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Adagio Sister by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-09-07 01:09:04
Expiry: Never

  1. ...
  2. > What?
  3. ...
  4. > I don’t care, go away Anon.
  5. ...
  6. > You’ve made your choice.
  7. ...
  8. > No, we’re not having this conversation again
  9. .....
  10. > Anon it wasn’t about the damn carnival and you know it.
  11. .....
  12. > Cooking Lasagna is not gonna to fix this.
  13. ....
  14. > I’m not the one with the problem. If you can’t make time for your own blood then it’s clear where I stand in your life.
  15. ...
  16. > Shut up, I’m not done. Anon, it’s only you and me in this world.
  17. ....
  18. > I SAID I WASNT DONE. Sonata and Aria don’t count. Yea they're my friends but you are my blood. I love you Anon
  19. ......
  20. > No, you love her
  21. !!!!!
  22. > Like I said, go away. I’m busy
  24. !!!!
  25. > What? I’m getting dressed! Get out!
  26. ....
  27. > Yea I know I don’t wear make but tonight’s special.
  28. ???
  29. > I have a date of course. I don’t wear this crap when I’m around the girls.
  30. !!!!
  31. > Oh? Well sucks to be you I guess.
  32. !!!
  33. > Don’t like it when you’re the one being blown off. Wait you probably do when your skank does it.
  34. !!
  35. > I talk what I want about who I want and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
  36. !!!
  37. > And whats that?
  39. > Thank you. You all are way to kind. You know, I always didn’t make it here tonight. You know how jealous men can be.
  40. (chuckles from the crowd)
  41. > He too one look at me getting all pretty for you folks and suddenly decided I’m not going out. That he wanted me all to himself.
  42. (chuckles from the crowd)
  43. > But we wasn’t saying all that when he was off with his whore.
  44. (Oooooo from the crowd)
  45. > Now now it’s all right everyone. I’m not a woman scorned. More like a woman reborn
  46. (Small clapping from the crowd)
  47. > You see, I was always told you gotta kiss a man to hold him. Well I had to hold him just to kiss him.
  48. (Laughter from the crowd)
  49. > But a man like him, he didn’t know what he had till I walked out. Now he’s probably sitting home crying into his beer.
  50. (cough from the back)
  51. >.....Orrrrrr he’s decided to join us tonight. Sonata get a spot light on him.
  52. !!!!!
  53. > Heeeeeyyyy Anon, What brought you here? That thing you were messing with couldn’t handle you anymore? So you had to drag yourself back to Adagio?
  54. (Uproarious laughter from crowd)
  55. > Now everyone being nice. This is a classic club for classy folks like ourselves. And if he wants to be classy with us I say we let them.
  56. (grumble from the crowd)
  57. > Now since you are here, I got a little something I’ll sing. Just. For. You. Aria, if you please
  58. (Aria begins to play on the piano)
  60. >Hmmmm?
  61. .....
  62. > Oh I hope you’re not too upset about the song. I was just venting.
  63. ....
  64. > No need to apologize. I’m just glad you finally realize what’s important in this world.
  65. ...
  66. > So what happened?
  67. ...
  68. > Sure she’s not gonna be mad? I know how important she is to you.
  69. ...
  70. > Awww well aren’t you sweet. Are these flowers for me?
  71. ...
  72. > They’re nice but you’re still in the doghouse.
  73. !!!
  74. > It takes more than a few sweet words and a bouquet to charm this siren.
  75. !!!
  76. > Oh please like these idiots would find out. Look at them.
  77. ......
  78. > Yep all under my spell. For the most part. Gotta keep the doors in here open somehow right?
  79. ...
  80. > Well I can’t get them to give me all their worldly possessions. No gem after all. But I got just enough juice to keep them coming back.
  81. ....
  82. > Well I was always to smarter of the two of us.
  83. !!!
  84. > Ah be nice, Eder or not the bouncers won’t appreciate you touching me. Besides you don’t want to spoil my good time do you?
  85. ...
  86. > You maybe a bigshot back in Equestria but in my club your another patron.
  87. ...
  88. > Oh it is over, now are you gonna gawk at your sister all night or are you gonna by me a drink?

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