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[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 2

By Enonnnymous
Created: 2022-06-12 19:30:17
Expiry: Never

  3. ---------------------------------------------------
  5. > You... Can't sleep.
  6. > And it's not even because Luna is snoring.
  7. > Like, damn.
  8. > That mare has got to find some way to solve that if she intends to find an actual partner.
  9. > You're amazed Celestia is able to sleep through it.
  10. > Though, if they grew up together, maybe she was familiar with it.
  11. > But thank the Gods you got the mare who slept soundly.
  12. > You can't imagine having to deal with Luna's snoring every night.
  13. > Although it did strike you as adorable, for the moment.
  14. > Still, it's not a matter of being kept up, but rather one of not being sleepy...
  15. > Your muscles felt tired.
  16. > But your mind felt alert as ever.
  17. > As you laid there beside your wife, counting individual crystals in the chandelier.
  18. > It was always said sheep took offense to being counted, after all.
  19. > You sigh.
  20. > This was two nights in a row.
  21. > You had barely slept in the past three days.
  22. > Three hours total last night.
  23. > Five or so the night before.
  24. > You should be passing out, easily.
  25. > Especially given your buzz.
  26. > Yet you weren't.
  27. > Sitting up in bed once more, you run your hand through your hair.
  28. > You could...
  29. > You could do breakfast again.
  30. > You'd need some sort of... Peace offering between Luna and Cel.
  31. > From the sounds of it they might not have such a friendly interaction when they woke up in a couple of hours.
  32. > But...
  33. > First, cleanliness.
  34. > You didn't want the guards to smell Celestia all over you.
  35. > She'd be embarrassed enough tomorrow knowing that some knew she was aroused to begin with.
  37. > As you got up, you slowly moved over to the bathroom, still only in your boxers.
  38. > Entering it, you feel fear up your spine.
  39. > Not the overwhelming oppressive fear of Nightmare's presence...
  40. > But an instinctive fear of this room.
  41. > Where Nightmare got you for the first time you can properly remember.
  42. > Especially given you just made your ultimatum.
  43. > And are waiting for her to pour out of the shadows.
  44. > As you move further into the room, you stand there.
  45. > Looking at the flickering shadows from the candles.
  46. > Waiting.
  47. > But nothing happens.
  48. > So you move in in earnest.
  49. > And turn on the water of the shower.
  50. > It always stunned you how fortunate you were to have one.
  51. > To be in cities built into mountains, with streams to divert water from.
  52. > You remain tense, even as you let the water cascade over you.
  53. > It was cold, but you didn't mind.
  54. > As you began to lather your body.
  55. > The aches in your muscles fading away.
  56. > It was... Odd, when you got to your arm.
  57. > The flesh had healed around a circular hole.
  58. > Leaving a gap in your arm.
  59. > As you flexed the muscle, it awed you that you could even use it.
  60. > It seemed like a wound which should incapacitate that arm entirely.
  61. > At the very least until it had properly healed.
  62. > Torn muscles and flesh.
  63. > Yet you could still use it freely.
  64. > As your eyes traced along your muscle, they landed on the feather.
  65. > Watching as the waters poured through the metallic barbs.
  66. > The flickering candle light reflecting off the metal.
  67. > The sight captivating you in the relative darkness of the shower.
  69. > Eventually, you finished your shower.
  70. > And then towelled off.
  71. > Looking in the mirror, you're struck by how well you seem to be doing.
  72. > Still wounded.
  73. > But getting better quicker than you had ever thought possible.
  74. > Well...
  75. > Time to go, hotshot.
  76. > Opening the door to the room, you briefly worry if Luna's awakened, and would spot you.
  77. > But her snores assure you she's asleep.
  78. > As you exit the bathroom naked, and move over to the closet.
  79. > Withdrawing a pair of pants and a comfortable tunic.
  80. > But the one you select out, you note the little emblem on the collar.
  81. > Celestia's Cutie Mark.
  82. > Only days ago such a repulsive symbol to you.
  83. > Now...
  84. > You put on the shirt, and began tying up the various pieces of cloth that gave it its impressive look.
  85. > Running your fingers over the embroidered mark.
  86. > It was almost comforting.
  87. > Amazing what only a few days of intense emotional turmoil can do to your perception of the world.
  88. > As you move back into the room, now fully clothed, you're struck by one potential flaw in your plan.
  89. > If they woke up before you got back...
  90. > Half of Canterlot might be gone by then.
  91. > You briefly checked the time.
  92. > Well...
  93. > Knowing you, it would take some time to get a breakfast ready anyway.
  94. > Moving to the door, you quietly creak it open.
  95. > The guards outside flinching at the sudden break in the silence.
  96. > But as you closed the door behind you, and turned around...
  97. > You noticed a pony you hadn't expected.
  99. > She wasn't even looking in your direction.
  100. > But you were surprised she had the courage to be here at the moment.
  101. "Shadewing."
  102. > The pegasus mare was laying over a bannister, down at the gardens below.
  103. > Though her counterpart was nowhere to be seen.
  104. > "My Prince."
  105. > She maintained her stare out at the gardens.
  106. > She had to know, you presume.
  107. > That you knew about Nightmare.
  108. > That you knew about her connection.
  109. > Perhaps, on the flip side, Nightmare hadn't been watching you and Luna speak.
  110. > But that would be a hell of a stretch.
  111. > She seemed to always be lurking in the shadows.
  112. > But...
  113. > You suppose you don't have much of an option here.
  114. > Couldn't panic the regular guards at you sides.
  115. > Plus...
  116. > If Nightmare won't confront you...
  117. > Maybe you could get answers from her lackeys.
  118. "I'm off to go work on some breakfast for when Cel wakes up. Care to join me?"
  119. > She looks back over her shoulder at you.
  120. > The look on her face one of solemn concern.
  121. > Before she rose up off the bannister, and jumped down to the floor.
  122. > Dipping into a deep bow.
  123. > She definitely knew.
  124. > "Of course, my Prince. Your will is my command."
  125. > Is it, though?
  127. > "She told me what you said."
  128. > Well, that answers that question.
  129. > You and Shadewing are en-route to the kitchens.
  130. "Oh? I never mentioned you to Luna. Perhaps you've just given me more details."
  131. > She shakes her head beside you as you walk.
  132. > But her gaze remains affixed forward.
  133. > "She only contacted you in her true form once. And that was when she told you about myself and Moonlight. If you know she's a Dragon, then you know about us."
  134. > That was... Remarkably clever.
  135. > And stunningly cordial.
  136. > You had expected a confrontation.
  137. "Where is Moonlight, on that note?"
  138. > For a moment, you see irritation on the mare's face.
  139. > But she quickly masks it back over.
  140. > "Asleep. Waves... Went missing. And when she came back said she had watched out for you and her shift was done. So our rotation was somewhat messed up."
  141. > You chuckle.
  142. > You had told Waves to get some sleep.
  143. > But you had figured Shadewing and Moonlight would be sleeping during your disappearance.
  144. "I had expected you two to be asleep while I was out. Did you-"
  145. > "We stayed up looking for you, for quite a while. Even went out into Canterlot proper. Nightmare wouldn't have forgiven us had we given up easily."
  146. > And the name comes out.
  147. > Their true master.
  148. "So you admit your allegiance?"
  149. > "I would be a fool to deny it. Yes, we are agents of Arryx Quartrasza."
  150. > She's remarkably calm.
  151. > For someone admitting treason.
  152. > Maybe she just doesn't... realize?
  153. > Or maybe she figures you'll never tell anyone.
  154. > Figures she'll... Handle you.
  155. "You... You know you're admitting treason, right?"
  156. > At this, you finally get her to look at you.
  157. > Those eyes looked damn harrowing now.
  158. > "I'm well aware. And you can relax, I'm not going to hurt you. Nightmare would never forgive me if you came to harm."
  159. > You arrive at the kitchen doors.
  160. > Well now, things were about to get interesting.
  162. > This is officially weird.
  163. > "I swear, ketchup tastes amazing with it."
  164. > You're with a traitor to the state.
  165. > Making... Mango sandwiches.
  166. > Mango.
  167. > Sandwiches.
  168. > With ketchup.
  169. > What in the world...
  170. > The whole treason thing seemed... Almost insignificant.
  171. > Because what you were witnessing was blasphemy.
  172. "I... It sounds disgusting. Horribly, horribly disgusting."
  173. > Her snout scrunches up at that.
  174. > As she shoots you a glare.
  175. > "Try one! They're great!"
  176. > But as you reach out to grab one, fear riddling your hand.
  177. > She bats it with a wing first.
  178. > "Wait, no crusts! The crusts ruin it."
  179. > You...
  180. > This is so surreal.
  181. "This is incredibly odd. I feel like I should be hauling you out into the streets."
  182. > It's stunning watching these ponies use utensils.
  183. > As she carefully manoeuvres a knife with her wing, she seems to not even care as she replies.
  184. > "You should. I'm a traitor, and so you should have me executed. Yet here we are, making sandwiches."
  185. > As the crust finally falls away, you gaze upon the monstrosity.
  186. > It looks like the most disgusting thing you've ever seen...
  187. > You'll take a tray of normal fruit again, alongside it.
  188. > But you'd offer Cel and Luna them anyway, just in case.
  189. > Crazy horse land.
  190. > As she finishes, she looks back to you.
  191. > "So, what's the deal? Are you and Nightmare through, and are me and Moonlight dead?"
  192. > Fuck, those big eyes.
  193. > Your heart can't take it.
  194. "No, you're not. But I'm not going to be Nightmare's plaything any longer. I want the full details of what's going on here, and we can discuss this like adults."
  196. > "Alright. What do you want to know? She's told me to comply fully with your requests."
  197. > That...
  198. > That strikes you as odd.
  199. > Incredibly odd.
  200. "And now I'm already skeptical... Why wouldn't she just face me directly?"
  201. > You shudder, looking at what Shadewing's doing now.
  202. > Why would you...
  203. > Tomatoes with THAT?
  204. > "She's... Worried. That you're volatile right now, and if she showed up you might do something drastic."
  205. > You scoff.
  206. > Leaning back against the wall as the mare worked on the food.
  207. "She's the reason I'm volatile, she infected me with this magic."
  208. > Looking over with a knife now in her mouth, you see surprise on her face.
  209. > She gently put it down.
  210. > "You don't have to worry, that's not what I mean. That mark on your neck will keep you safe from the influence of the Chaos magic."
  211. > Her smile turns grim.
  212. > A hoof rubbing the back of her neck.
  213. > As your hand rubs the back of yours.
  214. > Tracing the outlines of the hardened skin that formed your brand.
  215. > "Luna was... Supposed to be immune to it. But Nightmare put that in place to keep you safe. She's siphoning out the chaos magic as it builds up in you."
  216. > That... Explained a bit, you suppose.
  217. > If your sanity was supposed to be slipping, you still felt remarkably in control.
  218. > So that meant your sanity was dependent on Nightmare for now...
  219. "So she aimed to make me dependent on her?"
  220. > The mare grimaced.
  221. > "It... It sounds bad when you put it like that, but she didn't mean to hurt you. Discord could remove all of that with a snap of his fingers, if Nightmare got her way."
  222. > When you put it like that?
  223. > It sounded bad in any circumstance!
  224. > "Food's done, by the way."
  225. > You look at the monstrosities she has conjured.
  226. > Gods, forgive you for this.
  227. > For you have sinned in permitting this heresy to be created.
  228. "I... I might take a few apples, just in case."
  230. > As the two of you started moving back into the hallways, Shadewing balancing trays on her wings, you continued your conversation.
  231. "So what's an Equestrian war hero doing working for Falwing?"
  232. > She snickers at that.
  233. > Rolling her eyes as she responds.
  234. > "We were always loyal to Falwing. Discord told us to betray him to make things more interesting, during the rebellion. He never expected us to win."
  235. > She almost loses the trays with the laughter she's trying to control.
  236. > "He was always an odd duck. It's... It's a shame he's imprisoned. He doesn't deserve that."
  237. > You raise an eyebrow at that.
  238. > You suppose, on the one hand, that she was a high-ranking officer under him.
  239. > He doubtless treated her right.
  240. "He was a tyrant. He disregarded the will of the people, and tormented them regularly with his bizarre ways."
  241. > She grunts.
  242. > "And you're leading us into a civil war that may cost thousands of pony lives. Discord kept order, nopony died on his watch from anything but natural causes. Everypony has their failings."
  243. > Damn, that stung.
  244. > Shadewing's got some bite to her, it seems.
  245. > "And now Falwing is poised for civil war as well. Which is why Nightmare is so desperate to free Discord."
  246. > As a duo of guards come around the corner, you both silence yourself.
  247. > Until the clattering of their armour is out of earshot behind you.
  248. "They're also facing internal problems?"
  249. > The mare nods.
  250. > "Falwing has five Broodlords. Nightmare is one of them. A Kingdom with six rulers cannot stand, power plays are being made constantly."
  251. > This... This changes everything.
  252. > Falwing was a big looming threat on the horizon.
  253. > But you'd never considered they might have the same problems as you.
  255. "Why would you admit that to me? Doesn't that sell out your ally?"
  256. > She scoffs.
  257. > "'New' Falwing is not my ally. Discord is. Nightmare is the only one of her kin seeking his return, so I work with her. The rest of them... They just want power."
  258. > She places immense emphasis on the 'new' in New Falwing.
  259. > You'd learned more in this short discussion than you had in... Well... Ever.
  260. > Assuming, that is, that she's told you the truth.
  261. "You know I can't take you at your word."
  262. > "I don't expect you to. The fact that we're still talking is more than I expected."
  263. > As you reach the end of the hallway leading to your bedroom, she stops you.
  264. > A somber look on her face.
  265. > "Listen. I know you're going to tell Celestia about Nightmare. If you want to, you can tell her about us as well."
  266. > She kicks a hoof against the stone floor.
  267. > It remained unreal to you how this was going down.
  268. > "But we can help you, still. None of us wants a pointless war. But one is brewing, nonetheless, and we'll all be needed to solve it."
  269. > You hum.
  270. > Your hand to your chin.
  271. "I'll be telling them the whole truth. But... You're safe, for now."
  272. > She smiles, before turning to continue moving.
  273. > But you move out a hand in front of her.
  274. > Stopping her.
  275. "But, if I get even the slightest hint that you're not being truthful about us changing the nature of our... relationship, then I will end you."
  276. > She doesn't even flinch.
  277. > But nods, the smile never waning.
  278. > "That is your prerogative, my prince. I remain an Equestrian citizen, and subject to your will, irrespective of my devotion to Nightmare and Discord."
  279. > This was incredibly strange.
  280. > Like your whole perception of the world was shifted upside down.
  281. > Still, given what Nightmare had done...
  282. > Doomed Luna, for a start...
  283. > She couldn't be forgiven.
  284. > But perhaps she could still be useful.
  286. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  288. > The second you open the door, you're blasted by a particularly obnoxious snore.
  289. > Which even seems to rattle Shadewing.
  290. > "Is that-"
  291. "My sister-in-law. She's... Adorable. And apparently has an immense set of lungs on her."
  292. > As you enter, you note that everything is just like you left it.
  293. > Except...
  294. > Oh, Gods.
  295. > That is adorable.
  296. > Celestia has moved into the middle of the bed.
  297. > Her forehooves and wings wrapped around a pillow.
  298. > Snuggling it with her head in her sleep.
  299. > Seems she might have missed you.
  300. > "Where do you-"
  301. > Turning around quickly, you shush Shadewing.
  302. > Silence reigns in the moments that follow.
  303. > Until you're certain she didn't wake them up.
  304. "Quietly. You can put them over on the table there."
  305. > You whisper the words in near-silence.
  306. > Waking them both up at the same time was sure to do nothing but cause problems.
  307. > You needed to calmly, carefully wake them.
  308. > Lure them from sleep with promises of coffee and good food.
  309. > Er.
  310. > Well, coffee and food anyway.
  311. > Maybe it's good for Equestrians.
  312. > But you tried that sandwich...
  313. > And you don't think you'll ever look at Equestrians the same again if this is their standard of cuisine.
  314. > It occurred to you, on reflection, that you hadn't had meat since that first morning you were here.
  315. > Before even your marriage.
  316. > You wonder where Cel got it from...
  317. > You might need to acquire more.
  318. > Assuming it wouldn't weird her out too much.
  319. > As Shadewing finishes placing the food on the table, she gestures for the balcony.
  320. > Glancing to the clock, you see you've got about a half-hour before they would usually wake up.
  321. > Plenty of time.
  322. > And so, you follow Shadewing out to the balcony.
  324. > Closing the door behind you, it feels eerily familiar.
  325. > Only hours ago you and Luna had been out here.
  326. > With a radically different perspective on the situation at hand.
  327. > Stretching out her wings, Shadewing gives a groan.
  328. "Tired, Shadewing?"
  329. > She nods.
  330. > Bringing a wing up to preen slightly.
  331. > "Incredibly. But Moonlight will be refreshed when he gets here soon, and Isthmus should be too."
  332. > Assuming Waves showed up on time, she was pretty exhausted yesterday.
  333. > But you wouldn't fault her if she didn't.
  334. > She's got a lot less to answer for than your other guardians, after all.
  335. "Go get some rest, then. But remember what I said."
  336. > She nods.
  337. > Testing out her wings by flapping them a few times.
  338. > Before turning to address you.
  339. > "I will. But there's a few more things I should mention before I go."
  340. > As she flies up to eye level, she pokes your chest with a hoof.
  341. > To which you grunt in mild discomfort.
  342. > Which makes her immediately pale.
  343. > "Sorry, sorry! Forgot about the chest thing. But anyway! About your magic."
  344. > She's rubbing behind her head with a hoof.
  345. > Looking apologetic.
  346. > For your part, you cross your arms and lean back against the bannister of the balcony.
  347. > "Your magic will be keeping you awake. Discord and Nightmare never sleep because of it. I asked why once, and Discord's explanation was that 'Chaos hates stagnation above all else.' So don't worry if you don't feel sleepy."
  348. > Well now.
  349. > That explained a bit.
  350. > But not everything...
  351. "Mm, I've noticed that. But... I've still been feeling muscle soreness, the sort that feels like the product of exhaustion."
  352. > She hummed briefly.
  353. > Rubbing her chin with her hoof.
  354. > "Well, there's magical solutions to that. Your wife probably knows a bunch, if not then Moonlight definitely does."
  355. > Well that's helpful.
  356. "I'm not certain I'm comfortable letting him cast on me. But I appreciate the tip."
  358. > Your comment sends a cringe across Shadewing's features.
  359. > As she looks out over the castle courtyard.
  360. > "I... I understand. The other thing I'm supposed to tell you is that you don't need to worry about using the chaos magic if it suits you. It won't worsen any condition, because you're already safe."
  361. > Once again.
  362. > Helpful.
  363. "Not going to use it anyhow. You know that's exactly what I'd expect to hear if I'm being duped."
  364. > She nods.
  365. > Biting her lip.
  366. > "Of course, my prince. That's all that's really important for the time being, so I'll leave you to your family. Good... morning, I suppose."
  367. > Your... family?
  368. > You suppose they were family, now.
  369. > Your only family, in a way.
  370. > Given that you weren't likely to get to visit Aetherium proper soon...
  371. > Especially with Marcus in charge.
  372. > The colossal arse he is.
  373. > But... things were comfortable enough here...
  374. > Or they would be, if not for the utter insanity afoot every ten seconds.
  375. > You chuckle lightly at the thought.
  376. > As Shadewing flares open her wings and rises up to the bannister.
  377. > "I... I'm sorry, for what it's worth. Nightmare shouldn't have tried to force you, but she's desperate. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her."
  378. > You grunt.
  379. > Unlikely, unless she finds some way to save Luna.
  380. > But you keep a neutral look on your face.
  381. "Sleep well, Shadewing."
  382. > "Thank you. Good luck with your wife and her sister."
  383. > And with that, she dives off.
  384. > Before catching the air with her wings and swerving off.
  385. > Off to... wherever she slept.
  386. > The barracks?
  387. > Did the castle have a barracks?
  388. > It was all far too confusing.
  389. > And you had more important things to be concerned with...
  390. > Namely, the potential civil war brewing in your bedroom.
  392. > Moving back into the room, you're struck with a dilemma.
  393. > How do you opt to wake them up?
  394. > Celestia's now on top of the 'you' pillow.
  395. > Her wings laid out to the sides and all four hooves wrapped around it.
  396. > And Luna has her head hung, upsidedown, off the end of the couch.
  397. > Snoring.
  398. > Well... You suppose Luna should be first.
  399. > She's not the one angry, after all.
  400. > She was just feeling guilty.
  401. > Cel's the one you had to worry about, if Luna's commentary last night was true.
  402. > But...
  403. > Better to have peace-offerings at hand anyway.
  404. > Moving over to the trays, you remove the lids, exposing them to the air.
  405. > Two teas, two coffees.
  406. > You had no idea what Luna liked.
  407. > And you and Cel would have one of each of the others.
  408. > And Shadewing's... creations.
  409. > Bringing over a tray with one of Shadewing's sandwiches and a bunch of regular fruit, you set it on the table before Luna.
  410. > Along with both a tea and a coffee.
  411. > Before turning around to look at your sister-in-law.
  412. > And immediately averting your eyes.
  413. > It hadn't actually clicked with you that she was laying on her back.
  414. > Her... Sleeping position was a little... Exposing.
  415. > Of like, everything.
  416. > Things no brother-in-law should gaze upon.
  417. > Despite the fact that she has actively sought to grant you access on a number of occasions.
  418. > A shudder flies up your spine at the oddness of it.
  419. > Stop thinking about it, Anon.
  420. > This is weird.
  421. > Very, very weird.
  422. > Moving up towards her head, the horn of which is touching the carpet off the couch, you gently attempt to awaken her.
  423. > Taking the coffee, you put it by her head, and softly whisper.
  424. "Luna, hey Luna..."
  425. > Snort.
  426. > Cough.
  427. "Loooooonaaaaa."
  429. > It took a while.
  430. > But eventually you managed to wake Luna.
  431. > Who is immensely startled by it, fear gripping her eyes as they initially open.
  432. > And then, as she sniffs, her snout scrunches.
  433. > You initially think it's the coffee.
  434. > Curses, you should've bet on tea.
  435. > Siblings always go in the opposite directions.
  436. > But when she speaks, your concerns immediately dissolve.
  437. > "Anon? Did we... Did we finally rut?"
  438. > She says it with groggy excitement.
  439. > ...
  440. > You remain in your crouched position, jaw dropped, staring at her.
  441. > Did you...
  442. > Finally?
  443. > What does she mean by finally?
  444. > And more generally, what?
  445. "Uh... No?"
  446. > You can't even think of the right words to respond.
  447. > She looks confused at your reply.
  448. > "Then why does it smell like... Oh, right."
  449. > The acknowledgement comes with her looking away, off to the side.
  450. > Blush on her face.
  451. > And your face doesn't fare much better.
  452. > Gods. That's... awkward.
  453. > Doubtless moreso for her, given her sense of smell.
  454. "Uh... Yeah. Moving on, I made breakfast, for both of you. With a little help."
  455. > With great effort, she pulls herself back upright.
  456. > Levitating the coffee you had offered her, she immediately starts chugging it.
  457. > Like, seriously chugging it.
  458. > That shit was still hot.
  459. > And when she finished, the whole cup was empty.
  460. > "Thanks, Anon. You're the best."
  461. > Fortunately, she speaks quietly.
  462. > Well, that was the... Easy one woken up.
  463. > "Ooh, Mango sandwiches!"
  464. > And the question of the year answered.
  465. > Now, for the challenging one.
  466. > Waking up your wife.
  468. > Moving over to the bed, you get up on it.
  469. > Cel was still lying belly-down on the pillow, wrapped around it.
  470. > Bringing your true weapon, her coffee, you move it near her face.
  471. > But there's no reaction.
  472. > She just cuddles deeper into the pillow.
  473. "Hey, Cel. It's morning..."
  474. > You whisper the words into her ear.
  475. > And she seems to shake her head in her sleep, before turning it to face away.
  476. > You roll out of the bed, and then move around to the other side.
  477. > Getting back up in it, and close to her again.
  478. > Moving your face up to her ear, you whisper it again.
  479. > "Five more minutes..."
  480. > Five more minutes?
  481. > She's the goddamn sun!
  482. > What the hell.
  483. "No five more minutes. I even brought you a coffee."
  484. > Her eyes open slowly.
  485. > And you see a smile cross her face.
  486. > As she leans forward and puts a kiss on your lips.
  487. > "... My head hurts."
  488. > You chuckle.
  489. > Hangover, you have to wonder how she got away from it on your wedding night.
  490. > Well...
  491. > She might well have had one.
  492. > You just weren't there.
  493. > Made you feel like a bit of an ass.
  494. > Even if you weren't responsible...
  495. "Drinking a lot will do that."
  496. > The smile on her face changes, slightly.
  497. > Not just any smile, a smile you recognize well.
  498. > A sultry smile.
  499. > As she wrapped you up in her wings.
  500. > "You know, I'm not drunk now, if you wanted to-"
  501. > A cough comes from the other side of the room.
  502. > Thank the Gods, if she'd finished that sentence this would be even more awkward.
  503. > And Celestia's eyes open wide, shock on them.
  504. > "Is that..."
  505. > She disentangled herself from you.
  506. > And turned around to see Luna, mouth still full of sandwich.
  507. > In her bedroom.
  508. > "Hi, Sis."
  509. > Talking with her mouth full.
  510. > God help you.
  512. --------------------------------------------
  514. > "What is she doing in our bedroom, Anonymous?"
  515. > She says it so calmly.
  516. > It sends shivers down your spine.
  517. > Though it feels weirdly nice for it to be 'our' bedroom.
  518. "She's... Having some trouble. I'll explain in full after breakfast, but it's not a discussion to be having on an empty stomach."
  519. > You practically whisper the words in her ear.
  520. > Luna, for her part, has stopped chewing.
  521. > Setting down the sandwich and sitting back on the couch.
  522. > Looking away from you and Cel.
  523. > "Can... Could Luna please step out on the balcony for a moment?"
  524. > Uh oh.
  525. > That sounds like a red flag if ever you'd heard it.
  526. > Also, the look on Luna's face is heartbreaking.
  527. > "Tia..."
  528. > Oh, heart.
  529. > "Please, Luna. Just... Give me a moment alone with my husband."
  530. > Levitating back up the sandwich, the mopey Luna gets up.
  531. > And drags herself across the room.
  532. > And out onto the balcony.
  533. > And the second the door closes...
  534. > Cel turns around.
  535. > And kisses you again.
  536. > Her hooves wrapping around your head.
  537. > And pulling you close against her.
  538. > Well now.
  539. > This wasn't what you were expecting at all.
  540. > But it's a hell of a lot better than the alternative.
  541. > But sadly, it's over too soon.
  542. > As she pulls back, breathing heavily.
  543. > "I need to find some way to thank you for last night. I'll figure something out."
  544. > You smile.
  545. "It was my pleasure."
  546. > But she has a bigger grin.
  547. > "No, I can assure you, the pleasure was all mine. And I'll make sure you... Get paid back adequately."
  548. > But with that, her grin falls.
  549. > As she looks over your head.
  550. > To the balcony.
  551. > "But... I guess we should tackle the bigger problem. Why is Luna in our room?"
  553. "Oh, well, she was watching us last night and once we were done I dec-"
  554. > "Wait, wait. Luna was... Watching us?"
  555. > Oh.
  556. > Probably shouldn't have mentioned that.
  557. "Uh, yes. She was-"
  558. > "And you... You knew she was watching us... Do, er, um... stuff?"
  559. > That is adorable.
  560. > Her face lights up as she says it.
  561. > But still, awkward to answer.
  562. "Well, yes. But that's-"
  563. > "And... You didn't stop? You just let her watch... that?"
  564. > She still can't even say the word.
  565. > To be fair, you thought she was just going to leave.
  566. > And you're about to say something to that effect, when Cel continues.
  567. > "And afterwards you invited her to spend the night in a room that... Reeks of what we did?"
  568. > Well when she puts it that way...
  569. "Just, give me a second Cel."
  570. > You wait for her to interrupt again.
  571. > But she waits, patiently, for your response.
  572. "Alright. I knew she was there when we entered, but I expected her to leave... She was hidden by a spell, and I didn't want to ruin our evening."
  573. > Wow.
  574. > On reflection, that was pretty weird.
  575. > You had been a little drunk... It didn't seem quite as weird.
  576. > But now...
  577. "Ok, that sounds weird. But it didn't at the time, and I earnestly expected her to leave."
  578. > You see Cel's eyes narrow into a glare.
  579. > "But she didn't..."
  580. > The glare and the associated statement aren't directed at you, but rather the balcony.
  581. "Wait, it's not her fault."
  582. > And with that, the glare turned back to you.
  583. "Cel... She can't control herself. She's infected by chaos magic as well."
  584. > Celestia's already frowny-face deepened.
  585. > To an out-and-out scowl.
  586. > "Is that what she told you? Does she think what's happening is a fucking joke?"
  587. > Oh shit.
  588. > She's angry.
  589. > You move a hand up and scratch her ear to try and relax her.
  590. "I'm being serious. Something's not right, just let her explain."
  591. > She looks back down at you.
  592. > She's skeptical.
  593. > "... Fine. I'll let her explain. But I'm not going to sit here and be lied to by the mare that tried to steal you, Anonymous."
  595. > Well, this wasn't explaining.
  596. > This wasn't explaining at all.
  597. > This was sitting in silence.
  598. > Occasionally taking a bite of... food.
  599. > As it turned out, Luna liked both tea and coffee.
  600. > The dirty heathen.
  601. > And so was now drinking tea like you.
  602. > Something you knew Cel had taken exception to, though she had not mentioned it.
  603. > In fact, no one had spoken a word since Luna came back in.
  604. "So..."
  605. > "So."
  606. > "So!"
  607. > And silence reigns.
  608. > This was...
  609. > "This is stupid. Luna, why in the world did you watch Anon and I rut?"
  610. > You weren't... Sure what you did counted as rutting.
  611. > It wasn't a term you were familiar with, really.
  612. > You suppose it's best to defer to Celestia.
  613. > She knows best.
  614. > And you suppose she did finally actually use a word related to the act.
  615. > "I... I couldn't control myself. I felt a compulsion to stay, and I couldn't ignore it..."
  616. > Celestia scoffs.
  617. > Turning her head to look at the wall.
  618. > Her face already red as a tomato.
  619. > Like the tomato in her tomato and pomegranate sandwich.
  620. > "Irresistible compulsion to watch my coltfriend getting busy, you mean. Luna, why can't you just be happy for me, for once?"
  621. > This... Is sort of getting out of control right off the bat.
  622. > It's weird how she just ignores the fact that it was mostly about her.
  623. > Although, if Ares had watched you get laid, you'd probably want to keep that little factoid out of the discussion as much as possible.
  624. > "No, I swear, it's not like that! I was here just... To apologize, and say I would leave you alone. And then you came in... Doing that. And I couldn't make myself leave."
  625. > Cel takes a deep swig of coffee.
  626. > Cringing as the hot liquid flows down her throat.
  627. > Apparently she doesn't have the molten throat Luna does.
  628. > Oh Gods.
  629. > Bad mental image.
  630. > "You can't just pretend away all your efforts at stealing my husband, Luna! I know what you did!"
  631. > And it continues.
  632. > And so you interrupt.
  634. "Cel. She's not in control of herself. It's the same thing that prompted me to go to her room."
  635. > With that, your furious wife turned on you.
  636. > "She's lying to you, Anonymous! She's always been jealous of me, and now that she's caught red-hooved, she's trying to find an excuse. A lame one at that."
  637. > You sigh.
  638. "Cel. Relax."
  639. > You run your hand down the back of her neck.
  640. > She's breathing heavily.
  641. > It's clear this is difficult for her.
  642. > "If... If she would just tell the truth, then I could forgive and forget. But lying to me like this..."
  643. > You hug her close.
  644. > It feels... Awkward, to be calming her in front of Luna.
  645. > Who is just sitting there, awkwardly chewing on food.
  646. > It's a good thing she knew when to be quiet.
  647. "Just let her explain, Cel. There's more to this than you realize..."
  648. > She doesn't say anything.
  649. > But she's shaking under your touch.
  650. > So you gesture to Luna, as you continue being comforting to Cel.
  651. > "Tia... It's the truth. I'm casting spells I don't know how to, and I know my thoughts are messed up..."
  652. > You can feel the anger building again.
  653. > So you decide to let the cat out of the bag.
  654. "Cel, do you remember who I asked you about last night?"
  655. > Her eyes open, and she looks down to you.
  656. > She's confused, you can tell, although it's hard to decipher through her poorly masked anger.
  657. > "Which? We spoke quite a bit..."
  658. "Arryx Quartrasza. Nightmare."
  659. > She looks away once again with that.
  660. > Off to the wall.
  661. > "Yes. I recall. What's the purpose of thi-"
  662. "She's responsible for this. All of this. Luna never commanded me to go to her, nor did 'Starlight Sparkle.' Nightmare was the one who sent me to Luna's room."
  663. > Cel continues looking away.
  664. > But Luna lets out a gasp at that.
  665. > It occurs to you that you hadn't explained the full circumstance to her last night.
  666. > But that should... alleviate her conscience, somewhat.
  667. > "Why didn't you tell me?"
  668. > Now it's your turn to look away.
  669. > A frown on your face as well as her own.
  671. "I wanted to protect you. And the realm. I was worried they would attack if she knew I subverted her control."
  672. > The words feel sour.
  673. > Given that you now know that Celestia had a tool against Nightmare all along.
  674. > But still... You were justified.
  675. > "I... That makes sense, Anon."
  676. > You can tell that while she concedes that...
  677. > She feels betrayed, still.
  678. "I suspect she's involved with Luna's corruption, as well. Though Nightmare apparently is preventing me from descending into madness..."
  679. > Cel shakes her head.
  680. > "Anon, me and Luna are immune to chaos magic. Alicorns are naturally resistant, and with the elements of harmony on top of that-"
  681. > And Luna takes this opportunity to interrupt.
  682. > Her voice soft, and sad.
  683. > "I'm losing my connection to the elements, sister. "
  684. > And like that, Celestia's anger vanishes.
  685. > As she turns her gaze back to Luna.
  686. > A look of disbelief on her face.
  687. > "Luna, what do you mean? We can't..."
  688. > Cel's words trail off.
  689. > Luna lets a soft smile take over her face.
  690. > "But I am. I can't feel loyalty or laughter, and it's not just that..."
  691. > She raises a wing, and you notice something you hadn't noticed before.
  692. > A long cut.
  693. > Recent.
  694. > Along the side of her body.
  695. > A serious wound.
  696. > One you recognize, actually.
  697. > "I can't speak to my animal friends anymore. Sylvan gave me this yesterday morning..."
  698. > Her smile takes on a sad character.
  699. > That's from a Manticore claw. No doubt.
  700. > Cel just stutters.
  701. > It's understandable that she doesn't know how to react.
  702. > "Luna... I'm sorry, it's just..."
  703. > You see the tears begin to fall.
  704. > Sullying the fur on her cheeks.
  705. > "It's not your fault, Tia."
  706. > And with that, Luna moves over to the bed.
  707. > And they embrace.
  708. > The truth is finally out.
  710. -------------------------------------------------
  712. > You are Celestia.
  713. > And you feel like...
  714. > Like a bitch.
  715. > You'd been giving Luna so much trouble.
  716. > And... thinking nasty things about her, as well.
  717. > You'd been extra grateful for last night because of the distraction from her.
  718. > And now it turns out it wasn't even her to begin with.
  719. > You couldn't even understand what was going on here...
  720. > Even now, you had trouble believing this.
  721. > But Sylvan would never have hurt Luna.
  722. > It would be like Philomena attacking you.
  723. > It meant something was wrong.
  724. > Very wrong.
  725. > Chaos magic wrong.
  726. > "I'm still sorry, Tia. I didn't want to hurt you and Anonymous, but-"
  727. > You shush her.
  728. > Running a hoof up and down her back.
  729. > You can feel wetness on your cheeks.
  730. > But it's a passive sort of sadness.
  731. > A looming sadness.
  732. > Of the implications that were at hoof.
  733. "Did you tell Dad?"
  734. > She shakes her head.
  735. > So that would be an... Unfortunate conversation.
  736. > You'd enjoyed yesterday as an escape.
  737. > From a vindictive sister and a doomed husband.
  738. > Now...
  739. > Now you have a doomed sister and maybe-doomed husband.
  740. > Assuming they're right about the cause of the problem...
  741. > But if Luna's losing her connection to the elements, and casting unknown spells...
  742. > There's little in the way of better explanations for the situation.
  743. > Which meant...
  744. > You needed to make the most of the time you had left.
  745. "Have... have all of your animal friends gone..."
  746. > "Wild? Yeah. They can't seem to understand me any more, and get... violent."
  747. > That's... really bad.
  748. > A small army of potentially lethal critters couldn't be left inside of Canterlot.
  749. > Which meant...
  750. > "And I know they have to be put down if I can't... Get control back."
  751. > You pull her tighter into the embrace.
  752. > Luna and her animals had been the closest companions through the years.
  753. > And now...
  754. > Right before she lost herself...
  755. > She was losing them too.
  757. "That... might not be the case. I promise you, Luna, I'll find somepony else with nature-tongue to keep them under control."
  758. > The odds were slim.
  759. > But you'd do anything to make this even a little bit better.
  760. > Even if that meant tracking down a pony with one of the rarest talents in the world.
  761. > Luna sniffles at your shoulder before responding.
  762. > "I appreciate the sentiment Tia... But you've got more important things to do. There's a war about to start up, and I might be incapable of leading in a week's time. They need you."
  763. > A week's time...
  764. > You desperately hope you have longer than that.
  765. "Nothing's more important, Luna. Remember how bad we felt about not getting-"
  766. > "The medallion for mom, I know. But Tia, we were in control when that happened. Your responsibilities are more important now."
  767. > You scoff.
  768. > If the ponies couldn't manage a month without you...
  769. > A month to dedicate to your fatally ill sister...
  770. > One of their rulers, at that.
  771. > What were they worth?
  772. > You knew the outpouring of support they gave you was just them playing their stupid game.
  773. > And they would turn on you the second it worked in their favour.
  774. > But some things were more important than politics...
  775. "Lulu... Do you know how advanced it is?"
  776. > Your comment is met with silence.
  777. > Luna snuggling further into the crook of your neck.
  778. > She feels warm.
  779. > It's... odd.
  780. > You and her hadn't cuddled or hugged in ages, it felt like.
  781. > Years, even.
  782. > You had barely spoken to one another...
  783. > "I... I don't know. But if I'm already casting chaotic spells without thinking..."
  784. > She trails off, but the implication lays heavy on your shoulders.
  785. > That meant not long.
  786. > Which was part of why you were so concerned with Anonymous.
  787. > Casting meant... Soon.
  788. > A month at most, usually, before it started.
  789. > But it could come much sooner.
  790. > Too soon.
  791. > You knew that too well.
  792. > You knew how quickly that loss could happen.
  793. > How quickly it would all be-
  794. > "There is a solution."
  796. > Anonymous voice comes from further away than you realized.
  797. > He's staring out at the castle courtyard.
  798. > The words shock you out of your train of thought.
  799. > Which... you appreciate.
  800. > You were going down a dark road there for a moment.
  801. "A solution?"
  802. > A smirk forms on Anonymous' face as her turns to face you.
  803. > As he gestures with his hand to his neck.
  804. > "There's a few, actually. This thing on my neck is keeping me sane, supposedly, and I imagine we could do something similar with Luna."
  805. > You bite your lip.
  806. > That would imply making Luna reliant on a Falwing matriarch.
  807. > Which your...
  808. > It only really just hit you that your husband is irrevocably bound to another female.
  809. > His sanity is dependant on her.
  810. > That feels...
  811. > Horrible.
  812. > And more importantly, infuriating.
  813. > You suppose it's better than the alternative...
  814. > But it makes you want to kill that Dragon.
  815. > When you find a solution to this...
  816. > All of this.
  817. > She's going to pay.
  818. > "I doubt she'd do that for me for free."
  819. > A thought occurs to you as Luna says it, however.
  820. "It's possible, though, that we could learn the spell and do it between us... I'm still immune to chaos magic, after all."
  821. > Or rather, you should be.
  822. > But you'd make that risk for Luna.
  823. > Anon nods, looking away.
  824. > His voice seems strained as he answers.
  825. > "Well... I know what she wants. And what she wants presents an easier solution, actually..."
  826. > It was obvious want she wanted.
  827. > To subjugate Equestria again.
  828. > It's what every Falwing leader has wanted since you got rid of Discord.
  829. "We're not submitting to their rule again, Anonymous. I know Falwing politics. She intends to use us as a pawn against-"
  830. > "She wants Discord."
  831. > That...
  832. > Is unlikely.
  833. > While you had admittedly not dealt with Nightmare herself...
  834. > You'd dealt with her brothers.
  835. > And none of them wanted Discord back.
  836. > In fact, they were quite pleased he was gone.
  837. > They had showered you with praise because it made them strong.
  838. > They would never want him back.
  839. "Anon... Falwing hates Discord. Why would they want him back?"
  841. > Anonymous seems contemplative for a moment.
  842. > Like he's unsure what precisely he wants to say.
  843. > Before he sighs, and rubs his face with a hand.
  844. > "Don't think of it that way, for now. As far as I gather, Discord could remove chaos magic from us. Wouldn't that be worth it?"
  845. > You shudder.
  846. > The thought of working with Discord...
  847. > It was inconceivable.
  848. > He was...
  849. > He had ruined your early life.
  850. > Made it so you were always on the run.
  851. > Seems Dragonkin had a talent for making you miserable.
  852. > Targeting you.
  853. > Targeting your country.
  854. > Now... targeting your family.
  855. > "He'd never work with us, Anonymous. Discord can't be worked with on a good day. And seeing us would turn his day bad pretty quick..."
  856. > ...
  857. > And that reminds you that apparently, they had a far greater talent for making Luna miserable.
  858. > You weren't the one infected.
  859. > All of this stress makes you hungry.
  860. > It's a shame the food's almost out.
  861. > It was so good...
  862. > You vaguely wonder where Anonymous learned Equestrian cuisine.
  863. > But the thought is a poor attempt to distract yourself.
  864. > Anonymous hums.
  865. > "Listen, two of my guards are loyal to Discord. I'll see if I-"
  866. "What?"
  867. > "What?"
  868. > You and Luna said it at the same time.
  869. > But that was appropriate.
  870. > What he just said was... absurd!
  871. > "Moonlight and Shadewing. They never intended to betray Discord, and want to bring him back. They're Nightmare's agents."
  872. > Those...
  873. > Those treasonous...
  874. > "Calm, Cel. They also told me about the whole deal. I don't know if I can trust them, yet, but they're too valuable to get rid of."
  875. > For now.
  876. > But anypony who had a part in this scheme was going to face serious consequences.
  877. > That much... you swear.
  878. "Fine. But... I'd like to speak with them. Privately. To... discuss things."
  879. > You expect a defensive reply again.
  880. > But instead, Anon gives you a thoughtful nod.
  881. > "Certainly, Cel. But... later. Today should be about reconciliation, not retribution. Let me handle it for now."
  882. > It burned you up inside.
  883. > But he had a point.
  885. > "We'll figure something out, I don't intend to let Luna go so easily. But court is soon, and you'll need to be there, Cel. Which means showered and ready."
  886. > That causes you to cringe.
  887. > You... You definitely didn't feel ready for court.
  888. > Not with all this baggage right now.
  889. > "Although... I could handle court solo, if you wanted to spend time with your sister."
  890. > That... Was a horrible idea.
  891. > A sweet idea.
  892. > But a horrible one.
  893. "Anonymous... If things went wrong without me there..."
  894. > He didn't even know the laws properly!
  895. > "My guards know Equestrian law better than you, I'd wager. They've been serving the country longer, after all; enforcing those laws. I'll keep them close at hand, and you and Luna can work on things."
  896. > Things.
  897. > It seems like such an innocuous word for the plethora of problems at hoof.
  898. > You breathe deeply.
  899. > One problem at a time, Celestia.
  900. > Fix up your relationship with Luna.
  901. > Then you can worry about the fallout from avoiding court.
  902. > Luna is more important than a few potentially upset nobles.
  903. > Even if your country is descending into civil war.
  904. > Making upset nobles that much more of a threat...
  905. > Yesterday, you had felt so confident you could solve Anonymous' problem.
  906. > Yesterday, you felt confident you could reunite your country.
  907. > Now, you were told he was safe.
  908. > Though you still intended to double-check that, given he was having symptoms.
  909. > But solving the problem in Luna is an entirely different problem...
  910. > Your ace in the hole was the elements, if all else failed.
  911. > Even if it turned Anon into a statue or something...
  912. > It would've meant you could spend the next millennia researching a cure.
  913. > But now you couldn't even count on the elements.
  914. > And you couldn't count on having a sister to help manage the country.
  915. > You couldn't count on anything, it seemed.
  916. > But... Maybe you could count on Anonymous himself.
  917. > Maybe together, you could fix all of this.
  919. > Anonymous decided that he was going to do court solo, cutting you out of the decision-making process.
  920. > He was currently changing into his Royal Armour.
  921. > It... It felt a little nice to see him willing to wear it so readily now.
  922. > You could tell he was uncomfortable about it the first few days.
  923. > Tartarus, he's barely been here at all.
  924. > You winced.
  925. > Last night...
  926. > Last night you had told him you loved him.
  927. > Was that too fast?
  928. > You were supposed to be in love...
  929. > You were married.
  930. > It was your obligation.
  931. > The thought causes another wince.
  932. > Obligation...
  933. > You'd viewed most of your entire life like an obligation.
  934. > Did you really view Anonymous like that?
  935. > Like just some... Requirement?
  936. > Something you had to deal with?
  937. > No.
  938. > He definitely wasn't.
  939. > Not any more.
  940. > But you can't shake the thought, no matter how hard you tried.
  941. > Luna, for her part, was covering her eyes with her hooves.
  942. > And peeking, you could tell.
  943. > But you didn't have the heart to give her trouble.
  944. > Not... not now.
  945. > Especially in the context of her not even having full control of herself.
  946. > Vaguely, you wonder what would've happened if Luna had married him.
  947. > You'd originally thought they would be a better match...
  948. > But the Aetherites were an odd civilization.
  949. > Males couldn't marry down in age, and none of them could marry until a specific age.
  950. > Where in Equestria, love was supposed to guide the choice.
  951. > ...
  952. > Your eyes drink in Anonymous in his armour.
  953. > Makes you wonder if love guided your choice.
  954. > If it knew what was best for you even before you did.
  955. > You'd had so many troubles...
  956. > But conflict makes the heart grow fonder.
  957. > Perhaps your destiny had guided you to love.
  958. > Without your knowledge.
  960. > "So what's the full itinerary for today?"
  961. > Anonymous finally has it all set up.
  962. > Your feather laid proudly over the tabard's sun emblem.
  963. > It felt so nice to see.
  964. > A safe port in the storm.
  965. "Well... There's a few things I'll have to address personally-"
  966. > "No. You and Luna reconcile. I can handle it all, I promise you."
  967. > He says it authoritatively.
  968. > Leaving little room for discussion.
  969. > You kick a hoof.
  970. > "Who's to say I don't want to spend time with you as well?"
  971. > You almost can't believe you heard that, given the circumstance.
  972. > Luna.
  973. > You look over to her, but she seems innocuous enough.
  974. > "I mean, you're family now too, Anon."
  975. > That... That's an odd thought.
  976. > Thinking of Anonymous as... Family.
  977. > You'd considered him your husband, but the title felt... detached.
  978. > Your husband, your human, your prince...
  979. > All of them felt like you were distancing yourself from him, in retrospect.
  980. > He was something, not someone.
  981. > That changed last night, it occurs to you.
  982. > He... He was more than just your husband in title.
  983. > "The second I find some free time, I'll track you two down. But for now..."
  984. > He moved over to you.
  985. > And planted a chaste kiss on your lips.
  986. > It made your heart flutter.
  987. > "For now, I'm going to... discuss with my guards before court, and then handle court itself. So, if you wouldn't mind steering me in the right direction before I mess everything up..."
  988. > You smile.
  989. > A genuine smile.
  990. > Somehow, despite all the misery...
  991. > He still managed to make you happy.
  992. "Alright, Anon, I concede. Here's what I've got to get done today. After court, there's a meeting with the generals. Equestrian forces should have already begun to arrive at the outskirts of Pegasopolis. Then..."
  993. > And so you went on, detailing your schedule.
  994. > You just hoped it all turned out fine.
  995. > But in the mean time...
  996. > You had a sister to make up with.
  998. ---------------------------------------------------------
  1000. > You are Anonymous.
  1001. > As you close the door behind you, you notice the veritable crowd outside.
  1002. > Well, you say crowd.
  1003. > Six guards total stand outside your room.
  1004. > Two of them for the door.
  1005. > Two of them for you, Moonlight and Waves.
  1006. > And two... you don't recognize.
  1007. > Arguing with your guards.
  1008. > Neither of whom have noticed your presence.
  1009. > "It is our duty to present the prince..."
  1010. > "Well that's most unfortunate, because I'll not have that thing anywhere near him unless it's in my hooves."
  1011. > Thing?
  1012. > Hmm...
  1013. > They continued to ramble on.
  1014. > Until you cleared your throat.
  1015. > Which got their collective attention.
  1016. > And prompted a series of bows.
  1017. > Which was... Odd.
  1018. > "My prince, your guards-"
  1019. > "Prince Anonymous, these Battlemages claim to be coming from the North, bearing something of yours. But we-"
  1020. "Enough, enough. Cock-measuring can be done another time. What is it?"
  1021. > The unknown ponies seem to shuffle on their hooves a bit.
  1022. > "We're... Not sure. Our commander told us not to look at it, and just bring it."
  1023. > And with that, the unicorn levitates a long box off their back.
  1024. > Which is then stopped by Moonlight's magic.
  1025. > "Then tell your commander to come here himself. Blizzard gets a damn promotion and thinks he's suddenly too good..."
  1026. > That box seemed just the right length...
  1027. > Could it be?
  1028. > You'd given up hope of seeing it again.
  1029. "I know what it is. Give it here."
  1030. > Moonlight stutters, but releases his magic grip.
  1031. > Allowing the battlemage to finish levitating it over.
  1032. > Gripping the edge of the box, you open it slowly.
  1033. > To reveal your old friend.
  1034. > Your longsword.
  1036. > You almost can't believe your eyes.
  1037. > You had almost entirely forgotten about it.
  1038. > Despite the minor discomfort you had felt about being unarmed.
  1039. > But it was more than that.
  1040. > It was the only reminder of home you had, before your kidnapping.
  1041. > That and your ring.
  1042. > And one of them was around Celestia's neck right now.
  1043. > Never to be removed.
  1044. > As you reach in, you run your fingers along the cold steel.
  1045. > And you do mean cold. Frosty, even.
  1046. > The blade was spellforged, and as a product had an additional spell woven in to prevent it from melting.
  1047. > Active spells in metal often generated heat.
  1048. > So cooling spells needed to be woven to counterbalance.
  1049. > You had been given it at the tourney for your brother Marcus' seventeenth birthday.
  1050. > You were sixteen at the time.
  1051. > It had been given to you by a Knight hailing from Cervidae, after you bested him.
  1052. > It had a name, but you had never been able to pronounce it.
  1053. > Fighting against Deerfolk was always a fascinating endeavour.
  1054. > Like a hybrid of each pony type.
  1055. > Relatively skilled casters, incredibly swift, though bound to the ground.
  1056. > He had used every tool in his arsenal against you.
  1057. > And you had shocked the crowd with your victory.
  1058. > Including the Knight, who had told you that you were always welcome in Farin Cross.
  1059. > A shame that offer likely didn't still hold, given Falwing's ownership of the region.
  1060. > Vaguely, you wonder whether that Knight still lives.
  1061. > This sword may be the only relic of his left...
  1062. > Gripping the hilt of the blade, you pull it out.
  1063. > It always stunned you how light it felt.
  1064. > Like a feather.
  1065. > Recently cleaned, from the looks of it.
  1066. "Thank you, gentlemen. Was there a sheath with it, perchance?"
  1067. > They shake their heads.
  1068. > A shame, that was some expensive work.
  1069. > Sliding the blade into the belt of your armour, you feel...
  1070. > Comfortable.
  1071. > Between this and being in control of the Nightmare situation...
  1072. > Definitely comfortable.
  1073. > For the first time in a while.
  1074. > You gesture for your guards to follow, as you begin moving.
  1075. "Now if you don't mind me, I need to attend court. Tell Blizzard I appreciate his returning this."
  1077. "So, Moonlight. Got anything to say?"
  1078. > For a split second, you see Moonlight's eyes flash over to Waves.
  1079. "She's not going to say anything. Are you, Waves?"
  1080. > "Say anything about what? I mean, no my prince, of course not."
  1081. > You chuckle.
  1082. > Waves certainly seemed green as guards go.
  1083. > She must be talented to have been charged with protecting the Royal Bedroom.
  1084. > You halfway want to take her out to the courtyard and have a duel.
  1085. > But you doubt your wife would take kindly to you fighting while still moderately injured.
  1086. > "I'm to answer your inquests, my prince. But I am not the talkative sort. Forgive me."
  1087. > Hmm.
  1088. > Not what you would expect from a Discord loyalist...
  1089. "What's somepony working for Discord so serious for?"
  1090. > You can see Waves stiffen at your comment.
  1091. > But she does not say anything.
  1092. > You can only hope she knows the value of discretion.
  1093. > "I've always been this way."
  1094. > Curious.
  1095. "And so how did he win your loyalty?"
  1096. > The stallion grunts.
  1097. > "He didn't. But I... I have family in the Sunshone Federation."
  1098. > Family ties in Falwing territory.
  1099. > Makes sense, you suppose.
  1100. "Shadewing implied you only betrayed Discord because he told you too."
  1101. > That finally causes him to look somewhere other than straight ahead.
  1102. > Concern seeming to overtake his face.
  1103. > Which is... Odd.
  1104. > You'd have expected that when discussing his family.
  1105. > "He did. I... I followed my duty to the letter. As I always have."
  1106. > Ah, he's one of those types.
  1107. > Duty above all else.
  1108. > And from the looks of it, he can't tell if he did the right thing by following Discord's order to betray him.
  1109. "Always have? Yet you betrayed me for Nightmare."
  1110. > "I betrayed you for Discord."
  1111. > He says it with certainty.
  1112. > But you doubt he's so sure of his position.
  1113. > An unenviable position, torn between abstract loyalties.
  1114. "I'm sure you did. Shocks me how relaxed the two of you are about treason."
  1115. > You look off to the side.
  1116. "I'll be needing your assistance, in court, by the way."
  1118. > Arriving at court, you're struck by how sparsely populated it is.
  1119. > You suppose a number of them are doubtless busy with the whole Pegasopolis situation.
  1120. > Whispers spread fairly effectively through the small crowd anyway.
  1121. > As you enter alone.
  1122. > The galleries are almost entirely barren.
  1123. > You'd honestly expected a lot more ponies here, irrespective of the political situation.
  1124. > But then again...
  1125. > So many had sworn yesterday that they would not rest until Equestria was whole again.
  1126. > Doubtless they recognized there was little political gain to be made in wasting time in court now.
  1127. > But substantial to be gained by speaking and acting against the rebellious Pegasi.
  1128. > Moving into the room proper, you take a survey of the room.
  1129. > As your guards take up their positions beside the throne.
  1130. > All eyes are on you.
  1131. > It's... Odd.
  1132. > The first day here, they had ignored you.
  1133. > Acted like you didn't exist.
  1134. > Second day you were still a sideshow.
  1135. > Now...
  1136. > You were their sole connection to their government.
  1137. > You can't keep the smile off your face.
  1138. > Moving up to the throne, you look to the seats.
  1139. > You suppose if you're the only Prince here today...
  1140. > Moving up to the big center chair, you draw your blade.
  1141. > Before turning around and sitting in the chair.
  1142. > The pommel of the blade resting against your hand, and the tip against the floor.
  1143. > Giving you a rather intimidating appearance, you think.
  1144. > Resting authoritatively in the chair, blade in hand, in such armour.
  1145. > You...
  1146. > You rather liked this perspective on the throne room.
  1147. > Better than from the side-seat.
  1148. > Before the guards can even call the room to order, you decide to play this your way.
  1149. > You already had a reputation for violating the protocol of the court, after all.
  1150. > Had to keep the ponies on their toes.
  1151. > Err... Hooves?
  1152. > Tippy-hooves?
  1153. > Whatever.
  1154. "The first petitioner may approach!"
  1156. > You're... stunned.
  1157. > Your two previous excursions had been met with hostility and praise, but this...
  1158. > This was...
  1159. > Dull.
  1160. > You imagine this is what court is like when things are relaxed for Celestia.
  1161. > Although, not even that.
  1162. > Because presumably you'd still have people coming to complain senselessly.
  1163. > "According to Subsection 35 (b) of the Standard Farming Clause of Earth's First Charter..."
  1164. > You almost let out a scoff.
  1165. > Earth's First Charter?
  1166. > Earth doesn't exist any longer, their laws are irrelevant.
  1167. > It's called Aetherium now.
  1168. > The sentiment makes you feel bad, briefly.
  1169. > A terrible shame so many lost their homes.
  1170. > But your people needed that land.
  1171. > You whisper a question to your guard.
  1172. "Moonlight, are pre-Equestrian laws even relevant to the contemporary legal process?"
  1173. > You had... Some idea how all this worked.
  1174. > But admittedly not enough.
  1175. > Fortunate, then, that you had such a beacon of knowledge at your side.
  1176. > "No, my prince. They have no legal case. I suspect this is an emotional case, justified by ancient law."
  1177. > Made sense.
  1178. > They were requesting land appropriations from nearby Pegasi based on pre-Equestrian Earth law.
  1179. > Evidently, Earth had standards which required ponies of other races to vacate fertile land for Earth ponies.
  1180. > Which is... fascinating.
  1181. > And to some degree lessened your sadness about their suffering.
  1182. > You're about to deliver your verdict, when something catches your eye.
  1183. > Outside the window...
  1184. > Is that...
  1185. > Snow?
  1186. > It's mid-summer...
  1187. > You're not the only one to notice it, either.
  1188. > The court is all beginning to turn to look out the windows of the throne room.
  1189. > There's no question.
  1190. > It's snowing...
  1191. > It was sunny only minutes ago.
  1192. > What in the world...
  1193. > "This bodes ill, my prince. Snow in summer is never a good sign..."
  1194. > As if you needed your guard to tell you that.
  1195. > Still, you needed to keep the ponies calm.
  1196. "Settle down, everyone. The weather will be dealt with. In the mean time, with respect to your request..."
  1198. > As you close court, the room already has a stark chill.
  1199. > Which is... absurd, after this morning's warm sunny skies.
  1200. > The cold metal of your blade now matching the chill in your armour.
  1201. > The weather was not being dealt with.
  1202. > It had become substantially worse over the course of the day.
  1203. > There were two possibilities, from your perspective.
  1204. > Cyclone.
  1205. > He could be using this as a harassment tactic.
  1206. > At this point he was certain to know that you had mobilized the Equestrian military...
  1207. > And could be taking countermeasures.
  1208. > Pegasi were in charge of the Equestrian weather, after all.
  1209. > The weather in the North was... non-functional, and needed guidance.
  1210. > A product of a previous generation's mistakes.
  1211. > And the horrors they wrought.
  1212. > A horror you're terrified is the second possibility.
  1213. > Windigos.
  1214. > Everyone knew the stories of the long winter.
  1215. > Brought about, supposedly, by disharmony.
  1216. > No one knows if that's really what brought the Windigos.
  1217. > But it's what people, and ponies for that matter, believe.
  1218. > The world still hadn't recovered from it.
  1219. > Equestria's weather would forever need to be managed.
  1220. > Gods, wouldn't that give you an incredible legacy.
  1221. > If your marriage brought back the Windigos.
  1222. > People would be singing songs about you for ages.
  1223. > Songs that included words like 'scourge' and 'the arrogant,' no doubt.
  1224. > But songs nonetheless.
  1225. > You sigh.
  1226. > "My prince, we must hurry to the generals. Doubtless this cold is going to be provoking a panic."
  1227. > He had a point.
  1228. > Ponies tended to dislike anything out of the ordinary.
  1229. > They were easily spooked by change, or so you'd heard.
  1230. > Rising up from your throne, you once again slide your blade into the belt of your armour.
  1231. > And move towards the exit.
  1232. > You wonder how this will go down.
  1233. > No doubt Equestria's generals will just love to see you, instead of Celestia.
  1235. > "... has to be. We need forces here."
  1236. > "We don't have that sort of air power right now, what loyalists we have are deployed. It's suicide."
  1237. > As you rounded the hallway corner, you could hear the discussion.
  1238. > That strikes you as... remarkably unsafe.
  1239. > Perhaps the Equestrians were even worse at war than you thought...
  1240. > As you enter the room, they don't notice you.
  1241. > All dressed in Imperial garb, surprisingly.
  1242. > Equestria was never a part of the Crystal Empire.
  1243. > They were huddled around a map.
  1244. > You clear your throat.
  1245. > Which prompts them to look back.
  1246. > "I believe I said- Oh, my prince. Good day."
  1247. > You grin at the general.
  1248. "Not quite so certain about the good part of that, given our little snowstorm. I'll be filling in for Celestia today."
  1249. > The generals look to one another with uncertainty.
  1250. > You can tell, immediately, that they're uncomfortable with the prospect.
  1251. "Is there a problem with that?"
  1252. > A Unicorn stallion is the one to address you.
  1253. > "There are... Concerns which we feel you might be biased towards addressing, my prince. But if it is Celestia's will that you be here in her stead, then so be it."
  1254. > Concerns?
  1255. > If they feel you might be biased, then it's probably to do with Aetherium.
  1256. "Well, first of all..."
  1257. > You shut the door.
  1258. "None of this should be getting out of the room."
  1259. > "Of course, my prince. We were not discussing any details pending Celestia's arrival, so we didn't need to keep it shut."
  1260. > You have no doubt that you should know these ponies' names.
  1261. > Doubtless they were important, well-decorated heroes.
  1262. > But then...
  1263. > You had two heroes of Equestria in your employ.
  1264. > And they were treasonous bastards plotting the overthrow of the leadership with a foreign power.
  1265. > When you put it that way, it really seems like you shouldn't be keeping them by your side.
  1266. > You casually gaze at the door, outside of which your guards stand.
  1267. > They... Their motivations seemed honest enough.
  1268. > But critically, they were still too important to cast aside.
  1270. > There's three of these Generals here.
  1271. > One from each of the pony races, interestingly.
  1272. > You're sure there's some significance to that, but you don't know what it is.
  1273. "So, first thing's first. The weather."
  1274. > The assembled ponies nod.
  1275. > The one who spoke earlier, a unicorn, talking again.
  1276. > "It's Pegasopolis, although indirectly. Guerilla fighters using clouds smuggled out by the city-state. We've spotted some of them amongst the clouds, and they've been doing the same to mobilizing divisions since we started moving."
  1277. > Not Windigos, then.
  1278. > That's a relief.
  1279. > You hum, looking over the map.
  1280. > You have to wonder exactly how long it takes for ponies to reach Canterlot from Pegasopolis...
  1281. "So what's the point? A little snow on Canterlot's not going to hamper us much."
  1282. > A grim frown overtakes the Pegasus' face.
  1283. > "It's psychological warfare. We've used it in the past, against Falwing loyalists. Everypony knows about the Windigos, and during times of unrest..."
  1284. > That's brilliant.
  1285. > It even worked on you, not even an Equestrian.
  1286. > And no doubt caused substantially more unrest in a political climate like this.
  1287. "So, why don't we take the Pegasi doing it out?"
  1288. > "No resources to. We've only got a few Pegasi soldiers present in Canterlot, this fortress is untouchable so it only needs a light garrison."
  1289. > That's hardly a real answer.
  1290. > You don't need to engage them in a melee fight to defeat them...
  1291. "Why not just shoot them out of the sky? They can't be that high up if we're already on a mountain."
  1292. > This time, the Earth pony speaks up.
  1293. > "Nothing to hit them with. Clouds'll keep 'em safe from magic. We've got Unicorns trying to break up the weather, but they can only do so much."
  1294. > You ponder how the Aetherite military might have handled this...
  1295. > Ranged weaponry would be difficult in the weather.
  1296. > Hmm...
  1297. > And that's when an idea strikes you.
  1298. "Don't know if you'll have any, since humans are so scarce here... But find me a bow and arrow."
  1300. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  1302. > "And then, he sort of nipped right here, and it was just crazy."
  1303. > Luna gestures to her neck.
  1304. > You are Celestia.
  1305. > "I... I almost kinda wish it hadn't stopped."
  1306. > And for some reason...
  1307. > "I mean, I'm happy it did because it would've ruined things even worse in a big way, but still."
  1308. > You're conversing with Luna about her attempt at stealing your husband.
  1309. > Civilly.
  1310. > Somehow.
  1311. "I imagine I'd be rather upset if he'd stopped last night."
  1312. > When you woke up this morning, you would have fried her for talking about this.
  1313. > But now it felt almost like... normal.
  1314. > Compared to the real problem you were staunchly avoiding discussing.
  1315. > And had been avoiding all morning.
  1316. > But Luna has a sly grin for her reply.
  1317. > "Oh, that wouldn't surprise me Tia! You seemed disappointed enough miss 'I want you to fuck me.'"
  1318. > Oh no.
  1319. > That's embarrassing as all hell.
  1320. > You scrunch up your snout.
  1321. "Luna! Don't say things like that out here... That's so embarrassing."
  1322. > Stars, you feel your face burning up.
  1323. > As you desperately look around to make sure nopony heard that.
  1324. "And... It wasn't disappointment. It was more kind of guilt."
  1325. > Guilt about not getting the chance to return the favour.
  1326. > But she starts laughing.
  1327. > "It's no big deal, Tia. I imagine I'd say much cheesier things... I almost did."
  1328. > She bites her lip and looks away.
  1329. > This feels like a super weird conversation to be having.
  1330. > But... It's nice to discuss something lighthearted.
  1331. "In the moment, I couldn't even think. Everything was just so... Quick."
  1332. > Luna hums.
  1333. > Jumping from one rock to another in the large pond of the gardens the two of you are in.
  1334. > "Imagine how I felt! It was over right as it was getting started! It was... frustrating."
  1335. > You chuckle.
  1336. "Terribly sorry Anonymous tortured you like that, oh sister... mine...?"
  1337. > Your tone trails off as you say it.
  1338. > Because something absurd just fell from the sky.
  1339. > Right between you and Luna.
  1340. > What is that...
  1341. > Is that snow?
  1343. > "Why is it snowing?"
  1344. > That's... Concerning.
  1345. > It's really starting to fall now.
  1346. > Already Luna's coat is filled with spots of white.
  1347. > Although it doesn't seem to show against you.
  1348. "I'm not sure... But I have a few ideas."
  1349. > You're worried.
  1350. > This undoubtedly meant something bad...
  1351. > But you told Anon you'd let him handle things today.
  1352. > "Should we go talk to somepony about it?"
  1353. > You're not sure exactly what the importance of it is.
  1354. > It could be any number of things.
  1355. > But... It's definitely not an immediate threat.
  1356. > Whatever the cause.
  1357. > They all meant something looming, rather than crashing.
  1358. "I suppose we'll drop in on Anonymous and the generals later, to get a heads up on the cause."
  1359. > You stealthy glide behind Luna.
  1360. > And as you pass...
  1361. "But for the moment..."
  1362. > You extend a wing and push Luna with it.
  1363. > To which she flails and yelps.
  1364. > Before falling right into the water.
  1365. > And getting soaked.
  1366. "We need to get that snow out of your coat!"
  1367. > As you land on one of the rocks in the water beside where you knocked her in.
  1368. > As she resurfaces, splashing and flailing about, you let out a giggle.
  1369. > Her face is completely red, filled with outrage.
  1370. > With water dripping off of her mane.
  1371. > You raise a hoof up to your mouth to try and stifle your laughs.
  1372. > Though you fail horribly.
  1373. "We should go get you dried up. Don't want you turning into a big Moonsicle."
  1374. > You chuckle.
  1375. > But it's quickly ruined by Luna's retaliation.
  1376. > A big splash.
  1377. > And now you're wet too.
  1378. > You suppose you deserved that.
  1379. > It felt good to act carefree for a bit.
  1380. > Something you had learned the value of yesterday.
  1381. > With your husband.
  1383. > You and Luna spent the following hours just... messing around with one another.
  1384. > Poking fun.
  1385. > Doing silly things.
  1386. > Something you hadn't done together in years.
  1387. > As the snow outside and in the gardens continued to pile up.
  1388. > Eventually, it got too cold in the hallways, since they were exposed to the elements.
  1389. > And magic barriers went up around them to keep the warmth in the castle corridors.
  1390. > It came time to interfere with your husband's day.
  1391. > You only hoped that he didn't take it as a slight.
  1392. > Given his request to be allowed to handle it on his own...
  1393. > Luna, for her part, was eating a snow-cone of actual snow.
  1394. > Flavoured with orange juice stolen from the kitchens.
  1395. > "Hopefully he's happy to see us. I hope his day hasn't been too boring..."
  1396. > You're certain it must not have been.
  1397. > Given the relative panic that's sure to have gripped the court over a midsummer snowstorm.
  1398. "I'm sure he will be. If not, I'll have to give him trouble."
  1399. > The military wing of the castle.
  1400. > Very utilitarian.
  1401. > Brick-and-mortar sort of area.
  1402. > Not decorated like the rest of the castle.
  1403. > As you enter into the long corridor of the command section, you can immediately spot Anonymous' guards.
  1404. > And you feel the fur on the back of your neck stand on end.
  1405. > Moonlight.
  1406. > The one at least partially responsible for all this.
  1407. > "Relax, Tia. He can't hurt you..."
  1408. > You must've done a terrible job of keeping the snarl off your face.
  1409. > As you look over to Luna.
  1410. "No. But he did hurt you..."
  1411. > You still don't really know the degree of his involvement with the whole scheme yet.
  1412. > But it boils your blood to see the unicorn.
  1413. > Somepony you had once respected so highly.
  1414. > And now wanted nothing more than to exile...
  1415. > "Can't do anything about that now, Tia. Let it go."
  1416. > It's weird having Luna be the rational one.
  1417. > She's usually far more emotional than you.
  1418. > Seems the past few days had been chipping away at you.
  1419. > You sigh.
  1420. "You're right... But it doesn't mean I have to like him."
  1422. > As you approach the command room, Moonlight and Waves take a deep bow.
  1423. > You almost want to make some sort of comment.
  1424. > But you just ignore them as you open the door.
  1425. > "... would he be doing-"
  1426. > And as you enter, all eyes are on you.
  1427. > Three ponies and your husband.
  1428. > Commander Garnish, a Pegasus and one of Hurricane's Finest.
  1429. > General Fleece, an Earth-pony General and Chancellor Puddinghead's grandson.
  1430. > Captain Sunflare, a Unicorn Captain and your uncle.
  1431. > All of them were essentially generals, with different titles.
  1432. > Unicorns never had a formalized military, only using Guard Captains.
  1433. > Pegasi all name their highest military ranks after Commander Hurricane.
  1434. > And Earth-ponies just used the accurate term.
  1435. > "Princess! Your husband has a remarkable mind for military matters. Some of that natural human talent for it, I suspect."
  1436. > Anonymous almost looks bashful at the praise.
  1437. > An emotion you didn't think he was capable of.
  1438. > "Hello there, Cel. Didn't think I could handle things?"
  1439. > The words make you feel bad, even though he says them in jest.
  1440. > His comment about your condescension yesterday still in your mind.
  1441. "Nothing like that, Anon. Just coming to see how you're doing..."
  1442. > Moving over to him, you nuzzle him.
  1443. > To which he grabs you and kisses you on the lips.
  1444. > Which is...
  1445. > Exciting.
  1446. > "Perfectly. Just discussing some... peculiarities about my brother's mobilization. And waiting for a bow."
  1447. > A bow?
  1448. > You're about to voice your confusion when Luna speaks up.
  1449. > "Need me to go get my violin again?"
  1450. > Anonymous laughs.
  1451. > And Fleece responds.
  1452. > "He means a military bow. It's the human weapon of choice."
  1453. > But...
  1454. "Why do you need a bow? And what're these peculiarities?"
  1455. > Anonymous' expression turns grim with that.
  1456. > Staring back at the map.
  1457. > "The bow is so that I can deal with the Pegasi making Canterlot a winter wonderland."
  1458. > Anon sighs.
  1459. > "And the peculiarities... Well, peculiarity. Marcus is mass-conscripting from across Aetherium, huge numbers."
  1461. > Mass-conscription?
  1462. > What sort of conflict was Marcus expecting?
  1463. > Pegasopolis is strong, yes, but to mobilize your civilian population...
  1464. > That sounded incredibly dubious.
  1465. "Why?"
  1466. > "Don't know. But it's unlikely to be for anything good..."
  1467. > He looks over to you once again.
  1468. > His hand laying on your withers.
  1469. > "We might want to go visit Aetherium tomorrow, if possible. Find out what precisely is going on..."
  1470. > You look over the map.
  1471. > There's a few possible explanations, and some are reasonable.
  1472. > He could be doing so to have that sort of overwhelming force you wanted to present to force capitulation.
  1473. > He could be conscripting so there's some military presence in Aetherium to ward off Falwing while the rest of the army is in Equestria.
  1474. > But it looks like mobilization for a proper war.
  1475. "We shouldn't jump to conclusions, but..."
  1476. > "No need to worry about it now, just something to keep in mind. But more critically, how are you two doing?"
  1477. > Luna perks up and answers with excitement.
  1478. > "We're great! Had a fantastic day so far, especially with the snow!"
  1479. > You see a small smile on Anonymous face.
  1480. "It's true. Thanks so much, Anon, it means a lot."
  1481. > He smiles back at you.
  1482. > "Any time. I've rather enjoyed ruling, for what it's worth."
  1483. > You nuzzle up against him.
  1484. > But a cleared throat brings your attention back to a guard entering the room.
  1485. > "We've managed to find a bow, sir. Collector of human artifacts has it down in the Noble district. But it'll require some work getting there, the snow's already piling up."
  1486. > Your husband nods, at that.
  1487. > "Then looks like we know what we have to do. One problem at a time. Care to join me for a jaunt down to the Noble district, ladies?"
  1488. > You nod.
  1489. > Adventures with Anonymous into the city proper had proven fun thus far.
  1490. > Besides...
  1491. > Anonymous had never seen Canterlot when it was covered in snow.
  1492. > It was beautiful.
  1493. > And fun, in some ways.
  1494. > You'd be sure to introduce him to some of them.
  1496. ----------------------------------------------
  1498. > You were suited up.
  1499. > Layers upon layers to keep out the cold.
  1500. > Luna, to her credit, had on far fewer layers.
  1501. > But you were the sun damnit.
  1502. > You don't like the cold.
  1503. > Which is odd, because you liked snow.
  1504. > Bit of cognitive dissonance there.
  1505. > You, Luna, Anonymous, and a small contingent of guards were getting ready to brave the storm.
  1506. > The guards were mostly to melt snow in your path, which was apparently building steadily.
  1507. > "Ready, everyone? Once we're out there, keep moving. We can't slow down or the water will start turning to ice beneath our hooves."
  1508. > Ice was... Generally unfortunate for ponies.
  1509. > Though there were methods for dealing with it, you had none on hoof.
  1510. > But you're amazed all of these precautions were necessary.
  1511. > You mean, it's just snow.
  1512. > But as the doors open...
  1513. > You can see why.
  1514. > It's neck-deep for you.
  1515. > Which meant about head-height for most ponies.
  1516. > That would be impossible to walk through...
  1517. > You hope none of your little ponies were trapped in it.
  1518. > As your little contingent begins to move out, their spells melting snow, you're struck by how surreal it all looks.
  1519. > An incredible layer of snow over the whole city.
  1520. > You had to wonder how much snow the rebels moved...
  1521. > And how they got it all the way to Canterlot undetected.
  1522. > You suppose, though, that give it was the Pegasi that you lost...
  1523. > You didn't have an adequate method of preventing these sorts of attacks.
  1524. > The snow still falling rapidly builds up on your clothing.
  1525. > "You ok, Cel? Looking a little out of it."
  1526. > Anonymous.
  1527. > His arm resting on your back, keeping pace with you.
  1528. "Yeah, just... A little overwhelmed. I've never seen this much snow in Canterlot before."
  1529. > Especially not in such a short period of time.
  1530. > It's stunning, really.
  1531. > It looks beautiful.
  1532. > "Well, it looks like we'll have a lot more if we can't get this bow. So we ought to hurry."
  1533. > And with that, your entourage picks up speed.
  1534. > Towards the noble district.
  1536. > Walking through the streets, you're struck by the odd beauty.
  1537. > It's incredibly dark, with the clouds blocking out the light from your sun.
  1538. > But the flames from the Unicorns clearing the streets for you paint a beautiful light on the streets.
  1539. > And with all of the homes buried beneath the snow...
  1540. > Lights coming through the windows from roaring fires...
  1541. > It reminds you so much of Hearth's Warming.
  1542. > Old Hearth's Warming.
  1543. > Back when you actually had the opportunity to play in the snow during the winter.
  1544. > It was... a busy time of year.
  1545. > All sorts of new concerns across the realm emerged in winter.
  1546. > Weather became a huge complaint.
  1547. > "Looking rather pleased, Cel."
  1548. > You feel Anonymous' gloved hand place pressure on your back.
  1549. > Vaguely, you wish you could feel his touch properly.
  1550. > But the two of you would freeze for that luxury.
  1551. "It's so beautiful. I don't really get to visit the town during the winter."
  1552. > You'd wanted to delegate a number of the winter tasks since you started.
  1553. > But no one seemed up to the job.
  1554. > And anything that no one was willing to do...
  1555. > Well...
  1556. > Somepony had to.
  1557. > "You're right, it is beautiful out."
  1558. > Looking back, you see his gaze is firmly locked on you.
  1559. > The lighting certainly gave him a handsome look.
  1560. > Despite the scar.
  1561. > Blushing, you look away back off to the side.
  1562. > You feel warm to your core, and not because of the layers.
  1563. > Your mind wanders briefly as to whether or not you and Anonymous will take things a step further tonight.
  1564. > He said his inhibition was your drunkenness.
  1565. > And hell, you were ready to go this morning.
  1566. > But somepony interfered...
  1567. > Somepony.
  1568. > You wouldn't say who.
  1569. > Your gaze locks on to Luna.
  1570. > Who is oddly quiet.
  1571. "Are you alright, Luna?"
  1573. > She bursts out in a blush at your question.
  1574. > "O-of course! Perfect!"
  1575. > You let a skeptical look take over your face.
  1576. > Letting the sheer look grill her for answers.
  1577. > But she simply looks from side to side.
  1578. > Before you hear Anonymous let out a laugh beside you.
  1579. > "I suspect the Princess is cold."
  1580. > You look back to her, and notice a slight shiver.
  1581. > Oh, you hadn't been thinking of that.
  1582. > You thought Anonymous' little comment...
  1583. > Stars, you're still being paranoid.
  1584. > You and Luna spent the whole day together fixing things.
  1585. > She's not going to try and take him, Cel.
  1586. > Stop being clingy.
  1587. > It's weird, earlier you had been chatting with her about almost cheating with him.
  1588. > But with him by your side...
  1589. > Your possessiveness had returned with a reckoning.
  1590. "Oh, want some-"
  1591. > Anonymous beats you to it.
  1592. > Removing his jacket and laying it over Luna's back.
  1593. > And the paranoia is back in full force...
  1594. > "Anon! You need it more! You don't even have fur!"
  1595. > He chuckles at her comment.
  1596. > "I've spent my share of winter nights out on the streets, drunkenly sleeping in a snow bank. No need to worry."
  1597. > It's... Odd thinking about him in that context.
  1598. > Going around... sleeping with a bunch of mares.
  1599. > Err.
  1600. > Women?
  1601. > He still hadn't even properly slept with you.
  1602. > Eugh.
  1603. > All of these little things are just niggling at you in a variety of ways.
  1604. > Luna, Anon's past, the cold...
  1605. > You just want to go home with Anonymous.
  1606. > And drink some hot chocolate in front of a fire.
  1607. > And have a nice romantic night together.
  1608. > After his little plan...
  1609. > You might do just that.
  1611. > It was a ways into the noble district you had to move to get to the collector.
  1612. > If not for the snow, you'd have just teleported there.
  1613. > But... It was dangerous to teleport in unknown weather.
  1614. > Especially as you don't know what they may have done with the snow.
  1615. > Spells could be laced into the clouds if they had Unicorn support to interfere with teleportation.
  1616. > Spells which could do a lot of damage.
  1617. > Irreparable damage.
  1618. > And so the long journey carried on.
  1619. > Luna seemed more comfortable with Anonymous' jacket.
  1620. > While you seemed less comfortable about it.
  1621. > The guards remained stoic and silent.
  1622. > And your Unicorn escorts continued their duties.
  1623. > You briefly considered taking over for them...
  1624. > Your magic was far stronger, after all.
  1625. > But these ponies were professional snow-clearers in the winter.
  1626. > Doubtless there were intricacies you didn't know.
  1627. > Like how to make sure it didn't immediately refreeze.
  1628. > You would just blast it with flames.
  1629. > Where they seemed to be completely clearing the pathway.
  1630. > Although it filled in quickly behind you.
  1631. > "This seems a lot further away than I had expected..."
  1632. > Almost thirty minutes of walking.
  1633. > But that was at a slower pace, you supposed.
  1634. > "It is, my prince. But we're nearly there. You can see the shop from here."
  1635. > It appears to be just down the road.
  1636. > But as you approach, things seem to change.
  1637. > The houses have no lights on.
  1638. > And the cloud-cover is thickened.
  1639. > Plunging the area into near-complete darkness.
  1640. > Apart from the flames of your unicorns' work.
  1642. > The change sets the fur on the back of your neck on edge.
  1643. > As something whips by above your head.
  1644. > The wind was strong...
  1645. > But that was different.
  1646. > Something feels...
  1647. > "Something's wrong."
  1648. > You see Anonymous draw his blade.
  1649. > "Take up a defensive formation, and move cautiously."
  1650. > He holds the blade up, seeming ready to strike.
  1651. > Your little collection of guards all form a defensive line around you.
  1652. "They wouldn't just attack us, would they?"
  1653. > This didn't make any sense...
  1654. > Cyclone rebelled because he wanted to marry you.
  1655. > Why would his agents attack?
  1656. > You wonder who's the target.
  1657. > Are they here for Anonymous?
  1658. > Or are they here for both of you?
  1659. > Has he just given up on annulling your marriage?
  1660. > The sound whips by once again.
  1661. > Definitely wing-flaps.
  1662. > Deftly, you let loose a beam of light in the direction you heard the noise, to try and reveal them.
  1663. > But it doesn't help.
  1664. > The weather is reducing visibility too much.
  1665. > You can't see a thing...
  1666. > You're stunned they can fly in this at all, frankly.
  1667. > "We need to keep moving, get inside the shop as quickly as possible."
  1668. > One of the guards speaks up.
  1669. > You begin to pick up the pace.
  1670. > Huddling closer to the flames of the Unicorns.
  1671. > As your little convoy condenses to keep safe.
  1672. > But it's not meant to be.
  1673. > As you see a blade-tipped wing come from the shadows.
  1674. > And you barely have time to react.
  1675. > As it slices neatly across your right foreleg.
  1677. -----
  1679. "Get down!"
  1680. > You dropped down as a bladed wing flew right over your head.
  1681. > When you heard a horrifying sound.
  1682. > You are Anonymous.
  1683. > And you just heard the sickening sound of steel rending flesh.
  1684. > And a cry of pain from your wife.
  1685. > Looking over, you watch her collapse.
  1686. > Springing into action, you catch her before she hits the ground.
  1687. > "Keep an eye out! We can't let them nail us!"
  1688. > And your hand briefly slips.
  1689. > On blood.
  1690. > A lot of it.
  1691. > She's flailing desperately, panicking.
  1692. > Which is only making it worse.
  1693. "Cel! Cel, calm down, I'm right here..."
  1694. > You restrained her, trying to keep her movement to a minimum as she jerked erratically.
  1695. > As you whispered in her ear soothing phrases.
  1696. > Under your touch, she slowly, but surely, managed to calm down.
  1697. > Though by the time she did...
  1698. > Your hands were covered in her blood.
  1699. > Steam coming off it, interestingly.
  1700. > The blood is hot to the touch.
  1701. > As you pulled back from her, she's breathing heavily.
  1702. > "Anon, what... What's happening? I'm... Dizzy."
  1703. > Dizzy? She’s lost a quite bit, but not that much blood...
  1704. > You'd lost more at a bad Tournament and slept it off.
  1705. > Poison?
  1706. > Pulling back, you look at the wound.
  1707. > It's deep.
  1708. > But you have no idea how severe it is.
  1709. > She'd have a limp for a while at a bare minimum.
  1710. > So long as your group kept low, they were safe.
  1711. > As the snowbanks provided protection from the Pegasi, as they couldn't swoop in.
  1712. > But movement was slow while you were like this...
  1713. > And you needed to get her inside.
  1714. > The snow is building up around you as well...
  1715. > As the Unicorns have maintained their spell forward, but being behind them, it's starting to fill in...
  1716. > You're close enough.
  1717. > You needed to make a run for it.
  1719. > Tearing off the sleeve of your tunic, you roughly try to tie it around Celestia's wound.
  1720. > "Anon, we need to move. There's ice forming beneath us..."
  1721. > Waves speaks up, from beside you.
  1722. > Looking back to Cel, you can see she's barely conscious.
  1723. > Definitely some sort of poison...
  1724. > Gods, this could be horrible.
  1725. "Can you walk?"
  1726. > You're hoping...
  1727. > Nope, no response.
  1728. > Just an odd groan.
  1729. > As she seems to be losing consciousness...
  1730. "She's out of it... Could either of you help her?"
  1731. > You gesture towards Luna and Moonlight.
  1732. > Luna bites her lip.
  1733. > Looking away.
  1734. > "I don't know how..."
  1735. > But fortunately, Moonlight speaks up.
  1736. > "I... I will try, once we are indoors. But it's too dangerous out here, it could seal in the toxins."
  1737. > You grimace.
  1738. > Well...
  1739. > It was time to move.
  1740. > You don't have any other option.
  1741. > Lifting up Celestia, you place her over your shoulders.
  1742. > In a semi-crouched position.
  1743. "Keep me covered. Your princess and prince could be taken out in one fel swoop."
  1744. > And so, you begin moving forward.
  1745. > Luna positions herself in front of you, and the guards along the sides.
  1746. > Spears pointed forwards to prevent any attacks.
  1747. > The house seems so close...
  1748. > You begin to hear that swooping again.
  1749. "Luna, grab my sword off the ground."
  1750. > As her magic grips the blade and lifts it up, you hear the Pegasi move again.
  1751. > "I... I've never used one of these, Anon."
  1752. > A weapon?
  1753. > Gods, apart from Moonlight and Waves it seemed like you were surrounded by novices.
  1754. > But then, you hadn't expected an attack.
  1755. "Just... Hold it horizontally. We need to make it so that they can't fly past."
  1756. > The blade's long enough to meet up with the spears of the guards at the sides.
  1757. > Essentially boxing you in.
  1758. > From the front, at least.
  1759. > The rear remains partially exposed.
  1760. > But you have guards covering it as well.
  1761. > But just when you expect to lose, hearing them swoop overhead again.
  1762. > A roar echoes out.
  1763. > And a brilliant teal ball of flame erupts overhead.
  1765. > You can't see where it came from, but you can see the damage.
  1766. > Watching an immolated Pegasus-shaped lump fall down into a snowbank.
  1767. > That brilliant teal fire...
  1768. > "I'd hoped she'd get here..."
  1769. > You look over to Moonlight as he says it.
  1770. > That could only mean one thing, you suspect.
  1771. > Nightmare.
  1772. > Why would she try to keep Celestia alive?
  1773. > Although, maybe it's not Celestia she cares about.
  1774. > Shadewing had said she intended to keep you alive...
  1775. > No matter what.
  1776. > But it was an irrelevancy.
  1777. "Move, now!"
  1778. > Your unit breaks its rag-tag formation to some degree, opting for speed over security.
  1779. > As a disorienting roar once again shakes Canterlot.
  1780. > It's terrifying.
  1781. > Sets your nerves alight.
  1782. > And it is accompanied by another spectacle in the darkness.
  1783. > As another stream of fire becomes visible through the blizzard.
  1784. > It's... Mesmerizing.
  1785. > But you can't focus on that.
  1786. > Cel could be dying if you tarry even a moment.
  1787. > Desperately, the unicorns clear the street for you as quickly as possible.
  1788. > And as you reach the house, you run ahead of them.
  1789. > Ploughing through the waist-high snow.
  1790. > Fortunate that it was mostly light.
  1791. > And before you know it...
  1792. > You're at the entrance.
  1793. > Breaking in the door.
  1794. > Rushing into the building in search of a fire.
  1795. > And moving to it quickly as soon as you spot it.
  1796. > Ignoring the pleas of the ponies who had been inside.
  1797. > Moonlight right by your side as you set Celestia down by the fire.
  1798. > And let him get to work.
  1800. > You never left her side.
  1801. > As Moonlight treated the wound, despite her grunting and gasping in her delirious state.
  1802. > He stated the name of the poison, at one point.
  1803. > Which confirmed your fear that it was poison.
  1804. > And apparently it was typically lethal, including at levels which had seeped into Celestia's wound.
  1805. > He gave you some small measure of hope, telling you that her Alicorn constitution might protect her.
  1806. > But you hadn’t been able to concentrate on his words.
  1807. > Your spirit was feeling crushed.
  1808. > So much work...
  1809. > So much effort.
  1810. > Wasted.
  1811. > "Hot chocolate, prince Anonymous?"
  1812. > You're broken out of your reverie by the pony.
  1813. > The human enthusiast with a bow for you.
  1814. > It almost seemed a trivial thing you sought, given the price...
  1815. "Yes, thank you."
  1816. > You were never one to turn down a courtesy.
  1817. > Even in times of... dire straits.
  1818. > The young-ish stallion had a family here.
  1819. > The commotion had brought them all to the windows to look out at the city.
  1820. > Though the roars had stopped some time ago.
  1821. > You're not sure when.
  1822. > You had been too focused on Celestia.
  1823. > You couldn't lose her.
  1824. > Not right now...
  1825. > Not like this.
  1826. > Not because of some stupid trip to get you a damn bow for a plan you couldn't even be certain would work.
  1827. > You sigh, taking a sip warm of the warm, chocolatey drink.
  1828. > It serves to calm your nerves somewhat.
  1829. > You just...
  1830. > You felt so useless in the moment.
  1831. > You hadn't done anything to keep her safe.
  1832. > You were her husband.
  1833. > You were supposed to keep her safe, damnit.
  1834. > Why would they do this to her?
  1835. > It was you they wanted!
  1837. > The minutes bled into hours.
  1838. > As the snow continued to fly outside.
  1839. > Your plan was getting more and more untenable by the moment.
  1840. > As you rapidly found yourselves snowed in at the house.
  1841. > The others had retired to another room, to discuss.
  1842. > Leaving you in privacy.
  1843. > Well, somewhat.
  1844. > "She will be alright, Anonymous. Tia is strong."
  1845. > Luna was with you.
  1846. > Hardly seemed appropriate to ask her to leave you alone with her sister, given the situation.
  1847. > As much as you may have wanted her to.
  1848. "I hope so."
  1849. > And so silence reigned.
  1850. > You hadn't been willing to talk much.
  1851. > You felt... drained.
  1852. > Seeing Celestia lying by the fire like that.
  1853. > Her wings limp.
  1854. > Her eyes closed.
  1855. > Chest weakly rising and falling.
  1856. > When you'd had the clarity to inquire, Moonlight had described the poison to you.
  1857. > It moved through the blood to the heart, and slowed down the entire circulatory system over time.
  1858. > He suspected that because of her unique blood, it would be able to sear away the poison.
  1859. > The heat you had felt from it when it was freshly on you.
  1860. > It was a product of her magic.
  1861. > Naturally resistant to viruses and infections because of the higher temperature.
  1862. > Though he had no idea how it would work with the poison.
  1863. > You could only hope.
  1864. > It made you wonder why she felt she needed the layers...
  1865. > But you didn't want to think about that now.
  1866. > It felt weird to think she could be dead soon.
  1867. > You wonder, briefly, if she felt like this when she got you out of that pit.
  1868. > Doubtful.
  1869. > She thought you'd landed yourself there.
  1870. > Where as the only thing she'd done to earn this...
  1871. > Was marry you.
  1872. > What a stupid mistake on her part.
  1873. > Her father's, you suppose.
  1874. > Though she ought to have refused.
  1875. > Would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.
  1877. > Eventually, Luna left.
  1878. > Which made your one other concern somewhat more pressing.
  1879. > A concern you were desperately trying to ignore.
  1880. > As you topped off the last of the hot chocolate in your mug.
  1881. > Though it had long gone cold.
  1882. > There was an intense heat radiating from your neck.
  1883. > You felt the itch again.
  1884. > The insatiable drive to snap your digits and let the magic flow.
  1885. > It was beckoning to you.
  1886. > It didn't use words.
  1887. > But somehow, you felt like you understood it.
  1888. > Like it was an entity all its own.
  1889. > Insisting it could help you.
  1890. > That it could... Fix everything.
  1891. > But so long as you stared at Celestia...
  1892. > Watching the even breathing of her unconscious body...
  1893. > You felt like you could control the compulsion.
  1894. > Stop yourself from giving in.
  1895. > Although they had said you were immune to the effects of it.
  1896. > You didn't trust Shadewing enough to fully buy her story that there would be no negative consequences.
  1897. > Chaos magic, so you had heard, had a mind of its own.
  1898. > If it thought Celestia or you suffering was good for a lark, it would make it so.
  1899. > There was no way to control it.
  1900. > No way to insulate yourself from it.
  1901. > But your will continued to slip the longer she remained unconscious.
  1902. > The closer she seemed to... leaving you.
  1903. > For good.
  1904. > You couldn't just sit by. You had to help.
  1905. > And so, you put your middle finger to your thumb.
  1906. > Your hands were still covered in her blood.
  1907. > And, your eyes locked with her rising and falling chest.
  1908. > Her ever weakening breath.
  1909. > That horrible wound on the leg, right by her chest.
  1910. > You let your fingers snap.
  1912. -----------------------------------------
  1914. > Your expectations come crashing down as you snap.
  1915. > And the colour of the fire in the fireplace changes.
  1916. > A roaring purple flame.
  1917. > You snap again.
  1918. > And it changes again.
  1919. > Again.
  1920. > And again.
  1921. > Until your fingers start to hurt.
  1922. > Waiting to see it actually do something.
  1923. > Anything.
  1924. > You're desperate for it to help.
  1925. > But it doesn't.
  1926. > The colours just change.
  1927. > You feel like you should be angry.
  1928. > Yet all you feel is a cold chill in your chest.
  1929. > A desperation.
  1930. > Unfulfilled hopes.
  1931. > When a voice disturbs you.
  1932. > "It doesn't always do what you want."
  1933. > Moonlight's voice.
  1934. > Vaguely, you wonder what it would sound like screaming in pain.
  1935. > He was a part of the problem.
  1936. "Evidently."
  1937. > You snap again.
  1938. > A pink fire actually looks rather nice.
  1939. > It matched Celestia's mane.
  1940. > The colours had been slowly draining from it as she laid there.
  1941. > And now it rested limply around her.
  1942. > A brilliant and striking pink.
  1943. > Like those groggy mornings.
  1944. > "It's amazing how quickly such a powerful life could be snuffed out."
  1945. > Snap.
  1946. > Blue.
  1947. > It reminds you of Luna.
  1948. > Fascinating how so soon after you arrive both of the Equestrian princesses are on the verge of death.
  1949. > Or insanity.
  1950. > Funny coincidence, that.
  1951. "It's interesting, alright."
  1953. > You watch as he moves near Celestia.
  1954. > You're tempted to stop him.
  1955. > Your mind wondering if he was making it worse.
  1956. > They did want to get rid of Celestia, after all.
  1957. > But you hadn't even considered that when you were panicking earlier.
  1958. > When you were desperate to see her better.
  1959. > But if that was the case, then she was already lost to you.
  1960. "If she dies, I might just retract my statement about you living."
  1961. > You say it with a detached sadness.
  1962. > He barely even acknowledges your statement.
  1963. > Seemingly too involved with Celestia's wound.
  1964. > For some reason, it sets your blood on fire.
  1965. > As you stare down at the little stallion.
  1966. "Acknowledge your prince when he speaks to you."
  1967. > He jostles at that.
  1968. > Clearly not expecting your anger.
  1969. > "Yes, my prince. My life is yours."
  1970. > He says it with a detachedness.
  1971. > It's unreal how efficiently Shadewing and Moonlight discussed the prospect of death.
  1972. > You wonder if it has to do with their history with Discord.
  1973. > You didn't know much about him, in retrospect.
  1974. > But at the moment, that was not your concern.
  1975. "How is she?"
  1976. > "Well, it seems. Her natural magic is combating the corruption. But..."
  1977. > Rolling her on her side, you can see the problem.
  1978. > Blue criss-crossed lines across her chest.
  1979. > Right below the fur, you can barely make it out.
  1980. > "Her veins. The poison is a unique mix, from the looks of it. I could identify the Lyfeveene, but whatever else was in it..."
  1981. > Something more than that was necessary?
  1982. > They had to make certain it was lethal as possible?
  1983. "Why would they use multiple poisons?"
  1984. > Moonlight shakes his head.
  1985. > "For most beings the one would be enough. I suspect, however, that they were hunting an Alicorn..."
  1986. > And you had handed them one.
  1987. > Cyclone would pay dearly for this.
  1989. > Moonlight departed shortly thereafter.
  1990. > At your demand.
  1991. > Once it was clear he couldn't do anything more to help her.
  1992. > His presence was...
  1993. > Almost like an insult, it felt.
  1994. > Since he couldn't do anything.
  1995. > So it was all up to chance, then.
  1996. > Moonlight had mitigated one of the poisons.
  1997. > But whatever the other one was, it was a battle between her natural constitution and the poison.
  1998. > You wonder if there is a solution.
  1999. > But you would have to know the poison.
  2000. > Looking over, you see your sword.
  2001. > Lain up against the wall.
  2002. > A thick layer of ice formed along the sides of the blades.
  2003. > An odd consequence of taking it out in the snow.
  2004. > And looking past it, you see outside.
  2005. > The snow was truly piling up.
  2006. > But not as rapidly as earlier.
  2007. > Not nearly.
  2008. > Perhaps Nightmare had managed to kill enough of them to slow down their work.
  2009. > Or was still out there, hunting them.
  2010. > But you suspect you would hear that.
  2011. > You'd had no trouble hearing her roars earlier.
  2012. > It makes you wonder what happened to her that she stopped fighting.
  2013. > You're not sure if you hope she's alright.
  2014. > This is all her fault to begin with anyway.
  2015. > Well, you suppose Cyclone's rebellion wasn't.
  2016. > Cyclone.
  2017. > If there were still Pegasi out there...
  2018. > And they had those poisoned blades...
  2019. > Clearly they had wanted you dead as well.
  2020. > You had only narrowly avoided their bladed wings.
  2021. > Perhaps you could find somepony who did know what was wrong.
  2022. > And wring the answers out of them.
  2023. > Before ending them.
  2025. > You began to cover your armour in layers.
  2026. > And you slide your blade into your sash.
  2027. > You really needed to get a proper sheath made.
  2028. > But there would be time for that when Celestia was safe.
  2029. > For now, you had to tell your companions what you were doing.
  2030. > Just in case.
  2031. > Moving through the house, it's almost eerily quiet.
  2032. > The family foals had apparently gone to bed already.
  2033. > And everypony seemed to have evaporated.
  2034. > As you continue your search, however, you happen upon the holy grail.
  2035. > His collection.
  2036. > It's... stunning, really.
  2037. > Armours, swords, pikes, bows.
  2038. > A big-ass warhammer.
  2039. > And it all looks damn ancient.
  2040. > Even the bow looks like Wyrwood.
  2041. > A crafting method used by humans from Cervidae.
  2042. > When humans still lived on Cervidae, centuries ago.
  2043. > "It's impressive, isn't it?"
  2044. > The collector.
  2045. > Looking back, it stuns you that such a young stallion would have such a collection.
  2046. > But you need to know about the bow.
  2047. "Is this Wyrwood?"
  2048. > He nods.
  2049. > "An expensive piece. Suitable for the new Equestrian prince, I suppose."
  2050. > Running your fingers along it, you can feel the grain shift.
  2051. > It's a still-living wood.
  2052. > They never lose their strength.
  2053. "I don't need it permanently. I couldn't in good conscience take this-"
  2054. > "Take it."
  2055. > His frankness surprises you.
  2056. > He seemed timid earlier.
  2057. > "It's my late father's collection, not mine. He got all of this from your grandfather, for his part in the rebellion."
  2058. > Looking back over, you finally become cognizant of the fact that it's a Pegasus you're speaking to.
  2059. "Your father an abolitionist?"
  2060. > "One of the big ones, Iron Feather. You may have heard of him."
  2061. > The name doesn't ring a bell for you.
  2062. > But then, humans didn't tend to study Equestrian abolitionists.
  2063. > Much like you had earlier discovered Equestrians didn't study human ones.
  2064. > But...
  2065. "I recognize the name. Truly a hero of my people."
  2066. > He didn't need to know that.
  2068. > The comment hangs heavily in the air.
  2069. > So this was a relic given to this pony's father by your grandfather...
  2070. > A man you never got to meet.
  2071. > It's funny how things work out.
  2072. > Though you imagine grandfather had distributed this sort of thing to many of the allies who helped free the humans.
  2073. > You wonder what the historical significance of the bow might be.
  2074. > But you shake your head.
  2075. > You have to do something.
  2076. > You have to save Celestia.
  2077. > Or try, at least.
  2078. > Lifting it up, it's weighty.
  2079. > Heavier than your sword, even.
  2080. > But not cumbersome.
  2081. > You draw the string experimentally.
  2082. > Strong.
  2083. > A quiver filled with arrows rests beside it.
  2084. > Which you sling over your shoulder.
  2085. > "I suspect, given your sudden rush to action, that you intend to brave the weather?"
  2086. > You nod.
  2087. "I need to find one of them and get the name of the poison, so Moonlight can properly fix it."
  2088. > He breathes deeply.
  2089. > And exhales.
  2090. > Before questioning your decision.
  2091. > "My prince, are you sure that is wise? If Princess Celestia dies, and Princess Luna is on the brink-"
  2092. "How do you know that?"
  2093. > His eyes widen at the crispness of your question.
  2094. > He briefly stutters a response, but it's incomprehensible.
  2095. "How?"
  2096. > You state it with authority.
  2097. > "S-she told us earlier. Over coffee, she mentioned that she's ill. Very ill."
  2098. > You skeptically look at the stallion.
  2099. > But he simply cowers under your stare.
  2100. > It was irrelevant, you supposed.
  2101. > He knew either way.
  2102. > Ill.
  2103. > So she's hiding the details, but telling ponies.
  2104. > Bad move, Lu.
  2105. > That's likely to provoke a panic.
  2106. > You would have to tell her to be more cautious with that information.
  2107. > "B-But the point is... If they both die, you'll be the only Royalty Equestria has."
  2109. > You almost scoff at the notion.
  2110. > As if the Equestrians would follow you.
  2111. > You don't even know if he's right.
  2112. > Especially in light of the Equestrian system for selecting rulers.
  2113. > You have no idea if your title would remain in place if Celestia died.
  2114. > Though that's the furthest thing from your mind at the moment.
  2115. > There's something much more important.
  2116. "Equestria will get along just fine without me, should that happen."
  2117. > Moving past the stallion, you begin to move towards the front of the house.
  2118. > Where you spot your guards looking at you.
  2119. > Waves and Moonnlight.
  2120. > "You're not going on your own..."
  2121. > They must've heard your conversation in the other room.
  2122. "You guys won't make it through the snow, too short. Let me pass."
  2123. > "I can clear a path."
  2124. > Moonlight says it.
  2125. > But you have other intentions for him.
  2126. "No, you can stay here and continue trying to sort out Celestia until I return. It would be too slow anyway."
  2127. > You remember freshly how trapped you had felt by the Unicorns clearing the streets.
  2128. > Unable to move forward at more than a snail's pace.
  2129. > You would need manoeuvrability.
  2130. > As much as was possible given the weather.
  2131. > And turning to Waves, you look her in the eye.
  2132. "And you will keep an eye on him, and make sure he seems to be on the up-and-up."
  2133. > "But Anonymous-"
  2134. "No. I've given you your orders, now obey me and do it. I'll be back shortly."
  2135. > You're in no mood for discussion.
  2136. > They seem to hesitate.
  2137. > Before Moonlight steps aside.
  2138. > Waves, to her credit, seems to stand tall.
  2139. > Until you begin to approach, and stare her down.
  2140. > At which point Waves, dejectedly, follows suit.
  2141. > And allows you to pass.
  2142. > But as you move up to the door, Moonlight briefly raises a hoof to stop you.
  2143. > Looking up to you with pleading eyes.
  2144. > "Don't get killed, or Nightmare will never forgive me."
  2145. > Looking down, you pat him on the head.
  2146. > Giving him your trademark smile.
  2147. > As forced as it might feel in the circumstance.
  2148. "I won't."
  2150. --------------------------------------------
  2152. > Oddly, you can barely feel the cold.
  2153. > The thick layers of fabric you wrapped yourself in keeping it out.
  2154. > Though you would expect drudging through knee-deep snow would make you frigid.
  2155. > The areas your crew had cleared remained not excessively-deep.
  2156. > But still enough to be cumbersome.
  2157. > Especially because you could feel ice beneath your boots in the areas.
  2158. > You'd have to be careful.
  2159. > It's odd how quickly it could get so cold without the sun.
  2160. > A rather apropos analogy, on reflection.
  2161. > Yet even still, your bare face doesn't feel the frost.
  2162. > A fiery determination keeping you warm.
  2163. > One to track down a Pegasus.
  2164. > And... extract a solution.
  2165. > But to do that, you'd need to attract some attention.
  2166. > No way you were hitting them up in the sky.
  2167. > So you needed to bring them down.
  2168. > Earlier, they'd seemed fully ready to try and kill you.
  2169. > So it was just a matter of setting the bait...
  2170. > But now you had no wall of magic fire to make your location obvious in the darkness.
  2171. > Hmm...
  2172. > Gazing around in the snowstorm, you can make out the faint smouldering of blue flames.
  2173. > Doubtless from one of the Pegasi getting attacked.
  2174. > You know...
  2175. > If your friends had been attacked and burned by a Dragon...
  2176. > You might go to tend to their bodies.
  2177. > You wonder if Pegasi are the same.
  2178. > As you move into the snowbank.
  2179. > Pulling yourself up and over it.
  2180. > The snow condenses under your weight, but manages to support you.
  2181. > You sink about past the knees, once again.
  2182. > Which is good, you'd expected to sink all the way to the waist in this armour.
  2183. > Hopefully it didn't freeze to you...
  2184. > That smouldering flame in the distance...
  2185. > It's your best chance.
  2187. > As you approach it, your suspicions are confirmed.
  2188. > It's a few Pegasi, actually.
  2189. > Seems like they moved in units.
  2190. > So a few had gotten burned in one breath, from the looks of it.
  2191. > And two Pegasi are standing nearby, comforting one another.
  2192. > Seeming incredibly antsy.
  2193. > It's... an odd sight.
  2194. > You were under the impression that these were the great militaristic Pegasi.
  2195. > One of the greatest soldier races in the world.
  2196. > With a long dedicated martial tradition.
  2197. > Yet here they are, panicking, from the looks of it.
  2198. > Drawing the bow off your back, you ponder the distance you should risk approaching.
  2199. > Too far, and you were guaranteed to miss.
  2200. > The weather was just that bad.
  2201. > But too close, and you'd spook them.
  2202. > Shifting closer, you can tell they're speaking.
  2203. > But you can't tell what.
  2204. > As you notch an arrow, you try running through the variables in your head.
  2205. > But it's too complicated...
  2206. > The wind seems to be coming from a variety of directions.
  2207. > No doubt the product of the meddling of the Pegasi.
  2208. > And the snow is affecting your ability to get a good feel for their movements.
  2209. > Well...
  2210. > They were facing away.
  2211. > You continued cautiously moving forward.
  2212. > Until you were on the precipice of the snowbank.
  2213. > Right above the Pegasi.
  2214. > You can make out their conversation over the wind now.
  2215. > "... will be done, I promise you, Sparrow."
  2216. > Sparrow.
  2217. > "I just... It wasn't supposed to be like this. I can't imagine a worse way to die."
  2218. > Well now.
  2219. > Sparrow's just not being imaginative enough.
  2220. > Drawing the string slowly, you aim for the wingjoint.
  2221. > You'd have to aid him with that.
  2222. > Couldn't let him fly away, after all.
  2224. > Loosing the arrow, you leap off the bank before it even hits.
  2225. > Drawing your blade in mid-air, you bring it down the side of the other Pegasus.
  2226. > Neatly separating his wing from his body just as you hear 'Sparrow' cry out in pain.
  2227. > The sounds make you feel sick, despite your determination.
  2228. > Days ago you'd killed for the first time, after all.
  2229. > Those... things in the pits.
  2230. > But you were a Tournament fighter.
  2231. > You were an expert at wounding without killing.
  2232. > Deftly, you shift your weight, pushing the Pegasus you were attacking forward.
  2233. > Causing him to crash deeper into the snow.
  2234. > And you bring the blade back around to separate his other wing from him.
  2235. > On reflection, maiming was a new experience.
  2236. > Along with painting, given the colours spreading across the fresh-fallen snow.
  2237. > Perhaps you'd have to give Cyclone as taste for your newfound talent.
  2238. > Make his title even more appropriate.
  2239. > The Pegasus below you shrieks as your blade neatly severs wing from body.
  2240. > And you follow that with a roll backward.
  2241. > Back into the snow.
  2242. > Still in a combat position, waiting to see their move.
  2243. > The chill is beginning to become apparent.
  2244. > You had expected 'Sparrow' to strike you when you attacked the other Pegasus.
  2245. > But his screams had turned to desperate pleading.
  2246. > "No, no, no... Not like this..."
  2247. > The desperation is heavy in his voice.
  2248. > "It's not supposed to be like this!"
  2249. > Looking over, you spot the Pegasus.
  2250. > Limply poking his now-dud wing with a hoof.
  2251. > Arrow sticking from the joint where it severed the tendons controlling it.
  2252. > Mumbling to himself.
  2253. > Does...
  2254. > Does he not realize the danger he's in?
  2255. > "Please, please don't kill us! I'll do anything, just let us go!"
  2256. > The one whom you had maimed with your blade cries it out.
  2257. > Looking back over, you see him covering his eyes with his hooves, shaking.
  2258. > It's... surreal.
  2259. > You had expected a battle for your life.
  2260. > Not... This.
  2262. > "It's Antecedent Poison and Lyfeveene! We were given the order to double-coat, we didn't know why. They told us to use different poisons apiece, but... none of us had the money for that."
  2263. > Amazing how quickly they spilled their guts.
  2264. > Once the panic had subsided.
  2265. > The frigid cold was beginning to truly set in.
  2266. > Your armour becoming like strapping great hunks of ice to you.
  2267. > You would need to return to the house soon...
  2268. > But...
  2269. "And I imagine that command was issued by Cyclone?"
  2270. > You had information to gather.
  2271. > The former Pegasus, now essentially earth-pony shakes his head.
  2272. > "No, definitely not. Some big-shot Pegasus from Pegaxandria, he's still up in the clouds."
  2273. > Good.
  2274. > You'd show that individual the price associated with being a traitor.
  2275. > But first you had to deal with your current traitors.
  2276. > "Are... Are you going to kill us? We can't hurt you anypony anymore..."
  2277. > You hadn't decided that yet.
  2278. > Needed more information.
  2279. > Apparently, they weren't professional soldiers.
  2280. > Just a pair of idealistic brothers who dreamt of an independent Pegasopolis.
  2281. > Sparrow and Nightingale.
  2282. > The third brother was a smouldering heap in the snowbank beside you.
  2283. > One 'Eagle's Perch.'
  2284. > The oldest.
  2285. > They were from a small farming village.
  2286. > Persecuted by Earth ponies for living on the land, because their mother wasn't a Pegasus, though the father was.
  2287. > Thought their people deserved their own nation, and were upset about how much of government was Unicorn controlled.
  2288. > Apparently all the ponies involved in this attack had similar backgrounds, apart from the leader.
  2289. > Typical political grievances.
  2290. > Inflamed by one misguided Pegasus.
  2291. > And now you'd maimed these young stallions for life.
  2292. "No, I'm not going to kill you. Have you got any friends dropping in soon?"
  2293. > Nightingale nods.
  2294. > He's the only one you can deal with.
  2295. > Sparrow has been... inconsolable.
  2296. > Surprising given Nightingale lost two wings for Sparrow's one.
  2297. > "Sh-she's supposed to be back soon. With ponies to... carry Eagle."
  2298. > You shake your head.
  2299. > Senseless violence.
  2300. > Because one damn fool couldn't handle his childhood crush getting married.
  2301. "A few more questions..."
  2303. > You sigh.
  2304. > If that sky's filled with young idiots...
  2305. > Could you bring yourself to kill them all?
  2306. > Just like that?
  2307. > No.
  2308. > You couldn't have that on your conscience...
  2309. > You stare over at the detached, blade-lined wings.
  2310. > You were having difficulty enough swallowing what you did to these two.
  2311. > When you were done questioning, Nightingale had gone to comfort Sparrow.
  2312. > You needed to get back, as soon as possible...
  2313. > But there were more considerations at hand.
  2314. > There were almost seventy Pegasi above the city right now, if your friends were to be believed.
  2315. > But to get a warning to them...
  2316. > It meant letting these two go.
  2317. "I'm going to let you go. And I want you to send a message to your friends..."
  2318. > Nightingale looks back to you with hope.
  2319. > You wonder if he expected to die.
  2320. > Ponies did tend to regard humans as ruthless.
  2321. > With good cause.
  2322. "Tell them to clear the skies as quickly as possible, or they will die. I don't want them to lose their lives..."
  2323. > You pause.
  2324. > Considering making an exception...
  2325. "But do not tell the one who recruited you."
  2326. > There was one up there who deserved a horrible fate.
  2327. > And you would see it done.
  2328. > "I... I will. And I'm so sorry, Prince Anonymous. You... You're not the monster they say you are."
  2329. > He says it shaking with fear.
  2330. > You scoff.
  2331. "Those stubs on your back say otherwise. But I appreciate the sentiment..."
  2332. > Just... Seeing them set your stomach queasy.
  2333. > You'd seen them as your enemy.
  2334. > But they were... Misguided.
  2335. > Your enemy was Cyclone.
  2336. > And those who would manipulate the masses in his stead.
  2337. "I need to go save my wife. Take care of him."
  2338. > Nightingale nods again.
  2339. > You actually hoped they'd be alright.
  2340. > Hopefully their friend could tend to their wounds...
  2341. > Because you didn't have time to carry them back to the house anyway for treatment.
  2343. > As you moved back through the thick snow, your joints ached.
  2344. > You had lost feeling in your toes some time ago.
  2345. > And your fingers were nearing that status.
  2346. > You shouldn't have tarried so long there...
  2347. > But you had your answer.
  2348. > Antecedent Poison.
  2349. > You had no idea what it meant...
  2350. > But Moonlight had fucking better.
  2351. > Gradually, the house came into view.
  2352. > And as you approached, your movement got more and more limited.
  2353. > Such that by the time you reached the end of the deeper snow...
  2354. > Back to the lower-filled streets you had cleared during your entrance...
  2355. > It was all you could do to fall off the higher bank.
  2356. > Landing harshly on your back.
  2357. > Fortunate that the snow offered some degree of cushion for your fall.
  2358. > But you felt so weighed down.
  2359. > You called out.
  2360. > But no voices came back.
  2361. > You feel so exhausted...
  2362. > Yet, oddly, even as you fully expect your body to give out...
  2363. > Unconsciousness to consume you...
  2364. > You can't slip from your awakened state.
  2365. > 'Chaos hates stagnation.'
  2366. > Glancing to your hand, Shadewing's words return to you.
  2367. > It would hardly be entertaining if you just died out here, would it?
  2368. > Desperately, you marshal your minimal energy to flip on your side.
  2369. > Using your other hand, you unfasten the straps of your gauntlet.
  2370. > Letting the golden piece drop to the ground.
  2371. > And exposing your now frigid hand to the elements.
  2372. > You connect your middle finger and thumb.
  2373. > And pause, for a moment.
  2374. > Earlier, you had been determined to not try this at all.
  2375. > Despite immense compulsion from your brand.
  2376. > Yet now, it remains eerily silent.
  2377. > But it was an irrelevancy.
  2378. > Now you had no other choice.
  2379. > You had to rely on chance.
  2380. > So once again, you let your fingers snap.
  2381. > And damn the consequences.
  2383. -------------------------------
  2385. > You sigh deeply, placing another log on the fire.
  2386. > Its warmth spreads throughout the room like a soft blanket.
  2387. > You are Luna, and you're feeling incredibly useless right now.
  2388. > A fact which has a number of causes behind it.
  2389. > Tia's laying in front of you, barely breathing, and you have no idea how to fix it.
  2390. > Her chest all weirdly coloured, her wings laid limp beside her.
  2391. > It's painful to watch after she had seemed more alive than ever when the two of you were playing around earlier.
  2392. > Anon's out getting killed or frozen or hurt or something.
  2393. > You think that with silliness, but the thought actually drives a stake in your heart.
  2394. > He should have told you... If he had, you would have gone out with him.
  2395. > Kept him safe.
  2396. > Luna and Anonymous, professional Pegasi hunters. An unmatchable team.
  2397. > A pair of doomed individuals, forbidden from loving one another, donning capes to save the streets of Canterlot.
  2398. > The humorous thought fails to fully captivate you away from the gravity of the situation.
  2399. > Anon's guard is caring for Tia, since you have no idea about poison-related spells.
  2400. > Moonlight, you think his name was. Odd little unicorn, very stoic, even by guard standards.
  2401. > But you weren't speaking to him right now. No chance.
  2402. > Not after Celestia told you his affiliation with a certain mare whose name competed for your title.
  2403. > But all of this sitting still doing nothing was making you antsy.
  2404. > Your hooves moving of their own accord, as you paced back and forth.
  2405. > Walking to the window, staring out across the absurdly high snowbank, and then back.
  2406. > How did they even get this many snow clouds here?
  2407. > Maybe you should start working on that subject. Try to devise some sort of explanation to work with.
  2408. > It would be a suitable distraction from all of the insanity happening around you.
  2409. > You’re considering doing just that, when a door slams open, drawing the attention of everypony in the room.
  2410. > Anonymous?
  2412. > When you circled around the house to the door, there stood your brother-in-law.
  2413. > Looking like a soggy knight, covered in cloth which was dripping wet.
  2414. > An incredibly serious look on his face.
  2415. > “Where is Moonlight?”
  2416. > You go to answer, but the stallion speaks up from behind you.
  2417. > “Here, my pr-“
  2418. > Anonymous doesn’t even give him the chance to finish his sentence.
  2419. > “It’s Antecedent poison. Antecedent poison and Lyfeveene. Get to work.”
  2420. > The crispness of his words strikes you as odd…
  2421. > Moonlight doesn’t even reply, just turning immediately and returning to the living room.
  2422. > You begin to move towards Anon, struck by how… normal he looks.
  2423. > You’d expected at least some injuries, though his look has certainly changed.
  2424. > At least out of breath, but no. He’s just… silent.
  2425. > So you move to get closer to him, but the cold keeps you back.
  2426. “Are you alright, Anon? You look-”
  2427. > He looks over to you. His piercing eyes freezing you in space.
  2428. > There’s definitely something different about him.
  2429. > But his intense gaze melts into a softer smile after a short moment.
  2430. > “I’m… fine, Luna. Just fine. Cold.”
  2431. > Cold? But he isn’t shivering…
  2432. > As you get closer, however, you can immediately feel it.
  2433. > The coldness from the outside seeping through the door and around Anonymous.
  2434. > Yet he stands there, past the door, acting like he doesn’t even feel it.
  2435. “Then… come in?”
  2436. > You can’t quite understand what’s going on…
  2437. > Why’s he standing there so still?
  2438. > “Oh, right. Of course, sorry. My mind’s… foggy.”
  2439. > That’s not a good sign… that sounds like chaos magic.
  2440. > You thought he was immune? What happened?
  2441. “Anon, follow me, let’s get you out of all that metal…”
  2443. > As you move up the stairs, Anonymous follows you, looking delirious.
  2444. > His gait awkward, and lumbering. Entirely unlike the graceful stride you knew him for.
  2445. > That’s… weird.
  2446. > As you enter the guest room of the house, which the young Pegasus owner had told you was yours for the night, Anonymous stops right at the door.
  2447. > Which prompts you to stop, and look back at him.
  2448. > A staring contest ensues. A very… very strange and awkward staring contest.
  2449. “Uh, Anonymous?”
  2450. > Every time you speak, it seems to shake him out of his weird behaviour.
  2451. > “Yes, Luna?”
  2452. > But, as you look back, you notice something new…
  2453. > His nose is bleeding incredibly quickly, right down his face.
  2454. > How did you not notice that?
  2455. “Your nose!”
  2456. > Levitating a napkin, you move over to Anonymous.
  2457. > Who continues to stand there looking awkward, as you dab his nose with the cloth.
  2458. > But there’s so much, it rapidly stains the whole cloth.
  2459. > And at this distance, you can feel the cold radiate off of him.
  2460. > Particularly the armour, which feels like ice as you press a hoof against it.
  2461. > Highly disoriented, Anonymous finally musters the presence of mind to speak.
  2462. > “Sorry, Luna. I… I used magic. A lot of it.”
  2463. > He used magic? Why would he be sorry for that…
  2464. > Unless he means chaos magic, and a whole lot of chaos magic at that.
  2465. “You have a magic exertion nosebleed?”
  2466. > He nods, his eyes remaining unfocused.
  2467. > Well, that might be a good thing… It might explain why he was like this.
  2468. > He might not be losing his mind.
  2469. > Magic exertion, for someone unexperienced with it, could cause immensely clouded thinking.
  2470. > You remember the first time you had magic exertion, Tia had to look out for you all day.
  2471. > But Tia’s not available to look out for Anonymous.
  2472. > Looks like you had to look out for him. Keep him safe.
  2473. > You had excellent nurturing instincts from working with your animal friends…
  2474. > There were obviously none better to look after him.
  2475. > Score?
  2477. > Using your magic, you began to… strip him.
  2478. > You had to! It was the only thing that would help.
  2479. > You had absolutely no untoward intentions towards him whatsoever.
  2480. > Irrespective of what your inner thoughts might say.
  2481. > First taking off his bow and arrow, and setting it aside.
  2482. > Snow all throughout the feathers of the arrows.
  2483. > Then you begin removing the layers of cloth he had wrapped over his armour.
  2484. > It’s soaked right through, and really heavy.
  2485. > As you take more and more off, you can only wonder how he moved with all of that on.
  2486. > And when it’s gone, you can see his armor clearly.
  2487. > The runes engraved on the breastplate are glowing under his tabard.
  2488. > You don’t know what they do, but you can’t think about that now.
  2489. > Lifting the tabard with your magic, you try to pull it over his head.
  2490. > It makes you feel weird to be levitating it, as the blood from his nose had dripped down onto it, staining Celestia’s cutie mark with his blood.
  2491. > There’s so much… You need to get him laid down, and under the blankets.
  2492. > But his arms remain at his sides, and you can’t pull it up.
  2493. > He’s in such a daze, but he sounded so authoritative commanding Moonlight. It’s surreal.
  2494. “Anonymous, please, raise your arms.”
  2495. > You’re trying to be as commanding as possible, to make it easier to process your statements.
  2496. > And it pays off, as he raises his arms.
  2497. > And lets you take off the tabard.
  2498. > Exposing his armour fully.
  2499. > He was missing one of his gauntlets, must have lost it in the snow.
  2500. > And even more carefully handling the sword, removing it from his sash.
  2501. > You notice dried blood on the sword, as well.
  2502. > He… He must have done something serious.
  2503. > You can’t focus on that. You need to focus on Anon’s physical health.
  2504. > So you begin to remove his armour.
  2505. > But all of the pieces are like heavy chunks of ice in your magic.
  2506. > As you carefully unstrap the belts which hold it in place.
  2507. > Carefully removing it piece by piece and setting it aside.
  2509. > By the time you finish Anonymous is fully nude.
  2510. > And the door to the guest bedroom is locked and closed.
  2511. > His tunic and pants had been soaked right through as well.
  2512. > Which would have been fine, if not for how icy his skin was when you touched it.
  2513. > It’s stunning to you that he even managed to make it back like that…
  2514. > So you guided him over to the bed, and laid him down in it.
  2515. > Bringing up the blankets up to his neck.
  2516. > He immediately moves to get back up, but you put a hoof to his chest.
  2517. “Anon, just rest… I’ll be right back.”
  2518. > He grunted in response, readjusting back under the blankets.
  2519. > His nose was plugged now, you hope that it doesn’t overflow or something.
  2520. > His hand shoots out and grips your foreleg.
  2521. > “Don’t leave me Luna. You’re the best, I promise.”
  2522. > The sentiment doesn’t seem to make sense to you. Although you like all the components of the sentence individually.
  2523. > You look back to the door.
  2524. > You had intended to go and get him something to eat…
  2525. > Focus, Luna. You need to get him something to eat, or the delirium could get worse.
  2526. > Treating magic exhaustion is all about eating, really.
  2527. > It’s why heavy magic users tend to eat such a ridiculous amount.
  2528. > Moving back over to him, you decide to try and comfort him before you go.
  2529. > It was only right you make sure he's safe and secure, after all.
  2530. > You lean forward and lay a kiss on his forehead.
  2531. > A chaste, sisterly kiss. Nothing more.
  2532. > And after, you whisper into his ear.
  2533. “Sleep…”
  2534. > And just like that, his breathing slows, and you see his eyes dilate.
  2535. > And finally, his eyes close.
  2537. > You’re breathing heavily as you walk out of the room.
  2538. > Well, not walk. Run.
  2539. > That’s really not good. That wasn’t by choice…
  2540. > The chaos magic acted on your concern for Anonymous’ safety…
  2541. > It was doing it since he got here, trying to get you to give in and… exploit the state Anonymous was in.
  2542. > You felt it after you put him to sleep. That… compulsion.
  2543. > You didn’t even cast a spell, it just flowed from your words, the magic weaving from them.
  2544. > But you don’t know how to cast like that, so you’re fairly certain that’s the magic taking grip.
  2545. > And it’s got you in a panic. You didn’t want to lose your mind!
  2546. > Especially not when you have an Anonymous to be taking care of!
  2547. > Important things, Luna. You can’t change that, and Anonymous needs food.
  2548. > Forcing your legs to obey you, and move forward, you begin trudging to the kitchen.
  2549. > A shaky walk, at best. You still feel immense trepidation fill every step after you cast that spell.
  2550. > The house was fairly silent as you creeped through it.
  2551. > It wasn’t that late, just yet…
  2552. > But with no light and nothing to do, the ponies of the house had opted to go to bed.
  2553. > But not you. You had food to make, and make it you would.
  2554. > So, you crept through the house to the kitchen.
  2555. > And raided the pony’s icebox. His very, very stocked icebox.
  2556. > Surely he wouldn’t mind giving up fixings to save his prince, especially if you all survived.
  2557. > Anonymous would surely pay him back five times over.
  2558. > Or… If he didn’t, you’d do it for him.
  2559. > You would make things right, no matter what the cost.
  2560. > Although thinking about it that way in the context of sandwich making may be a little silly.
  2562. > As you finish preparing the food, you let out a deep yawn as you plate it.
  2563. > In truth, you feel immensely exhausted.
  2564. > You weren’t used to being up in the daytime, and you had spent all day awake by now.
  2565. > But you couldn’t possibly sleep right now. Not with Anon and…
  2566. > Tia!
  2567. > Not with Anon and Tia in dire straits. It was your duty to look out for them.
  2568. > You should check up on her as well.
  2569. > Turning, you head into the living room, the plate in your magic.
  2570. > You see Moonlight in the middle of the room, beside Tia.
  2571. > His horn glowing, and her chest glowing with his magic.
  2572. > Looking at her, you feel… uncomfortable.
  2573. > Like you want to crawl under her wing like when you were little, but know you can’t.
  2574. > You gaze over at the exit, considering the importance getting to Anon.
  2575. > But you needed to know Tia was safe.
  2576. > You begin to approach, to see if you could identify the spell.
  2577. > And as you near-
  2578. > “Princess.”
  2579. > You nearly drop the plate at his words.
  2580. > You had been so sneaky! How had he noticed you?
  2581. > Calm, Luna. Calm. Control your breathing, look like a princess.
  2582. > Well, you hadn’t wanted to speak to him earlier. But it seemed prudent now.
  2583. “Moonlight. How fares Celestia?”
  2584. > Nailed it, Luna. Absolutely perfect.
  2585. > “She’ll be fine. Antecedent poison is a cheap one, easy to deal with but incredibly corrosive and hard to identify. She’ll feel incredibly weak for the next while, but otherwise she will be fine.”
  2586. > You chew the inside of your lip.
  2587. > That’s not good…
  2588. > You only had a little while left, if Tia was resting for that period…
  2589. > Hush, inner Luna. This is better than her dying, you should be happy.
  2590. > It’s not all about you.
  2591. “Thank you, Moonlight. While I cannot forg-“
  2592. > “Do not fear, Princess. I know what I have done wrong, I do not need nor request your forgiveness.”
  2593. > His words make you… uncomfortable. Even his presence seems to have that effect on you.
  2594. > But if Tia’s safe, then you have a greater priority.
  2595. > Anonymous.
  2596. > But you should still be courteous.
  2597. “Irrespective, thank you.”
  2599. > Returning upstairs, it feels like a bit of a weight has been lifted.
  2600. > Celestia would be fine, assuming Moonlight wasn’t a liar.
  2601. > And hopefully Anonymous would be fine too.
  2602. > You would make sure of that, so long as you kept yourself under control.
  2603. > Remember, that Luna. Just keep thinking that.
  2604. > His life might be in your hooves.
  2605. > And as you open the door to the guest room, you see him still laying in the bed.
  2606. > Immobile, and still asleep. The spell was still holding strong over him.
  2607. > On reflection, you don’t even know if it will be a simple task to wake him up.
  2608. > Moving over, you rest the plate beside his bed.
  2609. > Looking over his face, you can see the bleeding has mostly stopped.
  2610. > But you can still feel the cold radiating off of him.
  2611. > The bitter chill infects the room, and makes you feel uneasy…
  2612. > He needed to eat. Which meant he needed to wake up.
  2613. > And he needed warmth, which meant he needed something warm near him…
  2614. > The chimney ran past this room, giving heat to it as well from the roaring fire below.
  2615. > But it wasn’t enough.
  2616. > Poking him with a hoof, you try to wake him up, and you efforts gradually evolve to the point of shaking him.
  2617. > But nothing works. He remains asleep, still breathing but immobile.
  2618. > You weren’t sure what to do… He needed to eat, you knew that much. Which meant waking up.
  2619. > And if you couldn’t wake him up the old fashioned way…
  2620. > You glance back at the door, and lock it with your magic.
  2621. > Before crawling up in the bed. Under the covers. And scooting close to his naked form.
  2622. > Your body would warm him up… You were a very warm pony.
  2623. > And you could dreamwalk to wake him up from your spell.
  2624. > It was just utilitarian…
  2625. > You would keep Anonymous safe. It was the only thing you could do right now.
  2626. > Tia would understand.
  2628. ------------------------
  2630. > Mmm…
  2631. > You feel warm. Very warm.
  2632. > Slowly, you open your eyes, to take in the sight of a room you knew well.
  2633. > You had dreamwalked through it a number of times in the past, after all.
  2634. > A bedroom fit for a Prince, in the human capital of Freemark.
  2635. > “Finally awake?”
  2636. > You smile. You knew that voice just as well.
  2637. > It was nice to hear it so clearly and unconcerned after the little shock earlier.
  2638. > Anonymous. Seems to be having a pleasantly dull dream, from the looks of it.
  2639. > Best to let him enjoy the relaxed fantasy, he had earned it after all.
  2640. > Wait, no, you had a purpose here. He needed to wake up…
  2641. “I don’t-”
  2642. > You stop, immediately stunned by the awkward circumstance you now realize you’re in.
  2643. > That isn’t your voice… But it is one you know quite well.
  2644. > Tia’s voice, coming from your mouth.
  2645. > You feel Anonymous’ hands scratching at your scalp, and it feels wonderful.
  2646. > “Don’t what, Sunshine?”
  2647. > His hot breath on your ear sends shivers down your spine.
  2648. > Tell him what’s going on.
  2649. > Break the dream, Luna.
  2650. “I don’t know if I’m awake or not, it always feels like a dream with you.”
  2651. > Damnit, Luna! That’s not breaking the dream!
  2652. > He chuckles, that low rumble in his chest making you feel so safe.
  2653. > “That’s a little cheesy, Cel. Might need to refine your flirting a bit.”
  2654. > You blush.
  2655. > Well, you thought it was a good flirt. What would Anonymous know about good flirting anyhow.
  2656. > You were the mistress of dreams! You’d seen thousands of ponies flirt before… doing things in their dreams.
  2657. > You had a mastery of the art, if you do say so yourself. It was just a matter of applying it.
  2658. “If it was a flirt and not a statement of fact, then you might have a case, my little human.”
  2659. > You accompany the words by nuzzling back against his neck, and inhaling deeply of his scent.
  2660. > This just felt so… right. Like you could get lost here forever and just forget everything.
  2661. > Forget…
  2663. > “We’ll have to head back to Equestria soon, I imagine. Doubtless the nobility is about ready to plot a revolution, a whole day without someone to blame.”
  2664. > You smile, closing your eyes once more as you continue rubbing up against him.
  2665. > Warmth radiating off him like he’s a comforting blanket over you.
  2666. > Keeping you safe and secure from everything.
  2667. “They can go stick it somewhere my sun doesn’t shine.”
  2668. > It feels weird to call it your sun. You hardly ever really get to talk about the moon…
  2669. > It doesn’t tend to come up much in conversation. Not used in many analogies…
  2670. > “I’m certain they’re already doing that, it’s just overflowing…”
  2671. > Eugh! That’s some disgusting imagery.
  2672. > He starts laughing behind you at your obvious discomfort with the sentiment.
  2673. > So you punch him in the chest with a hoof, a scowl on your face.
  2674. > What a jerk.
  2675. “I’m sure they can last a few more days, it’s my first vacation in… well, ever.”
  2676. > His hands are gradually moving down from your scalp, scratching along your neck.
  2677. > As he leans forward to nip your ear, sending sparks dancing through you.
  2678. > “If that’s the case, I might get the chance to take you out to Vesemir’s. They’ve got the absolute best food in the city.”
  2679. > His words are a whisper in your ear, and they make you quiver with anticipation.
  2680. > A romantic date with Anonymous in his home city? Could you pass that opportunity up?
  2681. > The answer is no. No you cannot pass that opportunity up.
  2682. > Besides, you didn’t have anything more important to do, you’re on vacation…
  2683. > With your brother-
  2684. > Husband. With your husband. Your kind, loving, caring husband.
  2685. > You are, after all, Celestia. Princess of the Sun.
  2686. > It was perfectly normal that you would go out with him for a romantic dinner, and enjoy a romantic evening thereafter.
  2687. > Right?
  2688. > Right. It was just logical.
  2689. “Gladly!”
  2691. > Luna, Luna stop.
  2692. > But you’re not Luna. You’re Celestia, Anonymous’ loving wife.
  2693. > Luna please. You’ve got really important things to be doing.
  2694. > But everything is so nice and soft and lovely and-
  2695. > You need to help Anonymous wake up, and staving off magic exhaustion.
  2696. > You groan loudly, arching your back to give greater access to Anonymous, the thoughts immediately forgotten.
  2697. > He’s giving you a back massage, and it feels amazing.
  2698. > As he moves up and down, he shifts over to the wings, briefly working the lithe muscles there before returning to your back.
  2699. > And his big, confident, strong presence above you feels comforting.
  2700. > “We’ll need to go soon, Cel. That place fills up rapidly at night…”
  2701. > It was something you’d always admired about humans, their thriving nightlife.
  2702. > Ponies tended to go to bed and rise with the sun, where humans would carry on into the night.
  2703. > As he gets a particular knot, you let out a loud moan.
  2704. “I-I’m enjoying this as it stands, Anon…”
  2705. > You are absolutely certain that he’s got a big smirk on his face.
  2706. > Every other time you’d been in Anonymous’ dreams, you’d avoided direct confrontations.
  2707. > Your presence often prompted ponies’ dreams to start to collapse.
  2708. > But now…
  2709. > Now you could fully enjoy your time with Anonymous.
  2710. > “We could always come back and do more after dinner, Cel. Take it a step further? Though you’d have to lay off the wine a bit if you want to get to the best part.”
  2711. > Luna, now think about this rationally.
  2712. > You do not want to do this. You need to fix things, be responsible for once.
  2713. > This could just make everything much worse-
  2714. “Well then, my prince, I think we ought to set out…”
  2715. > And with that, you tilt back your head and kiss his cheek.
  2716. > Luna didn’t want to do any of those things.
  2717. > But Celestia certainly wanted to mate with her husband.
  2718. > And Celestia was going to get what she wanted…
  2720. > When you can finally see the restaurant, you’re amazed at how fancy it looks.
  2721. > You’re in the streets below it, moving up a road which leads to it.
  2722. > You suppose Freemark is an old Unicorn city, or was, before the humans captured it.
  2723. > Which meant that it had a lot of that older, stylized architecture.
  2724. > Unlike Canterlot, which has developed with the trends over the years, Freemark feels like it’s frozen in time.
  2725. > It’s stunning.
  2726. > “Keep up, Cel. Wouldn’t want you to get lost in the big scary human capital.”
  2727. > You smile, picking up the pace to catch up with him.
  2728. > But he then picks up the pace as well, turning your little walk into a chase.
  2729. > The civilians of the city knowing to get out of your way, knowing their prince well enough it seems.
  2730. > It’s so fun to run freely through the streets like this, the wind in your mane.
  2731. > Barely able to control your giggles as you dash through the streets after your husband.
  2732. > Actual wind, rather than the sort of artificial breeze your mane perpetually was sustained in.
  2733. > It’s so warm down here, too.
  2734. > While Freemark’s built into a mountain, it’s not nearly at the same altitude as Canterlot…
  2735. > Maybe you should build a new castle lower down back home.
  2736. > A grand capital closer to the center of Equestria, or something.
  2737. > Eventually, you decide to spread your wings, and with them you easily catch him.
  2738. > Flying over him and landing on his shoulders, laughing all the while.
  2739. “Gotcha!”
  2740. > He starts laughing as well, as you slide your rear hooves under his arms.
  2741. > Your forehooves wrapped around his neck.
  2742. > Hitching a ride on your human, although you’re amazed that he can carry you like this.
  2743. > “You know, this seems backwards, for some reason…”
  2744. > You smirk, leaning down to whisper in his ear.
  2745. “Are you saying you want to ride me?”
  2746. > As much as he tries to hide it, you can see the blush on his face.
  2747. > “W-well, we both already knew that.”
  2748. > You flustered Anonymous!
  2749. > You win!
  2751. > The inside of the restaurant does not betray the promise the outside made.
  2752. > Elaborately crafted architecture to match that age-old Unicorn styling looks awe-inspiring.
  2753. > And there’s so many humans packed into such a tight place…
  2754. > But you and Anonymous don’t end up with the big crowd of humans.
  2755. > No, the two of you got your own private abode above the main hall.
  2756. > Sitting on a small dais with a table, water surrounding you.
  2757. > And below the water was a glass surface, from which you could see the rest of the diners.
  2758. > But they could apparently not see you, as you looked around the open area.
  2759. > You could see most all of Freemark from here… It was quite a city.
  2760. > Not as opulent as Canterlot by a country mile, but… dignified.
  2761. > Everything a capital should be.
  2762. > And across from you sat everything a ruler should be, speaking to a waiter and placing both of your orders.
  2763. > Of course he already knew your favourites.
  2764. > You were his wife.
  2765. > But it’s still so sweet…
  2766. > “My, it’s a bit chilly out here, isn’t it?”
  2767. > What? How in the world could he find it cold here?
  2768. > The sun might be setting, but it’s wonderfully humid out here.
  2769. “Not at all, Anon. Do you need me to warm you up?”
  2770. > You say it playfully, filled with suggestive implications, but he seems serious.
  2771. > Wait, there was something… You’re missing something…
  2772. > Cold…
  2773. > “I’m practically frigid, I don’t know why… Do you mind if we move back inside? I know it’s a lot more romantic up here, but…”
  2774. > You shake your head, trying to focus, but utterly failing.
  2775. > You had something important to do…
  2776. “Of course not, Anon. Let’s go inside, and see if we can get you warm.”
  2777. > You didn’t mean to say that, you’re still trying to think for the moment…
  2778. > But you get up anyways, and follow Anonymous.
  2779. > Walking across the beautiful frozen pond that your table was located on, and down into the restaurant proper, which is even warmer than outside.
  2780. > And after informing the waiter, take one of the scarce vacant tables for yourselves.
  2782. > Anonymous didn’t get warmer, if anything he got colder.
  2783. > And it wasn’t just him anymore. All of Freemark was getting colder…
  2784. > The patrons of the restaurant had taken to getting a number of fires going.
  2785. > And you were cuddling up close to your freezing cold husband, trying to give him some warmth.
  2786. > “S-s-sorry, Cel. I d-don’t know what-t’s gotten into me…”
  2787. > His shivering words make your concern increase tenfold…
  2788. > You know there’s a solution to this, but you can’t be sure what.
  2789. > You wish you had Luna here, she was always better at dealing with the cold than you were.
  2790. > You were the sun, after all, and-
  2791. > Wait, no, you’re Luna.
  2792. > You’re Luna! Oh stars, this isn’t good.
  2793. > Your memory begins to build itself back up, as you recall precisely your purpose here.
  2794. > This… This imagery could not be good.
  2795. > Dreams would often reflect the state of the individual, and if everything was freezing in Anonymous’ dream…
  2796. "Anonymous, there's a problem..."
  2797. > You needed to stop this, now. You needed to wake up…
  2798. > But you were so close to everything you wanted…
  2799. > So close to having Anonymous be yours. Your loving husband, in name and title…
  2800. > “No, I don't think there is. I’m actually starting to feel better now, oddly…”> His shivering stopped, almost immediately, a smile on his face.
  2801. > But the building around you continues to get colder, you can even sort of see frost forming on the windows.
  2802. > Something was messing with you…
  2803. “Anon, you’re asleep, this is just a dream.”
  2804. > He looks at you with an eyebrow raised, confusion on his face as he lifts up an arm.
  2805. > And pinches the skin.
  2806. > And silence reigns between the two of you as he stands there like that.
  2807. > “Seems to me like you should leave the dreamwork to Luna, sweetie.”
  2808. > He says it with a grin and a chuckle.
  2809. > But now you’re really concerned… You needed to get out of this dream.
  2810. > Both of you needed to get out.
  2812. > “Come on now, let’s go home, Cel. I want this to be special, or as special as possible given the circumstances…”
  2813. > Anonymous is trying to get you to go back to his place.
  2814. > To enjoy some husband and wife styled intimacy…
  2815. > But the restaurant has now frosted over, the patrons shivering by their fires.
  2816. > You’ve tried everything to wake him up, but still no ideas come.
  2817. > Every usual technique, from scare to telling him, has failed.
  2818. > And he’s now working against your resilience by kissing your neck.
  2819. > Gradually weakening your resolve over time.
  2820. “Anonymous, really, it’s too cold now for anything…”
  2821. > You knew you had some way of fixing this, but you didn’t know how to do it…
  2822. > His hand had wandered down to your stomach, rubbing it softly in circles.
  2823. > It feels so nice… You just want to let him sweep you off your hooves…
  2824. > And carry you back to his home…
  2825. > “But you’re so warm… And I know another way you could warm me up even faster…”
  2826. > His hand begins to move further down.
  2827. > At his home, he could lay you down on the bed, just like he did Celestia last night.
  2828. > And slowly caress you, just like he did to Celestia.
  2829. > And… go a step further. More than he ever did with her.
  2830. > And…
  2831. > And you couldn’t do that. You’d already betrayed Celestia by letting it get this far.
  2832. > A sudden clarity comes over you, and glancing around, you’re struck by the bizzare world the dream has become.
  2833. > Everything was iced over, a practical wasteland. Your table was all that existed in a frozen world.
  2834. > Your table with a nice wine on it, you desperately trying to control yourself, and Anonymous feeling up your body.
  2835. > Authoritative. You needed to be authoritative.
  2836. > He had magical exhaustion, of course he wouldn’t be reacting to scares or suggestions.
  2837. > You turn, and look him in the eyes, mustering you will.
  2838. > And speak the words.
  2839. “Anonymous, stop now. Right now.”
  2840. > He freezes in place, and his expression shifts from one of desire to confusion as he looks up at you.
  2841. > “L-Luna?”
  2842. > And like that, the ice beneath you fractures.
  2843. > And you fall into an abyss.
  2845. -----------------------------
  2847. > Slowly, you manage to fight your way back to consciousness.
  2848. > Your head is pounding, which is weird. You’d never woken up to a headache before…
  2849. > Opening your eyes, you see Anonymous still wrapped up in your hooves under the thick blankets.
  2850. > Your mind kicks into overdrive with concern, given the ice imagery in his dream.
  2851. > But… he’s actually warmed up quite a bit now. And he’s breathing fine, which is a plus.
  2852. > Though he seems to still be asleep, which is odd…
  2853. > Most of the time if you’re kicked out of a dream, then so is the person you’re dreamwalking with.
  2854. > You push your way back across the bed when you become cognizant of your position, leaving as much space as possible between you and Anon.
  2855. > That dream… That was incredibly odd.
  2856. > Why had you wanted so badly to be Celestia? You had even forgotten who you were…
  2857. > That hadn’t happened before, you’d never become lost in a dream.
  2858. > But, in that moment, it just felt so good to be the star… to have everything.
  2859. > Staring at Anon’s peaceful, sleeping face, you feel an odd sense of longing.
  2860. > A longing for the dream to return, for you to have Tia’s life instead of yours.
  2861. > It wasn’t fair.
  2862. > You want to be the popular princess, with crowds of ponies surrounding you. Looking to you for leadership at all times.
  2863. > With your own closest companions like Anonymous to revel in the good and the bad alongside you.
  2864. > To make everything feel like it would be alright…
  2865. > And for her, it would all be fine. She wasn’t going to lose everything soon…
  2866. > You move a hoof up to Anonymous’ face, and feel along his coarse stubble.
  2867. > Why?
  2868. > Why did you always have to be the unlucky one? To get the short stick at every turn?
  2869. > You… you don’t have to be.
  2870. > Maybe that was the meaning of the dream… you could take what you wanted.
  2871. > Moonlight might not have finished saving Celestia just yet, and if you interfered…
  2872. > Watching her already slow breathing grind to a halt…
  2873. > “Luna?”
  2875. > Instantly, you draw back your hoof from Anonymous’ face.
  2876. > Shock across your own as you stare wide-eyed at the now awake human.
  2877. > You had been so lost in your train of thought that you hadn’t even noticed him waking up…
  2878. > “You look different.”
  2879. > Looking at the hoof you had been caressing him with, you can see he had a point…
  2880. > Your already dark blue coat had somehow gotten darker, nearly black.
  2881. > What in the world…
  2882. “So… so I do, Anonymous.”
  2883. > You’re struggling to organize your thoughts, at least partially because you can’t believe what you were just thinking.
  2884. > Killing Celestia? You loved her!
  2885. > It… It had to be the chaos magic. It had to be, there was no question.
  2886. > You may have thought about what it would be like if she was gone before…
  2887. > But never like that. Never such a crystal clear picture.
  2888. > You notice Anonymous looking down at himself, and a slight blush taking over his features.
  2889. > “Alright, then, something more important… why am I naked? And… why are we in bed together? I thought we discussed this…”
  2890. > Now, it’s your turn to blush, as you take the opportunity to distract from your… darker thoughts.
  2891. > Fortunately, you had a good excuse this time.
  2892. “We did, but you came back from outside freezing cold and wet. I needed to warm you up, and it was the best way I knew how…”
  2893. > You attempt your best disarming smile on Anonymous, but it doesn’t seem to work.
  2894. > He keeps a skeptical eyebrow raised looking at you, his hand brushing through his hair.
  2895. > “I… I can’t remember much. Did I…?”
  2896. > Did he…
  2897. > Oh, did he save Celestia. Well…
  2898. > He did twice, now. Once from the poison…
  2899. > And once from you, if you’d let those thoughts take you down that dark path.
  2900. > Focus on the conversation, Luna. You can deal with your weird thoughts later.
  2901. “You saved her, yes. She’s going to be fine.”
  2902. > He lets out a relieved sigh at that, rolling on his back and staring up at the ceiling.
  2903. > Well, at least that got him off the topic of you, and your little… impropriety.
  2904. > And on the note of what got you in the situation…
  2905. “By the way, I made you food. It’s on the table there.”
  2907. > With your sentence, Anonymous’ whole demeanor changed.
  2908. > He instantly looked over at the… admittedly, now less-than-appealing looking sandwiches.
  2909. > You must’ve been asleep for a while longer than expected…
  2910. > But it doesn’t stop him, he attacks them with the ravenous hunger of a stallion starved.
  2911. > Typical of somepony experiencing magical exhaustion, the body knew the fix.
  2912. > It’s a little adorable to watch as he tries to shove as much of the food you made him as possible in his mouth.
  2913. > You’d even made it according to human recipes you’d learned from his dreams!
  2914. > He didn’t seem to appreciate the good taste of proper Equestrian cuisine, and a good wife-
  2915. > Not his wife. Keep that thought far, far away Luna. It’s just going to cause you an endless supply of problems.
  2916. > A good friend should always be attentive to what their friends enjoy.
  2917. > That’s all you were. Really good, friendly in-laws.
  2918. > “This is delicious, Luna! I had no idea you could cook.”
  2919. > You kick a hoof, trying to look modest.
  2920. > But secretly, you revel in his praise. You knew that was one thing Tia had no idea how to do.
  2921. > She couldn’t make a decent sandwich, much less make good food for a human. Had to get the chefs to do everything.
  2922. “It’s nothing, Anon. I had to learn to cook to care for my animal friends.”
  2923. > Animal friends you were losing…
  2924. > No, focus on the here-and-now.
  2925. > He nods, continuing to tear into the sandwich.
  2926. > You needed to keep up conversation, for a number of reasons.
  2927. > Both to make sure that things didn’t get awkward, and to make sure your mind didn’t go back to those weird thoughts.
  2928. > Looking down at your hooves, you notice the fur turning back to its normal coloration.
  2929. > There’s some sort of meaning to that, you’re sure…
  2930. > And as you focus on your hoof, contemplating that meaning, you don’t notice Anonymous finish off his first sandwich, and lean back with a contemplative look.
  2931. > “So, was that actually you in my dream?”
  2933. > His question send a shock up your spine.
  2934. > You were almost certain he had forgotten about that.
  2935. “I… I needed to wake you up, and you wouldn’t respond to me poking and prodding you.”
  2936. > You can practically feel the skepticism radiating off of him.
  2937. > As he takes a bite of his second sandwich and chews it contemplatively.
  2938. > “Well, then why were you Celestia?”
  2939. > Oh, he had a good memory of that dream.
  2940. > That’s unfortunate. The one time you want someone to forget your dream interactions with them…
  2941. “Is it alright if I hide under the covers and not answer that?”
  2942. > He laughs, which is a good sign.
  2943. > That means he’s not going to get angry at you about this whole business.
  2944. > “You ended it before things got too weird, which I respect. Just… was that you the whole time?”
  2945. > Yep, going under the blankets. If he can’t see you, he can’t interrogate you.
  2946. “Maybe.”
  2947. > You feel his hand rest on your exposed back, the portion not hidden under the blanket, as it digs into the fur with a scratch.
  2948. > It reminds you of the divine feeling in the dream…
  2949. > “Seriously, Luna. I’m not mad, just… if you needed to wake me up, why wait?”
  2950. > You bite your lip under the blankets.
  2951. > Why did you? Because you had enjoyed the fantasy so much you didn’t want to leave.
  2952. > As much as you tried to lie to yourself about it, you knew it to be true.
  2953. “I… I couldn’t control myself. I think it was the magic making me do it.”
  2954. > You can feel him stiffen at your lie.
  2955. > While the chaos magic doubtless played a role in things you had done…
  2956. > That had been your decision alone, you knew that much.
  2957. > But you wouldn’t confess your weakness, not to Anonymous. It would complicate things.
  2958. > Better that you watch from afar, and swallow your guilt and sorrow.
  2959. > “We’ll figure something out for it, Luna. I won’t let it take you.”
  2960. > His words sound so confident, so reassuring.
  2961. > But you know they’re as much a lie as yours.
  2963. -----------------------------
  2965. > It’s still a little chilly, but you’re hesitant to put back on the still damp messes that were your armour and clothing.
  2966. > You are Anonymous, and you currently have a towel wrapped around your waist.
  2967. > A pony towel, which means it’s about twelve times larger than any towel has any business being.
  2968. > You suppose getting all of the dampness out of fur required much thicker towels than humans did.
  2969. > Cracking your neck, you’re rather stunned at how good you feel. Your body is energized and refreshed like nothing you’ve felt for a while.
  2970. > Though you still can’t remember what happened that resulted in your current situation.
  2971. > The last thing you remember was those two Pegasi…
  2972. > You chew the inside of your cheek, contemplating what this really implied for the individuals you were marshalling an army against.
  2973. > Would so many of them be naïve, young idiots? The sorts of people you thrived with in bars all your life?
  2974. > You shake your head.
  2975. > You could worry about the Pegasi once you were sure Celestia and Canterlot were safe, you needed to prioritize for now.
  2976. > But something had to have happened between sending them off, and getting to back to the house, and you needed to find out what at some point.
  2977. > “Do we need to tell Tia about this?”
  2978. > Looking over your shoulder, you see Luna looking almost… coy?
  2979. > You were expecting ashamed, but then you don’t know exactly what’s up with Luna. She seemed particularly odd between the dream and waking up.
  2980. > But…
  2981. “No, we don’t. It’s not like you’re a threat, and it would cause nothing but strife between the two of you I imagine. But as we’ve discussed, this shouldn’t be happening ever again.”
  2982. > You swallow, before making your ultimatum.
  2983. “Everyone gets a second chance, none get a third.”
  2984. > She nods solemnly, though still doesn’t seem as guilty as you might expect.
  2985. > Somehow, you doubt it’s the last you’ve heard of Luna trying to interfere.
  2987. > Departing from the room in only the towel, you begin to trace your way through the building.
  2988. > Luna acting as your guide, since you hadn’t actually explored much of the house.
  2989. > As she guides you back to the portion of the house which you recognize, you’re filled with trepidation.
  2990. > And it gets worse when you enter the living room, and notice your wife.
  2991. > With Moonlight sleeping on top of her.
  2992. > You don’t even quite know how to react to the situation.
  2993. > Your irrational side is telling you to throw him out in a goddamn snowbank, react like he was taking advantage of her.
  2994. > But you knew that he likely just passed out tending to her. Which is surprising, you have to wonder how long it’s been for him to be so tired.
  2995. > Maybe it’s-
  2996. > “Magical exhaustion. He worked himself unconscious…”
  2997. > Hmm?
  2998. > Turning to look at Luna, you watch as she lifts him in her magic, and you spot the big bloodstain on Celestia’s fur from his nose.
  2999. > Well now, it’s a good thing you didn’t listen to your irrational side.
  3000. > And this just complicates matters further… Clearly Nightmare was interested in protecting Celestia as well.
  3001. > Not something you anticipated, given her history, though you suppose Moonlight’s relationship to Nightmare was more of an alliance than a loyalty, so he may be acting independently.
  3002. > “I’ll go get some food into him too, to try and help him recover, if you want to check up on Tia…”
  3003. > You nod, and watch as she leaves the room with Moonlight in her magical grip.
  3004. > And you move over to Celestia, who’s breathing much better than you remember.
  3005. > The odd colored spiderweb-like patterns on her chest gone.
  3006. > She’s safe, you suspect. Though Moonlight must have been going above and beyond the call of duty in his efforts to save her.
  3007. > You’d need to find some way to thank him, at some point.
  3008. > Some degree of satisfaction for the stallion who had saved your wife when you could not.
  3010. > Softly, you begin to rub on her neck, your fingers lightly parting her fur and feeling the skin beneath.
  3011. > Her heartbeat was back up to snuff, as well. She’d be fine, you suspect.
  3012. > “We need to put your plan into action soon, my prince.”
  3013. > Looking over your shoulder, you spot somepony you had almost forgotten existed.
  3014. > Isthmus Waves.
  3015. “I’m aware, but there’s greater priorities than Canterlot at the moment.”
  3016. > It’s a foolish, selfish thought. The sort of thing you often thought below you.
  3017. > But it’s how you feel irrespective.
  3018. > She sighs, moving over towards you, and sitting down right before Celestia.
  3019. > “This is going to cause a lot of problems as it stands…”
  3020. > You nod, leaning back and sitting cross-legged, eyes moving from Cel to the roaring fire beside her.
  3021. > No doubt it would. Celestia wouldn’t be able to properly rule in her state…
  3022. > And only the Gods know the full extent of the potential ramifications of an assassination attempt.
  3023. “We’ll find a way to fix things, don’t worry. We’ll fix everything…”
  3024. > There’s a calm confidence to your voice that even you didn’t expect to flow forth.
  3025. > The sort of assurances that your father used to give you when you were a child, even if they were at times lies.
  3026. > And they seem to have the same effect on Waves that his did for you, she relaxes beside you with a deep breath.
  3027. > “I… I trust you, Anonymous. If you say it’ll be fine, then it’ll be fine.”
  3028. > In truth, you had no idea what the potential consequences of all this were.
  3029. > No doubt Canterlot would be a week easily clearing all of the snow and fixing any damage caused.
  3030. > And with Celestia in the state she’s in, she would be unable to redress petitioners in court.
  3031. “It’s rather cozy here. Reminds me of how I was living before I came to Equestria… A relatively quiet life of debauchery and shame.”
  3032. > It’s a little untrue. You had almost always kept yourself occupied with the hunt for new conquests.
  3033. > But there were quiet moments in between, especially when a particular girl grew on you a bit more than was appropriate.
  3034. > But it feels nice to be stopped, even if the world’s collapsing around you.
  3036. > You and Waves sat there for a while, waiting to see what would happen with Cel.
  3037. > To see if she would wake up, or something like that.
  3038. > But she never did.
  3039. > Eventually, Luna returned with a conscious Moonlight.
  3040. > And snacks for your whole little entourage. It felt like a weird sleepover from your youth, the lot of you sat around a fire snacking.
  3041. > With Moonlight and yourself doing the overwhelming majority of that snacking.
  3042. > Much to the amusement of Waves and Luna, at that.
  3043. > But the merriment only lasted so long, before the topic returned to that of getting back to the Castle.
  3044. > Moonlight told you her current rest was artificially imposed, and he could wake her any time you wanted.
  3045. > You wanted to let her sleep, but you also knew the importance of getting back as soon as possible.
  3046. > And you were uncomfortable with the prospect of leaving her in the care of the ponies of this house.
  3047. > Not because you doubted their good intentions, but because you doubted their ability to defend the house should the Pegasi decide to make a move again.
  3048. > Which meant she would have to come with you… and she would have to be awake for that.
  3049. > Rising up, you move over to the window, pressing your fingers against the frosty surface.
  3050. > The snow piled up such that it almost entirely passed the window.
  3051. > The walkways were slightly better because of your trips, but doubtless getting to be as bad.
  3052. > How they had ever managed to stockpile such a repertoire…
  3053. > You wonder if this is going to mean a shortage come winter. You wouldn’t doubt it, in truth.
  3054. > But winter could wait, like everything else. Right now, the clouds and Celestia needed to be addressed.
  3055. > The longer you delayed, the worse things got…
  3056. > It would get harder and harder to get Cel to safety, and more difficult to get to the castle to put your plan into action to begin with.
  3057. > So be it. You would keep her safe.
  3058. “Wake her up."
  3060. --------------------------------
  3062. > Sitting by Celestia’s side, you watch as Luna, at the instruction of Moonlight, goes through the steps to wake Celestia from her magic-induced sleep.
  3063. > It’s interesting, from your perspective, that she can still cast like that.
  3064. > But cast she does, and you can see the strange glow around her horn replicated around Celestia’s entire form.
  3065. > As she does, you can feel the temperature in the room escalate a few degrees.
  3066. > Seems the spell requires a great deal of effort, by the look on Luna’s face.
  3067. > Moonlight’s instructions may as well be in another language, for all the sense they make to you.
  3068. > But, it seems to have an effect, as Celestia’s face begins to cringe, looking like she was experiencing discomfort.
  3069. > Her legs moving on their own slightly, though the one with the bandage does not.
  3070. > “Anon?”
  3071. > Her voice brings your attention back to her face, her voice building an immense warmth in your chest.
  3072. > And you just about lose that food you had devoured when you look back at her face.
  3073. > Her eyes are filled with blood…
  3074. > It fills you with a panic unlike anything you’d ever felt, staring into those tortured looking eyes.
  3075. “Moonlight?”
  3076. > “It’s normal, my prince. They’ll fix themselves with time.”
  3077. > Seems he knew exactly what you would be worried about. He couldn’t have told you?
  3078. > Spared you the near heart attack of that visual?
  3079. > For Celestia’s part, she tries to move a leg forward to touch you, but the bandages prevent the motion from completing.
  3080. > Your hand shoots forward to grasp her hoof, sparing her the trouble of trying to move it.
  3081. > “Where… Where am I?”
  3082. > Her voice is raspy, like sandpaper. It’s grossly concerning, though you had water ready for her to drink once she wasn’t laying on her side.
  3083. > Irrespective, it’s good to hear it. Sets a number of your worries aside…
  3084. > Now you could just focus on all the other worries.
  3085. “You’re safe.”
  3087. > Seems an appetite was not something limited to magical exhaustion.
  3088. > Celestia was devouring this poor family’s food as well. You would have to be sure to send someone to compensate them suitably.
  3089. > It’s good they had such a well-stocked home, else you and your little team would doubtless be in dire straits.
  3090. > For your part, you’ve got Luna drying out your clothes, getting them suitable for facing the weather again.
  3091. > You’ll be damned if you don’t make sure every damn magic-capable being in this house doesn’t have a nosebleed by the time the day is through.
  3092. > Except Celestia.
  3093. > No nosebleeds for her. She had enough problems.
  3094. > If she got magical exhaustion too, you’d find whoever made her cast and put them in a cast.
  3095. “You realize, once this is all settled, that you’re taking a vacation? If need be, I’ll chain you down to the bed.”
  3096. > She gives you a petulant look. Though it is look slightly undermined by the fact her cheeks were still full of hay.
  3097. > Chewing and swallowing it, she goes to address you.
  3098. > “I’m not convinced you have the power to make me do anything, Anonymous. And besides, I feel better already.”
  3099. > You can tell she’s lying through her teeth. She looks half-dead even speaking.
  3100. > Wings still laid limp, she said she couldn’t feel them. Temporary, fortunately, if Moonlight was to be believed.
  3101. > Her eyes still entirely red around the irises, making her look like a damn demon from Tartarus.
  3102. > A constant shiver went through her, though she insisted she felt warm, and Moonlight insisted it was just a reaction to her body cleansing the remaining toxins.
  3103. “You have issued me a challenge, and it’s one I’m glad to accept. Moonlight, when we return to the castle, I will need a fifty-foot chain.”
  3104. > “Yes, my prince.”
  3105. > And with that, Moonlight becomes the target of your wife’s ire. That would be a useful trick to remember for the future.
  3106. > It’s good to have good help.
  3108. “So, you’re well rested?”
  3109. > It’s good that your escort had taken the opportunity to sleep the whole event away.
  3110. > At least now somebody would be on their toes for the trip back to the castle.
  3111. > Err, hooves. Did hooves have toes?
  3112. > Research was needed. You knew far too little about Equine anatomy for your own good.
  3113. > Though, for the sake of your marriage, at least the relevant bits seemed to mostly translate.
  3114. > “Yes sir, prince sir. We will be able to get ya back if you can keep the damn scum of the skies off of us.”
  3115. > Scum of the skies, what an interesting derogatory term for the Pegasi.
  3116. > “Frankly, I’m feeling sick just being in this house with one… The sooner we’re back to the castle, the better.”
  3117. > Another of your escorts pipes up this time, and their commentary actually surprises you.
  3118. > Especially in light of your recent revelation about what precisely constituted the rebel forces.
  3119. > After the first day, wherein it had been a lot of guards dropping your service, you had been under the rather simplistic impression they were hardened warriors…
  3120. “There’s no need to make such crass remarks, friends. Our host has been nothing but helpful.”
  3121. > One of them scoffs, looking off to the side and muttering.
  3122. > Something to the effect of ‘Fucker probably was in on it, trying to kill our princess…’
  3123. > That’s… concerning.
  3124. > If even a pony as gracious as the collector could be seen as an enemy by your ponies now, that meant ill tidings for the Pegasi of Equestria.
  3125. > But that was hardly your foremost concern for now.
  3126. “Our host has been nothing but gracious, and you will show him the respect he is due. Now finish getting ready.”
  3127. > They stiffen at your stern words, immediately speeding up the preparation of their equipment.
  3128. > As much as you detest the separatists, you wouldn’t allow ponies in your service to make things worse.
  3129. > You had already seen the suffering those Pegasi were enduring…
  3130. > And if Cyclone couldn’t be convinced to see reason, they would see a lot more on the field of war.
  3132. > Pulling the buckles taut, you shift around your shoulders in your armour.
  3133. > The gilded steel still felt incredibly cold, but the warmth of the cloth Luna had dried for you mostly negated it.
  3134. > Celestia, for her part, could barely walk. Though, that didn’t stop her from trying, despite your insistence that she take it easy.
  3135. > Her response had been along the lines of ‘Did you listen to me when I told you to rest for your wounds?’
  3136. > Which was a good point, though you had proper doctors look after your wounds. The best in her kingdom.
  3137. > Whereas she just had shoddy medical treatment by a traitorous guard.
  3138. > Nonetheless, you had no choice but to try and make it back with her, and you knew you couldn’t carry her all the way.
  3139. > Luna would be helping her stay upright for the duration of their trip.
  3140. > Pulling the now-dried tabard over your head, you’re struck by how odd it looks.
  3141. > Your blood cascading down over the cloth, staining Celestia’s cutie mark.
  3142. > It was dried in now, so Gods only know if that stain would come out or if you’d have to get a new one done up.
  3143. > It’d be a shame if it needed to be replaced, you had so many memories with it thus far.
  3144. > Though it certainly added character, made you look like a truly battle-hardened soldier.
  3145. > You’d often had to deal with taunts about the impeccable status of your armour back home, the old jib about the knight in shining armour who has never been tested…
  3146. > A peck at the back of your head draws you out of your digression, and you turn to spot Celestia.
  3147. > You find it difficult to look at her with her eyes like that. And now, even moreso it was difficult.
  3148. > She had a frown, which made her already heartbreaking appearance even more crippling.
  3149. > “Anon? Could we talk?”
  3151. > Celestia makes the first move into the room, with you following close behind and closing the door behind the two of you.
  3152. > And as you do, right as you turn around, she meets your lips for a kiss, her eyes tightly shut.
  3153. > She even pushes you back up against the door with the intensity and ferocity of it.
  3154. > Closing your eyes, you press back against her, deepening the kiss.
  3155. > Though you’re careful not to press to hard, as she still feels frail under your touch as your hands move to her sides, and then up.
  3156. > Ultimately, your hand finds purchase on the back of her head, caressing her softly as you kept up the seal.
  3157. > A seal which the two of you maintained it until neither could stand a second longer without air, before you broke apart, breathing heavily.
  3158. > Both standing in stunned silence while you mutually caught your breath.
  3159. > Somehow, in that moment, she once again looked beautiful to you, despite the injuries.
  3160. > Blushing, she eventually averts her eyes, looking off to the side with embarrassment.
  3161. > “Sorry, I needed that.”
  3162. > You’re almost stunned by her comment, as she follows it with a chuckle and a nervous kick of her hoof.
  3163. > You smile, resting up against the door, feeling the first real relief for a while.
  3164. > Even while you were resting before the fireplace with Waves, the tension had loomed overhead, like a quiet before the storm.
  3165. > Moving your hand back up to her face, you adjust her line of sight so that she was staring back into your eyes.
  3166. > With Cel, things felt genuinely calm. Like there was no storm lurking in the future.
  3167. > Like the two of you could face anything together. And win, at that.
  3168. “I suspect I needed it as well. You always do have great ideas…”
  3169. > And with that, you pull her back in for another kiss.
  3170. > And you make sure it’s as long as you can last, yet again.
  3172. ----------------------------------
  3174. > By the time you and Cel returned to your entourage, you were both feeling pretty good.
  3175. > From the look of things, your entourage had largely finished preparations while the two of you were… indisposed.
  3176. > Feeling Cel nuzzle your shoulder, you look down at her.
  3177. > Her gait was still incredibly unsteady, her unfamiliarity with only three hooves showing quite clearly.
  3178. > Her one bandaged leg interfering with every step.
  3179. > “Might it not be better to leave me here, Anonymous? I’ll slow you down quite a bit…”
  3180. > In truth, it might be. But you couldn’t take that chance, it would tear at you the entire time you were gone.
  3181. > Looking over to Celestia, you put up a confident smile.
  3182. “If they have any sense, they won’t risk attacking us again. And the extra four minutes it’ll take to get you limping there won’t impede us too much.”
  3183. > If they attacked, it made little difference whether Cel was there or not. They wouldn’t make it out of the engagement.
  3184. > Resting a hand on her withers, you make a grand gesture with your other hand.
  3185. “Besides, you’ve still got three working legs. And your third one’s a hell of a lot longer than mine.”
  3186. > For a minute, she has a puzzled look on her face, trying to decipher her meaning.
  3187. > It occurs to you that for Equestrians that would be a fifth leg, but she still eventually seems to clue in.
  3188. > Though, unlike usual, she doesn’t have the utility to hit you for your dirty jokes, abusive mare that she is. But she does give you a dirty look.
  3189. > “You oughta watch that sort of humour around me, before you know it you’re going to have me making inappropriate jokes like that.”
  3190. > You smirk.
  3191. “A perverted Cel? Oh yes please, I’d love to see that.”
  3192. > That seems to get the blush you were going for with the first one.
  3194. > As you both approach the front of the house, your entourage once again take notice, one-by-one kneeling down.
  3195. > Even the owner of the house, who you had finally identified as ‘Free Aim,’ takes a knee.
  3196. > The stallion had woken up from the ruckus your lot had made getting ready to head back out, gearing up and eating.
  3197. > You’d apologized profusely for raiding his food, but he insisted the health and wellbeing of his rulers was more important.
  3198. > An admirable sentiment, but one that would ring hollow if you didn’t manage to fix this damn storm and he starved.
  3199. > For your part, you mostly ignore the bowing ponies, moving over to a table with your sword and new bow on it.
  3200. > It was a terrible shame you lost your left gauntlet while out in the snow at some point…
  3201. > Meant that there was a risk if you had to fire the bow of a misfire causing you considerable damage.
  3202. > Irrespective, it was time to get your ponies ready.
  3203. > First, you pick up the bow, and sling it over your shoulder, along with the quiver.
  3204. “So, folks. We shouldn’t face too much in the way of trouble, if they have any sense.”
  3205. > Lifting up the sword, you inspect it. Freshly cleaned of the blood of the Pegasi you attacked earlier, and warm enough, the frost had disappeared.
  3206. > It once again looked impeccable. Ideal for a prince to be carrying around.
  3207. “Celestia’s safety remains your top priority during our escort. I can handle myself, and Princess Luna will be locked by Celestia’s side.”
  3208. > Sliding the blade into your belt, you turn around to look back at your little ragtag band.
  3209. > They all seemed rather eager to get back out there, and you don’t blame them.
  3210. > You were feeling a little stir crazy, and you’d only been back in here for a short period.
  3211. > Well, back into that frozen wasteland.
  3212. > It’s now or never.
  3213. “Let’s go.”
  3215. > As the doors opened, you’re immediately blasted by the chilly winds as they flow into the house.
  3216. > Your unicorn escort immediately start up their spell, the force from which serves to at least keep the bitter wind from flowing past and into the house.
  3217. “It’s been a pleasure and a privilege, Aim. And I intend to repay this debt, whether you want me to or not.”
  3218. > The Pegasus stallion nods, and with that, you exit the house, Celestia and Luna right behind you.
  3219. > Your escorts made up the front of your party, you right behind them, then Cel and Luna, and then Waves and Moonlight.
  3220. > Looking up, the skies were pitch black still, a solid cloud cover maintaining the impossibility of vision.
  3221. > Stunningly, you could still even see the blue flames of Nightmare’s intervention in the distance.
  3222. > A curiosity. You knew Dragon Fire burned hot and long, but this seems a little extreme given the conditions…
  3223. > Focus. Sharpening your senses, you begin to entirely focus on your surroundings.
  3224. > Waiting for that telltale sound of wings flying overhead that you had heard during the previous attacks.
  3225. > But, as your group continues walking through the streets, it never comes.
  3226. > Unlike earlier, Canterlot no longer has the charm it had before, the snowbanks now high enough to mask the buildings.
  3227. > Which essentially makes any attempt to attack you demand a rear direct assault at Moonlight and Waves following the wake of your cleared path.
  3228. > Either the Pegasi weren’t stupid enough to try that, or they followed your advice earlier and vacated the area.
  3229. > You desperately hope for the latter. You didn’t want to cause more pain than necessary.
  3230. > But you would absolutely do what was required to save Canterlot.
  3231. > “So, Anon… what is this plan of yours? You never quite told us…”
  3233. > Looking over your shoulder to your wife, you can see she’s struggling, but she’s trying to make conversation to make things seem normal.
  3234. > Even wrapped up in all those layers of clothing, you can see in her still-bloodied eyes the strain this was putting on her.
  3235. > Though you have no doubt Luna’s assistance, both magical and with a guiding wing, were helping substantially.
  3236. > Well, you suppose there’s no harm in indulging her.
  3237. “I imagine you’re familiar with how Dragons wage war?”
  3238. > She nods, though Luna speaks up.
  3239. > “We encountered quite a number of them during the rebellion, we’re intimately acquainted.”
  3240. > You shake your head, sighing loudly.
  3241. “Not like that, you never fought them outright like we did before Discord took power. You fought a guerilla rebellion of sorts, where I’m talking a proper war.”
  3242. > You can practically feel the curiosity boiling behind you. It was something you were familiar with back home.
  3243. > One of the closest guarded secrets of your family, the way your grandfather beat the Dragons.
  3244. > A secret every family in Aetherium wanted to know.
  3245. > And something only you, your brothers, and your father knew about. A pool of individuals which could disappear overnight.
  3246. “They fill the sky with smoke. Can’t see, can’t smell, can’t feel; everything is filled with ash. And then they strike from the clouds of smoke.”
  3247. > Your grandfather had always detailed their techniques with such vivid realism.
  3248. > They were always incredible tales, tales of heroism and valor unmatched.
  3249. > The memories almost make you forget that you had to be vigilant, which prompts you to return your focus fully to your surroundings.
  3250. > “How did humans deal with that, then?”
  3251. > You smile, fondly running over how they went in your head.
  3252. > But the battles weren’t the important bit, the tool your grandfather’s military apparatus developed was the important bit.
  3253. > A tool which halted a Dragon army in their tracks, at least back then.
  3254. “My grandfather developed a countermeasure, and I think I can use it to clear our cloud problem. Works on the same principle.”
  3256. > Their curiosity had remained, but you had closed down conversation at that point.
  3257. > Much to the groans of protest of Celestia, who no doubt was enjoying the conversation on some level.
  3258. > But she was having trouble keeping her legs straight while focused entirely on the task, much less distracted while learning your family secrets.
  3259. > It would be obvious what the effect was when you put it into action later, but you didn’t want to give out more details than was necessary when in… unverified company.
  3260. > And there was a greater concern at the moment. You would deal with your plan once you got back to the castle.
  3261. > With Cel’s gait getting worse and worse, you needed to focus, as there was little you could do to help other than slow things down…
  3262. > And that was not an option in this weather.
  3263. “How much further?”
  3264. > “Roughly ten minutes, my prince. We’re already back to the Royal Quarter.”
  3265. > What? It hardly felt like any time had passed at all… Were you making such good time?
  3266. > Damn if you could tell, everything was entirely unrecognizable. In this layer of cold.
  3267. > You have no idea how your escorts knew their way around, but as professionals in the field, you presume they had some technique or-
  3268. > Your heart skips a beat as you hear a sound.
  3269. > The sort of sound that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge, a familiar and horrible sound.
  3270. > That dreadful swooping sound you’d heard when they attacked last time…
  3271. > And as you looked up, you could vaguely make out the shapes as they fly overhead, and right past your party.
  3272. > They had to have spotted you, given the immense light of your escort’s spells once again…
  3273. > The fucking Pegasi. They hadn’t listened to you…
  3274. > Did you truly expect a bunch of young Equestrian idiots to take the advice of some human?
  3276. “Pegasi! Protect the princesses!”
  3277. > You draw your bow, you and your guards steel themselves to be ready.
  3278. > Shifting formation, you help Celestia and Luna switch places with you.
  3279. > They couldn’t strike from the front effectively with the snowbank, so they should still be alright…
  3280. > The Pegasi are almost definitely going to strike from behind.
  3281. > Nocking an arrow, you draw and hold facing the path you just came from, with Moonlight and Waves having spears at the ready in case one of them charges.
  3282. > It’s awkward to slowly backpedal while having a bow drawn, you’d never actually done it much.
  3283. > You had little practice in combat archery, typically only doing it at Tournament.
  3284. > You can vaguely make out the oily shadows of three Pegasi a short distance from you.
  3285. > Landed, standing in the path, and walking slowly towards your position, which…
  3286. > It didn’t strike you as the tactics of a group of attacking Pegasi. Why in the world would they-
  3287. > “Prince Anonymous!”
  3288. > You recognize that voice.
  3289. > Slackening the bowstring, you remain cautious, holding the bow up but loose. Just in case you misheard.
  3290. > But as the shadows become clearer, you come to recognize exactly who it was that was coming to you.
  3291. > Shadewing. Along with two other Thestrals in what looked to be modified Royal Guard armor.
  3292. > Surprising they could fly on those weaker looking wings in this weather.
  3293. > But by the Gods, they sure knew how to make a stupid fucking entrance.
  3294. > Slinging the bow back on your shoulder, and placing the arrow back in the sheath, you let out the breath you had been holding.
  3295. > And as they get closer, you see Waves and Moonlight relax as well.
  3296. “You just about ended up with an arrow in your skull, Shade. Sneaking up on a wounded convoy is a rookie mistake.”
  3297. > She smirks, incredible arrogance radiating off of her despite the circumstances.
  3298. > “You wouldn’t have hit me.”
  3300. --------------------------------------
  3302. > “You have no idea what a relief it was to spot you. The whole castle’s been in an uproar.”
  3303. > You and Shadewing are quietly chatting about the state of things in the castle, as you walked the now-clear pathway back.
  3304. > A search party coming from the castle cleared out the path in the opposite direction, intending to take the same route yours had taken and find you.
  3305. > And thus, in almost no time you find yourselves back inside the castle.
  3306. > With a practical legion of servants and guards clustering around you, Luna, and Celestia, trying to figure out if you’re all alright.
  3307. > Which is… a little stunning.
  3308. > Obviously, most all of the castle staff had been trapped in because of the snowstorm, and as a result the rumours of what had happened to the royalty had spread like wildfire.
  3309. > They’d all known you left, but your journey was obviously supposed to be a short outing. And when that short outing turned long, it resulted in a lot of ponies thinking you’d died.
  3310. > Had mares crying in the hallways, apparently.
  3311. > Shadewing insisted that the generals had things relatively under control in your absence, assuming a form of martial rule over the castle.
  3312. > But now that you were back, that was broken, and everypony was clamouring for answers.
  3313. > Ones you couldn’t quite give yet, so they were mostly meandering around and talking about how relieved they were.
  3314. > You rather liked to think they were mourning the potential loss of the most handsome prince Equestria had ever seen.
  3315. > But no, the concern was obviously primarily for Luna and Celestia, but at least they still kept you in mind.
  3316. > Nice to be remembered, castle staff.
  3318. > Irrespective, you had far more pressing concerns to get to.
  3319. > Grabbing a pony who looked sufficiently high ranked to get shit done, you gesture towards your wife.
  3320. “Get my wife to the medical ward, at once. She’s been treated, but I want her given the once-over. Just in case.”
  3321. > Cel gives you a little pout, you’re sure she wanted to try and help you deal with the storm.
  3322. > “Anonymous, no. I’m coming with you, and that’s that.”
  3323. > Oh, was it now?
  3324. “Last I checked, you’re barely able to walk and still weak. Go rest, Celestia, I don’t need your help for this.”
  3325. > You see her wince at your comment and look away, making you immediately regret phrasing it that way.
  3326. > Chewing your tongue, you move over to her and place a hand on her cheek, directing her eyes back to meet with yours.
  3327. “Hey now, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I need you to get to your strongest as quickly as possible for the days ahead, and you’re not going to get there chasing me around with a big cut on your leg stumbling over yourself.”
  3328. > Your comment doesn’t seem to do much to cheer her up, but then you’d felt rather depressed when you were wounded as well.
  3329. > “Fine, Anonymous. But… don’t do anything stupid, please.”
  3330. > You smirk.
  3331. “I’ll give it my best shot. Now move it, missus! I’ll pick you up and drag you there myself if need be.”
  3332. > Scoffing, she capitulates, moving to walk with the assistance of a few guards to the medical wing.
  3333. > In truth, you were as much concerned with her resting as you were seeing her get properly treated.
  3334. > As much as Moonlight had endeavored to ingratiate himself to you, you were still uncomfortable assuming him fully capable of treating her.
  3335. > So, to a real doctor she goes.
  3336. > And to work you go.
  3338. > Your first order of business was to dismiss Moonlight and Waves, though they protested that they were fine and could still aid you.
  3339. > “Prince Anonymous, I’m plenty awake! I managed to catch a little nap before you left to find the Pegasi, I’m fine!”
  3340. > “I got immense rest while I was unconscious, sir. You need not fear.”
  3341. > Their arguments were obviously faulty, you could see the exhaustion on their features, but they seemed more than ever dedicated to keeping close to you.
  3342. > But you insisted, and they capitulated, as was their duty. Which left you, Shadewing, and Luna to put your plan into action.
  3343. > The two had accomplished their duties admirably, and deserved some rest. Even if you had to force it on them.
  3344. > But you had more important things to do than rest.
  3345. > “Makes me wish I had been your escort, instead of Isthmus. Doubtless the princess would still be in tact…”
  3346. ‘Waves and Moonlight weren’t the only ponies there. The attack took us entirely by surprise.”
  3347. > She scoffs, rolling her eyes.
  3348. > “I would have stopped it, I’m not that green. Even Moonlight should have been attentive enough to see it coming miles away. When your party was delayed, I tried to get out to you, but the storm made it nearly impossible.”
  3349. > She blows her mane out of her face, scowling off to the side.
  3350. > “And you had taken everypony who could effectively clear a path with you. We had to make due with the scraps.”
  3351. > It’s rather intriguing, actually.
  3352. > How did the Pegasi manage to attack you and Celestia, if their range of flight was so limited?
  3353. > But Shadewing seems to read your mind, and answers the question for you.
  3354. > “The rebels can fly around the city because they can stay above the cloud cover and dive down temporarily, where we can’t.”
  3355. > Which meant that there’s a good chance those ponies wouldn’t be in the clouds when your plan went into action, either moving around above them or below them.
  3356. > That’s good.
  3357. “Which reminds me, Luna, where is your alchemy lab?”
  3359. > Turns out, you had to cross the snowed-in courtyard to get to the Alchemy lab, which was part of the Royal Academy.
  3360. > Which required enlisting the aid of your escorts once again, much to their chagrin, given they had just managed to escape the layers-upon-layers they wore for the trip back.
  3361. > Fortunately, it would only need to be a one-way trip over to the academy. It’s one of the tallest spires in Canterlot, and would get you as close to the clouds as possible.
  3362. > While others were somewhat taller, it would be ideal for your purposes.
  3363. > The trip across the courtyard was fortunately uneventful, although you would be hard pressed for it to be.
  3364. > A Guard Captain had ordered a small army to escort you to the building, a small army which was going to be waiting for your return in another portion of the academy.
  3365. > And as you enter a room titled ‘Alchemic Sciences,’ you’re struck by the sheer size of it.
  3366. > It’s almost like a library, shelves upon shelves of ingredients and tomes, doubtless filled fully with ingredients and spells to craft potions and the like.
  3367. > “The Royal Apothecary, Anonymous. It’s the finest assortment of ingredients for potions and oils across the continent.”
  3368. > Luna seems to be beaming with pride as she says it, and you ponder briefly if the giant crescent moon emblazoned on the wall had something to do with it.
  3369. “Someone seems mighty proud. You sponsor this building?”
  3370. > She shakes her head, though maintains a big smile.
  3371. > “No, though the University named it after me when Tia and I defeated Discord. Tia got to name the school, I got to name the Library and the Apothecary.”
  3372. > Well now, that’s curious. You’d almost expect her to be angry about that.
  3373. > The institution as a whole named after her sister, and only the smaller portions named after her, it struck you as a slap in the face.
  3374. > But, if she’s happy about it, then that’s her business.
  3375. > After all, time’s wasting. You had to get this done as quickly as possible.
  3376. > But there was one other topic which required addressing…
  3377. “Shadewing, I’d like you to wait outside.”
  3379. > “What? Sorry, sir… but I can’t just leave you alone, especially not with her.”
  3380. > Luna’s expression is nearly as shocked as your own, looking back at the Pegasus who stands defiant with a serious look on her face.
  3381. > You half expect Luna to speak up, but she remains in stunned silence, so you take the initiative.
  3382. “Excuse me, Shade?”
  3383. > You say it in such a tone as to make it clear you’re not amused by her sentiment.
  3384. > But she continues to stand defiant. Given her capitulation to you taking her damn head earlier, it’s rather stunning that she’s standing against you now.
  3385. > “Respectfully, sir, the princess is at risk of losing her mind. I can’t trust her alone with you until she gets that under control.”
  3386. > You narrow your eyes at her, not entirely sure what sort of a game she’s playing here…
  3387. > But you were hardly in a mood to play it, especially given how cocky she was playing this.
  3388. “You’re not in command here. Had I known you intended to be insubordinate, I-“
  3389. > But Luna interrupts your sentiment, much to your surprise.
  3390. > “No, Anon, she’s right. I… I shouldn’t help you here, if I know how this tool is made, it could be dangerous once I fall.”
  3391. > With her statement, she brushes past you, walking back out of the room and into the hallway while you stand there, stunned she’s taking Shadewing’s side on this.
  3392. > For the smaller mare, she nods in appreciation to the princess as she passes, before going to close the door.
  3393. > But you stop her.
  3394. “No, you’re waiting outside too, Shade. You may not trust Luna with me, but I don’t trust you with the knowledge I’m about to use here.”
  3395. > She looks back over her shoulder at you with wide-eyes at the rough tone you took with her.
  3396. “Leave.”
  3397. > She frowns, but like her cohorts, capitulates without further resistance.
  3398. > Damn, you’re getting good at this issuing orders business.
  3400. > With them both outside of the room, you begin to dig into the room in earnest.
  3401. > It’s insanity trying to follow the room’s layout, with each aisle of ingredients being so long and so towering.
  3402. > Frequently, you had to climb ladders to ridiculous heights to get ingredients from high shelves.
  3403. > In Aetherium, you never were much of an alchemist, tending to prefer things brewed by others to brewing it yourself.
  3404. > Potions of stamina, endurance, potency…
  3405. > Both for the training fields, and at times, to spice up the bedroom.
  3406. > But you knew this one formula off by heart, your father had ensured of that during your youth.
  3407. > Little bit of Cinderoot, some Sylfyr…
  3408. > It’s an amazing little mixture, premised on the natural magical connection between certain ingredients.
  3409. > They violently react with one another on a magical level, which tears them apart violently on the physical level.
  3410. > In a particularly spectacular fashion, or so your father had shown you as a little one.
  3411. > But it was a closely guarded secret, one which if it fell into the wrong hands could cause immense damage to the safety and security of the world.
  3412. > Doubtless your grandfather was not the first to discover it, but it was a tool with the potential to end civilizations if used for ill.
  3413. > A prospect which continued to worry you in the wake of Marcus gaining control of Aetherium…
  3414. > Sitting down by a bench, you pull forward the pestle and mortar.
  3415. > You’d have to remember the exact order you mixed these ingredients together, or else you might burn yourself rather severely.
  3416. > In the right order and proper care, they remained just stable enough that they mixed without reacting immediately.
  3417. > Producing a greenish crystal cluster your father had always called ‘Aether,’ for which your country was named after the rebellion.
  3418. > Which you suspect would be the key to your success, as it had been for your family for generations.
  3420. > Carefully, you wrapped the thick hemp around the Aether-coated head of the arrow you were crafting.
  3421. > It had just finished soaking in tallow, and hence would perfectly hold a flame for long enough to reach the clouds even in the cold and snowy weather outdoors.
  3422. > The flame would ignite the Aether, and the Aether would do the rest.
  3423. > Wrapping up the tallow-soaked hemp in cloth, you place the arrow in your quiver, making it three in total.
  3424. > You ideally shouldn’t need more than one, but you knew better than to plan based on ideals.
  3425. > Your archery was usually pretty good, but horrible weather could mess up even the best of marksman with ease.
  3426. > Slinging the newly crafted arrows over your back, you rub the bridge of your nose.
  3427. > This was going to be the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.
  3428. > Weirder, even, than that time with the gymnast who could bend like…
  3429. > Well, weird, is the point.
  3430. > Getting up from your table, you re-equip your bow and blade, making yourself comfortable.
  3431. > When you reopen the doors to the alchemy labs, you see Luna and Shade looking… frankly, adorably angry at one another.
  3432. > Sitting there, staring in opposite directions, looks of disdain on their faces.
  3433. > Though the sound of the door opening almost immediately breaks their adorable little feud.
  3434. > “Anonymous.”
  3435. > They say it at the same time, then glare at one another, and then look back to you.
  3436. > Well now, you hadn’t quite expected this.
  3437. “Ladies, please. We’ve got things to do, one of you needs to lead me to the top floor.”
  3438. > “I will!”
  3439. > Once again, they say the exact same word, though this time they don’t glare at one another.
  3440. > Luna bats Shadewing over the head with a wing.
  3441. > And Shade nails the princess with a hoof to the thigh.
  3442. > You’re rather amazed Shadewing has the raw courage to essentially fight a princess of her own land.
  3443. > Nonetheless, it’s the beginning of a beautiful rivalry.
  3445. “Well, that’s irritating.”
  3446. > You’re rather amazed the glass held up against that weight, but then you had no idea how these things worked.
  3447. > You’re at the balcony at the top floor of the Academy, staring out the glass door, which is completely blocked by a snowbank, only the slightest space near the top still open.
  3448. “Luna, can you clear it off? Should just be able to push it off the ledge, no?”
  3449. > She hums, walking towards the door, and inspecting it shortly before magic courses through her horn.
  3450. > Wait a minute-
  3451. > With a rocking explosion, she lets off a spell which flings the doors right off the hinges, along with the entire snowbank, flying off the side of the tower and out into Canterlot.
  3452. > Gods, you hope that doesn’t smash somepony’s house.
  3453. > An immensely cold breeze immediately settles into the room, with you and Shade staring at her in relative awe.
  3454. > “Whoops, that might have been too much power.”
  3455. > She says it apologetically, but she looks back to Shadewing with a smug grin.
  3456. > Gods, they’re like a couple of guys at the bar measuring dicks. Hardly seems responsible when she was exhausting her magic earlier…
  3457. > Fortunate, at the very least, that the balcony platform remained in place…
  3458. > Though the railings are probably assaulting some poor pony’s house.
  3459. “Uh… Thanks?”
  3460. > You’re not even quite sure how to respond to that, as Luna raises her head up imperiously and walks back over beside Shadewing.
  3461. > Whatever.
  3462. > Moving out onto the ledge, you feel an overwhelming sense of vertigo as you take a step onto the slippery surface.
  3463. > One wrong move and you could slide right off and down to your death…
  3464. > You gulp, and draw an arrow from your quiver.
  3465. “Luna, could you light this on fire?”
  3466. > Well… do or die.
  3468. > Pulling back the now ablaze arrow, you stare deep into the flames.
  3469. > The Aether is deep inside, at the core, so it would need to catch flame before it could have it’s effect, which meant this required perfect timing…
  3470. > Nocking the arrow and drawing the bow, you aim high up in the air, and begin counting down in your head.
  3471. > 3…
  3472. > 2…
  3473. > 1-
  3474. > A sudden gust of wind causes your whole body so slide along the slippery surface, causing you to lose your concentration and let loose the bow with less than a full draw, causing it to limply shoot out into the city rather than up into the clouds.
  3475. > But worse yet, you fall down and land harshly on the surface, and begin sliding off of the icy platform.
  3476. > Desperately, you try to get purchase, but your hands continue slipping with nothing to grab as you slide right off the balcony, before harshly impacting the side of it as a mouth grips your hand.
  3477. > Using your other hand to grab the ledge, you manage to get enough of a grip to haul yourself up, to see Shadewing there with your hand in her mouth.
  3478. > And she doesn’t let go until she’s dragged you all the way back into the room, with strength such a small creature shouldn’t have.
  3479. “Gods, thank you Shadewing…“
  3480. > For a moment, you wait, expecting something to happen, but you’re guessing the arrow landed in the snow, and got snuffed out before it could ignite the Aether.
  3481. > Shade just smugly smiles, letting out a breath as she wipes her brow. She had some immense reflexes…
  3482. > “Anonymous, are you alright?”
  3483. > It’s Luna who asks, holding your bow and quiver in her magic, which gives you an idea…
  3484. “Still breathing, at least. Could you hold me in your magic to make sure I don’t slip?”
  3485. > She nods, and helps you back up with a hoof.
  3486. > Well then, that was a waste of one of your shots. Perhaps you ought to think before you act.
  3487. > You had resolved to do that, after all…
  3488. > But it was never one of your talents.
  3490. > Returning to the edge, and planting your feet firmly, you feel Luna’s magic wrap around your feet.
  3491. > This would have been easier had she just removed the snow, and not blown away the door and railings, but it is what it is.
  3492. > Having Luna light a new arrow, you nock it, and draw the bow back to aim up at the clouds once again.
  3493. > Counting down the seconds until you could fire it…
  3494. > 3…
  3495. > 2…
  3496. > 1…
  3497. > And with that, you let the shot fire up into the skies.
  3498. > The winds wouldn’t be able to put out the flames, nor the small amount of snow in the air, given the tallow and hemp.
  3499. > And if you were right, then in just a few seconds…
  3500. > With a thundering boom, you can practically feel the shockwave as it rattles the entire city.
  3501. > The clouds igniting where the arrow struck, and a brilliant green flame expanding out from the center.
  3502. > Melting away the cloud cover like it’s cotton candy exposed to a hot flame.
  3503. > It’s so bright, you almost immediately need to shut your eyes and look away, lest it blind you.
  3504. > “Stars…”
  3505. > Luna’s words barely reach your ears over the crackling flames that filled the sky, though you notice she’s watching it undeterred by the immense brightness.
  3506. > Equestrian weather was magic based, much like the smoke from Dragonfire.
  3507. > Aether destabilized that magic, and caused it to collapse in on itself, which it tended to do rather… violently.
  3508. > It’s why your father was so adamant no one else knew about it, it was perhaps the ultimate tool for terrorism in the wrong hands.
  3509. > If there were any Pegasi up there right now, they’d be long gone, you could feel the intense heat even at this distance.
  3510. > The whole thing is over in only a short few seconds, but it feels like an eternity as the flames spread out to the horizons, completely wiping out the cloud cover.
  3511. > And in it’s wake, a thin smoke, dissipating quickly.
  3512. > Beyond it, something you’d never seen before.
  3513. > An eclipse.
  3515. > Interestingly, as Luna’s magic left your feet, you felt puddles around them.
  3516. > The intense heat of detonating the sky had melted the ice from the precipice you stood on.
  3517. > In fact, staring out across the city, you could see many of the buildings had some of the snow melted in.
  3518. > Gods, you have to wonder what that must’ve been like on the Field of Flames nearly a century ago, to watch the sky burst into flames.
  3519. > And dragons come tumbling down.
  3520. > “That… was intense.”
  3521. > Shadewing’s comment seems almost poetic in the wake of the immense destruction you had wrought, the three of you still stuck in place staring at the phenomenon in the sky.
  3522. > It’s beautiful, in truth. The hazy smoke clouding the darkened skies of the eclipse.
  3523. > “I hadn’t even considered that Tia wouldn’t be moving the sun… this is bad.”
  3524. > Well now, that explains the eclipse. Luna continued moving the moon, but Celestia couldn’t move the sun.
  3525. > That’s concerning… there was already a lot of pressure on her about not being able to move the sun when she saved you.
  3526. “Bad’s a bit of an understatement, but we’ll need to address it. I have no idea how long Cel’s recovery period will be…”
  3527. > She could barely walk, let alone cast spells in her current state.
  3528. > And Moonlight told you she’d be extremely limited in her ability to cast until her system fully recovered…
  3529. > Once again looking down to the city, you can see lights cropping up in snowbanks all across it.
  3530. > Even at the base of the tower, you can spot the guards who had escorted you cautiously moving back outside, into the path they had cleared here.
  3531. > Well… one thing at a time.
  3532. “We’ll figure things out with the sun once we get a proper feel for Cel’s condition. And I need to visit her.”
  3533. > And with that, you finally break your captivation with the sky, and start your trip back down the tower.
  3534. > To the medical wing.
  3536. > When you reach the ground floor, you’re treated to something you’ve not experienced since the last time you were at tournament.
  3537. > Cheers, loud and raucous cheers from the guards you had brought with you to the alchemy labs, along with a few more castle staff that had apparently found their way over in the time it took for you to descend the tower.
  3538. > It’s rather disorienting, actually, having a whole contingent of ponies cheering your name, the crowd parting before you in the cramped hallways of the academy.
  3539. > Interestingly, seems they had deigned to grant you a title to go with their cheers.
  3540. > ‘The Hero of Canterlot.’
  3541. > You furrow your brow, rather confused at the whole situation.
  3542. > Surely the Pegasi had to run out of snow eventually, right? You just made things a lot easier to deal with.
  3543. > Noticing your confusion, Shadewing whispers to you, though it’s difficult to hear her over the murmurs of the crowd of guards.
  3544. > “A lot of them think this was the Windigos’ work, my prince. Word hasn’t spread, per the orders of higher command, about the truth.”
  3545. > Looking around, you can see an immense adoration in their eyes. Seems almost like hero worship.
  3546. > They think you’ve stopped a second coming of the Long Winter.
  3547. > “I imagine you’ll have a lot more political capital to throw around now…”
  3548. > That’s… uncomfortable.
  3549. > You’d be building up your political base on a lie, one which could readily be exposed by Cyclone admitting what he’d done.
  3550. > But then again, the odds of that were slim. An attack on a majority civilian population like that would not go down well.
  3551. > Even if it is the capital, there hasn’t been an official declaration of war against Pegasopolis or from Pegasopolis. This would is an act of aggression.
  3552. > What’s more valuable? Enhancing your own reputation or butchering Cyclone’s?
  3553. “We’ll see.”
  3554. > You’d have to think this over with Celestia. There were just too many variables…
  3555. > After all, you’re hardly a master politician just yet.
  3557. “I want these streets cleared by daybreak. Get Pegasus and Thestral guards out to round up unicorns from across the city and conscript them into the role.”
  3558. > Sadly, your efforts to get back to Celestia had been delayed.
  3559. “The snow should largely be melting on its own, but I want things operational as soon as possible.”
  3560. > Seems the ponies had now all turned to you and Luna, and Luna was attempting to sort out staffing issues given the way things had been messed up by the storm.
  3561. > Nopony had any idea who was meant to be working and where, and nopony had any idea when they were supposed to sleep…
  3562. > Which meant that the normal chain of command you would dictate to was entirely in disarray, because Equestrians designed their rank structure around differing ‘command periods’ for some reason which was absolutely beyond your comprehension.
  3563. > All in all, things were generally fucked.
  3564. > So you had taken the far less technical role upon yourself of organizing relief for the city, both in terms of rescuing ponies and clearing the streets.
  3565. “Prioritize clearing pathways for ponies in need of medical attention. We’ll need to alleviate the Lower Quarter first, they’re likely to have the most individuals suffering.”
  3566. > This was going to be brutal, no question.
  3567. > Fortunately for your party, the collector’s home had a roaring fire and ventilation to spread the heat through the house.
  3568. > But for the poorer ponies in the Lower Quarter, especially given the unplanned nature of the storm, they would be suffering substantially.
  3569. > You knew their type. Followed the weather schedule religiously to find out when to buy what.
  3570. > And even beyond that, who would have materials for a fire ready in the middle of summer?
  3571. > You sigh, gazing over a map of the city as ponies scurried around you.
  3572. > Never expected to actually have to rule a damn country.
  3573. > “My prince, we have civilian Pegasi from the city flying here to find out what they can do, do you have any orders?”
  3574. > Well, you’ll be at this for a while.
  3575. “Perfect. Have them take…”
  3577. > By the time things had settled down, the entire castle was almost barren.
  3578. > Everypony working to clear streets or escort ponies from the homes to hospitals for treatment for the varied problems extreme cold could cause.
  3579. > Truly a city come together in its time of need, which rather surprised you.
  3580. > Now, most all of the remaining ponies in the castle were either in the room with you, or in the medical wing getting treated.
  3581. > You desperately wished you were in the latter place, however. With your wife.
  3582. > “Apparently, they did more than interfere by magic. Couriers have been attempting to reach the city during the course of the night, there was an assault on the third legion near Mareias, and they were killing message-bearers.”
  3583. > It was a well-coordinated strike on the varied assets of Equestria.
  3584. > Pegasopolis had seized several Earth Pony cities along the border, declaring them a demilitarized zone, in the wake of Equestrian forces taking up residence.
  3585. > Because the command structure was built around messages flowing in and out of Canterlot through magic, and the magic interference of the storm, it had been impossible to properly coordinate a response.
  3586. > When the magic failed, they tried couriers, which also failed. A terrible price to morale.
  3587. > While in some areas the Equestrian forces had held their ground, in others they had called for a retreat when there was no reply from Canterlot.
  3588. > “We’ll also need to pacify the population, and quick. This could spiral out of control…”
  3589. > Hmm?
  3590. “How so?”
  3591. > The unicorn turns to look at you, his eyebrow raised.
  3592. > “It’s your prerogative what you want the official story to be on this, but either way it’s going to provoke a lot of racial hatred. Either Pegasopolis has engaged in an undeclared aggressive war and attacked civilians, or they’ve capitalized on the return of the Windigos for their own gain.”
  3593. > Racial hatred… in a context like this, that typically meant racial violence.
  3594. “You’re expecting racial attacks in Canterlot? The Pegasi are helping to relieve the population!”
  3596. > The unicorn grimaces, and your Pegasus general speaks up.
  3597. > “They’ll forget that the second they’re comfortable again, and seek someone to blame. Especially those who lost loved ones, or earnings critical to survival. The Pegasi of Canterlot will be an easy explanation and target…”
  3598. > The blame game… something you’re rather intimately familiar with these days. Almost makes the whole situation seem blasé in comparison.
  3599. > With that, Luna speaks, though her voice is soft, carrying with it a sad tone.
  3600. > “And let us not forget it was a Pegasus who wounded Celestia. The population will not take kindly to that.”
  3601. > You hum, looking down over the map of Canterlot and the varied pins in it that had overviewed your relief efforts.
  3602. > You would need to alleviate that tension somehow. Doubtless your new reputation would aid in that regard, as would Celestia’s reputation with the poorer folk.
  3603. “I’ll organize for a speech of some sort, try to inspire unity in face of hardship with Celestia if she’s feeling up to it. She’s beloved in the Lower Quarter, which is where a lot of that tension will build.”
  3604. > If she’s feeling up to it. Though you doubt you’d be able to stop her from doing it if you tried.
  3605. > Leaning back in your chair, you scratch at the stubble on your face.
  3606. > “We’ll see about organizing something like that as soon as possible, my prince. It won’t be terribly long before we start seeing violence crop up.”
  3607. > You nod.
  3608. “See to it that your guards try to pacify that instability as much as they can. I don’t want this getting any worse than it already is.”
  3609. > “Consider it done, my prince. But now, we must refocus back on the war effort. Our civilian population is important, but if we’re attacked while Pegasopolis holds such critical junctures…”
  3610. > It was going to be a long day of discussing topics you knew relatively little about.
  3611. > Well, first rule of ruling. Listen to your advisors.
  3613. > By the time you had finished your discussion, it was what could roughly be termed late morning.
  3614. > Nearly noon, which made it an appropriate time for the sun to be in the sky, at least.
  3615. > Doubtless this would be causing immeasurable instability across the planet, especially multiple days in a row.
  3616. > Crops wilting in the darkened areas, civilizations sweltering in the lighted ones…
  3617. > But you couldn’t concern yourself with that broader picture. At the moment, there was no available solution to that problem.
  3618. > You’d asked Luna if she could move it, but she apparently lacked the power to do so and move the moon at the same time.
  3619. > A product of her weakening grip on harmonious magic, or so she said. They’d used to trade up whenever it was convenient.
  3620. > But now, she just didn’t seem to have the power to do it, so there wasn’t a solution available.
  3621. > Your advisors would have it prepared in time. But for now…
  3622. > “Right this way, my prince. She’s in excellent condition.”
  3623. > Right now, you’ve got somepony to see.
  3624. > Walking through the medical ward is rather unsettling, looking around at the various ponies who were suffering various frost injuries.
  3625. > The castle infirmary was largely full of highborn ponies, which meant they weren’t so severely hit, but there were some nasty cases of frostbite…
  3626. > You wonder how those may have happened. Sleeping in an unheated room? Stuck outside? You’re not a doctor, you don’t know how these wounds were caused…
  3627. > But they’re not relevant. There’s only one pony who’s relevant, and you’re about to her room.
  3628. > The same room you and her had slept together for the first time in only nights ago, as it turns out.
  3629. > Looking into the room, you see her resting there, a nurse helping her eat. The cutest little socks on her hooves to keep them warm.
  3630. > It’s rather adorable, though the second she notices you she gasps, blushes, and pushes away the spoon with her good hoof.
  3631. > Which is even more endearing.
  3632. “Hey, Cel.”
  3635. > “Hey, Anon.”
  3636. > You’re barely able to contain your laugh at the petulant look on Celestia’s face as the nurse pushes the spoon of soup towards her once again.
  3637. > Which earns her a stern glare from her ruler. The poor pony.
  3638. > The nurse takes a moment to get the hint, but eventually realizes that the two of you want privacy, and excuses herself.
  3639. > Leaving the soup on a table beside Celestia’s bed, she gets up and exits right past you, doubtless off to go tend to some other ponies.
  3640. > “This is your fault, you know.”
  3641. > With a raised eyebrow, you look back over to her, surprise riddling your features.
  3642. “What did I do?”
  3643. > She scrunches up her nose, and gestures at the socks on her hooves with exasperation.
  3644. > “You set the castle staff in a panic looking after me! They wouldn’t listen to a word I said, and I’m supposed to be the princess here!”
  3645. > Somehow, you doubt it’s your comment that set them on high alert for Celestia. Looking at those eyes…
  3646. “Never heard someone complaining about being pampered, princess.”
  3647. > Moving into the room, you grab a seat and pull it over by Cel’s bed, leaning back in it.
  3648. > She looks adorable when she’s angry, though at this distance the details of her blood-filled eyes are more readily apparent.
  3649. > You desperately wish they looked normal. It broke your heart to see them like that, a startling reminder that despite the strong face she was putting up, she was horribly wounded.
  3650. > “I don’t need to be pampered. I want to be helping with getting everything running again…”
  3651. > Reaching forward to delicately trace your fingers along one of her wings which is poking out from the bed, you note that it hasn’t been preened.
  3652. > What kind of amateur operation are they running here?
  3653. “Quiet, you. I have everything under control, just accept a bit of care.”
  3654. > The blush gets stronger, and she looks away as you run your fingers along the wing, and it twitches in your grasp.
  3656. > “You know, this is the wrong way around. When you were hurt, you preened me. Since I’m hurt, I should be getting to do something for you…”
  3657. > You had resolved to fix the situation the medical ward had clearly failed at. Though, you suppose, wing preening was probably low priority in the aftermath of a catastrophe.
  3658. > But in retrospect, your and Celestia’s behaviors are pretty backwards. You would think it would be the other way around.
  3659. > But such is life, you suppose.
  3660. “Poison’s a little different to a few broken bones, princess. Besides, I don’t have big fluffy wings for you to preen. Sadly didn’t come with the title.”
  3661. > Seemed to be a habit for you to work on these things. They’re cold to the touch, which is concerning given she’s been under a blanket all day.
  3662. > But you suppose that’s what restricted bloodflow will do to a limb. Fortunate that it was only a temporary condition.
  3663. > Looking back up to Celestia, you can see she has a conflicted look on her face. The sort of look that screams ‘I want to say something, but don’t know how to put it.’
  3664. > So you take the initiative.
  3665. “Cel?”
  3666. > Looking back at you, she bites her lip. Something’s up…
  3667. “Something wrong?”
  3668. > Sighing, Celestia lets a bit of a sad smile form on her face, as she gestures with a hoof to the window.
  3669. > “I heard you stopped the snowfall. It’s all the medical staff can talk about, how you set the sky on fire. Some are calling you the ‘Bulwark of Winter.’”
  3670. > Well now, that’s certainly got a bit of a charm to it. But it was reliant on you actually having stopped Windigos, you suppose.
  3671. > Was she upset that the popular story was that you had beaten the Windigos? That wasn’t your decision…
  3672. “So I’ve heard. There’s a number of titles flying about in rumor, but I can’t imagine what the issue is? Was I supposed to let it continue?”
  3673. > “Did you use magic?”
  3675. > Magic? Well, you suppose alchemy is a sort of magic, indirectly. It affects the magic, anyhow… But you can’t imagine why-
  3676. > Oh, of course. Chaos magic.
  3677. “Not chaos magic, but a certain kind, yes.”
  3678. > At that, you can immediately see relief spread through her features, and she actively relaxes on the bed.
  3679. > In retrospect, if she’s so worried about you using chaos magic, then she’s still got to be worried given what you had to do trying to save her…
  3680. > But you would keep that little detail to yourself.
  3681. > “That’s a relief. I… I don’t know if I mentioned that my mom died experimenting with the stuff, but as it grows on a pony, they start doing bigger and better things, and it always seems like it’s on your side at the beginning.”
  3682. > Bigger and better things… like reviving a frozen dead man.
  3683. > But you couldn’t concern yourself with that for now. For now, you had to concern yourself with soothing Celestia’s worries.
  3684. “Don’t worry, I can control it. But the thing I used to clear the skies was an old family secret, an alchemic recipe my grandfather developed.”
  3685. > “It was certainly impressive. I’ve just been so worried ever since I heard the boom that you had given in further to the magic…”
  3686. > It’s cute that she’s so worried about you. But in truth, since your revival, you hadn’t even felt the brand ping you at all.
  3687. > If anything, you’d felt your bond to Cel tearing at you, calling you back to her.
  3688. “I’m not going anywhere just yet, Cel. Who would look after you? Can’t trust any of these ponies to keep you looking your best, after all.”
  3689. > And as you finish up on the wing, you gesture for her to flip over, which she does, laying flat on her stomach.
  3690. > She practically purrs in comfort as you start up on the other wing. It’s good she could still feel things, you were thinking they would be completely numb.
  3691. > “Doesn’t mean I can’t worry incessantly, it’s just in my nature.”
  3693. > There was a comfortable air between the two of you, something you could definitely get used to, as you softly filtered through the last of her feathers.
  3694. > Even when the two of you dip your toes into politics, there's a lightness that is a welcome reprieve from the rest of the day.
  3695. > “I doubt Canterlites will do much of anything, it’s too integrated a city. If it’d happened anywhere else, I’d be a lot more concerned.”
  3696. > You smile as you rub along the wingjoint, which sends little spasms through your wife.
  3697. “The generals seemed to think otherwise. They want us to make a speech.”
  3698. > “The generals are just working on a worst-case scenario basis. There’s no harm in us giving a speech, but I think things will be fine…”
  3699. > She seems so assured, it’s such a departure from your earlier talks on the subject it's disorienting.
  3700. > You wonder if it’s the drugs they seem to have her on that’s making her so confident in that.
  3701. “I’ll take your word for it. Though I’m not sure if you’ve heard the other things Pegasopolis got up to.”
  3702. > “We’ll take those towns back. It’s just a matter of dealing with Cyclone… I’m sure that when we face him, he’ll see reason.”
  3703. > He’ll see reason, or he’ll see the tip of your blade between his eyes. One of the two, his choice.
  3704. > Though he’s owed an asskicking even if he does end up seeing reason.
  3705. > “Besides, at the rate we’re going, I’m sure one of us will be long dead by the time we finally get armies to Pegasopolis. The other can marry Cyclone.”
  3706. > You smirk, moving your hands to her torso proper and beginning to massage deeply into the muscles. It’s always a little weird how fit Celestia was, given that you’d never seen her exercise.
  3707. > But then, you hadn’t had the opportunity to exercise since getting here either.
  3708. “No doubt. He would look pretty silly then, wouldn’t he? Declaring a rebellion to stop a marriage that was over in a week.”
  3710. > Eventually, your little side massage for Celestia had evolved into a full-on back massage, with the blankets removed, which gave you a chance to finally get a good eye on the brace they had given her.
  3711. > Bandages with some sort of fabric wrapped over them, it looked almost Roaman in style, red and gold woven together with Celestia’s cutie mark embroidered on it.
  3712. > How in the world did they have something like that ready, just in case?
  3713. > Nonetheless, it looked rather fearsome. You’d always appreciated the Crystal Imperial style of dress before the Empire split.
  3714. > Certainly looked much more intimidating than the simple golds of the Equestrian royal guards. Perhaps you could reimagine the armour now that you were in charge…
  3715. > Integrate more colors.
  3716. > “Ooh, right there… a little harder.”
  3717. > As you rub deeper into a certain spot, you can feel Celestia practically melt under you.
  3718. > Her hooves twitching a little bit as you rub little circles around it with hard pressure.
  3719. “So… are you able to cast at all?”
  3720. > “Would I have let that nurse feed me if I could lift the spoon myself?”
  3721. > A fair point. Though you have no idea how telekinesis compared to other forms of magic. But it did mean you could make a clever little quip.
  3722. “So one might say I’m a better sorcerer than the mighty Princess Celestial Skies of Equestria, at the moment?”
  3723. > You see her open her eyes with a glare as you say it, with a smirk on your face. But you melt that glare away as you work out a particularly tight knot of tension.
  3724. > But even as she closes her eyes, it’s clear she’s caught on to what you were looking to find out by asking the question.
  3725. > “Worried about the sun, I imagine?”
  3726. > She is pretty damn perceptive, the mare. Then again, you knew what she was going to say as well. The benefits of being magically tied together, you suppose.
  3728. “A little. I have no idea how we’re going to solve it…”
  3729. > “I do.”
  3730. > You’re a little surprised, both at her terse tone and the fact that she had a solution in mind for the sun situation.
  3731. > With a little shake of her flank, she motions for you to get off her, which with a final little scratch you do.
  3732. > At which point, she rolls back over.
  3733. > God, those socks are adorable. But her somber looking face does not match the adorability of the little socks.
  3734. > “It’s pretty easy, actually. We reestablish the Council of Solaris, at least temporarily.”
  3735. > The Council… you distinctly recall her saying that was not going to happen under any circumstances a few days ago.
  3736. “Funny, I distinctly recall my wife saying she would never do that.”
  3737. > Maintaining a serene look, Cel gestures over to the window, the sun still burning brightly in the sky.
  3738. > “We don’t have much of a choice, Anonymous. It means losing a lot of political power, and risking the integrity of the throne… but we can’t just leave the sun up there.”
  3739. > So as you were gaining political power, Celestia was going to be losing her major claim to authority in her own kingdom. Not ideal…
  3740. “Remind me not to let any of your advisors anywhere near you while you’re heavily medicated. We’ll find another way.”
  3741. > You see her frown at that, the serenity of her look failing in the wake of your stubborn resistance.
  3742. > “Anon… we have to be realistic here. The longer that goes on, the more ponies and others will suffer…”
  3743. > You smile. Perhaps in the end you would have to go through with it… But you would be remiss if you didn’t at least seek an alternative.
  3744. “Just give me a chance, Cel. If I can’t find a solution by tomorrow night, we’ll do things your way.”
  3745. > While she still seems uncertain, you can tell without her saying a word that she’s going to trust you. You could feel it through your bond.
  3746. > Seems like it’s stronger than ever.
  3749. > “Now, go to sleep. I promise I have everything covered, and if anything comes up that I can’t handle, I’ll make sure to come wake you up.”
  3750. > You are Celestia.
  3751. > And your husband seems to think he can escape you.
  3752. > Wrapping your good hooves around him, you lock him into the bed, which he was so foolish as to lay in.
  3753. “No. Luna can handle things… you stay here.”
  3754. > He’s too warm to just let leave. And he has a responsibility to be by your side when you’re hurt.
  3755. > He wiggles a bit in your grasp, and it’s readily apparent he could force his way out if he wanted to, but he doesn’t.
  3756. > “Luna can handle some things, but I doubt she can find a way to get that sun moving.”
  3757. > Nuzzling your head into his shoulder, you hum. Ordinarily you wouldn’t be so irresponsible as to keep Anonymous all to yourself when he was needed elsewhere…
  3758. > But five more minutes couldn’t hurt, could it?
  3759. “I doubt you can either. So stay.”
  3760. > You say it with your most authoritative voice, but you know it comes out sleepy and resigned.
  3761. > A natural consequence of your magic being drained was incredible fatigue, which tended to make you a little loopy.
  3762. > But sadly, he seems adamant as he places a hand on your hoof and removes it from his waist.
  3763. > “Sorry, Celly. But now that I know you’re alright, I need to find a solution to our situation.”
  3764. > Reluctantly, you capitulate, removing your hooves from around him and letting him leave the hospital bed.
  3765. > It already feels less comfy.
  3766. “If you take too long, you know I’m going to have to find you…”
  3767. > With a smile on his face, he flicks your nose with a finger, before moving to put back on his armour, minus the gauntlet.
  3768. > “I’ll make sure to tell the hospital staff not to let you out of this ward. We’ll see how far you make it, hon.”
  3769. > Ooh, a challenge. You rather liked a challenge.
  3771. > You did try to listen to Anonymous’ wise council. Honestly, you did.
  3772. > But you couldn’t just lay around in bed while others did everything… especially given your rather loopy state from the drugs and sleepyness.
  3773. > You were tired, but not tired enough to let Anonymous deal with this alone.
  3774. > Hence, you were currently sneaking through the ventilation tunnels which ran above the castle hallways, including your medical room.
  3775. > You had made an effort to just walk out, but… doctors were the only ponies with more authority than you.
  3776. > So you resolved to find your own way out of the medical ward.
  3777. > It was an incredibly difficult task with one leg which was non-cooperative…
  3778. > But one which you were certain you could accomplish. You knew exactly where Anonymous was, and you were trying to find your way to him.
  3779. > If he was going to find some sort of a solution to the sun problem, he was not going to do it alone.
  3780. > And so you were sneaking through the vents, wrapped up in the white hospital sheets like a cloak, rapidly getting covered in dust.
  3781. > It’s good your bandage was so tight, even if you had an insatiable itch there, or your wound might be getting full of dust as well…
  3782. > You really ought to send somepony up here to clean out these vents.
  3783. > But they were an effective means of traversing the castle undetected. Though, you suspect Anonymous has a vague idea that you’re following him.
  3784. > Your bond was two-ways, after all.
  3785. > But he still continued on his way, stopping periodically presumably to talk to ponies.
  3786. > You wonder if he’s trying to find ponies to track you down, but nopony but you and Luna really knew about these ventilation shafts.
  3787. > Part of the security system of Canterlot, and all that. If everypony knew about them, there would be little security throughout the castle.
  3788. > Pegasi were forbidden from flying in the castle, with a harsh penalty so they were scarcely discovered.
  3789. > Which made them perfect for your purposes…
  3791. > By the time you realized where Anonymous was heading, you were at the edge of the castle, standing on an edge and looking down.
  3792. > Your hooves buried deep in as-yet uncleared snow, and you were fortunate that it wasn’t particularly deep because of its angle to the rest of the castle.
  3793. > Not to mention it had obviously been melting under an entire day’s worth of summer sunlight.
  3794. > The exit of the ventilation tunnels led to a small precipice, though you knew you would be safe from the fall.
  3795. > You were remarkably resilient to blunt force, after all. Just not so much cuts…
  3796. > Watching from the precipice, you see Anonymous escorted by Moonlight and Shadewing out into Canterlot proper.
  3797. > You’re surprised, given that Shadewing had been with Anonymous all day. She was supposed to trade off with Isthmus…
  3798. > But you’re even more surprised he’s going back out into Canterlot proper…
  3799. > Diving off the precipice, you angle yourself just right so as to land in a particularly deep looking snowbank.
  3800. > You try to spread your wings to soften the glide, but they refuse to open, still too weak to move on their own.
  3801. > Well, it was snow, how much could it-
  3802. > YEOWCH. Bad idea, bad idea!
  3803. > Your leg moved oddly when you landed in it, and that stung horribly!
  3804. > Shaking your wounded leg as much as was possible, you lay in the snow trying to let the pain recede. It wasn’t like it was a blunt-force wound, it was just a weird movement…
  3805. > Certainly woke you up… and the icy cold wet snow you were laying on was not helping any more in that regard.
  3806. > Eventually mustering the will to move, you rolled over, and spotted Anonymous stopped near the castle gates, speaking to Captain Sunflare…
  3807. > Thank the stars, you thought you’d lost him at that point.
  3808. > Desperately catching your breath, you pull yourself over behind a tree, and sit there for a moment while keeping an eye on Anon.
  3809. > You wouldn’t lose him.
  3811. > That’s… rather shady looking.
  3812. > You had managed to follow Anonymous through most of Canterlot by effectively using the remaining snowbanks and your sheet as cover.
  3813. > No doubt you looked like some sort of Cervidaen Priestess dressed like this with your height.
  3814. > And he was entering an establishment in the Noble District called ‘Six-Tails Inn,’ but it was surrounded by suspicious looking characters.
  3815. > Ponies in weird cloaks stand outside, and a veritable plethora of ponies are heading in, far more than should be visiting an inn in Canterlot’s noble district…
  3816. > Your earlier suspicions of Moonlight and Shadewing were now coming back with a passion.
  3817. > There’s definitely something not right here, and you intend to find your way to the bottom of it.
  3818. > Approaching the door, you’re stopped by a hoof across your chest, which nearly sets you off balance and exposes your identity, though you catch yourself.
  3819. > “Sorry, ma’m. Need a name.”
  3820. > A name? Oh, that’s concerning…
  3821. > Thinking quickly, you blurt out the only name that easily comes to mind in a situation like this.
  3822. “Lady Sunspot.”
  3823. > Sunspot? What the hell, Tia?
  3824. > Could you make it any more obvious who you actually are-
  3825. > “Alright, Sunspot. Head on in, try not to bother anypony outside the room you’re assigned or the lounge.”
  3826. > You are the luckiest mare on the face of the planet.
  3827. > An… assigned room?
  3828. > Walking in, you immediately recognize the thick scent in the air. A magic barrier had been put in place to prevent it from going outside.
  3829. > Rutting. A lot of rutting. A lot of horny mares and stallions have found themselves in this building…
  3830. > It’s all you can do to scrunch up your nose at the smell and wince. It’s so thick in the air you’re practically choking on the smell.
  3831. > What in the world is Anonymous doing here?
  3833. > Why would something like this even be in Canterlot?
  3834. > It’s obviously a whorehouse. Something which was illegal in the city, though not illegal throughout all of Equestria.
  3835. > You’re in a lounge right now, which is filled with mares with… interesting looking clothing on. Things which kept their tails up high, socks, garters…
  3836. > Something you’d read about in books, but never thought you would actually see. You rather liked how they made them look…
  3837. > Maybe someday you and Anonymous would have to experiment.
  3838. > But more critically, suddenly you don’t feel so silly walking around in socks.
  3839. > Anonymous is at the other end of the lounge, sipping on a drink of some kind with his two guards, surrounded by a number of the… odd ponies.
  3840. > And a particularly old looking stallion.
  3841. > He must know you’re here, which means he’s obviously not looking to get his rocks off. You doubt he would be the type to come to this sort of place anyway.
  3842. > He tended to like the chase, or so he had said. Where’s the fun in just buying it?
  3843. > Besides, he had you begging him to rut you just the other night… he hardly needed to come to a place like this.
  3844. > The smell is not quite so thick in the lounge, though it definitely remains in the air.
  3845. > When you look back at Anonymous’ table, your heart skips a beat.
  3846. > He’s staring right at you. Though he quickly looks away when you lock eyes, looking back to his little table full of ponies talking.
  3847. > You wonder if he knew where you were through the bond… if he knew all along.
  3848. > His ring felt hot against your chest under the robes.
  3849. > Getting up from the table, you begin to walk off into one of the side-rooms which appears to be empty.
  3850. > You presume they’re intended for… things.
  3851. > And right before entering the room, you look over towards Anonymous to see if he knew what you thought he knew.
  3852. > And watch as he rises up from his chair, excusing himself from the table.
  3853. > He knew.
  3855. “Anon…”
  3856. > You’re sitting on the bed in the room, which seems immaculately clean…
  3857. > Though doubtless a number of dark and sinful things had taken place on this bed which you desperately don’t want to think about.
  3858. > As he closes the door behind him, he sighs deeply, a resigned smile on his face as he turns back to face you.
  3859. > “You are a very silly pony, Celestia. Couldn’t stay in bed for a single day?”
  3860. > You put on your best pout, trying to mask your exhaustion under a guise of feminine wiles.
  3861. “I can’t very well let my husband visit a whorehouse without me there…”
  3862. > He chuckles, coming over to sit on the bed beside you. You almost want to push him off, insisting that it’s dirty.
  3863. > Odd that you care more about keeping him safe from it than yourself.
  3864. > “Didn’t know this was your type of establishment, Cel. If you wanted some, I’m sure they would deliver some mares to the medical ward for you.”
  3865. > You feel heat rising in your cheeks, but refuse to give him the satisfaction.
  3866. “Couldn’t have had them deliver them for the two of us? I’m sure things would have been great there for you as well.”
  3867. > Lightly, his hands touch at your brace.
  3868. > Your leg has been screeching at you since you left the castle, but you don’t think there’s anything wrong with it particularly…
  3869. > Slowly, he begins to unwind it, doubtless to inspect the wound and make sure it was alright.
  3870. > “You probably made this worse, you know.”
  3871. “I know.”
  3872. > As he finally unwinds it fully, he has a grim look on his face.
  3873. > “It’s gotten bigger.”
  3874. “I fell.”
  3875. > You feel like you’re a little filly again, being chastised by your dad for going on an adventure.
  3876. > But he doesn’t chastise, he just sighs and reaches up to scratch behind your ear, which helps briefly to alleviate your pain.
  3877. > It’s almost enough to make you forget the smell in the room.
  3878. > “Why, Cel?”
  3880. “I could ask you the same thing, Anon. Why are you here?”
  3881. > Gently, he begins to rewind your bandage as the two of you snuggle deeper into the bed.
  3882. > “We’re… politicking.”
  3883. “Politicking?”
  3884. > What in the world did he mean by that? You’re in a whorehouse!
  3885. > If he wanted politics, he could go back to the castle!
  3886. > “Moonlight has the owner of this establishment under his spell, and is learning the secret perversions of all the most powerful unicorns in Canterlot.”
  3887. > He’s… what? Mental manipulation magic?
  3888. “Anonymous, you know how dangerous that-”
  3889. > “I know, I know. But I’m not letting you lose everything to have that damn council reestablished. This way, we get ponies who will do the job, without the public ever knowing.”
  3890. > It… made sense, in a weird way.
  3891. > You saw a ton of nobles coming into this place, doubtless seeking some kind of relief in the wake of the disaster.
  3892. > Plus, the sort of lonely sorcerers who climbed the ranks amongst the unicorns tended to be the sort who would be sexually repressed…
  3893. > Not that you would know anything about that!
  3894. > “And I’m guessing you came here because you were worried about what I would do?”
  3895. > You make a little affirmative noise as his scratches move down your side.
  3896. > You’re about to go crazy if you keep sitting here. The smell is driving you wild, but you’re far too exhausted to do anything about it.
  3897. > Though, you suppose, Anonymous could do all the work…
  3898. > No! You would not have your first rutting in a whorehouse. It would not happen.
  3899. > Plus, Anonymous would probably never go for it while you’re hurt anyway. But you do still want to cuddle…
  3900. “We should go back to the castle…”
  3901. > Looking up, you can see him staring down with a warm smile on his face.
  3902. > You could lose yourself in that…
  3903. > “Sure thing.”
  3905. > On the return walk, try as you might, you can’t keep the blush off your face.
  3906. > As it turned out, Anonymous was tired of you risking worsening your wounds by walking around on a wounded leg.
  3907. > And he was carrying you on his back, like some barbarian from the fairy tales.
  3908. > Ponies aren’t supposed to be carried around by humans! Ponies in the myths would carry humans away to their homes!
  3909. > But Anonymous was hearing none of it, not with your hoof in the condition it was.
  3910. > “Still can’t believe you’d do something so silly, Cel. You might have made your injury much worse…”
  3911. > You scoff. Here was that missing chastisement from earlier.
  3912. “Sure thing, dad. I’ll make sure to keep off it for days, even though you were up and at it the day you broke your ribs. Besides, I'm not the pony who's in trouble here, you're using dark magicks and visiting whorehouses.”
  3913. > Getting out of the whorehouse was an… awkward experience.
  3914. > Moonlight and Shadewing had clearly been under the impression the two of you had indulged together in that room, despite your insistence otherwise.
  3915. > At least partially because you smelled off as a product of your time there…
  3916. > What! You were right beside your husband in a place which reeked of sex! It’s only a natural reaction.
  3917. > “You seemed like you were going to blow her up when that mare offered me a good time.”
  3918. > You scrunch up your nose. That had made the process of getting out all the more complicated…
  3919. > If you’d had your magic, you would have taught her a lesson.
  3920. > When you were in full health, you were going to shut that place down. Canterlot was no place for a whorehouse… you think.
  3921. > Maybe it had some important purpose…
  3922. > You yawn loudly, interrupting your thoughts as your whole body shakes atop Anonymous’ shoulders.
  3923. > Anonymous likewise yawns underneath you. No doubt he’s just as tired after a whole day organizing the city…
  3924. > You couldn’t wait to get back to bed.
  3926. > “Cel?”
  3927. “Yes, Anon?”
  3928. > The two of you eventually managed to find your ways back to the medical ward, and into your bed. A bed which the two of you had spent equivalent time in now to your marital bed, you think.
  3929. > The room was really dark, the whole medical ward was. The windows had been blocked with thick cloth to keep the light out.
  3930. > It’s a remarkably cozy situation.
  3931. > “Do you trust me?”
  3932. > You snuggle deeper into his shoulder, trying to keep the warmth you had missed so much close to you, carefully making sure not to poke him with your horn.
  3933. “Of course, I love you.”
  3934. > You were embarrassed when you said that the other night, but now… it just felt right.
  3935. > You can feel him stiffen at the comment once again. But that was to be expected.
  3936. > You had resigned yourself to the fact that he didn’t love you back just yet. But he would come around with time…
  3937. > As his arm tightens its grip around you, pulling you close, you can practically hear his heartbeat.
  3938. > It’s like a lullaby to your already sleepy mind.
  3939. > “I… there’s something I did which I haven’t told you yet. But… I’m not sure I can.”
  3940. “I don’t care. I know if it’s important you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
  3941. > You did care, a little. But in truth, you felt so content right now, nothing was going to rain on your parade as you laid in bed.
  3942. > You can feel an uncertainty in him at your comment, so you look up and peck him on the lips, which seems to relax him.
  3943. “Sleep, Anon. We’ll deal with the rest tomorrow.”
  3944. > He smiles, capitulating to your command and closing his eyes at long last.
  3945. > And you do likewise.
  3946. > “Sweet dreams, Cel.”
  3947. “Sweet dreams, Anon.”
  3948. > And right before unconsciousness grips at you, you can barely make out his final words of the ‘night.’
  3949. > “And… I love you too.”
  3952. > Slowly, gradually, you maneuvered your way out from Celestia’s death grip on you, a grip which only got tighter the more you tried to escape.
  3953. > You are Anonymous, and you are fully awake, despite hours of trying to remedy that.
  3954. > Once more, you couldn’t sleep. Which meant you had spent a substantial amount of time lying in bed with Cel thinking about the future.
  3955. > A few hours, at this point. You’d been going over the details of how you were going to handle Cyclone and, potentially, Marcus.
  3956. > Tomorrow would be a big day. Definitely for you, and potentially for Cel, if she was feeling u to joining you.
  3957. > You intended to find out what precisely Marcus was planning, and that involved going back to Freemark, even if only for a day, to get the details.
  3958. > Your father and Ares doubtless had information you could use, but they were out of reach while you remained in Equestria.
  3959. > The Maester answers only to the ruling individual, and right now Marcus remained regent.
  3960. > As you roll out of the bed, you see Celestia pull a pillow into her grip, pulling it close against her with a smile on her sleeping face.
  3961. > It’s a rather adorable thing to see.
  3962. > It’s an odd sensation, feeling tired but not sleepy. One which you can’t find the words to explain, but certainly encompasses your condition.
  3963. > Moving over to the thick curtains which stopped all light from entering, you pull one aside and stare up at the sky.
  3964. > Staring at the sun and the moon simultaneously in the sky beside one another. No doubt this was conjuring up myths and stories across the uneducated portions of the world.
  3965. > No doubt if you were still back home, you’d be questioning it. After all, you had thought the Council of Solaris was still in charge of all this business.
  3966. > Almost makes you wonder what the rest of your family thinks about it. They must be feeling a little embarrassed that they marry you off and you start making even worse problems for Aetherium.
  3967. > They never counted on you messing up the solar cycle. Underestimating you, as usual.
  3969. > Idly, you pull over your sword from the table, and planting it on the ground begin to tap on the pommel.
  3970. > The city might look entirely different now, if Marcus was mass conscripting. The Aetherite army would already be on the march.
  3971. > You wonder if Vesemir’s would still be open, given the circumstances.
  3972. > It was never really your sort of joint, but it seems like the kind of thing Celestia might like. Needlessly romantic, high-culture type establishment.
  3973. > You’d occasionally visited it with particularly difficult to impress girls in the past, and it won them over every time.
  3974. > Hmm… that raised another question.
  3975. > Would any of your previous conquests make themselves known? Target Cel or something?
  3976. > You hadn’t quite realized how loudly you were tapping on the hilt of your blade until you felt wings wrap over your shoulders, and a warm body press itself against your back with a soft hum.
  3977. > Seems you woke up a very groggy princess by mistake.
  3978. “Sorry, Cel. Did I wake you?”
  3979. > She doesn’t respond with words, instead nuzzling against the side of your head with a yawn and a stretch of her long neck.
  3980. > Tired woman code for ‘Yes, but I don’t mind,’ in your experience.
  3981. > For a time, the two of you just stood there, staring out the window at Canterlot, bathed in sunlight in the middle of the night.
  3982. > Just enjoying one another’s presence. Though you had a niggling feeling of embarrassment at the back of your mind.
  3983. > You wonder if she heard what you said last night. But you don’t have the courage to ask.
  3984. > It’s odd, you’d said those words to a million women before, but somehow now you were embarrassed about them.
  3985. > Maybe because they meant something.
  3986. “You ought to go back to sleep. You’re still recovering, and rest is what the doctor prescribed.”
  3987. > At that, you hear her scoff, but the scoff ends up transforming into a yawn half way through, with another nuzzle.
  3988. > “My pillow ran away on me, and left me all cold and alone.”
  3990. “A knight must stay vigilant over the fair maiden, of course. I can hardly be both a pillow and a intimidating warrior at once.”
  3991. > Her head comes to lay down on your shoulder, and looking over, you can see she has her eyes closed as she rests there.
  3992. > “You were doing a pretty good job of it until I fell asleep. And since when are you a knight?”
  3993. > That causes you to raise an eyebrow. ‘Since when are you a knight?’ Here you thought she’d done her homework on you before marrying you.
  3994. > Tut tut.
  3995. “I’ve been a knight for a long time now. I’d hardly be a proper prince if I wasn’t also knighted, would I?”
  3996. > She smirks, though her eyes remain closed on your shoulder, as she begins to pull you with her wings back towards the bed.
  3997. > As she does, you let go of the curtain, which once again cloaks the room in utter darkness. Your eyes having adjusted to the light, you can barely see a thing.
  3998. > “I’m not a knight, and I’m a princess. Or is this only a requirement of men who rule?”
  3999. > Well, to be fair, in Aetherium you would half-expect a princess to be a knight as well.
  4000. “I was knighted by a female knight, so I hardly think you have a case, Cel. You could be my squire, if you’d like, and maybe one day I’ll knight you in turn.”
  4001. > Eventually, she manages to pull you all the way back to the bed, and begins to try and clumsily shift her way back on while keeping you wrapped in her wings.
  4002. > It’s rather adorable to watch her struggle to get it done, but you don’t interfere, letting her slowly but surely find her way back up onto the mattress while leaving you standing off the side in her wings.
  4003. > “I think you’re lying, Anon. You don’t seem like somepony who exemplifies honor and the code of chivalry to me.”
  4004. > She says it playfully, nipping at your ear as she does, though it admittedly bites a little. After all, your knighthood was always in question back in Aetherium.
  4005. > Mostly because you weren’t knighted by a human.
  4007. > Interestingly, you suddenly feel intense regret from her. She must have noticed your discomfort with the sentiment.
  4008. > But you decide to disarm it before it can develop into hurt feelings.
  4009. “To be fair, the knight I squired for wasn’t a human. She was a Gryphon Shieldmaiden from Talon’s Peak, sister to my nurse as a child. Taught me everything I know, but Gryphons tend to have a different approach to knighthood than Aetherites and Equestrians.”
  4010. > By which you mean, they liked the sound of the title, but disregarded all of the real attributes which constituted a knight. Chivalry, honor, the whole nine.
  4011. > “I didn’t even know Gryphons had knights… I was under the impression it was a uniquely Equestrian/Human phenomenon from our time as one nation.”
  4012. > Technically, it was. But some Gryphons adopted it when they conquered the Unicorn ranges, and Talon’s Peak did because it was an Aetherite vassal.
  4013. > One of the few things you had spent the time to study the history of, because it interested you.
  4014. “It’s weird knowing more about something than you. You’re supposed to be the genius here, not me.”
  4015. > You feel her good hoof begin to do… something. On your back, it’s almost like a massage.
  4016. > It feels quite pleasant…
  4017. > “Knights are good in abstract novels, but the nitty gritty isn’t terribly important unless you are one. Or are married to one, I suppose, though I had no idea I was married to a knight.”
  4018. > The nitty gritty did tend to be rather complicated. Hell, your family had a ridiculous history of earning your knighthoods.
  4019. > Father got knighted by a Cervidaen at the Battle of the Flowing Rivers, a Cervidaen who was a member of the opposing army at the time and had been knighted by your Grandfather.
  4020. > And Marcus…
  4021. > Marcus had squired, but his master was not the one to knight him. He was knighted for killing the man, when it was discovered he was plotting to undermine the crown.
  4022. > Ares hadn’t even squired yet, he wasn’t really the type.
  4023. > Truly a family of ordinary circumstance.
  4025. “It’s only really just hitting me how little we know about one another.”
  4026. > Digging deeper into your back, she starts working out knots of tension you didn’t know you had. You also had no idea she would be able to do this with a hoof, they didn’t seem quite so pliable…
  4027. > As she does it, she continues nuzzling the side of your head and neck with her own.
  4028. > “Well, now I know one more thing. I’m sure by the time one of us falls over dead, we’ll know one another inside and out.”
  4029. > Your mind can’t help but go to a dirty place at that, and you can immediately feel her mind did much the same.
  4030. > And you can see it, out of the corner of your eye. A blush on her face, despite the look of contentment on it.
  4031. “You’re a dirty minded mare.”
  4032. > “I learned from the best.”
  4033. > You can’t keep the goofy smile off your face. You somehow doubt you had so thoroughly corrupted her in only a few days.
  4034. > As her hoof shifts away from your back, she shifts to that her head rests atop yours and her hooves drape over your shoulders.
  4035. > And her pink mane droops over your face, blinding you further.
  4036. “You know, I was thinking I should teach you to swordfight, but it occurs to me you have me outclassed in every way with your magic. The arena proved that.”
  4037. > You can feel her muzzle shift into a smirk above you at your acknowledgement.
  4038. > But, then, credit where credit is due.
  4039. > “Maybe I could teach you magic, when this is all said and done. If we can purge the chaotic magic from you and everything…”
  4040. > An interesting proposition. You’d always been curious about magic, but it was too complicated and involved. But if you were learning with her...
  4041. “A deal. You squire for me, and I’ll apprentice for you. And together we’ll be a force to be reckoned with.”
  4042. > Her wings tighten around you at the recommendation. The two of you sharing in your favorite pastimes, magic and combat.
  4043. > Like a couple, or something.
  4044. > “Deal.”
  4046. “So I’m planning to visit home tomorrow.”
  4047. > You and Cel were now laying back on the bed, her head laid on your chest and wing covering you. It was almost uncomfortably warm…
  4048. > Almost.
  4049. > “The entire castle is home, Anonymous. No need to charter a visit to our bedroom so dramatically.”
  4050. > You can tell she knows what you mean and is just playing around, but you nonetheless lift up your right arm to flick her nose for it.
  4051. > Which causes that cute little scrunch you so enjoy.
  4052. “I mean Freemark, you silly little pony. I’m wondering if you plan on following me.”
  4053. > As if you didn’t already know her answer…
  4054. > “Of course. I think I proved today you can’t really escape me, my little human.”
  4055. > It’s vaguely concerning on some level. She really ought to be resting…
  4056. > But then, she’s not resting right now, is she? She’s awake and discussing things with you. Because you can’t sleep.
  4057. > But then, maybe she could catch some sleep on the Chariot ride over.
  4058. “Then you should get at least some sleep. I can’t sleep, but you’re going to be exhausted with all that pain suppressant in you and whatnot. Can’t very well be walking through the capital of my homeland with you unconscious on my back.”
  4059. > It would look rather ridiculous back home. To be fair, it looked rather ridiculous here when you carried her back from the brothel.
  4060. > The brothel… Luna and your guards would have to finish out organizing the new Shadow Council of Solaris.
  4061. > But it was critical you visit home. You needed information, information only you had the privileged access to obtain.
  4062. > In fact, you should probably go visit them now, and get working on details…
  4063. > “Then my pillow needs to promise not to leave me alone again…”
  4064. > Looking down at Cel, you can practically feel your heart melt at the pout on her face.
  4065. > Well, you could resolve things in the ‘morning’ before leaving.
  4066. “I suppose I can put aside the knight bit for tonight, but only tonight.”
  4069. > “I must insist, I can’t let you go alone, my prince. I will accompany you.”
  4070. “No, you won’t. I absolutely need you here to help with getting the Council established, I don’t need you in my home capital. I’ll be plenty safe.”
  4071. > “I’m not so sure you will be, my prince. And besides, Moonlight is the one organizing all of that, my presence is hardly-“
  4072. > “Shadewing, you’re not in charge here.”
  4073. > You and Cel are currently arguing with Shadewing about your trip back to Aetherium, and as per usual, it’s difficult to convince her of anything.
  4074. > Celestia’s interruption brings some much needed relief to that difficulty, though Shadewing shoots her a glare at her comment.
  4075. > You sigh, looking back at the ‘Letter of Authority’ you were drafting for one ‘Lord Sulphite,’ who apparently liked to be gagged and whipped.
  4076. > Apparently your guards needed it to convince him to work with you.
  4077. “You’re the one with the presence. Moonlight’s smart and talented, but he’s too stoic, wouldn’t be able to intimidate them the right way. Neither can Luna or Waves, really. You’re the one who’s going to need to push them into it.”
  4078. > She practically deflates at that, but you can see she’s still got some fight in her.
  4079. > “I understand. But I still need to insist that when you consider…”
  4080. > Not the best way to end what was a fairly comfortable 'night' with Cel, but such is life as a ruler, you suppose.
  4081. > One of these days you needed to find a pony who would just do what you said.
  4082. “Shade.”
  4083. > She stops almost immediately in the middle of her rant, and looks up to you.
  4084. > You were about to throttle her, but she somehow listened to you at times. You’ll never understand her, you suspect.
  4085. > Agent of Chaos and all that.
  4086. “You’re staying. If you choose not to, then I’ll have to find you in dereliction of duty and I promise, I’ll be less forgiving than the last time I had justification to execute you.”
  4087. > Her eyes widen immensely and her jaw hangs at your comment, and you almost do the same in turn.
  4088. > Gods, that was harsh. Excessively so. The words just… came to you.
  4089. > You wouldn’t actually…
  4090. > “Yes, my prince. If that is your wish."
  4091. > Her resigned tone strikes you deep, but it worked.
  4093. > “That… that was a little extreme, wasn’t it, Anonymous?”
  4094. > Shadewing had left to inform Moonlight of their duties for the day almost immediately afterward, taking with her your stack of letters.
  4095. > Said she would come back for the last four later. Seems you had upset her, though she carried out your orders to a tee.
  4096. “Seems like harshness is all she understands.”
  4097. > You don’t mean to be so callous, truly. But your frustrations are building, especially after sifting through so many perverted fantasies of the nobility.
  4098. > And these ponies thought themselves fit to judge your worth for Celestia…
  4099. > You feel her wingtip under your chin, as it pulls your gaze away from the note to look her in the eye.
  4100. > You hadn’t even been cognizant of the fact that she had control of them again last night. Remarkable how quick magic works on these things.
  4101. > “Relax… you’re stressing yourself out too much, like I did the first two years I was working at this. You’ll run yourself rampant doing that, and make more enemies than friends.”
  4102. > Staring into those liquid pools of magenta, you instantly feel the stress alleviating somewhat.
  4103. > Stress you didn’t even really know you had been feeling, but now seemed so obvious to you. You had been getting increasingly terse with the staff…
  4104. > Hell, you threatened to kill somepony at the brothel yesterday if they spoke to anyone of what they saw.
  4105. > Breathing deeply, you lean in and give Cel a deep kiss, her wing shifting from your chin to wrap around your back.
  4106. > Mutually, you close your eyes as you both lean into it, your hand moving up to gently caress the side of her face as you did.
  4107. > Until you eventually needed to break to breathe, and you slowly pulled back to look at one another once again.
  4108. “You seem to have a talent for spotting when I need that.”
  4109. > “I think we just need them at the same time.”
  4111. > When you finally finished up the last letter, you finally elected to get dressed, though you didn’t put back on the armour.
  4112. > While it had served you well enough, it was caked in grime and blood. It would need to be cleaned.
  4113. > But even your clothes were filthy, which meant a trip back to your room first.
  4114. > A trip which sadly Celestia wasn’t able to make, doctor’s orders. And you made sure to tell him about the secret route out of the hospital room.
  4115. > You knew about it from Luna’s little excursion into it when you were wounded, but had forgotten that detail when Cel snuck out.
  4116. > She hadn’t been terribly pleased with that. But that was what she got for sneaking out in the first place, the irresponsible goofball she was.
  4117. > As you exited the medical ward, you were once again struck by the phenomenon of ponies bowing to you everywhere you went.
  4118. > It was something that was exceptionally awkward when you went to the brothel yesterday, and had… mares of questionable repute offering you free services.
  4119. > Apparently being a hero comes with perks, though they were perks you couldn’t take advantage of.
  4120. > Feather ‘round your neck, and all. Surprised they would even offer them to someone they knew was married to their princess.
  4121. > You half expected Celestia to come over kicking when they had made the offer at that fine establishment, but she had kept her distance.
  4122. > Idly, you run your fingers along the sharp metallic barbs of the feather.
  4123. > It occurs to you that you have a certain somepony you need to look after in addition to your wife, actually.
  4124. > Another princess who was feeling terrible yesterday and still had to fulfill the requirements of her duty as princess. Didn’t get the day off to lay in bed and stalk you like her sister.
  4125. > If you were stressed as hell, no doubt she was as well. And with her volatile mental state…
  4126. > Better safe than sorry.
  4128. > It’s an odd part of the castle, really, the tower which housed Luna’s bedroom.
  4129. > After getting a fresh set of clothes you had headed straight here.
  4130. > It didn’t have the intricate and elaborate décor of the rest of the castle, instead keeping the classical appearance of pre-Unification Unicorn fortresses, much in the style of Freemark.
  4131. > Reminds you of home, to some degree.
  4132. > You suppose Canterlot was the last Unicorn fortress still in Equestrian possession, it would make sense that they would keep some portions of it in the classical look. For old times’ sake.
  4133. > Freemark only still had that classic feel because your nation was too poor to remodel the entire capital. But that was gradually changing.
  4134. > Aetherium is the trading hub of the three largest nations on the continent, after all.
  4135. > Approaching Luna’s large, intimidating door, you’re rather struck by the absence of any guards to keep it safe.
  4136. > And a little note pinned to the door.
  4137. > ‘Do not disturb.’
  4138. > You furrow your brow as you stare at the little piece of paper, completely and utterly confused by the situation here.
  4139. > What kind of ruler needs to pin a little piece of paper to their door to not be disturbed?
  4140. > Well, you kinda feel bad about doing this now. You can only hope she’s not doing what you heavily suspect she might be doing.
  4141. > And you especially hope she’s not doing what you think she’s doing with these suspiciously missing guards.
  4142. > Lifting up the heavy door knocker, you thud it down three times, which echoes out mightily through the stone hallways of the tower.
  4143. > You wait for a moment, and right when you go to knock once more, you finally hear her voice.
  4144. > “Read the paper and go away.”
  4145. > Well now, she certainly sounded out of it.
  4146. “It’s me, Luna. Open up, we need to talk.”
  4147. > You wait a moment longer, and once again right as you go for the knocker, she interrupts, this time by opening it.
  4148. > Well now, she looks exhausted. You think this may be the first time you’ve seen her without her hair wound up in the spell.
  4149. > “Morning, fair Anonymous.”
  4151. “You’ve been having fun, it seems.”
  4152. > Luna’s room is an absolute mess. Books scattered everywhere, the couch toppled over, a coffee cup smashed on the floor off to the side.
  4153. > Seems Luna was having a bit more of a problem coping with the stress. Though she seemed fine talking to you earlier…
  4154. > “I have been… busy. I also may have gotten a little frustrated at times.”
  4155. > Walking up to you, she extends her wings and wraps them around you in a hug. In the context of all that’s happened between the two of you, it’s a little awkward.
  4156. > But you return the hug nonetheless, you suppose familial hugs are a thing.
  4157. “What have you been busy with? Where are your guards?”
  4158. > The sentiments come out a little more concerned than you had intended, but something must’ve happened to provoke such destruction…
  4159. > Pulling you tighter against her, she nuzzles her way into your neck, which once again puts you on edge.
  4160. > “I… I’m trying to stop the voices in my head. I know there has to be a spell for it…”
  4161. > Voices…? A product of the chaos magic, you suppose.
  4162. > She finally breaks her vice grip on you and looks you in the eyes. You can see in her expression an immense exhaustion.
  4163. > You suppose she was likely having trouble sleeping as well, if she’s got the same thing you do. But if she’s got voices added in on top of that…
  4164. “And the guards?”
  4165. > She scoffs, kicking a hoof against the floor.
  4166. > “I was hearing their thoughts as well, so I told them to leave me alone. The more voices I hear, the more irritating it gets.”
  4167. > She’s mind-reading?
  4168. > She clearly picks up on the shock on your face as she grimaces a little, before turning to move back over to the bookshelves in her room.
  4169. > “I don’t hear yours, Anonymous. It just kind of happens on its own, I don’t understand it fully. But it was driving me batty yesterday when we were trying to organize the city…”
  4171. > Eventually, you managed to calm her down enough to have a drink of that wine from the other night with you, hoping it would calm her nerves.
  4172. > Apparently, much like Cel, she didn’t drink. She had made the exception for your date that night, which was why, on balance, she handled it so poorly.
  4173. > And hence why a still-full bottle of very expensive wine remained there, for you two to sit at the now-upright table and drink.
  4174. > Drinking for breakfast… what would father say? Or would their father say, for that matter.
  4175. > Apparently he was right about you being a bad influence, though obviously you didn’t intend to get drunk with Luna.
  4176. > Only to take the edge off.
  4177. > “It’s weird, Anon… whenever I’m around you the whispers get so quiet I can finally think straight. You should stay here…”
  4178. > Yet another bad sign. You wonder what might be causing that…
  4179. > Perhaps another of Nightmare’s tricks, though she seemed to want to have an honest arrangement with you now.
  4180. > But you suppose that’s exactly what a liar would want you to believe.
  4181. “That’s… unfortunate. We’ll need to find a solution, I’m heading back to Aetherium today with-”
  4182. > “You’re leaving!?”
  4183. > You slide back in your seat as she leaps forward, hooves up on the table, surprise and anger on her face as she stares you down.
  4184. > You fumble for a response for a second, before finally catching yourself and managing to stammer out a reply.
  4185. “It’s only for a day, Luna, we’re coming back tonight. Me and Cel need to go find out some details.”
  4186. > She remains sort-of frozen still, the shock still on her face, as she stands tall on the table, before awkwardly closing her open mouth and beginning to move back off of it.
  4187. > That was… weird.
  4188. > “O-oh, ok. I apologize, I was… worried.”
  4189. > Worried seems like a bit of an understatement.
  4190. > But of course, you react reasonably. No need to make things unnecessarily complicated…
  4191. “It’s alright. If I were in your place, I’d be heartbroken about me leaving as well, handsome devil that I am.”
  4193. > Eventually things relaxed with Luna, though you carefully made sure neither you nor her had enough wine to really get drunk.
  4194. > You were familiar enough with morning drinking from your days back in Freemark to know exactly how much was necessary.
  4195. > Though admittedly, with someone like Luna, it was a bit of guesswork. You have no idea what her constitution was like…
  4196. > But it all worked out. She was relaxed, the bags under her eyes receded a bit, she wasn’t quite so… frazzled, you suppose, is the most accurate word.
  4197. “Will you be alright while I’m away, Luna?”
  4198. > It’s an odd question to pose, really. One you never thought you’d be posing to a sister-in-law; it struck you as one more appropriate for a wife.
  4199. > Yet here you are, posing it anyway.
  4200. > She chews the inside of her cheek, seemingly unsure as to how to reply, before sighing and knocking back the last of her small glass of wine.
  4201. > “I shall survive, Anonymous. It will be an ordeal to handle things in your absence so soon after the catastrophe, but I suppose I always did want the spotlight.”
  4202. > Pulling out your chair, you walk over to Luna and rest a hand on her shoulder.
  4203. > She’s got a smile on her face, but it looks incredibly forced, and she keeps her eyes centered on the now-empty wine glass.
  4204. “There’s something else. We’re re-establishing the Council of Solaris in secret. Shadewing and Moonlight are handling the details, but they might need your help at some point with teaching the ponies the spell.”
  4205. > That gets her to break her gaze away from the glass and stare up at you, wide-eyed.
  4206. > “B-but, Anonymous, we can’t just-“
  4207. “We have to, Luna. I’m expecting the ponies to be rounded up tonight, and myself and Cel should be back by then. If not, you’ll need to get them to lower the sun, I doubt Shadewing and Moonlight will be willing to make that call without someone higher up approving it.”
  4208. > She still looks uncertain, but quietly nods.
  4209. > Success.
  4210. “And… I’ll find a solution to the voices. I promise.”
  4212. > When you finally left Luna’s room, you felt a new weight on your chest.
  4213. > There had to be a solution. But to find that solution, you would need to speak with someone who knew chaos magic inside and out.
  4214. > And there’s only one individual you knew who fit that criteria, and she just so happened to owe you a debt.
  4215. > Which meant finding Shadewing, since she was your connection, and you felt a need to apologize now.
  4216. > Threatening her with summary execution was a little harsh. She had saved your life only yesterday when you slipped on the precipice of the tower.
  4217. > You idly wandered through the various spots you would expect to find her, quickly gaining speed as you began to worry about time.
  4218. > It was still relatively early morning, but with the time involved in flying all the way to Aetherium by chariot, and then back…
  4219. > You were beginning to get worried about the limited timeframe available. So many things were on limited time; Luna, Marcus, Pegasopolis’ advances into Equestria…
  4220. > Eventually, you managed to spot her from a window, out in the training fields, and immediately charted the route to her.
  4221. > A horribly ineffective route, since you knew nothing about how to navigate the castle, but with the help of some rather deferential ponies you eventually found your way.
  4222. > And she was still there, brutalizing a training dummy.
  4223. > And damn, do you mean brutalizing.
  4224. > Clean, precise movements, charge with the spear, let it detach smoothly with the thrust into the chest and follow through into a charge with hoof-plates to push it over.
  4225. > Using the momentum, leap up off the body and crush the one behind it from above with force.
  4226. > Wing extends to slice two dummies in half around her with a pirouette.
  4227. > You hadn’t seen her fight, in fact you hadn’t seen many Equestrians fight at all. You’d read on a number of their battle strategies, but it’s another thing entirely to watch.
  4228. > You almost want to duel her. But sadly, there wasn’t enough time.
  4230. > When she finishes, she’s surrounded in demolished training dummies, and breathing heavily, sweat pouring off her brow.
  4231. > There’s a hell of a scowl on her face. Seems you upset her with your comment earlier.
  4232. > You start applauding from your vantage point by the door, which immediately gets her attention, though the scowl stays on her face.
  4233. > “What do you want?”
  4234. > Oh my, she’s definitely upset.
  4235. > Well, you were used to dealing with upset women in the morning. Hopefully that skill translated well when they were pissed off because you threatened to kill them.
  4236. “To apologize. I was too harsh earlier, I shouldn’t have dismissed you like that.”
  4237. > She still keeps up a defensive stance angled towards you, and skeptically raises a brow.
  4238. > “You don’t need to apologize to me. You’re the prince, you can do what you like.”
  4239. > She seems to have the weirdest sense of deference to authority. Like it flips on and off whenever she deems it valuable.
  4240. > But better not to mention that. She’s doubtless still somewhat volatile.
  4241. “I may be your prince, but I’ve never identified terribly well with that title. And I acted like an entitled prick when you were only trying to be helpful.”
  4242. > That manages to slowly get her to drop her defensive stance, and sit down on the rough ground of the training field, with a deep sigh.
  4243. > “I… you weren’t a prick. I was too pushy, and I shouldn’t have been. It’s your decision, and I was ignoring the chain of command with my input. I’m sorry too.”
  4244. > It’s incredibly strange to hear Shadewing apologize. She still hadn’t even apologized for betraying you and aiding Nightmare.
  4245. > Though you have to wonder if she actually feels bad about that. Didn’t seem her style.
  4246. “So, we’re both wrong. Are we settled, then?”
  4247. > You extend a hand, which she looks at quizzically, before cautiously poking the tips of your fingers with the bottom of her hoof.
  4248. > Well, close enough to a handshake.
  4249. > “We were never unsettled. I was just blowing off steam.”
  4251. “They really were quite impressive maneuvers. Didn’t think ponies could move like that.”
  4252. > “That’s me being sloppy because I was… distressed. I should have hit the dummies with my wings before I hit them with the hoof-plates.”
  4253. > It’s odd, to be discussing combat again. Your interactions with your guards had been so terse you hadn’t really had the chance to drill into it.
  4254. > But it’s a nice atmosphere.
  4255. “True. Were I in your place, I would have aimed lower as well. You’d probably hit some armor if you were to strike there on a normal opponent.”
  4256. > Then again, pony armor tended to entirely neglect protection for some of the most vital spots, so who knows.
  4257. > She nods either way, before working on unravelling the blades tied to her wing-tips.
  4258. > “I’m unfamiliar with them. A few of them were… recovered. Out across the city, on the bodies of random ponies. I figured I’d learn how to use them, seems like a reasonable battle strategy.”
  4259. > A little grim. Meant not all of the ponies either got or heeded your warning to those two whom you’d de-winged.
  4260. > You have to wonder if somepony happened upon those wings out in the streets the next day. One of them must have…
  4261. > You hope it wasn’t a foal.
  4262. > Nonetheless, it’s interesting to look at the blades after seeing Pegasi use them the other day. While you’d fought a few ponies in the past, they never used that sort of a weapon.
  4263. > But then, you suppose if Shadewing hadn’t, perhaps Cyclone had a hoof in creating them. Seemed a rather obvious innovation for Pegasi to take advantage of.
  4264. > But it also limited their mobility by the tethers to the joints. Would make sense for a wingless Pegasus to be the innovator here, he’d have the joints to move the blades without the wings to lose mobility from.
  4265. “I need a favor, Shade.”
  4266. > Looking up from her wing, her teeth buried deep into the straps, she raises her eyebrows, waiting for your question.
  4267. > Seems all ponies have trouble with managing their wings.
  4268. “I want you to set up a meeting with Nightmare, for tonight.”
  4270. > Slowly, calmly, she pulls her mouth away from the belt connecting the blade to her wing, and brings it back to rest by her side.
  4271. > Your mind briefly jumps to how dangerous that seems, having a sharp blade flush against your body like that.
  4272. > “Why? I thought you and her weren’t on speaking terms right now?”
  4273. > You don’t remember saying that. You distinctly recall saying that she had to speak the truth around you from here on out.
  4274. > Maybe she was just incapable of that.
  4275. “I need to ask her a favor as well. A bond, for Luna, like she did for me. And she owes me quite a bit right now, so I should think she would do this as a gesture of good will.”
  4276. > It’s a bit of a gamble, given that Nightmare had deceived you before.
  4277. > But it’s one you have to take. The alternative is losing Luna forever, which would devastate Celestia without question.
  4278. > Taking a knee, you grip Shade’s wing and extend it out, working on unbuckling the blade from the wing, as she contemplates your request.
  4279. > “I… I could set up the meeting, no problem. Arryx has been itching to see you as it stands, she’d agree to it in a heartbeat. I just don’t want anything screwy to happen.”
  4280. > By which she means, she doesn’t want Nightmare to mess up relations and ruin her opportunity to free Discord.
  4281. > You still know what side of things Shade’s on, after all. And as helpful as she’d been, that side was certainly not yours.
  4282. > Or rather, it wasn’t Celestia’s. Discord was never your enemy, after all, but you suppose you’re required to support her decisions. And that means Discord stays in stone.
  4283. > You’d hardly be a fitting husband, otherwise. Siding with your wife’s immortal Godlike enemies seemed like a good way to end up on the couch forever.
  4284. > And not a particularly comfortable couch, at that.
  4285. “I’ll keep my cool, no matter what happens. Set up the meeting.”
  4287. > When you and Shade split, it seemed you were on good terms.
  4288. > Which meant things should be in place for the rest of the day. And judging by the guard change, you suspect you’re already running late for your chariot to Aetherium.
  4289. > Amazing how they still ran on time with the sun never moving.
  4290. > But that wasn’t important, a mad sprint through the castle halls was.
  4291. > It was all down to your agents, now. Hopefully they could get things done, and everything would be in order by the end of the day.
  4292. > The sun moving again, Luna safe from the magic which was driving her mad, potentially the Marcus situation under control when you found out about the reasons for his mass conscription..
  4293. > Gods, how wonderful would it be if everything went right?
  4294. > By the time you make it to the aerial takeoff platform, you’re already out of breath.
  4295. > Well, it was the entire castle away from the training yards you found Shadewing at.
  4296. > As you approach, you easily manage to spot your wife, what with her being nearly twice the size of all the other ponies and in quite the stunning dress.
  4297. > Briefly, it occurs to you that she must have solely dressed up to come visit Aetherium that first time. Perhaps trying to fit in with your culture to appeal to you…
  4298. > “Anon!”
  4299. > Looking away from your wife for a moment, you barely have time to catch the little ball of excitement as she barrels into you.
  4300. > It’s rather surprising, actually. Given the relatively tense dialogue you kept up with your other guards, how excitable she was.
  4301. “Hey there, Waves. Ready to go?”
  4302. > “I’ve been ready for a half-hour! We sent out a search party!”
  4303. > “We did. Because a certain somepillow found a way to escape me for a long period.”
  4304. > Looking up, you see Cel walking over to you as well. A search party, huh?
  4305. > Seems Equestrians can’t do anything right. The only human in Canterlot should not be that hard to find if he isn’t hiding.
  4306. “Well, I’m here now. See if we can’t get a search party to get the search party, and then off we go. To Aetherium!”
  4309. > “It’s actually rather nice to feel the wind in my hair, like this. It’s a shame I was such a coward about it last time.”
  4310. > You are Celestia, and you and your husband are currently en-route to Freemark, the capital of the Aetherite State.
  4311. > In the larger-than-usual Royal Chariot, at that. Substantially more comfortable than the one he had flown in on when you first brought him back from Aetherium.
  4312. > Unlike your usual personal chariot, the back of this one was open, with a railing at the front, rather than a seat.
  4313. > And he’s not sitting sickly in the chariot, this time, but instead standing at the forefront of it, staring out at the landscapes as they fluttered past below.
  4314. “One of the many perks of flying, makes me yearn for my wings to be fully working again.”
  4315. > You had a fair amount of control over them, but the strength was still sapped almost entirely, leaving you with the ability to move them but not fly.
  4316. > Especially for a pony of your size, it would take a lot of strength to fly.
  4317. > “I can imagine, it must feel… freeing. To be so detached from the world like that.”
  4318. > You hum, as you look over the side of the chariot at the passing scenery as well.
  4319. > Years ago, you had been terrified of that view. Used to give you a fierce sense of vertigo the first few years after ascending.
  4320. > But you got used to it, with time, as you did the rest of the changes which had come with becoming an Alicorn.
  4321. “You can never really escape the world, no matter how high you fly, Anon.”
  4322. > With that, he finally pulls his gaze away from the ground to look back over at you, a calm smile on his face.
  4323. > It’s almost weird to be seeing him outside without the armour you had forged for him, though he still had his sword belted to his side.
  4324. > “I’ll take that as a challenge, Cel. Maybe I’ll just have to learn magic so I can become a pretty pony princess and fly around as well.”
  4325. > You snort at the imagery of ‘Princess Anon.’
  4326. > You somehow doubt he has the mane for the role, it’s far too short.
  4328. “My dad visited me this morning, after you left.”
  4329. > At that, his eyebrow raises up, his curiosity peaked no doubt.
  4330. > It had certainly peaked yours when dad had deigned to poke his head into the room, ostensibly because he was worried about you.
  4331. > Though if he was truly so worried, you suspect he would have visited the second you got back to the castle.
  4332. > “I imagine that was a fun conversation, after our last encounter with him.”
  4333. > The bar, you recall. Whereupon you for the first time turned down one of his demands.
  4334. > It’s a sobering thought, really. Many of those ponies who stood up for you could be in dire straits because of the snowstorm.
  4335. > Seems like so long ago, though it was only by such a short period. Mere days, really.
  4336. “Yeah, he was a little tense. But he wasn’t outwardly hostile, just asking about how I was doing and if you were keeping a close eye on me. Didn’t apologize, or anything.”
  4337. > Anonymous, at that, pushed himself off the front-edge of the chariot and walked the short distance to where you were seated, at the side.
  4338. > Though instead of sitting right beside you, he sat on the back lip of the chariot, his legs hanging off it in the wake of the wind whipping past you.
  4339. > An action which he doubtless would have been terrified to do only days ago, yet now seemed to come naturally.
  4340. > Makes you wonder if he might be willing to fly with you someday…
  4341. > “Makes me wonder if he even knows about Luna’s condition, given how out of the loop he seems to be about the two of you.”
  4342. > You wince at the sentiment. While you and Luna were never on the best of terms with your dad by any stretch of the imagination…
  4343. > It still hurt to have it pointed out.
  4344. > Which is something you suspect Anon picked up on, as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you snug against his side.
  4345. > And you wrap a wing around him, holding him tight as well.
  4347. > “Cel, look over there.”
  4348. > Anonymous’ words pull you out of your little reverie.
  4349. > The two of you had largely sat together watching the landscapes and tiny Equestrian villages pass by beneath you for the better part of an hour, idly making conversation in between.
  4350. > You’d already hit your 1-off quota for serious conversation, after all, it was only fit that you talk about the natural beauty of your country.
  4351. > But at his comment, you follow his line of sight to see an aberration on the picturesque landscape of Equestria.
  4352. > What almost looked like a massive black swarm on the horizon.
  4353. > The Aetherite military. Your breath leaves your lungs at the sight of the immense size of it all.
  4354. “I’ve never seen so many humans…”
  4355. > And those were definitely inside the Equestrian border. Thousands upon thousands of them, crowded together, moving in a line in the direction of Pegasopolis.
  4356. > That’s far more than could possibly be needed to stop Cyclone. That’s an army unmatched by any in the world at present, you think.
  4357. > Apparently those mass-conscription rumors were true after all…
  4358. > “I’m a human, and even I’ve never seen that many of us. That’s an incredible force… and a very bad sign for what Marcus might intend with them.”
  4359. > It’s so odd to you the hatred Anonymous felt for his brother. On the two occasions you’d had to speak to him, the older prince had seemed perfectly cordial.
  4360. > But you suppose behind closed doors things were often very different.
  4361. > But that was irrelevant now, you could feel the discomfort coming from Anonymous. You imagine this must be pretty difficult for him to see.
  4362. > The potential for his race to turn against him in a snap decision. It was far easier for you to compartmentalize things given your relative lack of attachment to Aetherium.
  4363. > But if Marcus was truly underhooved, then Anonymous was going to be losing his people no matter who won.
  4365. > The two of you sat there for some time just watching the endless stream of humans.
  4366. > You were half-tempted to tell your escorts to redirect to over there, and get a bit more perspective on what exactly the situation was.
  4367. > But you knew the generals would doubtless have ponies keeping an eye out as it stood, and planning around it. And who knows what a particularly panicky human might do spotting you flying overhead when their enemies were the Pegasi.
  4368. > Could end up shot right out of the sky.
  4369. > “I wonder if Marcus is out in that field of humans, leading them someplace.”
  4370. > Well now, that’s a good point. If that were the case, it might put a bit of a damper on your visit to Aetherium.
  4371. > Considerable insight could be gained by speaking to an enemy, even if they weren’t being cooperative, the way they spoke would often betray details of their plans.
  4372. > A truth you had picked up over the past few years at court. Ponies, at least, often couldn’t help but betray their true intentions given time.
  4373. “If what you’ve said about him is true, then I can’t imagine him having the courage to do so. Especially as a regent lord, he would be playing a risky game.”
  4374. > Anonymous hums next to you, and you briefly break your line of sight as you spot the Great Earthen River pass by below you.
  4375. > Earth ponies did have the most… unique nomenclature for things. The picture of simplicity, much like they themselves were.
  4376. > And that’s totally not racist.
  4377. > “Seems that almost all of them are already in Equestria.”
  4378. > The river served as a sort of natural border between Aetherium and Equestria, as it had served as a sort of battle-line for the rebellion years ago.
  4379. > And there were almost no humans on this side of the river.
  4380. “Which means there’s no sense worrying. We’ll cross that metaphorical bridge when we come to it.”
  4381. > Finally breaking his view from the quickly-fading human military, he looks back over to you with a somber smile.
  4382. > Which, as was becoming usual, you attempt to fix with a kiss. With fairly good results.
  4383. > Made the somber mood a bit better, at least.
  4385. > “It’s so weird looking down at them from this high. I’ve visited that town there.”
  4386. > He’s pointing to a smaller village on the outskirts of Freemark, though you’re struck by a different detail all together.
  4387. > They’re empty. All of them.
  4388. > At least in Equestria, you could spot the little specks of ponies going about their everyday lives, even from this height.
  4389. > But all of the Aetherite towns looked… dead, frankly.
  4390. > Entirely barren of their populations. How in the world Anonymous’ brother expected to run a country after uprooting its entire population seemed ridiculous.
  4391. > Where were the farmers? An army can’t march on an empty stomach, much less a population return to a home with no crops to feed from.
  4392. > “Bit for your thoughts?”
  4393. > Breaking your stare from the little empty hamlets, you look back over to Anonymous, who has his eyebrow raised at you in curiosity.
  4394. > Had he just not noticed how empty they all were?
  4395. “Well, I was just noticing how there’s no one in any of the villages we’re flying over. They’re… empty.”
  4396. > Anonymous moves his hand up your back, to your scalp once again, and you lean into his ministrations.
  4397. > “Northern Aetherites are ruled mostly by some of our most Martial dukes. I would have expected them to start recruiting irrespective of Marcus’ wishes.”
  4398. > An interesting little factor… no doubt in response to the fact that your country and his were ostensibly mortal enemies.
  4399. “Holding the line against the Equestrian hordes? Makes me proud to see you feared us so much.”
  4400. > He smirks, bringing his hand down towards your flanks.
  4401. > “You know, Cel, given we’re going to be in Aetherium… I might need to consider invading Equestrian territory myself.”
  4402. > Your cheeks immediately light up at the dirty implications, and the little squeeze he issues. Was he finally going to…?
  4403. > It certainly completely changes the still-lingering depressing mood around you in a snap to one of crippling embarrassment, which you imagine was the intention.
  4404. “Anon, there’s other ponies-”
  4405. > “My princess! There’s a problem up here!”
  4407. > Hmm?
  4408. > Looking over your shoulder, you can’t spot what exactly they meant, but you do spot the look of supreme irritation on Anonymous’ face at his little flirt getting interrupted.
  4409. > Pulling yourself up, you shift around over towards the front of the chariot.
  4410. “What’s the… issue…?”
  4411. > Stars, you were not expecting that. Freemark…
  4412. > “Cel?”
  4413. > You’re rather stunned stupid by the scene, so much so that you can’t even gather the words to speak until Anonymous finds his way to the front of the chariot as well.
  4414. > “What… why would they…”
  4415. > Dragons. You couldn’t see very closely to see how many, but there were definitely a number of large ones along the walls of the city.
  4416. > But the city itself seemed mostly intact. There definitely hadn’t been a siege or anything, it simply was… covered with Dragons.
  4417. “We should turn around, right now. We can still reach the human army in time and tell them to turn around, and come liberate the city. Tailspin, I need you to begin-”
  4418. > “It’s too late for that, Cel.”
  4419. > Following Anonymous’ pointing finger, you’re rather stunned by what you see.
  4420. > Almost on cue, a number of Dragons have taken off from the parapets of Freemark into the skies, heading straight for your position.
  4421. > Dragons did have incredible eyesight, and it was a clear day…
  4422. > This wasn’t good. Not at all. There was no way your guards would be able to get your chariot away fast enough to escape those Dragons.
  4423. > “Defensive formation! Stick close to the chariot at all times, and cover the sides!”
  4424. > Your Guard Captain immediately leaps into action, putting your little retinue into a close flight with you and Anon, spears pointed outwards and moving more slowly.
  4425. > “Well, Cel. Seems your earlier idea was wrong…”
  4426. > You look over to him in confusion, and he looks back to you with a smile. A smile which is absurd in this circumstance.
  4427. “What?”
  4428. > “Seems like we’re both going to die, no one gets to marry Cyclone to end the war.”
  4430. > Stunningly, the Dragons didn’t actually attack.
  4431. > Though it had panicked your guards at first, the Dragons made no moves on you, simply flying a reasonable distance away by the sides of your chariot.
  4432. > They were steering you to the capital.
  4433. > “They’ve got us trapped… seems like they don’t want to kill us.”
  4434. > Indeed they do, you’re flanked on all sides by Dragons, though they do not seem overtly aggressive, simply gliding by the sides of your little convoy.
  4435. > Three Dragons, total. You had ten Royal Guards flying around you, two carrying the chariot, and yourself and Anonymous.
  4436. > “Marcus will pay dearly if this is a plan of some sort.”
  4437. > You suppose, if pressed, your guards could probably get the two of you out of there in one piece. The Dragons were not particularly large or powerful members of their kin.
  4438. > Though they were equipped with brilliant shining silver armor over their purple scales.
  4439. “They’re definitely Falwing… you can see by the markings on the armor.”
  4440. > The large flaming crescent moon of Falwing was proudly marked on the sides of their breastplates, easily visible from your vantage point.
  4441. > They’re far enough away that you can’t speak with them or be threatened by them, but close enough that you couldn’t escape if you wanted to.
  4442. > “Which means the Dragons down in the city are as well… but this doesn’t look like an invasion, especially not a Dragon one.”
  4443. > Which had been your thoughts precisely.
  4444. > Looking back towards the city, you can see Dragons spotted throughout the streets and along the walls, standing guard.
  4445. > There’s got to be something more to this… Marcus’ army was only a day’s march from here. How could the Dragons have possibly known when to strike like this?
  4446. > Anonymous seems to have the same idea in mind, biting his lip in frustration as he looks through the city streets of Aetherium as your entourage flies over it.
  4447. “Seems like coming here might not have been the best idea…”
  4449. > The Dragons guided you over much of the city itself, to the field before the keep where you had originally landed the day you met Anonymous.
  4450. > As much as you had wanted to fight against them, it would be meaningless. You wouldn’t escape them, and while it’s possible your guards could best them…
  4451. > Fighting defensively like that would limit their capabilities. It was unlikely they could escape this without paying a considerable price.
  4452. > “You would think they would just blow us out of the sky, why are they taking us into the city…? Are we not their enemies?”
  4453. > He had a point, really. If they wanted to kill the two of you, they would have scorched your entourage right out of the clouds.
  4454. > You hadn’t been prepared for Dragons in Aetherium. Your generals would have heard something if an invasion had started…
  4455. > And doubly so if the humans had fully evacuated their southern fortifications against Falwing.
  4456. “There’s something which reeks of deception here… I fear your brother’s plotting may be more sinister than expected.”
  4457. > If Marcus was behind this, then you’d have to teach him a lesson for it. Army or no army.
  4458. > The city still looks in impeccable shape, but it’s absolutely crawling with Dragons.
  4459. > Both some in armor, and some without, fulfilling what looked to be civilian roles throughout the city…
  4460. > Watching a giant, fearsome Dragon stand at a fruit stand seemed like the most ridiculous thing you’d ever seen.
  4461. > When you touched down in the artificial plateau that made up the Aetherite Royal Gardens, you’re struck by the appearance of the Dragon there to greet you.
  4462. > A priest, from the looks of it. An intricate headdress covering his entire head and face, masking his appearance, though he was very… purple, like the rest of the Dragons.
  4463. > And your carriage lands right before him, before your Dragon escorts fly off themselves, back to the castle walls.
  4464. > But as you and Anonymous step off the chariot, the Drake doesn’t move to capture you, instead bowing his head.
  4465. > “Welcome, honored guests of Aetherium. I fear we have little time for pleasantries, King Ares has requested your presence in the Throne Room at once.”
  4468. > “I apologize for the rather rude introduction of our guards, but I fear they don’t speak Unified Equestrian. And we needed a presence to ensure that the Dragons on the ground didn’t get spooked.”
  4469. > You are Anonymous, and you’re currently being led through the hallowed hallways of Freemark Hold, your childhood home.
  4470. > By a dragon who looked like a grape, and had a name which was impossible to pronounce.
  4471. “Can’t imagine how ten ponies and a human would manage to frighten your little entourage of dragons here. We’re hardly an invading force.”
  4472. > The dragon’s serene smile infuriates you more by the second.
  4473. > He had by and large insisted 'King Ares' would answer your questions, and was refusing to answer them personally.
  4474. > “I fear you have fallen prey to common misconceptions of our kin. We are not all hardened warriors, the commons would fear a foreign contingent of warriors in the skies.”
  4475. > You almost snort with derision at his statement. You’d noticed dragons working in menial tasks on the way in.
  4476. > But most of them were inappropriate for dragons. Operating market stands half their size...
  4477. “I’m not stereotyping dragons. I'm commenting on those who have occupied the capital of my country and are crowning a new king.”
  4478. > Potentially controlling a new king, at that. You’re familiar enough with how effective their mind games can be.
  4479. > But the new steward simply keeps on smiling, before speeding up slightly and detaching himself from conversation with you.
  4480. > Gods, you want to shove a sword down his throat already, something your wife notices.
  4481. > “You’re gripping your sword pretty tightly, Anon. Might not want to make too overt a threat right now.”
  4482. > Cel’s voice at your ear breaks you from your fuming rage at the condescending prick.
  4483. > Her wing wrapping itself tightly at your waist you, and holding you close-by at her side.
  4484. > It’s rather adorable.
  4485. “It’s my father’s kingdom, I can threaten whoever I please…”
  4487. > “Once upon a time, that might have been the case. But it looks like your father’s not in charge here anymore, and we’re foreign dignitaries.”
  4488. > You can feel a hot rage bubbling in your chest at the concept of being a foreigner in your own home. You were born and raised in this damn castle.
  4489. > And now you felt like a foreigner in it. It’s enough to drive you absolutely mad…
  4490. > Beyond even that, these fucking dragons seemed to think that this was their home now. It wasn’t their home, no matter how much they might wish it was.
  4491. > This was a human realm. They might be able to invade, and capture the city, but it will never remain theirs.
  4492. “This is my home, Cel… they shouldn’t be running it like this.”
  4493. > From the corner of your eye, you see Cel wince at your comment. You go to correct yourself, but find yourself unable to.
  4494. > This… this was still home…
  4495. > “I… I might not be able to replace this as your home, Anon. But as far as your family is concerned, your home is Equestria now.”
  4496. > A fact you were all too aware of. They had sold you off after all.
  4497. > It almost is enough to drive up your suspicions as to whether your father had been involved in all of this. Positioning you with the Equestrians knowing the turmoil it would cause.
  4498. “I know. But imagine what it would be like if I tore you away from Equestria to here, and you went home to find that Luna didn’t even come meet you. Left you in the hands of some foreigner ‘steward’ to guide you to a throne room you’ve visited a million times before…”
  4499. > There’s a pregnant pause for a moment, before she says something completely unexpected.
  4500. > “Well, I’d have you to latch on to when that happened. And I could probably use it to guilt you into doing disgraceful things for me.”
  4501. > Wide-eyed, you looked back to her to see a smile on her face. A little forced, but a smile nonetheless.
  4502. > Seems she’s gathering an arsenal of ways to distract you from your worries. Humor among them.
  4503. > You sigh, and try to let go of the tension, though you suspect your smile looks forced as well.
  4504. “Is that an invitation?”
  4506. > By the time your little entourage had reached the throne room, the mood had relaxed considerably. Cel had a remarkable talent for disarming tension, it seems.
  4507. > Even still, you’re filled with a sense of dread and trepidation as you approach the doors.
  4508. > The answers to all this madness lies on the other side, waiting your presence. ‘King’ Ares, your little brother who never had a political bone in his body.
  4509. > The ‘steward’ had the door cracked open slightly, and was talking to someone through that crack, ensuring the ‘court’ was clear.
  4510. > You cannot possibly imagine what the hell that meant. Aetherium did not operate court the way Equestrians did. Aetherites did not close their doors like this, pandering to an echo-chamber of privileged nobles.
  4511. > Apparently the dragons enjoyed the same pomp and puff that Equestrians did.
  4512. > “Now, when you enter the throne room, you must ensure that you-”
  4513. > You immediately tune the dragon out.
  4514. > It almost reminds you of your first day in Equestria, too. Cel giving you lists of things to do which every noble knows, thinking you so foolish you wouldn’t.
  4515. > Maybe dragon courts acted differently. But this was an Aetherite court, and the dragons could fuck themselves, frankly.
  4516. > If there’s a diplomatic crisis, it’ll be between you and Ares, the little brother who looked up to you like a God.
  4517. > He’ll forgive a little indiscretion.
  4518. “You’re speaking to someone who has been in that throne room more times than you’ve bathed in your life. Get out of my way, or I’ll go through you.”
  4519. > The dragon’s eyes widen at that, a phenomenon you weren’t sure could happen, but he does silently bow his head and step aside, allowing you and your wife to enter the Royal Court of Aetherium.
  4520. > And as the doors open wide, you're immediately struck by an ill-feeling.
  4521. > Here’s hoping things aren’t as bad as they feel.
  4523. > “Announcing, Prince Anonymous I of Equestria, and Princess Celestia I of Equestria!”
  4524. > Even just those titles rouse bitter thoughts from you, but you swallow them quickly. You had thought yourself over this issue…
  4525. > Hell, you were perfectly comfortable with Celestia and by and large the Equestrian public. Why did it feel so… dirty to be called ‘of Equestria?’
  4526. > As you walk through the doors, you’re awed by the sight.
  4527. > The room was chock full of Dragons in very fine, expensive looking robes, along with others in the same armor from outside. They stood all around the room in small groups, looking and pointing at you and Cel as you walk down the center of the room.
  4528. > As you move in, two of the guards move to either side of you, escorting you along the chamber.
  4529. > At the end, a sight you never thought you’d see. Ares, you little brother, sat on the throne, one hand on an elaborately forged sword and a crown crafted from bone atop his head.
  4530. > A lithe purple dragon sat on the side of the throne, her head nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
  4531. > You can even see her tongue lash out along it as you continue your stride, and you hide your disgust at the sight.
  4532. > Whispers are erupting from the theater as you continue imperiously forward with Cel towards the throne. And you can pick up on a few of them…
  4533. > “Is he going to inform the other prince?”
  4534. > “Is it possible we could face such misfortune… I had hoped they were mistaken.”
  4535. > “We may need to take drastic action…”
  4536. > Seems your arrival was of great concern to these… guests.
  4537. > Ares remains entirely silent until you reach the foot of the throne, staring down at you with a haughty look of condescension.
  4538. > A look you’d never seen on his face until now, and it holds solid.
  4539. > Until you stop your movement, and he gestures with a hand for the dragons walking alongside you to return to the doors.
  4540. > And a smile cracks through his stare.
  4541. > “Hey, Anon. Princess.”
  4543. > You’re momentarily struck stupid by the… banality of his greeting, given all the pretense which had built up to it.
  4544. > You were in what appeared to be a proper royal court… yet he addressed you so casually.
  4545. “Ares.”
  4546. > Getting up out of the chair, he starts walking down the steps towards you, his arms wide as though coming in search of a hug.
  4547. > It’s unreal, you feel like you’re lost in a haze of confusion.
  4548. > “You have no idea what a relief it is to see you after you’ve been gone for so long.”
  4549. > As he reaches you, you embrace him, though detachedly and without any real investment. Your heart remains unsure of how to react to this.
  4550. > It’s… almost haunting to see that crown on his head. How much he had changed in only the short time since you were last here.
  4551. > It’s almost sickening
  4552. “Ares… where is father? Why are you on the throne?”
  4553. > Pulling back from your embrace, he beams up at you, before gesturing to the large, slim dragon sat beside his throne.
  4554. > Purple, like the rest of them.
  4555. > “Father is in his bed, but unable to speak. His illness has gotten particularly bad, and it looks like Marcus is all set to take the throne.”
  4556. > As he walks up the steps back towards it, the dragon rises up to stand beside him as well, her long neck curving around to the other side of Ares as he turns to face you once again.
  4557. > And with a grand gesture to the court, he beams down at you with excitement.
  4558. > “But he won't. I’m going to push my claim, Anonymous. I’m going to become king! I won't let someone like him rule our people.”
  4559. > He… he intends to challenge Marcus. Using Falwing dragons to press his loose claim as a third-born…
  4560. > You’re conflicted. You don’t want to see Marcus rule, but…
  4561. “And you don’t think there’s enough civil war happening at the moment?”
  4562. > And at that, the dragon by his side replies instead.
  4563. > “Your war will be solved when Ares has the throne, prince Anonymous. This I promise you.”
  4565. > Female, definitely. That voice reminded you of one you had heard before…
  4566. > Close, but definitely not the same. And Nightmare’s scales had been gray, not purple, from what you can recall that one time you saw her in the shower.
  4567. > The drake seems to pick up on your curiosity, and answers the question you had pending on your tongue.
  4568. > “Arycastrasza. I believe your wife and I have been… introduced, once in the past. Only for a brief moment, however.”
  4569. > Looking over your shoulder, you can see Celestia’s scowl at seeing the dragon there. Clearly there was some history afoot that you didn’t understand.
  4570. > Looking around the room, the fact that they were all so alike suddenly made a lot more sense.
  4571. > “A pleasure, as ever, Ary. I do hope you don’t hold a grudge from our last encounter, I’m sure you can appreciate I did what I had to do.”
  4572. > Cel’s venomous words rather stun you, actually. So hostile so quickly to someone in a position of political power in her presence. She was usually a lot more politically inclined than you when handling sensitive situations.
  4573. > And given her earlier advice for you to calm down, she’s getting remarkably upset by the mere presence of this ‘Arycastrasza’.
  4574. > “I can assure you, ‘Tia,’ there are no hard feelings. We might be sisters-in-law soon, after all. It would be horribly inappropriate for us to be fighting when we’re meant to be helping one another…”
  4575. > Her comment sucks the wind right out of your lungs as you whip your head back around to look at Ares and the dragon.
  4576. > A blush on Ares’ face as she nips at his earlobe in plain sight of all the court.
  4577. “Ares…?”
  4578. > He sighs, his hand moving up to her jaw and tracing the outline of it with a finger.
  4579. > “She is to be my wife, Anon. My Queen.”
  4582. > “So, Tia… it’s been a while.”
  4583. > You are Celestia, and Anonymous and his brother have just left you to go visit his father.
  4584. > Apparently no one outside doctors and the royal family were being permitted into the room, which meant you were left outside the room.
  4585. > With HER.
  4586. “It has. Last time I met with you, I kicked your scaly hide out of Canterlot.”
  4587. > Ary laughs next to you, seemingly amused by the circumstance of the two of you being forced to talk while your husbands are busy.
  4588. > Stars, it’s like some sort of joke.
  4589. > “You did, you did. My, how times change, now you’re here in my castle and we’re civilly sitting next to one another.”
  4590. > An awkward silence settles between the two of you as you both sit on a bench, staring at the door to Anonymous’ father’s room.
  4591. > The Royal Bedroom of Aetherium, you suppose. It was a fairly plain looking door for such an important region.
  4592. “So we are. And I think it’s for the best we remain quietly, civilly sat beside one another without talking before one of us does something drastic.”
  4593. > You didn’t like her. While you and her hadn’t exactly fought…
  4594. > She had spent the entirety of your mission to defeat Discord taunting you. Targeting just about everything you had been insecure about as a teenage pony.
  4595. > Not to mention you’re currently not on the best of terms with Falwing Broodqueens in general.
  4596. > So you are perfectly content to just sit here, nursing your wound which was starting to itch under the bandage, and waiting for your husband to come out so you could leave.
  4597. > Once you were back in Equestria, maybe things could return to some semblance of normalcy.
  4598. > But you know the second her muzzle gets close to yours with a look of glee on it, that things were going to get irritating, and quick.
  4599. > So irritating your brother-in-law might lose his spouse early.
  4600. > “So, a little drake told me that the royal couple of Equestria still haven’t consummated their marriage.”
  4602. > You freeze up at her comment, and a blush instantly spreads across your face.
  4603. > Well, you and Anon had sort of… diddled. Or, well, he had done things for you. That kind of counted, right?
  4604. “I… I can’t imagine where you heard that. We have been intimate!”
  4605. > You can practically feel the grin on her face next to you, and it makes you want to blast her an entire kingdom away.
  4606. > “Intimate, perhaps. But still not gone all the way, I can tell. You can’t try and fool a lust dragon about these sorts of things, Celestia. I can always tell a virgin when I see one. Makes my blood boil just being around them.”
  4607. > You have no doubt your face looks like you’ve just swallowed a lemon. This was definitely not a subject you were comfortable talking about.
  4608. > But you suppose you should have expected no less from HER trying to be civil. It was pretty much the only thing she ever talked about.
  4609. > Even when you and her had fought years ago.
  4610. “My sex life is not any of your concern, Arycastrasza. I preferred the quiet.”
  4611. > At that, you feel her claw rise up under your chin, and you quickly knock it away with a hoof and scoot away from her.
  4612. > A scowl deep on your face, which was a stark contrast to the predatory grin on her own.
  4613. > “Tia, I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m trying to help you. I’ve heard all sorts of… interesting things from Arryx’s loyalists in the Falwing capital, and I want to make things better.”
  4614. > And now you were just about ready to throttle Anonymous’ guards when you got back home to Canterlot for their connection to Arryx. Spreading such things about you...
  4615. > When your magic recovered, you were going to throttle a dragon.
  4616. “Oh, and why should I believe you?”
  4617. > Her predatory grin only grows deeper at your obvious skepticism.
  4618. > “Because a lust dragon would never mess around with the prospect of trying to get someone else laid. It would just be a crime against everything I stand for if I didn’t help you here.”
  4620. > You narrow your eyes as you look at her, you can tell she’s getting really excited at the prospect. But dragons did tend to get excitable about their aspect.
  4621. > “C’mon, we need something to help us get past the old times. We can bond over finding some way to make your husband nail you.”
  4622. > Her crass language only adds to your unease at her proposition. Besides, Anonymous had already said he was intending to take things a step further…
  4623. > But then, he’d been making crass jokes like that since you met him, without actually carrying through.
  4624. “And what makes you think I’m not the one denying it to Anonymous?”
  4625. > At that, you see confusion overtake her features, which also confuses you. Why was what you said so-
  4626. > “Because you chose Anonymous, he didn’t choose you. I can’t imagine you would choose somehuman you weren’t attracted to.”
  4627. > O-oh.
  4628. > You bite your lip at that. Nopony was supposed to know that outside of you, your dad, and Anonymous’ dad.
  4629. > Everypony involved was worried Anonymous would resent you if he knew you had a hoof in choosing him.
  4630. > But somehow, she found out.
  4631. “That doesn’t mean I wanted to have sex with him…”
  4632. > “Then you wouldn’t be a very nice individual, now would you? After everything he gave up for you to deny the poor man like that… Ares can barely go a day without asking.”
  4633. > Well… that certainly makes you feel terrible.
  4634. > Anonymous hadn’t even asked once. In fact, you had been the one doing all the asking, even though Anonymous was notoriously sexual when he was here…
  4635. > He’d joked and prodded, but never seriously engaged with the topic. Yet his little brother was doing enough to sate a lust dragon.
  4636. “We’re… happy. We cuddle and kiss and everything…”
  4637. > She’s getting to you. You shouldn’t be letting her get to you, it’s what she wants.
  4638. > “But you want more.”
  4639. > But she’s right on every count, and you can’t help but fall for her bait.
  4640. “Yes, I do.”
  4642. > “Listen, Tia, you must have a certain allure to him or he wouldn’t have turned away Arryx’s offer.”
  4643. > Your lip-biting was getting a little harsh now, so you consciously stop doing it before you draw blood.
  4644. > You would really like Anonymous to come back out now so you didn’t have to keep talking to her. It was making you think about all the uncomfortable things wrong beneath the surface.
  4645. “I… he never heard your offer. His dad sent away your diplomats at my request before they could present an alliance offer, in return for a large sum of gold.”
  4646. > It was not one of your proudest moments, but the rationale was solid. Equestria would find no allies elsewhere. The Western Crystal Empire was the only other border-nation, and they despised you.
  4647. > But she shakes her head at your sentiment, which puzzles you.
  4648. > “Not that one, she made him another offer on your wedding night. When she stole him away from you, she offered him a chance to annul his bond with you.”
  4649. > And now it’s your turn to randomly switch emotions to being utterly baffled. When she…
  4650. “Stole him away…?”
  4651. > The dragon nods slowly, her grin retreating somewhat and a rarity occurring.
  4652. > A serious expression on her face.
  4653. > “Yes, though I suspect you still think your guards responsible for that. Arryx replaced your husband’s memories from before the arena when he rejected her offer, and then sent him there.”
  4654. > He… he did choose you too?
  4655. > But more importantly, that bitch was responsible for the horrific injuries Anon got in the North? For him almost dying?
  4656. “Why… why are you telling me this?”
  4657. > “I don’t have any love for my sister. I also don’t have any love for Discord, but I am quite well connected back in Falwing. And I… hope you will make the right choice when the time comes.”
  4658. > You once again break your gaze from her and stare out the window beside you, down on the city of Freemark.
  4659. > A city of humans and dragons, now.
  4660. “The right choice?”?
  4662. > You hear her rise off the bench, though you keep your sight locked down on the city.
  4663. > “When Marcus and Ares fight, both are going to want you to help them. The choice will be yours as to who wins, because I don’t command enough forces to match the entirety of Aetherium and Equestria.”
  4664. > The mass-conscription… it wasn’t for conquering Equestria.
  4665. > It was because he knew there was a threat to his claim, and intended to defend it. He’s not trying to intimidate Cyclone…
  4666. > He’s trying to intimidate you and Anonymous into siding with him against Ares.
  4667. > “It’d be silly to lie and say I’m not trying to get on your good side to win you over. But I do genuinely hope we can put the past behind us, and a good first step is letting me get your marriage consummated.”
  4668. > With that, you feel her tail wrap around one of your hind hooves, and tug lightly on it. It's fortunate she didn't accidentally tug on your injured one.
  4669. > Do you… should you indulge her? You would be indebted to her if she could help sure up your relationship with Anonymous.
  4670. > Finally breaking your gaze away from the city, you look back over to see the look of glee back on the dragon’s face. You bring your look of skepticism back into place.
  4671. “I… if there’s anything weird about this, I’ll find out about it beforehoof, I promise you.”
  4672. > She rolls her eyes at that, before tugging again on your hoof.
  4673. > “I told you, I would never play games with the prospect of getting a wife her marital entitlements. But it may require some work on your part, and I intend to help you learn the skills necessary.”
  4674. > There’s that heat in your cheeks again. Learning things like that, from a dragon whose aspect was lust nonetheless…
  4675. “I’ve already read plenty on the subject, thank you.”
  4676. > And at that, she barks a laugh at you.
  4677. > “The stuff in those books is never accurate. They’ll be a while in there, I suspect, and in that time we can get a lot done. Now let’s go!”
  4680. > Your father’s bedroom had always amazed you as a child.
  4681. > It was so elaborate, winding several floors, filled with bookshelves and fancy equipment. It looks just like you remember it.
  4682. > It’s a lot like Luna’s, utilizing that spacious Unicorn aristocratic interior.
  4683. > You are Anonymous, and you and Ares are… visiting your dad.
  4684. > Though it was a bit of a trek to get to where he was from the doorway.
  4685. “So… you’re getting married.”
  4686. > There was a thick tension in the air between you and Ares, of unanswered questions.
  4687. > After leaving the throne room together, much to the chagrin of the dragon nobles, the two of you had not really spoken.
  4688. > Especially with your wife glaring daggers at his the entire way here.
  4689. > “Yeah… I meant to tell you, but I couldn’t trust anyone with a letter explaining it. She contacted me right after you got sent off to Equestria.”
  4690. > Sent off. It’s such a weird thought.
  4691. > It’s almost like you expected life to just… stop moving here. For everything to stay static in your absence, with the exception of your brother.
  4692. > You almost can’t believe you’re in your dad’s bedroom right now. He never let anyone in here after mom… left.
  4693. “She’s… a looker, I guess?”
  4694. > Your attempts at conversation are almost painful, but you need something to break the silence.
  4695. > “She’s… attractive. To me, anyway. I know you don’t really like how other species look.”
  4696. > You can’t even keep the cringe off your face at his comment. Thank the Gods your wife isn’t here right now.
  4697. “Hey, now. I’m married to an Equestrian, I’m obligated to like them now.”
  4698. > Not to mention her sister the dragon who seemed obsessed with splitting up your marriage and fondled you in the shower. Seems you’re getting all sorts of attention from other species these days.
  4699. > Really didn’t help with your whole issue of getting used to finding things other than humans attractive when they all viewed you like their plaything.
  4700. > Including Cel, to some degree.
  4702. “So, how is it that you’re not removed from succession as well? I recall losing my claim when I lost the capacity to make a legal heir.”
  4703. > You weren’t particularly a scholar on Aetherite succession. You’d never planned on taking the throne yourself, as much as you hated the concept of Marcus having it.
  4704. > It always just seemed like an inevitability.
  4705. > The question, interestingly, puts a blush on Ares’ face, and a shy glance away from you over to a very interesting spot on the wall as you climb the stairs.
  4706. > Interesting…
  4707. > “Well, she can… well, dragons have this thing… One of her eggs is mine. Any species can, you know, with a dragon, because they’re naturally chaos-based.”
  4708. > You blink. And again.
  4709. > Well, Ares always did love reading. It would make sense he would know how dragon biology works. And chaos magic, at that.
  4710. > But still, he...
  4711. “What?”
  4712. > “Yeah… Ary can give me an heir, so… I can still inherit the throne with no problems.”
  4713. > … A halfling ruling the humans. You somehow doubt that’s going to go over well…
  4714. “That’s… interesting. Never thought I’d see the day you decided to have a kid. You’re still practically a kid yourself.”
  4715. > “I’m the king, now. It’s my responsibility to have an heir.”
  4716. > Ewwugh. That just sends all kinds of bad vibes down your spine.
  4717. > You really don’t want to carry forward this discussion. While you’d always complimented Ares on his impeccable game with the foreigners…
  4718. > Making one of them pregnant just weirdly made you feel sick.
  4719. > Fortunately, you’re saved from the dire circumstance of explaining to Ares just how poorly that could go by arriving at your destination.
  4720. > Your father’s bed. With someone you can’t even recognize laid in it.
  4721. > A man you had looked up to your entire life, the picture of a strong ruler. A perfect physique at nearly sixty years, never one to even haunch over when sitting on the throne.
  4722. > Now, practically a husk.
  4724. > The awkward air still held from your earlier conversation, but the dire picture before you somewhat cleared it.
  4725. > “He fell ill essentially right after you left. The magisters say it’s a curse, but my new allies have suggested he was poisoned. I don’t really know who to believe.”
  4726. > It certainly looks like a goddamn curse. His skin is blackened in splotches…
  4727. > Walking up to beside the bed, you’re struggling to keep composure. He doesn’t even seem alive…
  4728. > He doesn’t look like he’s breathing, his breaths are so shallow they barely raise the blanket.
  4729. “He’s… unrecognizable.”
  4730. > Ares sighs behind you. You have no idea how he can take seeing something like this so lightly…
  4731. > He was always the spoiled child. He should be fucking crying at the sight of this if you can barely hold them back.
  4732. > But he’s just standing there behind you, awkwardly shuffling on his feet.
  4733. “You seem remarkably calm.”
  4734. > The words come out shaky. You hadn’t even looked at him yet, but you could practically feel his reaction at the accusation. The meaning behind it is absolutely clear.
  4735. > But, of course, he has an explanation.
  4736. > “It’s a bit different when you’ve been dealing with it since the start, Anon. I’ve already come to terms with it.”
  4737. > Reasonable. But not something you would ever have expected your brother to say at such a sight.
  4738. > He was a damn bleeding heart. How did his get harder than yours in such a short period?
  4739. > “I- uh, hm. Want me to leave you alone?”
  4740. > You finally deign to look back at him, and he just looks awkward.
  4741. > Though you can see some sadness in his eyes. Sadness which is almost comforting to you right now. Made you feel less weak, and also less worried about Ares’ position in all this.
  4742. > Maybe it was just that he was already used to it. You could never see Ares involved in anything like this…
  4743. > You were being paranoid.
  4744. “Yes, please.”
  4746. “I… I don’t really know if I’m supposed to do something like this now. But… I don’t know if I’ll get to see you when things are all done.”
  4747. > It had taken you forever to say anything. You just sort of… stood there with him.
  4748. > Your chest is starting to feel like it stings, and you get lightheaded the longer you stare at his immobile body.
  4749. > You pick up his lifeless feeling hand, and entwine your fingers with his. It’s like lifting up bones.
  4750. “But, uh, I just wanted to mention that everything’s fine between me and Cel. You… you made the right choice, it turns out.”
  4751. > You’re not even sure if you’re telling the truth there. Things seem happy…
  4752. > Don’t focus on your problems, talk about something happier.
  4753. “I can’t believe Ares is marrying a dragon… I mean, I know we always joked around, right? But… but…”
  4754. > You hiccup. It’s getting… difficult to breathe properly yourself.
  4755. > You should just stop talking. It’s meaningless, and all it’s doing is upsetting you. There was nothing you could say to help this.
  4756. > But you can’t stop yourself now.
  4757. “Before I left… you told me never to forget who I am, and not to change. I think I failed on that front… I’ve changed quite a bit, even though it’s been such a short time since I left.”
  4758. > You swallow thickly, and wish you had a tissue. It’s getting difficult to talk more and more by the second. He didn’t deserve this…
  4759. “I guess-”
  4760. > A heave.
  4761. “I guess I let you down one last time.”
  4762. > He’d always called you the problem child. You’d earned the title of being the debauched prince of Aetherium over years of work. Years of embarrassing your old man out on the streets of Freemark.
  4763. > And you couldn’t stop doing it even once you were in another nation. He’ll never get to see you get things right.
  4764. > He’ll die thinking you divided a kingdom and called the banners of Aetherium to fix your problem.
  4765. “Goodbye, dad. Sleep tight.”
  4766. > And with that, you let go of his hand. And break down entirely beside his bed.
  4767. > You don’t know how long it was before Ares came back in to check on you.
  4769. > “He… he might still get better.”
  4770. > Your wives had left at some point, the hallway empty upon the two of you making your way back out of your father’s quarters.
  4771. > Which was fortunate, because when you had first left your father’s room you had doubtless looked terrible.
  4772. > But you had managed to compose yourself once you were out of the room. Mostly by keeping your mind distracted from him.
  4773. > It’s probably going to haunt you later. But you can’t deal with it right now.
  4774. “I… hope so. I wonder where our wives got off to.”
  4775. > Ares was offering you a platitude, and you were offering an evasion. Neither one of you really had any interest in tackling the big issues right now.
  4776. > You suspect you never would. Not with him, at least.
  4777. > To clear your minds, you and Ares had elected to take tea in the parlor together. It was a barren locale at the moment.
  4778. > Apparently the dragons didn’t much care for parlors, or something.
  4779. > “I… I uh… I could try and find Celestia for you, if she might make things better with some attention or something.”
  4780. > Some… attention.
  4781. > You give Ares a look which just screams ‘that wasn’t the right thing to say.’
  4782. > And he almost immediately picks up on it, looking down at his tea as he lifts it up to take a drink, then looking off to the side.
  4783. > Looking anywhere but you.
  4784. > Which provokes a sigh from you. You shouldn’t be taking it out on him, of course he would expect you and Celestia to be… comforting one another.
  4785. > You had always retreated into wine and women when you felt down.
  4786. “Not to worry, Ares. I can find Cel on my own pretty easily, and I’m sure you’re busy.”
  4787. > Loosely, you pull up the necklace with a finger, and dangle it before him. You’re certain he knew what you meant.
  4788. > And it seemed, fortunately, that Ares had business of his own to attend to.
  4789. > While you may not want the kinds of comfort Ares might think you were looking for, you could certainly use her to talk to.
  4790. > She could make you feel better.
  4792. > Searching through the castle, you’re struck by how foreign it feels.
  4793. > And not just because there’s dragons all over the place leering at you funny.
  4794. > The décor had changed since you were last here, you think. Subtle changes you can spot all throughout the castle you would never have normally noticed.
  4795. > The maids changed things regularly based on who was visiting the keep from neighboring countries, and when one borders the Accipi, you have a different dignitary each day.
  4796. > A natural consequence of having a hundred nations in such a tight union.
  4797. > But it still makes your unease a little worse as you follow the signals.
  4798. > The signals which, interestingly, seem to lead to your bedroom of all places.
  4799. > A room Celestia had never visited when she was here last, or at least as far as you know never had. Your father would have been a damn fool to show her the pigsty you called your sleeping arrangements if he wanted to pin you off on her.
  4800. > Which meant quite a journey from the parlor, a journey where you encountered the first human you’d seen since arriving in Aetherium.
  4801. > An older maid, though she said nothing to you when you passed her.
  4802. > You didn’t recognize her, either, which was odd.
  4803. > But you had simply moved on past, up until you finally reached your bedroom.
  4804. > And you’re confused by the emotional feelings you’re getting through the bond… embarrassment.
  4805. > … Surely the maids had cleaned since you had left, right? They wouldn’t have just left it in that state for your wife to see?
  4806. > Opening the door, you’re struck by perhaps the most fascinating sight you had ever seen. Something you would never have expected.
  4807. > Celestia had short hair, still in its pink state, and was laying on her back on your bed.
  4808. > It would be adorable if not for the other thing. The thing which made you suspect Ares’ wife was having an influence, given how sexual she had been at court.
  4809. > She had a riding crop in her mouth.
  4810. > “Hewo, Awon.”
  4813. “Hwow ware woo?”
  4814. > You are Celestia, and you have just begun the subtle art of seduction, and art which you have absolutely no idea how to do.
  4815. > You’ve been given an opening position and series of actions which are meant to guarantee you a newly sexual marriage.
  4816. > A position which apparently exposes your bits only enough so as to be tantalizing, and they would remain so because of the little tie at the base of your tail.
  4817. > You’re desperately trying to keep a blush off your face as you lay here, staring at a slack-jawed Anonymous with what you hope is a sultry expression.
  4818. > But to be fair, you have no idea if it’s actually coming across. You know you’re supposed to be biting your lip, but with the crop in the way, you can’t close your mouth all the way to bite it.
  4819. > “I’m… fine.”
  4820. > He speaks! And sounds…
  4821. > Definitely not fine. Which is both unfortunate and fortunate, because that means you can cheer him up with sexual intercourse.
  4822. > Sexual intercourse which you would hopefully get to soon. Your jaw is already beginning to hurt from having it propped open, and all the blood is rushing to your head.
  4823. > Well, it’s time to move on to the next level of your seduction, the sexy trot over to him.
  4824. > Slowly, you try to roll over so that you’re right-side-up on the bed, and you almost manage to make the switch entirely.
  4825. > But you’re still feeling a little lightheaded from spending a bit upside down, and don’t watch out for your injured hoof.
  4826. > Your injured hoof which accidentally moves at a horrendously wrong angle, causing you to gasp out in pain.
  4827. > A gasp which causes the crop to drop out of your mouth, which in panic you desperately bite forward to try and catch, missing by a hair each time.
  4828. > Until you eventually manage to fall off the edge of the bed into a clump at the base of it, snout-first, and ultimately fall on your back with a loud thump.
  4829. > And the back of your head on the wet part of the riding crop.
  4830. > Fuck, that hurt. Both your pride and your entire body.
  4831. > But much more so your pride. Apparently, you were so bad at seduction, you couldn’t even follow specific instructions from a lust dragon successfully.
  4832. > You fucking suck.
  4834. > “Cel! Are you alright!?”
  4835. > Anonymous was by your side in only a second, desperately trying to make sure you were ok, but you couldn’t muster the will to talk to him.
  4836. > You knew if you said anything, you were going to start crying, so you just kept quiet and stared at the ceiling while Anonymous panicked next to you.
  4837. > Trying to control your breathing. In, and out.
  4838. > “I’ll get help, just one second-”
  4839. “No.”
  4840. > The word comes out like a squeak, and you shuffle your hooves around your muzzle to cover up your face.
  4841. > Rolling back over onto your stomach, you wrap yourself up in your wings like a little cocoon, and desperately try to control your building heaves.
  4842. > “… Cel?”
  4843. > You feel his hand come to rest on your back, and you almost want to shake it off. If you had your magic, you would have teleported away by now.
  4844. > Keep it together… don’t cry over something so stupid…
  4845. > “It’s ok, Cel. It’s not a big deal or anything, stuff like that happens-”
  4846. “It is a big deal! I’m supposed to be able to cheer up my stallion when he’s down, and I messed it all up.”
  4847. > You can feel that he’s taken aback by that, his hand briefly leaving your back, but it quickly finds its way back, running up and down your coat gently.
  4848. > You’re making it worse, now he’s trying to comfort you, when you were supposed to be the one comforting him.
  4849. > You’re a terrible wife.
  4850. “I’m s-sorry, Anon. I just… I just…”
  4851. > You choke back a sob from your wing cocoon, and run your feathers along the bottoms of your eyes.
  4852. > They come away wet.
  4853. > “Sssh, it’s not a big deal, Celestia. I’m fine, I promise. I wasn’t particularly in ‘the mood’ anyway.”
  4854. > Well, that makes you feel a whole lot better. He didn’t want to fuck you anyway.
  4855. > As per usual.
  4856. > He’s also obviously still not fine. And you should be fixing that, but you have no idea how to recover from this nosedive of a situation.
  4858. > Eventually, he managed to coax you out of your protective little shield, and the two of you went to sit up on his bed.
  4859. > “So, Ares’ new wife put you up to this?”
  4860. > You’re still far too embarrassed to say anything, so you simply nod. Maybe this was her plan all along…
  4861. > Humiliate you in front of Anonymous and make things worse between the two of you.
  4862. > “Yeah, I thought there was something weird about her before.”
  4863. > Idly, you’re playing with your necklace ring, doing anything to distract yourself from actually having to talk or deal with the situation at hoof.
  4864. > If you didn’t fuck up, you might have been rutting right now.
  4865. > Gently, you feel his fingers make their way into your now-short mane, rubbing slightly at your ears through the hair.
  4866. > It would grow out with a simple spell, but you were stuck with it at least until you got back to Equestria…
  4867. > “Why did you cut your mane?”
  4868. > And the heat picks up once more in your cheeks.
  4869. “Your brother apparently mentioned to Ary that you liked short haired girls. And… it was meant to make… certain things easier.”
  4870. > He looks confused for a moment, before you open your mouth and gesture to it, making a somewhat gross gesture.
  4871. > At which point a sort of surprised recognition set into his features, and somehow you managed to make him blush and look away.
  4872. > “Oh.”
  4873. “Yeah…”
  4874. > Mares were supposed to do that for their stallions, right? Especially right before… more intimate things.
  4875. > And he had already done things exclusively for you. It seemed only fair…
  4876. > “Well, I guess I missed out, huh? A shame.”
  4877. > His little attempt at a joke sits heavily in the air between the two of you, neither of you wanting to really tackle the elephant in the room.
  4878. > Until your optimistic side decides that maybe you could salvage this.
  4879. > Maybe.
  4880. “We could… still do things, if you wanted. I could even just do things for you, with my mouth, or whatever.”
  4881. > Truly, the most sexy proposition in history.
  4882. > You are horrible at being sexy.
  4884. > The tension doesn’t seem to be disarmed at all by your comment, which only starts making you feel even worse.
  4885. > If everything you knew about the world was true, he should have leapt at that opportunity. But he didn’t, he’s just sitting there.
  4886. > Which means you messed up.
  4887. > “I… I don’t know how comfortable I’d be with that, actually.”
  4888. > And there’s the proof.
  4889. > It’s all you can do to look away as you cringe a little bit at the sentiment. You sort of expected that was a possibility, but…
  4890. > You sort of hoped otherwise. That he would actively want to… do things like that with you, not just kiss. You just wanted things to be like a normal marriage.
  4891. “Oh. Right, of course. I thought so, heheh, I just, yeah.”
  4892. > And there’s that crippling desire to teleport away, find a hole, and die in it.
  4893. > Maybe it would have been better if the poison had just run its course back in Canterlot, to save you from dying a far worse death here.
  4894. > “Some other time, maybe?”
  4895. > Some other time, yeah. Just like the last several times you tried to do anything sexual involving him that you initiated.
  4896. > One sexual experience in the totality of your marriage, and even then he only messed around with you.
  4897. > It almost makes you think he’s scared of letting you near his… thing.
  4898. “Sure, some other time. When… you’re feeling more up to it.”
  4899. > You tried, desperately, to make it seem like everything was fine with your tone in that.
  4900. > And you failed miserably. With a deep sigh, you feel Anonymous wrap an arm around you and pull you close against his side.
  4901. > Desperately, each of you try to find the words that would magically make things right, until eventually Anonymous seems to find them, and breaks the silence.
  4903. > “It’s not anything to do with you, I promise. I’m just… not in a good place right now.”
  4904. > Of course he isn’t in a good place, he was just visiting his dying dad. Which is why you thought you would do something to make him in a better place.
  4905. > But, of course, you assumed too much by how good things were going.
  4906. > “And… uh, well… I don’t really know how to describe it.”
  4907. > Raising a wing to his shoulder, you pat lightly.
  4908. “You don’t have to, Anon. I understand.”
  4909. > You can feel the sadness in him, and it’s doing that stupid loop thing again where the two of you are crippling one another with building depression.
  4910. > Stupid bond. It’s been nothing but trouble…
  4911. > “No, no. I do have to explain, or you won’t understand why. It… it has to do with when my mom died.”
  4912. > That breaks you out of your little spiral of self-loathing, at least a bit.
  4913. > Curious, you turn to look at him, and see him sort of looking defeatedly down at his hands.
  4914. > “I… when she passed, I toyed with a lot of girls to numb the pain. My dad always got on my ass about it.”
  4915. > He’s chewing on the inside of his cheek, something you noticed he did when he was nervous.
  4916. > Slowly, he stands up from the bed, and moves over to his dresser, opening up a small jewelry box on it.
  4917. > “Used to tell me I was… betraying her memory by disgracing the family like that.”
  4918. > A small silver necklace is pulled out from the box, the filigree chain not all that dissimilar from the ones you and him had around your necks currently.
  4919. > Lifting it up, he stares at the little pendant at the bottom of it.
  4920. > “Seeing my dad like that… well, it brought back some bad memories about that time. A lot of bad memories about times I disappointed him.”
  4921. > He drops the necklace back in the box, and closes it, still solemnly standing over by the dresser.
  4922. > “I’m sorry, it’s a stupid thing, I mean we’re married, right? It wouldn’t be like a disgrace of any sort. But I can’t shake this feeling…”
  4924. “Yeah, married…”
  4925. > And it’s obvious that he doesn’t feel like the two of you are married, then. He feels like you’re just another one of the girls he’s… done.
  4926. > Which is why he feels like being with you would be an insult to his mother, somehow.
  4927. > Stop it, Tia. You’re being paranoid.
  4928. > All that cuddling and kissing and good feelings were probably things he’d felt with a million mares before you. Err, human women, that is.
  4929. > He’d probably told them all he loved them too, when he was tired.
  4930. > This is not a good train of thought, there’s no value in it. But you can’t help but immediately start feeling negative about things.
  4931. > Several days of intensely life-threatening activity might do that to a mare, though. You were just stressed…
  4932. > “Listen, Cel. I, uh… I should probably go. I can tell I’m just making things worse…”
  4933. > No, he shouldn’t go. You should go, really, you were the one utterly failing to fix things here.
  4934. > But you’re not some social butterfly. You don’t know how to fix this.
  4935. “No, Anon… I’m sorry, I should be the one to leave. This is your bedroom and all, and I shouldn’t be making this more complicated for you when things are already so tough.”
  4936. > And once again, the two of you are in an awkward silence, standing in the room, unsure as to who should leave.
  4937. > So, for once, you take the initiative, and begin making your way out of the door.
  4938. > Maybe you could find some nook or cranny to cry your eyes out in.
  4939. > “Cel…”
  4940. > Stopping briefly at the exit, you look over your shoulder back to Anon, who looks positively heartbroken.
  4941. > “I’m sorry.”
  4942. > Forcing a smile into place, you give him a little nod.
  4943. “I am too.”
  4944. > And with that, you leave him in his childhood bedroom.
  4945. > So much for consummating that marriage.
  4947. ---
  4949. > “I am too.”
  4950. > You are Isthmus Waves, Solar-Praetorian to Prince Anonymous I of Equestria.
  4951. > And you’ve just watched your princess walk past you looking depressed.
  4952. > She didn’t even notice you, her eyes clenched shut, and her mane weirdly cut short.
  4953. > And… her tail tied up. Which almost immediately has you blushing and stiffening in your pose guarding the doorway.
  4954. > Princesses should not have kinks. It’s just… weird.
  4955. > You had been shadowing Prince Anonymous since your arrival, trying to look as unnoticeable as possible, and keep the dragons on their toes.
  4956. > Err, talons.
  4957. > You… sort of want to go after her, but you’re not sure if you should.
  4958. > Your first obligation was to-
  4959. > “Waves. Go look after Celestia.”
  4960. > Apparently the prince is a mind-reader.
  4961. > Snapping your attention back over to the door, you see Anonymous looking… well, not good either, though he’s clearly trying to mask it.
  4962. > He looks a lot worse than he did going in. And he didn't look good to begin with.
  4963. > It’s odd seeing your rulers have emotional struggles. They always seemed so… impervious to the world. Especially Anon lately, given how effectively he handled the attack on Canterlot.
  4964. > Heck, when his wife was dying, he stallioned up and ran out into a winter storm at high altitude. But now he just looks so helpless…
  4965. > As much as he bumbled sometimes when it came to food and whatnot, he was always either jovial or commanding. It's weird to see him like this.
  4966. > You wish you could cheer him up somehow, but you have orders. Maybe helping Celestia would cheer him up.
  4967. “Yes, my prince.”
  4968. > And with that, you take off after your other ruler.
  4969. > Hopefully by the time you managed to find her, you’d have some idea as to how exactly to ‘look after’ her. Right now you were drawing blanks.
  4970. > You don’t even know how to talk to Celestia. She’s been your princess for a lot longer than Anon, and is a lot more intimidating.
  4971. > Good luck, self.
  4973. > Apparently, Celestia must have broken into a mad sprint the second she rounded the corner, because she was completely missing by the time you got there.
  4974. > Nowhere to be seen. And so, you embarked on a journey to find her.
  4975. > It’s weird being surrounded by so many dragons, and the occasional human. You’d spent your whole life in Equestria.
  4976. > You’d never even seen a human before the prince, since you were born after they mostly moved to Aetherium.
  4977. > And… talking to either of them was still a little strange. Their accents were so thick you couldn’t understand a word of it.
  4978. > You imagine Anon was only clear because of his Royal status, but there’s some kind of regional dialect to the humans you come across that is barely comprehensible.
  4979. > And the Dragons you asked didn’t even speak Equestrian Common.
  4980. > But with excellent detective skills, you eventually managed to finagle together enough facts to steer yourself towards the kitchens.
  4981. > Which made sense, you suppose. Comfort foods were sure to be aplenty in a human pantry.
  4982. > Humans were a gluttonous sort, after all.
  4983. > But by the time you reach the kitchens, you can immediately tell that things are not quite as comforting as you were expecting.
  4984. > The air reeks of alcohol in the kitchen, which is odd given what an open space it is.
  4985. > As you move further in, trying to follow the smell, you eventually happen upon something you never thought you’d see.
  4986. > Celestia, Princess of the Sun, ruler of one of the strongest nations in the world, is laying in a puddle of alcohol, sobbing quietly, with broken glass on the floor beside her.
  4987. > Right at the exit to a cellar.
  4988. > Looks like she tried to raid their collection and tripped, spilling it all over the floor…
  4989. > Stars, that’s a weird picture. Princesses should not have kinks, nor should they ever be crying in a puddle of alcohol.
  4990. > There are many new 'should-never-happens' being established today.
  4991. “Princess?”
  4993. > She doesn’t respond immediately, just curling up more tightly into a ball.
  4994. > It would almost be adorable if it wasn’t so soul-cripplingly sad and confusing. You had never seen her look vulnerable before.
  4995. > “Go away.”
  4996. > Your body almost immediately reacts to her command, willing you to leave by sheer force of the authority in her tone.
  4997. > You’re surprised she could muster such an authoritative order in her state. But…
  4998. “Afraid I can’t, princess. The prince gave me orders to look after you.”
  4999. > Slowly, you start to approach her. You still have no idea how to handle this, given how volatile the situation could quickly become.
  5000. > You move up beside her, and sit in a dry spot, a small ways away from the shattered bottle. Vodka, you think it is.
  5001. > You would never have taken Celestia for a vodka pony. You’d only ever seen her drink the night Anonymous took her out to the Lower Quarter.
  5002. > Didn’t seem the sort to drink the heavy stuff, though. Did she even know what vodka tasted like? Surely somepony like her would prefer one of the wines or something…
  5003. > A sniffle brings your attention back to reality.
  5004. > “Tell Anonymous I’m fine, and that he doesn’t need to worry about me. You should be looking after him, he’s got a much more serious situation on his hooves.”
  5005. > Her sentiment briefly puts the image of Anonymous with hooves in your head, but you quickly shake it off. Focus, Isthmus!
  5006. “He might need me more, but he sent me to you, and I’m obligated to follow his orders first. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
  5007. > And so the standoff continues.
  5008. > You have no idea what ‘looking after’ entails, but you think it includes cheering up. Now how would you cheer her up?
  5009. > How does one cheer up their Goddess-Ruler?
  5011. > Well, one step at a time, you suppose.
  5012. > After getting Celestia out of the puddle of vodka and finding somepony to ask to clean it up, you and Celestia had headed out to find a bath.
  5013. > Much to her consternation, as she continuously maintained that she was fine and could care for herself.
  5014. > You had picked up a bottle of wine anyway, just in case you needed the backup. You have absolutely no idea how effective you could be at handling a depressed princess.
  5015. > She got much more depressed when you noted the tail-wrap she had on, and helped her cut it off. She really didn’t like the thought of walking around with that.
  5016. > Not many ponies can say they’ve removed bondage gear from an Alicorn. Chock that up on your resume.
  5017. > You had even taken the blame for the broken bottle, to save face for the princess.
  5018. > The princess who was mostly quiet as the two of you followed a human maid to a private bathing room. It’s weird how few and far between the human staff are for the capital of the Human homeland.
  5019. > By the time the two of you managed to make it to the bath, and had the maid dismissed, Celestia looked like she was ready to just keel over.
  5020. > But, like a good… er, well, servant you guess, you got bath water running and started arranging all the toiletries for a proper bath.
  5021. > It’s… a little mind boggling how many different shampoos and things there are. It’s a diplomat’s chamber, after all, so it has stuff for various different species.
  5022. > How is scale polish different to hoof polish? What are scales even made of?
  5023. > Madness. But there are Equine products, thank the stars, which you start lining up by the tub.
  5024. “Well, there’s all the stuff. Didja want me to give you a helping hoof with getting clean, princess?”
  5025. > Always better to ask. One time you got in the bath with a Gryphon just assuming it was fine, and she clawed you so bad…
  5026. > “I… would appreciate it, if you wouldn’t mind.”
  5028. > “Isthmus… you know a bit about me and Anonymous, I would imagine. Am I a bad wife?”
  5029. > Oh. Well, that’s not a comfortable question to answer.
  5030. > You’re scrubbing the side of Celestia’s coat right now. It was a pain to strip off all your armor, but she wasn’t used to using her hooves for everything.
  5031. > She tried for like, three minutes to get the shampoo bottle open before you seized control. So now you were lathering her up.
  5032. “Of course not, princess. Can’t imagine why you would think otherwise.”
  5033. > You have absolutely no idea if Princess Celestia is a good wife. You can’t even really picture her in that light.
  5034. > You’re having a hard enough time believing that you’re washing her coat right now. Like it should automatically clean itself at all times.
  5035. > “I’ve… been a bit of a burden on Anonymous. And continue to be.”
  5036. > This vodka stain will just not come out of her fur… maybe if you use a different shampoo.
  5037. “He doesn’t seem to mind much. I think he likes playing the hero, just a bit.”
  5038. > She hums, and once again goes silent as you rinse out the original shampoo, and start working in the new stuff.
  5039. > Oh yeah, getting results. You could be a professional princess washer.
  5040. > “We still haven’t had sex.”
  5041. > And there goes any hopes you had of this conversation staying remotely normal. The princess should not have sex…
  5042. > She’s supposed to be some sort of amoeba who reproduced by spores.
  5043. “O-oh. Well, uh, neither have I, so you’re in good company?”
  5044. > That was the stupidest response possible, Issy. Get it together!
  5045. > It seems to cheer up the princess a little bit though, as she chuckles slightly before closing her eyes.
  5046. > “I’m sorry, Isthmus. You probably didn’t want to hear that about me and Anonymous. It’s just… nevermind.”
  5047. > You REALLY don’t want to push for details about the intimate activities of She-Who-Moves-The-Sun, but…
  5048. “I don’t mind, if you need somepony to talk to. I won’t judge.”
  5049. > Pulling out Celestia’s wing, you start assessing the damage. They were absolutely soaked right through with the pungent alcohol.
  5050. > This was going to be tough.
  5052. > “W-well… have you ever had a colt-friend?”
  5053. > That’s already a rough one. You didn’t want to seem like a lonely mare, but…
  5054. “No, not really. Had a sort-of-kind-of one when I was just a filly, but moved to Canterlot from Symphonica before anything serious could develop.”
  5055. > That was a weird transition. But… it was probably for the best. Back home you would have ended up some sort of house mare.
  5056. > Here, you had the chance to be somepony. Somepony responsible for protecting Royalty.
  5057. > “I… never even had that. When I was little, we were always on the run, because my dad was part of a group of ponies plotting to overthrow Discord. I had a fiancé, but we barely spoke.”
  5058. > Everypony knew those stories, but it’s weird hearing them from Celestia herself.
  5059. > Like talking to a fictional character.
  5060. > “I grew up pretty exclusively with Luna, only interacting with other ponies to… boss them around. So I have absolutely no idea how to deal with colts.”
  5061. > You could see where this was going, and you’re in over your head.
  5062. “I’m afraid I won’t be much help there, princess. I-”
  5063. > “Please, call me Celestia. It won’t bother me at all.”
  5064. > Super uncomfortable. After years of having ‘YOU SERVE THE PRINCESS’ drilled into your head, her name was almost irrelevant.
  5065. > But, you had to try.
  5066. “Ok, Celestia. Well, I don’t have much experience with them either. When I moved to Equestria, we were sort of outcasts…”
  5067. > You really should not be boring Celestia with your life story.
  5068. > But, she seems intrigued. And it’s not often you got to share it. Plus it seems to be relaxing her quite a bit, you can feel the tension coming out of her wing as you talk.
  5069. > Maybe that’s all she really needed. Somepony to talk to, who she didn’t feel obligated to please.
  5071. > “Well, I kind of like the idea of that sort of thing. The first time we… messed around, after that night out at the bar, he was really domineering. Luna seemed to think it was a human thing.”
  5072. > Well, the awkwardness had largely evaporated between the two of you.
  5073. > A natural consequence of being two of only a few Equines in a distant land with few others to relate to, you suppose.
  5074. “I could see that. Humans are sort of imposing anyways, I can imagine why that might get… exciting. Especially with somepony like the prince.”
  5075. > When you had finished washing Celestia’s wings and coat, the two of you had just sort of lounged out in the warm waters.
  5076. > It almost made you worried that you were… polluting your princess, by your presence in the bath right now, given the subject matter.
  5077. > You’re feeling a little bothered, but you hope it doesn’t show.
  5078. > “Yeah… but I’ve been the one making all the advances. Tartarus, today was like a repeat of our wedding night, only I’m the one who left the room. All I need is for you to kidnap me off to some arena someplace and it’s all full circle.”
  5079. > You’d only really picked up on bits and pieces of the situation with Anonymous’ disappearance on their wedding night.
  5080. > You knew he had ended up fighting in the pits in the North, and getting badly wounded.
  5081. “I imagine that would be enough to drive any mare to drink, at least a bit.”
  5082. > The princess is using perhaps the most amusing method of drinking wine you’ve ever seen, tipping the glass off the side of the tub into her mouth.
  5083. > She said she didn’t trust herself holding it with her slippery hooves.
  5084. > “Dad always told me never to drink alone, but I was about to break that rule when you found me. When I dropped that bottle though… that stuff smells horrible.”
  5085. > Well, when you’re a fancy-dancy princess, vodka probably would seem terrible.
  5086. > Weak-flank Royalty, can’t handle a proper drink.
  5087. “Yeah, it’s pretty strong.”
  5089. > “Now… you probably really should go find Anonymous. He’s going to be a lot worse than me, and I don’t know if he has anypony to talk to.”
  5090. > Your little chat with the princess had drastically changed your perspective on her, really.
  5091. > Made her seem a little more… Equine. Like she had problems that weren’t world-ending monsters rampaging or civil wars.
  5092. > She had insecurities and problems like every other mare. Surprisingly normal ones, too, like about the length of her tail and how her cutie marks were very slightly off-alignment.
  5093. > Yours were too, but you’ve got armor covering them to make up for that.
  5094. > “And of course, everything we discussed must remain of absolute secrecy. Am I understood?”
  5095. > But, she could still intimidate when she wanted.
  5096. “Yes Ma’m!”
  5097. > Immediately entering soldier mode, you snap a salute to her and stand stock-still, your armor still only half-way back on and clattering off with the motion.
  5098. > But her stern expression melts almost instantly into a warm, caring smile.
  5099. > “Good. I’m going to track down the Captain and talk about our plans to head back to Equestria. You find my husband and… cheer him up like you did for me. Maybe run him a bath as well.”
  5100. > Leaning down to pick back up your chestplate, you give a little sound to the affirmative.
  5101. > “And Isthmus…”
  5102. > Looking at her curiously as she stands in the doorway out of the bathroom, she gives you a wink.
  5103. > “I’ll find you a colt when we get back to Equestria. Shouldn’t be hard with a recommendation from the princess.”
  5104. > W-what? No, that’s just…
  5105. “Princess- er, Celestia, you don’t have to, I mean-”
  5106. > And the door shuts behind her as she exits, you still half in your armor and unable to pursue.
  5107. > Oh, stars. This could only end horribly. How were you ever supposed to measure up to the recommendation of princess Celestia?
  5108. > You can focus on that later. For now, find Anonymous.
  5109. > If he’s half as bad as Celestia was, he might be getting trashed even worse given the dad thing.
  5111. ---
  5113. > Well, finding the prince was not as easy as finding the princess.
  5114. > Apparently, he had left the castle entirely, which meant you needed to explore the city of Freemark to find him.
  5115. > A city riddled with big, terrifying dragons.
  5116. > Dragons who could easily eat you up in only seconds, and doubtless were not feeling particularly keen on Equestrians.
  5117. > There were always tensions between your races.
  5118. > “I’m fearing I’m not knowing, pony. Fallyroc nar Ilteth.”
  5119. > You have no idea what the second portion of that comment means, but you suppose that it was yet another dragon who had no clue how to speak Equine properly.
  5120. > This city was far too big to find the prince in, especially given that there were still a few humans around.
  5121. > Walking back out of the tavern, you sigh before taking back off into the skies.
  5122. > You’d checked all the taverns just in case, but you’d had no success in finding him getting plastered anywhere.
  5123. > Could be in a hole-in-the-wall type place, would seem appropriate given it’s his home town, but you have no idea if you could track that down…
  5124. > Setting down on the edge of a spire, you peer around the city.
  5125. > The princess would be deeply upset if you didn’t find him. And the prince will be deeply upset if you’re not with the princess.
  5126. > You might just be the teensiest bit screwed.
  5127. > But… you still wouldn’t give up. There were humans throughout the city, just… they were scarce. Mostly really young or really old, but still.
  5128. > Surely one of them would have some clue where their damn prince went. If you saw Princess Celestia walking through Canterlot looking all mopey, you’d take notice.
  5129. > Maybe. She had snuck her way down to the Lower Quarter without being recognized that one time.
  5130. > Freakin’ Royalty, being a pain in your flank all the time.
  5131. > Why can’t they just wear some sort of bright flashing light?
  5133. > Eventually, you managed to get tipped off to where he might be.
  5134. > Something called a ‘juice bar.’ Sort of like a tavern, but one which served non-alcoholic drinks.
  5135. > Maybe he’s not quite as beaten up about all this as the princess was? He certainly always seemed like a big rock.
  5136. > Besides, he was never the one who got shot down for sexual things. He was the one doing the shooting down.
  5137. > You know that sting of rejection better than most. Being a Thestral in Equestria proper ain’t easy, and stallions are...
  5138. > Well, you’re a little stronger than most stallions. It’s intimidating, you understand.
  5139. > But you always try to keep upbeat. That was the solution to most everything, a positive outlook!
  5140. > When you finally got to the place the prince was supposedly hiding out at, your wings were killing you.
  5141. > Both the excessively long fly all the way to Aetherium, and the rapid speed flying around the city had exhausted you beyond all belief.
  5142. > But now, you could find Anon, make him go back to the castle, and he and the princess can make up.
  5143. > And then rut. Maybe.
  5144. > You somehow doubt a lowly little peon like you could fix up your rulers’ marriage issues, but you could damn well try!
  5145. > Or you ain’t Isthmus Git-er-done Waves!
  5146. > Ooh-rah!
  5147. > With a confident charge, you slammed open the door to the little bar, and almost immediately your confidence vanished.
  5148. > This place is filled chock full of attractive human females.
  5149. > More human females than you had seen anywhere in the entire city, all scantily clad… almost like prostitutes.
  5150. > Sweet Sun, you hope you didn’t just stumble into something really bad. You have absolutely no idea how you would handle this if he was… occupied.
  5151. > Rulers shouldn’t be allowed in juice bars!
  5153. “Sorry, pardon me, excuse me…”
  5154. > It was packed, nearly shoulder-to-shoulder, throughout the room. But eventually you managed to break through the dense crowd and out the other end of it.
  5155. > The humans would not stop staring at you as you did it.
  5156. > To a little enclosed area with what looked to be a public bath. Though there were no humans bathing in it… just sitting around in the water.
  5157. > It’s rather fancy looking. But you still can’t see the prince around anywhere.
  5158. > There’s a few other males mixed in here and there. You’re guessing these were all the humans who were wealthy enough to buy their way out of the draft.
  5159. > Or at least a lot of them. You’re surprised so many more mares were able to do it than were men.
  5160. > You feel positively tiny here. Humans are way too tall.
  5161. > “Can I help you?”
  5162. > Turning around, you see a red-headed human mare in… well, armor. Definitely some sort of guardhuman, though you would think they would all be in the army going to Equestria right now.
  5163. > She does not look pleased to be seeing you here…
  5164. “O-oh. Hello.”
  5165. > Damnit, Waves! You’re a Royal Guard! A Solar Praetorian at that!
  5166. > Act like it!
  5167. > “Hello. What is it you want here?”
  5168. > The outright hostility is a little disorienting. You’re used to being… disliked, obviously. Not many liked your type.
  5169. > But this was aggressive. Like she wanted to pick a fight.
  5170. “I’m looking for my charge, Prince Anonymous. I was told he was here.”
  5171. > Her frown only deepens at that, and she gestures towards the door where you came in.
  5172. > Is he not-
  5173. > “He’s busy. Go back to your princess in the castle and keep her company. He’s plenty fine here without your intervention.”
  5174. > You can feel anger building in your chest at her obstinacy. He was your charge! What right did she have to tell you to go away?
  5175. > You would not give up without a fight.
  5177. “He can tell me to go away, but not you. Show me where he is.”
  5178. > You put an edge of danger in your voice, but the human looks unimpressed.
  5179. > You need to make sure the prince isn't making a horrible mistake, no matter what.
  5180. > But...
  5181. > You really didn’t want to fight here.> “He’s my charge while he’s in Freemark, Equestrian. Leave, before things get bad.”
  5182. > Weird. For the first time in your life, somepony called you an Equestrian. And it didn’t have the lovely feeling you were expecting.
  5183. > The human mare’s hand falls to her hip, resting on the pommel of a blade.
  5184. > The rowdiness of the room seems to almost immediately dissipate in the wake of her threat.
  5185. > Suddenly, you feel rather small, surrounded on all sides by humans.
  5186. > Humans who probably didn’t like you very much.
  5187. > But you can feel yourself getting defensive against your will. Body shifting lower, a snarl on your muzzle.
  5188. “It is my duty to see to his health. I will not leave.”
  5189. > If she wanted to fight, you would fight. A proud knight of Equestria would not back down before some rabble-rousing human.
  5190. > From a hundred rabble-rousing humans, if need be!
  5191. > As she pulls her sword from her sheath, your spear unfolds from your side with a twitch of your wings.
  5192. > It’s an impressive blade. But it means little in the hooves of an unskilled fighter.
  5193. > Though, you have no idea how to fight a human. But you’ve always been a quick learner.
  5194. > And it can’t be too hard, right?
  5195. > Slowly, the two of you start to circle, looking for an opportunity to strike.
  5196. > And right as the two of you are about to clash, an authoritative voice rings out, although with less-than-proper words.
  5197. > “What the fuck are the two of you doing?”
  5199. > Within a split second, you spear was folded back up under your wing, the human’s sword was in it’s sheath, and the two of you were looking innocently away from one another.
  5200. > “Nothing, Anon!”
  5201. > Looking back at him, he’s got his arms folded over his chest, an angry expression on his face.
  5202. > You feel like you might be in trouble, but she started it!
  5203. “Just hanging out, An- er, my prince. Prince Anonymous.”
  5204. > That sounded really weird. It’s difficult to act casually while talking to him.
  5205. > As much as he had insisted on talking casually since forever now.
  5206. > Anonymous looks thoroughly unconvinced. But then, you suppose you and this other individual were just about to fight one another to the death.
  5207. > Probably not the best introduction for an Equestrian Royal Guard to make to the remaining human population of Freemark.
  5208. > “… Let’s go back to the lounge, Felicia. You can come along, Waves.”
  5209. > It’s really hard to keep the grin off your face at the little look of indignation the human gets on her face at that.
  5210. > That’s right, whorse. You’re his guardian, she’s got no business acting all protective.
  5211. > The room is still dead silent as you, Anonymous, and this ‘Felicia’ slowly walk out into the little public bath area, past the stunned spectators who had stopped all of their fun.
  5212. > Don’t blush. A Royal Guard does not blush, even when she has done something embarrassing.
  5213. > You think you manage to successfully keep it off until you make your way into a small separate room.
  5214. > And as Anonymous closes the door behind the three of you, the crowd outside almost immediately breaks out into raucous discussion.
  5215. > No doubt discussing your little scene.
  5216. > With a sigh, he turns away from the door to look at you.
  5217. > Sadly to see you and Felicia looking away from one another angrily.
  5218. > “Mind telling me just what the hell that was?”
  5220. > “I can’t imagine why the two of you would do something so colossally stupid. I’m supposed to be the idiot here.”
  5221. > Anonymous pours you a weird, green drink, and slides it across the table to you in a mug.
  5222. > It smells… very sweet.
  5223. > And tastes so excessively sweet, you have to stop after only a single sip, and desperately try to fish the ice out for relief.
  5224. > Stars that’s horrifying!
  5225. > “Sorry, Anon. You said you didn’t want to see your wife, and I couldn’t be sure she wasn’t somewhere nearby this… woman.”
  5226. > Woman! That is the term for a human mare. Weird how they named them after the males.
  5227. > You had been trying to remember that since you arrived here, but were too embarrassed to ask.
  5228. > But as your mind slowly manages to parse the full sentence, you look over at the prince wide-eyed.
  5229. “You don’t want to see the princess? But… I thought you were the one who…”
  5230. > He grimaces a little, before knocking back an entire mug of the sickly green drink.
  5231. > “No, Waves, I don’t. Not right now, anyway… I’m having fun here, and I need a bit of that right now. Or I was before the two of you decided to try and kill one another.”
  5232. > He leans back in the seat, and runs his hand through his hair with a sigh.
  5233. > Well... that's a little upsetting. You ruined his relaxation, and he doesn’t want to visit his wife.
  5234. > Equestria kind of depended on them working things out right now.
  5235. > “I’ll go see her when I need to be responsible again, to handle things with tact. I’m not built for responsibility, and handling Celestia and you guys is probably the biggest responsibility I’ll ever have. I… need a break. For a little bit."
  5236. > He… he sees the princess as a responsibility?
  5237. > Most ponies would see being married to her as an enormous privilege.
  5238. > But then, he did also say ‘you guys.’ Maybe it’s just… looking after all the ponies that bugs him.
  5239. > That cut deeper.
  5240. “I’m sorry you view us as such a burden, my prince.”
  5242. > He looks surprised at your comment, and Felicia looks outraged.
  5243. > “You know damn well what your kind have done to him, don’t pretend-”
  5244. > He holds up a hand in front of her, and she stops immediately, looking at him with confusion.
  5245. > With his other hand, he reaches up and yanks your golden helmet off, exposing your mane.
  5246. > You feel a little naked, now.
  5247. > “Sorry, Waves. I’ve been sharing stories from my time there with Felicia, and I imagine you know by now none of them are terribly pleasant.”
  5248. > Well, there was the time all of you visited the Lower Quarter…
  5249. > But apart from that, you suppose it has mostly been struggle and strife. Civil war going on, and all that.
  5250. > Kidnappings. The usual.
  5251. “I… guess. I just didn’t think you thought of it that way. You always took it in such stride.”
  5252. > He chuckles lightly, and you watch as Felicia elects to down her own drink as well.
  5253. > Humans are weird if they think that tastes good…
  5254. > “I’m only human, Waves. I’ve just sort of been going with the flow, tackling things as they come. But that’s because I’m detached from the politics.”
  5255. > He stops for a moment to consider, before continuing.
  5256. > “I’m… not detached from Celestia. If I screw up things with her, there’s a bigger price than there is for anything else. The ponies won’t accept me anyway, I’m not an Equestrian, but Celestia has.”
  5257. > His hand is idly playing with the feather necklace he’s wearing as he says it.
  5258. > From the sounds of it, Celestia didn’t have that sort of eternal patience either. Perhaps they had unrealistic expectations from one another…
  5259. > Then again, they are basically divine Sun-Gods. Anonymous became one when he sealed a bond with Celestia, as far as ponies are concerned.
  5260. > Loyalists, anyway.
  5261. > And you were nothing if not a loyalist to the Equestrian crown, even if you were sort of a foreigner.
  5263. “You’re not only human anymore, my prince. You share a spirit with Celestia, you are no less Equestrian than her. Heck, you’re more Equestrian than I am, even if you don’t always feel like it.”
  5264. > You mean it to be supportive, but you don’t know if it had the intended effect as Anonymous redirects his view back down to his empty mug.
  5265. > You don’t really know how bonds work, most non-Unicorns didn’t really fully understand them. But that’s how all the fairy tales talked about it.
  5266. > You hope it’s like that. They seemed like a good enough fit for each other.
  5267. > “I’ll keep that in mind. Would you get us another round, Felicia? And something different for Waves, I don’t think she likes it.”
  5268. > Felicia gets up from the table with a bit of a sneer, and makes her way out of the room. To be fair, you sneered at her too.
  5269. > What? It’s only fair!
  5270. > “I swear, the two of you are like children. When did this whole dynamic change so thoroughly?”
  5271. > You look at him with confusion. He always…
  5272. “You’ve never seemed immature to me, my prince. You might have been… laid back, but you’ve always carried yourself with dignity.”
  5273. > He bats one of your ears at that, and it flicks back at him.
  5274. > The whole room suddenly feels weird, the sounds are all wrong.
  5275. > “Now you’re just being a liar. The first time we met, I was trying to make food for my wife and couldn’t do it on my own. Not the situation a mature man faces.”
  5276. > Well… that was a little silly.
  5277. > Anonymous and Celestia really need to stop destroying your impression of them like this. You thought he was just being friendly with that whole thing.
  5278. “If you say so, my prince.”
  5279. > And with a grin, he nods as Felicia returns with a tray of ominous looking drinks.
  5280. > “That’s right. Now, let’s see if we can find you something you like…”
  5282. > You aren’t quite sure what to make of the situation, but eventually you managed to find one of the human drinks that was tolerable.
  5283. > It feels almost like you’re on leave, which is surreal after spending the rest of the day in a city which appeared to be under martial law.
  5284. > This establishment is like an island of sanity amidst a sea of turmoil that is the city of Freemark. The only place the humans seemed… comfortable.
  5285. > “So… you’re Anonymous’ new guard.”
  5286. > The presence of Felicia at your side almost makes you jump up and into the water. You really need to deal with getting spooked.
  5287. > Anonymous is out in the public bath thingy, though apparently it’s not for bathing.
  5288. > Like a fountain humans are allowed to swim in. Equestria ought to have more of those…
  5289. > But you suppose humans don’t have the shedding issue to deal with.
  5290. “I am one of them, yes. And you’re his old guard.”
  5291. > There’s a weird sort of competitive spirit burning in you every time you see her.
  5292. > But, on balance, you suppose you already beat her. He’s YOUR prince now, after all.
  5293. > “One of them, the other’s protecting his brother now. He still impossible to keep up with?”
  5294. > You smirk, flexing out your wings with a stretch to their full mast.
  5295. “You humans are a lot easier to keep up with when one has these babies.”
  5296. > She lets out a forced chuckle, before taking another swig of her drink. You… aren’t sure if you can finish off yours.
  5297. > “I imagine, he used to outpace us all the time.”
  5298. > She looks like she wants to say more, so you let her continue.
  5299. > “Listen, I hate to leave things unfinished. If you want to settle things like proper warriors, we can meet up in this room later.”
  5300. > You furrow your brow as you look at the piece of paper.
  5301. “A duel?”
  5302. > She grins.
  5303. > “You’ll see. Don’t tell Anon, or he’ll interfere.”
  5304. > And with that, she gets up, and moves to leave the place, stopping briefly to turn back.
  5305. > "See you there, Equestrian.”
  5306. > Well, she's gone. You won the day, as usual.
  5307. > Just had to win it again later.
  5309. > Anonymous was not nearly so interested in leaving as Felicia was, and the two of you ended up there for a while longer.
  5310. > Which concerned you, because you really wanted to get him back to talk to Celestia. But he was adamant about giving her space.
  5311. > Males.
  5312. > On the plus side, it did mean you managed to keep your promise to Celestia and get Anonymous in that public bath.
  5313. > Even if he continued to insist it wasn’t a bath. You were going to call that a mission complete anyway.
  5314. > So the two of you are standing on a balcony now, overlooking much of the city of Freemark, isolated from the party still raging behind you.
  5315. > The city looks rather nice from up here. As much as you hate to admit it, given that they’re your mortal enemies and everything, the dragons look pretty majestic.
  5316. > Giant beasts with wings spread wide in glimmering golden armour floating around the city.
  5317. > A swarm of Pegasi just looks messy, a swarm of Thestrals even more so. But dragons had a certain grace about their aerial movements.
  5318. > Probably just because of the size. You could make out more detail in the muscle movements, even from a distance.
  5319. > “We’ll probably need to head back to Equestria fairly soon.”
  5320. > Anonymous’ voice breaks you out of your trance, and you look over to him.
  5321. > You’ll trust his judgement. You couldn’t really get a good feel for the passage of time with the sun still locked up in the sky like that.
  5322. “Did you want to leave now?”
  5323. > Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he eventually shrugs.
  5324. > “We’ll head back to the castle soon, then I’ve got some stuff to sort out with my brother. We can leave after all that.”
  5325. > He raises up his glass of weird sugary water, and gestures towards the city.
  5326. > “Bottom’s up, Waves.”
  5327. > And with that, he downs his drink.
  5328. > Crazy human.
  5330. > Walking through the streets of Freemark is very different to flying over it. Things seem much more… intimidating from down here.
  5331. > The dragons periodically flying overhead, the massive lumbering beasts in the streets…
  5332. > It’s no wonder the few humans you encountered outside of that place were unwilling to talk. Especially to a foreigner like you.
  5333. > “Do you like the city, Waves?”
  5334. > Looking back up at the prince, he seems thoroughly distracted. Gosh, nothing you seemed to do had a lasting cheer-up effect.
  5335. > Maybe the prince is becoming more Thestral by the day. He’d fit in well back home, with all the other mopey ponies.
  5336. > No, he’s going through some hard stuff. Be respectful!
  5337. “It’s beautiful, prince Anonymous.”
  5338. > He chuckles. He still has your helmet tied to a rope and slung over his back.
  5339. > You really wish he would give it back to you.
  5340. > “Reminds me of what I thought when I first visited Canterlot. Looked incredibly… fancy. Freemark can’t really compare, but I think there’s a certain awe to visiting new cities.”
  5341. > You mulch over the sentiment in your mind. It’s true, you guess.
  5342. > First time you visited Canterlot you couldn’t believe it. And one time you were posted at a temporarily recaptured Unicorn Castle in Northwestern Accipi, before the Gryphons took it back.
  5343. > They sure knew how to build things back then…
  5344. “Nothing where I’m from is anything like this, or Canterlot. But I’m happy to have been given the privilege of visiting both.”
  5345. > His hand finds it’s way to your scalp, and lightly scratches there.
  5346. > It feels really nice.
  5347. > “Me too, Waves. Me too.”
  5348. > Somehow, you don’t think he’s just talking about the cities.
  5349. > You want to believe he liked meeting the ponies, too.
  5350. > That he liked meeting you, and Celestia, and Luna.
  5351. > It made you feel warm inside. Even if you weren’t sure it was true.
  5353. > “Well… alright. Make sure to be back soon, Waves. I’m going to chat with my brother and his new wife for a little bit, and then we’ll head back.”
  5354. > He stops to consider for a moment, before he adds an addendum.
  5355. > “Please don’t start another fight.”
  5356. > Not starting a fight? But that was practically your job!
  5357. > You give him a crisp salute.
  5358. “No killing the locals, got it sir!”
  5359. > Your little joke manages to put a smile on his face, which was all you really wanted.
  5360. > “Then you can go. I doubt I’m in any mortal peril right now.”
  5361. > He better not be, or Felicia’s at fault. She couldn’t just insult your honour like that and expect to get away with it!
  5362. > But still…
  5363. “My prince… please try to make up with Celestia before I get back. Please?”
  5364. > Half way through that you lost all the authority in your tone. You sucked at being the big, scary, Solar Praetorian you were meant to be.
  5365. > He’s still the prince, not your friend, you should be professional.
  5366. > But he smiles, and taps you on your withers before entering the castle.
  5367. > As he walks away, you once again ponder if you're about to go duel.
  5368. > She hadn’t been specific about what you would do, and she had seemed friendlier…
  5369. > But you knew there could be no kinship between a former guard and a current one. You took her job, after all.
  5370. > You needed to break her will with calm, measured Equestrian tactics. Show her who’s best suited to guardian Anonymous.
  5371. > And when she eventually yielded, she would concede that pony was definitely you. You didn’t spend years training for nothing, after all.
  5372. > Some rich heiress human wouldn’t stand a chance against a rough-and-tough Thestral who’s been working her whole life at this.
  5373. > Let’s do it!
  5374. > Ooh-rah!
  5375. > And with that, you take off like a bolt over towards the end of the castle where you think the room was.
  5376. > Hopefully there’s an entrance there.
  5377. > You didn't want to have to come all the way back here to get in.
  5379. > The little segment of the castle looks incredibly fancy. Lines of rooms, richly decorated, with thick mahogany doors.
  5380. > Reminds you of home, where everything was built out of mahogany from before the long winter froze most of the forests to death.
  5381. > Still, a lot of architecture included that sort of wood in Symphonica.
  5382. > Looking at the little numbers beside each room, you eventually manage to find the one you were looking for.
  5383. > But when you open the unlocked door, your fur immediately starts standing on end.
  5384. > The room is in pitch darkness, and there’s nohuman there…
  5385. “Hello?”
  5386. > No response.
  5387. > Unfolding the piece of paper from a slot in your armor once again, you check the number.
  5388. > It’s the right one…
  5389. > Slowly, you unfold your spear from under your wing, and start moving into the room, using your acute sense of hearing to try and pick up on any movement.
  5390. > Your ponies were masters of the dark, after all. There was nothing for you to fear from it…
  5391. > Slowly, but surely, you inch your way further in, until you can tell you’re in the center of the room.
  5392. “Is anypony there?”
  5393. > Nothing. Not a sound. No one breathing, no one moving, not a soul.
  5394. > Letting out a sigh, you turn back around, getting ready to head back towards the well-lit hallway. Was she pulling a prank or something?
  5395. > Was she just not here yet?
  5396. > Freakin’ humans again!
  5397. > But right as you’re about to reach the door, you suddenly hear movement. But it’s too quick for you to react, and you feel someone pull you from behind onto your hind legs.
  5398. “What the Tar-”
  5399. > You can’t even complete the sentence before you feel it. A thick claw slicing clean across your throat, and white-hot pain shooting through you.
  5400. > Hot breath on your ear.
  5401. > “I’m sorry it had to be you.”
  5404. > Watching Waves bolt off towards the newest portion of the castle is incredibly adorable.
  5405. > She just looks so damn excited about whatever her plans over there are.
  5406. > You are Anonymous, and you think your guard is going off to challenge your former guardian, Felicia Dalthorn.
  5407. > It was obvious a rivalry had immediately brewed between the two of them, and like any good knight, the best way to solve a rivalry is with a quick and dirty fight.
  5408. > With a chuckle and a shake of your head, you head into the castle proper, and almost immediately feel your intense trepidation return.
  5409. > You know eventually you’ll need to face your wife, there’s only one chariot after all and she’s still not strong enough to fly.
  5410. > But Gods if you didn’t want to avoid that awkwardness as long as possible.
  5411. > Mature you says you ought to face your problems. Actual you says don’t do that for as long as possible.
  5412. > After all, that’s twice now that you’ve shut her down when she was desperate to bang, and you can’t help but feel like an ass about it.
  5413. > It’s why you visited somewhere you never visited ordinarily, the Freemark Solar. A club for the rich children of the nobility, where you had found Felicia.
  5414. > You tended to prefer the bars of the lower quarter to get smashed, but there’s almost no one left in the lower quarter.
  5415. > All off in your brother’s army, you suppose.
  5416. > Walking with purpose, you walk past a giant archway flanked by dragons in shimmering golden armor. Massive fucking dragons, at that.
  5417. > Thus far, all the dragons you’d encountered had been nothing but courteous…
  5418. > But you had a sour taste in your mouth for their kin. They’re why you’re married, and then they tried to ruin your marriage.
  5419. > They’ve got some work before they’re in your good graces again.
  5420. > But then, is it really fair to blame the many for the actions of their rulers?
  5421. > Food for thought.
  5423. > Fortunately, the first person you happened upon was precisely who you had been intending to find.
  5424. > Seems old habits die hard, even when one spontaneously becomes a king.
  5425. > “Hey, Anon. Heard you and your wife had a pleasant afternoon?”
  5426. > His little grin and eyebrow waggle would have made for some adorable chit-chat had you and your wife actually had such an afternoon.
  5427. > As it stands, they just make you uncomfortable.
  5428. “Unfortunately not. Something… came up.”
  5429. > His cheerful expression almost immediately turns sour, as he gestures to the seat across from him.
  5430. > He’s got his nose still locked in books, even with a country to run and an insatiable wife, from the sounds of it.
  5431. > The study looks much like it always has. Ares alone in a giant empty library reserved for the royalty.
  5432. > It makes you wonder how well the people will respect a scholar as king, if he can manage to beat Marcus.
  5433. > Marcus is an ass, but… he’s well respected. Your father spent years crafting his public image carefully.
  5434. > Moving into the study properly, you spin around a chair opposite Ares and take a seat, sighing loudly as you can feel the impending uncomfortable conversation brewing.
  5435. > “Ary said she set up everything perfectly… what went wrong?”
  5436. > Honestly, you’re still not entirely sure what went wrong. You had listed excuse after excuse, but…
  5437. > You couldn’t really find one that fit perfectly. None of your excuses had even made sense then…
  5438. > Fucking your wife is hardly some kind of desecration of your father’s memory. Hell, the man’s not even dead yet.
  5439. “I… wasn’t in the mood.”
  5440. > The comment causes Ares to look at you like you’d sprouted a new head, before closing his book and squinting skeptically at you.
  5441. > “Who are you and what did you do with my brother?”
  5443. > His comment manages to stick a bit of an amused smile on your face.
  5444. “I’m an evil shapeshifter from the south, come to abduct the horse princess for my hive.”
  5445. > Looking at the title of the book Ares was reading, you note that it’s not in United Equine.
  5446. > Curious. Maybe he’s trying to learn the dominant language in Falwing?
  5447. > “A very wise man once told me ‘A healthy sex life is the secret to never being stressed again.’ You ought to listen to that wise man, Anon.”
  5448. > You raise an eyebrow and laugh lightly, leaning back in the chair.
  5449. > It was a lesson you had taught him years ago, when he was feeling down about failing a particular task. Started the little fuck off on his series of exotic conquests.
  5450. “A very young and very stupid man, I think you mean. Fuck, I couldn’t even tell you where my dick was most nights.”
  5451. > The grin on his face is a sight to behold as he gets up from his chair, and gestures to one of the burly looking dragons guarding the entrance.
  5452. > The dragon bows, and departs the room swiftly.
  5453. > “Wisdom is having the knowledge that you know nothing. You only prove my point further, Anon.”
  5454. > No doubt a quote from one of his books. You always wished you’d read more, but you simply never were able to find the time while also maintaining your social links.
  5455. > Perhaps once things settled down in Equestria, Cel would introduce you to a few of her favourites.
  5456. > Walking over to you, he rests an arm on your shoulder. It’s weird having your younger brother try to advise you.
  5457. > Especially your younger brother who’s in a very precarious situation right now.
  5458. > “So, promise me you’ll nail the missus tonight?”
  5460. > Looking up at the grinning fuck, you wave him off with your arm, much to his amusement as you go back to glowering at the table.
  5461. “I’ll fuck my wife when I’m good and ready, thank you.”
  5462. > Picking a book up off the table, Ares heads back over to the bookshelves with it.
  5463. > “You’ll fuck your wife when she sprouts tits, I imagine. You gotta stop being so xenophobic if you’re going to be a prince of Equestria.”
  5464. > Idly, you find your fingers tapping on the hilt of your blade as you think.
  5465. > Were you being xenophobic? It wasn’t fear of the unknown, it was just…
  5466. > You loved Celestia. How the hell could it be xenophobia?
  5467. > “Maybe you should sample some of the local cuisine when you get back? Build up a taste for that princess of yours?”
  5468. > The… local cuisine?
  5469. > He’s implying you should cheat on your wife. Holy shit, if he was anyone else you would fucking cut him right now.
  5470. “Ares… that’s a little fucked up.”
  5471. > He chuckles lightly at that, though you’re not sure why…
  5472. > “Oh my, you’re a damn poor shapeshifter. Can’t even pretend to have Anon’s sense of humour.”
  5473. > Returning with his book, Ares sets it on the table before waving a hand in front of your face as you continued staring at the wood.
  5474. “I… yeah. Sorry, I’m just all sorts of out of it right now. For some reason, just being in this castle makes me feel out of sorts.”
  5475. > No, being confronted with your issues with your wife made you out of sorts.
  5476. > But you couldn’t admit that even to yourself right now.
  5477. > “Well, fine then. If you’re not here to brag about your latest lay, then why did you track me down?”
  5478. > That’s like a breath of fresh air after nearly drowning. Thank the Gods.
  5479. > You can avoid your own problems for a little longer, and focus on his.
  5481. “Well… I was in the city proper today, talking with some people. We need to talk about the state of your claim to this kingdom.”
  5482. > Yet another awkward topic, but one which you could discuss without feeling crippling insecurity bite at the back of your head.
  5483. > And now the tables turn, as Ares suddenly seems melancholy.
  5484. > “I’d really rather not, right now…”
  5485. > Yep. The two of you were definitely brothers.
  5486. > Both could handle everyone else’s problems, and just flat-out refused to discuss your own. Stubborn to the last, your family.
  5487. “There’s a rebel sentiment brewing amongst the wealthy, Ares. You know how much our people detest dragons… second only to Equines, really.”
  5488. > It’s odd saying it in front of one of the burly ass dragon guards, but you know they won’t strike at you.
  5489. > Besides, you were only speaking the truth.
  5490. > “Ary is confident we can handle any uprisings. The only question is handling Marcus’ army.”
  5491. > Rather than sitting back down with his new book, the now-uncomfortable Ares walks over to the window of the study, and stares down at the streets of Freemark.
  5492. > Hearing him so seriously discuss a topic like that is almost surreal. It’s like he’s trying to imitate father’s way of speaking, though his higher-pitched voice ruins the effect.
  5493. > Gods, you hope you didn’t sound like that to the Equestrians.
  5494. “Are you really comfortable killing your own people, Ares?”
  5495. > Fuck, calling them ‘his people’ leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Like it’s admitting you’re not an Aetherite anymore.
  5496. > Like they’re not still your people as well.
  5497. > “… It doesn’t need to come to that, Anonymous. If you would be willing to help me.”
  5498. > You raise an eyebrow at that.
  5499. > How could anything you do prevent-
  5500. > “You could kill Marcus.”
  5502. > Immediately, you suddenly feel a massive gravity settle in the room between the two of you. Ares can’t muster the strength to look back at you, keeping his sight locked outside.
  5503. > And make no fucking question, he had better not look back to you.
  5504. “You… want me to…”
  5505. > “Kill Marcus. However this Pegasopolis thing plays out, there’s probably going to be at least some violence. If he falls in battle, then… my claim becomes legitimate.”
  5506. > Kill Marcus when you’re meant to be killing your wife’s crazy ex-fiancé.
  5507. > You can’t even believe you’re hearing this from Ares. He’s never been the type to resort to such an extreme…
  5508. > But then, you suppose he’s already started a dangerous game. Marcus already has enough to execute Ares if he so chose for attempting to usurp the throne.
  5509. > After all, by rights, Marcus is the rightful king.
  5510. “Ares, you realize what you’re asking me to do? This is kinslaying…”
  5511. > “Yet not kingslaying, not yet. Kinslaying is forgivable in the eyes of the Gods if it is to distribute justice. And Marcus deserves justice, you know it to be true, Anon.”
  5512. > He’s rehearsed this. That’s not a comment that comes off the top of the head for someone like him.
  5513. > None of you were terribly religious.
  5514. > You get up from the table, and staggeredly walk over to join him at the window, the intensity of the discussion making you uncomfortable.
  5515. > Especially in front of that dragon, who’s essentially a witness to a conspiracy to commit kinslaying.
  5516. > You’re about to comment, when Ares suddenly looks to you. His eyes are watering…
  5517. > He’s not built for this.
  5518. > “You don’t need to take t-the blame, Anon. You can make it look like a mistake… No one would assume it from you.”
  5519. > He’s shaking. His wife has suggested this, and he knows it’s the best route to winning the throne. It’s not his idea.
  5520. > Ares couldn’t think up something like that…
  5521. “Ares, listen…”
  5523. > “No! You listen!”
  5524. > He turns on you abruptly, fury instantly replacing his cripplingly sad eyes.
  5525. > You’re surprised by it, and back up slightly as he advances on you.
  5526. > “You don’t have to live here! You’re safe from him now, I’m not! And I’m not going to suffer under Marcus being king, and I won’t let my people suffer under him!”
  5527. > With a sharp turn, he walks back over to the table the two of you were at, sitting down and still shaking as he breathes heavily.
  5528. > You… you’re not really sure what to do now.
  5529. > The door flies open once more, and the guard dragon who left earlier comes back in with a tray of tea and biscuits.
  5530. > Well, ain’t that the solution to all your damn problems right now…
  5531. > He sets it down on Ares’ table, before pouring the tea into a smaller cup, which Ares hastily begins to take a sip from the second he has the opportunity.
  5532. > Calming the nerves. It’s good your nerves are already fried from all the stress of the past few days.
  5533. > You stand in silence for a bit, staring out at the city, while you let Ares calm himself down.
  5534. > There was going to be hell to pay if you kill Marcus. Even accidentally.
  5535. > The human army he amassed might turn against you in outrage, if it wasn’t handled very carefully.
  5536. > “Anon… I could make it a better deal for you. I can offer you things Marcus won’t once I have the throne.”
  5537. > You sigh. Bartering for you to slaughter your older brother.
  5538. > He’s desperate.
  5539. “Ares, it’s not about a price, it’s about principle. I’m not sure I could bring myself to kill Marcus, as much of an ass as he is.”
  5540. > Plus, you imagine Celestia would never look at you the same way again…
  5541. > You can practically feel the cringe on his face, even though you’re looking away.
  5542. > There’s a difficult moral quandary here, because you know what his next question’s going to be.
  5543. > “Then… at least let me make my bid for you to enter the war on my side. Once Marcus has left Equestria.”
  5544. > Bingo.
  5546. “That’s going to cost a lot of lives, both Aetherite and Equestrian.”
  5547. > “And Falwing.”
  5548. > Yes, and them. Though you’re somehow less concerned about those losses.
  5549. > Turning around, you walked back over to the table, sitting down across from him once again and pouring yourself a cup of tea as well.
  5550. “I… my wife is the one with the authority, Ares. I just-”
  5551. > “But she’s crazy about you, Anon! She’ll do whatever you ask. Gods, she was willing to tie herself up and let you do whatever you wanted with her.”
  5552. > You really wish his wife hadn’t shared that particular detail with him.
  5553. > Though it does give you some insights into Cel’s preferences…
  5554. “I’m not so sure she’ll be so liberal with control over the ponies as she is with control of her body.”
  5555. > That’s a weird sentiment, but an accurate one nonetheless.
  5556. > But you’re really just stalling giving an answer. Somehow, Ares has managed to turn his problem into one which is a massive concern for you.
  5557. > “Just hear me out, and pass it along, then. It’s up to the two of you if you want to accept it.”
  5558. > You sigh, picking up one of the biscuits and taking a nibble. It’s weird bartering for your position in a goddamn war.
  5559. > Like the two of you are actual rulers or something.
  5560. “I’m open to your offer, I guess… I’m essentially choosing between fighting you, or fighting the entirety of our race.”
  5561. > It’s a difficult choice. If Marcus didn’t have the claim, it would be trivial to choose your side.
  5562. > But people were going to side with him over Ares. Your people are fiercely dedicated to the law, especially laws of succession.
  5563. > You can finally see hope break through the desperation that had gripped Ares since revealing his request.
  5564. > You only wish you could guarantee that happiness would stick.
  5565. > “I can promise you a permanent alliance with both Aetherium and Falwing, a full return of the dowry Equestria paid for your wedding, in addition to four-hundred Gold Sovereigns.”
  5567. > A… dowry?
  5568. > Equestria paid a dowry for your marriage? But… a dowry was meant to cover the costs of maintaining a new wife in her new environment.
  5569. > You were the one who moved to Equestria. Why on earth would they pay a dowry for you?
  5570. “I had no idea a dowry was paid for me to begin with…”
  5571. > Ares seems surprised at that, but he gestures for a dragon to come over and whispers something to him before the dragon heads off into the long bookstacks.
  5572. > “I happened across it when I took over dad’s finances when he fell sick. Seven-thousand Gold Sovereigns.”
  5573. > S-s-s-s-s-s-s
  5574. > Seven goddamn thousand motherfucking Golden Sovereigns?
  5575. > You could buy half of Aetherium for that much! More than half!
  5576. “Celestia paid you seven thousand Gold Sovereigns for our marriage?!”
  5577. > All thoughts about the plot to murder Marcus almost entirely fly out the window at this absurdity.
  5578. > “Well… not me. She paid father that much to seal the alliance.”
  5579. > How could he be so blasé about something so obviously shady?
  5580. > That much gold could buy enough Accipi mercenaries to win just about any war on their own. Using it to seal a marital bond just seemed…
  5581. > Absurd, to put it lightly.
  5582. “You realize you’re offering me enough gold to run Equestria for the next century?”
  5583. > He grins now, feeling certain he’s managed to hook you on the promise of gold, but you’re really just flabbergasted.
  5584. > You needed to talk to Celestia’s dad. Only he and your father would really know what’s going on…
  5585. > “So can I count on your support?”
  5586. > … you’re still not sure if that support means declaring war on your people, or killing your brother.
  5587. > But you can’t even think right now.
  5588. “I… need to talk to Cel.”
  5589. > It’s the most you can manage right now, but he seems satisfied.
  5590. > “Go talk it over. You don’t need to get back to me until you’re ready. I’m going full-steam ahead either way… but it would be nice to have your support.”
  5592. > As you staggered out of the room, the large dragon returned with a thick tome.
  5593. > Apparently, it was all of father’s financial deals recently. Including a massive influx of seven-thousand Gold Sovereigns.
  5594. > He gave it to you to go over at your leisure, and you took it.
  5595. > It would serve as an… interesting topic of conversation with Celestia. And an even more interesting one with her father, for that matter.
  5596. > But for now, you sort of started idly wandering the halls, trying to figure out a way back to Celestia’s quarters.
  5597. > Hopefully Waves could find you soon. You needed somepony to talk to other than Cel about this shit…
  5598. > After all, Cel must have known about this and just not told you. Which was… concerning.
  5599. > It’s also made you feel… cheap.
  5600. > It’s an extraordinary amount of money, but it seems almost like you were… sold.
  5601. > That sum could convert Aetherium into a financial superpower to rival Equestria. And it seems like your dad sold you off to Equestria for that sum…
  5602. > Especially with Falwing seeming like less and less of a real threat by the day.
  5603. > It’s obvious why he would do it. You were hardly a valuable child to him anyway…
  5604. > Of course he would sell you.
  5605. > But on the flip side, why didn’t he at least tell you about it? Why all the secrecy?
  5606. > The biggest question was why they would spend so much to buy you. You’re not exactly the crème of the crop as princes ago.
  5607. > When you found Celestia, hopefully you’d find some answers…
  5608. > And it was perfect, because it meant you had an excuse to not talk about your marriage issues.
  5609. > Though this might become a new marriage issue. Whoopie.
  5610. > There’s only so many spots she could be hiding…
  5611. > And you suspect you know the one she’s in.
  5614. > It’s convenient being able to track one another, you had little trouble zeroing in on where your wife was hiding out.
  5615. > Though you probably could have found her fairly easily just by memory.
  5616. > You can hear her soft voice echoing over the bushes of the Freemark gardens, the sound muffled but distinctly recognizable as Cel.
  5617. > Those soft lilting tones that could set you to sleep if she made a job of it.
  5618. > But you can’t make out the details from this distance… it’s just like noise, loosely floating over the gardens.
  5619. > You imagine she’s going to be where the two of you met properly for the first time, out by the pond in the middle.
  5620. > Perhaps you ought to get naked for her, just to include as many aspects of your first day together as possible when you meet her.
  5621. > Or throw up in a potted plant. Though you suppose she never did see that part.
  5622. > Loosely, you begin fanning yourself with a hand as the heat starts to get a little unbearable.
  5623. > The sun’s heat is getting unbearable. You’re fairly certain it’s nearing night time, just based on your own growing tiredness, but you can’t be sure.
  5624. > You can’t imagine how bad it must smell marching with the Aetherite host. All those men and women in metal and leather under this heat…
  5625. > And the Equestrian host, bound up in all the same but with a layer of fur below that.
  5626. > But you suddenly can’t bring yourself to focus on random little details like that once you’re able to make out enough details of Celestia’s tone to pick up on the words…
  5627. > She’s not singing in that old dead language this time, she’s singing in Equestrian.
  5628. > And it sounds beautiful… unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Even more so than the last time you heard her sing.
  5630. > When you finally get to that portion of the gardens where you first met, you can see Celestia was as predictable as you had expected.
  5631. > She’s singing out to a little collection of birds, who seem almost to be singing back to her as she does.
  5632. > The song seems… somber. But not soul-crushingly, instead it walks a gentle balance between sadness and optimism.
  5633. > A fitting melody for your situation. She must know you’re here, but she continues to look away as her powerful voices carries out over the gardens.
  5634. > You wish you had your violin. You’ll have to bring yours back home with you this time, if the two of you were going to be making music together more often.
  5635. > But you’re not convinced you could help with the perfection you’re witnessing right now.
  5636. > Without stopping on one of the extended notes, she looks back over her shoulder at you, and waves you forward to join her with a wing.
  5637. > It’s not quite as fun when you can’t suddenly surprise her with applause, but it’s a little more comfortable.
  5638. > And by the time you reach her, the brief little song reaches its close, with a soft, sustained note.
  5639. > A note that leaves you hungry for more, and yet satisfied simultaneously. Almost makes you wonder if she’s just faking her inability to move the sun.
  5640. > After all, there was magic in that voice alone…
  5641. > “Seems you figured out where I was hiding.”
  5642. > Her tone is melancholy, but she’s got a smile on her face.
  5643. > You suppose that’s all you could ask for.
  5644. “Not hard when you’re luring unsuspecting people in with that voice of yours. That was beautiful, by the way.”
  5645. > A blush and a mumbled thank you is her only response.
  5646. > Adorable.
  5648. > After her song, the two of you had opted to sit down by the edge of the pond, and were just… enjoying one another’s presence.
  5649. > And trying to avoid talking about real issues. Or at least you were.
  5650. > “This all sort of reminds me of when I was a filly. Everything that’s happened lately, I mean.”
  5651. > Hmm?
  5652. > You couldn’t have stopped yourself from making the comment even if you wanted to.
  5653. “I knew Equestrians were messed up, but I had no idea you were begging humans to bang as a filly. Now I don’t feel as special.”
  5654. > You deserved that hoof to the face, in fairness.
  5655. > “Not that part, you goofball!”
  5656. > The way she puffs up her cheeks in anger is adorable. Feels like it’s been ages since you’ve managed to provoke her.
  5657. > She stammers for a bit before settling into a quiet, calm stance, eyes locked on the water. Somepony's mad.
  5658. “Carry on, Cel. I promise I’ll hold off on the jokes for a bit.”
  5659. > She looks over to you with a scowl, before laying down flat against the grass and closing her eyes, her snout only inches from the water.
  5660. > “I meant having everything go wrong all the time. Having a new challenge every day to overcome. I don’t really know why… but I kind of missed the stress.”
  5661. > It’s a weird thing to think about, what her life must’ve been like back then.
  5662. > Constantly on the run, in hiding from the authority. Would’ve been super interesting.
  5663. “Well, I imagine there’s a certain fun in it. Everyone likes a challenge, it’s why there’s so many wars and conflicts… we can’t just sit on our laurels.”
  5664. > Your dad used to give lectures about that sort of stuff all the time. About idle hands being the cause of mischief.
  5665. > About how the nobles were an entire class of idle hands, even in a nation with as few as yours.
  5666. > “And yet I hate the conflicts themselves… I guess I’m just weird like that.”
  5667. > You are immensely tempted to make a comment about a certain riding crop, but you restrain yourself.
  5669. “I dunno. There’s a certain… bonding that happens over hardship, I guess.”
  5670. > “’Conflict makes the heart grow fonder,’ is the expression back home.”
  5671. > Strange that it’s not shared. But then again, Aetherium was born and bred on conflict. Perhaps they had simply had enough of it.
  5672. > Removing your shoes, you position yourself so that your feet rest in the shallow waters of the pond. The cool water is relief beyond words under the sun.
  5673. > Amazing how Cel didn’t seem to sweat even though she’s covered in fur in this heat.
  5674. “Well… I imagine that explains a few things about these weird feelings bubbling up in my chest from time to time.”
  5675. > At that, she opens her eyes to shoot you a skeptical stare. It’s rather adorable from her position on the grass.
  5676. > “For Luna, no doubt.”
  5677. > Damn, there was some venom behind that. She’s pretty sore about the situation with you and her sister, it seems.
  5678. > Here you thought they hashed that all out two days ago…
  5679. > Then again, maybe they had. Maybe you had to do some fixing of your own, instead of pinning it off on others.
  5680. “No, not for Luna, for you. She’s far too young for me to even look at in that light…”
  5681. > She scoffs, and dodges the married issue entirely.
  5682. > “Your dad said that too, I’ll never understand it. She has her cutie mark, she’s… of age for that sort of thing.”
  5683. > You grimace. Another thing about pony culture that just... confused you.
  5684. > You’d seen absolutely tiny ponies with those marks.
  5685. “It’s just not right in our culture, Cel. It’s an unwritten rule that you don’t touch girls younger than you.”
  5686. > One which you had nearly broken.
  5687. > “Humans are weird. Your grandfather and mine would have had identical cultures as kids… how have we drifted so far apart so quickly?”
  5688. > When your grandfather was a slave, she means.
  5689. “Don’t think you’ll ever get a satisfying answer for why humans and ponies think differently.”
  5691. > “Well, maybe I like trying to figure out why ponies think certain things. I think about it all the time for the things you do…”
  5692. > Reaching down beside you, you pick up a fairly smooth looking rock.
  5693. > With a measured toss, you watch as the stone skips across the surface of the pond, leaving little ripples in its path.
  5694. > Used to be a great trick for the ladies, but Cel seems unimpressed.
  5695. “Oh really? I hardly think I’m worth that much consideration, I’m pretty simple when you boil me down.”
  5696. > Offering Cel a rock, she takes it in her hooves and looks at it with confusion, switching between looking at it and the water.
  5697. > Well, you suppose it would be difficult to skip stones with hooves.
  5698. > “Well, you do a lot of things that are… weird. You joke about sex with me all the time and then are never willing to do it.”
  5699. > Sitting up a little bit, she tries to mimic your throw, but the stone just sinks down into the water.
  5700. > With her tongue out, she picks up another one and starts eyeing it up, judging her shot.
  5701. “It’s not like that, Cel…”
  5702. > She gives you a look, and you can’t keep looking at her, instead staring back out at the water.
  5703. > “Maybe it isn’t. But there’s still a lot to read about you from just that.”
  5704. > Oh no. You’ve gotten yourself into dangerous waters here. If you’re not careful, you might actually have to talk about things.
  5705. > Yet somehow, you’re fairly interested to hear what she thinks.
  5706. > She tries again to get the stone to skip with a throw, and once more it just sinks into the water on impact, and she goes for another.
  5707. > You pick up another of your own, and skip it flawlessly.
  5708. > At least you could do something better than her. Apart from killing and hurting things, you were pretty good at that.
  5709. “Like what?”
  5711. > This time, she puts the rock in her mouth, and tries to skip it that way, and still finds little success.
  5712. > “Well, I think it’s that you’re still hung up on me being non-human. You make the same gestures you would make on any other female when it’s abstract, but you can’t handle it in the moment.”
  5713. > The first night, that of your wedding, that certainly held true. But…
  5714. “I’ve been very ‘physical’ with you. I distinctly recall reducing you to a blubbering mess one night.”
  5715. > With her wings, she has a rock softly balanced on one, and she narrows her eyes in concentration as she tries to figure out the water.
  5716. > “Once, when you were drunk. It feels like… like it’s the only time you could stand even seeing me in that way.”
  5717. > Fuck, that makes you feel like an ass.
  5718. > Gently, you shift onto a knee and take a hold of her wing, trying to guide the way she should throw it to skip it.
  5719. “Some say when you’re drunk you don’t really have a grip on things… that you’re somehow not your true self.”
  5720. > And gently, you pull her wing back, as though preparing to slingshot it forward and send the rock flying.
  5721. “I’ve always thought the opposite. I feel… almost a clarity, when I’m drunk. Like the world has been stripped away and I am laid bare.”
  5722. > And when you have the perfect pull, you gently let go, and give her a nod.
  5723. > And she throws the rock, and manages to make it skip a few times on the water, before it sinks like the rest.
  5724. “Sometimes… what we build up around ourselves is the lie. All those things we think are important hold us back from doing what we really want to do. And alcohol can just… peel them away.”
  5725. > And with that, you stand back up, a new rock in hand, and toss yet another out, watching it skip.
  5726. > And you suddenly realize how stupidly sophomoric that sounded.
  5727. “That… probably sounds stupid. Just my thoughts when I’m inebriated, you know how it is, all sorts of things crop up… I should just stop talking.”
  5729. > “I don’t know. I think it was rather sweet… I had no idea you got into philosophy.”
  5730. > As Cel readies another stone to try and throw, but quickly discards it as unsuitable for skipping, you let out a little humourless laugh.
  5731. > Yes, trying to find excuses to get smashed all the time was truly the philosophical goal of your age.
  5732. “Not too sure that counts as philosophy. I’m not smart enough for my thoughts to count as philosophy.”
  5733. > And now, you feel her wing wrap around your shoulders, as she stands back up fully with you.
  5734. > It’s… very clean, but clearly once more in need of preening. Did she bathe recently?
  5735. > “You give yourself too little credit. I think you’re very bright, you just like to hide it behind a wall of machismo and deflection.”
  5736. > Fuck, this conversation just gets more uncomfortable as it progresses.
  5737. > And just to prove her right, you were about to bring up the dowry. Deflection.
  5738. > “I… I love the little snippets I get to see of the real you, every now and again. Brilliant, with a stunning sense of humour. But you always seem to pretend to be someone else… someone gruff.”
  5739. > Thinking back on it, you… you had changed attitudes quite a bit. Even back in the city with Waves and Felicia, you had kept a distance from the party.
  5740. > But… wasn’t it all necessary?
  5741. “In fairness, we’ve faced some issues which demand someone different. Someone… better.”
  5742. > “But that’s just it! Equestria has always, and will always face serious issues regularly. Ever since I took power, and even before that, it’s been one challenge after another.”
  5743. > She now turns the two of you around, so that you’re face to face.
  5744. > “We… we can’t let that change us.”
  5745. > ‘Don’t let them change you…’
  5746. > The words echo out in your head, and suddenly with new meaning…
  5747. > Maybe… maybe you misunderstood your dad.
  5748. > You had been trying so hard to stay an Aetherite, you hadn’t even considered trying to stay who you were.
  5749. > You never were a good Aetherite prince, after all.
  5751. “I’ll… I guess I could try and be truer to myself, instead of what I think I have to be.”
  5752. > Now that gets Celestia to give a genuine smile, nuzzling your shoulder a little bit, the horn grazing your cheek as she does.
  5753. > You sort of awkwardly give her a hug back. You’re not terribly good at this…
  5754. > “And I think I’ll do the same. I’ve been putting up a bit of a show for you too… trying to act perfect all the time. Truth is, I don’t know how to do this princess thing much better than you yet.”
  5755. > She did a hell of a good impression, then.
  5756. > And if you’re going to be true to yourself…
  5757. “I’ll try to be the best princess I can be. Just need the wings and I’ll be all set.”
  5758. > You’ve made that joke before, you think. But it’s a great joke, damn it.
  5759. > “You know, that could be arranged. I’ve heard of a Pegasus near Roam who’s been working on fake wings. Strap a few on to your back, we’ll have you flying in no time.”
  5760. > You grin, finally pulling back from her, and find that she’s grinning back.
  5761. > Maybe this trip wasn’t such a bad idea after all… even a day out of Canterlot and the two of you are starting to sort things out.
  5762. > Celestia breaks her gaze from your eyes to look back out to the pond, and gestures to it with a wing.
  5763. > “So… this skipping rocks thing. You do this a lot with mares? Seems good for calming the nerves.”
  5764. > You didn’t expect her to see through you quite that easily. But she was good at that.
  5765. “Well, it’s good at disarming women. Makes them feel more at ease around you.”
  5766. > With a smile, she walks over to the water and picks up another stone, inspecting it for any imperfections.
  5767. > “Clever.”
  5769. > With that, a comfortable silence seemed to come to pass between the two of you, as you each took turns tossing a stone across the water.
  5770. > Cel was getting better.
  5771. > And since it seemed like you had closed on your previous line of discussion…
  5772. “Uh… Cel? I’ve got a bit of a question to ask.”
  5773. > “Hmm?”
  5774. > You’re not entirely sure what the best phrasing for this is.
  5775. > ‘Did you know you bought me?’ Sounds a little accusatory.
  5776. > ‘Why did you buy me for so much?’ Seems like it would go down rather poorly all round.
  5777. > ‘You have poor consumer sense.’ Seems even worse.
  5778. “Did… did you know about the dowry Equestria paid for our marriage?”
  5779. > The little freeze you see her do at your question answers that for you…
  5780. > She shuffles on her hooves a little bit, before she softly responds.
  5781. > “Well, of course. I know about most major royal expenditures. Is there a problem?”
  5782. > So she knew exactly how major that expenditure was, and from the sounds of it is desperately hoping you don’t.
  5783. > Well… time to dive in.
  5784. “It was… a very high amount, I hear.”
  5785. > She quite strictly avoids looking you in the eye as she starts talking.
  5786. > “Well, you’re worth it, right? I mean look at this great conversation we just had, life reflection and all. Like I said earlier, you sell yourself short too much, anypony would be lucky to have a stallion like yourself, it’s only natural that the best contenders would have to be offering a big reward, and you-”
  5787. “Cel, you’re rambling.”
  5788. > Gods, she’s jumpy as hell all of a sudden.
  5789. > With a tight smile, she runs a wing behind her head, scratching lightly.
  5790. > “Oh. Sorry, I ramble sometimes when I’m really nervous.”
  5791. > Well now… things just got a lot more interesting than you had expected. You would have thought her dad organized this whole thing…
  5792. > But from the sounds of it, she had a hoof in it as well.
  5793. “And why are you nervous?”
  5795. > You’ve clearly made her uncomfortable… her look of distress is almost enough to get you to stop.
  5796. > But you need to know.
  5797. > “Well… you’ve got me on the spot. Any mare would be nervous when she’s getting interrogated over something perfectly normal.”
  5798. > That’s the worst lie you think you’ve ever heard from Celestia. You don’t even know if you’ve heard her lie before, but that was definitely her worst.
  5799. > It was the sort of lie that is accompanied by a stiffened back, shifting over on her side and shooting you a big smile.
  5800. > You’ve seen it on many a lady before, horse or otherwise. It’s an especially bad rendition of it, too.
  5801. “I thought we were being honest?”
  5802. > And the smile evaporates under a cringe and a sad-looking lip bite. She ought to have gone with that one first.
  5803. > “I… we are, Anon, it’s just that…”
  5804. > Her eyes keep bouncing from the water to yours, never resting in one place. You really wish there was an easier way to deal with this…
  5805. > Her breathing is getting heavier as well, and she’s clearly working herself into a panic before she calms down, and stops herself.
  5806. > With great restraint, she closes her eyes tight, and heaves a heavy sigh, slumping down to the ground once more.
  5807. > “It’s just… alright. Well, there were a few more things involved in our-”
  5808. > “Anon! I finally found you, thank the Gods!”
  5809. > Felicia’s voice. Loud, from just behind you at the entrance to the gardens.
  5810. > And… there goes your chance to figure this out right now.
  5811. > Fucking fantastic.
  5813. > One of these days, you would actually get a reasonably long period to talk to your wife.
  5814. > One day, you could speak for a moment without some world-ending catastrophe interrupting.
  5815. > Seems Celestia just attracts world-ending catastrophes. Maybe it’s why she likes them so much.
  5816. “Felicia, we need a minute, we’re discussing-”
  5817. > “This is more important! Waves is in danger!”
  5818. > You almost scoff at the notion.
  5819. > In danger? Waves can handle herself, she’s a damn fine… guardspony…
  5820. > As you’re turning around to look at Felicia, you can’t even fully comprehend what you’re looking at.
  5821. > She’s… got blood on her face. And a smattering across her breastplate as well.
  5822. > Did she…
  5823. “What did you do?”
  5824. > She looks surprised for a moment, before she looks down at the blood on her breastplate.
  5825. > “No, not me! We were fighting, and a dragon attacked! She told me to find you!”
  5826. > Your brain can’t even parse that sentence right, as you sit there shocked.
  5827. > Fortunately, Celestia is not as inhibited, almost immediately jumping up and running over to your former guardswoman to try and get a grip on the situation, but you’re just stunned.
  5828. > “Where is she? We must go at once!”
  5829. > Waves is in danger?
  5830. > Being attacked by a dragon…?
  5831. > With a rush of adrenaline, you almost immediately get up and bolt like you haven’t for quite some time, right past your wife and Felicia.
  5832. > You knew she was in the new portion of the castle… Felicia could catch up and show you the way.
  5833. > But you needed to get there now. Your negligence had nearly gotten your wife killed…
  5834. > You won’t let it get Waves killed. You won’t… you can’t fail another pony like that…
  5835. > She’s your guard, damn it. The two of you were responsible for one another.
  5836. > She won’t lose her life for your sake.
  5839. > Watching your husband rush past you, you barely have time to react before he’s already out of sight running through the gardens.
  5840. > You are Celestia, and you try to follow him, but…
  5841. > You almost immediately fall over yourself, crashing into the ground before you with a loud thud that echoes out.
  5842. > Your vision flashes white, and you hear a loud ringing in your ears as your head smacks the ground with immense force.
  5843. > Enough force to entirely disorient you and leave you laying there coughing as the wind gets knocked out of your lungs.
  5844. > … Fuck.
  5845. > You’re beginning to get a headache now too… today has just been fantastic.
  5846. > Earlier today, you probably could have stood to make the run back to the castle, albeit not as quickly as Anonymous.
  5847. > But you had worsened your wound earlier, when attempting your… stupid attempt at seducing Anonymous. You hadn’t quite noticed it at the time, but the pain had been getting worse and worse.
  5848. > Why in Tartarus did you think you could accomplish that? You have absolutely no clue how to properly be sexy, even if a lust dragon was giving you tips.
  5849. > It’s not fair. Luna got to peep in on ponies’ dreams, she knew how to be seductive and stuff. You didn’t get that advantage.
  5850. > … And now you’re overthinking your fall. You’ve been overthinking things all day, since that incident, and you’re supposed to be acting!
  5851. > Damnit, Celestia! Get it together!
  5852. > Isthmus is in danger!
  5853. > But as you try to get back up, all you can manage is a loud groan and collapsing back down onto the ground as your leg flares up in pain once more.
  5854. > Seems you doubly-made it worse now with that fall…
  5855. > Hopefully you could still walk once you managed to get off the-
  5856. > “Are you alright?”
  5858. > If you had the capacity to, you might just have taken off into the air at that comment that interrupted your self-criticism.
  5859. > Opening your eyes, you look up to spot the red-headed human who had interrupted Anonymous and you still there, now kneeling by your side.
  5860. > She’s injured. A cut near her collarbone, and one at her side, right above the hip.
  5861. > They’re bleeding quite badly from the looks of it…
  5862. “I ought to be asking you that… you need medical attention.”
  5863. > She looks surprised at your comment, before looking down at her bloody side.
  5864. > It’s not too bad, but…
  5865. > “It’s… cauterized. The blood is from before, I sealed it up with a candle before I ran out here.”
  5866. > You didn’t even know you could cauterize a wound with a candle… you’d always used magic when you had cuts.
  5867. > The fortitude that would require is impressive.
  5868. > But for some reason, the way she says it puts you on edge.
  5869. > It reminds you of back home… the way ponies talk in court, as though they’re hiding something when they’re speaking.
  5870. > It had taken you years to start to notice it, but it immediately sets you on edge.
  5871. “I see… well, we should follow Anonymous then. He might need help.”
  5872. > She chuckles lightly, and then reaches down towards you to help you up.
  5873. > “I imagine the two of us would be a fearsome force to help him out, injured as we are.”
  5874. > Every time she speaks, you feel slimy, even though she’s saying perfectly innocuous things.
  5875. > Like she’s trying to be overly friendly.
  5876. “Yes… but I won’t leave him to handle things alone.”
  5877. > As she helps you up, you almost want to shy away from her touch.
  5878. > But you don’t, and eventually the two of you are back on your hooves, and in a steady canter back towards the keep.
  5879. > Hopefully things aren’t too bad…
  5881. > After a moment, it occurs to you that you have no idea who you’re speaking with.
  5882. > So, you decide to resolve that.
  5883. “Who are you, exactly?”
  5884. > She looks taken aback by your comment. Were you supposed to know her?
  5885. > “Felicia Dalthorn, princess. I’m surprised Anonymous never mentioned me, I’ve been his personal guard for the past seven years.”
  5886. > Oh? So she would have been the one looking after him during his... escapades.
  5887. > Perhaps that goes some way to explaining why you feel so uncomfortable around her.
  5888. > Anonymous probably fucked her.
  5889. “A pleasure, Miss Dalthorn.”
  5890. > You try to keep the edge out of your voice, and seem to succeed as she looks at you with a cheerful expression.
  5891. > How is she so cheery when she’s so wounded, and there’s a catastrophe at hoof?
  5892. > “Likewise, and Felicia is fine. I’ve been keeping your husband company today down in the city proper.”
  5893. > … and you make sure not to respond to that.
  5894. > You can feel a little jealous bubble boiling in your heart.
  5895. “So… what did the two of you do?”
  5896. > She gives you a little smile, and starts talking about them going to some sort of… bar.
  5897. > Which only furthers your intense paranoia about what they may have done together.
  5898. > So he goes out drinking with an old flame when he’s feeling upset with you. That’s generally, if your romantic fiction is to be believed, a bad sign.
  5899. > And by the time she finishes off her little story, you’re feeling far worse than you had to begin with.
  5900. > You should have stayed with him. You should have talked things out.
  5901. > But it’s too late for that now… you need to stay focused on the task. Getting to Isthmus as quickly as possible.
  5902. > And for that, you needed your head in the game. Not off floating on possibilities.
  5903. > And so, the two of you continue your walk in relative silence.
  5905. > As you reach the ends of the gardens, you stifle a gasp.
  5906. > Apparently, the dragons were riled…
  5907. > “Seems like whatever ended up happening between Waves and that dragon has got the attention of the public…”
  5908. > So quickly?
  5909. > You can only stare in awe as the dragons swarmed around the keep, all along the perimeter.
  5910. > Your rational side and your emotional side are conflicted.
  5911. > You feel like you should be running away from the keep. This just smells of danger, and not the sort that you can reasonably handle right now.
  5912. > But your rational side says that if they intended to kill you or harm you, they easily could have.
  5913. > You were unprotected in the gardens, and their periodic patrols in the sky could have easily spotted you.
  5914. > You’re fairly certain you remain safe.
  5915. > Besides, Ary and Ares needed you. They couldn’t afford to be making enemies of you right now… right?
  5916. “Come, we’ll speak with one of the guards and get them to escort us.”
  5917. > She seems hesitant for a moment, but falls in line behind you as you head over towards the few not-flying dragons at the front gates.
  5918. > “I’m not too sure we should be relying on their hospitality… they are dragons, after all. Can’t trust their kind.”
  5919. > And there’s that slimy feeling again… like it’s one of your courtiers trying to trick you into something.
  5920. > She may well be correct, but your rational side isn’t letting you buy that.
  5921. > But a dragon attacking your guard probably meant this was some sort of hate-motivated assault, rather than something coordinated by their leadership.
  5922. > They need you a lot more than you need them.
  5923. > If they had attacked you, then maybe you could buy it was something like that.
  5924. > But for right now, you’re still not entirely sure what to think.
  5926. > “None outside the brood or the Royal Family may enter the keep, and there’s a medical institution down in the city proper if you need your wounds tended to, human.”
  5927. > …
  5928. > Apparently, you and Felicia were going to have problems getting into the keep.
  5929. “I am a member of the Royal Family. My husband is Prince Anonymous, brother to King Ares.”
  5930. > Calling Ares ‘king’ feels a little strange, given how young he seems…
  5931. > Makes you wonder if all the ponies looked at you the same way when you defeated Discord at sixteen.
  5932. > You had felt so confident, then. Like the entire world was so easy to fix.
  5933. > And then years of dealing with the political class had beaten that optimism out of you slowly.
  5934. > “Don’t know about that, Equestrian, you could be one of her little entourage. My Captain will be by shortly, and you can talk to him about access in an hour or so.”
  5935. > Equestrian… like you’re some sort of foreigner, when he’s a foreigner here too.
  5936. > And how the hell does this dragon not recognize the difference between a guard and you?
  5937. > It’ll never cease to amaze you how some outside Equestria have no idea what a princess looks like.
  5938. > You still remember that one trip to Falstad where a Noble slapped your flank, thinking you were a Guard because you were so much larger than your fellows.
  5939. > Minotaur royalty are… smaller than most, after all.
  5940. > “Princess, c’mon.”
  5941. > Looking over to Felicia, you see her gesture off to the side.
  5942. > And as you walk over towards her, she picks up her pace a little as she walks along the walls of the keep.
  5943. > “I know another way in, the same way I came out. Shouldn’t be any dragons to stop us from there.”
  5944. > With them swarming all around?
  5945. > Your suspicion grows more by the second.
  5946. > How would she already know spots where the dragons wouldn't be guarding?
  5948. > As the two of you walk down the side of the castle, you’re struck by how… weird this all seems.
  5949. > Sneaking around a foreign capital like a bunch of burglars. As though you were the culprits in the crime you were trying to get to.
  5950. > “So… how did you take your wound, princess?”
  5951. > Her comment surprises you, though you quickly recover.
  5952. > Small talk?
  5953. > You suppose if the two of you have quite a walk on your hooves…
  5954. “A rebel attacked me and Anonymous in Canterlot. Managed to strike me before being dealt with…”
  5955. > You elect to leave out as many details as possible.
  5956. > You don’t need anypony more than was necessary knowing about the poison situation and its effect on your magic.
  5957. > Especially somepony you don’t fully trust.
  5958. > “Rebel, huh? Seems civil wars are a dime a dozen these days…”
  5959. > Well, Equestria was having one.
  5960. > Aetherium was about to have one.
  5961. > Falwing seemed to be having some huge internal strife, based on how Arycastrasza talked about Nightmare.
  5962. “Seems that way…”
  5963. > She pauses for a moment, peering up at the dragons before continuing forward. You’re not sure what she’s checking exactly…
  5964. > “What caused the Equestrian one? Anonymous was hesitant to talk about it earlier.”
  5965. > You’re immediately unwilling to answer that, as Anonymous obviously was.
  5966. > So you give her the short of it.
  5967. “… My marriage.”
  5968. > You try to keep the scorn out of your voice, you really do.
  5969. > But it reminded you of the fact that this… woman, has probably had sex with your husband, and you haven’t.
  5970. > And… you can’t help but feel suspicious that they may have earlier. Your paranoia will not relent, as much as you try to suppress it.
  5971. > “Your marriage? Seems it’s starting a lot of these conflicts lately, then.”
  5972. > …
  5973. > You’re a little gobsmacked by that comment, though she seems too focused on the dragons around to notice.
  5974. “Excuse me?”
  5976. > She looks back at you with surprise at your sentiment, before gesturing to move forward across a little courtyard.
  5977. > You follow her, but you’re suddenly filled with an irresistible compulsion to slap this… woman.
  5978. > “It’s not a criticism or anything, princess. Just that… if Anonymous were still an Aetherite, Ares wouldn’t have a claim, and the two of them wouldn’t be fighting.”
  5979. > … that’s not your fault.
  5980. > It’s not Anonymous’ fault either that his brothers are going to sacrifice their people in a battle for the crown because he’s out of the way.
  5981. “My marriage is not responsible for that.”
  5982. > She gives you a sort of sad, condescending smile, and you’re about ready to tear her face off.
  5983. > Could she piss you off any more?
  5984. > “Well… I just mean, if you two were to… break up, then two civil wars could be averted. A lot of lives could be saved.”
  5985. > You suppress a growl at that.
  5986. > Evidently she could. She’s going to go the same route Cyclone did, and try to guilt you into doing things.
  5987. > Suddenly, you’re wondering if this is what made you feel so uncomfortable around her. Has she been building up to this proposition all along?
  5988. “And my authority as a ruler would be irrevocably ruined. Nopony would take me seriously if I caved to the demands of every upstart with tribal confidence.”
  5989. > Not to mention Equestria would be extremely vulnerable, as would Aetherium, to foreign domination without your union.
  5990. > “Well… that’s the trade-off. Me personally, I would value lives above power, but that’s just my commoner perspective on all this.”
  5991. > She’s definitely not a commoner. You even recognize her last name as noble, though you can’t align it in your head with a location.
  5992. > But… you’ll grit your teeth and bear it.
  5993. “Your recommendation is noted.”
  5995. > Leaning up on the wall, she pushes open a window which was evidently unlocked, and turns back to face you.
  5996. > Evidently she noticed the terse nature of your response.
  5997. > “All I’m saying is that a good ruler knows when to cut their losses on a bad investment. Now come on, Waves and I were on the second floor of this building.”
  5998. > Cut… cut their losses on a bad investment?
  5999. > Does she think your marriage is a game? Something that’s just at the whim of you to sever whenever you feel like it?
  6000. > You may have married as a political maneuver… but there’s more there than just fluff and political alliances now.
  6001. > You two are pair-bonded. That… that means something.
  6002. > After she steps over the small obstacle into the room, you follow suit.
  6003. > An immensely uncomfortable silence now rests between you, as you follow her out into the hallway and down it towards what appears to be a stairwell.
  6004. > You can tell Anonymous is on the floor above you… and he doesn’t seem to be in any danger.
  6005. > But you imagine he wouldn’t just be standing there if everything was alright.
  6006. > “These stairs will take us up. I imagine Anonymous knows you’re there, given that little thing around your neck, right?”
  6007. > So she knows about the bond as well… they spoke at length.
  6008. “Yes.”
  6009. > She flinches at your reply, but you can’t generate enough concern to even care about her feelings at this point.
  6010. > She’s hiding something, she was fighting one of your guards, and she’s trying to convince you to divorce your husband.
  6011. > She probably fucked your husband back in the day.
  6012. > Paranoid observation or not, that’s enough to get her on your bad list.
  6014. > Reaching the top of the stairs, Felicia stops suddenly, before turning back to you.
  6015. > “Listen, princess. I’m sorry I’ve been a bit rude… I just tend to be a little blunt. But I know this is probably a hard time-”
  6016. “I do not need your pity, Felicia. Now let me get back to my husband.”
  6017. > She grimaces at that, but sighs, and moves out of your way.
  6018. > You don’t have time for her seeking your forgiveness. If she wants that, she can earn it later, when there’s not an emergency on your hooves.
  6019. > Walking past the human, you walk out into a brilliantly decorated hallway…
  6020. > You can see Anonymous and Arycastrasza in the hallway, both staring at… a dead dragon.
  6021. > The fury still coursing through your veins almost made you forget about the situation.
  6022. > Brilliant purple scales, laying on the floor out in the hallway, about three feet from an opened doorway.
  6023. > In a pool of blood.
  6024. > Anonymous seems to just be entirely out of it, staring at the body so intently he doesn’t even notice you.
  6025. > There’s several other dragons moving in and out of the room behind them, and one inspecting the body on the floor itself.
  6026. > If the dragon’s dead, does that mean that Waves is alright? Did she…
  6027. > Win?
  6028. > As you approach, you see Anonymous look up at you, but no smile graces his face.
  6029. > He looks… crushed. Which says volumes about the situation…
  6030. “Anon?”
  6031. > He looks away from you once more, and back towards the open door of that room.
  6032. > Looking back over your shoulder briefly in response, you see that Felicia’s gone.
  6033. > On the one hoof, it feels good. You hated being in her presence already…
  6034. > But on the other, having her out of sight now has you more suspicious. She could be up to something…
  6035. > “Princess. I wish to offer my sincerest apologies…”
  6036. > Turning back around, you see that Ary has moved up towards you, with an incredibly somber expression on her face.
  6037. > That… sounds bad.
  6040. > “Your mother was a half Diamond Dog!”
  6041. > You are Shadewing.
  6042. > “Maybe if you didn’t have such fat-flanks, that wouldn’t be an issue.”
  6043. > And… that was not what you expected to hear coming into Princess Luna’s chambers.
  6044. > Your mind immediately tries to figure out what a fat pony/diamond dog hybrid would look like, and promptly you drop that thought.
  6045. > Unimportant.
  6046. > As you enter the princess’ unguarded room, you see her glaring intently at a wall.
  6047. > She seems… very frustrated.
  6048. > “Or you could shut up for ten seconds so I could finish off this paperwork, and then everything would be fine…”
  6049. > No doubt it’s the chaos magic settling in on her.
  6050. > You feel a strange sort of sympathy, though you’ve never known anypony closely who had such an affliction.
  6051. > But you’d seen the illness countless times in the past.
  6052. > You knew your presence had always soothed the others to some degree, hopefully the same would hold true for the Princess.
  6053. > But that meant first interrupting her little rant with the wall, which you sort of felt wasn’t your place to do.
  6054. > You’d spend hours on end waiting for… previous employers to finish up their debates with the wall before reporting on issues to them.
  6055. > It was just generally something you weren’t supposed to interrupt unless there was something pressing.
  6056. > But then, Luna wasn’t your previous employer. She doesn’t seem to really be enjoying the discussion as much as-
  6057. > …
  6058. > Well that’s a particularly weird comment.
  6059. > How could a voice in your head possibly have the same consistency as mayonnaise?
  6060. > This has clearly gone on long enough.
  6061. > Time to interrupt.
  6062. “Princess Luna?”
  6064. > Luna freezes mid-comment at your voice, her face rapidly reddening as she slowly turns to look at you.
  6065. > Well, now you just feel mean.
  6066. > “Oh. Hi.”
  6067. > You’re not sure you’ve ever seen a pony blush quite that fiercely before.
  6068. > But you maintain your professionalism. After all, it’s a requirement of the job that you always maintain a steely-eyed look.
  6069. > You even snap a sharp salute.
  6070. “Good evening, Princess.”
  6071. > She raises an eyebrow at that, her magic pulling back a curtain to let the sunlight flutter into the otherwise pitch-black room.
  6072. > “I’m pretty sure I decide if it’s evening now.”
  6073. > Luna says it with an odd intonation and sort of… grins, afterward.
  6074. > You… don’t quite know how to answer that, so you just stand there looking at her.
  6075. > Was it meant to be a joke, or an observation?
  6076. > … Princess Luna is an odd pony, but that’s irrelevant.
  6077. “Yeah… so, the Prince requested that I contact you to seal the deal on his little arrangement if they weren’t back around now. Would you be willing to accompany me down to the city?”
  6078. > Her little smile falls for a moment, but she nonetheless levitates her little stack of papers off to a bookshelf nearby and gets up from her seat.
  6079. > “Very well, I thought I recognized you from Anonymous’ little band of guards. Lead away!”
  6080. > The excitement still in her voice even after that incredibly awkward moment is… further awkward.
  6081. > But perhaps it’s only awkward for you, given that you feel somewhat responsible for her current predicament.
  6082. > After all, her shouting match with the wall was the fault of your close ally, and the plans you and her had put into motion.
  6083. > You suppose you’re somewhat culpable.
  6085. > Walking through the halls of Canterlot Castle with the Princess, you’re rather struck by how… empty the place feels with your actual employer missing.
  6086. > It’s been niggling at you all day, and now that you’re with Luna it’s niggling at you more.
  6087. > You’ve known Anonymous for less than a week, yet you’ve grown attached to being near him.
  6088. > A consequence of having to follow him everywhere and the immense stress, you suppose.
  6089. > You were about ready to kill somepony when he got stranded out in Canterlot yesterday in that snowstorm.
  6090. > Moonlight, in particular, was the subject of your wrath once you managed to get the Prince to safety and the situation resolved.
  6091. > Irresponsible stallion that he was…
  6092. > “If you don’t mind… what is your name?”
  6093. > Luna’s question sort of kicks you out of your daydreaming as you look over towards her, that big smile still on her face.
  6094. > Did she not know about your involvement…?
  6095. “Shadewing, your majesty.”
  6096. > She gives you a nod, and then looks back forward in the direction the two of you are walking.
  6097. > But the second you look away from her, she speaks up once again.
  6098. > “Shadewing… I’m not entirely sure how to ask this, but is there anything… special, magically, about you?”
  6099. > Special magically?
  6100. > You’re not quite sure how to respond to that, a recurring theme with Luna.
  6101. > You’re special in a number of ways magically, it’s what made you such an exceptional soldier.
  6102. > Not that you understood any of those ways, magic was for unicorns after all.
  6103. “How do you mean?”
  6104. > “I… uh, can’t hear your thoughts. It’s been happening with a lot of other ponies lately, but it’s just quiet around you.”
  6106. > Oh. Special in that way.
  6107. > You guess you should’ve predicted that, given your history with ponies like her.
  6108. “Well, those of us that worked closely for Discord had to receive his gifts to stop us from getting corrupted as well. Its effects sometimes bleed over.”
  6109. > An utter bullshit lie.
  6110. > But Luna seems utterly convinced by it, so that works.
  6111. > “That’s incredible... I might need to keep you around more often!”
  6112. > Stars, please no. You don’t want that.
  6113. > “Anonymous had the same effect on me, too. Wonder what it all means…”
  6114. > Anonymous certainly didn’t have Discord’s blessing, but if Luna were more astute she probably could have picked up on that and called out your lie.
  6115. > You have absolutely no clue how things worked when you were with Discord, but he claimed that was the case.
  6116. > You knew better than most to never take Discord at his word.
  6117. > And… you weren’t particularly interested in studying the topic to discover the truth.
  6118. > Not that you could if you wanted to, you suppose.
  6119. > Unicorns don’t really understand how chaos magic works anyway, but better to leave it to those scholars with the smarts to figure it out.
  6120. > You’re just a soldier, after all.
  6121. “The Prince seems to have quite a knack for that sort of business already, given his… unique position. I’m sure he’ll be back soon and you can stay around him.”
  6122. > She gives a little chuckle to that, and mutters something under her breath, but you don’t comment on it further.
  6123. > After all, it was hardly your place to get involved in your rulers’ relationships.
  6124. > You’d leave that to Nightmare, it was more of her specialty.
  6126. > You feel some semblance of pride as the Princess lets out a little gasp walking outside of the castle.
  6127. > Your efforts had been quite successful at getting Canterlot back into working order.
  6128. > Between yourself, Moonlight, and the generals, you’d managed to get the snow cleared away from pretty much the entirety of the Noble and Royal quarters, and the streets of the other ones.
  6129. > Relief had been a swift and measured initiative.
  6130. > “Praetor Shadewing, Princess Luna.”
  6131. > A small contingent of Royal Guards are waiting for the two of you as you exit the castle, ready to escort you to the Lower Quarter.
  6132. > You’d spoken to the Captain earlier and arranged for the escort to be put into place. Given the attack on Celestia yesterday…
  6133. > You weren’t taking any chances with Luna, especially given the shadier location of your meeting place with the powerful mages to reconvene the Council.
  6134. > The Lower Quarter was the necessary locale, far away from the prying eyes of the rest of the nobility who would seek to infiltrate such an event.
  6135. > It needed to be well disguised.
  6136. “Lieutenant, a pleasure. You’re familiar with our route, then, I take it?”
  6137. > He gives you a little nod in the affirmative, but when you look back to the princess, you see her looking shocked at the fountain…
  6138. > “How is this running again so quickly? I thought it would be broken for months!”
  6139. > …
  6140. > You’re going to pretend you didn’t hear that.
  6141. > You’ve managed to restore this whole damn city to order in a day, and she’s amazed you managed to get the damn fountain working?
  6142. > Unreal.
  6143. > You’re going to further pretend that it’s just the chaos magic talking.
  6144. > And that Luna does not genuinely have the priorities of a seventeen-year old filly, as you suspect she does.
  6146. > It’s sort of weird, actually, thinking about how young Princess Luna is.
  6147. > As your guards move out into the Noble Quarter, you really begin to let that sentiment sink in.
  6148. > She’s so much bigger than everypony else, you just sort of feel like her and Celestia are older than they are.
  6149. > More mature.
  6150. > Even moving through the Noble Quarter, the Princess continues to frankly gawk at the progress you’ve made in a day’s time.
  6151. > And it makes you feel absolutely horrible for making an enemy of them, now.
  6152. > That youthful innocence and cheer, not exposed to the hardening wrath of the political scene like her sister…
  6153. > “You’ve managed to do some amazing work, Shadewing…”
  6154. > The awe in her voice gives you some warmth to counter that growing cold spot in your heart.
  6155. “Not alone, of course. You and the Prince had a substantial role in organizing all of this, I’ve just been implementing it.”
  6156. > You still had your professional pride, after all.
  6157. > The sun’s helped things along, no doubt, but only a properly organized Canterlot military and citizen initiative could have produced results like these so quickly.
  6158. > And you can’t help but puff up your chest a bit as you and your escort walk through the streets, past small crowds of civilians.
  6159. > Though you don’t seem to get nearly the recognition Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous seemed to get out in public.
  6160. > Which is a good thing, you suppose, though the Princess seems a little down as she looks over at the various ponies just going about their business as you pass.
  6161. > Hmm…
  6162. > Maybe you ought to try and get to know her better.
  6163. “So, Princess. I don’t often see you out in Canterlot, why’s that?”
  6165. > You figured going for the jugular was the best way to break the ice, and Luna seems to respond in an amicable way.
  6166. > Though her comment’s a little depressing.
  6167. > “I always feel self-conscious when I’m out here. Like I’m being judged by all the ponies around, not sure why.”
  6168. > Possibly because ponies like you are judging her, but you silence that part of yourself.
  6169. “Well… looking around, I don’t think you really need to worry about them judging you.”
  6170. > You only realize how harsh that sounds by the time you finish the sentence, but fortunately Luna doesn’t seem to take it poorly.
  6171. > She gives you a little sympathetic smile.
  6172. > “I know. Tia’s always going to be a lot more popular than me, that’s just the way things are, but… a little attention would be nice.”
  6173. > Oh fuck, are you going to have to cheer up Luna?
  6174. > You’re horrible at cheering up ponies!
  6175. > Your special talent is in making them endlessly miserable with drills and training, not making them happy with…
  6176. > Whatever it is one does to make ponies happy.
  6177. “Well… I mean, you’re still a princess. That’s gotta get you some attention at least, right?”
  6178. > She shakes her head solemnly, and your feelings of being an arse only deepen.
  6179. > You need something to solve this quickly, or else-
  6180. > “By the Sun and Stars… what is that?”
  6181. > The stunned voice of the Lieutenant echoes out behind you, and you practically leap on the opportunity to get away from this conversation.
  6182. > Sweet merciful ancients, you’re a lucky mare.
  6184. > You turn to look back at the guard for a moment, but as you do you spot what he’s referring to.
  6185. > Off one of the side-streets.
  6186. > And… you almost can’t believe what you see.
  6187. > “That’s quite a crowd…”
  6188. > You’re barely cognizant of Luna’s words as you just continue staring over at them.
  6189. > You can feel your heartbeat picking up as you quickly spot some… things.
  6190. > Some tall stakes emerging from large piles of wood at their base.
  6191. > “Shadewing? Is there a celebration of some sort today I’m not familiar with?”
  6192. > Breaking your gaze briefly from the spectacle, you look back to the Princess, and notice that all of the ponies around you are looking to you for answers.
  6193. > Most of them seem to have clued into exactly what it is, apart from Luna.
  6194. > She’s too young to remember anything like that, after all.
  6195. “It’s nothing, Princess. Lieutenant, keep her safe, I need to get a better angle on this.”
  6196. > Obviously not the best way to actually assure the Princess that it was nothing, but you needed more information desperately.
  6197. > And so, with a powerful beat of your wings, you take off into the air and soar up to one of the buildings lining the streets to get a good view of the crowd.
  6198. > Carefully, of course, to make sure you’re not spotted as you fly high.
  6199. > A unicorn could easily take you out of the sky if you’re alone, after all…
  6200. > And with the seemingly hundreds of ponies down there, you don’t doubt they might have some accomplished mages.
  6201. > But still, you fly straight to the building adjacent the center of the crowd, and look down in the city-square, where an Earth stallion is screaming at the crowd.
  6202. > And surrounding him are quite a few ponies…
  6203. > Most of them not looking comfortable with the situation.
  6205. > Pegasi. Roughly fifteen of them or so from what you can see.
  6206. > Wide range of ages and a pretty close blend of mares and stallions.
  6207. > Tied up, and struggling against their bonds…
  6208. > Your mouth feels as though it’s full of cotton looking down at the scene.
  6209. > The prince had been warned things like this might happen… but so soon?
  6210. > The city is meant to be bonding after hardship, yet they so quickly turn against one another…
  6211. > Perhaps you should not have solved their problems so quickly, so that they could not quickly seek out a boogeypony to vilify.
  6212. > But it seemed so important, with so many ponies in danger, to just… solve things as quickly as possible.
  6213. > You should go help them, they need saving.
  6214. > You have a duty to your prince. The Council must be organized before he returns from Aetherium, or there will be hell to pay.
  6215. > They’re your kin.
  6216. > They’re not. You gave up tribalism a long time ago when you joined the guards, your kin are the members of the Royal Guard.
  6217. > They’re going to die.
  6218. > That’s not your problem.
  6219. > Yet you can’t deny that niggling stress at the back of your throat telling you to dive down there and fight off the crowd.
  6220. > To single-hoofedly save the day, somehow.
  6221. > But even with your contingent of guards by your side, you wouldn’t be able to break that up. You would need to get backup.
  6222. > And more critically, it would delay your task and endanger your charge.
  6223. > You swallow your stubbornness, as you so often had to in your role.
  6224. > There were… more important things to be done.
  6226. > As you swooped back down to your group of guards, you land solemnly and gesture with a wing for them to move out.
  6227. > And apart from the princess, the entirety of them about-face and get ready to follow you.
  6228. “Lily. You’ll return to the castle and inform the garrison what’s going on here. The rest of you, with me.”
  6229. > The words feel a little sickening, but you steel yourself and don’t let it show on your face.
  6230. > Fuck, this just keeps on getting worse the longer things go on. If Discord were here…
  6231. > “Should we not assist them? If there is something bad happening, it is my obligation-”
  6232. ”No, Princess. We have other things which need to be done.”
  6233. > Her comment nearly threw you off, but you knew better than to entrust this decision to her right now.
  6234. > She’s unstable, and not mature enough. She doesn’t know how to prioritize things right now, and the sun is a bigger deal than some stupid Pegasi.
  6235. > … Pegasi is starting to feel like a dirty word.
  6236. > With a measured stride, you continue forward, and the princess reluctantly sets pace to follow you forward, around the bend and away from the crowd.
  6237. > Your mind keeps playing out what you know is going to happen with those stakes.
  6238. > But you ignore it.
  6239. > “Shadewing… what exactly is going on back there?”
  6240. > … You’re not sure how effectively you can lie to her this time.
  6241. > So you instead opt for a half-truth.
  6242. “The ponies are having an anti-Pegasus rally. It’s not important right now.”
  6243. > And while it kills you a little inside to say it, she seems to buy it.
  6244. > There…
  6245. > There was no other option.
  6246. > You needed to get this done, now, and at any cost or the opportunity would slip away.
  6247. > They would understand.
  6248. > Pegasi understood duty better than any other.
  6250. > As it turned out, the Merchant Quarter was easy enough to navigate, as it seems most of the ponies had been at that…
  6251. > Event.
  6252. > So your journey to the Lower Quarter had gone largely unabated by foot traffic, though you wouldn’t expect many ponies to get in Luna’s way.
  6253. > And even getting through the Lower Quarter had been easy, most ponies staying off the streets and either in homes still warming up or getting medical attention.
  6254. > And so here you were, standing before a shoddy looking wooden shack, guards posted at the entrances and exits to the sort-of alleyway which led here.
  6255. > “Is this venue… safe? It strikes me as a remarkably poorly maintained structure.”
  6256. > Intentionally ‘poorly maintained,’ perhaps.
  6257. > But for good reason. Powerful political ponies needed spaces to be able to discuss inconspicuously.
  6258. > There were a few ponies who knew about it, and a lot more would after tonight.
  6259. > It was one of many such locations throughout Canterlot that you used to make a lot more use of in the older days…
  6260. > When politics was less about ponies dying and more about silly little games, and you were escorting ponies around at your Lord’s behest.
  6261. > When politics didn’t mean a whole bunch of ponies going to war and making everypony hate one another with a fiery passion…
  6262. > When your country was great, and a shining beacon for the rest of the world.
  6263. > You look momentarily back to Luna, and her little smile as she looks back at you.
  6264. “It’s perfectly safe. C’mon.”
  6265. > When two little fillies didn’t rule your nation.
  6267. > The assembled ponies numbered about thirty strong, though only about twenty of them were directly relevant.
  6268. > Very high level unicorn sorcerers from the Academy.
  6269. > Stunning that so many of them would bring along family or friends to a situation where they’re being blackmailed with their indiscretions…
  6270. > Yet here they are…
  6271. > “I… recognize a lot of these ponies.”
  6272. > The princess’ comment is a little unsurprising, you suppose.
  6273. “I can imagine. I’m sure they all recognize you…”
  6274. > The most powerful unicorns also tended to be the most politically powerful ponies in Equestria, given how they had formed much of the aristocracy.
  6275. > You’re not exactly sure how much they interact with Luna, specifically, but you presume they would still keep her in mind in decisions.
  6276. > Politics isn’t your game either.
  6277. > Watching as Moonlight walks up to you, you struggle to keep a frown off your face.
  6278. > You still haven’t entirely forgiven him for failing to keep Celestia safe while you were off.
  6279. > And you hadn’t even had the chance to tell of Isthmus yet. You knew she wasn’t ready.
  6280. > “They’re all here… all the ones we’ve got dirt on to compel to act.”
  6281. > You smile, stepping forward into the light, and looking out at the wide variety of ponies assembled for you to force into action.
  6282. “Well then, I suppose we might as well get down to business.”
  6283. > You slam a hoof down on the floor, making a loud crash echo out through the room, and getting the attention of the assembled ponies.
  6284. > Princess Luna stands behind you, though you intend to handle proceedings yourself.
  6285. > It’s a good day for-
  6286. > “Are you the one I’m supposed to tell to fuck off?”
  6288. > An older, gray stallion says it to you, suddenly approaching you in a rage along with his… wife?
  6289. > You’re a little shocked at his aggression, given the way the cards line up.
  6290. > But you don’t let it show on your face as you regard him coldly, keeping up a skeptical look.
  6291. “You can act tough, but I’m not buying it, Lord Silvermane. Your wife is lovely, but some of the things…”
  6292. > He waves you off with a hoof, and puffs up his chest at you.
  6293. > Fucking unicorns and their pomp. As though he could possibly look intimidating with that dildo sticking out the top of his head.
  6294. > No offense to your princesses.
  6295. > “She knows all of it, you damn harlot. And I’ll see to it that the crown pays dearly for trying to pry apart my personal life for your own gain.”
  6296. > That… actually surprises you a bit.
  6297. > She knows all of it? The… affairs?
  6298. > Figures a uni would be fine with their spouse fucking others behind their backs…
  6299. > If you ever found out your partner was cheating on you back in Pegasopolis, you would take his balls from him.
  6300. > Yet this mare just coyly stands there like a doormat.
  6301. “Before you forget, the public doesn’t. I imagine you would find yourself still in hot water if we were to leak this information.”
  6302. > His frown deepens, before he lets out a condescending chuckle.
  6303. > And walks up to you, seemingly trying to intimidate you with his larger stature, though you do not stand down.
  6304. > “And you think the public is going to believe some scummy little Pegasus guard that an Archmaester is an adulterer? You’re out of your-”
  6305. > “Now I remember where I know you from!”
  6306. > You flinches, as does the entire room, at Luna’s little outburst as you look over your shoulder at her.
  6307. > She’s got the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on her face now.
  6308. > What in the…
  6309. > “You’re the one who wants to copulate with fillies!”
  6311. > There’s a sort of stunned silence in the room at Luna’s outburst, and you still just stare slack-jawed at her.
  6312. > She’s practically giddy, on her tippy-hooves as she points a hoof at Lord Silvermane, who himself is looking incredibly flustered.
  6313. > “I… I have sex with mares, and this is slander, and I will not-”
  6314. > “I’ve seen it in your dreams, about your neighbour’s young foal. The green one with the orange mane?”
  6315. > The look the older stallion’s getting from the ponies in the room now is somewhat torn between disgust and terror.
  6316. > Particularly his wife, who is distancing herself from him very suddenly and abruptly.
  6317. > No doubt they’re all terrified that their own darkest secrets will be exposed to this whole collection of ponies.
  6318. > Maybe they weren’t going to be easily manipulated by Anonymous’ plot with the maître d’, but they can’t counted on Luna.
  6319. > You feel like a damn filly in a candystore.
  6320. > “This is wholly irrelevant to the proceedings, we should-”
  6321. > “It’s relevant if my guardian’s blackmail is insufficient, which you said it was. Your attraction to foals is better blackmail, right?”
  6322. > Oh Luna, she’s a mare after your heart right now.
  6323. > Suddenly you don’t particularly mind that she’s a sort of silly, naïve, foalish little filly.
  6324. > She’s clearly got a talent that puts her in the perfect place for politics.
  6325. > You look back to Silvermare with a grin of your own this time, suddenly feeling genuinely confident in your bartering chip once again.
  6326. “So… willing to negotiate?”
  6327. > The slow, steady, and building universal agreement from the room is music to your ears.
  6328. > Particularly when Silvermane defeatedly hangs his head.
  6329. > Maybe you could get something done for once without too much trouble…
  6330. > Maybe the sacrifice of your fellow ponies would be worth something.
  6333. > You are Anonymous.
  6334. > And you’re not quite sure how you feel right now.
  6335. > You’re staring at a plain white cloth, draped over a small lump in the center of the room.
  6336. > You’re told one of your only friends in your new home lays beneath it.
  6337. > You didn’t have the courage to look yourself. You’d simply stared since arriving, unable to break your gaze from it for more than a moment.
  6338. > Death was becoming too common for you. You’d never experienced it in all your life, before your marriage.
  6339. > The occasional accident at Tournament, sure. But this was nothing like that.
  6340. > This was murder. And you’d seen it happen over and over again, now.
  6341. > “Anon…?”
  6342. > Celestia’s voice from beside you barely manages to reach you.
  6343. > You want to scream. To destroy things. To go around taking out your rage on everything around you, this bubbling hatred.
  6344. > But you couldn’t. You didn’t have the energy to right now, even if you had decided to throw rational thought to the wind.
  6345. > “Anon, relax… It’s going to be alright.”
  6346. > Your breath is hitching. You shouldn’t be showing weakness.
  6347. > You told Celestia you wouldn’t hide things from her, but you had utterly failed to achieve that repeatedly at this point.
  6348. > And now you’re in public, surrounded by these fucking… things.
  6349. > These Dragons.
  6350. > Your father had told you about what it was like to feel like you’re at war with someone. With some group of others who were so foreign to you as to seem evil.
  6351. > He’d explained the feelings of persecution, the unfairness that the other would inflict upon you constantly.
  6352. > He’d explained how your life would feel like it was meant for fighting them.
  6353. > For a species you weren’t at war with, you certainly understood those feelings about the Dragons right about now.
  6355. “I would like to be left alone with my wife.”
  6356. > The words are said evenly, though they betray your intentions.
  6357. > The Dragon Queen, whose name you’re not going to even think because it would dignify her too much, seems to immediately capitulate, telling her guardians to step out and leaving herself.
  6358. > It’s good of her. Given one of her broodlings is dead as well, you would not expect her to be so willing to leave you alone here.
  6359. > The scene needs investigating, after all.
  6360. > But then… maybe the politics were more important to her.
  6361. > “It’s alright, Anonymous… you don’t have to-”
  6362. “Why are you calm?”
  6363. > Oddly, you said that in a calm tone of voice. But it was as obvious to Celestia as it was to those Dragons that you were anything but calm.
  6364. > Privacy would hardly be necessary for a proper ruler, because a proper ruler would be calm.
  6365. > Celestia seems to awkwardly shuffle for a moment beside you, before looking over towards the sheet herself.
  6366. > “I’m calm because I’ve dealt with this before.”
  6367. > Her voice is defeated sounding, as though making a concession in that admission.
  6368. > In retrospect, of course she has. She’s been a ruler for six years already.
  6369. > A proper ruler doesn’t get upset by the death of a single guard.
  6370. > You shouldn’t be upset that she died.
  6371. > You should be content it wasn’t you who died. You’re more important, after all; you’re the Prince of Equestria.
  6372. “Were they close to you?”
  6373. > In your peripheral vision, you see Celestia give a soft nod.
  6374. > It’s infuriating how plainly you’re speaking. You should both be hurling rage, yet here you are calmly discussing.
  6375. > It’s not right.
  6376. > “It’s why I try not to get attached to those sworn to me like that.”
  6378. > Finally managing to tear your gaze away from the cloth-covered body, you look over to Celestia.
  6379. > She’s trembling, slightly.
  6380. > Or maybe you are.
  6381. “If she had died protecting me, then it would be different. If she had died for a reason…”
  6382. > Your voice cracks slightly at that, and you nearly let out a growl at the prospect, instantly silencing yourself.
  6383. > You cannot show this weakness.
  6384. > She’s just an Equestrian.
  6385. > Just another one of your new subjects. Not someone significant.
  6386. > And yet, you find yourself feeling worse staring at the cloth than you did when you stared upon your father’s dying form.
  6387. > Why…?
  6388. > A soft wing finds its way around your midriff, and attempts to pull you close against her.
  6389. > You don’t let her pull you close.
  6390. > “You don’t have to hide your emotions, Anon. I can help you through it… I know what it feels like the first time.”
  6391. > Her voice is meant to sound sympathetic, but it feels almost condescending to you.
  6392. > The temptation flashes through your mind to lash out at her.
  6393. > To strike at her and make her shut up. To prove that you could handle this, that you didn’t need her help.
  6394. > To strike at her for her insensitivity. For pulling you into all this in the first place.
  6395. > She was evading your questions earlier. Your questions about the dowry, about all of this.
  6396. > Without this damn marriage, life would have been so much nicer. Even if father had still fallen ill so soon after.
  6397. > Waves would still be alive. Luna would still be safe. Marcus and Ares wouldn’t be warring with one another. Pegasopolis wouldn’t be in rebellion, Canterlot wouldn’t have been attacked.
  6398. > You would still be going around Freemark without a care in the world.
  6399. > Life would still be easy.
  6400. “We’re returning home, at once.”
  6402. > You’ll deal with Celestia’s deception, whatever it was, when you were in Equestria.
  6403. > In all honesty, the rebellion of the Pegasi felt like an easy policy issue compared to the bullshit that had become your homeland.
  6404. > You would handle it when you were away from the Dragons, and Waves was properly and respectfully dealt with.
  6405. > Every second you spent here, uncertainly speaking about abstractions cost one of your friends their dignity.
  6406. > Celestia seems to actively pick up that you want to speak further, but she bites her tongue.
  6407. > Though you can feel a spark of happiness in her from your sentiment. Perhaps from the way you talked about Equestria.
  6408. > This certainly wasn’t your home anymore, after all.
  6409. > “If that is what you want.”
  6410. > Forcing your body forward, you walked into the room, a room of the castle you’d never actually been in before.
  6411. > A terrible circumstance for an introduction to such a nice…
  6412. > Focus.
  6413. > Your mind keeps trying to pin itself off on other distractions.
  6414. > On your marriage, on the wars, on whatever else because you don’t want to really have to do anything right now.
  6415. > But you have to.
  6416. > It gets harder the closer you get to the cloth, but you persevere, until you find yourself standing right beside her.
  6417. > The sheet had little bloodstains on it.
  6418. > Celestia remains by the door.
  6419. > Maybe she thinks you need to do this. Maybe she also feels the trepidation you do, and you just can’t sense it for whatever reason.
  6420. > But nevertheless, you walk up alone, and kneel down beside her on your own.
  6421. > You knew what was under it.
  6422. > But you couldn’t let yourself think about it as your hands reach forward.
  6424. > Revulsion spreads through you as you can feel her fur shift under the cloth when your hands make the connection.
  6425. > She’s cold.
  6426. > Bodies aren’t supposed to get cold that fast.
  6427. > She’s not supposed to die like that. People you know aren’t supposed to just die.
  6428. > Ponies you know shouldn’t.
  6429. > With your dad, you knew he would go while you were alive. You knew he would die eventually.
  6430. > You’d spent years lamenting the day it happened as the day Marcus got the authority to be a cock with no limitations.
  6431. > Focus.
  6432. > Gently, you manipulate the cloth so as to wrap it under her, feeling her limp hooves shift with your touch.
  6433. > There’s no resistance. They just… shift along with you, lifelessly hanging off of the main body. Like they’re not even a part of her.
  6434. > Focus.
  6435. > You roll her slightly, wrapping her up firmly in the cloth, careful not to hurt her wings which seem to roll in at on odd angle.
  6436. > You’d never realized how delicate they must be, with nothing but membrane there.
  6437. > Focus.
  6438. > A slight gap in your fold gives you the briefest glimpse of her snout, hanging slack with her fangs exposed.
  6439. > There’s blood on them.
  6440. > You suddenly remember her smiling earlier, so full of excitement at the prospect that she could fix everything wrong between you and Cel.
  6441. > Focus.
  6442. > You adjust the cloth to fully cover her. You can’t deal with analyzing the situation right now.
  6443. > And gently, you lift up her body, bridal-style, and turn to face Celestia.
  6444. > That damn condescending look. That fucking sympathetic look.
  6445. > You don’t need her sympathy.
  6446. > You…
  6447. “Let’s go.”
  6449. > “I understand. I only hope that such an unfortunate circumstance will not inhibit our diplomatic relations… I can assure you we will perform a full investigation, even without your young guard.”
  6450. > Such guarded language from the Dragon Bitch.
  6451. > Upon leaving, Celestia had promptly informed the invaders that you would be leaving.
  6452. > You wouldn’t speak to them.
  6453. > “We won’t. We will hold your request in continued consideration.”
  6454. > Of course you will. A spat between some servants of the crown ought not to inhibit political relations, right?
  6455. > Even when you’re carrying one of those servants in your arms.
  6456. > This false mask of everything being ok is further sickening.
  6457. > Or maybe they genuinely thought everything would be ok. They genuinely thought it shouldn’t be taken into consideration.
  6458. > Should the Dragons be blamed for the actions of a rogue agent? Perhaps not.
  6459. > But they’ve done a lot more to you than that as a species in the past two weeks.
  6460. > Walking briskly past the Dragon entourage, you stride towards the exit of the castle.
  6461. > Purposefully ignoring Ares, who stands there looking hopelessly at you when you walk past him without a glance in his direction.
  6462. > “I apologize. Anonymous was… close to her.”
  6463. > Celestia’s whispered words to your brother further drive you mad.
  6464. > She’s doing the right thing. The thing a good King ought to do, being friendly even in the face of a ‘diplomatic incident.’
  6465. > The thing you should do.
  6466. > But you’re not the sort born in their lifestyle, that of Celestia and the Dragon.
  6467. > You and Ares understood what this meant. It’s why neither of you were talking, it’s why neither of you were going to play around like Celestia and Ares’ wife.
  6468. > Every single person matters. It’s what you were taught.
  6469. > Waves mattered.
  6471. “Prepare the chariot.”
  6472. > Speaking at all was beginning to get harder as your inner turmoil churned.
  6473. > The guards almost seemed surprised at it, and when they saw the bundle in your arms you saw them grimace.
  6474. > You don’t know any of these guards.
  6475. > If they died, would you feel the same?
  6476. > You hope you would. You hope you would have the same expression for each and every one of them.
  6477. > Yet you had burned those skies over Canterlot knowing there was a danger of some Pegasi dying, hadn’t you?
  6478. > Was it hypocritical? You killed those… things in the arena; that was direct.
  6479. > You suddenly become acutely aware of your brand. That crescent moon, the symbol branded of you of your killings.
  6480. > Your life had been in danger.
  6481. > Even when you left the castle, the air still felt oppressive, like breathing it was akin to breathing sludge.
  6482. > There was no relief from the somber atmosphere so long as you carried your dead friend in your arms.
  6483. > Walking forward with purpose, you head directly to where your carriage awaits, your guards rushing forward to try and prepare it.
  6484. > Celestia was a little behind you.
  6485. > Her injury was slowing her down.
  6486. > You’re a horrible husband. You should be tending to her, not wasting your attention on someone who’s already gone.
  6487. > But you feel like you’re just swept away with the emotion of the moment.
  6488. > By the time you make it there, things had almost entirely been prepared already, so efficient were your guardians.
  6489. > And so, you stop right at the foot of the chariot, and glance back, matching eyes with Celestia once more.
  6490. > Those brilliant pink-purple eyes held a lot inside them.
  6491. > She knew how to persevere in times of hardship. Her people have been falling apart since your marriage, and she has handled it with grace.
  6492. > But you’re having difficulty having the same happen to your own. Even those ‘people’ who happen to be ponies.
  6494. > “Prince Anonymous!”
  6495. > Your attention is drawn by a distinctly feminine voice, and you turn away from your wife for a moment to spot someone else.
  6496. > Felicia.
  6497. > She’s running towards you, away from the castle, looking… panicked.
  6498. > Where had she been…?
  6499. > Celestia’s eyes narrow slightly looking at your former guardian as she approaches, and you can feel an intense disdain emanating from your wife.
  6500. > Had something happened?
  6501. > As Felicia reached the two of you by the chariot, out of breath, and coughing once when she arrived.
  6502. > Must’ve been quite a sprint in armour like that…
  6503. > “Anon… You can’t just leave me here. If I hadn’t fled, that Dragon might have…”
  6504. > Her gesture towards the wounds on her chest leaves no doubt as to the implication.
  6505. > The Dragon would have killed her too, potentially.
  6506. > Or the combined efforts of Waves and her could have killed it. But apportioning blame in that way seemed… ill-suited.
  6507. > You looked to Celestia for a moment, and you could already tell she was uncomfortable with the proposition.
  6508. > No doubt there would be political implications to be read off of such an admission.
  6509. > ‘We don’t trust you, Falwing.’ Would be one.
  6510. > A big one, if you were considering a future alliance of this sort.
  6511. > But then, you weren’t really considering a future alliance, were you? You knew how this was all going to play out.
  6512. > They were your enemy.
  6513. > “Please? They could kill me…”
  6514. > Celestia would understand. Even if she has some sort of disagreement with your former guardian, surely she cannot expect her to be left here.
  6515. > In this hellhole you once called home.
  6516. “Get in. We’ll discuss this in Equestria.”
  6518. > With a relieved sigh, your former guardian gives you thanks and walks past you and onto the chariot.
  6519. > And slowly, you turn to look at Celestia.
  6520. > No doubt she’s got some opinion on whether Felicia should return with the two of you, but right now…
  6521. > “Anon…”
  6522. > Right now you’re not thinking rationally.
  6523. “We’ll discuss the terms of her living there when we’re home. Not now.”
  6524. > Celestia seems momentarily surprised by your reiteration, but seems to understand as she chews her cheek with a nod.
  6525. > It seemed like a stupid demand. Immature.
  6526. > But you couldn’t handle it while Waves was still in your arms. Once she was safely buried, or burned, or whatever her custom held would be done, then you would talk.
  6527. > For now, though…
  6528. > “If that is what you want.”
  6529. > Those words. She keeps on saying them to you.
  6530. > She thinks you’re being childish, and maybe you are.
  6531. > You’re not even saying goodbye to your father right now because you want to get out of here.
  6532. > With the chariot hitched, you finally look behind to see Ares and his wife walking out of the castle, looking over towards you.
  6533. > The Dragon…
  6534. > You have a meeting with Nightmare tonight, regarding Luna.
  6535. > Settling into a seated position on the chariot beside Felicia, you position yourself to have a firm grip on Waves, to not let her go, and you can almost immediately feel the chariot pull forward as Celestia sits down.
  6536. > You had intended to be diplomatic.
  6537. > You look down at Waves, and once more a memory of her face emerges.
  6538. > Perhaps the time for diplomacy had passed with these monsters.
  6539. > Perhaps it was time you took control by force.
  6540. > You are the Prince of Equestria, and to some degree have an arguable claim on the Aetherite throne.
  6541. > You could certainly muster a lot of the houses behind you if you so wished.
  6542. > Perhaps it is time you capitalized on that, and taught Falwing where their place was.
  6543. > After you figured out everything with Cel.
  6546. > …
  6547. > This has been one of the most awkward situations you’ve ever been in.
  6548. > Almost immediately after your takeoff Felicia had taken to throwing up over the side of the chariot.
  6549. > Celestia hadn’t moved from your side to help her, letting your old friend just… be sick.
  6550. > You didn’t do anything either, but… you had a reason.
  6551. > At this point, though, she had long since emptied her stomach and was sitting, disheveled, near the edge at the opposite end of the chariot from you and Cel.
  6552. > Cel, who was stoically staring forward with her wing over your shoulder.
  6553. > It’s comfortable.
  6554. > Your earlier emotional instability had largely passed with time, and now…
  6555. > You just sort of felt tired.
  6556. > It’s an odd sensation, getting burned out on emotions like that.
  6557. > Not one you were particularly familiar with, given your fairly easy lifestyle prior to coming to this crazy horse land.
  6558. > This crazy horse land which has somehow changed your old home into a far crazier place than it ever was.
  6559. > Hell, if civil war and Dragon plots were on the agenda when you were a kid, maybe you would have paid attention when the Maester was trying to teach you civics.
  6560. > Looking down, you stare at the little bundle of cloth in your arms.
  6561. > She’s smaller than you remember, really.
  6562. > Somehow, it’s almost like she shrunk since you last saw her properly.
  6563. > You distinctly recall this ‘morning’ her jumping into your arms and seeming a lot heavier.
  6564. > …
  6565. > That actually reminds you, there’s something which has been niggling at the back of your head about all of this.
  6566. > What’s going to be done with her when you get back?
  6568. “Cel?”
  6569. > You can feel her jump from her position beside you, obviously startled by the sudden break in the silence.
  6570. > Though you don’t doubt she appreciates it. You could feel the stress building in her the longer the lot of you sat there in silence.
  6571. > “Yes, Anon?”
  6572. > There’s a good deal of trepidation in her voice, as though she’s walking on ice with you.
  6573. > No doubt she’s worried you could explode or something, given how you acted earlier.
  6574. > You sort of want to assure her you’re fine now, but the words don’t really come to you.
  6575. > Instead, you simply ask your question.
  6576. “How do Equestrians handle their dead?”
  6577. > You can see Felicia look over towards the two of you, her emerald eyes looking drained already from her experience with flight thus far.
  6578. > No doubt she’s rather interested in the answer as well.
  6579. > “How do we…? Oh, I understand. A burial, typically, though it varies by tribe and locale quite a bit. The Guard tend to also have their own set of traditions around burials.”
  6580. > Then that would likely be what happened, a burial would be the send-off.
  6581. > You were somewhat worried about that, actually. You remember the last time you had to attend a burial.
  6582. > Though that one involved Gryphons, who shared far too many cultural norms with Ponies for their own good.
  6583. > It was at Talon’s Peak a number of years ago, when the Knight you were a squire under had returned home for her son’s burial.
  6584. > It was a somber affair. Entirely unlike Aetherite funerals, which were celebratory in nature.
  6585. > A big ol’ pyre to send them off, and drinks all ‘round. It never even felt like somebody had died.
  6586. > It used to be a lot easier to handle when you didn’t really get what death could mean to someone.
  6587. > “A lot of Thestrals up in Symphonica opt for cremation, but she was born and raised in Canterlot, she’d probably want a burial.”
  6588. > That seals it, then.
  6589. > It would be wrong to impose your values on her like that, after all.
  6591. “I imagine that takes some time to prepare.”
  6592. > Your eyes are locked with Felicia’s as you’re speaking.
  6593. > She’s still not looking very good, almost haunted. Maybe she’s getting some comfort from locking eyes with you?
  6594. > Might help to escape the stress sickness of flying, you imagine.
  6595. > “Once we’re back in the city, there’s a room where they prepare ponies for the ceremony. We’ll be leaving her in capable hooves.”
  6596. > A grim proposition.
  6597. > One which also meant further staving off some sort of closure on the subject of your good friend.
  6598. > But an unavoidable one if you wanted to treat her right.
  6599. “Makes sense, I suppose… I’m sorry for being terse with you.”
  6600. > A genuine apology, although it sounded a little hollow.
  6601. > You wouldn’t be sorry for your rather intense emotional reaction, but you could certainly be sorry for being short with her.
  6602. > It wasn’t fair on her. She had no part in any of this, she never would.
  6603. > And yet you had rushed her out of the castle, making her limp away on her still-wounded leg alone while you threw your tantrum.
  6604. > “I understand, no need to apologize.”
  6605. > A small feeling of warmth, through the bond.
  6606. > It’s a nice sensation.
  6607. > To your surprise, she shifts slightly, pulling closer to you and resting her soft head against yours, her still-short mane resting lightly over your cheek.
  6608. > You break your gaze away from Felicia’s at that, and look up at Celestia, her eyes closed and a sort of soft, serene smile on her face.
  6609. > It’s a little awkward doing this in front of your older companion, but she’s seen you in other women in the middle of the act before.
  6610. > She can deal with you being a little cuddly for a moment.
  6611. > Still…
  6612. > You can’t wait to get home.
  6614. > You didn’t say much else after that.
  6615. > It didn’t seem right to say anything else, and Celestia and Felicia seemed content to let that silence hang as well.
  6616. > You’d expected Felicia to at least say something, anything, over the course of this trip, but she kept to your command to not discuss her tenure and remained absolutely silent.
  6617. > And as the time ticked by, so did the landscape you could see from the chariot.
  6618. > It went from the relatively sparse plains of the Aetherite North, to the grasslands around the river at the border between the countries, to the forests you were getting evermore familiar with.
  6619. > Those which surrounded Canterlot, and they rapidly gave way to towering spires and paved streets.
  6620. > Spires and streets which were conspicuously free of snow, as it happened.
  6621. > The city was back in action, or so it seemed.
  6622. > Good. You would have hated to have come back to all sorts of more chaos and havoc to deal with.
  6623. > You could see Felicia’s conflicted face, wanting to look out at the city as you entered but fearing the prospect of getting sick all over again.
  6624. > If she’s going to be one of your guards, she’s definitely going to have to learn how to handle that.
  6625. > It only makes sense that once all of this… absurdity has blown over, you’ll have to travel this way quite frequently around the realm.
  6626. > It’s weird thinking of how micromanaging Equestria will work once this has all blown over.
  6627. > Going to a day-to-day of politics and whatnot…
  6628. > Assuming it all works out, that is.
  6629. “Looks like we’re home.”
  6630. > You intentionally used the word again.
  6631. > It’s nice to feel how Celestia’s heart flutters when you say it.
  6632. > Even if the two of you still have some details to iron out… it’s nice to make her happy.
  6633. > “Yes, we are.”
  6635. > Felicia had dropped out of the chariot nearly the second it touched down on the cobblestones of the castle courtyard.
  6636. > For your part, you had been rather relaxed about finding your way out of it.
  6637. > Carefully maneuvering so as to not further harm your friend, and letting Celestia take her time getting out first, careful to not agitate anything.
  6638. > And as you stood up to get out, you were rather struck by the large assembly of guards in the courtyard.
  6639. > Almost a hundred of them, easily. You have to wonder how they knew when you’d be getting back, though you’re starting to learn not to question things like that.
  6640. > Probably magic of some sort.
  6641. > “Lieutenant, please escort our human friend to the ambassador’s quarters until me and the Prince can determine the details of her stay.”
  6642. > Looking over, you see Celestia talking to a rather official looking stallion.
  6643. > “And… get her something for her stomach. She’s likely starving right now.”
  6644. > A refined salute and a nod later, he was heading over towards your sick former guardian.
  6645. > Perhaps not the best introduction to her potential future cohort, but that’s her business.
  6646. > You’re a bit more surprised at how civil Celestia worded that, given the absolute contempt for Felicia you could feel radiating from her.
  6647. “You said there was a particular place we should be heading?”
  6648. > She looked back over towards you, and gave you a soft nod, before staring a slow trot towards the castle.
  6649. > Which you kept pace with, of course.
  6650. > You’re not entirely sure when your other guards found you, but at some point by the time you reached the castle they were at your sides as well.
  6651. > Silent. Stoic.
  6652. > Makes you wonder what their reaction to seeing what you were carrying was, on the inside.
  6653. > But you would inquire on that topic later.
  6654. > You had work to do.
  6656. > It’s a cold room.
  6657. > Not just in terms of the temperature, a chilling cold which seemed to pervade this entire new floor of the castle, but feeling.
  6658. > Sterile. Entirely unlike what a place preparing someone for a journey to the next life ought to be like.
  6659. > No vibrancy, no colour. Not even any ponies around.
  6660. > You suppose, much like with what you remember about the Gryphon rituals, they’re going to pretty-up the body in some way.
  6661. > It reminds you that you hadn’t even seen the extent of her injuries, just yet.
  6662. “We should have somepony perform an analysis of her wounds, before we… prepare her for a ceremony.”
  6663. > Celestia nods in affirmation beside you.
  6664. > “I intended to have that done. It could grant us some degree of insight into exactly what happened between them, though the answer may seem obvious. Lord Denning usually handles all such analysis.”
  6665. > A Lord, handling tasks like these?
  6666. > Might be an Equestrian cultural thing. It seems… morbid.
  6667. > Might just be a morbid individual, you suppose.
  6668. > “You can lay her on that stone slab over there. Denning will-“
  6669. > “Princess!”
  6670. > The new voice comes out from the side, a voice you’re sure belongs to the stallion in charge of this little operation.
  6671. > But you don’t pay him any attention as you walk forwards towards that slab.
  6672. > It feels almost like a ritual in and of itself, really.
  6673. > You could see some dignity in being placed in a tomb under the castle like this, if there was some sort of preservation like the Minotaurs do, but burial…
  6674. > It just seemed so disrespectful. Allowing their bodies to rot like that.
  6675. > Allowing Waves to rot away like that.
  6677. > You nearly choked on the thought by the time you made it to the stone slab.
  6678. > Almost automatically, you began to make the motions to carefully rest her down on it, taking great care once more to carefully position her hooves and wings so that they did not bend or break.
  6679. > As you lay her down on the table, your mind unconsciously filters out the conversation between Celestia and the pony who runs this show.
  6680. > You can feel how the cloth is sticking to particular spots, yet somehow the disgust you felt when picking her up has passed.
  6681. > Now… now you feel bad letting her go.
  6682. > Almost like you’re abandoning her, somehow.
  6683. > Leaving her in these dank, dark hallways under Canterlot castle until she was fit to be shoved under the dirt.
  6684. > You would have to discuss this with Celestia, at some point in the future.
  6685. > You’re an Equestrian now, right? Would they decide that you fit their standards because you lived here a long time, like she did?
  6686. > Would they expect to bury you when you died, or rather if you died?
  6687. > Let you slowly rot away like that, maggots infesting your body?
  6688. > With a great deal of effort, you force your eyes away from the blood-stained cloth.
  6689. > You hold for a moment, to get control over your breathing, without much success.
  6690. "Rest well."
  6691. > It's all you can get out, before you forcibly make yourself walk back towards the other end of the room.
  6692. > There would be time for a more meaningful speech at a ceremony.
  6693. > As Celestia spots you walking towards them, she rapidly picks up the pace of her conversation, trying to end it quickly.
  6694. > She knows you don’t want to be here, now.
  6695. > “Please see to her with the utmost care, Lord Denning.”
  6696. > And she’s practically rushing herself out the door as you walk closer.
  6697. > “Of course, Princess. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything less.”
  6698. > Good.
  6699. > At least she would have that much.
  6701. > The moment you stepped out of that room, you felt relief wash over you.
  6702. > It was almost like you could breathe again, even if only for a moment before you felt that swirling maelstrom of distress settling back over you.
  6703. > You were breathing a lot heavier than you had expected, you even had your guards worried.
  6704. > You need to get a grip.
  6705. > “Would you like to return to our chambers, Anon? I imagine you could use some rest after today…”
  6706. > Some rest…
  6707. > Perhaps a short period of relaxation before you had to deal with Nightmare.
  6708. “I’d love to.”
  6709. > If you could, you might have just ran there and collapsed on the bed.
  6710. > But…
  6711. > You have no idea where the hell you are, relative to the rest of the castle.
  6712. > You knew how to get from the exit to court to your bedroom (And Luna’s bedroom, at that), but everything else still required directions.
  6713. > “I’m dying to lay down at this point. I didn’t do much physically exhausting work, but…”
  6714. “The mental stuff can be even more taxing, I think.”
  6715. > She looks back to you with a knowing smile.
  6716. > A smile that reminds you of the fact that you and her had unfinished business.
  6717. > You had said you were going to grill her on the whole dowry situation when the two of you got back here…
  6718. > It can wait.
  6719. > Tonight, at least until you need to go to that meeting, the two of you were just going to relax in one another’s company.
  6720. > Pretend like everything was okay, just for an evening.
  6721. > And… see where that takes you.
  6722. > See if you can finally get over your inhibitions with her and fulfill your marital duties.
  6723. > Fuck, you could use some of that right now.
  6724. > Anything to get your mind off of things, at this point. Screw the nobler-than-thou attitude of abstaining from alcohol and sex right now.
  6725. > You needed something.
  6726. > Anything.
  6728. > As it turns out, it was a fairly quick trip to the bedroom.
  6729. > One day you would learn all of the short-cuts to navigating this place.
  6730. “Hey, Cel?”
  6731. > Half-way through the door, she pauses to look back at you with confusion as your abrupt interruption.
  6732. > But… you had something in mind.
  6733. “I’ll be in soon, I just need to speak privately with my guards for a moment.”
  6734. > Celestia looks concerned for a moment, but capitulates readily.
  6735. > You would need to repay her somehow for being so understanding. Just going along with your every stupid emotion-driven request.
  6736. > Even if this particular one was a good deal more practical.
  6737. > “Alright. I’ll see you soon.”
  6738. > And with that, the door to the room closes.
  6739. > There’s no guards directly outside it, them instead being posted at the ends of the hallway right now.
  6740. > You wonder if that’s because Shadewing and Moonlight are meant to be covering your bedroom.
  6741. > It’ll leave you un-
  6742. > “My Prince?”
  6743. > Thank the Gods she stopped you overthinking.
  6744. > You’re doing far too much thinking right now.
  6745. > Looking down to her, concern now plainly etched on her face in the absence of anyone but Moonlight and yourself, you feel… a little better.
  6746. > Even if she’s a traitor who tried to get you to unleash an unspeakable ancient evil, she’s alright.
  6747. “Hey, guys. I imagine you’ve picked up on who was in the cloth.”
  6748. > Solemn nods.
  6749. > Not even sure if they even care, really. You have no idea how close the three of them actually are in any respect.
  6750. > Surely they must have spoken, right?
  6751. “Well, yeah. There might be a bigger fight coming up, and I need everything in working order. Did the two of you get everything I asked done?”
  6753. > “Yes, my Prince. The Council is arranged and in line, waiting for my word to set the sun. And… the meeting with Nightmare is in place, when the moon is at its apex tonight in the gardens.”
  6754. > Perfect.
  6755. > That made things wonderfully easy, then, as far as getting domestic matters back on track.
  6756. > Sun moving, Luna safe…
  6757. > Just a matter of fixing the country and those little niggling issues under your marriage.
  6758. “I need you to go and tell them to lower it now, then. Might take some slight variations to get the day and night cycle back in proper order, but better to minimize the damage.”
  6759. > Shadewing doesn’t even hesitate.
  6760. > A salute, and she’s running off down the hallways out of the castle, off to go and put your plans into motion.
  6761. > You feel a crippling paranoia grip you as you watch her turn the corner out of sight, however.
  6762. > A feeling like you might never see her again.
  6763. > A flashback to the last time you saw your other guard.
  6764. > A-
  6765. “Moonlight. Go with her, and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”
  6766. > He gives you a solemn bow, and like her, doesn’t question your order for a second before his horn ignites and he flashes away.
  6767. > Better safe than sorry. Guards at the ends of the hallway will keep you plenty safe.
  6768. > But you’re not sending any of your guards out alone anymore.
  6769. > Even Felicia will remain in pairs with them, should you and Cel decide to go that way.
  6770. > But for now…
  6771. > For now, it was time to relax.
  6772. > Time to try and wash away the stresses of the day together.
  6773. > You’re going to need some wine, this time.
  6774. > Hopefully there’s some in the room.
  6777. > When you entered the room, you were rather surprised by the lovely scent in the air.
  6778. > Vanilla, just strong enough to be immediately noticeable without being overwhelming.
  6779. > It gives a sort of calming atmosphere to the room the second you walk in, which is… nice.
  6780. > The sun still pours in brightly from the open balcony at the other end of the room, and there’s a light, cool breeze in the air.
  6781. > When coupled with the knowledge of your relative seclusion from the rest of the world, sequestered away from all of its problems…
  6782. > It’s a beautifully freeing feeling.
  6783. > Walking into the room proper, you’re struck by the lack of a certain giant white Princess in the room.
  6784. > Until you hear water flowing from the bathroom, that is.
  6785. > She’s taking a shower, or a bath, or something to that effect.
  6786. > Understandable. You sort of felt like you wanted to take a shower as well.
  6787. > Wash away some of your concerns.
  6788. > But… at the same time, you’re sort of dying for some normal interaction.
  6789. > The past few hours of relative quiet have taken their toll on you, all this emotional festering.
  6790. > You’d prefer to be able to talk with Cel. Casually, rather than about anything important.
  6791. > You stare over at the door to the adjoining bathroom.
  6792. > That room already has some history with you. Yet, you don’t feel any particular revulsion to the idea of heading in there at the moment.
  6793. > You wonder if she would mind if you joined her for a shower.
  6794. > Ponies didn’t really have a taboo about that sort of thing, after all.
  6795. > She’d probably appreciate it, really. It’d show her you were comfortable around her to that extent.
  6796. > Maybe make up a little bit for your little gaff earlier in your bedroom in Freemark.
  6797. > Hmm…
  6798. > Yes. A shower would be lovely.
  6800. > Utilizing all of the secrecy you mastered over the years of sneaking out of the castle as a teen, you open the unlocked door to the bathroom silently.
  6801. > You’re immediately struck by the sound of Celestia humming some kind of tune under the water.
  6802. > The smell of vanilla is even more intense in here, too.
  6803. > It’s relaxing, the combination of her lilting tones and the sound of the water falling with that smell.
  6804. > You feel… safe, seems an adequate word.
  6805. > Both the bedroom and this bathroom feel safe, safe not only from physical threats but from emotional ones.
  6806. > As much as you have some bad memories of this room, right now you feel like nothing’s wrong, and nothing’s going to suddenly turn wrong.
  6807. > Quietly closing the door behind you, you look over towards the bathing area to see the steam of the warmed water wafting out.
  6808. > It’s a shower, then.
  6809. > Perfect. A far superior option to bathing, in your humble opinion.
  6810. > Carefully, and quietly, you prowl across the rapidly dampening stone floor towards her, and peer around the wall separating it from the bathroom proper.
  6811. > There she is, her head under the water and her short mane in her face, humming contentedly.
  6812. > You wonder if she feels safe as well, in this room away from the world.
  6813. > As though nothing could possibly threaten her.
  6814. > … She really ought not to when there’s someone like you around.
  6815. > You allow a little smirk to form on your face as a devious idea strikes you.
  6816. > A little harmless fun couldn’t hurt, right?
  6817. > In fact, some fun seemed like exactly what the two of you needed most after today.
  6818. > Something to keep you distracted.
  6820. “Someone likes their showers.”
  6821. > The screech of pure terror she lets out as you pushed down on her withers was adorable.
  6822. > A successful scare if ever you’d achieved one.
  6823. > The accompanying swift turn in which she smashed the side of her head into yours was somewhat less adorable, but still pretty cute.
  6824. > It’s a good thing she wasn’t facing horn-forward, or you might have been gored through the face.
  6825. > It’s followed by both of you getting dazed and falling on your respective rear-ends, giggling like crazy despite the agony in your jaw.
  6826. > You might be laughing a little more than she is.
  6827. > “You… you…!”
  6828. > With a groan, she adjusts herself to sit more comfortably as she looks at you with the greatest look of betrayal you’ve ever seen.
  6829. > “You rude, inconsiderate asshole!”
  6830. > She whines it out while she brings up a hoof to her head in distress.
  6831. > Asshole? You’re not sure you’ve ever heard her say that before.
  6832. > When you finally manage to get a handle on your laughter, it’s tough to keep the grin off your face.
  6833. “Language, Cel. Wouldn’t want to set a bad example for the foals.”
  6834. > You very narrowly managed to dodge a small brush being thrown out of the shower in your direction with a tuck and roll.
  6835. > “You’re a jerk! I could’ve hurt myself worse!”
  6836. > To be fair, you hadn’t expected quite so dramatic a reaction. But you still had an old standby to rely on as your method of escaping liability.
  6837. > Deny harm.
  6838. “But you didn’t, did you?”
  6839. > She growls under her breath and glares at you.
  6840. > Fuck, she’s beautiful when she wants to smite you, all dressed up in that golden armour-like chestplate like some sort of emperor of old.
  6841. > …
  6842. > Actually…
  6843. “Why are you showering in your jewelry?”
  6845. > She mutters something under her breath at that, finally managing to calm her breathing.
  6846. > You hadn’t quite noticed it from behind, but she was definitely bathing while wearing a giant piece of gold.
  6847. > Couldn’t it rust, or something? Does gold rust?
  6848. > You’re still not used to wearing gold, or really seeing it anywhere.
  6849. “I didn’t catch that.”
  6850. > Looking up towards her face from the piece, you notice how embarrassed she looks.
  6851. > Hmm?
  6852. > “… I couldn’t get it off.”
  6853. > Oh.
  6854. > Oh wow, that’s adorably unfortunate for her.
  6855. “Can’t get it off without your magic?”
  6856. > It’s tough to keep the amusement out of your tone.
  6857. > With a considerable amount of effort, you push yourself up off the floor and manage to get back up on your feet.
  6858. > She puffs up her cheeks and looks away, her face somehow managing to move further towards the ‘tomato’-end of the spectrum.
  6859. > Gods, this is priceless.
  6860. > “I’ve had somepony give me a helping hoof when I needed to get it on and off… but there was nopony to join me this time. There’s a latch at the back and… I can’t reach it with my mouth.”
  6861. > You’d seen most of the Pegasi and Earth Ponies using their mouths to manipulate things.
  6862. > It hadn’t quite occurred to you how ineffective hooves would be for that sort of thing.
  6863. “Well, I may not be a pony, but I could help you out.”
  6864. > She kicks her good hoof against the wet floor of the shower, seemingly unwilling to accept your help.
  6865. > “N-no… I’ll figure it out.”
  6866. > That’s quite the stutter.
  6867. > At least you’re still able to fluster her like that.?
  6868. “C’mere. I’ll get it off, no problem, and then I’ll let you get back to showering.”
  6869. > She lets out a little sound of protest, but you’ll have none of it as you head over towards her.
  6870. > Despite her protests, she still actively turns towards you to give you access to the back of her slender neck.
  6871. > That’s a pretty tiny connector for such a large piece.
  6872. > How curious.
  6874. “You’re moving around too much, if you could just sit a little more still…”
  6875. > Fuck, this was a little embarrassing.
  6876. > You can’t get it off. It just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate.
  6877. > It reminds you of your first time with a member of the opposite gender, the struggle that was involved in removing her bra.
  6878. > Now you’re the one whose face is heating up with embarrassment.
  6879. > “It’s not that complicated, Anon. It’s right in the middle, there’s a little-”
  6880. “I know where it is, but it ties together in this like… knot. How does metal tie into a knot?”
  6881. > She sighs, though with amusement in her tone, and tries to bend her neck to get a look at it.
  6882. > Entirely unsuccessfully. She’d have to break her neck to be able to get a good perspective.
  6883. > How the hell did she expect to take this off with her mouth? How did those other ponies manage to get it off with their mouth?
  6884. > “It’s not a knot. It’s a latch, you just have to pull it forward and then towards you.”
  6885. > Yep. Exactly like a bra.
  6886. > But somehow not quite as willing to obey you as a bra…
  6887. “Straighten your back a little more…”
  6888. > She does, and when you go in for the kill, she suddenly yelps.
  6889. > “You pinched me!”
  6890. > You groan.
  6891. > This was not going as easily as you had thought it would.
  6892. > Maybe…
  6893. “It’s because it’s wet, my hands keep sliding along the metal bit right here…”
  6894. > “Listen, Anon, it’s fine, I can get somepony later to just-“
  6895. “No. We’re staying here until I can get this ridiculous thing off of you.”
  6896. > You’re not going to be defeated by your wife’s metal bra.
  6897. > Err, breastplate? Hardly seems an appropriate term, actually.
  6898. > Her ‘breasts’ are stuck on an entirely different part of her anatomy.
  6899. > Focus!
  6900. > You’re about to face down a fucking Dragon Queen tonight.
  6901. > You can handle getting a bra off your wife, even if it’s a metal one and not covering her tits.
  6902. > Damnit, that should be making this even easier!
  6904. > The cry of victory you let loose as you fell back, the chain holding the golden piece pulling it around her along with you.
  6905. > You held it up before you as you laid on your back, reveling in the feeling of your success.
  6906. > A glorious victory.
  6907. > “You are such a dork.”
  6908. > You don’t even care at the fresh insult as you stupidly grin up at what had become your mortal enemy.
  6909. > It’s a warm feeling, some measure of success. Gotta cherish the little victories, especially with big losses looming all around you.
  6910. > And it nicely accompanies warmish feeling of the water flowing all around your body.
  6911. > …
  6912. > You probably should have taken your clothes off before you got in here.
  6913. > “Oh, that feels incredible… The way my fur gets matted under it just makes it so itchy…”
  6914. > Looking down your body, you see Celestia puffing up her chest into the stream of water, seeming to enjoy the feel of it through her fur.
  6915. > Her rear-end facing directly towards you, her tail for some reason hitched off to the side.
  6916. > It’s quite a sight, but you look away as a thought strikes you.
  6917. > Well, it is a shower. Your clothes are already soaking wet…
  6918. > Your hand goes to your belt as you sit back up, before moving over and resting the chestpiece on a table by the side of the shower area.
  6919. > And you quickly unfasten the buckle.
  6920. > And following that, you unfasten the rest of the ties securing your clothing to you, letting them fall away as Celestia continues to look away, scrubbing at her chest with a hoof.
  6921. > You just sort pile them on the table with the golden thing. They’re already soaked, anyway.
  6922. > Might as well join her in getting properly clean.
  6923. “Hey, Cel?”
  6925. > “What is... it?”
  6926. > As she slightly craned her neck back to look at you, you watched as her eyes went wide.
  6927. > They immediately snap down to your waist for a flicker of a second before she forces herself to look you in the face.
  6928. > “Oh.”
  6929. > You raise an eyebrow back at her, as she stares directly at your face with more intensity than you’ve seen before.
  6930. > She’s trying not to look at your package.
  6931. > Does she think you didn’t notice her first little peek?
  6932. “Figured it didn’t make sense to waste water having two separate showers.”
  6933. > You don't even try to hide your bemusement at her predicament.
  6934. > She doesn't seem to pick up on that, though.
  6935. > “T-that makes sense.”
  6936. > You struggle to keep in a little snort at that.
  6937. > This is adorable. You… you sort of wish you’d had the opportunity to have more moments like this from the get-go.
  6938. > Little awkward introductions to weird things.
  6939. > You had kind of ruined those for yourself, though.
  6940. “You’re allowed to look, you know. You sort of own it.”
  6941. > She doesn’t seem to quite catch on to what you mean for a moment, but when she does…
  6942. > Up her wings go, and she starts stuttering, and the fast breathing.
  6943. > You’re amazed she’s this over the top. But then, you had been sort of denying her access to you at every turn since your marriage.
  6944. > It’s understandable she might get a little flustered at the suddenness of it all.
  6945. > “Oh! I wouldn’t dream of doing that, I know how much you value your privacy and everything, and how much this must mean that you’re willing to… you know, share a shower, and it would just be disgraceful if I-“
  6946. > You lean in, and quickly give her a peck on the lips.
  6947. > Always was a fairly good way to get ladies to stop panicking, and it seems to do the trick for her as she just sort of looks at you wide-eyed afterward.
  6948. “Relax, Celly. I really don’t mind.”
  6950. > You watch as she slowly starts to calm down as you stand there, facing one another.
  6951. > But she still doesn’t dare to let her gaze wander.
  6952. > “Sorry. I just don’t want to scare you off or something…”
  6953. > Scare you off?
  6954. > You suppose at every turn you’d fled at the sight of anything remotely sexual, apart from that one night the two of you were drunk.
  6955. > Not your wedding night, either.
  6956. “You won’t scare me off, promise.”
  6957. > She shuffles awkwardly under the water, seemingly unsure how to proceed from here.
  6958. > So you decide to take the initiative.
  6959. > After all, neither of you were going to get clean just standing here.
  6960. “So… is there a particular soap we should use on your fur?”
  6961. > She takes a moment to respond, but you’re in no rush to get through things right now.
  6962. > There’s no sense in pressing through quickly, after all.
  6963. > “Yes, the one right there.”
  6964. > She says it almost mechanically, and you follow her hoof to pick up a small wooden box, filled with an almost cream-like substance.
  6965. > Well… she’d probably have had trouble getting herself all soaped up anyway, with her magic and injured hoof.
  6966. > It’s a good thing you’re here.
  6967. > When you turn back to look at her, you’re endlessly amused to find her staring rigidly back at the wall, under the falling water.
  6968. > Makes you wonder a bit how things would have gone down if you had taken her up on her offer… earlier.
  6969. > She seemed so confident in what she wanted, then. Would she have spontaneously turned into a nervous wreck if you had agreed?
  6970. > If you had just taken the crop out of her mouth and played along?
  6971. > Now she’s terrified to even look when you’re all on display. Women are weird creatures.
  6972. > Mares too, apparently.
  6973. “Alrighty, then. Let’s get down to business.”
  6975. > When you came over and gently started to work the soap into her coat, you could feel her flinch under your touch.
  6976. > But quickly, you managed to relax her a bit, letting some of that tension out as you steadily lathered up her coat.
  6977. > Maybe you exaggerated how big a deal showering naked together was when you turned her down on it last time?
  6978. > And for a while, you let it just sort of sit like that, periodically giving her orders when you needed to soap up a particular spot.
  6979. > Hoof, rear-hoof, dock…
  6980. > “Anon!”
  6981. > She finally looks back at you, a shocked expression on your face as your hand runs over a particularly sensitive part of her anatomy.
  6982. > Well, at least you managed to get a reaction.
  6983. “What? Just trying to clean you up. That requires down there too.”
  6984. > You can’t help but grin a little, obviously playing ignorant, as she lets her eyes wander down to your chest.
  6985. > They lock there for a minute, as you finish off with her flank.
  6986. “So, is there a special soap for the wings?”
  6987. > “Is it okay if I look?”
  6988. > Pfftt. So much for her trying to be subtle.
  6989. > She was clearly holding that in.
  6990. “I already said yes. Is there something different for the wings, or can I use this?”
  6991. > She accepts the invitation, now staring down with a sort of awed spectacle at your pride.
  6992. > But she still manages to point her hoof in the direction of the boxes along the side once more, though this time it’s less clear which one.
  6993. > “Yes, it’s the one in the little wooden box by the side.”
  6994. > … that details a number of boxes.
  6995. > But you can tell she’s a little out of it right now, so you give her a pass.
  6996. > Still had a little bit more to go as far as her coat, after all.
  6998. > “It… looks weird.”
  6999. > You almost crack up again at that, but somehow manage to maintain your composure as she stares as your pride like it’s a puzzle needing to be solved.
  7000. > She’s laying on her back now, as you rub along her tummy with your hands, getting the suds into her fur.
  7001. > Her neck is craned from that position to inspect you thoroughly.
  7002. > She suddenly freezes up again under your touch when she realizes what she said.
  7003. > “Not in a bad way, or anything! Just… not like anything I’ve read about in the books.”
  7004. > You would imagine not.
  7005. > You’ve yet to actually see any of the ponies’ packages, even though they walk around in the nude all day, but you imagine they look quite different.
  7006. “I’m not offended. Your own was a little weird to me when I first saw it as well.”
  7007. > You feel her swallow thickly as your hand moves down to near where her teats were.
  7008. > How in the world did she expect to get herself clean? This is a fucking mission.
  7009. > Thank the Gods you’re not covered in fur.
  7010. > “Can… Can I touch it?”
  7011. > Now it’s your turn to freeze still for a moment.
  7012. > And even if it’s only for a moment, that causes her to freak out.
  7013. > “Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that, I wasn’t thinking and I just sort of blurted it-“
  7014. > You shush her with a finger to her lips.
  7015. “Relax. You can if you like.”
  7016. > And you continue on with your work as though nothing had changed.
  7017. > Now it’s your turn to keep your eyes away from what she’s doing, focusing entirely on your work.
  7018. > Somehow, she’s managed to make you feel embarrassed again now.
  7019. > Like a goddamn virgin with your first girl yet again, despite your plethora of experience.
  7020. > Yet the self-criticism stops the moment you feel a gentle caress down there, as she runs the tip of her soft, already pruned hoof over your manhood.
  7022. > “It’s soft.”
  7023. > …
  7024. > Her hoof actually feels really nice, given how soft it is.
  7025. “It won’t stay that way for long if you keep acting this adorable.”
  7026. > That certainly didn’t help her with her blushing.
  7027. > But she doesn’t reply, instead sort of gently assessing the whole area with her hoof.
  7028. > You just sort of reposition slightly to let her explore.
  7029. > “I know they get harder. Growing up it’s hard not to see one every now and again when you’re around teenage colts.”
  7030. > Fuck, that would’ve made puberty awkward.
  7031. > Thank the Gods your species decided to wear clothing. You wouldn’t have enjoyed that terribly much.
  7032. “That it does. I thought you had read all about this stuff?”
  7033. > She gives a little affirmative sound, but you suppose the literature must not do a terribly good job of imparting the knowledge well.
  7034. > You feel like you’re teaching her, or something.
  7035. > You knew she was sheltered, but this seems a little bit excessive.
  7036. > Has she never even experimented? No playing doctor when she was a little kid or something?
  7037. > “It’s getting a bit firmer. Should… do you want me to stop?”
  7038. > You want to make a sarcastic quip, but you suppress it.
  7039. > No need to kill her sense of wonder and amazement, especially when it’s fueling a bit of an ego boost for you.
  7040. “You’re allowed to do whatever you want.”
  7041. > She’s shaking a little bit as she does it.
  7042. > But it does feel fucking amazing as she runs her hoof up and down as you harden.
  7043. > A shame you’re going to be an arse and tease her a bit.
  7044. > Couldn’t just make it that easy, after all.
  7045. “But it looks like your stomach’s about done. It’s time to get those wings.”
  7046. > After all, wings could... get her in the mood.
  7047. > And you didn't want to take things that far in the shower for a first time at this sort of stuff.
  7048. > And with that, you pull back slightly from her, much to her consternation, and get up.
  7050. > Her eyes are still utterly captivated with your now-hard lower half as you get up and walk over towards where she said the wing stuff was.
  7051. > A wooden box… there’s a few wooden-
  7052. > “The one with the purple gem on it.”
  7053. > Purple gem. Got it.
  7054. “Perfect.”
  7055. > As you opened up the box, you were rather surprised to spot the consistency of the contents.
  7056. > It’s less like a cream this time, and more like an oil.
  7057. > You suppose that makes sense, you wouldn’t want something thick in feathers or it might be tough to wash out from them.
  7058. > As you walk over back towards Celestia, and gesture for her to turn around, you think you’ve broken her line of sight with your package for the first time.
  7059. “So… I just sort of preen it with the oil?”
  7060. > She gives a soft nod.
  7061. > And so you begin to do just that, coating your fingers in the oil and beginning to work along the wing, straightening out the feathers.
  7062. > You can feel her shudder under your ministrations as you do.
  7063. > Eventually, you notice her once again looking towards your lower half, and she scoots back a little bit, pressing her back against you.
  7064. > She’s taking a gamble, it seems. You did promise her she wouldn’t scare you off, after all.
  7065. > Not to mention you’re basically giving her a sexual massage, given what little you knew about wings.
  7066. > She’s definitely in the mood by now, even if you’re not so sure you really are.
  7067. > You’re more so enjoying the bonding experience than thriving on lust.
  7068. > … How unlike you.
  7069. > You can feel her shuddering beneath you as you softly work the oily substance in between her feathers, trying to get it spread evenly throughout.
  7070. > And her shudders get worse when you press the first wing under the warm water and letting it rinse out the oil.
  7071. > Fuck, you’re practically giving her a naked sensual massage.
  7072. > You really shouldn’t be working her up like this if you’re not going to give her a satisfying finish.
  7073. > But… maybe…
  7074. > Maybe tonight you could do something like that.
  7076. “Seems like you’re all cleaned up now.”
  7077. > The comment and the accompanying pat on the flank seems to jolt her out of a dazed state, as though waking up from a nap.
  7078. > Her wings were snow sparkling clean, you’d already gone through her mane and coat, and the whole nine.
  7079. > As she regards herself, she seems content with your work.
  7080. > If a little flushed, still.
  7081. > Professional pony washer might be a viable alternative career choice if this whole thing falls apart in the end.
  7082. > “Oh. Did you… want me to clean you?”
  7083. > The comment sends all sorts of dirty thoughts through your head. You’d heard it a lot in these contexts before, with slightly different connotations.
  7084. > But you suppress them as you rose up, and inspected yourself.
  7085. > You had been absolutely covered in suds over the course of washing Celestia, and they had been entirely washed away.
  7086. > You were most definitely clean.
  7087. “I think I’m already pretty clean by now. It doesn’t take nearly as much work to get a human clean as it does someone covered in fur.”
  7088. > You see her expression fall ever so slightly at that.
  7089. > Seems she was looking forward to getting to fondle you some more.
  7090. > But nevertheless, she seems determined to go with the flow, and doesn't raise a complaint.
  7091. > No doubt still scared you'll disappear suddenly.
  7092. > “Alright. But if you think that getting me clean was the tough part, just wait for drying…”
  7093. > That’s… a good point.
  7094. > Looking at all that dripping fur, it’s going to take ages to get her whole body dry enough to head back out into the bedroom.
  7095. > But… once again, you remind yourself you’re in no rush.
  7096. > You have a few hours before you needed to attend to your meeting.
  7097. > You could give a bit of that to drying off your giant, sopping wet mess of a wife.
  7099. > When the two of you got out of the shower, it wasn’t long before you noticed there was a distinct scent in the air, mixing with that of the vanilla.
  7100. > The scent of arousal.
  7101. > No doubt being in the shower had caused your wife’s arousal to largely get washed away, and the scent of the shampoos had overpowered it entirely.
  7102. > But now it was fairly obvious, and you’re sure she knows that you know about it.
  7103. > You had gotten her worked up, unsurprisingly, and now here you are toweling her off.
  7104. > Not the most attractive end to your shower session, but it seemed a little wrong to take things any further in there.
  7105. > It seemed more appropriate to do something like that on a bed, instead.
  7106. > “I’m going to get all poofy.”
  7107. > Her little complaint draws you out of your reflection on her smell.
  7108. > She’s going to what?
  7109. “Poofy?”
  7110. > You could sort of tell what she meant, already.
  7111. > Her fur was sticking out at awkward angles wherever you had suitably dried it, making it look… a lot thicker.
  7112. > “I usually use a spell to fix up my fur, but when I was a filly I always used to look twice as big because my fur poofs up after a bath.”
  7113. > Or in this case, a shower, you suppose.
  7114. > Your head is immediately imagining her as a giant ball of fluff, and you suppress a chuckle at the image.
  7115. "Actually, I think you look nice a little fluffy.”
  7116. > She lets out a soft, happy sound as you continue gently drying her, running the towel over her flanks and under her stomach.
  7117. > Once again taking a slight detour to parts unknown, much to her embarrassment.
  7118. > But eventually, you managed to get her as dry as she was going to get.
  7119. > And with a towel wrapped around your waist, the two of you headed back to your bedroom.
  7120. > Hopefully, you could actually carry through this time and wouldn’t leave her hanging.
  7123. > The second you walked out of the bathroom, you were rather struck by the absolute darkness of your room.
  7124. > The only light casting out into the room being from the balcony, and from the flickering candlelight of the bathroom.
  7125. > “The sun’s down? So quickly?”
  7126. > Looking over your shoulder, you could barely make out the details of your fuzzball of a wife with the dim light.
  7127. > She’s looking rather surprised.
  7128. “Does it need to be slow? You seem to move it pretty quickly every now and again.”
  7129. > She bites her lip, but shakes her head.
  7130. > “It should be fine… I try to avoid being so sudden. Plus, that means I’m going to have to start pretending I can use my magic again.”
  7131. > That sounded unsure. But you have much more important things to be focusing on right now.
  7132. > … Important things you weren’t quite sure how to tackle.
  7133. > You’re drawing a blank on your whole playbook right now as you stare back at Celestia, who’s making a concentrated effort to look anywhere but at you.
  7134. > She’s cute when she’s awkward.
  7135. > Looking back to the darkened room, you decide to take it one step at a time.
  7136. > Couldn’t bang in the absolute darkness like this, right?
  7137. “So, candles?”
  7138. > After all, you’d hate to gore yourself on her horn in the middle of the act because you didn’t notice it.
  7139. > She gives a little affirmative noise, and gestures over towards a cabinet.
  7140. > “Candles.”
  7142. > The candlelight makes it feel a little more romantic.
  7143. > There was a fascinating little torch-like object in the drawer, which when brought up to the candles around the room ignited them for you.
  7144. > You’d intentionally not hit the full scope of the candles, it gave a better ambiance.
  7145. > Not enough light to really make the room bright, but just enough to make it comfortable.
  7146. > It’s a little odd, really, to consider that they even needed to be ignited. Every other time you’d come here they were already lit.
  7147. > But then, the servant-types couldn’t have known the sun would abruptly disappear today.
  7148. > “This feels nice.”
  7149. > Looking over, you see Celestia still rigidly still watching you move around with only the towel around your waist.
  7150. > Fuck, she looks cute all fluffy like that in this light.
  7151. “That it does. We should probably close that balcony door, though. There’s a bit of a chill.”
  7152. > She nods, still seemingly trying to think out her plan of attack.
  7153. > You assume that’s what she’s thinking through, anyway.
  7154. > It’s what you’re desperately trying to think, and drawing a complete blank on.
  7155. > Door closed. Blinds drawn.
  7156. > “So…”
  7157. > You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves.
  7158. “So.”
  7159. > You place a bit of mirth in your tone, looking over your shoulder at her with a smile.
  7160. > She tries to force a smile back to you, but you can tell she’s uncomfortable not knowing how to move things forward.
  7161. > How to get what she wants.
  7162. > …
  7163. > You should probably just relax, and maybe she’ll do the same.
  7164. > Probably best to not play this like a game, like you did that first time.
  7165. > Just to let it flow.
  7166. “What do you want to do?”
  7168. > The statement seems to surprise her, and finally gets her to look at you.
  7169. > Moving forward, you walk over to the bed and sit on the side of it, leaning back onto your arms and staring at her.
  7170. > She stutters for a moment, falling all over her words.
  7171. “Relax, Cel. It’s not a trick question.”
  7172. > For a moment, that almost seems to make things worse as she shakes a little bit.
  7173. > But with a deep breath, and a sigh, she seems to steady her nerves for a moment.
  7174. > “I… if you wanted to stop at what we did in the shower, I won’t complain.”
  7175. > … that almost sounds like she’s turning you down.
  7176. > But you’re pretty sure that-
  7177. > “Not that I want to stop there or anything, just that if you wanted to then I would be alright, and I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”
  7178. > That was quick.
  7179. > Apparently she does start talking fast when she’s nervous.
  7180. > When she’s nervous and not drunk, at least.
  7181. “I see. Here I was worried you suddenly weren’t interested.”
  7182. > She lets out a little shocked gasp.
  7183. > “No! Never! I mean, I… I’m still interested.”
  7184. > The little squeak she lets off after the beginning of that sentence makes your heart flutter.
  7185. > It’s hard keeping a smirk off your face at this.
  7186. > It’s hilarious in the context of her sexual advances up until this point.
  7187. “How exactly would you have handled the situation if I took that riding crop earlier?”
  7188. > She makes a little squeak sound as her wings ruffle by her sides.
  7189. > “I… I don’t, I mean, I would have…”
  7190. > She bites her tongue suddenly, and her eyes finally manage to pull themselves away from you to look over to a desk.
  7191. > And suddenly, she loses whatever nerve she has.
  7192. > “We should probably do this another time…”
  7194. > Wait, what?
  7195. > You almost feel dumbfounded as you watch her walk over towards her desk, and almost mechanically pull out a quill in her teeth.
  7196. > “I mean, I had a lot of paperwork to get done anyway, with the city falling apart and everything… we probably shouldn’t be wasting time.”
  7197. > She immediately presses forward a hoof to the paper, pulling it out onto the table.
  7198. > Wasting time…
  7199. > You’re quite talented at that.
  7200. > Perhaps you ought to remind her.
  7201. > Stealthily, you creep off the bed, and move towards her with all of the skill you had utilized getting into the shower without her attention.
  7202. > And you manage to sneak up right behind Cel, whose focus is so absolutely consumed by the nonsense she’s writing on the paper she has no idea how to react.
  7203. > “I don’t want to pressure- Eeep!”
  7204. > The most adorable little squeak escaped her as you quite carefully lifted her off the ground from behind, your arms linked under her legs.
  7205. > Very carefully planned to avoid agitating her wound any further.
  7206. > But fuck if it isn’t hard, she’s heavy as hell.
  7207. > She flails uselessly in your grasp as you carry her over towards the bed, stumbling over words of complaint without managing to form a coherent sentence.
  7208. > And you quite gently lay her down on the bed, where her mumbling stops and she just stares up at you wide-eyed.
  7209. > Like someone with a bow and arrow pointed at them.
  7210. “I can tell you still want to do things. I can smell it.”
  7212. > It was true.
  7213. > Even out here, the scent was mixing with the vanilla wafting through the room.
  7214. > “You can!?”
  7215. > Seems when she’s in the mood and embarrassed her voice goes up a few octaves and gets a hell of a lot more squeaky.
  7216. > And that’s certainly a new shade of red she’s just turned.
  7217. “I can. I was able to smell it in the shower too.”
  7218. > She ‘eeps’ a little bit, her wings splaying out by her sides.
  7219. > “I thought you couldn’t smell stuff like that. You’re supposed to have a weak sense of smell…”
  7220. > She pauses for a moment, before continuing with further embarrassment.
  7221. > “And I thought the water would disguise the other… bit.”
  7222. > You stifle a chuckle.
  7223. > She’s certainly getting quite good at using euphemisms for everything. ‘Stuff,’ ‘bit.’
  7224. > You wonder if when she’s a bit more experienced she’ll be more comfortable using proper language, or if this was going to be the way you talked about sex from here-on out.
  7225. > But nevertheless, you make a little circle motion with your hand.
  7226. “So I know you want to do this, and I’m in the mood too. But it’ll require some preparation.”
  7227. > Her eyes look down at the towel wrapped around your waist, that small little barrier between her and you.
  7228. > She’s shaking again, as she keeps her eyes locked on her hooves.
  7229. > You wonder if it’s nerves or excitement.
  7230. > Probably a little bit of both, based on what you know of her desires.
  7231. “So turn around, missus, and let me take care-”
  7232. > “No!”
  7233. > She says it loudly, and suddenly looks up at you with a defiant look.
  7234. > You’re taken aback by her sudden confidence.
  7235. > She seems just as surprised by it for a moment, before she swallows and manages to get control of her tone.
  7236. > “I mean, I… I’d like to do things for you. First.”
  7238. > You allow confusion to etch itself into your features.
  7239. “You mean…?”
  7240. > She traces her hoof in little circles on the bed, still trying to keep her eyes locked with the floor.
  7241. > “I mean… you should let me do stuff to you. Before we do… that.”
  7242. > She does this rolling gesture with her hooves when she says ‘stuff,’ as though it’s somehow more specific than just ‘things.’
  7243. > And the rolling gesture concludes with pointing quite obviously to your cock.
  7244. > After which she promptly falls flat on the bed with her hooves over her eyes as she finally manages to force out the last word.
  7245. > It’s adorable how she struggles to get out the words.
  7246. > And so… you push for a little more of that.
  7247. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you mean by ‘stuff.’”
  7248. > You try to say it as deadpan as possible, but you’re sure a little smug intonation snuck through.
  7249. > A single eye peeks up with a glare from behind her hoof-wall.
  7250. > “You know what I mean by stuff.”
  7251. > The accusatory tone she takes brings a smile to your face.
  7252. > Gently, you turn around and sit beside her on the bed, running your hand along her back.
  7253. > Carefully avoiding her now stiff wings.
  7254. “I’m afraid you’ll need to use some more specific terminology.”
  7255. > That pout.
  7256. > She almost starts a sentence, before cringing and letting out a little whine.
  7257. > She can’t say it.
  7258. > “You’re a jerk.”
  7259. > She’s right, but you probably should not be a jerk for her first time with any of this stuff.
  7260. > If she really wants to do that…
  7261. > Who are you to stop her?
  7263. > Abruptly, you fall back into the plush cushioned bed, folding your arms behind your head and staring up at the ceiling.
  7264. > Fuck, you’re actually doing this.
  7265. “Fine, feel free to ‘explore’ then.”
  7266. > Pulling over a pillow, you place it under your head to prop yourself up as you stare down at her.
  7267. > That powerful scent is even stronger back here, closer to her flank.
  7268. > For a moment, your eyes are drawn off to the side, and you notice her tail hitched over to the side.
  7269. > Apparently the anticipation has been enough to get her in the mood.
  7270. > But then, you suppose the first time you were about to have sex you were ready to fire long before any actual touching happened.
  7271. > Her eyes locked with the towel, and your package resting beneath it.
  7272. > Slowly, carefully, she leans over her head towards it, her eyes periodically snapping over towards you as though checking for approval before returning to the task at hand.
  7273. > Until she eventually manages to get there, and her teeth gently bite the lip of the towel.
  7274. > One last moment of hesitation, as she looks up towards you, and you give her a little nod.
  7275. > She gently pulls it up, unfolding the towel and exposing your semi-erect member to the open air of the room once again.
  7276. > And almost immediately, she shuffles around on the bed so that she’s properly facing you, rather than this awkward parallel position you were in.
  7277. > Excitement seems to be coursing through her as she does it.
  7278. > Like she’s got some new toy.
  7279. > And immediately, you feel her hooves wrap around either side of your cock.
  7281. > Her hooves feel somewhat harder than the one did in the shower, firmer in some way.
  7282. > Not by much, but definitely noticeable.
  7283. > Yet it still feels quite good as her gentle touch starts moving along your semi-erect member.
  7284. > Someday, you’ll figure out how exactly those things work.
  7285. > “Does it still feel nice?”
  7286. > Looking up from her hooves to her face, you see her staring straight at it, her cheeks still flushed.
  7287. > You smile softly.
  7288. “It feels wonderful.”
  7289. > She gives a nod, seemingly trying to reassure herself that she’s doing alright.
  7290. > You suppose if she’s read a lot of fiction on the subject, then she’d know at least a little bit of what to do.
  7291. > “Sorry. I just… I have no idea if hooves feel nice on that stuff.”
  7292. > You raise an eyebrow at that, as she starts slowly moving them up and down your pride.
  7293. > So… they weren’t mentioned in the books?
  7294. “Well, I would think you’d have some idea if you’ve ever given yourself release.”
  7295. > She swallows, and looks shyly up towards you.
  7296. > “Well… I’ve only done that like twice.”
  7297. > Finding a comfortable position, she rests her head on your thigh, staring up at your cock as she slowly runs her hooves up and down it.
  7298. > Her fluffier fur feels nice down there.
  7299. “Really? That’s surprising… Explains why you went off on a hair trigger the first night we did stuff, and why you seem so pent up.”
  7300. > You can feel chew the inside of her cheek from her position, and her hot breath against your length.
  7301. > “Maybe.”
  7302. > The simple response makes you laugh a little bit, despite yourself.
  7303. > Not a good time to be laughing at her inexperience, you suppose.
  7304. “Why not?”
  7306. > She seems entirely distracted by your hard-on right before her eyes.
  7307. > She’s slowly inching closer to it with her face, hesitance clear in every motion.
  7308. > “Well… it always sort of feels wrong to do things to myself. We were always taught it was wrong.”
  7309. > Yet another cultural similarity, then.
  7310. > One you never really understood, but then again most girls you knew hadn’t tried much of that before they were already sexually active.
  7311. > Given Cel’s inexperience…
  7312. “So you don’t even know how to get yourself going?”
  7313. > She shakes her head slightly, giving a little negative sound as one of her hooves shifts lower down to gently run over your testicles.
  7314. > “Not really. Which is why I’m worried I’m going to mess this up too.”
  7315. > Looking back towards her flank, you feel a yearning to be able to help her come to an orgasm right now as well.
  7316. > Before getting into the act proper.
  7317. > But all your conversational thoughts go out the window when you suddenly feel a very different sensation, and let out a small little groan.
  7318. > When you look back down, you see Celestia, her lips curled up in a little smile around her outstretched tongue which is lazily drawing up the side of your cock.
  7319. > Her eyes are locked with yours as she does, slowly drawing her tongue up along the side towards the top, before stopping there a second.
  7320. > And then pulling away, a small strand of saliva still connecting her mouth to you.
  7321. > Fuck, that’s a nice visual.
  7322. > Slightly ruined the second later when she brings over a hoof to wipe away the saliva with a ‘yuck,’ as the stringy saliva rubs off on her fur…
  7323. > But still pretty incredible.
  7324. > Especially when after rubbing away the saliva she looks back to you for approval.
  7325. > “Was that good?”
  7327. “Fucking fantastic.”
  7328. > She giggles slightly, and gets that excited flare in her eyes once again, as she immediately drops her head again, and brings another solid lick up along the side.
  7329. > This time, when she finishes, she just runs her tongue along her lips to clear the saliva, rather than rubbing her hoof to remove it.
  7330. > “It tastes nice. A little soapy right now, though…”
  7331. > Well, good to know you’re not grossing her out at least.
  7332. > You suppress a little chuckle at that as she goes back down, this time running it along the bottom in a sort of flicking motion, rather than using one drawn-out lick.
  7333. > That broad, coarser tongue is just amazing.
  7334. > You wouldn’t have even thought about the different biology factor here…
  7335. > And that desperate, searching-for-approval look behind that tongue as she bends her neck to give all angles equal attention just makes it better.
  7336. > When she abruptly stops, and the warm air of the room feels cold against the wetness on your length.
  7337. > “I… I’m not really sure what to do. Should I just keep doing this?”
  7338. “That feels amazing, but you wanted to be in charge here, missus. I’ll tell you if anything doesn’t feel good.”
  7339. > You weren’t sure if she would prefer learning by doing or by instruction, but seeing her eyes light up with your approval as she dives back down with her tongue is…
  7340. > Fuck.
  7341. > Now her eyes aren’t searching for your approval, but are focused entirely on the task before her as she eagerly lathers your cock in saliva.
  7342. > It’s obviously unpracticed tonguework, sloppily moving around your member in random patterns.
  7343. > But it’s clear she’s ambitious to please.
  7344. > And she’s got some biological advantages over the women of your species in her arsenal.
  7346. > As she reached the top of your cock once more, after a particularly slow and torturous lick, she decides to kiss the tip.
  7347. > She then looks slightly troubled, like she’s not sure-
  7348. > “Was that weird?”
  7349. > Adorable.
  7350. > You almost burst out laughing at the curious way she says it, as though she suspects you’re going to just stop right now because she’s a freak for kissing your dick.
  7351. > But laughing at her genuine efforts to please you would probably be the number one way to crush her budding sexual confidence.
  7352. “Everything you do to me with your mouth is sexy, Cel. Not weird.”
  7353. > She blushes, and leans back down, laying down another kiss upon the tip, but this time suckling lightly at it with her lips for a moment before pulling back.
  7354. > You can’t suppress the slight buck of your hips towards her as she draws back, desperate to get down to business properly as lust begins to cloud your judgement in earnest.
  7355. > Once again, a little string of saliva remains.
  7356. > “Sorry. I’ve just sort of fantasized about getting to do stuff like this for a long time… I don’t want to mess it up.”
  7357. > Fantasizing about giving oral to your partner...
  7358. > You should have taken her up on sex a long time ago.
  7359. > It almost strikes you as weird how repulsed you were by her such a short period of time ago.
  7360. > And when she once again rests her lips on your cock, softly suckling on it, can’t help but press up one more time.
  7361. > But this time, she doesn’t pull back to speak, and instead simply lightly parts her lips as you slide easily into her mouth.
  7362. > And she pushes it into her mouth in concert with your motion.
  7364. > The sudden change from the slightly cold air in the room to her warm mouth is striking.
  7365. > Fuck, that feels fantastic.
  7366. > Her teeth entirely avoid your cock, her wider mouth accommodating you perfectly as her tongue continues to dance around the head of your pride.
  7367. > You can’t resist letting your left hand wander down into her hair as she does.
  7368. > After all, she said she cut it specifically for this, right?
  7369. > You take up a bundle of her hair as she continues her attention, the warmth of her mouth and her tongue feeling like a damn furnace.
  7370. > And as you lightly ball her hair in a fist, she moans around your length, sending shivers through you.
  7371. “Try swallowing.”
  7372. > The word seems crude, and she seems appropriately confused, gently pushing back against your hand.
  7373. > And you capitulate immediately, letting her up, but she stops only inches from the tip.
  7374. > “Wha?”
  7375. > She says it briefly, and then immediately takes you back into her mouth.
  7376. > You probably shouldn’t have said that, but your conscious thoughts were getting difficult to control as she continued her assault.
  7377. > But she seemed to get it without instruction, as she suddenly sucks in her cheeks, creating a lot more tension in her mouth.
  7378. “Like that!”
  7379. > Your words are shuddering, and you can feel her hum in approval through you as you close your eyes and lean back, focusing on the feelings.
  7380. > Fuck, you need to distract yourself, or you’re going to blow ridiculously easily at this.
  7381. > While her technique is amateurish and poor, knowing it’s Celestia somehow just makes it feel so much better than it felt from even the best you’d been with before.
  7382. > For someone who has no fucking clue what she’s doing, she certainly seems to have some degree of natural talent for this.
  7383. > All those girls who had some experience and were terrible at it could learn something.
  7384. > Though her inexperience still comes through as she tries to take it into her throat.
  7386. > You immediately feel her seize, and suddenly pull back with a loud cough as she hits her chest with her good hoof.
  7387. > You lean up, immediately concerned for her welfare, but she pushes against your chest to keep you down.
  7388. > She coughs again loudly, and rubs her hoof at her mouth with a strained ‘blech’ at the ridiculous mess she made trying to take it deep.
  7389. > “S-sorry! I wasn’t expect-”
  7390. > Another cough, and a shake of her head as she tries to get control of herself again.
  7391. > Quickly, one of her hooves moves to your wet member to continue stimulating you while she recovers.
  7392. > And once she finally catches her breath, she shoots you a mournful smile before speaking.
  7393. > “Expecting that.”
  7394. > She’s still breathing pretty heavily though. Must’ve been quite the unexpected experience.
  7395. > Rookie mistake.
  7396. > Somehow, though, it’s given you the perfect opportunity to get yourself back in control of the situation.
  7397. “You don’t need to try to take it like that. We can save that for when you’re a bit more experienced…”
  7398. > You give her a little amused wink, and she scoffs, looking indignant at your implication.
  7399. > But she nevertheless returns to her prize, still maintaining her glare at you, and briefly running her tongue around it once more before taking a deep breath and pressing you back into her mouth.
  7400. > And as she does, she closes her eyes.
  7401. > For your part, you decide to disobey her direct order to let her please you, and slip your free hand up and around her flank, to run your fingers gently along her sex.
  7402. > You half expected her to stop and object, but she just continues her work.
  7403. > Seems she doesn’t object when the two of you can pleasure one another at least.
  7405. “Cel… stop.”
  7406. > It was rather sudden when you felt your orgasm creeping up on you.
  7407. > She doesn’t seem to be able to hear you at first, in fact she picks up the pace a bit.
  7408. > You gently ball your hand into a fist, her hair collecting in your hand as you try to gently pull her away from you.
  7409. “Cel, I’m going to finish if you keep going.”
  7410. > She gives a little ‘Mmm-mm,” of affirmation around your dick, the vibrations of which send tingles up your spine.
  7411. > And she gently rests a hoof on your stomach, seemingly intent on trying to prevent you from running away.
  7412. > Fuck.
  7413. > That’s not fucking good, there’s no way you’re going to be able to go again if you finish right now.
  7414. > Slightly more insistently, you pull at her hair, but she’s insistent.
  7415. > And so with great trepidation, you shift your whole body back, abruptly managing to withdraw yourself from her eager assault on you.
  7416. > An action which seems to absolutely stun her as she stares at your erection, seemingly confused as to what just happened.
  7417. > As though she’s not clear on why you’re not still in her mouth, her mind still plainly hazed with arousal.
  7418. “Cel?”
  7419. > Your stating her name suddenly draws her attention away from your pride, and up to your eyes, and she gives a shy smile.
  7420. > “Oh. Sorry, I just… got excited.”
  7421. > She got excited about the prospect of getting you to finish in her mouth.
  7422. > There’s something about the way she says it, accompanied by a hoarse chuckle from clearing having overworked herself.
  7423. > This was not at all how you had envisaged things playing out, but…
  7424. “So… how do you want to do this?”
  7426. > She seems surprised by your statement, but gives a somewhat hesitant nod as you slide back on the bed into a bit of a sitting position.
  7427. > You’re glad for the hesitation, because you suspect you might have not lasted terribly long after her performance.
  7428. > “I… me on my stomach, and you over top of me?”
  7429. > She was hesitant for about a quarter of a second, before abruptly seeming to know exactly how she wanted this done.
  7430. > You give her an amused, quizzical look as she blushes after the outburst.
  7431. “Seems you had this planned out.”
  7432. > She nods her head, and then gestures for you to move, insistent on getting to it from the looks of things.
  7433. > “I’ve had a long time to think about how I wanted this to happen.”
  7434. > A long time…
  7435. > You sort of wish you’d waited, on that note.
  7436. > But then this would probably end up being a terrible experience for her if you had elected to do that.
  7437. > Your first time sure as hell was.
  7438. “You sure you don’t want to be facing me?”
  7439. > A simple suggestion, you knew women tended to like that sort of thing. You even sort of did, with some types.
  7440. > You think you’d like it with Cel.
  7441. > But her eyes widen at that, as though you had just asked her for something ridiculously kinky or fetishistic.
  7442. > Reminds you of that old joke about having sex while being able to see one another.
  7443. > But she quite quickly shakes her head ‘no,’ and as you shifted back to make room on the bed, she shifted to lay flat on her stomach, resting her head on the pillows.
  7444. > Well, if that’s what she wanted…
  7446. > You quickly shifted your way around to behind her, staring down at her flank.
  7447. > While her tail had itself hitched up and away from covering her genitals, they’re still fairly well hidden by her rear-end.
  7448. > Letting your eyes wander up to the back of her head, you can see that she’s barely managing to contain her excitement, breathing slowly and with her eyes closed up on the pillow.
  7449. > It’s a little weird that she’d want it like this for her first time, but you suppose it’s an Equestrian thing.
  7450. > Can’t imagine it would be comfortable to do it that way.
  7451. > Gently, you lean down and place your hands on either side of her flanks, eliciting a little ‘eep’ from her as you gently pull them apart to get a look at her.
  7452. > She’s clearly already ready, but it couldn’t hurt to put in a bit of work yourself…
  7453. > Gently, you lean forward, pushing out your tongue to run along her lips gently, which seems to cause her to freeze up almost immediately.
  7454. > “Anon…”
  7455. > You give a little questioning noise, but don’t do much else as you continue your efforts on her.
  7456. > You can feel her button flash out as your tongue runs by, and she lets out a full body shudder and a loud whine from the top of the bed.
  7457. > “I’m already ready, you don’t have to…”
  7458. > You don’t relent, but you pause for only a moment to speak up.
  7459. “But I want to.”
  7460. > As though you would deny a lady proper treatment just because she was already wet.
  7461. > Yet when you feel her rear-hooves press at your shoulders, you’re a little surprised.
  7462. > And even more surprised when she speaks again…
  7463. > “Just put it in me!”
  7465. > It was a loud cry, accompanied by frustrated kicks of her hooves.
  7466. > Pulling back, you look up at her, and notice that now she’s shaking quite badly.
  7467. > And she’s got her eyes open now, staring back at you desperately, breathing heavily.
  7468. > You suddenly become very aware of the intense frustration and agitation she’s feeling, between the immense sexual tension already built up.
  7469. > Seems it got a lot worse suddenly when she didn’t have a task to distract herself with.
  7470. > “Please? I feel like I’ve waited forever for this.”
  7471. > Well now.
  7472. > You suppose it has been a long time coming.
  7473. > Besides, you could hardly say no to a request like that.
  7474. “If that’s what you want, I’m happy to oblige.”
  7475. > She eagerly nods, letting her head fall loosely back onto the bed.
  7476. > It feels a little irresponsible to just move to that without doing anything for her when she did so much for you, but if that’s what she wants…
  7477. > Keeping your hands in place keeping her parted, you pull back and rise up onto your knees.
  7478. > You carefully shifted so as to align yourself with her sex, and the moment there’s even the slightest brush of contact she moans softly into the pillow.
  7479. > And then you slowly draw it up and down along her wetness, getting yourself re-lubricated as best you could in preparation.
  7480. > And then, you gently rest it up against her entrance.
  7481. > This is it…
  7482. > The thing you should’ve done two weeks ago on your wedding night.
  7483. > Staring down at her, gently parted folds, you swallow.
  7484. > Well, here it goes.
  7486. > Gently, slowly, you start to press yourself into her, and you can feel her tense the moment you slide in.
  7487. > Her warm muscles gently tug around you as your head presses in.
  7488. > You can suddenly feel something… weird.
  7489. > Through the bond, you can feel this sort of immense relief, as though Celestia’s anxieties were suddenly relaxing at that very moment.
  7490. > Fuck, she was worried up until now that you would back out.
  7491. > You were a little worried about it yourself.
  7492. > She’s murmuring little nothings as you slowly but surely begin to push deeper into her inviting depths, and you slide your body forward a little bit to get a better vantage.
  7493. > A thought suddenly strikes you as you make your slow entrance; if Celestia’s a virgin, would she have a hymen?
  7494. > Do Equestrians even have those?
  7495. > Better to ask, you guess…
  7496. “Cel… you probably know better than me whether this is going to hurt a bit.”
  7497. > She gives a little affirmative sound, but she doesn’t seem to be able to form words right now, instead focusing on the presence of you as you slide into her.
  7498. > Well… hopefully there’s nothing like that to deal with.
  7499. > And eventually, you do run into precisely that problem.
  7500. > You don’t even notice as you press through that thin barrier, yet you could immediately tell when Celestia tightened up around you, and a she sucked in air through her teeth.
  7501. > And you attempted to hold there, but abruptly she pressed back against you, pushing you fully inside of her.
  7502. > It forced a groan of contentment out of you as she did, and a sharp gasp of pain from her.
  7503. > Guess she wanted the bandage route of resolving that particular issue.
  7505. > You stay rested there for a moment, fully inside her, and you lean forward over her, resting a hand against the bed to stabilize yourself.
  7506. > She’s breathing heavily, just sitting there, seemingly intensely concentrated as she lays there.
  7507. > You can feel her muscles shifting around inside, trying to accommodate you and find a comfortable resting place.
  7508. > She has a look of intense concentration on her face.
  7509. > Yet she doesn’t seem terribly pained by it, just… uncomfortable.
  7510. “Are you alright?”
  7511. > “I’m fine… You can do what you want to me…”
  7512. > Fuck, in any other context you would abuse the hell out of a mandate like that.
  7513. > But right now, you’re intent on making sure this is as good an experience for her as possible, and so you continue to rest there, gently stroking along her side until you feel her muscles relax.
  7514. > The immense tension of pain gently relaxing, and her breathing evening out.
  7515. > “That feels really weird.”
  7516. > You stifle a laugh at the deadpan way she says it, as she opens up her eyes and looks back towards you.
  7517. “Does it still hurt?”
  7518. > She bites her lip slightly, before shaking her head.
  7519. > “Not very much. You’re fine to move…”
  7520. > Well, you suppose you’ll have to take her word for that.
  7521. > And so gently, you adjust your positioning to make it easier to withdraw, and begin your slow journey back out from her depths.
  7522. > You can feel her momentarily tense as you do, but she relaxes quickly afterward.
  7524. > Carefully, you withdrew from her, until only the tip remained inside, before slowly sliding back in once again.
  7525. > And once more, when you fully hilted inside her, it elicited a loud gasp.
  7526. > Though this time it wasn’t quite so clearly one of pain.
  7527. > And this time it accompanied her moaning your name quietly.
  7528. > “That feels really, really weird.”
  7529. > She repeats her claim with a bit of a desperate sigh
  7530. > You smile as you gently begin to pull out once more, and you can feel her shudder around you as you do.
  7531. “Good weird, or bad weird still?”
  7532. > She lets out a little groan, and shifts slightly to accommodate your measured thrusts.
  7533. > But nevertheless, she starts gently rocking back against you.
  7534. > “I don’t know. But don’t stop.”
  7535. > That’s… surprisingly easier than you had expected.
  7536. > You suppose when she’s built up that much already by the time the two of you reached this point, that she might not need much more careful preparation.
  7537. > Nevertheless, you continue to take it slow.
  7538. > Let her be in control as much as you can, try not to push forward to hard or fast unless the asks.
  7539. > Keep it comfortable.
  7540. > You’re not doing this just to get off.
  7541. > You’re doing this for her.
  7542. > Well, and maybe a little bit for you too. It certainly feels relieving to finally be doing this.
  7543. > Like you’ve managed to get past some sort of hurdle.
  7545. > Gently, once you can muster up the mental fortitude to make other actions, you move your one free hand which isn’t stabilizing you with her flank up to the base of one of her wings.
  7546. > You begin to press deeply into the tendons, at the joint, trying to mimic the actions you recall her enjoying when you had preened her wings.
  7547. > It seems to make a shudder flow through her entire body.
  7548. > “You could go a little faster, if you want.”
  7549. > You smile, and do exactly as she requests, gently picking up the pace of your slow thrusts to a more steady rhythm.
  7550. > It elicits a plethora more gentle sounds from her as you do, little whines and groans.
  7551. > Her muscles clench tightly around you in a snug embrace.
  7552. > It feels unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
  7553. > Despite your best efforts to maintain control, you can feel that haze swallowing your mind once again, as you start inadvertently picking up the pace.
  7554. > It just felt natural, like everything was right.
  7555. > “Does it-”
  7556. > Her breath suddenly leaves her with one of your thrusts, and she swallows to try and catch her breath.
  7557. > “Does it feel good for you too?”
  7558. > She can’t keep control of her tone as she says it, randomly shifting between a higher and a lower pitch.
  7559. > She’s still worried you’re not enjoying yourself.
  7560. > On the plus side, apparently it started feeling ‘good weird’ somewhere along the way.
  7561. “It feels fucking amazing, Cel.”
  7562. > You could barely force out the words through your own laboured breath, and even just hearing your voice seems to send shocks through her.
  7564. > At some point in the course of it, you had shifted your position, so that you were now hanging over her, both hands on the bed as you took her.
  7565. > Careful to avoid placing undue pressure on her wings, but in a good position to commit this act properly with your differing bodies.
  7566. > But at least one thing seemed consistent, you could tell when she was about to finish.
  7567. > You felt that change in her breathing, the way she moved against you more urgently and rapidly as though trying to reach a peak.
  7568. > And it wasn’t long before her whole body froze up under your ministrations, and her breath hitched, and she let out a loud cry.
  7569. > “Anon!”
  7570. > She squeaks out your name at the highest pitch yet, and she turns and shoots her head up to kiss you on the lips as you feel her tunnel tighten around you.
  7571. > Immediately, both of you close your eyes, pushing forcefully against one another and focusing on the sensations rocking each of you.
  7572. > Her whole body shakes as her orgasm racks her body, turning her into a shivering pile of Princess around your pride.
  7573. > You lean into the kiss as much as you can, holding still in deep her while she rides out her orgasm.
  7574. > Reveling in the wonderful tightness as she shakes and shudders beneath you.
  7575. > Bringing up one hand, you entangle it in her hair and push her tighter against your face, roughly kissing as the high of her orgasm begins to fade.
  7576. > But even when her shudders slow, you still keep still for a moment, tightly pulled together.
  7577. > It just feels right.
  7579. > Eventually, and you have no idea how long the two of you spent in your little kiss there, the two of you withdrew for breath.
  7580. > As she parts from your mouth, her eyes gently open, and she almost looks like she’s going to cry.
  7581. > But she’s got the biggest, dorkiest smile on her face you’ve ever seen as she sniffles.
  7582. > “I love you.”
  7583. > The words come automatically.
  7584. “I love you too.”
  7585. > Your mind isn’t even going to the other issues the two of you need to resolve right now, as she dives back for another kiss.
  7586. > And you once again begin your pace, eliciting a deep moan from Celestia as the two of you kiss.
  7587. > She might be a giant dork, and have all sorts of problems of her own.
  7588. > Things might be rocky right now in other respects.
  7589. > But she’s your messed up giant dork.
  7590. > The sort of silly girl that gets teary-eyed during sex but can shut up a room full of political rivals with a slam of her hoof.
  7591. > Can’t ask for what she wants from you, but can demand it from anyone else.
  7592. > Raises and sets the Sun, but can’t manage to get her jewelry off without her magic.
  7593. > And as you let those thoughts rattle off in rapid fire staring into her wide-eyes throughout this kiss, you start moving one more, prompting another moan into the kiss.
  7594. > And this time, when she parts, she slides her face back down to rest on the pillow, returning to making her little adorable noises with each thrust.
  7596. > It’s not long before you can feel your own orgasm starting to find its way beyond your control, but you keep thrusting into her inviting depths.
  7597. > There’s little concern about going slow now, she seems to have managed to adjust fully to you.
  7598. “I’m going to cum soon, Cel…”
  7599. > She nods in approval, and continues pushing herself up against you, seemingly trying to coax you to your finish aggressively.
  7600. > Much like when she was trying to get you to finish earlier.
  7601. > And this time, you let it work, as you don’t even try to stop it from overwhelming you, instead relentlessly pressing against her until you reached your peak.
  7602. > As you did, you pushed tightly up against her, letting out a harsh groan as you felt your cock pulse, releasing the first shot of potent seed into her.
  7603. > A long moan comes from her as you reach your climax and her sex presses down around you, trying to draw out as much of your issue as she can.
  7604. > As you empty yourself into her, you groan loudly, pressed taut up against her flanks and as deep as you could possibly be.
  7605. > There’s this aspect of danger to it that sends tingles through you beyond what you usually feel.
  7606. > About finishing inside, even if the rational side of you knows that there’s no danger of anything like pregnancy.
  7607. > And even if there were… you’re married now.
  7608. > You don’t have to worry about anything like that.
  7609. > And as you finish riding out your orgasm, there’s an overwhelming sense of satisfaction flowing through you.
  7610. > Not just sexual satisfaction, but a sort of weird elusive sense of freedom associated with it.
  7611. > And for a moment, you just stay there, leaving yourself buried in her as the two of you slowly recovered from your intense lovemaking.
  7613. > Eventually, when the afterglow seemed to have largely settled into the room, you slowly withdrew from her depths.
  7614. > Shifting slightly to the side, you collapse down onto the bed beside her, staring up at the ceiling and focusing on your breathing.
  7615. > Celestia lets out a little hum of contentment, and a wing finds it way over your chest.
  7616. > And the two of you just lay there for a minute, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere.
  7617. > You suddenly notice the smell of vanilla again, accompanying that intense scent of your intimacy in the air, and it only further serves to soothe you.
  7618. > You feel almost like you should say something.
  7619. > But then, you feel like saying anything would absolutely ruin this atmosphere-
  7620. > “That was amazing.”
  7621. > Her breathless words somehow manage to keep the feeling in the air, rather than ruining it.
  7622. > Shifting onto your side, you stare over at her, and she cracks open a weary eye to look back at you.
  7623. > She’s not crying now, at least.
  7624. > But she’s still got a giant stupid smile on her face.
  7625. “You’re such a dork.”
  7626. > Apparently you’re not quite so good at keeping that warm and cuddly feeling in the air.
  7627. > But nevertheless, she sighs rolls onto her side, pressing her back up against you, carefully folding her still semi-stiff wings by her sides.
  7628. > “Shut up and cuddle me.”
  7629. > Well now.
  7630. > She really needs to decide whether she’s an assertive mare or a submissive one.
  7631. “Happy to.”
  7632. > And gently, you place one arm over her side, pulling tightly at her stomach and pulling her close against your stomach.
  7633. > This is perfect.
  7634. > Nothing could ruin this.
  7635. > Not even when you, without thinking, snap your fingers and the candles go out.

/Sun/day-Celestia Archive

by Enonnnymous

[ARCHIVE] Exchange by getmeouttahere

by Enonnnymous

[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 1

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[ARCHIVE] Prince Anon and Young Celestia by LokiLorien PART 2

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