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Cousin Thorax?

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-16 18:17:19
Expiry: Never

  3. >Anon meets his cousin Thorax for the first time at a family reunion. Anon could be the same age or older than Thorax, but either way he's ostracized for his looks and mannerisms from his sheltered upbringing.
  4. >Anon isn't really sure what to make of it when he keeps following around all day and he insists on making awkward conversations.
  5. >It isn't until Anon is throughly unsettled and asks Thorax what the big deal is.
  6. >It turns out that his mom told him that Anon was into some comic books, with one just matching his all time favorite series, so he figured he'd talk to Anon about them.
  7. >But he couldn't figure out how to initiate a conversation properly.
  8. >Now with a talking point of a shared hobby, the two of them start opening up and find that they actually have quite a lot of things in common.
  9. >When the family reunion ends, Thorax goes back home but not before they exchange contact information.
  10. >Anon and Thorax spend quite a bit texting and video chatting about various niche internet culture things.
  11. >While in the midst of texting one night Thorax tells him that his Mom was really excited when he befriended him considering he doesn't have many in school.
  12. >He's not exactly the jock type and he spends a lengthy amount of time talking about costume designs, special effects, and cosplaying characters from different media.
  13. >Anon thinks all of that sound neat and asks for examples of his cosplaying.
  14. >Thorax is reluctant at first, but he shows him some pictures cosplaying stuff like deadly ninjas, powerful wizards, heroic cowboys, and grizzled bikers.
  15. >They all have a quality well above amateurish and Anon becomes really impressed how his cousin can pull off a lot of these.
  16. >Then Thorax accidently sends a picture splayed out on a bed cosplaying a succubus femme fatale character from his favorite comic series.
  17. >Anon is floored of how accurate a portrayal this is, and how Thorax looks indistinguishable from a female in that pic.
  18. >Thorax freaks out before begging Anon to delete it and not to think he's weird or gross.
  19. >Anon reaffirms that it's no big deal, accidents happen.
  20. >He tells Thorax he's going to delete the picture and not to worry.
  21. >In actuality, just before he commits to erasing it, Anon decides to transfer it to his flashdrive for potential safe keeping.
  22. >Weeks pass and the incident is thoroughly forgotten.
  23. >Unfortunately for Anon, he's assigned a group project on storytelling that's devastating in length and decides to do a slideshow on tokusatsu media.
  24. >Anon inserts his flashdrive into his friend's computer to get to work, and it immediately shows a large thumbnail of his cousin cosplaying as the succubus.
  25. >His friends see it and mistakes it for Anon stummbling upon a photoset of a cosplay model and demands to know if she's done any nudes.
  26. >Anon says it isn't a photoset and it's his only picture, so the rest should find some other wank material.
  27. >With him acting unnecessarily touchy over a clothed pic the other classmates ask if the picture was his girlfriend or anything.
  28. >Under any ordinary circumstances Anon would deny he's in a relationship with his cousin, but a number of girls stumble upon them and comment how Anon must have some secret charm up his sleeves if he's able to date that Thorax.
  29. >To that Anon replies yes, that is indeed his girlfriend, they've been going steady for the past month now.
  30. >Anon enjoys a boost of social status knowing how most of the school thinks he's dating a model.
  31. >That night Anon questions the ethics of using his hot-uh, well framed-hmm, talented...yes, talented cousin for popularity.
  32. >He goes on video chat and talks up Thorax, mentioning nothing about what just occurred in school.
  33. >Thorax seems uncharacteristically gleeful and tells Anon that they're moving back to their home state due to a better job opening for his Mom.
  34. >As excited as he is he falls back from his chair.
  35. >In his compromised position Anon can clearly see Thorax's striped underwear he ordered online.
  36. >Anon tries to play it off as if he didn't see it but Thorax knows his red face says otherwise.
  37. >Thorax closes the video chat in a storm of embarrassment while Anon shifts in his chair as his first impure thoughts of his cousin cloud his mind.
  38. >He promptly goes straight to bed in order to combat the allure of jacking it with the image of Thorax still fresh in his mind.
  39. >Try as he might, however, Anon 's sleeplessness wakes him up in the middle of the night, still present with his problem.
  40. >He shambles towards his laptop in order to take care of it and notices that the video chat is still on.
  42. ~~~~
  44. >'Odd.' you thought, sitting down at your desk.
  45. >You thought you had turned off your laptop when you fell asleep, let alone left the discord call going.
  46. >You're usually better at conserving energy.
  47. >Save power, save money, all that junk
  48. >never mind the fact that countless times youve left your laptop on downloading steam games that would take hours overnight...
  49. >You go to turn off the camera and do some late night shitposting, as you cant sleep, until you hear a noise coming from your headphones you have plugged in.
  50. >Curiosity gets the better of you and you decide to take a listen. You dont see any tabs open that would be playing music.
  51. >...
  52. >Or porn.
  53. >It sounds like a hidden pop-up ad.
  54. >Y'know.
  55. >The ones that usually show up when you go on 'those' sites.
  56. >But you have ad block on, that shouldnt be there...
  57. >You look and you see the sound is coming from the discord call.
  58. >You pop over and see your cousin, lewd, nude, and... you're pretty sure guys dont have vaginas.
  59. >So why do you see Thorax with one...?
  60. >You dont say anything. You CAN'T say anything. You can feel your face getting hotter and you go to shut off the call, but you stop.
  61. >She's getting more vocal, and you're kind of ashamed to say it, but it's cute, extremely so.
  62. >She stops, reaching behind her pillow and pulling out a small vibe, and begins rubbing her entrance with it turned off.
  63. >"Nff... A-Anon..." she coos, fondling one of her small breasts.
  64. >That made it harder to close out the call.
  65. >Among other things that were made harder.
  66. >Your breath got heavy as you started to rub your growing bulge, enjoying the view.
  67. >She entered herself with the vibe and shuddered, smirking and biting her lower lip. "hnn.. youre so big, Anon.."
  68. >You're pretty sure your're bigger than that, but you dont let your insecurities ruin this moment, as you pull out your cock and begin to rub yourself.
  69. >She turned on the vibe and started to squeek, her tongue lolling out her mouth and drooling.
  70. >You can see the blush on her face deepening as she wsa getting close to cumming.
  71. >You were pretty close yourself, feeling precum drip down your throbbing cock, wishing she were here to lick it up for you.
  72. >"Anon... ngff anon, i love you~!"
  73. >She moaned loudly into a pillow as she came, her sheets getting wet around her legs while she flailed.
  74. >You sighed, content, and looking at your sticky, cum covered hand and cock.
  75. >tfw you just came to your close cousin.
  76. >you heard her sigh and giggle a bit, hugging her pillow. "If only..." she whispered, doing something on her laptop.
  77. >She froze, her cute deep blue eyes wide as saucers. she mustve noticed that she left the camera on.
  78. >You didnt say a word.
  79. >"...Maybe he's still asleep." she thought, breathing in relief.
  80. >She couldnt see you.
  81. >You quietly looked at your settings and noticed that your camera was turned off.
  82. >You were in the clear.
  83. >... You were going to want an explination on why she didn't tell you she was a girl.
  85. ------ MONDAY 11:00 am. ------
  87. >Schooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  88. >You trudged along the path to the school bus with little to no enthusiasm.
  89. >Its not that you didn't like school. You were just understandably tired.
  90. >Also you had a lot on your mind.
  91. >Mostly of the "I found out my hot cousin was a girl and I essentially had a chaturbate session with her without her knowing." variety.
  92. >Were you feeling guilty? sure, understandbly so.
  93. >But at the same time, she was your cousin, Cousins arent really "close" in a blood sense... right?
  94. >Plus its a lot better than jacking off to a dude. Even though your degenerate fantasies had gotten the better of you when you didnt know.
  95. >You don't want to think about it anymore.
  96. >You should probably forget about what happened and you can go back to just being friends with... "him."
  97. >That would be the logical thing to do.
  98. >And it would be a lot easier to do if you didnt see her at your busstop whaT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING AT YOUR BUSSTOP.
  99. >As you walk up Thorax notices you and brightens.
  100. "I thought it was gonna take longer for you to get up here?" You say, containing the spaghetti currently boiling in your pockets
  101. >She giggles and punches your arm. "You're so stupid, anon." she teased. "I had said i /already/ moved. I swear sometimes i think youre hard of hearing."
  102. "N-no you."
  103. >"What?"
  104. >What.
  105. "I mean, your accent can get a little bit thick sometimes." You say matter of factly. Its kind of cute honestly, you cant quite peg what it was, though.
  106. >She starts to pout. "Meanie."
  107. >You pat her head and chuckle.
  108. "Y'know i didn't mean it like that, b-bro" You say, feeling weird about pretending shes a 'guy' still.
  109. >Her blush along with her pout makes her reaction more adorable.
  110. >Oh thank god the bus is here.
  111. >You go to sit in your usual spot, giving a deep sigh to mentally prepare for the day to come.
  112. >Thorax sits next to you, fidgeting a bit.
  113. "something wrong?"
  114. >"Just a bit nervous..." She said quietly "New school, gotta make a good impression, y'know?"
  115. >You scoffed
  116. >You never really cared about things like "impressions" but understood where she was coming from, and put a reassuring hand on her thigh, giving a squeeze
  117. >Her face got a bit darker but you didn't seem to notice.
  118. "Most of the people here are fuckin' idiots anyways, you don't have to get their approval." You say nonchalantly.
  119. "Stick with me, your Onii-chan will protect you~"
  120. >She smirked, using her hands to hide her laughter. "Im not /that/ scared that you have to bring in your weeaboo bullshit, Anon..."
  121. "Says the cosplayer."
  122. >The bus gets to the last stop before school.
  123. >You rouse from your drowsy state of limbo to prepare your mind for the day
  124. >Being too tired to speak but also enjoying your cousin's closeness of sharing the bus seat.
  125. >FeelsGoodMan
  126. >Other students get on the bus, one of which is your best friend.
  127. >He yawns a greeting towards you "Mornin' 'Non"
  128. "Normie." You say with a nod and a smirk.
  129. >"Cheekie fuck." Norman says, going to punch your arm, but notices the small frame sleeping on your arm.
  130. >He does a double take and sits on the chair across from you, and crosses his arms, fake pouting.
  131. >"Cheating on me now? I thought what we had was special..."
  132. >Kek.
  133. >You try extreamly hard not to laugh too hard, as that would wake your slumbering cousin up.
  134. >You didnt want to see her cranky
  135. >Even though, now that you thought about it, that may be even more adorable than her sleeping on your shoulder a the moment.
  136. >"So this is the girl ive heard so much about?" he starts.
  137. >"Huh, i guess she was real. To be honest, 'Non, i thought it was some random instagram chick that you found and were jackin' it to"
  138. >He shruged "But, I've been wrong before."
  139. >You scowl
  140. "Gee, thanks."

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