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A Dazzling Life

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-21 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-22 03:47:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >A lot more of your time has been spent packing up for your leave for college.
  2. >As you gather your belongings into a suitcase, you begin to wonder more and more about how distant your sisters have been.
  3. >You’re gonna leave for college in a few weeks, and your family is excited.
  4. >Well, one of them is.
  5. >Your sisters have all been way more reclusive than usual, only stopping to respond to your desperate cries for attention with a hello and nothing else.
  6. >Aria’s always been a little kept to herself, but this time, even Sonata will barely say a word.
  7. >How about we try something else.
  8. >You leave a letter under their doors, saying that they should meet in the park, Friday, 12 AM.
  9. >Good thing dad leaves for work, and sleeps so early.
  10. >Throughout the week, you see the sisters become more anxious and worried, and soon enough, the fated day arrives.
  11. >You tell your sisters that you’ve got some plans tomorrow, and that you’ll head to bed early.
  12. >They all nonchalantly reply with a basic “all right”.
  13. >You enter your room at nine, plotting your course of action.
  14. >Actually, you play vidya until about 11. You’ve usually been alright with improv.
  15. >At 11, you open your room door to see if you can hear any discussion.
  16. >The sound of silence pierces you.
  17. >Grabbing your phone, you open the window.
  18. >It’s a night filled with a warm air, clear skies, and a major goal.
  19. >Find out why your beloved sisters, who have been your family, friends and more, are ignoring you.
  20. >You hop out the window onto the roof where the garage lays below.
  21. >Closing it quietly, you scale the roof downwards.
  22. >Descending by jumping off the lowest end of it, only about your height and a little more off the ground.
  23. >You stop to take pride in your car that Dad bought you for your 18th. It’s been with you for years, and you love it.
  25. >Making your way down the street, you check your phone.
  26. >11:15 PM
  27. >You could make it by 11:30, and hopefully be there before the girls.
  28. >(Did you think he would?)
  29. >As the park comes into view, he could see his dear siblings, pacing about, looking for their secret writer.
  30. >You do your damndest to stay out of sight and inch closer to the park.
  31. >Suddenly, one of the girls speaks up.
  32. >”Oh my god, if they don’t show up, I will track them down and strangle them.”
  33. >That’s definitely Aria.
  34. >”Come on, Aria. It’s not even midnight, give them a chance to get here.”
  35. >Adagio keeping cool as per usual.
  36. >”Yeah, Aria. It’s a good thing they told us to meet at a park. That way, we can still have fun while we wait!”
  37. >Ahh, Sonata and her “out there” demeanor. She’s been swinging on the swing the whole time while her sisters have been looking for their suspect.
  38. >You get to a blind spot behind them and pull out your phone.
  39. >11:45
  40. >Better early than never, right?
  41. >You quietly exit your position and enter to a few yards behind the group.
  42. “Hey guys!”
  43. >Everyone stops dead in their tracks and turns to face you.
  44. >The shock and awe rush to their faces before they even say anything.
  45. >Sonata jumps off the swings and joins the others.
  46. >Nervously, both parties move closer.
  47. >Soon, you are face to face with your siblings.
  48. >“A-Anon, what are you doing here?”
  49. >Adagio looks like she’s about to sweat bullets.
  50. “Well, I could ask you the same thing.”
  51. >Sonata pipes up from the side.
  52. >”We’re waiting for someone who sent us letters!”
  53. >Aria and Adagio glare daggers at her.
  54. “It looks like you’ve found him.”
  55. >”Well, what do you want, Anon?” Aria’s voice cuts you deep as you’ve only heard that tone when she would talk about her problems, like bullies at school, and stuff like that.
  56. “I want to know why you all have been avoiding me for the past week. We’re family, and I haven’t done anything to make you guys shut me out.”
  58. >A wave of guilt washes over them as they realize their mistake.
  59. >Adagio steps up to speak.
  60. >”Anon, we love you. So when we heard that you were moving out, we didn’t take it well.”
  61. “Obviously.”
  62. >Adagio gives you a mean look, then goes back to her sorrowful state.
  63. >”We were hiding from you, not because we hated you, but because we were scared on how you’d react.”
  64. “React to what?”
  65. >”Us telling you our real feelings. We didn’t want you to leave us, but we still wanted you to be happy.”
  66. >Adagio has started to tear up, along with your other sisters.
  67. >”We love you, Anon. More than you could ever imagine. Every girlfriend you’ve had, we were worried that she’d take you from us. We don’t want to lose you. Not like how we lost mom.”
  69. >You flashback to your younger years
  70. > You’re seven years old, 2nd grade.
  71. >Your sisters were still preschoolers and toddlers, but with mom and dad working, you’ve had no problems being given the treatment you needed.
  72. >All that changed though.
  73. >One day during school, your counselor comes into your class and ask the teacher for you.
  74. >You grab your stuff and leave.
  75. >A while later, dad comes to pick you up.
  76. >As you drive down the road to your house, you ask him why he pulled you out of school.
  77. >He says to wait until everyone’s together, holding a very serious look on his face.
  78. >You’re now home about an hour later, everyone sitting in the living room.
  79. >Dad sits down on a chair he moved in front of the couch where you and your siblings sat.
  80. >”Alright kids, we need to have a talk.”
  81. >Recalling the chat in the car, you speak up.
  82. “But dad, mom’s not here.”
  83. >”That’s why we’re here now. You see children, there are sometimes situations where we can’t talk to our loved ones anymore. In a lot of these situations, it’s where they’ve been taken away. That’s what happened to your mother.”
  84. >Adagio, the curious one she is, finally says something.
  85. >”Where did she go?”
  86. >“Well, when people suffer accidents, like your mother, they die. Death means that she won’t be a part of this family anymore.
  87. “We...don’t have a mom anymore?”
  88. >”I’m afraid that’s the case.”
  89. >There’s no containing it.
  90. >All of the children are now crying, everyone holding each other.
  91. >A while later, you learned that she died in a car accident.
  92. >A drunk driver T-boned her car on her side at a fast speed.
  93. >Both parties had died.
  95. >You snap back to reality
  96. “Mom…”
  97. >”We don’t want you to go, please...don’t go.”
  98. >Now, all three are crying, holding on to you for dear life.
  99. >You start crying as well, not to their level, but to a degree where it’s contained and shows your sincere emotion.
  100. >Their combined weight topple you, but you hold them all together with you, and cradle them.
  101. >You’re all on the ground now, with you staying upright to support the three sobbing girls who have been there for you all these years, staying by your side, and giving you the love you needed throughout your life.
  102. “Guys...I love you all.”
  103. >Suddenly, Adagio grabs your head and pulls it down.
  104. >She kisses you, not in the sibling love way, but as a true lover.
  105. >She kisses with more emotion than any of your girlfriends had ever kissed you.
  106. >She pulls back, tears still streaming, but with a small smile on her face.
  107. >“That’s how much we love you.”
  108. >Tears had stopped coming from you now.
  109. “ that how all of you feel?”
  110. >Unable to speak, all they do is nod in agreement.
  111. >You pull Adagio back, returning her kiss with one just as powerful.
  112. >After you pull away, you do the same to the others, each returning the kiss.
  113. >A while has passed and you realize that everyone has cried themselves to sleep.
  114. >Feeling yourself passing out, you recollect your thoughts.
  115. >You get everyone up, and being the only one that hasn’t fallen asleep, you guide everyone to the house.
  116. >They left the door unlocked. You’re too tired to consider it a good or bad thing.
  117. >Leading them upstairs, you open your door. Hopefully they’ll find a way to their rooms.
  118. >Except not.
  119. >They all enter your room and climb in your bed.
  120. >As soon as they hit the pillow, they are out.
  121. >Fug
  122. >You go and grab a pillow from one of their rooms.
  123. >You come back and everyone is sleeping soundly, and you plop down a pillow on the bed so you’d get one too.
  124. >Hopefully, this little late night excursion won’t hurt your sleeping habit too much.
  126. >The smell of eggs and bacon frying on the pan excite your senses and awaken you.
  127. >Taking in notice of the empty bed you lie in, you decide to check up on your sisters.
  128. >You slowly rise out of bed, checking the time on your clock.
  129. >10:30
  130. >Shit. Normally waking up at 8 to keep a steady habit was your plan, but last night’s dream was something else.
  131. >You THINK it was a dream.
  132. >At least you woke up to something good.
  133. >Going down the stairs, you overhear a conversation that your sisters are having.
  134. >”...But Anon tried so hard last night.”
  135. >”I don’t care, Sonata. The fact that we all made out with him last night doesn’t change that it’s wrong.”
  136. >”Aria, believe me or not, but didn’t you say that you really enjoyed that kiss?”
  137. >Both Sonata and Adagio laugh at Aria as she growls in frustration.
  138. >”Keep laughing, and you two won’t have lips to kiss Anon with.”
  139. >Turning the corner into the kitchen, you start chuckling about the whole situation.
  140. >Before now, you were almost convinced that what happened last night was a dream.
  141. “Morning, girls.”
  142. >”Nonny!”
  143. >Sonata jumps off her chair, slides on her socks for a second, and lands on you.
  144. “You alright, Sonata?”
  145. >”Mhmm” Sonata gives you a big kiss on cheek, then giggles.
  146. >Aria, holding an expression that’s a mix between being appalled and insurmountable rage, fumbles some words out.
  147. >”A-Anon, how long were you there?”
  148. “Long enough to hear that you didn’t like last night.”
  149. >Aria, defeated, returns to finish cooking. “Whatever, you hungry?”
  150. “Looking to earn my favor back?”
  151. >”No, you jackass. It’s breakfast, are you hungry or not?”
  152. “Sure, what’s on the menu?”
  153. >”I know you lost your mind, but have you lost your smell?”
  154. “Hehe, my bad.”
  155. >Leaving Sonata behind, you go for some breakfast.
  156. >Grabbing a plate, Aria carefully puts some scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of bacon on it and hands it to you.
  157. “Thanks, beautiful.”
  159. >”Ever since last night, you become full of yourself.”
  160. >Adagio has finally said something, albeit a little hurtful.
  161. You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!
  162. “I guess you guys boosted my confidence.”
  163. >”Really?”
  164. “Well, you’re not avoiding me anymore, right? Mission accomplished.”
  165. >”Yeah...Sorry, Nonny.”
  166. “You know what? Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad to hear that you guys don’t hate me or anything.”
  167. >”But Nonny, there’s gotta be something we can do to make it up to you!”
  168. >Carefully thinking it over for a while, and quickly disregarding any sexual thoughts at the moment, you come up empty.
  169. >Right at that moment, your phone starts ringing.
  170. >Your dad’s calling you for the first time in forever, as if there’s anything that needs to be done, he’d leave a note, or wait until he came home.
  171. “Gimme a sec.”
  172. >Quickly exiting the room, you pick up the phone.
  173. “Hello?”
  174. >“Anon? Hey this is important.”
  175. “Are you alright, Dad?”
  176. >“Yeah, everything’s fine. Listen, the company’s flying me out for a week. Apparently, some delegates are flying out to Los Angeles for a huge meeting, and I’ve been selected to go!”
  177. “Oh my god, Dad, that’s great!”
  178. >“Yeah! So my question is...Will you guys be able to handle things at home?”
  179. “Uhh…”
  180. >You look back to find Sonata chugging the last of the milk down.
  181. “I think we might need groceries soon.”
  182. >”I had a thought something like that would happen. Alright what I’m about to tell you absolutely cannot go to your sisters, ok? Women and their shopping, you know what I’m saying?”
  183. “Yeah, yeah, Dad. I get it. Man to man.”
  184. >”Great! Alright, you know that locked cabinet in the living room?”
  185. >Glaring towards the old cabinet that your father had always told to get away from, you sigh heavily.
  186. “Yeah, I see it.”
  187. >“The key is in my room.. So I want you to go get the key right now, please.”
  188. “Ok, Dad, I got it.”
  190. >You look towards your sisters with a confused look, and head upstairs.
  191. >Entering Dad’s room, the surprising scent of nothingness hits you.
  192. >It’s the cleanest room you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
  193. >Guess Dad doesn’t really do anything when he gets home from work.
  194. >Still, you’ve never been allowed in here, so just being here gives you a feeling of excitement.
  195. “Ok, I’m in here.”
  196. >”You see the old CRT on the vanity?”
  197. >Taking notice of the old TV, you give off a sigh of nostalgia, as you grew up with these around.
  198. “Yeah, I see it.”
  199. >”I want you to lift it up.”
  200. “Beg pardon?”
  201. >“Lift it, Anon.”
  202. >Setting the phone down, you inspect the TV, trying to figure out how to hold it.
  203. >After shifting your arms around, looking for the best way to hold it, you finally grasp the TV, and lift it.
  204. >Underneath, a key lies within a bed of dust.
  205. >Ironically the key looks cleaner than the space around it. Must have been used fairly recently.
  206. “Alright, I got the key.”
  207. >”Son, there is 500 dollars in the cabinet. Use it however you wish, but just get groceries and whatever you need first before spending it all willy-nilly.”
  208. >Stunned at the thought of having that much money just handed to you leaves you unable to speak.
  209. “R-Really, Dad? You’re just gonna give me 500 dollars? No conditions?”
  210. >”Anon, listen to yourself. You’re going to college in a few weeks. I’m sure you can handle 500 dollars.”
  211. “...Thanks, Dad.”
  212. “Anon, take the key and go find your sisters.”
  214. >Heading downstairs, you enter the kitchen and motion for everyone to be quiet, then turn on speaker phone.
  215. “Alright Dad, you’re on speaker.”
  216. >”Hey girls!”
  217. >“Hi Dad!”
  218. >It’s scary how they can just speak in unison like that.
  219. >”Alright girls, I’m going to be gone for a week, don’t worry everything’s fine. However, I want you to listen. Anon is leader of the house until I get back, understand?”
  220. >”Yes, Dad.”
  221. >God that will never stop weirding you out.
  222. >“Alright. I love you all!”
  223. “We love you too!”
  224. >This time, you decided to join in. If you can’t beat them, you know.
  225. >”Bye!”
  227. “So...Looks like I’m in charge.”
  228. >”Alright, just don’t make us do anything weird.” Aria is starting to get defensive.
  229. “Actually, this just gave me an idea.”
  230. >Aria suddenly regrets her bold remark.
  231. “I’ve decided on what you guys could do.”
  232. >Tension starts building up, except for Sonata who seems to be excited to be finally helping her big bro.
  233. “I want you guys to go on a date with me.”
  234. >Adagio, who’s been taking info nonchalantly so far, recreates a park fountain and spits her milk everywhere.
  235. >Aria is clearly furious, as she responds with, “Are you fucking insane?!”
  236. >Sonata, well she’s even more excited than before, bouncing her chair up and down. What a strange girl.
  237. >Rushing to Adagio’s side, you check on her.
  238. “Shit dude, are you ok?”
  239. >“Yeah...*cough cough*, I’m...*cough*...fine.”
  240. “Alright, take it easy. Sonata, I saw you chugging that milk, you’re coming with me to get groceries.”
  241. >”Yay!”
  242. “You two, do whatever. Sonata, get dressed.”
  243. >”Ok!” God, she’s weird.
  244. >About half an hour later, you and Sonata are finally ready to go.
  245. “Aria, Adagio, keep the fort locked down! Sonata, here are my keys, go start the car.”
  246. >”Yes sir, Anon!” Being thrown the keys, Sonata fumbles them for a second, then catches them.
  247. >Staring intently at the locked cabinet, you check behind you to make sure no one’s looking.
  248. >After taking the utmost caution for not grabbing attention, you finally unveil the mystery behind the case.
  249. >The insides are covered head to toe with money in a wide variety of bills.
  250. >Not taking anymore time than needed, you quickly grab some twenties and tens equal to 500 dollars and shut the door.
  251. >Immediately locking the cabinet, you make your way to the car, which some loud k-pop seems to be blasting from.
  252. >Opening the door, Sonata oblivious to your presence, you turn down the music and grab her attention.
  253. “Sonata!”
  254. >”Aah! Oh. Hi Anon! I turned your car on.”
  256. “I don’t think so, Sonny.”
  257. >She had only turned the electrics on. Hitting the ignition, you prove your point.
  258. >You can’t help but think about all the money that was in the legendary cabinet, or more importantly, why it was there.
  259. >”Everything alright, Nonny?”
  260. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about something. It’s not important. Let’s bounce.”
  261. >Pulling out of the driveway, Sonata starts fidgeting around.
  262. “You alright, Sonata?”
  263. >”What? Y-Yeah, Nonny. I’m f-fine.”
  264. >Continuing down the road, Sonata’s condition seems to be getting worse.
  265. “If something’s bothering you, you can tell me.”
  266. >”There’s no hiding anything from you, is there?”
  267. “Not when it’s this painfully obvious.”
  268. >”Alright. Ever since last night, I’ve been feeling all warm inside, and now that I’m alone with you it’s getting worse.”
  269. “W-What?! You’re not sick, are you?”
  270. >The last thing you want is vomit all over your car.
  271. >”No, I need you, Anon.”
  272. “Pardon me?”
  273. >“I want to please you, big brother!”
  274. >Not gonna lie, you’ve got a raging semi.
  275. “Please me? What do you mean by that?!”
  276. >”I think you know very well what I mean, Anon.”
  277. >Sonata motions to your now diamond-hard dick.
  278. “Hey, hold on a minute. We’re siblings, this isn’t right!”
  279. >”Anon, let me do this.”
  280. >Unable to do anything as you want to prevent a crash, Sonata, the littlest sister, starts undoing your zipper.
  282. >Your raging member is now face to face with her.
  283. >”W-Wow. It’s bigger than I thought it would be.”
  284. “Don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not.”
  285. >”Just take it.” Sonata has now started to suck your cock, moaning sounds of extreme pleasure.
  286. “Jesus, you’re good at this.”
  287. >She stops to take your length out of her mouth. “Thanks~”
  288. >Sonata now playfully kisses the tip of it, and continues.
  289. >A few minutes go by, nothing but exchanging pleasurable moans of ecstasy.
  290. “Sonata, I’m about to-”
  291. >”Mhmm” It seems she wants to swallow your semen.
  292. >After, one last push, your cum has now pooled inside of your dear sister’s mouth.
  293. “S-Sonata, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
  294. >”Of course I did. It’s my duty as your sister.”
  295. >She gives you one last kiss on the cheek before retiring to her seat.
  297. >Arriving at the inner city Mega-Mart fills you with a sense of determination and responsibility.
  298. >Sonata, who has been doing mindless dribble on her phone, abruptly takes in her surroundings at feel of the car stopping.
  299. >”Oh, we’re here already?”
  300. “Yeah, if you’d look up from your phone once in awhile, you’d see a lot more in life.
  301. >”Don’t talk to me like that, Mr. ‘Lived in his Bedroom During the Entirety of Freshman Year at High School.’”
  302. “Hey! That was a much different time.”
  303. >The both of you exchange a raspberries to show your affection/Harvard-level argumentative skills.
  304. >As your party of two enter the mart, Sonata grabs a buggy and returns to your side.
  305. “So I don’t think we need a list. We should have everything covered.”
  306. >”Alright, Nonny. I trust you.”
  307. >Sonata starts walking with you, calmly observing the store aisles. Somehow she’s become fascinated with just the sheer size of the store.
  308. >As you make your way past the “Buy Our Bullshit” section, you come across the fruits and veggies.
  309. >Deciding on what to buy, Sonata briefly pops out in front of you.
  310. >”How about some fruit, Anon? I know you love your bananas and oranges.”
  311. >Is...Is that a joke?
  312. “Was that some poor attempt at comedy?”
  313. >Your sister stops to ponder what you meant, when it suddenly hits her.
  314. >”N-No, Anon! You perv!”
  315. >Painfully, you sigh.
  316. “Alright, some couldn’t hurt. Besides, we haven’t had fruit in a while.
  318. >Grabbing the weird little fruit baggies, you grab a little bit of everything. Peaches, oranges, appas, grapes, and strawberries.
  319. >Wait, something seems off.
  320. “Sonata?”
  321. >”Yeah?”
  322. “Were apples always called appas?”
  323. >”No, I don’t think so.”
  324. >Pulling up your phone, you look up what ‘appas’ actually are.
  325. “Apparently some anime company partnered up with certain North American store-lines to promote the English dub for their anime.”
  326. >”Huh, what a weird marketing move.”
  327. “Yeah. Oh well, I’ll support the anime industry with these ‘Appas’ then.”
  328. >Recalling your old anime days, you remember the summer before your Junior year.
  329. >There was a fairly large county fair going on.
  330. >Checking out the convention hall, you spot an anime/vidya booth.
  331. >Spending about 40 dollars on shit mainly to put on your backpack to look cool wasn’t the best idea.
  332. >The thought of that makes you cringe back to reality.
  333. “Let’s keep moving.”
  334. >A little past the fruit, a section dedicated to entirely candy catches your attention.
  335. >The cheeky bugger is already there looking at you with longing eyes.
  336. >Before giving an answer, you decide to inspect the area a little.
  337. >Sonata, who has been following you ever so carefully, awaits your decision.
  338. “Sonata, do you want some candy?”
  339. >”Yah!”
  340. “Alright, but grab some for your sisters.”
  341. >After a while, she comes back with three evenly mixed bags of candy.
  342. “I’m surprised. I expected you to come back with a huge bag for yourself and two other itty-bitty bags.”
  343. >”Nonny, I might be clueless sometimes, but I’m not a meanie.”
  345. >A few aisles and a half full cart later, you start to wonder.
  346. >How long have the girls felt this way?
  347. >Surely, this couldn’t have been going for long.
  348. >Staring at Sonata, you realize something.
  349. >She was the most eager to be with you. The date, the affection, all of it.
  350. >Real, but why?
  351. “Sonata, I need to ask you something.”
  352. >”Is everything alright, Nonny?”
  353. “Sonata, I noticed something.”
  354. >”What is it?”
  355. “Why do you fall for me?”
  356. >”Excuse me?”
  357. “Ugh...I mean why do you like me the way you do?”
  358. >”Well...I don’t really know. I guess it’s all you’ve done for me as the littlest sister.”
  359. “All I’ve done for you?”
  360. >”Yeah, the way you’ve talked to me when I didn’t understand something, all the help with my homework, letting me be your player two in video games, and more. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me, Anon.”
  361. “You’re welcome, Sonata. One last thing. How long have you had this ‘crush’ on me?”
  362. >”You know, I couldn’t tell you for the life of me. I think it came around when I was about 15.”
  363. “Really? You were that young?”
  364. >”Yeah! I wanted my first boyfriend to be like you, if not that, you!”
  365. “Did your wish come true?”
  366. >“You bet it did.”
  367. >Sonata leaps up, wraps her arms around your neck, and holds you in a loving embrace.
  368. “Hold on, I’m your boyfriend now? Not only that, I’m your first?”
  369. >She slowly backs off awkwardly. “I mean, do you wanna be?”
  370. >You respond with nothing but a loving kiss.
  371. >If this is only the first day, imagine what could happen in a week.
  372. >That’s not even including Aria and Adagio. Oh, the fun is yet to be had.
  373. >A few seconds pass by before you release her from your grasp.
  374. >”Nonny...I love you.”
  375. “I love you too, Sonny.”
  377. >After a total of about an hour and a half, your shopping excursion is finally over.
  378. >Somehow, you actually spent almost 200 dollars on groceries.’
  379. >Leaves a hundred per date, give or take.
  380. >Feelsgoodman.jpg
  381. >Getting in the car, you take a second to admire the new relationship, and hold Sonata’s hand.
  382. >”A-Anon, what’s gotten into you?”
  383. “Just relishing in my happiness with my new girlfriend.”
  384. >Sonata, who has just turned a shade of lilac purple, smiles back at you and gives you a kiss.
  385. >”Maybe we could do more than just what happened in the car sometime.”
  386. “I’d be glad to.”
  387. >Exiting the parking lot of the store, a new sense of satisfaction overwhelms you.
  388. >This is gonna be seven grand days.
  390. “Girls! We’re home!”
  391. >”Hey.” The two left home greet back in unison.
  392. >Walking through the living room with more bags than you can handle, you can see Aria chilling on the sofa scrolling through her phone.
  393. >Adagio, on the other hand, has been watching some YouTube on the TV.
  394. >"There is a lot of information out there; there's even a word for it: infobesity. It takes a lifetime to even experience some of it.
  395. >”It's easy to think that everyone knows everything that you know, but every year more than 100 million new people are born and not a single one of them is born knowing that they are made out of atoms, or that black holes are awesome.
  396. >”Someone needs to be there to tell them. To show them. So, whoever you are, we're glad you're there."
  397. “Nerd.”
  398. >”Whatever, Anon. What’d ya get?”
  399. “The usual stuff, plus some whatever. Sonata! Give the girls their surprise.”
  400. >Adagio pauses her video, and Aria looks up from her phone.
  401. >”We’re back!” Sonata, and her somehow loud and vibrant voice make all of you wince in pain.
  402. “Sonata, we're right here. Try to tone it down a bit.”
  403. >”S-Sorry!” She quickly gives a small bow, and recovers.
  404. >What a strange girl.
  405. >”Nonny got us presents!”
  406. >”Oh really? What’d you get us?”
  407. “Just some candy.”
  408. >With a quick motion, the bags of the goods flies from Sonata’s arms, and land in the others’ laps.
  409. “Jesus, where’d you learn to do that?”
  410. >”I don’t know.”
  411. >This time, you and the other girls know what's about to happen.
  412. “Sonata, you're so weird.” All of you tell Sonata in unison.
  413. >After a moment of silence, the room erupts in laughter.
  415. “Ahh. So what are you guys up to?”
  416. >”What do you mean?” Adagio’s inquisitive look never fails to be adorable.
  417. “You guys got any plans for today?”
  418. >The girls look at each other, and just kinda stay still
  419. >An eerie silence fills the room.
  420. >Sonata, thank god for her near endless supply of joy, speaks up.
  421. >”Nope!”
  422. >The tension in the room seems to have finally stopped.
  423. [spoiler]>What kind of tension? I’ll leave that up to you.[/spoiler]
  424. “Well, it’s about noon, so let’s make plans.”
  425. >”Deal.” The girls keep talking in unison, and by now you should’ve gotten used to it.
  426. >You haven’t.
  427. “Alright, how about this. Let’s go bowling.”
  428. >”Bowling?!” Aria seems somewhat taken aback.
  429. “Yeah sure, why not?”
  430. >Aria, who’s now switched into a slight panic, starts freaking out.
  431. >”We can’t go there! It’s too cliche!”
  432. “I don’t think that’s the reason you don’t wanna go.”
  433. >”What? Of course it is, let’s go somewhere else.”
  434. >”Senza works there, doesn’t she.”
  435. >Dagi, who’s has been inspecting Aria’s behavior the whole time, has spoken up.
  436. “Senza?”
  437. >”Oh right, you don’t know her.”
  438. >”Senza is one of my best friends.”
  439. >Slowly retreating back to her seat, Aria plops down.
  440. “Who says this need to be a date?”
  441. >”What are you talking about?”
  442. “Can’t a brother just take his sisters bowling? If you’re good, we can even go and play some laser tag.”
  443. >Everyone’s face lights up.
  444. >This was a pretty good town you lived in, so things looked much better compared to a lot of places.
  445. >Your bowling center has an arcade AND a laser tag arena.
  446. >It’s pretty fuckin’ rad.
  448. > 30 minutes have passed, and everyone’s just sat down in the car to leave.
  449. “Do you guys remember that rapping game?”
  450. >”Yeah.”
  451. >Eh, two out of three is good enough.
  452. “Now here we are, just sitting in the car.”
  453. >You quickly turn the car on.
  454. >Sonata joins in on this song.
  455. >”I want you to show me if you can get far.”
  456. >”Now step on the gas,” Adagio says.
  457. >You’re pulling up to a stop sign.
  458. “Now step on the brakes.”
  459. “Alright, alright we had our fun. Now to actually get to the alley.”
  460. >A little while later, you all pull up to “Super Strikers Alley”
  461. “We’re here!”
  462. >Quickly piling out of the car, you all take a minute to take in the sight.
  463. >A grand building stands before you, it’s size never ceasing to amaze you.
  464. “Shall we?”
  465. >Entering the alley, the classic smell of everything hits you.
  466. >Walking up to the counter, you notice one of the girls quickly turn towards you.
  467. >”Hi, what can I-Aria?”
  468. >”H-Hi.” Aria’s voice appears meekly behind you.
  469. “I take it you’re Senza?”
  470. >“Yup! How’d you know about me?”
  471. “Yeah, Aria talks about you sometimes. Nice to meetcha, I’m Anon.”
  472. >You extend your hand for a handshake, and she gracefully accepts.
  473. >This has gone better than expected so far.
  474. >”So how can I help you guys?”
  475. “Just the four of us.”
  476. >A little while, and about 40 bucks later, you’re all at the lanes having a blast.
  477. >You guys decided to tournament, and now the grand finals are here.
  478. >Adagio was able to wipe the floor with the girls, but you were too.
  479. >After a fierce battle, you stand victorious.
  480. “Better luck next time, Dagi.”
  481. >You stick out your hand as a good sport.
  482. >Adagio hesitates for a second, then accepts the handshake.
  483. >The rest of the night was filled with arcade madness, and the pew-pew of your lazer rifles.

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables