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Mother Sunset Shimmer by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-08-30 16:40:30
Expiry: Never

  1. ”Sunset, I’m home.”
  2. >You call out as you step into the cozy apartment building you share with mom.
  3. >Cozy is her word for it, to you it’s just small.
  4. >Small enough that you might walk in on her naked if you don’t announce yourself.
  5. >Mom is sort of a “free spirit” that way, not really big on privacy. Or clothes.
  6. >She swears it’s normal where she grew up.
  7. >She might have mentioned a few times that if it weren’t for you being embarrassed about it she would spend the entire summer in the nude.
  8. >You drop your bag by the door and are kicking your shoes off as you wait for a reply. When it’s not forthcoming you try again.
  9. “Sunset? Are you decent?”
  10. >”Haven’t had any complaints yet!” she laughs through the bathroom door.
  11. >You’re already rolling your eyes as you enter the open common room
  12. >Normally the space is a chaotic mess of mom’s creativity and your school life; take-out pizza boxes, musical instruments, game console, paintings on canvas, dozens of poems and half-finished novels, and the occasional white board scrawled with mathematical or chemical formulas that spring from her mind at a moment’s notice
  13. >Now almost everything is packed away in boxes, stacked neatly against the walls.
  14. >A sobering reminder that soon the two of you would be going your separate ways.
  15. >”Hey Anon, how’s my special guy?”
  16. >Mom has popped out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower and wearing nothing but a long baby-doll T-shirt that’s hanging low enough to cover her bottom half.
  17. “Sunset.”
  18. >You begin adverting your eyes. Mom just looks at you confused
  19. “Pants.”
  20. >She finally seems to notice as she looks down at her bare legs and barely covered hips, then a mischievous grin spreads across her face
  21. >Instead of going back to her room mom extends her leg a step towards you, then bunching up the hem of her shirt in one hand she begins teasingly pulling the loose fabric up.
  22. “Whoa, h-hold on!”
  23. >You freeze up, suddenly mom yanks her shirt up above her waist, flashing you her black colored spats, the one with the weird ying-yang sun symbol over the crotch
  24. >”Ta-da! Hehe sorry kiddo, I’m in no-pants sort of mood today.”
  25. >You exhale sharply, relieved and annoyed all at once. Mom is giggling madly as she mock-poses like a swimsuit model, holding the shirt tightly in her hand above her stomach, proud to show off her flat athletic tummy any chance she gets. None of the other moms could do that.
  26. >She’s still laughing as she drops her shirt and walks briskly to you, wrapping you in a warm hug. You try to do your best to remain sour looking while awkwardly hugging her back
  27. >”Hehe, what’s the matter with you all of a sudden Anon?. You’re always so moody lately.” She teases you.
  28. >Maybe you had been acting different around her, but things were different now. You weren’t a little kid anymore
  30. >”Hmmm. You’re back early, aren’t you?” Mom remembers suddenly, looking up at you
  31. >”How did your date with that cute red-head go? What was her name again, Twist?”
  32. “It went fine.”
  33. >You lie
  34. “We hung out for a bit, but she still had a bunch of homework to finish, and I still have some things left to pack.”
  35. >You usually make a point of never lying to mom
  36. >Mostly because she has an uncanny knack for seeing right through you when you try to bullshit her, but this was one of those times that you weren’t in a feeling-sharing mood
  37. >Mom doesn’t say anything for a moment as she holds you, and even though her hands rubbing against your back feels nice you don’t enjoy having to lie to her face like this
  38. >”Oh, I see.”
  39. >You keep your poker face on as she pulls back from her hug a bit, smiling up at you reassuringly
  40. >”Well, you’ll be at University before you know it. There’s going to be plenty of time for girls and partying, and finding yourself. So don’t worry about it too much if things don’t work out with her, alright Sunshine?”
  41. >You don’t know how she does it, but you’re not going to give her the satisfaction of admitting anything tonight.
  42. >You nod as mom reaches up to tussle your bangs playfully before finally releasing you
  43. >It’s true that still had packing to do, but right now you’re not thinking about anything other than microwave pizza pockets and honing your skills in a few games of Bikini Warriors 9 before bed
  44. >You’re leaving the attached kitchen, plate of pizza-pops in hand, on your way to your bedroom when your attention is suddenly drawn back to the common room and you come to an abrupt stop
  45. >Mom is standing, rather, bending over in front of the flat screen and rummaging through a box of movies.
  46. >What’s caught your attention specifically however is that mom is oblivious to the fact that her shirt has rode up again, and her apple-bottomed ass is swaying on full display behind her
  47. >You should have looked away, or said something to make her stop.
  48. >Instead you stand transfixed for a long moment, taking everything in, noticing the little details
  49. >Like the way that the bottom point of her decorative star on her spats reaches all the way down, nestling almost perfectly between the puffy outline of her pussy lips
  50. >Or how when she squeezes her thighs the fabric bunches and puckers over her asshole
  51. >“Anon!”
  53. >Mom shouts out, nearly causing your heart to explode in your chest
  54. >You’re already trying to think of what the hell you can say to explain yourself, when you realize she still hasn’t noticed you
  55. >”If you’re not busy tonight, how about watching a movie with me? The DVD player is still hooked up.”
  56. >You take an extended pause to settle yourself, facing away from her shimmying hips, answering only when you’re confident that your voice won’t betray you
  57. ”Uh, sure Sunset. That’s fine, I guess...”
  58. >”Oh, good! It’s been too long since we’ve had a movie night, just the two of us. And I had the peeerfect idea.”
  59. “Wait, what movie... Don’t tell me it’s”
  60. >Mom whirls around on you with a twirl of her long red and blonde hair, her smile practically giddy as she clutches a worn dvd case of “Eat, Pray, Love” to her chest
  61. >You groan inwardly, already regretting your decision.
  63. >You’re already an hour into this shlock and you are trying to mentally distract yourself
  64. >At first by making a mental list of all the poor decisions you had made today to wind up here
  65. >Some vapid middle-aged woman played by Julia Roberts is on screen and talking about her spirituality, or finding herself, or something equally stupid and shallow
  66. >”Ah, I just love this movie...!”
  67. >Mom says breathlessly, oblivious to your suffering
  68. >You had started the film sitting at the edge of the sofa with mom in the middle, but it hadn’t been long before she had scooted over to lay against your chest and stretch her long bare legs out across the rest
  69. “You know, I could just sit on the floor if you need more room”
  70. You offer sarcastically, mom responds by snuggling up tighter against you and sighing
  71. >”No thanks, I like you just where you are Sunshine.”
  72. >A few minutes go by as you squirm in your seat to ‘adjust’ yourself
  73. >You’re trying your hardest to not draw attention to it, but all the extra warmth, and how good it feels is stirring life into your loins, and making this seating arrangement... tenuous at best
  74. >Mom turns slowly to glance up at you with those bright cerulean eyes, sending her long red and blonde hair spilling across your lap
  75. >”Hey... I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I? Do you want some space...?” she asks, searching your face as her smile wavers with concern
  76. “Nope.”
  77. >You lean back in your seat and cross your legs to conceal your growing shame, if mom was still having second thoughts you put them to rest by resting your hand on her waist, holding her close
  78. >Mom is satisfied with that answer, she wiggles her hips approvingly before settling back in to snuggle against you
  79. >You’ll just have to tough it out with anon jr. squeezed uncomfortably against your leg
  80. >You’ll make it up to him later
  81. >You don’t complain, mainly because you don’t want to hurt mom’s feelings
  82. >But you also just miss the days when the two of you could hang out together like this
  84. >Sunset was... well, maybe she wasn’t what most people would think a mother should be like
  85. >But she was your friend, and you knew she loved you more than life itself
  86. >And maybe if you were being completely honest with yourself, you liked having her here like this
  87. >The weight of her soft motherly figure pressed up against you, her warmth slowly radiating around you
  88. >Her feminine body scent mingling with her exotic show-horse brand of shampoo and conditioner
  89. >Okay, the shampoo was pretty odd, but it was just something distinctly “Sunset”
  90. >”Thanks, by the way.” mom says out of the blue
  91. >”For watching this with me. I know it’s not really a ‘guy’ film, but this one means a lot to me... I was your age when I first saw it, and it inspired me to get out and travel the world... In fact, that’s partly how I ended up having you.”
  92. “Sunset. Please, TMI”
  93. >She giggles but relents, sparing you any further details of her adventurous youth or which of the men she met along the way was potentially your father
  95. >You settle back into being quiet as the film nears its final act
  96. >You’ve long stopped paying attention to the screen though, staring straight ahead your mind is now making its own movie
  97. >The role of the boring washed-up actress is quickly discarded for a new leading lady
  98. >Sunset’s head imposes itself over hers, followed shortly by an upgrade to her breasts and hips to match mom’s figure
  99. >The blah blah blah is drowned out
  100. >The new leading man in your head film... he’s kissing Sunset
  101. >He’s stripping off Sunset’s clothes now as they kiss
  102. >Her blouse tears open, her skirt and panties dangling off one leg which hooks itself around his waist
  103. >You glance down at mom by reflex, she’s still smiling blissfully
  104. >The leading man in your movie tears Sunset’s bra off
  105. >He’s holding her against a wall as he takes her breast into his mouth
  106. >She’s gasping now
  107. >”Sunshine, we... we can’t. We’re-”
  108. >Sunset doesn’t get a chance to finish her thought
  109. >That man ignores her protests as he reaches between her legs
  110. >He inserts a finger inside her, she’s so slick already he meets with little resistance
  111. ”After all that teasing, and you think I’ll let you stop now?”
  112. >He taunts her, his voice deep and pitiless with repressed frustration
  113. >Mom hums softly, partially distracting you from your movie
  114. >Her cheeks look flush now in the dim room as she watches the climax of the film
  115. >Mom’s rubbing your leg softly now, but you focus on your own story
  116. >Sunset’s back is arched against the wall, her head thrown back and moaning helplessly
  117. >That man has taken his sweet time playing with her, his hand strokes her faster and faster until she can’t take it anymore
  118. >Then he slows down, letting her just enough time to cool off
  119. >Sunset is trembling now, she needs it badly
  120. >She no longer cares that what they’re doing is wrong
  121. >”Please...”
  123. >Sunset licks her lips, whispering in a desperate, dry voice into that man’s ear
  124. >”Sunshine... please.”
  125. >Your vaguely aware that real sweat has started to bead on your forehead and trickle down your neck
  126. >Mom is like a giant hot booby water-bottle pressed against yourself
  127. >Your shame-filled boner has made a return with a vengeance, pressed painfully into your leg
  128. >”Please... even if you can’t respect me as a mother ever again, I... I just need to feel you inside me...!”
  129. >That was all the encouragement that he needed
  130. >He lifts Sunset up by her waist, practically weightless he swings her around like a doll
  131. >He slaps her down against the bed, causing her to squeal and bounce
  132. >Where did the bed come from? Don’t remember, don’t care now
  133. >He grabs Sunset by the ankle, parting her legs in front of him
  134. >Mom looks up at you, she’s biting her bottom lip
  135. >Her eyes are wide, precious blue eyes filled with anxiety, with lust
  136. >Mom’s-
  137. >Sunset’s pussy is glistening from earlier, the flush pink flesh beckons to you
  138. >You rip off your pants with such force they practically disintigrate
  139. >Finally free from the painful confines of your pants, Sunset’s mouth drops in shock as she sees the real you
  140. >Hung like a horse that is
  141. >Mom suddenly bursts into laughter
  143. >You’re startled out of your day-dream, the scene, the actors vanishing
  144. >The real movie is already over, showing only credits.
  145. >What is mom laughing about?
  146. >She sits up on the sofa, waving her hand apologetically as she struggles to contain herself
  147. >”S-Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to... interrupt.”
  148. >What
  149. What
  150. >You stare blankly at mom
  151. >She’s still having a giggle fit as she holds her stomach in one hand
  152. >”Hehe, G-go on... You have me on the edge of the bed, and we’re about to-hehe, and then you’re snrk like a h-horse?! Bwahaha!”
  153. >You’re frozen to your seat in abject horror
  154. >The heat in your face and your loins has been drained away to be replaced with cool sobering reality
  155. >You want to stand up and run, but your body has already surrendered to death
  156. >Why
  157. >How
  158. >Also Why
  159. >Several terrible minutes go by without God answering you as mom gets all the laughter out of her system
  160. >She places a hand on your arm and rubs it reassuringly
  161. >”S-sunshine... I mean, Anon. We really need to talk. Or several talks now maybe, I guess. But the first talk should be about how me and all my friends have magic powers. Mine... happens to be mind reading.”
  163. >You are Anon
  164. >You are currently staying with friends until you can look mom in the eye without wanting to die
  165. >Or for her to stop reassuring you that she still loves you and that you don’t need to feel ashamed
  166. >But she thinks it’s a good idea for you to find a new girlfriend
  167. >University can’t come soon enough

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