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[MLP/Incest general] Collection of Stories by Anons

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-11-02 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-03 15:58:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Updated 14/12/2017: Added "Junior detective Fluttertwins"
  2. Updated 09/04/2018: Added Dazzling Family green.
  4. This is a bin to dump the green that I post in the threads - which are either undeserving of their own paste or are otherwise too short - for posterity.
  5. This way I also won't flood my page with pastes. Win-Win.
  6. These are often inspired by another anon's prompt or posts, in which case I also added the specific line that caused me to write it if it had one, so if you recognize the post as yours, then pat yourself on the back, you had a hand in this, for good or bad, you were the real MVP and all that.
  8. These have no specific order other than the time they were made, so for quicker access to a specific girl/pony use Ctrl+f and copy the name you want including the brackets.
  9. Pro tip: You can also highlight the one you want and then Ctrl+f.
  10. Currently the characters that are featured in some green here are:
  12. [Fluttershy]
  13. [Fleur de Lis]
  14. [Cadance]
  15. [Rarity]
  16. [Femanon pony]
  17. [Derpy Hooves]
  18. [Sweetie Belle]
  19. [Diamond Tiara]
  20. [Dazzlings]
  22. //////////////////////////////
  24. [Fluttershy]
  26. >Be Fluttershy's fraternal twin.
  27. >Share her shy, quiet nature: not very confrontational, have a hard time maintaining eye contact with people and you don't handle crowds well, but otherwise you can force yourself to do what's necessary.
  28. >Though you cease to function if interacting with any girl that isn't your twin.
  29. >Naturally, due to your shy natures and comfort with each other, you do pretty much everything together, including the volunteering at the animal shelter.
  30. >Often get mistaken for a young couple when helping people or families pick out a pet.
  31. >Many red faces are had
  32. >Spend Valentine's day working at the shelter
  33. >There's no way any of you could actually date someone.
  34. >But due to the mood of the day, you two start talking about romance.
  35. >Your face visibly sours when Fluttershy mentions how some of her friends pester her about getting a boyfriend or to stop hanging out with you so much
  36. >After talking about partners as well as giving opinions on each other while tending to some puppers, the two of you realize that such an intimate relationship, while nice, is just not possible when you consider just how uncomfortably embarrassing getting friendly with the opposite sex, let alone being intimate with someone, would actually be for the both of you.
  37. >Why bother, right?
  38. >Besides, who needs anyone else when you have each other, right?
  39. >You know your quirks and have seen each other at your worst.
  40. >You two kinda match each others desired traits anyway
  41. >You two share a look as you come to the conclusion that the best possible match is right in front of you.
  42. >On the forefront of your minds is the fact of how little this actually bothers you two, in fact it feels kind of right.
  43. >During break, you decide to sneak into the storage room and trade a few clumsy kisses.
  44. >Be Fluttershy's fraternal twin
  45. >Naturally, due to your shy natures and comfort with each other, you do pretty much everything together, including [spoiler]handholding[/spoiler]
  47. >Be Fluttershy's fraternal twin.
  48. >After that fateful day at the animal shelter, things didn't change much from before, even after becoming romantically involved.
  49. >But there's no denying that doing the same things you did now carried a different feeling: a rather relaxed, more mature and content feeling, but, still having emotional highs not before experienced.
  50. >The relationship was kept under wraps, you two weren't naive enough to believe people would understand.
  51. >In a way, it was quite easy to keep it a secret, you two never were the type to advertise personal things, to openly talk about such things and besides that afternoon at the shelter, you two preferred the privacy only granted by home to openly express your feelings, just the two of you and no prying eyes to make it stifling, and considering how close you've always been there was nothing suspicious about the time you two spent together.
  52. >A testament to how close you two already were before.
  53. >Though you had to admit, you two still kept it wholesome, there still hadn't been any mashing of flesh bits or anything of the sort. Though the thought was always in the back of your minds.
  54. >It wasn't that the two of you were embarrassed about being naked, you've seen each other naked plenty of times when bathing together, which, lets be reasonable here, is the best way to bathe; not only does it save on the water used, but it also makes having a clean back so much easier.
  55. >If there was a single person on the planet that you didn't mind to be naked in front of, it would be your twin.
  56. >It was just that you two were content enough to just be together like you always did that sex was never priority number one.
  57. >It was just a matter of who took the lead first though.
  58. >And it turned out to have been you, though Fluttershy would later argue that it was mutual.
  59. >It had been after a bath to get the smell of animals off of you, on a particularly cold night of spring.
  61. >Due to you sharing the same room past puberty, many would say it was bound to happen.
  62. >However, your parents always were enablers, though thankfully, you two never demanded of them anything more than being loving parents.
  63. >Perhaps had they known, this would have been when they drew the line?
  64. >Then again, the apple didn't fall far from the tree, even if they are even less confrontational than you.
  65. >Chances are, they would turn a blind eye, out of not wanting to get involved in such a thing rather than actually accepting it.
  66. >Suffice it to say, the vacant room that was supposed to be for one of you was left as nothing more than storage for old family furniture and knickknacks.
  67. >Your sister's pet rabbit had been fed, and everyone had retired for the night.
  68. >Fluttershy's bed was left empty as she took to sleeping with you on yours.
  69. >It was during this cold night that you drew extra close for warmth.
  70. >Innocent at first, but somewhere along the line, it became less about finding comfort to sleep and instead more about dousing the fire building up at your center.
  71. >That night would be the night that you took yet another first from each other.
  72. >Memories are a blur as you tried to get as close to the most important person in your life than actually physically possible.
  73. >In some cultures it is believed that twins share the same soul, so wouldn't it be natural that these two separate pieces would want nothing more than to finally form a whole?
  74. >You recall the tiny, quiet moans of your twin under the sheets as you explored her body.
  75. >You remember her tearful bright eyes as you plucked her flower. "B-be gentle, please." she had whispered...
  76. >It felt like a long time, yet at the same, it felt like no time at all had passed as both of you tried to get closer.
  77. >The worn mattress' springs would squeak lightly as you moved.
  78. >Your sister would squeak out your name as well, as she wrapped her legs around your waist...
  80. >It was soon after that you had reached your limit while still deep inside her, and collapsed at her side, your bed somewhat wet around the middle.
  81. >No more words had been said, the closeness you two shared the rest of the night was enough.
  82. >The next morning, nothing had really been different; you woke up to each other, you helped each other get ready, you said your good mornings to your parents, you ate breakfast... indeed there really wasn't much more to this relationship, there didn't need to be anything more as long as you two were together.
  83. >People seem to put out the image that love is a strong fire that must be constantly fed with constant action or else it would die out.
  84. >But really, for you two, love is just a humble flame atop an unassuming candle, content in just burning slowly, the presence of air to breathe all it needs to keep going.
  85. >Love isn't the highs of each others bodies - though you have taken to indulging quietly every night before bed - love is the calm catharsis after such things, of simply being together, even during quiet times where nothing is said.
  86. >And just like oxygen and the flame, all you two need is each others presence for your love to thrive.
  87. >Be Fluttershy's fraternal twin.
  88. >After that fateful day at the animal shelter, things didn't change much from before, even after becoming romantically involved.
  90. //////////////////////////////
  92. [Fleur de Lis]
  94. >>she seems more like the magazine kind of model
  96. >Be Anon at the doctors.
  97. >Nothing serious, just a routine checkup.
  98. >Be in the waiting room bored out of your mind.
  99. >Start reading one of the random magazines to pass the time.
  100. >There's an entire section with some kind of interview/commentary to accompany the pictures of a familiar pale girl at the beach wearing nothing but a sundress and a large hat, that gets progressively more saucy.
  101. >Sweating intensifies
  102. >[My producer had often remarked that I didn't show much emotion for my age, that there was a certain "je ne sais quoi" that I lacked on set...] Picture of the girl sitting with her legs tucked holding her hat while the wind blew.
  103. >[I didn't like this very much, I guess my perfect girl persona must have caught up with me, because I couldn't stand being lacking.] Picture of the girl gripping the hem of her sundress and wetting her feet in the water.
  104. >[I started watching what other girls my age had that I didn't.] String bikini, applying lotion. [Really, I went so far as to take a vacation with some family overseas, much to the dismay of my producer, hahaha.]
  105. >There's a few more pics of her frolicking at the beach interspersed with some more text.
  107. >[I was about ready to give up, but during my stay with the family I met a boy named Anonymous; a bit shy at first, but the more we spent time together, the more he came out of his shell: he was a goof, albeit a charming goof, that always had a good joke ready when my mood soured from not being able to relax with cameras following me around. I don't recall ever laughing so much besides the time I spent with him.]
  108. >[Quite the comedic cowboy, like in the old American films, only without the dirty, gruff exterior and with a sharp wit rather than a six shooter on the quickdraw...] The girl faces the camera still in her swimwear, pointing a finger gun at it and winking seductively in good fun. [I don't think he had enough wit to realize what was happening however, hehe.]
  109. >[I came to the conclusion that what I was missing was "le coeur d'une jeune fille", a young maiden's heart: having gone into modeling at the earliest I could, I kinda skipped on ever having these stifling yet freeing feelings, certainly this experience wouldn't last unfortunately and I had to return home, but the memories I made in Canterlot with him make me feel lighter, he surely helped, my producer has praised me on this new feeling around me, even saying I look 10 years younger! She's quite silly, I'm only 19!]
  110. >The last picture is one of Fleur's incredibly genuine smile as she enjoys herself at the beach.
  111. >[Will I return to America? Of course, as soon as possible, I also hope I can one day bring my petit ami Anonymous here as well.]
  112. >There's a call for your name in the room, though you pay it no mind as you mull over all this.
  113. >What does petit ami mean?
  114. >...
  115. "Wait... cousin Fleur is a model!?"
  117. //////////////////////////////
  119. [Fluttershy]
  121. >>He'd end up pulling her breasts out of her sweater and be left holding them in his hands.
  123. >Later that day, Mr and Mrs Shy get a phone call from the local police.
  124. >Apparently there were kids nearby and some of the moms... they didn't like that.
  125. >Both Anon and Fluttershy were being held for indecent exposure as well as gross indecency.
  126. >It was completely an accident! You just worried she'd burn her chest!
  127. >Thanks to it being a small town, your parents knowing a lot of folk in the force, and you two having no priors or string of deliberate bad behavior, you kids got bailed out without anything getting filed, because God knows none of you need Registered Sex Offender haunting you for the rest of your lives.
  128. >The ride home was somewhat awkward, with your sister clutching your jacket - the one you offered to her to hide those sweater puppies from public eye - tight around her, the least you could do after kinda ripping her top.
  129. >Again, it was a complete accident.
  130. >There's no scolding to be had, you two ending up in messes like this is nothing new.
  131. >The police call you Bonnie and Clyde, not because you're criminals or rob banks or anything! but because you're always in one of the holding cells at least twice a month for clumsy mishaps and accidents alright...
  133. >Also, you two actually robbed a bank once.
  134. >BUT NOT ON PURPOSE! It was an accident!
  135. >You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and well, being so kind and unassuming, the actual criminals actually recruited you on the spot, complete with masks and a bag, so you could kindly ask the hostages to put their belongings in the bag like some kind of charity drive, while the rest went to work on getting the actual money...
  136. >Thankfully the cops arrived just in time and you two were free to go after they saw you were just kids and were forced by the actual criminals to do what you did.
  137. >Mr and Mrs Magoo is also another moniker for you at the precinct, because it always turns out fine in the end for the two of you...
  138. >You two are just a pair of clumsy people alright?
  139. >The clumsiest on the planet!
  140. >If there were two people that would trip and end up having sex together it would be you two.
  141. >It was a complete accident! Fluttershy fell, you went to help, slipped and then penis in vagina!
  142. >But that's a story for another time...
  144. //////////////////////////////
  146. [Cadance]
  148. >Cousin cadance comes to live with your parents and you for a while, because yours is closer to school and her parents don't want her making such a long commute every day.
  149. >You used to be inseparable when growing up.
  150. >Not that you had a falling out or anything, you just grew up and kind of just shifted priorities.
  151. >Not her though, she's still has clingy as you remember.
  152. >It was sweet in short bursts, but now that you deal with it everyday, it's pretty annoying.
  153. >Doesn't help that Cadance is the queen of Stacies.
  154. >Always peppy, friendly and bringing her girl friends over.
  155. >These fucking walls were not designed to contain such volumes.
  156. >She's also a highly regarded babysitter in the neighborhood, uses most of the money to give to your parents as thank you for letting her stay, would have given it all if your parents didn't force her to keep some for herself.
  157. >The only thing she could add to her diabetes inducing sweetness is wanting to become a teacher, which she does.
  158. >She also constantly sneaks into your room at night without you noticing and gets in bed with you.
  159. >She's also annoyingly playful at the worst moments, just to get a rise out of you, like she wants to get caught or something.
  160. >Getting caught was bound to happen eventually with her shenanigans
  161. >Like one particular Saturday morning.
  162. >
  163. >You wanted to get comfortable and sleep in, but a weight on top of you prevented such action.
  164. >The weight stirred and gave a light yawn before raising her upper body from under the covers.
  165. >"Good morning Anon~"
  166. >Why must you be a heavy sleeper? You can't even lock the door even if you wanted too.
  167. >You glare at the figure, now practically straddling you, through a single eye, the other still too tired to even function right.
  168. "Is that one of my shirts?"
  169. >"Yes, I always wanted to do girlfriend stuff like this..." Cadance presses her hands on your stomach and leans forward slightly, accentuating her bosom. "How do I look?"
  171. "Like someone about to be thrown off the bed."
  172. >"Aw~, at least act like you can't tear your eyes away from me." She pouts. "About every single boy in school would kill to be in your position right now, you know?"
  173. "And why isn't even a single one of them in it, then? Shining Armor practically doesn't shut up about you."
  174. >She gives you a light boop on the nose with her finger. "Silly Anon, I only have eyes for you, besides, judging by the way I'm being poked right now, I think I've also caught you under my spell~"
  175. "Don't flatter yourself, it's just going through its morning routine."
  176. >She leans on you. "Maybe I can help it?"
  177. "Nyet."
  178. >"Anon, there's being hard to get and there's being unreasonable, it can't still be about the cousin thing, right?"
  179. >It's precisely the cousin thing, regardless of the fact Cadance has gone to great lengths to teach you both about the legality of it in your state and also about the barely existent issue of possible defects if you had children.
  180. >When questioned how she knew all this she responded with "No affairs concerning love are beyond the love expert"
  181. >You'd wager internet, hopefully she had the forethought to clear the browser history.
  182. >You two hold a stare down.
  183. >She sighs "I guess it can't be helped... but don't think I'm giving up, I know deep down you love me too."
  184. "And how do you figure that?"
  185. >She gets closer to your face.
  186. >"I have a sixth sense for this, there's a reason why my matchmaking is next to none..."
  187. >You gulp down your saliva, unsure of what she's saying, but you do know she never goes wrong with her predictions.
  188. >"Also, if you really hated this, you'd kick me out already."
  189. >Goddamnit.
  190. >She giggles at your furrowed brow before surprising you with a stolen kiss.
  191. >Her face scrunches.
  192. >"Maybe you should brush your teeth?"
  193. >What did she expect? You just woke up!
  194. "Serves you right, besides, you're also quite bitter for someone that's always so sweet."
  196. >"D'aww, a complement from grumpy Anonymous? Thank you~"
  197. >What? Wait, you didn't mean to say she's normally sweet! The point was that her breath also stinks!
  198. >You feel some heat on your cheeks, you were about to say something and hopefully not dig yourself deeper, but you are instead interrupted by rasping at your door.
  199. >It's dear old mum.
  200. >Oh fuck.
  201. >"Anonymous, honey, Cadance isn't in her room..." The door opens slowly "I've searched every room bu- Oh my!"
  202. >The scene in front of her must clearly tell a different story from what's actually happened, what with your cousin on top of you, wearing nothing more than your shirt and a pair of panties.
  203. >A quite flattering case of bed hair and her hands against your bare chest...
  204. >It doesn't help that the bedsheet is low enough to just cover her derriere from sight, leaving whatever may or may not be happening down south up to the imagination of the one clearly misunderstanding.
  205. >"Good morning, Mrs 'Nito."
  206. >Your mom quickly retreats and closes the door again.
  207. >"The two of you. In the kitchen. Now."
  208. >That was all she said before quiet reigned supreme again.
  209. >"Oops..."
  210. "You were hoping something like this happened weren't you?"
  211. >You quickly scramble out of bed, causing Cadance to slide off of you and into the feet of it.
  212. >You quickly put something on, you want to dispel any notions or misunderstandings your mother might have!
  214. >Thank God your dad leaves early for work, didn't want even more awkwardness to be added in the kitchen
  215. >At least it's awkward for your mom and you
  216. >Your cousin doesn't seem very affected as she walks around the kitchen, still only wearing one of your shirts, as she brews some coffee
  217. >At this point you just want to crawl back to bed and die, Cadance must derive some form of sick pleasure from this.
  218. >After the brew is done she fills up a mug and brings it to your mom
  219. >"Thank you."
  220. >You wanted to ask Cadance why she didn't think of you after she sat next to you, but then you remember you aren't a fan of coffee, and you know she knows it as well
  221. >Your mom takes careful sips of the hot beverage, seeming to ruminate on how to best start delving into this clusterfuck.
  222. >"How long has this been going? God, your rooms are right next to each other... You... You've been using contraception right?"
  223. >Nothing happened! It's all a misunderstanding!
  224. >Is what you wanted to say, but you could only facepalm at the surreal situation
  225. >"Don't worry Mrs 'Nito, no matter what it looked like, nothing of the sort happened."
  226. >Mom takes a sip
  227. >"Not for lack of me trying though..."
  228. >She barely contains her spit take
  229. >"Anon is very stubborn."
  230. "What? You're the one always sleeping in my bed even though I told you to stop!"
  231. >"Well aren't lovers supposed to sleep together?"
  232. "Lov- don't dig us deeper!"
  233. >"Well, you never actually refused me, "honey", you just kept putting up mock resistance, a girl would assume she was wanted when she wasn't actually denied the warm bed."
  234. "That right there, that's the logic of a rapist!"
  235. >"Anon, at least don't deny me my morning cuddles!"
  236. >This back and forth would have lasted longer but your mom broke it off by laughing
  237. >"Just like when you were little... honestly I thought you two were playing when you told everyone you were married..."
  238. >Oh god, don't bring that up...
  239. >"To think you two would actually be like this, you're actually doing it, crazy kids"
  241. >"You ARE doing it right? Because I won't stand for hedonism in this household."
  242. >"Yes, I love Anon and want to date under the assumption that we'll marry!"
  243. >You can't really... your brain is full of fuck right now.
  244. "But we're cousins!"
  245. >"Anon, I can't stop you two even if I wanted, it's legal in this state, besides, I know what it's like being your age, if I forbid it you two will just push back and make it worse, the only thing I can do as a parent is support you" Sip "... and to also tell you that while you are under this roof I want you to behave, if I see any belly showing on that girl before you're out of school and in your own home, so help me God I will end you."
  246. >You can't fucking win with this can you?
  247. >It's not like you're actually relieved that your mother basically gave you her blessing and support!
  248. >You just groan in exasperation and leave the kitchen.
  249. >
  250. >"It's cute how he isn't honest with his feelings, yet is so easy to read."
  251. >"Cadance, could you be a dear and clean up here? I'm going to give the hubby a call, he just won 200 dollars."
  253. //////////////////////////////
  255. [Rarity]
  257. >Be Anonymous, and you really want to fuck your sister.
  258. >Like, this goes beyond just fucking to satiate your lust.
  259. >It's like both your heart AND your dick want to do her.
  260. >Every time you watch her work hard on her fashion stuff, or be a good big sister to Sweetie Belle, you get this urge to just pounce her.
  261. >Is it the hormones? Or something else?
  262. >You know every guy in school has their eye on Rarity, and you completely understand why.
  263. >Those not too large breasts...
  264. >That healthy amount of tone.
  265. >Those hips and supple ass...
  266. >She's a goddamn 10/10
  267. >Which is why you feel annoyed when they bring her up in their ratings of the girls in school constantly.
  268. >Which IS why, right now, when it's just the two of you home, you decided to just lay it all out; if there's one thing that's clear is that no one, and you mean NO ONE is good enough for your sister.
  269. >There's a loud thud as you slam your hands against the wall, trapping the slightly shorter Rarity against it.
  270. >"A-Anonymous? What is the meaning of this?"
  271. "Today at school... the hell was that with Noteworthy?"
  272. >"I beg your pardon?" She glares at you.
  273. >You press on.
  274. "I saw him putting the moves on you."
  275. >You grit your teeth.
  276. "And you didn't shoot him down."
  277. >Rarity scoffs and crosses her arms. "It was just a bout of harmless flattery, however I do not understand why it matters to you who I choose to converse with."
  278. >You say nothing for a moment, simply taking in the features of her beautiful face.
  279. "It... irks me. I get this bitter feeling in the pit of my stomach when I see you laugh around guys."
  280. >"Hmph, is my happiness something so vile to you Anonymous?"
  281. "No, I just want you to laugh like that with me... and only me."
  282. >"A-Anonymous!?"
  284. >You run a finger lightly over her blouse.
  285. "Call it jealousy, call it possessiveness..."
  286. >"Anonymous, s-stop." Rarity stands stock still, not meeting your gaze any longer. "I'm your sister..."
  287. "And it tears me up that you are."
  288. >You cup her lithe chin and make her face you as you force her to meet your gaze.
  289. "Call me sick, say that I'm mad, I don't care, when I look at you... I just want to make you mine, the thought of you with anyone else is revolting beyond words..."
  290. >You draw closer, but she faces away, a hand now on your chest.
  291. >"Please, Anonymous... don't do this to me... let me go..."
  292. >You chuckle, though because of your arousal, it comes out a little too throaty and deep.
  293. "Rarity, I'm not holding you or anything."
  294. >You gesture to the open space to her left that she could just walk away through.
  295. "You can walk away."
  296. >"B-But..."
  297. "But what? You think I'm gonna throw a fit? You think I'm going to harm you if you refuse me?"
  298. >She remains quiet.
  299. "As much as I don't want to see you that way, you're still my sister, I'd never hurt you, even if you broke my heart. So go ahead if you want, I won't stop you."
  300. >You watch her intently as she glances between the opening and your feet.
  301. >For a moment your heart stops, the possibility that she'll actually walk becoming a high possibility.
  302. >But despite her awkward shuffling in place, she doesn't move.
  303. >You smile.
  304. "I'm happy, I really am."
  305. >You run your hand across her cheek, she recoils slightly, but not completely.
  306. >"A disgusting beast like you... if I... If I don't do this then Sweetie might be in danger."
  307. >Your face scrunches up in disgust.
  308. >Also hurt.
  309. "I'd never, the hell do you take me for!? It's you and only you that does this to me."
  310. >With your hand back to cupping her chin, you close the gap and press your lips to hers.
  311. >The kiss, even though carrying your feelings, is awkward at first.
  312. >Partially because Rarity does nothing besides hug the wall with her back.
  313. >At least momentarily.
  315. >As you were about to call it quits, she finally shows some life by leaning into it.
  316. >It makes your heart soar.
  317. >Soon enough, she parts her lips slightly, allowing you to deepen the kiss.
  318. >Between the kissing she pulls back often to say a few words through teary eyes.
  319. >"W-We can't."
  320. >"Ahn~, please, stop this."
  321. >"This is wrong."
  322. >However despite her words, her body presses closer against yours, as she wraps her arms around the back of your neck.
  323. >As if those words were for trying to convince herself rather than dissuade you.
  324. >By the two minute mark, you have moved down from her lips to the nape of her inviting neck, her perfumed scent filling your nose as you do.
  325. >"A-Anonymous please, that might leave a mark..."
  326. >That's exactly the idea.
  327. >Rarity is yours now, and you hers, while nobody would know it, you still want to make a point to the world that she's taken.
  328. >You give her a playful nibble causing her to let out a short high pitched moan.
  329. >You smile as you feel her arm move to her mouth, no doubt she did not expect herself to make such sound.
  330. >You finally break apart from your, now slightly shaky and disheveled, sister.
  331. >Her cheeks are a burning red color that no amount of makeup could hope to match, her eyes having a hard time meeting yours.
  332. "I love you."
  333. >"You idiot, you brute... You foolish... dog. I should report you to the authorities..."
  334. >She says this, yet does nothing to run away, or to show the displeasure to match her words.
  335. >You smile and brush away one of her stray tears, an action you notice she doesn't resist.
  336. >You have no clue how this will go from here on out, but as long as you have Rarity, you feel like this can work.
  338. >Alternate End
  339. >You shake your sister to get her attention, she's daydreaming.
  340. >She stirs and comes back to reality.
  341. >"Anonymous?" Her cheeks flush "Do you need something, darling?"
  342. "Geez Rarity, really? I've been calling you for five minutes, I'm going to go ahead and pick up Sweetie Belle from practice now, okay?"
  343. >"O-Oh, of course, come back soon."
  344. >You stare at your sister for a moment, she keeps avoiding your gaze.
  345. "Everything alright?"
  346. >"Yes, yes, of course, just something on my mind, don't dwell on it, on the way home, could you bring back a light snack?"
  347. "Okay. Sure"
  348. >"Thank you."
  350. //////////////////////////////
  352. [Rarity]
  354. >Rarity manages to catch the eye of a renowned fashionista, after learning the clothes she was wearing were her own design.
  355. >She gets invited to a high society party, something she's only dreamed about, filled with influential people in the world of fashion.
  356. >Obviously she must go, she needs to, she can't very well pass up such an opportunity; networking and making connections would be a giant boon for her future in this industry.
  357. >Sure, she's only 17, but regardless, even the possibility of shadowing or becoming an intern to a big name is enough to still go.
  358. >Though she can't very well go alone.
  359. >And she needs someone of age to accompany her, so that means one of her friends is off the table, she can't very well take one of her parents either... They mean well, but they certainly aren't folk that would fit in high society.
  360. >That only leaves her older brother Anon.
  361. >He... He'll have to do.
  362. >
  363. >The party's fancy.
  364. >Though neither of them are old enough to drink.
  365. >Getting Anonymous to wear a suit and tie properly was a chore and a half.
  366. >Before Anonymous could remark how much older everybody was, Rarity shot him down and made him promise to be on his best behavior.
  367. >Soon enough he disappears and goes straight to the food, leaving her at the mercy of all the older ladies and gentlemen of fashion.
  368. >It certainly wasn't bad, she enjoyed it immensely and was learning a lot.
  369. >She's really doing it! She's even been complimented on her clothes; about the air of maturity around them and their amazing seam work.
  370. >But then...
  371. >"Hey Rarity, how much longer? I'm sorry, but after being hit on by 30 cougars I think I'm at my limit."
  372. >Anon mixes in with that opener.
  373. >"Oh, and who might this tall drink of water be?" One of the ladies asks.
  374. >"Anonymous; Rarity's plus one." Anon introduces himself.
  375. >"My, girls these days bloom so early."
  376. >"E-Excuse me?" Rarity stammers.
  378. >"No need to be shy dear. Tell us, where did you first meet?"
  379. >"At the hospital? W-wait what about this summer's lineup?"
  380. >"Oh, there's a story behind such a meeting I imagine."
  381. >"N-Nothing of the sort, ladies."
  382. >"Hors d'oeuvre, sir?" a waiter asks a bemused Anonymous, to which he kindly replies "No, thank you."
  383. >The talk about fashion turns into probing Rarity for details about her "beau", much to Anon's amusement, since this is clearly the best entertainment he's getting from the party.
  384. >"Is he your muse for some of your designs?"
  385. >There's a back and forth between a slightly embarrassed Rarity and some excited women.
  386. >Finally Rarity recomposes herself.
  387. >"I'm sorry for whatever misunderstanding this might have caused, but Anonymous isn't my boyfriend."
  388. >Rarity could see the disappointment in each pair of eyes, their attention was waning too.
  389. >She had to do something, or else she'd lose her chances!
  390. >She panicked.
  391. >And hooked her arm around Anon's
  392. >"W-We are above such fickle things, Anonymous is not my boyfriend, he is my fiancé." She looks up at a frozen stiff Anonymous. "Are we not, my darling Anonymous?"
  394. >Her brother remains quiet, but a stealth pinch to his side brings him back.
  395. >"O-Of course we are sis- I mean - Of course, honey."
  396. >A flood of "my my~" drowns the classical music around the group.
  397. >Because of this, the rest of the party was spent pretending to be a couple of young lovers.
  398. >There was lots of arm-locking, pet names, and "couple" talk with other, older, couples.
  399. >There may or may not have been a chaste kiss, in private - because high society does not behave like the common rabble and suck face in public - to further sell the lie.
  400. >Yes, to sell the lie.
  401. >
  402. >In the end nothing much came from Rarity's 15 minutes of fame among her peers in fashion.
  403. >No connections, just acquaintances that will possibly forget her face, and never meet again.
  404. >No possibility to shadow under an established designer.
  405. >She went through all that and the only thing she got out of it was not very sisterly feelings for her brother.
  406. >Experiencing her dream date with him, on purpose or not, does that to a girl.
  408. //////////////////////////////
  410. [Femanon pony]
  412. >>Anon protests their anger and says that they shouldn't have lied to him about being adopted
  413. >>Look, Anon, I have no idea why you look the way you do, but regardless of your species, you definitely came out of my vagina. Right after your sister did.
  414. >Why the hell did this give me such a giggle?
  416. >Also interesting idea, we need to start incesting across dimensions.
  418. >Be Anon in Equestria
  419. >Due do your parents dabbling in dank rituals and forces revolving around repeating digits that they could not possibly fully understand, their "bundle of joy" came in a set
  420. >Your fraternal twin, Femanon, came out a regular pony
  421. >And you? You came out looking nothing like one
  422. >Ponies were baffled, for a few years
  423. >Then they forgot you even existed, save for the ponies in town that had to deal with you everyday
  424. >They were an accommodating sort, come on, besides ponies you have a whole other bunch of creatures, being a pariah would be ridiculous
  425. >But mares don't even see you as something to be fucked
  426. >They just don't
  427. >In fact, the only genuine female attention you get comes from your mom and twin
  428. >You resign yourself to dying a virgin and alone, every night dreaming of that sweet horse puss
  429. >In your teens, during Femanon's estrus, she just comes out and says "Hey titty sprinkles, I'll let you stick it in me if you promise not to tell."
  430. >Oh boy! Wait, what's the catch?
  431. >"No catch, I mean, it's estrus, I get to scratch this itch of mine and you get to actually feel a vagina, win-win. Take it or leave it, you won't catch me this horny again."
  432. >Femanon, like you, is a perverted deviant, only instead of wanting to fuck horses - because she herself is an equine - she wants to sample non equine dick
  433. >The terms are acceptable
  434. >You smash that twisted sister puss
  435. >Human anatomy meets little pony anatomy
  436. >Sister ends up getting fucked into a stupor
  437. >When parents return, they wonder why Femanon's all wobbly and can barely stand
  438. >She becomes addicted to the HMD
  439. >It only escalate from there
  441. >After the cycle ends Fem and her friends talk about how long they managed to go cold turkey
  442. >The first to crack gets the honor of being the recipient of all the slut jokes until next cycle
  443. >It's kind of a penis measuring contest, only there are no dicks here, they WERE there briefly before, though
  444. >"I rutted the moment estrus came"
  445. >"Shut up you, jumping on coltfriend cock doesn't count. I lasted two days."
  446. >"Aaah, I didn't make it past the first this time, honestly that guy really knew which buttons to press, that should be illegal"
  447. >"I guess you holed yourself up at home again huh Fem? What's the score at now? Winner since we went through first estrus? Seriously, just come out and admit you munch carpet"
  448. >"Now wait just a minute there girls, I know the look of a fulfilled mare when I see it!"
  449. >"Did you finally take the flare?"
  450. >"..."
  451. >"What was that?"
  452. >"Anon's cock! It's amazing!"
  453. >"Anon? You mean that guy that lives with you? That huge guy that you call "twin"?"
  454. >"You don't understand! His dick, girls, oh my gosh, his dick! It just kept going and going and going..."
  455. >"Talk sense!"
  456. >"15 seconds, 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 3 minutes... he just kept rutting until my legs gave out under me and then he still kept going"
  457. >The mares all suddenly find their throats parched and Fem gets this thousand yard stare
  458. >"Have you ever felt orgasm after orgasm just coming one after another while you're barely even conscious? I think I had an out of body experience at one point, like I could at last truly see..."
  459. >The mares bite their lip
  460. >"Had I known his dick went beyond a different shape, I'd have rutted him sooner..."
  461. >
  462. >Word spreads around about the hot monkey dick
  463. >Everyone calls it a hoax
  464. >Until witness account of Anon rutting a mare by the lake came out
  465. >Sketch artist depiction of her face during
  466. >Since nobody actually believes they are related, it isn't an issue
  467. >But that day when they got home, they received a grim reminder: parents can still go apeshit over this
  469. >>They can have all the fun of incest without any of the social consequences!
  470. Their family still know, the ones involved in his delivery and obvious news report still know, if ponies have family records, the law will know, it's just that like pretty much everything else, Anonymous just became yesterdays news and as the years passed ponies just swept it under the rug and stopped seeing it as a legit thing.
  471. Anon and Fem are the kinds of happenings that the news media does a special about years later.
  473. >[Tonight on Manehattan News with local news anchor Extra-Extra: a documentary special on the mysterious cross species twins that left Equestria stumped 17 years ago, our very own team of correspondents have sought out and interviewed those involved as well as reached out to the family and twins Anon and Femanon themselves. How have they grown? How are they doing? This and more, at eleven.]
  474. >Thirty minutes past eleven.
  475. >"His dick, like oh my gosh, his dick! He's like a sex God, sure Princess Celestia can raise the sun and Princess Luna can raise the moon, but Anon does things that you wouldn't even believe!"
  476. >"Please cut that from the interview! Fem, is just joking! Right Fem?"
  477. >"Can it Anon, the world needs to know! Your dick should be worshiped! B-But nobody else gets to actually use it alright!? His dick belongs to me, ME! I'm his twin, Anon belongs to me so hooves off to everyone! I only accept genuflection and donations as a form of worship!"
  478. >Anon is seen face-palming hard on camera.
  479. >[You heard it here first folks, 17 years and this mysterious twin pair has been having illicit sexual relations. This is Extra-Extra from Manehattan News saying "incest is best, put your sister to the te-" Oh HA HA Typewriter, very professiona-]
  481. //////////////////////////////
  483. [Rarity]
  485. >>Cousin Rarity will never model her clothes for you
  486. >>She will never have any problems with stripping down to her undies in between outfits
  487. >>She will never be in the habit of not wearing a bra
  489. >She gives you a slow spin, causing the hem of the long satin shirt to flutter, letting you catch a glimpse of those healthy legs.
  490. >"How is it? Tell me, tell me."
  491. "I don't knoooow cous, maybe something a bit more... revealing?"
  492. >"Well, this number is quite a bit too reserved for this day and age, good call darling."
  493. >She begins to undress right in front of you.
  494. >Pulling the top over her head, exposing her perky breasts before bending over and dropping the pants.
  495. >Boner: thank you for the meal.
  496. >She goes back into her closet for round four.
  497. >She comes out wearing something that shows more skin.
  498. >Too little skin.
  499. >"What do you think? I just love how this sweater not only accentuates my breasts but also has a little piece to show some cleavage and it's long enough to also be a ski-"
  500. "2/10, no kneesocks."
  501. >"Anon, please, I'm pretty much perfect right now, what could possibly be a better outfit? I demand you show me"
  502. >She pulls you into her closet and starts showing you piece after piece of clothes.
  503. >You scoff indignantly at it all.
  504. >You tell your cousin to strip and she does so.
  505. >All of it.
  506. >She's so indignant at the prospect that she's being out fashioned that she drops the panties as well, exposing a small lewd tuft of purple hair above her slit.
  507. >"Alright, darling, dazzle me."
  508. >You pull out a pair of kneesocks and make her wear them.
  509. >10/10
  510. >"Anon!? What's the meaning of this?"
  511. "It's naked kneesocks Rarity, the supreme sleepwea- nay, the supreme outfit that every woman should wear all the time."
  512. >She looks over herself in the full body mirror.
  513. >"I feel unrestrained, yet so vulnerable... but these socks provide me such comfort..."
  514. "Now imagine how it would feel to sleep like that, feeling your sheets wrapped directly on your skin while you have these complicated emotions, that... is the true power of naked kneesocks."
  515. >"H-How salacious. Anonymous, you have done it again darling, you truly see in these unassuming pieces what I myself fail to."
  517. //////////////////////////////
  519. [Derpy Hooves]
  521. >Be Derpy's brother.
  522. >Parents died suddenly, leaving you, Derpy and Dinky alone without any other next of kin.
  523. >You and Derpy were 16.
  524. >Due to the nature of your case and your desire to do so as to not be put in foster care and possibly split up, you two got emancipation granted without due court process and became Dinky's legal guardians.
  525. >To secure a house, you two dropped from school to work.
  526. >You managed an entry level job at the local post office sorting letters.
  527. >The money you two pulled together was enough to rent a one bedroom apartment that wasn't in a bad part of town and close to work to boot.
  528. >You could have gotten something bigger, but you also needed to pay someone to watch Dinky during the day, as well as pay for other expenses.
  529. >It was fine, Dinky could have the room while you and Derpy shared the sofa bed in the living room.
  530. >A social services worker often stopped by by-monthly to check on Dinky.
  531. >This was your life
  532. >Work
  533. >Get home
  534. >Take care of Dinky
  535. >After a few years, and a couple of promotions, it was time to put Dinky through school.
  536. >Since she doesn't remember your parents, and because the help you hired to look after her when she couldn't look after herself often referred to you as "Mommy and Daddy" when talking to her, she thinks you are her parents.
  537. >In fact, everyone in the building thought that, and made up ridiculous stories that you were a couple of young lovers who ran away because the families would never approve of you being together and having a child, some kind of Hatfield–McCoy type thing.
  538. >The faculty at her school also thinks that you are her parents
  539. >Every weekend the three of you go to the nearby park, you often get approached by moms remarking how good and youthful Derpy looks even after childbirth.
  540. >Other parents always make small talk on the playground, trying to set up playdates.
  541. >You never corrected them, you were too focused on raising Dinky.
  542. >[spoiler]Also, you and Derpy did have that kind of relationship.[/spoiler]
  544. >>Your twin sister Derpy will never be your loving wife.
  545. >>You two will never raise your baby sister Dinky and be the loving parents she needs.
  547. >Be Anon, 17.
  548. >A lot of things happened.
  549. >You and Derpy became legal adults and dropped out of school.
  550. >Started working eight hour shifts to support each other and Dinky at the postal office.
  551. >Got an apartment.
  552. >Found a daycare for Dinky
  553. >It was all a blur.
  554. >The little amount of time you could spare to actually grieve was before bed, in each others arms.
  555. >There was a time when you were hit particularly hard by Dinky calling you Daddy.
  556. >It hurt to realize that in the span of less than a year, your parents had already been forgotten.
  557. >You couldn't blame her, maybe it was the trauma or maybe she was still much too young to understand.
  558. >You and Derpy couldn't bring yourselves to tell her no, that her parents were actually dead and all she had were you two.
  559. >Would they be mad or sad that their youngest would end up forgetting they existed?
  560. >It was during these moments that you and your sister took this nonsense further.
  561. >Fucked up as it may have been; you two were lost, completely overburdened by responsibility and just wanting an outlet to vent the sense of lonesome dread you felt.
  562. >They were tough times that you wouldn't even know how to properly describe.
  563. >But thankfully, you managed to get through it.
  564. >You reconciled your feelings.
  565. >So what if you two were siblings? The love was there, and that was all that mattered.
  566. >Your day to day hit a nice stride, it became routine.
  567. >It's been a little over a year since the accident.
  568. >
  569. >"Anon, are you there? Earth to Anon."
  570. "Yeah?"
  571. >A particularly close Derpy puts a hand on your chest.
  572. >"You sorta zoned out... are you tired?"
  573. "No... well, I am, but it's regular tired, I can still do this. Was just monologuing."
  574. >Derpy gives you playful kisses as she straddles you, the cover that poorly matches the sofa bed sliding off of her.
  575. >"What... about?" she asks between said pecks at your lips.
  576. "Life you know? The usual, how we wound up this way."
  577. >"Do... do you want to stop?"
  578. "Of course not! Derpy, I love you."
  580. >She gives you a goofy smile, her lazy eyed stare shining in the partially lit room.
  581. >She rests her bare rump on your waist.
  582. >You smile as your hands reach for her hips.
  583. >Dinky is in the next room so you'll have to be quiet, but the low volume coming from the TV should be enough to mask any strange sounds.
  584. >It's nice to have these times for the two of you.
  585. >Between the job, groceries, food and Dinky, this is really the only free time you two have.
  586. >Derpy doesn't meet your gaze.
  587. >"Today's a safe day Anon..."
  588. >At the mention of safe day, your soldier is at the ready trying to break free of your boxers.
  589. >"Do you want to use a con- EEP!?"
  590. >The entire living room lit up for a split second.
  591. >Derpy rolls off of you and grabs at the bed sheet and your arm.
  592. "Pffft, look at you talking about "safe days" and then getting scared by lightning."
  593. >She grips your arm tighter.
  594. >"I-I just don't like it okay?"
  595. >Tiny quick steps of a little girl out of her bed.
  596. >"M-Mom, D-Dad! I'm s-s-scared!"
  597. >The little girl latches onto the side of the couch, her stuffed toy the only thing completely on it, giving off a laughably cute picture of her holding its hand for dear life, teary eyed.
  598. >Derpy reaches out and puts her between you and herself "Get in here muffin, you want to sleep with us tonight?"
  599. >She nods.
  600. >Aaah... it's not like you wanted Derpy all to yourself tonight or anything.
  601. >Dinky nestles into the warm bedding, toy at her side.
  602. >She doesn't fall asleep immediately, but the constant caressing from Derpy and your presence keeps her at ease, even if Derpy cringes slightly every time another thunder clap sounds.
  603. >Soon enough you three are snuggled together and Dinky's eyes can't stay open any longer.
  604. >Her last words before sleep took her were "Why aren't you wearing any pants Mommy?"
  605. >You sigh.
  606. >Not even old enough to drink and already experiencing the joys of a sexless marriage.
  607. >After a kiss from Derpy, you fall asleep as well.
  609. >>You and Derpy randomly encounter one of your old friends from high school years down the line
  610. >>They know you're siblings, and realize what's going on once they see Dinky call you "Mommy and Daddy" and Derpy's pregnancy
  611. >>They think it's weird
  613. >Be Anon, 23
  614. >It's the weekend, so you and Derpy are off work.
  615. >Pretty good time to do the grocery shopping.
  616. >Ended up bringing Dinky along.
  617. >In the cereal isle.
  618. >"Derpy? Derpy Hooves? It IS you!"
  619. >Oh crap.
  620. >"Look at you, you look great- and is that Anon as well?"
  621. >Derpy's eyes shine with recognition.
  622. >"Carrot Top!"
  623. >There's a bit of a reunion going on there.
  624. >"I haven't seen you two since you stopped coming to school... I had heard the news... 7 years... did you two manage okay, are you still the clumsy girl that would trip and end up pulling Anon's pants down in P.E?"
  625. >Derpy gives her a somewhat strained smile at the little bit of humor Carrot Top injected into her question. "We managed, we started working at the post office, you know? I got promoted recently too! I'm on delivery duty now." Derpy puffs out her chest in pride.
  626. >"Congrats!"
  627. >You plaster a permanent "I'm listening" smile on your face as you tune out the gossiping about what your former classmates ended up doing.
  628. >Derpy seems to be enjoying herself, you two stopped having friends a long while ago, at least you did, you don't count coworkers and neighbors as friends.
  629. >Suddenly you feel a tug at your shirt.
  630. >It's Dinky, her scouting of the isle complete and her face bashfully hidden behind a box of her chosen cereal.
  631. >"Mom, Dad, who's this lady?"
  632. >Carrot Top stops talking as she takes in what she heard.
  633. >She looks at Dinky, then at you two, then at Derpy's noticeable bump on her stomach, then back at you.
  634. >You stare back, as if to challenge her to say anything about it.
  635. >She totally could, she could totally ruin everything you've built by saying a few words to the authorities, but you hope your determination is enough to dissuade her.
  637. >She puts two and two together.
  638. >"I see..." her smile is strained.
  639. >She kneels down next to Dinky, who hides herself behind you. "Hello, I'm Carrot Top, I knew your... Mom and Dad from school."
  640. "Go on then, don't be rude to the nice lady, Dinky, you too."
  641. >Dinky peeks out.
  642. >"I'm Dinky Hooves, I'm eleven years old, nice to meet you..."
  643. >"She's a bit shy around new people." Derpy gets the need to say.
  644. >"Oh it's, uh, fine..." Carrot Top stands back up.
  645. >You can tell she's weirded out by all this.
  646. >"Well, I've got my own shopping to do soo... nice catching up with you Derpy."
  647. >She's about to leave when Derpy stops her.
  648. >"Aah wait! We should exchange numbers, I'd love to meet up again and talk, you were my best friend back in school..."
  649. >She rummages through her bag and pulls out her cellphone.
  650. >It slips from her hand, but she catches it, then it slips...
  651. >Dinky can't help but be amazed when Derpy manages to keep the phone from hitting the ground after a couple more flips in the air.
  652. >"Heheh, that was a close one..." Derpy smiles.
  653. >Carrot Top smiles, no doubt memories of old times coming back to her.
  654. >She breathes out "Alright Derpy, I'm really curious on how the hel- heck, you managed to get yourself into this, so give it here."
  655. >After a few seconds of digital booping sounds numbers are exchanged and goodbyes are said.
  656. >So it's back to your regularly scheduled grocery shopping.
  657. >Derpy takes Dinky by the hand, you notice a spring to her step.
  658. >"What's next on the list Anon?"
  659. >Pasta.
  660. >"Can we add flour and butter to the list? With the rest of the stuff back home, I'll bake some muffins!"
  661. >"Yay!"
  662. >You don't see why not. Thankfully, you've never found yourselves scrimping for cash.
  663. "Maybe you can bake a few extra to take with us to the park tomorrow."
  664. >Dinky's head turns to Derpy so fast you think she might get whiplash, her eyes blindingly bright.
  665. >"That's a great idea!"
  666. >Seeing both your sisters this happy... that's what you live for.
  668. //////////////////////////////
  670. [Sweetie Belle] [Rarity]
  672. >>You know what would be fucking rad? Sweetie Belle trying (and failing) to cook for Big Bro Anon because she once heard Rarity say that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
  674. >Be Rarity.
  675. >You've just finished your morning rituals, and after one last peek at the mirror you nod in approval.
  676. "Darling, how do you do it?"
  677. >You make your way out of your room and towards the kitchen.
  678. >There are sounds and smells... ungodly smells...
  679. >After going down stairs and turning the corner you come face to back with your little sister over the counter.
  680. >She's standing on a stool, her body sways lightly side to side as she hums a song to herself.
  681. >Like some kind of maiden in love.
  682. >That smell that your nose picked? Why, that was from the burnt strips of bacon sizzling in a skillet black with soot.
  683. >Sweetie goes over the stove and breaks some eggs over it.
  684. >You gag at the thought.
  685. "S-Sweetie, what are you doing?"
  686. >She turns to you in surprise before adopting a bashful look.
  687. >Now you notice she's wearing an apron.
  688. >"Cooking breakfast. For big bro..."
  689. >You sigh and put a hand to your hip.
  690. >There she goes again with this...
  691. >Why, if it goes on much longer you might stop believing that it's just a harmless crush.
  692. >[spoiler]She might actually be competition[/spoiler]
  693. "Sweetie... is this because of what I said?"
  694. >"N-No! I just thought I'd be a good sister and cook the best big bro in the world a nice breakfast."
  695. >You shakily smile.
  696. >Sweetie and cooking never went well.
  697. "Dear... the eggs."
  698. >"Ah!"
  699. >She quickly turns the gas off, the skillet immediately smoking.
  700. >You are speechless as you watch Sweetie act like what she made isn't simply fit to feed the trash can.
  701. >She gets a plate and with a spatula, she scrapes the bacon and eggs onto it.
  702. >The bacon barely looks like meat, they just look like strips of something black that hardened by staying too long out in the baking hot sun.
  703. >The eggs don't fair much better: the edges are clearly burned, the white is missing entire pieces that wouldn't leave the skillet, making it look more like holed mozzarella and the yolk not only was clearly broken, but it was overcooked.
  705. >Sweetie pays it no mind though, and quickly fills a cup with fresh orange juice and gets a knife and fork.
  706. >"Do you think Anon wants bread? I'm pretty sure he would."
  707. >You shake your head.
  708. "Sweetie, you aren't actually going to feed him THAT are you? That might kill him."
  709. >She looks a bit dejected.
  710. >"I-I know it isn't the best... but I filled it with enough love to make up for it!"
  711. >The innocence of her words almost makes you step back.
  712. >She's clearly a worthy adversary...
  713. >But you can't let Anon eat that, you genuinely worry for his health.
  714. >Time to act like a big sister.
  715. "Sweetie, come here."
  716. >You walk near the cooking area and get an apron of your own.
  717. "I'll help you cook a proper meal for Anonymous."
  718. >She pouts, but soon comes to your side.
  719. >You feel like a chef.
  720. >Only a chef wouldn't have such a little cutie for a sous chef.
  721. >You gather a clean skillet from the pantry as well as a lid and set it on the oven.
  722. >Sweetie gets some more bacon and eggs from the fridge.
  723. >You move to the radio and turn it on.
  724. >Some music while cooking makes it so much more enjoyable.
  725. >You get the flame going and coat the skillet in a small amount of oil.
  726. "Pass me the cooking butter, Sweetie."
  727. >"But the oil..."
  728. "It's for flavor, dear."
  729. >With a butterknife and said butter, you scoop a bit and drop it on the skillet.
  730. >It immediately starts melting and mixing with the quickly sizzling cooking oil.
  731. >Soon, you gently lay the strips of bacon one by one on it and dim the flame.
  732. "This way the oil won't burn so quickly, we just want to give the bacon a nice little crisp."
  733. >"Hmhm" Sweetie nods.
  734. >You flip the strips over and catch your hips swaying gently to the music while the bacon fries.
  735. "Fetch me a plate Sweetie."
  736. >With a spatula, you take out the bacon.
  737. >Using the same oil now with the flavor of bacon, you grab an egg.
  738. "Cracking the shell on a flat surface is better than on a corner."
  740. >You tap it a few times before bringing it over the skillet
  741. >You pull apart the shell, letting the contents fall into the skillet and watch it quickly turning white.
  742. >You repeat it a second time.
  743. "The secret to a perfectly cooked egg is to use a lid."
  744. >Sweetie's eyes shine with realization just as you close off the skillet, the sounds of sizzling a bit obstructed now.
  745. >You bring the flame back up.
  746. >You and your sister sway to the music while you wait for the eggs to cook.
  747. >A minute later, you pull the lid out, letting out a bit of steam, and exposing the bright eggs.
  748. >"They look so good~"
  749. >You feel your face form into a smug.
  750. >Right, Right~?
  751. >With the same tool you used before, you gently scoop up the eggs - careful not to break the yolk - and put them next to the crispy bacon.
  752. >Sweetie carts off the plate onto the table.
  753. >You put the skillet away to wash and get another one.
  754. "Fetch me the bottle of pancake mix from the pantry Sweetie."
  755. >"You're making pancakes!? Yes!"
  756. >You teach your sister the best way to make these tasty treats.
  757. >To keep the cakes from feeling fatty, it's best to cut a bit of butter and roll it in a piece of kitchen paper, making it easy to coat the pan enough to not stick but not too much that the cakes will soak.
  758. >You let it heat up before squirting the contents of the bottle into a thick circle.
  759. >"When do you know it's okay to flip?"
  760. "When the top starts bubbling, darling."
  761. >"Hmm..." Sweetie stares intensely.
  762. >Now, you aren't some expert, so flipping the pancakes like they do on TV? Out of the question.
  763. >You just turn them over with a spatula in leu of a potential mess.
  765. >When you have a nice stack going, Anonymous shows up in nothing but a shirt and boxers, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
  766. >You noticed this because, like usual when he wakes up, he's partially blind.
  767. >"OW FUC- my elbow, shit..."
  768. >"Good morning big bro!"
  769. >You finish your last pancake and turn the stove off.
  770. >You turn around.
  771. "Good morning, darling. Breakfast?"
  772. >You bring the stack of pancakes to the kitchen island.
  773. >"Thanks, you cooked all this?"
  774. "I did indeed. Just thought I'd be a good sister and cook the best brother in the world a nice breakfast."
  775. >Sweetie looks at you with a look that screams BETRAYAL!
  776. >You look at her with a smile.
  777. >All's fair in love and war.
  778. >"I-I helped!"
  779. >"Thanks a lot, the two of you."
  780. >You grab the plate of Sweetie's attempt at cooking to dispose of, but get immediately halted.
  781. >"What's that?"
  782. "O-Oh, just Sweetie's attempt at cooking."
  783. >Sweetie looks a bit dejected. Poor girl, but practice does make perfect.
  784. >"And you're just gonna throw perfectly good food out?"
  785. >Well, you wouldn't actually consider it "good".
  786. >"Bring it here."
  787. "Anonymous, I'm sure you'd rather eat the perfectly well cooked dish instead?"
  788. >"Bring it here."
  789. >You spy Sweetie showing you her tongue.
  790. >You put the plate in front of Anon with a sigh.
  791. >Immediately you cringe as you see him bite into what's now more char than bacon.
  792. >You flinch with every crunch he makes as he chews.
  793. >"How is it?"
  794. >"Eeh, can't complain, food is food."
  795. >"Try the eggs!"
  796. >Oh God, he actually does!
  797. >"So, so, how are they?"
  798. >"Eggscelent. No seriously, it's so thoroughly cooked I can just eat it up easy and clean, could do without the edges though."
  799. >Sweetie looks like she's about to burst.
  800. >You just realized your brother is a human trash can that doesn't have taste buds.
  801. >That's the only explanation for this.
  802. >He wipes his mouth, leaving a noticeable black mark on the cloth, no doubt from the coal that was the bacon.
  804. >He drinks the glass of orange juice.
  805. "W-Well, now that that ordeal is behind us, please eat."
  806. >You motion to your first grade breakfast.
  807. >"Oh, sorry Rarara, I'm pretty full now, you know I'm not an heavy eater, especially in the morning..."
  808. >What!?
  809. >How can he pass up your delicious pancakes as well!?
  810. >"Why don't you two eat it? This way we all get some food in us, eh?"
  811. >"Okay!"
  812. >"That's the spirit! Waste not, want not and all that."
  813. >Anon places a kiss on Sweetie's forehead and thanks her for the meal before exiting the kitchen.
  814. >You bite the back of your hand in jealousy while Sweetie looks like she's on cloud nine.
  815. >How- what- WHAT!?
  816. >You sit down at the island.
  817. >"Whoa! This is delicious, sis! Now I feel bad that Anon filled up on mine."
  818. >You smile as Sweetie Belle says this.
  819. >Not a hint of sass, smugness or bad intent.
  820. >She genuinely means what she says.
  821. >Even though that would mean her loss in this battle of love.
  822. >You smile and reach for a fluffy pancake.
  823. >Maybe you should strive to be as well intentioned as her when it comes to Anon.
  824. >[And now a song for all those hard on their luck this morning...]
  826. //////////////////////////////
  828. [Diamond Tiara]
  830. >"Hey, wake up!"
  831. >You're suddenly jostled from your slumber.
  832. >"Hmph, unbelievable... how can disgusting garbage sleep so soundly?"
  833. "Wha- huh?"
  834. >You are Anonymous, and you have no idea what's going on, other than the fact your little sister, Diamond Tiara, is looking at you like you were week old trash.
  835. "The hell's this about?"
  836. >You sit up on your bed as your sister only crosses her arms in contempt.
  837. >"Don't play innocent with me "brother"..." she gives you a glare, her voice carrying pure venom at the mention of you. "... and to think I was living under the same roof as someone like that... despicable."
  838. >You just woke up.
  839. >Your brain is still booting, and it doesn't help that Diamond is being cryptic with her shit.
  840. >Though you are worried: she might be bratty at times, but she certainly never treated you so badly...
  841. "What are you talking about?"
  842. >Your sister breathes out of her nose.
  843. >"I was using your computer this morning... your internet history? What was it..."
  844. >Wait... why was she using your PC?
  845. >Aah... doesn't matter, you aren't dumb enough to not clear your history, heck, you don't even do that anymore, you cut the middleman and just browse... anonymously.
  846. >Pun aside, you should be safe.
  847. >Unless... You forgot to turn it on one time...
  848. >No, you wouldn't... would you?
  849. >"You're really gonna make me say it aren't you?"
  850. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  851. >She puts her hands on her noticeable hips and leans forward.
  852. >"Lolita? Ring any bells?"
  853. >Your blood runs cold.
  854. >"Little girls, young enough to be my classmates or even lower..."
  855. >She points a dainty accusatory finger at you.
  856. >Cold sweat runs down your face.
  857. >"They were mostly drawings, but still... My brother the pedophile, I feel sick just saying it..."
  858. >Okay, firstly, that isn't pedo.
  859. >At most it's hebebait...
  860. >Goddamn it Anon, don't think semantics, your sister has you by the balls here!
  861. "S-So, blackmailing your big brother, is it?"
  863. >She returns to her position in front of your bed.
  864. >"Please, if I wanted something from you, I'd get it."
  865. >Well, that is true, you can't help but spoil her...
  866. >"I'm just wondering, if I should just hand you over to the authorities..."
  867. "WAIT, WHAT!?"
  868. >You bolt out of bed!
  869. >No fucking way you're going to jail for looking at drawings! This isn't fucking England!
  870. >You stand to your full height, towering over the girl in front of you.
  871. "You can't be serious! I'm your brother, does that mean nothing to you!?"
  872. >She simply looks at her nails.
  873. >"That would be irresponsible of me, you know? Hiding the fact my brother is an animal, it's only a matter of time before some poor young girl gets hurt..."
  874. >Tch... this little twat...
  875. "What do you want Diamond? Money? Eternal servitude? My part of the inheritance!?"
  876. >"What I want? I want you to kill. your. self."
  877. >H-Holy shit no chill.
  878. "..."
  879. >"It's the only way right? You won't stop lusting after little girls, after all."
  880. >Old enough to bleed old enough to breed! It's not like this is some toddler shit!
  881. >Besides, you'd never do such a thing to actual girls!
  882. "It's just a fetish! A fet-ish, Jesus..."
  883. >"Oh really?"
  884. "Really, damn it Tiara, you know me!"
  885. >She puts a finger to her chin tauntingly.
  886. >"Do I really?"
  887. "Oh, for fuck sake!"
  888. >"Then prove it."
  889. >Wut?
  890. >"Prove to me that you aren't an animal, and I'll think about not telling anyone."
  891. >How the fuck are you gonna prove shit?
  892. >"Come to my room in ten minutes." Not saying another word, Diamond Tiara turns around and leaves your room.
  893. >You stand there in your shirt and boxers.
  894. >This doesn't look like some kind of honeytrap, no siree!
  896. >You've waited the damn ten minutes.
  897. >You leave your room and walk through the estate that is your home.
  898. >Loaded parents.
  899. >The con being that they are barely around.
  900. >After making your way to the other side of the place, you come across the dreaded dragon's lair.
  901. >You swear, you'll go ballistic if you're asked to take a seat...
  902. >You knock, wait a beat, then go inside.
  903. >You can never get used to how big your sister's room is.
  904. >You bet you could pack at least 50 illegals in here!
  905. >"Took you long enough, I was wondering if you had simply ran away."
  906. >Your sister greets you as she comes out of her walk-in closet; a room you estimate could house at least 10 illegals.
  907. >You were about to sass her, but the words are caught in your throat.
  908. >Diamond Tiara is wearing nothing but a negligee.
  909. >The see-through fabric exposing her panties...
  910. >Her small mounds slightly noticeable.
  911. >You spin 180 degrees in place and make your way to the door.
  912. >"H-Hey wait!"
  913. "Wait? You ask me to come over here and then show up in that!? And you want me to wait!?"
  914. >Tiara loosens her hair a bit.
  915. >"This is how you'll prove yourself."
  916. >Huh-uh...
  917. "And how will I do that, little princess?"
  918. >Her face scrunches in annoyance at your sarcastic tone.
  919. >She points a finger at herself.
  920. >"Touch me."
  921. "Hwhat?"
  922. >"Touch me. Anywhere, how you want to. But if you get hard, then you fail."
  923. >You just stare as Diamond seems content with herself, no doubt proud of her retarded idea...
  924. >You turn to leave again, but are halted by petite hands grabbing your wrist.
  925. >"If you don't do this, I'm telling!"
  926. >tch... damned if you do, damned if you don't...
  927. >You wonder if you could pin a "disappearance" on the gardener but quickly shake those dark thoughts out of your mind.
  928. >She might drive you up the wall, but you'd never hurt your sister.
  929. >You sigh.
  930. "Fiiine... where am I doing this?"
  931. >"On the bed, idiot, where else?"
  933. >You are pulled - i.e: you walk while Tiara tugs at your arm - towards the center of the room.
  934. >You snort, only your sister would have steps to her bed...
  935. >And did you also mention the bed?
  936. >You bet even the queen in the land of fish 'n chips is green with envy.
  937. >You bet the bed could hold an entire family of illegals.
  938. >They might even live there because the bed even has drapes!
  939. >But enough about that, you notice your sister let go of your wrist before hopping into the bed.
  940. >The mattress sinks like a marshmallow as she crawls to the center of it.
  941. >This gives you an ample view of her girly keister.
  942. >N-No boner, you aren't losing this shit already!
  943. >You mentally berate your penis like one would a dog.
  944. >"Geez, come on Anonymous, what are you waiting for?"
  945. >Fuck it.
  946. >The mattress conforms to you as you make your way to your little sister.
  947. >Things are quiet.
  948. >You can only hear her breathing as she looks at you, her expression a mix of expectation and displeasure.
  949. >She leans back on one of her large pillows and spreads her legs apart, exposing her underwear to you.
  950. >"You can touch me, but remember, if you get hard then you fail the test."
  951. >...
  952. >The first minute is absolute awkward hell.
  953. >What the hell are you supposed to do?
  954. >Jesus, she's your little sister! She's not even in high school yet!
  955. >"Hmm? I expected you to just assault me like the animal you are... come on, do something already."
  956. >Fine!
  957. >With a look of concentration you press her chest with a hand.
  958. >Yup, there's something there alright, barely enough to fill an A-cup you'd guess.
  959. >"Being touched by my garbage brother... gross."
  960. >This bitch...
  961. >You knead her mound slightly behind the fabric, before cupping the other one with your free hand.
  962. >"Uh..."
  963. >Less than a minute of this and you feel two little nubs poking at your palms.
  964. >You pull the top of your sister's negligee down to her stomach, exposing her small breasts fully.
  965. >With indomitable willpower your dick remains under control.
  967. >Unblemished soft skin and two inviting small buttons...
  968. >You clasp your hands together and rub them to get them warmed up.
  969. >She did say you could touch her anywhere.
  970. >"Hm~"
  971. >She gives a little mewl as your warm palms brush against her hardened nipples.
  972. >"S-Shut up! It was just your imagination, no way would I feel good from being touched by a creep like you."
  973. >You didn't even say anything.
  974. >She can stop this any time.
  975. >You spend the next minute absentmindedly playing with her tiny breasts, the only way to not get a titanium hard-on.
  976. >Gently you squeeze and knead, you brush and pinch, you trail a circle around the engorged nipples
  977. >"-mous. Anonymous!"
  978. "What?"
  979. >"G-Geez, here you are playing with a beautiful girl and you don't even seem to care."
  980. "Right, right, so are we done?"
  981. >"Hmph, we're done when I say so, it's just... my panties."
  982. "What about them?"
  983. >"Gosh, you're making me spell it out for you, you perv? You really are trash. My panties... I-I need to take them off or else they'll get wet..."
  984. >...
  985. >Oh!
  986. >F-Fuck, stay down you damn snake!
  987. >"S-So..." After you pull back, your sister pulls down her panties and raises her legs to take them off.
  988. >You try to remain calm as you notice a bit of liquid breaking off from your sister's hairless slit and clinging to her underwear.
  989. >She puts them aside in the large bed.
  990. >"There."
  991. >Her cropped negligee does nothing to cover her body, besides her midriff.
  992. >Diamond Tiara looks at you, her breathing a bit coarse and her cheeks flushed.
  993. >You have to wonder who's the real pervert here.
  994. >Your eyes wander downwards to her groin.
  995. >Her pussy seems so inviting...
  996. >You look between your sister and her slit.
  997. >Her eyes are narrowed, as if challenging you to something.
  998. >You swallow the dryness in your throat before tossing out your reservations; in for a penny in for a pound.
  999. >"H-Hey!"
  1000. >You bury your head between your sister's thighs, taking in the sent of her sex.
  1001. >"Perverted garbage, j-just can't help it, uh?"
  1003. >Your sister shudders as you brush your tongue around her little axe wound.
  1004. >The taste is tangy and weird, something you can't put your finger on, but you neither like or dislike it.
  1005. >"Ah~... don't say things like "it's delicious" you perv!"
  1006. >You didn't say anything.
  1007. >Diamond Tiara moves her hips closer and wraps a hand on top of your head, her fingers running through your hair.
  1008. >She seems lost in her little world as she moans quietly to herself.
  1009. >You spread her lips slightly, causing a wet sound, and run your tongue from the bottom upwards to her clit.
  1010. >She yelps and her body jolts at this.
  1011. >Hopefully this will get her to call this nonsense off already.
  1012. >She doesn't.
  1013. >You keep licking her and playing with her button as her breathing quickens and her body writhes.
  1014. >Soon enough she locks up and pushes her quivering pussy into your face.
  1015. >She gasps as she reaches her orgasm, your face getting slightly covered by a bit of her juices.
  1016. >She finally quiets down and sinks through her bed.
  1017. >you wipe your face with the closest thing you have; your shirt.
  1018. >"Cumming from my disgusting big brother..."
  1019. >Yeah, yeah keep berating.
  1020. "Are we done?"
  1021. >She looks to you, her face slightly bright from sweat.
  1022. >You notice her lips turn into a smug smirk.
  1023. >"I knew you were a freak, Anonymous, to get hard from a little girl like your sister..."
  1024. >...
  1025. >Your dick is at full mast not even tenting your boxers, it just broke through the hole like it was redeeming Shawshank.
  1026. >YOU TRAITOR!
  1027. "Oh come on, I'd have to have E.D to not get hard from yo- from this!"
  1028. >Still with a sense of smug superiority, Diamond Tiara crawls to you and pokes you accusingly on the chest.
  1029. >"You're just the worst aren't you? Just a problem waiting to happen..."
  1030. >She gets closer and closer, using her entire body to push you on your back.
  1031. "C-Come on what're you doing now?"
  1032. >She straddles your waist, your dick held to her soft abdomen.
  1034. >Your breath catches as Diamond Tiara measures your dick with her petite body, your girth obscuring her groin.
  1035. >"Look at you~, you're hopeless aren't you? You're an animal... I wonder how many times you've rubbed it while fantasizing... have you imagined Silver Spoon?"
  1036. "W-What?"
  1037. >Silver Spoon? That friend of hers?
  1038. >"I noticed you look at her when she comes over. Really, you're a danger, just look how big you've gotten."
  1039. "G-Goddamn it..."
  1040. >"You want to put it in don't you? Even though I'm your sister..."
  1041. >Right now you want nothing more, but you have to hold strong, she's toying with you!
  1042. >"It can't be helped can it? If you ask me nicely I'll take care of it~."
  1043. "..."
  1044. >"Come on~" She prods your dick, her aura still one of superiority.
  1045. >Who does she take you for?
  1046. >This smug bitch...
  1047. >But Goddamn it your cock demands it...
  1048. "Please."
  1049. >Her smirk only increases her smug output.
  1050. >"What was that?"
  1051. >She rises her hips and lines her entrance with the head of your cock.
  1052. >You groan.
  1053. >"Please put it in."
  1054. >She looks you in the eye for a beat before slowly lowering herself.
  1055. >Heat fills the tip of your dick as your sister's slit tries to take it in.
  1056. >You aren't even in yet and you can tell she's gonna be a tight squeeze...
  1057. >You groan as Diamond manages to get the tip in.
  1058. >"Kh..." with a bit of strain, she manages to get a bit more in. "D-Don't move."
  1059. >She steadies herself on your knees before rising and lowering herself slowly.
  1060. >You bite your lip and watch the girl swallow more and more of your member, though the slow speed of it almost unbearable.
  1061. >Every time she goes down, a little bit more of your cock gets coated in her juices, making it possible to take more of it the next time.
  1062. >Now it's your turn to have your breathing all over the place.
  1063. >"Does it feel good? To finally get what you wanted?"
  1064. "Faster..."
  1065. >"Oh, already lost to your instincts? Bravo~ as expected of weak minded trash like you."
  1067. >You pay her berating words no mind.
  1068. >Her small hips increase the pace, more than half your member able to go in.
  1069. >You feel her wet walls try their best to accommodate you.
  1070. >Your sister moans out words you barely pay heed, though you assume are supposed to be degrading to you.
  1071. >You feel warm liquid drip down your shaft and balls as the pleasure you're experiencing builds up.
  1072. >It's not enough to just let Diamond Tiara do the work.
  1073. >You grab her hips and thrust your own upwards, meeting her halfway with the wet lewd clap of flesh on flesh.
  1074. >"Ah!? S-So deep~"
  1075. >You keep going, finding even more pleasure in seeing your little sister bouncing on your cock.
  1076. >"Even though it's my first. To think I'd feel like this..."
  1077. >Nothing like the bloodless first time of someone who broke her hymen horse-riding...
  1078. >Shit...
  1079. >You're getting close!
  1080. >Your sister tries, and manages to look smug as she takes notice.
  1081. >"What's the matter~ cumming already?"
  1082. >You only groan.
  1083. >"You want to cum inside me don't you? Hm~, if you admit that you're sick enough to want to cum inside your little sister, I'll let you."
  1084. >Sweet Jesus, fine!
  1085. "Y-Yeah, let m- fuck - just let me do it alright!?"
  1086. >Her face shows annoyance.
  1087. >"You should be grateful I'm allowing you to do this~"
  1088. >Leaning forward and holding your abdomen for leverage, Diamond Tiara lets you have at it, her pussy taking you up to the hilt.
  1089. >After a dozen more strokes, you feel it.
  1090. >Without any warning, you pull Diamond as far down as she can go and let loose the biggest load in recent memory!
  1091. >Diamond Tiara moans and shudders as you twitch inside her, spurting cum each time you do...
  1092. >You blank out for a moment as Diamond grinds on you, before you come down from your climax.
  1093. >After a moment, your sister pulls herself from your slowly deflating member, a noticeable schlinking coming from her as you leave her parted lips, cum slowly dripping out of the slit.
  1095. >Now that you finally get a moment of clarity, you realize you fucked up.
  1096. >You played right into her shit.
  1097. >Classic move: she used a lesser piece of bait to get you into bigger dirt.
  1098. >You feel her finger trailing through your chest.
  1099. >"I own you, brother. Aren't I nice to let you use my body? You can do it any time you feel your disgusting urge, I'll take it so that another poor girl doesn't have to. In return I expect you to take care of me."
  1100. >...
  1101. >You have no idea who's the most fucked up out of the two of you.
  1102. >Goddamn.
  1104. //////////////////////////////
  1106. [Fluttershy]
  1108. >>dats flutterbutter, holmes
  1109. >>Flutterbutter holmes
  1111. >Fluttershy and her twin brother Anon love detective novels, their first books were nothing but those and mystery novels for kids.
  1112. >They even fancy themselves junior detectives, operating out of their garage, which all the ara~ ara~ milfs in the neighborhood can't help but coo at when they wear those matching hats and capes and try to act all serious and professional.
  1113. >They cover for their inadequacies: Anon, being less shy and hardy does the talking and the more rough kind of sleuthing, Fluttershy, not being able to do well with new people and being dainty, brings wits and a less confrontational approach.
  1114. >They've got quite the amount of solved cases and mysteries under their belt; such as the case of Mrs Marple's favorite rolling pin (Which her husband accidentally broke and tried to hide, solved after finding a receipt for a replacement and some left over splinters on the scene).
  1115. >Who poisoned Mr Meyer's dog (Was an accident, the dog got into contact with the rat poison Mr Thompson used for his pest problem, solved when Fluttershy's pet know-how led her to backtrack the dog's steps, with Anon sleuthing under the house.).
  1116. >And The mystery of Mr and Mrs Peterson's missing foodstuffs from the pantry and the strange noises in the night (Which was actually a down in the dumps writer living out of a basement the couple never knew they had under the stairs. This one made the local news. The clipping is proudly framed and hanging in the garage/office, with a grinning Anon and a bashful Fluttershy clinging to him trying to be as small as possible in the picture.)
  1117. >The cases were rather simple and nothing like the kidnappings and even murders in the books, though during the summer, they saw a car parked in Mrs Robinson's drive-way that lingered all morning and left just before her husband came home.
  1118. >This prompted investigating.
  1120. >After the third time this happened, they sleuth around the outside of the house and peered into the window.
  1121. >What they saw shocked them.
  1122. >Mrs Robinson was naked and on her knees, bobbing her head up and down on the man's groin...
  1123. >It didn't stop there, after a few moments; the woman straddled the man and stuck his penis between her legs.
  1124. >Fluttershy noted that this kind of looked like mating, like the animals on her nature documentaries would do.
  1125. >For some reason, the two couldn't take their eyes off the scene, their faces flushed and their nether undergoing a mystery of their own.
  1126. >Suffice it to say, further research into "mating" and other related things would have to be carried out.
  1127. >Soon they were exposed to the lewd world of adult romance and sex through the wonders of the internet wikipedia, pretty much every other search hit was child blocked.
  1128. >Their minds still drawn to Mrs Robinson as she bounced on the man's lap and seemed to be enjoying herself greatly.
  1129. >The twins' innocence at the concept made them believe love was the pretext to do such a thing, and there wasn't anyone else in the world they loved more than each other, so to sate their curiosity, they played a different kind of "game" that afternoon in the garage.
  1130. >It was inexperienced, it was strange, but it felt good as they imitated what they saw from the neighbor: Fluttershy on her knees, inspecting Anon's member and giving tentative licks and taking it into her mouth slowly.
  1131. >When it came to the straddling, there were tears, there was blood, but there was also pleasure.
  1132. >They knew for certain that this was something you don't just do with anybody, and the next week they would take pictures of Mrs Robinson and the man going into her house, the car and even a candid of the two half naked in each other's embrace to show to Mr Robinson.
  1134. >The case was solved, like all the others, but this one didn't end with cheek pinching and baked goods, it ended in heartbreak and drama, though Mr Robinson thanked them for this, it was clearly one of the worst pieces of news he ever received.
  1135. >It was a sobering, maturing experience for both twins to learn of such things as infidelity and how it affects those it touches.
  1136. >Almost made the garage feel like a hardboiled detective novel with the brooding they did digesting the new experiences.
  1137. >They swore then and there they'd never ever break each other's hearts.
  1138. >And so they resumed their usual junior detective duties, though the difference in the relationship came in the form of taking care of each other's urges, a bit more skinship and the ara~ ara~ milfs being confused at Fluttershy's more confident "womanly air" behind her usual bashful cuteness.
  1139. >Years later, after Anon and Fluttershy moved town into a home to call their own, so as to not have to keep their relation a secret, they would look back at those summer days steeped in childhood nostalgia and a dash of lewdness, solving mysteries and experimenting with each other and long for them to return.
  1140. >In truth, the only mystery Fluttershy and Anon couldn't solve, was how not to grow up...
  1142. Extra
  1144. >>With each passing day, the club room feels more like a real private detective's office, smooth jazz seemingly always playing in the background
  1145. >>All the while Fluttershy and Anon lean on each other to cope with the stress of each case.
  1147. [spoiler]Written in first person to further capture that noir feel. Something I'm not used to, I apologize in advance if I somehow switched into second person anywhere[/spoiler]
  1148. >Another day goes by as the hallways fill up with students, like Chinatown during rush hour, nothing but a sea of all the little people.
  1149. >They all go about their routine, completely unaware of just what goes on in these halls.
  1150. >Oh, if these lockers could talk, what stories would they tell?
  1151. >The students give me a wide berth, like some kind of royalty, a hero...
  1152. >For what? Helping put a stop to Sunset's reign?
  1153. >It's still there, the crown only switched heads. With Sunset gone, jerks, outcasts and bullies move in like roaches into a roach motel.
  1154. >I'm no hero, just a cat too curious for his own good.
  1155. >And we all know how that story ends...
  1156. >I open the door to the extracurricular room the faculty let Shy' and I borrow for our little detective gig.
  1157. >Its hinges creak audibly, and like the screech of a record, it alerts everyone to my presence.
  1158. >Everyone, being my twin sister, the rest don't really put in that extra work.
  1159. >And who could blame them?
  1160. >Having to break it to a guy that his dame's been taking all comers.
  1161. >A girl crying in the corners of the library over a constant reminder of the kind of person she's trying to leave behind.
  1162. >The groundskeeper holding cockfights after-hours
  1163. >And the world keeps on going.
  1164. >It changes someone.
  1166. >"Anon... you look like you've been through a lot." Her gorgeous eyes look at me with worry, like a jolt from a defibrillator to my still beating heart; it stops for just a second.
  1167. >My only light in this dangerous world, her flowing hair, a lustrous light pink, like an innocent rose. And like a rose, she has her thorns.
  1168. "I see I'm not the only one..."
  1169. >She looks away, her arms crossing under her budding chest, a sign of vulnerability.
  1170. >"Don't mind me; it's just this new case..."
  1171. >I grunt as I make my way to my desk.
  1172. >The room itself is dark; little light able to break from the blinds.
  1173. >It's quiet, the sound of an old clock ticking, the fan slowly spinning above, some smooth jazz and 'Shy's light footsteps all there is.
  1174. >After sitting down, she brings me a glass, its freshness condensing it, the contents dark, with a topping of tan foaming.
  1175. >I thank her and take a swig, grimacing as the sugary carbonated beverage wreaks havoc on my throat, just how I like it.
  1176. >She sits on my lap, leaning close and kissing me, a simple light peck on the cheek, before she lays her head down on my chest.
  1177. >"Another request to look into a boy from a concerned girlfriend... it turned out she was right..."
  1178. >I grunt, that's highschool for you, some people just can't handle the hormones or can't, or won't, stay true to just one person.
  1179. >Not like Fluttershy and I.
  1180. >She might be my sister, but the world's already robbed me of my light, I'll be damned if I let it keep us apart.
  1181. >"When we started this as kids, I just liked the feeling of helping people, finding their lost precious things, helping them figure out how something happened, I didn't realize I'd be n-nothing more than an heartbreaker, a deliverer of bad news. It's the Robinsons all over again." She hides her face with her hands, no doubt ashamed of her feelings, after all, this isn't just a one man operation, either it's her and I against the world or nothing at all.
  1183. "Do you want to quit? Move away from all this, maybe start a literature club?"
  1184. >She sniffles and nods sideways, spreading the scent of her shampoo.
  1185. >It wafts into my nose: L'oreal, with a bit of her natural scent mixed in.
  1186. >It hits me like the hardest drug available, only, I can't overdose from her, she's too pure, too sweet, and too kind to harm even a single hair on me.
  1187. >"No, after all this time... I can't just quit, the pursuit of truth is just too sweet, it draws me to it, like a moth to a flame..."
  1188. "Even if you'll burn one day?"
  1189. >"Yes. Will you burn together with me?"
  1190. >I spin the chair to face the window, 'Shy still on my lap.
  1191. >We spend a few moments in silence, looking at the stripes of sunlight from the blinds, just enjoying each other's company and the smooth sounds of music.
  1192. "Never doubt for a second I wouldn't."
  1193. >She sighs contently and produces a small carton.
  1194. >"You wouldn't terribly mind if I smoked, would you?"
  1195. "Go for it, it's your office too."
  1196. >She takes the chocolate candy and places it on her lips.
  1197. >She relaxes and leans into a more comfortable position.
  1198. >We spend the remainder of lunch break in silence.
  1200. >Meanwhile.
  1201. >A group of teens forms behind a door.
  1202. >One peeks through the keyhole and relays what he sees.
  1203. >"Tch, they're doing the whole noir hardboiled thing again... what happened this time?"
  1204. >A girl places a finger to her chin. "Fluttershy told me their pet rabbit is sick and needs to go to the vet later today."
  1206. //////////////////////////////
  1208. [Dazzlings]
  1210. >>We’ve had cool prompts involving sirens but have we had any actual green?
  1212. >Be Adagio
  1213. >Be cleaning up the mess Aria made trying to get herself an extra serving of cereal with the help of Sonata.
  1214. >'Do what you must because I've already won' your well shaped tush.
  1215. >It was a learning day today, you had Aria learn the meaning of Pyrrhic victory with two slaps on the bottom and a go to your room until your father comes back.
  1216. >Father.
  1217. >To be perfectly clear, he's actually their older brother, your own brother.
  1218. >A confusing mess that snowballed badly.
  1219. >Your actual parents died suddenly when Aria and Sonata were still really young, leaving you and your brother to keep the family from being split apart.
  1220. >It was tough, really tough.
  1221. >Actually it still is.
  1222. >But soon enough both Aria and Sonata started seeing both of you as their mom and dad.
  1223. >You didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise.
  1224. >Mother's and Father's days were pretty awkward.
  1225. >Made picking them up from kindergarden really awkward
  1226. >Made a lot of things really awkward.
  1227. >But you moved to a new town and started fresh where nobody knew you four.
  1228. >So, on to brighter subjects.
  1229. >It's almost Christmas!
  1230. >... And you can't really afford it...
  1231. >Brighter subject.
  1232. >"Mommy, I think I hear the door!" Sonata forgoes her cleaning and jumps up and down.
  1233. >You sigh as you also hear the rattle of keys, plastic bags and cursing, followed by the door.
  1234. >"Daddy's home, daddy's home!" Sonata practically dashes to the door, leaving you to finish up here.
  1236. >Be Anonymous.
  1237. >Just arrived home.
  1238. >Best moment of the day.
  1239. >"Daddy's home, daddy's home!"
  1240. >Waaiit for it
  1241. >From another room a small ball of energy skitters to your leg.
  1242. >There it is, you swear, being greeted with such joy every day is the only reason you go on living.
  1243. "Hey there missy! Sorry, but I can't carry you now, kind of have my hands full"
  1244. >You gesture to your bags.
  1245. >"What's in the bags, daddy? Sweets? More cereal? because Aria made a mess with our cereal! Mom got sooo mad! this bag smells yummy, what is it, what is it?"
  1246. >You make your way to the living room/Kitchenette with the little cutie firing off questions and tangents.
  1247. >"Is it tacos!?"
  1248. >You laugh.
  1249. "Yup"
  1250. >You pop that p and the moment the word leaves your mouth Sonata's eyes shine bright as her mischievous smile widens.
  1251. >"YES! Yesyesyes yes!" She rushes to Adagio who just finished cleaning something to relay the news.
  1252. >"Eh? You're off work early." Adagio notes
  1253. >You put the bags on the counter
  1254. "Boss let me off early today, so I thought I'd use this opportunity to grant Sonata's taco wish. Sure it isn't breakfast, but tacos for lunch is the next best thing."
  1255. >You give your sister a kiss on the forehead in greeting.
  1256. "What's this about messes and cereal?"
  1257. >You clearly caught Adagio off guard
  1258. >"W-Well, look for yourself." She nods to the trash can.
  1259. >Wet paper, soggy flakes and a discarded box of cheap knock off Cap'n Crunch.
  1260. >You salute it
  1261. "So long captain, may you go to drier places and may you always remain crunchy."
  1262. >This causes Sonata to giggle.
  1263. >"Come on Daddy, tacos!"
  1264. "Okay, okay..."
  1265. >You grab sonata and sit her on a chair at the isle while Adagio sets it.
  1266. >You notice a head peeking from the doorway.
  1267. "Hey, Aria, come on over, number one dad brought tacos!"
  1268. >She looks towards Adagio who nods.
  1269. >"Sorry." she trails as she makes her way up to a chair.
  1270. "s'okay, you've paid for your crimes already and served your sentence."
  1272. >"Just ask me when you're hungry, I won't let you off so easy next time" Adagio adds.
  1273. >After the finger wagging you rummage through the plastic bag with the take out and bring out the tacos and some juice.
  1274. >You felt extra spicy today so you also got fries.
  1275. >Sonata was beside herself with excitement.
  1276. "Right, dig in!"
  1277. >
  1278. >You all enjoyed the meal, talking and laughing.
  1279. >You listened to Sonata's tales from second grade, asked Aria how she was doing in fourth grade and talked to Adagio about your mornings and prospects for later.
  1280. >Outside looking in, one might see husband and wife and their two happy daughters.
  1281. >But truthfully, that's a sham, not that the foundation isn't there.
  1282. >It's just a little white lie you and Adagio perpetuate to make your situation easier.
  1283. >And speaking of white lies.
  1284. "Right, now that food's out of the way, I have something to tell you girls."
  1285. >Adagio looked unsure.
  1286. "Christmas is coming up, and unfortunately, I'll be working."
  1287. >"Aaww~"
  1288. >"tch..."
  1289. "But rejoice! For Santa, seeing my situation, contacted me via his super secret elf forces and gave me green light on giving you the presents early!"
  1290. >"What!? Is this real? Tacos and presents best day ever!"
  1291. >"Come on dad, Santa's not real."
  1292. >You move to the second bag still on the counter.
  1293. "Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this!?"
  1294. >You take out a crude letter with Santa emblazoned on it.
  1295. >"No way, daddy's pen pals with Santa!"
  1296. >Adagio can't help but smile.
  1297. "So, for the pure girl that hasn't drank the not real kool-aid - that's you 'Nata - that My Tiny Equine's playset you've been wanting!"
  1298. >You take it out of the bag and you worry you might cause the girl to explode, but like a boiling tea kettle, she releases her pent up energy through high pitched squee
  1299. >At this point Adagio frowns your way
  1300. >"Anon, what's going on? You know we can't recklessly spend-"
  1301. >You gently shush her and give her the "I'll explain later, you're ruining the magic" look
  1302. >She just crosses her arms and glares.
  1304. "For the cute unbeliever..."
  1305. >Aria's attention is on you.
  1306. "That handheld console you've been lusting after! Plus two games!"
  1307. >"... I-I... thank you sooo muc- I- I mean, it's not like I didn't deserve it, I got good grades all year! S-Santa's still not real!"
  1308. >"Is too!"
  1309. >Aah, that bashful dishonest response, it's a great reaction too.
  1310. >"Anonymous. Hallway. Now."
  1311. >
  1312. >"How could we afford those things Anon, you have to take them back!" Your sister shout whispers in the hallway.
  1313. "And break their little hearts? No way, I'm just making up for all the crappy Christmases they get."
  1314. >"By risking our livelihood!? Anon I'm serious!"
  1315. >Adagio glares up at you, you can tell this is stressing her out.
  1316. "Listen, Sonata's gift was on clearance, I got it really cheap, and as for Aria's, a guy and his girlfriend sold it to me from his car - shit's definitely stolen - but shit, I ain't picky, looking over it everything checked out, I even opened the box myself."
  1317. >"That still doesn't explain the money."
  1318. >You put a hand on her shoulder.
  1319. "That's easy. I'm gonna be working this year's Christmas. like I said."
  1320. >"So instead of spending time with us, with me, you'll be working."
  1321. "Hey, it's worth it."
  1322. >You guide Adagio by the shoulders to the living room, showing her how happy your two younger sisters were.
  1323. >She sighs and you feel her soft hand on yours.
  1324. >"Just run this by me next time. I'm not ready to have a heart-attack in my twenties."
  1325. >You chuckle.
  1326. "Sure, sure, now how about we join those two, gotta see if Aria will let me borrow that handheld."
  1327. >She facepalms.
  1329. >Later that night, after spending the day with the girls and having them tuckered out and in bed, you and Adagio retire to the adjacent room.
  1330. >Your home is a small affair: two smallish rooms, one for Aria and Sonata and another for you and Adagio, a single bathroom and another larger room that doubles as living room and kitchen, all connected by a hallway.
  1331. >Cheap, but cozy.
  1332. >Tomorrow is another day of work for you, since it's Christmas break Adagio asked for leave to take care of the girls.
  1333. >Sure she's not getting paid, but then, paying a stranger to look after them is a worse prospect when you still lose money, least this way their being cared for by family.
  1334. >There's a comfortable silence in the dimly lit bedroom.
  1335. "Hey, Dagi."
  1336. >"Yes?"
  1337. "Got something for you too."
  1338. >"What?" Adagio sits up from the bed and looks at you. "Anon, you know I hate surprises."
  1340. >You rummage around your jacket for the small box.
  1341. "I wanted to wait until we were alone."
  1342. >"Anon, what is that?" Adagio uses the bedspread to hide the lower half of her face, like she was afraid of what it might be.
  1343. >You're pretty nervous right now, sure you've been living like husband and wife, but this is next level.
  1344. >You babble.
  1345. "Don't worry about the money, because like everything else we own, it was cheap - but that doesn't mean it's half assed! - it's just simple..."
  1346. >"Anon..."
  1347. "I just wanted to... make it a bit more official?"
  1348. >You open the box with a simple ring inside; just a brass band worked to actually look like it's worth something.
  1349. "Still, I have to save up, for my own, gotta look the part you know?"
  1350. >Your sister's crying.
  1351. >Oh crap, she's crying, did you take this whole thing too far?
  1352. "I-Isn't it fine? I'm sorry, did I cross a line he-"
  1353. >"S-Shut up, you idiot. Of course it's fine!" Adagio tries to suck the tears in, years of putting a strong front working their magic "It's just not fair to me! Think before you do stuff like this!
  1354. "What?"
  1355. >"You come home, brighten our day, bring gifts to the girls by agreeing to work more, a-and now this, you spoil us!"
  1356. >She lunges at your side of the bed and hugs you.
  1357. >"I love you so much it hurts right now."
  1358. >Before you can respond with anything, Adagio plants a passionate kiss on your lips.
  1359. >She places a hand on your chest and pushes you down on the bed before straddling you.
  1360. >"It's a safe day today Anon. Spoil me some more~"
  1361. >...
  1362. >Work tomorrow's gonna suck.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables