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Momma Pinkie's Little Man

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-16 18:08:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're Anonymous
  2. >You're a 16 years old fellow, kind of invisible to everyone. Not "Invisible", but you don't have a talent for getting noticed.
  3. >You're mostly known for being the son of a loving woman who was in her prime youth a reknown party-girl and even singer at times.
  4. >Pinkie Pie.
  5. >Your father... Well he's been gone for as long as you can remember now.
  6. >You suspect that your mother never really knew who he was but never had the courage to tell you that you were, well, an accident.
  7. >What you do know, however, is that she stopped partying like a crazy-wild girl the moment she knew you were in her belly.
  8. >Regardless, over the course of your life, Mommy has been very affective and protective towards you. Always making sure you had everything you needed, as much as keeping you from all dangers.
  9. >Hell, she even made you sleep with her until you were 10.
  11. >You're now a Sophomore at Canterlot High-school. Your first year as a Freshman was rather fun. You made some friends, you started going out on week-ends for walks with the gang.
  12. >You also started getting closer to one of the girls, Cherry Peppy. "Peppy" for short.
  13. >But nothing really happened, besides you two hanging at home every once in a while.
  14. >And right now, you're on your way home, with Peppy, for one of those "hanging" sessions. Now that you think of it, Pinkie was never home, when you two were together.
  15. >You shrug it off, as your mother has a pretty busy schedule working at Sugarcube Corner.
  16. >"So Anon', I've never seen your mother. Actually none of us ever met your mother and everytime we suggest that we all go get a drink or an ice-cream at her job, you freak out. Are you ashamed of her or what?"
  21. >Ashamed wasn't really the word. You knew your mother was an amazing woman, working as hard as she's been working all those years. No, the thing is you feared she'd embarass you in front of your friends.
  22. "Well no, it's just that she's always so overwhelmed with customers, I just don't want to be more of a burden for her than I've already been my entire life."
  23. >You open the door and put a foot inside the house, only to find yourself facing two big blue eyes staring at you and a wide smile beneath them.
  24. >"NONNY!"
  25. >And here it is again, the eternal ritual. Everytime your mother sees you, she calls out your nickname and proceeds to hold your head right where any man in town would love to be: Between her large, voluptuous, full-looking breasts.
  26. >You herk a bit and quickly step back, however, for this time you're not alone and as you look back, Peppy holds back a giggle.
  27. >"Nonny. Hah! That's a cute nickname! I'll use it!"
  28. >You feel like this is going to be a painful evening.
  29. >Pinkie looks over at Peppy for a few seconds before giving a smile that you've never quite seen her wear before.
  30. >"Oh! So my little Nonny has brought a friend over~! It's not very often he does so! Good evening! I'm his Momma~!"
  31. >"Good evening, Ma'am Pie. I'm Cherry Peppy. I'm in Anon's group of friends, we've been hanging here a few times before but you were never present. It's nice to meet you."
  32. >"Oh~! So my little boy kept it secret that he's been staying home alone with a girl all this time~?"
  33. >Peppy, to your surprised gave a quick blush before looking at you. "I didn't know he kept it secret. B-Besides, we're just friends."
  34. >That hit you a bit in the chest. But you kept your composure and looked back at your mother.
  35. "I didn't think it was that important, mom. I'm sorry."
  36. >Pinkie is still wearing that smile... Not the bright, warm one you're used to. This one is different, you wouldn't be able to tell what's wrong with it.
  37. >But it is quite disturbing to you.
  41. >After a few moments, you finally walk in and lead Peppy to your room.
  42. >You leave your door open, as if trying to tell your mother "See? Nothing's going on."
  43. >You suspect that, as your mom, she'd expect you to be doing some sort of teenage shit like making out or something in that range.
  44. >"Your mom seems really nice. She's really pretty, too. No wonder my dad keeps saying he'd get a Slice of Miss Pie."
  45. >Somehow, this makes you cringe. Perhaps it's the idea of a man thinking that way about your mom, or perhaps it's the fact it made YOU think of her that way for a second.
  46. >Pinkie walks by the door and quickly puts two sodas and two muffins on your desk before walking out and downstairs.
  47. >"You both have fun~ I'll be doing grocery shopping. See you in one hour, Nonny~!"
  48. >That tone seemed a little rushed. You also remembered that when she has her day off, she never uses it to make grocery shopping.
  49. >And whenever she goes for shopping, she always takes you with her, just so she can praise you, the "Man" of her life.
  50. >"Oh whow, that muffin is delicious. Did she make it herself?"
  51. >You turn around to find Peppy chewing a bit of her muffin. You sit down on your desk chair and starts eating yours, too.
  52. "Yeah, she loves baking sweets. Let me tell you there is Always a dessert here, for every meal."
  53. "And I mean EVERY meal."
  54. "Even Breakfast has a dessert."
  55. >That makes Peppy giggle. You could kill for that giggle. But something seems off. These muffins aren't as fluffy and moist as usual. These ones feel a little dry...
  56. >Mom never serves dry muffins. Whenever a muffin starts to get a bit dry, she throws it away and makes new ones...
  57. >Ah well, you shrug it off and start talking about random things with Peppy. After all, you're both here for that.
  61. >About a Hour later, after Pinkie came home from the grocery store and started cooking dinner, you and Peppy are still talking, but mostly playing on your GamePlatform.
  62. >She's really giving you a hard time at Hyper Smack Cousins.
  63. >But as you were both about to start another round, Pinkie sneaks into your room.
  64. >"Nonny, dinner is almost ready, you should also start thinking about taking a shower and doing your homework~"
  65. >You let out a soft sigh and Peppy gets up. "Well, I'll head back home then, Dinner is probably going to be ready soon for me, too. See you tomorrow, Nonny."
  66. >Somehow, you start thinking that it's a good thing, having her calling you that.
  67. >She waves goodbye to your mother and heads out, getting downstairs and going back home.
  68. >As you get up to grab a fresh pajama and head to the shower, you can see Pinkie staring at you.
  69. "What's wrong? Do I have something on me?"
  70. >"You never told me you had a girl friend, Nonny."
  71. >That look on her face... Is it... Is it jealousy?
  72. "Mom, she's not my girlfriend. We're just pals, okay?"
  73. >Your tone probably betrays that you'd like it to be more than that. But you then spot your mother's expression.
  74. >She's not smiling. That's not often you see her not smiling.
  75. >And it is never a good omen.
  76. >You carefully try to figure out what's going on.
  77. >You try to put the pieces together.
  78. >The weird smile on her face. The sudden change of tone and rush to the grocery shop.
  79. >The slightly dry muffins, the look on her face and now the absence of smile.
  80. >And in this moment, it hits you like a train.
  81. >Your mother Pinkie Pie is jealous of Peppy.
  85. >You took your shower, you ate your dinner.
  86. >Now, you're in your room, doing your homework.
  87. >French. You always had your way with French, though you have no idea why.
  88. >Maybe it was because of that French cartoon you watched as a kid, "Code Myoki".
  89. >Of course, they weren't speaking French, they dubbed that shit in english, but you found out it was French.
  90. >But even though you're good with it, you can't seem to focus on your work.
  91. >You keep thinking about what could possibly be going on with your mother.
  92. >Sure, she's always been a little... Protective with you. But she never seemed to keep you from playing with girls when you were a kid.
  93. >When you were a kid.
  94. >Now that you think of it, she started being even more clingy when puberty hit you.
  95. >That's when she started calling you the "Man" of her life, and she somehow managed to always get your attention when you were supposed to go play with girl friends.
  96. >As you close your book and start browins the internet, a warm feeling comes around your neck.
  97. >Two arms are wrapping around you and the soft feeling of Pinkie's breasts behind your head makes you blush a bit.
  98. >"Nonny, how about you come watch a movie with me? I've been wanting to see that Liege of the Trinkets thing you kept talking about."
  99. >You mutter a slight groan. You love your mother and you know she's doing everything she can for you.
  100. >Surely, she must simply be in need to get used to you hanging out with a girl.
  101. >You want to make Pinkie a happy mother, and be a good son. So you get up and go to the living room, sitting down on the couch, by her side, as the movie starts.
  102. >You take a quick look at your mother. You suddenly realize that she's only wearing an over-sized tee-shirt that cannot even let you know if she is wearing panties underneath.
  103. >But from her chest, you can clearly see she isn't wearing a bra.
  104. >You do your best to ignore it and focus on the movie, but as Brodo and Bam leave the shire, you feel yourself being pulled against Pinkie for cuddles.
  108. >This is very embarassing.
  109. >But at the same time, you're feeling... Comfortable. Safe.
  110. >Your mother Pinkie Pie is holding you gently against her. Your head is pressed back between her breasts, her hands resting on your torso.
  111. >You're both laying on your side and watching the movie.
  112. >It's enjoyable, to be the "little spoon". Somehow, even though it's a little weird at first, you don't mind being so cuddled up against your possibly "completely-naked-under-that-shirt" mother.
  113. >You simply feel your nose getting invaded by her sugary scent, the sweet smell of her shampoo and body-lotion.
  114. >"Gee Nonny~ You sure seem really relaxed with Mommy is cuddling you like that~"
  115. "It's... Nice."
  116. >You couldn't come up with anything else. You close your eyes for a second as she gently massages your head with the tip of her right hand's fingers.
  117. >You always had some thick hair.
  118. >It never kept her from going through it like it was water.
  119. >You press your body back a bit against hers, only to feel the "inner" sides of her breasts brush against your cheeks.
  120. >Even though she's still wearing that shirt, it's soft... It feels a little squishy, and for a second you could swear that there are wet spots on the shirt.
  121. >But you don't try to think too much, simply staring at the screen.
  122. >Your mother's hands both rest on your torso once again. But as Allah-Horn takes Brodo to the Elvish city of Lord El-Square, you decide that it's time to change position.
  123. >To her surprise, you suddenly pull Pinkie against you and lay on your back, having her cuddled up on her side, one of her legs resting over yours, her back turned to the back of the sofa, her head on your chest.
  128. >One of your hands holds one of hers, and the other one rests, naturally, on her hip.
  129. >As you look down, you can see her hip, now revealed by the shirt being pulled up a little from this position.
  130. >Oh, the beautiful skin she has... It'd be a shame if she had covered it with panties.
  131. >As more of her scent invades your nose, you realize that indeed, she's not wearing panties.
  132. >Two hours ago, you'd have ran away.
  133. >But she never cuddled you like this, and to be honest, you kind of enjoy it, even though part of you yells that it isn't right.
  134. >"Mmmh~ It's nice to see you take the lead a little, Nonny~ This movie is really good so far, too~! I couldn't want more than that, be with my little baby-boy, cuddling while watching something we both like~!"
  135. >You smile, but something is still on your mind.
  136. "Mom...? Why are you jealous of Peppy?"
  137. >The question came out of it's own. In the bliss, you suddenly had a moment of clarity and curiosity took the best of you.
  138. >Pinkie leans up a bit and looks at you before clenching her hand onto your top, gently.
  139. >"Nonny~ You're the Man of my life~ Mommy has never loved anyone the way she loves her little baby boy. I've always been taking care of you and loved you the best I could because I knew there wouldbe no other man than you in my life~"
  140. >It hit you right in the guts. You didn't know what you had to say or to do right now, but she actually kept going.
  141. >"Mommy never really thought about it, until you started to become a grown-up, sweety~ But lately, I've realized you're -really- becoming a Man, My little Man."
  142. >You were kind of stunned. But it didn't end there.
  143. >She was now slowly moving up and sat up on top of you, letting her uncovered crotch rest over your lap as she leaned down and kissed your deeply.
  144. >For the first second, you tried to fight it back.
  145. >But these soft lips...
  146. >That sweet smell...
  147. >This sugary taste...
  148. >Now you knew why every man in town wanted your mother.
  152. >You didn't know how it happened.
  153. >In a matter of hours, you went from introducing the girl you had a crush on to your mother, to being kissed by your almost completely naked Mom named Pinkie Pie.
  154. >You knew it was wrong. You knew that wasn't supposed to be something a mother and a son do.
  155. >But it made it feel oh so better.
  156. >Soon, too soon in your opinion, the kiss ended.
  157. >You stared up at your mother and as she was about to say something, you gently put a finger on her lips and whispered.
  158. "Mom... You're right. I'm your little man. But actually... Not yet. I'm not a Man yet..."
  159. >And without need to say anything else, she gave you a little giggle and leaned down, whispering into your ear.
  160. >"But from what I can feel... You're all Ready to become a man, down there~"
  161. >Indeed, from all this stimulation, the smell, the kiss, the contact of your own mother's crotch against yours, you did pop quite the boner.
  162. >And as you looked at Pinkie's eyes, she sat up and reaches down, gently lifting her shirt and taking it off, tossing it onto the floor and exposing her naked body to you.
  163. >You could see everything. Every treasure that made your mom the perfect woman. And as you stared at her breasts, she leaned back down and softly poked your lips with a nipple.
  164. >"My Nonny... Before you can be a man, you need to grow really big and strong... You need to drink Mommy's milk."
  165. >You simply gave a small grunt and sealed your lips over the teat, starting to gently suckle onto it, playing your tongue, soon feeling a warm liquid escape Pinkie's tit as a small gasp escaped her lips.
  166. >"Mmh...~ That's it, Baby... Drink Mommy's milk so you can become strong and big for her...~"
  167. >It tasted delicious. You forgot about it, because you hadn't have it in over a decade.
  168. >But being there, feeding off your mother's breast, even though you were a 16 years old young man, it made you feel Home. Truly, genuinely Home.
  172. >And as you were switching from one breast to another, every now and then, your mother was taking your shirt off.
  173. >Her hips grinding against yours to make her crotch massage your erected shaft through your pants.
  174. >Her breath getting a little sharper as you moved your hands down and firmly gropped her ass, giving it a gentle, loving squeeze.
  175. >It kept like this for until Grand-Alf the Gay fell down with the Balls-Rogue.
  176. >Your stomach was content.
  177. >And your mother was impatient, as were you.
  178. "Mom..."
  179. >"I know, Nonny...~"
  180. >And without another word, she moved off you and pulled your pants down, uncovering your raging boner.
  181. >"You're Big and Strong, now~ You can become Mommy's man~"
  182. >She laid down on her back, onto the sofa, pulling you up on top of her, her deep-blue eyes staring right at you, like sounding your soul and your heart.
  183. >Her arms wrapped themselves around your neck.
  184. >Her legs were spread and your tip was gently brushing along her velvet folds, before you finally found the place, the fruit of all desires.
  185. >You smiled at her, she smiled at you.
  186. >"Go on, Nonny... Take Mama's Femininity. You came from here, it's only natural that you want to feel it again."
  187. >It was everything you needed to hear. Something twisted, perverted, socially unacceptable, but oh so loving. You knew that nobody would ever love you like your own mother.
  188. >Nobody would ever have such pure, selfless love for you, to brave all social conventions, to brave up to their very own mental barriers, to make you a happy man.
  189. >You gave one slow, gentle push.
  190. >Little by little, you penetrated Pinkie Pie, the woman who brought you to this world.
  191. >Little by little, you were coming back where everything started.
  192. >Finally, you realized the feeling of Being home you had earlier was only the Firstfruits of this.
  193. >And as you felt an intense pleasure and harmony fill you up, you stared back into her eyes.
  194. "I love you, Mom."
  198. >Pinkie Pie stayed there, stunned, for a second.
  199. >Her brain was surely processing your words.
  200. >She didn't react, when you pushed your cock inside of her for the first time.
  201. >But as your words finally hit her, she left out a loud, deep, exalted moan, arching her back just a tiny bit and staring up at you with lust and love.
  202. >Her hips starting to roll up against yours, on their own, beaconing you to do what you knew you had to.
  203. >And you did. Slowly, with love and passion, you started to thrust, to massage your mother's inner walls with your rock-solid shaft.
  204. >And she was, herself, massaging your shaft with her inner walls, clenching teasingly around you, then letting go, giving playful giggles.
  205. >She obviously had a lot of practice.
  206. >She gently pulled you down and locked her lips with yours, moaning into the kiss as her tongue began to softly dance with yours, coiling and poking, leading you into a deep French-Kiss.
  207. >You knew the French Tongue was the Tongue of love, but only your mother could make it the Tongue of Your love.
  208. >You both began to pant into each-other's lips.
  209. >Your hips began to thrust a little faster, a little stronger.
  210. >You were but a virgin just a few minutes ago, but you somehow managed to find Pinkie's G-spot, and started to press your cock's tip against it, gently, yet strongly, every few other thrusts.
  211. >It was driving her crazy, making her clench around you only when you'd press over this magic button.
  212. >You had no idea how you could know it was there, the remainings of your 9-months stay within her, perhaps?
  213. >But as you broke the kiss, the whispered in between moans.
  214. >"N-Nonny...~! I-I'm glad... To be your m-mommy..."
  215. >You held her close, kissing her neck and starting to thrust harder, as her legs wrapped around your waist, locking you into her so you'd not pull out at any cost.
  216. >You didn't want to pull out anyway.
  217. "I'm... I'm happy to be your son, Mommy...!"
  221. >It was still going.
  222. >You didn't know you could have lasted even half as long as you did so far, for your first time.
  223. >Maybe it was because you wanted to give your mother as much pleasure as you could.
  224. >Pinkie was panting a little louder, moaning and arching her back a little more.
  225. >Her clenching was starting to get tighter, more frequent.
  226. >As for yourself, you were starting to pant just as loud, just as sharply.
  227. >And you left out drools over drools of pre within her.
  228. >You both lost track of time and of the movie.
  229. >Neither of you cared.
  230. >The sound of the TV was covered by both of your voices, moaning, panting, loudly whispering sweet words to each-other.
  231. >And the wet, naughty sounds of your Love.
  232. >You couldn't take it anymore.
  233. >You started to slow down, but as you did, you also started to hit deeper, stronger into her.
  234. >Your very own mother, the one who watched you start as a little baby in her arms and become the young, health man that was fucking her right now, felt that you were on the edge of orgasming.
  235. >What you didn't feel was that she was, too.
  236. >Holding on close to you, she left out a loud, perhaps too loud, moan.
  237. >Her vagina clenched the tightest it could around you.
  238. >"N-Nonny...!"
  239. >You fell something warm, something wet, drip slowly over your crotch and down your thighs.
  240. "M-Mom...! I'm gonna...!"
  241. >"G-Give it to me, Nonny...! You had Mommy's milk... Give her yours...!"
  242. >It was too much. Too much pleasure, too much naughty, loving words from the woman you loved the most in the entire world.
  243. >You gave in and blocked your hips, pushing yourself the deepest you could, and pumped your mother's womb full of your cum.
  244. >You slowly leaned down onto her, and she welcomed you, resting your head between her breasts, kissing your head.
  245. >"I love you, my baby-boy..."
  246. >In the Background, you could hear Bow-Roaming blowing his horn.
  247. >But Pinkie simply grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, leaving only you and her panting softly, catching your breath on the sofa.
  251. >You woke up the next morning. It's already 8 o'clock.
  252. >You're late for school.
  253. >As you rush down to get clothed and grab something to eat, you can see a note on the door.
  254. >"To my little Nonny~: Don't make any plans for this afternoon, I'll need you home as soon as possible~ Mommy~"
  255. >You wondered what that was about. But then, the events of last night came back to your mind.
  256. >You literally fucked your own mother.
  257. >Part of you was very happy with it, but most of you was feeling slightly uncomfortable.
  258. >After all, you did have a crush on Peppy. Things are probably going to get really weird from now on.
  259. >You'll need to work things out.
  260. >But for now, you quickly run to school and somehow manage to make it before your second period starts.
  261. >You sneak into the classroom and sit down to your usual table.
  262. >A few minutes later, Peppy sits down next to you.
  263. >"Hi Noony. Norman said he didn't see you in your first period, where were you off to? Why... Why do you smell like candy?"
  264. >You took a smell from your hand. You realized that you were covered in your mother's scents.
  265. >You didn't take a shower before running off to school.
  266. >You need to find an excuse, quick!
  267. "I ehm... I was helping mom out at her job, they were making coton-candy, that's why, haha, yup."
  268. >Peppy stared at you for a moment before shrugging.
  269. >"You lucky bastard, I wish I could get coton-candy right in the morning, too."
  270. >Well that's one bullet dodged.
  271. >But as you unpack your stuff and your teacher walks in, you realize she's followed by someone else.
  272. >A police officer.
  273. >Miss Cheerilee sits back against her desk and clears her throat.
  274. >"Attention, class. This morning, in place of our History class, we'll all have a talk with Officer Black Smith here, regarding adults performing sexual acts with under-age teenagers, and how bad it is."
  275. >Shit.
  279. >You let out a loud grunt but quickly act like nothing is wrong.
  280. >Peppy leans in and whispers into your ear.
  281. >"They could have told us upfront, would have kept me from getting my book for nothing."
  282. >You give a nod but don't really reply.
  283. >The "talk" begins and during the hour, the officer says quite a few things to convince every single student in this classroom that even if they want to do it, sex between an adult and an under-age is wrong.
  284. >Implying that you aren't old enough to know what you want and what's good for you.
  285. >At some point comes the topic of incest, being described as the worst scenario.
  286. >Your teacher and the officer both encourage everyone to instantly report any case of sexual interaction between a parent and their child, if they ever witness something like it.
  287. >And without a surprise, everyone seems to agree with them.
  288. >Peppy is no exception.
  289. >You realize how alone you are here. But you also know, deep inside, that they simply hate what they can't have, what they can't understand.
  290. >Your mother told you when you were a kid, that making fun of someone different, or blaming them for being different, is a way of accepting what you can't understand.
  291. >But this whole situations makes you worry even more.
  292. >What's going to happen to you and your mom?
  293. >Right now, the only thing you want is to go home and hold her close to you.
  294. >The hour quickly comes to an end and you all get out for your next class.
  295. >You have a free hour until lunch, as well as the rest of the gang.
  296. >You all gather up and sit down on the grass of the soccer field behind the school.
  297. >The conversation, of course, is focusing on this morning's special event.
  298. >And among the various comments and dirty jokes, Peppy speaks up a serious opinion.
  299. >"Well I suppose if they come talk to us about these things, it must happen more than we think. And I think we should follow their advice and report it right away if we ever find out something like this."
  300. >Yup, none of them is coming to your house again.
  304. >Lunch comes by and quickly, you're back in class.
  305. >It's rather boring, but you know that it won't last too long.
  306. >Before you know it, the final bell rings.
  307. >You jump off your seat and grab your bag, rushing to the school's exit.
  308. >When you walk out, you find your friends all gathered up near the Statue.
  309. >"Hey Anon', ready for the bowling."
  310. "Bowling? What Bowling?"
  311. >Peppy frowns a bit. "Are you kidding? We've planned to go bowling today when we were at the theater last sunday!"
  312. >Oh, right, you forgot. Of course you did.
  313. >Not a surprise, given last night's events.
  314. >You fix your bag on your shoulder. Your mom did ask you to come back home as soon as possible.
  315. >And now you think of it, you want to go home and see her.
  316. "Y-Yeah, about that... I have to call out for this one, my mom wants me to work around the house."
  317. >Everyone shrugs and seems to be okay with it. After all, they all have chores so they can understand.
  318. >Peppy, however, doesn't look very pleased.
  319. >The slightly sad frown on her face tells you so.
  320. >You don't know how to deal with it, so you simply hug her and wave goodbye to everyone before walking off.
  321. >You rush your way home, thinking about all these things while walking.
  322. >You do love Peppy, that's not a question. But you really love your mother too and you know that if you dating someone makes your mother sad, you won't do it.
  323. >You did promise yourself to do anything to make her happy, when you were younger.
  324. >She's always doing everything she can for you.
  325. >Now it's your turn to show her you're worth to have her calling you her Man.
  326. >You quickly arrive home and walk in.
  327. "Mom? I'm home! What did you need me for?"
  328. >"Nonny~! I'm in the garden, come, quick~!"
  329. >You walk out to see Pinkie sitting on a rather large crate.
  330. >And can also see that she has her Bikini set off on a chair nearby.
  331. >And the crate displays some watery colors.
  332. >What is going on?
  336. >You don't know what to think.
  337. >So you're simply going to ask her.
  338. "Mom? Why did you need me? What's in that box?"
  339. >Pinkie giggles and hops off of it, walking to you and kissing your cheek.
  340. >"It's a hot-tub~! I need you to fix it up and make everything work~!"
  341. >You stay frozen for a second before staring at her, a jaded look onto your face.
  342. "A hot-tub? Alright, first of all, how can we afford a hot-tub? Second of all, how can you expect me to properly build up and connect a hot-tub to the water-system?"
  343. >She doesn't lose her composure and simply wraps her arms around you, cuddling your head between her breasts.
  344. >"Silly Nonny~ I've been saving up for a while now to buy this lil' thing~! As for how I can expect you to do it..."
  345. >You feel her lean down and you shiver a little as she blows warm air on your neck, whispering to you.
  346. >"I know my little boy will be able to build a hot-tub if his Mommy tells him she'll give him a slow, pleasuring reward in the water~"
  347. >You don't know what you're supposed to answer to this.
  348. >So you decide to ask to the almighty Stick of Wisdom.
  349. >After checking with your brain, it seems the Stick of Wisdom is yelling out for you to go for it.
  350. "Alright Mom. But I can't promise it'll work perfectly right away."
  351. >Pinkie giggles and plants a soft, quick peck on your lips before walking away, swaying her hips in a teasing fashion.
  352. >Walking like this makes her ass bounce, wrapped up in these yoga-pants.
  353. >"I'm counting on you, my Nonny~ I'll be baking while you work~!"
  354. >You already know what she'll bake, your favorite: Her custom Cupcakes, with a frosting of which she created the entire recipe.
  355. >You roll up your sleeves and turn to the box.
  356. "Time to get to work."
  359. >It was way easier than you actually thought.
  360. >The notice was extremely clear as to what to put together in which order.
  361. >It even came up with a very helpful guide on how to connect the hot-tub properly to the water-system.
  362. >It took you a good hour and a half to get it all done, though.
  363. >As you press the button to let the tub fill up with water, the sun is already starting to set.
  364. >You walk back inside and head to the kitchen.
  365. >You left your shirt outside, working like this got you to sweat quite a lot.
  366. >Some parts of the tub were pretty heavy.
  367. >The kitchen is filled with the smell of freshly baked cupcakes, but you cannot see them anywhere.
  368. >Pinkie isn't around. But you figure she's probably taking a shower, or maybe on the phone.
  369. >You grab a soda in the fridge and walk to the living room, flopping onto the sofa and turning the TV on.
  370. >The Tompsons are on. You crack a snicker as Bird tells a joke about Gingers.
  371. >You take a long sip from your drink and put it on the small table.
  372. >You hear steps behind you and before you can even start to turn around, Pinkie speaks up.
  373. >"Nonny~ I saw the Tub from my window~ You did a good job~! You deserve a Cupcake~!"
  374. >Oh sweet! Your favorite Cupcakes!
  375. >You turn around to get one, but all you get is a vision of Pinkie, wearing almost nothing, only Stockings and a garterbelt, covered by a short skirt and baking gloves on her hands.
  376. >Her breasts are conveniently hidden behind the sweet pastries.
  377. >She's giving you a sweet, inviting smile, as she holds the trail up a bit, making her tits rest on it with the cupcakes.
  378. >"Go ahead, Nonny~ Take one of Mama's Cupcakes~"
  379. "Y-Yeah... Thanks mom."
  380. >You grab one of the cupcakes, getting a quick view of her left nipple.
  381. >You take a bite and blink. It's so good, but the taste makes you think you had it not only in these cupcakes.
  382. >"Mommy used her very own Milk for the paste~ I hope you love it~!"
  383. >And you do.
  384. >Your own mother's milk makes these way better than they already were.
  388. >You had your cupcake, and Pinkie went outside, saying that she was going to try the Hot-Tub.
  389. >Now that you think of it, you could enjoy a good hot bath, too.
  390. >So you decide to go grab your swimming trunks in your room and get changed, walking down and outside, staring towards said Hot-tub.
  391. >Your mother is already in, her sexy outfit laying down on the ground, and her Bikini vanished from where it was left earlier today.
  392. >As you walk closer, you see she's wearing it.
  393. >A cute, yet normal white bikini, nothing too fancy.
  394. >It's still really sexy on her.
  395. >"Hey Nonny~! Come on, get in, it's reaaaaally good~!"
  396. >You gladly oblige and gets into the Jacuzzi, relaxing against the back of your seat in the water.
  397. "Hey, you're right, it's really nice! It was worth busting my ass putting it together."
  398. >Your mother stares at you and gives a giggle, slowly getting closer to you and sitting next to you, starting to cuddle against her son.
  399. >"Thank you for your hard work, baby-boy~"
  400. >You wrap your arms around her and hold her gently.
  401. >The sun is going down still, slowly disappearing behind the horizon.
  402. >You then feel something warm, but not water, touching your crotch.
  403. >You look down to see Mommy's hand gently rubbing over your genitalia.
  404. >She kisses your cheek and whispers.
  405. >"I told you I would give you a nice reward for working hard, didn't I?"
  406. >Once, your mother told you, with an hilarious laugh, that she was very good at holding her breath.
  407. >And you suddenly realized why she said it this way.
  408. >Pinkie slowly helped you up to make you sit on the edge of the Tub, pulling your trunks down.
  409. >Her fingers gently wrapped around your erecting shaft and gave a few pumps, pulling the foreskin off your tip, giving a loving kiss to your cock's head.
  410. >She stared up at you with a giggle and winked, teasing you with the tip of her tongue.
  411. >"Let's have a little party of two, Nonny~"
  414. >You stare down at her while your cock reaches full erection.
  415. >You have no idea what to do, so you simply put a hand on the top of her head.
  416. >It makes her giggle and, after giving yet another little kiss to your tip, she slowly licks your cock's under-side, from the base to the tip.
  417. >That sends sparks of pleasure through your entire body.
  418. >After gently coating a fair part of your member with saliva, she slowly locks her lips around your head and begins to suckle onto it.
  419. >It feels amazing.
  420. >Your very own mother, the one that used to sing gentle, sweet lulabies to make you fall asleep, when your were just a child, is now using the same mouth to suck onto your cock.
  421. >You look up at the sky, letting out a loud sigh of pleasure, before looking back down.
  422. >She slides all the way down on your cock, taking you deeply into her throat.
  423. >Her deep-blue eyes are still locked up with yours, even though she has your balls brushing on her chin right now.
  424. >This makes your member throb into her throat.
  425. >She keeps you deeply into her for what feels like a good two minutes. You don't know how she can do that.
  426. >But during this entire time, she forces herself to swallow around your cock, making her throat's muscles massage your length and clench around your tip.
  427. >When she pulls back from it, she slowly slides you out of her mouth and winks.
  428. >"Does my Nonny want something special~?"
  429. >You pant, nodding. You already know what you'd love to feel.
  430. "Mom... Please, massage me with your tits."
  431. >You actually dreamed about getting a titfuck for a few months now. You simply never thought it'd be from your Mama Pinkie.
  432. >"Oooh~ That sounds really, really fun~"
  433. >She then slowly reaches behind her before stopping, grinning up at you.
  434. >She decides that she won't take her top off for this.
  435. >She gently lifts the piece of fabric that forms a "bridge" between the lower parts of her top and slowly makes your cock slide under it.
  436. >And she's now pressing her soft, squishy brests lovingly around your dick.
  439. >This is one of the best feelings in the world.
  440. >The warm air of the late spring around you.
  441. >The fading light of the sun and the relaxing feeling of the hot water.
  442. >Your mother's tits gently grinding up and down onto your cock.
  443. >Her tongue lovingly dancing and caressing your tip everytime her bosom moves down.
  444. >You look down at the scene, the view making it all the best for you.
  445. >"Is my Nonny enjoying himself~?"
  446. >Oh dear god, why is she so adorably perverted?"
  447. "Y-Yeah... It feels amazing, Mom... I love it."
  448. >You do, you love it. And you love her, too.
  449. >She looks up at you and, being unable to kiss your lips from her position, she softly kisses your cock instead.
  450. >"Mommy loves her little Man~"
  451. >She then squeeshes her tits a little firmlier onto your length and begins to massage it slightly faster.
  452. >You let out a deep moan and your tip happily starts to drool some pre, which Pinkie quickly licks up.
  453. >"Your pre tastes so sweet, Nonny~ You really are Momma's son~!"
  454. >And you couldn't be happier to be her son.
  455. >You start to pant a little faster than you already were.
  456. >Slowly, you begin to thrust between her breasts.
  457. >Not willingly. Your hips simply began to move on their own.
  458. >This causes your mother to giggle and to seal her lips around your tip, suckling submissively onto it.
  459. >She gives you a soft, lusty moan, as she enjoys you thrusting between her breasts, feeling your tip pulse against her tongue.
  460. >You can't take much more.
  461. >With one final thrust, you force your tip to stay into Pinkie's lips and you release all over her tongue.
  462. >She stares up at you, eyes filled with love, for you and, you understand it, for the taste of your seed.
  463. >She slowly swallows it and pulls her mouth back, softly massaging your cock still.
  464. >"It tasted delicious, Nonny~"
  465. "It felt awesome, Mom."
  466. >And that's when you hear a loud Gasp from towards the Fence.
  469. >Something is wrong right now.
  470. >You were just enjoying your mother giving you some fine titfuck, nothing more.
  471. >Surely, it isn't anybody's business and shouldn't bother anyone.
  472. >But someone spotted you.
  473. >It was probably a bad idea to do it outside, for sure. But it was in your own garden, so no one should have been looking in.
  474. >That's not how society works, sadly. People will always look in someone else's garden.
  475. >Sometimes they'll see greener grass.
  476. >Sometimes they'll see a mother sucking and massaging her son's cock.
  477. >Your neighbor, Miss Lyra, was staring at the scene.
  478. >She was simply stunned there, on her side of the fence. From the look of it she was probably watering the flowers.
  479. >And now she saw you cum in your mother's mouth, with your cock nicely lodged between her tits.
  480. >What are you going to do?!
  481. >"Oh hi Lyra~! Nice evening right~?"
  482. >You look down at Pinkie. She didn't even bother to move up, she's still gently massaging your cock with her breasts.
  483. >You look back at Lyra. This is crazy. How could acting normally possibly work?
  484. >"Hey Pinkie. Having a party of your own, huh?"
  485. >What.
  486. >Just, what the fuck is going on?
  487. >Why does it seem like Lyra was shocked not from seeing a mother and her child having sex, but just from walking in on two people having some fun?
  488. >"Yeah, I was giving my little Nonny a reward for working so hard on building this hot-tub~!"
  489. >"Oh, it sure looks really nice. Also, hi Anon', you look good. And not just your face."
  490. >Did your neighbor just imply you have a nice dick?
  494. >Lyra hops over the fence and walks up to you guys, grabbing a garden-chair and sitting on it near the hot-tub.
  495. >Pinkie giggles and plants one final kiss on your tip before letting go of you, sitting back in the water and starting to chat with the other woman.
  496. >You sit back in the water as well and fix your trunks, a little stunned.
  497. >After seeing your very curious look, Pinkie smiles.
  498. >"Don't worry Nonny~ I've told Lyra about us! I came home early to make sure I'd be here to receive the box, her and I had a coffee. Seems she heard us last night~"
  499. >Lyra smiles, looking genuinly amused.
  500. >"Well you guys were pretty loud. I mean, I wouldn't have noticed, if it wasn't for the fact that you moaned this loud, Pinkie."
  501. >Your mother blushes slightly but grins widely as well.
  502. >"I didn't have a man in years. Since he was born~"
  503. "Wait... Wait. So... you're not grossed out?"
  504. >Lyra stares and then shrugs.
  505. >"Well at first, when Pinkie told me, I was. But to be honest, I've known her all my life and I got used to her way of thinking."
  506. >You give a loud sigh.
  507. "I know what you're talking about. People from outside have troubles understanding what's going on in her head."
  508. >Lyra nods and smiles.
  509. >"Yeah. And on top of that, I have no reason to tell anyone about it. I mean, Pinkie kept her mouth shut about my whole cocain little trafic, back when we were young party-girls."
  510. >Pinkie snorts in laughter.
  511. >"Of course I didn't tell anyone~! Why would I flame my friend~?"
  512. >"Yeah, and even nowadays, she's the only person who knows the things I've done, and that I'm still growing and smoking my own pot."
  513. >You stay jaded for a few seconds.
  514. "You grow and smoke pot?"
  515. >Lyra nods. "Yeah. What do you think I'm watering every evening? Roses? Please, I'm not a naive, stuck-up bitch named Rosebud."
  516. >You had a snicker hearing her talk like that about your biology teacher.
  517. "So... We're good?"
  518. >Lyra stares and grins.
  519. >"We're good, kid. But maybe I'll want in sometime!"
  523. >You choke for a few seconds.
  524. >Did she just?
  525. "Exc-"
  526. >"EXCUSE ME~?!"
  527. >Oh shit.
  528. >Pinkie is looking absolutely furious.
  529. >You've never seen your mother furious.
  530. >Of course, she got angry at times because you did stupid things as a kid.
  531. >But right there, she looks like she could break someone's arm.
  532. >Lyra backs up a litte.
  533. >"W-whoah, calm down Pinkie, I was just kidding. I wouldn't do anything like that if I wasn't sure you'd be okay with it."
  534. >You reach over and pull your mother against you, kissing her neck and pressing your torso against her back.
  535. "It's okay mom. She was just joking around."
  536. >Pinkie slowly catches her breath and suddenly gives a wide grin.
  537. >"Oh, I see~! Well, it was funny, actually~!"
  538. >She gives a snort and winks at Lyra, not that you notice.
  539. >"Nonny, I'm gonna drink a coffee at Lyra's place, while I'm gone you can decide what where we'll call to have dinner delivered~!"
  540. >Oh sweet, delivered food!
  541. "Okay mom. I'll see you later. Love you."
  542. >And after getting out of the tub, Pinkie grabs a towel and wraps it around herself, heading with Lyra toward the green-haired woman's house.
  543. >Your neighbors.
  544. >The one that just complimented your cock just a few minutes ago.
  545. >The one that grows and smokes pot.
  546. >Shit, you'll have to have a coffee there, too, sometime.
  550. >Aside from what happened after school, nothing much occurs for the rest of the evening.
  551. >However, when bedtime comes, Pinkie knocks on your door, walking in, wearing only a pair of pink panties.
  552. >"Nonny~ Let's sleep together~?"
  553. >You smile and nod.
  554. "Yeah mom, I'd love that."
  555. >It's been forever since you've spent the night in the same bed as your mother.
  556. >She sneaks up under the blanket, next to you, and you cuddle her close.
  557. >She got you a large bed when you turned 15. ow you think of it, maybe it was in case she'd be able to make things the way they are now.
  558. >"Lyra said you can go see her anytime if you need something~"
  559. "What kind of something?"
  560. >Pinkie giggles and pecks your cheek.
  561. >"You're a teenager, she knows you might be interested into trying out weed. She'll make sure you don't over-do it~"
  562. >Well fuck you sideway, first you start an incestuous relationship with your mother, and now it's an open invitation to smoke pot.
  563. >Oh well, you're already doing things the law doesn't approve of.
  564. >Some hits on a joint surely won't make it any worse.
  565. >You slowly fall asleep, as you feel Momma's fingers gently brushingthrough your hair.
  566. >She moves up and shares a sweet, passionate kiss with you.
  567. >You both go to sleep in each other's arms.
  568. >The night blesses you with it's warm embrace.
  572. >Another morning.
  573. >You open your eyes and the first thing that comes to your mind is how stressful yesterday was.
  574. >You almost thought you were going to get into big troubles.
  575. >But Lyra was pretty cool, so everything went well.
  576. >You stretch your legs and yawn before looking at your side.
  577. >Pinkie's here, she's already awake and she's apparently been watching you sleep for a little while.
  578. >A large smile spreads on her face as you make eye-contact.
  579. >Your mother leans down and kisses your cheek.
  580. >"Good morning, mister sleepy-head~"
  581. "Mornin' mom."
  582. >She slowly gets up and stretches before walking out, probably to the bathroom.
  583. >The sound of the shower being turned on confirms these suspicions.
  584. >That's right, it's saturday, you don't have class.
  585. >But she has to work.
  586. >You simply lay back down in bed and roll to her side of the mattress, taking a deep breath through your nose.
  587. >Her smell is deeply impregnated in the pillow.
  588. >It's the best smell you could wish for.
  589. >Her natural smell, not altered by body-lotion or shampoo or perfume.
  590. >Even naturally, she still smells sweet and sugary.
  591. >You get up and stretch, heading down to the kitchen.
  592. >For once, you'll be the one making her breakfast.
  596. >You wish you were half as good as your mother when it comes to make breakfast.
  597. >You managed to burn the bacon. Who can ever manage to burn the bacon?
  598. >You fucking disgrace.
  599. >Well at least it's crispy.
  600. >You also managed, by some miracle, to make pancakes.
  601. >This was easier, there was a notice on the back of the Pancake-mix box.
  602. >Coffee was easy to brew, you've been brewing some by yourself every now and then, when you had a shit-ton of homework.
  603. >You set up everything on the table and even add the exact amount of cream and sugar Pinkie likes in her coffee.
  604. >She comes downstairs and walks in the kitchen with a giggle.
  605. >"Sheesh Nonny~ You didn't have to do that, making breakfast's always been my job~"
  606. >You sit down and takes a sip from your mug.
  607. "I just felt like it. Since you're working and it's a day off for me, I thought I'd do it."
  608. >That makes her smile warmly. She walks up next to you and leans down, pecking your lips.
  609. >"You're such a gentleman, Nonny~"
  610. >Well for once, someone seems to notice the good in Anonymous.
  611. >It sure won't be me, the narrator, you stupid bastard. You fucking burned bacon.
  612. >Your mother sits down and starts eating.
  613. >You don't even join her, you simply watch her. She's beautiful.
  614. >She's just wearing some casual clothes, but you've never noticed how gorgeous of a woman she is, before.
  615. >After swallowing down her breakfast, she gets up and finishes her coffee before kissing your cheek and heading out to work.
  616. >"I'll see you this evening, my Nonny~ Love you~"
  617. >You wave goodbye to her.
  618. "Love you too, mom."
  619. >You stand outside, on the door-step, to watch her walk away towards Sugarcube Corner.
  620. >"Hi Anon'. Looking good today. Didn't know you slept topless."
  621. >You look to the side and see Lyra on her door-step too, she apparently picked her mail.
  622. "Oh hi miss Lyra. Yeah, it's getting warmer, lately."
  623. >"Wanna come over for coffee? Sounds funnier than staying alone, right?"
  624. >Actually, it does.
  625. "I'll be here in ten."
  629. >You take a quick shower and a little later you knock on Lyra's door.
  630. >The green-haired woman opens and beacons you in. You oblige and close the door, following her to the living room.
  631. >You must admit you didn't expect to find what you found.
  632. >There is no television. There is, however a pretty big computer.
  633. >Shelves and shelves filled with books and old vinyl discs.
  634. >And everything you'd need to play said old vinyl discs.
  635. >You sit down onto the surprinsingly comfortable sofa and before you know it, a mug of coffee is sitting in front of you.
  636. >"So, you like my interior?"
  637. >You take another look around and ship from the mug.
  638. "Yeah, it's actually pretty cool. I've never seen someone with no TV. How do you kill time when you have nothing to do?"
  639. >Lyra smiles and sits next to you, sipping as well.
  640. >"Well you don't need a television for that. I can read a book, I can listen to some old discs. I can spend time on the internet, too."
  641. >You never expected her to be a computer-person. She always seemed so... Serious, before.
  642. >"I play a few games online, too. Like Twin-Fort-2, or even World of Witchcraft."
  643. >It's hard to believe what she's telling you.
  644. "But, how can you afford all this? I mean, all that stuff must be expensive. I know olf vinyls are. And that computer looks like it's from top of the current stuff."
  645. >She pats your shoulder with a chuckle.
  646. >"I work from home, I translate a lot of books. Some of your school books, I translated them. And I also sell a little bit of my pot production, that's a nice complement."
  647. >Your neighbor is a drug-dealer. Well fuck.
  648. >You look around and see a Bong sitting next to the computer's keyboard.
  649. >She notices and grins.
  650. >"Are you interested in trying? I had a talk with your mom and she said it was fine as long as I keep it cool."
  651. >Do you want to try weed? You couldn't tell.
  652. >Did you want to fuck your own mother?
  653. >You never thought of it, but it proved to be very enjoyable.
  654. >You nod at her.
  655. "Just don't put too much at first."
  659. >Lyra gets up and walks to her desk, grabbing the bong and putting it down in front of you.
  660. >She then walks up to the nearest shelf and looks through the discs, taking one out.
  661. >When you look at the jacket, you recognize the face on it, along with the name.
  662. >Bob MarlHay's Could you be love?
  663. >She's really going to give you the typical weed-smoking experience, isn't she?
  664. >After putting the disc to play, she walks back and sits next to you, grabbing a pouch.
  665. >From it she takes a little ball of dried weed and stuffs it into the bong's pipe.
  666. >"Alright. You're gonna put your mouth there, and I'll light the weed up. When I give your shoulder a small pat, you start breathing in very slowly through your mouth. When I give you a second pat, you breath in deeply and quickly, okay?"
  667. >You don't really understand why it has to be so complicated but you nod at her.
  668. "Yeah, alright."
  669. >You're a bit nervous. You've never smoked before, not even a cigarette.
  670. >"Following that process will allow the smoke to cool down thanks to the water, otherwise you'd burn your throat."
  671. >She positions the bong between your legs and you place your mouth where you have to.
  672. >She lights up the weed.
  673. >Here comes the first pat. You begin to breath in very slowly with your mouth.
  674. >"A little faster, the smoke isn't coming up."
  675. >You oblige and do as you're told. You feel the taste of the smoke in your mouth as it begins to slowly come in.
  676. >Here's the second pat.
  677. >You suddenly breath in deeply and quickly, filling your lungs up in not even a second.
  678. >You don't know when to blow the smoke out. You simply hold it in and look down at Lyra.
  679. >She grabs the bong and prepares a hit for herself.
  680. >"You can breath out, now."
  681. >You do so and leans back in the sofa.
  682. >This stuff isn't doing anything to you.
  683. >Not instantly.
  684. >But as the music starts playing, you begin to feel extremely light and relaxed.
  688. >Some times passes. You wouldn't be able to say if it's seconds, minutes or hours.
  689. >But the disc isn't over yet, so you assume it's just been minutes.
  690. >Lyra smirks at you.
  691. >"So kid, your impression?"
  692. >You sit up slowly and look at her.
  693. "This dank is tight."
  694. >You've always wanted to say that.
  695. >Lyra bursts in laughter, probably from your words and from the completely stoned look on your face.
  696. >You reach over and sip from your coffee. It's still slightly warm. Good enough.
  697. >She reaches over and pats your shoulder.
  698. >"You're a fun kid, Anon'. So tell me, what brought you and Pinkie where you are now?"
  699. >You look at her and don't really know what to tell her.
  700. >Was it just lust, at first?
  701. >Was it simply some sort of twisted fetish, maybe you're just a fucking weirdo?
  702. >But it then hits you that you've always kind of wanted your mother to be the woman you'd love.
  703. >After all, she's still really young. You know she was only 17 when she had you.
  704. >You know she gave up all of her dreams when she decided that she'd keep you.
  705. >And you know she's always loved you with all of her heart.
  706. >And you do, too.
  707. "I... I don't really know. I guess she's always seen me as the only man that would ever be important in her life, the moment she had me... And I recently became old enough to understand all the sacrifices she's done for me."
  708. >Lyra looks down for a while and sips from her own mug.
  709. >"So it's some sort of way to thank her?"
  710. >It hits you in the guts, but you stay strangely calm. Might be the weed.
  711. "N-Nah... When I understood all the things she's done for me and all the things she gave up to make me happy, even without admitting it, I... I guess I just started to love her, not just as a mother, but as the amazing woman she is."
  712. >This makes Lyra crack a wide smile and pull you into playful cuddles.
  713. >"Aaaw, listen to this little guy, all romantic and loving for his mommy. She's lucky!"
  717. >You spend some time doing nothing but listen to music.
  718. >But soon enough, lunch-time comes and you realize that smoking made you hungry.
  719. >You slowly get up from the sofa and stretch.
  720. >Lyra looks up from her book and smiles.
  721. >"Where you goin'?"
  722. >You look back at her and shrug.
  723. "Home. I'm hungry. And I think I've abused of your hospitality."
  724. >Lyra smiles and shakes her head.
  725. >"Non-sense, you're home here, too! Why don't you just relax? I'll get something."
  726. >And she heads to the kitchen, humming along the current song.
  727. >Free pot, great music and free food.
  728. >You're starting to wonder if this is some sort of trap.
  729. >But you simply sit back on the sofa and close your eyes, letting the music's tones work their art.
  730. >Lyra comes a few minutes later with sandwiches and sodas.
  731. >You quickly have lunch and smile at her.
  732. "Hey, your sandwiches are pretty good."
  733. >She nods, taking a sip from her soda.
  734. >"I mostly eat sandwiches, that's more convenient so I can eat while working or playing."
  735. >Makes sense.
  736. >After filling your stomach up, you check the time.
  737. >Mom won't be home for at least three hours.
  738. >So you decide you could stay a bit longer.
  739. >Pinkie will probably figure you're here anyway.
  740. >You look at Lyra and smirk.
  741. "Hey, d'you have controllers that work with your computer? With that big screen we could play together."
  742. >She grabs two wireless controllers and tosses one at you.
  743. >You both spend a good time playing emulated games. It's pretty fun.
  744. >Once you check the time again, it's about ten minutes before pinkie gets home.
  745. "Well, it's time for me to go home."
  746. >Lyra smiles. "How about a last hit before you go?"
  747. >You stop and nod, why not?
  748. >You get the bong ready.
  749. >You take another hit.
  750. >You lean back in the sofa and relax.
  751. >Fuck this shit gets you high.
  752. >And when by the time you realize that you have a boner, Lyra's hand is already gently jerking you in your pants.
  756. >You stay jaded for a few seconds.
  757. >It feels really good.
  758. >But then what's happening finally hits you and through the haze of your mind, you finally react.
  759. >You move back a little and manage to get Lyra to move her hand out of your pants.
  760. "H-Hey! Lyra, that's... Ehm... I don't think I should do that with someone else, I mean, I'm supposed to be my mom's Man, y'know?"
  761. >Lyra grins and looks up at you, slowly getting her face closer to yours.
  762. >"Shhh, don't say anything, Anon'. I know you like it, I could feel you throbbing in my hand. Just relax and let me take care of you."
  763. >This is insane.
  764. >Why is she after your dick?
  765. >Didn't she say she wouldn't do that without being invited to?
  766. >Or... Maybe she was?
  767. >Yeah, maybe mom told her it was okay or something?
  768. >Come on, Pinkie told you that you could go smoke pot to Lyra's place, she probably talked about everything with her and she allowed Lyra to fuck you.
  769. >That sounds pretty legit.
  770. >You're really not too sure about it.
  771. >But damn you're high and you really don't want to hold this boner back.
  772. >So you just relax back on the sofa and pull your pants down.
  773. >Lyra pats your head and slowly goes down on you, starting to lick and suckle onto your tip.
  774. >But before you even know it, she moves up and begins to massage your cock with her feet.
  775. >Shit, this wasn't what you expected at all.
  776. >You've heard of footjobs before but you never planned on trying.
  777. >But you're feeling way too good to ask her to stop.
  778. >So you just look right at her eyes and see her bite her lower lip as she keeps working her magic feet on your shaft.
  779. "S-Shit... That feels really good."
  780. >She grins and winks at you.
  781. >"That's the thing I do the best. I know your mom's the best at deepthroats and has the nicest tits, too."
  782. >She's right.
  783. >And as you begin to drip pre against her feet, you hear the door open and close.
  784. >"N-NONNY?!"
  788. >Oh shit.
  789. >Oh fuck, this is bad.
  790. >Why did Pinkie come home and head directly toward Lyra's place?
  791. >And most of all, why is she looking so shocked?
  792. >You thought she agreed on Lyra doing stuff with you?
  793. >You look at her and reach down to find your pants, but Lyra doesn't seem to stop massaging you with her feet.
  794. >She presses her toes in every right spot, making you mutter some moans.
  795. "M-Mom? What're you doing here?"
  796. >Pinkie stares at you and then groans loudly.
  797. >"Lyra~! I thought we said you'd wait for me~!"
  798. >What.
  799. >As Pinkie said that, lyra managed to make you cum.
  800. >You spray a thick stream of see right up in the air, and it goes to land onto your mother's face as she was bending over the back of the sofa to talk to Lyra.
  801. >The green-haired woman looks up and laughs.
  802. >"Hey Pinkie, you look nice like that."
  803. >You start to panic and quickly sit up.
  804. "M-Mom! Sorry! I thought it was okay! I mean, I thought you told her she could and-"
  805. >Pinkie sighs loudly and puts a pouty face on.
  806. >"Not fair Lyra, we were supposed to do it together...~"
  807. >You blink.
  808. "Wait, what? Together?"
  809. >Lyra nods. "Yeah, sorry Pinkie, I just couldn't wait anymore, I've been thinking of it the whole day, it got me excited."
  810. >They planned everything.
  811. >You're supposed to be having sex with your mother and her life-long friend.
  812. >You have no idea if this is a good thing or if your life simply went from normal to a complete mess.
  813. >But as you start to think about it, Lyra moves up and begins to lick your cum off your mom's face.
  814. >You look at the scene.
  815. >It's actually pretty hot.
  816. >And while it's happening, Pinkie takes her clothing off and does the same with Lyra.
  817. >Your mother and the next-door woman are now making out, in panties, in front of you.
  818. >Gentle moans escape their lips as they share the remaining of your seed that Lyra collected on her tongue.
  819. >They both look at you while making out.
  820. >Your cock throbs and hardens once more.
  823. >You should really find out if there's a god.
  824. >And thank him, or her, for all the good that is happening to you lately.
  825. >You're relaxing onto Lyra's sofa.
  826. >You're naked, your cock standing firmly thanks to a rock hard erection.
  827. >Which is due to your mother and Lyra making out in front of you.
  828. >They soon move down slowly and bring both their faces to your shaft's level.
  829. >And as if they had read your mind, they begin to make out with your tip in between their lips and tongues.
  830. >They clean off the seed from your recent orgasm, sharing the sweet cum together, and instantly begin to suckle and lick your tip in turn.
  831. >They press their breasts together, around your shaft.
  832. >And then, they finally both look directly at you, moving their body up and down to massage your cock teasingly in their bosoms.
  833. >"Mama hopes you like the surprise, Nonny~"
  834. >"Pinkie knows I haven't had a man in a long while now and she said you'd not mind helping me with my thirst."
  835. >You give a wide grin and cross your arms behind your head.
  836. >You're high and two women are titfucking and licking your cock.
  837. "I don't mind at all. I'll be happy to help anytime, miss Lyra."
  838. >This makes both of them smile.
  839. >And they kiss, again, with your cock stuck between their lips.
  840. >This feels amazing.
  841. >Even more than having your own mother deep-throating you.
  842. >You start to thrust between their breasts and against their tongues, panting faintly.
  843. >Pinkie giggles and winks.
  844. >"Alright~ How about you take this big toy, Lyra, and I... I'll give my Nonny a big slice of Pie~"
  845. >You already know what she means by that.
  846. >And you lick your lips in excitment.
  847. >"Sounds good to me, Pinkie."
  848. >They both get up and pull each-other's panties down, sensually rolling their hips at you.
  849. >Lyra climbs on top of you and presses her crotch over your lap.
  850. >Pinkie does the same but hoovers her crotch over your face.
  851. >And together, they slowly sit down, Lyra with your cock inside her slit, Pinkie with her crotch over your face.
  855. >You've never experienced this level of lust before.
  856. >Pinkie is sitting onto your face, softly humping against it as you bury your tongue deep within her.
  857. >Lyra is gently, slowly rolling her hips over your crotch, making your cock move inside of her and massaging it with her walls.
  858. >At least, now you can really say that you like her interior.
  859. >You gently lick into your mother's cunt, enjoying the sweet taste of the hole that brought you to this world.
  860. >You still hadn't taste it before.
  861. >It's even better than her milk.
  862. >And she obviously is enjoying it too as she clenches around your tongue.
  863. >Lyra and Pinkie moan together, leaning toward each-other and pressing their breasts against each-others, kissing deeply.
  864. >You can't see them do it, but you can hear it.
  865. >You can hear the wet, passionate moans over the sound of the dancing tongues.
  866. >Lyra's slit clenches lovingly over your cock, almost sucking onto it like she'd do with her mouth.
  867. >you firmly grab your mom's hips and shove her down firmlier on your face, forcing your tongue deeper into her.
  868. >You begin to give strong, deep thrusts into Lyra, making your tip kiss with the bottom of her tunnel.
  869. >And they both reward you with lewd, pleasured whimpers and moans.
  870. >You can feel their wetness on your face and your crotch.
  871. >And this is really pleasuring you too.
  872. >You begin to drool pre into Lyra, and she begins to bounce faster on your member.
  873. >"N-Nonny... H-Hang in there, she's going to cum soon~!"
  874. >How can she know?
  875. >Of course, they already had sex together.
  876. >This seems obvious.
  877. >You're starting to hope this will be a regular thing.
  878. >And as you slip your tongue out to suckle on mommy's clitoris, you can feel Lyra clench hard and spray a warm liquid on your crotch.
  879. >In between moans, Pinkie speaks up again.
  880. >"G-Good job, N-Nonny~!"
  881. >Lyra gently rolls her hips, keeping you the deepest she can.
  882. >"C-Come on... Give it to me, Anon'... Fuck me full of cum like you'd fuck your own mother...!"
  886. >This woman is seriously thirsty.
  887. >And it doesn't seem to bother you nor your mother.
  888. >Pinkie slowly moves up from your face and pushes lyra down onto her back.
  889. >She sits up and hooves her crotch over the woman's face, facing you and gently spreading the laying woman's pussy-lips with her fingers.
  890. >"Come on Nonny~ You pump her as full as you pumped me on our first time~!"
  891. >God, is it erotic.
  892. >You nod and move closer, gently rubbing your tip against Lyra's folds before pushing back into her.
  893. >Your hips are already moving on their own and start to fuck her slowly, but strongly.
  894. >This causes lyra to arch her back a bit under your mom.
  895. >And as you make love to the neighbor, Pinkie sits down on her face and has her lick where you were licking just now.
  896. >You stares at Mommy's eyes and wrap your arms around her.
  897. >She wraps her arms around you, moaning in unison with Lyra and you.
  898. "M-Mom... This is awesome... I love you so much, Mom."
  899. >"I love you t-too, my Nonny~!"
  900. >And with no more words, you both lock your lips into a deep, loving kiss.
  901. >Your cock throbs inside of Lyra.
  902. >Your tongue dances with your mother's.
  903. >Her breasts are firmly pressed against your torso.
  904. >And Lyra clenches and cums once again over your crotch.
  905. >She's begging for you to fill her up.
  906. >And your mother's moans tell you that she came, too.
  907. >They're both in need of you to release your seed into Lyra.
  908. >They both want to be fucked by this boy they knew as a newborn and saw turn into a young man.
  909. >You can just feel it in your guts.
  910. >And you gladly oblige, blocking your hips and cuming deeply into Lyra, pumping her womb full of your hot semen.
  911. >You break the kiss and before you can say a thing, Pinkie giggles.
  912. >"Does my Nonny think he's got another load of hot juice for Mommy~?"
  915. >You're exhausted.
  916. >You're panting loudly, your hands are gently squishing your mother's breasts.
  917. >Some milk spills out and lands on the sofa.
  918. >But you not at her, smiling.
  919. "I'll always have some for Mama."
  920. >This makes Pinkie moan from desire.
  921. >You slowly pull out of Lyra, who seems to be out of the race.
  922. >You sit down next to the panting woman whose pussy starts leaking your seed.
  923. >Pinkie kneels down between your legs and begins to suck onto your cock.
  924. >She licks all over it, slowly.
  925. >She takes her time, enjoying your taste, and the taste of Lyra.
  926. >And finally she begins to bob her head onto your cock.
  927. >You rest your left hand on her hair, holding it back so it doesn't get in her way.
  928. >Lyra's laying on your right.
  929. >You move your right hand and gently coat your fingers in the mix of the woman's juice and your cum, before starting to gently finger her ass.
  930. >This makes Lyra gasp and moan, reaching down and pulling her buttocks apart for you to move better.
  931. >Pinkie eyes over and giggles, gently taking you in her throat, keeping you down and swallowing around you, her signature move.
  932. >You move two fingers into Lyra's anus, simply wanting to not leave her outside of the Party.
  933. >But your eyes are locked with the deep blue color of your mother's pupil.
  934. >You give a deep moan as you feel yourself throb into her.
  935. "M-Mom... Can I cum directly down here...?"
  936. >She gives a faint nod, her throat vibrating a bit as she tries to moan, simply sending more pleasure through your body.
  937. >This is just too much.
  938. >You already came twice in the last half-hour.
  939. >You can't hold back anymore.
  940. >You keep your eyes locked with your mother's and you push her head down as hard as you can.
  941. >You groan loudly.
  942. >You can't see her smile, but you can see the delight in her eyes.
  943. >You can see the incredible satisfaction she has, drinking her own son's cum.
  944. >Feeling it coming directly in her throat and right to her stomach.
  945. >You slip your fingers out of Lyra.
  946. >This was awesome.
  950. >It's been a good month now.
  951. >A month since your romantic relationship with your mother started.
  952. >Along the way, you've also got to know Lyra, the woman next door, better.
  953. >Turns out her and Pinkie were life-long friends, and more than that for a time.
  954. >This time seems over, but they don't seem to have a problem sharing you when Lyra needs a man.
  955. >During this whole month, it's been hard to cope between class, friends and your house duty.
  956. >But every single night, when you fall asleep with your head on Mama's breasts, you forget all of your troubles.
  957. >However, it is now Summer!
  958. >And who says Summer says Beach!
  959. >You've planned a day to the beach with your friends, you know it'll be fun.
  960. >However, when the big day comes, none of them shows up.
  961. >None except Peppy.
  962. >You wonder what the hell happened.
  963. >You wonder if that was not the gang's plan to get you and Peppy alone, at the beach.
  964. >The idea makes you smile.
  965. >After all, you do like Peppy a lot.
  966. >But not as much as before.
  967. >"Hey, sorry I'm late, it took me some time to find my new bikini."
  968. >A Bikini, huh? You always thought she was more of a one-piece swimsuit girl.
  969. >Or is this a plan to get your attention?
  970. "It's alright. We'll buy food there, sounds good? From what I can remember there's this spot selling a shit-ton of really tasty stuff."
  971. >The both of you planned on taking the bus, it's be a good hour of road to reach destination.
  972. "Alright Mom, Peppy and I are off! See you this evening, love you!"
  973. >Peppy giggles slightly.
  974. >"Aaw, that's cute, the boy loves his momma."
  975. >You look at your friend and shrug.
  976. >"Well yeah, I'm not scared to say it. I love my mom."
  977. >You both start walking when Lyra whistles at you.
  978. >"Hey kids! I thought you were supposed to be a bunch of five or six!"
  979. "Yeah no, the others didn't come. We're still going though."
  980. >Lyra smirks and stretches.
  981. >"Why don't I come along, then? I've got a car, it'll be faster than the bus."
  982. >This actually sounds like a good plan.
  987. >You're four in the car, now.
  988. >When Pinkie heard Lyra say she'd drive you there, she came out.
  989. >You told her it was just you and Peppy after all
  990. >So when Lyra told her she was tagging along, your mother decided she'd come as well.
  991. >Now you think of it, it's been a while since you went and saw the sea with your mom.
  992. >But you're starting to fear that this will get out of hands in front of Peppy or anyone else.
  993. >After all, Pinkie does have quite an Appetite for you.
  994. >It only takes fifteen minutes to get to the beach.
  995. >Once you get off the car, you stare at Lyra, who seems to be enjoying the salted air pretty good.
  996. "You drive like a fucking psycho, Lyra."
  997. >Pinkie nods in excitment.
  998. >"Doesn't she~?! When we were still young party girls, she used to do car-races around the city~!"
  999. >Well, you learn more fascinating stuff about your mother and her friend, every single day.
  1000. >Until three days ago you didn't suspect that Lyra could arch her back enough to kiss you while in a reverse-cowgirl position.
  1001. >And it wasn't even turning her back.
  1002. >She's just arch back until her lips would meet yours, upside-down.
  1003. >The thought gives you a boner but you quickly chase it away by picture some pizza looking like movie characters.
  1004. >The four of you walk up to the sand and find a spot to put down your stuff.
  1005. >You all spread your towels down in a square and fix an umbrella in the middle.
  1006. >And while you were already wearing your swimming trunks, the girls all go to change together.
  1007. >You're in charge of watching over everyone's bag and goods.
  1008. >But the only thing you can do is imagine all three women wearing nothing but few pieces of fabric to cover their private parts.
  1009. >Yup, the boner's back.
  1010. >A good thing you can chase it away again.
  1011. >Thank you, Bane-Pizza.
  1016. >While the girls are off to the cabines to get changed, you simply sit on the towels.
  1017. >You wonder if you're going to have to buy an ice-cream for each of them.
  1018. >The guy is supposed to pay, right?
  1019. >You lose yourself in thought and see a little piece of papier sticking out from Peppy's bag.
  1020. >You look around.
  1021. >None of them to be seen.
  1022. >You grab the paper and take a look at it.
  1023. >The whole gang wrote down on that thing.
  1024. >It's one of these "lucky charms" that seem to be popular in highschool lately.
  1025. >Basically your friends write "good luck" on a piece of paper on which your objective is written.
  1026. >Trivial, but fun.
  1027. >And as you check what the objective would be, you see Peppy was planning on kissing you and asking you out.
  1028. >This won't end well.
  1029. >You quickly put it back in her bag and stretch your arms.
  1030. >"Nonny~! We're baaaack~!"
  1031. >You're almost afraid to turn.
  1032. >You're afraid that you won't be able to kill the possible boner after seeing them in a bikini.
  1033. >You however turn towards your mother's voice and look at each of them.
  1034. >Peppy is wearing a rather classic bikini, it's red, it's cute on her.
  1035. >Lyra is wearing a pretty common gree bikini bottom, but she doesn't wear any top.
  1036. >She's that type of woman who wants a perfect tan on her bust.
  1037. >Pinkie, however..
  1038. >Your mother is wearing a pretty small Bikini. The bottom piece is barely enough to cover her crotch while leaving some space for imagination.
  1039. >The top is strapless and holds her breasts in a magnificient way.
  1040. >When you look at her waist, you can see the slight fat of her hips bulging a bit around the bikini's strings.
  1041. >While Peppy is cute and Lyra just looks wild, you come to the conclusion that Mama wanted to look sexy for you.
  1042. >And god did she do it right.
  1043. >They all sit down on the towels and Pinkie wraps her arms around you, cuddling you with a giggle.
  1044. >"It's been forever since we went to the beach, Nonny~!"
  1045. >Dick Status: muh.
  1049. >The sun is shining and giving quite the heat.
  1050. >But that heat is nothing compared to what you feel inside of you as Mommy hugs you between her boobs right there for everyone to see.
  1051. >Lyra just lays down on her back and starts getting herself a good tan.
  1052. >Peppy, on the other end, looks over and seems to be a little jealous.
  1053. >You can see it on her face that she'd like to be brave enough to cuddle you like that.
  1054. >"Nonny~! You should go get everyone some ice-cream!"
  1055. >Somehow you knew this was coming.
  1056. >Peppy blinks and gets up, offering her hand.
  1057. >"I'll come with you!"
  1058. >You grab her hand and get up, finally letting go and looking at the two adults.
  1059. >Lyra and Pinkie look at each-other and give a wide grin.
  1060. >"Nonny~! We both want Pistachio and Chocolate with extra sprinkles on top~!"
  1061. >Lyra nods and grabs her walkman, putting her headphones on.
  1062. >You didn't know some people still had those protative music-tape players.
  1063. >There again, you know Lyra is into vintage technology.
  1064. "Alright, but do I get any money to buy them?"
  1065. >Pinkie giggles loudly.
  1066. >"Silly Nonny, you're treating us~!"
  1067. >Well, there goes your money for this week.
  1068. >But when you give your mother a pleading look, you see there's a little spark of kinkiness in her eyes.
  1069. >You look back at Lyra and find her grinning as she's listening to her music, staring right back at you.
  1070. "I... Okay."
  1071. >Peppy giggles, oblivious of what you obviously understood, and starts walking with you.
  1072. >You can tell this is going to be a good day.
  1076. >The two of you walk on the hot sand towards the ice-cream shack.
  1077. >While you're going bare feet, you notice Peppy is wearing flip-flops.
  1078. >Under the right one is written "Flip", under the left one is written "Flop".
  1079. >You don't know why, but that made you chuckle.
  1080. >"It's really nice today, right?"
  1081. >You're brought back to reality by Peppy's voice, which sounds a little more shy than usual.
  1082. "Yeah, it's finally summer, we can just go out and have fun. It's too bad the rest of the gang isn't there, though."
  1083. >Peppy nods slowly, but you see in her eyes that she's actually glad to spend some time alone with you.
  1084. >"Did you hear about those lucky charms? It seems to be all the rage lately."
  1085. "Yeah, these are some pretty good cereals, no wonder every talks about it."
  1086. >You didn't want to take any risk at letting her know you might have found the paper in her bag.
  1087. >She stops and looks kind of jaded for a second before laughing, obviously at you.
  1088. >"Oh my god Anon' you're such a dork!"
  1089. >It makes you crack a smile, it's true you've always been kind of a dork.
  1090. >You both have a good laugh while getting where you were headed to.
  1091. >You wait in line and comes your turn, the shop owner looks at these two young people with a really jaded stare.
  1092. >Why the fuck is your aunt Maud here?
  1093. >"Hey... Welcome to Hard-Rock Ice-cream... What do you want?"
  1097. "H-Hey, Aunt Maud. How are you?"
  1098. >Your aunt Maud Pie blinks, very slowly, before looking at you a little bit closer.
  1099. >"Oh... Hey Anonymous... I'm doing fine. You came here with your little girlfriend...?"
  1100. >This makes Peppy blush and look away.
  1101. >You promptly proceed to shake your head.
  1102. "N-Nah, Peppy's a friend of mine from school. We came with mom and Lyra, our neighbor."
  1103. >Peppy looks at you and, even though you don't really pay attention, she looks very disappointed.
  1104. >"Oh... Then I guess the ice will be on me... What do you want?"
  1105. >You quickly proceed to place the order for Pinkie and Lyra. Peppy takes a Cherry and Blueberry ice-cream.
  1106. >You, being the same boring moron who managed to burn bacon one day, decide to be "that" guy and take Chocolate and Vanilla.
  1107. >You carry the ice-creams for your mother and your neighbor, while Peppy holds her own ice-cream, and yours.
  1108. >Maud leans over the counter and gently kisses your cheek, even though she keeps her jaded look.
  1109. >"Say Hi to your mother for me... And have a fun day..."
  1110. "Will do, Auntie Maud. Have a good day too, say Hi to Boulder."
  1111. >You walk away after Maud nods, Peppy looks at you with a questioning look.
  1112. >"Who's Boulder?"
  1113. "It's her pet rock."
  1114. >Your friend blinks and doesn't even bother to ask.
  1115. >You quickly make your way back to the towel.
  1116. >Both Pinkie and Lyra are still there, chatting and enjoying the sun.
  1117. >Upon seeing you, your mother waves her hand quickly.
  1118. >"Nonny! Hurry up! We want the ice-cream~!"
  1119. >You smile and walk a bit faster, finally getting there and handing their treat to the adults, taking yours and sitting with them.
  1120. >The great licking begins.
  1124. >You're all enjoying your ice-cream.
  1125. >Chatting, tanning, licking and laughing.
  1126. >Your mother doesn't really understand why you'd take the most boring ice-cream flavors.
  1127. >You politely remind her she took pistachio/Chocolate, which is pretty boring as well.
  1128. >You all realize the only one here with some "original" flavor is Peppy.
  1129. "Oh also mom, Aunt Maud says "Hi", she's the one working at the ice-cream shack."
  1130. >Pinkie giggles loudly, taking another lick from her ice and ending up with a tiny bit of cream on her nose.
  1131. >"Oh, I know~! She'll probably join us in a little bit, too~!"
  1132. >You realize you've never seen your aunt Maud in a swimsuit.
  1133. >But given her personality and her usual outfits, you kind of imagine her wearing an old time swimsuit.
  1134. >The type that looks like a jail uniform, with strips on it.
  1135. >"Hey Pinkie, I've never really seen Maud with any guy, did she ever find a husband?"
  1136. >Pinkie shakes her head, looking kind of bothered.
  1137. >"Nope, never. She never really seemed to care about that, but I know she still gets some Fun every once in a while~!"
  1138. >You're wondering if your Aunt gets her "Fun" with men, or if she's got a strap-on she fits on Boulder.
  1139. >The mental image makes you start snickering and you drop your ice-cream onto Lyra's bare chest.
  1140. >"Ha! Cold! Coooold!"
  1141. "Sorry Lyra, I just had the funniest thought and I kinda derped!"
  1142. >You try to reach out and grab your cone.
  1143. >But your hand ends onto Lyra's right boob, giving it a gentle squish while the ice-cream is slowly melting and drops of it are rolling down her stomach.
  1144. >You jerk slightly, but Lyra is giving you a wide, knowing smile.
  1145. >You move back and actually take the cone off of her, letting out a loud sigh and tossing it in the nearest trash can, which is just a few steps away.
  1146. >"Silly Nonny, you should have said so if you wanted to grope Lyra~!"
  1147. >Peppy looks over with a look of confusion.
  1148. "H-Hey! That wasn't done on purpose!"
  1149. >"..."
  1150. >"You guys sound like you're having fun..."
  1154. >You all turn and look back at that voice.
  1155. >And you can see your aunt Maud slowly laying down on the towel, with a little book saying "Rocks" on it's cover.
  1156. >You don't realize it right away, but then, after blinking a few times, you see it.
  1157. >You see your aunt Maud wearing a grey bikini, of which the top barely covers her breasts.
  1158. >But this isn't the best part.
  1159. >The bottom part is only covering her crotch and her ass.
  1160. >And it's not even completely covering her ass.
  1161. >About half of her buttocks' surface is there for everyone to see and the sun to shine upon.
  1162. >And all of this is only held together by little strings to leave the least possible tan-marks.
  1163. >"Mauuuuuud~!"
  1164. >Pinkie quickly jumps on her sister and hugs her there on the ground before letting her lay and relax, sitting next to her.
  1165. >Now that you see the both of them together, you realize beauty and sexiness must be a family thing.
  1166. >And it then hits you that you're checking out your aunt's ass and considering tapping it.
  1167. >You shake your head and smile.
  1168. "Hey aunt Maud, nice to have you with us."
  1169. >Lyra leans over and high-fives your aunt.
  1170. >Well, more like high-five your aunt's hand, which is lazily raised up to ease this procedure.
  1171. >You turn to Peppy and smile.
  1172. "You should see aunt Maud in my grand-parents' farm. She's ALL over the place checking out the rocks."
  1173. >Peppy tilts her head, you see she seems a bit jealous of your mother and your aunt's gorgeous features.
  1174. >"Your grandparents have a farm?"
  1175. "Yeah, it's a rock farm. They farm rocks. Don't ask me why, but somehow this business is actually working and they always pay their bills on time."
  1176. >Peppy seems kind of confused and mostly, like she doesn't believe you.
  1177. >"Come on Anon', there's no such thing as a Rock farm. How do you farm rocks anyway?"
  1178. >And in the corner of your eye, you can see your aunt Maud lighting up with passion, ready to tell Peppy everything there is to know about Rock-Farming.
  1182. >You know that look.
  1183. >You know your aunt Maud is about to unleash all 10 Mineral hells upon your friend.
  1184. >And that's when you step in.
  1185. "Aunt Maud! I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Organic Minerals, especially the Whewellite."
  1186. >Everyone looks at you and only your mother seems to understand what you just did.
  1187. >She gives you a warm smile as Maud stares at you and nods.
  1188. >"Alright... Well come with me... I'll talk to you about it while you help me carry stuff from the ice-cream shack to my car..."
  1189. >You nod and get up, following your aunt towards the Shack.
  1190. >You pick up a few things and bring them to her car, but she never actually seems to talk.
  1191. >Until she finally closes her truck.
  1192. >"It was brave of you to pretend you were interested into rocks to save your friend from my lecture..."
  1193. >You don't really know how she figured it out, but there again, she's always been very good at figuring secrets or un-told things.
  1194. "Well... She's never been the brightest light in the house, and natural sciences aren't her thing, so..."
  1195. >Your aunt gently puts a hand on your shoulder and nods.
  1196. >"I see why Pinkie is proud of you... And I also see why she loves you as her son and as a man..."
  1197. >Wait, what did she just say?
  1198. >You blink and tilt your head slightly, trying to play dumb.
  1199. "That doesn't make much sense, what you just said, Auntie Maud."
  1200. >She slowly blinks her eyes and stares at you, her hand still on your shoulder.
  1201. >"I just needed to look at her eyes and how she was looking at you..."
  1202. >Well this is fucking great.
  1203. >You were lucky Lyra was able to understand, and even willing to be in on the "ride" and to support you, but there's no way a member of your mother's family will encourage incest.
  1204. >This is a disaster.
  1205. >"I'd like to have a try, too..."
  1206. >Ex-fucking-scuze me?
  1210. >You stare at Maud for a moment, unable to say anything.
  1211. >And before you realize it, she's pulling you back towards the beach.
  1212. >Except she's headed to one of the little coves surrounded by large rocks.
  1213. >Now you can see why she works here on summer, it's so she can check out the surrounding minerals.
  1214. >But when you're done thinking of this you find yourself standing on the sand with her, with no one around.
  1215. >Maud slowly blinks and looks at you.
  1216. >That's when you notice you're slightly taller than her.
  1217. >"You grew up to be quite a young man, Anonymous... I still remember you sitting on my lap..."
  1218. >You're trying to find something to say, which proves to be difficult.
  1219. >Hell, after a few months of fucking your own mother, who knew you'd not be able to be at ease with her sister?
  1220. "I ehm..."
  1221. >She puts a finger on your lips.
  1222. >"I saw you... Looking at me earlier..."
  1223. >She slowly reaches down and undoes the right string of her bikini's bottom, letting the clothing fall on the sand and finding herself "bottomless".
  1224. >She gently takes your hands and puts them onto her nice, soft ass, making your squeeze her buns.
  1225. >"You were looking here... You looked like you wanted to have your aunt's ass just for you..."
  1226. >Holy shit, you knew she was good at seeing things and figuring untold stuff, but not that much.
  1227. "B-But what about mom? I mean... Would she be okay with this?"
  1228. >Maud blinks her eyes slowly again and nods.
  1229. >"Pinkie already told me about it on the phone... And she said if I felt like it, I could have some fun with you..."
  1230. >Your mother offers women to fuck you.
  1231. >You don't know if it's a good, or a bad thing.
  1232. >But your dick seems to see that as a good thing right now.
  1233. >Fuck that, she already made you grope her, might as well do it on your own.
  1234. "Alright, then."
  1235. >And with that, you begin to squish and knead your aunt's ass-cheeks with a passion.
  1239. >You can hear your aunt Maud is enjoying herself.
  1240. >Not that she's moaninhg or anothing. But she's breathing slightly more than usual, which is a great hint.
  1241. >You move your hands up and gently take her bikini top off her chest.
  1242. >After you're done with this, she slowly moves down and pulls your trunks off, giving your erected cock a little kiss, looking up to you.
  1243. >"You're really hard... Like rocks..."
  1244. >You can't help but laugh slightly at that.
  1245. "Auntie, you always talk about rocks, don't you?"
  1246. >She just blinks once and gently licks your shaft's length before starting to coat it up with her saliva, looking up at you like she's got a plan.
  1247. >For now, you just rest a hand on her head and enjoy the warm, silky caress of her tastebuds over your hard meat.
  1248. >"You really seem to enjoy that... I'm gonna wet your cock more..."
  1249. >You look down and nod as she begins to blow you, bobbing her head slowly, making sure to coat your cock with more and more saliva as she does.
  1250. >As you look down you see that she's also touching herself.
  1251. >It's very faint, but you can see a blush on her cheeks.
  1252. >She really is enjoying herself right now.
  1253. >And so are you.
  1254. >But before long, she moves her head back and stares up at you.
  1255. >"I want to have you inside..."
  1256. >After she said that, you don't even have time to reply before you see her turn around and get on all four.
  1257. >Well, all three.
  1258. >Because her left hand is reaching back and pulling her left ass-cheek away from the other one, revealing you her tight, inviting asshole.
  1259. >"I wanna feel it in here..."
  1260. >You didn't need to hear any more of it.
  1261. >The simple fact of your own aunt asking you to fuck her in the ass was enough.
  1262. >You kneel behind her and start probing her anus with your saliva-coated tip.
  1263. >You then lick your lips slightly and prepare yourself to penetrate her backdoor.
  1264. >You crack a grin as you think of a funny joke to make.
  1265. "Heeeeere's Nonny!"
  1269. >You slowly push into her ass.
  1270. >You never actually had the chance to have anal sex before, you never dared to ask.
  1271. >So you're taking this chance with great pleasure.
  1272. >Your aunt Maud's butthole is incredibly tight and engloves your cock with an incredible warmth.
  1273. >You keep pushing yourself in until your whole length it fit in and your groin is pressed against her rump.
  1274. >You hear her gently chuckle to your joke.
  1275. >"I remember this movie..."
  1276. >You pant faintly and presses her buttocks together, so they'll massage your cock when you'll be pulling out.
  1277. "You've got -the- ass, auntie."
  1278. >Maud archs her back a little and begins to move her hips, inviting you to join her.
  1279. >And you do. You slowly thrust into your aunt's ass, her saliva making a decent lube.
  1280. >You can hear her breath a bit louder, which hints she's getting her pleasure as much as you do.
  1281. >You keep going to the same pace, leaning down and resting onto her back, reaching around and gently pressing her breasts together.
  1282. >And the both of you keep doing what you do for wuite a while.
  1283. >All this sex with your mother got you to actually last longer over time, which is always a good thing.
  1284. >Lasting longer means a larger load of cum to spray inside the womb, throat or, right now, the ass of the woman you're fucking.
  1285. >Every now and then, you can feel her clench tightly around your cock, her ass almost sucking you in like a mouth would suck the cum out of you.
  1286. >You're both sweating from the sun's heat and the intense pleasure.
  1287. >You pick up your pace a bit and hear her whisper just loud enough for you to hear.
  1288. >"Someone's watching us... Don't you stop... Keep fucking me, Anon', I already culminated four times..."
  1289. >You do as she says and keep fucking her, you've lost any possible care about someone watching.
  1290. >But for the sake of it, you look around to see who could have walked on two people fucking on the beach.
  1293. >It takes you a few minutes to actually find the voyeur.
  1294. >A few minutes to get your eyes rid of that mist of pleasure and to tolerate the sun's light that would be blinding if you stared directly at it.
  1295. >You can feel yourself coming close to your limit.
  1296. >But you keep going.
  1297. >You keep going, and you're still not really seeing the Voyeur.
  1298. >It seems they realized you spotted them, but they're not moving.
  1299. >They're either masturbating to what they see, or they're just paralyzed by the fact they've been spotted.
  1300. >You try to close your eyelids a bit to regulate the over-exposition to light, panting slightly louder.
  1301. >Maud is bouncing her hips back and forth pretty strongly against you.
  1302. >She seems to have gained control over her ass muscles as she clenches and sucks your cock strongly everytime her hips move away.
  1303. >She's milking you for your cum.
  1304. >"Go on, Nonny... Cream your aunt Maud's Pie... Give it to me..."
  1305. >Somehow, this constantly jaded look and voice turn you on to a level you'd never have expected.
  1306. >So you simply give in and, letting out a deep moan of pleasure, you unload inside of your mother's big sister.
  1307. >You release such a load it spills out a little around your cock as you keep moving, enjoying the feeling it bring you to be stuffing yet another woman of your family with your seed.
  1308. >You look back at where the Voyeur was, and you finally see their eyes.
  1309. >Two eyes you know very, very well.
  1310. >Two eyes that you meet every single day at school.
  1311. >Two eyes filled with tears.
  1312. >Two eyes filled with disgust and shock.
  1313. >"I loved it, Anonymous... I really hope we can do it again soon..."
  1314. >You hear that and nod slowly, but you can't look away from Peppy.
  1318. >A few days have gone by.
  1319. >After she found you on the beach with your aunt Maud, Peppy kind of ran away, you have no idea where she went.
  1320. >She wasn't anywhere around when you and the others left the beach to go home.
  1321. >This all got you kinda worried, not only for yourself and your secret, but also for her, you're scared she might have done something stupid.
  1322. >But when you tried to call some of your friends, they all seemed to have news from her and apparently she's doing okay.
  1323. >However, they all seemed curious as to why she seemed to be so disturbed when they'd mention your name.
  1324. >Good, she apparently didn't tell anyone about what she saw.
  1325. >Monday finally came by and you had to go so school, yet again.
  1326. >You just -know- this is going to be a pain.
  1327. >Nothing very special happens, during the whole morning classes, just the usual lectures and lessons.
  1328. >However, comes lunch, Peppy walks up to you with a serious look on her face, cornering you in a quiet area and starting to talk quietly to you.
  1329. >"Anon', we have to talk, like, right now."
  1330. >You don't like the look on her face, nor the way she sounds.
  1331. >But you at least owe her a talk.
  1332. "Alright, fine, but can we not do that -here- and go somewhere else?"
  1333. >She frowns and nods, starting to walk towards the soccer field, heading behind the spectators' benchs and stopping there.
  1334. >No one's around, that's a good thing.
  1335. "Alright, what's up?"
  1336. >Peppy stops you right away.
  1337. >"Don't you even try to act casual. I've seen what happened at the beach and now everything makes sense. The way your mother looked at you when we were there, how she displays her affection without you even fighting it back..."
  1338. >You let out a slight sigh.
  1339. "Look, what's going on with my life lately... It's unusual, it's most likely not approved by society and, frankly, I don't care."
  1340. >She seems to be both sort of admirative to see you're able to stand for yourself, but also disgusted by the idea.
  1341. >"I don't know how I can keep all of that for myself."
  1346. >For goodness' sake, is she going to blackmail you or something?
  1347. "Well, I guess you can do whatever you want, but of course, if you could just zip it, that'd be great for me AND my mom. If there's someone to punish, then let it be me, I just refuse to let anything bad happen to her."
  1348. >Peppy's face displays yet another mix of feelings.
  1349. >It seems she finds it both kind of sweet to see you so willing to protect someone, but also sort of grossed out by the fact it's your own mother that you're likely fucking like your aunt.
  1350. >She looks away for a moment, as if she's trying to figure out what to do or say.
  1351. >But then something goes across her face.
  1352. >Something you've never quite seen before.
  1353. >You see a wicked smile growing on her lips as she looks back at you with a frown.
  1354. >"Well, what would you do to keep me from talking?"
  1355. >You blink, you really DON'T like the way this is going.
  1356. "Okay, I don't even know what you're going to say, but if you're going to try and force me into stuff to keep my secret, we're going to have a problem."
  1357. >She holds back a laugh.
  1358. >"Oh, no we won't. You will. Let's make it simple, you stop all of that and we go out together. Of course, this means an actual relationship, with everything it implies."
  1359. >She still has her wicked look but you can see a little blush on her cheeks as she says this last part.
  1360. >Clearly, she wants your dick, but clearly, the Peppy you always knew never really let anyone see she was actually -that- type of psycho.
  1361. >You always wondered of it felt like for all these manga characters to have a "Yandere" all over their ass.
  1362. >Now you have one all over yours and you realize it isn't really the best feeling in the world.
  1363. "Okay, stop right there. What is that? Blackmail? You want me to become like your slave or something?"
  1364. >"Oh no, nonono, Anon'. I want you to be MINE and you gave me just the way to make it happen."
  1368. >You take a few seconds to actually process what she just said.
  1369. >Peppy, the girl you used to have a crush on, is trying to blackmail you into being her boyfriend, or else she's gonna tell everyone about Anonymous and his family being a bunch of sick, incestuous bastards.
  1370. >She's staring at you with a victorious, twisted grin.
  1371. "Are you fucking serious right now? You know, I saw this "lucky charm" in your bag the other day, and I found it pretty sweet."
  1372. >She blinks and tilts her head with a slight blush.
  1373. >"Y-You did? You knew I was after you?"
  1374. >You nod slowly.
  1375. "Yeah I knew. I've had a crush on your for a long time, too. But it kind of faded away lately, because I've found my happiness elsewhere. And, to be honest, I don't think I want to have anything to do with you now I can see you're just some sort of crazy bitch."
  1376. >You can see this hits her right in the guts. First she seems to have a real, warm smile as you tell her about your crush. But then she slowly turns to a shocked and outraged look when you finish your sentence.
  1377. >"You don't HAVE a choice! Either you become my boyfriend and we're happy together, or I'm telling everyone about what I saw and I'm warning the police too!"
  1378. >You decide to act tough and call her bluff.
  1379. "First of all, we're never going to be an item if you act like this. Second, I'm fairly certain nobody would believe you without proof, especially the police."
  1380. >Peppy seems to be boiling, her fists clenched.
  1381. >"That's what YOU think! But I've seen everything and even if the police doesn't do anything, all the school will know you and your family as sick fuckers! You'll all be the shame of the city!"
  1382. >You facepalm.
  1383. "Look, Peppy. I think I'm just gonna go eat my lunch, be done with afternoon classes and go home. If you want to be that type of person, go on, but I'm pretty sure no man will ever want of some blackmailing cunt with an angel's face."
  1384. >And, without even letting her reply, you just walk away towards the cafeteria.
  1388. >The rest of the day goes by and, after the final bell rings, you start walking home.
  1389. >Along the afternoon, Peppy's been looking at you regardless of which class you were sitting in, even when you did your best to avoid her.
  1390. >But at least school's over and at the end of the week the summer vacation will officially begin, which means you won't have to put up with her anymore.
  1391. >You slowly but surely make your way home, sweating from the heat.
  1392. >You can't wait to take a cool shower and drink a nice fresh soda. Maybe go over to Lyra's place and have a smoke?
  1393. >When you get home, Pinkie, Maud and Lyra are there in the kitchen, sipping on some iced-coffee and smiling.
  1394. >You knock on the doorway and lean against it.
  1395. "Hi Mom. Hi Auntie. Hi Lyra."
  1396. >They all look at you and Pinkie gets up to hug you, kissing your lips deeply.
  1397. >"Hi Nonny~ How was School~?"
  1398. >You smile and drop your bag there, shrugging.
  1399. "The usual, really. I'm gonna go take a shower, I'm melting from how hot it is. I'll leave y'all to your girl chats."
  1400. >And after everyone nods, you go up to the bathroom, taking your clothes off and stepping in the shower.
  1401. >You turn the water on and set it to a rather cold temperature, letting it chase the warmth away from your body.
  1402. >You're gonna need to figure out what to do if Peppy actually talks.
  1403. >You stay under the shower for a good 15 minutes and then head to your room.
  1404. >A few weeks ago, Pinkie bought a tiny fridge for you and you now have a way to store your own fresh drinks next to your computer.
  1405. >You sit there on your chair and grab a cola, taking a sip and launching Brigade Garisson 2, might as well play a little.
  1406. >You didn't even bother to put anything on besides some clean trunks.
  1407. >And that's when you feel something touching your legs under your desk.
  1411. >You blink and look down between your legs.
  1412. >And you see two big, pale green eyes staring at you, blinking very slowly.
  1413. >You hold back a yelp and groan.
  1414. "A-aunt Maud! What're you doing here?"
  1415. >She tilts her head very faintly and blinks again.
  1416. >"Hey Anonymous... I asked Pinkie if I could maybe hang out with you before going home and she said she was okay with it..."
  1417. >You tilt your head and frown slightly.
  1418. "Wait... what do you mean, "Hang Out?"
  1419. >Maud blinks very slowly again, and then gently tugs onto your trunks.
  1420. >"I'd like to have something to drink before I leave..."
  1421. >You know what she means, but for the sake of it, you're going to ask.
  1422. "D'you want a cola from my fridge?"
  1423. >She tilts and shakes her head before gently starting to really pull your underwear down your legs.
  1424. >"Play your game, Anonymous... I'll just make you feel good until I have my drink..."
  1425. >And with that, she starts to slowly jerk your cock with her left hand, looking up at you.
  1426. >You always had this fantasy of having a woman suck you off while you were being a real MLG on a game.
  1427. >But for that you'd need to get some doritos and Mountain Dew.
  1428. >Welp, there's no time to get these.
  1429. >And Mountain Dew is just shitty Sprite.
  1430. >So you just sigh and start playing your game.
  1431. >And as you do, you can feel yourself erecting between her fingers.
  1432. >You can feel your aunt's tongue gently tracing from the base to the tip of your cock.
  1433. >And before you know it, she's gently suckling onto your hard shaft's tip.
  1437. >You look down and see your aunt Maud struggling to take her shirt off, still suckling onto your tip.
  1438. >She's staring up at you and starting to bob her head very slowly, blinking the way she always does.
  1439. >Once she's done with her shirt you can notice she wasn't wearing a bra.
  1440. >you also notice she's not as "big" as your mother when it comes to breasts, but she still has a very decent size.
  1441. "Ehm... Auntie? Why are you taking your shirt off if you're just going to... Ehm... Y'know, suck me off?"
  1442. >She slowly pulls back and gives your cock a few little licks that do not fail at making you shiver.
  1443. >"Pinkie told me she gave you a titfuck, once... You seemed to really like it so I thought I'd love to feel your rock-hard cock between my breasts, too..."
  1444. >You don't even try to find something to reply.
  1445. >And you can feel her move up and rest her breasts onto your lap before pressing them around your member.
  1446. >You keep playing and, somehow, you manage do get some decent plays even with this very strong feeling coming from down there.
  1447. >It's not as soft as your mother's.
  1448. >But it's really good still, in a different way.
  1449. >Pinkie's breasts are really bigger and softer.
  1450. >But your aunt Maud seems to somehow know how to knead them on your cock better, which is what she does.
  1451. >She grins them along your length and, when your tip shows between her boobs, she gives it either a loving kiss or a teasing lick.
  1452. >You feel a little orb of pre leaking from your "head."
  1453. >You feel her collect it on her tongue and as you look down, you see her smile.
  1454. >You never saw your Aunt Maud smile.
  1455. >"You taste sweet, Anonymous... I really like your precum..."
  1456. >Even your mother never said that to you.
  1457. >But before you can reply, you see her start to bounce her breasts, taking the extremity of your cock in her maw and suckling on it.
  1458. >It's obvious she wants more.
  1462. >You relax onto your chair.
  1463. >A few months back, if you were told you'd get a titfuck while playing a game, you wouldn't have believed it.
  1464. >If you were told it'd be by your aunt, you would have believed it even less.
  1465. >However, if someone told you you'd get a titfuck -after- you first started fucking your mother, you would have believed them.
  1466. >You'd still not believe if they told you it'd be from your aunt Maud, though.
  1467. >And yet, here you are. You gave up on your game, you're simply relaxing here and enjoying the treat while drinking your cola.
  1468. >You look down at Maud and she stares up at you, never breaking eye-contact.
  1469. >She keeps blinking very slowly at times, but she never looks away.
  1470. >Somehow, her very jaded attitude turns you on even more, especially when she keeps it while sucking you off.
  1471. >You find yourself starting to give little thrusts between her tits.
  1472. >She notices and starts to go a little faster, taking more of your cock in her maw by pressing her tits a bit more against your crotch.
  1473. >You take another sip and put your bottle down on your desk, reaching under it and resting a hand onto her head.
  1474. >This only seems to motivate her as she works even better on your cock.
  1475. >You notice her nipples are perking, and gently move your other hand down to gently brush your thumb on them.
  1476. >It's delightful.
  1477. >"Oooh, is my Nonny enjoying himself~?"
  1478. >You blink and look back, seeing your mother standing right behind you.
  1479. >She steps up and forces you to have your head leaned back to be able to look at her as her face hoovers over yours.
  1480. "Y-Yeah, it's... Pretty good..."
  1481. >She smiles when she hears you pant slightly and leans down, kissing you deeply.
  1482. >Now you know why they all want to bang sisters together in porn.
  1483. >You kiss your mother back and moans into her lips, as she plays her tongue along yours.
  1484. >Your aunt Maud lets out a soft moan of lust before deepthroating you.
  1485. >And for a few seconds that feel like hours, this very "position" remains your only reality.
  1489. >It's delightful.
  1490. >Maud's throat muscles are gently clenching around your cock as she does her best to swallow.
  1491. >Pinkie's lips are gently pressed against yours, her tongue softly dances into your mouth.
  1492. >You start to give little thrusts into your aunt's maw and throat, without even really noticing.
  1493. >It makes wet sounds come from her.
  1494. >Pinkie softly breaks the kiss and takes her top off, pressing her chest over your face.
  1495. >From the way you're positioned, you can lick the underside of her breasts, kissing that soft skin all along.
  1496. >It makes her giggle and moan faintly.
  1497. >If you look "up", which would actually be down, you can see her left hand buried into her panties.
  1498. >Obviously she's enjoying herself.
  1499. >She smells so good...
  1500. >Maud gently pulls her head back and catches her breath quietly, licking your cock before taking it back in.
  1501. >And this keeps going for quite a while.
  1502. >Too long for you to count.
  1503. >You've lost track of time.
  1504. >But after what feels like hours, you finally reach your limit and, letting out a deep moan and kissing your mother's breasts, you feed your aunt with your cum.
  1505. >It flows directly down her throat and she swallows up, not letting a single drop escape her thirst.
  1506. >You pant loudly and relax on your chair, as Pinkie moves back and gently kisses you again.
  1507. >"Nonny's such a big man~"
  1508. >Maud slowly comes out from your desk after licking your cock clean.
  1509. >She stands next to Pinkie and nods.
  1510. >"Your cum tastes pretty good, Anonymous... I'd like to get more sometime..."
  1511. >You let out a soft chuckle as you pull your boxers up, yet not getting out of your chair, just sitting there like a ragdoll.
  1512. "Anytime, auntie."
  1516. >Quite some time have passed.
  1517. >It's the end of the school year, to be exact.
  1518. >And in a few hours, you're going to assist the ceremony that will give out some random and completely arbitrary "rewards" to students who did some stuff.
  1519. >You figure out Brad Bradley will get the waifu-stealing reward. This guy stole kind of everyone's girlfriend over the year.
  1520. >But first you have to go through the whole last day of class.
  1521. >You don't really mind, because you know it's going to be mostly your teachers telling jokes.
  1522. >Maybe you'll watch a movie during the 2-hours long biology class.
  1523. >The only thing really bothering you is that you're gonna have to spend these hours with Peppy.
  1524. >Since your conversation about what she saw and when she tried to blackmail you, it's never been the same.
  1525. >Your friends don't seem to know what's going on.
  1526. >But they know that the two of you are pretty upset at each-other.
  1527. >At least she didn't tell anyone.
  1528. >For now.
  1529. >Maybe she's waiting for the school-year to be over so it won't create rumors in the school halls.
  1530. >That'd be very considerate from a blackmailing cunt.
  1531. >But you know you only need to cope with it for a bit.
  1532. >Soon enough you'll be sitting through the ceremony, in which families are invited.
  1533. >And then you'll just have to go home for two whole months.
  1534. >You'll have nothing to do but to stay there with your mother, or to hang out with Lyra.
  1535. >You'll play video games, maybe smoke a bit of Lyra's production and you just know there'll be the usual sex.
  1536. >There's nothing to say about it, except that you love your new life.
  1537. >The entire day, Peppy keeps her eyes on you.
  1538. >It's not really different from the usual.
  1539. >The day goes by calmly.
  1540. >And when it's 3pm, the bell rings.
  1541. >You go to the school's gymnasium, which has been set up for the ceremony.
  1542. >You sit among the students and spot your mother's Pink Puffy hair in the crowd of families.
  1543. >The microphone goes on and Celestia starts talking.
  1547. >The speech is kind of the same as last year.
  1548. >Celestia talks about how important it is to enjoy your school years, to make friends.
  1549. >Then she calls out the names of the graduating seniors of the year.
  1550. >You spot a few of them, whose name weren't called.
  1551. >Most of them don't seem to care.
  1552. >You know there are always students who won't mind staying in school another year.
  1553. >You also spot a girl who seems decimated that she didn't graduate and when the name-calling ends, she just bursts in tears on her friend's shoulder.
  1554. >At least, you know you're graduating to be a senior next year.
  1555. >Next year...
  1556. >Now you think of it, you're not even sure you wanna come back and have to deal with Peppy for another year of school.
  1557. >But nontheless, now comes the "funny" part.
  1558. >"And we will now announce the rewards for various students who did great in a range of categories!"
  1559. >You don't even bother to listen to it all, knowing it's exactly who you'd expect to win these things that are being called up on stage.
  1560. >But at some point, you get a surprise you never thought was possible.
  1561. >"And the price from the best grades improvement goes to Anonymous Pie."
  1562. >You don't really realize it at first, because she called your whole name.
  1563. >But then you get brought back to reality when you hear a very familiar voice scream out your name.
  1565. >You look up at the families and see your mother Pinkie, wearing a cheerleader uniform and bouncing with big fluffy balls in her hands.
  1569. >This is kind of embarassing.
  1570. >A lot of people, if not everyone, is looking at your mother.
  1571. >And now they're looking back at you as you ultimately get up and make your way to the stage.
  1572. >You have no idea how this is possible.
  1573. >But it's true that, in the past months, you've been getting much better grades.
  1574. >Being happy sort of made you more motivated to study, so you'd make your mother proud.
  1575. >And apparently it paid off.
  1576. >When you get on stage, everyone looks at you.
  1577. >Especially your mother.
  1578. >You also notice that Lyra is here, which is kind of nice.
  1579. >As you look among the students, you see most of your friends clapping at you.
  1580. >And then you see Peppy, not moving in the slightest and looking kind of furious.
  1581. >It comes back to you that she was hoping for a reward this year to possibly get access to a good college once she'd have completed her senior year.
  1582. >But sadly the Grades Improvement reward is the last one, which means there are no others.
  1583. >And when you both stare at each-other, you can't help but cracking a smirk.
  1584. >Serves her right for trying to push her bullshit on you.
  1585. >Celestia hands you the certificat and you nod at her as a "thank you".
  1586. >"This should let everyone here realize that even though you have a bad start, you can always improve and reach beyond your biggest hopes one day."
  1587. >She has no idea how true that is.
  1588. "Ehm... Thanks, Principle Celestia. I ehm... I honestly didn't think I'd get a reward, I didn't even believe I'd pass to Senior."
  1589. >This makes your friends, and Celestia, chuckle.
  1590. >You bow slightly and Celestia declares the ceremony over.
  1591. >You then head towards the exit and wait for your mother and neighbor here.
  1592. >But as you look over the flow of students leaving the place, Peppy isn't anywhere to be seen.
  1596. >"Nonnyyyyyy~!"
  1597. >You look back and see Pinkie just before she jumps on you and hugs your face against her chest.
  1598. >Lyra is standing right next to her and gently pats your shoulder.
  1599. >"Good job Anon', you really busted your ass, didn't you?"
  1600. >You slowly pull your head away from your mother's breasts since you're in public.
  1601. "Well... Not really. I didn't even notice I was doing better or studying more. I guess it's thanks yo you both."
  1602. >"Aaaaaw, Nonny~ Mommy's proud of you~!"
  1603. >"Yeah Anon', it means you could possibly go to a really good college, after next year!"
  1604. >You smile and stretch.
  1605. "I don't even wanna go to college. I'd rather get a job and help mom paying for the house and everything."
  1606. >It makes Pinkie grin and take your hand.
  1607. >"Well~! Right now, I think dinner is more of a priority~! Let's go home and I'll cook something really good~! Lyra, you're in, right~?"
  1608. >Lyra nods and follows up.
  1609. >"Sure, how could I refuse a meal cooked by you?"
  1610. >The three of you slowly make your way home and talk as you walk.
  1611. >It's warm and sunny.
  1612. >The school year is over.
  1613. >You're with two women you love.
  1614. >You even got a nice surprise AND got to ruin Peppy's day, both at the same time.
  1615. >Yup. Nothing could possibly make this day go bad.
  1619. >You all go home and you go upstairs to toss your stuff in your room.
  1620. >You also get changed into your swimming trunks.
  1621. >Come on, you built up a hot tub in the garden, might as well use it.
  1622. >When you come down, you can already hear some noise in the kitchen as Pinkie is starting to prepare dinner.
  1623. >Lyra is in the garden, sitting at the table and typing on her brand new laptop.
  1624. "Hey Lyra, what're you working on lately?"
  1625. >She looks back at you and smiles.
  1626. >"Well I've heard rumors of a portal leading to a world of magical talking horses, from some of my old classmates, including your mother."
  1627. >You blink and sigh, getting in the hot tub and relaxing.
  1628. "This sounds like something completely impossible."
  1629. >She looks at you and chuckles, getting back to typing.
  1630. >"So did having regular sex with your mother, your aunt and I. Well, when it comes to Maud it was just twice, but hey, it still sounded impossible."
  1631. >You open your mouth, but quickly give up.
  1632. >She's right.
  1633. "So you really think there's a portal leading to a world of magical talking horses?"
  1634. >Lyra nods.
  1635. >"Back when Pinkie and I were in highschool, in Canterlot High, a lot of things happened."
  1636. >And she proceeds to tell you about the events of Equestria Girls 1 & 2.
  1637. >If you never saw these, stop reading and go watch, because I'm not gonna resume everything here.
  1638. >But yeah, she proceeds to tell you.
  1639. >When she's done, you tilt your head.
  1640. "That sounds... Very hard to believe."
  1641. >"Are you saying Pinkie and I are liars?"
  1642. >You shake your head.
  1643. "Nah, I guess I'm just too realistic. I should open up my mind."
  1644. >Lyra grins.
  1645. >"That's why I smoke, kiddo."
  1646. >Speaking of that, you could enjoy a smoke right now.
  1647. >And you don't even need to say anything, because Lyra is already lighting up a blunt before stripping to a bikini and joining you in the tub with an ashtray.
  1648. >You simply wait for dinner there, enjoying the bath and sharing the joint with her.
  1652. >Dinner time comes quickly.
  1653. >Pinkie cooked everything you'd ever wish for in the same meal.
  1654. >You have fried chicken, a fresh salad with little bits of apple and melon to go with the summer heat, and for dessert, she has a surprise.
  1655. >You think about what the surprise dessert could be, but you quickly start eating.
  1656. >And Lyra as well.
  1657. >You're both pretty hungry from that pot.
  1658. >And that food really hits the spot.
  1659. >"So Nonny~! How did you manage to improve your grades like that~?"
  1660. >You blink, stopping in the middle of taking a huge bite off a chicken breast.
  1661. >You still take that bite and talk with your mouth full.
  1662. "I honestly don't know. I didn't notice I was studying more. Maybe it's because you kept my head clear from my problems mom."
  1663. >Pinkie giggles and leans in to kiss your cheek.
  1664. >"Lyra really helped, too, didn't she~?"
  1665. >Lyra fakes to be tipping a hat and smiles.
  1666. "Yeah, you really helped, too. Thanks Lyra."
  1667. >"Anytime, Anon'. It's like we're a family."
  1668. >You tilt your head and clear your throat.
  1669. "So, I was wondering... You two were basically dating, when you were younger, weren't you?"
  1670. >They both look at each other and they shrug at the same time.
  1671. >"Yeah we were. It was after highschool, we were both in college."
  1672. >Pinkie nods.
  1673. >"Of course we were kind of open and we'd let each-other have sex with boys, too~! We were each-other's only girl, though~"
  1674. >You tilt your head.
  1675. "So Lyra, d'you have any idea who my father was?"
  1676. >Lyra shakes her head.
  1677. >"It's best not to dig the past about that. Honestly, he wasn't a man you could count on."
  1678. >Pinkie wraps her arms around you and cuddles you against her, giggling.
  1679. >"But you are, my Nonny~! A very reliable man~!"
  1680. >Lyra nods.
  1681. >"It's true, you're nothing like him. It's a good thing."
  1682. >You smile and gently kiss your mother's cheek.
  1683. "Well, anything to make mom happy, she deserves it."

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables