, Darkie," you reply, souring her mood instantly.
  150. >"Why must you act like such a nuisance?" she grumbles with a roll of her eyes.
  151. "Yeah, that's the gist of it."
  152. >"Pardon?"
  153. "Being a nuisance. That's why I'm here."
  154. >Nightmare is aghast at the insinuation - making you wonder if maybe she isn't so evil and irredeemable as she appears.
  155. >"You mean to tell me my sister sent you here for the mere reason of finding you to be annoying?"
  156. >You shrug
  157. "Yeah, I'm kinda good at it. Well, that and booping ponies. That's actually the major one."
  158. >This might actually be a bad idea.
  159. >But dammit, it's worth the risk.
  160. "'Booping' ponies?" she parrots unsteadily. "Pray tell, what *is* that?"
  161. >In one swift motion, you close the gap between the two of you, reach up, and boop her right in the nose, complete with the required sound effect.
  162. >Whether by shock of what just transpired or being offended like so many other ponies, Darkie stumbles backward, her head recoiling even further.
  163. >Hook, line, and sinker.
  164. >"What in Tartarus was that?" she asks, dumbfounded.
  165. "A boop," you say dismissively. "I figured describing it wasn't worth the time and effort."
  166. >Much contour surprise, Nightmare actually seems to let her guard down, taking a step closer to you.
  167. >"And *what* is the actual rea-"
  168. "Boop!"
  169. >You interrupt her by repeating your same motion, seeming to almost stun her for a moment.
  170. >Of course, she quickly returns to the same old seething edgelord.
  171. >"I am trying to understand what the reason is for this, stop int-"
  172. "Boop!"
  173. >"DO YOU WANT TO LOSE THAT FINGER?!" she shouts, baring her teeth.
  174. "Well, no. It's one of my favorites."
  175. >"Then I suggest you cease this nonsensical charade at once!"
  176. "You're no fun," you say, crossing your arms.
  177. >"And you have to be the most annoying and stupid creature I have ever had the misfortune to interact with!"
  178. "Mom told me to stick to what I'm good at. Huffing spray paint and drinking aren't really career choices with a path."
  179. >Huh.
  180. >Now that you think about it, maybe this is what Princess Celestia meant about making positive use of yourself.
  181. >What good is it gonna accomplish, though?
  182. >Fuck it, why ask questions?
  183. >"Did you hear what I just said?!" Darkie shouts, directly in your face once again.
  184. "No, I wasn't paying attention. Sorry, Darkie."
  185. >"You *will* use my correct name, or by the stars, I swear I wi-"
  186. "Boop!"
  187. >"AUGH!"
  189. *****
  191. >You are Princess Celestia.
  192. >And you find yourself unable to pull yourself away from the small magical portal in front of you.
  193. >With mild amusement, you watch as your sister interacts with her new "friend" in Tartarus.
  194. >You can't help but chuckle a bit, finding Anon to be even more receptive than you expected for the task in which he unwittingly volunteered.
  195. >But your dear pupil does not seem to share the same sentiments.
  196. >"You sent Anon to Tartarus? With Nightmare Moon?!" Twilight Sparkle gasps.
  197. >As you turn, Twilight seems to reconsider her tone.
  198. >But you really don't mind the outburst - you may be her mentor, but you have to humor her every now and then with her objections.
  199. "Yes. I realize it may seem a bit harsh for him - but it is only temporary, Twilight," you say, flashing her with a warm smile. "After all, I'm not sure my sister would be able to tolerate him for more than a year, at best.
  200. >Something seems to click in your star pupil's mind, as her eyes light up.
  201. >"You're using him to torment her."
  202. "No, not torment," you say, shaking your head as you pause for the right term. "Consider it a wearing down of her resolve in order to better help her see through the error of her ways and the anger she holds in her heart right now."
  203. >"But what about the Elements of Harmony?" Twilight suggests, pointing a hoof to the locked room to her left where the talismans are kept. "Couldn't they do some good other than locking her away?"
  204. >The idea put forth by her naive mind causes you to chuckle for a brief moment.
  205. "Oh dear Twilight, I think my sister deserves more care than a brain-washing that those items would perform. They are very rudimentary tools, at best."
  206. >Anxiously, Twilight takes a step away from the aforementioned door, eying it warily.
  207. "After all, was it not you that suggested that I find some way for Anon to be productive for Equestria, other than annoying everypony?"
  208. >"Well... yeah," Twilight admits, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. "But I don't want him to get hurt, how do you know Nightmare Moon won't do anything to him?"
  209. "She won't."
  210. >"But what about-"
  211. "My dear student, I could explain how I have everything planned out so that Anon will be just fine - but isn't this shitpost already becoming rather long-winded?"
  212. >Twilight stares blankly back at you, as if you have spoken in a foreign tongue.
  213. >Leaving the discussion at that, you turn back to the show through the portal in time to see Nightmare giving chase to a fleeing Anonymous.
  214. "Play nicely now, sister."
  219. -------
  223. Bonus (s)crap
  227. >Three days.
  228. >It has been three days since this vexing creature has invaded your realm.
  229. >...technically, it has been three nights.
  230. >While Tartarus seemingly has no end of darkness, your ties to the moon still give you a sense of time.
  231. >You can feel it every evening as the celestial body reluctantly wavers under the vile touch of your sister's magic.
  232. >Just the thought renews an anger within that has never been quenched - merely hidden under the surface, with no outlet.
  233. >The first month or so afforded an outlet to some extent.
  234. >After all, where you now reside was not completely barren, and there are likely some areas that are still dotted with various enigmatic flora that inhabit this realm.
  235. >But that outlet of anger and magic came with a severe price you were not aware of until much, much later.
  236. >For reasons unknown to you - and perhaps unknown to anypony who has set hoof upon this land - this place makes any sort of replenishment of magic reserves nigh impossible.
  237. >Or perhaps it is agonizingly slow - but regardless, the mere feat of levitating a small stone in the air comes with difficulty even now, months later.
  238. >Years later?
  239. >You never had a reason to keep track of time.
  240. >Now you do.
  241. >"Do you have any other presets, or do you just come with the factory default mood of grumpy?"
  242. >With much reluctance, you leave the inner thoughts of your mind and turn to the creature that has apparently dubbed himself 'Anonymous.'
  243. >Such an unbelievably idiotic name.
  244. >Yet he has the gaul to nitpick your name?
  245. >You still do not understand his descriptor - 'edgelord.'
  246. >'A higher tier rank of edginess' was hardly of any help.
  247. "What. Do. You. Want?" you sharply reply, emphasizing each word through a clenched jaw.
  248. >"I was asking if you had any other moods besides being pissy all the time," he replies back, still lounging upon the large slab of rock where he routinely sleeps.
  249. >Unfortunately, that slab is also near your own spot that you have resided for slumber, nothing more than a mere divot in the ground line with what little foliage escaped your wrath upon arrival.
  250. >Words cannot describe how demeaning it was to carry said greenery with your own teeth rather than magic.
  251. "Perhaps if you could find the restraint to silence your mouth for a whole day, I could find another mood aside from... 'pissy,'" you shoot back, carrying the slightest glimmer of hope he will get the hint.
  252. >"Huh. Guess you're fucked," he muses, picking a small stone up off of the ground beside him and studying it as he lays down.
  253. >You have toyed with the idea of silencing him permanently.
  254. >Most of the time, those thoughts occur as he slumbers.
  255. >It would be so easy to crush his skull with a blow of your hoof, he likely would never stir before passing.
  256. >Or you could impale him through the chest with your horn.
  257. >Or tear his windpipe open with your teeth like a savage predator.
  258. >But...
  259. >You have no real drive to do such a thing.
  260. >Celestia probably has some sort of ward cast upon him to prevent your from doing such a thing.
  261. >She would never have sent him here for such a silly reason if you possessed an actual physical threat to him.
  262. >But you could still try.
  263. >After all, you're down here for eternity - there is no reason to believe otherwise after staging a coup not once, but twice.
  264. >Twice you had a chance to take victory, to bring the night to Equestria for eternity.
  265. >Twice you had the opportunity to bring down your wretched sister - permanently.
  266. >And twice you hesitated.
  267. >...there is a foreboding finality to death though.
  268. >What if you had succeeded, ended Celestia's life, then realized you could have used her help?
  269. >Not willingly, of course - she would never see your way.
  270. >But still, to just end her like that...
  271. >Pathetic.
  272. >You are pathetic.
  273. >The pony you once were, the one you saw as weak, the one you shed to release every ounce of strength and magical prowess hidden within you.
  274. >That weak mare is still there, hanging on.
  275. >Preventing you from doing what is necessary every time.
  276. >You don't hear her, see her, feel her in any way...
  277. >But that is the only possible reason for your inability to do seemingly anything with final conviction.
  278. >That thought continues to frustrate you as you watch Anon repeatedly tossing the stone up in the air and catching it.
  279. >You can do at least one thing...
  280. >With a fair amount of effort, you harness some of the magic that remains within you, focusing it, charging it...
  281. >With much more strain than should be needed, you finally release your energy at the point of the stone leaving Anon's hand.
  282. >The deep blue ball of magic sails over toward Anon, just feet above him, and grazes the stone at its highest point.
  283. >Your feeble spell doesn't do much, but it's enough to change the trajectory of the rock, which Anon is wholly unprepared for.
  284. >It ends up pinging him almost directly between the eyes.
  285. >"Ow. Son of a-"
  286. >You can't help but let out a hearty chuckle, amused by the sight of the fool scrambling to catch his bearings of what just transpired.
  287. >Of course, as you come off of your high and take notice, he's staring at you, now sitting upright.
  288. "If I have to suffer with you, then I will make sure to make use of you for my amusement," you state flatly, not waiting a moment to hear what he has to say.
  289. >"Right, because this is your domain," he says, crossing his arms.
  290. "Indeed. I see you are beginning to understand your place."
  291. >"I was being sarcastic."
  292. "For now," you retort, undaunted by his challenge.
  293. >But he seems unimpressed with your quip, as well.
  294. >"I think you could do better. I mean, if you're Celestia's sister, you have to be packing some serious juice, right?" he proposes, eyeing you with a sly smile.
  295. "And why would I spoil the fun so quickly?" you argue back quickly, trying to keep on your hooves in this standoff.
  296. >"Or, there are two more likely options in this scenario," he retorts almost as quickly. "One, either you don't have jack shit for magic here, so you can't really do anything about me - or you actually don't mind my company."
  297. >You do not understand this human one bit.
  298. >On more than one occasion, he has proven his sharp mind is capable of making astute observations and deductions.
  299. >Yet he would much rather come off as a complete buffoon.
  300. >You can't he but begin to question his true origins, if perhaps he is related to your former nemesis, Discord.
  301. >That cursed draconequus acted in a strikingly similar fashion, though his actions were decidedly more devious in nature.
  302. >While you will not live in paranoia, you will be sure to stay wary of this ape for the time being.
  303. "I see no point in jeopardizing the slight chance I could be freed from this realm by causing you mortal harm, human," you finally manage to piece together.
  304. >"Uh-huh. So you can have a hissy fit over the day-night cycle and eventually wind up here again?"
  305. "Silence thy tongue unless you wish to have it forcibly removed!" you snarl, the snide comment leaving you bristling with anger again. " You know nothing of the events that transpired - or if you do, they are the biased teachings spewed forth from my sibling's vile maw!"
  306. >"No, I don't know - Twiggles probably told me, but she tends to ramble and put me to sleep," he says, unfazed by your outburst. "All I know is what you told me, and frankly, it doesn't matter much to me, Darkie."
  307. "How many times must I tell you to stop using that demeaning name?"
  308. >"Well, I'm not using your made up name - that's about as gay as two dudes fucking."
  309. >...
  310. >What in the skies above does that phrase even mean?
  311. >You just stare at him, befuddled by his slang.
  312. >"If you don't know what fucking is, I could show you," he says with a snide grin, jumping to his feet.
  313. >With that, his hands reach down to a fastener upon his lower garments, which he begins to undo...
  314. >Oh for the love of-
  315. "Stop that nonsense, or so help me you will never see the sun rise again!" you shout, insulted and disgusted by his shenanigans.
  316. >He does indeed stop, though his gaze turns to the sky rather than you.
  317. >"Your threat sort of rings hollow, Darkie. Haven't see the sun since I've been down here," he muses, finally looking at you. "You really aren't as scary and intimidating as you thing you are, you know."
  318. >Quick as a whip, you bolt to your hooves, eyes narrowed as you bare your fangs.
  319. >The arrogant imbecile scampers away almost as quickly, taking refuge amongst some larger boulders just a few feet off in the distance.
  320. "Odd you should be so skittish when I am merely stretching my legs," you chide with a smirk, following through with alternating stretches of your hind legs behind you.
  321. >"Being wary doesn't mean I'm intimidated," he calls back, shuffling back to his normal resting pad.
  322. "Of course, my mistake," you gush, your voice dripping with sarcasm at his feeble attempt to save face.
  323. >You will count this as a victory.
  324. >"Are we going to do anything other than just sit here in this barren hellhole and mope?" Anon asks as he sits back down.
  325. "We?"
  326. >"Yes, you know - you, plus me, equ-"
  327. "I understand the meaning, you dolt. Why do you believe I should have anything to do with you?"
  328. >"Probably better than whatever misery you have floating around in your head," he says with a shrug. "Is there anything else here?"
  329. "I am unsure," you admit, considering his words.
  330. >He does have a point - as irritating as he can be, it is a decent respite from rowing through the same waves of anger and loathing that you have been enveloped by for some time.
  331. >You aren't going to let him know that he is correct in his assumptions, but you will humor him nonetheless.
  332. >"You just sat in the same spot this whole time and wallowed in the dirt? Planning on doing that the whole time?"
  333. >This being makes it hard to have patience.
  334. "My goals and desires are none of your business, whether they be past, present, or future," you snap back. "If it will get you to stop being such a nuisance and possibly find somewhere else for you to reside *away* from me - I will consider exploring what Tartarus withholds in its darkness."
  335. >"I can't make promises on that."
  336. "Can't, or won't?"
  337. >"Yes."
  338. >You sigh, realizing this is the best answer you're going to get out of him.
  339. >"When are we going to eat, anyways?" he quickly adds.
  340. "I told you yesterday that there is no food, and nourishment is unnecessary in this realm," you grumble. "Do you ever listen?"
  341. >"What?"
  342. "It is unwise to test your luck with me so soon after what we just discussed," you warn.
  343. >"How do you know what day it is, anyway? Again, not like we have an actual cycle here," he continues on, completely ignoring you.
  344. >You stare at him, before realizing you had mentioned a notation of time only moments ago.
  345. "I may no longer actively manipulate my namesake celestial body - but I am stilled tied to it," you answer bitterly.
  346. >"Nightmare Moon. That really the full name of your guy's moon in Equestria?" he responds back.
  347. >Once again, you merely stare at him in silence, pondering what his true end game in this charade may be.
  348. >Your mind can come up with nothing, while the human, oblivious to you, lays down and turns away from you.
  349. >"I'm getting sleep - you should too, so you're not crabby *tomorrow,*" he murmurs.
  350. "I am not crabby until you begin your idiotic ramblings and other shenanigans."
  351. >"Bullshit," he responds, rolling over to face you again. "That is absolute bullshit, and you know it. From the first moment I showed up, you were in a miserable mood."
  352. "Because this realm was peaceful and quiet - until you showed up. From the very first moment you've been a nuisance," you clarify, leveling your tone off just a bit.
  353. >To prove you aren't always in a bad mood, of course.
  354. >Because you aren't.
  355. >"It's a gift, I guess," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
  356. >How Anonymous will switch from serious to sarcastic to jesting in a flash completely confounds you.
  357. >Only reaffirming that you will indeed need to stay wary.
  358. >"To be fair, you weren't invited here, either," he adds after a bit of silence.
  359. "No, I was not," you say, letting some of that pent up bitterness creep into your voice. "But this is my land to do as I see fit, and act as I desire."
  360. >"And yet you're still unhappy. How odd."
  361. >"Shut up and go to sleep!" you snarl, unable to maintain the dam holding back your temper.
  362. >With another nonchalant shrug, he turns away from you again without a sound.
  363. >You shake your head with a snort of disapproval.
  364. >This mere mortal has quite the nerve to speak so openly about things he knows nothing about.
  365. >Especially when he doesn't care.
  366. >Yet why does he insist on pushing your buttons to make you angry?
  367. >There is an end game to this somewhere - but the puzzle to figure it out will take some time to assemble.
  368. >You lay your head down, hoping to get some rest.
  369. >But remind yourself to sleep with one eye open.
  375. >Yeah, this chick has some deep-seated issues.
  376. >The kind of deep-seated issues that lead to 18-year-olds stripping for money or cam-whoring for approval from any male.
  377. >Hooray for deadbeat dads!
  378. >But no, you don't get to reap any of those benefits - of course it has to be more complicated and boring.
  379. >Darkie isn't looking for any sort of approval - she just wants to be broody and bitchy all the time.
  380. >Though now that you think of it...
  381. "Do you ponies have strippers?"
  382. >Darkie pauses mid-step at the sudden break in silence, turning to look at you.
  383. >The sheer look of absolute befuddlement sort of gives you the answer before words can confirm it.
  384. >"Strippers..." she repeats cautiously.
  385. " Yeah, like dancing and taking clothes off for money. Ponies do that?"
  386. >She stares at you for a moment, as if the answer to your question is written somewhere on your face.
  387. >Then, without another word, she walks onward.
  388. "That didn't answer my question," you statte flatlyy, catching up to her with a couple of quick strides.
  389. >"It is a mindless question that I feel is not worth my time nor effort to answer," she replies coldly, staring straight ahead.
  390. "It actually would have taken less words for you to answer me, considering it was a yes or no question," you correct her.
  391. >"Tell me, do ponies wear clothes with any sort of regularity in Equestria?" she asks.
  392. "Not really, no."
  393. >"Then why would there be any money to be made in such a seedy manner?"
  394. " they put clothes on for money?"
  395. >Darkie rolls her eyes in disgust, muttering something indiscernible under her breath.
  396. >It is how the first conversation of the morning comes to an end.
  397. >Well, the first conversation since beginning to walk through this wasteland.
  398. >And it really isn't day, its just... whatever it is, when you woke up.
  399. >Okay, so maybe that was sort of a retarded question.
  400. >But for the life of you, you can't come up with anything to get Darkie to talk.
  401. >The only time you can is by agitating her - otherwise, you have to suffer with the sound of loose stones underfoot and hoof steps from the pony next to you.
  402. >And your thoughts.
  403. >That might be the worst thing.
  404. >But still - it sort of bothers you that she's just so...
  405. >Darkie.
  406. >She gets her own name for the mood she's chronically in.
  407. >This is a bold new world, you're going to come up with new terms, dammit.
  408. >But what little you have gleaned from the rather combative conversations has made a little bit of sense.
  409. >Well, not really, it's just pieces.
  410. >But like any puzzle, all it takes is a razor blade, glue, and plenty of squinting afterward to put it together and make sense of it.
  411. >She's at least admitted that Nightmare Moon isn't her real name, and her sister is Celestia.
  412. >You don't think she was lying about that, nor the whole trying to stage a coup twice in a row.
  413. >Failing twice wouldn't really be something to brag about.
  414. >But that's all you have.
  415. >You normally wouldn't care at all - but this isn't exactly a normal situation.
  416. >Alright, there hasn't been a normal situation in months, since you arrived in Equestria.
  417. >But this surpasses the normal abnormality of existence.
  418. >Celestia said you were supposed to make something positive out of your... average demeanor.
  419. >Again, normally you wouldn't give two shit about her opinions - she isn't your mother.
  420. >However, with Darkie being the way she is and giving you the cold shoulder, you otherwise have no one to talk to.
  421. "So, what happened to create the bad blood between you and your sis, anyways? Or was it always like that?"
  422. >Well, that could have been worded a bit better.
  423. >And judging by the scowl painted upon Darkie's face, you could have eased into this conversation, rather than just kick the fucking door in.
  424. >Subtlety isn't exactly a strong point for you.
  425. >"What does that matter?" she sasses back at you. "Why would that information be of any interest or use to you when you do not even know the whole tale of events that unfolded."
  426. "Yeah, you keep saying that - but you won't share," you remind her.
  427. >"What good would that do? What do you seek to gain with these ill-advised inquiries?" she says, inching her face closer to you, apparently hoping to intimidate you into silence.
  428. >It's so cute.
  429. >In a fiendish, fanged, unsettling sort of way.
  430. >Someone would probably find it cute.
  431. >But you have to just shrug your shoulders at this point - mentioning dearest sister seems to only stoke the fire, and you really dont have a good excuse to be asking these questions aside from it might possibly be the reason you're down here.
  432. >Darkie doesn't back off, though - but she says nothing.
  433. >This was a great idea to strike up conversation.
  434. "Breath mint?" you ask, hoping to irk her into retreating.
  435. >Her eyes narrow.
  436. "I'm saying in a roundabout way to stop giving me an up-close view of your face, because it's really annoying and we should watch where we're going, too."
  437. >Somewhat bitterly, she backs off, staring out into the darkness ahead.
  438. >"Since you seem so keen to discuss history, how about you?" she proposes after a spell of silence.
  439. >Actually, her tone sounds demanding.
  440. >But maybe she doesn't have any other tone.
  441. "I thought you weren't interested in me," you sass back, unable to help yourself from flipping the script upon your grumpy acquaintance.
  442. >"If you're going to get me to humor you with conversation of any sort, I expect you to share something with me," she replies.
  443. "And the guest gets to go first. How chivalrous," you chide in.
  444. >"That choice is up to you. I would prefer silence."
  445. "Still can't get enough of that, after all these... however long you've been here."
  446. >Darkie abruptly stops, causing you to hesitate after a few more steps.
  447. >Well damn, did that little comment finally break through to her?
  448. "What's wrong?" you ask, feigning some heartfelt concern as best you can.
  449. >"That," she replies, lifting a hoof and pointing at the ground in front of you.
  450. >Or the lack thereof.
  451. >Less than a meter ahead, the rocky terrain you have been traversing falls away instantly.
  452. >Gingerly taking another step, you look down to see absolutely nothing, a black void that fits in with the darkness that surrounds you already.
  453. >The other "side" of where the earth has split open is at least another ten meters across, barely discernible in the dim light.
  454. "Were you planning on mentioning the fall into certain death or..." you trail off as you take a step back from the edge and turn to face her.
  455. >"I stopped walking," she calmly replies, lacking any sort of emotion in her voice. "Clearly you got the hint, because you are still here and breathing, yes?"
  456. "That's not the point, Darkie," you grumbled, angry and disturbed by your brush with death. "I can't see in the dark - you clearly can."
  457. >Unexpectedly, Darkie throws her head back, cackling loudly like some sort of mad scientist.
  458. >Or villain.
  459. >Villain probably works better, dumbass.
  460. >"Of course I can see through the darkness, I *am* the dark. I *am* the night!"
  461. >You have to strain to keep from groaning, which Darkie evidently picks up on.
  462. >"What? What now?" she irritably asks, breaking from her silly little gloat or whatever the hell that was.
  463. "Just shut the fuck up, Batman. That was really lame," you say, pinching the bridge of your nose as your frustration builds.
  464. >Fucking hell, she really doesn't care if you live or die.
  465. >She just doesn't want to be blamed for your death.
  466. >"If you're done pouting, I suggest we start walking alongside this chasm," Darkie interjects, pulling you from your thoughts.
  467. "Pouting? That's an interesting way to refer to coming to grips with a near death experience," you snap.
  468. >"Fine, sit here - I do not care," she says, turning her nose up at you in indignation before heading off in the other direction.
  469. >Well damn, maybe you've met your match on who gives the least amount of fucks here in Equestria.
  470. >You at least care enough to not want to see someone injured - or worse.
  471. >With that realization, do you even bother to continue following her?
  472. >That's the million-bit question.
  473. "Heartless bitch," you mutter, kicking a stone off of the edge, visualizing yourself taking that fateful tumble.
  474. >It sails off toward the center of the chasm, before gravity finally does its job and pulls the stone downward.
  475. >*Splash*
  476. >After only a meter or two at most, the sound of disturbed water hits your ear as you see the errant rock plunk into the glass-like surface, causing it to ripple in protest.
  477. >Well, that changes things.
  478. >If she knows about it.
  479. >Did she wander out this way before you ever arrived?
  480. >Darkie never got close to the edge - you don't know if she would have been able to see the surface even with her built-in night vision.
  481. >Even so, that's not to say the water - if it actually is water - would be safe.
  482. >So many questions run through your head with this discovery, both about the realm you are in, as well as who you are accompanying.
  483. >Turning your head, you see Darkie has ambled along a fair distance, leaving you just able to make out her form and the light blue armor she sports.
  484. >Well, what else are you going to do?
  485. >Stay here?
  486. >You take another look down at the water-filled canyon below, before quickly setting off after the moody alicorn.
  487. >Despite her long stride, Darkie is clearly in no hurry to make progress, allowing you to catch up fairly easily.
  488. "Just gonna leave me back there?"
  489. >Darkie doesn't even so much as glance over to you as you join her side again.
  490. >"I told you my intentions - what you did with that information was left to your discretion," she replies coldly.
  491. >Rather than strike up an awkward conversation about what just transpired and your discovery, you let that sit on the back burner.
  492. >For now.
  493. "You know, we don't have to keep just walking down this way looking for a bridge or something," you comment.
  494. >"I do not recall mentioning a search for any way across this fissure. Tell me, what grand things do you expect to find amidst the barren wasteland on the other side?" she gushes sarcastically, narrowing her eyes at you as she finally acknowledges your physical presence.
  495. "I don't know - what do you expect to find on this side that we already haven't laid eyes on? All we've seen is rocks and dirt - that's the first thing we've seen that's broken up the monotony," you say, thumbing over to the rift on your right.
  496. >"*I* do not expect to find anything, human," she clarifies. "It was *you* that proposed this idea to wander aimlessly around in search of something less... 'boring'."
  497. "And obviously it piqued enough of your interest to go along with the idea, Darkie."
  498. >Again, she scowls upon utterance of that name, but otherwise does not protest.
  499. >Probably because she knows that's the best name she's going to get from you.
  500. >"Allow me to repeat that I am helping you find somewhere else to serve your sentence in Tartarus. Away from me."
  501. "But you don't want me dead. Which you could have easily allowed to happen back there," you point out.
  502. >"If you lacked in attentiveness any more than you do - yes," she snaps back. "Why are you magnifying every little thing I say or do? Is this part of your stupid little game to irritate me?"
  503. "No, but if it was, I'd be winning right now, huh?"
  504. >You give her a cheeky grin as she stares at you, unimpressed and unhappy as her scowl somehow manages to deepen upon her face.
  505. >"And you wonder why I don't want to converse with you," she mutters, facing forward again.
  506. "If I stop being... well, me, I guess - would you be more receptive to talking?" you propose, seeing the slightest hint of an open door in her response.
  507. >Darkie remains mum, avoiding any and all eye contact with you.
  508. >For fuck's sake.
  509. >At this point, you give up, not even finding the idea of pushing her buttons again even remotely enjoyable.
  510. >You don't know how long your "sentence" is here.
  511. >But it's too damn long.
  517. >You know nothing about humans - their culture, biology, or if that is even a reason word or species.
  518. >It bears to reason that it is merely another stupid little prank by this Anonymous character meant for a laugh at your expense.
  519. >For all you know, it is some obscene word from his culture.
  520. >Or maybe Equestria's current culture.
  521. >It isn't like you have been able to spend more than a day or so experiencing life in the land you used to rule.
  522. >Well, not for at least a thousand years.
  523. >Even that could be an estimation - based upon what "sounds good" for the legend.
  524. >Whatever - that's a trivial matter.
  525. >What you do know, is these creatures evidently have little endurance.
  526. >At least, this one does.
  527. >The better part of the day was spent traveling alongside the chasm you had stumbled upon, listening to the fool whine about his feet and legs.
  528. >Yes, he only has two, but it should not be quite as tiring as he has made it out to be.
  529. >You've gotten to a point where you are beginning to feel the tightness in your own muscles from hours of exertion - and can no longer tolerate listening to Anonymous beg for a break or to ride upon your back.
  530. >The mere thought of allowing this disgraceful excuse for a sentient being ride you like some common pack mule is nauseating.
  531. >With no end to the wasteland in sight, you both have to make do with the rocky and dusty terrain for a place of rest.
  532. >"Can we get a fire going?"
  533. >You can't help but roll your eyes at the suggestion that falls out of his mouth.
  534. "With what, exactly?" you ask expectantly. "Do you see any foliage or twigs with which to keep a fire going?"
  535. >"I dunno. You try lighting any of these rocks on fire? This isn't a normal place, after all," he says, picking up a larger rock off of the ground to inspect.
  536. >Your mind flashes back to the first month here, when your rage and magic wiped everything clean from this area.
  537. "I assure you, there is no chance of these rocks being flammable by any stretch of the imagination."
  538. >"Alright - but you can't just magic a flame into being?" he presses onward.
  539. >You hesitate while pondering how best to avoid this embarrassing situation.
  540. >Clearly, the fool doesn't have any magic of his own - you would have been able to sense it upon first meeting.
  541. >But how much he actually knows about magic... that's something much more tricky to decipher.
  542. >The last thing you want is for him to know you are virtually drained of magic.
  543. >Your mind cannot even begin to fathom what kind of stupidity and frustration he could deliver to you with that knowledge.
  544. >"Darkie."
  545. "Why would I waste a spell I must continually feed just for a bit of light?"
  546. >"Why not?"
  547. >You can't help but scoff at his instantaneous and absentminded rebuttal.
  548. "I am not your servant, human. If there were reason to do such a thing, I would - but we are not cold, we can see well enough - the answer is no."
  549. >"Excuse me for trying to make this place just a little bit more tolerable," he pouts, crossing his arms.
  550. >Really?
  551. "This is Tartarus. It is not supposed to be tolerable. It is not supposed to be fun."
  552. >"I didn't get the brochure that listed off the rules and what to expect - you got that handy with you?"
  553. >You just snort at his lame wisecrack, which seems to only spur him on.
  554. >"There's apparently nothing else here - no one to tell you what to do or keep you in a cage. Free to wander, explore, do whatever - and you've just been sitting here and sulking about how much of a loser you are. Seriously, what the fuck?!" he shouts, throwing up his hands in exasperation.
  555. "I beg your parson?!" you fume.
  556. >"You lost twice, your own words," he replies without missing a beat. "Hence the loser tag. Move the fuck on, stop being so goddamn mopey and miserable!"
  557. "You will *not* tell me what to do," you warn him. "A mere useless mortal like you does not understand-"
  558. >"-the sheer amount of time I have to waste crying like a little bitch about something that happened," Anon finishes in a mocking tone.
  559. >You say nothing, too stunned by his audacity to interrupt with such a seething, sarcastic remark.
  560. >"I thought the ponies I interacted with day after day were annoying softies - but holy shit, you're worse. You act all tough and imposing, but you just wallow in your own misery. You keep going on about how my life doesn't matter, and yet you won't kill me, even though I annoy the shit out of you. I thought maybe for a minute you really gave me a chance to off myself by walking off a cliff, but I can't be sure anymore, because the canyon we've been walking beside is filled with fucking water damn near to the brim."
  561. >The torrent of words is hard to process in such a short span of time as Anonymous unloads on you.
  562. >But the last piece you hone in on perfectly clear.
  563. "You mean to tell me that is not a sheer drop into the abyss?" you question, pointing a hoof to the chasm.
  564. >Without a word, Anon picks up the same rock he was inspecting earlier, hurling it sideways across his body as he just keeps his eyes focused upon you.
  565. >After a few seconds of silence, there's an unmistakable sound of a splash coming from the canyon.
  566. "Well, that's news to me. If I had known it was just water, I would have let you keep walking while I took flight," you comment, feeling the disappointment of a lost opportunity.
  567. >Anon almost instantly points at you.
  568. >"So you don't want me to die," he simply states.
  569. "No, I don't care what happens to y-"
  570. >"Your own words, you would have let me keep walking if you had known there was no danger of falling off a sheer cliff," he interrupts. "So you care a little bit."
  571. "I care to the point that I see you as a means to an end, nothing more!" you growl, standing up and taking a step toward him.
  572. >But Anon doesn't seem to be phased by your tactics.
  573. >"Fair enough. What is this 'means to an end'?" he questions further.
  574. "It does not matter," you quickly shoot back.
  575. >But Anon crosses his arms and stares at you expectantly.
  576. >"Humor me."
  577. >You grimace while you figure out the best way to word your thoughts.
  578. >"Are you straining on a fart or something? What the hell is that face?"
  579. "Will you shut up?"
  580. >"I can try my hardest if you answer my initial question of how I am a means to an end."
  581. "That is what I am attempting to do, until you interrupted my thoughts," you spit at him.
  582. >"I didn't know thinking caused that much pain. And people call me stupid."
  583. "You are stupid. You are obscenely stupid and obnoxious in the most inopportune times, a being whose very fiber seems to be determined to cause grating annoyance to anypony unfortunate enough to be in a forced interaction with you."
  584. >Oddly, Anon sits up straight, adjusting his tie.
  585. >"Wow, and I didn't even prepare a speech for this award," he announces.
  586. "Are you quite done?"
  587. >"Maybe. Depends on what you got for me."
  588. >You sigh, having given up on trying to eloquently weave your thoughts into an intricate response.
  589. "While I see little chance of being freed from this prison, what sliver of hope does exist for any kind of escape rests upon you and your well-being. I find it hard to believe my sister would send you down here as punishment for merely being a nuisance, which leads me to believe perhaps this is a test of some sort."
  590. >Rather than some sort of snide comment, Anon sits quietly, looking down at the ground in front of him for a time.
  591. >Perhaps he's just trying to think of something stupid to say.
  592. >Feeling awkward with this sudden silence, you sit down on your haunches and look around.
  593. >At nothing but a wasteland, of course.
  594. >"So you don't want to be here?"
  595. >The silly question snaps your attention back to him in an instant.
  596. "Of course not! Why would I desire to call this cursed place home for all eternity?!" you shout.
  597. >"Don't yell at me. You said you were the ruler of this hellhole when I first arrived - I wouldn't think someone with that kind of stature would want to say sayonara."
  598. >Opening your mouth to reply, you halt before a single word comes out.
  599. >He isn't wrong - but you're surprised he remembered that arrogant statement you made upon first meeting him.
  600. >Even if it was just a few nights ago.
  601. >Well, it isn't really an arrogant announcement, for you are the only being here up until now.
  602. >Of course you would-be ruler.
  603. >Instead, his jab through your facade goads you into turning the tables.
  604. "And what of you? What is your grand desire here?" you finally reply with a haughty tone.
  605. >All you receive is a shrug of the shoulders in response from the man.
  606. >You arent going to tolerate being blown off like that.
  607. >Rising to your hooves again as curiosity and frustration intertwine within you, you shuffle over to where he sits, towering over him.
  608. "I answered your inquiry, the least you can do is answer mine," you state in a calm but instructional tone.
  609. >"Darkie, you just admitted you don't want to kill me or see me get killed, that makes it even harder to take your intimidation tactics seriously," he replies, unenthused.
  610. >You just stare as you realize that you have lost the only thing you had to lean on.
  611. >Not that it seemed to have much of an effect in the first place...
  612. >But still, now he can be a dolt to his heart's content.
  613. >"I don't have a plan or desire anyways," he admits after a brief respite.
  614. >Personally, you find that hard to believe.
  615. "Nothing at all? No goals, nothing you wish to strive for, you just... what? You just exist?" you reply, making your skepticism clear.
  616. >"Well god damn, when you say it like that, it sounds awful."
  617. "Is there a good way to look at what you've just said?"
  618. >"Can't feel the pain of failure if you never try," he says, pointing to his head with a smirk.
  619. >You pause, not sure whether to take his claims seriously or not at this point.
  620. >"Look, I'm in a completely different world than I'm used to, okay? I don't have the same concerns about surviving, keeping food on the table, blah blah blah. In some ways, it's nice, it's a breath of fresh air because you ponies are apparently thrilled with the idea of providing shit for an alien that pops up out of nowhere," he says, looking up at you.
  621. >"Okay, well ponies aside from you. To be fair, part of the reason I get to freeloading is Twilight views me as a scientific research subject, so she puts up with me."
  622. >Twilight...
  623. >That name is very familiar.
  624. >You run than name through your head a few more times, trying to place the name to a face.
  625. >Your silence doesn't go unnoticed for very long.
  626. >"You uh... you okay, Darkie?"
  627. "That name you said, it is confounding me at the moment," you admit through your trance of thought.
  628. >"Uh, I've been calling you Darkie for a while now."
  629. "Not that one!" you shout impatiently. "Who do you live with?"
  630. >"Twilight Sparkle? Spastic Supernerd M.D?"
  631. >Twilight Sparkle.
  632. >The utterance of her full name jogs your memory, as the visage of the purple unicorn leading her ragtag group of misfits against you en route to your old castle, past everything you could throw at them.
  633. >The only one that even knew who you were.
  634. >The only one that knew about those cursed Elements of Harmony.
  635. >And somehow, she and her little gang had stopped you.
  636. >Fury runs through your veins again at the thought let of the humiliating moment before winding up here.
  637. >Your vision blurs as overwhelming anger and hatred wells up inside you and explodes.
  638. >All movement is driven by instinct, and you find yourself trapping Anonymous upon the rock he had been sitting, hooves to either side of his head as you lean down and face him eye to eye.
  639. "You live with her?! For how long?!" you shout, slightly tapping into the old Canterlot Voice you had not used in ages.
  640. >"Holy shit, turn the volume down a little," he grumbles. " I get we're outside, but you don't need to use yo-"
  641. >You stomp a hoof down upon the slab, close to his head.
  642. >Most of your magic is gone in terms of unicorn essence, but the innate earth pony strength is enough to crack the rock and send shards flying off from the impact.
  643. "Answer my question!"
  644. >"Since I arrived here? I don't really know... two or three months?" he answers, still sounding relatively unsure.
  645. "And you have never heard of me?"
  646. >"No?" he says, visibly confused.
  647. >In a sense, you find that a bit relieving - if only because of how embarrassed you feel being bested by her.
  648. >You got too cocky.
  649. >And again, you could not bring yourself to do what was necessary to stop her.
  650. >You held back - you could have easily killed her, ended your sister's silly game of chess in an instant.
  651. >But evidently, no major notoriety came from her victory against you, if somepony that lives with her has no idea of you or those events.
  652. >Celestia never considered you a threat.
  653. >Equestria didn't consider you a threat.
  654. >Forgotten and ignored - again.
  655. >Your throat feels tight as your vision begins to cloud up again - for an entirely different reason as you raise your head up and step back from Anonymous.
  656. >"So do you two have history that I should know about or...?"
  657. "Shut up."
  658. >Without another word, you turn and trot away.
  659. >To where - you don't know, nor care.
  660. >As long as it's away from prying eyes.
  665. >So Darkie and Twigs were lesbian lovers.
  666. >That's the only thing you can figure out for why she got all pissy and upset about this.
  667. >That's kinda hot.

Changing Lanes 01

by Autopony

Night Princess vs Superbird

by Autopony

Changing Lanes 2

by Autopony

Friendship is Mandatory

by Autopony

Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

by Autopony