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[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 1

By Enonnnymous
Created: 2022-06-12 19:28:39
Updated: 2022-06-12 19:30:50
Expiry: Never

  2. > You are Prince Anonymous.
  3. > And you are comfy as fuck right now.
  4. > But the light from the window is irritating the hell out of you.
  5. > Slowly, you crack open your eyes.
  6. > On instinct, you immediately move to stretch.
  8. > And your elbow hits something.
  9. > Looking over, you see a woman.
  10. > Still sleeping peacefully.
  11. > Despite the little tap you gave her.
  12. > This isn't your bed.
  13. > Fuck.
  14. > You look at the clock by her bed.
  15. > 8:48.
  16. > That's not good.
  17. > You have a Royal Meeting with your father you needed to attend in twelve minutes.
  18. > He's going to be pissed.
  19. > You roll out of the bed, landing on the floor.
  20. > You were only wearing a pair of boxers.
  21. > You needed to find your clothes.
  22. > Looking around, you spot your shirt.
  23. > ...
  24. > Yeah, you're not wearing that.
  25. > And the pants aren't even in wearable condition.
  26. > Practically in shreds.
  27. > You give a low whistle.
  28. > She must've been crazy in bed.
  29. > A nice catch, drunk self.
  30. > You're welcome, sober self.
  31. > A shame you can't remember much of it.
  32. > Looking back at her, she's definitely an impressive score.
  33. > Well, you suppose there's no sense waiting around.
  34. > If she wakes up, there'll be an endless line of questions.
  35. > And you'd like to be out of here long before that.
  36. > You look down at your mostly naked self.
  37. > Dad's going to be pissed anyway.
  39. > Exiting her front door, your two guards stand there.
  40. > Alexis and Felicia.
  41. > Yeah, you managed to score a set of female guards.
  42. > What you wouldn't give for a night with them.
  43. > But sadly, every time you made a play, they shot you down.
  44. > But that duty angle caught your attention something fierce.
  45. > Unf.
  46. "Morning, ladies!"
  47. > They snap to a salute.
  48. > Felicia speaks up.
  49. > She always does. Alexis is far too quiet.
  50. > "Anonymous, sir. Your appointment is in ten minutes."
  51. > Psh. You knew already.
  52. > But her dedication was so adorable.
  53. "Well aware. You two wouldn't happen to have a spare set of clothes, would you?"
  54. > They look over.
  55. > Seeing your well-sculpted body mostly nude.
  56. > Alexis' face lights up with a blush.
  57. > But Felicia remains stone cold.
  58. > "Sadly not, sir. Should we go find you some?"
  59. > You wish you could.
  60. > But there wasn't time.
  61. "Sadly not. Looks like the town's going to get a show all the way to the castle today then."
  62. > You get a grin on your face.
  63. > And that puts a look of discomfort on theirs.
  64. > They knew what was coming.
  65. "Race you to the castle, then?"
  66. > Yet they still look startled.
  67. > And you seize the advantage.
  68. > Leaping down the steps, you start running.
  69. > You hear them shout after you and start clambering after you.
  70. > Slowed by their armor.
  71. > Clothes would just slow you down anyway.
  73. > The city was only still waking up, so you had time.
  74. > The streets weren't barren, but mostly clear.
  75. > You attracted every damn eye in the city you passed.
  76. > Just staring at their mostly naked prince running like a madman.
  77. > But you suppose you caught everyone's eye no matter how you went through the city.
  78. > "Anon! Slow down! Please!"
  79. > Your guards were running out of breath moving this quickly.
  80. > Sorry ladies, but you've got places to be.
  81. > Your feet pounding the pavement, you knew you wouldn't make it on foot.
  82. > So perhaps it was time for a bit of an illegitimate ride.
  83. > Leaping off the sidewalk, you catch the handrail of a carriage which was passing.
  84. > "Anon!"
  85. > It jars on the street, and the people inside start yelling out.
  86. > Your guards stop running, resigning themselves to the fact they wouldn't catch you now.
  87. > Unfortunate, you hoped they wouldn't get a reprimand.
  88. > Swinging around to look into the carriage, you see a couple.
  89. "Sorry, folks! Just need to hitch a ride for a bit!"
  90. > The Coachman up front starts yelling at you.
  91. > But he's not stopping the carriage.
  92. > So you consider this a win.
  93. > The castle is rapidly getting close.
  94. > But he turns the wrong direction, and you jump off.
  95. "Thanks! Bill the castle!"
  96. > Sucks that he probably couldn't bill the castle.
  97. > But you had places to be.
  98. > And so you start up running again.
  99. > Looking at the clocktower, you had two minutes.
  100. > Plenty of time.
  101. > Your lungs burn from the running, but you enjoy it.
  102. > Running up to the gates, they open on your approach.
  103. > You give a thumbs-up to the royal guards as you pass them.
  104. > They smile knowingly back at you.
  105. > But because you weren't looking where you were going...
  106. > You trip into the fountain.
  107. > Great.
  108. > Now you're soaked.
  110. > You throw open the doors to the Throne Room.
  111. > It's mostly empty, but your dad is up on his throne.
  112. > Chatting to what you presume to be an ambassador.
  113. > A tall, intimidating Unicorn stallion.
  114. > Well, for a pony.
  115. > Still only came up to just past your chest.
  116. > You briefly consider going back to get a new set of clothes.
  117. > But, that would make you late.
  118. > Well, you've done more embarrassing things in front of foreign dignitaries.
  119. "I'm here on time!"
  120. > That gets both of their attention.
  121. > Your father looks at you with a look of shock.
  122. > And the Unicorn with one of disgust.
  123. > And, as you move further into the room, you notice a third occupant.
  124. > An alabaster... Pegicorn?
  125. > You've never seen an Equestrian with both a horn and wings.
  126. > Much less with magic hair.
  127. > Her clothes are embroidered with images of the sun.
  128. > Both of the ponies are dressed up in expensive looking clothes.
  129. > Barely any of their bodies showing, beyond wings and heads.
  130. > They were notoriously conservative.
  131. > Prudes.
  132. > As she sees you, her face lights up crimson.
  133. > Her eyes locked down onto your boxer shorts.
  134. > Which stuck closely to your skin.
  135. > Her wings extend out to the sides.
  136. > Which seems to embarrass her further, with her trying to hide her face behind them.
  137. > You tended to have that effect on the ladies.
  138. > Your father still seems stricken by shock.
  139. > You keep a carefree grin on your face.
  140. "So, what did you need me for?"
  141. > He attempts to gather himself.
  142. > But the words come out like a defeated sigh.
  143. > "To introduce you to your new wife. You idiot."
  144. > Huh?
  145. > What? Why? Where?
  146. > You only voice one of these.
  147. "What?"
  148. > He gestures over to the white mare.
  149. > Who looks positively scarlet.
  150. > Well now.
  151. > You probably should've changed clothes.
  152. "Oh. I guess I'm a little under-dressed then, aren't I?"
  154. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  156. > Well, that was an unfortunate introduction.
  157. > You're now in a side-room to the throne room for servants.
  158. > It's a peasant's dining hall.
  159. > You're being chewed out by your dad.
  160. > The King.
  161. > But more importantly, you're eating an apple.
  162. > It's a good apple.
  163. > The best apple.
  164. > "... Am I understood?"
  165. > Curses.
  166. > The apple has distracted you.
  167. > Why apple, why would you do this.
  168. "... Run that by me one more time?"
  169. > Your father, in a fit of rage, knocks the fruit from your hand.
  170. > It smashes against the wall.
  171. > That poor fruit.
  172. > You will always miss that apple. He was your friend.
  173. > "You listen to me, and you listen well. You are a goddamn prince."
  174. > "And it's about time you started acting like one."
  175. > You look back up at him.
  176. > He's certainly not a happy camper.
  177. "You have to know I couldn't possibly have expected this."
  178. > And it's true.
  179. > All you knew was there was a meeting with father today.
  180. > He was terribly busy, never had time to inform you personally of what was happening.
  181. > You rather preferred that, though.
  182. > Gave you more freedom.
  183. > "It doesn't matter! You should always be looking your best! I raised you better!"
  184. > Evidently not, old man.
  185. > You sigh deeply.
  186. "Why do I need to marry her? And so suddenly?"
  187. > Your father's face takes on a grim expression.
  188. > He withdraws a scroll from under his cloak.
  189. > It turns out to be a map, which is marked with battle strategies, and lays it on the table.
  190. > "The Dragons have seized Farin Cross, the Deerborn lands."
  191. > Fascinating.
  192. > That put them right by your borders.
  193. > And the Equestrian borders.
  194. > Now you understood.
  195. "And I suppose this marriage seals a political alliance?"
  196. > His eyes drop to the table.
  197. > Maybe he feels a little guilty, using you as a pawn?
  198. > Maybe he had a soul yet.
  200. > "Yes. Between both Equestria and Aetherium, the dragons wouldn't dare attack us."
  201. > Aetherium was your home.
  202. > You knew this alliance was critical to protecting it, if Farin Cross had fallen.
  203. > But there was a niggling doubt at the back of your mind through all this.
  204. "Why me, though? Shouldn't your first-born be sealing an alliance with their leader?"
  205. > Your father sighs, and runs his hand through his hair.
  206. > He turns around and looks at a painting.
  207. > "I need Marcus to bear me an heir."
  208. > Well, isn't that touching.
  209. > You truly were such valued children to him.
  210. "And, I presume, he can't bear one with her? They have magic, after all."
  211. > He dismisses you with a wave of his hand.
  212. > "Nothing that would make that possible. Fortunately, they agreed to marry you."
  213. > Just peachy.
  214. > That little detail made this a hell of a lot worse.
  215. > While you hadn't planned on children for quite some time...
  216. > Having the option removed was irritating.
  217. "And yet you couldn't give less of a care about whether I might want an heir?"
  218. > Your father gives you a serious look.
  219. > One which communicates that you have no choice in this situation.
  220. > "You always said you never wanted a child. You're getting your wish."
  221. > And yet, he had pressured you since becoming an adult to settle down.
  222. > Trying to set you up with young, noble débutantes.
  223. > Seems he had grown tired of trying to coerce you, and was now commanding you.
  224. "Why not Ares? He's always had a flavour for... exotic women."
  225. > Your younger brother.
  226. > Not too much younger, but certainly under age.
  227. > Didn't seem to stop him from cavorting around.
  228. > You two truly were a pair.
  229. > "He's too young for marriage. You're the only option, Anonymous."
  230. > Not too young to go around plowing half the foreign dignitaries, though.
  231. > Man, you wish you had your apple back.
  233. > You weren't giving up on this battle yet, though.
  234. "Doesn't their princess want an heir? Why would they sacrifice their leader's only shot at progeny?"
  235. > His hand moves up to his face, scratching his facial hair.
  236. > There's a reflective look on his face.
  237. > "They don't work the way we do. Their rulers rise to the throne, they don't inherit it."
  238. > "And the process of ascension renders them barren. She has no options for reproducing anyway."
  239. > "Her and her sister are currently the two leaders, having ascended a couple of years ago."
  240. > Fascinating.
  241. > Well, time to put the last of your cards on the table.
  242. "And if I refuse?"
  243. > You had no intention of being chained down to a goddamn pony for the rest of your life.
  244. > You couldn't even bear the thought of being chained to a single woman.
  245. > Much less chained to a single non-human.
  246. > But you knew you had no choice.
  247. > The look on your father's face said this was an ultimatum.
  248. > "Then you cost two kingdoms their lives. Apart, we cannot stop the dragons."
  249. > You look down at the map.
  250. > The Dragons had seen unprecedented expansion under a new leader.
  251. > Xenophobic tendencies among the species had prevented them from uniting against them.
  252. > You knew you had no choice.
  253. > But it would cost you quite a bit.
  254. "So how do I fix this, then?"
  255. > At that, you see a smile upon your father's face.
  256. > The only time the bastard was happy was when you capitulated.
  257. > Did what he wanted.
  258. > "You're going to go to their chambers in the Royal Wing, and convince her father to have you."
  259. > Her father.
  260. > That rather imposing unicorn, you supposed.
  261. > He had looked rather old. Made you wonder what her age was.
  262. > Or, what her name was, for that matter.
  263. "Alright. But, one last thing."
  264. > "Yes?"
  265. "What's her name?"
  267. > You were moving through the castle.
  268. > Taking the scenic route, of course.
  269. > You had first gone back to your room to get some proper attire.
  270. > If you were going to convince her father you were suitable, it would require some work.
  271. > You had to wonder why her father had authority if she was the ruler.
  272. > He clearly didn't have wings.
  273. > Gods, they have a weird system.
  274. > All of this sat ill in your stomach.
  275. > You couldn't get married.
  276. > You had so much left to live for!
  277. > All the fair maidens of this land would weep at the announcement.
  278. > And Ares would outpace you in terms of scoring.
  279. > Arriving at the door, you suddenly feel very small.
  280. > It's imposing.
  281. > Somehow, you have to convince the stallion in there you are worthy.
  282. > After you showed up in the throne room wet, and in your boxers.
  283. > He didn't seem like he liked you then.
  284. > But, then again...
  285. > You were Anonymous.
  286. > Prince of Love, your people called you.
  287. > You could charm anyone.
  288. > But, could you charm anypony?
  289. > Well, it was time to find out.
  290. > You knock upon the door.
  291. > And a gruff voice responds.
  292. > "What do you need?"
  293. > Well, at least he's here.
  294. "It's Prince Anonymous, I'd like to talk."
  295. > Silence.
  296. > And the door stays locked.
  297. > You knock again.
  298. > And you hear the lock undo.
  299. > Well, let's do this.
  300. > You twist the knob.
  301. > And enter.
  302. > Once more, unto the breech.
  304. --------------------------------------------------------
  306. > As you enter, her father, Abyssal Shelf, takes a seat.
  307. > God, they looked weird sitting like that.
  308. > They just looked weird in general.
  309. > Hopefully you could get used to that.
  310. > The stallion has a stern expression on his face.
  311. > "So, if you came to talk, then talk."
  312. > You put on a winning smile.
  313. > Time to chat him up. Win his heart.
  314. "Well, sir, I wanted to come to apologize for what happened in the throne room."
  315. > You didn't, really.
  316. > "No, you don't. Your father's making you."
  317. > Oh.
  318. > So that's how this is going to be played.
  319. > Well, when the waves are too strong, you turn into them.
  320. > Your smile never falters.
  321. "That would be correct. But I nevertheless would like a second opportunity for introductions."
  322. > He regards you evenly.
  323. > He scoffs, before getting up and moving over to the coffee kettle on the stove.
  324. > "Well, Celestia's not here. So you'll have to make reintroductions to her later."
  325. > That was unfortunate.
  326. > If mares were anything like women, you imagine she'd be easier to win over.
  327. > What with your good looks and winning personality.
  328. > And then she could convince daddy dearest.
  329. "That's quite alright, I'll make amends to her separately."
  330. > Holding the coffee pot in his magic, he pours out two mugs.
  331. > And levitates one over to you.
  332. > Black.
  333. > Eugh.
  334. > Still, you take a drink from it.
  335. > And scald your tongue.
  336. > Coffee was never your forte, coffee breath tended to turn off the ladies.
  337. > And stain your shimmering teeth.
  338. "So, brass tacks. How can I convince you to let me have your daughters han-"
  339. > You deftly correct yourself, but you cringe as you do.
  340. "-hoof?"
  342. > He gives you a glare.
  343. > "You say that like I have any damn choice."
  344. > Hmm?
  345. > You were under the impression he would take some convincing.
  346. > He sits on a couch, and you follow suit.
  347. > You take a relaxed posture.
  348. "I imagine there are other allies you could seek."
  349. > He snorts in derision.
  350. > Well, that was an obvious 'no.'
  351. > "The other nations are far too proud."
  352. > He regards you with contempt.
  353. > He gestures at your family's coat of arms on the wall.
  354. > "Even yours refuses a normal alliance, requiring this farce of a marriage."
  355. > The image depicts an armoured knight breaking the chains around his wrists.
  356. > With a dove in front of him.
  357. > The words "Never Again" beneath.
  358. > A callback to the days when humans were enslaved.
  359. > Your great-grandfather had been the one to free them.
  360. > Long before your time, of course.
  361. > But something humans fiercely identified with.
  362. "You must understand our skepticism, given our history. We want blood to verify an alliance."
  363. "The people would riot if we risked being betrayed again."
  364. > A grim look overtakes his features.
  365. > "It was almost a century ago. Your people need to move on."
  366. > It perturbed you to be having this discussion.
  367. > The older generations tended to be more staunch in their positions on it.
  368. > An awkward silence overtakes the room.
  369. > Species politics always tended to end this way.
  370. > "You're not worthy of her, you know."
  371. > You take a deep drink of your coffee.
  372. > You have no idea what she's like, so you couldn't possibly comment.
  373. > But you imagine he can identify with your lack of control.
  374. "I hardly think that matters. It wasn't my decision."
  375. > He grunts.
  376. > "You could at least pretend you're going to change. Become a better stallion."
  377. > He doesn't even attempt to adjust his vocabulary.
  378. > The other species never did, when addressing humans.
  380. "Whether you believe it or not, I am a good man. Celestia will be fine with me."
  381. > He matches eyes with you.
  382. > It almost makes you feel small.
  383. > But you keep up a diplomatic, neutral look.
  384. > "And yet, you came into the throne room today reeking of another mare."
  385. > You freeze.
  386. > You had forgotten about their adept sense of smell.
  387. > You would have thought that your dip in the fountain would've removed that.
  388. > "It just proves what base creatures your kind are. Always craving a rutting at every hour."
  389. > You feel anger in your chest.
  390. > But you keep it down.
  391. > While he felt he had to make this deal, angering him could change that.
  392. "I will be faithful to her when we are married. You have my word."
  393. > He drinks deep from his coffee.
  394. > Before his horn lights up.
  395. > And magic encircles your throat.
  396. > "I very much doubt that. But you had better, or there will be a price."
  397. > Your hand moves to the sword at your hip.
  398. > Father would be furious if you lashed out at him.
  399. > But if he took this too far...
  400. > "We still had humans when I was a colt. Despite the fact that it had been abolished."
  401. > The magic tightens.
  402. > Breathing is becoming difficult.
  403. > Your grip on the hilt of your blade does in response.
  404. > "I know how to keep you in line."
  405. > And with that, the magic fizzles out.
  406. > "Keep that in mind."
  407. > He sighs deeply.
  408. > And a resigned look covers his features.
  409. > You relax your grip on the sword.
  410. > But keep your hand there.
  411. > Just in case.
  413. > "But your people are born warriors, and warriors are what we need right now."
  414. > He gets up off the couch, and moves over to the balcony window.
  415. > Staring out at the castle gardens.
  416. > The room remains tense.
  417. "There are none better. We won our freedom by blood."
  418. > He looks over at you with a sad smile.
  419. > "Yes, you did. And now we need you to best the Dragons."
  420. > His eyes glaze over somewhat.
  421. > "It will be difficult for our people to work together. Many of us still think of humans as lesser."
  422. > Another drink of his coffee.
  423. > He seems entirely lost in his thoughts.
  424. > "Myself included. And I imagine your people still view us as cruel overlords. Perhaps even you."
  425. > Well, you supposed that was true.
  426. > Although, your personal objection to ponies wasn't their cruelty.
  427. > It was their arrogance.
  428. > Arrogance bred over centuries of domination.
  429. > "You and my daughter will need to be symbols of unity, or the Dragons will destroy us all."
  430. > He moves back over to you, and puts a hoof to your chest.
  431. > He puts weight on it, trying to push you back, but you resist.
  432. > "You will need to be a better stallion than I to protect our countries."
  433. "I will be."
  434. > And that, he removes his hoof.
  435. > And gestures towards the balcony.
  436. > "My daughter is out in the gardens, writing out a song for your wedding. You may want to visit her."
  437. > She sang?
  438. > Interesting.
  439. > "The wedding is tomorrow, we will be leaving for Canterlot by chariot this evening."
  440. > Wait, what?
  441. > Looking back to you, he sees the shock on your face.
  442. > "Your father didn't tell you? We need this alliance in place as soon as possible."
  443. > That's... concerning.
  444. > You had hoped for a little more freedom.
  445. > You hadn't actually been fully cognizant of the fact you would be moving to Equestria.
  446. > But it made sense, you were a second-born prince.
  447. > Celestia was the ruler of her country.
  448. "I will be ready."
  449. > "Good. Now go reintroduce yourself to her. She's incredibly stressed."
  450. > Hopefully things went better with her.
  452. ------------------------------------------------------------
  454. > Leaving the room, you wipe your brow.
  455. > Well now.
  456. > That was intense.
  457. > Just a bit.
  458. > You hoped he warmed up to you over time.
  459. > You'd have to talk to Ares later about how to butter up Equestrians.
  460. > He's got a talent for them.
  461. > Although his skills were better suited for mares.
  462. > Turning and moving, you begin to move out of the castle.
  463. > You supposed there was no time like the present to find Celestia.
  464. > But you would need to find a romantic way to greet her.
  465. > Sweep her off her feet.
  466. > Hooves.
  467. > Whatever.
  468. > But you had little idea of what she might find romantic.
  469. > She's from an entirely different world to yours.
  470. > Although a number of customs and languages were shared.
  471. > Another product of your peoples' subjugation.
  472. > The words of her father burned in your head.
  473. > "You're not worthy of her, you know."
  474. > You look down to your ring.
  475. > The symbol of you family stares back at you.
  476. > He knew nothing of your worth.
  477. > You were the god damn Prince of Love.
  478. > No one could make women happier than you.
  479. > Or Mares.
  480. > Maybe.
  481. > You really needed to talk to Ares about that.
  482. > For all you knew, you could try something sensual, and have no effect.
  483. > Or try something innocent and have a dramatic effect.
  484. > But first, you had to reintroduce yourself.
  485. > And that would require smooth talking.
  486. > Not sex talking.
  487. > Maybe sex talking.
  488. > Probably not. It was usually only loose women who liked that.
  489. > Was she a loose woman?
  490. > Mare?
  491. > Gods, you had no idea what she would like.
  492. > And your brain wouldn't stop over-analyzing.
  493. > You wished you were drunk.
  495. > As you approach the gardens, you have resolved for cliche.
  496. > A rose.
  497. > You would tuck it behind her hair.
  498. > And she would swoon.
  499. > It was an immaculate plan.
  500. > The gardens were spread throughout a hedge maze, of sorts.
  501. > Blocking off segments which were arranged for aesthetic appeal.
  502. > Years ago, you used to take women here to put the moves on.
  503. > Get 'lost' in the hedges and make love under the stars.
  504. > Surrounded by the most beautiful flowers in the land.
  505. > And then go missing by morning and have the guards escort them out.
  506. > It was terribly romantic up until that point.
  507. > You enter the hedges, and begin your hunt for Celestia.
  508. > You suppose leaving her satisfied in the gardens wasn't an option this time.
  509. > Maybe.
  510. > You weren't entirely sure you could bring yourself to seduce her, actually.
  511. > While you were sure she was attractive by pony standards...
  512. > You lean down and pluck a rose from a nearby bush.
  513. > Hell, she was attractive by human standards.
  514. > But there was something about her being an Equestrian that bothered you.
  515. > Xenophobia, perhaps.
  516. > It was odd, almost. For centuries your people had intermingled with them under their dominion.
  517. > Their mares were notorious for their heat seasons, after all.
  518. > And the humans didn't exactly have a choice.
  519. > Yet you couldn't think of them in that context.
  520. > It repulsed you to do so.
  521. > Which was unfortunate.
  522. > You imagined at some point you would have to swallow that resistance.
  523. > Else you'd never have relations again, given the marriage.
  524. > C'est la vie.
  525. > As you round a corner, you can hear a voice.
  526. > It's an incredible, enticing voice.
  527. > Singing a song to which you can't make out the lyrics.
  529. > You push forward, and eventually come across her.
  530. > Oddly, without any guards.
  531. > She's at one of the largest open spaces of the gardens.
  532. > Beneath a large oak tree.
  533. > Still in that sun-emblazoned dress from earlier.
  534. > She's looking away from you, at a pond.
  535. > Singing softly.
  536. > Surrounded by birds.
  537. > It sounds beautiful.
  538. > And the scene is beautiful.
  539. > Your eyes scan her body.
  540. > She's definitely attractive by human standards.
  541. > But you still felt repulsed, for some reason.
  542. > No matter how you try to shake it off, you feel dirty for thinking that she's beautiful.
  543. > Like you've betrayed yourself.
  544. > Betrayed your people.
  545. > You resolve instead to focus on the song.
  546. > You can't make out any of the words.
  547. > It seems like it's in another language.
  548. > But the tone seems incredibly relaxing.
  549. > Her soft lilting tones luring you into a peaceful state.
  550. > You relax up against the hedge and listen for a time.
  551. > Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
  552. > The song reaches highs and lows, almost creating the picture for you without words.
  553. > Painting a picture of a triumphant celebration in your mind.
  554. > It sounded like an appropriate song for a wedding, to you.
  555. > You wondered if she was going to sing it, or just tell others how.
  556. > As you hear the song come to a close, the birds start chirping.
  557. > "Thank you, my little birdies."
  558. > And you strike.
  560. > You begin to applaud from your vantage point at the bush.
  561. > The birds all fly away from her.
  562. > She flinches, and spins around to look at you.
  563. > Her face is once again crimson.
  564. "An incredible song, princess."
  565. > She sputters for a second.
  566. > Perfect execution.
  567. > Fluster, then press the attack.
  568. > "p-Prince Anonymous, I had no idea you were there."
  569. > You begin to move towards her.
  570. "I thought I would drop by and pay you a visit. I'm afraid our last introduction was... short."
  571. > She makes a remarkable recovery from her embarrassment.
  572. > And chuckles at your comment.
  573. > Bringing a wing up to her mouth as she laughs.
  574. > "I suppose we've both been rather blindsided now, then."
  575. > You move up, and offer her the flower.
  576. "A beautiful flower, for a beautiful mare."
  577. > You expect her to take in her magic to put in her mane.
  578. > But instead she leans forward and bites off the bulb.
  579. > What.
  580. > You stand there in stunned silence, holding the stalk.
  581. > Watching her chew and swallow it.
  582. > Before she replies.
  583. > "That was delicious, thank you Anon."
  584. > Looking back at you, a worried expression overtakes her face.
  585. > "Did I do something wrong?"
  586. > This had to be an Equestrian thing.
  587. > You deftly recover, casting aside the carefully de-thorned stalk.
  588. "Oh, it's nothing. Just being struck by your beauty."
  589. > Standard distraction compliment.
  590. > But you feel sick saying it.
  591. > "Oh my, Anonymous, you flatterer. Trying to romance me now, are you?"
  592. > She extends a wing to poke your chest.
  593. > "My father might not take kindly to that. He was rather upset by your antics earlier."
  594. > She might think that, but you knew what she didn't.
  595. > "He was saying earlier how we were immediately marching back to Canterlot."
  596. > She starts moving around you, sizing you up.
  597. > "Then returning with an army to scourge you from the lands."
  598. > You flash her a cocky grin.
  599. "Yeah, I imagine you'd need an army to handle me."
  601. > She gives you a look.
  602. > A look which just says 'really?'
  603. > But she lets out a laugh anyway.
  604. > "I'm not so sure. It's not hard to beat a man in his underpants."
  605. > At that, you let out a laugh.
  606. > It's good she didn't hold that against you, at least.
  607. > You move away, and lean up against the tree.
  608. "I already spoke to your father, he's fine now."
  609. > She raises an eyebrow at that.
  610. > She moves over to sit beside you, staring out at the pond.
  611. > "I figured he would give in eventually. He doesn't really have a choice."
  612. > Your words come out before you can stop them.
  613. "Seems none of us do."
  614. > But you immediately regret them.
  615. > She shoulders sag at that, a sad expression on her face.
  616. > Dangerous territory.
  617. > Time to change the subject.
  618. "So I'm curious, what was that song? I didn't recognize the language."
  619. > Her embarrassment flares back up at moving back to that topic.
  620. > But she remains sombre.
  621. > She kicks a hoof at the ground.
  622. > "I don't have a name for it, yet. It's in Old Coryan, so not many Ponies would know the words."
  623. > Interesting.
  624. > Old Coryan was the language of the ancient Unicorns, if you remembered correctly.
  625. > So she was a bit of a scholar.
  626. > And a singer.
  627. > Little intimidating.
  628. "I didn't realize anyone still knew Old Coryan enough to compose in it."
  629. > She makes a gesture with her hooves.
  630. > But you have no idea what it means.
  631. > "I don't really know enough. I just compose around the words I do know."
  632. > Ah, sensible.
  633. "Fascinating."
  634. > An awkward silence takes place between the two of you.
  635. > She seems content to just stare out at the water.
  636. > Well, your attempt at distraction didn't last long.
  637. > It might be best to address the elephant in the room.
  638. "So, we're to be married tomorrow I hear."
  639. > She makes a noise in the affirmative.
  640. > Now or never.
  641. "Is that what you want?"
  643. ---------------------------------------------------
  645. > She looks up at you, uncertainty on her face.
  646. > "I... I must confess, it's a little scary. I've never even had a coltfriend and now I'm getting married."
  647. > Well now, that was surprising.
  648. "Oh? Never?"
  649. > She looks bashful again, looking back to the pond.
  650. > Her wings rustling by her sides.
  651. > "Ascension is a difficult task. I had to study all the time to manage it. So did my sister."
  652. > You supposed that made sense, then.
  653. > No time for stallions.
  654. > That made your match even more awkward.
  655. "Well, that's... interesting."
  656. > She chuckles.
  657. > "I may have heard a rumour or two about you not being quite as inexperienced."
  658. > Now it's your turn to heat up in the face.
  659. > But, as ever, you have a witty comeback prepared.
  660. "Or smelled it, according to your dad."
  661. > She clears her throat.
  662. > She's blushing again.
  663. > "Yes, well. That certainly made things a little more awkward this morning."
  664. > Your hand rests atop her head given her seated position, and scratches her ear.
  665. > She lets out a hum of contentment as you do it.
  666. > Seems like tackling the issue head on was a little better.
  667. > "But... I imagine you're not too pleased about this."
  668. > You look down at her.
  669. > Her eyes lock with yours.
  670. > Time to lie your pants off.
  671. "Hmm? Of course I am, I get to marry such a beautiful woman."
  672. > "Mare."
  673. > Oh, right.
  674. "Yeah, that."
  675. > She giggles lightly, but has a bit of a look of resigned sadness on her face.
  676. > "You're a terrible liar, Anon. That's good to know for the future."
  677. > Fuck.
  678. > Your ship is sinking.
  679. > Time to save the crew.
  681. "Well, I mean, it's unexpected. But I knew I had to settle down eventually."
  682. > She looks down again, staring back out over the pond.
  683. > "I imagine this wasn't what you had planned to settle down for. Most humans hate Ponies."
  684. > You resist the urge to mention your brother.
  685. > That could go all kinds of wrong.
  686. "I've never hated them. But I must confess it feels a little..."
  687. > "Weird?"
  688. > How apropos.
  689. "Yeah, weird. I've barely even talked to Equestrians, and now I'm marrying one."
  690. > You see her kick her hoof at the ground.
  691. > Her eyes locking with the hoof.
  692. > "I know what you mean. I'm much the same with humans."
  693. > Your hand continues to lightly scratch around her ears.
  694. > They're twitching in your hand.
  695. > It's adorable.
  696. > "That feels really nice, by the way."
  697. > Score one for human ingenuity.
  698. > You didn't even need Ares to figure this one out.
  699. > But, your inner joker had to show his face.
  700. "Well that's no good. Here I was hoping I was causing you immeasurable pain."
  701. > Yeowch!
  702. > Hoof to the shin!
  703. > But you take it like a man.
  704. > Show no pain, Anonymous.
  705. > But you managed to finagle a smile out of her with that.
  706. > "You are a silly man."
  707. > You don't say?
  708. > But she continues.
  709. > "I had expected somepony super serious with the way your father talked about you."
  710. > He really did have over-inflated expectations.
  711. > Or he was trying to be a good sales guy.
  712. "I'll have you know I'm incredibly serious when I want to be. I just don't want to be."
  713. > But you think you're a better sales guy.
  714. > Maybe.
  715. > You still had no idea with this mare.
  716. > At least you've managed to maintain a smile on her face consistently.
  718. > She looks suddenly contemplative.
  719. > "Are you going to miss it?"
  720. > Hmm?
  721. > The chase?
  722. > Well, maybe a little.
  723. > But you didn't need to tell her.
  724. "Eh, I think the ladies will miss me more than I miss them."
  725. > She looks back up at you, an indignant look on her face.
  726. > And sticks out her tongue.
  727. > But can't properly hide her smile.
  728. > "Not the ladies, you goofball. Aetherium. Your home. You know you'll be moving to Equestria, right?"
  729. > You had been trying to forget.
  730. > But you suppose you had to confront this at some point.
  731. "Of course I'll miss it. Everyone I've ever known is here. But... I think I can manage with you."
  732. > Stroke that ego.
  733. > On the note of stroking...
  734. > Your hand has moved down from her ear, to her neck.
  735. > You were gently moving it up and down, scratching the fur.
  736. > She didn't seem to mind.
  737. > Your scientific exploration has been mostly positive thus far.
  738. > "I'm sorry. I... I don't want to take you away from that."
  739. > But you didn't have a choice.
  740. > Neither of you did.
  741. "I'll be fine, I'm a big lad. Even if I don't always act like it."
  742. > In truth, you were worried.
  743. > Being one of only a few humans in Equestria would be terrifying.
  744. > Most humans despised that land for what it represented.
  745. > And if most ponies were anything like her father...
  746. > "I'm sure you'll love Equestria, though. It's beautiful, especially this time of year."
  747. > "And all the ponies in Canterlot are exceptionally nice. Plus, you'll get to meet Luna!"
  748. > Her sister.
  749. > You wondered how alike they were.
  750. "I'm looking forward to it."
  751. > You weren't.
  752. > But you give her a winning smile anyway.
  754. > You sat there discussing any topic you could until the the air was beginning to chill.
  755. > But eventually, she told you something you couldn't believe.
  756. > That she had to lower the sun.
  757. > Alone.
  758. "Isn't that the responsibility of the Council of Solaris?"
  759. > A council of forty-two Unicorn aristocrats in Equestria.
  760. > Some of the most powerful mages, or so you had heard.
  761. > She smiled back to you.
  762. > "Not anymore. How do you think I ascended?"
  763. > Incredible, if true.
  764. > You wondered, given her name, if Luna was responsible for the moon you saw rising.
  765. > Her horn began to glow with a radiant light.
  766. > And you could see the sun begin to make it's final descent, darkness closing in on the gardens.
  767. > But as the shadows crept in, the horn from her light became more defined.
  768. > It cast the most beautiful shadows across the entire clearing.
  769. > Across her, in particular.
  770. > She was absolutely divine looking in the shadows, the light accentuating her perfectly.
  771. > It made you feel sick to think about.
  772. > That wasn't good.
  773. > Slowly, the light went out, and the glow of the stars was your only companion.
  774. > Guards would be out shortly to light the lamps throughout the gardens.
  775. > She seems winded from it, letting out a tired sigh and catching her breath.
  776. > "Anon, we're going to be leaving shortly. You may want to say goodbye to your family."
  777. > Shit.
  778. > You had forgotten entirely about that little factor.
  779. > You rise up, and dust off your pants.
  780. "How long do I have?"
  781. > She taps a hoof to her chin briefly, before shrugging.
  782. > "Maybe an hour, if we want to get back to Canterlot with good timing?"
  783. > She appears to be headed off in her own direction, as well.
  784. > "The chariots are fast, but we'll need to be well-rested for tomorrow. They're over at the Airship Bay."
  785. > Whelp, time to say your goodbyes.
  786. > And see with Ares about those tips.
  787. "Well then, I'll see you in an hour, my princess.."
  788. > You do an exaggerated bow.
  789. > She smiles back.
  790. > "I'll see you then, my prince."
  792. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  794. > At that, you had departed, heading for the castle proper.
  795. > You kept up the cheerful expression all the way to the doors.
  796. > But when you left her field of view, you felt a wave of nausea overcome you.
  797. > Fatigue flows through you, and you fall to your knees.
  798. > Turning to a potted plant, you immediately threw up.
  799. > The emotional turmoil was overwhelming.
  800. > While she seemed pleasant enough...
  801. > She was still the enemy.
  802. > You were still dry heaving over the plant.
  803. > Your stomach rejecting your attempts to quell it.
  804. > You had been taught your whole life they were the enemy.
  805. > That they were monsters.
  806. > And now you had to leave everything...
  807. > And live with them.
  808. > With her.
  809. > The reality of the situation is crushing you.
  810. > You needed to speak to Ares.
  811. > To understand how he dealt with them.
  812. > To understand how to compartmentalize what they are and what they represent.
  813. > Because right now, every time you saw her...
  814. > You saw a slaver.
  815. > Someone from your history classes as a child.
  816. > Who would take you away and use you.
  817. > A beautiful, terrible overlord.
  818. > You fall back, and lean up against the wall, catching your breath.
  819. > You would have to control this.
  820. > If you freaked out like this during the wedding...
  821. > There could be immense consequences.
  822. > But you were never terribly good at controlling your emotions.
  823. > You tended to follow them, not lead them.
  824. > It had gotten you into a lot of trouble, in retrospect.
  825. > You figured Ares would likely be in the library.
  826. > He often was.
  827. > It was time to pay him a visit.
  829. > Upon entering the library, your suspicions are confirmed.
  830. > There he is, chowing down.
  831. > Alone.
  832. > He always ate dinner late.
  833. > And in the study.
  834. > While he was an aficionado of the opposite sex, like yourself...
  835. > He dedicated much of his free time to studies.
  836. > As such, he tended to score within the castle, while you hunted outside.
  837. > You preferred your style. More game to the hunt outside the walls.
  838. > And you were a master of the hunt.
  839. > But because his studies took up so much time, he often ate late.
  840. > You knock three times on the door beside you, getting his attention.
  841. > He looks up.
  842. > "Anon!"
  843. > He drops his fork, and gets up to move to greet you.
  844. > You give him a firm handshake and a pat on the shoulder.
  845. > You treated one another like peers, even if he was younger.
  846. > "Why aren't you in the stuff they brought for you?"
  847. > Hmm?
  848. > What?
  849. "Brought for me?"
  850. > You hope it was apples.
  851. > You needed another friend right now.
  852. > Someone who could never disappoint you.
  853. > Ares lets out a gasp.
  854. > And moves past you out the door, pulling your hand with him.
  855. > "The Equestrians! It's incredible, it's in the dining hall right now!"
  856. > They brought something for you?
  857. > Other than Celestia, you meant.
  858. > Or were you for her?
  859. > You supposed it was actually that way around.
  860. > Back on track, brain.
  861. "What is it?"
  862. > A wide grin is on his face.
  863. > "A set of armour!"
  865. > It was impressive, to some degree.
  866. > A full set of plate armour, minus the helmet.
  867. > Shimmering gold plated, covered in long ribbons of white cloth.
  868. > Encrusted with sparkling diamonds.
  869. > Certainly a kingly looking armour.
  870. > The Equestrians were notorious for their wealth.
  871. > Much of it built on the backs of your people.
  872. > You supposed it was sensible for them to give you such extravagance.
  873. > Given you were going to be the equivalent of a King.
  874. > Even if your title would remain Prince.
  875. > But the armour itself wasn't what concerned you most.
  876. > It was the cloth.
  877. > A thick tabard was laid out on the table beside it.
  878. > Obviously a part of the set.
  879. > And set in the center, was the same sun you had seen on her dress.
  880. > Her Cutie Mark, you imagined.
  881. > You hadn't had the opportunity to observe her flank.
  882. > It was such a benign name for such a terrible symbol.
  883. > "Isn't it awesome? It's rune-engraved, although I can't read the spells woven in."
  884. > You run your hand along one of the stripes of runes.
  885. > It feels icy cold to the touch.
  886. "It certainly is incredible..."
  887. > But your discomfort is clear.
  888. > He looks up to you, catching your attention.
  889. > "Don't you like it?"
  890. > You scoff.
  891. > He couldn't understand.
  892. > He had spent so much time with Equestrian ambassadors the marks were normal to him.
  893. > However, before you can respond, a third voice is heard.
  894. > "I'm certain he loves it. Fits his personality."
  895. > Marcus.
  896. > Your older brother.
  898. > You can feel his hand tug back your collar.
  899. > As he peers at the back of your neck.
  900. > You instantly jerk back to knock him off, and turn around.
  901. > A scowl on your face.
  902. > "What, hasn't she branded you yet? What a terrible owner."
  903. > Branding.
  904. > An old process from the days of slavery.
  905. > The imprinting by burn of an owner's Cutie Mark on the neck of their slave.
  906. > It was what you had thought of when you saw the tabard.
  907. > And Marcus knew it.
  908. "Watch yourself, Marcus. I'm not gone yet."
  909. > He lets out a chuckle at that.
  910. > And moves over to the tabard.
  911. > He traces the sun with his finger.
  912. > "It's terribly irresponsible to put it on this. Why, you could take it off at any time!"
  913. > Rage boiled in your heart.
  914. > Because he dropped out of your mother's cunt a year earlier...
  915. > He thought he was better.
  916. > Spent all his time making you and Ares as miserable as possible.
  917. > It was a large part of why you spent so much time out of the castle.
  918. > But, at that point, Ares speaks up.
  919. > "They're not like that any more, Marcus. That was a long time ago."
  920. > Marcus scoffs.
  921. > And flicks Ares' nose.
  922. > "Well you would know that, wouldn't you, given you fuck them."
  923. > Ares' face lights up red at that.
  924. > But he keeps his mouth shut.
  925. > You had both learned a long time ago not to engage.
  926. > You turn away, and gather up the armour.
  927. "C'mon, Ares. I'm going to put this on. And I need to discuss some things with you."
  928. > You both move to the next room over, leaving Marcus behind.
  929. > "No doubt learning his tricks. Do have fun in Equestria, brother."
  930. > You ignored him.
  931. > You had a lot of questions which needed answering.
  932. > And not much time.
  934. > As you stare at yourself in the armour, you feel mixed emotions.
  935. > You look impressive. Like some sort of conqueror.
  936. > But on the other hand...
  937. > You feel like property.
  938. > Your future wife's Cutie Mark emblazoned on your chest.
  939. > "And so, right at the base of the wing, you can do a twist... Just like this."
  940. > Ares had spent the last twenty minutes quickly giving you a series of tips.
  941. > Everything from how to deal with them being so different...
  942. > To how to make them scream.
  943. > In pleasure, that is.
  944. > He didn't know much about torture.
  945. > You appreciated it, on one level.
  946. > But on the other hand, it didn't help the nausea you were feeling looking at yourself.
  947. > It felt like you were a pleasure slave, bought and sold.
  948. > You had heard stories about that role in your childhood.
  949. > Wealthy mares who would acquire young men for their... services.
  950. > A sickening practice, to be sure.
  951. > And you knew that in practicality that wasn't what you were.
  952. > But Marcus' words rang in your head, right alongside her father's.
  953. > "You're not worthy of her. Hasn't she branded you yet?"
  954. > You carve away the thoughts.
  955. > And move toward the door.
  956. "I appreciate it all, Ares. But I really have to go."
  957. > He looks up to you, with sadness in his eyes.
  958. > "I'll miss you, Anon."
  959. > You look back to him, and hold out your hand.
  960. > He takes it for a firm shake.
  961. "I'll miss you too. But I'm sure I'll be back on some kind of diplomatic mission in no time."
  962. > You hoped so.
  963. > You really hoped so.
  965. > As you arrived at the Airship Bay, you spotted the Equestrian entourage.
  966. > Celestia and her father were already there.
  967. > Along with your father.
  968. > Along with about sixty Pegasi, and sixty human guards.
  969. > You supposed they were uncomfortable about visiting Aetherium without substantial escort.
  970. > And your father was unwilling to be shown up.
  971. > Sensible.
  972. > Your father would never visit Canterlot without an army at his back.
  973. > The distrust between your species was too strong.
  974. > As you're spotted, Celestia's eyes light up.
  975. > To see you in such immaculate armour.
  976. > Bearing her mark.
  977. > Your father's expression is a bit more grim.
  978. > He's the first one to speak up when you get close enough.
  979. > "It's good to see you looking... respectable, for once."
  980. > Doubtless the mark was offputting to him as well.
  981. > But he needed to compliment the armour, given how much was doubtless spent on it.
  982. > Her father speaks up next.
  983. > "We need to get moving. Each of us will have a separate chariot. Try not to look over the side."
  984. > "It's difficult for first-timers."
  985. > You felt sick thinking about it.
  986. > Which didn't help, because you already felt sick about the whole situation.
  987. > You turn to your father, who gives you a hug.
  988. > He whispers in your ear.
  989. > "Don't let them change you. Remember what you are."
  990. > You hoped you could.
  991. "I will."
  992. > "Good."
  993. > At that, he backs off, and pats your shoulder once before moving to stand back.
  994. > You shuffle forward, into one of the chariots with two Pegasi attached.
  995. > And sit down in it, staring back at the castle.
  996. > You can see your guards over there with your father.
  997. > Felicia and Alexis.
  998. > A shame you never got to bag them.
  999. > The pegasi close the back gate to the chariot.
  1000. > And a commanding voice rings out.
  1001. > "Onward!"
  1002. > And with that, the chariot leaves the ground.
  1003. > And your stomach lurches.
  1004. > Gods, you needed to throw up again.
  1005. > This was going to be a long flight.
  1007. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1009. > Looking down, you see Canterlot.
  1010. > It practically illuminated the countryside.
  1011. > This flight had proven to be a nightmare.
  1012. > Man was not meant to fly.
  1013. > Ever.
  1014. > Pulling in to the side, you can see a crowd outside the place you were landing.
  1015. > The Pegasi slowed down, and slowly began to land on the runway.
  1016. > Slowly, your chariot came to a stop.
  1017. > You could hear raucous cheering in the distance.
  1018. > It reminded you of any time your father would return home from visiting other countries.
  1019. > Or fighting them, as the case may be.
  1020. > You looked down at yourself.
  1021. > Your armour still looked impeccable as ever.
  1022. > Fortunate that you hadn't soiled it with your inability to control your stomach during the flight.
  1023. > "We're here, human."
  1024. > Human.
  1025. > Spat at you.
  1026. > Almost like it was a derogatory term.
  1027. > You were to be their Gods-damned King.
  1028. > And yet still they thought themselves superior.
  1029. > You bite your tongue.
  1030. > You're not their ruler yet.
  1031. > And, you suppose you should be focused on winning them over.
  1032. > Not resenting them.
  1033. > Or making them resent you.
  1034. > Rising up and exiting the chariot, you move around to beside them.
  1035. "Thank you kindly, sirs."
  1036. > They grunt.
  1037. > You'd make them respect you yet, given time.
  1038. > You hoped.
  1039. > You had never had to lay on charm on so many individuals at once before.
  1040. > Typically your title did half the groundwork for you on charming people.
  1041. > But ponies didn't seem to care.
  1042. > Yet, anyway.
  1043. > Looking around, you spot Celestia.
  1044. > She's staring at you.
  1045. > But she averts her eyes as you look back.
  1046. > You look down at the symbol on your chest.
  1047. > Well, time to face the music.
  1049. > As you get closer, Celestia turns to move toward you.
  1050. > But a look of concern is evident on her features.
  1051. > "Are you alright, Anonymous? You still look sick."
  1052. > Her wing goes up to your forehead.
  1053. > You wondered if she could tell temperature that way.
  1054. > To say you felt sick was an understatement.
  1055. > But it wasn't just the flight.
  1056. "I'm perfectly fine, Celestia. Shall we go visit your adoring public?"
  1057. > Her concern shifts into an understanding smile.
  1058. > You imagine she thought it was just the flight jitters.
  1059. > Her wing extends, and wraps around your back
  1060. > It pushes you in the direction of the gates, her moving beside you.
  1061. > Her head leans over to your ear to whisper.
  1062. > "'Our' adoring public, you mean."
  1063. > You weren't so certain that would hold true.
  1064. > The ponies you've encountered so far weren't terribly... adoring.
  1065. > But hell, anything's possible.
  1066. > You give her a smile back.
  1067. > Look on the bright side, Anonymous.
  1068. > They had to know why Celestia was gone, you imagined.
  1069. > The cheers seemed like a good sign you would at least be accepted.
  1070. > "Try to keep looking forward, don't look off to the sides. And keep pace with me."
  1071. > She whispered it in your ear, like telling you a secret.
  1072. > It made you feel a little indignant.
  1073. > You were familiar with royal protocol.
  1074. > You were a royal, after all.
  1075. > She acts like you're a commoner.
  1076. > Which is... concerning.
  1077. > You suppose, to be fair, you didn't behave like a royal as a general policy, though.
  1078. > At least her behaviour seems to be good natured.
  1079. > You suppose you would have to discuss that with her later.
  1080. > As the doors open, blinding light comes through.
  1081. > And you assume your staunchest, stuffiest pose.
  1082. > And begin marching forward with purpose, Celestia right beside you.
  1083. > Out onto a precipice.
  1084. > By the Gods.
  1085. > There were thousands of them.
  1087. > You feel the wave of nausea overtake you again.
  1088. > You were on a bridge overlying much of Canterlot.
  1089. > Seemed it connected the platform you landed on to the castle.
  1090. > Flanking it on either sides were hordes of Equestrians, cheering out for Celestia.
  1091. > Being in the presence of so many Equestrians made you immensely uncomfortable.
  1092. > The light was blinding by contrast to the darkness you had been in during the flight.
  1093. > The city was a spectacle all on it's own.
  1094. > Shimmering so brightly in the dark of night.
  1095. > The opalescent capital of a rich Empire.
  1096. > You could hardly stomach being around a single Equestrian.
  1097. > How the hell would handle a city of them?
  1098. > But you swallowed that discomfort.
  1099. > And kept your eyes forward.
  1100. > Following the forward detachment of guards.
  1101. > You tried to focus solely on the guards.
  1102. > But your peripheral vision kept picking up the ponies below.
  1103. > They were incredibly excited.
  1104. > But not a single one you noticed was looking at you.
  1105. > Their eyes were locked to Celestia.
  1106. > Like you didn't exist.
  1107. > You supposed that was fair enough, she was their ruler.
  1108. > But you would think, given you were about to be one as well, they would look at you.
  1109. > You were new, after all.
  1110. > New things are exciting.
  1111. > Why aren't they excited about you.
  1112. > Perhaps they didn't think of the marriage like that.
  1113. > You refocus on the walking.
  1114. > That line of thinking is only going to lead dark places.
  1115. > "Relax. You look incredibly tense."
  1116. > You hear her voice, but you continue to stare forward.
  1117. > You relax your posture a little.
  1118. > "You have nothing to fear, Anonymous. I promise."
  1119. > Her words are reassuring.
  1120. > But you still feel ill.
  1121. "Hah, as if you adorable little things could intimidate me."
  1122. > You briefly turn your head to flash her a grin, before returning to look forward.
  1123. > You hear a guard ahead of you scoff.
  1124. > But Celestia lets out a light giggle at that.
  1125. > When you weren't looking at her, it felt good to make her laugh.
  1127. > When you reach the castle gates, relief floods through you.
  1128. > They close behind you with a loud thud.
  1129. > Leaving you in the courtyard.
  1130. > The guards, along with her father, move up quickly toward the castle.
  1131. > And you almost feel excited to be with just Celestia again.
  1132. > Being away from the oppressive environment out there...
  1133. > Your aversions to her felt less important.
  1134. > "I'm sorry about that, my little ponies just tend to get very excited when they see me."
  1135. > You look down to her.
  1136. > Your hand naturally finds its way back to her head, scratching through her hair.
  1137. > It feels like a stream around your hand.
  1138. > It's an odd sensation, to be sure.
  1139. "Not a problem. I'm quite well acquainted with being adored."
  1140. > Eyebrow waggle.
  1141. > Everyone loves the eyebrow waggle.
  1142. > At that, she scoffs.
  1143. > And begins heading toward the castle proper.
  1144. > You accompany her.
  1145. > "You know, your wife doesn't want to be reminded of your previous conquests all the time."
  1146. > Banter?
  1147. > You suspect banter.
  1148. > Hopefully banter.
  1149. "Then it's a good thing you're not my wife just yet. Maybe I'll hit the town and go score..."
  1150. > She looks back at you with a pout.
  1151. > The sort of pout which you imagine would crush a stallion.
  1152. > "You're losing a lot of points right now, mister. I might have to reconsider this marriage."
  1153. > Fortunately, you're no stallion.
  1154. > You give her your trademark smirk.
  1155. > And cross your arms.
  1156. "Hah. As you if you could resist someone like me for long. These fingers are good for a lot of things."
  1157. > To emphasize, you wiggle them before her.
  1158. > For a moment, she's looking at you with an expression of cluelessness.
  1159. > Before shock overspreads her features.
  1160. > Wings out.
  1161. > And her face explodes in crimson.
  1162. > It was too easy.
  1163. > "You're horrible!"
  1164. > She pushes at you with the wings and walks away.
  1165. > You still had it.
  1166. > You just had to pretend she wasn't an Equestrian.
  1167. > Which was difficult. But doable.
  1168. > You could make this work.
  1169. > Maybe.
  1171. > However, as you reach your bedroom, you suddenly find yourself less able to do so.
  1172. > It was an immaculate room.
  1173. > Very spacious.
  1174. > Decorated in immense finery.
  1175. > Every bit the royal bedroom of a country as wealthy as Equestria.
  1176. > But there was a huge problem.
  1177. > There was only one bed.
  1178. > You supposed that made sense.
  1179. > It was a big bed.
  1180. > A bed fit for royalty.
  1181. > Incredibly well crafted. Expensive sheets. The whole nine.
  1182. > But nonetheless, one bed.
  1183. > For you.
  1184. > And your wife.
  1185. > A shudder shoots up your spine.
  1186. > You couldn't do this right now.
  1187. > You see Celestia removing her golden regalia.
  1188. > You move to remove yours as well.
  1189. > Detaching the straps.
  1190. > It feels like a great weight is lifted when you remove it.
  1191. > Leaving you in just a tunic and pants.
  1192. > It hurt you to think about what you were about to do.
  1193. > She was so nice.
  1194. > But you had to.
  1195. "I've got the couch."
  1196. > It was a nice couch.
  1197. > A beautiful couch.
  1198. > You imagined you'd be getting well acquainted over the years.
  1199. > "The... couch?"
  1200. > She looks confused.
  1201. > You take advantage of the situation to grab a pillow and toss it over.
  1202. > And afterward, dive onto it.
  1203. "I figure it's best to make introductions early. If we're getting married I imagine I'll be getting intimate with this couch eventually."
  1204. > She doesn't look convinced.
  1205. > Oh no.
  1206. > That's a look of resigned sadness.
  1207. > Your heart can't take it.
  1208. > "Oh. I... don't mind if you want to sleep in the bed."
  1209. > There's a struggled desperation in her voice.
  1210. > She wants this to work.
  1211. > But you can't.
  1212. > Not yet.
  1213. > Diversion, go!
  1214. > You attempt to lighten the mood, putting on your best stuffy voice.
  1215. "It would hardly be appropriate. What would the nobles say about their princess sleeping with some colt on the eve of her wedding?"
  1216. > She doesn't laugh.
  1217. > She tries to smile.
  1218. > But you can tell it's forced.
  1219. > "Well... Alright, Anonymous. If that's what you want."
  1220. > It was.
  1221. > Even if it made you feel like a bastard to do.
  1222. > You couldn't sleep in the same bed just yet.
  1223. "Goodnight."
  1224. > "Goodnight, Anonymous."
  1226. ------------------------------------------------------------
  1228. > You awake to a smell.
  1229. [spoiler]>A kind of smelly smell that smells... smelly.[/spoiler]
  1230. > A smell you were well acquainted with.
  1231. > The smell of the food of Gods.
  1232. > Bacon.
  1233. > Cracking open your eyes, you see a silver serving tray.
  1234. > With a cover over it.
  1235. > And a note attached to the side.
  1236. > Slowly, you stretch.
  1237. > While the couch was comfortable...
  1238. > It remained a couch.
  1239. > It wasn't quite long enough for your body.
  1240. > And so you were feeling a little stiff.
  1241. > Sitting up, you see Celestia is missing.
  1242. > Weird, you were used to being the one waking up first.
  1243. > Turning over to the tray, you lift the cover.
  1244. > And are awed by the spectacle.
  1245. > Bacon, eggs, sausage, and...
  1246. > Steak.
  1247. > For breakfast.
  1248. > The eggs were even done the way you liked.
  1249. > You had never seen such a plethora of protein at the one time.
  1250. > No toast or anything, but still.
  1251. > It occurred to you that this must have been difficult for the ponies.
  1252. > Both to obtain and to cook.
  1253. > They were herbivores.
  1254. > You set the lid aside, and detach the letter.
  1255. > To Anonymous, written in fancy cursive.
  1256. > Carefully opening the envelope and withdrawing the letter, you notice a number of things.
  1257. > You see that it bears Celestia's Cutie Mark in the corner.
  1258. > Official letterhead for a note on your breakfast.
  1259. > Hearts have been drawn in places.
  1260. > It was perhaps the most adorable thing you had ever seen.
  1261. > She was going all out.
  1262. > With that, you delve into the text.
  1264. > "Morning, Sleepyhead!"
  1265. > Oh Gods.
  1266. > Ordinarily, you hated that phrase.
  1267. > It meant you got trapped and had to make hasty explanations.
  1268. > Almost every time, if they woke up before you.
  1269. > But you relax.
  1270. > You suppose this wasn't a one-and-done, like the others.
  1271. > But then, this hadn't even been a one yet.
  1272. > Irrelevant.
  1273. > You continue.
  1274. > "You seemed too peaceful to disturb, so I decided to let you sleep."
  1275. > Appreciated.
  1276. > But you had to wonder how early she woke up, if that's the case.
  1277. > "If you sleep too late, somepony will be dropping by to make sure you're up and ready in time."
  1278. > "New clothes, in your measurements, are in the closet to go under your armour."
  1279. > Thanks, mum.
  1280. > That felt slightly creepy.
  1281. > "I have court this morning, but I had the kitchens make up some stuff I thought you'd like."
  1282. > She had no idea just how much you liked it.
  1283. > But you wondered how comfortable she really was with it.
  1284. > "Hopefully it's still warm by the time you get up. If not, head to the kitch-"
  1285. > The kitchens is scratched out.
  1286. > "Sorry, I haven't had the opportunity to show you around yet. Lulu will know when you wake up."
  1287. > Lulu?
  1288. > Luna, you guessed.
  1289. > Still, that's slightly creepy.
  1290. > You had to wonder how exactly she would know that.
  1291. > "She'll be by to show you around. The wedding is this afternoon, you'll want to be there by 3."
  1292. > Looking over at the wall, you see a clock.
  1293. > It was about 8:30.
  1294. > So you had a bit of time yet.
  1295. > "Luna will also show you where to get ready, and where the ceremony is. I'll see you then, Anon."
  1296. > The bottom has a very regal looking signature.
  1297. > Well, Luna would be here soon you imagined.
  1298. > And it would be a shame to let this food go to waste.
  1299. > So you dig in.
  1301. > That was delicious.
  1302. > How in the nine hells did they know how to cook a steak so well.
  1303. > They must have some damn talented chefs down in the kitchens.
  1304. > But you knew you probably didn't have much time.
  1305. > Getting up, you removed your tunic and pants.
  1306. > And moved over to the closet.
  1307. > By the Gods.
  1308. > It is stuffed full of different clothes.
  1309. > Human clothes.
  1310. > They had truly prepared for your arrival.
  1311. > You imagine this was largely Celestia's doing.
  1312. > She really spared no expense.
  1313. > Selecting out a pair of pants and a tunic, you get redressed.
  1314. > And move back to where you left your armour last night.
  1315. > A feeling of dread flows through you looking down at it.
  1316. > You wondered if you would have to wear it for the wedding.
  1317. > Piece by piece, you re-attach the armour.
  1318. > First with the breastplate.
  1319. > Clipping the shoulders and bracers into place.
  1320. > Flowing the white cloth through the hoops.
  1321. > When it is all in place, you look in the mirror.
  1322. > You left one piece out.
  1323. > The tabard.
  1324. > Looking at yourself now, you look like a knight of legend.
  1325. > One of the ancient human warriors.
  1326. > But when you lift up the tabard...
  1327. > And slide it over your head...
  1328. > The whole look changes.
  1329. > No longer are you an ancient human warrior.
  1330. > You were eyecandy.
  1331. > For a particular mare.
  1332. > You would need to discuss this with Celestia.
  1333. > Tonight, if possible.
  1334. > Things couldn't go on this way.
  1335. > Hopefully she would be understanding.
  1336. > She had seemed pretty understanding thus far.
  1338. > When you reach for the last piece, your family ring, you notice a blue aura around it.
  1339. > And it darts off into the air.
  1340. > It takes you a second to respond.
  1341. > But you quickly move into a mad dash.
  1342. > The door to the room opens, and the ring flies out of it into the hallway.
  1343. "Stop! Theif!"
  1344. > As you sprint out into the halls, yelling that, you notice the lack of guards.
  1345. > Shouldn't there be guards at the bedroom of the princess?
  1346. > Couldn't focus on that now.
  1347. > Ring thief to catch.
  1348. > You spot it moving down the hallway and dash for it.
  1349. > You were moving as fast as you could.
  1350. > But the armour was slowing you down.
  1351. > As you turn a corner, following the ring, you spot a maid.
  1352. > She looks up at you with terror in her eyes as you barrel towards her.
  1353. > And jump deftly over her, pursuing the ring.
  1354. > Down a flight of stairs.
  1355. > You hop over the bannister, gaining a lot of ground.
  1356. > Back out a door at the side.
  1357. > You're hot on its heels.
  1358. > Did rings have heels?
  1359. > You supposed not.
  1360. > Irrelevant.
  1361. > You would not be defeated.
  1362. > Running down the hallway, the ring flies out a window.
  1363. > And you jump out it.
  1364. > In retrospect...
  1365. > This might not have been a great idea.
  1366. > But you land in a shrubbery.
  1367. > The enchanted fabric of your clothes doesn't tear.
  1368. > But damn do those sticks feel uncomfortable scratching all over you.
  1369. > Crawling out from the other side, you look around frantically.
  1370. > And you spot the ring.
  1371. > Floating over a fountain.
  1372. "Don't you dare..."
  1373. > And like that, it drops into the water.
  1374. > Fuck.
  1376. > You move over to the fountain, and peer into it.
  1377. > You can see the ring through the crystal clear waters.
  1378. > It's in deep.
  1379. > You're not sure you can get it out without falling in.
  1380. > But you have to try.
  1381. > You lean over, and put your arm in.
  1382. > The water is incredibly cold.
  1383. > Almost there...
  1384. > You lean further over the fountain.
  1385. > Just a little more...
  1386. > And suddenly, there's a shove on your ass.
  1387. > Oh, fuck.
  1388. > You fall, head first, into the fountain.
  1389. > That.
  1390. > Is.
  1391. > Fucking.
  1392. > COLD.
  1393. > You grab the ring quickly, and then shoot up for air.
  1394. > Letting out a primal scream.
  1395. > Far too cold.
  1396. > You clamber out as quickly as you can.
  1397. > But the wet fabric, combined with the heavy armour, makes that an ordeal.
  1398. > When you're out, you finally notice it.
  1399. > That laughter.
  1400. > Those barely restrained giggles.
  1401. > You look to where you hear it.
  1402. > The bush.
  1403. > You slowly rise up...
  1404. > And charge the bush with the rage of a man wronged.
  1405. > And push right through it.
  1406. > Your body has contact with another.
  1407. > And you push them out.
  1408. > Landing with them in a heap on the other side of the bush.
  1409. > You land atop a... blue Pegicorn?
  1410. > She has the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.
  1411. > Your brain disconnects for a second.
  1412. > This must be Luna.
  1413. > This.
  1414. > Bitch.
  1415. > "Gotcha!"
  1416. > You're going to get her back for this.
  1418. ------------------------------------------------------------
  1420. > "And this is the kitchen!"
  1421. > This mare had far too much energy.
  1422. > Luna had been showing you around the castle.
  1423. > You had attempted to scold her for her cruelty.
  1424. > Yet, coming from you, that seemed a bit silly.
  1425. > You weren't exactly a saint either, you supposed.
  1426. > But still.
  1427. > Vengeance would be yours.
  1428. > But for now...
  1429. > The tour.
  1430. "It's certainly impressive."
  1431. > It was.
  1432. > Fully stocked.
  1433. > With a full team of chefs working.
  1434. > You would never get used to this degree of finery.
  1435. > While Aetherium was not broke...
  1436. > It was still a fairly new nation.
  1437. > And it certainly wasn't Equestrian wealthy.
  1438. > Even as a Prince, you often had to make your own food.
  1439. > There was good quality food, but still.
  1440. > It boggled the mind how they squandered such wealth.
  1441. > "Any-pony would be happy, any-time, to make you any-thing you want!"
  1442. > She emphasizes on different words.
  1443. > This mare seems... hyper.
  1444. > Like really active.
  1445. > You need to ask.
  1446. "You seem incredibly excited to be showing me around, Luna. Why's that?"
  1447. > She looks back to you.
  1448. > Her tone stays chipper, but her expression darkens somewhat.
  1449. > "Well, normally I'm not awake at this time of day. I'm supposed to run the night court."
  1450. > "I don't get to see too many ponies."
  1451. > She mumbles something after that, but you don't catch it.
  1452. > But her optimism pipes right back up.
  1453. > "But because Tia's getting married, I got to suspend it for this evening to attend!"
  1454. > That's interesting.
  1455. > Luna got to suspend court because of Celestia's marriage...
  1456. > But Celestia still needed to hold court?
  1457. > How odd.
  1458. "Hey, Luna. Think we can go drop in on Celestia's court?"
  1459. > She looks at you.
  1460. > Her eyes sparkle with mischief.
  1461. > This might be a horrible idea.
  1462. > "Ohhh. That sounds amazing. This way!"
  1463. > Definitely a horrible idea.
  1465. > As the door opens, you're immediately struck by shouting.
  1466. > Lots of shouting.
  1467. > Something was going poorly.
  1468. > "-tria has ruled for eons alone! We don't need them!"
  1469. > Uh oh.
  1470. > That probably explains why she had to hold court.
  1471. > Luna gasps at that outburst.
  1472. > Her magic attaches to the door to close it on you.
  1473. > "Oh... Maybe we should leave..."
  1474. > But your arm holds it open.
  1475. > You ignore Luna's comment and move into the room.
  1476. > "Anon, please!"
  1477. > As you move forward, you note you're on a balcony.
  1478. > Overlooking the primary area of the throne room.
  1479. > Celestia is up at the end, sitting on the throne.
  1480. > "We've always had good relations with the Dragons! They won't attack us!"
  1481. > Quite the aristocratic stallion who said that.
  1482. > How fascinating.
  1483. > You leaned over the railing.
  1484. > Easily a hundred ponies were in the crowd which had consumed the throne room.
  1485. > Luna scurried up beside you.
  1486. > "Anon, we shouldn't be here. I don't think it's safe, and I don't think Tia would want you here."
  1487. > You keep an easy smile on your face.
  1488. > As you listened to the complainants.
  1489. "I'm interested in hearing their opinions, Luna. If I'm going to be their ruler, I'll have to deal with this."
  1490. > She looks away.
  1491. > Celestia remains statuesque upon her throne.
  1492. > An impenetrable wall of authority.
  1493. > "You deserve much better than a human, Princess. We could find you any number of bachelors..."
  1494. > Even with such a suggestive comment, her face is stone.
  1495. > A picture of intimidation.
  1496. > You hadn't seen her in such a role until now.
  1497. > "And you shouldn't have to degrade yourself like this for their service anyway. They owe us!"
  1498. > Owe them?
  1499. > You let out a chuckle at that.
  1500. > As if humanity owed them anything.
  1501. > "We could easily march upon them and force them into this deal. Please, we beg you to recons-"
  1502. > A thunderous crack echoes through the throne room.
  1503. > Celestia's hoof hitting the side of the seat.
  1504. > That cannot be healthy for it.
  1505. > Or her hoof.
  1506. > But silence reigns in its wake.
  1507. > And she begins to speak.
  1509. > "Your request has been taken under advisement."
  1510. > She says it with little emotion.
  1511. > But the glare on her face is enough to melt the zealotry of the crowd.
  1512. > "And summarily denied. The guards will escort you out."
  1513. > One of the ponies, the stuffy aristocrat who had been talking, turned and left.
  1514. > And a new one stepped forward.
  1515. > "Princess. I implore you to reconsider, once again. The message this sends to young fillies..."
  1516. > He goes on to make an argument at length about fetishizing humans.
  1517. > About how that could provoke young fillies to go capture humans again.
  1518. > And how dangerous it was to expose them to those monsters.
  1519. > You just stared on.
  1520. > It was... enthralling to listen to.
  1521. > Unadulterated Equestrian views on humans.
  1522. > It went on at length.
  1523. > Until eventually Celestia once again thundered down.
  1524. > And dismissed the stallion.
  1525. > And another moved forward.
  1526. > A mare this time.
  1527. > By the Gods, had she spent all morning doing this?
  1528. > After some time, you look away.
  1529. > Not out of disturbance, but boredom.
  1530. > And your eyes catch Luna.
  1531. > Oh no.
  1532. > She's staring at the ground.
  1533. "Hey now, it's not a problem..."
  1534. > She heaves, like she's about to start crying.
  1535. > This isn't good.
  1536. > You move over to try and comfort her.
  1537. > But a wing extends to hold you at a distance.
  1538. > "I'm sorry, Anon. We shouldn't have come here..."
  1539. > You see a tear drop fall.
  1540. > And fold her wing, pulling her tight for a hug.
  1541. > You suppress the feeling of revulsion that flows through you when you hug her.
  1542. > She was going to be your sister, you supposed.
  1543. > She keeps quiet despite her tears, as she cries into your shoulder.
  1544. > "I... I can't do anything right. I was just supposed to show you around. And now this happened."
  1545. > You feel like this is backwards.
  1546. > They were talking shit about you.
  1547. > And yet she's the one broken up about it.
  1549. > "Now I've ruined everything."
  1550. > Perhaps this was a horrible idea.
  1551. > But for vastly different reasons.
  1552. > You pat her on the withers.
  1553. > And speak softly into her ear.
  1554. "Listen, it's fine. I'm sure my dad's going through the same stuff back in Aetherium."
  1555. > You were being honest.
  1556. > Both about the trouble your father was likely having.
  1557. > And about it being fine.
  1558. > For some reason, the insults they had hurled at you...
  1559. > The accusations that they had levied against your people...
  1560. > They didn't even provoke anger.
  1561. > More like...
  1562. > Joy.
  1563. > Happiness that they were so upset.
  1564. > Like you had dealt a blow to your enemies.
  1565. > Your marriage had grievously wounded their pride, in some way.
  1566. > It made you feel so happy.
  1567. > But so ill at the same time.
  1568. > Partially because it came from having to be here.
  1569. > In Equestria.
  1570. > But that wasn't the only reason...
  1571. > It was also because your happiness came at an immense cost to Celestia.
  1572. > And she had been nothing but nice to you.
  1573. > She didn't deserve this.
  1574. > Neither did Luna.
  1575. > Who is still weeping into your shoulder.
  1576. > "Ponies really aren't that bad, I promise Anon. It's just a few..."
  1577. > She cuts off there.
  1578. > There were at least a hundred in the throne room.
  1579. > That likely meant many thousands in the city who agreed with them.
  1580. > And you're sure she realized that.
  1581. > "I mean-"
  1582. > You cut her off.
  1583. "Luna, seriously. I'm not upset in the slightest. I knew this sort of thing was going to happen when I signed up."
  1584. > She looks up to you.
  1585. > Matching eyes.
  1586. > She's stopped sniffling.
  1587. "Want to go show me what I'll be wearing for the ceremony?"
  1588. > She tries to smile.
  1589. > But it still looks somber.
  1590. > "Sure."
  1592. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  1594. "So Luna. Feeling any better?"
  1595. > You and her had swiftly departed the throne room.
  1596. > You were currently out in the Canterlot Gardens.
  1597. > Canals ran through the middle of each path, dividing 'traffic,' as it were.
  1598. > You had opted for the scenic route to the room your wedding attire was stored.
  1599. > Partially because you figured some nice scenery would help calm her.
  1600. > "Yeah. I just... It makes me so mad to hear them talking about you like that."
  1601. > She had a frown again.
  1602. > You had to fix this.
  1603. > As you walked along the canal, you dipped your finger in.
  1604. > And flicked the water at her.
  1605. > She barely reacted.
  1606. > But you saw her horn glow.
  1607. > And suddenly, a bunch of the water floated out of the canal.
  1608. > And floated over your head.
  1609. > Surrender.
  1610. > Never give up!
  1611. > Surrender now, you idiot.
  1612. > Don't let an Equestrian win!
  1613. "I surrender."
  1614. > Your hands in the air.
  1615. > You coward.
  1616. > She lets a smile break and puts the water back in the canal.
  1617. > And you both continue on your way.
  1618. > The gardens really are beautiful here.
  1619. > All manner of plantlife you've never seen before.
  1620. > You wondered how many of these flowers were edible for ponies.
  1621. > And whether there was a penalty for eating from the Royal Gardens.
  1622. "I don't really understand your anger, to be honest. You barely even know me, why get so upset?"
  1623. > She looks over at you at that.
  1624. > There's conflict in her face.
  1625. > Like she's deciding what she wants to say.
  1626. > "I know you better than you think. We've... Spent time together in another place."
  1627. > That is incredibly creepy sounding.
  1628. > You had barely spent even a moment with an Equestrian before coming here.
  1629. > Maybe she's religious or something.
  1630. > "And even besides that, you're going to be my brother. No one talks about my brother like that."
  1631. > Hmm.
  1632. > You supposed, to some degree, that made sense.
  1633. > Levelled out the awkwardness of the previous comment a bit.
  1634. > But just a bit.
  1636. > You and Luna had kept up banter until you reached the other side of the castle.
  1637. > That's right, the other side.
  1638. > That's how far the room your attire was in was from the throne room.
  1639. > Madness.
  1640. > But, irrespective, here you were.
  1641. > The set was... interesting, you supposed.
  1642. > Startlingly simplistic.
  1643. > Sharp black tunic and pants, with silver embroidery.
  1644. > And a small imprint of her Cutie Mark on the collar.
  1645. > No armour.
  1646. > They were intricately embroidered, certainly.
  1647. > But nonetheless, fairly plain looking.
  1648. "This seems... Simple."
  1649. > Luna looks up to you in confusion.
  1650. > "Do humans not have similar wedding customs?"
  1651. > You look over to her.
  1652. > And chuckle lightly.
  1653. "We tend to make quite a big deal out of the clothing. Expensive armour and cloth for men."
  1654. > Lifting up the shirt, you can feel that the fabric is incredibly soft.
  1655. > Luna runs her hoof across it as well.
  1656. > "I don't know exactly how you do it. But in Equestria, you're meant to get married in simple clothes."
  1657. > She seems to get giddy discussing it.
  1658. > A soft smile spreading on her face while she stares at the fabric.
  1659. > "It's supposed to symbolize that you're not marrying for wealth or status, but for love."
  1660. > She realizes her mistake as soon as she says it.
  1661. > And suddenly pulls back.
  1662. > An awkward apologetic look on her face.
  1663. > "I mean, not to imply anything. I know you and Celestia have barely known one another for a day..."
  1664. > You let out a light chuckle.
  1665. > And scratch her ear.
  1666. > It flicks lightly in your hand.
  1667. "Don't worry about it, Luna. We may not love eachother yet, but that might come with time."
  1668. > She cringes at your use of the word 'might.'
  1669. > But you couldn't say for certain.
  1670. > You weren't sure you could ever conquer your discomfort with them.
  1671. > But you'd make sure to try.
  1672. > Looking across it, a thought occurs to you.
  1673. > Clearly Equestrian weddings were different.
  1674. > Was there a ring?
  1675. > Where would you put it?
  1676. "Hey, Luna..."
  1678. > "Yes, Anon?"
  1679. > She looks up to you with those big, shiny eyes.
  1680. > Hopefully this didn't make you look like an idiot.
  1681. "I-uh. Hmm..."
  1682. > You've got to be careful how to word this.
  1683. > You didn't even really know the words to ask the question.
  1684. "Well, in human marriages the bride and groom exchange rings, which go on our fingers."
  1685. > She nods.
  1686. > "Usually gold. I've... seen it before. A lot of times."
  1687. > She's seen a lot of human weddings?
  1688. > How?
  1689. > You decide to finally voice your curiosity.
  1690. > She had apparently had a lot of interaction with humans.
  1691. > Including you.
  1692. "Where have you seen it before?"
  1693. > Once again, the conflicted look falls over her face.
  1694. > But, she answers.
  1695. > "I can see into dreams, both of ponies and humans. And other races, too."
  1696. > You remain perfectly still for a moment.
  1697. > "I've seen a lot of yours."
  1698. > She blushes.
  1699. > And her wings flare out a little bit.
  1700. > You give her a look.
  1701. > A look that says 'you've seen me naked. Doing horrible things.'
  1702. > And she averts her eyes.
  1703. "Oh."
  1704. > That's all you can say.
  1705. > Whelp. That bit of information will stay tucked away in your psyche.
  1706. > You'll never dream peacefully again.
  1707. > Moving on.
  1708. "Well, back to the point... Do ponies exchange something?"
  1709. > It takes her a second to recover form her embarrassment.
  1710. > But she eventually nods.
  1711. > And her horn lights up.
  1712. > An intricate, filigree silver necklace levitates up from the pile of cloth.
  1713. > "N-necklaces. You have to attach something of great importance to you."
  1714. > Oh.
  1715. > Well fuck.
  1716. > You wish you'd been briefed on this before.
  1717. > You didn't have terribly much you could give to her.
  1718. > She smiles and puts a hoof up to her cheek
  1719. > "I already know what Tia's putting on her necklace for you. It's really romantic."
  1721. > That's unfortunate.
  1722. > Now you had to do something equally important.
  1723. > But you had nothing...
  1724. > Except...
  1725. > You look down at your hand.
  1726. > Your family's ring sitting there.
  1727. > Your father's words echo in your ear.
  1728. > "Don't let them change you. Remember who you are."
  1729. > It felt wrong.
  1730. > Would it be like a betrayal of your father's request?
  1731. > Maybe. Maybe not.
  1732. > You could remember who you were without it.
  1733. > And you'd see Celestia with it all the time.
  1734. > Would she even like that?
  1735. > Your family crest was an affront to many Equestrians.
  1736. > Never Again.
  1737. > Yet, Celestia seemed to not be of that opinion.
  1738. > She seemed like the type who would want slavery to be a 'never again' type situation.
  1739. > Even if she did like putting her Cutie Mark all over you.
  1740. "I... I'm not so sure I have anything with me that's equivalent, anything that Celestia would want."
  1741. > Luna smiles brightly.
  1742. > "It's not about how important it is to Celestia, it's about how important it is to you. What you're sacrificing."
  1743. > Hmm.
  1744. > Then the ring made sense.
  1745. > You pull it off your finger, and run the filigree chain through it.
  1746. > It dangles neatly from it.
  1747. > Luna looks closely at it.
  1748. > "An interesting choice. Want me to seal it?"
  1749. > You look closely at it.
  1750. > Your last reminder of home, really.
  1751. > Apart from the sword at your hip.
  1752. > But you don't imagine Celestia would appreciate a sword hanging off her neck.
  1753. "Do it."
  1754. > Her horn glows.
  1755. > The chain fuses to the ring.
  1756. > The gold of the ring sticks out against the silver.
  1757. > "The spell will finish when you put it around her neck. You'll see. I'm sure she'll love it."
  1758. > You hoped she did.
  1759. > You supposed you would find out soon enough.
  1760. > In a couple of hours.
  1762. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1764. > You had spent the next short while going over wedding protocol with Luna.
  1765. > Most of it was very much the same.
  1766. > Same aisle, same reception, same whole deal.
  1767. > But, the main difference is the actual ceremony.
  1768. > It seems that there aren't vows in the traditional sense.
  1769. > You begin with stating the meaning behind the exchange of items.
  1770. > What they represent.
  1771. > Which meant you needed to develop some kind of speech about it.
  1772. > Which was doable.
  1773. > But that wasn't the crazy portion.
  1774. > There was a far greater concern.
  1775. > The necklaces.
  1776. "They do what?"
  1777. > "They bind your souls together with a spell."
  1778. > Your souls.
  1779. > That was...
  1780. > Concerning.
  1781. > To say the least.
  1782. > "It's a magical connection between you. But I'm not entirely familiar with all of it."
  1783. > She kicks a hoof.
  1784. > "I've never been married, obviously. Maybe someday, though."
  1785. > You pat her on the head.
  1786. > But you needed more information.
  1787. "So... Do you know anything else about it?"
  1788. > She puts her hoof to her chin.
  1789. > And hums.
  1790. > "Well, I know it's really difficult to break. Costly, is the term I remember hearing."
  1791. > Costly...
  1792. > Well, you supposed this was supposed to be forever.
  1793. > But the gravity of that was only just striking you.
  1794. > After today, you would be forever tied with...
  1795. > An Equestrian.
  1796. > No, not just an Equestrian.
  1797. > Celestia.
  1798. > Thinking of her as an individual helped a bit.
  1799. > But at the back of your mind, you felt immense insecurity.
  1800. > You were here for the rest of your life.
  1801. > Could you really handle that?
  1803. > "There's no records of how it works with Alicorns, though."
  1804. > Her words break you out of your reverie.
  1805. > Alicorn?
  1806. > Oh, that must be the proper term for Luna and Celestia.
  1807. > What a silly name for it.
  1808. > Pegicorn sounded better.
  1809. > But... that added an extra layer of concern.
  1810. > Maybe.
  1811. "Why would it be different?"
  1812. > At that, a look of deep introspection crosses Luna's face.
  1813. > Before she decides to speak in a measured tone.
  1814. > "Well, Alicorns are immortal. I have no idea what binding you two together might do to your lifespan, but..."
  1815. > Your lifespans were influenced?
  1816. > Wait a minute, this suddenly seemed like a much bigger deal.
  1817. "But... I thought this was just a bond. Why would our lifespan be influenced?"
  1818. > She looks up to you, with excitement on her face.
  1819. > She lights up her horn.
  1820. > And you see a small orb form in front of her.
  1821. > And then another, larger one.
  1822. > And a series of smaller orbs orbiting them.
  1823. > The larger one with more. But over time...
  1824. > The orbs begin to interact.
  1825. > The smaller one gets bigger, absorbing more of the smaller ones.
  1826. > The bigger one gets smaller, losing its orbiting ones to the other.
  1827. > Oh shit.
  1828. > This was a much bigger deal than you had realized.
  1829. > "Well, usually the spell causes the wearers to share their magic pool."
  1830. > She gestures to her little impromptu diagram.
  1831. > "And as a pony loses their ability to process magic, they age, until they die. With a shared pool, they both do."
  1832. > And like that, the orbs go out.
  1833. > Before she summons another two.
  1834. > "But with an Alicorn, we never lose our ability to process magic. Our magic is fundamentally different."
  1835. > And this time, rather than equalizing...
  1836. > The smaller orb keeps growing.
  1837. > Until it reaches the size of the larger one.
  1838. > And she gestures to it with a hoof.
  1839. > "It might do something like that. It might also just leave yours the same size, not influencing one another."
  1840. > "But I can't be sure, no one can. Your magic might not even mesh properly."
  1842. "Thanks, Luna. It's good I knew before I got into this..."
  1843. > This was... a lot to take in.
  1844. > You lift up the necklace and look at it.
  1845. > Soon, this would be around Celestia's neck.
  1846. > And her equivalent around yours.
  1847. > And you would be bonded for life.
  1848. > "Happy to help, Anon!"
  1849. > It makes you wish you had studied magic a bit better as a child.
  1850. > It had never caught your interest.
  1851. > You were more the duelling and swashbuckling type.
  1852. > Ares would know more about human magic.
  1853. > Might have some insight into what would happen bonding you with her.
  1854. > But he was a kingdom away.
  1855. > He should be here. Not you.
  1856. > He was so much better suited for this...
  1857. > Irrelevant.
  1858. > But this put things into perspective.
  1859. > Celestia had known this was what she was giving up all along.
  1860. > And still consented to be bound to you for life.
  1861. > There's so many unknown variables, though.
  1862. > Would this make you immortal?
  1863. > You weren't sure how comfortable you were with that.
  1864. > And if it didn't...
  1865. > When you died...
  1866. > What would that do to Celestia?
  1867. > Would she be able to bond again, after your death?
  1868. > Luna clearly didn't have the answers.
  1869. > And you imagine Celestia didn't either, or else she would've told Luna.
  1870. > But this raised another concern.
  1871. > Why hadn't Celestia told you about the bonding?
  1872. > Did they think they could sneak it past you?
  1873. > Probably not. Luna would have been told to keep silent if that was the case...
  1874. > Or...
  1875. > Had they told your father.
  1876. > And he said not to mention it.
  1877. > He knew you were phobic of commitment.
  1878. > And phobic of Equestrians.
  1879. > Maybe he was betting that you would back out if you knew.
  1880. > And it would be too late by the time you found out.
  1881. > That seemed sensible.
  1883. > You checked the clock.
  1884. > An hour and a half until they began accepting guests.
  1885. > An hour and a half until you...
  1886. > Lost your freedom.
  1887. > Forever.
  1888. > An hour and a half until you were...
  1889. > Not a slave.
  1890. > But...
  1891. > Close enough.
  1892. > But then, you supposed Celestia was losing her freedom as well.
  1893. > To you.
  1894. > Forever.
  1895. > If you own one another, are you both slaves?
  1896. > Or are neither of you?
  1897. > You suddenly felt incredibly stressed.
  1898. > You didn't know the answer.
  1899. > You were tempted to run.
  1900. > Partially for your sake.
  1901. > Partially for Celestia's.
  1902. > She didn't deserve this.
  1903. > 'You're not worthy of her.'
  1904. > The words echo in your head.
  1905. > They sting at your heart.
  1906. > But you knew you had no way out of Canterlot right now.
  1907. > This was a fortress built into a mountain.
  1908. > With not a single other human in it.
  1909. > You'd be spotted in no time.
  1910. > And captured. Or worse.
  1911. > And you would disgrace your family. Your nations.
  1912. > You would risk their lives.
  1913. > You had to do this.
  1914. > If Celestia wanted her freedom...
  1915. > She'd have to be the one to leave.
  1916. > You had already lost.
  1917. "Hey Luna?"
  1918. > She looks to you.
  1919. > She had been distracting herself with her little magic diagram.
  1920. > "Yeah?"
  1921. "Mind helping me get ready?"
  1922. > "Sure, Anon!"
  1924. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1926. > So, as it turns out, your wedding was to happen in the Canterlot Gardens.
  1927. > And so, here you were.
  1928. > Standing off to the side.
  1929. > Luna was greeting guests as they entered.
  1930. > Celestia was nowhere to be seen.
  1931. > Getting ready, you presumed.
  1932. > The section of the gardens was brilliantly decorated.
  1933. > And incredibly well defended.
  1934. > It amused you to no end to see this many guards out.
  1935. > At every entrance.
  1936. > And patrolling the hedges.
  1937. > It was rather surprising, really.
  1938. > When you had arrived with Luna, you had to comment.
  1939. > And she had, at that point, revealed why you had seen so few.
  1940. > Evidently, Celestia was worried they would make you feel uncomfortable.
  1941. > And hence, had ordered them to supervise you from a distance.
  1942. > But now, they were everywhere.
  1943. > Presumably your life was in danger, if they needed this much security.
  1944. > Perhaps a threat was made at court, or something.
  1945. > You doubted the security was for Celestia.
  1946. > She seemed pretty beloved.
  1947. > A lot of the complainants earlier were concerned about her.
  1948. > Yet, you found you didn't particularly care.
  1949. > You had never been a terribly cautious sort.
  1950. > But, even more than that, you found your carefree attitude return when you realized this was a done deal.
  1951. > Never was any sense worrying about that which you cannot change.
  1952. > And when you had realized it was already done, the stress had melted away.
  1953. > No doubt it would return when the moment to exchange necklaces came.
  1954. > But for now, you would rather go with the flow.
  1955. > You were dressed in the simple black tunic from earlier.
  1956. > In a small box in your back pocket was the necklace.
  1957. > Still looking weird with the silver and gold fused to one another.
  1958. > And feeling warm against your ass.
  1959. > Luna explained that the spell kept the metal warm while the magic flowed through it.
  1960. > Not enough to burn, but to keep the metal pliant for when the spell triggered.
  1961. > You needed to study up on some magic.
  1963. > The setup was really quite impressive.
  1964. > Ornate outdoor chairs set up alongside the aisle.
  1965. > Birds singing.
  1966. > No, not tweeting.
  1967. > Singing.
  1968. > A damn choir of them.
  1969. > Equestria would never cease to amaze you.
  1970. > How the hell they managed to train up a flock of birds...
  1971. > You shook your head.
  1972. > The... Priest, you supposed.
  1973. > Were they called priests here?
  1974. > Whatever. The stallion up at the front was a unicorn.
  1975. > Had a big book open on an altar before him.
  1976. > He was clothed in an all-white robe.
  1977. > Embroidered with gold.
  1978. > Damn holy stallion was looking fancier than you.
  1979. > What a bastard.
  1980. > Looking back over to the entrance, the number of guests was staggering.
  1981. > Easily three-hundred chairs set out, over half filled already.
  1982. > It was a long ass aisle.
  1983. > However, fortunately, you did not have to walk down it.
  1984. > You got to stand comfy up at the front and wait for Celestia.
  1985. > Evidently an Equestrian tradition.
  1986. > In Aetherium, the Bride and Groom walked down the aisle together.
  1987. > You had never thought much about it really.
  1988. > But now, you suspect you knew why.
  1989. > Something about regarding one another as equals.
  1990. > It never ceased to intrigue you the subtle ways your cultures differed.
  1991. > And the meanings embedded in those differences.
  1992. > You had never been one for spotting invisible meanings.
  1993. > But you could see symbolism all over this event.
  1994. > The groom awaits the bride, escorted by her father.
  1995. > Seemed almost like a trading of ownership.
  1996. > Equestrians put a heavy value on ownership.
  1997. > Property.
  1998. > Your hand runs over her Cutie Mark on your collar.
  1999. > Seems you and Celestia had a lot in common.
  2000. > You had to wonder if she felt the same revulsion you did at the concept.
  2001. > But it was unlikely.
  2002. > This was her culture, after all.
  2003. > She'd be used to this sort of thing.
  2004. > But it rubbed you all the wrong ways.
  2006. > When the seats had filled up, you moved to take your place at the altar.
  2007. > At the prompting of the guards.
  2008. > From this vantage point, even though it was open above...
  2009. > Well, not terribly open.
  2010. > Pegasi guards flew overhead as well.
  2011. > It seemed so suffocating.
  2012. > So many Equestrians in one place.
  2013. > And you the only human.
  2014. > For hundreds of miles, likely.
  2015. > When combined with the immense guard presence, you felt incredibly unsafe.
  2016. > You kept a serene look on your face, however.
  2017. > Partially because you felt serene.
  2018. > Relaxed.
  2019. > If you were going to be their ruler...
  2020. > For potentially the next eternity.
  2021. > This moment would have to be perfect.
  2022. > You still couldn't quite wrap your mind around that possibility.
  2023. > So you preferred to just move with the flow.
  2024. > Stress and over-analysis would only serve to impede the perfection of the moment.
  2025. > It would cause you to slip up.
  2026. > It was a lesson you had learned at Tourney throughout your youth.
  2027. > Political speech and action was often like a duel, to your mind.
  2028. > It was always best to shut your mind off, and let your words flow freely.
  2029. > Like a blade, they will find the right location.
  2030. > Your body knows better than your mind how to make things work.
  2031. > And people will find you far more genuine than if you analyze it to death.
  2032. > You note the song the birds are singing come to a close.
  2033. > And a pony choir start up.
  2034. > You recognized that song.
  2035. > It was Celestia's song, from the gardens.
  2036. > And the crowd suddenly went silent.
  2037. > Looking down the aisle, you spotted her.
  2038. > Your breath left your lungs.
  2039. > She was looking radiant.
  2040. > A serene, soft look on her face.
  2041. > Her dress was as simple as your suit.
  2042. > White, with simple craft.
  2043. > But she carried it with a grace befitting the ruler of Equestria.
  2044. > You noticed her father by her side.
  2045. > His attire is incredibly fancy.
  2046. > Jerk.
  2048. > As she reaches the altar, she bows to you.
  2049. > And you bow to her.
  2050. > And then to her father.
  2051. > Luna had gone over this.
  2052. > Her father does not bow in return, but stares blankly forward at you.
  2053. > And following your bow, her father leaves to take a seat.
  2054. > Leaving her up there with you.
  2055. > From this distance, you could see the holes in the radiant look she had beamed for the crowd.
  2056. > Her fur, feathers, and hair remain impeccable.
  2057. > Doubtless she had people fawning over her for her preparation.
  2058. > But you knew that she wasn't feeling up to this.
  2059. > She was tired.
  2060. > Dead tired.
  2061. > Her eyes didn't sparkle quite the way they did in the gardens.
  2062. > And her smile was forced, you could tell.
  2063. > Court must've taken a lot out of her before this.
  2064. > Understandable, given the nature of what she had to deal with.
  2065. > Over and over.
  2066. > The priestly stallion speaks up.
  2067. > "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."
  2068. > He begins the typical droning on.
  2069. > You want to ask if she's alright.
  2070. > If she'd rather put this off for another time.
  2071. > But you know you can't.
  2072. > So you attempt a sympathetic smile.
  2073. > Which she returns.
  2074. > You knew that she would be the one to give you the necklace first.
  2075. > And so she was probably going over what she was planning to say.
  2076. > Maybe.
  2077. > Maybe she was just going to go with the flow, like you.
  2078. > But her eyes seemed unfocused.
  2079. > So you figured it was probably the former.
  2080. > "And so, Celestial Skies, you may present your bond."
  2082. > Celestial Skies?
  2083. > You supposed that must be her full name.
  2084. > She approaches you.
  2085. > And out from under her wing, levitates out the necklace in her magic.
  2086. > Same silver chain.
  2087. > Fused to...
  2088. > A feather?
  2089. > It was a big, white feather.
  2090. > One of her primaries, no doubt.
  2091. > Slowly, it levitates over your head.
  2092. > And down around your neck.
  2093. > Resting upon your chest.
  2094. > You had expected something to happen.
  2095. > With the spell and all.
  2096. > But you supposed that came later.
  2097. > She begins to speak, addressing the crowd.
  2098. > "This feather was the first primary I grew after I ascended."
  2099. > "The powerful magicks within it, those of an Alicorn, will keep it preserved forever."
  2100. > "The Old Pegasi clans, those close allies to humans of old, used to exchange their first primaries at weddings."
  2101. > "A symbol both of their destiny to be together, and their willingness to sacrifice the past for one another."
  2102. > "And of the idea that they would never fly apart again."
  2103. > She raises up a hoof.
  2104. > And you take it in your hand.
  2105. > She bows her head before you.
  2106. > Now, she must recite the meaning.
  2107. > "I want this to represent our eternal bond. That it will never grow weak."
  2108. > "I want this to represent our closeness of heart. May our feelings never fade."
  2109. > "I want this to represent our union of species. May we forever work together."
  2110. > "I want this to represent myself as a part of you. May we forever be intertwined."
  2111. > She raises her head, to look you in the eye.
  2112. > "It would be my honour if you would accept my gift, and be mine for all time."
  2113. > And with that, she withdraws her hoof.
  2114. > And returns to the other side of the stage.
  2115. > The priestly stallion speaks up again.
  2116. > "Anonymous Aetherite, you may present your bond."
  2117. > Well, Prince of Love.
  2118. > It was time to shine.
  2120. > You with draw the box.
  2121. > And pull out the chain.
  2122. > Setting aside the box on a small table, you moved over to Celestia.
  2123. > And reaching up over her head, pull the necklace down around her neck.
  2124. > It was then you felt a pulse of magic from your feather.
  2125. > But nothing too overt seemed to happen.
  2126. > As it rests upon her chest, you take a step back.
  2127. > And address the crowd.
  2128. "This ring is one of five of my house."
  2129. "It is inlaid with a powerful magic rune, which renders it invulnerable to damage."
  2130. "My family has handed these down since the ancient times, smuggling them when we could not openly have them."
  2131. "They have changed over the centuries, through spellforging. Now they bear my current family crest, and our words."
  2132. "Never again. Today, those words take new meaning."
  2133. > You go down on a knee.
  2134. > You raise up a hand.
  2135. > And she places her hoof upon it.
  2136. > You bow your head before her.
  2137. > And recite the meaning.
  2138. "I want this to represent our unbreakable connection. May it never wane."
  2139. "I want this to represent our enduring spirits. As one, may we never surrender."
  2140. "I want this to represent what you mean to me. You are my family, for the rest of our days."
  2141. "I want this to represent a new future for Equestria and Aetherium. May we never again be apart."
  2142. > You raise up your head, to look her in the eye.
  2143. > She's smiling for real now.
  2144. > You wish you could see the crowd.
  2145. > Hopefully you impressed them with that.
  2146. > A message of reconciliation.
  2147. > It seemed appropriate.
  2148. "It would be my honour if you would accept my gift, and be mine for all time."
  2149. > With that, you withdraw your hand.
  2150. > And rise up.
  2151. > Moving back across the platform.
  2152. > And stand, facing Celestia.
  2153. > The area is deathly silent.
  2154. > When the priestly stallion speaks up.
  2156. > "Celestial Skies, do you accept the bond of Anonymous Aetherite?"
  2157. > Without hesitation.
  2158. > She immediately replies.
  2159. > "I do. Without hesitation."
  2160. > He then turns to address you.
  2161. > "And you, Anonymous Aetherite. Do you accept the bond of Celestial Skies?"
  2162. > Likewise, you reply immediately.
  2163. > But you swallowed your hesitation.
  2164. "I do. Without reservation."
  2165. > You couldn't lie, after all.
  2166. > The stallion's horn lights up.
  2167. > And suddenly, both necklaces glow.
  2168. > "You may seal the bond."
  2169. > You move forward towards her.
  2170. > And she moves toward you.
  2171. > Placing one hand on her neck, and the other on her face.
  2172. > You gently meet lips.
  2173. > It is a chaste kiss.
  2174. > But something triggers.
  2175. > And the sensation is indescribable.
  2176. > You can feel magic flowing through you.
  2177. > To every part of your body.
  2178. > It's exhilarating.
  2179. > An immense light bathes the area.
  2180. > Emerging from your two necklaces.
  2181. > It forces you to close your eyes as you maintain the kiss.
  2182. > And just as quickly as it started...
  2183. > It's over.
  2184. > The sensation fades.
  2185. > The light fades.
  2186. > And when you reopen your eyes, you're struck by Celestia's.
  2187. > They're glowing.
  2188. > A bright pink/purple.
  2189. > You wonder if yours are.
  2190. > The ring around her neck has turned silver.
  2191. > Matching the chain.
  2192. > And so has the feather around yours.
  2193. > The priest speaks up once again.
  2194. > "Before all assembled here, let it be known that the bond is sealed."
  2195. > Applause erupts from the crowd.
  2196. > Slowly, the glow in Celestia's eyes fades.
  2197. > But her smile remains.
  2198. > And so you turn to the crowd.
  2199. "Now, who else is dying for some cake?"
  2201. --------------------------------------------------------
  2203. "He saw...?"
  2204. > Be Celestia.
  2205. > And Luna just told you that Anon saw what happened at court.
  2206. > Which is bad.
  2207. > Very bad.
  2208. > You had gone to great lengths to make sure everything seemed perfect.
  2209. > You knew how... easily scared humans were.
  2210. > Insecure, as well.
  2211. > Prone to running off.
  2212. > Especially Anon, if his father was to be believed.
  2213. > You sigh deeply.
  2214. > And take a deep drink of wine.
  2215. > Alcohol might help the stress...
  2216. > Plus, it was your wedding. You were supposed to be drunk.
  2217. > "I'm sorry. You told me to show him around, I just assumed..."
  2218. > Luna's words barely connect, your mind focused on Anon.
  2219. > You felt like you needed to protect him.
  2220. > Shield him from the public.
  2221. > To make him comfortable.
  2222. > Like everything is fine, and he can enjoy living here.
  2223. > You had taken every damn step to make sure that happened.
  2224. > Literally followed the "Big Book of Treating your Human Right."
  2225. > And now, that whole plan just got blown to Tartarus.
  2226. > You shake your head.
  2227. > No sense in taking it out on her.
  2228. "It's fine, Luna. I just..."
  2229. > You're frustrated.
  2230. > And tired.
  2231. > It was a long day at court.
  2232. > And now, you're emotional.
  2233. > Partially because the bond, when it's sealed, amplifies emotions.
  2234. > Intensely.
  2235. > Usually good emotions. Happiness, love...
  2236. > Lust.
  2237. > But right now, it was only amplifying your stress and fear.
  2238. > You needed to fix this. Now.
  2239. > Before you had some kind of breakdown.
  2240. "I'll go talk to him."
  2241. > Luna nods, and turns to head back to the reception.
  2242. > You looked down to your necklace.
  2243. > You wondered how much he actually meant those words.
  2244. > The words he said for his bond.
  2245. > You knew he... was uncomfortable around you.
  2246. > Around anypony, really.
  2247. > But he still declared that you were now his family.
  2248. > Which, while technically true irrespective of the inclusion in the bond, felt good.
  2249. > You hoped you could win him over with time.
  2251. > As you return to the reception, you scan the crowd for Anon.
  2252. > You spot Anon talking to...
  2253. > Oh no.
  2254. > Your uncle.
  2255. > You quickly make your way over.
  2256. > Uncle Starlight was not known for his... diplomatic speech.
  2257. > But as you get closer, they seem to be in relatively good spirits.
  2258. > Thank the Sun and Stars.
  2259. > You pick up on the end of Anon's comment as you approach.
  2260. > "... Oh no, I wish ours were more like this."
  2261. > Anon is drinking from his own chalice of wine.
  2262. > It's good to see him adapting, at least.
  2263. > The bride and groom were supposed to be...
  2264. > Smashed, you think the technical term was.
  2265. > By the end of the wedding.
  2266. > As you approach, your uncle shifts his attention to you.
  2267. > "Cel! Congratulations."
  2268. > You smile.
  2269. > Anon turns around, and spots you.
  2270. > He has a big smile on his face.
  2271. > You really hope it's a real one.
  2272. > Your heartbeat picks up just looking at him.
  2273. > A part of the bond, you knew.
  2274. > The magical attraction would fade over the next couple of days.
  2275. > Whereupon real attraction would pick up.
  2276. > You hoped.
  2277. "Hey, you two. Sorry I had to drop out for a second, Anonymous."
  2278. > He rests his hand on the back of your neck as you move beside him.
  2279. > And gives a light scratch.
  2280. > "It's not a problem, 'Celestial Skies.'"
  2281. > He lets out a laugh saying your full name.
  2282. > But you're slightly distracted.
  2283. > Those fingers...
  2284. > They're exceptional.
  2285. > You see why people used to brag about having humans.
  2286. > Even after it was outlawed.
  2287. > The thought comes unbidden.
  2288. > But you feel bad for thinking it.
  2289. > Like you're betraying Anonymous' trust or something.
  2290. > Focus, Celestia.
  2291. > You had something to fix.
  2292. > You extend a wing around Anonymous to hold him close.
  2293. > And start to pull him away from the conversation.
  2294. "Sorry, Uncle. But do you mind if I borrow Anonymous for a second?"
  2295. > A grin comes over your uncle's features.
  2296. > "Certainly, my dear. But do try to bring him back relatively dry, would you?"
  2297. > You sputter at that.
  2298. > And you feel your face heat up.
  2299. > That pervert.
  2301. > "So what did you need?"
  2302. > You and Anon were behind a hedge.
  2303. > You had to address this carefully.
  2304. > While he was acting carefree...
  2305. > You could feel the stress in him.
  2306. > His discomfort.
  2307. > You wanted to hug him, and make him feel better.
  2308. > Focus.
  2309. "I... heard you saw what happened at court."
  2310. > He takes a sip of his wine.
  2311. > And gestures with his hand.
  2312. > But you have no idea what the gesture means.
  2313. > When he recognizes the look of cluelessness on your face, he speaks.
  2314. > "Go on..."
  2315. > Oh.
  2316. > Like, rolling.
  2317. > Rolling on or something.
  2318. > You make a mental note of that gesture.
  2319. "Well... I just wanted to apologize for my little ponies. They're... not so used to change."
  2320. > He chuckles at that.
  2321. > And pokes your nose.
  2322. > You scrunch it up at that.
  2323. > "You don't need to worry. I expected some resistance, I can deal with it."
  2324. > He sounded so confident saying that.
  2325. > But you weren't so sure he actually was.
  2326. > Your doubt and fear were crippling your ability to express that concern.
  2327. > You were sure he could sense them in you.
  2328. > And was trying to console you.
  2329. > But you needed to support him.
  2330. > Not the other way around.
  2331. > You were the pony, here.
  2332. "I know you're strong willed. But... I just want you to know, they won't hurt you. I won't let them."
  2333. > That came out a little wrong.
  2334. > But he seems to get the message.
  2335. > His hand cupping your face.
  2336. > Your heart flutters at the contact.
  2337. > And your mind blanks.
  2338. > Stupid bond.
  2339. > "Seriously, you don't need to worry about little old me. Now, what do you say we get back to the party?"
  2340. > Everything he does seems... so attractive right now.
  2341. > You wonder what he's feeling.
  2342. > Because whatever it is, it's going to be amplified like what you feel.
  2343. > Surely the bond must be influencing him as well...
  2344. > Maybe tonight...
  2345. > He would at least sleep in the same bed, you bet.
  2346. > It would be a good first step.
  2347. > Even if he wasn't comfortable with anything else.
  2348. > And it was only fitting...
  2349. > Your honeymoon was supposed to be starting, after all.
  2351. > Returning to the party, you and Anon move around to greet various guests.
  2352. > They're all very courteous, both to you and to Anon.
  2353. > Apart from one mare.
  2354. > Who makes Anonymous and you incredibly uncomfortable.
  2355. > She was a bit older...
  2356. > And would not stop talking about humans.
  2357. > And what was 'good for them.'
  2358. > And how she knew how to treat them right.
  2359. > With you standing right there.
  2360. > Like she wasn't talking about pleasuring your husband.
  2361. > You had swallowed your outrage, initially.
  2362. > Anon, to his credit, had played along.
  2363. > Gently attempting to get her to stop with a joke.
  2364. > But you could tell how uncomfortable he was.
  2365. > You could feel it.
  2366. > It burned in you.
  2367. > But when she started touching Anon...
  2368. > Inappropriately.
  2369. > You almost banished her on the spot.
  2370. > The bitch.
  2371. > But you resisted, and instead just moved on.
  2372. > And told the guards to get her out of there.
  2373. > And never let her back on Palace grounds again.
  2374. > No one touches your stallion.
  2375. > Err... human.
  2376. > But the rest of the evening went relatively well.
  2377. > The cake had been delicious.
  2378. > It had better have been, you had chosen it yourself.
  2379. > The rest of the ponies were...
  2380. > Well, not always enthused.
  2381. > But at least always cordial.
  2382. > It was better than could be expected, really.
  2383. > For some reason, though...
  2384. > Anon seemed to get more stressed as the evening went on.
  2385. > And as his stress got worse, so too did yours.
  2386. > Yet, you found some relief in closeness to one another.
  2387. > Like your feeling of happiness from the bond was competing with your amplified stress.
  2388. > But the unease remained.
  2389. > Even despite the two of you consuming more alcohol than was reasonable.
  2390. > It was the custom, after all.
  2391. > By the end of the night, you were both adequately 'smashed.'
  2392. > Fortunately, however, once you left...
  2393. > The stress both of you had bottled up just seemed to fade away.
  2395. > "I can't believe he said that. Like... I was right there!"
  2396. > A comment from a stallion about you.
  2397. > A compliment, really.
  2398. > If a little... crass.
  2399. > You were stunned, at the time.
  2400. > He had clearly drank far too much to make such a comment about his princess.
  2401. > But that wasn't the big part of it.
  2402. > Anon had almost drawn his sword.
  2403. > And threatened the stallion.
  2404. > Which prompted him to quickly leave.
  2405. > His quick response made you feel... hot.
  2406. > Loved.
  2407. > You and him were walking back from the ceremony.
  2408. > You knew your guards would be watching from afar.
  2409. > But you didn't much mind.
  2410. > It seemed a little chilly.
  2411. > He was probably cold.
  2412. > You wrapped your wing around his body.
  2413. > And snuggled your head against his shoulder.
  2414. > Carefully watching out for the horn.
  2415. "At least he didn't actually go out to grab them, like that mare with you..."
  2416. > He chuckled lightly.
  2417. > His arm wrapping around your neck as well.
  2418. > He looked down at you.
  2419. > You stared up at him.
  2420. > "Feeling jealous already, are we?"
  2421. > You were.
  2422. > But so was he, you think.
  2423. > You still stuck out your tongue at that.
  2424. > To which he stuck out his back.
  2425. > This all felt so right.
  2426. > You hoped this wasn't just the fresh bond.
  2427. > That you two would feel like this forever.
  2428. > You could...
  2429. > You could probably seal that deal tonight.
  2430. > It was when a couple was supposed to... be intimate, after all.
  2431. > The first night after the marriage.
  2432. > Plus, you knew Anon was comfortable with doing that so soon after meeting someone.
  2433. > And last night he said it was just because you were unmarried he wanted the couch.
  2434. > Surely tonight would be fine.
  2435. > Surely.
  2436. > You resolved to try.
  2437. > Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  2439. > The second you entered your room, you pounced.
  2440. > Meeting lips with him, once again.
  2441. > There was little resistance.
  2442. > You had this.
  2443. > This was your opportunity.
  2444. > He felt the same.
  2445. > Yesterday's resistance was just nerves.
  2446. > You wrap your wings around him.
  2447. > And pull him close.
  2448. > Increasing the pressure, you gradually pushed him back with the kiss.
  2449. > Across the room.
  2450. > Until you both fell over onto the bed.
  2451. > You could feel the lust overtake you.
  2452. > Amplified immensely by the magic flowing through you.
  2453. > You could feel it within him.
  2454. > Your kiss grew in ferocity.
  2455. > Her rolled you over onto your back.
  2456. > Returning the kiss with all of the strength you had put into yours.
  2457. > But you wouldn't be outdone.
  2458. > You flipped him back over onto his back.
  2459. > Breathing heavily, you stared at one another.
  2460. > Barely an inch between you.
  2461. > You captured his lips once more.
  2462. > And as you did...
  2463. > You reached out with your magic for his belt.
  2464. > And undid the clasp.
  2465. > But the second you did...
  2466. > He froze.
  2467. > His eyes wide.
  2468. > His hands braced against you.
  2469. > No...
  2470. > You had done everything right...
  2471. > You could feel revulsion flow through him.
  2472. > He suddenly pushed you back.
  2473. > And shoved you right off the bed.
  2474. > You fell and hit the ground with a loud thud.
  2475. > And laid there.
  2476. > In stunned silence.
  2477. > As you heard him throw up off the other side of the bed.
  2479. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2481. "Sorry..."
  2482. > You are Anon.
  2483. > And fuck.
  2484. > You didn't think she was actually going to try that.
  2485. > And...
  2486. > You sort of had a bit of a panic attack.
  2487. > You'd never felt anything like that before.
  2488. > An immense, sudden wave of fear and panic.
  2489. > But he brief feeling of disgust which had washed over you when you felt your belt unbuckle...
  2490. > All the feelings of anger and sickness from the past day...
  2491. > It was like they were magnified a million times over.
  2492. > And you felt like you needed to escape.
  2493. > Immediately.
  2494. > All of your emotions have been extreme since the marriage.
  2495. > You suspect it had something to do with the bond.
  2496. > You kept mixing up your feelings and Celestia's.
  2497. > And you couldn't separate yours from hers.
  2498. > When you had that brief moment of doubt...
  2499. > It had bounced back into one in her.
  2500. > And it was like they had fed into one another.
  2501. > Until you could handle it no more.
  2502. > But it was messing with your head.
  2503. > You felt like a damn manic depressive.
  2504. > Bouncing from extreme happiness to sadness.
  2505. > And you couldn't handle it.
  2506. > You couldn't understand it.
  2507. > You roll back over onto your back, in the middle of the bed.
  2508. > The sheets smelled like her.
  2509. > The scent was comforting.
  2510. > Everything about her feels comforting.
  2511. > Like you're meant to be with her.
  2512. > You don't understand what went wrong...
  2513. > You had felt so...
  2514. > Right.
  2515. > Like you could do this with her.
  2516. > Like it didn't matter what she was.
  2517. > Until that sudden moment of doubt.
  2518. > And it overwhelmed you entirely in an instant.
  2520. > Celestia is silent.
  2521. > You needed to fix this.
  2522. > You needed to lie.
  2523. > A lot.
  2524. > You roll over, looking down from the bed at her.
  2525. > She's staring forward.
  2526. > A heartbreaking expression of defeat on her face.
  2527. > You needed to fix this.
  2528. "It... It's just the alcohol, I-"
  2529. > You cough.
  2530. > Your voice is distressed from the violent betrayal of your stomach.
  2531. > You intend to continue with your explanation.
  2532. > But the interruption gives Celestia time to speak.
  2533. > "No... It's not. I felt it... the disgust, when you... When I..."
  2534. > Oh Gods.
  2535. > The sniffles.
  2536. > She's about to cry.
  2537. "I... I'm sorry, I just..."
  2538. > She raises up a wingtip to silence you.
  2539. > As she stares up at you.
  2540. > That same sobering expression on her face.
  2541. > "You don't need to be sorry, Anon. I do. I know I..."
  2542. > A hiccup.
  2543. > A sob.
  2544. > "Repulse you. I shouldn't have tried to do that."
  2545. > The tears begin to fall.
  2546. > You try to express that she doesn't.
  2547. > But the words don't come.
  2548. > All that does is a stutter.
  2549. > In the moment, you had found her the most beautiful thing in the world.
  2550. > But your mind wouldn't let you lock away what she represented.
  2551. > And what you represented.
  2552. > You can feel her feelings of inadequacy.
  2553. > Her worries about her own self worth.
  2554. > You want to assure her that the problem wasn't with her.
  2555. > You knew the feelings quite well.
  2556. > You had been feeling them yourself.
  2557. > It was your feelings that were the problem.
  2558. > 'You're not worthy of her.'
  2559. > You needed to get away from here.
  2560. > There was some kind of negative emotional loop between you right now.
  2561. > And you were only making one another feel worse.
  2563. "I think... I should go, for now..."
  2564. > You felt panic spring into Celestia.
  2565. > You saw it, in fact.
  2566. > As she got up and tried to get close to you.
  2567. > "Please, Anon. No. I... I'll leave you alone. I'll sleep on the floor. Whatever you need to feel comfortable."
  2568. > Her horn lights up.
  2569. > And the mess you made evaporates immediately.
  2570. > "We can pretend this never happened. We can just roll back the clock..."
  2571. > She's practically begging you.
  2572. > Looking up at you with those shimmering violet eyes.
  2573. > Those crying eyes.
  2574. > "Just... Don't go. Please don't go. Not right now, on our first night married."
  2575. > You can feel crushing guilt settling in your chest.
  2576. > Both your own guilt...
  2577. > And that which Celestia felt.
  2578. > It crushed you to do this.
  2579. > You sat up, and moved out of the bed.
  2580. > Your head was throbbing now.
  2581. > You had never been familiar with the sickness associated with alcohol.
  2582. > But you suspected this sickness had nothing to do with that.
  2583. "I just need some fresh air. I think it'll do both of us some good to... be apart."
  2584. > Moving toward the door, you feel her magic encapsulate your hand.
  2585. > Holding you back.
  2586. > You can't bring yourself to look at her.
  2587. > Because you knew you would lose the will to leave.
  2588. > This was for the best.
  2589. > "Please... Anon. I'll do anything."
  2590. > You pull on her magic.
  2591. > She doesn't fight you.
  2592. > The aura fades immediately.
  2593. "I'll be back soon, Cel. I just... We need some space, to relax."
  2594. > You hoped using a nickname might help.
  2595. > Might indicate that you weren't leaving.
  2596. > But you couldn't stay here.
  2597. > The bond was fucking with you something fierce.
  2598. > And so, you walk out the door.
  2599. > And shut it behind you.
  2600. > Leaving her sniffles behind.
  2601. > And plunging you into silence.
  2603. > You lean over the railing to the balcony.
  2604. > Your heart ached with an intense pain.
  2605. > The bond was screwing with you.
  2606. > The further away from her you got, the more it ached.
  2607. > You tried to swallow the pain.
  2608. > You hoped she wasn't feeling this too.
  2609. > But you knew that was a naive assumption.
  2610. > Either way, the fresh air had proven to be good for you.
  2611. > Gave you the opportunity to think.
  2612. > As you stared out at the castle gardens, you could see guards patrolling.
  2613. > You had passed a pair on your way here.
  2614. > They had bowed to you briefly.
  2615. > But you had barely been cognizant of them.
  2616. > You had just been focused on finding a place to be isolated.
  2617. > "Well now you're isolated, my prince."
  2618. > Fear.
  2619. > Intense fear.
  2620. > It overwhelms you.
  2621. > That voice came from right beside your ear.
  2622. > It was feminine.
  2623. > Yet when you whip around, there's no one there.
  2624. "Who's there?"
  2625. > The room to which this balcony is attached fills rapidly with darkness.
  2626. > The moon is blocked out above you, by clouds.
  2627. > You're shrouded in the dark.
  2628. > You hadn't felt terror like this before.
  2629. > Pure terror.
  2630. > It shook you to your core.
  2631. > "A friend. Just relax..."
  2632. > Whipping around again, you can't spot where the voice is coming from.
  2633. > It seems to be coming from all directions.
  2634. > You draw your blade from it's sheath.
  2635. "Show yourself!"
  2636. > A deep laugh.
  2637. > And a pony emerges from the shadows.
  2638. > Cloaked.
  2639. > It bows before you.
  2640. > And you feel intense drowsiness overtake you.
  2641. > "As you wish, my prince."
  2642. > You fall back against the railing of the balcony.
  2643. > Dropping your blade.
  2644. > Exhaustion spreading through you.
  2645. > As the mare approaches you, you can see her eyes glowing.
  2646. > Those slitted teal eyes.
  2647. > Like a dragon's eyes on a pony.
  2648. > "Sleep."
  2649. > And like that, your consciousness fades.
  2651. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2653. > Slowly, steadily, you begin to regain your senses.
  2654. > Your head still throbs through it all.
  2655. > Smell comes first, oddly enough.
  2656. > The smell of moss and rot.
  2657. > You scrunch up your nose at it.
  2658. > Following that, you regain your sense of touch.
  2659. > You can feel cold stones beneath you.
  2660. > They're wet.
  2661. > You're in a cavern of some kind.
  2662. > With taste, you can taste salt in the air.
  2663. > And with hearing, you hear the crash of waves.
  2664. > You're by the sea.
  2665. > But you can also hear a chant of some kind.
  2666. > You cannot recognize the words.
  2667. > But it is methodical, and repeating.
  2668. > A single voice.
  2669. > Blearily, you crack open your eyes.
  2670. > Dark spots cloud your vision.
  2671. > But you are struck by the scene before you.
  2672. > The cloaked mare, laid flat on the ground.
  2673. > Surrounded by a large circle of blue flame.
  2674. > It seems to be laid out in a pattern.
  2675. > Looking beyond her, you can see out of the mouth of the cave.
  2676. > To see the moon in the sky.
  2677. > She seems to be praying to it, or something.
  2678. > As you look down, you see no injuries.
  2679. > The feather remains around your neck.
  2680. > And your sword lies beside you.
  2681. > You're not bound, either.
  2682. > Just propped up against a rocky outcropping.
  2683. > You blearily try to reach for the blade.
  2684. > But intense lethargy is overwhelming you.
  2685. > As you swing your hand out for it, it just knocks the blade off a rock.
  2686. > And it clatters to the ground.
  2687. > In an instant, the chanting stops.
  2688. > And the mare turns her head.
  2689. > Those eyes...
  2690. > "You're awake!"
  2692. > Instantly, the flames disappear from around her.
  2693. > And she gets up, moving over toward you.
  2694. > "I'm so pleased. Our escape had been... Not as smooth as I would have liked."
  2695. > She's acting so...
  2696. > Familiar.
  2697. > You try to speak, but it barely comes out as a gasp.
  2698. "Where..."
  2699. > She shushes you.
  2700. > And lifts a waterskin up to your mouth.
  2701. > "Drink, you're probably a little dehydrated."
  2702. > You don't resist.
  2703. > Eagerly chugging down the water.
  2704. > Her glowing eyes have your attention the entire time.
  2705. > You've never seen anything like them.
  2706. > "I imagine you probably want an explanation of some kind."
  2707. > She has a sheepish smile on her face.
  2708. > You can make note of her features at this distance.
  2709. > Dark grey fur.
  2710. > A unicorn.
  2711. > Sharpened teeth.
  2712. > Above average height.
  2713. > Substantially, actually.
  2714. > She was almost at Luna's height, though not quite Celestia's.
  2715. > Eventually, after you've had your fill, she withdraws the waterskin.
  2716. > And begins to speak.
  2717. > "We're just outside of Canterlot, right now. Down by the Eqruscan River."
  2718. > She's being awfully accommodating for a kidnapper.
  2719. > That hopefully meant you were still relatively safe.
  2720. > Maybe.
  2721. > You cough, to clear your throat.
  2722. > A sympathetic look comes over her features.
  2723. > "I've taken you here because I think you might be more open to negotiation."
  2724. > Negotiation?
  2725. > What?
  2726. > "As you've probably guessed, I'm not really a pony. I'm a Dragon."
  2727. > ...
  2728. > Well now.
  2729. > This just got interesting.
  2731. "How?"
  2732. > She smiles.
  2733. > And raises a hoof, as she looks down at it.
  2734. > Inspecting it, almost.
  2735. > "This isn't actually me. It's some Canterlotian noblemare, although her body changed with the possession.
  2736. > "When we're done, I'll let her go."
  2737. > Mind control.
  2738. > That made this a lot more dangerous.
  2739. > You needed to be careful about your thoughts.
  2740. > Re-think every thought that crosses your mind.
  2741. > "Hopefully, you'll get to meet the real me soon."
  2742. > Hopefully, you got as far away as possible from her soon.
  2743. > Finally feeling up to more than one word questions, you ask.
  2744. "And who is the real you?"
  2745. > The hoof she's inspecting goes up to her chin, and she taps it.
  2746. > Before she seems to come to an epiphany.
  2747. > "Well, our names don't translate well into your language. name is something like Nightmare."
  2748. > Nightmare.
  2749. > A mare of the night?
  2750. > Is she Luna's body double or something?
  2751. > "But that's not important. What is important is what I can offer you. Freedom."
  2752. > Her hoof flicks at the feather.
  2753. > And as it does, sparks erupt.
  2754. > Showering the area.
  2755. "Freedom?"
  2756. > Back to the one word questions.
  2757. > They seemed the most appropriate.
  2758. > Seeing she peaked your interest, excitement falls over her features.
  2759. > "Freedom. I am a Queen in New Falwing, and... I'm here to offer you an alliance."
  2760. > New Falwing.
  2761. > The Empire which threatened your south border.
  2762. > You knew they had a number of Queens.
  2763. > But it was still... an interesting offer.
  2764. "And... why, precisely, are you offering this?"
  2765. > Her smile becomes more confident.
  2766. > As does her stride.
  2767. > She thinks she's won you over already.
  2768. > Her horn ignites.
  2769. > And a magical map of the world projects from it.
  2770. > Displaying Equestria, Aetherium, and New Falwing.
  2772. > "We have no interest in fighting Aetherium. But your father is irrationally upset about our conquests."
  2773. > "He is refusing to meet our diplomats. He sealed the Equestrian deal before even meeting with us."
  2774. > A line is drawn on the map.
  2775. > It traces the expansion of the Empire in recent months.
  2776. > "Our goal has been Equestria from the start. They... took something of great value from us."
  2777. > A somber expression falls over her features as she mentions that.
  2778. > Clearly this meant quite a bit.
  2779. > Or she was being manipulative.
  2780. > You were willing to put money on that possibility.
  2781. "What did you lose?"
  2782. > She looks back over to you.
  2783. > A conflicted look about her.
  2784. > She's deciding whether to tell the truth.
  2785. > That's a bad sign.
  2786. > She sighs.
  2787. > "I... I can't tell you until you agree. But it's really important to us. Central to our religious practice."
  2788. > An artifact, perhaps?
  2789. > You saw her chanting to the moon earlier.
  2790. > Maybe it had something to do with that.
  2791. > Perhaps it was relevant to Luna's ascension...
  2792. > Despite your inner turmoil, she continues her speech.
  2793. > "Anyway, if Aetherium leaves the alliance, and even better, joins us..."
  2794. > Equestria fades from the projection.
  2795. > And Aetherium takes over the land.
  2796. > Making Aetherium and New Falwing the two largest empires.
  2797. > "Then everybody wins. Humans get their revenge, we get our revenge, and the ponies face justice."
  2798. > She had clearly rehearsed this.
  2799. > It seemed too good to be true.
  2800. > And so you express the question.
  2801. "And why, Nightmare, should I trust a word you say?"
  2802. > At that, her smile returns.
  2803. > "Because... I'll seal the Alliance with you, with a bond."
  2804. > "And your father will have no choice but to cooperate."
  2805. > Interesting indeed....
  2807. "If you hadn't noticed, I already have one."
  2808. > She scoffs at that.
  2809. > And points a hoof at the feather.
  2810. > "I can break it for you. I know the spell, and it won't cost you anything."
  2811. > Luna had told you there was a great cost.
  2812. > You presumed her specific mention of 'you' in that meant...
  2813. > It would cost Celestia.
  2814. > Substantially.
  2815. > "I would require nothing of you for the bond. You could go on living your life as you pleased."
  2816. > Could you, though?
  2817. > This would require some serious betrayal...
  2818. > Betraying a nation.
  2819. > Nightmare moves forward, beside your ear.
  2820. > And whispers gently into it.
  2821. > "Your people win, you win, we win. The only losers are the Equestrians. And you know they deserve it."
  2822. > Did they, though?
  2823. > They were stuck up arses...
  2824. > But most of them didn't own humans in this era.
  2825. > Most of the ones who deserved it were long dead.
  2826. > But still...
  2827. > It was tempting.
  2828. > It was everything you wanted, handed to you.
  2829. > And more.
  2830. > Your people would respect you for beating their old foe.
  2831. > But the price...
  2832. > You knew you didn't love Celestia yet.
  2833. > "Just give me the permission to break your bond... And you can have it all."
  2834. > Her words are like honey in your ears.
  2835. > Your hand reaches up, and grips the feather.
  2836. > You look down at it.
  2837. > It's warm to the touch.
  2838. > Despite the chill in the air.
  2839. > Freedom.
  2840. > The respect of your people.
  2841. > The power of Falwing behind you.
  2842. > It was so tempting...
  2843. > You look into her eyes.
  2844. > Those terrifying, magnificent Draconic eyes.
  2845. > They seem so enticing...
  2846. > You could barely think while staring into them.
  2847. > You give your answer.
  2849. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  2851. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline."
  2852. > As you say it, her demeanour changes entirely.
  2853. > Her breath catches.
  2854. > Her eyes widen.
  2855. > She wasn't expecting that.
  2856. > But you couldn't do this to Celestia.
  2857. > Even beyond that...
  2858. > Something was just rubbing you wrong about this whole deal.
  2859. > She wasn't telling you everything.
  2860. > And you weren't sure all your thoughts were your own.
  2861. > This whole situation just seemed so surreal.
  2862. > You weren't even entirely sure what to say.
  2863. > But you knew you couldn't take that deal.
  2864. > "But... Anon, it's everything you want."
  2865. > You gesture with your hand.
  2866. > Time to go with the flow.
  2867. "Not really. But I'm still willing to help make restitution for however my people wronged you."
  2868. > You raise your hand, and put it on Nightmare's shoulder.
  2869. > Her head turns to look at your hand.
  2870. > She's slack-jawed.
  2871. > And on autopilot, it seems.
  2872. > "Your... people?"
  2873. > Oh.
  2874. > Well, you supposed that turn of phrase didn't work.
  2875. > In this context, anyway.
  2876. "My ponies, sorry. Still new to this. But I am their prince, after all."
  2877. > You offer her a sympathetic smile.
  2878. > She clearly had not expected this.
  2879. > But a seriousness overtakes her features.
  2880. > "I... I implore you to reconsider. Please."
  2881. > There's a desperation in her voice.
  2882. > And the teeniest edge of a threat behind it.
  2883. > You suspected the wrong answer could upset her.
  2884. > And you don't want to deal with an upset dragon.
  2885. > You needed to do something...
  2886. > Something drastic.
  2887. > Something you uniquely were skilled at.
  2889. > You gotta let her down easy.
  2890. > You were a champion of doing that.
  2891. > Just not usually with such high stakes.
  2892. > It's time to lay on the charm.
  2893. > You could charm anyone.
  2894. > Your arm shoots up on her shoulder, patting it.
  2895. "I mean, not that you're not beautiful. You're stunning! If I wasn't already with someone, I'd definitely be with you."
  2896. > Layin' it on a bit thick.
  2897. > But Dragons probably like it a bit thick.
  2898. > They were known for their egos.
  2899. "But I'm kinda already married. I mean, you knew that when we started this."
  2900. > You give her a sympathetic smile.
  2901. > She's still staring at you, slack-jawed, her face riddled with disbelief.
  2902. > Damn those fangs are scary.
  2903. "And I sort of swore an oath, so you know. But still, friends?"
  2904. > You offer her a smile.
  2905. > And a handshake.
  2906. > Hoofshake?
  2907. > She blinks.
  2908. > And blinks again.
  2909. > "...I'm afraid that answer is unacceptable, my Prince."
  2910. > Well fuck.
  2911. > You had hoped it wouldn't go this way.
  2912. > Seems you would need to take action, not just words.
  2913. > "Perhaps... Perhaps you just haven't seen properly what monsters the Equestrians are."
  2914. > She gets close back up to you.
  2915. > Her voice whispering in your ear again.
  2916. > "I... I'll show you."
  2917. > You can feel the drowsiness overcoming you again.
  2918. > Her soft fur resting beside your face.
  2919. > Your hand reaches out to your side.
  2920. > "Sle-"
  2921. > And mid-phrase, you push her back.
  2922. > Interrupting her spell.
  2923. > And grab your sword.
  2924. > And point it at her neck.
  2925. "No, I don't think I will sleep. I think I'll be leaving now."
  2926. > Slowly, you push yourself up from against the wall, to a standing position.
  2927. > Once again, shock across her face.
  2928. > She looks down to the blade.
  2929. > Then back up at you.
  2930. > A look of anger crosses her features.
  2931. > Uh oh.
  2932. > You were hoping for intimidation.
  2934. > "You wouldn't kill me. You would be killing an innocent."
  2935. > She had a point.
  2936. > You hadn't intended to kill her anyway.
  2937. > Just... bluff.
  2938. > And it seems you have been called.
  2939. > "I know you're better than that, Anonymous. Just... please, cooperate."
  2940. > You feel her magic rolling up over you.
  2941. > Her horn glowing softly.
  2942. > You never were terribly good at taking orders.
  2943. > You flick your sword up with your wrist.
  2944. > The blade tip scores her horn.
  2945. > And interrupts the spell it was channelling.
  2946. > A bright light erupts from it, covering the cave.
  2947. > She screams out in pain.
  2948. > And falls back, lightning crackling from her horn.
  2949. > Using the distraction, you roll off to the side.
  2950. > And dive into the river.
  2951. > Falling as low as you can to minimize your visibility, you begin to try and move away.
  2952. > But you know she won't let you go that easily.
  2953. > Even through the water, you can feel the vibrations.
  2954. > That roar.
  2955. > By the Gods.
  2956. > You let the currents carry you, attempting to stay under water.
  2957. > But you quickly feel magic wrap around you.
  2958. > And pull you out of the water, suspending you in the air.
  2959. > Over the river.
  2960. > You see her on the bank glaring up at you.
  2961. > Her horn crackling with power.
  2962. > Judging by the look on her face, maintaining this spell is not comfortable.
  2963. > She pulls you over to the bank, and then holds you to the ground.
  2964. > As she moves over top of you.
  2965. > Staring down at you with the sort of disappointed look only a mother could give.
  2966. > "Anonymous. I really didn't want to have to do this. But you've left me no choice."
  2967. > Her horn connects with your forehead.
  2968. > And you feel a presence in your mind.
  2969. > It spreads a burn through your body.
  2971. > "I'll show you what monsters they are. And then... When we next meet, you will agree."
  2972. > Whatever she's doing hurts like nothing you've ever experienced.
  2973. > You can't think straight.
  2974. > You attempt to scream, but your lungs are empty of air.
  2975. > You can't do anything.
  2976. > But lie there and take it as the spell rips at your mind.
  2977. > "I won't let them hurt you too bad... But you need to learn."
  2978. > Her voice is soothing.
  2979. > The words making the pain of the intrusion lessen.
  2980. > "Let me in..."
  2981. > You reach out for the voice.
  2982. > For any words.
  2983. > To make the pain go away.
  2984. > And let down your defences.
  2985. > Complying with what the voice wants.
  2986. > And then, you feel nothing.
  2987. > Slowly, but surely, you begin to forget the events of this evening.
  2988. > You can't remember what happened after you left Celestia...
  2989. > You can't remember the cave...
  2990. > You can't remember the mare in the cave...
  2991. > You can't remember her name.
  2992. > But, in the place of those memories...
  2993. > A new voice emerges to answer them.
  2994. > Why am I here?
  2995. > You were ambushed by the guards... They're taking you away.
  2996. > Why did they attack you?
  2997. > Because they hate you... All Equestrians do...
  2998. > Who is this voice?
  2999. > She's your friend... Remember the voice.
  3000. > Where is Celestia?
  3001. > She abandoned you... You knew she would.
  3002. > Why?
  3003. > Because she hates you... You stole her freedom.
  3004. > Why does it hurt?
  3005. > Because it needs to hurt before it gets better... And it's going to get better.
  3006. > And like that.
  3007. > The voice says one final word.
  3008. > "Sleep."
  3010. -----------------------------------------
  3012. > Periodically, you feel your consciousness return.
  3013. > But it never stays for long.
  3014. > Fading in and out of your senses returning to you.
  3015. > Every time your consciousness returns, you're barely cognizant of the world around you.
  3016. > A loud whine echoing in your ears.
  3017. > You can see, although your vision is darkened around the edges, that you're being moved.
  3018. > Hovered in the air, in a magic grip.
  3019. > By an Equestrian guard.
  3020. > A mare, you think.
  3021. > Her armour shines brilliantly against the dim light.
  3022. > Much better off than you, at least.
  3023. > Somewhere along the process of capturing you, it seems they removed your clothes.
  3024. > Apart from your boxer-shorts.
  3025. > Seemed to be a trend to you to expose your body to these ponies.
  3026. > Although this time it was not by choice.
  3027. > Periodically, the guard looks up at you.
  3028. > You can't make out the features very well of her body...
  3029. > But she must be a unicorn.
  3030. > She raises a hoof to your neck.
  3031. > Must be to check your pulse...
  3032. > Her eyes look weird...
  3033. > Like the teal extends outside the iris.
  3034. > But you can't make out the details.
  3035. > Everything is blurry.
  3036. > It feels like you've drank far too much.
  3037. > From time to time, you see her talking to ponies.
  3038. > But you can barely make out the words over the ringing in your ears.
  3039. > "... Why does... need it..."
  3040. > What did you need?
  3041. > "... All entrants... identification..."
  3042. > Entrants to where?
  3043. > "Somewhere private..."
  3044. > No...
  3045. > They can't leave you with her.
  3046. > She attacked you...
  3047. > Why did the guards turn on you...
  3048. > You feel the magic slip away.
  3049. > And you land roughly on a stone floor.
  3050. > This room is too hot...
  3052. > Vaguely, you're aware of the guard talking to somepony.
  3053. > This is your chance...
  3054. > You try to push yourself up, but your muscles won't respond.
  3055. > They feel too heavy.
  3056. > Your body just lays there useless.
  3057. > Until you hear that voice...
  3058. > The comforting voice...
  3059. > It echoes in your ear.
  3060. > "I'm sorry, but I have to do this."
  3061. > Why did she have to do this...
  3062. > Because it has to hurt before it gets better.
  3063. > And as the words echo through your mind.
  3064. > An immense pain spikes through you.
  3065. > Your neck.
  3066. > It burns like nothing you've ever felt.
  3067. > You let out a primal scream.
  3068. > But you can't hear it over the ringing.
  3069. > You can't do anything.
  3070. > Your muscles spasm throughout you.
  3071. > The pain slowly moves along your neck.
  3072. > A methodical, pin-point flare shifting around.
  3073. > Desperately, you try to move.
  3074. > To shove yourself away from her.
  3075. > Your muscles barely respond.
  3076. > The intense shock of the pain preventing them.
  3077. > You attempt to force yourself to overcome it.
  3078. > And briefly achieve some success.
  3079. > But the magic hold of the guard returns.
  3080. > And it holds you firmly in place.
  3081. > Uncontrollably seizing on the ground.
  3082. > The voice returns amidst the pain.
  3083. > It is like a cool breath of air on your neck.
  3084. > Contrasting with the intense heat and pain.
  3085. > "Sleep..."
  3086. > You begin to feel what little grip on consciousness you had slip away.
  3087. > It is a merciful reprieve.
  3089. > When you next gain consciousness, it feels much more solid.
  3090. > The ringing has stopped, mostly.
  3091. > Your vision is filled with spots, but is clearing up.
  3092. > Your neck still hurts.
  3093. > Immensely.
  3094. > And you're still naked.
  3095. > Mostly.
  3096. > You can see the feather still proudly sitting on your now-bare chest.
  3097. > And a pair of boxer shorts protecting your pride.
  3098. > But now, you're sitting in a cell of some kind.
  3099. > On a bench.
  3100. > You can see out through a set of bars ahead of you.
  3101. > But not well, your vision isn't entirely clear.
  3102. > Tentatively, your hand reaches behind your neck.
  3103. > You can feel the skin raised there.
  3104. > It burns to the touch.
  3105. > Jolts of pain flare through your body as your finger touches it.
  3106. > But you trace the outline of the burn.
  3107. > A crescent moon.
  3108. > You've been branded.
  3109. > By somepony other than Celestia, no less.
  3110. > Celestia...
  3111. > Why would she leave you to them...
  3112. > Was this her doing?
  3113. > To pin you off on someone else?
  3114. > A crescent moon...
  3115. > Luna's Cutie Mark.
  3116. > Was this an attempt to get you out of her sight, now that she had her alliance?
  3117. > Pin you off on her sister?
  3118. > As your hearing begins to return, you can hear the roars of a crowd.
  3119. > Some sort of event is happening.
  3120. > Something exciting.
  3121. > You can hear a clash of blades.
  3122. > Are you at Tourney?
  3123. > Why the hell would you be at a tournament...
  3124. > Equestrians didn't hold tournaments.
  3125. > Their kind were horrid at proper combat.
  3126. > Rolling onto your stomach, you pull yourself forward.
  3127. > Until you reach the bars.
  3128. > And gaze out into the room.
  3129. > By the Gods...
  3130. > It's an arena.
  3132. > Two humans were out there, fighting one another.
  3133. > Both males.
  3134. > Both are mostly naked, like yourself.
  3135. > And both severely malnourished.
  3136. > You can see their ribs exposed.
  3137. > They can barely lift the weaponry they've been given.
  3138. > One, a spiked mace.
  3139. > The other, a shortsword.
  3140. > Neither had been trained in combat, that much was obvious.
  3141. > They were clumsily heaving the weapons towards one another.
  3142. > No efforts to block or dodge, just rampantly seeking to maximize damage.
  3143. > They were like animals.
  3144. > Eventually, the one with the shortsword manages to get it lodged in the chest of the mace-wielder.
  3145. > The crowd goes insane at that.
  3146. > And you see something thrown into the arena.
  3147. > A hunk of raw meat.
  3148. > The victor is bleeding profusely from the head.
  3149. > But nonetheless, he kneels down and begins to devour it.
  3150. > He needs medical treatment.
  3151. > He's going to die.
  3152. > "And next up, we have a special treat! A prime specimen of a human, donated by the Royal Guard!"
  3153. > "The Lunar Templar!"
  3154. > That... sounded bad.
  3155. > You were brought here by a royal guard.
  3156. > And had a moon on your neck.
  3157. > Desperately, you look around your small cell.
  3158. > And you spot your sword.
  3159. > At least they let you keep that.
  3160. > You move towards it, and pick it up.
  3161. > As you rise up to a standing position, you still feel dizzy.
  3162. > Slowly, the gates rise.
  3163. > And you move out into the arena.
  3164. > Your eyes scan the crowd.
  3165. > All Equestrians.
  3166. > You can see the guard who captured you directly across from you.
  3167. > Grey fur, blonde hair, teal eyes.
  3168. > Remember how she looks.
  3169. > You'll need to report her to...
  3170. > Someone.
  3171. > You might not have any options if Celestia ordered this.
  3172. > But, your attention was needed elsewhere.
  3173. > The victor of the last round has finished his meal.
  3174. > And is now rising up with his weapon.
  3175. > This wasn't good.
  3176. "I don't want to hurt you..."
  3177. > He doesn't even seem to understand the words.
  3178. > As he begins a reckless charge in your direction.
  3180. --------------------------------------------------------
  3182. > You still feel sluggish.
  3183. > Like you can't properly sort out your thoughts.
  3184. > Everything just seems so surreal.
  3185. > The ponies blur into a blob around you.
  3186. > Your mind focusing in on the person charging you.
  3187. > You knew you should be reacting.
  3188. > But everything seems to dilate.
  3189. > Slow down.
  3190. > You can make out the features of his face clearly.
  3191. > Unshaven.
  3192. > Uncleaned.
  3193. > His teeth rotting.
  3194. > His skin loosely hanging over his bones.
  3195. > This was clearly not some kind of new capture like yourself.
  3196. > He had been here a long time.
  3197. > Or somewhere like here, at the very least.
  3198. > You look down at your hand.
  3199. > It's all so blurry.
  3200. > Focus.
  3201. > Focus on survival.
  3202. > But it's so hard to focus...
  3203. > As you look back up, you see him excessively close.
  3204. > Too close for you to react.
  3205. > As the short sword cuts clean across your cheek.
  3206. > And right across your nose.
  3207. > A splash of blood gushes from you.
  3208. > And the sudden panic shoots your reaction into overdrive.
  3209. > Immediately, you drop low.
  3210. > His rebound slice going right over you.
  3211. > And you bring around your leg, knocking his out from under him.
  3212. > As he falls, he drops his blade.
  3213. > And you catch it in your left-hand.
  3214. > As you pirouette, you rise back up to land a foot on his throat.
  3215. > Pointing your blade in your right hand down at his face.
  3216. > A look of pure shock on his features.
  3217. "Stay. Down."
  3218. > You're not sure if he understands the words.
  3219. > But he clearly understands the meaning.
  3220. > Going limp beneath your foot.
  3221. > The crowd is going insane.
  3222. > Your feather is glowing a dim yellow light.
  3223. > Focus.
  3225. > The loud voice once again permeates the room.
  3226. > "And the Templar takes him down with only minimal injuries!"
  3227. > Minimal injuries?
  3228. > He maimed your face!
  3229. > As you rise your hand up, you wipe off the blood.
  3230. > The cut was pretty deep.
  3231. > Not life-threatening, but still.
  3232. > It would leave one hell of a scar.
  3233. > And your nose would be disfigured by it.
  3234. > You supposed it was irrelevant at this point.
  3235. > You were already married.
  3236. > You could get fat and ugly now.
  3237. > And Celestia could fucking deal with it after this.
  3238. > It would be her fault, after all.
  3239. > Her damn guard took you here.
  3240. > You look up to her.
  3241. > She's still there.
  3242. > Expressionless.
  3243. > You'd have to find her too.
  3244. > Assuming you ever made it out of here, that is.
  3245. > You refocus your attention on your surroundings.
  3246. > As you look around, you see the crowd chanting.
  3247. > A phrase you didn't like.
  3248. > "Kill him! Kill him!"
  3249. > As you look back down at the poor excuse for a human beneath your foot, you feel empathy.
  3250. > He's clearly had a torturous life.
  3251. > Finishing him would be a mercy.
  3252. > But...
  3253. > You can't be the one to grant it.
  3254. > You've never taken a life before.
  3255. > And you're sure as shit not going to do it for the pleasure of these sadists.
  3256. > You remove your foot from his throat.
  3257. > And move away.
  3258. > Still holding both blades.
  3259. > "And he opts for mercy! We'll see how that pays off..."
  3260. > Booing erupts from the crowd.
  3261. > And they start throwing debris at you.
  3262. > All sorts of garbage.
  3263. > It bounces off of you.
  3264. > Who the hell...
  3265. > Who throws a whole head of lettuce?
  3266. > Fucking ponies.
  3268. "Stop this madness at once! I am your prince!"
  3269. > Your voice barely carried over the crowd.
  3270. > But some ponies nearby to you respond.
  3271. > From just beyond the raised wall of the arena.
  3272. > You hear a voice laughing.
  3273. > "And I'm the Emperor of Gryphonia!"
  3274. > Rage fills your heart.
  3275. > Condescending fuck.
  3276. > You spot the pony who said it in the audience.
  3277. > Earth pony.
  3278. > Brown fur.
  3279. > Black hair.
  3280. > What looked to be an eyeball for a Cutie Mark.
  3281. > You were going to find him once you got through this.
  3282. > You hear the grinding of metal once again.
  3283. > A lot.
  3284. > Three doors.
  3285. > And three more mangy looking humans emerge.
  3286. > As you're looking at the three new humans, the one on the ground scurries off.
  3287. > Over to the dead body.
  3288. > Where he picks up the spiked mace.
  3289. > And looks back over to you.
  3290. > Motherfucker.
  3291. > You spared his goddamn life.
  3292. > You ready the blades once again.
  3293. > They have a variety of weapons.
  3294. > One even has a shield.
  3295. > This would be difficult.
  3296. > They charge with abandon again.
  3297. > Maybe it wouldn't be so difficult.
  3298. > A shield isn't much use if you have no idea how to use it.
  3299. > You steady yourself for their approach.
  3300. > Four on one.
  3301. > You'd faced worse odds.
  3302. > Picked up four ladies at once, that is.
  3303. > Not quite the same.
  3304. > But similar enough.
  3305. > Don't think, just do.
  3307. > As the shield-equipped one reaches you first, you kick forward.
  3308. > Pushing the shield up against him.
  3309. > His arm lets out a sickening crack.
  3310. > You broke it with a simple kick.
  3311. > They're like tissue.
  3312. > All of them.
  3313. > Barely skeletons charging after you.
  3314. > As he falls back, crying out in pain, he pushes into another one.
  3315. > Sending them both off balance and to the ground.
  3316. > This was just pathetic.
  3317. > As the third one and the one you fought earlier approach, You move back and adopt a defensive stance.
  3318. > Spiked mace, and a flail.
  3319. > As they move in to strike, you begin hopping from foot to foot.
  3320. > Had to stay mobile.
  3321. > The one with the flail makes a move first.
  3322. > Swinging it wildly.
  3323. > Waiting for the perfect moment, you jab with the shortsword.
  3324. > It catches the chain, and the flail wraps around it.
  3325. > Pulling him close, you swing the longsword around the back of him.
  3326. > And slice cleanly through his calves.
  3327. > He screams out in pain.
  3328. > And you push him back, sending him hurtling to the ground.
  3329. > The shortsword, still wrapped in the flail, is pulled away with him.
  3330. > And you move away, abandoning the shortsword.
  3331. > You knew he wouldn't be getting back up.
  3332. > You weren't going to kill...
  3333. > But you clearly had no choice but to incapacitate.
  3334. > As the one with the spiked mace advances, you deflect his strikes with the sword.
  3335. > It's an easy task.
  3336. > He puts no force behind them.
  3337. > But it takes a while before you can spot an opportune moment to incapacitate him.
  3338. > Plenty of opportunities for killing wounds.
  3339. > But not for ones he could recover from.
  3340. > And in that time, you get blindsided.
  3341. > A club with a nail in it strikes your left arm.
  3342. > Puncturing clear through the muscle.
  3343. > And out the other side.
  3344. > You scream out in pain.
  3345. > And swing around the sword on reflex.
  3346. > Neatly severing the head of the bastard with the club.
  3347. > Dimly, you hear the crowd erupt in cheers.
  3348. > And the one with the spiked mace charging at you.
  3349. > But all you can do is stare.
  3350. > Stare at the head as it falls to the ground.
  3352. > It's surreal, as you look at it.
  3353. > Your body is still on autopilot, and your right arm moves to remove the club from your arm.
  3354. > Pulling it out with intense effort.
  3355. > Blood pours freely from the open wound.
  3356. > You could give no quarter here.
  3357. > Attempting to only look for incapacitating wounds is incapacitating you.
  3358. > With only one good arm, you barely stood a chance at survival.
  3359. > Much less winning this handily.
  3360. > Deftly, you raise your blade.
  3361. > Putting strength behind it, you casually knock the charging attacker's mace off to the side.
  3362. > And as his momentum carries him forward, you swing the sword back.
  3363. > It neatly cuts across his neck as it comes back on the rebound from the mace.
  3364. > The blood which comes forth oozes, rather than spraying.
  3365. > It's thick, viscous.
  3366. > He's dehydrated.
  3367. > But you supposed that hardly mattered now.
  3368. > As he collapses against your legs.
  3369. > "Templar! Templar! Templar!"
  3370. > The crowd is chanting your name.
  3371. > Seems they want blood.
  3372. > Unfortunately, you had little choice.
  3373. > The one nursing the broken arm is still on the ground whimpering.
  3374. > You move over to him.
  3375. > And neatly sever the tendons in his leg as well.
  3376. > Before roughly pulling the shield from his arm.
  3377. > And attaching it to your bad arm.
  3378. > You still had enough of a range of motion that it would be helpful.
  3379. > Your focus is sharp.
  3380. > But your body remains beyond your control.
  3381. > Focusing in on important sounds.
  3382. > Like the scratch of metal again.
  3383. > But this time, it's only one gate.
  3384. > But it only had to be one.
  3385. > "Seems like we need a tougher challenger! Let's introduce the Templar to the Mountain!"
  3386. > Looking over, there's a hulking leviathan of a man.
  3387. > Easily seven feet.
  3388. > He's muscular, but not healthily so.
  3389. > Some sort of magical enhancement, had to be.
  3390. > His body is weirdly deformed, muscular in some spots...
  3391. > And withered and weak in others.
  3392. > His right arm immensely strong.
  3393. > His left a husk.
  3394. > But, you supposed he didn't terribly need it.
  3395. > He was holding a massive warhammer in the one hand.
  3396. > This... Was going to be unfortunate.
  3398. > You look out to the crowd.
  3399. > Easily a hundred ponies in the room.
  3400. > Roughly the same you had seen at Celestia's court, actually.
  3401. "You Gods-forsaken Sadists! I'll find every damn one of you for this!"
  3402. > Laughs erupt.
  3403. > This fucking country.
  3404. > Monsters, the lot of them.
  3405. > The stories had been true.
  3406. > Cheering for the slaughter of humans.
  3407. > Cheering for murder.
  3408. > Looking down at your hands, it sickens you how bloodied they are.
  3409. > Illuminated by the bright glowing light of the feather.
  3410. > Even if it's only your own blood, it repulsed you.
  3411. > Since the blood of these... humans...
  3412. > Creatures.
  3413. > They didn't qualify as humans at this point.
  3414. > They had been denied that privilege.
  3415. > Their blood wasn't on you.
  3416. > Physically.
  3417. > But it was staining your mind.
  3418. > You were doing them a courtesy.
  3419. > But the thought was bitter in your mouth.
  3420. > You lock eyes with the guard.
  3421. > She's still there.
  3422. > But her stoney expression is gone.
  3423. > Now a look of panic covers her features, as she stares off at a wall.
  3424. > Not even going to watch you win?
  3425. > How discourteous.
  3426. > You look back over to the hulking beast.
  3427. > The Mountain.
  3428. > He certainly qualified for that title.
  3429. > Time slows down once again as you stare over at him.
  3430. > You would want to keep on his right side.
  3431. > He wouldn't be able to effectively maneuver the hammer if you stayed close.
  3432. > Blade into that arm, and he's done.
  3433. > He wouldn't be able to take you once that arm was incapacitated.
  3434. > But you needed to be the one to engage.
  3435. > And with that, you begin a charge.
  3436. > Running to get close.
  3437. > Your eyes focused on his arm.
  3438. > Watching for the movement of his muscle.
  3439. > Ready to adjust at a moment's notice.
  3441. > You slide under his first swing.
  3442. > And slide forward, using your momentum.
  3443. > And bring up your blade.
  3444. > The cut goes right along the arm.
  3445. > Perfect.
  3446. > Blood sprays out on you this time.
  3447. > A more appropriate reaction to getting cut so severely, you thought.
  3448. > As your slide stops
  3449. > You turn around, and jump up.
  3450. > Sliding your blade right through his shoulder.
  3451. > That would be this fucker out of commission.
  3452. > As you brace your feet against his back, and try to pull the blade out...
  3453. > You catch resistance.
  3454. > The unexpected nature of it causes you to let go of your sword.
  3455. > And fall to the ground.
  3456. > As your falling, you see his weak arm gripping the sword.
  3457. > He had pulled it in to stop you.
  3458. > The wind is knocked out of your lungs as you land.
  3459. > You try, quickly, to raise back up.
  3460. > But it's already too late.
  3461. > The mace comes from the side, and nails you in the ribs.
  3462. > Sending you flying across the arena.
  3463. > You roll to a stop, in a hump.
  3464. > You desperately try to raise yourself back up...
  3465. > But you can't.
  3466. > Your ribs are shattered, no question.
  3467. > You attempt to gaze back over at the guard.
  3468. > But you notice she's gone.
  3469. > That bitch doesn't even have the courtesy to watch you die.
  3470. > You feel the earth quake with every step the mountain takes.
  3471. > Until you can see him from your lying position.
  3472. > He pulls your sword out of his shoulder, and casts it aside.
  3473. > Using what appeared to be his weak arm, he lifts up the gargantuan hammer.
  3474. > And begins to bring it down.
  3475. > And it collides with the feather, now levitating above your chest.
  3476. > Confusion spreads across his features, looking down at the little necklace.
  3477. > When an immense shockwave knocks him off balance.
  3478. > And flying out of your field of view.
  3479. > The entire arena blows sideways, the bars collapsing off the sides of the wall.
  3480. > The stone walls beneath the bars crumbling into dust.
  3481. > And the bars themselves flying through the air.
  3482. > The sandy floor beneath you flying off into a sandstorm.
  3483. > And through it all...
  3484. > You hear a voice.
  3485. > Louder than any you've ever heard.
  3486. > "Where. Is. He."
  3488. ------------------------------------------------------------
  3490. > As the dust begins to clear, you can see the chaos.
  3491. > Ponies running like crazy.
  3492. > The arena is destroyed.
  3493. > Everything, except for you, blown to the far wall in a heap.
  3494. > Except...
  3495. > You can't see any of the human bodies.
  3496. > You're grateful for that.
  3497. > But it strikes you as odd.
  3498. > Many of the ponies are diving into the arena and running for the open cells.
  3499. > Maybe there's a way out you weren't aware of.
  3500. > But it seems not, they just hide in the corners.
  3501. > And you see a plethora of Royal Guards diving in after them.
  3502. > Possibly more guards than there were spectators.
  3503. > This was a damn military intervention.
  3504. > The guards move with precision and grace.
  3505. > Tracking down each pony and tackling them down.
  3506. > Binding them to the ground with magic.
  3507. > As you shift your face to get a better look, you notice how odd the spectators look.
  3508. > You hadn't quite noticed it earlier, but seeing both the guards and them...
  3509. > The ponies almost sparkle.
  3510. > In fact, they do sparkle.
  3511. > Against the relatively dull sheen of the coats of the Royal Guards.
  3512. > Yet more oddity.
  3513. > You had never seen a pony like that.
  3514. > You hear heavy hoofsteps coming up behind you.
  3515. > Three guesses for who that was, given the voice you heard earlier.
  3516. > You try to chuckle.
  3517. > But it comes out as a hoarse cough.
  3518. "You have impeccable timing."
  3519. > You manage to roll yourself back over to look at her.
  3520. > Celestia.
  3521. > In some rather impressive looking armour.
  3522. > Somehow, you can't even bring yourself to be mad at her.
  3523. > "Don't speak."
  3524. > The words come out authoritative, but exhausted.
  3525. > Damn.
  3526. > She is looking worse for wear.
  3527. > Heavy bags under her eyes.
  3528. > Blood pouring profusely from her nose.
  3529. > But she's still the picture of intimidation.
  3530. > Alongside her stands a unicorn in a red robe.
  3531. > In fact, you see a number of them spread out through the forces.
  3532. > They appear to be maintaining the binds on the various spectators.
  3534. "Who's he-"
  3535. > You feel magic around your mouth.
  3536. > "I told you not to speak. You'll hurt yourself more."
  3537. > Hmm.
  3538. > She doesn't seem to be in the mood for humour.
  3539. > It was something you desperately needed right now.
  3540. > Grim reality was hanging over your head about your circumstance.
  3541. > And you were in dire need of distraction.
  3542. > But you suspected you wouldn't be getting it.
  3543. > Celestia tears her eyes away from you, and looks down to the pony beside her.
  3544. > "I need you to get him back to the capital, and into medical care. Immediately."
  3545. > The red-robed pony nods, and calls to some of the others.
  3546. > While he collects them, Celestia kneels next to you.
  3547. > Inspecting your wounds.
  3548. > "What in the world did you get yourself into..."
  3549. > Get yourself into?
  3550. > She thinks you chose to do this?
  3551. > Is she insane?
  3552. > It was her guards who did this!
  3553. > With her knowledge!
  3554. > ...
  3555. > And like that, it all becomes clear.
  3556. > She's saving face.
  3557. > Most guards must not know.
  3558. > And so she needs to play politics.
  3559. > So they don't suspect that she had a hand-
  3560. > Hoof.
  3561. > A hoof in any of this.
  3562. > That's why she's not letting you talk.
  3563. > "It's going to be fine. I... I'll see you back in Canterlot, soon."
  3564. > So she's sending you back there.
  3565. > Fascinating.
  3566. > And risky, from her perspective.
  3567. > Leaving you outside of her control.
  3568. > Although you doubted the ponies would believe you anyway.
  3569. > And you had no way of escaping in your state.
  3570. > She must have some plan coming up...
  3571. > "And Anonymous..."
  3572. > "When I get back, we're going to have a long discussion."
  3573. > She's damn right.
  3574. > You're going to have a hell of a discussion.
  3575. > And she'd better have a damn good explanation for this.
  3576. > For all of it.
  3578. > The ponies rather quickly assemble and surround you.
  3579. > Their horns begin glowing as you feel their magic envelop you.
  3580. > "Keep him safe. And don't let him hurt himself any worse than he already is."
  3581. > Hurt yourself.
  3582. > There's outrage in your chest.
  3583. > But you can't bring it to words.
  3584. > "Yes, my princess."
  3585. > Her magic has faded from around your mouth...
  3586. > But your lungs are having trouble processing air.
  3587. > You suspect they've taken some damage from your shattered ribs.
  3588. > Eventually, you feel your stomach lurch.
  3589. > It accompanies an immense pressure building in your chest.
  3590. > And your vision turns blindingly white.
  3591. > It's over in but a second.
  3592. > But you feel nauseous as your vision returns.
  3593. > A feeling you were becoming far too intimate with these days.
  3594. > You're staring up at sunny skies.
  3595. > And the faces of your escorts.
  3596. > Half of them are bleeding.
  3597. > From their noses.
  3598. > Snouts?
  3599. > Irrelevant.
  3600. > It was just like Celestia had been.
  3601. > You ponder on the significance of that for a moment, as a commotion builds.
  3602. > Carefully, you're elevated in their magical grip.
  3603. > And they begin to move you.
  3604. > Your escorts commanding ponies to move out of the way.
  3605. > It all feels so impossibly surreal.
  3606. > How are you still conscious...
  3607. > You can barely breathe.
  3608. > Your body feels exhausted.
  3609. > Doubtless in large part due to blood loss.
  3610. > Yet you still can't seem to find rest.
  3611. > It was curious.
  3612. > You felt fully aware of your surroundings despite the exhaustion.
  3613. > Gently, you feel yourself being placed into a bed.
  3614. > A hospital bed.
  3615. > You could tell because everything was white.
  3616. > Hopefully you didn't need to stay here long.
  3618. > Fascinatingly, you seemed uncooperative.
  3619. > Even completely incapable of moving.
  3620. > When they tried to put you to sleep, they couldn't.
  3621. > Their magic didn't work.
  3622. > Their drugs didn't work.
  3623. > Exhaustion was setting in hard.
  3624. > Yet you couldn't sleep.
  3625. > It just made you uncomfortable.
  3626. > Laying there, desperate for a sleep that would never come.
  3627. > They would tell you that something would hurt.
  3628. > How sorry they were that you had to be conscious for it.
  3629. > A salve over a wound.
  3630. > Magic fumbling around in your chest.
  3631. > Reorienting bone and flesh.
  3632. > But you would feel no pain.
  3633. > Not even a tinge.
  3634. > Something was wrong.
  3635. > Over the course of the treatments, breathing suddenly became much easier.
  3636. > Blood being drawn by a needle from your lungs.
  3637. > The relief is appreciated.
  3638. > While you hadn't been feeling pain from it...
  3639. > Discomfort certainly applied.
  3640. > Like every breath was a struggle.
  3641. > You ponder how you had managed to breathe at all during that period.
  3642. > But that's not the only oddity.
  3643. > You also wonder how long you had been here.
  3644. > The sun had stayed at the same elevation the entire time.
  3645. > But it must have been hours.
  3646. > Something was wrong.
  3647. > The sun had never stopped moving before.
  3648. > Something must be wrong with Celestia.
  3649. > Instinctively, you feel a need to find her.
  3650. > To protect her.
  3651. > Despite what she did.
  3652. > Abandoning you to those monsters.
  3653. > She had to have known when the guards attacked you.
  3654. > You could steel feel her emotions at the time.
  3655. > She must have felt your fear.
  3656. > And ignored it.
  3657. > Yet you still feel compelled to seek her out.
  3658. > It's an irrelevancy.
  3659. > But you can't move.
  3660. > Even with your wounds repairing, you're utterly exhausted.
  3661. > And incapable of recharging your muscles due to this damned insomnia.
  3662. > Did it count as insomnia if you could feel tired?
  3663. > Dully, you watch the clock on the wall.
  3664. > As it ticks and tocks.
  3665. > You wondered how long it would be until Celestia returns.
  3666. > Your discussion would be an interesting one, for certain.
  3668. --------------------------------------------------------------
  3670. > Eventually, the sun does go down.
  3671. > Abruptly.
  3672. > Clearly whatever had held up Celestia had been resolved.
  3673. > You wondered how long it would take her to get back to Canterlot.
  3674. > The hospital had long since emptied out.
  3675. > You were still wide awake.
  3676. > Despite being exhausted.
  3677. > The glow had vanished from your feather.
  3678. > You pondered, in retrospect, whether the glow amplified by proximity.
  3679. > It had been fairly bright while you were at the wedding.
  3680. > But you had seen other ponies with the same necklaces.
  3681. > And they didn't glow.
  3682. > Perhaps some aspect of her being an Alicorn.
  3683. > Your mind had been going over random ponderances for hours.
  3684. > The doctors had at length tried to get you to sleep.
  3685. > But despite your inclination, you couldn't.
  3686. > They suspected powerful magic behind it.
  3687. > But they couldn't identify the source.
  3688. > It wasn't harmonious magic, they had said.
  3689. > Which was...
  3690. > Concerning.
  3691. > If you never got to sleep again...
  3692. > It would be a travesty.
  3693. > Not only would you lose out on the best part of the day...
  3694. > And second best part of the night, at that.
  3695. > You'd lose out on an intrinsic portion of the formula for beauty.
  3696. > Although, you imagined you may have lost some of that already.
  3697. > A big bandage is wrapped around the middle of your head.
  3698. > Perfectly covering the cut across your face.
  3699. > You wanted to take it off.
  3700. > And find a mirror.
  3701. > See the damage properly.
  3702. > But you couldn't lift your arms from exhaustion.
  3703. > Idly, you look back to the clock.
  3704. > Little past 1.
  3705. > Tick.
  3706. > Tock.
  3707. > You were going to go mad.
  3709. > It continues for another hour.
  3710. > Tick.
  3711. > Tock.
  3712. > Your eyes are attempting to count the dots on the ceiling.
  3713. > You could never get much further past 120 before you would think you double-counted one.
  3714. > And start all over.
  3715. > You wonder what your family is doing.
  3716. > Would they even know about your kidnapping?
  3717. > Probably not, you imagine Celestia kept it under wraps.
  3718. > Or perhaps she didn't.
  3719. > Perhaps this was some kind of publicity stunt.
  3720. > The prince kidnapped away the night of their wedding.
  3721. > Swept away to a deadly arena.
  3722. > Only to be rescued by the dashing princess.
  3723. > No doubt it would be a compelling narrative.
  3724. > The people would devour it.
  3725. > Gods, now you were generating conspiracy theories.
  3726. > Although, given the circumstances...
  3727. > You attempt to clear your mind.
  3728. > Dreaming up accusations for Celestia would do you no good.
  3729. > You would have your answers in due time.
  3730. > Hopefully.
  3731. > She hadn't struck you as particularly deceptive...
  3732. > But then, if she was particularly deceptive, you don't suppose she would.
  3733. > Your eyes shoot over the room.
  3734. > There's an apple on the table.
  3735. > Standard hospital room procedure.
  3736. > It's calling to you.
  3737. > You yearn for it.
  3738. > But your body cannot get it for you.
  3739. > I'm sorry, friend.
  3740. > I have failed you as well.
  3741. > The boredom has driven you to such depths.
  3742. > Tick.
  3743. > Tock.
  3744. > And when you finally think you can take it no more...
  3745. > And you think you will truly lose your mind for good...
  3746. > A voice pierces the silence.
  3747. > "Good morning, my Prince."
  3749. > You recognized the voice.
  3750. > It was a friendly voice.
  3751. > That soft, honeyed female voice.
  3752. > It had tried to protect you when the ponies were branding you.
  3753. > It had tried to protect you throughout.
  3754. > Although it had failed.
  3755. > You can't adjust your head to look over at the entity speaking.
  3756. > But you can hear her approach.
  3757. > Until you can feel her breath on your neck.
  3758. > "What have they done to you..."
  3759. > You want to reply.
  3760. > But a loose groan is all you can manage.
  3761. > A gray hoof rises to your lips.
  3762. > "Hold on, let me help you."
  3763. > You see a light emit from your peripheral vision.
  3764. > And like that, you feel energized.
  3765. > You open your mouth, and words flow freely.
  3766. "Thank you..."
  3767. > Your voice is coarse, dry.
  3768. > It was by nature of the fact that you had nothing to lubricate it.
  3769. > The IV was keeping you hydrated, after all.
  3770. > "It's my pleasure, my prince. I only want what's best for you."
  3771. > An awfully nice individual.
  3772. > But you didn't know who they were.
  3773. > Using your newfound strength, you attempt to rise.
  3774. > But your body is still not healed enough.
  3775. > And you collapse back against the pillow.
  3776. > Opting instead to turn your head to the right.
  3777. > She's a magnificent looking Equestrian.
  3778. > Unicorn.
  3779. > Silver hair, dark grey fur.
  3780. > The most beautiful teal eyes.
  3781. > Although they look peculiar.
  3782. > You feel like you were supposed to be remembering something about those eyes...
  3783. > But the thought escapes you.
  3784. "I don't believe I ever caught your name."
  3785. > It scratches at your throat to speak.
  3786. > But you have to know.
  3787. > "My name is Nightmare, prince Anonymous. I... I'm trying to help as best I can."
  3788. > Nightmare.
  3789. > The name is so familiar...
  3790. > But why can't you place it...
  3792. "Well, Nightmare. I believe I owe you a great debt."
  3793. > She chuckles.
  3794. > And blushes.
  3795. > Hiding her face behind a hoof.
  3796. > "You don't owe me anything. It is my pleasure to help you against these monsters."
  3797. > You raise an eyebrow at that.
  3798. > Isn't she...
  3799. > Better to play it safe.
  3800. "'These' monsters?"
  3801. > She sighs.
  3802. > And looks downtrodden.
  3803. > "My people. I... I've seen the darkness in them. I want to help. You don't deserve this."
  3804. > She's right.
  3805. > You didn't deserve this.
  3806. > But...
  3807. > If you had to deal with it...
  3808. "It's nice to know I have an ally in the darkness."
  3809. > You move your good arm over to pat her shoulder.
  3810. > And she smiles back at you.
  3811. > Sharpened teeth...
  3812. > How odd.
  3813. > "I just wanted to make sure you were alright... I sensed Celestia's magic in you."
  3814. > What?
  3815. > Her magic...
  3816. > "It's still in you. It's a spell designed to stave off sleep."
  3817. > Why would she...
  3818. > Unless she wanted you to lose your mind.
  3819. > Isolation and that kind of exhaustion could have done something like that.
  3820. > "I... I can remove it for you, if you like."
  3821. > Looking her in the eyes, she has the most genuinely sympathetic look you've ever seen.
  3822. > No doubt you look pathetic right now.
  3823. > It's fortunate she's still willing to help.
  3824. "I'll gladly take you up on that. But..."
  3825. > You look her back in the eye.
  3826. > She looks excited.
  3827. > You wonder why...
  3828. "I may need your help more in the future... I don't know how to use magic."
  3829. > She smiles.
  3830. > And rests a hoof on your cheek.
  3831. > "I'll gladly protect you from her."
  3832. > She moves her face close to your ear.
  3833. > Her hot breath feels divine on your skin.
  3834. > "I'll help you with anything you need. But for now..."
  3835. > The words are like a lullaby.
  3836. > So enticing...
  3837. > "Sleep..."
  3838. > And like that, your consciousness leaves you again.
  3840. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  3842. > A heavy thud echoes through the chamber.
  3843. > A solid gold crown on the ground.
  3844. > Rolling off to the side of the room.
  3845. > As a black-maned stallion slides across the slick surface.
  3846. > Before stopping in a crumpled heap before his throne.
  3847. > The shimmering Crystal Throne.
  3848. > You are Celestia.
  3849. > And you're teaching a lesson.
  3850. "You will find the ones responsible. And they will be dealt with. Am I understood, Starlight?"
  3851. > Emperor Somber Starlight.
  3852. > Ruler of the Crystal 'Empire.'
  3853. > Really a small city-state on the northern border of Equestria.
  3854. > And a vassal to your crown.
  3855. > One who was evidently not fulfilling Royal Edict.
  3856. > "You... You can't... We are our own people! Your laws don't apply here!"
  3857. > Softly, you wrap your magic around his neck.
  3858. > And pull across the room.
  3859. > Until he's face to face with you.
  3860. "You are not a Crystal pony. You are here because I will it. You will be gone if I will it. Am I understood?"
  3861. > He wants to look angry.
  3862. > You can tell he wants to act indignant.
  3863. > To tell you he doesn't have to listen.
  3864. > But panic dominates him.
  3865. > He can't keep the look of fear off his face.
  3866. > "Y-yes, Princess. I'll break up the fighting rings."
  3867. > You rather hated having to act like this.
  3868. > But sometimes it was necessary.
  3869. > Someponies only understood force.
  3870. > You drop him.
  3871. > From eye level, he falls a solid two feet to the ground.
  3872. > And lands with a rough 'umpf.'
  3873. "It's good we reached an understanding. I'll be stationing a garrison here."
  3874. > He roughly attempts to rise.
  3875. > And you set a hoof atop his head.
  3876. > And he stops.
  3877. > And continues kneeling.
  3878. "They will contact me with updates regarding your progress. Do not fail me again, Starlight."
  3879. > He whimpers.
  3880. > Your job here was done.
  3881. > Now...
  3882. > To get back to your husband.
  3884. > As you exit the Crystal Palace, you attempt to charge a teleportation spell.
  3885. > But quickly feel the fatigue spread through you.
  3886. > While levitation was readily within your power...
  3887. > With the immense amount you expended teleporting an entire military contingent across the world...
  3888. > And maintaining the sun the second you got enough power to do so,
  3889. > Your magic is exhausted.
  3890. > "My Princess."
  3891. > A blue-cloaked mare kneels before you.
  3892. > One of your battlemages.
  3893. > She rises back up to follow you as you continue moving out of the city.
  3894. > A number of the locals coming out to watch you.
  3895. > The crystal ponies were an impressive bunch.
  3896. > Their buildings built out of highly concentrated, carefully woven magic.
  3897. > All of it looking crystalline.
  3898. > Amazing, given that they had so few unicorns amongst their ranks.
  3899. > Almost entirely Earth Ponies.
  3900. > But there were so few, that they could not survive as an independent nation.
  3901. > They would be conquered the day you abandoned their vassalage.
  3902. > They were such an attractive target, after all.
  3903. > Resource rich, militarily weak.
  3904. > An attractive target for any foreign power.
  3905. > It...
  3906. > You felt like...
  3907. > You almost wanted to retract their vassalage.
  3908. > Watch them suffer.
  3909. > It was clear they still had a vein of cruelty in them.
  3910. > Given what they did to their prince.
  3911. > To your human.
  3912. > Er.
  3913. > Husband.
  3914. > They tried to kill him.
  3915. > It would be fair, just even, to punish them by removing your protection.
  3916. > But you dismiss the notion.
  3917. > It would be petty revenge.
  3918. > And you figured yourself above such actions.
  3919. > Plus, you're certain many of these ponies were not involved with it.
  3920. > There were thousands of ponies in the Empire.
  3921. > Only about eighty captured in the arena.
  3922. > Although it's possible some escaped.
  3923. > Hopefully Starlight could track them down.
  3924. > And enact justice.
  3926. > By the time you reached the edge of the city, the rest of your battalion had gathered around you.
  3927. > You still had three battlemages with you.
  3928. > Although with roughly one-hundred knights.
  3929. > The rest of the mages having been sent back to Canterlot with Anonymous.
  3930. > But they had nowhere near the magic with so few of them for such a long-distance teleport.
  3931. > So it seemed this would be the old-fashioned way of movement.
  3932. "I'm going to begin flying back. I want you, with nineteen guards, to install a garrison here, Starburst."
  3933. > She rises, and nods.
  3934. > You levitate a small, intricately fashioned gold pin from your saddlebags.
  3935. > And give it to her.
  3936. "I'll be able to contact you through that. You'll be overseeing their implementation of the ban on human ownership."
  3937. > "As you command."
  3938. > You knew you could rely on her.
  3939. > Starburst was always dependable.
  3940. "And you, Blizzard. I want you to lead the battalion back to Canterlot. I'll be flying ahead.
  3941. > He salutes sharply.
  3942. > He was still a little green.
  3943. > But unicorns were the best suited for command.
  3944. > ...
  3945. > You hoped that wasn't a bit of racism peeking out.
  3946. > You rustle out your wings.
  3947. > They itch far too often for your taste.
  3948. > You had no idea how to preen properly.
  3949. > And were too embarrassed to ask for help with that.
  3950. > Beyond that, you still were only... sort-of comfortable with flying.
  3951. > You could do fairly well, stable and all that.
  3952. > But you had almost no endurance.
  3953. > And little speed.
  3954. > Which meant lots of breaks.
  3955. > Although it would still be a lot faster than trotting.
  3956. > And you were desperate to get back.
  3957. > To see him again.
  3958. > The bond had been rending your heart since his disappearance.
  3959. > You wondered if he had felt the same.
  3960. > Doubtful, you supposed.
  3961. > He wouldn't have run away otherwise.
  3962. > You hoped he hadn't gotten into this intentionally...
  3963. > Some sort of suicide bid.
  3964. > But you couldn't for the life of you understand how he could overpower the bond.
  3965. > It had kept you awake at night for the past week and a half.
  3966. > Since he disappeared.
  3968. > Moving up to the edge, you look down over a valley.
  3969. > The valley running alongside the edge of the Crystal Empire.
  3970. > You can see the snowstorm on the horizon.
  3971. > The Empire's main value.
  3972. > It's unique capacity to survive in such circumstances.
  3973. > It was going to be a pain to get back to Canterlot through all that.
  3974. > But you knew you could do it.
  3975. > You were a tough mare.
  3976. > And you were a mare on a mission.
  3977. > You flare out your wings, and dive into the gorge.
  3978. > Letting the wind pick up under them as you rocket forward.
  3979. > It was easy, free speed to begin in such a way.
  3980. > Your tutors had taught you all sorts of tricks to minimizing the strain on your wings.
  3981. > But you still had a lot to learn.
  3982. > Deftly, you adjust them to begin moving up.
  3983. > Shooting out of the gorge.
  3984. > And right past the barrier of the Crystal Heart.
  3985. > And into a snowstorm.
  3986. > The cold immediately penetrated deeply through your fur.
  3987. > And the snow beginning to impede your wings in their glide.
  3988. > But a solid beat, and they were clear.
  3989. > It would be night before you could make it back to Canterlot.
  3990. > Assuming you could go for that long without needing to sleep to recover.
  3991. > Hopefully you could endure that.
  3992. > Because the alternative...
  3993. > Enduring this rending heartache...
  3994. > Was a lot more severe.
  3995. > Hopefully, you could convince Anonymous to stay this time.
  3996. > To not run away from the problems you two had.
  3997. > He would have to see the light.
  3998. > Because if he wouldn't...
  3999. > You couldn't imagine how difficult it would be for you.
  4000. > For the both of you.
  4001. > The bond was forever.
  4002. > And you're not sure you could deal with these feelings for the rest of time.
  4003. > You had felt his fear from thousands of miles away.
  4004. > His pain.
  4005. > You couldn't deal with that separation forever.
  4006. > You were confident you could win him over.
  4007. > If the feelings were so strong in you, surely they must be in him as well.
  4008. > It was just a matter of smoothing things over.
  4009. > Everything was going to be fine.
  4011. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  4013. > You sneeze.
  4014. > It is excessively dusty in here.
  4015. > You needed to get a servant to clean this out.
  4016. > But, then...
  4017. > Perhaps not.
  4018. > Not many ponies would be up here.
  4019. > And it would sell out your plans if you revealed your knowledge of this locale.
  4020. > You are Luna.
  4021. > And you're sneaking around your own castle.
  4022. > It's a little depressing.
  4023. > Tia left abruptly, and it caused a bit of a panic.
  4024. > So court was suspended pending her return.
  4025. > Which gave you the opportunity to trace down someone you were concerned about.
  4026. > Your new brother, Anon.
  4027. > He just got back yesterday.
  4028. > And they immediately took him to the medical wing.
  4029. > Which prompted immense worry from you.
  4030. > But the battlemages aren't letting anyone in.
  4031. > Not even you.
  4032. > The nerve.
  4033. > You were a princess too!
  4034. > And yet, they all defer to your big sister.
  4035. > Tia.
  4036. > That...
  4037. > That big jerk.
  4038. > Thought she was so much better than you.
  4039. > With her bigger wings.
  4040. > And longer horn...
  4041. > And more authority...
  4042. > Irrelevant!
  4043. > None would stop Luna.
  4044. > And so, you had found your way into the ceiling.
  4045. > And were using your magic to track down Anon.
  4046. > You knew your sister's magic signature, and it was still on him.
  4047. > He was practically radiating it.
  4048. > And it made it an easy task to track him down through the ducts.
  4049. > Slowly, you trace a pathway until you're over his room.
  4050. > Until you find it.
  4051. > And prepare to ambush him.
  4053. > As you remove a ceiling tile, you look down.
  4054. > And you can see Anon.
  4055. > He's awake, unmistakably.
  4056. > And he's eating an apple.
  4057. > He looks...
  4058. > Terribly under the weather.
  4059. > Hair's all mussed up.
  4060. > He's covered in what looks to be muck.
  4061. > His facial hair is grown out like crazy.
  4062. > Although, that's not the biggest thing about his face.
  4063. > The bandage covering it most certainly is.
  4064. > It makes him look intimidating.
  4065. > You may not have been so willing to prank him if he always looked like that.
  4066. > You watch him for a bit.
  4067. > As he periodically chews.
  4068. > It's weird looking at humans.
  4069. > You can see all their muscles move under their skin.
  4070. > Since they have no fur.
  4071. > It makes them seem really powerful.
  4072. > Like Anon could lift you up and carry you around.
  4073. > It makes you a little... bothered.
  4074. > Especially with how rugged he looks right now.
  4075. > But you shouldn't think about those things.
  4076. > He's your brother now.
  4077. > Unfortunately.
  4078. > Tia got all the luck.
  4079. > You're subtly hoping he does something inappropriate.
  4080. > As you stare down at him from the ceiling.
  4081. > ...
  4082. > You're being creepy again, aren't you?
  4083. > Tia often said you needed to stop spying on people.
  4084. > Your skills were well suited to... voyeurism.
  4085. > Dream watching, fading into shadow, all sorts of fun things.
  4086. > It was probably time to stop watching him.
  4087. > You definitely wouldn't want to get spotted.
  4088. > That would make things...
  4089. > Awkward.
  4090. "Hi Anon!"
  4092. > He just about jumps out of his skin.
  4093. > He then coughs loudly.
  4094. > And then groans out in pain.
  4095. > Oops.
  4096. > He looks up at that point.
  4097. > And you shoot him an apologetic grin.
  4098. > "Luna? What the hell are you doing up there?"
  4099. > At that, you glide down.
  4100. > And land on the floor beside his bed.
  4101. "I came to visit! I heard you got hurt pretty bad!"
  4102. > He still looks a little shaken.
  4103. > Poor thing.
  4104. > Luna can make it all better.
  4105. > "Yeah, got mixed up in a human fighting ring, it seems."
  4106. > Images flash through your head.
  4107. > Unbidden.
  4108. > Of Anon.
  4109. > Shirtless.
  4110. > Covered in mud.
  4111. > Fighting another muscular human.
  4112. > Unf.
  4113. > Focus, Luna.
  4114. > You're staring creepily again.
  4115. "That sounds terrible!"
  4116. > That sounds amazing.
  4117. > He chuckles at that.
  4118. > He reaches up with his right arm behind your ear.
  4119. > And scratches.
  4120. > Ooooooh.
  4121. > Yeah.
  4122. > Tia gets all the luck.
  4123. > "So why were you spying on me from the ceiling, exactly?"
  4124. > You stiffen.
  4125. > And blush.
  4126. > He's on to you!
  4127. "The guards weren't letting me in, so I had to sneak in. I wasn't spying!"
  4128. > You've made him smile.
  4129. > That's a good sign.
  4131. > His hand leaves your ear.
  4132. > And you let out a little whine.
  4133. > He pats the side of your neck, before pulling his hand back to his neck.
  4134. > And rubbing it.
  4135. > "Oh, hey. Wanna see something interesting?"
  4136. > Of course you did.
  4137. > If it's interesting you wanted to see it.
  4138. > You nod.
  4139. > And at that, he leans forward.
  4140. > And points a finger at his neck.
  4141. > Where...
  4142. > Your Cutie Mark is.
  4143. > ...
  4144. > Did you and Anon have the same Cutie Mark?
  4145. > You can barely keep the excitement out of your voice.
  4146. "Do we have the same Cutie Mark!?"
  4147. > He gives you a look.
  4148. > A stern look.
  4149. > A look which says that was not the right question.
  4150. > Oops.
  4151. "So... Not a human Cutie Mark, then?"
  4152. > He sighs deeply.
  4153. > But smiles again.
  4154. > A smile of condescension.
  4155. > But a smile nonetheless! That's the important bit!
  4156. > Sick people needed to smile.
  4157. > Or so you'd heard.
  4158. > "Didn't you learn anything about slavery in school?"
  4159. > Your nerd side shows.
  4160. > And you jump at the opportunity to share your knowledge.
  4161. > You had studied it extensively in history.
  4162. "Of course! I know about all the abolitionists, including the big ones like Hareiet Beecher Ponwe, and Garrano Smith!"
  4163. > The Equestrian education system followed the abolition of slavery extensively.
  4164. > And all your people had done to end the practice.
  4165. > There had nearly been a civil war amongst your people when it happened.
  4166. > You focus back on Anon.
  4167. > He looks a little exasperated.
  4168. "What's wrong?"
  4170. > He chuckles.
  4171. > Poking your nose.
  4172. > You scrunch it up at that.
  4173. > "Anything about the actual slavery, I mean."
  4174. > You... knew a little bit.
  4175. > But perhaps not enough.
  4176. "I'm guessing I don't know something important, huh?"
  4177. > He has an understanding expression on his face.
  4178. > You feel pretty bad.
  4179. > You guess it must be important.
  4180. > "It's not a Cutie Mark. It's a brand. It marks me as owned by the pony with the corresponding mark."
  4181. > Owned?
  4182. > Didn't Celestia already have dibs?
  4183. > Does that mean...
  4184. "Does that mean me and Celestia get to share you?"
  4185. > You maintain your serene look.
  4186. > Anon's jaw drops as he stares at you.
  4187. > What?
  4188. > Wait.
  4189. > You said that out loud, you didn't just think it.
  4190. > With immense excitement.
  4191. > This mark was in the context of slavery.
  4192. > Think before you speak, Luna!
  4193. > You get ready to apologize.
  4194. > But you're interrupted by uproarious laugher.
  4195. > From Anon.
  4196. > It quickly fades into coughing, which Anon grabs a glass of water beside him to try and fix.
  4197. > But his continued giggles aren't helping.
  4198. > You're burning up.
  4199. > This is so embarrassing.
  4200. > "Oh, Gods, Luna. I needed that. Everything's been so surreal and serious... A little humour is so needed."
  4201. > Oh.
  4202. > He thought you were making a joke.
  4203. > Good.
  4204. > Very good.
  4205. "Oh, yeah. You know me!"
  4206. > You nudge his hand with a hoof.
  4207. > He's got a genuinely happy expression on his face.
  4208. > It was good to see your suffering made him happy.
  4209. > You start laughing yourself.
  4210. > You pull over a seat, and settle in.
  4211. > Time to make your brother-in-law (And possibly-maybe secret crush) feel better.
  4212. "So, what do ya wanna talk about?"
  4214. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  4216. "I have urgent business, they can wait."
  4217. > "But, Princess. You abandoned their meeting yesterday, and..."
  4218. > You are Celestia.
  4219. > You just got back, and it's almost night time.
  4220. > The sun just barely peaking over the mountains still.
  4221. > More importantly, you are about to kill somepony.
  4222. > Sometimes, you wish this country didn't have a constitution which forbade summary execution.
  4223. > It's supposed to be Diarchy damnit.
  4224. > You are tired.
  4225. > You are hungry.
  4226. > But, more importantly...
  4227. > You are absurdly worried about your husband.
  4228. > And these ponies are in your damn way.
  4229. > You're currently being swarmed by aristocrats.
  4230. > Aristocrats who are worried about the damn Minotaurs.
  4231. > You had been in a meeting with their ambassador when you had felt Anon's distress.
  4232. > And apparently she hadn't taken kindly to your abandoning the meeting.
  4233. > You figured as much.
  4234. > She reacted pretty violently when you told her your meeting was going to be postponed.
  4235. > That your husband needed you immediately.
  4236. > She exclaimed that your human 'funboy' could wait until she was done.
  4237. > That humans were always distressed.
  4238. > You had about fried her on the spot.
  4239. > And had the guards forcefully escort her out of the castle.
  4240. > And now, she had apparently churned up a storm in the aristocracy.
  4241. > About how volatile and immature you were at diplomacy.
  4242. > As if you hadn't been completely diplomatic beforehand.
  4243. > As if she wasn't the one without any tact!
  4244. > Ugh.
  4245. > Politics.
  4246. > When you were a filly you hated politics.
  4247. > And now you had to do them all the time.
  4248. > Princesshood is not all it's cracked up to be.
  4249. > The advisors around you are still yammering on.
  4250. > Despite you having tuned them out.
  4251. > You sighed loudly.
  4252. "Alright. I'll speak with her. But it'll be quick."
  4253. > They light up at that.
  4254. > And start leading the way.
  4256. > They liked knowing they could influence the princess.
  4257. > Distract her from her wants and make her focus on theirs.
  4258. > Your dad always said that if they think they own you, then they'll never suspect you own them.
  4259. > To play the weak one until you needed them.
  4260. > And then turn the tables.
  4261. > He always was a better politician.
  4262. > The aristocrats are leading you to the current chambers of one miss Steel Will.
  4263. > Ambassador to the Falstad Republic.
  4264. > A Minotaur country.
  4265. > You tried to keep a happy look on your face.
  4266. > But you knew this meeting was going to be stressful.
  4267. > Partially because you knew Steel Will was going to be a bitch.
  4268. > But mostly because you're already stressed.
  4269. > Your stomach growls periodically.
  4270. > And your eyes are heavy.
  4271. > But most importantly...
  4272. > You wanted to make sure Anon was safe.
  4273. > And keep him company.
  4274. > Try and... fix this.
  4275. > Fix everything.
  4276. > It's so stressful to not know what exactly is going on.
  4277. > You had spent your life always working on the basis of certainty.
  4278. > Scheduling things out days in advance.
  4279. > But now, you have no idea how to plan.
  4280. > Everything has been wrong since you and Anon got married.
  4281. > And you want to fix it.
  4282. > But, you supposed, Anon would still be there later.
  4283. > Hopefully.
  4284. > Steel Will might not be.
  4285. > Even if it pained you to do make him do so, Anon could wait.
  4286. > He had the best medical care on the planet.
  4287. > And a guard had told you he was safe.
  4288. > The whole medical wing shut down to exclusively house him.
  4289. > A whole battalion guarding the entrances.
  4290. > No one except medical staff in or out.
  4291. > It seemed an extreme measure, to be sure.
  4292. > But you were...
  4293. > Concerned.
  4294. > You may have overreacted, in retrospect.
  4295. > But the guards could manage at the public hospital in Canterlot proper.
  4296. > And your human was horribly badly hurt.
  4297. > You arrive at the door to Steel Will's chambers.
  4298. > And your escorts knock.
  4299. > "What do you want?"
  4300. > They prepare to introduce you.
  4301. > But you speak up.
  4302. "To apologize."
  4304. > You're now in the room with Steel Will.
  4305. > And she's looking terribly disinterested.
  4306. "I'm terribly sorry about abandoning our meeting. But my husband was horribly wounded, and immediately needed my attention."
  4307. > She looks up at you.
  4308. > A sly smile crosses her face.
  4309. > "So I had heard. Seems he's still in the medical wing."
  4310. > You match eyes with her.
  4311. > So, she knew the importance of your departure.
  4312. > And still stirred up problems.
  4313. "So you knew? Why, then, did you-"
  4314. > "Because you wronged me anyway, and I wanted to get back at you for it. Throwing me out like some criminal."
  4315. > She cuts you off by speaking over you.
  4316. > Your frustration is rising already.
  4317. > But you try to keep a diplomatic expression up.
  4318. "I was in the wrong, miss Will. I do hope this will not sour relations between our nations, and I will strive-."
  4319. > Her smile falls at that point.
  4320. > And she interrupts you again.
  4321. > As she puts on a faux wounded expression.
  4322. > "Why, Celestia. I was hurt deeply by your actions..."
  4323. > Oh by the Sun and Stars, she's going to try to ask for something isn't she.
  4324. > Hurry up.
  4325. > "But I suppose I could be convinced to sweep this under the rug for... The dismantling of the Starglide garrison."
  4326. > ...
  4327. > Is she insane?
  4328. > This cow has lost her damn mind.
  4329. "Excuse me?!"
  4330. > She smiles.
  4331. > And goes to poke you.
  4332. > But you catch her hand in your magic, holding it still.
  4333. > She keeps up the serene expression, however.
  4334. > "Starglide. My people want it gone. And if you don't, I'll continue making trouble with your little ponies, about your incompetence."
  4335. > You were about done with this.
  4336. > Her arrogance was infuriating.
  4337. > That smug smile on her face.
  4338. > Starglide was established in a mountain pass between your nations after the last time the Republic invaded.
  4339. > Dismantling it would leave you exposed to attack.
  4340. > She swings her free arm around your neck.
  4341. > Keeping up the 'faux friend' act.
  4342. > "So, Celly. What do you say? We can sweep this all under the rug?"
  4344. > This was over.
  4345. "Get out of my castle. In fact, get out of my country. Now."
  4346. > You turn your head, and glare at her in the eye.
  4347. > Time to make it clear just how unwelcome she is.
  4348. "The next time I see you, my husband will be having the best steak he ever ate."
  4349. > Her eyes bulge out at that.
  4350. > And she starts stuttering out a response.
  4351. > But you ignore it, and rise up.
  4352. > Bumping her with your flank and knocking her onto the table.
  4353. > As you leave the room.
  4354. > You were in no mood for this bullshit.
  4355. > You were going to go find Anon.
  4356. > The aristocrats outside the room had looked hopeful when you came out.
  4357. > It was a shame to let them down.
  4358. > You told them to escort her to Starglide and let her find her way home.
  4359. > They had cried out in outrage that you hadn't fixed the relationship with her.
  4360. > Fixed the relationship with Falstad.
  4361. > One going so far as to say you were running Equestria into the ground.
  4362. > You had simply ignored them.
  4363. > And continued on your way.
  4364. > Equestria was the most wealthy nation on the planet.
  4365. > Aetherium the most militarily mighty.
  4366. > Falstad would not bully you into doing anything.
  4367. > Or they would face the power of a truly terrifying coalition.
  4368. > They had no real power, economic or military.
  4369. > They had strong patrons, of course.
  4370. > Falwing.
  4371. > But even Falwing was no match for your combined might.
  4372. > Assuming, of course, you could patch things up with Anon.
  4373. > Which made tending to him far more important than talking down some overblown diplomat.
  4374. > She can go and prattle on about how you don't know the first thing about a Ruler's Courtesy.
  4375. > But you were not going to sacrifice the security of your ponies to please her.
  4376. > Or her damn country.
  4377. > If there's some kind of political upheaval as a result, you'll talk to Boreus personally.
  4378. > The Minotaur Lord Protector.
  4379. > He was more... reasonable.
  4380. > But not by much.
  4381. > Ugh.
  4382. > Politics.
  4384. > As you approach the medical wing, you note the immense guard presence.
  4385. > You had definitely overblown it.
  4386. > This felt a little ridiculous.
  4387. > But...
  4388. > If you could be overprotective of anypony, wouldn't it be Anon?
  4389. > It was understandable.
  4390. > He was hurt.
  4391. > And he was the only Prince your nation had at the moment.
  4392. > As you approach you note that Sunflare, your Captain of the Canterlotian Guard, is there.
  4393. > He's a rather intimidating unicorn.
  4394. > It occurs to you that pretty much all the military leadership you appointed were unicorns.
  4395. > You might want to change that a little bit.
  4396. > Seem less... racist.
  4397. > Sunflare, along with his subordinates, salute you.
  4398. > "Princess."
  4399. > You nod to him.
  4400. > And he drops the salute.
  4401. "Is he awake?"
  4402. > His expression remains stone.
  4403. > His voice always stoic.
  4404. > The perfect character of a guard.
  4405. > "Not sure, ma'm. I haven't entered the wing. No one but doctors have. As per your command."
  4406. > You smile, and pat his helm with a wing.
  4407. "Thank you, Flare."
  4408. > A smile cracks through at that.
  4409. > As he salutes once again.
  4410. > "My pleasure, ma'm."
  4411. > With that, you move into the medical wing.
  4412. > You knew exactly where Anon was.
  4413. > You could feel where he was, through the bond.
  4414. > And at this distance, you could tell that he was asleep.
  4415. > Which was... unfortunate.
  4416. > But you supposed you could wake him up to say hello at least.
  4417. > Apologize for the night before he left.
  4418. > Maybe make some inroads to solving your problems.
  4419. > Little steps.
  4420. > Even if you had to put off your big conversation until tomorrow.
  4421. > As you approach the room, you suddenly feel tense.
  4422. > Like something's wrong.
  4423. > And as you round the corner, your suspicions are confirmed.
  4424. > Something is very wrong.
  4425. > Your breath leaves you.
  4426. > And a knot forms in your stomach.
  4427. > He's asleep alright.
  4428. > With Luna lying right beside him.
  4429. > Her head snuggled into the crook of his neck.
  4430. > Sleeping together in the same bed.
  4432. ------------------------------------------------------------
  4434. > For a while, you stood there.
  4435. > Stock-still.
  4436. > A flurry of emotions running through you.
  4437. > You weren't quite sure which emotion to settle on.
  4438. > You just sort of felt...
  4439. > Numb.
  4440. > Staring in on them.
  4441. > Your husband.
  4442. > And your sister.
  4443. > The betrayal stung.
  4444. > Luna's betrayal of your trust, on a number of levels.
  4445. > Disobeying your edict to leave Anonymous alone until your return.
  4446. > Your guards had to have informed her of it.
  4447. > Yet she still broke in here.
  4448. > To get to your husband.
  4449. > And find her way into his bed.
  4450. > It seemed even worse than Anonymous' betrayal.
  4451. > Being willing, at the drop of a hat, to cuddle up with some other mare.
  4452. > Even if it was your sister.
  4453. > But it wasn't just the betrayal.
  4454. > You knew you felt... jealousy.
  4455. > Anonymous had refused to sleep in the same bed as you.
  4456. > Yet there he was, contentedly sleeping alongside Luna.
  4457. > It made you feel... inferior.
  4458. > A feeling you were unaccustomed to.
  4459. > You had thought Anonymous' hesitance was about you being a pony.
  4460. > Not everypony was particularly comfortable with other species.
  4461. > Especially somepony as isolated from other species as Anon.
  4462. > Yet, now, you began to suspect that he just didn't like you.
  4463. > Only found you repulsive.
  4464. > You self-consciously looked down at yourself.
  4465. > Right now, your fur was ungroomed.
  4466. > Wings in dire need of a preening you had no idea how to properly do.
  4467. > Your hair, normally flowing, now laying flat.
  4468. > Knotted, and messy.
  4469. > You floated off your crown and stared at it.
  4470. > He just didn't like you.
  4471. > The thought comes, unbidden, that he ran away because he couldn't bear to be bound to you.
  4472. > That you as an individual horrified him so much he had to flee.
  4473. > And that hurt most of all.
  4475. > Your eyes began to water as you felt the crippling pain in your chest.
  4476. > You can feel his contentment from here.
  4477. > Even in sleep.
  4478. > Something you had been dying to feel for days now.
  4479. > Ever since he went missing.
  4480. > Yet now, the emotion feels twisted.
  4481. > Life a knife in your heart.
  4482. > Because you weren't the one who was able to provide that for him.
  4483. > This wasn't fair.
  4484. > You had done everything for them.
  4485. > Both of them.
  4486. > To make them comfortable.
  4487. > To make their lives as easy as possible.
  4488. > And this is how they reward you...
  4489. > You try and choke back a sob.
  4490. > Half of you wants to confront them.
  4491. > Force them to wake up and explode on them.
  4492. > Teach them a lesson.
  4493. > Make it clear that they're in the wrong.
  4494. > Because they're in the wrong.
  4495. > Why does it feel like you're in the wrong.
  4496. > Why does it feel like you deserve this.
  4497. > Like you drove Anon away.
  4498. > The other half wants to go back to your room.
  4499. > Break down in the comfort and solace of privacy.
  4500. > And not come out for a few days.
  4501. > You needed to settle on one or the other.
  4502. > If you broke down here, and woke them up...
  4503. > You don't know how you'd handle that.
  4504. > Showing that weakness.
  4505. > You couldn't show weakness.
  4506. > You were Princess Celestia.
  4507. > Thickly, you swallow.
  4508. > Trying to swallow down all this torrent of feelings.
  4509. > Swallow the sobs and the tears.
  4510. > You weren't going to give them the satisfaction of making you cry.
  4511. > Of... breaking you.
  4512. > You put up your stoic face.
  4513. > It's a struggle. But you manage to do it.
  4514. > And you prepare for a confrontation.
  4516. > As you enter the room, you note a scent in the air.
  4517. > One of arousal.
  4518. > It stings worse in your heart.
  4519. > Could they have...
  4520. > No. There's no way...
  4521. > You imagine even Anon would have difficulties performing that task with his injuries.
  4522. > You slowly, quietly move up until you're beside the bed.
  4523. > Luna is drooling all over his bare chest.
  4524. > All over your husband.
  4525. > Her hooves wrapped around him.
  4526. > Trying to be the big spoon.
  4527. > The sight, from this close, sets kindle to a fire in your heart.
  4528. > A roaring flame of jealousy and righteous anger.
  4529. > You trusted her.
  4530. > You helped her ascend.
  4531. > You had spent your entire life being the best big sister you could be for her.
  4532. > And she paid you back like this.
  4533. > You ignite your horn.
  4534. > And pull down the blankets.
  4535. > Anonymous' lower half remains clothed.
  4536. > And dry.
  4537. > His bandages well-maintained.
  4538. > Which was a good sign.
  4539. > It looks as though he wasn't... unfaithful.
  4540. > Luna adjusts on Anonymous, with the blanket removed.
  4541. > You can see her back leg kicking.
  4542. > And the smell intensifies.
  4543. > She's... having a dream.
  4544. > Of a particular sort.
  4545. > Ordinarily, you'd be embarrassed to find this out.
  4546. > Now, it angered you.
  4547. > She was the mistress of dreams. She was doing this intentionally.
  4548. > While in the same bed as your husband.
  4549. > He was yours to cuddle up with.
  4550. > Exclusively.
  4551. > By rights.
  4552. > And yet, you hadn't had the opportunity to.
  4553. > And she had stolen it from you.
  4555. > Your magic encircles around her.
  4556. > Gently, and slowly.
  4557. > Until it fully surrounds her.
  4558. > And pulls her up off the bed.
  4559. > As her hooves leave Anonymous, she starts kicking in her sleep.
  4560. > Trying to find her cuddle partner.
  4561. > No such luck, you're afraid.
  4562. > You levitate her over to the exit to the room.
  4563. > And then close the door behind you.
  4564. > Before abruptly dropping her on the marble floor.
  4565. > "OUCH!"
  4566. > She wakes with a start and a yell.
  4567. > You can feel Anonymous wake with a start.
  4568. > "Who dares-..."
  4569. > She's indignant up until she sees you.
  4570. > At which point her eyes shrink to pinpricks.
  4571. > "Oh... Tia, hi. I thought you weren't going to be back until tomorrow morning!"
  4572. > She attempts to put up an innocent smile.
  4573. > Hot fury flows through you.
  4574. > You grind your teeth.
  4575. "What were you doing with Anonymous."
  4576. > She's sweating.
  4577. > She's nervous.
  4578. > She should be.
  4579. > "O-oh, I kept him company today. He was really bored all by himself, so I thought I'd just-"
  4580. "What were you doing in his bed."
  4581. > She stops talking at that.
  4582. > And just sort of sputters.
  4583. > "Luna? Are you out there?"
  4584. > Anonymous' voice.
  4585. > Luna looks to the door, then back to you.
  4586. > "We didn't do any-"
  4587. > You silence her with a hoof to her lips.
  4588. > A stern, scolding expression on your face.
  4589. "We'll discuss this tomorrow. At length. Go... somewhere else. I don't care where."
  4590. > At that, she looks genuinely sad.
  4591. > You hope it's genuine.
  4592. > You want her to hurt some.
  4593. > "Tia, it's not what you thi-"
  4594. > Harshly, you turn around with a hoof extended.
  4595. > And slap her across the face.
  4596. > The metal horseshoe leaving an imprint.
  4598. "Just go! Don't talk to me right now!"
  4599. > Your voice breaks as you say it.
  4600. > You're trying to keep your emotions under control.
  4601. > Don't show weakness.
  4602. > Luna has tears in her eyes.
  4603. > "Ok, Celestia. I'll go."
  4604. > She gets up mechanically and starts moving to the end of the hallway.
  4605. > You maintain your stern look straight forward.
  4606. > At the wall.
  4607. > If you watched her go, you might break.
  4608. > And you couldn't let that happen.
  4609. > "For what it's worth... I'm sorry."
  4610. > Don't look.
  4611. > You choke back a sob.
  4612. > You hear a door open.
  4613. > And close.
  4614. > And she's gone.
  4615. > And you let the sobs loose.
  4616. > You needed to get this out of your system before you faced Anon.
  4617. > Tears streaming down your cheeks.
  4618. > It's not fair.
  4619. > None of it's fair.
  4620. > You let all the feelings flow out of you as you cry on the floor.
  4621. > Slowly, you manage to get control of yourself.
  4622. > And once you can breathe normally, you rise up.
  4623. > You feel emotionally numb.
  4624. > Numb enough to face Anonymous, you hope.
  4625. > And move back to the door.
  4626. > Before pushing it open.
  4627. > Anonymous is staring at you.
  4628. > A look of concern evident on his features.
  4629. > "Cel?"
  4630. > Initially, you had hoped to put off the big conversation until you were rested.
  4631. > But it seemed like you were going to have it now.
  4632. > But, first...
  4633. > You had one question.
  4634. "Why?"
  4636. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4638. "Why what?"
  4639. > You are Anonymous.
  4640. > And you suspect this discussion will not end well.
  4641. > You had a suspicion about any number of 'whys' she might be asking.
  4642. > Possibly all of the whys.
  4643. > And you never really were terribly good at confronting your problems directly.
  4644. > You were better at...
  4645. > Escaping them.
  4646. > Escaping women, more generally.
  4647. > This skill did not easily translate into mares.
  4648. > Or at least, not into wives.
  4649. > But this discussion was unavoidable, you knew that.
  4650. > It was probably better to deal with... whatever the problems were now.
  4651. > You came to terms with much of the situation over the course of your discussion with Luna today.
  4652. > While she seems immature a lot of the time...
  4653. > She's capable of following through and discussing feelings quite well.
  4654. > You were rather stunned by her capacity for empathy.
  4655. > You had spent most of the day discussing at length your discomfort with your situation.
  4656. > Why you felt uncomfortable around Celestia.
  4657. > What had happened to you with the guards.
  4658. > Why the bond felt so... wrong.
  4659. > Like it was an impediment to you and Celestia discussing anything.
  4660. > How it had made things so much worse on your wedding night.
  4661. > For the most part, she had been fully understanding.
  4662. > Yet... you hadn't explored everything with her.
  4663. > Your concerns about your worth.
  4664. > Your concerns about your freedom.
  4665. > Your concerns about your future.
  4666. > Your concerns about that mare.
  4667. > With those striking teal eyes.
  4668. > She couldn't have possibly understood those.
  4669. > And...
  4670. > You still couldn't admit them.
  4671. > You could barely admit them to yourself.
  4672. > "You know what I mean by why, Anonymous."
  4673. > You were tempted to employ your powers of obfuscation.
  4674. > But it was time to face the music.
  4676. "I suppose we're starting with Luna, then. We had been talking all day, and the bed was more comfortable than the chair."
  4677. > That much was true.
  4678. "Eventually, I just... passed out. Exhaustion has been plaguing me since I got back here. I don't know why."
  4679. > Not entirely true.
  4680. > You weren't ready to show your hand that you knew about Celestia's spell.
  4681. > Best to keep your ally in the shadows secret.
  4682. > Nightmare.
  4683. > Celestia maintains a somber look.
  4684. > "And yet, you couldn't g-et into bed with me only days ago."
  4685. > There's a hiccup in the middle of her sentence.
  4686. > You can tell she's close to breaking down.
  4687. > You grimace.
  4688. > This was... different.
  4689. > It wasn't like the first night when you were in Canterlot with Celestia.
  4690. "I wasn't intending to sleep in the same bed as her."
  4691. > It was a shoddy excuse.
  4692. > Sleeping in the same bed or laying in the same bed.
  4693. > There was enough there, that you had actually fallen asleep in that circumstance.
  4694. > And Celestia recognized it instantly.
  4695. > But her next comment threw you for a loop.
  4696. > "You smell like you did the first time I met you..."
  4697. > The first time she...
  4698. > Oh.
  4699. > Like sex.
  4700. > That's... concerning.
  4701. "Hey, now. I didn't do anything with her, so I don't know what you're smelling."
  4702. > You said it with a cool authority.
  4703. > But it must've been the wrong reaction.
  4704. > She cringes at that.
  4705. > And pinches her eyes shut.
  4706. > Trying to hold in tears, you suspect.
  4707. > "You threw up at the thought of something like that with me. Yet Luna can be all over you and you're relaxed."
  4708. > Her voice is struggling to maintain neutrality.
  4709. > This was different!
  4710. > How could she not see the difference?
  4711. > You feel angry.
  4712. > You're not on damn trial here.
  4713. > She's the one who abandoned you.
  4714. > She's the reason you had to kill people.
  4715. > Your people.
  4716. > 'Never Again.'
  4718. "And what do you care? You wanted to pin me off on Luna, you got your damn wish."
  4719. > You did not, in fact, have any interest in Luna.
  4720. > But you felt... spiteful.
  4721. > You lashed out.
  4722. > At that, her eyes open.
  4723. > You hadn't noticed before, but they're bloodshot.
  4724. > Lack of sleep combined with near-crying.
  4725. > "Excuse me? Where in the world did you-"
  4726. > At that, you shift to your side.
  4727. > Showing the brand on your neck.
  4728. > She hadn't gotten a good view of it in the arena.
  4729. > She lets out a gasp.
  4730. "Done by your ponies. I can only presume-"
  4731. > She cuts you off in turn.
  4732. > The sadness in her voice is evaporating.
  4733. > Replaced with anger.
  4734. > "Those were not. my. ponies."
  4735. > You roll back over to face her.
  4736. > You keep a neutral expression.
  4737. > But you spit your next words like venom.
  4738. "They're all your ponies. They do what you want. You wanted me gone."
  4739. > It's the only sensible option.
  4740. > It's why her guards kidnapped you, and dragged you off to Gods-know where.
  4741. > To make you fight in that damn arena.
  4742. > "No, they're not. We're not like your kingdom. We're a free society, they chose-"
  4743. > You bark a laugh at that.
  4744. > It burns in your chest.
  4745. "A free society who practices slavery! A free society of hypocrites!"
  4746. > Fury burns in you now.
  4747. > You had little filter to begin with.
  4748. > But this hypocrisy needed to be called out.
  4749. > Yet, she does not back down.
  4750. > She gets angrier.
  4751. > "You ran away of your own accord. Whatever you did to end up in that pit, don't blame it on me, or my ponies."
  4752. > Is that what she thinks?
  4753. > You're in no mood for couching this in political double-speak.
  4754. > The truth will come out.
  4756. "Your goddamn guards captured me, I didn't 'run away.' Whatever you fucking think of me, I'm not stupid."
  4757. > You glare back at her.
  4758. > And she glares at you.
  4759. > "Sunflare reported that you-"
  4760. > Your anger is rising steadily.
  4761. > She surely had to realize you weren't a fucking idiot.
  4762. > So you cut her off.
  4763. "If I wanted to try and run, I would've done it before you had a fucking chain on me. Before the marriage."
  4764. > She flinches at that.
  4765. > She knew it made no sense.
  4766. > Her little narrative collapsing in on her.
  4767. > "I-I..."
  4768. > But you were now on the offensive.
  4769. > And you had no intention of letting up.
  4770. "So whatever you fucking think of me, you pompous Equestrian bitch, you can shove it."
  4771. > Your anger is flowing through you.
  4772. > Days of pent up aggression.
  4773. > An inability to control your future.
  4774. > A miasma of uncertainty, frustration, and pure torturous disgust.
  4775. > Feeling a lack of control.
  4776. "You and your whole damn country. Psychopaths, the lot of you."
  4777. > You throw all of those emotions at her.
  4778. > It feels good to let it go.
  4779. > It felt good to be in command of the conversation.
  4780. > To put her on the defensive.
  4781. "And whatever the fuck your guards told you, they lied. They're psychotic. And you let them get away with it."
  4782. > She tries to stutter out a response.
  4783. > Trying to keep her composure.
  4784. > But it's senseless gibberish.
  4785. > She must have expected you to continue being the push-over.
  4786. > The capitulating prince.
  4787. > Who does whatever anyone else wants.
  4788. > Gets married off for the sake of others. Gives up his life for some nobler cause.
  4789. > You were done with that.
  4790. "We're done, for now."
  4791. > You move to rise up out of the bed.
  4792. > Anger animating your still-exhausted limbs.
  4793. > Adrenaline suppressing the pain in your still magically-recovering chest.
  4794. > But her magic holds you down.
  4796. > "Don't move. You'll hurt yourself more."
  4797. > She...
  4798. > She fucking dares?
  4799. > You just about explode at that.
  4800. "And why the fuck do you care if I hurt myself more? The fuck am I to you?"
  4801. > At that, she slams a hoof on the floor.
  4802. > And a shockwave ripples out.
  4803. > Like it did in the throne room with the people complaining about you.
  4804. > And her voice echoes out with imposing authority.
  4805. > Her eyes glowing a bright white.
  4806. > "Because I don't get anypony else!"
  4807. > At that, she moves up close to you.
  4808. > Glaring you in the face.
  4809. > Her voice maintaining the calmness of a ruler.
  4810. > But the passion of someone who is losing control.
  4811. > "You might not, for whatever reason, give a damn about our bond."
  4812. > Your eyes bounce down to the ring around her neck.
  4813. > Your bond.
  4814. > You could scarcely even feel it.
  4815. > It was a pretty light-show, and you felt things that night.
  4816. > But you felt nothing now.
  4817. > "But it means something to me. Marriage is supposed to mean something, you callous prick."
  4818. > Her breath is hot on your face.
  4819. > And the heat in the room is rising as her anger does.
  4820. > Rage pouring from her.
  4821. > "Even if ours is a sham. Even if ours didn't mean anything to you. You could at least pretend."
  4822. > You're sweating.
  4823. > But your anger remains strong.
  4824. > You want to talk back.
  4825. > But you can't bring the words to muster.
  4826. > "I don't know how your people do this, but ponies only marry once. You're all I have."
  4827. > At that, her eyes dim.
  4828. > Back to the blood-shot pink-purple eyes you recognized.
  4829. > And her expression calms.
  4830. > And while she maintains a look of rage...
  4831. > There are tears in her eyes.
  4832. > "You're the only one I'll ever have... And it's not fair..."
  4833. > And like that.
  4834. > The flame in your chest extinguishes as well.
  4836. > She heaves a loud sob.
  4837. > Looking down to the ground.
  4838. > She's still trying to keep it in.
  4839. > And you feel sadness creeping in on you as well.
  4840. > This...
  4841. > This was all a misunderstanding.
  4842. > If she genuinely thought you ran away...
  4843. > You couldn't be sure of that.
  4844. > There were still questions about the spell she put on you.
  4845. > And Luna's brand on your neck.
  4846. > And her guards behaviour.
  4847. > You would need to discover the truth behind all of this.
  4848. > You couldn't trust her yet.
  4849. > And you couldn't love her yet.
  4850. > But right now...
  4851. > All you knew was that there was a crying woman in front of you.
  4852. > Your wife.
  4853. > And that wouldn't stand.
  4854. "Cel. Come here."
  4855. > She looks up.
  4856. > You gesture with a hand for her to approach.
  4857. > Gently, cautiously, she moves close to you.
  4858. > Looking at her, she's exhausted.
  4859. > You could continue this conversation when she was rested.
  4860. > When she's within range, you wrap your arms around her.
  4861. > The pain in your chest flares.
  4862. > And she sobs into your shoulder.
  4863. > "You... You shouldn't do this. You'll hurt yourself..."
  4864. > You'd had enough of her worrying about you.
  4865. > You were a big guy.
  4866. > You could handle it.
  4867. > You keep up the hug.
  4868. > Running your hand through her hair.
  4869. > Somehow, the sickness you had felt around her had dissipated.
  4870. > Perhaps exhaustion.
  4871. > Perhaps it had been replaced with fury.
  4872. > But you were too tired to be angry now.
  4873. > Eventually, you split apart.
  4874. > And stare into her eyes.
  4876. > She makes to pull back.
  4877. > But you keep a hold on her neck.
  4878. > "Anon... I should go get some rest. We shouldn't have talked like this..."
  4879. > You offer her a smile.
  4880. > Before shifting over in the bed.
  4881. > It was a big bed.
  4882. "Hop up."
  4883. > You pull back the blanket.
  4884. > And pat the mattress with a hand.
  4885. > She looks uncertain, to the spot and then back up to you.
  4886. "I'm not promising anything for tomorrow. But I can deal with it tonight."
  4887. > You were confident you could.
  4888. > It may not hold true for the future...
  4889. > But for tonight, you could.
  4890. > She continues to stand there for a while, before she rears up on her hind hooves.
  4891. > And slides into the bed.
  4892. > And rests her head on the pillow there.
  4893. > Her wings staunchly at her side.
  4894. > As her magic pulls the covers back up over her.
  4895. "Sleep tight, Cel."
  4896. > You keep to your side.
  4897. > You're in the same bed, but not even touching.
  4898. > Baby steps.
  4899. > You would get to the bottom of all this tomorrow.
  4900. > You would figure out if she was genuine.
  4901. > What the whole scope of the situation was.
  4902. > But for now...
  4903. > For now, you would just go with the flow.
  4904. > Shut your brain down and let things happen.
  4905. > It hadn't steered you wrong in the past.
  4906. > Over-thinking had tended to do that instead.
  4907. > You await a 'good night, Anon.'
  4908. > But it never comes.
  4909. > She's asleep as soon as she hits the pillow.
  4910. > She must've been tired.
  4911. > You chuckle.
  4912. > And lay down on your side.
  4913. > You hoped you woke up first.
  4914. > It was always easier to handle when you woke up first.
  4916. -----------------------------------------------------------
  4918. > You are comfy as fuck right now.
  4919. > But it doesn't feel like you should be awake.
  4920. > There is no irritating, blinding light hitting your eyelids.
  4921. > Sluggishly, you try to stretch.
  4922. > And find something heavy over your chest.
  4923. > Your chest which barely seems to hurt right now.
  4924. > Fascinating.
  4925. > Your arms push up against it.
  4926. > And it wraps around your side.
  4927. > Squeezing tightly.
  4928. > It's very soft.
  4929. > Blearily, you crack open your eyes.
  4930. > And gaze upon the massive white wing draped over you.
  4931. > It's very warm.
  4932. > You look beside you to spot Celestia.
  4933. > Still asleep.
  4934. > Snoring softly.
  4935. > You wonder if she always snores.
  4936. > Or just when she's exhausted.
  4937. > Her mane in complete disarray.
  4938. > And... pink, oddly.
  4939. > Rather than it's usual rainbow of colours.
  4940. > More importantly, you got up first.
  4941. > Perfect.
  4942. > Always made women easier to handle when you were less groggy.
  4943. > A lot easier to escape, too.
  4944. > You shift your gaze over to the clock.
  4945. > And concern suddenly hits you.
  4946. > It's seven in the morning.
  4947. > And the sun is not rising.
  4948. > That... could concern some people.
  4949. > You look back to Celestia.
  4950. > But she looks so peaceful.
  4951. > As the thought goes through your mind, a particularly loud snore rings out.
  4952. > Not quite so peaceful looking during that.
  4953. > But you still didn't want to wake her.
  4954. > She might want to... talk.
  4955. > Again.
  4956. > And you didn't quite want to have another conversation just yet.
  4957. > Slowly, you shimmy up the bed until you're in a sitting position.
  4958. > Her wing now only draped over your lower half.
  4959. > It constricts and wraps tightly around your legs.
  4960. > It clearly doesn't want to let go.
  4962. > The contact stirs up... conflicted emotions.
  4963. > Oddly, you feel detached from the disgust.
  4964. > You recognize the emotion within you...
  4965. > But it's like something's suppressing it.
  4966. > You wonder if you're on some sort of antidepressant drug from the IV.
  4967. > But you may as well capitalize.
  4968. > If you're not having a severe adverse reaction, then you can work on getting used to her.
  4969. > Becoming less... phobic of her.
  4970. > All of your reactions hadn't been well-considered; they had been reflexes.
  4971. > But if you're stuck here, you'll need to get over them.
  4972. > Looking down, you can see her wing's not in great shape.
  4973. > Idly, your hands move down to it.
  4974. > And start straightening out the feathers.
  4975. > You'd seen Gryphons do it before, back in Aetherium.
  4976. > The Principality of Talon's Peak was a part of Aetherium, after all.
  4977. > Ruled by a Gryphon named Duchess LeCinch.
  4978. > A vassal domain, though it behaved much more like a province of Aetherium.
  4979. > Had the misfortune of being surrounded on all sides by resettling humans after the liberation.
  4980. > And opted for submission rather than extirpation.
  4981. > So you had often seen their types preen at court as a child.
  4982. > Hell, one of your nannies was a Gryphoness.
  4983. > Miss Skytalon.
  4984. > Never gave you a moment's rest.
  4985. > Carefully, you begin re-setting her primaries.
  4986. > The wing twitches in your grasp, and relaxes.
  4987. > You gently, slowly begin to move along the wing.
  4988. > Your fingers tracing along the thin bone, ever-so softly tracing along it to look for the connections for feathers.
  4989. > And testing them with a light tug.
  4990. > It's incredibly soft.
  4991. > She lets out a moan in her sleep.
  4992. > Which is... awkward.
  4993. > You wondered if this was the equivalent of a massage or something.
  4994. > You consider stopping right there.
  4995. > But... might as well finish the primaries at least.
  4996. > Which you continue to do.
  4997. > Despite the... sounds she makes.
  4998. > And when you're done with this wing, you lean back against the headboard.
  4999. > It looks a lot nicer, even with just those ones done.
  5001. > You bring up your good arm to your chest and feel through the skin.
  5002. > It hurts like a bitch.
  5003. > Your ribs already set-back in place.
  5004. > And from the feel of it, properly mended.
  5005. > But there was still substantial bruising in the flesh.
  5006. > It stunned you how good magic was at bones.
  5007. > The doctors had stated that the wound in your arm would take longer to fix.
  5008. > And the one on your face wasn't going to be fixed.
  5009. > Which was... upsetting.
  5010. > Most of the little scratches would heal with time.
  5011. > A lot of them obtained through your bouts with the sandy arena floor.
  5012. > But the sword-wound across your nose would not.
  5013. > Evidently an infection had formed, and had they healed it you would've gotten ill.
  5014. > So they had to burn it out.
  5015. > Which unfortunately meant retaining the scar.
  5016. > And the fucked up nose.
  5017. > It felt weird to breathe through.
  5018. > Like the air was going out the wrong way.
  5019. > You had hoped they could fix it, but it was what it was.
  5020. > Luna had gone over the details of the magic involved with you yesterday.
  5021. > Apparently the spells they had were better suited for fitting bones than fixing flesh.
  5022. > Bone-breaks were typical, evidently, amongst Pegasi.
  5023. > In no small part due to the fragile nature of their wings.
  5024. > And so magic had rapidly been developed to deal with them.
  5025. > But muscle and flesh magic was a little harder to help.
  5026. > And so, your left arm was going to be out of commission for a while.
  5027. > And your face was going to be...
  5028. > A little less handsome.
  5029. > Not that it mattered.
  5030. > You sighed deeply.
  5031. > And looked back at the mare next to you.
  5032. > She...
  5033. > She seemed sincere yesterday.
  5034. > Perhaps she was just exceptionally deceptive.
  5035. > There were so many pieces to the puzzle here...
  5036. > You couldn't make judgements just yet.
  5037. > But you would need to take measures to ensure you were insulated from her.
  5038. > You wouldn't risk yourself again.
  5040. > Well, the sun had to rise eventually.
  5041. > Gently, you reach over.
  5042. > And run your fingers through her frazzled mane.
  5043. > Careful not to pull on any knots.
  5044. > It's weird, seeing it like this.
  5045. > Even last night, when it wasn't flowing behind her, it still had that magical shine.
  5046. > But now it seemed like normal hair in your hand.
  5047. > Albeit in an unconventional colour.
  5048. > Well, unconventional for you.
  5049. > Pink was probably fairly normal for Equestrians.
  5050. > They were a flamboyant civilization, to be certain.
  5051. > She groans in her sleep and turns her head.
  5052. > Nuzzling into your arm.
  5053. > Her horn nearly impaling your arm in the process.
  5054. > But it remains adorable.
  5055. "Cel."
  5056. > She murmurs in response to the sound.
  5057. > Before flipping back over.
  5058. > And facing away from you.
  5059. "Celestia..."
  5060. > You move your hand down and poke her neck.
  5061. > No reaction.
  5062. > Gods, she must truly be out like a light.
  5063. > You continue your poking path.
  5064. > Until you hit the joint connecting her wing and her back.
  5065. > And the wings flare out.
  5066. > Nailing you in the face.
  5067. > It stings like crazy when the feathers poke at your bandage.
  5068. > And you hiss in pain.
  5069. > "Wha- Who- Whur?"
  5070. > She rolls in a panic.
  5071. > And falls off the bed, pulling all the blankets off with her.
  5072. > With a loud crash, she lands on the floor beside the bed.
  5073. > "Uuuunnnnnggg."
  5074. > She says in perfect Equestrian.
  5075. > Truly a master of language.
  5076. > Time to be a smartass.
  5077. "Ung? Is that Old Coryan as well? Composing a new song for me perhaps?"
  5078. > At that, she gasps.
  5079. > And shoots up and stares at you.
  5080. > The blanket is impaled through her horn.
  5081. > It looks like a cloak over her.
  5082. > "Anon?"
  5084. > You flash her a winning smile.
  5085. "The one and only. And it's quarter-past seven, you seem to be neglecting your duties."
  5086. > She's just staring blankly at you for a moment.
  5087. > Before panic overtakes her features.
  5088. > "Oh no! I overslept!"
  5089. > Captain Obvious.
  5090. > In a panic, she tries to get up and move to leave the room.
  5091. > But her hooves pull the blanket, and it tugs on her head from her horn.
  5092. > Whipping her head down to the ground.
  5093. > Which sends out a sickening crack through the room.
  5094. > That must've hurt.
  5095. > You hear a loud whimper from over the side of the bed.
  5096. > And scooch over to look down at her.
  5097. > She's staring blankly forward.
  5098. > Her head on the ground.
  5099. > Her horn had ripped a larger hole in the blanket, and you could see her face.
  5100. > The rest of her wrapped up in the blanket like a cocoon.
  5101. > She's dazed.
  5102. "Need a hand?"
  5103. > Her eye looks up at you with that.
  5104. > And her already blushing face turns a deeper red.
  5105. > "N-no thanks."
  5106. > Her horn ignites, and you see the blanket vaporize.
  5107. > Dear memory, remember the fact that Celestia can vaporize things.
  5108. > Slowly, she rises up, and stabilizes herself with a wing on the bed.
  5109. > She's clearly still dizzy.
  5110. > But she starts moving out of the room.
  5111. > Slowly, but surely.
  5112. > Until she finds her stride.
  5113. > And deftly exits the room.
  5114. > You shift back over the other side of the bed.
  5115. > You swing your legs over the bed.
  5116. > And rise up.
  5117. > The pressure in your chest is intolerable.
  5118. > Hand wrapped around the... thing your IV hangs from.
  5119. > You move to follow her out.
  5120. > You probably shouldn't be doing this.
  5121. > But who cares.
  5123. > You were barely able to keep up to track her.
  5124. > You find yourself out in a garden-type area.
  5125. > Barren of any other ponies.
  5126. > It's a portion of the medical wing, no doubt.
  5127. > There's some sort of translucent barrier over top of it.
  5128. > Definitely not glass, but... something to prevent entrance or exit.
  5129. > Celestia moves toward the center of the garden.
  5130. > And ignites her horn.
  5131. > Seems she needs to charge a lot more magic this time.
  5132. > Last time, she had been able to do it almost casually.
  5133. > Now, she's struggling.
  5134. > The wind picks up around you.
  5135. > Which is odd, given that this place is enclosed.
  5136. > You lean casually back against a column lining the garden.
  5137. > And watch as eventually she shoots up with a gust of her wings.
  5138. > Before a blinding light emerges from her horn.
  5139. > You keep your eyes on her shadowed form as the light blurs out everything around her.
  5140. > And when it ceases, the light of the sun is in it's place.
  5141. > It's somewhat less majestic when she looks like she just woke up.
  5142. > Her fur all sticking out in random directions.
  5143. > But still impressive.
  5144. > You do what you did the first day you met her.
  5145. > And start applauding.
  5146. > As she descends and collapses on the grass.
  5147. > And lets out a groan.
  5148. > "You should be in bed."
  5149. > She yells it across the garden.
  5150. > You chuckle.
  5151. "Should I? It looks more like you should be."
  5152. > You lean down and speak quieter.
  5153. "Plus someone destroyed my blanket."
  5154. > You probably should be back in bed.
  5155. > But you weren't interested in laying down all day.
  5156. > Wasn't your style.
  5157. > You move over to her, and poke her with a foot.
  5158. > To which she groans again.
  5159. > "This is a horrible way to start the day. Court's going to be packed with people because of the late rise."
  5160. > She glares up at you.
  5161. > And puffs her cheeks out.
  5162. > Before sighing.
  5163. > "This is your fault, you know. I haven't woken up late in years."
  5164. > You smile.
  5165. > And reach down to ruffle her already-horrendous mane.
  5166. "Well, maybe you should try it more often. I'm somewhat of an aficionado of waking up late."
  5168. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5170. "Anon, I'm going to have insurrection on my hooves soon."
  5171. > "It's almost done. Then we can go get ready."
  5172. > Be Celestia.
  5173. > And currently in the dining hall.
  5174. > And still nowhere near looking presentable.
  5175. > Today was definitely not going to be a fun day.
  5176. > And doubtless hundreds of ponies were awaiting you in the throne room.
  5177. > Demanding compensation for the late rise, demanding a public apology, questioning your authority.
  5178. > It was going to be irritating as Tartarus.
  5179. > And you were already irritated.
  5180. > Anonymous was in the adjacent kitchen.
  5181. > Cooking something.
  5182. > Despite your best efforts to try and convince him to return to bed.
  5183. > And to keep his IV in.
  5184. > His chest still looked... wrong, when you looked at it.
  5185. > All discoloured.
  5186. > But he's far too proud and stubborn to listen to good advice.
  5187. > Mom had always told you stallions were stubborn...
  5188. > Apparently that held true for men too.
  5189. > You gaze over at the kitchen door.
  5190. > You had no idea he knew how to cook at all.
  5191. > And you suspected he didn't know many herbivore dishes.
  5192. > But he had given you his assurances.
  5193. > And despite your protesting, insisted on cooking something.
  5194. > It was... sweet.
  5195. > You liked it.
  5196. > But it was going to make you later for court than you already were.
  5197. > A court which was sure to be hellish.
  5198. > Nnnnn....
  5199. > You're chewing on your wing right now.
  5200. > It's so damn itchy.
  5201. > Desperately, you're trying to get the feather stems with your teeth.
  5202. > To straighten them out.
  5203. > You had tried using magic in the past...
  5204. > But because each feather was charged with magic, you inevitably gripped multiple.
  5205. > And hence you would adjust one into proper place, and put three more out.
  5206. > So it was easier to do with your mouth.
  5207. > Though easier was... an inaccurate way of describing things.
  5208. > Yeowch!
  5209. > You pulled one out.
  5210. > One which was not actually ready to be pulled.
  5211. > Stupid wings.
  5213. > "And breakfast is served!"
  5214. > You take a break from fighting your wings to look up.
  5215. > As Anon carries in two plates.
  5216. > One, filled full of an interesting assortment.
  5217. > It smelled delicious.
  5218. > And the other with only a...
  5219. > Sandwich
  5220. > A single small sandwich.
  5221. > He sets the big plate in front of you.
  5222. > Filled with a variety of veggies and little flecks of pasta.
  5223. > "One gigantic orzo salad for the princess with the appetite."
  5224. > The princess with the-
  5225. > Where in the world did he get that idea?
  5226. > Your face flushes crimson.
  5227. "I don't have such a big appetite..."
  5228. > He laughs at that.
  5229. > While taking a seat beside you.
  5230. > And waving a fork before your face.
  5231. > "Somepony's sister disagrees."
  5232. > Luna.
  5233. > That bitch.
  5234. > You were still a growing mare.
  5235. > Sort of.
  5236. > Alicorns grew a lot longer than normal ponies.
  5237. > You needed to eat a lot.
  5238. > You'd get her back for that.
  5239. > And sleeping with your stallion.
  5240. > Human.
  5241. > She had a lot to answer for.
  5242. > An immense itch in your wing sends a shudder down your spine.
  5243. "It smells great! But I need a second..."
  5244. > You say as you bury your face back into your wing.
  5245. > Desperately searching for the feather which was giving you problems.
  5246. > When you feel a hand on your wingjoint.
  5247. > "Let me get that for you. I started on your other wing this morning."
  5248. > You freeze.
  5249. > He was preening you this morning?
  5250. > That explains the dream...
  5251. > Oh you hope you didn't do anything embarrassing.
  5253. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that..."
  5254. > You peek up from over your wing at him.
  5255. > And he gives you a look.
  5256. > "C'mon, now. You have places to be, and my meal's portable where yours isn't. Hand it over missus."
  5257. > He...
  5258. > Had a point.
  5259. > You guess.
  5260. > Timidly, you extend your wing out so that it's in front of him.
  5261. > "Plus, I can... Feel the itch, weirdly."
  5262. > The bond.
  5263. > He gets to work almost instantly.
  5264. > You shudder as his fingers run along the thin bone at the top of your wing.
  5265. > Your pegasi friends had always told you that wings were... sensual.
  5266. > And you could see it to some degree.
  5267. > When they weren't being a giant pain in the flank.
  5268. > But with Anon slowly sorting through your feathers...
  5269. > His soft caress on your joints...
  5270. > You began to see the appeal a lot more clearly.
  5271. > You levitated up some cutlery, and began digging in to the 'salad.'
  5272. > And oh by the stars, is it delicious.
  5273. > How the hell does he know how to cook.
  5274. > You didn't even know how to cook.
  5275. > For that matter, how did he know how to work feathers?
  5276. "Where did you learn how to preen?"
  5277. > It had better not have been Luna.
  5278. > Or you swear, she's gonna get it so bad.
  5279. > "I saw Gryphons do it all the time back home."
  5280. > Oh.
  5281. > He had a lot of experience with Gryphons, did he?
  5282. > You wonder...
  5283. "Did you..."
  5284. > He gets up, and moves around to your other side.
  5285. > Your left wing feels pleasantly warm now.
  5286. > And sits down.
  5287. > "Other wing. And did I what?"
  5288. > You shift out the wing and put it before him.
  5289. > He starts humming a little tune as he works.
  5290. > This feels... weird to ask.
  5291. > But you were curious.
  5292. > He seems oblivious.
  5293. > Which is a good sign.
  5294. "Did you ever... Y'know, with a Gryphon?"
  5296. > He freezes.
  5297. > His hands shaking on your wing.
  5298. > That was most definitely a dumb question.
  5299. > Why in the world did you ask that?
  5300. > Oh Sun and Stars.
  5301. > He obviously wouldn't want to discuss something like that.
  5302. > And suddenly, he starts laughing.
  5303. > Which instantly turns your regret into embarrassment.
  5304. > And your face lights up.
  5305. > "I swear, you and Luna are endlessly interested in my sex life."
  5306. > It wasn't your fault!
  5307. > You had almost no experience with the topic.
  5308. > Outside of very detailed books.
  5309. > And somepony was refusing to help you in that department.
  5310. > "To answer your question, no. I've only ever been with humans in that way."
  5311. > That... was a bit of a relief, to be honest.
  5312. > Helped soothe your concerns that he was just repulsed by you.
  5313. > Though, he seemed... Less so, today.
  5314. > It's odd.
  5315. > But you should probably say something.
  5316. "That's good."
  5317. > What.
  5318. > Why did you say that.
  5319. > That was not the right thing to say.
  5320. > You focus on your meal.
  5321. > You can feel his eyes burrowing into your skull from behind.
  5322. > "Good, huh? Feeling a little jealous?"
  5323. > You puffed out your cheeks at that.
  5324. > You wonder if he felt that through the bond.
  5325. > You continued eating, not dignifying it with a response.
  5326. > "No doubt you are. Well, Princess, don't worry. You'll be my first inter-species lay."
  5327. > At that, you choked.
  5328. > And spit up the mouthful you had.
  5329. > To uproarious laughter from behind you.
  5330. > And you look back at him with fury in your eyes.
  5331. > Into a disarming smile.
  5332. > Which made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  5333. > This felt surreal.
  5334. > Just yesterday you had still been worried sick...
  5335. > And now everything just seemed fine.
  5337. > "Hey now, Cel. You gotta finish eating. We need to get you ready for court."
  5338. > At that, your fury drained.
  5339. > That's right.
  5340. > You had court.
  5341. > You had been so bundled up in Anonymous that you had nearly forgotten.
  5342. > You practically shove the rest of the meal into your gullet.
  5343. > And by the time you're done, Anonymous has finished your wings.
  5344. > They feel brand new.
  5345. > "All done?"
  5346. > You smile, and nod in his direction.
  5347. > He seems so relaxed.
  5348. > You had never seen him like this before.
  5349. > And with so much you two still had to discuss...
  5350. > So much to figure out...
  5351. > Maybe that was it.
  5352. > He was trying to avoid the conversation.
  5353. > Like you were.
  5354. > And were going to continue to.
  5355. "Yep. Let's go get ready..."
  5356. > You both draw back from the table.
  5357. > He takes his sandwich with him to move.
  5358. > And you head toward the door.
  5359. > Nodding to the guards as you both exit.
  5360. > You...
  5361. > You didn't want this to end.
  5362. > It almost felt like, if you were apart...
  5363. > For even a moment...
  5364. > He'd get swept away again.
  5365. "Anon..."
  5366. > "Hmm?"
  5367. > Hopefully court wasn't too bad.
  5368. > He could just stand there... right?
  5369. > Nopony would say anything if he was in the room.
  5370. > Surely.
  5371. "Want to come with me to court today?"
  5372. > You purposefully keep your gaze forward.
  5373. > Please say yes.
  5374. > Please say-
  5375. > "Sure. I suppose I might as well get used to it, after all."
  5376. > Perfect.
  5377. > The longer he was around you...
  5378. > The safer he was.
  5379. "Then you'll need to get dressed up too, mister."
  5381. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  5383. > As you enter your room, you notice Anon hesitate.
  5384. > You look back, and see him cringe looking at the guards.
  5385. > The guards, for their part, don't notice.
  5386. > Staring straight forward, he was too tall to see his face.
  5387. > But within a second he recaptures his composure.
  5388. > And moves to follow you in.
  5389. > You needed to address that...
  5390. > If it was true, and the guards abducted him, then he was right to be wary around them.
  5391. > And you were the only pony who could keep him safe.
  5392. > Upon entering the room, Anonymous closes the door behind him.
  5393. > And speaks up.
  5394. > "That was one of them."
  5395. > Oh.
  5396. > Well that changes the level of concern a bit.
  5397. "The guards outside?"
  5398. > He nods, looking back at the door.
  5399. > There is a look of intense consternation on his face.
  5400. > Like he's dreading leaving the room again.
  5401. > The poor thing.
  5402. > You move over and wrap your newly-preened wings around his shoulders.
  5403. > Placing your head on his shoulder.
  5404. > "The one with the white fur. I remember him from the hallway that night."
  5405. > Then he would be dealt with.
  5406. > Harshly.
  5407. "I'll take care of it."
  5408. > You barely whisper it into his ear.
  5409. > You were bubbling with rage right now, beneath the surface.
  5410. > Anon had no reason to lie about any of that. And when you had your...
  5411. > Your fight.
  5412. > You had felt the truth behind his statements.
  5413. > You'd need to get Heated Steel to... extract the identities of his companions in the abduction.
  5414. > It felt bad to think about.
  5415. > But your dad always said that ruling came with a price.
  5416. > Maybe Imperial Shimmer-
  5417. > The guard Anon had indicated-
  5418. > Maybe he would give them up without a fight.
  5419. > You hoped so.
  5421. > You peaked your head out of the door.
  5422. "Imperial Shimmer. You're to report to the barracks. You're to remain there until I come for you."
  5423. > He snaps a sharp salute.
  5424. > "Who would you like to replace me, Princess?"
  5425. > He was a dutiful stallion, or so you had thought.
  5426. > An older one.
  5427. > You wonder what would've driven him to such extremes...
  5428. > Given his age, it might have been the sort of thing many of the nobility were complaining about.
  5429. > Unworthiness and whatnot with respect to Anonymous.
  5430. "No one. Ardent Spear will be sufficient. Thank you, Shimmer."
  5431. > He nods, before moving to leave.
  5432. > Not even questioning as to why you gave the order.
  5433. > He probably knows why you're sending him away.
  5434. > That you know of his... indiscretions.
  5435. > You'll personally speak to him later. Get his side of the story.
  5436. > And if you find flaws...
  5437. > Then you'll send him to Heated Steel.
  5438. > At that, you withdraw back into the room.
  5439. > Anonymous is still standing there.
  5440. > With that same panicked look on his face.
  5441. > Staring at the door.
  5442. > You move up, and place a wingtip at his chin.
  5443. > And turn it to face you.
  5444. "He's gone, Anonymous. You don't have to worry."
  5445. > He cringes at that.
  5446. > And struggles out a response.
  5447. > "I... I don't know what's come over me. I just..."
  5448. > At that, you move the wing up to his lips.
  5449. > And move your head beside his as well.
  5450. "It's alright Anonymous. I know it must've been difficult."
  5451. > You're trying to be caring.
  5452. > You can only imagine what he went through before you found him there.
  5453. > Slaver rings in the far North were not known for their kindness.
  5454. > Nor their temperance.
  5455. > You feel one of his hands come up to your neck.
  5456. > "We... We need to get ready for court."
  5457. > You pull back and look him in the eye.
  5458. > Before giving a little smile.
  5460. "You're more important."
  5461. > He chuckles, but it feels forced.
  5462. > But he actively tries to pull back from you then.
  5463. > Which you knew to let him do.
  5464. > "It's only going to get worse the longer we put it off."
  5465. > You sigh.
  5466. > He was right, of course.
  5467. > But you wished he wasn't.
  5468. "I suppose. We might as well go hop in the shower then, hadn't we?"
  5469. > A good shower always made you feel better.
  5470. > Doubtless it would hold true for Anonymous as well.
  5471. > But you notice he's not following you to the bathroom.
  5472. > You look back.
  5473. > He's stock-still.
  5474. > And staring at you with disbelief.
  5475. > You said something wrong, didn't you?
  5476. "Anon?"
  5477. > He retained his look of stunned silence.
  5478. > You wonder if this was a human thing.
  5479. > "I'm guessing this is a pony thing. Humans don't shower together unless it's... intimate."
  5480. > Oh.
  5481. > Well, that's...
  5482. > Ponies just showered together all the time.
  5483. > It was utilitarian!
  5484. > But still.
  5485. > You supposed it was still too early for anything he might consider intimate.
  5486. > Even if he was preening your wings just moments ago.
  5487. > Which you don't get much more intimate than.
  5488. > Humans are weird.
  5489. "Alright, Anon. I guess you can have one after me? Or before me?"
  5490. > He makes a gesture with his hand which you interpret as 'you first.'
  5491. > "After you."
  5492. > Internal high-hoof.
  5493. > You were getting better at reading them already.
  5494. > You'd know Anon better than he knew himself in no time.
  5495. > He laid back on your bed as you entered the bathroom.
  5496. > You'd have to be quick, sadly.
  5498. > That hot water felt nice.
  5499. > Very nice.
  5500. > You used magic over your wings to hold the feathers in place.
  5501. > While you couldn't adjust them individually...
  5502. > You could keep them safe from getting out of shape with magic across all of them.
  5503. > You pour shampoo into your mane.
  5504. > And the rest of your body after that.
  5505. > You'd have to reapply your spell to make your mane wavy after.
  5506. > And another to de-fluff your fur.
  5507. > Dad said appearances were important.
  5508. > The most important thing.
  5509. > Appearances...
  5510. > You hoped Anonymous was going to be alright at court.
  5511. > No one would dare criticize him with him in the room, would they?
  5512. > They'd have to be nuts.
  5513. > Especially with you there too.
  5514. > Suicidal, really.
  5515. > It would make court nicer to deal with.
  5516. > For the past two-weeks you'd been dealing with periodic drop-ins from Nobles complaining about Anon.
  5517. > Their complaints were of a vast and varied nature.
  5518. > You'd made it abundantly clear that you were sick of hearing their complaints.
  5519. > But that hadn't stopped them.
  5520. > It would be nice if you could get a break from that.
  5521. > You wash the suds out of your hair.
  5522. > And your fur.
  5523. > And shut off the water.
  5524. > You had so much on your mind right now...
  5525. > You just wanted some time to sort it all out before you had to deal with court.
  5526. > But the world waits for nopony.
  5527. > Not even the one who moves the sun.
  5528. > And hence, it was time to get going.
  5529. > Exiting the shower, you begin to apply your varied spells to make yourself presentable.
  5530. > Comb through the hair first, then spell to make it flow.
  5531. > Comb through the fur first, then spell to make it shine.
  5532. > Wings... already preened.
  5533. > That's like an hour and a half off your usual morning getting-ready ceremony.
  5534. > You smile, looking in the mirror.
  5535. > Presentable.
  5537. > Idly, you're staring at your fingernails.
  5538. > You're Anonymous.
  5539. > And this bed smells incredibly strongly of Celestia.
  5540. > That faint linger of the ever-present scent of mint you smell while around her.
  5541. > A few days ago, it had aided in making you feel ill.
  5542. > And you somewhat felt it.
  5543. > But all of your emotions except fear felt suppressed.
  5544. > You had genuinely felt fear seeing that guard.
  5545. > The kind of fear you could scarcely recognize.
  5546. > It locked you up.
  5547. > Yet even your happiness and humour were suppressed.
  5548. > Ordinarily, you loved flustering women.
  5549. > And you should've been immensely amused at Celestia's reactions at breakfast.
  5550. > But you had found yourself forcing the reaction.
  5551. > It's... odd.
  5552. > But the feelings are slowly coming back to you.
  5553. > You even were beginning to feel your bond with Celestia again.
  5554. > Which was interesting.
  5555. > You hear a door open.
  5556. > And keep your eyes closed.
  5557. > Pretending to be asleep.
  5558. > Luring the prey into the trap.
  5559. > And as you heard her hoof-steps get close...
  5560. > You sat up quickly and moved right nose-to-nose.
  5561. > Causing her to yelp and flinch.
  5562. > Should be amusing.
  5563. > You feel the barest traces of amusement.
  5564. > But...
  5565. > It's weird.
  5566. > "You... You..."
  5567. "You jerk? C'mon, Celestia, get something original!"
  5568. > You poke her in the nose.
  5569. > She looked quite well, now.
  5570. > You had decided to just settle on not thinking about your emotions.
  5571. > If you just went with your normal behaviour around women, it was sure to work out.
  5572. > She's looking indignant at you.
  5573. > "Go get in the shower!"
  5574. > You snap a salute.
  5575. "Yes, ma'm."
  5577. > As you entered the bathroom, you were struck by how large it was.
  5578. > Truly a bathroom for the princess of a nation like Equestria.
  5579. > First stop, the sink.
  5580. > You doubted Equestrians would have any razors...
  5581. > But you wanted to check, just in case.
  5582. > And as you look in the mirror...
  5583. > You can finally see your wound for the first real time.
  5584. > Gods, you look disgusting.
  5585. > Dirt-covered, blood-caked monster.
  5586. > Discoloured chest.
  5587. > Horrifying face.
  5588. > Unshaven, growing out hair like a barbarian.
  5589. > Moving like a damned cripple.
  5590. > You looked like some creature out of legend.
  5591. > Something a heroic knight should slay.
  5592. > How in the world did Celest-
  5593. > Suddenly, you feel it again.
  5594. > That intense fear.
  5595. > It overtakes your thoughts.
  5596. > It freezes you in place.
  5597. > As you stare at yourself in the mirror.
  5598. > The light goes out.
  5599. > Darkness filling the room.
  5600. > And an incredible migraine takes over your head.
  5601. > You try to scream out in pain.
  5602. > But you feel like you can't.
  5603. > Your eyes locked with themselves in the mirror as everything behind you goes black.
  5604. > Until all you can see is yourself.
  5605. > Your monstrous self.
  5606. > And all you can feel is the throbbing in your head.
  5607. > It needs to stop...
  5608. > Why does it have to hurt to get better?
  5609. > Where did that thought come from...
  5610. > Where even are you...
  5611. > As you're staring forward, you notice something new.
  5612. > On your shoulder.
  5613. > Those teal eyes.
  5614. > Those beautiful eyes.
  5615. > "My Prince..."
  5617. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  5619. "You're not looking so good, my Prince."
  5620. > You place your claws up on his shoulder.
  5621. > Your true form's claws.
  5622. > He's shaking immensely under your touch.
  5623. > The pain in his head, no doubt.
  5624. > You are Arryx Quartrasza.
  5625. > Nightmare, in Equestrian tongue.
  5626. > High Priestess and Broodqueen to Falwing.
  5627. > And your Prince has been spending far too much time around his new... associates.
  5628. > Too much time in spaces you couldn't speak to him.
  5629. > You hated to do this to him.
  5630. > But he couldn't see the light.
  5631. > And so you would show it to him...
  5632. > You whisper in ancient Kyllic.
  5633. > The words resonate in the room.
  5634. > The moon symbol on his neck begins glowing brightly.
  5635. > Corresponding to the moon symbol embedded in your ear.
  5636. > And you can taste it.
  5637. > His fear.
  5638. > His concerns.
  5639. > It's not a real bond...
  5640. > But it worked on a real bond.
  5641. > A parasite on his bond to...
  5642. > That whore.
  5643. > The whore outside the room.
  5644. > It fed off their emotions.
  5645. > Draining them that he might not fight against you.
  5646. > It was a magic you had learned from another species, conquered by Falwing.
  5647. > Parasites themselves.
  5648. > His fear infected you as well...
  5649. > You would have to soothe him.
  5650. > "N-n-nightmare? W-what's happening to me?"
  5651. > You shush him in his ear.
  5652. > And let loose a hot breath upon it.
  5653. > A breath which carries with it the volcanic heart in you.
  5654. > The warmth to which he must be drawn.
  5655. "Don't speak. I can help you..."
  5657. > Slowly, you turn him around.
  5658. > Your words would be echoing in his head.
  5659. > Part of the spell.
  5660. > His face is contorting into cringes.
  5661. > The headache doubtless crushing down upon him.
  5662. > A natural consequence of the spell.
  5663. > But you could sedate it...
  5664. > You pushed forward.
  5665. > And connected your lips to his.
  5666. > And pushed through it your magic.
  5667. > He initially pushes back against you.
  5668. > Doubtless he's feeling that this is wrong...
  5669. > But you knew he could not reject your gift.
  5670. > It would soothe his suffering.
  5671. > And you know that it is working as his resistance fled him.
  5672. > And his hands moved to caress your neck.
  5673. > He viciously begins to respond.
  5674. > Pushing back against you in the kiss.
  5675. > You can feel his desperation.
  5676. > His desperation for salvation from the suffering.
  5677. > His desperation for you.
  5678. > It pleases you.
  5679. > You let him push you back across the room.
  5680. > Guiding him loosely while keeping your connection.
  5681. > He desperately tries to keep connected to you.
  5682. > His only source of relief.
  5683. > Until you have guided him into the shower.
  5684. > Celestia could never suspect what happened in here.
  5685. > And so... He would need to be cleaned.
  5686. > You gently move your claws down to the belt of his pants.
  5687. > He's already shirtless.
  5688. > And slice cleanly through the belt with a claw.
  5689. > Oops.
  5690. > Well... Celestia likely wouldn't suspect anything.
  5691. > Belts break.
  5693. > He moans against you.
  5694. > It drives you crazy.
  5695. > His broken and battered body...
  5696. > Once such a proud prince.
  5697. > Still such a proud prince.
  5698. > Yet he was a ruin in your claws.
  5699. > Completely under your control.
  5700. > His pants fall to the ground.
  5701. > You can feel him pressing against you.
  5702. > As he desperately maintains your connection.
  5703. > You briefly considered exploiting him.
  5704. > The Debauched Aetherite Prince should surely know some tricks...
  5705. > But you knew better.
  5706. > You didn't have... time, to bring that to fruition.
  5707. > And you needed to make clear his dependency on you.
  5708. > You pull back briefly, a claw holding him in place as he desperately searches to resume the contact.
  5709. > And turn on the water.
  5710. > It's warm still.
  5711. > You can smell the scent of his captor in the room.
  5712. > That mare who has held him away from you.
  5713. > Who exploits him to protect her people.
  5714. > It infuriates you.
  5715. > That she would impose her will on your prize.
  5716. > Force him under her control with threats about the fate of his people.
  5717. > As if the Dragons were his enemy.
  5718. > As if you weren't his closest ally.
  5719. > As if you weren't everything he needed.
  5720. > You resume the kiss under the shower stream.
  5721. > And pull his naked body close against yours.
  5722. > You can feel his excitement against you.
  5723. > You can feel his pleasure through your bond.
  5724. > As your claws begin to trace along the defined edges of his body.
  5725. > He would make a fine Broodking in Falwing.
  5726. > You had always respected the humans.
  5727. > Many Dragons had since they conquered their new homeland.
  5728. > They had killed your father, after all, in their little war to claim their new kingdom.
  5729. > To slay such a mighty beast required... Endurance. Strength. A willingness to sacrifice.
  5730. > He was no easy prey.
  5731. > They were a noble species.
  5732. > They understood what it meant to be an apex predator.
  5733. > To see your prey build their kingdoms around you.
  5734. > The thrill of the hunt...
  5735. > The thrill of freedom.
  5736. > How they had ever been subject to the Equestrians was beyond you.
  5738. > You press him up against a wall.
  5739. > Pressed tightly between your scaly chest and the tile.
  5740. > The hot water dropping over the both of you.
  5741. > Turning to steam as it touched the blistering heat of your body.
  5742. > Heat which he could only endure because of your bond.
  5743. > He could only endure as he suckled at the magic you freely gave.
  5744. > You fed into him magic he could never understand.
  5745. > Uncontrollable magic.
  5746. > Chaotic magic.
  5747. > Your people were savants of the art.
  5748. > And it would continue to weaken his bond.
  5749. > As Chaotic magic naturally corrodes harmonious magic.
  5750. > Slowly, you begin to lather him.
  5751. > Periodically breaking your kiss as necessary.
  5752. > You wash his whole body.
  5753. > Everything with a gentle touch.
  5754. > But a wash would not be enough.
  5755. > Gently, with your razor-sharp claws, you shave his face.
  5756. > You knew how he detested his facial hair.
  5757. > You had felt it through the bond.
  5758. > You trimmed his hair as well with your talons.
  5759. > Until he looked every bit the human King he should be.
  5760. > The predator he should be.
  5761. > Hunting down the prey animals like a true warrior.
  5762. > You had seen him in the arena...
  5763. > How he fought.
  5764. > Even against the augmented Mountain.
  5765. > He would be suitable.
  5766. > You gazed upon him, though he did not gaze at you.
  5767. > He probably couldn't see much.
  5768. > The room encased in such thick darkness.
  5769. > But he was handsome.
  5770. > The thought occurred to you as you observed him.
  5771. > Finally separate from you.
  5772. > You turned off the water.
  5773. > He was seated at this point.
  5774. > Detached from you.
  5775. > Blearily staring forward.
  5776. > He had such a fill of your magic in him that the headache would have settled.
  5777. > But his mind would be a mess.
  5778. > But he would sort it out quickly.
  5779. > And adapt his thinking...
  5780. > Which was precisely what you wanted.
  5782. > Gently, you guide him back to the sink.
  5783. > Where you have him regard himself once again.
  5784. > His stunning glowing eyes.
  5785. > Glowing with the colour of yours.
  5786. > As your magic penetrated deep into his being.
  5787. > You repeat the old words.
  5788. > And you see the glow on the back of his neck dim.
  5789. > The glow in his eyes dim.
  5790. > As he begins to regain control of his consciousness.
  5791. > He would remember this encounter perfectly.
  5792. > But it would seem normal to him.
  5793. > Nothing would seem out of sorts.
  5794. > And he would never mention it to that whore outside.
  5795. > You kiss at the back of his neck.
  5796. > Where the Mark of the Goddess lies.
  5797. "Anonymous, my love. I need you to do some things for me..."
  5798. > He numbly nods his head.
  5799. > Obviously still unable to properly process.
  5800. > But it made it easier to mould him.
  5801. > To make him realize his potential.
  5802. "Firstly, you need to tell Celestia you want to train your own guards. She will present you with a number of Equestrians to choose from."
  5803. > You returned your head to his ear.
  5804. > And lightly nipped it.
  5805. "You will chose Shadewing and Moonlight."
  5806. > He nods once again.
  5807. > It was almost too easy.
  5808. "Secondly, I need you to seek out Luna tonight. And profess your love for her. Away from Celestia."
  5809. > At this, you get a response.
  5810. > A harsh, whispered response.
  5811. > Like a thirsty human desperately seeking water.
  5812. > "But I love you, Nightmare."
  5813. > It's touching.
  5814. > But he won't remember that little fact soon.
  5815. > When you're far enough away that your parasite cannot feed you.
  5816. > Your... bond.
  5817. > You wrap your leathery wings around him.
  5818. "Do as I say, and we can be together, my prince."
  5819. > In the mirror, he looks into your eyes.
  5820. > And you know he will obey.
  5821. > You smile.
  5822. "Goodbye, Anonymous."
  5823. > And with that, you fade into shadow.
  5824. > And the darkness in the room flees alongside you.
  5825. > Leaving him alone.
  5827. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  5829. > Gasping loudly, you tried to catch your breath.
  5830. > You are Anonymous.
  5831. > And you are desperately trying to focus on the pain in your chest.
  5832. > Which you had just pounded on like a goddamn ape.
  5833. > And are continuing to pound upon.
  5834. > It was an old trick you had learned.
  5835. > To deal with mental manipulation.
  5836. > When you felt that ringing in your mind...
  5837. > Echoing words...
  5838. > The telltale sign of mental magic.
  5839. > You knew to not think.
  5840. > Anything you thought would work against you.
  5841. > Deeper entrench ideas which were not your own.
  5842. > And make you lose sight of which ideas were yours and which were not.
  5843. > So you needed something to focus your attention on.
  5844. > And you had always found pain did the trick.
  5845. > Until the ringing left your ears, you would focus on the pain.
  5846. > And so you continued thudding on your bruised chest.
  5847. > Until eventually the ringing subsided.
  5848. > And you knew you were safe.
  5849. > You collapsed against a wall.
  5850. > Breathing heavily.
  5851. > And stared idly forward.
  5852. > It struck you that Nightmare must not be wholly familiar with Aetherite politics.
  5853. > Mental manipulation was a common theme.
  5854. > It was illegal, of course.
  5855. > But that didn't stop the nobility from seeking any route they could to power.
  5856. > Your family didn't have a terribly long-standing legitimate claim to authority, after all.
  5857. > 'A dynasty is not forged in a century, Anon.'
  5858. > Your father's words.
  5859. > Wise ones, on reflection.
  5860. > He had taught you this trick years ago.
  5861. > After... Embarrassing yourself at a birthday.
  5862. > After a prank from Ares.
  5863. > Which made you stuck in the belief that humans flung their shit.
  5864. > That was an unfortunate year, on reflection.
  5865. > The birthday was just the part you remembered best.
  5866. > Fortunately Ares got punished a lot worse than you.
  5867. > You'll never understand how people could just move past that.
  5868. > Especially with the whole thing at church...
  5869. > You shake your head.
  5870. > It was irrelevant.
  5871. > Your father had used his sword and his hand to focus.
  5872. > But you didn't have your blade with you.
  5874. > Slowly, you organize your thoughts.
  5875. > What exactly did Nightmare want?
  5876. > To in some way win you over?
  5877. > Make you see her as a friend?
  5878. > It was clear she was not the ally you thought she was.
  5879. > You know the first night she came to you, in the hospital, she wasn't using this magic.
  5880. > Or... was she?
  5881. > You were so exhausted that night.
  5882. > You might not have even noticed.
  5883. > Hell, she certainly didn't seem like a Dragon that night.
  5884. > Which meant you couldn't trust your own thoughts.
  5885. > You couldn't trust your own feelings.
  5886. > Perhaps even couldn't trust your memories.
  5887. > Once those ideas have time to settle, lost in the haze of thoughts you have...
  5888. > They become indistinguishable from your own.
  5889. > As real as any feelings you have had.
  5890. > While her magic had felt uniquely different to that you were accustomed to...
  5891. > It seemed to operate in much the same-
  5892. > Oh by the Gods.
  5893. > Your chest is in agony.
  5894. > The immediate pain of the thudding on your chest you could deal with...
  5895. > But the drawn out throb it was giving off now...
  5896. > That was hellish.
  5897. > Ugggh.
  5898. > Grin and bear it, you're a Prince goddamnit.
  5899. > You weren't sure exactly what to do, at this point.
  5900. > If you were to go against her rules, she might come back with something else.
  5901. > But if you played along...
  5902. > But who knows what that might expose you to.
  5903. > Shadewing and Moonlight.
  5904. > Clearly not loyal Equestrians, if she wanted them as your guards.
  5905. > But why would they be working for a Dragon?
  5906. > Falwing and Equestria despise one another more than Aetherium hates either nation.
  5907. > For that matter...
  5908. > Why is Luna involved?
  5909. > You knew she was... affectionate toward you.
  5910. > Moreso than was appropriate.
  5911. > She was not terribly good at hiding it.
  5912. > Perhaps she had cut a deal with Nightmare?
  5913. > Ugh.
  5915. > So, brass tacks.
  5916. > You can't trust yourself, because you might be being controlled.
  5917. > You can't trust the Equestrians, because they might sell you into slavery.
  5918. > Or, alternately, be working for Nightmare.
  5919. > You can't trust Nightmare, because she clearly has some outside plan.
  5920. > And you can't trust Luna, because she's clearly a part of Nightmare's plan.
  5921. > That left only one individual you could trust in this crazy land.
  5922. > Your wife.
  5923. > Celestia.
  5924. > The million bit question...
  5925. > Do you tell her?
  5926. > Your eyes are drawn down to the feather around your neck.
  5927. > It would crush her, you imagine, to know Luna had something to do with Nightmare.
  5928. > It would crush her especially to know what happened in here.
  5929. > And she might see this as an act of war.
  5930. > Nightmare was likely working as an agent of Falwing.
  5931. > If she's targeting you, the individual responsible for the alliance.
  5932. > Celestia would definitely not take kindly to that.
  5933. > You...
  5934. > It was probably best to handle this yourself for now.
  5935. > There was no reason to burden Celestia with your struggle.
  5936. > Especially when life's so tough for her right now with her own people.
  5937. > Nightmare was your task to handle.
  5938. > And handle her you would.
  5939. > As you have always handled your responsibilities.
  5940. > While you may have incorrect ideas or memories in your head, so long as you were aware of that fact...
  5941. > You could plan around it.
  5942. > Seek out solutions to it.
  5943. > You'll tell Celestia immediately if you come to doubt your mental integrity.
  5944. > If at any point it would threaten her in some way.
  5945. > But given your grasp of it at the moment, you would move forward.
  5946. > And so long as you were cognizant of the fact that your thoughts might not be your own.
  5947. > You would ensure you did nothing that might harm Equestria, Aetherium, or Celestia.
  5948. > Which meant carefully considering actions.
  5949. > Something you are fundamentally unfamiliar with doing.
  5950. > You were much better at letting your body lead.
  5951. > But... so be it.
  5952. > You could handle it.
  5953. > You hoped.
  5955. > As you rose up, you put back on your trousers.
  5956. > And headed for the door.
  5957. > Pushing it open gently.
  5958. > You saw Celestia, standing over on the balcony.
  5959. > With a... Phoenix?
  5960. > By the Gods, you'd never seen one in real life before.
  5961. > That was one majestic looking bird.
  5962. > She's singing another song.
  5963. > Possibly in Old Coryan again.
  5964. > And the Phoenix is flying around her in patterns.
  5965. > You keep your eyes locked on them as you move over to the table.
  5966. > It's a stunning performance.
  5967. > You can barely tear your eyes away.
  5968. > The table holding your golden armour.
  5969. > Oh, that's not going to be comfortable.
  5970. > Not with your chest so tender.
  5971. > But it would have to do.
  5972. > You began pulling on the clothes.
  5973. > But your eyes remain locked on Celestia as she sings.
  5974. > Idly pulling belts through loops on the armour.
  5975. > Cloth, Armour, Cloth.
  5976. > The tabard.
  5977. > You didn't feel the same revulsion you did before looking at it.
  5978. > Came with already being branded, you suppose.
  5979. > Her song stops before you manage to finish.
  5980. > And you can hear her speaking to the phoenix.
  5981. > "My, Anon seems to take longer than most mares in the bathroom, doesn't he Phi?"
  5982. > It caws out in reply.
  5983. > Endlessly fascinating creatures, those birds.
  5984. > But you couldn't let them get away with that.
  5985. "I'm not sure if I should be offended at that, Cel. You took some time yourself."
  5986. > She looks back.
  5987. > You wonder if she knew you were here all along.
  5988. > Given the lack of surprise on her face.
  5989. > "Oh, but I do have a much longer mane than you, Anonymous. And fur. Plus a tail."
  5990. > You smirk.
  5991. > Tit for tat.
  5992. "I have a tail to wash as well. It just hangs out the other side; but it requires as much tender love and care."
  5993. > Even the Phoenix seems to get embarrassed at that comment.
  5994. > Them both hiding their faces behind their wings.
  5995. > It was too easy.
  5997. -----------------------------------------------------
  5999. > So it turns out the Phoenix is sapient.
  6000. > And arrogant.
  6001. > Which was surprising, given they couldn't speak conventional languages.
  6002. > But they could learn to understand them.
  6003. > It gave the little phoenix a certain appeal.
  6004. > Philomena, her name was, evidently.
  6005. > She's quite the excitable bird.
  6006. > And she is currently riding on your shoulder.
  6007. > As you and Celestia move toward court.
  6008. > Much to Celestia's protest.
  6009. > She was insistent that the bird leave you be.
  6010. > But you didn't terribly mind.
  6011. > It's weird how the flames do not burn you.
  6012. > But you can feel the heat.
  6013. "Seems a little cliché for a Sun-Goddess to have a Phoenix, doesn't it?"
  6014. > She looks a little bashful at that.
  6015. > Celestia, that is.
  6016. > The bird just continues looking smug.
  6017. > "I'm not a Goddess, you goof. And all ponies who ascend get companions as foals like Philomena. They help shape our destiny."
  6018. > Oh?
  6019. > How interesting.
  6020. > You were still almost entirely unfamiliar with the process of ascension.
  6021. "Intriguing. Why's that?"
  6022. > She smiles, looking up at Philomena.
  6023. > And the bird caws loudly.
  6024. > "Well, it helps us think outside the box. Ponies who are going to ascend are raised from birth to think in certain ways."
  6025. > She seems a little uncomfortable discussing it.
  6026. > But it was so fascinating. You had never been big on destiny, despite the Court Mage's insistence that you had one.
  6027. > You rather amused yourself by fighting destiny.
  6028. > Spending every day subverting their desires for you.
  6029. > You wonder if Celestia, given her discomfort, enjoyed being raised with such a predisposed path to walk.
  6030. > You rest a hand on her withers.
  6031. > You also wonder what ascending really entails.
  6032. > Which she addresses without you needing to voice.
  6033. > "Ascension requires constructing new magic, and exotic species help us think of new magic."
  6034. > You had to wonder then, what her sister had.
  6035. "And Luna's is...?"
  6036. > At that, Celestia sighs.
  6038. > "Luna has about a billion. Though her closest is a Manticore. She's gifted with Nature-Tongue."
  6039. > Nature-tongue?
  6040. > A Goddamn Manticore?
  6041. > What?
  6042. > Celestia chuckles as she notices the confusion in your face.
  6043. > And continues on to explain.
  6044. > "It's the ability to understand animals which lack the gift of speech, like Philomena. It's a rare talent."
  6045. > You're still having trouble wrapping your head around this.
  6046. > But that does explain Luna's frequent mentions of various 'animal-friends' yesterday.
  6047. > Fairly adorable.
  6048. > But you suddenly found it less adorable knowing one of them was a Manticore.
  6049. > Those things were terrifying.
  6050. "So you both have eccentric pets."
  6051. > At the word 'pets,' Philomena pecks your head.
  6052. > Which hurts, slightly.
  6053. > But you barely even notice it.
  6054. > It pales in comparison to the pain in your chest from this breastplate.
  6055. > It was just barely too-tight.
  6056. > Ordinarily, it fit perfectly.
  6057. > But the swelling...
  6058. > Fortunately, you manage to keep the pain off your face.
  6059. > Grin and bear it, Anon.
  6060. > Celestia chuckles at Philomena's antics.
  6061. > "Now now, Phi. Anon's hurt. Don't go making it worse. And they're not pets... More like companions."
  6062. > You smile up at the bird.
  6063. > It's a bit of a cringe.
  6064. > But it looks like a smile to everyone else.
  6065. > It's still glaring down at you.
  6066. > You removed your arm from Celestia and rubbed gently under it's neck.
  6067. > It's such a weird sensation.
  6068. > It feels like warm water around your fingers.
  6069. > It... purrs, almost, to your touch.
  6070. > Nuzzling into your hand.
  6071. > Seems you've been forgiven.
  6072. "I suppose me and you are going to have to get familiar, then."
  6073. > It caws out in response.
  6074. > Damn, it would be awesome to have nature-tongue.
  6075. > Taming Manticores.
  6076. > You'd have to ask Luna to see it some time.
  6077. > If you could hold your bladder in it's presence.
  6079. > As you round a corner, you could see the doors to the Throne Room.
  6080. > Not the main entrance for petitioners, but the rear one for Celestia and Luna.
  6081. > And yourself, you supposed.
  6082. > A small set of guards salute.
  6083. > It's weird seeing them do that everywhere.
  6084. > Stand stock-still until approached.
  6085. > Move for a brief second.
  6086. > And go back to a neutral stance.
  6087. > Back home your guards were not so... rigorously trained.
  6088. > They were human, not statues.
  6089. > Their humanity was what made them such effective protectors.
  6090. > Although you hadn't had the opportunity to witness their mettle first hand.
  6091. > This reminds you...
  6092. "Hey, Cel. I need to ask you a couple of things. They might sound weird."
  6093. > She looks to you with concern.
  6094. > She knows something's up, right off the bat.
  6095. > But she seems to go along with it.
  6096. > "Anything."
  6097. > You smile.
  6098. > And bring a hand up under her chin with a scratch.
  6099. "I... I want to train my own pair of guards. I figure I'm going to need to make some friends here, and that's the best place to start."
  6100. > Ouch, that hurts.
  6101. > The look of defeat on her face.
  6102. > But she quickly masks it under a look of understanding.
  6103. > You hated to make her feel like it's her fault what happened.
  6104. > But... If you didn't ask, Nightmare would likely know.
  6105. > When her little pawns didn't get picked up.
  6106. > And she would escalate without your control.
  6107. > "I understand, Anon. I guess my ponies haven't done much to win your trust... I'll find some ponies for you."
  6108. > You smile.
  6109. > And move in for a hug, which she eagerly returns.
  6110. > And as you're beside her head, you whisper.
  6111. "And if I start acting really odd, tell me. I might... be out of sorts."
  6112. > With that you step back.
  6113. > This time, real concern is written all over her face.
  6114. > She looks over to the guards.
  6115. > And back to you.
  6116. > And it looks like she caught the hint.
  6118. > "Shall we go meet with our ponies then, Anon?"
  6119. > It felt weird to think of them as your ponies.
  6120. > But you supposed you were the head honcho now.
  6121. > Likely that meant little to the ponies in practice.
  6122. "Gladly."
  6123. > You entered, at that point.
  6124. > Philomena took that opportunity to fly off.
  6125. > Damn, that was a crowd.
  6126. > You wondered how many of them were here to complain about you.
  6127. > Some complaints had some merit, to your mind.
  6128. > After all, their rulers ascended, and you had never done anything to achieve this rank.
  6129. > But perhaps you would have the opportunity to prove your skills.
  6130. > Back in Aetherium you often got to watch the politics play out.
  6131. > And occasionally got involved.
  6132. > When it was your ass on the line, at least.
  6133. > It was always fun to basically be free to talk shit in an environment where it was encouraged.
  6134. > It was encouraged, in fact.
  6135. > It was the view of the court in Aetherium that the truth was valuable.
  6136. > But Aetherite politics were a blunt and forward affair.
  6137. > There was no political class.
  6138. > Just a bunch of wealthy warrior and farmer families still.
  6139. > Since the dynasties had barely existed for an age.
  6140. > Equestria had a very different dynamic.
  6141. > When you had watched Celestia in court on the day of your wedding...
  6142. > Everything was couched in double-speak.
  6143. > Subtle innuendos about the greater good and honour and sanctity.
  6144. > Celestia's dismissals even were all cordial despite her frustration.
  6145. > Such bullshit.
  6146. > Everyone wearing a mask to cover what they thought.
  6147. > Putting a mask over their words.
  6148. > Everyone knew what the others meant, but they were all too afraid to say it.
  6149. > As you both moved into the room, the guards moved to surround you.
  6150. > As they escorted you to the throne.
  6151. > There's three of them, up on a raised dias.
  6152. > One large central one, and two smaller ones.
  6153. > You imagine the large one is for the presiding princess for the time of day.
  6154. > Celestia for day court, Luna for night court.
  6155. > "Right there, Anon."
  6156. > Celestia points with a wing to one of the smaller chairs.
  6157. > Fair enough.
  6159. > Gods, that was weird looking.
  6160. > All those ponies, quietly lined up to petition.
  6161. > In Aetherium they would've been a goddamn mess.
  6162. > Barely controlled by the guards.
  6163. > The perks of a political class, you supposed.
  6164. > It was so tempting...
  6165. > So tempting to just upend the table today.
  6166. > Blow their little pony minds.
  6167. > You had to wonder how these Nobleponies would react to some Aetherite politicking.
  6168. > Blunt, forward answers.
  6169. > Insults.
  6170. > Innuendoes.
  6171. > You might decide to engage in that.
  6172. > Celestia would forgive you, right?
  6173. > She had to.
  6174. > She was your wife for the rest of time.
  6175. > That is assuming you end up doing anything, that is.
  6176. > You might just be here as a figurehead.
  6177. > You moved into your throne, and adjusted your cape so it wouldn't catch.
  6178. > And Celestia assumed her position on the larger one.
  6179. > You felt like a damn King up here.
  6180. > Even in the smaller chair.
  6181. > Raised platform, adorned in Golden armour, above a crowd of your subjects.
  6182. > You supposed you were essentially a King, in most respects.
  6183. > It's a surreal feeling.
  6184. > You were in a stronger position than your father, in theory.
  6185. > Equestria was technically a stronger nation.
  6186. > This is either going to be incredibly boring, or incredibly exciting.
  6187. > You weren't sure which one you hoped for more given the past few days.
  6188. > "Ready?"
  6189. > She's looking back to you with worry.
  6190. > As if you weren't the social master here.
  6191. > You'd have these ponies wrapped around your fingers.
  6192. "Always."
  6193. > She looks back over to a guard.
  6194. > And gives him a nod.
  6195. > To which he turns, and in the loudest voice you've ever heard, declares:
  6196. > "Send forward the first petitioner!"
  6197. > And so it begins.
  6199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6201. > You are Celestia.
  6202. > And you feel like this was a horrible idea.
  6203. > You hadn't even given Anon a rundown of court procedure.
  6204. > Aetherium almost certainly had different court decorum than did Equestria.
  6205. > You could only hope things still went well.
  6206. > The first petitioner began their advance up to the speaking post.
  6207. > At which point they entered a deep bow.
  6208. > "My Princess."
  6209. > Before rising, and once again bowing, this time to your husband.
  6210. > "My Prince."
  6211. > Well, that was good at least.
  6212. > Last week you had ponies here refusing to acknowledge a human prince.
  6213. > She rises back up, and looks to you for direction.
  6214. > To which you nod.
  6215. > And she begins.
  6216. > "My Princess, I am Gentle Touch, of Eternia's School for Gifted Unicorns."
  6217. > You were well aware.
  6218. > The mare made it her personal mission to irritate you regularly.
  6219. > About absolutely anything she could.
  6220. > "I am here regarding the dreadful solar cycle we have been experiencing for the past several days."
  6221. > Expected.
  6222. > Still, having to deal with Gentle Touch was never a pleasant experience.
  6223. > Especially in a context where you knew you had done wrong...
  6224. > But had you?
  6225. > Wasn't a little solar disturbance worth saving the Crown Prince?
  6226. > Your husband?
  6227. > Ugh. You hate politics.
  6228. > She begins going into an explanation as to the importance of solar cycles to the studies of the Unicorns at her academy.
  6229. > Dull, blasé stuff.
  6230. > But you knew what was coming.
  6231. > It was what was always coming.
  6232. > "Such erratic celestial behaviour suggests to some the possibility that you cannot place your duties above your emotions..."
  6233. > Couched rhetoric.
  6234. > 'Some,' as though she wasn't among them.
  6235. > "We must also keep in mind the international diplomatic status of Equestria; this faux-pas will have serious repercussions for our school's capacity to attract foreign thinkers."
  6236. > It was an excuse, you knew.
  6237. > A false route to accusing you of hurting Equestria.
  6238. > By claiming it hurt your international reputation.
  6239. > But she wasn't done there...
  6240. > She continued on, making guised insinuations that you were unfit.
  6241. > Which you had to tolerate per court protocol.
  6242. > Stupid constitution.
  6244. > "And so, in conclusion, given your propensity for abject failure to fulfill your duties..."
  6245. > Ouch.
  6246. > That was.... Harsh. More blunt than you had come to expect from her.
  6247. > But nothing could prepare you for her recommendaiton.
  6248. > "I think the only reasonable solution to the situation is to reinstate the Council of Solaris as a backup institution."
  6249. > Oh.
  6250. > So she didn't even have a real rationale to come here.
  6251. > She's just playing a game, since it was obvious you couldn't do that.
  6252. > An institution which demanded the lives of its membership to abdicate your responsibility.
  6253. > It would cost you immensely to reinstate.
  6254. > However, as you prepare to render a decision and explanation, Anon speaks up.
  6255. > "Excuse me, Miss Touch, but-"
  6256. > And with that, Gentle Touch cuts him off.
  6257. > And her words build a fury in your chest.
  6258. > "You are excused, Prince Anonymous. My complaint is addressed to Princess Celestia. Your commentary is unneeded."
  6259. > You bite your tongue.
  6260. > As much as it hurt to have her talk down to Anonymous...
  6261. > If you broke protocol, there would be a high cost.
  6262. > But she doesn't stop there.
  6263. > "I know, as a non-Equestrian, that you're ignorant of how civilized court systems work. But I would appreciate you taking the time to learn."
  6264. > The condescension was thick in the air.
  6265. > You keep your gaze on the mare.
  6266. > Oh sun and stars, Anon would never forgive you.
  6267. > You should have explained this system to him.
  6268. > Stupid, stupid!
  6269. > But the mare has one final comment.
  6270. > "I appreciate your willingness to-"
  6271. > And with that, Anonymous cuts her off.
  6272. > "Miss Touch. I realize you're having fun masturbating to your own condescension, but this is hardly an appropriate venue."
  6273. > A stunned silence emerges in the wake of his comment.
  6274. > Followed by laughter from the balconies, which spread like wildfire.
  6275. > The theatre chuckling at his comment.
  6276. > What.
  6277. > Did Anon just...
  6278. > In court?
  6279. > Oh no.
  6280. > Oh no no no.
  6281. > This was bad.
  6283. > The mare's eyes light up with fury at that.
  6284. > This was going to end poorly.
  6285. > "Anonymous, you listen here-"
  6286. > And he cuts her off again, now with a relaxed tone.
  6287. > "Prince Anonymous, little filly. Remember your station."
  6288. > A gasp echoes out through the theatre.
  6289. > Oh my.
  6290. > That was unlike anything you'd heard Anonymous say.
  6291. > Authoritative.
  6292. > Maybe he knew a bit more about court than you thought.
  6293. > And with that, Gentle Touch's fury turns to fluster.
  6294. > Now the condescension had turned right around.
  6295. > "I am in no mood to tarry with the pretentions you have put up about your purpose here. You are making a suggestion you know to be impossible."
  6296. > How...
  6297. > How did Anonymous know that?
  6298. > He had no experience with Equestrian poltiics...
  6299. > Much less with the Council of Solaris.
  6300. > "You are nothing but a parasite, here to siphon reputation by making vicious remarks hidden beneath pretty language."
  6301. > This was entirely unlike him...
  6302. > Well, on the one hoof, it was very much like him.
  6303. > Breaking the rules of court.
  6304. > But on the other...
  6305. > You had never heard him speak to eloquently.
  6306. > "We have many of your kind back in Aetherium. Vipers who nest in court to seek advantage whenever possible."
  6307. > He chuckles briefly.
  6308. > "We value truth as a tool to filter out filth like you. And I am offering you a dose of that truth, that you are a blister upon this system."
  6309. > At that, a cry of approval from one of the balconies.
  6310. > This was going... better than expected.
  6311. > The court was not becoming riotous.
  6312. > Although gossiping was spread throughout.
  6313. > You maintained your stoney look.
  6314. > You had to distance yourself from this.
  6315. > Even if secretly you were exceptionally happy.
  6316. > The mare before the throne seemed so much smaller now.
  6317. > But your husband wasn't quite done.
  6318. > "I would recommend rethinking your disposition before you return here, lest you face another embarrassment. I would be more than happy to deliver it."
  6319. > At that, you briefly break your steely gaze.
  6320. > To look over at Anonymous.
  6321. > And his big stupid grin.
  6323. > As he looks over to you, he gestures with his hand.
  6324. > "But I suppose you did address your question to my wife, as you said. So I'll let her take it from here."
  6325. > He winks.
  6326. > That was...
  6327. > Incredible.
  6328. > You look back out to the mare, who now has her head hung dejectedly.
  6329. > This same mare who has been bothering you for ages.
  6330. > And you couldn't discipline because of court procedure.
  6331. > Oh, this feels good.
  6332. "While I apologize for my husband's outburst, I must inquire: do you have anything further, Miss Touch?"
  6333. > She raises her head up.
  6334. > But the pride is gone.
  6335. > She's been embarrassed in front of so much of the aristocracy.
  6336. > It almost makes you feel bad for her.
  6337. > "No, Princess."
  6338. > Almost.
  6339. "Your request has been fully considered and denied. The Council of Solaris carries too high a price for reinstatement, irrespective of my own limitations."
  6340. > With that, you gesture to your guards.
  6341. > They move to escort her out of the room.
  6342. > The room which is quiet for the full duration of it.
  6343. > The crowd was shocked silent, you imagine.
  6344. > Ordinarily she put up a fight when you turned her proposition down.
  6345. > Yet now, she left with a resigned gait.
  6346. > It made you giddy inside.
  6347. > Bubbling with excitement that you struggled to keep under your mask of authority.
  6348. > Excitement that can only come from seeing somepony incredibly pompous get taken down a peg.
  6349. > You almost want to just call court done for the day and go celebrate.
  6350. > But that would probably make court worse tomorrow.
  6351. > It occurred to you it might get worse because of this.
  6352. > A huge breech of protocol on the part of one of the Royals usually had blowback.
  6353. > You... were going to have to give Anon trouble for this.
  6354. > He obviously knew that he wasn't supposed to do that.
  6355. > But a big part of you wants to go out and start cheering.
  6356. > You had energy flowing through you right now that Gentle Touch normally drained outright.
  6357. > Her or any other opening petitioner, the early birds always tended to be the worst.
  6358. > But with her out of the way...
  6359. > Maybe...
  6360. > Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.
  6361. > So long as you had Anon here with you.
  6363. > The rest of the day was surprisingly tame.
  6364. > Many petitioners came forward about the solar cycle, as had been expected.
  6365. > But courtesy was at an all time high.
  6366. > No hidden slights.
  6367. > No double-meanings, that you could detect anyhow.
  6368. > You wondered if they were afraid of facing an embarrassing tongue-lashing from your husband.
  6369. > Doubtless it would be twisted into something dark and sinister in the papers.
  6370. > 'Celestia's pet human preventing free discourse' or something to that effect.
  6371. > But you found yourself unable to care terribly much.
  6372. > Especially after you had been so worried about everything for the past week.
  6373. > Having something go right was just...
  6374. > Amazing.
  6375. "I will advance your recommendations to Sunflare. The criminals will be brought to justice.
  6376. > You were nearly at the end of the designated court hours.
  6377. > Four and a half hours of answering your subjects.
  6378. > Lunch had come and gone, and you were starving.
  6379. > Ordinarily, you would have held a break mid-court for dining.
  6380. > But you had decided to forego that today to maximize the number of petitions addressed.
  6381. > The current one, as he moves up to the podium, looks different.
  6382. > Not in the expensive luxury clothes of the nobility, he wears a steel set of armour.
  6383. > Covering the full measure of his body.
  6384. > An imposing looking stallion to be certain.
  6385. > From the East, you suspect, given the make of the helmet he wore.
  6386. > "I request forgiveness for my discourtesy, but it is difficult to kneel in this armour."
  6387. > His voice is distorted by the helmet.
  6388. > You smile looking down at him.
  6389. "It is forgiven, Sir Knight. May I ask what your petition is?"
  6390. > Reaching up a hoof, he opens the visor.
  6391. > Revealing a scarred face.
  6392. > The scarred face of an older veteran stallion.
  6393. > But with the facial structure of a younger one.
  6394. > A Pegasus who knew combat well, but was not entirely loyal to you.
  6395. > Commander Hurricane's son.
  6396. > Cyclone the Crippled.
  6397. > One of your foremost suitors in your youth.
  6398. > Before you had ascended.
  6399. > Ordinarily, such an exalted guest would not be expected to wait with petitioners.
  6400. > This could be bad.
  6401. > Very bad.
  6402. > "My inquiry is for the Prince."
  6404. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6406. > He's certainly an imposing looking stallion.
  6407. > Earth pony, by the looks of it.
  6408. > You are Anonymous.
  6409. > And you're... concerned.
  6410. > Celestia had been worried about court, yet after your little...
  6411. > Outburst.
  6412. > After that, everything had been smooth sailing.
  6413. > But the second this stallion entered the stage...
  6414. > You felt an immense wave of sadness emit from Celestia.
  6415. > It was an incredibly distracting feeling.
  6416. > But this was the first petition aimed at you.
  6417. > And you intended to handle it with excellence.
  6418. "I am happy to acknowledge it, my friend. Might I know who is asking of me?"
  6419. > Stunningly, that manages to provoke outraged shouts from the theatre.
  6420. > That's concerning.
  6421. > That meant this was somepony important.
  6422. > Somepony you should know.
  6423. > The stallion chuckles, a small smile upon his face.
  6424. > "Cyclone, my Prince. Known as either Cyclone the Ruin or Cyclone the Crippled."
  6425. > He certainly doesn't look crippled.
  6426. > And his name is still not ringing any bells.
  6427. > Which is unfortunate, he seemed to be expecting a reaction at that.
  6428. > Well, when in doubt...
  6429. > Bluff.
  6430. "Ah, of course. I had simply never seen you in before, sir. But I'm familiar with your name."
  6431. > You had no fucking clue.
  6432. > But it seems to placate him and the court.
  6433. > So you rest back into the chair.
  6434. "Carry on, then, Cyclone."
  6435. > He nods, and clears his throat.
  6436. > Staring you in the eyes.
  6437. > His scars are fascinating.
  6438. > Lacerations clear throughout his face, from the snout back.
  6439. > Leaving patches throughout his grey fur.
  6440. > "As I'm sure you're aware, the past two weeks have seen this court loaded with petitioners advising against your union."
  6441. > Which you wouldn't be aware of, if Celestia had her way.
  6442. > But that's water under the bridge.
  6443. > "She has outright denied them all, to what many view as the peril of the realm."
  6444. > A cringe flows across your face.
  6445. > Celestia's sadness spiked at that.
  6446. > Just who was this?
  6448. > You were going to follow how Celestia had handled things and let him guide the discourse, however.
  6449. > It seemed appropriate.
  6450. > If you began breaking court procedure when they were being cordial, that would turn them against you.
  6451. > Everyone loves seeing an ass get what's coming.
  6452. > But clearly this stallion was owed respect for some reason.
  6453. > "I have... refrained from coming here personally. I hadn't considered it such a big mistake. Until now."
  6454. > Until now?
  6455. > Oh Gods.
  6456. > This stallion knew something he shouldn't.
  6457. > "I cannot sit idly by while your union destroys the both of you. I am aware you fled the capital the night of your wedding, Prince Anonymous."
  6458. > Celestia looks surprised at that, breaking her mask.
  6459. > Fled the capital...
  6460. > You suppose that was the story Celestia was under the belief was true.
  6461. > As delivered by the guards.
  6462. > "Your wife attempted to keep the story under wraps, but many of the guards here remain loyal to Pegasopolis, and me by extension."
  6463. > Pegasopolis...
  6464. > The Pegasus city-state pre-unification.
  6465. > Now an Equestrian Province.
  6466. > One of the largest, at that.
  6467. > What influence could an Earth pony have on Pegasopolis?
  6468. > "And not only that, I can also see the exhaustion and suffering both of you have endured as a product of your time in a fighting ring up North."
  6469. > He's damn well informed.
  6470. > Which probably meant he had really high up connections in the guard.
  6471. > Somepony Celestia trusts implicitly.
  6472. > Or...
  6473. > Or he had something to do with your kidnapping.
  6474. > You'd have to get to the bottom of this.
  6475. > The courtroom is erupting in gossip about this.
  6476. > You suppose this must've been a secret.
  6477. > Oh well.
  6478. > "Such behaviour is plainly indicative of the weakness of your bond. More importantly, it is divisive of Equestria."
  6479. > At this, he seems to get somewhat uncomfortable.
  6480. > A solemn look on his features.
  6481. > "We are but six years out from the heel of Discord. Equestria remains fractured. Celestia's marriage would be better spent unifying the country."
  6482. > And with that, his expression turns from solemn to grim.
  6483. > "And to do that, she needs to marry an Equestrian. Somepony who can make her happy, and symbolically unify the tribes. That, we can both concede, is not you."
  6484. > You wanted to argue.
  6485. > But you found yourself unwilling.
  6486. > That voice in your head...
  6487. > 'You don't deserve her.'
  6489. > "I have come to formally request that you sever your bond to Celestia. For both of your best interests, and that of Equestria at large."
  6490. > So it was one of these.
  6491. > How fascinating.
  6492. > He was trying to be unique by asking you instead of Celestia.
  6493. > "In return, I will supply the full military power of Pegasopolis to Aetherium, and will negate the negative impact of severing the bond."
  6494. > An offer, at that.
  6495. > You had to wonder...
  6496. > Could he do that?
  6497. > Just negate the negative consequences?
  6498. > And more critically, what was the influence of an Earth pony on Pegasopolis?
  6499. > This Cyclone was more than he appeared.
  6500. > "I appreciate your consideration."
  6501. > Celestia's a mixture of anger and sadness, beside you.
  6502. > You can feel them radiating from her.
  6503. > But she looks still as a statue.
  6504. "You will negate it?"
  6505. > Celestia's sadness spikes at your question.
  6506. > But you had to know.
  6507. > For the sake of the future.
  6508. > "We can abdicate it to another. There is a process. I have willing ponies who will shoulder the burden."
  6509. > Fascinating.
  6510. > And Pegasopolis provided more than half of the military strength of Equestria.
  6511. > But there were concerns about controlling that military strength...
  6512. "I'm sure you know why we required marriage for our Alliance with Equestria. How could I trust you on this deal?"
  6513. > He smiles at that.
  6514. > He thinks he's winning you over.
  6515. > "I'm sure you know that Pegasopolis never kept slaves. We were at the forefront of the liberation movement. Humans have nothing to fear from us."
  6516. > True enough.
  6517. > Humans could never reach their cloud cities, after all.
  6518. > They'd never had need of your kin.
  6519. > Nor the land your kin settled upon.
  6520. > It was an interesting proposal.
  6521. > But...
  6522. > This felt eerily familiar.
  6523. > Like you'd had such an offer before, and couldn't remember it.
  6524. > Which was concerning, given your mental state.
  6525. > And what was also concerning was the details of such a deal.
  6526. > But all of it was irrelevant.
  6527. > You already knew your answer.
  6528. > It was the only one possible.
  6530. "I apologize, Sir Cyclone. But I'm afraid your request has been considered and summarily denied."
  6531. > His face maintains a calm neutrality as you state your response.
  6532. > And you feel some degree of relief on the part of Celestia.
  6533. "I have given my word to this bond. And Falwing remains too great a threat. I could not, in good conscience, dissolve it."
  6534. > With that, a grimace is on Cyclone's face.
  6535. > But the stallion speaks up once more.
  6536. > "Very well, Prince Anonymous. Then I wish you and Celestia the best of luck. You will need it."
  6537. > His words put you on edge.
  6538. > As he turns around and unclips his armour.
  6539. > Slowly, pieces come off.
  6540. > As it clatters to the ground, you can see why he was speaking for Pegasopolis.
  6541. > He was a Pegasus.
  6542. > Once upon a time, at least.
  6543. > Small stumps emerged from his sides.
  6544. > His whole body scarred from one end to another.
  6545. > Something horrifying happened to this pony.
  6546. > Something unthinkable.
  6547. > Explains the title, you supposed.
  6548. > And he continues, until he stands nude before you.
  6549. > And with that, he speaks to the assembled court.
  6550. > "Ponies of Canterlot, I ask that you consider strongly the question of legitimacy before us."
  6551. > You look over to Celestia.
  6552. > Sure this was a breech of court protocol...
  6553. > But she makes no moves to stop him.
  6554. > "Equestria has spent the ages since it's inception under the iron heel of self-regarding dictators."
  6555. > His voice carries throughout the chamber.
  6556. > As deathly silence falls throughout it.
  6557. > "We have barely recovered from the Discordian Era, and now we are forced to suffer further under the rule of a Prince without ascension."
  6558. > A prince without ascension...
  6559. > That hardly seemed relevant.
  6560. > There were no male Alicorns.
  6561. > "Cyclone, that is enough."
  6562. > Celestia.
  6563. > At her voice, he briefly looks back.
  6564. > Before fiery determination retakes his eyes.
  6565. > "We must not suffer in silence. It is our willingness to abdicate to this throne that cost us our freedom after the human revolt."
  6566. > A reference to how Discord took power.
  6567. > In the turmoil following the Human Revolution.
  6568. > The rocky early days of the Equestrian Union.
  6569. > But that's not what stuns you.
  6570. > What stuns you is what he says next.
  6571. > And the absolute insanity that it must indicate.
  6573. > "I fear, given these facts, that I must officially announce Non-Committence to the Union on the part of Pegasopolis."
  6574. > ...
  6575. > What.
  6576. > He can't just... Do that, can he?
  6577. > "Cyclone... Please don't do this. Please."
  6578. > Celestia's voice is filled with desperation.
  6579. > Who the hell is this stallion?
  6580. > He ignores her plea.
  6581. > "We will no longer be contributing to the military forces nor taxation pool of the Equestrian State."
  6582. > The theatre is erupting in outrage.
  6583. > But not directed at him.
  6584. > Directed at you.
  6585. > For failing to stop this.
  6586. > For tearing their country apart.
  6587. > Celestia filled with fear at his announcement.
  6588. > You could taste it through the bond.
  6589. > Doubtless she could feel yours as well.
  6590. > This...
  6591. > This would slice Equestria in half.
  6592. > In a time which it needed to be unified more than ever.
  6593. > "I call upon all Pegasi to cast down their duties to Equestria and return to their homeland at once, until such a time as the rulers see reason."
  6594. > And with that, a clatter echoes out through the halls.
  6595. > A few of the guards casting down their spears.
  6596. > And detaching their armour.
  6597. > A number of Pegasi in the throne room moving to assemble behind Cyclone.
  6598. > To follow this madpony out.
  6599. > This was insanity...
  6600. > You had to do something.
  6601. > He begins a march to the door.
  6602. "Cyclone, I haven't dismissed you. We can work this out, there is no need for such extreme measures!"
  6603. > There was a certain panic in your voice.
  6604. > Why was Celestia so passive about this?
  6605. > He turns back to you.
  6606. > Staring straight at you from a distance, surrounded by Pegasi.
  6607. > In the chaos that he has created in court...
  6608. > "I don't think you need to. I do hope you see reason quickly. Falwing will seize upon this opportunity otherwise, and bring ruin to us all."
  6609. > And with that, he moves to leave court.
  6610. > A large number of ponies at his back.
  6611. > This...
  6612. > This was unfortunate.
  6614. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6616. > Court rapidly descended into chaos after that.
  6617. > "Court is closed for the day!"
  6618. > Celestia's words ring out through the riotous clamour of the room.
  6619. > The remaining guards clustering together to escort you out, and pacify the crowd.
  6620. > Yelling and screaming and panic everywhere you looked.
  6621. > You were just sort of... dazed.
  6622. > It was unreal.
  6623. > That anyone would just...
  6624. > Just fuck over their entire species because of your marriage.
  6625. > Because of you.
  6626. > Celestia presses up against you as you both move out of the room.
  6627. > And she whispers in your ear.
  6628. > "Don't blame yourself. Cyclone's been... volatile for a while now."
  6629. > It was feeling difficult not to.
  6630. > You were responsible for fragmenting a nation.
  6631. > The nation your people depended upon for security.
  6632. > If word of this got to Falwing...
  6633. > They might invade.
  6634. > Which meant you had to be incredibly careful with Nightmare.
  6635. > If she caught the slightest sniff of you not being under her spell...
  6636. > It could lead to a war you had no hope of winning.
  6637. > You had to wonder if Cyclone was with Nightmare as well.
  6638. > Given her evident connections.
  6639. > But given the serenity of Celestia beside you...
  6640. > It seemed like she expected something like this.
  6641. > As you exit through the side door, and it closes, silence engulfs you.
  6642. > Apart from the shifting metal of armour as you, Celestia, and a small entourage of guards move.
  6643. > You had no idea where you were going.
  6644. > But you just sort of went with it.
  6645. > Your body was on autopilot.
  6646. > As your mind went into overdrive.
  6647. > You look over to Celestia.
  6648. > She's so calm.
  6649. > You wonder if this is her keeping up her political mask for the guards.
  6650. > A task you were doing a remarkably poor job of doing.
  6651. > You try to set your face into a neutral expression.
  6652. > Eventually, you find yourself outside again.
  6653. > In another garden.
  6654. > Wherein you sat upon a bench, gazing over a stream.
  6655. > "Please, leave us be."
  6656. > And with that, the guards leave you alone with Celestia.
  6657. > And a crushing feeling of guilt.
  6659. > Sitting down, you can feel the oppressive pain in your chest spike once more.
  6660. > Your hand reached up for the straps, unbuckling the breastplate.
  6661. > Which fell forward against the tabard.
  6662. > "U-uh... Anon? Why are you stripping?"
  6663. > No time to explain.
  6664. > Need relief.
  6665. > While you were in court, the pressure became familiar.
  6666. > In that sort of static position you were in most of the day.
  6667. > But when you started moving again...
  6668. > Oh Gods, the swelling became obvious.
  6669. > As you managed to get the tabard off, and the breastplate clattered to the floor, you practically tore your tunic off.
  6670. > And Celestia let out a gasp.
  6671. > "Your chest!"
  6672. > It was huge.
  6673. > Swollen like a pig.
  6674. > The bruising had not appreciated it's stay in that armour.
  6675. > But you fell back against the bench.
  6676. > Breathing heavily with relief.
  6677. "I'll be fine, Cel. I just needed to get that off."
  6678. > She's worriedly looking you over.
  6679. > Gazing at your chest from various angles.
  6680. > "You should've said something. You could have left..."
  6681. > You smile, and bring your hand up to the side of her face.
  6682. > The sadness in her features evident.
  6683. "I couldn't leave you alone in there, could I? I was keeping the sharks at bay."
  6684. > She smiles back at you.
  6685. > But it's a sad smile.
  6686. > You...
  6687. > You needed to say something.
  6688. > To try and find out what exactly just happened.
  6689. > And... If you could have done anything to fix it.
  6691. "Cel... I don't know what to say..."
  6692. > It was not often you were at a total loss for words.
  6693. > But things had gotten so flipped today.
  6694. > You had thought this would be a fun discussion after court.
  6695. > Light chastisement about how you had treated Gentle Touch.
  6696. > But now...
  6697. > The fate of nations rested in the balance.
  6698. > Her head rests on your shoulder.
  6699. > Her left wing wrapped around your back.
  6700. > "You don't need to say anything. Cyclone is... He's a little obsessed."
  6701. > Obsessed?
  6702. > With death, maybe.
  6703. "Who even is he? I have no idea."
  6704. > She sighs, at that.
  6705. > Withdrawing her head from you.
  6706. > "He's... Well, my former betrothed. Commander of Pegasopolis, following from Hurricane."
  6707. > ...
  6708. > Well now, that changes things substantially.
  6709. > Apparently he was psychotic in an entirely different way.
  6710. "Your betrothed? I thought you 'didn't have time for colts?'"
  6711. > She chuckles at that.
  6712. > But looks ruefully into the stream before the two of you.
  6713. > "My father had arranged it. Cyclone was supposed to ascend as well, to become an Alicorn, and we were to rule side-by-side."
  6714. > You lean back on the bench.
  6715. > Your eyes staring up at the sun.
  6716. > It would be sunset soon, and with the way the walls surrounded the garden it cast it into shadow.
  6717. > But you still had enough light to see by.
  6718. > "It would unify the Unicorns and the Pegasi, since I'm Platinum's niece and he's Hurricane's son."
  6719. > Princess Platinum and Commander Hurricane.
  6720. > Two of the founders of Equestria.
  6721. > "But... He had an accident. Training. Pegasus magic concentrates in their wings, so physical adeptness helps with ascension for them."
  6722. > Gently, you begin to stroke your fingers through her mane.
  6723. > It feels like water, again.
  6724. > Not like the tangled mess it was this morning.
  6725. > Her head leans into your touch.
  6726. > "He had a really bad crash, which crushed his wings. They had to be amputated. And since he couldn't ascend after that... My father called it off."
  6727. > Damn.
  6728. > That's a tough break for him.
  6729. > Not tough enough to justify dooming your people.
  6730. > Ponies.
  6731. > But still.
  6733. "And you think he's doing this to get back at you?"
  6734. > At that, her face contorts.
  6735. > And she scoffs.
  6736. > "I don't know. I met him only a hoof-full of times, and only for brief moments in our youth. After his accident I visited him once, and he told me to leave."
  6737. > So they had relatively little interaction.
  6738. > Fascinating.
  6739. > "But... I think he developed feelings for me in those brief moments. He used to ask after me all the time."
  6740. > And he had a foalhood crush on her.
  6741. > Which no doubt made seeing her with you all the more painful.
  6742. > Especially if he had a superiority complex like the rest of these Equestrians.
  6743. > "Luna was supposed to marry an ascendant Earth pony, but he just never managed to rise up. Which left me and her as the only Alicorns, unmarried."
  6744. > And which left them available for political marriages elsewhere.
  6745. > An interesting development.
  6746. > But something niggled at the back of your head...
  6747. "One of his major complaints was about me being 'Unascendant.' I imagine that means..."
  6748. > She makes a noise in the affirmative.
  6749. > Her tone somber.
  6750. > "He's probably upset that he lost the betrothal because he was Unascendant, yet you got it despite that fact."
  6751. > Jealousy.
  6752. > Bitter jealousy from a stallion who was wronged by the world.
  6753. > Who lost the mare he wanted, the title he wanted, and the very essence of his being: his flight.
  6754. > All in a single mistake.
  6755. > At least you could understand his position.
  6756. > Angry at the world.
  6757. > On the plus side, that made it less likely he was working with Nightmare.
  6758. "Well now. Seems I have to add jealous ex-Fiancé to the list of worries."
  6759. > She chuckles at that.
  6760. > And pokes you in the side with a hoof.
  6761. > "I'd say his position as my ex-Fiance is far less concerning than his position as rebellious Commander."
  6762. > You smile.
  6763. > Your gaze still locked up with the sky.
  6764. "I'm not so sure. I'm just the Prince of Love, War's your business. I'll concern myself with affairs of the heart."
  6765. > She chuckles at that.
  6766. > But you knew you would have to address it.
  6767. > You couldn't shove this off to the side.
  6769. "Do we annul the bond?"
  6770. > She doesn't respond.
  6771. > Instead opting to stare up at the sky along with you.
  6772. > In relative silence.
  6773. "I mean, I know it's not much... But I feel like we've gone through a lot already to give it up."
  6774. > Her wing shifts away from behind your head, back to her side.
  6775. > Which you initially take as a message in the affirmative for annulment.
  6776. > Until she lays down across your lap.
  6777. > "I... I don't want to give up either."
  6778. > The issue weighs heavily on your mind.
  6779. > You had a choice.
  6780. > Sever the bond, and save Equestria from civil war.
  6781. > But also sever the alliance between Aetherium and Equestria.
  6782. > Or carry on as is.
  6783. > If Pegasopolis went isolationist...
  6784. > That separated the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies on opposite ends of a hostile kingdom.
  6785. > If only he could be made to see the light...
  6786. "I... If we could convince my father to supply us with the Aetherite army..."
  6787. > She remains still across your lap.
  6788. > Your hand gently stroking down her neck.
  6789. "If we were to display that sort of overwhelming force, then he might just capitulate."
  6790. > She sighed.
  6791. > "I'd... I'd rather avoid conflict. But it might be our only choice."
  6792. > You smile.
  6793. > This was a nice moment.
  6794. > Even if it was in the context of a risk to the lives of millions.
  6795. > A context so oppressive you felt the weight on your shoulders as though it were more armour.
  6796. "So, married?"
  6797. > She laughs at that.
  6798. > A beautiful, soft laugh.
  6799. > "Married. I didn't spend the past two weeks in hell just to give up and go back to square one."
  6800. > Neither did you.
  6801. > You were going to see this through, whatever it took.
  6802. > You had given your word.
  6803. > And you would prove worthy of it.
  6805. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6807. > You and Celestia sat there quietly for quite some time.
  6808. > Enjoying the ambiance.
  6809. > Servants had, at one point, brought out dinner for the two of you.
  6810. > The colours in the garden were incredibly vivid.
  6811. > Periodically, you'd point out something new you'd noticed about the arrangements.
  6812. > It was fascinating.
  6813. > Equestrians had a unique style of garden organizing.
  6814. > It was based around leaving the natural beauty of the locale in tact.
  6815. > Canterlot was built into a mountain plateau, and so much of the ruggedness of the terrain was kept in.
  6816. > So you saw ebbs and flows to the garden, rising and falling terrain which had been grassed over.
  6817. > Gave it some dimension, as opposed to the sort of efficiency of a flattened-ground gardens common in Aetherium.
  6818. > It was beautiful.
  6819. > And incredibly fascinating to look at.
  6820. > Almost as fascinating as the mare desperately struggling to keep awake under your ministrations.
  6821. > It was... relaxing.
  6822. > Something you hadn't gotten to feel in quite some time, it felt.
  6823. > You supposed it hadn't been so long since you had been getting plastered the night before your departure.
  6824. > Yet... Even then...
  6825. > It hadn't felt particularly relaxing.
  6826. > You had never much cared for the wild parties you threw.
  6827. > It was always just a route to picking up a lady.
  6828. > You'd needed something to distract you from the drudgery of life.
  6829. > A companion.
  6830. > But you had been expressly forbidden from taking on a lady on a permanent basis.
  6831. > 'I have more important roles for you, you can't be falling for some common harlot.'
  6832. > Your father never had too much of a problem with your debauchery.
  6833. > But he had instilled into you that love was to be out of the equation.
  6834. > While Celestia was hardly what you had imagined...
  6835. > It still felt nice to not have to think about that.
  6836. > To be able to live in the moment without feeling like you're just escaping the future.
  6837. > To feel like... you were supposed to love.
  6838. > Even if you couldn't love her yet.
  6840. > You sat there for quite some time.
  6841. > Eventually, Philomena even dropped in.
  6842. > Clutching to your shoulder again.
  6843. > Which, surprisingly, didn't hurt.
  6844. > Her grip with the talons seemed incredibly light.
  6845. > Made you ponder how she stood upright.
  6846. > The Phoenix largely sat there preening while you talked on.
  6847. > Until eventually she needed to cast the spell to begin the Sun's final descent.
  6848. > Which seemed as good a prompt as any to head back to your room.
  6849. > As you gathered up your armour and went to follow her, it occurred to you that you had something to do.
  6850. > Luna.
  6851. > Well, not do Luna.
  6852. > That would be a lot worse.
  6853. > But it was still pretty bad.
  6854. > You had to go and... Tell her you loved her.
  6855. > The thought made you feel filthy.
  6856. > Traitorous and deceptive.
  6857. > But you had little choice.
  6858. > Especially in light of Cyclone.
  6859. > If Nightmare suspected a thing, you could be in for a very bad time.
  6860. > And if she's working with Luna in some way...
  6861. > Then she'll know if you don't show up.
  6862. > And you have no idea if she's watching you right now.
  6863. > So you can't explain to Celestia, even if you wanted to.
  6864. > Which... you don't want to.
  6865. > She didn't need to know.
  6866. > She didn't need that sort of weight on her shoulders.
  6867. > As you walked, your hand went up to feel the brand on your neck.
  6868. > Did... Did Luna arrange your kidnapping?
  6869. > It wouldn't make any sense.
  6870. > But... She did have some control of the guard, you assume.
  6871. > But why would she send you to an arena...
  6872. > There's so many complicated factors.
  6873. > But you couldn't just go with the flow.
  6874. > You needed to consider everything.
  6876. > Eventually, you make it back to your room.
  6877. > And once inside, you begin to remove the remainder of your armour.
  6878. > Placing it upon a shelf.
  6879. > Before seeking out a new shirt.
  6880. > "Hey Anon..."
  6881. > Looking over your shoulder, you see Celestia not removing her regalia.
  6882. > And awkwardly rubbing one hoof against her foreleg.
  6883. > "I... I don't want to leave you alone, I know you don't trust the guards. But I have to go deal with Imperial."
  6884. > Imperial Shimmer.
  6885. > The guard who was part of the duo that kidnapped you that night.
  6886. > This was... convenient, actually.
  6887. > You weren't entirely sure how you were going to get away from her to visit Luna.
  6888. > Gods, you felt dirty even thinking that thought.
  6889. > Like you were betraying her trust.
  6890. > Deep inside, a voice speaks out.
  6891. > 'You are.'
  6892. > But you suppress the thought.
  6893. > You had to do this.
  6894. "It's fine, Cel. I can last a few hours on my own, I think."
  6895. > A look of intense conflict is upon her features.
  6896. > Before she moves close to you.
  6897. > One of her wings wrapping around you.
  6898. > "I'd... I know you don't want to see him. But... If you could come with me, I'd feel more comfortable."
  6899. > You gently bring up a hand to cup her face.
  6900. > Looking into those shimmering pools of liquid violet.
  6901. > You were an asshole.
  6902. "I... I'm sorry Celestia, but I don't think I can be near him. It would..."
  6903. > You wanted to go with her.
  6904. > Desperately.
  6905. > But you knew you couldn't.
  6906. > She smiles a sorrowful smile.
  6907. > "I understand. I'll... I'll put up a ward on the door. And my most trusted guards. Nopony will be able to enter the room."
  6908. > You smile back to her.
  6909. > Gods, the fact that she cared so much.
  6910. > And you were deceiving her.
  6912. > With that, Celestia begins to arrange her things.
  6913. > Writing up a letter, which disappears in a puff of smoke.
  6914. > Evidently informing the guards what rotation to use to ensure your safety.
  6915. > You had moved over to the balcony.
  6916. > Staring out at the glimmering lights of the city.
  6917. > Canterlot.
  6918. > It was a hell of a capital.
  6919. > You had to wonder what the commonfolk felt like.
  6920. > About your marriage.
  6921. > About Pegasopolis.
  6922. > About Falwing.
  6923. > Back in Aetherium, you were deeply connected with the commons.
  6924. > It was the nature of the beast.
  6925. > The commons and the nobles were not so different there, after all.
  6926. > But here...
  6927. > The castle felt like a different world.
  6928. > Shut away from the rest of the city.
  6929. > You knew the political class here were largely entitled arses.
  6930. > But this city doubtless had hundreds of thousands of commonfolk.
  6931. > It was far too big to be otherwise.
  6932. > And you had no idea about any of them.
  6933. > While you're staring, you feel a weight at your back.
  6934. > As Celestia peers over your shoulder at the city.
  6935. > "Nopony will be able to get in here. I have made sure of it."
  6936. > She shouldn't be worried about ponies getting in.
  6937. > She should be worried about you getting out.
  6938. "Thanks, Cel. I'll see you soon?"
  6939. > She sighs at that.
  6940. > A look of irritation on her face.
  6941. > "I'm afraid you might be asleep before I get back. This is going to take a while."
  6942. > With that, you gave her a peck on the cheek.
  6943. > A simple gesture.
  6944. > Yet it causes her features to immediately turn red.
  6945. > Which slightly confuses you.
  6946. > You and her had locked lips before, after all.
  6948. > "A-alright! I'll see you tomorrow!"
  6949. > She's flustered.
  6950. > And fleeing the awkwardness.
  6951. > Which blows your mind.
  6952. > You suppose, given the nature of the past few days...
  6953. > You hadn't actually kissed since your wedding night.
  6954. > And that had ended terribly.
  6955. > So doubtless she wasn't expecting such a display of affection.
  6956. "See you then, Cel."
  6957. > The door thuds closed behind you.
  6958. > And as you turn around, you can see a light shimmer fall over it.
  6959. > The ward.
  6960. > You wonder if she had something in place protecting this balcony.
  6961. > She must, you supposed.
  6962. > Sentries, or some sort of ward.
  6963. > But now, you had to figure a way out.
  6964. > And the door was no longer an option.
  6965. > Which left the balcony.
  6966. > You could see other balconies relatively close.
  6967. > You could... Maybe make the jump.
  6968. > As you reached out over the rail, it felt like feeling through water.
  6969. > A barrier, of some kind.
  6970. > Permitting things to exit, but not enter.
  6971. > So you had your way out.
  6972. > You returned to the room.
  6973. > You didn't have your sword here.
  6974. > It was likely still in that damned pit.
  6975. > Or being escorted back with the soldiers.
  6976. > But you did have one thing...
  6977. > As you go into the dressing room, you find a set of clothes from Aetherium.
  6978. > The undergarments you had been wearing when you had first fully dressed up in the armour.
  6979. > And from them, you withdrew a small dagger.
  6980. > Sheathed.
  6981. > With a lithe strap to wrap it around your hips.
  6982. > You would need this if Nightmare showed up.
  6983. > The pain in your chest had faded, somewhat.
  6984. > Though it was still swollen.
  6985. > It might not be enough.
  6987. > Carefully, you balanced up on the edge of the balcony.
  6988. > You almost wanted to wear your armour there, in case a fight broke out.
  6989. > But you couldn't make the jump wearing it.
  6990. > You lift up a coin.
  6991. > And throw it across at the other balcony.
  6992. > It soars over the railing and clatters to the ground of the balcony.
  6993. > So there's no barrier there.
  6994. > Once you're stabilized, you slowly rise up.
  6995. > And prime yourself.
  6996. > Focus.
  6997. > If you missed this...
  6998. > You would get badly fucked up.
  6999. > Your left arm wouldn't be able to grab the bar.
  7000. > So you had to clear over the railing and onto the balcony itself.
  7001. > One...
  7002. > Two...
  7003. > Jump!
  7004. > Oof.
  7005. > That was... not quite what you planned.
  7006. > Managed to nail the railing with your stomach.
  7007. > But you had enough weight to pull yourself over.
  7008. > And you collapse on the balcony.
  7009. > Alright.
  7010. > You were out.
  7011. > Time to find your way to Luna's room.
  7012. > And do something you desperately don't want to do.
  7013. > You slowly raised up.
  7014. > Fortunate that hadn't hit your chest.
  7015. > If it had...
  7016. > Your muscles might have seized.
  7017. > And you wouldn't have been able to pull yourself over.
  7018. > You were an idiot.
  7019. > But, you had done it.
  7020. > You picked up the coin and slid it into your pocket.
  7021. > Moving stealthily into the room adjacent.
  7022. > Which was empty of ponies.
  7023. > But full of expensive furniture.
  7024. > Moving to the door, you opened it and peered out.
  7025. > To an empty hallway.
  7026. > Well, time to find Luna's room.
  7028. > It was quite a journey to find.
  7029. > You had to seek out the aid of several maids.
  7030. > And avoid the guards.
  7031. > Had they seen you, they might have reported to Celestia.
  7032. > And she would think you were running away again.
  7033. > Which would cost you the fragile trust you'd built.
  7034. > You hadn't even considered that risk before venturing out.
  7035. > Stupid, Anon.
  7036. > You were supposed to be thinking everything through.
  7037. > But you still had blindspots.
  7038. > Eventually, you found your way.
  7039. > It was an imposing set of doors.
  7040. > A massive silver crescent moon emblazoned on the oak doors.
  7041. > With two...
  7042. > Strange looking Pegasi.
  7043. > Wings like nothing you'd ever seen.
  7044. > Purple and silver armour, as opposed to what you saw on the majority.
  7045. > Luna's personal guard, you supposed.
  7046. > They certainly looked the part.
  7047. > You walked up to them with your head held high.
  7048. > And they fell into a deep bow as you approached.
  7049. > Which was both bad and good.
  7050. "I have business with the princess."
  7051. > They look back up, and nod.
  7052. > And one moves to open the door.
  7053. > Whispering inside.
  7054. > "You have a visitor, princess."
  7055. > "Send him in!"
  7056. > Him? So she knew you were coming.
  7057. > That sort of sealed the deal that she was working with Nightmare.
  7058. > As you entered, Luna stood in the center of the room.
  7059. > Looking immaculate.
  7060. > An incredibly expensive dress, which flows like the stars, accentuated with jewelry.
  7061. > Candles lit the room, giving a stunning ambiance to her appearance.
  7062. > Well... Time to play the role.
  7063. "Hey there, Luna."
  7064. > Initially, she has a broad smile, but her expression rapidly turned to confusion.
  7065. > And then to concern.
  7066. > "A-Anon? What are... Oh no."
  7067. > Oh no?
  7068. > Interesting.
  7069. > Perhaps she didn't know as much as you thought.
  7071. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7073. "I want you to ensure there are no escape routes. He's skilled, and we cannot predict how he might act when cornered."
  7074. > Sunflare snaps a salute, and begins issuing orders to his soldiers.
  7075. > If he had wanted to run, he likely would have ran by now.
  7076. > But it never hurts to be careful.
  7077. > You are Celestia.
  7078. > And you're about to do something you hate doing.
  7079. > Interrogation.
  7080. > You weren't very good at it, if you're honest.
  7081. > But you...
  7082. > You couldn't just turn them over to the military interrogators without first speaking to them.
  7083. > If they gave up information freely...
  7084. > Then a lot of pain could be avoided.
  7085. > Which was something you sought in all your dealings.
  7086. > Particularly, it was going to be important now.
  7087. > You could not afford to have more enemies with Pegasopolis' declaration.
  7088. > Until they were back in the union...
  7089. > You had far too few ponies to manage a proper military.
  7090. > It was fortunate that you kept much of the command structure as Unicorns.
  7091. > Because had you lost substantial portions of command in this declaration...
  7092. > You would be thoroughly fucked.
  7093. > And not in the way you want to be.
  7094. > You gaze down upon your bond necklace.
  7095. > The ring fused to the silver chain.
  7096. > The symbol of your connection to Anon.
  7097. > Why did you get so flustered when he kissed your cheek?
  7098. > Like some school filly?
  7099. > You had already gotten long past kissing him...
  7100. > Yet in that moment, it almost felt like it was the first time again.
  7101. > Like when he kissed you on your wedding day.
  7102. > It wasn't even on the lips, but still...
  7103. > It seemed like such a good sign.
  7104. > That you ended up all excited.
  7105. > A sign he was starting to trust you again.
  7106. > Maybe...
  7107. > Maybe a sign that he was starting to love you.
  7108. > Which would be nice.
  7109. > It almost seemed like he was entirely unaffected by the connection of the bond.
  7110. > At least since his time in the Crystal Empire.
  7111. > Which was strange.
  7112. > But humans tend to be strange when it comes to magic.
  7114. > Once Sunflare gave you the confirmation that the room was secure, you opened the door.
  7115. > And inside was row-upon-row of tables.
  7116. > The barracks common room.
  7117. > Empty of all but one pony.
  7118. > Imperial Shimmer.
  7119. > Sitting at a table.
  7120. > Stock-still.
  7121. > Facing forward.
  7122. "Hello there, Shimmer."
  7123. > He gets up from the table at that and snaps a sharp salute.
  7124. > "Princess. I have waited here as-per your command."
  7125. > Dedication.
  7126. > It's partially why he was such an admired guard.
  7127. > One who had been posted outside your door commonly during your short reign.
  7128. > Yet now...
  7129. > Now he seemed a monster to you.
  7130. "This will be a long discussion, potentially. Do you want something to eat or drink first?"
  7131. > He shakes his head at that.
  7132. > Seeming to want to get this over with.
  7133. > You suppose he had been awake for quite some time now.
  7134. "I have called you here because you stand accused of a very serious crime, Shimmer."
  7135. > At that, his whole frame seizes.
  7136. > And his eyes grow wide.
  7137. > It was odd to see the usually stoic stallion actually have an emotional reaction.
  7138. > "My Princess? What have I done?"
  7139. > He's assuming responsibility right off the bat.
  7140. > Which would be admirable...
  7141. > If it didn't come off as downright deceptive in the circumstance.
  7142. "You stand accused of kidnapping the Crown Prince of Equestria on the night of my wedding."
  7143. > It seemed such a simplistic sentence.
  7144. > Very mechanical.
  7145. > Yet it carries profound emotional weight both for you and Shimmer.
  7146. > For you, because it made the severity of his crime come to light.
  7147. > For him, because it made it clear precisely how much trouble he was likely to be in.
  7148. > "M-my Princess, I don't know who has made these allegations, but I can assure you-"
  7149. > So he was going to play this game.
  7150. > You weren't in the mood at the moment.
  7151. > So you were going to pop that bubble right-off.
  7153. "I know you have a bond, Shimmer. You know as well as I do that I would know if Anon was lying."
  7154. > His shock remains across his features.
  7155. > As though his world has been flipped upon itself.
  7156. > Perhaps he thought he had some kind of security.
  7157. > "The... The prince is my accuser?"
  7158. > He seems in shock.
  7159. > Which is... odd.
  7160. > Perhaps he's playing up the role.
  7161. > Hoping that your connection to your husband is weak enough for you to doubt him.
  7162. > But you felt it in his words.
  7163. > In the fear he felt at seeing Shimmer.
  7164. > Anonymous was not lying.
  7165. > "My... My Princess, I don't know what the Prince has been telling you... But I swear to you I did nothing."
  7166. > He falls down back into his deep bow.
  7167. > His voice now struggling to keep neutral.
  7168. > You move up close to him.
  7169. > And place a wing under his muzzle.
  7170. > Raising his face to look at you.
  7171. > To see if he could lie while staring into your eyes.
  7172. > Which he proceeds to do.
  7173. > "I would never betray the crown. The oath I swore was to Equestria, and I would not betray its ruler."
  7174. > It's shameful.
  7175. > To see such a proud guard cowering.
  7176. > It's more shameful that he would betray his kingdom.
  7177. > He knew what the cost of this kind of treason would be.
  7178. "If you will not confess to me, I will be sending you to Heated Steel."
  7179. > At that, his panic increases tenfold.
  7180. > Rapidly scattering across the room.
  7181. > Away from you.
  7182. > And backing up against the wall.
  7183. > "Princess, I have a family. They need me. What do you want me to do to prove my innocence?"
  7184. > He says that as though you were going to kill him.
  7185. > Heated Steel's expertise is not in killing.
  7186. > But Shimmer knows that, you're sure.
  7187. > The genuineness of his plea causes you to falter briefly.
  7188. > It... hurts to do this.
  7189. > But you could not allow traitors to hurt Anon.
  7190. > Especially not now.
  7192. "I know of your connection to Cyclone. Was it a part of his plan?"
  7193. > Shimmer was a cousin of Cyclone.
  7194. > Despite being a unicorn, you knew that they at least had some contact.
  7195. > Which made his kidnapping of Anonymous all the more concerning.
  7196. > If it was an attempt to kill him, though...
  7197. > You had to wonder why they wouldn't have just put a sword in his neck.
  7198. > Instead sending him off to that damn arena.
  7199. > The guard is still sputtering up against the wall.
  7200. > Unable to calm himself.
  7201. > Time to step in.
  7202. "Shimmer. Calm yourself. If you answer my questions, there will be no harm done to you."
  7203. > He freezes shock still again.
  7204. > Before collapsing to the ground.
  7205. > His voice coming out as a hollow echo.
  7206. > "I know Cyclone was very upset about your marriage. But I swear I had no part in his schemes!"
  7207. > Well, everyone in the kingdom had known Cyclone was upset.
  7208. > Just not that he was also willing to sacrifice so many for it.
  7209. > You lay down beside the stallion.
  7210. > A sympathetic look on your face.
  7211. > But that did mean that he knew something.
  7212. > He could continue denying that he was involved with Anonymous' kidnapping.
  7213. > But so long as he gave you the information you needed...
  7214. > Then you could avoid Heated Steel.
  7215. > And simply have him go before an ordinary court.
  7216. > Which was a lot less painful.
  7217. "Who were you with the night of Anonymous' kidnapping?"
  7218. > He looks up to you.
  7219. > Hopeful.
  7220. > "I was with Corporal Dawn's Star. We were patrolling."
  7221. > It was going to be a long night.
  7222. > Piecing together what information you could draw out of him.
  7223. "Did you see the prince that night?"
  7224. > "Yes, briefly. We both bowed to him in the hallways."
  7225. > A very long night shredding through half-truths.
  7226. > But it would be for the best.
  7227. > It would be for Anonymous.
  7228. "Let's move back to a table."
  7230. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7232. > "Hey there, Luna."
  7233. > That voice breaks you out of your reverie.
  7234. > As he comes out from the shadowy entrance to your room.
  7235. > You are Luna.
  7236. > And you're kind of freaking out right now.
  7237. "A-Anon? What are..."
  7238. > What in the world is Anonymous doing here.
  7239. > You're supposed to be meeting the stallion of your...
  7240. > Oh.
  7241. > Of your dreams.
  7242. "Oh no..."
  7243. > Apparently your patron knew your dreams when you asked for the stallion of your dreams.
  7244. > Even if they didn't actually send a stallion.
  7245. > "Oh no? Hardly an appropriate reaction to seeing-"
  7246. > For a moment, you see a deep cringe flow across his features.
  7247. > His hand moving up to his head.
  7248. > Like he's in pain.
  7249. > "-your favourite human, is it?"
  7250. > He finishes the comment with his winning smile.
  7251. > That heart-melting smile.
  7252. > You're concerned for his health, for a moment.
  7253. > But the feeling fades.
  7254. > 'Embrace him.'
  7255. > You move toward him, and he moves toward you.
  7256. > As you get close, you flare out your wings.
  7257. > And wrap them around him.
  7258. > As his arms come around your neck.
  7259. > 'Settle his fears.'
  7260. "You know I didn't mean it that way, Anon..."
  7261. > He chuckles at that from beside you.
  7262. > His breath on your ear.
  7263. > It sends tingles down your spine.
  7264. > "I know. But I do so love to..."
  7265. > He nips at your ear.
  7266. > Your legs just about give out on you right there.
  7267. > He knows how to do this far too well.
  7268. > "Tease you."
  7269. > At that, he briefly pulls back.
  7270. > One of his hands moving up to caress your face.
  7271. > Settling right under your muzzle.
  7272. > As he stares into your eyes.
  7274. > 'Offer him a drink.'
  7275. > You don't know if you can.
  7276. > You're so lost in his eyes.
  7277. > But you swallow your trepidation.
  7278. "I... I have wine."
  7279. > Why are you going along with this?
  7280. > You should shut this down right now.
  7281. > You didn't want to get Anon!
  7282. > He's your brother in law!
  7283. > Tia's mad enough alre-
  7284. > 'You want this. You want Anonymous.'
  7285. > You...
  7286. > You suppose that's true.
  7287. > You've wanted Anonymous since before you even met him in real life.
  7288. > Since Tia told you to scout out his dreams all those weeks ago...
  7289. > 'And what Tia doesn't know won't hurt her.'
  7290. > That makes sense.
  7291. > Perfect sense.
  7292. > "I wouldn't mind a little wine. But I have to tell you something first."
  7293. > Here it comes.
  7294. > The words she promised you'd hear.
  7295. > The words you've wanted to hear since your betrothal to Stonehoof fell through.
  7296. > The words you've been afraid you'd never hear.
  7297. > "I love you."
  7298. > Those words...
  7299. > They aren't what you expected. The magic isn't in them.
  7300. > But still...
  7301. > It still feels good to hear.
  7302. > 'Tell him your feelings.'
  7303. "I love you too, Anon."
  7304. > The words are genuine.
  7305. > But they taste bitter on your lips.
  7306. > Like they're sullied by the circumstances.
  7307. > Which they undoubtedly are.
  7308. > You can't keep Tia off your mind.
  7309. > 'She's not important.'
  7310. > But the taste quickly abates.
  7311. > Quickly, Anonymous closes the gap between you.
  7312. > Briefly, there's another cringe on his face.
  7313. > But it disappears as his lips meet yours in a tight kiss.
  7314. > Which quickly removes you scruples about whether your love was genuine.
  7316. > It was your first kiss.
  7317. > First kiss with a colt, anyhow.
  7318. > Stallion.
  7319. > Human.
  7320. > You feel giddy.
  7321. > Incredibly giddy, like you're floating on air.
  7322. > Your wings are not being cooperative about wrapping around Anon.
  7323. > They're insisting that they should be erect and out at your sides.
  7324. > And your face is hot.
  7325. > 'Kiss him back.'
  7326. > You press strongly against him.
  7327. > Your chest pressed firmly up against him.
  7328. > His hands finding their way up into your mane behind your head.
  7329. > And you and him find yourselves in a battle.
  7330. > Of who can push more strongly against the other.
  7331. > But as quickly as it started...
  7332. > It stops.
  7333. > As you both pull back.
  7334. > He seems fine, somehow.
  7335. > But you're completely out of breath, panting.
  7336. > That, unlike the words, was everything you ever dreamed it would be.
  7337. > Your legs continue to feel wobbly beneath you.
  7338. > And your thoughts are scattershot.
  7339. > You peer deeply into his eyes once more.
  7340. > Those shimmering pools filled with excitement.
  7341. > It wasn't fair that Tia got him.
  7342. > "So, about that wine?"
  7343. > Oh right.
  7344. > Wine.
  7345. "Right! Wine! Over by the fireplace."
  7346. > This was supposed to be a date, after all.
  7347. > You couldn't just jump to the good parts.
  7348. > The...
  7349. > The good parts?
  7350. > You weren't going to do that.
  7351. > You hadn't even done anything remotely close to that before, you wouldn't know what to do.
  7352. > He'd probably laugh if you even proposed it.
  7353. > Also... You wouldn't betray Tia like that.
  7354. > But...
  7355. > Just having a drink with him and a little kiss wasn't such a big deal, was it?
  7356. > She could understand that.
  7357. > You and Tia kissed one another all the time as fillies.
  7358. > Just... Practising.
  7359. > For when you got your own stallion.
  7361. > "Oh, believe me, Lu, I know that feeling quite well."
  7362. > You and Anonymous were...
  7363. > Tipsy.
  7364. > Just a little bit.
  7365. > You were both sitting on the couch before the fireplace.
  7366. > And you had been talking for a while.
  7367. > About random things.
  7368. > He seemed a lot better at the drinking part than you.
  7369. > Everything was already wobbling.
  7370. > You didn't drink much...
  7371. > Or ever.
  7372. > But you'd had some of the wine with Anonymous.
  7373. > You had two glasses...
  7374. > But he opted to share one back and forth.
  7375. > And you conceded.
  7376. > It seemed so romantic...
  7377. "Oh? And what would you know about that. You're the popular one back home."
  7378. > You're amazed how fluent your speech sounds.
  7379. > You hope it's actually that fluent.
  7380. > And that you weren't embarrassing yourself.
  7381. > You were talking about Tia right now.
  7382. > And how she's always in the spotlight.
  7383. > While you had Anon tucked tightly under your wing.
  7384. > Your head resting atop his before the fire.
  7385. > Periodically each taking a sip from the wine.
  7386. > "Yeah, I'm popular back home. But not as much as Marcus, and certainly not as easily. You've gotta work for it."
  7387. > He drinks deeply from the wine.
  7388. > His eyes unfocused.
  7389. > 'Nip his ear.'
  7390. > You lean down with your head.
  7391. > And breathe hotly into his ear.
  7392. > Before lightly biting the tip of it.
  7393. > Which you feel a shudder flow through his body at.
  7394. > Human ears are weird.
  7395. > You hadn't really considered them in... This context.
  7396. > But there was a certain appeal.
  7397. > And you feel him look up from under you.
  7398. > Laying a kiss on your neck.
  7399. > Which sends sparks tingling down your skin.
  7400. > Before he pushes force against you.
  7401. > 'Let him do it.'
  7402. > And flips you down onto your back.
  7403. > His strong body close against you.
  7404. > Pinning you down.
  7406. > You feel the pressure on your neck of his kisses.
  7407. > The intense heat spreading through your body.
  7408. > It was a feeling you were... familiar with.
  7409. > Just not familiar with in the context of having another pony in the room.
  7410. > Or human in this case.
  7411. > 'Moan for him. Let him know how it feels.'
  7412. > You moan loudly under his ministrations.
  7413. > Which evokes a growl from the human above you.
  7414. > You feel small under his control.
  7415. > 'Because he is an apex predator. And you are his prey.'
  7416. > The thought makes you shudder with excitement.
  7417. > Your guilt over the prospect almost entirely evaporating.
  7418. > Roughly, he flips you over.
  7419. > You briefly catch view of his face.
  7420. > He doesn't look lost in the passion.
  7421. > He looks...
  7422. > Uncomfortable.
  7423. > But you only get the briefest glimpse as you flip.
  7424. > So that you're laying on your stomach.
  7425. > And his attack on your neck continues.
  7426. > His fingers now drawing along your wings.
  7427. > The thoughts about his expression evaporate.
  7428. > You feel like you're falling apart under his touch.
  7429. > As his fingers trace all the right places.
  7430. > As his trail of kisses moves down, his mouth finds your wingjoint.
  7431. > And suckles lightly on it.
  7432. > Which causes you to spasm under his rough touch.
  7433. > As you feel your lower body become scalding with desire.
  7434. > This was so fast...
  7435. > How did he know how to do all of this...
  7436. > He must've learned from Tia.
  7437. > The thought makes you feel bad for a moment.
  7438. > But only for the briefest of moments, as your thoughts cloud once more under his ministrations.
  7439. > Your body is on fire.
  7440. > But sudden clarity comes to you.
  7441. > By a horrible thought.
  7442. > A thought which comes unbidden.
  7443. > One which you can't understand.
  7444. > But you feel compelled to listen to.
  7445. > 'Call the Guards.'
  7447. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  7449. > 'Move lower.'
  7450. > You'd had just about enough of that voice at this point.
  7451. > Those niggling whispers in your head.
  7452. > But you had complied.
  7453. > To keep up the illusion, of course.
  7454. > You were Anonymous.
  7455. > And now...
  7456. > You were going to not comply.
  7457. > You had tried everything to get Luna to do what you wanted.
  7458. > You poked at the wingjoint.
  7459. > You nipped it.
  7460. > You scratched at it.
  7461. > Nothing was working.
  7462. > They were supposed to shoot right up and hit you.
  7463. > Celestia's had done that.
  7464. > She had straight fallen out of bed.
  7465. > So now, you had to be more direct in how you were going to execute your plan.
  7466. > "Anon..."
  7467. > Her voice sounds conflicted.
  7468. > Although aroused.
  7469. > Which is interesting.
  7470. > You knew intense pleasure could also disrupt mental manipulation.
  7471. > Which made Nightmare's plan here a little less sensible.
  7472. > Perhaps she thought you would be lost in passion at that point?
  7473. > You might well have been if her words had an actual impact on you.
  7474. > "Anon hold on... Something's wrong..."
  7475. > You do, at that.
  7476. > Stop for a moment.
  7477. > Perhaps Luna is overcoming her control?
  7478. > But the voice returns.
  7479. > 'She is your slave. She will service you however you want. Have your way with her.'
  7480. > And with that, Luna lets out a languished moan.
  7481. > And her head falls back flat on the couch.
  7482. > The words made you fill with revulsion.
  7483. > Well, more revulsion.
  7484. > You were already feeling pretty disgusted with yourself for going along this far.
  7485. > Nightmare is...
  7486. > Kinky, evidently.
  7487. > But you'd had about enough.
  7489. > With a subtle movement, you jarred the back of the couch.
  7490. > And the wine glass you had precariously perched upon it came crashing down.
  7491. > It was a tall-back couch, it had quite the fall.
  7492. > Atop your head.
  7493. > Where it shattered.
  7494. > The glass cascading around the sides of your head.
  7495. > By the Gods, that stings.
  7496. > That stings like crazy.
  7497. > You can feel the shards cut along your skin lightly as they fall.
  7498. > And down Luna's sides thereafter.
  7499. > Leaving thin cuts.
  7500. > Nothing permanent or serious.
  7501. > For her, at least.
  7502. > You hoped it wasn't too bad at the back of your head either.
  7503. > Which jars Luna from her state.
  7504. > "A-Anon! What happened?"
  7505. > She's up like a rocket at that.
  7506. > Which means you're back like a rocket.
  7507. > Flinging you back against the other end of the couch.
  7508. > Which makes your head go woozy with the impact.
  7509. > And after that glass shattered over it.
  7510. > The whole world spinning at you try to get control of yourself.
  7511. > The voice is completely gone from your mind.
  7512. > Instantly.
  7513. > And it seems gone from Luna's too.
  7514. > "Nightshade! Silverwing! Get a doctor! Quickly!"
  7515. > A commotion happens outside the door.
  7516. > Before it opens and the guards enter, looking confused.
  7517. > "Princess?"
  7518. > Luna is practically in hysterics.
  7519. > "Get a do-"
  7520. > You hold up a hand.
  7521. > And interrupt her.
  7522. "No, no. Don't worry about it Luna. I'll be alright."
  7523. > She moves off the couch and over to inspect your wound.
  7524. > You weren't quite certain you would be fine.
  7525. > But having a team of doctors in here would raise a hell of a lot of questions.
  7526. > Especially with the...
  7527. > Stain.
  7528. > Luna had left on the couch.
  7529. > Which you could see clearly now.
  7530. > Ares certainly knew his tricks, in retrospect.
  7531. > Their necks, ears, and wings were damn sensitive.
  7532. > Eugh.
  7534. > "I'm so sorry Anon... I just, I don't know why I did what I did."
  7535. > You had spent a while after that just laying there.
  7536. > Luna had gotten up and inspected her wounds in the bathroom.
  7537. > They weren't bleeding badly, so she just wiped them with a cloth.
  7538. > Apparently, the same couldn't be said for the back of your head.
  7539. > Which you now had a cold washcloth wrapped firmly around.
  7540. > She had insisted that you go to see a doctor.
  7541. > Swore up and down about discretion.
  7542. > But you had sternly refused.
  7543. > And now you both once again sat on the couch.
  7544. > But this time without the voices messing with both of you.
  7545. > You laid a hand on her neck.
  7546. > This was the important part.
  7547. > Luna knew something, that much you were sure.
  7548. > And now that she felt guilty...
  7549. > She might even be willing to tell you about it.
  7550. "It's not your fault, Luna. I takes two to tango. I just... I don't know what in the world I was thinking. Like I couldn't think for myself."
  7551. > She groans at that.
  7552. > A look of intense frustration on her face.
  7553. > "I... This is my fault, Anon. I'm the reason you thought those things."
  7554. > You look over to her.
  7555. > Time to feign your ignorance.
  7556. > Nightmare could still be watching.
  7557. "Like... through dreams?"
  7558. > She sighs, looking off to the side.
  7559. > Like she's conflicted about whether or not to tell you.
  7560. > Which she ought to be.
  7561. > You're playing a heavy risk game here...
  7562. > How Nightmare might react could be random.
  7563. > But so long as she thought she had you under her spell...
  7564. > She would likely suspect that you would comply with the rest of her plans irrespective of what Luna told you.
  7565. > "It's not my power. It's a friend, named Starlight Sparkle."
  7566. > And Nightmare is apparently smart.
  7567. > A false name.
  7568. > Or perhaps Nightmare was the false one.
  7569. "Starlight... Sparkle?"
  7570. > Luna looks back over to you, incredible regret across her features.
  7571. > As she bites her lip hard enough to draw blood.
  7573. > "She's good at controlling ponies. She learned from Discord, apparently."
  7574. > Discord.
  7575. > The Prince of Chaos.
  7576. > You somehow doubted Nightmare would be so truthful with Luna.
  7577. > Especially with regards to a being she herself banished...
  7578. "Didn't you get rid of him?"
  7579. > She smiles at that, but it's not a proper smile.
  7580. > Like a grimace mixed with a prideful grin.
  7581. > "Yeah, me and Tia. I was only eleven at the time, but I had control over the elements already."
  7582. > ... Eleven.
  7583. > Which made her seventeen now.
  7584. > And this whole evening just got a lot more weird.
  7585. "You're... 17?"
  7586. > She looks up at you at that.
  7587. > "Is... Is that a problem?"
  7588. > You had presumed she was about Celestia's age...
  7589. > 16 when she banished Discord.
  7590. > Which had put Tia above you by a year.
  7591. > You had heard all about it, although only from the perspective of Celestia.
  7592. > As she was the far more public face of the two.
  7593. "No... Not anymore, I suppose. But I would've felt doubly bad had I taken advantage of you."
  7594. > At that, she thunders down a hoof on the side of the couch.
  7595. > Which echoes out in a big crack.
  7596. > "No! It's me who took advantage of you. I asked Starlight to get me the stallion of my dreams, and she sent you."
  7597. > Oh no.
  7598. > This is bad.
  7599. > Tears.
  7600. > Tears in the eyes of a mare you were just... Molesting, almost.
  7601. > You want to comfort her.
  7602. > But you feel like it would make you weirder.
  7603. > So you sit stock-still.
  7604. > "It's me who should be punished. I... I've just kind of had a crush on you from your dreams, and I... I exploited you."
  7605. > You begin scratching on her neck softly.
  7606. > Not in any sensual way, like earlier.
  7607. > But a relaxing one.
  7608. > "I just couldn't control myself once I saw you. All I could think about was how much I wanted this..."
  7609. > She thinks Nightmare's thoughts are her own.
  7610. > You feel bad.
  7611. > You were more at fault, you knew what the hell was happening
  7612. > But you couldn't give her that information to comfort her, not yet.
  7614. > "Anon... I understand if you never want to see me again after this. And if you want to tell Tia. And if-"
  7615. > You cut her off with a finger to her lips.
  7616. > And a small, understanding smile.
  7617. "Water under the bridge, Luna. Just... Don't do it again, and we're even. I'll still be your friend, I am your brother after all."
  7618. > She looks over to you.
  7619. > The fur on her face matted with her slowly falling tears.
  7620. > You'd been seeing far too much of mares crying for your taste.
  7621. > You pulled her into a hug.
  7622. > It might feel... weird, comforting her after what just happened.
  7623. > But damnit, your sister was crying.
  7624. > Bleugh.
  7625. > That made it even weirder.
  7626. > Fuck, Nightmare had a lot to answer for.
  7627. > Whatever the hell her plan was tonight.
  7628. > But you had gained a lot of information about precisely who Nightmare was, and how she operated.
  7629. > Every time you heard the voice, you felt heat grow in the back of your neck.
  7630. > In the brand.
  7631. > The brand was in some way influencing you.
  7632. > She was a former disciple of Discord, although that's not confirmed.
  7633. > She could have been lying to Luna.
  7634. > But looking into Discord might lead you somewhat to connections to her.
  7635. > And you could ask Cel about Discord without arousing suspicion.
  7636. > Fuck, Cel.
  7637. > She could be back in your room any minute.
  7638. > And you would be...
  7639. > Oh.
  7640. > Shit.
  7641. > You weren't going to be back in the room anyhow.
  7642. > There's a barrier around your only way back in, the balcony.
  7643. > Well... when life closes a door...
  7644. "Hey, Luna. Is that a violin over there?"
  7645. > It had been distracting you since you arrived.
  7646. > Something you actually knew how to do in this crazy horse world.
  7647. > She looks up from her sniffles.
  7648. > "Yeah, it's the only instrument I know how to play."
  7649. > You smile down at her.
  7650. > Something in common, at that.
  7651. > Perfect.
  7652. "If you let me borrow it, then we can forget all about this."
  7654. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7656. > As it had turned out, Luna was willing to let you borrow the violin.
  7657. > You had to wonder how awkward things would be between you and her.
  7658. > It was... palatable while you were there.
  7659. > But doubtless the next time you saw her would be crippled by awkwardness.
  7660. > Both her awkwardness about trying this stunt...
  7661. > And your awkwardness because of her age.
  7662. > It was just wrong.
  7663. > She seemed like she didn't even understand.
  7664. > Men just didn't sleep with younger women.
  7665. > It's...
  7666. > It's wrong.
  7667. > It's exploitative.
  7668. > And you felt dirty for what you had done to her already.
  7669. > Your eyes moved down to the feather.
  7670. > Well, dirty for a few reasons.
  7671. > You were now wandering the halls.
  7672. > Trying to figure out how exactly you would plan the little ambush you personally had planned.
  7673. > You were surprised that when you left you hadn't been approached by Nightmare.
  7674. > But...
  7675. > Nightmare was doubtless smarter than that.
  7676. > If you were as ignorant as she must assume you were, then she wouldn't involve herself right now.
  7677. > Or it would imply a correlation between her and this 'Starlight Sparkle.'
  7678. > You were... concerned.
  7679. > If Nightmare had that control over Luna...
  7680. > Then there was a heavier risk in this whole game than you had realized.
  7681. > Cel might need to be involved.
  7682. > While risking yourself was an acceptable route...
  7683. > Risking Luna was something Cel would never forgive you for.
  7684. > Looking down, you open your left hand.
  7685. > A still bloody scar down the middle of it.
  7686. > The dagger wound you had used to keep your mind in your control during that event.
  7687. > Fortunate that Luna hadn't noticed the blood on her wing before the 'accident.'
  7688. > Nightmare would've known something was up then.
  7689. > You seemed to have a knack for hurting yourself.
  7690. > You knew it would probably be wiser to get the head wound checked out.
  7691. > But the cloth Luna lent you was still wrapped up snugly around your head.
  7692. > And you didn't feel too bad.
  7693. > You just needed somewhere to think.
  7694. > Perhaps the gardens by the Royal Bedroom.
  7696. > On the route there, you had noticed the sparkle still decorating the door.
  7697. > With accompanying guards.
  7698. > And the lack of a city-wide panic at your disappearance.
  7699. > Which likely meant Celestia wasn't in the room yet.
  7700. > You shoved your head under the ice-cold water of a stream in the garden.
  7701. > Letting it wash away the filthy feeling you had.
  7702. > Bleugh.
  7703. > This whole evening has just been a series of weird and uncomfortable events.
  7704. > Cyclone's declaration still hung heavily over your head.
  7705. > You... You should have done something.
  7706. > Called him out.
  7707. > Like you had done to Gentle Touch.
  7708. > But you had been so panicked in the moment.
  7709. > The oppressive feeling upon you of the immense fuckup at hand had paralyzed you with indecision.
  7710. > You had no idea what the route was to winning him over in the moment.
  7711. > But, in retrospect, you know you should've stood strong.
  7712. > You pull your face from the water.
  7713. > And with a deep breath, shove it back under.
  7714. > The cold feels purifying.
  7715. > Pegasi respected strength.
  7716. > It was in their blood, it was why they were so militaristic.
  7717. > But instead you had looked soft.
  7718. > Because you had endeavoured to win him over by friendliness.
  7719. > You were an Aetherite, damnit.
  7720. > You should have known better then to have ever tried to compromise.
  7721. > People reacted to visceral words.
  7722. > But ponies...
  7723. > Ponies were meant to be soft.
  7724. > The undeserving elites of a wealthy nation, made monstrous by their privilege.
  7725. > Unable to bear upon the realities of the world.
  7726. > Cyclone, on the other hand...
  7727. > He was never interested in discourse.
  7728. > His sort only respected one thing.
  7729. > Force.
  7730. > You should have ordered his arrest right then and there.
  7731. > But you didn't want to risk overstepping your authority.
  7732. > You had no idea what the limits to the powers of the Prince were here.
  7733. > You needed to learn, and quick.
  7734. > You were in the water.
  7735. > And it was sink or swim.
  7737. > As you pull your head up out of the stream, you fall back against the cobblestone path living the water.
  7738. > The pseudo-bandage around your head feeling heavy with the water.
  7739. > You lay there, looking up at the stars.
  7740. > How the hell did that much time pass...
  7741. > The moon is in the middle of the sky.
  7742. > It's midnight.
  7743. > What's done is done.
  7744. > You sigh deeply, gazing up at the sky.
  7745. > Cyclone is a problem for another day now.
  7746. > The only thing you can do is mitigate the damage.
  7747. > But from here in the castle...
  7748. > You couldn't possibly do anything.
  7749. > You'd have to discuss this with Cel.
  7750. > You were skilled at stirring up the commons.
  7751. > In fact...
  7752. > It was about time you started plying your skills.
  7753. > You had been letting yourself get swept away in all of this.
  7754. > And going with the flow has only ended poorly for you thus far.
  7755. > The only time you felt like you did something right...
  7756. > Was when you broke the rules.
  7757. > When you let the truth speak for itself.
  7758. > And doing that...
  7759. > You think you could win over.
  7760. > And it would help settle Equestria's internal political instability.
  7761. > Especially with Pegasopolis' Non-Committence.
  7762. > It would rile up the political classes of all the tribes.
  7763. > And fracture the country to pieces.
  7764. > But the commonfolk could pressure the nobles.
  7765. > And having them on your side...
  7766. > Well, that could be a valuable tool.
  7767. > Especially in winning over armies.
  7768. > You didn't want a war with the Pegasi.
  7769. > And the route to winning them over was to prove yourself better than Cyclone.
  7770. > Prove yourself worthy of the title of Prince.
  7771. > It would be difficult to win out on the defacto power he had.
  7772. > But...
  7773. > He's a selfish prick.
  7774. > So y'know.
  7775. > Easy on that level.
  7776. > But Cyclone was a secondary threat.
  7778. > Nightmare, and by extension Falwing, were the real threat.
  7779. > Falwing had always been the threat.
  7780. > Old Falwing was the empire which had occupied Equestria.
  7781. > The Empire that made the Gryphons kneel.
  7782. > The Empire which helped the humans win their freedom.
  7783. > Under Discord.
  7784. > It would make sense for Nightmare to have learned from Discord.
  7785. > He was a Dragonkin, after all.
  7786. > A Dragonkin renowned for his capacity to influence the thoughts of other beings.
  7787. > The Trickster King.
  7788. > A tyrant so strong he didn't even need force.
  7789. > He had never killed a single being in all the rebellions which shook his domain to the foundations.
  7790. > But he was cruel in many ways.
  7791. > He would turn everyone against one another.
  7792. > But he had never attempted to claim Aetherium.
  7793. > In the near-century from the independence of Aetherium until Discord's defeat...
  7794. > He had always left your people to their business.
  7795. > You rolled over onto your stomach and pushed yourself up.
  7796. > Moving over to the violin case you left by the bench.
  7797. > Discord was definitely relevant on some level.
  7798. > Nightmare's playing some sort of big play here.
  7799. > If her goal is conquest, then she would already be marching.
  7800. > But you heard the words in your head with Luna.
  7801. > She was still politicking through you, for some reason.
  7802. > It was irrelevant, for now.
  7803. > All you could do was work to foil her plans while she thought you were complicit.
  7804. > Delay as long as possible on that front while you brought Cyclone into line.
  7805. > And you and Cel together could work on Cyclone.
  7806. > But first...
  7807. > That would require fixing you and Cel.
  7808. > And more generally, you and Equestria.
  7809. > Withdrawing the violin from it's case, you looked over it.
  7810. > It was an impressive piece.
  7811. > You're sure it will sound fantastic.
  7812. > You'd won the hearts of many a lady with your violin back home.
  7813. > It made you seem far more classy than you actually were.
  7814. > Gently, you rested back against a bush.
  7815. > Pulling the bow tight against the strings.
  7816. > And began to play.
  7818. > Be Celestia.
  7819. > And you are...
  7820. > Exhausted doesn't even begin to describe your circumstance.
  7821. > Shimmer was... uncooperative.
  7822. > He stuck by his story adamantly.
  7823. > But you had come to realize through your efforts that sending him to Heated Steel would be meaningless.
  7824. > He was... Unresponsive to physical coercion.
  7825. > Threatening Heated Steel was typically as good a tool to extract truth as the stallion himself.
  7826. > Especially to members of the guard.
  7827. > Double-especially those as senior as-
  7828. > You stop moving.
  7829. > There's music.
  7830. > It's a... Harrowing tune.
  7831. > But also a stunningly beautiful one.
  7832. > Clearly played on a violin.
  7833. > You're entranced by it as it soars and falls.
  7834. > For the briefest of moments.
  7835. > But there shouldn't be any music in this wing of the castle.
  7836. > Especially at this time of night.
  7837. > It's coming from the gardens across from your room.
  7838. > As you enter the hallway, you're struck by the lack of guards.
  7839. > Your room was meant to be a fortress right now...
  7840. > As you moved up to the door to your room.
  7841. > Banishing the ward, and peering in.
  7842. > To an empty room.
  7843. > Panic spreads quickly through you.
  7844. > There was no way...
  7845. > The guards...
  7846. > You whip your head back to the garden.
  7847. > You needed to find out what was happening.
  7848. > Find somepony who might know something.
  7849. > And the only somepony you knew where they were...
  7850. > Was playing that tune from the garden.
  7851. > And so you quickly move to the garden.
  7852. > Traversing the hedges to follow the sound.
  7853. > Until you happen upon quite the scene.
  7855. > Anonymous is sitting there, his back up against a hedge atop a small hill.
  7856. > Surrounded by guards, who were meant to be at his room.
  7857. > He's playing upon...
  7858. > Is that Lulu's violin?
  7859. > Where in the world did he get that...
  7860. > And more importantly, when did he learn how to play that well?
  7861. > The guards are swaying softly to it.
  7862. > You've arrived just as the crescendo is hitting.
  7863. > The bow flying at imperceptible speeds across the strings.
  7864. > His fingers working magic on the fingerboard.
  7865. > You stand there, spellbound by the song.
  7866. > You wonder why he never told you he could play.
  7867. > Especially so well.
  7868. > As the piece begins to move to a close, the guards seem to break from their trance.
  7869. > And turn, to notice you.
  7870. > Which is immediately followed by a series of panicked salutes.
  7871. > "Relax, my little ponies. No one's in trouble."
  7872. > Anonymous says it for you. Although...
  7873. > They should be. Abandoning post, and all that.
  7874. > Though you suppose Anonymous was meant to be their post.
  7875. > You cross the small clearing up to your husband.
  7876. > Who's staring at you with a smile.
  7877. > "Evening, Cel. I decided to drop out for some of the night air."
  7878. > You sigh.
  7879. "Just about gave me a heart-attack when I saw the room was empty."
  7880. > He pokes your neck with the bow of the violin.
  7881. > "I've come to a resolution. A way to... Fix the awkwardness of our marriage."
  7882. > The statement makes you immediately uncomfortable.
  7883. > As your gaze looks back to the guards.
  7884. > "Nevermind them. Nevermind anyone. The heart is a fickle thing. It cannot be bought and sold, it must be wooed."
  7885. > With that cheesy expression, your eyes are drawn back to his.
  7886. > His eyes which were alight with excitement.
  7887. > "From here on, consider yourself in the process of being wooed. We'll pick up on the proper married stuff once we're done that."
  7888. > And with that, he returns the bow to the violin.
  7889. > And grins broadly.
  7890. > "And back home, one of the most effective wooing methods I knew was with one of these."
  7891. > And he begins to play once again.
  7893. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  7895. "By the Stars, how in the world did you survive a fall like that?"
  7896. > You're still Celestia.
  7897. > And you're back in your room.
  7898. > And...
  7899. > You're a little outraged.
  7900. > Anonymous is such an idiot.
  7901. > "I'm just trying to pretty myself up for you. It takes quite a bit to kill a human, Cel. We're durable little buggers."
  7902. > Evidently they were.
  7903. > Or at least he was.
  7904. > You're sitting here, cleaning the back of his head with a new wet cloth.
  7905. > And purifying the wound with alcohol.
  7906. > Cleaning a horrifying series of cuts across the back of his head.
  7907. > How in Tartarus he managed to incur such a wound was beyond your comprehension.
  7908. > Apparently, this was a setback in his first wooing effort.
  7909. > Like he needed to woo his damn wife.
  7910. > He was the one who clearly needed wooing here.
  7911. > But it would make him feel more comfortable to go through the motions, he said.
  7912. > And hence, he had hatched this absurd plan.
  7913. > It had started at the balcony.
  7914. > Which he had apparently tried to scale the building down from.
  7915. > Before slipping half way down and falling into the bushes.
  7916. > And suffering a damn horrifying headwound from it.
  7917. > In terms of hereditary traits, you had made a terrible choice in mate.
  7918. > Survival instincts were clearly not in his blood.
  7919. > Fortunate that aspect was irrelevant for you, you supposed.
  7920. > Especially since his decision after that was to carry on with his plan.
  7921. > Getting Luna's violin and going out to the gardens to play.
  7922. > It was...
  7923. > Incredibly stupid.
  7924. > Hopelessly romantic, but...
  7925. > So, so stupid.
  7926. > And so you were now chiding him.
  7927. > You had stayed out with him for a while listening to him play on the violin.
  7928. > It was quite a sight to watch his fingers dance upon it alongside the bow.
  7929. > Hands were certainly a useful utility for music.
  7930. > They were useful for a lot of things, you supposed.
  7931. > It was no wonder ponies used to-
  7932. > Nope, stopping that thought right there.
  7933. > The guards had largely departed when he started up his second piece.
  7934. > Which made it essentially a private show for you.
  7935. > A show which had lasted until you noticed the blood.
  7937. "Well, Mister. No more life-threatening actions to try and woo. You're hurt too much as it is."
  7938. > You're not exactly a proper doctor...
  7939. > But he insisted that he was fine, and adamantly refused to go back to the medical wing.
  7940. > Colts.
  7941. > Big babies, the lot of them, when it comes to the doctor.
  7942. "You might have made your chest worse again, too. I can't leave you alone for ten seconds..."
  7943. > It was light hearted commentary.
  7944. > He seemed fine...
  7945. > But you were going to have a doctor check up on him anyway.
  7946. > Just in case.
  7947. > "Not my fault your gardens have a bunch of sticks in them. Back home, I would've been fine after that fall. Guaranteed."
  7948. > You chuckle lightly at the brashness of his tone.
  7949. > It's actually stunning how bad the cuts were.
  7950. > From a bad fall, you would've expected blunt trauma.
  7951. > But he seemed fine on that regard, and just horribly cut around the head.
  7952. > And one across his hand, but that one seemed less severe.
  7953. > "I think you're just going to have to learn to live with constant worry. Drove my mother to the grave with my antics."
  7954. > You sigh.
  7955. > But can't keep the smile off your face.
  7956. "So, to less grave matters. How's Luna doing?"
  7957. > He freezes up at that under your touch.
  7958. > And you can feel an intense anxiety emanate from the bond.
  7959. > Which is an... Odd reaction.
  7960. > But he relaxes swiftly.
  7961. > A realization seeming to dawn upon him.
  7962. > "Oh, noticed it was her violin did you?"
  7963. > You suppose he hadn't actually admitted it was her violin.
  7964. > He had just said he snuck out to find 'a' violin.
  7965. > But you knew how it looked.
  7966. > It was a gift from you, after all.
  7967. > For her fourteenth birthday.
  7968. "Did you expect me not to? I bought it for her."
  7969. > He 'ah!'s with acknowledgement.
  7970. > He honestly thought you wouldn't recognize your sister's instrument?
  7971. "Though, I have to say, I suspect this was her way of saying 'sorry for sleeping with your coltfriend.'"
  7972. > Err, husband, you supposed.
  7973. > But he seemed to get the point.
  7974. > As he lets out a light chuckle at that.
  7976. > "Yeah, she felt really bad about that."
  7977. > You can almost feel a sort of sadness come from him at that.
  7978. > But you had no idea why.
  7979. > She had better feel bad about it!
  7980. > Having... those sorts of dreams right next to him.
  7981. > Getting in the same bed as him more generally!
  7982. > The thought alone was enough to irritate you again.
  7983. > But, if she's trying to make amends...
  7984. "Well then. She's got a way to go yet, but she's starting to make progress."
  7985. > Anon, for his part, is remarkably still under your touch.
  7986. > He's got quite the resilience for pain.
  7987. > Gently letting you pry apart portions of his hair and wash it, and apply alcohol, before gently sealing the cuts with magic.
  7988. > Couldn't let it get infected by just sealing over the flesh.
  7989. > "I suppose I get off scott-free, huh?"
  7990. > You poke his back with a hoof.
  7991. > To which he jabs back with an elbow.
  7992. "You'll get yours once you're not hurt. But for now, you need someone looking out for you, apparently."
  7993. > Weirdly, you didn't feel nearly as upset with Anonymous as you probably should be for that.
  7994. > The anger had kind of faded right when you had your fight that night.
  7995. > Holding on to anger which was dissipating by itself never did anyone much good.
  7996. > You briefly spare a glance over at the pillow.
  7997. > You had to wonder if Anonymous will sleep in the same bed tonight.
  7998. > He... He did last night.
  7999. > The thought brings you some small amount of comfort.
  8000. > That he invited you into his bed then.
  8001. > But you wouldn't press the issue.
  8002. > He was adamant about doing this his way, and you were alright with that.
  8003. > If it would make him comfortable.
  8004. > Besides, you had no idea about romance.
  8005. > The whole entirety of your experience with colts came from romance novels.
  8006. > And... You don't think a lot of that data applies with Anonymous.
  8007. > He doesn't seem the type to wake up to a nice wing preening.
  8008. > And hay bacon breakfast.
  8009. > Tartarus, he didn't even seem the type to want to wake up to... Stuff.
  8010. > Sex stuff.
  8011. > Stars, you're like a little filly about that.
  8012. > Your face is practically heating up just thinking about it while sitting here.
  8013. > "Hey, Cel?"
  8015. "Yes, Anon?"
  8016. > That snaps you out of your state.
  8017. > Which is good, because you were supposed to be fixing up the rest of his cut.
  8018. > Which you resume working upon.
  8019. > "Tomorrow... Would you mind cutting court short? I have a plan for us."
  8020. > A plan.
  8021. > That alone concerned you immensely.
  8022. > But more importantly...
  8023. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea, Anon. Ponies are going to be upset after what Cyclone did."
  8024. > He chuckles.
  8025. > But you have no idea why.
  8026. > This was hardly silly subject matter.
  8027. > "I was thinking we might be able to divide up petitioners between us."
  8028. > You raise an eyebrow at that.
  8029. > How in the world...
  8030. > "I would be off to the side, and we could say any petitioner who wanted to cut the line could address me."
  8031. > Hmm.
  8032. > Made sense, you supposed.
  8033. > But it would be grossly irresponsible.
  8034. > Anonymous knows little of Equestrian law...
  8035. "But Anon... I don't know how well you could handle-"
  8036. > He cuts you off with a wave of his hand.
  8037. > "I'm willing to bet a large number of petitioners will be for me, in light of Cyclone's defection reflecting upon me."
  8038. > Well, he had a point.
  8039. > But you immensely wished he didn't have to face that sort of onslaught.
  8040. > But it would make things a lot easier to deal with.
  8041. "If that's what you want... Then I'm alright with it."
  8042. > You can feel excitement welling up in him through the bond.
  8043. > "You won't regret this, Cel. I promise. If there's one thing I know how to do... It's a good date."
  8044. > You feel bashful at that.
  8045. > Getting properly courted...
  8046. > It might be a very nice break from the sort of awkwardness between the two of you.
  8047. > Trying to force yourself to be in love.
  8048. > You mean, you liked Anon.
  8049. > But...
  8050. > Maybe you could build something real.
  8052. "So, mister wooer, what's the bed situation?"
  8053. > You're trying to disarm the seriousness of the situation with humour.
  8054. > In reality, the decision will mean a good deal to you.
  8055. > But if you play it off like it's no big deal, then he won't feel pressured.
  8056. > Which, as far as you know, is important to a relationship.
  8057. > "And how do you mean?"
  8058. > At that, he turns his head to look back to you.
  8059. > Well, you were done with the wound anyway.
  8060. > You were just continuing to mess with it to keep looking busy.
  8061. > But you disentangle your wings from him with that.
  8062. "I mean, are you 'taking the couch' again? Or has the big baby mustered the courage to brave my bed?"
  8063. > More humour!
  8064. > The humour has been doubled.
  8065. > Surely he cannot take offense to the question in this context.
  8066. > Which, he doesn't.
  8067. > He lets out a laugh at that.
  8068. > "I don't know, Cel. There could be dangers under there. You're not far out from the teenage years, and I know what teens do in these beds."
  8069. > Your face lights up at that.
  8070. > But you're not going to let him keep getting the best of you with comments like that.
  8071. > So you move your head back by his ear.
  8072. "Oh? You're even closer to being a teen. Though I suppose you just went around soiling other ponies' sheets, not your own."
  8073. > You try to say it with a highly suggestive tone.
  8074. > Though you don't know how well you did at that.
  8075. > But it works.
  8076. > The comment catches him off guard.
  8077. > And he sputters for a moment.
  8078. > Before a grin overtakes him.
  8079. > And he pats you on the shoulder.
  8080. > "Well played, Cel. I'll make a fellow pervert out of you yet."
  8081. > His comment makes you feel nice.
  8082. > Though, amused.
  8083. > He had no idea the sorts of things you read on occasion.
  8084. > You just weren't used to actually... talking about those things.
  8085. > They were supposed to be kept behind closed doors.
  8086. > But you suppose the doors are in fact closed.
  8087. > It's weird being married.
  8088. > Especially now that you're... More comfortable.
  8089. > You had to wonder how things would turn out.
  8091. > "I suppose I don't have much of a choice where to sleep now, do I? My manhood has been threatened."
  8092. > You almost flinch at the words.
  8093. > Like you had pressed too far.
  8094. > But he says them with amusement in his voice.
  8095. > As he flips over to lay back against the bed.
  8096. > His newly healed wound resting against your pillows.
  8097. > Reaching out with your magic, you snuffed out the candles.
  8098. > Leaving the room bathed in moonlight.
  8099. > As you laid down beside him.
  8100. > "Tomorrow, I'll need to contact my father. Figure out how many troops he can supply."
  8101. > Cyclone.
  8102. > You'd have to talk to the generals about the Equestrian army tomorrow.
  8103. > Fortunately, not many of them could have defected.
  8104. > They were mostly Unicorns.
  8105. > But you hoped the two Pegasi hadn't dropped ship.
  8106. > They would be a powerful tool in Cyclone's hooves otherwise.
  8107. "Before court, tomorrow, we'll go to the University. We can channel a powerful communication spell there."
  8108. > Equestria and Aetherium were already relatively linked.
  8109. > The magical academies of both were, at any rate.
  8110. > Given that the humans occupied a former Equestrian powerbase.
  8111. > And so their mages had just adapted an Equestrian university to their purposes.
  8112. > And all universities were linked.
  8113. > Although the humans had a separate term for the institution.
  8114. > Trying to distance them from their Unicorn roots.
  8115. > "Sounds like a plan, Cel. And then, after court, you'll have to follow my rules."
  8116. > You sigh.
  8117. > Your pillows were far too soft right now.
  8118. > And your body far too tired.
  8119. "Alright, Anon. Sleep tight."
  8120. > He sighs beside you.
  8121. > You...
  8122. > Sort-of-sneakily move a wing over to rest over his stomach.
  8123. > Which he doesn't go to remove.
  8124. > "Sleep well, Cel. We'll chat more tomorrow."
  8125. > And with that.
  8126. > You begin your night's rest.
  8128. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8130. "Psst, Anon!"
  8131. > You barely whisper the words, trying not to awaken Celestia.
  8132. > By the Moon, it irritated you to have to use such... Common methods of communication.
  8133. > But he was right beside her, so no Chaos Magic for you.
  8134. > You are Nightmare.
  8135. > Currently in the body of Lady Starlight Sparkle.
  8136. > Canterlotian Noblemare.
  8137. > And you're in a bit of a panic right now.
  8138. > You may have over estimated Anonymous' status as an apex predator.
  8139. > It seemed he was clumsy.
  8140. > Making that glass fall upon his head...
  8141. > Maybe it was just that he was clumsy in bed, given the way you had seen him dance on the battlefield of the arena.
  8142. > But the way he had tenderly administered Luna until his misfortune with the wine glass...
  8143. > No, he wasn't clumsy. He was an artist on the battlefield and in the bedroom.
  8144. > It was just a mistake.
  8145. > A stupid mistake.
  8146. > But a costly one, for you.
  8147. "Anonymous! Over here!"
  8148. > You had been worrying yourself to death since he had left Luna's chambers.
  8149. > Worrying that he might start drawing connections.
  8150. > Worrying that he might question the voice that was in his head; you knew pain could interrupt your spells.
  8151. > But he mostly seemed to have bought that they were his own thoughts.
  8152. > So you had kept your distance.
  8153. > But his connection with Celestia grew stronger because of your idleness.
  8154. > And now he was less likely to break the bond than ever.
  8155. > Which... Is upsetting, on a number of levels.
  8156. > You needed to speak with him.
  8157. > Allay his fears about 'Starlight Sparkle.'
  8158. > Tell him that you'll handle her for this.
  8159. > It was stupid of you to have revealed anything to Luna.
  8160. > But you felt a kindred spirit in her, almost on a religious level, given her affinity for the moon.
  8161. > Even if she was one of your sworn enemies.
  8162. > But you had been too confident in your plans.
  8163. > So you had been sloppy.
  8164. "Anon!"
  8165. > He awakes with a start.
  8166. > And blearily, his eyes open.
  8167. > Success, at last.
  8169. > As his eyes open, he seems confused.
  8170. > Staring at you like you aren't even real.
  8171. > Until they widen in comprehension, and he quickly looks back to Celestia.
  8172. > He seems satisfied looking back to her, but then pulls down the blankets to reveal...
  8173. > That.
  8174. > Whore.
  8175. > She has her wing wrapped tightly around his lower half.
  8176. > She has no right...
  8177. > Well, she has the right. But she should know better. It's clearly making Anonymous uncomfortable.
  8178. > You think.
  8179. "Can you sneak out?"
  8180. > The words are the lightest of whispers.
  8181. > C'mon, Anon...
  8182. > He briefly shimmies up, trying to move out.
  8183. > But Celestia readjusts as well, he wing moving up and wrapping around his chest.
  8184. > You feel jealousy surge in your chest.
  8185. > You had invested far too much in Anonymous to let her make moves like this.
  8186. > He was to be your prince once all was said and done.
  8187. > You see him continuing to seek a way out, until he eventually resolves to just lightly stroke along the wing.
  8188. > Which causes it to extend out, stiffened.
  8189. > Celestia lets out a sleepy moan as he does it.
  8190. > And he rolls out of bed as it stiffens beyond being able to grip him.
  8191. > And quickly moves over to the balcony.
  8192. > Closing the door behind him.
  8193. > Before sitting back against it.
  8194. > And running his hand through his messy hair.
  8195. > You can see a thick cut on it.
  8196. > "Hey, Nightmare. Feels like it's been ages since I've seen you."
  8197. > That was a good sign.
  8198. > Meant he probably wasn't questioning anything.
  8199. > You couldn't try mind-control on him now; you needed an enclosed space for the thoughts to echo off shadows.
  8200. > But you could at least seek to win him over.
  8201. "Yeah, you've been around other ponies quite a bit. I haven't had an opportunity."
  8202. > A half-truth, you've had an opportunity.
  8203. > But he has been around Celestia far too much.
  8205. "I... I just wanted to check in and make sure you're alright. I heard the guards say you were hurt."
  8206. > The guards who had utterly failed to notice the wound on the back of his head.
  8207. > The concussion-causing wound which you had helped stabilize.
  8208. > Quietly, from the shadows, as he wandered the castle.
  8209. > He would be in dire straits if not for you.
  8210. > But he could never know that.
  8211. > "I'm fine, Nightmare. Just some pretty bad cuts. Had a bad fall from the balcony."
  8212. > His cover story.
  8213. > Figures he would use it with you...
  8214. > Meant he didn't trust you as much as you had hoped.
  8215. > You were supposed to be his only ally here.
  8216. > The one he trusted the most.
  8217. > But apparently that still wasn't enough to trust you with the truth.
  8218. "Oh, I see. Well... If you're sure you're alright. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  8219. > You were hoping desperately he would give away something.
  8220. > Anything to indicate that he really didn't suspect you of wrongdoing.
  8221. > Because right now...
  8222. > With him giving you that story...
  8223. > You were worried.
  8224. > "Well... There is one thing. There's a mare named Starlight Sparkle, I think he may be aligned with the guards who took me."
  8225. > Perfect.
  8226. > Absolutely perfect.
  8227. > He didn't suspect a thing.
  8228. "You want me to investigate her?"
  8229. > He nods, his hand scratching at the side of his face.
  8230. > A look of intense concentration on his features.
  8231. > "I think she might be messing with my mind. It would explain the big blank I have between my kidnapping and the arena..."
  8232. > You smile.
  8233. > With your body cloaked, none of the physical traits of Miss Sparkle would be recognizable.
  8234. > So you could even keep the body, while ostensibly... Dealing with her.
  8235. > You move up to the seated form of Anonymous.
  8236. > Raising one of your hooves to gently rest upon his battered chest.
  8237. > He was still in your pocket.
  8238. "I'll find out everything I can, Anon. I promise."
  8240. > "Thanks, Nightmare. I mean it, your help means the world to me."
  8241. > His words send warm butterflies throughout your stomach.
  8242. > The feelings of a plan working.
  8243. > While it had hit a hiccup...
  8244. > It was nothing you couldn't account for.
  8245. > But... It was time you laid the seeds.
  8246. "Anon... I wasn't entirely honest with you last time we met."
  8247. > He seems shocked at that.
  8248. > His eyebrows rising.
  8249. > You had expected surprise, but not to this degree...
  8250. > "Oh? And what about?"
  8251. > You look down, attempting to look bashful.
  8252. > And kick a hoof against the stone of the balcony.
  8253. "I'm... I'm also kind of hoping you could help me out."
  8254. > He raises a hand, placing it on your shoulder.
  8255. > And when you look up, he has a soft smile on his face as he stares into your eyes.
  8256. > It's good that he didn't question the way your eyes looked.
  8257. > Meant your spell was still working on him.
  8258. > "Anything for a friend, Nightmare."
  8259. > You smile broadly.
  8260. > But close your mouth again quickly.
  8261. > He might still question the fangs.
  8262. "My... My father is a prisoner here in Equestria. I was hoping that you might be able to..."
  8263. > "Pardon him?"
  8264. > You cringe a little at that.
  8265. > It would take a lot more than a pardon to set him free.
  8266. "Something like that. You don't need to do anything yet, but I just wanted to be honest with you. I..."
  8267. > You feign bashfulness again.
  8268. > You hoped it looked realistic when you did this.
  8269. > Dragons and ponies had vastly different embarrassed expressions.
  8270. "I... I really like you, Anon. But the reason I moved to help you was to see if you could also help me."
  8271. > He needed something.
  8272. > A motive for your helping him.
  8273. > Or he might get suspicious.
  8274. > No one works for free, after all.
  8275. > And with that, his smile stays strong.
  8276. > Grows even.
  8277. > "I'll do what I can, Nightmare. Just tell me what you need."
  8278. > Perfect.
  8280. > As he returned to his bed, it put an ache in your heart.
  8281. > As he slowly slid back under Celestia's wing.
  8282. > To see that traitorous bitch cuddle up close to him.
  8283. > The sigh of contentment leaving her lips.
  8284. > It made you burn with rage and envy.
  8285. > But it was only a matter of time.
  8286. > He was still on your side, at least.
  8287. > Still your friend.
  8288. > You could still achieve everything you needed to.
  8289. > Which is an immense relief, after the mishap with Luna.
  8290. > The love you had planted deep in his subconscious would still continue to bloom.
  8291. > And in time, he would be ripe to leave Celestia for you.
  8292. > Slowly, you closed the balcony door.
  8293. > Leaving you out in the chilly night air.
  8294. > Slowly, you began charging unicorn magic in your horn to teleport.
  8295. > It would be risky to use the magic you knew best so close to Celestia.
  8296. > The elements tended to dislike Chaos Magic.
  8297. > But in time, you would deal with them.
  8298. > And get back everything you wanted.
  8299. > Falwing would return to it's former glory.
  8300. > This time, with a nation who had always belonged by your side as an ally.
  8301. > Father would have been...
  8302. > Father would have been pleased.
  8303. > Father will be pleased.
  8304. > While the beast in the gardens is not wholly your father...
  8305. > Not anymore...
  8306. > He retains enough of him to count.
  8307. > You would have him back.
  8308. > No matter the cost.
  8309. > And your little human...
  8310. > Anonymous...
  8311. > He was the key to it all.
  8312. > He was the one who would free an Empire from chains.
  8313. > The one who would see Equestria made humble.
  8314. > He just didn't know it yet.
  8315. > With the spell primed, your nostrils filled with the scent of ozone.
  8316. > As you warped away into the night.
  8318. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8320. > After your visit from Nightmare, you found sleep elusive.
  8321. > You are Anonymous.
  8322. > And you're currently laying in bed beside your sleeping wife.
  8323. > Idly playing with the tip of your dagger.
  8324. > Running it back and forth across your hand.
  8325. > Collecting up the blood from your newly re-opened hand wound.
  8326. > It was fortunate you had been forced to keep the dagger on your person.
  8327. > It had been immensely difficult to keep it hidden in Celestia's presence.
  8328. > Given her demands to dress you down to seek any other wounds.
  8329. > Fortunately, your story had won her out.
  8330. > And she had permitted you to leave your pants on given the relative health of your chest.
  8331. > Still bruised and miscoloured, but the swelling had died down, and there were no cuts.
  8332. > She had bought it fully that you had simply endeavoured for a romantic evening.
  8333. > But there was a pressing concern.
  8334. > You had barely three-hour's sleep, yet you felt well-rejuvenated.
  8335. > You'd never felt awake after three hours of sleep.
  8336. > Which made you suspicious.
  8337. > Last time you had interacted with Nightmare as a pony, she had used a spell to rejuvenate you.
  8338. > Which made you think she may have done the same again.
  8339. > She didn't seem to utilize any mind manipulation this time...
  8340. > Which made your fresh hand-wound a little redundant.
  8341. > But better safe than sorry.
  8342. > You sat back up in bed.
  8343. > It was about four forty-five in the morning.
  8344. > Celestia had revealed to you in the gardens earlier that she was up at five thirty.
  8345. > Daily.
  8346. > Madness, in your view.
  8347. > It put the lateness of her wakeup yesterday into full perspective.
  8348. > So... Theoretically, you had fort-five minutes to prepare wooing before you would be locked in her presence.
  8349. > For the rest of the day.
  8351. > You deftly swung your legs off the bed.
  8352. > Placing them firmly on the cold floor.
  8353. > Breakfast in bed was romantic, right?
  8354. > You didn't really know.
  8355. > You'd always avoided it.
  8356. > And when offered to you, it had been a horrible sign of defeat.
  8357. > Which made the inevitable 'Sorry, gotta go...' all the more heartbreaking.
  8358. > Made you feel like a bit of an arse in retrospect.
  8359. > But that's an irrelevancy.
  8360. > If so many ladies had tried it on you, it surely must be something they find romantic.
  8361. > And hence, you shall endeavour to repeat their mistake.
  8362. > Only, with a wife who can't run away, it would surely have the desired effect.
  8363. > You somehow doubted Celestia was going to dodge and covertly sneak away from you.
  8364. > You couldn't be qualified as a one-night-stand in any sense of the term.
  8365. > You slowly pull on your clothes.
  8366. > And look over to the armour by your bed.
  8367. > You presume you'll need a shower later anyhow...
  8368. > Probably better to leave the armour.
  8369. > Moving across the room to the door, you hesitate as your hand reaches for the handle.
  8370. > While last night you had felt confident around the guards after your escapade with Luna...
  8371. > Doubtless at least in part because you were distracted by thoughts about Nightmare's plans.
  8372. > And your plans, at that.
  8373. > But still...
  8374. > This scene felt eerily familiar.
  8375. > Much like the night of your kidnapping.
  8376. > You glance back to Celestia.
  8377. > She... She dealt with Imperial Shimmer last night.
  8378. > However it was she 'dealt' with him, it meant he likely wasn't a threat now.
  8379. > But there was a second guard.
  8380. > Who was still roaming the castle.
  8381. > Which was concerning.
  8383. > No.
  8384. > You would not live like a coward.
  8385. > Hiding in this room away from your troubles.
  8386. > The fear you had felt at the mere presence of Imperial Shimmer...
  8387. > If they made an attempt on you again, they would learn.
  8388. > Down an effective arm or not.
  8389. > You returned briefly to the bed, picking up the dagger.
  8390. > And slotting it back into the concealed sheathe.
  8391. > If they wanted a fight, you would give them one.
  8392. > You'd...
  8393. > You'd already killed people.
  8394. > No.
  8395. > They weren't people.
  8396. > But they were.
  8397. > And you had taken pointless wounds trying to avoid it.
  8398. > It was your unwillingness to wound that had let Shimmer and his compatriot get the better of you before.
  8399. > It was your unwillingness to wound that had let those... creatures wound you in the arena.
  8400. > You had resolved to let go of your trepidation.
  8401. > Be true to yourself, to your instincts.
  8402. > But temper them with even thoughts.
  8403. > Fully losing yourself to the flow of things cost you agency.
  8404. > But too much consideration had cost you much more.
  8405. > Your body was battered, your nation shattered, and your marriage sabotaged by your hesitation to act.
  8406. > By overthinking.
  8407. > It was time you found a happy medium.
  8408. > Cautious courage. Or something like that.
  8409. > Your hand went out, and firmly gripped the door handle.
  8410. > Before pressing it open and strolling out.
  8411. > Two guards, in shining golden armour, struck a firm salute.
  8412. > The one on the right a Unicorn stallion, the one on the left a... Pegasus mare?
  8413. > But her wings are unlike anything you've seen.
  8414. > Don't comment on her condition.
  8415. > You wouldn't want someone addressing all your current oddities.
  8416. > Mister Scarface.
  8417. > The stallion turns toward you, and bows his head after the salute.
  8418. > "My Prince."
  8419. > He seems like a reliable sort.
  8420. > You presume the guards chosen to defend Celestia's-
  8421. > Yours as well, you supposed.
  8422. > The guards chosen to protect your private quarters were likely among the best.
  8424. > But your focus does not stay with the dependable-looking stallion.
  8425. "What's your name?"
  8426. > You address the quiet mare.
  8427. > The weird looking one.
  8428. > You presume she's a subordinate.
  8429. > That's the way it worked back in Aetherium, anyway.
  8430. > One senior, one junior, and the senior always did the talking.
  8431. > Although doubtless she was still qualified.
  8432. > She maintains his sharp stare forward, but responds.
  8433. > "Isthmus' Waves, sir. Daughter to Lord Isthmus of Crannag Fortress."
  8434. > ...
  8435. > You didn't even know how to pronounce that name.
  8436. > And she had just said it for you.
  8437. > Plus, she was apparently a noble.
  8438. > They typically don't take kindly to mispronunciation.
  8439. > Well, she did have two.
  8440. > You turn to the other one, the stallion.
  8441. > And gesture to...
  8442. > Waves.
  8443. "Do you mind if I borrow Waves? I've plans for this morning, and require an escort."
  8444. > You can see excitement light up on the mare's face.
  8445. > Though she quickly quashes it.
  8446. > Returning to the stony look of a guard.
  8447. > It almost makes you laugh.
  8448. > But that would doubtless be embarrassing for her.
  8449. > The older stallion regards her for a moment, before looking back to you.
  8450. > "That is your prerogative, Prince Anonymous. Isthmus, you are to protect the Prince with your life. Am I understood?"
  8451. > She snaps a sharp salute.
  8452. > "Sir, yes Sir!"
  8453. > And with that, Waves bows, before moving away from her post to follow you.
  8454. > You highly doubted this guard was secretly plotting against you.
  8455. > Now...
  8456. "Do you know where the kitchens are?"
  8458. > You had no idea what you were doing here.
  8459. > Breakfast was supposed to be a meaty affair.
  8460. > It was supposed to consist of bacon, eggs, steak...
  8461. > The staples.
  8462. > But now you were cooking for a herbivore.
  8463. > Hmm...
  8464. > You supposed you had best ask an herbivore what was suitable.
  8465. "Waves?"
  8466. > You hear the clatter of armour behind you as she snaps a salute.
  8467. > "Yes, sir?"
  8468. > She might not have the same tastes as Cel...
  8469. > But she'd know a hell of a lot better than you would.
  8470. "I'm planning a breakfast in bed for Cel. What would be a suitable meal?"
  8471. > Yet more armour rattling.
  8472. > Your eyes scan across the cupboards.
  8473. > Perhaps pancakes...
  8474. > But that involved eggs.
  8475. > Could ponies eat that?
  8476. > "I... I assure you sir, I have no idea what is suitable for the Princess. I'm but a minor noble..."
  8477. > You sigh.
  8478. > And turn around.
  8479. > Moving over to her, you remove her helmet.
  8480. > To which a giant pair of poofy ears emerge.
  8481. > To which she does not object, but you can see the confusion in her eyes.
  8482. > Her cat-like eyes.
  8483. > Don't say anything about her condition...
  8484. > You crouch down to eye-level with her.
  8485. > Thank the Gods Celestia was so tall.
  8486. > Having to do this all the time would be irritating.
  8487. "Forget rank, forget she's a princess. What tastes good to ponies, and how do I make it."
  8488. > She freezes up at that.
  8489. > Apparently she's been drilled so hard on military procedure she's forgotten how to live.
  8490. > And how to react when you ask her something like this.
  8491. > You snap your fingers in front of her face.
  8492. > And something unexpected happens.
  8493. > The candles in the room all change hue.
  8494. > From the bright red they typically were...
  8495. > To a dark purple.
  8497. > The change startles you, and you slip.
  8498. > Falling back on your ass.
  8499. "What in the world..."
  8500. > With a loud clatter, you hear Waves move.
  8501. > Her guard instincts instantly taking over as the circumstance becomes unknown.
  8502. > And she takes up a protective stance by your side.
  8503. > "Who goes?"
  8504. > No one responds, the room silent as a ghost with only you and her there.
  8505. > You raise yourself back up into a crouched position, and place your hand on your dagger.
  8506. > You and her both stay cautious, incredibly quiet.
  8507. > You doubtless look ridiculous on full guard in the middle of a kitchen.
  8508. > You look around cautiously.
  8509. > That... was odd.
  8510. "Are they... supposed to change like that?"
  8511. > Waves shakes her head.
  8512. > You look down to your hand.
  8513. > It happened when you snapped your fingers...
  8514. > You raise a hand up, and snap once more.
  8515. > And the candles' flames change again.
  8516. > To a light blue.
  8517. > This was... Amazing.
  8518. > Weird, but amazing.
  8519. > Another snap, and they turn green.
  8520. > "How are you doing that?"
  8521. > You're too entranced to pay attention.
  8522. > This must be some basic level magic...
  8523. > You had no idea what was happening here, but the changing colours endlessly amuse you.
  8524. > Next to you, Waves coughs.
  8525. > Ahem.
  8526. "I'm not sure, must be some sort of spell on the candles that reacts to that noise. But food is more important."
  8527. > She continues to stare at you, unsure of how to proceed.
  8528. > Surely, if some sort of attack were coming, they wouldn't sell themselves out with a lightshow.
  8529. > So you poke the mare's nose.
  8530. > To which it scrunches up.
  8531. "Now, Waves. We must address this most important of topics. Teach me your wily ways, oh venerable plant-eater."
  8533. > You were en-route back to your room now.
  8534. > Waves by your side.
  8535. > And a veritable fruit platter in your hands.
  8536. > Apparently, for breakfast, Equestrians rarely cooked anything.
  8537. > Relying instead mostly on fruits and grains.
  8538. > Which was... fascinating.
  8539. > And saddening, because it meant that any time you wanted a real breakfast you'd have to start up the kitchens.
  8540. > Just for you.
  8541. > And it further put into perspective the length Celestia went to your first day here.
  8542. > With that enormous meat platter.
  8543. > Your mouth watered just thinking about it.
  8544. > Calm, boy.
  8545. > You'll get your meat sometime.
  8546. > As you spot your room, you notice a new guard alongside the older stallion from earlier.
  8547. "Did your shift end while I had you?"
  8548. > The mare nods beside you.
  8549. > "Yes, sir. But that's fine, I'm happy to serve the Prince."
  8550. > You smile.
  8551. > She would fit nicely into your plan.
  8552. > But it was a shame she'd miss out on a bit of sleep.
  8553. > Still... She'd probably like a promotion.
  8554. > Especially one as big as she was getting.
  8555. > Arriving at your room, you get a sharp salute from the two stallions.
  8556. > And one from Waves.
  8557. > "Is there anything else, sir?"
  8558. > Turning back, you place a hand on her helmeted head.
  8559. > And sigh deeply.
  8560. "Yes, Waves. While I hate to ask this of you, I suspect you'll be rather pleased. In two and a half hours, head to the third floor gardens. I will have a task for you."
  8561. > She salutes.
  8562. > But you can see the disdain in her face, thinking she's being punished.
  8563. > "Yes, sir."
  8564. "Good. I'll see you then."
  8565. > And with that, you open the door.
  8566. > To find Celestia already awake.
  8567. > And looking out from the balcony.
  8569. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  8571. > Slowly, you moved into the room, and set the tray down upon the bed.
  8572. > As you creeped slowly towards Celestia.
  8573. > She was just standing there, staring out at the sky.
  8574. > You wondered if she was counting the seconds until she needed to raise the sun.
  8575. > Slowly, carefully, you crept up behind her.
  8576. > Until you were right by her flank.
  8577. > At which point you reached up your hands by the back of her neck.
  8578. > And slowly... Carefully.
  8579. > Girls liked funny guys, right?
  8580. "Boo!"
  8581. > "EEEP!"
  8582. > A frightened look overtook her features immediately.
  8583. > Her legs briefly collapsing in before finding purchase.
  8584. > As she jumped up into the air.
  8585. > So high, in fact, that she was outside of the barrier surrounding the balcony.
  8586. > And she fell back down on the the barrier with an 'oof.'
  8587. > She whipped her head around to look down upon you.
  8588. > To see you laughing your ass off.
  8589. > Like a true gentleman.
  8590. > At which point her look of pure shock changed into one of rage.
  8591. > As she slowly drew her hoof across her neck in the universal symbol of "You're dead."
  8592. > For your part, you couldn't stop laughing.
  8593. > She looked like a Deerfolk in the woods at that.
  8594. > Spooked up into the trees.
  8595. > That was like a thirteen-foot jump.
  8596. > Like, Goddamn.
  8597. > You would be impressed, if you weren't so amused.
  8598. > Flaring out her wings, she drops off the balcony.
  8599. > Flying over to a neighbouring balcony and moving through it.
  8600. > Back out into the hall.
  8601. > You had mere seconds...
  8602. > Looking from side to side, you sought out a good hiding spot.
  8603. > But none were available.
  8604. > And so, you resigned yourself to your best possible course of action.
  8605. > Grabbing the large dish of fruit.
  8606. > And sitting half-off the bed.
  8608. > "Anon! That wasn't funny!"
  8609. > The door slammed open with her return.
  8610. > The guards outside looking thoroughly confused as she stormed back into the bedroom.
  8611. > And slammed the door behind her.
  8612. > She knows it's funny.
  8613. "But it's revenge, Cel. Ruined my breakfast in bed plans by getting up early."
  8614. > As she moves closer, her eyes catch sight of the food.
  8615. > And, critically, the coffee.
  8616. > "Anon... You didn't have to."
  8617. > She seems to calm down quite a bit at the sight.
  8618. "But I wanted to."
  8619. > And she lifts a piece of melon up in her telekinesis.
  8620. > And puts the whole piece in her mouth.
  8621. > Chewing it tentatively, before swallowing.
  8622. > "Somehow, this tastes like normal melon. I'd have expected you to have messed it up somehow..."
  8623. > She has a smile on her face as she says it.
  8624. > Turns out she has a sarcastic streak in her.
  8625. > Must've been hiding it those first few days.
  8626. > Or she's learning from the master, one of the two.
  8627. "Stunning, I know. But I fortunately enlisted help from the guard in preparing, and she made sure I did it right."
  8628. > In truth, you were a rather good chef.
  8629. > Came with the territory of spending so little time at the castle.
  8630. > And so much time focused on fitness, back home.
  8631. > But if all these damn horses ate didn't take preparation...
  8632. > Then that was hardly a relevant skill.
  8633. > Cel smiles as she picks up a piece of pineapple this time and starts chewing on it.
  8634. > This time speaking with her mouth full.
  8635. > "Owh? And whish gard wash that?"
  8636. > Before swallowing.
  8637. > A sour look on her face.
  8638. > You knew that pineapple looked like it was going to be excessively tart.
  8639. > But Waves had insisted it tasted fine...
  8640. "If-moose Waves, young Pegasus with the strange condition."
  8641. > Celestia's smile turns to a grin at that.
  8642. > "The condition?"
  8643. > You narrow your eyes looking at her.
  8644. > She knew something you didn't.
  8646. "Yeah, her wings have no feathers, and her eyes look funky."
  8647. > Cel chuckles at that.
  8648. > Levitating more fruit off the plate.
  8649. > You take the opportunity to grab a grape.
  8650. > Unfortunately, Waves had slowly but surely taken all of your favourite two fruits on the walk back,
  8651. > Apples and Mangoes.
  8652. > But the rest was still good.
  8653. > "She's not sick, she's a Thestral. Different type of pony entirely, but you don't see many this far south."
  8654. > Oh?
  8655. > Well that's fascinating.
  8656. > You'd never heard of their kind before.
  8657. > The only other pony type you knew of were the Crystal Ponies.
  8658. > Whom had ruled the West for the past century before their Empire collapsed.
  8659. "Fascinating, then she's the first I've met. I'm considering her for my personal guard contingent."
  8660. > At that, Celestia's happy expression turned a little more grim.
  8661. > Which was unfortunate.
  8662. > But she maintains a happy tone of voice.
  8663. > "That's right, we have to go choose them today. How many were you thinking?"
  8664. > Hopefully Waves was as capable as you assumed from her post.
  8665. > Given the difficult task that was about to befall her.
  8666. "Three. Waves will be one, but I think three's a good even number for close confidants."
  8667. > Nightmare would be placated by your selection of Moonlight and Shadwing.
  8668. > And you would have Waves in place to keep an eye on them for you.
  8669. > And help you if they turned on you.
  8670. > After all, she never explicitly commanded you to only pick them.
  8671. > Just to pick them.
  8672. > "Three seems sensible. I told Sunflare to have them all the candidates at the gardens by 8. We'll briefly select, before heading to court."
  8673. > You smiled.
  8674. > Perfect timing.
  8675. > "But before that, we need to get over to the University to contact your father."
  8676. > And your smile vanished.
  8677. > He... Likely would not be happy about this.
  8678. > Sending out humans to potentially die solving an internal Equestrian crisis.
  8679. > But such is the nature of an Alliance...
  8680. "I suppose we do. But we've got some time yet."
  8681. > And with that, you pat beside you on the bed.
  8682. > And Cel moves over to it.
  8684. "How long before you have to raise the sun?"
  8685. > Looking over to the clock, Celestia sighs.
  8686. > Levitating a cup of coffee off the plate and taking a deep drink.
  8687. > Good.
  8688. > Like father, like daughter.
  8689. > You, meanwhile, took a sip of your far superior breakfast beverage.
  8690. > Tea.
  8691. > A manly drink if ever there was one.
  8692. > "Eighteen minutes until I need to cast the first spell for today. Enough time to get through breakfast..."
  8693. > And with that, she looks over to you.
  8694. > A blush crossing her features.
  8695. > What, did you have something on your face?
  8696. > "You... should eat too, Anon."
  8697. > Looking down, you see a piece of melon levitating in front of your face.
  8698. > Is she trying to...
  8699. > "Wives are supposed to feed their husbands when they're hurt."
  8700. > You can't keep the stupid smile off your face.
  8701. > Gods, this was cheesy.
  8702. > Cheesier than even your attempts at romance.
  8703. > You opened your mouth, and she floated the melon into it.
  8704. > Where you closed it and began chewing.
  8705. > And swallowing.
  8706. > Before planting a fork firmly in a slice of pear.
  8707. > And raising it up to her lips.
  8708. "Tit for tat, Cel."
  8709. > Her smile deepens, before she opens her mouth.
  8710. > And you slide the food in.
  8711. > And she closes her lips, keeping the pear in her mouth as you pull out the fork.
  8712. > Her face red as a tomato.
  8713. > You doubted your face was faring much better.
  8714. > You felt chuckles welling up inside you.
  8715. > And she seemed to be struggling to keep them in as well.
  8716. > And when she finally swallowed, the dam burst.
  8717. > And you both couldn't stop laughing.
  8718. > Today...
  8719. > Today was going to be a good day, you thought.
  8721. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8723. > "Anon, I swear, if you take any longer in there I'll tell the guards to meet you in there instead."
  8724. > Celestia's voice echoes from outside the room.
  8725. > You are Anonymous.
  8726. > And you're staring at yourself in the mirror of Celestia's bathroom.
  8727. > You... had difficulty.
  8728. > You had endeavoured to get yourself cleaned up for the day.
  8729. > Celestia had gone in first, much like last time.
  8730. > But an immense feeling of discomfort overwhelmed you the entire time you had showered.
  8731. > Memories of something you were never meant to remember.
  8732. > Staring at yourself in the mirror.
  8733. > The eyes over your shoulder.
  8734. > Even if they weren't actually here right now.
  8735. > It made you feel sick to be in this environment.
  8736. > Made you think of your nigh-infidelities with Nightmare and Luna.
  8737. > Even if they were ostensibly by force.
  8738. > You felt bad about them.
  8739. > Especially in light of the rather cutesy morning the two of you had.
  8740. > You sigh.
  8741. > At least Nightmare had elected to leave you alone this time.
  8742. > After finishing up breakfast, you and Celestia had decided to prepare to face the day.
  8743. > Your first stop would be selecting your guards.
  8744. > Shadewing and Moonlight.
  8745. > You wondered what they would be like.
  8746. > And precisely what their role in all of this was.
  8747. > Potentially to act as a blade at your neck should you go astray.
  8748. > You say as you slowly draw a blade along your neck, taking the beginnings of new stubble with it.
  8749. > Shaving was such a pain with utensils not designed for it.
  8750. > Pony razors were... not quite up to snuff.
  8751. > Irrelevant.
  8752. > Nightmare has shown a capacity to be by your side at all times.
  8753. > She hardly needed cronies to act as an executioner.
  8754. > If she wanted to end your life, you had no doubt she could.
  8755. > She seemed that powerful.
  8756. > But you still wanted a check in place.
  8757. > And Waves would be that check.
  8758. > "Anon?"
  8759. "One second, Cel! You can't rush perfection!"
  8761. > You emerged a short while after, to Celestia's teasing.
  8762. > About how you were starting to seem twice the mare she was.
  8763. > Drinking tea and taking forever in the bathroom.
  8764. > You, however, made excellent ripostes to her comments.
  8765. "Well, I should hardly think the nobles would mind. We do need to have at least one attractive ruler."
  8766. > You were slowly putting on your armour.
  8767. > That shimmering gold armour.
  8768. > Emblazoned with Celestia's mark.
  8769. > It didn't even bother you in the slightest, even after only a few days.
  8770. > It felt comforting, actually.
  8771. > You shake your head.
  8772. > Get your head out of the skies, Anon.
  8773. > Focus on what's important.
  8774. > Like comfort.
  8775. > Your chest was much more comfortable under the breastplate now.
  8776. > The swelling had clearly gone down.
  8777. > One of the perks of not having thundered upon it in the bathroom, you supposed.
  8778. > Looking over, you spotted Celestia struggling with her wings again.
  8779. > Periodically switching between magic and teeth to try and fix them.
  8780. > Poor mare.
  8781. > You moved over to help with them again.
  8782. > But as you sat down and moved to her wing, she withdrew it.
  8783. > "Anon, I have to learn; I never will if you keep helping..."
  8784. > With that, you chuckled.
  8785. > And laid a hand upon her withers.
  8786. "If you haven't learned after this many years, I'm not so sure you ever will."
  8787. > You gently extend the wing back out.
  8788. > To an embarrassed whine from Celestia.
  8789. "Quiet, you. And let me help you. Friends help one another out anyway."
  8790. > There's an odd feeling you get calling her a friend.
  8791. > Both from you, and from the bond.
  8792. > Her feeling is more of one of mild disappointment.
  8793. > She's supposed to be more than a friend, idiot.
  8794. > Bleh.
  8795. > That's what the whole wooing plan is for.
  8796. > One step at a time, Anonymous.
  8797. > You focus back on her wing.
  8798. > Maybe this would be a new part of your morning routine.
  8799. > Your eyes traced up to her reddened face.
  8800. > Looking off to the side.
  8801. > Somehow, you'd be alright with that.
  8802. "Fingers are just better at this work anyway."
  8804. > Once you were both looking acceptable, it was just about time to select your guard.
  8805. > And so you and Celestia departed.
  8806. > Looking every bit the royal couple as you should.
  8807. > Dressed up in gold and white.
  8808. > A measured gait, and imperious stare.
  8809. > Needed to look nice and intimidating for your new guards.
  8810. > Shadewing and Moonlight would get the message, hopefully.
  8811. > Trepidation filled your steps.
  8812. > You had hoped this morning would feel longer.
  8813. > It's going by so fast.
  8814. > And you desperately wanted to avoid contacting your father.
  8815. > You wondered if he knew about your capture in the North.
  8816. > If he believed the... Public story.
  8817. > Fleeing responsibility, from his perspective.
  8818. > You would need to fix that public perception.
  8819. > Let everyone know that your... departure was not an abandonment.
  8820. > '... Somepony who can make her happy, and symbolically unify the tribes. That, we can both concede, is not you.'
  8821. > Cyclone's words had added to the mess of phrases in your mind.
  8822. > You needed to prove yourself capable of bringing unity.
  8823. > And you hoped this evening you would be able to accomplish that with spectacular gusto.
  8824. > But that meant surviving court and your father first.
  8825. > Which were terrifying matches.
  8826. > "Bit for your thoughts?"
  8827. > Looking down, you see Cel looking up at you.
  8828. > Her words break you out of your reverie.
  8829. > You let out an exasperated sigh.
  8830. "Worried about seeing my dad. He's... never held the highest opinion of me. And asking him for an army will make things worse."
  8831. > She looked off to the side, out into the third-floor gardens.
  8832. > Which rested a floor down from your present location.
  8833. > Every level of this castle had a separate garden, which were connected, divided by sheer cliffs.
  8834. > Following her sight, you could see the guards assembled out there.
  8835. > Though you couldn't make out the details.
  8836. > You wondered which ones were to be your guardians.
  8837. > "It'll all be fine, Anonymous. I'm sure we can resolve it without any actual bloodshed."
  8838. > You hoped so.
  8840. > Upon reaching the gardens, you were immediately able to spot Waves.
  8841. > Not just because she was so different from the rest.
  8842. > But also because she's arguing with what looks to be a commanding officer.
  8843. > Rather than standing in rank with the rest.
  8844. > Celestia chuckles at the sight.
  8845. > "Looks like your new friend is having trouble. We should probably go rescue her."
  8846. > You smirk.
  8847. > Crossing your hands over your chest.
  8848. "I hardly think that appropriate, she should be rescuing me. Already letting me down, Waves..."
  8849. > You chuckle with your statement.
  8850. > But Celestia keeps up her mask.
  8851. > You could tell she was uncomfortable with this request of yours.
  8852. > It was a blow to her confidence in her guards, after all.
  8853. > But you're sure she could handle it.
  8854. > She was a big mare.
  8855. > "I'll wait here, Anon. Go pick out your ponies. Sunflare's the name of the Captain."
  8856. > Looking back to her briefly, she has a soft smile on her face.
  8857. > Looks like you were on your own.
  8858. > Probably for the best.
  8859. "Thanks, Cel."
  8860. > She nods.
  8861. > And with that, you turn and move into the garden.
  8862. > "... the last time, mare. Go home. You're too junior for this position."
  8863. > That sounds like a Guard Captain if ever you'd heard one.
  8864. > Well, time to rain on his parade.
  8865. "I fear she's not, Sir. She's to be a part of my contingent."
  8866. > Both of them turn at your voice.
  8867. > And snap to salutes.
  8868. > "Prince Anonymous, Sir. We've assembled some of the best guards in the country. Isthmus hardly fits the-"
  8869. > You wave your hand in dismissal.
  8870. "I understand that. She's remaining as a part of my contingent."
  8871. > Her lack of practice was precisely why you valued her.
  8872. > You could mould her loyalties to you.
  8873. > These other ponies, elite already...
  8874. > Their loyalties laid elsewhere.
  8875. > But Waves would remain loyal.
  8876. > It was you who had given her the chance, after all.
  8877. > "As you wish, my Prince. I suppose then, we can move on to introductions..."
  8878. > And so he does.
  8880. > Looking across the individuals as Sunflare begins describing them, you zone out.
  8881. > An endless sea of faces.
  8882. > Until the important names crop up.
  8883. > "Moonlight. Former Division Captain under Discord, major figure in the liberation. Impeccable combat expertise, and stainless record."
  8884. > Gray fur, blue eyes. Unicorn.
  8885. > Vaguely reminded you of Luna, oddly.
  8886. > If she had a cock.
  8887. > But this raised some concerns.
  8888. > If he was so key to the liberation, then why would Nightmare want him guarding you...
  8889. > "He resigned his post after the liberation, and returned to proper guard work."
  8890. > Resigned such a high post as Division Captain?
  8891. > It was one of the highest a lowborn could hold.
  8892. > If he resigned five years ago...
  8893. > How long has this plan been in the making?
  8894. > "Shadewing. Former Captain of the Canterlot Guard under Discord. Single-hoofedly responsible for turning the tide of the Battle for Liberation."
  8895. > White fur, purple eyes. Pegasus.
  8896. > Much like your wife.
  8897. > This was eerie.
  8898. > But you put that little thought aside.
  8899. > So she was a major player in the final battle of Equestria's liberation.
  8900. > You suppose Shadewing must be the Captain who betrayed Discord.
  8901. > Allowing your wife and her sister to get close undetected.
  8902. > "While her expertise is in tactics, Shadewing remains a highly proficient fighter. She retired the mantle of Guard Captain with the liberation."
  8903. > This...
  8904. > This was terribly confusing.
  8905. > These ponies were well decorated heroes of Equestria.
  8906. > Responsible for single-hooved acts of bravery that won the freedom of the ponies.
  8907. > Why in the world were they selling out Equestria to Nightmare?
  8908. > A representative of the Empire which they had fought to overthrow?
  8909. > You needed more information.
  8910. > It was clear the past was a big part of the present here.
  8911. > But you were ignorant of the topic.
  8912. > Perhaps you could find more data at the university.
  8913. > As Sunflare closes out his introduction of the guards, you wave your hand for silence.
  8914. > Well...
  8915. > Time to choose.
  8917. > With as authoritative a voice as you can muster, you address the assembled guards.
  8918. "I'm touched so many of you are interested in the position. But I am only looking for two further guards."
  8919. > There is no reaction from them.
  8920. > Military professionalism so well drilled in that they wouldn't react no matter what you said.
  8921. > Intimidating, but still you didn't let it phase you.
  8922. "However, I fear I have made a decision. I would be remiss if I were to turn away such great heroes when they applied for the post as Moonlight and Shadewing."
  8923. > The two ponies bowed deeply.
  8924. > Before raising back up and taking a step forward.
  8925. > And the remainder took as a step back as they advanced.
  8926. > "Very well, my Prince. I will get the paperwork in order to have them reassigned to permanently protect you during the day."
  8927. > Suitable.
  8928. "Thank you, sir. It's immensely appreciated."
  8929. > With that, Sunflare bows.
  8930. > As do all the rest of the ponies.
  8931. > You would never get fully used to this feeling, it seemed.
  8932. > Being owed such respect.
  8933. > After spending your childhood being disrespected for your status.
  8934. > You were...
  8935. > The ruler.
  8936. "Enjoy the rest of your day. And Waves, get some sleep while it all gets figured out."
  8937. > They remain deeply bowed.
  8938. > Well, you presume they caught your sentiment.
  8939. "As you were."
  8940. > With that, you turn on a dime.
  8941. > And begin moving back towards Celestia, who was leaning up against a column.
  8942. > A soft smile on her face as you approach.
  8943. > And as you get close, she can't resist commenting.
  8944. > "Looking mighty princely there, Anonymous. Getting used to being an Equestrian?"
  8945. > You smile back at her.
  8946. > Your hand moving up under her chin and scratching softly.
  8947. "Or maybe the power's just starting to go to my head..."
  8948. > She chuckles at that.
  8949. > As you both move to exit the garden.
  8950. > And head toward the university.
  8951. > Perhaps...
  8952. > Perhaps you were getting used to it.
  8954. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8956. > The University.
  8957. > Starswirl's Academy for Gifted Unicorns.
  8958. > It was... Smaller than you had expected.
  8959. > Though, you suppose, the Academy at Freemark was rather small as well.
  8960. > Really just an attachment to the castle that was the Aetherite capital.
  8961. > As you entered through the doors, the guards holding them open for you and Cel, that perception changes.
  8962. > Somehow, the inside seems infinitely larger than the outside.
  8963. > An absurdly sized library stretches out before you, with towering bookshelves.
  8964. "How?"
  8965. > The thought comes unbidden.
  8966. > But it generates a small chuckle from Celestia.
  8967. > "Your people have no Unicorns to maintain the spell, so your academy reverted to its natural state. But ours on the other hand..."
  8968. > Magic, of course.
  8969. > Your gaze falls back down to your hand.
  8970. > Perhaps you could learn it from Cel, at some point.
  8971. "Amazing stuff."
  8972. > You kept pace alongside Celestia as she led you through this goddamn labyrinth.
  8973. > It was certainly more impressive than any repository of knowledge back home.
  8974. > No wonder Unicorns were considered to be such better mages than humans.
  8975. > If they had access to such a vast collection of magical knowledge.
  8976. > Perhaps, in time, you could share this knowledge with your people...
  8977. > "I used to spend every day here as a filly, just reading for hours..."
  8978. > There's a certain awe in her voice as she says it.
  8979. > A look of wonder on her face as she gazes around at the stacks.
  8980. "Not much time these days, I'm guessing?"
  8981. > At that, her look shifts to a bit of a grimace.
  8982. > Shouldn't have said anything.
  8983. > "Yeah. Ruling takes up too much of my time. Plus, there's a certain human which is taking up an inordinate amount of time..."
  8984. > Her wing extends, poking you in the side.
  8985. > Well now, maybe you should reconsider your first date idea.
  8986. > Hmm...
  8987. "Just doing my job."
  8989. > As you navigated the library, you eventually came to a stone back wall with a number of doors.
  8990. > You couldn't read the text above the doors, which made you suspect they were in a dead language.
  8991. > Damn academics, being needlessly convoluted.
  8992. > "Right over here, Anon."
  8993. > Looking to the right, you see Celestia holding open a door.
  8994. > You gulp audibly.
  8995. > Well.
  8996. > Time to face the music.
  8997. > As you entered the room, you're immediately struck by how odd it looks.
  8998. > The entire room is black, like a night sky minus the stars.
  8999. > No details can be made out.
  9000. > Except for the large mirror-like object in the middle of the void that is the room.
  9001. > "I know it looks odd, but you'll be able to stand just fine on the floor there."
  9002. > Cel wraps a wing around your back, and slowly moves in.
  9003. > Tentatively, you put forward a foot to the black space-looking floor.
  9004. > And when it holds, you more comfortably shift more weight into the room.
  9005. > Celestia close by your side.
  9006. > Her wing staying wrapped around you.
  9007. > Though it didn't bother you in the slightest.
  9008. > This room was... Exceptionally weird.
  9009. > How Celestia stayed so calm while walking on this...
  9010. > Whatever this was.
  9011. > Void, or something.
  9012. > It blew your mind.
  9013. > Moving up to the mechanism in the middle, your hands traced along the bronze.
  9014. > It was an ancient device, to be certain.
  9015. > Dragged across the world in the Equestrian migrations from the Lands of Long Winter.
  9016. > The magic used in their creation long forgotten.
  9017. > But their use so simple even relatively mediocre Aetherite sorcerers knew how to use them.
  9018. "You'll have to forgive me ignorance, but I don't know how this is done..."
  9019. > You hear your wife scoff from across the room.
  9020. > "I'll get it set up. They should have a magister waiting for me..."
  9021. > And turning around, she's quite a ways away from you.
  9022. > The room must be massive, but you couldn't perceive the limits since the walls seemed imperceptible.
  9023. > Gods, magic was weird.
  9025. > With a sudden hum, the machine comes to life.
  9026. > And the heavy brass mechanical portions begin spinning.
  9027. > As the mirror-like portion in the center turns to liquid.
  9028. > Looking upon it, you can see a scene begin to form.
  9029. > A room you vaguely recognize, having gotten into it as a young scamp.
  9030. > And driving the mages insane looking for damage to the artifact every time you had.
  9031. > Slowly, as the details of the room fill in, you catch sight of a familiar face.
  9032. > One who was doubtless pleased to see you.
  9033. "Master Duncan! It's been too long!"
  9034. > The image is flickering, and his voice not stable.
  9035. > But you can just about make out his "Not long enough."
  9036. > He loved you, really.
  9037. > Just showed it by focusing stares of pure hatred upon you.
  9038. "Care to fetch my father? I do hope he put aside time in his busy-"
  9039. > "I'm afraid Father is unable to attend, Anonymous."
  9040. > Oh.
  9041. > By the Gods.
  9042. > Not him.
  9043. "Marcus."
  9044. > Duncan withdraws back from the visual, and your brother fazes into it.
  9045. > Looking as pompous as ever.
  9046. > "My my, brother. That seems a terrible wound you've taken."
  9047. > You bite back the bile in your throat.
  9048. > As Celestia moves up beside you in front of the device.
  9049. > "Prince Marcus. It's a pleasure."
  9050. > Oh, if she knew a thing about him, she wouldn't be saying anything of the sort.
  9051. > But Marcus' eternal smirk of condescension disappears before Celestia.
  9052. > As he takes a deep bow.
  9053. > "The pleasure is all mine, Princess. I do hope my brother hasn't been too much of a pain in the flank."
  9054. > ...
  9055. > Adopting Equestrian terminology even.
  9056. > Marcus is being diplomatic.
  9057. > You hear Celestia chuckle beside you, poking you with a wing.
  9058. > "He does seem to have a penchant for worrying me with his repeated near-death adventures. But he's nothing I can't handle."
  9059. > You grind your teeth, keeping the most forced smile you've ever had on your face.
  9060. > He's manipulating your wife into thinking he's the good guy.
  9061. > "That certainly sounds like him, ever endangering himself."
  9062. > With that, the look of condescension and arrogance is back.
  9063. > Directed solely at you.
  9064. > Celestia begins a response...
  9065. > "Well, he's not-"
  9066. > But you're not dealing with Marcus' bullshit right now.
  9067. "Where is father? I was under the impression that I would be discussing with him."
  9069. > "I fear father fell ill shortly after your departure, and is incapacitated. I am acting Regent."
  9070. > The blood in your veins turns to ice.
  9071. > Father was...
  9072. > Why were you not informed?
  9073. > Marcus is acting Regent?
  9074. > By the Gods, this could ruin everything.
  9075. > "Well then, I suppose you would be the person to address, Prince Marcus."
  9076. > He smiles, looking back to your wife.
  9077. > You could just about strangle her right now.
  9078. > It's not her fault, but...
  9079. > He did not deserve this cordial interaction.
  9080. > "I suppose it would, if you're looking for the King. And I suspect, given the... internal struggles you face, that you're seeking just that."
  9081. > And he knows about Pegasopolis' defection.
  9082. > Which meant he was planning something.
  9083. > You move your hand to Celestia's withers.
  9084. > And look down to her with a worried expression.
  9085. > But she's focused on Marcus.
  9086. > Damnit, you needed Aetherite forces.
  9087. > Swallow your damn pride.
  9088. "That would be correct. It seems our union has had... unexpected consequences."
  9089. > Marcus' grin deepens at that.
  9090. > The grin of a goddamn sadist at knowing he had you in his clutches.
  9091. > "A terrible shame. The nobles here were quite pleased with the arrangement."
  9092. > Coded language for 'We're all glad you're gone.'
  9093. > For 'You're not embarrassing us anymore, now you can embarrass the Equestrians.'
  9094. > You would prove them all wrong.
  9095. > Hot fury builds in your chest.
  9096. > Indignation controlling you.
  9097. > From grit teeth, you manage to spit out a response.
  9098. "I'm certain they were, Brother. But on to the point, can you provide us with forces to bring Pegasopolis into line?"
  9099. > It was like venom in your heart to request this from him.
  9100. > "It would go quite a ways to solidifying our newfound alliance, Prince Marcus."
  9101. > Her constant use of his damn title.
  9102. > Her goddamn courtesy to Marcus.
  9103. > He didn't deserve any of it.
  9104. > He's a fucking monster in a Prince's clothing.
  9105. > The sort who would never need a torturer.
  9106. > You knew him better than anyone else.
  9107. > "I can have the Aetherite military at Pegasopolis within the week. All you need do is ask, Brother."
  9108. > You.
  9109. > He wants you to capitulate.
  9110. > To confess your dependence on him.
  9111. > If Cel weren't here, he'd be asking you to beg, like you had to as a child.
  9112. > When he'd get his older friends together to beat you.
  9113. > And demand you beg for salvation.
  9115. "I would appreciate it immensely if you could provide us the forces, Brother."
  9116. > He looks down at his hand.
  9117. > The ring on his finger.
  9118. > "I noticed your fingers are bare. Whatever happened to remembering your roots?"
  9119. > Just fucking tell us you'll do it!
  9120. > Goddamn sadist!
  9121. > "He used it to seal our marriage bond, Prince Marcus. But, on to the point...?"
  9122. > Celestia's naivety is infuriating.
  9123. > How can she not tell what this is doing to you?
  9124. > How can she not feel it through the bond?
  9125. > "How fascinating that he would give up his family so readily. You must mean a great deal to him, Celestia."
  9126. > You didn't give up your goddamn family.
  9127. > But that's not even the implication.
  9128. > He's implying you gave up your humanity.
  9129. > Submitted to the Equestrians entirely.
  9130. > The earlier sentiment you felt is like sand in your mouth.
  9131. > The idea that you were an Equestrian Prince...
  9132. > You would never be one of them.
  9133. > You would not forget who you were.
  9134. > You were an Aetherite.
  9135. > You were more of an Aetherite than Marcus could ever hope to be.
  9136. "She's important to our alliance, I did what I had to. Will you? Can we count on your support?"
  9137. > Stunningly, you can feel the emotional whiplash from Celestia at that.
  9138. > Shock and sadness rolled up into a bundled joint.
  9139. > You feel like you should regret the words as they leave your mouth.
  9140. > But somehow, you just don't give a damn.
  9141. > Marcus seems satisfied at the discord he so simply intruded into your life with.
  9142. > The smug look on his face you want to wipe off with a damn sword.
  9143. > "Oh, but of course, Brother. I will begin marshalling them at once. I'll see you at the line-"
  9144. > You were sick of his voice.
  9145. > You're not sure why, but you felt an irresistible compulsion.
  9146. > And snapped your finger.
  9147. > Cutting off Marcus mid-sentence.
  9148. > And sending sparks flying throughout the room.
  9149. > "A-Anon!?"
  9150. > And you turned on a dime.
  9151. > And began to march out of the room.
  9152. > You needed space.
  9153. > To cool.
  9155. > As your hand pushes open the door back to the library, it flies off the hinges.
  9156. > And down onto the ground.
  9157. > Strength you don't know or understand flooding your body.
  9158. > "Anonymous! Come back!"
  9159. > You hear her words, but they slip off you.
  9160. > Your mind lost in a haze of hatred.
  9161. > Uncontrollable hatred.
  9162. > When you feel magic condense around your hand.
  9163. > And hold your stride back.
  9164. > "What's wrong? Please, talk to-"
  9165. "What's wrong? What's wrong!? That fucking asshole thinks he fucking owns us! He has no business ruling Aetherium!"
  9166. > She recoils at your harsh tone.
  9167. > Moving back.
  9168. > but you can't control yourself.
  9169. > Your emotions are flaring out around you beyond all control.
  9170. > "Calm dow-"
  9171. "I will not be calm, Celestia! You may not realize it, but he's a fucking prick. All fucking First-Borns are."
  9172. > She gasps at that.
  9173. > Her face taking on a look of offense.
  9174. > But you couldn't stop the words even if you tried.
  9175. "I'm sure you know about it, with all your condescension. Even in that room, before him, denigrating me. Mocking me."
  9176. > She's sputtering now.
  9177. > Why did this infuriate you so much?
  9178. >"It... It was just a joke, Anon..."
  9179. > It shouldn't...
  9180. > It should.
  9181. > They had no right.
  9182. > A couple of first-borns complimenting one another on their superiority complexes while poking and prodding at you.
  9183. > Lauding their goddamn silver fucking spoons over you like they were any fucking better.
  9184. > You were done here.
  9186. "Leave me be, Celestia. I'll come to court shortly."
  9187. > The words come out authoritative.
  9188. > When that compulsion takes you over again.
  9189. > That uncontrollable niggling at the back of your neck.
  9190. > With a snap of your fingers, you vanish from her grip.
  9191. > And reappear back in the third floor gardens.
  9192. > Waist-deep in bubbling heated water.
  9193. > And flames dancing on the water around you.
  9194. > Atop the water, the water seeming to feed the fires.
  9195. > Breathing deeply, you take in your surroundings, your vision cloaked in red.
  9196. > A strong desire to burn the gardens to the ground within you.
  9197. > To burn down the entire country.
  9198. > To forcefully take control.
  9199. > String up Cyclone personally for embarrassing you.
  9200. > Take great pleasure in watching the life flicker out in his eyes as they danced in the flames.
  9201. > And Canterlot would be the perfect pyre.
  9202. > You raise up your hands to do just that...
  9203. > When it finally hits you.
  9204. > What in the world...
  9205. > You gaze at your hand stretched out before you.
  9206. > What did you...
  9207. > How did you...
  9208. > You don't know magic.
  9209. > How did you know how to do that.
  9210. > Why in the world were you even thinking that.
  9211. > Was this Nightmare's doing?
  9212. > How would you even have the power...
  9213. > Your rage almost instantly dissolves into concern.
  9214. > Gazing upon your fingers.
  9215. > That snapping in the kitchens earlier...
  9216. > In the meeting room...
  9217. > What in the world was happening to you.
  9218. > You had always been able to sheathe your fury with Marcus.
  9219. > To couch it in pretty words in public.
  9220. > To go tit for tat against him in biting remarks.
  9221. > Yet now...
  9222. > You felt out of control.
  9223. > Your emotions ruled you in the moment, there.
  9224. > A maelstrom waging inside your heart, uncontrollable thoughts.
  9225. > You...
  9226. > You needed to talk to Celestia about this.
  9227. > About everything.
  9228. > After you fully calmed down.
  9230. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9232. > You are Celestia.
  9233. > And... You messed up.
  9234. > Again.
  9235. > It...
  9236. > It had been getting better, you thought.
  9237. > Everything seemed like it was getting so much better.
  9238. > Like everything was going to be fine between you and Anonymous.
  9239. > Like he could start to love you...
  9240. > And you him.
  9241. > Now...
  9242. > It seems it all had collapsed around you.
  9243. > Because of a stupid joke.
  9244. > Harshly, your magic whipped out.
  9245. > Knocking a shelf of books off.
  9246. > As your chest heaved with repressed emotions.
  9247. > Tensions built up over weeks.
  9248. > The seriousness of the situation striking you suddenly and overwhelming you.
  9249. > The political situation had been blunted by your marriage.
  9250. > Frustrations over Falwing and Pegasopolis seemed minor as you and Anon grew closer...
  9251. > Especially after last night.
  9252. > Your budding relationship was the rock which protected you from their gravity.
  9253. > And now it felt that rock was all crumbling.
  9254. > For no good reason.
  9255. > And...
  9256. > You didn't know how to deal with it.
  9257. > Fresh tears falling from your face.
  9258. > Thank the Stars these aisles were far enough away from the regions the students frequented...
  9259. > Collapsing down, you fell up into a ball.
  9260. > Your wings coming down over your face.
  9261. > As you shivered and heaved there.
  9262. > Were...
  9263. > Were you arrogant? Condescending?
  9264. > Had this been building all along?
  9265. > All your little jokes and prods about him being reckless and silly?
  9266. > They were...
  9267. > He seemed to take them in stride!
  9268. > They were jokes!
  9269. > The shiver runs down your spine once more.
  9270. > A niggling feeling telling you that you should've been more considerate.
  9271. > Especially in front of his brother.
  9273. > It made you think of some of the conversations you'd had with Luna years ago.
  9274. > She... Luna had always needed confidence boosts.
  9275. > She had really bad insecurities...
  9276. > About her self-worth and value.
  9277. > A lot of them tied up in you, you knew.
  9278. > She had talked to you in the past about feeling like she was perpetually in your shadow.
  9279. > And you had... Tried to be consoling.
  9280. > But had you been condescending the whole time?
  9281. > Maybe...
  9282. > Maybe Anon had some of the same insecurities?
  9283. > Stars, this was far too complicated.
  9284. > You wonder if what you did with Marcus was the equivalent of Luna's theoretical husband humiliating her in front of you.
  9285. > And you feeding into it.
  9286. > She would probably close up emotionally from that...
  9287. > '... Denigrating me. Mocking me.'
  9288. > Had he been thinking you were doing that all along?
  9289. > Had you been poking and prodding insecurities this whole time?
  9290. > He seemed so confident...
  9291. > You thought he was impervious to words.
  9292. > He was the Debauched Prince, after all.
  9293. > But...
  9294. > You know the sting Luna would feel if her social anxiety was prodded at constantly.
  9295. > You had to find Anonymous.
  9296. > And apologize.
  9297. > But there was a budding insecurity in another area you felt.
  9298. > Anonymous...
  9299. > He knew magic.
  9300. > And hadn't told you.
  9301. > You loved magic, it was your life.
  9302. > Studying it since you were old enough to learn to read.
  9303. > And apparently, he had known high-level teleportation magic and just... Not told anypony.
  9304. > To be able to so suddenly make a long-distance teleportation on the fly...
  9305. > While emotionally unstable, at that...
  9306. > He knew a lot, to be able to do that.
  9307. > And had never told you.
  9308. > It made you wonder why...
  9309. > And the only conclusion that you could come to was that he had something planned...
  9310. > Something you wouldn't want to know about.
  9311. > It hardly seemed in his character to be... plotting.
  9312. > But it seemed the only explanation.
  9313. > And that stung the worst.
  9315. > 'She's important to our alliance, I did what I had to.'
  9316. > Was that all you were?
  9317. > A piece in his game?
  9318. > You knew he still didn't love you...
  9319. > But he had said you were his friend this morning.
  9320. > That was something, wasn't it?
  9321. > Progress?
  9322. > Or was it a lie?
  9323. > Did he have some grander scheme in mind, which required keeping his knowledge secret?
  9324. > Had he been manipulating you all along?
  9325. > You...
  9326. > You're being paranoid.
  9327. > But you can't help but feel all these fears about him now.
  9328. > Like you mean nothing to him.
  9329. > Stop, Cel.
  9330. > Like you're just being played.
  9331. > Don't think about it.
  9332. > Like your father just used you for his political agenda.
  9333. > This isn't productive.
  9334. > To win points with the public and a high station. To live the life at your expense.
  9335. > Stop thinking, now.
  9336. > Like the ponies used you as a punching bag for their political games.
  9337. > Put up your mask.
  9338. > To gain all the political capital while you sat there like an idiot listening to their drivel.
  9339. > It was for the greater good.
  9340. > Like Luna used you as a fucking cushion for all of her problems.
  9341. > Don't feel.
  9342. > As if you weren't allowed to feel things yourself. To have fears.
  9343. > Feelings will hurt you, in the end.
  9344. > Everypony just plays you. Like their Stars-forsaken fiddle. Their means to an end.
  9345. > Compose yourself.
  9346. > And so you do.
  9347. > Choking down your tears...
  9348. > And your feelings alongside them.
  9350. > You rose up off the dirty ground, your face doubtless looking terrible.
  9351. > Fur likely stained by your tears.
  9352. > And eyes probably reddened.
  9353. > And your underside doubtless a bit dusty.
  9354. > Using a spell, you clean it off you.
  9355. > If you just...
  9356. > Just focus on everything else.
  9357. > Don't think about your relationships.
  9358. > Don't think about Dad, Luna, or Anon.
  9359. > Don't think about how they use you, and expect you to always be there.
  9360. > Don't think about anything.
  9361. > Just... Always be there.
  9362. > Put everypony above yourself.
  9363. > And...
  9364. > And you can pretend everything's fine.
  9365. > Because it will all be fine.
  9366. > All that matters is that it all seems to be fine.
  9367. > You breathe in deeply.
  9368. > And hold the breath for a moment.
  9369. > An old stress technique your dad taught you.
  9370. > Let the thoughts bundle up in the breath...
  9371. > And let out the deep breath.
  9372. > Supposedly, it was supposed to help you let go.
  9373. > But for you, it just bundled up.
  9374. > But you could hide it when it was bundled.
  9375. > Letting all of your frustrations settle beneath the surface.
  9376. > You still couldn't fix them.
  9377. > You never would be able to.
  9378. > But...
  9379. > You could suppress them.
  9380. > Keep them away from the view of the public.
  9381. > And Equestria would keep on ticking.
  9382. > In perfect harmony.
  9383. > You possessed half the elements of harmony, after all.
  9384. > It was your duty.
  9385. > To be a symbol of harmony for everypony.
  9386. > Harmony...
  9387. > It was impossible, you thought.
  9388. > Especially while chaos ruled in your heart.
  9390. > Moving through the hallways of Canterlot, alone, you kept your head up.
  9391. > A royal stance, staring straight forward.
  9392. > All ponies clearing the path for you.
  9393. > You had your mask firmly in place.
  9394. > And even without Anonymous you would face the court.
  9395. > It was your job.
  9396. > No.
  9397. > It was more than that.
  9398. > It was who you were.
  9399. > Who you were born to be, who your father made you.
  9400. > A tool of the state.
  9401. > Their eternal princess.
  9402. > And you would do as you were told.
  9403. > No matter the costs to your heart.
  9404. > Passing the threshold into the court, the number of petitioners was staggering.
  9405. > What you had initially thought to be a hectic line, was actually two.
  9406. > One going off to the side of the room which you can't see yet.
  9407. > But the tap of a spear echoes out through the room, gaining the attention of the ponies.
  9408. > The entire assembled court takes a bow as you enter.
  9409. > Which... seems strange.
  9410. > They never offered you that much respect.
  9411. > They would bow per court protocol when addressing you...
  9412. > But to bow as you entered?
  9413. > You'd never even...
  9414. > As you crossed the room, you noticed a chair off at the side.
  9415. > And a certain somehuman smiling in your direction from beside it.
  9416. > Taking a little half-bow.
  9417. > Well... he did say he would be here for court.
  9418. > But that smile on his face...
  9419. > The smile which must be concealing the rage beneath it that you had seen only a short time ago.
  9420. > He's playing at something.
  9421. > Manipulating you.
  9422. > Manipulating everypony.
  9423. > Hiding his real feelings, his real skills.
  9424. > Two can play at this game, Anonymous.
  9425. > You would find out the truth after court.
  9426. > And if he wouldn't tell you it...
  9427. > Reveal whatever was actually going on here...
  9428. > Then...
  9429. > Then your marriage was doomed to fail.
  9430. "You may rise, everypony."
  9432. ---------------------------------------------------------
  9434. > Slowly, the assembled court rose.
  9435. > To a cleared voice.
  9436. > "If I might briefly interject, my friends."
  9437. > Your husband spoke up from his position across from you.
  9438. > While earlier you had been pleased about his agreement to handle a part of the court separately...
  9439. > Now, you were sceptical.
  9440. > Did he...
  9441. > Did he have some plan here?
  9442. > Paranoia was setting in hard.
  9443. > Connections you thought unbelievable now seeming readily clear.
  9444. > Anonymous divides your country.
  9445. > Marcus marches in an army into the core of your country.
  9446. > Equestria is subject to Aetherite will.
  9447. > They...
  9448. > They surely would not violate the sacred oath you and him swore, would they?
  9449. > He was a second-born.
  9450. > Did that make him... Expendable?
  9451. > He had given up his chance at reproduction for this...
  9452. > His chance for a real family.
  9453. > For you.
  9454. > Or so you had thought.
  9455. > Perhaps he hadn't given up anything. It was all a plan.
  9456. > All a game...
  9457. > And you were his little toy in that game...
  9458. > Stop, Celestia.
  9459. > You're going to make yourself emotional again.
  9460. > And you're projecting insecurities.
  9461. > You'll talk later.
  9462. > "Given the doubtless increased level of concern given our political circumstance, I will be addressing petitioners separately here."
  9463. > The theatre burst into ramblings.
  9464. > He seemed to have that effect here.
  9465. > "Anything which you deem suitable to be dealt with by me, you may separately line up here; I will discuss it personally with you."
  9466. > And with that, chaos ensued.
  9467. > As a number of ponies broke off from the primary line to address Anonymous.
  9468. > Which was... stunning.
  9469. > He had almost no petitioners yesterday.
  9470. > And now ponies were flocking to petition with him.
  9471. > You wondered what their topics could be.
  9472. > Your guards went insane moving to regulate the chaos, ultimately settling it.
  9473. > Putting two organized lines into place to petition you and your husband.
  9474. > This would be... weird.
  9475. > At least it would finish more quickly.
  9477. > As the first petitioner advances, you note his weathered wings at his sides.
  9478. > An older Pegasus.
  9479. > A noble, at that.
  9480. > Captain Tailspin, a respected Pegasus.
  9481. > This was...
  9482. > Eerily familiar.
  9483. > You dearly hoped this wouldn't be more of Cyclone's ploys.
  9484. > You don't know how well you could handle it right now.
  9485. > Your head wasn't attached right.
  9486. > As your eyes kept glancing over at your husband.
  9487. > Now speaking quietly, one-on-one, with a petitioner.
  9488. > Tailspin takes a deep bow, before rising back up.
  9489. "You may speak, Tailspin."
  9490. > He clears his throat, addressing the assembled court.
  9491. > Seems your husband and you would be doing different styles here.
  9492. > "I think I speak on behalf of many of your petitioners here today when I express my sorrow at Cyclone's... decision yesterday."
  9493. > Decision.
  9494. > As though it was a simple coin flip choice.
  9495. > And not something which was tearing Equestria asunder.
  9496. > Please, Tailspin...
  9497. > Don't do something stupid...
  9498. > "And I, personally, would like to extend my most severe apologies on behalf of the Pegasi for their betrayal."
  9499. > Oh.
  9500. > Betrayal?
  9501. > Now that's terminology you wouldn't expect if he was going to-"
  9502. > "In fact, I extend my apologies more generally for the harsh treatment you have endured for the past few weeks. Both you, and your husband."
  9503. > With that, Anonymous looks up from his position at the side.
  9504. > But Tailspin keeps his attention on you.
  9505. > His speech continuing.
  9506. > "Many of us assembled here today are here for the simple purpose of seeking unity in a time of discontentment. And I am only the first who has the opportunity to seek this goal."
  9507. > Looking back to the theatre, you see a number of ponies nodding.
  9508. > You can feel emotions welling up in your chest.
  9509. > Public approval.
  9510. > Not just for you, but for your union.
  9511. > The joy it brings clashes heavily against the sadness of your worries about Anonymous.
  9513. > "I know that we have utilized your union as a way to advance ourselves politically. This was a reckless course of action which spurred on foolish behaviour by Cyclone."
  9514. > You keep up your mask of indifference.
  9515. > But inside you're going up and down here.
  9516. > You don't know what to feel.
  9517. > "And so, I would like to extend my formal apologies for my rank behaviour, and the behaviour of your court. And a public statement of approval for your union and the Equestrian state."
  9518. > With the conclusion of his rhetorical piece, he takes a deep bow once more.
  9519. > And holds it.
  9520. > Carefully, you control your tone so as to not betray the impact it has had.
  9521. "I immensely appreciate this, Tailspin. It takes considerable courage to admit one's mistakes, especially in a position like yours. Your apology is fully accepted."
  9522. > As he rises from his bow, there is a smile on his face.
  9523. > And he looks behind him briefly, before commenting once more.
  9524. > "I fear you may have many of these to deal with today, Princess. Unity is more important now than ever, and I suspect much of the Prince's line is filled with similar comments."
  9525. > You feel a smile grace your face.
  9526. > For the first time in weeks...
  9527. > Equestria stands united.
  9528. > Even as it is crumbling.
  9529. > It is held together closer than ever.
  9530. > Bound together by a common foe.
  9531. > "My retinues will remain with Equestria, and are fully willing to help bring Pegasopolis back into line. We cannot let ourselves fall into weakness, lest we fall back under the dominion of Falwing."
  9532. > You nod.
  9533. > He was wise.
  9534. > Most of the highborn were, they were just greedy.
  9535. > But they knew nopony's interest was satisfied by splitting apart the country.
  9536. > And they knew how essential Aetherium was to Equestrian independence.
  9537. > While they would never admit it in public...
  9538. > Indeed, their apologies would avoid that dependency wholesale.
  9539. > But they knew in their hearts its importance.
  9540. "I thank you, Tailspin. You are a commendable stallion."
  9541. > His smirk grows deep.
  9542. > And he lets out a chuckle.
  9543. > "No, Princess. You are the commendable one. Thank you for your time."
  9544. > And with that, the older stallion turns and leaves.
  9545. > And your guards order forward the next petitioner.
  9547. > Many of the petitions follow the same lines.
  9548. > Along with a few of the typical public spending or land zoning requests.
  9549. > But it's like court has been flipped on its head.
  9550. > Typically, it would be all of these nobleponies taking jabs at you or one another.
  9551. > And the occasional important inquiry into public policy.
  9552. > But now, it was so many speaking of cohesion.
  9553. > The State.
  9554. > And you.
  9555. > All of it in positive lights.
  9556. > And from the looks of it, the more private one-on-ones Anonymous has are along the same lines.
  9557. > It was... dizzying to experience.
  9558. > Especially with the emotional roller coaster you had been on today.
  9559. > Waking up so pleased, the sudden crash with Anonymous, and now...
  9560. > Now the bitter torrent of emotions inside you.
  9561. > It was fortunate only one thing was going to hell at a time.
  9562. > Either your marriage or your country.
  9563. > When the marriage is fine, the country implodes.
  9564. > And when the country is fine, the marriage implodes.
  9565. > Never could be easy...
  9566. > "And so, in conclusion, I simply wish to issue apologies on behalf of the entire Magisterium for our foolishness in seeking to divide your rule. It is our profound wish to see this political unrest reach a swift conclusion, and our full resources are at your disposal."
  9567. > Representatives of the Canterlot Magisterium chapter.
  9568. > The most elite body of spellcasters around.
  9569. > And they still embroidered the old Unicornian Sigil on their robes.
  9570. > A typically highly exclusionary Unicorn supremacist organization, in many respects.
  9571. > Now seeking unity with the other ponies.
  9572. > Had you not ascended, you would be one of their rank.
  9573. > You often wondered if you would be happier there.
  9574. > But...
  9575. > Somepony had to rule.
  9576. > Somepony had to ascend.
  9577. > Somepony had to bind this nation together, whatever the cost.
  9578. > And nopony else was able to.
  9579. "Thank you, Sapphire Veins. Your aid is immensely appreciated."
  9581. > Court almost seemed to drag on, with so many of the same statements.
  9582. > But some of them were above and beyond others.
  9583. > Massive donations of funds from personal fortunes to the State.
  9584. > Loan offers to finance a war effort against separatists.
  9585. > Policies to discourage rebels from joining them, and funds to lure them back.
  9586. > Somehow, dividing Equestria had led to the most unified political class maneuver in the history of the nation.
  9587. > Even under Falwing dominion Equestria had never been so close-knit.
  9588. > But now, Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies alike were here declaring their support in untold numbers.
  9589. > The political minds of the century swearing fealty oaths.
  9590. > It boggled the mind.
  9591. > Especially...
  9592. > Especially those swearing them to Anonymous.
  9593. > Many of them not only swore their oaths to you...
  9594. > But publicly declared them to Anonymous as well.
  9595. > Your union had become a symbol of unity for the country.
  9596. > Which struck you as ironic.
  9597. > Given the desperate tatters that your union was in behind the scenes.
  9598. > A union of secrets and hidden feelings.
  9599. > But...
  9600. > If it made the country stronger...
  9601. > Then you could pretend.
  9602. > As it began to draw to a close, only slightly earlier than usual, you're struck by just how many petitioners you had blazed through.
  9603. > With so many redirected to Anonymous, the massively increased quantity of ponies had been able to be dealt with relatively quickly.
  9604. > And now the room was near-barren.
  9605. > "I appreciate that, my friend. And there are no hard feelings, I assure you."
  9606. > Anonymous, talking to a petitioner.
  9607. > Your ears periodically tuned in and out of their conversations.
  9608. > News had apparently spread like wildfire.
  9609. > Marcus had made a public declaration of his intentions to quash the Equestrian rebellion.
  9610. > And it was known the humans were on the move.
  9611. > Something which had won Anonymous incredible points with the nobles, from the sounds of it.
  9612. > It was just...
  9613. > Too perfect.
  9614. > And it made you ever-more worried about Anonymous' possible deception.
  9615. > Something had to go wrong, right?
  9616. > It always did.
  9618. "Court is closed. It has been a pleasure, my little ponies."
  9619. > As you rose up from your dias, Anonymous is concluding his conversation with the last petitioner he has.
  9620. > A petite mare.
  9621. > An older one.
  9622. > Gentle Touch.
  9623. > "No, no. I was foolish to have attacked you so viciously. I just... I get a little defensive of her, you know?"
  9624. > His words put a fire in your chest.
  9625. > A good flame.
  9626. > But... It's doused by your uncertainty.
  9627. > He seems so happy-go-lucky now.
  9628. > But earlier, that had shattered within seconds.
  9629. > And he had revealed an angry, bitter man trapped inside.
  9630. > "I assure you, my Prince. I deserved it. My actions contributed to this civil unrest, and I intend to make it better. Do pass on my apologies..."
  9631. > You smile.
  9632. > It's so surreal.
  9633. > Political enemies turned friends in the blink of an eye.
  9634. > Mares you had wished ill upon only yesterday now speaking in ways that touched your heart.
  9635. > And the one person you thought to be your closest ally...
  9636. > Bound to you by sacred oath...
  9637. > Now you had no idea where you and him stood.
  9638. > You were eager for him to finish up.
  9639. > To speak together.
  9640. > And find out where you both stood.
  9641. > To try and sort through any deceptions.
  9642. > To settle your paranoid thoughts about his potential intentions.
  9643. > "It's been a pleasure, Miss Touch. I do hope to see you in the future..."
  9644. > And as he watches the mare leave...
  9645. > His expression turns grim.
  9646. > And he turns to look at you.
  9647. > Your own grim look facing back at him.
  9648. > "I suppose we should talk. In the gardens?"
  9649. > You nod.
  9650. > It was time to figure all of this out.
  9651. > He would keep no more secrets from you.
  9652. > Or there would be consequences.
  9654. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9656. > This... This is awkward.
  9657. > Super awkward.
  9658. > You and Anonymous are walking, side by side.
  9659. > No contact.
  9660. > No words.
  9661. > Surrounded by his new guards, who apparently have had their paperwork fast-tracked.
  9662. > Swiftly moving towards the nearest set of gardens where you could have some privacy.
  9663. > You could feel Anonymous' trepidation.
  9664. > His anxiety.
  9665. > It fed into your own, which in turn fed his.
  9666. > This bond was complicated...
  9667. > At times, you could clearly feel his emotions even from a distance.
  9668. > And at others, you couldn't feel them at all.
  9669. > Like this morning.
  9670. > You had been oblivious to his budding rage.
  9671. > Until it had exploded upon you.
  9672. > Yet now, you could feel simple feelings so clearly.
  9673. > Which furthered your paranoia.
  9674. > Did he know how to manipulate the bond?
  9675. > You did.
  9676. > The spellwork involved was simple to send false emotions through it.
  9677. > But you would never be so manipulative...
  9678. > Would Anonymous?
  9679. > A major part of why your father had considered this marriage acceptable was because he seemed honest...
  9680. > He had spent months seeking an adequate match.
  9681. > From a suitable kingdom, a suitable prince.
  9682. > While Anonymous had never been the perfect choice...
  9683. > He seemed better than the others, given those two considerations.
  9684. > Had all his behaviour been a ruse, even before this Alliance was considered?
  9685. > It would have required remarkable foresight.
  9686. > And spies.
  9687. > And...
  9688. > And you're being crazy.
  9689. > Maybe.
  9690. > Just... Stop thinking, Celestia.
  9691. > Wait and let him explain.
  9692. > Then you can start building conspiracy theories.
  9694. > As you and Anon entered the gardens, the awkwardness only intensified.
  9695. > A potentially immense conflict looming over both your heads.
  9696. > One you both wanted to weasel out of, but knew you couldn't.
  9697. > Moving over to a waterfall, you both stop.
  9698. > Staring into it.
  9699. > Well, time to start.
  9700. "You three are dismissed."
  9701. > Your voice carries authority with it.
  9702. > But the guards keep their place.
  9703. > Prompting you to turn and look at them.
  9704. > All standing there, staring forward.
  9705. > As though they hadn't heard you.
  9706. > Resentment growing in your chest that they aren't listening.
  9707. > This is awkward enough, without them playing these games!
  9708. > But Anonymous speaks up.
  9709. > "Guys, she's still your princess. Listen to her as you do me."
  9710. > They then bow.
  9711. > And move out of the gardens.
  9712. > Waiting by an entrance.
  9713. > You feel embarrassed.
  9714. > Like...
  9715. > Like you've been deliberately set up, or something.
  9716. > A shot at your lack of power.
  9717. > A cringe flows across your features.
  9718. > Why can't you keep these thoughts at bay?
  9719. > Say something, Cel.
  9720. > Something to disarm the tension.
  9721. "Seems you've already got them under control."
  9722. > You can't manage to keep the slight tinge of resentment out of your voice.
  9723. > Having ponies ignore an order from you...
  9724. > Even Luna's guards took your word as law.
  9725. > "They do seem to follow orders fairly well. Sorry about stealing Waves."
  9726. > Waves was new to your entourage anyhow.
  9727. > And... If things stayed close...
  9728. > Then you'd be by his side anyway.
  9729. > And by extension her.
  9730. "Whether she's guarding you or me, she's still going to be around me most times, I suppose."
  9731. > He chuckles lightly at that.
  9732. > And silence reigns again.
  9734. "I'm sorry."
  9735. > "I'm sorry."
  9736. > The phrases come out at the same time.
  9737. > And you both light up red.
  9738. > And look away.
  9739. > This... This is silly.
  9740. > Exceptionally silly.
  9741. > "You first? Mine might be a bit longer..."
  9742. > Looking over to him, you let a soft smile cross your features.
  9743. > As you gazed down into the water before you.
  9744. > Seeing him doing the same in the reflection.
  9745. > Well, it sounded like he was going to come clean, at least.
  9746. "I... I'm sorry for what I said in front of your brother. I thought about it in the context of Luna in front of me and realized it was probably a terrible thing to do."
  9747. > Keeping your eyes firmly locked on the water in front of you, you continue.
  9748. "And... I'm sorry more generally if I've been condescending or anything. I just have been trying to make everything seem alright while it was falling apart around us. I've been told I'm a little controlling."
  9749. > A chuckle comes from him this time.
  9750. > But his face remains mostly stoic.
  9751. > Staring deep into the water.
  9752. "Ultimately, I'm just generally sorry for how things have been working out. I know your life in Equestria couldn't hold a candle to what it was like in Aetherium.
  9753. > A small smile breaks in his reflection.
  9754. > "You don't have to apologize for any of that. If anything I need a bit of control in my life, now more than ever..."
  9755. > His words rouse your suspicions.
  9756. > He lacks control?
  9757. > You suppose, on the one hoof, that he has always been... uninhibited.
  9758. > But-
  9759. > "And I was in the wrong for this morning. Which is related to something you're doubtless curious about."
  9760. > Looking up from the water, you stare at him.
  9761. > His gaze still fixed on the water before you.
  9762. > "My... magic."
  9764. > You allow a small frown to settle on your face.
  9765. > It sounds like he wasn't any happier about this situation than you were.
  9766. "I... admit, it has been swirling around in my head."
  9767. > More like feeding your every paranoid thought.
  9768. > But he didn't have to know that.
  9769. > "It's new to me. And... It's difficult to explain."
  9770. > It's definitely not new to him.
  9771. > Nopony, and nohuman for that matter, can do that sort of teleportation as a beginner.
  9772. > But you let him continue.
  9773. > "I don't control it. I get these... Impulses. Impulses to snap my fingers, and things happen. It started last night."
  9774. > Impulses to cast spells...
  9775. > Spells he doesn't know.
  9776. > Oh no.
  9777. > That's really not good.
  9778. > Really, really not good.
  9779. > That was a sign of only one thing.
  9780. > "When I did it last night, all the candles in the kitchen changed. And today... Thoughts accompanied the casts."
  9781. > At that, he tears his look from the water.
  9782. > And gazes deeply into your eyes.
  9783. > "Thoughts about burning down Canterlot. Conquering Equestria. I... there's something wrong with me, Cel."
  9784. > You knew exactly what this was.
  9785. > And you had no idea just how bad it might get.
  9786. "Chaos magic."
  9787. > His eyes widened, but he retained a neutral glance.
  9788. > As he slowly nodded his head.
  9789. > Keeping his view on you.
  9790. > "I suspected something like that. Though I know very little on the subject; magic isn't my expertise."
  9791. > No...
  9792. > If he was infected with Chaos magic...
  9793. "It... It's like a viral sort of magic. It feeds off regular harmonious magic. It can... Destabilize ponies. Drive them insane."
  9794. > This was worse than anything you could have imagined.
  9795. > You might...
  9796. > You might lose him.
  9797. > Not physically, but mentally.
  9798. > Attached to a deranged person for eternity.
  9799. > Your only bonded partner.
  9801. > "Well, good thing I'm not a pony then, isn't it?"
  9802. > He says it with that same carefree confidence you knew him for.
  9803. > But you can sense the troubled thoughts behind it.
  9804. "This is serious, Anonymous! I... I could lose you forever."
  9805. > His hand comes up to your face.
  9806. > But it is cold comfort.
  9807. > You feel like a total ass.
  9808. > Spending the whole day suspicious about him...
  9809. > And now...
  9810. > It turns out he might be losing his mind, not deceiving you.
  9811. > Your only opportunity to have a bonded lover, stolen away early.
  9812. > "We'll figure it out. But... That isn't all. I think I know who it may have come from."
  9813. > Who? It was somepony specific?
  9814. "Somepony... Somepony did this to you? Your captors!?"
  9815. > You hadn't even thought of it.
  9816. > Imperial Shimmer and his accomplice.
  9817. > They would suffer the worst-
  9818. > "A pony by the name of Starlight Sparkle. Seems she's been... Messing with my mind. It's why I asked you to point out if I was acting odd yesterday."
  9819. > There's a disturbed look on his face.
  9820. > But, you suppose, if somepony were trying to control you...
  9821. > You had entirely forgotten about his comment yesterday.
  9822. > The emotional baggage of Cyclone's betrayal had overshadowed it.
  9823. > This, however...
  9824. > This overshadowed everything.
  9825. > You know who Starlight Sparkle is.
  9826. > If she had any part in this...
  9827. "I'll track her down, Anon. And find some way to... Fix this."
  9828. > His fingers begin to scratch into your fur.
  9829. > As it reaches up to your head, you sit down.
  9830. > Enjoying his touch, until he sits down as well.
  9831. > Both of you resuming staring into the waterfall.
  9832. > His hand still settled on your neck.
  9833. > Awkwardness resettling over you both.
  9834. > This was horrible.
  9835. > Why did everything always have to get worse?
  9837. "I'm not going to forgive you if you let the chaos magic win, you know."
  9838. > You feel dirty trying to lighten the situation with humour.
  9839. > For two reasons.
  9840. > Firstly, it almost felt like trying to relieve the tension minimized the severity of the situation.
  9841. > And secondly... The way he blew up earlier.
  9842. > It worried you that he might take it as dismissive.
  9843. > But he chuckles in response.
  9844. > "I'm stronger than that. Besides, I've got you looking out for me. I'm sure I'll be fine."
  9845. > The somber mood remains strong over both of you.
  9846. > This wasn't fair.
  9847. > You barely got to know him.
  9848. > And now...
  9849. > Now he was horribly ill.
  9850. > Infected with dark magic.
  9851. "I... I swear, Anonymous. I'll find a way to fix this. We might... We might be able to use the Elements of Harmony on you."
  9852. > You knew the Elements were meant to be able to do a number of things.
  9853. > But...
  9854. > Remembering what they did to Discord...
  9855. > You could never forgive yourself if you turned Anonymous to stone.
  9856. > You bite your lip.
  9857. > "Cel. Don't worry about it for now, there's bigger issues to fry than little old me..."
  9858. > How could he say that?
  9859. > He was important, damn it!
  9860. > Not just for the politics, either.
  9861. > He was your friend.
  9862. > He was that, and so much more.
  9863. > He was your husband.
  9864. > You hit his plated stomach with a hoof.
  9865. > Which likely hurts you more than him, but he got the message.
  9866. "Shut up, you big idiot. You're the most important thing I have, right now. Even if you don't like it."
  9867. > He laughs, rubbing his armoured stomach.
  9868. > It was true.
  9869. > Everyone else... They saw you as an object.
  9870. > But Anonymous, it seemed...
  9871. > Maybe he saw you as something more.
  9872. > A real friend, like he said this morning.
  9873. > And maybe even more than that in the future.
  9875. > "Irrespective, I have plans tonight, and I don't want this news to soil them."
  9876. > You shift uncomfortably at that.
  9877. > Your wings ruffling by your sides.
  9878. "I know you're dedicated to this romance thing, Anon. But I really should start looking into solutions..."
  9879. > His hand moves up to your ears, scratching around them.
  9880. > His relaxed pose seeming so out of place in the circumstance.
  9881. > "I'm not crazy yet, Cel. We've got time. And I'm not letting my plans fall through..."
  9882. > You can gradually feel his fear dissipating.
  9883. > And a grin falling onto his face.
  9884. > He's trying to disarm your concerns...
  9885. > You sigh.
  9886. "Fine. One afternoon of shenanigans, and then I delve into some serious study."
  9887. > He lets out a soft chuckle at that.
  9888. > Laying a kiss on your neck, just below your hear.
  9889. > It sends shivers down your spine.
  9890. > Makes your wings lift up a bit.
  9891. > And sets your face ablaze.
  9892. > This is so weird.
  9893. > After doubting him all day...
  9894. > To be seeming as close as ever.
  9895. > Closer, really.
  9896. > Neck was definitely more romantic than cheek, which you got last night.
  9897. > Which meant he was stepping up the romance.
  9898. > Sort of.
  9899. > He then whispers softly in your ear.
  9900. > "I'll need you to go and put on the plainest-looking dress you have, and meet me back here with it."
  9901. > Your curiosity peaked at that.
  9902. > As you turned your head back towards him.
  9903. "Plain? Why? What are you planning?"
  9904. > A mischievous smile on his face.
  9905. > "That, Cel, is a secret. Now go!"
  9906. > He patted your withers with that.
  9907. > Urging you to stand up, as he rose himself.
  9908. > "There's no time to lose, I could start burning down the city at any second, after all."
  9909. > His words are meant to be funny.
  9910. > But they put a cold stone in your stomach.
  9911. > Somehow...
  9912. > Somehow this worried you more than Cyclone or Falwing ever could.
  9913. > It worried you more than anything you'd ever felt before.
  9915. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9917. > The second you rounded the corner out of the gardens, you collapsed.
  9918. > Sitting on the cold stone floor.
  9919. > The gravity of the situation settling in.
  9920. > You had... Kept up a bit of a strong face in front of Anonymous.
  9921. > No doubt he's riddled with as much panic as you about this.
  9922. > But...
  9923. > You shouldn't be indulging his little romantic fantasy.
  9924. > There was so much at stake if he began to be overwhelmed by Chaos.
  9925. > A full-body shudder flows through you at the thought.
  9926. > The Prince of Chaos.
  9927. > Discord.
  9928. > You force yourself back up.
  9929. > And to move down the hallway toward your room.
  9930. > You wondered if Discord somehow had a talon in all of this.
  9931. > Little legacies of him seemed to keep showing up every time you turned your head.
  9932. > Arycastrasza, Morphosus, Naryznagos, Quartrasza, Femulos.
  9933. > All of his little minions who would not stop causing trouble.
  9934. > The Broodlords of Falwing.
  9935. > The only known remaining agents of Chaos.
  9936. > And the only beings who had a vested interest in freeing Discord.
  9937. > They had to have a hoof in this...
  9938. > Starlight Sparkle must have cut a deal.
  9939. > An effort at the throne, you suspect.
  9940. > But mind-control...
  9941. > It was an impossible magic under conventional means.
  9942. > The mind is too complex to weave an appropriate spell for it.
  9943. > Which meant Starlight was relying on Chaos magic.
  9944. > Magic which you did not control, but nudge.
  9945. > You could only divert it by diverting the things around it.
  9946. > And in doing so, she had corrupted Anonymous' natural magic.
  9947. > She had to have gotten the knowledge of how to use it from a Dragon.
  9948. > After all, studying or using it was illegal in Equestria.
  9949. > You had made that so.
  9950. > And she would face the punishment for it.
  9951. > After telling you who was responsible for teaching her.
  9953. > By the time you reached your room, your emotions had settled.
  9954. > You would find some way to purge the Chaos magic from Anonymous.
  9955. > You had never failed at anything you set your mind to before.
  9956. > And you would not fail now.
  9957. > Especially against Chaos magic.
  9958. > You were world renowned for your ability to best Chaos.
  9959. > To defeat Falwing and its subjects.
  9960. > The Elements of Harmony were the ultimate tool against them.
  9961. > And you were the epitome of kindness, generosity, and magic.
  9962. > And with Luna, and her elements...
  9963. > Nothing could stop you both from saving Anonymous.
  9964. > It was just a matter of figuring out the how.
  9965. > Neither of you had studied them in depth...
  9966. > They had sort of guided you, in truth.
  9967. > Acting on their own, working alongside you rather than for you.
  9968. > But they were you.
  9969. > And if anything could save Anonymous from chaos...
  9970. > It was you.
  9971. > But you would need to track down Luna.
  9972. > Some... Experimentation with the Elements was called for.
  9973. > You nod to the guards outside your room.
  9974. > One of whom nods back.
  9975. > You still had the support of the ponies, too.
  9976. > With Equestria united, and the elements at hoof, you could do anything.
  9977. > But you needed to fully understand the elements first.
  9978. > And you both had still not...
  9979. > As you opened the door, you're struck stupid by the coincidence.
  9980. > "Hey, Tia."
  9981. "Hey, Lulu."
  9982. > She's in your room.
  9983. > Sitting on your bed.
  9984. > What in the world is she doing here?
  9986. "Uh... Lu? Why are you here?"
  9987. > Her wings are drooping by her side.
  9988. > A very sad expression on her face.
  9989. > Bad signs, typically.
  9990. > "Well, two reasons. Firstly, you said we were going to talk yesterday, but we never did."
  9991. > You let a small smile cross your features.
  9992. > As you began moving over to your closet.
  9993. "Well, with the whole Cyclone thing. giving you trouble sort of slipped my mind. Plus you loaned Anon your violin, so I figured you must already feel remorseful enough."
  9994. > Give her the benefit of the doubt.
  9995. > You needed friends now, anyhow.
  9996. > There's almost a... whimper from the room.
  9997. > And you look back over your shoulder to see Luna cringing.
  9998. "Luna? It's alright, we can work it out. That night I just-"
  9999. > "I tried to force Anonymous to have sex with me last night!"
  10000. > The words come out in a hectic scream.
  10001. > Before she shuts her mouth and stares at you, wide-eyed.
  10002. > For your part, you're not even sure how to react.
  10003. > Your brain not wanting to process the words.
  10004. > You're just standing there.
  10005. > Staring at her.
  10006. "You... What?"
  10007. > Her eyes are watering.
  10008. > What in the world...
  10009. > "I had Starlight Sparkle manipulate his mind so he would come spend the night with me. But he accidentally knocked over a wine glass, and it hurt him so bad we stopped."
  10010. > She...
  10011. > She what?
  10012. "You are responsible for the magical interference with his mind?"
  10013. > She nods, solemnly.
  10014. > You don't even know how to react.
  10015. > Luna was at fault?
  10016. > The element of loyalty? Of honesty?
  10017. > She was responsible for the Chaos magic in Anon?
  10018. > Rage was quickly building in your chest.
  10019. > But it was evenly matched by an intense, overwhelming sadness.
  10020. > How could she do this to you?
  10021. > Was it never enough, with her?
  10022. > Did her jealousy really run so deep?
  10023. > The rage was winning, tempered by your building sorrow.
  10025. "Get out."
  10026. > You can't deal with this right now.
  10027. > Not even slightly.
  10028. > You would teach her a lesson another time.
  10029. > "W-what? You don't want to-"
  10030. > You move out of your closet, and over to her.
  10031. > Staring her intensely in the face.
  10032. "I said to get out. We'll talk another time, but not now, you... You jealous little..."
  10033. > You stifle your words.
  10034. > Her tears are flowing, yet you don't care.
  10035. > Whether she feels guilty or not...
  10036. > She doomed your marriage.
  10037. > Your earlier optimism about the situation has flown out the window.
  10038. > And now...
  10039. > All you feel is anger and sadness at Luna.
  10040. > She's always been jealous of you.
  10041. > Hiding away in her room...
  10042. > But you never thought her capable of this sort of betrayal.
  10043. > Stealing away your husband with Chaos magic...
  10044. > It was the rankest betrayal.
  10045. > "Tia, nothing happened, I swear. But I wanted to apologi-"
  10047. > The words come out with an intense gravity.
  10048. > Luna is shocked silent.
  10049. "NOW! Go, and don't come back! I never want to see your face again, do you understand me? Get out of my room!"
  10050. > You point a hoof at the door.
  10051. > Your chest heaving with unspent rage.
  10052. > If she didn't leave soon...
  10053. > You might well kill her.
  10054. > But fortunately for her future...
  10055. > She rises up off your bed.
  10056. > And slowly trots out of your room.
  10057. > At the door, she briefly looks back.
  10058. > "Tia, I-"
  10059. > And you slam the door shut in her face with your magic.
  10060. > Before letting out a cry of anguish.
  10062. > Your room was a mess now.
  10063. > But you didn't care.
  10064. > Nothing was... Broken.
  10065. > But the furniture wasn't upright.
  10066. > And your sheets were out in the gardens.
  10067. > As you laid on a bare mattress.
  10068. > It wasn't fair.
  10069. > Why did everypony keep trying to hurt you?
  10070. > Why were you the pony of choice for betrayal and heartache?
  10071. > Did nopony care at all about you, and how you might feel?
  10072. > For years now, Luna had felt like the only pony you had.
  10073. > Dad was a detached jerk. He never gave a damn.
  10074. > Except when it was politically expedient to give one.
  10075. > He hadn't even spoken to you once since Anonymous got here...
  10076. > Off carousing with his friends, celebrating the defense of Equestria no doubt.
  10077. > Taking all the credit for himself.
  10078. > Mom was... gone.
  10079. > The ponies out there all saw you as either a prize, in the case of ponies like Cyclone...
  10080. > Or an enemy, in the case of ponies like Gentle Touch.
  10081. > Though that may have changed today.
  10082. > But you had spent the past few years in relative social isolation with nopony.
  10083. > Nopony but Luna.
  10084. > And now...
  10085. > She had shoved a knife in your back.
  10086. > She had ruined the one opportunity you had to find somepony else.
  10087. > Even if that 'somepony' was a human.
  10088. > Ruined it for her own greed.
  10089. > And after you had done so much for her...
  10090. > Slowly, you rose from the bed.
  10091. > Stamping out a small smouldering flame on the floor.
  10092. > From a knocked over candle.
  10093. > And moved over to the balcony to stare at the afternoon sky.
  10094. > All of your earlier optimism...
  10095. > Your assurances it would be ok...
  10096. > Destroyed.
  10097. > Even if you could fix Anonymous...
  10098. > Things would never be the same with Luna.
  10100. > Eventually, you resolved to carry on.
  10101. > You wouldn't let Luna ruin your night.
  10102. > You wouldn't let anything get in the way of some relief from the tension that was today.
  10103. > This emotional rollercoaster you'd been on.
  10104. > From good to bad and back.
  10105. > Even if you couldn't find a solution in the end...
  10106. > You could at least do Anonymous the courtesy of enjoying your time with him.
  10107. > However he planned to do that.
  10108. > Looking through your closet, you spy a number of dresses.
  10109. > Most of them incredibly fancy, expensive pieces created for you by the finest tailors.
  10110. > Alicorns tended to get a lot of free things...
  10111. > Any time you were seen wearing one of their designs, they gained immense fame.
  10112. > But you knew you had something suitably plain...
  10113. > A simple white dress.
  10114. > It had some intricate lacing, but no golden accessories.
  10115. > No embroidered symbols.
  10116. > Nothing like that.
  10117. > It was the simplest you had...
  10118. > And it even covered your wings up.
  10119. > It was... A little tight, now.
  10120. > Since it was something you had before ascending.
  10121. > And you had grown a bit since then.
  10122. > But you had it scaled up time and again.
  10123. > You rather loved it.
  10124. > Reminded you of... Better times.
  10125. > Back when you could spend all day with your nose in a book.
  10126. > Until the wick of the candle you read by was long gone.
  10127. > And mom would come scold you about reading in the dark.
  10128. > And send you to bed.
  10129. > Where Luna would reveal she had smuggled in a book for you two to read together...
  10130. > You bite your lip.
  10131. > You just wanted to go back...
  10132. > But you knew that was impossible.
  10133. > Ever-forward, unto the breech.
  10134. > And don't let anything ruin your evening.
  10135. > You levitated the dress out of the closet.
  10136. > And moved into the bathroom.
  10138. > Staring at yourself in the mirror, you felt.. Decrepit.
  10139. > Barely past twenty-one, and you felt ancient already.
  10140. > Your eyes were bloodshot.
  10141. > Your fur all ruffled.
  10142. > A dress which was a little too tight on you.
  10143. > Just enough to feel it, but not be noticeable.
  10144. > You briefly let go of the spell on your hair.
  10145. > Letting it fall in tatters around you.
  10146. > Pink, like you were born with.
  10147. > You always thought it looked nicer like this.
  10148. > But dad insisted that you keep the spell on it.
  10149. > 'Alicorns must project authority, and your appearance is a big part of that.'
  10150. > But... Like this, you looked like mom.
  10151. > She had the same mane and coat as you.
  10152. > Where Luna took after Dad in terms of appearance.
  10153. > And she had always dressed simply.
  10154. > A scholar of all types of magic.
  10155. > You knew the cost of messing with the Chaotic variety from what happened to her.
  10156. > But apparently Luna didn't care.
  10157. > Your horn lights up, and your eyes return to normal.
  10158. > As the spell slowly moves over you, it takes the dampness out of the fur on your face.
  10159. > Straightens out your fur.
  10160. > Leaves the wings ruffled, but they were hidden anyway.
  10161. > When it ends, you levitate up a brush.
  10162. > It... comforted you to brush your mane and tail.
  10163. > When the spell was in it, it didn't matter.
  10164. > But...
  10165. > It should be perfect.
  10166. > You should always be perfect.
  10167. > And it reminded you of when you were little, and had to brush all the time.
  10168. > Especially back before you had properly learned magic.
  10169. > Eventually, you get all the details done.
  10170. > And you look good again.
  10171. > Your horn illuminates, and your mane resumes its ethereal properties.
  10172. > Well...
  10173. > Time to go see what Anonymous has planned.
  10174. > And try desperately to forget about Luna.
  10176. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  10178. "No, you silly little horse. I'll be fine."
  10179. > "But, Sir-"
  10180. > You booped her on the nose in response.
  10181. "No."
  10182. > And Shadewing scrunched up her face at that.
  10183. > And let out the most adorable little growl.
  10184. > It felt a little odd to be disrespecting such venerated heroes of Equestria.
  10185. > Doubly so given that they were apparently double agents of a foreign power sent to help control you.
  10186. > But they made it so easy with their tiny, adorable snouts.
  10187. > You are Anonymous.
  10188. > And somehow...
  10189. > Somehow you weren't feeling terribly troubled about the situation at hand.
  10190. > Especially now that you were out of all that armor again.
  10191. > And back into a simple tunic.
  10192. > You were far too giddy about your plans to be worried.
  10193. > But your guards were... Less inclined towards them.
  10194. > Day one and you were already telling them to take the night off and leave you be.
  10195. > Apparently, they had mutually agreed upon an eight-hour cycle shift.
  10196. > Two on, one off.
  10197. > To ensure you always had two guards, with Waves being off right now.
  10198. > However... Your concerns about the threat they presented had diminished.
  10199. > The pair were proving to not live up to their legend in the slightest.
  10200. > Nor your fears about their intentions.
  10201. > "Lord Anonymous, we're not questioning your judgement, it's just that if anything were to happen..."
  10202. > You laughed at that.
  10203. > Throwing a hand through your hair with mirthful glee.
  10204. "I think you should be more worried about me hurting somepony else, given the circumstance. Terribly sorry about the potentially short nature of your contract, by the by."
  10205. > A look of remorse crossed their features at that.
  10206. > As they looked to one another with uncertainty.
  10207. > Yet you felt immense relief, even in joking about the circumstance.
  10208. > Honesty was the best policy.
  10209. > And so you had told Shadewing and Moonlight the same thing you told Cel.
  10210. > Leaning forward slightly, you tussled Shadewing's mane.
  10211. > To which she flinched and moved back.
  10212. > The most adorable aggressive pout you've ever seen on her face.
  10214. "Come now, have a sense of humour about things. Grimacing about all this won't change anything."
  10215. > She goes to respond, but a voice from across the gardens interrupts.
  10216. > "I'm not so sure, Anonymous. Chaos magic has a sense of humour, or so I've heard."
  10217. > Well now, there's a voice you're getting used to.
  10218. > Looking back over your shoulder, you see Celestia.
  10219. > Looking good as ever, and perfectly dressed for your purposes.
  10220. "I'm beginning to suspect you might just be a mind-reader, Cel. That dress is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking of."
  10221. > A small blush and accompanying smile formed on her face.
  10222. > But it really was uncanny.
  10223. > It had occurred to you after she left that you neglected to mention the importance of it hiding her wings.
  10224. > But she had taken the initiative.
  10225. > "Well, we are bonded, Anon. Maybe our thoughts are just getting closer in nature."
  10226. > Made sense to you, you supposed.
  10227. > Though you hoped that didn't mean...
  10228. "Does that mean that if the magic takes over..."
  10229. > She shakes her head at you.
  10230. > Though her smile wanes briefly.
  10231. > "No, I'll still be safe. Alicorn magic, and all that; learned about that little immunity while facing down Discord."
  10232. > Whew.
  10233. > That's good.
  10234. "That's good. I'd hate to be the downfall of the Equestrian diarchy. Though, that would doubtless lead to an excellent title."
  10235. > She lets out yet another soft chuckle, moving over to you.
  10236. > Her head coming to rest on your shoulder.
  10237. > Eyes peering back up at you from there.
  10238. > Before shooting back down to the guards.
  10239. > "Do you mind if we have a little privacy? I... Have something important to discuss with my husband."
  10240. > Looking back to them, you gesture with a hand.
  10241. > You weren't sure if they really understood it.
  10242. > But they seemed to learn quickly, as Moonlight and Shadewing departed the garden once more.
  10243. "Perfect. We can sneak out while they're out there."
  10244. > She hums lightly on your shoulder.
  10245. > Her eyes closed.
  10246. > Seeming so peaceful...
  10247. > Until she speaks.
  10248. > "I know about Luna, Anon."
  10250. > Your back stiffens at that.
  10251. > And you turn your gaze away from her, and back forward.
  10252. > Well now, that might throw a wrench into your evening plans.
  10253. "Do you now? What about her?"
  10254. > Play dumb!
  10255. > It's your only hope!
  10256. > "I know a certain somehuman got his head wound while getting busy with my sister..."
  10257. > You swallow thickly.
  10258. > There's... humour, in her voice.
  10259. > Which is exceptionally odd.
  10260. "Well, to be fair, we weren't quite to the getting busy stage when that happened. However... You seem stunningly calm given this circumstance..."
  10261. > You're torn between selling out Luna, no doubt destroying their relationship...
  10262. > And salvaging your own.
  10263. > But she seems calm...
  10264. > Her face nuzzles against your neck.
  10265. > "I know it's not your fault. You're not in trouble, I know Luna got Starlight involved, so you're safe. Luna, on the other hoof..."
  10266. > That made you feel even worse.
  10267. > While you suppose it seemed Luna cut a bargain with 'Starlight' willingly...
  10268. > She didn't expect to be seducing you, she expected someone else.
  10269. > It wasn't right that she carried the full blame for this.
  10270. "She didn't intend for it to be me. Starlight took the initiative, it seems, in her target selection."
  10271. > Cel grunts next to you.
  10272. > Her affections stilting for a moment.
  10273. > "Still means she meant to use that sort of magic on somepony. She... She should know better."
  10274. > You get the impression Celestia has some experience with the topic.
  10275. > Unsurprising, given the history with Discord.
  10276. "Hey now, she's still young. Younger than you or me, even. At seventeen I was thrice the idiot I am now."
  10277. > You look back to her at that, with a grin on your face.
  10278. > And she has a glare back up at you.
  10279. > "You're not an idiot..."
  10280. > Her eyes close, and she nuzzles back up against you again.
  10281. > Oh?
  10282. > Bringing a hand up, you scratch behind her ear.
  10283. > Drawing forth a soft moan from her spot beside your head.
  10285. "While I appreciate the effort to make me feel better, I think we both know that's a lie."
  10286. > She doesn't even react to that.
  10287. > Or so you think, until a wing bats the back of your head.
  10288. > "Can't agree to that, or I risk setting somepony off."
  10289. > It's your turn to blush at that.
  10290. > Even if it was the magic destabilizing you...
  10291. > You were embarrassed about that explosion this morning.
  10292. "I'm sorry about that, by the way. I still should have had better control..."
  10293. > Once again, her wing hits the back of your head.
  10294. > And this time you turn around to look at the offending appendage.
  10295. > "And once again, quiet you. No self-criticism, not right now. We need to focus on the positives."
  10296. > Mmm...
  10297. > That explained her optimism.
  10298. > Trying to ignore the situation in the present...
  10299. "Well then, I suppose it's time we put my plan into action."
  10300. > At that, she rouses her head from your shoulder.
  10301. > Giving you the opportunity to rise up off the stone you were half-sitting on, half-leaning against.
  10302. > And turn around to face her, your faces exceptionally close.
  10303. > "Lead away, oh Prince of Love."
  10304. > Her words are barely a whisper.
  10305. > You put your hand up to her hair.
  10306. > Running through the liquid-like state of them.
  10307. "First things first, you need to drop the magic hair. This will require au naturel Celestia."
  10308. > As the sentence finishes leaving your mouth, her hair has already fallen from it's invisible breeze.
  10309. > Back in its natural pink state.
  10310. > Minus the wings and glowy hair...
  10311. > She almost looked like a normal pony.
  10312. > Just a really tall one.
  10313. > But she'd pass for a common pony... You hoped.
  10314. > "So what's this plan that requires me looking like I did before I got my Cutie Mark? No wings or flowy hair?"
  10315. > She smirks.
  10316. > "Better not be anything shady..."
  10317. > She says it good-naturedly, but the thought puts a pit in your stomach.
  10318. > Nope, she's still older.
  10319. > You're working too hard, conscience. Relax.
  10320. "'Course not, Cel. But first, we have to sneak out of the castle. And I've got just the way... Follow me!"
  10322. > Oh balcony, how I missed you.
  10323. > You're in the empty room which is next to yours and Celestia's.
  10324. > Well, out on that room's balcony.
  10325. > You were leaning over the rail, looking out at the courtyard.
  10326. > You and Cel had sleuthed your way through the hallways.
  10327. > Entirely undetected.
  10328. > Except for twice.
  10329. > Turns out big-ass Alicorns were not good at being sneaky.
  10330. > And neither are humans in an Equine-only society.
  10331. > But none of the guards or maids who spotted you questioned your actions.
  10332. > And you had avoided the guards in front of your room, whom would inform Shadewing and Moonlight on you.
  10333. > Which is good.
  10334. > "So... We're jumping down?"
  10335. > You look back to her.
  10336. > Sizing her up.
  10337. > It might work.
  10338. "Well, you're jumping down. I'm carefully scaling walls, and avoiding bushes."
  10339. > At that, she scoffed.
  10340. > What, was she doubting your plan at this point?
  10341. > You had plotted out every step!
  10342. > But suddenly, your stomach lurched.
  10343. > And you were on the ground below.
  10344. > Leaning forward.
  10345. > But minus the handrail.
  10346. > Oh.
  10347. > Teleportation.
  10348. > You forgot about that.
  10349. > As you slide forward to land on your face on the soft grass of the Castle Courtyard.
  10350. > Turning around, you look up to Cel.
  10351. > Who seemed to fare much better with this whole teleportation thing.
  10352. > Standing up, her hoof at her mouth, stifling chuckles.
  10353. "Hey now, I'm still injured missus. Can't be just tossing me around like that."
  10354. > Her chuckles can be stifled no further as you put on a wounded expression.
  10355. > As she desperately tries to control her laughter at your misfortune.
  10356. > "Sorry, Anonymous. But you looked so bewildered..."
  10357. > Well, you were making her laugh.
  10358. > That's a good first step to a date.
  10360. > Eventually, you found your way back up onto your feet.
  10361. > Dusting yourself off, and adjusting your clothing.
  10362. > It felt nice to be in normal clothing again.
  10363. > You departed swiftly, towards the outer walls of the keep.
  10364. > Carefully avoiding any patrols.
  10365. > With the sun still up in the sky, though angled given it was afternoon, there were plenty of shadows to keep to.
  10366. > Though you mutually doubted shadows would do you much good.
  10367. > But, miraculously, you both managed to find your to the exterior walls.
  10368. > Using a bit of Cel's magic to dissolve a segment of wall, then restore it.
  10369. > And exiting into the Noble District.
  10370. > You could tell by all the ponies staring upward like the clouds were raining chocolate.
  10371. > Not even sparing a glance for where they were going.
  10372. > Expecting the seas to part for them.
  10373. > The imagery amused you immensely.
  10374. > It almost made you wish you could make it true.
  10375. > This was the home of the ponies you had been dealing with the past few days.
  10376. > The political class.
  10377. > But this was not the end of your journey.
  10378. > Not by a long shot.
  10379. > And you could not give up your stealth just yet...
  10380. > There was a chance Cel and you could still be recognized in this part of town.
  10381. > Hell, you recognized some ponies from where you were standing.
  10382. > And they were not nearly as noteworthy as you two were.
  10383. > No, you needed to go somewhere else.
  10384. > Somewhere... Better suited to the tastes of an Aetherite.
  10385. > So you grabbed her wing, and gently pulled her in the direction of an alley.
  10386. > "Where in the world are we going?"
  10387. > She sounds concerned.
  10388. > But hopefully she trusts you...
  10389. > You laugh.
  10390. > As if you would show your hand at this point.
  10391. "C'mon. I just hope that map was right..."
  10392. > A map of Canterlot.
  10393. > Procured by one Isthmus Waves.
  10394. > Who was waiting for you at the final portion of your plan.
  10395. > With everything you needed.
  10396. "Hurry up!"
  10398. --------------------------------------------------------------
  10400. > Slowly, you and Cel stalked through the back alleys of the Canterlot Noble District.
  10401. > Like a couple of common thieves.
  10402. > You even had a jacket with a hood, pulled up over your head.
  10403. > Gotta stay anonymous, after all.
  10404. > And despite not being here long...
  10405. > As the only human, with a very distinct scar, you were recognizable.
  10406. > So, secretive it was.
  10407. > Though, you theoretically owned the city.
  10408. > But where was the fun using that?
  10409. > "Anonymous, this is insane. We could get foalnapped out here or something!"
  10410. > She's got excitement in her voice, despite the worried nature of her plea.
  10411. > You look back, a smug smile plastered on your face.
  10412. "You're a freakin' Demigod and I'm one of the best fighters in Aetherium, when I'm trying. We're all good."
  10413. > She puffed out her cheeks at that.
  10414. > Moving to bat at you with her wing again.
  10415. > But you caught it this time.
  10416. > Your fingers twisting along the muscles.
  10417. > Which caused a blush across her face, and a stiffening of the joint.
  10418. > "Stop that! And I'm not a God, Anon!"
  10419. > It was adorable to see her do that.
  10420. > But, you had places to be.
  10421. > Or your contact would be mad.
  10422. "Let's go, we're on a schedule here Cel. And your silliness is making us late."
  10423. > You say it with a sternness that was unbecoming of your behaviour.
  10424. > Before you deftly turned and broke into a sprint down the alleyway.
  10425. > "Wait!"
  10426. > Celestia rapidly broke into a sprint to follow you.
  10427. > Reaching the end of the alley, you peered out into the city streets.
  10428. > Too populous.
  10429. > Far too populous.
  10430. > You'd be identified in a second.
  10431. > You needed something...
  10432. > Looking up, you see a series of indentatons on the wall that would enable you to climb up.
  10433. > And a line you could shimmy across the street with...
  10434. > But your arm is still not in tip-top shape.
  10435. > Time to cheat.
  10436. > Cel nearly crashes into you trying to stop in time from her mad dash to catch up to you.
  10437. > And you look at her exasperated face with mirth.
  10438. "Mind teleporting us to the alley across the street?"
  10440. > Gods, Cel would be so useful back in Aetherium.
  10441. > Traversing the city streets while avoiding guards was always a challenge back home.
  10442. > All those times your father invariably got sick of your carousing and sent out the guards to capture you.
  10443. > And you'd be in the alleys, middle of the night, nothing but your boxer shorts and fleeing a bar his goons had broken into.
  10444. > Good times.
  10445. > And those times would have been made so much better with her magic.
  10446. > Though there would be less tits involved, you supposed.
  10447. > She might not take kindly to the kind of carousing your father typically railed against.
  10448. > "Where... Are... We... Going..."
  10449. > She's so out of breath.
  10450. > She must not get much exercise, if she's exhausted after just this.
  10451. > Looking back, you can see her formerly brushed mane is now beginning to get messed up.
  10452. > Perfect.
  10453. > It would help maintain the illusion.
  10454. "Well, I suppose we're close enough now that I could tell you. We're headed to the Underbelly."
  10455. > Her eyes widen at that.
  10456. > And you can see the shock crossing her features.
  10457. > Oh, silly Cel.
  10458. "Wait, wait. I know what you're going to say, and I assure you, I can handle it."
  10459. > "Anon! The Underbelly is the most dangerous part of Canterlot! Are you wanting us to get stabbed?"
  10460. > Her hushed voice is filled with panic.
  10461. > And her breath is beginning to become even more laboured and quick.
  10462. > You gently place one of your hands on her neck and begin to scratch.
  10463. "Cel, Cel. Calm down. Deep breaths. The seediest pony place can't hold a candle to the seedy bars I've been to in Freemark, I assure you. I've got this."
  10464. > She's starting to breathe slower.
  10465. > The panic subsiding.
  10466. > But she still looks intensely uncomfortable.
  10467. "Listen. The commoners are my folk back home, I know how to speak to them. We've got this."
  10468. > Looking deep into your eyes, and still breathing heavy, as she looks at you like you're crazy.
  10469. > But, as ever, your charming smile wins out.
  10470. > "Fine. But at the first sign of trouble... We're out of there."
  10472. > Cel had thereafter offered to just teleport you to the region...
  10473. > But where was the fun in that?
  10474. > Most of the fun was the chase.
  10475. > And it was quite fun indeed.
  10476. > Especially watching Cel desperately try to keep up.
  10477. "C'mon Cel, gotta work off all those castle treats."
  10478. > You were currently atop a long set of stairs.
  10479. > Which led to a guard-post on the wall dividing the quarters.
  10480. > You had little trouble navigating the Merchant Quarter with Cel on your side.
  10481. > But the Underbelly was a bit of a different question.
  10482. > It didn't directly connect to the rest of Canterlot proper.
  10483. > Keeping the plebs away from the titled and the wealthy.
  10484. > Such is the nature of a rich capital.
  10485. > But there was a route between them; a guard outpost.
  10486. > All transit between the quarters required a security check.
  10487. > Since there were regulations on what could enter the good portions of Canterlot.
  10488. > But it was trivial to pass through the other way.
  10489. > The guards let you through with a simple nod.
  10490. > Not even realizing they'd just let the Prince and Princess through.
  10491. > Paying so little attention...
  10492. > "I can't... believe... they didn't notice!"
  10493. > Celestia is practically giddy over it.
  10494. > Though she struggles with getting out the words.
  10495. > You've both ducked into another abandoned alley.
  10496. > This time one where you might actually have to worry about thugs.
  10497. > But, despite the title, the Underbelly isn't really so bad.
  10498. > It's just a peasant town built under Canterlot.
  10499. > Farmers community, really.
  10500. > In a city as wealthy as Canterlot, the average pony was seen as poor.
  10501. > So the quarter was actually very well kept and maintained, and the ponies nice and hardworking.
  10502. > It just got a bad rap in the other segments.
  10503. > Or so you'd been told by Waves, this morning.
  10504. > Who apparently grew up in the Underbelly.
  10505. > She was instrumental in helping you plan this.
  10506. > And you now needed to find her.
  10507. "Well, Cel. Time to see how the commons react to seeing us."
  10508. > And with that, you stepped out of the alley.
  10509. > And into the bustling evening streets of the Canterlot Underbelly.
  10511. > "Bloody humans. They get themselves a royal and suddenly they're all comin' back like they own the bloody place..."
  10512. > The words were muttered between two stallions at a box across the street.
  10513. > No doubt they expected you to hear them.
  10514. > But they amuse you to no end.
  10515. > "I know, roight? But if the big cheeses say they's fine, then they's fine. Just wish them'd stay up in the fancy parts-o-town."
  10516. > You let out a chuckle, making sure not to look over there.
  10517. > Didn't want to pick a fight, after all.
  10518. > For her part, Celestia is sweating like crazy.
  10519. > Worried somepony's going to recognize her and try something crazy.
  10520. > But none do.
  10521. > The ponies down here...
  10522. > They'd never have seen Cel.
  10523. > They'd never have even been to the Noble quarter, much less the Castle.
  10524. > Much less seen Cel herself enough to recognize her in the different state she was in.
  10525. > It reminded you of the first few times you went out into the seedier bits of Freemark.
  10526. > No one had recognized their Crown Prince once you had on some simple peasant clothes.
  10527. > Even had various shops and bars give you tabs, thinking you were an orphan they were looking out for.
  10528. > Until eventually the town caught on by the guards that tried to find you everywhere.
  10529. > And your father plastering the city with posters.
  10530. > Hmm...
  10531. > You wonder how much he spent on trying to regulate you, on reflection.
  10532. > "Anon... Can we go back to sneaking? This is just... weird."
  10533. > You look over at her, and see her head snapping around, watching for anything strange like a guard dog.
  10534. "Relax, Skies. No one's noticed anything, yet."
  10535. > Celestial Skies, her full name.
  10536. > Looking back up to you, she's initially confused.
  10537. > But she quickly seems to get what you mean.
  10538. > "Well fine, Mouse. Here's hoping that holds tru-"
  10539. > "Anon!"
  10540. > Cel's head whips up at the call, her eyes wide with terror.
  10541. > Doubtless she thinks your cover is blown.
  10542. > But the rest of the ponies in the streets remain quiet.
  10543. > The only one making a ruckus being a petite white mare with the weird wings.
  10544. > Waving at you beside a big bag.
  10545. > Perfect.
  10546. "Hey, Waves!"
  10548. > "Isthmus, what in the world are you doing down here?"
  10549. > Celestia's worry now extending to Waves, who stuck out much worse than you or her.
  10550. > Well, worse than her.
  10551. > You still stuck out pretty bad.
  10552. > But fortunately nopony had put two and two together just yet.
  10553. > Gently, you knelt down, and opened the bag.
  10554. > "I grew up down here, Princ-"
  10555. > Your hand shoots up, and covers her mouth.
  10556. > And you give her a look.
  10557. > A look that just screams 'Don't you fucking blow this, or you'll be in so much trouble.'
  10558. > She nods, with your hand still over her mouth.
  10559. > And as you remove it, does a zipping motion over her lips.
  10560. "You can call her Skies, for now."
  10561. > At that, Waves looks up to Celestia.
  10562. > "Sorry, Skies."
  10563. > Cel, for her part, keeps her composure during the little exchange.
  10564. > Though you can feel the amusement she's concealing.
  10565. > "It's alright, my little pony. Although I'm beginning to question whether the Chaos magic has already won given this little plan..."
  10566. > Hah, as if insane you could develop such an ingenious plan.
  10567. > Firstly, you withdrew a picnic basket.
  10568. > From which you tossed Celestia an apple slice.
  10569. > Which she caught in her mouth, and chewed, and swallowed.
  10570. > Before looking perplexed at you.
  10571. > "A picnic? You know, Anon, we could have done this in the..."
  10572. > She trails off as you pull out Luna's violin.
  10573. > And the bow.
  10574. > As you set up the violin case in front of you, as though for donations.
  10575. > The varied ponies in the street barely notice.
  10576. > "Anon, what are you doing?"
  10577. > You look over to her with a smile.
  10578. > Time to shine, Prince of Love.
  10579. "The only kind of magic I really know how to work."
  10580. > And with that, you lay the bow across the strings.
  10581. > Hopefully this worked the same for ponies as it did for humans.
  10582. > Or you were going to look really stupid.
  10584. -------------------------------------------------
  10586. > As you slowly draw the bow across the strings, the note echoes out through the streets.
  10587. > Ponies are immediately struck by it, and looking towards you.
  10588. > Which generates worry from Cel.
  10589. > And excitement from Waves, who knew your plan already.
  10590. > "Anonymous, you're getting a lot of attention..."
  10591. > Celestia's words echo in your ears.
  10592. > You smile over the violin at her.
  10593. "That's the idea. This is an old human hymn, just let the music flow through you..."
  10594. > You draw the note once more, and you see Celestia's eyes start to sparkle.
  10595. > You can hear her start humming the tune, following through with your draw.
  10596. > A number of ponies stopping what they're doing to gaze upon the strange new human.
  10597. > You imagined most of these ponies wouldn't know this song.
  10598. "Better get ready, Cel. Your part is coming up."
  10599. > A smug smile on your face.
  10600. > But a look of shock on hers.
  10601. > "But, Anon! I don't know the words..."
  10602. "You will. I hope, anyway."
  10603. > You continue with the long, drawn-out notes.
  10604. > Filling the streets with the echoes of music.
  10605. > A few ponies have gotten up and moved over in your direction.
  10606. > But you weren't interested in only nabbing a few...
  10607. > Striking the note at the beginning of the chorus, you feel the magic surge.
  10608. > Harmony flowing from your fingertips, through the violin, into the air.
  10609. > And as you let the chord flow out...
  10610. > You see recognition in her eyes.
  10611. > She doesn't know the song.
  10612. > But she didn't need to know it to sing it.
  10613. "Come follow me, Cel."
  10614. > Slowly, you began moving back.
  10615. > Losing yourself in the tune of your violin.
  10616. > Letting the long notes guide your steps slowly through the streets.
  10617. > As Celestia slowly moved towards you.
  10618. > Until you struck the right chord.
  10619. > And Celestia's voice echoes out.
  10621. > A long, bright aria.
  10622. > Before launching into the proper words of the hymn.
  10623. > She has a surprised look on her face as the words flow out.
  10624. > On the brief rests, she seems to want to comment.
  10625. > But the next line picks up too quickly.
  10626. > As she continues to move to follow you.
  10627. > As you gently glide through the street.
  10628. > Until she hits the first portion that you would take over for.
  10629. > "I'll set... you... free!"
  10630. > Perfect.
  10631. > It does work the same here.
  10632. > Quickly, you broke into the violin exclusive portion.
  10633. > And Cel worriedly started to panic in her brief moment of clarity.
  10634. > "Anon, what's happening!?"
  10635. > From one of the eves, a pony broke out with a harp.
  10636. > And started playing on their own.
  10637. "Magic."
  10638. > As she moves to interject again...
  10639. > She's once again swept up in the song.
  10640. > Beginning the next line flawlessly.
  10641. > "I am the voice..."
  10642. > As the crowd around you begins to pick up on it.
  10643. > Singing along.
  10644. > None of them could possibly know the words.
  10645. > Even in Aetherium, no one wrote them down.
  10646. > Everyone just... knew them.
  10647. > Apparently everypony did, too.
  10648. > But their voices are drowned out by Celestia.
  10649. > Until the next bridge hits.
  10650. > And a random mare from the crowd moves up with a violin.
  10651. > And begins to play through the portion with you.
  10652. > Sitting still, as you strode around her playing.
  10653. > Competing with one another for the violin portion of the song.
  10654. > The young mare playing a portion.
  10655. > And then you playing it.
  10656. > Before playing the last portion as a unified duo.
  10657. > Until there was a break in the song once more.
  10658. > And Celestia poked her head up over your shoulder, giving the mare a glare and a growl.
  10659. > Until the magic pulled her back to the song.
  10661. > Several ponies begin playing from the windows of the buildings lining the streets.
  10662. > It always stunned you how well this worked.
  10663. > Harps, cellos, a full orchestra, at essence.
  10664. > And your favourite part.
  10665. > Drums.
  10666. > From across the street, a window opens.
  10667. > And the sounds of a loud beating drum echo fourth.
  10668. > "I am the voice of the past that will always be..."
  10669. > To compliment it, you began thudding on the side of your violin in tune.
  10670. > As you stopped playing the strings for the remainder.
  10671. > Letting the crowd around you carry the tune.
  10672. > Your footwork getting more complicated, as you danced back and forth with Cel as she sung.
  10673. > Getting lost in the music.
  10674. > And in one another's eyes as it guides you...
  10675. > To your mutual excited smiles.
  10676. > As you faced one another.
  10677. > Lost in a crowd of the commonfolk.
  10678. > "I am the voice..."
  10679. > Slowly, the tune fades out.
  10680. > Enhanced by the voices of the townsfolk of the Underbelly.
  10681. > The thudding cries of easily a hundred ponies singing it all around you.
  10682. > Yet the only one you could hear was Celestia.
  10683. > Holding the long note.
  10684. > Until it finishes.
  10685. > And you and Cel stand in a huge circle of ponies.
  10686. > With Cel having a huge, stupid, excited smile on her face.
  10687. > And an immense racket emerged from the crowd.
  10688. > Surrounded by commoners who are thudding their hooves to the ground in applause.
  10689. > Yet, even still you could scarcely hear them.
  10690. > Until a single word echoes out, and is quickly picked up.
  10691. > "Encore!"
  10692. > The sentiment is quickly echoed throughout the crowd.
  10693. > First, you looked over to Cel.
  10694. > And she seemed bewildered beyond belief.
  10695. > Second, you looked over to the stallion who yelled it with a grin.
  10696. > Before you returned the bow to the violin.
  10698. > "Why, I've never felt anything like that 'afore! What in the world sorcery do you have, Hummie?"
  10699. > You ignore the slightly derogatory term, assuming he just didn't know better.
  10700. > Patting the stallion on the head.
  10701. "My good stallion, it's a song from my homeland. One every human knows, and apparently everypony as well."
  10702. > You and Cel were moving back through the streets to where Waves was.
  10703. > Where you had begun.
  10704. > But with a giant crowd now.
  10705. > You and Cel had easily been going for almost two hours now.
  10706. > Playing and singing to the crowd.
  10707. > And them playing and singing back.
  10708. > Most all of the Harmonious Melodies you knew.
  10709. > Old magic, older than the Equestrian presence on this continent.
  10710. > Enchanted into the very air by ancient humans when they ruled.
  10711. > Ages ago.
  10712. > You gaze around at the crowd of excited fans.
  10713. > Luckily, no guards to recognize you among them.
  10714. > The Underbelly tended to lack any real formal protection, or so you had been told.
  10715. > Which was fortunate.
  10716. > "My, you ought to go see the new Prince! They'd pay a million bits up in the fancy part of town for something like that."
  10717. > It brought a chuckle to your face.
  10718. > It's stunning that they didn't know about that sort of magic here.
  10719. > You'd think they would have mastered it, they tended to enjoy the exotic.
  10720. > They tended to study it.
  10721. > "Where did you learn to do that, Mouse?"
  10722. > The false name was growing on you.
  10723. > Your wife walks right alongside you.
  10724. > Exceptionally excited.
  10725. "Every human knows it, Skies. Just a matter of getting it right."
  10726. > She's been chatting with ponies since you ended the song.
  10727. > And been dancing and swinging around with them all afternoon.
  10728. > And scaring off curious mares moving on you, in the process.
  10729. > You can't fight off the stupid smile on your face.
  10730. > It was nice seeing things go to plan, for once.
  10731. > Back in your element.
  10732. > The average, everyday citizen.
  10733. > They weren't so different from the ones back in Aetherium.
  10735. > Reaching back where your violin case is, you find it stuffed with bits.
  10736. > Touching, to see the ponies who were already downtrodden give up so much.
  10737. > For a bit of entertainment.
  10738. "Folks, you know I couldn't possibly make use of all this!"
  10739. > The ponies all have massive smiles on their face.
  10740. > So little to their names...
  10741. > Yet so much happier than the ponies in the higher quarters.
  10742. > And willing to sacrifice so much more for the happiness of others.
  10743. > You look back to Cel.
  10744. > Who is looking at the massive pile of bits with discomfort.
  10745. > Does she think you're taking it for yourself?
  10746. > That was hardly your style.
  10747. > Gesturing to it, Waves moved toward it.
  10748. > Sealing up the case.
  10749. "Do you folks know the way to the orphanage? I've a donation to make on behalf of the good citizens of Canterlot!"
  10750. > You gesture grandly to the violin case.
  10751. > Cheers echo out through the crowd.
  10752. > Children were the route to the hearts of the commons.
  10753. > In the city, at least. Countryfolk tended to be less concerned.
  10754. > But in the poor parts of the cities, they were paramount.
  10755. > Especially children who had little future.
  10756. > Waves heaved it over her back.
  10757. > Trying to balance it along with the regular black bag filled with snacks and other utilities for the evening.
  10758. > But you quickly picked it up off of her, noticing how awkward that made her trot.
  10759. > But damn, is this thing heavy now.
  10760. > And Cel quickly takes it up in her magic.
  10761. > As the three of you began following the crowd down the streets.
  10762. > Merrymaking all the way, the ponies now sloppily singing the verses to the songs.
  10763. > Leading you to an orphanage.
  10764. > "This... This was amazing, Anonymous."
  10765. > She's so happy looking.
  10766. > Happier than you'd ever seen her.
  10767. "It's not over yet, Cel. I've got quite a bit in store yet..."
  10769. > Eventually, the crowd got you to the building.
  10770. > Where you went in, and emptied bits on the table.
  10771. > "S-sir? What in the world are you-"
  10772. > And you closed the door behind you.
  10773. > Good deed for the day done.
  10774. > As you turned to address your fans.
  10775. "Now, there's one last thing to address. A day is not complete without getting utterly trashed! Where's the tavern?"
  10776. > A roar of approval echoes out from the assembly.
  10777. > Many of them dashing off down the road.
  10778. > "Mareiarty's, my friend! Best pints in all'o the Underbelly, I sware ye."
  10779. > You smile, patting the... oddly accented mare on the shoulder.
  10780. "To Mareiarty's it is! Onwards!"
  10781. > Yet another roar of approval, and following chatter.
  10782. > Celestia once again moving up beside you.
  10783. > She seems completely unfazed by the crowd.
  10784. > "This is crazy, Anon. All my life I'd been told these ponies were the scum of Equestria, and to never go near here..."
  10785. > She whispers the words to you.
  10786. > Her illusions breaking down around her.
  10787. > You recall your arrival the first night, so high above the commons.
  10788. > She probably got flown everywhere else, never seeing these types.
  10789. > Your hand rests upon the back of her neck.
  10790. "Hey now, they probably are scum. Oi, good sir! Are you scum?"
  10791. > Her eyes widen as you address somepony.
  10792. > A stallion, looking a little grimy.
  10793. > Who looks back at you with a knowing smile.
  10794. > "City-proper mare, is she? Well, y'guessed right ma'm. Scum, the lot of us."
  10795. > Cel's face goes beet red at that.
  10796. > Evidently expecting to not be called out on it.
  10797. > But he nudges her side with a hoof.
  10798. > "Don't worry, lass. We're used to that sort of perception. Stunned a mare like you'd take to a human, though. World's getting weirder by the minute, though I guess the Princess is probably setting a fad!"
  10799. > That comment rouses some chuckles from the assembly of ponies.
  10800. > And further embarrassment from Cel.
  10801. > But she does manage a response.
  10802. > "She might've had a hoof in my decision, or four."
  10803. > Gods, this just felt right.
  10805. > Arriving at the bar, the sun is about setting.
  10806. > Apparently, Cel had been covertly doing her job while you were out here.
  10807. > Moving the sun.
  10808. > Without all the flash and spectacle she did most times you watched her.
  10809. > You wondered if grandiose gestures made it easier...
  10810. > Or if she was just trying to impress you all those times.
  10811. > Irrelevant!
  10812. "Barkeep! Rounds for these lot are on me, tonight!"
  10813. > And with that, you tossed a bag on the counter.
  10814. > Filled with a few Platinum Sovereigns.
  10815. > A special form of Equestrian currency for huge purchases.
  10816. > And it just so happened that your father had sent you with them just in case.
  10817. > When he looks inside, the Barkeep is shocked.
  10818. > "I... I need to send some people out, get in some more workers. Misty, cover the counter!"
  10819. > You laughed loudly, as you moved over to a booth with Cel and Waves.
  10820. > The rest of the party chanting out 'He's a jolly good stallion, yes he's a jolly-good stallion...'
  10821. > And thanking you for letting them get plastered that evening.
  10822. > And the great day beforehand.
  10823. > It made you wonder what they thought you were.
  10824. > You told them you were a travelling adventurer.
  10825. > And Cel was your princess rescued from a castle.
  10826. > They took it as a joke, laughing it off.
  10827. > Despite its accuracy.
  10828. "So, what'll you be having?"
  10829. > Waves instantly jumped up for a particular brew, apparently made near the base of the mountain.
  10830. > Which you conceded to try, since you had no clue about Equestrian alcohol.
  10831. > Cel, on the other hand...
  10832. > "But... I just don't know. I've only ever drank once, our wedding night, and that ended terribly..."
  10833. > She's stunningly open about it in front of Waves.
  10834. > Though you suppose Waves probably took it as a reference to your disappearance.
  10835. "Well, I'll try not to get kidnapped this time."
  10836. > She flusters at the comment, and hooves you in the side as you laugh.
  10837. > As a mare walked over to your booth.
  10838. > "Can I get you anything?"
  10839. "Three of... What was it called, Waves?"
  10840. > "Augeron Celebrator Doppelbock!"
  10842. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  10844. > Waves hadn't lied.
  10845. > It was a fantastic brew.
  10846. > You were nursing your third now.
  10847. > And softly staring out the window at the now-rainy streets of the Underbelly.
  10848. > And far from smashed, but the night was still early.
  10849. > "Blech!"
  10850. > But Cel could barely choke it down.
  10851. > Damn if she wasn't trying, though. Trying a bunch of different ones.
  10852. > "I... I'm not so sure beer is right for me."
  10853. > Well... Your first time with beer wasn't much better.
  10854. > Your hand was gently massaging her back, your left holding your drink.
  10855. > "Well, missy, I can understand that. This swill ain't suited for much better than our sort, though your boy seems to be faring a bit better."
  10856. > You smirked.
  10857. > A number of the ponies had joined the table with you, Cel, and Waves.
  10858. > And they were having fun throughout the bar.
  10859. > Cheering, singing, carrying along.
  10860. > It was your environment.
  10861. > Slowly, you moved your hand down.
  10862. > Such that your hand was caressing Cel's wingjoint.
  10863. > Which caused her to stiffen under your hand.
  10864. "Well, I imagine there wasn't much in the way of good beer in the dungeon I rescued her from. Probably a bunch of sissy wines, knowing the royal type!"
  10865. > Your table is amused by the imagery, but one stallion takes it in the perfect direction.
  10866. > "No doubt! Dragon's sittin' o'er there with a monocle, off'rin' ya some crumpets!"
  10867. > With that, laugher erupts.
  10868. > From everyone but Cel.
  10869. > Who is desperately trying to keep a straight face.
  10870. > As you messed with her wings under her dress.
  10871. > You're sure, if not for the dress, they would have flung out.
  10872. > "Mouse, dear... We're in public..."
  10873. > She whispers it in your ear, desperately.
  10874. > Fortunately, no ponies would suspect a thing.
  10875. > After all, she's just a unicorn, right?
  10876. > Nothing on her back for you to mess with.
  10878. "I have no idea what you're talking about, sweetie. Here."
  10879. > You draw out yet another apple slice from the small container on the table.
  10880. > One you had brought with you from the castle.
  10881. > And fed it to Cel.
  10882. > Who puffs out her cheeks with indignation as you look at her chew.
  10883. > You keep an amused look on your face as you take another swig of beer.
  10884. > One of the mares at the table...
  10885. > Aria Starc, if you recall correctly.
  10886. > Is sloppily drawing the bow across Luna's violin on the table.
  10887. > Before settling back down, looking defeated.
  10888. > "How in the world do you do that stuff, Mouse? Ain't never seen a Hummie play like that a'fore, even backs when Canterlot had lotsuv 'em."
  10889. > You chuckle.
  10890. > Lifting up the bow and drawing it across, letting out a tune.
  10891. > And just the simple sounds from it drawing the attentions of the whole pub now.
  10892. > Silence reigning for a brief second, before the chaotic nature of the room took back over.
  10893. > When the ponies finally realized you weren't planning another tune.
  10894. > You smile up to Starc.
  10895. "My mother taught me, when I was very young, the chords to trigger the magic. It's something my family uses to inspire people back in Aetherium."
  10896. > Her eyes are shining looking back at you.
  10897. > You wonder how old she is.
  10898. > "Are you a family of bards, then?"
  10899. > The question comes from one of the stallions.
  10900. > Bards, that gave you a chuckle.
  10901. > Your Grandfather was Culcarius the Bard, after all.
  10902. "Something like that."
  10903. > With that, you withdraw your torture from Cel.
  10904. > Raising your hand to point at the grizzled looking Gryphon across the table.
  10905. "So, Talon! I've been meaning to ask all night, but I'm finally drunk enough. What brings a Gryphon all the way to Canterlot?"
  10906. > The Gryphon snorts at that, something resembling a smirk forming on his chipped beak.
  10907. > "Well, y'see, I had this contract with a sort-of-religious figure out East..."
  10909. "So I can barely see straight, I'm so disoriented. And then bam! Blade right across the face. Hurt like a bitch later, but I didn't even feel it in the moment."
  10910. > You're officially properly drunk.
  10911. > "And I have to come drag his sorry hide out of there! He was about to get killed!"
  10912. > And Cel is... pretty close to as drunk.
  10913. > Sitting in your lap
  10914. > Half sprawled onto the table.
  10915. > With you rubbing her neck, keeping your hands above the dress line that concealed her wings.
  10916. > You swat her with the back of your hand.
  10917. "I had things perfectly under-"
  10918. > You're cut off by the thudding sound of the tavern door opening.
  10919. > And the immense, crashing sound of the rain outside becoming the dominant noise inside.
  10920. > Silence reigns in the bar, as six Royal Guards enter.
  10921. > They move over to the nearest table, and begin questioning.
  10922. > From your shadowed corner, they can't see you.
  10923. > What in the world...
  10924. > Staring over, you took one last swig of your beer before setting it down.
  10925. > Cel seemed to sober up quick, sliding back into your booth.
  10926. > As whispers started spreading.
  10927. > "They're looking for a human..."
  10928. > Shit.
  10929. > The eyes of the whole bar are fluttering between you and the guards.
  10930. > And you pull up your hood and slide back into the chair.
  10931. > As you notice ponies begin manoeuvring to shield you from view.
  10932. > That was beautiful.
  10933. > Your table fairly obscured from view.
  10934. > As Talon, the Gryphon at your table, got up and moved over to the guards.
  10935. > "Gentlestallions, I can assure you, there are no criminal types here. Just a bunch of ponies having a good ti-"
  10936. > "Silence, Gryphon. I know he's here, and I will have him."
  10937. > Cel gasped at that.
  10938. > And your eyes widened.
  10939. > You knew that voice.
  10940. > 'You don't deserve her.'
  10941. > Abyssal Shelf.
  10942. > Celestia's dad.
  10944. > "Listen here, you stuffed cock. You go find that human, and tell him that the Guards told me they saw him entering the Underbelly, and I want my daughter."
  10945. > What in the nine hells...
  10946. > The Gryphon, to his credit, plays it off fairly smoothly.
  10947. > "We had a human in our entourage earlier, but he excused himself to go-"
  10948. > "Take him into custody. Contact Heated Steel at once."
  10949. > Your eyes widen looking in the Gryphon's direction.
  10950. > He briefly glances back to you, before looking at the soldiers.
  10951. > And presenting his talons for manacles.
  10952. > Celestia is about to move.
  10953. > But you beat her to the punch.
  10954. "Stop. That's an order."
  10955. > You stood up, and moved out from the booth.
  10956. > Looking across the bar at Abyssal, and taking down your hood.
  10957. > Which doesn't seem to soothe him.
  10958. > In fact, you see rage build in his eyes.
  10959. > As he starts to storm through the bar.
  10960. > As he approaches, he practically growls out a demand.
  10961. > "Anonymous, you're going to tell me where my daughter is, and then you and I are going to have a long talk."
  10962. > That starts up the gasps.
  10963. > The common ponies might not have recognized your face.
  10964. > But your new friends certainly recognized your name.
  10965. > But your drunken companion, Aria Starc, seems to not fully catch on.
  10966. > And moves up toward Abyssal, getting in his way.
  10967. > "That's not the Prince, this is Mouse! He's our friend!"
  10968. > To which Abyssal casually pushes her aside.
  10969. > "Don't touch me, commoner. And that is your Prince, and he's responsible for kidnapping the Princess, from the looks of things."
  10970. > At that, Cel can take no more, it seems.
  10971. > And emerges from her booth.
  10972. > Standing meekly beside you before her father.
  10973. > "I... I came of my own accord, Dad."
  10974. > That prompts a lot more gasps.
  10975. > Setting the tavern aflame with whispers about the Prince and the Princess.
  10976. > Even Aria turns around, looking awed at the two of you.
  10977. > Before dropping into a deep bow.
  10978. > As did the rest of the bar.
  10980. "Please, my ponies! Rise up, there's no need for that sort of thing here."
  10981. > They don't seem to reply, still shocked by the revelation.
  10982. > But Abyssal doesn't seem to care.
  10983. > As he looks back to address his guard entourage.
  10984. > "Ardent Spear, please escort my daughter and her husband back to their quarters. I'll be by-"
  10985. "No. Ardent Spear, stand your ground."
  10986. > Cel's eyes seem to bug out at that.
  10987. > But you weren't going to be pushed around.
  10988. > Especially not by him.
  10989. > The guard stands shock-still at the other end of the room.
  10990. > Which brings a grin to your face.
  10991. > And your grin only gets larger as you see Abyssal look back to you.
  10992. > Pure anger on his muzzle.
  10993. > "Don't try me, boy. Celestia, you're to go back this moment."
  10994. > Celestia moves to obey.
  10995. > "Yes, dad..."
  10996. > When a hand on her chest stops her.
  10997. > And you look down into her eyes.
  10998. > "Anon?"
  10999. "You're the princess, not him. Much as he might like to be. You seemed to be having fun here, and you can stay here if you want, or leave if you'd prefer. But it's your choice, not his."
  11000. > You can practically hear his teeth grinding.
  11001. > It's... satisfying.
  11002. > After having his words burning in the back of your head for so long now.
  11003. > Cel looks incredibly troubled.
  11004. > Her gaze shooting back and forth between you and her father.
  11005. > Before she sighed deeply.
  11006. > And, locking her eyes to her hooves, replied.
  11007. > "Sorry, Dad. But I'm going to stay here. I'm... I'm having fun, and I could use some of that right now."
  11008. > At that, the enraged expression he was shooting at you broke.
  11009. > And he looked back to Cel.
  11010. > "Celie..."
  11011. > There's a desperation, but he rapidly masked it.
  11012. > "You... I raised you better than this, Celestia."
  11013. > But that was all you needed.
  11014. > Hopefully this bridge wouldn't be too badly burned.
  11016. "Ardent Spear, please escort Lord Abyssal back to the Noble Quarter."
  11017. > And with that, the guard moved.
  11018. > But Abyssal didn't give him the opportunity.
  11019. > Abruptly about-facing and walking quickly out of the bar.
  11020. > The door shutting loudly behind him.
  11021. > Until the guards scamper to leave after him.
  11022. > And in the aftermath, a silence reigns in the room.
  11023. > Awkward.
  11024. "Well, cat's out of the bag, I suppose. So... Reintroductions. I'm Anonymous, this is Celestia. We're your... Uh... Rulers."
  11025. > It continues to be quiet, for a second, before Talon rises up.
  11026. > The Gryphon approaches you, and sizes you up.
  11027. > Before punching you in the gut.
  11028. > "Not my ruler, Hummie!"
  11029. > Before he barked a laugh out.
  11030. > In your silence, afterward, the ponies are silent, eyes wide.
  11031. > Until Talon stops chuckling.
  11032. > And looks up to you.
  11033. > Gulping.
  11034. "I'll have you know you just assaulted a Royal. Your punishment will be..."
  11035. > His eyes go wide staring at you.
  11036. > As you hold out a thumb.
  11037. > Before turning it down.
  11038. > Gasps throughout the bar.
  11039. > As you speak his fate...
  11040. "Paying for my drinks, Arkath!"
  11041. > Arkath, meaning under-feathered.
  11042. > An insult among Talon's Peak Gryphons, you hoped it held true for their sort elsewhere.
  11043. > But the Gryphon seems to get it.
  11044. > Breaking his solemn look, and beginning to laugh alongside you.
  11045. > Which instantly melts the tension in the room.
  11046. > "A round for the Prince! And one for the Princess, too!"
  11047. > A cheer echoes out through the room.
  11048. > And things start picking up once again.
  11049. > "How in the world did you do that, Anon..."
  11050. > You smile down at Cel, looking bewildered at how things turned out.
  11051. > As you scratch her ears once again.
  11052. "Magic."
  11054. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  11056. "Another! I can't even taste them anymore!"
  11057. > Your command is met with a plethora of cheers.
  11058. > And a beer slid across to you.
  11059. > You have a bit of trouble reading the label.
  11060. > But it looks intoxicating.
  11061. > Ha.
  11062. > Intoxicating.
  11063. > Because it's alcohol.
  11064. > You are Celestia.
  11065. > And you're a lot drunker than you were on your wedding night.
  11066. > You clearly didn't have any proper understanding of what 'smashed' was.
  11067. > Given your lack of experience with alcohol, that seems sensible.
  11068. > "Well now, Princess. I never took you for one to put so much away and still stay standing!"
  11069. > You put the beer down.
  11070. > Carefully.
  11071. > Slowly...
  11072. > Bam.
  11073. > Beer's on the table.
  11074. > Magic is weird shit when you're drunk.
  11075. "Alicorn constu- Constitm- hardiness, friendly beer bringer."
  11076. > Your words are probably less perfect than you think they are.
  11077. > Especially given the reaction of the ponies to your statement.
  11078. > The ponies at the table all breaking out into laugher.
  11079. > This was fun.
  11080. > You couldn't even remember what you were so worried about earlier.
  11081. > Now all you could focus on were the warm fuzzies.
  11082. > And...
  11083. > Well, not just the fuzzies.
  11084. > You could focus on somehuman as well.
  11085. > Somehuman who you can't stop rubbing your face against.
  11086. > He's just so soft.
  11087. > Or maybe you're soft.
  11088. > One of you is soft, and it feels good rubbing against that one.
  11089. > He's got a set of cards out on the table, playing some game you don't recognize.
  11090. > You're supposed to be watching to learn.
  11091. > But you're not really paying attention to it.
  11093. > It's good that you had stayed.
  11094. > You're stunned Anon stood up to your dad like that...
  11095. > You thought tonight was going to end horribly as a result.
  11096. > With you and Anonymous going back to the palace dejected for a lecture.
  11097. > But he had stood up to the one pony you never could.
  11098. > Together, you were unstoppable!
  11099. > He could beat up your dad.
  11100. > And you'll beat up Marcus.
  11101. > And together you'll go take on Falwing all on your own.
  11102. > And then you can both go back to the castle and rut.
  11103. > Champions over the world.
  11104. > It's genius!
  11105. > You're going to fly out there right now and teach his older brother a lesson.
  11106. > He wouldn't stand a chance~
  11107. > You hiccuped.
  11108. > And again.
  11109. > "Hiccups, Cel? Tut tut. A rank amateur."
  11110. > Your rustle up your wings.
  11111. > They weren't in any condition to fly cross-country.
  11112. > Well, maybe you wouldn't go fight the world right now.
  11113. > You had a human to cuddle up with right at the moment.
  11114. > To rub up against in the tight confines of the booth.
  11115. > "Call."
  11116. > Anon rolled forward a bunch of peanuts into the pile in the middle.
  11117. > They were using them as their betting currency.
  11118. > They were salty and delicious.
  11119. > Best food.
  11120. > Mmmm....
  11121. > You think Anon's hoof is a good one. cards which you think were good ones in it.
  11122. > But you don't really have any idea.
  11124. > You gently nip at Anon's neck, and you feel him go stiff beneath you.
  11125. > You hope that this is not too far.
  11126. > Last time you were drunk there was all kinda trouble.
  11127. > But he seems relaxed now...
  11128. "This is ok, right Nonny?"
  11129. > It's a whisper at his ear.
  11130. > He smirks, looking down at his hand.
  11131. > His eyes sliding over to you.
  11132. > "I suppose turnabout is fair play, Cel. I was messing with you earlier, after all."
  11133. > That sounds like a green light if ever you've heard one.
  11134. > Maybe he's lightening up.
  11135. > So you continue messing with his neck.
  11136. > It's salty.
  11137. > You're lost in his scent and taste as you nuzzle into his shoulder.
  11138. > He's so warm.
  11139. > You... probably shouldn't give Anonymous a hickey.
  11140. > But then, on the other hoof...
  11141. > You shouldn't be necking him out in public in a bar with the regular ponies.
  11142. > So a little love bite probably wouldn't be that big a deal.
  11143. > Lick.
  11144. > Suckle.
  11145. > When in Roam, do as the Roamans do.
  11146. > And so you continue your little ministrations on his neck.
  11147. > "Full house, I'm afraid. Seems my lady luck here is on my side."
  11148. > A round of groans erupts from the table.
  11149. > Sounds like Anon did well.
  11150. > Looking over his shoulder, you see him pull a mountain of peanuts to his side of the table.
  11151. > A big grin on his face.
  11152. > As he picked up the first one, and cracked it open, he offered you the first nut.
  11153. > Which you took gratefully.
  11154. > Mmm.
  11155. > More salty.
  11156. > This was great.
  11157. > So much better than sitting up in the stuffy castle.
  11158. > Even if you had no idea what in the world you were doing.
  11160. > "Well now, Cel. I know you're a little repressed, but hold it in until we get home."
  11161. > Mm...
  11162. > Anon's voice is soft, like he's whispering in your ear.
  11163. > You cuddle deeper into his chest.
  11164. > Until your mind catches up with his words.
  11165. > What?
  11166. > You snap you out of your daze, and open your eyes.
  11167. > You realized you were nuzzling...
  11168. > Anon's crotch.
  11169. > Oops.
  11170. > You thought this was higher up.
  11171. > But you suppose he was still sitting, you were the only one lying down.
  11172. > Apparently you had decided to lay down at some point.
  11173. > You quickly shoot your head up.
  11174. "I'm alright!"
  11175. > The table chuckles at your reaction, which causes your face to start to burn up.
  11176. > Before Anonymous rubs your side, under the wings.
  11177. > Which serves to soothe your anxiety.
  11178. > And you can feel the confidence from the bond seeping into you.
  11179. > It felt...
  11180. > It felt like you were securely in your realm.
  11181. > Despite being entirely out of your element.
  11182. > You diverted your gaze back to Anon, who still has that arrogant grin on his face.
  11183. > When you're struck by an amazing idea.
  11184. > The best one you've ever had.
  11185. > Drunken.
  11186. > Dancing.
  11187. > The world was already spinning a little bit.
  11188. > Surely that would amplify your groove?
  11189. "Anon! I want to dance."
  11190. > He looks up at you sceptically.
  11191. > An eyebrow raised.
  11192. > "Oh? Well then, I'm hardly the sort to refuse a lady her request."
  11194. > "Everypony, move the tables! We're going to get a dancefloor going!"
  11195. > A series of cheers, once more, erupt through the room.
  11196. > Followed by the sound of chairs and tables scraping on the floor.
  11197. > As ponies began clearing the room.
  11198. > "'Scuse me, my friends. But I fear my wife is wanting to dance, and I can't trust any of you lot to put on a proper performance!"
  11199. > His jeer is met with good-natured ribbing back.
  11200. > "Haw haw, Princey! Your type wouldn't know good music if it bit you in the crown!"
  11201. > With that, Anon points Luna's violin bow at the pony.
  11202. > A cocky smirk on his face.
  11203. > "Well, I might be a bit tipsy, but I still think I could take you on. Got an instrument?"
  11204. > The ponies all rustled around.
  11205. > Suddenly, you were struck with intense anxiety.
  11206. > This was all being done for you.
  11207. > To dance.
  11208. > While drunk.
  11209. > This was a horrible idea.
  11210. > Maybe the worst you've ever had!
  11211. > What in the world were you thinking?
  11212. > "Coming, Cel?"
  11213. > Looking back to Anon, you feel your trepidation melt away instantly.
  11214. > His hand reaching out to you.
  11215. > Seeking to bring you out to dance.
  11216. > Well... Everypony's drunk.
  11217. > Surely nopony will remember this at all.
  11218. > And even if they do...
  11219. > Who cares?
  11220. > You're having fun tonight, and everyone here seems to like you.
  11221. > You're around friends.
  11222. "Coming! Just... Dizzy."
  11223. > He lets out a laugh at that.
  11224. > Before reaching in to pull you out.
  11225. > And laying the bow across his violin.
  11226. > "C'mon, you wanted to dance! Let's do this!"
  11227. > And as he begins, other ponies instantly start kicking up their instruments.
  11228. > Playing fun notes without harmony or rhythm.
  11229. > And you let your hooves lead you.
  11231. > You... Uh... Had lost Anon at some point.
  11232. > But you were just so lost in the music, and having so much fun...
  11233. > You were dancing with Isthmus now.
  11234. > And a whole bunch of other ponies in a big crowd.
  11235. > You knew Anon was somewhere, playing his violin.
  11236. > This time it wasn't the magic songs.
  11237. > But a bunch of ponies were together playing things.
  11238. > He'd wanted you to sing...
  11239. > But you could barely speak right, much less sing.
  11240. > So he had conceded to just play.
  11241. > As you swayed around the tavern with everypony, you eventually found him again.
  11242. > And captured him tight with your wings.
  11243. > Not letting go as you rubbed up against him again.
  11244. > Softttttt.
  11245. "I missed you!"
  11246. > He laughed loudly while cocooned up.
  11247. > Kissing your neck.
  11248. > "Missed you too, Cel. But I'm thinking we might want to get back, soon, if we want to be up at a reasonable time."
  11249. > How in the world is he so sober.
  11250. > He drank a lot more than you.
  11251. > It's not fair.
  11252. > He should be stumbling too!
  11253. "You should be stumbling too! Get more drinked! Beered. Drunk!"
  11254. > You feel so warm and happy.
  11255. > He's about to reply when you interrupt him.
  11256. > Pulling his head to yours with your wings.
  11257. > And mashing lips together.
  11258. > Which he gladly returns.
  11259. > You sigh into his lips.
  11260. > It's so perfect.
  11261. > You wanted this night to last forever and ever.
  11262. > But all good things must come to an end.
  11263. > And as your kiss does, Anonymous seems determined to bring this section to a close.
  11264. > "C'mon now, you big silly. We can come back another day."
  11266. ----------------------------------------------------------
  11268. > "Are ya sure you can't stay? The rooms here are super clean, and that storm's looking fierce."
  11269. > As you turned to look out the windows, you're struck by its intensity.
  11270. > It's quite a storm indeed.
  11271. > You bit your lip, unsure of what to do.
  11272. > It didn't help things that you still couldn't think straight.
  11273. > Instead spending most of your mental power not gouging Anon with your horn while you nuzzled him.
  11274. > "We'll be fine, I assure you. But I do want to thank everypony for such a fantastic evening, you guys are the best."
  11275. > The ponies seem so sad that you're going.
  11276. > Cheer up, little ponies.
  11277. "Anonnnn. I'm sleepy, can't we just stay here?"
  11278. > Wait, mouth, no.
  11279. > You have to go back to the castle.
  11280. > The ponies cheer at your irresponsible comment.
  11281. > But Anonymous sets things straight.
  11282. > "Oh? But I've got a little surprise arranged for you back there now. I'd hate for us to miss out on it..."
  11283. > A surprise?
  11284. > Oh, you loved surprises!
  11285. > This whole evening had been a big old surprise.
  11286. > It was great!
  11287. "In that case we should return immediately! Goodbye everypony!"
  11288. > Your sudden abrupt face sets Anonymous slightly off balance.
  11289. > And results in you drunkenly stumbling into a closed door.
  11290. > Whoops.
  11291. > "You'd best watch out for her, Anon. Wouldn't want the Princess falling over in the rain and causing an international incident."
  11292. > Your human smirks, his arm gently wrapping around your neck, saying something you can't focus on.
  11293. > Mmm...
  11294. > You didn't want to go out in the rain.
  11295. > It was going to make your fur smell bad.
  11296. > And then you'd be too embarrassed to molest Anonymous.
  11297. > Er...
  11298. > Caress Anonymous.
  11299. > Molesting was bad.
  11300. > And it didn't qualify as molesting if he was cool with it, you think.
  11302. > Eventually, you and Anonymous had managed to finagle your way out of the building.
  11303. > And out into the rain.
  11304. > Which just felt...
  11305. > Glorious.
  11306. > After getting all sweaty and hot dancing in the tavern...
  11307. > You had your wings stretched out to their full length.
  11308. > And were sloppily strutting down the street.
  11309. > Pfft.
  11310. > Strutting.
  11311. > It has rutting in it.
  11312. > You stop.
  11313. > That was quite possibly the dumbest thought you'd ever had.
  11314. > Why in the world are you-
  11315. > Mmmmmmmmmmm...
  11316. > Anonymous' hand is scratching your back.
  11317. > That's much more important than everything else.
  11318. "The wings. Scratch them a little. They got all sweaty back there..."
  11319. > Oooooh.
  11320. > That feels amazing.
  11321. > This shouldn't be done in public.
  11322. > But you're in the rain, nopony could see you anyway.
  11323. > But he stops all too soon.
  11324. > "C'mon Cel, let's get going. We're going to a catch a cold if we stay out here..."
  11325. > You try to move forward.
  11326. > You really do.
  11327. > But you can't stop careening off into the buildings at the sides.
  11328. > And it totally wasn't a ploy to get Anon to wrap his arms around you.
  11329. > Ostensibly to guide you back to the castle.
  11330. > Totally not planned.
  11331. > You swear.
  11332. > But you weren't going to complain about getting to molest-
  11333. > Caress.
  11334. > Getting to caress him more all the way back to the castle.
  11335. > As you start rubbing your neck up against his arm, liking the feel of your fur rubbing on the sleeve of his shirt.
  11336. > And skin, where it was exposed.
  11337. > Wait a minute...
  11338. > Earlier, there was some reason you didn't want to do this.
  11339. > Oh well.
  11340. > It probably wasn't a big deal.
  11342. > You and Anonymous were doing funny walks through the street.
  11343. > By which you mean you were doing a funny walk, and he was desperately trying to accommodate.
  11344. > You just felt so free!
  11345. > Like you could do whatever you wanted.
  11346. > Nopony could judge you.
  11347. > This was your domain, and you'd dance in the rain if you wanted to.
  11348. > Consequences be damned!
  11349. "Dance with me Anon!"
  11350. > He laughed, continuing his attempt to keep you upright.
  11351. > His grip on you like a vice.
  11352. > You liked it. Felt...
  11353. > Possessive.
  11354. > Even if it wasn't meant to be.
  11355. > "I'm not so sure I can, Cel. I've got all my time wrapped up trying to keep you from falling on top of me!"
  11356. > Ooh, falling on top of Anon.
  11357. > Kinky.
  11358. > Reverse-Mounting position.
  11359. > Face to face.
  11360. > You'd read about that in books.
  11361. > Books of a wholly innocent nature, assuredly.
  11362. > Ones which you totally didn't have to hide away with in the depths of the library.
  11363. > It sounded like a weird thing to try.
  11364. > But alluring, in its own way.
  11365. > On one level, you felt incredibly embarrassed, unable to keep your mind off this stuff.
  11366. > Like a filly on her first heat.
  11367. > But you just couldn't help yourself.
  11368. > You wondered what positions you and Anon would mess around in eventually...
  11369. > After all, he was different biologically.
  11370. > And you had read some... interesting fiction featuring humans before.
  11371. > Though it was just that, fiction.
  11372. > Maybe those positions in the stories wouldn't actually work.
  11373. > Science was needed!
  11374. > At some point.
  11375. > No rushing.
  11376. > Filly Scout's Honour.
  11377. > Though you never were a filly scout.
  11378. > So-
  11379. > Whoops.
  11380. > Fell in a puddle.
  11381. > On top of Anon.
  11382. > Not the best place, but...
  11383. > "Cel! I'm getting soaked!"
  11384. > Oh yes he is.
  11386. > By the time you reached the Merchant Quarter, you had resolved to teleport the two of you back.
  11387. > You were both soaked to the bone, after all.
  11388. > Teleportation just made sense!
  11389. > But you had utterly failed.
  11390. > Teleporting yourself and Anon literally three feet.
  11391. > Well, you thought it was three feet.
  11392. > It could've been more.
  11393. > It could've been less.
  11394. > But Anon didn't seem to mind.
  11395. > He was indulging your sillyness as you moved through the streets.
  11396. > Trying to sing one of the songs he played earlier.
  11397. > Waves had left ahead of the two of you with your stuff, so he didn't have the violin to play.
  11398. > Though...
  11399. > The rain might've not been kind to Luna's violin, could've ruined the poor thing.
  11400. > Luna...
  11401. > She almost got to have your Anon first.
  11402. > The thought makes you feel angry.
  11403. > He was your Anon!
  11404. > She couldn't have him.
  11405. > You needed to lay your claim first...
  11406. > Wait, stop Cel.
  11407. > Last time you were thinking like that things went horrible.
  11408. > Every time you got all excited that sobering thought came back.
  11409. > You had to let it all go at Anon's pace.
  11410. > If he was comfortable, then so be it.
  11411. > If not...
  11412. > Then you would have to excuse yourself from the bedroom.
  11413. > And seek out a solution to your current situation.
  11414. > Because you had spent the entire evening getting... worked up.
  11415. > And continued to.
  11416. > Sniff.
  11417. > Rub.
  11418. > He's just so soft! And... Good smelling!
  11419. > You couldn't be at fault.
  11420. > It was his fault you were like this.
  11421. > A horrible thought occurs, with that.
  11422. > In retrospect...
  11423. > Ponies at the tavern could probably smell your arousal.
  11424. > Whoops.
  11426. > When you reached the castle, the Guards just gave you a nod as you entered.
  11427. > And you noticed their scrunched up muzzles.
  11428. > Could they smell it even in the rain?
  11429. > Oh Stars, this was so embarrassing.
  11430. > It was all you could think about now.
  11431. > Those ponies in the tavern seemed so accommodating...
  11432. > Were they just pretending to not notice because they were in the presence of the princess?
  11433. > Although...
  11434. > At a bar, there were probably lots of... 'excited' mares.
  11435. > They probably thought it was somepony else.
  11436. > Yes.
  11437. > That was it.
  11438. > And your guards could get a raise to keep quiet.
  11439. > Nopony would know your shame.
  11440. > Nopony.
  11441. > "We going, Cel?"
  11442. > Looking up, you realized you had stood still immediately after entering the gate.
  11443. > And had tightly wrapped your wing around Anonymous as you stopped for thinking purposes.
  11444. > Well now.
  11445. > This was unfortunate.
  11446. "Of course! I was just pondering the wonderful architecture!"
  11447. > You make a sweeping gesture at the castle.
  11448. > You're sweating.
  11449. > Or is that the rain?
  11450. > Maybe both.
  11451. > Just don't look suspicious Cel...
  11452. > "I can feel the anxiety in you, Cel. What's up?"
  11453. > Stupid bond!
  11454. > Ruining everything!
  11455. "Nothing, Anon. Don't worry your handsome good-smelling little face about it."
  11456. > His eyes widen at that.
  11457. > But his smirk widens too.
  11458. > Good thing.
  11459. > "I'll try not to worry it, but no promises. Wanna get moving?"
  11460. > Oh, right!
  11461. > Legs, onward!
  11462. > We have a bedroom to head to!
  11463. > Not your bedroom, of course, since you needed... To do things before going to bed with Anon.
  11464. > But you could get that done, shower, and then go to bed.
  11465. > And maybe you could steal his shirt.
  11466. > He seemed to like being shirtless.
  11468. > By the time you reached the floor your room was on, you felt almost too tired to do anything.
  11469. > Apparently, according to Anon, alcohol makes you tired.
  11470. > And it was making you tired.
  11471. > Last time you had alcohol, you had... Sobered up pretty hard before bed because of Anon leaving.
  11472. > But tonight, no such thing would happen!
  11473. > You would go to bed happy.
  11474. > And... Satisfied.
  11475. > Even if only by your hoof.
  11476. > "Evening, Gentlestallions. Everything clear tonight?"
  11477. > The guards. Oh no.
  11478. > You can see the judgement in their eyes.
  11479. > Stupid pony noses!
  11480. > Now you knew how Anon felt that morning you first met him.
  11481. > "Your guards were pretty worried earlier, but as far as we've seen it's been all clear. They requested that we inform them when you showed up, should I?"
  11482. > That was nice.
  11483. > You didn't want to deal with his guards.
  11484. > Reminders of your fail-
  11485. > No, no bad thoughts.
  11486. > Only happy ones.
  11487. > "Ha! I'd appreciate keeping it under wraps, for now. We'll tell them Cel teleported us back, you can feign ignorance."
  11488. > The guard nods.
  11489. > And the door opens.
  11490. > But you hesitate as you approach it.
  11491. "Anon, there's something I gotta do in the next room..."
  11492. > Subtle, Cel.
  11493. > Super subtle.
  11494. > Everypony knows exactly what you mean, they can tell because of the-
  11495. > "Nope, you're coming into this room, missus. This night's not over yet."
  11496. > Your eyes widen.
  11497. > He can't mean...
  11498. > Could he?
  11499. > Oh, sweet optimism, don't fail me now.
  11500. > As you practically gallop into the room.
  11501. > And slam the door behind you.
  11502. > This had better not be a trick.
  11503. > Or you're going to be very...
  11504. > Well, not upset. But something very similar to it.
  11506. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  11508. > "So did you have fun?"
  11509. > Your eyes are locked onto Anonymous.
  11510. > Watching his every move.
  11511. > As he slowly begins undoing the ties of his tunic.
  11512. > You were practically salivating.
  11513. > "Cel?"
  11514. > What?
  11515. > Oh, right, night.
  11516. "More than I've had in forever, Anonymous. It was so exciting!"
  11517. > Exciting!
  11518. > Yes!
  11519. > But, not nearly as exciting as the current circumstance, maybe!
  11520. > Oh, the uncertainty was crushing you.
  11521. > As he removed his shirt, you could see once again his chest.
  11522. > Still bruised, though not so badly.
  11523. > Briefly, you feel trepidation flow through you.
  11524. > Maybe you shouldn't...
  11525. > "Don't give me that look, Cel. Barely feel a thing."
  11526. > Oh, he caught your concerned look. Or maybe the feeling.
  11527. > You jumped from hind-hoof to hind-hoof a bit.
  11528. > You were going to have a dripping problem soon.
  11529. > You really needed to figure out what was going down.
  11530. > But Anon seemed to be leisurely taking his time dressing down.
  11531. > Taking great pleasure in torturing you, evidently.
  11532. > "So, want to go back there sometime? Everypony seemed to like you."
  11533. > You blush, at that.
  11534. "Of course."
  11535. > It was embarrassing in the context of your earlier realization...
  11536. > But!
  11537. > That was all irrelevant.
  11538. > Because they were drunk.
  11539. > You were clearly the not-drunk.
  11540. > And thus, you were the only one suited to determine whether there was a horny princess in that bar.
  11541. > Pfft.
  11542. > Horny princess.
  11543. > Because you're a unicorn.
  11544. > Your brilliant sense of humour briefly stems the tide of your arousal.
  11545. > Until Anonymous speaks again, and the heat between your legs sparks up again.
  11546. > "That's good. C'mere..."
  11548. > Yes, Sir!
  11549. > You immediately glide over to him.
  11550. > Excitement riddling your features.
  11551. > Until you get close enough, and realize you can't look too desperate.
  11552. > So you try to keep a cool look on your face.
  11553. > Just in case this isn't what you think it is.
  11554. > So he doesn't... Y'know.
  11555. > Feel obligated or anything.
  11556. > As much as you might want him to feel obligated.
  11557. > You were his wife, after all.
  11558. > And you have needs!
  11559. > As you get close, you feel his strong arms wrap around your neck.
  11560. > Pulling you close.
  11561. > And your lips to his.
  11562. > As you both began wrestling with one another for dominance.
  11563. > Mmm...
  11564. > His scent. His touch.
  11565. > He should just not wear clothes.
  11566. > It would make access to him so much easier.
  11567. > Eventually, he pulled back from the kiss.
  11568. > And moved his head beside your ear.
  11569. > The feel of the side of his face rubbing closely against yours.
  11570. > And his hot breath on your ear.
  11571. > "So... I was talking to some ponies at the bar tonight."
  11572. > Your mind can't even pay attention to the words, you're soaked in the feeling of his wet skin against your still damp fur.
  11573. > It's like electricity jolting between you.
  11574. > "And they told me something about you that... Peaked my interest."
  11575. > He nips at your ear at that.
  11576. > And you feel paralyzed in his hold.
  11577. > "Get on the bed. Now."
  11578. > His words are a whisper.
  11579. > But they send a tremble through your body.
  11580. > Immense excitement overwhelming you.
  11581. > The Bed!
  11582. > Now!
  11584. > You practically leap over to the bed.
  11585. > Earning a soft chuckle from him.
  11586. > But no sooner have you settled down on the soft sheets...
  11587. > Than was he above you.
  11588. > His legs straddling over your lower body.
  11589. > And his face back at your ear.
  11590. > Nipping at it.
  11591. > "They told me all sorts of interesting stuff. Apparently, somepony around there was giving off a strange scent..."
  11592. > Oh no.
  11593. > They did know!
  11594. > And they told Anonymous!
  11595. > That's so embarrassing...
  11596. > But the thought vaporizes as his voice echoes in your ear again.
  11597. > "Seems my little plan worked."
  11598. > You groan.
  11599. > Your whole body feels on fire at the contact.
  11600. > Your wings are at full mast out at your sides.
  11601. "P-plan?"
  11602. > Another soft laugh by your ear.
  11603. > You can feel the grin, practically.
  11604. > "Mmm, my plan. A plan to get a certain princess all hot and bothered..."
  11605. > You can feel his hands at your sides.
  11606. > Scratching lightly through your fur.
  11607. > It feels blissful.
  11608. > "And most importantly, drunk, so I could take her back to my room and take advantage..."
  11609. > Hnng.
  11610. > You can barely suppress a moan at the thought.
  11611. > Anonymous, planning on how to take you all night...
  11612. > Subtle moves to lure you in...
  11613. > The hunter stalking his prey.
  11614. > And you got caught in his trap.
  11615. > And loved every second of it.
  11616. "Seems like... I fell for it..."
  11617. > You can barely muster the words as it stands.
  11618. > Oh, by the stars.
  11619. > How are you going to make it through this if you're already in such a daze.
  11620. > "You certainly did. Now, I get to claim my prize..."
  11622. > You can feel his hands moving lower, down your body.
  11623. > From your sides, they move up, and towards your wingjoints.
  11624. > Gently caressing along them.
  11625. > As he begins to pull back from your ear.
  11626. > Peppering kisses down the side of your neck.
  11627. > Your fur stands on edge as he does.
  11628. > Each time he moves, he bites lightly on the skin.
  11629. > His sharp teeth pinching the skin just enough to make you instinctively feel like you're in danger.
  11630. > Before planting a kiss where he bit.
  11631. > You can feel fear and excitement bubbling in you every time his teeth press down.
  11632. > Like you want to run.
  11633. > But right as it is about to get overwhelming, you get the soothing comfort of his kiss on the spot.
  11634. > And you melt into him.
  11635. > "You're practically shaking, Celestia. Are you afraid?"
  11636. "N-no..."
  11637. > You were.
  11638. > A little.
  11639. > You'd never been so intimate before, with anypony.
  11640. > You didn't even know how to react.
  11641. > A big, strong male over you.
  11642. > "You're safe with me..."
  11643. > The words make you feel secure, in stark contrast to your instincts.
  11644. > He's a predator, your body screams.
  11645. > But he's your husband, your mind replies.
  11646. > His scent is thick in the air, along with your own.
  11647. > And you have no route to escape.
  11648. > It's driving you wild.
  11649. > As his hands move down across your flanks, the nails digging into the skin beneath the fur of your Cutie Marks.
  11650. > You groan loudly.
  11651. > As his mouth reaches your wings, and you feel him nip right at the wingjoint.
  11652. > Instantly, your whole body seizes.
  11653. > And you feel a rush of intense sensation like you've never felt before.
  11654. > A wave of euphoria overtaking you, your vision going blurry.
  11655. > Before your head collapses down onto your pillow.
  11656. > Unf. You had... Sensitive wings.
  11657. > You... You've never done that so quickly before.
  11658. > Especially without any... Proper stimulation.
  11659. > But you suppose it had been building all night...
  11660. > This is amaz-
  11661. > "Why, Celestia. I don't recall saying you could do that..."
  11663. > You're barely cognizant of his words.
  11664. > But you can feel his hot breath back at your ear again.
  11665. > Anonymous...
  11666. "Sor-"
  11667. > You let out a pant.
  11668. > Catching your breath, you try again.
  11669. "Sorry..."
  11670. > He bites at your ear once more.
  11671. > Now a little more powerfully, such that you feel a slight pain.
  11672. > Before he lets go.
  11673. > And plants another soothing kiss upon it.
  11674. > "Sorry isn't good enough. I'll need to... Teach you."
  11675. > Teach you?
  11676. > But...
  11677. "Why?"
  11678. > The words come out as barely a whisper from you.
  11679. > Your voice coarse and thick under his control.
  11680. > "Because otherwise, you'll never learn. And I have a lot to teach you."
  11681. > You shudder at his words.
  11682. > What could your punishment be?
  11683. "What will..."
  11684. > His left hand moves to the front of your mouth, a finger going up to silence you.
  11685. > "Sssh."
  11686. > Briefly, you flash out your tongue at it.
  11687. > You can taste the salty sweat on it.
  11688. > "You'll see, soon. For now..."
  11689. > His right hand moved from your Cutie Marks down to your inner thigh.
  11690. > Gently squeezing and caressing it.
  11691. > Moving in patterns up and down.
  11692. > So close to your heat.
  11693. > Stars, you just realized that you were living out a fantasy right now.
  11694. > Anonymous must have felt it through the bond, or something.
  11695. > Because you had always read books about mares being... submissive.
  11696. > And here you were, laying on your stomach, waiting for Anonymous to... Instruct you.
  11697. > And it felt so good.
  11699. > You feel his hand slowly slide away from your mouth.
  11700. > Your eyes closed as you're lost in a haze of pleasure.
  11701. > And you feel it trace along your jaw.
  11702. > Up through your hair.
  11703. > And rest at the base of your horn.
  11704. > Tracing circles around it.
  11705. > Sending little jolts of static down your body.
  11706. > But as it continues, you begin to feel tense.
  11707. > As he stays to low-consistent stimulation.
  11708. > Constant pings of pleasure, but nothing that could drive you up and over.
  11709. > In contrast to the immense sparks that were flying just moments ago...
  11710. > This feels like...
  11711. > Not enough...
  11712. > Nnnf...
  11713. > Both of his hands were doing things, but they were so close to things they could be doing better...
  11714. > Just inches away...
  11715. > But every time you moved to try and shift him into the right spot...
  11716. > He would move away.
  11717. > You let out a whine.
  11718. > C'mon Anon...
  11719. > His face remains buried in your neck, nipping there was well.
  11720. > But he was just teasing...
  11721. "Please..."
  11722. > Once again, they're barely a whisper.
  11723. > "Hmm?"
  11724. > His words seem so disinterested...
  11725. > Like he's so much more focused on everything else.
  11726. > But you know he heard you.
  11727. > "What was that, Cel?"
  11728. > He...
  11729. > He wants you to beg for it.
  11730. > That's why he's doing this.
  11731. > This is his 'punishment.'
  11732. > You can tell exactly what he wants to hear through the bond.
  11733. > You let out another whine as he continues to draw it out.
  11734. "Please, Anon. Please!"
  11735. > You cry out the words loudly.
  11736. > But all you get in return is a chuckle.
  11737. > "Please, what?"
  11739. > Oh you can't say that!
  11740. > You rub your hindlegs together, capturing his hand inbetween them.
  11741. > Trying to make him move it up just the littlest bit...
  11742. > Nnnn...
  11743. "C'mon, don't make me say it... You know what I want."
  11744. > You begin to grind your legs together around his hand.
  11745. > To which he does the worst possible thing.
  11746. > And removes his hand from the region entirely.
  11747. > "Why, Celestia. I don't know what you could possibly mean. If you wanted me to make you do something..."
  11748. > You want him to make you cum.
  11749. > You can think it, but...
  11750. > You can't say it.
  11751. > His hand instead trails back up to your Cutie Mark.
  11752. > To which you shake your flank at him.
  11753. > But his weight keeps you pressed down.
  11754. > And unable to move much.
  11755. > So... Frustrating...
  11756. "Please... Touch me down there."
  11757. > The stimulation on your horn is almost entirely a secondary priority for you right now.
  11758. > Because you're burning up elsewhere.
  11759. > And it is in dire need of attention.
  11760. > But his response is only to shift his hands to your thigh once more.
  11761. > "Here?"
  11762. > That...
  11763. > That jerk!
  11764. > He's really going to do this...
  11765. "No... Make me... Emm... Please, Anon?"
  11766. > For some reason, you can't force out the words.
  11767. > It just feels so humiliating to ask for.
  11768. > Even moreso than knowing a bunch of ponies knew you were horny with your husband all night.
  11769. > But he is relentless.
  11770. > "Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll take it from there..."
  11771. > And so you must capitulate.
  11772. "Make me cum again please!"
  11773. > You hear a soft chuckle at the way you worded it.
  11774. > You can feel the arrogance radiate off him at your compliance.
  11775. > But more importantly, you can feel his hand move down to your flower.
  11776. > "Your wish is my command."
  11778. > You feel ready to burst the second his fingers lightly trace the outside of your honeypot.
  11779. > Barely any stimulation from it, but you're so pent up, and the anticipation is almost pushing you over the edge as it stands.
  11780. > But what really sends you for a loop is what changes up at your horn.
  11781. > As you feel the soft, wet texture of his tongue caress the base.
  11782. > Sending spasms down your spine.
  11783. > Too much!
  11784. > Unnnnnggg.
  11785. > Your body is randomly clenching under his carefully administered touch.
  11786. > Such that when you barely feel his finger cross your clit, you lock up.
  11787. > Struck by yet another powerful orgasm.
  11788. > Your thighs once again clenching tight around his hand.
  11789. > And losing control of your magic, this time.
  11790. > Which resulted in you and Anonymous lightly lifting off the bed in an anti-gravity spell.
  11791. > But you could barely tell, you were in such a haze.
  11792. > The only thing you could focus on being your own loud moaning.
  11793. > But as you begin to come down... You begin to notice...
  11794. > He hadn't stopped.
  11795. > His hand now gently pinched and prodded your clit, his other fingers sliding gently up and down your lower lips.
  11796. > Slickened now with the fruit of your loins.
  11797. > And his tongue continuing to work wonders as it caressed your horn.
  11798. > Your peak began to build once again, far too quickly after the last.
  11799. "W-wait!"
  11800. > But he refuses, adamantly.
  11801. > Until you lock up once again.
  11802. > Vision turning white.
  11803. > And your body spasming under him.
  11804. > Until you realize the wild magic in your horn had now stopped.
  11805. > And you both fall back down onto the bed abruptly.
  11806. > With him landing off to the side, beside you.
  11807. > The room filled with the sound of your panting.
  11808. "Let... Me catch... My breath."
  11809. > Your words are laboured.
  11810. > You... Are exhausted.
  11811. > Beyond exhausted.
  11812. > But you realize, given your brief break from your haze of pleasure...
  11813. > He's poking your leg.
  11814. > And not with his hands.
  11816. > You turn your head over to face him.
  11817. > A big goofy smile on his face.
  11818. > Well, time to return the favour...
  11819. > But as your magic reaches down for his pants, his hand shoots up.
  11820. > And pinches the tip of your horn, as though putting out a flame.
  11821. > And your spell vanishes.
  11822. "Anon...?"
  11823. > His hand remains at your side, gently drawing circles in your fur.
  11824. > You're... Really sweaty now.
  11825. > "We'll do that another night, Cel. Don't you worry about it."
  11826. > B-but...
  11827. > Now you felt bad!
  11828. "I'm still up for more, I promise! Please, Anon... I... I want you to fuck me."
  11829. > The words come stunningly easier to you than earlier.
  11830. > But don't seem to have the desired effect, as he seems amused by them.
  11831. > Perhaps you hadn't quite mastered this dirty talk thing.
  11832. > Irrespective, you genuinely do want to... Do that.
  11833. > You want to know what it feels like...
  11834. > No matter how exhausted you are.
  11835. > But as you stare into his eyes...
  11836. > You realize that much isn't going to happen.
  11837. > He leans forward, and plants a kiss on your lips.
  11838. > His hand then moving up back to your now-tingling neck.
  11839. > And putting a light scratch there.
  11840. > "That's for when you're not drunk. That one... Should be special, I think."
  11841. > Your face lights up at that.
  11842. > Well... If he insists.
  11843. > He's in control here.
  11844. > You roll over, exposing your back to him.
  11845. > And you feel him shift over, pressing his chest up against your beck.
  11846. > Wrapping an arm around you.
  11847. > And pulling you tight against him.
  11848. > The room absolutely reeks of your encounter.
  11849. > And you can feel him still pressed stiffly up against your flank.
  11850. > But you don't think you've ever felt so content laying in your bed.
  11851. > "Goodnight, Cel. See you in the morning."
  11852. "Goodnight, Anon. I... I love you."
  11853. > The words come of their own volition.
  11854. > He doesn't reply.
  11855. > But you remained content anyway.
  11856. > This was good enough.
  11858. -------------------------------------------------
  11860. > You didn't have the heart to say it.
  11861. > You could feel the disappointment when she didn't get a response.
  11862. > It... Stung.
  11863. > But you couldn't.
  11864. > You are Anonymous.
  11865. > On the positive side, you were making progress, without question.
  11866. > You hadn't felt repulsed by her.
  11867. > Even now, you gently ran your hand through her fur, soothing her to sleep.
  11868. > The words of her father and yours were barely echoes in your head.
  11869. > Seemed you were conquering your inhibitions.
  11870. > Your feelings of inadequacy.
  11871. > Your doubts and worries.
  11872. > You wondered if losing your mind had anything to do with that, briefly.
  11873. > But quickly dismissed it, given your remaining unwillingness to... take it a step further this eve.
  11874. > You still possessed self-control.
  11875. > Even drunk and insane, it seemed.
  11876. > And back home they said you had none, shows them.
  11877. > But it took more than a night of fun to win your heart properly, it seemed.
  11878. > But Celestia seemed contented, and that made you feel good.
  11879. > To know your effort had paid off.
  11880. > It had all gone well.
  11881. > You laid there for quite some time, still awake, your hand gently running up and down her lean stomach.
  11882. > A motion that seemed to relax her.
  11883. > While you listened to her breathing evening out.
  11884. > Timed fairly well with the rain dying down.
  11885. > Though it continued to drizzle.
  11886. > As she slowly fell into slumber.
  11887. > Doubtless her sleep would be cut short.
  11888. > You have a habit for making her stay up far past her typical bedtime, it seems.
  11889. > But she's a coffee mare.
  11890. > She'll be fine once she has some in her tomorrow.
  11891. > You really ought to sleep.
  11892. > Though...
  11893. > There was that other niggling factor at the back of your head.
  11894. > Or rather...
  11895. > Your neck.
  11896. "I know you're there."
  11898. > The words are barely a whisper, but they get the point across.
  11899. > A quiet squeak came from the corner of the room you knew her to be hiding in.
  11900. > As you slowly detached yourself from the now asleep Celestia.
  11901. > And softly rolled over the bed, sitting up over the side.
  11902. > Rubbing the tiredness from your eyes.
  11903. > You were exhausted.
  11904. > But you couldn't let this go unanswered for.
  11905. > Getting up, in nothing but your boxer shorts, you moved over to where you felt her presence.
  11906. > It was odd, really.
  11907. > You could... Feel the disturbance in the magic where she was hidden.
  11908. > You had felt it when you entered the room.
  11909. > But had expected her to depart once you and Cel... Began your evening in earnest, as it were.
  11910. > Yet the presence had remained, a little sensation you could feel but only barely.
  11911. > You wonder briefly if it has anything to do with the mark on your neck.
  11912. > But that information will come with time.
  11913. > Moving up to it, you cross your arms and stare down at the shadow.
  11914. > Waiting.
  11915. > Until eventually, the shadows coalesce.
  11916. > Forming into the shape of a mare.
  11917. > With wings an a horn.
  11918. > And eventually, that black-blue furred mare becomes visible.
  11919. > A look of utter embarrassment on her face.
  11920. > Looking over to the balcony, you gesture with your head.
  11921. > And she seems to get the message, walking with her head down over to it.
  11922. > Sighing, you turn to follow suit.
  11923. > You had to wonder what she was doing here in the first place.
  11924. > But that concern was honestly second in importance.
  11925. > You had seen the spell she used before.
  11926. > Fading in and out of shadows.
  11927. > It was something Nightmare had used.
  11928. > Which made you more concerned.
  11929. > Perhaps there was a harmonious equivalent...
  11930. > Or maybe...
  11931. > Maybe Luna was in the same boat as you.
  11933. > The second you close the balcony door, she breaks down into apologies.
  11934. > "I'm so sorry, Anon, I just, I wasn't here to spy, but when you came in-"
  11935. > You hush her with a finger to her lips.
  11936. > From your left hand, of course.
  11937. "Relax. I'm not here to punish you. I've just got a few questions, is all."
  11938. > Her panic continues in her eyes.
  11939. > But slowly begins to settle as your words sink in.
  11940. > And eventually, you withdraw your finger.
  11941. > And she goes to speak once more.
  11942. > "I... Where should I start?"
  11943. > Good.
  11944. > Getting up, you moved over to the balcony rail.
  11945. > And peered out at the castle courtyard once again.
  11946. > The moon high in the sky.
  11947. "Why were you in our room to begin with?"
  11948. > You can hear her awkwardly shuffling from hoof to hoof.
  11949. > Unsure of how to answer.
  11950. > That's usually a bad sign.
  11951. > "I... I wanted to say sorry to you. Both of you. And say that I wouldn't interfere with your marriage anymore, and you wouldn't see any of me, and... and..."
  11952. > You can hear her chest start heaving.
  11953. > Gods, this was depressing.
  11954. > Turning around, you move over and embrace her.
  11955. > As she begins heavy sobbing on your shoulder.
  11956. > And you pat the back of her neck.
  11957. > This was... Awkward, given what had happened only a short while ago.
  11958. > You feel like you should take a shower first...
  11959. > But there isn't time for that, right now.
  11960. "There, there, Lu. It's all going to be alright."
  11961. > You spend some time sitting there, her head on your shoulder.
  11962. > Crying her eyes out.
  11963. > Until it slowly died down, to just sniffles.
  11964. > And hiccups.
  11965. "Now, what's this about not seeing you any more?"
  11967. > "Celestia said-"
  11968. > She hiccups.
  11969. > And then clears her throat.
  11970. > Her words coming out as a croak.
  11971. > "Tia said she didn't want to see me again. And by extension, of course, you. So... I wanted to say goodbye."
  11972. > You can feel her starting to heave again.
  11973. > Fresh tears nearly shedding from the renewed bout of sadness.
  11974. > She thought she was losing the only family she had, you suppose.
  11975. "You know she didn't mean that, Lu. She was just emotional. You dropped quite a big bombshell on her life, after all."
  11976. > She still can't control her breathing.
  11977. > And no doubt was doing to need a tissue.
  11978. "One second."
  11979. > You quickly make an excursion back into the room to recover a handkerchief.
  11980. > And return back outside, you crouch down and hand it to her.
  11981. > Which she uses to dry her tears, and wipe her nose.
  11982. > "I... I think it's better for you guys if I just stay away. I'm nothing but trouble. But I just wanted to say goodbye, and then you two came in like... Like that."
  11983. > She bites her lip.
  11984. > You let a smile break.
  11985. "Don't talk like that, Luna. You're family, you'll always have a place here. Even if you're a little weird."
  11986. > You pat her side with that comment.
  11987. > And her heartbreaking frown seems to crack a little.
  11988. > "Thanks, Anon. But... I'm not so sure Celestia will be as forgiving."
  11989. > Rising back up from your crouched position, you sit back against the railing.
  11990. > Arms crossed over your chest.
  11991. "She will be, I promise you. I can be incredibly persuasive..."
  11992. > She chuckles at that.
  11993. > But her face has a blush spread across it as the implications hit home.
  11994. > Given what just happened before you called her out here.
  11995. > Well...
  11996. > Time to address the elephant in the room.
  11997. "So... Why did you stay? When you saw what was happening?"
  11999. > She freezes up at that.
  12000. > Perhaps you should've waited for later to bring this up.
  12001. > For when she was less... Volatile.
  12002. > But if your suspicions were correct, you needed to know details.
  12003. > "I... I couldn't. I felt this... Incredible compulsion to stay. To watch. Even though it made me... angry. I'm... Sorry, I shouldn't have violated your privacy like that."
  12004. > Mmm.
  12005. > Uncontrolled compulsions to do things.
  12006. > Check.
  12007. "And the spell you used to hide, I've never seen anything like that, fading into shadows."
  12008. > In truth, you knew so little of magic that it might not have been relevant.
  12009. > But you were gambling on her knowing something.
  12010. > She was as much of a bookworm as her sister, after all.
  12011. > And Cel said she should know about chaos magic.
  12012. > While she takes a moment to react to the question, eventually she nods.
  12013. > Looking off to the side, out at the moon in the sky.
  12014. > "So you can tell, huh?"
  12015. > Well, that confirms your suspicions.
  12016. > Damn it, Luna.
  12017. > You nod.
  12018. > "Yeah. Seems I've been infected with chaos magic. I know the symptoms well, they took mom from us. That was... Another part of why I came to see you tonight."
  12019. > You can tell she's barely holding herself together now.
  12020. > This was...
  12021. > Fuck.
  12022. > "I wanted to see if you were experiencing the same. And I'm guessing... Based on the fact you knew..."
  12023. > She can't bring herself to face you.
  12024. > The question hanging heavily in the air.
  12025. "Yep. I'm infected as well. But I thought Alicorns were immune?"
  12026. > "So did I."
  12027. > Fascinating.
  12028. > And... Depressing.
  12029. > That meant both of you were going to lose your minds eventually.
  12030. > Only a matter of time.
  12031. > Poor Celestia, really.
  12032. > She was the one really losing all her family in one fel swoop.
  12034. > "This is all my fault. If I hadn't contacted Starlight Sparkle..."
  12035. > You couldn't stand letting her feel like this for much longer.
  12036. > Well, time to make your play.
  12037. > No doubt she was watching.
  12038. "No, it's not, Luna. There's something you don't know."
  12039. > Blinking, she turns her head back to face you.
  12040. > The tears haven't stopped.
  12041. > But the sobbing has, fortunately.
  12042. > "What?"
  12043. > You sigh.
  12044. > You hoped this worked as you figured it would.
  12045. > Between the book you nabbed in the library, and the answers you had prodded from a drunken Celestia over the course of the night...
  12046. > You were fairly certain who you were dealing with.
  12047. "A Dragon called Quartrasza is responsible, for all of this. She's been deceiving you, messing with your mind."
  12048. > Luna's eyes widen with recognition.
  12049. > No doubt she knew the name of a Falwing Queen.
  12050. "She's no doubt listening to us right now. I've been... Playing along, thus far, while I figured out about her."
  12051. > Her mouth is open, in shock.
  12052. > As she looks around the building, as though searching for Nightmare.
  12053. "And, for her sake, if she's listening, I want her to know: If you try anything, I'll throw that garden decoration out there into the sea."
  12054. > Celestia had been more than willing to talk about her exploits earlier.
  12055. > Sharing quite a bit about Discord, and his associates.
  12056. > Including one Quartrasza. A name premised on the word 'Night.'
  12057. > Arryx Quartrasza. 'Woman of the Night.'
  12058. > Or Nightmare, for Equines.
  12059. > The daughter of a Great Dragon whose spirit had formed the basis for Discord after being slain by humans.
  12060. > "... I've been losing my connection to the elements, as well. This... This explains everything."
  12061. > She says it with resignation.
  12062. > Like she's already lost.
  12063. > The elements of harmony.
  12064. > The tools responsible for imprisoning Discord.
  12065. > If Luna was losing her connection, you wondered if they would seek new owners.
  12066. > Owners who lacked the hatred for Discord of their current occupants.
  12067. > Who could be used to break the spell on him.
  12069. > The weight of the topic was heavy in the air.
  12070. > You'd half expected Nightmare to show up.
  12071. > Blast you both with fire breath and be done with it.
  12072. > Yet the air remains eerily silent in the wake of your revelation.
  12073. > Perhaps she wasn't even listening.
  12074. > But that would be far too optimistic.
  12075. > "I... I should go back to bed. And try not to use that magic, Anon. It can only make things worse."
  12076. > You nod, and she puts on a half-hearted smile.
  12077. > Before rising up, and spreading her wings.
  12078. > Readying herself to leave...
  12079. "Wait, Luna..."
  12080. > She looks back to you.
  12081. > She looks like she's about to collapse...
  12082. > You shake your head.
  12083. "Stay here. It's... It's better if the three of us aren't apart, for now. Plus, the couch is incredibly comfy."
  12084. > She lets out a scoff.
  12085. > And looks back to the moon with trepidation.
  12086. > "But..."
  12087. "I won't take no for an answer."
  12088. > She looks back to you.
  12089. > Before letting her wings fall to her sides.
  12090. > Moving over, you open the door, and she trots slowly back in.
  12091. > With you in tow.
  12092. > You'd tell Celestia tomorrow.
  12093. > You wanted her to have at least one nice day before things got... Serious again.
  12094. > You'd hoped for several, actually.
  12095. > But you couldn't let Luna suffer thinking she was responsible for ruining you.
  12096. > And herself.
  12097. > If you're right, Nightmare wouldn't attack Equestria while Discord was your hostage.
  12098. > She wanted him back, you're certain of it.
  12099. > And now that Nightmare knew you weren't her fool...
  12100. > And you could put the cards on the table...
  12101. > You could seek a proper path to resolving this.
  12102. > Armed with the knowledge of two mares who knew their enemy well.
  12103. > And who knows...
  12104. > Maybe you could bargain with Nightmare as equals now.
  12105. > Find some way to stop the magic that was consuming you.
  12106. > Ever the optimist.
  12108. READ PART 2 HERE:

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[ARCHIVE] Exchange by getmeouttahere

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[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 1

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[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 2

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