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Mother Rainbow Dash by Anonymous

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2021-09-07 01:25:42
Expiry: Never

  1. > The sun has set over the horizon
  2. > It was an hour later than Anon said he would be home by
  3. > And here you are, in the kitchen, remembering how to cook and trying to prepare a hearty stew for your son's arrival
  4. "Now this time it's over. I'm done with this shit for good" - you kept repeating to yourself
  5. > Last time you saw your son, he was incredibly disappointed, seemingly depressed
  6. > Feels like you haven't seen your only child for over a month now
  7. > You want to make his homecoming to be memorable, and made him his favorite meal for his arrival. You want to show him that you truly love him
  8. > As you bring the pot of stew to the dining table, the door has dinged
  9. > Nonny was home!
  11. "Oh hey, squirt! Wow, I haven't seen you in so long! I missed you so much!"
  12. > You said with tears in your eyes, as you went in for a hug, tightly wrapping your arms around him and closing your eyes
  13. > "Uh-h... yeah mom, missed you too. Now, may I b-breath please?" Anon said as if he was losing breath
  14. > Opening your eyes, you let out a raspy chuckle and unwrapped him from your clutches
  15. "Oh! Sorry, big guy. *sniffle* Come in, I made you something already"
  16. > "Made me something? Since when did you cook?"
  17. > You frowned, but shook yourself a bit to remind yourself to act positive for his sake
  18. > As you both walked into the house, Anon slipped out of his running shoes at the entrance to the home
  19. > Motioning him to the table, you went back to the kitchen
  20. > This time, you'll be the best mother for him
  21. > This time everything will change
  23. > Be Anon again
  24. > Planting your ass on the seat, you lazily drift your eyes towards your mother, who was leaving to get something from the kitchen
  25. > Then you noticed her outfit
  26. > She was wearing a surprisingly clean apron and a low-cut gray dress
  27. "What a weird outfit for a junkie like her"
  28. > You thought to yourself, twirling the spoon in the bowl in front of you
  29. > Although your mom didn't look like a random junkie, not even close. She was in her early 30s, looking relatively young, despite all the unhealthy amounts of alcohol and weeds she's been consuming
  30. > How she managed to save her figure for having been pregnant before and all this, the world will never know
  31. > She had a face that looked to be early 20s, and a body of someone who reached maturity recently
  32. > All the teens ogle at her, often mistaken Dash for your sister or girlfriend, to which you just turned bright and would try to ignore
  33. > You wish her attitude was just as attractive
  34. > Returning to the table with a ladle, she stated, "Sorry for the wait, heh-heh... I-I forgot where I put it."
  35. > Bending over the pot, she scooped the liquid and began to pour it into the bowl
  36. > You lazily glanced over your mother's loose dress, where you could see a good chunk of her b cup breasts
  37. > You really, REALLY should'nt feel this way
  38. > She began to pour into her own bowl, and when she finished, sat down on her seat, while you just stared at your favorite meal
  39. > When was the last time she did something like this? It felt almost nostalgic
  40. > "Ehem... h-hey Non, maybe you should drink it soon before it gets all cold and yucky" - she said, blowing on a spoonful before slurping it down
  41. > 'Yucky?'
  42. > You just groaned in response
  43. > What's gotten into her? Is she trying to be all touchy and feely with you? Well, she's clearly trying too hard
  45. > Slightly agitated, she spoke a bit louder
  46. > "H-hey, I spent 2 hours making this, you know. As well as more stuff for our first dinner together in like forever! Don't tell me you don't want it." - she said, ruffling your hair
  47. > But you didn't move for nearly 10 seconds, before sighing and lifting your head up a bit, placing the spoon in your mouth and drinking some of the stew
  48. > While at the same time Dash unleashed her apron from behind and placed it on her chair
  49. > And holy shit, did this dress was a bit too loose for her in certain areas. And by the look of it, she definitely noticed your incredibly bright red face
  50. > "Oh shi-... I mean, is it too spicy for you? Or did you get a fever while I was away or something?! I told her to get some medicine from... eh..."
  51. "It's cool, mom, it's cool. I'm not sick... I think."
  52. > The last part being under your breath.
  53. > This goddamn puberty and shit
  54. > Guess you finally can see why your older neighbors would make those obscene remarks
  55. > All those tales about hormones fucking with your brain felt much more real now
  56. > And being constantly away from your mother was definitely not helping it
  57. > The thoughts about your own mom started to get you uncomfortably hard, and you began to panic and sweat
  58. > "Uh... have you been doing alcohol, Nonners?"
  59. "Wha-what? I'm not... like..."
  60. > You stuttered, trying to look away and think of old people
  61. > You were getting hard from looking at your mom's cleavage, and she thinks you have been drinking while away
  62. > "I knew Scoots could throw something like this. Dammit!"
  63. "She's wasn't. I'm not drinking it, mom! Jeez, I can't believe it!"
  64. > You quicky glanced across the room, and bolted out of your chair to go to your room.
  66. "Whoa. Uh... what happened to my room? Moooom?!"
  67. > You inspect the area, taking in the transformation. There was a writer's desk, tons of clothes racks, paper filers, a half broken fax machine, and tons of documents sitting around
  68. > Almost nothing you had was there anymore
  69. > You can hear your mom quickly running up the steps, and she went behind you
  70. > "Oh whoops. Y-yeah, sorry about that. I'm kinda trying to get into this new job, so... yeah. B-but don't worry, I'll move everything back when I'm done!"
  71. > Somehow you felt angry. Felt betrayed by your own mother again
  72. > "And of c-course your stuff is still around, just not cluttering up m-mommy's work, heh..."
  73. > You were ready to ball a fist and hit her, but you knew better to hit a chick, let alone your own mom
  74. "Fuck this. I want to get back already"
  75. > "A-anon..."
  76. "Im going to the shower"
  77. > You grab some clothes from a rack that must've been yours before you left, and went towards the bathroom
  78. > As you were about to enter, Dash grabbed you by the left shoulder
  79. > Turning around, you saw your mom with tears in her eyes, and a half-assed smile
  80. > "N-non, y-you can use my room for the week, I'll sleep on the sofa. I'm sorry, squirt, I'll set everything back up for you. Just don't be mad with me, ok? I just missed you so much and I want to fix everything. So please... I..."
  81. > Loosening up and sighing before walking into the bathroom, you just took her hand in yours and slightly squeezed it
  82. > Screw it
  83. > You'll see if she truly mean it this time
  85. > As you walk out from the shower, you felt the clothes were far too tiny for you now
  86. > So on top of that she's actually tried to wash your clothes for once
  87. > Guess she's really serious this time
  88. > As you close the door, you can see your mom in your room grabbing some clothes, getting ready for her shower
  89. > Guess you owe to tell her something
  90. "Ok, Mom, I... you know, sorry for that. I'm not very bright sometimes. It's just hard, you know..."
  91. > Dash looked up, and smiled at you
  92. > "Y-yeah. I know."
  93. > Picking up the clothes, she walked over to you
  94. > "It's okay Non. I should be sorry. And not only for messing your room"
  95. "Yeah, yeah. I'm happy you're trying to get a job. And you don't have to sleep on the couch, you know."
  96. > "Oh! Does it mean you'll sleep with me?" - she lights up
  97. > That sentence took you off guard
  98. > Hard
  99. > "You know, my bed can fit two people, but only if we lay close" - she smiled and kissed you on the cheek, before jogging into the bathroom
  100. > You touch the mark on your cheek, and shook your head frantically as to prevent any ideas
  101. > Going into your moms room, you fell face first on the right side of her bed, loosely tucking yourself in
  103. > Waking up at around 3am you felt unexpectedly refreshed. Assuming it must've been from going to bed at basically 7
  104. > Looking around the room, you notice that the nightlight was on
  105. > And then you can hear light snoring to the right, your mom sleeping sideways and looking away
  106. > And then there's a slight stench from the alchohol
  107. > Fucking Dash
  108. > She always claimed that she couldn't sleep without it
  109. > So much for the promises? You can't really tell at this point
  110. > But then you remember that your mom was a very heavy sleeper when even slightly intoxicated
  111. > Sometimes you couldn't wake her, no matter how hard you tried to shake her body, it basically will took a vulcano eruption nearby to do it
  112. > But now she's completely out until the morning
  113. > ...
  114. > Until the very morning
  115. > Huh
  117. > Little Anon has a bright idea
  118. > An idea to get a little revenge on her
  119. > Was it because of the time, the lack of an actual meal, or you being horny, but you decided to move closer to your mom, and stretch your left arm over to feel what she was wearing
  120. > Starting from the top, you could feel she was wearing some thin, silky nightgown
  121. > Must have got it from her "business trips"
  122. > Feeling a bit adventurous, you then proceed rubbing a bit up and got to her round fit breasts
  123. > Now incredibly horny, you move your hand down to under the gown and going up inside the clothing until you reached what had to be her lingerie, you began to rub the loose fabric, which caused quiet moans from your sleeping mother
  124. > Using you right hand to go around her head, you dig in between the opening to her breasts, fondling both systematically while also rubbing her clit
  125. > Is this really happening?
  126. > You moved your morning wood over to her rump, and slid up and down through the crack
  127. > This caused you to shiver from pleasure
  128. > After about 5 minutes of the sloppy action, you push her body her to you, slamming her ass into your boxers as far as you can to feel her up
  129. > Through your pants, you could feel the outline of her crack much more clearly now, desperate to get in
  130. > Sticking it inside your mother?
  131. > Yeah, you can stop now
  132. > And as if like you've been thinking too loud, you noticed that she began to awaken from the sudden action, and quickly dashed your hands out from under her nightgown and moved yourself back to the original position and shut your eyes
  133. > Guess she went with much smaller dose before sleep
  134. > Rainbow jolted up from her aroused slumber, looking back and forth incredibly dazed
  136. > She was breathing heavily, and looked slightly confused
  137. > You dared to open one eye very slightly, to see your mom get up from the bed and hastily take off her nightgown
  138. > You can see her standing at the side of the bed with the light shone at her, your mom's near naked curvature
  139. > She was standing cross-legged infront of your view in just a lacy black bra and a very soaked black lingerie, with her hands desperately trying to cover herself in case her son wasn't sleeping
  140. > She looked down, and assuming you were asleep, started to scratch where it itches, accidentally letting out a muffled moan
  141. > "Oh shit..."
  142. > Oh shit!
  143. > She began to tremble, then staggered out of the room, while holding her crotch
  144. > Her gorgeously fit butt was plainly visible, then is dissapeared behind the door
  145. > For the first time ever, you wished she could drink some more
  146. > Because you still needed to rub one out
  147. > And you needed release like never before
  148. > And she was awake now
  149. > It's gonna be a very long night

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