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Fracture: Morning After

By Greggums
Created: 2021-10-24 09:39:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally Published December 13th, 2012
  3. >You are now Fluttershy.
  4. >You’re lying on Spike’s bed, trying to sleep off the pain of the night before.
  5. >Likewise, the rest of the library is using the afternoon to nap and relax.
  6. >”No Princess….they’re…..not my noodles…”; Twilight mumbles in the bed above you.
  7. >Spike is snoring away on the couch, and Owloysius is softly cooing every now and again.
  8. >You, however, can’t seem to grasp sleep, your mind choosing the alternative of focusing on your body.
  9. >Your muscles feel like warm taffy, and your bones feel too brittle to move.
  10. >Every breath going in and out of your lungs with a ragged scratching noise.
  11. >These alien sensations are keeping you on the brink of unconsciousness, putting you in a pain induced meditative state.
  12. >The blackness behind your closed eyelids is starting to gain color and shape from the sounds and pain.
  13. >The snoring brings out a sturdy frame from the darkness, towering above you.
  14. >The soft coos form a solid body around the frame.
  15. >Warmth brings in a sociable look to the body, and a feeling of safety and comfort emanates from it.
  16. >The mumbling sends noodles rushing into the giant’s pockets, and they look fit to burst at any moment.
  17. “Goodnight, Anon”, you say to the hallucination, and then drift off to sleep.
  20. >You are now Anon.
  21. >It has been 1 week since your dick broke, and 1 day since you ran away from Fluttershy’s house.
  22. >You lay awake in your bed, staring at the ceiling before turning over to check the clock.
  23. >Oh would you look at that; up at the crack of noon!
  24. Shut up Brain; I wanna go back to sleep.
  25. >Hmmmmmm……nah. Get up ya’ lazy bastard. You’re hungry.
  26. No I’m not.
  27. >Really?
  28. >A low rumble fills your ears.
  29. Dammit.
  30. >You step lightly down the stairs, taking care not to move around your cast too much.
  31. >You head towards the chocolate fountain, and begin to lightly shake the Pinkie and Gummy shaped blanket.
  32. “Pinkie…Piiiiiinkieeeeee”
  33. >The blanket collapses with a *pomf* into the chocolate pool.
  34. What the h-
  35. >”HI ANON!”
  36. >You jump up towards the ceiling, grabbing desperately onto the rafters.
  38. >The pink mare is covered in chocolate from the shoulders down, and Gummy is slowly suckling on her head.
  39. >You drop one arm from the rafter, and prepare to let go of the other.
  40. >Dude.
  41. >Yes, Brain?
  42. >Do you REALLY want to stay in that cast longer?
  43. >No.
  44. >Then ask Pinkie for a ladder, dumbass.
  45. I’m not a dumbass!
  46. >”Are you sure Anon? He does seem to have a point.” The chocolate shell around her lower body cracks as she skips over with a ladder
  47. Wait…you can read my mind?
  48. >”Wha?”
  49. >Huh?
  50. What?
  51. >”Who?”
  52. N-nevermind Pinkie.
  55. >You step gingerly down the ladder, taking care to step down with your back leaning against the rungs.
  56. >You can see Gummy’s eyes flashing back and forth between Pinkie’s head and your second head.
  57. >He leaps out at your cast as soon as you touch the floor, but is grabbed away by a stretchy pink hoof.
  58. >”Silly Gummy! That’s not a popsicle!” She’s rolling on the floor, tears forming from how hard she’s laughing.
  59. >You gaze down, wearing an embarrassed blush on your face, and quickly gauge the size of your cast.
  60. >Shut up, it’s just cold in here.
  61. >Nice to hear from you again Penis!
  62. >Thanks Brain!
  63. >”Your penis has a voice too?”
  64. >How is she doing this?
  65. I don’t know!
  66. >Pinkie stares at you as if you’re talking to yourself.
  67. >Which you are doing by the way.
  68. >This is going nowhere fast…aren’t you hungry or something?
  69. >Oh yeah!
  70. Hey Pinkie, I was wondering…could you get me something to eat?
  71. >Pinkie’s eyes turn to pinpricks and she floats slightly above the ground as her chest expands.
  73. >You whip your head around, and find yourself staring into bright blue eyes haloed by pink fur.
  76. >”TADA!”
  77. >You scramble backwards and hit the cabinet that separates you kitchen and living room, rattling a few dishes which sat on top of it.
  78. What the fuck Pinkie?
  79. >She looks at the fear in your eyes, and…
  80. >She drops to the floor again, laughing even harder than before.
  81. >”Relax Anon; it’s just a joke.”
  82. >She reaches into her curly mane, and pulls out a large bag with [SUGARCUBE CORNER] printed along the front.
  83. >”I didn’t know what you wanted, so I just got one of everything.”
  84. >Fuckin’ Pinkie Pie.
  85. >You hand her about forty bits, and shoo her outside.
  86. Thanks man…Oh, and if Fluttershy asks, tell her I’m not here.
  87. >She spins around and looks back at you, her eyes wide with excitement.
  88. >The speed of her turn sent Gummy rocketing into a nearby bush.
  90. >You clamp your hand around her muzzle, turning the babbling stream into muffled mumbling.
  91. Yes! It’s a traditional human game called “Hide-and-Find”. And you can play by making sure she doesn’t find me. Okay?
  92. >”You can count on me Anon!” She yells while doing a quick run through of the Pinkie Promise.
  93. >This going to work out wonderfully.
  94. Okay! Now go get ‘em!
  95. >She lets out a loud *squee*, and rockets towards Gummy, ripping him out of brush and disappearing in the horizon as a streak of pink and green
  96. Godspeed you crazy mare.
  97. >You close and lock your door, then head off to devour a cinnamon roll.
  98. >As you near the bag, a small pain starts to come from Anon Jr.
  101. >You are now Spike.
  102. >Lightly dreaming about whatever little dragons happen to dream about.
  103. No Rarity…I wanna get jumped this time….
  104. >”Hoo?”
  105. >Fuck.
  106. >You slowly open your eyes, and see a big brown face staring into yours.
  107. >Running Oh_Shit.exe
  108. Heeeeeeeeeeey Owloysius; I was just talking about jump-rope.
  109. >Come on man, you could’ve some up with something better than that.
  110. >That’s Past Spike’s problem now.
  111. >”Hoo.”
  112. >Good; he bought it.
  113. >You stretch your claws up towards the roof, then bring them down and scratch your behind.
  114. Anyways, I’m gonna go check on Twi’s experiment. Want me to get you anything?
  115. >You turn to look at him as you head up the stairs, and chuckle softly.
  116. > Owloysius’ eyes are closed, and he is cooing softly into his feathers.
  117. Dawww.
  118. >You quietly waddle up the stairs, taking care to avoid all the creaky spots.
  119. >You head up Twilight’s loft, grab the key for the lab, and head back down towards the basement.
  122. >During the Wartimes, the local government had a massive shelter built underneath the town, with the Library being the entrance.
  123. >You had accidentally stumbled into it a few days after moving to Ponyville, and upon finding it, Twilight was more than thrilled.
  124. >She immediately sought out building permits and, with the city’s approval, she was given permission to renovate a tenth of the shelter into a laboratory.
  125. >What the Feds didn’t know about was the second lab she had built.
  126. >Depending on the key somepony used, they would either access the main lab/museum…
  127. >Or they would enter the Hammer-space lab.
  128. >Reaching the door for the lab, you brought the key up to your lips, and said the incantation.
  129. Twilight is best pony.
  130. >The key glowed with a bright magenta light, and the teeth began to warp and set into new positions.
  131. >You pushed it into the lock, turned it, and then pushed open the door.
  132. >You looked into the black expanse, unnerved slightly by how dark it was.
  133. >But you had a way of getting over this fear.
  134. I am Spike: King of the Dragons!
  135. >After a few seconds, your boast came back to you, and you entered into the lab.
  138. >A sea of slumbering forms lied in front of you, dimly light by the violet spheres which floated overhead.
  139. >You shuffle through the black expanse, moving between the bodies, heading towards the far-right portion of the crowd.
  140. >Every now and then, you see a pink blur move out of the corner of your eye, and hear the occasional giggle.
  141. >The Hammer-space lab has always been a strange place.
  142. >Twilight has never been able lock onto the source of the pink blur, but you and her joke around that it might be Pinkie Pie.
  143. >If it was her, it wouldn’t be that surprising.
  144. >You break the train of thought as you reach your destination.
  145. >Three bodies, penned off from the rest, lie before you.
  146. Okay; Time to go to work.
  147. >Twilight had said that they were the last ones to be made and that you would have to check their hearing.
  148. >She said it had something to do with brain development.
  149. >You reach your claw towards the first one’s ear and snap your fingers
  150. >The ear twitches toward the sound, then falls back.
  151. >The same occurs with the other two.
  152. >They were ready.
  155. >You are now Twilight Sparkle.
  156. >And Spike has given you the most wondrous news.
  157. >The experiment had been a rousing success; all ninety-nine subjects had survived.
  158. >And now, you had to share the new with Fluttershy.
  159. >You reach Spike’s bed and gaze down at her, and mixed feelings begin to rise up.
  160. >Even though she had blackmailed you into doing it, you would have otherwise never gotten up the nerve to test the spell.
  161. >Not knowing what feel to feel, you put on a small smile and lightly prod her flank with your hoof.
  162. Come on, Fluttershy.
  163. >Still sleeping, her face scrunches up a little bit and she starts talking to her dreams.
  164. >”No…I don’t want to…”
  165. >You roll your eyes and prod her again.
  166. Come on~~…It’s a good thing for you.
  167. >Her face scrunches up again.
  168. >”But I poop from there!”
  169. >What the buck? Eww.
  170. >You shove her off the bed, trying not to giggle at the soft *pomf* that sounds off when she hits the floor.
  171. Get up, you pervert.
  172. >Fluttershy picks herself off the floor and stares at you with a sheepish grin.
  173. >”Good Morning Twilight.”
  174. It’s Five in the Afternoon you perv.
  175. >”Sorry. Did Code 37 work?”
  176. >A smug grin on your face, you teleport yourself and Fluttershy into the Hammer-space Lab.
  177. You tell me.
  178. >You watch with pride as she gazes down onto the sea of pink and yellow, and her faces turns into a tearful smile.

c: April Fool

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