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Celestia Mother (CYOA) by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-08-23 17:09:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anonymous Skies can you please come to the Principal's office."
  2. >bzzt
  3. >"Anonymous skies can you please come to the Principal's office."
  4. >yep that's mom
  5. >you aren't sure what she wants or what's more embarrassing
  6. >that you cause so much shit your own mom is punishing you
  7. >that she controls your behavior to a T
  8. >or your mom is forcing you to give her affection
  9. >usually it's the latter
  10. >this time you can't really be mad though
  11. >it's Mr. Doodle's class so anything that gets you out of said purgatory is a-ok with you!
  12. >"Dude is that.. snrk.. your mom?"
  13. >ahh snails
  14. >you wonder if he's calling you a momma's boy or he finally figured that yes.. the woman with the same last name was in fact your Mom.
  15. >you ignore the comment as you shuffle out of the room
  16. >a few students glancing at you as your exit makes a welcome distraction from Mr. Doodle's continuing lecture
  17. >as you wander down the hall you hear her voice again
  18. >"Anonymous skies, can you please... urrgh.. come to the *pant* Principal's office?"
  19. >that's odd
  20. >normally she'd' only ask twice
  21. >and she sounded panicked
  22. >you pick up the pace as you make your way past the teacher's lounge and weave past the wall of trophies which seemingly hadn't had a new addition since you came her
  23. >Hey it's not your fault the only sports you care about are Boxing and combat sports!
  24. >none of which were offered at the school
  25. >besides wrestling... that amount of skin to skin contact with sweaty unwashed guys and tight jumpsuits made you... uncomfortable
  26. >you shake the nightmarish thought as you go up to her office door and give a tentative knock
  27. >"DON'T COME IN!"
  28. >she screams
  29. >her voice sounds different but you can't place how
  30. 'Mom, it's me.'
  31. >you hear a surprisingly deep throaty sigh
  32. >it doesn't sound like a noise a human can make
  33. >"Oh thank goodness it's you Sunshine!"
  34. 'Uhh yeah... you called.. can I come in?'
  35. >you hear hard taps on the floor as a shadow darkens the door
  36. >"Before you come in sweetie, please, please, please promise me you won't freak out."
  37. >odd request though your mom could be an odd woman
  38. >'Mom I've helped you when you forgot to keep your clothes in the same room after you went.. cake diving. I can handle it'
  39. >there's a pause and another weird noise
  40. >"Sweetie... this is different. please just promise me."
  41. >you groan
  42. >this is annoying but more importantly you want to make sure she's ok
  43. >even if the problem is most likely mental
  44. 'I promise'
  45. >more hard taps
  46. >"Is-is anyone around?"
  47. >you take a look around the empty hallway
  48. >it's in the middle of second period and there's not a bathroom in sight
  49. 'Totally empty'
  50. >"O-ok."
  51. 'Can I come in now?'
  52. >"Yes."
  53. >she whimpers
  54. >now you're very concerned
  55. >you slowly grab the handle and open the door still looking behind your shoulder to make sure no one sees you
  56. >you get 3 fourths of the way done closing it when you turn to face mom
  57. 'Mom I'm starting to get worried what's goi.... oh."
  58. >instead of your mother, standing in front of you is a horse
  60. >a very pretty horse, expressive horse with a horn and wings but a horse
  61. >a horse that has your mom's hair, and is wearing her overcoat
  62. >sun badge and everything
  63. >"S-sunshine?"
  64. >a horse with your mom's voice
  65. >you've seen enough of the antics of Sunset Shimmer and 'The real ghostbusters' so you're used to all kinds of weird shit
  66. >but that was stuff that fiction at least prepared you for
  67. >singing vampires, and dragons and stuff
  68. >it shattered your sense of reality but it did make sense in a way
  69. >your mom turning into a horse did not
  70. >you think you might have stood there for a minute gaping at her in stunned silence
  71. 'Mom?'
  72. >she sighs one of those heavy horsey sighs
  73. >"Yes baby, it's me."
  74. >her long horse face looks at the ground dejected
  75. >time to ask the obvious
  76. 'Y-you're a horse!'
  77. >she brings a surprisingly soft hoof to your lips
  78. >"SHHHH"
  79. >you ignore this and mumble out much quieter
  80. 'Why are you a horse?'
  81. >she looks at you with panic in her eyes
  82. >"I don't know!" she hisses
  83. >at this point you have enough sense to close the door
  84. >"I was just doing some paperwork when a rainbow explosion happened! Then when I woke up I-I was.."
  85. 'A horse'
  86. >"Mhmm"
  87. >your now horsemom is clearly distressed
  88. >she's crying
  89. >even when she's a horse you can't stand to see your mother cry
  90. >she is also a very pretty horse
  91. >actually prettier than any horse you have ever seen
  92. >"Oh baby... I'm so sorry you had to see me like this but I just don't know what to do? If this is too *sniff* much I understand."
  93. >the waterworks are in full force
  94. >you can't let this happen
  95. >do you
  96. >A: Verbally comfort horsemom
  97. >:B: pet horsemom because she is soft
  98. >C :Call in Rainbow Dash and her mystery solving band to fix it because they probably caused it in the first place
  99. >D: Call Trixie because she's into this kinda stuff and probably won't make it worse
  101. >you sigh and cup your Mom’s muzzle with your right hand as the few tears not caught in her fur stream down onto your hand
  102. >she subconsciously leans into your hand as the crying starts to abate
  103. >god she’s soft
  104. >she’s like the softest, fluffiest thing you’ve ever felt
  105. ‘Ssssshhhh shhh it’s ok mom. You’ve been there for me since before I was born, helping you right now is the least I can do.’
  106. >her tears are reduced to sniffles
  107. >”Bu-but I’m a horse…”
  108. >you give her a sad smile
  109. ‘Yeah, but you’re still my mom.’
  110. ‘And I’m still your son’
  111. >the sniffing subsides as she leans further into your hand
  112. >you have to bend back a bit so she doesn’t skewer you with her horn
  113. >sooo soft
  114. >and her ears
  115. >they were all twitchy
  116. >you can’t take it anymore
  117. >you remove your hand from underneath mom’s muzzle
  118. >she shudders a bit clearly a bit unhappy with the lack of contact
  119. >this won’t be a problem at all in a moment as you immediately begin to rub one of her ears
  120. >just as expected, very soft
  121. >it was sturdier and less floppy than a dog’s ear so it was more the coating of fur that was soft
  122. >though the ear was moldable enough to tease
  123. >mom gasps
  124. >”Sunshine what are yooooooohhhhh.”
  125. >with a thud her now colossal rear lands on the floor as she begins to rub against your hand instinctually
  126. >”mmmmf”
  127. >she’s groaning now as her other ear twitches as she continues to try to push her head as close as possible to yours
  128. >not only is she now moaning
  129. >she’s sinking as her front end follows suit as she collapses into the floor knickering and making other cute horsie sounds
  130. >yes rationally you should be worried about this right now but she’s just too fucking cute
  131. >besides it’s a way to get back at all that embarrassing affection she gave you
  132. >every inopportune hug
  133. >all those times you fell asleep only to find her snuggled against you
  134. >all those presumably unintentional boob hats
  135. >she’s now on the floor limp and blushing
  136. >time for phase two of your plan
  137. >”Nonny.” She whines
  139. >you aren’t sure whether she’s objecting to this treatment or upset that you stopped
  140. >a mix of the two
  141. ‘I’m not stopping until I know you’re feeling better.’
  142. >she whimpers again clearly overwhelmed by the wonderful feeling of pets delivered by her beloved son
  143. >you gently push her onto her back and expose her tummy which you begin to scratch
  144. >the fur here is thinner and there’s a bit of pinkish skin showing
  145. >it also seemed that softness she had from a few too many cakes stayed with her in horse form so it was still nice and squishy
  146. >she’s purring and kicking her hindleg
  147. >do horses purr?
  148. >you don’t think so but horses don’t usually talk
  149. >or start out as human women
  150. >as you continue your affectionate assault you feel her wings begin to close around you
  151. >then you feel yourself falling headfirst into her chest as the bottom of her muzzle begins to furiously rub against your head
  152. >her front hooves awkwardly pawing at you in an attempt to hug you back
  153. >she’s basically given up resisting her big cuddly horse instincts
  154. >things have calmed down now as her wings stop flapping
  155. >”Oh my god sunshine? Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”
  156. >and now she’s back to panicking
  157. >note to self, intense unexpected snuggling of poners by loved ones sends them into a trance state
  158. ‘I’m fine mom, you just got affectionate is all.’
  159. >she looks around
  160. >now she’s blushing
  161. >”It’s just I felt myself… I felt myself lose control… I was so worried.”
  162. ‘Well I’m glad that you losing control just means I get cuddled into the floor.’
  163. >she makes an adorable horsie hmmph as her muzzle forms a cute little scrunchy pout
  164. >you manage to resist the urge to pet her
  165. ‘Ok… back to business I’m going to call some people who can hopefully help sort out… whatever’s going on.’
  166. >your mom freezes
  167. >”Don’t!”
  168. ‘Mom as much as I love you I’m not really cut out for dealing with this in any way besides emotional support.’
  169. >”But but what if they take me to be experimented on, or hold me in some facility? What if the same thing happened to Luna.. and there’ll be no one left to take care of you.”
  170. >you give her muzzle another stroke
  171. ‘I’m not calling the government Mom, I’m going to call Sunset. If anyone knows about freaky magic bulls-“
  172. >oddly cute glare from horsemom with a snort
  173. ‘stuff it’s her.’
  174. >she hooves at the floor nervously
  175. >”I guess you’re right sweetie but please don’t let anyone else no.”
  176. ‘Scout’s honor.’
  177. >”But sunshine you dropped out of the scouts before you made tenderfoot, remember.”
  178. he floor limp and blushing
  180. >you ignore that as you decide on which member of Goober and the ghost chasers to call
  181. >you can call two
  182. >A:Sunset Shimmer
  183. Pros: Most Magical, can be weirdly mature
  184. Cons: Your mom doesn’t trust her, hard to contact
  185. >B:Rarity
  186. Pros: Has cash and general independence
  187. Cons: won’t shut up, is prone to hysterics
  188. >C:Twilight
  189. Pros: Kiss ass, might be able to science your mom back to normal
  190. Cons:She’s your fucking stalker and autistic enough to do less than ethical experiments
  191. >D:Fluttershy
  193. Pros:Good with animals, wouldn’t be too weird for her to bring a horse to school
  194. Cons: Terrible with people, can barely talk to you
  195. >D: Ponka
  196. Pros:Is Pinkie Pie
  197. Cons: Is Pinkie Pie
  198. >E:Applejack
  199. Pros: Owns horses, has horse supplies, has brought a horse to school before
  200. Cons: Large tight knit family means that secrecy is going to be hard
  201. >F: Rainbow Dash
  202. Pros: Loyal?? Fast??
  203. Cons: There’s a reason she’s under ‘f’
  204. >G:Trixie
  205. Pros: Actually friends with you and will definitely respond, constantly pulls dumb bullshit where she larps as a wizard so she could easily say this a stunt
  206. Cons: Doesn’t know when to stop said dumb bullshit, people including your mom can get sick of her ‘excess charisma’
  207. >Z : Trixies communist girlfriend
  208. Pros: Sells drugs for cheap, probably has criminal experience
  209. Cons: Such a bad friend you wonder why Trixie even hangs out with her

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