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Fracture: Dark of Night.

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-24 09:37:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published December 5th, 2012
  3. >Day Evening in Equestria.
  4. >You are Anon.
  5. >Rolling down the dirt road to Ponyville in a wheelchair that was made for a larger mammal.
  6. >A small cloud of smoke is building above Fluttershy’s cottage.
  7. >She’s bound to wake up soon.
  8. >As you roll into town, a white shape begins to come into view.
  9. >The smell of marshmallow comes wafting gently on the breeze.
  10. >Avoiding the Earth Pony Pride Bonfire, you make a sharp left turn.
  11. >And all too late, you notice the ground in front of you is no longer there.
  12. >A gentle breeze pushes you forward.
  13. Fuck.
  16. >You rocket down the hill, wheels beginning to glow a bright orange.
  18. >Everything begins to merge into a blur of color.
  19. >Except for Sugarcube Corner.
  20. >It’s coming into focus at a frightening pace, getting larger as each second goes by.
  21. >Your hands reach for the wheels, but the heat and speed forces you to retract.
  22. >The Corner is about 20 meters away now.
  23. So this is how it all ends?
  24. >15 meters.
  25. Smashed to death by a giant gingerbread house?
  26. >8 meters.
  27. >The wheels have caught on fire, and you can feel the hair being singed from your arms.
  28. >3 meters.
  29. >You’re filled with fear, but you put a smile on your face.
  30. >No need to die with a broken dick AND a lack of dignity, right?
  31. >2 meters.
  32. >A soft blue glow envelops you and the wheel chair.
  33. >1 meter.
  36. >You are now Fluttershy.
  37. >Normally you’d be looking for Anon right now, but that is being put off till later.
  38. >Right now, you’re heading over to PurpleSma-
  39. >I mean, Twilight Sparkle’s house/library/tree.
  40. >You notice that the lights are out, but this is important.
  41. Wake up, T-twilight.
  42. >No response.
  43. >You walk away and face the library.
  44. >You needed this done now.
  45. >You spread your wings out to their full span.
  46. >With a loud *fwoosh*, you lift into the air.
  47. Wakey-wakey.
  48. >You fly towards the door as fast as you can.
  49. >Eyes tearing up from the speed of your flight.
  50. >That door is COMING THE FUCK DOWN!
  51. >*pomf*
  52. >The door still stands.
  53. D-darn.
  54. >Guess you’ll have to come back tomorrow, huh?
  55. >As if by magic, the door creaks open, revealing a very tired purple unicorn.
  56. >”What the hell do you want Fluttershy?”
  57. O-oh! Umm…it’s a Code 37.
  58. >A purple haze flows over the both of you, and with a loud crack, you disappear.
  61. >You are now Anon.
  62. >The blue glow has lifted you into the air, and changed your momentum.
  63. >You’re now doing backflips about 2 meters above the ground, holding desperately onto the handles.
  64. >As you spin, you can make out a few brightly colored streaks.
  65. >One is white and purple, and the other is black and purple.
  66. >Could it be?
  68. >”How dare you take that tone with me?”
  69. >Yup. It’s Rarity.
  70. >”You could at the very least use your manners.”
  72. >You begin to slow down, and Rarity shoos away the black and purple figure, which waddles off into the distance.
  73. >The chair lowers gently to the floor, and you catch a fleeting glimpse of the mysterious figure.
  74. >Is that Spike in a leotard?
  75. I think so brain.
  76. >”Who are you talking to Anon?”
  77. >Damn. You’re doing it again.
  78. No one.
  79. >There’s a fluttering noise in the distance.
  80. Shit…I gotta go. Have fun with Spike!
  81. >As you roll away, Rarity’s irises shrink to pinpricks.
  82. >”H-how d-d-d-d-di-d-did”
  83. >”So it WAS Spike!” You think as you roll away.
  84. >Looks like you’re getting some free clothes.
  88. >You are now Fluttershy.
  89. >The mist floats away into the darkness, illuminated only by a soft purple glow.
  90. Oh d-dear.
  91. >The violet light begins to fade as five small, crimson lights begin to appear.
  92. >The candles form a pentagon, and Twilight sits in the center, staring you down.
  93. >”Code 37 is a very serious thing to ask me for, Fluttershy.”
  94. >Her eyes are boring into your very being.
  95. >”Are you sure that you can pay the price for my services?”
  96. y-yes.
  97. >Twilight looks at you with greedy eyes.
  98. >You reach a hoof under your left wing, pulling out a sticky, rope-like object.
  99. >You wave it before her face, trying not to laugh at her confusion.
  100. I d-don’t need to tell anyone about the linguine accident, do I?
  101. >The candles flare up around her at the mention of the incident.
  103. >Despite the ferocity of the flames and the anger in her voice, you can see the brief flashes of panic in her eyes.
  104. >Checkmate.
  105. Alright, then; how about you give me what I want, and nopony will find out about the accident?
  106. >Her irises have shrunk alongside the candle flames.
  107. >”Fine.”
  110. >You are now Anon.
  111. >After avoiding three other Earth Pony Pride Marshmallow Roasts, you have finally made it home.
  112. >From the smell of things, they were making the s’mores of the Gods.
  113. >You’ll have to get Pinkie to make you some.
  114. >The house looks just as bad as when you left.
  115. >You paid Pinkie and Applebloom to build it, giving them the blueprints to FallingWater, and your old house on Earth, as inspiration.
  116. >After one long month of living at the Library, you were finally able to see their handiwork.
  117. >The outside was beautiful beyond belief, and had a balcony overlooking the town.
  118. >But then Applebloom walked outside.
  119. >Blank flank, and babbling on about being a chocolatier.
  120. >The place looked like Willy Wonka’s summer home.
  121. >It was surreal.
  122. >Making your way up the steps, folded wheelchair in front of you, you reached for the peppermint doorknob.
  123. >There were streamers draped across the room.
  124. >A plate of slightly moldy s’mores on the table.
  125. >And in the chocolate fountain; a sleeping Pinkie and Gummy.
  126. Fuckin’ Pinkie.
  127. >Shutting off the fountain, and placing a blanket over the duo, you walk up the stairs and roll onto the bed.
  128. I’ll throw out the s’mores in the morning.
  132. >You are now Fluttershy
  133. >Having successfully blackmailed Twilight, you are now listening to her talk about Code 37.
  134. >”Now Fluttershy, you’ll have to keep in mind that this is not an exact magic.”
  135. >”There could be mental, or even physical, changes that may manifest.”
  136. >She is flipping through a large book as she tells you this.
  137. >After a few seconds of searching, she has found the right page.
  138. >”Okay. Now; how many do you need?”
  139. >Your mind draws back to the note Anon left on your fridge.
  140. I n-need ninety-nine of them.
  141. >A purple glow envelops her horn, and a sharp pain stings your front leg.
  142. >Looking down, your eyes go wide as you see a large needle pushing an unknown liquid into your body.
  144. >The syringe empties, and it disappears along with the glow around Twilight’s horn.
  145. >”It’s a sedative.”
  146. Will it h-hurt that bad?
  147. >”A drop of water is to the ocean, as a needle-prick is to the pain you’re about to feel.”
  148. >You feel your heart drop.
  149. >Can you really do this?
  150. >Withstand all this pain for your beloved Anon?
  151. >Yes.
  152. >You work The Stare on Twilight.
  153. Do it, filly.
  154. >A bubbling, green and purple glow surrounds her horn, with streaks of black highlighting the brighter colors.
  155. >A purple mist streams out of her eyes.
  156. >She touches her horn to your side, and the bubbling aura covers your body.
  157. >You feel your body stretch and tear.
  158. >The room goes black as you begin to feel your bones splitting.

c: April Fool

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