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[Cousin Applebloom/Anon] Barn Tussle

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-11-02 03:08:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be delinquent teen Anon.
  2. >Get into lots of fights, even win some of them.
  3. >You're not the kind of delinquent that smokes, drinks, fucks and parties a lot.
  4. >You're the type that schemes.
  5. >Pay a hobo to buy booze and cigarettes.
  6. >Further strike a deal with said hobo that you'll let him have a bottle and a pack of cigs if he keeps doing it.
  7. >Resell the booze and cigs at a premium to other teens.
  8. >What other option do those would-be chads and fag smokers have? Pay a hobo to get it for them?
  9. >It would be around the same cost.
  10. >[spoiler]Not really.[/spoiler]
  11. >Start turning a profit.
  12. >Until some dirty rat snitches on you.
  13. >Parents send your ass to live with your cousins on their farm as punishment over the summer.
  14. >They think a few months of hard work will break you.
  15. >The farm is large, lots of shit to do, and too few people to do it.
  16. >There's three cousins and an old lady.
  17. >What the fuck, how are they supposed to run a fucking farm?
  18. >Big Macintosh doesn't say much, but he doesn't need to because Applejack is quite the bitch and says enough for the both of them.
  19. >Always imposing rules.
  20. >Waking your ass up at five AM
  21. >Working you like some kind of slave driver.
  22. >Hitting you over the head when you "Sass" her and going on a tangent about "City slickers" at least once a day when you're around.
  23. >The last of your cousins is Apple Bloom, she's about 2 years younger than you, give or take.
  24. >By comparison, this girl's an angel.
  25. >She helps carry your weight around the farm.
  26. >Teaches you the ins and outs of the work.
  27. >You suspect her sister put her up to it, but it's hard to tell, she does a pretty good job of seeming to genuinely enjoy spending time with you.
  28. >First week was hell.
  29. >Second week you were basically a zombie.
  30. >Third week things started getting bearable.
  31. >All the while, you and Apple Bloom got along just okay.
  32. >And you have to admit, she has the chicks in your grade beat.
  33. >She's definitely a looker, and the farm work keeps her fit.
  35. >She ain't no Applejack, but you've unleashed a few billion swimmers into the sink in her honor throughout the days.
  36. >Besides, Applejack's older and too much of a serious cunt to you to actually be attainable.
  37. >Her little sister however, she might be up for a "tussle in the hay".
  38. >So what if she's your cousin? A cute ass like hers deserves a cock.
  39. >You just have to word it carefully, make her think it was her idea...
  40. >Should you really take advice from a hobo that bought booze and cigarettes for a kid?
  41. >Better not.
  42. >
  43. >Be Anon and it has been exactly 34 days since you've been dropped off in this baking hot shithole farm.
  44. >Today, it's your job to clean the barn.
  45. >Sounds fun right?
  46. >With you, like always, is your cousin.
  47. >"Ahnon, wut are yew doin'?" She asks you in her southern drawl
  48. "What's it look like I'm doing? Cleaning the barn?"
  49. >"Not lahke that yew aren't, yew're gettin' hay everywhere shufflin' it lahke that."
  50. "Well, geez, excuse me for wanting to get this done before next week!"
  51. >"Mah sister ahlways says "If y'all ain't gonna do sumthan' right, then yew shouldn't be doin' it in the first place""
  52. >Well, works for you.
  53. >You drop the pitchfork, loosen the sweaty neck scarf and plop down on the pile of hay.
  54. >"Hey!"
  55. "Those are words to live by, I'm taking them to heart."
  56. >You take a straw and put it to your mouth, just to look like an even bigger asshole.
  57. >Apple Bloom puffs her cheeks in annoyance.
  58. >"Lahke this we'll really only be done bah next week!"
  59. >...
  60. >....
  61. >She's still looking your way.
  62. >"Come on Ahnon! Ah'll have 'ta call mah sister if yew don't."
  63. >Your face scrunches in a sneer.
  64. >Yet another snitch to ruin your fun.
  65. >And goddamn if getting a verbal smacking by Applejack really isn't on the list of shit you don't want for Christmas.
  66. "Fine, you win... cunt."
  67. >She gasps.
  68. >"Ahnon, language!"
  69. >Holy shit that's precious, if only you weren't so grumpy right now, you'd actually appreciate her folksy ways.
  71. >You rise to your feet and tighten the worn work gloves and get back to work.
  72. >This time, you do it slowly and "right"...
  73. >Too... fucking... sloooowly....
  74. >"Gosh Ahnon, are all city boys lahke yew?"
  75. "Only the best boys."
  76. >She sighs.
  77. >And you get an idea.
  78. >An awful, wonderful idea.
  79. "I usually work better when I have motivation, you know?"
  80. >"Ain't mah sister not chewin' yew out enough fer that?"
  81. >Clever girl.
  82. "Please, I'm practically numb to that already, in the end even if she yells at me and doesn't give me dinner, the work won't still get done. A little reward for my work, that's all I'm asking."
  83. >"A reward?" the redhead ponders
  84. >She took the bait Anon, now it's time to reel her in!
  85. "Just a little workers incentive, I mean, I've been working hard, yet Applejack still treats me like dirt."
  86. >"That's because yew keep sassin' her."
  87. "Anyway, lets say if I finish cleaning the loft, you do me a little favor."
  88. >Her eyes narrow as a hand finds its way to her hip. "A little favor?"
  89. "Yup, nothing much, just a little way of saying "I appreciate your work Anon.""
  90. >She mulls it over.
  91. >"Alrahght Ahnon, if it ain't nuthin' unreasonable, yew have a deal."
  92. "Promise?"
  93. >"Promise."
  94. >AH AH, YOU FOOL!
  95. >You pick the fucking slack.
  96. >You make your way to the loft and get your ass to work.
  97. >Fuck... this might take more effort than you thought...
  99. >The sun started going down as time passed
  100. >You step back and wipe the sweat off your brow
  101. >"Yew did a mahghty fahne job Ahnon."
  102. >You impress even yourself sometimes
  103. >Now, to claim your prize.
  104. "Right, so about that reward?"
  105. >"Fahne, fahne, Ah did promise, so whatcha want?"
  106. >You take some time to think a bit...
  107. >You look at the redhead
  108. >She's wearing her denim overalls today
  109. >Her shirt has been accumulating sweat from working all day and has clung to her body.
  110. >The form of her perky breasts can be seen behind it
  111. >Did you already say she's hot?
  112. >Because she is
  113. "A kiss."
  114. >"W-Wut?" Her cheeks don't go red. "Just a kiss? Why didn't y'all just ask?"
  115. >She walks up to you, her work boots making a loud thud on the wooden floorboard.
  116. >Without ceremony, she plants her lips on your cheek
  117. >You laugh
  118. >And now she goes red
  119. >"Wut's so funny? Ah did wut yew asked!"
  120. "What am I, Granny Smith? I asked for a kiss."
  121. >You point to your lips.
  122. "Right here."
  123. >"Lahke couples?"
  124. "Like couples."
  125. >She shuffles on her feet and doesn't meet your gaze
  126. "Remember, you promised..."
  127. >She steels herself
  128. >She takes one step before leaning forward and closing her eyes
  129. >You lick your lips in anticipation, already feeling her breathing
  130. >You meet her trembling lips halfway, causing her to freeze for a split second
  131. >Her lips are soft and tender, a stark contrast to the work she does
  132. >The sound of lip smacking fills the loft as you wrap your arms around her and pull her closer.
  133. >Her arms, not knowing where to go, simply rest on your chest
  134. >Apple Bloom is the first to break contact, getting her breath back, though you don't wait long and seal her lips with yours again
  135. >She makes a sound between a gasp and a moan.
  136. >You capitulate on her partially opened mouth and deepen the kiss
  137. >As one would expect, she tastes like apples.
  138. >At her limit, her gloved hand gives your chest a couple of pats
  139. >Not wanting to overstep anymore than you have, you pull back, a thin trail of saliva connecting the two
  141. >"Nha~..." She breathes "That wus a couple's kiss?"
  142. >You run your thumb through your mouth to clean the moisture
  143. "Your first?"
  144. >She nods, her bow bobbing along
  145. "I'm flattered"
  146. >"S-So, do yew feel "appreciated" now?"
  147. "Weell, the kiss was nice, it really was, but sadly, I'm not yet satisfied"
  148. >In fact, this only made you want more.
  149. >"Wut!? Ah gave yew yer dumb "reward" Ahnon, y'all can't go demanding more!"
  150. "Well, hold that thought Apple Bloom, a reward can be multiple things you kn-"
  151. >"Ah'm leavin'"
  152. >She turns around, red ponytail swaying with her, but you grab her wrist
  153. "C-Come on now, no need to be mad, okay listen, reward's been given, but you enjoyed it too right? Maybe we could... go a bit further?"
  154. >She doesn't meet your gaze, but you can tell she's thinking about it
  155. >"Go further?"
  156. "Yeah, maybe kiss some more, you know, fool around a bit, I can promise you'd enjoy it"
  157. >She looks at your disarming smile, her cheeks matching the color of her hair
  158. >
  159. >There's still some time before day's end
  160. >In the, now cleaned loft, you and Apple Bloom have taken to spending the past couple of minutes swapping spit
  161. >The girl has become more adventurous, giggling when you nibble at her neck
  162. >She's even allowed you to cup her baseball sized breasts
  163. >You undo one of her straps, and immediately feel a hand on yours
  164. >"W-Wait Ahnon, w-we shouldn't..."
  165. >You nuzzle her neck
  166. "Don't worry, I just want to give you a reward of my own..."
  167. >The farm girl doesn't push you back, and your kissing and words dissuade her from doing otherwise
  168. >Her hand lets you move freely again
  169. >You undo the second strap and her overalls fall unceremoniously onto the floor
  170. >Due to the short pantlegs having wide holes, Apple Bloom can easily kick them off, leaving her only with her shirt, gloves and boots on
  171. >You feel the need to tug at the plaid neck scarf you're wearing, this sight way more erotic than if she were completely nude
  172. >"H-How is it? Do yew lahke it?"
  173. >There's a long pause as you take it in
  175. >Her skin is a tad bit lighter, working in the sun will do that.
  176. >She shivers as you run a coarse gloved hand from her side to her hip.
  177. >Your hand deviating slightly the further down it went.
  178. >Her body barely has any amount of fat, besides here and there, the right places...
  179. >She's developing quite the nice pear shaped figure.
  180. >Your trouser snake is going wild.
  181. >You don't say anything, instead you resume your fun.
  182. >Your hand caressing her bottom half.
  183. >"Hm~, wut wus that reward yew wanted ta giv- AH~!?"
  184. >You brush a finger through her slit, making sure to touch her button.
  185. >She gasps right into your ear.
  186. >"Ahnon- S-Stop, the glove- sensitive..."
  187. "Sorry, sorry..."
  188. >You apologize and remove the offending glove, noticing the tan material slightly darker at the finger.
  189. >Once discarded, you put your freed hand on your cousin's body again, this time being able to feel how slippery her body's gotten.
  190. >As well as the bit of red fuzz on her crotch.
  191. >You again run your finger through her lower lips, feeling her wetness and warmth.
  192. "How about now?"
  193. >The girl mewls her approval leaning her back on the wall.
  194. >You tease her slightly engorged button and watch the cute faces she makes.
  195. >You could do this all day.
  196. >Certainly beats farm work
  197. >She moans in surprise after you stick a finger in.
  198. >Damn, her inside's hot.
  199. >Her hips grind your hand as she moans your name.
  200. "Are you getting close?"
  201. >She doesn't say anything, though her breathing grows faster to match her erratic movement.
  202. >You lean on the wall, free hand propping your head as you fingerbang the girl.
  203. >"Ahnon~ Ah'm... Ah'm..."
  204. >You smile as you see the girl completely melt, however, what you weren't expecting was to be grabbed by the shirt and pulled into a deep hungry kiss while she climaxed.
  205. >She breathes heavily and moans into your mouth as she rides out her orgasm.
  206. >Finally you remove your completely drenched hand and shake the contents away, while the farm girl slides to the floor.
  208. >You lean forward, arm against the wall and cast a shadow on the still shuddering Apple Bloom.
  209. "Hey cutie, what'cha doin' down there?"
  210. >"Ah didn't... know yew could feel that gud... from someone's hand..."
  211. >If your boner had a mind of its own, it would probably say something along the lines of "activate it."
  212. >It's time.
  213. "Say... I'm kind of jealous you got to feel that good, while I didn't."
  214. >You begin undoing your belt.
  215. "And since you're already on your knees..."
  216. >The red faced Apple Bloom looks up at you through half lidded eyes, before looking down at the now freed skin flute.
  217. >She gulps audibly, unsure of whether she should do it.
  218. >Thanks to her state of arousal though, your cousin leans forward and gives your dick an experimental lick.
  219. >Your back stiffens a little from that, you are a bit hot and bothered yourself.
  220. >After a bit of coaxing - read: poking her lips - Apple Bloom takes the tip into her mouth.
  221. "N-Now we're cooking, don't be shy, get it nice and slick..."
  222. >Owing to her lack of experience she doesn't take it much, but what she doesn't take in her mouth she's more than happy to use her tongue on.
  223. >The farm girl moans as she coats your hard dick in her saliva, making wet slurping sounds as she does.
  224. >Now, there's two options you can take.
  225. >The first is let her keep doing what she's doing until you blow your load all over her face.
  226. >And the second is you take it further...
  227. >Anon always goes for it all.
  228. >Unfortunately, going for it all was what got you sent here in the first place.
  229. >You pull back from her lips, much to your cock's dismay, and offer your cousin a hand.
  230. >She's still a bit wobbly on her legs but she can manage.
  231. >"Is it over? But yew didn't finish did yew?"
  232. "Turn around."
  233. >She does so, her boots creaking the wooden floor.
  234. "Stick out your butt."
  235. >She leans with her hands against the wall, her cute derriere sticking out.
  236. >Her inner thighs glisten with her fluid.
  237. >She looks over the shoulder at you, as you line yourself with her entrance...
  239. >Apple Bloom shoots forward the moment she feels your dick prod her pussy
  240. >"W-Wait! Ahnon we- Ah can't do this!"
  241. >Shit, come on girl don't get cold feet now!
  242. "Why?"
  243. >"Ah don't know how yew big city folk do things, b-but this is f-fer when y'all are married!"
  244. >No... NO, you can't get blue balled by respectable traditional values!
  245. >Your dick cries out in silent agony as he is denied his meal
  246. "C-Come on, 'Bloom, I got you off right?"
  247. >"Ah'm sorry b-"
  248. >You stare at that ass... not too big... not too small... just enough to get a handful
  249. >You need this!
  250. "It's marriage right? If I asked you to marry me right now, it would be fine right?"
  251. >She looks you in the eye.
  252. >"Y'all... want to marry me?"
  253. >Baby, at this point you'd marry a goat if it meant sticking your dick inside you
  254. "Yeah, sure!"
  255. >"Well... even if Ah said yes we still- Ah~!?"
  256. >Too late!
  257. >You felt your dick losing its strength and heard yes so you plunged your dick in the tight welcoming confines of your cousin's snatch.
  258. >"Ah-Ahnon! I'll whup ya like a rented- oh~"
  259. >Whatever she was saying, Apple Bloom soon piped down once you started thrusting
  260. >You watched as your dick slowly went in and out and enjoyed the moans coming out of the girl
  261. >Wait, there's no blood.
  262. >Isn't there supposed to be blood?
  263. "Hey, Apple Bloom... what happened to all that... no sex before marriage stuff? I thought you were a virgin"
  264. >"Ah ahm- mh~ Ah wus... farm accident... ah~"
  265. >You increase the speed a little, feeling jolts of pleasure from her warm wet walls pulling back at your skin
  266. >The slapping sound of flesh on flesh fills your ears as you watch Apple Bloom's ponytail dance around with each thrust
  267. >Now, you ain't no marathon man here, and between this and her inexperienced blowjob, you're just about ready to blow
  268. >It's fine right? You already gave her her moment so you don't have to hold back
  269. >With a few last strokes you pull out and hotdog your dick between her cheeks, spraying your cum all over her back and shirt
  270. "Holy... holy shit..."
  272. >Apple Bloom reaches an arm around your head and gives you a sideways kiss, her supple ass pressing against your deflating member.
  273. >At this point with all the work and this, you're about to keel over.
  274. >Totally worth it though, totally worth it.
  275. >In fact, if you got to have this girl every day, being at the farm woul-
  276. >*cuh-chunk*
  277. >Was that the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being racked?
  278. >"Ah knew sumthin' was wrong the moment Apple Bloom hadn't finished her work yet." A very pissed Applejack, shotgun aimed at you, says.
  279. >"Wut's muh surprise when Ah fahnd her tusslin' in the hay with the city slicker who's been nuthin' but trouble!"
  280. >Caught with your pants down you can't really to anything.
  281. >Well, you can do something...
  282. >You mean, is she really gonna shoot you? You're family!
  283. >Don't sass, don't sass, don't sass, Anon for the love of God don't sass the angry woman with the gun!
  284. "Do whatever you must cus, nothing you do will ever unfuck your sister."
  285. >Her eyes narrow and her finger finds the trigger.
  286. >"Wait! Don't shoot him!"
  287. >"Outta the way Apple Bloom, that boy ain't right - darn city slickers and their sassin' - Ah'm never gunna forgive him fer this!"
  288. >"But he asked for mah hand marriage!"
  289. >The gun lowers.
  290. >"Oh did he now? Well, why didn't y'all say so?" Applejack's peppy words completely betray her murderous expression and tone. "That means he'll be stayin' with us, right? Shucks, Ah'll go call auntie and tell her the big news! Y'all better swing by the house soon."
  291. >Oh my God what did you do!?
  292. >You thought the first week of farm work was bad!?
  293. >Well, fuck you kiddo, welcome to hell 2.0, shotgun wedding edition!
  294. >Funny how they never at any point brought up the cousin thing as being a problem...
  296. /End

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

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