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From Stalliongrad with Love (Updated 10/5/21))

By MisterAnon
Created: 2021-09-30 15:49:04
Updated: 2021-10-05 20:55:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >You’re so excited to finally meet him face to face!
  2. >You’re not one to express yourself overtly though
  3. >In fact, some would call you shy
  4. >Alright
  5. >So actually everypony would call you shy
  6. >Your name is Fluttershy afterall
  7. >But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t wait for the train to arrive!
  8. >Standing on the Ponyville Train Station platform is Rarity, yourself, and other ponies milling around waiting for the train’s arrival on this perfectly sunny day
  9. >The only thing you brought with you is a small box wrapped up in colorful paper, a gift for your guest
  10. “Thanks again for coming along with me, Rarity”
  11. >”Think nothing of it, dear! I’m sure your friend has plenty of luggage that magic would make easy to take back to your home. We wouldn’t want him to carry everything, first impressions are everything and it’s just the gentelmarely thing to do”
  12. >She smiles at you before continuing on
  13. >”What was his name again? I wouldn’t want to be caught at a disadvantage”
  14. “Anonymous, but he always said that I can just call him Anon. I’m sure you can too, he’s always been nice in his letters”
  15. >”I find it just awfully adorable how the two of you have been penpals since you were a filly and he was a colt, or rather whatever his species call the equivalent I suppose. Just how did you two find each other?”
  16. “My parents wanted me to start socializing more outside of the squirrels and moles at the park and thought that writing letters would be a small step. They put me in a penpal program and that’s how we found each other”
  17. >You still feel excited as a schoolcolt every month when one of his letters arrive
  18. >The two of you have shared much over the years
  19. >Stories of everyday life in Equestria and Stalliongrad
  20. >Records of you taking care of the woodland animals that come to you for help
  21. >You’ve also been writing to him about all the adventures you’ve been having as an Element of Harmony
  22. >He likes to read about those ones a lot
  23. >His letters are always a joy to read for you as well, filled with insights into life in Stalliongrad and his own struggles
  24. >Anon isn’t a pony
  25. >In fact, nopony knows what he is exactly
  26. >A patrol of Oktober Guardsmares had found him as an infant in the middle of a forest
  27. >It was the colonel of their unit that adopted him into her herd
  28. >He’s had troubles fitting in society but always tries his best
  29. >You like to think that maybe your tales bring him a bit of excitement to his life
  30. >You grin at the idea of him dainty tearing open an envelope to slide your letter out into his hands, smiling as he unfolds it and lays eyes on your careful penmareship
  31. >You’re roused out of that thought when Rarity speaks up again
  32. “My, my Look at you daydreaming! Do I perhaps detect a hint of romance in the air?”
  33. >Rarity smirks as your cheeks redden, your words getting increasingly flustered
  34. “O-oh no not at all! I d-don’t want him to feel uncomfortable, he’s going to be staying at my home while he’s here for the week after all!”
  35. >Rarity’s giggles
  36. >”I do apologize, Fluttershy, I’m just teasing you is all! You’re the last mare I would expect to force herself on a poor defenseless stallion, especially one as small as him. Or at least I presume he is from that picture you showed me”
  37. >The only time you both have ever shared a picture of each when you first started your relationship
  38. >You decided to send him, at the time, your newest school photo
  39. >You were still a filly back then, your hair long enough to cover one eye and your limbs were as thick as twigs
  40. >Also, braces
  41. >Urghh, why did you have to send him that embarrassing picture?
  42. >The next letter he sent to you included a photo of himself
  43. >He was sitting on the back of his step-mother, a large tough looking veteran with scars that ran deep into her fur
  44. >Rather than play the role of a stern colonel though, she had on the look of a proud mother, looking back at her little son with a smile
  45. >He was hardly half the size of one of her legs and was evidently small for a colt his age
  46. >He had no fur of his own, but was bundled up in an oversized coat made of fur that kept his small frame warm in the harsh winters
  47. >A traditional ushanka covered his head, but, similar to his coat, was two sizes too big for his head, subsequently covering both of his eyes as he laughed as his mother watched over him
  48. >You keep that photo preserved in a frame that you keep inside your desk, pulling it out whenever you start penning a missive to him
  49. >Both you and he promised that you’d visit each other one day and return the photos to one another
  50. >And today is that day!
  51. >”So tell me, what do you two have planned for the week he’ll be here?”
  52. “I’m hoping to show him all around Ponyville and introduce him to everypony. We already have visits to Applejack’s farm, lunch at Sugarcube Corner and other places thought out”
  53. >”Ah, don’t forget to bring him along to the boutique of course! I’m keen to learn more about Stalliongrad fashion through a firsthoof account, one can only learn so much from magazines. I’m sure there’s likely more than just fur and earthly tones to their wardrobes”
  54. “I could bring him over tomorrow. Today he probably just wants to rest after traveling for so long. I already asked all the animals at home to try and keep things quieter so he can take a nap”
  55. >”How considerate of you, as always Fluttershy. Well, as you know, if anything salacious were to happen, be sure to keep me in the know. This all reminds me of a romance novel. A young naive stallion comes to Equestria and a big strong pegasus takes him under her wing as they teach each other the language of love as it were~”
  56. >She punctuates her words with a sly wink
  57. >Before you can choke out more nervous denials of anything unseemly, you see a shape coming over the horizon and your excitement is reignited
  58. >The train is a bit early, but that makes the day even better!
  59. >The white puffs that leave the smokestack of the Friendship Express leaves a trail that is followed by passenger cars
  60. >With a harsh screech, the train stops and soon the doors burst open with a multitude of hooves and chatter
  61. >You scan the crowd for a familiar face
  62. >But find none
  63. >You see ponies, Minotaurs, Griffons, and even a Mule leave the train to stretch their legs, but not a hint of your penpal
  64. >After about 8 minutes the crowd gets smaller and smaller and you still haven’t found Anon
  65. >Soon it’s just you and Rarity on the platform
  66. >Rarity’s voice takes a concerned tone
  67. >”You don’t suppose he missed the train, do you?”
  68. “I really hope not. Maybe we should check with the conductor? She should know who was on it”
  69. >Before the two of you can trot to the booth, you feel a rumble below your hooves
  70. >Like a small localized earthquake that lasted only half a second
  71. >Then another tremble
  72. >And another
  73. >After some initial confusion, you finally realize something
  74. >They’re footsteps
  75. >Your eyes follow where you think the waves are coming from, the caboose of the train
  76. >A huge shape steps out from the door
  77. >It’s at least three times your size and is entirely covered in dark brown fur with a cap that juts out like the smokestack of the train, adding even more height to the figure
  78. >It stands on two legs from what you can tell and is facing away from you as it stretches large tree trunk like limbs
  79. >Just then, the old conductor follows the behemoth out from the caboose
  80. >”Thanks again for your assistance! Pains me to ask for help, but there’s no way we coulda known that Headlamp would throw his back out like that. You handled yourself great though and even got us here early!”
  81. >The voice that replies has a thick accent mixed with a deep baritone that almost makes it sing-song
  82. >The cheeriness in it is unmistakable though and would be apparent in any language
  83. “Da! I am happy to be helping the tired ponies. Shovel coal is not big deal! Goodbye Miss Conductor!”
  84. >”And a good day to you too, Anon! Stay safe on your vacation, you hear? Traveling alone as a stallion is no joke”
  85. >Wait
  86. >Did she just say Anon?!
  87. >The Conductor and the giant wave each other off as he turns around
  88. >You can see his face clearly now
  89. >You’ve never seen his eyes before
  90. >But you’ve often imaged what they’d look like
  91. >And your imagination was wrong
  92. >They sparkle more than you thought they would
  93. >The intensity of life in them only increases as he spots you
  94. >He runs towards you, his every step shaking the foundation of the platform as he continues to charge like a bull
  95. >Once he’s nearly on top of you, he roars out in joy
  96. >”FLUTTERSHY!”
  97. >You’re like a deer frozen in a spotlight as two thick arms wrapped in fuzzy fur lift you off from the ground and rocket you into his warm chest
  98. >The gift box you had for him uncermously drops onto the ground
  99. >He twirls around like an excited puppy that just got a new toy as he continues to hold you, his fingers digging further and further towards your wings
  100. >L-lewd
  101. >Even through his coat you can feel just how well defined his muscles are as your body is pressed into him in a display of intimacy you’ve never had with another stallion before
  102. >And the smell
  103. >Urff
  104. >He must have been wearing perfume earlier, for your nose is assaulted by a floral scent that’s been intensified by the sweat from shoveling coal apparently
  105. >Your senses are overwhelmed and your mind can’t come up with anything to say
  106. >Luckily you don’t have to
  107. >Anon still doesn’t let his grip around you go as he holds you out, your faces only about two feet away from each other
  108. >”Hello, is very good to see Fluttershy! Fluttershy is much bigger than I make believe!”
  109. “Y-you too”
  110. >Before letting you go, he embraces you one last time as he rubs his face in the fur of your barrel, swirling his cheeks into it deeply
  111. >You’re glad he can’t see your face right now
  112. >You don’t know just how bright your own cheeks must be from a combination of the heat and the embarrassment you feel
  113. >You thought that Anon wouldn’t grow so huge!
  114. >That at most he’d only be a head taller than you
  115. >He turned into something that some mares fantasize about when they work out at the gym
  116. >A Musclecolt
  117. >The giant gently places you back to the ground before he turns his head to your companion
  118. >Rarity for her part seems to be in a daze
  119. >”And you are Rarity! Fluttershy be talking very much about you and your niceness!”
  120. >Rarity still isn’t broken from her trance as Anon lifts her up in a hug as well, pushing her face into his coat and nearly suffocating her
  121. >Though, you suspect the twitching of her legs and the small sparks that come from her horn isn’t from a survival instinct…
  122. >You pick up your gift for him from the ground as he places Rarity back down
  123. >Her perfectly managed mane is now a mess, strands of hair falling out of order and all over the place
  124. >She doesn’t seem to mind though, not with that happy vacant look she has on as she babbles out an incoherent greeting to him
  125. >You remember the gift you wanted to give him
  126. “I Uhh…”
  127. >C’mon Fluttershy, you’ve known him for so long, why are you suddenly nervous?
  128. “This is for y-you Anon”
  129. >You hold out the box up towards him
  130. >Even with your hooves reaching up, they barely can reach his wasteline
  131. >His eyes widen happily
  132. >”You are so kind. But should be no surprise that Fluttershy is kind, she is element of kind!”
  133. >The colt takes two of his fingers and pinches the box away from you
  134. >He unwraps it like a candy bar and pulls out a slender strip of green silk that has swirling designs all around it
  135. >Rarity helped pick it out
  136. >She told you that colts love accessories
  137. >It’s a bow tie
  138. >A bow tie that wouldn’t fit around his thick neck at all
  139. >He gasps
  140. >Oh no
  141. >He doesn’t like it!
  142. >Maybe he thinks it’s a bit sexist you got him clothing
  143. >But then you see sparkles in his eyes as his smile beams at you
  144. >”Is so pretty! I love it very bigly!”
  145. >Anon takes the bow tie and proceeds to wrap it around his wrist so that the bow is facing out
  146. >He clenches his fists and holds it up so that you can see the bow on his arm well
  147. >His flexing also showcases how well defined the muscles on his hand are as well, like valleys that you could run your tongue through
  148. >Wait no, Fluttershy, don’t think like that
  149. >Anon is a good friend and he doesn’t need unwanted advances
  150. >”Thank you very much for bracelet. Bow is pretty so now I am pretty stallion!”
  151. “Y-yeah, very pretty”
  152. >Your compliment makes him glow and that makes you happy as well
  153. >”I must find suitcase. I brought gifts too for Fluttershy and Fluttershy friends! I am hope that you like gifts”
  154. “I’d love any gift that you would give me”
  155. >Anon nods as you and he scan the platform for any luggage left by the crew
  156. >Rarity is still just staring at him though
  157. >From the last passenger car you can see three mares grunting and working together to drag out out a piece of equipment that’s rectangular and black
  158. >Maybe part of an engine?
  159. >Oh wait
  160. >It’s a steamer trunk
  161. >You have a sudden hunch and grab Anon’s attention
  162. “Is that maybe it over there?”
  163. >”Such good eyes you have! Be waiting Fluttershy, I go getting the suitcase”
  164. >Before you can protest, his huge strives take him to the mares
  165. >After exchanging pleasantries, he takes the handle of the presumably heavy trunk and lifts it up above his shoulder as the three gawk at him in silence
  166. >Rarity finally regains her senses and turns to you
  167. >”Fluttershy, darling, are you absolutely certain your parents didn’t sign you up for a mail order groom?”
  169. >”So tell me Anon, if you don’t mind me asking, what is it you do back home?”
  170. “I make babies”
  171. >Anon’s reply was enough to nearly make Rarity choke on her own spit as the three of you walk to your home
  172. >Or rather, you and Anon are the ones walking
  173. >Rarity was still somewhat in a daze back in the train station so Anon decided to carry her over one shoulder as he carries his trunk in the other
  174. >He continued to insist on carrying her despite protest, worried that she might be overheated since she felt so warm and wobbly to him
  175. >You both decided to save face and let him enjoy his whimsy
  176. >”R-really now?!”
  177. >“I make many cute little foals for many mares! Is joy to see happy herds. I trot with bundles of foals in each arm everyday”
  178. >”I suppose every stallion makes babies when you get down to it really. Stalliongrad seems to just cut to the chase as it were”
  179. “Uhh, Rarity, what Anon means is that he’s a nurse at a maternity ward. He helps doctors deliver foals”
  180. >”My, good with foals as well? I’m sure you must get a lot of gentelmare callers back home”
  181. >”I do not understand this phrase, callers? Many ponies call for me when they need help”
  182. >”Apologies, let me reword that. Do you have your own herd or any mares that you are dating?
  183. >“No, nothing as that. Dating is hard. Mares say they want good time but leave when getting serious”
  184. >”I’m sorry to hear that, so many of our sex are just so afraid of commitment I’m afraid. Certainly not like Fluttershy though”
  185. >Once again she winks at you outside of Anon’s view, insisting on playing the role of a wingmare as she lays on him
  186. >You can only grimace
  187. >”Fluttershy is very good pony, always writing to check me and life. Also hero of Equestria!”
  188. >”Yes, a good pony indeed that needs a nice caring stal-“
  189. “Here we are!”
  190. >You flew up on your wings and zipped to your front door in an effort to stop Rarity from insuating things further
  191. >The white pony gives you a knowing grin as Anon rushes to catch up with you, his steps shaking the foundation of trees and causing some roosted birds to fly up
  192. >Sorry
  193. >With a sudden halt and skid, dust is kicked up from his trail
  194. >”I am sorry for slow walking. Did not know we in rush”
  195. “Oh no no no, it’s nothing like that. I Uhh, was just excited to show you my home is all! So…what do you think of it?”
  196. >You feign exhilaration as your hooves animatedly wave around the tree you call a home
  197. >You feel kinda dumb trying to deceive Anon like this
  198. >But it’s working
  199. >The Musclecolt places his luggage and Rarity down and walks up to pat and rub your house
  200. “Is sturdy. Would make good defense against storms and air strike. Strong, like Fluttershy!”
  201. >A part of your mind wishes that he was rubbing his strong hands over your belly instead of the wood, but you’re adamant about stowing that thought away
  202. “Why don’t you make yourself at home, Anon? I’ll just get the door open and then you can…”
  203. >Just as you turn towards the door, another issue faces you
  204. >A door that was designed to allow a fully grown bear into your home is too small for your guest to fit through
  205. >Anon doesn’t seem to mind though as he walks up to the door and gets on his hands and knees to creep through
  206. >It also happens to display his well toned bottom to you and Rarity
  207. >You’re mortified that Rarity is blatantly ogling at him, but you’re too nervous to call attention to it
  208. “Uhh Anon, maybe we can just have you go through a window?”
  209. >”No need. I used to crawling through small doors. Moma Red Star train me to crawl in emergency tunnels and rubble if ever need”
  210. >He starts to move forward in his position and you can’t help but imagine why it would feel like to be underneath him
  211. >He gets halfway through the door before the inevitable happens
  212. >The giant is stuck
  213. >He tries to wiggle his way further in but all that does is continuously shake his caboose at you as he makes deep short grunts
  214. >And…
  215. >No, it can’t be…
  216. >You stare longer at the mysterious feature even though you know you really shouldn’t, but you confirm the truth
  217. >He’s not wearing a bra
  218. >You can see a bulge in his pants every time he lifts his rump up
  219. >You avert your eyes away only to see your unicorn friend trotting up to him
  220. >You whisper to her as the two of you approach him
  221. “What are you doing?!”
  222. >”The poor thing needs assistance and I was going to render that assistance by placing my hoof upon his…derrière and apply a spot of force. It is, after all simply the gentelmare thing to do”
  223. >Before you can argue with her to not caress your guest, you can hear Anon speaking to you
  224. “Fluttershy, I am sorry. I am big and door is small. You maybe give push?”
  225. >Rarity wiggles her eyebrows at you
  226. >”Well Fluttershy? Your colt needs you”
  227. >After taking a second to get a hold of yourself, you slowly come up to him
  228. >You cautiously take a hoof and put it on his hip
  229. >Steady Fluttershy
  230. >Steady
  231. >As the sweat on your face starts to drop, you lift up your other hoof and firmly place it on the other side of his hip
  232. >You start to flap your wings as your arms exert themselves forward, Anon once again grunting
  233. >Inevitably you get closer and closer to his body, your small chest tuft eventually covering his pants and you’re basically just hugging his rump
  234. >Your eyes are closed and you find yourself grunting in unison with him, your wings flapping harder and harder
  235. >But then disaster strikes
  236. >You flap so hard that one of your wings manages to go past your shoulder
  237. >And straight to what you’re gripping
  238. >The feathers make a surprisingly hard slap as they as they spank Anon
  239. >You can hear an “Eek!” scream out
  240. >In your panic, you’re not sure if Anon was the one who said it or you
  241. >Anon lurches forward as he becomes unstuck, him flopping into your home and you falling back outside with Rarity
  242. >The impact of him slamming on the ground is loud and is enough to make the birds around your home scatter about in fear
  244. >Your barrage of words is interrupted by bellowing laughter em Emma ring from the cottage
  245. >”Hahaha! I correct, Fluttershy very strong! I admire coziness of home. And bird friends are here too!”
  246. >You wonder if Anon felt you accidentally spanking him or if even his ass is just too muscular to feel anything
  247. >Rarity helps you get back on your hooves
  248. >”Well, as much as I’d like to continue to entertain your guest, I must return back to the Boutique for now. Just don’t let this opportunity pass you by”
  249. “W-what do you mean?”
  250. >”Please dear, we are well past the point of dancing around the extremely well-built and whimsical elephant in your room. Strike while the iron is hot, and you may get your own stallion”
  251. “We’ve never really talked about romance before though. I don’t think he’s interested at all…”
  252. >”Do you mean not interested in love or not interested in you specifically? Both are easy to disprove. We’ve already heard him talk about his difficulties in dating and it’s obvious that he greatly admires you. You are, as he said, a hero of Equestria after all”
  253. “I don’t know, I just don’t want to ruin our friendship”
  254. >”It can be so much more. Just think about it, you do have a week while he’s here. Just keep in mind, Fluttershy, that many mares wouldn’t mind marking him for themselves. Bigger places such as Stalliongrad or Manehattan have more stallions to go around. Ponyville though? Well, you know how desperate mares can get. Do say farewell to Anon to me and tell him that he’s welcome to stop by the shop”
  255. >Rarity takes her leave and you’re left outside with your own thoughts
  256. >She was right, Anon does seem to be single and ready to mingle
  257. >But…
  258. >You genuinely don’t think he’s interested in you
  259. >You don’t think any colt would be interested in you at all
  260. >You’re not a marely mare, not like Rainbow Dash or Applejack
  261. >If they weren’t so busy with their schedules, you know for a fact they’d be rolling in dicks far and wide
  262. >Sure, there was the time you were a fashion model, but that experience just made you get approached by vapid colts looking for a meal ticket
  263. >You’re happy just the way you are
  264. >Really, you are!
  265. >Just out taking care of animals that need your help
  266. >Outside of the village
  267. >All alone...
  268. >Nopony to share meals with
  269. >No warm body to cuddle with you as the two of you fall asleep together in a loving embrace…
  270. >You step inside your cottage and see Anon sitting on your (strained) couch
  271. >He has a single finger sticking out as a perch for Benson, an owl chick that you found three days ago on the forest floor, his wing injured and his mother nowhere to be found
  272. >The tiny bird looks even smaller compared to the colt observing him, but the voice that comes from Anon is as soft as a blanket
  273. >He sings a lullaby in his native language, one that he must use often to comfort tired foals in his line of work as the melody and tone match each other perfectly
  274. >One finger on his other hand lightly rubs the top of Benson’s head as the owl tilts his head drowsily, his eyelids drooping further and further until they close completely
  275. >Anon turns his attention back to you
  276. >You can feel your heart beating faster again, but this time it isn’t due to feeling embarrassed or nervous
  277. >It’s an entirely different feeling, as if the butterflies from your flank have migrated to your stomach as they fly all around and kiss each other
  278. >”Little bird is like little foals I watch, wants moma to hug. What is its name?”
  279. ”Benson. I’ve been looking for his mother but the bluebirds told me, she went missing after a storm last week”
  280. >”Is sad. Reminds me much of stories from Great Griffon War. Many orphans without mom and dads to look after them. Many moms and dads lose daughters too. Many many daughters fight brave for Stalliongrad and lose everything”
  281. “I’m sorry to hear that”
  282. >”Is okay, not your fault. Central Bureau alway say that sacrifice is what make Stalliongrad strong and that all that died are heroes. But I am happy that Fluttershy is alive and hero too!”
  283. >You can’t help but smile at his effort to lighten the mood
  284. “Didn’t your mother also fight in the Griffon War?”
  285. >”Da. Was there at start of invasion and all the way to Siege of Griffinstone. She lose only son in first month of war. Son volunteer to help injured mares in field hospital. Moma say he always want to be nurse and help herds when grow up. Was barely old enough to be stallion. Battle move from frontline to back, son caught in fighting. He die. Red Star say that later finding me after war was Faust saying sorry for loss”
  286. >You sit yourself next to him and ponder your next words carefully, just like when you write to him
  287. “Are you okay, Anon? Do you want to talk more about this?”
  288. >”Is weird sadness. I never meet him but feel loss too, lose big brother I never have. Moma Red Star say he would have like me, be good brothers. Share ”
  289. ”It’s okay to feel sad, it just means you have a heart. He must have been a very nice young stallion. Do you think that you became a nurse because of him?”
  290. >Anon nods solemnly at you as he holds Benson closer to his chest, his large fingers rubbing the feathers on his wings softly
  291. >”Is my way to honor him. And give Red Star back son she lost”
  292. ”I’m sure that he must be happy to see you help those herds, wherever he is now. I know that I’m happy that we got to meet each other”
  293. >Anon wraps an arm around you and pulls you in closer for a hug
  294. >It’s different from the hug you shared at the train station though
  295. >You feel that this one is more intimate
  296. >You can also feel his heartbeat now as it thumps in his chest at a steady pace
  297. >He looks down at you and you can see the hint of a glistening in those eyes that have eluded you for so long
  298. >You form a resolve in yourself
  299. >Anon is like Benson in a way
  300. >He’s been hurt before and thrown into a situation that ponies most will never know is like
  301. >But you’re going to protect him
  302. >He calls you a hero, and now all you want to do is prove him right
  304. Meanwhile…
  306. >A stray cloud flies high above the skies of Equestria
  307. >To an untrained eye, it would just be a piece of work that a weather team likely forgot or was too lazy to clean away
  308. >But to you and your comrades, it’s your entry point into the borders of Equestria
  309. >There are five of you, two pegasus pulling a specially made chariot designed for clandestine insertions, two earth ponies, and a single unicorn
  310. >You are one of the those Earth Ponies, Kommandant Frost Nova of the Oktober Guardsmares
  311. >The five of you silently hover in the cover of the cloud, observing train tracks that run into the heart of Equestria
  312. >Your mission is of utmost importance and the tension in the air can be felt
  313. >The one to break the silence is the other Earth Pony of the group as she speaks in your native tongue
  314. >“(Permission to speak freely?)”
  315. “(When have you ever ask before, Pioneer? Permission granted)”
  316. >”(Asking is a bucking waste of time and I waiting around here is also a bucking waste of time. That’s what I wanted to say)”
  317. “(Noted. Any other mares want to puff up their tufts and try to speak to the Kommandant freely?)”
  318. >Cosmanaut, one of the pegasus pulling the chariot turns to you
  319. >”(Hate to say it, Nova, but it looks like we must have missed the train. We’ve been waiting for hours now. It can’t have been a late departure or we would have intercepted it by now. Must Have reached its destination early)“
  320. “(Is it possible that the mission has been compromised?)”
  321. >The next one to speak out is Yaga, her dull grey eyes that look through everything are still as unfocused as ever
  322. >Some would believe that she was blind
  323. >Some guardsmares whisper to each other that Yaga can only see into the future and that’s why her personality is so distant
  324. >That’s just a load of minotaurshit though, nopony can see into the future
  325. >Others spread rumors that she can see the deaths of all those around her and know when and where it will be
  326. >Of course you know she can see things perfectly well
  327. >How else would that unicorn be able to throw a bolt of magic with such accuracy at a moving target so well?
  328. >Her words guide themselves to you as she continues looking into a void only she knows
  329. >“(Sometimes the rooster crows when the sun comes up and sometimes it crows when there is no sun at all)”
  330. “(So it could just be a coincidence? Either way ladies, our mission parameters have changed but our objective remains the same. Cosmanaut, Crimson Sky, circle us around and avoid detection until nightfall. Yaga, scry us a landing zone for point insertion somewhere within the forest outside the village. Pioneer, when we land I want you to secure a fifty meter area to establish a base of operations. Am I understood?)”
  331. >The four other mares respond back to you all at once
  332. >”(Yes Kommandant!)”
  333. >The two pegasi spread their wings for flight as Yaga’s horn glow a dull silver, her eyes glowing in turn as well
  334. >As for you, you pull out a piece of intel that you’ll need later from one of the numerous pouches that adorn your body
  335. >It is an envelope that has been torn open, the contents long ago taken away
  336. >But what was once inside it is of no interests to you
  337. >Rather, it’s the envelope itself that holds the key
  338. >Specifically the return address
  339. >Your eyes run through the foreign letters
  340. >Fluttershy of Ponyville, Equestria
  342. To be Continued

Yes Bon Bon, there is a Santa Claws

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Minster Anon- Speedy Deliveries

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Mister Anon- The Kingdom of Make-Believe

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Horse Divorce

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