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Twin Sister Sweetie Belle by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-08-30 16:56:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be anon.
  2. >Age 15
  3. >Sweetie Belle's twin brother.
  4. >You are busy helping clean Rarity's store while she was away until you heard the door open.
  5. >You turn to see who it is.
  6. >It's Sweetie.
  7. >She looks sad.
  8. >Is she crying?
  9. >She runs upstairs to the room you both share.
  10. >You decide to follow her up there to see what the matter is.
  11. >As you get up there you see Sweetie crying on her bed.
  12. >Her face in her pillow.
  13. >"I'm just as beautiful as she is.", she cries to herself.
  14. >You have no idea what she is talking about.
  15. >You decide to comfort her anyways by petting her head.
  16. >She raises her head up and looks at you.
  17. >"Anon...", she asks you, "Am I pretty?"
  18. "I assume so yes.", you reply.
  19. >"Anon I am serious. I want a real answer from you."
  20. "I can't really give one if you don't tell me why you are crying."
  21. >Sweetie began tearing up again.
  22. >"Anon... Rumble left me for Twist of all people.", she complains.
  23. >Ah so it's boy trouble.
  24. >"It's not fair Anon!", she continues on with her rant, "I want a boyfriend! Rarity has one! Applebloom has one! Scootaloo has one! Why can't I get one?!"
  25. "Maybe it's not something you should rush into."
  26. >"Anon! I'm 15 I should have a special someone by now."
  27. "So am I. But you don't see me complaining."
  28. >"That's because you don't want to search for a cute girl Anon."
  29. >She then placed her head back on the pillow.
  30. "Why do you want to have a boyfriend that badly anyways?"
  31. >Sweetie then pulled a book from underneath her pillow and handed it to you.
  32. >You decide to look at it.
  33. "'Romance at the Dawn of Autumn'? Isn't this one of Rarity's book from her private collection."
  34. >"I wanted something to read."
  35. "Fair enough... but what does this have to-"
  36. >"Read pages 125 through 135."
  37. >You were silent but decided to see what this was all about.
  38. >You read the pages to yourself.
  39. >It started off as a bland love scene.
  40. >It started to get a little steamy.
  41. >The descriptions how beautiful the man and woman were are now starting to get steamy.
  42. >It then leads to....
  43. "Sweetie are we even allowed to read this?!"
  45. >"I think we're old enough to.", Sweetie told you.
  46. >Your blush says otherwise.
  47. "Sweetie if Rarity saw you reading this you would be in big trouble."
  48. >"Doesn't matter.", Sweetie says as she laid on her bed with a defeated look on her face, "I can't even get a boyfriend who is willing to do that sort of stuff with me."
  49. >You wanted to be there for her but that comment made you want to stay away from her as well.
  50. "Should I just leave you alone for a while then."
  51. >"Yeah Anon you can."
  52. >You were about to leave now.
  53. >Letting Sweetie Belle deal with the bit of issues that she had.
  54. >Suddenly Sweetie got out from her bed and went towards you.
  55. >Holding your hand, preventing you to leave.
  56. >"Wait Anon.", she pleads, "Can you do me a huge favor?"
  57. "Umm sure. But I do need to continue cleaning up the shop before Rarity comes home tomorrow."
  58. >"It'll be quick I promise."
  59. >You sigh as she give you her famous puppy dog eyes.
  60. "Fine. I'll help for a bit. What do you need?"
  61. >"Anon I want you to be my Boyfriend.", Sweetie said with a smile.
  62. >Your eyes widen.
  63. >You did not hear what you just heard right?
  64. "I'm sorry what?"
  65. >"I want you to be my Boyfriend. Just for tonight."
  66. "S-Sweetie... I don't what to say about this."
  67. >"Please Anon. I promise once you are done being my boyfriend, I'll help you clean the store."
  68. >It sounded tempting.
  69. >You could use some help cleaning up the store.
  70. "Fine but I still keep all the money Rarity is going to give me after we're done."
  71. >"Deal.", Sweetie said as she shook your hand.
  72. >You were still unsure about this.
  73. >But again it help garuntees that the store gets cleaned.
  74. "OK so what do you want me to do now that I am your boyfri-"
  75. >Before you could finish, Sweetie immediately leans over towards to to kiss you on the lips.
  77. >After about a few more seconds Sweetie then lets you out of her kiss.
  78. >She blushes.
  79. >"Well... that's one step down for being boyfriend and girlfriend.", she says to you.
  80. >What have you gotten yourself into.
  81. >"Also your breath tastes like mints. Have you been chewing gum?"
  82. "Y-yeah.", you stuttered.
  83. >You were caught off guard by Sweeties's kiss.
  84. >Obviously she seemed very desperate to get a boyfriend.
  85. >But you agreed to do this.
  86. >It's to clean Rarity's shop.
  87. >You sigh.
  88. "Alright what's next on this boyfriend thing you need?"
  89. >"Umm..."
  90. >Sweetie then looked at Rarity's book again to get a good reference of what to do next.
  91. >She looked through a few pages before settling on one.
  92. >"Right. Anon take off your shirt."
  93. "What for?"
  94. >"So you can show off your well toned abs."
  95. "Sweetie I don't have abs."
  96. >"Well... I can at least pretend right?"
  97. "I guess."
  98. >"Good now take off your shirt."
  99. >You sigh as you start taking off your shirt.
  100. >Your beanpole of a body was not meant for this.
  101. >You take off your shirt.
  102. >Showing her your regular chest and non-muscular physique.
  103. >Sweetie tried her best to imagine some muscle on you.
  104. >"Anon this might work better if you take your pants and underwear off.", she suggested.
  105. "Excuse me?!"
  106. >"Please Anon. It's part of being my boyfriend."
  107. "I think you might be skipping a few steps."
  108. >Sweetie stared at you for a bit.
  109. >She then referred back to the book.
  110. "Sweetie I don't think that's going to help you out when it comes to relationsh-"
  111. >"Anon you're right."
  112. "Thank you."
  113. >"I did skip a few steps."
  114. >As soon as she said that she then began stripping in front of you.
  115. >Throwing all of her clothes off herself onto you.
  116. >You blush as you now see your naked twin sister in front of you.
  117. >She then gets on the bed and places the cover on herself in a seductive fashion.
  118. >Hiding her breasts and crotch with it.
  119. >She then looks at you with bedroom eyes.
  120. >"There!", she exclaims, "Now it's better right?"
  122. "Umm. Sweetie. I really don't think this is how it all works."
  123. >"Come on Anon. You're my boyfriend. Just get naked and cuddle with me."
  124. >You yet again sigh as you take off the rest of your clothes.
  125. >Revealing your just as average body to her.
  126. >Sweetie smiled as pat on the bed inviting you to on it with her.
  127. >You then do so laying right next to her.
  128. >"Anon... what are you doing."
  129. "Getting into bed with you. Like you asked."
  130. >"Not like that Anon. I need you to get on top of me."
  131. "Why?"
  132. >Sweetie was trying to think of a legit reason but found it hard.
  133. >She returns back to the book before giving out her answer.
  134. >"So you can lovingly dominate me."
  135. "Lovingly dominate you...."
  136. >"That's what the book says Anon."
  137. "Sweetie I don't think this is something we're supposed to do."
  138. >"Anon you're my boyfriend now. If I want you to lovingly dominate me, then you lovingly dominate me with all you heart and soul."
  139. >Sweetie seemed to be a demanding girlfriend.
  140. >Must be a girl thing in general.
  141. >You do as she says and get on top of her.
  142. >You were both about the same size.
  143. >You were just barely taller than her.
  144. >You both blush as you stare at each other.
  145. >Unsure if you are supposed to find this hot or not.
  146. >One thing is for sure though, her breasts are kind of cute.
  147. >Though that is kind of an awkward thing to think really.
  148. >Makes even more awkward when both of your genitals are barely touching each other.
  149. >You both continue to stare at each other in awe for a bit.
  150. >Looking at each other's body unsure of what to think.
  151. >"A-anon.", Sweetie finally said after all this awkward silence, "Aren't you going to go put it in?"
  153. >You were unsure about this.
  154. >But if Sweetie wanted this, you might as well give it to her.
  155. >You then take your shaft and begin aiming towards her snatch.
  156. >You prod her a bit.
  157. >Sweetie then moans a bit.
  158. >"A-anon... are you trying to tease me?"
  159. "N-no! This is my first time doing this this."
  160. >"Well this is my first time as well. Yet I know how to this better than you."
  161. "Well sorry for not studying up on this like you clearly did."
  162. >"J-just... hurry it up and put it in."
  163. "I-I'm trying."
  164. >You say as you then finally put your member inside there.
  165. >You both moan as soon as you enter her.
  166. >Pant a bit even.
  167. >You were both clearly unprepared for this.
  168. >You both stare at each other for a bit.
  169. >"Y-you gonna just stare at me or continue putting love into me?"
  170. "S-sorry. It's just. I never noticed how cute you looked."
  171. >"Oh...", Sweetie said with a blush starting to form, "Thanks Anon."
  172. "So should I start... you know."
  173. >"Oh yeah. You go ahead and do that."
  174. "Right... umm... here goes nothing."
  175. >You then give out a small thrust.
  176. >Sweetie then moans loudly.
  177. "A-are you OK."
  178. >"I'm fine... it's just... wow... I never thought It would feel so good."
  179. "Al-alright."
  180. >"How are you feeling Anon?"
  181. "M-mostly hot."
  182. >"Do I fell alright down there?"
  183. >You blush.
  184. >You're not sure what to answer.
  185. "Well it feels pretty tight down there. But in a good way I suppose."
  186. >"Oh... well I guess you can continue going then."
  187. "I guess."
  188. >"Alright."
  189. "I'll try to be gentler."
  190. >Sweetie blushes harder from what you said.
  191. >You then continue thrusting your hips into her's.
  193. >The grunts and moans begin to get louder with each thrust you make.
  194. >Watching her reaction to all of this was making it even cuter.
  195. >Was she always this cute?
  196. >Maybe?
  197. >You were always there with her no matter what.
  198. >Through the good times.
  199. >The bad times.
  200. >The sad times.
  201. >You were always there for her.
  202. >Maybe this was just something you were repressing but you were always happy just to help her out in anyway possible.
  203. >This situation though...
  204. >It felt better.
  205. >Sweetie seems to agree with the times she calls out your name.
  206. >After a while of thrusting you then pick her up.
  207. >Holding her closer to you as you both continue having sex.
  208. >Her legs and arms now naturally wrapping around you.
  209. >You both stare at each for a bit.
  210. "Sweetie...."
  211. >"Anon....."
  212. >You both then kiss each other.
  213. >Sweetie now bouncing and holding you tighter with each thrust you made.
  214. >After a while though you feel like you're going to explode.
  215. >"An-Anon... are you alright?"
  216. "Sweetie I think I am going to... I think I'm going to..."
  217. >You then moan as you then start filling her up with your semen.
  218. >Sweetie moaning even louder as the hot sticky fluid entered her body.
  219. >Sweetie even found herself having an orgasm as well as soon as you finished filling her with your seed.
  220. >After climaxing you both then start panting heavily.
  221. >You both let go of each other and lie down next to each for a bit.
  222. >"A-Anon... that was amazing."
  223. "Th-thanks."
  224. >"You're the best boyfriend ever..."
  225. >Just then she feels you now cuddling next her.
  226. >Your nude body next to her now relaxing and loving her at the same time.
  227. >Sweetie couldn't help but smile as she then returned the favor and embraced you.
  228. >"I love you Anon."
  229. "I love you too Sweetie."
  231. Epilogue
  232. >After an hour of resting and cuddling you and Sweetie end up finish cleaning the Carasol Boutique together.
  233. >Just in time as well.
  234. >Rarity surprisingly came home early that day.
  235. >She congratulates you for cleaning up and taking care of the store while she was gone.
  236. >As a token of thanks she gives you 100 bits for your hard work.
  237. >Rarity then continued to go to her room, intending to unpack and relax.
  238. >After Rarity left you then go up to Sweetie Belle.
  239. "Hey Sweetie you want to get a milk shake over at the Sugar Cube Corner?"
  240. >Sweetie was taken a back by your offer.
  241. >"You... you really want to spend your bits on me."
  242. "Of course. After all Sweetie I am still your boyfriend."
  243. >You then gave her a nice peck on the lips.
  244. "It's my job to take you on a date occasionally."
  245. >Sweetie blushed.
  246. >She then giggle.
  247. >"Anon, you really are a gentleman.", she tells you, "Of course I'll go on a date with you."
  248. "Well it's decided."
  249. >You then decide to inform your older sister.
  250. "Rarity me and Sweetie are off to get milkshakes on Sugar Cube Corner!"
  251. >"Alright Darling! Don't be late getting home!", Rarity calls out.
  252. >You and Sweetie then head off to Sugar Cube Corner.
  253. >Holding hands and nuzzling each other like a real couple.
  254. >Rarity watches from her window as she sees you two leave.
  255. >"Oh how adorable.", she says to herself.
  256. >Rarity then finishes unpacking.
  257. >"Well Rarity you have the whole house to yourself for now. Might as well take a few minutes to read one of the novels you bought."
  258. >Rarity then goes up to her secret book collection.
  259. >She then notices that one is missing.
  260. >"Hmmm... Where's 'Romance at the Dawn of Autumn'? I could have sworn it was over here."
  261. THE END

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