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Cousin Babs Seed by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-06-17 16:56:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and you are trying to sleep in.
  2. >Things have been pretty hectic lately at college, and the weekend is about the only time you don't have morning classes.
  3. >Normally, sleeping in wouldn't be hard, especially since you have an entire house to yourself and don't have to deal with a roommate.
  4. >It's lucky that you got into Manehattan University, and luckier still that your Aunt and Uncle Orange are letting you stay at their mansion's servant quarters to save on tuition.
  5. >A small building off to the side of their home where they can house extra staff, though the few servants they actively employ year round usually stay in rooms within the main estate, so this place is empty.
  6. >It's nice and peaceful for your studies, and well worth the twenty minute commute to campus.
  7. >Well, most of the time, when your little cousin doesn't come bothering you, like now, for instance.
  8. >You finally crack your eyes open and peek out from under the covers to see her.
  9. >Babs Seed sitting on the edge of your bed, staring intensely at your TV as she plays a video game.
  10. >She was courteous enough to lower the volume so the bleeps and bloops aren't blaring, but still...
  11. "You used the spare key again, didn't you?"
  12. >"Yeaha," she answers around a mouthful of dry cereal she just pulled from the box beside her. "Ya need ta get betta games, cous, dis stuff is olda then me."
  13. "I like the classics," you mumble as you sit up. "What are you doing here?"
  14. >"Ma and Dad are still out afta that party last night, so's I decided ta come hang out with yous. It's afta noon, ya know?"
  15. >"I sleep in on Saturdays," you explain, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Don't you have newer games and 4K television in your house?"
  16. >"Ya, but I already beat all those."
  17. >You sigh and look her over.
  18. >She's in a loose, white tank top and very tight, very short, very inappropriate booty shorts for a girl her age that reveal far too much of her tan thighs as she sits cross-legged.
  20. >She's close enough to you on the bed that you can look down her torso, and through the baggy neck of her shirt, you can just glimpse her pink, mosquito bite nipples.
  21. >Coughing, you become aware of your morning wood.
  22. >Yep, definitely just morning wood that'll go down soon, and nothing else.
  23. "I'm going to the bathroom," you mumble as you slide out from under the covers and waddle over to the bathroom while doing your best to not let the girl see your tented boxers.
  24. >She grunts in confirmation, but doesn't take her eyes off the screen.
  25. >You make it to the bathroom, and stand over the toilet, staring down at your dick as it stares back up.
  26. "... Dammit," you grumble, pushing down on your cock with one hand while you lean the other against the wall and try to angle your pelvis down.
  27. >It takes a bit to get things aligned, then nearly a minute to coax urine through your erection.
  28. >After that, you take a breather and wait for your oddly persistent morning wood to deflate the rest of the way before you leave the bathroom.
  29. >Babs is where you left her, but now there's a small smirk on her lips as she continues to watch the screen.
  30. >"What took ya so long, cous? Had ta rub one out real quick or somethin'?"
  31. You sputter a bit before managing, "You shouldn't talk like that. Or even know about that stuff at your age."
  32. >She rolls her eyes.
  33. >"They already taught sex ed at school, and besides, with the sorta things my parents get up to, I'd have da be stupid not ta now about dat sort of stuff."
  34. "What's that suppose to me?"
  35. >You worry briefly just what your aunt and uncle have been exposing the girl to as she answers.
  36. >"Dat party they went to last night? It was one'a those swinger parties."
  37. "What?"
  38. >"Yep, they're prolly bangin' some strangers right now, and dat's why they ain't back yet."
  39. "How would you know that?"
  40. >She shrugs.
  41. >"Maids talk and don't always make sure no one is listenin' when they do. I hear things."
  43. "That... You shouldn't have to hear that sort of thing," you manage. "They shouldn't be doing that sort of thing when they have a daughter to look after and set an example for."
  44. >She snorts at this.
  45. >"First, I can take care of myself just fine; they don't have ta stop havin' their fun just 'cause I'm around."
  46. >She glances at you with a knowing smirk.
  47. >"And I don't think a perv like yous should be actin' all moral-like when ya got a stiffy from lookin' at yur cousin's chest."
  48. >Your heart rockets into you rib cage as you immediately go on the defensiveness.
  49. "I- I didn't- wouldn't- T-that was just morning wood, I always- every guy gets it."
  50. >She opens her mouth, but a bang from the TV and familiar downbeat tune plays.
  51. >"Ah nuts, that was my last life, too. Thanks a lot, cous."
  52. >With a huff, she quits out of the game and stands to put the controller on top of the system and turn it off.
  53. >While she does, she bends over more than she needs to and sways her hips back and forth.
  54. >Your eyes instinctively snap to her backside, framed perfectly by the hot pants to accentuate just how chubby, yet pert it is.
  55. >Babs might not have the full womanly curves of an adult, but puberty is obviously in the process of changing that, and it's also obvious that her parents don't ever let her want for good food.
  56. >"Hey, cous, I think yur mornin wood is comin' back," Babs suddenly says, making you jump as you notice her smirking deviously at you over her shoulder.
  57. >You avert your eyes.
  58. "Stop messing around, Babs," you grumble as you walk over to your desk wear your jeans are slung over a chair.
  59. >You force yourself to not look back in her direction as you slip them on one leg at a time.
  60. >"What? I'm just messin' with yous." she responds as you hear her feet pat across the hardwood floor and back to your bed before the springs creak. "If ya ain't a pervert, it shouldn't matter, right? Hey, check this out."
  62. >You pull the jeans up to your waist as you turn, and see Babs on the bed, chest against the mattress, balanced on one knee while her other leg is stretched out behind her.
  63. >The shorts are pulled tight by the position over the mound of girlhood, and you can clearly see the cleft in the middle.
  64. >"I call dis pose, 'Ya Might Just See Somethin',' what do yous think?"
  65. "Babs!" you blurt, face red. "What is wrong with you?!"
  66. >She giggles as she rolls over, propping herself up on her elbows.
  67. >"What can I say? Yur just too funny ta mess with."
  68. >She licks her lips and gives you bedroom eyes.
  69. >"Plus yur real cute when yur all flustered like dis."
  70. "Well, I don't appreciate it," you start, but get cut off.
  71. >"Ya sure about that? 'Cause ya seem ta be given my little show a standin' ovation."
  72. >You look down to see your fully erect cock straining against your boxers as it pushes out through your downed zipper.
  73. >Blushing, you force the traitorous member against your thigh and zip up your pants before storming over to the girl.
  74. >She watches you eagerly, then yelps as you grab her under the armpits and lift her up, feet dangling as you walk over to the exit.
  75. >"What are you-?" she starts, but you sling her over a shoulder to free a hand and open the door.
  77. >She stumbles when you place her down, and looks up with those confused green eyes just before you shut the door.
  78. "I'm I need to get ready for the day, and I don't need you getting in the way," you explain through the door. "Go back to your house."
  79. >"Really? Yur a real party pooper, ya know that cous?! I was just trying ta have some fun with yous!"
  80. >Through the anger, you hear a touch of hurt, and sigh.
  81. "Listen, when I'm ready, I'll come find you, and we can hang out, okay? Maybe go to the arcade or something."
  82. >"... Really?"
  83. "Yeah, really, just give me an hour."
  84. >"Okay! I'll go get ready!"
  85. "And enough of the weird stuff!" you quickly add.
  86. >"Yeah, yeah, sure thing, 'cause! I promise I'll be on my best behavior."
  87. >"You want to believe her, but somehow, you're sure you can somehow hear her fingers being crossed behind her back.
  88. >You sigh and step away to look at your room.
  89. >Eyes falling on the box of sugary cereal the girl left behind, you plop down and grab it, shoveling handfuls into your mouth.
  90. >You still need to take a shower, and after all this, it's definitely going to be a cold one.
  91. "Just what in the hell has gotten into that girl?" you wonder aloud.
  93. >She was always precocious, and ever since you moved in, wanting to hang out with you, but this was the first time in three months she ever...
  94. >Well, came on to you.
  95. >You can't think of any other way to phrase it.
  96. "I'm going to end up in prison before the day is through, aren't I?"
  98. >Meanwhile, Babs enters her room and runs to her computer.
  99. >She's practically vibrating in her seat as she sends the Skype call.
  100. >After a minute, she gets a response, and the blurry image of a red-head appears on screen.
  101. >She really need to get her country cousin a better webcam for Christmas.
  102. >"Babs?" the other girls starts.
  103. >"I got a date," Babs blurts out.
  104. >"Wow, really?"
  105. >"Yep! You were right! Anon was totally into it! Ya should of saw how hard he got!"
  106. >"I knew it! He might not act like an Apple, but Ahnon is one of us through and through! Ain't no how he can say no ta ya, and now yur gonna be proper kissin' cousins!"
  107. >"I hope we're gonna be more than dat," Babs says wistfully. "I can't thank yous enough, Bloom. Yur advice really helped."
  108. >"Ah shucks, I was just tellin' ya what I saw AJ do when any of our cousins come ta visit."
  109. >"Well, it worked."
  110. >"Good ta know. We're gonna be visitin' Braeburn over in Appleloosa next week, and I'm gonna see if Ah can get him into bed before Big Mac gets to him. He's a right cutie, after all."
  111. >"I'm sure ya won't have no problems with that," Babs encourages. "But listen, I gotta go. I only got one hour ta get ready for my date. Oh, what should I wear?"
  112. >"No panties, that's for sure," Bloom teases. "Well, good luck, cous!"
  113. >"Thanks! I'll call yous after ta tell ya how it went."
  114. >"Hopefully it won't be 'til the mornin' 'cause ya get so worn out."
  115. >"Ah stop it, ya perv," Babs chastises jokingly. "You're a bigger perv than Anon, you know that?"
  116. >"Hey, you're a perv, too!"
  117. >"Point, but really, I gotta go."
  118. >"Yeah, see ya."
  119. >With that, the call ends, and Babs makes her way to her closet.

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