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[AJ/Anon] Of Banjos and Redneckery

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-11-02 03:13:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >The orange rays of light seep in beneath the curtains of your window.
  2. >You feel like absolute shit.
  3. >Not shit like getting the snot beat out of you.
  4. >Shit like having your snot impairing your ability to breathe properly.
  5. >Your eyes are red.
  6. >You feel both hot and cold.
  7. >Your palms are sweaty.
  8. >Knees weak, arms are heavy...
  9. >You also break into coughing fits from time to time...
  10. >You are Anonymous and you are clearly sick, been sick for days.
  11. >"This don't look rahght, if this keeps up we'll hav 'ta git you one of 'em city doctors."
  12. >Granny Smith pulls her hand away from your forehead.
  13. "N-nah, meemaw, it's jus' a little cold is all, Ah'll be right fine in the mornin'"
  14. >"You've been sayin' that fer a week now, sonny." The old woman says.
  15. >Like you didn't already know.
  16. >The worst thing about getting sick isn't the being sick part, it's the fact you've got stuff that needs doing.
  17. >Stuff that needs to be fixed, animals that need to be fed.
  18. >And there's always a need for an extra pair of hands at the orchard.
  19. >You break into a coughing fit, careful not to aim at your granny before you fall back into your pillow.
  20. >She sighs.
  21. >"Jus' rest, it's 'bout all one can do."
  22. >She leaves you for the door, gently closing it behind her.
  24. >A few thuds resound from a pair of boots hitting the wooden floorboards as a girl enters the kitchen.
  25. >"So, how's he feelin' Granny?"
  26. >"Hmm, still the same Ah'm afraid, Applejack." The southern girl's mood dampens. "Done yer work fer the day hav' you?"
  27. >"Yeah, Ah hav'" Applejack removes her Stetson and sits at the table. "One of 'em carts broke today 'n Anon was sorely missed, Big Mac could probly' fix it on his own, but he can't exactly do that 'n also carry his share of the work."
  28. >The kitchen becomes silent, save for the whisking from Granny Smith fixing today's dinner.
  29. >Applejack cups her chin.
  30. >"Ain't there anythin', like an ol' family recipe or sumethin' ta put Anon back in shape?"
  31. >Granny Smith throws a bit of flour into the counter surface and begins rolling a piece of soft dough.
  32. >"Well, mah own meemaw, God rest her soul, always said the best cure was passin' it alon' ta someone."
  33. >...
  34. >Applejack leans back and ponders further.
  35. >"Go tell Macintosh 'n Applebloom ta wash up, y'all should too, dear, by the time y'all are done dinner will be jus' about ready."
  37. >Your stomach growls something fierce beneath the covers of your bed.
  38. >At least the appetites back.
  39. >Sucks it came back AFTER you've been practically fasting since yesterday.
  40. >You could always try and get out of bed...
  41. >Your body aches just at the notion.
  42. >Best stay put.
  43. >You cough.
  44. >There's a knock on the door.
  45. >You sneeze right after.
  46. >You hit the back of your head on the headboard!
  47. "Dang na- shit - sonuvabitch!"
  48. >You roll around on your bed, though you do so slowly as your body feels like molasses.
  49. >"No cursin' in the house Anon, if Granny heard 'ya she wouldn't even care if y'all were sick."
  50. >Oh hey, Applejack!
  51. >And... soup!
  52. "Is that fer me?"
  53. >Applejack smiles and let's herself in.
  54. >"Nah, I jus' like walkin' around with a warm bowl in my hands, 'Course it is."
  55. >Thank the Lord, you're starving.
  56. >You doubt a single soup, no matter how hearty it is, will plug that hole alone though.
  57. >Applejack seems to notice.
  58. >"Ah' see you've got yer appetite back, that's good, but y'all shouldn't fill up jus' yet."
  59. >You prop yourself up and in moments you're taking in the scent of the tasty warm meal in your hands.
  60. >You feel your plugged up nose open up a bit.
  61. >Applejack takes a seat next to your bed.
  62. >Being a tight-nit family, all of you always endeavor to never let anyone eat alone.
  63. "So, how did the day go?"
  64. >"That ol' cart acted up again, wheel broke. Applebloom also found a gap in the fence, gotta get that fixed before any varmints start movin' in."
  65. "Sounds like Ah'm needed."
  66. >"Y'all are, Anon, but we can't put ya out 'ta pasture like this, y'all might get worse."
  67. >You sip some of the soup.
  69. >After a while of just shooting the wind with Applejack, the empty bowl rests on the night counter and you're both joined by Big Mac and Applebloom.
  70. >A sight for sore eyes, you think.
  71. >Sure your little sister's barrage of "get well"s coupled with her going on about what she and her friends did today, are a bit grading and start giving you an headache, but, you're still thankful.
  72. >Big Mac just stoically stands there.
  73. >You lock reddened eyes with him for a while as Applebloom fires off an "are y'all listenin' big bro?"
  74. >A full minute passes in this conversation without words before he just nods.
  75. >You nod back.
  76. >The both of you are that kind of folk; that kind that hangout all the time and do stuff together but never say anything.
  77. >Some 20 minutes in, Applejack shoos Applebloom and Mac away.
  78. >"Right, off 'ta bed, Anon needs his rest."
  79. >"EEyup."
  80. "Nah, sis Ah'm fine if they stay, 'sides this is also Mac's room too ain't it?"
  81. >You point to the bed on the other side of the room.
  82. >Applejack finishes escorting a slightly indignant Applebloom before turning to you.
  83. >"W-Well, not today." She doesn't meet your eyes, instead gently closing the door with a foreboding click.
  85. "Riiight, is this because Ah kept Mac up with my coughin'?"
  86. >Applejack takes her seat again.
  87. >"It ain't that Anon. Ah... w-well the thing is..." Applejack seems to struggle putting thought to words, a tinge of red gracing her sun kissed cheeks.
  88. >You cough.
  89. "The thing is..."
  90. >Applejack steels herself, using her hands to slap both her cheeks in that familiar way she does when she's hyping herself for something she's unsure about.
  91. >"This will sound mighty weird but Anon, y'all trust me, right?"
  92. >Stupid question.
  93. "Well, yeah?"
  94. >"Granny said sumethin' 'bout passin' on the bug ta someone else making ya better..."
  95. >Okay
  96. >Still following.
  97. >"... So Ah'm gonna sleep with y'all tonight. In the same bed."
  98. >Beg pardon?
  99. "Beg pardon?"
  100. >"It- It's fine! We used ta do it when we was kids!"
  101. >She fidgets in her chair.
  102. >Well, you don't mind sharing a bed but it seems like a dumb idea.
  103. >Wouldn't she just be sick instead of you?
  104. >"Mah main job is apple pickin' most of the time, a few less apples don't matter, but we're down one cart and the fence needs a fixin' too. So Ah'm takin' one fer the team... as a friend of mine would put it."
  106. >And it was with that train of thought that you just laid there as your sister undressed herself down to a shirt and undies, undid her hair and climbed into bed with you to turn in for the night.
  107. >Awkwardness could be felt in the air.
  108. "'Ya sure this will work?"
  109. >"No. An' now that I think a little, jus' being close doesn't really work, 'else we'd already all have it."
  110. >...
  111. "Ah'm not gonna cough my lungs out on you, sis."
  112. >"Ah guess Ah'll just scootch in closer..."
  113. >You feel the ruffling inside the sheets before you feel someone on your left arm.
  114. >[Sweating intensifies]
  116. >In the dead of night, Anonymous was finally able to fall asleep.
  117. >However his hard breathing didn't quite give Applejack that same ability.
  118. >She was building up a sweat practically slow baking herself under the bedspread thanks to Anon's high temperature.
  119. >Would this even work?
  120. >Maybe if she got even closer?
  121. >But how could she get closer than pressing her chest to his side?
  122. >She sighed and slowly sat up, careful not to wake her bed partner.
  123. >She pulled her shirt over her head and discarded it to the side, her upper body now fully exposed.
  124. >She felt her loose blond hair stick to her moist back.
  125. >She ran her hands under the back of her head, freeing her hair up a bit before lying back down on the bed with a soft pomf [spoiler]=3[/spoiler]
  126. >This became way harder than she thought.
  127. >She returned to her position clinging to Anon but now she could really feel the heat radiating through him.
  128. >Her breath caught as she accidentally brushed the hardening button of one of her soft mounds against his arm.
  129. >It was all downhill from there.
  130. >She became acutely aware of her body.
  131. >The sounds coming from his brother making her heart skip, as if afraid of being found doing something naughty.
  132. >Nothing of the sort was going on though, everything was wholesome.
  133. >She was just helping out! It's fine, nothing wrong here!
  135. >Then came the smell.
  136. >She hadn't really paid it any mind before.
  137. >Growing up constantly surrounded by the smell of musky hard-workers had left her nose somewhat used to it.
  138. >It was now very apparent though, how could she not notice? Anon had been sweating in this sauna of cloth for days!
  139. >She wasn't getting put off by it.
  140. >She had to stop her thighs from rubbing against one another.
  141. >She herself was feeling hotter.
  142. >It must mean it was working.
  143. >She closed her emerald green eyes and kept trying to fall asleep
  144. >Her body periodically rubbed against that of Anon's, soaking some of his sweat, as she tried stopping herself from focusing on his musk.
  145. >'Easy there, sugarcube, this is yer brother Anon here.' she admonished herself.
  146. >Didn't work.
  147. >She caught one of her hands moving down her slim, well-toned belly.
  148. >H-How long till mornin'?
  149. >Still a long while.
  150. >She tried getting herself under control.
  151. >It was then that Anonymous, in his sleep, decided now was as good a time as any to push her in closer, as if she was some kind of bodypillow.
  152. >Applejack's face squished against his damp chest, her nose now pressed against more of his scent and her arms closed against her own rising chest.
  153. >Her cheeks heated up as she tried to free herself.
  154. >Well so much for sleep.
  156. >Applejack felt a drop of something on her nose.
  157. >A single drop of Anon's sweat.
  158. >His body /was/ covered in it after all.
  159. >What is sweat anyway? Applejack tried to occupy herself with these conundrums.
  160. >It didn't take long for her intoxicated mind to hijack that train of thought and railroad it into 'what would Anon's taste like?'
  161. >She tentatively had her tongue inches from his skin before she retracted.
  162. >Let's not be silly here...
  163. >Why would Applejack even want to do something like that?
  164. >This is her brother!
  165. >That's lew- gross, that's gross.
  166. >Then again... this would definitely get her to catch his bug.
  167. >If it's for his good then she'd do it.
  168. >And after doing these mental gymnastics her moist tongue was out again.
  169. >She gave his skin a small lick with just the tip.
  170. >It was tangy... she did it again, this time earnestly...
  171. >... it's also salty.
  172. >At this point she wasn't even thinking straight, and any misgivings were quickly put to rest with "this is for Anon."
  173. >This is for Anon.
  174. >She dragged her tongue over Anon's toned chest.
  175. >This is for Anon.
  176. >She kept doing it, replacing his sweat with a trail of her saliva.
  177. >This is for Anon.
  178. >Anon shuddered and groaned as her tongue brushed his nipple.
  179. >This is for Anon.
  180. >"Ahn~" Applejack moaned.
  181. >T-This is for Anon?
  183. >There's a point where you can't really fool yourself with the same mantra.
  184. >Applejack wasn't really doing this just for Anon. Not anymore.
  185. >She really didn't care to make any other justification.
  186. >Anon'll get better and she'll scratch her itch.
  187. >Nobody needs to know.
  188. >Applejack continued her advancements along Anon's frontier, managing to push him to his default position on his back and climbing on top of him.
  189. >Easily, steadily, to get better leverage as she moved up towards his neck, her bare breasts now pressed against him.
  190. >She gently grid her hips on his stomach, a tuft of blond hair grazing him when the front of her panties rode down a bit.
  191. >Her breathing became rough and ragged as she strained herself to be as quiet as possible.
  192. >Her hardened nipples brushed against Anon's chest, sending an electrifying feeling of pleasure down Applejack's body.
  193. >She cupped one of her mounds and kneaded it while breathing in her bed partner's scent as she kept on grinding.
  194. >It wasn't long until she felt something hard press against her moistening panties.
  195. >She yelped in surprise, her body now straight.
  196. >"Applejack?" Anon's eyes opened slightly, still unfocused, towards her heaving chest. "What's goin' on..." He mumbled.
  197. >Applejack put a finger to his lips.
  198. >"Shh, Shh sugarcube, yer jus' dreamin'."
  199. >'please buy it'
  200. >Soon enough Anon's eyes closed and his breathing settled.
  201. >That was close...
  202. >Applejack looked back and tried to feel around under the covers for the offending object.
  203. >Her hand brushed against Anon's tenting boxers.
  204. >That's... That's his thing poking out...
  205. >Applejack put a finger to her slightly parted mouth, thinking if she should.
  206. >She quickly shook her head.
  207. >No, that's a line she won't be crossing, not even in her current state of mind.
  209. >She removed herself from atop Anonymous and settled herself at his right side.
  210. >She still needed to do something about herself.
  211. >"Ah~, p-please don't wake up, Anon. Please don't wake up." she whispered.
  212. >The farmgirl reached that same hand she touched Anon with down towards her abdomen and lower still.
  213. >Don't wake up.
  214. >She went under her panties and stopped at her already wet honeypot.
  215. >Don't wake up.
  216. >She began masturbating next to him.
  217. >Brushing against her button.
  218. >Inserting a finger into herself, followed by another...
  219. >Don't wake up.
  220. >In and out, in and out...
  221. >She bit down on the covers to quiet herself, something quite hard to do with her erratic breathing.
  222. >The build up kept climbing, her entire body feeling like a boiler about to burst!
  223. >Please don't wake up...
  224. >... Anon!
  226. >You are Anonymous and you wake up to the rooster's call feeling like a million buckaroos.
  227. >You close one of your nostrils and breath out and mirror the motion for the other.
  228. >Completely unclogged.
  229. >No coughing or sore throat.
  230. >You do feel kind of sticky, but nothing a quick shower won't fix.
  231. >Now to wake up your sister so you can get out of bed.
  232. >Huh... when did she end up on your right side?
  233. >All your movement caused your sister to stir and her eyes to flutter open slowly but not completely.
  234. >"Anon?" her voice sounds nasally and she's forced to breathe through her mouth. "Good mornin'"
  235. "Mornin'"
  236. >Your voice however, sounds clear and as it normally does.
  237. >She sits herself up, using the sheets to cover the front of her body.
  238. >She looks... terrible.
  239. >She removes some of her messy hair from her mouth.
  240. >"Ah feel terrible..." she sniffles and coughs "... you?"
  241. "Ah'm feelin' great!"
  242. >You assume ridiculous bodybuilding poses jokingly.
  243. "Kinda sticky though... this can't be sweat can it?"
  244. >Applejack's reddening green eyes dart away from you as her face takes on a different tint.
  245. "You okay there, part'ner?"
  246. >You reach out an hand to check her temperature and... whelp, she's burning up.
  247. "Meemaw'll need ta take a look at 'ya, sis."
  248. >You're about to go get her when Applejack asks you something.
  250. >"Did y'all remember anythin'..." A sneeze "...from last night?"
  251. >You wrack your brain around but draw a blank.
  252. "Nope."
  253. >She visibly breathes out a sigh of relief, or tries to in her state.
  254. "But whatever 'ya did do really worked! Now all ya need to do is sleep in the same bed with someone else and you'll be-"
  255. >"NO!"
  256. >You put your hands up at her outburst.
  257. >"S-sorry, jus'..." her face reddens more, probably from her sickness "... no, Ah'll only do it for y-you, 'ya hear!?"
  258. >That's mighty kind of her!
  259. "Shucks, 'Jacky, then next time 'ya get yerself sick then jus' say the word and Ah'll help ya out same as you."
  260. >She starts coughing and you don't know if it's from whatever you had or if she choked on her own spit.
  261. >Yeaah... best go get Granny Smith.
  262. >You grab yourself a shirt and with a quick "Ah'll be back" you leave your sister on your bed and leave the bedroom.
  263. >Unbeknownst to you, the girl you left on your bed has her hands on her burning face from the mental image you caused her to picture.
  264. >She knows you have no idea what she was doing while you slept but that didn't stop her from imagining it with the roles reversed.
  265. >"What hav' y'all brought upon yerself, Applejack..."
  267. /End

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

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Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

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Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

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Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

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Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

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