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[RDxAnon] Pre-Sonic Boom {Wuten]

By DashPosterAndArchiver
Created: 2021-06-01 05:37:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Pre-Sonic Boom - Hearth's Warming Eve
  3. >Be Hearth’s Warming Eve
  4. >It’s snowing
  5. >Fucking freezing your ass off under your bed sheets
  6. >Only sources of heat are fireplace and stove, neither of which are in your room
  7. >Tapping on your window
  8. >Look over
  9. >Fucking Flutterslut
  10. >Reach over and close curtains, then crawl under sheets
  11. >Knock at door
  12. >“Um, A-Anon, it’s been a few days now since you’ve come out… you must be freezing in there all alone…”
  13. >You got no sleep last night, don’t want to deal with her bullshit
  14. >Continued knocking, it rings through your eardrums
  15. >Fuck it
  16. >Get up and walk over to door, peering out the small window
  17. >Fucking snow’s piled up at least 2-3 feet
  18. >Fluttershy’s having to flap her wings just to stay above the snow
  19. >Slam your fist against the wall in frustration
  20. >Hear a squeak come from outside, and a slushing noise almost immediately after
  21. >Look outside
  22. >Pile of snow covering Flutterslut, her eyes poking out
  23. >If she wasn’t trying to rape you, you’d think it was adorable
  24. >Fucking laughing your ass off
  25. >Walk over to fireplace to warm up
  26. >Another knock at door
  27. “Not now Fluttershy, I’m not in the mood for it”
  28. >”That’s no way to treat your bro, leaving me out in the cold like that!”
  29. >Fucking Rainbro Dashto the rescue, hear Fluttershy quickly flapping her wings to get away
  30. >Quickly walk over to the door and open it
  31. >Rainbro flies inside almost immediately to the fire as you close the door
  32. “You bring the stuff?”
  33. >”Fuck yeah I brought the stuff!” she says, patting a bag hanging off her
  34. >whatabro.jpg
  35. >”Which movie first?”
  36. >You go through the stash of movies she brought in the bag
  37. >Pick out high-speed action movie first
  38. >Rainbro starts pulling out bottles of Applejack Daniels
  39. >You question just how much she should be able to fit in one bag
  40. >fuckit.jpg
  41. >You pop the movie in and both of you crash on the couch, you reach over and cover yourself in a blanket
  42. “Want in?”
  43. >Pomf. Wingboner.
  44. >”Um, no thanks, I’m fine,” she says, handing you a bottle and blushing lightly
  45. >Why do her wings keep doing that?
  46. >Proceed to watch movies and drink one bottle after another
  47. >Eventually you’re on what you believe is your third bottle, you lost count at twelve
  48. >Rainbro’s fast asleep, sprawled out on your couch, her head leaning up on the cushion of the couch
  49. >You smile and throw part of the blanket over her to keep her warm, she’s your bro after all
  50. >She squirms a bit, before curling up to you
  51. >The movie ends, both of you knocked out
  53. The next day…
  55. >Wake up
  56. >Thank Celestia the snow blocked some of the sunlight from coming into the house
  57. >Rub your eyes, notice Rainbro curled up next to you
  58. >Smile, sliding out of the blanket trying to not make a racket
  59. >Fuck up, trip, fall flat on your face on the cold floor
  60. >Rainbro slowly opens her eyes, looking around, sees you on the floor
  61. >pokerface.jpg
  62. >”Heh, awesome night, huh, Anon?”
  63. >Don’t even look up, hold up a thumbs-up to her before changing to a brofist
  64. >She chuckles a bit before completing the glorious ritual of bro-ism
  65. >Slowly get to your feet, rubbing your head
  66. >”So what do you have planned for today, Anon?”
  67. >Think for a moment
  68. “I’m snowed in, but I’ve got enough food to last for a few days.”
  69. >”So a chill day?”
  70. >fuckyea.jpg
  72. >”Sounds good to me! I’ll head on into the kitchen to see what’cha have.”
  73. “Alright, I’m gonna get a shower.”
  74. >She nods, a slight blush on her cheeks, but you assume it’s from the booze from the night before
  75. >You head to the bathroom, and can hear her moving stuff around in the kitchen
  76. >You turn on the water finally and toss your clothes to the floor, walking in
  77. >Goddamn water’s cold as fuck
  78. >You let out a loud yelp from it
  79. >Can be heard through the house
  80. >Rainbro stops whatever it is she was doing in the kitchen and you can hear hooves quickly clopping over to you
  81. >She runs in worried that you were injured or something
  82. >Sees you with nothing on, your entire body in full view
  83. >Awkward silence
  84. >Pomf. There go her wings.
  85. >Her face is redder than anything you’ve seen before
  86. >You make the first move to break the silence
  87. “Um… sorry about that. Heh.”
  88. >Still no readable response from Rainbro except shock as her eyes are locked on you
  89. >You move your hands to cover your lower regions
  90. >Thank Celestia for having hands
  91. >Rainbro shakes her head quickly to snap her out of her stunned state
  92. >”Oh, sorry about… walking in on you like that, Anon”
  93. >Her wings are still rigid like statues, her face still red as she tries to look away from you
  94. >You walk over to your clothes, finally having something to decently cover your lower half
  95. >”I’ll… I’ll just be going back to the food, alright?” she forces a nervous smile as she quickly scurries off
  96. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  97. >Back to your shower
  98. >You walk out of the bathroom, slipping into your pants from the past night
  99. >They’re not dirty, why waste the water?
  100. >You walk down the stairs to the kitchen
  101. >Rainbro’s already seeming to be cooking something
  102. “Smells like something good’s being cooked in here!”
  103. >She turns to look at you with a smile on her face
  104. >Notices you still don’t have a shirt
  105. >Blush returns
  106. >”It’s… just toast, y’know. Nothin’ really special about it.”
  107. >You shrug, still smells good
  108. >You reach for dishes for both of you
  109. >Toast springs out and lands on the plates just as you swing them around
  110. >Feel like a boss
  111. >You both sit down at the table, Rainbro grabs a jar of berries and pours them onto both of your plates
  112. >You wonder why no jelly, but put the berries on the toast anyway and take a bite
  113. >sweetjesus.jpg
  114. >Smile at Rainbro, hold up a brofist for this food of the gods
  115. >She completes the brofist, digging into her breakfast as well
  116. >”So yeah… sorry for walking in on you like that. Was worried AJ was hiding in there or something.”
  117. >This mare, man. This mare
  118. “Nah, it’s alright. You were just looking out for your bro, that’s all.”
  119. >She nods, you don’t notice her stealing glances of your exposed torso
  120. >”So you’re not mad or anything?” she asks, surprised
  121. “No way, we’re bros, not like you’re Fluttershy or Applejack or something,” you laugh
  122. >She blushes a bit
  123. >”Yeah, I wouldn’t try something like that…”
  124. >You pat her on the head, scratching it
  125. “You and me. Bros to the end.”
  126. >She nods, a bit absently
  127. >”Yeah… bros to the end…”
  128. >Both of you finish the fucking amazing breakfast Rainbro made
  129. >You sit back, feeling content that after around 5 slices of berry-covered toast that you’re good on food for now
  130. “Hey RD, you seem to be used to being snowed in a lot; you got any ideas on what we can do for fun?”
  131. >”Well, last I checked the snow wasn’t supposed to stop until later tonight, so we’ve got a lot of-“
  132. >Cut off by a banging on the door, followed by the door being slammed off its hinges, the cold air rushing into the house
  133. >Fucking Applejack knocked down the only barrier keeping the cold out
  134. >”Alright Anon, y’all better just come on quietly or the cold’s gonna keep on comin’!” she hollers, looking around
  135. >You immediately peer out from the kitchen wall as RD leaps up and confronts Applejack
  136. >”AJ! What do you think you’re doing?!”
  137. >Applejack grins
  138. >”Ah, howdy Rainbow, yer just in time,” she says, twisting around and slamming her hind legs into your Rainbro, sending her to the wall you’re peering out from
  139. >”And now it’s time ta get what ah came here for,” she grins, walking over to you
  140. >Fucking cold, should’ve put something on to cover your torso
  141. >The wind coming from the doorway isn’t helping
  142. “Seriously, you bust down my door for something like this? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to fix that thing every fucking time you or Fluttershy knock it down?”
  143. >You come out from the wall, AJ’s licking her lips staring at your torso and ignoring whatever it is you’re saying
  144. >”Now Anon, we can do this the easy way,” she says, leaping up and pinning you down against the cold kitchen floor, “Or the hard way.”
  145. >You struggle under her, but she has you pinned, the cold floor not helping your escape in any way
  146. >”Though ah prefer the hard way,” she grins, beginning trailing her tongue down your bare chest
  147. >Fuck the wind, it makes it even colder
  148. >She continues trailing down to your abs
  149. >You notice your legs aren’t pinned
  150. >You quickly lift up your lower body, curling your legs around to her head
  151. >”Now what in tarnation-“
  152. >You begin squeezing your legs together as hard as you can
  153. >After around 10-15 seconds, Applejack finally collapses, just barely making it to the waist of your pants
  154. >Breathe a sigh of relief
  155. “That… was too close.”
  156. >Push her unconscious self off you, walk over to Rainbro
  157. >She seems fine for the most part, just winded
  158. “You alright, RD?”
  159. >”Y-yeah, I’m fine…” she mutters, still breathing a bit staggered, but otherwise mostly uninjured
  160. >You walk over to the door
  161. >Do what you can to lift it back over the doorway, pushing it in as best you can
  162. >Take a few steps back, smile as it holds
  163. >Falls the second you turn around
  164. >areyoufuckingkiddingme.jpg
  165. >You sigh, turning back around to set the door up on a slight angle, this time it stays in place
  166. >Still a slight draft finds its way in
  167. >You decide you’re not going to last long shirtless in the middle of winter
  168. >You walk into your bedroom and come out a few moments later wearing a long-sleeved shirt
  169. >Rainbro has since managed to get to her feet, and is checking on Applejack
  170. >”Whoa… she’s out cold; where’d you learn something like that?” she turns to you, surprised
  171. “Dunno; it just came to me.”
  172. >”Well, whatever it was, it worked,” she chuckled a bit
  173. >Applejack is stirring a bit, but as of right now is no longer a threat
  174. >You decide that since it IS the Hearth’s Warming season, you might as well not just leave her on your floor
  175. >You walk over and pick her up, deciding on setting her on your bed to sleep
  176. >Hey, at least it’s not at the same time you’re sleeping there
  177. >”You sure that’s a good idea, Anon?” Rainbro looks up at you
  178. “Can’t just leave her like that; besides, she’ll be cold if we did.”
  179. >You reach over for a nearby blanket and cover Applejack with it before walking out of your bedroom
  180. >You smile at Rainbro
  181. “Hopefully she’ll manage to see that I’m not just some toy for her to try and rape whenever she feels like it.”
  182. >Rainbro smiles back, and nods
  183. “C’mon; I’m sure we have a few movies left we can watch.”
  184. >She’s way ahead of you on this; she’s already back in front of the television searching through the stash of movies she brought
  185. >”Oh! What about this one?” she asks, holding up a case
  186. >Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet
  187. “Eh, sure, put it in and we’ll watch it.”
  188. >She beams with excitement, before putting it in and flying back over onto the sofa to sit next to you
  189. >Curious as to what her obsession is for the series, you sit back and watch
  190. >Movie lasts for around 2 hours, reminds you extremely of the Indiana Jones series
  191. >You never bothered to watch those movies except for as a small child, so the storyline still kept your attention
  192. >By the end both you and Rainbro are sitting on the edge of the sofa in excitement
  193. >”That was SO AWESOME!” she exclaims, smiling at the screen as the credits begin to roll
  194. “Wow, I have to say that was a REALLY nice movie!”
  195. >She smiles up at you
  196. >”So what d’ya say, huh? Wanna watch the rest of ‘em?” she asks, her eyes beaming
  197. >Fuck it, why not?
  198. “Go right on ahead, I’m just gonna head into the kitchen to fix up something quick.”
  199. >Squee from your bro as she leaps over and gets ready to play the next one
  200. >You walk into the kitchen, your hands going through the cabinets to try and find something
  201. >You raise an eyebrow as you feel something smooth
  202. >You reach in and pull it out
  203. >It’s an apple
  204. >Fuck
  205. >”Howdy Anon…”
  206. >You quickly spin around, seeing Applejack standing there
  207. “What the hell? When did you wake up? How did you get in here without us knowing?”
  208. >”You’d be surprised as to just how much y’all get into those movies of yers,” she grins, trotting over to you
  209. >You’re cornered on the far side of the kitchen, away from the entrance to the living room
  210. >”Now, where were we?” she grins, rearing up and placing her hooves up onto the counter around you, holding your arms down under them
  211. >Damn ponies and their ungodly leg-strength
  212. >You struggle under her hooves, but that only seems to fuel her hunger
  213. >She lunges forward in a kiss, you lean back instinctively to try to get away
  214. >She begins grinding against you
  215. >”Ah’ve been waitin’ a long time for this, Anon…” she grins, trailing her mouth down your neck
  216. >”Looks like you’ll have to be waiting a little bit longer then,” a voice comes from behind her
  217. >Before she can react, Rainbro to the rescue
  218. >She picks Applejack up by the front legs, lifting her into the air
  219. >Applejack is struggling in Rainbro’s grip
  220. >You get an idea
  221. ”Hey RD, you think the lake’s frozen over yet?”
  222. >AJ’s eyes instantly widen
  223. >Rainbro gets the message
  224. >You run to the door, lifting it to where Rainbro can safely slip out carrying Applejack
  225. >You grin, closing the door behind you
  226. >Walk over to the kitchen and look at the apple
  227. >Pick it up and take a bite
  228. >Fucking delicious.
  229. >Rainbro comes back and knocks on the door a few minutes later
  230. >You rush over to open it and let her inside
  231. >She quickly shakes off the snow that accumulated on her mane and fur
  232. “So? How’d it go?”
  233. >She snickers. “Didn’t quite make it to the lake, but I have a feeling you’ll like what happened even better.”
  234. >You raise an eyebrow
  235. “Where’d you leave her?”
  236. >”Let’s just say she’ll be a bit tied up for the time being. Big Mac and Granny Smith were out and saw me carrying her by, they offered to take her.”
  237. “You had Big Mac lasso her legs together, didn’t you.”
  238. >”Oh Anon, you can read me like a book!” she grins widely, waving her hoof around
  239. >Big Brokintosh always watching out for you
  240. “So, which one was next on the list of movies?”
  241. >Rainbro’s eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot!” she exclaims, rushing over to the television
  242. >You walk over with her
  243. >Next movie is “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone”
  244. “Is it good?”
  245. >”It’s the first one I ever read. Oh yeah. It’s good,” she grins slyly, hitting the play button
  246. >Both of you crash on the couch, Dash unexpectedly snuggling up to you as you pull the blanket up over you two
  247. >Think nothing of it
  248. >”Ohmygosh it’s starting!” Rainbro exclaims, letting out another squee
  249. >You chuckle a bit as the opening starts
  251. Meanwhile…
  252. >”Lemme go!” the orange mare squirms around in the leg-tied lasso
  253. >”Nnnnope.”
  254. >”Yew should be ashamed o’ yerself, bargin’ in on that young man’s alone time like that!” the older mare nags as they drag her inside the house
  255. >”Alone time? What the…” Applejack raises an eyebrow in confusion
  256. >”Eeeeyup,” Big Mac nods
  257. >”An’ yew best be gettin’ ready fer a lotta work once the storm passes on; an’ once yer done, yer gonna be apologizin’ ta that human feller!” Granny Smith frowns
  258. >”Yes ma’am…” Applejack sighs in defeat
  259. “Oh no, did he just-!”
  260. >”Oh yeah, he did!” Rainbro exclaims as Ahuizotl snatches the relic from Daring Do with his hand-tail thing
  261. >Both of you are on the edge of the couch once again in excitement
  262. >Unable to move for fear that it will ruin the experience
  263. >Stay like that until Daring Do comes in and snatches it away at the end of the movie
  264. >Both of you cheer excitedly as she runs off into the jungle once again to make her getaway
  265. >Rainbro and you share a brohug unintentionally in the adrenaline of it all
  266. >Immediately Rainbro notices and her cheeks turn light red, feeling your torso under the shirt
  267. >Doesn’t let go even after the hug ends
  268. “Uh… bro?”
  269. >She shakes her head quickly, then looks up at you
  270. >”Oh, y-yeah, sorry about that…” she chuckles nervously, letting you go
  271. >By now it’s probably mid-afternoon from what you can tell
  272. >”So, what now?” Rainbro asks, looking up at you again
  273. “How about this one?”
  274. >You reach over and grab another Daring Do movie, thinking that you should keep the trend going
  275. >Rainbro’s eyes widen and her cheeks blush a bit more, she shakes her head
  276. >”Oh, nononono, you don’t want to see that one,” she says, trying to take the case from you
  277. >You hold it up out of her reach
  278. “And why’s that, hm?”
  279. >You grin devilishly at her
  280. >Her blush deepens
  281. >”Um, well… that one’s not nearly as good as the others.”
  282. “Oh? What makes you say that?”
  283. >You still hold it up above her head
  284. >”Well… there’s not nearly as many action scenes of her kicking butt! And stuff…” she still can’t fight the blush on her cheeks
  285. >”What kind of stuff, hm? Is there something that happens that you don’t want me to see?”
  286. >Pomf. There go her wings.
  287. >Why do they always do that in these situations?
  288. >”F-fine, if that’s how you want it, go ahead and put it in!” she grumbles under her breath
  289. >You snicker for a bit at the sight, before putting the movie in and pressing play
  291. An hour or two later…
  293. >You shouldn’t have done that.
  294. >”Heheh. Told ya,” she grins, still a light blush on her cheeks
  295. >Your eyes feel like they should be burned from the inside out for what you have witnessed
  296. “…Didn’t see that coming…”
  297. >She snickers a bit, her wings just slightly out as she watches you recover from it
  298. >”Here, drink this, it’ll make it better,” she says, handing you a leftover bottle of Applejack Daniels, grabbing another for herself
  299. >You two clank bottles together, before taking a huge swig of the drink
  300. >This continues until you no longer feel uncomfortable about that scene you just witnessed
  301. “Y-y’know… *hic* This movie ain’t half-bad…”
  302. >Rainbro nods, nuzzling up against you once again as the movie continues
  303. >Your drunken state is even less aware of it
  304. >”Anon…”
  305. >You look down at her
  306. >”What do you think of me?”
  307. “What’re ya talkin’ ‘bout?”
  308. >”Well, you know…” Rainbro blushes a bit, twirling her hooves a bit, “Do you consider me a… friend?”
  309. >The fuck?
  310. “O-of course I do! You’re… *hic* You’re my bro, after all!”
  311. >”Yeah…” RD sighs a bit
  312. “Hey, wha’s wrong?”
  313. >”I’s just… I dunno, you ever think that we could be… more than just normal bros?” she looks up at you
  314. “Wha? You mean, like super bros?”
  315. >Fuck you and your drunken logic
  316. >”N-no, not quite…” she turns to face you. “I mean… like more than bros, or super bros, or super-mega-awesome bros! Y’know?”
  317. “…Whad’ya mean, RD?”
  318. >Fuck you, your drunken logic, and your drunken obliviousness
  319. >”Dammit Anon, you’re not listenin’ to me!” she grunts, pushing you onto the couch under her. “I mean like special somep0n… someone!” she nearly shouts, her face flushed
  320. >Your eyes widen, this is your bro we’re talking about
  321. >Both of you have been together since day one!
  322. >But she’s a horse and you’re a human…
  323. >But she’s just as human as anything else you’ve ever made friends with!
  324. >Damn conflicting thoughts in your head
  325. >”Uh… Anon?” Rainbro’s voice snaps you back into reality
  326. >She’s still hovering over you, your faces just inches apart
  327. >Your mind attempts to analyze the entire situation
  328. >Analyzing…
  329. >Mind.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Restart? Y/N
  330. >Restarting…
  331. >The silence between the two of you continues as she can see your mind is working at full drunken capacity
  332. >”Anon…? You in there buddy?”
  333. >Mind.exe is running slowly. Would you like to clear up some space? Y/N
  334. >Closing SpeciesBarriers.exe…
  335. “…You think I’m… your special someone?”
  336. >Your drunken mind is still trying to process this
  337. >RD nods, still hovering over you, part of her lower mane hanging down onto your shirt
  338. >”I have… for a long time now, Anon…” her eyes lower a bit and her gaze detracts, but then soon returns to you. “Until now, I dunno… I guess I didn’t have the guts until tonight to tell ya.”
  339. >That is the biggest cliché in the book, but hearing it from Rainbro makes it completely different for you
  340. >Especially since, y’know, both of you are drunk
  341. “…How long?”
  342. >You keep asking questions so that your brain can still process the last question she just answered. Turns out ever since she met you, she’s had an infatuation for you. Your enjoyment of sports and athletics were just the right things to get her interested in you, apparently. Fluttershy and Applejack just made it even easier for her to get close to you when they started their own attempts to get with you.
  343. >Of course she’s been having her own fantasies of being with you like that, but never acted on them for fear of you putting her in the same category as the other two
  344. >She’s telling you all of this in the time-frame of about ten seconds, she’s so nervous
  345. >You find it hard to believe your mind can actually process this fast while intoxicated
  346. >She slowly inches closer and closer as she talks…
  347. >...Until her snout boops your nose.
  348. >You two are quiet for what seems like hours, not moving
  349. >Suddenly, RD tries to stifle a giggle
  350. >It fails, both of you share a good laugh
  351. >Once both of you calm down, you smile up at her, wrapping your arms around her in a hug
  352. “Well, must’ve taken a lot of guts to say something like that. Definitely a classic Rainbow Dash-style way of doing things.
  353. >Her eyes widen a bit in surprise
  354. >”Anon… you called me Rainbow Dash…?”
  355. >You snicker a bit, before grinning up at her again
  356. “Well, why not?”
  357. >You lean up and place a small peck on the tip of her snout
  358. “You’re my special somepony, after all, y’know?”
  359. >Her eyes widen to the point of where you think they’re gonna pop out of her head
  360. >Damn, how do all of those Japanese anime’s pull it off?
  361. >She blinks a few times, smiles, and then her eyes roll back and she collapses
  362. >…Well, guess that’s one way to react.
  363. >You wonder if Fluttershy’s and Applejack’s jimmies will be rustled when they hear about this
  364. The next day…
  365. >Knock at the door
  366. >You slowly open your eyes
  367. >Fucking Celestia with her fucking sunlight burning through the fucking window into your fucking eyes
  368. >You hold up your hand to block the light, notice RD sleeping soundly on your chest
  369. >Smile lightly, slowly sliding out to not wake her, keeping the blanket wrapped and tucked around her like a cocoon
  370. >Walk over to the door, look outside
  371. >It’s Twilight
  372. >Open the door
  373. >”Ah, Anon, glad to see you made it through the snowstorm. I’ve been looking for Rainbow, have you seen her?”
  374. >Nod, but place a finger to your lips, making motions to let her know Rainbow’s sleeping
  375. >She nods back in understanding
  376. >”I’ll come back later then,” she whispers, smiling and nodding as she walks off
  377. >Look outside
  378. >Snow’s stopped falling, but still there’s around four feet of snow on the ground
  379. >Fillies outside playing in it, you notice that Twilight conveniently made a cleared path to your doorstep from the sidewalk
  380. >whatabro.jpg, even though she’s not at bro status quite yet
  381. >Look in the distance; see an orange mare walking a bit dejectedly towards your house
  382. >Fucking Applejack’s coming back for round three
  383. “What do you want?”
  384. >You slowly close the door behind you as you walk outside
  385. >”Listen, Anon… Ah’m sorry ‘bout the way Ah’ve been actin’ towards ya. Guess it’s just mah instincts, that’s all,” she says, looking up at you
  386. >You can clearly tell she’s sincere about this
  387. “Well, I’m still a bit skeptical about that, but I’m willing to forgive you in time.”
  388. >”Sounds like a plan. Friends once again?” she asks, holding out a hoof
  389. >You smile, taking it in your hand and shaking it
  390. “Friends.”
  391. >”At least until ah decide to hit ya up next,” she winks slyly at you
  392. “Well, we’ll see how Rainbow thinks about that.”
  393. >trollface.jpg
  394. >Applejack’s jaw drops when she realizes what you mean by that
  395. >You grin, turning around and walking inside the house, fully confident that Applejack’s jimmies have definitely been rustled
  396. >Rainbow’s slowly nodding herself awake
  397. >”Ugh… wha? What happened last night?” she asks, turning to look at you. “I had the best dream…”
  398. “You sure, Rainbow? You absolutely sure about that?”
  399. >You grin
  400. >Rainbow’s expression slowly changes to one similar to that of Applejack’s just then
  401. >You walk over to her, and pick her up in a tight hug
  402. >She returns it, nuzzling into your neck
  403. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Rainbow Dash.”
  404. >”Happy Hearth’s Warming to you too, Anon. Best gift I could ever ask for.”
  406. Continuation
  407. >Both you and RD had an awesome day that day
  408. >Cuddled and watched the rest of the Daring Do series
  409. >No clopping you sick fucks
  410. >Still a bit traumatized from the third Daring Do movie from before
  412. >You wake up in a cold sweat; it’s dark out now
  413. >You both must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie
  414. >RD’s still sleeping on your chest
  415. >You smile, gently placing your hand on her mane, running your thumb along the hair
  416. >Feels like silk
  417. >ohgodthatfeel.jpg
  418. >You try to get back to sleep
  419. >Brain says fuck you, decides to do some post-alcoholic deep thinking
  420. >Can humans and ponies even be with each other like that?
  421. >You might want to check some books from Twilight about that sort of thing
  422. >What’s important now is that nothing between you and your bro is kept hidden anymore
  423. >You close your eyes with a smile on your face, RD subconsciously nuzzling closer into your chest
  425. That morning…
  426. >Wake up
  427. >It’s cloudy today
  428. >Thank Celestia you don’t have to deal with the sun
  429. >Open your eyes to see… two more staring right at you
  430. >RD was waiting for you to wake up
  431. >demeyes.jpg
  432. >She has the most adorable half-asleep face, smiling at you
  433. >”Morning, Anon…” she moves up to nuzzle against your cheek
  434. >You question why your brain could have doubted this
  435. “Heh, sleep well, RD?”
  436. >You smile, hugging her to you
  437. >”Better than you might think, Anon. Gotta say, you’re no cloud, but damn you’re comfortable,” she grins, pushing up into the air and floating above you. “Well c’mon sleepy head, get up! We’ve gotta get you outta the house, now that the snow’s stopped,” she says, shaking you awake
  438. “Alright, alright, don’t worry, I’m up!”
  439. >You laugh, sitting up off the sofa, stretching
  440. >Feel your body pop in like 7 different places
  441. >Damn that felt good
  442. >Both of you head outside
  443. >Not nearly as cold as it was the past few days, despite the clouds
  444. >Look over to the side of the house
  445. >Some kind of snowman-thing
  446. >Walk over to it
  447. “Wait a minute…”
  448. >Something’s going on
  449. >Snowman’s moving
  450. >Snow doesn’t usually move
  451. >…Or have eyes
  452. >Oh fuck, RD just flew off
  453. >”Hello, Anon… I haven’t forgotten about how you left me in the snow! I’ve been waiting…”
  454. >Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck she’s got the crazy look in her eyes again
  455. >You really don’t like where this is going
  456. “Sorry, Fluttershy, but I’m with Rainbow Dash, you’re too late.”
  457. >She stops abruptly, eyeing you
  458. >”Well, Rainbow isn’t here. So that means you’re fair game!” she exclaims, leaping out of the snow and tackling you down
  459. >Fuck, the snow’s too high for anyone to see what she’s doing
  460. >She’s holding you down as you struggle
  461. >Damn, it’s always the quiet ones
  462. >She grabs your shirt in her teeth and rips it off you
  463. >Fuck that snow is cold on your back
  464. >You instinctively arch your back to get out of the cold, but all it does is press up against Flutterrape
  465. >”Oh, Anon… I didn’t know you would be so forward with me…” she says in an obviously practiced seductive tone
  466. >Damn crazy mares
  467. >She’s moved down to your waist now, fumbling with your pants
  468. >You quickly pray to whatever deity is listening that this works
  469. >You bring your legs up and slam them into her sides, just in front of her hind legs
  470. >She yelps, collapsing
  471. >You immediately struggle to get up while she recovers
  472. >You try to take a step but feel a tugging on your pants
  473. >She has the leg in her teeth
  474. >She may be crazy and timid, but even you know that her teeth are like a vice
  475. >You quickly try running, dragging Fluttershy along with you
  476. >She tries pulling back, but the snow doesn’t help her traction
  477. >Forced to tug her along behind you, since she’s not letting go
  478. “Why are you always trying to rape me, Fluttershy?!”
  479. >You glare down at her as you continue dragging
  480. >”Because you’re not like the rest of us, Anon… Oh yes, your body is so much different from us. And that’s what drives me crazy… I want to know more! I want to feel you buried deep inside me…” she continues the practiced seductive voice
  481. >You sigh, continuing to drag
  482. >Small fillies that are playing turn to look at the spectacle
  483. >They all get grins on their faces, leap into the snow like Digletts
  484. >”Diggadiggadiggadiggadigga…” you hear them all around you, before they pop up around you and start pelting both of you with snowballs
  485. >Fucking fillies
  486. >Fucking snow
  487. >How do fillies even make snowballs anyway?
  488. >Oh yeah. Magic.
  489. >You grin, taking the idea and pick up a giant wad of snow, dumping it on Fluttershy
  490. >She lets out a squeak and goes to clean it off
  491. >You take this opportunity to run like hell
  492. >Thank you for being a fast runner before you came to Equestria
  493. >You take a sharp turn to the left, hiding behind a building
  494. >See Fluttershy zooming around the skies, her hunger for you growing by the second
  495. >Fucking crazy
  496. >You turn around and head down the alley, out of sight
  497. >Rainbow’s nowhere to be found
  498. >Where did that Pegasus go?
  499. >You shrug, continuing to move, keeping an eye out for that yellow male-hungry pegasus
  500. >”Anon? What’re you doing back here?”
  501. >You turn and see Mr. Cakes
  502. “Oh, sorry; I’m trying to keep myself hidden.”
  503. >”Now why would you be doing that? You should come inside, you look hungry,” he smiles
  504. >Mr. Cakes now confirmed as another potential bro
  505. >Nod and follow him into Sugarcube Corner
  506. >Never even noticed you ran that far
  507. >Walk into the main room, all the lights are off
  508. “Mr. Cake…?”
  509. >He’s gone
  510. >The hell?
  511. >Walk around, eyes starting to adjust to the darkness
  512. >Suddenly, lights
  513. >myeyes.jpg
  514. >”SURPRISE!!!”
  515. >Physically feel your heart skip a beat in surprise
  516. >Everyone jumps out of hiding places
  517. >Rainbow’s here too. So is… Applejack?
  518. >Pinkie hops over to you and sings a musical number
  519. >How does she come up with this kind of thing so fast?
  520. >You manage to catch that the song is about you and Rainbow
  521. >You smile
  522. “Thanks, Pinkie. But why a party?”
  523. >”Silly, you can have a party for anything!” she exclaims, wrapping a hoof around your shoulder. “Besides, what better way to celebrate the two of you hooking up like that than a party? You’ve been cooped up in that little house for too long; time to get you some food!”
  524. >She zips off to the back room
  525. >All of the ponies start socializing with both you and Dash
  526. >Notice Applejack’s being awfully quiet
  527. >No rape attempts, that’s a relief
  528. >Rainbow quickly flies over to you
  529. >”So what do ya think? Pretty awesome party, huh?” she smiles up at you
  530. >You smile and nod, picking her up into a hug
  531. >Various d’awws from the crowd
  532. >Pinkie comes out, wheeling a giant chocolate cake in front of her
  533. >”To Anon and Dashie!” she cheers, riling up the crowd
  534. >That’s the biggest fucking cake you’ve ever seen someone give to you
  535. >Like, seriously, it’s almost as tall as you are if it was on the floor
  536. “Thanks everyone, really!”
  537. >Smile, everyone starts getting bits and pieces of cake
  538. >Pinkie gets a devilish grin, creeps over to you
  539. >”So, Anon… you two bumping flanks yet?” she whispers
  540. >You nearly choke on the piece of cake you’ve got in your mouth
  541. “N-no! Of course not!”
  542. >Rainbow looks at Pinkie, but then gets a playful grin
  543. >You notice this, quickly swallowing the cake
  544. >”So Anon… why don’t we change that?”
  545. >Pinkie giggles, watching the spectacle
  546. >notsureifwant.jpg
  547. “Uh… I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of thing…”
  548. >”Why’s that, Anon? Don’t tell me you’re scared…” Rainbow grins, her expression turning to one more playful-seductive
  549. >Shake head
  550. “L-let’s just get back to the cake, that alright?”
  551. >Rainbow stifles a laugh, before letting it go
  552. >”Oh, oh man! You should’ve seen your face! Don’t think I’ve ever seen you get that red before!” she laughs, rolling around on the ground
  553. >Pinkie’s joined her on the other side of you
  554. >Fucking tricky ponies
  555. >Take another bite of cake, grumbling to yourself
  556. >Pinkie crawls back up next to you, nudging your shoulder with her hoof
  557. >”Oh Anon, don’t be like that! We’re just poking a little fun, that’s all,” Pinkie says, before laughing again. “Besides, who couldn’t laugh at that expression? Priceless!”
  558. >”Yeah, priceless!” Rainbow snickers, finally starting to recover. “Besides, we wouldn’t do something like that…”
  559. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  560. >”…in public.”
  561. >Why is this cake so goddamn rich? It’s the best fucking thing you’ve tasted in weeks, but if they keep making you choke like this, you swear it’s going to be the death of you
  562. >”Rainbow, you shouldn’t tease him with those ideas!” Pinkie snickers
  563. >”But it’s so much fun!” Rainbow grins back at her. “Besides, he doesn’t mind. Riiiight, Anon?” she nudges your side
  564. >Swear under your breath, because there are little fillies at the party
  565. “Let’s… save this for another time, how’s that sound?”
  566. >Rainbow grins even more
  567. >”Oh, alright… we’ll wait until you and I are all alone to talk about this…”
  568. >You can feel her breath along your neck as she says this
  569. >Sends a shiver down your spine
  570. >Fuuuuuuck, suppress it, suppress it….
  571. >Aaaaaand, suppressed. Close one.
  572. >“Yeah, right now let’s just enjoy the party!” Pinkie exclaims, running off to the crowd
  573. >You sigh again
  574. “Well, at least she’s got enough energy to go around, huh?”
  575. >You smile at Rainbow, holding up a piece of cake
  576. >She grins, taking it into her mouth and swallowing it, licking the frosting off your fingers
  577. >”So, nervous even when it’s consensual, aren’t ya Anon?” a voice comes from behind you
  578. >Spin around, it’s Applejack
  579. >She still has the same look as before, but it looks like she’s keeping herself together
  580. “The hell do you want?”
  581. >Applejack smirks. “To enjoy the party, of course! After all, it IS your second-year anniversary of coming here, isn’t it?”
  582. >You ponder this for a moment
  583. >Holy fuck she’s right
  584. >”Ohmygosh that’s right!” Pinkie exclaims, hopping back over to you. “We’re celebrating two events with one super-mega-ultra awesome party!”
  585. >”That’s right,” another, calmer voice spoke
  586. >Look over, it’s Twilight
  587. >”It was exactly two years ago today Rainbow Dash found you. Hard to believe it, isn’t it? Feels like it was just yesterday.”
  588. >You nod; it does feel like it’s only been a short while
  589. >”And it seems you’ve finally decided you’re going to stay here, I assume?” Twilight smiles at you
  590. >You think for a moment
  591. >This world is a lot more peaceful than the world you came from
  592. >No war, no mass genocide, no riots…
  593. “…Yes. Yes I have.”
  594. >”Wonderful, dahling!” Rarity escapes from the crowd and walks over to the rest of you. “You can’t just leave like that, anyway; you’re too precious to us!”
  595. >You smile, realizing that here you are accepted by everyone, regardless of what you may be
  596. >”Besides, you can’t leave Rainbow all alone like that!” Pinkie exclaims, smiling at you. “She’d never forgive you if you just up and left like that!”
  597. >You nod; chances are she probably wouldn’t
  598. >Suddenly a crash
  599. >You look over to where the sound came from
  600. >”YOU’RE… GOING TO LOVE ME!!”
  601. >…Fuck.
  602. >You somehow knew, somewhere in the back of your mind, this would happen
  603. >Fluttershy slowly steps over to you, her face determined like nothing you’ve ever seen from her
  604. “What are you doing, Fluttershy?”
  605. >You stand up, eyeing her
  606. >”Yeah, what’re you doing?” Rainbow places herself between you and Fluttershy
  607. >Fluttershy growls, her expression showing that she doesn’t approve of Rainbow standing in the way
  608. >”Anon is not going to deny me this time! I’ve had it!” she lunges forward
  609. >Suddenly rope
  610. >Fluttershy’s stopped in her tracks by… Applejack?
  611. >The hell?
  612. >”Now’s not the time, Flutters. He’s already got ‘em a mare,” she says, managing to hold Fluttershy back despite her tugging
  613. >”No! No, I won’t have it! No…” she collapses to the ground, understanding the futility of it all
  614. >She’s sobbing
  615. >Realize that if any other person from your world saw that you made her cry, you’d never be seen again
  616. >”No… not after all this time…” she continues sobbing
  617. >You walk over, a bit hesitantly, kneeling down
  618. >She jumps a bit, before looking up at you
  619. >”Why?”
  620. >You sigh
  621. “Because after all this time, all I’ve ever come to expect from you is rape or some other form of holding me against my will while you did whatever you wanted to my body. That’s not what I want in someone.”
  622. >She sniffles, before slowly getting to her feet/hooves
  623. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends. Even if I don’t accept your advances, you’re still one of us, and that won’t change.”
  624. >She sniffles once again, before looking up at you with big, innocent eyes. “Okay…” she mutters
  625. >Whew, at least that’s over…
  626. >”…Right after I get me some of that Anon flank!” she grins, lunging forward at you, knocking you to the ground under her
  627. >Damn horny ponies and their uncontrollable instincts
  628. >Rainbow decides to step in now; she lunges for Fluttershy
  629. >”Oh no you don’t!” Fluttershy growls, raising a hind leg to use Rainbow’s momentum against her
  630. >She pulls up just at the last second
  631. >Twilight’s horn starts to glow, and Fluttershy is lifted into the air
  632. >She’s flailing around, “Let me go!”
  633. >You slowly stand up, and stare at her at eye level
  634. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
  635. >BEN.jpg
  637. >…Okay, bad pun
  638. >Nobody got it
  639. >”…What?” Fluttershy stares blankly at you
  640. >…badpokerface.jpg
  641. >Damn you and your referencing old internet memes
  642. >Should’ve known they wouldn’t get it
  643. “What I mean is, why would you try something like that? Especially in front of all of our friends?”
  644. >Fluttershy growls at you, before looking off
  645. >”I… wanted you, Anon. And when I found out you were with Rainbow, I just…” she sniffles a bit
  646. “It threw you over the edge?”
  647. >She nods solemnly
  648. >You sigh, nodding to Twilight
  649. >She lowers Fluttershy to the ground
  650. >It looks like she’s not going to try something like that again
  651. >”Anon, I’m so sorry about all of this,” she looks up at you
  652. >Demeyes.jpg
  653. “It’s alright, Fluttershy.”
  654. >You smile, kneeling down to hug her
  655. >She’s too stunned to move
  656. “Apology accepted.”
  657. >She wraps her front hooves around you, hugging back tightly
  658. >You hear small sobs coming from her
  659. >You get a mix of d’awws and chuckles from the spectators, as well as the rest of the Mane 6
  660. >”Alright, that’s enough you two,” Applejack chuckles, “Five seconds ago you were worried she’d get into those pants o’ yours. Damn, Anon, you’re confusin’ sometimes.”
  661. “Heh, I guess it’s just how I am. Now c’mon, let’s enjoy the rest of this party!”
  662. >You raise your fist up in the air, and Pinkie zips off to start some dance music
  663. >Everyone starts dancing, partying like they should be
  664. >Neither Fluttershy nor Applejack are trying anything now
  665. >everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
  666. >Be a few hours later
  667. >Most of everyp0ny has gone home
  668. >All that remains at the party are you, the Mane 6, and a few other stragglers
  669. >Berry Punch passed out near the punch bowl
  670. >How the fuck did she get wasted on punch?
  671. >Spike walks up to you
  672. >”So… this means you’re staying, right?”
  673. >Spike’s always been another one of your bros
  674. >A bit young, but always a level-headed, cool guy
  675. >You nod and smile
  676. “Yep, I’ve decided I’m staying. Why not?”
  677. >Spike grins and holds up a fist
  678. >You broFIST him, completing the classic ritual taught by the elder bros of your world
  679. >Possible replacement as new bro, now that Rainbow’s your special someone?
  680. >Speaking of which
  681. >Rainbow and Pinkie are talking about something over in the corner, Pinkie keeps giggling
  682. >What could they be talking about?
  683. >”Oh, Anon! Just the ‘man’ I wanted to see,” Pinkie grins at you, before hopping over and pulling on your hand
  684. >Just realize you’re still without a shirt
  685. >Must’ve been one of the reasons Fluttershy was so hard to calm down
  686. >Follow Pinkie over to a different area, away from everyone
  687. >”So, Anon… you’ve got hots for Dashie, hmmm?” she smiles, eyeing you up and down
  688. “Um… I guess…?”
  689. >You’re unsure where she’s going with this, and are scared to find out
  690. >”Ooh, so does that mean you two are gonna start living together?” she says, adding emphasis to ‘together’
  691. >Ponder this
  692. >Is this what p0nies do when they start seeing each other?
  693. “I dunno… maybe, I guess.”
  694. >Pinkie gets up close
  695. >Closer.
  696. >Closer…
  697. >NOT THAT CLOSE!!
  698. >She’s right up in your face
  699. >”Well, Anon, you should probably make your decision soon… because Dashie’s wondering too,” she whispers, making sure not to let anyone else hear
  700. >You nod, still a bit creeped out by how close she is to your face
  701. >”Great! Hey Dashie, Anon wants to talk with you!” she turns to shout, so everyp0ny hears
  702. >Fucking Pinkie Pie and her over-eccentric attitude…
  703. >Rainbow walks over. “What is it, Pinkie?”
  704. >Pinkie makes a dramatic point at you. “Anon was talking to me about you moving in with him!”
  705. >She turns to look at you, a slight blush on her cheeks. “Well… what did you say?”
  706. >Your mind is racing at this point
  707. >What’s the right answer?! Yes, no, dunno…?
  708. “Uh… well….”
  709. >You blush as well, unsure of the exact words to say
  710. “I guess if you sorta-want-to-maybe-go-and-possibly-come-live-with-me-it’s-alright…”
  711. >You quickly race the words out as soon as you think of them
  712. >Pinkie’s eyes widen and her jaw drops a bit, so do Rainbow’s
  713. >Fwoosh. Wingboner, and face nearly as pink as Pinkie is normally
  714. >Awkward silence between the three of you
  715. >Rainbow is the first to recover; the next thing you know, she’s tackled you to the ground, and her lips are locked with yours in a kiss
  716. >Reality calls! Time to pull yourself together, Anon! You’ve got Rainbow kissing you, what’re you gonna do?
  717. >Your eyes slowly close as both of you are taken by the kiss
  718. >Pinkie has a similar reaction as she did in “A Friend in Deed”; explosions, fireworks, d’awws, the works
  719. >Everyp0ny, hearing Pinkie from before, had watched the entire thing unfold
  720. >You hear d’awws from the entire party. Even Applejack and Fluttershy can’t help but smile
  721. >Applause/stomping from everyone as you two slowly separate your lips from each other
  722. >Stare up into her eyes, smile
  723. >Oh yeah. You’re definitely staying here.
  725. Pre-Sonic Boom - Hearth's Warming Eve 2: Electric CLOPpaloo
  727. “Heh, that was a pretty awesome party Pinkie held, wasn’t it?”
  728. >You smile at Rainbow, who’s gone ahead and decided to wrap her forehooves around your neck, gently flapping her wings to keep her level with you as you both walk to your home
  729. >”You kidding? Best party ever!” she exclaims happily, nuzzling her cheek into yours
  730. “Hey, Rainbow, guess what?”
  731. >She looks at you, a smile on her face
  732. “Love you.”
  733. >You smile back, bringing a hand up to slowly run it through her mane as both of you arrive at your house
  734. >”Oh! I totally forgot! I’ll be right back; I’ve gotta grab something from my house.”
  735. >She quickly speeds off towards Cloudsdale as you reach the front door
  736. “Always in a hurry, aren’t you Dashie?”
  737. >You chuckle to yourself, before opening the door and walking inside
  738. >Walk over to the fireplace, get some heat going
  739. >Still without a shirt
  740. “…I should probably put something on.”
  741. >You stand up, walking over to your bedroom and rummage through your clothing drawers
  742. >Grab a loose, blue sweatshirt, and slip it on
  743. >You’re gonna be warm tonight, definitely
  744. >Walk over to your bed, reach under it
  745. >Run your hand around, until you find something hard
  746. >Pull it out
  747. >It’s a bottle of wine
  748. >You had to call in SO many favors from SO many p0nies to get this from Los Pegasus
  749. >worthit.jpg
  750. >Grin and walk around to the kitchen, going into the cabinet you hardly ever look at anymore
  751. >Pull out two wine glasses; pour the wine into the glasses
  752. >How did you even come across wine glasses in the first place?
  753. >Fucks given: 0
  754. >Walk out to the living room, carrying the bottle and two glasses
  755. >Sit down in the living room, next to the fire
  756. >Take a sip of the wine
  757. >feellikeasir.jpg
  758. >Set the other glass and bottle on the table for when Rainbow gets there
  759. >Sit back and relax
  760. >Around 15 minutes pass and finally there is a knock on your door
  761. >You smile, setting down the glass of wine and walk over to the door, opening it
  762. >”Hello, Anon,” you hear a playfully seductive voice as you open it
  763. “Rainbow, what is that?”
  764. >”Oh this? You like it?” Rainbow winks, posing a bit; she’s wearing the black outfit from “Read it and Weep”
  765. >It hugs her figure pretty tightly, leaves little to the imagination
  766. >”I figured I’d try it on again, especially for what I have planned for tonight,” she says, walking in alongside you
  767. >Notices the wine
  768. >”Looks like you’ve been busy in here too. Wine, fireplace, no television, what’re you planning, Anon?” she winks playfully up at you
  769. >You chuckle in response, closing the door
  770. >You notice suddenly it’s no longer off its hinges
  771. >Brokintosh must’ve seen the door and fixed it up
  772. >whatabro.jpg
  773. “Just thought we could have a nice night together next to the fireplace. Besides, who doesn’t like wine? Tastes a bit different from what you’re used to, but it’s similar.”
  774. >Rainbow walks over to look at the bottle
  775. >”Whoa, right from Los Pegasus, too? Anon, how’d you manage this?” she asks, surprised
  776. “Heh, it’s a long story. The important thing is that I got it.”
  777. >She smiles, flying over to you to place a small peck on your cheek, hugging you tightly. “You shouldn’t have,” she says, nuzzling into your neck
  778. >You smile
  779. “It’s the least I could do.”
  780. >Rainbow flies over to the table, grabbing the glass in both of her hooves
  781. >Holding a bit awkwardly, not having hands
  782. >Takes a sip, clacks her tongue a bit while tasting it
  783. >”That’s good stuff there,” she grins up at you
  784. >You nod, walking up to the table and grab your own glass, holding it up to her. “To prosperity,” you say, toasting the occasion
  785. >Rainbow gives you a confused look. “Wha?”
  786. >You chuckle; almost forgot that she’s not quite familiar with human customs
  787. “It’s a human thing. When we have a celebration like this, we toast to good luck in the new year.”
  788. >She looks down at her glass. “Toast?” she raises an eyebrow at you
  789. “Not THAT kind of toast, Rainbow. Here, clank your glass with mine, that’s all it is, really.”
  790. >Hold your glass up to her
  791. >She’s a bit hesitant at first, being unfamiliar with this, but she does the same, clanking her glass against yours
  792. “And now we drink.”
  793. >You take a slightly larger sip than she does
  794. >”Heheh, humans are so weird!” she snickers at you. “Why do something like that?”
  795. “Dunno. Guess it’s just a thing we’ve done for so long, not many humans question it nowadays.”
  796. >She smiles up at you, taking another sip and takes the hood off her black outfit, letting her rainbow mane flow out
  797. >”There’s something else, Anon…” she says softly, placing the glass on the table, then looks up at you
  798. “Yeah? What is it, Rainbow?”
  799. >You take another sip before setting your glass down
  800. >”I… I know you’re a bit reluctant to be trying anything with… us, Anon, but…” she floats up slowly into the air
  801. >”But I want to know, tonight… just how far you would be willing to go with me,” she says, moving quickly to you in a kiss
  802. >Your eyes widen a bit in surprise, but like before, you do not resist
  803. >She slowly pushes you down onto the couch, wrapping her forehooves around your neck and hind legs around your waist
  804. >You’re both blushing heavily
  805. >She slowly starts to grind against you, albeit a bit awkwardly in this position
  806. >You break the kiss for a split second, and lock eyes with her
  807. >Demfuckingeyes.jpg
  808. >You both share a silent moment of staring into each other’s eyes before returning with reinvigorated passion
  809. >You wrap your arms tightly around her as you kiss, tugging on the outfit
  810. >This entices a soft moan from her
  811. >She quickly moves down, tugging on the collar of your shirt with her teeth
  812. >You chuckle a bit, helping her slide it off
  813. >Toss it away, because you don’t give a fuck
  814. >Barely have time to take a breath before you’ve locked lips again
  815. >Let your instincts take hold for a split second, hastily removing the suit from her
  816. >Let it hang loosely off her as you lay her on her back
  817. >Continue kissing, slowly sliding your hands down until…
  818. >You feel another piece of clothing
  819. >You look down
  820. >She’s wearing black, lace panties
  821. >…pokerface.jpg
  822. >”Heh, I’d overheard you and Rarity talking about clothes worn by humans a few months back. I remembered you mentioned something about females wearing something different from males, so I’d asked Rarity if she would make me some, even if they are a bit girly…” she blushes a bit
  823. >It’s the thought that counts…?
  824. >You can’t help but snicker
  825. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”
  826. >She blushed a bit deeper. “I… wanted to make it more familiar to you… I figured that if I did something that human females did, you’d be more comfortable with it.”
  827. >You smile at the adorable display she’s pulling
  828. >But it’s time she find out just what Flutterslut and Applerape were after all this time
  829. >You move so that your faces are barely inches apart
  830. “That was very thoughtful of you, Rainbow. I’m flattered, really…”
  831. >You move to close the gap between your lips once again, running your hands all along her lower body, teasing her inner thighs ever so softly
  832. >She lets out a muffled gasp, but continues the kiss, both of your tongues beginning to swirl around each other
  833. >You finally move up to the panties themselves; you admit to yourself that despite never having any real model to go off of, Rarity did a damn good job at making them
  834. >You place one finger on the center, rubbing her lightly outside of the clothing
  835. >She lets out another soft moan of pleasure. “A…ah, Anon…” she gasps out, breaking the kiss and tilting her head back. “Nnn… don’t stop…”
  836. >You nod, moving to grab the panties and slide them off, tossing them away
  837. >She blushes a bit, her entire body now revealed to you
  838. >”D-don’t stare,” she looks up at you, but lets out another gasp as you run your finger against her exposed marehood
  839. >You smile at her, moving to kiss the base of her neck
  840. “Why? You’ve nothing to be embarrassed about, Rainbow. I’m the only one who’s seeing it, after all.”
  841. >You wink playfully at her, your breath soft on her fur as you slowly press one finger into her
  842. >She lets out an audible gasp, her hind legs squirming a bit
  843. >”A-ah! Anon!” she yelps out, instinctively holding your head for support
  844. >You slowly slide your finger, in and out, feeling her insides trembling a bit as your finger slides inside
  845. >With each movement, she spasms a bit more
  846. >Damn, she’s sensitive
  847. “Rainbow, how does it feel?”
  848. >You look up at her with hungry eyes; she looks back and sees them
  849. >She lets out a low growl. “That all you got?” she taunts
  850. >Oh, it. Is. On.
  851. >You grin, quickly plunging a second finger inside her, twirling it around slowly, not pulling it out
  852. >She lets out another loud moan, her hips thrusting against your fingers
  853. >”Aaahn! More, Anon! More!” she exclaims, her eyes closing and her tongue hanging out as she bucks against your fingers
  854. >You can feel her becoming wetter and wetter with each movement
  855. >She’s gonna reach her limit, fast, and you can tell
  856. “Hey, Rainbow, guess what?”
  857. >She opens one eye and looks down at you
  858. “Reach for the sky!”
  859. >You thrust your two fingers fully into her, just as she reaches her climax she lets out a yelp, which changes into a loud moan as her body shudders and her juices get all over your fingers
  860. >You slide your fingers slowly out of her as her body begins to calm down
  861. >She’s panting heavily, looking down at you
  862. >”That… was incredible…” she mutters, her legs relaxing and falling to the cushions. “I can see why Fluttershy and Applejack would be so obsessed over you,” she smiles, laying her head back on the cushion
  863. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But, why stop with just hands?”
  864. >Rainbow grins up at you. “You’re right; why stop at hands?” She leans forward, placing her forehooves on you and lowering you down, similar to how you had her
  865. >She trails her tongue down your chest, using her wings to flap every so often to send shivers up your body
  866. >She finally gets to your waist, and tugs on them, managing to get the first button
  867. >Can’t get the belt off
  868. >She eyes it for a moment, then grins
  869. >”If I can’t get them off… then I’ll do the next best thing!” she exclaims, before pressing her forehooves against your inner thigh, feeling around for your member
  870. >She found it
  871. >She grins at her accomplishment
  872. >Decides she’s going to tease you and rub her hoof along it while it’s still trapped in your pants
  873. >Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, it feels good, but the pants restrict you
  874. >Choose to help by undoing your belt
  875. >She grins up at you, leaning her head down to bite down softly on your member through your pants
  876. >Damn she’s got you
  877. >You barely stifle a moan of pleasure
  878. >Dash snickers, before pushing your pants down, eyeing your crotch
  879. >”Humans are a bit larger than I thought they would be,” she grins up at you, wrapping a hoof around the inside of your boxers, sliding them off
  880. >She presses both hooves together, rubbing them against both sides of your length
  881. >How the hell is she so good at this?
  882. >You assume Fluttershy’s told her at some time or another about her fantasies of what she would like to do to you
  883. >Fucking Fluttershy giving Dash ideas
  884. >Dash grins up at you. “Y’know, I have to say you’re really sensitive,” she says, before leaning her head down slowly and giving the tip a lick
  885. >Fuuuuuuuck that feel bro
  886. >She takes the head into her mouth, sucking hard and swirling her tongue around it, staring up at you with her big, violet eyes
  887. >You stare back, gripping the cushion tightly to hold back your instincts from taking over and ravaging her with the pent up energy of over two years without any consensual action
  888. >She slides your length even further into her mouth, sucking hard on it while slowly bobbing her head up and down
  889. >Damn, you’re not going to last too long if she keeps this up
  890. >She slides it out of her mouth giving the tip a *pop* with her lips, breathing a bit, before sliding the entire length into her mouth, stopping at the base
  891. >This elicits a loud moan from you; you’ve never had any girl be able to pull this off on you
  892. >”Dothh et fhel ghud?” she tries to speak with your member half-inside her mouth
  893. >You nod quickly, gritting your teeth to hold back another moan
  894. >She smiles, before pushing the entire length into her mouth once again, bringing her forehooves up to brush up against your inner thighs, using her wings to send chills through your body
  895. >You eventually cannot hold back anymore; as if by instinct, one of your hands moves down to Dash’s head, causing you to thrust into her mouth a bit harder as your climax builds, until finally peaking, your seed traveling down her throat
  896. >She pulls back after the majority of your climax peaks, a few stray strands dripping down her mouth as she tries to swallow all of it
  897. >After a few moments, she’s finally cleaned up and swallowed all of your pent up lust from the past few years
  898. >”Gotta say, Anon, I don’t really understand why Fluttershy wanted to do something like that, it tastes weird,” she says, sticking her tongue out
  899. >You shrug
  900. “I guess some mares like the taste?”
  901. >She shrugs as well. “Well, it looks like you’re still ready to give it another go,” she grins at you
  902. >You look down at your crotch
  903. >fuckyeah.jpg
  904. >You grin at Dash, she grins back
  905. >”You think you can handle the Dash?” she grins, crawling up onto your lap
  906. “I have a pretty good idea of how much I can handle. I’m sure I can.”
  907. >”Oh? When did Anon get so confident, huh?” she asks, eyeing you as she slowly grinds your areas against one another, her blush returning from feeling your length run along her marehood
  908. “When I heard your cries of pleasure from just using my fingers.”
  909. >You wink slyly up at her
  910. >She growls playfully a bit, before slowly lowering herself just onto the tip of your member
  911. >Fuck she’s tight
  912. >She presses down farther, until she’s fully enveloped your member inside her
  913. >You both let out an intense moan of pleasure, finally joining as one
  914. >Both of you stay in that position for what feels like forever, letting all of the emotions and waves of pleasure wash over you
  915. >Finally, Dash begins to slowly grind against you, her insides clenched tightly around your member
  916. >You both let out low moans of pleasure as the waves of ecstasy rock through your bodies
  917. >Rainbow places her forehooves on your upper chest, and slowly begins bucking up and down on your member, taking the full length deep inside her with each thrust
  918. >You gasp out in pleasure, matching her thrusts to make sure she takes you in fully each time
  919. >She lowers herself down even further, meeting you in a passionate kiss as your speed increases
  920. >”A-ah! Anon! Right there!” she practically screams out, her body losing full control over all thought processes, only focusing on the pleasure she is receiving
  921. >You appease her wishes, bringing one of your hands to her flank, using your own thrusting momentum to push all the way inside her, and then press even further by using your hand
  922. >She’s panting now, her movements slowly losing precision as her climax neared its peak
  923. >”Anon~!” she belts out your name in pure bliss, her climax peaking and her insides clenching tightly around your member as it’s soaked with her juices
  924. >Hearing her call your name like that reinvigorated your motions, thrusting even faster until your own climax washed over you, your seed releasing deep inside her, filling her up
  925. >She collapses in a state of ecstasy, resting on your chest as both of your juices slowly begin to leak out of her and onto your leg and the couch
  926. >You can worry about cleaning it later
  927. >Right now your Rainbow needs you to stay with her
  928. “So… how was it?”
  929. >You both are panting heavily from it
  930. >She turns toward you and gives you a lazy, blissful smile. “Better than I could have imagined, Anon…” she leans forward and boops you with her nose, before closing her eyes and falling asleep
  931. >Damn, she really took a lot out of you
  932. >Close your eyes also, you two have a lot to do when morning comes
  934. Pre-Sonic Boom - Humanization Potion (CLOP)
  936. >Be the next morning
  937. >Slowly open your eyes, holding your hand up to block the sun
  938. >Either Celestia’s a lifesaver for waking you up at this time, or she just likes to fuck with you
  939. >Fuck/thank you, Celestia
  940. >You look down to see Rainbow, curled up on your chest
  941. >daww.jpg
  942. >Slowly bring your head to hers, placing a soft kiss on her nose
  943. “Morning, Dashie.”
  944. >She slowly opens her eyes to meet yours, smiling warmly at you. “Heh, morning Anon,” she says, slowly crawling up to where she’s eye level with you. “How’d ya sleep?”
  945. “Like I haven’t in years.”
  946. >You smile, placing another kiss on her lips
  947. >”Same here,” she says, returning the kiss before pushing off the couch, floating above you
  948. >”Well, c’mon, breakfast isn’t going to make itself, y’know,” she winks playfully at you before flying off to the kitchen
  949. “Heh, always full of energy even in the morning.”
  950. >You sit up, grabbing a pair of pants to slip on, before walking into the kitchen behind her
  951. “So, whad’ya want?”
  952. >You turn the corner into the kitchen
  953. >”What do ya have?” she asks, looking at you
  954. “Hm… I could cook a few eggs if you want. Ever had some?”
  955. >She shakes her head. “Never had ‘em before.”
  956. >fuckyeah.jpg, time to show her how much being a bachelor has helped your cooking skills
  957. >Grin, crack two eggs and begin frying them in a skillet
  958. >She’s watching carefully
  959. >Decide to entertain her a bit, putting on a small show as you cook
  960. >Manage to successfully flip the eggs in the air and catch them in the skillet
  961. >After about two minutes, they’re fully cooked
  962. >You get two plates and put the eggs onto each
  963. >Walk over and place them on the table in front of her and you
  964. >She eyes it for a moment, before taking a bite
  965. >Her eyes widen, before digging in like insane
  966. >”Whoa, these are awesome! Where’d you learn to make something like this?”
  967. >You smirk
  968. “Living on your own sometimes isn’t all bad, gives you a chance to experiment with different foods and spices.”
  969. >You sit and start eating as well
  970. >Holy shit this is good, you really outdid yourself
  971. >Both of you eventually finish eating, you go and start cleaning the plates
  972. >Rainbow flies over and wraps her forehooves around your neck, nuzzling into your hair. “Thanks for breakfast, that was amazing,” she whispers
  973. >You smile, turning your head to place a soft kiss on her cheek
  974. >Suddenly, a knock at your door
  975. >”I’ll get it,” she says, floating over to the door and opening it
  976. >Fluttershy and Applejack
  977. >”Oh, hey, what’s up?” Rainbow asks, surprised
  978. >”We have somethin’ to give ya, to make up fer all the stuff we’ve put y’all through,” Applejack says
  979. >”What’re you talking about?” Rainbow raises an eyebrow, confused
  980. >”Listen, sugarcube, we’re both real sorry ‘bout all that’s been goin’ on,” Applejack says, reaching into her saddlebag
  981. >She pulls out a strange vial filled with some kind of liquid, “So we’ve brought you a lil’ somethin’ as a peace gift.”
  982. >”What is it?” you hear Rainbow ask, as you finish up the last plate, moving to put it away to dry
  983. >”It’s a transformin’ potion from Zecora,” Applejack says
  984. >Your eyes widen, and you nearly drop the plate mid-movement
  985. >Did such a thing really exist? Could it ever work?
  986. >Oh yeah. Magic and shit in this world. Of course it could.
  987. >”What’s it do?” Rainbow asks, eyeing the vial of liquid as Applejack gives it to her
  988. >”It’s really something,” Fluttershy says, “It lets you turn into the species of whatever you want. All it takes is adding one hair from the species into the potion, and then you drink it, and bam!” she exclaims quietly
  989. >Kinda makes sense
  990. >Still suspicious
  991. “How long does it last?”
  992. >You turn around and walk over to the door with the other three
  993. >”Zecora told Fluttershy it would only last for about a half a day, before wearing off,” Applejack says
  994. >Suddenly even more suspicious
  995. >You know for a fact that Applejack can’t tell a lie, but would only know the truth she was told
  996. >Rainbow turns to you and smiles. “So I could be human, if I took this?”
  997. “Hold on. What kind of other effects can we expect from this, Fluttershy?”
  998. >You look at the yellow pegasus, eyeing her carefully for any signs of lying
  999. >”Zecora didn’t tell me about any other effects that could happen,” she says
  1000. >Doesn’t look like she’s lying
  1001. “…Alright. Let’s get this over with.”
  1002. >You reach up to your head and pluck out one hair
  1003. >Hold it up to Rainbow
  1004. “You’re absolutely sure about this, Rainbow?”
  1005. >She nods. “It’ll be a bit weird to get used to walking around on two feet, but I’ll get the hang of it,” she grins, carefully placing the hair into the vial
  1006. >The hair fizzles and dissolves on contact
  1007. >Suddenly even less sure about this
  1008. >What if it’s some kind of crazy potion?
  1009. >Too late, Rainbow just downed the whole potion
  1010. >She sticks her tongue out in disgust a bit, but swallows it all
  1011. >All three of you eye her, waiting for the effects to take place
  1012. >How’re ya feelin’, Rainbow?” Applejack asks, watching carefully
  1013. >”Um… I don’t feel all that different…” she says, holding up a hoof in front of her
  1014. >Suddenly, her eyes widen, and she begins to tremble a bit
  1015. >You notice that her legs are slowly becoming longer, and that her hooves are splitting off into different appendages
  1016. >She closes her eyes, and winces a bit as her body goes through drastic metamorphic changes
  1017. >Her eyes grow smaller, and her body slowly begins to change into that of a female human
  1018. >After a few moments, the transformation is finished
  1019. >She opens her eyes slowly, her new body almost alien to her as she begins to examine every aspect
  1020. >”Whoa, when did these move up?” she asks, grasping her breasts
  1021. >They’re a bit on the small side, but that is of less concern to you at this point
  1022. >She turns around to look at her rump; her tail’s gone
  1023. >”Heh, guess humans don’t have tails after all, and Anon didn’t just cut his off,” she snickers a bit
  1024. >Her hair is still in a similar style, draping down just below her shoulder blades, and her eyes still retain their magenta coloring
  1025. >Her skin has also become more human, changing to a lighter skin tone, and her fur is now gone
  1026. >Her cutie mark is now a tattoo on her hip, and her wings are also no longer tangible; instead, they have become intricate tattoos on her back
  1027. >She begins to slowly stand on all fours, and you help her to balance up on her two feet
  1028. >She stumbles a bit, but manages to keep her balance
  1029. >Fluttershy and Applejack are both staring wide-eyed, jaws dropped
  1030. >”It… did it work, Anon?” Rainbow looks to you
  1031. >You barely have words to say; you simply nod slowly, continuing to eye her body
  1032. >It’s been forever since you’ve seen a human, much less a naked woman, standing in front of you
  1033. >She smiles brightly, leaping to you in a tight hug
  1034. >”Ohmygosh! It did, didn’t it?!” she exclaims, holding you tightly
  1035. >You smile, returning the embrace, the feeling of another human’s skin a comforting refresher after the two years you’ve been in Equestria
  1036. >”This is incredible, I’ve never known what it was like to be this tall before, and now I do!” she exclaims, spinning around to get a feel for her new, longer limbs, before pulling Fluttershy and Applejack into a tight hug, both of their faces pressed against her bare chest
  1037. >Fluttershy and Applejack both blush, smiling up at her. “We’re glad ta see ya like what we got ya,” Applejack says
  1038. >”Y-yes, you look quite… Lovely,” Fluttershy stutters a bit, her wings half-open as she’s released from the hug
  1039. >dafuq.jpg
  1040. >”I… I have to go now, Angel will be mad if he doesn’t get fed on time,” Fluttershy says, floating off a bit awkwardly, her wings not quite flowing as much as usual
  1041. >Think nothing of it
  1042. >Applejack looks over to the yellow pegasus, and turns back once Fluttershy is out of view. “You gotta mighty-fine body there now, Rainbow,” Applejack winks coyly. “Don’t let the time run out before you go and put it to good use,” she says, walking off
  1043. >Rainbow nods, waving goodbye as Applejack disappears into the distance
  1044. >She turns back to you, a sly grin on her face
  1045. >fuckyeah.jpg
  1046. >”So, Anon…” she winks, slowly closing the door and creeping over to you, “What do you think of my new body, hm?” she asks, placing her arms around your shoulders, pressing herself tightly to you
  1047. >You smile, wrapping your arms around her waist
  1048. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a human, Rainbow. And suddenly one appears out of nowhere, her body completely littered with the golden ratio of human anatomy.”
  1049. >You lean down to stare into her eyes, placing your foreheads against each other
  1050. “I’d have to be some kind of idiot to not love your new body.”
  1051. >She smiles, pressing even tighter to you, before slowly leaning forward to you in a soft, loving kiss, pushing you back every so often
  1052. >Suddenly, you feel yourself trip, and fall onto something soft
  1053. >You never even noticed she pushed you right into your bedroom and onto your bed
  1054. >”You know, Anon… You’ve fallen asleep a few times during our movie nights, so I’ve watched a few movies of my own choosing while you slept…” she whispers seductively, moving her mouth to your neck and biting down lightly on it. “I’ve learned quite a bit; want to find out together, hm?” she asks, staring up at you with her magenta-red eyes
  1055. >itbegins.jpg
  1056. >You realize she got into your porn stack and was able to conveniently arrange them back the way they were so that your inebriated ass never noticed shit
  1057. >Clever girl
  1058. >”So how about it? I’m itching to try out this new body,” she grins up at you, sliding her hands up your torso, brushing her fingers lightly along your chest
  1059. >She looks down, and notices your broner
  1060. >”And it looks like you are too,” she giggles a bit, bringing one hand down to rub the outside of your pants
  1061. >Fuck that feels good
  1062. “Ah, Rainbow, are you sure you want to-!” you’re cut off by letting out a gasp as she slips the hand into your pants, gripping your member tightly in her hand
  1063. >The fuck are you doing, man? You’ve got Rainbow, AS A HUMAN, giving you a handjob, and you’re doubting whether you want to go further
  1064. >fuckit.jpg
  1065. >She grins slyly, bringing her head to yours in another kiss
  1066. >”Your damn belt won’t get in the way this time,” she growls playfully, her other hand moving down to undo your belt and push your pants down
  1067. >You’re completely exposed under her
  1068. >She thinks for a moment, eyeing your member, and then presses her breasts together, looking down at them
  1069. >She gets the most mischievous grin you’ve ever seen her make
  1070. >”Heeey, Anon… I just got an awesome idea…”
  1071. >She crawls over to the foot of the bed, her upper body hovering over your crotch
  1072. >”Mine might not be quite as big as the ones that were in those movies, but…” she looks to you, pressing her chest down against you, pressing her breasts up against your length. “I’m just as good, trust me,” she winks up at you, beginning to massage your member with her breasts
  1073. >Oh god that feel
  1074. “Rainbow, how did you…?”
  1075. >”How did I know where you kept them? Easy, really; all I had to do was sneak in here and find them stashed under your underwear while you were knocked out on the couch,” she giggles, moving a bit faster, before releasing your member from her breasts’ embrace
  1076. >She thinks for a moment, before leaning her head down and giving the tip a small kiss, wrapping her hand around it
  1077. >“Now, I’m still kind of getting used to this body, but…” she mutters, sliding the head into her mouth, sucking lightly on it, brushing some of the hair out of her face and looking up at you as she slowly swirled her tongue around the tip
  1078. >That feel man, why can’t you always have that feel?
  1079. >You let out a quiet moan of pleasure as she begins sucking a bit harder, before sliding a bit more into her mouth, bringing her other hand up to massage up your leg and grip the base of your member
  1080. >You can barely stand it when she begins to bob her head up and down on it; the feeling is like nothing you’ve felt for years, you’re not as adapted to it as you were back on Earth
  1081. >Finally, your body decides you can’t take anymore, and you let out a louder moan, releasing your climax inside her mouth, your seed collecting on her tongue and some of it trailing down her throat
  1082. >She gulps it down, giving the full length of your member a cleansing with her tongue afterwards
  1083. >”Mmm, I gotta say, I still don’t understand why the human girls would always swallow it all; it tastes weird,” she says. “Like, it’s kind of salty, and bitter, but for some reason they always seemed to love it.”
  1084. >She shrugs, crawling back up to you, licking her lips
  1085. >”So, Anon, you ready for round two?” she grins, hovering over you, her womanhood lowering down to grind against your crotch
  1086. >Ohgodthatfeel.jpg
  1087. >You look up at her and grin
  1088. “That depends, Rainbow. Remember, I’m more used to the human body than you are; you’re going to be in for a wild ride if you aren’t prepared for it.”
  1089. >”I should say the same for you, Anon,” she snickers, before leaning up and slowly grinding herself against your member, the tip rubbing against her clitoris each time
  1090. >“Oh man, this is amazing…” she growls out lustfully, “And we’ve barely even started…”
  1091. >You decide it’s time to take hold of the action this time around
  1092. >You lean up, slowly pushing Rainbow down onto her back, wrapping your arm around her leg
  1093. >With your other hand, you glide your member against her womanhood, prodding just the tip inside, before sliding back out, eliciting a soft moan from her
  1094. >Her toes curl with each time you prod inside, before she grips the sheets and lets out a lustful growl. “Put it in me, Anon! Rut me like one of your human girls!”
  1095. >Not sure if she noticed the reference she made, but you chuckle lightly at it
  1096. “If it’s really what you want, Rainbow…” you taunt playfully, before plunging it deep inside her, feeling it expand her inner walls completely
  1097. >She lets out a loud gasp of pleasure, her eyes wide and her tongue hanging out, “Oh, Celestia, YES!” she tilts her head back in ecstasy
  1098. >You begin thrusting deep into her, going slow and hard at first, before speeding up
  1099. >”Anon, you’d better not let up one bit, or I’ll see to it you don’t live this down!” she exclaims, her expression in a lustful trance
  1100. >You grin, lifting her leg even further, setting her upper body onto its side before thrusting hard once again
  1101. She lays her head lazily on the bed as you plow inside her
  1102. >”So much… I feel… inside…” she mutters between moans, her eyes starting to roll back as her climax builds
  1103. >You feel her inner walls beginning to tighten around your member; not much longer for you as well
  1104. >She lets out a final gasp, your name getting caught in her throat as she reaches her climax, letting out a winded yelp as her juices begin to flow
  1105. >The feeling of her insides collapsing around your member sends you over the edge as well, causing you to reach your own climax, thrusting fully into her as your seed pours into her
  1106. >You keep that position for a few moments, before slowly sliding out and collapsing on the bed next to her
  1107. >Both of you are panting heavily, you slowly and lazily bring your hand up to hers, intertwining your fingers together as you move as close as your bodies will allow
  1108. >”Anon, you’re… incredible…” she pants out, “I don’t think I’ve ever been so exhausted and peaceful at the same time…” she smiles, moving to place a soft, loving kiss on your lips as you two fall asleep on your bed, completely exhausted from the previous few days
  1110. Pre-Sonic Boom - Preggo Dash?
  1112. This ending takes place after the "Humanization Potion" ending.
  1114. >It’s been over twelve hours now, Rainbow’s probably transformed back by now
  1115. >You slowly open your eyes, smiling at her sleeping, pony form
  1116. “Morning, Dashie…”
  1117. >You place your hand lightly on her head as she shifts lightly before slowly opening her magenta eyes
  1118. >”Mmm… morning, Anon…” she mutters, cuddling up closer to you
  1119. “We should get up, you know.”
  1120. >”Eh, I can wait five more minutes,” she smiles up at you, nuzzling against your chin. “Besides, it’s a lot more comfortable on your bed than the couch.”
  1121. >You shrug; she’s right, you know
  1122. >Roll her over so that she’s laying down on your chest
  1123. “So Rainbow, what do you have planned today?”
  1124. >She grins
  1125. >”Want to see a new trick I thought of the other day? I was meaning to show it to you sooner, but it was too cold the past few days for much practice. But it’s gonna be nice out today, so wanna come see?”
  1126. >fuckyeah.jpg
  1127. >Both you and Rainbow walk out to the pond a few kilometers away
  1128. >Kilometers because you’re not going to use the U.S. customary system you metricsfag
  1129. >”Alright, check this out, Anon!” she exclaims, zipping up into the air
  1130. >She does a loop, followed by a divebomb right at you
  1131. >Ohshitohshitohshit
  1132. >She’s gonna crash into you
  1133. >nope.avi, she pulls up at the last second, grazing past your shoulder
  1134. >Like seriously, she was literally less than an inch from taking off your ear or something
  1135. >And now back to the inches/feet/miles
  1136. >Fucking metrics
  1137. >She flies around, performing tricks similar to those that you would see at air shows back on Earth
  1138. >This continues for about 45 minutes
  1139. >She finally levels out around 200 feet above you
  1140. >”Alright Anon! You ready for the big finisher?” she shouts down at you
  1141. >You give her a thumbs-up, signaling her to continue
  1142. >She nods, beginning a descent right towards the lake
  1143. >She skims lightly along the surface, turning to fly towards you, her wings just barely touching the surface of the water
  1144. >Suddenly she’s tumbling along the water, before making a huge splash in the pond, soaking you in water
  1145. >You raise an eyebrow; was that supposed to be the finish? Didn’t seem like Rainbow’s style…
  1146. >You run over to the edge of the pond as Rainbow climbs out of the water
  1147. >She shakes the water off her fur, leaving you even more soaked than before
  1148. >She looks up at you
  1149. >Falls backwards and starts cracking up at your being completely soaked
  1150. “Oh, ha ha, very funny.”
  1151. >She stops for a moment and looks at you once again, before grinning and laughing again
  1152. >”Oh man, Anon, you should take a look at yourself!” she exclaims, finally starting to calm down. “It’s a shame you don’t have fur like the rest of us, you’re stuck with those clothes,” she says
  1153. >fuckit.jpg
  1154. >Take them all off, leaving only your boxers on
  1155. >Her eyes widen, cheeks blush, and… wait for it…
  1156. >A wild wingboner has appeared!
  1157. “What was that about being stuck with these clothes, hm?”
  1158. >You grin slyly at her, she walks up to you and rears her front legs up, landing on you and pushing you down to the ground
  1159. >She’s grinning down at you
  1160. >”So no clothes for you today, hm?” she lowers down, grinding against your boxers
  1161. >Not sure if in heat, or just really horny
  1162. >She’s not a unicorn, so…
  1163. >ohshit.jpg
  1164. >You look up at her, and shake your head
  1165. “I’m still a bit tired from last night, Rainbow. I don’t know if I’m able to go another round.”
  1166. >She looks down at your boxers
  1167. >”Your body doesn’t seem to be agreeing with you, Anon,” she winks slyly, before bringing a hoof down to rub against both you and her
  1168. >She’s getting off to being more dominative?
  1169. >You look up at her; she has a strange look in her eyes
  1170. “Rainbow, wait.”
  1171. >She stops for a moment, before looking back at you
  1172. “…Are you feeling strange?”
  1173. >She raises an eyebrow, moving her hoof back up to your chest. “Whad’ya mean, Anon?”
  1174. “Well, lately you’ve been a bit… off. I mean, what was up with the ending there for one thing? Usually it’s not so much of a flop like that.”
  1175. >She scowls at you; looks like you’ve gotten her aggravated at you
  1176. >”Well, excuse me for flopping that ending for you, Anon!” she exclaims, leaping off you. “Maybe I got distracted, that’s all. What’s it to you?” she turns around to glare at you
  1177. “Whoa, Rainbow, chill out. Seriously, I didn’t mean it like that. It just seemed a bit…”
  1178. >“‘A bit…’ what, exactly?” she walks over to you. “Tell me, Anon, what was so off about it?”
  1179. “Well, usually you wouldn’t end it with landing in the pond like that. It looked like you sort of… well, crashed.”
  1180. >She growls, turning her head. “I just slipped up, that’s all! Why do you have to be on my case about this whole thing?”
  1181. “Rainbow, I didn’t say-”
  1182. >Too late. She’s already speeding off in the distance
  1183. >Fucking hormonal p0nies…
  1184. >You decide that going after her is futile at this point
  1185. “Maybe Twilight would know more about something like this…”
  1186. >You begin the long walk back to your house, grabbing your clothes in the process
  1187. >Suddenly, rustling in the bushes
  1188. >ohgodnotagain
  1189. >Fucking Flutterstalker, wingboners a go-go, staring at you with her big eyes from inside the bush
  1190. “What the hell, Fluttershy? I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do this anymore!”
  1191. >”Oh, I-I’m sorry, Anon, it’s just… I saw you walking through, so I hopped in the bushes to try and not make you freak out or anything, but…”
  1192. >She comes out of the bushes, her back legs trembling a bit
  1193. >”W-when I saw you like that, I just couldn’t help myself…”
  1194. >She plops down on the ground, and you can see out of the corner of your eye that she’s wet
  1195. “Well, do whatever you want, you crazy stalker. I’ve got more important things to worry about.”
  1196. >You quickly sprint off with the speed of Kenyans towards Twilight’s house, Flutterslut clopping as she watches you run
  1197. >Fucking Fluttershy
  1199. >”So what exactly are you here for, Anon?” the purple p0ny looks up at you
  1200. >You’re panting as you walk inside
  1201. “First things first, Fluttershy is insane. Second, I need to ask you something about pony… things.”
  1202. >Her eyes widen a bit as she realizes what you’re asking
  1203. >”Oh… um, well, here; let me get a book on that kind of thing,” she says, quickly scurrying off to one of her bookshelves
  1204. >Damn, this girl sure reads a lot
  1205. >She returns after a few moments, levitating a book over her head
  1206. >”We don’t have any details on human anatomy and genetics, but this book should help with any general questions you may have,” she says, floating it over to you
  1207. >You take it and stare at the cover: “Inter-Species Genetics”
  1208. >Well, now’s as good a time as ever
  1209. >You open the book and begin your reading
  1211. >Seems legit
  1212. >Has pretty detailed information on pony genetics, reminds you of biology class when they talked about the Punnett square for genes
  1213. >Turns out most of the time, pony genes turn out to be dominant over other races’ genes
  1214. >Hell, even dragons can’t compare
  1215. >feelsbadforspike.jpg
  1216. >”Well, did you find what you were looking for, Anon?” Twilight asks, walking over to you after around 30 minutes of going through the book
  1217. “Yeah, a lot of the things I’ve been wondering were in here. There’s just one last thing I’m concerned about…”
  1218. >”What’s that, Anon?”
  1219. “What happens if both pony and human genes are dominant?”
  1220. >She thinks hard for a long while
  1221. “Because, the way I see it…”
  1222. >You reach over for a pencil and paper, scribbling out a few quick Punnett squares, writing out P’s and H’s on the top and left sides
  1223. “If the dominant allele is the pony gene, then theoretically a fetus would end up being just a normal pony…”
  1224. >You scribble out a few other scenarios, each with different combinations of capital and lowercase letters for the human gene
  1225. “But if the dominant gene is human in this case, the child would end up being…”
  1226. >”A human?” she asks, eyeing you for a bit
  1227. >You nod
  1228. “I can’t put my finger on it, but… when my nephew was born, my sister began showing the same signs as…”
  1229. >You stop, your eyes widening
  1230. >“What’re you suggesting…?” Twilight’s eyes widen as well, realizing what you may be suggesting
  1231. “You’re a smart mare, Twilight.”
  1232. >You stand up, closing the book
  1233. “I have a feeling you know what I’m talking about. Now, if you’d excuse me…”
  1234. >You start towards the door
  1235. >”Wait, Anon,” she says, moving between the door and you. “Did you and Rainbow…?”
  1236. “She took a transformation potion, Twilight. She was the first human-like thing I’d seen ever since coming to Equestria.”
  1237. >”Yes, but still…” she looks down, “You should know to control your emotions and urges better than that…”
  1238. >You sigh
  1239. “I know you think it’s strange. But consider this; would you ever consider stopping Spike if he ever decided to court Rarity, hm?”
  1240. >You walk past her and out the door, leaving her to her thoughts
  1242. >You get to your house finally
  1243. >Go inside, Rainbow isn’t there
  1244. “She’s probably still out there…”
  1245. >You walk over to your bed and sit down
  1246. >Time for some Serious Anon Reflecting time
  1247. >….
  1248. >fuckthat.jpg, time for acting, not thinking!
  1249. >Action has always been your forte, after all.
  1250. >You immediately head out of the house to try and find Rainbow
  1251. >Decide that she may have gone to her house
  1252. >Fuck, you have no way of getting there, and you’ve pissed off the one unicorn that may be able to help you
  1253. >WAIT! What about Rarity?
  1254. >Magic’s never been her forte, but she may be able to help you
  1255. >Worth a shot
  1256. >Quickly begin heading for Rarity’s boutique
  1257. >Get there, knock frantically on the door
  1258. >”Oh my, calm down, I’m on my way!” you hear her voice come from the other side of the door
  1259. >She opens the door, and looks up at you
  1260. >”Oh, Anon, it’s you! Come in, what seems to be the problem?” she asks, offering you to enter the boutique
  1261. >You shake your head
  1262. “Sorry, but I’m in a hurry. Hey, do you know any sort of spell that can get me to fly? I need to be able to reach Cloudsdale, and fast.”
  1263. >She thinks for a moment, and then smiles
  1264. >”But of course, darling! It’s been a while, but I remember the spell Twilight used on us to travel to Cloudsdale during Rainbow’s competition a while back. Now let’s see…”
  1265. >She closes her eyes, and her horn starts to glow
  1266. >You feel a tingling feeling in the air around you, and you look around
  1267. >Holy fuck wings
  1268. >The glow subsides after a few moments, and your wings fold around your back
  1269. >They’re like pegasi wings, but not quite as refined
  1270. >Should be good to fly on them though
  1271. >They’re also brown, matching your hair
  1272. >That’s right. You have brown hair. Because Wuten’s writing this fucking story and has decided you have brown hair because darker hair is his fetish
  1273. >”Now, that spell won’t last forever, you know; my magic isn’t nearly as strong as Twilight’s, so get whatever business you need done, done, and get back down on your feet once again where you belong,” she smiles
  1274. “Thanks, Rarity, I owe you one.”
  1275. >”Oh, think nothing of it. Though, if you would be so kind as to come and help me out around the boutique sometime, it’d be much appreciated. I could have good use for those hands of yours,” she winks up at you
  1276. >You smile and nod, before heading out towards Cloudsdale
  1277. >You stop running just as you reach the outskirts of the giant cloud city
  1278. >Not Bespin, you Star Wars nerd, you
  1279. >You turn to look at your wings, raising an eyebrow
  1280. “So, um… I guess I just start flapping… right?”
  1281. >Fuck, you should’ve asked Rarity something about how to fly before speeding out like that
  1282. >Too late for that now, time is a factor here
  1283. “Alright, here goes nothing…”
  1284. >You close your eyes, and extend your wings, giving you a powerful flap, sending your body just a few inches off the ground before landing once again
  1285. “Okay, so it looks like it takes more than a few flaps
  1286. >noshitsherlock.jpg
  1287. >You decide to try and get a running start
  1288. >Start running toward a clearing, flapping your wings during the process
  1289. >You only get a few feet off the ground before you start flapping frantically to stay above the ground
  1290. >Fucking complicated flying methods
  1291. >Try jumping first, and then flapping wings
  1292. >Get a bit higher, but still cannot keep yourself in the air
  1293. >Suddenly hear a small, but audible squeak from behind you
  1294. >Turn around, guess who it is?
  1295. >Fucking Fluttershy
  1296. >”Um… Anon, is there something I can help you with?” she asks, staring at your wings
  1297. “Not now, Fluttershy, I’m busy.”
  1298. >”It looks like you’re… trying to fly, Anon?” she walks up to you. “It’s not really that hard, all you have to do is get a few good flaps in, and let the wind do the rest,” she says, flapping her wings a few times before gliding around pretty gracefully
  1299. “…Alright.”
  1300. >You close your eyes, returning your focus to flying
  1301. >You follow what she says, flapping your wings a few times before letting the wind carry you
  1302. >Holy fuck, it actually worked
  1303. “Oh wow, this is great!”
  1304. >You start practicing making small swoops around in the air, making sure to keep your center of balance as you make turns
  1305. >”Good job, Anon! Woohoo!” she exclaims in her quiet tone as she watches you fly around
  1306. >Well what do you know, Flutterslut can actually be useful at times
  1307. >”Um, Anon…” she glides over to you, and you stop moving, letting your wings keep you aloft
  1308. “Yeah? What is it?”
  1309. >”You know, uh… Oh, I saw Rainbow here earlier, and um…” she stumbles over her words a bit
  1310. “Where’d she go?”
  1311. >Your eyes widen a bit, maybe she knows where you can find her
  1312. >”Um… she went up to her home in Cloudsdale, if that’s what you’ve been wondering. I haven’t seen her come out since…” she mutters, looking away
  1313. >…
  1314. >YOU DON’T SAY?
  1315. >Facepalm, and then proceed to give Fluttershy the finger as you speed off towards Rainbow’s home
  1316. >Fucking Flutterstalker
  1317. >You remember Rainbow pointing out which one her house was to you one day while sitting on a hill
  1318. >She was smiling the whole time while both of you watched the clouds roll by
  1319. >A lot has changed since then; you want that Rainbow back. The carefree, fun-loving one
  1320. “Rainbow? You up here?”
  1321. >You fly up to her window, sitting on the pane
  1322. >You can see a very obvious lump under the blankets of Rainbow’s bed
  1323. >You knock on the window, staring in
  1324. >She peeks out, before her eyes widen at the sight of your wings
  1325. >She gets up, crawling out of the bed and walks over, opening the window and letting you in
  1326. >”But… but how?” she asks, still enthralled by the sight of you with wings
  1327. “Rarity created them for me so I could come up here.”
  1328. >Rainbow sighs, and then flies over to her bed, laying down on it. “So what do you want?” she asks, looking over to you
  1329. “I wanted to come up to apologize, Rainbow.”
  1330. >Her eyes widen in surprise, and you walk over to sit next to her on the bed
  1331. “I shouldn’t have said those things back there, especially after what we’ve gone through the past few days, that’s probably the last thing you wanted to hear.”
  1332. >She sighs. “No, Anon, I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that.” She turns to look up at you. “You were right, after all; I’d not planned that ending. Something caused me a sharp pain all of a sudden and it threw me off balance,” she says, sitting up
  1333. “What? What caused it?”
  1334. >”I’m not sure… but it was enough to throw my routine completely off-balance and send me crashing into the pond,” she says, huffing a bit. “And I guess knowing that you saw, well, sent me over the edge.”
  1335. “…I think I might know what caused it, Rainbow.”
  1336. >She looks up at you, surprised. “What? What could have caused it, Anon?” she asks
  1337. >You sigh, letting a moment of silence pass as you process how you’re going to break the news to her
  1338. “Remember yesterday, with the transformation potion?”
  1339. >She nods
  1340. “…Well, I think it transformed more than just your outside appearance, Rainbow. I think it also changed your insides as well to match the human transformation…”
  1341. >Her eyes start to widen as she slowly begins to understand what you’re saying. “So… you mean when we… and I… and you…” she fumbled over her words for a bit
  1342. >You pause a moment, placing your hands together in front of you and letting your head rest on them before speaking once again
  1343. “Yes, Rainbow… it would explain everything.”
  1344. >She looks down at the ground, standing up and hopping off the bed. “You’re absolutely sure, Anon?” she asks
  1345. >You shake your head
  1346. “No, I’m not absolutely sure. But it would explain everything that’s been happening lately; the mood swings, the sharp pains…”
  1347. >She shakes her head. “No, it can’t be, it can’t…” she mutters, leaping up onto you in a tight hug
  1348. “I know it’s hard to imagine, but…”
  1349. >You stop yourself for a moment, before turning to look at her, straight in the eyes
  1350. “Deep down, I have to admit… I’ve always wanted to have a child of my own.”
  1351. >Her eyes widen even more
  1352. “And I don’t think I could have picked a better mare to join me in raising that child.”
  1353. >You lean forward to her in a soft, gentle kiss
  1354. >She’s still in shock from hearing this, but eventually melts into the kiss, moving as close as she can to you
  1355. >She kicks you right in your jimmies almost immediately after you break the kiss
  1356. >Holy fuck on a fucking fuck fuckwich with fuck on fucking top
  1357. >Grip your crotch, doubling over in pain
  1358. >”The hell, Anon? Did you think I would be ready for this sort of thing?” she glares at you
  1359. >You’re too busy gripping your jimmies to listen coherently to anything she’s saying
  1360. >”Seriously, I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility yet…” she mutters, before shaking her head
  1361. >You finally gather the strength to endure through the pain to sit up, albeit awkwardly
  1362. “I just thought… if we went through this together, it would help…”
  1363. >”That’s not the point, Anon! I have ambitions, goals to reach for! I don’t have the ability to raise a filly of my own!”
  1364. >You sigh, and nod
  1365. “I know, Rainbow, I know.”
  1366. >She walks up to you, and hugs you once again, tighter this time. “But this is our child, Anon; that means I can’t turn my back on it like that. That’s not what we do here in Ponyville.”
  1367. >Your eyes widen
  1368. “So, you mean…”
  1369. >She smiles, nuzzling into your neck. “I mean it, Anon. So have you thought of any names yet?” she asks
  1370. >manlytears.jpg
  1372. >A few weeks later
  1373. “Hey Rainbow, got you something while I was out.”
  1374. >She’s already begun to show signs of her pregnancy
  1375. >And by that, you of course mean vomit every morning
  1376. >Not a pretty sight, but you’ve started to get used to it
  1377. >She looks up at you and smiles, waving
  1378. >You grin, pulling out a small bouquet of flowers
  1379. >She gasps a bit, flying slowly over to you
  1380. >She’s let her hair grow considerably longer, and the back is tied into a ponytail-like shape
  1381. >She smiles brightly up at you, hugging you tightly and nuzzling under your chin
  1382. >”They’re beautiful, Anon,” she says softly, sniffing them, before grinning and taking a bite out of one. “Delicious, too,” she says, chewing on the flower of one
  1383. >You chuckle at the adorable sight of it all
  1384. >She flies out of your embrace and lands on the floor. “I’ve started trying to take it easy lately; it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be,” she chuckles a bit, walking over to the couch
  1385. >You follow, sitting next to her
  1386. >”I talked with Twilight about it; I should start craving the weirdest things sometime soon. Geez, I can’t wait…” she sighs, grumbling a bit
  1387. >You smile
  1388. “Well, I know more than anything to not stand between you and something you want; it’ll never end well for me.”
  1389. >Both of you laugh at this
  1390. >”Glad to hear it, Anon,” she grins up at you, leaning up to place a small kiss on your cheek. “Oh, hey, want to watch some movies?” she asks, smiling
  1391. >You smile and nod; she’s been taking more interest in some of the movies you have in your own personal library since being told to not take it too hard during practice by the p0ny doctors
  1392. >You proceed to put in a movie and make a bucket of popcorn for the two of you
  1393. >She cuddles up next to you, both of you watching the action flick, Rainbow sometimes being sneaky and snatching the popcorn out of your hand with her teeth before you even notice, giving you an innocent look whenever you ask her about it
  1394. >Movie’s done, Rainbow is curled up next to you, her head resting on your lap
  1395. >”Hah, they call that car fast?” she grins up at you, “I could’ve gone faster than that with one wing behind my back.”
  1396. “But you’ve already got both behind your back, right?”
  1397. >”That’s not the point,” she smirks, pointing a hoof up at you. “You know as well as I do that I could easily go faster than that.”
  1398. >You chuckle and nod; she’s right, especially with the stories you’ve heard from Twilight and the others about her performing a Sonic Rainboom
  1399. >Hey, that’s not bad…
  1400. “Hey Rainbow, I think I’ve come up with the perfect name now.”
  1401. >She looks up at you, her eyes widened a bit. “Oh? Let’s hear it.”
  1402. “How does ‘Sonic Boom’ sound? Pretty fitting, don’t you think?”
  1403. >She thinks for a moment, and then grins up at you. “Think she’ll be a flyer just like her mom, huh?”
  1404. >You nod
  1405. >”Then I think it’s the perfect name,” she says. “Besides, we all know that nobody’s as fast as I am, so a name that sounds fast for my child will be just right,” she climbs up onto your lap, placing her forehooves on your shoulders. “‘Sonic Boom’ it is, Anon,” she says, leaning forward to you in a playful, loving kiss
  1406. >A few months have passed now
  1407. >Rainbow’s beginning to show visible signs of her pregnancy
  1408. >Every so often Twilight or Rarity will come over and check-up on her, and Pinkie Pie will come over on other days to see if the baby’s been born yet, usually with confetti, balloons, and streamers at the ready
  1409. >It’s actually a pretty funny sight
  1410. >Haven’t seen Fluttershy or Applejack in a few days…
  1411. >notagoodsign.jpg
  1412. >With Rainbow being pregnant, she won’t be able to stand in the way of the two of them nearly as well
  1413. >Make sure to take extra precautions when Rainbow’s away
  1414. >Including, but not limited to, barbed wire around the inside of the windows, closing the curtains, and barring the door so that no crazy bucking mare can kick your door down… again.
  1415. >One day, you sleep in and Rainbow heads out, not wanting to wake you up after all you’ve done for her lately
  1416. >itbegins.jpg
  1417. >Wake up suddenly to a shattering noise
  1418. >Quickly dress and head to the doorway of your bedroom to look for the source
  1419. >”Oh, Anon, there you are,” a quiet voice comes from near the shattered window
  1420. >Flutter Fucking Slut
  1421. “Fluttershy? What the hell are you doing?!”
  1422. >”Oh, I’m sorry, Anon, but I had been knocking for a while and you weren’t answering… I was so worried, I thought something terrible had happened, so I came through the window to make sure nothing was going on…” she says innocently
  1423. >Not buying it
  1424. >”An’ she quickly called me up too, ta make sure ya weren’t hurt or anythin’,” another voice comes from the other side of the room
  1425. >Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
  1426. >”Wasn’t that just sweet of ‘er?” Applerape walks out of the kitchen
  1427. >Fucking fuck to the fuck power
  1428. >Your jimmies aren’t safe here, physically or metaphysically
  1429. >You quickly begin to sprint for the door
  1430. >Suddenly, rope
  1431. >You don’t have any more equations to quite accurately describe just how many fucks are going through your head
  1432. >Nor do you have time, because you’re on the ground, tied up, just inches from the door
  1433. >”We can’t risk Rainbow knowing what happened to you or you making any noise while we make our move, so…” Fluttershy says, hovering over to you, covering your head with a cloth
  1434. >Black out as you feel them dragging you off
  1435. >Wake up to a dark room
  1436. >You’re naked, and tied up to a table
  1437. >…Nothing new, you’re always waking up to some strange situation
  1438. >”Oh, you’re awake, that’s good,” a soft voice comes from the darkness
  1439. >Suddenly, a light flashes on
  1440. >myeyes.jpg
  1441. >See various tables around the room, each with various vials, tools, and other suggestive-looking items
  1442. >You don’t like where this is going
  1443. >See Fluttershy wearing a doctor’s robe
  1444. >Applejack wearing a black full-body outfit, with holes located…
  1445. >Dear sweet Celestia, what is with these two?
  1446. >They slowly begin to close in on you, Fluttershy carrying a strange liquid in a vial
  1447. >”Dr. Fluttershy here has a little somethin’ for ya. She’s found your instincts aren’t quite what we consider to be ready for what we got in store for ya,” Applejack says, walking over to you, pressing on your crotch
  1448. >”Now open wide, Anon, and swallow every drop,” Fluttershy says, hovering over to you, carrying the vial
  1449. >You struggle against your bindings, but to no avail; the most you can move is your head
  1450. >”Oh my, Applejack, could you coax our patient a bit?” Fluttershy says, looking down to Applejack
  1451. >Applejack nods, leaning her head down and giving your member a hard suck, swirling her tongue around it
  1452. >You gasp out
  1453. >Fluttershy takes this opportunity to pour the contents of the vial down your throat
  1454. >You cough some of it out, but it’s futile now
  1455. >”There we go, that’s a good patient,” Fluttershy smiles down at you, “You deserve a reward for such a good job,” she says, leaning to you in a wet kiss, some of the contents of the vial entering her mouth as well
  1456. >Applejack finally takes your member out of her mouth, “Looks like it’s startin’ ta work, Fluttershy,” she says, pressing her hoof against your expanding member. “What was it you called that thing? Aph… a fro…”
  1457. >”Aphrodisiac?” Fluttershy smiles down at Applejack
  1458. >Applejack nods. “Yeah, that thing. It looks like it’s working,” she says, grinning and eyeing your crotch
  1459. >You’re trying to stop it, but everything’s gone a shade of purple now
  1460. >Your sense of touch has increased to the point of almost unbearable whenever Applejack rubs her hoof against you
  1461. >”Oh Anon, I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Fluttershy says softly, “I can’t wait for you to rut me like the poor defenseless mare I am,” she tries to say in a seductive tone, it just ends up sounding creepy
  1462. >”Now Fluttershy, remember our deal,” Applejack grins up at her, “I get ‘em first.”
  1463. >Fluttershy scoffs. “We both know you’ve gotten some from Anon in the past; I’ve not gotten any!” she exclaims, still a bit softly
  1464. >Applejack’s eyes sharpen. “What’d you say, sugarcube?”
  1465. >OH, IT.
  1466. >IS.
  1467. >ON.
  1468. >Fucks given: 0
  1469. >Well, looks like this is how it ends
  1470. >You’ll probably be traumatized from this event whether or not you escape
  1471. >Visions of Fluttershy will haunt your nightmares for years to come
  1472. >You close your eyes and wait for one of them to relieve you of the aphrodisiac’s effects
  1473. >That relief never comes
  1474. >Because Fluttershy is off of you and in a catfight with Applejack
  1475. >From what you could gather in your inebriated state, something about her not getting any
  1476. >fuckyeah.jpg, time to get out of here
  1477. >You begin struggling harder and harder against your bindings
  1478. >Thankfully, they’re made of rope, so eventually you can get them to budge and slip one arm through
  1479. >Neither mare notices, too worked up in the fight against each other for who gets to get plowed first
  1480. >Get your other arm free, work on loosening the bindings on your legs
  1481. >Quickly get the fuck out of wherever this place is while they fight over you
  1482. >Fucking rapist p0nies
  1483. >You look around; turns out you were in Fluttershy’s shed
  1484. >Fuck that was scary; you’re never going near Fluttershy’s house ever again
  1485. >You decide that if you’re going to the Everfree forest, you’re going off the trail and into the darkest part of the forest possible
  1486. >Anything’s better than Fluttershy at this point
  1487. >You quickly sprint off towards your house, still in the nude, before anyone can catch a glimpse of your forced aroused self
  1488. >See your house coming into the distance
  1489. >fuckyeah.jpg, almost there…
  1490. >”Anon? Is that you?”
  1491. >Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck not now!
  1492. >Fucking Twilight
  1493. >You stumble and fall flat on your face, just in front of your door
  1494. >Quickly do your best to hide your broner from the world
  1495. >”…Why are you naked, Anon?” Twilight asks, walking up to you
  1496. “Long story.”
  1497. >”I love stories! Care to tell?”
  1498. “Fuck no, I need to get dressed.”
  1499. >”Not even a lit-“
  1500. “Damn it, Twilight, can’t you see I’m trying to get inside to fix this problem?”
  1501. >You quickly scramble inside and into the bathroom, where you proceed to rub one out to try to remedy the effects of the aphrodisiac yourself
  1502. >Hear the door to the house open
  1503. >Damn it you’re not done
  1504. >”Anon? You there?” you hear Rainbow talking in the living room
  1505. >Fucking fuck, you can’t let her see you like this
  1506. >She would probably never forgive Fluttershy and Applejack if she found out they tried something
  1507. >Hate them as you do, you don’t feel like it would be right to ruin their friendship
  1508. >Quietly make sure you locked the bathroom door
  1509. >Try not to make any sound as you continue rubbing one out
  1510. >”Anon? You in there?” you hear Rainbow outside the door
  1511. >Damn, she knows you’re in there
  1512. “…Yes?”
  1513. >She sounds surprised. “You feeling alright, Anon? Your voice is quivering a bit…”
  1514. “Yeah, yeah I’m alright…”
  1515. >badpokerface.jpg
  1516. >She tries opening the door. “Can I come in?”
  1517. >You quickly debate whether or not to open the door
  1518. >…fucks.exe has stopped responding
  1519. >You walk over and open the door, your broner in full sight for her
  1520. >Her eyes widen a bit in surprise, and then she looks up at you
  1521. >”Were you…?” she asks, pointing a hoof at your crotch
  1522. “Yup.”
  1523. >”No fucks to give?”
  1524. “Nope.”
  1525. >She holds a hoof up to you
  1526. >Brohoof complete
  1527. >”Now then, what should we do about this…” she peers at your crotch
  1528. >Few hours later
  1529. >Feels like the jimmies of a thousand Anons were ready for rustling, but then were suddenly denied their rustling
  1530. >Feeling like a boss, Rainbow took care of you
  1531. >Resting on the couch, panting a bit, Rainbow grinning up at you
  1532. >”So how was that, Anon?”
  1533. >You smile down at her and nod
  1534. “I needed that.”
  1535. >She chuckles. “I’ll say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you go for that long,” she winks up at you
  1536. >You grin
  1537. “I suppose I didn’t want to hold back anything this time.”
  1538. >”Oh? Is that your fetish then, rutting a pregnant mare like myself?” she grins back at you, climbing up to where she’s eye level with you
  1539. >Fucking p0nies and trying to find out your fetish
  1540. >A few more months later
  1541. >Nearing the end of Rainbow’s pregnancy
  1542. >You both have taken every precaution you believed would be necessary
  1543. >As in, added a crib into your bedroom
  1544. >Rainbow’s definitely showing signs of her pregnancy now; she’s rarely flying from what you can see, instead using her legs to travel
  1545. >She walks over to you, sitting up on the couch and nuzzling into your lap
  1546. >She looks up at you
  1547. >”Anon, what do you think our child will be like?” she asks, smiling
  1548. >You think for a moment
  1549. >You haven’t forgotten yet about the book about genetics you read all those months ago
  1550. “Hm… well, she’ll definitely have wings, that’s a given.”
  1551. >You smile, bringing your hand down to softly stroke Rainbow’s wings as you two sit there
  1552. “And… she’ll be just as fast as you are.”
  1553. >She grins up at you. “Oh? Do you think she’ll be able to do a Sonic Rainboom just like her mother?”
  1554. >You chuckle and lean back on the sofa
  1555. “Definitely.”
  1556. >”Well, I have my own predictions for her as well,” she says, smiling up at you
  1557. “Oh? What’s that?”
  1558. >”She’ll have a heart as big as her father,” she winks
  1559. >public class Jimmies {
  1560. > public static void main (String [ ] args) {
  1561. > String jimmies = "rustled";
  1562. > if(jimmies.equals("rustled")){
  1563. > System.out.println(“Why can’t I hold all these feels?”); }
  1564. > else {
  1565. > System.out.println(“My jimmies remain unrustled.”); }
  1566. > }
  1567. >}
  1568. >Due date is just weeks away
  1569. >Both of you decide to go out for a walk outside
  1570. >Near the end of summer, everything’s still full of life
  1571. >Rainbow smiles up at you
  1572. >”Hey, Rarity said she wanted us to stop by today, she had something she wanted to give us.”
  1573. >You nod; she’s always been a kind pony to you. Why not?
  1574. “Sure; let’s head over now before we forget.”
  1575. >You both begin to head towards Rarity’s boutique
  1576. >Arrive, knock on the door
  1577. >A young, white-colored filly opens the door
  1578. >”Anon!” she exclaims, smiling brightly up at you
  1579. “Hey Sweetie Belle, is your sister here?”
  1580. >She nods, running off to find her
  1581. >Nice kid, definitely has a set of lungs on her for a filly her age
  1582. >Rarity comes out after a few moments
  1583. >”Oh, Anon! Rainbow! So sorry about not coming to the door immediately, work has had me tied up almost nonstop the past few days,” she says, walking over to you two
  1584. “No prob, Rarity. Rainbow says you had something you wanted to give us?”
  1585. >”Of course!” she exclaims, walking over to a chest, opening it with her magic and levitating a box out of it, before walking back with it
  1586. >You open it
  1587. >It’s a baby filly outfit
  1588. >The most adorable fucking baby outfit you’ve ever seen
  1589. >”Do you like it? I received inspiration during the middle of designing one of my other outfits, so I made the design for it and set it aside, and then started it right after I finished the outfit. I must say, designing baby outfits is harder than I had expected,” she rambles on a bit, wiping her forehead
  1590. >”It’s awesome, Rarity!” Rainbow smiles, looking at the outfit. “Thanks a lot!” she exclaims, moving to hug the white unicorn
  1591. >Rarity smiles, patting the mare’s back. “You’re welcome, Rainbow; it’s the least I could do, after all,” she says, squirming a bit as Rainbow tightens the hug
  1592. >Well, looks like she lives up to her Element’s title
  1593. >You smile, seeing the sight of these two friends holding this embrace
  1594. >”Now, Anon,” Rarity turns to look at you, “I do believe you owe me for a little something I did a few months back,” she says, grinning a bit
  1595. >Fuck, that’s right; you never modeled for her like you said you would
  1596. “Alright, I’ll do it, if only to get it over with.”
  1597. >Rarity squees in excitement, before turning to Rainbow. “You don’t mind if I borrow him for just today, do you? I’m planning on using him to model for some of my outfits,” she says
  1598. >Rainbow smiles and nods, “Of course; but don’t get carried away,” she grins, before walking past you carrying the outfit in her saddlebag, giving you a wink before heading out
  1599. >Rarity grins; you swear it’s a rapeface
  1600. >ohfuck.jpg
  1601. >Spend the entire day as Rarity’s fashion slave
  1602. >You kept count for a while, but lost count at 42 outfits
  1603. >Looks like the rapeface can be used for more than just >rape
  1604. >”Alright, there we go, now just one-”
  1605. >Suddenly, Pinkie
  1606. >”Anon! Anon! Come quick!” she exclaims, “Rainbow’s having her baby!”
  1607. >…wat.
  1608. >You quickly speed out of the boutique, still sporting the outfit, with Rarity following close behind you
  1609. “Where is she, Pinkie?”
  1610. >She turns to look at you as the three of you catch up to each other
  1611. >”She’s at Twilight’s now; we gotta hurry!” she exclaims once again, zipping off faster than either you or Rarity can comprehend
  1612. >Dayum, that mare can run
  1613. >You both eventually arrive at Twilight’s house after a few minutes, Pinkie hopping up and down at the entrance
  1614. >”Hurry Anon, hurry!” she exclaims
  1615. >You oblige, barely able to stop yourself as you run inside the library
  1616. >Rainbow’s sitting up against the wall, wailing out in pain, Twilight acting as a sort of midwife for her
  1617. >You know this isn’t the time for this sort of thing, but…
  1618. >itbegins.jpg

[RDxAnon] Whatever I Want pt 1-3 [PastaFromSpace] [EQG]

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[RDxAnon] Bikini Beaches [Candles]

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[RDxAnon] Dash 1shot: What happened last night? [Candles]

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[RDxAnon] The Letter [Candles]

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[RDxAnon] The Preening [Candles]

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