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[ARCHIVE] Exchange by getmeouttahere

By Enonnnymous
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-19 02:08:36
Expiry: Never

  1. (PONEPASTE ARCHIVE NOTE: Exchange was never ported to PonePaste, so I will take the liberty of archiving it here. All credit goes to getmeouttahere: ( This was copied directly from pastebin and is unedited other than the links posted at the beginning of each chapter. I've also included the bonus chapter that was in the bin, and the rest of the bonus chapters are linked at the bottom. If requested, this paste will be removed. Enjoy!)
  3. =============================
  5. =============================
  7. This story has been rewritten / converted into prose format for fimfic.
  9. In addition to being much more readable due to having proper text formatting, the new version contains:
  11. - Many edits, corrections and fixes.
  12. - New or reworked scenes.
  15. As a result, if you are a new reader, I -STRONGLY- recommend that you read the new version instead of reading this one.
  18. If you still feel like reading the original, the unedited version begins below:
  20. =============================
  32. =================
  33. ||- Chapter 1 -||
  34. =================
  36. >It's finally almost over...
  37. >You drag your beaten and battered body through the halls of Canterlot castle.
  38. >Flecks of dried mud and blood peel off from your tattered clothes as the nobleponies milling about in the grand hallways wretch and turn away at the sight and smell of you.
  39. >You pay them no mind, instead carefully cradling your prize close to your chest.
  40. >Almost there...
  41. >As you begin to step inside the grand throne room of the Diarchy two armor covered wings shoot out and block your way.
  42. >"Halt! State your business!"
  43. "Celestia..."
  44. >The pegasus guard to your right narrows his eyes. "I said 'state your business' or you'll be removed from the castle at once. The Princesses don't have time for--"
  45. >"Stand down. Let him pass."
  46. >Princess Celestia's voice rings out like a gentle song sung by a mother to her newborn child. The guards pull away and return to their posts.
  47. >You resume your forward progress until you're standing right before the throne. The pure white alicorn regards you with magenta eyes that offer neither comfort nor rebuke.
  48. >"Anonymous... you've returned."
  49. "Forgive me if I don't bow."
  50. >She closes her eyes. "You were never one for formality anyway, so I wasn't expecting it. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
  51. >Carefully, you bring the item you've been holding so tightly away from your chest, revealing it to the pony before you. Her eyes widen in shock.
  53. >"The... the Orb of Ascension. You actually found it..." Her wings flutter as her body shudders with uncontrollable euphoria. "Guards! Leave us at once! All further audiences scheduled today are to be postponed."
  54. >All of the guards in the throne room salute and trot away, tightly closing the doors of each exit behind them until the entire room is sealed off. You remain still as Celestia descends from her grand throne to approach you.
  55. >"...How did you get past the Terror Caves?"
  56. "By running and screaming like a little girl the entire time."
  57. >"The Forsaken Shoals?"
  58. "Tamed a giant crab."
  59. >"The Bloodfeast Slaughterfields Retirement Community?"
  60. "It's hard for retirees to feast on blood and slaughter things when someone's stolen all their dentures..."
  61. >"...Estrus Valley?"
  62. >You tremble.
  63. "I... I don't know. I think I did something to myself to make sure I'd never remember... ever."
  64. >Celestia grimaces. "I... see. Well, I suppose the specifics don't really matter. What does matter is that you've retrieved the Orb. Anonymous..." She gives you a half-lidded sultry stare. "As your Princess, I implore you... I must have it..."
  65. >You push Sun Horse's nose away from your face before she can start drooling on you.
  66. "You remember the deal. You give me what I want and it's all yours, but until then I'll be hanging onto it."
  67. >She snorts. "Oh? And what's to prevent me from just taking it from you right now, my little human?" God you hate it when she calls you that...
  69. "Just how dumb do you think I am? I did a little reading before I left. These orbs lose their power if they're not passed from owner to owner willingly. You try to steal it and all you'll get is a useless rock in return."
  70. >The white alicorn pouts and mumbles. "Stupid ancient magical ritual stone rules..."
  71. "What was that?"
  72. >"Nothing, nothing. Very well. Please remind me... what was it you wanted from me again?"
  73. >You cross your arms and give the Sun Princess an incredulous stare.
  74. "Really? Are we really gonna do this? You know damn well what it is!"
  75. >She scuffs her hoof and turns away in an attempt to look cute. "Please forgive me, but when you get to be my age sometimes recent events tend to run together in the mind."
  76. >You take a seat on the floor, facepalm, and rub your temples.
  77. "...Just before I left, she gave me a rough draft of her research into specific nerve mappings for both my dick and her horsevag along with advanced calculations for which positions and thrusting angles would be the most pleasurable for the both of us. It was 450-FUCKING-pages long! I want it to stop, Celestia!!"
  78. >Celestia nods her head in realization. "Right, right. That paper was published in a scientific journal while you were gone, by the way. Luna read it and was quite intrigued by the findings. She asked me to tell you to drop by the next time you were around..."
  79. >A sudden chill runs down your spine. Somehow, you feel you've been down that path before...
  81. "Sorry, I don't think that's gonna happen. Now, about my request..."
  82. >Celestia rests on her haunches in front of you and uses a hoof to tilt your head up to meet her gaze.
  83. >"There's no need to worry. I'll begin drafting the necessary documents right away."
  84. >She stands and levitates over several wine glasses along with a bottle of some ancient looking vintage from a hidden wine rack behind the throne. With an effortless surge of her magic the bottle is uncorked and you find a filled glass in your hand.
  85. >"Anonymous, I never in my wildest dreams thought this day would come. All the ponies I've sent on this fool's erra-- er, that is to say, this epic quest have failed to return with an Orb. Now that it's finally here, we have the solution to both our problems."
  86. >She raises her glass and you do the same.
  87. >"To the peaceful and prosperous future which awaits us."
  88. >You nod and down a portion of the wine. As the warm feeling begins to flow throughout your mind and body, you risk a satisfied smile.
  89. >At last, the eternal annoyance that is Twilight Spergle will finally be out of your life forever. No more 'experiments', no more teleporting into your house at all hours, no more rape attempts...
  90. >Today marks the first day of the rest of your life in magical horse land...
  91. >Yeah, things are finally looking up, Anon!
  93. ~~~~~~~~~
  95. >You stare down at your bowl full of dry Luna Puffs(tm) Breakfast Cereal. The spoon in your hand trembles as a wave of uncontrollable rage washes over your body.
  96. >A man can only be pushed so far.
  97. >You stand from the kitchen table, walk into your living room and nudge the sleeping mass that's taken over your couch with your foot.
  98. "Wake up. We need to have a little talk."
  99. >The mass of fur and feathers grunts and flops over. A giant white wing rapidly unfurls and proceeds to sweep the contents of your coffee table to the floor, including your favorite mug which promptly breaks in half as it hits the wooden floorboards.
  100. >You suppress a scream.
  101. >"ZZzzzZz *snort* Hmmm? Wha-?"
  102. >Two magenta eyes slowly pull themselves open. You hold up an empty milk carton in front of them.
  103. "What's the number one rule I have? The one I keep telling you over and over again but for some unknown reason it seems to never find a place anywhere in that thick skull of yours?!"
  104. >She blinks a few times and yawns. "If you use the last of something you fucking replace it, Celestia."
  106. >The white alicorn's shit eating grin from anticipating your speech stops you before you can finish. Slowly, you walk forward, impale the empty carton on her horn and flop down in your recliner to have a good cry and reflect on how your life has gotten to this point.
  108. ~~~~~~~~~
  110. >It wasn't supposed to be like this. It really wasn't.
  111. >Sometime after your arrival in Equestria, the little purple unicorn that took you in and helped introduce you to horse society with the help of her friends became somewhat smitten with you.
  112. >It was cute at first. You let it slide while gently trying to deflect her advances. You figured as time passed (and she realized she was making no progress out of the friend zone) she'd get over you and start crushing on some random stallion instead.
  113. >But you sorely underestimated her obsessiveness and things just got worse and worse over time...
  114. >It was about the point where she decided it'd be a good idea to stick some things in your various exit-only orifices for the sake of determining your fetish via experimentation that you felt enough was enough.
  115. >None of her friends believed you when you told them, save for the butter yellow pegasus who just nodded and said she was 'expressing her love' and encouraged you to reciprocate.
  116. >But you're no horsefucker, Anon. And even if you were, the old rule still applies: you don't stick your dick in crazy.
  117. >Eventually you started petitioning the Crowns for help via letters and were again ignored.
  118. >It wasn't until you showed up for a face to face audience with Sunbutt that things started moving along. She listened with an attentive, if skeptical ear.
  119. >After airing your grievances, she told you she understood but that her hooves were tied as apparently there are no laws against rape and harrassment of an unknown species from another world in Equestria.
  121. >But she offered you an out: if you could retrieve some kind of weird magical rock from some faraway land the Princess would make all your problems go away. You readily agreed because, even if you failed, at least the trip would get you away from your magical purple stalker for a while. You considered it a vacation of sorts.
  122. >It took a few months, but long story short, you got the stone and brought it back. Celestia was ecstatic.
  123. >But what happened next you were in no way prepared for...
  124. >She summoned the spergy little unicorn to Canterlot, gave her a (obviously completely bullshit) speech about how she'd been preparing her for this all her life, and then shoved the stone down her throat.
  125. >And in a flash of magic Twilight Sparkle was an alicorn.
  126. >Yes, that's right. Fucking Sun Horse took Purplesmart, the bane of your existence with powers already far beyond that of your average magic user, and promoted her to godhood.
  127. >Yeah, you were slightly mad about that. But it got worse.
  128. >Celestia then held a private ceremony and crowned Magichorn as the new Princess of the Day, with all the attendant privileges and responsibilities of the position. The snow white alicorn quickly dumped her crown and other regalia onto her former student and proceeded to do a dance of pure joy akin to someone on Maury who just got told the results of the DNA test said he wasn't the father.
  129. >All of this happened within the span of an afternoon.
  130. >At first you were scared and confused, but as you watched it unfold before your eyes you started to understand.
  132. >Celestia didn't want to be a Princess anymore, but it's not like she could just walk away from her duties or pile them all upon her recently returned sister.
  133. >No, she needed a successor. And you, with the magical stone you brought back, delivered one right into her hooves. Who knows how many hundreds of years she'd been waiting for this opportunity?
  134. >Regardless, you were bamboozled by this master ruse-mare. Celestia got exactly what she wanted, and your fate was sealed as the newly-crowned Princess Spergle's royal concubine/science project. All you could do was laugh at your own idiocy.
  135. >But then something else surprising happened...
  136. >Celestia leapt from the stage and landed right in front of you.
  137. >She brought her muzzle to your ear and whispered "Thank you." before stepping back and casting the most complex looking spell you'd ever seen. Even Twilight's jaw was on the floor at the display.
  138. >Your entire body was bombarded with magic for what seemed like 10 minutes before the sparkly light show faded and the clearly exhausted and panting white alicorn stepped away. With a smile and a wink she spread her wings and took to the skies, her destination unknown.
  139. >You felt no different... aside from completely confused and lost as to what just happened. But that confusion changed to fear as the hoofsteps of the Princess of Autism approaching you broke the room's silence.
  141. >With a lick of her lips and an evil glint in her eyes, she attempted to restrain you with her magic. But for some reason the aura wouldn't take hold. Initially undaunted, she tried a variety of spells but nothing worked.
  142. >It was about this time that you noticed the glowing bands consisting of arcane lettering that circled your wrists, seemingly originating from underneath the skin.
  143. >You came to learn that this was a 'Geas' (Twilight's term) and it meant that as long as Celestia lived, the newly-minted Purple Alicorn could never touch you, physically, magically or legally, in any way, shape or form.
  144. >Your mind was blown for the third time that day. The wily, unpredictable ex-Princess had kept her promise to you after all...
  145. >...
  146. >...
  147. >...
  148. >Your thoughts are interrupted when you feel a comforting wing wrap around your shoulders. A bowl of milk-doused cereal levitates into your hands and you look up to find Celestia's smiling face beaming at you like the sun on a summer's day.
  149. >"Here you are, my little human. I know how grumpy you can get in the morning without your beloved Luna Puffs so I found some milk just for you."
  150. >You grumble and shove a spoonful of sugary goodness into your mouth. Maybe things aren't so bad aft-- wait.
  151. "Where'd you get the milk from? I didn't hear you teleport out."
  152. >"I conjured it."
  153. "Conjured it from where?"
  154. >"From a place." She sighs. "It's magic, Anonymous, if I took the time to explain it your cereal would become soggy and the milk would be wasted. Please, let's not have this conversation now."
  156. >You eat a few more spoonfuls of cereal. It's true that your knowledge of magic is limited, so maybe you're worrying about nothing.
  157. >But just in case you sneak a glance over the arm of your chair to the alicorn's lower stomach as she sits on her haunches.
  158. >You spy a single drop of creamy liquid drip from one of her teats to the carpeting.
  159. >Your eyes meet hers as they travel back up her body, and you find her expression unreadable as your chewing ceases and you very, very slowly swallow your mouthful of cereal and milk.
  160. "..."
  161. >You stare at the bowl with a blank look and Celestia pouts.
  162. >"Is it not to your liking?"
  163. >You take another spoonful. It's actually the best milk you've ever tasted, but you'll never, EVER tell her that. -E.V.E.R-
  164. "I guess it's okay. May I ask WHY you felt this was necessary? Couldn't you have gone to the market real quick or something?"
  165. >"I don't have any money. My severance fund is completely exhausted."
  166. "Bullshit, you have like unlimited money. You ruled the whole goddamn kingdom."
  167. >"Yes, ruled. In the past. When I stepped down from the throne I lost my access to the royal treasury."
  168. "Well, your sister's still a princess. Can't you mooch off her?"
  169. >"Lulu's cut me off, Anonymous. She's slightly upset with me right now..."
  170. >You chomp on another spoonful of cereal. Yeah, you can kind of understand that...
  172. ~~~~~~~~~
  174. >Celestia disappeared for two weeks after flying away from the private coronation ceremony. Twilight proceeded to have a mental breakdown during that time due to both her new responsibilities and the fact that she couldn't touch you, so the only thing that managed to keep the kingdom from collapse was Luna's leadership.
  175. >The poor Night Princess could have easily handled the raising of the sun and moon and the day to day operation of the government on her own. But throw a constantly sperging out alicorn running around the castle to the mix and she was quickly overwhelmed, not to mention the fact that the populace started becoming increasingly concerned about Celestia's whereabouts.
  176. >When the ex-Princess did finally return to Canterlot (presumably from the beach due to the oversized sunglasses and Hawaiian shirt she was sporting) you could hear Luna chew her out all the way over in Ponyville. She was M-A-D, mad.
  177. >What followed was a week-long transition period where Celestia taught Twilight the ins and outs of being the Sun Princess, capped off with an official public transfer of power. After that, Luna quickly banned Celestia from setting one hoof in Canterlot for the next 100 years.
  178. >Imagine your surprise when you heard a knock on your door that night and opened it to find...
  180. ~~~~~~~~~
  182. >The spoon clatters in the empty bowl. Shit, you even drank all the remaining milk after the cereal was gone. It really was that good.
  183. >The bowl is levitated out of your hands and into the kitchen sink. You watch the light from the nearby window filter through the alicorn's wavy multicolored mane as she turns to you with a subtle smile.
  185. >"Would you like some more?"
  186. "N-No. I'm good, thanks."
  187. >"Very well," she yawns again. "I believe we should start our day, Anonymous. It'll be a big one for both of us."
  188. >You raise an eyebrow.
  189. "Oh? You've got plans?"
  190. >"We've got plans. First we'll need to stop by Sugarcube Corner and inform Pinkie Pie that you'll be taking the day off from work."
  191. "What? Why?"
  192. >The white alicorn trots over to the front door and pulls it open to reveal the sunlit streets of Ponyville.
  193. >"So you can help me job hunt, of course! You've been such a gracious host to me so far, it wouldn't feel right for me to continue to take advantage of you without pulling my weight."
  194. >You chuckle.
  195. "It's never stopped you before."
  196. >Her laughter rings throughout the house as you grab your coat and step outside with her.
  197. >You know this is probably a disaster in the making. But unlike her sister or the new Princess, Celestia has a habit of attracting 'fun' disasters most of the time, so they're not always unwelcome.
  198. >These several weeks she's lived with you have revealed a side of her that few have ever seen.
  200. >It's kind of like moving in with a girl and discovering she's 10 times more of a slob than you. In Celestia's case it's more like 100 times, but still.
  201. >Her horse musk makes your entire house smell like a sunlit field in spring mixed with hay and oats. No matter how much pony-Fabreeze you spray on the thing, your poor couch will never be the same.
  202. >And her monopolization of the bathroom in the mornings has disrupted the sanctity of your shit-shower-shave ritual more than once!
  203. >But the arcane bands around your wrists that react and shimmer when touched by the sunlight are a reminder of Celestia's Geas and of the fact that it's because of her you're not chained up in Princess Twilight's rape dungeon right now.
  204. >Yeah, you'll live with a few disasters and some annoying habits for this freedom. The debt you owe her is immense.
  205. >A smile finds its way across your face. So starts another day of the rest of your life in Magical Horse Land.
  206. >You close and lock the door behind you and follow after the massive, swishing ethereal tail that's impossible to miss.
  208. Next Time on Exchange: Job Hunting
  210. =================
  211. ||- Chapter 2 -||
  212. =================
  214. >You walk through the sunlit streets of Ponyville with the former Princess of the Day and Herald of the Sun trotting merrily by your side.
  215. >Various ponies out and about on their morning routines, commuting to work or just enjoying the start of the day with a relaxing breakfast at an outside cafe wave and say hi to her, and she cheerily returns their greetings in kind.
  216. >It's a welcome change from the first few weeks of her stay. Every time Sunbutt set one hoof outside the house she'd be swamped by curious ponies wondering if she had really given up the throne and what she intended to do now. It was almost a mirror of your first arrival in Ponyville. If there's one common trait these various multicolored miniature equines share it's nosiness...
  217. >But thankfully they seem to have gotten used to Celestia's presence by now, just like they've gotten used to the weird talking monkey that's taken up residence in their humble town.
  218. >You cross paths with Lyra and Bon Bon as you walk up the path to Sugarcube Corner. The chipper unicorn nudges your hand and licks a few of your fingers as you pass by before giggling and running off, and the cream-colored earth pony gives you an angry glare before chasing after her.
  219. >Great, it hasn't even been 10 minutes since you stepped outside and already a part of your body is covered in pony drool. You can practically feel the amused stare and suppressed laughter of the nearby alicorn.
  220. >"It's seems your popularity among young mares is as strong as ever, Anonymous." She cocks her head in thought. "What could it be that draws them to you, I wonder?"
  222. "No idea. And you're forgetting one thing: it's only the weird mares that're attracted to me, and that one's definitely an oddball."
  223. >You wipe your spit-covered hand onto the soft coat covering Celestia's neck to dry it off, but she shows no reaction to the gesture, her serene smile unbroken.
  224. >"Is the attention really so unwelcome? They're probably just curious about you. I'm sure they mean you no harm, aside from a certain... notable exception."
  225. "It's not completely unwelcome. It's kind of flattering that they're interested, even if I'm not. It's just... tiring sometimes."
  226. >She nods in sympathy. Being a former Princess she knows more about things like this than you ever will.
  227. "I can handle average ponies like Minty. Autismo on the other hand..."
  228. >You shudder. You haven't seen Twilight since the day of her ascension and private coronation but you've heard whispers that she still has her eyes on you. You risk a quick glance over to Canterlot in the distance, half expecting to see a giant purple Eye of Sparkle hovering over one of the castle's towers, but thankfully everything looks normal.
  229. >You nervously rub one of the arcane bands on your wrists.
  230. "...Have I ever thanked you for these?"
  231. >She closes her eyes and sighs. "Many times, profusely. You needn't worry about showing gratitude to me, Anonymous. Between us it is I who am indebted to you. I know it hasn't been easy to put up with my peculiarities and odd habits for the last three and a half weeks. Despite your funny periodic foaming-at-the-mouth episodes I can tell you really have the patience of a saint..."
  233. >She trots ahead of you and through the open door of Sugarcube Corner, then turns back and flashes a smile more radiant than the sun itself.
  234. >"And if there's one thing I pride myself on, it's repaying such kindness in turn. It's how I governed the Kingdom for millennia, and how I'll govern the relationship between us, my little human."
  235. >You roll your eyes. There's that goddamn nickname of hers again.
  236. >"Relationship? Oh! Oh! Oh! Non-non, did you finally ask Celly to be your special somepony?! Rarity was right! She's going to be so excited when--"
  237. >You quickly clamp your hand over the muzzle of the pink puffball that's somehow scrambled her way onto your shoulders. All the patrons' eyes are on you and Celestia. Some of them have even stopped mid-chew, with half-eaten muffin and pastry goop threatening to tumble from their mouths back to their plates.
  238. >Fuck... damage control time. You speak loudly enough so that everyone in the store can hear you.
  239. "No, Pinkie, we're just temporary roommates until she can find her own place. You know you shouldn't ever listen to any gossip from Rarity, right?"
  240. >Celestia chuckles. "Yes, it's true. Unfortunately I don't live up to Anonymous' impossibly high standards for beauty, so our relationship is strictly platonic." She turns her head and casts a subtle time altering spell to slow the motion of her mane, causing the many multicolored strands to cascade around her alluringly as she flashes you a mischievous smile.
  242. >It reminds you of every Super Bowl commercial featuring a supermodel advertising a random product you've ever seen. Except this time the supermodel's actually an immortal horse goddess and the product in question is immortal horse goddess vagina.
  243. >You cough, partly to clear your throat and partly to clear your mind of the thought. All the stallions in the store are drooling at the white alicorn's display, while any mares they're with look quite perturbed. You just shake your head and sigh as you lift Pinkie from your shoulders and hold her in front of you.
  244. "So, you understand, right? We're just friends."
  245. >Pinkie nods vigorously. "Yepperoonies, I get it! Your secret's safe with me!" Wait, what?
  246. >You have a sneaking suspicion that she really doesn't get it, but you set her down anyway.
  247. >"So Non-non, are ya ready to get bakin'? We've got loooots of orders to fill today and those hands of yours will sure come in..." She stifles a giggle. "HANDY!" Yep, there's the follow-up laughter, even if she's the only one who liked the joke.
  248. >You pat Celestia on the back a few times.
  249. "Sorry, Pinkie, but I have to take a personal day today. My Roomie here wants me to help her find a job in town. Speaking of which, do you think the Cakes might...?"
  250. >The pink pony's mane deflates just a bit as she shakes her head. "Sorry, Non-non. We can't right now."
  251. "Really? But what about that big catering job coming up? Weren't we gonna have to bring in some temporary help anyway?"
  252. >"We just can't..." She takes a few steps back and looks at the floor. Weird...
  254. >Celestia's smile doesn't falter. "It's all right, dear. I understand." She sheepishly lifts a massive wing. "My proportions aren't really suited for the small space of a busy kitchen and I'd likely do more harm than good. But I trust you'll still let me have Anonymous for the day?"
  255. >Pinkie nods, her mane poofing back a little. "Of course you can! Take good care of him though, he can get grumpy if you don't force him to smile at least once per hour! Right, Non-non?"
  256. >You laugh.
  257. "That's just the excuse you use to try out your untested jokes and props on me or start a food fight when I'm not looking!"
  258. >Pinkie giggles in return. "Ooooh! He's getting smarter! Better watch out, Celly!"
  259. >"My vigilance will be unwavering~!" She sings as she turns to leave. You follow, giving a slight wave as you go.
  260. "Later, Pinkie. Wish us luck!"
  261. >Pinkie frantically waves a hoof back with her typical level of enthusiasm. "Bye Non-non, bye Celly! No matter what happens, don't give up!"
  262. >Good ol' Pink Horse. As a co-worker she annoys the hell out of you, but she also never fails to brighten your day. You step outside into the sunlight with a confident stride.
  263. >Yeah, this'll be easy as hell. Really, who WOULDN'T want Sunbutt as an employee? She'll probably be starting her new job by noon at the latest.
  264. >Then you'll get a chance to kick back and enjoy the rest of your day off, and finally not have to worry about going broke from having to constantly buy food to shove into the ol' girl's gullet.
  266. >Horse owners back on Earth must all be super fucking rich or something because this ancient magical one you've had lounging around the house has been slowly eating you into poverty for a while now.
  267. >But soon she'll be able to buy her own damn cakes and hay smoothies and you'll actually have money for leisure activities again!
  268. >You begin to wonder which one of the books you've been wanting to read you'll get to relax with this afternoon...
  270. ~~~~~~~~~
  272. >The sun sets in the distance, creating a sea of long shadows throughout the endless orchards of Sweet Apple Acres.
  273. >She got rejected by every single place she applied. Every. Single. Place.
  274. >And for no good goddamn reason as far as you can tell! What the hell is WITH the ponies in this town?! This day's just been an endless nightmare.
  275. >Now you're here, at your last resort. Surely a practical pony like Treekicker will see the value that Celestia would bring to her farm...
  276. >You run your fingers down the mare's long white back to try and comfort her as she sits on her haunches and talks to Applejack for her interview. Though she hides it well, like a master politician would, you can tell this is all starting to take its toll.
  277. >"So, who was yer previous employer and what was yer job title there?"
  278. >"I was employed in the service of all Ponykind as a member of the Diarchy. My primary title was Princess of Equestria but I believe I also held around 150 or so official titles. Would you like me to list them?"
  279. >Apple Pone shakes her head. "No, that's alright. So, what makes ya think ya'd be a good fit fer this position?"
  281. >"Well, Ms. Apple, I was a founding member of the Equestrian Agricultural Board and served on it for the past 2,000 years. I helped the earth pony tribes refine their irrigation and crop rotation techniques over the centuries to increase yields while still maintaining harmony with the land. As an alicorn, the ternary nature of my being allows me to command the full breadth of earth pony magic in the same way that you do and perform the same techniques that have made your farm so successful, including precision applebucking and ritual growth magic. I believe I also co-authored the book on advanced farming techniques that your ancestors used to plan the development of Sweet Apple Acres, so I could offer insight as to why certain decisions were made as well as help you to plan for your future growth. Please don't take this the wrong way, but just by observing how you have your orchards laid out in this general area I can see several things that can be done to improve your efficiency..."
  282. >Celestia cautiously smiles while Applejack attempts to pick her jaw off the ground. "Ah... ah see. A-And what are yer salary requirements?"
  283. >"I'm willing to work for minimum wage."
  284. >The poor earth pony is trembling now. She removes her hat, wipes the sweat from her brow with a hoof and replaces it. "References?"
  285. "I can vouch for her. She's a good pony and I think she'd be a really good fit for your farm, AJ. And it sounds like she really knows her stuff, huh? You'd have to be crazy to let such a qualified candidate slip away."
  287. >"N-No argument there, sugarcube..." You nudge Celestia in the side to catch her attention and give her a thumbs up. She winks in return before facing Applejack again.
  288. >"Ms Apple, if you're willing to take a chance on me I promise I'll work my very hardest for the success of Sweet Apple Acres. And even if you're not, I thank you for the consideration all the same."
  289. >The trembling Orange Pone is completely drenched in sweat now. She's not the one being interviewed... why is she so nervous?
  290. >"Ah... ah..." She shakes her head. "Ah'm sorry, but the position's already been filled!" Her face immediately scrunches up and her eyes quickly dart left and right several times.
  291. >You can feel the dejected breath that leaves Celestia's body through the hand the rests upon her back. "I understand. Thank you for your time, Ms Apple." She stands and begins her slow trot back home while you stay behind.
  292. >You wait until the alicorn's multihued tail vanishes beyond the trees before addressing the little earth pony before you.
  293. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You just threw away a golden opportunity!"
  294. >She shakes her head. "It's outta my hooves, Anon."
  295. "Yeah, right. I don't believe that for one second. What, do you have some kind of grudge against her or something?"
  296. >She stomps a hoof on the ground in anger and every apple in the entire orchard sways at the impact.
  298. >With a dejected sigh, she pulls her steston over her eyes and turns to head back to the farmhouse.
  299. >"Ya'd better go an' catch up ta her. Talkin' ta me ain't doin' any of us any good. Ah know ya probably think ah'm full of it, but ah'm sorry. Ah really am. Ya can tell her that if ya want."
  301. >She canters off, leaving you alone amidst the trees.
  302. >Something strange is going on here, and you're gonna get to the bottom of it. There's no way in hell every single employer with an opening in town, including Applejack and Rarity, would reject Sun Horse outright like this. Something doesn't add up.
  303. >But AJ's right about one thing: you're needed elsewhere right now. Best head home while there's still daylight left...
  305. ~~~~~~~~~
  307. >"HORSEAPPLES!"
  308. >An orange hoof kicks out and smashes a surprisingly large hole in the side of the western barn.
  309. >The red stallion nearby raises an eyebrow at the sight. He shifts the wheat stalk in his mouth before muttering in his typical relaxed tone, "Ah ain't the one who's fixin' that, Sis."
  310. >"Just can it, Mac. Ah ain't in the mood fer this right now." She snorts in frustration as she pulls her leg from the debris and begins her trot to a secluded glade within the orchards.
  311. >She arrives just as the last light fades from the horizon. Right on time, a blue portal begins to shine on the ground. The earth pony takes a step forward and feels a tumbling sensation in her head as the magic pulls her to a faraway place...
  312. >...
  313. >...
  314. >...
  315. >She opens her eyes and the grand private meeting room of Canterlot Castle appears before her. She takes a few wobbly steps, shaking off the effects of the teleportation.
  316. >"Darling, there you are! We were wondering when you'd finally arrive..."
  318. >A familiar fashionably dressed white unicorn is already seated at the great table. An equally familiar cyan pegasus is nearby, shoveling pretzels into her mouth.
  319. >"Hey AJ! You should really try these, they're good." She makes no move to stop stuffing her face or give up the bowl.
  320. >A pink earth pony chides her. "You should share those, Dashie! Sharing is caring, after all! Don't make me sing the song again..."
  321. >"Um... Pinkie's right, Rainbow. If you keep eating those salty things you're going to have a bad hangover later... m-maybe you should slow down?" The butter-yellow pegasus' meek warning is immediately ignored.
  322. >The farmer sighs. "Well, ah see y'all are havin' fun already. Where's the host of this shindig, anyhow?"
  323. >"I'm right here."
  324. >The room goes silent. Standing near the grand doors at the back of the room is a radiant alicorn princess.
  325. >Her large purple wings are spread majestically as her oversized golden horseshoes, torc and tiara shimmer in the room's artificial light.
  326. >"Twilight!" Pinkie hops up and down with joy and the other faces in the room brighten as well, but the alicorn herself remains calm as she speaks.
  327. >"...Aren't you all forgetting something?"
  328. >The ponies all look amongst each other in confusion until Rarity comes to a realization and bows. The others follow her example and Twilight nods in satisfaction.
  329. >"That's more like it. Sorry girls, but protocol is protocol. Please be seated and we'll discuss why I've called you all here."
  330. >The purple pony takes a regal step toward the head of the grand table. Then her horseshoe slides off, she missteps and promptly falls flat on her face.
  332. >Rainbow tries really, really hard not to laugh. "N-Need any help there, 'Princess'?"
  333. >"I'm fine!" Twilight picks herself up with the aid of a few wing beats. "UGH! These stupid things are still sized for Celestia! Buck it!" She charges her horn and teleports into her seat instead, then attempts to assume her closest approximation of a pretty princess pose. It looks terrible.
  334. >Rarity's eyelid twitches at the sight. "We've... we've missed you, dear. Our last meeting was, what... three weeks ago? You've been busy, I take it?"
  335. >Twilight nods. "Yes. Between running the government, moving the sun, public appearances, renegotiating trade agreements with the griffons, repelling changeling attacks at the border, and perusing the forbidden archives I've been kind of busy. Sorry if I haven't kept in touch."
  336. >Pinkie smiles. "That's okay, Twi- er, I mean, Princess. Just don't forget we're still your friends and you can always count on us to help!"
  337. >Twilight sighs. "For most of this stuff it doesn't make sense from a logistical standpoint for me to call on you guys when you either can't directly assist me or when my godlike powers are already enough to handle the job, which has been true in most cases..."
  338. >Five little ponies around the table pout. "...But I haven't forgotten about your friendship! The reason I've called you all here is because I desperately need your help!"
  339. >And just like that, all the ponies' eyes brighten again.
  341. >"Really?! Do you need us to kick some changeling flank?"
  342. >"Is there a fashion emergency?"
  343. >"Um... one of the royal animals is sick...?"
  344. >"Apple shortage?"
  345. >"Somepony needs to smile...?"
  346. >Twilight giggles. "No, no... nothing like that. All those problems are foal's play for me now. No, this is much more important... much grander in scope... it's the last, greatest test Celestia left for me; the last problem I need to solve..."
  349. >She stands in her chair and dramatically flares her wings. "Girls, I need you to help me rut Anon! Repeatedly! For science!"
  350. >The room goes silent again. Rainbow scratches her head.
  351. >"You want -us- to help you buck -Anon-. The giant monkey who lives in town. Uh... oooookay...?"
  352. >Rarity puts a comforting hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I... I don't think he's interested in ponies, darling. After all, he's living with Celestia, the mare about whom entire GENRES of prose, poetry, music and art were created just to attempt to describe her beauty. If he can resist her charms, I don't know if anything can be done. Maybe you should try to find a nice stallion instead?"
  353. >Twilight snorts. "No, Rarity, it has to be Anon!"
  354. >Fluttershy blushes. "Um... if you don't mind me asking... have you tried... well... forcing yourself on him? He probably doesn't know he likes ponies yet, so you need to be direct and show him your love. You're a Princess, so it's not like you'd get in trouble..."
  355. >Rainbow's jaw drops. "Wow, Fluttershy. Just... wow."
  357. >Twilight's wings twitch. "If it were that simple I'd have an entire research wing of the university full of samples of his semen by now. It's true, as a Princess I can have anything I want. Anything except -him-! The spell that protects him, Celestia's Geas, is beyond any magic I've ever encountered before. I can't find a single effective counterspell in the archives and every time I've tried to craft one I've failed miserably..."
  358. >She stands and begins to pace back and forth. "Not only can I not touch him... not only does none of my magic affect him... it even extends so far that I can't write laws that specifically mention him! It's... it's like a curse! Celestia may no longer be a Princess, but she's still my mentor... and she's... she's obviously testing me again!"
  359. >Random hairs of purple alicorn's mane and tail begin to pop out in all directions as her pupils shrink. "She knew I liked Anon! She found me worthy to take her place... worthy to lead all of Equestria... but not worthy enough for him! But I'll show her! I'll show her how worthy I really am! Mwahahahahaha!"
  360. >Rainbow looks over to Pinkie and twirls a hoof next to her head while making a derp face. Pinkie giggles as Twilight continues her rant.
  361. >"I've already found a loophole! Yes, yes, yes! I can't directly influence anything around him... but I CAN indirectly influence his environment through other ponies! If I can separate him from Celestia, the Geas will eventually weaken to the point where I CAN break it! And then... I'll... I'll finally have those hands and his... his... 'maleness' all to myself~" A puddle of pony princess drool begins to collect on the table.
  363. >Applejack scowls. "Separate 'em from Celestia...? Wait, is that what this is about?!" She pulls a piece of paper from her hat and tosses it across the table.
  364. >Twilight snaps out of her daydream and retrieves the paper with her magic. "Oh, I see my royal edict was passed around to all the employers in Ponyville already! Excellent! That means phase one of my plan is already working!"
  365. >Rarity gives the paper a curious glance before recognizing it. "What plan, darling?"
  366. >Twilight beams with pride. "Oh, it's simple. By declaring that all the business owners in Ponyville are not allowed to employ alicorns for any paid position and freezing all of Celestia's assets, I've created a financial problem for Anon. He won't have enough money to feed or house her and he'll eventually have to kick her out! Since the law doesn't specifically mention Anon or humans, the Geas can't prevent it from being written!" She rears up and clops her front hooves together. "I'm such a genius!"
  367. >Applejack slowly pulls her hat over her eyes. "Twilight."
  368. >Twilight giggles. "Remember, Applejack, it's 'Prin--"
  369. >"TWILIGHT!" The purple alicorn's laughter ceases at the farmpony's outburst. "Ah'm yer friend, Twilight. Always have been, always will be. But this..." She points a hoof at the royal edict laying on the table. "This is plum foolishness. Ah had to turn away a pony today... a good pony who just wanted ta work hard and who could'a done wonders fer my farm... all because'a some crazy scheme you've got goin' on ta get a coltfriend that ah can't even begin ta understand."
  371. >The orange pony stands from her seat and begins to trot away. "Ah'm sorry, Twi, but if yer gonna do things ta hurt other ponies like this... and by extension hurt the livelihood of my family... ah can't in good conscience be a part of it."
  372. >She turns to leave but a nervous looking Fluttershy lands in front of her to block her path. "S-Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of love. If you're really the Princess' friend, you should be supporting her in this."
  373. >Rarity nods. "She's right. The Princess here obviously feels this is important, and she hasn't -really- hurt anypony. Her devotion is so romantic... won't you help her win her true love, Applejack?"
  374. >Rainbow flies over to Twilight and pulls her into a hug. "If it's what the Princess wants there's no way I'd leave her hangin'. She's still an egghead so she needs all the help she can get with this kinda stuff!" Twilight frowns.
  375. >The earth pony turns her attention to Pinkie who's kept oddly quiet so far. "What about you, sugar?"
  376. >"I..." She shuts her eyes and shakes her head a few times. "I'll help too."
  377. >Applejack sighs. "Ah see. Well, if y'all have a stampede that needs handlin', need a strong helping hoof with somethin' else or even just a homemade apple pie ya know where ta find me. It was good ta see ya again, Twi, but ah need to start back before the last train leaves."
  378. >The farmpony adjusts her hat and trots from the grand council room without looking back.
  380. >Rainbow scoffs. "Geez, somepony should pull the stick outta her plothole."
  381. >Twilight shakes her head. "It's... it's okay, Rainbow. Her participation wasn't really necessary for the success of my plan anyway." Turning away from the council room doors, she giggles again before addressing the remaining ponies in the room.
  382. >"Now, everypony, I appreciate your support! Let me explain how phase two is going to work and how you're all going to be involved..."
  384. ~~~~~~~~~
  386. >Wow, this is worse than you thought and you honestly don't know how to handle it.
  387. >You were expecting some crying, with the possibility of binging on the hidden bucket of ice cream you have tucked away in the back of the freezer.
  388. >But Celestia's just been sitting on the porch, staring at the stars for the past hour and a half.
  389. >Every time you've tried to say something, you've second guessed yourself before the words could leave your mouth.
  390. >So you've just kinda sat beside her in silence like an idiot. You don't know if you're helping or not.
  391. >"I'm a burden to you."
  392. >Those are the first words you've heard since you got back home. You reach over and pat her on the back.
  393. "Yeah, Roomie, you are."
  394. >Celestia chuckles. "You're absolutely terrible at comforting a forlorn friend. Do I need to take you on as a student as well?"
  395. "What, you want me to lie to you instead? Look, I won't deny that money's tight right now and you can drive me up the wall sometimes, but I was with you all day today and I know you gave it your all. Those ponies don't want to take a chance on you? Fuck 'em, their loss. We'll figure something out. I've got some emergency savings I can dig into in the meantime."
  397. >She shakes her head. "I can't ask you to do that."
  398. "Then don't ask."
  399. >"Why, then? Why go through all this trouble for me? Why make your life more difficult than it need be?"
  400. >You point to one of the muted arcane bands around your wrist.
  401. "If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's properly repaying the debts I owe. It's how I've lived my life to this point, and how I'll continue to live my life with you as a roommate, my big pony."
  402. >The former Princess' gentle laughter rises above the din of the crickets nearby. "I was wrong, Anonymous. Though you're circumspect about it, you do seem to know what to say after all."
  403. "And you say -I- need friendship lessons?"
  404. >A great white wing playfully bats you in the side. "Don't let it get to your head. Now, I believe it's my turn to cook tonight?"
  405. "Anything but spaghetti, please."
  406. >"No promises~" She sings as the two of you walk back inside together.
  408. Next Time on Exchange: Flutterbutter Cometh
  410. =================
  411. ||- Chapter 3 -||
  412. =================
  414. >"Hurry up, Non-non! We need to go now or we'll miss the train!"
  415. "I'll be there in a second!"
  416. >You hastily put on your jacket and grab your coin purse and keys. This is what you get for waiting for the last possible minute to pack...
  417. "Shit, where's my overnight bag?"
  418. >"It's right here."
  419. >Your luggage gracefully floats over to you courtesy of a golden magical aura. You grab it out of the air, revealing the wavy prismatic mane and serene smile of Celestia, ex-Princess of Equestria and freeloader extraordinaire.
  420. "I don't like that smile you've got, Roomie. You look a little too anxious to see me go. Do we need to have that conversation again?"
  421. >"No, Anonymous, you've made it quite clear."
  422. >With a sigh, she raises a hoof like a filly-scout making a pledge. "I hereby solemnly promise that there will be no parties, orgies, bacchanal feasts or any combination thereof on the premises while you're in Canterlot. I shall see to it that the house remains immaculate in your absence."
  423. >You pat Sun Horse on the head and her smile grows by just the tiniest bit.
  424. "Good. I can't say I completely trust you, but as long as you clean up after whatever crazy shit you inevitably get yourself into and make it look like it never happened before I get back, I guess I can't complain."
  425. >You chuckle to yourself as a mental image creeps into your head of Celestia as a horse version of Ferris Beuller as she makes a mad dash to get things back to normal minutes before you get back home. You almost want her to try something for the slight possibility that you'll get to see it.
  426. >"...I don't like that smile you've got, my little human. You seem a little too anxious to see me get in trouble."
  428. >Damn, busted. You just laugh it off.
  429. "You wish. Hey... are you sure you don't want to come with us?"
  430. >She shakes her head. "No, it's not wise for me to risk Luna's ire by returning from exile just yet. She'll need a few more decades to cool off, I'm certain. You enjoy yourself, though... don't let little Pinkie Pie run you ragged."
  431. "You're asking for the impossible, there."
  432. >"NON-NON WHERE ARE YOU?!" Oh god...
  433. "Looks like that's my cue. See ya, Roomie."
  434. >"Have a pleasant trip."
  435. >You step outside to see the Pink Menace frantically hopping up and down on your front porch.
  436. >"Finally! It felt like I was waiting..." She squints her eyes dramatically. "FOR-EV-ER..."
  437. "Sorry. I always procrastinate when it comes to packing."
  438. >Her smile immediately returns. "That's okay! But Mr. and Mrs. Cake are already there ahead of us, so we need to go-go-go!"
  439. >You heft your bag over your shoulder and the two of you start toward the Ponyville train station.
  440. >Man, this has been the week from hell. Even with the extra help the Cakes hired, you still barely finished the gigantic catering order for the upcoming Weather Control Administrators Convention at the Canterlot Mareiott Hotel. All that's left now is to help deliver the goods with Pinkie and the Cakes.
  441. >The good news is that all you really have to do is hand things over to the hotel staff and they'll take care of the rest.
  442. >The bad news is that it's so late in the day that you'll be forced to spend the night tonight in the hotel itself before returning to Ponyville the next morning.
  444. >You shudder a bit. You won't deny that the thought of heading to Canterlot without Celestia makes you nervous. After all, you're willingly stepping into -her- territory...
  445. >You just have to have faith that the Geas will protect you. Given that you have no real understanding of how magic works you tend to distrust it, but this particular spell has done a damn good job of keeping the spergy goddess away from you so far, so maybe you'll get through this trip unscathed...
  446. >Pinkie hums an upbeat tune as you walk; likely for some sort of spontaneous musical number that she'll unleash upon random unsuspecting ponies that need cheering up as she is wont to do.
  447. >It helps ease your worries and it makes you realize that the pink mare truly is a treasure of your little town. How many sad, scared or angry ponies has she helped see the bright side of things (forcibly, if need be) in her lifetime? The number must be countless by now.
  448. >You take it as a sign. You should just enjoy this trip for what it is: a chance to put your worries aside, if only for a little while...
  450. ~~~~~~~~~
  452. >You watch the countryside get smaller and smaller as the train climbs Canterlot Mountain.
  453. >Damn this train is fancy. The Cakes have their own private booth a little further up the car. You're sharing one with Song Smile, who HASN'T STOPPED TALKING FOR ONE SECOND SINCE YOU GOT HERE.
  454. >Thankfully her voice has a natural sing-songy cadence. Your brain tends to treat it like elevator music and you can easily tune it out as you stare out the window.
  456. >You instinctively rub one of the Geas bands as you wonder what Celestia's doing right now. An unbidden smile starts to spread across your face. That silly horse... you bet she's either wrecking your place at this very moment or lounging on the couch bored out of her mind. Or maybe she's bored now because there's nothing left to wreck.
  457. >More than once you've come home from work to some kind of disaster that's made you flip out. You still haven't psychologically recovered from the whole guacamole incident...
  458. >But what really gets you is the look on her face when you step through the door. Kind of like with a dog that's gone and trashed something valuable when its owner was away, it's a mix of rebellious playfulness, shame, excitement and 'this is your fault for leaving me'.
  459. >It's really tough to stay mad at her when she's like that. You wonder if she always knew how to be that cute or if it's a skill she's developed over the thousands of years she's lived. Probably a little of both.
  460. >You close your eyes and turn away from the window. It'd be easy to ask her to leave. The truth is, even with the bonus pay from all the overtime you just worked, you're about two weeks away from being destitute. There's no way you'd tell her that, though.
  461. >Because you're scared. Not due to the money situation, and not because you don't know what the future holds.
  462. >You're scared because you know if you asked her to leave, she would. She totally would. And you can't imagine your life without her anymore.
  463. >That thought chills you to your very bones. It's ridiculous... she worms her way into your life, drives you up the wall constantly... and it makes you happy. When did you become so attached?
  465. >"...and then she hit the emergency override button and the control rods were removed and the reactor core went into a critical meltdown! And that's how the nation of centaurs was destroyed! Why don't you like ponies, Non-non?"
  466. >That's odd, her voice lost its rhythm during that last part...
  467. "What're you talking about, Pinkie? Of course I like ponies. I like you, I like the Cakes, I like most of the ponies I've met so far. Hell, I even like Sunbutt just a little bit."
  468. >She shakes her head. "You know that's not what I mean."
  469. >Oh boy.
  470. "Is this about that whole 'special somepony' business again? Look, Pinkie..."
  471. >She hops from her seat and puts her forelegs on your knees to lift herself up to face you.
  472. >"Please, Non-non. I know at least three ponies who like you that way! Why won't you give it a chance?"
  473. "We've had this conversation before. It's a big taboo where I'm from. Even though I know I'll probably never get back, I just... can't. I'm glad you're concerned about me, but I'm fine like I am. Really."
  474. >"You should learn to listen to your heart better, Non-non... sometimes your mind can get so muddled up that you just need to turn it off and do what you know is right." She sighs, hops down and starts to trot back to her seat.
  475. >You know... that's actually good advice when taken in moderation. Even though you don't think you'll ever accept the idea of falling in love with a horse, following your heart, or what you'd call your gut instincts, has taken you far in life.
  477. >Hell, it's what got you through the multitude of trials you had to face to get that goddamn Orb for Celestia in the first place. You can think of a ton of instances where just going with what you felt was right saved your ass.
  478. >Maybe you have been thinking too much ever since you got back. You decide to give it a try.
  479. >You close your eyes, let out a breath, and do what you feel you need to do right now.
  480. >Two hands reach out and capture the forlorn little pony before she makes it back to her seat on the opposite end of the booth. She squeals in surprise as you pull her into a hug.
  481. "Thanks for being such a good friend to me, Pinkie. I know I don't tell you that enough. You only want what's best for me, and I appreciate it. I really do."
  482. >The Pink Pony's forelegs are held close to her chest and her tail curls around her as her deep blue eyes stare at you in wonder. It's hard to tell, but you can almost see an even rosier shade of pink appear on her cheeks, just beneath the surface.
  483. >She quickly recovers from her shock and returns your hug with typical Pinkie Pie enthusiasm, though she remains oddly silent.
  484. >When the hug ends she opts to remain beside you instead of returning to her own seat. You pet her mane a little bit.
  485. "So, three ponies like me, huh? Care to tell me who?"
  486. >She giggles. "It's a secret, Non-non. I Pinkie Promised I wouldn't tell."
  487. "Well, I know what happens when you break one of those, so I won't ask again. I guess I'll just need to keep on the lookout for any ponies acting weird, huh?"
  489. >She lets out a cross between a laugh and a sigh. "Non-non, you wouldn't be able to tell one if she was right in front of you. You're denser than Anonium, the densest material known to ponykind!"
  490. >You should probably feel insulted by that, but the way she said it pulls a laugh from you instead.
  491. >A fond memory, from back before Twilight started getting really crazy, creeps into your mind. She was so excited to have invented a new super high density composite material during one of her experiments. You were deftly deflecting all her advances at the time and she figured it was because you didn't know she was interested. She ended up naming it after you in frustration, but you're not -really- that dense. Right?
  492. >"Hey! Look, Non-non, what's that?"
  493. >You follow Pinkie's gaze out the window. You're much closer to Canterlot now and can see some kind of large building under construction on the far edge of the city. It looks almost like a sports arena or something.
  494. "No idea. It's big, though."
  495. >A knock at your cabin door draws your attention from the sight. Pinkie leaps up to answer it.
  496. >The door slides open to reveal Fluttershy wearing a fake moustache, tie and a pair of sunglasses. She nervously trots inside.
  497. >"Oh hallo gud travelers! Eye am Enspecktor Notfluutershai of ze Kanterlot Penis Enspecktion Bureau. Yoo haff been selekted foor a rendom penis enspecktion. Please to be removink yoor pants so eye ken see ze penis, yes?"
  498. >Pinkie gasps. "You'd better do what he says, Non-non! The C.P.I.B. are super serious about their jobs!"
  500. "Fluttershy, what the fuck are you doing?"
  501. >The butter-yellow pegasus 'eeps!' and jumps back. You can see beads of sweat start to form on her brow. "Eye belieff yoo are mestaken, my name es Enspecktor Notfluutershai; eye haff never heard off ze very attractiff pegasos Fluutershai en my life!" She risks a cautious smile. "Please to be removink yoor pants so eye ken see ze penis, yes?"
  502. >You know, maybe if these marshmallow horses didn't have easily visible uniquely identifiable tattoos on their asses this type of disguise could possibly work. But this? This is just sad.
  503. >You grab the little pegasus and easily lift her. She squirms for a bit as she eyes the arcane bands of your Geas before settling down in your arms. You promptly toss her down the hallway to the far end of the car.
  504. "If you happen to see Princess Spergle, kindly tell her to fuck off!"
  505. >You slam the door for good measure.
  506. >Pinkie is beside herself with worry. "Th-that was an official inspector, Non-non! We're gonna be in so much trouble!"
  507. "Pinkie that was Fluttershy wearing a moustache and trying to get to my dick. Twilight obviously sent her here. This isn't the first time this has happened."
  508. >No, it certainly isn't. For the past week or so, Yellowquiet, Squiggletail and Speedysnooze have been harassing you to various degrees.
  509. >Rarity's been attempting to spread completely bizarre rumors about you. (As much as they'd like it, you do NOT sneak into ponies' bedrooms late at night to pet them!)
  510. >Rainbow's followed you around with rain / snow clouds. (The fact that you're smart enough to bring an enchanted lightning-proof umbrella with you has completely confounded her and she hasn't quite figured out what to do next.)
  512. >And Fluttershy, well... Fluttershy's been doing... whatever this is.
  513. >It quickly became obvious that Twilight was behind it, but for what end you're not sure.
  514. >Pinkie stares at you in wonder. "Really...? You're amazing, Non-non! How did you see through her disguise? It... it was perfect..."
  515. >You almost think she sounds a little -too- disappointed that Flutterbutter's attempt just got thwarted... nah, you're probably just being paranoid.
  516. "Good old human intuition, I guess. C'mon, let's start gathering our stuff. It looks like we're almost there."
  517. >You can feel the train begin to pull to a stop as it reaches the station. You quickly grab your overnight bag and help Pinkie retrieve hers, then head out to meet up with the Cakes.
  519. ~~~~~~~~~
  521. >The ticking of your hotel room's clock is driving you insane.
  522. >Seriously, you're about to smash the thing. You've been trying to fall asleep for over an hour...
  523. >You sit up in bed and look out the window at the illuminated city below.
  524. >You didn't take any time to explore it or sample the nightlife. You figured you could go to sleep early instead and then be that much closer to getting the hell outta here in the morning. So much for that plan.
  525. >Still, you should count your blessings. The Cakes agreed to take Pinkie into their room tonight; she was originally booked to share with you.
  526. >You managed to convince them that you sharing a bed with a young mare was questionable, even if you're currently sharing your house with a mare who you've repeatedly been told is the most beautiful female horse to ever live without any funny business occurring.
  527. >You weren't concerned that something was going to happen with Pinkie or anything, you just wanted the peace and quiet.
  529. >You chuckle... those poor ponies. Even when they're out of town they can't get a moment alone away from their kids. It's easy to see that Pinkie was like a daughter to them before they had their own. She still is, really. They love her to death and it shows.
  530. >Regardless, you owe them one for this. Maybe a little unpaid overtime or something?
  531. >Fuck... money. It always comes back to that, doesn't it? Again, your troubles begin to creep into your head.
  532. >With all these swirling thoughts your odds of falling asleep have fallen just that much further. You hop out of bed wearing only your boxers to get a glass of water from the bathroom sink.
  533. >What you see when you step back into the room causes the glass to fall from your hand and shatter on the floor.
  536. >"Hello, Anon."
  537. "Twilight..."
  538. >You feel bile rise in your throat and your heart momentarily stops. Standing before you is the purple alicorn herself. Her body shimmers with a faded magical aura and her eyes are focused solely on you with an intensity that chills the very blood in your veins.
  539. >"It's been 880 hours, 13 minutes and 25 seconds since we last spoke. Did you miss me?"
  540. "No... c-can't say I have..."
  541. >She lets out the same cute giggle you've heard from her countless times before. It reminds you of a more innocent time, before this all started. Back when it was just a game to the both of you, or so you thought.
  543. >"You're always so cold and dismissive to me, Anon. It's one of the reasons I like you so much. It's cute that you think that you have any chance of stopping the inevitable. I've done the calculations... the probability of us getting married within the next 60 days is exactly 73.25112 percent."
  544. "Sounds like someone hasn't been keeping up with her math classes since becoming a Princess..."
  545. >You throw out a stupid one liner to buy some time for your brain to process this situation.
  546. >How the fuck is Twilight here now?! The Geas shouldn't allow her to be this close! Shit, shit, shit!
  547. >You quickly glance at one of the bands... there's no reaction! Did she do something to block it? Has she found a way to counter the spell?!
  548. >"You're so funny! A good sense of humor is #12 on my 453 item list of desirable characteristics in a good mate." She licks her lips and gives you the patented Sparkle Bedroom Eyes. "You fulfill all 453 requirements, in case you were wondering..."
  549. >She takes a single step toward you and you step back in turn.
  550. >"I noticed you looking at your wrists a moment ago. You're probably wondering why the Geas isn't working, which is to be expected. This isn't my real body, Anon." She takes a hoof and pushes it inside of her chest where it passes through as if she were a ghost. "It's just an astral projection, created using the tiniest sliver of ritual magic from the ancient Zebra Tribes. So tiny that Celestia's Geas doesn't even recognize it as a threat from me. I can't touch you like this, even if I really, really want to... but it does allow us to talk."
  552. >You let out the breath you were holding. If what she says is true then all she can really do is annoy you to death, but you keep your distance just the same.
  553. "I don't really have much to say to you that hasn't already been said, Twi. Just make it quick. I've gotta get up early tomorrow to catch the train with Pinkie."
  554. >"It's okay, Anon. I expected as much, and I have all the time in the world..."
  555. >She smiles and spreads her majestic wings. "I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. I found out later that it was you who retrieved the Orb that allowed for my ascension. I knew you always loved me, even if you were reluctant to show it, but this... this was more than I could ever have dreamed for. Soon, I'll be able to return your amazing gift and boundless love in ways you can't even imagine..."
  556. >She trots over to the window and gazes out across Canterlot. "I'm sure you saw it on the way up... that large structure being built at the edge of town. I call it the Pleasure Sphere and I commissioned it especially for us. It's where we'll have our honeymoon!"
  557. >The purple alicorn turns to you and her eyes are shining with excitement. For a moment you see a vision of the old Twilight in her library, bouncing around with joy as she discovers the solution to some inconsequential problem. The memory warms your heart, but that warmth quickly fades as her voice pulls you back to the present.
  559. >"When it's finished, the entire building will be covered in enchantments that will capture and record our lovemaking from all angles and measure it using all available metrics, with the data to be stored in the Canterlot Archives for eternity. The enchantments will grant us both limitless stamina so we can continue to copulate for over one month without the need for rest, during which we'll experiment with every sexual act possible between a male human and female alicorn! It's going to be so much fun, and so educational!" She clops her front hooves together. "Oh, I bet you can't wait!"
  560. >The color drains from your face. Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, is building a RapeDome. Just for you. Where you'll have horse sex for over a month straight in ways both imagined and beyond the realm of human comprehension. Wonderful.
  561. >A spike of terror runs down your body and your legs almost give out. You try to swallow but your throat is completely dry.
  562. >Twilight turns back to you and giggles again. "Oh, I knew it! You're so happy you're speechless! But don't worry, you won't have much longer to wait..."
  563. >As she licks her lips you summon forth all the courage you can muster and firm up your balance. In the face of all this, it doesn't help to think. Like Pinkie said, do what you feel is right.
  564. >And you feel, from the bottom of your heart, that she will protect you. You raise a wrist to Twilight, some of your confidence returning.
  565. "That's... that's great and all, but I'll have to take a rain check. I don't think Celestia'll allow it, do you?"
  567. >She laughs again. "The Geas. Yes, it's definitely annoying, but not insurmountable. Think of it this way..."
  568. >Slowly, the purple alicorn begins to circle you as if she were a cat stalking a mouse. "The spell surrounds you like a mighty stone fortress on top of a mountain. The doors of the fortress will never open for me, and the walls can withstand the strongest siege."
  569. >She stops in front of you again and gives you the most innocent look she can muster. "But I don't need to enter through the doors to get what I want, nor do I need to bring down the walls. For me, all it takes is a simple crack, a single stone out of place to exploit... and the way is opened."
  570. >The bedroom eyes return. "Anon, no fortress... no spell is perfect. Don't think I've been idly twiddling my hooves all this time we've been apart. I've been testing, and prodding... finding the limits, finding what works. Placing my hooves and applying pressure on every single stone in the wall. It won't be long now. The fact that I can talk to you like this is due to what I've discovered as a result of my experiments and the data gathered by a few others..."
  571. >She rears up and waddles forward, using her outstretched wings to keep her balance. "And if all else fails, well... I'll just bring down the mountain itself and the fortress will follow."
  572. >She moves in to kiss you but her lips pass right through your own. You feel the Geas' light shine as she makes contact and the ghostly body of Twilight fades away.
  573. >You fall back on the bed, gasping for breath. You're fucking scared out of your wits.
  575. >Even though nothing happened you feel like you seriously just came close to dying there.
  576. >You turn your head toward the bathroom and notice that the glass you broke earlier is resting on the countertop there, completely restored.
  577. >How did she... shit... she said she'd been testing things all along... was all this just another one of her experiments?!
  578. >You close your eyes and picture Celestia in your mind. Never before have you wanted to see Sun Horse again so badly.
  579. >As the adrenaline leaves your body you focus on her image in your mind and finally fall into a fitful sleep.
  581. ~~~~~~~~~
  583. >After the 14th try you finally manage to insert your house key into the lock.
  584. >You're finally back... you got maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep at most and you're ready to crash. Fuck the money situation, there's no way you can work today.
  585. >You swing the door open and stumble inside.
  586. >...
  587. >...
  588. >...
  589. >You step outside, close the door, count to three and open it again.
  590. >Yep, it's still there.
  591. >The entire fucking living room is filled from top to bottom with treasure, including gems, bits, golden crowns, scepters, the works.
  592. >Celestia sits in the middle of it all, her face buried in a bucket of Neapolitan ice cream. The single eye you can see above the bucket's rim meets your own and she slowly raises her head to face you, ice cream covering her muzzle.
  593. "Wh-wh-wh-WHAT?!"
  594. >"Oh come now, Anonymous, this isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing."
  596. "It's in the top fucking five you crazy horse!! What the hell did you do, rob a bank?!"
  597. >She dabs her muzzle with a napkin. "Of course not; don't be ridiculous. I simply called in a favor from one of my old acquaintances in the dragon clans."
  598. >You take a step inside and nearly trip over a large pile of perfectly cut diamonds.
  599. "A favor, huh? What's that on your wing?"
  600. >The ex-Princess raises a single wing and scowls at the red stain she sees there.
  601. >"Fiddlesticks. Dragon blood is agonizingly difficult to get out of feathers. The temperature just melts it right into the plumage..." Her horn shines as she attempts to magick away the stain.
  602. >You begin to tremble.
  603. "I... I need an honest answer to this, please. Is a pissed off dragon going to show up and burn my house down tomorrow or anytime in the near future?"
  604. >Celestia's melodious laughter fills the room. "No, I wouldn't worry about it. I sent him into an early hibernation. I'd say we have 200-250 more years before we have to be concerned."
  605. >You walk over to your couch, sweep a pile of bits off of one of the cushions greater than what you make in a year at your job, and take a seat.
  606. >And as you stare at Celestia with a slack-jawed expression of incredulity, she simply smiles back and levitates over an unopened bucket of Neapolitan.
  607. >"...Ice cream?"
  609. Next Time on Exchange: A Friendship Lesson
  611. =================
  612. ||- Chapter 4 -||
  613. =================
  615. >So, you're rich now.
  616. >You're a lone, rich man sitting on a couch surrounded by so much dosh that you could probably swim through it like Scrooge McDuck if you wanted to.
  617. >Better not try diving face-first into a pile of metal, though. That'd be stupid. Even though you could easily pay the resulting medical bills because YOU'RE FUCKING LOADED.
  618. >You need time to process this development. You're on like no sleep right now and your mind has just... stopped.
  619. >Any complex thought that tries to take root just fizzles and vanishes before you can capture it.
  620. >The magically levitated spoonful of ice cream that keeps poking you in the cheek isn't helping, either.
  621. >"Anonymous? Anonymous, are you mad at me? Please, don't be that way..."
  622. >Sun Horse is looking awfully remorseful right now, but you know better. It's just an act. You bet she's internally laughing her ass off, and you don't blame her. You're about ready to laugh too at the absurdity of this bullshit.
  623. >You open your mouth to say something and the spoon finds its way in. Your words are lost to the vanilla goodness. She sure knows how to pick her sugary treats...
  624. >You grab the spoon with one hand and the nearby levitating ice cream bucket with the other. As indignantly as you can you plunge the spoon into the bucket and jam a heap of ice cream into your mouth. Oh, it's chocolate and strawberry this time... nice.
  625. >NO! Keep your war face on, Anon. If you let her get away with shit like this it'll set a bad precedent. You swallow and focus your evil eye on the still guilty but somewhat hopeful looking white alicorn.
  627. "So... I take it you could've done this at any time?"
  628. >Celestia meekly turns away and twirls a forehoof in small circles on the ground. Oh, she's good.
  629. >"Well... yes, I suppose. But I..."
  630. "I don't even want to hear it. I just... I don't know if I can even stand to look at you right now."
  631. >She stomps a hoof in frustration and her tone hardens. "In my defense, you got home much earlier than I expected. All of this was supposed to be gone before you arrived! If anything, this is your fault, Anonymous!"
  632. >You drop your spoon into the bucket as a wave of anger washes over you.
  633. "Gone before I got here...? What, were you gonna hide it somewhere and laugh at me while I kept working my ass off for your benefit?! Am I just a big fucking joke to you or something?!"
  634. >Celestia rears back a bit and you instantly regret what you just said. She looks genuinely hurt.
  635. >"No... no, Anonymous. Please don't ever think that. I'm very grateful for what you've done for me, and I would never do something like that to you. But the truth of the matter is that I've already spent all this money and the seller is due to arrive soon to collect, so it won't be around much longer."
  636. "Oh, is that all?"
  637. >You retrieve your spoon and resume eating your ice cream. In between bites you flash Celestia a joyful smile and she smiles back.
  638. >"Won't it be nice to have the whole couch back with all this treasure out of the way, Anonymous? It'll be easier to move around the house, too."
  639. "It sure will, Celestia! Golly gee willikers I can't wait! And by the way I hope you used the money to pay for your funeral arrangements because you're fucking dead."
  641. >Slowly, you set the ice cream down and crack your knuckles, then your neck as you stand. Celestia's ears fold back and her pupils shrink as you begin to stalk toward her with killing intent. Before you can get within five feet of her she's turned and fled out the door, her prey instincts kicking into overdrive, and you're after her as fast as your legs will take you.
  642. >Celestia bounds like a gazelle through the streets of Ponyville and you follow like a freight train powered by rage. The fact that she stands so much taller than other ponies, combined with the massive multicolored mane and tail that whip behind her as she runs, makes it impossible to lose her in a crowd.
  643. >Curious little ponies turn and stare at the two of you as you both deftly dodge random vendor carts, street traffic and pedestrians until the surrounding buildings of Ponyville begin to be replaced by endless apple orchards and your chase takes you further and further away from home.
  644. >You don't notice the cobblestone streets below your feet turn into grassy fields. You don't really notice much of anything, as the singular focus of getting your hands on and throttling this horse is all that your conscious mind can handle at the moment.
  645. >But beyond that one thought, buried in the depths of your unconscious mind, other thoughts begin to take hold as the information captured by your senses is processed and questions are raised.
  647. >Questions like how is it that you're able to keep up with a galloping horse on foot?
  648. >Questions like why isn't she using her wings to simply fly away from you?
  649. >Questions like why doesn't she use her incredible magic - powerful enough to overcome a dragon - to restrain you or escape?
  650. >Questions like why does she turn back every so often to make sure you're there... and why is the look of pure, unrestrained joy on her face as she runs starting to temper your anger?
  651. >Your pace slows a bit as these unconscious thoughts begin to edge ever closer into your conscious mind's perception. She turns back again, and it hits you like a ton of bricks.
  652. >She's having the time of her life. She's not merely happy. She's not merely having fun. You can tell, in the way that her every muscle moves as she playfully runs from you, that this is one of the happiest moments of her life. One that she'll look back on as a fond memory even when all other memories start to fade.
  653. >A step. Your foot hits the ground as you continue to run... a single step out of many as you've chased her this morning. But this one's different. Every step you've taken before this moment has been to propel you toward her so you could unleash your fury at what she's done and make her understand how her behavior has hurt you.
  654. >But this single step, and all the ones that follow, holds a new purpose. Suddenly you're no longer chasing her to sate your anger. Instead, you chase her because you recognize something beautiful is happening right before your very eyes and you don't dare let it leave your sight.
  656. >You've climbed mountains in the past, even before coming to Equestria. You've pushed yourself beyond your own limits for the spiritual reward that comes from gazing at the world below your feet from the summit.
  657. >You kept climbing because you believed that nothing else could capture that indescribably sublime feeling. And yet here it is again, personified in Celestia as she frolics just beyond your reach.
  658. >It's enough to take your breath away.
  659. >And then the moment is broken when, in a burst of speed that surprises the both of you, you tackle her and the two of you go tumbling through the grass in a mass of arms, legs and wings.
  660. >You come to a stop under the shadow of an apple tree. Celestia gazes up at you with surprised magenta eyes and you stare back down at her as you both pant for breath.
  661. >She lays on her back, forehooves held close to her chest which rises and falls with each breath she takes, and her mane spills out around her head as if she's fallen into a puddle of pastel colors. Your own two arms support you above her, hands placed just above her spread wings, and you notice several white feathers slowly drifting around you in the wind.
  662. >The two of you lock eyes as your breathing begins to calm, but your mind is shot. You can't remember why you were chasing her in the first place. You can't even remember your own goddamn name right now. But your heart is pounding and you know you have to say something.
  663. >A few tears begin to well in the corners of your eyes as you finally find your voice.
  665. "Do you have any idea about all the shit I've agonized over during these past few weeks? The nights I spent awake counting every single bit in my head and trying to figure out how I could make it work...?"
  666. >She doesn't turn away. Her eyes are deeper than the deepest ocean, and for a moment you feel a tremor of fear as the raw strength behind them shows forth for just an instant. Her songbird-like voice rings out to answer.
  667. >"I knew, and it broke my heart. So much so that before I knew it I was taking wing to the distant mountains with the intention of fighting a dragon for his horde." She chuckles. "Not quite a becoming action for one so long lived, or whom others believe to be wise."
  668. >You turn and take a seat beside her, leaning against the trunk of the tree. She shifts her body and curls next to you and you both stare off into the expanse of Sweet Apple Acres.
  669. "I don't get it. If you knew, why'd you let me suffer in silence? If this was an option from the beginning, why not take it?"
  670. >Now she looks away. "Because that's not the kind of pony I want to be. Not anymore. I tried everything else, every other avenue, but it seems Twilight just wouldn't have it. This was an act of desperation on my part, but what's done is done."
  671. >You think back to your day job hunting with Celestia... about how enthusiastic she was at the start, and even after she began to suffer rejection after rejection. When you learned that Twilight had specifically barred her from employment, you were absolutely pissed but could do nothing about it.
  673. >After that revelation, Celestia tried helping around the house more, finding little ways to save money here and there, but it never seemed to be enough and you slowly started falling into debt. Since you handled all the finances, you thought you could keep it from her until you could work out some kind of plan of your own, but that never materialized either.
  674. >You start to laugh uncontrollably. Celestia looks at you curiously.
  675. "So... so let me get this straight. You knew about my money problems, so you went and beat down a dragon and stole all his shit... and then you went and spent it all on something else, so we're back to where we started! What was the point other than to make me have a mental breakdown, Roomie? And what'd you buy that costs that much, anyway?"
  676. >She proudly turns up her nose in an attempt to act nonchalant. "Oh, just a little gift for my gracious host. It'll be a while before it arrives, but I think it'll be to your liking." She drops the act and shows you a true smile accompanied by a slight blush. "I also indulged a bit and bought some high class sweets. I'm afraid even after all these years I don't quite have all my vices under control just yet..."
  677. "A gift and some candy, huh? That's great and all, and I do appreciate the thought, but we're gonna be homeless in a few weeks if we don't do something..."
  678. >Celestia's smile doesn't falter. "I... suppose I should also mention that I paid off the mortgage on the house before making my purchases." She turns away again, but her eyes dart back to find your own. "I... was hoping that maybe with the extra income, you could find it in your heart to host a freeloading guest for a little longer...?"
  680. >You swallow and nearly choke on your own saliva. She... she paid off the house?! Without your mortgage payment each month you'll have enough to support the both of you on one income with money to spare! Before you can even think you've reached over and pulled Sun Horse into a backbreaking hug. Two forelegs and two wings encircle your back in return and you feel all the tension leave your body.
  681. >You pull away from each other a bit so that you're face to face. Celestia's goofy smile draws out your own and the two of you start laughing at one another.
  682. "Thank you... thank you so much. First the Geas and now this... you can stay with me as long as you like, Roomie. I'll never be able to pay you back at this rate."
  683. >She shakes her head. "No, Anonymous. It's the other way around. Even with all this, and even with my gift, I'm still in your debt. I thank you for having me, from the bottom of my heart."
  684. "Well... if you're willing to knock a few more dragons around, we could use a bigger TV..."
  685. >Celestia laughs again and shakes her head. "No... I'm afraid there'll be no more of that. Agamemnon, the dragon who I confronted, is a bit of a special case. He's an old stalwart who renounced his clan, so consequently there is no clan to avenge him for having his horde stolen. Most dragons belong to one of several great clans and any attack on them is perceived as an attack on the entire house. Fighting a dragon with clan ties would likely result in an all-out war between dragon and ponykind. Luna would be absolutely livid if I were to cause something like that..."
  687. "Yeah... I don't think a pony-dragon war is worth it for a new TV. Let's just save for it like everyone else. Maybe cut back on the snacks or something?"
  688. >That statement earns a very exaggerated pout from Sun Horse. You pat her on the head in consolation.
  689. "Just kidding."
  690. >She smiles again and the two of you turn back to the orchard. Without realizing it you begin to lightly scratch her back with an idle hand and she closes her eyes in contentment. After several minutes you break the silence again.
  691. "Hey... I know I keep asking you this, and you keep giving me non-answers, but I really want to know... why the hell did you show up on my doorstep that night, and why are you so dead set on staying with me? I mean, I really enjoy your company and everything and I'm glad you showed up, but I don't understand. You could be anywhere you wanted right now, doing anything you wanted. I don't exactly live the most exciting life, you know."
  692. >She smiles. "I could be anywhere I wanted. And this is exactly where I want to be. It's difficult to describe, but there's something about you that separates you from every other creature in this world, Anonymous."
  693. >You point to yourself.
  694. "You mean... aside from the whole 'human' thing?"
  695. >She nods. "Yes, aside from that. Every pony, and even every non-pony knows of Celestia of Equestria, Goddess of the Sun. Even though I've renounced my title and position, I will always be that to them. Even though I no longer wear a crown, they still treat me with a level of deference and respect that I don't feel I deserve. Some even look upon me with fear at the power I command. There is nothing I can do to change it... no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I wish for it... I'll never be a normal pony."
  697. >She turns to you and the look on her face makes you recall that moment from earlier today that so entranced you... the sublime beauty of her joy... and your heart starts beating a little bit faster.
  698. >"But you, my little human... you were not born here. You were not raised to know me as a force of nature and guiding hoof in your world. I could tell from the moment I first met you... you speak to me like an equal. You get mad at me when I misbehave. And you treat me like a true friend. For many years, I've tried to stress the importance of the magic of friendship to my students, but the hidden tragedy was that because of my position I could never hold true friends myself. But now, at last, through some twist of fate that drew you here... I have one. You didn't just free me from the burden of my position... the simple fact that you see me as just another 'crazy horse' is the greatest gift I've ever received, and no amount of riches will ever be able to match it."
  699. >You're almost crying again. So that's why... the wandering hand on her back moves to scratch behind her ears.
  700. "Hey. You're not just another crazy horse. You're my favorite crazy horse. Don't you forget that."
  701. >She smiles. "Then all the better."
  702. "You ready to go home?"
  703. >"Yes, let's go home."
  704. >You both stand and begin the trek back, side by side, oblivious to the rainbow-maned pegasus who leaps from one of the treetops and takes to the air as you leave.
  706. ~~~~~~~~~
  708. >"SHE DID WHAT?!?!"
  709. >A red aura surrounds the pegasus guard and lifts him into the air. His hooves flail and he struggles to breathe.
  710. >"Y-Yes, your Highness! Our recon squadron confirmed it... sometime last night the dragon Agamemnon the Clanless of the Northern Mountains was attacked by the former Princess and robbed of his horde. The scouts reported that the cave was empty when they arrived and the dragon himself was in a state of magical suspension..."
  711. >The aura fades and the guard tumbles to the floor.
  712. >An immaculately dressed white unicorn admires her perfectly styled mane in the shiny marble floor of the conference room. "Yes, darling, I positively FELT it when Celestia brought all those gems and treasures into town! My cutie marks were tingling all over!"
  713. >The butter-yellow pegasus beside her turns her head to the side and whispers. "I bet that wasn't the only thing that was tingling..." The pink earth pony on her other side fights to suppress a guffaw.
  714. >"Did you say something, Fluttershy?"
  715. >"N-No..."
  716. >A nearby earth pony noble pushes his glasses up with a hoof and steps forward.
  717. >"In addition, your Highness, our spies in the local Ponyville government have reported that Anonymous the Human's home loan has been paid in full using bits dating from the years when Agamemnon was last active in Equestria. We're reasonably certain that the funds came from his horde."
  718. >Twilight Sparkle falls back on her haunches, her crown tilting a bit as her mane and tail begin to become frazzled.
  720. >"I can't believe it. I was certain I had her in checkmate! All my observations of her past behavior and the historical records never pointed to ANY kind of extreme action like this with the exception of Luna's banishment..." She starts to chew one of her hooves with worry. "It looks like I completely underestimated you, 'teacher'... I'll need to adjust my plans accordingly..."
  721. >A blue portal opens near the room's entrance and a cyan pegasus flies through. She does a few loops in the air that no one pays attention to before landing and striking a bold pose.
  722. >"Hey everypony! Hey Princess! I'm back from my super awesome mission!"
  723. >Twilight perks up. "Rainbow! How was it? Did the gem work as expected?"
  724. >Rainbow scratches her mane. "Um... sorta. I did like you said and followed them when I saw 'em leave the house. Anon kinda chased her all the way to AJ's farm, then they just talked for a while and left. It was really boring."
  725. >Twilight flies over to examine the gem attached to one of Rainbow's hooves. "Well? How close were you able to get before it reacted?"
  726. >"It was weird. At first I was able to get about two trees away before it lit up, but the more they talked the more it started shining and I had to keep backing away. By the time they left I couldn't get closer than eight trees before it lit up. I think this thing's busted..."
  727. >Twilight's pupils shrink and she nearly collapses. "No way... they're closer than ever! And that means the Geas is stronger than ever too! NO! NO! NO!"
  729. >The pony princess slams her hooves into the marble floor, her latent earth pony strength causing various cracks to appear in its flawless surface.
  730. >"UGH! I'll need to redo my entire formula now! Unbelievable!" She conjures a giant chalkboard containing a single massive magical equation which she quickly starts to edit.
  731. >The ponies gathered in the room gaze upon the chalkboard and start sweating bullets as they attempt to contain their laughter.
  732. >The equation itself, while incomprehensible on a technical level to anyone without several post-graduate degrees in magic, is still relatively simple to understand. On the left side is a bunch of magi-mathematical gibberish. There's an 'equals' sign in the middle. And on the right side is a stick figure human sticking its stick figure dick in stick figure Princess Twilight, proudly drawn with the appropriate chalk colors.
  733. >Truly, this is Twilight's masterpiece.
  734. >She spends several minutes erasing, rewriting, and staring at her work before sighing and setting her chalk down.
  735. >"It's no use... I can come up with all sorts of clever loopholes to change things in his environment and even talk to him, but they ultimately amount to nothing but cheap tricks! With Anon and Celestia's friendship this strong I'll never get a chance to rut him senseless!"
  736. >Tears begin to fall down the pretty Princess' face as Rarity trots over to comfort her.
  737. >"There, there, dear. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be? I know it can be difficult to have to give up on the object of your affections, but look on the bright side! There's still the option of forming a harem of concubine stallions that you could maybe, possibly let me borrow at some point?"
  739. >Twilight sniffles. "No, Rarity... you don't understand. I love Anon, but there's also another part of it... another reason that I have to have him." Her ears fold back in embarrassment. "You... you know I've always been kind of a weird bookworm, right?"
  740. >Everyone in the room immediately nods.
  741. >"Well... I kinda... um... how do I put this... I'm a... a xenophile. Ponies, griffons, dragons... none of them do it for me. I have to have Anon! In addition to being my one, true love, he's kind of, sort of... my fetish..."
  742. >The room goes silent. Rarity coughs into her hoof. "Oh... well, I see..."
  743. >In an instant, Twilight is tackled by a yellow blur and pulled into a hug that could crush a bear's spine. "Oh! Oh, Princess! I know exactly how you feel! Don't you worry one little bit; we're your friends and we're here to help you! Together I'm sure we can have you licking the hot, salty sweat off his glorious exotic hairless monkey body in no time! Right, girls?"
  744. >Rarity forces a smile. "O-Of course, darling."
  745. >Rainbow chokes back a little vomit. "Uh... if that's what you really want, I guess..."
  746. >Pinkie simply grins. "Whatever you say, Fluttershy!"
  747. >Twilight looks to each of her friends in turn and her cautious smile begins to grow wider. "Thanks, girls. I've... I've really been taking your friendship for granted lately, and I'm sorry. I really apprecia--"
  748. >She stops speaking as her eyes sweep over the chalkboard again. "Friendship... friendship! THAT'S IT!"
  749. >The chalk levitates and begins to furiously scribble new formulas across the board. After several moments of frantic writing, Twilight stops and steps back to admire her work with wide eyes.
  751. >"I've done it. I've found a way to break the Geas. I'VE DONE IT! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes~!"
  752. >The purple alicorn hops in circles with glee, slight flutters of her wings helping to increase her height as her friends watch on with smiles of their own. Eventually, she calms down and begins to explain the details of her plan to four sets of attentive ears...
  754. ~~~~~~~~~
  756. >Celestia walks through the living room carrying empty buckets of ice cream to the trash in her magical grip. A snort of discomfort from the nearby couch catches her attention and she sets the buckets down.
  757. >Poor Anonymous... as soon as the treasure was picked up by the agency he immediately collapsed and fell asleep. He couldn't even make it to his own bed. He must've really worked hard in Canterlot.
  758. >She notices the blanket she carefully placed over him earlier has half fallen to the floor. She gently encompasses it in her aura and places it properly. Anonymous smiles in his sleep in response and curls up a bit more.
  759. >She feels a flutter in her heart at the sight that gives her pause. Slowly, ever so slowly, she leans down to place a quick kiss on his forehead, but quickly jumps away when an extra loud snore startles her.
  760. >"Just be content with what you have, Celestia," she tells herself as she shakes her head and laughs at her own silliness.
  761. >She picks up the buckets again and trots into the kitchen, leaving Anonymous to his dreams.
  763. Next Time on Exchange: Goodbye, Roomie
  765. =================
  766. ||- Chapter 5 -||
  767. =================
  769. >You've done it. Truly this is the zenith of comfiness that is achievable by man.
  770. >A day off from work, with nothing on the agenda except relaxation.
  771. >A recliner positioned in front of your bay window to watch the snowfall from your nice, warm house.
  772. >A fire crackling in the fireplace to provide said warmth.
  773. >A cozy blanket wrapped around you, and...
  774. >A mug of perfectly prepared coffee in your hand.
  775. >You let out a contented sigh as the sound of the fire calms you while you watch the dancing snowflakes outside. It's only 7:30 in the morning and already this day is perfect.
  776. >You hear a shuffling behind you, followed by a bang and a groan as Sun Horse rolls off the couch and into the floor, then struggles to pull herself to her hooves; her standard morning wake-up routine.
  777. "Your coffee's on the table."
  778. >She grunts in response as she takes slow, labored steps to retrieve the sacred elixir before trotting over to sit beside you in front of the window. You both take sips periodically as you wordlessly watch the snowfall together.
  779. >But soon enough, after about 10 minutes of silence, two tired, not quite awake magenta eyes turn their attention to you.
  780. >"What are you thinking about, Anonymous?"
  781. >You turn your head to meet her gaze as she tries to blink the sleep away.
  782. "Nothing. You've lived for how long, now, and you don't know to never ask a guy that question yet?"
  783. >A bit of a smile seems to lift some of the tiredness from her countenance.
  784. >"Oh, is it the same with human stallions as it is with ponies? How curious... but do you really expect me to believe that there are no profound thoughts behind that contemplative expression you've had for a while now?"
  786. "Yes, I expect you to believe it because it's true. I spend almost every waking moment thinking about stuff. To not have to think about anything is like a vacation to me, and the same is true for a lot of guys, so don't act surprised when you ask us what we're thinking during moments like these and we say 'nothing'."
  787. >She nods. "I can certainly understand the sentiment, and I've been told similar things by stallions in the past..." She moves her muzzle to whisper in your ear. "...but I still don't quite believe it, my little human."
  788. >She pulls her head back and you turn to face her again. Her now barely hidden smile is the perfect complement to her still tired eyes and untamed bed-mane, which attempts to wave in the astral breeze in seemingly every direction at once.
  789. >A smile of your own begins to form at the sight.
  790. >"You can have your secrets, though. I won't pry on your day off." She yawns and trots away toward the bathroom. "Enjoy your non-contemplative contemplating."
  791. >You turn back to the window as the sound of hooves ascending the stairs begins to fade away.
  792. >Okay, so she got you there. You were actually thinking about something. A spergy purple alicorn, to be precise.
  793. >It's been over a month and a half since she appeared before you in Canterlot, and since then absolutely nothing has happened.
  794. >Seriously. Even the weird attempts to annoy you from Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy have completely stopped.
  795. >You know you should be happy. These last 45 days have been great; possibly the best since you came to Equestria thanks to your always entertaining roommate Sunbutt.
  797. >And for a while, you sort of convinced yourself that maybe she had given up... maybe she'd finally realized that it was never going to work, that it wasn't worth the effort, and that she should just move on.
  798. >But a sinking feeling of terror has slowly been clawing at the back of your mind over the last few days over something Twilight said that night.
  799. >She told you the two of you would be married in two months. That deadline is rapidly approaching, and with each day that passes your feeling of dread grows.
  800. >You spoke to Celestia at length about your encounter with Twilight the day after, and she reassured you that you have nothing to fear. You want to believe that, you really do, but Twilight sounded so certain...
  801. >The fire pops as a log shifts and you nearly jump out of your skin. You're just being paranoid, Anon, and you're wasting your day off worrying about something you have no control over anyway. Best to just forget about it and enjoy the moment.
  802. >You pull the blanket around you even tighter and resume watching the falling snow. It's just a light snowstorm now, but it's been scheduled to escalate into a blizzard later. You heard from Pinkie yesterday that the blizzard was some kind of odd last minute weather schedule change, but hey: if it's on your day off, you're not gonna complain. Just more time for indoor relaxation, after all!
  803. >You settle back and let those thoughts drift out of your mind and become indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the falling snowflakes outside, and soon your greatest concern is whether or not to abandon your cozy place for another cup of coffee...
  805. ~~~~~~~~~
  807. >You place a bookmark in your Daring Do novel and hop off the couch to tend the fire. A quick glance at the clock reveals that it's almost noon.
  808. >"Anonymous? We're out of cupcakes..."
  809. >You hear a worried voice call from the kitchen and turn to see a wavy multicolored mane peek from around the edge of the doorframe followed by a dejected looking Sun Horse.
  810. "Maybe we wouldn't be if you limited yourself to two a day like we talked about."
  811. >She scoffs. "You and I both know that's completely unreasonable. We need to go and pick some up from Sugarcube Corner before they close due to the weather."
  812. "We? Oh no. You want 'em? You go get 'em, Roomie. I am -not- going outside in that mess."
  813. >You turn to the window and your hunch is confirmed. Looks like the blizzard's started while you were enjoying your book. To your surprise, Celestia leaps through the door and over the couch to stand in front of you, swishing her tail with excitement.
  814. >"Don't be that way... it'll only take a minute!"
  815. >You sigh and rub your eyes.
  816. "It'll only take you a minute to teleport over there, buy some, and teleport back. I don't see why you need me for this."
  817. >She steps back and hangs her head. "Oh... I see. So the stories of Anonymous, the mighty human who braved the elements to conquer many mountains in his home world and overcame many of Equestria's own trials were all exaggerations... I suppose I should've known..."
  818. >You cross your arms and stare at her.
  819. "This isn't about cupcakes at all. You just want to go out and play in the snow."
  820. >She turns back to you, ears folded down with a slight blush. "...Am I that transparent?"
  822. "Yes. You're a big girl; you don't need me to chaperone you out there."
  823. >"But what fun is it if you're not there with me? Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Anonymous, it's just a trip to Sugarcube Corner and back. Think of it as an adventure! Haven't you heard the saying, 'It's the journey, not the destination'?"
  824. "I'd argue that both are important, and I've gone on one too many journeys for your sake already."
  825. >You walk over to the window and notice that it's half covered by a snow drift.
  826. "Look, it's already over a foot deep out there. I don't have any snowshoes and it's so fresh I'll sink right in. I don't really feel like slogging my way through a mile of deep snow on my day off."
  827. >Celestia giggles. "Is that all you're concerned about? You should pay better attention to the resources you have available, Anonymous. The solution to this problem is right in front of you." She proudly puffs up her chest.
  828. >Oh, right... sometimes it's easy to forget that this silly horse is actually a goddess with immense magical power at her command.
  829. >You suppose she could transmute some random items into snowshoes for you, or cast a spell to allow you to walk on top of the snow without falling through. Or maybe she'll just bypass the problem entirely and blaze a path all the way there with magical fire. Given all that, it might actually be nice to get out of the house today. After a bit of thought, you're almost looking forward to it.
  830. >Better not let her know that, though, or you'll never hear the end of it. You heave out an exaggerated sigh.
  831. "All right, fine..."
  833. >With a sly smile, Celestia's horn begins to shine and before you know what's going on you've been dressed in your shoes, hat and winter jacket. You chuckle at her enthusiasm and follow her to the front door.
  834. "So what's your plan?"
  835. >Her smile doesn't falter as she trots in place. "It's simple, Anonymous. Honestly, I'm not sure why you didn't come up with this yourself earlier considering all those tales you've told me of your world."
  836. >In a single, smooth motion, she lays down near the doorway and presents her back to you.
  837. >"Now, from what you've said, neither of us have really done this before, but it can't be too difficult. I promise I'll go slow until we're both better accustomed to it. You have nothing to fear, and if worse comes to worse the snow will help cushion your fall..."
  838. >Your brain just stopped. Is she really...?
  839. "Uh... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this..."
  840. >The white alicorn turns her head back and huffs at you in annoyance. "Why? What's the problem? I know I'm not built like one of your Earth horses but I'm not as fragile as I look!"
  841. >You raise your hands in defense.
  842. "No, no, it's not that, it's just... how do I put this... it's weird. Horses back on Earth are one thing, but you're practically my best friend..."
  843. >A goofy smile spreads across her face when she hears those words.
  844. "...and friends don't usually ride each other through town unless there's a lot of alcohol involved. And really, one or more of us being drunk for this is an even worse idea, so maybe we should just--"
  845. >"Nopony will see us! The blizzard outside will prevent it, and you can dismount once we get close to Sugarcube Corner. Please, Anonymous..."
  847. >And there it is. The look that can cause you to give in to any demand or forgive her for anything. Let's be honest here... you never really stood a chance against her in the first place, did you Anon?
  848. >You take a few steps and straddle Celestia's broad back. Oh god this is awkward...
  849. "Are my legs okay over your wings like this?"
  850. >"It's fine, I won't need them and it helps to deter me from using them as a crutch for balance."
  851. >You grab on to whatever you can as she stands, then slowly walks in a circle near the entryway to get used to the feeling of having you there.
  852. >"See? This isn't so bad. It's actually quite fun!" She turns her neck to partially face you. "I think we're ready, don't you?"
  853. >All you can manage is a nod as the door swings open courtesy of a magical aura and the two of you step into the blizzard. You close your eyes and shield your face with an arm to prevent the swirling snow from blinding you. With your sense of sight gone, all you can perceive is the sound and bite of the chilling winter wind along with the motion of Celestia's body as she takes cautious steps through the snow. You hold on to her mane for dear life with your one free hand, the cold already starting to numb your fingers.
  854. >And then it all stops. The cold, the wind, the sting of driving snow on your face. Instead, Celestia's gentle laughter rings out in the newfound silence.
  855. >"It's safe to open your eyes now."
  856. >You lower your arm and tentatively open one eye... and the amazing sight before you takes your breath away.
  857. "Wow..."
  859. >It's like being in an inside-out snow globe. An invisible magical sphere surrounds you, keeping the blizzard at bay. The falling snow cascades around the barrier in a mesmerizing chaotic dance. The chilling wind no longer reaches you and the sound of the storm is muted. You can barely see anything past the barrier... it's as if you've stepped outside the world itself and into a place created for the two of you alone.
  860. >Your grip loosens as you turn your gaze downward and are treated to another spectacle. Celestia's mane and tail cast a soft light of their own which is reflected upon the snow on the ground in a rainbow of pastel colors that shift and shimmer like the aurora borealis. The overwhelming beauty is such that you have to move your hands to her withers and lean forward a bit to avoid sliding off in a trance...
  861. >Celestia takes your motion as a cue to continue and she begins a slow trot forward through the snow. The invisible barrier follows her unwaveringly and the only sound is the soft crunch of snow as each hoof finds its place.
  862. >"Do you want to know a secret, Anonymous?"
  863. >You nod your head in reply, too slack jawed to say anything, but then realize she can't see the gesture since she's facing forward.
  864. "Sure."
  865. >"I've... always been a little self-conscious about my stature in relation to other ponies. In my youth, I had quite a growth spurt that never seemed to slow, and before I knew it I was looking down upon all my peers, many of whom teased me relentlessly over it. After all, no stallion wants a mare so much taller than himself. My concern over it faded with age, but it never really went away, and to this day I wonder if it was partly why so many ponies found me unapproachable when I was a Princess."
  867. >You're not sure what to say in response, so you simply trail a hand up and down the side of her neck in reassurance.
  868. >"When you told me of the horses of your world, and of the relationship they've had with your kind for thousands of years... I knew I wanted to try this with you. Even though we're just walking together, something about this feels right. Do you feel it too?"
  869. >Yeah... you do. It's tough to put into words. You initially thought this would be uncomfortably weird, but now that it's actually happening it stirs a variety of surprising emotions within you.
  870. >She wants to carry you. And you want to be carried. That's the basic transaction that's taking place, but there's so much more beneath it that you can't even begin to describe. The trust you place in one another for something like this makes you feel connected to Celestia on a primal level that you've never felt with anyone else. The movement of her muscles as she walks reassures you that she's there for you, just as your weight upon her back reassures her that you're there for her.
  871. >You swallow once to try to find your voice and say the first thing that comes to mind.
  872. "Faster."
  873. >Her ears twitch. If you could see the wide smile that plays across her face in that moment you'd probably be nervous. Instead, you feel a rush of excitement as her trot turns into a canter, then a slow gallop.
  874. >You've never ridden a horse in your life, let alone bareback, but your body seems to know what to do. You pull yourself forward and center your weight where it needs to be. Handfuls of her plentiful mane become your reins. Your legs move above her wings, freeing them, and she flutters them a bit before resisting the urge and snapping them back to her sides.
  876. >The snow kicks up with each impact of her hooves as your bodies begin to move as one. She's like water underneath you and you feel as if you're flying. Beyond her ears and horn the blizzard parts and moves aside with ease as if it was in awe of the two of you.
  877. >All too soon you catch the silhouette of Sugarcube Corner in the distance and you pull back on her mane to slow her. She responds immediately, coming to a stop twenty feet from the entrance, just far enough that the two of you are still obscured from any onlookers by the blizzard.
  878. >Celestia carefully lays down in the snow and you reluctantly stand, then kneel in front of her. You're both panting with exhilaration, and without thinking you take her muzzle in your hands and stroke it affectionately.
  879. "We've gotta do this more often."
  880. >She pulls away, cheeks flush, but her eyes still find your own.
  881. >"Yes, that was even better than I imagined. I'm glad for this body now, because it allowed us to share this with one another... something special only for us." She leans her head forward again, back into your waiting hands. "I think I can find an out of the way place where we can practice..."
  882. >"Practice what? Bowling? Jump rope? Calligraphy? Oh! Oh! Wait, were you guys... salsa dancing?! Mmmm... salsa..."
  883. >You and Celestia both scream and cling to one another. There, standing near the edge of your sphere of safety, is Pinkie Pie dressed in a festive winter hat and stockings, a bounce in her step and a box balanced atop her back.
  884. "Pinkie... please, please, PLEASE don't sneak up on me like that. I don't think my heart can take it!"
  886. >The pink pony bounces over to you and places an ear to your chest. "Oh Non-non, I'm no clockmaker but your ticker's tockin' just fine!" She hops over to Celestia and repeats the gesture. "Celly's is too! Say, it almost sounds like they're in sync..."
  887. >The two of you share a quick glance but turn away from each other before anything is said.
  888. >"But that's not why you're here! And it's not why I'm here, either! Wait, why am I here...? Oh yeah!" She turns and presents the wrapped box to you. "Special delivery!"
  889. "What's this?"
  890. >You take the box and open the lid to find a dozen freshly baked and frosted cupcakes inside.
  891. >Celestia's eyes glimmer and she tries to stealthily lick her lips as she eyes the tasty treats. "How did you know?"
  892. >Pinkie giggles. "Oh, I had a twitch or two! Plus I figured Non-non would miss me on his day off, so it was only a matter of time before you guys came by!" She winks at you. "I wish I could stay, but I've gotta get back to help Mr. and Mrs. Cake close up shop. The storm's real bad today! You guys should head back too..."
  893. >Celestia stands and stretches. "Yes, now that we have what we came for, I think that would be wise. Let's go, Anonymous."
  894. >You pat Pinkie's back as you rise.
  895. "Thanks, Pinks. Say hi to the Cakes for me."
  896. >"I will." She nods a little less enthusiastically than usual, then turns to leave but hesitates and looks back over her shoulder.
  897. >"I... had another twitch too. I think it might be important."
  898. >Long ago you learned to trust Pinkie's premonitions or face the consequences, so your interest is immediately piqued. You lean back down as she rises on her hind hooves to whisper in your ear.
  900. >"Snow isn't the only thing that's gonna fall today, Non-non. You should get Celly home."
  901. >She hops back down, then bounds beyond the barrier's edge and disappears into the blizzard. You watch the spot where she vanished and scratch your head.
  902. "Well that was ominous..."
  903. >Celestia trots up beside you. "Something the matter?"
  904. "I'm not sure, but I think we should get home as fast as we can. You up for it?"
  905. >She grins and circles you once before laying down in the snow. "Our only limit is what you're able to handle."
  906. >Securing the box of cupcakes close to your chest, you straddle her back again and the two of you are off like the wind.
  908. ~~~~~~~~~
  910. >The storm begins to break just as you near the path to your house, and with it the veil of snow that conceals you. You slide off Celestia's back with cupcakes in hand and the two of you walk the rest of the way at a leisurely pace. You even whistle a bit to try and act even more inconspicuous.
  911. >It's kind of funny... if you think about it logically, other ponies catching the two of you riding probably wouldn't be that big a deal. Sure, they'd be curious and have questions, but these miniature horses are an accepting lot and a little explanation about human traditions would satisfy them.
  912. >But this is too much to pass up. You feel like a little kid who's been doing something he isn't supposed to. Something FUN. And you totally got away with it! A quick glance at Celestia reveals that she's in a similar state. This is a secret that you share, and that in and of itself is exciting.
  913. >Damn, Anon, haven't you outgrown stuff like this yet? Or maybe we never really do, considering the giddy millenia's-old co-conspirator by your side.
  915. >You glance over again and watch as Celestia prances through the snow, happier than you've seen her in quite a while. Seeing her happy makes you happy. It's hard to believe this is the same creature that eyed you with cold indifference when you were brought before her shortly after your arrival in Equestria. If Twilight hadn't vouched for you at the time, there's no telling what she might--
  916. >"...Twilight Sparkle?"
  917. >Your attention immediately snaps back to the present and the sinking feeling of dread returns. There, sitting directly in the path to your home, is the purple alicorn herself.
  918. >While initially surprised by her sudden appearance, Celestia trots over without fear. "It's good to see you again, my former student, even if it's only in the form of an astral projection. A very clever solution, by the way, but also expected of one with your talent and drive."
  919. >Twilight giggles, basking in the praise. "Thank you, Prin--, whoops... I mean, thank you, Celestia. It's nothing special, really, just something one of my old friends taught me."
  920. >Celestia smiles. "I've found that a skill learned from a good friend is special because each time you use it you'll be reminded of the time you shared together." She approaches and attempts to nuzzle Twilight even though her body isn't solid. Regardless, Twilight accepts and returns the gesture.
  921. >"You look well, dear. I see you had the royal regalia resized to fit you. You truly look like a Princess now, but even still it's hard for me to let go of my memory of the little filly who would hop and scurry between my legs and tell me she wanted to be just like me when she grew up. Tell me, is the life of royalty everything you imagined it would be?"
  923. >Twilight nods enthusiastically. "Oh yes, it's everything I dreamed of and more! But... I'd be lying if I said there aren't things I miss from my old life. That's one of the reasons why I'm here."
  924. >She sits on her haunches, puffs out her chest and clears her throat. "Ahem. Dear Celestia, I'd like to report on what I've learned recently about the magic of friendship!"
  925. >Celestia laughs. "A friendship report! How nostalgic... I'm all ears, Princess, and quite eager to hear what you've learned." She sits on her haunches as well and watches Twilight attentively. You stay well away from the two but still close enough to hear their conversation.
  926. >Something about this isn't right. Twilight appearing here is a surprise, sure, but she hasn't so much as looked in your direction yet, much less acknowledged your presence in any way. Normally she's all over you, but her focus is completely on Celestia now...
  927. >Twilight stands and paces through the snow. "Before I begin, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me. Throughout my life you've always wanted what's best for me, and wanted me to become the best pony I can be. Through every test, every lesson, every word of comfort or admonishment... you were trying to help me grow. I didn't always realize it at the time, but I can recognize it now. Even after making me a Princess you wanted to push and develop me further..."
  928. >She stops her pacing and looks the white alicorn in the eyes with sincerity. "And you have. Overcoming the Geas on Anon has been one of the hardest challenges I've ever faced, but with the help of my friends I've finally done it, and from that experience I've grown. I'm here to show you the fruits of your tutelage and guidance, my beloved teacher."
  930. >Celestia looks confused. "Overcome the Geas...? Twilight, it isn't a test, I cast that spell on Anonymous because he--"
  931. >Twilight holds up a hoof. "Ah-ah-ah! Please don't interrupt... and there's no need to continue denying it. This was a perfect test of the limits of my newly ascended power; an expertly designed lesson. Allow me to explain what I've learned..."
  932. >She clears her throat again. "At the beginning, I had no idea what to do and admittedly went a little crazy trying stuff. I saw the Geas as just another curse, so I focused my efforts on finding loopholes to exploit that would get me closer to Anon, which is the standard textbook response to curses which can't be easily dispelled."
  933. >A wavy image begins to appear on the snow before Celestia. You step a little closer and are able to see a simple picture of Rarity. "Using my friend Rarity, I was able to test the Geas' limits regarding rumors and relayed orders as they pertained to Anon. The findings were very interesting... I discovered that while direct mandates were ineffective, indirect orders relayed through an unaware third party -do- still work. This information was invaluable for me going forward, even if it didn't seem useful at the time."
  934. >An image of Rainbow Dash appears on the ground next. "Using my friend Rainbow Dash, I was able to test the Geas' limits regarding my direct proximity to Anon. I had her wear a special gem attuned to my magical signature. Again, the findings were interesting but not that useful at the time, because I discovered that the Geas' effective radius would change seemingly at random. This observation would later lead to a critical breakthrough in my research."
  936. >Finally, an image of Fluttershy appears. "Using my friend Fluttershy, I was able to test the Geas' reaction to simple enchanted items created with my magic but worn by another pony. I enchanted a variety of items, such as a fake moustache, with innocuous spells and had her confront Anon. It was through these experiments that I came to discover that my magic, if weak enough and not directly focused on Anon, wouldn't be blocked, and it led to my realization that communicating using this method of astral projection would be possible."
  937. >The image on the ground fades away. "Individually these findings didn't really lead to any major practical applications, so I had to go back to the drawing board and re-examine the nature of the Geas itself."
  938. >Celestia sits in silence. It's tough to tell from this angle, but it looks like her smile has faded and her expression is stoic, yet still attentive.
  939. >Twilight continues. "Like I said, at first I thought it was just a curse. The bands on Anon's wrists continually draw power from your magical ember to maintain the Geas, so I categorized it as an Intimate Curse that relied on the physical closeness between the subject and the caster, much like a Changeling's love draining spell but with the transfer flow of the magic reversed. That's why I initially tried to separate you two; I figured if you were kept apart the Geas would weaken."
  940. >Your fists clench in anger. That bitch... all that shit you went through with your money troubles was her fault. You figured it out a long time ago, but to hear it out of her own mouth makes your blood boil.
  942. >"...But I later came to realize that I was completely wrong. A Geas is, at its most fundamental level, -Friendship Magic-! It's not a curse, though it behaves similarly... but the key difference is that while you can curse an inanimate object, you can't cast a Geas on one! The target of the Geas must be a living creature and you must have an existing relationship with that creature, be it positive or negative, before the spell can be cast! That's when I realized that the strength of the Geas wasn't fluctuating due to your physical distance from one another, it was fluctuating with your emotional distance! I sent Rainbow with her gem to test and confirmed my hypothesis."
  943. >Wait, what?
  944. >"Everything started to make sense after that. It explains why you chose to live with Anon and strengthen your friendship with him. Through it all, you were strengthening the Geas' power and thus creating the greatest challenge possible for me!" She rears up and clops her hooves together. "I'm so lucky to have a mentor who's so confident in my abilities! I have to admit, observing the amazing growth of your friendship over these past few months makes me a little jealous, but knowing that it's all for my sake means I can let it slide."
  945. >It was all for Twilight...? No, there's no way you'll believe that for a second...
  946. >"So then!" Twilight chirps. "Given all this, I realized there was nothing I could do to break the Geas. Your friendship was becoming stronger by the day, sealing off what few possibilities there were for me to exploit. I ran and re-ran the calculations and hit a dead end... until I realized that the only effective way to fight Friendship Magic is to use... Friendship Magic! In a way, it's a culmination of everything you've taught me!"
  948. >Twilight takes a few steps back and beams with pride. "Again, thank you for this test and this opportunity to grow as a pony. I humbly present, for your consideration, the results of my research...!"
  949. >She rears up and raises her forehooves to the sky in a grand gesture. And then nothing happens.
  950. >You all just stand there in silence while Twilight maintains her pose.
  951. >You wait.
  952. >And wait.
  953. >And wait.
  954. >She continues to stand there, sweat dripping from her brow, but eventually she relents and returns to all four hooves, then angrily turns and shouts at the sky.
  955. >"Oh for buck's sake! I know I didn't mis-time my speech... I swear, if you want something done you've gotta..."
  956. >".................."
  957. >Wait... you can hear something far away. It almost sounds like... screaming?
  958. >Twilight smiles, then nods. "Ah, there it is. Whew! I was starting to get worried..."
  959. >Yeah, it's definitely screaming. Celestia stands and looks to the sky as well. The clouds above part and...
  960. >"THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY~~~~!!!!!"
  961. "Rarity?!"
  962. >Yep, it's Squiggletail, and she's falling directly toward your house incredibly fast. If she actually hits the ground at that speed...!
  963. "You've gotta save her!"
  964. >Celestia is already in the sky before you can even get the words out. You let out a sigh of relief, quickly followed by a gasp of horror as she unexpectedly abandons the rescue and turns in the air, heading for you instead.
  965. "NO! What're you...?!"
  966. >"We need to get away from here, and quickly!"
  968. >She scoops you up in a magical aura and pulls you close, then casts a teleport spell to move both of you away just as Rarity crashes through the roof of your house. The two of you reappear further down the street just in time to witness a massive explosion vaporize your home, leaving nothing but a crater marked by a strange glowing runic symbol behind.
  969. >You fall to your knees, utterly stunned at the sight.
  970. "Rarity... my house... what...?"
  971. >Twilight's astral projection merrily flies over to join the two of you. "Well done, well done! I didn't think you'd realize it that quickly... I guess I still have a lot to learn!" She turns to the crater that once was your house and nods her head with pride.
  972. >"The ultimate conclusion I reached was that I would have to use a Geas in order to break a Geas. It was an avenue of research that I had completely ignored because of Hoofstein's Fourth Law, which still applies in this case. But there's an exception to the rule... a little known footnote buried in one of his texts... I'm sure you've realized what it is by now~"
  973. >Celestia scowls. "Yes... but never in a thousand years did I think you'd resort to using it. This is beyond abhorrent, Twilight, and I won't let it go unpunished."
  974. >Twilight giggles and turns her attention to you. Celestia wraps a wing around you to pull you close in response. "You look confused, Anon. It's really simple, even to somepony with little understanding of magic. Celestia's cast a Geas on you to repel me. This is accomplished by a transfer of magical power, from Celestia to you, using the bands on your wrist as the conduit. Fairly simple, right? But the spell causes an interesting side effect! From a magical standpoint, you and Celestia are the same pony because you now share her magic..."
  976. >She turns her head to the sky again. "And likewise, anypony -I- cast a Geas on will share my magical hoofprint too. So if I were to cast one on, for example, Rarity, she'd be unable to approach you because your Geas would recognize -her- as -me-. The repulsion effect would be doubled if the Geas I cast happened to be one to repel Celestia, because then Rarity's Geas would see -you- as -Celestia-!" She chuckles again. "So, what would be the point, right? That's what I thought at first, too, because according to Hoofstein's Fourth Law, 'curses' cast by mages of similar power with opposing effects will always repel one another with no harm done to the subjects or objects in question..."
  977. >She flaps her wings a few times in glee. "But there's an exception~! A Geas is a constant transfer of power from the caster to the subject via the arcane bands, but the rate of that transfer can be controlled, and even overcharged! Unfortunately this tends to cause the holder of the overcharged Geas to explode, but the resulting magical backlash is able to penetrate, disrupt, and eventually eradicate an opposing spell!" She narrows her eyes at Celestia. "If that had been a direct hit, Anon's Geas would've been broken, but even being near the impact zone is enough to have an effect. You can feel it, can't you?"
  978. >Celestia stomps a hoof in anger and begins to charge her horn. "I've seen enough. You've clearly lost sight of everything I've ever taught you."
  980. >Twilight just laughs. "I think that's an unfair assessment. And don't bother with your spell, this isn't the real me, remember? I'm in Canterlot and I seem to recall you're not allowed to set one hoof there for another 99 years and 9 months or so. But if you'd like to arrange an audience in advance, I'm fairly certain my calendar's open!"
  981. >She turns back to you. "Don't worry about your house, Anon, you didn't need it anymore anyway. You'll be living with me in the palace soon enough!"
  982. >Your fists are clenched so hard that your fingernails are starting to cut into your palms.
  983. "Get this through your thick skull: I will never, ever, ever love you, you sick freak. You're insane! You just killed one of your own friends for god's sake!"
  984. >Twilight shakes her head and sighs in response. "Sorry, Anon, but you're wrong. I'm not insane, I'm a genius. There's a difference. And killing my friends? Don't be ridiculous..."
  985. >She looks to the sky again, and then you hear it.
  986. >"WA~HA~HA!"
  987. >Another scream from above. You turn your head to find another hole in the clouds has been ripped open and ANOTHER Rarity is falling directly toward you. She flails her hooves in terror as she plummets and you manage to catch sight of an odd glow coming from each one. Your brain is completely broken at this point from trying to process what's going on, but thankfully Celestia seems more aware because she teleports you both to a safe location as Rarity impacts and then detonates in similar sized explosion which leaves behind yet another runic crater.
  988. >What. The. Fuck.
  990. >Twilight flutters over this newest crater with pride. "Yes, yes, yes! The blast radius is 0.43% greater than the initial tests seemed to indicate! How exciting!"
  991. >Again, she lands near the two of you. "It'd be more accurate to say that I'm killing clones of my friends. There's a little pond in the Everfree called the Mirror Pool... very convenient for creating an army of expendable clones which I can enchant with a Geas and detonate without worry. Everypony knows that since the Bon Bon population control act of 1131 was ratified clones can be killed indiscriminately with no repercussions..."
  992. >She trots up to Celestia with an arrogant posture. "I've won. I've solved your puzzle, so you can go ahead and relinquish Anon into my care. Again, I'm very thankful for the opportunity to grow as a result of this test, but I think I've more than proven myself, don't you?"
  993. >Celestia shakes her head. "The only thing you've proven is how little you understand of both him and of the world around you. I fear I've made a terrible mistake."
  994. >Twilight pouts. "Oh... so we're going to have to do it the hard way. Well, it's not like I wasn't prepared for this. Even though you've already met, allow me to reintroduce you to my first invention, the RY-XX Series Geas Bomb!"
  995. >Rarity's familiar scream echoes through the sky...
  997. Weapon Profile: RY-XX Geas Bomb
  998. ===============================
  999. Description: A clone of Rarity enchanted with an Anti-Celestia Geas, dropped via magical portal into the battle zone from Canterlot. Explodes on impact.
  1000. [+] Great destructive power: Since RY-XX is a unicorn the magical feedback blast radius is greater than other weapons.
  1001. [+] Cursed ground: The impact zone of the RY-XX becomes cursed ground. Should Celestia enter the crater boundary of an impact zone her magic will be severely weakened.
  1002. [-] Reduced accuracy: RY-XX is not very aerodynamic, so it can be difficult to hit mobile targets.
  1003. [-] Fussy: RY-XX units tend to incessantly complain about minor, irrelevant details and working conditions.
  1004. [-] Mean Drunk: RY-XX has a bit of an alcohol problem and tends to get angry if anyone points it out.
  1006. >Celestia instantly teleports the two of you several thousand feet into the air. You scream as you start to plummet, but she flies underneath you and you fall right onto her soft, comfortable back. The Rarity clone's explosion thunders directly below you.
  1007. "Maybe I'm not remembering it right, but was she always this crazy?"
  1008. >Celestia looks on with an exasperated expression. "I'd say this is typical Twilight Sparkle. A brilliant solution marred by extremely questionable execution. The mistake I made was in thinking that Luna would be more active in curtailing her more peculiar activities. My little sister must be really, really mad with me."
  1009. "So now what do we do?"
  1010. >"I'm not certain, but we should be safe in the air for the time being."
  1012. >"Don't be so sure!"
  1013. >Twilight's projection stands on a nearby cloud, a wicked grin on her face. "Twilicorn Industries is proud to present my second invention, the RD-XX Series Geas Missile!"
  1014. >Three shimmering lights appear from above you, followed by rush of air as three rainbow trails slip past...
  1016. Weapon Profile: RD-XX Geas Missile
  1017. ==================================
  1018. Description: A clone of Rainbow Dash enchanted with an Anti-Celestia Geas, fired into the battle zone via magical portal from Cloudsdale. Tracks and latches onto the target, then explodes after several seconds.
  1019. [+] Extreme speed: RD-XX is the fastest weapon in the Royal Arsenal, able keep up with or overtake almost any target.
  1020. [+] Homing capability: RD-XX is able to track a moving target over long distances with deadly accuracy.
  1021. [-] Somewhat clumsy: RD-XX units tend to crash into obstacles as a result of overestimating their abilities.
  1022. [-] Low self-esteem: RD-XX's ego is surprisingly fragile. Please be kind to her.
  1023. [-] How do I say this...: RD-XX's personal hygiene leaves something to be desired.
  1025. >Celestia immediately accelerates to a speed which makes you slightly uncomfortable to say the least, and the three Rainbow clones follow. You hold on for dear life and try not to piss yourself as you careen through the sky.
  1026. >You notice her horn start to shimmer and in an instant she's recast the invisible barrier from earlier this morning. It greatly decreases the effect of the rushing air around you as she flies, allowing you to speak to one another.
  1027. "Can't you blast them or something?!"
  1028. >"I doubt it'd be effective. They're protected by a Geas designed to resist my magic."
  1029. "Well then port us outta here!!"
  1031. >A Rainbow clone nearly clips Celestia's wing and she banks hard before beginning an evasive downward spiral and diving into a nearby storm cloud.
  1032. >"They're too fast... I don't want to risk the spell being interrupted; the consequences could be disastrous. It seems that we'll have to do this the old fashioned way."
  1033. "Great."
  1034. >Celestia giggles. "Don't worry, all isn't lost. Twilight's clever, but there's a reason why she's waited so long to execute this plan. The amount of time and magic it would take for her to cast this type of Geas on a clone of one of her friends is enormous. She'll run out of 'ammunition' eventually... we'll just need to outlast her until that happens."
  1035. >You pat Celestia's neck.
  1036. "Okay, if you say so. I trust you, Roomie. Let's do this."
  1039. >She grins and begins to ascend, breaking through the lower layer of storm clouds and into a windy, empty pocket of open air between the storm and the ceiling of another, much higher cloud layer. The three clones aren't far behind.
  1040. >You start to feel a slight burning sensation on your wrists as she starts to level off. It stings, but it's not overly painful...
  1041. >"I'll need to perform some advanced flight maneuvers, but you'll be fine as long as you hold onto my mane. Are you ready?"
  1042. "As I'll ever be."
  1043. >"Then let's begin."
  1044. >She's off like a bullet. Two of the clones tear after you while the third breaks off and disappears into the upper cloud layer.
  1045. "Be careful, I think one of 'em is gonna try to dive on us from above!"
  1047. >You hear the telltale sound of a Sonic Rainboom and sure enough a rainbow trail of death is heading right for you. Celestia angles her wings and airbrakes hard, stopping short of her expected position and causing the diving Rainbow to miss her target. The two clones behind you see their opportunity and begin to close in...
  1048. >"Close your eyes, please."
  1049. "Huh?"
  1050. >"That was your only warning."
  1051. "Okay, okay!"
  1052. >You shut your eyes. Maybe this is for the best... you're not sure if you want to see what's eventually going to kill you anyway...
  1053. >"SOLAR FLARE!"
  1054. >There's a flash so bright that you can see it through your eyelids and it instantly causes you to recoil. Celestia lurches as she takes an evasive maneuver and soon enough you hear an explosion behind you as the two pursuing clones smash into one another and detonate in a shower of magical sparks. The burning in your wrists increases and you risk opening your eyes to find the sole remaining Dash buzzing after you like a pissed off hornet.
  1055. "Two down, one to go, huh?"
  1056. >As if on cue, a series of booms echo in the distance and five more Rainbow trails tear through the upper cloud layer.
  1057. "For fuck's sake! Maybe I should've gone to work today after all..."
  1058. >"She's not making it easy, is she?"
  1059. >You shake your head.
  1060. "...Let 'em get close. I've got a plan."
  1061. >Celestia grins. "Okay, if you say so. I trust you, Roomie. Let's do this." She lets out a laugh as you give her a noogie for trying to be clever, then slows, allowing the clones to approach.
  1062. >They're all beside you now, three on each side and itching to make a move. You point to a random clone, cup your hand over your mouth and shout:
  1063. "I think that one's faster! And she's definitely cooler, too!"
  1065. >The other clones begin to go apeshit as the one you pointed to blushes and hoof pumps.
  1066. >"Awwww yeah!"
  1067. >"What the...?!"
  1068. >"Nuh uh!"
  1069. >"I'm totally faster than her!"
  1070. >"R-Really..?"
  1071. >"Does she even lift?!"
  1072. >Celestia dives away as the six Rainbows start throwing insults and eventually hooves at one another. A comical dust cloud begins to form over their midair melee and one of the clones explodes, causing a chain reaction that detonates the rest.
  1073. "Holy shit, they're stupid as hell."
  1074. >Celestia nods. "Yes, clones generally are."
  1075. "Really? I didn't notice much difference from the normal one."
  1076. >You can see the internal battle play at the corner of Sun Horse's lips as she tries not to laugh. You help give her a little push by patting the side of her neck again.
  1077. "C'mon, it's just us here."
  1078. >The guffaw that followed from her was totally worth it.
  1080. ~~~~~~~~~
  1082. >The two of you descend from the clouds into a snowy field near the lake to the south of Ponyville. You hop from Celestia's back and stretch, then collapse in the fresh snow.
  1083. "You realize if she cloned Pinkie we're done for, right?"
  1084. >"We'll deal with that hurdle when we come to it."
  1085. >You hear a nerdy chuckle from behind you. "No, Anon, I learned my lesson with that one. We're not going to be cloning Pinkie again. For any reason. EVER."
  1086. >You quickly sit up to find Twilight's projection nearby.
  1087. >You've just about had it... this day, which started out so great, has completely gone to shit. You've got clones up your ass, your house has been destroyed, your wrists feel like they're about to melt off... and it's all because of HER! You stand and confront the purple alicorn.
  1089. "Look, let me make this as clear as I possibly can. I'M NOT INTERESTED! I don't love you. I never loved you. I'm never GOING to love you, so just stop this! Call off your stupid fucking clone army and just GO HOME already and STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"
  1090. >Twilight shakes her head. "Fluttershy was right, you really don't realize you love me yet... but after a few nights together that'll change. And you're so silly, Anon, why should I give up now when I've already won?"
  1091. >You feel something on your leg. Slowly, you tilt your head downward to find two cyan eyes staring back.
  1092. >"Um... hello. I'm here to blow you... ... ...up, I mean." She blushes, turns away and whimpers...
  1094. Weapon Profile: FS-XX Geas Mine
  1095. ===============================
  1096. Description: A clone of Fluttershy enchanted with an Anti-Celestia Geas, placed into the battle zone prior to the start of combat. Hugs the target, then explodes when she feels she's ready.
  1097. [+] Super stealth: FS-XX is so quiet and unnoticeable that she's almost perfectly invisible on the battlefield even without standard camo or concealing spells.
  1098. [+] Territory control: FS-XX's 'stare' ability is able to immobilize the target, allowing her to approach and latch on and maybe explode or do other things to it.
  1099. [-] Premature detonation: FS-XX tends to explode when she's nervous, and sometimes when she's not nervous.
  1100. [-] Hippie protocol: FS-XX will often refuse to explode if any nearby woodland animals will be harmed by the blast.
  1101. [-] Fetish?: Surprisingly, FS-XX will sometimes make odd, out of place lewd comments to those she's comfortable around, which often results in awkward converstation.
  1103. >"This is the FS-XX Geas Mine. I'm proud of it, but it's sort of still in beta testing due to some... issues."
  1105. >You lock eyes with the butter yellow pegasus and she squeaks again.
  1106. "Yeah... I don't think you're ever gonna get the beta out of this one."
  1107. >Twilight chuckles. "Be that as it may, it appears I have you in checkmate. That clone will detonate on my command. I've more than proven that your Geas has been overcome... what more do you need to see, Teacher?"
  1108. >Celestia sighs and trots up beside you. "That's enough, Twilight. It's time to stop all this. I understand what it's like, my little pony. I really, truly do know what it's like to face unrequited love. But you have to understand that Anonymous can't return your feelings. I'm afraid you've misunderstood... this was never a test for you. I cast the Geas on him because he requested protection from you in compensation for bringing me the Orb of Ascension. It was part of the bargain we arranged. I'm sorry, but what he says is the truth..."
  1109. >Twilight steps back a few paces. "Th-that's crazy... a pathetic last-ditch attempt to save yourselves and deny my victory. Ha! Ha ha! Good one, I almost fell for it..." You can see strands of her mane and tail begin to pop out of place. "Now, now... come on, Anon... it's over. It's time for you to take your rightful place by my side..."
  1110. "Twilight, I don't..."
  1111. >"DON'T YOU DARE SPEW THAT GARBAGE ABOUT NOT LIKING PONIES AT ME!" Her Royal Canterlot Voice rings out across the field, scaring the sparse few winter birds from their nests.
  1113. >"I've watched you through my friends, Anon. They've told me how you look at her." She turns to Celestia, her breathing ragged. "And they've told me how you look at him. Tell me... was it all part of the plan to strengthen the Geas, or did you really start to fall for him? Or maybe you just wanted to hurt me as much as possible by taking something else precious to me away!!"
  1114. >"Twilight, what...?"
  1115. >"ENOUGH! I don't want to hear it. I still respect you, Celestia, and I'm still grateful. But you've LOST THIS GAME and now it's time for you to bow out gracefully. You gave him to me when you gave me the crown and I will not be denied!"
  1116. >The white alicorn's eyes narrow. "I will not. Anonymous is not a prize to be won, or some sovereign entitlement to claim. He's a noble, living creature and he is precious to me too."
  1117. >Twilight turns away. "I see... then you've brought this upon yourself. Override protocol: bluejay."
  1118. >The Fluttershy clone begins to tremble and the Geas around her hooves shines. Shit, she's gonna...!
  1119. >A flash. You're blinded, but you quickly recover. There's a huge crater in the ground nearby but thankfully you're still in one piece. You look around and spot Celestia on the other side of the crater. She looks fine too. You can see her horn crackling with residual magic... she must've teleported both of you away before the clone exploded. You let out the breath you were holding.
  1120. "We made it..."
  1121. >"No, Anon," the purple alicorn's voice coos from behind you. "It's all exactly as I planned. I told you before, if I couldn't find a way inside the fortress I'd bring down the mountain. She forced my hoof... and this is the result."
  1123. >You lock eyes with Celestia across the crater. She mouths something to you, but you're too far away to understand.
  1124. >The light comes first, robbing you of your vision. Then the sound, nearly shattering your eardrums. Next comes the shockwave and you tumble backwards uncontrollably.
  1125. >But it doesn't stop there. You can hear smaller booms and impacts resound nearby and feel the resulting shockwaves as well. Your wrists are on fire now, you're sure of it...
  1126. >You finally manage to open your eyes, and you can't even begin to process the sight before you.
  1127. >The original crater is in front of you, or at least part of it. A little further away is a crater so large that it's taken a portion of the lake and forest with it.
  1128. >You get to your feet and clumsily scramble to the edge, but can't find any sign of a pony within. You slide down inside, throwing caution to the wind, and begin to dig. And dig. And dig.
  1129. "C'mon Roomie... c'mon Roomie... c'mon Roomie...!!"
  1130. >At last, your hands find a matted fur coat and with a heave you manage to free her upper body from the compacted earth. But the pony before you looks so different... gone is her great multicolored mane, now replaced by dirtied and much shorter strawberry-colored hair. She seems a tiny bit smaller, too, but thankfully still seems to be breathing. Between the white coat, strawberry hair and brown patches of dirt that still cling to her, she almost looks like a bucket of that Neapolitan ice cream she likes so much...
  1131. >A few tears fall from your eyes, but you wipe them away. There's no time for crying here... you need to get help... get her to the hospital so they can treat her wounds...
  1133. >"She was bombarded by the last of my overcharged Geas weapons, designed to be the antithesis of her own magic. When she wakes up, she'll probably be on the level of an average unicorn, if even that. She'll fully recover in time... in two hundred... maybe five hundred years or so, but it's unfortunate that it had to be this way..."
  1134. >You turn to Twilight and only stop yourself from lunging at her when you remember she's just projection.
  1135. "I'll never forgive you for this. I'm going to find a way to make her better... and then I'm going to make you pay, and I'll fight my way through every damn guard in the Equestrian army if I have to."
  1136. >Twilight chuckles. "You have two days to do it, then. Look at your wrists."
  1137. >You do so and find that the Geas bands are so bright they're almost blinding.
  1138. >"That won't last. She must've known this would be the result from the beginning, because she started funneling magic through the conduit when the fight started. Not enough to harm you, of course, but enough to strengthen to Geas to where it'd still be effective without her magic for a while. It'll last two days, Anon. After that, I'll be coming to collect you and our new life will start... together. I'll be looking forward to it..."
  1139. >She turns from you and her image fades away.
  1140. >You suppress the conflicting feelings of grief, loss, anger and fear welling within you and continue to dig.
  1142. ~~~~~~~~~
  1144. >You only left her bedside when you got full assurances from the doctors that she would be okay. From what they said, aside from the magic drain her injuries were thankfully minor and she'd recover after a good rest.
  1145. >Damn hospitals are real sticklers about their visiting hours, though, so you've been kicked out. And it's at this point that you've come to the stark realization that you're now homeless.
  1146. >You sit down on a park bench near the town square. It'd probably be best to go ask the Cakes if they can offer you a spare bed tonight...
  1147. >"Well, somepony sure looks down in the dumps."
  1148. >You lift your head to see Applejack standing in front of you wearing an apple themed scarf and her classic stetson hat. She hops up on the bench next to you, but you don't really feel like talking to anyone right now so you stay silent.
  1149. >"Heard there was a lotta commotion in town today. Mac said he saw bright lights 'n whatnot flashin' in the distance a little after noon."
  1150. >You look away.
  1151. >"Ya reckon Twilight had somethin' ta do with it?"
  1152. >A pulse of rage runs through your body. You turn back to the farmpony to speak.
  1153. "Don't you d--"
  1154. >...but find an apple jammed in your mouth instead. Without thinking you start to chew.
  1155. >Applejack looks at you expectantly. "Is it good?"
  1156. >Yes, it's good. You nod in response and she smiles. "Good ta hear! Ah'd hope so considerin' ya paid 15 million bits fer it."
  1157. >You nearly choke, but manage to swallow the piece in your mouth before ripping the apple away.
  1158. "I WHAT?!?!"
  1160. >The orange pony begins to laugh uncontrollably. "S-Sorry there, sugarcube, it's just an old Apple Family joke we like ta play sometimes. The apple's on the house. Ah'm actually here ta deliver yer real order..." She removes her hat and pulls some forms out. "Or ah guess it's really Celestia's order, but yer name's on it so ah guess it's okay fer ya ta sign. Where is she, anyhow?"
  1161. >You sign the paperwork without really paying attention to what's on it and hand it back.
  1162. "She's... not feeling well right now. So where's this expensive thing you're delivering, anyway? I don't see it."
  1163. >Applejack looks at you like you're an idiot for a few moments, then points a hoof toward the sky. Your gaze follows it and...
  1164. "No... way..."
  1165. >Applejack chuckles at your reaction. "Ah said the same thing when she arrived earlier this mornin' from the Apple N' Orange berths in Manehatten. Ah heard Uncle Orange himself was real proud'a this one... called it his greatest work, and Ah'm willin' ta believe him."
  1166. "Yeah... me too."
  1167. >There's an airship hovering above Ponyville. But it's not just any airship. It's huge, like those rich pony yachts you'd see floating around the larger cities from time to time when you visited.
  1169. >But you can tell, even from the ground, that this is no yacht; it's a machine built for speed. The large helium frame is angled to cleave through the air, as is the much smaller ship mounted below it. Four downward facing propellers on each side of the ship provide vertical lift, keeping it in place, while an inactive set of massive twin rotors attached to the back of the helium frame are seemingly enough to propel the ship into orbit if need be. The various air fins lining both the frame and the ship itself look like they could easily allow it to perform all sorts of acrobatics if the pilot was bold, or maybe stupid enough to try...
  1170. >You see a red face peek over the side of the ship, followed by a waving hoof. You and Applejack both wave back.
  1171. >"Mac 'n Applebloom are up there right now. There ain't enough room ta land her here in town, but he wanted a chance ta give her a spin before we signed her over ta ya. Ain't often ya see him get so excited about somethin'."
  1172. >The ship turns in the air, its twin rotors beginning to spin, and then it vanishes over the horizon without a sound. Oh yeah, it's fast.
  1173. >Applejack hops off the bench and faces you. "Why don't ya head on over ta the Acres with me and ah'll give ya a tour of the interior?"
  1174. >You push the many thoughts swirling in your head away and force yourself to stand.
  1175. "Lead the way."
  1177. ~~~~~~~~~
  1179. >It's perfect.
  1180. >It's certainly no luxury ship, but it has everything you need. More than everything, really.
  1181. >The living deck feels like home. Master bedroom, guest bedroom, crew quarters, fully stocked kitchen and pantry, laundry room, two bathrooms, and a grand meeting / living room equipped with the bigger TV you wanted!
  1182. >Looks like you've found a place to stay tonight.
  1183. >"Well, that's it ah guess. Ya've got some readin' ta do before ya attempt ta fly, but the manual's pretty straightforward. Ah'd better be gettin' back before Granny starts ta miss me. If ya haven't had dinner yet we're always willin' ta set another chair at the table."
  1184. "Thanks, AJ. For everything."
  1185. >She chuckles. "Don't thank me! Ah should be thankin' -you-. That money went toward helpin' the Apples start a new frontier settlement. Even though we ain't all farmers, it's still what most'a us are called ta do."
  1186. "I'll think about your offer for dinner. I just need a while, if you don't mind."
  1187. >"Sure thing, sugar." She turns and exits down the gantry.
  1188. >You start to tour the living quarters again, walking from room to room, trailing your fingers across the smooth wooden walls and paneling.
  1189. >You stop in the kitchen. A welcoming fruit basket's been left on the table. Apples and oranges, obviously. You sit down and grab an apple and begin to eat.
  1190. >But your eye catches the corner of an envelope underneath the basket itself. You shift it aside to find a sealed letter with your name on it. You give in to your curiosity and open it to find something that takes your breath away.
  1191. >There's only one creature in the world whose penmanship is this perfect...
  1194. My Little Human,
  1196. As I write this, I'm resting upon a pile of bits and assorted other treasures in our living room. I'm certain that if you saw all of this you'd have another one of your funny little foaming-at-the-mouth moments, but as much as I'd like to see it, I'm hopeful it will all be gone by the time you arrive back home. I must admit, I acted a bit on impulse when I went to face my old acquaintance Agamemnon and kindly ask him for a donation. Before I knew it I was back here with all this treasure and without any idea of what to do with it. It's more than the both of us could ever really want or need; I left a life of luxury behind by choice, and you never struck me as the type who yearns for riches, so I've decided to buy you a gift instead. I'm hopeful that it will be to your liking.
  1198. I spent most of the night pondering over what I could give you that would appropriately express my gratitude for the time you've shared with me, and I believe I've found just the thing. An agent from the Apple and Orange shipyard will be here shortly to collect my payment along with my design requests and this letter.
  1200. Anonymous, you should see how your face lights up when you talk about your time climbing mountains back on Earth. Many times have you described to me the feeling of euphoria you've felt when standing above the clouds from the summit, gazing upon the sky and the world below. Sadly, I have never experienced such a thing myself; there's little point in climbing mountains when you have wings, after all. But the joy you conveyed to me through your words touched my heart and I could feel it, even if it's just a pale imitation of the real thing. I want you to experience this joy again many, many more times over your long life, and I'd like to be there to see it, if only once.
  1202. I can't help you conquer a mountain, and I can't return you to Earth. But maybe, through this, I can give you the sky you love so much.
  1204. Your Freeloading Roommate,
  1205. Celestia
  1208. >You fold the letter back up and return it to the envelope. You wouldn't want your tears to stain it, right?
  1209. "This is too much, Roomie."
  1210. >"Cel."
  1211. >You lift your head to find the bandaged white alicorn herself standing in the doorway, her strawberry mane wildly framing her tired but smiling face.
  1212. >"Call me Cel."
  1213. >You immediately jump up and run to her before pulling her into a hug, careful to avoid putting pressure on her injuries.
  1214. "What're you doing here? You should be resting!"
  1215. >"Oh, I discharged myself. I'm fine, Anonymous, really."
  1216. "Anon."
  1217. >Her eyes meet yours and a sly smile begins to play on her lips.
  1218. >"Anon."
  1219. >You ruffle her mane a bit.
  1220. "I like the new hair. Makes you look a lot younger. But damn, Cel, look at all this! You really must want me indebted to you for life, huh?"
  1221. >She trots with you into the living area. "If you can't accept it as a gift, then think of it as an exchange, Anon. As much as you dislike it, I'll need to ask you to undertake another journey for my sake, and I'm afraid it won't be as simple as a walk to Sugarcube Corner this time."
  1222. "I don't care what it is, you want it, you got it. It's the least I can do."
  1223. >She nods. "I'm glad. We need to leave tomorrow, so you should spend some time with the pilot's manual tonight. I hope you're a quick study."
  1224. >You let out a nervous laugh.
  1225. "I tend to learn through doing as opposed to studying. Hopefully that'll work out for something like this."
  1226. >"I suppose we'll see, won't we?"
  1228. >You run a hand down her back.
  1229. "There are so many things I want to say to you right now, but I guess I'll start with something simple. I've got an open invitation to dinner at the Apples' and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I brought a guest. Have you eaten?"
  1230. >She shakes her head. "No, I think dinner would be wonderful right now."
  1231. >The two of you walk side by side down the gantry and toward the illuminated farmhouse in the distance, just as the stars begin to appear in the winter sky.
  1233. Next Time on Exchange: The Journey Begins
  1235. =================
  1236. ||- Chapter 6 -||
  1237. =================
  1239. >"No."
  1240. "Yes."
  1241. >"No."
  1242. "Yes."
  1243. >"I won't."
  1244. "You will."
  1245. >"I think not."
  1246. >You dramatically turn down the fluffy comforter of your large new master bed and pat the sheets beneath.
  1247. "C'mon."
  1248. >Sun Horse shakes her head. "No, Anonymous--"
  1249. "Anon."
  1250. >She rolls her eyes. "Anon. This is your bed. I've slept on your couch for the past three months with no issues and the beds in the crew quarters are much more comfortable than it ever was. I'll be fine there."
  1251. >She moves to leave the room but you quickly sidestep into her path.
  1252. "Yeah, I know. But you're injured and you need your rest, so I want you to have this bed for the time being. I'll take the guest bedroom."
  1253. >She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Why must you be so difficult? I commissioned this ship for -you-, Anon. It's yours, completely, just like your home was. You're being ridiculous. What kind of host offers his own bed to a guest when there are plenty of other rooms available?"
  1254. >She blows a few strands of strawberry colored hair away from her face and gives you that pouty-yet-ever-so-slightly-playful look she's so good at. You lean against the doorframe and cross your arms, a smile on your face.
  1255. "Yeah, this is my ship, isn't it? And I guess that makes me the Captain."
  1256. >You flash her a wicked grin.
  1257. "And I guess that means anyone who boards this ship is under my authority."
  1258. >You step forward and stare into her magenta eyes.
  1259. "The Captain says get in the damn bed already. This is non-negotiable."
  1260. >She fiercely returns your gaze. For a moment, you become lost in those eyes that, if examined closely enough, tell the tale of a life lived for thousands of years. It almost makes you lose your resolve, but thankfully she turns away first.
  1262. >"...Very well, if you insist. I'm too tired to drag this out any further anyway."
  1263. >She slowly makes her way over to the bedside, then wiggles her way between the sheets. Her horn begins to glow in an attempt to pull the covers up but she winces in pain before the telekinesis can take hold and the aura quickly fades.
  1264. "Let me."
  1265. >You're there beside her in an instant to gently tuck her in. She shifts under the covers and turns to meet your gaze as you run a hand through her mane, once again brushing those stray locks away.
  1266. "You need to take it easy, Cel. Just rest. If you need anything I'll be in the other room."
  1267. >You retrieve the ship's manual, a tome of imposing size, from where you left it on the nearby dresser as you make your way toward the door. You've secretly been hoping the book's so thick because it's written in 5 different languages like every other manual you've ever flipped through (Seriously, who reads manuals anyway?), but something tells you that you're not gonna be so lucky with this one. Oh boy, a long night full of dry technical reading... your #1 favorite pastime next to dealing with Princess Autismo herself!
  1268. >Resigning yourself to your fate, you move a hand to turn off the room's lights as you exit, only to pause when you hear her Celestia call with an unsteady voice.
  1269. >"I need something."
  1270. >You almost asked 'What?' in reply, but as you turn back to her the need for the question vanishes.
  1271. >Two front hooves are curled around the comforter. Her neck is raised from her pillow, eyes locked on yours. She's trembling and her expression conveys one simple plea:
  1272. >'Don't leave me.'
  1274. >It's no surprise. Today's been a hell of a day. She's tired, hurt, stripped of her power... it's only natural that she'd be afraid to be alone after all that's happened. Suddenly the thought of stepping out of this room becomes as impossible for you to envision as changing the course of the sun and stars.
  1275. >Your hand moves away from the switch.
  1276. "...You're gonna have to fall asleep with the lights on. I still have to read this, you know."
  1277. >"I think I'll manage," she breathes out in relief as you approach. You notice the slight tremor in her voice has disappeared as quickly as it came. You prop a few pillows against the headboard and recline atop the sheets on the bed's other side and she rests her head against her own pillow and closes her eyes once you've settled.
  1278. >Here you are... sharing a bed with a horse. You're reminded of a picture you saw on the Internet once of a guy laying on a mattress clutching a real sleeping horse close to him. Yep, that's basically you now, Anon. Your life has somehow come to this.
  1279. >Yet, if you recall correctly, that guy in the picture looked happy. And as you watch Celestia's steady breathing you realize that you're happy too. You've told her time and time again that she's your favorite horse, a roundabout way of calling her your best friend, and every time it's been the truth. But now it doesn't seem like enough. Especially after today. You feel compelled to say something more to her, but you can't find the right words, and you realize that your opportunity is slipping away as she turns and begins to drift off to sleep...
  1280. >So in typical Anon fashion you spit out the first of the many questions that are floating through your head.
  1281. "You know... you never did tell me where we're going tomorrow."
  1282. >"The answer is irrelevant if you don't know how to fly the ship, Captain," she mumbles back through her pillow.
  1284. >You chuckle to yourself. There's the Celestia you know... that rare moment of vulnerability has vanished faster than an unattended cupcake when she's nearby. You resist the urge to reach over and playfully ruffle her mane.
  1285. "Goodnight, Sunbutt."
  1286. >"Goodnight, Anon."
  1287. >...
  1288. >...
  1289. >...
  1290. "And thanks."
  1291. >"The pleasure was mine."
  1292. >Her breathing calms and becomes steady and you turn your attention to the manual in your hands.
  1293. >Here we go... Chapter 1: Basic Flight Control Layout...
  1295. ~~~~~~~~~
  1297. >This is hopeless.
  1298. >You slide down the bed and lay on your back. The book falls from your hands to the floor with a thump. If you have to read another word your eyes are gonna pop out of your skull and go on strike.
  1299. >You're fairly certain you can fly the ship with some practice. The controls are straightforward (And interestingly enough primarily designed for human hands... she thought of everything!) and you've played enough videogames in your lifetime to have a general idea of how this kind of stuff works.
  1300. >But as far as understanding and maintaining the various systems that keep the ship afloat? No way in hell. If something gets damaged or breaks down you guys are completely fucked.
  1301. >You glance over at the snoring alicorn beside you and wonder whether or not she happens to hold a degree in magical aircraft design and maintenance. It's possible, right? Maybe she got bored for 5 or 6 years of her immortal life and decided to pursue it as a hobby or something...
  1302. >Nah, that's just wishful thinking. You should reach down and pick up the book and get back into it. Despite how boring this is, you want to make yourself worthy of this gift she's given you.
  1303. >But it's been hours since you started. Maybe you should rest your eyes a bit before you go on. Yeah, that sounds good...
  1305. >...
  1306. >...
  1307. >...
  1308. >Shit, you must've dozed off for a bit there. You rise from your chair a little too fast for your sense of balance to keep up and you're forced to steady yourself against the cold stone wall to remain standing.
  1309. >Man, you must be... wait a minute... stone? This isn't the ship!
  1310. >You rush to a nearby window and find yourself gazing out across a vast forest below. There's not a single flake of snow visible amidst the moonlit trees. Considering how high up you are, you must be in some kind of tower or possibly a castle.
  1311. >What the fuck is happening... could this be Twilight's doing?! You look down at the Geas bands on your wrists. They're noticeably duller than they were before, but they're still there and faintly shining with residual magic. You should be safe for the time being.
  1312. >But if not Twilight, then...
  1313. >"A warm welcome to you, Anonymous the Human."
  1314. >Oh no. You know that voice...
  1315. >A midnight blue alicorn steps from the shadows, her starry mane and tail softly swaying in the cool breeze that filters through the tower's open windows. Her cyan eyes seem to regard every facet of you with cold detachment. Your heart begins to thunder in your chest and your legs tense to prepare for a quick escape if need be.
  1316. >Of the alicorns you've met, Twilight scares you, sure. But behind her vast newfound powers are the remnants of the autismal little unicorn you used to know. And Celestia? Well, it kind of goes without saying...
  1317. >Luna, on the other hand... she fucking terrifies you. You've barely spoken to one another in the past, but even from your brief interactions you've been able to tell there's something about her that should be feared. Like it's impossible to hold on to any secret in her presence because she already knows everything about you...
  1319. >"Come, we have much to discuss."
  1320. >The dark alicorn turns away and begins to trot up a nearby spiral staircase. You watch her starry tail disappear around the bend before you start your own ascent. Considering everything you know about her she's likely pulled you into a dream, so there's no point in running.
  1321. >You emerge from a doorway to find yourself on the roof of the tower. The cloudless night sky unfolds before you in all its glory. Luna regards it with an artist's critical eye as she sits at a nearby table for two and sips from a teacup.
  1322. >Mustering all your courage, you take a seat across from her and her attention shifts from the sky to you.
  1323. >"Would you care for some tea?"
  1324. "No thanks... I'm more of a coffee guy."
  1325. >"Ah, a plebeian. We find this unsurprising."
  1326. >You grit your teeth and your fear of her begins to fade away.
  1327. "Did you bring me here just to insult me?"
  1328. >She grins. "No, but 'tis a nice bonus. We are here to speak with you about Sister. We are well aware of recent events, and we are well aware of what she is planning."
  1329. >Now she's got your attention...
  1330. "Would you mind filling me in? She hasn't really been talkative about it."
  1331. >Luna daintily drains the last of her tea and sets the cup down.
  1332. >"Certainly. She intends to travel to the Cradle, to seek that which can restore her power. 'Tis the only true course of action left to her if she desires to keep you from Twilight Sparkle's reach." Her eyes wander to the Geas. "The spell is already fading. She is anxious to leave, we take it?"
  1333. >You nervously rub your wrists.
  1334. "Yeah... she was pretty insistent about it."
  1336. >"Indeed. Once the spell is broken there will be nothing to prevent Twilight from claiming you. However, the Cradle is the one place in this world beyond the reach of an alicorn's magic. She will not be able to pursue you directly, and it also contains the item Sister requires."
  1337. "A place Twilight can't reach...? Where the hell is it? I should've gone there from the start!"
  1338. >This is probably the first time you've seen Luna look confused about something. She stares at you like you just started speaking gibberish.
  1339. >"You... do not know of it? But that cannot be... you've been there before; you spent months there at Sister's behest..."
  1340. >Wait a minute. WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE! She can't possibly be talking about...
  1341. >"Ah!" She clops her hooves together. "Now we remember. 'Tis been so long that we have forgotten the names used on modern maps. The place we refer to as the Cradle is likely known to you as Equus, the Lost Island, located within the great landlocked sea of the continent of Latigo. We call it the Cradle because it is believed to be the place from which all life in this world emerged, as well as the greatest known wellspring of magic."
  1342. >Your hands grip the table in an attempt to steady yourself and the shaking of your body begins to rattle Luna's tea set.
  1343. >Oh, you've been there before all right, and it all makes sense now. Celestia didn't tell you where you were going because she knew you'd flip the fuck out as soon as you heard. Fucking Sun Horse...
  1344. "...She wants another Orb of Ascension, doesn't she?"
  1345. >Luna nods. "Very perceptive. Yes, 'tis the only thing aside from the passage of time capable of restoring her former self. Given that you have retrieved one already you should know what is involved."
  1347. >You spent a better part of your trip back trying to bury your memories of Latigo and Equus Island. The Terror Caves... Forsaken Shoals... the Bloodfeast Slaughterfields Retirement Community... Estrus Valley... it all comes flooding back at once. You take a deep, cleansing breath to steady yourself. If you didn't know any better, you'd think Luna was looking on with a hint of sympathy.
  1348. "Okay. That makes sense, and I do owe her a lot... if that's what she wants, then fine."
  1349. >You return your gaze to the dark alicorn.
  1350. "But are you certain Twilight can't follow us there?"
  1351. >"She can follow you to Latigo if she so desires, but Equus is off limits to her, as well as any other alicorn. The same great magic which empowers us also causes the island's own pure magic to reject us completely, much like the Geas with which you are so familiar. Why do you think Sister needed you to retrieve the Orb for Twilight in the first place, as powerful as she was in the past?"
  1352. >More magic stuff again. You sort of remember reading something like that when you were researching the Orb prior to leaving, but you'll just have to take her word for it.
  1353. "If that's true, doesn't it mean Cel won't be able to enter the island either? She's an alicorn, too."
  1354. >Luna raises an eyebrow. "'Cel'...? That is a name we have not heard in quite some time... it explains much. And to answer your query... Anonymous, make no mistake. Sister still has wings and a horn, but these things alone do not make an alicorn. As she is now, she is beneath the magic of even a lowborn such as Niece Cadence. Equus shall not reject her in this state."
  1355. >You lean back in your chair. Damn, this is a lot to take in. But if you're being presented with a choice between heading back to Latigo or being Princess Spergle's living dildo you know which option you'll take.
  1357. >"Hear us well, Anonymous. That we have been able to so easily discern Sister's plans is not due to the fact that we have known each other all our long lives. They are apparent to anypony with the foresight to consider the options available, and this includes Twilight Sparkle. She is content to wait in Canterlot for your Geas to expire because she believes you have no way of reaching Equus in time. But if word were to come that you were in possession of an airship capable of making the journey we can safely say she will spare nothing in pursuit of you. That is the message we came to deliver this night."
  1358. >You can feel your blood start to freeze in your veins. Knowing Twilight, that was probably an understatement.
  1359. "Thanks for the warning. But there's something I don't understand... why are you telling all this to me? We barely know each other. Wouldn't it be better to talk to Cel about it directly?"
  1360. >Luna turns away from you and begins to examine the sky again.
  1361. >"We cannot bring ourself to speak with her yet. She has committed a grievous offense against us... but that is a family matter not for your ears." She focuses her gaze back on you. "Yet, despite that, she is still our Sister, and we love her, and we wish for her to be happy. And though we may appear to be cold to you both, we are not your enemy. Far from it. We shall do everything in our power to divert and delay Twilight from her chase."
  1362. >Now that REALLY got your attention.
  1363. "Are you serious? That's great! You're the top Princess, right, can't you like override her orders or something?"
  1365. >Luna shakes her head. "Directly opposing Twilight is... problematic. You must understand, the Diarchy is truly an equal rulership, though due to our long absence many of its nuances have not been put back into practice until recently. Though we are several orders of magnitude her senior in power, years and experience, Twilight holds equal authority to us. When the two Princesses disagree on a matter, the issue is sent to the House of Nobles for a vote..."
  1366. >Her ears fold back in embarrassment. "And... to put it bluntly... our relationship with the Noble families of Canterlot is... strained... whereas the House of Sparkle has long had a favorable position amongst them."
  1367. "So the stuffy Nobles of Canterlot aren't too keen on an eccentric shrieking banshee-horse who suddenly shows up out of nowhere to fuck with their social order? Can't say I'm surprised."
  1368. >Heh. Good one, Anon. Wait, did you just say that out loud?
  1369. >Luna's eyes narrow and you can practically feel the electricity in the air. You're fairly certain she's trying to kill you through thought alone right now, and let's be honest... she probably could if she wanted to.
  1370. >But then you hear a giggle escape the corner of her mouth and the entire charade quickly begins to fall apart as her laughter swirls around you like the gentle breeze itself.
  1371. >"So, he possesses a spine after all! Even though we read Twilight Sparkle's report on human anatomy thoroughly, we were beginning to wonder!"
  1372. >She works her way through another bout of laughter before she continues. "Yes, your assessment is correct. It is difficult to have our will enacted by the Council, though we can use the bureaucracy to our advantage to stymie Twilight. But even still, we suggest you be on your way by noon tomorrow at the latest. Princess Sparkle has eyes and ears everywhere and Sister's gift won't remain hidden from her for long."
  1374. >You stand from the table and stretch.
  1375. "I intend to. But you'd better let me wake up so I can finish reading the damn manual for the ship or we won't be going anywhere."
  1376. >Luna rises as well. "As you wish. When you reach Latigo we shall come to you again to offer our aid. If Sister intends to use the route to Equus that we suspect, you'll have need of it."
  1377. >Her horn shines and the world around you begins to melt away. As your consciousness fades, you hear Luna's voice one final time.
  1378. >"Anonymous, we implore you... stand by our Sister. Complete the ritual and bring her back to us. If there is one thing we learned during our imprisonment, it is that we do not have the resolve to face eternity alone..."
  1379. >You feel as if you're falling into a chasm, and then all feelings vanish.
  1381. ~~~~~~~~~
  1383. >You groan as the sunlight touches your eyelids. Looks like you forgot to close the room's shutters before you hopped into bed... you push your face into the incredibly soft pillow in front of you to block out the light.
  1384. >Damn this bed is comfortable. And it smells nice too, kind of like a sunny field in spring. They must've used the primo detergent brand on these sheets. Pillow's comfy too. And huge. And warm. And breathing.
  1385. >Uh oh.
  1386. >You open an eye and suddenly become a lot more aware of your surroundings. You're under the covers and tightly hugging Sun Horse, your face buried in the soft coat of her neck and her muzzle resting atop your head. Her forehooves are tightly locked around you in a mutual embrace. There's a weight on your side that you're not quite sure about, but you can't angle your head far enough to see what it is. Options for escape: limited.
  1387. >The weight on your side moves. "What're y'all still doin' asleep? Can't ya see the sun's up already?"
  1389. >Wow, this just got a lot fucking worse. You shift your body a bit and turn your head to see...
  1390. "...Applebloom?"
  1391. >The yellow filly is standing on your side atop the covers grinning like the mischievous little angel she is.
  1392. >"Granny sent me over ta invite y'all for breakfast! But when I got here I found ya still sleepin'! Y'all must really like huggin' each other ta fall asleep like that, huh?"
  1393. "We were really tired. Can you please not mention this to--"
  1394. >"Good morning."
  1395. >...And now she's awake too.
  1396. "Hey, Cel."
  1397. >"Howdy, Miss Celestia! Rise and shine!"
  1398. >She blinks her eyes a bit and raises her head. "Little Applebloom, how unexpected. A good morning to you too. Anon, have you made any coffee yet?"
  1399. "I'm still kinda stuck here, if you don't mind."
  1400. >"Ah, my apologies."
  1401. >"We have some coffee at the house if ya want some!" The over-excited filly begins to painfully hop up and down on your ribs.
  1402. "We'll be over there in a minute. Why don't you run ahead and tell your Granny we're on our way?"
  1403. >"Ya can count on me! I'll be there in a jiffy!" She spins around and bolts out of the room and you let out a sigh of relief at the reprieve. You and Celestia manage to extricate yourselves from one another after a confusing twister-like series of arm and leg movements. You walk over to glance out the window while she begins to make the bed, humming a cheery tune.
  1404. "Look, I'm sorry about this. I didn't mean to fall asleep here; I don't really know what happened."
  1405. >"'S fine," she mumbles with a sheet in her mouth. "Things have been quite harrowing for both of us recently... are you blushing?"
  1406. "What? No, what're you talking about?"
  1408. >She trots up to examine you face to face. "You are. Come now, Anon, this is nothing to be embarrassed over. After all, we were doing something much more intimate together yesterday morning than merely lying in bed with one another, wouldn't you agree?"
  1409. >You watch as she trots to the other side of the bed to continue fixing the sheets and your eyes follow the alluring curves of her back and admire how her wings rest so perfectly against her sides.
  1410. >And you just used the word 'alluring' to describe Sun Horse. Time to go get some goddamn coffee, Anon.
  1411. "We can worry about the bed later. We shouldn't keep the Apples waiting for us."
  1412. >Celestia drops the pillow she was holding and yawns. "Yes, you're right..."
  1413. >The two of you exit the ship and begin your walk through the snow to the Apple Family homestead in silence. Memories of your dream begin to flood back as your mind starts to truly wake up and you stop for a moment. Celestia notices and turns back to you.
  1414. >"Is something the matter?"
  1415. "Your sister came to me in a dream last night. She told me everything."
  1416. >You see a flash of shock run through her expression before she manages to get it under control.
  1417. >"Oh... I see. I take it Luna is well?"
  1418. >You walk up to her and look her in the eyes.
  1419. "When were you planning to tell me we were headed to Latigo?"
  1420. >Her ears turn back and she looks away. "I... I figured that maybe if we were about halfway over the ocean you'd take the news a little better..."
  1421. >You reach forward and turn her head toward you once again.
  1422. "Cel, I meant every word I said to you last night. If you want another one of those Orbs, then I'll go get you one. But if this is gonna work... if we're actually gonna make this happen, then you need to trust me. We can't have secrets between us. I need to know what you're thinking or I'll never be able to help you when it counts. Do you understand?"
  1424. >She nods. "I do. I'm sorry... things like this are a bad habit carried over from my days as a Princess. Often times it was better to tell others only what they needed to know..." She blows those pesky strands of her wild strawberry mane away from her eyes again and smiles at you. "But I can't live like that anymore, now can I?"
  1425. >She drapes her neck over your shoulder and you return the hug in kind. "Forgive me, my little human?"
  1426. "Of course."
  1427. >The two of you continue on your way.
  1428. "Luna was fine. She's still upset with you about something, but she said she still loves you and she's going to help us with Twilight."
  1429. >"That's reassuring to hear... I was a little worried about her. Speaking of Twilight, how did the reading go? Do you think you can pilot the ship now?"
  1430. "Uh... probably?"
  1431. >She laughs. "That's not very reassuring. But you told me before that you're a more... 'hands on' learner, right? I'm sure it'll come to you when needed."
  1432. >The two of you reach the front porch of the farmhouse and you place a hand on the door.
  1433. "And like you said before, I guess we'll see, won't we?"
  1434. >Applebloom is scurrying around you from the moment you step inside.
  1435. >"Ya finally made it! C'mon, yer breakfast is gettin' cold!"
  1436. >You follow her to the dining room where the rest of the Apples are seated and already chowing down.
  1437. >"Eh? Anon, izzat you? And ya brought that tall Canterlot filly with ya again too. What wuz her name? Celery?"
  1438. >"Celestia, Granny," Big Mac corrects.
  1439. >"Oh, right! Same name as the Princess... what were yer parents thinkin' namin' ya that, hun?"
  1440. >Celestia giggles. "Sometimes I ask myself the same thing. Thank you for your hospitality once again."
  1441. >Applejack smiles. "Ain't nothin' to it. We're always happy ta have more guests at the table. We always end up cookin' more than we expect... guess it's a force'a habit in a large family."
  1443. >You both take your seats and dig in.
  1444. >Dining with the Apples is always a joy. The food's spectacular, there's plenty to go around, and the welcoming atmosphere puts even the best restaurant to shame.
  1445. >The company's great, too.
  1446. >There's little Applebloom, the precocious filly. Though a bit overeager, she's a quick learner and quite smart, even if you'd never be able to tell when she's in the company of her friends.
  1447. >Applejack you've known for a while through Pinkie and the others. Hardworking but stubborn, you can tell she tries her best to run the farm and her family, sometimes to the detriment of both. Still, it's easy to see that under her tough cowgirl exterior she's got a heart as gold as the mane beneath her hat.
  1448. >Granny Smith is getting on in years, but is still surprisingly spry and a master in the kitchen. You're fairly certain she thinks you're some kind of weird hairless minotaur or something, but she treats you with the same warm hospitality she would anyone else, so you suppose it doesn't matter.
  1449. >But perhaps the most surprising of all is Big Macintosh. He seems fairly straightforward at first glance: not much of a talker, built like a brick shithouse, does his job quickly and efficiently, and probably smarter than he lets on. But last night at dinner you learned that this pony is a HUGE. FUCKIN'. NERD.
  1450. >Seriously. The best thing you can compare him to are those train geeks back on Earth you've seen from time to time on TV who own like every model of toy train ever made and can tell you everything about them down to what size bolt holds a particular piece of the engine in place. That's Big Macintosh, except instead of trains, it's airships.
  1452. >You suppose it's unsurprising given the Apples have a hoof in the industry, but you were taken aback at just how much this damn horse can talk about ships. He seemed really, really impressed with yours to say the least, and it's hard to not let his enthusiasm about the subject rub off on you.
  1453. >You see three fritters quickly disappear from his plate before he looks in your direction.
  1454. >"Are ya gonna take 'er out for some test flights today, Anon? Weather's gonna be good for it."
  1455. "Yeah, but as soon as I get the hang of it we'll be leaving. We have someplace we need to be, even if it is tough to give up on good food like this!"
  1456. >He deflates a little at the news. "Ah see. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do, but ah could give you some pointers if you're interested."
  1457. >Applejack narrows her eyes. "Mac, we got chores ta do this mornin'. Ya can't spend all yer time playin' airship captain."
  1458. >Granny laughs. "Oh, Applejack, let the boy have his fun. It's winter and the chores ken wait."
  1459. >Mac sticks his tongue out at his overbearing sister who scowls back, earning a laugh from you.
  1460. "Any advice you can offer is great. If you want to head over with me now I'd really appreciate it. We're kind of on a tight schedule."
  1461. >"You got it, partner."
  1462. >Applebloom hops up from her seat. "Oh, oh! Can I come too, big brother?"
  1463. >Applejack scoffs. "On a school day? Ah think not, missy. Go get yerself cleaned up and gather yer books or yer gonna be late again."
  1464. >"Awwhttp://www..." She marches up the stairs with heavy hoofsteps. You say your goodbyes to AJ and Granny and the three of you are out the door.
  1466. ~~~~~~~~~
  1468. >'Don't wreck the 15 million bit airship, Anon.' 'Don't wreck the 15 million bit airship, Anon.' 'Don't wreck the 15 million bit airship, Anon...'
  1469. >You ease back on the controls and the ship gently touches down near the farmhouse.
  1470. >Mac nods in approval. "Not bad. You were a little slow stabilizin', but for a second try at a landing you did good."
  1471. "Thanks. Those tips you gave me really helped."
  1472. >The sun creeps ever closer to its highest point as noon approaches. You've spent the past several hours practicing basic flight. Mac was even kind enough to give you a technical tour of the engine room and explain how all the various systems work together to keep the ship afloat. His knowledge of this stuff really is uncanny.
  1473. >"Anon? We should be leaving soon." You hear Celestia's hoofsteps approach as she climbs up to the airship's open-air pilot's deck. While the ship can still be controlled from the enclosed bridge further away, this deck allows one to truly experience the sensation of flight. It's like standing on top of a mountain peak that you can will to move... and it's probably exactly what her intention was in the design if her letter is any indication.
  1474. >You and Mac lift your flight goggles to address her.
  1475. "I'm still nervous about this, but if we have to go now I think I can manage to not crash us into anything."
  1476. >"Ah'm sure you'll be fine. The controls're designed for you. It'll be second nature soon." Mac hoofs his goggles over to you. "Ah suppose ah should be gettin' back before AJ comes lookin' for me."
  1477. "Thanks again for your help."
  1478. >He holds out a hoof and you give it a bump. "Anytime, partner."
  1480. >The red stallion turns to leave and Celestia trots up beside you as you watch him go.
  1481. >"You appear to have something on your mind, Captain."
  1482. >You let out a sigh.
  1483. "Just my instincts telling me that without him on board we're probably doomed."
  1484. >She pushes you forward with a wing. "Well? Surely you know how to remedy this situation."
  1485. >You know what... she's right. You need to listen to your own intuition, just like Pinkie told you back on the train to Canterlot. And your intuition is telling you now, at this very moment, that without this pony's help this quest, or expedition, or whatever the hell you want to call it is destined to fail. A ship like this -needs- an engineer.
  1486. "Mac, wait."
  1487. >You rush after him. He turns back to you, a look of curiosity on his face.
  1488. "Do you think you'd be able to fix the ship if it broke down? Like the propulsion, the engine, stabilizers, that sort of stuff?"
  1489. >He ponders for a moment. "Eeyup. Ah can rightly say ah can fix anythin' on board. There're plenty of supplies an' tools for it in the maintenance storage."
  1490. "...Would you like to come with us? I don't know how long we'll be gone, and I'm not sure if I can even pay you for it, but I really think we need you on board for this. I know for a fact that I won't be able to learn how to do any of the engineering stuff necessary to keep the ship in good condition in the amount of time we have."
  1491. >He takes a few steps back. "Are you serious, partner?"
  1492. >You nod.
  1493. "Yeah, I know it's a longshot and that I'm asking a lot without really offering anything in return, but we need you."
  1494. >He trots over to the deck's edge and peers over at the farmhouse nearby for several minutes.
  1496. >"You know what... ah accept. It's winter, things are slow now, and ah haven't had a vacation in years. If they need more hooves at the farm they can use some of y'alls airship payment ta hire 'em." He turns back to you and salutes. "Ah'll take the job, Captain."
  1497. >You smile and hand him his goggles back.
  1498. "An honor to have you aboard, Chief Engineer."
  1499. >"Mac? What in the hay kinda nonsense are you spoutin' over there?! Ya can't just up and leave fer Celestia knows how long!"
  1500. >The three of you turn to find the stetson-clad Applejack standing at the top of the stairwell leading down to the living quarters.
  1501. >Sun Horse lets out a chuckle. "In truth, Applejack, I'm not entirely certain how long it'll be."
  1502. >Applejack pulls her hat over her eyes. "Oh fer cryin' out loud... sorry, force'a habit. But ah'm serious, Mac, we can't have ya flyin' around the world havin' adventures an' whatnot while there're things ta be done on the farm!"
  1503. >Mac's eyes narrow. "An' how is that any different than what you've been doin' with your friends for the past couple'a years?"
  1504. >"Wha-- bu-but that stuff was fer Equestria! It ain't the same!"
  1505. >Mac laughs. "Really, now? All of it? That's a load'a manure, Sis."
  1506. >The two ponies begin to circle each other.
  1507. >"You watch yer tone with me, brother, or you're gonna get it."
  1508. >"We ain't foals anymore, AJ. Unless your hooves can cash those checks your mouth is writin' ah'd back off."
  1509. >"That's it ya dumb lummox! Ah've had it!" The two leap at one another and start brawling. You step away from the melee and turn to Celestia.
  1510. "Should we do something?"
  1511. >She shakes her head. "No, let them be. This makes me nostalgic for my youth together with Luna. We behaved similarly when arguing over the most minor things, and if there's one thing I've learned from that time, it's that the older sibling usually wins."
  1513. >Sure enough, as the dust settles, Mac has Applejack pinned to the ship's deck. She stares up at him fiercely.
  1514. >"Don't ya see ah'm worried about ya?! Ya ain't the adventurin' type, Mac... ya've spent nearly all yer life here on the farm... ah just don't want ya ta get hurt. After Ma and Pa... ah can't..."
  1515. >"An' how d'ya think ah felt when you went ta Manehatten ta find yourself, or when you went ta face a dragon, or all them other times you had ta run off ta help other ponies? Ah know it's scary, AJ, but Anon 'n Celestia need me, and ah really think ah can help 'em. Just like all that other stuff was somethin' you felt you had ta do... this is somethin' ah feel like ah have ta do too."
  1516. >Applejack turns away from her brother, her eyes falling upon the farmhouse nearby. After several moments, and with a sigh of resignation, she reaches forward with a hoof and bops Mac on the nose.
  1517. >"No fair, big bro... usin' yer fancy logic on me. Ah know yer right, even when it's tough ta admit it."
  1518. >The two siblings help each other up and exchange a hug while you and Celestia d'awww at the sight a little further away.
  1519. >"...But you know me. Ah don't think ah could sleep at night worryin' about ya bein' out gallivantin' around the world with a shady character like Anon, so..."
  1520. >She walks over to you and removes her hat. "Anon, ah don't know if ya've thought about this or not, but unless one of ya really knows how ta cook y'all might not have a good meal fer a while. Ah'd like ta offer my services fer the time bein' as yer ship's chef, if'n ya'd have me."
  1521. >Mac's jaw drops. "What about the farm?!"
  1522. >Applejack grins. "And now who's bein' the hypo-whatsit, big brother? Ya just said that things're slow and if we need help we can hire some extra hooves."
  1523. >Celestia laughs. "My, my... what's your decision, Captain?"
  1524. "Do you honestly expect me to turn down AJ's cooking? Welcome aboard."
  1525. >Applejack salutes. "Thank ya kindly!"
  1527. >Mac turns to you. "Can ya give us a few minutes ta gather some things and let Granny know what's goin' on?"
  1528. "Sure, I think we've got some time."
  1529. >Applejack smiles. "It's much appreciated, Anon-- er, Captain. Horseapples, it's gonna take me a while ta get used ta callin' ya that."
  1530. >The two Apple ponies trot down the stairs toward the ship's exit as Celestia walks up behind you and places her head on your shoulder.
  1531. >"We're gathering quite the little crew, don't you think?"
  1532. "Eeyup."
  1534. ~~~~~~~~~
  1536. >"Madame, we're approaching the specified coordinates. Your orders?"
  1537. >A half-filled wine glass cradled by a faint blue aura floats amidst the unusual silence of the bridge. "Proceed as you were instructed. Disable the airship and capture its occupants."
  1538. >"As you wish."
  1540. ~~~~~~~~~
  1542. >You pull back on the controls and the ship rises into the overcast sky, smoother than silk. The farmhouse below becomes smaller and smaller as you near the clouds.
  1543. >Mac stands next to you on the open deck, while Applejack converses with Celestia from the safety of the bridge.
  1544. >"Latigo, huh? Can't rightly say anypony ah know's ever been there."
  1545. "It's not so bad, I guess. Equus Island and the sea surrounding it is another story."
  1546. >"You sound like you're speakin' from experience, partner."
  1547. "I wish I wasn't."
  1548. >The ship's helium frame begins to tear through the clouds and soon you find yourselves surrounded by fog that makes it impossible to tell which direction you're going. A steady eye on the altimeter confirms that you're still ascending, so you press on without fear.
  1550. >In time, the ship breaks through the clouds and you're bathed by the afternoon sun and surrounded by the vast open expanse of a perfect blue sky. You let her simply hover for a while to take in the sight...
  1551. >Mac is speechless, as are you. The two mares wander out on deck wearing their flight goggles to have a look for themselves.
  1552. >"Tarnation... is this the kinda stuff Rainbow sees every day?"
  1553. >You feel a nose nudge your shoulder before whispering in your ear. "Is it everything you imagined it would be?"
  1554. "I honestly don't know if I'm still dreaming or not."
  1555. >Celestia steps away and unfurls a wing, then sweeps it across your vision as if unveiling a painting. "It's not a dream. This is yours now."
  1556. >Your hand finds its way into her wild mane, affectionately brushing downwards, each finger dancing between the long locks of hair. Your eyes meet.
  1557. "I don't know how to properly thank you for this, but I'm trying."
  1558. >"I told you last night... the pleasure was mine."
  1559. >Silence falls between you, but neither one of you moves. You're entranced... the sky which surrounds you is so beautiful a sight that it nearly causes your heart to quake. But for some reason, at this very moment, you can't pull your gaze away from Celestia, as if she outshines even the deep blue veil and the sun positioned within it.
  1560. >She closes her magenta eyes and you begin to lean in, pulled by some unseen force...
  1561. >"What in the hay is THAT?!"
  1562. >You both return to your senses and look over at Applejack who stands near the starboard railing. Various dark splotches are visible on the horizon and they seem to be getting larger by the moment.
  1563. >Mac joins his sister by the rail. "Other airships... looks ta be military frames, eeyup."
  1564. >Military airships...? Uh oh. You immediately run back to the ship's controls.
  1566. "I think it's time for us to skedaddle."
  1567. >Celestia floats over to your side. "A sound decision. They appear to be trying to box us in, but I'm certain we can outrun them if we can find open sky."
  1568. >"They're on the other side'a us too!"
  1569. "Fuck, they've got us surrounded already? Luna wasn't kidding when she said Twilight would pull out all the stops for this one..."
  1570. >You see a flash from one of the specks in the distance, then hear a whistling sound followed by a rush of air as a large hole appears in the layer of clouds directly below you on your port side.
  1571. >"Holy horseapples, they're firin' at us!"
  1572. >Another flash. You pull back on the throttle to reverse the turbines and the ship rockets backwards just in time for you to see a hole open up in the clouds where the bow was just moments before.
  1573. >One of the first things you wrapped your head around earlier today was the fact that an airship is not a fighter jet. It's true that it's capable of incredible speeds, but only during level flight. Ascending and descending is a comparatively slow process, so making large changes in altitude in the midst of a battle is like asking to be hit. If you get blockaded in by this enemy fleet your options for escape are slim to none...
  1574. "Does anyone see a way out?!"
  1575. >"Not here, sugarcube!"
  1576. >"'Fraid not, partner."
  1577. >"They have us from the back as well... they were likely waiting for us in advance..."
  1578. >Shit, shit, shit. You hear another whistle and you punch the throttle and shift the stabilizers to perform an emergency turn which throws everyone off balance. There's a crash from nearby as a few supply boxes near the back of the deck shift around and collide with one another.
  1579. >"Pinkie Pie, this is my hidin' spot! Y'all need ta get yer own!"
  1580. >"Nuh uh! I was here first!"
  1582. >What. You risk a glance back.
  1583. >"APPLEBLOOM?!"
  1584. "PINKIE?!"
  1585. >Applejack runs over to her younger sibling. "You've got three seconds ta explain why ya ain't in school right now!"
  1586. >The poor filly cowers in response. "W-Well, I..."
  1587. >"This ain't the time, AJ, Anon needs every set'a eyes he can get right now ta spot!"
  1588. >"We are gonna have a long discussion about this if we survive, missy, ya hear me?!"
  1589. >"Yes, sis..."
  1590. >Meanwhile, you find yourself staring at your all-too-familiar co-worker in disbelief.
  1591. "Pinkie, what the fuck are you doing here?!"
  1592. >The pink mare bounds over to you and gives you a hug. "Oh Non-non, you didn't think you'd be able to go on an adventure without your bestest pal Pinkie Pie, did you? I woke up this morning and a little birdie told me that you'd be taking a super cool airship to a faraway land to embark on a hilarious yet epic quest to find love and redemption! And by birdie I mean my hoofsies 'cause they were a'twitchin'! So I talked to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and we..."
  1593. >Oh sweet god almighty you can't deal with this right now.
  1594. "That's great, but we're all about to die so if you could go bug one of the others I'd appreciate it."
  1595. >You pull back again to evade another shot. The airships are starting to close in and the amount of space you have to work with is rapidly dwindling...
  1596. >Pinkie peers out over the edge of the railing. "Oh, you want to escape? I can help with that! Point us to the southwest, I'll be right back!" She hops down the stairwell into the deck below.
  1597. "Well, we're probably dead anyway, so why not..."
  1598. >You do as she says while avoiding another cannonball. There's a roar sounding like cannon fire from near the bow of the ship and you're certain you've been hit...
  1599. >...and then two of the airships directly in front of you explode and begin to sink into the clouds below.
  1600. "What...?"
  1602. >The intercom in your pilot's console crackles to life. "Woo-hoo! Bullseye! Non-non, you're so silly... did you really think you'd be able to set out on a dangerous journey without a gunner for your ship? When it comes to artillery or parties, leave it to Auntie Pinkie Pie~!"
  1603. >You turn to Celestia, mouth agape.
  1604. "We had weapons...? I didn't see any earlier and they sure as hell weren't mentioned in the manual..."
  1605. >The alicorn shakes her head. "No... I saw no need for them when I sent the design requests over, so there were never any installed. When did she...?"
  1606. "Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie I guess..."
  1607. >Applebloom bounces up beside you. "Look! There's a hole between the ships where those two busted ones used ta be! It's a way out!"
  1608. >You grip the throttle, a spark of hope running through your thoughts.
  1609. "Mac, do you think we can make it?"
  1610. >The red stallion nods. "Eeyup."
  1611. >"D-Don't be scared now, sugar..." Applejack pulls Applebloom close to her as she herself starts to tremble while the yellow filly remains perfectly calm.
  1612. >You lick your lips and punch the throttle forward as far as it can go.
  1615. >The speed is unreal. In an instant the enemy fleet disappears into the haze behind you and the beautiful clear sky stretches forever on.
  1616. >She wasn't kidding. This is yours, almost as if it's a tangible thing that you can reach out and hold in your hand...
  1617. >You close your eyes and feel the wind cascade around your body for a few moments. You open them again when you hear Pinkie bound back up the stairs from below deck.
  1618. >You pull back on the throttle a bit and step away from the controls to observe the assembled ponies behind you, who've already started excitedly chatting with one another.
  1620. >A pink party pony, completely unpredictable in her actions but always reliable in her drive to help a friend.
  1621. >A stalwart stallion, strong of mind and body.
  1622. >A stubborn farmpony whose greatest flaw is wanting to do too much for others.
  1623. >A rambunctious little filly who you're no doubt sure will be a constant source of trouble.
  1624. >And of course, Cel, the ex-Princess of Equestria and your favorite horse, bar none.
  1625. >Celestia meets your gaze and trots over to you, the wind whipping her strawberry mane and tail in every direction.
  1626. >"There's no turning back."
  1627. "Yeah, I figured. But 'quite a little crew'...? That's a bit of an understatement now, don't you think?"
  1628. >"Yes, it appears we have a full bushel of Apples in addition to a fallen Princess, the world's only human and a pony who I'm fairly certain can bend reality. I think we're well prepared for the Trials of Equus, don't you?"
  1629. "I suppose there's only one way to find out..."
  1630. >You angle the ship east and punch the throttle once again, parting the clouds before you like waves on the sea and leaving the familiar homeland you've all known behind.
  1632. Next Time on Exchange: I Am Rarity
  1634. =================
  1635. ||- Chapter 7 -||
  1636. =================
  1638. >"What's that?"
  1639. >The red stallion turns his head to follow the pointing yellow hoof. "That's a power conduit. It takes power from the engine an' feeds it to other things on the ship, like the lights, stove and refrigerator."
  1640. >"And what's that?"
  1641. >"That's an access panel, so you can get ta the portion of the engine housing that's underneath the floor if you have ta."
  1642. >"And what's that?!"
  1643. >"That's an allen wrench." The stallion reaches over and pulls his little sister into his hooves. "Now you're just bein' a smart aleck."
  1644. >The filly giggles as a giant hoof gently tussles her mane, careful not to disturb the carefully tied bow there.
  1645. >"Okay! Okay, ya got me!" she manages to gasp out between her laughter. He relents and the filly spins around in his grasp, her smile fading a bit.
  1646. >"Big brother... I'm really, really sorry about skippin' school and sneakin' on the ship. I just really thought it was neat an' wanted ta explore a bit." Her ears droop and she turns away. "But now I'm stuck here away from my friends an' Applejack's so mad with me I saw steam comin' out her ears. I dunno what ta do..."
  1647. >Mac chuckles. "Don't you worry about her none, ah'll talk ta her later. Do you wanna know a secret?"
  1648. >Her face lights up. "A secret? Sure!"
  1649. >"Well, ah'm really not surprised you're here, and ah ain't mad with you about it. Ah would'a done the same darn thing at your age, and so would AJ..." He looks around a few times and leans down. "...but if ah don't pretend ta be upset when she's around she yells at me too fer bein' irresponsible!"
  1650. >Applebloom begins to giggle again. "So ya really ain't angry with me?"
  1651. >"'Course not, sugarcube. You're an Apple, and Apples don't fall far from the tree. Nothin' you do really surprises me, but don't tell your big sister ah said that."
  1652. >"I won't. But were ya really like me when you were little?"
  1654. >Now it's the stallion's turn to giggle. "Eeyup. When AJ was just a baby ah was a right little hellion, shirkin' mah chores ta go off with mah friends on make believe adventures, pretendin' ta be a sky pirate or a knight on a quest. It lasted 'till Pa bought me some books on airships one year for Hearth's Warming. He knew ah was interested in 'em and wanted ta focus that interest inta somethin' productive... an' ah took to it like a fish ta water. Ah stopped goofin' off an' started helpin' around the house more so ah could have more time ta read. Ah figured ah'd found mah special talent, and so did Pa." He nods proudly. "He even started puttin' money away ta send me ta school in Manehatten where ah could apprentice under the family's master shipwrights."
  1655. >Applebloom glances back at her brother's cutie mark. "But ya didn't go?"
  1656. >Mac adopts a gentle smile. "Sometimes things change, and sometimes your responsibilties're more important than what you want ta do. Mah two little sisters needed me at the farm, so that's where ah stayed."
  1657. >With an effortless motion, the red stallion bites the filly by the scruff of her neck and tosses her into the air. She squeals with delight before safely landing on his large back. He closes the engine panel and puts his tools away as she settles in, and together the two begin a leisurely trot down the hallway to the living quarters.
  1658. >"But don't get me wrong. Ah didn't regret it for one minute. Havin' the two of you in mah life is the greatest blessin' ah can think of, and ah'm thankful for every single day that ah had the opportunity to watch y'all grow and to help you in any way ah could. Even if the two'a you sometimes get under mah coat somethin' fierce."
  1659. >The two ponies share another laugh together as they walk.
  1661. >"We must've been gettin' under yer coat a lot lately, considerin' how eager ya were ta hop on this ship and chase that old dream of yours this mornin'."
  1662. >Applejack stands in the hallway, oddly hatless, with a cooking apron tied to her back and a smirk on her face. Mac's expression sours and Applebloom attempts to hide herself behind her brother's head.
  1663. >"It was only supposed ta be a vacation, AJ. Ah would'a given you more warnin' but this is just how it worked out."
  1664. >Applejack folds her ears back and flashes an apologetic smile. "Sorry... ah didn't mean for it ta come out that harsh. Ah love ya, big brother, and ah want ya ta be able ta follow yer dreams. But at the same time... we still need ya. Both of us."
  1665. >Mac smiles and nods. "Eeyup. Ah'd hate ta see what'd become of the Acres if ah were gone for too long. Why, we'd probably be growin' pears or somethin'."
  1666. >Applejack rears back in shock. "Don't you even joke about that kinda stuff, Mac! Yer terrible!" This incites a giggle from Applebloom which quickly spreads to the red stallion and orange mare.
  1667. >The stallion stretches his neck. "Truth be told, ah'm glad things worked out like this. Ah'd probably be homesick already without the two'a you here."
  1668. >The orange mare smirks. "Of course ya would. 'Cause no matter where in the wide world ya travel, you'll never find a pair'a sisters better than us, right Applebloom?"
  1669. >The yellow filly emerges from her hiding place behind her brother's mane with a hearty "Eeyup!", but she realizes her error when she sees her sister's face and moves to hide again. Acting quickly, Applejack closes the distance before she can.
  1670. >"Now hold on there, sugarcube, there's no need ta hide. Ah ain't mad at ya anymore. Bein' angry at each other fer the entire trip doesn't do anypony any good."
  1671. >She peeks out from her hiding place again, eyes sparkling with hope. "D'ya mean it, Sis?"
  1673. >"Don't get me wrong. Yer still grounded fer a month after we get back." And with that, the hope vanishes. "But fer now we should enjoy our family vacation together. Now go on and get washed up, dinner's almost ready."
  1674. >"Okay, Sis..." She hops from her brother's back and scurries off down the hall while the two remaining Apple siblings watch on.
  1675. >"You don't give her an inch, do you?"
  1676. >"Ah gotta be strict 'cause you always spoil her rotten, just like ya did with me." She walks over and nuzzles her brother. "But ah don't mind bein' the bad guy. It's just one of the ways ah can say thanks fer everything ya do fer us."
  1677. >Mac laughs. "You weren't lyin' when you said you were the best pair'a sisters."
  1678. >Applejack responds by hoofing him in the side. "Ah'm the Element of Honesty, Mac! Don't y'all forget it! Now c'mon, you go wash up too, an' be quick about it. Ah have a feelin' this food's gonna disappear fast."
  1679. >Mac raises an eyebrow. "Cobbler?"
  1680. >"An' fruit salad, with homemade ice cream fer dessert. Pinkie helped."
  1681. >The stallion vanishes down the hall in a flash, leaving a chuckling orange mare in his wake.
  1683. ~~~~~~~~~
  1685. >The endless waves of Equestria's Great Ocean roll ever onward far below you. You stand at the pilot's console, hands on the controls for no real reason other than the fact that it's still exhilarating for you. Celestia lounges nearby, curled up on the deck next to the console, and two of you stare off into the sunset.
  1686. >"There's something you're forgetting." The alicorn's soft voice breaks the silence, though she keeps her gaze on the sun.
  1687. "Oh? What's that?"
  1688. >"The ship needs a name."
  1689. >You tap the console with your fingers, relishing the fact that it even exists.
  1691. "I knew its name from the moment I saw it. 'Dawn Star'."
  1692. >Now she turns back to you, a slight smile gracing her lips.
  1693. >"There's a story behind your choice, and I want to hear it." Even though her mane no longer shines with its own light, the halo around her from the setting sun makes her look absolutely radiant and you're forced to avert your eyes.
  1694. "It's not much of a story. Sometimes, back on Earth, you could see the planet Venus shining like a star on the horizon just before sunrise, after all the other stars would begin to fade away as the sky started to lighten. When I was little and didn't know it was really a planet, I called it the Dawn Star because it was always a sign that dawn was just around the corner."
  1695. >She turns away from you and back to the sun, now barely visible between the clouds that clutter around it in the distance. "It sounds lovely, but that doesn't explain why you chose to name the ship after it."
  1696. >You chuckle a bit as you reach down and run your fingers between the strands of mane that rest between her ears. She tenses at the contact before leaning into your palm.
  1697. "I know it sounds stupid, but I always kind of saw that 'star' as a promise. You know, that the sun would rise again. And it's how I see this ship, too... as a sort of promise between us."
  1698. >Her wings flutter just a bit as she turns to face you. The dancing light and long shadows of dusk mask her expression so it's tough to tell what's going through her mind at the moment.
  1699. >She opens her mouth to speak, and then the loud ringing of the dinner bell manages to drown out whatever words happened to slip out. You turn your head toward the sound and cross your arms.
  1700. "So, did that bell come standard, or did our little country chef bring it from home?"
  1702. >"From home. The tone is quite distinctive. Perhaps it's something to remind them of Sweet Apple Acres." She shakes her head and rises to her hooves. "Shall we go?"
  1703. "I can lock the ship's course, but someone needs to stay out here to watch for threats. Who knows what else our favorite Purple Princess has planned..."
  1704. >Sun Horse playfully smacks you in the side with her tail as she passes. "Such over cautiousness is a bit unbecoming, Captain. The fleet we left behind should only be able to match our speed at best, and we're too far out over the ocean for a pegasus to fly unassisted. It'll be fine."
  1705. >You chuckle in response before following her swishing strawberry tail down to the living quarters.
  1706. "Famous last words. If we get ambushed by something you can fight it off while we all chow down. I promise I'll save you a plate of leftovers."
  1707. >"How generous."
  1708. "I try."
  1709. >The rest of the ponies have already gathered around the dining room table by the time the two of you arrive. Your mouth begins to water uncontrollably as it seems every inch of the table is covered by a variety of delicious looking dishes.
  1710. "Wow, this looks amazing!"
  1711. >Applejack winks. "Between me and Pinkie here ah reckon y'all are gettin' the best meal Ponyville has ta offer! Don't be shy, grab a plate and dig in!"
  1712. >You happily comply, spooning yourself a large helping of apple cobbler and salad, and soon enough the six of you are all seated together, stuffing your faces with good food and merrily talking with one another when time allows.
  1713. >You note that Celestia in particular is going to town on her cobbler with gusto. Pinkie leans over and giggles at the sight.
  1714. >"Wow, Celly, you're sure comfortable eating without your magic!"
  1716. >Applejack chuckles. "That's an understatement if ah ever heard one. Most unicorns're nothin' but four left hooves when they can't do their sparkly levitatin' thingamajig. Can ya imagine Rarity eatin' like that?"
  1717. >Celestia, her cheeks slightly rosy with embarrassment, removes her face from her mostly eaten cobbler and daintily dabs a napkin across her muzzle with a hoof. "Yes, well, unicorn foals have use of their magic from a very early age, so when they temporarily lose it through injury or other means it feels to them as if they're missing a limb. It's not surprising that they're left a bit flustered as a result."
  1718. "But it's different for alicorns?"
  1719. >She nods. "In some cases. Pass the salad, please."
  1720. >You do so and turn to Pinkie as she refills her own plate.
  1721. "What're the Cakes gonna do without the two of us? Are they okay with running Sugarcube Corner by themselves?"
  1722. >Pinkie giggles. "They'll be fine, Non-non." Her ears fold back and she leans in to whisper to you. "This is a secret, but before we hired you we were losing money every day because I was eating a liiiittle too much of what we were baking..."
  1723. "Why am I not surprised?"
  1724. >Pinkie gestures wildly, her voice returning to its normal volume. "But it's important, Non-non! We always need to taste test... what if we made a bad batch of cupcakes or muffins?! If we try seven out of each dozen the odds of having a bad one are really, really low!!"
  1725. >You facepalm.
  1726. "So you're telling me that instead of baking, my real job was to..."
  1727. >"Prevent me from pilfering pastries like a problematic predatory piggy-wiggy-Pinkie!" She grins and you can almost see a halo appear over her head. You upgrade to a double facepalm.
  1728. "And when they found out I was leaving..."
  1730. >She nods again. "Yep, they pretty much kicked me out. So I grabbed Gummy and came to find you!"
  1731. >Said alligator pops out of her frizzy mane for a minute, hisses at those present and then returns to its cotton candy lair. You attempt to push this new revelation out of your mind by jamming another spoonful of cobbler in your mouth.
  1732. "Well, regardless, I'm glad to have you on board. You really, REALLY saved us with those cannons you brought."
  1733. >Pinkie salutes. "It was no problemo, Cap'n! Weapons Officer Pinkie Pie always finds her mark!" Her blue eyes wander over to the refrigerator. "And right now her sights are set on the most delicious prey of all... home~made~ice~cream~~~!"
  1734. >Applejack is quick to intercept her. "Oh no ya don't ya little varmint. Yer gonna finish what's on yer plate before ya get dessert. There ain't gonna be any wastin' of food on this ship while ah run the kitchen. And don't even think about tryin' to sneak in fer a midnight snack 'cause that fridge is padlocked, ya hear?"
  1735. >"B-but..." The pink mare's mane deflates a bit while the rest of you share a laugh.
  1736. >Celestia turns to you. "Speaking of midnight snacks, have you decided how we're going to handle the sleeping arrangements?"
  1737. >You ponder for a bit. Good question... you have three bedrooms: the relatively spartan crew quarters with four single beds, a queen bed in the guest bedroom, and a king in the master.
  1738. "I want Cel in the master bed while she recovers. I guess that means we'll divide it by gender. The girls can have the crew quarters, Mac can have the guest bed and I'll crash on the couch in the living area."
  1739. >You nod with satisfaction. Yep, that plan makes the most sense. Surely they'll...
  1740. >"Absolutely not!"
  1741. >"No way, no how!"
  1742. >And two mares immediately object. You groan.
  1743. "In the interest of avoiding a mutiny, I'm willing to hear your concerns."
  1745. >Applejack speaks first. "There ain't no way ah'm sharin' a room with Pinkie Pie." She turns to the pink mare and flashes an apologetic smile. "Sorry, hun, but ah've had enough sleepovers with you an' the girls ta know that ya literally bounce off the walls when yer snoozin'. There ain't no way ah'll manage ta get ta sleep with the two'a us in a cramped room like that."
  1746. >Pinkie giggles. "Guilty as charged!"
  1747. >You rub the bridge of your nose and turn your attention to Sun Horse.
  1748. "Fair enough. What about you?"
  1749. >She huffs. "We talked about this yesterday. It is absolutely ridiculous to give me the master bed. This is YOUR ship. And that couch barely qualifies as a place to sleep; it's tiny!"
  1750. "This again? I thought I made myself clear: you're injured and you need your rest, so you should get the comfiest bed. It's also the only one that'll hold you if you decide you want to stretch your wings or something."
  1751. >She rears back. "Are... are you saying I have fat flanks?!"
  1752. "Are you seriously trying to argue that you don't have the biggest flanks here?!"
  1753. >The rest of the assembled ponies try to stifle their laughter. Mac utterly fails and lets out a hearty guffaw while banging a hoof on the table.
  1754. >Celestia narrows her eyes. "I'm glad you find that so amusing, Mr. Apple, because I'll be taking the guest bed from you."
  1755. >Pinkie perks up. "But wait, what about me? I know, Maccy can keep the guest bed and I'll share with him! We can be bedtime buddies!" She hops over and pulls him into a big hug.
  1756. >"EENOPE!" The color drains from the stallion's face as he tries to pull himself from Pinkie's vice-like grip.
  1757. >Applejack stomps a hoof. "There ain't no way that's happenin', so just forget about it right now Pinkie Pie."
  1758. >"That's right, Ms. Pie, it ain't proper!" Mac gasps as he tries to free himself.
  1760. >Great, the situation is rapidly descending into chaos...
  1761. >"Wait! I don't get it..."
  1762. >Applebloom's voice rises over the cacophony of shouts and everyone stops to pay attention to her. "I mean, Anon n' Celestia were sharin' the big bed just fine this mornin'. They looked really comfy and everything! Why can't they just keep sharin' it? Then Pinkie can have the other room ta herself and big brother an' sis an' me can share the crew room. That'll work out fer everyone, right?"
  1763. >Silence descends upon the room and all eyes move to you and Celestia.
  1764. >"Well ain't that somethin'!" Applejack grins and wiggles her eyebrows at you. "Don't forget me when it's time ta send out the weddin' invitations, y'all!"
  1765. >Mac flashes you a sly smile and holds up one of his hooves. You have a sneaking suspicion that if he had fingers he'd be giving you a thumbs up.
  1766. >You hold up your hands in defense.
  1767. "It's not what it sounds like. We were both tired and we--"
  1768. >Pinkie completely ignores you and hops from her seat over to Celestia to exchange a hoof bump with her. "Woohoo! Way to go, Celly! C'mon, you can share, what was it like?!"
  1769. >Celestia smiles. "I'm happy to report that he was sufficiently cuddly." The two share a giggle. Applebloom continues to look totally confused while you rest your head in your hands and massage your temples.
  1770. "Someone, please, just kill me now..."
  1771. >Applejack chuckles. "Aw... there, there, sugarcube, it ain't so bad. Ah think Applebloom's idea is the best option we have." She turns to Celestia. "Gotta say, ah'm kinda jealous. Too bad Mac ain't nearly as cuddly as he was when we were foals."
  1772. >Big Mac snorts. "Says you. Cheer-Cheer thinks ah'm plenty cuddly."
  1773. >Silence descends upon the room again. This time, all eyes fall on the red stallion, whose coat somehow gets even redder from the attention.
  1775. >Applebloom looks around. "Who's Cheer-Cheer? Was that one'a yer stuffed animals, big brother?"
  1776. >Applejack has the most devilish grin you think you've ever seen on a pony. "Well ah'll be... so yer tellin' me their crazy little plan actually worked in the end?!"
  1777. >Mac levels a death glare at his sister. "If you breathe one word ta her about this before ah'm ready ta tell her mahself, ah promise ta end you, AJ."
  1778. >The orange mare is fighting her laughter as hard as she can. "My-my lips're sealed, Mac! Pffthahahahaha~!"
  1779. >You find yourself getting caught up in the raucous laughter that echoes throughout the room. In a brief moment of respite you catch Celestia's gaze and lean over to her.
  1780. "I'll agree to this if you promise to behave yourself."
  1781. >"I'll behave myself as long as I'm conscious, but what I do in my sleep I can't be held accountable for."
  1782. >You simply roll your eyes as Pinkie hops over with a huge bowl of homemade ice cream on her back and a padlock with a lockpick dangling out of its keyhole in her mouth.
  1783. >"Now this feels like a real party! Who wants ice cream?"
  1785. ~~~~~~~~~
  1787. >Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria and Herald of the Sun, dines alone in one of the grand banquet halls of Canterlot Castle. The sound of a nearby door opening pulls her attention from the immaculate five star meal prepared by the castle's master chefs. She spies a unicorn guard approaching, levitating the item she requested.
  1788. >With the utmost care, the guard places the item on the table in front of her, bows, and exits the room.
  1790. >The Princess' horn shines, and in a flash the plates of leftovers are cleared from around the spherical object. She begins the process of channeling energy through it, and in time the wavy image of a pristine white unicorn appears in the air before her. The unicorn startles, then primps her perfectly styled purple mane a bit before speaking.
  1791. >"Ah, Princess Twilight... how delightful of you to call, darling. You're doing well this fine evening, I take it?"
  1792. >Twilight smiles. "Yes, I'm doing fine, Rarity."
  1793. >The unicorn nods. "Good, good! That's always wonderful to hear."
  1794. >The purple alicorn's eyes narrow. "But I'd be doing better if I had my future husband by my side where he's supposed to be." Her eyes shift to the empty chair beside her own. "I don't see a pair of delicious, hairless monkey buttocks that I could knead with my hooves and bury my face in forever and ever currently seated in that chair, do you?"
  1795. >Rarity begins to sweat. "W-Well, no... I'm afraid I don't..."
  1796. >Twilight levitates over a wine glass and takes a sip of its contents. "I also haven't received word of the Purple Wings returning to port. I can't help but wonder if these two observations are related."
  1797. >"You see... there was a bit of a complica--"
  1798. >"Rarity~~"
  1799. >Twilight slams a hoof on the table.
  1800. >"Where.
  1801. >Is.
  1802. >My.
  1803. >Human?"
  1804. >The white unicorn cringes at the outburst, then squares her shoulders and adopts a perfect Canterlot pony pose as she mentally regains her composure.
  1805. >"Well. If you must know, that bipedal fiancee of yours is quite elusive. He evaded the ambush we arranged and is currently en route to Latigo. Not to worry, though, because I have the squadron in full pursuit. We shall overtake them the moment they reach their destination."
  1807. >Twilight sighs, then takes a large gulp from her glass. "See that you do. The effects of the Geas will fully dissipate by tomorrow afternoon. If you can't capture him before then, you need to at least prevent him from reaching the island until I arrive."
  1808. >Rarity holds a hoof to her chest. "It shall be as simple as threading a needle, darling. Though, I must admit, I'm still a bit unclear as to why you chose me for this task. Wouldn't something like this be more your brother's purview?"
  1809. >Twilight rolls her eyes. "Apparently -Luna- thinks that seasoned military commanders like Shining are better positioned near the border to deal with the ongoing Changeling incursions, and the Council agrees with her! Can you believe that?! I mean, REALLY?! What could be higher priority than retrieving the kingdom's future Prince?!"
  1810. >Rarity solemnly nods. "Truly, they've lost sight of what's most important. As the famous romance novel authoress Mistress Notfluutershai would say, 'love comes before all'. I, for one, feel you're doing the right thing, and I'm happy to help in any way I'm able."
  1811. >The purple alicorn sighs, then adopts a tired, somewhat goofy smile. "Thanks, Rarity. You're a good friend. It's a shame I couldn't devote more resources to go after Anon, but at least I was able to convince them to deploy the Purple Wings." She giggles and twirls around once in delight as she paces about the room. "The fifteen fastest vessels in the royal armada should have no difficulty catching that puny little airship Celestia had commissioned!"
  1812. >Rarity coughs. "Thirteen, darling."
  1813. >The Princess turns back, her smile unbroken. "Come again?"
  1814. >"Thirteen. Your good fiancee... may have ended up sinking two ships as he made his departure."
  1816. >Twilight's eye twitches. "Oh. How interesting." She downs the rest of her glass, then refills it from a nearby decanter before downing the contents again. Her friend's ears fold back with worry at the sight.
  1817. >"Princess? Dear? This might be a bit presumptuous of me to say, but... perhaps you should slow down? You were never really good with alcohol, if I recall correctly..."
  1818. >"Oh, this?" Twilight beams, holding up the empty glass. "This isn't wine. It's really Poni-Sun. I get the servants to squeeze it out of the little pouches for me so I can drink it in a glass."
  1819. >Rarity gasps. "My word! How deliciously decadent!"
  1820. >Twilight giggles. "I know, right? I also had my servants retrieve something from Ponyville for me. I think you'll be interested in it..." She turns away and lifts up an item with her telekinesis. "Remember this?"
  1821. >The unicorn's nervous smile immediately fades as a look of horror washes over her face. "No... no, it can't be... I thought that abomination was destroyed!"
  1822. >A deep purple robe, covered with perfectly accurate constellations, floats in the air along with its matching starry headpiece. "Nope~! It was still in my closet where I left it!"
  1823. >The purple alicorn adopts a menacing grin. "There's a banquet for the nobility in a few days. Everypony who's anypony in Canterlot is going to be there. I might just wear this little number to it... and if I do I'll be sure to let everypony know that it's a Rarity original~"
  1824. >The unicorn gasps and wobbles on her hooves as if on the verge of fainting. "You... you -fiend-! How could you?!"
  1825. >Twilight places the disastrous dress aside and smiles cheerfully as a few more giggles escape her mouth. "Though, as long as you don't fail me, you have nothing to worry about. Bring me my Anon and you have my word that this dress'll never see the light of day again. Simple, right?"
  1827. >Rarity dramatically hangs her head in defeat. "Yes... you've made yourself very clear, Princess. I, Rarity, shall do as you request."
  1828. >"Great! I expect a favorable report upon my arrival tomorrow." With a flash of her horn, the image fades leaving Twilight alone in the room once again.
  1829. >She reclaims her seat at the table and pours herself another glass of Berry Blast(tm) flavored Poni-Sun. Swirling the liquid in front of her, she stares at her own reflection as it dances across the surface.
  1830. >"Soon, Anon my sweet... soon you'll be where you belong. With me. We'll make beautiful, passionate, incredibly kinky love with one another, and you'll realize your true feelings..."
  1831. >She downs the glass. "And then you'll be mine, just like I've dreamed about since you first appeared in my life. Mine and mine alone..."
  1832. >She slumps forward and lays her head on the table. "The Princess and her dashing Prince... just like in all those old stories..."
  1833. >The alicorn yawns and closes her eyes, and before long the only sounds in the large dining hall are the regal snores of a Purple Pony Princess.
  1835. ~~~~~~~~~
  1837. >It's hard to pinpoint a single one of the many thoughts that are swirling around your head at this particular moment. At best, you can sort of describe it as a wild west standoff.
  1838. >You're on one side.
  1839. >Cel's on the other.
  1840. >The bed's between you.
  1841. >And neither one of you dare make a move.
  1842. >"I'm not going to bite or anything."
  1843. "I know."
  1844. >She giggles. "Well, as amusing as this is, I think we need to get our rest for tomorrow." She slides the covers aside and wiggles between them like before. "A little help?"
  1845. >You move over and tuck her in without a second thought. She lets out a contented sigh and burrows into the soft sheets and pillows while you move away from the bed, pacing in thought.
  1847. >"Anon?" Her magenta eyes are open and tracking you when she hears your retreating footsteps. "A fair warning, but if you leave this room and attempt to sleep on the couch I'll follow you."
  1848. >You chuckle.
  1849. "Again, I know. I'm not leaving; I just realized this is the only pair of clothes I have left after Twilight nuked the house. I'm wondering if I should sleep in them again or try to wash them now."
  1850. >"Have you checked the dresser? Pajamas are in the top left drawer."
  1851. "Very funny."
  1852. >You walk over and open the drawer to humor her, only to find a pair of silk pajamas waiting there. Surprising to be sure, but what really floors you is the fact that they're not horse pajamas.
  1853. "What the...?"
  1854. >You immediately begin opening the other drawers only to be greeted by an assortment of clothes, all perfectly sized for you, some of which look like near approximations of the hiking / climbing clothes you used to use back on Earth.
  1855. >Your heart nearly stops. All those conversations you had about climbing, all those little questions she asked... not only did she listen to every word, she remembered them almost perfectly...
  1856. >You turn back to Celestia and attempt to speak but no words end up coming out. She simply smiles in response.
  1857. >"They were made by Twilight's little unicorn seamstress friend. I requested the kitchen and pantry be fully stocked upon delivery of the ship, and the same was true for the wardrobe. Knowing you, you'd likely want to head out on an adventure immediately without giving these sorts of things any consideration, so I had to be prepared. Why do you think I kept insisting that this room belonged to you?"
  1858. >You simply sigh and shake your head in wonder as you strip down to your boxers and don the pajamas without a second thought. As you begin to button the shirt your eyes wander to your wrists and again your heart threatens to cease beating.
  1860. >The Geas bands are nearly gone. With everything that's happened you tried to push what Twilight said out of your mind, but now it's become impossible to ignore. She said it would last two days, and the end of that time is rapidly approaching. It should be around noon tomorrow if you remember right.
  1861. >You move to the bed and slide under the covers, then extinguish the nearby light. There's no question... she'll be after you like a bat out of hell the moment it's gone. If you're not at Equus by then...
  1862. >"You don't need to be afraid."
  1863. >Celestia's voice pulls you from your thoughts. You'd almost completely forgotten she was there, but now that she's spoken you can feel her weight on the other side of the bed along with the warmth she provides. An involuntary smile begins to form on your face. It's kind of cute how she's still attempting to calm your fears about sleeping together.
  1864. "I trust you. You promised you'd behave yourself, after all."
  1865. >Her wings twitch a bit and you feel the covers move in response. "Yes, that's true, but that's not what I was talking about. I saw your eyes wander a moment ago. Anon, you don't need to be afraid. The Geas was an extension of myself, and though it will soon be gone, I'm still here, and I will protect you."
  1866. >You close your eyes, but your smile doesn't fade. You're no magic expert, but it doesn't take one to see that there's no way this silly horse, who can't even muster the magical energy to pull up her own sheets or lift a fork at the dinner table, can stand against Twilight as she is now, or probably even as she was before. Your rational mind tries to tell you those words were merely meant to comfort you, like a parent telling their child everything's going to be fine as the house burns around them.
  1868. >But it's unmistakable. The way she said it... it wasn't false bravado, or a lie to oneself that you believe, if told, could help you eventually turn it into truth. No, she said it like a simple statement of fact. Like 'the sky is blue'. Like it was so readily apparent that it almost need not be spoken at all.
  1869. >Your hand travels past the cold space between you and finds her back, and your fingers begin to dance up and down its length, coaxing a contented sigh from her. For an instant, your mind flashes back to the ride you enjoyed together through the snow just yesterday morning, when everything seemed so perfect.
  1870. >Yet, despite all that's happened since... what has she seen and experienced over the thousands of years of her life to give her such unshakable conviction? Whatever it is, it's convinced you that what she just said is true. You believe her wholeheartedly, and it puts you at ease.
  1871. >You feel her body shift as she rolls over toward you. Two hooves reach out and pull you to her in a light embrace. Your head finds its space below her muzzle and you lean into the soft coat of her neck.
  1872. "Uh, Cel...?"
  1873. >She breathes out and mumbles a bit, teetering on the edge between consciousness and sleep.
  1874. >"We're going to end up like this by morning anyway. Might as well get it over with now."
  1875. >Your smile widens as you close your eyes. This, too, you believe wholeheartedly.
  1877. ~~~~~~~~~
  1879. >By morning, the rolling ocean below you has been replaced by the vast plains and deserts of Latigo. You stand on deck with Celestia, Pinkie and the Apple siblings, sipping some coffee to help wake up while gazing out across the land.
  1880. "It feels weird to see it from the air like this."
  1881. >Celestia nods. "Yes, and much has changed since I was last here. Without ponies to temper it, nature now runs free. What were once lush forests are now rolling deserts, and what were once barren wastelands now teem with life."
  1882. >Applejack turns to the pink-maned alicorn. "Yer sayin' ponies used ta live here?"
  1883. >"Yes. It's believed that all life emerged from the Cradle of Equus Island and naturally migrated to Latigo. You're familiar with the Hearth's Warming story, correct? Before the Tribes discovered Harmony and found the land we now call Equestria, they lived here."
  1884. >Mac stares with a hint of sadness at his now empty mug. "If ah recall correctly, they didn't teach us about much prior ta the Unification in school."
  1885. >Celestia closes her eyes. "No records exist from before that time, as nearly everything was abandoned during the migration. Archeologists sometimes come here from Equestria in an attempt to dig up relics of the past, but even those are few and far between. The Earth Ponies were nomads, leaving nothing behind as they moved about the land. The great cloud city of Pegasopolis was torn apart and scattered in the wind, and the sprawling towers of the Unicorn capital of High Crown have long since crumbled along with the mountains they were built upon. Hardly anything remains."
  1886. >Pinkie giggles. "Well, if they wanna know what happened so bad, why not just ask somepony who was there?" She gives Celestia a big smile, only to find a gentle one returned back to her.
  1888. >"I've learned many things over my long lifetime, Pinkie Pie, but perhaps the most important is that we should live in the present. The past is the past, and the future is unwritten. Lessons can be learned from yesterday, and elaborate plans made for tomorrow, but only through actions taken in the present do we forge who we are."
  1889. >You take a sip of coffee.
  1890. "Sounds like someone's got some skeletons in her closet."
  1891. >A pink tail lashes out to swat you in the side, and you turn to see a playful smile tugging at Sun Horse's lips. "Fortunately for you, I left them all behind when I moved out of the castle." She yawns and steps away from the railing. "In truth, the history of Latigo before the Unification has little bearing on the world of today, and Luna and I do not like to speak of it, so we don't. Though we do secretly enjoy the frustration on the scholars' faces when we're inevitably asked the same questions over and over again with each new generation."
  1892. >Applejack continues to peer at the ground below with concern. "Well... ah always figured the Hearth's Warmin' tale was mostly a fable. But how much'a it is true?"
  1893. >"Bits and pieces. But the most important part, that the friendship forged between the Pony Tribes banished the cold darkness surrounding them, is true. Equestria could've never come to be were that not the case."
  1894. >Applebloom perks up. "So if ponies don't live here anymore, who does?"
  1895. >"Many creatures call Latigo their home, though most are feral. Murderhounds, for example, while rare in Equestria, happen to thrive here. There's also a fairly large retirement community for minotaurs that I hear is quite popular..."
  1896. >You shudder.
  1897. "Don't remind me."
  1899. >"...along with several Dragon Clans who call a large network of caves in the north their home. The most notable inhabitants, at least when I last visited, were the Kiang, who inhabit the plateaus and valleys near the Inland Sea. They are a friendly, if somewhat eccentric tribe."
  1900. "They're fucking crazy."
  1901. >Applejack laughs. "Sounds like ya've got some stories ta tell of yer own, Anon."
  1902. >You look over at Celestia, who has that little shit eating grin she sometimes gets on her face. An unspoken conversation takes place and you suddenly feel you understand her a little better.
  1903. "I don't like to talk about it."
  1904. >The orange pony shrugs. "Suit yerself. But ah do want ya ta tell us what yer plan is. We got attacked by a bunch'a airships yesterday, so if yer plannin' on somethin' like that happening again ah'd like a little warnin', Captain."
  1905. >You laugh.
  1906. "Do I plan on having us get attacked by an airship fleet? No. But would you really be surprised if it happens? You guys didn't seem too shocked in the aftermath of all that stuff yesterday..."
  1907. >Now it's Applejack's turn to laugh, though it's more out of exasperation than joy. "Twi's always been a little... overeager about certain things. But back before all this Princess stuff happened, me an' the girls were always able ta help steer her in the right direction whenever she got too off kilter. That's kinda how we worked as a group; if one'a us started ta go bonkers or lose sight'a what was important, the others would be there ta help her."
  1909. >She removes her hat and sighs. "But after that whole coronation mess, she stopped listenin' ta us an' figured she knew best about everything. Ah realized it when she sent out that decree ta prevent Celestia from workin'... with nopony there ta stop her, she'll do anythin' ta get what she wants, even if it ends up hurtin' others." Her emerald eyes gaze at you with sympathy. "A fleet'a airships shown' up ta take what she thinks is hers doesn't surprise me at all."
  1910. >She turns to Celestia. "Ah understand what yer lookin' ta accomplish here... ya want ta get some magical rock thing that'll bring yer power back. But what ah want ta know is... what are ya plannin' on doin' afterwards? Ah hate ta be the bearer of bad news, but ya unleashed a monster on us and ah need ta know if you intend ta do anything about it."
  1911. >Celestia closes her eyes and the wind whips her strawberry mane around amidst the silence.
  1912. >"It's true... this burden is mine to bear, and there are some duties that, once accepted, can never be relinquished. When my power is restored we'll depart for Canterlot. Twilight is young. She has many lessons left to learn, and I am still her Teacher, whether she agrees or not."
  1913. >She trots over to the bow of the ship to watch the earth moving below. "But that is yet to come. As I said earlier, we should focus on the present. Soon we'll reach the Inland Sea, with Equus just beyond. That's when this trial will truly begin, and unless we prevail any hope of dealing with Twilight will remain only that."
  1914. >You grit your teeth and pound a fist into your open palm. As much as you want to throttle that little sperglord of an alicorn now, Celestia's right. You need the Orb of Ascension to stand any chance...
  1915. >"Um... big brother?"
  1916. >The red stallion looks down at the filly tugging at his leg. "Yeah, sugarcube?"
  1917. >"I think ya really should take a look at what's behind us..."
  1919. >The six of you turn to the aft of the ship, and...
  1922. >...the black silhouettes of a rapidly approaching fleet of airships are there to greet you.
  1923. >Celestia rolls her eyes at the sight. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear, as they say."
  1924. "They're the same ones from before... are they faster than us?"
  1925. >Mac scowls. "Eenope. Not normally, but they probably magically overcharged their engines. It ends up damagin' the equipment in the long run but it could put their top speed over ours fer a while."
  1926. >Applejack replaces her hat and looks around nervously. "So yer sayin' we're gonna be forced ta fight 'em?"
  1927. "If we can't outrun them, I don't see how we can avoid it. Pinkie, we're gonna need you to do your thing."
  1928. >The pink mare salutes. "Aye aye, Cap'n!" In a flash she's disappeared below deck to prepare the cannons. You run to the controls and disengage the heading lock, then start the process of the turning the ship around to face your pursuers.
  1929. >Thirteen military class airships slide into your vision as the turn completes and you feel your legs start to shake. Imagine that... turns out they look much more menacing up close.
  1930. >"Ahem. Is this thing on? Testing, one, two, testing..."
  1931. >A prissy voice echoes in your ears as a wavy image of a pristine white unicorn sporting a stylish commander's uniform appears on deck before you. "Yes, well... erm... attention unidentified vessel! By order of Princess Twilight of Equ--APPLEJACK?!"
  1932. >"RARITY?!" The farm mare runs up to the image, a look of shock on her face.
  1933. >"Applejack, what in the world are you doing here, darling?" She looks around. "And your brother and sister too! I... wh-what? I'm completely lost."
  1935. >"What in tarnation are ya doin' ridin' on a battleship wearin' that getup and chasin' after Anon? Have ya gone nuts?!"
  1936. >The unicorn's face scrunches. "Well! What I decide to do in my spare time is my business. You don't see me judging you for running around another continent with a strange ape creature, now do you?"
  1937. >Applejack adopts a deadpan expression. "Not until ya just said that, ah didn't. Rarity, don't tell me yer tangled up in whatever crazy scheme Twi's got goin' on now. Ah figured ya had more sense than that."
  1938. >"And -I- figured you would be a more understanding friend. Twilight is in -love-, darling, and love sometimes makes one crazy. Or in her case, more crazy than usual. But you get what I'm saying. I admit, I don't understand the attraction, but you should see how happy she looks when she talks about him! If I can do anything to help her realize her love, I shall."
  1939. >She turns her attention to you and Celestia. "Ahem. Anonymous, Celestia, by order of Princess Twilight you must immediately return to Equestria under my custody. If you refuse to do so willingly, I am authorized to use force to make you comply, but I'm hopeful that it won't have to come to that."
  1940. "Wow, thanks for the ultimatum, Squiggletail. Real considerate of you to give us one after you ambushed us and opened fire without warning yesterday."
  1941. >Celestia approaches Rarity's image without fear, her eyes locked with the unicorn's own. "I understand your loyalty to your friend, and I do not envy your position. But I must warn you, this course of action will end badly for you if you choose to pursue it."
  1942. >You feel the temperature around you drop by several degrees. Holy. Shit. The way she said it and the look on her face... this is a side of Celestia you haven't ever seen before, aside from little glimpses of it back when she was a Princess.
  1944. >Yet, if you think you were affected by Celestia's icy tone, the poor unicorn on the other end of the magical link is trying to suppress the shivers of fear running up her legs, though she does an admirable job.
  1945. >"W-W-Well, then! I suppose it's settled! I don't know what you intend to do when it's thirteen against one, but our rescue teams shall be on standby to retrieve you once we inevitably sink your ship. Good day!" She haughtily turns up her nose as the image fades away.
  1946. >"Get back here, Rarity! Ah ain't done talkin' ta ya!" Applejack stomps a hoof in frustration. "What in the hay's gotten inta her?!"
  1947. >You nervously rub the back of your neck.
  1948. "Damn, Cel, you must have a hell of a plan to be so confident. I'm surprised she didn't piss herself."
  1949. >Celestia's confidence doesn't waver. "No, not particularly. The odds of us winning a direct confrontation with thirteen military airships which can outpace us are practically zero. I was actually hoping my bluff would cause her to turn tail and run..." She flashes you an apologetic smile and you let out a hearty laugh and slap her on the back in mirth.
  1950. "Ha Ha! So that's what you were doing, you silly horse! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?!"
  1951. >The alicorn ignores your outburst and continues. "Even if Pinkie Pie turns out to be the best shot on the planet and we miraculously manage to sink the entire fleet, they'd still achieve their goal." She glances down to the Geas bands on your wrists which have all but disappeared. "They're attempting to stall us from reaching Equus in time. Not only can we not win here, we can't even afford the time to fight back."
  1952. >Applejack rolls her eyes. "Whoa there, nelly, we wouldn't want any -optimism- ta slip past yer yapper." She trots over to her brother. "Mac, ya've had yer muzzle in them doggone airship books all yer life. Ah know ya've gotta have an idea of somethin' we can do."
  1954. >The red stallion nods. "Eeyup. Our Junior Engineer is on her way with our secret weapon right now."
  1955. "Secret weapon?"
  1956. >"I got it, I got it!" Applebloom bounds up the stairs from below deck with a strange metal rod in her mouth. It sort of looks like a cross between something you'd see hanging in an auto repair garage and some weird D&D scepter. The filly gives it to her brother who presents it to you.
  1957. "What the heck is this?"
  1958. >"That there's called a Harmonic Tuner. It's one'a the tools used ta maintain an airship's magical engine. 'Specially useful when you ain't a unicorn. Go on, give it a try." He gestures to a trigger on the handle of the device.
  1959. "Are you sure about this?"
  1960. >He nods. "'Course ah am. Go ahead an' aim it at me."
  1961. >You shrug, then do as he says and pull the trigger. A small bolt of magic arcs from the tool to his body, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
  1962. >The stallion grins. "See? The spell's completely harmless ta ponies, 'cause it's only designed ta interact with the spell that empowers the engine."
  1963. >Applejack scratches her head. "That's great 'n all, but how does it help us?"
  1964. >"Well, lil' sis, when you use this thing on an engine it helps you retune the spell ta the proper timin' ta work with the ship's other systems. It's normally harmless, but if you use it on an engine that's been overcharged..." He adopts a sinister grin. "It tends ta make the engines tear themselves apart from the inside out due ta a mismatch in timin'."
  1965. >You eyes widen in shock.
  1966. "So you're saying we could take out an airship in one hit with this thing?!"
  1968. >"Eeyup. But you gotta get real close ta use it. Naturally you ain't gonna be able ta hit the engine itself since it's inside the ship, but if you hit one'a the turbines the spell'll jump ta the engine and it'll work just the same. Problem is, we can't normally get that close without gettin' torn up by cannon fire or causin' a midair collision."
  1969. "...So we're still doomed, then."
  1970. >"Eenope." He shakes his head and then glances over his shoulder. You follow Mac's gaze to see Celestia standing there with a surprised look on her face. She lifts one of her massive white wings and the two of you exchange a glance.
  1971. "You can't be serious."
  1972. >"You got any better ideas, partner?"
  1973. "Fuck..."
  1974. >You hit the intercom button on your pilot's console. "Pinkie, you there?"
  1975. >"Ready and waiting, Cap'n!"
  1976. "I want you to target cannon fire on the six ships on the enemy flagship's port side. Cel and I are gonna deal with the six on the starboard. Think you can handle that?"
  1977. >"Yepperoonies!"
  1978. >You turn to Mac.
  1979. "I guess you've got the helm. Try not to get her too scuffed up."
  1980. >He salutes. "Good luck, Captain."
  1981. >You walk over to Sun Horse and pat her on the back a few times and she lays down and presents her back to you, just like she did during the blizzard. You're honestly surprised by how quickly and gracefully she did it, and the look on her face shows she's a little surprised too. You straddle her back, the Harmonic Tuner in your hand, and she stands and paces around, fluttering her wings.
  1982. >"This plan is absolute madness, you know."
  1983. >You lower your flight goggles and grip her mane.
  1984. "Compared to what we've dealt with recently? I'd say it just barely qualifies as insane. You ready?"
  1985. >"As I'll ever be, I suppose."
  1986. >You pat the side of her neck a few times.
  1987. "Then let's go."
  1989. >She begins to gallop, then takes a great leap over the deck's railing. You experience the weightlessness of falling for a few moments until her wings extend and the two of you are flying, just as the sounds of cannon fire begin to rip through the air.
  1990. >Under Mac's capable hooves, the Dawn Star turns to avoid a volley as an explosion rips through the first of the port side enemy ships. Severely crippled, the ship begins to break formation as it loses altitude. The column of dark smoke that spills from its hull begins to blanket several other ships, impairing their ability to aim and navigate. You notice rescue pegasi take wing from several of the other ships to assist the crew of the damaged vessel.
  1991. >Celestia banks hard as she pulls herself around to the rear of the first ship in the starboard line. You grip the Tuner as she begins her approach toward the underside of one of the two large turbines...
  1993. |-------|
  1995. >"Unit 7 is hit! Reports critical damage to engine; losing altitude!"
  1996. >"Unit 12 reports same! Requesting rescue team for evac!"
  1997. >"It's unreal... the accuracy of their gunner is unreal!"
  1998. >"Units 4, 14, 10 indicate difficulty tracking target; the speed matches our best equipment and movement patterns are erratic!"
  1999. >Battle reports continue to flood into PW-01's bridge, where an oddly calm looking unicorn stands and considers the data before her. She primps her purple mane a bit before raising her head to address the assembled crew.
  2000. >"Proceed with rescue operations for 12 and 7; have the remaining portside ships disengage and pull back to cover. Starboard group is to move forward and shell the target."
  2001. >"Aye, madame!"
  2003. >She smiles. As an artist who has created countless incredible dresses in the midst of the storm of chaos that is her little sister Sweetie Belle, a frenzied battlefield like this is nothing. She can see the design in her mind; all that's left is to realize it.
  2004. >For a moment, an image of Twilight's horrendous constellation dress flashes through her thoughts, but she pushes it away. As long as she remains focused, victory is sure to follow...
  2006. |-------|
  2008. >A cannonball sails past the Dawn Star's starboard side and clips one of the vertical turbines, ripping it from its attachment point. The ship shudders at the impact and takes time to reorient itself.
  2009. >"Consarn it, Mac! What the hay are ya doin?!"
  2010. >"Ah dunno if you realized this, but these controls ain't exactly designed fer hooves! If you think you can do better, she's all yours!"
  2011. >"Ah've got my hooves full with this!" Applejack holds up a leg with a trembling yellow filly clutching onto it for dear life.
  2012. >"Are... are we gonna make it, big sis?"
  2013. >"We're gonna be fine, sugarcube, as long as butterhooves over there doesn't get us sunk!"
  2014. >"Ah swear ta Celestia, AJ..."
  2015. >The orange mare sticks out her tongue. "Well too bad fer you, 'cause she ain't here!"
  2016. >The intercom in the pilot's console crackles. "Hold it still, Maccy! I'm trying to line up another shot!"
  2017. >"We've lost a vertical stabilizer Ms. Pie; it ain't gonna be as smooth a ride as it was before."
  2018. >Pinkie giggles. "That's fine, just point the bow where it needs to be and I'll do the rest!"
  2020. |-------|
  2022. >"Unit 14 reports target hit! Target stabilizer damaged and movement impaired!"
  2023. >The unicorn takes a sip of her wine. "This is checkmate, my dears. When you can no longer flee it is all but over." She giggles to herself. "Perhaps Twilight was right, and I have a talent for this sort of thing after all...?"
  2025. >"Unit 14 reports complete engine meltdown; all control lost; requests immediate assistance!!"
  2026. >"Unit 10, hit by enemy cannon! Steering offline!"
  2027. >"Unit 3, Wing 2, reports same as 14! Complete engine meltdown; cause unknown; unit was not struck by enemy weapon!!"
  2028. >The glass of wine falls from her magical grasp and shatters on the floor as one of her eyes begins to twitch involuntarily. "What... what is happening?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!"
  2030. |-------|
  2032. >The effect is immediate. As soon as you bring the Harmonic Tuner near the turbine and pull the trigger a sickening screech can be heard from the belly of the ship, followed by the sound of gears grinding and coming undone as the engine rips itself to shreds. An explosion serves as the process' grand finale, followed by the ship's slow descent to the ground below.
  2033. >Celestia pulls herself away from the crippled airship's frame and lines up the next target. Despite the incredibly strong crosswinds that prevent you from even speaking to one another, she places you at the perfect angle to deliver the fatal charge.
  2034. >Another screech, another ship falls, and Celestia pulls away once more.
  2035. >By now the rescue pegasi who've come to assist the first crippled ship have spotted you and figured out what you've been up to. The decks of the remaining ships shimmer with light as unicorns fire bolts of magic after you and pegasi start their pursuit. It's a valiant effort, but Celestia is beyond their reach. She moves with a grace that defies description, and the bolts of magic which sail past serve more to accentuate her beauty than pose as a threat. Her powerful wings easily propel her into drafts and thermals through which normal pegasi can't hope to follow. All too soon, you find yourself underneath the third ship's turbine.
  2036. >You bring the Harmonic Tuner forward, aim, and fire.
  2038. |-------|
  2040. >The unicorn rears back in shock. "Celestia and Anonymous are WHAT?!"
  2041. >"Yes, madame, they're in independent flight and triggering harmonic cascades in the engines of Wing 2! We've lost half already; if we don't do something we'll lose the entire group!"
  2042. >"But I was told Celestia had little to no magic... how are they doing this? Explain immediately!"
  2043. >"We believe it's being done via a standard maintenance tool; our engines are vulnerable to the effect due to the overcharge you ordered!"
  2044. >She bites on one of her perfectly pedicured hooves with worry. "Well... well then, cancel the overcharge at once! And capture them while you're at it!"
  2045. >"But madame... that would require us to discharge the engines! We wouldn't be able to move for several days afterward!"
  2046. >"And are several days of immobility worse than having the engines completely destroyed and the ship lost?"
  2047. >"W-well, no madame..."
  2048. >She stomps her hooves in frustration. "Then make yourself useful and do as I say! Nooooowwwwww! And don't forget to capture themmmm!" With each word her tone gets a little whinier.
  2049. >The young officer runs off and she can feel the anger starting to pool within her. Her face contorts, snout scrunches, teeth grind, and then... she smiles, eyes shining with happiness.
  2050. >"It's fine! Yes, yes, completely fine! I believe I'll step outside for some air! You there, take charge here!"
  2051. >She trots from the bridge toward the flagship's open deck, a skip in her step.
  2053. |-------|
  2055. >"What in the hay are they doin' now? They've stopped movin' completely!"
  2056. >Mac smirks, then bites the scruff of Applebloom's neck to peel her away from Applejack's hoof, gently setting her down on deck. "They've discharged their engines, so they can't move fer a while." He turns to the yellow filly. "It's okay, sugarcube, the worst'a it is over."
  2058. >The filly looks up with frightened eyes. "R-Really?"
  2059. >The stallion nods. "Eeyup. But now we need ta get Anon 'n Celestia back. There's nothin' more they can do out there." He gestures over to a panel near the deck's railing. "AJ, fire off a flare and let's get the hay outta here."
  2060. >The Dawn Star begins to turn away, much more slowly this time due to the damage it sustained, and once again locks its course on Equus Island in the distance. An orange flare rockets into the sky and ignites above it, bathing everything nearby in a soft light.
  2062. |-------|
  2064. >The shine of the flare is unmistakable, but Celestia's focus is elsewhere as she dodges magic bolts and pegasi. You pat her neck three times to get her attention and she notices the flare as well.
  2065. >With a beat of her mighty wings she carries the two of you back to the ship. Soon enough you're out of range of the unicorns' magic and the pegasi give up the chase in order to help their comrades as they originally intended.
  2066. >The remaining ships make no move, either, as if they've suddenly lost power. In cases like these you've found there's no point in questioning your good fortune, so you pay it little mind.
  2067. >You don't even bother to look back. You only have one goal: reach Equus as fast as possible. That ever so familiar feeling of dread is creeping up on you once more and every instinct you have is screaming at you to flee.
  2068. >Celestia touches down on the deck of the Dawn Star and lays down to allow you to dismount. As you do, you run an encouraging hand through her mane and scratch behind her ears a bit.
  2069. "Well done, Cel. Looks like we made it back in one piece."
  2070. >You notice she's panting for breath, though she's smiling all the same. "It's... been a while since I've exerted myself like this... but it was oddly thrilling, too."
  2072. >You run over to the controls where Mac is standing.
  2073. "How'd we do?"
  2074. >"Lost one of the stabilizin' turbines. Our turnin' speed is a lot slower now, but forward speed an' acceleration should be the same. Pinkie ended up takin' out four ships, and y'all got three."
  2075. >Applebloom hops around you, her confidence restored. "It was the most amazin' thing I ever saw! It was like whoosh, boom! An big brother was flyin' the ship, an' Miss Celestia was flyin' like a Wonderbolt, an..."
  2076. >Applejack scoops up her sister. "Okay now, suguarcube, you can tell 'em all about it later. Anon's got stuff ta do now."
  2077. "We on course for Equus?"
  2078. >"Eeyup."
  2079. "That's all I need to know."
  2080. >You punch the throttle and the ship rockets off.
  2082. |-------|
  2084. >It wasn't until she was standing out on deck that she realized the extent of the damage the fleet suffered during the battle.
  2085. >Seven ships sunk, three of which are probably beyond repair. Great columns of smoke climb into the sky from the wreckage. Thankfully the rescue crews did their jobs and everypony is safe.
  2086. >But even so, she has failed. The retreating silhouette of Anon's ship in the distance is a testament to that fact.
  2087. >"I am Rarity."
  2088. >She trots to the bow of the flagship, speaking to no one in particular.
  2089. >"A great crime against fabulosity is about to be committed, and I would rather abandon my title of fashionista than live with myself knowing that I didn't do everything I could to stop it."
  2090. >Her horn glows and a dazzling series of sparkling gemstones levitates into the air around her. Carefully, she arranges them into a perfect pattern.
  2091. >"Anonymous... Celestia... Applejack... I will not forget this day. I will not forget this ignominy. From Tartarus' heart I stab at thee."
  2093. >Her horn shines again and a beam of light strikes the first gem. The beam jumps to the second in the series, then the third, the fourth, and beyond as it continues down the line, refracting and amplifying in power with each jump.
  2094. >At last, when it reaches the end, the beam is blinding in intensity, and it rockets toward the retreating airship in the distance as the gems used as focal points for the spell melt and waft away in the air.
  2095. >She turns and trots away. There's no need to watch the rest.
  2096. >"Until we meet again, darlings."
  2098. |-------|
  2100. >The sky darkens and a thin beam of light rips through the Dawn Star's helium frame, damaging one of the main turbines and several stabilizing fins in addition to punching entry and exit holes through the structure itself.
  2101. >The ship shudders from the assault and immediately begins pulling off course. You grip the controls and fight them with all your might in an attempt to regain control.
  2102. "Dammit, what just happened?!"
  2103. >Mac runs around trying to get a better vantage point to inspect the damage. "It ain't good; whatever they hit us with did a number on the frame! We ain't gonna be able ta stay airborne without some serious repairs, so we're flyin' on borrowed time."
  2104. "Shit... do you think we can make it to the island?"
  2105. >He ponders. "Ah'll have ta run some numbers, but maybe. It's gonna be close fer sure."
  2106. >The stallion heads below deck to perform the ancient arcane magic of fancy mathematics, but you know no matter what answer he comes back with you have no real choice. You -have- to reach Equus or it's all for naught. You keep the throttle at max while constantly correcting your course with the controls to compensate for your damaged main engine.
  2108. >Celestia calmly paces the deck as you fly, though she remains oddly silent. Applejack stands at the stern of the ship, looking back at the rising columns of smoke that are rapidly disappearing in the distance with a scowl on her face. Pinkie helps Mac out with the math (?!) and planning the ship's repairs while Applebloom watches on.
  2109. >The land below you transitions to water again as you cross the threshold of the Inland Sea. Since you're constantly losing altitude due to the escaping helium, the water is much closer than it was before. Strange dolphin-like creatures leap from the waves, following along in your wake.
  2110. >Mac eventually returns, but he has no answers other than to tell you that once you land the ship won't be flying again for quite some time. You turn and stare up at the sun's position... it must be a little past noon, now. A glance down at your wrists confirms your worst fear.
  2111. >The Geas is gone.
  2112. >You grip the controls even tighter, as if doing so would increase the ship's speed in some way.
  2113. >"I see somethin'! I can see somethin' out there in the distance!" Applebloom does a little dance of joy near the ship's bow.
  2114. >You squint your eyes to be sure, but...
  2115. "That's really it. It's Equus!"
  2116. >Pinkie bounds over to get a look, along with Applejack and Big Mac. "Tarnation... even from this far out, it's huge!"
  2117. >There's no mistaking it; you could tell the island's distinctive shape from anywhere. It looks especially familiar considering how close to the water you are on your approach.
  2118. >The island is essentially a giant volcano that descends straight into the sea. There's nothing on the volcano's face but barren rock so steep that attempting to climb it would be suicidal.
  2119. >The true Island of Equus lies within the volcano's caldera; a place overrun with life, where the sun has limited influence and many wonders await.
  2121. >Celestia trots over to stand by your side. Again, it's hard for her to find her words, but she eventually speaks.
  2122. >"This is a great triumph for us, but we can't enter the island the normal way as things stand."
  2123. >She's right about that. The normal way to enter the island is via a great bridge that stretches from the mainland across the sea to the volcano, where a huge gate has been carved straight through the mountain to the caldera. Since you're approaching from sea you can't take this option.
  2124. >The way you were intending to enter, through the volcano's top, is now also impossible due to the fact that you can't gain altitude anymore. The ship's belly scrapes the water for a bit, then leaps back into the air as if to accentuate that point.
  2125. "We'll worry about it later. We just need to reach the island..."
  2126. >You check once again to ensure that the throttle is maxed out. It is, but even so, that feeling of dread grips your heart, and you find that you're shaking with fear.
  2127. >A pony's nose nuzzles your shoulder and you turn back to find Celestia staring at you with comforting eyes. She still looks tired, her mane and tail are a mess from all the flying, and the feathers in her wings are sticking out all over the place.
  2128. >"Remember?"
  2129. >That's all she says, but the conviction behind that single spoken word is more than enough. You smile back and your trembling stops.
  2130. "I do."
  2131. >And then you hear it. That distinctive crackling sound in the air. It's a steady pattern, but you'd know it anywhere.
  2132. >How many times did you awaken in your home to this sound, to start another day?
  2133. >How many times did it haunt your dreams, and you'd wake to find nothing was there at all?
  2134. >There's a flash of light and the crackling thunders in your ears. And when the light fades, there, standing on the deck before you, is Twilight Sparkle.
  2135. >"Hello, Anon."
  2137. >Your blood runs cold and your fists clench. This is no projection. This is no illusion. She's actually here.
  2138. "Twilight..."
  2139. >The purple mare pants a bit. "Whew! I had to chain-teleport the rest of the way here once I reached the fleet." She lifts a purple wing. "I'm not as fast as Rainbow Dash, I'm afraid. Not -yet-, at least..."
  2140. >She folds her wings again and looks around. "Oh, you've brought some new friends with you this time. Hi Applejack, hi Pinkie Pie. How have the two of you been?"
  2141. >Pinkie waves her hoof excitedly. "Hiya, Princess! We're going on an adventure!"
  2142. >Applejack scowls. "Howdy, Twi. How's the whole rulin'-with-an-iron-hoof thing been treatin' ya?"
  2143. >Twilight smiles. "It's been great!" Her ears fold back and she blushes. "But I have to admit, most of my time lately has been devoted to wedding planning. I've had to leave some of my responsibilities in Luna's hooves as a result."
  2144. >Applebloom scurries over. "Oh! Oh! Who's gettin' hitched, Princess?"
  2145. >Twilight beams. "Who else? Anon and myself, of course!" She turns on the patented Sparkle Bedroom Eyes. "That's why I'm here... to retrieve my errant, but deliciously sexy groom..."
  2146. >She takes a step forward, and you almost take a step back until you realize that you need to stay at the controls to keep the ship on course. Your hand constantly touches the throttle as a reminder that it is, in fact, maxed out. You peer around Twilight to the island in the distance... if you can stall her for just a few more minutes...
  2147. >Applebloom scratches her mane. "Huh. I don't get it. I mean, I'm pretty sure Anon loves Celestia, but ya say he's marryin' you? Weird."
  2149. >You see Twilight's eye twitch and a few strands of hair pop out of place in her mane and tail. All the other ponies present aside from Applebloom and Pinkie have looks of shock on their faces... holy fuck that was the worst possible thing she could've said...
  2150. >"W-Well, Applebloom, you'd be wrong! Anon loves me, and only me! He just doesn't realize it yet!" She takes another few steps forward, but Celestia moves in front of her to block her from reaching you.
  2151. >Twilight flashes a crooked grin. "Oh, hello, Teacher. I almost didn't see you there. It's funny, but after I ascended I've found that creatures which such little magic barely register in my perception. How have you been?"
  2152. >Celestia closes her eyes and shakes her head. "Twilight Sparkle... it pains me to see you like this. I truly thought you were prepared, but it seems my teachings were deficient, and you were not ready for the burden of true power or leadership, though admittedly a pony rarely is." She opens her eyes again and you see only sadness reflected in them. "I'm afraid, once this is all over, that I'll have to take back the crown until such time as you can prove you are truly worthy of it."
  2153. >Twilight laughs. She laughs so hard that tears spill forth from her eyes, which she wipes away with a hoof. "T-Take back the crown! That's rich! Look at you! I mean, really, look at you! You're NOTHING! I can feel it! Can you even lift a teacup now, or even one of your own feathers?" She shakes her head, a few giggles still escaping her lips. "You say it pains you to see -me- like this?! For me to see my former teacher, the pony I looked up to above all else, in such a pathetic state, pains ME!"
  2154. >The purple alicorn's eyes narrow. "You need to face it, Celestia. I've beaten you. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you can move on."
  2156. >Celestia's eyes narrow in response. "And you need to understand, my student, that I made you, and I can unmake you if I so choose. Even if not one of my lessons ultimately took hold in your heart, I will see that you remember this."
  2157. >Twilight steps back and smiles. "Brave words. I know what you're doing, you know. You're trying to stall me until you reach Equus Island's secondary magic field and force me out, but there's no need for that. We crossed over the primary magic field boundary the moment after I arrived." She closes her eyes and channels some magic, but her horn merely sparks a bit before the light dissipates.
  2158. >"Your timing is impeccable. Had Rarity been able to delay you for only a minute more, Anon would already be mine. But now I suppose I'm simply here to give you a warning..." Her smile begins to change into a sinister grin. "This won't work. You're fleeing to your own prison." She giggles. "But go on, don't let me stop you. Run and find another Orb of Ascension if you want. Just remember that you'll never be able to use it..."
  2159. >She turns to you. "Goodbye for now, my love. I'll be sending an escort to retrieve you for the wedding." She spreads her purple wings and approaches the rail. "It won't be long, now. The Pleasure Sphere is waiting for us..."
  2160. >With a leap and a beat of her wings, she takes to the sky, just as the Dawn Star touches down in the water for the final time. You all grab on to whatever you can as the ship shakes, and you ease back on the throttle a bit now that the immediate danger has passed. After several minutes of coasting on the water you reach the island's shallows and maneuver into a position where you can drop anchor.
  2162. >You stand at the rail along with your crew and gaze upon the obsidian stone face of Equus Island. A hand trails down Celestia's back as you take in the sight, more to comfort yourself than her.
  2163. "Well... I guess we made it. Sort of."
  2164. >Celestia sighs. "Yes. It's doubtless that Twilight will send agents to the island in an attempt to capture us, but I'm not too concerned about that now. Equus itself is the real danger."
  2165. >You feel the tension in her voice, and a quick glance around reveals that the others can too. Worse still is the fact that she's probably right.
  2166. >"But for now..." The white alicorn yawns and stretches, then turns to you and the assembled ponies. "We should rest and lick our wounds while they do the same." She looks over to Applejack. "We have something yummy planned for lunch, I hope? All this flying has made me absolutely famished!"
  2167. >The farmpony smiles. "Hold yer horses, there. Ah'll go whip up somethin'."
  2168. >Pinkie bounds after her. "I'll help!"
  2169. >Mac surveys the damage to the frame. "Ah suppose ah'll get started on what ah can. Can you lend me a hoof, Junior Engineer?"
  2170. >Applebloom beams. "Leave it ta me!"
  2171. >And with that, you and Celestia are left alone on deck. You sit down and lean back against the pilot's console, utterly exhausted, and Sun Horse trots over and curls up beside you, placing her head in your lap. You humor her with some ear scratches.
  2172. >"Applebloom seems to think you love me."
  2173. "Well, you know what they say. Sometimes kids are even more perceptive about certain things than adults."
  2174. >You can feel her smile, even if you don't see it.
  2175. >"Yes, that's certainly true."
  2176. >You close your eyes, and the sound of the waves gently rolling onto the island's shore lulls you into a calm sleep.
  2178. Next Time on Exchange: The Four Friends
  2180. =================
  2181. ||- Chapter 8 -||
  2182. =================
  2184. >You feel as if you're floating.
  2185. >With eyes still closed, you move your arms and notice a strange resistance in the air around you. Something tickles your palm and the sensation causes you to gasp with surprise...
  2186. >...Which forces you to take in a mouthful of foul tasting water. You cough and a portion of the precious air from your lungs escapes you in the form of bubbles which quickly drift away.
  2187. >Your eyes snap open immediately and you flail your limbs in panic. The low visibility of the murky water gives you little clue as to which way you need to swim in order to reach the surface. Without thinking you choose a random direction and begin powering forward, desperate to cough up the water you've swallowed and take a breath of air.
  2188. >A little over a minute passes and you've made no progress. Your mind, desperate for oxygen, begins to shut down and your consciousness starts to fade. The last thing you feel is a tugging on your collar and the rushing of the water all around you...
  2189. >...
  2190. >...
  2191. >...
  2192. >The water spills from your nose and mouth to the damp ground in a seemingly unending stream as you cough and heave. You take in large gulps of air in between your bouts of vomiting while a comforting hoof strokes your back.
  2193. >"I'm so glad I found you... I was so worried..."
  2194. >An extremely soggy Sun Horse rests nearby, slowly massaging your back as you clear the rest of the water you swallowed from your system. The two of you are soaked to the bone, huddled together on a muddy patch of ground nestled between the countless cypress trees that litter the great swamp you've found yourselves in. Though the sun isn't visible there's enough light for you to see that the trees extend for miles in every direction not obscured by the lingering fog.
  2195. "What..." *cough* "What happened? Where the hell are we...?"
  2197. >Celestia shakes her head, her dripping mane partially hanging in large strands and plastered to her neck.
  2198. >"I don't know. I opened my eyes and found myself here on land. Before I could get my bearings I noticed a disturbance in the water nearby and realized it was you..."
  2199. >She moves forward and nuzzles you without thinking. "I was so scared I'd lose you... had I been a moment later, I..."
  2200. >You half laugh, half cough and push her nose away with your hands.
  2201. "I get it, I get it. Thanks for the save, but you smell like wet horse and you're dripping all over me, so stay on that side of the mud patch until you dry off."
  2202. >She frowns, but then quickly begins to smile again.
  2203. >"Well, you've recovered enough to banter with me, so I'll take that as a good sign. And if you'd like me dry, I think that can be arranged..." She stands and slowly trots toward you, an evil glimmer in her eye.
  2204. "No. Don't you dare. I mean it, Cel."
  2205. >Her smile widens and she takes another step. "But Anon, I'm merely trying to accommodate you since you find my scent to be so unpleasant..."
  2206. "Cel, no."
  2207. >Another step.
  2208. "No."
  2209. >She turns her head.
  2210. "NO---!!"
  2211. >It's too late. The dripping wet horse shakes her entire body, her mane and tail whipping gigantic droplets of water all over you. When she finally ceases, you're drenched again while Celestia is relatively dry and prancing in place with happiness.
  2212. >"Ah, much better!"
  2213. >You remove your shirt and begin the process of wringing the excess water out.
  2214. "I'll get you back for this."
  2215. >"And I look forward to it." She leans forward and sniffs a bit. "Oh. I never noticed it before, but a wet human has quite a distinctive odor. It's... nice?"
  2216. >You replace your shirt and dry your hands on the damp fabric.
  2217. "Yeah, it's my new cologne, 'Eau de Nasty-Ass Swamp'. Seriously, where are we?"
  2219. >Celestia trots beside you and then begins to examine your surroundings. "It's difficult to say, but I believe it's..."
  2220. >"...the southwestern edge of the Cradle, or our memory thereof."
  2221. >The two of you turn to face the new voice. There, standing atop the water as if it were solid earth, is the Princess of the Night herself.
  2222. "Luna?!"
  2223. >"Lulu..." It's subtle, but Celestia takes a slight step back and turns away. "A dream, then..."
  2224. >Luna pays no attention to her sister, instead leveling her piercing gaze at you.
  2225. >"A somewhat damp welcome to you, Anonymous the Human. Congratulations on reaching Equus Island. We must admit, we were not completely certain you would succeed after we last spoke."
  2226. >You cross your arms and glare at the midnight blue horse.
  2227. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. How are you even here right now?"
  2228. >The dark alicorn smiles and takes several graceful steps atop the water.
  2229. >"You are dreaming, and the realm of dreams is our domain. It is beyond time, beyond space, and beyond the influence of an island awash in ancient magic. As long as you dream, it is as if you are standing right in front of us."
  2230. >Ah, now you remember why Luna scares the shit out of you. She can tap into and manipulate your dreams anytime she wants, regardless of distance. Your body shudders involuntarily at the thought of Twilight having that ability... it'd be an unending rapetastic nightmare for sure...
  2231. >You glance over to Celestia and notice that she's being oddly reserved. Her ears are turned back and she's not even looking in Luna's direction. And the Princess of Dreams herself doesn't seem to want to acknowledge her sister's presence at all, instead focusing on your surroundings as she paces atop the water.
  2233. >"As we told you before, we are here to offer you aid upon your arrival." Luna turns her attention to you, a wry smile playing across her lips. "Your journey was undoubtedly tiring for you to seek refuge in sleep so early in the day, but this is most favorable for us. You will be able to act on the information we provide before nightfall, and at this stage every moment saved is precious..."
  2234. >You sigh and take a seat on the muddy ground. Since this is a dream it's not like you're going to be ruining your clothes or anything...
  2235. "Information, huh? I guess that's good, but if I remember all the adventure stories I read as a kid, I'm pretty sure our spiritual guide is supposed to give us some kind of artifact to help us on our quest at this point. Maybe an amulet that repels nerdy purple alicorns or something?"
  2236. >You turn and wink at Celestia, coaxing a slight smile from her.
  2237. >Luna chuckles. "Ah, so humans are capable of humor as well, or at the very least monumentally foalish thinking. Even if we were to possess such a thing, we could not deliver it to you in a dream. However, we believe what we have to say will be useful enough. Come."
  2238. >She begins walking across the water away from you. You're initially hesitant to follow, but a very careful step reveals that you can now walk on water as well. With trepidation you follow Luna's starry tail as she moves through the swamp with Celestia close behind. You catch up to her after a few minutes of walking without sinking into the swamp boosts your confidence.
  2239. "You've got me curious. What's so important that you couldn't tell us before?"
  2241. >Luna continues to speak without looking back.
  2242. >"You are currently moored in the shallows surrounding the island on the western side, far from the lone eastern bridge and gate. The damage your ship sustained prevents you from entering the island via the volcano's mouth. A bit of a quandary, is it not?"
  2243. "Yeah... we were so happy to just get here in one piece we didn't put much thought into how we were gonna get inside. Wait, how'd you know all that?"
  2244. >She attempts to hide her smile behind her mane. "We have our sources. The reason we've brought you here is to show you a way into the island that is open to you. Behold."
  2245. >You turn your gaze forward to see the path open up into a huge lake surrounded on one side by the many cypress trees of the wetlands you've been traversing, and on the other side by the volcano wall itself. A large outcropping of stone and foliage over the lake blocks out the sun, blanketing it in darkness.
  2246. "Wow... this is perfect! We could hide the ship here and no one'd be able to see it unless they wandered in from the swamp!"
  2247. >Celestia gazes around in wonder. "Yes... this truly is ideal for us."
  2248. "But how do we actually get here? This place is still inside the caldera and according to Mac there's no way we're gonna be able to fly again anytime soon..."
  2249. >Luna takes a few more steps into the lake. "There is a bridge here. Though it is not the kind of bridge you are likely accustomed to. It was crafted long ago to permit pilgrims access to the island during the years when the Grand Gate was sealed..."
  2250. >You hear Celestia's breathing hitch beside you. "It can't... it can't be..."
  2252. >Again, Luna turns away from her and focuses on you. "There is a small cove to the south about an hour's sail away from your current position. Move your ship there; it is the bridgehead you seek. Once you arrive, speak the keyword." For the first time, Luna's cyan eyes capture Celestia's own. "We trust you remember it?"
  2253. >She nods in response. "I do. But how can it still exist...? The magic empowering this gate should have long ago faded away!"
  2254. >The dark alicorn steps back and spreads her wings. "Some things will never diminish, even if we sometimes wish otherwise."
  2255. >Your surroundings begin to shimmer, an effect you recognize from experience means that the dream is starting to end. Luna turns and takes to the sky, leaving the two of you together in the rapidly disappearing marsh.
  2256. >You look to Celestia, her nose pointed down to the ground and ears folded back in an expression of remorse. You place a hand upon her withers to comfort her, but to your surprise she seems to come to some sort of realization and begins galloping toward Luna's retreating form.
  2257. >"Luna... sister, wait! I know you're angry, but please... I don't want our relationship to be this cold after we were finally reunited! We've been down this path before, and nothing good will come of it!"
  2258. >The dark alicorn stops in the air and turns to face her sister as the dream continues to collapse. Though they're far from you now, you can still hear them clearly.
  2259. >"It is difficult... difficult for us to call an oath-breaker such as thee 'Sister', let alone grant forgiveness. The reason we offer our aid is because circumstances have forced you to come to your senses and seek to correct your mistakes, and correct them you shall."
  2260. >She returns to the ground and trots over to Celestia. The two lock eyes, each with tears threatening to fall.
  2262. >"We understand the need to seek for joy to ease the burden. But such joy must only be found in certain places, and in moderation; a lesson we learned well after tasting the fury of the Elements at thine own hooves. So do not entertain the fantasy, for one single moment, that we do not understand what thy true intentions were, or the emotions swirling in thy breast. They spill forth even now from the very name he calls thee, Celosia!"
  2263. >'Celosia'...?
  2264. >The white alicorn rears back and collapses as if struck. You begin to move toward her, but your senses start to fade and you feel that familiar sensation of falling...
  2265. >...
  2266. >...
  2267. >...
  2268. >"Well now, ain't that just the cutest thing ya ever did see?"
  2269. >"Eeyup."
  2270. >"Awwww~!"
  2271. >A giggle. "I wish I packed my camera!"
  2272. >You slowly open your eyes to find your trusty crew gathered around you on deck. You're still in the position you were in when you fell asleep, leaning against the pilot's console, as the soreness in your back from where it was digging into your shoulder blade will testify. Celestia's head is cradled in your lap as she rests curled up beside you, and you seem to be instinctively running your fingers through her mane, scratching little spots to coax small smiles from her as she begins to stir and awaken from her own slumber.
  2273. >You yawn and rub your eyes.
  2274. "...How long were we out?"
  2275. >Applejack smiles down at you. "Oh, about half an hour ah reckon."
  2276. >"SISTER, WAIT~!" Celestia's eyes snap open and she raises her head in panic. You quickly take hold of her muzzle and begin stroking it to calm her. Your instinctive reaction surprises you a bit, mostly because it feels like second nature now. Gently but firmly, you turn her head to face you.
  2277. "It's okay, Cel. The dream's over, but I'm sure we'll see her again."
  2279. >"I... I..." Her panic fades as she blinks the tears in her beautiful eyes away. You gaze at each other, with only the sound of her breathing as her heart rate steadies ringing out in the silence. The other ponies exchange questioning glances with one another.
  2280. >Applejack coughs. "Er... ah hate ta ruin the moment, but..."
  2281. >Pinkie hops up in front of the two of you. "Lunch is ready~~! We've got daisy sandwiches for the ponies and a big old BLT for our Captain!"
  2282. >And just like that the spell between you is broken and you turn away, your mouth starting to water. Celestia pouts and flashes an annoyed glance at the pink party pony.
  2283. "You actually found bacon in the fridge?!"
  2284. >She laughs. "Of course not, silly! But we did have eggplants, so we made eggplant bacon!"
  2285. >...Goddamnit. You rise to your feet and offer a hand to Celestia, who after a moment's consideration decides to accept it by placing one of her perfect white hooves in your palm.
  2286. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go eat!"
  2287. >The ponies, Celestia included, all descend to the living quarters ahead of you, save for Big Mac who remains by your side. He looks up at you with a hint of concern.
  2288. >"Ah hate ta pry, but... bad dream, partner?"
  2289. >You scratch your head.
  2290. "Sort of. But I know what we need to do next, so it was definitely worth it. C'mon, I'll explain everything over lunch."
  2291. >You give Equus a quick glance before heading to join the others.
  2293. ~~~~~~~~~
  2295. >The massive Royal Equestrian Flagship Concordia hovers in the midst of the remains of the once-proud Purple Wings airship squadron. Various maintenance crews move back and forth between the ships that managed to stay afloat in the aftermath of the battle, hurriedly attempting to restart the discharged engines and repair the worst of the damage.
  2297. >With grace one would expect from a goddess, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, gently touches down on the Concordia's flight deck after returning from the outer boundary of Equus Island. She holds her head high, a proud smirk on her face as the last of her hooves touch the deck to complete her perfect landing.
  2298. >And then her back hoof buckles, she stumbles forward, and smacks her face into the immaculately polished wooden deck.
  2299. >There's a collective gasp from those present, in addition to some stifled laughter, as one of Twilight's back legs twitches in the air. With a pop she separates her face from the floor and jumps back to her hooves, grinding her teeth and flapping her wings a few times in frustration.
  2300. >"UGH! Stupid flying! Why is it so difficult?! I have a Master's in Applied Flight Theory for buck's sake!"
  2301. >A cyan hoof reaches out and reassuringly pats her on the back.
  2302. >"Aw, don't worry, Princess, it's just a crash landing. You get used to it. And hey, since I started training you you've only crashed 138 times out of 210 flights, not that anypony's keeping score or anything. That's better than my record when I first started!" The pegasus does a small backflip ending with a dynamic pose. "You just need to put more flight hours in and someday you'll be as awesome as me!"
  2303. >Twilight sighs and facehoofs. "...Sometimes I wonder if I chose the wrong instructor. Rainbow, have you seen the others?" Her horn flashes and a scroll pops into existence above her, which she examines intently before dismissing it again. "According to my schedule we have a strategy meeting in 7 minutes."
  2304. >Rainbow nods. "Yeah, Rarity just came over from the other ship. They're in the main meeting room now." She flares her wings. "Wanna race there? It's good practice!"
  2306. >Twilight scowls. "Yeah, no. That's not happening. You go ahead of me; I need to get an update on the repair work from the officers in charge in order to better plan our next move."
  2307. >The cyan pegasus' wings droop. "Awww... okay, fine. See you there." She takes to the air and retreats into the confusing network of winding corridors that comprise the ship's interior.
  2308. >Unfortunately, several minutes of flying around the unfamiliar ship without paying attention has Rainbow completely lost. She stops in the middle of the hall and looks around.
  2309. >"What the... every darn room looks the same! Eh... mayyyybe I should've asked Twilight where the meeting room was again..."
  2310. >Before she can ponder her situation further the sound of overly dramatic crying catches her attention. Curious, she follows it and ends up stumbling upon the room she's been looking for.
  2311. >"Baaaaaaw! I'm ru-u-u-uuuuined!" A normally pristine white unicorn is sobbing her eyes out while a butter yellow pegasus slowly rubs her back in an attempt to comfort her.
  2312. >"There, there now. It's okay. Try to think positive... um... maybe the dress isn't as bad as you remember it?"
  2313. >Rarity looks to her friend, her mascara running down her face in a ghoulish display. "Do you really think so? It's... *sniff* it's the one Twilight asked me to make. You know, with the star patterns on it?" The unicorn's blue eyes shimmer, searching for the faintest sign of hope.
  2314. >Fluttershy grimaces and fights to hold back the bile that's pooled in her throat. "Oh. *cough* Um, well... um... that is..."
  2315. >"I knew it! It's absolutely hideous! After she wears that dress to the banquet the name Rarity will become the laughing stock of the fashion world! I'll... I'll have to go into hiding! Change my identity! Live in the streets, performing unspeakable acts just to afford my next meal! This is truly... the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!"
  2317. >Rainbow chuckles. "C'mon Rarity, Twilight was probably pulling your leg. I don't think she'd really do that."
  2318. >"Oh, no, I would." All eyes turn to the doorway, where the alicorn princess now stands. "I'm very disappointed in your failure, Rarity..." She giggles. "But I understand you tried your best, and my Anon can be a hoofful, so I'm willing to offer you a chance at redemption."
  2319. >The unicorn dives at Twilight's hooves and begins kissing them profusely. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, darling! I promise you I shall not waste this opportunity!"
  2320. >"Er... right. You're welcome. Please be seated."
  2321. >She trots over and takes a seat at the table, and the other ponies present do the same.
  2322. >Twilight clears her throat. "Thank you all for coming. Despite the setbacks we've suffered, things are finally coming to a close and soon Anon will be mine. I've called this meeting so we can discuss our next steps in retrieving him from Equus Island. As you all know, the island emits a powerful magical field that disrupts and ultimately rejects the magic of the upper tier of magical creatures, such as alicorns and full grown dragons. This field prevents me from entering the island directly, but that ultimately doesn't matter because normal ponies are unaffected by it. All we need to do is send a squadron in, retrieve Anon, and return him to the Concordia, at which point he'll realize his undying love for me whether he wants to or not and we'll live happily ever after forever and ever." She takes a deep breath. "Any questions so far?"
  2323. >Fluttershy raises a hoof. "Um... but didn't you say before that they're searching for some kind of stone that will restore Celestia's powers? What happens if they find it? We won't be able to stop her if she's as strong as she was before..." The butter yellow pegasus trembles a bit for emphasis.
  2325. >Twilight smiles. "That's just the thing. It doesn't matter if they find it, because they'll never be able to use it!" She adopts her typical Twilight lecturing pose. "Consider the following: what do you think would happen if Celestia reawakened her alicorn powers on an island covered by a field that disrupts alicorn magic?"
  2326. >Fluttershy sheepishly looks around. "Um... it wouldn't work?"
  2327. >Twilight beams. "Precisely! She'd become even more helpless than she already is! In order for them to actually use the Orb of Ascension, they need to leave the island and escape both its primary and secondary magic boundaries, which extend far into the surrounding sea." She adopts a sinister grin. "And that won't be possible, because we'll have the perimeter surrounded by the remaining Purple Wings. Even with our reduced numbers, they'll be more than enough to stop their damaged airship..."
  2328. >She rears up and clops her hooves together. "I've already run the calculations and they have no chance of winning! All we have to do is bring Anon back and then have the wedding! Yay!"
  2329. >The rest of the ponies look around at each other and then start clopping their hooves together as well.
  2330. >"Way to go, Princess!"
  2331. >"Well done, darling!"
  2332. >"Woohoo~"
  2333. >"Ahem. Yes, yes, thank you. But keep in mind that the reason our odds of success are 100% is because of all of you! When combined, the power of the Four Friends is insurmountable!" She grins. "And soon, Celestia will be made aware of that fact firsthoof!"
  2334. >Twilight trots to the back of the room and pulls down a map of the island.
  2335. >"Now, for the retrieval mission. They last thing they'll expect is an attack so soon, especially since the Purple Wings were incapacitated in the last battle, so I want to send a squadron of pegasi guards to go and capture Anon. Rainbow, you'll be in charge of this operation."
  2337. >The cyan pegasus hoof pumps. "Aw yeah! Go time for The Dash!"
  2338. >Twilight giggles. "Slow down, Rainbow. I've prepared something that will help." She levitates over an anklet with a strange looking embedded gemstone which the pegasus retrieves.
  2339. >"What the heck is this thing?"
  2340. >"That, my good Rainbow, is an enchanted anklet. I based it on an earlier design... it'll start flashing more rapidly the closer you get to Anon, so you should be able to use it to easily discover his whereabouts."
  2341. >Rainbow turns the item over in her hooves. "Oh... okay...?"
  2342. >"What? Is there a problem?"
  2343. >Rainbow shakes her head. "Nah. Well, not really. It's just..."
  2344. >The alicorn sighs. "Just spit it out already."
  2345. >"Look, no offense Princess, but the awesomeness of this thing isn't up to my standards. I've kinda got a rep to look out for, and Rainbow Dash always dresses in style!"
  2346. >"Pffft! HA!" The cyan pegasus shoots an annoyed glare at her unicorn friend before continuing.
  2347. >"If I went into a fight without my cool factor at max it wouldn't feel right. You know what I mean?"
  2348. >Rarity nods, regaining her composure. "You do have a point, darling. Now that you mention it the color -does- clash with your coat."
  2349. >Twilight groans and double facehoofs. "...What if I told you wearing it would make you go faster too?"
  2350. >There's a rush of air, and Rainbow circles the room with the anklet equipped. "YES! I can totally feel it working! When do we leave?!"
  2351. >Twilight smiles. "Good. You can leave after you assemble the rest of the guard squadron, but first there are a few things I should mention. One, the anklet has a slight, minor side effect."
  2352. >Rainbow stops and raises an eyebrow. "A side effect...?"
  2353. >"...And two, if you bring Anon back to me tonight I'll use my authority as a Princess to grant your greatest wish and make you the leader of the Wonderbolts!"
  2355. >The cyan pegasus leaps into the air with joy. "YESSSS! I-- wait, c'mon, that's not my greatest wish!"
  2356. >Twilight rolls her eyes again. "Sorry, I forgot. What I meant to say was I'll make you the leader of the Wonderbolts and have the Wonderbolts' name officially changed to 'The Amazing Awesome Aerial Acrobatic Stylings of Rainbow 'Danger' Dash, Master of the Sonic Rainboom, also featuring the Wonderbolts'."
  2357. >"Now we're talking!" The rainbow-maned pegasus takes to the air and twirls a few times. "Just you wait, I'll be back with your weird freaky monkey thing in no time!" In an instant, she's rocketed out of the meeting room and back toward the deck to begin assembling her squad.
  2358. >Twilight watches the rainbow trail left behind in the air gradually vanish while rubbing her hooves together and cackling evilly. Not wanting to be left out, Rarity and Fluttershy add their own half-hearted evil laughter to the mix.
  2359. >The purple alicorn licks her lips in anticipation. "I can almost taste you, my sweet, but also salty Anon. You're like a cute little mouse trapped in a maze I've built for you. One by one, I'll close off the paths you can take... until all you can do is run directly to me! Mwahahahahaha~!"
  2360. >"Um... Princess...?"
  2361. >The alicorn snaps out of her megalomaniacal trance. "Yes, Fluttershy?"
  2362. >"I'm sorry for interrupting your evil laughter, but you never did tell Rainbow Dash what the side effect you mentioned was. I hope it's not something bad."
  2363. >Twilight blushes and turns away. "Oh, that? It shouldn't be too much of a problem. My, uh, my 'research notes' were on the nearby table when I was enchanting the anklet and they sort of got absorbed into the spell. It shouldn't have any major negative repercussions. Everything's going to be just fine..."
  2365. ~~~~~~~~~
  2367. >Two emerald eyes stare up at you with worry.
  2368. >"Are ya sure this is gonna work?"
  2369. >You nod your head to Celestia, who stands at the ship's prow.
  2370. "When it comes to magic stuff, you're asking the wrong guy. But I do believe Luna was telling the truth. I guess we'll just have to see what happens."
  2371. >The farmpony removes her hat and holds it in her hooves. "Yeah... ah suppose so. But between you 'n me, freaky unicorn magic sorta gives me the heebie jeebies. Though that might be my bad experiences with Twi's crazy backfired spells talkin'."
  2372. >You laugh. Looks like you've founded a kindred spirit in this little orange horse.
  2373. "You can say that again."
  2374. >You back off the throttle and turn your attention back to Celestia. You've entered what you think is the cove Luna mentioned in the dream, and now the rest is up to her. You watch her for a few moments, but she just stands there, unmoving, her eyes cast down upon the water.
  2375. >The longer you watch her, the more your heart wants to reach out to her. You've lived with this pretty white horse long enough to be able to read her body language like the back of your own hand. She's extremely proficient at hiding her feelings and pretending everything's okay, but you know what hints to look for to see the real her, and what you see now has you concerned.
  2376. >Her magenta eyes watch the water, not lazily, but not fully attentive either. Ears are ever-so-slightly turned back with worry. Her wings don't rest fully against her sides, as if she can't find a comfortable position for them, and her tail unconsciously moves to and fro in concern in an almost imperceptible pattern.
  2377. >Soon, your legs are carrying you over to her without a second thought. A hand finds its way to her withers once more, and you whisper to her.
  2378. "Are you okay?"
  2380. >She turns to you, and her expression is one of pleasant surprise, almost as if she didn't expect to see you there but is glad for your presence all the same. She whispers back.
  2381. >"Yes... there are many memories here for me, and I became lost in them for a bit. I promise it won't happen again."
  2382. >You shake your head.
  2383. "I don't need you to promise me that. I don't know what your memories are, but I've got a few of my own here, and I know for sure they're gonna creep up on me too."
  2384. >You stretch and then flop your upper body across her back. Your arms dangle over her other side, as if you're leaning on the back of a comfortable couch from the rear. She startles a bit, then starts to laugh at your antics while the other ponies look at each other in confusion at the sight.
  2385. >"W-What in the world are you doing?" Celestia asks, suppressing a giggle.
  2386. >You laugh a little too before replying to her.
  2387. "What I want you to promise me is this: when those memories get to be too much, promise that you'll lean on me. Because I'm definitely gonna be leaning on you."
  2388. >She turns her head back a bit. Your eyes meet and you can easily tell that those little signs of distress you noticed before are already fading away, a geniune look of happiness replacing them.
  2389. >"It's a promise." She trots forward a bit and you stand back up, and you notice the power and confidence in her voice return as she speaks.
  2390. >"This magical gate was crafted long ago. There are only three in the entire world who can use it, and I happen to stand among them. We're very fortunate that it's still here."
  2391. >She steps over to the rail and closes her eyes. "I'd recommend that you all hold onto something. It's a bit of a bumpy ride if memory serves."
  2392. >You quickly follow her warning and the ponies do the same.
  2393. >"Cotton candy." She speaks the words slowly and deliberately. This must be the 'keyword' Luna mentioned... wait, what?
  2395. "Really? THAT'S the keyword?!"
  2396. >"It was his favorite." With a sad smile, she steps away.
  2397. >Your follow-up question is cut off before you can speak it as the world around you begins to distort and shimmer. You grab hold of the nearby railing even harder as a deafening tone begins to echo in your ears and your sense of gravity seems to invert as the ship lurches.
  2398. >There's a flash and a crack and you suddenly find yourselves roughly 30 to 40 feet above the hidden lake from your dream. The magic fades, gravity kicks in, and you hold on for dear life as the Dawn Star plummets the distance and impacts the water, resulting in a crash that knocks you off your feet and the emergence of a huge circular wave that rolls outward from the vessel, which nearby waterfowl and other indigenous species quickly move to avoid.
  2399. >Mac is the first to pull himself to his hooves. "Everypony alright?"
  2400. >Applejack retrieves her hat. "Just a little rattled is all."
  2401. >"Oh! Oh! Can we do it again?" And of course Pinkie's hopping around like nothing happened...
  2402. >"Please no, Pinkie Pie, I didn't like that one bit!" Applebloom stumbles around in an attempt to shake off her dizziness.
  2403. >You move over to Celestia as she intently examines your new surroundings.
  2404. "We made it. We're definitely inside the caldera, but it looks a lot different than it did in the dream."
  2405. >That's a bit of an understatement. The lake seems bigger, and the overhanging rock and foliage is still above you, but the surrounding wetlands have been replaced by dry ground covered in dense vegetation.
  2406. >Celestia nods. "Yes, that dream was based on Luna's memory. Much time has passed since she was last here, and it appears the wetlands have drained away in the interim."
  2407. >You shrug.
  2408. "Hey, I'm not complaining. This just makes it easier for us to move around."
  2410. >The ponies all gather around you after taking in the sights. Mac chews on his wheat stalk in contemplation, (Seriously, where does he keep getting those?) then turns his steady gaze to you.
  2411. >"Well, you got us here more or less intact. What's the plan now?"
  2412. >You heft your backpack full of rope and other supplies and straighten the jacket of the sturdy survival gear that Celestia so kindly had commissioned from Rarity.
  2413. "Cel and I are gonna go after the Orb while you guys work on getting the ship skyworthy again. There's no point in doing all this if we can't leave, right?"
  2414. >The stallion nods. "Eeyup. Seems simple enough. Ain't nothing ah can do about the lost stabilizer with what we've got, but ah can patch the holes in the frame and get 'er filled again from the reserves. Problem is, ah'm gonna have ta go forage fer some supplies ta patch some'a the other damage... there ain't much spare timber in storage."
  2415. >Applejack struggles to lift a pair of saddlebags burdened with tools, including the collapsible saws they'll need to fell trees. With a surge of strength she manages to place them upon his back, though he doesn't even seem to notice the weight's there.
  2416. >The orange farmpony wipes some sweat from her brow with a hoof and leans against her brother. "Don't you worry none, Captain, if the Apple Family can raise a barn in a single afternoon, me, Mac & 'Bloom here oughta be able ta get this ship fixed up in no time."
  2417. >Applebloom beams. "Just leave it ta us!"
  2418. >"I'll be helping too! Every job is easier if you work together!" Pinkie's smile almost outshines the little filly beside her, and you can't help but smile yourself at their enthusiasm.
  2420. "I have full confidence in you guys. As for us... considering I've gone through this Orb bullshit once before I have a pretty good grasp of all the pitfalls to watch out for. If we're lucky we'll have it and be back here in two or three days."
  2421. >Celestia chuckles. "That's a highly optimistic estimate, but it's still within the realm of possibility. We're very fortunate to be able to enter the island in this fashion; we're much closer to the Altar than we would be had we entered through the Grand Gate."
  2422. >Together the six of you board the ship's emergency lifeboat and use it to reach the lake's shore. Celestia takes the lead with you by her side and the other ponies following close behind. Mac and Applejack pay close attention to the surrounding trees, looking for good candidates to cut down as you make your way through the now completely dry cypress forest. Applebloom rides her brother's back, her golden eyes following her siblings' gazes even if she doesn't quite know what to look for, while Pinkie hops along as she normally does, humming a cheery tune.
  2423. >The stallion increases his pace a bit until he's trotting alongside you and Applebloom seizes the opportunity to catch your attention.
  2424. >"So, Anon, what does an, err, 'Orb of Uh-sen-shun' look like? Is it pretty? Do ya think we'll find one out here in the woods? Should I be lookin' out fer one now?"
  2425. >You chuckle.
  2426. "I wish it were that simple."
  2427. >Celestia giggles as well. "Though, if it were, there would be many more alicorns running around Equestria, for better or worse."
  2428. >Applejack rolls her eyes. "No offense intended, yer former highness, but the four we've got now're plenty."
  2429. >The white alicorn's smile doesn't falter. "None taken. We are quite a hoofful sometimes, aren't we?"
  2430. "You can say that again."
  2431. >A pink tail lashes out to strike you in the back and you give your playful assailant a wink in response.
  2433. >"Aw, c'mon AJ, I think being an alicorn would be fun! I could throw all sorts of new parties with wings and unicorn magic added to my primarily partytacular Pinkieness!"
  2434. >"Oh sweet Celestia, NO!" Applejack runs in front of you, rears up, and puts her hooves on your chest, forcing you to look her in the eyes. "Anon, ya gotta promise me right now that ya ain't gonna let her get her hooves on one'a them things! Ah mean it!"
  2435. >You and Celestia burst out into full blown hysterics, much to the confusion of the others. Applejack's cheeks turn a rosy shade of red and she returns to her hooves.
  2436. >"Hey! Ah'm bein' serious here!"
  2437. >Celestia wipes a tear of mirth from her eyes. "Don't worry, there's nothing for you to fear. We won't find any lying about for a curious pink pony to discover. The Orbs are unique magical artifacts unlike anything else in this world... and they are not found, they are forged by the pony," she winks back at you, "or person, who seeks them."
  2438. >Applebloom stares at the two of you with wonder, her expression almost begging Celestia to continue. Applejack's confused look is also quite compelling.
  2439. >"Several miles from here," the alicorn begins, "there is an altar upon a hill. If one meditates there during twilight, the powerful magic of Equus Island will flow into their body, forming a small magical stone that only they can truly touch."
  2440. >Mac looks incredulous. "Are you serious? That's all you gotta do ta get one'a them things?"
  2441. >You smile and shake your head.
  2442. "Nope. All the process gets you is your very own personalized pet rock."
  2443. >Celestia nods. "Yes, that's right. The stone one receives, though forged of boundless ancient magic, is powerless and fragile. In order to transform the stone into an Orb of Ascension, one must pass through the thirteen Wayshrine Gates scattered throughout the island."
  2445. >Pinkie brings a hoof to her chin in thought. "Hmmmm... that sure seems needlessly complicated!"
  2446. >You shrug your shoulders.
  2447. "No argument there. Some of those gates are a total pain in the ass to get through, and some of them are nearly impossible."
  2448. >Celestia lets out a tired sigh. "Yes. But even so, it is necessary to visit them all in order to fully empower the Orb. Each gate marks the wellhead of one of the world's thirteen magical leylines, and as such, when the stone passes underneath the gate, it becomes empowered by the leyline's magic. That all thirteen lines originate from Equus Island is what produces its powerful magical field, and also what makes the island, quite literally, the center of our world and the very source of magic itself."
  2449. >"Wow, it sure sounds tough!" Applebloom exclaims. "And the two'a you are gonna really go ta all thirteen gates in three days by yerselves? Ya can't just go to a couple an' say ya did the rest?"
  2450. >The alicorn shakes her head. "No. Though visiting several gates will produce an Orb, it won't be complete and if consumed would only result in what we call a 'lowborn'. You are familiar with Princess Cadence, I take it?"
  2451. >The filly nods. "Yeah, I was at the weddin' too!"
  2452. >"Well," Celestia continues, "you may not know this, but she was born a pegasus. Her family, seeking to increase their station, paid an adventurer a handsome sum to retrieve an Orb for their daughter, but he failed to visit more than half the gates before returning, resulting in Cadence becoming a lowborn alicorn. Lowborns were much more common in the past, but ponies eventually realized that the risk involved was not worth the reward they obtained. Truly completing an Orb of Ascension is incredibly difficult and exceedingly rare, so you can imagine my surprise when Anon stumbled into my throne room one day with a fully empowered Orb in his hands."
  2454. >"Wow..." The filly leans back into her brother's mane to ponder what she was told. The six of you continue for several moments in silence until Mac suddenly raises a hoof.
  2455. >"Over there, AJ. Those trees're perfect!"
  2456. >The orange mare follows his gaze and nods. "Eeyup. We'd better unpack an' get started while there's still daylight. Ah don't much like the idea of tryin' ta find our way back ta the ship in the dark."
  2457. >The little ponies all gather around you and Celestia, who shows them that motherly smile that so defines her. "Well then, I suppose this is where we part ways."
  2458. >Mac holds out his hoof and you give it a bump. "You have mah word ah'll have yer ship ready ta sail when you make it back."
  2459. "I don't doubt it for minute."
  2460. >Applejack winks. "You two take care'a each other, ya hear?"
  2461. >Celestia chuckles. "Yes, ma'am."
  2462. >You bend down and ruffle Applebloom's mane.
  2463. "Make sure your brother and sister behave themselves for me."
  2464. >She salutes. "I'll watch 'em like a hawk!"
  2465. >And Pinkie... well, Pinkie appears behind you and wraps the both of you in a bone crunching group hug.
  2466. >"Be careful, Non-non! Be careful, Celly! No matter what happens, remember to trust each other! I'll be rooting for you all the way!" Somehow, the two of you manage to free yourselves from her vicelike grip and move away.
  2467. "Thanks, Pinkie. We will."
  2468. >Celestia smiles. "Yes, if there's one thing I'm certain of, it would be that."
  2469. >With one last wave goodbye, you and your alicorn companion move deeper into the island, bound for the Altar.
  2471. ~~~~~~~~~
  2473. >Celestia isn't very talkative as you move through the forest together. You let her keep a slight lead so you can stay back and watch for those signs of distress she showed earlier, but none are visible now. She's either doing fine or she's realized her mistake from before and has moved to hide them. Knowing her, it's a coin toss as to which is the case.
  2474. >At several points you almost open your mouth to say something, but think better of it. Instead, you settle on gently resting your hand upon her folded wing as a subtle reminder that you're there. You try to play it off as merely using her to maintain your balance as you make your way over the root-filled uneven terrain, but deep down you know she understands the true meaning of the gesture, especially when she tenses the wing a little to 'lean back'.
  2475. >Time passes, and the sun moves below the volcano's rim in the distance. Due to its unique shape, the island only receives direct sunlight from late morning to late afternoon. The now much darker surroundings begin to put you on edge and your survival instincts start pestering you to see to your basic essentials - fire, food and shelter.
  2476. "How much further?"
  2477. >"At this rate, we'll reach the altar around half an hour before sunset, but we shouldn't dawdle. If we miss this opportunity we'll need to wait a full day for the next, and I'm afraid that's time we don't have."
  2478. >She's absolutely right. You got extremely lucky when the pursuing airship fleet decided to discharge their engines. It's bought you the several days you need to retrieve the Orb, but if you squander this opportunity you'll no doubt be contending with Royal Guards in addition to the Trials of Equus and your odds of getting through this with your purity intact will plummet even further.
  2480. >You subconsciously increase your pace and begin to pull ahead of Celestia. She notices and lets out a slight giggle before leaning into your palm with her wing again. The movement snaps you out of the minor panic you found yourself in and you slow your stride to match hers.
  2481. >"Jumpy, are we? You must have a short memory to have already forgotten what I told you last night."
  2482. "...I haven't forgotten."
  2483. >She turns her head back slightly. "A matter of trust, then."
  2484. "I trust you."
  2485. >She abruptly stops moving and your hand travels from her wing, to her shoulder, to her neck before you finally manage to stop yourself. You find yourself face-to-face with the white alicorn, her gentle eyes capturing your own. She wears that lovable, partially innocent and partially mischievous expression that has so defined your time with her, and for a moment you wonder if you're really on Equus Island, about to undertake its grueling trials once more, or if you're back in your home in Ponyville with the silly roommate who's brought so much joy into your life.
  2486. >"Then prove it to me and be at ease, my little human. You're not alone this time."
  2487. >Your hand moves up into her mane to offer a few thankful scratches.
  2488. "I know, and you're right."
  2489. >After accepting your scratches with a pleased expression, she moves away, circles you once and lays down in front of you.
  2490. >"Then, if what you say is true, and we so trust each other... why are we traveling as if we're each on a solitary journey?"
  2491. >With a smile you climb atop her back, making sure your gear is secure. She stretches as she rises and you take those long strawberry locks in your hands. A slight nudge of your boots is your signal, and the two of you are off like the wind.
  2493. >Celestia weaves through the trees and deftly steps over the protruding roots in the ground as if she can sense them without the need to even look down. You begin to laugh as you realize that everything's changed in this one instant; instead of being apprehensive and pessimistic about the challenges you know you'll be facing, and the amazing odds you'll have to overcome, you're actually looking forward to them! You're not alone anymore, and every graceful move of Celestia's body beneath you acts as a reminder of that fact.
  2494. >The trees begin to thin out a bit as you start to exit the forest. Things are beginning to look familiar now and you try to reconcile where you think you are with the places on the island you previously visited. You're so busy taking in the surroundings and comparing them to your memories that you completely miss the high pitched whistle that seems to be approaching from behind...
  2495. >A boom echoes over the wind and a bolt of rainbow rockets past the two of you, forming angular zigzag patterns around the trunks of the trees ahead before ending in a brilliant flash and shockwave that forces Celestia to turn from her course and come to a stop.
  2496. >"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!! I'm so fast now I can't believe it!!"
  2497. >You open your eyes to see none other than Rainbow Dash prancing around with glee in the small depression her landing's made in the ground ahead of you. She turns back to the sky, completely ignoring you.
  2498. >"GUYS! Did you -SEE- that?! Yeah, that's right, I -am- the fastest flier in Equestria, and one of you owes me 50 bits! You better pay up!"
  2499. >You and Celestia look to the sky yourselves but see no one there. Rainbow herself seems a bit confused as she spins around, her eyes still scanning the clouds.
  2501. >"Uh... guys? Hello...? Uh oh..." Her ears droop and she scratches the back of her mane with a hoof. "Heh... guess I left 'em in the vapor back there. Shoulda known it would happen... after all, it's tough to keep up with The Dash! Whoa!"
  2502. >Rainbow jumps back several feet when she turns around to see the two of you standing there.
  2503. >"What the-?! You're actually here!" She looks to a strange bracelet attached to one of her forehooves. "Twilight made an invention that actually does what it's supposed to on the first try! Crazy..." She shifts her attention to the two of you and her jaw drops a bit.
  2504. >The pegasus goes silent for several moments as she stares. She moves her gaze from Celestia, to you atop her back, to Celestia again before finally deciding to speak.
  2505. >"Uh... this isn't some kinda weird sex thing, is it? I'm not judging you or anything! I just need to know whether I should be really creeped out or not..."
  2506. >You release your 'reins', allowing Celestia's mane to fall back around her shoulders, and facepalm.
  2507. "Unbelievable..."
  2508. >Celestia adopts a grim expression. "Yes, Twilight is wasting no time in using her resources to pursue us. It appears we won't get any respite after all."
  2509. "Oh. Well, yeah, there's that too, but I was thinking more along the lines of if Skittles and Squiggletail are here it means Butter Squeak won't be far behind. Out of the goon squad trio she was the most annoying by far..."
  2510. >You rub your eyes and address the speedy pegasus.
  2511. "The answer to your question is no, by the way. What the hell is wrong with you?"
  2512. >She scoffs. "Hey, I just call it like I see it, dude. Some ponies think this kinda stuff is really hot."
  2513. >Celestia coughs and trots in place while you cross your arms and sigh.
  2515. "Look, I know I ask you this every single time you show up, but I'll give it another shot. Why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave me alone?"
  2516. >She frowns. "I'm doing this because Twilight's my friend and she really likes you. C'mon, Anon, she's not that bad once you get to know her! Just give her a chance! And she's a Princess now so if you say yes you'll get to have whatever you want!"
  2517. "Sorry, that's not happening."
  2518. >Dash snorts and stomps a hoof. "Anon, real talk here, but you should be glad she likes you so much. I mean, look at you: you're kind of a weird disgusting monkey thing. It's not like you have a lot of options if you know what I mean. And--"
  2519. >Celestia slams a hoof in response, silencing the brash pegasus.
  2520. >"Rainbow Dash, I understand that the call of your Element compels you to help your friend, but Loyalty can sometimes blind one to the truth of things and its bearer is more susceptible to this than any. Please, reconsider what you intend to do here."
  2521. >"Sorry, no can do. Twilight's my friend, and she's my Princess now too. I'm gonna take Anon back to her whether he wants it or not as soon as my squad gets here, so deal with it." She sticks her tongue out for good measure.
  2522. >"I won't allow it." The white alicorn flares her wings and you grab ahold of her mane again to help keep your balance.
  2523. >"Bwahahahaha! Seriously? Do you seriously wanna do this?! You probably stood a teeny, tiny chance before, but now that I have this baby..." She taps the bracelet on her hoof. "...There's no way you can win."
  2524. >To punctuate her point, Dash disappears over the horizon in an instant, only to reappear in front of you again a second later. You wouldn't even have noticed the motion without the shimmering U-shaped rainbow trail she left behind acting as evidence of the path she took.
  2526. >Great... looks like Twilight made Speedysnooze an artifact that lets her to tap into the Speed Force. You lean down and whisper into Sun Horse's ear.
  2527. "Uh... what the heck do we do now?"
  2528. >She bites her lip with worry. "Well, this is a bit problematic... we need to stall her until I can think of a plan to remove that anklet or nullify it somehow."
  2529. >Stall her, huh? You think for a moment, and then...
  2530. "Aw shit."
  2531. >Celestia turns back. "What? What's the matter?"
  2532. >You look to the sky and squint your eyes.
  2533. "I think Spergle sent the Wonderbolts after us too."
  2534. >"R-REALLY?! WHERE?" The rainbow-maned pegasus dashes behind you, her attention now focused elsewhere. You nudge Celestia and she seizes the opportunity to take off like a bullet back into the forest.
  2535. >The two of you manage to make it back under the thicker tree cover before a crack of thunder signals Rainbow's arrival in front of you. She doesn't look too happy as she taps one of her front hooves on the ground in annoyance.
  2536. >"Totally uncool, guys. It was a good try, 'A' for effort, really, but c'mon, quit being lame and just give up already. You've seen how fast I am. It doesn't matter if you trick me or how far you manage to run, you can't escape the pure radicalness of The Dash!" She closes her eyes and strikes a confident pose, seemingly expecting fireworks or something to explode behind her to complete the effect.
  2537. >"(Keep her talking...)" Celestia whispers to you. You pat her side to signal that you heard her.
  2538. "Yeah... I guess we really can't win. You're too cool for us."
  2540. >She laughs. "You know it! But look at the bright side, Anon. After you and Twilight get married you'll be a Prince! Royalty get to go to Wonderbolts shows for free, AND they get the best seats in the house! And with me as their new captain, they'll totally be 10 times more awesome than ever! You'll love it!" She's so giddy she's prancing in place.
  2541. "So that's what she promised you, huh? To make you captain of the Wonderbolts? Sounds like cheating to me."
  2542. >Rainbow laughs. "No way. Everypony already knows I'm the best. If you think about it, I'd become captain of the team eventually anyway, so it's not cheating, it's like taking a shortcut. It gives me more time to start working with the team to get our new routines to be perfect. Like, I want to do a thing where Rapidfire does a reverse corkscrew and Fleetfoot does the same thing in the other direction and I..."
  2543. >As the prideful pegasus goes on, you start to notice something happening on the ground beneath her. You can actually see the grass growing right before your eyes. Small flowers begin to spring up and unfold their petals as a series of thin vines snake their way toward Rainbow's bracelet-clad hoof. They rise up, careful to avoid touching her, and gently begin to wrap around the item...
  2544. >"Hey! What the-?!" She notices and takes to the air, ripping the bracelet free and flying out of the slow vines' reach. "What the hay was that?!"
  2545. >"(Damn...)" Celestia curses under her breath, just loud enough for you to hear. You bend down and whisper:
  2546. "(Wait... that was you?)"
  2547. >She nods slightly, her eyes tracking the startled pegasus who now seems reluctant to land anywhere.
  2548. >"Whoa, that was freaky. This place is starting to creep me out more than you guys' weird ponyback riding fetish."
  2549. >Sun Horse snorts and narrows her eyes. "You're beginning to get on my nerves."
  2551. >Rainbow merely laughs as she does a backstroke through the air. "Oh yeah? How about you come up here and do something about it, then? But you won't, will you, 'cause you're just a big white chicken! Bwak bwak bwak! Bwahahahaha!"
  2552. >Celestia gently lays down in the grass. "Anon, please forgive me, but I'll need you to step down for a moment. It appears this pegasus would like me to rearrange her facial structure with my hooves, and I find it hard to turn down such a heartfelt request. Maybe after I'm done she'll appear less coltish at first glance."
  2553. >"Hey!"
  2554. >You dismount, but keep your hand on her neck as you stand beside her.
  2555. "(Don't let her get to you.)"
  2556. >She huffs. "(I'm trying, but I find it difficult to remain calm when she insults you! I... I don't know why, but it causes my blood to boil. I won't stand for it!)"
  2557. "(That's fine, but don't do anything crazy. Remember, we're on a time limit here. We need to figure out how to get out of this before the sun sets.)"
  2558. >"Hey! Now you're just being jerks! Quit whispering to each other already and pay attention to me!"
  2559. >"As you wish." Celestia flares her wings and prepares to charge.
  2560. >Rainbow grins and moves into a floating ready stance. "Now that's more like it! I hope you're ready to lose! But before we get started I've got one more thing to say!"
  2561. >The pegasus does a few circles in the air before landing on a patch of barren earth. She puffs up her chest, takes in a deep breath, and begins to speak:
  2563. > " [
  2565. Chapter XIV, Scene VIII
  2566. Int. Treebrary Foyer
  2568. The sun is setting outside the small town of Ponyville as another day comes to a close. TWILIGHT SPARKLE, a unicorn, trots around the dwelling to begin lighting the candles for the evening. The door opens and ANONYMOUS, a human and TWILIGHT's lover, enters.
  2570. TWILIGHT: "Oh, Anon, you're back! How was work?"
  2571. ANONYMOUS: "Fine, but it was hard to focus today because I couldn't get your delicious plot out of my thoughts. Have I ever told you that it's ten times more luscious and toned than Applejack's?"
  2572. TWI: *giggles* "Yes, all the time!"
  2574. TWILIGHT moves to light another candle but ANONYMOUS quickly picks her up and holds her in his strong human arms.
  2576. TWI: "W-What are you doing, Anon?"
  2577. ANON: "You're so cute, Twilight... even cuter than your friend Fluttershy. And you're beautiful too, like Rarity, but way better and less bitchy. I... I want you now."
  2578. TWI: "Oh, Anon!"
  2580. > ] "
  2581. >Silence.
  2582. >Rainbow sits there, completely mortified at what just came out of her mouth. You're in about the same state, entirely unsure what to make of it.
  2583. >Celestia, on the other hand, is valiantly trying to contain her laughter. She has a hoof over her mouth, her body is trembling, and tears of mirth are beginning to pool in the corners of her eyes. With an almost herculean effort she manages to speak.
  2584. >"W-Well it could use some editing, but it's... it's not the -worst- Twinonymous story I've encountered. I... I never took you for a writer, Ms. Dash. I'm... pleasantly surpri-ri-ri--PFFFTHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
  2585. >Yeah, she's totally lost it. You're starting to feel a twinge of embarrassment yourself at being the subject of this literary travesty, but... wait a minute...
  2586. "Are you saying there's more of this stuff out there?!"
  2588. >Celestia looks up at you as she tries to get her giggling under control. "Ah, I forgot that you're not much of a reader beyond the Daring Do series and nonfiction. Since your arrival, human and pony novels have become a bit of a subgenre of romance fiction. They're quite popular among certain circles."
  2589. "Circles which happen to include you."
  2590. >She laughs again. "If you read them as comedies they're most entertaining."
  2591. "I can't believe this..."
  2592. >As Celestia laughs her head off and you digest this latest horrible revelation, Rainbow looks down at her hooves in a trance.
  2593. >"It's... it's like it's burned into my brain. I can't get the images out... what the hay is happening to me...?"
  2594. >She trots over to a nearby tree and bangs her head on the trunk several times. The two of you take notice as she stumbles away, completely disoriented.
  2595. "Are... you okay, there?"
  2596. >She raises a hoof while still stumbling around to maintain her balance. "I'm... I'm good. I think I got it to go away. Ugh, hold up..." She continues to sway for several more moments. "Okay. Okay, I'm cool now. We're cool. Everything's cool. Now, what I was gonna say was..."
  2598. > " [
  2600. ANONYMOUS carries TWILIGHT to her bedroom and places her upon her super cool looking star patterned sheets.
  2602. TWI: "Anon, what are we going to do on the bed?"
  2603. ANON: "We shall make love, Twilight. In the missionary position, as is the human tradition."
  2604. TWI: "You're... you're so... naughty!"
  2605. ANON: "Yes, but you should know by now that I can't control my carnal passions for my favorite pony. Now... let us begin the lovemaking ritual..."
  2606. TWI: "Oh... Anon~!"
  2608. TWILIGHT can feel her tail move aside and the petals of her marehood begin to unfold as her body prepares to receive her lover's maleness. ANONYMOUS begins to run his hands over the pony's quivering purple body, his strong fingers massaging her supple but totally NOT pudgy flanks. She moans and--
  2610. > ] "
  2612. >The cyan pegasus immediately jams her two front hooves in her mouth. Her face is so on fire with embarrassment that you'd probably mistake her for Big Mac from a distance. Slowly, she removes her hooves, curls into a fetal position and begins to tremble, her eyes the size of pinpricks.
  2613. >"Commander! We finally found you!"
  2614. >To your surprise, five pegasus guards swoop down from the sky and land near the incapacitated Rainbow, circling her with worry.
  2615. >"Commander, what's wrong?" A guard with a red cross on his saddlebags begins to examine her. "What did they do to you?!"
  2616. >"Jenson, what's going on?"
  2617. >The medic salutes. "I don't know, sir. She's not responding to normal stimuli. We need to return her to the Concordia immediately so the docs can look at her!"
  2618. >"Understood. Let's go, ponies!"
  2619. >Two of the guards scoop Rainbow up and begin to carry her away, while the three remaining nervously eye you and Celestia.
  2620. >"Should... should we attempt to capture them?"
  2621. >"Negative. They were able to defeat the Commander even though she had an item enchanted by the Princess herself. We wouldn't stand a chance!"
  2623. >"Y-Yeah, good point..."
  2624. >They take to the sky to join the others, and you watch with Celestia as their silhouettes slowly disappear into the distance.
  2625. >You've experienced a lot of crazy shit in your time here, but this particular encounter has left you absolutely speechless.
  2626. >Celestia giggles again and nudges you in the back with her nose. "Come now. While that was fun, we still have a task ahead of us."
  2627. "Right..."
  2628. >You begin walking in the direction of the altar once more, side by side. Instead of the pensive silence from before, Celestia hums a gentle tune which eventually starts to raise your spirits.
  2629. >She turns to you after a while, her coquettish smile in full bloom.
  2630. >"You know, that she recited the story aloud is one thing, but I believe the most amusing portion was the fact that she did those terrible impressions of you and Twilight for the speaking parts."
  2631. >You shake your head.
  2632. "Yeah, for better or worse, it was something I'm never gonna forget."
  2633. >"Nor will I. And nor likely will she."
  2634. >A chuckle escapes you as the image of Rainbow explaining this episode to a therapist pony enters your mind. Celestia takes notice and nudges you with a wing.
  2635. >"Any experience, whether good or bad, is always more joyous or at the very least more bearable when shared with a friend. Don't you agree?"
  2636. >She tilts her head toward you and you scratch behind her ears.
  2637. "Absolutely."
  2639. ~~~~~~~~~
  2641. >Breathe in, breathe out. You attempt to empty your mind, but memories of this day just keep rushing back.
  2642. >A frantic airship battle. Flying with Cel through the clouds, dodging magic bolts, and the rush of air around you.
  2643. >A face-to-face encounter with Twilight herself, with a crash landing in the sea to follow.
  2644. >A dream of almost drowning, and a door opened by the ever mysterious Princess of the Night.
  2645. >Returning to Equus, but no longer alone. Riding together with Cel through the forest...
  2646. >...and of course, the crazy encounter with Skittles that you're still not sure what to make of.
  2647. >And now you're -here- again as the sun begins to set on this day to remember.
  2648. >It kinda makes you wonder what tomorrow will bring...
  2649. >"I'll let you in on a secret, Anon."
  2650. >You open one eye to find Celestia curled up nearby, regarding you with a gentle expression.
  2651. >"You don't really have to meditate for this to work. Merely being here at the right time is enough."
  2652. >You let out the controlled breath you were holding and lean back against the altar. Your half-assed attempt at the lotus position is quickly abandoned as you stretch out and relax. The clouds roll ever onward above you, and though the setting sun has long sunken below the rim of the surrounding volcano wall, it still paints them in a multitude of colors that shift and shimmer as the last light of day fades.
  2653. >You feel it now... that strange, ancient magic which courses through you. It's unlike anything you've experienced before or since. It starts as a tingling in your fingers and toes that travels up your arms and legs and then circles through your chest several times, eventually finding a synergy with your own heartbeat.
  2655. >You stand and cup your hands above the altar. A soft light shines from your chest and travels to your palms where it forms into a small stone which you cradle with the utmost care.
  2656. "Well, here it is."
  2657. >You softly roll the stone in your fingers, examining the currently dull surface. Celestia called it a 'unique magical artifact unlike anything in this world', but that doesn't even begin to describe it.
  2658. >This is -yours-. It's something formed from some quintessential part of you, and you can feel the weight of its meaning in your hands. It's a treasure that by its very nature cannot be stolen; only if the Orb is freely given to another will its true light shine forth. If the one who forges it never gives it away, it will forever remain a simple stone.
  2659. >It's no wonder so few true alicorns were born from this process. To abandon one's own desire for power and instead face the Trials all for the sake of another is definitely a tall order for most.
  2660. >You safely pocket the stone and turn to your pink-maned companion. Yeah, this already feels a hell of a lot different. Before, you sought the Orb as a mere token to purchase your freedom from Twilight. You gave it to the Sun Princess, who in turn gave it to her star pupil, and the rest is history. But though you freely gave the Orb to her, you cared nothing for Celestia. You just wanted her to solve your problem and be done with it.
  2661. >But now... yeah, there's no denying you're still running. And there's no denying that this is the only way you'll ever find peace. But as you stand here and watch her, you realize none of it really matters to you anymore. You want to do this for her, and her alone. For your favorite, silly horse. This stone is yours, but it's also hers, and it feels right.
  2663. >She steps away from the altar and turns to you. With a nod, the two of you walk down from the hill to the camp you made just beyond the tree line of the forest.
  2664. >A quick strike of flint with your knife easily ignites the tinder you gathered earlier, and you begin feeding it deadwood. Once the fire gets going you pull out your collapsible cookware and start combining some of the ingredients Applejack so lovingly packed for you to make a stew. Celestia curls up near the fire and watches you work, trying to hide her anticipation of the upcoming meal but failing completely. Soon enough, the stew is ready and the two of you sit down to eat, chatting with one another about whatever comes to mind.
  2665. >You pour yourself another helping of stew during a lull in the conversation and move to offer Celestia seconds, but you find she's turned away from you and is staring at the crescent moon high above.
  2666. >Well, there's no point in really asking, anyway. You know she wants more, so you go ahead and refill her bowl and bring it over to her. But as you near the white alicorn, you notice what the dancing shadows cast by the fire were hiding from you...
  2667. >Eyes unfocused. Ears turned back. Restless wings and tail. All the subtle signs of distress she's shown before have returned.
  2668. "Hey."
  2669. >You set the bowl aside and scratch her mane in one of her favorite spots.
  2670. "Talk to me."
  2671. >She relaxes a bit, closes her eyes and lets out a tired sigh.
  2672. >"...Everything Luna said today is true."
  2673. "Yeah, I kinda gathered that. We wouldn't be here now if it wasn't."
  2674. >She shakes her head. "No, not just about the bridge. Everything. Though, I suppose in order for you to understand, I'd need to start from the beginning."
  2676. >You place more wood on the fire and move to sit beside her.
  2677. "I'm not going anywhere."
  2678. >She watches the fire for a while, and with a sad, wistful smile she closes her eyes and leans against you.
  2679. >"Long, long ago, before my eternal life began, I was an earth pony. My name was Celosia, and wherever I tread, flowers would surely grow..."
  2680. >Over the next several hours, she tells you everything as your fingers dance their way through that pretty pink mane.
  2681. >She speaks of the world of the past that exists only as a faint echo in the world of today.
  2682. >She speaks of the friends she came to call Brother and Sister.
  2683. >She speaks of the trials they faced together; the triumphs and the failures.
  2684. >She speaks of her ascension and the tragedy that followed.
  2685. >She speaks of the world she and her sister built from the ashes that remained.
  2686. >And she speaks of the unimaginable burden of eternity that she learned she could never escape.
  2687. >You listen intently, your hands never leaving her. And when she finishes, that sad smile returns once again.
  2688. >"So there you have it, and now you understand. She calls me oath-breaker, and she is right. She believes that I'm trying to recapture what I once lost, and she is right. When you brought the Orb to me, I so easily relinquished my burden onto Twilight and fled without a second thought. And when my power was taken, I felt that I was finally free, and I actually laughed with joy!"
  2689. >Tears begin to form in the corners of her beautiful eyes. "But then... but then, as my laughter died in my throat and I lay there in the hospital, recovering from that whole ordeal, I realized what I had done to the both of you... that my immense selfishness had condemned not only my prized student, but my only true friend aside from my sister to lives of utter misery!"
  2691. >For the first time since she began telling her story, she turns to face you directly, and she doesn't try to hide her emotions.
  2692. >"Everything Luna said today is true, Anon. And she is right that I intend to fix this. I -WILL- fix this. Please..." You feel the cold patter of tears on the arm that still holds her. "Please trust in me, even if now you have no reason to. You're so special to me, Anon... I'd do anything. Anything, just to hear you say that you will. I'd even relive those darkest days a thousand times over just to see you smile at me. So please..."
  2693. >And here you are again, faced with a situation that you don't know how to handle.
  2694. >Her story has left you breathless. The things she's seen, the hardships she's experienced... everything that happened to her here... even thinking about it is too much to take. Any complaints you have about your own situation are beyond petty in comparison.
  2695. >And despite it all, she's here now with you. That in and of itself is so incredible that it nearly moves you to tears.
  2696. >You dig deep. You try, and try, and try to find the words you need to say. You try to find a way to express to her what she means to you, and how special she is.
  2697. >Nothing is good enough. Your jaw opens and closes but the only sound remains the crackling of the fire and the constant chatter of the nocturnal insects and animals hidden in the darkness surrounding you.
  2698. >And then it occurs to you all at once. It's so simple.
  2699. >Using the same hand that's been trailing through her mane the entire time, you guide her lips to yours and kiss her. Your first pony kiss.
  2700. >It's not the passionate kiss of two star-crossed lovers who've finally found each other in the emptiness of the world, or the type of frenzied, uncontrolled kiss that so often signals the start of the oldest dance.
  2702. >No. It's simple, loving, and warm. Just like her. And all too soon, it comes to an end.
  2703. >You pull away from each other, and immediately you know you've done the right thing. Where her expression once held sadness, fear, and doubt there's now only that goofy smile that you've come to know and love. Your eyes meet hers, and suddenly the words are there.
  2704. "I never really knew Princess Celestia. We met once or twice briefly, but that was all."
  2705. >You take one of her hooves in your hand.
  2706. "And I never met Celosia the brave earth pony. Though I've seen a bit of her shine through in another."
  2707. >You squeeze her hoof and watch the fire's reflection dancing in her eyes.
  2708. "But the pony in front of me... my silly roommate turned crewmate? My best friend? The pony who makes me smile and laugh more than any other, and brightens my day just by being there? I trust her with my life. And that has, and always will be true, Cel."
  2709. >She leaps toward you and quickly pulls you into an embrace as only she can. What were once tears of sorrow are now tears of joy, and her sobs are broken by laughter, which you match with your own.
  2710. >"How... how long have you felt this way about me?"
  2711. "Do you remember when I chased you out of the house that day after coming back from Canterlot? You ran from me, but at the same time you encouraged me to follow you. And when we got to the orchard, something changed and I really saw you for the first time. Everything after was just... I guess I was trying to come to terms with it, or something. I feel like an idiot now, though."
  2712. >She pulls you closer and you can feel the rhythm of her heart match your own.
  2714. >"That night on the porch, when you comforted me in your own, silly way... I suppose that was the beginning. Though knowing how you felt about Twilight and ponies in general, I was never bold enough to hope."
  2715. >The fire slowly dies as you talk. Eventually, the two of you lay down to sleep, an unfurled white wing acting as the softest, warmest blanket you've ever known.
  2716. >As you snuggle into the soft coat of your favorite horse, your smile still remains.
  2717. >Today was a hell of a day, and there will be challenges tomorrow that'll probably make this seem easy in comparison.
  2718. >But you're not alone this time. Another heart beats in time with yours. A precious heart.
  2719. >You touch the pocket that holds the stone that is both hers and yours, and fall into a calm, dreamless sleep.
  2722. Next Time on Exchange: The Road of Trials
  2724. =================
  2725. ||- Chapter 9 -||
  2726. =================
  2728. ~~~~~~
  2729. >Day 1
  2730. ~~~~~~
  2732. >It's not the rays of dawn that awaken you as they have so many times in the past due to your habit of forgetting to close your blinds, but that's not too surprising. The island's shape prevents you from seeing the sun until late morning, after all.
  2733. >Instead, you're pulled awake by an odd warm stirring of air brushing across your nose and mouth, constant but gentle.
  2734. >You open your eyes and take in your surroundings. The sky is brightening and the forest is beginning to stir with life. Birds flitter around, scavenging and pecking at the ground for their breakfast. The fire you built last night is nothing but a pile of ashes now, cooling within the stone circle you made. Your right side is very warm, and a white hoof is draped across your chest, holding you close.
  2735. >"Good morning."
  2736. >You turn your head and your lips touch hers, forcing an impromptu kiss. She breathes out and in again, savoring the air between you as you part, and you both smile.
  2737. "Hey. What were you up to just now?"
  2738. >She adopts a look of confusion and slight embarrassment as strands of her strawberry mane fall in front of one of her eyes; a quick shake of her head revealing the second magenta iris once more.
  2739. >"What was I up to...? I..." She chuckles and blushes. "I appear to have forgotten that you're not a pony."
  2740. >The pretty white horse curls her forehooves and hugs you tighter, then lays her head next to yours.
  2741. >"Exchanging breath is one of the most intimate acts ponies share with one another. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't know. Forgive me; I hope I'm not moving too fast for you, but I..."
  2742. >You reach a hand over and stroke her muzzle.
  2743. "No, you're not. It's cute, and I'd like to try."
  2745. >She repositions herself a bit and you touch your noses together without much strain. She exhales deeply as you take your next breath, and you do the same for her for several moments. Your eyes reflexively close with every intake of breath, and when they open again to find her there you feel that odd, but familiar warmth wash across your body.
  2746. >Damn, this really is intimate. And you really do love her. You can feel it. Last night wasn't just a spur of the moment impulse, it was a confession, more to yourself than her. She had your heart from the moment you locked eyes with her in the orchard, but it's taken you until now to admit it.
  2747. >Your eyes meet again, drawing a smile from you both. She's beautiful. She's so beautiful you almost can't believe it, and you can't resist turning your head slightly to change your eskimo kiss into a real one.
  2748. >You part once more. She moves forward and drapes her head across your shoulder and you wrap your arms around her.
  2749. >"If I could stop time right now, I would. I don't want this moment to end."
  2750. "I know the feeling. But she's not gonna wait for us, is she?"
  2751. >The white alicorn pulls away and stands to her hooves, shaking off the last of her sleep.
  2752. >"No. She certainly won't." She holds out a hoof and you take it to stand beside her. In several minutes you've packed up camp and are on your way toward the first of Equus Island's thirteen Wayshrine Gates.
  2753. >The two of you munch on some energy bars while you walk. Not the most ideal breakfast, but foraging or preparing something more complex would require time that you don't really have. You need to get through as many of the initial gates as possible today if you're ever going to stand a chance at completing the Orb before Twilight's armada descends upon the island.
  2755. >The first gate appears on the horizon as you swallow the last piece of your meal. It's a simple structure, consisting of two 20 foot tall pillars and an arch between them. It rests in the middle of an open field of short reeds, and in no time at all you're close enough to make out the arcane inscriptions that cover it. You stop at a safe distance about 100 feet away and crane your neck to the side, resulting in a satisfying pop from your vertebrae.
  2756. "Well, here we are."
  2757. >Celestia gazes upon the gate with ears folded back, and her tail nervously swishes from side to side.
  2758. >"I had forgotten how close this first one was to where we camped."
  2759. >You chuckle and scratch her ears.
  2760. "What're you so nervous about? This is one of the easier ones."
  2761. >She scoffs and pulls away from your hand. "It most certainly is not! Many times we almost..."
  2762. >You shake your head.
  2763. "Sorry... I'd forgotten. But you shouldn't forget that I'm here with you now. Things'll probably go a little differently this time. For the both of us."
  2764. >She trots forward and places her head underneath your outstretched hand again.
  2765. >"Yes, I suppose you're right about that." With a deep breath, she meets your eyes. "I'm ready when you are."
  2766. >The two of you continue toward the gate, side by side. The precious stone in your pocket begins to shine as you approach and the arcane lettering engraved upon the arch glows with a mystical light.
  2767. >With one last glance between you, you step underneath the arch together and vanish.
  2769. ~~~~~~~~~
  2771. >You open your eyes to see only darkness, but the familiar sound of flowing water tells you where you are. You reach a hand out to find the familiar texture of Celestia's soft coat beside you. She jumps a bit at your touch.
  2772. >"...Five fingers; a human hand. You nearly scared me to death, Anon..."
  2773. "Sorry. Has your vision adjusted yet?"
  2774. >"Not completely, but we arrived here at a good time of day. I can already see a bit of the path."
  2775. "Me too. Let's take it slow, okay?"
  2776. >"Right."
  2777. >Carefully, the two of you begin your trek forward, making sure each step is on level, safe ground. Droplets of cold water fall on your head and run down your neck periodically, giving you a nice jolt and causing you to gasp with surprise, which your alicorn companion finds funny. You resist the urge to tickle her in response.
  2778. >The sound grows louder and louder as you advance. There's enough light to see your footfalls now, and you increase your pace now that it's safer. In time, the two of you emerge from the tunnel you've been traversing to see a familiar sight...
  2780. |- The First Trial
  2781. |- Subterranean Waterfall
  2783. >A large stream of water cascades down the nearly vertical shaft you now stand within. Rocks of various sizes jut out from the far cavern wall, dividing the waterfall into multiple smaller sections as it travels down into the abyss below you. The two of you stand on a narrow rock bridge which connects the tunnel you came from with the waterfall's bedrock. Below the bridge is only darkness, while the light of early morning filters through the fall's source high above, giving you more than enough light to see what you're doing.
  2784. >The sight of the sunlight dancing upon the falling droplets of water is mesmerizing. It's almost like someone's pouring a bunch of diamonds into the chasm below. You look up to the top of the falls; your ultimate destination.
  2786. "I'm guessing we can't fly up, huh?"
  2787. >Celestia shakes her head. "No, the cavern is much too narrow. Even Lulu didn't have enough room to maneuver here, so there's no hope for me. We'll need to climb..."
  2788. >She takes a hesitant step back, and you don't blame her. The rock wall is slick as hell from all the water, and any fall here would mean instant death. It even makes someone with climbing experience like you nervous.
  2789. >But you're a human. Your hands and feet are meant to climb a narrow rock face like this. Celestia, as a quadruped, and a large one at that, doesn't exactly have a lot going for her here. When she said this wasn't easy for her, she was telling the truth. Again, you pat her reassuringly.
  2790. "It'll be okay. The key here is patience. If we work together, we'll make it out of here just fine."
  2791. >You walk forward across the bridge and beckon Celestia to follow, which she does with trepidation.
  2792. "And I left something here that you guys probably didn't have last time..."
  2793. >You tap a glimmering piece of metal embedded into the rock wall.
  2794. >"...An anchor?"
  2795. "Yep. I've got 'em going all the way up the wall to the top. How do you think I got through this the first time? Now hold still."
  2796. >You pull out some sturdy rope from your pack, and using your knife and some well-placed knots you fashion a pony-harness for Celestia which wraps around the pits of her forelegs and withers. She examines the harness as you work, somewhat amused by the dexterity of your fingers as you tie each knot.
  2797. "I'll climb up first and use the rope to guide you. We'll take it as slow as we need to. Trust me, I won't let you fall."
  2798. >She smiles, some of her nervousness fading away.
  2799. >"I'm in your hands."
  2800. >Over the next few hours, the two of you slowly make your way up the waterfall. You try to stay as dry as you can, difficult as it is. Thankfully there are outcroppings that are shielded from the flowing water which you can rest under while Celestia catches up, and the relative peacefulness of these areas allows your mind to wander.
  2802. >She told you so much last night in front of the fire, much of which you're certain she's shared with hardly anyone throughout her entire long life. The words are unforgettable and her steady voice begins to echo in your mind, powerful enough to drown out the constant flow of water, as you recall them while you rest...
  2803. >...
  2804. >...
  2805. >...
  2807. >"Long, long ago, before my eternal life began, I was an earth pony. My name was Celosia, and wherever I tread, flowers would surely grow."
  2809. >"I was a child of the Earth, one of the three pony tribes. There had been constant strife and conflict between us since before even my great great grandparents could remember. Nopony knew how or even why it began, but we despised each other, and the only thing preventing a full scale war was the dependence we had upon one another for food."
  2811. >"The unicorns controlled the cycle of day and night, the pegasi controlled the weather, and the earth ponies were the only ones who could effectively farm the land. This relationship meant that if one tribe fell, the rest would quickly follow. Much time and effort was spent on searching for ways to break this interdependence, from all sides, in order to gain a decisive advantage, and I suppose that is the root of how this all started..."
  2813. >"The legends of the Cradle were older than time itself. It was a place held in both fear and reverence, built and blessed by our progenitors. Many times throughout history had the tribes sought to uncover the fabled great magic hidden there, but despite sending numerous expeditions, which often clashed against one another, the great magic was never found. All three tribes had given up searching before I was even born, determined that the rumored magic was nothing more than myth and devoting their resources to other pursuits."
  2815. >"But the Chancellor who came to power during my youth, Puddinghead, was a superstitious sort. He strongly believed that the old myths held truth, one of which being that the great magic of the Cradle did exist, and that it would only make itself known to one who already possessed exceptional magical power. By the time I was a young mare, word of my unusually strong growth magic reached the Chancellor, and I was tasked with finding and harnessing the great magic of the Cradle for the earth pony tribe. As you can imagine, it was quite a weight upon my shoulders, but I felt it was my duty to my kin, for at the time the hatred for the other tribes which burned in our hearts burned strongly in my own as well."
  2817. >"Alone, I made my way across the great bridge and the threshold of the Grand Gate. I spent weeks wandering the island. I found each of the wayshrines, exactly as I was told I would, and pondered their meaning. But there was no magic within them, and I began to fear that I would never find that which I sought. I was prepared to return to the tribe with my tail between my legs in failure, when I crashed headfirst into a twist of fate. Though, upon further reflection, I believe she crashed headfirst into me..."
  2819. >...
  2820. >...
  2821. >...
  2822. >With a heave, you pull Celestia up and over the waterfall's edge and onto dry land. The sun shining through the cave's entrance warms your back, and you can already feel your clothes starting to dry. Your alicorn companion thankfully refrains from shaking herself until after you step a safe distance away.
  2823. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"
  2824. >She blows a few damp strands of mane away from her face. "No... I suppose it wasn't. Shall we go?"
  2825. >Together, you step outside the cave and into the warm sun, and in an instant you find yourselves back on Equus, just beyond the first gate.
  2827. >You pull the stone from your pocket and hold it in your hand. You can feel the warmth now stored there as the dullness of its surface begins to fade.
  2828. "One down..."
  2830. ~~~~~~~~~
  2832. >You let out a tired sigh as the next wayshrine comes into view. Celestia nudges you in the shoulder in response.
  2833. >"Something the matter?"
  2834. "Well, my clothes just finished drying out and now we're gonna have to go for a swim. You've probably never had to worry about this, but walking around with wet socks and underwear sucks."
  2835. >She giggles. "Yes, the swim is a pain, isn't it? I remember Lulu being quite annoying as we struggled on our way..."
  2836. >She steps in front of you and curls up, presenting her back.
  2837. >"...but this time, I think we'll skip over it. Like you, I feel we've had enough fun in the water for today."
  2838. >You can't suppress your joyous laughter as you take your place upon her back. Why didn't you think of this before? The last time you were here this trial almost killed you. But with Cel to carry you, it should be trivial!
  2839. >She turns to the gate, spreads her wings, and gallops ahead. You pass under the arch, and suddenly you're flying over the vast Equestrian Ocean.
  2840. >With a beat of her wings, she flies higher, narrowly avoiding the crest of a wave. You breathe deep, taking in the fresh sea air as it rushes by you.
  2841. >Celestia turns her head back, her strawberry mane whipping in all directions. "This is much better, wouldn't you say?"
  2842. "That's a helluva understatement. I can already see it over there."
  2843. >"Ah, so it is." She tilts her wings and banks toward the small island in the distance...
  2845. |- The Second Trial
  2846. |- The Great Ocean / Horseshoe Island
  2848. >Four hooves touch down on the sandy beach. You dismount and walk beside Celestia as the two of you make your way toward the small island's center. You keep one hand on her withers as you walk, if only to remind yourself that she's there, while you watch the waves roll in in the distance.
  2850. >The silence between you is only interrupted by the sound of the ocean. In time, you speak, not so much to the pony beside you, but to yourself:
  2851. "I... almost died out there."
  2852. >She sighs. "As did I. Despite all her teasing, it was Lulu who saved us when our strength gave out. She truly was incredible. I can't imagine what it was like for you to face the terror of nearly drowning alone."
  2853. "It was more scary than anything else, I think. I was lucky that I got close enough to the island for the waves to dump me on the shore..."
  2854. >You close your eyes and try to bury the memories. When you open them again you find Celestia standing in front of you with tears threatening to fall.
  2855. >"Forgive me."
  2856. "...What?"
  2857. >"Forgive me. I was the one who sent you here alone. It was foolish. I was foolish. I should've never..."
  2858. "Hey."
  2859. >You place a hand on her neck and trail your fingers through her mane as you smile and touch your forehead to hers.
  2860. "It was worth it. Don't you think?"
  2861. >"Yes. Were I given the chance to undo all of the mistakes that led to this moment, I wouldn't dream of it, and I suppose that's my own selfish nature shining through. But still, Anon..."
  2862. >You shake your head.
  2863. "There's nothing to forgive. After all, it was my dumb ass that listened to you and actually came here."
  2864. >You move in and touch your lips to hers. She closes her eyes and leans into the kiss with surprising strength. You savor it for a while, then use your thumb to wipe a few tears from her eyes as you pull back.
  2865. "I wouldn't change anything either."
  2866. >Her smile returns, and you continue on your way.
  2867. >Eventually the sand gives way to reeds and then a forest as you make your way inland. The rune which marks your exit shines on the ground before you, and the two of you pause to examine it.
  2868. "There's something I never figured out."
  2869. >"Hmm?"
  2871. "Why do these wayshrines dump us in random places around the world, anyway? I mean, some of 'em sort of make sense, but this one chucks you in the middle of the ocean near a tiny uninhabited island with nothing on it. Where's the sense in that?"
  2872. >Celestia ponders for a moment. "Ah, I see. I suppose to one who doesn't have a sense for magic, these places may seem random, but that's not the case. I mentioned before that each wayshrine is the wellhead of a leyline that runs throughout the world. The places the gates send us are locations found along each gate's associated line. As we travel to the exit, the Orb gathers the leyline's magic. It's not so much the act of passing through the gate, but overcoming the trial, that empowers the Orb."
  2873. >You scratch your head.
  2874. "Yeah, okay, that sort of makes sense. But still, out of all the places on this leyline, why here?"
  2875. >"I... suppose I can't say for certain, as only the progenitors would know. But my personal opinion, based on the things I was able to discern from my studies of them, was that they likely had a somewhat... annoying sense of humor."
  2876. "...Figures."
  2877. >The two of you step into the rune and through the second wayshrine's arch. You continue on your way, thankful to have both dry socks and underwear, and for the pony by your side who made it all possible.
  2879. ~~~~~~~~~
  2881. >The noonday sun bares down on you from overhead, reflecting off the desert sands with an almost blinding intensity.
  2882. >Yeah, you kinda wish you had soaking wet underwear and socks right now. At least maybe it'd cool you down some.
  2883. >Your trusty steed / newfound special somepony (to use Pinkie's term) seems to be faring a little better, though it's tough to tell since she's facing forward, scanning the sands intently.
  2884. "...Can't we just go?"
  2885. >"Do you want to be eaten by the sandworms? Because I'd rather not be eaten by the sandworms."
  2887. "Yeah, I'll pass on that. But why can't we just fly over?"
  2888. >As if on cue, a large brown worm emerges from the swirling sands several hundred feet ahead of you and fires a disgusting glob of acidic mucus at a passing buzzard. The bird is easily struck by the projectile, falling directly into the waiting worm's tooth-lined maw as it descends below the sands once more.
  2889. >"Well, there's that."
  2890. "Right."
  2891. >"...And I need my hooves on the ground in order to sense them."
  2892. "Okay."
  2893. >"And right now their movement patterns aren't ideal, so we'll be waiting here until I determine it's safe."
  2894. "I totally agree with this course of action."
  2895. >"Good, I'm glad."
  2896. "Yep."
  2897. >You wipe the sweat from your brow. Yeah, maybe roasting here for a little longer isn't so bad considering the alternative. It took you about three days to traverse this area by yourself once you realized the worms primarily sense using the shadows on the sand as a way to determine if something is moving on the surface. Thankfully that sense is greatly diminished on overcast nights or you'd probably have never made it.
  2898. >But you don't have the luxury of waiting till nightfall now, so that means a mad dash through the desert to your destination. Hooray.
  2899. >"...That's it!"
  2900. >And just like that, she's off like a bullet...
  2902. |- The Third Trial
  2903. |- Desert Ruins
  2905. >You grab her mane to steady yourself just in time to keep from falling off. The scorching air rushing past you does little to cool you down, though it's still a welcome change from standing still for the past twenty minutes.
  2906. >You hear a roar behind you. Or more accurately a series of roars. Against your better judgment you risk a glance back and...
  2907. >Yep, sandworms. Pissed off sandworms.
  2909. >Celestia dodges to the right as a mucus blob crashes into the space she would've been had she not changed course. She dodges left again to avoid another volley as you consider whether or not you should keep your eyes open throughout this whole ordeal. The sandworms pursue you with that special level of fervor reserved only for hellish abominations such as these. They swarm from all sides, hot on your trail.
  2910. >Thankfully, the great series of carved stone pillars marking the road to the ruins you're heading toward appears on either side of you, blocking off several angles they can attack from. Still, one attempts to leap at you, only to smash its disgusting tooth-filled maw into one of the pillars.
  2911. >"Ha! You'll have to do better than that!" Celestia yells in response, and you catch the huge smile on her face as she gallops as fast her legs will carry her.
  2912. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?!"
  2913. >"To be... perfectly honest..." she pants, dodging to the side to avoid yet another leaping worm. "I am!"
  2914. >...Yeah, should've known. This is definitely the earth pony in her. You found out before that she loves to run, after all.
  2915. >The ruins come into view ahead of you as another worm gets a mouthful of pillar after a failed lunge. Turning away from the sight, you lean forward and yell into Celestia's ear.
  2916. "I hate to be a buzzkill, but what do we do about them once we get there?"
  2917. >"Hadn't thought that far ahead!"
  2918. >You laugh. She always knows exactly the shit to say during times like these to raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
  2919. >You hear another roar and find three worms still behind you. Celestia pulls to the far right of the pillar-lined road and then abruptly stops. The pursuing worms? Yeah, they're continuing to tear after you intent on having a delicious human and pony lunch.
  2920. >You let Celestia know your feelings regarding this change of events by rapidly smacking her withers.
  2923. >"Quiet Anon, I need to concentrate in order to time this properly."
  2924. >She waits for several more seconds before rearing up and bucking the nearby pillar with such force that it rattles your teeth. The sound of the impact is like thunder and the struck pillar begins to teeter, its foundation damaged beyond repair.
  2925. >The worms are nearly right on top of you now. You resign yourself to your fate.
  2926. >They leap from the sand, maws agape and dripping with viscous nasty-looking worm saliva.
  2927. >Celestia gracefully steps aside.
  2928. >And the falling pillar crushes all three, causing their internal organs to be ejected out of their mouths and onto the sand ahead of you.
  2929. >Some kind of weird lung-like piece nearly smacks you in your face as it sails past.
  2930. >The corpses writhe for a while, then fall silent. The desert winds kick up, already attempting to claim the bodies beneath the sands.
  2931. >You're utterly speechless at what just happened, but the alicorn merrily trots away from the scene in triumph, holding her head up high. Without looking back, she proudly quips:
  2932. >"I suppose this means we arrived before the early bird. Or perhaps he slept in today."
  2933. >You groan and slump forward, resting your head on Celestia's own.
  2934. "...What am I gonna do with you?"
  2935. >She grins. "Something fun, I hope."
  2936. >You half sigh / half laugh as she carries you up the worn steps of the ruins to the shimmering rune that marks the trial's end.
  2938. ~~~~~~~~~
  2940. >"Strange ape and big white pony went that way! Sniff them out! Sniff them out!"
  2941. >The two of you remain huddled together in a forgotten side passage, daring not to breathe as a pack of diamond dog grunts marches past.
  2943. >You risk a glance around the corner to confirm that the coast is clear after the noise of their footsteps fades into the distance. Celestia pokes her head out as well, which you quickly push back into your hiding spot when you spy another patrol crossing through the adjacent corridor.
  2944. >You turn to the alicorn in the darkness and whisper:
  2945. "(Do you not know the meaning of the word 'stealth'?)"
  2946. >"(A spider landed on my flank! There's not a single pony in this world who wouldn't be startled by that! Except for maybe Luna because she's weird and likes spiders!)"
  2947. >She puffs out her cheeks in annoyance and you quietly facepalm.
  2948. "(Fine, whatever. We just need to lay low for a while until things settle down, then we make a break for the exit. I still remember where it is.)"
  2949. >"(That's all well and good, but you shouldn't put too much trust in your memory. They could've altered the general layout of the tunnels since you were last here.)"
  2950. >You lean back against the rocky wall of the passage. She raises a good point...
  2952. |- The Fourth Trial
  2953. |- Terror Caves
  2955. >In all honesty these caves probably weren't all that terrifying before this extremely aggressive pack of diamond dogs moved in and started mining for gems. Now you can't turn a corner without risking a spear in your face. Celestia did mention something about giant spiders lurking about in the past, though you never encountered any.
  2956. >The first time you were here you managed to survive due to the fact that the dogs didn't know what the hell you were and were terrified of you. You basically ran screaming from each other until you stumbled upon the exit rune.
  2957. >This time... yeah, that's not gonna work. Especially since they're keen to abduct the 'big white pony' for free slave labor.
  2959. >Yeah, well, tough shit, guys. She's -your- big white pony now.
  2960. >You turn to Celestia as she peers out into the hallway again before retreating back into the shadows. Her pretty strawberry mane wildly frames her face as she moves to peer out again, eyes searching and thoughts racing.
  2961. >It's hard not to imagine her without her wings and horn here, peering around the cave wall with her friends, trying to piece together a plan.
  2962. >As you watch and listen for further patrols and prepare to make your move, more of her words from last night find their way into your thoughts...
  2963. >...
  2964. >...
  2965. >...
  2967. >"A twist a fate crashed into me in the form of a dark sapphire blue pegasus with the rather funny name of Gloomy Plume. At first I figured her for an agent of the Pegasus Tribe, sent to find the great magic just as I was, but it quickly became clear that wasn't the case. Gloomy was an odd sort, but she was unlike any pegasus I had ever met before. She seemed unconcerned by the conflict between the tribes. She seemed unconcerned about anything at all, really, as long it didn't involve her primary hobby of stargazing, as the spyglass imposed upon the night sky on her flank so reflected."
  2969. >"I learned that she was a deserter from the pegasus army who never had any interest in fighting or politics. She merely wanted to study the stars, and the powerful wings upon her back were able to carry her to places few other pegasi could reach in order to gain the appropriate vantage point to observe the night sky. This talent came to the attention of Commander Hurricane himself, and she soon found herself drafted into service and a life of misery."
  2971. >"She fled to Equus because she felt she wouldn't be followed to a place most ponies considered cursed or at the very least hallowed ground. Something about her plight touched my heart, and I found my prejudices slipping away as we spoke. Perhaps I was a little lonely by this point too, but I could tell she was happy to have found a friend. The difference between us, that I was an earth pony and she a pegasus, was the very reason she was able to trust in me."
  2973. >"I didn't share my reason for being on the island. Not yet, at least. But we spent the next several weeks together, myself searching in secret for the great magic, and she recording star charts in her journals. Our friendship grew, even to the point where she begrudgingly accepted my silly nickname for her, 'Lulu'..."
  2975. >...
  2976. >...
  2977. >...
  2979. >Shit, shit, shit!
  2980. >So yeah, Cel was right. Some of the old tunnels have been closed off, so you've been sneaking in the direction you -think- the exit might be.
  2981. >Or, you were sneaking until just a few seconds ago...
  2982. >With a crack, Celestia bucks the sentry unconscious. She even put a damn dent in his stupid looking helmet... you make a mental note never to startle her from behind.
  2983. >"Please tell me we're near the exit."
  2984. "Uh... probably? Let's just keep running this way."
  2985. >She rolls her eyes. "You're not inspiring much confidence in me, Anon."
  2986. "That sounds like a personal problem. I have full confidence in my ability to randomly stumble across the way out of this hellhole!"
  2987. >And just like that, you turn the corner to find a room with the exit rune shining on the floor. Score one for human intuition!
  2988. >Unfortunately said room also seems to be the diamond dog's mess hall, and apparently most of them just sat down for an early dinner.
  2990. >Hundreds of eyes stare at the human and pony in the doorway and all chatter ceases. There's a loud clamor as utensils are placed down and chairs slide out as the dogs stand from their tables, accompanied by a weird scratching sound that you can't quite place.
  2991. >Yeah, looks like you're fucked. One of the dogs, his pockets stuffed with gems, paces before you with the swagger of a leader.
  2992. >"Well, well, well! Looks what we haves here! A big white pony and ugly monkey! Perfects labor for the deep mineses, eh boys?!"
  2993. >Hundreds of grunts of agreement echo from behind him.
  2994. >"Um, boss..." A small dog tugs at the leader's coat. The bigger dog smacks his paw away.
  2995. >"Leader is speaking now! What do you want?!"
  2996. >The smaller dog cowers. "B-Boss, don't ya hear the scratchings?"
  2997. >Huh, come to think of it that weird sound has been getting louder...
  2998. >'Leader' perks his ears up. "Scratchings? Oh... oh no..."
  2999. >The scratching gets even louder, a nearby wall collapses, and giant fucking spiders begin streaming into the room.
  3001. >"GYAAAAAAA!"
  3002. >"OUR... OUR ONE WEAKNESS!"
  3004. >The room erupts into chaos as the giant spiders pounce on the panicked dogs, their many black soulless eyes radiating pure evil as they begin lovingly pumping neurotoxins into their prey.
  3005. >You don't think. You don't question it.
  3006. >Both you and Celestia run like the wind toward the exit rune, NOPE'ing the fuck outta there faster than you ever have in your lives.
  3007. >You stumble out of the wayshine gate at Equus and nearly kiss the ground in relief.
  3008. >Yeah, turns out the Terror Caves were aptly named after all.
  3009. >Fucking spiders...
  3011. ~~~~~~~~~
  3013. >A bolt of lightning rips through the air to the side of you, seeking the earth far below. The boom of thunder fades in your ears as Celestia speaks:
  3014. >"I hope you're not going to ask me if we can simply fly over there."
  3015. >Several more bolts flash in the distance.
  3016. "Nah... not for this one."
  3017. >The two of you stand atop the peak of a gigantic floating chunk of obsidian stone suspended amidst an eternal storm. Various stones of a similar size and shape can be seen in the distance when the swirling storm clouds permit it, connected to one another by a vast network of hanging chains. You can recognize the shape of ruins built upon each one in the same style of those you encountered in the desert.
  3018. >The carved stairs before you descend from the stone's tall peak into a series of ruins, beckoning you toward them with the promise of safety from the storm...
  3020. |- The Fifth Trial
  3021. |- Forgotten Outpost
  3023. >Both of you enter the ruins just as the rain begins to fall. The various rooms here are mostly empty, their contents hastily removed by either the previous occupants or explorers who came later. Thankfully the lights still function, bathing the facility in a soft teal glow.
  3024. "Man, who even built this place, anyway? And what for?"
  3025. >"Again, this is a ruin of the progenitors; those who came before ponykind. As for its purpose, my best guess is that they wanted to study the effects of lightning or electricity. This storm has been raging for thousands of years, and lightning strikes every several seconds. I imagine they had a variety of devices, both magical and mundane, to harness and experiment with the currents."
  3026. "Huh. Makes sense, I guess."
  3028. >You kick a loose stone and listen to it echo across the large room as you walk. The exit point isn't even on this stone "island", it's on one far in the distance. You'll need to traverse several of these islands and small ruins in order to reach it by using a series of gondolas that run along the chains which connect the islands together.
  3029. >You try not to think about what actually causes these large stones to float in the first place. The gondola rides are scary enough... if you knew what kind of science / magic / whatever was involved you'd probably be scared shitless that it'd fail while you were up here...
  3030. >"Still," the alicorn continues, admiring the architecture, "such experiments wouldn't necessitate the need for such strong security, especially between these linked facilities. I hope you remember the solutions to the various puzzle locks we'll encounter, as my memory is a bit hazy."
  3031. >You raise an eyebrow.
  3032. "Uh... 'puzzle locks'?"
  3033. >Celestia looks confused. "Surely you must remember them. They secure the gates which prevent normal passage between the islands, each one an intricate puzzle that must be solved by gathering clues from the various murals which remain here...?"
  3034. >You scratch your head.
  3035. "Yeah, that's not ringing any bells."
  3036. >"But... but that can't be! There's no way you'd be able to advance to the next island without..."
  3037. >The two of you come to a stop in front of a half-open metal gate. The large lock panel there has been disassembled, and the hundreds of tiny, expertly crafted pieces of the mechanism are scattered across the floor nearby. Celestia looks to you, completely incredulous.
  3038. >"What did you do?!"
  3039. "Hey, I didn't know they were puzzles, I just figured I didn't have the key and wasn't likely to find it! If these 'progenitors' or whatever wanted to keep people out they shouldn't have made these things so easy to take apart with a multitool and a piece of scrap metal."
  3041. >You force the gate the rest of the way open, making the exit big enough for Celestia to pass through.
  3042. >"And... you did this to all the locks along the path?"
  3043. "Well, yeah. Again, how else do you think I got through here?"
  3044. >She remains silent for a moment, her expression unreadable. Slowly, her muzzle scrunches up as she tries to contain her laughter, which echoes throughout the ruins and overcomes even the sound of the driving rain outside.
  3045. >"You... you're just... humans are full of surprises, aren't they? These stupid locks drove us to hysterics when we first encountered them, especially some of the later ones which were pure trial and error! We spent months here!" She steps forward and nuzzles you, ending with a kiss on your cheek. "Perhaps I should take this as a lesson, and try to 'think outside of the box' more often myself."
  3046. >You smile, happy to see her so pleased.
  3047. "Well, sometimes the most direct solution is the best one, I guess."
  3048. >The two of you continue past the open metal gate to board the first of the gondolas that'll take you to the next series of islands.
  3049. >You shut the door as Celestia takes her seat inside, then take your own seat at the front. You pull the control lever to release the gondola and the car begins its journey through the stormy skies, lightning flashing all around and rain pelting the cabin's single window.
  3050. >There's not much for you to do in the pilot's seat since there's nothing to really 'drive', so you abandon it to sit beside your alicorn companion. She turns to you, a serene smile on her face, and rests her head on your shoulder. Surprisingly you're not afraid of the turbulent ride as you focus on her obviously tired but steady breathing. A hand finds its way into her mane, seeking out her favorite spot.
  3051. "I've been thinking about one of the things you said yesterday."
  3052. >"Oh?"
  3054. "And you're even more right than I realized at the time. Whatever the trial, and whatever the triumph, having a friend with you changes everything."
  3055. >"It does, doesn't it?"
  3056. >She closes her eyes and you enjoy the moment of respite together as the gondola travels along.
  3058. ~~~~~~~~~
  3060. >The stars are out by the time the two of you emerge from the fifth Wayshrine Gate. Celestia flops down on the ground nearby and lets out a tired sigh.
  3061. >"I don't know about you, but I'm utterly exhausted."
  3062. >You pull the stone from your pocket and examine it. Its surface now reflects its surroundings and you can feel the radiance of the magic within it warm your palm.
  3063. "It's getting dark anyway. Let's stop for today. Five gates in fifteen hours is pretty good, right?"
  3064. >The white alicorn stands and shakes herself before trotting over to you. "It's incredible." She peers at the stone in your hand and smirks. "...And it seems you could create a lowborn now if you wanted."
  3065. "Do you think, if worse comes to worse, that this would be enough?"
  3066. >She closes her eyes and shakes her head. "No. Though she's still young, Twilight commands the power of a true alicorn. I'll need the full power of an Orb in order to stand against her."
  3067. >You re-pocket the stone pat her on the head.
  3068. "Then I guess it's back to the grind for us tomorrow, my big pony. C'mon, let's look for a place to camp."
  3069. >You start foraging for deadwood while Celestia searches for a suitable campsite. The area around the fifth gate is a dry and exposed section of the island with sparse vegetation. With no nearby trees you're forced to scavenge from the scattered shrubs you can find. It won't be enough to last the night, but it should be enough to prepare a meal. Celestia waves at you, having located a promising looking rock outcropping, and you wave back.
  3071. >The thought of having her warmth by your side is comforting, especially since tonight looks to be colder than the last. You're getting dangerously close to adding 'cute ex-princess horse' to your standard list of essential survival items. It's getting harder and harder to imagine leaving home without one, that's for sure.
  3072. >Soon, you have a modest fire going and the two of you are gulping down another helping of Applejack's 'So easy even Anon can make it!' stew.
  3073. >You lean back against the rock outcropping, the remaining warmth of the starving fire radiating against it, and stare up at the stars.
  3074. "What do you think the others are up to right now?"
  3075. >Celestia drains her current bowl with a satisfied sigh. "Oh, I imagine Applejack and Macintosh are having a disagreement, little Applebloom is attempting to mediate it, and Pinkie Pie is either blissfully ignorant or completely aware of what's going on and working to resolve things in her own way. Admittedly, sometimes it's tough to tell with her."
  3076. >You chuckle.
  3077. "Yeah, she's an enigma all right."
  3078. >The pony places her empty bowl aside and curls up beside you.
  3079. >"We did well today. Far better than I imagined, but our task is not yet complete. We should sleep, Anon. We'll need all the energy we can muster for tomorrow."
  3080. >You throw a few more scrub branches on the waning fire, attempting to revive it so that at least the two of you will be able to fall asleep in relative comfort.
  3081. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I was kinda hoping for another fireside confession from you tonight. The last one was something else."
  3082. >She giggles and lightly bats you with a wing. "I'm afraid I'm all out of material to entertain you, Anon. One can only do so much over the course of thousands of years to make for good stories, so you'll have to go to bed without one. That is, unless you'd like to be the storyteller this time."
  3084. >You shake your head.
  3085. "I think I've told you most of my good stories already. We've been living together for a while now, after all."
  3086. >You place your own bowl aside and lay down next to her. Her wing unfolds to cover your body as you turn to face one another.
  3087. >"There's a simple solution to this problem, you know."
  3088. "Hmmm?"
  3089. >"Yes. All we need to do is make new ones..."
  3090. >Her hooves pull you to her in a light embrace as your breath mingles together, the meager fire forgotten.
  3092. ~~~~~~
  3093. >Day 2
  3094. ~~~~~~
  3096. >Dawn finds the two of you on the move once again. The flight to each wayshrine is becoming longer and longer as each subsequent gate is further away than the last. It's a little sobering to think that without Celestia you'd have to spend days merely hiking to each one, never mind actually overcoming the trials within.
  3097. >She lands a safe distance from the sixth shrine and you prepare to dismount, only to be stopped by a raised wing.
  3098. >"There's no need."
  3099. >Before you can ask her why, she's carried you through the shining portal. The world around you wavers and vanishes, only to be remade anew as the trial begins.
  3100. >You open your eyes to see the silver sands of a secluded beach beneath your alicorn's snow white hooves. Small, wispy white clouds are scattered across the bright blue sky, still tinged with the lingering colors of dawn. A peninsula linked to the mainland rests across the ocean waters far in the distance. But easily the most striking aspect of the scenery is the constantly shifting sandbar, visible just below the water's surface, which connects your beach with the far peninsula. The shifting currents constantly distort it, creating a silver road through the water that dances like the aurora of the northern skies...
  3102. |- The Sixth Trial
  3103. |- Forsaken Shoals
  3105. >Yeah, you remember this one. Running across that continually disappearing and shifting sandbar, trying to time your movements with the tides, and ultimately contending with the giant crabs that lurk just below the sands...
  3106. >You didn't make it on the first try, or even the seventeenth. To put it bluntly, this trial was hell for you, and you dearly hoped that you'd never have to see this god-forsaken place ever again.
  3107. >Celestia spreads her wings and begins to gallop toward the water. With a leap, she takes to the air, carrying you above the silver road and the challenges you once faced, and beyond the unpleasant memories of your time here.
  3108. >Just like that.
  3109. >You start to laugh, and soon she joins you.
  3110. "This feels like cheating, but I can't bring myself to give a shit."
  3111. >"While I understand what you mean, there is no 'cheating' in the trials. As long as one reaches the exit, any method may be used. This was another place where Lulu taunted us endlessly while still assisting us when needed. I admit I was quite jealous of her wings at the time, and believe it or not I was actually looking forward to returning here, if only to stretch my own pair in contempt of this ridiculous trial!"
  3112. >Though you can't see her face, the turned-back ears on her head betray her angry expression, which you know from experience is kinda cute in its own way. You reach a hand forward and scratch the space between them, causing the ears to perk up.
  3113. "Sounds like you and I had a similar experience."
  3114. >"...I wouldn't doubt it. But that was in the past, and now we're free to fly."
  3115. >She soars higher and you look down to the world below. The various inlets, bays, islands, and lagoons of this region are breathtakingly beautiful from the air, and you take a moment to admire the view, committing it to memory. Already, it seems you and Celestia are writing a new story together.
  3117. >You silently watch the scenery drift by for several minutes before you hear her songbird-like voice ring out on the wind.
  3118. >"...We don't have to return to Equus, you know. I could carry us to any one of these little islands, where we'd be alone. There would be food, and materials for a shelter... a peaceful place just for the two of us. Would you like that?"
  3119. "Yeah... it sounds nice, but how long would it be until Twilight tracked us down? Like a week at most? And then where would we be?"
  3120. >She sighs. "Yes. You're right, of course. In truth, with her magic it'd be a matter of days, possibly less. We really have no choice but to advance to the exit, to challenge the remaining trials, and to face her. That is the one and only path available to us if we want to hold any hope of resolving this."
  3121. >She adjusts her course toward the now much closer peninsula, where the rune marking the exit awaits.
  3122. >"But if that is true, and we have no choice in the matter... why do I feel freer and more unfettered during these past few days than I have in the last several millennia of my life...? It's so strange... freedom is what I desired for so long, and that desire prompted the foolish decisions that placed us here. And now, even though I know and understand that I'm truly not free, I can still feel it, from the depths of my heart; this lost, precious thing. It rings as both true and false at the same time, and I don't understand how, or why, but still the joy remains, and I don't dare try to quell it."
  3123. >You don't respond right away, instead falling into your own thoughts as you consider her words and your fingers dance along the side of her neck. You close your eyes and lose track of time, only opening them again when you feel her start her descent. And as you watch the peninsula's beach and the glowing rune there move ever closer, you suddenly have the answer.
  3125. "I think I know why. And I think you know why, too."
  3126. >You can feel her tense beneath you before the next beat of her wings sends you further still.
  3127. "But if you really want me to tell you, I will... after the last trial."
  3128. >She doesn't look back as she replies:
  3129. >"I can dump you into the ocean anytime I want, you realize."
  3130. "True, but I think you like me too much to do something like that."
  3131. >She turns back to you and smiles. "Yes, I do like you. But I also think you're very cute when you're soaking wet." She tilts her body in the air, throwing off your balance.
  3132. "Whoa, whoa! Hold on a second! I'm not trying to torment you here... just think of it as like an extra incentive to get through the rest of this BS!"
  3133. >She tilts her head up in thought. "Hmmm... an incentive, you say? That does sound tempting, and I have been prone to give into temptations lately..."
  3134. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  3135. >"But what's even more tempting right now is hearing the unique series of obscenities you'll no doubt string together on your way to the water. From all our time together I must say, your creativity always surprises me. Bon voyage, my little human..."
  3136. "NO--!"
  3137. >You plea falls on deaf ears as she turns the rest of the way to drop you in the water. It's not a long fall, and she recovers you right away, but the damage is done.
  3138. >For the second day in a row you have to walk around with wet socks and underwear.
  3139. >But on the plus side, you invented a new swear that was able to put a blush on the face of a 2500+ year old horse goddess.
  3140. >And sometimes, it's the little victories that make all the difference.
  3142. ~~~~~~~~~
  3144. >The quiet is striking. Aside from the crunch of long-dead leaves under your boots / hooves and the occasional unanswered bird call, only the faraway breeze rustling the top of the forest canopy produces any sound.
  3146. >You'd never seen overgrowth like this before, and haven't seen it since. The tall but warped trees intertwine with one another as they rise, creating a series of almost solid walls of trunks and vines. Very little sunlight can pierce the canopy above, but that's not as big an issue as it sounds, because a species of phosphorescent moss clings near the base of each tree, providing a ghostly soft-white glow to light your path. The floating mist which fails to rise above your waist softens the light from the moss even more, spreading it everywhere...
  3148. |- The Seventh Trial
  3149. |- Labrynthian Woods
  3151. >It's tough to tell how long you've been here. It's been hours, that much is certain, but without the sun an exact count is difficult. The more time that passes, the more you're afraid you've been going in circles.
  3152. >It really doesn't help that your method of getting through this place last time failed and you found the exit via sheer luck. Originally you intentionally broke shoulder-level tree branches to mark a path and hopefully avoid backtracking, but it turns out the trees here don't take kindly to that.
  3153. >Speaking of which, there's a vine wrapping around your leg now.
  3154. "Uh, Cel, a little help here?"
  3155. >Celestia steps over, places a hoof nearby and concentrates. The vine slowly releases you and slithers back toward its point of origin until it's indistinguishable within the network of plants that compose the nearby "wall" of the maze.
  3156. >The alicorn sighs. "They're not used to obeying commands from ponies... these plants certainly are obstinate."
  3157. "Well, at least they've been staying away from you so far. I don't know why they're so interested in feeling me up and I don't think I wanna find out."
  3158. >Celestia giggles. "You're just irresistible to the denizens of Equestria, it seems. Ponies, plants, and from what you told me before even the kiang and minotaurs are eager to get to know you."
  3160. "Yeah, I told you I don't like to talk about that."
  3161. >"My apologies. But perhaps you should stay closer to me, and maybe my unpopularity will rub off on you."
  3162. "I guess. Come to think of it, I'm the only one who's had a bath today thanks to your little stunt earlier, so maybe..."
  3163. >Her pink tail smacks you as you get close, with an angry glare as a follow-up. Totally cute, and totally worth it.
  3164. >You rest an arm across her back and drum your fingers on her withers.
  3165. "So, I hate to be the one to bring this up, but... are we lost?"
  3166. >"Only temporarily."
  3167. "What does that mean?"
  3168. >"It means I'm searching for something, but haven't found it yet. But once I do, I'll know exactly where we are and where we need to go."
  3169. "Oh. That makes me feel better. Sorta."
  3170. >With a roll of her eyes, she lets out a sigh and thrashes her tail again. "I swear, sometimes you're almost as bad as he was."
  3171. >She increases her pace and your arm slips from her back. Looks like you've managed to push one of her buttons.
  3172. >You know who she's talking about, of course. He was the third of the three 'siblings'; her older brother...
  3173. >...
  3174. >...
  3175. >...
  3177. >"While Gloomy's company was welcome, her presence brought me no closer to discovering the great magic. For several more weeks I found only failure while she composed her star charts with the aid of Equus Island's unusually clear night sky. It was disheartening for me, but at the very least I was happy to see that my friend was fulfilling the dream she was not permitted to chase amongst her own kind. But again, I was coming to the conclusion that there was nothing to be found, and began to mentally prepare myself for my return to the tribe, when another chance encounter changed everything."
  3179. >"He was an older unicorn stallion, obviously entering his twilight years, though with a certain stubbornness that indicated he was only as old as he felt. His brown, somewhat faded coat, black mane and tail with streaks of grey, and almost comically bushy eyebrows presented an odd dichotomy between a venerated elder and somepony you weren't certain you should trust. His odd cutie mark of a four leaf clover drawn upon the pages of a spellbook did little to reflect upon the nature his character. He appeared out of the blue one day as we were walking toward the caldera's southern edge, and he seemed almost as surprised to find us as we were to find him."
  3181. >"Gloomy didn't trust him at all, and I didn't blame her. Of the tribes, the rivalry between pegasus and unicorn was the most bitter. I was cautious too, but the lesson I learned from meeting her, that I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, lingered in my mind, and I approached him. And, just like with Gloomy, what I discovered was completely unexpected."
  3183. >"His name was Clover, and he was an exile. Even I had heard of him; he once held a position as an advisor to Princess Platinum herself, but was shamed and cast out due to his constant urging for peace and reconciliation. Even more amazing still, the very reason he came to Equus was the same as mine; he was searching for the great magic, for he felt it was the key to finally ending the conflict between the tribes."
  3185. >"I couldn't fully bring myself to trust him upon our meeting, and obviously I didn't reveal my own purpose, though I suspect he already knew. But the more I came to learn of him, the more my heart softened. His greatest joy was to make ponies laugh and smile; a quality that I've only ever seen reflected in a similar capacity by our own Element of Laughter. He and Gloomy eventually bonded when they discovered a mutual love of pranks, much to my chagrin."
  3187. >"I can't remember exactly when it was, though I do remember exactly what I felt. We were camping near a hill, and as the sun began to set I was suddenly struck by an odd sense of calm. In that moment, I knew in my heart that I trusted the two of them completely, and that they felt the same. We glanced at each other and I could tell they were having a similar experience. Before a single word could be spoken, a column of fire descended from the sky, consuming the nearby hill. It danced and swirled, but strangely burned nothing, and when it disappeared, a strange altar was left behind..."
  3189. >...
  3190. >...
  3191. >...
  3192. >"Ah, there it is!"
  3193. >Celestia prances over to an odd looking section of the forest wall and you follow her.
  3194. "What? Did you find something?"
  3195. >"Yes, this is exactly what I was searching for. Amazing... it still holds residual magic."
  3196. >You look more closely at the wall and notice that an image of a four leaf clover has been carved there. The lines of the cut still have a dull shine to them, as if empowered by a lingering energy.
  3197. >"Clover carved these to mark our way. He had to use a spell, as any other method would be quickly erased by the speed at which the plants here heal themselves. I was hoping they would remain, and I was right. If we follow the direction the stem points we'll come across the exit soon enough."
  3198. >She trots away, eager to find the next mark, and you're quick to follow, eager to not get molested by more vines.
  3199. >And sure enough, the marks hold true, and you find the return rune amid a secluded grove, deep within the forest's center.
  3200. >Together, you step into the glowing circle, feel that familiar sensation of falling, and open your eyes to see that Equus surrounds you once more.
  3201. >You pull the stone from your pocket, now constantly warm to the touch and radiating a dull silver light.
  3202. "Halfway there..."
  3204. ~~~~~~~~~
  3207. >You jam a spoon in his mouth before he can keep yelling at you. God damn, at this rate you're gonna lose your hearing before this is all over.
  3208. "Yeah, yeah. That's great. Now eat your mush. Do you like your mush?"
  3209. >The old minotaur swallows, then swipes the spoon from your hand. The scowl of unfathomable rage never leaves his face as he takes another unsteady bite.
  3210. >"IT IS ACCEPTABLE."
  3211. "Good. Hit the buzzer to let the nurse know if you need anything else."
  3212. >With a relieved sigh, you push your supply cart out of the old minotaur's room and back into the hallway, careful not to bump the white horn conspicuously sticking out between the folds of the tablecloth covering its lower shelf into anything.
  3213. >Yeah, this was the stupidest idea ever...
  3215. |- The Eighth Trial
  3216. |- Bloodfeast Slaughterfields Retirement Community
  3218. >So, from what Celestia said, this place has been around for thousands of years. Apparently minotaurs have either great respect or absolutely no respect for their elders, depending on how you look at it. Once a minotaur reaches a certain age, they move here to live out the rest of their days in relative peace. It doesn't sound so bad until you consider that minotaurs are kinda all about not-peace, so it sorta sucks for them. No wonder most of the residents here are so angry all the time.
  3220. >Really, it doesn't take much to set them off, and brawls are common. But if there's one thing these old assholes really fuckin' hate, it's ponies. So it's only natural that one of the Wayshrine Gates of Equus leads to a random supply closet somewhere within this fine institution!
  3221. >You roll your eyes and curse under your breath as you push the cart along. She really wasn't kidding about the 'progenitors' having a bad sense of humor.
  3222. >Then again, from the perspective of just about anyone else, this is probably goddamn hilarious. You're walking down the hall, decked out from head to toe in an orderly's outfit (including surgical mask) that's about 3 sizes too big for you, pushing a cart with delicious senior citizen mush on the top and a barely concealed Sun Horse on the bottom shelf. You've been pretending to do your job of taking lunch around to the residents as you make your way toward the exit. Yes, this idea is absolutely retarded, but you decided to go for it for two reasons:
  3224. > 1) Most of the old minotaurs here have Mr. Magoo-level eyesight. They probably think you're some kind of scrawny minotaur with a hair problem, and the oversized duds you stole form the supply closet do a good job of covering up any obvious differences, like the lack of goat legs.
  3226. > 2) Your silly horse companion couldn't sneak her way out of a wet paper bag. Seriously, she's terrible, so it's up to you to get the two of you out of here.
  3228. >Based on what you remember, you're a little over halfway to the exit rune. It doesn't look like anyone's on to you yet, so if your luck holds out...
  3229. >Your supply cart sneezes and you facepalm. Hoping for this to go smoothly was probably too much to ask.
  3230. >"Gesundheit, sugarplum~"
  3231. >And it just became infinitely worse.
  3232. "Oh no. No, no, no..."
  3234. >A wrinkly four-fingered hand grabs your ass.
  3235. >"I knew you'd come back to me, my hornless little love-cake. They never could resist the beautiful Loretta Loveglutes. Not durin' my glory days, and not now~"
  3236. >It's her...
  3237. >You barely escaped last time. Even though they're old, these minotaurs can still crush rocks with their bare hands. Yes, including the females, and especially this one. Even the most battle-hardened badass retirees who still hobble through these halls hobble even faster in the other direction at the sight of her, for a variety of equally valid reasons.
  3238. >"You know, I've had my fill of every bull here, whenever and wherever I want. All except for you, sugarplum. You were the one that got away, and I must say... I've been thinkin' 'bout you..."
  3239. >She spins you around to face her.
  3240. >"And since you're here... I know you've been thinkin' 'bout me~"
  3241. >The fact that you don't immediately throw up is a miracle. Sure, you knew what to expect, but to see it in person again would be more than most could take.
  3242. >The geriatric female minotaur wears an oversized sun hat with a matching 'seductive' red dress that's almost bursting at the seams when she flexes her still sizable pecs. She's like a giant California Raisin with horns and a massive nose ring, but that in and of itself isn't too bad.
  3243. >No, the thing that turns your stomach is the fact that the, uh, cut of the dress reveals way more crotch-cleavage than you, or anyone else in the rest of the world, would ever want to see. The shriveled sack that was once possibly an udder is practically falling out like a waterfall of flesh and teats. Without the dress there she'd be dragging the damn thing across the smooth tile floor in her wake, undoubtedly leaving a trail of---
  3246. >"Anon, who is this?"
  3247. >Oh, and now Celestia's emerged from the cart and is staring the aging minotaur down. Great, now your cover's completely blown.
  3248. >You wriggle your way out of your stunned captor's grasp to face the alicorn.
  3249. "...What're you doing?"
  3250. >"I'm simply curious about who this is. It appears you know her."
  3251. "Yes, and I wish I didn't!"
  3252. >"Are you attracted to her?"
  3253. >Your jaw almost hits the floor.
  3254. "Are you fucking serious?!"
  3255. >"It's because she's old, isn't it? You must have a fetish for older mares. I should've known... why else would you be interested in a plain old mare like me?" She folds her ears back and sniffles.
  3256. >Loretta wretches at the sight. "Ugh! A... a pony?! Who let that vile creature in here? Are you... 'familiar' with this thing, sugarplum?!"
  3257. "Um..."
  3258. >Celestia steps between you. "Yes, I'm afraid he is! And you won't win him, because I can assure you that between the two of us I am -much- older! Why, he told me he can't even get aroused unless his partner's seen the passing of the 500-year Horsehair Comet twice or more! I'm afraid you're out of your league here, you hussy."
  3259. >The minotaur stumbles back and dry heaves a bit. "That's bestiality! It's wrong! Oh, oh my stars... I can't believe I wanted him... I..." She swoons. "A-Attendants! Come quickly! There's a pervert on the loose~!"
  3260. "What...?"
  3261. >You're completely lost as to what the fuck's going on now as a bunch of orderlies begin pouring into the hallway. Celestia brushes past you, whispering as she kneels:
  3262. >"This is the part where we make our escape."
  3263. >Her words are enough to snap you back to reality. You mount her and she begins tearing through the hallway at top speed, toppling food service carts and bowling or vaulting over hapless retirees as necessary.
  3264. >You lean down to speak in her ear as she runs.
  3265. "What in the hell was that back there?!"
  3267. >"It didn't seem like you'd be able to easily escape her once she grabbed you, so I felt a distraction was in order."
  3268. "And out of all the things you could've possibly done, that's what you chose?"
  3269. >"It worked, didn't it? Oh, and which way at the next intersection?"
  3270. >She pauses to buck a wheeled service cart behind her which smashes at high speed into a pair of pursuing orderlies, dousing them with warm mush.
  3271. "...I guess. And turn right, I think."
  3272. >She does so, using a beat of her wings for a quick speed boost to traverse the long hallway.
  3273. >"So you admit that it was effective."
  3274. "We blew our cover and have to run for our lives from homicidal minotaurs now. All I'm saying is that it could've been handled in a way that kept us incognito."
  3275. >"And I'll concede that point." She stops, allowing you to pull a nearby fire alarm which causes water to begin pouring from the overhead sprinkler system, further slowing your pursuers when their hooves lose traction on the now-slick tile floor. "But a wise individual recently taught me that sometimes the most direct solution is the best one. I'm merely following his advice."
  3276. >You chuckle to yourself. There's no winning with her, so you just scratch behind her ears as she runs.
  3277. "Fine. It was a good plan, and you made the right call."
  3278. >She giggles. "Indeed I did. The look on your face was even better than I imagined it would be."
  3279. >The hand scratching behind her ears flicks one instead, but it does nothing to quell her laughter as the exit rune comes into view.
  3281. ~~~~~~~~~
  3283. >Stealing that surgical mask ended up being the best decision you've made in a while. Right now it's the only thing preventing you from choking to death on the smoke and ash-laden air. Celestia wears a mask of her own, fashioned from a strip torn from your orderly outfit as the two of you slowly trudge along the uneven rocky ground.
  3285. >This place is a vision of hell. The radiating heat of the lava pouring down the side of the distant volcano is debilitating, robbing you of your strength. Each step must be careful and measured in order to ensure that your next footfall will be on ancient igneous rock instead of 1000 degree black lava.
  3286. >The earth rumbles and a nearby vent erupts, spewing deep red magma and superheated rock behind you. It's impossible to predict where the next one will be, and honestly it feels like it's up to pure random chance whether you'll live through this or not...
  3288. |- The Ninth Trial
  3289. |- Road of Fire
  3291. >There was no special trick to this trial. No secret shortcut or clever way to lessen the danger. The gray ash clouds that waft a few feet above your head make flight a more dangerous prospect than remaining on the ground. Ash-caked feathers don't work so well to hold winged creatures aloft, after all, and the superheated air from the eruptions above could prove to be fatal.
  3292. >You can feel the soles of your boots starting to melt and quickly reposition your feet to a cooler patch of ground. You glance down at Celestia's now soot-blackened hooves and wonder if she's in any pain from the heat. She notices your gaze and gently nuzzles you in a wordless reply that everything's okay.
  3293. >You trudge on in silence. Speaking is an unnecessary risk when the air is so harmful, so the two of you keep quiet and use body language to convey any instructions or warnings to one another.
  3295. >If there's one positive thing in all of this, it's that the exit is only several miles from where you arrived. You will yourself to place one foot in front of the other with the knowledge that each step brings you closer to the end. But despite the amount of concentration it takes to keep yourself moving in the heat, your mind still finds time to wander, flittering between disconnected memories and daydreams; anything to take you away from your current circumstances.
  3296. >You think back to your arrival in Equestria, and all the things you had to adjust to. The first day was quite a shock, but you adapted quickly because your first defense mechanism was to convince yourself that you'd fallen into a coma somehow, either on the trail or due to a previously unknown medical condition. Believing that this colorful world was merely a very vivid dream made accepting things as they came easy.
  3297. >Yet there's a certain point you normally reach when the fact that you're dreaming becomes obvious. You kept waiting and waiting for such a time to come, or for there to be even a hint of it, but it never appeared, and that's when you started to become afraid.
  3298. >You weren't mistreated. The ponies were all welcoming. Your eventual audience with Celestia was a little cold and intimidating, but she deemed you no threat.
  3299. >You then asked her if there was a way for you to return home, and she replied that it wasn't possible. And just like that, your greatest fear was realized, and you didn't know what to do.
  3300. >It was a blow you didn't think you'd ever recover from, but two ponies wouldn't let you fall into despair. Not if they had anything to say about it, at least.
  3301. >The first was Pinkie Pie, your friend from day one. She convinced the Cakes to hire you and kept you busy with either working together, playing games or assisting in her antics.
  3303. >The second was Twilight Sparkle, the little unicorn who was endlessly fascinated by you. She wanted to know everything, EVERYTHING, about your world, your species, your culture, your habits.
  3304. >And yes, her enthusiasm was very cute. You spent a lot of time talking with her at the end of each day, and she filled journal after journal with notes as the candles burned down to their wicks inside the cozy Treebrary...
  3305. >You stumble for a bit and Celestia catches you with her shoulder. She flashes a worried glance but you hold a hand up to indicate that you're fine.
  3306. >You turn your gaze over to the river of lava flowing down the far side of the mountain as you resume your march. Being transported to a land of magical horses is one thing, but who'd have thought you'd ever end up in a place like this? Where did it all go wrong?
  3307. >It was so gradual you barely even noticed, but Twilight's obsession grew. And you spurned her, over and over again, first unintentionally, and then with the intention of gently guiding her interests elsewhere.
  3308. >You didn't want to break her heart. Looking back, you were a coward about the whole thing. Maybe if you'd been up front about it from the start, this all could've been avoided, and you could've lived your entire life without having to literally stroll along the river Styx.
  3309. >But then again, maybe not. Especially given the lengths she's gone to bring you back. It might just be in her nature, and it could've been some poor colt on the receiving end of all of this instead of you.
  3310. >Yet, despite all that's happened, some good has come of it. No, not just 'some' good... a LOT of good.
  3311. >You met a girl. Well, a mare. You lived together. You had to deal with all her annoying mannerisms and habits. You pulled huge multicolored balls of hair from the shower drain more than once, and any sweets left around the house would quickly vanish, among other things...
  3313. >But along with all that stuff came a gentle warmth that filled your life and drowned out the emptiness left behind from being torn from your world and your home. Like the sun rising on the last day of winter, she melted it all away and uncovered the real you again, and in doing so, she revealed her own self to you.
  3314. >And in that way she captured your heart...
  3315. >Your gaze has unconsciously shifted from the burning river to the exhausted alicorn. She notices and you see the crease of a smile form underneath the piece of cloth she's using as a mask.
  3316. >And then there's a loud whistle from the ground beside you; the sound of a new vent opening. The initial blast of air is followed by a small spray of molten rock, and in that instant you know you're going to die.
  3317. >A large white wing wraps in front of your body to shield you from the lava, and you hear Celestia's cry of pain as it sears her. The two of you stumble to the side to escape the vent, even as the white feathers burn away.
  3318. >When you're certain you're both in a safe place, you examine her wing. The secondaries are all but gone, and most of the primaries are either missing or burned beyond use. The flesh of the appendage is badly burned in places and needs treatment as fast as you can muster.
  3319. >You see the tears in her eyes for a moment before she stands again and ushers the both of you forward. A thousand thoughts are flashing through your mind that you want to voice, but you know you can't without inhaling too much of the fouled air.
  3320. >You reach out to pet her neck, she turns to you, and everything is answered by the expression in her eyes:
  3321. >'Some things are much more precious.'
  3323. ~~~~~~~~~
  3325. >She leaps from the top of a ridge, and you feel weightless for a mere moment before her hooves make contact with the snow once more, sending a large plume of white spray into the air. You clutch her mane tighter as she gallops faster than you've ever seen, as if she could outrun the frigid wind itself.
  3326. "Geez, Cel, take it easy! You're gonna work your bandages loose at this rate!"
  3327. >She snorts as she turns to avoid the remains of a shattered progenitor pillar rising from the snow.
  3328. >"I'm not that fragile. And it's just a wing. I grew up without them, just as I grew up without unicorn magic, and I needed neither to overcome something as trivial as this!"
  3329. >You lean back a bit as she drives on through the frozen fields and take a moment to admire your surroundings. Intricately carved pillars reach toward the heavens all around you; some easily 15 feet in diameter and 10 stories high or more. They resemble larger versions of the pillars found near the desert ruins, though they're carved from what you assume is a much sturdier type of local stone. The stars are already visible above in the slightly cloudy midnight blue sky as the setting sun paints the snow-covered horizon various shades of yellow and orange...
  3331. |- The Tenth Trial
  3332. |- Progenitor Graveyard
  3334. >This place is the polar opposite, in nearly every way, of the last trial. Instead of there being a scant few miles of terrain to traverse to reach the exit, this vast, somewhat uneven snowfield easily stretches for over a hundred. Instead of the ever-present danger of erupting lava and toxic air that would kill you relatively quickly, the greatest threat here is the creeping cold which drains the strength of the unwary traveler until they fall into a sleep from which they'll never awaken.
  3336. >In short, it's a different kind of test of endurance. While the Road of Fire required everything you had at once, this place requires everything you have in a strictly measured amount; too little and you'll never advance, too much and you'll never see the exit.
  3337. >You learned all this the hard way. Your hobbies of mountain climbing and backpacking back on Earth helped prepare you for this somewhat, but to actually make it the entire way through here on your own put every survival skill you had to the test. For you, this was by far one of the hardest trials you faced.
  3338. >But don't bother telling Cel any of that. She's moving so fast you rub your eyes to make sure you're not riding a goddamn motorcycle instead of a horse. At this rate you'll traverse all 100 miles in 3 hours or less!
  3339. >Though you can't see her face, her determination is all too evident from the positioning of her ears and head that you're able to catch a glimpse of as the strands of her mane not currently in your hands whip about in the air. Now, more than ever, you can see an image in your mind of the proud Earth Pony, Celosia, as she galloped onward through these same fields with her friends in an age long forgotten by most...
  3340. >...
  3341. >...
  3342. >...
  3344. >"The appearance of the mysterious 'Altar on the Hill' changed everything. We quickly discovered that standing near it at dusk would grant each of us a special stone of incredible latent magical power attuned specifically to us. This was, without a shadow of a doubt, the great magic both myself and Clover were searching for. But no matter what we tried, we couldn't determine how to harness it in any useful way. It was frustrating, but I knew it was only a matter of time until we discovered the secret. It was right in front of us, so tantalizingly close, but I felt in my heart that together we would prevail."
  3346. >"To have the existence of the great magic confirmed caused me to have a crisis of conscience. My mission and duty was to return this power to the Earth Pony Tribe so it could be used to overcome and subjugate the pegasi and unicorns. But in my months getting to know my new friends, I came to learn that not all ponies of the other tribes were bad. Far from it, as from what they told me, others of their kind were growing tired of the constant state of war between us, and the same was true of some of my old earth pony friends. As I held the strange, but precious stone in my hooves, I came to realize that I could never do such a thing, and that I would have to betray the wishes of my people in order to stay true to my heart."
  3348. >"Tearfully, I confessed my purpose to the others. Gloomy was shocked; Clover, not so much, but neither spurned me. We spoke long into the night, and eventually made a vow with one another: that we would unlock this power, and then use it to unite the tribes in friendship and harmony. Though such a thing would've been unthinkable to me mere months before, I knew it would be possible now, because the three of us were living proof. Through the vow we made, we became siblings, and as an only foal I was delighted to have suddenly found an older brother and younger sister."
  3350. >"Our next great discovery was learning that, if we held one of the special stones and approached the Wayshrine Gates, they would become active portals to other, faraway places throughout the world, some of which nopony had ever seen or dreamed existed. Further still, when one eventually returned from these places via a special exit spell created by the shrines, the stone they held would be empowered by incredible magical energy, though the energy still couldn't be harnessed. As a result, we came to the conclusion that we would have to pass through all thirteen gates with a stone in order to unlock its potential."
  3352. >"It took us two and a half years, Anon. We had to learn everything ourselves. We lost many of the stones to trial and error, and had to start from scratch over and over again. We completed some of the earlier gates more times than I can count, but we persevered, and eventually each one of us held a true, completed Orb of Ascension. But still, much to our endless frustration, the magic remained sealed within the Orbs, forever out of our grasp. We didn't understand; they were filled to capacity with the world's magic, so there could be no more gates. What were we missing? What more was there to do?"
  3354. >"Like so many other times, the answer came by chance. Gloomy willingly passed her Orb to Clover for him to examine, and in that moment the great magic we sought for so long was unsealed..."
  3356. >...
  3357. >...
  3358. >...
  3359. >The field drops off as a vast frigid ocean comes into view on the horizon, marking the trial's end. You take the time to examine the bandages on Celestia's injured wing again, as you've done the entire time, to make sure they're holding. You don't care how much she bitches about it at this point; you'll be changing them again and reapplying some burn ointment after you return to Equus.
  3360. >You can see the rune shining on a nearby cliff overlooking the ocean now. Celestia slows her pace as she nears it, then stops and collapses in the snow, throwing you from her back.
  3361. "Cel!"
  3362. >You quickly recover and scramble over to her. Her chest heaves and her deep, gasping breaths flow through the cold air and drift away on the wind. You brush her mane away to get a look at her eyes and assess her condition.
  3363. "Cel, are you alright? Can you see me? How many fingers am I holding up?"
  3364. >She takes a few more gulps of air and shakes her head a bit before laying it back down in the snow.
  3365. >"I'm... I'm fine... I just need a moment, please..."
  3367. >She doesn't look fine. Not by a longshot. This amazing pony just ran for over a hundred miles at top speed, never stopping once, all while carrying you and your gear upon her back. You run your fingers through her mane as you uncork your canteen and help her drink what's left inside.
  3368. "We could've stopped to rest, you know. We had the time."
  3369. >The exhausted alicorn shakes her head. "No. I couldn't stop, Anon. Because if I did, I knew I wouldn't be able to get started again."
  3370. >She attempts to stand, but quickly falls back to the snowy ground. She flashes you a sheepish smile.
  3371. >"I'm... I'm afraid I'll need you to help me the rest of the way, my little human. I hope it's not too much trouble."
  3372. >With your assistance, she's able to stand, and you slowly guide her toward the nearby exit.
  3373. "It's not. But I'm used to you causing trouble, so even if it was it'd be no big deal."
  3374. >That gets a slight giggle out of her. "You're so gracious to put up with me. Is it too late to ask for a humanback ride?"
  3375. "Yeah, way too late. If you were as small as Applebloom, maybe, but I kind of like my spine to be not-collapsed, if you know what I mean."
  3376. >"Oh. So you're saying I'm fat, then."
  3377. >You sigh and ruffle her mane a bit as she leans against you.
  3378. "I'm saying you're my big pony. And it's one of the many, many, many reasons I love you."
  3379. >She closes her eyes and places her head on your shoulder.
  3380. >"You're such a charmer. That was a good save... I suppose I'll need to lay a better trap for you next time."
  3381. >You chuckle and switch your mane-ruffling into a noogie as you step onto the rune together and return to the much warmer open fields of Equus.
  3383. ~~~~~~~~~
  3385. >Despite her protests, you didn't allow Celestia to lift a single hoof as you made camp and prepared dinner. Her absolute exhaustion was more than obvious, whether she was willing to admit it or not. Thankfully, this also meant she was too tired to misbehave, so she calmly remained within the safety of the shelter you built, her magenta eyes following you as you went about your work.
  3386. >You even fed her her dinner yourself, one spoonful at a time, which she initially strongly resisted. That attitude quickly changed after the first few bites and she savored the treatment, even playing with you a few times by refusing to let go of the spoon.
  3387. >After dinner, you removed her bandages and retreated and redressed her wounded wing. She was surprisingly more cooperative this time, so you were actually able to do a proper job.
  3388. >Once that task was done, you went foraging for more fuel for the fire in addition to some leafy plants to provide extra bedding (and possibly a midnight snack) for her.
  3389. >You return to camp to find the pony resting with her eyes closed. She opens them again when she hears your approaching footsteps. You kneel down and gently push her shoulder, and she understands the gesture and rolls over on her good side so you can lay the additional bedding down underneath her.
  3390. >"You know, if you keep this up I'll become spoiled."
  3391. "More spoiled than me, you mean? Because if I remember right, you've been carrying me on your back for most of these trials."
  3392. >You place a few more branches on the fire and sit down beside her. Soon enough, a pair of white lips find your cheek for a chaste kiss.
  3393. >"That doesn't count, because I enjoy doing it."
  3394. "Then none of this counts either, because I enjoy doing it too."
  3395. >She leans against you and you gently guide her head to your lap, where she lets out a contented sigh as you begin to scratch her favorite places.
  3397. >"...I was a little silly back there, wasn't I?"
  3398. "Yeah, a little. But you were damn determined, that was for sure. It was amazing."
  3399. >"Yes, well, when I realized I couldn't fly anymore, I thought about how much time we'd lose as result, and I wanted to push myself to make up for it. But any time we gained would've been easily lost and more had my strength given out and I collapsed far away from the trial's exit. I promise I won't be so reckless again."
  3400. "It's okay, Cel. I would've carried you the rest of the way. I don't know how, but I would've figured it out."
  3401. >"I know. But I don't want to have to ask that of you. What you're doing now is more than enough."
  3402. >You gently place her head on the bedding as you stand to tend the fire again.
  3403. "You should sleep."
  3404. >"Yes, I should. The adrenaline is wearing off, and the food in my stomach will coax me to sleep soon, I'm sure..."
  3405. >You turn back to her, and her tired eyes plead with you in that way she knows always works.
  3406. >"But you've become a bit of a security blanket for me, and I'm afraid if you're not by my side I'll have nightmares."
  3407. "Right, right, I get the message..."
  3408. >You remove your gear and lay next to her, and like always two hooves soon find themselves around you. Celestia lets out a contented sigh as you both settle in and close your eyes.
  3409. >You both begin to drift off, but just as you're almost asleep, you hear her mumble:
  3410. >"Three gates remain. They'll be difficult, but I'm confident we'll succeed."
  3411. "Yeah... me too."
  3412. >"The true challenge will be what comes after, I fear..."
  3413. >You don't answer, her warmth and steady breathing having already lulled you to sleep.
  3415. ~~~~~~
  3416. >Day 3
  3417. ~~~~~~
  3419. >Again, you've packed up camp and are off at dawn. You can't fly to the next gates now, so the travel time between each one will be longer than usual. Still, you restrict Celestia's pace to a comfortable one to give her more time to recover between trials, and since you also insist on walking yourself.
  3420. >Unfortunately, this guarantees that she'll be pouting and huffy the entire way, but oh well. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices, right?
  3421. >You reach the next gate just as the sun peeks above the volcano's rim in the distance. You move to enter, but she stays back, nervously pacing a bit.
  3422. >"There's... there's something I feel I should mention."
  3423. "What? Is it the fact that they're all changelings? Because I already know they're all changelings. You know, from the last time I was here."
  3424. >Her eyes dart around a bit. "Changelings? Oh. Yes, of course. That was a bit silly of me. Of course you'd know. I suppose I'm worrying over nothing."
  3425. >She lays down and turns to you.
  3426. >"Well, go ahead. Hop on and let's try to get through this as quickly as possible. We don't have any spare time to dawdle here."
  3427. >Mindful of her wing, you mount Celestia and she stands and carries you through the gate.
  3428. >A great, verdant valley appears before your eyes. Grassy inclines turn to steep, rocky mountains on each side. A calm river weaves its way along the single, well-worn road, providing plenty of pure water to drink. The sun is warm, but not overly hot. In essence, it's perfectly relaxing. Well, aside from the fact that this is...
  3430. |- The Eleventh Trial
  3431. |- Estrus Valley
  3433. >Yeah, good old changelings. They sure love their... well, their love, and they'll go to any lengths to get it.
  3434. >One old hive in particular had the bright idea of settling in a valley that happens to be a major thoroughfare between two pony cities. To avoid it, one would have to make a pretty inconvenient detour around the mountains.
  3436. >From what you found out later, courtesy of a little reading, they were highly successful at first. Even though the area was well known as a changeling hive, travelers couldn't really avoid it, merchant caravans especially. Some even enjoyed their routine trips through, much to their wives' displeasure.
  3437. >But with the advent of modern air travel, the need to cross the valley on hoof for both personal and commercial traffic was greatly reduced. Not many ponies come through anymore, except for those specifically looking for what's on offer, or those completely unaware of what they're getting into. Long story short, the changelings here are usually starving, so when you showed up the first time they were on you like flies on shit.
  3438. >"Welcome to the Valley of Dreams~!"
  3439. >...And so it begins. You're surrounded by ponies who've appeared from seemingly nowhere. They're all different shapes, sizes, colors and types. Well, not really. You see the familiar face of Bon Bon in the crowd, along with several other Bon Bons, and repeats of other ponies too. Looks like the changelings don't have a big catalog of disguises to choose from, or maybe they're just lazy.
  3440. >"Hey, you're that weird looking thing from before!"
  3441. >"And wow, you're a big pony! You like sweets, I bet! Want some candy?"
  3442. >"You're cute!"
  3443. >"Would you like to come somewhere with us? There's lots of things to see and do here..."
  3444. >"You two look tired. I run a comfy inn a little ways down the road..."
  3445. >"I love your mane!"
  3446. >"I love your weird little eyes! So cute!"
  3447. >"Oh! Oh! Please, play with us..."
  3448. >"Whip your cock out! I wanna see it!"
  3449. >Another pony grabs that one and scoots her away. "Ehehehe. Sorry about that. She's new. We really do want to see your cock though, if you wouldn't mind."
  3450. >You open your mouth to say something, but before you can get a word out your new special somepony speaks for you.
  3452. >"He would mind! He's in a committed relationship! We both are! With each other! Deeply committed! So he's not interested! Now please be courteous and leave us alone; we're only passing through! Good day!"
  3453. >With a snort, she quickly trots away, leaving the throng of disguised changelings behind.
  3454. "Are you okay? You're kinda... I dunno, on edge or something."
  3455. >"I'm fine. (But those bucking whorses over there won't be if they keep bothering you...) Anon, do you love me?"
  3456. "Uh... yeah. I thought we established that by now."
  3457. >"Good, just checking. So, on a related note, when would you like to consummate our relationship? Because I'd really like to do that soon."
  3458. >Yeah, she's definitely acting weird.
  3459. "Well... me too, but I hadn't really thought about it. I mean, we just confessed to each other a couple of days ago and we've been busy with this other stuff since then. You know, the deadly trials, the batshit crazy purple alicorn who wants to kidnap me, plus her retarded friends and the military who're after us... stuff like that. It didn't seem like the appropriate time."
  3460. >"Oh. So you'll find time to face the Trials of Equus, and run from being forcibly wed to a demonstrably crazy pony, but you won't find the time to rut me? Am I that ugly to you?"
  3461. "What? What the hell's gotten into you?!"
  3462. >"Nothing! That's the problem!"
  3463. >Okay, what the fuck is going on here? What the hell is she... wait...
  3464. "What was it that you didn't tell me before we went through the gate?"
  3465. >"What does it matter? You never listen to me anyway!"
  3466. "For fuck's sake, it's like you're..."
  3467. >This isn't good. Not if it's what you think it is, anyway. You reach forward and turn her head toward you. Her normally white cheeks are now a rosy shade of red, and it looks like she's been sweating even though she's only maintaining a canter.
  3469. "Cel..."
  3470. >"Anon..."
  3471. "I need you to answer me."
  3472. >"Yes?"
  3473. "Does 'Estrus Valley' actually send ponies into estrus?"
  3474. >She leans forward and kisses you, but it's surprisingly restrained, so you go along with it. Several beads of sweat roll down her forehead as she pulls away.
  3475. >"Of course it does. It's the result of an aphrodisiac pollen released from the unique flowers which bloom across the valley. The changelings settled here because they knew it would be difficult for travelers to resist their advances..."
  3476. >She folds her ears back and looks away.
  3477. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I lost myself for a little while there and my behavior was inexcusable. Normally my estrus is easy to control, but I had forgotten how powerful the aphrodisiac really is. I was wrong to not mention it to you."
  3478. >You affectionately stroke her muzzle.
  3479. "It's alright. But are you going to be okay?"
  3480. >"Yes, I can manage it long enough for us to escape. Come, I think we should leave, especially now that they're pursuing us."
  3481. >She turns her head forward and begins galloping away at top speed.
  3482. "Wait, they're what?"
  3483. >You risk a glance back to find the changeling herd galloping after you with lust in their eyes.
  3484. >"Don't let him get away!"
  3485. >"Wait, big pony!"
  3486. >"Come baaaaack!!"
  3487. >"I just want a little bit of love! Just a little!"
  3488. >"We need you!"
  3489. >"Imma get that dick!"
  3490. >But despite their best efforts, they have no hope of outrunning a pony of Celestia's gait, speed and stamina, and she quickly leaves them in the dust.
  3491. >Even still, she doesn't slow down as the sweat rolls down her face and her body fights the heat. You wish you could do something to help her other than offer your encouragement as she tears through the valley, but words are about all you can give her without making her condition worse.
  3492. >In time, you see the exit rune approaching. As soon as you point it out, you hear her call back to you.
  3494. >"Anon?"
  3495. "Yeah, Cel?"
  3496. >"I really do want you to... r-rut me soon. But not like this... not when I'm clouded by this h-haze. I want... I want for us to share it... to share each other, willingly, and completely... to love each other w-without restraint... Would you... like that...?"
  3497. >You smile. God, she's so adorable right now you don't know what to do, so you do the best thing you can think of.
  3498. >Carefully, while maintaining your balance, you slide down her back a bit until you're lying on top of her. Your arms wrap around her neck in a hug and you place a kiss atop her mane, right between her ears, then whisper:
  3499. "It sounds great. When this is all over, I promise that's one of the first things we'll do."
  3500. >You think you hear a squee from her, though it may just be the sound and sensation of warping as she steps upon the exit as the words leave your mouth. But either way, you can feel her happiness through your shared contact, and it warms your heart as well.
  3502. ~~~~~~~~~
  3504. >You stare into the gleaming crystal wall beside you and countless distorted reflections of yourself stare back. A pleasant memory crops up of a time when you helped with a grueling catering job at a carnival for work. Pinkie noticed you were feeling down and convinced you to go to the funhouse with her during a break. Watching her make funny faces in the mirrors there raised your spirits and you were able to take on the rest of the day at your best.
  3505. >She'd probably have something funny to say about this place, too. But honestly, you hope she never has to come here. Nobody should ever have to come here.
  3506. >Celestia notices where your attention is focused and giggles.
  3507. >"You know, if there were two of you, maybe all of this could've been avoided."
  3509. "That sounds like something Twilight would say. And then she'd try to clone me, but it'd end up being some kind of mutant abomination that'd run around destroying Ponyville while she freaked out trying to fix it, only to make things worse."
  3510. >"...And then she'd turn to her friends for help, and using one or more of their unique talents, they'd band together to overcome the problem and I'd receive a letter that evening detailing what she learned about friendship from the experience, with a postscript from Spike requesting a raise and/or reassignment depending on how she'd been treating him lately."
  3511. >You sigh.
  3512. "Those were the days."
  3513. >"Good times. Good times. But this isn't too much worse, is it?"
  3514. "I dunno, you tell me."
  3515. >The two of you step out of the crystal corridor and into the upper portion of a massive cavern. Countless thin and unsteady looking crystal bridges crisscross through the void on the way down to the bottom, and glowing crystals embedded into the walls and walkways give off plenty of light for you to see despite the fact that the cavern seems to be completely isolated from the surface.
  3516. >Yet, the light the crystals provide seems to be waning. They flicker on and off sometimes in response to the pulses of the vast, spherical swell of swirling dark energy that floats near the cavern's bottom, almost as if it were trying to absorb the light. Screaming, wraith-like pony spirits fly through the air in erratic patterns, circling the strange energy as if they both revere and abhor it...
  3518. |- The Twelfth Trial
  3519. |- The Dark Star
  3521. >A spirit nearly flies into you and you jump back into the safety of the corridor, clutching your chest in terror.
  3522. "I never got a chance to ask anyone, but what the fuck -are- these things? Are they ghosts or something? And what's with that crazy glowing thing they seem to like so much?!"
  3524. >Celestia's expression turns somber as she trots to your side. "Not everything the progenitors created had a benevolent purpose. We came to call it the Dark Star. From what we understand, it was created as a great magical weapon, but even the progenitors themselves feared its power, so they sealed it here, in this cavern far below the earth. I suspect they either couldn't destroy it themselves, or they wanted to keep it as a reminder of their past mistakes. Regardless, it resonates with a type of dark magic that neither Luna nor myself were able to control. It's my sincere hope that it remains entombed here until the end of time."
  3525. >She begins trotting back across the bridge and you follow her into the cavern proper. The exit to this trial is far below, in front of the great Dark Star itself, and the only way to get there is to follow the linear path, crossing the many bridges on your way down while somehow avoiding the ghosts.
  3526. >Speaking of which, you duck as one of them nearly collides with your shoulder, but the motion throws you off balance and nearly off the side of the bridge. Celestia's good wing stretches out to catch you in the nick of time, pulling you back to safety.
  3527. "Thanks for the save."
  3528. >"Always. And yes, as for these spirits... we're not sure of their exact nature. It's possible that they're the end result of ponies who delved too deep into the dark arts, or perhaps they originate from the Star itself. I doubt we'll ever know, as even approaching the artifact for study is walking a dangerous line."
  3529. >You breathe a sigh of relief as the two of your cross into the next embedded corridor; the staircase there leading you to the next lowest bridge.
  3530. "I'm guessing you know that from experience?"
  3532. >"Not directly, no. There was a powerful unicorn sorcerer who long ago managed to separate a fragment from the Star and use it for his own ends, but it eventually consumed him. Luna and I retrieved the fragment and sealed it within Canterlot's Forbidden Archives, since we had no way of returning it here, as you'd imagine."
  3533. >You begin crossing the second bridge while keeping a close eye on the nearby ghosts. Though they're not fast, the very thin and dangerous bridges leave you little room to move to avoid them, and because of their fondness for the Star, their numbers increase the further you progress. You hold up an arm to stop Celestia from walking into one as her concentration was elsewhere.
  3534. >"It appears we're now even."
  3535. "Yeah, well I'm not too anxious for either one of us to get touched by one of these things. It hurts like a bitch."
  3536. >"That it does."
  3537. >The entrance of the next embedded corridor comes into view and you repeat the process from before, descending the stairs within and cautiously making your way across the next bridge. You briefly wonder whether this would be any different if Celestia could fly, but quickly banish that thought almost as soon as it crops up. If she were touched by one of the ghosts while in the air you'd both be on a one-way trip to the bottom and a gruesome end.
  3538. >Your first time through here, you were at least smart enough to realize that the damn things were probably bad news and best avoided, but one of them managed to pass through your leg from behind. The pain is really, really tough to describe. The point of contact feels like it becomes instantly frostbitten, the skin blackens and a sharp stabbing sensation radiates from the injury. It was so severe you could barely walk afterwards, and it persisted for days before healing, even after you successfully escaped the cavern. For a while there, you weren't sure if it would heal at all and you spent a few sleepless nights fearing for your life...
  3540. >It goes without saying that Cel's felt it too. You can tell from her expression and the way she eyes them as they float around.
  3541. >Given your shared past experience, the two of you exercise extreme caution as you carefully make your way forward. Together, you attempt to cover for each other's blind spots and time and time again manage to avoid a close call. As you begin your crossing of the second-to-last bridge, you start to hold out hope that things are almost at an end.
  3542. >The Dark Star is nearly right in front of you now. Its constant, steady pulsing and barely perceptible hum have drilled themselves into your subconscious after the hours you've spent here. So when the rhythm of the pulse suddenly changes, you take notice, as does Celestia.
  3543. >"What...? What's happening?"
  3544. "I was about to ask the same thing!"
  3545. >The light from the crystals above starts to flicker and fade. Fuck... if those lights go out, the two of you will have no chance of safely making it across the remaining bridges...
  3546. "We need to move! Now!"
  3547. >She doesn't hesitate, and the two of you run as fast as you safely can the rest of the way. You slide into the next embedded corridor to avoid a low-flying ghost and quickly make your way down the stairs to the final bridge.
  3548. >The light of the cavern is quickly fading, and the ghosts are beginning to react to the Dark Star's strange activity. They move much faster in chaotic, unpredictable patterns. The exit rune shines before you on the bridge's other side, so tantalizingly close but still out of reach.
  3549. >Any light, aside from the exit's, will be gone in mere moments...
  3550. >"We have to go, Anon."
  3551. >Celestia's voice is oddly calm. You turn to find her stare locked on the Dark Star, almost as if she were trying to see beyond it.
  3552. "There's no way we'll get through there safely! Not when they're going crazy like this!"
  3554. >"There's a chance. It's small, but it's there. But if we remain here, I can guarantee this will be our last day. The Star is growing. I don't know why, or to what end, but it will soon consume the bridge and with it our only way out."
  3555. >She's right. You know she's right, so you steel yourself for what's to come.
  3556. >With a final nod, the two of you begin your run. The ghosts are barely visible in the darkness now, and you power forward. At about the halfway mark, you feel the sting as one passes through your left shoulder. The incredible pain nearly takes your breath away, but you suppress it and keep moving, and by some miracle manage to make it to the platform where the exit lies.
  3557. >But just as you cross the platform's threshold, you hear a cry of pain beside you, and Celestia stumbles. You react on instinct, pulling her toward you and guiding her into the light of the exit rune. The cavern falls into darkness before it fades away and you find yourselves on the other side of the wayshrine on Equus.
  3558. >You take stock of your situation. A quick glance under your shirt reveals that your struck shoulder is starting to blacken and it hurts so much that moving your left arm is very difficult. You push past the pain and move to Celestia who lays panting on the ground nearby. One of her forehooves is starting to turn black near the cannon, and you can see tears of pain forming in her eyes.
  3559. >Still, despite it all, she smiles at you.
  3560. >"It appears we made it..."
  3561. "Yeah... just barely."
  3562. >"I'll... need a hand to stand, if you have one to offer."
  3563. >You bend down and give her your right hand, and she places her good hoof in your palm. With a heave, you pull her up and she takes a few unsteady steps, her breath hitching each time too much weight is placed on her injured leg.
  3564. "How is it? Can you walk?"
  3565. >"Yes... I think so. But anything more than walking is out of the question."
  3567. >You chuckle.
  3568. "Well... like you always say, let's look at the bright side. Only one trial left and we're done."
  3569. >She giggles in response. "When you put it that way, I suppose it doesn't sound so bad. We should... we should get started on our way to the next gate. At a walking pace, we should reach it by sundown."
  3570. "No rest for the weary, huh?"
  3571. >She shakes her head. "No. Not at a price I'm willing to pay, at least."
  3572. "You can say that again..."
  3573. >The two of you begin your slow trek to the final gate together. You think back to your last trip to Equus and shake your head. A hike to the last gate while suffering from agonizing pain. Deja vu, huh?
  3574. >But this time, you notice that having someone to talk to on the way helps take your mind off of it. At least a bit.
  3575. >It's a small consolation, but it's enough.
  3577. ~~~~~~~~~
  3579. >As always, she's right. The two of you reach the final gate just as the stars show themselves in the fading blue sky.
  3580. >During your walk here, the two of you talked about many different things. Yourselves, your pasts, your future together... and even a little about Twilight.
  3581. >But now there are no more words left to share. You know what needs to be done, and how to go about it. All that's left is the doing.
  3582. >So it's without a single word between you that you step through the gate together without fear.
  3583. >You emerge in a pine forest. A cool evening breeze rustles the branches of the surrounding trees and already the nocturnal insects and animals are beginning their songs. You look to the sky through the branches overhead and breathe out a relieved sigh. It's cloudless, with no storms lingering as far as you can see. You'll desperately need the light of the moon and stars to guide your path, so hopefully Luna's in a creative mood tonight.
  3585. >You begin your march through the forest, eventually reaching the crest of a hill where you can see over the trees below. Beyond lies your destination, your final trial...
  3587. |- The Thirteenth Trial
  3588. |- The Nameless Mountain
  3590. >A mountain lingers in the distance. Though it's the tallest mountain in its range, it's nowhere near the tallest in the world, and it's not really even a particularly difficult climb. It only requires endurance, as a winding path, though broken in places, leads all the way to the summit.
  3591. >There aren't any great dangers to contend with, either. Not that you know of, anyway. No feral creatures, tricky natural obstacles, ruins or structures, or even vengeful ghosts. And now, on your second trip here, you think you understand why.
  3592. >If the 'progenitors' designed these trials with the purpose of testing those who sought their power in mind, then the purpose of this final leg of the journey was probably to reflect upon all the others, and upon the burden of the power the bearer would soon come to hold. You can feel the weight of the stone in your pocket, and you remove it for one last look before the end. It radiates incredible energy now; even someone with no magical experience like you can feel it. Yet, you can also sense that it's not yet finished... not perfect. But it will be, soon, as long as your legs still carry you.
  3593. >The two of you continue on, down the hill and into the forest at the mountain's base. Soon you're ascending, gradually, with bright, pure moonlight shining down to show the way.
  3594. >The path is too narrow for you to walk side by side with Celestia, so you take the lead to watch out for anything that could give her difficulty with her injured leg. When you run into a tall rock or incline, you stop and help her up. Though you can tell she's in a lot of pain, she utters not a word of complaint.
  3596. >You climb, and climb, and climb even higher. The series of switchbacks in the trail finally takes you above the treeline. It's much, much colder at this altitude, and with no trees to protect you from the harsh winds, the cold only bites deeper. Even as you shiver underneath the warmth of your windproof jacket, Celestia carries on, seemingly unaffected by it all.
  3597. >The two of you reach a sheltered overlook about halfway up the mountain and stop to rest. You pull out your canteen and offer her some water and she doesn't respond until you wave it in front of her face. She mumbles a distant apology before drinking, and you suddenly understand what's going on here.
  3598. >She doesn't feel the cold. She doesn't feel pain. She can't, because she has no room for those things here. She's climbing this mountain, but she's not really here. Or at least, not now.
  3599. >No, those magenta eyes see 2,500 years into the past. This is a place of reflection, where past triumphs and failures resurface, and where one either leaves their burdens behind or carries them all the way to the summit and beyond...
  3600. >...
  3601. >...
  3602. >...
  3604. >"And that was the key. It was so simple. The Orb was bound to the one who forged it, but the power it contained was sealed from them. But, if it was freely given to another, the magic was freed as well. It was the beginning of Friendship Magic as we now understand it, and as you'd expect, we were elated."
  3606. >"We all passed our Orbs to one another. Clover to me, me to Gloomy, Gloomy to Clover. And each one shone with their final, perfect light. It was entrancing. But there was still the great question of what would happen when the magic was unleashed. Not one of us knew. Nothing we found through our time spent in the many ruins of the trials, or near the wayshrines or the altar itself, shed any light on what the effect of the Orb on a pony might be. There was only one way to know... to try it ourselves."
  3608. >"Clover volunteered to go first. His reasoning was that, being by far the oldest and a true outcast from his tribe, he'd be missed the least should something go wrong. We knew he was mostly joking, of course, as that was his nature. He trotted a safe distance away from us and even mockingly waved goodbye, and of course we waved back."
  3610. >"Had I known that this was the last time we'd ever see him... that this really was our goodbye... I..."
  3612. >"He... he consumed the stone, and we watched the transformation begin. And then... the latent magic of Equus Island... that powerful magic which all creatures in the world hold in awe... tore him apart. Our brother, Clover, was gone, right before our very eyes."
  3614. >"If that was the end of it, maybe it would've been easier to bear. But the magic was not yet finished. Clover had half-ascended. His body was destroyed, but his spirit lingered on, empowered by the Orb's magic. It writhed in agony, a half-formed yet undying entity, and in its throes drew to itself many of the other lingering spirits from the surrounding area. What resulted was a chimera... an amalgamation of all that was there. It appeared before us, hovering in the air with that carefree, mocking demeanor that he takes so much pride in..."
  3616. >"At first, we were overjoyed that our brother had survived. But we quickly realized that this creature, who called himself 'Draconequus', was not him. Though certain aspects of his personality would sometimes surface, this was not Clover. Our brother had died there, and in his place was a monster."
  3618. >"Make no mistake. We got what we wanted. The war between the tribes ended that day, and in its place the Reign of Discord began. Perhaps some piece of Clover's will still wished for harmony and was partly driving the monster's actions... but I suppose we'll never know. Regardless, under his torment the tribes could no longer muster the will to fight one another. Instead, they merely sought to survive."
  3620. >"Gloomy and I... we knew we had to fix it. We eventually learned that the island itself was the cause of what happened, so we fled to Latigo and completed our ascension. But we were like newborns compared to him. Being born from an earth pony and pegasus, we had no understanding of how to manipulate the unicorn magic we now possessed. We had to learn, but he was always one step ahead. We fought, and lost, time and time again, until our research led us to the Elements and finally, after 500 years, we prevailed."
  3622. >"The battle against Discord left pony civilization in ruins, but there was still hope for recovery. Once Luna and I set the necessary events in motion, we retreated to tend to our wounds and determine what to do next. But, to our horror, we found that mere years after peace was restored, the old prejudices between the tribes began to resurface, and we came to the grim realization that there would never be peace without a benevolent ruling force to oversee it. And we, as immortals who reflected the aspects of all three tribes, were the tragic but foregone choice for the position.
  3624. >"We appeared before them again as princesses... and our first decree was that we would start again in a new land, with the secret hope that one day our guidance would no longer be needed..."
  3626. >...
  3627. >...
  3628. >...
  3629. >The constant pain in your shoulder is nearly forgotten now that the ache in your legs from the uphill hike is starting to really show. Maintaining this constant pace was a bad idea, and now you're in the same state as Celestia was in the snowfield... if you stop moving now, you won't start again for a good while.
  3630. >But amazingly enough, with one last surge of strength, you take a few more steps and find yourself on the summit. You turn to help your alicorn the rest of the way and the two of you collapse in the soft mountain snow, breathless, in pain, but euphoric at your triumph.
  3632. >Celestia leans against you, panting, and you run your hand through her mane.
  3633. >"I think... I think I understand the nature of my mistake. The Trials of Equus... they're not meant as a test to prove one worthy. They're meant to prepare one for their ascension. The perspective granted from the hardships, and the bonds of friendship formed between two or more who could overcome them... these things can't be taught from another's words, or learned from a book. They have to be personally experienced, and that's why I was such fool to give Twilight the Orb. She, who never set a hoof here, and never learned of the true depth of the bonds she holds with her friends... she lacks the perspective needed to truly guide the power she holds. Hence all this foolishness."
  3634. >Her eyes meet yours, her breath visible in the cold air around you.
  3635. >"And the key lesson from the way the Orbs are unsealed... the most important from all of this, and the one I learned at the cost of almost everything, is that this burden cannot be borne alone. And yet that's what she's doing. She will never have the relationship with Luna that I have. She will never have the relationship with -you- that I have. She will lose her friends to Eternity, and she will be alone, just as she is now. Mistakes cannot be undone, but they can be corrected, and they can be prevented. And I will -NOT- allow this tragedy to unfold before my eyes. Not again. Never again."
  3636. >She nuzzles your chest with her nose. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Anon. It means more to me than I'll ever be able to express."
  3637. >You look to one another and smile. Celestia makes a move toward the exit rune nearby, but you hold up a hand to stop her.
  3638. "No, wait."
  3639. >"Anon?"
  3640. "I owe you an answer, like I promised. And there's something I wanted to show you."
  3642. >You motion for her to sit beside you with your backs to the mountain face. The two of you stare out across the vast landscape below, the winding rivers and shifting treetops still glimmering in the waning moonlight.
  3643. "You asked me before why you felt so free, and I told you I'd have an answer for you here. Well, here it is."
  3644. >You remain silent after that, and when she turns her head to question you, you direct it back out toward the horizon. Slowly, the light of dawn begins to creep in, and soon you bear witness to a spectacular sunrise from a place few will ever reach.
  3645. >"It's been so long since I actually watched the sunrise... it's beautiful. I... think I understand you even more now, Anon. Is this why you climbed all those mountains back on Earth?"
  3646. "It was part of it, yeah. But like I said before, the euphoria from reaching the top, and from overcoming your own limitations... it's a little addictive. It's what you're feeling right now, and it's what you were feeling when you spoke to me about freedom."
  3647. >She turns her head. "What do you mean?"
  3648. "No matter where I was, I always knew in the back of my mind that I'd have to go back to work the next week, and that I still had responsibilities to tend to, and that that reality would never change. We're all bound by something, in one way or another. A debt, a duty, an addiction..."
  3649. >You pull your pretty pony closer and run your fingers through her mane.
  3650. "But when I was on a mountain, or standing on the summit, I was -there-. I wasn't in the office on Monday. I wasn't thinking of how I'd pay my bills. I wasn't thinking back on all the stupid shit I've done in the past, or about all the missed opportunities or what could've been. I was only -there-. I was forced to live in the present."
  3652. >Two fingers dance between her ears, tracing their outline.
  3653. "It's a nice side effect of being presented with overwhelming beauty. When it captures you, you can't focus on anything else. And funny enough, it's a side effect of being in love, too. When you see her, it's impossible to be elsewhere in your thoughts. And that's why, when it ends, it hurts so much."
  3654. >Her ears perk up. "I think I understand. So this feeling of freedom that's slowly been building within me is because..."
  3655. "Yep. It's 'cause I'm so damn cute."
  3656. >She begins to laugh, and soon you're laughing with her, together, with the world and the burdens you bear so far away in that moment.
  3657. >"I suppose I can't argue with that..."
  3658. >With a turn of her head, your lips meet, and you share a kiss in the sunlight of a new day.
  3660. ~~~~~~
  3661. >Day 4
  3662. ~~~~~~
  3664. >The Orb shines and hums with energy as you step back upon the soil of Equus Island. What was missing is now there, and you can feel that it's finished.
  3665. >Celestia stretches and sighs. "Our task is done. It took a bit longer than expected... but at last, we have what we came for. Now all that remains is to return to the ship and leave the island. I certainly hope the others were able to complete their task as well."
  3666. "I'm sure they did fine, and I bet they're worried about where we are right now."
  3667. >"Yes, we shouldn't keep them waiting. We're only seven miles or so from the cypress forest, and from there two miles to the hidden lake. Shall we go?"
  3668. "Yeah... let's go."
  3669. >And with that, the two of you start back. You're both probably a pitiful sight right now. Walking is about all you can do with the pain in your shoulder and the utter exhaustion from the last day slowing you down, and the alicorn by your side can't run, fly or do magic. Even so, you feel like you've just won... well, everything. You survived the Trials of Equus not once, but twice! And you're one of only two who can ever make that claim.
  3671. >It's a great accomplishment, to be sure, but something even better came from this. You found your special somepony, just like Pinkie always wanted. She probably has the party already planned and a cake in the oven, just waiting for your return.
  3672. >But your happy thoughts are interrupted by a series of blood-curdling howls from the trees ahead. You and Celestia both freeze in your tracks as two huge, lumbering hounds stalk in front of you, blood seeping from their fang-filled mouths. And standing between them with a sheepish expression is...
  3673. >"Um... I'm afraid this is the end of the road for you, mister."
  3674. "Fluttershy..."
  3675. >Yep... it's fucking Fluttershy. You knew she'd show up sooner or later, but now?! This is the worst possible timing...
  3676. >You try to put on a brave face. She's always been kind of skittish, so maybe you can intimidate her into running away.
  3677. "We don't have time for your games, Fluttershy. Go walk your dogs somewhere else."
  3678. >You attempt to take a threatening step forward, but Celestia's good wing unfurls to stop you.
  3679. >"Don't. Those are murderhounds. They're extremely dangerous and will attack in response to any perceived act of aggression. I don't know how she's tamed them, but we need to be cautious here..."
  3680. >Fluttershy rubs one of the hounds' chin with her hoof. "Awwwww, that's not true. I know their species has a bad reputation, but it's not like they murder things -all- the time. It's more like maybe 90% of the time or so. Isn't that right, Patches?" The hound makes a dumb expression as its tongue flops out and blood pours to the ground from its mouth.
  3681. >"These three in particular are VERY friendly. Any animal can learn to be nice if you show them a little kindness."
  3683. >Three? Wait a minute, you only see two here. You glance back to make sure one's not sneaking up on you, but there's nothing there. Fluttershy seems to sense something's wrong too, and she begins to look around.
  3684. >"Wait... where's Baxter? Oh no..." She turns a disapproving stare toward the two hounds present. "Patches, Mr. Woof Woof... did you murder him?"
  3685. >They whimper and turn away while the butter yellow pegasus hovers in front of them with her hooves on her hips.
  3686. >"I'm very disappointed in the two of you. Momma's busy right now, but you'll be getting a punishment later. We do NOT murder our friends. Do you understand me?"
  3687. >With another whimper, the hounds back off a bit and lay down, though their eyes never leave you and Celestia.
  3688. >Fluttershy turns back and lands with a sigh. "They're usually good boys, but a responsible pet owner knows how and when to properly correct bad behavior. It's not fun, but it's necessary for them to live a happy, healthy life."
  3689. >The meek pegasus looks you in the eyes and suddenly you feel a cold pang of fear in your heart.
  3690. >"You've been a bad boy too, Anon. You keep running away from poor Twilight, even though she only wants what's best for you. I know you're scared... getting married is a big step after all, but it'll be okay, because I'm here to take you home. Momma's gonna make it all better~"
  3691. >She begins drifting forward, her gaze still piercing you, and you take a step back toward Cel.
  3692. >...You take a step back.
  3693. >You take a step back!
  3694. >What the...? Your body's not moving! You can't even bring yourself to look away from her!
  3695. >"I'm afraid you won't be taking him anywhere."
  3697. >Celestia moves to block Fluttershy's path, but the hounds rise to counter her. Or at least they try to, but the strong, thin vines that've grown around their paws where they were lying on the forest floor prevent them from moving. They yelp and begin gnawing to try to free themselves, but their binds hold firm. Celestia turns her cold gaze to Fluttershy, who meeps and backs off when she realizes her pets aren't able to help.
  3698. >Whatever it is that was holding you in place fades, and you find you can move your body again. You and Celestia stare the yellow pegasus down as she scuffs a hoof on the ground, her ears folded back and a forced smile on her face.
  3699. >"Oh. Um... I... uh... maybe... maybe we should start over? I'm sorry, I'm not really good at this..."
  3700. "You can say that again."
  3701. >"I'm not really good at this."
  3702. >Did she just...?
  3703. "You... didn't actually have to say it again."
  3704. >"Oh, I didn't? I'm sorry..."
  3705. >You facepalm. She is, without a doubt, the worst goddamn villain ever.
  3706. "Just go home, Fluttershy..."
  3707. >"Okay. Oh, wait! I almost forgot... I have a letter for you." She reaches under her wing and mouths over a sealed envelope bearing a royal crest, which you take with some hesitation.
  3708. >"W-Well... I guess that's it. I'll be going now. Have a nice day..."
  3709. >She flutters off, leaving the two of you and the trapped hounds behind.
  3710. >You turn to Celestia, who merely shrugs back at you, and examine the letter in your hand.
  3711. "Yeah... there's no way I'm gonna open this. It's probably some dumb poetry from Twilight or something."
  3712. >The alicorn trots beside you to regard the letter as well.
  3713. >"No, wait... that's Luna's royal seal. It's impossible to forge... this could be important."
  3714. "But why would Fluttershy be delivering it?"
  3716. >"I can't say... but if Luna went to the trouble of getting this in your hands, it must be something that can't be conveyed via a dream, and something critical enough that she deemed we'd need now. I think you should open it, Anon."
  3717. "If you say so."
  3718. >You break the seal on the envelope and pull out the letter inside.
  3719. "...I can't even read this."
  3720. >The page is nothing but strange arcane symbols. Celestia peers over your shoulder, then rears back in shock.
  3721. >"You must release it! Release the letter now!"
  3722. >You do so, and the paper begins to drift on the wind as the symbols scrawled across the page shine with magical fire. The page is nothing but ashes before it hits the ground.
  3723. "What?! What was that?"
  3724. >"A spell scroll, and the spell it held was cast! We can't stop it now..."
  3725. "A spell? What kind of spell?!"
  3726. >"I only had a glimpse, but it appears to teleportation magic." Her ears fold back, a look of despair on her face. "Anon..."
  3727. "No..."
  3728. >You can feel something begin to overtake you.
  3729. >The world begins to shimmer, and your vision distorts.
  3730. >But even still, you reach for your pocket. No matter what happens, you have to give the Orb to her...!
  3731. >There's a deafening crack as the magic activates. Your head spins and you fall to your knees, clutching your head as the wave of nausea passes.
  3732. >"Hello again, my love. I see you got my letter."
  3733. >You rise to your feet and open your eyes to find yourself in a decadent conference room. A huge oaken desk sits in the middle, emblazoned with the Equestrian Royal Crest in its center. Two ponies... two alicorns rest on their haunches nearby, their mystical manes and tails bathed in the glow of the room's warm artificial light.
  3734. "Twilight... Luna...?"
  3736. >The midnight blue alicorn turns to her peer. "If our assistance is no longer required, we shall take our leave. While we've been whiling away our time out here there have been many events which require our personal attention."
  3737. >"Oh, of course," the purple alicorn replies. "Thanks again for your help. I really do appreciate it..." She giggles. "...Sister."
  3738. >Luna sighs. "...Indeed. Farewell." And with that, the Princess of the Night vanishes in a flash of magic.
  3739. >"Welcome to the Concordia, Anon. The two of you posed a good challenge, but it's finally over, and now you're back where you belong... with me!" She rears up and clops her hooves together. "Statistically, my victory was nearly guaranteed, but it still feels good to win! I have to admit, princess duties are really, really boring, so this has been the most fun I've had in a while..."
  3740. >You tune her out and focus on the weight in your right hand. Carefully, so she won't notice, you shift your thumb aside ever so slightly to reveal the Orb of Ascension in your palm. Fuck! You weren't able to pass it to Celestia before you were taken...!
  3741. >"Oh? What's that you have there, Anon?"
  3742. >Your blood freezes.
  3743. "Nothing, 'dear'..."
  3744. >A giggle. "Oh, don't be like that. You do a cute thing with your lips when you tell a lie, so I always know. Why don't you have a seat?"
  3745. >Her horn shines and a chair rolls up behind you. You feel a pressure on your chest and you fall back into it, and despite your struggling, find you can't stand again. Against your will, your hand lifts up and your fist opens to reveal the Orb to Twilight.
  3746. >"Ah... you actually managed to complete the Orb! That's amazing, Anon, you conquered the trials twice! That's so... so... HOT!" She blushes and flashes you the patented Sparkle Bedroom Eyes. "If this isn't more conclusive evidence that you deserve to be my Prince, then nothing is!"
  3748. >She levitates the Orb away from you, but as soon as it leaves your hand it transforms into a dull, lifeless stone, indistinguishable from any ordinary rock.
  3749. >"Wow... so the information in the books was accurate. I can still feel the magic, but it's dormant... almost like it's completely cut off from our dimension."
  3750. >You grit your teeth.
  3751. "That doesn't belong to you, so I'd appreciate it if you'd return it."
  3752. >The purple alicorn sighs. "Sorry, Anon, but I'm afraid I can't. This introduces a variable that I haven't accounted for, so..."
  3753. >She drops the stone from her telekinetic grip and it falls to the floor.
  3754. >And with one, swift application of her earth pony strength, she brings down her hoof and smashes it into dust.
  3755. >Everything that you worked for.
  3756. >Everything for her...
  3757. >Gone, in an instant.
  3758. >You feel something inside yourself... something indescribable, and you turn your gaze to the purple pony princess...
  3759. >"There, all better! And now the margin of error is only +/- 0.0001%! Well within acceptable parameters!"
  3760. "I'll kill you..."
  3761. >She giggles again. "Oh, Anon, don't be silly. I know you're upset but--"
  3762. "I'LL KILL YOU!!"
  3763. >You pour all the swirling, chaotic emotions within you into your force of will, and you -DEMAND- that your body stand.
  3764. >And, sure enough, it starts to happen. Twilight flares her wings before jumping back in absolute shock.
  3765. >"W-What?! But how?!"
  3766. >You're free. You can feel it now.
  3768. >How many steps did you take on this journey? Countless, and all for nothing.
  3769. >How many steps will it take to carry you to the point where you can wrap your hands around Twilight's neck? Only four...
  3770. >You lunge, and she panics, her horn igniting with magic.
  3771. >"SLEEP!"
  3772. >And everything goes black...
  3773. >...
  3774. >...
  3775. >...
  3776. >...
  3777. >...
  3778. >You open your eyes momentarily to find yourself surrounded by darkness.
  3779. >You lift a hand to rub your eyes, only to see a purple arcane band wrapped around your wrist, shining faintly in the dark.
  3780. >And with that, your strength fails again, and sleep takes you once more.
  3782. Next Time on Exchange: Wedding Preparations
  3784. ==================
  3785. ||- Chapter 10 -||
  3786. ==================
  3788. >A boom of thunder tears you from your dreamless sleep and you bolt upright in your bed, clutching the covers close.
  3789. >Bright flashes of lightning burn in the sky, partially hidden behind the curtains which shroud the great glass doors lining the room's far wall. Each bolt paints an intricate lattice of shadows throughout the large room for an instant before they disappear along with the ephemeral light. The sound of the driving wind rattling the glass begins to echo in your ears as you grip your head and try to pull a coherent thought from your mind.
  3790. "Where...?"
  3791. >You move your legs beneath the silken sheets. No pain. That can't be right. You could barely walk after climbing the mountain...
  3792. >A hand instinctively reaches inside the perfectly sized shirt of your pajama top to pull it aside. Your shoulder, where you were touched by the wandering spirit within the crystal cavern of the Dark Star, is now completely healed.
  3793. "What...?"
  3794. >It's not right. It's not right! What happened? You overcame the Trials with her. You had the completed Orb of Ascension, shining within the palm of your hand! What...
  3795. >There's another flash, and it all comes rushing back. Fluttershy. The letter. You were pulled to Twilight, bound and helpless. And then...
  3796. >Your gift to her, gone. Everything you struggled for, turned to dust. It was all for nothing...
  3797. >You heave out a sob as the sense of loss washes over you. Your right hand reaches up to wipe the pooling tears in your eyes away before they can escape, and you notice a faint violet light from your wrists. You hold them in front of your face to observe the steady pulse of the radiant magic which dances seemingly below the skin.
  3798. >A Geas. And there's no question as to its source or its purpose.
  3800. >Your primal screaming drowns out the sound of the raging wind as you cry and slam your fists against the bed. It's all you can think to do now in the face of the overwhelming truth.
  3801. >She won. She won, and these arcane bands that now bind you are the declaration that you'll never see Celestia again.
  3802. >"My Prince, is something the matter?!"
  3803. >One of the large oaken doors swings open and an armored guard stallion charges in. You turn to face the entryway as he trots up to the side of the bed, eyes cautiously scanning the room for any threats. There's another flash of lightning and your gaze meets his. You can see him visibly cower at the sight of you, and surprisingly it almost causes you to laugh.
  3804. >And really, Anon... why not laugh a little? You've lost everything worth caring about already, so there's no point in holding back. You place your head in your hands and laughter fills the silence. You look up again to see the poor pony take a few cautious steps back, which only causes you to laugh harder.
  3805. >From his perspective, this heaving, angry, unstable ape who's currently half-chortling, half-crying like a maniac must be pretty scary. You were so lost in your rage that you almost fucking lunged at him when he burst through the door! From the way he's slightly trembling he must've realized it too.
  3806. >But now? The utter absurdity of the situation, and of all that's happened, is oddly starting to calm you down. Your breathing begins to regulate as your laughter subsides and the stallion backs away.
  3807. >"It... appears everything's in order here. Please forgive me for disturbing y--"
  3808. "No! Stay."
  3810. >The lingering adrenaline in your system causes you to almost scream the command, and you catch him gulping with nervousness before resting on his haunches and saluting. You rub your face with your hands, removing the dried tears from your eyes and allowing the last of the anger to subside. In an attempt to defuse the situation you give the guard an apologetic smile, but another flash of lightning and a glimpse of your incisors only serves to startle him further, the sight of which causes you to chuckle again.
  3811. "Water, please."
  3812. >He gives you a questioning look. "My Prince?"
  3813. "You're my guard, right? I'd like a glass of water. And pull up a chair for yourself when you get back. We need to talk."
  3814. >"R-Right away."
  3815. >He sheepishly trots away and disappears through another door that you hadn't noticed before, likely leading to a bathroom of some sort if the sudden sound of running water is anything to go by, before quickly returning with a glass carefully balanced atop an unfurled wing. Pegasus, huh?
  3816. >You slide yourself to the edge of the bed as the guard approaches and carefully lift the glass away. Without hesitation, you down a few large gulps of the cool water and shake your head. It's simple, but it goes a hell of a long way toward calming you down. The guard folds his wing and stares at you with cautious, questioning forest green eyes, almost as if he isn't sure if you're the fabled human or some monster that just stumbled out of the Everfree or something.
  3817. >You let out a chuckle between drinks.
  3818. "Well? Go get yourself a chair. That's an order. And if you'd turn some damn lights on you'd realize I'm nowhere near as scary looking as you think."
  3819. >The words seem to snap him out of his trance and he quickly leaves the bedside to do as you requested. You close your eyes to take another gulp of water and when you open them again the room has been transformed by the warm light of the many magical candelabras that line the walls.
  3821. >It's your first opportunity to see just how massive the place really is. 'Royal suite' is nowhere near enough to describe it. The four-post bed is so large that you might risk getting lost if you venture too far from the edge, and the other furniture is also huge and most definitely hoof-crafted by master artisans. Priceless pieces of art line the walls, and the deep blue flowing curtains look as if they were woven from the very fabric of the sky itself.
  3822. >Your pegasus guard, his golden armor reflecting the flickering candlelight, drags a chair over to the bedside with his mouth. He has the same white coat and blonde mane typical of the Solar Guard: the result of an illusion spell forged into the armor itself to make them indistinguishable from one another. He sighs with exhaustion once he finishes positioning the heavy piece of furniture and, after a nod of assurance from you, he leaps into it, resting his back against the ancient wood and flashing you a nervous smile.
  3823. >You set the now empty glass aside and rub your eyes again.
  3824. "So, do you have a name?"
  3825. >The guard salutes before stammering out an answer. "E-Empyrean Blaze of the Solar Guard! But my friends just call me Pyre!"
  3826. >He instantly claps his hooves over his mouth in response to his unintended slip into casual speech. You extend a hand toward him to show that no harm was done.
  3827. "Nice to meet you, Pyre. I'm Anon."
  3828. >Hesitantly, he places a hoof in your palm, and you shake. While the nervous looking pegasus is still a bit jumpy, the gesture seems to calm him down a bit.
  3829. >"It's... it's a real honor to meet you face to face, Prince Anonymous. I can't tell you how excited I was when I heard I would be assigned to you! Being personally assigned to guard of a member of the Royal Family is every Guardspony's dream! I swear on my honor, I'll serve you to the utmost of my ability, and if there's anything you need I'll do my best to provide it!" He gives you another salute.
  3831. >Damn, these guys are dedicated. Or maybe it's just this one in particular; it's not like you've talked to many guards in the past. Either way, you return the salute and hope doing so isn't some sort of breach of protocol here.
  3832. "I'm, uh, I'm sure you will. What I need from you right now is to answer some questions, Pyre. Do you think you can handle that?"
  3833. >"Of course! If the answer is known to me I'll be sure it's known to you, My Prince! And if it's not I'll find somepony who does know!"
  3834. >You let out a sigh and steel yourself for what's to come. Although it's nice that he's so willing to answer, you deeply fear what you're about to learn.
  3835. "We'll start with an easy one... where am I?"
  3836. >"My Prince, we are currently in Canterlot Castle's southeastern guest wing. This room specifically is the master chamber reserved for visiting Royalty from other nations. The castle is located within the City of Canterlot, which itself is in the region of Canterlot Mountain and its surrounding environs, which together form the central heartland of the Kingdom of Equestria. Our current co-ordinates are..."
  3837. >You hold your hands up.
  3838. "Whoa, okay! I think that's good enough. Thanks, that was really... specific, but also exactly what I was looking for."
  3839. >The pegasus beams at your praise for a bit before regaining his composure. You let out a breath and try to calm yourself for what's coming next.
  3840. "What day is it?"
  3841. >"My Prince, today is Wednesday, the 4th of January of the year AU 2133. The current time is..." He glances to the nearby grandfather clock. "...10:22pm. The lunar phase is..."
  3842. >Again, you hold up a hand to silence him while you briefly fall into your thoughts.
  3843. >The 4th... you try to count back in time, but everything that's happened since that snowy day Twilight nuked your house with a Rarity bomb has understandably been a blur. That happened on December 28th, which is the last specific date you remember. You fled to Latigo the next day and...
  3845. >Pyre looks on with concern as you ponder how much time has passed in your head. He shuffles in his seat a bit before speaking.
  3846. >"Um... Prince Anonymous? Forgive me for interrupting, but if you're wondering, you've been sleeping for about 36 hours. The royal physicians had to keep you asleep with magic so that your injuries would heal faster."
  3847. >You snap out of your trance and blink a few times.
  3848. "...Oh. Thanks."
  3849. >Well, that answers your next question. That only leaves one left... the one you're most afraid to ask.
  3850. "Why are you calling me 'prince'?"
  3851. >The pegasus' pupils shrink and his face flushes with embarrassment. Before you can say anything else he leaps from the chair to the floor and bows.
  3852. >"I'm... I'm sorry! I know it's not proper since you're not officially married to Princess Sparkle yet, but I was only practicing! Please, Sir Anonymous, I beg your forgiveness if I've offended you!"
  3853. >Not yet married... you release the breath you've been holding and flop back on the bed in relief. Thank. Fucking. God.
  3854. >You savor this small victory for a few moments before sitting up again so you can tell the flustered guard that everything's okay. However, before you can even get a word out he's back on his hooves, his panic intensifying.
  3855. >"Oh no, I completely forgot! The Princess! I was ordered to inform her as soon as you awoke! I'm sorry, My Prince, I must see to this immediately! I shall return to you as soon as I'm able!"
  3856. >And just like that he's out the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  3857. >From what he told you and what you can remember, it's been nearly two days since you were captured. Other than this Geas, which you have no doubt is designed to repel a certain white alicorn, you don't seem to be any worse for wear. But what about the others? What about Cel...?
  3859. >Your mind races through all the various things that could have happened to them after your capture until your thoughts are interrupted by a small crackle of energy in the air. There's a rift in space, a portal opens, and out steps the Purple Princess herself. Now it's your turn to feel the pull of fear deep within your heart as your eyes meet hers.
  3860. >The small alicorn flaps her wings once and lands on the far edge of the bed, then takes several hoofsteps toward you. You scoot away until your back touches the headboard and you have nowhere else to go, but to your surprise she stops short and curls up atop the sheets several feet away, her wings folded neatly against her sides.
  3861. >"How are you feeling, Anon?"
  3862. >She almost whispers it, and you immediately notice there's something different about her voice. It's like she's hesitant, or slightly nervous. She's having a hard time looking directly at you, her eyes darting away to the floor or the far wall...
  3863. >What's happened here? Where's the supremely confident Princess Twilight who's pursued you all this time? Is she... afraid of you now? And if so, why? With her magic she should be able to control you completely... the fact that you still apparently have a free will is baffling in and of itself.
  3864. >You have no idea what this means, but you're going to use it to your advantage. Instead of answering her question, you hold one of your wrists up and adopt a slightly angry tone.
  3865. "What's the meaning of this, Twilight? What have you done?"
  3866. >Again, she fails to meet your gaze. "It's only temporary. I'll remove it after the wedding. I'm sorry, Anon, I know that Celestia's your good friend. She's... she's important to me too, but I'm afraid she's not invited to the ceremony. It's for the best. The Geas is just a safeguard."
  3867. "Is that really all it is?"
  3869. >"Yes!" She looks at you now, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't intend to use the Geas to chain you, or confine you to this room, or anything like that! You're free to move about the castle, or the city, or anywhere you want to go. That's why I assigned you your own personal guard. I love you and I want you to be happy!"
  3870. >She looks genuinely on the verge of crying, and it's got you completely taken aback. This isn't Rarity you're dealing with; despite how powerful she is you don't think Twilight is truly capable of faking something like this. What the fuck has her so upset? You're really curious now, but you can't be complacent here, so you remain guarded.
  3871. "I'm free, huh? Sorry, but I don't think I can believe that after all that's happened."
  3872. >Again, she looks away. "There... there are limits. It'd be bad for you to miss your own wedding, so the guards won't let you stray far enough away to risk it. But aside from that, you really can go anywhere you please."
  3873. "...Why?"
  3874. >"I just told you! I love you, Anon! And... and even if you don't yet, I know you'll come to realize your love for me..."
  3875. >She stands and slowly closes the distance between you until her nose is right in front of yours. You glance at her exposed neck, dig deep, and try to summon the anger that gripped you on the airship, but now it's nowhere to be found. You feel exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and on top of that her change in behavior has you completely on tilt.
  3876. >Then, she exhales deeply, and you feel the heat of her breath travel across your nose and mouth. Unlike before, when she would do this to you back in the Treebrary so long ago, you now know what this gesture means. You immediately hold your breath and turn away from her, and a bit of that lost anger returns as your fists begin to clench.
  3877. >But before you can move to act on it, you hear a hiccup from Twilight and see some tears escape from her eyes. She hops back and shakes her head a few times to clear them away.
  3879. >"Once..." She sniffles. "Once we're married, and we have our honeymoon, I know you'll love me. You won't even think to look at anypony else. We'll be perfect together, a Princess and her Prince, and Equestria will enter a golden age..."
  3880. >She wipes her face with a hoof before flaring her wings with anger. "Don't you understand?! This is why you were brought here! You were meant for me! Because of you I gained this power, and I gained the throne, and all that's left is for us to stop pretending and be together! It's our destiny, fated by the stars and the very fabric of the world's magic itself!!"
  3881. >She turns away and hops from the bed to stand in the center of the room. You hear that familiar crackle of magic again and another portal opens. She moves to step through it, but pauses and speaks to you without turning back.
  3882. >"The... the wedding will be at dawn the day after tomorrow. I plan to raise the sun as we kiss to usher in the first day of our new life together..."
  3883. >She shakes her head again, and the anger in her voice shifts to sadness. "I'm sorry I won't have the opportunity to see you again before the ceremony. It's a lot of work to plan a wedding and run a country at the same time, after all. Rarity will be by to fit you for your suit tomorrow, but aside from that you're free to do whatever you want..."
  3884. >She turns back, and her tearful eyes have been replaced by an icy stare that sends a chill down your spine.
  3885. >"But let me make one thing clear, Anon. She's not going to save you. I've accounted for all the variables and every possibility. You're mine now... my very special somehuman. I love you, and I want you to be happy, and the sooner you come to accept that, the sooner you will be..."
  3886. >Swishing her tail to accentuate her point, she steps through the portal and vanishes.
  3888. >You're left alone in the room. The constant flashes of lightning have dwindled and are now seen only every so often, so the storm must be passing. You stand and test your legs and realize you're a lot weaker than you thought. Whatever magic they used to heal you must've really sapped your energy, because even though you've just woken up from a day and a half long nap your body is screaming at you to return to the comfort of the nearby bed.
  3889. >Regardless, you fight the fatigue and soldier on toward the great glass doors on the far side of the room. You move the curtains aside and to your surprise you discover falling snow instead of rain outside.
  3890. "A thunderstorm in winter..."
  3891. >As you gaze out at the illuminated snow-covered city of Canterlot below, your thoughts wander to the pretty pony you actually do love, her smiling face and songbird-like laughter now only a cherished memory. You close your eyes and place a hand on the glass, hoping from the bottom of your heart that she and the others are safe, wherever they happen to be now.
  3892. >The door to the room opens and Pyre steps in. He asks if you need anything, but you end up dismissing him to be alone with your thoughts. He nods, then dutifully returns to his post outside the door. You have a feeling that no matter where you go tomorrow with your newfound "freedom", he won't be far behind.
  3893. >You stumble back over to the bed and crawl beneath the sheets. There's no way in hell you're gonna go through with this wedding. Something has to be done. Anything! But what...? You're practically powerless here, and the Geas means that Twilight's absolutely right: Celestia can't save you this time.
  3894. >Is this really the end? You can't run from this any longer, and honestly you can't see any way out anymore. But there has to be one! There has to be something she's overlooked, and it's up to you to find it.
  3896. >You should get started right away. There's not much time left. But you're so tired... your mind and body are so, so tired...
  3897. "Cel..."
  3898. >Slowly, your eyes close, and soon after your consciousness fades...
  3900. ~~~~~~~~~
  3902. >You reach out and pluck a ripe apple from the nearby tree, placing it in the crook of your elbow along with the others you've picked. Four should be enough, so you begin to make your way back to the large weeping willow tree in the center of the sunlit grove where your pretty white pony awaits.
  3903. >She lays beneath the tree, her forehooves curled up underneath her and her back legs flush with the ground. Her waving multicolored mane gently flutters in the breeze, and her matching curled tail does the same. Her magenta eyes watch your approach and a slight smile begins to pull at the corners of her mouth.
  3904. >"And what have we here?"
  3905. "Red apples. I can't tell you the specific name; you'd have to ask an expert about that. All I know is that they're delicious."
  3906. >She peers at the apples in your arms. "Red Galas. Indeed, they are delicious. Come, lay with me and we'll share." She flutters her exposed wing against her body, beckoning you to recline against it, and you happily comply.
  3907. >The soft feathers make the perfect backrest and you fight the urge to drift into a satisfied slumber. Instead, you hold out one of the apples, and soon enough a golden aura lifts it from your hand. You take one for yourself and bite into it, savoring the sweet flavor, and the two of you eat in silence, allowing the singing robins and blue jays that flutter around the grove to perform uninterrupted by your idle chatter.
  3908. >Soon, all the apples are gone, and she uses the opportunity to curl her head around to steal a kiss.
  3910. >"I'm glad you convinced me to come here. Everything's been so hectic at the castle... I needed this, even though it's tough to admit."
  3911. "Just doing my job to look out for you, Cel. You're good at hiding it, but I can tell when you're getting overwhelmed."
  3912. >She giggles. "...That you can, and it means so much to me. I'm a bit tempted to take the rest of the day off to show you my appreciation. I'm sure Lulu wouldn't mind..."
  3913. >She moves her tail to gently caress the exposed skin of your arms and you feel a tingle of electricity run down your spine before you settle back and relax with the gentle motions.
  3914. >"What do you think, my little human? Would you like that?"
  3915. >You reach a hand out to stroke her muzzle.
  3916. "How could I resist?"
  3917. >You move in for another kiss when a familiar sensation washes over your body. Your eyes snap open to see Celestia staring at you with a fearful expression.
  3918. >"No..."
  3919. >You can feel the magic starting to pull you away from her. You reach a hand out, but even though it makes contact with her soft coat you can't feel it beneath your palm.
  3920. >"Anon!"
  3921. "Help me, Cel!"
  3922. >The world around you begins to fade as the teleportation magic takes hold and you're ripped away and cast into a lightless void. You flail your arms and cry out to her again and again, but she can't hear you now. There's only darkness...
  3923. >"There you are, Anon. I've been searching for you~"
  3924. >You can't see anything, but you know that voice. Your blood turns to ice as the Purple Pony Princess speaks, seemingly from all directions at once.
  3925. >"Where were you? I needed you and you weren't there for me. It's not nice for you to ignore your wife, Anon, especially if it's to spend time with another mare. I suppose I'll have to do the same thing I did with the last few to this one too." She giggles. "You never learn, do you~? So, who was it?"
  3926. "No one..."
  3927. >"Liar."
  3928. "I'm telling the truth!"
  3929. >"LIAR!"
  3931. >Her booming voice nearly shatters your eardrums, and you cower in the dark.
  3932. >"I'll find her, you know. I'll find her, and then..."
  3933. "No, stop! Please! I'll do anything!"
  3934. >As your tears start to fall, Twilight merely laughs.
  3935. >"I don't believe you~"
  3936. "Please..."
  3937. >You place your hands over your ears, attempting to drown out her voice. Maybe if you can't hear her she'll go away...
  3938. >Surprisingly it begins to work, and the laughter fades. It's replaced by the sound of ripping fabric, and suddenly your eyes are assaulted by a bright light which consumes everything. In an instant, the dark void is now blinding, and an indistinguishable eyeless midnight blue figure begins to approach you.
  3939. >"Fear not... we shall not allow this nightmare to trouble thee further..."
  3940. >You rub your eyes again, and the Princess of the Night stands before you in the empty white space, her mane and tail reflecting the light of countless stars.
  3941. "Luna..."
  3942. >"Ah, 'tis Anonymous the Human. How unexpected."
  3943. >You begin to tremble with anger, your fists clenching as you stare blue alicorn down.
  3944. "You... you have a lot of fucking nerve to show your face in front of me after what you pulled."
  3945. >She gives you a questioning look. "We are merely performing our duty as the Guardian of Dreams. We know not of what you speak."
  3946. "Bullshit! You helped Twilight capture me with that fake letter! You were in the room when I arrived!"
  3947. >She nods. "Correct. And?"
  3948. "'And'? 'AND'?! Do you have any fucking clue what you've done?!"
  3949. >You rise and stand face-to-face with the dark alicorn, but she doesn't flinch when confronted by your anger.
  3950. "You begged me, BEGGED ME to bring your sister back by getting her an Orb! You even helped us reach the island! And then you betrayed us at the very last second! What was the fucking point of all this?!"
  3952. >She frowns. "Betrayed you? Quite the contrary; we assisted you in ways you likely do not realize. Were you not successful in completing the Trials?"
  3953. "YES! But it doesn't fucking matter now, 'cause Twilight smashed the Orb! And all because of YOU!"
  3954. >Without thinking, your hand shoots out to grab the pony by her neck. Again, she doesn't flinch. Instead, she begins to chuckle, which only serves to infuriate you further.
  3955. "What's so goddamn funny...?"
  3956. >"Well," she giggles again, "to start, your threatening behavior is pointless. This is the Realm of Dreams, and you are powerless here." Her horn ignites and she vanishes from your grasp, only to reappear several feet away.
  3957. >"Secondly, it appears there's been a misunderstanding. You accomplished exactly what we requested. While we are grateful for your assistance, what comes afterwards is of no consequence to us."
  3958. "Like hell it isn't! Did you not just hear me say that Twilight DESTROYED THE ORB?!"
  3959. >The Night Princess yawns. "Indeed she did. The Orb of Ascension you carried was destroyed, but the Orb of Ascension Sister carried is still intact, and that is all that matters. Only one is required to restore her power. As we said, you accomplished exactly what we requested."
  3960. >The haze of anger quickly leaves you, leaving only confusion behind.
  3961. "W-What...? She was carrying one too?!"
  3962. >"Of course. One cannot pass through the Wayshrine Gates and enter the Trials proper without possessing an Orb. It's odd that you weren't aware. She was with you at the altar when you forged your own, was she not?"
  3963. >You think back. Yeah... she was there, right with you at the altar. You were so focused on your own at the time that maybe you could've missed it. But why would she hide it from you? Did she assume you knew...?"
  3964. >You stumble back.
  3965. "But... but even if she has one of her own, she can't use it! It won't work! She told me herself!"
  3967. >Luna nods. "Correct. She must pass it to another to free the magic, but the recipient can then pass it back to her to complete the ritual. There is only one in this world she would trust with such an exchange, given the potential power at stake, so when she returns from Latigo we shall assist in her ascension. Once that is done, she shall be as she was, and finally this ordeal will be behind us. We are grateful for your assistance."
  3968. >You collapse on the dream's formless ground.
  3969. "You... said you weren't my enemy. You used me, and then sold me out at the end. I can't believe it..."
  3970. >She sighs. "We are not your enemy, Anonymous the Human, but nor are we your ally in these matters. We have no authority to interfere in the affairs of a fellow Princess. Who she chooses to marry is her own prerogative and matters little to ourself or Sister. It is regrettable that events had to transpire in this way, but there are bigger things in this world than the wishes of one wayward ape."
  3971. >You laugh and look away.
  3972. "You're... you're one hell of a bitch, aren't you?"
  3973. >"Anonymous."
  3974. >Her tone, much more serious now, compels you to look back, and what you find strikes terror in your heart. You're no longer looking into the eyes of a mere pony, but of an immortal ruler, with all that entails. You've seen this look from Celestia before, rarely, but never from Luna, and it's startling to say the least.
  3975. >"Understand that we had no choice. Something has changed within the last several days and a great threat to this world is looming just beyond the horizon. We can sense it on the wind, and had we allowed you to remain with Sister, it would've forced a clash between herself and Twilight at a time when Equestria cannot afford it. We implored Twilight to return to Canterlot, but she refused to do so without you. We did what was necessary as a result."
  3977. >She turns away to stare into the void, her voice tinged with a hint of remorse.
  3978. >"This petty squabble between them became a great problem which could no longer be overlooked when Sister's power was lost. Now, more than ever, she is needed to help guide this world, until such time as Twilight Sparkle becomes truly worthy of the position she has come to inherit. We know, and -she- knows, all too well, that the responsibility is more than one pony alone can bear. This foalish fantasy of abandoning her duty to live in the past has resulted in an imbalance that is damaging to the order we've strived so long to build and maintain, and it cannot be permitted to continue. We are sorry, but this is the truth."
  3979. >She turns back to you, and it's as if she's looking beyond you, into the past, or perhaps the future.
  3980. >"You shall marry Twilight, which will help temper her obsession with you and allow her to focus on her duties. We shall re-empower Sister, so that she might regain her station and her place by our side. With this, the strife will be over and balance restored, and this lingering darkness thwarted. The world will continue in Harmony. If nothing else, remember that you have done a great service for Equestria, and you shall be honored for it, even if not all of your wishes can be fulfilled..."
  3981. >The dark alicorn begins to trot away from you and you feel the effect of the dream ending. You can't help but start laughing as the white void begins to vanish.
  3982. "Okay, I get it. You don't give a shit about me, and that's fine. But what about your sister? Have you ever thought about what she wanted? What she wished for? Or does she have to be miserable for the rest of her life too?"
  3984. >You can hear Luna's voice all around you as she replies:
  3985. >"It is a consequence of the choices we made. She understands this, which is why she runs from it, just as we did in the past. But it is inescapable, and she knows this in her heart..."
  3986. >The lingering echo of her voice eventually subsides, and only the silence of the broken dream remains.
  3988. ~~~~~~~~~
  3990. >You were hoping you'd wake with a newfound vigor. A drive to seek a way out of this mess, by any means. Surely you could find one if you gave it your all! Surely there's a way to overcome this, just as you've overcome every other difficulty you've faced since being thrust into this strange world...
  3991. >But as you sit up in bed and stare at the particles of dust wafting in the rays of sunlight lingering between the curtains, that motivation is nowhere to be found.
  3992. >It's true that physically you feel a lot better. A natural night's sleep has done wonders for you in addition to the healing you received. But mentally? You're a goddamn wreck. The dream with Luna has drained away any lingering hope you had.
  3993. >You figured that, if you could somehow find her, she'd stand with you. That maybe with her immense power she could break the Geas and allow you a chance to flee. Even if the odds were a million-to-one, you still had a chance, and with it the sliver of hope you desperately needed...
  3994. >But after last night... not only is she indifferent to your plight, she actually wants this marriage to go through. For the good of Equestria, or some such bullshit. She'd probably even actively hinder you should you try to make a break for it.
  3995. >You've run the scenarios in your head over and over again since you woke up. You, a normal human with no magic and without Cel's aid, against two true alicorns and the entire Equestrian military.
  3997. >There's not a single possibility, even in your wildest imaginings, where you win here. You're not the type to give up or fall into despair; you never were. But the pragmatist in you, that little voice that always told you when you could push the envelope to drive yourself further, and when caution was called for, is screaming -THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE- over and over again.
  3998. >You laugh. In cases like this where logic and reason are no help, you've usually fallen back on Pinkie's advice to follow your heart and do what you feel is right. The problem with that? Your heart's far away now, held by the snow-white pony you can no longer touch.
  3999. >So that's it, huh? That's the end of the story?
  4000. >Yeah, you suppose it is. But moping around in your room all day is something you grew out of a long time ago. This is Canterlot; surely there'll be some good bars open to mope around in later tonight. And prior to that, maybe a little sightseeing is in order. You wouldn't want to waste your last day of freedom cooped up inside the castle.
  4001. >You stumble out of bed and explore the room a bit. A tailored casual outfit has been laid out for you on the nearby dresser. Another work of Rarity, no doubt, but this one's a lot different than the others you've gotten in the past. With no one there to veto her design decisions, the result is a gaudy mish-mash of frills, bold colors, and sewn-in gemstones. You stand in front of the room's full-body mirror in the outfit and fight back a few dry heaves. Even Liberace would be spinning in his grave at the sight of this shit...
  4002. >But it's not like you can just go out and buy a less nausea-inducing outfit for yourself, so you might as well roll with it. Your hiking clothes were probably burned considering the state they were in by the end of your journey, but even still you dearly wish you had them right now.
  4004. >You open the door to the hallway and immediately hear a crash as your snoozing pegasus guardspony loses the support of the door he was leaning his side against. He yelps with surprise, but quickly regains his composure, flopping over to his hooves and giving you a wobbly salute.
  4005. >"M-My Prince! A good morning to you!"
  4006. "Hey, Pyre. Sleep well?"
  4007. >"Yes, I-- er, that is to say..." He gulps. "S-Somepony was supposed to relieve me overnight, but I turned him away thinking I could handle the full watch. But it looks like I was wrong, and I've endangered you by falling asleep at my post. I beg your forgiveness!"
  4008. >He bows for good measure and you chuckle.
  4009. "It's fine. I'd probably welcome a visit from an assassin at this point."
  4010. >He gives you a confused stare. "I'm... I'm afraid I don't understand."
  4011. "Don't worry about it."
  4012. >He nods. "Understood. I shall proceed to not worry about it. My Prince, is there anything you need? If so, I will provide it to the best of my ability."
  4013. >You yawn and scratch your head. Yeah, there's tons of shit you need right now. A ticket out of this fucking nightmare, for one. The 'anti-nerdy purple alicorn' amulet you were going to ask Luna for would be nice. Hell, maybe if you had a suitcase nuke you could chuck it at Twilight and slow her down a little...
  4014. >But you have a sneaking suspicion that despite his enthusiasm, your plucky pegasus guardspony wouldn't be able to you get you any of that stuff. Best to stick with something realistic. You ponder for a few moments, and then...
  4015. "How well do you know the city? I want you to take me to the best coffee and donuts place around."
  4016. >Pyre salutes. "As you wish! Please follow me."
  4017. >And so starts your last day of freedom.
  4019. ~~~~~~~~~
  4021. >Canterlot's not a bad city, you suppose. Sure, some of the ponies here are complete uptight arrogant elitist assholes, but there are just as many who are polite and good natured.
  4022. >You've just been aimlessly wandering around, with Pyre at your heels, doing nothing in particular. Aside from some snacks, you haven't bought anything from the various shops you've dabbled around in, despite the pegasus' constant reminders that anything you want would be covered by the Treasury. A nice perk, sure, but you don't think your average Equestrian taxpayer would take kindly to a freaky alien monkey buying random shit on their dime, 'prince' or not.
  4023. >As a result, the little shops have lost their appeal, and with no bars open at this time of day the city really doesn't have much to entice you. Perhaps that's why your wandering has led you back to the castle grounds, and you've been exploring the royal gardens ever since.
  4024. >They're really nice. The pathways are perfectly maintained, with not a speck of snow on them, and everything is beautiful and serene. But it all seems so artificial to you; so out of place. You're used to the wilderness after all, where aside from some previously blazed trails nature is left to its own devices.
  4025. >You sit down on a bench near the base of an odd-looking statue to rest, and Pyre takes a seat beside you. With a sideways glance, he begins surreptitiously munching on the candy apple you insisted he buy for himself when you caught him eyeing it at one of the outdoor markets you visited.
  4026. >The sight of it draws some genuine laughter from you. He seems to be a nice pony, if a little overeager. In different circumstances, and if he'd drop this 'my prince' crap, you'd probably be happy to call him a friend.
  4027. >A rumbling pulls you from your thoughts, and you look over to see Pyre clutching his stomach.
  4029. "Something wrong?"
  4030. >"I... I..." he gasps, another gurgle reaching your ears. "I think I need to go to the little colt's room."
  4031. "Well, go ahead. You don't need my permission."
  4032. >"But... but I can't abandon my post! What if you were ambushed?! What if I lost you in the crowd?! I'd never forgive myself!"
  4033. >You glance around. Aside from some winter birds, the two of you are the only creatures here as far as you can tell.
  4034. "We're inside the castle grounds, so I think it'll be fine. I don't intend to go anywhere, and if something happens I'll take the blame."
  4035. >"B-But..."
  4036. "And are you really worried about losing the world's only human in a crowd? I'm like twice as tall as most of you."
  4037. >His eyes dart around as his back legs twitch, and finally, after more consideration, he relents.
  4038. >"I'll return as soon as I'm able! I swear on my honor!"
  4039. "Take your time."
  4040. >And with that, he flies off, leaving you alone in the garden.
  4041. >Now's your chance, Anon! With no watchful eyes upon you, you can do anything you want! You can start acting on your plan to get the hell outta here!
  4042. >You laugh again. Yeah, right. As long as these arcane bands are wrapped around your wrists, thoughts like those will only lead to disappointment. You rest your arms on your knees, hands clasped together, and sigh.
  4043. "Fuck..."
  4044. >"Oh, what's the matter my dear boy? Do you not like your new glow-in-the-dark tattoos? I can't say I blame you. They look awful."
  4045. >Your head snaps to attention and you look around. No one.
  4046. "Who said that?"
  4047. >"And what kind of question is that? I don't see anyone else here but a misplaced monkey and yours truly. Unless you happen to think the birds can talk, but that'd be crazy!"
  4048. >You stand from your seat and whirl around. It's like the voice was whispering directly in your damn ear! But still, you find yourself alone.
  4050. >"Oh come now. Don't tell me you're really that dense. Of the two of us, -I- should be far denser at the moment!"
  4051. >The voice's laughter echoes all around you. "Ah, statue humor! It almost makes this punishment worth it."
  4052. >Your eyes settle on the large statue positioned behind the bench you just leapt from. Recorded in almost life-like stone is an odd creature unlike anything you've ever seen before. To be honest, it looks like someone took a bunch of random animal parts and slapped them all together. What the hell is this thing?
  4053. >"Ah, there it is. That glimmer of recognition in your eyes that proves you're capable of learning. For a moment there I was almost worried."
  4054. >Hesitantly, you approach the statue. The creature's pose is as equally as ridiculous as its general shape. It almost looks like it's about to get hit by a truck or something.
  4055. "What are you...?"
  4056. >The voice scoffs. "Puh-lease! Don't tell me you've never laid eyes on my magnificently chaotic visage before! Our mutual acquaintances Cotton Candy Head and Moody Featherduster plastered their throne room with stained glass artwork of all my greatest hits, for crying out loud!"
  4057. >Wait... now it's starting to register. You heard the story from Twilight before, about how she and her friends sealed this creature after he escaped shortly prior to your arrival...
  4058. "You're Discord, aren't you?"
  4059. >You can hear the sound of clapping, even though the statue remains perfectly still. "Bravo, bravo! Exactamundo! I was beginning to fear I'd have to spell it out for you. You're not a bright one, are you?"
  4060. >You frown.
  4061. "You're really talkative for a chunk of stone. I'm surprised they haven't moved you to the basement with all the other unwanted artwork yet."
  4063. >He laughs fairly hard at your insult. "Yes, despite my current predicament I can't resist a good conversation. There are so few willing to listen, or worth talking to in the first place. I'm delighted that you happened to stop by."
  4064. "Well too bad, 'cause I was just leaving."
  4065. >You start to walk away, but the phantom voice's momentary panicked tone causes you to pause.
  4066. >"Wait, wait, wait! I don't want to lose this opportunity! I'm a tremendous fan of your work!"
  4067. >You raise an eyebrow.
  4068. "...My 'work'?"
  4069. >"Of course!" the statue replies, regaining its composure somewhat. "It isn't often that I see a creature who can spread chaos as gracefully as you. Well, there -is- a mailmare in Ponyville who's also a bit of a prodigy, but she's more of a small scale disaster type. But you, YOU, my dear boy... you're positively wondrous!"
  4070. "What? What the hell are you talking about?"
  4071. >He gasps. "What am I talking about? What am I talking about?! You... you don't even know, do you? You don't even realize it! You're such a natural, I'd be tearing up with joy right now if I wasn't made of stone!" He sniffles some for emphasis. "Think about it! Your mere presence transformed the always studious, always dedicated, always -boring- Element of Magic into an obsessive maniac, with her friends split between helping and hindering her! You managed to fulfill an impossible dream for our dear Celestia, and in turn allow her to cast away her duties and behave like a teenage filly again, complete with a crush! And to top it off, all of this together has worked to drive poor Loony Luna positively batty! I've been watching your little cat-and-mouse chase across the world play out, and it's the most amusing thing I've seen in ages! I can't -wait- to find out what you have planned for the wedding!"
  4073. >You start to feel that familiar sensation of anger welling within you as his laughter swirls in your ears.
  4074. "I'm glad all my problems have been so damn entertaining for you. But I don't have anything 'planned' for the wedding. I'm done. There's nowhere left for me to run."
  4075. >The laughter immediately ceases, and the voice adopts a tone of sincere-sounding concern.
  4076. >"You're giving up? No, no, no, that won't do at all! It's not like you! What happened to that can-do attitude of yours that's been so great at driving our little purple nerd to hysterics?! Are you just going to let her win?"
  4077. >You hold up one of your wrists to the statue and shout your reply:
  4078. "And what the fuck do you expect me to do about this, huh?! I can't enchant pony-clones into bombs to break the Geas like Twilight. I don't have magic, period! Luna won't help, Cel -can't- help, and Twilight can paralyze me with pain using the bands anytime she wants! Hell, she could turn -me- into a bomb if she wanted, so don't fucking act like this is just something I'm not trying hard enough to beat!"
  4079. >You hear Discord sigh. "Well, to put it bluntly, -you're not trying hard enough-, but I can't blame you. When you mortals are pushed this far without the slightest ray of hope, you almost always give in to despair. It's such a delicious moment for me, and I look forward to it each time... but in your case, it's counterproductive, so allow me to offer you some friendly advice..."
  4080. >You tense up. A part of you is extremely wary about taking any sort of advice from a character like this, but another part of you desperately wants hear something, -anything-, that could lead to a way out. The statue takes your silence as a prompt to continue.
  4082. >"You can't always think of things in absolutes, my dear boy. What you believe to be a boon could turn into a burden. And what you believe to be misfortune can open doors you never even imagined! That's the beauty of chaos; you never know what to expect! It's even been my own undoing in the past, ending with my certain victory snatched away at the last moment, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Why, it's positively thrilling!"
  4083. >Another round of laughter rolls through your thoughts before he continues.
  4084. >"I don't expect you to figure this all out on your own, so I'll give you some hints. Take it from me; I was quite the magical prodigy back in my youth, much like the problematic purple pony we both adore so much. You say you 'don't have magic', but that couldn't be further from the truth now. Look at your wrists! You may not be able to sense it, but you're positively bursting with it!"
  4085. >You look down at the glowing bands as they constantly shift, dull and brighten.
  4086. "I am?"
  4087. >"Of course! A Geas is a difficult spell, not only to cast, but to maintain. You're like a little flea attached to our dear Twilight Sparkle, constantly sucking out a bit of her magic in order to feed the curse. If too little magic is siphoned, the spell fails and the Geas breaks, and if too much magic is siphoned, well... *POP* goes the weasel, as they say! I invented that turn of phrase, you know. Ah, those were the days..."
  4088. >You cough in annoyance and he continues.
  4089. >"Hmph. Tough crowd. As I was saying, the flow of the magic is constant, and we all know constants are -boring-. Our studious little OCD alicorn will be sure to strictly regulate it down to the tiniest degree, as is her nature. But what if I were to tell you that you had the ability to... liven things up a bit? And maybe take more of her magic than she's willing to give?" He can't help but follow his own question with a short, sinister laugh.
  4091. "I'd say I'm not interested because you said not two fucking seconds ago that if I drained more magic I'd explode."
  4092. >"Yes, yes, of course you will if you allow the extra magic to remain within your body. But, if you were to redirect it somewhere else for a while, it could end up being a particularly perplexing problem for our purple pony princess!"
  4093. >You turn back to address the statue, crazy as it sounds.
  4094. "Redirect it? How?"
  4095. >Again, he laughs. "Sorry, but that, my dear boy, is the end of my hint. It's no fun for me if I give it all away! But as a completely unrelated aside, I love your suit. A Rarity original, I'm sure..."
  4096. >You notice the chimera's voice beginning to fade as he speaks, and he seems to take notice as well.
  4097. >"Ugh. All this yammering on is too much effort. It's using up what little magic I'm able to control like this, so I suppose the hint line is closed. Besides, I need to save my energy to observe the wedding~! Even though I'm not on the guest list, I can assure you I'll be there in spirit..."
  4098. "...I'll save you a slice of cake anyway, just in case."
  4099. >"Ha! Don't count on it, but I appreciate the gesture..." His voice is almost gone now, and you have to strain to hear it. "Oh! And one last thing! When you see Cotton Candy Head, tell her I said I approve. She'll know what it means. Arrivederci!"
  4100. >And with that, the voice is gone. You step closer to the strange statue just to see what'll happen, but the only sounds come from the various birds perched atop the nearby hedges. Looks like he really is gone.
  4101. >Pretty much every instinct you have is telling you to not trust this guy. He's undoubtedly bad news, and he seems like the type who'd definitely betray you down the line. You trust him about as far as you can throw him, and considering he's like a 2 ton solid piece of stone, that's not very far at all.
  4103. >But still, he's given you what you so desperately needed - a ray of hope. Something to cling to. If you can just figure out the specifics of what he was talking about, you might have a way to beat this thing and to find your way back to Cel's side.
  4104. >There's no time to waste. Looks like you won't be doing any bar-hopping tonight, but that's okay. There'll be more opportunities, because it's not like you're getting married tomorrow or anything! Not if you have anything to say about it, at least...
  4105. >You mumble an apology to your still-absent guardspony as you forego your promise to wait for him and make your way toward the castle proper.
  4106. >You've got some reading to do.
  4108. ~~~~~~~~~
  4110. >"Rainbow Dash, don't you -dare- move that leg before I have everything pinned in place."
  4111. >"But it itches!"
  4112. >"Just ignore it! The more trouble you make for me, the longer this will take. I only have a few alterations left to do on yours."
  4113. >The blue pegasus groans and bites her lip while a spool of measuring tape and several needles sail around her in the air.
  4114. >"There! All done. You can relax now."
  4115. >She breathes a sigh of relief before slouching and scratching her itchy leg with her other back hoof.
  4116. >"I hate wearing dresses like these. I can't even move my wings right."
  4117. >The white unicorn sighs. "And that's precisely because it's considered rude to fly during the ceremony and I don't trust you to remember that."
  4118. >A giggle from the nearby butter-yellow pegasus causes Rainbow to roll her eyes. The frazzled looking unicorn dashes over to her, tape and pincushions in magical tow.
  4119. >"Fluttershy, dear, I'm going to need you to help make these basic alterations for the bridesmare gowns. I still have Twilight's dress and Anonymous' suit to finish and I'm running out of time! Do you think you can do that for me?"
  4121. >Fluttershy nods. "Oh, yes. Of course, Rarity. None of this seems too hard, so I think I should be okay."
  4122. >Rarity smiles, a bit of the tiredness leaving her face. "Thank you. It appears it'll be yet another sleepless night spent working. But to have my designs featured in yet another royal wedding... oh, the amount of publicity will simply be staggering!" She rears up and squeals for emphasis as she magically removes the dresses from their owners to place them on the nearby dressforms.
  4123. >Rainbow cracks her neck. "Well, I'm glad you're excited but I'm gonna go stretch my wings."
  4124. >"Be a dear and fetch Anonymous for me while you're out, would you? I suppose I should go ahead and get his fitting out of the way."
  4125. >"On it!" She disappears, leaving a rainbow trail behind, and the two remaining mares begin their work altering their respective gowns.
  4126. >"Aren't you excited for Twilight? First she becomes a Princess, and then she gets to be married to her true love! She's so lucky..."
  4127. >Rarity coughs and grits her teeth. "Yes, it's wonderful... but once again, I find myself ever the bridesmare. If somepony were to tell me that among us -Twilight- would be the first to get married, well... I don't know if I'd be able to contain my laughter. And yet here she is! Then again, her way of courting her stallion was somewhat... odd. And I suppose calling him a stallion is a bit of a stretch..."
  4128. >Fluttershy giggles. "I don't think it matters as long as she loves him. And don't worry, maybe you'll find somepony you're interested in at the wedding. Maybe you'll even catch the bouquet!"
  4129. >Rarity adopts a deadpan stare. "Darling, I've caught the bouquet at the last five weddings I've attended. I believe I'm conclusive proof that it doesn't work."
  4130. >"Oh. R-Right, I forgot."
  4132. >She sighs. "Still, despite the oddity of it all, I can't help but envy how romantic it was. Chasing your stallion across the world, never giving up, ending with the perfect storybook royal wedding... it's the stuff of romance novels!"
  4133. >"Oh yes, I agree. I think I heard something about that famous author Mistress Notfluutershai writing something like that for her next book."
  4134. >Rarity hops up and down a bit. "Oh! I absolutely -adore- her work! Wherever did you come across such juicy gossip?!"
  4135. >Fluttershy folds her ears back and looks away. "Oh, um... I-I heard it as a rumor at the market..."
  4136. >"Well, I certainly hope it turns out to be true. She has such a way with words. And her, ahem, intimate scenes... so raunchy!"
  4137. >The pegasus whimpers. "Um... anyway... d-do you think Applejack and Pinkie Pie will come? They were invited too..."
  4138. >"Hmph. After the way they behaved, I'd rather they not. It was very gracious of Twilight to send them invitations by dragonfire. I think it was more of a gesture of goodwill than anything, as I doubt they'd be able to return to Equestria in time with their airship in such a state." She giggles. "I suppose if my career in fashion ever fizzles out, I have another talent to fall back on. Commanding an armada was more fun than it had any right to be~! But then again..."
  4139. >She steps away from the dress to admire her work and Fluttershy does the same.
  4140. >"...I suppose I should stick to what I do best."
  4141. >"They're beautiful, Rarity."
  4142. >The unicorn beams. "Oh, darling, if you think these look good, wait until you see Twilight's wedding dress! I'm certain, without a single doubt, that tomorrow will be a day to remember..."
  4144. ~~~~~~~~~
  4146. >The castle's great library puts Twilight's old one to shame. It'd be easy to lose yourself among the endless rows of filled bookshelves. In fact, you're not quite sure how to get back to the main hallway from the little secluded table you've occupied for your research, but you suppose that's what your personal guard is for.
  4147. >Pyre the pegasus sits nearby, an annoyed look on his face. Every once and a while he glances over and mumbles something that you promptly ignore. You don't have time for his antics, especially now that you're so close to actually making a breakthrough with th--
  4148. >"...You didn't keep your promise..."
  4149. "A) Shut up, this is a library. B) I never promised you anything. And C) I already apologized like a million times. Bring me that book, third one from the top of that stack closest to you."
  4150. >He does so, sulkily, and you return to your research.
  4151. >God you hate reading. Especially about subjects you have no interest in, like magic. This is the kind of shit you'd let Cel handle, and you dearly miss her right about now for this and a million other reasons.
  4152. >You're surrounded by various volumes, cross-referencing and pouring through them looking for relevant information. You've got all the classics: The Nature of Curses, Magic for Dummies, Encyclopedia Arcana, Sacred Bond: A Treatise on the Geas, A Study of the Lost Arts, Spellcrafting 101, Mommy, Why is This Stuff Coming Out of My Horn?: A Unicorn Foal's Introduction to Magic...
  4153. >Yeah, if Twilight saw you like this she'd probably be gushing like a fire hose. Thank god she's not here.
  4154. >Between all this stuff, you're finally starting to understand what Discord was getting at. There -is- a way! It's a longshot, especially for a total amateur like you, but it's possible, and you already have everything you need to make it work. You'll have to run a few tests in your room later tonight to iron out the details, but things are finally looking up for once!
  4156. >It's not going to be enough to beat Twilight, but that's not the goal. You just need to run. Everything else will sort itself out like it always does. Maybe.
  4157. >Best not to think about what comes after too hard, Anon. Focus on the present. You close the book you're holding and stand.
  4158. "Put all these back where they came from, please."
  4159. >Pyre glances over at you with a questioning look. "My Prince? You don't intend to check any of these books out?"
  4160. >You shrug.
  4161. "Nah. Too boring. I was trying to learn a little about one of Twilight's interests since I'm, y'know, gonna marry her and everything, but I guess I'm not cut out for it. We should probably head back."
  4162. >It'd be way too suspicious to leave a paper trail by checking out the books, so you've committed everything you need to know to memory. It's sort of a paranoid step, but right now you're operating under the assumption that Twilight's keeping tabs on you through your guard here. Luckily Pyre doesn't seem like the type to be able to put two and two together when it comes to magic either, so he shouldn't be too curious about your true intentions. You sincerely hope Princess Autismo's not -constantly- monitoring you, because If she is, your plan's fucked before it even gets off the ground...
  4163. >You hear a short whine as the pegasus protests. "B-But that'll take forever! And it's more a job for the library's caretakers!"
  4164. "No, Pyre, it's rude to leave this mess for them. The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll be done. I'm going to head back to my room."
  4165. >"Yes, My Prince..." his ears fold back and he pouts.
  4166. >Poor guy. You hate to be a dick, but you've got work to do and the precious remaining time until Zero Hour is constantly ticking away. You leave the pegasus behind and begin to make your way through the great labyrinth of bookshelves.
  4167. >Fifteen minutes later, you realize this was a bad idea.
  4169. "Fuck..."
  4170. >Yeah, you're totally lost now, and you haven't seen another living creature this entire time. Turns out this place is even bigger than you thought... you should've definitely had your guard escort you out.
  4171. >He's sure to track you down eventually, but this lost time is really going to hurt you in the long run. You pick up the pace and begin to jog. It's not like there're any stern-faced librarians around to scold you anyway...
  4172. >You turn a corner and come upon a sight that stops you dead in your tracks. The good news: It's a door. The bad news: It's not the door to the hallway you were looking for.
  4173. "'Forbidden Archives'...?"
  4174. >Before you stands the most imposing gate you've ever seen. It's sealed tightly shut, carved from ancient stone and absolutely covered in intricate carvings that seem to tell some kind of story when taken together. Ghostly blue flames dance from the nearby wall torches. You'd have mistaken the whole thing for an entrance to some sort of dungeon or ancient ruin had the nearby wall-mounted plaque not tipped you off.
  4175. >There's obviously something very important beyond this door. But it's odd... why aren't there any guards to protect it? It doesn't make any sense... are they going by the honor system or something? Or maybe the damn thing's booby trapped...
  4176. >Your curiosity is killing you now. Goddamn it, Anon, you never could resist this sort of stuff... you cautiously reach out for the handle but an invisible barrier shines and causes you to jump back.
  4177. >Well, that explains that. Sealed by magic. No need to station valuable sentries in an out of the way place like this when you can hang a big old magical DO NOT ENTER sign on the doorknob. Looks like you're not getting through to see what's so 'forbidden' about the place.
  4179. >Oh well. It'd probably just be another distraction you couldn't afford anyway. You move to leave when you notice the Geas bands on your wrists start to shine. There's a hum of magic in the air, a creaking sound, and to your utter amazement, the barrier vanishes and the great doors begin to open.
  4180. >You immediately jump behind a nearby bookshelf, fearing that someone from inside the Archives is leaving, but a quick glance back reveals no one to be there. The corridor beyond the door continues into the darkness with no end in sight.
  4181. >You glance at your wrists again and the light starts to fade back to its normal level. That can't be a coincidence... what the heck is happening? Did the Geas act as some sort of key? That's all you can think of, but it doesn't make any sense...
  4183. >~...
  4184. >"From a magical standpoint, you and Celestia are the same pony because you now share her magic. And likewise, anypony -I- cast a Geas on will share my magical hoofprint too..."
  4185. >...~
  4187. >A part of Twilight's speech from the day she confronted you and Cel on the snowy path outside your home suddenly flashes through your mind, and combined with the research you just did, it all becomes clear.
  4188. >Who would have access to the Forbidden Archives? Equestria's Princesses.
  4189. >And Twilight's Geas, by its nature, gives your body the same magical signature as her, and the spell on the door can't tell the difference!
  4190. >You shake your head and laugh.
  4191. "'What you believe to be misfortune can open doors...' The bastard meant it -literally-! Imagine that..."
  4192. >There's no longer any doubt in your mind. There's something here that Discord wanted you to seek. Something that'll help. To be honest, your whole plan still has some holes in it that you were planning to fill with optimism and a little luck. Not exactly the most sound approach...
  4194. >But maybe, with whatever you happen to find, you can come up with something more concrete. Every little advantage you can scrounge up will help, and if there's any place you'll find such an advantage, it'd be here.
  4195. >You step beyond the threshold without fear as the doors close behind you. The corridor quickly opens up into a vast circular chamber, the various candles lighting themselves with a flourish of magic as soon as you set foot inside the room.
  4196. >You deflate a little. More bookshelves, and with them more books, though these look much older than the ones you've been flipping through up till now. It makes sense, you suppose, since the entrance to this place is found within the library itself. To even stand in this room is probably a dream within a dream for most pony scholars, but being here doesn't do much to help you now since you have no idea what you're looking for in the first place.
  4197. >You begin wandering the room, looking for anything of interest among the dusty tomes and scrolls, most of which are written in some crazy ancient horse language you can't read anyway. Several minutes of fruitless searching causes you to think you might be wasting your time after all.
  4198. >And then you see it. Resting on a reading table positioned in the center of the room is...
  4199. "Well now... what's this?"
  4200. >You lift the item, carefully balancing it in your hand.
  4201. >Oh, this'll be useful. This'll be -beyond- useful, and it's exactly what you were lacking. You carefully pocket it within your gem-encrusted jacket before starting toward the exit. It doesn't look like there's anything else here you can really effectively utilize, and this should be more than enough.
  4203. >You emerge from the archives just as Pyre flutters around one of the nearby shelves in his search for you. With his help you manage to escape the library and make your way back to your room, which you order him to stand watch over from the outside...
  4204. >...
  4205. >...
  4206. >...
  4207. >The sun has long set by the time you finish your testing and preparations. There's not really much more you can do at this point. From here on out, you'll either succeed or fail. Worrying about it won't help, and it'd be best to get some shuteye to recover some of the energy you know you'll desperately need soon.
  4208. >You're almost asleep as soon as your head hits of one the many pillows of the comfortable bed. But before you allow yourself to be lost to Luna's domain completely, you instinctually reach out to capture yet another pillow and pull it close to your body.
  4209. >It's a poor substitute. It's nowhere near as soft, comforting, or as warm as her, but it'll have to do for now.
  4210. >A soft smile begins to form on your lips. It won't be long until you're holding her in your arms again.
  4211. >You'll accept nothing less. Twilight, Luna, and the world itself be damned.
  4212. >If there's one thing for certain, tomorrow's going to be a day to remember...
  4214. Next Time on Exchange: A Promise Is A Promise
  4216. ==================
  4217. ||- Chapter 11 -||
  4218. ==================
  4220. >You adjust your tie one last time as you begin to walk down the side corridor leading to the castle's grand outdoor plaza.
  4221. >Your 'best stallion' / personal guardspony fidgets with his own as he trots alongside you and for the millionth time you reassure him that, yes, his tie looks fine too.
  4222. >It's about 7am now and the ceremony's already underway. You've been waiting in a nearby anteroom to be called to make your appearance, and now it's finally time.
  4223. >The two of you reach the door at the end of the corridor. The unicorn usher guarding it nods to the two of you politely before opening it for you with magic, revealing the vast congregation beyond.
  4224. >Your heart begins to thunder in your chest at the sight. There must be over 500 ponies here, most of whom appear to be members of the nobility. Temporary pews have been arrayed into theatre-style seating, creating two secondary aisles and one primary aisle between them which leads to a grand altar facing the plaza's eastern edge. Beyond the assembled ponies you can glimpse a mostly vacant large open reception area with a stage, dance floor, many dining tables and various chefs hard at work placing the finishing touches on a delicious looking selection of dishes. The central piece, a wedding cake of grand size and scope, tops it all off, complete with a little mini-human and alicorn princess at the top.
  4225. >The sun has not yet risen, just like she said it wouldn't when you spoke the night before last. The horizon is alight with the warm oranges, yellows and soft blues of the twilight before dawn. Countless stars can still be seen in the vast sky overhead. Though the moon is absent, there's more than enough light to see courtesy of the many magical lampposts scattered throughout the plaza, which have the additional benefit of keeping the cold night air at bay.
  4227. >It's truly an amazing sight. Whoever was responsible for the planning deserves a pat on the back at the very least; this is probably the most spectacular venue for a wedding ceremony you've ever seen. You close your eyes and breathe deeply of the crisp mountain air, and a soft smile makes its way across your face.
  4228. >Maybe one day you'll be able to get married in a place like this to a special mare. Less than a week ago such a thought would've forced you straight to the nearest bar to drink yourself into oblivion, but after everything that's happened, and after finding your special somepony, it now warms your heart instead. You allow a little fantasy to play out in your mind before banishing it and steeling yourself for what's to come.
  4229. >With a silent apology to all the ponies who worked so hard to put this together, you reach your designated place near the altar, Pyre taking his own to the side of you. A quick glance around reveals Luna seated with the rest of the Equestrian Royalty in one of the front reserved pews. There are armed guards positioned all along the plaza's perimeter as well as along the three aisles. Like, a lot of guards. You take note of their numbers and positions for later.
  4230. >Your thoughts are interrupted as the music for the processional begins, and the bridesmares begin their trek down the central aisle, one at a time.
  4231. >The first is Squiggletail, her poise and stature as perfect as one would expect from a lady of class. Or in your personal opinion, a lady who's really good at faking having class, but hey, it's a decent enough approximation. She seems just a little bit angry at something, though it's impossible to tell what as her measured strides carry her to her place near the altar.
  4233. >Next comes Speedysnooze, and you have to fight to suppress your laughter. She obviously doesn't like being put in this kind of position as she attempts to not trip over the hem of her own dress the entire way. Her wings, restrained by the dress' back, are fighting for freedom, and she sports an expression which perfectly combines 'smile for the camera' with 'oh god I'd rather be anywhere other than here'.
  4234. >Finally, there's Butter Squeak, the Mare of Honor. Unlike the first two, she actually seems to be somewhat relaxed in her role. The typical paralyzing nervousness you'd expect from her is absent and she even gives you a smile and a slight wink as she takes her position opposite of Pyre. It's kind of odd, but maybe it's because she doesn't really have to do anything but stand there, so the pressure of her role isn't really that demanding.
  4235. >Next, after the bridesmares, come the flower filly and the ringbearer. These two you're unfortunately very familiar with, as they make up of 2/3rds of infamous Cutie Mark Crusaders. Little Sweetie Belle relishes her role as she skips down the aisle, tossing flower petals from her basket along the way. Scootaloo looks extremely serious as she follows, as if she were tasked with taking the Ring to Mount Doom itself. You can practically hear her thoughts screaming 'Don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up!' as she cautiously advances to her designated position.
  4236. >Surprisingly, it all proceeds without incident. Once all the ponies are in place, Mrs. Sparkle stands from her seat in the front pew, and the rest of the congregation follows suit. You hear the notes of the traditional bridal march begin to play, and out steps Princess Twilight Sparkle, escorted by her father.
  4238. >Her dress is nothing short of amazing, combining the traditional pure white of a wedding dress with the beautiful colors of the rose streak that runs through her mane and tail. Her hair is simply styled, but perfect as it flows and shimmers behind her, and her deep violet eyes find yours as she trots down the aisle. Everything about her is radiant, and you can genuinely tell this is one of the happiest moments of her life. She takes her place next to you, and for a moment you see the good pony you once knew standing there... your friend, Twilight Sparkle, who helped you get settled in this strange new world. You allow the memories to wash over you as the minister begins his speech.
  4239. >It's almost time. You planned in advance when you'd make your move. And you also planned in advance, against your better judgment, to give her one last chance before you do. As you watch her standing there, listening attentively to the minister's words while stealing playful glances at you, you feel now more than ever that maybe she deserves it. She wasn't always this monster who's been stalking you for the past half a year. You still have hope that the old nerdy, studious but dependable Twilight is still inside her, somewhere, and that she can shine through once again.
  4240. >You agonized over this decision as you were working yesterday. You wrestled with it for hours, but ultimately came to the conclusion that even after all that's happened, even though her actions have made your life hell and infuriated you to no end, and even though your reluctance was the cause of all of this in the first place, you don't really want to hurt her if you can help it. Partly because that's how you truly feel, and partly because you know Cel wouldn't want her to be hurt, either.
  4241. >"...And now, the bride and groom shall read the vows they have prepared."
  4243. >Twilight's horn glows and a massive stack of papers pops into existence, which immediately begin flying everywhere when she loosens her telekinetic grip on them a bit too much out of nervousness. She yelps and tries to recapture the fluttering pages while the congregation chuckles, but quickly gives up, banishing the remaining papers away and turning to you instead, flush with embarrassment.
  4244. >She giggles. "Well... I suppose I'll have to summarize the key points. Maybe it's for the best." Again, a chuckle rolls through the congregation, and you catch the bridesmares behind her sighing with relief.
  4245. >"It... it wasn't love at first sight, Anon. At first, I was genuinely curious about you, um... only in a scientific sense, of course. Once I knew that you were a sapient creature, on or possibly beyond the intelligence level of your average pony, I knew I was facing an unprecedented opportunity to advance my studies. I mean... friendship with a new species! The opportunity to delve into the knowledge of a whole new world and civilization! It was like a dream come true! I couldn't wait to report my findings to the Princess!"
  4246. >She hops up a bit, her enthusiasm for scientific achievement getting the better of her for a moment.
  4247. >"We spent so much time together, and I learned so much about your species. But somewhere along the way, I began to lose interest in studying humans, their history, their culture... and I realized that what I really, truly wanted to study... was -you-. Not Anonymous the Human... but you."
  4248. >You can see the hint of tears beginning to form in her eyes, and you fight your own as the memories of your first few months in Equestria come flooding back.
  4250. >"I... I didn't know what was happening to me. I knew I was being neglectful of my studies, but I didn't care! I just wanted to know you more. I looked up my symptoms in every relevant book I could find, and when those couldn't give me conclusive answers, I turned to my friends. And they told me... they told me that I was in love with you, Anon. And I realized they were right."
  4251. >She looks away from you to the floor.
  4252. >"I knew what the hurdles would be toward getting you to like me from the start. You had told me about how your kind were the only sapients of your world, and how mating with other creatures was considered a grave taboo. But I also knew that if, somehow, I could get you to look at me, not as a friend who happened to be a mare, but as a female, showing real desire for you, then maybe, just maybe I could break through that mental barrier. My friends had all sorts of tips, especially Fluttershy, and we tried almost everything, as I'm sure you remember."
  4253. >Yep, you remember all right. They must've gone through every damn fetish in the book, and when the book ran out they started inventing them...
  4254. >"There were several points where I almost gave up, one of which was when you left on your journey. I thought you had abandoned me, and I thought that in addition to losing your love, I'd lost your friendship. It was... really hard. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't leave the Library for weeks. Nopony could cheer me up, not even Pinkie Pie, though she tried her hardest."
  4255. >She turns back to you, a bright smile on her face.
  4256. >"And then... and then you returned. I was summoned to Canterlot, and the Princess presented me with the Orb of Ascension, which you went out to risk your life for, all for me. That's when I knew. That's when I knew that I had gotten through to you, and you really did love me, even if you didn't want to admit it!"
  4258. >A few strands of her mane pop out of place, but not enough to be noticeable to anyone in the crowd.
  4259. >"I just want to say, Anon... that I promise, as your wife, I'll return the love you've shown me a hundred times... no, a million times over. If you give me your heart today, I'll love and cherish it forever. That's my vow to you."
  4260. >You can hear some sniffling in the audience, as well as from the bridesmares. Hell, even Pyre is a little broken up. You sigh internally and prepare yourself to look like the biggest douchebag to ever walk the planet.
  4261. >The minister turns to you. "Sir Anonymous, your vows?"
  4262. >You look the beaming alicorn princess in the eyes, a sad smile on your face.
  4263. "Twilight... I can't give you something I no longer own."
  4264. >You hear hushed murmurs from the crowd as Twilight's ears fold back and she hiccups.
  4265. >"N-No, Anon. Don't do this. Please don't do this."
  4266. "I can't marry you, and I can't love you the way you want me to. I can't give you my heart, because I've already given it to someone else; someone very special to me..."
  4267. >"DON'T DO THIS, ANON!!"
  4268. >Her Canterlot voice nearly blows you off your feet and the entirety of the crowd cringes at the outburst. You recover to find Twilight's eyes glowing with magical fury and her body trembling with anger.
  4269. >"Not. Another. Word. NOT ANOTHER WORD! I gave you a chance... I gave you a chance to love me, but you still keep throwing it away like I'm nothing! Why?! I've already surpassed her! I've already defeated her! What does she have that I don't?! What makes her so bucking special?!"
  4270. >Her tears are evaporated by the radiating magic from her eyes before they even have a chance to fall. You square your feet on the ground and place your hand in your pocket to prepare for what's to come.
  4271. "It's because she re--"
  4274. >The alicorn stumbles back a bit. The magic in her eyes fades, and she heaves out deep breaths as she tries to regain her composure, while the congregation watches on in stunned silence.
  4275. >"I've... I've changed my mind. I'll never remove that Geas! She doesn't deserve you... she never deserved you... but she kept trying to take you from me. Why...? Why would she do that when she knew that you were mine?! Mine! My very special somehuman!!"
  4276. >She's openly sobbing now, as her horn begins to shine. You feel a searing pain in your wrists and the Geas bands brighten.
  4277. >"I tried. I gave you a chance to drop your inhibitions and come to me willingly, but I guess that's too much for you, isn't it? But don't worry... you -will- realize your love for me. You -will- WANT me. You -will- NEED me..."
  4278. >You've seen this before; it's a mind control spell. This is it, then. There's no turning back, and there's no getting through to her. You push past the pain, grab the item in your pocket, and begin to concentrate.
  4279. >Here goes nothing...
  4280. >"YOU. WILL. LOoooouuuuaaaggghhhh!!"
  4281. >The purple alicorn stumbles back, her spell broken. She shakes her head, nearly collapsing from the motion, and blinks her eyes in rapid succession as she tries to recover from the shock of what just happened.
  4282. >"My magic... it's... it's... A-Anon... what...?"
  4283. >You can't answer her... the amount of power flowing through your body is clouding your mind. You take a few steps back and pull your hand from your pocket, revealing the shining gemstone held tightly within your palm. The arcane bands around your wrists are so bright now they're almost blinding...
  4285. >Last night, you painstakingly removed every single gem from the casual outfit Rarity made for you, storing them safely in your various tuxedo pockets. Discord hinted that you could redirect Twilight's magic through the conduit of the Geas and into an outside source to prevent your body from turning into a bomb from the power overload. Turns out the crystalline nature of gems allows them to store a staggering amount of magic, which is why they're often used to craft consumable spells useable by non-unicorns. A little basic research uncovered all of this, in addition to the method of meditation needed to draw the power from Twilight through your shared link.
  4286. >You crack a smile. Thanks to Rarity's habit of slapping an excessive amount of gemstones onto absolutely everything, you now have someplace to safely discard the purple alicorn's stolen magical power. With her magic being actively drained she shouldn't be able to use spells, so her only options are to continue to lose vast quantities of magic to your gem supply until she's completely exhausted, or forcefully cancel the Geas at the cost of most of her magical power. Either way, she'll be rendered harmless long enough for you to escape.
  4287. >"Princess!!"
  4288. >Her friends cry out in surprise and rush over to her as she staggers about, but she shakes her head and waves them away.
  4289. >"There's no need... I'm fine... g-guards, restrain Anon, but don't you dare... harm him!"
  4290. >The various armored soldiers shake off their confusion and begin to rush the altar. Now comes the next part of your plan...
  4292. >The gem you're holding is now nearly filled to capacity with magic. You switch it out for a fresh one, but not before tossing the filled one at the oncoming guards. It shatters on the ground and releases a powerful shockwave of stored magical energy that blasts the front few rows of pews backwards along with their occupants and tosses the surprised guards through the air like ragdolls.
  4293. >That appears to be the last straw for most of the congregation, as screams of panic begin to ring out and the various ponies start stampeding toward the exits. Some guards begin helping the panicked ponies with their evacuation while the ones closest to you attempt to regroup but can't find the courage to approach.
  4294. >So far, so good. Twilight's currently neutralized, the guards are in complete disarray, and the less innocent bystanders around the better. Now for--
  4295. >"Nopony hurts the Princess! You're gonna get it, Anon!"
  4296. >Aw fuck.
  4297. >Rainbow and the rest of the bridesmares are noticeably pissed at you for some reason or another. The cyan pegasus crouches and begins what she intended to be a flying charge, but her wing-restraining dress screws up her trajectory and you easily sidestep the failed leap, giving you the valuable time you need to move on to the next phase of your escape.
  4298. >And there it is, right over there!
  4299. >You dive, roll, and when you're back on your feet you're proudly holding the item you were searching for in your arms: Sweetie Belle.
  4300. >She looks at you with shining green eyes and waves a forehoof as you cradle her.
  4301. >"Hi, Anon!"
  4302. "Hi, Sweetie."
  4303. >"Release my sister at once, you... you ruffian!!"
  4304. >Rarity is understandably upset about what's going on, but it doesn't matter to you anymore. You'll do anything, -anything- to make it out of here... even become a monster yourself.
  4306. >Out of the corner of your eyes you can see the guards regrouping for another charge, Rainbow ripping her dress to shreds to free her wings, Rarity levitating some lose debris and aiming it at your head, and poor Pyre looking utterly shocked at what's going on.
  4307. >Looks like it's now or never. You reach into your suit's jacket with your other hand to pull out the item you found in the Forbidden Archives... your trump card.
  4309. >The various ponies stop in their tracks, all eyes on you.
  4310. "If you make even one move to stop me or get in my way, I swear I'll read some excerpts from Twilight's diary to this little filly!!"
  4311. >You wave the stolen diary for emphasis, and a collective gasp erupts from the assembled ponies.
  4312. >Rarity's eyes go wide. "You fiend! You... you wouldn't!"
  4313. >Fluttershy whimpers and turns away.
  4314. >"She's just a filly, dude! Nopony deserves that! Think of what you're saying!" The rainbow-maned pegasus is nearly in tears.
  4315. "Don't test me! I swear I'll do it! But if you do as I say, no one's childhood innocence has to be ruined today. It's your choice..."
  4316. >You swap your filled gem with a fresh one again, then turn your gaze toward Twilight herself, who's still staggering around nearby, trying to regain her equilibrium. She shakes her head before turning to address her friends.
  4317. >"H... How would you girls even know what's in my diary, anyway?"
  4318. >Rarity shrugs. "We've known you long enough to make some educated assumptions. But that's beside the point, darling, there are greater issues at hoof! Anonymous has truly proven himself to be among the lowest of the low with all this..."
  4319. >"Running away from your love, standing you up at your own wedding, foalnapping fillies... it's... it's tough for me to say it but... he's... he's a m-monster..." Fluttershy manages to squeak out as she trembles nearby.
  4320. >Rainbow pounds her two front hooves together. "You've got that right. But what can we do? He's holding all the cards!"
  4322. >The purple alicorn chuckles, then suddenly breaks into riotous laughter, much to the confusion of all present. You brush it off as another one of her stress-induced psychotic breakdowns and ignore her to start planning your escape route from the plaza.
  4323. >Most of the ponies have fled, and the guards assisting in their orderly escape have refocused their attention back on you. Though they're keeping their distance, they've blocked off all the major exits and are slowly starting to box you in.
  4324. >You need to figure out the best way to approach the situation, but Twilight's disturbingly calm, almost sinister sounding lilting voice captures your attention once again.
  4325. >"How many gems did you bring, Anon~?"
  4326. >You freeze in your tracks.
  4327. >"Was it ten? Twenty? Thirty? I can't imagine you'd be able to fit more than that on your person..."
  4328. >She begins to slowly pace toward you. Deep down, you already know what she's getting at, and it's something you didn't consider. Something extremely important... and the very thing that's causing the terror in your heart to root your feet in place.
  4329. >"Your plan was very cute... and very imaginative. I never thought you'd come up with something like this... I never even thought of it myself!" She laughs again, fighting her dizziness before regaining her balance and staring at you once more.
  4330. >"But Anon... I'm an alicorn. And I'm the Element of Magic. It's like you're trying to drain the ocean into a series of buckets. Theoretically it's possible... but do you have enough to complete the task?"
  4331. >Her eyes meet yours, and you can see the unshakable resolve within them as she fights the effects of the drain. "Simply put, the answer is no."
  4332. >You can feel the gem in your palm reaching its limit, so you swap it for a fresh one once again. Twilight notices and laughs.
  4334. >"I don't even have to do anything. You can try to run. You can even try to find more gems. But it'll only be delaying the inevitable. The moment you stop the transfer I'll regain my power and break your will. I've had enough, Anon. The time for these games is over. You can't stop destiny... you can't deny it. The stars brought us together, the weaving of the world's magic led us to one another... and it -will- happen, whether you like it or not..."
  4335. >You step back, eyes scanning the plaza, and do some quick math in your head.
  4336. >At best... in the absolute, most positive best case, your gem supply will hold out for another 15 to 18 minutes.
  4337. >And while your filled gems are good at clearing out guards, they won't be enough to get you out of the city. And if you can't even break the Geas like this, then there's no point in even running in the first place. Twilight can paralyze you with pain at will, from anywhere, even if she doesn't know where you are.
  4338. >You turn and accidentally meet Luna's gaze as she sits, alone, curled up upon one of the pews. Shit... you completely forgot about her. She hasn't even made a move against you, but her expression says it all:
  4339. >'Either stop this foolishness, or we will stop it for you.'
  4340. >There were only two possible outcomes for today, Anon, and it looks like it's been determined which one came to pass. You close your eyes and sigh.
  4341. >"Anon...?"
  4342. >The filly in your arms looks up at you with concern. "Why are you so sad? Is it because you're marrying the Princess even though you really don't love her?"
  4343. >You chuckle.
  4344. "That's one reason, yeah. How'd you figure that out?"
  4345. >She rolls her eyes. "Duh, I was listening to what you were saying to her. Even though it doesn't look like she was listening. Or anypony else was. Grownups are really weird sometimes."
  4346. "Yeah, we sure are..."
  4348. >A few more memories of your time in Equestria flitter through your head, and you laugh and ruffle the filly's mane.
  4349. "Hey... sorry about the whole kidnapping and threatening to ruin your innocence thing. No hard feelings, right?"
  4350. >She giggles. "It's okay. The Princess' diary can't be any more boring than the one Rarity hides in her dresser underneath her special back massager. It's almost all about how much she likes wieners, what she wants to do to wieners, who has the best wiener, the wieners she wants to see the most..."
  4351. >Oh god. Sweetie isn't exactly whispering here. You risk a sideways glance to see that Rarity is now crimson with embarrassment and trembling with barely contained rage.
  4353. >You turn back to the filly.
  4354. "You know, I was going to let you go back to your sister, but... I don't think it's really safe for you to be near her right now. You wanna stick with me?"
  4355. >"Sure!" she squeaks. "I really like being so high up! It makes it easier to see the sky, and it's really pretty today..."
  4356. >She shifts her gaze to the horizon and you do the same.
  4357. "Yeah... it really, really is."
  4358. >The colors of pre-dawn cling to the sky's lower edge, obscuring the stars that would normally be arrayed near the mountains in the distance. All except for one, lone star which shines brightly in the dancing oranges and yellows. A smile finds its way across your face as more pleasant memories of the past rush by, and before you know it, some words you'd one day hoped to speak to your future children, back before you came to Equestria, are leaving your mouth unbidden.
  4359. "Hey, Sweetie. Do you see that star over there, near the mountains?"
  4360. >She nods. "Uh huh."
  4361. "Did you know it's not really a star at all? That's the planet Venus. It's much closer to us than a star, which is why it's so bright."
  4363. >The filly raises an eyebrow and looks at you like you just said the dumbest thing ever. "Uh... what's a 'Venus'?"
  4364. >You laugh. 'What's a Venus?' Man, the education system in magical horse land must really be failing if kids don't even know the names... of the... planets...
  4365. >Your heart nearly stops. This is Equestria. A different world. Venus doesn't exist here. But if that's the case...
  4366. >No. No, Anon. Don't do this to yourself, not now. There's nothing more tragic than baseless hope or unrealizable dreams.
  4367. >You tell yourself that, but you can't tear your eyes away from that star, and you can't stop hoping. Because even if this isn't Earth, and even if it isn't what you think, and even if it's nothing but a wish you could never bring yourself to utter...
  4368. >To you, at this very moment, that unexplainable light in the distance is the promise, then, now, and until the end of your days:
  4370. >That the twilight won't last forever, and the sun will rise again.
  4372. >The star shimmers, and the shape of a familiar helium frame comes into view within the light. It grows as it approaches at a speed few things in this world can hope to reach.
  4373. >You can feel the tears begin welling in your eyes, because there's no mistaking it now, and you cry out with unrestrained joy:
  4374. "CEL!"
  4375. >The Dawn Star cleaves through pre-dawn light with its always familiar speed and grace. Before you know it, and before anyone can really react, the ship is hovering at a stop above you, its shadow cast across the plaza. It finishes its descent to complete a rough landing several hundred feet away in the vast empty reception area, crushing the various tables, buffet spreads, and even the wedding cake. The guards nearby all dive for cover while Twilight and her bridesmares look on in stunned silence.
  4377. >The ship's gantry lowers, and out steps your trusty crew.
  4378. >Applejack, her stetson defiantly tilted to the side and obviously itching for a fight.
  4379. >Pinkie Pie, bouncing around with unrestrained energy like always.
  4380. >Big Macintosh, with Applebloom upon his back, his trademark calm expression slightly fiercer than usual.
  4381. >And Cel. Your special somepony, whom you feared you'd never see again. She's really here...
  4382. >Your eyes meet across the large expanse that divides you, and she lifts her good wing to give you a little wave hello. Sweetie Belle enthusiastically waves a hoof back while you run your free hand over your face to pull the tears away, then cup it near your mouth to yell over to them.
  4383. "You guys are late! I had to crash the damn wedding myself!"
  4384. >"My apologies!" comes the alicorn's reply over the commotion. "If it's any consolation, I promise to be on time for the next wedding in which you happen to be the groom!"
  4385. >You simply laugh in response. This fuckin' horse...
  4386. >Twilight's eye twitches and several more strands of her mane and tail pop out of place. She attempts to cast a spell, only to yelp in frustration when it fails.
  4387. >"You... you... you never quit, do you, Teacher?! You never know when enough is enough! I won't allow this! Guards! I order you to apprehend them!"
  4388. >The various guards who've regained their composure prepare themselves to charge at the crew. They lower their heads, nostrils flared, and kick at the ground.
  4389. >"Stand down."
  4390. >The words flow from Celestia's mouth in a motherly tone. She doesn't speak them harshly, as one would an order, but the authority she carries in her voice is unmistakable.
  4391. >"This is a matter between a teacher and her student. Please, do not interfere."
  4393. >The guards' ears fold back and some nearly fall to their knees. They shuffle away, leaving the central aisle clear for Celestia and the other ponies to advance to the altar, and your jaw nearly drops at the sight.
  4394. >There's no easy way to say it. It doesn't look like Cel could harm a fly right now even if she wanted to. She's covered in bandages. One of her wings is still rendered completely useless. Her injured hoof reveals itself in her very noticeable limping gait. Despite trying to hide it, she looks absolutely exhausted, as if she has to concentrate to even maintain consciousness...
  4395. >She couldn't realistically threaten a single guard like this, much less all the guards still scattered about the plaza. But still, they cower from her, some out of fear and some out of seeming reverence.
  4396. >You glance over to Pyre who's in a similar state.
  4397. "What the heck is going on with you guys?"
  4398. >He shakes his head. "We're... we're all members of the Solar Guard. We served under Celestia before we served Princess Twilight. We joined the guard to serve -her-. For most of us, it was a foalhood dream, something we strived for all our lives. For some of us, serving her was a duty passed down in our families from generation to generation. No matter what happens, or who claims the throne, she will always be our Sun."
  4399. >You pat him on the back as you swap gems again.
  4400. "I think I understand. But I've gotta say, I'm a little upset to find out that you weren't totally loyal to me after all."
  4401. >He scoffs. "I... I don't even know what to think of you anymore. Are you my Prince? Are you my enemy? Are you trying to stage a coup?"
  4402. "No, no, and no."
  4403. >You hold out your fist.
  4404. "My name's Anon, I'm from another world, I'm currently an unemployed airship captain and I'm dating a horse. Nice to meet you."
  4406. >He pauses for a moment, a look of incredulity on his face, before laughing and returning the bump.
  4407. >"Likewise."
  4408. >Following Celestia's request, he flies over to the sidelines with the rest of the guards who're now watching all of you intently.
  4409. >You turn your attention back to the central aisle. It looks like, with the guards out of the way, the odds of a large scale fight breaking out have decreased significantly. You gently place Sweetie Belle down on the ground since you don't really need her for leverage anymore. Well, that and your arm was getting tired. She squeaks with delight when she notices that Applebloom's arrived with the others, and she and Scootaloo quickly run down the aisle for a belated Crusaders reunion.
  4410. >To be perfectly honest, you want to run down the aisle yourself to go meet your special somepony, but the arcane bands around your wrists give you pause. It's easy to see that Cel's exhaustion is more than physical in nature. Much like Twilight, she's barely able to remain standing as the effects of the Geas weigh on her. You're afraid getting any closer will make it worse...
  4411. >Instead, you opt to stay back and keep a cautious eye on Spergle and her bridesmares while focusing on draining her power and coming up with some sort of plan. Cel's arrival here is helpful, but you're still not sure it'll be enough to get you out of this mess.
  4412. >Twilight stomps her hoof and growls, nearly losing her balance in the process. "H-How dare you disobey me! I'm your Princess! I'm your bucking -PRINCESS-!" She turns to her friends, the fire burning in her twitching eyes turning to desperation. "Girls... you need to stop them! They want to take him away from me! Don't let any of them lay a single hoof on my Anon!"
  4413. >Rainbow flares her newly freed wings. "You got it, Princess."
  4415. >Rarity clears her throat. "Forgive me, darling, but wouldn't it be more prudent to stop Anonymous from doing whatever it is he's doing to you?"
  4416. >"Yes! That works too! Just DO SOMETHING, anything!"
  4417. >The white unicorn flashes you a sinister smile and her horn starts to glow as Rainbow flies off toward Cel and the others with Fluttershy in tow. You ready one of your filled gems to disrupt whatever it is she intends to cast...
  4418. >"Sorry, ain't happenin'!"
  4419. >...But before either of you can make a move, a lasso finds its way around the fashionista's tail, and with a yank and a yelp she's pulled to the floor, her spell broken. An orange farmpony gallops over, coiling the line in her mouth as she runs, her emerald eyes shining with determination.
  4420. >"Yeehaw! Howdy there, Captain! Fancy meetin' you here!" She gives you a smile and a wink as she bolts past you on her way to the white unicorn.
  4421. >"Applejack..." Rarity's horn shines and she magically unties the rope just in time to prevent herself from being completely hogtied. With a surprisingly acrobatic backwards roll, she's back on her hooves, huffing with aggravation. The two mares stare each other down, daring the other to make the next move...
  4422. >Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash flies down the main aisle toward Celestia and the others at an extreme speed, Fluttershy clinging to her back hoof for dear life.
  4423. >"Wheeee! This is fun! Great idea, Fluttershy!"
  4424. >And suddenly Pinkie Pie is there, clinging to the cyan pegasus' other back hoof. Fluttershy meeps with surprise and loses her grip, tumbling to the floor and continuing on her trajectory in an unending series of forward somersaults.
  4425. >"Pinkie Pie?!" Dash glances back in horror when she realizes that the pink party pony has latched onto her, and starts taking evasive maneuvers in an attempt to shake the parasite. The two rocket down one of the castle's entry corridors and out of sight.
  4427. >Fortunately for Fluttershy, her somersaulting comes to a stop when she bumps into something at least somewhat soft. The disoriented pegasus' eyes roll around in her head a bit before she comes to her senses and looks up to see two red legs leading to a broad chest, massive neck, square muzzle and two lazy emerald eyes.
  4428. >"Oh... um... h-hello."
  4429. >"Howdy."
  4430. >She whimpers and hides behind her mane.
  4431. >You hear the crackle of teleportation magic and turn to notice that Luna's vanished from her former perch on the empty pew. She rematerializes in front of her sister, the two standing eye-to-eye, or as close to it as they can be given their height difference. The dark alicorn regards her sibling with a welcoming smile, an unspoken conversation taking place between them.
  4432. >That leaves you and Twilight, alone and relatively close to one another. Both of you are struggling; her with the magic drain, and you with your need to concentrate more and more in order to maintain it.
  4433. >"It won't be long now, Anon... Every moment that passes... is another moment closer..."
  4434. >You close your eyes and focus. You've come too far... there has to be a way out, and you're going to find it...
  4436. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4437. Applejack and Rarity
  4438. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4440. >"How dare you show your face at this wedding! Have you no shame? Do you have no respect for the Princess whatsoever?!"
  4441. >The white unicorn jumps to the side, carefully removing some sequins from her dress and firing them through the air like bullets with her magic.
  4442. >"Ah'm doin' ya a favor! Y'all should be ashamed of bein' in this sham of a weddin'!" The earth pony dives behind a nearby pew, the sequins harmlessly bouncing away from it. "An' fer the last time, she ain't 'the Princess', she's -TWILIGHT-! She's always gonna be Twilight ta me, no matter what dumb title she picks up, or what dumb things she does, 'cause she's my friend! Always has been, always will be!"
  4444. >Rarity scoffs as she hides behind another pew, carefully pulling her dress apart stitch by stitch to increase her mobility and provide the raw material to fashion ropes of her own.
  4445. >"Complete lack of class, complete lack of tact, and a complete disregard for social stations... you truly are beyond saving! You won't recognize her accomplishments, and you won't even allow her to marry her true love! You're not a pony, you're... you're... a beast!"
  4446. >"An' you don't have one lick'a common buckin' sense in that gossip magazine-filled head'a yours! Rarity, he doesn't love her, and he ain't ever GONNA love her! It's plain as day ta see! Twilight deserves somepony who can actually return her feelings!"
  4447. >The farmpony holds up her hat from behind the pew as a decoy, which instantly gets bombarded by sequins and fabric ropes. She uses the opportunity to sprint from cover, straight toward the source of the projectiles. Rarity, caught off guard by the charge, attempts to flee, but her hooves are no match for Applejack's speed. The two collide and roll into a pony-shaped melee ball of kicking and biting.
  4448. >"And since when has reciprocal love -EVER- been required for a marriage?! My mother and father secretly hate each other, but aside from that we're a perfectly happy family!"
  4449. >"That's... that's a whole 'nother can of worms there, Rares! But doggone it, if ya just saw how lovey-dovey Anon n' Celestia acted around each other, ya'd definitely see why he ain't a good match fer Twi!"
  4450. >The unicorn immediately stops fighting, and the farmpony does the same in response.
  4451. >"Anonymous and Celestia?! Really?! So I was right all along?!"
  4452. >She leaps up from the floor, holding Applejack's forehooves in her own, and the farmpony chuckles a bit at her sudden change in attitude.
  4453. >"Ah swear, if ah was a minister ah'd have already married 'em myself just ta get it over with."
  4455. >"Darling... you simply must tell me everything! Everything! Every lurid detail! I -must- know!"
  4456. >The orange mare simply rolls her eyes. "All right, all right, keep yer stirrups straight. Ah don't have time fer the full story but here's the short 'n sweet'a it..."
  4458. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4459. The Crusaders
  4460. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4462. >"An' then... we looked over, an' two'a the ships exploded! Kablooie!" Applebloom raises her hooves in the air for emphasis.
  4463. >"Whoa..." Scootaloo stares at the yellow filly, completely entranced by her story. "That. Sounds. SO. COOL!"
  4464. >"Yeah, it sounds amazing!" Sweetie Belle adds, her voice cracking in its usual way. "But guess what? -I- got foalnapped and used as leverage by Anon in order for him to mess up the wedding and escape from Twilight!"
  4465. >"What the heck is 'leverage'?" The little pegasus scratches her head, completely lost.
  4466. >Applebloom gapes. "No way! When was that?!"
  4467. >"Right before you got here!" The unicorn filly nods proudly.
  4468. >Scootaloo sighs. "I guess that means Sweetie's in the lead in our contest to see how many times we can be taken hostage by bad guys..."
  4469. >"Yep! Score one for me!"
  4470. >"Nuh uh, it doesn't count 'cause Anon ain't a bad guy! He's nice!"
  4471. >Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. "What? If he's so nice, why's he ruining the Princess' wedding?"
  4472. >Sweetie rolls her eyes. "Haven't you been paying attention? It's because Anon doesn't love her and she's trying to force him to marry her anyway!"
  4473. >Applebloom nods. "Eeyup. He really loves Celestia, and she loves him back! It's why she came all this way ta save him from the Princess!"
  4474. >"Whoa, really?" The pegasus flutters her tiny wings. "Wow, it's like some kinda cheesy movie or something. So I guess that's why your sisters are fighting to the death over there?"
  4475. >The three turn to observe the current brawl between Rarity and Applejack.
  4477. >Sweetie Belle shrugs. "Eh, they do that sometimes. But yeah, this time that's why."
  4478. >Appleboom clops her hooves together and adopts a mischievous grin. "Girls! I think there might be a cutie mark ta be gotten outta this..."
  4479. >Sweetie gives Scootaloo a confused glance. "Uh... really? But what would it be for, and what would we do?"
  4480. >"Simple!" Applebloom chirps. "We'll be true love reuniters! All we gotta do is get Anon 'n Celestia together in the same place!"
  4481. >Scootaloo grimaces. "I dunno... that sounds a lot like that matchmaking thing we tried with your brother and Ms. Cheerilee. I don't think we're good at it."
  4482. >"Nuh uh, it ain't the same! We already know they both love each other, we're just reunitin' 'em! It should be easy an' there's no way anythin' can go wrong!"
  4483. >The two other crusaders give it a bit of thought before holding their hooves up in agreement.
  4486. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4487. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
  4488. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4490. >The pink and cyan ponies crash together in a heap in the center of one of the corridors leading from the plaza to the castle proper. Rainbow shakes her head to clear her dizziness away while Pinkie stands back up as if completely unaffected.
  4491. >"I can't believe you're on their side, Pinkie Pie! You helped us go after Anon when this all started, but now you're nothing but a dirty traitor!"
  4492. >The pink pony's mane deflates a little, and she looks at Dash with a hurt expression.
  4493. >"I... I want all my friends to be happy, Dashie..."
  4494. >"Then why did you abandon Twilight? Isn't she your friend too?!"
  4495. >"Yes, she's my friend! She's one of my super duper looper wooper best friends!" She fidgets with her hooves and looks away. "But Non-non and Celly are my friends too. I want them all to be happy, and... and I couldn't figure out how to make it all work!"
  4497. >Dash shakes her head in contempt. "So you decided to go for two out of three, huh?"
  4498. >Pinkie sniffles, tears pooling in her eyes. "No... I didn't. At first I... I thought that maybe I could get Non-non to like her back. I thought that maybe him not liking her was just him being a silly-head and not liking ponies in general. But when I saw what she was doing to him, I..."
  4499. >She stomps a hoof. "I... I realized that it wasn't nice... and I realized that it was Twilight who needed to change."
  4500. >"I don't have time for this..."
  4501. >Rainbow attempts to rocket past the forlorn pony, but she pops up like a coiled spring, snatching the pegasus out of the air.
  4502. >"I wanted to be there to help her, and to try to make her smile again! I really did, Dashie! But I was told to go with Non-non by a very important pony, so I couldn't...!"
  4503. >"I don't want to hear your excuses!" Rainbow kicks her legs, trying to break free from Pinkie's grip.
  4504. >"But now I know! I know how she can be happy too!" The pegasus stops struggling and gives the pink earth pony her attention.
  4505. >"She... she has to learn to let him go."
  4506. >Rainbow laughs. "Ha! I knew it. I knew you were never on her side!"
  4507. >Pinkie turns away. "Celly and Non-non are in love. You'll see it for yourself soon, and so will Twilight. She'll need to learn to let go, or she'll never smile again..."
  4508. >Without warning, the party pony stands up straight on all four hooves and strikes a dynamic pose. "But as long as my name is Pinkie Pie, I'll -NEVER- give up on her smile! It's a Pinkie Promise!"
  4509. >She grabs Rainbow with her hooves, much to her surprise and displeasure. "H-Hey, what's the big idea?!"
  4510. >"C'mon, Dashie! We've got work to do!"
  4511. >"No, Pinkie, wait!"
  4512. >Completely ignoring the cries of protest, she gallops down the hall and into the castle proper, cyan pegasus in tow.
  4514. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4515. Celestia and Luna
  4516. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4518. >The two alicorns stare at each other directly for the first time in a long while.
  4519. >Luna, the Princess of the Night, radiates the full power of her station. The presence of her magic can be felt in the very air itself, subtly flowing all throughout the plaza.
  4520. >In contrast, Celestia, the former Princess of the Day, is barely standing. Covered in injuries, and weakened by the effects of the nearby Geas, she pours all her willpower into merely remaining conscious.
  4521. >"...We have heard of your triumph over the Trials, Sister. Congratulations are in order. We knew if anypony could overcome them a second time, it would be you."
  4522. >"I wasn't alone, Lulu... I had a true friend with me the entire way."
  4523. >The midnight blue alicorn smiles. "Yes, well, we are happy for your safe return. Even if it violates our decree, we feel an exception is in order, as it saved us the trouble of having to meet you over the ocean later this day."
  4524. >Celestia gives her sister a confused glance. "A meeting over the ocean? But why?"
  4525. >"Surely you have felt it... for nearly a week now, there has been a great darkness creeping across the land. It's not visible, but can be felt through the aether, and it is spreading, and despite our searching, we know not its source. It is the first thing, in a great long while, to strike such terror in our heart..."
  4526. >"A spreading darkness...?" The white alicorn ponders. "No... I haven't felt it, though perhaps that's due to my current condition. But come to think of it, there was an odd occurrence during the Trials when we visited the Dark Star chamber. The Star was reacting to something, and we barely made it out in time. Could it be related to what you're speaking of?"
  4528. >"The Dark Star...? Truly?" Luna steps back, lost in her thoughts. "If... if that is the case, things are worse than we feared, which makes what we intended more important than ever."
  4529. >She returns to stand before Celestia, her deep cyan eyes focused with purpose.
  4530. >"Sister... give to us the Orb of Ascension you hold, and we shall perform the exchange to restore you to your former self. Now, more than ever, this world needs the true Celestia of the Sun to assume her rightful place. Twilight Sparkle is talented, true, but she has not the experience or resolve to lead Equestria through this trial."
  4531. >Slowly, Celestia closes her eyes and turns away.
  4532. >"No, Lulu. This precious gift was not meant for you, nor was it meant for me."
  4533. >Luna rears back in shock. "What?! Art thou mad...? You... you cannot be serious. Sister, if you were intending to return to Anonymous in order to make use of the Orb he carried, you should banish those thoughts. Twilight Sparkle destroyed it, and it is no more. Using your own Orb is the only option we have!"
  4534. >"...I know that Anon's was lost. I could feel it, somehow, but it changes nothing."
  4535. >Luna shakes her head, her starry mane framing the strained smile on her face. "This... jest has overstayed its welcome. Thou must give us the Orb of Ascension so that we might empower thee, Celosia! We shall not ask again!"
  4536. >And again, the white alicorn, weak, covered in injuries, and on the brink of collapse, turns away.
  4537. >"...I will not, Gloomy. I did not journey with him, and through all that we experienced together, to give this gift to you. There is only one creature in this world who is meant to receive it..." She looks up, her magenta eyes traveling beyond her sister's frame to the human standing near the plaza's far edge. "...And nothing, not even the end of the world itself, will ever change that."
  4539. >Through great effort, Luna chokes back a Canterlot voice-empowered reply, instead settling for something just above a whisper.
  4540. >"You've learned nothing, and your selfishness remains unchanged. Still you run from your duty! Still you break your oath! We... we cannot stand the sight of you."
  4541. >Her horn glows, and in a flash of magic she blinks away, her destination unknown.
  4543. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4544. Big Mac and Fluttershy
  4545. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4547. >"So... um... may I please, maybe... um... g-get past you so I can stop Celestia from reaching Anon?"
  4548. >"Eenope."
  4549. >"Oh, okay then."
  4550. >The previous conversation has repeated itself in various forms for the past several minutes, and the outcome is always the same. The trembling butter-yellow pegasus asks to pass, gets told no, and turns away. It's only through sheer determination and a will to help her friend that she's able to summon the courage to ask again each time.
  4551. >After this latest failure, she flutters away and hides behind a pew to regroup and plan her next move.
  4552. >"Okay, there's no reason to be nervous. You're a highly accomplished author who's written a ton of explicit sex scenes featuring stallions who were modeled after him because you don't know very many stallions you can talk to or even look at from a distance without locking up and fainting like a goat. N-No pressure, right? Just turn on the old Fluttershy charm and ask him again, and he's sure to let you through this time!"
  4553. >She emerges from the pew for her next attempt. Several seconds elapse before she returns.
  4554. >"Okay... that didn't work. M-Maybe he hates me, or thinks I'm ugly and weak. Or maybe he hates me -because- I'm ugly and weak! I... I can't really do anything without the girls, or Angel, or the rest of the animals to help..." She whimpers. "Oh, Fluttershy, what are you going to do?"
  4556. >After yet another round of trembling behind the pew, she perks up.
  4557. >"Wait a minute. Maybe I should try being assertive again, even though it's usually a bad idea. But... but if it's to help Twilight win her love, maybe it's okay to try..."
  4558. >The meek pegasus emerges from her hiding place and lands in front of the large stallion once more. With a deep breath she begins:
  4559. >"Listen here, mister! You're gonna let me pass right now, or you're gonna regret it!"
  4560. >"Eenope."
  4561. >She stomps a hoof in frustration, and it barely makes a sound.
  4562. >"I said, 'let me pass'..."
  4563. >"Eenope."
  4564. >"Let me pass, or your ass is grass!!" She shouts the command with authority, causing the stallion to actually look down at the smaller pony.
  4565. >And that was his fatal mistake.
  4566. >Her eyes, holding some sort of strange power, begin to rob him of his will. He finds himself unable to move, speak, or even form coherent thoughts, and without warning his hooves are moving him aside and out of her way.
  4567. >"Heh. Always works!" With a smirk of triumph, the butter-yellow pegasus begins her march toward the two alicorns standing near the end of the aisle. After a few steps she feels a strange rush of air from behind, and then...
  4568. >Big Mac shakes his head, the strange haze that fell over him lifted. He turns to see Fluttershy sprawled on the floor, a nasty looking bump on her head, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders standing nearby. He notes that Applebloom has a piece of wood in her mouth.
  4569. >The red-maned filly startles when she notices he's back to normal, dropping the item.
  4570. >"Oh! Hey there big brother, how're ya doin'?"
  4571. >He turns his head to regard the scene one more time before speaking.
  4572. >"...Applebloom, did you 'n your friends here clock Miss Fluttershy in the back of the head with a busted chair leg?"
  4573. >Immediately the three fillies get that guilty look that only children can.
  4574. >"Um... y-yes? We just wanted ta help!"
  4576. >The stallion nods. "...Good work, lil' sis. Thanks fer the save, but don't make givin' random ponies head injuries a habit, you hear? Same thing goes fer you two."
  4577. >"Yes, sir!" The other two crusaders salute for good measure.
  4578. >Applebloom beams with pride. "C'mon girls, we're doin' great already! Let's keep goin' with the plan!"
  4579. >The exasperated stallion rolls his eyes, then trots off to go get his other sister to come tend to the injured pegasus.
  4581. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4582. Anon and Twilight
  4583. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4585. >Another gem filled, and another takes its place, just like the one before it, and the one before that one, and...
  4586. >No, try not to think about it. Yes, your supply is starting to get dangerously low, but that's not what you need to focus on right now. You need to find a way out of this; a way that ends with the Geas broken so that you actually stand a chance in the long run.
  4587. >Cel's arrival, while being extremely helpful in removing the guards from play and occupying the bridesmares' attention, is also a hindrance. You can't move closer to her in any way without weakening her further. You're not sure what the extent of the curse is, or what kind of lasting damage it would leave on her should she have to weather the full effect, and you don't intend to find out. What's worse is that due to your position near the altar at the plaza's far edge and her position near the central rearmost pews, there are no exits you can realistically move toward that don't involve getting closer to her. You're essentially trapped here with a weakened, but very pissed off purple alicorn nearby.
  4588. >Your mind is blank... you can't think of anything that would help short of Twilight releasing the Geas willingly. But she'd never do that... the advantage she gains from it is way too massive for anyone in her position to realistically relinquish. But there has to be--
  4590. >A rolling ball of white and orange nearly crashes into you as the two ponies fiercely fight with one another. You watch with curiosity as they come to an abrupt stop near one of the plaza's edges and then start conversing like best friends. There's no telling whether that's a good or bad sign since you can't hear their conversation, but you suppose there's no point in worrying on your end, so you turn back to your thoughts as you swap gems yet again.
  4591. >It doesn't make sense. You -know- Cel wouldn't be here if she didn't have some sort of plan for dealing with Twilight. She has to have one, but the real question is: what's your role in it? What are you supposed to do? Is there some sort of signal you've missed? Did Applebloom just smack Fluttershy in the back of the head with a chunk of wood?
  4592. >Well, at least you have an answer to your last question. Looks like she's down for the count, and Mac's headed over to the conversing AJ and Rarity, probably to get some help for her.
  4593. >You turn to Twilight, whose unfocused eyes probably can't even see what just happened. She's struggling against you with all her might. Maybe... maybe your role here is to convince her, but she's proven time and time again that she won't listen to reason when it involves you, so...
  4594. "Aaaaah!"
  4595. >A lance of pain jumps down the arm you're using to hold the gem with such intensity that you cry out and fall you to your knees. You nearly lose control of the constant focus you need to keep the power transfer active, and Twilight immediately takes notice.
  4596. >"It's... painful, isn't it, Anon? I was wondering when it would start..."
  4597. >You bite back the pain and glare at her.
  4598. "What did you do?"
  4599. >She chuckles. "Nothing. It's magic fatigue. Your body's not used to... to channeling that much magical power, even if it ultimately only goes into the gems. It taxes you, and if you ignore it, your body will shut down. It happened to me as filly... and later as a student when I was developing my talent."
  4601. >You try to stand again, and realize to your horror that your legs are no longer responding to your commands. You switch to another empty gem and try to fight back against the panic that's starting to well up within you.
  4602. >Not good. Any plans that you were making which involve moving around just went into the trash heap. Fuck...
  4603. >You hear the sound of teleportation magic and look up again to see that Luna's vanished to god knows where, leaving Celestia standing in the aisle alone. The various other ponies are spread out across the plaza; AJ and Rarity tending to Fluttershy with Mac, and the CMC over in a corner whispering about something. Rainbow and Pinkie are nowhere to be found, which is probably a good thing if you think about it.
  4604. >Again, you breathe out and fight back the pain. You want to call this an advantageous position, but you know that's a lie. Still... if the only thing you can really do now is talk, maybe it's worth a shot.
  4605. "Looks like your bridesmares are either KO'd, MIA, or have defected. The guards won't help you, and Luna's gone too. It's over, Twilight... remove the Geas and let's end this."
  4606. >A giggle and a snort precedes her reply. "Cute. Very cute, Anon... I love you, but not enough to make a dumb mistake like that. You must be very desperate now... running low on gems?"
  4607. "You wish."
  4608. >You only have four left now.
  4609. >"Didn't I tell you before? You do a little thing with your lips when you lie, Anon." She smiles. "Even though... even though the wedding didn't go as planned, you'll still be married to me before the sun rises. And then... our honeymoon will begin... and nothing, not even you MEDDLESOME FILLIES WILL CHANGE THAT!!"
  4611. >The alicorn's Canterlot Voice blasts the three Crusaders away from her, tossing them and the piece of wood they were carrying into the pews. Shit, you didn't even notice them... were they trying to sneak up on her in her blind spot?
  4612. >AJ, Rarity and Mac run from the now bandaged but still unconscious Fluttershy to make sure the fillies are okay. You see Applejack look over to Twilight with rage in her eyes, then to Celestia as if asking for something. The white alicorn shakes her head, and the farmpony growls with frustration but remains where she is.
  4613. >That's right... come to think of it, neither she nor Mac nor Pinkie ever tried to approach Twilight, even though she's been weakened, but why...?
  4614. >You shift your gaze back to Cel, and to your surprise her eyes are solely on you now. You see her whisper something, and then take a step forward. She winces with pain, but quickly squares her shoulders and takes another, and then another.
  4615. >No... what the hell is she doing?! She can't come this close! You try to retreat, but your legs still refuse to work...
  4616. "Cel, stop! The Geas!"
  4617. >She doesn't listen. There's another step. And another. With the next, she stumbles and collapses on the carpet. After two failed attempts, she manages to return to her hooves for yet another step. And then another, which causes her to cry out in pain and nearly fall again.
  4618. >"What's... what's she doing? Has she gone crazy?!"
  4619. >Twilight's just as incredulous about what's happening as you are. The two of you have become helpless spectators to the scene unfolding before your eyes. Celestia whispers something again, and now that she's close enough, you can read her lips.
  4620. >"'Anon'..."
  4621. >Another step. With each step, she says your name. You can see now that her hooves are trembling, and she shudders as if a heavy burden has been placed upon her back. Some tears fall from her eyes, but she continues on...
  4622. >Three gems left.
  4624. >Your Geas bands glow, and an arc of thin magical lightning erupts from them, traveling across the carpet and eventually up her hooves, chest and side, burning everything they touch. She screams out in pain, but doesn't fall, instead responding with yet another step.
  4625. "No, Cel! You can't!"
  4626. >"Stop it! Stay back!"
  4627. >Twilight's becoming increasingly more distraught with each new step. You can see that her expression, which so recently only reflected the arrogance fueled by her certain victory, now displays a mix of horror and concern. Her ears are folded back and her eyes are wide, unable to look away.
  4628. >The pieces of the carpeting bombarded by the lightning have now caught fire, threatening to burn her hooves if she doesn't move back.
  4629. >Another step, into the flames. The lightning arcs again, turning streaks of her soft white coat black and searing the many bandages that cover her. You turn away, unable to look as she cries.
  4632. >Twilight's distress forces her to slip into her old habits of speech, and it causes Celestia to weakly smile.
  4633. >"That... is a wish... I'm afraid I can never fulfill. Never, not for either of you."
  4634. >She takes one last step, and that's the end. Her body reaches its limit and the spell overcomes her. She collapses roughly twenty feet away from you, her body rising and falling with labored breaths, and her magenta eyes trained on both you and Twilight.
  4635. >Two gems left.
  4636. >She was already injured and weak before all this started. She should've known she had no chance to begin with...
  4637. >You hear a sniffling beside you, and turn to see tears falling from Twilight's eyes.
  4638. >"Why...?"
  4639. >The white alicorn closes her eyes, and a true smile plays across her lips.
  4641. >"It is my sincere hope... that one day, you will come to know the answer for yourself, my dear student. I know, as with all things, that you are more than capable of it." Her eyes open again to meet your own, and you can somehow feel her heartbeat mixing with yours, despite the space between you.
  4642. >One gem left.
  4643. >Twilight's breath hitches, and you can see as her thoughts begin to race, searching for an answer. Memories are recalled, analyzed, categorized, compared, and information and meaning is sought within each one. Only the sound of Celestia's breathing can be heard through the silence as Twilight slowly builds a conclusion in her mind.
  4644. >You can tell the very instant she knows. Her jaw goes slack and her stare goes blank, and single word falls from her lips:
  4645. >"Love."
  4646. >It's not the mere realization that Celestia loves you, and that you love her. On a very basic level, Twilight already knew, and has spent much of her time trying to either marginalize or simply deny it.
  4647. >No, the true epiphany in this moment comes from the recognition of the stark difference between her own love for you, and from Celestia's love for you.
  4648. >It's hard for her to frame it properly in her thoughts. Despite all her power she's still a young mare with little understanding about this aspect of the world. She knows the terms, and the definitions, and many examples, but only through books. Her mind knows, but her young heart truly has yet to learn.
  4649. >The fear that now shows on her face is evidence that the conclusion she's come to was formed not by her brain and its familiar, comforting, immutable logic, but from her heart and its frightening, ill-defined but recognizable truth.
  4650. >There is a difference between her love and Celestia's love. She can't define it, she can't explain it, but she somehow -knows- it, and she knows that the difference is so vast even the Great Ocean itself couldn't contain it.
  4652. >There's a spark from her horn, and the Geas bands on your wrists waver and fade to nothing just as the last gem you held reaches its limit. With a muted cry, the purple alicorn stumbles back and collapses on her haunches, staring at the ground.
  4653. >"No... no, no, no... it can't..."
  4654. >With no magic coursing through your body anymore, the pain which paralyzed you is starting to fade away. You find the strength to somewhat stand and hobble over to where Cel lies, placing a comforting hand on her withers.
  4655. "Hey there, pretty pony. I missed you."
  4656. >"A hello to you too, my precious human... but your flattery is misplaced. I know I look awful."
  4657. "Nah, you look great. I mean, have you ever seen yourself in the mornings? This is nothing."
  4658. >She laughs. "You're lucky I'm not able to move very well right now..." Slowly, she lifts her head from the floor, craning her neck to reach you. "I suppose I'll have to settle for this in order to prevent your mouth from making any more snarky comments."
  4659. >Your lips meet in a kiss which starts out as a light, playful peck, but quickly intensifies as the realization that you've really found each other again sinks in. You use your arms to cradle her head and you hear her tail thrash behind her once with joy. The collective cheer of excitement from three nearby fillies and a cat call from a certain orange mare along with a squee from her unicorn friend are what ultimately forces you apart.
  4660. >The other ponies all rush to crowd around the two of you. Mac uses his hooves to put out the small fires still burning on the carpet, the CMC dance with joy while periodically checking their flanks for a new cutie mark, and Rarity and Applejack move toward the forlorn princess.
  4661. >She sits there, on the ground, in her wedding dress, her head hung low and wings drooping. The soft pattering of tears can be heard as they fall from her face and strike the floor. The farmpony approaches first.
  4663. >"Twilight...?"
  4664. >She shakes her head. "No... go away. Stay away from me..."
  4665. >"Ah can't do that. Yer my friend, so there's no way ah'd leave ya be like this even if ya wanted me to."
  4666. >Rarity nods. "That's right. The same goes for all of us, even the ones who aren't here at the moment."
  4667. >The alicorn sniffles, pulling her wings back to her sides. "That's a lie... you've all abandoned me too. It's okay, though. I had a contingency plan for that happening. I... had a plan for almost everything. Everything but this..."
  4668. >She lifts her head, fresh tears falling down her face. "I... I don't understand! Why is the difference so great?! How can she love him more than me?! It's not possible! It shouldn't be possible, but it is! WHY?!"
  4669. >Rarity reaches out a comforting hoof. "Darling... it's perfectly okay to cry. It's probably what's best for you right now, I think. Once this is all out of your system, maybe you--"
  4670. >"NO! I don't want this 'out of my system'! Even if I don't understand why, I know I failed. I wasn't enough to him... I was deficient..." she turns her gaze toward Celestia. "...And I never understood the true scope of what I was struggling against. It's not fair... I didn't have all the data... how am I supposed to win if I don't have all the data...? How can I become the pony I need to be for him if I don't know where to go? Why isn't it enough?!"
  4671. >She stands and gallops toward the edge of the plaza, shrugging off her wedding dress as she runs. When she gets to the edge she spreads her great purple wings, her mane and tail fluttering in the cool winter breeze.
  4672. >"Twilight, wait! Don't ya leave us! We just want ta help!"
  4673. >"That's right! If you'd just let us, we'd..."
  4674. >She ignores their protests and with one last glance back, leaps from the edge, gliding from the castle to the city below and eventually disappearing into the darkness.
  4676. >Applejack throws her hat to the ground in frustration. "Horseapples! Where's Rainbow when ya need her?"
  4677. >"Let her be, my little ponies. I believe what she's learned here will eventually lead her back to all of us, and back to your friendship. All she needs is time."
  4678. >All eyes shift to Celestia as she speaks. She's now strong enough to sit up, and you rest beside her, running your fingers through her mane to calm the both of you down after all that's happened. You remove your hand from her curls and return it to your lap, partially out of embarrassment, when the other ponies begin to trot back over and gather around you for a reunion of the crew, plus one unicorn and two fillies and minus a pink party pony.
  4679. >You lean back and look over to the Dawn Star, still grounded and waiting in the ruined reception area. She still looks pretty roughed up, but you can't help but chuckle at the fact that you've never been so happy to see a piece of machinery again in all your life.
  4680. "So, it looks like you guys got the ship fixed up."
  4681. >Mac nods. "Eeyup. Ah won't say she's good as new, but she's as good as she's gonna get without a trip back to the berths."
  4682. >Applejack throws a hoof around her brother. "The big galoot worked real darn hard on it, too! Y'all would'a been proud!"
  4683. >He rolls his eyes in response. "Shucks. You, Pinkie an' Applebloom helped just as much. All ah did was direct ya."
  4684. >You hear a polite cough from Rarity and she steps forward. "Ahem... regarding that, I believe I owe all of you a bit of an apology. Had I known then what I know now about Anonymous' relationship with Celestia, I likely wouldn't have done the whole..."
  4685. "...Trying to kill us and wrecking my ship thing?"
  4686. >"Yes. That. Even though it was a crime of passion, done in the name of friendship, it's still no excuse."
  4687. >You wave her toward the Apple siblings.
  4689. "You don't need to apologize to me. They're the ones who had to fix the mess you made."
  4690. >Applejack roughly pats Rarity on the back with her hoof. "Don't you worry, we've got it all figured out. Ah think we've found our new farmhand fer when harvestin' season starts back up! An' ah even hear she's willin' ta work fer free! Work day begins at 5:30 every mornin', startin' the day after Winter Wrap-Up."
  4691. >The unicorn shudders at the thought. "Y-Yes... I promise to be prompt..."
  4692. >Sweetie Belle giggles at her sister's misfortune, and Rarity turns an evil eye to her in response.
  4693. >"...Don't think I've forgotten what you said in front of all those ponies at the wedding. When we get back to Ponyville I'll see to it that Mother and Father have you grounded for as long as I can convince them to."
  4694. >The unicorn filly droops. "Awwww... grounded, -and- no cutie mark! This is the worst day ever..."
  4695. >Scootaloo looks over to you and Cel. "Yeah, I don't get it. We reunited 'em, right? Shouldn't that count?"
  4696. >Applebloom sighs. "Well... they kinda reunited themselves, so I don't think it does. Maybe we aren't cut out fer true love reunitin' after all..."
  4697. >The three fillies let out a dejected sigh and wallow in their misery for a while until Applebloom unexpectedly perks back up.
  4698. >"Hey! Do you girls wanna see the inside of the airship?"
  4699. >"Do I?!"
  4700. >"Really? Cool!"
  4701. >The three race off toward the Dawn Star's lowered gantry, and you smile as you watch them go. A pony nose nudges your shoulder and turn your attention back to the tired alicorn at your side.
  4702. >"I believe you were about that excited the first time you flew the ship. Perhaps even more so."
  4703. "I don't doubt it."
  4704. >She giggles and moves to stand. You quickly stand with her and allow her to use you as support until she can get all four legs underneath herself.
  4706. >"Come, walk with me. I have something for you."
  4707. >The two of you walk to a more secluded area of the plaza, away from the guards still milling about in the aftermath of the battle and away from the spot where AJ, Mac and Rarity are working to revive the still unconscious Fluttershy. Celestia leads you to one of the far corners, facing the vast city below.
  4708. >You stare into each other's eyes for a few moments in silence. And then...
  4709. >She turns her head back and tries to grab her tail in her mouth, but she can't quite reach. She spins in place a few times before huffing in frustration in the cutest away imaginable.
  4710. >You really, really try to stop yourself from laughing. The keyword being 'try'.
  4711. "W-What are you doing?"
  4712. >"This is not funny! I... I need your help..." She flicks her tail over to you. "There's a braid in my tail. I need you to carefully untangle it, please, and be very gentle with what's inside."
  4713. "Okay, okay. Give it here."
  4714. >You gently take the curly strawberry tail in your hands and start running your fingers through it until you find the braid she mentioned. After a bit of untangling made simple by the amazing dexterity of human fingers, you manage to uncover a small stone within. It looks completely ordinary... could it really be...?
  4715. >Celestia holds out her hoof. "If you would."
  4716. >You place the stone in her hoof and with a blinding flash it instantly transforms into a fully empowered Orb of Ascension. The radiant surface... the hum of the magic within... there's no question that it's the real thing.
  4717. "Luna was telling the truth... you really did have one! But... but when'd you get it? And how the hell did you braid the damn thing into your tail in the first place?"
  4719. >She giggles. "I received it at the same time as you, when we were both at the altar. And as for my tail... I couldn't well keep the thing in my mouth the entire time throughout the trials, so I had some forest vines weave it securely in place for me before we left for camp."
  4720. >She flashes you a sly smile. "Those hands of yours certainly enjoy finding their way across my mane and coat. Perhaps if they had been a little more adventurous, you'd have discovered it sooner?"
  4721. >And now it's her turn to laugh as you try to hide your blush. You clear your head of those thoughts as something important makes its way to the forefront of your mind.
  4722. "Cel... Twilight destroyed my Orb. I'm so sorry. If I had it, I'd have given it to you already..."
  4723. >She nods. "I know, and I understand."
  4724. "But this is great! We can bring your power back, and things'll finally get back to normal again..."
  4725. >You glance over to the massive airship in the distance, the laughter of the fillies as they run around on deck audible on the wind.
  4726. "...Or as normal as life can be after all of this."
  4727. >She shakes her head. "No, Anon. This Orb wasn't meant for me. It's for you."
  4728. >Did... did you just hear her right?
  4729. "I... what? But why? What about you?! And what would it even do to me?"
  4730. >"My power will return to me naturally with time. It'll be several hundred years, of course, but it will return nonetheless."
  4731. >She carefully lays down on the ground, cradling the Orb in her hooves.
  4732. >"As for you... as you know, the Orb boosts the magical potential of the creature that consumes it to its greatest extreme. As you are a creature from another world without inherent magic, there would be no effect."
  4733. "Yeah, so... what would be the point?"
  4734. >She turns away from you to the horizon. "...The Orb also inducts one into Eternity, to be ageless and undying."
  4735. >Your breathing stops. Is she really serious...?
  4737. >"Anon... it's not a decision to be taken lightly, and I'll understand if you refuse. Truly, I will, and would hold nothing against you. But you are... I... I want you in my life, for as long as I'm able to have you. This is more of my own selfishness, but you're so, so special to me, I..."
  4738. >She holds her hoof out, and with unsteady hands you take the Orb from her. Unlike before, it doesn't transform into a mere stone again. No, not even close.
  4739. >Instead the magic thunders through you, overloading all your senses at once. The intensity fades, but still you stare at the shining stone in your hand in awe. Never before have you held an 'unlocked' Orb... good god, it's amazing...
  4740. >You have to sit down to avoid losing your balance. Eternal life. God, could you really...? Forever with Cel... to say that is sounds pretty damn tempting is an understatement, but the very idea that you'll live forever... on a certain level, it's utterly terrifying. You breathe deep, trying to find your voice again.
  4741. "I... I... I don't know if I can..."
  4742. >She smiles. "I understand. It's my gift to you, and it's yours to do with as you like. All that I ask is that you treasure it."
  4743. >As carefully as you can, you wrap the Orb in your tuxedo's pocket square, placing it in your breast pocket, and the two of you begin to move away from the edge to return to the others.
  4744. "I will. But there's something I still don't get."
  4745. >"Hmmm?"
  4746. "You knew my Orb was gone, and you still intended to give this one to me... so just how in the world were you planning on beating Twilight without your full power? If I hadn't figured out that trick with the Geas..."
  4747. >Celestia merely laughs. "I had a plan, Anon, though it seems I didn't need to use it. Just what kind of pony do you take me for?"
  4749. >She nuzzles you a bit as you walk and whispers into your ear. "And magic or no, I wouldn't ever allow her to marry you. A promise is a promise, after all."
  4750. >You look to the Dawn Star once more, a smile on your face.
  4751. "Yeah. A promise is a promise."
  4752. >You lean on her a bit as you walk, careful to avoid her injuries, and she leans back. The comforting gesture calms your frayed nerves and gives you a sense of peace you haven't had since this whole damn ordeal started on that snowy winter morning.
  4753. >You wave to your friends as you approach where they've gathered together near the ship, completely oblivious to the dark clouds gathering on the far edge of the city...
  4755. Next Time on Exchange: A Storm Over Canterlot
  4757. ==================
  4758. ||- Chapter 12 -||
  4759. ==================
  4761. >The yellow pegasus' eyes flutter open. She lifts her head from where she lay, blinks a few times and begins lazily scanning her surroundings.
  4762. >"Wh-what happened...? Did Angel have one of his tantrums again...?"
  4763. >An orange freckled face framed by a stetson-topped golden mane comes into view. The gears in the pegasus' head spin for a bit to little effect, so her brain decides on its tried and true default course of action: panic.
  4764. >"A-Applejack?!"
  4765. >"Whoa, there! Just hold tight, girl, everything's gonna be all right."
  4766. >Ignoring the farmpony's reassurances and acting on instinct, she immediately rolls over on her hooves and attempts to flee, but an unshorn red hoof placed upon her long pink tail prevents her from getting far. She looks over to the large stallion and his sister, her trembling reaching uncontrollable levels.
  4767. >"Oh... oh m-my... this is just like that dream I had once..."
  4768. >Applejack gives her a confused look. "Uh... pardon?"
  4769. >"N-Nevermind. So, um... I guess I've been captured, so... pleasedon'thurtme."
  4770. >The farmpony chuckles. "Lands sakes, 'Shy, we ain't gonna hurt ya! We'd never do anythin' like that, would we, big brother?"
  4771. >Mac shakes his head. "Eenope."
  4772. >"Ah swear, where'd ya get such a crazy imagination? Ah just told ya everything was gonna be all right!"
  4773. >Again, the pegasus examines her surroundings. It appears she's in what was formerly the wedding's reception area, which has now been transformed into an impromptu airship dock. She can see a very weary looking human and alicorn conversing nearby as they eat some food, along with various guards milling about. A familiar looking white unicorn approaches and stands at Applejack's side, with three cowering fillies hiding behind her.
  4774. >"That's right, darling. I seem to recall something about how she's the Element of Honesty, so I believe she's trustworthy. Most of the time, at least."
  4776. >Applejack rolls her eyes. "Anyway, ah think these three--" she uses her tail to push the three fillies forward from their hiding spot behind Rarity, "--have somethin' ta say ta ya. Ain't that right?"
  4777. >Applebloom's ears fold back in shame. "Miss Fluttershy... we're sorry fer clockin' ya on the back of yer head with a piece'a wood."
  4778. >"Yeah," Sweetie squeaks, "we didn't mean to! Well... actually, we did, but--"
  4779. >Scootaloo's hoof quickly moves to cover the little unicorn's mouth. "Heh. What she means to say is... our bad. It won't happen again."
  4780. >Fluttershy blinks. "Oh. Um, thank you, girls. Apology accepted." She smiles to reassure them, then turns back to the two mares. "Rarity, what happened? Where are Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie?"
  4781. >Applejack sighs and answers for her. "Twi flew off inta the city before we could stop her. She's a mite upset after all that's happened, which is understandable. As fer Rainbow and Pinkie... they're in the castle somewhere, far as we can tell."
  4782. >Rarity nods over to Anon and Celestia, and the pegasus follows her gaze.
  4783. >"Fluttershy... it seems we've made a terrible mistake..."
  4784. >She notices the exhausted alicorn place a light kiss on the human's cheek as she sets down her now empty plate. The yellow pegasus gasps with surprise at the sight.
  4785. >"Oh! Oh dear..."
  4786. >Rarity solemnly nods. "We've been leading poor Twilight astray all this time, and she'll need our help now more than ever to recover from this. Applejack, if you would?"
  4787. >The farmpony holds out a helping hoof. "C'mon, 'Shy. Not all of the food was ruined in the landin'. Let's head over ta get somethin' ta refresh ya and ah'll explain everything..."
  4789. ~~~~~~~~~
  4791. >You watch the three mares and three fillies head toward one of the still intact but abandoned buffet tables as you toss the last of the cauliflower from your plate into your mouth and grab Cel's empty plate from where she set it aside.
  4792. "Man, this food is good. It's a shame you guys crushed most of it; I was looking forward to trying that macaroni salad."
  4793. >Celestia giggles. "Oh? Looking forward to it, were you? Would this be after you had been forcibly wed, or were you intending to sneak some before the ceremony?"
  4794. "I was gonna grab some as part of my 100% flawlessly executed daring escape, which you so rudely interrupted."
  4795. >She smiles. "My apologies for disrupting your so carefully calculated plans for brunch..." She gives you a quick peck on the nose. "I'll need to think of a way to make it up to you."
  4796. >You smile in return.
  4797. "I have a few suggestions for later. But I guess you can start by telling me what happened to you guys after I was captured. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting to see you here."
  4798. >She closes her eyes and hums a bit. "There isn't much to tell. I stumbled back to the ship and told the others what happened. We left as soon as Applejack stopped fussing over my injuries."
  4799. >A hand finds its way to scratch one of her ears.
  4800. "That's all? Sounds like you had it easy."
  4801. >"Well, we had to sneak past the ships Twilight left behind to patrol the island and later the Equestrian border, but aside from that it was a relaxing trip."
  4802. >You let out a chuckle.
  4803. "Just another average few days, huh?"
  4804. >"It would appear so."
  4805. "Still, that shouldn't have taken too long. Did you guys stop at a tourist trap on the way back or something?"
  4806. >"Yes, we made some necessary detours, but we ultimately arrived when it counted, did we not, oh ye of little faith?" Her nose playfully finds its way under your chin for a nuzzle.
  4807. "Alright, alright! I guess I can't argue with that."
  4809. >You stand and stretch, feeling the soreness in all your joints from the magic fatigue radiating throughout your body.
  4810. "Do you want any more food?"
  4811. >She shakes her head. "No, but thank you for offering..."
  4812. >The alicorn attempts to stand herself, but a hand on her shoulder keeps her in place.
  4813. "No, Cel. We've been over this. If you need something I'll go get it."
  4814. >She huffs. "Anon, for the last time, I assure you I don't feel as bad as I look. I'm perfectly capable of moving around!"
  4815. "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
  4816. >You lean down to whisper in her ear.
  4817. "You should start getting used to me taking care of you, 'cause it's gonna happen whether you like it or not."
  4818. >The alicorn sighs, then gives you a playful grin. "...Very well, I'll let you play nurse to me for a while longer. But be warned that any kindness given will be returned to you tenfold, my human."
  4819. "I'll keep that in mind."
  4820. >You make your way over to where the other ponies are gathered. Mac is carefully preparing a plate for the fillies while Rarity and Applejack load one up for Fluttershy. Well, it's more like Applejack is making a plate for Fluttershy while Rarity talks her ear off about what's happened so far.
  4821. >"And then... in front of the campfire, with the stars all around, they finally confessed that they loved each other all along, but were both too afraid to admit it! And they sealed it with a kiss! Can you -imagine- it, darling? It's... it's the stuff of fairy tales!" She pulls her forehooves to her chest and squees like a little filly with a crush.
  4822. >Applejack snorts with annoyance. "Ah thought ah was the one who was gonna tell this story. Fer cryin' out loud, Rares, keep ta the short 'n sweet'a it or 'Shy'll never get ta relax!"
  4823. >"Hmph! It figures -you- wouldn't appreciate a good romance story! Besides, I'm sure Fluttershy wants to hear every single detail, don't you?"
  4825. >"W-Well, not re--"
  4826. >"See, she's entranced! If you dislike our conversation so much you're free to go sit over there."
  4827. >You can see a frown starting to form on AJ's face as Rarity babbles on. And as for poor Fluttershy... her eyes are screaming 'save me' as she refuses to touch her food during the conversation for fear of being impolite. Despite all the shit she's put you through over the past few months, you begin to feel that familiar pang of pity in your chest and soon find yourself walking over with your newly filled plate to go bail her out.
  4828. >"...was captured, she made her way back to the ship all by herself, and told everypony there that--"
  4829. "Hey, Fluttershy. Feeling better?"
  4830. >The pegasus perks up. "Oh! Hello, Anon. Yes, I'm feeling much better, thank you." She glances around, then attempts to hide behind her mane. "Um, Anon? I... I owe you an apology. If I had known about what was going on, I would've never... um..."
  4831. "...Threatened to attack us with murderhounds and deceived me in a nefarious plot to separate me from my true love?"
  4832. >She whimpers. "S-Sorry..."
  4833. >You shrug.
  4834. "Everything turned out okay, so I guess I can let it slide. You should go ahead and eat something. It'll help calm you down."
  4835. >She smiles, nods, and begins digging into her plate. You turn and give AJ a wink (which she returns with a smile) while catching a brief glimpse of Rarity's indignant stare for being interrupted.
  4836. >With your rescue mission a success and your plate full, you begin your trek back to Cel, when an odd occurrence in the distance nearly causes you to drop everything.
  4837. "What in the hell...?!"
  4839. ~~~~~~~~~
  4841. >There are somewhere between five and seven kitchens within Canterlot Castle. With all the secret passages and sealed-off corridors scattered around, it's said that no one knows the true count aside from the Princesses...
  4842. >In one such kitchen, we find two ponies hard at work, much to the chagrin of the castle staff. The resident sous chef taps his hoof in aggravation, his anger boiling as he stares daggers at the intruders.
  4843. >"For the last time, I don't care who you say you are, you aren't allowed in here!"
  4844. >"And for the last time, this is official Elements of Harmony business, so shut it and keep out of the way! I'm trying to get in the zone!"
  4845. >Ignoring the disgruntled chef, the cyan pegasus turns to her earth pony companion, a nervous look on her face.
  4846. >"I told you I'm no good at this, Pinkie! It feels weird!"
  4847. >The pink pony giggles. "Oh Dashie, we were all beginners once! You're doing great!"
  4848. >Sweat drips down her brow as she focuses on her task. "But... what if I screw up?"
  4849. >"Don't worry! Pinkie's here to help! And even if you do, I'm sure she'd understand. Just remember, this is all for Twilight!"
  4850. >"Right! For Twilight..." she sticks her tongue out in concentration, her determination renewed. "Almost... got it... THERE!"
  4851. >Pinkie peers over to inspect the pegasus pony's work. "Wow, that looks great, especially for your first time solo!"
  4852. >"You know it! How could you expect anything less than total awesomeness from The Dash?" she proudly puffs up her chest and nonchalantly brushes it with a hoof.
  4853. >Pinkie giggles. "...Says the pony who had to have me hold her hoof for the first five..."
  4854. >"Hey! This stuff's hard for a newbie, but I got it down eventually, right?"
  4855. >"Yep, yep!" the pink pony chirps. "C'mon, let's get these packaged up safe and sound and get back to the others. I bet they miss us already!"
  4857. >The chef pony sighs with relief. "Does this mean you're FINALLY gonna leave?!"
  4858. >Rainbow rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you can have your dumb kitchen back or whatever."
  4859. >"...It's not dumb..." he scuffs his hoof on the floor with an exaggerated pout that no one pays attention to.
  4860. >"We're all set! Ready to head back, Dashie?"
  4861. >"Sure thing, Pinks. Let's--"
  4862. >A blinding flash of azure light suddenly streams through the kitchen's windows, followed by a deafening crash of thunder that reverberates through the castle, knocking small loose items on the counters over and rattling the kitchen's various hanging pots, pans and utensils. All the ponies present cringe for a moment before slowly recovering from the surprising event. Rainbow gallops over to the nearest window while Pinkie sits back on her haunches, clutching her to-go box close to her chest to protect it from any impending danger.
  4863. >"W-What was that?!"
  4864. >Dash frowns, her eyes scanning the skies with worry. "Thunder and lightning. But it wasn't normal. Trust me, if anypony knows weather, it's me. I've never felt anything like it!"
  4865. >The party pony shivers. "What do you think it means...?"
  4866. >"I dunno, but it can't be good. We need to get back to the others, quick! C'mon, Pinkie!"
  4867. >Together, they bolt out of the kitchen, leaving only a set of swinging double doors and a still slightly scared and very confused staff of chefs in their wake.
  4869. ~~~~~~~~~
  4871. >"Ah, Princess Luna! Welcome to the castle library! Is there anything I can help you find today?"
  4872. >The Princess of the Night, deeply immersed in her own swirling thoughts, doesn't even turn to face the attendant as she mutters her reply.
  4873. >"No, we are merely here to satisfy our curiosity regarding a certain matter. Do not trouble thyself."
  4875. >Without waiting for a response, she continues on her way, further into the library's depths. Her brisk trot quickly changes to a gallop once all the attendants are out of sight.
  4877. >~...
  4878. >"There was an odd occurrence during the Trials when we visited the Dark Star chamber. The Star was reacting to something, and we barely made it out in time..."
  4879. >...~
  4881. >The words of her infuriatingly selfish and immature big sister keep echoing in Luna's head as she runs past the endless series of bookshelves. Of the many things she's learned throughout her long life, one of the most prominent is that when it comes to dark magic there are few coincidences, and as a result the sinking feeling of dread which has gripped her over the last several days is only growing stronger.
  4882. >In no time at all her hooves have carried her to the entrance of the Forbidden Archives, which immediately opens in response to her magical aura.
  4883. >She gallops down the entrance corridor, the candles lighting themselves along the way, until she reaches the great circular room which makes up the primary archive chamber. Her horn glows, and with a flourish of magic a series of wards are dispelled and circular runes activated on the floor. A stone column begins to rise, housing within it a spiral staircase, which the Princess uses to move to the lower, hidden archive chamber where Equestria's greatest secrets are kept, and where her greatest fear is now realized.
  4884. >It's not there.
  4885. >The Princess of Dreams bites her lip in fear, her mind racing, trying to identify all the possibilities that could've led to this outcome. There are few realistic ones, and most of them arrive at the same conclusion:
  4886. >"Twilight Sparkle... what hast thou done?"
  4888. >Without hesitation, she turns and flees back toward the library as fast as her legs will carry her. Magic is already swirling around her horn; a teleportation spell readied for the moment she sets hoof outside the Archives' protective anti-magic barrier.
  4889. >In a flash, the world around her distorts and she finds herself standing within her own quarters in one of the castle's tallest towers. She rushes to the nearby balcony, and the sight there nearly takes her breath away.
  4890. >An unnatural storm is brewing above one of Canterlot's far quarters. Streaks of azure lightning rain down upon the area, but strangely no rain falls. And she can feel it... now, more than ever, the encroaching sense of dark magic pulls at the edges of her perception, but it takes on a more familiar tone in her mind...
  4891. >"Guards!"
  4892. >Two armored bat-ponies rush into the room from the nearby door. "Your Highness!"
  4893. >"Assemble all the Guard Captains currently on duty and tell them to prepare their squadrons for an imminent attack on the city as well as a potential evacuation of the eastern quarter. In addition, the Concordia is to be armed and made ready for immediate departure. Is that clear?"
  4894. >"Yes, Your Highness! As you command!"
  4895. >The two guards take wing and exit the room to carry out their orders while Luna turns back to the balcony, her magic already adjusting the nearby telescope to provide her with a better view of what's going on below.
  4896. >She dearly wishes she's merely overreacting. That would be the best possible outcome.
  4897. >But she knows she's not, and that fact only drives the dread deeper.
  4899. ~~~~~~~~~
  4901. >You rush toward the edge of the plaza, placing your plate of food on the ground near Cel as you pass her without even slowing down. Her curious magenta eyes move to track you, and when she sees the panic in your stride she forces herself to stand and follow as fast as her injured leg will allow.
  4902. >"Anon? What's the matter?"
  4903. "That."
  4904. >You point her toward the far edge of Canterlot where a multitude of black clouds are gathering low in the sky. It's unreal... nearly a quarter of the city is obscured by this mysterious dark haze now, but a quick glance elsewhere reveals not another cloud in sight in the vast pre-dawn sky.
  4905. >You notice Celestia tense with fear beside you as she takes a hesitant step away from the edge.
  4906. >"This is..."
  4907. >There's a flash of light, followed by thunder so loud it forces you to cover your ears. When your eyes open again, you can see the telltale orange glow that indicates a building in the distance has caught fire.
  4908. >"What in tarnation was that?!"
  4909. >The rest of the nearby ponies rush to your side after being alerted by the bright flash. AJ, Mac and Rarity peer over the plaza's edge with you while Fluttershy and the fillies nervously stand behind them.
  4910. >The red stallion shifts his wheat sprig to the side in thought. "Some kinda storm, ah reckon?"
  4911. >Rarity nods, transfixed at the scene below. "Yes, that's what it appears to be, but... why now? I'm certain Twilight had the weather scheduled to be completely clear all day due to the wedding..."
  4912. >"It doesn't appear to be a natural storm. Though I can't truly sense it from here, those clouds look to be infused with magic."
  4913. >All eyes turn to Celestia, whose own gaze is so intensely focused on the lingering clouds that you almost wonder if she can see through them. The wind rustles the strawberry curls of her mane and tail as she turns her attention back to you, the concern evident in her expression.
  4915. >"Anon... I'm worried for Twilight. She was flying toward the east when we last saw her..."
  4916. >"T-Twilight is down there...?" Fluttershy squeaks, nervously poking her head between you and Applejack to catch a glimpse of the scene.
  4917. >Rarity gasps. "Yes, and she's out there all alone! And... and there appears to be a fire burning in the city! We can't simply leave her!"
  4918. >"Anon!" You turn to see Applejack's emerald eyes steeled with determination. You suppress a chuckle and hold your hands up before she can voice her request.
  4919. "I'm worried about her too. C'mon, let's get going."
  4920. >You turn and begin your march toward the waiting airship in the distance and the ponies all follow. Slowing your pace a bit, you move beside Mac as he trots along with the fillies close behind.
  4921. "Think she'll hold up in a storm?"
  4922. >He ponders for a moment. "...A normal storm ain't a problem, but ah ain't sure what kinda effect a magical storm'll have on the engines, if that's what we're really headin' into."
  4923. "So... play it safe and keep out of the clouds. Got it."
  4924. >Making your way up the gantry, through the portside storage area and into the living quarters, you run your fingers across the paneling as you pass by the bedroom entrances and through the shared kitchen and dining area, a sense of calm familiarity running through your mind at the touch. Damn, you missed this ship more than you realized...
  4925. >The smaller ponies pass you on the way up to the deck as you slow down, entranced by the moment, but your big pony stays behind to whisper in your ear.
  4926. >"Welcome home, Anon."
  4927. >You snake a hand around to scratch behind her ears in that special place she likes so much, and she leans into you in response.
  4928. "Thank you, Cel. For everything. I don't know if I'll ever be able to say it enough."
  4930. >"I'm certain you'll try. But there'll be time for thanks later. We shouldn't dawdle." You feel her nose nudge your shoulder and you continue on your way up the stairwell to the open deck.
  4931. >The ponies are already preparing themselves for flight. Well, sort of. The Cutie Mark Crusaders have all been fitted with spare sets of flight goggles that are obviously too big for them, but they seem to be making do with Fluttershy's help as she tries to adjust the straps. Rarity, on the other hand, is fighting a frustrated looking Applejack as she tries to get the fussy unicorn to wear her own pair of goggles.
  4932. >"Rarity, they ain't about makin' a darn fashion statement... they're -goggles- fer pony's sake! Just put 'em on!"
  4933. >"Absolutely not! They're hideous! Really, who in their right mind designed these...?"
  4934. >The earth pony blows a few strands of mane from her face in frustration. "Fine. But don't come cryin' ta me if a bug or somethin' flies inta yer eye when we get goin'.
  4935. >The unicorn nearly turns green. "That... that actually happens?!" The goggles appear on her face, perfectly adjusted, almost instantly.
  4936. >Mac chuckles as he hoofs over your own pair of goggles, which you gladly take. "That's the fastest ah've ever seen a pair'a them go on."
  4937. "You can say that again. Are we all set for launch?"
  4938. >He nods with pride. "Eeyup. She's all yours, Captain."
  4939. >You place your hands upon the controls and a jolt of electricity runs through your body. Much like riding a bike, or even kissing a pair of soft pony lips, the feeling is instantly familiar no matter how long you've been without it. You engage the main engine, shifting it into neutral, and spin up the vertical stabilizer turbines to prepare for liftoff. Celestia rests on her haunches by your side, her body lightly leaning against your own near the console, and she smiles when she notices the slight signs of happiness you exude from standing at the controls once more.
  4941. >"Heyyyyyy!! Wait for us, Non-non~!"
  4942. >You suppress your urge to hit the throttle and turn to see something pretty amusing. A cyan pegasus is flying toward the ship carrying a pink earth pony (or at least trying to) in her forehooves, who is herself carrying some sort of giftwrapped package. The pegasus hovers above the deck and plops the party pony down, then promptly collapses nearby.
  4943. >"Geez, Pinkie! What've you been eating?!"
  4944. >She shrugs. "Eh, the usual. But thanks for the lift!" With that, she pops up, then bounds over to you, placing one forehoof on your chest for balance while she cradles the wrapped gift in the other.
  4945. >"Non-non! Something weird is going on! I think we need to go find Twilight, and quick!"
  4946. >You pat her on the head.
  4947. "Don't worry, that's what we were about to do. Go put your present somewhere safe and get some goggles on; the engines are already primed."
  4948. >"Aye aye, Cap'n!" She smiles at you and salutes, then bounds down to the living quarters. Rainbow moves to follow her, but stops when your eyes meet as she moves toward the stairwell. Her ears immediately fold back and she shies away, a guilty expression on her face.
  4949. >"Um... Anon?"
  4950. >You hold up a hand.
  4951. "You don't need to say anything. I understand. Hell, I feel like I should be apologizing to you. I'm... sorry you had to go through all that. Are you doing alright?"
  4952. >She nods. "Yeah... my shrink says the mental scars or whatever'll heal as long as I don't read any more Twinonymous stories. I... kinda try not to think about it, you know?"
  4953. >You give her a nod in return.
  4954. "Good to hear. Uh... just out of curiosity, are there really that many stories about us out there?"
  4955. >The pegasus grimaces. "Buttloads. If you wanna stay away from 'em don't go to the human romance section of any libraries or bookstores."
  4956. "There's an entire -section- on human romance?! Really? But..."
  4958. >Celestia giggles and Rainbow sighs.
  4959. >"Some ponies have a lot of time on their hooves, dude. Like... a -lot- of time."
  4960. >You could've gone your entire life without knowing that. Thankfully Pinkie returns with some goggles for both herself and Rainbow, and the two wander off further down the deck together before you can ask any more questions you don't really want to know the answers to...
  4961. >With a shake of your head to clear your thoughts and all the ponies accounted for and ready, you return your hand to the throttle and smoothly ease it open. The ever-familiar sense of euphoria returns as you feel the ship become weightless when it leaves the ground. In about a minute you have enough altitude to be clear of any nearby structures and you begin your turn. Though it's relatively fast compared to your average airship, the impact of your lost stabilizer is still noticeable in the ship's movement.
  4962. >Your eyes focus on the clouds in the distance as the ship's bow lines up with the biggest cluster...
  4963. "AJ, Mac, are we clear?"
  4964. >"Port's clear, sugarcube."
  4965. >"Starboard's open."
  4966. >You give 15% power to the main engines and the ship glides forward, nearly silently, away from the castle and into the city.
  4967. "I'm going to need you all to act as my eyes. I can already tell this is gonna get tricky. Pinkie, Mac, AJ... can you get the others positioned for me?"
  4968. >Your experienced crewmates help guide the rest of the ponies to evenly spaced out positions near the rail and help explain what their roles will be.
  4969. >In most circumstances, one of the upsides to flying an airship is that, with the basic exception of takeoffs and landings, you never really have to worry about crashing into anything. There's just you, the ship, and the freedom of the open sky...
  4971. >Not this time, though. In order to avoid flying through the potentially dangerous black clouds, you'll need to approach from underneath them, which involves flying dangerously close to the many tall buildings which line the Canterlot city streets. Needless to say, the airship is much too massive for you to be able to tell how much clearance you have on each side from where you're standing at the flight console, which is where your newly expanded crew comes in.
  4972. >"So, ya just want us ta yell if we're about to crash inta somethin'?" Applebloom asks her brother as he trots back to his post.
  4973. >"Eeyup."
  4974. >Dash huffs, flapping her wings in annoyance. "I could spot for you guys way better from the air!"
  4975. >Mac shrugs and points a hoof toward a point in the distance where the after-image of the latest flash of lightning to stain the sky can still be seen.
  4976. >"The ship's frame is built ta take a lightning strike or two. Yer free ta go out there if you want ta see how many you can take."
  4977. >The pegasus gulps at the sight. "Heh. Nah, I'm cool, you guys totally need me here anyway..."
  4978. >You drop the ship's altitude as the edge of the building storm comes into view, and the ponies fall silent at the sight.
  4979. >There's no denying it now-- this is definitely not a normal storm. The clouds are moving in a curiously ordered pattern, creating a vortex above you that strangely generates little wind below. Flashes of cloud-to-cloud lightning are constant, and on several occasions you're nearly certain the ship will be hit, but thankfully your good fortune holds out.
  4980. >Eventually the glow of the fire comes into view and some of the ponies leave their posts to get a better look, including Celestia who leaves your side to move toward the ship's bow.
  4981. >Rarity sighs with relief as she peers over the rail. "Well... at least the fireponies seem to have things under control."
  4983. >"Yes, thank goodness," Fluttershy agrees, "but does anypony see Twilight?"
  4984. >Applejack shakes her head. "Nope, she ain't on this side. But considerin' the color of her coat, it'll be right tough ta spot her down there."
  4985. >Rainbow thrashes her tail in frustration. "AJ's right. With all the clouds around and the sun not up yet it's really tough to see anything." She turns back to you. "Hey! Can't you make this thing go any lower?!"
  4986. >The ship shudders as it shears a flagpole from the top of a nearby building and you curse under your breath. You can't imagine what the final repair bill for this thing is gonna be when you get it back to the shipyard...
  4987. "Yeah, sure, if you wanna crash. I know you guys are anxious to find Twilight but I need you to watch the surroundings or else we'll all be searching for her on foot."
  4988. >Celestia trots back over and takes a seat by your side once more. She keeps herself composed, but the slight irregularities in her breathing reveal that she's trying desperately to mask her fear.
  4989. >"I believe I know where she is. Anon, please take us to the storm's center."
  4990. >You place a hand upon her withers to offer a comforting touch as you adjust your course toward the center of the cloud vortex. After several more minutes of tense flying and near-misses from both buildings and lightning bolts, you come upon a sight that sends a chill down your spine.
  4991. "That's..."
  4992. >You had almost forgotten. Or maybe it'd be more truthful to say that you desperately wanted to forget.
  4993. >There, rising above the surrounding buildings at the city's edge, and at the very center of the storm, is Twilight's little construction project.
  4995. >You saw it on the train ride up to Canterlot with Pinkie a few months ago, when Twilight's projection confronted you in your hotel room. She called it the 'Pleasure Sphere' and said she was building it so the two of you could spend your honeymoon there together. She also claimed that there was some sort of enchantment on it that'd allow you to have sex for a month straight without stopping. To say that the idea absolutely terrified you at the time is the understatement of the century. You lost a lot of sleep to the nightmares that resulted from that conversation...
  4996. >Now those nightmares are quickly returning to the forefront of your mind. The last time you saw the building it was still under construction, but now it seems to be complete and even more imposing. The most striking feature is the great windowless dome, built from what appears to be precisely cut interlocking dark gray stones. It almost reminds you of some of the larger closed-roof sports stadiums back on Earth, but that's where the similarities end. Large, oddly angled support structures are joined to the dome on each side, one of which is an extremely long corridor that gives the entire building an almost bird-like profile when viewed from the air. Strange teal lights can be seen shining from the windows of these support pieces which causes a warning siren to go off in your head. There's something oddly familiar about the whole thing that you can't really place your finger on...
  4997. >"Twilight!"
  4998. >Rainbow cries out and points a hoof as the ship nears the structure. The rest of the ponies all run to where she's standing to get a look, and you quickly set the ship to hover in place and move from the controls so you can join them.
  5000. >And sure enough, Twilight is there. She stands atop the dome, directly in its center, her eyes unfocused as if in a trance. The slight breeze moves her mane and tail and a faint column of pre-dawn light shines down upon her from the nearby eye of the storm, giving her appearance an almost angelic quality.
  5001. >"Twi! It's us, Twi! What're ya doin' out in the storm? C'mon up here ta us where it's safe!"
  5002. >"Please, darling, we just want to help you!"
  5003. >She doesn't move. In fact, she doesn't even turn her head toward the ship.
  5004. >"P-Please, Twilight. It's dangerous out there..."
  5005. >"Yeah, c'mon Twilight, all your friends are waiting!"
  5006. >"I know you can do it! After all, you got training from the #1 flyer in Equestria!"
  5007. >Still she shows no signs of moving, or that she can even hear their cries.
  5008. >"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia yells as loud as her injured body will allow her. No response.
  5009. "Twilight!"
  5010. >She turns to face the ship as soon as your voice pierces the silence. Though there's a bit of distance between you, it's easy to tell she's been crying from the streaks of matted and dried coat directly below her eyes and down her cheeks. Yet, as soon as she sees you, her drooping wings find their way back to her sides and she smiles with real, genuine happiness.
  5011. >"Anon... you came for me. It was true... it really was true all along, just like the Shard said..."
  5012. >The 'Shard'...? What the heck is she talking about? You notice Fluttershy give Rarity a confused glance, which the fashionista returns in kind.
  5013. >Twilight trots forward a bit, swishing her tail with excitement.
  5015. >"You know, at first... at first I didn't really believe, because the future isn't set in stone. There are too many variables... too many unknowns to account for. But the knowledge held within... so much of what was revealed to me... it made me realize that with enough understanding of the factors involved, certain futures can be selected for, and consequently, fleeting possibilities made nearly certain. Even destiny itself could be influenced and changed! All I had to do was build it..."
  5016. >Rainbow scratches her head. "What the hay is she saying?"
  5017. >Applejack shrugs. "She sure ain't makin' any sense ta me. You gettin' any'a this, Mac?"
  5018. >"Nope. But ta be honest, none'a the stuff your friends do usually makes much sense ta me, anyway."
  5019. >"Hey!"
  5020. >"How rude!"
  5021. >A certain pegasus and unicorn take umbrage to that comment, causing the stallion to shy away.
  5022. >You turn to Celestia with the intention of asking what she thinks, but the look on her face causes the question to die in your throat.
  5023. >"Twilight..."
  5024. >All eyes move to the white alicorn. Her expression is a mixture of fear, sadness and remorse... and you can even see the hint of tears beginning to pool in the corner of her eyes. She steps away from the rail and lowers her head, her voice little more than a whisper.
  5025. >"...I've truly failed you in every respect, haven't I?"
  5026. >"Anon," Twilight's voice calls out again, drawing your attention back to her. "I know you're reluctant. I know you love her, and I know she loves you. But look!" She rears up and spreads her forelegs out. "My love is greater. My love -HAS- to be greater! How could it not be?! I've mastered lost magic... I've learned how to shape the future for us... I know it's not enough to repay all you've done for me, but this is only the beginning! There'll be so much more to discover in time!"
  5028. >Lightning flashes, and the purple alicorn's perfectly styled mane and tail quickly start to come undone as what's left of her sanity slips away. The other ponies on board the ship cringe at the sight as she begins prancing atop the dome, a sinister smile on her face.
  5029. >"Anon~! I know you love that airship Celestia built for you! But I built you a better one! Yes, yes, yes! A greater one! WITH A GREATER LOVE!"
  5030. >Previously unseen arcane runes begin to shine all across the surface of the dome as an earthquake rattles the very foundations of the city, causing the ponies in the streets below to panic.
  5031. >Fluttershy dives for cover on deck, hiding her head in her hooves. "W-What's happening?!"
  5032. >Pinkie hops over and pats the petrified pegasus' back reassuringly. "I dunno! But it looks like weird freaky magic to me!"
  5033. >"Yes," Rarity adds, stepping away from the rail herself. "I'm certainly no expert, but I've never seen anything quite like it..."
  5034. >"Me neither," Applejack agrees, also stepping away. "But there's gotta be somethin' we can do!"
  5035. >Rainbow Dash flies over to Celestia, who's moved away from everyone else on deck, and begins shaking her shoulder. "C'mon! You have to know something about this! What do we do to help Twilight?!"
  5036. >The alicorn's magenta eyes look up to capture your own, and the two of you share a brief, silent conversation.
  5037. >"We should flee."
  5038. >The pegasus gapes. "Wait, you mean we're running away?! But...!"
  5039. >The teal-tinged light from the countless glowing runes covering the dome's surface is almost blinding, and the sound of the quake almost deafening. Those two things alone are cause for concern, but they barely register in your mind now.
  5040. >No, what truly captures your attention, and what feeds into the terror that's now starting to grip your heart, is the fact that the entire structure is beginning to rise into the air...
  5042. "She's right, we need to get out of here, NOW!"
  5043. >You rush back to the controls and weigh your options. There's no way you can reverse your course through the city, or even try to navigate your way out through a different path at any reasonable speed. At this altitude there are just too many obstacles to contend with...
  5044. "I want everyone inside. I'm gonna take us straight up through the clouds."
  5045. >Mac scowls. "This ain't a good idea. Ah can't rightly say what'll happen ta the engines..."
  5046. "Yeah, I know. But do we really have any other choice?"
  5047. >He sighs, peering over the railing once more at the massive and rapidly ascending structure below. "Ah suppose not..."
  5048. >"But what about you?" Applejack cries. "Aren't ya comin' inta the bridge with us?"
  5049. >You smile in return.
  5050. "Go on, I'll be right behind you as soon as I get the controls set up. Oh, and Pinkie!"
  5051. >The pink pony stops in her tracks to give you her attention.
  5052. "Get the cannons ready, just in case."
  5053. >"Roger!" She salutes and bounds down below deck.
  5054. >Applejack moves to usher the fillies into the safety of the ship's enclosed bridge, and the other ponies follow her lead while you begin the process of spinning up the engines to start the fastest ascent you can possibly manage. Only Celestia elects to stay behind as you work at the console, her good wing curling around you in a light embrace. You can feel some of the tension in your body slip away, and you even manage a little chuckle at the situation.
  5055. "...Please tell me that thing isn't what I think it is."
  5056. >"There's no longer any doubt in my mind. It's based around Progenitor technology and magic. I'd recognize those runes anywhere, and when she mentioned a 'shard' she more or less confirmed it. We don't stand a chance as we are now, and I fear for the city's safety..."
  5058. >You press the throttle a little harder, just to make sure it's maxed out. Without thinking, your hand wanders to touch the pocket of your jacket, the great magic held within warming your fingertips.
  5059. "Cel... what if I...?"
  5060. >"NO!"
  5061. >Her sudden, adamant refusal takes you by surprise, and you turn to face her to find an odd look of fear in her expression.
  5062. >"We... we don't have to resort to that just yet. If we can make it through the storm and get in contact with Luna, she should be able to handle the situation. We both encountered something like this in the past, and we were able to overcome it."
  5063. >Without warning, she moves forward and kisses you. After a few moments you pull away, even more shocked than before.
  5064. >"Anon... that gift is infinitely precious. Don't forget what was involved in claiming it. Don't be so hasty to throw it away. There are still options... and there is still hope. Please, you must promise me..."
  5065. >You sigh, then smile back at her.
  5066. "Okay. I trust you, Cel. If you say there's a way, who am I to argue?"
  5067. >The two of you step away from the console and enter the bridge just as the Dawn Star plunges into the black clouds of the storm. You bound up the stairwell to take your place at the ship's alternative controls with all the other ponies gathered around nearby.
  5068. >Most of them are gazing out through the glass windows. There's so little visibility that the outside is only a pitch-black void. However, when one of the constant flashes of lightning cuts through the darkness you can discern the form and shape of the surrounding clouds for an instant, as if they were painted upon a watercolor canvas only to be washed away a moment later.
  5070. >If there's any positive to being within the storm, it would be that Twilight has little hope of finding you now. You're not merely ascending anymore; now that you're in the clouds it's safe to move about horizontally, so you've angled the ship just a bit and are now flying forward at a cautious speed in addition to maintaining your upward course.
  5071. >A pall of silence hangs over the assembled ponies as you move through the darkness. Applejack steps away from the window, growling and stomping a hoof in frustration.
  5072. >"Consarnt it! Ah... ah don't get it! What in the world -was- that thing?! What was Twi talkin' about back there?! Can anypony explain what's goin' on?!"
  5073. >Rarity shakes her head, her sapphire eyes cast to the floor. "She... she mentioned something about a special project related to herself and Anonymous from time to time, but she never went into any details. Who could've imagined it would be something like this...?"
  5074. >You nervously tap the controls as another bolt of lightning dances across your view.
  5075. "She mentioned it to me several months ago... but something about all this doesn't make sense. She just said she built it to replace the Dawn Star, but that dome was under construction way before she knew this ship had even been built..."
  5076. >Celestia sighs. "I imagine the decision to turn the structure into a ship came later. I doubt we'll ever know her true reasoning or intentions unless she chooses to tell us, but the basic fact remains that Twilight has built an unimaginably dangerous magical weapon through the use of forbidden knowledge, and it must be stopped."
  5077. >Fluttershy trembles. "B-But why would Twilight do something like that? I know she really wants Anon to love her, but..."
  5078. >A light bulb suddenly goes off in your head.
  5079. "Maybe there's a way for us to find out without having to ask."
  5081. >You reach into your jacket and pull out the book still held securely there-- Twilight's diary. You'd almost completely forgotten about it after all that's happened since Cel's arrival at the wedding...
  5082. >The alicorn's eyes light up and she trots over to get a closer look. "Is that really...?"
  5083. "Yeah. I found it laying around in the Forbidden Archives yesterday. Maybe it'll shed some light on what's going on."
  5084. >The rest of the ponies gather around as you crack the book open. Due to the time constraints you were working under when putting your escape plan together, and also due to the fact that you really didn't want to read it anyway, you never took the opportunity delve into the diary beyond glimpsing some passages that would be useful as part of your intended diversion for the guards. You flip open to a random page and begin reading:
  5086. May 22nd, 2132
  5087. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5089. Spike caught me practicing my winking in front of my bedroom mirror today. It was so embarrassing I almost teleported away, but I think I managed to give him a decent enough excuse as to what I was doing! Hopefully he'll believe I was checking for tangles in my tail. I need to be more careful about this type of thing in the future as I continue to practice. It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, but Rarity says if I really want to attract my stallion I need to--
  5091. >You slam the book shut. Now you distinctly remember why you didn't want to read it. A quick glance around reveals a mixture of barely-contained laughter and disgust in the ponies' expressions, save for Rarity who's starting to turn crimson again and the fillies who're giving each other confused glances.
  5092. >"That's..." Celestia chokes back a giggle. "That's... not exactly what we were looking for, Anon. Try going forward in time a bit."
  5094. >She's right. That entry was written before her ascension, back when she was still living in Ponyville. In fact, you left for Latigo on your initial journey only three days later...
  5095. >You open the book again and flip forward through the entries. June, July, August, September...
  5096. >Ah, here we go:
  5098. October 12th, 2132
  5099. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5101. I'm still trying to wrap my hooves around the mechanics of the Geas. All my research into the basics of the spell indicates that it should be within my power to break using normal methods, but the version Celestia's cast on Anon is beyond anything any of the books happen to mention. Its power is incredible, and I'm not sure if I can match it, much less devise an effective counter. Still, I won't be daunted by this task! Celestia is obviously testing me, and I intend to pass with flying colors! Several of my experiments should be producing results soon, and I'll finally have some additional data to work with!
  5103. October 13th, 2132
  5104. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5106. My time spent perusing the Forbidden Archives has proven fruitless so far. There's a lot of material there to sort through, but most of it is irrelevant to the task at hoof. Still, I have some new plans in store for testing the limits of the Geas. I've invited the girls over for a meeting later tonight to discuss the details. I'll need their help in order to proceed, and it's been a while since we've had the opportunity to catch up with one another, so I think it'll be fun.
  5108. The meeting went about as well as I could hope for. Applejack refused to help when she discovered the intention behind my royal decree to prevent Celestia from working in Ponyville. I expected as much, but it still hurt a little to lose her help. Still, the others seem to be on board, so my plans shouldn't be impacted all that much...
  5110. >You look away from the diary over to Cel.
  5111. "That's the day we went job hunting together, remember?"
  5112. >She smiles. "I do. And it's also the day I began to fall for you when you comforted me on the porch that evening."
  5113. >There's a d'awww from Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, along with a bit of retching from Scootaloo. Celestia chuckles.
  5114. >"I find it a little funny how Twilight's actions were what began to bring us together, but it's still not what we're looking for."
  5115. >You flip forward several more pages and continue:
  5117. October 16th, 2132
  5118. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5120. I knew I was missing something! By chance, I came across the faint signature of a strange warding spell within the Forbidden Archives while I was searching for more research materials. After a quick thaumotological reverse-engineering I was able to unlock the ward, which revealed a column with a stairwell leading to yet another chamber!
  5122. What I found inside was absolutely amazing! Magical artifacts of all kinds, some seemingly erased from history, but vague mentions of which can still be found in several texts! As you can imagine, I was nearly beside myself! There wasn't enough time to investigate everything, though I definitely will in the near future, but the thing that most caught my attention was a strange object ensconced in yet another protective ward. It appears to be a fragment of a much larger crystalline structure, but it's unlike any crystal I've ever seen or read about before, both in appearance and with regards to its magical resonance. To put it bluntly, the magic it radiates is both vast and of a type I can't identify! It's not the magic of ponies, of the other races, of Discord, or even of the same type of dark magic I've encountered several times in the past. It's completely new, completely unknown, and completely captivating...
  5124. This will undoubtedly be the first object I study. Revelations discovered from a new type of magic could lead to a way to overcome traditional magical barriers such as Celestia's Geas...
  5126. >Celestia turns her gaze to the nearby window as another flash of lightning tears through the clouds.
  5127. >"It's just as I feared. She found the shard of the Dark Star that Luna and I recovered and sealed away over a millennia ago after we defeated the sorcerer Balios, the unicorn who initially claimed it."
  5128. >Rainbow glances around, looking completely lost. "Uh... the who to the what now?" The other ponies don't appear to be faring much better.
  5129. >The alicorn bites her lip with worry. "...It's an ancient magical artifact linked to an object of great power sealed beneath the earth. Not even I know much about its nature, but it's likely the journal will go into further detail."
  5130. >She nods at you to continue reading.
  5132. October 18th, 2132
  5133. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5135. The Shard is amazing! It's like an entire library contained in an object the size of my hoof, and the knowledge contained within has the potential to change the very world as we know it!
  5137. By applying a light magical charge, I've been able to see visions of information in my mind, almost as if I were reading an encyclopedia. After I determined that it was perfectly safe to continue by using Dascart's traditional testing methods for mind manipulation spells, I spent most of the day poking around the Shard to see what it contains.
  5139. The things I've managed glimpse so far... the magic, the technology... it's beyond anything I could ever dream of. The only problem is that I can't seem to freely access the information as I please. The Shard appears to be showing me random things of its own accord, though I know that's ridiculous as an inanimate object obviously doesn't have a will of its own. I'll need to experiment in order to learn how to find the information I want. It's a bit like solving a puzzle, but I'm sure I'll succeed! This is so exciting!
  5141. October 21st, 2132
  5142. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5144. The Shard can show me the future.
  5146. No, that's not entirely accurate. It's more like it can show me potential futures... what -would- happen should certain events come to pass.
  5148. The more I learn about how to control my queries, the more I'm able to see. I've walked through over 24 potential futures now; futures where Anon becomes mine. They're so varied in how they play out, and I can't see every detail... but what I -do- know is that in each one I overcome the Geas in some way and win his heart.
  5150. Despite how disparate the visions are, they all have a common thread near the end: In order to ultimately consummate our relationship, I build an Arcane Resonance Chamber on a scale never before seen by ponykind. This appears to be a critical step in order to have Anon overcome the last of his inhibitions and fall for me completely after we're married. At first I was concerned because constructing and then enchanting something similar to what was presented in the visions shouldn't be possible, but the Shard has provided a solution there, too. I've seen schematics... plans for how to fabricate and synthesize materials lost to the ages, and incantations to weave a form of magic heretofore unseen in Equestria. I now have everything I need, and work will begin immediately.
  5152. There's no longer any doubt. Regardless of what Celestia does, regardless of how much he tries to deny it... he'll come to love me, and we'll be together, me and my very special somehuman. Maybe then this odd feeling of emptiness I've felt ever since he arrived will finally be filled...
  5154. >Applejack raises her hoof. "Hold on there. Just let me get this straight... does this mean that freaky rock she found -told- her ta build that crazy thing in order ta go after Anon?!"
  5155. >Celestia nods. "Yes, that appears to be the case, and it falls in line with certain oddities Luna and I noticed about Balios when we fought. Twilight is very clever, and very driven, but I don't believe even she would pursue a plan like this unprompted... a plan which nearly mirrors exactly what the old sorcerer was attempting all those ages ago."
  5156. >Fluttershy taps a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "He... he had a human fetish that consumed his every waking thought too?"
  5157. >All the tension in the air is removed in an instant as Celestia fights the urge to burst out laughing.
  5158. >"N-No... no, my little pony, I don't think that was his motivation. But I have a theory now as to what's really going on involving--"
  5159. >A loud bang and a series of strong vibrations as the ship shakes all around you cuts her off before she can finish. Some of the ponies even get knocked off their hooves, but you manage to remain standing and fight your way over to the controls, only to find something that causes your blood to nearly freeze.
  5160. "Shit!"
  5161. >"What? What's the matter?" Mac stumbles over to your side, and you point him toward the indicator measuring your engine output. The wheat sprig promptly falls out of his mouth.
  5162. >"Horseapples! This is what ah was afraid of!"
  5164. >You were so focused on reading Twilight's diary that none of you paid attention to the ship's instruments. If you had, you would've noticed that the magical storm has been slowly reducing the maximum output power of all the ship's magical engines. The output has dropped by over 40% already and you still haven't emerged from the clouds!
  5165. "What the hell do we do?!"
  5166. >The stallion shakes his head. "We're committed now. We either make it outta the clouds before the engines fail or we're dead in the sky. Ah'm gonna go head down ta try and get everything we can out of 'em, you just keep 'er on course. AJ, Bloom, ah need ya with me."
  5167. >The three Apple siblings make their way down to the engine room, leaving a bunch of nervous ponies and one very nervous human behind.
  5168. >Sweetie clutches one of her big sister's legs. "Wh-what's gonna happen, Sis?"
  5169. >The older unicorn bites her lip. "I... I don't know, Sweetie. But I'm certain we'll find a way through this..."
  5170. >You place your hands on the controls, your eyes scanning the instruments like a hawk. You have to be close to exiting the storm now... you've been on a constant ascent the entire time and the altimeter confirms it. Even though airships can't climb or dive very fast, you should still be seeing a clear sky any minute now unless the storm clouds are somehow rising faster than you are...
  5171. >The ship shudders again and you grip the controls tighter.
  5172. "C'mon..."
  5173. >The engine's output drops to 56%, the altimeter continues to rise, and all eyes turn to the bridge's windows.
  5174. "C'mon..."
  5175. >A flash of lightning rips through the sky, temporarily blinding you, and when it fades...
  5176. > see the bright stars of the pre-dawn sky come into view!
  5178. >The Dawn Star breaches the uppermost layer of the storm, thin tendrils of black cloud still clinging to the frame as if they were trying to pull it back under. The ship continues to rise until even those are stripped away, freeing you completely. A collective cheer rings out from all present and you slump back a bit in relief.
  5179. "We made it..."
  5180. >Celestia lightly nuzzles you. "Yes, we did, but now's not the time to celebrate. We need to make our way back to the castle to inform Luna, as fast as the ship will take us."
  5181. >You glance down at the engine's output... 50% of max with the throttle at full. It's still fast by most standards, but...
  5182. "Let's head back to the deck so we can get a good look at where we are."
  5183. >Rarity and Fluttershy choose to stay behind in the safety of the bridge with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, despite the fillies' protests and complaints that they never get to do anything exciting, leaving you, Celestia, Rainbow and Pinkie to make your way down the stairwell and out to the deck.
  5184. >The sight that greets you when you get there takes your breath away. You were sort of expecting it based on the final altimeter reading on the bridge, but to see it in the open like this is something else entirely...
  5185. >The stars above feel close enough to touch. Below you, the black clouds swirl for a good several miles, but after that lies only the open horizon, one side of which boasts the blazing orange and yellows of a not-yet-risen sun, with the other revealing Canterlot Castle and the mountain upon which it rests far, far below.
  5186. >However, while you're entranced by the amazing view, Celestia completely ignores it as she trots from one side of the ship to another, her eyes considering everything beneath you.
  5187. >"It appears the storm's moving over more and more of the city. Anon, we need to hurry!"
  5188. "Right."
  5190. >You've already started the process of making a turn toward the castle. Just as the mountain comes into view across the bow, the nearby multichromatic pegasus coughs and flares her wings.
  5191. >"Uh... guys? Isn't there somepony you're forgetting here? If you wanna get a message out fast, I'm sure the future captain of the Wonderbolts'd be able to handle it!"
  5192. >Pinkie perks up. "Oh! Oh! Did we have somepony like that on board?! I haven't said hi to her yet!"
  5193. >Rainbow sighs and facehoofs. "I mean me, you doofus!"
  5194. >The earth pony gigglesnorts in response. "Oh, right!"
  5195. >You look over to Celestia who's returned to your side after making her circuit around deck.
  5196. "That might not be a bad idea. With our top speed limited to half of what it was, Skittles can probably reach the castle faster."
  5197. >She puffs up her chest. "You know it!"
  5198. >The alicorn nods. "Very well. Listen carefully, Rainbow Dash. You must tell Luna that Twilight is in possession of both the Dark Star Shard and a weapon built using its secrets. She'll know how to assemble an appropriate response. Do you understand?"
  5199. >Rainbow salutes. "Got it!"
  5200. >"Very good. Now go, there's no time to waste!"
  5201. >The pegasus spins around and prepares to launch herself from the deck. Her wings beat once before snapping back to her sides as her jaw nearly hits the floor in disbelief.
  5202. >There's a deep booming from beneath you. Much like how waves crashing on the beach at night can sometimes be mistaken for an impending storm, this sound straddles the thin line between the ocean's roar and thunder. Unfamiliar yet distinct, you know you'll remember it for the rest of your life as the prelude of what's to come.
  5204. >The clouds nearby begin to undulate and then rise, as if a geyser were erupting in the air. From the resulting wispy black mist emerges a vessel that defies imagining. It's easily ten times the size of the Dawn Star, constructed entirely from stone and awash in ancient magic. What was once the 'dome' of the structure on the ground is now revealed to be a perfect sphere located at the very center, slowly rotating and shining with arcane runes. The odd, angular buildings married to each side have unfolded as if they were webbed wings, with dark tendrils of storm cloud still clinging to their evenly spread digits. What was once thought to be a long entry hallway or promenade is now a combination bow / bridge, its slanted windows arrayed like menacing fangs. When taken together, the overall profile of the ship resembles that of a great tail-less dragon, and you can't help but stand in awe at the sight.
  5205. >There's no way this thing should be able to fly. Just no way. It's completely built of stone, and without any kind of helium frame supporting it, or turbines, or even fucking jet engines! Yet it's here, now, right before your eyes...
  5206. >"Do you like it, Anon?"
  5207. >Twilight Sparkle stands atop the bow of her grand vessel, less than twenty feet away from that of your own. She flashes you a calm smile before breaking into a series of giggles.
  5208. >"It... it kind of makes Celestia's ship seem like a toy, doesn't it? But don't worry, this great work is all yours. It's a gift from me... from a wife to her husband, from a mare to her special somehuman..."
  5209. >She flutters her wings a bit and beams with pride.
  5210. >"I call it the Harbinger, because wherever it travels, everypony who sees it will know that their Princess and Prince are near..." Her tongue darts out of her mouth to lick her lips. "And also because it's just the beginning of the amazing things we'll both create and discover together~"
  5212. >Everyone on deck is in shock. You imagine everyone in the bridge who can see this is probably in shock too. What the hell do you do here? There's no way you can fight this thing. The two small cannons Pinkie brought on board probably won't make a dent in it. You briefly consider running, but your engines are only at half power now and something tells you this stone monstrosity is a lot faster than it looks. And to top it off, it's piloted by Twilight Spergle, and while she still appears to be weakened from the events at the wedding, the fact remains that she's a -goddamn alicorn-.
  5213. >Like you, Rainbow and Pinkie are left absolutely speechless. Cel, on the other hand, steps forward as the cold high-altitude winds whip her mane and tail in all directions.
  5214. >"Twilight... I know you have little reason to listen to me anymore, but I implore you... if you hear nothing else that I have to say, please hear this. You are being used by the Shard! It's shown you the false future you wanted most to see in order to further its own ends!"
  5215. >The purple alicorn's laughter ceases and she turns to regard her former teacher with a look of amused curiosity.
  5216. >"Please, Twilight, open your eyes! Consider the facts with that brilliant analytical mind I know you to possess! This... this thing that you have built is not for Anon's sake. How could it be? What purpose could such a thing existing in this world serve? Consider it carefully, Twilight! Why do you think Luna and I would seal the Shard away in the first place?"
  5218. >The little alicorn shouts back, her Canterlot Voice rising above the volume of the swirling wind.
  5219. >"You were afraid of it! You were afraid of the secrets it held! But I'm not! With science, we can understand anything! If we're willing to learn, and study, and experiment, there's no limit to what we can accomplish! There's no mystery that will remain unsolved! THAT'S WHAT YOU TAUGHT ME!"
  5221. >Fresh tears begin to pool in her eyes as she stares down at the four of you from the grand ship.
  5222. >"I... I looked up to you, Teacher. You were everything to me. You were perfect... you were the pony I wanted to be! When you made me a Princess, it was the happiest day of my life, because that meant I was one step closer to my dream! But after all that's happened, I... I've come to realize that image I held of you was just the idealized view of a little filly. Look at you now. You're so small, so weak, and so afraid. This ridiculous lie you're telling me now is just another example of that."
  5223. >She shakes the tears away.
  5224. >"I thought you were perfect, but you're just another pony like the rest of us. Sometimes you don't know what to do. Sometimes you make mistakes. And now that I'm able to see your limitations for what they are, I can surpass you and become an even better pony. I... I can even become the best pony! Nothing is beyond my reach!"
  5225. >Her laughter returns, the wind carrying it all around you. Eventually she brings a hoof to her mouth to try to stifle it somewhat.
  5226. >"And really, now. Implying that the Shard has some sort of hidden ulterior motive... even if it were true, despite being completely preposterous, how could you possibly know that?"
  5227. >"Because you are not the first to fall into this trap, Twilight!" Celestia shouts back, her eyes never leaving those of her former student. "I have seen it once before with another. He too was shown a false future and compelled to build something terrible to realize it! I know I taught you to always be inquisitive, and to always seek truth through knowledge, but there are some things in this world which are best left alone! That I didn't impart that lesson to you is my failing, but please, hear me now and stop this! It's not too late!"
  5229. >Twilight shakes her head before turning away from her mentor. "I won't. Not when I'm this close to having him. Not when I'm standing upon the dawn of a new age. Because unlike you, I'm not afraid..."
  5230. >She looks over to you, a soft smile on her face.
  5231. >"Come, Anon my love... come and see this wonderful thing I've made for us. The sun hasn't risen yet, but I can feel it surging in the distance. It wants us to be together. Won't you join me?"
  5232. >You chuckle.
  5233. "Why bother asking? Does my answer even matter to you? You've never listened to me before."
  5234. >Your fingers creep their way to the ship's controls.
  5235. >"That's ridiculous, Anon! I... I always listen to what you say! But in a lot of cases your answers are given without proper consideration of all the pertinent factors, so..."
  5236. "Right. I'm just dumb, so you ignore me. Well, Twilight, here's my dumb opinion. I think your ship is way too dark and edgy. Seriously, gothic themed gray and black with magic glowy shit all over it? No thanks."
  5237. >You glance over to your special somepony, her white coat and strawberry mane and tail standing out in the darkness. Your eyes meet and you give her a wink.
  5238. "I'm a fan of brighter color schemes when it comes to most stuff. No offense."
  5239. >With a flick of your finger, the engines begin to rev up to maximum while still remaining in neutral.
  5240. "And don't get me started on the size. It'd be impossible to park that thing anywhere. And it probably gets shit magic mileage too. With the economy the way it is I don't think I can afford it."
  5241. >Twilight's eye twitches. "Anon... what the buck are you talking about?"
  5242. >You hold your hands up.
  5244. "Yeah, sorry, no deal. You're a good salesmare but I think I'll keep the one I've got. Besides, it kind of has sentimental value to me, you know? And that's something you just can't compete with, even if your model has like a billion more cup holders than mine."
  5245. >Pinkie and Dash snap out of their respective trances to stifle a giggle, and Twilight looks to each of them for a moment with curiosity.
  5246. >"Oh, you're making a joke!" The purple alicorn rears up and clops her hooves together. "Ha ha, funny! But seriously, Anon, that's enough. I'm done playing games."
  5247. "Yeah, me too."
  5248. >You shift into reverse gear at max RPM.
  5249. >And nothing happens.
  5250. >Immediately, you check the engine output gauge and it still reads 50%. What the fuck?!
  5251. >Twilight notices your distress and puffs up her chest with pride. "Problems moving? Don't be so surprised, Anon! The PS-01 'Harbinger' Next Generation Air Fortress has a variety of features and armaments, such as central and lateral stasis arrays capable of holding nearby smaller vessels in place!"
  5252. >You look up and notice two of the windows near the front of the great ship are faintly glowing. Great, she has a fucking tractor beam...
  5253. "Any time now, Dash!"
  5254. >In desperation, you call out to the cyan pegasus in hopes of getting her to fly off and contact Luna like you had originally planned before Autismo showed up with her stupid doomsday ship thing. You can see the light bulb go off over her head before she turns and zooms from the deck, only to immediately smack against an invisible wall like a bird flying headfirst into a sliding glass door. She slides down and flops to the deck with a thump, completely dazed, and Pinkie hops over to tend to her.
  5255. >Twilight looks upon the scene with a slightly incredulous expression. "Uh... what part of 'Stasis Array' did you guys not understand?"
  5257. >You facepalm and massage your temples for a bit before turning toward Celestia.
  5258. "If you have any suggestions, now'd be the time to throw 'em on the table. I'm willing to consider anything."
  5259. >The white alicorn tears her gaze away from a random point in the distance to turn to you.
  5260. >"...I'd suggest that you all hold on to something."
  5261. >Before you can get a clarification of what she's talking about, a massive blue beam of energy rips through the air and impacts the side of the Harbinger, pushing the gigantic vessel away while simultaneously breaking its hold on the Dawn Star. The ship immediately begins rocketing backwards once you're freed from the stasis field and you struggle to return the controls to neutral in order to regain your bearings...
  5262. >Celestia trots over as you bring the ship to a stop several thousand feet away from the recovering Harbinger. With a smile, she closes her eyes hums:
  5263. >"Your timing is impeccable as always, Lulu."
  5264. >You look to the west, where several new shadows are now visible in the pre-dawn sky. Their familiar shapes become more and more defined as they approach, and you can't help but laugh as the realization hits you.
  5265. "You know... I never thought I'd be as happy to see a bunch of military airships in the sky as I am right now!"
  5266. >Celestia places her head on your shoulder and sighs. "Yes, in the past they've been problematic, but they're certainly a welcome sight today."
  5267. >You recognize most of the silhouettes as the standard airships of the Equestrian Armada. Though each individual ship is slightly larger and far slower than the Dawn Star, the difference in firepower is absurd. While you only have two small cannons so kindly donated by Pinkie, these military cruisers sport twelve, with two air torpedo tubes for direct anti-airship combat. Needless to say, they're way better equipped to deal with Twilight's little pet project than you are.
  5269. >However, what really draws your attention to their approach is the massive shadow floating in the center of the group. This can be none other than the Concordia, the flagship of the Equestrian Royalty. At nearly 1000 feet in length when including its helium frame, the great superliner absolutely dwarfs the surrounding military ships, though it's still a fair bit smaller than the stone monstrosity slowly reorienting itself near the storm's eastern edge.
  5270. >Speaking of which, you pull a pair of binoculars from the pilot's console and point them toward the now distant Harbinger. Twilight's former perch atop the bow is now empty, with the purple pony princess nowhere to be found. This makes you slightly nervous as you prefer your psychotically obsessive alicorns where you can see them...
  5271. >"Ugh! It's just one interruption after another!"
  5272. >You nearly jump backwards in utter fear at the sight of Twilight standing on the deck mere feet away from you. Thankfully Cel's position directly behind you prevents you from falling on your ass long enough for you to notice the strange distortions running across Twilight's body. Your panic fades and your pulse slows down once you recognize that it's only a projection of her instead of the real deal.
  5273. >A similarly-distorted image of Luna appears nearby, her angry, completely serious gaze directed at her sister and you by proxy.
  5274. >"You must tell us what you know of this at once, Celosia! We-- TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" The Princess of the Night's eyes widen in shock when she catches a glimpse of Twilight's projection.
  5275. >She smiles in return. "Oh, hello 'sister'! You're just in time for the unveiling of my latest creation! Though that random magic burst was a bit mu--"
  5276. >"SILENCE!"
  5277. >Everyone cringes at Luna's outburst. Damn, even when she's not physically here, her voice can be loud enough to melt your brain...
  5279. >"You shall explain, in precise detail, what it is you have done with the Dark Star Shard. You shall return the Shard to us so that it might be sealed away once again. You shall stand by while we erase this abhorrent thing now before us..." Her eyes narrow even further. "And for the final time, that we are now considered peers does -NOT- make us sisters!"
  5280. >The little alicorn's ears fold back and she looks away. "Oh. I... I thought if anypony would appreciate my work with a new form of magic, it might be you. But in the end you're just as afraid of progress as Celestia. I suppose it's not all that surprising that you would be considering your long absence..."
  5281. >The dark alicorn scowls. "The only progress to be made from the Shard will lead to ruin. But perhaps it is too much to expect a mere infant such as thee to understand such a thing..."
  5282. >Celestia trots out from behind you to address her sister. "She has been blinded by the Shard just as Balios was, Luna. I'm afraid we have little choice in how to address the matter."
  5283. >Luna's cyan eyes dart over to Celestia, but her scowl doesn't fade. "'We', Celosia? No, we don't believe you have any place to speak here, as was your desire, so you shall be silent." She turns back to Twilight. "This will be your final warning. Relinquish the Shard and abandon this monstrosity so that it may be destroyed. We will not tell thee again."
  5284. >Twilight giggles. "You won't need to, because I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. You said it yourself; we're peers now. You don't have the authority to order me to do anything," she taps her chin with a hoof, head tilted up in thought. "In fact, this is an excellent opportunity for a field trial! I'll be able to demonstrate to Anon how amazing what I've created for us is, and I can show you why it makes our current technology obsolete, Luna! It's win-win!"
  5286. >Once again, the purple alicorn rears up and clops her hooves together with joy. Luna merely turns away.
  5287. >"Very well, Twilight Sparkle. Thou hast made thy choice and must now bear the consequences."
  5288. >She takes a few steps toward the ship's rail, then surprisingly turns to address Celestia.
  5289. >"Remember well what she has chosen. We trust there will be no objections in the aftermath."
  5290. >With another step, the image of the Night Princess fades away.
  5291. >"Be sure to watch closely, Anon~!" Twilight beams at you one last time before her image fades as well, leaving you and Celestia alone on deck with Pinkie and the still-dazed Rainbow.
  5292. >You place a hand on Sun Horse's withers as you watch the Equestrian Armada approach.
  5293. "Well, now what do we do?"
  5294. >"Luna is right. We have no place in this, so we should keep to a safe distance and leave the matter in her hooves."
  5295. "Do you really think she can handle it? This is Twilight we're talking about. I mean, sure most of her plans are a little autistic, but there's no denying she's really damn smart and cunning when she wants to be."
  5296. >"Yes, that she is. Were it anypony other than Luna I'd be deeply concerned. Twilight's creation seems powerful, true, but do not underestimate the Concordia. Though it was created as a vessel of peace, with an alicorn at the helm it's capable of assuming a much different role."
  5297. >The other ponies join the four of you on deck as you pull further away from where the impending battle will take place. Pinkie digs up all of the spare sets of binoculars on the ship and passes them out along with bags of freshly popped popcorn. You decide not to question when she had time to make it.
  5299. >Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity all take a seat near the ship's bow, with the three fillies held close by their respective sisters. You notice Fluttershy standing in the doorway leading to the bridge, slowly but surely building up the confidence to go join her friends at the rail.
  5300. >Even though you want to be up there with them to get the best possible view, you opt to stay at the controls so you can react as fast as possible just in case something goes wrong. Celestia stays at your side, as does Mac who probably has the same thought. He hoofs over your binoculars after peering into the distance for quite some time, a scowl on his face.
  5301. "So, what's your professional opinion?"
  5302. >"It ain't a ship. Ah dunno what ta call it, but it ain't a ship. No engines, no frame, no stabilizers or fins fer navigation... it's like somepony tossed a castle inta the air without any consideration fer the details."
  5303. >You laugh.
  5304. "That's probably closer to the truth than Twilight would be willing to admit. I still don't understand how the damn thing can even fly in the first place."
  5305. >Celestia shuffles her hooves. "It's likely through the same method the Progenitors used to indefinitely suspend their lost research outposts in the sky..."
  5306. >Memories of the Fifth Trial of Equus start flooding back into your thoughts. That's right... the idea of those huge chunks of obsidian floating amidst the eternal storm made you extremely nervous because you just couldn't wrap your head around how their creators were able to do it. Twilight's Harbinger is actually kind of small compared to those mountain-sized pieces of stone, so maybe the fact that it's floating before you isn't so much of a stretch after all...
  5307. >The white alicorn addresses the both of you while peering into the distance with her own pair of binoculars.
  5309. >"You're absolutely right; I wouldn't call Twilight's creation a ship. It's more like a Progenitor spellbook in the form of a building. The runes which cover it are proof enough... it has no need for engines or stabilizers; they'd simply be redundant. The series of spells inscribed across its surface are more than enough..."
  5310. >You peer with her into the distance as Luna's fleet closes in on the imposing but stationary vessel.
  5311. "Just a big spellbook, huh...?"
  5312. >Yeah, that's typical Twilight Sparkle. Want to impress your crush? Build a giant fuckin' book. Really, who could resist?
  5313. >You want to laugh, but the underlying surge of fear beginning to settle in the pit of your stomach makes it difficult.
  5314. >Maybe it's because, yet again, there's a conflict about to play out that's going to decide your future, and you know you're powerless to do anything about it. All you can do is watch and hope that Luna knows what the hell she's doing.
  5315. >You raise your binoculars again and train them on the Concordia, the great ship's many lights acting like a shining beacon in the dark...
  5317. ~~~~~~~~~
  5319. >"Distance 3500. Target remains stationary."
  5320. >The Princess of the Night coldly regards the abominable creation before her through the reinforced windows of the Concordia's bridge. The surrounding ponies, all members of the Night Guard, remain silent, nervously waiting for their Princess' orders. Though they're no strangers to Luna's brooding moods, in this particular case most of the officers are afraid to speak even a whisper lest she turn her building anger toward them.
  5321. >"...Wing A will move forward for a bombardment. Wing B will ready torpedoes should the target deign to move. The Concordia will remain here, with all armaments at the ready."
  5322. >"Yes, Your Highness!"
  5324. >The ponies on the bridge begin to carry out their respective tasks without hesitation. Orders are quickly relayed to the rest of the fleet while the Concordia's commanders prepare her own offense.
  5325. >By its outward appearance, it's easy to mistaken the ship for merely being one of the world's largest luxury superliners. As the official mode of long distance transportation for the Equestrian Royalty, no expense was spared, and stepping inside is akin to entering a grand five-star resort. Many diplomatic meetings with world leaders have occurred in its staterooms, and the many ballrooms have held countless lavish parties for the Nobility. But beneath all the pomp and splendor lies perhaps the most powerful weapon in Equestria's arsenal.
  5326. >Hidden away behind the ship's gold-lined outer decorative paneling are 24 standard cannons, 4 heavy cannons and 8 air torpedo tubes, giving it more combined firepower than any airship built to date. Though deemed excessive by some, especially when Equestria attempts to preach peace in all its dealings, in a world with war-hungry griffons and minotaurs, irate dragons, hydras, mythical beasts and other unmentionable monsters clawing at the gates of Tartarus, speaking softly while carrying a big stick is sometimes the most prudent policy.
  5327. >And there is no bigger proponent said policy than Princess Luna, who spearheaded the Concordia's construction shortly after her return from exile. Her cyan eyes watch as the first battle group moves into firing range of the enemy vessel. She knows, through experience, that though her sister has a kind heart and always looks for the best in others, there are some who will only be brought to understanding through submission, such as this arrogant little foal of an alicorn and her dangerous toy...
  5328. >"Wing A, within firing range!"
  5329. >The dark alicorn closes her eyes and breathes out.
  5330. >"Begin."
  5332. >Immediately, sixty cannons across five ships ring out, breaking the silence and filling the sky with light. The Harbinger shows no sign of movement as it weathers the punishment, explosions rippling across its hull and smoke starting to obscure it from view.
  5333. >Luna's eyes narrow. "Wing B, fire torpedoes."
  5334. >"Understood, Your Highness! Wing B, torpedoes away!"
  5335. >Ten air torpedoes streak toward the gathering black cloud from the second group of airships waiting nearby. The weapons, though much slower than a cannon's projectile, are far more destructive by several orders of magnitude and capable of limited magical guidance. A single torpedo hit is a guaranteed kill against a standard airship, and all ten find their mark on the Harbinger, painting the sky with a display of light so grand that for an instant some of the ponies still in Canterlot's streets mistaken it for the risen sun.
  5336. >"Hold."
  5337. >The din of the cannons ceases, with only the echoes of prior explosions still sounding out through the cold winter sky. All the ponies watch intently as the shining light and thick smoke obscuring their target begins to disperse...
  5338. >...Only to reveal the great vessel, completely unharmed and surrounded by a deep purple magical barrier which shines for an instant before flickering and fading away.
  5339. >A pall of stunned silence hangs over the bridge. A few of the officers risk a glance over to their Princess, only to find her expression unreadable as she taps one of her hooves in thought.
  5340. >With a spark of light, the familiar distorted image of Twilight Sparkle appears before Luna, a radiant smile on the smaller alicorn's face.
  5341. >"As you can see, conventional weapons have no effect. The entirety of the Harbinger is protected by a Level 8 magical ward, constantly channeled via the integrated Arcane Resonance Chamber, or ARC for short. I don't even need to be present for it to function! Isn't that amazing?"
  5343. >The Night Princess yawns. "Not particularly. We expected as much."
  5344. >Twilight's smile fades somewhat. "...Oh. Well, you seem confident now, but I think you'll change your mind once you see what else I have in store!"
  5345. >With a somewhat maniacal giggle, her image fades away once again.
  5346. >"...Recall both groups to rally behind the Concordia. We shall be moving to the focal dais. Captain Haze."
  5347. >A batpony stallion salutes. "Highness!"
  5348. >"You shall be in charge of the bridge in the interim. Maintain a defensive formation until further ordered."
  5349. >"Understood!"
  5350. >With a swish of her tail, Luna turns and leaves the bridge, heading to a secret room buried deep within the ship's countless winding corridors...
  5352. ~~~~~~~~~
  5354. >You jaw nearly hits the deck as the smoke clears and the massive stone ship remains unharmed.
  5355. "You've got to be fucking kidding me..."
  5356. >The rest of the ponies around you are in a similar state of shock. Once the battle started, you couldn't resist getting a better look and were drawn away from the controls to the rail to take a seat with the rest of the crew. As always, Celestia is by your side, her magenta eyes following the action intently.
  5357. >"...It's not unexpected. With the amount of magical energy running throughout the vessel, a barrier being present was a near certainty. Luna's merely testing the limits to see how best to approach the situation from here."
  5358. >Applejack looks over to the white alicorn, her little sister held close in her hooves. "The Princess ain't gonna hurt Twilight, is she...? With all this cannon fire an' torpedoes, an' warships an' whatnot flyin' around ah'm startin' ta get worried..."
  5359. >You can see the others turn their attention to the bigger pony, looks of concern on their faces.
  5361. >Celestia smiles and shakes her head. "No. Regardless of how bad things get, Luna will not harm her if she can avoid it. Though on the outside she appears to be overly serious and severe, I can assure you underneath that bravado rests a gentle, if somewhat mischievous heart. I imagine she's actually having fun playing with Twilight like this."
  5362. >Rarity looks down at Sweetie Belle and combs out a tangle she spots in her mane with a levitated hairbrush. "Well, as odd as that sounds, she is your little sister and you know her best..."
  5363. >Rainbow shrugs, the motion nearly toppling the little orange pegasus perched atop her head. "Yeah, plus Twilight's pretty tough when she wants to be. I'm sure she'll be fine."
  5364. >"Yep, yep!" Pinkie nods with a smile.
  5365. >"I... I hope so..." Fluttershy mutters before looking away.
  5366. >"Looks like they're regroupin'."
  5367. >You turn your attention back to the action at the sound of the stallion's voice to see the smaller airships starting to move away to safer positions. The Concordia itself begins to pull forward and the Harbinger responds, moving toward the distant battle group at a glacial pace. It's so slow you have to really focus to notice it's even moving at all...
  5368. "...Huh. That's weird. For some reason I expected it to be really fast."
  5369. >Mac chuckles. "It ain't even got engines're anythin' so ah don't know where you got that idea from." He glances over to Celestia. "If it wants ta move at all it needs ta use spells, right?"
  5370. >"That's right," she replies. "I can see some of the runes inscribed near the back are related to manipulating the wind and were likely intended for propulsion. But to move an object of that size using the wind alone..."
  5371. "Yeah, it can't be easy."
  5372. >"But... but..." Fluttershy squeaks, drawing everyone's attention. "If the ship is so slow, how was it able to reach us so soon after we came out of the clouds?"
  5374. >Hey, wait a minute, that's a really good point. How did Twilight...?
  5375. >You hear that distinct sound resembling the ocean and thunder rumble in the distance once again, and everyone suddenly falls silent. Where the great stone ship once hovered in the boundless pre-dawn sky is now a sheen of light black mist, which quickly wisps away to reveal only the shining stars beyond...
  5376. >You hear murmurs of disbelief from the assembled ponies as they search for any sign of the now vanished Harbinger.
  5377. >Mac rubs his eyes as he peers around. "Am... am ah seein' this right? What in tarnation..."
  5378. "Yeah... it's really gone. Don't ask me how."
  5379. >Celestia shakes her head in disbelief. "It's typical Twilight. Instead of addressing the issue she decided to bypass it entirely."
  5380. >You turn to Sun Horse, her ears folded back with worry.
  5381. "What do you mean?"
  5382. >"Instead of attempting to craft a spell that would be able to move it at a decent speed under its own power, she's opted to use short-range teleportation magic to transport the entire ship where she pleases in quick bursts. It's a tremendous waste of energy, but for Twilight it likely makes perfect sense. Even as a filly, her immense latent magical power skewed her understanding of how to properly manage and conserve one's magical reserves. She'd use vast amounts of magic to accomplish the simplest of tasks, because she believed if it was available to her, why not utilize it?"
  5383. >Applejack perks up. "Oh. Ya mean like how she kinda teleports around all over the place fer no good reason sometimes?"
  5385. >Celestia chuckles. "Yes, that's one example. Most unicorns find teleportation an extremely taxing spell to cast, but she does it with ease. If you were to describe an average unicorn's magical capacity as a bucket of water, Twilight's capacity would be that of an entire well... not infinite, but seemingly boundless to most. And now, after her ascension, it's only increased, though how much is difficult to say."
  5386. >You think back to what Twilight told you during the wedding about how draining her power was like emptying the ocean into a bunch of buckets. At the time you thought she was bluffing, but to see her able to pull off stuff like this...
  5387. >"Whoa! What the hay?!"
  5388. >Rainbow's outburst pulls your attention back to the sky just in time to see a multitude of thin dark clouds from the storm below you rise up like lances to impact several of the armada's airships. The cloudy spears crash against their hulls like waves upon the shore and coat them with a strange black mist. While the impacts don't seem to cause any direct damage, it quickly becomes apparent that the affected ships are having difficulty maintaining their speed as they attempt to flee...
  5390. ~~~~~~~~~
  5392. >The nearby intercom crackles. "Your Highness, forgive the interruption but there's been a development."
  5393. >Princess Luna opens one eye, her concentration broken. "Is that so? Report."
  5394. >"Several retreating vessels in both Wings have reported being struck by an unknown energy weapon. Though they're indicating no damage, the engine output of the affected ships is falling rapidly, and re-tuning seems to have no effect. At the current rate, they'll be completely unable to move in roughly three minutes."
  5395. >"A weapon forged of that accursed storm... have the affected ships retreat as far as they are able. Has the enemy re-emerged yet?"
  5396. >"No, Your Highness."
  5398. >The Princess frowns. "Hiding within the clouds... how cowardly, Twilight Sparkle. We expected better of thee."
  5399. >With a yawn, she stretches in the center of the great empty room, and her countless reflections from the perfectly curved mirrored walls move with her.
  5400. >"Captain Haze, open the shutters."
  5401. >"Right away, Your Highness," the intercom crackles again before falling silent.
  5402. >There's a cold rush of air as the panels of the room's far wall fold back and pull away to reveal the vast sky beyond. The alicorn's mane and tail flutter wildly in the wind as her cyan eyes regard the scene before her.
  5403. >The dark clouds continue to swirl below, while the light of the not yet risen sun shines directly in the east. It highlights the frames of the unfortunate ships in Wings A and B that were struck by the strange weapon. They limp toward the Concordia's position, their turbines barely turning now that their engines are starting to fail.
  5404. >Luna's hoof taps the mirrored floor in annoyance. "Our patience is wearing thin. SHOW THYSELF!"
  5405. >The Princess' Canterlot Voice rings out above the sound of the wind, then fades away to nothing. The reply comes quickly in the form of a crashing clap of thunder followed by an explosion of dark mist which dissipates to reveal the Harbinger once again. Strange purple lights shine within its wings, and in an instant multiple bolts of lightning leap from the vessel toward the fleet's crippled airships. They penetrate each ship's helium frame with surprisingly surgical precision for such a chaotic element, the damage inflicted in such a way that the frames can't be easily field patched. The affected ships immediately begin to lose altitude and plunge into the storm below as their helium escapes, leaving only a clear swath of sky between the Harbinger and the fleet's remnants.
  5407. >The intercom crackles to life again, Captain Haze's desperate voice distorted by static.
  5408. >"Wing A has been wiped out! Wing B, units 1, 3, and 4 sinking! We just lost eight ships!"
  5409. >Luna sighs. "Remain calm. Are they sinking in a controlled manner?"
  5410. >"Y-Yes, Your Highness!"
  5411. >"Then instruct them to follow protocol and steer to the Canterlot fields to avoid damaging the city. The remaining units of Wing B are to retreat and stay out of the battle. The Concordia is to move to the enemy's port side. Is that understood?"
  5412. >"Yes, understood!"
  5413. >The intercom falls silent again as the ship begins to move, repositioning itself to the Harbinger's port side. Unlike the stone vessel, the Concordia remains amazingly fast for its size courtesy of its eight oversized third generation engines. In no time at all, the Harbinger's profile comes into view, the spinning, rune-covered sphere at its center reflected in Luna's eyes.
  5414. >"Well, what did you think?"
  5415. >The dark alicorn turns her attention to the distorted figure of Twilight Sparkle standing nearby. The smaller alicorn prances around her with pride, her head held high.
  5416. >"In addition to conventional weapons not being able to damage the ship, the Harbinger makes use of several types of -new- magical weapons! Storm Torpedoes, as you've seen, have the capability to disrupt the magical engines of ships or temporarily quench the magical fires of dragons, leaving them helpless! And the eight Lightning Cannons are not only faster and more accurate than standard heavy cannons, but they don't require ammunition either!" She rears up and clops her hooves together. "Oh, the field tests are working out even better than I imagined! I can't wait to see Anon's reaction!"
  5417. >Luna rolls her eyes. "Indeed, it is quite an effective demonstration of our Progenitors' most blasphemous designs. Though we admit, we are curious... how does the ship's movement operate?"
  5419. >Twilight perks up. "Oh, it's simple! Thanks to the power of the ARC, the Harbinger can teleport short or long distances depending on the desired destination. It takes time to charge, of course, but if you run the calculations the charge time is offset by the ability to instantly travel to the destination point. It's much faster than moving using conventional engines!"
  5420. >"We see. And this 'ARC' thou speakest of... it would be the sphere in the center of the ship, correct?"
  5421. >"Yes, that's right!"
  5422. >"As we suspected."
  5423. >The Night Princess' horn begins to shine. Twilight giggles in response.
  5424. >"Don't tell me you're going to try to power through the barrier and damage the ARC. It's not possible. That initial high-powered magical blast you struck the ship with earlier did no damage aside from moving it around a bit, so I don't see what you're intending to accomplish here..."
  5425. >Luna smiles. "How fortunate, then, Twilight Sparkle... thou shalt learn something new this day. Sister has always told us of thine eagerness for new knowledge, so we hope this will be to thy liking."
  5426. >Luna's body begins to glow with a pale blue light, which is in turn reflected and amplified by the room's many mirrors. The smaller alicorn has to shield her eyes and turn away at the sight or risk being blinded.
  5427. >"W-What? What's--"
  5428. >The intensity of the magic banishes Twilight's projection before she can finish speaking. Luna closes her eyes and concentrates, pouring more and more magic into the room...
  5430. ~~~~~~~~~
  5432. >To say that the surprising reappearance of the Harbinger and its subsequent sinking of most of Luna's fleet had most of you in shock and / or hysterics would be an understatement. A good wave of panic rolled throughout all present on the Dawn Star's deck at the sight. You would've run back to the controls to get the ship the hell away from here had an outstretched white wing and its pretty alicorn owner not talked you down.
  5433. >But what's happening now, with the great blue light gathering within the Concordia's depths, has you all completely stunned, with the exception of Celestia who watches the proceedings with her full attention.
  5434. "What's happening...?"
  5435. >You ask the question to no one in particular. However, Cel's ears flick when she hears you speak and she calmly answers.
  5436. >"This is the Concordia's great secret. I told you before that with an alicorn at the helm, its role changes. There's a focal dais located within the ship which acts as a powerful magic amplifier. When charged by one of us, it can produce an energy which can reduce even a mountain to mere cinders."
  5437. >You turn to her, mouth agape.
  5438. "...Why in the hell would you guys -ever- need a weapon like that?!"
  5439. >She closes her eyes and sighs. "In truth, it's never been used. But I believe the answer to your question lies before us."
  5440. >Your eyes shift back to the action just in time to see a blinding blue beam of energy, about three times the size of the previous one, fire from the open bay in the Concordia's bow. The purple shield around the Harbinger immediately returns, only to be shredded away by the massive surge of magic as it washes over the great stone ship.
  5442. >It's a direct hit on the central sphere. The energy beam peels large pieces of stone from its surface, erasing some of the runes there and causing others to flicker and fade, but it doesn't manage to penetrate the armored exterior before dissipating. The Harbinger is left scorched and scarred in the sky, pushed even further away from you by the attack. The wind runes positioned across its wings shine with a teal light as it attempts to reorient itself and recover, but it seems Luna has other plans.
  5443. >The Concordia turns to face the Harbinger's new position, then charges forward as the blue light within begins to shine once more. Again, the great energy beam fires and again it finds its mark upon the sphere. The defensive purple shield is washed away before it can even fully form, causing the ship's structure to face the full force of the destructive power directed against it.
  5444. >This time, the damage extends far beyond mere surface scratches. The beam punctures a hole at its closest point of impact, allowing the magical energy to flood inside the sphere before it dissipates. Though there's no discernable exit wound, the large spider-web cracks beginning to form across its surface don't bode well for its continued structural integrity. The many magical runes are randomly flickering now, as if they were individual light bulbs in a malfunctioning traffic sign, and the ship wavers in place, seemingly unable to properly level out and remain stationary. It's clear now that another hit will likely cleave the great vessel apart.
  5445. >"Holy. Buck." The cyan pegasus is the first among you to speak, and a purple tail smacks her in the side, "OW! Hey!"
  5446. >"Watch your language! There are fillies present!" Rarity gestures to Scootaloo, who still remains perched atop Rainbow's head. You doubt she even heard it considering the stars in her eyes and the fact that she's just muttering 'So. Awesome.' over and over again.
  5448. >Celestia giggles and then nudges you with her wing. "See? I told you Lulu would be more than capable of handling the situation."
  5449. "Yeah... I guess you were right."
  5450. >"Not only that," Mac drawls, "but she managed ta push the ship out away from the city, so when it breaks apart it won't hurt anypony. Yer Sis's a sharp one all right."
  5451. >The white alicorn nods, a smile on her face. "Yes, that she is."
  5453. ~~~~~~~~~
  5455. >Twilight watches in horror as the Concordia bears down on her for one final followup attack, its great energy weapon nearly charged. If her previous observations hold true, it takes roughly 103.25 seconds from the moment the last burst dissipates before it can fire again. It should be... no, it -WILL- be enough time...
  5456. >Just as the light from the enemy ship's bow shines its brightest, Twilight initiates the teleport. The Harbinger vanishes, moving to the safety of the storm clouds once again. It's not a permanent solution; far from it, but it will buy her the time she desperately needs to form a plan.
  5457. >She sighs and runs a charge of energy through her horn, casting a basic scan spell. It still somewhat hurts for her to use magic after breaking the Geas at the wedding, but she needs information! She winces in pain as the spell completes.
  5458. >The findings are grim. The ship is falling apart. It's not so much the physical damage sustained that matters, it's the incantations themselves that are breaking down. If this continues, the vessel will fall out of the sky in roughly half an hour, whether Luna intervenes again or not.
  5459. >"I don't understand... I... I did everything right, didn't I?"
  5460. >The little alicorn sniffles and blinks away a few tears in the quiet but lonely bridge.
  5462. >"Every future I saw brought Anon and me together. Every single one. It's... it's not statistically impossible that I happened to live out one that didn't, but it -is- improbable based on the sample size, so I don't understand..."
  5463. >She shakes her head, a few unintentional chuckles escaping her lips.
  5464. >"You've really bungled this one, haven't you, Twilight? What can you do? Luna knows where you are, and she'll start breaking the storm apart with magic soon. You can't dodge her attack, you can't block it, and you can't teleport far enough away to make a difference... it's hopeless, isn't it?"
  5465. >She turns and trots away, ears folded back and lost in her thoughts. Her hooves carry her to the Arcane Resonance Chamber, and what she sees there causes her to burst into hysterical laughter. She laughs, and laughs, and laughs until the tears start to fall.
  5466. >It's a wreck. The damage is irreparable. Maybe there'd be a way if she had her full power, but as things stand, the end of the Harbinger's maiden voyage is fast approaching. The giant hole in the upper portion of the sphere and the pieces of the structure still breaking off and falling inside are a testament to that fact.
  5467. >She sniffles again, but oddly can't stop smiling for some reason.
  5468. >"Maiden voyage... tonight was supposed to be -my- maiden voyage. I... I was supposed to be married! I was supposed to present this ship, and my maidenhood, to him! It was all for him!!"
  5469. >The alicorn princess collapses in the chamber, the tears falling freely.
  5470. >"But she wouldn't allow it... she wouldn't allow it... she wouldn't allow it... AND SHE'S NOT PERFECT!! She's lazy... she doesn't strive, every single -bucking- day, to better herself! To be more, to learn more... she doesn't deserve him, she barely knows him, yet she loves him so much I can't... how, how, how, -HOW- is it possible?!"
  5472. >Her voice echoes throughout the chamber, but no reply is heard. The little alicorn shakes her head and leans against one of the walls as she lets out a deep sigh.
  5473. >"Maybe... maybe I'll never know why. Maybe this is the one answer I'll never be able to find. 'You're not good enough.' I... I should probably just accept it. It just -is-, Twilight, and the 'why' doesn't matter..."
  5474. >A piece of the upper portion of the sphere breaks off and crashes to the ground nearby, startling her from her thoughts. As she recovers, her eyes meet the Shard still resting upon its pedestal in the chamber's center. On a whim, she trots over to it, her violet eyes reflecting its deep crystalline surface.
  5475. >"If only I could've seen all you had to offer me. I know I only scratched the surface... "
  5476. >Her eyes close and her horn begins to glow, surrounding the Shard in a soft ruby aura.
  5477. >"Luna will take you away from me in the end, to cast the great knowledge you hold back into obscurity out of fear. But just one last time... show me my future. Even if it's a lie like Celestia says, I want to see myself with Anon just one last time..."
  5478. >There's a hum of magic in the air as the vision begins. Though she can't see it, the Shard begins pulling the light around it away into the ether, ever so slightly. The effect fades as the alicorn opens her eyes and stumbles back in disbelief, fresh tears streaming down her face.
  5479. >"There's... there's a way..." She wipes the tears away with a forehoof and laughs. "That's so cruel, to show me there's a way when it's only a lie..."
  5480. >She doesn't want to believe, but already her eyes are scanning the room looking for the signs she was shown in the vision. And one by one...
  5481. >"There's a way... there's a way... THERE'S A WAY!!"
  5482. >With a beat of her wings, she takes to the air and exits through a side passage to return to the bridge. The Dark Star Shard remains in its place on the pedestal, faintly shining in the room's ever-dimming artificial lights...
  5484. ~~~~~~~~~
  5486. >Princess Luna channels a very different spell as she stands upon the Concordia's focal dais. Instead of her magical energy beam, she concentrates on manipulating the wind to break apart the storm, using a combination of unicorn and pegasi magic to accomplish the task. It's much more difficult than usual due to the storm's magical nature, but visible progress is being made and sure enough, what was once an unbroken dark vortex is beginning to whittle down to nothing. As the clouds fade away, Canterlot's eastern quarter comes into view along with the vast fields adjacent to the mountain where most of the fleet crash landed after Twilight's attack.
  5487. >The Princess of the Night's cyan eyes scan the clouds as yet another section of the storm breaks off and wisps away. There aren't many places left where the Harbinger can hide now. As she moves to start on the next section, the telltale sound of the ship's teleportation rings out, and it's suddenly before her.
  5488. >The Princess smiles. "Ah, so you finally reveal yourself, Twilight Sparkle. We hope you are ready to end this game and return the Shard to us..."
  5489. >Her magically-amplified voice easily travels to the nearby ship, but no reply comes back.
  5490. >"Twilight Sparkle, we tire of this--"
  5491. >The Harbinger's eight lightning cannons fire, but the bolts safely dance off the light cyan shield that forms around the Concordia's frame. Luna shakes away the momentary dizziness caused by fast casting the barrier spell before laughing with glee.
  5492. >"A most pitiable effort! Though we do admire the boldness present in thy attempt!"
  5493. >She begins to charge the beam spell, the light swirling all around her and reflecting upon the dais...
  5494. >And then the screams begin.
  5496. >Countless shrieking pony spirits spill forth from the hole in the Harbinger's central sphere, moving with unholy speed toward the Concordia and a surprised Princess Luna. Her position within the focal dais and her concentration upon the beam spell prevents her from dodging as one enters the ship through the opened shutters and passes through her chest. She cries out and collapses, the immense pain freezing up all of her senses. With a spark and a nearly deafening high-pitched noise, the spell she was channeling misfires and the energy meant to be directed toward the Harbinger begins to flow back into the ship itself, shattering the many mirrors around the dais and surging into the vulnerable superstructure.
  5497. >She can feel the vessel shudder as her vision fades and she loses consciousness...
  5499. ~~~~~~~~~
  5501. >You're powerless and can do nothing but watch as the hull of the Concordia grotesquely distorts before being nearly torn in half by the radiating magical energy flowing from the bow section. A series of explosions cascade across the frame as the onboard ammunition stores ignite and thick clouds of smoke begin to billow from the ship's many fatal wounds.
  5502. >"Oh my goodness..."
  5503. >"No..."
  5504. >"LUNA!!"
  5505. >The ponies around you all cry out in horror, but Cel nearly jumps over the rail in an attempt to aid her sister. Only a quick tackle from you that ultimately brings her to the deck stops her, though she struggles against you the entire time.
  5506. >"Let me go, Anon! I have to reach Luna!"
  5507. "Stop it! You can't fly, remember?!"
  5508. >Rainbow jumps up, flaring her wings. "Maybe she can't, but I can! I'll-- what the hay, get off!!"
  5509. >Your hand reaches out to grab her colorful tail, pulling her back to the deck before she can get going.
  5511. "Shut up and listen to me! You can't go out there, there's goddamn ghosts all over the thing! If you get touched by one 'em you're probably gonna pass out and fall to your death!"
  5512. >Applejack removes her hat and tears her eyes away from the scene, focusing the emerald orbs on you. "Well... we've gotta do -somethin'-! If we don't..."
  5513. >Rarity peers over the rail, a look of terror on her face. "The... the ponies in the city will be..."
  5514. >The great airship begins to capsize and fall toward the earth below. You follow its course with your eyes and there's no doubt about it... if it continues like this it'll crash right into the eastern edge of Canterlot.
  5515. >This is bad. What do you do? What -can- you do? The Harbinger and ghosts surrounding it are one thing, but what could you do to stop the Concordia even if you managed to get near it?
  5516. >As if on instinct, you touch the Orb of Ascension, still safely held in your jacket's pocket.
  5517. "She's right, Cel. We have to do something..."
  5518. >The white alicorn's gaze meets yours, and what you find within her beautiful magenta eyes nearly causes your heart to quake.
  5519. >The conflict within her expression is so deep it leaves your breathless. At the same time, she pleads with you to both give her the Orb so that she can save her sister, and to never give her the Orb because she fears, from the depths of her heart, all that will come after. Her indecision travels between you and roots your feet in place; your legs now unable to move even if you wanted them to.
  5520. "I..."
  5521. >Your hand reaches into your pocket and you see her breath hitch.
  5522. "I'm..."
  5523. >Your palm wraps around the soft fabric incasing the stone.
  5524. "I'm sorry."
  5525. >It's all you can think to say as you focus your will and move toward her. She's nearly crying, but she doesn't turn away from you as you approach.
  5526. >You hold the Orb out to her, its incredible magic almost palpable, even to you, and the world goes white.
  5528. ~~~~~~~~~
  5530. >Luna's eyes flutter open, only to shut again as the smoke clouds them. The first sensation to return is the freezing pain in her chest, as if an icicle has been driven through her. The second sensation is a slight feeling of weightlessness, which can only mean one thing.
  5531. >"Ah, we are sinking. Wonderful."
  5532. >The pain she feels is very nostalgic, but she ignores it for now, opting instead to reach a hoof out to the nearby intercom, which surprisingly still works.
  5533. >"Captain Haze. Status report."
  5534. >The radio crackles a bit, and the stallion's distorted voice answers back. "Your Highness! Thank the Moon you're safe! We're currently sinking, and we can't control our path! All non-essential staff have evacuated to the lifeboats as per protocol!"
  5535. >Luna smiles. It's nice to have experienced, competent officers on hoof in situations like these. Indeed, one thing she'll never understand about her sister is her insistence on sending a rag-tag group of arguably neurotic mares to address some the Kingdom's biggest crises...
  5536. >"Very good. Have you determined where we will impact?"
  5537. >"Yes, Your Highness, though we're trying to avoid it, we're on a collision course with the Eastern Quarter residential district."
  5538. >Luna's smile fades. "And what is the status of the evacuation on the ground we ordered?"
  5539. >"Only 75% complete, Your Highness."
  5540. >She sighs. "We see. Well done staying at your post given the situation, Captain, but all remaining staff are to evacuate effective immediately."
  5541. >"Understood. Your Highness, do you need assistance? Should I send a team to you?"
  5542. >"'Tis unnecessary. Simply see to it that everypony on the ship is safe, and do not trouble yourself over Canterlot."
  5543. >"I... I see. As you command."
  5545. >The intercom crackles again before shorting out, one of the small fires nearby likely claiming a critical piece of it.
  5546. >Luna pushes past the pain and staggers to her hooves, which is slightly difficult due to the now less-than-level floor and the angle at which the ship is tilted. She looks down to her chest to see the black splotch from where the ghost passed through her and she grits her teeth in anger.
  5547. >"Accursed spirits... how dearly we wished we'd never have to encounter thee again. Your punishment over this matter shall be severe, Twilight Sparkle..."
  5548. >She turns to see the streets of Canterlot approaching through a hole in the frame. There's not much time left. She glances around, the shattered mirrors of the focal dais shining in the firelight, and rolls her eyes at the sight.
  5549. >"Of course the dais would be destroyed. Verily, we cannot make things easy for fair Princess Luna, now can we?"
  5550. >The alicorn's horn begins to shine as she pours vast quantities of magic into a spell. She doesn't stop when the incantation completes, instead supplementing it with more and more power; as much as she can muster.
  5551. >For if this is going to work, she'll need to use -everything-.
  5552. >The ground is fast approaching, but still she channels.
  5553. >Her starry mane and tail fade to their original azure color, but still she channels.
  5554. >It's only when the screams of the ponies trapped in the residential quarter reach her ears that she finally casts the spell, and in a brilliant flash of light the entirety of the Concordia vanishes from the sky without a trace.
  5556. Next Time on Exchange: Forgive Me
  5558. ==================
  5559. ||- Chapter 13 -||
  5560. ==================
  5562. >You instinctively take a step back in response to the blinding flash, cradling the Orb close to your chest with both hands and crouching low to the deck in order to keep it safe. The rest of the ponies follow suit, some crying out in surprise or fear as they avert their eyes.
  5563. >But as quickly as the light appeared, it vanishes once again, as if the sun were suddenly extinguished in the middle of the day. You cautiously open one eye in an attempt to get your bearings, a chorus of shocked pony voices ringing out before your irises can even manage to adjust.
  5564. >"Holy horseapples, it's gone!"
  5565. >"My word!"
  5566. >"Wowsers!"
  5567. >"What in tarnation?!"
  5568. >You blink a few times and turn your head to the portion of the rail where all the crew has gathered. The Harbinger remains in the sky where you last saw it, shrieking pony spirits swirling around the damaged vessel like small gnats near a lamppost at night. At first you're unsure what the ponies are all so distraught over, but then you realize...
  5569. >The section of sky which once held the rapidly sinking Concordia is empty!
  5570. >You rush over to the rail and peer at the portion of the city where the crash would've taken place.
  5571. >Nothing. No signs of damage or any sort of disturbance. A glance through your binoculars reveals not even a single piece of debris on the ground...
  5572. "What the hell just happened?"
  5573. >Unlike the others, Celestia doesn't seem surprised at all as she looks to the crippled airship's last position. The tears which flowed from her beautiful eyes mere moments ago have dried and her expression seems to be a mix of both contemplation and resignation. You open your mouth to speak to her, but before the words can emerge, the day's next surprise decides to make itself known.
  5575. >There's a crackle of energy followed by a short burst of light. A rift opens nearby and to everyone's amazement, out tumbles the Princess of the Night. She crashes into the deck and somersaults forward a few times before coming to a stop near your feet, her limbs splayed in all directions, mane and tail matted and wild as if she just rolled out of bed after getting only an hour of sleep. The rest of the ponies are frozen in place at the sight, save for the white alicorn who begins quickly trotting over to stand at your side.
  5576. >Slowly, Luna lifts her head and blinks her eyes a few times before training them on you.
  5577. >"Move..."
  5578. >She mutters the word in her typical bitchy tone, pausing to shake her head and clear her dizziness away. You cross your arms and frown, biting back the urge to tell her off, when her eyes suddenly snap to attention and she leaps to her hooves, her face mere inches from your own.
  5579. >"Move! Move! Move the ship! MOVE THE SHIP! WE HAVEN'T TIME!!"
  5580. >Celestia steps back in shock. "Lulu... you didn't..."
  5581. >"We had no choice! We needed a suitable nearby focus for the spell! For the love of the Moon, MOVE THE SHIP, APE!!"
  5582. >As much as you hate to admit it, when Luna yells at you to do something you feel a strange compulsion to get it done. You rush over to the ship's controls, still not fully understanding why she's so insistent...
  5583. >...until a huge flaming piece of hull tumbles from somewhere above you, nearly clipping the Dawn Star's prow as it plummets to the earth.
  5584. "HOLY--!!"
  5585. >Without any further doubt or hesitation, you slam the throttle into reverse. The ship rockets backwards at max speed, and as it does the burning mass of the Concordia comes into view once more.
  5586. >Rainbow's jaw drops at the sight. "It was bucking -ABOVE US-?!"
  5587. >"Ah... ah just... how in the hay...?" Applejack falls back on her haunches next to her, completely at a loss.
  5589. >"What did I just say about language?!" Rarity manages to tear her gaze away in order to give both of them a disapproving look before gulping and returning her attention to the spectacle once again.
  5590. >You don't stop moving until you're nearly a mile away from the sinking ship. With the storm now dispersed, all of you have a completely unobstructed view as you watch the great vessel's remains smash into a vast swath of open farmland near Canterlot Mountain's southeastern edge. There's a deafening crash followed by an erupting pillar of earth centered at the point of impact, which sends dirt and debris raining upon the other sunken airships of Luna's fleet and the landed lifeboats from the Concordia arrayed nearby only one field over. A series of small shields appear around the survivors on the ground, the unicorns among them diligently channeling to protect their comrades from the resulting hail of fire, splinters and stones.
  5591. >Yet despite all the carnage, the Princess of the Night closes her eyes and smiles at the sight.
  5592. >"It is done... the city has been spared. For the moment, at least..."
  5593. >Luna releases the breath she was holding and falls back to the deck in utter exhaustion, the adrenaline in her system finally wearing off.
  5594. >"Lulu...!"
  5595. >Celestia kneels by her side, and all the other ponies quickly gather around the collapsed alicorn. For the first time, you notice that the mystical, starry properties of her mane and tail are strangely absent now, leaving what appear to be azure strands of hair in their place, much like Cel's strawberry curls. She takes in large gulps of air for a few moments, her chest heaving, before focusing her gaze on her sister.
  5596. >"Moving... an object... of such a size, including all its separated pieces, is quite taxing without an amplifier. We dearly hope... we won't need to make a habit of this, though knowing your protege we fear this is merely wishful thinking..."
  5598. >Celestia smiles and shakes her head. "She's still young and has much left to learn, so I suspect you're right. Especially when you take our own history into account."
  5599. >The tired alicorn sighs, ears drooping. "Please do not remind us. We don't think we can cope with any more past mistakes resurfacing this day..." She lifts her head and turns it toward the Harbinger, still stationary far in the distance, and Celestia's gaze follows.
  5600. >"It's just like with Balios a millennia ago. The Shard's manipulation of its bearer, the chamber and the emergence of the spirits..."
  5601. >Luna nods. "Indeed, little doubt remains. Though this time the abominable device is married to a powerful mobile weapon which we were unable to destroy. Despite the damage it suffered, it is still far beyond the capability of the military to contain, and with the Concordia lost and our magic nearly exhausted, we fear there is little hope of stopping it."
  5602. >Fluttershy trembles nearby, retreating into her mane. "So... so you're saying there's nothing we can do...?"
  5603. >"But that can't be true! What about Twilight?!" Pinkie pleads, more concern on her face than you think you've ever seen before.
  5604. >Luna flashes the scared ponies a tired smile. "There is little hope, but that does not mean none exists. As long as there are those willing to stand up for the weak, to shepherd the lost, and to teach those who seek truth, the evils of this world shall never prevail."
  5605. >She turns to Celestia, her cyan eyes meeting her sister's own, and her soft smile still present.
  5606. >"There is a story, long lost to the ages, of two scared fillies who swore an oath to do all these things in the face of the insurmountable, despite their inability, ignorance and imperfections. And though they stumbled many times along the way, their resolve forged a lasting harmony that to this day, and through countless trials, remains unbroken. And we are certain that tomorrow still, unbroken it shall remain."
  5608. >A single midnight blue hoof is carefully placed level upon the deck, followed by another, and then two more as the Princess of the Night rises, her legs still shaking from her exhaustion. She nearly stands eye to eye with Celestia now, and you feel like you can almost hear the unspoken words traveling between them. Luna turns away first, stepping toward and then around the white alicorn, stopping just as their shoulders meet. Using the same calm tone, she utters the words:
  5609. >"Sister... thou art needed."
  5610. >Celestia closes her eyes, a similar tired smile forming on her lips.
  5611. >"I know."
  5612. >The two intertwine their necks together in a pony-hug, and again you see the glimmer of tears as they form in your loved one's eyes.
  5613. >"It... must've been difficult to watch your big sister so easily turn away from her responsibilities, especially so soon after your return. Even I was surprised by how deeply I wanted this chance. I suppose I rationalized it away by telling myself it was likely never to come, and then when it finally did I was left unprepared to answer my heart's yearning cry."
  5614. >Luna sniffles as she leans into her sister. "It was disconcerting, yes. We always felt that of the two of us, thou wert the greater in strength of will and devotion to the oath. But despite all that happened, we do not blame thee. Though it angered us, we fully understood thy feelings. After our own rebellion and the thousand years that followed, how could we not?"
  5615. >"I know, Lulu. I suspected as much when you banished me from Canterlot for a hundred years. I recognized it instantly... you weren't punishing me, you were attempting to give me a gift."
  5616. >The smaller alicorn sighs. "Would that you could have had all hundred, but it appears it was not meant to be."
  5617. >Cel's tired smile becomes radiant as she pulls back from the hug and blinks away her tears. She turns to you, those deep, storied eyes meeting your own.
  5619. >"It's alright. Though the time was brief, I can safely say that I enjoyed every minute of it, from the bottom of my heart."
  5620. >She moves until she's standing in front of you now, that deeply conflicted expression from before stealing her smile away.
  5621. >"Anon... my precious human. I don't know how to ask this of you; I dearly wish I didn't, but I..."
  5622. >You place your free hand upon her cheek, brushing a falling tear away with your thumb.
  5623. "It's alright. You don't have to say it."
  5624. >She sniffles and leans into your palm. "I know I told you this would be your choice, and I know I told you I would respect your decision. But Anon, I truly felt that given enough time to reflect, and given that I could properly express my love for you, you would eventually choose to join me. You likely don't understand the fear I hold for the day you'll be taken from me by time. There are many tragedies I've borne, but this... I don't know if I'll ever be able to recover..."
  5625. >You move in and share a tender kiss with her, mixing your breath as you pull apart.
  5626. "A wise mare once told me that since the past is the past and the future is unwritten, we should learn to focus on the present. You just said you enjoyed every minute of our time together, and I feel the same way. If that time really is limited, then let's put fear aside and make the most of it. Remember our promise?"
  5627. >"I remember. And I'll be leaning on you, my human, so please be there to hold me."
  5628. >You chuckle, your fingers dancing through the fringe of her mane.
  5629. "I'll try my best, but you're a pretty big pony, Cel."
  5630. >"Oh. So you're saying I'm fat, then."
  5631. >Though she attempts to assume an annoyed tone, her smile betrays her.
  5632. "I'm saying you're my big pony. And again, it's one of the many, many, many reasons I love you."
  5634. >Your hand trails down her neck and she pulls you into a hug, her one unbandaged wing wrapping you in a soft embrace. You bring your other hand up as you step away, opening your fingers to reveal the Orb of Ascension shining in your palm.
  5635. "You told me to treasure this, and I do. But I treasure you more, and that's why I offer it to you willingly. A treasure for a treasure... a decent exchange, don't you think?"
  5636. >Her hoof reaches forward and hesitantly touches the Orb, which shines even brighter as the magic within it surges. She smiles and blinks a few tears away.
  5637. >"If... if you were to propose to me right now, I'd accept this in place of a ring."
  5638. >You laugh and shake your head, a few unbidden tears of your own escaping.
  5639. "One thing at a time, you crazy horse."
  5640. >She giggles again, then carefully swallows the stone. The surrounding ponies all take a cautious step back as if expecting some kind of huge spectacle to occur, but after several moments there doesn't seem to be any noticeable change in Celestia's appearance. She trots in place, lazily stretching each individual limb, with an unreadable expression on her face.
  5641. >Surprisingly, it's Fluttershy who breaks the uncomfortable silence.
  5642. >"Um... did it work?"
  5643. >The white alicorn doesn't answer. Instead, she curls up on the deck, her back presented to you and a pleading look in her eyes. You immediately recognize what she wants, and even though you don't understand why, her expression compels you to go along with her request. Once again, you walk over and straddle that broad white back and she rises to her hooves. You can feel her muscles move and stretch as she tests them and adjusts herself to your weight before trotting over to the ship's rail where the Harbinger is looming far in the distance.
  5645. >"It's already been proven that my words will not reach her, Anon. I fear that nothing I say at this point will be enough. But you... you can likely sway her heart, which is why I'll need you with me."
  5646. "Okay, but what're you--"
  5647. >She turns her head to address the others.
  5648. >"The rest of you... please keep a safe distance away. It's difficult to predict how she'll react, especially now that the resonance chamber's been damaged."
  5649. >Mac nods. "Don't you worry none, ah'll keep us out'a harm's way."
  5650. >"Thank you," she replies, taking a few steps away from the rail and turning now to her sister. "No slight meant to you, Lulu, but I feel that this night has lasted long enough."
  5651. >Luna smiles, nodding in agreement. "Indeed. 'Tis time to begin the day. Our little ponies yearn for their sun."
  5652. >And then the younger sister's soft smile turns mischievous as her gaze moves to you.
  5653. >"A word of advice. Resist the urge to close your eyes. You shall thank us later."
  5654. >...What?
  5655. >Celestia turns and trots to the opposite rail, this time facing the yellow and orange band of light that divides the land from the sky. She breathes deep of the cool night air, then takes several steps back.
  5656. "Whoa. Whoa, wait a minute, Cel. Don't get any ideas. Your wing's still--"
  5659. >A warm smile forms upon her lips as she turns her head back, her wild strawberry mane dancing in the wind.
  5660. >"Cast your fear aside and lean on me, Anon. I'm here with you, now and forever."
  5661. >Once again, she faces the hidden sun in the distance, her smile undiminished. The horizon's light dances in her eyes as it highlights the stark contrast between her white coat and the many bandages and burns that cover her injured body.
  5662. >Her one good wing twitches, almost daring to flutter, and you feel the other strain against its restraints.
  5663. >You can feel her every movement through your shared contact, and through them you can feel her yearning as she reaches out to some unseen force beyond the veil.
  5664. >A step back, and then another. Her body tenses, and then she is free as she runs and leaps above the rail.
  5666. ~~[ 0:45 ]~~
  5668. >You lose all sense of weight and balance as you both plummet toward the ground below.
  5669. >A scream nearly escapes your lips, but dies in your throat when your attention is captured by the strange warmth radiating from her.
  5670. >The fields near the base of the mountain grow ever closer.
  5671. >The warmth burns the bandages away.
  5672. >You grip her mane ever tighter.
  5673. >You force your eyes to remain open.
  5674. >You trust in her, and two white wings unfurl.
  5676. ~~[ 1:10 ]~~
  5678. >And with a beat of those wings, she levels off at the very last moment, so close to the ground that you can nearly reach out and touch the tall reeds growing in the field below.
  5679. >She doesn't attempt to rise, instead following the contours of Canterlot Mountain's foothills as they pass by underneath you.
  5680. >You glance to the side, and to your amazement her injured wing, its feathers once burned away by the Trials, is now fully healed.
  5681. >The many wounds which once marred her body, gone.
  5682. >You feel a strange sensation in your palms, and turn back to see her mane beginning to shimmer.
  5683. >The strawberry curls, now warm to the touch, lose their definition and melt into one another.
  5684. >You glance behind you to witness her tail leaving a pale pink trail in the sky, as if she were a paintbrush moving across a canvas.
  5685. >A band of cobalt blue emerges, intertwining with the pink, almost indistinguishable from the midnight blue sky.
  5686. >Bright turquoise is next, borne from the other colors with its own distinctive shine.
  5687. >And finally, the cerulean streak appears, the color of the summer sky on a sunny day.
  5688. >The four colors merge and dance together before aligning into their own distinctive bands within her mane and tail, and the warm, familiar ethereal light of your memory is made real once again.
  5689. >The pastel rainbow trail she leaves behind diffuses into the darkness the further she flies, its colors fading away with distance but the sparkling bursts of light within them still lingering in the air like fireflies.
  5690. >You can feel the joy flow through her as she stretches her legs and places them upon the ground, her wings still spread wide and capturing the air, to playfully gallop along before the next beat pulls the both of you just high enough for her hooves to lose contact with the earth.
  5691. >She beats her wings once more and focuses her gaze on the burning horizon, a familiar golden aura encompassing her horn.
  5693. ~~[ 2:52 ]~~
  5695. >Her magic moves through you and into the distance.
  5696. >You can feel it now. The sun pulses with light and life. It mirrors her heartbeat, which in turn mirrors your own.
  5697. >She reaches out, and you feel it.
  5698. >Your own arm reaches too, imitating her magic, even if you're not sure if you can grasp it.
  5699. >She takes hold of the great star, and through her you can feel its weight in your palm.
  5700. >With a grand beat of her wings, she rockets into the sky, straight upward, and pulls.
  5701. >You feel the weight in your hand shift, and you pull as well.
  5702. >You want to help, even if you're not sure you can.
  5703. >With one hand on her mane, and the other thrust downwards toward the horizon, you struggle against the unseen force as she soars higher and higher.
  5704. >And then it shifts...
  5705. >And the sun begins to rise.
  5706. >The light of dawn stretches across the world.
  5707. >As it always has, as it always will.
  5708. >You watch in awe as it pushes the darkness away.
  5709. >The fields come alive, the dew clinging to the reeds sparkling like diamonds.
  5710. >The lights of Canterlot dim as the spires of ivory and gold brighten.
  5711. >The Dawn Star lingers in its rightful place in the clear blue sky.
  5712. >You can feel the eyes of your friends upon you now, even if they're far away. But that's not all...
  5713. >Through this great magic, you feel as if every pony in Equestria is watching the sky.
  5714. >They were waiting for this. They were yearning for the sun.
  5715. >Celestia twirls in the air as she ascends.
  5716. >Her grasp has not wavered. Still she pulls, and still the great orb moves.
  5717. >Higher and higher, following the both of you.
  5718. >She knows where it needs to be. Her body and her heart remember.
  5719. >For over 2,000 years, this has been her sacred duty.
  5720. >And for a moment, you swear you could almost see the memory of the first time she hesitantly reached beyond the sky to capture the sun.
  5722. >You put as much strength as you can muster into your arm.
  5723. >For if you can ease her burden through this, if only a little, you want to try.
  5724. >You lean into her, and you can feel her smile as it moves throughout her body like a wave.
  5725. >"Just a little more, my human..." she whispers to you over the wind.
  5726. >You steel your resolve as she flies ever faster.
  5727. >Your grip tightens along with hers.
  5728. >And then you feel something else... some piece of knowledge that you suddenly come to know intuitively.
  5729. >You know where to place it. You know the path, and her intentions, and you prepare for it.
  5730. >She pulls back, thrusts forward, and releases the star.
  5731. >You heave in tandem with her, casting it toward its destination.
  5732. >It finds its path in the heavens, its perfect place, a corona of light flowing outward.
  5733. >And for the first time in your life, you're able to look upon it directly without being blinded.
  5734. >She opens her wings, the sun acting as a halo surrounding the silhouette of her body.
  5735. >The gaps between her feathers spread the rays of early morning across the open fields to signify the day's beginning.
  5736. >And proclaim the return of Celestia, Goddess of the Sun.
  5738. ~~ [ 4:46 ] ~~
  5740. >After a brief pause, she allows herself to fall upon an updraft, gliding away from the sun, and you tear your gaze away to witness a world transformed.
  5741. >The rivers running through the land sparkle with light as they flow.
  5742. >The shadows of early morning fall across the floors of the nearby forests.
  5743. >The mountains, their proud peaks perpetually covered with snow, seem to shine in the distance.
  5744. >The wispy white clouds making their way through the sky texture the fields below.
  5745. >Flowers open in response to the light. Animals stir, their sense of balance and time restored.
  5746. >And ponies... it's as if you can feel their spirits brighten along with the world around them.
  5747. >But these aren't the only things transformed.
  5748. >The pony before you... your Cel... she's just as she was when you first met her.
  5749. >Her multicolored mane and tail dance in the unseen magical wind.
  5750. >You can feel the raw strength of her magic, nearly boundless, nearly peerless.
  5751. >And you can feel her age as she gazes out across this world she's chosen to shepherd until the end of time.
  5752. >The earth pony, Celosia, is still there, buried. Still a fundamental part of who she was, and who she'll come to be in the future.
  5753. >But she can never return to that life, not matter how much she wishes otherwise.
  5754. >Her emotions flow through you via the odd magical link forged between you by the rising sun, and though that link is fading, they still ring clear in your thoughts.
  5755. >She's proud of what she's done... of this Kingdom she forged together with her sister. She looks down upon it and knows that it is good.
  5756. >But still, in this moment, in the light of the morning she made, she mourns Celosia.
  5757. >Your hand reaches out to pet the side of her neck and she laughs.
  5758. >"It was a beautiful dream while it lasted. Selfish, immature, unrealistic... but beautiful nonetheless."
  5760. >Her eyes wander to the Harbinger and the countless spirits which swirl around it.
  5761. >Yours wander to the fields below, to the sunken airship fleet and the wreckage of the Concordia.
  5762. >Your fingers dance through that ethereal mane, the texture so much different than the strawberry curls you've grown accustomed to.
  5763. "Would you take any of it back?"
  5764. >She shakes her head.
  5765. >"Never. Were I to allow myself to think like that; to think of what I could have or should have done throughout my long life... the weight of my guilt and remorse would never allow me to stand again."
  5766. >She turns in the air and takes wing toward the Harbinger without fear.
  5767. >"All I can do is press on... learn, and attempt to forge each new day better than the last."
  5768. >You feel the warmth of the sun at your back, the wind as it swirls around you, and her sorrow as it slowly diminishes within the light of a newfound hope.
  5770. ~~~~~~~~~
  5772. >"Whoa..."
  5773. >Three little fillies and several mares sit on their haunches at the rail, slack-jawed at the incredible spectacle they just witnessed.
  5774. >Applebloom in particular fights to suppress the feeling of awe that causes her usually talkative mouth to be at a loss for words. Her sister reaches a hoof down and ruffles her mane a bit.
  5775. >"What's the matter, there, Applebloom? You 'n me see the sunrise all the time with the rest of the family durin' harvestin' season."
  5776. >The filly shakes her head, adjusting the bow in her mane with a hoof as she turns back.
  5777. >"Yeah, but never ones like that! I... I dunno, Sis. Miss Celestia was with us fer so long, actin' and laughin' like a normal pony... I guess I just forgot she used ta be a Princess."
  5778. >Luna trots over to the Apple sisters, a playful smile on her muzzle.
  5779. >"Oh? Are Princesses not permitted to be 'normal ponies' too?"
  5780. >Applebloom startles, then retreats behind her sister's forelegs. "N-No, Princess! I didn't mean it like that!"
  5781. >Luna giggles. "Fear not, child. We know. But as you've come to find, in the end we -are- ponies, just like you. We laugh, cry, we feel sadness and joy, and forge friendships, just as you do. Tell us, did you enjoy your time with our Sister?"
  5782. >The filly nods. "I sure did! We went on an adventure and Miss Celestia was super funny and nice ta all of us!"
  5783. >The Princess smiles. "That is good. We are glad she found herself in the company of such wonderful ponies during her time away from the throne."
  5784. >Luna's gaze travels to Applejack, which causes the farmpony to unexpectedly blush. She pulls her hat down a bit and shuffles her hooves.
  5785. >"Thank ya kindly. But Princess Luna, ah have a question, if'n ya don't mind."
  5786. >"Not at all. Anything for a friend of Sister."
  5788. >Applejack turns to the Harbinger, far away but still visible as a black silhouette in the bright blue sky. Her eyes track the alicorn and human as they make their way toward it.
  5789. >"Well, y'all were talkin' like ya knew all about what was goin' on with Twi and that thing out there. All of us're really worried about her and want ta know what we can do ta help!"
  5790. >"Yeah, that's right!" Rainbow adds, butting her way into the conversation. "There's gotta be something we can do!"
  5791. >The rest of the ponies, save Mac who now stands at the ship's controls, begin to crowd around the Princess, who shies away a bit at the attention. She holds up a hoof to silence the excited mares.
  5792. >"Please, calm thyselves. Though the information is considered to be a Royal secret, we suppose we can share it with those present, given that all of thee swear an oath to us to never reveal it to anypony else," her eyes move to Rarity, who immediately flashes back a nervous smile. "And we mean -ANYPONY-."
  5793. >Pinkie hops up and down. "Don't you worry, Boss, er-- uh... Princess! I'm sure they'll all be happy to Pinkie Promise on it! Right, girls?"
  5794. >There are nods of assent and the necessary vows are recited. Satisfied with the proceedings, Luna curls up on the deck and clears her throat.
  5795. >"Very well. The story begins with a great magical crystal called the Dark Star. Forever buried beneath the earth, sealed for all time in a cavern by its makers, it is difficult to describe to those who have never laid eyes on it..."
  5797. ~~~~~~~~~
  5799. >You sail through the air with Cel, the Harbinger's frame looming ever closer. The speed at which you're moving is unreal, and only Celestia's invisible barrier spell prevents you from being ripped from her back as she flies. You can see the spirits come into view, their incorporeal bodies dancing in and out of the ship's hull, and you nervously gulp as the pain you felt from when you were struck in the past creeps up in your memory.
  5800. "So, those ghosts are the same ones from that cavern, right? Why are they here now?"
  5801. >Celestia turns from her steady course toward the ship, instead choosing to ascend above it.
  5802. >"This happened once before with Balios. He was compelled to build a powerful arcane resonance chamber by the Shard. Once it was activated and charged with sufficient magic, the spirits began to appear. We managed to put a stop to his plans before things got any worse, but based on the sorcerer's notes we later retrieved, the true purpose of the chamber was to summon the Dark Star itself to Equestria. He was attempting to use the resonance chamber as an anchor for the same type of Progenitor gateway spell that was cast upon the Wayshrines of the Trials. Though the amount of magical energy required to establish such a gateway is immense, the appearance of the spirits here is a sign that it's near completion and beginning to open..."
  5803. >You grip her mane as she climbs ever higher into the boundless sky.
  5804. "And what happens if she actually manages to bring that thing here?"
  5805. >The alicorn ceases her ascent, hovering in the air with the great stone ship directly below.
  5806. >"It's impossible to say. But the Progenitors sealed it away for a reason, and as one empowered by their magic to help guide this world they left to us, I fully intend to carry out their will in this matter!"
  5808. >She turns and dives straight downward and you immediately yelp and hold on to her for dear life in response. As the two of you near the great ship, you notice the spirits have stopped their seemingly random flying around, instead pooling toward you at a frightening speed. You can feel your stress level rising as your special somepony makes no move to avoid them.
  5809. "Uh, Cel?!"
  5810. >She doesn't slow her descent or alter her course.
  5811. >"Not to worry. With the sun at my back and given the circumstances, there's little reason for restraint!"
  5812. >The alicorn's horn shimmers with a golden aura, and in a bright burst of sunlight that seems to flow from her very body, the black spirits foolish enough to pursue you are effortlessly vaporized. Again, thanks to the strange magic from the sunrise still lingering within you, you find that you're not blinded or otherwise affected by the event, save for a bit of your breath being stolen away.
  5813. >It's been so long, and the nature of your relationship is so different now, that it's easy to forget just how powerful Celestia really was before. But between the sunrise and this, you're witnessing a series of stark reminders that she's one of the strongest creatures to ever walk this world of marshmallow equines that you now call home.
  5814. >And she's completely serious now; far more focused than she was even during the Trials of Equus. You can feel it in her body as she moves, and it's a little scary to witness. You briefly consider cutting back on your teasing of her in the future, but your memory kindly reminds you that avatar of righteous fury or not, she's still your Cel. No matter how much power she wields, she's still sometimes silly, she still can't resist an unguarded cupcake, and she still does in fact have a sense of humor, and a good one at that.
  5816. >Those reassuring thoughts allow you to slightly relax as the two of you near the ship.
  5817. >No, hold that thought, she's glowing now. Maybe it's not the best time to relax yet...
  5818. >A golden sheen of magic begins to encompass her body along with your own as she dives. It looks somewhat familiar, but you can't quite--
  5819. >Oh no. Oh fuck no. It's Luna's beam spell, just with a different color!
  5820. >You quickly begin smacking Sun Horse's withers in a panic in order to succinctly express your thoughts regarding this matter.
  5822. >She fires the beam spell.
  5823. >The experience is surreal. You're -inside- the beam. You don't move from your position upon her back, but your new ability to see through normally blinding flashes of light rewards you with a vision of a great spiral of magic... pure, undiluted magic, directed with exacting precision against the hull of the ship below. It safely swirls around you, leaving you completely unharmed, and you resist the urge to reach out and touch the shimmering light.
  5824. >But as quickly as it appears, the flow of magic ceases as it harmlessly deflects across the newly formed deep purple barrier surrounding the Harbinger. Celestia curses under her breath and sharply adjusts her course before the two of you end up crashing into the ship. She stops and hovers in place a safe distance above the vessel as more spirits begin emerging from the great sphere in its center.
  5825. >"Damn... despite all the damage it suffered, the barrier's still intact. Unless we can find a way through, we'll never be able to disrupt the gateway's formation within the resonance chamber, much less reach Twilight."
  5826. "Can't you power through it? It seemed to work out for Luna."
  5828. >She shakes her head. "No, what you just witnessed was the limit of my unaugmented destructive magic. Luna's own magic was heavily amplified by the Concordia's focal dais. Without something similar to boost my own power I won't be able to overcome the Progenitors' spell..."
  5829. "So what do we do?"
  5830. >"I'm not certain. I need time to--"
  5831. >The roar of the Harbinger teleporting pulls her away from her thoughts.
  5832. >The mass of stone and magic vanishes, and when the dark mist it left behind disperses, you see to your horror that it's now directly in front of the Dawn Star. The strange cannons within the great ship's wings begin to glow with a menacing light...
  5833. "Shit--!"
  5834. >Celestia reacts immediately, chain-teleporting to the Dawn Star to cover the distance in the shortest amount of time possible. To you, the sensation is like rapidly being plunged underwater and surfacing for air over and over again. You fall from Cel's back and tumble to the deck, attempting to choke back the vomit rising in your throat, and she gallops forward, horn shining.
  5835. >The eight lightning cannons fire all at once without warning, and you're certain this is the end. But the bolts never reach you, instead bouncing harmlessly away courtesy of a golden shield which surrounds the ship in the nick of time.
  5836. >"Anon! We need to move!"
  5837. >You stagger to your feet and nod to Mac who immediately nudges the throttle all the way back with a hoof. All of the ponies on deck are completely stunned at what's happening, and by the time the confusion fades you've reclaimed the ship's controls from the disoriented stallion and started to steer away from the behemoth, leaving it far in the distance behind you.
  5838. >"What the--?!"
  5839. >"Sister!"
  5840. >"Celly?!"
  5841. >"Anon?"
  5842. >"Captain?!"
  5843. >A chorus of voices rings out as the ponies all rush toward the two of you.
  5845. >Pinkie hops next to the pilot's console, rearing up to get your attention. "Non-non, what happened? How'd you guys get here so fast? Weren't you going to help Twilight? Is something wrong?"
  5846. >"Yes, something is wrong," Celestia replies as she rests on her haunches and shakes the dizziness from casting so many powerful spells in rapid succession away. "That attack was far, far more vicious than anything I'd expect from Twilight. Even given all that's happened, I can't imagine she'd try to directly harm her friends in such a way, no matter how far this obsession has taken her. I fear that the Dark Star's influence is beginning to flow through the gate... she's in danger, and we must act quickly!"
  5847. >Luna trots to her sister's side, offering a hoof to help her up. "As it was in the past, this is the result when a foal tampers with ancient magic beyond her understanding." Her ears fold back, a look of concern in her eyes. "Sister, we saw everything. The barrier still functions, and without the Concordia..."
  5848. >"Yes, our options are limited. Normally I'd call on the Elements in this situation, but..."
  5849. >The younger alicorn nods. "When one of the bearers is the very pony we are aiming to subdue, it becomes problematic."
  5850. >"And it's not like magical amplifiers of the level needed grow on trees."
  5851. >"We do not recall seeing anything that would be useful in the Archives... perhaps we can craft a ritual circle within the vicinity of Canterlot?"
  5852. >"No, it would take too much time, and be easily recognized and avoided by Twilight. Even if her actions are becoming more and more tainted by the Shard's magic as I suspect, we have to assume that she'll retain her cunning."
  5853. >"And if that truly is the case..."
  5854. >"Ahem!"
  5856. >A polite cough from Rarity interrupts the alicorn sisters' conversation. Both turn their attention toward the fashionista and the rest of the ponies do the same. The sudden silence causes her ears to fold back for an instant before she squares her shoulders and stands tall while attempting to give off an aura of nonchalance.
  5857. >"Yes, well... my apologies for interrupting, but I have a suggestion, if I may? Now, I'm an amateur mind you, but sometimes during fashion presentations having a light show on the runway can really add to the milieu, so I'm a bit familiar with light magic. And whenever I need to boost said magic for, er..." her eyes dart to you, "...reasons that I felt were completely legitimate at the time, I usually focus it through a series of gems. Would the same not work for what you're intending to do?"
  5858. >The two sisters look to one another, then back to the nervously smiling unicorn.
  5859. >Luna sighs. "A noble suggestion, but it will not help."
  5860. >"Sadly, she's right. Rarity, those gems you use to focus always melt away during the spell, correct?"
  5861. >"W-Well, yes..."
  5862. >Celestia smiles. "And I'm certain you only use high quality gems for the task as well. The level of magic we'd be attempting to channel would be such that even the highest quality gem would disintegrate long before it could help amplify the spell. I appreciate your offer to help, but I'm afraid it won't work."
  5863. >Luna nods again. "'Tis a clever solution in theory, but in order for such a thing to be possible, the gems would need to be infused with vast quantities of high level magic aside from the caster's own so they could resist the destructive effects of the spell long enough to aid in its amplification. Sadly, with our magic temporarily exhausted, such a thing isn't currently possible."
  5864. >Rarity turns away. "Oh, I see. It was worth a try, I suppose..."
  5866. >She begins to trot back over to the others as the sisters continue their discussion, when it suddenly hits you:
  5867. "Wait a minute... 'magic aside from the caster's own'? Would a bunch of gems chock full of Twilight's magic work?"
  5868. >You reach into your tuxedo's jacket and pull out one of the gems you filled during the wedding.
  5869. >Celestia's eyes go wide. "That's... that's perfect, Anon!"
  5870. >Luna trots over to you, a smile on her face. "Indeed! This is most fortuitous! How many of these gems dost thou have?"
  5871. "It should be twenty-five. I started with twenty-six but shattered one to get the guards off my back."
  5872. >You pull out several more of the gems from your pockets, and both Luna and Celestia lift one with their magic to examine.
  5873. >"These should definitely work. What do you think, Lulu?"
  5874. >The dark alicorn ponders. "Focusing the spell through seven such gems should be enough to match the level of magical amplification that the Concordia's focal dais provided. Though, despite the reinforcement from Twilight Sparkle's magic, they will still be destroyed by the process."
  5875. >"So you basically get three shots?" Mac asks, his eyes scanning the shimmering gem held aloft by Celestia's magic. His nearby sister rolls her eyes and mumbles something about 'showin' off his fancy mathematics'.
  5876. >"Yes," Celestia replies, fighting back a chuckle at the siblings' antics. "Though bear in mind that two direct hits will be necessary to sink the ship: the first to break the barrier, and the second to collapse the already-damaged resonance chamber at its center. Given how quickly we witnessed the barrier regenerate during the previous battle, I don't feel comfortable risking a standard attack against the exposed hull."
  5878. >Luna carefully returns the gem she holds to you. "Indeed. Were it not enough to inflict fatal damage, we'd be left with no options after the barrier's reformation."
  5879. >Rainbow rears up on her hind legs and throws a few jabs at the air. "Sounds easy enough to me! That thing's slow as hay, and if you miss once, no big deal, right? Just blast it twice real quick and then we can all go home!"
  5880. >Rarity rolls her eyes. "Darling, I understand that attention to detail isn't your strong suit, but please. I know the ship is slow, but have you really forgotten about its tendency to teleport? It did just that not five minutes ago to attack us!"
  5881. >"Um... but..." Fluttershy squeaks. "There's a delay after it teleports, right? Maybe we could wait until then, when it wouldn't be able to move?"
  5882. >"Oh! Oh!" Pinkie hops over, placing a hoof on the shy pegasus' withers. "Or we could even be super smart and bait it out! You know, with a carefully constructed master plan, where the target's every possible move has been calculated beforehoof so that no matter what they do it furthers our goals!" She rubs her hooves together for a few moments, a scary grin on her face, before perking back up with a smile. "It works super duper well when I have to throw surprise birthday parties for grumpy gooses who don't usually like parties, like Cranky and Non-non!"
  5883. >You facepalm.
  5884. "...You guys didn't let her get into the coffee this morning, did you?"
  5885. >Applejack sighs. "Must've been some still left in the pot after breakfast."
  5886. >Rarity taps her chin with a hoof in thought. "Still, it's not a bad idea. Perhaps we could use the first shot to force the teleport, and then quickly follow with two more?"
  5887. >Celestia shakes her head. "I'm not very comfortable with the idea of intentionally wasting one of our opportunities given the stakes here. There could still be more to Twilight's Harbinger that we're yet unaware of."
  5889. >That's definitely a good point. The gray stone form of the massive ship comes into view off your bow once more as you bring the Dawn Star around in a sweeping turn back toward Canterlot Mountain, still keeping a good amount of distance away. To say that Autismo's little project has been full of surprises so far is a huge understatement. You wonder what else the damn thing has in store for all of you as it menacingly floats in the bright blue sky, illuminated by the newly risen sun along with the frames of the two other retreating airships which were fortunate enough to survive the initial battle.
  5890. >The others continue their discussion about what to do while you focus on flying the ship. It's probably for the best, as aside from what you've already said you really don't have anything else to contribute to the conversation. Typically, crazy plans involving magic are best left to your special somepony, her annoying sister and their thousands of combined years of knowledge and experience. Surely they'll come up with something that'll work, and it probably won't even involve all of you almost dying in a myriad of gruesome ways! Maybe. Luna's talking about dimensional slipstreams or some shit like that now, which you definitely don't like the sound of...
  5891. >You pull one of the filled gems from your jacket to take your mind off their conversation. The basic plan is easy enough to understand. From the sound of it, seven of these can be used to focus Cel's beam spell and make it as powerful as Luna's when she was aided by the Concordia. The downside is that you can only use the gems once, meaning you only have enough for three shots. And supposedly you'll need two of those three to hit in order to sink the ship. Not as easy as it sounds when your target can teleport all over the place.
  5893. >The sunlight catches the gem in your hand, casting a soft ray of light near your feet on the deck. You watch with a bit of amusement as the light moves when you roll the gem with your fingers. You have a few spares, but not enough for a full powered fourth shot. If only there was a way to get more of these, or at the very least increase your odds of scoring a hit with the ones you do have...
  5894. >Wait a minute... that's it!
  5895. >"...which is precisely why we believe refocusing via a short-range portal is the answer, Sister! We know you cannot do so when channeling the ray, but surely this unicorn is capable of performing such a simple spell!"
  5896. >You see Rarity take a few steps back and turn away. "W-Well, Princess Luna, while I'm flattered, really, I'm afraid I haven't the slightest clue what it is you're even talking about..."
  5897. >The Night Princess facehoofs. "What in the name of the Moon has become of Equestria's education system in our absence? Are we to believe that unicorns are no longer taught astral stream manipulation as part of the basic curriculum?!"
  5898. >Celestia sighs. "Please, Lulu, this isn't the appropriate time for this conversation."
  5899. >Much to the elder's relief, you set the autopilot and step between the two sisters before Luna can deploy her trademark pout / annoyed stare.
  5900. "Cel's right. I have a dumb question that needs answering, so you guys can talk about standardized testing or whatever later."
  5901. >All eyes turn to you as you hold up the gem in front of the alicorns.
  5902. "We have some extras. Is there any rule that says we can't use more than seven of these at a time?"
  5903. >Luna frowns. "Nay. But there is little benefit to doing so as the amplification produces steeply diminishing results beyond said number."
  5905. "That doesn't really matter. If this beam stuff works like I think it does, I was hoping we could use these as a bit of an insurance policy..."
  5906. >Your eyes dart from the gem you hold to the two airships in the distance and as Luna's gaze follows, a smile slowly creeps across her face.
  5907. >"Huzzah! Simple, yet ingenious!" she exclaims as she turns back to Rarity. "You have already stated that you are more than familiar with this type of magic, so there should be no issues."
  5908. >The unicorn blinks. "...Come again?"
  5909. >A reassuring orange hoof pats her on the back. "Don't ya worry, Rares. Ah'm just as lost as you are at this point."
  5910. >Celestia looks to her sister with concern. "Are you certain this is wise?"
  5911. >Luna nods. "We can think of no better alternative that provides the necessary versatility. True, there are risks involved, but..."
  5913. ////// -|-
  5914. >"It's meaningless, Teacher."
  5915. >"Whatever plan you manage to cobble together to stop me is destined to fail."
  5916. >"I've already seen the future..."
  5917. \\\\\\ -|-
  5919. >The purple pony princess' disembodied voice seems to whisper directly in your ear. Given the fact that everyone immediately goes silent, they all must've heard it too...
  5920. >"Twilight? Where are you? Oh, are we playing hide and seek?!"
  5921. >Correction: everyone goes silent except for Pinkie Pie, who immediately pulls out a detective hat and magnifying glass and begins searching the deck for the purple alicorn.
  5922. >But you have a sneaking suspicion that she won't be found on board and your gut instincts, which have never steered you wrong, compel you to move back to the console and retake control of the ship.
  5923. >Celestia steps forward and replies to the wind:
  5924. >"Twilight... I told you before that whatever future you see through that relic will be a false one. It's still not too late... please, come back to us! The Dark Star wants only to use you, and if you continue down this road I may not be able to--"
  5925. >The voice laughs.
  5927. ////// -|-
  5928. >"Save me? I don't need your help! I don't need your lessons! There's nothing left for somepony who's so afraid of progress to teach me!"
  5929. >"And despite what you think, I'm not a naive little filly anymore! I know you have a way to breach the barrier even without the Concordia."
  5930. >"But it doesn't matter. I've been shown that whatever you're planning hinges on something..."
  5931. \\\\\\ -|-
  5933. >The telltale sound of the Harbinger's teleportation echoes through the bright blue sky.
  5934. >You grip the controls, one hand on the throttle and the other on the wheel.
  5935. "I need everyone to spot! Tell me where she is!"
  5936. >"Below us!" Rainbow shouts back as she hovers over the rail.
  5938. ////// -|-
  5939. >"I'll admit that with your power restored you're formidable... but I don't need to defeat you in order to win my Anon..."
  5940. >"Because I've seen it... I've seen the way..."
  5941. >"All I have to do is destroy that pathetic little airship you built for him and everything else will fall into place!!"
  5942. \\\\\\ -|-
  5944. >Dark portals appear all along the Harbinger's back, and before you know what's going on, fifteen storm torpedoes are rocketing straight toward the Dawn Star's hull from below.
  5945. >You don't think, you simply push the throttle to the limit. The ship rockets forward and away from the Harbinger and certain doom. Despite the engines still only being limited to half speed, it should be more than enough to--
  5946. >"Holy ponyfeathers, they're followin' us!"
  5947. >To your horror, you glance back to see the black trails of cloud left in the torpedoes' wake curve toward you as they begin to track the Dawn Star's movement.
  5948. >That's bad.
  5949. >Fluttershy trembles nearby, her eyes locked on the dark beacons as they sail through the air.
  5950. >"And... and they're g-g-getting closer!"
  5951. >That's worse!
  5953. >You grit your teeth and prepare to alter your course, hoping to god that your turning radius is superior to theirs...
  5954. >Yeah, no. It's more like the other way around. They instantly move to track you in a narrow arc, gaining on you even further!
  5955. >Celestia watches all of this unfold with her piercing magenta eyes. Without a word, she trots over to the rail to stand next to the frightened yellow pegasus, placing a comforting wing on her shoulder as her horn begins to shine with a golden light.
  5956. >"Not to worry. I won't allow these foul things to touch us."
  5957. >Three small shimmering spheres of light appear in the air around her for an instant before sailing out into the open air behind you. In an incredible feat of precision, each one finds its mark as it collides with the head of one of the pursuing dark weapons, causing a series of detonations that leaves three black stains lingering in the pure blue sky.
  5958. >Pinkie jumps with joy on the nearby rail. "Woohoo! Way to go, Celly!"
  5959. >"Hold yer horses, there! We ain't outta the woods yet!" An orange hoof quickly reaches over to pull her back to the deck before she loses her balance.
  5960. >Applebloom perks up. "Aw, c'mon, Sis! I know Celestia can do it! She's like the best Princess ever!"
  5961. >You manage to catch Luna's harrumph and slight frown, as does Applejack whose ears fold back in embarrassment as she stuffs a hoof into her younger sister's mouth out of habit. Pinkie giggles at the sight, which quickly spreads to the rest of the ponies and even you and Cel as a rosy blush begins to form on the Night Princess' midnight blue cheeks.
  5962. >The white alicorn stifles her laughter before turning back to the task at hoof, her horn shining once again.
  5963. >"Well, it seems I have a bit of a reputation here. Hopefully I'll be able to live up to it."
  5964. >Three more orbs of light form as she takes aim at the remaining torpedoes...
  5966. ////// -|-
  5967. >"I won't allow it."
  5968. \\\\\\ -|-
  5970. >And then, with a deafening crash that shakes the ship, the world goes white.
  5971. >You close your eyes and grip the controls on reaction, but it only lasts for an instant. When you open them again, you catch a glimpse of a familiar golden barrier surrounding the helium frame just as it fades away. A lingering arc of purple lightning, stretching from the distant Harbinger to the Dawn Star's port side, is also visible as it disperses into the ether along with the barrier.
  5972. >Celestia grits her teeth and shakes her head, the aura around her horn fading. The three spheres she created are gone now, dispelled so she could cast the protective barrier and block the unexpected strike from the Harbinger's lightning cannon. The twelve remaining storm torpedoes continue on their course in pursuit of you, moving ever closer.
  5973. >"Princess! Are you okay?!"
  5974. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders run to Celestia's side in concern, but she smiles and waves them away. "I'm fine, little ones." Turning her gaze to the stone ship in the distance, her expression hardens. "But this does not bode well for us. I can't focus on destroying the torpedoes if I'm forced on the defensive like this."
  5975. >Rainbow Dash flies over, her eyes tracking the projectiles. "Well, that barrier thing was pretty awesome. Can't you just block 'em with that when they catch up to us or something?"
  5976. >Luna shakes her head as she moves to her sister's side. "Nay. Those weapons are not meant to directly harm us as the lightning is. They're meant to drain the engines' power via magic, and Sister's barrier will not be able to protect us from the effect as it is not physical in nature."
  5977. >"And if we get hit with one'a those things and lose our engines completely, it's over fer us. Eeyup," Mac adds, his normally relaxed tone as close to panic as you've ever heard it.
  5978. >Applejack hoofs him in the side. "Consarn it, don't tell me that! Ah'm antsy enough as it is!"
  5980. >"What can we do, Princess?" Rarity asks, fidgeting with worry.
  5981. >Celestia closes her eyes. "We're running out of time. Though I feel it's a great risk, we should go with Lulu and Anon's plan."
  5982. >Luna nods. "Indeed. 'Tis the best course of action, and we haven't time to waste."
  5983. >The fashionista steps back, her nervousness visible in the motion. "That's all well and good, but I still don't quite understand just what it is we're--"
  5984. >"You there!" the Night Princess shouts while pointing a hoof at Rainbow Dash. "Collect the babbling unicorn and follow our lead."
  5985. >Rainbow salutes. "You got it, Princess!"
  5986. >"Wait, what?!" Rarity exclaims as a pair of cyan hooves reach out to lift her.
  5987. >"As for us," the Princess continues, her hoof patting Fluttershy on the head, "We shall be borrowing this one."
  5988. >The butter yellow pegasus' trembling is nearing uncontrollable levels now. "Um... p-please no. I... I think I have a tummyache so I probably shouldn't go anyplace dangerous. And besides, I'm kind of useless so it's not like--"
  5989. >Nope, too late. Luna's already lifted her up (resulting in the yellow pegasus promptly fainting) and thrown her across her back as she makes her way over to you.
  5990. >"If you would."
  5991. >You reach into your pocket and produce some spare gems, which Luna captures in her magical aura.
  5992. "Good luck out there."
  5993. >She smiles. "And good fortune to you as well. We fear the fate of the world depends on it."
  5994. >You smile in return.
  5995. "You sure you're willing to trust your world to a 'wayward ape' like me?"
  5996. >"We do what we must..." she replies, slightly turning away. "We... we apologize for what has happened in regards to our behavior. T'was no way for us to treat one who will become our future brother-in-law."
  5997. >Did... did you just hear that right?"
  5998. "Uh..."
  6000. >She giggles. "Please. If there is anypony's heart we know nearly as well as our own, it is Sister's. And from what we have glimpsed of her dreams, you occupy a great place there, and we doubt this will change. But even seeing into her dreams would be unnecessary to discern how she feels about you. It is apparent in her eyes, even now."
  6001. >The two of you glance back to Celestia, who quickly turns away upon noticing your stares. Luna chuckles, directing her attention back to you.
  6002. >"She has shared memories with you that she's trusted nopony else with aside from ourself. She has shared an ordeal with you that few, even lifelong friends, can ever hope to overcome, and through it you carried one other. When she refused to give her Orb to us at the wedding, despite our angry plea, we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt..."
  6003. >A blue hoof reaches out and taps your tuxedo jacket. "Try not to ruin this, as we are certain it will be needed again in time, Brother."
  6004. >And with that, she takes wing and flies from the ship. Rainbow Dash, a very perturbed and fussy Rarity held in her hooves, isn't far behind. She glides over to the rail, turning back when the voices of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo catch her attention.
  6005. >The smaller pegasus hops up and down, her tiny wings fluttering. "Good luck, Rainbow Dash! I don't know what you're gonna do but if it's you I bet it'll be awesome!"
  6006. >Rainbow grins. "You know it, squirt!"
  6007. >"Be careful, big sis!" Sweetie squeaks. "I believe in you!"
  6008. >The older unicorn stops her complaining to blush. "Thank you, Sweetie. I'll certainly try my best at... whatever it is we'll be doing." She shifts her gaze to her 'captor'. "Rainbow Dash, if you drop me, I'll make certain to haunt you from beyond the grave. Just a fair warning, darling."
  6010. >The pegasus grimaces. "Okay, whatever, I get it! Catch ya later, guys!" With a leap, she bounds over the rail and quickly vanishes from your sight, the Dawn Star rocketing away in its attempt to shake the ever approaching torpedoes.
  6011. >Speaking of which, you glance back to see Celestia successfully destroy two more by quickly creating single homing spheres before being forced to block a lightning cannon strike from the Harbinger. The ship shudders from the impact as the barrier fades, revealing the form of the stone ship unmoved from its position far in the distance. Damn, the range and accuracy of that weapon is unreal, and Alicorn or not, you find yourself wondering how long Cel will be able to keep this up, especially if she needs to conserve power for her beam attacks...
  6012. >That question only weighs on you even more when you see the concerned expression on her face as she shouts back at you from the rail.
  6013. >"This isn't going to work, Anon! They'll reach us before I'm able to destroy them all!"
  6014. >You glance down at the console. The engine output has recovered to 54% of its maximum since leaving the storm, but it isn't gonna be enough at this rate. You turn to the stallion at your side.
  6015. "I've already got the throttle at max, Mac! Half power isn't gonna cut it! We need to do something!"
  6016. >He shakes his head. "The only way we're gonna recover in any decent amount'a time is ta cut power ta the engines and let 'em recharge on their own."
  6017. >You both shut your eyes as yet another lightning strike deflects off Cel's barrier.
  6018. "I don't think that's an option! What else?!"
  6019. >He chews his lip, the wheat spring falling from his mouth. "Well... ah could probably get us up ta 115% output if ah overcharged the engines. But Anon, the damage that'll do ta the ship over time won't--"
  6020. "I don't care! Do it! There are way more important things to worry about right now than the damn ship!"
  6022. >He frowns, his eyes wandering across the deck to his two sisters as they watch the spectacle of magic unfolding across the sky in both fear and awe.
  6023. >"...You're right, partner. You're damn right. Give me two minutes; ah'll let you know when she's ready..."
  6024. >He turns and gallops toward the stairwell leading down to the crew quarters and engine room below.
  6025. >You close your eyes and sigh, attempting to shake off a bit of the adrenaline rush and regain some composure while you wait. But your moment of reprieve is cut short by the tug of a hoof on your sleeve.
  6026. >"Cheer up, Cap'n! Frowns aren't allowed on deck when Weapons Officer Pinkie Pie's around!"
  6027. >You turn to meet the sapphire eyes of Ponyville's premier party pony... your former coworker, current crewmate, and friend since you first arrived here so long ago. She just grins at you, in that same familiar way she always has, and like clockwork it pulls out your smile.
  6028. "Thanks, Pinkie. I needed that."
  6029. >"No problemo!" she beams. "Just don't forget that your whole crew is here to help! We're here for you, Non-non, all of us!"
  6030. >Come to think of it... she's right. With the other ponies gone, you're down to the original crew you had when this crazy journey first started. Well, that plus an extra filly or two, but who's counting, right?
  6031. >Your first hour of real flight behind the controls involved a daring escape through an airship blockade, which you only survived thanks to Pinkie's help.
  6032. >And then there was that thirteen against one battle over Latigo with Equestria's fastest fleet! There's no way you should've won that one, but the crew pulled through and made the impossible possible.
  6034. >You have a lot of fond memories of this ship considering the relatively short time you've owned it. Despite the stress you suffered, and despite the circumstances that chased you, you've found so much joy in Cel's gift, from the moment you read her heartfelt letter in the galley to the moment she stepped off the gantry at the wedding.
  6035. >But perhaps your favorite memory of your time here is the dinner you all shared together that first night. Eating good food, laughing together, arguing about the sleeping arrangements... just recalling it causes you to smile even brighter, and the pony by your side takes notice.
  6036. "You know, Pinkie... even after all that's happened, I never in my wildest dreams imagined we'd be in a situation like this. Then again, I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I'd fall in love with a pretty white horse princess, either. Life is weird sometimes."
  6037. >She giggles, and you reach down and scratch behind her ears.
  6038. "I dunno how this day's gonna end, but something tells me that whatever happens, it's gonna be something to remember, and I'm glad you guys are with me."
  6039. >You look over to Celestia. She pants for breath a bit during a lull between casting spells and your eyes meet hers. When she notices your smile, she smiles back in return, and some of what she said back during the Trials slips into your mind once again.
  6040. >Whatever the trial, whatever the triumph, having friends with you changes everything. It was true 2,500 years ago when three little ponies faced the unknown together, just as it's true today.
  6041. >And it's a lesson one of your old friends, a little purple unicorn turned alicorn, seems to have forgotten. But maybe, just maybe, as long as this ship flies through the sky, you'll be able to remind her...
  6042. >"Can ya hear me, Captain? Ah'm all set down here." Mac's voice crackles over the console's intercom.
  6043. "I hear you. I'm ready when you are."
  6045. >"Alright. Ah'm gonna turn this up a bit at a time. The more we overcharge, the quicker the engines're gonna shred themselves. You remember what happened ta those ships when you hit 'em with the tuner, right? Well, that's what's gonna happen ta us sooner or later if we push it too far..."
  6046. >You drum your fingers on the console, eyes shifting back to the torpedoes. Six are left and they're nearly on top of you now...
  6047. "Got it. Take us up to 80% output. That should be enough to shake these things."
  6048. >"Eight-zero output. You got it." The intercom crackles again and goes silent. Nothing happens for several seconds, and then you feel the ship lurch and the engine output gauge steadily begins to rise...
  6049. >"What the hay is goin' on now?" Applejack asks, trotting over to you and Pinkie. "And where's Mac?"
  6050. >You smile, your hand easing back on the throttle a bit to maintain your existing speed.
  6051. "Don't worry, he's in his element."
  6052. >The output gauge reaches 80%, and you immediately slam the throttle forward again. The Dawn Star cleaves through the air, accelerating to a much more familiar speed and leaving the torpedoes trailing it far behind. They waver in their flight, then disperse into black mist, the magic propelling them finally exhausted, and you breathe a much needed sigh of relief.
  6053. "Finally..."
  6054. >"Way to go, Maccy!"
  6055. >And suddenly Pinkie's beside you yelling into the intercom. You rub your ringing ear as Cel approaches you from the rail.
  6056. >"It seems our speed has been restored. I take it this was our engineer's doing?"
  6057. "Yep. We're not at full power, but it looks like it'll be more than enough to handle those torpedoes."
  6058. >"I see. In that case, take us back to Twilight. I think it's time we bring this plan of ours to action, don't you?"
  6059. >You laugh.
  6060. "I guess so. Anything I need to know beforehand?"
  6062. >"Well, I'll need to remain stationary to channel the spell, and I won't be able to direct the beam myself, so it'll be your job to aim for me." She blushes a bit. "I'm not exactly familiar with casting using this particular method, so I imagine the first time will be a learning experience for the both of us..."
  6063. >"That's what -she- said!"
  6064. >Both of you turn to the pink pony, you wearing a deadpan expression and Celestia with an even deeper blush.
  6065. >"Oh fer cryin' out loud..." Applejack groans nearby.
  6066. >Pinkie blinks. "What? That's really what she said."
  6067. "Just a second."
  6068. >You pick up the hyperactive Element of Laughter from where she's leaning against your console and gently place her next to Applejack, who's waiting near the entrance to the bridge. The farmpony shares an exasperated but sympathetic smile with you before you make your way back to Cel at the flight controls.
  6069. "Now, you were saying?"
  6070. >"Yes, well, I suppose the only other thing for you to know is that I can't use the barrier while channeling, though I can easily defend with it until we're ready."
  6071. "Sounds simple enough, I guess."
  6072. >Her horn glows, and all the filled gems still stashed within your tuxedo's pockets begin to free themselves and float over to her. The odd sight of it causes you to suppress a laugh.
  6073. "Geez, Cel, we haven't even had a real date yet and you're already cleaning me out."
  6074. >"Don't make me put you in the corner with Pinkie Pie as well. I'll do it, you know..." she says as she trots away, suppressing a laugh of her own.
  6075. >You simply shake your head and return your hands to the controls to begin your turn back toward the Harbinger and Canterlot. It should still be right over--
  6076. >Wait a minute.
  6078. ////// -|-
  6079. >"Oh? You say you can easily defend against me?"
  6080. >"Let's test that hypothesis, shall we, Teacher?"
  6081. \\\\\\ -|-
  6083. >In an instant, the massive ship is right in front of you, and you have to bank hard to avoid colliding with its bow. The ponies all yell in surprise and hit the deck as the ship turns and you retreat back to a respectable distance. An arc of lightning attempts to singe the ship's stern as you flee, but with the Dawn Star's enhanced speed you manage to avoid it completely.
  6084. >But the screaming... well, that's different.
  6085. >Hundreds of ghosts spill from the hole in the Harbinger's damaged ARC, and this time it looks like they have no intention of merely circling the vessel. No, instead they start tearing directly toward your position, just as you point the bow directly at the exposed stone sphere.
  6086. "Cel, I hope you're ready, 'cause we're not gonna get a better chance than this!"
  6087. >The white alicorn stands at the bow of the ship, horn blazing with magical energy. Seven of your filled gems rise up around her, slowly orbiting her like tiny planets as her body shines like the sun.
  6088. >Everything else in that moment loses all meaning. Twilight, the ghosts... all of it vanishes from your mind. Instead, you can only see her...
  6089. >The shining light encompassing her body begins to pull away like water flowing in reverse. It travels from her tail across her sides and back, up her mane and neck, legs and chest, and coalesces at the tip of her horn, which she places directly in the center of the floating gemstones before her. They've since arranged themselves into the shape of a rune you've never seen before as they crackle with Twilight's barely-contained magic.
  6090. >Celestia's light is so pure now it changes from gold to a slightly blue-tinged white as it dances near her horn's tip. And then it's free, traveling through the first gem, and then the next, and the next, and the next, and then...
  6092. >The sound.
  6093. >Like two freight trains smashing into each other head on.
  6094. >The pressure.
  6095. >Like a gale force wind suddenly stirring up on a calm day.
  6096. >And the light.
  6097. >Unlike anything you've seen before, and will likely ever see again. It must be like staring at the sun which forever illuminates the world beyond.
  6098. >All of this must've happened in the span of only several seconds or so, but to you the process moves at a speed at which you can see each event as it happens.
  6099. >Is it another side-effect of the strange magic you felt when raising the sun with Cel? Who knows. All you really understand is that you're captivated, and that the last words you spoke to her before it all started were true.
  6100. >You really are never going to get a better shot at this. The Harbinger's damaged ARC sphere is exposed and it only just now teleported, so it's much too soon for her to be able to teleport again. This is a guaranteed hit, and based on what you're witnessing now, it's gonna be a hell of a hit indeed.
  6101. >The gems amplifying the spell melt and then waft away in the air, their job finished. And then the beam is released, blasting forward straight as your bow points, straight toward its intended destination, as you clutch the console for dear life.
  6102. >And then you a hear a sound, a mix between the ocean's crash and the roar of thunder, and the Harbinger is gone with only a light black mist lingering in its former position in the sky.
  6103. >No. There's just no way...
  6104. >The spirits rushing toward you are instantly vaporized by the beam. They never stood a chance. But it doesn't find its true target, instead slicing through empty air, then tearing across the horizon all the way to Canterlot Castle, where it shears off the tallest tower, punctures a hole in the nearby cliff face, and continues on beyond your sight.
  6106. >Your jaw damn near smashes into the console at the sight, and you have no doubt the ponies witnessing this are in a similar state.
  6107. >"Sweet stars above..." Applejack falls to her haunches.
  6108. >"Holy freakin' crap!" Pinkie, of all ponies, nearly faints.
  6109. >"Whoa..." "Cool!" "Holy -BUCK-, girls!" The three CMC would probably tumble over like dominoes with the slightest nudge at this point.
  6110. >Cel is the only one not in awe. Instead she only looks to the distance, her ears turned back and a frown of remorse on her face.
  6111. >You missed, and just like that one of your precious opportunities has slipped away. There's no room left for error, now.
  6112. >You want to head over and comfort her, but fight the urge to move given that you have to pilot the ship. Still, that doesn't prevent you from reassuring her with your words, so you open your mouth to speak.
  6113. "Cel... it's not our fault. There's no way we could've known she'd be able to teleport again that fast..."
  6114. >The alicorn turns back to you, and her countenance can only be described as shellshocked.
  6115. >"Anon..." she mutters, almost too low for you to hear. "Lulu... Lulu is going to KILL ME! That was -her- room!"
  6116. >Wait, what?
  6117. >You shift your gaze from the distraught alicorn over to Canterlot Castle in the distance just in time to see the severed tower slide down the castle's side and smash into a million pieces of ivory-colored stone.
  6118. "Oh."
  6119. >Yeah, Moonbutt's probably not going to like that one bit. You make a mental note to dig up some earplugs from the engine room for the two of you as soon as you possibly can...
  6121. ~~~~~~~~~
  6123. >The Princess of the Night paces about the deck of the EAF Salt Lick, formerly unit B-2 of the Concordia's ill-fated escort fleet, and one of the two ships of said fleet still airborne. Under her orders, it hovers at a standstill a respectable distance away from the action unfolding in the vast skies above Canterlot Fields.
  6124. >The captain of the vessel nervously waits beside the Princess as he watches the battle between the Dawn Star and Harbinger unfold along with her.
  6125. >"Your Highness, should we not intervene? With your leadership, I'm sure the Salt Lick is more than capable of--"
  6126. >"Nay," she replies, not even bothering to turn to face him. "And also, effective immediately, this ship's name is now the Nightshade. We shall need to have a talk with the pony responsible for naming these vessels during commissioning. Based on the examples seen so far we are not impressed."
  6127. >"I see..." the captain's eyes dart toward the comatose yellow pegasus unceremoniously sprawled on the deck on the Princess' other side. "And about this mare, what are--"
  6128. >"Ignore her. Trust us, it's for the best."
  6129. >The captain backs off. "Y-Yes, Your Highness. I'll inform the crew of the change in designation at once."
  6130. >"See that you do."
  6131. >The stallion scurries off and the Princess sighs just as Fluttershy's two cyan eyes blink open.
  6132. >"W-Where am I? This doesn't look like my house..."
  6133. >She turns her head and sees Princess Luna staring back at her. Naturally, she starts to tremble.
  6134. >"Am... am I having another one of those dreams again?!"
  6135. >The Princess of Dreams grins. "Ah, we know of the dreams of which you speak. They must be good inspiration for your works. But we are not dreaming, Fluttershy, we are currently upon the deck of the Nightshade and we are awaiting our opportunity to act."
  6137. >"Oh, okay," the pegasus squeaks. "W-Wait, when you say 'we', do you mean the royal 'we' or the 'we'-'we'? Because I really don't think I--"
  6138. >Luna holds up a hoof. "Fear not, the task at hoof is simple, and we shouldn't need your assistance, so you are free to stop trembling now. We mean it."
  6139. >Unfortunately, the little pegasus continues to shake. "B-B-But if that's true, why did you bring me here?"
  6140. >The Night Princess perks up immediately, her eyes shining. "In truth, we happen to be one of your biggest fans and are hoping to use this opportunity to discuss your upcoming works while we wait!"
  6141. >The little pegasus' heart stops and her eyes go wide. "Um... I-I have no id-d-dea what you mean, so..."
  6142. >Luna scoffs. "There is no need to hide it from us. It took the considerable resources of the Kingdom's vast spy network to uncover the real identity of the famous author using the pseudonym 'Mistress Notfluutershai', but in these last few weeks the investigation has finally borne fruit. In hindsight, given what your dreams normally consist of, we suppose it should've been fairly obvious."
  6143. >There's a strange sound that resembles the baa of a goat, and the butter yellow pegasus is down for the count again.
  6144. >Luna sighs. "Curses. Did we say something wrong? Truly, modern speech and interpony dialog is vexing to us..." She taps her hoof in thought. "Perhaps we should resume our acclimation lessons upon the resolution of this--"
  6145. >The sound of the Harbinger teleporting interrupts her thoughts, and Luna's eyes quickly dart to the distant Dawn Star to watch as it nearly collides with the massive ship.
  6146. >The clopping of the captain's returning hooves rings in her ears. "Your Highness, I've informed the crew of the ship's new name. I'm afraid we can't re-brand her until we next return to port, but--"
  6148. >"Prepare to move us into position as we instructed previously. It seems our assistance will be needed shortly."
  6149. >The captain salutes. "Yes, Your Highness, understood!" He scurries away, and soon enough Luna can feel the ship lurch as it starts to move toward the battle in progress.
  6150. >As they approach, she watches the movement of the smaller airship intently. It maneuvers into a position next to the Harbinger's ARC sphere, and the Princess flutters her wings with excitement.
  6151. >"Huzzah! An ideal opportunity! Thou must take it, Sister!"
  6152. >The warmth of the building magic can be felt even this far away, and to her relief she knows her advice was taken, even if she couldn't directly voice it.
  6153. >Unexpected, though, is the Harbinger's followup teleport, which shouldn't be possible at the given time. Luna watches as the beam passes harmlessly through the empty air and curses under her breath.
  6154. >What could this mean? All magic has a cost... if the ship teleported again so soon, something has changed. If it was capable of doing so before, Twilight would've used the ability to escape her final attack if it became necessary. Something's not--
  6155. >Wait, is the beam really heading toward...
  6156. >"Nay..."
  6157. >She watches as it streaks forward, on a collision course with the Castle's tallest tower.
  6158. >"Nay, nay, nay..."
  6159. >The beam slices through the structure, and the Princess' cyan eyes witness the severed tower section slide down and shatter upon the castle's courtyard. A single tear rolls down her midnight blue cheek and falls to the deck.
  6160. >"Our... our observatory. Our room. Our ancient stamp collection..."
  6161. >The Princess of the Night fights back a sob as she takes a lungful of air. The surrounding bat-ponies who take notice of the situation quickly cower and cover their ears. As soldiers in her service, they're deeply aware of what comes next.
  6164. ~~~~~~~~~
  6166. >"----TTTTEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR~~~~~!!!!!!!"
  6167. >Ah, there it is.
  6168. >Luna's canterlot voice-empowered scream rings out across the sky just as Cel deflects another bolt with her barrier. You plug your ears as you maneuver the ship away from a freshly launched batch of storm torpedoes, tearing through the nearly cloudless sky with exhilarating speed. You easily shake them and turn back to place the Harbinger's far away silhouette in front of your bow.
  6169. >Cel turns to you, a sheepish expression on her face. "I... I fear that with this, I might not be long for this world, my human."
  6170. >You laugh and tap the pilot's console.
  6171. "Don't worry. If we need to run away from Luna after this is over, I'm willing to take you anywhere you want to go."
  6172. >She smiles. "I know. But I suppose we should focus on current matters. It appears we have Twilight's full attention now, which I suppose is for the best. And now that we know how the beam reacts to magical amplification, I should be able to fire it faster on our next few attempts."
  6173. >You nod.
  6174. "That's good to hear, but do you think it'll be fast enough to beat out that teleport? Looks like we didn't really understand how it worked after all."
  6175. >Celestia shakes her head. "No, we did understand it, but circumstances have changed and I suspect I know why. I won't tell you not to worry, but I will say that even with this, our chances are not zero."
  6176. >You raise an eyebrow.
  6177. "And I'm guessing the reason you didn't give me an actual number there is because..."
  6178. >Her sheepish smile returns.
  6179. "Great."
  6181. >A lightning bolt dances past you, completely missing the frame. It sounds like everything now hinges on your crazy plan. You have two shots left, and no margin for error remaining. All you need to do is get in the proper firing position to hit an object that can instantly teleport away while avoiding lightning bolts, homing torpedoes and vengeful ghosts, any of which would instantly cripple your ship should they manage to connect. No pressure, right?
  6182. >Despite her crazy ramblings, Twilight was right about one thing: if the Dawn Star falls, whatever odds of beating the Harbinger you have fall with it. There'd be no chance to hit the thing from the ground given its mobility, and the other ships in the fleet are nowhere near as fast. You have to pull through here, no matter the cost...
  6183. >"We shall have a long talk about all this when we return to Canterlot, Sister..."
  6184. >You nearly jump out of your skin as a projection of Luna appears on the deck.
  6185. >"However, for the moment, we wish to report that the Nightshade is in position and ready to assist."
  6186. >"Thank you, Lulu," Celestia flashes a cautious smile, her ears folded back. "And sorry."
  6187. >"Hey! Is this thing on?!" A ghostly Rainbow Dash appears as well, twirling in the air with confidence. "Hey Anon, hey Princess! We made it and the SS Awesomeness is ready to go!"
  6188. >"That's not the ship's name..." you hear a voice mumble from somewhere behind her.
  6189. >From the corners of your eyes you can see both surviving ERA airships approaching at a steady pace. You breathe out.
  6190. "Okay, looks like we're ready. Pinkie, AJ, can you get the fillies in place at the rail? I'm going to need you guys to watch and tell me -immediately- where the thing ends up."
  6191. >Applejack tips her hat. "You got it, Captain."
  6192. >You smile at the two projections.
  6194. "I'll do my best, guys, but be ready to make adjustments if my aim's off."
  6195. >"Indeed."
  6196. >"You got it, Anon!"
  6197. >They fade away as you press the intercom button, your body starting to tremble as a fresh batch of adrenaline kicks in.
  6198. "Mac, I need 100% of her for this."
  6199. >There's a moment of silence before the static-filled reply comes.
  6200. >"Aye aye, Captain... always wanted ta say that." You catch Applejack rolling her eyes at her brother's comment.
  6201. >Like before, you pull back on the throttle as the ship shudders and the engine output gauge rises. You mutter a quiet prayer, hoping against hope that she'll hold out long enough to get the job done.
  6202. >As your fingers nervously tap the throttle, your gaze turns to Cel, her multicolored mane and tail waving in the astral breeze.
  6203. "You ready?"
  6204. >She smiles softly. "Whether it be climbing a waterfall, or galloping across an endless snowfield, or flying through the sky, I trust and treasure you without hesitation and without fear. That, in itself, is a part of the joy I feel when we ride together, be it you upon my back or with the both of us here."
  6205. >She walks over to you and places a simple kiss upon your lips.
  6206. >"Anon... I told you before that this sky is yours now. Wherever it is you choose to guide me within it, I'll be certain to follow, now and forever."
  6207. >You close your eyes and run your fingers through her dancing mane as you touch your forehead to hers, just below her horn.
  6208. "No matter where I take you, it'll always be in search of a way to repay you for all that you've given me."
  6209. >She nuzzles you. "And I could say the same, my human."
  6210. "Then I guess our journey'll go on forever, won't it?"
  6211. >She closes her eyes and a few tears escape.
  6212. >"In my deepest dreams, it will."
  6214. >She moves away from you to take her position at the ship's bow, as the other ponies who're acting like they totally weren't watching your tender moment together nervously trot to their own positions as well.
  6215. >Looks like everything's in place, Anon. All that's left is...
  6217. ////// -|-
  6218. >"D-Don't listen to her, Anon."
  6219. >"Even if what she's saying is true, my love is greater. You'll see..."
  6220. >"You'll see... that my love is boundless..."
  6221. >"I can love you more! I can love you forever! I can give you everything!"
  6222. >"You won't need anything other than me!!"
  6223. \\\\\\ -|-
  6225. >All that's left is to finish it.
  6226. >You close your eyes as the sound of the Harbinger's next teleport echoes all around you.
  6227. "You can give me everything but my freedom, you mean. You can give me wings to fly as long as I don't leave my little cage..."
  6228. >Pinkie's voice rises above the din.
  6229. >"She's right there! Behind and below us, Non-non!"
  6230. >Your hand grips the throttle. You hear countless storm torpedoes launching from the dark portals swirling upon on the stone ship's back.
  6231. "But Twilight, that's not boundless love. Not even close."
  6232. >Instead of slamming the throttle forward, you pull it all the way back into full reverse. The ship rockets backwards at its true top speed, and you spin the wheel to make a hard turn as you move.
  6233. >The ponies on deck cry out and hold on as tight as they can. Cel remains unmoved, watching intently as the Harbinger's frame appears across the bow, directly to the front and below.
  6234. "And if you don't understand why..."
  6235. >The storm torpedoes, their tracking confused by your sudden and unexpected high-speed movement, fly off into the distance, losing you completely. The Dawn Star pauses in the air for just a moment as you adjust your altitude to bring it in line to where it needs to be and shift from full reverse to full forward.
  6236. "...then there's still a lot Cel has left to teach you!"
  6238. >And in an instant, the damaged ARC sphere is right in front of you, and for the second time today, you have the perfect shot.
  6239. "NOW!"
  6240. >Just as before, seven gemstones rise as the spell is cast, and just like she said, this time the entire process is much faster. You watch the gems melt away just as the beam is released, its aim true.
  6241. >And just as before, the Harbinger teleports -again- despite having done so only a moment ago. The beam rips through the black mist left behind before continuing onward into the distant sky...
  6242. >...where Luna's Nightshade awaits.
  6244. ~~~~~~~~~
  6246. >The butter-yellow pegasus' eyes flutter open once again.
  6247. >"W-Where am I? This doesn't look like my house..."
  6248. >She turns her head and sees Princess Luna staring at the giant magical death beam bearing down on both of them. Naturally, she starts to tremble.
  6249. >"Why does this keep happening to me? Why do I keep waking up in all these weird places? D-Do I have a sleeptrotting problem or something?!"
  6250. >The beam's shimmering light moves ever closer as Luna levitates a filled gemstone into the air and holds it right in the destructive magic's path. Though her natural response would normally be to faint again, Fluttershy can't bring herself to look away. Slowly, the conversation she had with Luna before she last fainted becomes clear in her memory...
  6251. >"What is she...?"
  6252. >That's right. The Princess said she was 'waiting to assist' the others. Is this what she meant? Could this be what she wanted Rarity to do too?
  6253. >Before she can ponder things further, the beam is on top of them. She shuts her eyes, fearing the end, but it never arrives. Instead, the levitating gemstone absorbs the entirety of the beam until there's nothing of it left.
  6255. >The gem hovers there, shining like a second sun, and Fluttershy is forced to avert her eyes. But from what she can still manage to see, Luna is struggling to contain the immense energy. Her second shadow, cast by the gem's surging light, dances wildly as she grits her teeth and turns to face the section of sky where the Harbinger has now reappeared.
  6256. >The Princess' lips curl into a satisfied smile.
  6257. >"We have a gift for thee, Twilight Sparkle..."
  6258. >And with a surge of magic from her horn, the gem shatters and the captured beam it held fires directly toward the great stone ship. The force of the magic sends Luna tumbling backward, and Fluttershy scrambles to catch her.
  6259. >"Princess, are you okay?!"
  6260. >Luna's cyan eyes reflect the pure light as it slams into the Harbinger's side and rips through its hastily-formed barrier, further damaging the hull before finally dissipating.
  6261. >Her smile widens. "Indeed, we are feeling quite exuberant at the moment."
  6263. ~~~~~~~~~
  6265. >A cheer erupts from all the ponies aboard the Dawn Star.
  6266. >You watch in elation as the purple shield surrounding the Harbinger is absolutely shredded by the blast, which then goes on to burn even more of the runes spread across its surface away and further damage the central sphere.
  6267. >Just the fact that your insane plan to redirect the beam from another airship after it was fired worked is enough to make you almost jump for joy.
  6268. >Not to worry, though, because there's a pony who'll do that for you.
  6269. >"We did it, Non-non! We did it!" Pinkie yells as she bounds into your arms and pulls you into a hug.
  6270. >Applejack holds her hat in her hooves, completely awestruck. "Ah... ah can't believe it actually worked!"
  6271. >The three fillies are running around the deck with joy.
  6272. >"Well done, Captain! Eeyup." Hell, even Mac chimes in over the intercom.
  6273. >You set Pinkie down and focus back on the Harbinger. The ship doesn't collapse or rip apart, but you weren't exactly expecting it to. It did take quite a beating, though, and just one more hit'll finish the job.
  6274. >"We're on a time limit now, Anon," Celestia says, her gaze directed on the ship as well. "We need to hit her again before she has a chance to reform the shield."
  6275. "I know, Cel, and I'll be sure to make it happen!"
  6276. >The Dawn Star is already screaming through the skies toward the crippled vessel before you even finish the sentence. This is it... you can feel it.
  6278. ////// -|-
  6279. >"S-So... that was your plan..."
  6280. >"To redirect the attack using s-spare gems..."
  6281. >"Very clever, Anon. I should've... expected as much from you."
  6282. >"But I know how many... you used to drain my magic at the wedding...
  6283. >"And it won't work... a second time..."
  6284. \\\\\\ -|-
  6286. >You ignore Twilight's taunting and press on. Nothing will stop you now, not even the fifteen storm torpedoes flying directly toward you, nor the arcs of lightning you deftly avoid, your speed making the need for Cel's barrier obsolete, nor the ghosts emerging from the ARC as you approach it.
  6287. >The Dawn Star lines up yet another perfect shot, but you decide to abandon it at the last moment when you realize the positioning of the other airships isn't ideal. Given that they're far slower than you, it takes them much more time to move to spots that'll be useful to reflect the beam after the Harbinger teleports.
  6288. >The ship's wheel spins wildly as you bank around, shrugging off the trailing torpedoes. You line up the shot once again, this time with Luna's airship nearby in the distance should it be necessary. The shrieking pony spirits are nearly on top of you now, but that won't matter once the beam is fired.
  6289. >A bolt of lightning just barely clips your helium frame as you slide into position. Almost there...
  6290. >Almost...
  6291. "NOW, CEL!"
  6292. >She responds without hesitation, your last set of seven gems shining in the air. The great magic spills forth, vaporizing the spirits and aiming for a decisive blow.
  6293. >And the Harbinger teleports. No surprise, but now comes the hardest part.
  6294. >You take a deep breath, because all you can do is watch as the beam travels on and the Nightshade moves to capture it.
  6295. >And capture it she does. Like before, the Princess of the Night holds the radiating magic for several key seconds, then releases it toward the Harbinger's new position. Another cheer rises up from the ponies on deck as the beam streaks toward its mark once more.
  6296. >And the Harbinger teleports...
  6297. >...but not before it fires a bolt and manages to puncture the Nightshade's helium frame. The ship begins to sink rapidly, and all at once you're confronted with the fatal flaw in your plan.
  6299. >The other airships have no way to defend. They can't form a barrier without a fully powered alicorn on board, and they're not fast enough to dodge the lightning...
  6300. >The beam cleaves through the mist, heading toward Unit B-5, the airship with Rainbow Dash and Rarity, and your heart sinks when you see the stone behemoth appear in the sky nearby, its cannons shining...
  6302. ~~~~~~~~~
  6304. >"Heads up, Rarity, the beam's coming this way!"
  6305. >"What?! It is?! But... but... I have no idea how to stop that thing! I had no idea what they were even talking about before!!"
  6306. >"You what?!"
  6307. >Needless to say, the situation on the SS Awesomeness is not going too well. Ponyville's premier dressmaker is having a bit of a nervous breakdown on deck, and the brash pegasus pony by her side certainly isn't helping matters.
  6308. >The poor bat-pony soldiers nervously glance at each other, wondering if they're all going to die when the beam slams into their ship...
  6309. >But, as always, Princess Luna's orders are absolute, and they make no move to change their position.
  6310. >"Darn it, Rarity, quit whining and just catch the bucking thing already! I dunno anything about magic but it can't be -that- hard!"
  6311. >The unicorn turns to face her friend, fire burning in her eyes.
  6312. >"Oh? Is that so? Well I don't know anything about flying, but none of those petty tricks you normally do seem that impressive. Why, I'm sure anypony with wings could easily do half of them or more!"
  6313. >Rainbow gasps. "Hey! That's not true! You take that back!"
  6314. >"I only said it to demonstrate how ridiculous what you just said about magic happened to be. Hmph!" She turns away and stomps a hoof. "And for your information, I am -NOT- whining, I am--"
  6316. >"Eek!" She opens her eyes to see the beam nearly at the ship's bow. "W-why haven't we moved yet?! Do these bat-themed ponies with their gaudy armor and coloration and disgusting untrimmed ear-hair have a death wish?!"
  6317. >Rainbow facehoofs as the surrounding soldiers grumble. "No, idiot, they're waiting for -you- to do your -bucking job-!"
  6318. >Rarity's horn lights up, levitating a filled gem. "FINE! If I must die, I shall do so with the utmost fabulosity! At least I won't need to worry about running into -you- in the afterlife, as you're no doubt going to Tartarus..."
  6319. >Rainbow scowls. "Yeah, right! Last time I checked, I heard they were building a mansion there for you so all the monsters won't have to put up with--"
  6320. >And then the beam is there. It flows into the levitating gem, and Rarity immediately yelps and kneels as the raw power threatens to overtake her. Only by pushing back with all of her magic is she able to get the gemstone under her control again. Slowly, she rises back up on unsteady hooves, her face turned away from the radiant light.
  6321. >"I... I did it. I..." The unicorn immediately rears up on her hind legs, a huge grin on her face. "WA~HA~HA!"
  6322. >But her smile fades as the sound of crashing waves rings out and the Harbinger appears close to the airship's port side.
  6323. >"Shoot it, Rarity!"
  6324. >"I'm... I'm not sure how!"
  6325. >Before Rainbow can reply, a bolt of lightning erupts from the Harbinger and rips through the airship's helium frame, critically damaging it. The impact causes Rarity to lose control of the gem and it shatters, sending the beam of energy off into the sky, far away from its target.
  6326. >The two ponies watch it fly away in silence for a few moments before the billowing smoke from the now capsizing ship begins to obscure the light, and the remaining hope it embodied, from view...
  6328. ~~~~~~~~~
  6330. "AJ, Pinkie, round up the fillies and get the lifeboat ready."
  6331. >Two emerald eyes find their way to you. "...Captain?"
  6332. "Now! I don't have time for you to ask questions!"
  6333. >From the very moment the Harbinger reappeared, you began acting on instinct.
  6334. >No room for thought. No room for consideration. Only the direct series of actions you take now, in the little time you have left, will salvage this.
  6335. >So there's no holding back. Not anymore.
  6336. "Mac... I need all of it. Everything she's got."
  6337. >The intercom crackles back. "Anon, if ah do that--"
  6338. "-EVERYTHING-, Mac! And when you're done head to the lifeboat with your sisters!"
  6339. >"... ... ...Aye aye, Captain." The intercom goes silent, and the ship shudders. You keep the throttle at max and watch the output gauge climb as your speed increases to a level you've never before experienced.
  6340. >Output: 105%.
  6341. >The bolt of lightning strikes, crippling the distant airship.
  6342. >Output: 110%.
  6343. >Rarity loses her hold on the beam and it escapes, traveling parallel across the horizon from your position, away from the Harbinger.
  6344. >You adjust your course.
  6345. >Output: 115%.
  6346. >Cel says nothing, because she already knows. She simply remains where she stands at the bow, her eyes never leaving the glimmering light as it cuts through the sky.
  6348. ////// -|-
  6349. >"It's... over... Anon..."
  6350. \\\\\\ -|-
  6352. >Yeah, normally it would be. The math is straightforward.
  6353. >Twenty-five gems. Twenty-one reserved as ammunition, with four remaining left over to reflect the beams.
  6354. >Anyone who came up with this type of plan would've divided the four extra gems evenly between the ponies on the other two ships, allowing for the most possible versatility in choosing firing angles where another ship could possibly intercept.
  6355. >It's only logical, right?
  6356. >Yeah, it is. It's what anyone would do.
  6358. >But your gut instinct told you to hold on to one, just in case, leaving two for Luna and one for Rarity.
  6359. >Why? Well, it's tough to say with things like these. Kind of like with matters of the heart, sometimes you just can't explain it.
  6360. >But your best guess... well, it's simply because you figured the spergy little alicorn, with her OCD tendencies and firm adherence to logical patterns, would never even consider it.
  6361. >After all, a certain pink pony was the one who told you to listen to your heart instead of your head more, and from the stories you've heard, she forever remained an unsolvable mystery to Twilight.
  6362. >That definitely counts for something in your book, and it's what you've decided to bet everything on...
  6364. ////// -|-
  6365. >"You have... n-nowhere... left... to run..."
  6366. \\\\\\ -|-
  6368. >The Harbinger teleports directly in front of you, and you turn to avoid her, still chasing after the beam. More storm torpedoes launch into the air, but they have no hope of touching you now.
  6369. >Output: 130%.
  6370. >If the beam was traveling directly away from you, there'd be no hope of catching it, but it's not. You're flying in a straight line now, your course locked in on the point you believe your paths will intersect.
  6371. >Celestia levitates the final gem, you near the light and...
  6372. >...
  6373. >...
  6374. >...
  6375. >She captures it!
  6376. >In that very moment, you hear a groan from the ship's belly; the beginning of the end.
  6377. >But still you press on, turning in a wide arc back toward the Harbinger, to line up one last shot.
  6378. >One last, perfect shot.
  6379. >And it rings true.
  6381. >The pure light punctures the ARC sphere. It goes straight through it, and the whole thing shatters like glass.
  6382. >And since the entire ship was designed around the sphere, the rest of it quickly follows. All of the runes fade, leaving only normal stone behind, and the mighty structure crumbles away in the air before your very eyes.
  6383. >But you're given precious little time to admire it, because the Dawn Star's engines shred themselves to pieces only a second later.
  6384. >"Anon!"
  6385. >You hear Applejack cry out over the sound and fury of the explosion that tears away a huge portion of the stern.
  6386. "GO!"
  6387. >You yell back, and your thundering heartbeat slows somewhat when you see the lifeboat detach from the ship's frame and its sails unfold, your trusty crew inside, safely gliding down to the fields below.
  6388. >The helium frame, punctured in countless places from debris, begins to leak and the ship starts to roll. You watch the horizon tilt before your eyes, fingers drumming on the console, reluctant to leave it.
  6389. >A pony nose nudges your hand and you caress her muzzle in return. She leans into your touch, a sad smile on her face.
  6390. >For the last time, your special somepony curls up on the deck of the Dawn Star to allow you to straddle her back. And with a kick of her hooves and a beat of her wings, the two of you leave the second home you shared together behind for the open sky.
  6391. >You close your eyes for a moment waiting for the sound of the crash as the crippled ship smashes into the earth. You can't bear to look, and you only open them again after you know it's passed.
  6392. >What you see as you move away from the column of smoke pouring from the ruined ship causes a lump to form in your throat.
  6393. >The two last airships of Wing B have long since crashed into the fields alongside your own.
  6394. >But the Harbinger...?
  6396. >Well, it's still in a million pieces, but those pieces stubbornly refuse to fall. Instead, they slowly orbit around a small sphere of darkness that ominously hovers in the section of sky where it was torn apart. It's like looking at a galaxy with stone fragments in place of stars and a massive, visible black hole forming its center. The shrieking pony spirits circle around it, their attention focused on nothing else.
  6397. >You hands grip Celestia's mane even tighter at the sight.
  6398. "Cel... what is that thing?"
  6399. >"It's..." her breath hitches. "It's the gateway that was forming within the Arcane Resonance Chamber. But I don't understand... it should've collapsed when the chamber was destroyed, as there should be no more magic left to feed it..."
  6400. >Though you can't see her expression, you can feel her body shudder when the realization hits her at the same time it hits you.
  6401. >"Unless... Twilight!"
  6402. >Immediately, your alicorn turns in the air and carries the two of you toward the series of floating stones. You scan them, desperately searching for a sign of that familiar purple coat...
  6403. "There!"
  6404. >And you find her.
  6405. >The little alicorn lies panting on a large piece of stone as it slowly moves in its orbit close to the black sphere. Celestia attempts to approach, but suddenly cries out in pain and turns away when she nears it.
  6406. "What's wrong?!"
  6407. >She shakes her head and quickly beats her wings a few times, stabilizing her place in the air.
  6408. >"It... it feels almost as if I were returning to Equus with my full power. Like the island was rejecting me..."
  6409. >She ponders for a few moments, her eyes focused on Twilight.
  6411. >"I think... yes, the gateway links to the Dark Star's chamber, which must be buried beneath the island itself! There was no way for us to tell where it was during the Trials as the cavern was completely sealed off from the surface, but if that really is the case then a portion of Equus' magic field must be flowing through the gateway as well! I don't think I'll be able to approach..."
  6412. "If it's that strong, then what about Twilight? She's right next to the thing!"
  6413. >Celestia turns in the air and flies toward one of the pieces of stone on the outermost edge of the orbiting ring.
  6414. >"We need to retrieve her at once! I don't know what effect prolonged contact with a weakened version of the field will have on an alicorn, but..."
  6415. >You can feel her body tense as the memory of a past trauma enters her thoughts... a memory of the brother she lost. You pat the side of her neck reassuringly as you dismount, your feet steadying themselves on the floating piece of stone alongside her hooves.
  6416. >"Anon...?"
  6417. >The countless moving pieces of broken rock continue to orbit all around you, the silence broken in places by periodic shrieks from the remaining ghosts.
  6418. "I'll go get her. The field shouldn't have any effect on me."
  6419. >Celestia rears back. "What? Anon... it's too dangerous! The path is broken and unstable, you can't fly, and with the spirits near the gateway... no. No, I'll go and find a pegasus to assist us. I can't--"
  6420. >Your hand clamps down on her muzzle, silencing her not so much due to the action itself, but the suddenness of it.
  6421. "You just said we need to save her now, so that's what we're gonna do, Cel. You don't need to worry about me. I'm not afraid, because if I stumble and fall, I know you'll be there to catch me."
  6422. >You pull your hand back to find the worry in her face replaced by a slight smile. She closes her eyes and shakes her head.
  6423. >"Go."
  6425. >You leap from the first stone to the second, then try to find a suitable one for your next leap. You didn't notice it before, but it looks like the stones in the outer bands are moving faster than the ones in the innermost bands. You'll need to plan your first series of moves carefully to make sure you end up in a position close to Twilight.
  6426. >And speaking of Twilight, you can't see her anymore. Your stone's already moved to the other side of the black sphere. Timing is definitely going to be key here. You take your next leap, and then another as a suitable platform immediately appears, and then you're forced to duck and cling to the piece of rock for dear life as a ghost nearly flies into your face.
  6427. >Carefully, but as quickly as you can, you make your way to the center of the debris field. There are some near-misses, and some extremely close calls the closer you get, but with one final leap, you find yourself on the same stone as Twilight.
  6428. >She lays on her side, her eyes closed and tears running down her face. She takes deep gulps of air between sobs, as if she can't get her breath. She looks absolutely exhausted, like she just ran a series of marathons back to back, but as far as you can tell she doesn't appear to have any severe injuries.
  6429. >You rush over to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
  6430. "Twilight? Twilight, are you okay? Can you hear me?"
  6431. >Her eyes open, the violet irises capturing you in their gaze, though the tears don't stop. She says nothing for several moments, then looks away, taking a few more breaths.
  6432. >"Anon... she was right. It was just another lie... after all..."
  6433. >Her voice is little more than a whisper, and she struggles to speak without having to pause for a breath.
  6434. "Twilight, I'm going to get you out of here. Cel thinks that Equus' magic field is leaking through the gate. It's making you weak."
  6436. >She chuckles. "Don't... don't be ridiculous, Anon. If that were true... I'd be able to feel it. I'd know." Her eyes close again and she takes a few more breaths. "It's... it's just magic fatigue... like I told you back at the wedding. I used... everything I had... and when that wasn't enough... I kept digging... and found even more..."
  6437. >Your mind wanders back to the battle. Come to think of it, her voice started getting more and more strained each time she spoke to you...
  6438. >"How..." she continues. "How could I not? I didn't... have any other choice... after Luna damaged the ARC... its magic started to fade... so I... I had to supplement it... with my own..."
  6439. >You feel a chill run down your spine.
  6440. >There's just no way. It can't be possible, but...
  6441. >After the Harbinger was damaged, it suddenly started teleporting without any sort of delay. There seemed to be no limit to it, and you didn't understand why.
  6442. >But if what she's saying is true, then every single time the ship teleported after that moment, it was because -she- was feeding it the magic to be able to do so.
  6443. >Luna... she used up almost all of her magic to be able to move the sinking Concordia. But how many times did Twilight move the even larger Harbinger? Eight? Ten? Twelve? And all that after losing an inordinate amount of magic upon breaking the Geas! You can't fathom it... it's unreal!
  6444. >Just how powerful -is- this little pony?!
  6445. >You stumble back a bit in disbelief, and Twilight lets out a little chuckle between breaths.
  6446. >"D-Don't... don't act so surprised, Anon... I'm the... Element of Magic... and teleporting is kind of... a specialty of mine."
  6448. >You hear a rumbling in the distance and notice a few of the floating pieces of stone near the outmost edge of the field begin to drift away before falling back to the earth. It looks like whatever magic that's causing them to float is starting to fade away. You kneel down next to Twilight and carefully lift her into your arms. She remains perfectly docile, not attempting to struggle at all, and when you stand again with her she even smiles a bit.
  6449. "C'mon. Cel's waiting for us."
  6450. >"Anon..." she breathes out again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."
  6451. >It's hard to describe exactly what you feel as you stand there and hold her.
  6452. >Maybe you'll never really be able to articulate it. This little pony... she was your tormentor. She caused you so much grief, so much pain, so much stress...
  6453. >But as you hold her, and feel her little body take each labored breath, you remember that before all that... before everything...
  6454. >She was your friend.
  6455. >And that's why you know, despite everything that's happened, and despite all the hurt and anger and sadness, that the next words you speak are true.
  6456. "It's okay."
  6457. >She relaxes in your arms and her body goes limp. You feel a pang a fear in your heart until you realize she's still breathing. She's just sleeping.
  6458. >You shake your head. When she's not trying to capture you, or force you to marry her, or convince you to do unspeakable things with her, or, hell, all of the above, she's actually kind of cute.
  6459. >Best to not mention that, though. Ever.
  6461. >Another rumbling reaches your ears and you see even more stones start to fall. Based on what she said, Twilight's residual magic was holding the gate open and these stones aloft, so now that she's unconscious it must be fading away.
  6462. >You don't see any real point in attempting to make your way back across the stone field. Your special somepony will be there to catch you, so you might as well just wait, though maybe signaling her about it beforehand would be the most prudent thing to do. With Twilight still in your arms, you walk to the edge of the stone to see if you can spot her when she next appears, when you feel your shoe tap against something.
  6463. >You look down, and there, right next to your feet, is a jagged piece of black crystal. It shimmers with a faded ruby aura, and there's no doubt about it:
  6464. >This is the Dark Star Shard.
  6465. >Before you know what's happening, a strange compulsion overtakes you, and you find yourself holding the Shard in your hand. The aura around it pulses, and then you see...
  6466. >Home.
  6467. >You see the way home.
  6468. >You see your friends.
  6469. >You see your family.
  6470. >Everyone that you lost.
  6471. >There's a way to return to them... back to Earth.
  6472. >It's so simple. You could easily do it yourself... build the device that would bring you back. The knowledge necessary... it's within your grasp, right now.
  6473. >And then you find yourself standing atop the floating stone again, your smile reflected in the Shard's dark surface.
  6474. "Nice try, but I don't think so."
  6475. >Maybe, before all of this started, that would've been your greatest wish.
  6476. >But a knock on your door late one night changed everything, didn't it?
  6477. >And all because of the little pony still sleeping in your arms.
  6478. >In a way, you owe her more than you can ever hope to repay.
  6480. >And it's those thoughts that drive you as you turn to face the gateway. Upon closer examination, you can make out the walls of the Dark Star's crystal cavern, flickering lights and all, within the inky black surface of the now shrinking sphere.
  6481. >You glance down at the Shard again. This thing has been an unimaginable pain in everyone's ass. Cel told you before that they were never able to find a way to destroy it, only seal it away in the Archives since, as alicorns, they could never return to Equus.
  6482. >And yeah, the Archives is a pretty safe place for it, you guess. Until you think about who actually has access to them.
  6483. >The wily, moody and unpredictable Night Princess.
  6484. >The slumbering purple alicorn in your arms. (Need anything more be said?)
  6485. >Hell, even Cel has her eccentricities. What if the kingdom ever ran out of ice cream? Would she turn to using the Shard's forbidden knowledge to conjure up some Rocky Road? Probably not, but do you really want to risk it?
  6486. >No. No, you don't. So without a second thought, you toss the Shard through the gateway and watch as it tumbles through the darkness of the cavern to be reunited with its source.
  6487. >The gateway closes as the black sphere continues to shrink until it's the size of a marble, and then it vanishes from your sight. The last of the floating stones begin to fall soon after, including the one that held you.
  6488. >You clutch Twilight close as you tumble through the air. Instead of facing the oncoming ground, you turn so that your body is oriented toward the bright blue sky.
  6489. >The sun shines overhead. Thin, white clouds soar past you, carried by the wind...
  6490. >And strangely, but maybe not so strangely, you get the feeling that you -are- home.
  6491. >Because after all, her gift wasn't just the Dawn Star, was it?
  6492. >It was the sky.
  6493. >You close your eyes and smile, just as a pair of angelic white wings find their way into your view.
  6495. ~~~~~~~~~
  6497. >The ponies that were stationed on the sunken airships of Luna's fleet have been quite busy on the ground during the battle. A large field camp has been set up in the Canterlot Fields to tend to any injuries in addition to coordinating the recovery and cleanup operations for the damaged airships. Soldiers trot to and fro, gathering damage reports and assessing how much the farmers of the fields will need to be compensated for their troubles, while engineers inspect each fallen ship to determine what, if anything, is salvageable.
  6498. >Somehow, you escaped the ordeal with only minor cuts and scratches, which Cel insisted on healing herself now that her magic's been restored. You're not sure if that was because she really wanted to, or because she didn't like the look one of the cute nurse mares was giving you. Knowing her, it's probably a little of both. But despite the fact that you feel 100% fine, you haven't left the private medical tent you now find yourself in since you arrived, nor has she.
  6499. >Instead, the two of you have remained at Twilight's bedside, talking to one another as you wait for her to awaken. The conversations have been about what you'd expect: where you go from here, what happens now, how things will change... stuff like that. Needless to say, there's a lot for you to think about going forward, but now that things have finally calmed down, it shouldn't be too difficult.
  6500. >You were more than a little nervous when you told her about tossing the Shard back into the Dark Star cavern, but to your relief, it turns out she agreed with the decision, feeling it was for the best. When you told her you actually forgave Twilight out in the stone field, she merely smiled and nodded as if it didn't come as any surprise. Sometimes, you think she might know you better than you know yourself...
  6502. >"Anon..."
  6503. >Two violet eyes flutter open and focus first on you, then on the white alicorn by your side. They follow her mane as it waves in the astral breeze for a few moments, before becoming clouded with tears.
  6504. >"P-Princess..."
  6505. >She sniffles, clutching the sheets closer in her hooves.
  6506. >"I'm so, so sorry! I don't even deserve to face either of you! I... I..."
  6507. >Celestia stands and places a comforting hoof on the little alicorn's shoulder, but she shies away from the touch.
  6508. >"You were right... you were right about everything all along... and I was too stupid to see it. I thought that maybe I'd found something, or learned something that you hadn't... and I wanted to prove to you that... that... I could be an amazing princess just like you, just as much as I wanted to prove it to myself!"
  6509. >She laughs. "But some princess I turned out to be. The things I did to you in pursuit of Anon... the things I said... if I could take them back now, I would in an instant! But... but... I loved him so much... and I didn't know how else... I didn't know how else..."
  6510. >She starts to cry again, and Celestia levitates some tissues over to her.
  6511. >"But I was wrong about that, too. I... I thought I knew what love was. I read so much about it... talked to ponies about it... asked my parents and brother about it... but I never understood it until I saw the two of you at the wedding. When... when you fought through the pain of the Geas to reach him, even when you knew it would be impossible... I... I knew, right then, that I'd never have him. And it hurt so much, Princess... it hurt so much, and I didn't know what to do!"
  6512. >She wipes her eyes with the tissue and blows her nose.
  6513. >"You... you said you would take the crown from me. I don't want it anymore. I don't deserve to be a princess. I wish none of this had ever happened! I wish I could go back to be with my friends in Ponyville... but... but... I even pushed them away, too!"
  6515. >Celestia levitates a set of fresh tissues over to the little alicorn and closes her eyes.
  6516. >"Twilight... there's no undoing it. The past is the past, and you must live with the consequences of the choices you've made, which is a lesson that I must remind myself of day after day. I understand that it was the Shard's influence that directed you to do some these things, but that does not absolve you of the responsibility. You've made many mistakes, and hurt many others as you've followed this path, and this is, and will remain, the truth."
  6517. >With a sigh, Celestia turns away from her former student for a moment as she pauses to regain her composure.
  6518. >"And Twilight, one of those consequences you'll need to live with... is the loss of your magic."
  6519. >Twilight's eyes go wide. "M-My... my magic...?"
  6520. >Celestia nods solemnly. "Yes, Twilight. You dug so deep today, and pulled so much directly from the magical ember within you, that your ability to harness the world's magic is all but gone. It's similar to what happened to me when I was cursed by your Geas weapons. A normal pony would never recover from this, but as an alicorn, your recovery will come gradually with time. However, it will be hundreds of years from now before your magic is restored completely and you once again stand at the level you were this morning."
  6521. >Her breathing stops and her mouth hangs open, and for a second you're worried that she's going to start to hyperventilate.
  6522. >"But... but... m-my... my magic is everything! It's who I am! It's my special talent! What... what am I going to do without it?! I... I can't function without it! I've never eaten with my hooves, or written with my mouth, or--"
  6523. >"You will learn, Twilight!" Celestia's voice rings out, strong and firm. "Earth ponies and pegasi know how to do these things, and it is not beyond or beneath you to learn their ways."
  6524. >The little alicorn turns away and sobs into her sheets.
  6526. >"But I've lost everything! I've lost Anon! I've lost my friends! I've lost my magic! And I've lost -you-, Teacher! How am I supposed to go on like this?! It... it would be better if I just..."
  6527. >"ENOUGH!"
  6528. >You cover your ears as Celestia unexpectedly uses the Canterlot Voice. Poor Twilight cowers under the sheets, wide-eyed and trembling, as if she'd never heard her raise her voice in such a way before.
  6529. >"You do many ponies a great disservice to say such a thing. Do you honestly believe that you're the first to ever experience such hardship? Do you believe you're the first to ever feel hopeless and abandoned? Do you believe you're the first to ever wish that tomorrow's sunrise would never come?!"
  6530. >Twilight's eyes are locked on her mentor's now, not daring to look away, and Celestia's expression softens.
  6531. >"Listen closely, my faithful student. You are, without a doubt, one of the most brilliant little ponies I've ever known throughout my long life. Your potential is staggering, and I know that, one day, when you've grown even further, you -will- surpass me. You -will- become a greater princess than I was. That is my deepest, most sincere hope!"
  6532. >The white alicorn rests on her haunches, her gaze directed at her student and a motherly smile on her muzzle.
  6533. >"You said something to me today. You said I wasn't perfect. You said that sometimes I don't know what to do. You said that I make mistakes. Oh, my little pony, if only you knew how true all those things are! I have lived for over 2,500 -years-, Twilight, and I can safely say that there is nopony, and I mean -nopony- who has made more mistakes than me!"
  6534. >Tears begin to form in her beautiful magenta eyes as she speaks.
  6535. >"But Twilight... just because you make a mistake, that doesn't mean you can't seek to correct it. Just because you suffer a hardship, that doesn't mean you can't press on. And just because you've hurt somepony, either intentionally or unintentionally, that doesn't mean you can't ask for forgiveness, which is why, here and now, I must ask you..."
  6537. >"Forgive me."
  6539. >Twilight's shock is almost palpable. Again, she almost forgets to breathe. "W-What... what do you mean?"
  6540. >And now, it's Celestia who sniffles and cries, her eyes clouded with tears.
  6541. >"Twilight... this is all my fault. I was so selfish. I so much wanted to escape the burdens I bear, that I thrust you into not only a role I knew you weren't prepared for, but into Eternity itself, without fully explaining what it meant and what the consequences would be. Even if I knew that it was what you thought you wanted, we should've discussed it together, and if you still felt that way, I should've stayed with you to guide you through it. I'm... I'm so sorry, my student... what I've done is inexcusable. I've failed you in nearly every way imaginable. I'll fully understand if you don't want to be my student any longer, and I can in no way blame you if that's what you choose, or even if you wish to hate me for what I've done, but I sincerely hope that--"
  6542. >"I forgive you, Celestia."
  6543. >She hiccups. "Y-You what?"
  6544. >Twilight smiles. "I forgive you. Even if it wasn't done for the right reasons, you... you let me live my dream, at least for a little while. You say I don't understand what it means, and that's probably true, but I've thought about it a lot and... and it's what I want. I still want to be like you, and it's not your fault that I botched it all up..."
  6545. >Celestia shakes her head, allowing more tears to fall away. "Even if in the future you think differently, to hear you say that means more to me than you'll ever know."
  6546. >"But there's something I don't understand," Twilight continues. "You said you'd understand if I didn't want to be your student anymore, but... does it even matter? How can I be without my magic?"
  6548. >Celestia shakes her head. "One of the many mistakes I've made was focusing your studies on -only- magic. There's still so much I can teach you... so much I -want- to teach you. I want you to become the best pony you can possibly be. Trust me, should you so choose, there are many more lessons that await you. I can teach you to speak to the earth. I can teach you how to properly use those wings of yours, and... when I believe you're prepared, I have a special assignment reserved for you at some point in the future."
  6549. >Twilight beams. "Princess Celestia... I'd be honored if you'd have me as your student again."
  6550. >"Of course," Celestia replies as she moves forward and wraps her student in a hug. "And I want to make one more thing clear: you have -never- lost me. Even if you didn't want me as your teacher, I would still be your friend, whether you wanted it or not."
  6551. "Likewise."
  6552. >You flash the little alicorn a smile, hoping you're not doing too much to disrupt the tender moment.
  6553. >Twilight giggles. "Thank you both. That's reassuring to hear."
  6554. >Celestia pulls away from the hug, directing her attention to the entrance of the tent.
  6555. >"And also... you never lost them, either."
  6556. >Twilight's gaze follows her mentor's, and there, standing in the entryway, are five familiar little ponies.
  6557. >"Girls...?" her breath hitches again, fresh tears forming in her eyes.
  6558. >"Twilight!!"
  6559. >You and Celestia both move out of the way to avoid the oncoming stampede as all the ponies rush the bed. She sits next to you and you place an arm around her withers, pulling her into a light hug as you watch the reunion unfold.
  6560. >"Hey there, gal, how're ya feelin'?"
  6561. >"Thank goodness you're alright, darling!"
  6562. >"That battle was so s-scary! I'm glad you're okay..."
  6563. >"C'mon, are you kidding?! It was AWESOME!"
  6565. >Twilight is speechless and you can tell the purple pony's waterworks are about to start up again. Pinkie quickly moves in to head it off at the pass by producing a wrapped box from her mane.
  6566. >"Aw, don't cry, Twilight! Look, we brought you a present!"
  6567. >Twilight looks at the box with curiosity shining in her eyes. "Oh... what in the world could it be?"
  6568. >Slowly, and a little awkwardly now that she needs to use her hooves, she tears open the paper and lifts the lid...
  6569. > reveal six perfectly baked and decorated cupcakes. The frosting of each one matches the coat color of one of the six ponies, and each is decorated with that pony's cutie mark.
  6570. >"Surprise! I made them this morning, but Rainbow wouldn't let me taste one so I dunno if they're good or not!"
  6571. >The cyan pegasus pokes her head over the box. "I did the frosting on yours myself, Twilight! Pretty sweet, huh?"
  6572. >"They're..." Twilight hiccups. "They're wonderful. Thank you... thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart! You're the best friends I could ever hope for!"
  6573. >Applejack pulls the purple pony into a hug. "We love ya too, Twi. And don't ya ever forget it."
  6574. >"I won't," the little alicorn replies. "I won't... for as long as I live."
  6575. >Pinkie pouts. "Aw nuts! I gave her those cupcakes so she -wouldn't- cry!"
  6576. >Rarity giggles and pats the party pony on the back. "There, there, dear. Just go with it."
  6577. >"I call dibs on mine!" Rainbow yells, reaching a hoof toward the box.
  6578. >"Um... I'm on a diet, so..."
  6579. >"And Fluttershy's!"
  6580. >Celestia shakes her head as the two of you watch the scene unfold.
  6581. >"Truly, the six of them together never cease to amaze me."
  6582. >And as you run your hand through her mane to scratch behind one of her ears and wonder whether Rainbow or Applejack will successfully win the impromptu duel they decided on for the fate of the extra cupcake, you reply:
  6583. "Yeah, you can say that again."
  6585. ~~~~~~~~~
  6587. >Princess Luna lets out a tired sigh after reviewing the latest status report presented to her by the field engineers. Total hardware losses and damages in excess of a half a billion bits or more... truly, her Sister knows how to pick her proteges...
  6588. >Still, she nods with a satisfied smile at the night sky and the newly risen moon. Her mane and tail, restored to their former cosmic glory now that her magic has recovered, are nearly indistinguishable now from the sky itself as she trots back toward the field camp and the light of the great bonfire burning there.
  6589. >It seems that, if left unsupervised, her soldiers will turn any opportunity they can into merriment. Or perhaps it's more the product of--
  6590. >"Hiya, Boss!"
  6591. >Luna screams and nearly jumps out of her coat at the sudden shout that graces her ear. She turns to find the Element of Laughter standing there, a smile on her face, as usual.
  6592. >"Ah... Pinkie Pie. Salutations to you. Do... do you require something of us?"
  6593. >'Please say no' is her next thought, though she doesn't voice it.
  6594. >Pinkie taps a hoof on her chin as she thinks. "Hmmm... nah, not really! Just checking to see if you needed me to do anything else!"
  6595. >Luna smiles and shakes her head. "Nay. Your service to Equestria throughout this ordeal was performed admirably. However, now that the trial has passed, we feel we can release you. Again, you have our most humble thanks."
  6596. >"Okie dokie!" Pinkie replies with an enthusiastic nod. "If you need anything, you know where to find me!"
  6597. >"Indeed. Your dreams are truly one-of-a-kind, so we doubt we'll have any trouble."
  6598. >Pinkie turns to hop away to get back to doing... whatever it is that she usually does, but suddenly turns back.
  6600. >"Oh, hey! I almost forgot! You should come to our bonfire party! Me and Celly and Non-non and Twilight and Applejack and, well, I guess -everypony- is there! I promise it'll be super duper fun!"
  6601. >"We were just on our way... we do so enjoy this 'fun' that seems to be so in favor with ponies these days. We shall not miss it."
  6602. >"Great! See ya there!"
  6603. >Again, she moves to bound away, but after some consideration, Luna raises a hoof to stop her.
  6604. >"Wait! We... we suppose there is one more thing. A simple request, and not something you must act on anytime soon..."
  6605. >The pink pony turns back, her head tilted to the side in curiosity. Luna herself turns to gaze at the moon with fondness.
  6606. >"There will come a time, not now, but in the future, when the six of thee shall stand before the Grand Gate together. When that time comes, please remember that if thou needst guidance, thou need only dream, and we will be there."
  6607. >Pinkie's smile grows even wider, if such a thing is possible, as she nods her head once more.
  6608. >"Thank you, Princess Luna."
  6609. >And finally, she bounds toward the fire to join the others.
  6610. >After trotting a bit, she can see them clearly as they laugh and eat around the fire. She pauses to watch her Sister interact with the strange ape from another world that she seems so smitten with, as well as with her student and her friends. Their joy is apparent even from this distance, and it easily travels to her, lifting her spirits despite her fatigue from the day's events.
  6611. >"It appears all is well..."
  6612. >A chuckle. "Indeed. A picture perfect ending... though a little boring if you ask me..."
  6613. >For the second time in the last ten minutes, the Princess of the Night nearly jumps out of her coat. She whirls around to find a miniature version of an abominable draconequus hovering near her shoulder, and she grits her teeth in anger.
  6614. >"DISCORD! How didst thou escape?!"
  6616. >The tiny Discord clamps his lion paw across her muzzle.
  6617. >"How many times have I told you... -volume-! There's no need to yell or make a scene; I'm still right where you left me, acting as a favorite nesting spot for the birds of the Royal Gardens..." he shudders. "But there's no rule that says I can't pay one of my darling little sisters a visit! You're the only one who can see or hear me right now, so don't reply too loudly or everypony else will think you're, well, crazier than they already think you are!"
  6618. >Luna resists the urge to give him a snarky reply and turns away to face the camp once more. Discord merely chuckles again.
  6619. >"The silent treatment, eh? Very mature, but oh so like you. Oh come on, why so gloomy, Gloomy? Everything worked out in the end, didn't it? Celestia had her power -and- position restored like you wanted, little Twilight Sparkle has been made less of an insurance liability (at least for the time being), the relationship between the Elements of Harmony has been repaired, and to top it all off, that annoying chunk of the Dark Star was returned to where it belonged!"
  6620. >He twirls in the air and gives an exaggerated bow.
  6621. >"I must say, though... I never expected Cotton Candy Head would end up falling head over hooves with that odd creature I pulled across dimensions during my last little romp across Equestria. Well, I guess the two of you always struck me as oddballs when it came to dating, but it certainly was a delightful little cream filling to round out this chaos-filled cake!"
  6622. >Luna whirls around again, resisting the urge to yell and keeping her voice to a whisper.
  6623. >"-YOU-! Are you meaning to say that you -PLANNED- all of this?!"
  6624. >He scoffs. "Puh-lease! I'm the God of Chaos, my dear; it's difficult for me to -plan- to do anything. Let's just call this a series of happy coincidences, shall we?"
  6626. >The little Discord places his arms behind his back and paces a bit in the air, looking nonchalant.
  6627. >"I will say this, though... it's an older brother's job to look after his dear sisters. Despite all that's happened between us, to see the two of you find happiness, well... let's just say that it's still a joy to me in and of itself."
  6628. >He gazes over to Celestia as she nuzzles the human by the fire, their shared laughter ringing out through the night, and Luna does the same.
  6629. >"Well then, I suppose I should get back to my lonely imprisonment. But before I go, tell me..." he points one of his talons toward the human in the distance. "Would you like me to get you one too during my next inevitable escape? They're quite easy to acquire if you know where to look..."
  6630. >Luna gives him a deadpan stare. "Please don't."
  6631. >He grins. "I'll take that as a 'maybe'. Ta ta for now, my precious Moody Featherduster!"
  6632. >And with a short flash of light, he's gone.
  6633. >Luna shakes her head and lets out an exasperated sigh.
  6634. >"Thou art as troublesome as always, dear brother..."
  6635. >With one glance back to the moon above, she makes her way toward the fire, Celestia's joyous laughter guiding her hoofsteps.
  6637. Next Time on Exchange: Epilogue - The First Step
  6639. ================
  6640. ||- Epilogue -||
  6641. ================
  6643. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6644. >Four Years Later
  6645. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6647. >The sound of your boots on the metal walkway are unmistakable in and of themselves, but the additional sound of worried trotting that echoes just behind them leaves little doubt in the minds of the ponies working in the berths as to who just arrived.
  6648. >The newer workers set down their tools in preparation to bow, but their older coworkers just shake their heads, instead waving to you. You smile and wave back, knowing most of them by name at this point.
  6649. >"My Prince... I beg of you to reconsider! You know how the Council feels about you going on these excursions unescorted!"
  6650. >You stop and turn to the nervous pegasus guard as he trots in place behind you.
  6651. "Pyre... didn't you tell me yesterday that your wife was pregnant?"
  6652. >He stops trotting and looks at you with curiosity. "Well... yes. Yes, she is. It'll be our third. But I don't see..."
  6653. >You place a hand on his shoulder.
  6654. "Go home and spend some time with her. Take her out to a nice dinner or something. You know the drill; if the Council gives you any flak, we'll handle it, just like we always have. Have I ever steered you wrong before?"
  6655. >He glances to the side. "W-Well, on several occasions--"
  6656. "You know what? Don't answer that. And get going, already, that's an order!"
  6657. >The tired pegasus sighs and salutes. "Yes, My Prince, as you command."
  6658. >You can't help but smile as you watch him turn tail and head home. Dedicated to a fault... you couldn't ask for a better personal guard. Though you sometimes wish he'd relax a little more.
  6659. >You continue on your journey down the walkway until your destination looms in front of you. A wave of your hand signals one of the techs to approach and he does so, albeit nervously.
  6660. "How's she looking?"
  6661. >He salutes. "The standard maintenance schedule's been completed, Your Highness. She's ready for departure!"
  6663. "Good to hear. Do you happen to know if the modifications I asked for were made?"
  6664. >The pony flips through a few sheets on his clipboard. "Yes, Your Highness, they were finished yesterday."
  6665. >You resist the urge to fist pump at the news. Or at least you'll save it until you're at the helm. As your wife says, a certain amount of decorum is required when one is in public, and you try to keep to that principle to avoid any lectures.
  6666. >With a wave and statement of thanks to the tech, you make your way up the gantry, through the portside storage area, and into the living quarters. You run your fingers across the paneling as you pass by the bedroom entrances and through the shared kitchen and dining area to ultimately climb the stairs to the open deck and stand at the pilot's console.
  6667. >And with the flip of a switch, and the turn of the key, the engines of the Dawn Star III roar to life.
  6668. >The truth is, as a Prince of Equestria, you could've asked for anything you wanted. Hell, you could've had your own Concordia. But you've only ever owned three airships, all based on the original blueprints developed by the Apple and Orange Shipyard in response to an old roommate's requests. And despite the opulent suite you share in the castle, -this- is what truly feels like home.
  6669. >The fate of the first ship is well known... it's almost the stuff of legends by now, and apparently a movie is in the works. Somehow, you doubt it'll capture the feeling of really being there.
  6670. >The second ship you crashed in a race with a good friend of yours; a pony who knows airships like the back of his hoof. The two of you have a bit of a rivalry going and try to take to the skies as often as you can, testing the professional maintenance crews of the ERA's modifications against his own. He usually wins, given that he's a genius when it comes to this stuff, but to you it's more about the thrill of flight, and the opportunity to catch up with one another, than it is about the competition.
  6672. >Which brings you to this third version. Each one has been a slight iteration of the last, using the latest technology, but keeping the general design the same. And while the later versions can certainly outperform the original in speed and maneuverability, it'll always hold a special place in your heart.
  6673. >The vertical turbines spin up, and before you know it you're rising into the air, high into the late afternoon sky above Canterlot. Cloud cover is sparse and the temperature is pleasant; winter having officially ended several weeks ago. After reaching your desired altitude, you lower your goggles, point the ship's bow toward your destination, and begin tearing through the sky.
  6674. >Wouldn't want to be late for your date, after all.
  6675. >...
  6676. >...
  6677. >...
  6678. >You sail over a somewhat small mountain range to the south of the Kingdom and set the ship to hover in place. After unfolding a beach chair on deck and kicking back, you crack open a copy of the latest Daring Do novel. There's nothing really left to do but wait. You never were one for reading fiction, but there's something about these stories...
  6679. >An hour passes, the sun moving lower in the sky, and you close the book, a bookmark safely placed where you left off. A quick scan of the skies reveals an unexpected visitor approaching, her wings effortlessly gliding through the nearby thermals to carry her to you.
  6680. >Four hooves touch down on deck and you sit up to greet her, a smile on your face.
  6681. "So, the prodigal princess-in-training returns. How was it? Was it everything that you imagined it'd be?"
  6682. >Twilight nods enthusiastically. "Oh, yes, it was all that and more! You were right, Anon, even though you described your journey to me in detail, it was nothing like being there... some things really do have to be experienced for oneself to be understood."
  6684. "Well, I'm glad you made it back safely. How'd you find me out here, anyway? And where are the others?"
  6685. >She grins. "Oh, that? Empyrean Blaze told me where you were."
  6686. >You facepalm. Goddamn it, Pyre...
  6687. >"And as for the others, they're with their families. It's been several months, and I'm sure they've been missed."
  6688. "Yeah, I'm sure you're right about that. But why are you out here talking to me? What about your own folks?"
  6689. >"Oh, I stopped by to talk to Mom and Dad while I was in Canterlot. But you guys..." she blushes a bit. "You're kind of like my family, too. Speaking of which, where's...?"
  6690. "Not here yet, I'm afraid. But you're welcome to wait with me if you'd like. She should be here any minute now."
  6691. >Her ears fold back. "Oh. Unfortunately I have a lot of things to take care of at the Library now that I'm back, but I allotted twenty minutes in my schedule for this visit, and--"
  6692. "Twilight..."
  6693. >She blinks. "What?"
  6694. "What would Cel say if she heard you talking like that?"
  6695. >The purple alicorn adopts a regal pose, raises a hoof and does her best Sunbutt impression.
  6696. >"Twilight Sparkle, while your skill at organizing is admirable, you needn't live your life by lists all the time. The ability to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances is one of the key aspects of being a princess."
  6697. >Your jaw drops and you suppress a chuckle.
  6698. "WOW! That was dead-on!"
  6699. >She giggles. "I know, right? I had a lot of practice doing impressions when we were telling campfire stories. I can do Luna too, if you'd like."
  6700. >You lean back in your chair again, eyes scanning the sky.
  6701. "Maybe another time. But tell me, 'cause my curiosity is killing me at this point... am I going to need to be looking over my shoulder for a hyperactive pink alicorn anytime soon? Please say no, because I honestly don't think I can handle it."
  6703. >She shakes her head, chuckling a bit.
  6704. >"No, Anon. You're safe for now. None of the others have ascended. It's... it's not something to be taken lightly. They need to talk with their families, and Teacher, and ultimately make the decision for themselves. I don't know what each of them will choose, though I'll be fine with whatever they decide. But the very act of challenging and overcoming the Trials together... oh, Anon... it's strengthened our friendship to a level I never knew was possible..."
  6705. >She blinks away a few tears, her smile never faltering. "They're my sisters now, Anon. I can't even begin to describe how much that means to me."
  6706. >The look in her eyes brings a smile to your face, and at once you find it striking just how different Twilight seems to be now. It's true that a trip through the Trials of Equus will cause you to come back a different person... or pony... than when you left, but she truly seems happier. And healthier, too. Her mane and coat seem to shine in the sun; her simple, joyful smile a mirror of its radiance.
  6707. "I'm happy for you, Twilight. I really am. And I guess you must be relieved to finally have your full magic back after everything that's happened. I can't imagine the feeling, but it must be something else."
  6708. >Strangely, her ears fold back and she steps away from you, her eyes cast downward.
  6709. >"Actually, I... that's... that's one of the reasons I'm here. I haven't restored my magic. I... I don't think I ever really intended to from the start."
  6710. >You sit up, confusion on your face.
  6711. "...What? But why?"
  6712. >She shakes her head and sniffles a bit. "Anon... I didn't realize until much later... and until after I really went back and thought about all that happened... what I did to you that day when we abducted you using that spell scroll..."
  6713. >You sigh.
  6714. "Twilight... I told you before, it's water under the bridge. You don't have to--"
  6716. >"It's not!" she yells back, tears starting to form. "You... you said you wanted to kill me in that moment, and I completely understand why! What I took from you then... what I took from Celestia..."
  6717. >She falls back on her haunches and looks away again. "I came to realize what I'd done to you both and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I didn't fix it. That you both forgave me afterwards is still something that to this day causes me to both laugh with joy and cry because I didn't deserve it. You both loved me and treasured my friendship that much, and I..."
  6718. >Her horn glows with an unsteady aura. Over the years, she's regained the use of a bit of her magic, but when you last saw her she could do no more than simple telekinesis to lift very small objects. She removes the simple brooch holding a portion of her mane in place, and separates the single small gem in its center.
  6719. >"This was never meant for me, Anon. I know that now, and my time on Equus, struggling through the Trials together with the girls only reinforced that knowledge in my heart."
  6720. >You stand, and the stone levitates before you.
  6721. >"All I could think about as we fought through hardship after hardship... was what the two of you must've gone through together during those three days and nights on the island. How you must've struggled and supported one another..."
  6722. >You reach out, capturing the stone from the air. There's a familiar rush of magic that nearly forces you to your knees.
  6723. >"I give this to you willingly. It's yours to do with as you please. Even now, I don't think it's enough... but it's all I know to do."
  6724. >You spend a moment to regain your composure, cradling the precious stone to your chest.
  6725. "But what about you, Twilight? Have you really thought this through?"
  6727. >Now she smiles again, blinking the tears away.
  6728. >"Celestia was right, Anon. I need to live with the consequences of my actions, and that's what I intend to keep doing. A few hundred years... I'm sure they'll pass in the blink of an eye."
  6729. >For the first time in a while, she looks at you directly.
  6730. >"And I'm not afraid. Because I've learned that as I walk into Eternity, I won't be alone, even if none of the others decide to join me. I have a wonderful Teacher, and in her husband a wonderful friend."
  6731. >She steps back, spreading her wings.
  6732. "Wait, Twilight! Didn't you want to see Cel?"
  6733. >"It's okay... I'm sure I'll see her later after I take care of things in Ponyville. And I'm not as naive as I used to be, Anon, I know if I stick around I'll just be interrupting your date!" She gives you a sly wink. "But if you don't mind, can you at least tell her that I returned safely?"
  6734. >You nod.
  6735. "I will. Thank you, Twilight... I don't really know what to say."
  6736. >She closes her eyes. "You don't need to say anything. All that you've done for me is thanks enough."
  6737. >Twilight takes a few quick steps as if she's about to fly, but abruptly stops before making her leap. She turns back to you one last time, looking more radiant than you can ever remember seeing her.
  6738. >"I don't know if I ever told you this, but that day at the wedding, when I saw the two of you together for the first time? I felt so many conflicting emotions in that moment, but deep down, even though I couldn't understand why... I was happy. When I thought about it more after everything was over, I realized it was because I loved you both, and to see you bring such joy to one another filled me with joy as well. And it still does. Take it from somepony who's known her all her life... but she's been a different pony ever since she found you. Somehow, she shines even brighter than the sun."
  6740. >And with that, she leaps from the ship's deck and takes to the sky, and in a few minutes she's nothing more than a speck on the horizon.
  6741. >You sit back down in your chair, holding the Orb of Ascension you've just been given.
  6742. >Four years ago, you weren't sure if you were ready to take this step or not, but you're older now. And are you wiser? Well, that's debatable, but you've had more time to see more of what life in this world has to offer... and you've had more time to see even further into the precious heart of the one you love.
  6743. >She truly is everything to you. Her gentle laugh, her sunshine-like smile, her little quirks and odd habits, and all the little things only you can see... they've only grown on you more and more over time.
  6744. >With a happy sigh, you lean back on your chair and look to the skies once more.
  6745. >...
  6746. >...
  6747. >...
  6748. >It isn't that much later that you hear the telltale sound of her teleporting in. She looks absolutely exhausted at first, but the tiredness in her expression quickly falls away when your eyes meet. Without hesitation, she trots over to you and you share a kiss.
  6749. >"I'm sorry for being late, my love. I feared that stupid meeting would never end!"
  6750. >You reach a hand into her shimmering mane, scratching that special place behind her ear which always turns her to mush.
  6751. "And yet somehow you survived. I guess it'll take more than a few boring meetings to stop Celestia of the Sun, huh?"
  6752. >"Very funny," she teases. "Are you ready to start our date? I've got the perfect place picked out just a little ways away."
  6753. "Of course. I'm always willing to go wherever my trusty navigator points me."
  6754. >She smiles. "As you wish, Captain."
  6756. >The two of you part and you walk back over to the pilot's console. Celestia guides you to a bald mountain peak in the nearby range and directs you to land there, which you do so with ease. Together, the two of you step down the gantry to find a vast open field of reeds spread before you. Being located at the top of a mountain, it almost looks as if it extends even to the sky itself.
  6757. "Wow... you were right, this is perfect!"
  6758. >She giggles. "Isn't it, though? I can't wait!"
  6759. >With giddy steps, she paces into the field a bit, stretching her limbs as she goes. Having long since abandoned her royal regalia, she stands bare before you, pure white coat and great multicolored mane and tail capturing the waning afternoon sunlight as dusk approaches.
  6760. >She saunters back to you, having finished her stretches, and again finds your lips with her own.
  6761. >"Well? Are you ready, my precious human?"
  6762. >You smile back.
  6763. "Always."
  6764. >And with that, she curls up on the ground, presenting her back to you. You linger where you are for a bit, enjoying the excited, expectant look in her eyes, before you move forward and straddle that back, just as you have many times before. She rises to her hooves and takes a moment to adjust to your weight before turning the both of you toward the vast open field.
  6765. >Slowly, you take some of those beautiful strands of mane in your hands, and without another word, she's off, galloping through the fields, and the two of you become one.
  6766. >At some point as you ride together, one of your hands moves to pull the Orb from your pocket. As her hooves touch the earth and flee from it again in a perfect cadence, you swallow it, and lean back as you feel the strange sensation of an ancient magic begin to overtake you.
  6768. >A step. Her hooves touch the ground as she continues to run... a single step out of many that you've shared together.
  6769. >But this one's different. Every step she's taken before this moment held within it the purpose of remembering you.
  6770. >Over the years of knowing her, and loving her, you've come to recognize the tinge of the ever-present, hidden sorrow that one day she would persist and you would fade.
  6771. >You've seen it in her smile, and you've felt it in her gait, even now.
  6772. >But with this step, you gallop into Eternity together, and that sorrow will fade. Her smile will become true and her heart unburdened.
  6773. >Already, you can tell she senses the change in you. Already, you feel the smile begin to form as it travels across her body, and your heart soars.
  6774. >Instead of looking to the breathtaking horizon, your gaze turns only to her, and the shimmering mane which cascades all around you.
  6775. >Because when you recognize something beautiful happening right before your very eyes, you don't dare let it leave your sight.
  6777. The End
  6780. =============================
  6781. Thank you for reading.
  6782. A bonus chapter for this story is available here:
  6783. Story notes will be available whenever I finish them.
  6786. This is an extra chapter to "Exchange". If you haven't read the entire story (including the epilogue chapter), it's highly recommended that you do so before reading this one.
  6788. =======================
  6789. ||- A Day in Winter -||
  6790. =======================
  6792. "Ngggh..."
  6793. >It's that familiar moment again.
  6794. >You know the one. You're fast asleep, completely at rest, and then some thought or urge slowly creeps into your subconscious, pulling you from whatever pleasant dream or dreamless state you were in.
  6795. >And then, just like that, you're awake, and you realize that your refusal to open your eyes is only a last, pitiful attempt to cling to sleep, and from that point forward there's no turning back.
  6796. >You sit up in bed and look to the nearby window. The dark of night is fading oh-so-slightly; the hallmark of the last hour before dawn.
  6797. >To think that only a month ago you would've been able to shut your eyes again and turn over in bed at the sight. After all, no one in their right mind should be up at this hour...
  6798. >But you've learned since that fateful day that there's no point in trying anymore, so instead you grumble and slide out of bed. Like a zombie, you stand on tired, unsteady legs and dress yourself in an old dirty pair of jeans and a warm, comfortable shirt found amid the pile of clothes spilling out from the open suitcase in the corner of the room.
  6799. >A yawn escapes as the shirt goes over your head. Though the odds are high that you've managed to put it on backwards in the darkness, you just can't bring yourself to care. Already your hand is reaching toward the door handle, your sock-covered feet adjusting to the cool hardwood beneath them.
  6800. >Your time here has taught you which boards creak the loudest, and you make a conscious effort to avoid them as you move down the hallway and past the other bedrooms. You're a guest here, and it wouldn't be polite to wake any of your hosts. Even if some of them would claim otherwise, you're certain that no creature in this world would willingly want to subject themselves to rising at this ungodly hour, with the possible exception of the eccentric and somewhat annoying Night Princess.
  6802. >But as you make your way down the stairs, the gently dancing light of a firefly lamp shining from the kitchen reveals that you aren't alone in your misery. You round the corner, your curiosity urging you to discover just who else in the house is suffering from insomnia, though you have a fairly strong hunch already. The sight that greets you causes you to chuckle under your breath and shake your head.
  6803. >Man, you wish you had a camera right now. This is prime blackmail material!
  6804. >A red stallion is slumped in his chair in the dining room, his head and one of his forelegs draped across the table. Surrounding him on all sides are open books-- reference manuals, textbooks, training guides, and even some history volumes, all dealing with airship engineering and maintenance. Baritone snores drown out the silence as a small puddle of drool forms on the tablecloth underneath him.
  6805. >Pausing for a bit to commit the funny sight to memory, you sneak past him to reach the counter where the coffee maker sits idle to get started on the most important part of your morning ritual.
  6806. >Eventually, the sound of the magically-powered appliance stirs the sleeping stallion. He snorts once before opening his tired eyes. After a few blinks and a yawn, he shifts his gaze toward the source of the sound to find you leaning against the nearby counter as you stare out the kitchen window toward the distant orchards of the Acres.
  6807. >"...What time is it?"
  6808. >The final groan of the coffee maker signals the end of its task, and you fill two cups from the pot before taking your own seat at the table and placing one in front of the weary pony.
  6809. "No idea. Somehow, I think if I did know, it'd probably feel worse to be up right now."
  6810. >This pulls a slight smile from him, and a subtle nod of agreement follows. Without another word, you both begin to down the first of what'll no doubt be several necessary cups of coffee.
  6812. >The minutes pass in silence. You stand to go for a refill and flash Mac a questioning glance. He responds by nudging his cup toward you with a hoof, and you take it over to the counter with you to fill it for him before returning to the table. While blowing on the still piping hot liquid to cool it, you turn your attention back to the window and what you can see of the horizon outside despite the flickering of the kitchen's firefly lamp.
  6813. >The silence lingers on as your mind wanders from fleeting thought to fleeting thought, and for a moment you're suddenly struck with the realization of how much you've enjoyed these quiet mornings with Mac. This hasn't been the first time you've caught him here in the stillness of the twilight hours, his nose buried in his books. Even then, the two of you would hardly speak to one another beyond what was necessary. It's the kind of pleasant silence that only two guys can appreciate; a wordless bond of kindred spirits, where nothing is said but everything is shared.
  6814. >Come to think of it, your life since being brought here for some inexplicable reason has been filled with the constant chatter of excited mares and fillies and the relentless antics of a few princesses in particular. You haven't really made any male friends since your arrival, with the possible but fleeting exception of Pyre the constantly overeager pegasus guard, and it's likely that you've grown to unconsciously miss that aspect of your old life.
  6815. >Mac, too, with his responsibilities on the farm and to his two precocious little sisters, doesn't seem like the type to have a lot of close friends. Though you'll never mention it to one another, you can tell that he enjoys these moments just as much as you do. And really, considering everything you went through together, how could you not call him a friend at this point? At the very least he's a comrade-in-arms. Or is it hooves?
  6817. >Eh, whatever. It's a question to be pondered for another time. You can already see the band of light begin to appear and you can feel it pulling at you from somewhere within that you can't quite place. You stand from your chair and let out one final yawn, breaking the silence once more.
  6818. >"Headin' out ta say good mornin', Captain?"
  6819. >You chuckle as you move to retrieve your coat from its hanger near the door.
  6820. "I'm not a captain anymore, Chief Engineer. I'm just a freeloader living off the kindness of others now."
  6821. >Mac sighs as he begins to carefully insert a series of bookmarks in the many open volumes spread across the table.
  6822. >"And ah ain't an engineer. Ah'm just a farmer, just like ah always was..." he glances down to neatly place the books within his saddlebags at the table's edge before focusing back on you. Even in the darkness, you can see his emerald eyes shine with resolve.
  6823. >"But Anon, ah intend ta change that. What about you?"
  6824. >You move toward the front door as you place your warm winter hat snugly upon your head and zip up your jacket.
  6825. "I guess we'll have to see. But after everything that's happened, for me to act like something's impossible, well... it'd be kind of ridiculous, wouldn't it?"
  6826. >The stallion smiles. "Eeyup."
  6827. >He places the book-laden saddlebags across his back and begins a slow trot up the creaky stairs toward his room while you open the front door and step into the chilly air of another winter morning.
  6829. ~~~~~~~~~
  6831. >The snow crunches underneath your boots as you trudge through the eastern orchards. The sky is light enough now that it's easy to make out the shapes of the bare trees. They surround you on all sides, their many branches spread out like fingers reaching toward the sky as if they were trying to pluck the very stars from the heavens. It's an ambitious goal to be sure, but you have a feeling that a certain alicorn would surely have something to say about it, and at an obscenely inappropriate volume to boot!
  6832. >At last, you reach the orchard's edge and ascend the hill there where the chair you placed is waiting. A brush of your hand clears the freshly fallen snow from the seat and you plop down with a sigh, your breath visible in the air for a moment before quickly wafting away in the dawn breeze. The feeling inside you is surging now, and you know it's almost time.
  6833. >Ever since that day... that morning you made together, this has been your ritual. Whatever her magic did to you as you both lifted the sun to once again shine upon Equestria during the final battle with Twilight has lingered, and now you can sense when it's about to rise. It's a feeling within you, a surge of emotion that pulls you from your sleep without fail and compels you to come here and witness it firsthand day after day.
  6834. >You watch as the familiar band of light begins to stretch across the horizon, and you smile.
  6835. >Yeah, it's a pain to do this every day. You're far from a morning person. But it's yet one more thing that you share with her, and in that way it's precious. The great celestial orb makes its appearance in the sky, the soft light of dawn painting the clouds overhead and the snow that stretches before you brilliant shades of orange and yellow, and your voice rises with it above the wind:
  6836. "Good morning, Cel."
  6838. >You don't know if she can hear you. You've never really asked. But somehow, as the magic of dawn surges from deep within, you feel that she can. The strange stirring travels from your heart to your lips, and a warm sensation like a gentle kiss drives the lingering cold from them for just an instant before fading away.
  6839. >You chuckle. She's given you her answer, and at once you're reminded yet again of the many reasons why you love her from the bottom of your heart.
  6840. >You turn your gaze from the sun, which still fails to blind you even now, to the spires of Canterlot shining in the distance. There's no denying that it's been tough since then, and you've missed her dearly, but this was all expected. You spoke about it at great length in the aftermath of all that happened, and you both agreed it would be for the best.
  6841. >You love that silly horse to death, and you're certain that'll never change. But right now, in this time since the whole ordeal, there's one who needs her even more than you do.
  6842. >As you stand from your chair to start the trek back to the farmhouse, you wonder how the little purple alicorn is doing. They say time heals all wounds, but it still must be hard for her to adjust to being without her magic...
  6843. >You shake your head. You're sure she's doing fine if the letters you've received from Cel are any indication. She's taken Twilight under her wing as a student yet again, this time to properly prepare her for the role she'll one day come to inherit. You both decided, as you sat there together in the medical tent waiting for Twilight to regain consciousness, that your presence during these first critical few months of her adjustment would be detrimental to the process-- an unnecessary distraction for them both-- which is why you're still here in Ponyville, bunking with the ever gracious Apple Family.
  6845. >And yeah, to be separated from her has been difficult, but you can bear it because you also recognize the importance of this time that they're sharing together as teacher and student. Cel has wounds that need to heal too as she comes to terms with her own admitted failures in her role as Twilight's teacher. You're certain that this month they've had to talk, listen to, and learn from one another has done them both a world of good.
  6846. >And still, despite the distance between you, she's managed to find little ways to show that she cares, like the heartfelt letters she's sent, or the little gifts that've appeared from time to time like some simple clothes from Canterlot tailored to your measurements to replace the ones you lost. And of course the more direct signs like that kiss of sunlight just now...
  6847. >...Or the far more obvious and somewhat embarrassing -actual starscape- she no doubt had Luna paint for her which featured a conspicuously new constellation of a human and alicorn standing together in the night sky surrounded by hearts. In your case, it brought back memories of the little doodles the girls in your grade school classes would make in their notebooks as they'd fantasize about their latest crushes, and considering Cel it may have very well been an exact copy of something she absentmindedly doodled herself during one of her lessons with Twilight...
  6848. >Your laughter pierces the silence of the early morning. Yeah, be it a grand tapestry in the sky, or the perfectly fitted hat currently keeping your head warm, all these little gestures make you anticipate the moment of your eventual reunion more and more. And each dawn brings that reunion another day closer...
  6849. >The lights are on in the windows of the farmhouse as it comes into view and your stomach starts to growl on instinct, a reminder that, in many ways, spending your days out here instead of in the distant castle perched on the mountainside isn't really that bad at all.
  6851. ~~~~~~~~~
  6853. >Another day means three more wonderful meals at the Apple Family homestead.
  6854. >Between Applejack and her kindly old grandmother, you're treated to culinary delight after culinary delight. That, along with the genuine hospitality and courtesy the family shows you day after day, has made your time away from your special somepony its own type of joy. Instead of constantly pining for your silly horse like a lovesick puppy, you find yourself instead occupied with helping your gracious hosts as often as you're able.
  6855. >Considering the fact that you're no longer working for the Cakes and winter isn't really a good season for your usual outdoor activities, you often find yourself lounging around the house with time to kill. Plus, it's just the right thing to do since you're staying for free.
  6856. >You volunteer for dish duty after breakfast. It's amazing what a set of hands will do to speed a task normally performed with mouths and hooves. This is a job you can do on your own, freeing the Apple siblings and their matriarch to go about their other daily tasks.
  6857. >And speaking of the matriarch, you find the old mare approaching as you set the last cleaned dish aside to dry. You turn to acknowledge her while you remove your gloves and allow the dishwater to empty from the sink.
  6858. "Something I can help you with, Mrs. Apple?"
  6859. >She smiles at you in a way that only a grandparent can; a smile that reflects the simple joy of watching her grandchildren as they scurry about the house, taking care of their own morning chores.
  6860. >"...Just wanted ta say thank ya."
  6861. >You raise an eyebrow.
  6862. "Oh? For what? If anything, I should be thanking you guys for putting up with me for so long."
  6864. >She shakes her head.
  6865. >"Oh, pshaw. That ain't nothin'. We always cook too much food anyways," she says with a hint of pride as she turns back to you. "Ah wanted ta thank ya fer takin' those three with ya on yer trip a while back. Ah don't quite understand what all went on, cause Celestia knows when Applejack and Applebloom get excited about somethin' it's tough ta make heads or tails of what they're goin' on about. But whatever it was, it did 'em good... all three of 'em. Trust me, ah can tell... they seem closer now and less prone ta fightin' an' carryin' on than they were before."
  6866. >The two of you look to the living room, where Mac and AJ are sorting through some old boxes of tools and spare parts, looking for the supplies needed to fix the leaky upstairs bathroom sink while Applebloom watches on.
  6867. >"But Macintosh 'specially... he came back with that spark in his eyes, just like his Daddy... my boy... used ta have. Ah dunno what caused it, but ah thank ya, Anon. Yer the nicest, scrawniest young'un of a minotaur ah ever did meet. Ya can stay with us as long as ya like, cause Celestia knows ya need ta get some good food in ya. Compared ta the other minotaurs ah've seen ya ain't nothin' but skin n' bones!"
  6868. >You laugh.
  6869. "Thanks Mrs. Apple. That means a lot to me. And don't worry; if you keep cooking it I'll keep eating it."
  6870. >"Good on ya. That's what ah like ta hear."
  6871. >With a nod of satisfaction, she makes her way toward the other ponies to help them find what they're looking for. You'd offer to fix the sink for them, but you've found that beyond the help they directly ask for, these ponies prefer to do what they can themselves. Sometimes it's a struggle just to get them to relinquish a simple task to you.
  6872. >An unexpected knock at the front door catches everyone's attention. Applejack looks up from her box of parts, then leaps to her hooves.
  6873. >"Ah've got it, y'all."
  6875. >She opens the door to find two fillies standing on the porch, each one wearing what you'd wager is a hoof-made scarf sewn by a certain well-renowned local fashionista.
  6876. >"Um... can Applebloom come out and play?" a familiar-sounding voice squeaks out, cracking at its highest pitch like usual.
  6877. >"Yeah, it's been a month, so she's not grounded anymore, right?" a brasher voice adds.
  6878. >Applejack rolls her eyes. "What, were you two countin' down the days or somethin'?"
  6879. >"Sort of..." the unicorn filly replies, blushing a bit.
  6880. >"Sweetie! Scoots!"
  6881. >Little Applebloom rushes over to greet her friends. They smile at each other through Applejack's legs as she stands between them at the door.
  6882. >"Well," the farm mare begins, "yer right. Applebloom's not grounded anymore, so ah suppose it's okay for her ta go out ta play with ya, so long as ya promise not ta get inta any of yer usual shenanigans until at least after lunch..."
  6883. >"We promise!" all three fillies cheer as halos appear over their heads.
  6884. >"...and so long as Applebloom's finished all her mornin' chores."
  6885. >"I have, Applejack, really!"
  6886. >"Even brushin' yer teeth?"
  6887. >"Eeyup!" she smiles, showing off her pearly whites.
  6888. >Applejack chuckles. "All right then, it's fine by me. Stay outta trouble, ya hear?"
  6889. >The three Crusaders squeal with delight and bolt out the door just as soon as the little earth pony grabs her own matching winter scarf. The door slams behind her with a loud bang, which causes the farmpony to cringe. She turns to you and flashes a tired grin.
  6890. >"Ta be honest... ah'm a bit relieved ta finally have her out of the house fer a spell."
  6891. >You smile back.
  6892. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
  6893. >There's a knock at the door again and Applejack lets out an exasperated sigh as she moves to open it.
  6894. >"...Applebloom, fer cryin' out loud, what did ya forget this ti--"
  6895. >"Hello there. Can Anon come out and play?"
  6897. >Your breathing stops, and you close your eyes and open them again just to make sure what you're seeing isn't some kind of weird hallucination...
  6898. >There she stands, on the farmhouse's simple porch, the light of morning dancing upon her pure white coat. Her gently waving multicolored mane and tail shine with their own light, their colors reflecting ever so slightly upon the snowy ground nearby. Two magenta eyes, and a gentle but somewhat mischievous smile, capture you completely, just like they always have...
  6899. >You want to say that you ran to her, pulled her into your arms, and passionately kissed her in front of everyone, Casablanca-style.
  6900. >But what really ended up happening was that the two of you rushed toward each other in the moment your eyes met like two lovestruck idiots, clumsily smashing your noses together and staggering back at the impact. A wing reaches out to support you as you stumble, while an arm reaches out to her withers to steady her, and the two of you share a glance as you hold one another, flush with embarrassment, and Applejack falls to the floor in riotous laughter.
  6901. >You can hear Mac's chuckling in the background, as well as a giggle and another stallion's laugh that you can't quite place. But as you watch the rosy blush start to fade from her white cheeks, you can't bring yourself to care about anything else.
  6902. >Slowly, she brings her muzzle forward and touches your noses together, much more gently this time, and the two of you share a breath.
  6903. >"Hello, my precious human."
  6904. "Hey there, pretty pony."
  6905. >You turn your heads and kiss, and the laughter of the others falls away.
  6906. >After savoring the moment, you both pull back, though your hand never leaves her mane, your fingers dancing through the ethereal strands in a familiar pattern that's comforting to you both.
  6907. >"I hope I'm not interrupting any plans you had today."
  6909. >You shake your head.
  6910. "Of course you're not. But you sure surprised me... from the sound of your letters I wasn't expecting to see you again for another month at least."
  6911. >"Yes, and that was my intention. But..." her ears fold back and she turns away.
  6912. >You ruffle her mane a bit, right between her ears.
  6913. "Couldn't wait, huh?"
  6914. >She grins. "That I could not. May we come in for a bit?"
  6915. >Applejack hops back up, her trance from watching your kiss broken. "Well, a'course!"
  6916. >Cel steps inside the farmhouse, and two ponies who you didn't notice before follow her.
  6917. >The first is a petite white unicorn mare wearing what you would describe as hilariously oversized reading glasses and carrying some sort of notebook and quill in her magical grip. Her dark brown mane and tail are both done up in buns, and she moves with cheery, if somewhat hesitant steps.
  6918. >The second is a pegasus guard stallion sporting the typical pure white coat and golden armor of the Solar Guard. But there's something about his forest green eyes that seems familiar to you, and you note that he too moves with cheery but hesitant steps as he enters.
  6919. >The group moves to the living room, where Mac and Granny Smith are waiting. After the customary bowing, which Celestia insists is unnecessary given all that's happened, you all take your seats as Granny Smith brings by some refreshments consisting of apple tarts and juice for their unexpected guests, which despite their protests she insists are necessary based on family tradition.
  6920. >"I believe introductions are in order," Celestia begins as she sips from her juicebox and munches on her apple tart in a manner so cute that it defies description. She gestures to the unicorn mare at her side as she dabs some crumbs away from her muzzle with a napkin.
  6922. >"Everypony, this is Raven, my personal aide. Raven, this is Applejack, her brother Big Macintosh, and their grandmother Granny Smith..." she turns to you with a wink. "And of course, Anonymous the Human, though I'm certain you've gathered that already."
  6923. >The mare folds her ears and blushes a bit at the attention. "It's nice to meet you all, especially you Lady Applejack and Sir Anonymous. I've reviewed so many reports about the exploits of the Element Bearers and of a certain human in Ponyville that it's nice to finally be able to put faces to the names, so-to-speak. And it's a real honor to finally meet the Element of Honesty in pony."
  6924. >Applejack's own ears fold in embarrassment. "Aw, shucks."
  6925. >"And this," Celestia gestures to the pegasus stallion currently munching on his own apple tart, "is Empyrean Blaze of the Solar Guard. Though I keep insisting that it's not necessary, the Council is very adamant that I bring at least one guard with me when I leave the castle now that I've assumed the mantle of Princess once again."
  6926. >'Empyrean Blaze'... why does that name sound so...?
  6927. >Your eyes widen as it hits you.
  6928. "Pyre! I knew you looked kinda familiar! How've you been?"
  6929. >Now it's his turn to blush at the attention.
  6930. >"I've been well, My-- erm, Sir Anonymous. I hope the same can be said for yourself?"
  6931. "Yeah, I think so. I've been eating great food like that tart you just inhaled every day for the past month, so it's tough for me to have any complaints."
  6932. >"I... I see..." The stallion glances down at his crumb-covered hoof with a look of longing, and with a chuckle Granny Smith stands from her seat to go bring him another one from the kitchen.
  6933. >"So tell me, Princess... how's Twi doin?" Applejack asks, genuine curiosity in her voice. "We've been sendin' letters back an' forth an' all, but ah'd like ta hear it from the horse's mouth if ya catch my meanin'."
  6935. >Celestia closes her eyes, a serene smile on her face.
  6936. >"Yes, of course. I'm happy to report that she's doing well. Her adjustment to the new realities she must face in light of all that happened is progressing even faster than I imagined it would, but then again, such exceptionalism is typical of her, wouldn't you say?"
  6937. >AJ nods. "Eeyup. That's definitely Twi."
  6938. >"And while she still tries to fall back on her magic sometimes out of habit, I'd say she's mostly adapted to living without it at this point. In fact, I'd dare say her penmanship writing with her mouth nearly rivals my own! And I'm also very happy to report that she's already completed 150 of her 1,000,000 assigned hours of community service by teaching as an adjunct professor of history at the University, which she seems to greatly enjoy."
  6939. >Celestia shifts her gaze to you, her ears folding back a bit.
  6940. >"As far as her broken heart is concerned, all I can say is that it's slowly mending. I don't think she's ready to see you yet, Anon, but I'm certain that day will come soon."
  6941. >You look down in thought.
  6942. "Yeah. I know it must be rough for her, but if there's one thing that can be said about Twilight, it's that she's tougher than she looks. I'm sure she'll be fine."
  6943. >Celestia nods in agreement. "As am I. As for our own relationship, things are going well. I don't think I truly realized how much I missed having her nearby in Canterlot until I sent her away to Ponyville that fateful Sun Celebration's Eve. Though many mistakes followed, and though my guidance of her wavered, the many experiences she had since then have truly transformed her into a better pony than I alone could have led her to be..."
  6944. >She looks over to Applejack. "...And for that, I thank you all. Though I hope you'll put up with my selfishness as I monopolize her time with my lessons and talks for just a few more weeks."
  6946. >The farmpony smiles. "It's all right. We understand it's fer the best."
  6947. >"Thank you," Celestia replies, turning her attention back to you. "Now then, my human, I have a bit of a surprise for you. Raven, if you would?"
  6948. >The unicorn flips through the pages of her levitated notebook. "Ahem. Yes, Sir Anonymous, I'm pleased to report that your insurance company has opted to honor your claim and has provided compensation for the house in Ponyville you lost last month. They've elected to pay you the home's full value, plus some added compensation for additional damages."
  6949. >She levitates over a check which you pull from the air. And sure enough, what she said is true. Your jaw drops a bit at the amount.
  6950. "But... the letter I got from them last week said my policy didn't cover losses due to 'Acts of Princesses'! They denied me even a single damn bit because of it!"
  6951. >Celestia beams. "Well, it appears they've changed their minds! Anon, I want you to have a home here in Ponyville, and it's not right that the one you worked so hard for was lost. With this, you should be able to buy and furnish a new one with some money left to spare. I would've purchased one for you sooner after reclaiming the throne, but the Kingdom has been facing a bit of a budget shortfall as a result of the staggering cost of replacing so many valuable military assets and paying out restitution to those whose property was damaged by the battle above Canterlot..."
  6952. >You notice her flutter her wings a bit with happiness. "But with the insurance company covering things, you'll have a new home and it won't cost the Kingdom a bit! Isn't that wonderful?"
  6953. >Raven coughs. "With all due respect, Majesty, that's not entirely true. You did agree to pay for the insurance adjuster's psychiatric counseling after your visit to their offices this morning..."
  6954. >Wait, what? You flash a questioning glance to the alicorn and she returns that familiar look of shame you've seen so often in the past when she's misbehaved.
  6956. >Your eyes begin to narrow.
  6957. "What did you do?"
  6958. >"Nothing."
  6959. "Cel..."
  6960. >You give her your own version of the stare, and after a few moments of silence she relents.
  6961. >"I... I merely paid a personal visit to the company's headquarters in Manehatten earlier this morning to make an inquiry as to the details of why your claim was rejected."
  6962. "And?"
  6963. >Her ears fold back. "And... and when they explained the situation, I may have made a tiny, completely inconsequential off-the-hoof comment that if they didn't opt to pay the claim I'd show them what a true 'Act of a Princess' is like..."
  6964. >You facepalm and rub your eyes.
  6965. "Cel, that's extortion."
  6966. >She turns up her nose in the air. "Believe what you want, Anon, but you weren't there so you don't know."
  6967. "That's the same excuse you used when I came home from work one day and guacamole was spilling out from the upstairs windows!"
  6968. >She gives you a deadpan stare. "And I can still neither confirm nor deny that I was involved in that incident in any way."
  6969. >You cross your arms.
  6970. "Whatever. This time there're witnesses. I'll just ask Pyre what happened."
  6971. >You turn to the pegasus, but it seems the death glare Cel's shooting him has reached him first considering his already white coat seems several shades whiter. With a sigh, you realize it's a lost cause and hold up your hands in defeat.
  6972. "Alright, alright, I get it. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."
  6973. >"That's right," Celestia says as she nods sagely, a slight hint of satisfaction in her voice. "Sometimes it's best not to question your good fortune. Now, I think it's time we get going. As much as I'd like to stay here and snack on these yummy treats, we need to make the best use of the remaining daylight hours we still have."
  6975. >She stands, with Raven and Pyre following suit, addressing the Apples as she stretches her legs.
  6976. >"Thank you so much for the hospitality you've shown us today, as well as the hospitality you've shown Anon throughout the past month. I promise you, it is appreciated, and it won't go unrewarded."
  6977. "Wait, you're leaving already?"
  6978. >She turns back and smiles.
  6979. >"Well, you're coming too. After all, this is as much your decision as it is mine."
  6980. >You follow them to the front door, your confusion evident in your expression.
  6981. "And... where is it we're going?"
  6982. >A golden aura captures your hat and jacket, pulling them from the hanger near the door and neatly placing them on your body.
  6983. >"To look at houses, obviously! I've had Raven compile a list of possible candidates from Ponyville's real estate listings that match your budget. C'mon, it'll be fun!"
  6984. >House hunting with Cel, huh? You don't know if fun would be the right term, but at the very least it'll be a nice change of pace. And you suppose being shown around by your special somepony instead of the typical sleazy realtor is an added bonus...
  6985. >You glance back to Applejack as you prepare to leave.
  6986. "I guess I won't be back for lunch, so don't bother saving anything for me."
  6987. >The orange farmpony just shakes her head, looking first to Cel, then to you.
  6988. >"Have fun, y'all. Ah'd tell ya ta keep outta trouble, but with the two'a ya together..."
  6989. >"At the very least, we'll make an effort," the alicorn replies, suppressing a giggle. "Thank you once again."
  6990. >Everyone says their goodbyes, and once more you step outside into the cold February air.
  6991. >But this time, you have a very special, very silly horse nearby to keep the cold at bay, and it makes all the difference in the world.
  6992. >You walk beside her, placing your hand upon a folded wing and leaning in only slightly.
  6993. >The wing tenses a bit as she leans back, a reminder of a promise still unbroken, and you both smile.
  6995. ~~~~~~~~~
  6997. >The four of you move from room to room of the first house on the list, considering the various pros and cons of the dwelling.
  6998. "The floorplan's nice. It's kinda similar to my old one."
  6999. >"Yes," Celestia replies, tapping her hoof in thought. "But come to think of it, your old house was a bit small. I had to sleep on the couch for those three months since you didn't have a guest room. Plus, I think it's too far away from Sugarcube Corner."
  7000. >Raven levitates her notebook and quill and starts jotting down what you assume to be shorthand of your discussion, while Pyre watches on from the side, fidgeting slightly.
  7001. "Well, I don't work at Sugarcube Corner anymore so I don't think that's a problem, nor is the lack of a guest room. To be completely honest, I don't see the need for me to even buy a house in town considering I'll be moving to Canterlot in a few months."
  7002. >The alicorn grins and trots by you, lightly brushing against your side as she moves. "Oh? Moving to Canterlot, Anon? And where were you planning on staying?"
  7003. >You lean against the room's doorframe.
  7004. "Somewhere in the castle, I guess, like we talked about."
  7005. >She gasps and places a hoof upon her chest in mock surprise.
  7006. >"Anon! I'm a princess! To... to have a... a 'suitor' staying with me at the castle would be improper! Though, I suppose if you really wanted to, you could avoid the scandal entirely by simply marrying me..."
  7007. >You chuckle at her antics.
  7008. "Cute. Maybe if I didn't know you as well as I do that would've worked. But seriously, what're you aiming for with this? You don't usually do this kind of stuff without an end goal in mind, so cut to the chase and spill it."
  7010. >She pouts for a bit at the fact that you didn't choose to play her game, which is cute in its own way. But then she completely surprises everyone present by suddenly curling up in the middle of the empty room's floor. Pyre and Raven glance at one another in confusion, while you just cross your arms and wait to see what comes next.
  7011. >Two magenta eyes met yours, and you detect a palpable seriousness in the tone of her voice.
  7012. >"So... you're adamant about this?"
  7013. "Yeah, it directly involves me, so I kinda am."
  7014. >"Very well. Raven, Empyrean Blaze, I'm afraid this matter is not for your ears, so I'd like for the two of you to wait outside of the house, please. We'll return to you shortly."
  7015. >The unicorn bows. "Yes, Majesty."
  7016. >The pegasus salutes. "As you command, Your Highness."
  7017. >With another nervous glance between one another, the two make their exit, and you hear the click of the door as it closes behind them.
  7018. >"Now then..." Celestia begins, the tone of her voice still bearing the weight of what's to come. To be honest, it's starting to make you a little nervous.
  7019. >Once more, your eyes meet...
  7020. >...
  7021. >...
  7022. >...
  7023. >"Bellyrubs."
  7024. >She rolls over on her back, her mane spilling out around her smiling face.
  7025. "What."
  7026. >"Bellyrubs," she repeats matter-of-factly. "If you wish to know my secrets, my human, this is my price."
  7027. >She kicks her forehooves in the air a bit for emphasis and you burst out laughing. For the second time today, you really, really wish you had a camera.
  7028. "That's a steep price. But I guess I have no choice, huh?"
  7029. >You move to the center of the room and take a seat on the floor alongside her. You gaze at her for a bit, admiring the expectant look in her eyes, before gently placing a hand upon her stomach and trailing your fingers back and forth. She coos and closes her eyes as you apply the slightest pressure with your motions and her smile widens.
  7031. >And in that moment she becomes irresistible, and you lean down to share a kiss, your hand never leaving her.
  7032. >"I've missed this," she whispers as you part. "I've missed you."
  7033. "I've missed you too. But you know what they say, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'."
  7034. >She opens her beautiful magenta eyes again.
  7035. >"And 'they' are right."
  7036. >You sit there in silence for a while, the daylight streaming through the empty house's curtain-less windows.
  7037. >"I want a home in Ponyville for us, Anon. Nothing elaborate. Nothing fancy. A happy, simple home."
  7038. "But what about the castle? What about Canterlot?"
  7039. >"The castle will always be there. But due to the way things have worked out, the importance of this little town can't be understated. Twilight's friends are here, and she needs them. At the same time, many of her new responsibilities, as well as her ongoing lessons with me, will require her presence in Canterlot, which in turn will pull her away from her friends and their stabilizing influence."
  7040. "Ah, I see where this is going."
  7041. >She nods. "Yes. In order to minimize the amount of back-and-forth for her in these critical first few years, I'll be dividing my time between Ponyville and Canterlot. My lessons to her will be given here, with her friends close by. For long term functions in Canterlot, accommodations will be made for them, with the ultimate goal being as little disruption of their normal lives as is possible, even if my own life will become far more hectic as a result."
  7043. >She extends all four of her legs into the air and arches her back, stretching and sighing as you continue your massage.
  7044. >"But if you consider that I'm partly to blame for all of this, I suppose it's a small price to pay, and I'm more than willing to do so. I won't ask you to follow me back and forth constantly, Anon, but since I feel I'll be spending more time in Ponyville than in Canterlot for the time being, I think you should be here. That's all."
  7045. >You smile at her.
  7046. "That's fine. But keep in mind that I'm always willing to go wherever my trusty navigator points me. If you need something, just say it."
  7047. >You remove your hand, and she rolls back over on her stomach, then shakes her head until her mane frames her face in the perfect way that you're used to.
  7048. >"I'll keep that in mind, my captain."
  7049. >She nuzzles you as the two of you stand, and you make your way outside to rejoin the others and continue on to the next house on your list.
  7051. ~~~~~~~~~
  7053. >"No, Anon, I don't like it."
  7054. "What? Why? It has the extra bedroom you wanted."
  7055. >"Yes, that's true, but I like the floorplan of the cloud mansion we looked at earlier a bit better."
  7056. >You shudder.
  7057. "Look, I told you, walking on clouds makes me nervous. I don't care how long you said this spell you cast on me lasts, the idea that I might fall to my death at any random moment isn't very appealing. Seriously, what's so bad about this one?"
  7058. >Celestia rolls her eyes as the four of you step outside onto the house's front porch, the edge of Ponyville's market visible in the distance.
  7059. >"Oh, I'm sure you'd grow accustomed to it in time. And as far as what I dislike, aside from the layout I feel it's a little too close to the town center. I'd like us to be a bit more out of the way so we can have more privacy. Plus, it's not far enough from Sugarcube Corner."
  7060. >You smack your face and groan.
  7061. "...One of your complaints about one of the last ones was that it was too far away."
  7062. >"Yes, and this one's too close."
  7063. "And that's a problem because...?"
  7064. >"Well, for one, we're well within 'her' sphere of awareness here..."
  7065. >"Ooooh! Sounds serious~!"
  7066. >Celestia nods gravely. "Trust me, it-- AAAAAAH!"
  7067. >The four of you scream and jump backwards at the sound of the strange voice. Celestia clings to you with her forehooves and Raven and Pyre latch on to one another in fear as a certain party pony with a poofy pink mane peeks her head over the porch awning.
  7068. "...Pinkie?!"
  7069. >"Heya, Non-non! Hey Celly! Long time no-- whoa!"
  7071. >She promptly loses her hoofhold and tumbles from the awning to the soft grass of the home's front lawn with a crash. Before you can move to do anything or even peel the frightened alicorn off of you, she pops back up and bounds up the porch steps, her sapphire eyes shining with excitement. The plucky party pony zeroes in on Celestia, who still seems a bit startled at her sudden appearance.
  7072. >"What're you doing today? Looking at houses? Are you gonna follow your own advice to Twilight and permanently move to Ponyville and make lots of friends and have adventures on a weekly basis and learn simple yet valuable life lessons through a series of crazy yet heartfelt situations and/or wacky hi--"
  7073. >Your hand reaches forward and clamps down on the pink pony's muzzle.
  7074. "Pinkie, what're you doing here?"
  7075. >She pulls back and pouts.
  7076. >"What kinda question is that, Non-non? I got a twitch that said if I went 'up' I'd get to say hi to old friends today! So, I've sorta been climbing and hopping between houses all morning. You know, like Spider-Mare! Thwip!"
  7077. >She rears up and holds her hoof out to perform the classic web-slinging gesture, which naturally causes you to nearly let a barely-stifled laugh escape. You want to be annoyed at her, but sometimes she makes it really, really difficult.
  7078. >Celestia giggles as she releases you.
  7079. >"Well, while I can't say that what you just described is my intention, Pinkie Pie, I suppose that considering nopony knows what the future holds, I can't exactly rule it out, either." She gives you a knowing glance, which your promptly return with a smile of your own.
  7080. >Pinkie beams. "That's the spirit! Ponyville is a really nice town, Celly, but you know that already. And hey! You should come and work with me at Sugarcube Corner! We'd love to have you! Especially since Non-non's being a fuddy-duddy and refusing to take his old job back..."
  7082. >Uh oh, there's the familiar Pinkie Pie glare of disapproval. You hold up your hands in defense.
  7083. "Whoa, whoa. Look, I figured I'd be moving to Canterlot in a few months so I didn't think it'd be fair to the Cakes for me to come back to work only to leave again so soon. But it sounds like my plans might be changing, so maybe I'll go have a talk with them later."
  7084. >The glare melts away, replaced by a smile, and Pinkie bounds over to the two other ponies in your group, who're still huddled together nearby.
  7085. >"I knew I'd be meeting old friends today, but I didn't think I'd meet new ones too! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! What're your names?"
  7086. >The pegasus and unicorn nervously look at each other, still locked in their fear-prompted mutual embrace. You turn to them just in time to witness that awkward moment when they suddenly realize it and quickly move away from one another, cheeks blazing with embarrassment.
  7087. >Damn it, you're just gonna have to start carrying a camera with you at all times...
  7088. >The pegasus coughs. "Empyrean Blaze, of the Solar Guard."
  7089. >"R-Raven, aide to Princess Celestia," the unicorn manages to stutter out.
  7090. >"Hmmmm..." The pink earth pony squints her eyes, examining them both closely. She turns from the frightened mare, to the nervous stallion, to the mare again, and then the stallion once more before stepping back and nodding with satisfaction.
  7091. >"Yep."
  7092. >'Yep'? What could that mean? Celestia gives you a questioning look and you shrug your shoulders back at her.
  7094. >Pinkie smiles, shaking hooves with the two ponies in her typical over-enthusiastic manner.
  7095. >"Nice to meet you! You're both from Canterlot, right? I'm sure you're gonna -love- Ponyville, it's really fun! Perfect for a honeymoon too! You should come by Sugarcube Corner later, we're baking carrot cupcakes today! They're really good! And speaking of Sugarcube Corner my break was over a long time ago and I'm really, really late for work now so I gotta go, but keep what I said in mind, okay?"
  7096. >And just like that, she bounds away from the four of you down the street toward the market, turning back to wave before she's out of earshot.
  7097. >"Bye Non-non, bye Celly, bye Emmy, bye Raven! I'll see you later! And good luck looking for houses!"
  7098. >You all wave back at her as she disappears into the distance.
  7099. "...What was that all about?"
  7100. >Celestia shakes her head in confusion. "I have no idea. She said something about a honeymoon... was she talking about us?"
  7101. "No clue. But now I get what you mean by this place being way too close to Sugarcube Corner..."
  7102. >"Yes," the alicorn replies, her eyes never leaving the spot where Pinkie vanished. "Let's cross this one off the list and move on to the next home, shall we?"
  7104. >You both start down the road, the guardspony and assistant trotting beside you in silence, their hearts beating a little bit faster for reasons they can't quite grasp just yet.
  7105. >Though if the simple, somewhat hesitant smile they share with one another that you happen to catch out of the corner of your eye is any indication, they may be well on their way to solving the mystery.
  7106. >You chuckle as the pieces all fall into place. That pink pony... she's way more clever and observant than you really give her credit for sometimes. You wouldn't even have noticed had you not experienced something similar in your own life only several months ago.
  7107. >"Something amusing on your mind, Anon?" your alicorn asks as you move a hand to drum your fingers on her withers.
  7108. "Yeah, I'll tell you later. I think you'll get a chuckle out of it too."
  7109. >She swishes her tail a bit with excitement.
  7110. >"I'll be looking forward to it."
  7112. ~~~~~~~~~
  7114. >After looking at (and promptly eliminating) two more candidate houses, the four of you decide to break for lunch. You head over to a small restaurant that you and Celestia liked to frequent back when she was living with you as your roommate, and the waiter there shows you to your favorite booth.
  7115. >You suppose that one of the positive side effects of the whole ordeal with her giving up her crown and living together with you for so long is that the vast majority of the ponies of Ponyville are completely used to her presence by now. Even though she's wearing her crown once again, along with the rest of her usual regalia, they treat her no differently than before. She doesn't get surrounded by admirers, bombarded with gifts or requests, or anything like that.
  7116. >Oh, they still bow to her out of respect when she addresses them directly, and they still stare and take notice when she enters a room, but otherwise she's treated as just another citizen of Ponyville, and you can tell it makes her happy along with putting her mind at ease.
  7117. >As a result, you can eat together in public places like this without worry, which is nice. When you think about it, it's not surprising that she's looking forward to spending more of her time here.
  7118. >You lean back a bit into the booth's comfortable cushioning. A good meal in a quiet place with no distractions is just what you need to prepare for an afternoon of more house hunting...
  7119. >"Your Highness, I believe that pegasus across the room is waving at us."
  7120. >Pyre's voice pulls you from your thoughts.
  7121. >"Ah, so she is," Celestia says as she sips on her water. You turn your attention to where she's looking and your heart sinks.
  7123. >An overly enthusiastic cyan pegasus is leaning out of her seat and waving her hoof off at you, the look on her face practically screaming 'Help Me!' even if her actual voice doesn't. On the other end of her booth you can spot a perfectly primped purple mane and white horn rising above the back of the seat, with a flowing pink mane placed beside it.
  7124. >Ah, the Goon Squad Trio. These three mares, aside from Twilight herself, were a gigantic pain in the ass to deal with during the whole 'Twilight trying to kidnap you to force you to marry her' thing. While they've since apologized for their behavior and you have technically forgiven them, you're not too keen on having them interrupt the nice, quiet lunch with your marefriend you were hoping to enjoy...
  7125. "Just ignore 'em, Pyre."
  7126. >"I recognize that pegasus," Raven states as she adjusts her glasses. "That's Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty. And the two others with her must be Rarity of Generosity and Fluttershy of Kindness. It seems Lady Dash is in need of some sort of assistance from us... is it really wise to ignore her?"
  7127. "Yes, it's wise. It's totally wise. Don't make eye contact and maybe--"
  7128. >"Hey Anon! Hey Princess!"
  7129. >You hang your head and sigh.
  7130. "--Maybe she'll think we didn't see her."
  7131. >Celestia places a comforting wing around your shoulder.
  7132. >"It seems it was too much to hope for, my human."
  7133. >"Anonymous and Celestia are -here-?! Together?!" you hear Rarity exclaim from the other side of the room.
  7134. "Yeah... but it was worth a shot anyway."
  7135. >You slump in your seat a bit and resign yourself to your fate as the three mares approach your booth. They each give a slight bow to Celestia before Rarity begins yapping.
  7137. >"Oh, I can't believe it... could it be... a date between Equestria's most talked about and elusive couple?! And in Ponyville no less! How quaint! How romantic! And who are these other two ponies; I don't believe we've met! Is this a... a double-date? Is it your first true date together? There haven't been any sightings of the two of you reported in the Foal Free Press... oh, wait until Aloe and Lotus hear about this~!"
  7138. >The unicorn rears up and squees, poor Pyre and Raven turn redder than a freshly picked apple from the Acres at the attention, and you sigh and roll your eyes while Celestia tries to get a single word in amidst Rarity's celebrity romance spergfest. This doesn't sound like it's gonna stop anytime soon.
  7139. >A cyan hoof nudges you in the side and you turn to see Rainbow Dash hovering nearby. She leans down a bit to whisper in your ear.
  7140. >"(Hey dude, thanks for the save. Rarity and Fluttershy dragged me into lunch here when we ran into each other on the street and they were boring my flanks off talking about dresses and stuff. If you guys hadn't shown up I don't know what I would've done, so I guess I owe you one.)"
  7141. >You attempt to rub away your building migraine.
  7142. "Yeah... I think you kinda do."
  7143. >"I hate to disappoint you, my little ponies," Celestia finally manages to interject, "but I wouldn't call this an official date. We're merely having lunch together with my aide here and one of the guards while running some errands in town."
  7144. >"Oh, I see." The unicorn deflates a little, which causes Celestia to chuckle.
  7145. >"Though," the alicorn continues, turning toward you, "I'd very much like it if he were to take me out on a nice date sometime. Unfortunately, since Anon isn't really the type to make spontaneous romantic gestures, I've found that I sometimes need to prod him a bit to get what I want." She ends her statement by placing a quick kiss on your cheek.
  7147. >Rarity sighs and smiles. "Stallions are all the same in certain respects, aren't they? Forgive me, Princess, I lost myself for a bit there. I'm afraid one of my weaknesses is an inability to ignore juicy gossip, and tidbits of romance are -so- rare among the Royals that I simply couldn't help myself."
  7148. >Celestia smiles back at her. "It's quite alright. One of the things I find most appealing about Ponyville is the fact that the paparazzi here mostly consists of elementary-aged foals, so when school is in session there's little to worry about."
  7149. >Rarity stifles a laugh. "That is true, Princess, though I'd be careful not to underestimate them. But please, if we're bothering you I humbly apologize, but do you happen to have another moment to tell us how Twilight is doing?"
  7150. >"Yeah!" Rainbow adds, landing near her friends. "You're with her every day, right? How is she?"
  7151. >"You needn't worry," Celestia replies in her usual gentle tone. "She's doing well, and she'll be returning to Ponyville before you know it. The letters you all send each evening truly mean the world to her."
  7152. >The three ponies seem to visibly brighten at the news.
  7153. >"That's reassuring to hear," Rarity says as she turns to the others. "But we've taken up enough your time, so I believe we should be going now, isn't that right darlings?"
  7154. >Rainbow flares her wings and stretches. "Yeah, I've gotta get back to weather patrol. Those clouds aren't gonna kick themselves. I'll catch you guys later! Good to you see you again, Anon, Princess, say hi to Twilight for me!"
  7155. >She zooms off, leaving a rainbow trail behind.
  7156. >"Yes, and I'm afraid I'm already behind on several orders so I need to be going as well. Once again, Princess, I apologize if--"
  7157. >Celestia holds up a hoof. "It's alright, Rarity. Really."
  7158. >With a relieved smile, she turns and trots away.
  7160. >Only Fluttershy, who oddly hasn't said a word so far, remains. She scuffs a hoof on the ground, bashfully looking around, before meeping a bit when she realizes she's been left alone. Slowly, she lifts her head to speak.
  7161. >"Um... Princess Celestia, may I ask you something?"
  7162. >The alicorn nods. "Of course, Fluttershy."
  7163. >"Um... well... I was wondering if... uh... if you could... _____________"
  7164. >The last part was way too quiet to hear.
  7165. >"...Come again?"
  7166. >"I was wondering if you could... um... dosomethingaboutyoursister?"
  7167. >Celestia ponders a bit. "My sister...? Is something the matter with Luna?"
  7168. >Fluttershy cowers again. "Well... she... lately, she's been coming into my dreams a lot to talk about... things... and it's starting to get a little uncomfortable for me."
  7169. >That seems to pique the alicorn's curiosity, and she leans closer.
  7170. >"And what sorts of things is talking about with you? You don't need to tell us the details if it bothers you, but I'm sure anything you can tell me about the situation will help when I speak to her."
  7171. >The pegasus blushes. "Oh, you know, this and that. Um... last night she read me a rough draft of a... um... f-fanfiction she wrote for the novel 'The Lusty Human Butler'."
  7172. >Raven taps a hoof on the table in thought. "I'm unfamiliar with that work, Lady Fluttershy. It's a book about humans, you say?"
  7173. >Celestia nods. "Something like that. It's a story written by the very popular romance novel author Mistress Notfluutershai, and it was critically acclaimed in certain circles for its very elaborately detailed descriptions of--"
  7174. >Out of the corner of her eye, the alicorn catches your gaze, and the glare of death which radiates from it. She swallows hard before continuing.
  7176. >"You know, I feel I should probably stop talking about this, and there's no need for you to look into it any further, Raven. Let's just say that certain ponies really liked it. It's interesting that Luna was among them, and writing fanfiction about it no less. But what I don't understand is why she's showing her work to you, Fluttershy. I take it you're also a fan of the author?"
  7177. >The pegasus trembles a bit. "S-Something like that. But Luna's, um, a really big fan. REALLY big... of the author, I mean. And it's kind of getting weird for me, especially since she keeps talking about all these story ideas she has and--"
  7178. >"Say no more. I think I understand what's going on here. Rest assured, I'll speak with her on your behalf when I return to Canterlot."
  7179. >The shy pegasus perks up a bit. "Oh, thank you, Princess. It means a lot to me. Um, I need to be going now, if that's okay. Enjoy your lunch..."
  7180. >And with that, she timidly slinks away, leaving the four of you in peace. As soon as she's gone, the regal alicorn at your side starts to giggle, a somewhat crooked smile on her face.
  7181. >"Oh, this is good! I -need- to find a copy of that draft Luna wrote! I bet it's absolutely hilar--"
  7182. "Cel."
  7183. >Her laughter dies in her throat at the sound of your voice.
  7184. "Can you explain to me just why you happen to be so familiar with the contents of all these pony / human stories? Every time they get brought up it sounds like you've read every damn one."
  7185. >You see a few beads of sweat form on her brow.
  7186. >"I... fear answering that question might incriminate me, so I'm choosing to remain silent."
  7187. >You place your elbows on the table and start drumming your fingers together, your gaze never leaving her.
  7188. "You're only making this harder on yourself. You know I have ways of making you talk."
  7190. >Her eyes shift to your fingers as they tap together in a steady rhythm and her wings twitch slightly.
  7191. >"You... you wouldn't dare."
  7192. "I wouldn't?"
  7193. >She blushes and turns away.
  7194. >"...all I'll say right now is that I really missed you over the past month and leave it at that."
  7195. >You raise an eyebrow.
  7196. "What? That doesn't explain anythi-- oh."
  7197. >Oh.
  7198. >Her poor cheeks are on fire now, just as the waiter arrives with your food, and what follows is a lunch eaten in awkward, soul-crushing silence.
  7199. >Like, really awkward.
  7200. >Like, you silently pray for the sweet embrace of death but it never comes awkward.
  7201. >Thankfully, both Raven and Pyre seem to have completely missed the subtext of your conversation (or are just overly polite), and as the time passes your mutual embarrassment transitions to amusement as you're eventually able to laugh at yourselves after the fact.
  7202. >As you leave the restaurant, you allow the other ponies to go ahead of you while you stay back and whisper an apology in your alicorn's ear.
  7203. "Sorry... that was my fault for pressing you."
  7204. >"You're forgiven, but I expect you to make it up to me," she quietly replies as she places her head upon your shoulder and the two of you walk into the sunlight together.
  7205. "Don't worry, it's a promise."
  7206. >You reach back for an apologetic ear scratch, much to her delight.
  7208. ~~~~~~~~~
  7210. "It's perfect. I can't believe it."
  7211. >The pretty white alicorn by your side nods in agreement.
  7212. >"Yes, it truly is."
  7213. >Finally, after an entire afternoon of looking at houses, weighing options, and arguing back and forth about their merits, you both stand in the empty living room of what you believe to be the ideal little home.
  7214. >It's nothing grand, and to be honest it could use a little fixing up. The interior needs a new coat of paint, and the yard's a complete disaster, but it's nothing the two of you can't handle, especially if you work together.
  7215. >It's a cottage located in a quiet, out of the way place at the edge of town, but it isn't too far away as to be inconvenient. And it goes without saying that it has the extra bedroom she kept insisting on.
  7216. >Celestia excitedly nudges you with her nose toward one of the nearby windows.
  7217. >"Look, Anon! That path leads to the Whitetail Woods. With the leaves on the trees it should be a bit secluded, so in the spring we could--"
  7218. >Her voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper.
  7219. >"We could go -riding- together!"
  7220. >Her cheerful, yet slightly embarrassed tone causes you to smile and whisper back to her as you slowly trail your fingers down the space between her wings.
  7221. "...why wait until spring?"
  7222. >Her eyes widen and you swear you could see the spark of an epiphany shine within them for a fraction of a second. Before you can say anything else, the alicorn adopts a look of unrestrained joy and she begins to circle you, prancing all the while.
  7223. >"Raven~!"
  7224. >She's practically singing her words now, and you can tell that her unusually giddy behavior has her stalwart aide somewhat on tilt.
  7225. >"Erm, yes, Majesty?"
  7226. >"I'd like for you to head over to town hall to take care of all the purchasing paperwork. There should still be enough time to complete it before they close for the evening. Empyrean Blaze, please escort her."
  7228. >Pyre takes a hesitant step back. "Your Highness, my assigned duty is to act as your guard. If I were to stray so far from your side, I'd be betraying my--"
  7229. >She doesn't even pay attention to him as she continues to almost dance with joy.
  7230. >"That's~ an~ order~!"
  7231. >A soft golden aura encompasses both the little ponies and they yelp in surprise as they're gently pushed toward the door by her magic.
  7232. >"Don't worry, by the time you're finished we'll be there to meet you. Isn't that right, Anon?"
  7233. >You rub the back of your neck while wearing an apologetic smile.
  7234. "I'll try to keep her out of trouble. You two have fun together, alright?"
  7235. >Raven blinks. "Fun? I... I mean no disrespect, Sir Anonymous, but filling out purchasing paperwork and land ownership transfer forms is not really within my definition of 'fun'."
  7236. >"Perhaps not," Celestia hums, "but remember that you're not facing this arduous task alone, my little pony."
  7237. >Gently, yet gracefully, she approaches you from behind and places her head on your shoulder once again, and on instinct your arm reaches back toward those irresistibly scratchable white ears.
  7238. "Yeah, that's right. No matter how much of a pain you think it's gonna be, you guys'll find a way to make it fun if you put your minds to it. Trust me, we're both speaking from experience here."
  7239. >Both of the ponies look to one another again; a questioning glance that turns into a soft smile shared between them for a brief moment before they move toward the door together.
  7240. >"By your leave, Majesty."
  7241. >"I shall do my best to watch over her as you command, Your Highness."
  7242. >They stand side by side to offer a polite bow to both you and Celestia before trotting outside together, Raven's magical aura gently closing the door behind them.
  7244. >Celestia rubs her cheek against your own as you watch them walk down the road to Ponyville from the nearby window.
  7245. "I almost feel a little guilty."
  7246. >"Hmmm?" she asks, still savoring the attention of your fingers.
  7247. "It feels like we sent the kids away so we could have fun for ourselves."
  7248. >She steps away from you, back to the center of the room, her movements still light and full of barely restrained enthusiasm.
  7249. >"Like an old married couple, you mean?" She giggles. "It is a funny thought, isn't it? And there's certainly some truth to be found there..."
  7250. >Her horn glows with its familiar golden light, and her crown and torc lift from her head and neck, the magic gently depositing them in the room's corner.
  7251. >"Because, we are indeed..."
  7252. >She stalks toward you, kicking off a single golden horseshoe with each step.
  7253. >"Going to have..."
  7254. >She stands bare before you, and her natural beauty almost takes your breath away.
  7255. >"Fun~!"
  7256. >And with that last word, she delivers a quick, playful peck on your lips before curling up on the floor in front of you and presenting her back.
  7257. >Those magenta eyes find your own as her tail swishes to and fro with nervous excitement, her expression rendering any words between you unnecessary.
  7258. >And with an almost herculean effort of willpower, you resist the urge to straddle that back for only a minute more, and instead kneel beside her to gently take her muzzle in your hands and guide her to you to reclaim the kiss she stole but a moment before.
  7259. "I love you, my pretty pony."
  7260. >"And I you, my precious human. Now, and forever."
  7262. >In that moment, you're reunited; a bond only possible between the two of you alone. She stands to her hooves, your familiar, comforting weight upon her back, and you gently take those stands of her ethereal mane in your hands once again. She carries you outside the cottage, through the snow, down the seldom-used trail the two of you saw from the window. Your breathing is visible in the cold winter air as she canters along down the path, head held high, overcome with a joy that can only be captured like this.
  7263. >You came to realize it later, but to her, to ride together means freedom. Not the freedom she selfishly sought by relinquishing the crown to Twilight to chase her past, but a freedom found in the moment. Just as you described to her about how you were able to capture the feeling of being unfettered by the weight of the world at the mountain's summit, you recognize that riding is the same for her. Here and now, she can shed the burdens of Princess Celestia for a moment to lose herself in the euphoric sensation of the run, and of carrying you wherever you choose to direct her, all without question, without second thoughts, without doubts, without regrets, without trepidation, without fear...
  7264. >She wants to carry you, and you want to be carried. That's the exchange, and through it her joy becomes yours, your joy becomes hers, and the two of you become one.
  7265. >The trail leading through the woods loops around, and soon you find yourselves standing in front of the little cottage once again. A tug on her mane slows her to a stop some distance away to allow the two of you to admire it in the light of the late afternoon sun.
  7266. >A hand reaches up to scratch between her ears, and she leans into your touch...
  7268. >And as a great column of fire from the heavens rains down to consume the home that the two of you were to share, you begin to wonder whether or not you're dreaming...
  7269. >All at once, a wave of heat rushes by you and you shield your eyes for a moment in response. Celestia reacts immediately, horn shining with magic in an attempt to extinguish the blaze and save what's left of the little cottage...
  7270. >But it's no use. The fire continues to burn despite her spell and she jumps back, a beat of her wings putting more distance between the two of you and the blaze.
  7271. >"Eternal flame..."
  7272. >The alicorn mutters the words just above a whisper, and you can't tell if her tone belies the same utter shock you feel, or some grim realization she's just made. You want to ask what's going on, but you just can't find the words as you watch the cottage collapse in on itself and any indication that it was once a home and not some hastily-built bonfire is lost forever.
  7273. >And surprisingly, even as the next fiery column begins to rain down, this time directly on top of the two of you, your first response is to laugh.
  7274. >It's almost comical at this point. Your first house: erased by a screaming clone of Rarity. Your second, the airship she built for you: ruined in order to overcome a monstrous weapon from a forgotten age. And now, what was to be the third: lost because fire suddenly decided to fall on this chilly winter afternoon instead of snow...
  7275. >It's almost like the universe doesn't want you to have a home.
  7276. >Celestia's horn shines again, and she teleports you both out of the new flame column's path. As soon as you reappear, she spreads her white wings and rockets into the air, carrying you high into the sky, and you turn to see the fire erase all of the barren trees near the head of little trail where you once stood.
  7278. >"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Celestia screams into the empty air. "If you have words for me, speak them clearly! If you have a grievance, state it openly! There's no need for this senseless destruction!!"
  7279. >At first, there's only silence.
  7280. >Then, you hear a rumbling from somewhere above. It's steady but strong, like the roar of a volcano before an eruption takes place. Soon, the tone begins to have a discernable, steady cadence, and you realize that it's really... laughter?
  7281. >Celestia ascends even higher as she flies above the large stormfront that hangs near the edge of the boundary where the Whitetail Woods meet the Everfree Forest, and upon the top of the great cloud bank is perched a creature that defies imagining...
  7282. >Sure, you knew they existed here. You've met all sorts of mythological beasts since being brought to this strange world. Hell, you've even met one of them before, though to be honest he was just a baby, so maybe it didn't really sink in...
  7283. >But there's no doubt. This is a -DRAGON-, and its presence leaves you in awe.
  7284. >The great beast is curled atop the clouds, wings closed and tail wrapped around its body, so it's difficult to get an estimation of its full size. But even from here, it's easy to tell that one of the creature's gargantuan claws could crush both you and Celestia in a single swipe. The dull red scales and spikes that cover its body look to be absolutely impenetrable by any weapon you can imagine, and the flames that escape from between the countless fangs of its open maw seem like they could melt steel.
  7285. >Celestia lands on a smaller cloud nearby and gazes up at the massive creature.
  7286. >"Agamemnon..."
  7287. >And two serpentine eyes consider her coldly as it speaks:
  7288. >"Vile Herald of the Sun... how disappointing that you weren't there to greet me and explain yourself when I awoke. You forced me to come find you, and I am not pleased."
  7290. >Each word rumbles from the depths of the dragon's belly like an earthquake, spoken slowly and deliberately. You can tell, from his tone and his body language, that he holds no fear of the powerful alicorn now before him. Worse still, the slight tremors you can feel running down Celestia's body as her eyes meet his own are a clue that the same can't be said for her, and you find yourself clutching her mane tighter in response.
  7291. >You try to restart your fried brain as Celestia considers her reply. 'Agamemnon'... there's something about that name that sounds sort of familiar, but you can't quite place it...
  7292. >Wait. Wait a minute. Wasn't that the name of...?
  7293. >"My apologies, Great Watcher. I wasn't expecting you to wake so early, and I--"
  7294. >"LIAR!" the dragon bellows back, fire escaping into the clear winter sky with each breath. "Liar and thief! Each word that rolls off of your contemptuous tongue is poison! I am no fool; you knew well that your pathetic magic could not hold me beyond the rising of a third new moon..."
  7295. >The beast's eyes narrow as he sneers at Celestia.
  7296. >"To be awoken from the Sleep of Ages by one of the damnable successors; to have my hoard stolen, and a curse of dreamless sleep placed upon me before my flame could fully rekindle... you will explain yourself, and you will return what is mine, along with a tribute to atone for this insult, vile Herald of the Sun! If you refuse," his gaze shifts to Ponyville in the distance, "I will lay waste to your works until I am satisfied."
  7297. >You feel Celestia let out a deep, cleansing breath. She closes her eyes, squares her shoulders, and meets the dragon's gaze.
  7298. >"I already offered you an explanation at the time, but you would not hear it. I was in dire need of only a fraction of your wealth; a debt which I fully intended to repay, yet you refused to part with even a single coin. What happened after was... regrettable."
  7300. >The dragon growls. "Regrettable... but you hold no remorse."
  7301. >She shakes her head. "I do not. I cannot."
  7302. >Agamemnon chuckles; a sound that for a moment you mistake for thunder.
  7303. >"Very well. Tell me, vile Herald of the Sun. On what did you spend my meager fortune? What is this thing you coveted so much as to risk my ire?"
  7304. >She smiles.
  7305. >"A gift for the one upon my back. And though it was eventually lost, the value it held to the both of us was immeasurable. I don't think I can properly describe why, but if anything, you should understand my intentions well."
  7306. >The dragon leans closer, drawing deep of the air as he considers you coldly.
  7307. >"Hmmm... a strange little thing. Its scent is not of this world. All this... all this for a tribute to some conjured familiar? Is this some sort of joke?"
  7308. >"Not a familiar," Celestia states with confidence. "A friend. A dear, precious friend. And no, it isn't any sort of joke, I assure you."
  7309. >The great dragon rears back and laughs, the deep echoes from his throat scattering the birds from their perches within the Everfree.
  7310. >"Precious, you say? As precious as your trickster god of a brother whom you turned to stone? As precious as the one you called sister whom you banished from this earth? Vile Herald of the Sun, that which you call precious is as ephemeral to you as the dew upon a rose's thorn. It's beautiful in your eyes for a time, but then forgotten by the morning's end. You dare speak to me about what is treasure... about what is valuable? You know nothing! This is nothing more than a further insult!"
  7311. >The red dragon rears up and flares his wings, and for the first time you're able to estimate his true size. He's easily twice as big as an airship or more, and between his size and the fire that constantly spills from his mouth, you have no doubt that his threat to destroy Ponyville was no empty boast.
  7313. >"Enough of this! I care not for your petty reasons or misguided intentions. Return what was once mine, along with a suitable tribute, and I will ignore your brazen insolence. Otherwise..."
  7314. >"I fully intend to! But you must give me time! Equestria's coffers have been drained by a recent event, and we need time to recover from--"
  7315. >"No!" the dragon's voice booms. "You will pay your debts immediately. There is no negotiation, little pony. If you don't possess it, then take the wealth from your pitiful subjects like the thief you are, or from among the other pathetic races you abhor; the source is no concern of mine."
  7316. >Celestia shakes her head. "I will not. I will not allow my little ponies, nor any other innocents, nor even those who claim to be the enemies of my Kingdom to suffer for my own mistakes. I swear upon my crown that I will repay you when I am able, Agamemnon. Not a moment sooner, not a moment later."
  7317. >The dragon flashes her a wicked fang-filled grin.
  7318. >"Hmmm... so this village means nothing to you? Of course it wouldn't! You, who knows nothing of what truly holds value..."
  7319. >And then his eyes shift to you, and suddenly you feel really, really nervous.
  7320. >"Ah... but there is something you claimed to be 'precious' here, isn't there? What if I were to claim it... would that sway you, I wonder?"
  7321. >The gargantuan beast begins to move toward the edge of the stormfront and you feel a lump forming in your throat. Celestia shudders underneath you once again as she takes a hesitant step back.
  7322. >"Stop this! There's no need to involve him, nor anypony else!"
  7323. >"Ah..." the dragon growls, "So there is something there after all..."
  7324. >He spreads his wings and takes to the air, Celestia responds in kind, and the chase is on.
  7327. >She tears through the skies above the vast Everfree Forest with you upon her back and the great dragon hot on her heels. He moves with incredible speed despite his size, and she banks to avoid the occasional fireball as she attempts to lead the beast further and further from civilization. All you can really do at this point is hold on for dear life.
  7328. >A fireball nearly clips her wing as it sails past you into the distance, close enough for you to feel the radiating heat on your skin for a brief moment as it passes. You bring up one hand to check and make sure your eyebrows haven't been singed off while the other continues to cling to Celestia's ethereal mane as she flies. Thankfully, both your eyebrows are still there, and several moments without the appearance of any further fireballs give you a bit of hope that maybe this situation isn't really as dire as it seems. After all, Celestia has her full power at her disposal this time, so how bad could this possibly get?
  7329. >You risk a cautious glance back, which reveals several things:
  7330. >1) The dragon is still there.
  7331. >2) He's now breathing an unbroken stream of fire, similar to a goddamn military flamethrower, and is using said stream like a lance to try to swat the two of you from the sky at a distance.
  7332. >You quickly begin smacking Sun Horse's withers in a panic in order to succinctly express your thoughts regarding this matter.
  7334. >"It won't work, Anon!" Celestia yells back as she corkscrews downward to avoid the line of flames. "Agamemnon is an ancient dragon of immense power. When the flame within him is fully kindled, normal magic won't have any effect at all! We need to lead him into the wilderness where nopony will be inadvertently hurt by this tirade until I can figure out a way to talk him down!"
  7336. "Wait a minute... are you saying he's invincible or something?!"
  7337. >"Technically, no, but in our current situation he might as well be! We need to find a way to buy time somehow and--"
  7338. >From out of nowhere, the line of flame reappears, and it's nearly on top of you. Celestia barely manages to react fast enough to teleport away before it connects, but the sudden action disorients you both after you reappear and she ends up faltering in her flight.
  7339. >"H-Hold on, Anon, I'm...!"
  7340. >You grip her mane as tightly as you can as the two of you collide with the tree canopy, countless branches snapping as they buckle under your combined weight. You land with a crash on the forest floor, having been thrown from her back at the last second, and you tumble for a bit before coming to a stop, bruised, battered, but thankfully still in one piece.
  7341. "Cel!"
  7342. >As soon as you get your head to stop spinning, you struggle to your feet and run over to the grounded alicorn. She lets out a pained groan as she opens her eyes in response to your touch.
  7343. "C'mon, we have to keep moving! We're not safe here!"
  7344. >A roar in the distance only serves to punctuate that statement.
  7345. >"You think to run into the untamed lands? It will not save you, vile Herald of the Sun. I will burn this forest to ashes and smoke you out of hiding..."
  7346. >True to his word, a column of flame descends from the sky and immolates an ancient tree several hundred feet away from you. Celestia's eyes snap to attention, her survival instincts overriding any sense of pain or confusion, and she quickly jumps to her hooves, her magic violently lifting you to place you upon her back once again. She gallops off just as the next flame column descends, this time obliterating the tree you were resting under mere moments ago.
  7348. >She runs. She casts everything else aside and runs. The great forest is eerily quiet now; the animals and insects having long since fled the chaos that's enveloped this place. The daylight breaks through the canopy in places, painting patterns of shadows on the ground in the areas not yet illuminated by fire. You keep a sharp eye open for any wayward branches that might endanger you as the pony beneath you deftly weaves through the gnarled trees and the brilliant columns of destruction that rain from the heavens.
  7349. >Another nearby tree explodes into flames, and she leaps to the side to avoid the burning debris. You should be utterly terrified now, and you are. Anyone would be when faced with a situation like this. But strangely, you find that it's not the great dragon, the burning forest, or even the columns of fire that scare you...
  7350. >No, it's Cel. You can feel her fear in her gait, in her every movement. You can feel it as she runs. Not even during the bleakest moments of the Trials of Equus or the battle over Canterlot did she feel such fear; fear which now becomes your own as you ride. It strikes utter terror in your heart, and you're at a loss as to what to do to silence it...
  7351. >But silence it you must. It's become all too clear now. If the two of you hold any hope of getting out of this, you both need to overcome this fear. She just needs a little time, a little reprieve, like she said earlier. You fight back the sense of terror and truly focus your eyes on the surroundings. There has to be something, -anything- that'll buy you a few precious moments...
  7353. "There, Cel! A cave!"
  7354. >And it appears. Your boots nudge her sides as you point out the cave mouth in the distance, and at once you feel something shift. You hold a ray of hope now, and it travels through you to her, rider to steed, and you come to understand how the link of emotion you share when riding really works. Your confidence is hers now, just as her fear was once yours, and the change is instantly recognizable as her stride shifts and her head lowers with determined focus.
  7355. >The forest is burning. Walls of flame begin to appear in your path as the fire spreads, but she leaps them with ease as she swiftly gallops toward the cave entrance. It's close now, just a little further...
  7356. >A column of fire blasts the tree directly in front of you into a series of burning splinters, but you don't turn away at the sight. Instead, you focus on your goal as her horn shines and she teleports the both of you past the burning tree and into the safety of the earth.
  7357. >Your back rests against the damp cave wall as the two of you pant for breath and try to calm down. You're close enough to the entrance to still see one another in the darkness, yet far enough to be relatively safe from the raging dragon outside. Your hand finds its way around her withers to offer a comforting touch, and you pull her close.
  7358. "Looks like we made it."
  7359. >The tired alicorn turns and offers you a weak smile in the darkness.
  7360. >"Yes, for the time being."
  7361. >She leans back and closes her eyes and you allow the silence between you to linger for a few moments as you listen to the sound of the burning forest outside along with the occasional roaring from above. But like always during times like these, the many questions swirling in your head eventually force you to speak, even if you sometimes don't want to know the answers.
  7363. "So that's the dragon you stole all that treasure from, huh? Couldn't you have picked a, I dunno, a smaller, less unimaginably ragey one?"
  7364. >She chuckles and shakes her head. "No, Anon. I explained this to you before; Agamemnon is a special case among dragons. As the only living dragon without clan ties, he was the only one I could approach without risking a war."
  7365. "Yeah... I remember. So what's changed between now and then? Why are you so afraid of him, Cel? You beat him before, right?"
  7366. >The alicorn leans back against the cave wall and lets out a deep, tired sigh before curling further into your side and placing her head on your shoulder.
  7367. >"Yes, I did, but the situation is far more complicated than that. Dragons are... dragons are eternal, Anon. Much like ponies like me who've ascended, they live forever, because immortality is their birthright. Death is not a natural process for them, and given that fact, one would imagine that our world would be overrun with dragonkind, but that's not the case. In reality, very few new dragons are born each year, and most of them don't live beyond five to seven centuries."
  7368. >You shift yourself a little so you can support her more comfortably as you trail your fingers through her mane.
  7369. "They're immortal, but they only live for 500 to 700 years? Why? Is it because of war? Disease?"
  7370. >"No. While those things do happen, they only affect a small portion of dragonkind. Most of them... the vast majority, really, simply tire of living after a certain point. They lull themselves into a deep sleep, and over the centuries their bodies turn to stone as the flame within them is slowly extinguished while they dream. Few know this, but the northern mountains of Equestria, where most dragons reside, are not made of the stone of the earth..."
  7371. "No way... are you serious?"
  7373. >She nods, rubbing her muzzle into your shoulder in the process.
  7374. >"Yes. Agamemnon is very special among dragonkind. That he is without a clan is unique in itself, but what truly differentiates him is the fact that he's chosen to keep living. He's perhaps the oldest creature in this world, far older than even myself or Luna, and so old it's possible even the Progenitors themselves knew him, yet despite this we've never really spoken to one another outside of a few occasions. He's very reclusive and tends to keep to himself, spending most of his days in a light slumber. Nopony, nor dragon, knows exactly why he continues to persist when all others have not, but we've taken to calling him the Great Watcher. There's even a legend that states that when he stands upon the roof of the world and breathes in the air that collects there, he can hear the voices of all living creatures, though I can't say if it's true..."
  7375. "You were talking like he was invincible or something back there. Is it because he's so old?"
  7376. >Her magenta eyes turn toward the flickering light of the fire dancing near the cave entrance.
  7377. >"Dragons are powerful creatures of magic, though they don't express it in the way ponies do. A dragon's magic is the flame that burns within. This is the source of their fiery breath, as well as the wellspring that allows them to live forever. As they age, the flame burns brighter, and its warmth keeps external sources of magic at bay. As whelps, they hold a small amount of magic resistance. In their adolescence the resistance grows. As adults, they become resistant to all but the strongest of spells... and those who live further... ancient dragons such as Agamemnon... are effectively immune to all magic. To put it into perspective, Equus Island rejects the magic of an alicorn but allows normal ponies passage. Similarly, the island would permit a dragon whelp but prevent an adult or strong adolescent from entering because already their flame would burn too brightly."
  7379. >She sighs again.
  7380. >"When you combine that fact with their great strength, flight, and resistance to physical harm, there are very few things in this world that could hope to stand against an ancient dragon's fury."
  7381. >You swallow hard. She's not exactly painting an optimistic picture here...
  7382. "But... but you put him to sleep before, right? He can't be -completely- immune to magic..."
  7383. >She pulls away from you and shakes her head.
  7384. >"I did so just as he was waking from a hundred year sleep in response to my intrusion into his lair. At that point his flame was at its weakest and the spell was able to take hold, but now there's no chance that it would work. To be perfectly honest, I thought we'd have at least another few weeks before he'd be up and about, but I suppose I underestimated him a bit..."
  7385. >Great. Just gr-- wait a minute.
  7386. " told me the day I came home from Canterlot it'd be 200 years before this'd become a problem. I distinctly remember that."
  7387. >The alicorn's ears fold back and she turns away in shame, retreating slightly into the shadows of the cave.
  7388. >"I didn't want you to worry, Anon. What good would it have done if you'd known? I didn't want you to spend your days in fear of the future..."
  7389. "Yeah, instead I'm spending right now in a cave surrounded by a burning forest wondering whether or not I'm gonna die. Fighting and stealing from an angry, magic immune, overpowered dragon... god, Cel, did you think any of this through at all?!"
  7390. >"Of course I did!" she yells back, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. "When the time came, I fully intended to return to him to make the necessary tribute, or have Luna handle it in my stead! Had it gone as I intended, things would've been resolved without any need for you to be involved!"
  7392. >Her words echo in the cavern before eventually fading away, and you hear a sniffle from the darkness as they disappear.
  7393. >"Do you... do you regret what I've done, Anon? Should I have left things as they were back when you took your trip to Canterlot? Should I have just gone away when the money ran out so I wouldn't be a burden to you any longer? Please, tell me!"
  7394. >The unmistakable patter of her tears falling upon the stone of the cave floor reaches your ears, and you immediately reach out to pull her to you.
  7395. "No... of course I don't regret it. Like I told you that first morning on the Dawn Star, I just want you be honest with me so that we can face these things together. That's all."
  7396. >You can feel a smile form on her face as you hug her, and her forehooves encircle your back to return the gesture.
  7397. >"I will. I promise."
  7398. >Another roar echoes from overhead as you part.
  7399. "I'm worried about Ponyville. This forest is one thing, but what's stopping him from going back there and torching the town when he can't find us?"
  7400. >The alicorn stands in the darkness and stretches her limbs as she shakes the last of her tears away.
  7401. >"He won't do that. Not now. There's a common misconception held by most other creatures about dragons and their greed, Anon. Most believe that they desire gold and gems because they're shiny or a source of food, but that's not really the case..."
  7402. >She begins moving toward the cave's entrance and you stand and follow.
  7403. >"They desire these things because they hold great value to others. And thus, Agamemnon now desires you because you hold great value to me. Ponyville is the furthest thing from his mind right now."
  7405. >She curls up near the cave's mouth and gestures to her back.
  7406. >"...But I will not allow him to have you, my precious human. He can have this kingdom's meager wealth, even if I have to dig the gold and gems from the ground with my own hooves, but he can never have you. And if he doesn't understand that now, I will make him understand. He may not be swayed by my magic, and he may be as immovable as a mountain, but even still I will make him understand."
  7407. >You straddle your pretty pony's back, and as she rises you can feel the determination flowing through her. As you take the strands of mane in your hands, you pat one side of her neck and whisper in her ear:
  7408. "I trust you, I believe in you, and I'm here with you."
  7409. >"I know, and I am thankful."
  7410. >She takes a deep breath, gallops into the burning forest, and spreads her wings.
  7412. ~~~~~~~~~
  7414. >The ancient dragon hovers in the sky, kept aloft by the beating of his great wings. His serpentine eyes scan the carnage below for any signs of movement, and he smiles when he catches sight of your approach.
  7415. >"Hmmm... so you finally choose to show yourself. This is good, as even my patience was beginning to wear thin."
  7416. >With a powerful beat of his wings, he sends a vast quantity of cold winter air directly toward the earth, and the many fires consuming the forest are extinguished as easily as a candle left near an open window would be on a breezy night. You try to keep your mouth from hanging open in shock as you survey the sight below.
  7417. >"Now then," the dragon breathes in his slow, rumbling tone. "I will have my tribute. Either pay what you owe in treasure or relinquish that familiar to me."
  7418. >Celestia takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
  7419. >"I will do neither this day, Agamemnon. Again, you'll receive your tribute, but only when I'm able to provide it. I will not be moved in this matter."
  7421. >The dragon sneers. "Perhaps you have forgotten, but the only reason ponies are allowed to roam free across this world is because I permit it. You do not dictate terms to me."
  7422. >"And you," Celestia shouts back, the strength in her voice unwavering, "will not treat a sovereign creature as just another trinket to be won for your collection, nor will you harm innocents not involved with our dispute! I have wronged you, and I will make it right, but not at others' expense!"
  7423. >He scoffs. "Empty words. A dragon's honor demands he return everything in kind, vile Herald of the Sun. You lack the strength to stop me, so your wishes and platitudes are irrelevant. I will take what I want from you because you are weak, just as you took what you wanted from me when I was at my weakest."
  7424. >You can feel her muscles tense beneath you.
  7425. >"I will not allow it."
  7426. >"We shall see..."
  7427. >And all at once the chase is on again.
  7428. >Celestia's horn shines, and her familiar invisible barrier spell is cast as she soars into the sky, higher and higher.
  7429. "Well, now what do we do?"
  7430. >"It went about as well as I expected. He'll accept nothing less than the riches we don't have right now or you, so I suppose we have to fight."
  7431. >Again, she begins to weave back and forth in her flight as fireballs start to sail past.
  7432. "Wait, you knew talking wouldn't work from the start? I'm guessing you had a plan all along, right?"
  7433. >She closes her eyes, and you feel her confidence slightly waver.
  7434. >"Not until our conversation in the cave. I was reluctant to do this, but I've realized that right now, you are far more important to me than any reservations I might have or any old fear that tries to hold sway over my heart."
  7436. >You chuckle.
  7437. "I appreciate the thought, Cel, but isn't that exactly the type of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place?"
  7438. >"Indeed it is," she replies, a giggle of her own escaping over the wind. "But these 'messes' we so often find ourselves in are a bit fun in their own way, don't you think? Applejack was very kind to warn us to stay out of trouble this morning, but it appears that when we're together, trouble will find us regardless."
  7439. "So we're like some kind of magnet for disasters, huh?"
  7440. >"Or a walking catastrophe!" she sings, suppressing another laugh. "But my human, as long as you're with me, I welcome whatever may come."
  7441. >With a powerful beat of her wings, she loops around to avoid the line of flame that once more tries to slice into you from afar and dives, confusing the dragon just long enough for her to change course.
  7442. >"Damn," she curses under her breath as she levels out. "There are none here either... those troublesome wings of his have scattered all the clouds away."
  7443. "Clouds?"
  7444. >"Yes, I need a cloud in order for this to have any hope of working, and I need to conserve my magic, so finding a natural one would be best."
  7445. >You turn your attention away from the pursuing dragon to the sky itself. It's true, most of the clouds have been either burned away by fire or completely dispersed by Agamemnon's chaotic path through the air. The stormfront he once rested upon is completely broken apart now, little remnants of it scattered far into the distance.
  7446. >You tap Celestia's neck with your palm and adjust your position on her back.
  7447. "Just focus on avoiding him for now. I'll find us one."
  7448. >With a flick of her ears to acknowledge your offer, she redoubles her efforts to escape the pursuing dragon, pouring on all the speed she can muster now that she no longer has to slow herself to search the skies.
  7450. >You can feel your heart beat faster as your grip on her mane tightens. Hell, you even crack a smile as, for a brief moment, that ever-familiar thrill of flight finds you once again. You may not have the Dawn Star any longer, but here you are, soaring through the sky and once more experiencing her gift.
  7451. >And she's given you so much, hasn't she? The many small presents and little gestures of affection, the hardships that led to yet more joy, and all the love she's shared... it's nearly unending, and it's often overwhelming.
  7452. >You sometimes wish you could give more back. Even though she seems to relish the time and the affection you share with her, you still wish you could give her more. As a Princess, there's little she doesn't already have, and you're just a poor stranger to this world, so there's little you can do and so much you don't understand.
  7453. >But there are still ways you can help. Whether it be as a shoulder to lean on, an attentive ear to hear her troubles, or a provider of much-requested and cherished bellyrubs...
  7454. >And though there may be no way you could ever directly take on a dragon, if the love of your life wants a cloud right now, then goddamn it, you're gonna find her one!
  7455. >You turn back to see a blazing orb of fire rocketing directly toward you, burning almost as brightly as the sun itself.
  7456. >Almost.
  7457. >And that's why you don't turn away. You don't even flinch. No flame this dragon can manage to breathe will ever be able to match the radiance of her sun. You ignore the fireball, instead searching the sky behind it, where you manage to spot exactly what you're looking for.
  7458. "I've got one! Seven o'clock, slightly above and almost directly behind him!"
  7459. >The pretty alicorn beneath you immediately changes her course, switching to a rapid ascent.
  7460. >"I'm going to dive on it as fast as I can, Anon. Be ready to grab it!"
  7462. >Er... what?
  7463. "Whoa, whoa, wait a second, what do you mean by gr--URK!"
  7464. >She pulls her wings close and dives, and immediately the act of clinging to that multicolored mane for dear life becomes far more important than asking a stupid question.
  7465. >The first thing you notice is the fact that you can barely see the white little ball of fluff from this altitude. You have to really focus, but it's definitely still there, framed against the gray and brown of the partially-burned forest below.
  7466. >The second thing you notice is the gigantic, very angry, shrieking dragon that's flying up to meet you, flames dripping from his open maw like saliva normally would from some rabid animal.
  7467. >A huge claw, talons gleaming from the sunlight above, reaches out to capture the both of you as you near each other, but still you focus only on the little cloud in the distance...
  7468. >And at the last possible moment, Celestia alters her course with a displacement roll, and the claw finds empty air as she travels just beyond the dragon's reach.
  7469. >You're flying upside down now, and somehow, against your better judgment and all rational thought, you peel one of your hands away from her mane and hold it out. You have no goddamn clue what she's planning, but she said 'grab it', so you reach out...
  7470. >...and fucking...
  7471. >Grab it!
  7472. >The alicorn rights herself and levels off from her dive, and you find yourself holding a small cloud in your arm while simultaneously wondering how the hell you're doing it.
  7473. "I... I... wh-what?"
  7474. >The alicorn giggles. "Was house hunting with me really so traumatic that you've repressed the memories already? I cast the cloud walking spell on you earlier so we could look at that cloud mansion, so of course you'd be able to hold one."
  7476. >You blink.
  7477. "Oh. Right. Well, we got you a cloud... now what?"
  7478. >"Now, my human," she solemnly states as an oddly-colored magical aura begins to envelop her horn, "we dearly hope that this works. Whatever you do, do -not- allow that cloud to touch any part of my body once I start casting or else this will likely be the end of us."
  7479. >You clutch the cloud close to your chest and pat her neck once more in response.
  7480. "Got it."
  7481. >Again, she begins to climb into the bright blue sky, and with each beat of her wings she chants a word from a strange language which you can't identify. The teal light radiating from her horn doesn't have the usual soft aura you've grown accustomed to when she normally casts a spell, and combined with the odd chanting it begins to fill you with a certain sense of dread. Small jolts of lightning arc across the horn's surface and disappear into the air as the cloud in your arm transitions from a pure white color to the deep black of a starless night sky.
  7482. >The cloud continues to undulate and coalesce in your grip until it takes a smaller, more tightly defined spherical shape, wispy tendrils of dark mist trailing behind it as the two of you continue to fly. There's something about this... something familiar, and yet...
  7483. >A tremor of fear runs down your body as the realization hits you. You're now holding, in your very hand, a miniature Progenitor storm torpedo, just like the ones Twilight launched at you almost continuously during the final battle over Canterlot!
  7484. "Cel... this is..."
  7485. >"Do..." she gasps out while continuing to channel ancient magic into the weapon, "Do you honestly believe that in those darkest days, long after my brother was sealed away by my own hooves, when my beloved sister began to turn away... do you honestly believe that I didn't exhaust every avenue... every possibility that I could to soothe the tumult in her heart and bring her back to me...?"
  7487. >There's a surge of energy as the form of the torpedo starts to shift. Instead of remaining as a compact sphere, it begins to stretch until it resembles a javelin or spear composed entirely of black mist. You hold the weapon over your shoulder, well away from her body, as the spell completes and she gasps and pants with exhaustion.
  7488. >"I... I tried everything, Anon! Everything to regain my little sister! Even when I already knew of the dangers it posed, and even when I knew that there was little hope that it would help, I still peered into the Shard of the Dark Star that Balios left behind to search for answers! And though what I saw there ultimately could not free Luna from her Nightmare, that terrible, forbidden knowledge remains with me, even now!"
  7489. >She moves to make a mid-air turn, and suddenly Agamemnon is there, right before the two of you, mouth open and a great swell of fire threatening to erupt from the depths of his throat. Your breathing stops as the shock of his sudden appearance causes you to temporarily freeze in place, but Celestia reacts without hesitation. The aura of the Progenitors' magic around her horn washes away, instead replaced by that comforting golden hue, and you experience the familiar sensation of submerging and then taking a fresh breath of air as she teleports the both of you to the charred and bare section of ruined forest directly below.
  7490. >As soon as her hooves touch the ground once again, she nearly stumbles from fatigue but regains control at the last moment to curl up upon the burnt forest floor, panting and breathless.
  7491. >"I'm... afraid I can no longer carry you, Anon. Not as long as you hold that weapon. Even being this close to it is almost too much to bear..."
  7492. >You quickly dismount, careful not to let any portion of the strange spear touch her, and put a bit of distance between the two of you.
  7493. "What is this thing...?"
  7495. >The pretty alicorn struggles to her hooves, blowing a few strands of ethereal mane from her eyes in the process as some of her strength begins to return.
  7496. >"The Progenitors studied the effects of storms with great interest, and they found that by enchanting clouds in a certain way, those clouds could be used to steal the latent magic of anything they came to touch, be it the enchanted engines of an airship, or directly from a living creature. You likely already suspect this, but the torpedoes Twilight's stone fortress made use of worked on the same basic principle."
  7497. >She turns her magenta eyes to the dragon in the distant sky, his own golden irises meeting her gaze as he spots the two of you and adjusts his course.
  7498. >"My magic may not be able to touch an ancient dragon. But theirs... the weapon you now hold... can quench the flame."
  7499. >Yeah... you think you understand what she's getting at now, and you hold the spear a little more tightly as the realization sets in.
  7500. >She giggles. "You know, due to your lack of innate magic, you're likely the only creature in this world who could hold such a thing without succumbing to its effects. Equestria is counting on your efforts, my human. I doubt I have the strength to make another, so may your aim be true."
  7501. >With a laugh, you shake your head.
  7502. "Yeah... no pressure, right?"
  7503. >You gaze up at the approaching dragon just in time to see him breathe another line of flame as he draws near. You dive for cover, still holding the mystical spear close, and crouch low to maintain your balance as the dragon's nearby landing uproots trees and sends tremors through the earth.
  7504. >The great creature looms over the section of ruined forest, from this perspective more like a skyscraper than a beast, and you come to realize that the wall of fire he created was meant to separate you and Celestia. You're trapped on one side, her on the other, with a sneering Agamemnon between you.
  7506. >"Hmm hmm hmm," the dragon's throat rumbles as he focuses his attention on the alicorn. "It feels good to stretch my limbs and move around like this again. We could easily keep up this chase for another age, could we not, vile Herald of the Sun?"
  7507. >He cranes his neck downward to lock eyes with her.
  7508. >"But your 'precious' little thing wouldn't last that long, would he? And it seems you've given up and abandoned him here. Have you finally come to realize the futility of all this, or is this yet another desperate ploy you've managed to concoct?"
  7509. >Celestia lets out a sigh and turns away, wings drooping.
  7510. >"You are right. We can't escape you, and if I can't appease you in any other way then I have no choice but to relinquish him to your care."
  7511. >Another rumbling laugh echoes over the sound of the fire nearby.
  7512. >"Is that so? How prudent... but I don't believe you!"
  7513. >Without warning, and with a speed that should be completely impossible for a monster of his size, the great dragon suddenly pivots and slams his tail into the nearby ground, right where Celestia was standing. The impact causes a minor earthquake, nearly knocking you off your feet and uprooting yet more dead trees.
  7514. >In the exact same motion, the beast's left arm strikes out with similar speed, aiming to capture you. It's a flawlessly planned and executed maneuver, intended to both distract and occupy Celestia while claiming his prize, all in the space of a second or less. There's no chance for you to run, and there's no chance for her to save you, even with the aid of her magic.
  7515. >But you never intended to run from the start. Instead, you hold firm, maintaining your balance despite the tremors running through the earth, and you wait for the great claw to approach.
  7516. >And at the last possible second, as the talons gleam in the nearby light of the fire, you thrust the spear of dark magic into the dragon's open palm with all your might!
  7518. >The magical weapon easily pierces the scales which looked to be so impenetrable before.
  7519. >And then, with a deafening surge of energy, it explodes like a bomb, sending teal-colored concentric rings of forbidden magic into the surroundings and blasting you several hundred feet backwards, where you manage to come to a stop with a painful thump against the trunk of a half-burned tree.
  7520. >Agamemnon releases a pained roar that can likely be heard even from Canterlot as he clutches his wounded claw and staggers back, barely maintaining his balance.
  7521. >"What... how?!"
  7522. >He coughs several times as he fights to remain upright, but instead of the usual flames, only black smoke emerges. And for the first time since this all began, you recognize the telltale sign of fear in his eyes as he desperately searches the surroundings for Celestia.
  7523. >"My flame diminishes?! What have you done, you miserable wretch?!"
  7524. >The ground shudders yet again as he collapses, smothering the nearby fire, wisps of black smoke spiraling from his nostrils and mouth as he pants for breath. Even though he can no longer move, his eyes continue to frantically search for Celestia, who emerges from a nearby mass of fallen trees, her white coat muddy and feathers in disarray from the dragon's earlier surprise attack.
  7525. >"Forgive me for my deception, Great Watcher, but there was no other way. I must ask that you sleep for a while longer. I'm sorry it can't be in the comfort of your lair, but I give you my word that no harm will come to you here, and I also swear that the necessary tribute will be prepared when you next awake."
  7527. >Her horn shines with its usual golden aura as she closes her eyes to focus on a spell to put the now weakened dragon to sleep. You stagger to your feet and let out a relieved sigh as you start to move toward her. It looks like, against all odds, the two of you have managed to get through yet another crisis more or less intact.
  7528. >"So, you used their magic through him. I should've expected as much from one of the successors..."
  7529. >You freeze in your tracks.
  7530. >Something's wrong. There's no fear in his voice. There's no fear in his eyes...
  7531. >"But you've made a fatal miscalculation, little pony."
  7532. "CEL! WATCH OUT!"
  7533. >It happens like lightning the moment you cry out. The great beast's arm thrusts forward to capture the white alicorn in his grip. Her utter shock, combined with the pain of being bound, causes the spell she's channeling to break, and the aura around her horn fades away.
  7534. >The great dragon weakly rises from the ground, holding the struggling alicorn directly to his face as he sneers in triumph.
  7535. >"You should never approach a wounded dragon! You may have weakened my flame, and you may have made me subject to your accursed magic, but my strength remains, and it will be your end!"
  7536. >She cries out as his grip tightens, the pain preventing her from focusing enough to channel any magic. You try to run toward her, but a shooting pain in your left leg causes you to stumble and fall. Shit... it must've been fractured in the blast earlier!
  7537. "Cel...! Cel!"
  7538. >You grit your teeth and attempt to struggle past the pain in order to stand, but your injured leg fails you and you collapse once again.
  7539. >"I could've forgiven these other acts of defiance," the dragon growls, "but this insult will not stand. Have you any words before the toll is paid?"
  7541. >The alicorn's magenta eyes open, and she turns them to you as you struggle on the ground, now clawing your way toward her since you can no longer walk.
  7542. >Your eyes meet, and within her expression you see it all.
  7543. >What she intends. What will come to be.
  7544. "No..."
  7545. >Your tears fall upon the scorched earth, and she turns to face Agamemnon once again.
  7546. >"It's not... equivalent..."
  7547. >"Hmmm?" the great dragon hums with curiosity.
  7548. >"This life you are about to take... is worth more to this world than the riches that were stolen, and worth more than what has happened here. You know this... to be true."
  7549. >Agamemnon laughs. "Ah... begging for your life by appealing to my sense of honor and desire for balance. Pathetic, but appropriate. Tell me, how am I to properly conduct this exchange? In case you've forgotten, I have no riches left as a result of your thievery. Do you mean to say that I should spare you until I can properly compensate this puny nation of ponies for the loss of its ruler?"
  7550. >She closes her eyes, several tears running down her muzzle, before addressing the dragon once again.
  7551. >"Swear to me, Agamemnon the Clanless, on your blood, the blood of your kin, and the honor you hold, that when this is done, you will leave this land forever."
  7552. >He smiles as she continues.
  7553. >"And swear to me, on your blood, the blood of your kin, and the honor you hold, that you shall never touch this human, that you shall not interfere with his life here, that he shall live free from you until the end of his days, that he should be a treasure which you shall never come to possess!"
  7555. >A great laugh rings out into the late afternoon sky.
  7556. >"Truly, your greed humbles even one such as I! In the face of the end of your days, you continue to covet him. I commend you, but you think too narrowly. What is the purpose of a treasure when you will not live to enjoy it?"
  7557. >She closes her eyes and smiles back as she answers.
  7558. >"And what is the purpose of love if you're not willing to sacrifice everything for it? Because I love my ponies, I devote my last act to help ensure that they will live on in peace. Because I love my brother, I imprisoned him in stone until the day comes when I find a way to pull him from his madness and bring him back to us. Because I love my sister, I banished her from the earth until such a time when she could be redeemed. And because I love my human, I want to give him the opportunity to continue to know love in his life, even if that love can no longer come from me!"
  7559. >The dragon's smile remains unbroken as he continues to consider the pony held tightly in his claw. And though her tears continue to fall, her own smile continues to shine forth.
  7560. >"Agamemnon, these things are my treasures. Were I not willing to do this for them, I could not call them such."
  7561. >The ancient dragon closes his eyes and breathes out, jets of black smoke escaping into the air. With a nod of his head, and a fang-filled grin, he chuckles once more.
  7562. >"Well said."
  7563. >Slowly and gently, he places the pony upon the ground and releases her, much to her utter surprise as well as your own.
  7564. >"I've misjudged you. You truly do understand that which is precious, and I see now that my decision to respond to those voices heard on the wind in that age long past was not a mistake."
  7566. >The dragon breathes out again as Celestia falls to her haunches, her shock palpable.
  7567. >"I consider the debt paid. It seems my meager fortune was well spent. I'll dig out more riches from the earth to replace it. It will be something to occupy me as I've slept far too long lately, and this age... it appears will offer some interesting things for my tired eyes to behold."
  7568. >He turns his back and spreads his wings, rising into the air with a few unsteady beats.
  7569. >Celestia, who's since rushed to your side, calls out as he ascends.
  7570. >"Are... you certain of this? I can still properly repay our debt given time."
  7571. >The dragon laughs again as he turns back for a brief moment.
  7572. >"It was worth it to finally truly meet you, Celestia, Herald of the Sun, Secondborn of Those Who Came Before. If you wish to do more, then come visit me with your brother and sister in the future, and we'll reminisce about the old days. You can bring your odd-looking familiar too, if you like."
  7573. >Celestia nods. "Yes, when we've all been brought together again, I shall. Consider it a promise, Great Watcher."
  7574. >"Then let your word be your bond. Farewell."
  7575. >You watch the great beast disappear into the distance as the warmth of your alicorn's healing magic begins to flow through your injured leg and your hand travels through her mane out of habit.
  7576. "What just happened here?"
  7577. >She raises her head, her job finished, and watches the retreating silhouette along with you.
  7578. >"A question I long held was answered. Beyond that... all I can think to call it is a miracle."
  7579. >With a quick nuzzle, she turns away, curling up again on the muddy, scorched ground.
  7580. >"Come, my treasured one. Let's return, as I'm certain that by now we're dearly missed."
  7581. >You straddle her back, the pain in your leg no longer present, and together the two of you leave the burnt forest behind.
  7583. ~~~~~~~~~
  7585. >The flight back to town is not without its issues. Halfway there, one of her wings buckles, sending the two of you crashing into the soft snow below. Thankfully, it's not a long fall, so you're quick to recover and help Celestia dig herself out.
  7586. "Are you alright?"
  7587. >"Yes," she replies, a slight blush of embarrassment on her cheeks. "But perhaps flying back wasn't the best idea."
  7588. >The alicorn raises a mud and snow-caked wing, its feathers sticking out in nearly every direction.
  7589. >"It appears I need a bath and some serious preening before attempting to fly again."
  7590. >You examine your own clothes, finding that you aren't in much better shape.
  7591. "Yeah... we got pretty roughed up back there. House hunting's tougher than you'd think."
  7592. >She giggles. "That it is. Between my finicky demands and attacks from ancient dragons, I sometimes wonder how it is you're able to put up with me, my human."
  7593. >You smile back.
  7594. "The benefits outweigh the drawbacks. But I will say that you're lucky you're such a pretty pony."
  7595. >She rolls her eyes. "Why is it that every time you compliment my appearance, it's when I'm looking my absolute worst? I'm beginning to wonder if you're being honest with me."
  7596. "I guess I'm about as honest as someone who's completely in love with you can be. You can interpret that however you like."
  7597. >A swat from her multicolored ethereal tail is her reply, which pulls yet more laughter from you both before she suddenly perks back up.
  7598. >"Oh, that's right! I nearly forgot!"
  7599. >Her horn shines, and the distant sun begins its path below the horizon, the moon rising to replace it.
  7600. >"I'd never hear the end of it from Lulu had I missed the sunset..."
  7602. >You reach out offer up some apologetic scratches to those perky ears.
  7603. "Well, at least something went right today, huh?"
  7604. >Some of the cheer leaves her face as she turns toward the setting sun.
  7605. >"Yes... at least we can take comfort in that. Come, we should continue on our way."
  7606. >She moves to trot away from you, but you remain where you are.
  7607. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."
  7608. >Her ears fold back as she looks away. "It's nothing to worry ab--"
  7609. "Enough, Cel. We talked about this twice already. There's no need for any secrets. There's no need to try to spare my feelings. If there's something wrong, I want to know so I can help you! Don't you understand that?"
  7610. >"Don't you understand that I nearly lost you today?!" she shouts back, fresh tears glimmering in the light of dusk. "I nearly lost you, Anon, and there was nothing I could do about it! If it weren't for Agamemnon's mercy, I--"
  7611. "We nearly lost each other. But we -DIDN'T-, Cel! We're fine! We're standing here talking to one another right now, aren't we?"
  7612. >"And who's to say what will happen the next time? Who's to say this won't continue? Ever since I stepped into your life, nearly from the moment we met, I've placed you in danger! I sent you to Equus Island alone, I set Twilight after you as a result of my foolish actions, there was that whole ordeal with returning to the Trials... even the airship I gave you as a gift faced constant attack until it too was destroyed! And now today... don't you see, it's never going to stop!"
  7613. >She collapses, sobbing, upon the snowy ground as you stand silently by.
  7615. >"It's never going to stop. Those who call themselves my enemies... and the multitude of mistakes I've made in the past, along with the mistakes I continue to make... they'll all, at some point, return. And you, by virtue of being close to me, will be placed into the path of danger, just as you were today, and inevitably, as we've just seen, there'll come a time when I won't be able to protect you!"
  7616. >You cross your arms as you gaze upon the trembling alicorn, the shadows of the surrounding trees growing longer as the sun continues its descent.
  7617. "So, what? You want to give up on this because you're afraid?"
  7618. >Her head snaps up, mouth slightly open as she stutters.
  7619. >"G-Give up... Anon, what would you have me do?! The thought of losing you... I can't bear it! Even if nothing I've said comes to pass, there's still--"
  7620. >You step over to her and kneel, and as gently as you can, you take the crying alicorn's muzzle into your hands and tilt her head until her eyes meet yours.
  7621. "What would I have you do...? Isn't it obvious? Marry me."
  7622. >Her eyes widen as a slight hiccup escapes.
  7623. >"W-What?"
  7624. >You smile at her.
  7625. "Marry me, Cel."
  7626. >She blinks her tears away, too taken aback by your proposal to shed any more.
  7627. >"Have... have you lost your mind?!"
  7628. >You shrug.
  7629. "Maybe? I'm asking a pretty pony princess for her hoof in marriage, so this is about as bizarre as it gets for me. But stop trying to change the subject; are you gonna do it or not?"
  7631. >She laughs. "This? This is how you choose to propose? Has nothing I've said over the past several minutes meant anything to you? Anon, if I marry you, your life will be thrown into the unending turmoil that follows me. I can't-- OUCH! Anon!"
  7632. >You reach out and flick one of her ears with your finger before she can get going.
  7633. "You're the one who hasn't been listening. None of that stuff matters to me. You even said it best today... 'as long as you're with me, I welcome whatever may come'."
  7634. >She turns away. "Anon..."
  7635. "Don't pretend like that wasn't exactly what you said. Those were the words of the pony who remembers what I told her on the Dawn Star. Those were the words of the pony who remembers what it feels like when we ride together. Those were the words of the pony I fell in love with..."
  7636. >You gently stroke her muzzle, calming her and pulling her tears away.
  7637. "I know it's been a rough day, and I know you're shaken. But Cel, when you're afraid, I'll be strong for you. Just like when I'm afraid, you're strong for me. Remember our promise?"
  7638. >She nods into your touch.
  7639. "That's why you don't need to feel burdened by the past. That's why you should put your fear of the future aside. I'm here with you, and you're here with me, right now, at this very moment!"
  7640. >You stand and step back, offering her a hand.
  7641. "It's as simple as that. Now, are you gonna answer me, or am I gonna have to keep standing here looking like an idiot?"
  7643. >A proposal is a pretty simple yes or no question when you get down to it. You honestly expected her to answer however she felt, take your hand, and the two of you would go from there.
  7644. >What you didn't expect was for the alicorn to leap from the snow and tackle you, sending the two of you rolling down a hillside.
  7645. >You come to a stop under the shadow of a bare tree, both panting for breath. Somehow, you ended up on top of her, her mane spilling around her head as she stares up at you with those beautiful magenta eyes.
  7646. >"Of course I will, my precious human... my treasure. But this proposal... what were you thinking? Why now? I honestly expected a bit better from you."
  7647. >You chuckle.
  7648. "Yeah, it's sudden I know, but don't you recognize where we are right now?"
  7649. >She glances around. "All these apple trees... an orchard within Sweet Apple Acres?"
  7650. "That's right. I know it looks a little different being winter and all, but this is where it all started. This is where you stole my heart as you ran from me that day. Looking back on it, there was something I should've done then that I've always regretted."
  7651. >She turns back to you, smiling in the light of dusk.
  7652. >"Oh? And what would that be?"
  7653. >Your lips meet, and you give her your answer.
  7654. >The two of you lose yourselves to the moment once again, content in the fact that you can advance through this life alongside one another in the time that you are given.
  7655. >Another day in winter ends, but you know that soon you'll feel the pull of the sun beyond the horizon to welcome the next as time flows ever onward.
  7656. >A new day, the next of many you'll greet as you ride together with her...
  7657. >...Welcomed without question, without second thoughts, without doubts, without regrets, without trepidation, and without fear.
  7659. ===============
  7660. ||- The End -||
  7661. ===============
  7664. For those interested, a new bonus chapter for Exchange was written and is available here:
  7667. Sorry for no pastebin version, but it was written with fimfic formatting / bb codes already inserted and would look crappy in this format. For those of you who have not checked out the Fimfic version of Exchange previously, Chapter 3 there is also brand new, and the story as a whole is edited / expanded to be way better than the version here in my opinion. (As is I Dream of Luna)
  7669. This is likely the last pone-related writing I'll be posting. It was fun, guys. Take care!

/Sun/day-Celestia Archive

by Enonnnymous

[ARCHIVE] Exchange by getmeouttahere

by Enonnnymous

[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 1

by Enonnnymous

[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 2

by Enonnnymous