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[RGREqG] Sirens + Sunset Herd

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-09-06 20:07:27
Updated: 2022-08-19 02:09:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by someone in /RGRE/. No name was given. Lemme know if it's you and you want credit.
  3. >You are Anon.
  4. >And you are enjoying just relaxing at home with your girlfriends.
  5. >The girls call your relationship something different, depending on which one you ask.
  6. >Sunset calls it a herd while Adagio, Sonata, and Aria call it a pack.
  7. >You just call yourself the luckiest guy on earth.
  8. >Or wherever this backwards place is.
  9. >Sunset found you shortly after you ended up here.
  10. >You can't quite remember all the details, but it was something to do with being able to tell it wasn't actually butter and then you ended up here.
  11. >She told you how she was also a stranger from another world and it might be good to stick together.
  12. >Slowly your relationship grew and you became a couple.
  13. >Then one day she talked about expanding your relationship.
  14. >You were unsure at first but she kept dropping hints about adding a girl or two to your relationship.
  15. >Something about reminding her about home.
  16. >But finding a girl to share a guy in this world made them question their own femininity or something.
  17. >No big strong woman wanted to share her man here without looking like a cuck.
  18. >But then, she found some girls who were from her world too.
  19. >And after more than a little convincing on her part, those girls were open to the idea of a herd, pack, open relationship, or whatever this was called.
  20. >So you all started to live together.
  21. >And honestly, you have never been happier.
  22. >You just needed to take care of the home and their needs in bed and in turn they treated you like a king.
  23. >They insisted you not work, at least outside the home.
  24. >That wasn't a man's place they said.
  25. >Also, they said they were scared you'd leave them or be kidnapped if you went out without them.
  26. >They were each VERY overprotective of you.
  27. >More often than you care to remember, you had to hold one of the girls back from getting physical with someone.
  28. >But enough about that, right now you're sitting back and resting on the couch with Sunset laying her head on your lap.
  29. >She occasionally rubs her face across your crotch, taking a deep sniff and then nickering.
  30. >You found it odd at first, but then she explained she used to be a pony.
  31. >Then it got really odd, but you love her so you accepted it.
  32. >Now you're used to it enough that you just smile and brush her hair with your hand.
  33. >Adagio walks into the room with her sisters behind her.
  34. >"We need to go to the store," your poofy haired girlfriend said with annoyance in her voice.
  35. >A slight groan escapes you.
  36. "Which one did it this time?," you ask turning your head to try and see which of her sisters looked more guilty.
  37. >"Tell him what you did," Adagio says not unlike a mother scolding her child.
  38. >"I ate all the meat you bought for burgers and tacos," Sonata steps forward and adamantly states while looking at the floor.
  39. >You didn't hear the smoke detector, so that means she didn't try to cook again.
  40. >Which can only mean...
  41. "Ugh, Sonata... we've been over this. Eating raw meat isn't good for you."
  42. >"But it tastes so yummy," she whines.
  43. >"Babe, it's okay," Sunset mumbles from your lap.
  44. >"You know that we're built a little different than the rest of you humans. For them, eating raw meat is like you eating uncooked cookie dough," she says as she sits up and cuddles against you.
  45. "Or how you eat flowers?"
  46. >"No comment."
  47. "Well, a trip for more beef shouldn't be that hard to manage."
  48. >"And..." Adagio says, looking over at Aria.
  49. >Grump looks over at her sister and then to you before looking away.
  50. >"I ate all the ...una," she mumbles at the end while avoiding your gaze.
  51. "What?"
  52. >"Louder, so that he can hear you," Adagio says again mimicking a mother talking down to a child.
  53. >"I ate all the tuna fish, alright!" she says defiantly.
  54. "Alright."
  55. >You get up from the couch, much to Sunset's discontent.
  56. "Did anyone else eat and or use all of something to the point we need to restock it?"
  57. >The two other sirens look at their sister.
  58. >"The hair care supplies are running dangerously low," Adagio states calmly as if she wasn't the cause of that shortage.
  59. "Really? What about the stuff we just got last week?"
  60. >"That lasted the week, and now that the week is up I need more," she says brushing her hair with her hand.
  61. "We got that from Amarezon Subscribe and Save. It only comes once a month and it was supposed to last you a while."
  62. >"You do see this right? Do you know how long and how much product this hair takes to manage?"
  63. "Alright, alright, you made your point. We'll get you more hair care stuff. How bout you Sunset, you out of something too?"
  64. >"Oh, well I mean if you're going to the store anyway, I suppose you could maybe get some more sugar cubes if you don't mind," she says playing with her hair and avoiding your gaze.
  65. "Okay. Beef, tuna fish, an isle of hair stuff, sugar cubes," you say pointing to each girl as you say their wish list aloud before walking to the door.
  66. "So anyone want to come with me to the store?" you ask as you get your keys off the hook near the door.
  67. >Not that you didn't already know at least one would come with you.
  68. >"It's been a while since we all went out together. Why don't we all go. That way I can point out the brands I want," Adagio says, following close behind you.
  69. "Sure, the more the merrier. Everyone into the car then."
  71. >You walk into the grocery store with the girls right behind you.
  72. "Okay, Dagi, why don't you grab a cart and head to the hair care isle and start loading it up. I'll call the bank and take out a loan and meet up with you later."
  73. >"Ha, ha," she coldly replies and stands up on her tip toes to kiss your cheek.
  74. >"Till we are together again my love."
  75. >A smile immediately forms on your face.
  76. >Despite how she acts towards anyone else and the tough front she puts up, she is a softie on the inside.
  77. >She walks away, takes a cart and goes into the store first.
  78. >"Well then, I'm going to get a cart and get my fish," Aria says and starts to walk away too.
  79. "Ah, ah, ah," you call out which causes her to stop.
  80. >She turns and looks at you, knowing better than to raise a fuss about you stopping her.
  81. "Take a basket, not a cart."
  82. >You grab one near the carts and hand it to her.
  83. >She is disappointed but still wants the tuna so she takes it.
  84. "And try to get them in groups of five. It's part of their 5 for 5 deals this week."
  85. >She takes it and when she is close you kiss her cheek.
  86. >A blush immediately forms on her face and she puts her hand over where you kissed her.
  87. >She quickly heads towards the canned food isle.
  88. >She may be the strongest of the girls but she's also the most embarrassed of the girls when you give her affection.
  89. >You next turn to Sonata, who is currently looking between a cart and a basket.
  90. >"Which one can I use?" she asks excitedly while hoping up and down in place.
  91. "Sweetie, you know I love you. But I also don't trust you to get raw meat by yourself."
  92. >Her smiling bubbly expression deflates before your eyes.
  93. "You get to push the cart and walk with me as we shop."
  94. >As quickly as her smile disappeared, it came back.
  95. >She wraps you in a hug and runs to the cart and starts to use it like a scooter.
  96. >Sunset comes up behind you.
  97. >"Want an extra set of eyes to watch her?"
  98. "Yes please," you answer grabbing the coupons you brought as the two of you follow behind her.
  99. >The meat section is in the back of the store and you are able to see Adagio loading her cart and Aria putting cans into her basket and counting them out.
  100. >Shortly enough, the three of you are looking at the meats.
  101. >Some good prices and a nice selection.
  102. >Sonata is practically drooling as she looks at it all.
  103. >Finding some good packages you load up the cart.
  104. "I got this under control, why don't you get your sugar cubes."
  105. >"If you insist."
  106. >She grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze and smiles.
  107. >"I'll go check on the others when I'm done. Unless you want me to come back," you chuckle in response.
  108. "Nah, I should be able to manage here."
  109. >With your assurance, she leaves.
  110. >Sonata is comparing two packages of ground beef.
  111. >You see a deal on bacon, buy two get the third free.
  112. >Who are you to say no to free bacon, even if you have to buy two to get it.
  113. "Sonata, I'm going to get some bacon."
  114. >"Uh-huh," she replies, not looking away from the meat.
  115. >You'll only be in the breakfast meat section, so you'll still be able to see her.
  116. >She can't get in that much trouble.
  117. >Now let's see, which one looks the best.
  118. >Need to find the perfect meat to fat ratio.
  119. >"Care for a sample sir?"
  120. "Huh?"
  121. >You look up to see an employee of the store with a tray that has bacon on it.
  122. >"Would you like a sample sir? This is the new Cherrywood Smoked Bacon. Low fat too, in case you were wondering," she says with a wink.
  123. "Oh sure. Thanks."
  124. >You take one off the tray and give her a nod.
  125. >The universal sign of thank you.
  126. >You take a bite and can instantly tell it was made in a microwave.
  127. >Still, it might be good if you cooked it in the oven.
  128. >You're sure the girls would love-
  129. >SHIT, the girls!
  130. >You turn to where Sonata was and see her coming towards you.
  131. >Her expression changed from her usual childlike innocence to anger and rage.
  132. >All the while, her mouth is open the tiniest amount and you hear a high pitched sound like a dog whistle.
  133. >You only hear it because you are so used to it.
  134. >This won't end well.
  135. >"Hi miss, would you like a sample," the poor employee asks.
  136. >Sonata immediately grabs your arm while glaring at the girl and hisses while glaring daggers at her.
  137. >"He's mine," were the only words she said that weren't a growl.
  138. >The employee looks obviously freaked out and leaves.
  139. >Luckily no one else was around to see that and the sample girl doesn't know how close she came to death.
  140. >Sonata steps away and inspects you.
  141. >"Doesn't look like you're hurt, she didn't do anything or sexually assault you did she?" she asks while sniffing the air around you.
  142. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine. She just wanted to know if I wanted a sample of food."
  143. >You hear the sound of feet rapidly approaching, seeing the rest of the girls coming from their places in the store.
  144. >They all dropped everything and came running like they always do.
  145. >Adagio looked at you concerned, Aria scanned the area looking for a threat, and Sunset did a mix of the two.
  146. >"What happened," Adagio asks Sonata.
  147. >"I was looking at food and when I looked up, this girl was trying to snatch Anon. I called you but I was able to scare her off on my own. He's safe now."
  148. >The other girls look you over and also sniff you.
  149. >"You did the right thing," Dagi says, praising her sister and putting her forehead against hers.
  150. >"You see which way she went," Aria asks.
  151. "Look, it's fine, I'm fine. But that's been more than enough excitement for one day so let's get our stuff and head home."
  152. >You grab three random packs of bacon.
  153. >You want to get out of here before the employee decides to tell her manager about this.
  154. >Don't need to be banned from this store too.
  155. >Sunset and Sonata escort you back to the cart.
  156. >Your two bodyguards nod at the rest of the girls who respond in kind before going back to their stuff they abandoned.
  157. >"So what exactly happened," Sunset asks you.
  158. "I saw a sale on bacon, went to check it out and the lady gave me a free sample. That was it."
  159. >"I'll give her a free sample. Then why did you nod to her," Sonata inquires.
  160. "Because it's the universal sign of thank you."
  161. >"Or the universal sign of 'hey how you doing?'"
  162. "What? No it isnt."
  163. >"Babe, there are lots of meanings to nods. It all depends on the situation. We just did it to the others," Sunset says while patting your shoulder.
  164. >What the hell?
  165. >Has your whole life been a lie up to this point?
  166. >You push the cart down the bakery isle and find the sugar cubes Sunset dropped.
  167. >You grab her another pack too, just the same as how you didn't take out the extra meat Sonata put in the cart.
  168. >The girls earned it.
  169. >You see Adagio and Aria waiting at the registers for you.
  170. >You grab all their stuff and combine it with yours.
  171. >Luckily it's a guy who is working the register you're at.
  172. >Don't need another incident happening.
  173. >You hand him your coupons and membership card and pay him.
  174. >Luckily, money isn't an issue for your family.
  175. >You smile at the thought.
  176. >Sure, they may be over protective of you, but they honestly do love you just as you do them.
  177. >You pass the claw machine and the quarter machines at the exit and none of the girls even want to look at them.
  178. >This is really serious then.
  179. >The girls are surrounding you as you walk to the car.
  180. >You pop the trunk and start loading it.
  181. "So, how about we all have a snuggle pile when we get home? Would that break you out of this funk?"
  182. >They nod and keep looking at you.
  183. "Okay, let's head home then."
  184. >They may be much at times, but you wouldn't trade what you have with them for anything in the world.
  186. >You are Anon, but more important than that is its finally Friday!
  187. >Not that days really matter when you're a house husband.
  188. >Guess that part of you that worked still loves this day.
  189. >You've finished all the chores, the house is clean, and you've been off and on prepping dinner in the kitchen.
  190. >You try to make every day good for the girls, but really try on the weekend.
  191. >Nice big dinner Friday night and a movie.
  192. >And you already have the perfect one picked out for them.
  193. >You start sprinkling flour on the counter before getting the pizza dough you made this morning.
  194. >If someone would have told you five years ago that you'd be making homemade pizza for yourself and your girlfriends, you'd have called them crazy.
  195. >But here you are.
  196. >Not that you're complaining.
  197. >The only thing you love more than your pack, herd, or whatever the girls want to call this, is seeing them happy.
  198. >And they love your food almost as much as they love you.
  199. >They've said so as much.
  200. >So why not take the time to make them smile.
  201. >You finish stretching out the first pizza when Sonata comes into the kitchen.
  202. >She look at you and you can see a smile forming on her face.
  203. >She comes in and stands behind you, wrapping her arms around you in a hug.
  204. >"Hey there," she says as she kisses your cheek.
  205. "Hey," you respond kissing her lips.
  206. >She isn't the first one to come in while you're cooking today, and you wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't the last.
  207. >You pick up the dough and she reluctantly lets you go so you can place it on the pizza pan.
  208. "Dinner'll be ready in about a half hour. Know where the rest of the girls are?"
  209. >"Uh huh, Dagi and Aria are out in the pool, and Sunset is in the living room playing a game."
  210. >You rinse your hands before opening the fridge and grabbing a piece of pepperoni you have for the pizza.
  211. "Mind telling them to wrap it up and start getting ready for dinner?"
  212. >"Sure!" she says happily because she feels like she's helping.
  213. "Thanks," you say while throwing the pepperoni to her like a mini Frisbee.
  214. >She catches it in her mouth and closes her eyes while chewing it up.
  215. >The sirens all really love their meat, but Sonata really loves it.
  216. >She walks off and hums a melody to herself as she does.
  217. >You can't help but smile as you get back to work getting the second pizza ready.
  218. >You've learned from experience how much they all can and will eat.
  219. >With the second one stretched out and on the pan you get the sauce from the fridge.
  220. >You take a spoonful and start spreading it all over the two pizzas.
  221. >As you get the cheese, Adagio and Aria come in while finishing drying themselves off.
  222. >Their bikinis showing off their toned and, if you're being honest, sexy bodies.
  223. >Adagio closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in through her nose.
  224. >She has a contented smile on her face.
  225. >"I swear you're incredibly good at this. It smells like a restaurant in here," she says, still with that smile on her face.
  226. "Well thank you."
  227. >You lean down to kiss her as she stands on her tip toes to meet your lips with hers.
  228. "And as much as I love seeing you in your swimsuits, you should really get dressed. Dinner will be ready soon."
  229. >She puts her hand on the side of your face and stand on her toes again to kiss your cheek.
  230. >"Till then my love," Poof says as she walks back to the bedroom.
  231. >"It smells nice and I really like your cooking too," Aria awkwardly blurts out while playing with one of her ponytails.
  232. >She was always more socially awkward than the others.
  233. >The others adapted well to this life, but she never really let go of the thought that she had to be the muscle.
  234. >Dagi welcomed occasionally taking the back seat in making all the plans and not having to be in charge all the time.
  235. >Sonata was... well Sonata.
  236. >But Aria always thought she needed to be the tough one to protect her sisters.
  237. >But she was lost when everyone was safe and didn't need protection.
  238. "Well thank you very much. And I really like you in that swimsuit."
  239. >"Y-you don't think I'm too muscular or anything? I know Sonata and Adagio look much better than me. So it's fine if-"
  240. "Aria."
  241. >Your words call her back to reality.
  242. "You're not too muscular and you look great."
  243. >You kiss her.
  244. >Now she's really playing with her hair.
  245. >"T-thanks. I should go dressed- go get dressed, I mean."
  246. >She awkwardly walks backwards out of the kitchen while looking at you.
  247. >You chuckle and start spreading the cheese on the pizzas.
  248. >Sunset comes in as you're getting the meat from the fridge and has a similar reaction to Dagi.
  249. >"Hey babe. Smells amazing in here."
  250. >She steals a quick kiss from you when she sees you standing still. "Need a hand with anything?"
  251. "If you wouldn't mind, could you grab the plates and get some glasses ready?"
  252. >You proceed to put an ample amount of sausage and pepperoni onto one of the pizzas.
  253. >"Sure. Want me to find a movie too?"
  254. "No, I have one in mind. If you want to find out what everyone wants to drink, that would be a help."
  255. >"Okay."
  256. >She opens the cabinets and gets the plates and glasses.
  257. >You put the super meat lovers and extra cheese pizzas into the oven you've had preheating and get ready to make some garlic bread on the stovetop.
  258. >You spend the next few minutes checking the bread and moving the pizzas from the bottom rack to the top and top to bottom for even cooking.
  259. >Finally finished, you plate the garlic bread and put the pizza pans on top of the stove.
  260. "Food's ready girls," you call out while cutting the pizzas.
  261. >The girls come in and sniff the air again.
  262. >If it smelled like a restaurant when you were starting, it really smells like one now.
  263. >Dagi and her sisters go right for the meat lovers pizza while you and Sunset take from the extra cheese.
  264. >The others will take some cheese too eventually, they just want the meat one first.
  265. >Sunset and you both know not to get in their way during a feeding frenzy.
  266. >You carried your slice and the garlic bread while Sunset brought the drinks to the living room.
  267. >Everyone sat down on the extra large couch together.
  268. >You in the middle, Sunset and Adagio on either side of you with Aria next to her sister and Sonata next to Sunset tonight.
  269. >Someone turned on the TV and you bring out your phone and pull up the Disneigh Plus app.
  270. >"So what are we watching tonight? Sci-fi? Drama? Action? Musical?"
  271. >Sonata asks while trying her best to act out each genre she rattled off.
  272. "No, today it's an animated film. That new one that came out today. It's about a fish boy that turns human when he goes on land."
  273. >This caught the sisters attention.
  274. >You all cuddle together and enjoy a good movie, good food and even better company.
  275. >You watch their reactions anytime there is an underwater scene and they are enthralled.
  276. >They even stop eating while watching, which is saying something.
  277. >"It looks just like it..." you hear Dagi say.
  278. >It did look beautiful.
  279. >And it was a good movie.
  280. >Nice mix of comedy and storytelling with smooth animation.
  281. >But the sisters absolutely loved the water scenes and the ending.
  282. >"Good choice babe," Sunset whispers to you and plants a kiss on your cheek.
  283. >After the movie, everyone takes their plates to the kitchen and you start washing up.
  284. >Silence fills the kitchen except for the sound of dishes being loaded into the dishwasher and can feel a sense of almost melancholy in the air.
  285. "So how about we all head our back to the pool for a little after dinner dip?"
  286. >This perks the sisters up.
  287. >Everyone goes back to the bedroom and gets their swimsuits.
  288. >You may have looked at the girls getting ready a little longer than would be polite, but they all watched you putting on your trunks so you're probably even.
  289. >Everyone went outside and into the pool and it helped boost the sisters spirits some, but Adagio still seemed a little down.
  290. >You swam over to her.
  291. "Everything alright? You've been a little off for a while."
  292. >"It's, it's just the movie I guess. It looked so beautiful, so real. Just like I remember it being..." she says with a longing look on her face.
  293. >"But that was a long time ago. We can swim here. Even go to the ocean if we wanted. But we can't live underwater and see that again. We can't see our family again."
  294. >She sees the look of concern and sadness you're making.
  295. >"Don't get me wrong. I love you and the life we have here with you. But, I'm just sad remembering the past is all. The girls are too."
  296. >You sigh.
  297. "I know what you mean. I lost everything too. I had nothing but the shirt on my back when I got here. Then I met Sunset, and I was happy, but still sad at times."
  298. >She had a look on her face, as if her troubles were forgotten and she wanted to do everything possible to make your sadness go away.
  299. >It reminded you why you love her so much.
  300. "I may never see my family, friends, or anyone else I knew again. And that hits me hard even to this day. But I have you, Sunset, Aria, and Sonata here with me. To tell me that I'm not alone in this big scary world I'm a stranger in. And I'm here for you just like you are for me."
  301. >You turn and see Sunset, Sonata, and Aria have swam up to you and heard everything too.
  302. >The sirens eyes are a little watery and Sunset has a proud and genuine smile on her face.
  303. "I'm here for all of you. Just like I know you're here for me."
  304. >They all wrap their arms around you in a deep embrace.
  305. >You weren't expecting this to happen after picking the movie.
  306. >You hope you made them feel better, even a little.
  307. >And as for you, even after remembering everything you lost, you're reminded of what you have.
  308. >And that makes you feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
  310. >You are Adagio.
  311. >Relaxing in your home.
  312. >Your mate has gone out with the horse for some errands, leaving you and your sisters to your own devices.
  313. >Sunset may be an Equestrian, but Anon loves her as much as he loves the rest of you, and she has proven herself able to protect him so you don't mind as much.
  314. >Having a mate is incredible and you love him with all your heart, but it is nice to have time with your sisters again.
  315. >"Dagi, Dagi, Dagi!"
  316. >Speak of the devil.
  317. >"It's here!", Sonata yells while dragging in a large rectangular box.
  318. "Aria, help her out. She's scuffing the floor."
  319. >Your other sister, who was sitting peacefully on the couch next to you, rolls her eyes and gets up.
  320. >She walks over to Sonata and picks up the box with ease.
  321. >"What is this thing anyway?"
  322. >"Put it on the table and I'll show you," Sonata states gleefully while bouncing up and down.
  323. >Aria complies and carries it over to the coffee table and sets it down.
  324. >Sonata opens the box and unwraps a picture frame from the bubble wrapping.
  325. >"I'll be back for you later," your blue sister says looking down at the bubble wrap.
  326. >"I saw it online and just had to have it! What do you two think?"
  327. >She picks up a large framed picture, almost as large from side to side as she is tall.
  328. >It's a painting of a beach with waves crashing against themselves and the shore.
  329. >"It was kinda pricey, but I think it's worth it. I mean, we have the money right? So what d'ya think?"
  330. "Sonata..." you say, looking between her and the painting.
  331. "I love it!"
  332. >"Yeah, it really reminds me of home," Aria agrees.
  333. >"I know right?
  334. "Finally we cam add some culture to the walls here," you remark while scanning the walls for a good place for this masterpiece.
  335. "There, that wall will do. Good light and the eyes would be drawn to it, like they should. Aria, get the hammer and nails."
  336. >"Um, don't you think we should wait for Anon and Sunset to get back to help?"
  337. >Your bubbly sister trades her happy demeanor for a worrisome one.
  338. >"Yeah. I mean, Anon or Sunset normally do stuff like this. You know how he gets when we try to do household stuff."
  339. >Now Aria is giving you backtalk?
  340. "Well, hanging a picture isn't household stuff. It involves a hammer and nails so it is TOOL related. And thus falls under the category of women's work."
  341. >Your sisters look at each other and shrug, accepting your logic.
  342. >Sonata and you carry the painting to the wall while Aria gets the hammer and nails.
  343. >You both hold up the frame to find the best placement for it just as your other sister returns.
  344. "This is the perfect spot for this," you say as you put your finger on the wall where you felt the wire was.
  345. >Anon showed you how when he was nailing things to the wall before, so you know this is how you should do it.
  346. >Aria and Sonata slowly bring the frame down to the ground while you mark the placement with your finger.
  347. "Hand me a nail, a big one," you say, holding your hand out without looking back at them.
  348. >After some rustling around, you feel a large nail placed into your hand.
  349. >This will do nicely.
  350. >You place the nail where your finger was, like you saw Anon do.
  351. "Hammer," you say, still without looking back and it's placed in your waiting hand.
  352. >"You sure you know what you're doing?" Aria asks as you ready your swing.
  353. "Please. We've seen Anon do this how many times? If our mate can do it, the we should-"
  354. >A loud sound of the wall breaking interrupts you.
  355. >You look to the wall and see the tip of the hammer embedded into it, a good few inches away from the nail.
  356. >...
  357. >"I don't think that's how Anon does it," Sonata genuinely says.
  358. >"Should we-"
  359. "The frame will cover it up," you cut off Aria before she can finish.
  360. >Dislodging the hammer from the wall you get ready to try again.
  361. >This time with your eye on the nail and resigned to take smaller strokes with the hammer.
  362. >You finally get the nail hammered into the wall to a satisfactory length and step back to admire your work.
  363. "There, now we just need to put it on the nail. I don't see what all the fuss is about."
  364. >"Actually you-"
  365. "Shut up."
  366. >You grab one side while Sonata takes the other and lift the picture onto the nail before stepping back to admire your work.
  367. >"It does look really good there," Aria agrees with a rare smile.
  368. >You are about to pat yourself on the back when you hear the front door open, signifying your mate's return.
  369. >You can't wait to show him this!
  370. >Maybe he'll even offer to give you the ol' lickaroo tonight to show you how proud he is of your work.
  371. >"Anon! Come in here and see what we did!" Sonata calls out.
  372. >"That doesn't usually end well," Sunset whispers but you are able to hear her.
  373. >"Yeah, but they normally don't advertise they did something if it's bad," your love replies.
  374. >"TA-DA!"
  375. >Sonata presents the painting with jazz hands.
  376. >Aria, not wanting to be left out tries to awkwardly join in but somehow messes up jazz hands.
  377. >How do you point both palms away from him?
  378. >You, however, look cool and confident.
  379. >Such as the leader of the pack should.
  380. >"It's... uh..." the horse starts, clearly stunned speechless by the pure beauty of the image before her.
  381. >"It's really nice. And I can tell you all love it," he says, finishing her words for her.
  382. >"But, isn't it kinda big?"
  383. >"Big and expensive," Sonata innocently adds.
  384. >Not helping!
  385. >You turn and make a cutting motion with your hand over your neck, trying to get her to shut up.
  386. >Guys hate when women spend money on what they want; they think it would be better spent in the family pot or something.
  387. >He sighs and shakes his head.
  388. >"I suppose, if all of you like it, we can make it work. But please let me know about big purchases like this so I'm not surprised when I look over the credit card statements."
  389. >Sonata is giddy and smiling, Aria even cracks a smile, while you confidently beam at his words.
  390. >It wasn't the praise you were looking for, but you got to keep your painting.
  391. >"I'm surprised you didn't wait for me to help hang it up."
  392. "Pfft, please. You may be more of an exception to the rule of males, but we are women. And thus we know all about tools and hanging things on walls."
  393. >"Okay, okay. You did use a ghost though right? That thing looks really heavy," He says eyeing up your work.
  394. "Used a what?"
  395. >A loud crash comes from behind, with what you assume is the frame falling and hitting the ground with glass shattering.
  396. >Well fuck, can this get worse?
  397. >"Is that a hole in the wall?"
  398. >Fuck this horse!
  400. >You are Adagio.
  401. >Leader of your pack, herd, whatever.
  402. >Despite what your mate or that horse says.
  403. >It is early in the morning and you noticed the Equestrian was missing from your shared bed.
  404. >She is probably going to the bathroom, relieving the pressure on her bladder rather than chancing to wake the rest of her pack.
  405. >Not like you.
  406. >You were a strong and dependable siren and pack leader.
  407. >You'd never just get up to take the pressure off yourself like she did.
  408. >What time is it anyway?
  409. >You raise your head and look at the clock.
  410. >4:55?
  411. >By the sea, that is early.
  412. >...
  413. >You do kinda got to go too- NO!
  414. >You are the alpha siren, you can hold it.
  415. >But she has been gone a while.
  416. >You really should check up on her and make sure she's alright.
  417. >With the silence and swiftness of the tide, you skillfully get out of bed without disturbing your mate or your sisters.
  418. >The hallways are lit only by the early morning glow that creeps in through the windows... and the night light your mate put into the bathroom.
  419. >Of course Sonata is the only one who likes it, but you can appreciate a little extra light to see by, so you allow it.
  420. >She isn't in here.
  421. >Now where could she be?
  422. >While you're here, you might as well go too.
  423. >Not like you got up specifically to just go to the bathroom or anything.
  424. >You sit down and take advantage of the fact your pack sleeps nude.
  425. >Just need to make sure your hair doesn't go in the toilet again.
  426. >Your pack and the horse all appreciate being able to be nude, as Equestria intended.
  427. >This world and their weird taboos.
  428. >You have to wear clothes all the time, you can't form a pack, you can't use your magic to control the populous.
  429. >Fucking prudes.
  430. >Good thing your mate is fine with your sister's sleeping naked.
  431. >The horse enjoys being free of her clothes at night too.
  432. >And you can tell your mate really enjoys it to as his body gives him away.
  433. >If it weren't for these bodies getting too cold or the fact someone could come by the house to deliver something, you'd stay this way all day.
  434. >You finish your business, wipe yourself and continue your mission to find the horse.
  435. >Now you are invested in this sea dammit.
  436. >It isn't like she could have passed you or anything.
  437. >She wasn't in the kitchen, or the living room.
  438. >There isn't any movement outside in the pool.
  439. >Though now the thought of a early morning dip does sound good too...
  440. >No, that can wait till you find her.
  441. >You need to continue your search.
  442. >Maybe her gaming den.
  443. >You walk downstairs but don't see a light on, or even the subtle glow from her screen.
  444. >You do see a light shining from your dance studio/gym further down the way.
  445. >Slowly and silently you go to investigate.
  446. >You peek around the door frame and see her on a yoga mat with her face down and ass up in the air.
  447. >"A... little... more..."
  448. >She relaxes the pose a groans.
  449. >"Fuck that is harder than planking."
  450. "What are you doing?"
  451. >She jumps as you clearly startled her.
  452. >"Celestia's teats! You scared me."
  453. "Pay more attention to your surroundings prey animal. Now, what were you doing?"
  454. >"I couldn't sleep so I came down here to exercise."
  455. "Well, the weights are over there," you explain while pointing a thumb against the opposite wall.
  456. "That, whatever you were doing, was not exercising."
  457. >You point at her.
  458. >"It's called yoga. And it is," she says definently.
  459. "Maybe for men. But that is mainly to keep their figures and to make them flexible in bed."
  460. >You wonder if your love would be interested in taking up yoga.
  461. >Not that you don't love his body as it is, but the flexibility does sound fun.
  462. >"That one wrestler, Daisy Dallas Paige, has a whole yoga series, so don't be telling me it's unmarely."
  463. "That doesn't mean anything. Besides, males should be able to bend like that, not us females. Do you honestly think Anon would like you all bent over like that?"
  464. >"Bent over like what?", a voice says from behind you.
  465. "WHA-!?"
  466. >You jump as your mate surprised you.
  467. >He can be so silent when he wants to be, you'd swear he was part shark if you didn't know better.
  468. >"Whoa. Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya."
  469. "I wasn't scared. Just surprised you're out of bed. I thought you'd still be asleep."
  470. >"I was, but you know I can't sleep if two of you are missing. I got to used to it after all this time. But what's going on?"
  471. >Time to save face by pointing out how unfeminine the horse is for doing yoga to cover up your unfeminine display just now.
  472. "Oh nothing, except Sunset here doing yoga. Why don't you show Anon that pose you were doing just now."
  473. >"Oh, you have something new? Is it okay if I see it?" he says.
  474. >"Well, it isn't perfect, but here it is."
  475. >That's right, show off how unfit of a female you are for doing yoga in front of-
  476. >Wait, what?
  477. >Why are they both okay with this?
  478. >You see the horse go back into the pose and your mate looks intently at her.
  479. >He sees her naked every day, but you can tell he's undressing her with his eyes.
  480. >You can tell because he's looking at her how you look at him and undress him in your mind.
  481. >She breaks the pose and sits down normally.
  482. >"I'm still working on that one."
  483. >"It looks amazing! I'm so proud of you. And I really liked what I saw too."
  484. >Looking down at him, it is clearly evident he did.
  485. >"I can tell handsome."
  486. "Wait, did you know she does yoga? And you're okay with it?"
  487. >"Well... yeah. I mean she's been doing yoga for years now. Ever since that festival in high school you said, right?"
  488. >"Yeah, Rainbow got me into it," she responds.
  489. >"Remind me to thank her for that next time we see her."
  490. >"Besides, why shouldn't I be aware and especially supportive of my girls and their hobbies and interests?"
  491. >You don't have a good answer for that.
  492. >Now that you think about it, he always is supportive no matter who in the pack it is and whatever they do.
  493. >All while never judging.
  494. >Have you really been that blind to him being that way?
  495. >And it just makes you love him more, if that were possible.
  496. >"Anyway, how about you come over here and show me how flexible you are now," He more tells her than asks.
  497. >"Mmmm, now you're talking. That's a better wake up than coffee."
  498. >She stands up and walks over to him.
  499. >"You want in on this Dagi?", he asks.
  500. >Unlike the prudes of this world that have made sex hidden away and borderline embarrassing, sex is nothing to be ashamed about and very open in pack settings.
  501. >You're glad you have a mate that accepts this.
  502. "No, I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff right now."
  503. >"Alright. We'll be in the game room if you change you mind."
  504. >Your love kisses your cheek and leaves with Sunset.
  505. >How have you been this blind?
  506. >He's been this supportive of all of you no matter what it is.
  507. >There has to be a way to make it up to him.
  508. >You look down at the yoga mat.
  509. >Turning around, you make sure they left.
  510. >Once you're sure they left, you lay down on the mat and try to recreate that face down ass up pose.
  511. >This shouldn't be that hard to-
  513. "Ow ow ow ow OW! How the fuck does she do that!? And how did I pull my leg and back at the same time!?"
  515. >You are Adagio, leader of your pack.
  516. >Sonata has been in the kitchen for a while now.
  517. >You haven't heard the smoke detector yet so you aren't that concerned.
  518. >Aria and you are on the couch, relaxing and enjoying some television.
  519. >Your mate, Anon, is out with the horse for protection while shopping.
  520. >Can't have him being stolen away by anyone.
  521. >The show you're watching just went to commercial.
  522. >>"This Valentine's day, show him how much he means to you."
  523. >A picture of a well dressed woman approaches an equally well dressed man.
  524. >>"Give him the gift that will last a lifetime."
  525. >The woman gives him a box which he opens, and his eyes go wide and he smiles.
  526. >>"Give the gift, of diamonds. With dozens of special holiday choices available, starting as low as 500, you're bound to find the piece to say how much you love him."
  527. >An array of elaborate rings and necklaces are displayed on screen, some were even designed with hearts on them.
  528. >>"After all, diamonds are a boy's best friend. Come in to one of our convenient locations and ask about our Valentines collection. He'll be glad you did."
  529. >The commercial ends with the man kissing the woman and a map of the stores locations.
  530. >"Stupid humans. Needing to give expensive gifts to show their love," your sister scoffs.
  531. "Indeed, it seems men are easily distracted by shiny objects."
  532. >>"Come on down to Pizza Oven, and order your valentine a special heart shaped pizza. Book in advance, because reservations are filling up fast."
  533. >A new commercial with a chubby chef starts and shows a heart shaped pizza along with stock footage of couples.
  534. >There certainly are a lot of Valentine's day commercials.
  535. >Come to think of it, this is the first Valentine's you'll have with Anon.
  536. >Realization hits you like a truck.
  537. "Aria... what day is Valentine's day?"
  538. >"Huh? I dunno, why?", she says without looking away from the screen.
  539. "Because we need to celebrate it this year!"
  540. >"What for? We never did before," your sister says, proving she's more muscle than brains.
  541. "BECAUSE we've never had a mate before this year!"
  542. >"So what? Sirens don't celebrate that kinda thing," she says with a shrug.
  543. "No, but Anon ISN'T a siren. He's a human. A human male!"
  544. >It takes a while but the same realization hits her too and her eyes widen as well.
  545. >"Oh shit..."
  546. >The two of you bring out your phones.
  547. "Hey Alex, what day is Valentine's Day?"
  548. >>"Valentine's Day is February 14th," the robotic voice says from your phone.
  549. >That's tomorrow!
  550. >Fuck!
  551. >You don't have any time!
  552. >"What are we gonna do!?", Aria panics.
  553. "Calm down! We've been seeing commercials for this for a while. Now what were they all again?"
  554. >You go over the commercials you've seen over the last few days.
  555. "Chocolate, flowers, jewelry, fine dining..." you say as you count them off on your fingers.
  556. >"How much do we have left in the hoard?"
  557. "I don't know! Ever since Anon joined the pack and we all pooled our resources, he's been keeping track of those things."
  558. >"Deep blue sea, we are fucked!"
  559. "Never mind, we put everything on the charge card and pay it later. What do we get for him, what does he like?"
  560. >The two of you pause and think.
  561. >"He likes us, the horse, and..."
  562. >You look at her as she draws a blank.
  563. "We can't get him us for a gift. Come on, what about chocolate or jewelry?"
  564. >"I, uh, don't think I've seen him eat chocolate or wear jewelry."
  565. >Come to think of it, neither have you.
  566. "Well now is a good a time to start. Did you see anything good that he would like on that jewelry commercial. Maybe something that would match his eye color or something?"
  567. >"Oh, sure. And what is his eye color?"
  568. >She asks and looks embarrassed.
  569. "What the hell do you mean 'what is his eye color?' You see him everyday and you don't know?"
  570. >"I get embarrassed when I look in his eyes okay! He just looks at me with that loving and caring look and I just need to look away."
  571. >She never was one for really anything more than muscle so you aren't surprised.
  572. "Forget it, we're going to the mall and just look for anything Valentine's Day related and buy it. Let's get in the car."
  573. >"We can't. Anon and Sunset have the car and are out grocery shopping. And we can't leave Sonata alone AND cooking. Not again anyway."
  574. >You remember the smoke...
  575. >You hear car doors and see Anon with Sunset getting the groceries.
  576. >The door opens and you see your beloved walking in.
  577. >"We're home," he declares and walks towards the kitchen.
  578. "Sunset!", you whisper loudly towards her.
  579. >She raises an eyebrow, but walks over to you.
  580. >"Yes?"
  581. "Give me the car keys."
  582. >"Why?"
  583. "Because we need to go Valentine's shopping for Anon."
  584. >"And watch Sonata while we're gone too," your sister adds.
  585. "Yes. Make sure Sonata doesn't burn the house down too."
  586. >She just looks at you.
  587. >"You know you don't need to get him anything like that right?"
  588. >"What are you talking about? Of course we do. All the commercials say we need to buy him stuff, like diamonds or flowers and junk like that," Aria adds.
  589. >"Valentine's is a Hallmark holiday and Anon knows it. He just wants to relax at home and fuck all day if possible. I did get some booze at the store for some day drinking too," she says as she lifts the bag she's holding.
  590. >"But all the commercials, they said we needed to buy flowers, candy, and jewelry."
  591. >Your sister looks confused.
  592. >"Maybe for guys normally from this world. But he came from a different world, where men are the dominant gender and women there are like men," the horse says.
  593. >You recall something like that being said before about his backwards world.
  594. >"Trust me. This isn't my first Valentine's with him. We just take it easy and enjoy each other's company. If you want to do something nice that's fine. Sonata is making brownies for example."
  595. >Is that what she's been doing in there?
  596. >You walk towards the kitchen and see Anon and Sonata next to each other laughing and he kisses her cheek.
  597. >"My advice, give him something from the heart. Find a special way to tell him you love him. Maybe you can sing him a song or something. Me personally, I'm going to dress in frilly underwear a drag king would normally wear because it drives him wild. I'm willing to debase myself for my man because I love him so much," she says with a smile.
  598. >"He loves you as much as you love him. And I know how much you love him."
  599. >It's true.
  600. >You love him with all your soul.
  601. >When you were alone in this world, yearning for the adoration of the masses. It felt good to have people adore you because of your songs you charmed people with, but it was empty.
  602. >When the horse came to you with the offer of joining her and Anon, you originally planned to hypnotize them too.
  603. >But, he cared for you all without needing to sing to him.
  604. >He adored you, loved you.
  605. >And you love him.
  606. >And that meant more than any hypnotized feeling of adoration ever did.
  607. >A smile forms on your face.
  608. "Thank you Sunset. For everything."
  609. >"Heh, of course. That's what herd sisters do."
  610. "I'm still not going to dress like a dyke though."
  611. >Sunset laughs again.
  612. >"Suit yourself. It drives him wild seeing me dressed up for him. You know it's not my thing, but he can't keep his hands off me. Food for thought," she says before walking into the kitchen leaving you in the hallway with Aria.
  613. >You look down at your phone and pull up Amarezon.
  614. >You do a search for sexy underwear and are surprised they have same day delivery.
  615. "Hey Aria... what size are you and Sonata?"
  617. >You are Adagio.
  618. >Enjoying a day at the Equastria Fair with your pack.
  619. >Personally, you would have never have considered going to something like this before you met your mate.
  620. >Before you only tolerated being around people just long enough to take their energy and to hypnotize them for your own gain.
  621. >But Anon said it reminded him of his own world.
  622. >And for your love... you would move the very seas if he asked.
  623. >So of course you would tolerate some annoying humans if you could see your treasure smile.
  624. >He puts up a strong front, but you know he misses his old home.
  625. >"Nonny, Nonny, Nonny! Look, look, look! Cookie dough on a stick, and deep fried bacon on a stick! Can we get some please?", Sonata practically begs.
  626. >"Okay, okay. Come on then. You want anything Dagi?", your beloved asks.
  627. "I'm fine my darling. Just keep an eye on her for me. I'll just sit down here and rest," you say as you play with the ring, embedded with four gems signifying your pack sisters, on his finger.
  628. >"Okay- oh I gotta go catch up to her now. Back in a bit."
  629. >He kisses your cheek and goes running after your idiot sister.
  630. >You watch as he darts through the crowd to catch up.
  631. >"Don't worry," Aria says calmy.
  632. >"Yeah, we'll keep an eye on them," the Horse says.
  633. >You close your eyes and can't help but smile.
  634. >With these two with them then you won't need to worry.
  635. >As they walk off you take the time to try and enjoy the sights of the fair, for his sake anyway.
  636. >People watching is a fun way to kill time.
  637. >By the sea is it hot.
  638. >Looks like a lot of people are in agreement, seeing how they're dressed in shorts and skirts.
  639. >Some guys are showing excessive skin.
  640. >That one guy is wearing super short shorts and a no sleeve shirt that is so low cut you're pretty sure you can see one of his nipples.
  641. >The slut...
  642. >Anon would never wear anything like that.
  643. >Your jewel is as pure as an untouched lake in the early morning.
  644. >He doesn't need to wear next to nothing to get attention.
  645. >He can be wearing nothing in the comfort of your own home and you'll gladly give him all the attention he could ask for.
  646. >...
  647. >And now you want to see him naked.
  648. >"Hey! You eyeing up my guy?", a girl next to the slut says.
  649. >"Yeah, she was babe. I could feel her eyes on me."
  650. >You scoff at the accusation.
  651. "Please, you're embarrassing yourself. If you dress like that AND get the attention you were looking for and then get upset about it then there is something wrong with you. But hey, who am I to tell you how to handle your low self-esteem. I don't have experience with that myself."
  652. >"The fuck you say cunt? Beat her up babe," the slut barks at her.
  653. >"Relax sweetie. She's just barking; it's a thing bitches do when they encounter an alpha."
  654. >You can't help but chuckle at the alpha comment.
  655. >"I mean, look at her chest. Like she could snag a man with an ironing board like that. She's probably a kissless virgin who belongs to the itty bitty tittie committee."
  656. >You openly start to laugh at the two.
  657. "Really? You think chest size is needed for sex? I may be flatter, but my mate loves me and my chest. I get more sex in a week than you probably get in a month."
  658. >They look uncomfortable, probably not used to anyone talking back to them.
  659. "My mate is off getting something on a stick to eat right now and I'll be enjoying him later tonight, maybe this afternoon too. And based on what I see on you little boy, I have nothing to be envious of. So enjoy your stick while I enjoy a tree trunk," you say while pointing at his crotch.
  660. >"Babe, you going to let her say that?", the now flustered boy says.
  661. >The girl looks between him and you.
  662. >You get yourself ready to beat her if she decides to be stupid.
  663. >"Everything okay here?", your mate says from behind them.
  664. >He is flanked by your pack sisters.
  665. >Sunset and Aria seem to pick up on the situation while Sonata is eyeing up her treats.
  666. >The pair seem to get the idea and the girl pulls her boy by the arm.
  667. >"Come on. This ain't worth it."
  668. >"Babe! You need to beat them up."
  669. >"And you need to shut up you stupid dick!"
  670. >"Oh, you are so not getting any of this now!"
  671. >They argue as they walk away.
  672. >"So what was that all about?", Your beloved says as he walks up and embraces you in a hug.
  673. "A slut dressed like an attention whore and got annoyed when people paid attention to him."
  674. >You smile looking between him and Aria and Sunset.
  675. >That smile turns to a frown when you see Sonata eating one of her foods from a stick.
  676. "Thanks for all your help there."
  677. >She pulls out the stick from her mouth without the food on it.
  678. >"I was working on finishing this off. I didn't want to waste the food if I ended up having to stab them," she says while thrusting her hand with the sharp stick out.
  679. >You just remembered why you don't leave her unsupervised with scissors.
  681. >You are Aria.
  682. >You're at the fair Anon wanted to go to.
  683. >It's okay, as far as these things go.
  684. >Not like you have experience with fairs or anything.
  685. >You think you might have sang at one with your sisters at one point, but never walked around one.
  686. >Sonata is stuffing her face, Sunset is obsessed with the animals, Adagio almost got into a fight and Anon is being cute.
  687. >Everything is the way it should be.
  688. >You're fine so long as everyone else is happy, that's your job.
  689. >"You there young miss," a voice calls out.
  690. "Who, me?"
  691. >"Yes you. Step right up and try your luck and win a prize."
  692. >You look up and see oversized stuffed animals.
  693. "No thanks," you tell the woman working the game and wave her off.
  694. >"Don't you want to show off and win a prize for your cute boyfriend there?"
  695. >You look at Anon who is talking with the rest of your pack.
  696. >At that time you notice a lot of guys walking with their girls with stuffed animals in their arms.
  697. >A thought flashes in your head.
  698. >>"Oh Aria, my big strong protector! How can I thank you for this stuffed animal that your sisters couldn't win for me."
  699. >>You smile at your handsome man, "Think nothing of it. Seeing you smile was worth it all."
  700. >>"Can I at least give you... a kiss?"
  701. >>"If it comes from you, I'd gladly accept it."
  702. >>He wraps his arms around you and leans in to kiss you.
  703. >>On the lips!
  704. "Hehehe~"
  705. >You giggle to yourself and wipe some drool from your lips.
  706. >"Uh... miss?"
  707. "Huh? Oh yeah, one please," you say pulling some money from your pocket.
  708. >"Just stand behind the line and toss the ball into the bucket. It's that simple."
  709. >The lady running the stall hands a ball to you.
  710. >At this time the rest of your pack is on your side.
  711. >"I never thought you would be playing games Aria. Here I thought it would be Sunset," Adagio states.
  712. >"No thanks, I've learned my lesson with carnival games," she replies stoically.
  713. >"Uh babe?"
  714. "Yes Anon?"
  715. >"You know this is a game about finesse, not strength, right?"
  716. "Please, how hard could it be?"
  717. >You overhand throw the ball into the bucket and it lands square in the middle.
  718. >Finesse he says, you're all about strength and finesse.
  719. >It hits the center and bounces out.
  720. "WHAT!?"
  721. >"Oooooh, so close. Want to try again?"
  722. >You reach into your pocket.
  723. >Anon grabs your arm.
  724. >"Hun, this is a scam. You need to throw it just right or else it hits a spring they have in the back and it bounces out. Save your money."
  725. "O-okay."
  726. >You walk off with your pack and look at all the other games and prizes.
  727. "I'm going to try that one then."
  728. >"Let's skip it. The gun never cuts the star all the way out."
  729. "That one?"
  730. >"You have to balance your body perfectly while climbing the rope ladder."
  731. "That one?"
  732. >"It's a pay to play and you end up needing to spend like 20 to get something worth 2."
  733. "The bottles?"
  734. >"They weight the bottoms so they never really fall off the stand."
  735. "Ring toss?"
  736. >"NO!", Sunset screams.
  737. >With that, you're dejected.
  738. >How are you supposed to win Anon something at this rate?
  739. >"Hey, how about that?", he says, pointing at a chin up bar.
  740. >You all walk over.
  741. >"Step right up, hang from the bar and win a prize! You there miss, look like you want to win a prize for your handsome boyfriend."
  742. >Can she read your mind?
  743. "Yes!"
  744. >"Then come on up. Hang from the bar for a minute and pick your prize."
  745. >Easy enough.
  746. >You dig through your pockets again and get some more money.
  747. >"Hang however you like. If you let go or touch the floor you lose."
  748. >You jump and grab the bar and start to hang.
  749. >"A very confident lady. Come and see folks, how easy it can be."
  750. >A crowd starts to form, but your eyes are locked on Anon.
  751. >"30 seconds left folks, can she make it?"
  752. >The woman running the game says and walks behind you.
  753. >"45 seconds passed, 15 to go," she says and puts a hand on your shoulder and pulls down.
  754. >But you don't budge.
  755. >She seems surprised.
  756. >"My... that's some grip you got there. Doesn't look like you've even broken a sweat."
  757. >Is this supposed to be hard or something?
  758. >"And that's time. But since she did such a great job folks, how about double or nothing. You stay up another minute and I'll double your prizes."
  759. >If one prize would make Anon swoon, then two prizes...
  760. >"How about if she stays another minute she gets her money back and a prize?", Anon calls from the crowd.
  761. >"I see your boyfriend is very confident in your ability. Tell you what, I'll take that deal. I can only lose, but we're having fun here."
  762. >Another 30 seconds pass and you are still fine.
  763. >Can humans not do this kinda thing?
  764. >"Look at this folks, she's still going. And look at this strength."
  765. >You feel her grab your shoulders and pull down again.
  766. >"Mind not hanging from my girlfriend?"
  767. >Was she hanging from you?
  768. >Could barely feel it.
  769. >"So sorry sir, just trying to show how strong she is."
  770. >The worker tries to laugh it off.
  771. >"15 seconds left. How about we see her do some pull-ups the rest of the time folks?"
  772. "Heh, sure."
  773. >The crowd watching cheers.
  774. >Anon smiles and shakes his head.
  775. >If it'll make him smile.
  776. >You start pulling yourself up for the remaining seconds.
  777. >"And she's done it folks. Two whole minutes with some pull-ups too at the end."
  778. >She leans in towards you.
  779. >"And not even a broken sweat. Some people might say you were cheating," she says, leering at you.
  780. >"Cheating? Like pulling on a contestant and trying to make her fall?", Adagio says confidently as she walks up to you.
  781. >"And if she is able to hold herself up, and you at the same time without breaking a sweat, would that really be someone you want to pick a fight with?", Anon points out.
  782. >She looks nervous.
  783. >"Fine, pick your prize."
  784. >"I'll take the giant shark, and the money she paid to play as promised," Anon adds.
  785. >"Dammit..."
  786. >She hands you your money and the giant shark to Anon.
  787. >"Take it and never play here again."
  788. >Anon walks next to you as you he hugs the oversized shark.
  789. "So all I am is the muscle huh? Is that why you wanted me to play that game?"
  790. >"No, I wanted you to play this game because it had the stuffed shark I wanted. The other prizes sucked."
  791. "You wanted the shark?"
  792. >"Of course. It reminds me of you, my monster of the deep blue sea."
  793. >He puts his hand on your cheek and turns your head towards his.
  794. >He then puts his lips on yours.
  795. >Kiss, that's what he did, on the lips!
  796. >Why does your brain not work well when Anon kisses you... or is nearby?
  797. >He pulls back and smiles.
  798. "Mmmmmm~ deep blue sea..."
  799. >"Aria always does that when Anon kisses her," Sunset says.
  800. >"Yes. She gets to be as smart as Sonata when that happens," Adagio adds.
  801. >"Thanks!"
  802. >"I don't think that was a compliment."
  803. >"WHAT!? Adagio that's too mean!"
  804. >You love your pack.
  806. ~~~Time Skip, Apparently~~~
  808. >You are Anon.
  809. >Currently on vacation with your wives and kids.
  810. >You're with the kids at the water park section of the resort you're staying at, minding them.
  811. >Well, all except your oldest Adagietto.
  812. >She's with you, but you never need to worry about her.
  813. >She doesn't cause trouble in the conventional kid's way.
  814. >More of a "she's too smart and almost like a grown up in a kids body" kinda trouble.
  815. >You watch as your two other girls are playing in the water. Adagietto is in the water too but at the ready to help one of her sisters or brother.
  816. >You're waiting for your wives to get back with drinks and lunch and keeping an eye on the little ones swimming.
  817. >Just in case the underpaid lifeguards don't catch something happening.
  818. >Your wives have felt it okay to leave you with the kids.
  819. >They believed it was a natural deterrent to women trying to snatch you away.
  820. >That and the kids love you.
  821. >"Daddy! Daddy! Look at me!"
  822. >"No Daddy, look at me!"
  823. >Your middle daughters, Arietta and Sonatina call out from a side by side slide.
  824. "I see you," you say with a smile.
  825. >They practically jump down the slide and race towards the bottom.
  826. >A huge splash erupts and you prepare yourself for the inevitable question.
  827. >"Daddy, did I win?"
  828. >"No, I won right Daddy?"
  829. "I think it was a photo finish. Too bad I didn't have a camera. So let's call it a tie."
  830. "Well you could always try again."
  831. >"Race you to the top!"
  832. >"No fair, wait for me!"
  833. >You scan the water for your other two.
  834. >You see your youngest, Red Sky, looking hesitantly up at the slide.
  835. "Hey buddy, wanna go on the slide?"
  836. >He turns and looks at you and shakes his head.
  837. >You look at Adagietto, who nods immediately.
  838. >"Hey, wanna go on the slide with me? I'll hold your hand while we go down together."
  839. >"Okay."
  840. >You smile.
  841. >She really is like a little adult.
  842. >You watch as they climb the stairs and hold each other's hands.
  843. >Your other two wait for them to go up before they try to again.
  844. >They know better than to cross Adagietto.
  845. >You watch as they slide down. Red does that kid scream as he goes down, but starts to giggle when he gets to the bottom and his big sister is laughing too.
  846. >You remember when they all met Red for the first time.
  847. >Adagio took her daughter by the hand and pointed to her newborn brother and said 'Apart from your Daddy, he is the most important man in the world.'
  848. >The girls took that to heart and have looked out for him since he was born.
  849. >"Did you see Daddy?"
  850. "I sure did buddy! That was amazing."
  851. >It's these little moments that makes life worth living.
  852. >"Ugh, look at that guy. He's got all those kids."
  853. >"Yeah, and he's younger too. He must have started in high school or something."
  854. >You hear two guys voices from behind you, talking loud enough that you could hear it.
  855. >It was fun while it lasted.
  856. >Of all the grownups on this trip, at least it was you who heard it.
  857. >But then there's the kids.
  858. >"Hey Daddy, are they talking to you?"
  859. >"Yeah, they're talking and pointing at you."
  860. >That caused them to laugh.
  861. >You stand up and are about to turn when Arietta stomps through the water towards the guys.
  862. >"Hey! You shouldn't point and laugh at my Daddy like that."
  863. >This actually stuns the pair of hecklers.
  864. >They must not have thought anyone would say anything to them.
  865. >"Yeah, you need to stop before our moms get here and beat you up," Sonatina adds.
  866. >She meant well, but it just caused the pair to laugh.
  867. >"Did she just say 'moms'? Like more than one?"
  868. >"No way, so the guy is easy AND sleeps around."
  869. >The pair laugh again.
  870. >You turn and are about to say something, maybe get in a fist fight.
  871. >Better than the girls straight up murdering them for what they just said.
  872. >A strong little hand grabs yours.
  873. >Looking down, you see Adagietto with Red by her side who looks like he's about to cry.
  874. >All your daughters got some extra strength from their moms and if she wanted to, she could hold you back.
  875. >"It's okay Daddy, the sad people aren't worth it," she says smiling.
  876. >"Sad people?", one of them asks.
  877. >"Well maybe not exactly sad, maybe jealous or pathetic."
  878. >She also got a few other things from her mom too.
  879. >"I have a big family that loves me unconditionally and an incredible daddy and moms. You two, though, look like you don't have anyone and are just randomly going from one woman to another in a desperate hope one will say yes in a last ditch effort to stave off the loneliness that haunts your every waking moment."
  880. >They just stare at her.
  881. >"It must be lonely knowing no one really cares about you, sad even. Almost as sad as the fact you will probably die alone."
  882. >Their mouth are open and it seems to have caught the attention of other park goers too.
  883. >"Damn..." you hear a random woman say and start to chuckle.
  884. >The two awkwardly look around and decide it's best to leave.
  885. >Once they're gone, your kids hug you.
  886. >"Are you okay Daddy? Did they hurt your feelings?"
  887. "I'm fine sweetie. Thank you for being so big and brave for me."
  888. >"Everything okay here?" Sunset says, walking up with Adagio and the food.
  889. >Sonata and Aria are following shortly behind with the drinks.
  890. >"Mommy!", all the kids yell and run up to their respective moms.
  891. >"Everything okay?", Adagio asks as you walk up to Sonata to get your drink.
  892. "Just a couple assholes. Lil' Poof here told them what for," you say rustling her hair.
  893. >"They were being mean to Daddy."
  894. >"And you did a good thing," Adagio says.
  895. >"I would have killed them," Aria adds with a growl.
  896. >"Did you see what way they went my little shark?"
  897. >"Uh-huh Mommy, they went-"
  898. "It doesn't matter where they went. It's over. Let's all eat before the food gets cold."
  899. >"Okay... for now. Let's head back to the table and eat."
  900. >Family vacations have gotten more interesting since having the kids, for sure.

[AiE] Misconceptions

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[RGRE] Anon and Fem Discuss RGRE

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[RGR] One Night Stand and 'Rebound' Derpy

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[RGR] Gynecologist Anon

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[RGR] Tsundere Barbarian Pone

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