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Rarity touches Anon's joystick

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-16 18:12:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >your big sister Rarity says she doesn't spend enough time with you
  2. >she watches you play some vidya for a while, wanting to understand why you spent so much time playing them
  3. >you don't mind, she seems genuinely interested instead of just scoffing and mocking it like most girls
  4. >you cut down another silver knight with your claymore
  5. >"So Anon, what is it you're supposed to be doing? Rescuing a princess?"
  6. "Do you want the long version or the short version?"
  7. >"The long version, dear. I want to understand how you get so enraptured with these things."
  8. >sighing, you exit out of the game and face towards your sister
  9. >taking a deep breath, you summon all the knowledge you've absorbed from playing the game and watching pretentious youtubers
  10. "So, a really long time ago..."
  11. >30 minutes later
  12. "...and that's why Gwyn is a total bitch whose afraid of the Dark."
  13. >your sister stares at the screen as you load back into the game
  14. "Make sense?"
  15. >"Um... a little. I suppose it IS terribly unkind of the of the gods to take advantage of the humans like that. But everything just seems so convoluted and vague."
  16. "That's kind of the charm, Rares. The game tells you that you're some super special hero, and you can play the whole game believing that. However, if you dig a little deeper and start asking questions, lines get blurred, black and white merge into grey."
  17. >Rarity stares at you with wide eyes, giving you her full attention
  18. "Just think back to the curse. Sure, sacrificing humanity keeps the fire going, but if the curse keeps spreading, what's the point?"
  19. >"I suppose you have a point. Anon, do you think I could play?"
  20. >stifling a laugh, you turn towards your sister with a shit eating grin
  21. "Uh, I don't think you can handle this Rares. Maybe you'd better just stick to watching."
  22. >she crosses her arms turns her nose up at you
  23. >"Anon, please. I beat you all the time on when we play board games, I think I can handle this."
  24. "Rarity, you can barely function when we play Mario Party. Board games and video games are completely different."
  25. >"Oh, come now, Anon. Here I am trying to better understand my little brothers hobby. What's the harm in letting me try?"
  26. "Oh, fine. I need to shower and get a bite to eat anyway. Here."
  27. >you back out to the title screen and toss the controller in her lap
  28. "Have fun. Turn the GameSphere off when you're done."
  29. >you grab a clean pair of shorts and head for the shower
  31. >sometime later
  32. >you step back into your room, egg and bacon sandwich in hand
  33. >aww yeah, best way to start your day
  34. >you take a bite and savor the flavor before turning your attention towards the TV
  35. >just in time to see a giant crow dropping a hollow with long, purple hair off at Firelink Shrine
  36. >you take a seat on the end of your bed, just behind her
  37. "Huh. I'm surprised you made it out of the asylum. How'd it go?"
  38. >rarity sits down at the bonfire and turns to you
  39. >"Oh, it wasn't that hard Anon. I just did what the messages on the ground told me to. I even beat that big, scary demon on my first try!"
  40. >what
  41. >sure, that fatty's a pushover, but still
  42. >any other time Rarity had a controller in her hands, you practically had to remind her to breathe
  43. >there is no reason she should be even remotely decent at this
  44. "R-really? First try? Well, uh... j-just wait, it gets a whole lot harder later on. I doubt you'll make it too far."
  45. >"Oh, puh-lease, Anon."
  46. >she stands and leans towards you, pinching your cheek
  47. >her shirt is just loose enough for you catch a glimpse at her breasts
  48. >wow, her ivory mounds are a lot bigger than you thou-
  49. >whoa, down boy, that's your sister you're checking out
  50. >"Ahem~"
  51. >oh shit
  52. >looking up, you're met with a glare
  53. >she pinches your cheek again, and slap her hand away before returning that glare
  54. >"As I was saying..." Rarity pops her hip out and crosses her arms, a telltale sign of her annoyance "I'd wager I can beat this game easily."
  55. >you stand up and stare into her eyes with a smirk
  56. "Oh yeah? I'll take that bet. Loser becomes the winner's personal slave for a month?"
  57. >"Ha! Absolutely! You are going to have a very long summer, little brother."
  58. "Yeah, you won't be saying that when you're doing yard work when its one hundred degrees outside. Let's lay down some ground rules for this. No looking up guides or anything like that on the internet, no asking Twilight or anyone else for help, and no summoning others for help."
  59. >"We just made this deal, and you're already changing it? This hardly seems fair."
  60. "If you want to show me up at my own game, you're gonna follow my rules. I'll throw you a bone, and hold your hand until you get to the gargoyles. After that, it's all on you."
  61. >"Hmm... I suppose that's fair. Lets get started then, shall we?"
  62. >she sits back down with the controller, and opens up the level up screen
  63. >looks like she started as a Wanderer
  64. >you start explaining the stats to her, what she should and shouldn't invest in, not to put too many points in strength or dexterity until she knows what weapon she wants to use
  65. >you're tempted to tell her to dump all of her points into resistance, but you're not that much of a dick
  66. >steering her towards Undead burg, you sit back and resist the urge to look down her shirt again
  67. >you fail
  68. >you zone out staring down into your sisters soft pillows
  69. >What do they feel like? What do they taste like? Oh man, you bet her nipp-
  70. >your gaze intensifies and your little man stiffens as she starts bouncing on her rear in excitement, her breasts jiggling along with her
  71. >"...non! Anon, what is THAT?!"
  72. >finally looking up from your sisters chest, you see that shes staring at the first Black Knight
  73. "That's a Black Knight, Rares. Careful, or he'll totally slap your shit."
  74. >She gulps and looks up at you "Sooo... he isn't friendly?" She gives you an awkward smile
  75. >you just give one of those looks that says 'what the fuck do you think?'
  76. >"I, uh... I think I'll come back for him later."
  77. "Alright, but you're missing out on that AWESOME RING he's guar-"
  78. >Rarity gasps "A RING?! is it pretty?"
  79. "It's beautiful, Rares." You say as unenthusiastically as possible.
  80. >"I MUST have it!"
  81. >Well, this ought to be entertaining
  82. >she runs right up to him and smacks his back with her scimitar
  83. >it does jack shit to him
  84. >he responds by slapping Rarity in the face, taking almost half her health
  85. >she blocks his next two swings with her shitty buckler, but the damage still seeps through
  86. >with around 35% of her health left, she tries to back off and take a sip of her estus
  87. >just as she begins the animation, the black knight comes at her with his running stab attack
  88. >YOU DIED
  89. >"What?! That's not fair, he's so fast and strong!"
  90. "Told you, Rares. Just give it another try."
  92. >you been watching Rarity get her ass slapped all around the burg for a while now
  93. >as much as you're enjoying thinking about laying hands on you're sister ass, you are bored as fuck
  94. "Uh, Rarity? Why don't you just come back later, when you're stronger? The ring will still be here later."
  95. >"Oh, fine. I'm tired of dealing with this BRUTE anyways."
  96. >she gives the black knight a pouty face before continuing onward, entering a tower and climbing the stairs
  97. >She exits the tower onto a ruined rampart
  98. >halfway across, she stops as a hulking demon leaps from the top of the tower on the opposite side of the rampart, landing directly in her path
  99. >with a roar, his health bar appears and the boss music starts
  100. >"What?"
  101. >a seemingly random crossbow bolt plants itself in the back of Rarity's skull
  102. >"WHAT?!"
  104. >good thing your parents are visiting family in Baltimare, your mom would bite your head off for that
  105. >"Anon, please!"
  106. >Rarity makes a tactical retreat, the demon in hot pursuit
  107. >she spots a ladder leading up the tower and books it
  108. >she pulls herself off the ladder as the demon narrowly misses with his jumping attack, refocusing on the two crossbowmen that ambushed her earlier
  109. >once they're dead, she walks over to the towers ledge and glance down at the angry looking demon
  110. >"A-anon? What should I do?"
  111. >your big sister looks up at you, pleading with her puppy eyes
  112. >Don't worry Rares, I got your back
  113. "Try hitting him with your sword."
  114. >Nailed it
  115. >"Anon, can you be serious for just one mo-"
  116. >just as the demon leaps up onto the tower, your phone rings
  117. >it's ya boi Button
  118. "Hey, whats up?"
  119. >"Dude, you still coming? Everyone else is already here, and you know how Moondancer and Trixie get when someone doesn't show for DnD."
  120. "Oh, uh... Yeah man, must've slipped my mind. I'll be right over."
  121. >"Alright, hurry."
  122. *click*
  123. "Sorry, Rarity. Gotta bail on you. Prior engagement and all that." you say, quickly throwing on a shirt, some sock, and finally your shoes
  124. >"But I-"
  125. "Can't wait to see how far you got without me. I believe in you!"
  126. >"Anon, you said yo-"
  127. >swiping your character sheets from your desk, you move for the door
  128. "I'm staying the night at Button's, so remember to lock up when Sweetie gets home. See you tomorrow!"
  129. >She'll probably hate you for bailing on her like that
  130. >Oh well
  131. >It's not like you're going back on your word or anything
  132. >If she tries to pull that on you later, you'll just point out that she could have just texted you
  133. >you step out the front door, light from the setting sun nearly blinding you
  134. >You need to get your head on the game that matters, man
  135. >stepping of towards Buttons, you mutter to yourself
  136. "Swear to Christ, if that cunt Trixie almost blows up my fighter again..."
  138. "Fucking necromancers..."
  139. >your fighter died last night
  140. >he'd been with you for years, it wasn't fair for him to go down like that
  141. >you step through the gate in front of your house, unlock and open the front door
  142. >At least I'm home
  143. >Sweetie's on the couch in here nightgown, watching some saturday morning cartoons
  144. >"Morning Anon!"
  145. >the sun is barely up and she's as awake and chipper as ever
  146. "Morning, Sweetie." you reply as dejectedly as possible, heading into the kitchen
  147. >"What's wrong?" she asks, picking up on your mood and following you into the kitchen
  148. >you come your dad's booze cabinet, grab a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses
  149. "A good friend of mine died last night, Sweetie."
  150. >Sweetie doesn't say anything as you fill the two shot glasses
  151. >tiny arms wrap around your waist from behind you
  152. >"I'm sorry, Anon. Are you ok?"
  153. >you turn around and kneel down to return her hug
  154. "I'll be fine, Sweetie. Just give me a bit."
  155. >"Okay... What are you doing with dad's drinks? You know we're not supposed to drink those."
  156. "Pouring one out for my homie, Sweetie." You stand up and turn back towards that glasses
  157. >"What?"
  158. "Go watch your cartoons, Sweetie."
  159. >she lingers in silence for a few seconds before walking away
  160. >you grab a shot in both hands and hold them out in front of you
  161. "You were a better man than I'll ever be."
  162. >you quickly down one shot and pour the other into the sink
  163. >it burns
  164. "RIP in peace, Throgmarius."
  165. >you place the glasses into the sink and put the vodka back in the cabinet before heading upstairs to your room
  166. >getting back into bed sounds awfully good right about now
  167. >as you open the door to your room, your ears pick up the sound of snoring
  168. >the room is dark, but the faint glow of the still on television is enough the illuminate things for you
  169. >Rarity is curled up in your queen-sized bed, cuddling with one of your pillows and drooling
  170. >D'aww
  171. >guess she stayed up late playing, and decided to just crawl into my bed when she was done
  172. >it cant help but bring a smile to your face
  173. >you pull out your phone and record about 20 seconds of her snoring and drooling
  174. >you know, for perfectly legit reasons
  175. >certainly not black mail
  176. >you plug your phone into its charger and strip down to your boxers
  177. >gently, you tug the pillow out of her arms and put it next to hers
  178. >almost immediately, her arms begin looking for something to latch onto
  179. >she whimpers when she doesn't find anything
  180. >climbing into bed, the second your back touches the mattress, her arms are around you, pulling you closer to her
  181. >you just let her do her thing
  182. >Rarity has always been like this
  183. >she had some bad nightmares as a kid, and your parents had let her sleep with them almost every night
  184. >now she can barely sleep at all without a big stuffed animal or something to hold
  185. >kind of a cute quirk, but kind of sad too
  186. >she gently rubs her cheek against yours
  187. >you decide to wrap your arms around her and return her affection
  188. >"Mmmm..."
  189. >she seems happy
  190. >you feel bad for bailing on her, she just wanted to spend time with you
  191. >if you had stayed, Throgmarius Boulder-Balls would still be alive too
  192. >as you drift off to sleep, you decide you'll make it up to her
  194. >you open your eyes, but you can't see anything
  195. >something is covering your face, and you feel preassure from your torso down to your thighs
  196. >it's dragging itself up and down across your body
  197. >whatever it is, it's quite soft, and smells of vanilla
  198. >you reach out with your right hand, trying to feel out what this thing is
  199. >righty fumbles around towards your thighs for a bit before landing on something soft and smooth with an audible smack
  200. >"Ah!~"
  201. >the rubbing becomes more intense, and more focused towards your groin
  202. >it is at this point that you become aware of your throbbing morning wood
  203. >because something wet is vigorously rubbing against it
  204. >the gears in your brain slowly start turning
  205. >...
  206. >oh
  207. >ooooohhh
  208. "Uh, Rarity?"
  209. >no response
  210. "Rarity?"
  211. >rubbing intensifies
  212. >there's a preassure building in your loins
  213. >shit, you can't handle this much longer
  214. >being the degenerate you are, you actually want this
  215. >rarity is one of the hottest girls and school, and you can't even try because she's your sister
  216. >you want nothing more than to roll her over and paint her insides just as white as her outside
  217. >but this just feels wrong
  218. >she's your sister, you can't take advantage of her, not like this
  219. >if she found out, she'd never forgive you
  220. >your find her shoulders and gently lift her off of you
  221. >you face had been firmly entrenched in her sizable breasts
  222. >one of her nipples is threatening to slip out of her nightgown
  223. >sliding out from underneath her and gently lowering her down, you grab some sweat pants and make for the shower
  224. >just as you make it to your door, Rarity lets out a whimper
  225. >you turn around to see her eyes clenched shut, her mouth in an anguished frown
  226. >she's shivering
  227. >despite the fact that she was trying to make you cream in your boxers a second ago, you can't help but feel a pain in your heart seeing her like this
  228. >she's like this because you left her
  229. >you grab your pillow and gentle nudge her with it
  230. >she grabs it right away, clutching it tight
  231. >you lean down and push her long, luxurious hair away from her face
  232. >her frown has been replaced with a small smile
  233. >softly, you plant your lips on her forehead and whisper to her
  234. "I love you."
  235. >her smile triples in size
  236. >That's better
  237. >you watch her snooze as you back out and quietly shut the door
  239. >darkness
  240. >you don't want to open your eyes
  241. >ugh
  242. >the pillow must have slipped out of your hands again
  243. >why are you cold?
  244. >something nudges your arm, and instinctively you grab it
  245. >it's the pillow
  246. >it smells like him
  247. >you cradle it, just like you did to him when you were younger
  248. >a hand brushes the hair from your face
  249. >soft lips are planted on your forehead
  250. >"I love you."
  251. >a door closes
  252. >stifling tears, you open your eyes to an empty room
  253. >you curl up, attempting to squeeze the pillow as close to you as you can
  254. "I love you too."
  256. >after your shower, you find that Rarity is awake, eager and ready to continue her adventure
  257. >hell, the second you walked back into your room, she yanked you over to the TV
  258. >Rarity had managed to get past the Taurus demon without your help, although it took her a few hours
  259. >she was proud of it, and you were proud of her
  260. >you were pretty suprised she hadn't gotten frustrated and quit
  261. >you guided her across the Hellkite bridge and into the Undead Parish
  262. >you opt not to tell her about the drake sword, that shit's for scrubs
  263. >after getting rekt by the armored boar and parried by a few baldur knights, you point her to the nearby bonfire and blacksmith
  264. >and then you spend about 10 minutes trying to explain this games cryptic-as-fuck upgrade system as she browses the smith's wares
  266. " for now, the best you can get is a +5. To get any higher, you'll need to find an ember and bring it back to this dude."
  267. >"What about those 'boss weapons' you mentioned?"
  268. "Eh. From what I've seen, they're mostly gimmicky, mediocre, and require a lot of investment. We're gonna ignore those for your first playthrough."
  269. >"Oh. Are they truly that bad?"
  270. "Well, by the time you can get your hands on one, I won't be able to tell you if it'll be worth the resources or effort. Besides, in my opinion, most of the best weapons drop off of normal enemies or have static locations."
  271. >"I see. Well, where should I head now?"
  272. "You got a few options, but only two of them are really good. Below you is Darkroot Garden. There's some good stuff there for you, but it might be a little more rough than what you've been going through."
  273. >"I see. What about the other option?"
  274. "You head back to the parish and fight the gargoyles."
  275. >"A-another boss so soon? Am I even ready?" She looks to you, her eyes wide
  276. >She looks stressed, maybe even a little scared
  277. >you wrap your left arm around her and pull her towards you
  278. "Listen here, my young padawan." You grab the end of your bed sheets and drape them over your head, forming an makeshift Jedi robe hood. "From the moment you started this adventure, you were ready for almost every challenge this land could offer. All you need is to win is the serenity to accept defeat, and the willpower to pick yourself up and try again."
  279. >a weak smile forms on her face
  280. >"You really believe in me, don't you?"
  281. >you decide to drop the Jedi Master act
  282. "Rarity, if a blind man can beat this game with a Guitar Hero controller, I'm pretty sure my big sister can. It's not that I don't think you can't actually beat the game, I know you can. I'm banking on you getting stuck, lost, or frustrated, and then quiting."
  283. >her soft smile turns into a smirk
  284. >"I'm going to make you eat those words, little brother. I'm not planning on giving up any time soon."
  285. >her arms wrap around your torso, returning your embrace
  286. >"That said, I do appreciate your faith in me, Anon. You're a good brother."
  287. >hearing her say that makes you smile
  288. >her arms tighten around you, and you do the same to her
  289. >letting out a quiet sigh, she whispers into your ear
  290. >"I heard what you said this morning. I haven't heard you say that since we got different rooms. It was nice hearing it again. It reminded me of when we used to tell each other goodnight."
  291. >Shit, you woke her up when you got out of bed
  292. >Wonder if she remembers humping you in her sleep
  293. >fingertips lightly rub up and down your back
  294. >"Do you think you could start saying it again? I had forgotten how good it feels to hear it."
  295. >a pang of guilt hits you in the heart
  296. >Why did you stop? You're a shitty brother
  297. "Yeah. I don't think I should have should have ever stopped. I'm sorry."
  298. >"It's quite alright, Anon. Can I ask you to do one more thing for me?"
  299. "Sure, what is it Rares?"
  300. >"Can you hold me? You know, how I like when I sleep?"
  301. >the size of your smile doubles
  302. "Of course."
  303. >you both break the embrace, and you spread your legs as she scoots back and leans into your chest
  304. >you wrap you arms around her thin stomach and rest your chin on her shoulder
  305. >she grips your crossed arm in her right hand
  306. "I love you."
  308. >feeling confident and safe in your grasp, Rarity makes her way back up to the parish
  309. >as she kills the three hollow soldiers outside the church, you notice something
  310. >the path down back to the smith is covered by a fog door
  311. >oh no
  312. "Hey, uh Rares. I think you're getting invaded."
  313. >"What? Invaded?"
  314. "Yeah. So, a another player is about to show up and try to kill you, and since this is a very popular grief spot, there's probably no chance you're going to win."
  315. >"What should I do?"
  316. "Just let him do what he wants to do and he'll leave."
  317. >Invaded by dark spirit Xx69SWAGMAZTER69xX
  318. >A red, naked bald man runs out of the church and towards Rarity
  319. >He's dual-wielding bows, and it looks like he keeps reaching into some non existent back pockets or something
  320. >What the fuck is this guy doing?
  321. >he runs up to Rarity, inches away from her face, continually reaching into his ghost pockets
  322. >this goes on for about thirty seconds before Rarity breaks the silence
  323. "Um...Darling? What is he doing?" she looks to you for answers
  324. >she doesn't find them
  325. "I, uh... I've never seen anyone do this before. Maybe just try to ignore him?"
  326. "O-oh. Okay then."
  327. >she steps inside the church, but stops when she sees who is waiting for her inside
  328. >a giant of a man, clad head to toe in heavy steel armor
  329. >in one arm is a colossal great shield, and the other a great mace
  330. >"Oh, my. He's quite the large fellow, isn't he?"
  331. "No, you're not saying it right."
  332. >"Saying what right?"
  333. "Never mind."
  334. >your red friend runs up to the Big Guy and does the dance of his people
  335. "Welp, get to work killing this dude. I'd recommend grabbing his attention and running outside into that small courtyard."
  336. >you poke your index fingers into her soft sides, spurring her on
  337. >she cries out in surprise "Ah! Anon, don't do that!" she fumbles the controller
  338. >causing her to step into the Big Guy's line of sight
  339. "Better run, he can see you now."
  340. >you poke her again, and she squirms and pushes her body into yours in response
  341. >"S-s-stop! You are so lucky I can't pause!"
  342. >she runs out of the church to square off with Big guy
  343. >dancer bro follows behind
  344. >Big Guy comes at Rarity with a heavy overhead swing, which she narrowly dodges
  345. >she comes out of the roll behind him and lands a few blows on his back
  346. >he catches her off guard by backhanding her with his giant shield
  347. >she backs off to take a sip of her orange juice before jumping back into the fight
  348. >she cleanly rolls under Big Guy's incoming horizontal swing and lands behind him, unleashing a flurry of blows with her scimitar
  349. >but she gets greedy, and catches a mace in the face while trying to get another quick hit in
  350. >she backs off to take another drink
  351. "Alright Rares, you almost got him. Don't get greedy. Just one or two more hits."
  352. >Big guy decides now is a good time to heal, and pulls out his OJ and tries to take a big gulp
  353. "Oh, he's healing! GO!"
  354. >she takes a few steps before being teleported back to her original position
  355. >a sword thrusts out from her chest and her health bar drains
  356. >kicked off of the blade, she falls to the ground
  357. >Why, dancer bro?
  358. >YOU DIED
  360. >Huh. Probably should have seen that coming.
  361. >Rarity doesn't show any reaction, as if she's still processing what happened
  362. >five seconds
  363. >ten seconds
  364. "Uh. Hey Rarity? You still in there?"
  365. >you give her stomach a squeeze
  366. >nothing
  367. >you lean around her to look at her in the face
  368. >Holy shit, she looks like the sun from Super Mario Bros. 3
  369. >you snap your finger in her face
  370. >in a second, her expression changes from one of endless rage to one of slight confusion
  371. >"Huh? What happened?"
  372. "You got back stabbed by the invader, and then you just spaced out for a bit. Are you okay?"
  373. >she rubs her hand on her forehead
  374. >"Ooh... I've just gotten the worst headache.I think that's enough for today."
  375. "Oh, I see. Giving up already?"
  376. >you jab her sides with your fingers again and she stiffens up
  377. >"Anon! If you do that one more time, I'm going to make you regret it."
  378. >poke
  379. >"Argh! THAT'S IT!"
  380. >she tries to throw an elbow back into you, but you're so close you only catch a little bit of her upper arm
  381. >when she realizes that she's powerless in your arms, she struggles to break free
  382. >but it's no use
  383. "Just say it, Rarara~. Just say 'I give up', and this doesn't have to happen."
  384. >"No! You wouldn't dare, let me go!"
  385. >Rarity caught firmly in your grasp, you scoot both of you away from the TV and into the center of the room to prepare for the oncoming battle
  386. >battle? more like slaughter
  387. "Last chance, Rarity. I know all your weak spots, and I'm not afraid to use them."
  388. >"You... you RUFFIAN! This isn't fair, LET ME GO!"
  389. >she's flailing her arms and legs around, trying to loosen your grip, but it only makes things easier
  390. >you slip your right hand across her chest, brushing against her soft breasts, and entrench it under her left arm
  391. >initiate the tickles
  392. >"AH! A-anon,sto-stop! Ahahaha, stop it, stop it, S-STOP IT!"
  393. "Never!"
  394. >you managed to slip your left hand under her right arm, doubling the tickles
  395. >"Ehehehehahahahaha, p-p-please, Anon, plea-he-hese!" She sounds like she's practically in tears
  396. >you let her go, and she desperately attempts to crawl away, but you catch her by the ankle and begin a new assault on the underside of her knee
  397. >she rolls over and sits in an attempt to stop you from hitting another tickle spot, but you just grab her other ankle and pull her back towards you
  398. >you straddle her, locking her legs in place with your knees
  399. >she throws a few limp-wristed girly punches at you, but you find both of her wrists and pin her arms down above her head
  400. >and then you gaze down at your trapped prey
  401. >her chest is heaving, her breasts demanding attention
  402. >your member stiffens
  403. >glancing up, your eyes meet her deep, blue pools
  404. >you lose yourself in those eyes
  405. >you don't notice yourself drawing closer to her face
  406. >"A-anon?"
  407. >you dive in, and her soft lips meet yours
  408. >"Mmph? Mmmm~..."
  413. >Oh, man, she's going to fucking kill you!
  414. >Like that time she threw a kid down the stairs at school cause she thought he grabbed her ass.
  415. >Calm, down everything is going to be just fine.
  416. >Just make a joke or something, she'll think this was a prank.
  417. >Just a prank, bro!
  418. >A prank that's been going on for about thirty seconds.
  419. >This needs to stop.
  420. >You break your lips away from hers, and her glistening eyes flutter open. She's blushing.
  421. "T-that was way better than k-k-kissing my hand."
  422. >FUCK
  423. >"Anon, could you release my hands? You're starting to hurt me."
  424. >You practically jump off her.
  425. >Time to make an escape!
  426. "Uhh, well, it was nice spending time with you, Rarity, but I gotta go now. If you need me, I'llbefloatingfacedowninthepoolokaybye!"
  427. >You make a break for the door, but Rarity catches your wrist and almost yanks your arm out of it's socket.
  428. >"Anon, if you run out on me again, I will never forgive you!"
  429. >She digs her fingernails into your wrists to emphasize her seriousness. She must be pissed, she's never gotten physical with you.
  430. "Rarity, I'm so sorry, please do-"
  431. >"Shut up and sit down. We're going to have a little chat."
  432. >She shoves you, and you topple down onto your bed. She doesn't bother to take a seat.
  433. >You rub the punctured skin on your wrist in an attempt to soothe the pain.
  434. >"Do you have ANY idea how INAPPROPRIATE what you just did is!?"
  435. "I'm sorry, Rarity, I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking, please don't hate me! I'll do anything!"
  436. >You hang your head in shame.
  437. >"The bet is off, and you'll take care of me until I'm ready to accept your apology!"
  438. >That seems fair. At least she isn't threatening to tell your parents.
  439. >"I mean, honestly Anon. Strong arming someone, let alone a lady, to get what you want? I thought you were raised better than that!"
  440. >Wait, what?
  441. "Wait, that's what you're mad about?"
  442. >"What else would I be angry about?"
  443. "Uhh... The whole kissing thing?"
  444. >"O-oh, that. Right, of course."
  445. >In a second, her whole body language changes. Her legs snap together, the scowl on her face fades and is replaced with a light blush, and she wraps her arms around herself.
  446. >"I'm not mad, Anonymous. I understand, things happen in the heat of the moment. I won't tell."
  447. >The weight of the world is brushed of your shoulders.
  448. "Thank you for being so understanding, Rarity. I guess I'm just a little backed up with hormones or something."
  449. >She meets your eyes as you raise your head.
  450. >"Still no luck with girls?"
  451. >You shake your head.
  452. >"What about Moondancer? Or Trixie?"
  453. "Moondancer only really hangs out with us on our game nights, and Trixie is...well, Trixie. When I asked her, she just started laughing."
  454. >Rarity sits down next to you and pulls you into a shoulder hug.
  455. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I know what it's like. I haven't had any luck either."
  456. >She's just trying to make you feel better.
  457. "Very funny, Rarity."
  458. >"You don't believe me?"
  459. "Rarity, every single guy in school knows you. Every day, I see you surrounded by guys trying to get your attention in the halls. Guys that would willingly break their own back bending over backward for you. So, yeah, I don't believe you. Do you know what it's like watching my beautiful, successful, popular big sister walk around like that, while I'm lucky if a girl even looks at me?"
  460. >She turns to you with pain in her eyes.
  461. >"Oh, I see... You think I'm just some common hussy, don't you? That I'm just some easy slut?!"
  463. "What?! NO! I just meant that you've got the pick of the litter."
  464. >"Oh... Hehe, sorry. I suppose you're right, though. Not that there's anyone worth the time."
  465. "Really? No one?"
  466. >"I know I may flirt and bat my eyes at guys a lot, but they mean nothing to me. I just use them to get something I want, and they do what I ask them to because they think they might get what they want."
  467. "I thought that's what you wanted? To be taken care of and spoiled by someone."
  468. >"It is. But all any of those boys care about is getting me out of my clothes, and I know this because they all treat me exactly the same. They don't care about me, they just follow me around like a sad dog begging for a treat."
  469. >You lean against her shoulder.
  470. "I never thought about it like that. Sounds pretty terrible."
  471. >"It is. It makes me feel... empty inside sometimes."
  472. >Poor thing. That's gotta be terrible.
  473. "There's gotta be someone at school that cares about the real you."
  474. >"Unfortunately, it appears to be just my friends and yo..."
  475. >Rarity body stiffens.
  476. >"Um, Anon? Can I ask you something a little strange?"
  477. "Sure, I guess. What's up?"
  478. >"Before I ask, I just want to emphasize two things. One, I will not judge you for how you answer, I promise. Two, I want the absolute truth from you. Can you do that for me?"
  479. >Oh shit, this sounds serious.
  480. "Sure thing, Rarity. What is it?"
  481. >"I need you to promise me, Anonymous. Please."
  482. "Yeah, sure, I promise."
  483. >She stands from the bed and steps in front of you. She clutches an arm up to her chest.
  484. >She looks meek, scared even. She does a pretty good imitation of her shy friend.
  485. >Rarity takes a deep breath before looking you in the eyes.
  486. >"Did you enjoy the kiss?"
  487. >She knows.
  488. >This is a trap.
  489. >This is a loaded question, she's got some elaborate trick set up.
  490. >But she promised. Rarity doesn't break promises or lie.
  491. >Except for when she sometimes does.
  492. "Rarity, I don't know if I'm okay with answering this question."
  493. >"I understand Anon, and I assure you, I am certainly not comfortable asking it. But please, just tell me. I promise that nothing will change for the worse."
  494. >You believe her. Rarity has a few tells when she lies, namely that she's terrible at it, and you don't see any signs of ill intent.
  495. >In fact, the longer you look at her, you get the impression she's more scared of the answer than you are.
  496. "Okay Rarity. Yeah, I liked the kiss. Honestly, that was the best kiss I've ever had."
  497. >Her breathing picked up, and a blush crept onto her face once again.
  498. >She broke eye contact and turn away from you.
  499. "What about you?"
  500. >She doesn't answer.
  501. "Rarity, please, I know what I did was wrong. Please don't push me away."
  502. >You stand as she turns back to you.
  503. >"I'm not pushing you away, Anon, and I'm not mad. I promised, didn't I?"
  504. "And the kiss?"
  505. >She hesitated for just a second before answering.
  506. >Her eyes met yours once again, with the most sincere smile you've ever seen.
  507. >"I loved it."
  509. "R-really?"
  510. >"It was quite passionate. Have you had much practice?"
  511. "Just, uh... Just once or twice. At a a dance a few years ago with the weird German exchange student."
  512. >"Well, you were quite good. I'm glad it happened."
  513. >Rarity steps back towards you and leans in close.
  514. >"In fact, I wouldn't mind if it happened again..."
  515. >She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you toward her. She rests her forehead against your, staring dreamily into your eyes.
  516. >"That is, if that's what you want. Would you like that?"
  517. >You open your mouth, but no words come out. Instead, you just gently nod your head.
  518. >Holy shit, your heart is going to explode if this keeps up.
  519. >Rarity just smiles and giggles at your reaction, pushing her lips against yours and closing her eyes.
  520. >And just like that, all the stress and tension from the situation melts away.
  521. >You return your sisters embrace, pushing your body against hers.
  522. >She pushes back, and after briefly stumbling around the room together, you collapse with her on top of you on your bed.
  523. >You break the kiss just momentarily to re-situate yourself before pulling Rarity back on top of you and eagerly giving her your love.
  524. >"Hmm~." She lets out a moan as you rest one hand on the nape of her neck, massaging up and down her back with the other.
  525. >You let it slip a little lower each time, Anon Jr. stiffening as you reach softer flesh.
  526. >A hand grabs your wrist and guides it back to the back to her hip as her lips pull away.
  527. >"Anon, darling, I know your eager, but we should take this slowly." She said sternly.
  528. "Slowly. Yeah, sure. Sorry."
  529. >She pushes herself off your chest, straddling your thighs.
  530. >"Please stop apologizing, Anonymous. It's fine, I know you're just excited." Her gaze drifts down to your groin. "In fact, I can see how excited you are."
  532. >Yup, there's your little guy. Well, he's not that little.
  533. >Y-you're a grower, not a show-er, honest! Stop laughing!
  534. >You nervously chuckle, hoping she'll look away from your wood.
  535. "Ehehe, uh, yeah, sorr-... Uh, yeah. Like I said, hormones and all that."
  536. >Your face is burning up.
  537. "So, is this a thing that we're gonna do now? Not just a one time thing?"
  538. >Her gaze snaps back to your eyes, a gentle smile forming on her face. She grabs your hands and gives you a tug, prompting you to sit up.
  539. >As you do so, she snakes her arms under your and pulls you into a hug. Your face is resting just above her breasts.
  540. >"It's about time someone gave you the love you deserve, Anonymous."
  541. >You lean up and give her a quick kiss on her lips.
  542. "I could say the same about you."
  544. >It's been a few days since you and Rarity first kissed.
  545. >It's not that bad being her 'slave'.
  546. >She still does some of her chores, she mostly leaves the more physical tasks to you.
  547. >Like lugging everyone's dirty clothes down the stairs.
  548. >You resist the urge to dig through Rarity's laundry, you got a good thing going and you're not about to fuck this up.
  549. >Aside from that, she asks for a massage or a foot rub once or so a day.
  550. >You were more than happy to oblige her, just happy with being able to feel her silky soft skin again.
  551. >She rewards your hard work and dedication with the love you crave. You can't remember the last time you've been this happy.
  552. >Even though you agreed to break off the bet with Rarity, she wanted to keep playing Dark Souls with you coaching her.
  553. >You helped her learn to roll better, and she's even started to pick up parrying.
  554. >You had her go back and practice parrying on the first black knight.
  555. >After a few attempts, she managed to perfectly parry every swing. Dude got rekt, and Rarity was very happy to get possibly the most useless ring in the game.
  556. >She beat the Gargoyles after being toasted a few times, then she set out for Darkroot garden.
  557. >She really loved the design of the Moonlight Butterfly. She was sad she had to kill it.
  558. >She picked up a rapier from the Undead Burg merchant and upgraded it before heading down to Lower Undead Burg.
  559. >She made it through with a few hits and found the short cut back to Firelink.
  560. >Rested, resupplied, and armed with a crucial tip, she made her way to the Capra demon, wrecker of assholes.
  561. "Remember Rares, roll, stick to the left, make it up the stairs and kill the dogs."
  562. >That's what you told her.
  563. >At least three times.
  564. >She still hesitated when she saw what she was up against and got torn apart by Capra and his dogs.
  565. >She tried again, and nailed her rolls this time. She made it to the top of the stairs and onto the ledge before picking off her canine pursuers.
  566. >After that, Capra was as good as dead. Rarity read him pretty well, he only landed two hits on her.
  567. >She continued on to The Depths.
  568. >You were really looking forward to this part of the game.
  570. >"An-non, is this a sewer, isn't it?"
  571. "Yup."
  572. >"So this water I'm standing in is-"
  573. "What, that filthy, murky, brown water? The disgusting water that's spawning slime monsters with skeletons in them? I wouldn't worry about what's in that water."
  574. >"Anon, stop! That's disgusting!"
  575. >Poke
  576. "What do you think it smells like? Or tastes like?"
  577. >"ANON! Stop it, I don't want to thi- EEEK!"
  578. >A slime monster drops from the ceiling and directly onto Rarity.
  579. >She springs up from your hold and practically runs out of the room.
  581. >The bathroom door slams.
  582. >You decide to save Rarity's character from the slime and guide her to a safe location until she can make it back.
  583. >"Anon? What happened to Rarity?"
  584. >Sweetie is poking her head through the door frame with a worried look on her face.
  585. "She's fine Sweetie, she's just freaking out about the sewer level."
  586. >"Oh. Figures. Anyway, I'm heading over to Scootaloo's. I'll be back tomorrow."
  587. "Alright, have fun."
  588. >The second you give your approval, you her the pitter patter of her feet down the hall.
  589. "Hey, Sweetie Belle?"
  590. >You stand and make your way to the door, leaning out into the hall.
  591. >Sweetie is looking at you from inside her bedroom.
  592. "Be safe, alright? Stay out of trouble. Don't do anything Rarity or I wouldn't do."
  593. >She gives you a big smile.
  594. >"I promise I'll stay out of trouble, big bro."
  595. >You return her smile.
  596. "'Atta girl. See you tomorrow."
  598. >Sweetie grabs a bag from her room, shuts her bedroom door, and heads out to her friends house.
  599. >Sweetie and her friends are good kids, they're just a little excitable.
  600. >You step over to the bathroom door and listen. You can hear the shower running.
  601. >You knock on the door.
  602. "Hey, Rarity? You okay in there?"
  603. >Nothing. Shower is probably too loud.
  604. >You slowly open the door just enough to poke your head in.
  605. >The shower curtain is drawn. You can see the silhouette of Rarity's shapely body, but you can't make out any details.
  606. >Looking over to the sink, you see Rarity's clothes neatly folded on the sink counter.
  607. >Resting on top of the bundle of clothing is a pair of panties and a bra, both black and lacy.
  608. >Looking at them, you can't help but imagine Rarity in them.
  609. >Yup. Saving that image for tonight.
  610. >You tear your eyes from your sister unmentionables and turn back towards the shower.
  611. "Rarity, you okay in there?"
  612. >Her silhouette jumps, her arms covering her more private features.
  613. >"Ah! A-anon, get out of here!"
  614. "Relax! I'm not peeking. Just wanted to make sure you weren't puking or something."
  615. >"I-I'm fine. I just feel...filthy."
  616. >You fully step into the bathroom, closing the door behind and leaning against the counter.
  617. "I didn't think you'd freak out that bad."
  618. >"When I realized what I was standing in, I couldn't help but imagine myself in exactly that situation. The thought of just standing ankle deep in that wastewater was enough to make my skin crawl, but then that slime..."
  619. >Rarity shivers as a chill runs up her spine. She turns away from you and goes back to scrubbing her body.
  620. >"I don't want to talk about it."
  621. "It's just a game, Rares. Try not to let it get to you."
  622. >You push yourself off the counter and step towards the shower curtain.
  623. "Plus, I'll be honest with you. It's gonna get worse before it gets any better. A lot worse."
  624. >Rarity freezes again as she takes in your words.
  625. >"That's... disconcerting."
  626. >If The Depths are too much for her, there is no fucking way she can handle Blighttown.
  627. >Maybe you should help her? It couldn't hurt to play some of the zones for her, right?
  628. >She's already proved herself to be a competent enough player.
  629. >You have no doubt that she could beat the zone were it not for her phobia of all things disgusting.
  630. >It now occurs to you that if the deal was still in place, you would have had a fair chance at winning here.
  631. >You could have your hot sister catering to just about your every whim in a sexy maid outfit right now.
  632. >FUCK
  633. >Well, maybe if you help her, you can get some brownie points.
  634. "Rares, if it's too much for you, I wouldn't mind stepping in for a bit."
  635. >"Really? ...No, you shouldn't. I can do this... I think."
  636. "If you say so. I'll be there if you change your mind."
  637. >Rarity once again resumes scrubbing.
  638. >"You must think it's incredibly silly to let a video game shake me so much."
  639. "Well... It is a little silly. But I've been there, too."
  640. >Rarity turns to face you as she begins rinsing the suds off her body.
  641. >"Really? I have a hard time believing that. I've never seen anything shake you, even after everything that's happened at school."
  642. "It's true. Way back when I convinced Mom and Dad to get the N64. I was playing Ocarina of Time, and I managed to get through most of the game, but then I got to the Bottom of the Well and the Shadow Temple. I was stuck there for weeks. I was terrified of those places. Gave me nightmares, too."
  643. >Fucking Dead Hand.
  645. >"Anon, you were five, maybe six back then. I'm a grown woman."
  646. "Hey, just saying. I've been there, too. It's rough. So, I don't mind helping you if you need it."
  647. >You grab the side of the curtain and hold it against the wall with one hand, and slip the other hand into the shower, offering it to Rarity.
  648. >After a few seconds, she places her hand in yours, and you gently pull her towards you.
  649. >She grabs the curtain to hold it in place, and sticks her head in between the wall and the curtain.
  650. >You take in every detail of her face.
  651. >Her deep, blue eyes.
  652. >Her wet, purple hair draped down her back and shoulders.
  653. >Her ivory skin, glistening from the water. Droplets of water run down her face from her hair.
  654. >You lean in and wrap your lips around hers.
  655. >You prod her lips with the tip of your tongue, and she lets you in. Her tongue pokes at yours, and they begin to dance together. Slowly, passionately.
  656. >Reluctantly, she breaks the kiss after maybe 20 seconds.
  657. >"I'm ready to get out now, Anon. Could I trouble you for a massage once I've dried off?"
  658. >She bats her eyelashes at you, as if it would make a difference.
  659. >As if you could say no to her.
  660. >As if you would say no to her.
  661. "Of course. I'll be waiting in my room."
  662. >She gives you quick peck on your lips, and another on your cheek.
  663. >"Thank you, darling. Move along, now. I'll be there soon." She said with a loving smile.
  664. >With that, you step out of the bathroom and back into your own room.
  665. >You pick up the Gamesphere controller and close the game, and then shut down the console.
  666. >You straighten up your bed, making sure it's nice and neat before taking a seat on the corner of the bed.
  667. >You wait patiently for a few minutes before you hear the door open.
  668. >Looking up, the sight of Rarity greets you.
  669. >She's wearing nothing but a pair of towels.
  670. >One wrapped around her body, the other holding her wet hair in place.
  671. >"Well, darling? Ready to begin?"
  673. >Rarity steps into the room and climbs onto your bed, her cheeks flirting with the idea of exposing themselves.
  674. >Facing away from you, she inches over to the center of the bed on her knees.
  675. >She loosens the towel's grip on her body and lowers it so that it is only covering her lower half.
  676. >You manage to catch a few glimpses of the sides of her breasts jiggling as she moves about.
  677. >You can feel yourself stiffening.
  678. >Finally, she lays down and gets comfortable, concealing her chest pillows beneath her.
  679. >You stand there, admiring her breathtaking visage.
  680. >What you would do to explore every inch of her body.
  681. >She glances back over her shoulder at you, staring silently for a few seconds, as if gauging your reaction.
  682. >You can't see it, but you know that trademark smirk is creeping onto her face.
  683. >She knows what she's doing.
  684. >And she knows it's working.
  685. >"Well, Anon? Are you going to stare all day?"
  686. >Her voice pulls you from your passive state.
  687. >You shake your head, as if that's going to force the distracting thoughts out of your brain.
  688. "Oh, sorry. Where do you want me to start?"
  689. >"Hmm... Why not start at the feet and work your way up?"
  690. "You got it."
  691. >You climb onto the foot of the bed, getting into position just next to her feet..
  692. >You grab the ankle of her left leg and lift it up towards you.
  693. >Gripping it with both of your hands, you put your thumbs to work on the sole of her foot, just under her toes.
  694. >You begin kneading the flesh, working up and down her dainty feet.
  695. >"Mmmm~. That feels wonderful, dear. You know, those other girls missed out."
  696. "Huh? Missed out on what?"
  697. >"Missed out on you, Anon. Don't be coy. I hear so many girls at school complaining that they can't get their boyfriend to do anything like this. With you, I just have to ask."
  698. "Two things, Rarity."
  699. >Finished with her left foot, you gently lower it down to rest on the bed.
  700. >Lifting up the right foot, you resume the massage.
  701. "Number one, girls don't like me because I'm a boring, shut-in nerd. I doubt they would be any more interested in me romantically if I did all their chores for them or gave them massages. Two, I'm your slave, remember? I kinda don't have a choice."
  702. >"Hmm. I suppose your right about the girls. Slave is such an ugly word, though. Must we keep using it keep using it?"
  703. "What would you prefer? Indentured servant? Monkey butler?"
  704. >"Fine, fine. I suppose it's a bit much, whatever word we use. Anyway, I have to ask; if it wasn't for the bet, would you still do these things if I asked you? You know, the chores and the massages?"
  705. "Maybe if you asked reeeeaaaally really politely. Rarity, the only reason I agreed to being your slave is because I thought you were pissed about the kiss. I was afraid you'd tell Mom and Dad."
  706. >"I would never!"
  707. >You finish with her right foot. You turn around and scoot back a little bit, preparing to start on the legs.
  708. >You rest your hands on her calves and begin working up her legs.
  709. "I know that now. I don't mind doing this stuff, though. I kind of enjoy it."
  710. >"You like doing my laundry? Anon, do I need to make sure nothing got 'lost'?"
  711. "No, Rarity, I don't really like doing your laundry, and no, I haven't stolen any of your underwear. I enjoy giving you massages.-"
  712. >As your hands reach her thighs, you eyes drift up to the loose towel that is barely concealing her backside.
  713. "Though, I wouldn't mind getting one once in a while. That, or something else."
  714. >Sliding your hands up her thighs, you bring them to rest just under her cheeks, rubbing and squeezing gently.
  715. >She arches her back slightly, taking a slow, deep breath.
  716. >"I... I don't know if we should, Anon."
  717. "Why not? Now is the perfect time!-"
  718. >You lean forward, coming to a rest on your hands and knees above Rarity. Leaning down, whispering in her ear.
  719. "-Sweetie's out of the house. Mom and Dad are still away. We can do whatever we want, and we don't have to worry about how loud we are."
  720. >She seems to contemplate this for a second. Turning her head, she looks to you from the corner of her eye.
  721. >"Anon. Close your eyes, and DON'T. PEEK."
  722. "Why?"
  723. >"Just do it."
  724. >You oblige her and close your eyes.
  725. "Eyes are closed."
  726. >You can feel her weight shifting around on the bed. She bumps into your knees as she moves about, and you feel one of the towels brush against your forearm.
  727. >One last, quick movement causes the bed to shake as something falls to the floor with a muffled thump.
  728. >Arms wrap around your neck and pull you down, prompting you to lower your body onto Rarity. Your careful not to put all of your weight onto her.
  729. >"Open your eyes."
  730. >Opening your eyes, two deep, blue eyes greet you. Her somewhat moist hair has been released from the towel, now flowing down to her shoulders and onto the bed.
  731. >She's covered up her body with her towel, hiding everything but her hips and a bit of cleavage.
  732. >Rather than having that warm, soft smile you've gotten used to, she's wearing a slight frown. In fact, she looks almost afraid.
  733. "Rarity, whats wrong?"
  734. >"I'm just... I've never done this before, Anon. I've never been this intimate with a man before. These past few days, I've done more with you than any boy I've ever dated. You've been the best I've ever had, a true gentleman, and..."
  735. >Rarity begins to choke up as a few stray tears form in her eyes.
  736. >"I've been saving myself for so long for something real, and now that I'm looking it in the face, I'm terrified. I'm sorry to say this Anon, but I'm so terrified that you're just playing with me to get at my body. Just like everyone else. I don't know what to do."
  737. >A single tear makes it's way away from her eye, slipping down the side of her face.
  738. "I... I'm sorry, Rarity. I didn't think it would matter this much to you. We don't have to do anything if you don't want. We can just go back to the massage if you want."
  739. >To your dismay, Rarity's tears don't stop. She pulls you into a tighter hug as more and more tears wash over her face. Her chest heaves as she begins hyperventilating.
  741. >Shifting your weight onto your right arm, you lift your left hand up to muffle her in an attempt to calm her down. Staring down into her shocked eyes, you try to find the most calm and compassionate voice you can.
  742. "I'm not mad at you, Rares, I promise. Look, we can wait for as long as you want; if that time never comes, or you change your mind about this whole thing or something, I'm not going to complain. I'm not going to preassure or force you into this. Understand?"
  743. >She stares back at you with her watery eyes for a few seconds. Then, she closes her eyes and nods meekly.
  744. You lift your hand from her mouth and pry off one of the arms wrapped around you. Intertwining your fingers bewteen her, you hold it up for her to see as she opens her eyes. You give her the warmest smile you can manage.
  745. "Besides, I'm your brother. If I piss you off, I got no where to run, right?"
  746. >With a few sniffles, the tears come to an end, and slowly, a smile creeps back onto Rarity's face.
  747. >"I suppose you don't, do you?"
  748. >Her eyes drift away in thought before snapping back to you.
  749. >"Anon. I think I'm ready."
  750. "What? Just like that?"
  751. >She slides her hand down from across your back and onto your cheek.
  752. >"Mmhm. I think I just needed to hear you say that."
  753. "Are you sure? Like, absolutely sure?"
  754. >Rarity simply pulls you in for a kiss, but doesn't let go. Seconds go by as the kiss intensifies. She pulls you close once again, her breasts gently bouncing under the towel as her lungs fight for air.
  755. >Slowly, you begin grinding your body against hers as your member rapidly hardens, attemping to push into her through multiple layers of cloth. As Rarity breaks the kiss, she catches your bottom lip in between her teeth as she pulls away. After a few nibbles, she releases it, letting it slap back into place.
  756. >Opening your eyes, Rarity stares at you with eyes of passion and lust.
  757. >"Take me, Anon. Just be gentle."
  758. >Holy shit, this is actually happening.
  759. "You got it, princess."
  760. >You clamber off of Rarity and the bed. Once standing, you immediately tear off your shirt and pants, leaving only your boxers covering you.
  761. >As Rarity watches you undress, her eyes dilate when she sees the tent your pitching.
  762. >Stepping around to the foot of the bed, you climb up and nudge Rarity's legs open. You place one hand on her inner thigh and slip the other under the towel and begin rubbing her entrance with your thumb.
  763. >The second it makes contact, Rarity's whole body stiffens as she sucks in a breath of air through her teeth.
  764. >From what you can feel, she's completely hairless and already fairly lubricated. You could probably skip straight to the action...
  765. >Fuck that noise. You barely know what you're doing, but you still want to do this right.
  766. >Stepping off the bed again, you grab Rarity's legs and softly pull her to the edge of the bed. Taking a knee, you sling her legs over your shoulders and grab hold of her thighs. Pulling the dampening towel out of the way, you finally lay eyes on her virgin flower, glistening with it's sweet nectar.
  767. >It's beautiful.
  768. >Tenatively, you lick it.
  769. >The only word the comes to mind to describe is delicious.
  770. >You go in for another lick.
  771. >"Hah!~"
  772. >And again, and again, and again.
  773. >Sliding your tongue into her soft folds, you really start to dig in.
  774. >Just like you read on the internet, you begin tongueing the alphabet into her, lapping up any fluids you can.
  775. >Rarity clenches her thighs around your head in a vice grip. One hand grabs your hair and tries to pull you deeper into her while she uses the other to fondle one of her large breasts.
  776. >"Ha!~ AHH!~ A-anon, don't stop!"
  777. >As you hit the letter T, you flick her clit with your thumb. Immediately, she arches her back, lifting her partially off the bed.
  778. >"AAAHHH!~"
  779. >Her whole body stiffens up, further tightening her thighs grip on your head. She digs her fingernails into your scalp.
  780. >After a few seconds, her muscles relax and she collapses back onto the bed.
  781. >Pulling yourself free from her legs, you stand to see her panting, staring blankly at the ceiling with a dopey grin on her face. She doesn't even seem to notice you as you step over to the side of the bed.
  782. "Rares? You okay?"
  783. >She just weakly nods.
  784. "Uh... You're not done already, are you?"
  785. >Slowly her eyes drift over to your face. They linger there for a few seconds before drifting lower, to you rock-hard erection.
  786. >She reaches over and pulls your boxers down. Your cock snaps back to the position of attention as the waistband releases it. You flinch at the sensation of the cloth rubbing against your tip, and a small bead of pre cum leaks out of your head.
  787. >Her eyes locked onto yours, she wipes the bead off onto her index finger and slips it into her mouth. Her eyes flutter as it makes contact with her tongue.
  788. >"Anon. I want you inside me. Right. Now."
  789. >She doesn't have to tell you twice.
  790. You jump back onto the bed and position yourself at her entrance.
  791. >Pushing gently, you begin to slide your first inch in.
  792. >"Nnngh! It's a tighter fit than I'd thought. Please, slowly Anon."
  793. "Right."
  794. >It's slow goings as you push inch after inch into her. Finally, after what felt like forever, you manage to hilt. Her insides squeeze your member, trying to grip you with it's moist walls.
  795. "Fuuuuck..."
  796. >Just from pushing into her all the way has you near the edge. Are all girls this tight?
  797. >You take a few seconds to adjust and try to calm yourself down.
  798. >"Oooooh. I feel so full."
  799. "Heh. You ready to go?"
  800. >"Darling, I was ready when you had your head between my thighs."
  801. >Placing your hands on her hips, you beging to pull out. When only your tip is still inside, you push back in, with less resistance this time.
  802. >You push in and pull out once more before picking up the pace.
  803. >As minutes pass, you go faster and faster, enough to make that meaty smack as you thrust into her.
  804. >Audible slapping noises fill the room, her breasts jiggling with each thrust.
  805. >Oh man, her tits...
  806. >Tying to keep your tempo as best you can, you lean down over her chest, holding yourself up with one arm. Rarity immediately wraps you in her arms again and pulls your face down into her breasts.
  807. >Gripping her left breast in your free hand and begin kneading it. You lock your lips around her nipple and lick, suck, and nibble to your hearts content.
  808. >"Mmm!~ Anon, wait."
  809. >You break the kiss with her nipple.
  810. "What is it?"
  811. >"I want to be on top."
  812. >You shoot her a grin and lean in for a kiss. Wrapping your arms around her, you roll over onto your back, pulling her up into the cowgirl position.
  813. >She stares into you with those lust filled eyes.
  814. >"You've been amazing, darling, but it's time I did something for you. Just relax and let me take care of you."
  815. >Sliding your hands down her sides, they come to a rest on her love handles. Free from your hold, Rarity sits up and braces her arms on your chest.
  816. >Slowly, she grinds back and forth on your pelvis, her soft but tight insides working their magic.
  817. >She works her way up to bouncing herself on your shaft, taking almost the full length with every bounce.
  818. >You can feel your limit coming. It won't be long now.
  819. "Ooooohh, Rares. I'm getting close!"
  820. >"M-me too, Anon, me too!" She pants out. "Just hold on a little longer, I'm almost there!"
  821. >She picks up speed, slamming you into her. You try to hold youself back for as long as possible, but you don't know how long you can hold out.
  822. >Lifting a hand off her hip, you firmly grab and squeeze her ass cheek. You release it just to give it a hard smack.
  823. >"AH! Again! Spank me again!"
  824. >You give her another loud slap, and then another on her other cheek. It's enough to push her over the edge.
  825. >Arching her back, she digs her fingernails into your chest, breaking skin and drawing just a little blood. Once again, her thighs try to crush you.
  826. >Her walls clamp down on you, squeezing and massaging you, trying to coax your semen out. It was just too much as you shoot burst after burst of your love into her womb.
  827. >The pleasure of release was immense.
  828. >As her orgasm comes to an end, she weakly collapses onto your chest with you still inside her, holding your fluids in.
  829. >You pull her into an embrace, resting her head on your chest. She can probably hear your heart pounding.
  830. >You feel so warm. Not just your body, but your heart, your mind.
  831. >It's as if nothing else matters but this very moment.
  832. >A moment you wish would never end.
  833. >"Anon, that was... I-I can't even... I don't-"
  834. "Shhh. I know, Rarity."
  835. >You watch as she closes her eyes, likely drifting off to sleep. You can feel sleep coming on as well.
  836. >Rarity lets out a happy sigh.
  837. >"Anon?"
  838. "Mmhm."
  839. >You close your eyes and begin gently rubbing her bare back.
  840. >"I'm glad you were the one, Anon. I have no doubt this was meant to be. Don't you agree?"
  841. "I do, Rares. I do."
  842. >You both lay there, silent, basking in each others love.
  843. >And with that, you both drift off to peaceful slumber.
  844. Fin.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables